Thursday, February 6, 2014

Discussion Thread: Couples Therapy episode 6, "Get Real"

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307 sediments (sic) from readers:

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TLC stinks said... 1

This blog is where I read about Kate locking the kids in their rooms, so may or may not be true, back in Oct. 2012.

This is True said... 46
I know that Kate was reported for locking her children into their bedrooms at night. The school reported it after two of the kids told a teacher. Kate not only locked them in their rooms at night, but she also instructed babysitters to do the same thing.

CPS was involved, it ended with Kate being told to stop locking them in their rooms.

I also know that the court had to order Kate to give the kids a fresh lunch each day. She was sending spoiled/stale food if they didn't eat it the day before.

Meagler said... 2

Ahhh, I see the sheeple are using smoke and mirrors to deflect from their queen.

They cant stand to look at what their queen might have done wrong, instead lets point fingers at people who continue to make their queen look baaaddd ( said to the sound of a sheep baaaaaaing) ..

Sister speaks out..lets dig up dirt on the hubby...

This blog talks about TFW's contest contraversy ( however you spell that word) and along comes a sheep asking questions about Admins admin... I dont think their is much to hide here... ~ Administrator said... 3

The panel on The View are employees (except for BW and IDK what power she still has), they're not producers who make the decisions @ who to invite and what the line of questioning should be.


I think this is accurate. I don't know if any of them have producer credits but even if they did they certainly aren't the only producers calling the shots about who is going on the show. Rosie ODonnell used to take a more activist stand about who would be on her show and it was often quite problematic for her and gave the network problems.

And they also understand what this show is. IT's basically promotion. You go on to promote something and if you are going to be a host, there's going to be lots of celebs on your show you may not like but this is not politics, it's daytime T.V.

I've always got the feeling Whoopi really isn't enjoying herself on there. Probably for those very reasons. But I bet she wants a steady job at her age and not be jetting off to all corners of the earth making movies. So she just sort of sucks it up and makes the best of it. But that doesn't mean they can't say what they think about celebs even if they invite them on their show.

Rhymes with Witch said... 4

From the previous post:

I finally saw that Cheerio ad. I cannot fathom what Mady would have seen that she would have related to enough to think that anything was her.

I don't believe ANY of the quotes that she attributes to the kids. She PROVED that she puts words in theirs mouths when she put the twins on tv.

gotyournumberKate said... 5

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Dec 22
BE KIND, GET SIGNED...copy of #LoveIsInTheMix!
Details in RED.Email:
#Ends12/25 #Top12win

Maybe she didn't get 12 entries. :)

AuntieAnn said... 6

Rhymes with Witch said... 4

I don't believe ANY of the quotes that she attributes to the kids. She PROVED that she puts words in theirs mouths when she put the twins on tv.


I don't either. When she said "Mady! Your words!", she may as well have said "Mady! Your lines!". No difference.

Gabby2 said... 7

re: the stale lunches, what? does she hate her children? How about food poisoning?

And the lock rooms? ...a child could bleed to death, or get severely beat up, and she does not care?

THIS is what milo and goody think is a great mother? Wow, they must have had a shitty childhood.

Every time we hear about some horrible thing Kate has gone to her poor kids, some thing new is revealed.

Someday the 8 will talk.

Over And Out said... 8

I'm at the point where I don't believe anything anymore, even that story that CPS and the court was involved in the room-locking, stale food thing. It could have been anyone who came out with that, a hater, anyone. It was never confirmed.

Macey♥ ‏@maceywanty328 3m
@Kateplusmy8 i am texting you now really there's someone is saying its you is it ?

Would someone on Twitter PLEASE tell this fan that Kate does not have her cell phone number publicized, and this is exactly why -- she'd get tweets and calls from weirdos like the foot fetish guys? Sheesh!

Debbie Thornberry ‏@edge_fest 7m
Kate Gosselin is the funniest woman alive omg I love her so much

Funny? Hey, that's a new one!

Over And Out said... 9

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 11h
@maceywanty328 Even if Kate doesn't tweet back...she SEES all the good things U say and I know she appreciates it! :)


Milo KNOWS everything (with the exception of Italian Wedding Soup). I don't understand why, if Kate knows that Milo is acting as her mouthpiece, and butts into her conversations, why in the world she doesn't communicate to her in one of the many ways they talk, and tell her to KNOCK IT OFF!

Over And Out said... 10

The lock story was much much later, in the new house and after Jon moved out.
I'd really like to see some concrete evidence of this, because those kids were way beyond babies and toddlers for there to be ANY reason for them to be locked in their rooms at night.
Unless, unless- Kate did not want any of the kids wandering into her bedroom at night and discovering that Jon was not residing there.
Heavens knows Kate made a big enough stink about the kids never entering that room...


But if it was, as someone stated in another post, it was after Jon moved out, then they wouldn't have expected him to be in her bedroom. They would have known he was gone. Something about that story makes no sense.

Someone here (was it Lukebandit?) posted that she knew that Kate locked the kids in the room and the court told her to stop doing it. Is there a source that this poster can provide?

Ingrid said... 11

Some one did tell that @maceywanty328 the other day that the number she had was an area code in Canada. She is sort of like Daisy girl so I doubt she believes it. Kate has no time for her so doesn't even bother correcting her.

Over And Out said... 12

re: the stale lunches, what? does she hate her children? How about food poisoning?


If I recall, it was peanut butter sandwiches, and when the kids got home, the sandwiches went into the refrigerator. It's kind of hard to get food poisoning from peanut butter. I still don't believe it, though, without a valid confirmation. I'm just too suspicious about "haters" putting this stuff out there.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 13

Meagler said... 2
Ahhh, I see the sheeple are using smoke and mirrors to deflect from their queen.

They cant stand to look at what their queen might have done wrong, instead lets point fingers at people who continue to make their queen look baaaddd ( said to the sound of a sheep baaaaaaing) ..


Deflection is their modus operandi. It's all they have at this point. They're grasping at straws, and I think a few of them just might be smart enough to know it.

Rhymes with Witch said... 14

Milo KNOWS everything (with the exception of Italian Wedding Soup). I don't understand why, if Kate knows that Milo is acting as her mouthpiece, and butts into her conversations, why in the world she doesn't communicate to her in one of the many ways they talk, and tell her to KNOCK IT OFF!

I have decided that the "public" face of Kate is unfathomable, partly because the media bought her b.s. for so long and she's trying anything and everything to make that happen again
Lotsa luck with that Katie.

KitK said... 15

Over said "Milo KNOWS everything (with the exception of Italian Wedding Soup). I don't understand why, if Kate knows that Milo is acting as her mouthpiece, and butts into her conversations, why in the world she doesn't communicate to her in one of the many ways they talk, and tell her to KNOCK IT OFF!"

But, don't you see .... K8 will *never* tell Milo to knock it off because Milo is her (probably unpaid) Twiiter Lackey. K8 is "waaaaaay too busy" to tweet all the time {snark} and a celeb must maintain visibility at all times!!! Enter Milo - if she weren't around, always interjectin', K8 would have to do it alllllllllll of the time herself. Really, isn't K8's twitter at about the same state as her website - moribund?? Without Milo no one would have any idea that K8 even existed online anymore.

I believe Milo is doing *exactly* what K8 wants.

Anonymous said... 16

On the last thread Jeremy wrote: I don't how to link, but I invite you to search "Kate plus 8 laundry" or " tensions run high" it was an extra from the RV trip.

What is this about? And also Amy2 said that Jon was on ET. Is that correct?

Michelle said... 17

Re: tonight's CT episode. Farrah - ARGH! I can't stand that girl and just don't believe a word she says. Whitney nailed it perfectly when she said "you're here for couples therapy, but you're not part of a couple, now you have some big, secret issue that no one can know about and can't be discussed - you're just a chick in a room". She is absolutely pointless to the whole show.

I always said the only way I'd watch another Kate show is to see her undergoing intense therapy to figure out her issues, but after watching Farrah, I imagine Kate's therapy would be nothing but lie after lie that paints her as a victim. Again, Farrah - ARGH!

No Jon & Liz drama this week, but it looks like next week could be interesting with Jon's fellow cast members pointing out how badly Liz treats him and why does he take it.

njay said... 18

I haven't read all of the posts on all of the CT threads but what I have read, I don't recall reading about this. It is 'what you didn't see" on CT Jon and Liz. It's about the kids and their roles.

Anonymous said... 19

I really think the story about the stale sandwiches and being locked in their bedrooms were gossip. And Lukebandit also wrote that Mady was bitten by the bird. Is this truth because I don't remember her tweeting that?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 20

I believe Milo is doing *exactly* what K8 wants.


Until she screws up big time and really puts her foot in her mouth. Didn't she get into some kind of trouble awhile back for saying something that she never should have said...something that wasn't Kate sanctioned? I can't remember what it was, just that she did something that really was questionable, and she went into self-imposed exile for a few days..

njay said... 21

Rhymes with Witch said... 14
Milo KNOWS everything (with the exception of Italian Wedding Soup). I don't understand why, if Kate knows that Milo is acting as her mouthpiece, and butts into her conversations, why in the world she doesn't communicate to her in one of the many ways they talk, and tell her to KNOCK IT OFF!
Because she needs Milo. Milo keeps her relevant. As long as Milo is talking she doesn't need to show up. ~ Administrator said... 22

Deflection is their modus operandi. It's all they have at this point. They're grasping at straws, and I think a few of them just might be smart enough to know it.


Yes really. What they don't understand is that the reason no one cares about other blogs and web sites running contests is because other blogs and web sites don't give them REASON to question it. Kate, in contrast, gave us reason from the very start, given the shady rules of the contest (a photo, your address?) and her history of toying with her fans. And things played out exactly as we predicted, here we are almost the middle of February and she's still screwing around. If someone generally is good to their readers and tweeties, keeps their promises, doesn't play games or give them any reason to question them, then people are more willing to not worry so much about things like that. But if they're going to play games, then people are going to question them.

When I run a contest, you all know that the rules will be clear and fair, and when the contests finished the winners would be contacted in short order and receive their prizes within the week. Same with anything on this blog, if I say I'm going to do something, from a new blog post to a recap, I follow through with it or if for some reason I can't, I let you know as soon as possible what's going on and I don't lie to you. Running a good blog means earning readers' trust. I don't toy with people or play games, I owe people at least that much for being so kind to drop by, so why would people be all over me or anyone else in a similar position who behaves with the same integrity?

Kate made a huge mistake in that she did not respect her readers. Any time you're doing something on the internet that involves a lot of reader involvement, you have to make that a priority.

Oh and btw the reason I stopped doing contests is because no one would accept the prizes. They either said that's okay it was the fun of it, or they would donate them. I think one of them both Target gift cards were donated to our troops. I figured it would make more sense for folks to donate directly and save the postage.

Jamie Anderson is on the snowboard team. There were eight kids in her family.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 23

What is this about? And also Amy2 said that Jon was on ET. Is that correct?


When was he on ET? He just did a two-part interview on E! News.

Amy2 said... 24


What is this about? And also Amy2 said that Jon was on ET. Is that correct?
I meant E! entertainment, not ET. Sorry.

njay said... 25

Over And Out said... 8
I'm at the point where I don't believe anything anymore, even that story that CPS and the court was involved in the room-locking, stale food thing. It could have been anyone who came out with that, a hater, anyone. It was never confirmed.
What I remember is that Kate had mentioned that if the kids didn't eat their sandwich's for lunch, she would re-pack it until they did. The hater's repeated the story with their own words saying she fed them stale/spoiled/moldy sandwich's. I remember this because it made and still makes me angry that, IMO, so many of the haters reach and twist comments to make her look bad. All they do is make themselves look bad and it deflects from the real things she is doing wrong. She doesn't need any help at that, I don't know why they have to do it.Sometimes there just isn't a story. I think they are just as bad as her if not worse. At least, for the most part anyway. They disgust me as much as she does.

I read from the bottom up and I can tell by the way they word their comments here before I even see their name. Not all are that bad, but IMO, most.

Over And Out said... 26

I really think the story about the stale sandwiches and being locked in their bedrooms were gossip. And Lukebandit also wrote that Mady was bitten by the bird. Is this truth because I don't remember her tweeting that?

Yes, Kate did tweet that. I'm surprised she did, because all we heard was how much this bird loved everyone.

