Thursday, February 27, 2014

Discussion Thread: Couples Therapy episode 9, "Fired Up"

VH1,  check local listings.

1019 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Unknown said... 1

I was just about to hit publish on the other thread when I saw new comments are not allowed, so I will post this in the new thread.

PJ at 22 said
''Listen, this CT show is on VH1. I hate to point out that their target demographic is not the same as the bloggers here. What Jon did and said on that show was suitable for that demographic or it wouldn't have happened.''
''....And for people worried about the kids seeing it? I'd be more concerned about the person who would make sure they saw it.''
PJ, I agree that the person making sure Jon's children see CT is the person we should be more concerned about. Your point about VH1's demographic is a very good point.

This blog is a really good place for reading different takes/insight about whatever is being discussed. I can't even count the times I've read something here that causes me to stop and think and change my way of looking at something!

Unknown said... 2

I'm watching the end of last weeks CT, and just heard Sada say ''We had our phones today''. When I heard that, I realized that most of the time CT had everyone's phones. I suppose that answers the question some people had about why Jon was shown on phone trying to talk to his children, leading up to his profane outburst at TCFW's behavior!

Ina said... 3

Jon's a poor role model as a parent. Those kids are gonna be so effed up between having a mother like Kate and a father like Jon. It's awful.

mom of 2 said... 4

I suppose that answers the question some people had about why Jon was shown on phone trying to talk to his children, leading up to his profane outburst at TCFW's behavior! ******************

Another reason Jon shouldn't have done this show. He has EIGHT kids and willingly gave up his phone for what, 2 weeks?? I can hardly keep track of my TWO kids and I'd NEVER give up what is sometimes my only way to communicate with them. And for 2 weeks?? Never.

chefsummer #Leh said... 5

Jon said Kate thinks she's going to be on TV again and she not so she can f-off and die..I can see where he's coming from.

Also saying eat s**h and die is a common saying when you're pissed at someone.

-(Still wish he would have said it but hey)- ~ Administrator said... 6

It really started even before then. Remember that cold spurt before Thanksgiving? I was at the Redskins game November 25 freezing my butt off outside D.C. Later I went to NY and it was 9 degrees according to the iPhone. It's been endless.

prairiemary said... 7

Someone on the previous thread mentioned Roma Downey and their new show, and remember how tfw seemed to be trying to get on her good side. Can anyone picture Roma running down the street in high heels, short shorts, with breasts flinging around everywhere? And wasn't she also screeching as well? Can tfw not see the huge difference between her and Roma? She just has no shame.

Sherry Baby said... 8

A question for you all. Is ''demasculines'' a word? That Lauren person seems to have fixated on that word. Does it mean what she thinks it means?

I think she means demasculinize, or maybe she's looking for emasculate. Then she tweets the following:

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 23h
@PBandJenelley_1 @TeenMomTruth it's aisle. Learn the correct spelling for words

She's really whacko! She's obsessed with the Kate's hater bullies, constantly calling them out for saying negative things to and about Kate, but then turns around and tweets this:

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 25m
@F1abraham's best work is her career as a professional liar

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 2h
Hey @F1abraham you can't fake the truth. You're a porn star who could give a shit about Sophia or your parents

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 Feb 26
@F1abraham maybe you wouldn't be such a bitch to your parents if they had thrown you out when you got pregnant. They're saints to deal w/u

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 Feb 26
@F1abraham your daughter is five and still uses a paci. You're too busy with porn to break her of the habit. And lazy

Sherry Baby said... 9

Just watched CT. What in the world did she do to him? Oh, my gosh.

localyocul said... 10

bellabac ‏@bellabac 36s
I could have warned #jon years ago to run, he was chasing a ball and i said #RunJonRun! he didnt listen! #CouplesTherapy

Ashley ‏@ashleyclaire_09 7m
Don't you feel bad @Kateplusmy8? I feel so bad for Jon. He really cares about his kids. #CouplesTherapy

Simiya ‏@SimiyaJ 9m
I knew it! I knew Jon was going to go in. That must've felt good. #CouplesTherapy

Joe Lopez ‏@JosephVLopez 10m
Seeing a new side of Liz. Guess she finally had her dick replaced. #CouplesTherapy

Christopher ‏@Kyngkap41 11m
I think John has more anger than anyone ever knew or understood. Wow #CouplesTherapy #tvtag

Jess Kelley ‏@JessKelleyRadio 5m
Watching #CouplesTherapy and feel awful for Jon! Just let him see his kids. :(

FYI said... 11

Milo again showing her hypocritical self:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 8m
@Kateplusmy8 So true > "You can't judge someone's choices without knowing their reasons." Hate that folks R always 2nd guessing U!

Yet she can judge Jon without knowing his reasons for doing what he does.

But, I forgot-Milo "knows all" about everything regarding Kate and/or Jon. i.e. Jon is evil and bad, Kate is the epitome of everything good.

getofftwitter said... 12

Wow, like I posted a few threads ago, that we are going to find out a lot about Jon & Kates marriage. It was 10years of loveless marriage, a marriage for profit (Kates marriage to Jon) I truely believe Jon was truely in love with Kate, she was in love with fame & profit.

During Jon anger management session: he said: everything has to be perfect, everything was fake, I could not make out of what some of the other things he was saying. That kind of perfection would have driven me to a lot of anger. I would have just messed things up just to PO that person off. And let them bitch. Jon was a very nice guy and Kate screwed him over: everything, money, house, & now trying with the kids.

As for him going off cause of the phone call, it is being taken out of context, by her a-hole fans and some of the media. Which means they were not paying attention or listen/watched the whole segment. If they did, they would have, heard Jon say, it's been 2 weeks since he talked to his kids, cause Kate would not let him talk to his kids. That would have made anyone mad.
I really think Liz, has learned a great deal from this session, saw the anger Jon has kept inside for 10 years.

Starz22 said... 13

For people who only think the word ABUSE is only acceptable for woman and children, you are wrong.
Jon was abused by tfw....the scars and damage he carries with him are so very valid. The fall out from the abuse affects him everyday. He's going to need heavy therapy to be able to move on.
Before I get attacked...Yes the kids are suffering from this same abuse. Jon didn't just walk away and leave them at the mercy of tfw. He fought for them with everything he had. He lost. TFW had the money and the public support which made/makes it possible for her to have total control still.

Unknown said... 14

mom of 2 said... 4
''Another reason Jon shouldn't have done this show. He has EIGHT kids and willingly gave up his phone for what, 2 weeks?? I can hardly keep track of my TWO kids and I'd NEVER give up what is sometimes my only way to communicate with them. And for 2 weeks?? Never.''
I'm POSITIVE that if Jon's children needed something, or just to talk to him, CT would have 'allowed' him to speak to his children. To think otherwise, or to imply that Jon was willing to not communicate with his children for two weeks is nonsense!

Where did I say that the CT couples NEVER had their phones for two weeks? Where? What I said was ''most of the time''. We've seen them w/their phones on past episodes, if you'll remember. When do you think he made those ''50 phone calls'' he was so upset about? Good grief!!

Lalalalala said... 15

Oh, poor Farrah. She had a tormented childhood because her mom kept a nice house. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Jon really let it out tonight. Good for him!

sparkle said... 16

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 25m
@F1abraham's best work is her career as a professional liar

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 2h
Hey @F1abraham you can't fake the truth. You're a porn star who could give a shit about Sophia or your parents

Does anyone in twitter land ever call her on this?

Lanc Native said... 17

Kate, you read this blog. I don't have Twitter, so I'm suggesting it here! Here's something for the kids this weekend. Get them out of the house and let them have fun!

Lanc Native said... 18

Truth Teller ‏@Truth_Teller201 15m
@Szrti716 @Kateplusmy8 @DrJennBerman U sound like Jon & he's not only insane, he's still hung up on Kate! @DrJennBerman #CouplesTherapy

Who, in the name of all that's holy, IS this sheeple? Hung up on Kate? Good gosh. You just have to shake your head.

This reminds me of the "insider" poster awhile back who claimed that the divorce was all a publicity stunt and Jon and Kate were getting back together. She swore up and down that there would be a reconciliation.

Lanc Native said... 19

It really started even before then. Remember that cold spurt before Thanksgiving? I was at the Redskins game November 25 freezing my butt off outside D.C.


lol!! Our butts have long been gone. All that's left are noses and ears, and they'll be off before the week is through.That early cold snap seems like a heat wave compared to what we're going through now. Actual temp tonight is 2, with a minus 16 windchill. It just doesn't end. Seems like we're being punished for something! Last time I was this cold was in 1994.

chefsummer #Leh said... 20

I felt bad for Jon it's seems like all he wants is unconditional love from his partner.-(That's it)

He just wants love from Liz,

chefsummer #Leh said... 21

Lol my favorite actress from/on Dexter tells people to f-off and die on the show.

Kelly R. said... 22

Jon was abused by tfw....the scars and damage he carries with him are so very valid. The fall out from the abuse affects him everyday. He's going to need heavy therapy to be able to move on.

He's had heavy therapy. First with rabbi schmuly, then he had a life coach. I mean, 4 years later, the guy should be a little more in control of himself. He's like a toddler.

And if things are so dire with the kids, I find it hard to believe a judge would allow Kate to withhold his kids from him.

Shutup Jon and tell it to the judge for crying out loud. The dramatics!

mom of 2 said... 23

Where did I say that the CT couples NEVER had their phones for two weeks? Where? What I said was ''most of the time''. We've seen them w/their phones on past episodes, if you'll remember. When do you think he made those ''50 phone calls'' he was so upset about? Good grief!!

He left his kids to fly to California for two weeks, so....what does that tell you? Wouldn't his time be better spent getting REAL therapy and documenting Kate's behaviour?

I get tired of the excuses made for him. He's a grown adult AND a veteran of reality tv and, frankly, should act as such. It's just my opinion, don't hate me,k? :)

Meagler said... 24

They are predicting -67 degrees celcius with the windchill where I live for this friday night......

Yaaaa....we're tough...still no snow, or wind chill days off from school or work.. We just have " indoor recess" ..................

I think I could handle being a little less tough, and get a snow day/wind chill day...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 25

Wow, like I posted a few threads ago, that we are going to find out a lot about Jon & Kates marriage. It was 10years of loveless marriage, a marriage for profit (Kates marriage to Jon) I truely believe Jon was truely in love with Kate, she was in love with fame & profit.


I think this has been known for years. We've seen it on the show. We've seen Kate in action. This is nothing new, but now we've seen the extent of his built-up anger and emotions. There was nothing fake about what we saw tonight. His venting wasn't staged.

