Sunday, January 26, 2014

Recap: Couples Therapy episode 4, That 'entrepreneurial' sex tape

Last week on Couples Therapy, Wu-Tang was upset because he's dating a wonderful woman who, oh sh&&&&t, is an ex-prostitute. He does not understand that not all ex-prostitutes are the same. I didn't know what 'I met her while I was on my grind. And I'm still on my grind' meant last week and I still don't know this week. Anyone? I tried going to Urban Dictionary, but that wasn't much help. It thinks grind means a large group of something, such as geese. Why would Wu-Tang be messing around with birds when there's a nice girl like Kelsey to pay attention to?

The lesbians play detective about Teen Duck Lips, growing increasingly suspicious her accidental unexpected unplanned "oops" sex tape was no mistake at all. They think it might actually have been produced. The lesbians crack me up. They are as serious as Jessica Chastain in Zero Dark Thirty, getting to the bottom of this.

There they are laptop out horrifying video keyed up, ready to solve some equations, calculate sunrises and sunsets and wind speeds, memorize some blueprints inch by inch and eventually save first-world civilization from Teen Duck Lips's evil reign. I for one salute them as true American heroes.

Coming up, Liz thinks Jon was masturbating, and Jon says um, what? I wasn't doing any such thing.

Liz, come on.

My bad mood is lifted immediately when I see Dr. Jenn has Teen Duck Lips talking about Debra! Yes! If they won't physically bring Debra on this show (please pretty please?), at least we should be able to talk about her. If you don't know the joy that is Teen Duck Lips's gestational carrier Debra Danielson, you need to marathon watch Teen Mom. She's remarkably well put together for such a nut. She even apparently is quite successful in the real estate business.

She looks a little like she could be Farrah Fawcett's sister, even styles her hair like her sometimes, but she's Howard Hughes crazy, maybe crazier.

Unfortunately that fantastic series was part of the big swiffer Netflix did on January 1 and is now gone from our streaming queues along with Braveheart, Mr. Bean, and a bunch of other great stuff (B.S., Netflix! What will I do without my Scotts, my Brits, and my dysfunctional Iowans?), but I'm sure you can find it somewhere. It's worth blowing a whole weekend to watch, I promise.

Credits roll, and then the lesbians rat out Teen Duck Lips to Duck Lips and her douchebag fiancé who's always too hot, letting them know the "sex tape" is actually produced pornography.  Oh, it's totally backdoor, too, they say.

Backdoor? I'll have to consult Urban Dictionary again for that, stand by ...... Oh, my word.

Well, that's "entrepreneurial" of her, says Duck Lips. Ha, good one, Duck Lips!

One of the lesbians explains look have I done sexual things on T.V.? Yes I have, and I will not stand in judgment of others doing that, too. My issue is that she lied to me about it. Just don't lie, that's not too much to ask. I really like these girls. They're just so rational and full of common sense, and it's refreshing.

They go in for group therapy. Is this all the same day as last episode? Jon and Liz are still wearing the same clothes and it's still dark out. That must have been some marathon night of filming, but as long as it's consenting adults, who cares?

Kelsey is upset that Wu-Tang has cheated on her in the past. He did? What right does he have then to judge her for being an ex-prostitute? Unclean hands! Good grief.

Wu-Tang sits there having a lightbulb moment for awhile, and for a second I think maybe he's going to tell Kelsey he's so sorry for being such a hypocritical tool, she's a great girlfriend and he loves her. But instead Wu-Tang is finally like, hold up, am I being cast as the "bad guy" in all this? Heh, it's like it just hit him how this is all going to be spun on our T.V. screens. Yes, Wu-Tang, you are indeed the bad guy. Too late. Not much progress made there, so Dr. Jenn switches to the lesbians.

Their biggest issue really is not being ready to settle down and one of them doesn't like to hug much. Seems kinda trite sitting among the likes of Duck Lips and Teen Duck Lips. Come back when you have real problems, you're not ready for prime time yet. Liz says she relates to that, since she needs her space sometimes. She sure makes Jon sound overbearing. Jon says sure he likes that closeness because his marriage didn't have a lot of affection and was more like a business transaction. That was one lucrative business transaction! This month, for the first time Jon publicly called Kate a narcissist, after she put the twins on T.V. on Today and they choked. I wonder if Jon has read about how narcissists withhold affection. Sounds like exactly what happened to him.

Is this a reality show or a press release? Jon says it's not true that he had affairs which ended the marriage. You see, the marriage actually ended because of post it notes. Wow, never knew that. I assume he must have been so smothered by Kate's to do lists he had to end it or suffocate.

Jon had a girlfriend when he met Liz, and when they took a break recently he slept with other women and even moved someone in. I guess I should be shocked, but I'm too distracted by the fact that Liz referred to her boyfriend during the split as "a dude." Yeah, she's totally that girl. The lesbians are literally covering their eyes, LOL!

I can't help but like Dr. Jenn, whose hair today is so straight it could be pick up sticks, because I think she understands this situation to an impressive degree, and is saying things that Jon desperately needs to hear. The doc says Jon is still rebelling against Kate (it's TFW, Dr. Jenn, but no matter) with Liz.

Duck Lips's fiancé, who if I didn't mention is Duck Lips's lawyer, also sometimes has trust issues because he gets jealous when Duck Lips talks to her fans. I keep picturing this couple like Joan Crawford and her boyfriend Greg Savitt (also her lawyer) in Mommie Dearest, where she tells him "You expect me to ignore my fans? They're life and death to me, baby! They're the ones who really made me!" And Greg says, "I expect you to walk in with me and sit down at your table with me!"

For some reason Duck Lips's troubles are deeply upsetting to Teen Duck Lips, who is in silent tears again over by her lonesome on the couch. She's even clutching a tissue for maximum effect. Teen Duck Lips uses props when she fake cries, she is really dedicated to this craft.

There goes those vocal chords again. Teen Duck Lips is upset about her sex tape. The lesbians are looking at her like, "Uh-huh .... Go on." Heh. She goes on. The lesbians finally can't help themselves, they're like, So, about this so-called sex tape, Teen Duck Lips. Ha, the lesbians are cracking up now. They can't keep it together anymore.

Oh dear, when even Duck Lips is resting her forehead on her hand in dismay you know it's going to be good. The lesbians calmly confront Teen Duck Lips, skillfully trapping Teen Duck Lips in a lie when she accidentally admits there was a camera person. Not that this actually took a lot of skill at all, they just basically let her talk and the lies spewed forth.

We're not judging you, we're not judging, they assure Teen Duck Lips. No, they're just having fun. That's not judgment. That's just a good time. Dr. Jenn interjects to make a useless comment that it's good Teen Duck Lips is talking about this. Good for our entertainment she must mean.

In a wide angle shot of the couples, you can catch Liz just quietly rubbing Jon's knee, almost subconsciously. Like when you're watching a movie and find yourself playing with your man's hair without realizing it. We never saw TFW make such a gentle gesture toward him and it's strangely kind of touching because clearly he is craving something tangible like that. I believe them that they love each other, I think they both just have a great deal of issues that need to be worked out first and they probably both would benefit from being truly single for awhile. No dating at all. Heck, a year from now they could get back together and be a completely different, and much healthier couple.

Coming up! Jon and Liz are a little behind about what the big deal is about this so-called sex tape, but don't worry Kelsey happily fills them in. Teen Duck Lips feels left out from the group, and trust her she can tell when she's being excluded. Is that because it happens to her all the time?

I can't wait to see Labor Day. I think Kate Winslett has emerged as one of the greatest actresses of her generation. Way better than jokes like Goopy here. Thank goodness Winslett didn't jump off that ship back in 1997.

We're back. Day 6, 12:21 p.m. Ha, this really is starting to feel like Zero Dark Thirty.

Kelsey is apologizing to Wu-Tang? What the...

Wu-Tang can't even bring himself to roll out of bed for her. Rather he acknowledges this heart to heart with a fist bump. Free Kelsey.

Over lunch, Kelsey tells Jon and Liz about sex tape gate, and their reaction is pretty much the same as everybody else's in the house. Yep, sounds like full on porn to us. Jon says just own up to it, sheesh, even Kim Kardashian owned up to hers. I just love how all the housemates love to rub it in that Teen Duck Lips is nothing more than a poor man's Kim Kardashian. Somehow it's just so insulting and clearly drives Teen Duck Lips crazy.

You know I haven't seen this sex tape, but I'll take Catelynn's word that Farrah sounds like a dying horse in it (ha-ha!). I can just see Cate and her sweet boyfriend Tyler pulling this up on their laptop and busting an absolute gut laughing. Teen Mom's Catelynn and Tyler have always been rather mature and trustworthy. Of all the teen parents equipped to raise a child, they were it. And yet they were the ones who gave their kid up for adoption, go figure. (By the way when Catelynn made that comment, Teen Duck Lips accused her of being jealous. Sound familiar?)

To settle any further debate about Jon and Liz's wardrobe, it looks like yesterday they were indeed just wearing frumpy airplane clothes. This afternoon, Jon has on a clean starched Navy polo, undershirt, and nice jeans, and Liz is wearing a conservative black shirt and pressed skirt. They look completely appropriate and professional. Which is kind of funny for a show as salacious as this.

Predictably, that awkward moment arrives where someone you've just been talking about walks into the room. Teen Duck Lips sashays in with her chopped salad, her usual unsettling lack of eye contact, and leaves as quickly as she arrived.

Jon says Teen Duck Lips probably did the tape to change her brand (ugh, I hate when he talks about brand when it comes to human beings, it's just so weird) but now it's blowing up in her face. Jon has practically earned a degree by now in Things Blowing Up in People's Faces. 2013 was the year of things blowing up in TFW's face while he and a handsome guy named Tuma watched from the sidelines popcorn in hand along with the rest of us mediocre.

Aw, Teen Duck Lips. Everyone is having fun out by the fire and Teen Duck Lips is inside by herself being left out. Poor thing. "These people" don't include her, she would never be friends with "these people," she tells a counselor.

Oh, Teen Duck Lips. For starters, you might stop addressing them as "these people" if you're serious about being included. She makes them sound so proletariat.

Aw, Teen Duck Lips has no friends because she's a sociopath and no one likes her, not even other sociopaths like Duck Lips. Wow, that's embarrassing. Usually most deviants can at least find a few friends in other similar deviants. Not Teen Duck Lips. This is all very boring, so while I wait for this sequence to be over I browse Urban Dictionary. I really want to know what Wu-Tang meant by meeting Kelsey on his grind, and I have an idea. Instead of searching for just "grind" I'm going to search for "on my grind."

Bingo, here it is! And now I know. Thanks, Urban Dictionary.

Coming up, finally we get to talk about Debra.

We're back, and Teen Duck Lips goes into a one-on-one session with Dr. Jenn. Dr. Jenn says at this point it's obvious Teen Duck Lips's boyfriend is not gonna show up. Ha, ya think? Teen Duck Lips whines that the housemates don't like her. I swear Dr. Jenn's eyes are drooping, she seems as bored with this as I am. That or the fake eyelashes make her eyes look half closed.

Most of Teen Duck Lips's boyfriends last five to six months. Sounds like it must take just about five or six months to get a complete picture of the depths of her insanity and hightail it out of there.

Dr. Jenn says the problem here is Teen Duck Lips doesn't have enough compassion for herself. For herself? No, that can't be. I skip back and listen to it again. Yes, for herself.  Dr. Jenn! Teen Duck Lips has no compassion for others. This is why she is a sociopath. I'm no psychologist, but way off base!