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Somehow,having Zorro is like having another child. Found myself saying2him: Why did u 'bite' Mady? U made her very sad!' #henibblessomeXs

Anonymous said... 27

This is the link where Jon talks specifics about his kids. It is extra footage and is not shown on tv. Now we know why he said in OWN interview (I think) that his kids have trouble getting along with their peers. They are way too old to be fighting like this. And their fights seem major not just squabbling. Why do his kids ALWAYS have to have their way. It is very sad. And I don't think Jon should have talked about his kids on TV. This is where he sounds like a hypocrite. Don't complain about Kate tweeting about the kids and then talk like this on TV.

Over And Out said... 28

She is sort of like Daisy girl so I doubt she believes it. Kate has no time for her so doesn't even bother correcting her.


The Daisy girl, though, seems to be just an innocent, die-hard fan who has always been respectful and tweets only to Kate. Yes, she wants to meet Kate, but for the most part, she seems very laid back and the non-fans don't bother with her too much.

The Macey person tweets not only to Kate, but tells others that they are her role model. She also seems to be a pest at times, and if I were Kate, I wouldn't respond either. This is the type of fan who, if you give them an inch, they'll take a yard. She'd never stop pestering Kate for something. That one kind of bothers me for some reason.

Maybe I need a Rumspringa refill.

ncgirl said... 29

"And Lukebandit also wrote that Mady was bitten by the bird. Is this truth because I don't remember her tweeting that?:"

Kate's tweet:
Somehow,having Zorro is like having another child. Found myself saying2him: Why did u 'bite' Mady? U made her very sad!' #henibblessomeXs

Ex Nurse said... 30

Here is an Us Weekly story about the kids bringing their half-eaten sandwiches to school:

Anonymous said... 31

Article written on Feb. 5 about Farrah's deep secrets. Look at the comment below the article too. I never watched her on her teen mom show and knew nothing about her before CT. But after seeing her on this show, I have trouble believing anything she says too.

Ex nurse said... 32

Marie said... 123
Just watched a short clip of the Jon interview. I think I'm getting the picture now. There seems to be a whole lot of behind the scenes fighting about the kids being allowed on TV. Jon is dead against it and has taken her to court for it and won. Kate IMO is now trying to get back on television with Mady and Cara by alienating them from Jon and probably having them choose to live with only her (and by choosing, I mean by Kate convincing them that they have a terrible father). Is this a possibility? If the girlsl chose to only live with Kate, would Jon have any more control over their being on TV?
Since Jon said he wasn't aware that kids were filming CWS, maybe the agreement is that she can film on her custody days. If so, that might explain why she is so hellbent on alienating the kids from Jon. Aside from just being evil, that is.

Lost In The Fog said... 33

Farrah has a second porn tape coming out next week.....

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 34

But, don't you see .... K8 will *never* tell Milo to knock it off because Milo is her (probably unpaid) Twiiter Lackey. K8 is "waaaaaay too busy" to tweet all the time {snark} and a celeb must maintain visibility at all times!!! Enter Milo - if she weren't around, always interjectin', K8 would have to do it alllllllllll of the time herself. Really, isn't K8's twitter at about the same state as her website - moribund?? Without Milo no one would have any idea that K8 even existed online anymore.

Even when Milo is absent, the haters are always there. Without the "haters" no one would know Kate existed on line anymore. IMO

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 35

What I remember is that Kate had mentioned that if the kids didn't eat their sandwich's for lunch, she would re-pack it until they did. The hater's repeated the story with their own words saying she fed them stale/spoiled/moldy sandwich's. I remember this because it made and still makes me angry that, IMO, so many of the haters reach and twist comments to make her look bad. All they do is make themselves look bad and it deflects from the real things she is doing wrong. She doesn't need any help at that, I don't know why they have to do it.Sometimes there just isn't a story. I think they are just as bad as her if not worse. At least, for the most part anyway. They disgust me as much as she does.

I agree with a lot of what you've said. Between the wild exaggerations and resorting to calling people fing aholes and b*tches they've lost their credibility.

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 36

Even when Milo is absent, the haters are always there. Without the "haters" no one would know Kate existed on line anymore. IMO


She's got a squadron of Twitterbots, paid to tweet her praises. I don't know how effective they are in getting her message out there, but whenever she's promoting something (cookbook, cruise,a positive interview or article), out they come from their hidey-holes, singing her praises.

Tucker's Mom said... 37

njay said... 18
I haven't read all of the posts on all of the CT threads but what I have read, I don't recall reading about this. It is 'what you didn't see" on CT Jon and Liz. It's about the kids and their roles.
I'm just reading down from the top, so sorry if this has been commented on before.
Holy wowsers about the boy tup who got his finger tip cut off story!
This was in Robert's book, and when I read about it, it was bad enough, but now I just can not FATHOM how Kate just sent Jon along to take care of this, while Kate stayed at the restaurant, enjoying dinner.
The kid had his finger tip cut off! Like, put it in a bag, get a surgeon to reattach it!
How could any mother hear about this horrendously horrendous injury and not run to her child?????

I like how Jon describes the "boy and girl" rules, vs. how Kate views them.
Jon= boys respect girls, girls go first, eat first etc.
Kate= boys are dirty and do dirty jobs.

TLC stinks said... 38

Yeah, the locking the kids in was from a poster here so it is gossip unless they were to email Admin with proof or Jon were to confirm. I can definitely say that Jon said Kate had a keyed lock on her door at the new house so he could not get in. I'm not going to go back and find that but I know he said it. Don 't have the time. And I recall there being a picture of her bedroom with a deadbolt on the door. She did not want him on her bed nor snooping around. I totally believe this.

jbranck1980 said... 39

I just saw the show and totally empathize with Kelsey. That being said, anyone else find all the clapping while yelling amusing? Both Kelsey and Ghostface were clapping to each word they were screaming at each other.

Tucker's Mom said... 40

Unless substantiated, the rumors about spoiled lunches and locks on bedroom doors are BS.
I believe Kate has a lock/locks on her bedroom door and I don't blame her!
I have the ability to lock closets and other rooms so that the contents are off limits. You can't be too careful if you have workers in your home.

TLC stinks said... 41

I have a friend with five kids. The boy, around four, had that happen to him when a sibling slammed a screen door on his finger. His mother freaked with all the blood and immediately got the tip in ice and rushed him to the ER. His finger tip was sewn back on and is fine. Kate is one, cold witch when it comes to her children. And the boy tup... it was Collin. As Jon explained it, the poor kid had to use the bathroom (probably they have designated bathrooms and God forbid you use the wrong one) and one of the tup girls slammed the door on his finger. The thought of a mother not the least concerned is just baffling to me.

Carole said... 42

TLC stinks said...

This blog is where I read about Kate locking the kids in their rooms, so may or may not be true, back in Oct. 2012.

This is True said... 46
I know that Kate was reported for locking her children into their bedrooms at night. The school reported it after two of the kids told a teacher. Kate not only locked them in their rooms at night, but she also instructed babysitters to do the same thing

I'm trying to backtrack and find which #46 comment you're referring to to understand the context of the original conversation. Was this comment made in 2012 or recently?

TLC stinks said... 43

I remember the whole stale sandwich discussion. Frankly, I kind of believe she would do such a thing because it's a lesson to make them eat what she puts in front of them. I can remember being forced to sit at the dinner table until I ate something I did not want to try. So, it could just have been a rumor or gossip, but she is so controlling at home that who's to say she does not control what they eat in school? I've to say I thought a comment from a local that the kids are not allowed to throw away their lunch at school was a ridiculous rule if that was true. The only thing I can speak to is that Kate has made it clear that the kids pack lunches and, IMO, this is strictly for her control on portions and calories. Part of me gets that with all the overweight kids but she has an eating disorder, IMO, and those poor kids have a lousy role model.


I actually can't believe that anyone here would find it hard to believe the stories that Kate would lock the kids in their bedrooms or that she would give them the same lunch if they didn't finish it. Okay, maybe they weren't "moldy" but some lunch meat, like ham or turkey, does get slimy after a few days.

Remember, this is the same woman that beat her toddler for a potty accident not even a week into potty training. The same woman that kept her babies in cribs for longer periods of time than just their naps. The same woman that has so many rules when it comes to the kids eating, including what order they must eat their lunch and must even recite it in unison.

The story wasn't just told on this blog.

And just so you know there were quite a few people that were posting on this blog that had inside information but couldn't reveal how they know what they know. People who just WISH they could scream it to the world but can't because they can't reveal how they know.

The repacked lunches and locked bedroom happened. The only thing that sounds unbelievable to me is that any of you doubt it happened.

Carole said... 45

Question -- does anyone know who entered this not-a-contest? Have the minors spoken out that they entered and are indeed minors?

If not, how does anyone know that kids under 18 submitted this information?

When the not-a-contest was running a lot of fans were tweeting they had submitted entries. I can't prove how many were minors but I remember checking a few of their twitter TLs and some were most definitely underage teens. Some even seemed to still be in jr. high from the content of their tweets to peers. Unless adults who entered the contest are pretending to be minors on twitter, she was sent names, e-mail addys, and mailing addresses of minors with their contest entries.

I think TFW has put herself smack dab in the middle of a very delicate situation and IF she has any sense at all she'd avail herself of some legal advice before she makes this mess any worse than it already is.

Formerly Duped said... 46

Why would Kate even want to lock the kids in their bedrooms- so they wouldn't bother her and the twin BFFs/ the lunch thing I believe- she would think, great, no lunch-making tonight. On one show she took a hissy fit when the kids stated their preference re: condiments even when she had asked them. Did she forget she takes pride in being the envy of the school for fabulous lunches?. But I don't think it was more than pure laziness. But she would have to unlock all doors at 6:03 ! JMO

Carole said... 47

How did Jon get a interview (not a sound bit type) on ET? Did he call them up and said I want you to interview? Or does Jon have a PR firm repping him?

Jon is repped by MKS and Associates Inc
Their twitter is @MKSandAssocInc
I don't know if they were the ones to help him get the Enews interview though. Their twitter TL is an interesting read since @ October '13 with regards to Jon, etc. They started promoting him around the time of the Oprah "Where are they Now" story.

@MKSandAssocInc Sep 26
@Berksgrl Jon Gosselin a new client? No, actually about 8 years. :)

Sad but true said... 48

Formerly Duped said... 46
Why would Kate even want to lock the kids in their bedrooms- so they wouldn't bother her and the twin BFFs. . . .

Didn't she say at one point that Hannah was a sleepwalker? That might well have been her excuse for locking bedroom doors. I do think it happened, but probably more so that no one could get up and bother her for a drink of water or whatever. You know how she is about kids getting up when she's put them to bed and is done with them.

Carole said... 49

Is this Alicia one who's done interviews on there before, or is she new?

She's been at E since April 2012.

TLC stinks said... 50

Carole, it was in Oct. 2012.

TLC stinks said... 51

Gotta wonder if that Nov. 2010 source to the Hollybaby story was a nanny. Anyone know if a nanny was fired around that time? So I guess the poster on this site was repeating this tabloid story but there was no mention of CPS being called about it. How did the poster know that? ~ Administrator said... 52

A regular local here you know emailed me back at the time and again this week to say that the lunch and locking doors rumor was 100% true. Kate sent moldy fruit with their lunches and CPS was called. CPS told her to stop doing it, and she did.

As for locking the doors, it was a nanny who did that, but I don't doubt they were instructed to do that by Kate. Alexis hurt herself when she was locked in which is probably why somebody had had enough and went to the press.

It's not like this person always emails me to say this or that rumor is true. It was just this particular rumor that they went out of their way to say yes, this is, sadly, true. ~ Administrator said... 53

Farrah has a second porn tape coming out next week.....


Oh really? Can't wait. Is it "backdoor" too?

chefsummer #Leh said... 54

I remember hearing Kate say-on K+8) school epi- that if the kids didn't eat their school lunch that they have to eat when they got home.

I wouldn't put anything pass WOS even making the kids eat spoiled sandwiches. I don't think the kids school would let her get away with it. ~ Administrator said... 55

I remember the whole stale sandwich discussion. Frankly, I kind of believe she would do such a thing because it's a lesson to make them eat what she puts in front of them


Yes, I actually kind of believe she thought this was good parenting. Almost like she did this innocently, not vindictively. Maybe this is how she was parented. When called out I can see her sort of flabbergasted thinking I was just trying to teach them not to be wasteful and to eat what I give them, just like I was taught as a kid. In a weird way I almost feel bad for her because I think she really is just clueless about this and many other things.