Rhymes with Witch said... 26

Also saying eat s**h and die is a common saying when you're pissed at someone. 5

Exactly. It is not part repertoire, but the version I remember was
Eat shit and die m-f.
It either meant that you are seriously p-o'd at someone or that you are just dissing them.
Death threat? Bwahahahaha.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 27

Does anyone in twitter land ever call her on this?


Heck, yes, and that is what's so scary about it. She has no idea she's doing it. She is really one strange sheeple.

Jeanne said... 28

Did anyone else notice how "un-random" some of the acts of kindness were? Someone makes cookies every year. Someone cares year round for a lady. Someone saved babysitting money for a tv. I'm definitely convinced she only had 28 entries and she barely read them.

Some people in PA are pretty conservative about swearing. I try to be good around children. I think that in extreme anger it's more likely to come out. I think he has damaged his reputation because so many like to think they would never swear on TV. And we in the US LOVE to have someone to look down on. The swearing makes it easier to feel superior.

Jeanne said... 29

On the cold weather front, I am gathering a posse. We are going to Punxatawney and we are going to kill every groundhog we see. This must end!

Greedy Gosselins said... 30

What a shitshow. Between their mother and their father, the kids are the real losers. How sad.

Jon should never, ever have done this show. The damage to those kids is going to be irreversible if they are not in therapy today! I think Jon started out honorable enough when he quit his first show for the sake of not having his divorce played out on tv.....but he's doing just that now. I truly don't get it. And I don't think Jon gets it either.

What a mess.

Up North said... 31

How is this 'helping the children' exactly? I mean, really??

Anonymous said... 32

UNBELIEVABLE! Kate's twitter followers has been at 190,000 for over 2 weeks. Then tonight in one leap it went to 191,000 followers. How much more obvious can she be. Can someone who has tweeter please tweet about this thousand person jump in one night. The B**ch just bought 1,000 followers. I wonder how much it cost her 8 kids. And isn't is funny the very night that Jon is on VHI with a lot of press she buys a thousand buyers.

Jon claimed tonight so FAKE.

JoyinVirginia said... 33

WooHoo! The VCU Rams defeated the Fordham Rams in basketball tonight! Finally they won am away game!
How about a virtual party this weekend in Key West Florida? The weather there will be SUNNY with high temperatures in the upper 70s! Oscars are Sunday night, so we can bring our favorite movie star along!
Now if only VCU can beat the St Louis Billikens on Saturday! They will play at Richmond at the Siegel Center with the Rowdy Rams fans, that is definite home court advantage. If they win, I will definitely be in party mood! NCAA here we come!

url said... 34

"I think I'll just take some of my money, and go back to court for primary custody for the ones who want to live with me and just f--king figure the whole thing out," he tells girlfriend Liz Jannetta.


Uh, Jon? Wasn't that your plan to begin with? Oy. You've just decided you're NOW 'going to figure the whole thing out'? What the hell have you been doing the last 4 years?? Unbelievable!

Mel said... 35

I was prepared to think negatively about Jon's eat shit and die statement.

Instead it broke my heart.

As he sat there in pure misery and helplessness. He looked like a heart-broken little boy about to burst into tears. It looked like he actually did tear up. Made you want to just reach out and hug him. ~ Administrator said... 36

Did anyone else notice how "un-random" some of the acts of kindness were?


YEs. They were all lovely acts but a good portion of them weren't really random.

I'm kind of a stickler for using the correct word or phrase when describing something and I thought a random act of kindness in general meant something unplanned. You happen upon someone in need and quite unexpectedly you help out.

For instance, you see the meter maid coming down the street and someone's meter is about to expire so what the heck you pop in a few quarters and save someone a ticket and a really crappy day. You didn't wake up that morning intending to do such a thing, it just happened because of your circumstances.

Donating to Toys for Tots is not a "random act of kindness." It is simply kindness.

I really don't think Kate is that bright or even understands this concept of random acts at all. She can understand the good deeds aspect of it but can't get much more complicated than that. ~ Administrator said... 37

I haven't seen it yet but I think Jon is at the point where this is all really catching up.

He never really got a handle on Kate, her mental illness, her parental alienation, her hateful behavior. He really never did. He can do all the therapy in the world but until Kate does it Kate will always be his living nightmare.

I think this is all really hitting him finally, like a ton of bricks. And the burden is too much.

Mel said... 38

I think this is all really hitting him finally, like a ton of bricks. And the burden is too much.
Yes. Tonight's episode was heart-breaking. ~ Administrator said... 39

Tell it to the judge, Jon. Not on a horrible reality show.


It's come to my attention proof that Jon has taken a laundry list of complaints to the judge, and this has been going on years. While I was relieved to see he HAS been going to the judge, it was disappointing to know not much has changed. At some point nothing is changing and the money runs out.

The thing is, there are only a few ways for a judge to deal with an obsessed parental alienator. One, hold them in contempt and throw them in jail. Two, switch custody to the other parent. Most judges wouldn't like either of those options especially when Kate has always been around. I have only seen custody switched a few times, and it involved REALLY horrific stuff like a disturbed alienating parent who couldn't stop dreaming up sexual abuse allegations so much saw it was getting downright traumatic for the child to constantly be told she was being molested when she wasn't. Actually both of them involved false allegations of sexual abuse.

Is it bad, it sure is. Is it to the level where the judge has to do something that drastic, probably not, at least not in most judge's eyes.

The thing people forget is that many judges take it very seriously that they are supposed to provide the least interference possible with the family, the least disruption possible with the family. Contempt and switching custody is an incredibly serious matter that is very hard to get a judge to do. Bottom line, don't assume a judge could just fix this. Sadly, he probably couldn't. She has no respect for the system like most parental alienators, and it's incredible the way they can work the system.

I wouldn't wish such a thing on anyone. ~ Administrator said... 40

Some people in PA are pretty conservative about swearing.


I remember it felt very conservative sometimes, which felt comfortable for me because I'm very conservative and at the time didn't swear much and was much more religious. (boy do I cuss up a storm now.) Going to church there was probably the same as going to church in 1930. Just like how I grew up. Not a lot has changed in certain pockets.

I think there is still a lot of influence from religions like the Quakers and Amish in PA in terms of that straight laced slant. Traditionally it was a place of safe haven for very serious religions. However sometimes it felt antiquated like some law they have and may still do where 5 or more women or something like that can't live together because that's a brothel. That was problematic when a bunch of your college girlfriends wanted to rent a house together and nothing brothel-ish about it! See I went to college there so being around young people you tend to see a lot more liberal behavior, there were things like a Sex Faire where condoms would be passed out, etc. There were kids who would walk around wearing tshirts that said "F---" and no one tried to stop them. I remember my grandmother being shocked when she would read the school newspaper online and some of the stuff we talked about, lol, I still feel sorry about that. It was also very welcoming to speakers like Larry Flint, who said that Jerry Fawell was screwing his mother. So they may have a conservative reputation but they can be more open than you think at times.

Unknown said... 41

mom of 2 said... 22
''He left his kids to fly to California for two weeks, so....what does that tell you? Wouldn't his time be better spent getting REAL therapy and documenting Kate's behaviour?

I get tired of the excuses made for him. He's a grown adult AND a veteran of reality tv and, frankly, should act as such. It's just my opinion, don't hate me,k? :)''
Hate you? No I don't hate you. We have a difference of opinion, that is all. My view/opinion of Jon is not making excuses for him at all. ''REAL therapy'' is very expensive, and not only was CT free, but Jon and Liz were paid for doing it.

If you watched the episode, you would know that Jon said that he HAS documented TCFW's behavior.

Did you watch the episode? If so, I really don't understand why you wouldn't be full of sympathy for Jon, realizing how TCFW has so profoundly mistreated him. Not just Jon personally, but by denying him access to his children...even a phone call has damaged his children too.

If you watched tonight's episode and still think that Jon and Liz haven't had ''REAL'' therapy, then I don't even know what to say to you. So...I'm moving on.

Unknown said... 42

getofftwitter said... 12
''During Jon anger management session: he said: everything has to be perfect, everything was fake, I could not make out of what some of the other things he was saying.''
''.....I really think Liz, has learned a great deal from this session, saw the anger Jon has kept inside for 10 years.''
Jon started hitting things saying ''I had to do EVERYTHING.'' He repeated ''everything'' every time he slugged something else. I was SO glad to hear him finally acknowledge what we have been saying for years on this blog. He DID do ''everything''!! !!!!!!

Then he grabbed the ax and was chopping and asking ''Why did it all have to be so perfect?'' When he switched to breaking things and saying ''It was ALL FAKE'', I wanted to stand up and cheer.

It was heartbreaking to watch him finally, FINALLY let out the anger that he had been stuffing down for all those years. I've been thinking about the episode, and I'm now wondering if a huge bit of his passive behavior that has frustrated so many years is because he was afraid to let any of it out for fear that he wouldn't be able to control it.

The time spent in CT and the friends he made there, thank goodness created a 'safe place' for him to let it go. Now that he has let it go, I think he will now be able to allow himself to be angry, but use the anger in a more productive way when dealing with TCFW.

I agree with you that Liz finally 'got it', and I think this session was a huge breakthrough for both of them.

imo said... 43

As much as we assume Kate's a horrible mom, I wonder what the other side of the story is here. If Jon is telling the absolute truth, no judge would allow it. It can't be as bad as he says or something would be done.

imo said... 44

Then he grabbed the ax and was chopping and asking ''Why did it all have to be so perfect?'' When he switched to breaking things and saying ''It was ALL FAKE'', I wanted to stand up and cheer.

Differing opinions make life interesting!

See, I thought Jon made a fool out of himself. *shrug* He's certainly taking a beating on website comments. He's losing whatever dignity he had regained.

swingsandroundabouts said... 45

From the previous thread...
MiChi: "You know, of all things the kids are gonna have to see one day, seeing their dad (language as ugly as it is) angry about not being able to see or talk to them really isn't that bad, all things considered. IMO, finding out "Mommy" used as me as a pawn to hurt Daddy and embarrass him aaaaand intentionally kept me from him when he wanted me is a lot worse than Jon showing emotion and frustration over wanting to see me."


Absolutely. This is a great post.

Wowser said... 46

Mom 0f 2: While you are questioning/criticizing Jon for leaving his kids for 2 weeks...just a reminder that TFW did the SAME thing when she did CWS and she DIDN'T even prepare the kids for that to happen. As a kid, I would sure as hell be MORE upset that my mommy was leaving me to go take care of someone ELSE's kids and leaving me with a stranger than knowing my father had to go away because he was getting therapy.

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 47 (Administrator) said… 38 It's come to my attention proof that Jon has taken a laundry list of complaints to the judge, and this has been going on years. While I was relieved to see he HAS been going to the judge, it was disappointing to know not much has changed. At some point nothing is changing and the money runs out.