Teen Duck Lips judges herself too much. And three, two, one the vocal chords are gone. I can feel like this is about to take a long-awaited turn to her Mommy issues; I'm on the edge of my seat. And here it is: "whose voice is that in your head, where'd you learn that, who taught you that?" Dr. Jenn asks.

Oh, me, me. Can I answer?! This woman's voice?

Ding, ding, ding. Correct. Debra Danielson allegedly called Teen Duck Lips names, didn't love Teen Duck Lips, and tried to manipulate her out of her money. Now, Debra is no picnic no question, but I'm pretty sure she would have a different perspective on the situation. Debra owns more than one home and is a successful businesswoman, she really doesn't need Teen Duck Lips's thousands. I also don't believe she doesn't love her, though I do think she is too impatient and has a hard time expressing her love appropriately. As for the name calling, well, maybe she just didn't know what to do with a sociopathic child who went off and got herself pregnant at 16. I wonder if she felt like the mother in We Need to Talk about Kevin, who noticed something was wrong with her sociopath son from almost the moment he was born, but never really knew how to handle it. Who would? And the way Teen Duck Lips verbally abused her mother while her mother just took it, was outrageous--it's all on film. I think Teen Duck Lips is pretty much saying they're estranged now. Big surprise there.  So many of Teen Duck Lips's issues remind me of TFW's issues, and I also have my strong suspicions that Kate's version of her parents may not be reality. Maybe they were just as frustrated with their narcissistic child as Debra is. Any parent trying to raise someone like this must feel like they can't do anything right, and the thing is, sometimes for people like Teen Duck Lips that's probably true. Shout out to Dmasy on this blog who recommended We Need to Talk about Kevin, and to all the other great literary and film recommendations over the years from the folks here.

I love how loosely tied this all is to the original concept of the show, "couples" therapy. This is more like, "why you can't find yourself in a couple to begin with" therapy. But since Teen Duck Lips is just so darn addicting, the producers are rolling with it. Oh noes, Debra nagged Teen Duck Lips too. Dr. Jenn just cocks her head to the side at that, like pups do.

"You know we're going to need to bring them in here at some point" to resolve this, Dr. Jenn says.

Commercials. I really cannot wait to see Dr. Jenn psychoanalyze the Abrahams all in the same room. This is like I'm eight years old waiting for Christmas morning and it just feels like it will never get here, the anticipation is that great. I hope she comes out on Debra's side.

It's the birthday of one of the lesbians, so they throw a party with a bunch of their friends from the outside. They've even got some people dressed up as mermaids for the pool, which is fun. Teen Duck Lips says she's actually having a good time. I think Teen Duck Lips doesn't have a clue why a statement like that is offensive and certainly obnoxious, and that that attitude is probably why no one likes her. On the remote chance she ever cruises by here, I'll spell it out for her. Saying you are surprised to be having fun implies that you did not expect you could have a good time with the people you are with. And that is mean and hurts those people's feelings. There. I kind of feel like the experts are right, it's probably true that you can't change a narcissist. No amount of explaining over the years seems to help Teen Duck Lips understand, or for that matter TFW. I almost wonder if the only possible way to change them is to have them memorize what is appropriate to say and what is not, like you would middle school flash cards. They wouldn't understand why something is the way it is but they may be able to memorize not to do it.

The lesbians really have buckets and buckets of friends, and they all seem to really love them. That says a lot about the lesbians. You don't need to necessarily have a lot of friends to prove you're a good person, but the friends you have do need to be sincere, and these people were very sincere tonight. In some ways I feel sad for the Duck Lips girls because I doubt they know or understand anything like this.

Later that night, the other lesbian is upset because the birthday girl was flirting with Wu-Tang. Because she laughed and gave him a hug? And Wu-Tang, really? He's such an ogre and is mean to Kelsey. This feels so fake. Just as I predicted the birthday girl is like oh my God even if I were straight I wouldn't be attracted to him! Haha. I really don't believe any of this.

Day 7, and the lesbians quickly make up from their fake fight and are back to being normal and likable. Speaking of suspending disbelief, here goes. Jon is in bed, and Liz walks in and thinks he's masturbating. Jon says he was just scratching. Since they don't really show much, much less anyone masturbating, it's kind of pointless to debate what really happened. What is obvious is this is a heavily edited scene with more than the usual cuts, splices and dialogue occurring off camera. Something doesn't add up. Um, no pun intended.

Later in the day, Jon explains that he was hurt and embarrassed that Liz didn't believe him, and withdrew from her.

This is the moment where I stopped liking Liz, when before I felt like, even though she's rough around the edges, Jon needed someone like her to call him out. But I meant call him out on the big things, not on silliness like this. Liz is way over the top strung out about this. Has she known a man before? Any man. Or boy. Or anyone with a Mr. Happy, who apparently, according to that sex, always wants you to come out and play, worse than even the most annoying kid on the block growing up. Liz even admits she's withholding sex from him. So, it's okay for her to withhold sex from him, but not okay for him to relieve some tension from that in a perfectly normal and harmless way? Would she rather he have affairs? She can't be pleased. Now Liz is cackling and making fun of him, and Jon really looks crushed. What a jerk she is being, what the heck?

Liz claims Jon is being victim and needs to man up. Jon's eye contact and deep hurt make me think he is telling the truth about this, that he wasn't masturbating. Telling the truth is not being a victim, and I don't see what manning up has to do with anything.

Jon says when Liz laughs at him and walks away it reminds him of how his marriage was. Oh, dear, that's sad. But not surprising. The extent of Kate Gosselin's humor is picking on others. She is a bully of the worst kind, and I don't know how he could have missed that before he put a ring on it. It is shocking the way Jon has found himself in yet another relationship where he is so deeply disrespected. No one should have to endure being cackled at except Disney princesses.

Next time, thank goodness Dr. Jenn gets it and is accusing Liz of shaming and emasculating Jon. Exactly.  Now Wu-Tang wants a threesome? Oh good grief, this guy. Kelsey finally snaps and throws juice in his face, cheers!!!

662 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Rhymes with Witch said... 1

I'm not watching CT but am thoroughly enjoying the recaps! ~ Administrator said... 2

Who is watching Sophia anyway? If she left her with her parents that's so hypocritical. She just went on and on about how bad her mother is.

Have you noticed Farrah never mentions Sophia or that she misses her?
On almost every other reality show where someone has young children they always mention how much they miss them. Even Jon apparently at some point is shown making a phone call to the kids. ~ Administrator said... 3

Lol thanks Rhymes with Witch! ~ Administrator said... 4

Another thing I Just remembered about Kate grooming the tups for a long time to be her bestie is that Kate once tweeted that she give the twins THREE gifts on the sextuplet's birthday. I just found that so silly. It's not their birthday. Deal with it.

But I can see the twins whining and moaning to her, I hate you and the like, and so Kate ran out to get them three gifts to make it up to them and keep them on her good side. Gosh she's awful. Do the tups get gifts on the TWIN's birthday? Fair is fair!

Unknown said... 5

What I want to know is why on earth did the therapist seem to totally ignore Farrah saying that she beat the crap out of her mother??!! Her MOTHER? Or did I misunderstand Farrah?

SwingsandRoundabouts said... 6

I also am not watching CT, so I love the recaps. Thanks Admin for taking one (or more) for the team.

Zoe said... 7

Did Kelsey ever say she was a prostitute? In the first episode I heard her say she used to be a dancer. Then the Dr said "you mean a stripper" or something like that. When Ghost got upset the Dr said "it's not like she was a prostitute", followed by Ghost saying something like "yeah, I know what goes on". It doesn't seem right to refer to Kelsey as a former prostitute. Or did I miss something on the show about this?

cathyn518 said... 8

really well written admin, I agree with those who have said Jon is not ready for a serious relationship. I would hope Jon would get himself to a place where he wasn't so needy that he would accept being demeaned like this. You deserve better Jon!

chefsummer #Leh said... 9

Baby Mama ‏@AskBabyMama 5h
@Kateplusmy8 GREAT ARTICLE! Why Fearing Your Parents Might Be a Good Thing

Ummm what???

I never was in fear when I was with my mother of my father even thought he was drunk.

jbranck1980 said... 10

Hilarious again! I agree that I can't believe Dr Jenn didn't talk more about Teen Duck Lips attacking her mother unless it was edited out. And I love how she supposedly hates her so much and says she was an awful mother yet leaves her kid with her ALL the time.

chefsummer #Leh said... 11


Us Blk american say grind or hustling when we mean making money.

Susan1956 said... 12

localyocul said... 43 (Administrator) said... 37

Funny, but I recall many a post from you accusing Kate of stealing from church ladies. They didn't have to give money either, but you sure as hell made a deal out of that. The usual hypocrisy many of us have come to expect...


You're missing the point of why people were ticked at Kate for taking church ladies' money. The point was not begging for money. The point was that Kate begged for money while at the same time being very wealthy.


Absolutely! I saw this for myself! My friend invited me to a talk in the summer of 2008. I remember because my daughter was gone for the summer with my dad. My friend dragged me there. At the time I was pretty neutral on the show. Anyway, when they got to the plate passin my friend was going to donate. I told her she was crazy, they just got back from Hawaii ( I had no idea about the house). She said "but it's for the kids college (which is what was touted).

The interesting thing is at this point Jon said NOTHING during the talk. Kate explained that she was better at talking. I think he just had guilt.

Ok, stop me if I've posted this before. I have a very distinct memory or reading a post from someone (maybe on this blog) who had happened upon J & K having lunch in a restaurant after one of these church sessions and Jon was telling TFMJG that he did not want to do 'this' (the paid appearances) anymore. She, of course, shrugged it off with a comment about they wouldn't be doing it forever.

Jon may initially have been all into the grifting/website/paid appearances when confronted with the cost of raising sextuplets plus the twins, but I think he had a 'lightbulb' moment and truly regrets some of the things he did during that time. TFMJF? Never.

Dmasy said... 13

The re-caps have been so hilarious. I'm gonna have to watch the dumb show!

Thanks, Admin.

chefsummer #Leh said... 14

Duck lips lol good one I get grossed out when he kisses her I'm like ewww.

abc said... 15

Susan 1956
I remember reading this on either TWOP before they stopped the JK thread or GWOP. So glad to know I didn't imagine it.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 16

Hoosier Girl said... 170
Okay, was the 'oh yes' person before me? I'm not remembering!


It was on GWOP a few years ago. The person posted here a few times and was outed almost immediately as the same one who posted on the other blog. She then disappeared from here since she couldn't fool anyone here!

Admin, I'm enjoying the recaps...much better than the show!

Ingrid said... 17

“Collin started talking to people around them, and Kate wanted him to keep quiet. She looked like she was about to lose it and smacked Collin in the face....."

Even those this was in an article from 2010, I wonder if the reason she keeps Colin home is because he doesn't do well on keep her 'secrets' so she keeps him home to control how much he can tell daddy. (or others)

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 18

Admin, according to the Urban Dictionary, "on my grind" means "working through chores or activities that must be accomplished in order to get money." It doesn't have anything to do with hanging out with geese (or gosselins or goslings)!

Mel said... 19

You *know* somewhere, somehow other kids at school are going to get wind of this CT thing, and it will be a hot topic for a while, until they move on to something else.

You're not doing your own kids any favors letting them be blindsided with you're forced to have the discussion with them as to what's being talked about.

In this *one* instance I can understand the custodial parent being pretty unhappy that they're being forced to have this discussion with their children...about their father. Maybe that's what she was talking about when she said they have had some pretty bizarre (or whatever term she used) discussions.

No, it's not the end of the world, and you can mitigate quite a bit in how you present it (which is highly unlikely in this case-she's probably all over showing at least the twins every last gory detail).
And there are worse things, like emotionally/physically abusing the kids and the dog (lookin' at you, TFW), but I still would be pretty unhappy about it if it was me.