Formerly Duped said... 56

How did Alexis hurt herself- missed that.

If Hannah sleep walks, she could just put a babygate at her door or a dutch door.I doubt she does sleep walk though.

Bitchy Pants said... 57

I believe that TFMJG sent her kids to school with "repurposed" food. She's admitted that her "method" for dealing with picky eaters is to keep serving the same food until they eat it (Remember Mady complaining about having eggplant parmagiana[SP?} 3 days in a row?), but I don't know about the locking kids in their bedrooms story. Could she? Sure. Would she? Given her level of indifference for their safety and well-being, absolutely. Did she? I don't know. Possibly. Maybe even probably. Definitely? That's the question. I'm glad that Jon is finally speaking out. He's been silent for too long. Whether it was out of fear or out of respect for TFMJG or the kids, or because he was muzzled by the court or TLC, who knows. Ordinarily, I'd say this should remain private and be dealt with only in court, but with TFMJG and her camp pressing the rose-colored glasses, everything is hunky-dory except for the dirtbag ex-husband and not-a-father, the only way to get his side out is to go public. The hard-core sheeple will never change their wool, but people who are on the fence or people who are in a position to help will have their eyes opened.

Gabby2 said... 58

njay said... 25

I remember this because it made and still makes me angry that, IMO, so many of the haters reach and twist comments to make her look bad. All they do is make themselves look bad and it deflects from the real things she is doing wrong. She doesn't need any help at that, I don't know why they have to do it.Sometimes there just isn't a story. I think they are just as bad as her if not worse. At least, for the most part anyway. They disgust me as much as she does.

I read from the bottom up and I can tell by the way they word their comments here before I even see their name. Not all are that bad, but IMO, most.

Are you saying the people you consider "haters" on this blog are worse than Kate?

I don't care if the sandwich was PB&J or turkey, I would consider it bad and throw it out. She controls them with food, remember the cupcake incident? This is cruel.

Also, I seem to remember a photo of her bedroom door with lock.

As long as she continues to project herself on the public stage with her lies and abuses, I think we should be free to call her on it.

And I guess I do hate people that abuse animals or children.

Vanessa said... 59

A regular local here you know emailed me back at the time and again this week to say that the lunch and locking doors rumor was 100% true. Kate sent moldy fruit with their lunches and CPS was called. CPS told her to stop doing it, and she did.

As for locking the doors, it was a nanny who did that, but I don't doubt they were instructed to do that by Kate. Alexis hurt herself when she was locked in which is probably why somebody had had enough and went to the press.

It's not like this person always emails me to say this or that rumor is true. It was just this particular rumor that they went out of their way to say yes, this is, sadly, true.

I never doubted this for a minute. I think "normal" people or those who had a "normal" childhood can't fathom it. And no, I don't feel any sympathy for her because she "thinks" this is good parenting. She HERSELF would never dream of eating moldy fruit or anything rotten.
The best of the best is hers, SHE DESERVES IT. And with her, it's "always" some kind of lesson or punishment or deprivation. She gets her rocks off doing this. It's always about power, allllways.
She took great pleasure in depriving the boys of their cupcakes, PURE UNADULTERATED JOY.

Gabby2 said... 60

One more thing....I remember her kids were not allowed in the bedroom of the second house (when they started walking??), SO if a child has a nightmare in the middle of the night, WHO is there to comfort them??

These poor kids. I really hope they don't become like her in the attempt to survive her cruelty.

chefsummer #Leh said... 61

We here and the twitter haters don't have to make the WOS look bad she does a fine job herself.

I do agree that some of the twitter haters go to far but. Kate sheep do the same with Jon or anyone that sees the real WOS for who she really is.

Winsomeone said... 62

It seems like at the time when everyone was talking about the kids being locked in their rooms at night, it was because one of them was getting up at night and getting into the food? Might not be remembering right though.

TLC stinks said... 63

Wow, thanks Admin. It's so sad what trauma those kids are exposed to behind closed doors. I thought the stale lunches made sense and even the locked doors made sense because, like I said before, she kept those babies in their cribs for many hours with soiled diapers.

I have to wonder if the kids' bedrooms have adjoining bathrooms or were they locked out of that too? There are only two reasons a mother ( and I question calling her this) would lock her children in at night: the mother is leaving the kids alone in the house or she wants no disturbances/interruptions (let's see: drinking, Uncle Steve sex, no children snacking, sleeping long hours). So instead of locking her bedroom door, she employs control by locking the kids in? Either that or she was leaving the kids alone while she was going over to the garage apartment for the nasty with Steve.

Vanessa said... 64

Did she forget she takes pride in being the envy of the school for fabulous lunches?.
Ha! Remember that? There's PROOF she did it because it's her usual ammo. One of her many transparent and constant attempts at damage control.



Thank you for confirming the two "rumors" are true.

I can't tell you how disgusted I was reading that some people couldn't believe it. I understand not quoting something as 100% fact unless you know the source, etc. but to say you didn't believe it or think Kate would do such a thing, or that it was made up by haters to make Kate look worse than she is just really got under my skin. The woman is abusive to her children. We all know that. Someone here questioning whether or not Kate can do anything that seems cruel or unkind makes me wonder what they are doing here.

As for why Kate gave them the same lunches over and over, I don't think it was innocent. It was about control. You eat what Kate gives you or you eat nothing. She provided you with those sandwiches and you better damn well eat them.

Vanessa said... 66

I actually can't believe that anyone here would find it hard to believe the stories that Kate would lock the kids in their bedrooms or that she would give them the same lunch if they didn't finish it. Okay, maybe they weren't "moldy" but some lunch meat, like ham or turkey, does get slimy after a few days.

Yup, I'm with you! Believed it the minute I heard it. And please! That incident is pale in comparison to what kinds of stories one or more of those kids will eventually tell. What about those twins Georgia and Patterson Inman? Crazy $^%# happens in every nook and cranny of this world.

Vanessa said... 67

TLC stinks said... 68

Geez, what kind of people does Kate hire that would follow an order to lock the kids in at night? That's not a nanny, that's a prison guard. No job could be worth being a part of mistreating children unless that person gets off on that or is fearful of their boss. ~ Administrator said... 69

Ha! Remember that? There's PROOF she did it because it's her usual ammo


Exactly. When she went out of her way to remark that she was the toast of the town for her great school lunches, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that something went down with her lunches. CPS had to come out over your disgusting and DANGEROUS lunches for your children, Kate. Are you embarrassed yet?

Paula said... 70

As much as the schools are responsible for reporting any type of abuse these days, it would not surprise me to find out the kids' school has reported Kate to CPS on more than one occasion.

NJGal51 said... 71


...And just so you know there were quite a few people that were posting on this blog that had inside information but couldn't reveal how they know what they know.

...The only thing that sounds unbelievable to me is that any of you doubt it happened.
Oh yes there were a lot of people posting with inside information...

If you're going to take us to task over something and are a regular poster, use the name we know you by and you'll have a bit more credibility. Own what you say. I don't know about others but I don't pay much attention to the one hit wonders that sometimes appear here. ~ Administrator said... 72

Geez, what kind of people does Kate hire that would follow an order to lock the kids in at night? That's not a nanny, that's a prison guard. No job could be worth being a part of mistreating children unless that person gets off on that or is fearful of their boss.


Exactly, who is this person? Does TFW go through a legitimate agency or does she just screw around with whoever she can find off the street? My agency always said if the parents ever ask you to do something that goes beyond a normal and reasonable punishment for the children you are to CALL US IMMEDIATELY. They've had to let some families go from their agency, even celebrity families you know, because they would NOT put their nannies in the position of carrying out abusive orders. One celeb family was tying their kids to trees and smacking them while they were tied up as punishment. They were GONE.

A nanny should never be put in the position of carrying out abusive or inappropriate orders.

Vanessa said... 73

TLC stinks said... 74

The good news is that if CPS has been involved with her over the years, there are records and this will help Jon prove she is an unfit mother.

Tucker's Mom said... 75 (Administrator) said... 52
A regular local here you know emailed me back at the time and again this week to say that the lunch and locking doors rumor was 100% true. Kate sent moldy fruit with their lunches and CPS was called. CPS told her to stop doing it, and she did.
Thank you.
Oh boy, there are just no words...


still, no words :-(

Susan1956 said... 76 (Administrator) said... 60

Ha! Remember that? There's PROOF she did it because it's her usual ammo


Exactly. When she went out of her way to remark that she was the toast of the town for her great school lunches, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that something went down with her lunches. CPS had to come out over your disgusting and DANGEROUS lunches for your children, Kate. Are you embarrassed yet?

Kate: 'Deer in Headlights Look' Wanna see our new parrot? How about pictures of our Super Bowl Sunday food spread?

Blowing In The Wind said... 77

Kate sent moldy fruit with their lunches and CPS was called. CPS told her to stop doing it, and she did


I thought CPS records were confidential. How did this local know what CPS told her? Has the local been vetted? I'm not sure how you determine if the person who says these things are true are really who they say they are. I'm not saying that they wouldn't know these things, but couldn't anyone e-mail you with proof? In other words, how do you determine that these locals are really who they say they are? Just curious... ~ Administrator said... 78

Kate: 'Deer in Headlights Look' Wanna see our new parrot? How about pictures of our Super Bowl Sunday food spread?


Yep Susan. You nailed it.

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 79

"Hate" is a very strong word. Same with "hater." It suggests motives and emotional states that may or may not be true.

True, some people sit on a timeline like turkey buzzards, waiting for the moment where they can swoop in and peck the carcass of the person who's being vilified in a given moment. True, also, that some people tweet/blog their opinions more elegantly (i.e. in a more cogent, circumspect fashion), than others. But that doesn't mean they're hateful. It quite possibly means they're heartsick, to the point where they feel they must say aloud the things that many of us are thinking. Perhaps not in the way that you/I would, but individuality makes the world go 'round, am I right?

For Example: You might not like the way I come across, but it's likely that at least one person out there will. Same with those that you call "haters." Who knows: Maybe their manner of speaking is exactly what it takes to capture some people's attention, to help them finally realize what we see clearly, and have seen, for a very long time. Like those Super Bowl commercials, for instance. Some were meh for me, but proved buzz-worthy for others. ~ Administrator said... 80

I thought CPS records were confidential. How did this local know what CPS told her? Has the local been vetted? I'm not sure how you determine if the person who says these things are true are really who they say they are. I'm not saying that they wouldn't know these things, but couldn't anyone e-mail you with proof? In other words, how do you determine that these locals are really who they say they are? Just curious...


CPS records are confidential but that doesn't prevent teachers, lunch monitors and others from talking. It's not unusual at all for a landlord, employer, or other family members to hear about CPS through the grapevine and know all about it. Social workers don't show up in an invisibility cloak. Social workers would also probably have to have interviewed a wide variety of people during their investigation, and those people can talk. It's the reports that are confidential, but they can't stop Sue Lunchmonitor from blabbing all about how CPS showed up and asked her what she observed of their lunches.

I didn't "vet" this particular local all I can say is they have been here forever and do not email me all the time about rumors, it was just this one particular rumor they emailed me to say this one in particular was true, which gives her credibility in my book. It's up to the individual whether that's enough for them or not.

Blowing In The Wind said... 81

Also, I seem to remember a photo of her bedroom door with lock.


I don't think a lock on HER bedroom door ever was questioned. I believe that Jon stated this at one time, and it was discussed before, with some bringing up the point that if she has as many turnovers on sitters and nannies, that there may be a reason to lock her door. I probably would, too.

Paula said... 82

I don't know about the other areas of the country or PA, but I know on our local news, they always report on CPS or DFACS visits. Lately we've had several children murdered by their parents/stepparents and the news has reported that DFACS was aware of this child and what those visits were about. It's the identify of people that made reports to DFACS that are protected here.

Vanessa said... 83 (Administrator) said... 61

Ha! Remember that? There's PROOF she did it because it's her usual ammo


Exactly. When she went out of her way to remark that she was the toast of the town for her great school lunches, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that something went down with her lunches. CPS had to come out over your disgusting and DANGEROUS lunches for your children, Kate. Are you embarrassed yet?