ADMIN~Is this recent? Meaning, has he returned to judge's chambers lately, with current evidence & complaints? I ask because I'm wondering if you're suggesting by the time he appeared on CT, he'd arrived at the point where he felt/feels defeated, and/or his cash supply was depleted.

Context, please. :)

Meaning, while I see and don't doubt for a minute that TFW brought Jon to the point of extreme anger and disgust--I'm trying to put into a greater context these latest custody-related accusations/outbursts.

FYI said... 48

Anonymous said... 31
UNBELIEVABLE! Kate's twitter followers has been at 190,000 for over 2 weeks. Then tonight in one leap it went to 191,000 followers.

Leslie-Kate's twitter shows 191K followers, but if you hover over that number, it will show the exact number of followers which right now is 190,753. About 2 weeks ago, it showed about 190,150. I think when you have a lot of followers(in the thousands) twitter rounds that number to the nearest thousand.

So although it may have shown 190K on Wednesday and it now shows 191K, it doesn't mean that she gained 1000 followers in one day.

May said... 49

I think the part of the show that really got to me was how he shouted "fake" so many times. You have to really wonder what this man had to put up with over the years. Also he said he was tired of having to do everything himself, and that statement I totally believe is true.

I understand people saying he should never have done the show, but isn't it finally his turn to "set the record straight"? Do you think TFW would EVER go on television and tell the masses how fake the show was? I also think it was a way for him to get a decent paycheck to perhaps start over. Remember, he went through a lot of stuff at a very young age. I have to wonder how other young people might have handled this mess.

TLC stinks said... 50

Once in a while we hear a Kate sheeple say Jon is still hung up on Kate. Truth be told, a sheeple female that says that is the one hung up on Kate.

It's obvious the hate and resentment Jon feels towards TFW. Now that he has stepped away from the relationship, he can fully appreciate how dysfunctional the marriage was and how f***ed up Kate is.

I would guess divorce judges hear all sorts of things as parents battle over custody. Mothers are still favored, people have the right to raise their children as they want, so Jon is in a terrible situation with a judge. I don't know what it will take to get custody from her, and frankly I think it may be impossible unless the kids speak to the judge. We may think she is nuts, but a judge probably doesn't. It's really, IMO, up to the kids, which I think she knows, thus the brainwashing and parental alienation. Without ALL 8 kids, she is nothing.

FYI said... 51

Remona Blue said... 41

...Then he grabbed the ax and was chopping and asking ''Why did it all have to be so perfect?'' When he switched to breaking things and saying ''It was ALL FAKE'', I wanted to stand up and cheer.

Remona-when Jon was saying that, I got the feeling that he was not only talking about his marriage, but also about the show. Fake wedding in Hawaii, pretending that the marriage was fine, even though it was falling apart behind the scenes. TLC and Kate didn't want to admit that there was trouble in paradise. Most important to them was protecting the "brand" of the perfect, happy family. They forced Jon to live a lie on TV and finally had to admit the truth when the stories started coming out in the tabs.

I think that's why a lot of people blame Jon for everything--they think and believe, he not only ruined his marriage, he ruined their TV show and their perception of the happy family they saw on TV, no matter how fake it was.

Ingrid said... 52

I agree with Lanc native who said it feels like we are being punished. We are at 5 below and 22 below windchill this morning. I had water when I got home from work at 5:30am. By 6am it had froze. (colder just before dawn) So I was under our trailer with a heater and hair dryer for half an hour getting it open.We have had some windchills of 30-35 below too. I don't know how people who get this more often than I do can stand it.

Our local news said the high today is going to be 18 and that is 20 degrees lower than normal. It is really getting depressing. Some days I just want to sit and cry.

FYI said... 53

I see Kate is jumping on the Son of God movie promotion bandwagon:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 15m
My friend @MarkBurnettTV movie about Jesus opens TODAY! Get your tix for @SonofGodMovie now … #sonofgod RT

She's trying to act like Mark Burnett is her good friend, and it was her idea to promote the movie, but she's only following a script. Check out this timeline to see how many other celebrities tweeted the exact same thing, and did it before Kate did. She so wants to be part of the "in" crowd. She did the same thing when the Bible series was on TV.

FYI said... 54

When VH1 showed previews for the show back in December, they showed a preview of Jon where he is actually talking into the phone and saying "I need to talk to my children". That part wasn't shown last night-I wonder why?

The sheeple are saying that the whole phone call thing was a fake, do they also think that Jon talking into the phone was faked too?

It's right at the beginning of this clip:

PA Mom said... 55

I don't know how people who get this more often than I do can stand it.


Ingrid -- I was thinking the same thing this morning when I got everyone into the car. I can't imagine living in Minnesota where this is their usual winter. It was two degrees and warmed up to a balmy five by the time I got home. Last night was brutal. I just checked our weather, and they are calling for at least a foot from Sunday through Monday, with Monday being an all-day snow event. Enough is enough, and I've totally had it.

Berks Neighbor said... 56

TFWs Tweet about the Son of God movie is a generic tweet. If you do a google search you'll see about a dozen or so of Mark and Roma's "Good Friends" (mainly B and C list tv - movie personalities) have tweeted the same thing. You can tell this is a generic tweet that TFW didn't write because of the RT at the end (and the lack of "8's" and twitter shorthand in the in my "gr8 bffs ....blahblahblah" )

*just a humble public service announcement*

PA Mom said... 57

Once in a while we hear a Kate sheeple say Jon is still hung up on Kate. Truth be told, a sheeple female that says that is the one hung up on Kate.


I wonder about sheeple like that. Are they really that dumb, or is it all an act, trying to get the haters to take the bait and get into an argument? Whether you like Kate or hate her, or side with Jon or despise him, their thinking/reasoning ability is non-existent. I read some of their allegations and think that nobody, not even a clueless fan, could be that much of an idiot. I know that many of them, such as Lauren, live in a self-imposed fantasy world, but really, are they this stupid?

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 58

LOL, and ouch! Via Dlisted: "We all know that Kate Gosselin is the baked-on, permanent skid mark on Jon’s favorite pair Ed Hardy Underoos…"

PA Mom said... 59

If Jon is telling the absolute truth, no judge would allow it. It can't be as bad as he says or something would be done.


Depends on the judge. And yes, things were as bad as he says they were.

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 60

Okay, so I was wrong about including Roma Downey in her tweet, but do I still get credit for calling this? Partial credit, maybe? Ha, so predictable.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 42m
My friend @MarkBurnettTV movie about Jesus opens TODAY! Get your tix for @SonofGodMovie now … #sonofgod RT

chefsummer #Leh said... 61

He left his kids to fly to California for two weeks, so....what does that tell you?

UM did you forget that Kate left the kids to go to LA to do wife swap with Kendra??

She let the kids with a stranger for a full week so she could film a show. At least Jon didn't leave the kids with a stranger.

-(No offence to Kendra who seem to care more about the kids then their mother)

Jon also said he didn't see or talk to the kids for weeks he was also being sued by Kate at the time so.... ~ Administrator said... 62


Unfortunately that's just not the truth. Judges allow terrible parental alienation all the time, I've seen it with my own eyes. A good recommendation to get an understanding of what happens in family law is Divorce Corp. While I don't agree with everything they say they really do a great job explaining how a good father could end up so screwed so often. Another thing is the judge CAN'T know for sure who is telling the absolute truth. The judge was not there when Kate was telling the kids what to say on Today. The judge was not there when Jon made 50 phone calls. Judges have to make credibility calls. A judge is perfectly within their rights to decide that it's not as big of a deal as what either of them say. He clearly decided the gun issue was not as big of a deal as Kate thought. Jon has been complaining as far back as 2010.

PA Mom said... 63

I think there is still a lot of influence from religions like the Quakers and Amish in PA in terms of that straight laced slant. Traditionally it was a place of safe haven for very serious religions.


Some members of the Plain Sect can curse right along with their "English" brethren! It's funny to hear them swearing in PA Dutch. I've been to market and have listened to conversations of some of the stand-holders. They think that most people are tourists and can't understand what they are saying. I can, and I look at them and in jest, give them Kate's evil eye! ~ Administrator said... 64

Weird the comment I was responding to didn't show up: here it is:

If Jon is telling the absolute truth, no judge would allow it. It can't be as bad as he says or something would be done.

Carole said... 65

As much as we assume Kate's a horrible mom, I wonder what the other side of the story is here. If Jon is telling the absolute truth, no judge would allow it. It can't be as bad as he says or something would be done.

This is what the sheeple on twitter say about the abuse documented in TFW's journal. It's the same thing that's been said about the animal abuse w/Shoka and Nala. The truth of the matter is, and Admin has given examples in the past and I'm sure can give many more, that unless the abuse is so horrendous, family courts are generally unwilling to order changes and even if they do there's no guarantee the orders will be followed - TFW is the perfect example. We don't know how many times Jon has tried to take the issues to the court, nor the outcomes. With child or animal abuse, maybe if you're lucky you'll see changes made. But, sadly, not necessarily.

All I'm saying, is that just because we haven't noticed any outward changes it doesn't mean nothing was done, or not done. And, as Admin said upthread, Jon has indeed tried to put issues before the court. I think suggesting that Jon has done something so wrong that the courts haven't ruled against TFW and for him, w/o any proof, and using the fact that no obvious custody changes were noticed by the public is wrong. Read what Admin has said in #38 above. It's hard to make changes w/custody. Very hard. Not seeing changes doesn't mean no one tried to do anything or that they're not suitable to parent. Since we don't know the full story I don't think any assumptions should be made.

chefsummer #Leh said... 66

So let's list what's fake about Kate.

1. Her hair.
2. Her boobs.
3. Her teeth.
4. Her personality.
5 Marriage to Jon-(probably loving Jon)

What is real about this woman?

URL said... 67

Next week's upcoming episode is showing Jon presenting Liz with a small jewelry box. I hope it isn't a proposal with a ring provided by the network like the Bachelor franchise. Hopefully, it's just a necklace, earrings, or some other piece of jewelry and Jon won't subject his children to a proposal set up by this reality show.

Granny60 said... 68

I know that I am not a legal authority by any means, but is this not where a guardian ad litem would come protect the interests of the children???

chefsummer #Leh said... 69

I'm having eye surgery this AM wish me good lucky you guys.

Ingrid said... 70

PA Mom said... 54

I don't know how people who get this more often than I do can stand it.


Ingrid -- I was thinking the same thing this morning when I got everyone into the car. I can't imagine living in Minnesota where this is their usual winter. It was two degrees and warmed up to a balmy five by the time I got home. Last night was brutal. I just checked our weather, and they are calling for at least a foot from Sunday through Monday, with Monday being an all-day snow event. Enough is enough, and I've totally had it.
We haven't had a lot of large snows but with what we have had and the winds the drifts are now huge my yard. I had one up against the front oor yesterday morning. Small but being so cold the snow was hard and I couldn't just use the door to push it over. Had to shovel it-. Snow plows are making 6-8 ft or more piles along roads pushing back those drifts.