Who wants to discuss their ex's sexual proclivities with their children? Not too many people I would imagine. ~ Administrator said... 20

Not that it's an excuse but I have a hard time believing that most kids this young would be interested in this even if they wanted to be.

I mean, Farrah's mommy issues, Duck Lips and her fans, some guy has ex wife issues? These issues are SO adult. I can see kids saying yeah I want to see my friend's dad.....and then 5 minutes in being bored and changing the channel. Kind of like how kids so badly want to see rated R movies then when they actually see it they fall asleep with boredom.

Layla said... 21

I haven't been watching CT (not my kind of show) but I love your recaps! They're probably better than the show itself.
So, it looks like Kate and her die-hard tweeties have agreed to make themselves scarce on Twitter. I wouldn't be surprised if her lawyers told her to knock that silliness off, immediately! She sent the word out to her mini-flock, and they all clammed up. The fun part is seeing who is not part of the inner circle, and therefore didn't get the memo (that would be Lauren).
And I'm nominating 2014 as the year of things blowing up in TFW's face. We're less than 4 weeks into it, and there's the Today Show, the View, all those psychiatrists analyzing her, every show talking about what a bad mom she is, and now a custody suit and contempt complaint. Oh, yes, 2014 is going to be an epic year.

Somewhere In Time said... 22

She sure makes Jon sound overbearing. Jon says sure he likes that closeness because his marriage didn't have a lot of affection and was more like a business transaction."


I remember when a media publication called Kate for an interview around Valentine's Day in 2009. They asked Kate if she and Jon did anything special, how they were celebrating, and Kate got huffy and said "we're not that couple." I thought, geez, what a cold fish.

Dmasy said... 23

Ok. I watched the link Admin provided. The re-caps are funnier and more interesting than the actual show...for sure.

Even in the interest of dental hygiene, I don't believe I have ever brushed my teeth all through an argument!

Somewhere In Time said... 24

The fun part is seeing who is not part of the inner circle, and therefore didn't get the memo (that would be Lauren).


Maybe she did get the memo, but well, you know, it just didn't sink in. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Somewhere In Time said... 25

Ok, stop me if I've posted this before. I have a very distinct memory or reading a post from someone (maybe on this blog) who had happened upon J & K having lunch in a restaurant after one of these church sessions and Jon was telling TFMJG that he did not want to do 'this' (the paid appearances) anymore. She, of course, shrugged it off with a comment about they wouldn't be doing it forever.


Yes, I remember that. They were in a restaurant, and someone was sitting back to back to them in a booth and Jon made the remark that he didn't want to do something, and Kate said they had to do it because it was all part of their shtick. I can't remember, though, if it had to do with grifting at churches, or something relating to the show. ~ Administrator said... 26

Wow, I didn't realize TFW hasn't tweeted whatsoever, not even a retweet, since THURSDAY. Not just this weekend. Isn't that right around the time Jon announced he was seeking custody?

Is it too soon to hope that that finally shut her up for good? Or maybe she just dumped the kids on him Friday and said fine fine take them are you happy now? Either that or I'm going with the Milo vacation theory and Milo is off somewhere tropical admiring TFW's legs.

Somewhere In Time said... 27

Either that or I'm going with the Milo vacation theory and Milo is off somewhere tropical admiring TFW's legs.


I don't think Milo stops with the legs. She wants the whole enchilada -- the rock hard bikini bod!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 28

I don't even like to call that number one fan by name. I can just picture her readin' here, grinnin' with pleasure every time she sees her name in writin'. Like TFW, I imagine she thinks any attention is good attention. And her name and TFW's name in the same sentence must be a little bit of heaven for her. Nope - I ain't givin' her the satisfaction!

Over And Out said... 29

If the sheep got the memo and went elsewhere, now maybe the non-fans would take the hint, too, and call it quits. The TL would be dead in the water.

localyocul said... 30

I thought Lasanga hair was an ex stripper, not an ex prostitute

Greedy Gosselins said... 31

Formerly Duped said... 175
If the show is scripted ( duh) why wouldn't Jon say he didn't want to do the masturbation scene? They could have discussed the same issues about another more palatable, less demeaning topic.Honesty, who would play out this scene willingly when all it does is make you look foolish?


I'm trying to understand this myself. I think it's been explained here that Jon 'sacrificed' himself by allowing this show to script his story for him so that he could make some money.

I'm not so sure Jon is that smart. I'm also not sure that this so-called plan of his was a good plan to begin with...

Anonymous said... 32

what...did Khate buy grammy twitter followers? She looks like keith urban, pink, good lord


Unknown said... 33

Greedy Gosselins said... 31
''I'm trying to understand this myself. I think it's been explained here that Jon 'sacrificed' himself by allowing this show to script his story for him so that he could make some money....''
Of course Jon did CT to make money, which he used to get a five bedroom house minutes from the compound and it seems enough to get money for an attorney.

As for the 'other', I believe it was the consensus of opinion that the crew set up LIZ, who came running in and accused Jon, and then didn't believe his denial, causing him to be embarrassed and upset.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 34

Of course Jon did CT to make money, which he used to get a five bedroom house minutes from the compound and it seems enough to get money for an attorney.


Has it been confirmed that he bought the house? I watched the WW interview again, and he says that they moved...nothing about purchasing a new home. Was it reported elsewhere that he actually bought one?

Layla said... 35

OT, but is anyone else watching the Grammys? Pink was awesome! And no, she does not look like TFW, as some people are claiming in Twitter. Are they blind? Pink has talent, style, charisma, and that yummy Carey Hart on her arm. TFW could only dream...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 36

I'm a real dummy when it comes to Twitter, and I have a question. I was reading Kate's timeline tonight, and there are hundreds of tweets about Keith Urban sporting Kate's hairstyle. You can tell that they are bots because bots use pictures of actual people as their avatars, rather than hearts, flowers, animals, or whatever. Who pays for these bots? Kate?

AnnieD said... 37

Yes indeedy, Kate did snap her fingers at Mady during the Today show interview.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 38

AnnieD said... 37
Yes indeedy, Kate did snap her fingers at Mady during the Today show interview.


Oh, that is awesome, AnnieD! Kate's reactions were hidden for so much of the interview, it's great to see it from a different camera angle.

Looking forward to reading your recap, Admin. I haven't seen the episode yet--always fun to see it and then compare to your take on it.

Jane said... 39

Coconut Oil Folks!

Thanks for your recommendation. I'm in the northern half of the country and with the air so dry and so cold this winter, my skin's taking a beating.

I went to the health food store (CVS and Walgreens didn't have it) and bought organic, virgin coconut oil. $8.95 for a large jar. Thing is, it's solid - not creamy or liquid. Do I have to melt it every time I want to use it? If's going back!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 40

Billie Lauren Snyder ‏@billielauren 3m
I'm giving away: Multiple Bles8ings by Jon & Kate Gosselin. Check it out -

Billy Lauren Snyder has been giving away MB for more than a month. Guess there are no takers!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 41

Yes indeedy, Kate did snap her fingers at Mady during the Today show interview.


Thanks for finding that. I knew the first time I watched it that she was snapping her fingers. It was the sound -- just too sharp and crisp to be a clap! What possessed her to snap her fingers at her child? Apparently this is nothing new to seemed to come very naturally.

njay said... 42

Well, I now know why they chose Kendra for CWS. I found this by accident.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 43

Sascha ‏@Sassccha 2m
@AlfredoCocozza Kateplusmy8 I wonder how Shoka manages with water in the freezing weather. Dogs need fresh supply of water at all times.

The do make heated electric water dishes to be used outside. Someone here bought one (sorry, I don't remember who it was). Do they really do the job?

Ingrid said... 44

Sleepless Yes the heated dog water dish works. My brother has one outside even though his dog is inside mostly --when it is really cold out.

Unknown said... 45

Sleepless In Seattle said... 34
''Has it been confirmed that he bought the house? I watched the WW interview again, and he says that they moved...nothing about purchasing a new home. Was it reported elsewhere that he actually bought one?''
I have no clue if he bought the house. Maybe he leased it. First and last month plus a deposit would probably add up to a lot more than Jon would make waiting tables, therefore the paycheck from CT would accomplish that.

My speculation is that the bulk of the CT money went to the attorney for dealing w/WOS not following the previous agreement and possibly filing for custody of his six youngest children.

Aunt Connie said... 46

It is amazing how I can laugh and smile at the recap and can't watch the show at all. That stupid show is so disgusting!!!! I really do wish Jon's name was not connected with it in any way. Seems he may have nullified any progress he may have made. Or is it just me?

JoyinVirginia said... 47

Layla, we watched the Grammys And it was very entertaining for three most part. I didn't recognize Paul Williams at first, he worked on the Daft Punk album. That was funny everyone referring to the robots working on their album! Pink is amazing! Keith Urban was great, so glad he is not stuck between Mariah and Nikki this season on American Idol.
I like that Royals song by the New Zealand girl the first dozen times I heard it, now its just like nails on the blackboard. That song?!? Again!!!?!??? Yes she can sing, but has a limited range, and yes she has a lot of hair. Now can she sing something, anything else?
I hope next year my new fave band Bastille is on Grammys.
More O T, on Saturday Bastille was on Saturday Night Live and Saturday afternoon VCU beat Lasalle mens basketball. So it was a great weekend!

JoyinVirginia said... 48

Admin, the recaps are so funny!
I do have to say that referring to Duck Lips is an insult to ducks! Ducks look so much better that Duck Loops and her mini me!

JoyinVirginia said... 49

One more post. Relevant lyrics from the Bastille song Bad Blood:
” if we're only ever looking back we will drive ourselves insane... All this bad blood here, won't you let it dry? Its been cold for years, won't you let it lie?”
” and those are the days that bind us together, forever”
Bad Blood is a really good song, and the album of the same name is full of good songs. quite a few with angst filled lyrics from a twenty something songwriter.

abby said... 50

So correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Jon have a girlfriend when he met Kate? And did I hear Liz right when she said Jon had a girlfriend when he met her?

And did I also hear that when Liz and Jon went on a break, that he slept with 3 more women, in 2 weeks(!), and even moved one of them in with him??

The hell Jon? Kate isn't modelling great behaviour for your kids so I think they're kind've counting on you to.

Why would he want to put all this disgusting information out there?? Doesn't he know that his kids will hear this, if not now, then in the future? And he talks about his kids having trouble with moral dilemmas? So many questions...!

What do you guys think? This isn't acceptable behaviour, is it? I don't like that Kate flirted with a married man and I hold her accountable but shouldn't we hold Jon accountable??

I'm....shocked at his behvaviour. It appears nothing has changed since 2009. His behaviour is the same, he just doesn't wear Ed Hardy clothes.

Katykat said... 51

OT...if you go to the WOS FB page, you can see she changed her profile pic to thePeople Magazine she thought the article was a positive thing...what an idiot. Anyway, out of the MILLIONS of people on FB, she got a whopping 7 likes...hahaha. And you can see who the 7 sheeple are if you click on the picture and click on the likes.

angie not in blue said... 52

I agree with admin. WOS's twitter silence is directly related to Jon filing in family court.
the timing is too coincidental.
Why she isn't tweeting about homemade bread and organizing, I haven't a clue.

TLC stinks said... 53

“I was really surprised,” Guthrie said of the twins clamming up on Bravo’s “Watch What Happens Live” on Thursday.

“They came on, and I thought the girls had something on their minds — they wanted to get it off their chests,” she continued.

As a skilled interviewer, Savannah has to be able to read people. I really think the girls just didn't want to say the lies (lines) from mommy dearest. Mady, in particular, was torn because she wanted to please mom with the constant looks. I would love for a psychologist to interpret that interview.