Admin, that's my post you quoted but I don't see the original, along with some others I posted. ~ Administrator said... 84

I don't know about the other areas of the country or PA, but I know on our local news, they always report on CPS or DFACS visits. Lately we've had several children murdered by their parents/stepparents and the news has reported that DFACS was aware of this child and what those visits were about. It's the identify of people that made reports to DFACS that are protected here.


Yes that's actually the direction we're moving in CA, more openness. A lot of people are pushing for the confidentiality to be lifted and in many areas you already can. You can fill out what's called an Welfare Code 827 motion to disclose the records, and if the judge approves which they often do, they're yours. The press is also allowed in the courtroom under a statute called Welfare Code 346, under certain circumstances (usually a matter of public concern like a child dies). I've sat right next to reporters from the LA Times waiting for my case and my colleagues have been in newspaper articles. There they are taking their notes and the next day there's a story--wild. Although, they don't print children's names.

It's not exactly accurate to say it's strictly confidential. It is, but, "sort of." And it's going away. The public seems to have decided that there's too much shadiness going on from the government to continue to hide it, cover it up, in the name of protecting the child's privacy. Sounds like how Jon feels about speaking out!

fidosmommy said... 85

According to TFW, Alexis would go wake up the boys at odd hours. Also, the kids got pretty good at climbing out of their cribs. A "mother" who wanted to sun by the pool, talk on her 6th pink iPhone or scrub the kitchen floor on her hands and knees instead of interacting with kids might think locking kids in their rooms was a stellar idea.

I also remember TFW saying she feeds them the same food until they eat it. I think she figures they'll start to like it after 3 days. Uh huh. Sure. Another meal tip she missed in her cookbook.

Paula said... 86

Yes, admin. I know here the outcry over the deaths of these children has caused changes to the child welfare system in our state. If less confidentiality equates to more children's lives being saved, that can only be a good thing.

Formerly Duped said... 87

Remember how concerned TFW pretended to be about getting the kids out of the house if there was a fire- put them in a blanket and heave them out like carrying a sack.This was in one of her 'books" So didn't she think of the fire dangers with locks? Yes, there was the tweet picture of Kate's deadbolt when she tweeted the tups two by two holding photos from fans. Messy room, too, with wine bottle on the dresser lol.We only saw the tups room on CWS- maybe I wills see if I can spy any locks...

I think there are adjoining bathrooms- remember in The New House Joel I think 'pooped' in the girls bathroom, and Kate asked Cara to wipe him? She was busy with her toothpick and the 'disgusting' fridge.

TLC stinks said... 88

In a town the size of Wernersville and all the other places Kate frequents locally and with her notariety, it does not surprise me in the least that it got around about CPS. After all, a parent or teacher most likely squealed to the tabloids about the kids getting expelled. Poor old Kate could do nothing more than go on TV and lie about that, but I am sure the locals knew the truth.

My guess there is a CPS caseworker who has a thick file on Mrs. Gosselin, all to Jon's advantage. She can't make every person her kids come in contact with sign a CA, although I bet she has tried.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 89

I'm interested how a local found out this information. Is the local the person who reported it to the rag mag?

Not that long ago we were told that Jon had 50/50 custody. Then it was maybe 60/40 then Jon actually said he didn't see the twins that much and very recently he said he hasn't see Colin since August.

Sorry if I'm skeptical. Even eyewitnesses in crimes tell different stories.

I'm not Kate defender and with her latest schemes I can honestly say I detest the woman. I believe the journals are hers and what is in them is true. I take what shows up in the rag mags (about Kate and Jon) with a grain of salt.

If a local says she was in the house, saw the locks on kids doors and also saw them taking slimy, old lunches to school I'll believe.

Formerly Duped said... 90

No, no locks seen on CWS on the girl tups' door. Kendra did not appear to be locking them in.But of course any locks would not have been used or shown on national TV...had to check though!

TLC stinks said... 91

Regarding the stale lunches, I found this on Perez Hilton back when the news broke: Jon Gosselin also isn't a fan of Kate's frugal ways with food.

According to another source, Jon has said the following to the kids:

"If you lived with me, you wouldn’t have to eat rotten food for lunch every day."
Looks like this is one of those rare occasions where we agree with you, Jon!

So according to the source, Jon must have been aware and I would venture to guess because the kids complained to him. Would he have contacted CPS or had someone else do it on his behave?

Call Me Crazy said... 92

There must be greater oversight and transparency in all governmental areas to protect our children. Check out the movie "Kids for Cash" to learn about how a couple of Pennsylvania judges abused their power and preyed upon children to get rich. Sad and disgusting. Some of those children will never recover.

Rhymes with Witch said... 93

Geez, what kind of people does Kate hire that would follow an order to lock the kids in at night? That's not a nanny, that's a prison guard. No job could be worth being a part of mistreating children unless that person gets off on that or is fearful of their boss. 68

I recall reading articles about Kate hiring teenaged nannies who often didn't last long.
I think that Kate can be initially persuasive before showing her controlling and demanding self.

Also, remember that it was Alexis who was banned to sleep in the basement in E town.
That it happened was bad enough, but to make that information public was horrifying and dangerous.


fonferek's glen said... 94

Always believed the recycled lunch story. Fits her bully M/O.

A random thanks to Vanessa for all her links to articles on narcissistic mothers. I read them all and they have helped me more fully understand my mother's (non) relationship with most of her children.

Vanessa said... 95

Off topic
I don't watch Biggest Loser but my homepage newsfeed is abuzz with the controversy over the winner. Who do you all think she looks like?

Vanessa said... 96

No, no locks seen on CWS on the girl tups' door. Kendra did not appear to be locking them in.But of course any locks would not have been used or shown on national TV...had to check though!

Don't forget the locks on the treehouse. Cukoo cukoo

Ex Nurse said... 97

Njay said...
I haven't read all of the posts on all of the CT threads but what I have read, I don't recall reading about this. It is 'what you didn't see" on CT Jon and Liz. It's about the kids and their roles.
Well, at least he cleared up the pissing in the driveway story--it's because boys always have to let girls go to the bathroom first because they can piss outside.

How did we get from, what started as a little, low budget, wholesome tV show about a cute Christian family with more kids than they know what to do with, to 'back door' porn and masturbating? And, at this rate, what will we be discussing in a few years? Oy!

Vanessa said... 98

There is somebody or somebodies that were witness to a lot of shit. Who exactly called the cops when she smacked Leah in the driveway?
And like admin has said, unless your a raging meth head, they let you keep your kids. She was told to stop giving them rotten food, she complied. What else is there to wonder. I am speaking from my own experiences and this sort of stuff is most definitely going on. And those who want an eyewitness account, not sure why that is? Someone did the right thing, they contacted the proper authorities and they probably did so anonymously. I believe admin's source and for admin to vouch for it, means this source has been correct in a lot of the other "inside" stories they have shared.

Anonymous said... 99

Admin - You were great with your contests. Of course, I am biased because I won one with my dip :) During that rumspringa party, to save time, I was signing in with FOTK and you didn't even realize it was me. LOL

Suzy said... 100

They didn't show the bedroom doors. Only the inside of the girls' room. To know if the knobs has a keyed lock, you would have to get a really closeup of the knobs.


Ex Nurse said... 101

So, it could just have been a rumor or gossip, but she is so controlling at home that who's to say she does not control what they eat in school? I've to say I thought a comment from a local that the kids are not allowed to throw away their lunch at school was a ridiculous rule if that was true. -------
My daughter is a kindergarten teacher at a private school. It is standard procedure to send home unbeaten food so that the parents know what they have eaten. In a normal family, it would not be served again the next day. But, that would be in a normal family, where kids are allowed to have individual likes and dislikes. You would think that they were living through the Great Depression, where no food may be wasted, instead in the home of a multimillionaire. Not to mention that the kids worked to put that rotten food on their plates while their mother feasted at Nobu.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 102

And those who want an eyewitness account, not sure why that is?

Because it can be used as a reference instead of "Hollywood Gossip" "Celebitchy" "Perez Hilton" etc.

I've seen some tweeter non-fans tweet credible people not involved in the Gosselin fiasco and giving them info and asking them to get involved. When you check that non-fan's tweets, they also have tweets full of ugly name calling (fing bitch, ahole, etc.) and that gives them zero credibility if, by chance, they were to get the attention of someone who might take an interest. That person would want an source for what they were saying about moldy, week-old sandwiches...and that source would hold no water if it's a gossip magazine.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 103

If Jon DID say that about the kids wouldn't have to eat rotten food every day if they lived with him, then my opinion of him has changed. He let his children go to school every day with rotten food in their lunches and did nothing. I'd have been taking lunch money to the school for them or lunches I'd packed and said if my spouse wanted to take me to court for replacing a moldy, rotten lunch with a fresh, healthy one...go for it.

localyocul said... 104 (Administrator) said... 52
A regular local here you know emailed me back at the time and again this week to say that the lunch and locking doors rumor was 100% true. Kate sent moldy fruit with their lunches and CPS was called. CPS told her to stop doing it, and she did.

As for locking the doors, it was a nanny who did that, but I don't doubt they were instructed to do that by Kate. Alexis hurt herself when she was locked in which is probably why somebody had had enough and went to the press.


How old were the kids when they were allegedly locked in? School age?

Millicent said... 105

Vanessa said:
Don't forget the locks on the treehouse. Cukoo cukoo
That struck me as odd too. They live out in the country, on an estate that is apparently gated. Does Kate think some vagrant is going to set up housekeeping in the treehouse? I think it was just another sign of how much total control she has over those children when they are on that compound. Even their treehouse is not really theirs to enjoy - only when their mother deems they may have a few minutes free time. It's like a twisted Cinderalla story, but instead of a cruel stepmother, it's their actual mother who works them mercilessly and yanks away anything that makes them happy.


I understand what you're saying but I'm sorry I can't use the name I used back when the info was being posted on this blog. Like I said before sometimes you can't give certain information out without getting people in trouble for passing along the information. My issue wasn't really believing the anonymous informer, it was not believing Kate would actually do the things she was accused of. How anyone here who has been posting for the past few years can think maybe Kate wouldn't lock the kids in their rooms or give them the same food until they ate it is beyond me.

I'm sorry but just reading anyone questioning whether or not Kate would do such a thing disgusts me.

Not sure why you're taking issue with my comments since Admin actually backed the accusations up already.

Millicent said... 107

Just throwing my 2 cents into the mix about recycled lunches and locks on the doors. The reason I found both stories believable is that it fits WOS' M.O. She is extremely cheap when it comes to spending any money on the kids. She also doesn't give a darn what they might actually like to eat. "So by gosh, you better eat your lunches, in the order I tell you to, or you will be seeing that food day after day until it's gone." Sounds exactly like something she would do, until told by the court to knock it off.

If you try to apply normal logic or normal mother's affection to WOS - it won't work. She has neither.


While I'm here, I'd like to add that it's ridiculous that Kate would lock the door to her room because she doesn't trust the nanny but she trusts them to care for her children. I actually think Kate would protect her personal belongings more than she would her children. I think she put the lock on the door though to keep Jon out when they were still sharing the house after the divorce.

localyocul said... 109

I remember a local remarking here that they wish they could divulge all that they have witnessed that J has to go through just to see his kids but they were not ready to be "outed" or whatever. I hope soon they are able to do so.

Rhymes with Witch said... 110

Don't forget the locks on the treehouse. Cukoo cukoo 95

No, I thinks it's about power and control. Oh and sucking the joy out
of the kids' lives.

Formerly Duped said... 111

Suzy said... 99

Right.They showed they outside of the girls' room and Kendra shutting the door but then it cut before you could see the knob or a
deadbolt if any.


Vanessa: lol, forgot about the treehouse- that was weird! And the key was inside Kate's bedroom, probably locked. Wonder where Kendra slept? And Deanna? (who was there as Kate explained ' to make sure you are safe') Safer than with TFW, for sure!

Rhymes with Witch said... 112

Yes, admin. I know here the outcry over the deaths of these
children has caused changes to the child welfare system in our state.
If less confidentiality equates to more children's lives being saved,
that can only be a good thing. 85

I doubt that CPS in any state is perfect, budget cuts being one reason. Bureaucracy and human error being others.

There is a five year old boy in my state who was last seen in September. CPS was involved but did not follow protocols. Two
workers were fired and several were suspended. Additionally, CPS was
involved when the family lived in a neighboring state, but did not
provide any information when it was requested.