Dmasy said... 71

chefsummer, I hope all goes well. Take care.

Formerly Duped said... 72

Who knows if TFW even got 28 entries? She might have made up the winners and their actions. The 'random" acts were pretty generic. I also noticed many were not random, but wonderful planned kindnesses. I think it takes something away from them though by taking a photos and entering a contest about it.That's why think they maybe fake- most truly kind people do not want praise or attention or a lousy crookbook for doing something for other people.

Ingrid said... 73

Good luck with your surgery chef

FYI said... 74

chefsummer--sending good thoughts your way. Hoping your surgery goes well. Good luck!

willowmom said... 75

chefsummer, best of luck today!

Being in MN myself, I have had far more than enough winter - the subzero temps and windchills are awful. But I still realize that all you people on the East Coast have had it far rougher than we have, and you have more on the way - stay warm and safe, all of you East Coasters, and West Coasters as well.

localyocul said... 76

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 59
Okay, so I was wrong about including Roma Downey in her tweet, but do I still get credit for calling this? Partial credit, maybe? Ha, so predictable.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 42m
My friend @MarkBurnettTV movie about Jesus opens TODAY! Get your tix for @SonofGodMovie now … #sonofgod RT

So now that J has been depicted as a swearing raging guy she's going back to the good Christian role?

Formerly Duped said... 77

Good luck, chefsummer. Eye surgery must be scary.But hope the results 20/20!

JoyinVirginia said... 78

OT: I would like to invite everyone sick of snow, ice, cold and rain to a virtual soiree in Key West Florida this weekend. Starting tonight and continuing thru an Oscar party on Sunday night. Bring your favorite dish to share.
Itinerary: gather by the pool at the Almond Tree Inn, an oasis in the city, beginning tonight and anytime over the weekend. The pool boys will have a lovely wine and cheese spread tonight, and continental breakfast daily.
Saturday get up early if you want to go to the Dry Tortugas National Park. we will take a ride on the Yankee Freedom to get there.
We will snorkel and picnic at Fort Jefferson, then return to key West and see local attractions.
Sunday more exploring of the warm, sunny Key West! Concluding with an evening soiree at the Ernest Hemingway house, we are virtually renting it for the evening, just us and the cats and some delightful tour guides who will share anecdotes about Ernest and his wife Pauline who lived there and of course all the cats.
Weather in Key West this weekend will be sunny with temperatures in the 70s.
For transportation, Flight of the Kiwi has loaned out her husbands vintage faux suede Lazy Boy recliner before. If that is not available then I can check on the availably of the El Camino limousine for virtual transportation to Key West and them back home after the Oscar party.

Jumping In said... 79

Chefsummer, if it's cataract surgery, I had one eye done last fall, piece of cake! Good luck.

JoyinVirginia said... 80

Chef summer, hope your surgery goes well. I will reserve a special good looking pool boy just to see to your needs if you feel like virtually coming to key West for your recovery.

Mel said... 81

Chefsummer...good luck to you!

I, too, was hoping that it wasn't an engagement ring that Jon was presenting to Liz.

If he's been going to can only go so many times before it starts being detrimental to your cause.
And after awhile it just gets too costly for the average person to keep up. TFW, oth, has deep enough pockets to fight this forever. And she apparently has the judge in her back pocket.

And...when the judge apparently doesn't care or shoots you down every time, there's no point in wasting your time/money on it anymore. I wonder if Jon needs a better lawyer in this matter.

Dwindle said... 82

Chefsummer, thinking of you.

Bitchy Pants said... 83

Chef -- prayers for an easy surgery and a swift and favorable recovery.

Joy -- that virtual trip sounds like just what we need. I'm in. Tell FOTK to send the recliner. I'm just up the road from her anyway. Any chance we can stay on a couple of extra days? That way I could miss out on the weather event heading our way. Of course, my heart would be broken if I did -- NOT. I'll bring my homemade dillweed dip and a veggie platter. Maybe a loaf of Irish soda bread, too, since we're coming up on St. Patrick's Day.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 84

Chefsummer, I'm sending good thoughts your way. You seem like someone who's been through a lot, and has made it to the other side with grace. Hang in there!

Empress, I shall give you full credit for your Roma Downey prediction! That poor fan with the book has tweeted dozens of times about her without a response. Because the way to get TFW's attention is to be "somebody." If only that fan had offered to pay TWF for a book jacket blurb, it would've been read ages ago.

Joy, thanks for the virtual party invite! As I've been snubbed by the Academy once again this year, I'll be available to attend (who wants to go to the Oscars in the rain, anyway?). Speaking of which, Admin, please drive safely this weekend. We'll try to behave in your absence!

AuntieAnn said... 85

Chef- good luck with your eye surgery. Let us know how it went when you're able to :0)

Bitchy Pants said... 86

My earlier post doesn't seem to have gone through. Apologies if this turns out to be a duplicate.

Chef -- prayers for an easy surgery and a swift and complete recovery.

Joy -- this party sounds like just what we need. I'm in. Tell FOTK to send the recliner for me. I'm just up the road from her anyway. I'll bring my homemade dillweed dip and a platter of veggies. maybe a loaf of Irish soda bread, too, since it's coming up on St. Patrick's Day. Can we arrange to stay an extra day or two? That way, maybe I can completely miss out on this upcoming weather "event". Of course, I'll be heartbroken -- NOT!!

Michelle said... 87

Talk about what a mess parental alienation causes, check out this case I saw on the news last year:

There's no way the kids in this story are surviving their parents unscathed.

dont post offen but said... 88

I highly doubt that Mark Burnett and Rona Downey would want to have anything to do with Kate since they have a reputation to uphold. No unless they feel Kate is a ho who needs some savin so they befriend her in their little group of Christian celebrities out in Hollywood. I do find it hard to believe that Rona D would want to associate herself with Kate after knowing Kate mucks with D lister porno queens like Kendra.
Maybe Kate can talk her " good friend" Mark Burnett to score her a motion picture to follow Son of God. The movie can be about Mary Magdalene the prostitute who has 8 offspring who are confiscated by the Temple Elders and used for slaves . Of course the Ho is Kate and Purse Boy can be a mini replica of Jesus who KK the ho follows around trying to seduce him. She will go to great lengths to be the first one to bed PB aka mini Jesus and get with child by him. So much for the Ho 8. This conceived child will be bigger and better than any 8 and will support kk aka mm for the rest of her life because she will be the mother of pb jesus mini me. Maybe the 8 will be given back to her to be her slaves while mini J runs around the world trying to get followers to worship his ho mom.

Mel said... 89

I really felt bad for Liz at the end of the house trashing session when Jon was supposed to say to her what he wanted that he wasn't getting.

He said I want to be with someone. Then caught himself and said I want to be with you.

But I think the truth of the matter is just as Liz said at the beginning. She could be anybody. He wants to be with someone. Anyone. It doesn't have to be her.

And I think she would like him to want her specifically. Not just any warm female body.

sftk said... 90

found cursing to be as common in pa as anywhere else I've been. 72 percent of American men curse. 56 of women. The other remaining feel morally superior I suppose. And only 5 to 15 percent say they've NEVER cursed. It's how the majority of Americans speak, but I would hate to think the majority of people are bad

I do not like the public words so common now, I do not use many curse words but the ones I do seem mild compared to the others. I also do not consider myself better than people who curse but I am offended as a woman by many of the words and as a Christian also.

High Sodium Content said... 91

I'm still reading comments, so pardon me if this has been mentioned. Didn't Jon say about CT that he and/or Liz wanted some couples therapy or he did, but he couldn't afford it. Then CT came into the picture and he would be paid to do it.

He most likely saw this as a good thing for him, Liz and his kids. He may have earned some money to give the kids some Xmas presents he wouldn't have been able to afford, (as in the Kate competition of buying the kids' love) maybe the down payment or first/last months rent on the home closer to the kids and maybe some money to invest in the one restaurant that he wanted to have a bigger part in. If someone doesn't follow the Kate and/or Jon saga, they are pretty much off the radar. Probably 99.9% of the families at the kids school could not care less about them so are not seeing any of the clips from CT.

NJGal51 said... 92

Chefsummer - Good luck with your surgery and wishing you a speedy recovery.

I'm in for Key West! I'll be going from one warm climate to another but it will be good for this Jersey girl who grew up down the shore to see the ocean again! It's been far too long. I'm going to bring a fresh salsa with some homegrown jalapeños, some Hatch chilis and homegrown cilantro. I think I'll even make a nice crock pot chili verde using some of those Hatch chilis.

Anonymous said... 93

Michelle, thank you for that article. You could change the names to Jon and the WWW and it would read about the same. Really, really tragic. And if you read the comments on the article, it makes you want to cry.


Anonymous said... 94

BTW, Admin. The article stated that they got a print-out of the file. Is this possible with a parent's permission or are they sealed permanently? In other words, could Jon go public with his case file?


Mel said... 95

Jon said that he wanted somebody to love him. He didn't say that he wanted Liz to love him.
He eventually got around to saying that he wanted Liz to love him, but it's not what he said at first. I felt kind of bad for her.

It seemed like at the end of that scenario, he was acting like a sad little boy getting comfort from his mom, not from his partner. I felt like she was responding that way, too. It seemed like that's where her compassion was coming from...the mom comforting her child.

Paula said... 96

It seemed like at the end of that scenario, he was acting like a sad little boy getting comfort from his mom, not from his partner.

Oh, good grief....ridiculous statement. Did you feel that way when the other couples comforted each other? I think I smell a new "story" from the sheeple.

Jeanne said... 97

Story about swearing in PA. The other day I was at a business and I was complaining. I had every right to complain. All of a sudden this old woman interrupted me. Told me to stop it because I was making an ass of myself. She said the sentence twice. At the time, all I could do was look at her and say Who ARE you? But later when I calmed down and thought about it, I realized there was a little pause before the word ass. I think it was the worst swear word she could bring herself to say and so it was supposed to be a big enough insult to stop me. In hindsight that part was pretty funny.

Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 98

Paula said…94.

I wasn't the original poster to whom you're referring, but I think Admin had it right: we can agree to disagree, without resorting to insults & name-calling.

Not everyone sees things the same way. Nuance, context, Point of view and prior experience. They all come into play when we form our opinions. It's not helpful to the discussion when someone makes derisive comments (i.e. "ridiculous statement") or denigrates with whom you disagree by calling them "sheeple."

Good-hearted, level-headed people can and do disagree. Can we agree on that, at the very least?