Snapping figures or clapping your hands to a person is demeaning. Just like Jon said in the ToyRus episode, she treated him like a dog, in public, and if you noticed, she did not have a clue how much she embarrassed Jon. Totally, no clue, no empathy.

TLC stinks said... 54

Also what is a coincidence is that Milo has gone silent too.

localyocul said... 55

angie not in blue said... 52
I agree with admin. WOS's twitter silence is directly related to Jon filing in family court.
the timing is too coincidental.
Why she isn't tweeting about homemade bread and organizing, I haven't a clue.


I think she got slapped with a gag order (maybe he did too..we'll find out at the end of the week when In Touch comes out LOL). Even homemade food is related to her kids. There is nothing she tweets that isn't tied to "my kids!!!!!!!!"

localyocul said... 56

Katykat said... 51
OT...if you go to the WOS FB page, you can see she changed her profile pic to thePeople Magazine she thought the article was a positive thing...what an idiot. Anyway, out of the MILLIONS of people on FB, she got a whopping 7 likes...hahaha. And you can see who the 7 sheeple are if you click on the picture and click on the likes.


There's a FB page? It's probably run by a sheep, not by her I'm guessing. Do you have a link?

NJGal51 said... 57

The next tweet we see from TFW will be that she didn't have time to tweet because she was so very busy cooking up all the homemade, from scratch, comfort foods that the kids crave on these cold winter days. Stew, soup, chili, mac & cheese, bread, biscuits for Soka, something yummy for Zorro and of course pizza! She's such a June Cleaver the only thing missing is a strand of pearls.

localyocul said... 58

abby said... 50

What do you guys think? This isn't acceptable behaviour, is it? I don't like that Kate flirted with a married man and I hold her accountable but shouldn't we hold Jon accountable??


I agree with you.

localyocul said... 59

AnnieD said... 37
Yes indeedy, Kate did snap her fingers at Mady during the Today show interview.


WOW. You can also see Cara's reaction although some guy passed in front of the camera at the exact moment, it looks like she reacted to that in either fear or anger and decided to clam up. IMO

localyocul said... 60

If she's silent because they're filming Growning Up Gosselins...GRRRR

TLC stinks said... 61

So if Kate got slapped with a gag order, kind of interesting, by extension, Milo is silent too? OK, I'm into conspiracy theories, LOL.

TLC stinks said... 62

Gag orders are common in high profile custody cases. I think this is what has happened.

angie not in blue said... 63

Both of these parents need some serious counseling. Jon and Liz breaking up for two weeks equaled him dating 3 different women and moving one of them in to his residence. WHO DOES THAT?

those kids are two seriously screwed up parents. I hope they have some positive adult role models at their school.

Katykat said... 64

Link to FB page:

I think this is hers because so much of it is private and no comments allowed.

localyocul said... 65

Katykat said... 64
Link to FB page:

I think this is hers because so much of it is private and no comments allowed.



FlimsyFlamsy said... 66

Here's something to think about regarding kids entering show biz. It's a quote from Paul Petersen: "I became a child actor because my mom was bigger than I was." If a kid genuinely and sincerely wants to be in front of a camera, it seems that finger-snapping (!) wouldn't be necessary.

Mel said... 67

Jon and Liz breaking up for two weeks equaled him dating 3 different women and moving one of them in to his residence. WHO DOES THAT?

And Liz hooking up with some guy, by her own admission.

As much as I think either of them is a better parent than TFW, who is mean/evil child/dog abuser, this isn't modeling particularly good behavior either.
Not that Liz needs to model good behavior for someone else's kids, especially if she isn't around them much. But Jon should be thinking twice. Especially if he's going to be talking about it on national tv.

Why would he want to put all this disgusting information out there?? Doesn't he know that his kids will hear this, if not now, then in the future? And he talks about his kids having trouble with moral dilemmas?

Yeah. Makes you wonder.

I can't fathom moving someone in with you that you've known a week or two. Especially when you have 8 young kids coming in and out of the house.

And then that person moves back out when he re-connects with Liz.

Far too much chaos to inflict on your children, who already have a chaotic life due to the divorce and their nut case mother.

I'm starting to think that they're both nut cases, he's just a nice nut case, whereas she's mean and cruel.

Susantoyota said... 68

abc said . . .
Susan 1956
I remember reading this on either TWOP before they stopped the JK thread or GWOP. So glad to know I didn't imagine it

Somewhere In Time said... 25

Yes, I remember that. They were in a restaurant, and someone was sitting back to back to them in a booth and Jon made the remark that he didn't want to do something, and Kate said they had to do it because it was all part of their shtick. I can't remember, though, if it had to do with grifting at churches, or something relating to the show.
Thank you ladies. My blonde moments have been coming closer and closer together lately and I don't know how to bookmark things.

Anyway, it's sickening to think of the passes she's had over the last 9+ years. Hopefully, this is the beginning of the end. I'm not on Twitter, but it's nice that both she and Milo are silent. Maybe Jon was able to obtain an emergency order to stop discussing the kids on Twitter and her website. Or maybe her lawyers got her to shut up. Whatever happened, it's nice.

angie not in blue said... 69

Gag orders are common in high profile custody cases. I think this is what has happened.

Wouldn't it be great if Jon could sue WOS forever?
aww....the sound of silence...LOL
(WOS know this...she said of the twins on the today show "this is the most wordless I've heard them all morning.")
still cracks me up. what a tool.

gabby2 said... 70

I take it abby and angie are the same person.

Kate only "firted"??? HAHAHA

Guess maybe milo is kate....

Paula said... 71

A gag order makes sense. But, it doesn't explain why the total twitter silence...I mean she could promote her crookbook, her contest, her website...Oh, wait...LOL ~ Administrator said... 72

I would hope when Jon and Liz were dating neither of them were introducing one night stands to the kids. They may not have any idea.
Jon said the kids have only ever met two girlfriends.

It really is weird how all the fans have gone silent.

I think Milo likes to imply she is with Kate, as weird as that is. I think she likes to imply that she knows why Kate is silent even though I bet she doesn't have the foggiest idea. Although in the past usually we would get a tweet or two from her by now proclaiming how a-busy Kate is just workin' and bein' a good mom to the kids.

Either that or TFW and all the sheeple are holed up in some underground bunker somewhere trying to figure out how to get out of this one. Maybe they think Blank Rome won't be able to find her down there.

Formerly Duped said... 73

I'm not convinced the twitter silence will last too long...would be very nice, though!

JMO said... 74

Mel said... 67
I totally agree with your analysis, except for the part about Liz and "other "women" living in the house modeling behavior.. I have a step-daughter, and when she stays in our house, she is exposed to both her dad and myself. I do step back and give her some "daddy" time and encourage them to go to dinner, spend time in the mall, things alone so she has time alone with her dad to foster the relationship. But when we do spend time together, I make sure she feels comfortable, do not curse, scream or yell, as this is not something she should have to endure while visiting her dad. I am not a big yeller anyway, and curb my language around her, although I am not her parent, out of respect for HER and her dad. If you choose to live with someone with kids from a prior relationship, you need to respect them as kids, and model behavior.

Jon clearly has dependency issues, if he can't be without a woman in his life. If true, moving women in and out of the house and not being able to exist without a partner sends the wrong message to kids. They always should come first.

Kate, on the other hand, is all about controlling her kids for her own means and to make money, and not in a good way if she is using her 13 year olds to "control" her kids. Not surprised at all. As I think she spends "meals" with the kids, but does not have anywhere near the respect for the boys, as she does the girls.

Am starting to think that neither one has any respect for these kids as INDIVIDUALS, and understand their needs. Kate trying to use her twins for a show- TOTALLY disgusting. But Jon dragging his kids in to flavor of the week, or "in between" girlfriends in the house while the kids are there shows no growth on his part either.

I think they both need to STFU and tend to their kids, with their interests first. Stop filming them, and Jon, stop with the girlfriends having to be there every minute of your life.

Liz and Jon allegedly are now living together again, in a new house, and the tups have to deal with THEIR dysfunction with visits. I am guessing M & C got tired of it, and chose to stay at home, to avoid the J & L behavior, but the tups are still young enough to want to see their dad as much as possible, due to the limited visiting schedule. Colin needs to see his dad, PERIOD.

I think both parents need to evaluate their weaknesses in parenting, but know Kate thinks she is perfect, and far from it, and Jon needs a partner at all times. Maybe the Judge in this case can mandate BOTH parents to therapy. It certainly would not hurt either one.

JMO said... 75

I forgot to add, don't these kids have enough scrutiny with their peers that they don't need to have to navigate more bad relationships with Jon and girlfriend. And their crazy mom who want to "sell" them to the highest bidder.

Jon- Get your head on straight- you were out last hope, but the kids do not need constant arguments in your house. They already went through this.

AuntieAnn said... 76

Admin, funny recap.

The problems of the rich and famous. I just love your ability to take an insipid reality show and weave it into a great comedy.

Now if I were the therapist I'd tell Duck Lips's boyfriend to run as far and fast as he can in the other direction. The lesbians don't seem to have any serious issues and it seems like they have to make them up as they go along. Why they're even on the show is a head-scratcher. Farrah needs long and intense therapy behind closed doors without cameras on her and Lasagne hair should tell Ghost to take a hike. It ain't workin'. The fist bump would have finished it for me.

I don't know what to think of Jon and Liz now. I was pulling for the relationship but this was-he-or-wasn't-he masturbating thing makes me wonder if Liz isn't another, albeit less severe version of Kate, judging by the way she beaked on Jon.

Oh Dear Jon I hope not.

Mel said... 77

Not that Liz needs to model good behavior for someone else's kids,

I totally agree with your analysis, except for the part about Liz and "other "women" living in the house modeling behavior..

Agree. She definitely needs to model good behavior in the presence of the kids, out of respect for them as you say.

I wasn't clear...I meant the part about her hooking up with some dude while she and Jon were separated. I was thinking that she doesn't need to model good behavior for *his* kids when she & Jon aren't even a couple at that point.

PJ's momma said... 78

Kate has said several times that neither she nor the kids have facebook. Plus that picture is recent - no way she would update her facebook that regularly. She hasn't updated some parts of her website EVER and others for years! LOL!

PatK said... 79

Leigh Shahan‏@LEIGHSHAHAN123 mins
@Kateplusmy8 Twitter Jail? 👈👈👈


That's it! She must be in twitter jail! Or at least that's what she may claim once she climbs out of her hiding hole. And Milo will probably tweet within two minutes behind her.

LeeLee said... 80

Hello everybody!

A friend of mine who only follows the TFW saga in the print tabloids just told me TFW is a narcissist! She does not read here or online anywhere, and we don't talk too much about her, even though we're on the same page (we have better things to talk about). Love, love, love that people are seeing her true colors. Friend even said she is incapable of loving her kids. Wow.

I still cannot get on board with analyzing what is shown on CT, because I still believe it is all scripted and I just don't trust that we are getting an honest look into these relationships. However, IF it is true that Jon is moving through women this quickly, than I really hope this therapy is the real deal. Initially, I considered that Liz' comment about feeling interchangeable and Jon's rush to marry was because Jon and the kids would do better in family court if he had a partner. Still hoping, but if there is some truth to his hopping from bed to bed, and woman to woman, than Liz should be the one backing away. That is alarming.

JMO said... 81

I honestly think Kate is now posting on Facebook, so she can choose who to accept, with privacy settings. She may actually get that Twiitter wasn't working too much, and trying to to cut down on the negative posts. After the twins recent appearance, and based on her lack of twittering, I think she is clearly moving on to Face Book where she can control comments.