His sister mentioned it at school, which started the outcry. His mother and her boyfriend are in jail and not speaking. He remains missing, presumed dead. CPS is under fire.

Dwindle said... 113 (Administrator) said... 55

I remember the whole stale sandwich discussion. Frankly, I kind of believe she would do such a thing because it's a lesson to make them eat what she puts in front of them


Yes, I actually kind of believe she thought this was good parenting. Almost like she did this innocently, not vindictively. Maybe this is how she was parented. When called out I can see her sort of flabbergasted thinking I was just trying to teach them not to be wasteful and to eat what I give them, just like I was taught as a kid. In a weird way I almost feel bad for her because I think she really is just clueless about this and many other things.


Will the children ever even know this was wrong? When it is what you were raised with, often times you dont comprehend that your UPBRINGING was wrong, you just know you feel bad. Taken even further, Kate could be raising 8 more parental monsters of the future.

Dwindle said... 114

I hate to defend Kate, in fact I am getting heartburn as I type this, but it is very possible that will all the hired help in that house, she had a lock on her bedroom door to keep the help out of there. In fact, I might do that myself. Just a thought. No doubt however that she gleefully used that lock to keep her children away from her. Not "out of her room" but to keep them AWAY FROM HER personage!

Vanessa said... 115

But Tweetle? Do you trust admin? She verified the source. And technically you could say the same about allllll of the tabloid insider stories. Many many of those stories ended up being the absolute truth.

lukebandit said... 116

I remember reading here long ago that TCFW was told to stop sending stale food in the kids lunches and to stop locking the kids bedrooms at night.

I believe it. She is so cheap and how dare any child bring back food that they didn't eat. She is such a mental case, I see her sending back day after day until they threw it away and told her they ate it.


Susan1956 said... 117

Njay said...
I haven't read all of the posts on all of the CT threads but what I have read, I don't recall reading about this. It is 'what you didn't see" on CT Jon and Liz. It's about the kids and their roles.
Thanks so much for posting that link. Loved it! I don't have cable, so I try to keep up on my computer. Jon is such a nice guy (overall--don't flame me ladies:) and a much better parent than TFMJG. He's the type of guy that would be so fun to hang out or grab lunch with. Oooo, shades of Milo.

Watched a few other clips. I agree--what is with Ghostface being unable to get his butt out of bed and into an upright position when talking with Kelsey? Is that the way it's done these days? But he can get into a chair for his one-on-one interview with the camera? And his pants are still sagging, even lying down in bed. Yuk.

Would someone be so kind as to post the link to Jon's 2nd Eonline interview? I still can't find it. Thanks!

lukebandit said... 118

Wasn't Alexis banished to the basement at night to sleep because Hannah had headaches? Why would you lock your child in a room in the basement? What if a fire started near the basement and TCFW managed, I know it is a stretch, got all the kids out except the child locked in the basement? She got cut by a broken mirror?

What on earth is going on in that house???

TLC stinks said... 119

If that witch would lock the dogs in their cage with no food, no water and they had to sleep in their feces, would she not lock her children in their bedrooms? Get real. The satisfaction I get from all this is that at least Nala turned on Kate (you go, girl) and those kids will grow bigger than Kate and not put up with her crap.

Rhymes with Witch said... 120

Who exactly called the cops when she smacked Leah in the driveway? 97

Some pap caught a picture of that and IIRC sold it for $ 80,000.

TLC stinks said... 121

Out of 8 kids, some will struggle, some will survive. Hopefully when the kids are with Jon they understand what normal is.

TLC stinks said... 122

Jon specifically said the deadbolt was to keep him out.

Vanessa said... 123

And as we've seen up until now, the gossip mags were the ONLYones printing anything remotely negative about tfw. No mainstream "reliable" news source would divulge such things.There's NO WAY insiders did not approach them with stories. We saw first hand the one sided biased reportig on HER.

Vanessa said... 124

Thanks fonferek's glen.

Midnight Madness said... 125

I hate to defend Kate, in fact I am getting heartburn as I type this, but it is very possible that will all the hired help in that house, she had a lock on her bedroom door to keep the help out of there. In fact, I might do that myself.


I agree. I would do that, also. There must have been many helpers, babysitters in that house and I wouldn't trust that they wouldn't go through my personal belongings.

"But Tweetle? Do you trust admin? She verified the source."


I'm confused. Admin said:

"I didn't "vet" this particular local all I can say is they have been here forever and do not email me all the time about rumors"

Vetting a source means that you check out the person, with proof of that person's identity, such as address, phone number, how they know particular information, etc., and where the information came from.

"If Jon DID say that about the kids wouldn't have to eat rotten food every day if they lived with him, then my opinion of him has changed. He let his children go to school every day with rotten food in their lunches and did nothing."


Maybe he didn't know about it at the time. He wasn't responsible for packing lunches, was he? If he found out AFTER the fact, then he would have made the statement that if he were in charge of lunches at his home, it never would have happened.

Midnight Madness said... 126

And technically you could say the same about allllll of the tabloid insider stories. Many many of those stories ended up being the absolute truth.


And many of them weren't true, as was pointed out with the "Kate grew up in a trailer" story. I also remember stories about the amount of tuition that was paid for the kids' was so grossly inflated that it was laughable, as pointed out by someone (a local) who actually knew and had it figured out almost down to the dollar.

Rhymes with Witch said... 127

Jon specifically said the deadbolt was to keep him out. 124

I agree, and it also makes sense re: hired help. However, I also distinctly remember her telling the children that they were not to go in "her room" "under penalty of severeness."

Bitchy Pants said... 128

Tweet -- How do you know that Jon didn't do something about the meal situation? Or that he's possibly the one who reported it to CPS?

The school I volunteered at had a similar policy regarding sending uneaten food back home. Sometimes the same things came back the next day -- an uneaten apple, packaged cookies or crackers or chips, but never anything spoiled and certainly NEVER a sandwich. There's nothing wrong with sending unopened packages back the second day. In fact, it's a sensible thing to do, provided it was just uneaten and not ignored because it's something the child hates. Just as she does with everything, though, TFMJG takes it to extremes. Everything to her seems to be an all or nothing proposition. She's completely unable to compromise, meet halfway, or see shades of gray.

localyocul said... 129

That story about H slamming the door on C and cutting off the tip of his might have sounded like typical kid squabbling stuff except...that was about the age H was when she snarled at Cole and made super nasty remarks to him. I hate to think that she is the leader of the 6.

I was one of 5, 3 girls, 2 boys. The boys were oldest and youngest and 6 years apart so they weren't especially close. Who was close to whom was kind of a fluid thing. It changed and went back and shifted. But none of us had the animosity toward anyone that he is describing in that clip. I mean we would fight and argue and yes occasionally hit but it wasn't a pervasive thing. Generally we all just were there together..we played outside in the summer together, watched TV and didn't really have the seeming hatred some of them have for each other. Sad.

Kelly said... 130

I haven't read all the posts as usual but here goes. First off, I don't believe Christina Crawford meant for her memoir to be used as a parenting book. I don't know how I missed the moldy food and locking toddlers in their rooms, but somehow those two doozies went right by me. How, how, how could either Kate or Jon allow themselves or a nanny to lock toddlers in their rooms? It's got to be illegal and what happens if there were a fire? That's either sadistic or stupid or both. I'm gonna say both.What I'd like to know is what that private school has swept under the rug? I live in Smalltown USA, as in it couldn't get much smaller, and I can tell you that the first time I sent a moldy lunch to school with my child would be the last time. The county sheriff would be knocking on my door that afternoon. And I'm in Mennonite country - spare the rod and all that jazz - and they would still not tolerate that. Un-freaking-believable.

Vanessa said... 131

Ok so the source wasn't vetted, but I stand by my belief that indeed sandwich-gate happened. All the disgusting unbelievable acts of abuse, the WORST of it penned by her own hand and THIS is something that should be only believed if the source comes clean? Small potatoes in the big scheme of things-"things" being the many untold accounts of abuse going on in that house. Rotten lunches? Pfft that-s nothing.

Formerly Duped said... 132

Kate was always in charge of food and the kitchen. Remember when Jon prepared the Korean dinner? Kate swatted at him to leave HER kitchen to make the grape & cracker lunch, and interfered with his onions, and bitched about the mess. She really seemed distressed..The twins' lunches she packed were shown once along with her photo and loving notes. She did allow Jon to make her AM coffee, however!

And what was with the fit she threw when C & M entered the kitchen before 6:03 and she made them leave? What is she doing in there that requires such privacy and control!

Vanessa said... 133

Whoooo (that's a whistle:)
$80, 000?
Source pls ;)

rainbowsandunicorns said... 134

Wasn't Alexis banished to the basement at night to sleep because Hannah had headaches? Why would you lock your child in a room in the basement?


Who said that Alexis was locked in a room in the basement?

I'm getting a headache. Is it too early for a Bloody Mary?

Rhymes with Witch said... 135

Holy wowsers about the boy tup who got his finger tip cut off story!
This was in Robert's book, and when I read about it, it was bad
enough, but now I just can not FATHOM how Kate just sent Jon along to
take care of this, while Kate stayed at the restaurant, enjoying
dinner. 37

When I was in high school, I had a regular babysitting job. One night the little girl woke up from a nightmare and was inconsolable. I called her parents. They flew home.and thanked me for calling.

It's hard to imagine someone as heartless as TCFW. Does ice run through her veins?

Vanessa said... 136

"I was never allowed to have sweets growing up and my mom’s reasoning behind that was that I was “borderline diabetic”, even though I had never been tested for it. It was just a way for her to control what I ate. She even told all of my friends moms so that they wouldn’t feed me sweets whenever I would come visit or stay the night. I ate Cheerios for breakfast almost everyday as a kid and was only allowed to eat sweets on special occasions like birthdays and holidays. She would buy my brothers all the good cereal and make sure that they had their snack jar filled with all sorts of goodies. My after school snack was always Austin brand peanut butter crackers. It gets very boring after a while, haha.
There are SO many other stories I have about my mom, but I would need to write a book to be able to tell them all! She is a master manipulator…. I don’t think that anybody who knew my mom (besides my immediate family) would believe what an evil person she is. She put on such a good facade for everybody else that knew her, that even I would have a hard time believing it if I hadn’t of been her personal target my whole life."

Localyocul said... 137

Where has Milo been? Is she just now hearing about this?

@MiloandJack: I think its absolutely despicable, immoral and nasty that Jon has put the implication out in public that Kate has a mental illness! #LIES

Rhymes with Witch said... 138

He wasn't responsible for packing lunches, was he? 124

He may or may have known at the time, but how could he control.what happens in a house he has no access to? And before anyone says he should have supplied lunch money (as tfw implied that was the extent is his child support), we have no idea how desperate hit financial situation may have been.

Jumping In said... 139

My father was a strict disciplinarian, and an enforcer when it came to eating what was put in front of you. I hated Lima beans, and one night I flatly refused to eat them. He insisted, and said "we will sit here until you eat them". Hours later, my mother intervened, reminding my dad that I had school the next morning, so I was sent to bed, having dodged having to choke down those nasty, gritty Lima beans!

The next morning, my dad apologized for keeping me up late the night before and made me my morning cereal. I took a spoonful, and sure enough, the Lima beans were under the corn flakes. I still wonder how a parent can do something like that to a child, but it is all about power. My trust in him was compromised that morning, but he got the last laugh which I assume was all he wanted, that and the upper hand.

TLC stinks said... 140

Weren't their her post-it-notes on the kitchen cabinet about how to make her coffee?

Rhymes with Witch said... 141

Source please 132

I can't source it but remember reading it. It may be in one of the many articles that Robert has linked on his blog. I know the pic was published.

localyocul said... 142

Fired up's fired up! I guess having Wendy Williams, the interviewer from E!, Giuliana from E! etc etc being on Jon's side is getting to her. Seems she just is hearing about him wanting a psych eval.

TLC stinks said... 143

Oh well. Kate must have lit a fire under Milo to blast Jon instead of responding herself (or is Milo Kate's other personality? LOL)

lukebandit said... 144

I believe the bedroom lock ins and the spoiled food. She is a full throttle control freak. Either your are with me or against me. Either eat your lunch or it goes back till you eat it. That is why she had the rule you are not allowed to throw away your lunch at school. The kids should of banned together and threw away what they wanted and maybe they wouldn't of had to deal with her when they got home.