LisaNH said... 99

A couple of comments on the show. Did anyone notice, toward the beginning, when Jon was out talking with some of the other cast members he mentioned a book he was writing? And he mentioned that he had to be careful what he said in it (per his legal advisor) but if he used the phrase "I fell....." he could say pretty much anything.

When he got upset, after the phone call, he said so many things that everyone on this blog has been saying for years, about Kate. For example, he mentioned how she was dying to get back on tv and that would never happen. He also referred to her as a narcissicist.

And at the end when Jon went into the Rage Room (or whatever it's called), I really felt for him. Again, everything he said, we've said here for years. Everything was fake, everything had to be perfect (recall Kate stating one of the girls was "ruined" because she dribbled ice cream on her matchy, matchy dress at Disneyland?). But at the end, I think for the first time I've watched the show, I saw something in Liz that I hadn't seen before. It was like a lighbulb went off in her head and she showed a sweeter, gentler side. I just really felt touched with the way Jon and Liz embraced.

Sadie said... 100

t seemed like at the end of that scenario, he was acting like a sad little boy getting comfort from his mom, not from his partner.

Oh, good grief....ridiculous statement. Did you feel that way when the other couples comforted each other? I think I smell a new "story" from the sheeple.
I haven't watched CT episodes, but can get the jist of it from what everyone comments.

Saying that, posters here are going to come away with differing opinions.
And all opinions should be respected.

MabelD said... 101

Alec Baldwin wrote a book on parental alienation: "A Promise to Ourselves: A Journey Through Fatherhood and Divorce." In his own life and others’, Baldwin has seen the heavy toll that divorce can take---psychologically, emotionally, and financially. He has been extensively involved in divorce litigation, and he has witnessed the way that noncustodial parents, especially fathers, are often forced to abandon hopes of equitable rights when it comes to their children. He makes a powerful case for reexamining and changing the way divorce and child custody is decided in this country and levels a scathing attack at what he calls the “family law industry.”

JoyinVirginia said... 102

I will have plenty of sangria and wine. Somebody please bring the rumspringa! Picking up assortment of cheeses for our wine and cheese party starting about five pm and going on as long as we want. Poolside at Almond Tree Inn, Key West!

Rhymes with Witch said... 103

I think I'll even make a nice crock pot chili verde using some of those Hatch chilis. 90

Hatch chili's? Bring 'em on!

lukebandit said... 104

Chef, hope everything goes well for you in your upcoming surgery!

Whoa! The sheeple never disappoint on being stupid. To say that about the way they were comforting each other compared to a little boy and his mom, mindboggling, horrible and insane. Rebel Rousers!

LisaNH said... 105

LisaNH said... 97
A couple of comments on the show. Did anyone notice, toward the beginning, when Jon was out talking with some of the other cast members he mentioned a book he was writing? And he mentioned that he had to be careful what he said in it (per his legal advisor) but if he used the phrase "I fell....." he could say pretty much anything.


Sorry meant to say "I feel......" not "I fell" ;)

LisaNH said... 106

MabelD said... 99
Alec Baldwin wrote a book on parental alienation: "A Promise to Ourselves: A Journey Through Fatherhood and Divorce." In his own life and others’, Baldwin has seen the heavy toll that divorce can take---psychologically, emotionally, and financially. He has been extensively involved in divorce litigation, and he has witnessed the way that noncustodial parents, especially fathers, are often forced to abandon hopes of equitable rights when it comes to their children. He makes a powerful case for reexamining and changing the way divorce and child custody is decided in this country and levels a scathing attack at what he calls the “family law industry.”


I'm not so sure Alec Baldwin should be writing books like this. While the topics are valid (about non custodial parents and fathers getting the raw end of the stick) in his case, I'm sure a lot of that was brought on by his own thuggish behavior towards anyone, whether it be his own daughter or reporters or anyone else he deems as disrespecting him. He's a hot head and a blow hard so it's hard to take anything he has to say seriously.

That being said, I think Kim Bassinger (his ex wife) is a nut job too. I'm sure she knew what strings to pull and buttons to push to get him going, and I'm sure it doesn't take much with Baldwin to get him to go off.

Paula said... 107

The sheeple come here after every episode and come up with a new "storyline" about Jon's behavior. He swears, he drinks, Liz is treating him bad, blah, blah. Now this week, Jon acts like a boy who sees Liz as a "mother figure". I'm sorry, it's just so ridiculous. Whatever will the sheeple do when the show is over?

High Sodium Content said... 108

It was mentioned that how dare Jon leave the kids for two weeks. First off, he is not their day to day "care giver". Kate has taken them out of the country to Australia, again his wishes. Kate went to Australia w/ the bodyguard. If there was an emergency it would take her almost two days to get home. Kate spent at least a week away with CWS leaving the kids w/ no relative but a "friend/hairdresser/porn star and a film crew. How often did Kate travel during the show with the "bodyguard" leaving Jon home with the kids. How often was she gone across the country for DWC? Even when Jon was living in NYC he said he always came back for his custody time. If an emergency happened, Jon could have been home in 6-8 hours depending on flights. BUT, Kate probably would never call him even in an emergency involving the kids.

Anonymous said... 109

Mel #93, I get what you're saying, the way Jon leaned into Liz and how she wrapped her arms around him was like a parent/child.

Paula #94, Just because a poster sees things you don't agree with is no reason to call them a sheeple, Mel is a regular poster here.

Lukebandit #102, Mel's comment does not make her a sheeple.

-from LIN
Chef summer- good luck with surgery.

Lalalalala said... 110

Mel said... 93

Correct me if I'm wrong, Mel, but you've been posting here for a long time. I don't appreciate the attacks you've been getting from other posters. We all have our opinions and perceptions. Everyone, show some respect, please.

Paula said... 111

So, apparently Eileen O'Neill is no longer over TLC and is now in charge of the "Velocity and Science Channel" - huh?. Have they grown tired of 6 Ton People, Sex Accidents of the ER, etc, etc,???

Confused said... 112

I haven't posted in a long time- but still been reading :)!

Though I didnt care for the words Jon used, I DO hope he was able to work thru whatever issues (quite a few) he had with Kate and is able to move on from her. He really does deserve happiness.

I can't imagine not talking to my kids for two weeks. Thats horrible. I noticed at the beginning of the show it was day 18- so he had to have talked with them while he was there. I just think the producers and camera people could have given him some privacy. Maybe, just maybe, Kate would have let them talk.

I hate that the real people that are hurt in this are those 8 children.

Confused said... 113

I have to jump on the no-name calling band wagon.

Mel- as a long time reader here, I may not always agree, but have always found your post respectful. Hopefully others will respond in kind.

*stepping off soap box.

D-Katz said... 114

Administrator shouldn't the abuse mean more for jon and the kiddos cases than the alienation part? Or is there no problem like that anymore for the eight a there moms ?

FYI said... 115

Joy-count me in for the virtual party. Just one request--whatever mode of transportation we're using, either flying recliner or limo, please make sure the heating system is working and on full blast. Especially for those of us experiencing single digit wind chills.

I think Auntie Ann is in charge of the rumspringa, but I will bring a supply brandy to keep us warm and toasty during our travel to Key West. I will also bring various appetizers to eat while travelling so that the brandy doesn't completely knock us out. Any preferences?

Mel said... 116

Yes, I've been posting a long time, many years.
No problems if someone doesn't agree with my opinion. Name-calling I'm not as happy about. I certainly am NOT a sheeple.

Lately this has happened to others when their opinion isn't the popular opinion, or it isn't 100% rah, rah Jon. Sigh.

I've always liked this blog because generally we can discuss things pretty rationally. I would like to see that continue.
I have lots of times seen things in a different way because of someone's comment that had a different perspective than mine. I love reading all the different perspectives...all the different takes on what's going on.

Those who think I'm a sheeple...did you notice that I'd posted last night that this episode broke my heart?

Below is what I said. Doesn't sound all that sheeple to me.

I was prepared to think negatively about Jon's eat shit and die statement.

Instead it broke my heart. As he sat there in pure misery and helplessness.

I think this is all really hitting him finally, like a ton of bricks. And the burden is too much.
Yes. Tonight's episode was heart-breaking.

And I truly mean that. It *was* heart-breaking to see. I wish I could wave my magic wand and make it all better for Jon and his children.
But sadly my magic wand is lost.

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 117

Echoing Lin & Lala, and my own comment at 96. Agree to disagree; say your piece but don't deny others their due!

FWIW, I mentioned this insulting comments/ "sheeple" thing on an earlier post, but my post got swallowed by Wordpress.

FYI said... 118

The sheeple always complain when the haters harass anyone that has anything to do with Kate, yet they are just as guilty when it comes to Jon. They think it's perfectly okay to harass his PR firm. Milo is the one leading the charge.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · Feb 26
@MKSandAssocInc Do U approve of how ur client openly berated & cursed his ex wife Kate on #CouplesTherapy gig? Fine example 4his kids? :(

Siobhan R ‏@SiobhanR111 · 22h
@MKSandAssocInc So..r u still rep'ing Jon Gosselin-the guy who ranted on tv that he wishes his ex would 'f*** die?' Regrets yet? Ashamed?

Siobhan R ‏@SiobhanR111 · 21h
@MKSandAssocInc u stand by Jon Gosselin & his rant about wishing the mother of his 8 kids would die? Will u answer...or not? Hmm..

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 42m
@MKSandAssocInc I see U have "no comment" on ur client JonG's recent profanity wish-his-ex-2die rant?Left U speechless?Embarrassed?Sad4kids!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 41m
@MKSandAssocInc U seem polite, respectful & often answer w/class. Why N the world do U represent him? Totally a puzzle? All abt $$?

Nosy as ever and expecting an answer. Yet if the haters tweeted Julie Carson May about Kate, she'd be the first to show disdain for them. Does she ever think how much she looks like a lunatic sending tweets like this?

It's a good thing that Jon closed his twitter account. I can just imagine what Milo would be tweeting to him.

FYI said... 119

It seems like there is only one poster here who is accusing other posters, especially some long time posters(like Mel), of being "sheeple". Just because someone posts an opinion that may be opposite to what you think does not make them a "sheeple".

Mel-yes, you have been around a long time, and though I may not always agree with some of your opinions, I know that you are definitely not a sheeple.