This never occurred to Kate, but rather, as usual, she was advised to do this in the meantime/

Let's face it, her Twitter is a total and complete disgrace. Actually now it has so much negative, I think she is abandoning it.

TLC stinks said... 82

I don't think that is Kate's Facebook. I think it's just some fake page set up by a sheeple. She has never tweeted about Facebook.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 83

Perhaps this time out in "twitter jail" is the real deal, court ordered. If so, about time.

TLC stinks said... 84

Leigh must not be in the inner circle.

Admin, can your source validate a gag order?

Localyocul said... 85

Maybe she's in County Jail #comtempt

Localyocul said... 86

Sheesh I CAN spell contempt

Anonymous said... 87

Jane- I use coconut oil on my skin too. It's great for really dry skin, just use your fingers to get some oil out of the jar and put it in your palm. It will melt quickly enough (don't use a lot at once). Hope it helps!

Newbie here.

JMO said... 88

Twitter Jail- My butt- Her Twitter line disgraces her and she can't deal with it. Looks like she is now going to Facebook, so she can choose participants. More her style, and she should have thought of this on her own much sooner, but I guess "she just doesn't get it."

Well, she never does. With the majority of her timeline on Twitter being bought bots, she wants TOTALl control. Shocking, right? : )

JMO said... 89

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 10m
It's so obvious from watching #CouplesTherapy that #jongosselin wishes he was still with #kateplusmy8. You're the reason why you're split


Millicent said... 90

I'm not sure who said what, but:
Jon and Liz breaking up for two weeks equaled him dating 3 different women and moving one of them in to his residence. WHO DOES THAT?

And Liz hooking up with some guy, by her own admission.
If these statements are accurate, or even close to accurate, then both Jon and Liz sound incredibly immature for their ages. That sort of behavior one might find in an immature 19 year old. To think that these two 30-something parents would still act so desperate and needy is downright pathetic.

So I hope it isn't true :(

Caveat: Even if this is true, out of the two parental choices, Jon still wins by leaps and bounds, just on the basis of being human, having the ability to love and care for someone besides himself, and for not being physically and mentally abusive to the kids. They definitely seem to have gotten shafted in the parent department, but better to have at least one parent who loves his kids and at least tries.

Millicent said... 91

What do you guys think? This isn't acceptable behaviour, is it? I don't like that Kate flirted with a married man and I hold her accountable but shouldn't we hold Jon accountable??
Here is the difference between the two scenarios you outlined:

1. TFW and Steve traveled together and were in close contact while TFW and Jon were still married to each other. It was inappropriate because Kate was married to Jon, while Steve was (and still is) married to Gina.

2. Jon may be serial dating women, but he is a single man, so as long as he dates single women - it's perfectly fine. I'm not a fan of dating a string of people, one right after the other - but so what? He is not married, he supposedly dated several women during a point when he and Liz had "taken a break" and agreed it would be okay to see other people - so no harm, no foul.

That is the main difference.

AuntieAnn said... 92

JMO said... 88

Twitter Jail- My butt- Her Twitter line disgraces her and she can't deal with it. Looks like she is now going to Facebook, so she can choose participants.


But, but how long can she go without the 'brazen and damaging “faceless” internet bullies'? I thought they inspired her to rise above it all. This will not bode well for Milo either if she can't defend Kate's honor. She'll be out of a job.

Layla said... 93

I just read an article that listed uses for coconut oil. It helps smooth dry skin, tame frizzies, it's great when used for shaving, and is good for removing makeup.
I may have to try some.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 94

What do you guys think? This isn't acceptable behaviour, is it? I don't like that Kate flirted with a married man and I hold her accountable but shouldn't we hold Jon accountable??

Who are any of us to hold a single man 'accountable' for his dating life?
Why should we care?

Carole said... 95

I can't fathom moving someone in with you that you've known a week or two. Especially when you have 8 young kids coming in and out of the house.
And then that person moves back out when he re-connects with Liz.
Far too much chaos to inflict on your children, who already have a chaotic life due to the divorce and their nut case mother.


But Jon dragging his kids in to flavor of the week, or "in between" girlfriends in the house while the kids are there shows no growth on his part either.

I agree, but depending on the visitation schedule, timing, etc, it's very possible the kids never knew about, let alone met or spent any time with Liz's temp replacement. Jon definitely seems to have some serious dependency issues but I'd hope he has more respect for his kids than to introduce them to someone he's known for such a short period of time. ~ Administrator said... 96

I just don't think any parent's dating life necessarily always or even frequently has anything to do with the kind of parent that person is. Lots of adults make less than moral choices every day but it doesn't mean they don't raise their children in a loving and appropriate way. Conversely many parents have always been with their child's father have a squeaky clean background never done anything we would object to yet are awful parents. Even so there's no crime in struggling with love life issues. It's something many people have trouble with.

Kelly said... 97

Jane, I tried to answer you earlier but cannot for the life of me type on my Nexus. The coconut oil solidifies at 70 F (I think, don't quote me ;) ). So, depending on room temp, it can go from slightly solid, to rock solid, to runny. What I do is scoop out about four ounces and put it in a small, glass jelly jar. That way you can stick your fingers in it( nuke it in the microwave if necessary to soften), without contaminating the whole jar. It's minus 500 here today and my interior temp is chilly but I only had to microwave it 3 seconds to get it soft enough to scoop out. As Anonymous upthread said, you only need a little and it will melt with body heat. It's also quickly absorbed as long as you do not use too much. It also does not stain if you get it on clothing.

It can be a pain when it's this cold out, but it's totally worth it. I now use this as my night time facial moisturizer. I've also got a separate container that goes in my work bag and have finally convinced Mr. Kelly to give it a go. He loves it and now we're fighting over the one jar. I guess I'll have to make him his own. Hope that helps.

TLC stinks said... 98

Well, if she is using Facebook instead of Twitter, I say Yippee! But, I don't think so. She reaches a much wider audience with Twitter. I don't believe she will be satisfied with her adoring seven sheeple.

I don't agree with Jon's jumping from woman to woman, and this is something he needs to deal with before he takes on the tups full time. I think the guy is just starved for companionship. Kate used him to get pregnant and that's about all there was to their relationship. He did say he did her list of chores in hoping that she would love him. He needs real counseling.

Kelly said... 99

Layla, it's good for all of that. I just started putting coconut oil on the my split ends, popping a shower cap on and leaving it on overnight. I shower it out in the morning. It's better than any other hair masks or treatments I've used and so cheap. It also works miracles on getting gel eyeliner off - the first time. I love the stuff and only wish I'd heard about it earlier.

Tucker's Mom said... 100

If these statements are accurate, or even close to accurate, then both Jon and Liz sound incredibly immature for their ages
Very, very immature. Jon slept with 3 women within the space of a couple weeks and Liz slept with a guy that she dated a couple times, and had sex with 3 times.
Wow, talk about giving it up easy.
Both are horrible examples to the children.
Jon has 5 girls, and what does this tell them?
Will the boys view women as easy and not to be honored?

I just shake my head...

Tucker's Mom said... 101

That is the main difference.
Oh, Kate's cavorting with a married man is terrible. But Jon dipping his peen into any open receptacle is right up there.
I seriously, seriously hope they both got tested for std's before the resumed bumping uglies.

Tucker's Mom said... 102

Who are any of us to hold a single man 'accountable' for his dating life?
Why should we care?
I hold any parent accountable when they set such a poor example for impressionable young kids.
Jon has been in longer term relationship, and he's also slept around. A lot. He's also cheated, big time.
Seems to be a pattern.
He outright lied about his relationship with Kate Major and while I don't like the lowlife, she had every right to be angry about Jon when he denied sleeping with her.

I don't know. Every time I think he's growing up, I see things like CT and his reckless sex life, and my hope just sinks.

njay said... 103

I don't think Liz has any right to hold Jon in an emotional head lock because he slept with a couple women during their break. She admitted to sleeping with a man two or three times during that same time. I think that she is trying to justify herself by saying it was only one man not a few. To me, it doesn't say much for her that she was upset when Jon wanted to just cuddle instead of doing it the FIRST NIGHT they met.

Admin, would you please look up in your urban book to find out why people who take breaks in a relationship think there should be monogamy during that time. BREAKING UP IS BREAKING UP, whether it be a few days or a few months. After all, Jon was still in his grind. lol. I'm joking admin about looking. I just don't understand the rules for dating anymore. No wonder this world is so screwed up.

By the way, I get sick and tired of reading every where I go on the internet how bad and immature Jon is for being JUST LIKE many, and yes I said many, people out there in disfunctional relationships and family's. If it wasn't true there wouldn't be so many relying on the government for assistance and cps wouldn't be so bogged down with so many cases that they can't even keep up. Jon is just a regular person who is trying to do the best he can to redeem his wrongs while being under a microscope. I think he is doing GREAT considering the circumstances. I think he HAS TO take it to the media because the media is who is squashing any good he is trying to do. How many times have we discussed and wished Jon would do something and thought he didn't have a back bone or the balls to stand up to Kate. Now when he does he people criticize him.

As much as people think he should not do it publicly, there is NO WAY it would stay out of the media because they are always there waiting to out anything he does. So why not use the media to his advantage. This what celebs do. They hate them press yet use them when it's to their benefit when they need to. That's just how it works in their life. In this case, it looks like it is finally working to his favor. GO JON.

Formerly Duped said... 104

This CT is certainly opening a whole can of worms. I think regardless of motive for doing the show, it was a mistake, judging from these recaps and the bits I've seen.Surely Jon could earn money for the kids some other way or get a loan.

Paula said... 105

When I read "they were on a break" I am so reminded of the Friends episode where Ross sleeps with Rachel while they were "on a break".... I never could understand Rachel's issue (yes, I know it's just a tv show) and I don't understand Liz's issue.

I also find this whole conversation of Jon's sex life while single totally irrelevant to anything important as long as it was not around the kids.

Layla said... 106

Kelly (99)
I'm sold! I am always looking for something that will help me combat my very thick, dry hair. If I don't have time to do my hair in the morning, I have to put it in a bun or ponytail to keep it under control. Otherwise I'd look like a cross betwen Tina Turner and Gilda Radner.

Carole said... 107

Re Coconut Oil:

Someone said it could be found in the baking section in some grocery stores and someone else mentioned looking for it at Walgreens and CVS. Any tips where it would likely be found at drugstores? I asked for it at a local Walgreens and they just stared at me with a blank look and said they hadn't heard of it. Is it normally with lotions? Thanks! I'm going to buy some asap. ;-)

Anonymous said... 108

All these uses for coconut oil. I bought it because 1 tsp per day is supposed to speed up metabolism and help with weight loss. If I ever get my shizzle together and seriously try it, I'll let you know how it works. LOL. If you're going to eat it, do not heat it up. Just let it melt in your mouth. It's supposed to be cold-pressed coconut oil, not the hydrogenated stuff.


Sheri said... 109

Thanks for the recap Admin. It seems the show is even more cringe worthy than I had expected.

Real or completely fabricated seems irrelevant at this point...I just don't see any of it as being remotely entertaining.

It also appears that Jon is not coming across very well and that's a shame. I get that he's in all likelihood doing it for the money, it's just too bad the he's coming across the way he is.

At the end of the day though, he's not using or pimping out his kids and that speaks volumes about his intentions.

I'd just rather not know all the details about this particular endeavour, so I'll just be skipping these posts, just not my cup of tea.

njay said... 110

Oh, Kate's cavorting with a married man is terrible. But Jon dipping his peen into any open receptacle is right up there.
I seriously, seriously hope they both got tested for std's before the resumed bumping uglies.
As ugly and discussing you think it is, which I think so too, it happens so much now days that it is almost the norm. Anymore, if your not having a threesome or doing it with the same sex you are out of the norm. So cut him a break for being human and making mistakes or look in the mirror and tell yourself that your perfect and make every wise decision. All this "he and they are so bad" is getting old.