Didn't she say that they had to eat it when they got home? She put it in their lunch bag for the next day. Another thing to think about. If you have a ham sandwich with mayo on it and a 1 hour get home from school and by the time she gets around checking the lunch bags that ice in that bag is warm. What if it sit out all night? If she would sit and eat and just shoo Jon off to deal with Colin's amputation, is just diabolical to me.

Does TCFW immediately put it in the refrigerator till the next morning? She is L A Z Y!

This makes me so mad because she took money from church members based on lies and uses that money to support her luxurious lifestyle. Eats at NOBU, Kobe Beef every time. The most expensive beef in the world. And she bullies the kids to eat spoiled food?

From Answers: Kobe beef is so tender and moist naturally, if you order it cooked medium-well or well-done you stand a good chance of ruining it by making it dry or tough if not both. Most chefs cringe when good steaks are ordered cooked beyond what is necessary.

hahaha! TCFW on that concierge list of food menu demands ordered Kobe beef med. med. well. Can you imagine TCFW demanding her steak be to her liking?

I have to take a lunch with me when I go to dialysis. The food they pack for me here is a joke. There are many times I have had to throw away the food give me. And I hate to waste food. Sandwiches smell, sandwiches that have been in the refrigerator for a couple of days, actual sandwiches that have 2 and 3 days past the expiration date on the wrap. Believe me I have tried to correct this, but to no avail.

It's like banging your head against the wall and nobody cares to try to stop you.

localyocul said... 145

TLC stinks said... 146

Hmmm. BM is promoting watching Jon on CT. (Thanks, Milo for the shoutout to BM). She said his girlfriend is a Kate clone and that he is attracted to strong women, women who have bigger balls than him! So she's admitting that Kate is a ball busting female who walks over meeker men? And she likes this in a woman? I pity BM's husband. The yelling, the hitting, the eye rolling, the derogatory comments, the lying, the masterminding etc. Well, she admits it: Kate is her role model. I think this woman and the sheeple are confusing strong, independent women with an abuser because if a man treated his wife this way, they'd be calling a divorce attorney. It's abuse, BM!

localyocul said... 147

@MiloandJack: I think its absolutely despicable, immoral and nasty that Jon has put the implication out in public that Kate has a mental illness! #LIES


Actually that's pretty disrespectful to the many many many people living with and managing mental illness.

lukebandit said... 148

About TCFW not giving a flying feather bed about Colin's amputation of the tip of his finger. My brother was 12 years and mowing the yard in the back of the house. All of a sudden, he came running in holding his hand and was bleeding and we figured out that he had the tip of his finger cut off.

He had put his finger in the chain belt of the lawn mower and it got it. I was 16, my mother was too upset to drive, so I had to drive them to the hospital. When we got there they put his finger in a bowl of Dial Antibacterial Soap. When he got older, he could of very easily had plastic surgery to smooth it back to a round shape, but he never did.

He said he was just so used to it and it was very expensive to do but he would of done something about it if it was hurting or bothering him.

Were they filming at home when this happened? Then if true, that explains why TCFW didn't jump up and go because remember she did that with Cara's ankle. She sent a nanny to take Cara so she could stay behind and film.

She should of stopped the filming right there and said, Sorry. We have to go take the child to the ER or doctor right now. Will call you tomorrow and let you know when filming can resume. She should of told them then, Under the Penalty of Severness, Do not call me, I will call you.

She would never do that! Her consider her child/children over filming? NEVER!

Kelly said... 149

What is she doing in there that requires such privacy and control!

Good question Formerly Duped. Let's hope she didn't have an ant problem that required Anti-Ant. Just kidding....sort of. I completely missed the tip of the finger incident too. I think I'm going to have to brave the arctic cold and hit the liquor store. Then settle down to read all that I've missed.

Vanessa, your Mom and my Mom sound so much alike. They probably could have compared notes. Mine still laments and moans to my Aunt about how I won't see her even though it's been explained to her multiple times and she's had ample opportunity to apologize. She's adamant that she did nothing wrong. Unfortunately for her, I'm equally adamant that she was a child abusing psychotic monster and have finally told all the relatives who question why I don't visit her. Strange thing is, her sister seems to believe me and that is the best thing about finally "outing" her. Other people questioned her parenting as well and if my Aunt had lived closer and seen more, I'm pretty sure she would have turned her in. My mother thought that a spotless house and matching outfits (with matching earrings and hair accessories) would cover up all of her abuse and for the most part it did. She's lucky this happened back in the 70's because if it happened today she'd be charged with child abuse.

Carole said... 150

Where has Milo been?

Oh, she's around, tweeting about Jon but oh-so-sneakily not including TFW in the tweets. SMH

FYI said... 151

When ROL had an article about how Kate Major was willing to testify for Kate in the court case, one of the things that Kate Major said was:

"“He would say that Kate would lock the kids in rooms and always be bashing her. Jon made Kate out to be the devil, until I realized what a pathological liar he was — and how good of a mom Kate actually is.”

Hailey also said that Jon threatened to call CPS on Kate, due to Mady's having an arm injury.

They both claim it's all part of Jon's lies. But it is entirely possible that he was telling the truth, and I actually tend to believe Jon, rather than Kate Major or Hailey.

Carole said... 152

TLC stinks said...
it was in Oct. 2012.

thank you!

Carole said... 153

They didn't show the bedroom doors. Only the inside of the girls' room.

In re-reading the DOL ruling/letter to Discovery a few days ago I noticed one of the stipulations was that NO filming be done in the bedrooms! How nice that ABC filmed the tups there. Humm, the ruling only applied to Figure 8/Discovery not filming or any/all bedroom filming?!

Formerly Duped said... 154

I don't think Alexis was locked in that basement but the door was closed. I thought that was terrible for such a young child and I don't' think there was a fire exit.It was to accommodate Hannah's headaches.

As for the door/ finger-slamming story somehow I missed it, but I think Hannah is a trouble maker, maybe the leader in not the best sense, but I am only surmising from what I have seen on TV.I think TFW's favoring her made her this way.

Carole said... 155

If nothing else, taking 7 preschoolers on a field trip by myself has taught me I do not wish to be Kate Gosselin. #mayhem

@theMaggieWeber Kate has never done that; has always had help. You should have had help as well. #kateplusmy8

Yep, she had help or used fear of panic ensuing among the mediocre public for not taking them anywhere. ha

Unknown said... 156

Vanessa said... 83
''Admin, that's my post you quoted but I don't see the original, along with some others I posted.''
Vanessa, your posts are there at #59/#64 and so on. I've figured out that due to the delay in allowing posts to go through that they are often way back in the comments, and are at the time you posted the comment, not at the time they were approved for posting. I'm not sure I'm explaining what I mean correctly, but hope you get the gist of what I'm trying to explain.

TLC stinks said... 157

I really, really hope there is a thick CPS file on Kate even more now. And it ticks me off she got away with mistreating the dogs. TLC covered up everything. No wonder they walked away.

Vanessa said... 158

Rhymes with Witch said... 140
Source please 132

I can't source it but remember reading it. It may be in one of the many articles that Robert has linked on his blog. I know the pic was published
I was just kidding :)

Carole said... 159

actual sandwiches that have 2 and 3 days past the expiration date on the wrap. Believe me I have tried to correct this, but to no avail.

I know you're at the mercy of what they choose to serve you, the quality, quantity, etc. and I empathize with how frustrating that must be for you. When it comes to serving something that should have been thrown away, the health department is who I'd turn to as a last resort. I think it would be fairly easy for them to find evidence of past fresh foods being served on any inspection OR make a record of when it happens to see if there is any pattern, ie: every Mon and Tues, etc. and report it when you can give them tips on when and what to look for.

I enjoy your comments and personal stories. My thoughts are with you and I hope your health continues to be stable. Hoping 2014 is a hospital free year for you, heaven knows you spent WAY too much time there last yr!

njay said... 160

I just want to say something about my comment about the haters embellishing story's about Kate and the lunches. I absolutely believe that she did send the food they didn't eat the next day. In fact Kate said so herself, I believe it was the episode Kp8 first day of school. that she puts the lunchboxes that had food in them, in the fridge for the next day. I remember this because she had just made a big fuss about the lunchboxes being set on the counter when they got home and that would leave germs. Then she said right after that she put the boxes that had uneaten food in the fridge. I remember thinking that was so stupid because if she was worried about germs then the fridge is the one place you wouldn't want the boxes.

What I don't agree with is the haters turning it into the food being moldy and stale. There was not anything I read or watched that mentioned they were that way. Could she have? Absolutely. Did she, more likely than not. But to embellish and to accuse that soon after any reveal is just ridicules and plain gossip. For goodness sake, why does anyone have to make her uglier than she already makes herself look. Please at least give some kind of proof of truth for the embellishment/accusation of any reveal. If Admin got an email from a reliable source then that is good circumstantial truth but I don't believe there was any such truth directly after Kate revealed her doings.

The worst part, IMO, is that if there is any newcomer, whether fan or not, they get bombarded with these non established comments and are attacked if they ask for proof. IT DISGUSTS ME! Don't they get that their actions can turn a newbie TOO DEFEND HER? And that goes for BOTH SIDES!

As far as Alexis being banished to the basement because of Hanna's headaches. Jon and Kate explained that in the episode where Kate was yelling at Jon because, I can't remember which girl it was or if it was Jon or Kate that thought that girl didn't have to clean the little girls room because they slept downstairs. It was not punishment, it was with permission. See, that is what I mean about embellishment and accusations. It was just plain gossip with no proof to make her look worse than she already does.

lukebandit said... 161

Hey Milo! Her family, was it brothers or sisters? confirmed she is bi-polar and refuses to take her meds. Robert said in his book that TCFW one day took all the kids with another lady, ICR if the lady had kids with her, but he said that she was a different person.

She played with the kids, pushed them in the swings, the slide the whole nine yards. Calm, cool and collected. Normal.

She must of taken her last dose that day.

Carole said... 162

@MiloandJack: I think its absolutely despicable, immoral and nasty that Jon has put the implication out in public that Kate has a mental illness! #LIES

Hey Milo, why does everything negative @ TFW have to be @LIES?

It's Jon's opinion (and that of a heck of a lot of other people, too) and he has a right to have the opinion and to express it. AND, who better than someone married to TFW for 10 years, who has 8 children with her, and who sees and knows the impact of having her as their mother has had on them? No one but JON knows! And, if he feels this is an issue for him and his children, then neither you or anyone has any right to question him. It's his opinion and it's what he's been living with for 15 years!

lukebandit said... 163

Another Answer on Kobe Beef:

If you order it medium well or well done and you don't like it, they will not take it back because it's your fault for ordering it that way. You ruined it, you eat it.

HAHAHA, that is exactly what she orders, med./med.well.

Would love to be a fly on the wall when she is told, It's not Jon's fault, It's Your Fault TCFW for ordering it that way, You ruined it, You Eat It! haha

Hoosier Girl said... 164

Localyocul said... 136
Where has Milo been? Is she just now hearing about this?

@MiloandJack: I think its absolutely despicable, immoral and nasty that Jon has put the implication out in public that Kate has a mental illness! #LIES

Do those with a mental illness recognize mental illness in others? I think Milo needs a mental eval too.

FYI said... 165

localyocul said... 141
Fired up's fired up! I guess having Wendy Williams, the interviewer from E!, Giuliana from E! etc etc being on Jon's side is getting to her. Seems she just is hearing about him wanting a psych eval.

Yes, she's definitely "fired up"

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 4h
I think its absolutely despicable, immoral and nasty that Jon has put the implication out in public that Kate has a mental illness! #LIES

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 4h
What a horrible and irresponsible thing to do to the mother of your children!! And you say you care about your kids!! Really?? #Hypocrite

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 3h
@Booklover244 Kate simply allowed her twins 2answer a ? abt how divorce affected them. The father took this & made it something sinister.

Hey, Milo. Snapping your fingers and telling your daughter "your words", "spit it out", and prompting her to say what was in the People article, is much more sinister, IMO, than anything Jon has done.

Kate tried to get the twins to speak for her and use them to throw Jon under the bus once again. But Jon is being sinister?

Wake up and smell the coffee, Milo!! Oh, I forgot you don't drink coffee--you just drink the Kate Koolaid.

Jen said... 166

"I don't think Alexis was locked in that basement but the door was closed. I thought that was terrible for such a young child and I don't' think there was a fire exit.It was to accommodate Hannah's headaches."