JoyinVirginia said... 120

The password to get into the virtual party is Rule Number Three!
Kate is a twit, I am trying to get Santa on the phone, I hear that he and Mrs Claus are really tired of the Arctic Vortex. They may saddle up the reindeer who are equally tired of the cold, and head to Florida. I will ask them to pick you up!
Assortment of tasty cheese and crackers for this evening, some puff pastry stuffed with spinach, and mushrooms stuffed with crab will complement the veggie tray and dill dip Bitchy Pants is bringing, and NJ Gal s fresh salsa. I picked up blue corn chips too!
Remember, Rule Number Three is the super secret code

Anonymous said... 121

Count me in for the virtual Key West getaway! The vintage 1950's heirloom faux ultra suede brown Lazy-Boy recliner can seat 1-191,000 so all are welcome. I'll snag Dee on my way. For eats, I'll bring the same multi-cheese slop, er, dip in a bread bowl. I made 8 last time and shoved the remaining 7 into our vintage 1950's GE/Westinghouse freezer. It's an amazing appliance...freezer on top and refrigerator on the bottom.

Dee - if you'd like to stay longer I can tow our 1984 Starcraft Starlight SD 21 pop up camper with the historical license plates. No air conditioning but we have 2 multi-speed fans that do the trick.

I am SUPER excited! #SUPERFUNKeyWestVirtualtrip #ThanksJoy

gabby2 said... 122

I think some of us that have twitter should say what we think of "milo" and copy said advertizing group....

FYI said... 123

I just realized the irony that the episode that has Milo(aka FiredUp4Kate) all upset and throwing fits is called "Fired Up"!!

gabby2 said... 124

I doubt Mark Burnett is her "friend"....if he were her "friend" she would have a TV show by now. LOL.

He knows exactly how "fake" she is.

Can't wait for Jon's book....

gabby2 said... 125

How does Kate spend her time:

50% getting back at Jon and talking with lawyers
20% trying to get TV show
10% writing schedules for the hired help
10% shopping and plastic surgery

10% trying to get Steve back

Time spent with individual children: ZERO

Kate, are you having fun yet???