For the record, I'm not for that kind of life style but I sure have made choices I'm not happy of and have no right to have a holier than thou attitude. ~ Administrator said... 111

NJ and Paula agree. I really do not care what people do or don't do or who they date or don't date or the breakups. Prince William and Kate saw other people on their break, who cares. All of the adults on this show have their issues but that's the point they are adults and if they want to be involved in a relationship with issues have at it. Should Kelsey leave Ghost, probably. Is it any of anyone's business, nope. She can stay with him if she wants. We can snarck at what they put on tv but it doesn't mean we have the right to tell them what to do or how to parent unless true abuse is going on.

TLC stinks said... 112

I can totally understand after a breakup the need to seek out another partner just for the companionship. It would be better to not turn it into a one night stand or brief sexual encounter, but it happens all the time. I agree CT was a mistake, but $100k (according to Al Walentis) goes a long way to pay off attorney fees. Not sure what Liz's motive was in appearing in the show unless she is out to capitalize as Jon's girlfriend, which is not a good thing. Bottom line: they don't care what people think and I don't know them, so the only thing I care about is getting those kids away from Kate's claws.

Layla said... 113

Count me in as one of the people who think this CT gig was a really, really bad choice for Jon. He said there were other options, but he didn't say when. Perhaps he hit his breaking point with TFW and at the moment he decided to take action, CT was what was on the table--take it or leave it. Still, there is a lot coming out on that show that is going to be (or already is) humiliating for the kids. I don't think for a second that Mady and Cara don't hear about this at school. Kids that age are good at making sure they see what they want to see--remember Mady saying that she'd sneak downstairs to watch Kendra's show? If their classsmates hear that the kids' father is on a show like this, they can find a way to see it if they want to. I shudder at the thought of the kids being asked what their father was doing under those covers. Surely there had to be a better way to come up with some money.

angie not in blue said... 114

njay#103 said
how bad and immature Jon is for being JUST LIKE many, and yes I said many, people out there in disfunctional relationships and family's
yes, but......
I may be living under a rock, or perhaps it's because I am *ahem* a wee bit older than Jon, but I never knew a man that moved women in and out of his house like the front door was a revolving hotel door.
And what's wrong with Liz, that she would even think about moving back into a house with a man that did that? I assume she has custody of her children?

I get that WOS abused him, we saw it. Instead of looking for help in a relationship, Jon needs to be looking for professional help. He needs it, sounds like Liz has her own issues, WOS needs it, the kids need it....

Liz sounds like a WOS wanna-be. Her berating Jon for his 'smoking comforter' was ridiculous.


who lives like this?

Formerly Duped said... 115

Well, I was shocked that young people ie teenagers over the age of consent- apparently have sex on the 3rd date, that's 'the rule." I read this in an official, lol ,magazine my dd had.I'm really out of it! ~ Administrator said... 116

Some human beings are monogamous and that's fine, I prefer it myself. Many others sleep around, so what. Scientifically speaking we actually are not a monogamous species. Somewhere along the way I assume religion decided that monogamy was right and sleeping around was wrong. Other cultures have been perfectly fine with men and women having multiple partners. This idea that the only moral way is to live like a pilgrim is antiquated, a leftover relic of religion, and for many people just not natural. In 2014 it's rather surprising to see such old fashioned morality clung to so fiercely.

Layla said... 117

Kate's sister speaks!

Interesting quote:
"I guess we have our own life and she wants a big life and we don’t fit in. We are just normal everyday people and she doesn’t want us to be part of her life."

angie not in blue said... 118

I also find this whole conversation of Jon's sex life while single totally irrelevant to anything important as long as it was not around the kids.
But Jon's sex life IS around the kids when they visit him. Kids aren't stupid...they have to have a wft moment when one week there is girlfriend #1, then the next week it's gf #2, then the next week one moves in, then they visit the next week and gf#2 moves in, then the next week Gf#2 is gone but gf# is back...

it has to confuse the kids.

There is no normal relationship behavior being exhibited to the kids on Jon's custodial time. It's just one big cluster f%^&.

If it's true about the revolving door of girlfriends, no wonder the twins don't want to go. They are more aware of what's going on than the younger kids. ~ Administrator said... 119

Angie who lives like this? Lots of people. Is it for me, nope. Is it for you obviously not. But it's really none of our concern if someone chooses that lifestyle. IMO to have an issue with people sleeping around is no different than taking issue with gay marriage. It's not our relationship so it's not our concern how adults handle their love lives. I've seen that show Sister Wives, the guy has multiple women who cares, they're a nice family.

Anonymous said... 120

TFW wouldn't be doing herself any favors by posting only to a private Facebook page. Entertainers need publicity, and TFW especially needs to keep herself in public view as much as possible. She should try to keep it as positive as possible though. Encouraging Milo et. al. to continue with the over-the-top platitudes and the resulting negative responses from others disputing TFW's parenting skills leaves a bad impression on most casual readers.

Off topic a little. Did anyone see Brian Boitano's Italian Adventure on Cooking Channel last night? He bought the house where his ancestors lived in northern Italy and renovated it. A lot of his relatives live in the area and he prepared a feast for all of them to celebrate the family he is coming to know. It was a good program that showed how down to earth Brian really is. He wasn't a celebrity, he was just another Boitano having a wonderful time sharing life with his extended family.

TFW could take a few lessons from him. If you are a genuinely happy person who treats everyone as equals then it can lead to opportunities to share that joy with the public through entertainment. Having said that though, I think Brian would have been just as happy sharing food and fellowship with his Italian family even if it wasn't being filmed for TV. That is what separates Brian from TFW. The cameras are capturing the real person, not just a fake persona that is turned on only when it suits her needs.


njay said... 121

I just saw this. I don't know if anyone else posted it ready. Sorry if you have. It sounds like She has finally hit her down fall.

denni don't like kate said... 122

better get out there and read the new article on Kate in the Daily's by her sister..... ~ Administrator said... 123

Ohhh snap someone here called this that the family would speak out about the twins on tv.

Good for Kendra!! Did you see she also said that the family was concerned Kate was surrounding herself with people who just wanted to make money off her. Eh hem STEVE. She said they've tried so hard to reach out. She sounds heartbroken. Good for her.

And the poor church lady helpers who just want the kids to know how much they loved and cared for then for two years straight. So tragic.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 124

It really is weird how all the fans have gone silent.

I think Milo likes to imply she is with Kate, as weird as that is. I think she likes to imply that she knows why Kate is silent even though I bet she doesn't have the foggiest idea. Although in the past usually we would get a tweet or two from her by now proclaiming how a-busy Kate is just workin' and bein' a good mom to the kids.

Either that or TFW and all the sheeple are holed up in some underground bunker somewhere trying to figure out how to get out of this one.


LOL, love the image of the sheep hundled around the queen in the underground bunker. I'm picturing the Hitler clip Admin posted previously. That's the scene in the bunker with Kate/Hitler screaming at the sheep, saying something like, "Do something, you idiots! I will not be mocked!"

Rhymes with Witch said... 125

Ohhh snap someone here called this that the family would speak out about the twins on tv. 114

Where did this come from?

PA Dutch Mom said... 126

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 2h
It's so obvious from watching #CouplesTherapy that #jongosselin wishes he was still with #kateplusmy8. You're the reason why you're split

Is this the latest spin? Jon is on CT, and it's obvious that he wants Kate back? How in the name of all that's holy could anyone (even the dumbest of the sheeple) come up with this one?

OrangeCrusher1 said... 94
What do you guys think? This isn't acceptable behaviour, is it? I don't like that Kate flirted with a married man and I hold her accountable but shouldn't we hold Jon accountable??

Who are any of us to hold a single man 'accountable' for his dating life?
Why should we care?


I seriously doubt if Kate cares if anyone here is upset that she flirted with a married man, or if we hold Jon accountable for jumping into the sack with one or 100 women. THEY don't care, nor do they want our approval, and it's not our business to hold anyone "accountable" for their decisions in the boudoir department.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 127

I'm also a big fan of coconut oil--always keep some in the pantry for cooking and some in the bathroom for face and skin. (Using it on hair is new to me, but sounds promising. It's good for so many things.) I also try to eat a spoonful a day. Besides weight loss, the Omega 3's are are incredibly good for health.

Someone asked about it at Walgreens--I usually get mine in the Vitamin Shoppe, health food stores, and at some supermarkets in the organic and natural food sections--not with the skin creams. ~ Administrator said... 128

Yes agree. I don't hold either Kate or Jon or any consenting adult accountable for their sex life. That's their problem and only they can hold themselves accountable. I may snark at what they put out there and I may cover my eyes like some of the CT housemates but I'm not going to get all worked up over it. It is 2014 and I thought it's been well accepted by now that an adult has a right to be with who they want to be no matter how much you might not like it. This doesn't just extend to gay marriage but to sleeping around too.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 129

Oh, Kate's cavorting with a married man is terrible. But Jon dipping his peen into any open receptacle is right up there.
I seriously, seriously hope they both got tested for std's before the resumed bumping uglies.
Well that is certainly classy. Think it's time to start scrolling.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 130

Someone upthread brought up Jon already having a girlfriend when he met TFW, as somehow connecting to his lack of moral character. He was neither a husband nor a father then, so I don't particularly see the relevance. But TFW's words and actions -- this very month -- on TV, and in a magazine, have drawn national criticism and concern for the welfare of her kids. And I'm still holding out hope that things can get better for those children.

I'm always interested in reading other people's viewpoints, and the discussions here are generally polite and considerate. Thanks as always, Admin!

Anonymous said... 131

Kendra speaks:


Carole said... 132

"Kate Gosselin's sister reveals they haven't spoken in a 'very painful' SIX years as friend claims reality star left a 'trail of hurt' behind on her pursuit of fame and fortune"

A Tweetie said... 133

chefsummer #Leh said... 134

Bodyguard Steve Neild, who was a regular fixture at Kate's $1.2m farmhouse, is no longer working for her

IDK if this is true but if it is it might explain the happy Neild family photo.

Maybe the Neilds are finally free of Kate.

Mel said... 135

I always thought that TFW referring to Jon's girlfriends as flavor of the week was just her being demeaning. But maybe not.

Carole said... 136

Brilliant article in DailyMail about TFW sister and friend. TFW can't say it's lies because they're speaking about their feelings and documented facts. It took long enough, but I'm so glad family finally felt comfortable enough to say something.

Hey, Jon --- how about introducing your children to these people - you know, their relatives!? It's important and heaven knows, TFW won't ever do it!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 137 (Administrator) said... 115

It is 2014 and I thought it's been well accepted by now that an adult has a right to be with who they want to be no matter how much you might not like it. This doesn't just extend to gay marriage but to sleeping around too.

I'm not following this. Adults have the right to sleep around and that includes if their married??

FYI said... 138

So does anyone think that the former friend mentioned in the Daily Mail article is Beth Carson?

PatK said... 139

So, SO glad to read that Daily Mail article. I hope it's real and that someone else in her family is finally speaking up!

Carole said... 140

Kids aren't stupid...they have to have a wft moment when one week there is girlfriend #1, then the next week it's gf #2, then the next week one moves in, then they visit the next week and gf#2 moves in, then the next week Gf#2 is gone but gf# is back...

Angie, you're assuming the kids met #2 and that didn't necessarily happen so why judge him based on something that isn't known?

Kelly said... 141

I currently buy my non organic coconut oil at Walmart. It's in the baking aisle next to the other oils. I don't think you'll find it any drugstore chain or Dollar Store yet. Target and Meijer probably carry it and I imagine you'd find it the baking aisle there as well.