I don't think Alexis slept down there at all. It was a cover story for the fact that there was a bed there that Jon slept in. Jon slipped up in one of the episodes and just about said so, and it's been mentioned elsewhere that they were no longer sharing a bed long before the divorce.

Jen said... 167

"Were they filming at home when this happened? Then if true, that explains why TCFW didn't jump up and go because remember she did that with Cara's ankle. She sent a nanny to take Cara so she could stay behind and film."

No, she sent a nanny because she's a narcissist and cannot be bothered to seek medical care for her children's petty injuries. It's not about her, so why should she care?

FYI said... 168

Don't remember if I included this tweet in my previous post about Milo.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 4h
@Booklover244 The twins wanted chance2respond because father did interview implying kids were damaged/not normal. His negativity started it!

Typical sheeple MO---It's all Jon's fault!!!

Meagler said... 169

This clip of kate ugly moments is a classic. It has the part where she says" if you have to follow a recipe, you are not a cook".

It also shows exactly how Kate never wanted to do the work, but she wanted other people to do it EXACTLY her way. That is what you call control!

Its also the beginning of her classic phrase " No one helps me"

Vanessa said... 170

Actually that's pretty disrespectful to the many many many people living with and managing mental illness.
You're right. Does milo ever EVER address the accusations of physical abuse? does she ever defend those actions? or does she ignore ignore ignore?

Meagler said... 171

This clip from season 4 ( oops they dont live in seasons) really shows Kate's hate for all things men.

" boys are dirty"

You also can see clearly that Kate's frustration is not that Jon doesnt do enough work around the house, but when he is done his work, he dare not sit and relax ( even tho she slept in and drank coffee while he worked) while Kate does hers.

The expectation is " Queen Kate" should only have to look like she's working, and not actually be doing the work.

" cupcake gate" really, you couldnt relax the rules for theri birthday?

Meagler said... 172

According to this video, Alexis chooses to sleep in the basement , because she is a bat...

However, I do recall hearing different versions of this over the " seasons." Somewhere I recall hearing that Alexis slept in the basement because she would wake the other kids up. Then when they moved to the new home, Hannah got her own room because she gets headaches.

Millicent said... 173

Kelly said:
I think I'm going to have to brave the arctic cold and hit the liquor store.
This made me laugh. Hope you had a safe trip!

TLC Stinks said:
. I think this woman and the sheeple are confusing strong, independent women with an abuser because if a man treated his wife this way, they'd be calling a divorce attorney. It's abuse, BM!
Agree! A truly strong, confident, intelligent woman doesn't need to mistreat others in order to make herself feel better. In fact, part of being truly strong is looking out for others. Part of being truly confident is not needing to tear down others to make yourself feel better. I think the few fanatical sheeple who are left must have the same shortcomings at WOS, and that's why they identify so much with her. They must all be quite awful people in real life too.

TLC stinks said... 139
Weren't their her post-it-notes on the kitchen cabinet about how to make her coffee?
Yes, and I remember seeing photos of post-it notes in all manner of places, with other directions (for the laundry helpers, etc.) Proof that WOS has a tremendous amount of volunteers who she then treated like unpaid servants. A bitch on 3 wheels from the very start.

Jumping In - your lima bean story reminds me of the way my dad was about "cleaning your plate" too. One time, I set aside a small piece of gristle that I didn't want to eat and he insisted I eat it. It was disgusting and I was punished later for speaking up and saying I didn't want to eat it. It was about power, but it was also a remnant from his childhood and going through the Depression/being very poor. "Waste not, want not" was very real to him. I love my dad and have long since forgiven him - but I definitely took that into my own parenting and have never done the same with my son. (I have a feeling I'm making my own mistakes which I'll be told about when he's grown with kids of his own!)

FYI said... 174

This is for the sage sheeple that read here. A few examples of Kate blowing off her fans and not following through with her "promises".

The sheeple believe everything Kate says as "true", yet she has shown again and again that she does not follow through. She said on Dec. 29 that she would be announcing the winners to the "contest" which wasn't a contest, that as of yesterday was a contest, in a few days:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Dec 29
My kids&I will be reading your #bekindgetsigned (copy of Love Is In The Mix) submissions and picking top 12 over next few days! Stay tuned!

When she started her Coupons by Kate site, she stated the following on July 11, 2013:

"Right here, you will read about my savings using the coupons and special deals found here, on my site! I’ll be shopping right along with you and I’ll be bragging, er, telling you about all the savings I’ve added up. And, because we all love to share our savings stories, you can email me at with your shopping and savings stories using coupons and special deals on this site! I’ll post the best stories right here to be shared with everyone so we can all learn how to save EVEN MORE $$$! [In your subject line, please write 'CouponsbyKate savings'].

Happy Shopping everyone and more importantly, Happy $aving!"

The blog has not been updated since. Yet, the sheeple keep on believing in Kate and keep on believing her "promises".

They blame the "haters" for Kate losing jobs and job opportunities. The only person that is to blame is Kate herself. She can't follow through and deliver on anything.

Scott Kluth from CC was right. Kate is "unauthentic". The previous 2 examples show just how much that is true.

Millicent said... 175

Kelly said:
I don't know how I missed the moldy food and locking toddlers in their rooms, but somehow those two doozies went right by me. How, how, how could either Kate or Jon allow themselves or a nanny to lock toddlers in their rooms? It's got to be illegal and what happens if there were a fire?
I agree with you, but recall that when my son was in preschool, I was talking with one of the classroom aides and another mom and somehow the topic came up and the other mom said she locked her son in his room at night. The aide and I probably looked at her totally aghast (I know I was pretty surprised and shocked). And she hurried to say that's the only way they could keep him in his room, because he kept trying to sleep with them. And the aide questioned the safety in a fire situation. I didn't say anything more because I didn't know the woman well enough, but I did think it was a selfish way to deal with the situation. Some people apparently think it's okay to lock their child away at night, so they aren't disturbed. I say, "if you can't take the heat, don't be a parent!"

NJGal51 said... 176

I've never noticed that any of the kids are missing any parts of any of their fingers so I doubt that there was an "amputation". What probably happened is that the tip (very tip) got sliced in some way of he lost part of a nail. I've sliced the "tip" of my finger while chopping and it's fine now. Did I go to the Dr.? Once yes (required a stitch) and the other times no. When I was young I stuck my finger in a hand held vacuum to clear a jam and got my finger caught in the fan. No amputation but it did wreck havoc with the nail and from all the blood you would have thought the finger was gone. My mom did take me to the ER for this. Everything is fine now and the finger is normal. Things sometimes get exaggerated and seem to take on a life of their own and some folks just run with it as if it were gospel. I don't think there was an amputation, I think it was just the tip of a finger or possible loss of a nail if slammed in a door. Those things can bleed like hell but normally heal on their own.

Lanc Native said... 177

I was shopping in a thrift store this morning to purchase clothing for a family who was displaced by fire. We've had several fires in the area lately. There are still thousands without power, and Obama declared a state of emergency for our county, one of six in the state.

Anyway, I came across Multiple Blessings for a dime, and the new cookbook for a quarter. I guess someone wasn't impressed with opening cans and dumping.

Lanc Native said... 178

If nothing else, taking 7 preschoolers on a field trip by myself has taught me I do not wish to be Kate Gosselin.


I do not wish to be Kate Gosselin, but not for that reason!

Formerly Duped said... 179

Ok, I have a lot of time on my hands today. ( car in shop) I happened to look for what J&K videos are still available and tuned in to We're Moving. Kate tells Cara that she and Mady can lock their bedroom door when they leave for school to keep the little kids out. SO, there are locks on the outside of bedrooms doors. Check out 1:01

Lanc Native said... 180

Were they filming at home when this happened? Then if true, that explains why TCFW didn't jump up and go because remember she did that with Cara's ankle. She sent a nanny to take Cara so she could stay behind and film.


What episode was that? Was the nanny shown taking Cara to the hospital?

Millicent said... 181

Susan1956 said:
what is with Ghostface being unable to get his butt out of bed and into an upright position when talking with Kelsey? Is that the way it's done these days? But he can get into a chair for his one-on-one interview with the camera? And his pants are still sagging, even lying down in bed. Yuk.
I am often dismayed at the level of disrespect young women will accept from their boyfriends. I can only assume that's because they either think they don't deserve any better, or have never seen good male behavior modeled by anyone in their family, or they actually think this is how "real men" behave. The reason guys get away with crap like this is that women allow it. If woman after woman told Ghostface to "shape up or get lost," you better believe he'd eventually figure out he'll either be slouching alone in bed or shaping up with a woman who demands better.

Sadly, there are too many women out there with poor self esteem and are more afraid of being temporarily on their own than they are of being with a disrespectful and worthless boyfriend.

Lanc Native said... 182

Hmmm. BM is promoting watching Jon on CT. (Thanks, Milo for the shoutout to BM). She said his girlfriend is a Kate clone and that he is attracted to strong women, women who have bigger balls than him! So she's admitting that Kate is a ball busting female who walks over meeker men? And she likes this in a woman?


Well, that's kind of strange, isn't it? Milo praised BM for those sediments, and Milo is the one who preaches that women should be subservient to men. She (Milo) even quoted scripture verses for proof. I remember it well. At the time I thought, gosh, so that's why Milo obeys the 11 p.m. bedtime order.

Lanc Native said... 183

That is why she had the rule you are not allowed to throw away your lunch at school.


No, Lukebandit. When this allegedly happened, it was actually a school policy that lunches aren't thrown away. This way, the parents can see what (and how much) the kids have eaten.

sparkle said... 184

Millicent said... 106
Just throwing my 2 cents into the mix about recycled lunches and locks on the doors. The reason I found both stories believable is that it fits WOS' M.O. She is extremely cheap when it comes to spending any money on the kids. She also doesn't give a darn what they might actually like to eat. "So by gosh, you better eat your lunches, in the order I tell you to, or you will be seeing that food day after day until it's gone." Sounds exactly like something she would do, until told by the court to knock it off.

If you try to apply normal logic or normal mother's affection to WOS - it won't work. She has neither.

IIRC, the stale lunch story was first reported in US mag in Sept./ Oct. 2010. From mid-2009 to at least late 2011, Robert was a full time reporter working for US on the Gosselin beat. During this time he befriended Jon and had access to the children.

Despite Kate's iron-clad, penalty of legal severeness confidentiality agreements, it looks like Robert had several former and current (at that time) nannies spilling the beans to him. I'm assuming he gave US the stale lunch story. He admitted to tipping US off about Kate heartlessly telling the kids because the show was canceled, they were only getting one gift apiece for Christmas. When that info became public, he said she scrambled and bought more gifts for each child.

Call me biased, (I am) but I believe the door locking thing, too. It's part of her need for total control. I think the fact that the poster reported that the school reported this to CPS and the family judge had to rule on it adds creedence. Isn't there something now about how they are to march downstairs at the strike of 7:03am? Not 7:00am not 7:06..........7:03. Kendra was freaked out about this (as she should, WTF?)

njay said... 185

Are you saying the people you consider "haters" on this blog are worse than Kate?
I'm saying ANYONE who speaks things as a fact without any type of proof, here or elsewhere, and they speak it to make or defame ANYONE is as bad a Kate. Harmful words are wrong. They can and do destroy when used without anything to back them up.

As for your question about those here and what I am saying falls in the same category. Without back up, and said to destroy, then YES, I'm saying they are as bad as her.

Key word here, PROOF! That is what defines my feelings. Without that, it's plain gossip.

Meagler said... 186

I post the following clips because it displays exactly my concenrs about how the gosselin kids have been parented, or not parented. The camera people were their to tape, not discipline. ( which in itself is another HUGE ISSUE I have ).

In this first clip, if I had witnessed this, I would have been having a conversation with the twin who hit Elissa on the head with that pillow. That could seriously hurt a young child

The following video makes me want to say " Shame on Jon and kate. You knew what was going on, you would have seen the video clip. Were you so blind to see who the instigator was in those situations? Why did you not stop it in its tracks?" Parents need to be held accountable when they do not step in to correct these kinds of behaviors. They are not cute when theya re teenagers and out of control.

There are parents who do step in and things still go awry. I feel for those parents. But in this situation, the clip of Jon and Kate speaking about this says nothing more, then.. " these 2 have a love hate relationship".. No its one picking on the other, and the other standing up for herself!