Unknown said... 126

Confused said... 110
''I can't imagine not talking to my kids for two weeks. Thats horrible. I noticed at the beginning of the show it was day 18- so he had to have talked with them while he was there. I just think the producers and camera people could have given him some privacy. Maybe, just maybe, Kate would have let them talk.''
Confused, if I'm remembering correctly the entire point of Jon's anger was that he had been calling TCFW ''over 50 times'' and she was refusing to let him talk to his children. He also responded to Liz's question about how long had it been since he'd talked to his children that it had been ''two weeks''! Therefore, by day 18 it was already two weeks that TCFW hadn't allowed him to speak to his children. I agree that is horrible.
~~~~ whom it may concern:
Mel HAS been posting here a long time. Since her opinion of Jon is usually pretty harsh, I appreciate all the more when her opinion of him is favorable.

Lynne In RI said... 127

Siobhan R ‏@SiobhanR111 · 21h
@MKSandAssocInc u stand by Jon Gosselin & his rant about wishing the mother of his 8 kids would die? Will u answer...or not? Hmm..

Isn't this one of the really, really slow sheeple? I get them mixed up.

Unknown said... 128
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne In RI said... 129

I will also bring various appetizers to eat while travelling so that the brandy doesn't completely knock us out. Any preferences?


If we're flying, I'd prefer to be knocked out. Bring on the brandy. I'll forego the appetizers. I hate flying.

Lynne In RI said... 130

Whoa! The sheeple never disappoint on being stupid. To say that about the way they were comforting each other compared to a little boy and his mom, mindboggling, horrible and insane. Rebel Rousers!


Lukebandit, Mel is most definitely not a sheeple. Just because someone sees something differently than another poster or even the majority of posters, let's not name-call and make condescending remarks. There's no need for that.

lukebandit said... 131

Mel, I am so so sorry. I thought you posted a tweet from a fan off twitter. Please accept my apologies. I truly enjoy this board and I would never call anyone names on this board, every one here is wonderful and I am truly sorry.

Confused said... 132

Don't the 8 kiddos have cell phones? Couldn't he atleast text with them? I'm really hoping he gets to. They need their dad too.

swingsandroundabouts said... 133

I'm getting ready for Key West. Thanks Joy. How about mini crab cakes and bruschetta? I am in for the sangria. This winter has been brutal with the cold temps so I can't wait.

sparkle said... 134

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 41m
@MKSandAssocInc U seem polite, respectful & often answer w/class. Why N the world do U represent him? Totally a puzzle? All abt $$?

Oh Milo, you got your granny panties all in a bunch over nothing. It was all editing, editing to make Jon look bad. Just like when Kate was an insufferable bitch to Mrs. Palin and her family. Or when Kate was in a manic rage during the entire RV trip, causing a long time nanny to quit. Editing. Editing. You can't believe everything you see on tv.

MKSandAssocInc does seem like a class act. Maybe it is about the money. They wouldn't be repping Jon if they didn't think he was marketable. Shame that Kate can't even get booked at the opening of a box of Ritz crackers. But hey, at least Jon is trying to make extra money. Isn't that what you all want him to do? Or would you rather he not, so you can all continue to say he's lazy and ambitionless?

Amy2 said... 135

(Waving my hand) I want to come to party. Since I'm on the west coast, I'll stop at Walt Disney World first then go on to Key West. I'll bring a regional dish to share....Marionberry cobbler.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 136

The fans' outrage about Jon's behavior on the show, predictably, gives absolutely no consideration about what triggered that explosion. I don't know how these people navigate their own personal relationships, with such a limited supply of critical thinking skills.

It reminds me of all the tsk-tsking about Robert going through
Kate's belongings. Weren't they horrified at what he discovered? Details of TFW's abuse and neglect of her children and pets? Didn't matter -- he was wrong. In fact, as one fan tweeted a few months
ago, even if it was true, well, it happened years ago. I know we joke about them, but these people truly frighten me.

FYI said... 137

Joy-If Santa and Mrs. Claus pick me up, I'll have to make sure that the brandy is safe and secure. We don't want the reindeer ending up with red noses like Rudolph!!

Lynne In RI--Since we are geographically close, you can come with me and the Clauses. Although you hate flying, I'll make sure to set aside a whole bottle of brandy, just for you.

Since Santa can't drink and drive(fly), he'll have to forego the brandy, but I'll bring some extra appetizers for him to eat on the way. I'll also bring some for the reindeer-they need to keep up their strength for the long flight.

lukebandit said... 138

What I love about this board is all the different opinions and the stories and the ah ha moments that we have when we read someone else's stories and all of a sudden a light bulb, ah ha moment happens.

This just happened to me. I was reading a post about parent alienation. I never thought that my ex was a PA, but now I know that he was and kinda still is after 13 years. I called him when I found out he was coming to visit our sons and I asked him to come by and see me by himself. He told the boys about it. I couldn't believe it. This was just between me and him, not the kids.

My ah ha moment here was a flash back to when my ex was leaving and he told me when the kids were not around that he could take the boys with him, (out of state) but he told them that he couldn't because it would hurt your mother. He played the victim and martyr card. He had no intention of taking them with him. And I would of fought like a wildcat to stop it. Make them leave their school, friends, sports to go live with his thing? yea, right. Sure. (how Daphne says sure in the RV episode on Fraiser) The RV episodes are hilarious.

CeePee said... 139

Sheeple don't want peace. One inparticular is still on twitter trying to bait an unactive "hater." She's using real names (she must have done a background check) and trying to get somebody to react. Such hatred for somebody who's already lost everything due to these stupid wars.

I wish the "detective" would just let it go. She's trying to damage somebody who's already extremely damaged.

mom of 2 said... 140

As a kid, I would sure as hell be MORE upset that my mommy was leaving me to go take care of someone ELSE's kids and leaving me with a stranger than knowing my father had to go away because he was getting therapy.###############

As a kid, they'd both suck. Doubt they're keeping scorecards.

Another thing is the judge CAN'T know for sure who is telling the absolute truth. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

If a judge can't tell, how can we?

Usually Lurking said... 141

By contacting Jon's reps aren't the sheep trying to prevent Jon from working?

Didn't Kate swear and use foul language as she left the Today show once, as reported by the Chicago Sun-Times?

If the Judge in PA is old, maybe, just maybe he'll be retired soon and Jon could get a fair break. What would the rabid fans do if Kate was actually thrown in jail for failing to follow the court orders? It happens, especially if he refuses to allow (certain) kids from visiting their father.

Eat Shit and Die is a common phrase and doesn't equal a "death threat" or wishing someone was actually dead.

I also think some of the not-a-contest winners were made up. No way did she even get 28 entries, let alone hundreds (ha ha ha ha).

I'm glad Jon is letting his emotions out. Sure, he's not pretending to cry and wiping tears that don't exist but he is showing real, authentic emotion. Some people won't change their opinions and the general public really doesn't care. All that matters are those kids and they will someday hear that mom prefers to "love them from afar" and dad cries and yells on national TV because he misses them.

Dani said... 142

Since we don't know the full story I don't think any assumptions should be made.
Exactly! Assumptions shouldn't be made on both Jon and Kate's 'side'. Yet, they are. :/

Midnight Madness said... 143

It's a good thing that Jon closed his twitter account. I can just imagine what Milo would be tweeting to him.


Aw...why would you even think that? Not sweet, positive, platitude-tweeting, gentle, Miss Manners southern little lady MIlo, who doesn't have a mean bone in her body? lol!

Midnight Madness said... 144

There was a discussion awhile back on C/As. Here's one thing that can happen when you violate one. Maybe this is why some who knew Kate are afraid to come forward. She just might "clean their clocks."

Meagler said... 145

OOOO, I have never been to key west, but not sure I can make the flight..perhaps I'll join in and skype!!

JoyinVirginia said... 146

Everyone come on down! The pool boys are charming and decorative! I am in the pool now, its a lovely starlit night. Surprise for anyone who can get here tonight, we can get on the ten pm Ghosts and Gravestones tour! The Trolly of the Doomed will pick us up at the Almond Tree Inn. Wear comfy walking shoes

Over In TFW's County said... 147

Picking up assortment of cheeses for our wine and cheese party starting about five pm and going on as long as we want. Poolside at Almond Tree Inn, Key West!


I'm excited about seeing the polydactyl cats again at Papa's. I wonder if they remember me!

And, of course, the urinal fountain from Sloppy Joe's.

There's a great little shoe store on Duval Street. I am so ready.

AuntieAnn said... 148

Kate is a twit said... 121

I just realized the irony that the episode that has Milo(aka FiredUp4Kate) all upset and throwing fits is called "Fired Up"!!


Yes, I posted a comment about it earlier, wondering whether she was outraged or flattered about that episode title, but the post didn't appear. Blogger has been cantankerous lately.

I also think Gladys is making an ass out of herself by tweeting Jon's PR firm. Does she really think she can put a stop to this? lol. Silly sheep.

Oh and yes, Bernie and I are coming to Key West shortly with a weekend supply of rumspringa for all. I'm saddling him up now. He's such a good puppy. I'll make a batch of TFW's hummus recipe...everyone get ready to pucker up.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there and especially touring the Ernest Hemingway house!

jolie Jacquelyn said... 149

I haven't seen any comments from others not being able to access this site for hours & hours today.

I was starting to have withdrawal symptoms!

Good luck with the eye surgery chefsummer.

AuntieAnn said... 150

Usually Lurking said... 138

Didn't Kate swear and use foul language as she left the Today show once, as reported by the Chicago Sun-Times?


I don't know about the Today show, but I remember she was outraged when she left Larry King's show, very insulted by some of the questions he asked her. She was there to garner pity, not to be interrogated. Poor thing. =o(

Nancy said... 151

I am so in for Key West it's going to be -42 celcius with the wind chill here this weekend :(

AuntieAnn said... 152

Joy, will we be dressing Red Carpet for the Oscar party on Sunday evening? I need to know what to pack.

Carole said... 153

I noticed at the beginning of the show it was day 18- so he had to have talked with them while he was there.


Jon and Liz didn't arrive until the end of the 1st week so they'd only been there 2 weeks, not almost 3 like the rest of the couples. The couples also have access to their phones and laptops periodically (at least) during their stay (based on previous seasons showing them using both).

AuntieAnn said... 154

jolie Jacquelyn said... 149

I haven't seen any comments from others not being able to access this site for hours & hours today.

I was starting to have withdrawal symptoms!


I hear you Jolie. Blogger can be so frustrating.

Hey, can we sue?

Carole said... 155

Another thing is the judge CAN'T know for sure who is telling the absolute truth. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

If a judge can't tell, how can we?

Exactly! Assumptions shouldn't be made on both Jon and Kate's 'side'. Yet, they are. :/

The court makes decisions based on facts presented to them. If the plaintiff doesn't present damning evidence, then the court knows nothing. I doubt the judges watch CT or J&K+8 but even if they did they can't use that info to make decisions.

I agree, assumptions shouldn't be made about either TFW or Jon but I don't know about everyone else but I base my opinions about J&K on what I've seen on tv and heard/read that they've said. I tend to not make assumptions. Just like excuses vs explanations, opinions and assumptions are different.

Bitchy Pants said... 156

"If a judge can't tell, how can we?"

You go by the preponderance of the evidence. Which parent did we see on TV providing the bulk of the care for the children? Which person did we see berating and hitting and constantly criticizing the other? Which person did we see doing most of the household work and maintenance? Who is constantly posting pictures of the kids online and on twitter? Who is constantly trying to get another show? Who hasn't had a real job for several years? Who took 2 of the children on national TV shows recently? Who admits that the other parent wasn't informed of the kids' working (on CSW)? Which parent laments that the other parent has any say at all in the raising of the kids? And BTW -- if anyone asks Jon if he really tried to call 50 times, his phone logs will prove or disprove that statement.

Craziness said... 157

Usually Lurking @ 141 has it right. I'd rather watch Jon showing real emotional than Kate's fake emotions any day of the week.

Over In TFW's County said... 158

Picking up assortment of cheeses for our wine and cheese party starting about five pm and going on as long as we want. Poolside at Almond Tree Inn, Key West!


I'm excited about seeing the polydactyl cats again at Papa's. I wonder if they remember me!

And, of course, the urinal fountain from Sloppy Joe's.

There's a great little shoe store on Duval Street. I am so ready. ~ Administrator said... 159

A lot of things I base my opinions on about Kate are based on evidence that wouldn't be allowed in court.

Julia said... 160

The reason the fans may be tweeting with @MKSandAssocInc , Jon's managers, is because they follow all the fans on twitter and have interacted with them before.

Over In TFW's County said... 161

I haven't seen any comments from others not being able to access this site for hours & hours today.

I was starting to have withdrawal symptoms!


Raising my hand here. I couldn't access it either. I thought it was my computer.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 162

chefsummer, I just wanted to let you know I am praying for a speedy recovery from your eye surgery. Take care of yourself, hon.

JoyinVirginia said... 163

Hear the clucking? One of the famous chickens of Key West is roosting nearby. Key West has write a few chickens freely roaming the streets. Town council tried to get rid of them a few years back, but there was such an uproar from the citizens that they gave up the idea. Of core you won't set any chickens around the Hemingway house, the cats like to EAT chickens!
Auntie Ann, yes we will dress in our red carpet finery Sunday night!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 164

If we need red carpet attire for Joy's soiree, I'm crocs come in patent leather? (waves to Dmasy!)

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 165

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack Feb 27
@Kateplusmy8 I've never once heard U or seen any interviews, TLC clips, etc. of U ever using profanity or vulgar words! U set the bar high!


Oh, Milo, you poor demented soul. Kate fleeced parishioners out of their last twenty dollars as she closed on a million dollar home and didn't bat an eye over it. Potential fraud? Setting the bar high?

Good lord, woman (or man or it).

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 166

If we need red carpet attire for Joy's soiree, I'm crocs come in patent leather? (waves to Dmasy!)


Is there a store that sells formal muumuus?

Dmasy said... 167

FlimsyFlamsy -- waving back at you. Racing from Hill Country in Texas to get to the party!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 168

Kate is a twit said... 118
The sheeple always complain when the haters harass anyone that has anything to do with Kate, yet they are just as guilty when it comes to Jon. They think it's perfectly okay to harass his PR firm. Milo is the one leading the charge.


Milo can be very conniving, but both sides do it:

My question is WHY? I don't get it.

@Kateplusmy8 I've been sending some of ur info to Mark Burnett..ya know, beating babies, fraud u committed, lies you told, the usual stuff..

It's like a tit for tat thing. Who will win? The tit or the tat?

sparkle said... 169

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 165
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack Feb 27
@Kateplusmy8 I've never once heard U or seen any interviews, TLC clips, etc. of U ever using profanity or vulgar words! U set the bar high!


Oh, Milo, you poor demented soul. Kate fleeced parishioners out of their last twenty dollars as she closed on a million dollar home and didn't bat an eye over it. Potential fraud? Setting the bar high?

Good lord, woman (or man or it).