I take a tablespoon of it (not melted) and put it in my morning smoothie along with protein powder, ground flax seeds, greek yogurt and frozen fruit. That way I don't really taste it (although I doubt it has a taste). The thought of letting it melt in my mouth sorta grosses me out but I can see how that would be a good way of ingesting it.

Layla, glad you're going to give it a chance. It also softens and heals my ragged cuticles. I wash my hands five millions times a day at work. I use coconut oil before going to lunch and then put some more on for the ride home. It makes a huge difference. I sometimes slather it on before bed and put on white cotton gloves. I've had no chapping or red scaliness since doing this. I seriously hope Costco starts carrying it in fifty gallon drums! ;)

OrangeCrusher1 said... 142

Finally, the long silent family coming forward to express their concern about the children. Those interviews TFW did with her children last week have apparently unleashed the flood gates. Her sister sounds like a decent woman who while deeply unhappy about the estrangement was able to respect her crazy sister's wishes until, well, until she paraded the teens out on tv to talk about their father, siblings and divorce. I can only imagine the conversations Kendra and Kevin have had over the years.
And the Queen of Evil is probably shut off her Twitter, she must be steaming. Poor, poor kids.

PatK said... 143

I don't believe the part about Steve no longer working for Kate. We don't know if he accompanied her and the twins to NYC, but her certainly was with her on the recent crookbook tour.

Also, I don't know if Beth is the "former friend". I suppose it could actually be any number of people (except Ashley's mom...I think she's in it for the long haul.)

How will the sheeple spin this?? The gathering call should be going out soon, doncha think? lol

Layla said... 144

I think Kate's feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, and just shut down. Think about it--in the past 12 days there was the Today Show disaster and all the fallout and criticism that came from it. Then the View, which wasn't much better, and parodies and more criticism after that. Even her beloved View ladies said kids shouldn't be on reality TV, and they said it because of HER. Then Jon's contempt filing, then finding out that he has a lawyer to fight for custody, and now her family speaking out. The Daily Mail article said Kate's side had refused comment, so she knew this story was coming out.
She's in a mess, the whole world knows she's a bad mom, and she has nobody to confide in (except Mady and Cara), nobody to save her from herself, nobody to fight her battles for her. She has to know that all the events of the past 12 days have pretty much put an end to any lingering hopes for a media career. Now what does she do? All she had for the past 2 1/2 years was her dream of a second chance at TV. What does she do once that prospect is gone? I don't think she can cope with her new reality, which is an obscure life in PA with 8 kids and dwindling money supply.

Tucker's Mom said... 145

I'm glad to see that a family member is finally speaking out about how Kate has cut them out of the kids' lives. At least it's on record that their relatives tried to contact them.
Kate has certainly left a tragic wake of good people. She is isolating the children and it's terrible.
Now, how long until Kate claims that Kendra needs rent money?

Mel said... 146

Notice in the family photo which accompanies the of the little girls is kissing Jon.

TFW, on the other hand, has her hand on top of one of the little boy's heads and is apparently twisting it as the kid wails. Look at the muscle tension in her wrist/arm.

and look at the expression on the kid's face. Granted, these things happen when dealing with toddlers. But why is it *always* that boy?

Something you wouldn't have thought much of at the time. But now....

Carole said... 147

So does anyone think that the former friend mentioned in the Daily Mail article is Beth Carson?

Beth is who I first thought of as 'the friend' also.

"Her former friend said: ‘I lived nearby and when the sextuplets were born I went round and volunteered to babysit. We became very close.

‘But after the show was on a little while, things really took off and Kate went in a different direction, we haven’t spoken since.

‘Kate is incredibly charismatic and there were a lot of people who were drawn in and willingly laid down their everyday lives for those kids. None of them have any contact with her now.

‘Kate managed the situation and made everyone feel like they were needed so they kept coming back. Yet in the end when she wants to flip the switch when you have no more use in her life, she flips the switch and she’s off onto the next thing.

‘There’s a trail of a lot of hurt people in her wake. I don’t know if Kate even cares about that. There were older women in the community who were at her house for three, four, five hours every day for two years.

‘Their lives revolved around the children and now they have no contact with them. We don’t even know whether the kids know about us and realize what we did for them.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 148

"Jon reportedly pays no child support as part of a deal which says he cannot ban Kate from featuring them in future TV programmes."


How do they know this? I thought CS documents are sealed.

Tucker's Mom said... 149

I find it hard to believe that Steve no longer works for Kate. I've no doubt he's not hanging around as much because Kate's not working and traveling, but I just don't believe he's out.
If it's true, I think Kate would come undone.

Millicent said... 150

Wow, wow, wow - that Daily Mail article is lengthy, detailed, lots of stuff that we have discussed here many times already but might be news to the average person. Overall, I thought it was a good article and it does confirm something I wondered about - is Kate in contact with any of her family members. Answer: NO.

chefsummer #Leh said... 151

And a former friend, who did not want to be named, has also revealed that not a single member of Kate’s inner circle have anything to do with her anymore.

-----Former friend could be Jamie we know that Jamie wasn't to please with Kate on RV breakdown. Jamie also said KK no Angelina.

MabelD said... 152

Didn't Kate have a boyfriend when she met Jon? I remember him speaking out on how she left him because Jon, being the son of a dentist, appeared to have more money.

chefsummer #Leh said... 153

Also Steve could be gone.

They didn't mention Steve was there back stage while someone said Kate was berating the girls back stage.

-(Someone usually mention that the bodyguard is there)-

angie not in blue said... 154

Kendra's article.

holy moly.
WOS is going to blow, anyone within 500 miles better batten down the hatches!

Why hasn't Jon allowed the family to see the kids? that doesn't make sense.

Wonder what the sheeple will say about Kendra's assertions that WOS is the one that cut off contact, that in fact, they haven't heard from her in 6 YEARS?

c'mon sheeple...BLEAT.

Carole said... 155

I think Kate's feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, and just shut down.

I agree. I think when she reappears she'll be doing what she's done repeatedly - overcompensating. She'll pour on the tweets about what a perfect mother she is, how the kids appreciate everything she does, how she sacrifices for them by cooking, baking, and ...
look out - because she may also fire back hard against Jon with her own lawsuit. She may be quiet now, but her vindictiveness will propel her to come back as if nothing has affected her. ~ Administrator said... 156

If someone is having affairs that's really between the husband and wife. I worked for a couple who had an open marriage and it worked for them for 20 years. Not my business to say that was wrong or right. What is or is not acceptable in relationships is pretty arbitrary. In any case consenting adults can consent to being married to someone who has affairs or can file for divorce, that's their business.

Kelly said... 157

Wasn't Kendra the one who had some iffy online begging site for an international adoption? If I remember correctly, she was accused of trying to use her nieces and nephews fame to fund said adoption. I think there was an issue with the amount she said she needed as well. ~ Administrator said... 158

I remember the adoption but I am certain she never mentioned the Gosselin kids or used them. Someone sleuthing for info on Kate found it and posted it. As I recall most of us agreed not to talk about her because she's private.

Carole said... 159

"Jon reportedly pays no child support as part of a deal which says he cannot ban Kate from featuring them in future TV programmes."


How do they know this? I thought CS documents are sealed.

Yes, child court documents are sealed. The article was pretty accurate however some of the info in the DailyMail article was taken from previous articles on the internet like from RadarOnline and some of the info was old and outdated like the house mortgage.

Carole said... 160

Didn't Kate have a boyfriend when she met Jon?

Yes, she sure did. ~ Administrator said... 161

The child support deal they describe is illegal. It cannot be bargained away like that. I chose to focus on the person who was willing to go on record with a name and photo. Kudos Kendra.

Tucker's Mom said... 162

-----Former friend could be Jamie we know that Jamie wasn't to please with Kate on RV breakdown. Jamie also said KK no Angelina.
I don't think it's Jamie-- did she live very near to Kate at one point? Also, I think they met years before via having twins.

FYI said... 163

Kelly said... 157
Wasn't Kendra the one who had some iffy online begging site for an international adoption? If I remember correctly, she was accused of trying to use her nieces and nephews fame to fund said adoption. I think there was an issue with the amount she said she needed as well.

That was not Kendra. Clairissa was the sister who did the foreign adoption and had that site to raise funds.

chefsummer #Leh said... 164

This may call for a new thread Admi.

Tucker's Mom said... 165

Carole said... 155
I think Kate's feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, and just shut down.

I agree. I think when she reappears she'll be doing what she's done repeatedly - overcompensating
I recently went back and read much of Robert's book again, and it could very well be that Kate is bipolar. Her tweets go from over the top, to nothing, to giddy, to nothing.
Robert's book takes a good look at Kate's Twitter history, and she was just manic in many tweets. Nothing in the middle, just over the top tweets. She used to engage haters a whole lot, also. Merrily blocking them with a passive aggressive crap like "have a good day!".
I mean, real grade school stuff.

PatK said... 166

Wait, didn't Kate stop and visit her sister who lives near Toledo that time she took the twins to visit Jamie? Can't remember how long ago that was, but that was when she tweeted the pic with Jamie's dog, and didn't someone tweet they saw her shopping at a Toledo mall during that time? My point is...IF she saw that sister (don't remember her name), then she hasn't completely shut out the whole family.

Berks Neighbor said... 167

Did anyone catch this little tidbit/sidebar on the Daily Mail Article: (under a picture of the Konpound)

Home: Kate's $1.2 sprawling farm house was bought in 2008. Documents show she took out a $750,000 loan which is due to be repaid by 2018

Is anyone able to debunk or clarify this? Could this be why she is in a panic, or would this have been the reason she had to refinance a while back?

Tucker's Mom said... 168

One thing is for sure, Kate's latest antics to get her back on tv have failed in a major way.
If those interviews using the twins got her sister to come out of the woodwork, that's bad.
I can imagine anyone coming out to say Kate's using her kids to continue money and fame would have trepidation because Kate files lawsuits like people change unawears.

PA Dutch Mom said... 169

Yes, child court documents are sealed. The article was pretty accurate however some of the info in the DailyMail article was taken from previous articles on the internet like from RadarOnline and some of the info was old and outdated like the house mortgage.


Yes, and the school "fees" are not accurate. Wouldn't you think that before you wrote an article such as this that they would at least get their facts straight before throwing this out there?

Still, how are the sheeple going to spin this? Kendra was lying? The article was all which case Kate would sue for libel, knowing her penchant for filing complaints?

Formerly Duped said... 170

Good article, thanks for the link. I too believe the 'friend' must be Beth. It's all very sad and so unnecessary to isolate the kids like that and to have hurt so many people, all for fame and money. Didn't Jon once have Kevin and Jodi & kids to the McMansion once, iirc? How does Kate explain htis to the kids- the twins must remember many of the shunned people.

PA Dutch Mom said... 171

‘Kate managed the situation and made everyone feel like they were needed so they kept coming back. Yet in the end when she wants to flip the switch when you have no more use in her life, she flips the switch and she’s off onto the next thing.


We've always said here that this is exactly what she will do to her adoring fans, including Milo, and we wonder if those most devout sheeple will turn on her. Hide the bunny.

Unknown said... 172 (Administrator) said... 116
''.....This idea that the only moral way is to live like a pilgrim is antiquated, a leftover relic of religion, and for many people just not natural. In 2014 it's rather surprising to see such old fashioned morality clung to so fiercely.''
I don't know Admin, it is old fashioned morality or a convenient hook to criticize Jon?

chefsummer #Leh said... 173

PatK said... 166
Wait, didn't Kate stop and visit her sister who lives near Toledo that time she took the twins to visit Jamie? Can't remember how long ago that was, but that was when she tweeted the pic with Jamie's dog, and didn't someone tweet they saw her shopping at a Toledo mall during that time? My point is...IF she saw that sister (don't remember her name), then she hasn't completely shut out the whole family.