JMO said... 187

Tucker's Mom said... 75 (Administrator) said... 52
A regular local here you know emailed me back at the time and again this week to say that the lunch and locking doors rumor was 100% true. Kate sent moldy fruit with their lunches and CPS was called. CPS told her to stop doing it, and she did.
Thank you.
Oh boy, there are just no words...


still, no words :-(

Pure speculation on my part, but have deal with MANY narcissists over the years, and BPDO (Wasn't that mentioned in John's book, using her journal?) Moving right along, Kate clearly did not approve of her parent's parenting practices, but wanted the "good life" and figured she could accomplish this with Jon. Sorry, but he does have dependency issues. She know exactly who to hone in on to make her ' dreams come true," as her mother noted she carried around a book about "twins." She then was honing in on more multiples as there was a show on tv about multiples, knew enough how to manipulate a larger multilple pregnancy as this gained lots of attention, and proceeded forward with her plan to try to gain national attention.

If I remember correctly, she was diagnosed as Bi-Polar, and with her background felt that she could become famous and gain attention (BPD) by having multiple kids post twins. I do think she manipulated the whole second set of multiples, as her own mom indicated, she seemed obsessed with this at one point. Home Makeover on TV, and from there, she just wanted to have people filming HER and the kids. The fame factor ruined her, put her kids' lives on tv, ruined her marriage, but she could not stop even after 2 of her kids were expelled from school.

And now putting her 2 thirteen year olds on TV to promote a TV show, and destroy Jon? And to sue him for the JB Book,and then have to withdraw the petition. All just indicators she will stop AT NOTHING to realize her own dreams at the expense of her own kids, who live through her non-stop insanity.

I do believe that Kate repeats the same power and control issues with her own kids, as she is using same tactics she claimed to hate from her parents so much. TFW has stooped to the lowest level, did I say the absolute lowest level by putting her twins on TV to talk about more "filming" - oh yes the twins really want it and to put them in a position to disparage their dad at her prodding, on national TV.

I do believe the reports from a local, about the "disgusting sandwiches" going back then next day and rooms locked, because as sad as it is to say, Kate repeats the same methods she claims she hates her parents for over and over again. And won't speak to them! She never had any business having 8 kids, and she clearly has big issues, that will probably never respond to counseling based on her MH issues.

The problem is that these kids will continue to suffer her wrath in an instant, if they do not go along with her company line. The twins seem to know how to "work" her but I firmly believe the tups are left at her mercy, and we all know girls are the best. Sadly, Mady, who challenged Kate throughout the years, is now a" token" of Kate's needs - her "voice."

I am most disturbed that the boys are second class citizens designed to create "lego" creations, and tend to the chickens, as Kate does not have a clue how to treat these boys with respect. Locking kids in rooms, sending spoiled food.; totally believable, and TLC buffered her for years creating a HUGE monster for her kids.

JMO said... 188

Did I mention that TFW is the most selfish mother I have ever seen? LOL

JMO said... 189

Oh, and did I mention how many hours these "precious" kids spent in their bedroom from nighttime to morning, and for afternoon naps" until Jon got home?? Who does this? Seriously. She is a head case.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 190

Cristina Rich ‏@Sienna_Star 21m
@Kateplusmy8 I was in Toys r Us today w/my husband Ted & he was playing w/some cars & I thought of the epi when u were there. It was funny


Who in the bleep are these sheeple? This one likes American Girl dolls, Barbies and Calico Critters and her husband plays with cars, and she thinks it's funny that Kate was in the toy store, yelled at Jon and treated him like a dog?
Shaking my head...

Formerly Duped said... 191

The Alexis story as far as I recall is this: they said she slept down there because she woke up early and disturbed Hannah who then got headaches. She felt since she slept there, she should not allow others to sit on 'her bed' (movie night) and also not have to clean the mess upstairs in Leah and Hannah's room. Kate did make the bat remark. It well could be that Jon joined Alexis down there when the two parents were separating while still maintaining the 'brand. 'I don't think it was a punishment, just terrible judgment and underlying favoritism. They had that yellow room where the twins studied. With their new big pink bedroom they could have given Alexis that room; it would be on the same floor as J&K and also have exits available for fire.

Now all three girls share a bedroom although at first Hannah was alone with her headaches.She then missed Leah. I'm surprised TFW didn't then move Alexis in alone.The two other girls definitely eschew her company.

MickeyMcKean said... 192

TLC stinks said... 87
In a town the size of Wernersville and all the other places Kate frequents locally and with her notariety, it does not surprise me in the least that it got around about CPS. After all, a parent or teacher most likely squealed to the tabloids about the kids getting expelled. Poor old Kate could do nothing more than go on TV and lie about that, but I am sure the locals knew the truth.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 88
I'm interested how a local found out this information. Is the local the person who reported it to the rag mag?

* * * *

The locals have been talking for years especially about Kate. There is no way of knowing what local with personal knowledge of what they saw reported it to CPS or who sold a story about the kids being expelled.

FTR I got a call from my friend who told me what she had heard through the grapevine in regards to the two kids being expelled. I was told that the school did everything they could because they did not want to expel them, and that the school was concerned that word would get out to the media which would hurt the kids. But after doing everything they could the school had to pull the trigger -- they had to take into account what was best for all students, not just the 2 G kids.

I did not comment on this matter on this blog, IIRC another local did post on this blog and it was what I had heard through my friend.

I was livid when Kate used this opportunity to go on TV and lied. It occurred to me that Kate herself sold the story knowing it would give her an opportunity to go on TV. Of course the sheeple believed it was Jon but we bloggers will never know who did it - Kate, Jon or someone at the school.

This morning bloggers were questioning if the stale sandwiches and locked doors were a rumor or not. Nice to know that Admin was able to clear up this matter.

There has been so many stories that have come out that sometimes you don't know if it is fact or fiction. Nice to see some of you keep the links handy.

Some of you have issues with my friend who is a local and I know you will never get over it -- we agree to disagree.

Some of you have issues with me based upon something that I wrote on another blog 2 years ago. I have apologized for the verbage I used but I was straight up that I wrote it for only one reader: RH.

Considering all the debates and dissecting of tweets etc., please know that I found it interesting that no one asked me why did I write what I did?

Why didn't it cross anyone's mind that perhaps I was told something by a local that would prompt me to push an issue?

Why is it that people just assumed that I hurt Dana? On what information do you have that makes you think that they are still married?

I'm not saying I know if the Hoffmans are divorced and I am not looking to debate any issue. I am just trying to point out how easy it is for someone to make a comment on a blog and then the belief of one blogger turns into a fact for many bloggers. Even RH said he used the word "diskette" and it morphed into a "hard drive".

In re RH once again releasing his book, I have no idea if there is a legal hold up and/or if RH is concerned with Kate hitting him with another lawsuit. I do know that I was against people sending him any money because no one really knows what is going on. If you want to support RH then buy his book if/when it is available.

BUT IMHO I don't think it will matter if his book ever comes out now that Kate and the twins did the People article and then their uncomfortable appearance on the TODAY show. Kate's career is over. The media in general gets it, Billy Bush/Access Hollywood in particular saw the true Kate ... that when Kate snaps her fingers at her twins it means "mama needs a new pair of shoes".

Now that Jon is talking to the media and coming across as being truthful, as well as putting networks on notice that he will not allow his kids on TV, I really can't see Kate back on any show, with or without the kids.

Formerly Duped said... 193

Millicent; It's 6:03 that they assemble in the kitchen. I

Lanc Native said... 178 : It was Farm to Table. Kate asked if they had completed everything they meant to, at the dinner table. Cara said they didn't accomplish the goal of fixing her foot. Kate said she wanted to take care of it before her custody period was over. She called the dr, and was given an appointment that evening. The babysitter was phoned and said she could take her. The dr recommended x-rays and Kate did take her to the hospital. They found out the foot was only bruised and Kate remarked that they didn't have time fro a cast anyway .(the injury was said to be caused by the tup girls somehow but I forget the details)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 194

Someone posted a youtube link of bad moments, and I was about to watch it. I haven't watched the show since the episode when they moved into the new house. Not a rerun, not a clip, nothing. Well, the clip started, and I just saw one of the sweet little toddler boy tups standing there, and I quickly turned the clip off. I simply couldn't bear to see those little faces, knowing the things I know now.

Beyond all the fun, and the snark, and getting to know the other posters, I continue to read here because TFW makes me angry, and I want to see her get her comeuppance. I'm someone who has always championed the underdog, and there are 8 little underdogs in this story. Things have been taken from them -- literally and metaphorically -- and it upsets me that this woman has gotten away with it. I don't want to wish ill on her, because that will harm the children who, no matter what, love their mom. So for now I'm hoping through some court-ordered mental evaluation that something might interrupt her condition, and allow for her to civilly co-parent with Jon, and to give her children some semblance of normalcy for what remains of her childhood.

Beyond DIsgusted said... 195

Sparkle, 182 said:

" I think the fact that the poster reported that the school reported this to CPS and the family judge had to rule on it adds creedence."


But how does anyone know that it was reported to CPS, and moreover, how does a "source" know what a judge ruled on? A "source" could be anyone who comes up with this out of the blue and "claims" to be an insider. We've seen this happen time and time again. It's like Whisper Down The Lane. One person comes up with something; another person takes it further; and yet another person adds something else to it until it's totally blown out of proportion.

Could "sandwich gate" and "locked door gate" have happened? Certainly. Knowing Kate and her control issues, it's entirely possible. However, I'm like those from Missouri. Show me. Show me the court ruling signed by the judge, and then I'll believe it. Would speculations hold up in court? No. A jury has to see proof, and like members on a jury, some here need to see proof. Without it, then it remains speculation.

Someone said that admin verified the source, when in fact she clearly stated that the source wasn't vetted. Why would someone state that admin verified the source when admin was honest enough to admit that the person wasn't vetted? I, for one, appreciate her honesty and disclosure about this. However, this is what I'm talking about. Misstatements are made, certainly, but when it's taken as fact and passed along as such, that's when some become doubtful whether anything that was reported as "face" has any validity at all.

Sherry Baby said... 196

NJ (183)..Key word here, PROOF! That is what defines my feelings. Without that, it's plain gossip.

But there's one thing that we do know. Gladys is off her rocker, and totally, obsessively, in love with Kate. :-)

Meagler said... 197

The Not -a-Nanny took Cara to the doctor, because Cara had been complaining about a sore leg for a few days. Kate didnt think there was likely anything wrong so sent Cara with the not-a-nanny.

The doctor office then called and said they felt that Cara should go to the hospital for an Xray. Kate did take Cara to the hospital. The camera followed them to the hospital but did not film in the hospital, and then showed them coming out of the hospital with kate saying the xray showed that nothing was broken.

Meagler said... 198

Does anyone have a link to the final episode of Kate Plus 8? The one where they interview Jamie and Ashley? I cant find it, and want to watch it again.


Math Girl said... 199

Ncgirl and Over and Out,

Thanks for the exact text of the tweet about Zorro biting. I remembered seeing it, but couldn't find it anywhere on her timeline. I found it by searching for #henibblessomeXs. It was way back on Dec 8. How time flies!

MickeyMcKean said... 200

Re Ghost on CT:

I watched the show last night because I wanted to see what happened when Ghost had both women with him in front of Dr. Jen.

I was not surprised that he had been cheating all along and that he has very little, if any, respect for women. Based upon what he does for a living, why would he have to really care about women and their feelings? As far as he is concerned, it is "easy come, easy go".

People who are in the music industry, professional ball players, NASCAR drivers, rodeo cowboys, etc. all know that women groupies are a fact of life and are considered a perk, that women show up just because they want to sleep with them. Granted some of them have expectations of long term relationships but most are just one night stands.

Since I know about cowboys -- and there is no doubt a romanticism about cowboys -- the women who go to rodeos to meet the cowboys are called "buckle bunnies". Trust me when I say that if you are labeled a buckle bunny it is NOT a compliment, just a heads up to all the cowboys that this gal is easy.

So in last night's episode, where Ghost was even clapping his hands to make a point and justify his actions, it was not a surprise to me. I have no idea how much respect or self esteem either one of these women have for themselves, I just know that if both move on Ghost will find replacements for both of them fairly quickly.

Again it is just a perk that goes with his job, if one groupie leaves him he knows that another one will come along and be more than willing to see if she can change him.

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