And, and, and..... don't forget how Kate "the high bar setter" stood in front of her 8 kids and renewed her wedding vows. She wanted to show her kids that mommy and daddy would be together forever. When that was filmed in August of 2008, Jon had allegedly been sleeping in the basement for over a year and Kate had already started moving money into accounts only in her name. Milo would surely argue that lying to little kids and playing with their emotions is perfectly acceptable if it gets you a free trip to Hawaii.

White Organza said... 170

So, apparently Eileen O'Neill is no longer over TLC and is now in charge of the "Velocity and Science Channel" - huh?. Have they grown tired of 6 Ton People, Sex Accidents of the ER, etc, etc,???

I don't know about "they", but I do know that I can't stomach TLC any more to a point that I sort of close my eyes when I'm channel surfing and get to pass The Lowlife Channel. It used to be so wholesome there. Nowadays I just can figure out why on earth I should waste one single second of my life watching people living in their own feces amongst their dead pet cats and live rats. Or people snacking on Comet cleaner. Or any guy with his penis stuck anywhere.

PatK said... 171

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8·44 mins
Friday night movie night: The Shirley Temple Story and single serve Ben and Jerry's frozen yogurt! #FunFamilyTime


Well, whoop-de-friggin'-do.

foxy said... 172

I was having trouble getting in this site also. Each time I would just re-enter the website name in the address bar as if it were a first time and voila! I got in right away.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 173

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 32m
@Kateplusmy8 HaHa Kate..leave it to U girl..U always find a way 2make it a fun day..a happy home there 4ur kids! U are a #BlessedFamily! :)

Ice cream and a movie, and Kate is the saint of all mothers.

Sheesh, Milo, wipe the slobber off your chin and just get a gosh-darned room.

Bitchy Pants said... 174

Whew, what an adventure, traveling down here to Key West in the magic recliner. So nice and warm here. I can hear the ocean waves lapping against the shore. Forgot what a soothing sound that is. Joy's making friends with the chicken, and I see a couple of the poly kitties lurking nearby. I'm glad I remembered to bring a few organic catnip toys for them. Hope the rest of you can get here soon.

You notice TFMJG emphasized the "single serve" frozen yogurt. God forbid one of the kids would want more.

Mel said... 175

LukeBandit - no problem. Easy to get carried away when it's something we're all passionate about.

Thanks to those who knew I was a regular and had the courage to say something. I was just going to ignore it. (Although it was really tempting to defend myself.)

Since her opinion of Jon is usually pretty harsh
Ouch!! :-)

Last night's episode was so painful. Jon may not have cried about the phone call thing, but I did.

I so badly want Jon to be able to stand up to her and get somewhere with it. I want him to win full custody of all the kids. I don't think the kids should be given a choice of seeing him or not. They're too young to make that decision. As long as he's not abusing them, he gets them during his court ordered time, IMO.

All that being said, I think I separate how he's being *treated* by TFW and the court (which is grossly unfair and just plain wrong) from how he *behaves*.

Guess I'll be a little more judicious in what I post. :-)

JoyinVirginia said... 176

For those already here, I hope you are enjoying the Ghosts and Gravestones tour! Did you see the ghost of John James Audubon outside the audubon house? I think I saw the ghost of Enriqueta Marrero outside the mansion she used to call home. Her husband Francisco unfortunately forgot to divorce his first wife, and when he died the legal widow showed up and threw Enriqueta and her eight count'em eight children out on the streets. When we get to the East Martello Fort, I will just stay on the trolly. I don't want to be in the same building as Robert the Doll! I'm not sure he is really possessed but don't want to risk it!

localyocul said... 177

Sleepless In Seattle said... 173
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 32m
@Kateplusmy8 HaHa Kate..leave it to U girl..U always find a way 2make it a fun day..a happy home there 4ur kids! U are a #BlessedFamily! :)

Ice cream and a movie, and Kate is the saint of all mothers.

Sheesh, Milo, wipe the slobber off your chin and just get a gosh-darned room.


OK, so Milo why don't YOU have ice cream and movie night? Good grief when my dd was 3 we would make every other weekend (when I had her as opposed to her dad) special. On Friday we would go to Pizzeria Uno and shew would get Tiny Dino nuggets. We would stop by a firehouse my friend worked at and she would play with the gear. Then we would pick out a movie. We called it dinner and a movie night. We probably did this til she was in middle elementary school. Isn't it normal for parents to have some such tradition with their kid(s)???

JoyinVirginia said... 178

I am so excited! I found blogger Ramack! He has a terrific blog, 100 bars in 100 days - a Key West Bar Boondoggle! Lots and lots and lots of bars we can walk to and check out! Want to hit Krawl off Duval after the ghost tour? Or how about the legendary Sloppy Joe's?
Drink up, then off to the comfy needs at the Almond Tree Inn! Early morning tomorrow for everyone going on the cruise to the Dry Tortugas! Anyone who wants to sleep in, just hang by the pool tomorrow, or go shopping up and down Duval!

Call Me Crazy said... 179

chefsummer - Wishing you well with your surgery.

Kate is a Twit - Thank you for posting the links to our past virtual parties!

Joy - Rule Number Three! Thanks for the invite! I can't wait to get away from this stupid Winter we are having. We are staring at another storm slamming us with a possible foot of snow on Monday. Instead of food (because everything I cook is pretty boring), I am going to bring a camera so everyone can take pictures of themselves doing "random" acts of kindness. The best 28 "acts" will win a special, super-secret prize, which I will present to the winners whenever I darn well feel like getting around to it.

Jeremy said... 180

Why the new Shirley Temple fascination? Because she died at age 85 a few weeks ago? What kids - teens are watching a horrible 2004 movie about a deceased child star this weekend? Why does she have to ostracize and isolate them physically, emotionally, socially, from their peer group. Why aren't the older girls with friends on Friday night.

localyocul said... 181

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
Friday night movie night: The Shirley Temple Story and single serve Ben and Jerry's frozen yogurt! #FunFamilyTime


Interesting that there is no pic of this event. Wonder if Jon got a judge to say no more tweeting pics. When was the last pic of a kid she tweeted?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 182

Or people snacking on Comet cleaner. Or any guy with his penis stuck anywhere.


In what did he get his penis stuck? :) Did they call the fire department?

Or...diapering Cabbage Patch Kids, or eating fingernail clippings, or picking at scabs.

Unknown said... 183

Mel said... 175
''...Since her opinion of Jon is usually pretty harsh
Ouch!! :-)''
''....Last night's episode was so painful. Jon may not have cried about the phone call thing, but I did.
I so badly want Jon to be able to stand up to her and get somewhere with it. I want him to win full custody of all the kids.''
Awwwww Mel, I really THOUGHT I was giving you a compliment, since I followed that comment saying that I appreciate your good comments about Jon all the more. Now that I read your reaction, I'm reminded of my dear old Aunt Opal, who have called my comment a ''left-handed compliment.'' I suppose that is what happens when I just blab what I'm thinking instead of thinking it over before post.

I agree that last night was painful, and like you, I cried about the phone call thing. It was SUCH a graphic ripping aside the curtain, giving us all a tiny glimpse of Jon has been dealing with and how TCFW has been treating him.

I think I already said that I have a theory about Jon's 'passive' behavior that has frustrated so many of us so long. Watching him finally being in a safe place to let all the anger stuffed down for so many years, I wondered if over the years he forced him not to express anger because he was afraid if he let it out, he wouldn't be able to control it? If so, I hope that now that he has let it all out, he will be 'normal' angry, and determined to force her to at least abide by the custody agreement with ALL his children. Like you, I would love to see him get custody of all his children.

AuntieAnn said... 184

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8·44 mins

Friday night movie night: The Shirley Temple Story and single serve Ben and Jerry's frozen yogurt! #FunFamilyTime


Sounds kind of mediocre-ish if you ask me.

Gee. I wonder what her ex has been up to lately. hmmmm.

Oh that's right. HE'S ON TV. Kate.

Muwah hahahaha ha ha ha!

Ex Nurse said... 185

Mel said...
Guess I'll be a little more judicious in what I post. :-)
There was nothing wrong with what you posted!

Rhymes with Witch said... 186

Guess I'll be a little more judicious in what I post. :-) 175

We are all passionate about the eight as well as other children, and may sometimes write and post without rereading what we wrote. Differences of opinion are to be expected. I appreciate people's willingness to to take others' points of view into account, whether or not it changes one's opinion.
Occasionally obvious sheeple comments are posted. My tactic is to ignore them.
("pay no attention.........")
Beating a dead horse (e.g., smoking; swearing) just causes me to scroll. No need to insult anyone. JMO.

Joy, thanks for hosting a timely event somewhere warm.
Chef, wishing you the best. ~ Administrator said... 187

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 41m
@MKSandAssocInc U seem polite, respectful & often answer w/class. Why N the world do U represent him? Totally a puzzle? All abt $$?


And they complain about the non-fans interfering with Kate? Trying to interfere with someone's PR firm is a direct interference with their media career. It's none of Milo's business who has chosen to represent Jon.

Moreover, Milo? Lots of us are in fields in which we have client we "represent." Be it media, attorneys, real estate, etc. It's not about judgment. It's not about deciding who is worthy of your services or trying to stack up everyone else against your morals. It's about believing that people should get high quality representation in these areas if they are either entitled to it by law or pay for it. Just because you represent someone does not mean you ENDORSE them. There's a difference. If you have a judg-y personality then that's not the career for you. Sometimes you even have to work for smokers! Ba-bum. ~ Administrator said... 188

: "You know, of all things the kids are gonna have to see one day, seeing their dad (language as ugly as it is) angry about not being able to see or talk to them really isn't that bad, all things considered.


I think due to the subject matter, most children would both understand and be touched that their father was this upset not to be able to talk to them. If he had to get upset about something I'm glad it was over not being able to be a daddy to his kids. ~ Administrator said... 189

Milo should think about this too. How would she deal if she tried to go for help to a real estate agent, or attorney, or PR firm and they said they did not want to represent her because they have different morals? Lord knows I don't subscribe to whatever morals she does.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 190

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8·44 mins
Friday night movie night: The Shirley Temple Story and single serve Ben and Jerry's frozen yogurt! #FunFamilyTime

Do you think the kids, especially the boys, ever get to choose on movie night? The Shirley Temple Story? I imagine they are all lined up in a row, on the floor, with their individual cups of fro-yo. Happy times, happy times.

Rhymes with Witch said... 191

How would she deal if she tried to go for help to a real estate agent, or attorney, or PR firm and they said they did not want to represent her because they have different morals? 178

Jan Brewer (gov AZ) just vetoed a bill that would legally discriminate against gays and others. I don't care what her personal beliefs are. IMO she did the right thing. Additionally, it could have expanded as did the laws in Nazi Germany - again, IMO. ~ Administrator said... 192

I remember that biopic of Shirley and I really can't picture most kids these days interested. Biopics are usually geared toward older children and adults and this was no different. Plus a 1940s star? Shirley has not aged well and it was pushing it to even get my generation interested. When I was a kid we saw her most famous films like Heidi and that was it. Kids today may indulge their eager mothers by sitting through a few of her films but I bet they pick more modern stuff if they had to choose.

I guess Kate didn't see the irony when that movie went into how her parents blew all her money on cars houses and other things. The fact that Shirley chose not to put up a fuss about this theft doesn't mean it wasn't outrageous.

JoyinVirginia said... 193

Blogger ate my last post last night! There is a great blog, 100 Bars in 100 Days! Where the author posts detailed reports from all the many bars in Key West. Anyone not going to the Dry Tortugas today, check it out and do a shopping/ bar crawl down Duval Street!
Anyone going to the Dry Tortugas for snorkeling today, time to be on the Yankee Freedom! Please take Dramamine if you need to, we do not want a reenactment of the vomit fest cruise.

JoyinVirginia said... 194

For those sleeping in, you can get out on the water later. Just go up to the Hurricane Hole Marina to the Lazy Dog kayak tours. Its an easy paddle around the mangroves, and you can go to the Northern most point of the Conch Republic!
You have never heard of the Conch Republic? The cruise to the Dry Tortugas will take a while, so I will share the story!

JoyinVirginia said... 195

Key West is a fun place with residents who appreciate three special place they live! Just this morning walking to the dock to board the Yankee Freedom, I chatted with a nice man I asked for directions. I asked how he was, and he said ”I'm terrific, I woke up in Key West today!”
so how did Key West become the Conch Republic? You can read the entire story here:
On April 23, 1982, the city of Key West seceded from the United States in protest of the Border Patrol causing massive traffic jams by inspecting all vehicles gong in and out of the keys. The new country was christened the Conch Republic. The mayor was proclaimed Prime Minister, and promptly led an attack on a Coast Guard vessel with water balloons and toast. The officials then surrendered to the Coast Guard and demanded reparations from the USA. I understand they are still waiting for money!
So the Conch Republic is much more than a restaurant chain. Its a state of mind, an irreverence for authority, a lifestyle.
The Border Patrol has never caused any massive traffic jams since. They were defeated by satire!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 196

Besides the obvious irony of an exploited child star being the focus of Movie Night, did anyone else chuckle about the trying-too-hard, well-scrubbed, all-American choice of Shirley Temple by TFW? She might
as well have added, "Tomorrow baking apple pie, playing baseball, and donating old clothes to poor - #WholesomeFamily!" Oh, wait -- baseball is for icky boys, and TFW doesn't donate, she consigns -- guess we won't be seeing that tweet.

I think TFW stands for Transparent First Wife.

JoyinVirginia said... 197

Corrected link is www.conchrepublicmilitaryfotces/history/index.html

JoyinVirginia said... 198

I hope everyone is enjoying the sunny skies and temperatures in the 70s. Today in Miami it will reach 81!
For more detailed history of the Conch Republic, read the history at
I will be back late this afternoon. Gotta focus on the orientation film for the Dry Tortugas now! Spending a day in the beautiful waters of the Gulf of Mexico, this is my idea of paradise!
Just check with the pool boys, anyone at the hotel, for info or directions. relax at the pool, or take a left leaving theed hotel and in half a block you will be at Duval Street! it's never too early to start a bar crawl!

Mel said... 199 offense taken. I was being humorous. It did cause me to think about if I was being overly critical, though. Perhaps I am.'re one of the ones whose perspectives I enjoy. I always read your posts, you're not one of the ones I scroll past. A year ago I used to not agree with you very often, but lately I've been more in agreement with you than not. Lol. Guess I've evolved.

It's nice that we can have somewhat differing opinions here and discuss them without blasting each other (most of the time). It's what I like most about this blog.

Moving on now.....

I'm very pro Jon, but I'm not 100% rah rah Jon, he can do no wrong. I think CT has made us more accutely aware of Jon's flaws. In J+K+8 we didn't see the flaws so clearly because we were so focused on TFW's hideous behavior. We just saw Jon trying so hard to be a good dad and her being...whatever she was being.

Susie Cincinnati said... 200

Truth Teller ‏@Truth_Teller201 8h
@Cato_Cat @Kateplusmy8 @DrJennBerman I know, they must be horrified! How any therapist can condone what Jon did us mind boggling!

Did the Silly Sheep watch the show, or just hop on the bandwagon and throw out whatever will stick? Therapist condone Jon's behavior? The therapist set it up as an anger venting session, you doofus!

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