You're correct however we know that Kate is a liar soo..IDK

angie not in blue said... 174

Carole said... 140

Kids aren't stupid...they have to have a wft moment when one week there is girlfriend #1, then the next week it's gf #2, then the next week one moves in, then they visit the next week and gf#2 moves in, then the next week Gf#2 is gone but gf# is back...

Angie, you're assuming the kids met #2 and that didn't necessarily happen so why judge him based on something that isn't known?
WOS's assertion of "Jon's flavor of the week', certainly rings true with the women he's trotted in and out of the kids' lives...and since Jon and WOS don't speak to one another, the only one that can tell WOS Jon has a 'flavor of the week' are the kids.

I find it sad that not sleeping around is 'antiquated'. How sad. Not only that, it's dangerous to your health.
I hope my kids aren't sleeping with someone on the 'third' date.


PA Dutch Mom said... 175

When the child labor law hearings were going down, I talked with someone who was involved in the legislative process. I remember the person saying that when Hollywood, the networks and the media spit her out and want nothing to do with her because she burned so many bridges, she's going to need family and friends to be there for her. If she isolates them and cuts them off from any contact with her, who will she have left.

That person's insight was right on target. It's happened just as predicted. ~ Administrator said... 176

Angie you're missing the point. Would I want that for myself or those I love? Of course not. The point is though I don't think it's right to impose my sexual morality on others, and that goes for gay marriage, polygamy and sleeping around. I don't believe it is our place to judge consenting adults about matters of the bedroom. Using the logic that it's not moral to sleep around is the same logic Duck Dynasty uses about gay marriage. Exactly the same. I happen to think imposing my sexual values on others is wrong and antiquated.

And if you use protection properly you're not going to come down with a bunch of stds.

Tucker's Mom said... 177

Still, how are the sheeple going to spin this? Kendra was lying? The article was all which case Kate would sue for libel, knowing her penchant for filing complaints?
Poor, poor Kite. Everyone leaves her. ~ Administrator said... 178

I think even the CT people had it right when they said it's not the sex tape that bothers us shocking as it was. It was that she lied about it. I respect that view.

Layla said... 179

I think the friend in the article is Beth. If so, I admire her restraint. I think there's a lot more she could have said, but didn't. Focusing on the hurt TFW caused keeps the story from sounding hateful. If Kendra and the friend had said that TFW is a b@tch or mean-spirited, TFW's sheep would call them haters and just ignore the whole thing. Instead, it focused on TFW's actions and how those actions hurt others. Now the sheeple will just claim Kendra and the friend are jealous.

I have always wondered why Beth didn't blow the whistle on TFW's abuse when she saw the journals. But didn't someone recently post that TFW filed to copyright the journals years ago, and didn't follow through with it until now? Perhaps Beth thought the journals were protected by copyright and she couldn't use them to back up an abuse claim. And there was probably a CA in effect before TFW let her see anything. ~ Administrator said... 180

Angie do you just not believe Jon when he said he's only ever brought two women around the kids? Just two.

PA Dutch Mom said... 181

Good article, thanks for the link. I too believe the 'friend' must be Beth.


I don't think it's Beth for the simple reason that Beth hasn't said beans about Kate since the two parted. Why would she do it now? What would she have to gain? I believe that part of Beth's life is past and there is no need to resurrect it, and especially not involving herself in media fodder.

Anonymous said... 182

Carole said... 183

Did anyone catch this little tidbit/sidebar on the Daily Mail Article: (under a picture of the Konpound)

Home: Kate's $1.2 sprawling farm house was bought in 2008. Documents show she took out a $750,000 loan which is due to be repaid by 2018

Is anyone able to debunk or clarify this? Could this be why she is in a panic, or would this have been the reason she had to refinance a while back?

The info about the mortgage being due in 2018 is OLD. That's the original figure from when the house was purchased in '08 and had a 10 yr balloon mortgage due in 2018. She paid off the original mortgage in '11 and has a new one for $662,000 due in 2042 - a 30 year mortgage with an adjustable rate rider for the interest rate.

IMO she refinanced when she did because it made good financial sense because the interest rates were so much lower than her original plus she had to do it by '18 anyway.

Amy2 said... 184

Kate's former finance, Adam Miller, spoke to Star Magazine.

here's the link:

Tucker's Mom said... 185

Maybe Beth saw the light, finally. In Robert's book, he really takes her to task. Yes, on the one hand, Beht has shown restraint and thinks she's helping the kids by not piling on. On the other hand, Beth has a moral obligation to protect innocent children.
Robert's book contains many passages about Kate's corporal punishment, and she doled it out daily, it seems. She routinely lost her temper on those little kids, and Robert asserts that her journal are FULL of spankings, so the horrible stuff we've read just scratches the surface.

Jumping In said... 186

I also wonder why Jon hasn't reached out to Kate's family members to ensure they know their aunts, uncles and cousins. Until this Daily Mail article, I think I just assumed he did.

My sister left her marriage and 3 young children. Had is not been for her husband, we would never had known our niece and nephews. It was tough for us to accept that my sister had little interest in them, and would certainly have never gone out of her way to bring them to visit with us, she just didn't think it was important.

We taught them how to ski, to swim, they stayed with us during the summer, over the Christmas holidays, and all because my sister's ex-husband felt it was important they know us, plus it gave him some support.

Often, my sister has insinuated that keeping a relationship with her ex-husband bothered her, but we did so for her kids, period. He was/is a great father and did the best he could after being left to care for the children. She left the marriage out of boredom, had an affair with a younger guy, and chose to go for "the brass ring" as she told her family.

We still have a great relationship our now adult niece and nephews and share great memories with them of their time with us. I am grateful our ex-brother-in-law recognized the value of having us in his kids lives. I hope Jon reaches out to Kendra after reading this article and offers them an opportunity to see the kids.

Carole said... 187

Berks Neighbor,
I just looked at the mortgage info again and the amount that was originally financed was $720,000, not $750k per the article.

Math Girl said... 188

I don't hink Beth is the "friend" in the Daily Mail article. Isn't Beth older than Kate / more established in life? If anything, I think Beth may be one of the "older women" the "friend" was referring to. Also, I thought Beth bailed on WOS in the middle of a trip, which would mean she dumped WOS instead of the other way around. Of course, the "older women" could be Nanas Janet et al.

I think the article was just plain wrong about the school tuition, and I also think WOS doesn't pay full price. She was heavily subsidized by the school when her fame and fortune were pretty substantial, and she probably still is. Also, did anyone else notice the article referred to the school as a private Catholic school. Catholic? Can anyone comment?

Formerly Duped said... 189

two things;

One, what about the babysitter the kids called Kate about that Jon had spent the night with in the garage apt? Seemed to upset the twins a lot.I think it's more than two women they witnessed.

Two; I wonder of TFW just allows certain episodes of 'their show' to be viewed daily by the kids. Surely they would ask why they don't see Aunt Jodi, or Jeff who helped paint the twins' pink bedroom, Beth, Carla, or some of the helpers?

Amanda, Iowa said... 190

No, no, nooooh ...the whole world seems to get Khate wrong, the world, the neighbours, friends, ex husband and even family and now even more family speaks against her. And they all met Khate and doesn't meeting with Khate = loving Khate?

How do we explain this away Khate?....... Milo?................crickets!

Lalalalala said... 191

Jon, lived in a sexless marriage for ten years. Kate used him as a sperm doner. He said there was no affection in his marriage. He stayed and tried to work it out. You can't have a relationship with a freezer. He's still a young man. Young men want to have sex. Young men want to have A LOT of sex. I don't understand the judgement about Jon wanting to have sex. It's normal whether he has kids or not.

Winsomeone said... 192

"Angie do you just not believe Jon when he said he's only ever brought two women around the kids? Just two." I don't know about Angie, but I believed him. I also believed him when he said he didn't date Kate Major too though. I have no interest in Jon's sex life, but tell me, how is it that we know anything at all about it?

PA Dutch Mom said... 193

and since Jon and WOS don't speak to one another, the only one that can tell WOS Jon has a 'flavor of the week' are the kids.


Not necessarily. Kate reads tabloids; Kate's sheeple have been talking about the flavor of the month for some time; Kate no doubt watches entertainment shows on television. This "flavor" thing could have come from anywhere...gossip thrown out for sensationalism.

Carole said... 194

didn't someone recently post that TFW filed to copyright the journals years ago, and didn't follow through with it until now?

There is only 1 record for TFW applying to copyright the journal which she did in 2013. The record in '10 was in reference to IJWYTK.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 195

angie said..."I hope my kids aren't sleeping with someone on the 'third' date.



I hope parents these days aren't naive enough to think that kids AREN'T doing this.

lukebandit said... 196

I can't understand why TFW didn't put all the money she made on DWTS toward the principal on her mortgage to get it down to a very doable monthly payment. Also, not buying the Audi 4 either.

This is the her downfall year. 2014. It is not even the end of Jan. 2014 and the fiascos that have already happened and now this article. And having to probably show up for court next month for custody filings.

Yes, I would like to know if Steve went with her and the twins, or maybe TFW skipped him altogether because she couldn't afford his fee? I just don't see her going to do the Today Show and the View without Steve. That was tooooooo important.

Also, what about SK8 Productions. Growing Up Gosselin is that produced by SK8 Productions? It has to be!

I first thought the former friend was Deanna, but IDK about it being Beth. Possible.

Oh, Barbara Walters has her last wish interview (going out in a blaze of glory last interview) SQUASHED and a big Heck to the No by the Royal Palace! She wants to interview Queen Elizabeth. Guess she is reaping what she sowed with TFW, Cory Feldman asking Fantasia, right off the bat: blah, blah, blah, So Are You SUICIDAL??? And SO DO YOU SEE YOUR FATHER? I GOT HALF MY ANSWER, I GOT HALF MY ANSWER!

What a nut!

AuntieAnn said... 197

The former friend said Kate is "unbelievably resourceful and determined."

That's gotta be Beth talking. She saw firsthand how resourceful Kate can be especially when it comes suing and screwing people out of their money and grifting for freebies.

I think it's over now for her. Karma is coming back big time and I don't feel sorry for her. She once said she gives to receive. Guess what, Katie Irene, you're receiving.

Tucker's Mom said... 198

Also, I thought Beth bailed on WOS in the middle of a trip, which would mean she dumped WOS instead of the other way around
Beth went home from Utah for her daughter's birthday.

Greedy Gosselins said... 199

Jon has 5 girls, and what does this tell them?
Will the boys view women as easy and not to be honored?

Tucker's mom, it's crazy isn't it?

Disgusting behaviour on Jon's part.

Kate's Family Speaks said... 200

It must have taken a great deal of courage for Kate's sister Kendra to stand up and tell the truth about what really goes on in the lives of Kate and those children. I didn't realize Kate came from such a large family which makes me think there must be other siblings, relatives, former friends, former employees, crew, and others who should take this as their cue to support Kendra and tell their stories also. Regardless of how trigger happy Kate is with respect to lawsuits, she clearly doesn't have the money to pursue every single family or community member who simply want to tell the truth. I don't think she can sue you for speaking the truth - no libel in that.

Jodi and Kevin - where are you? Jon, if you're reading here, get on the blower and get some support from those who seemingly want to express the same concerns you have. TLC crew members who witnessed it all? Man up and get brave. These little kids can't protect themselves without you.

Kate and Milo? Keep hiding. You've done more than enough damage already.

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