Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Jon on E! news: 'She's trying to win [the kids'] favoritism by making me look like a bad person'

In an interview with E!'s Alicia Quarles Tuesday and Wednesday, Jon says he wants full custody of all eight children until Kate submits to a psychiatric evaluation. He says Kate controls the children and "instills fear" in them. Jon also seems to be implying that he thinks last month's People interview with the twins, in which the girls spoke negatively about his dating history, was actually Kate's statements "edited" to make it look like the twins said them. Check local listings.


603 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 1

It sounds like a lawyer is chirping in his ear. Let's go for all eight, and ask for a psyche exam.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 2

I think the twins said those things in People but I think it was probably heavily snapped along by Kate. Now remember what "you" wanted to say about that? Speak up Mady now's your chance! This after promises of One Direction tickets and lots of BFF time hanging out in her bedroom having girl talk about how hurtful Daddy has been to the family. Mady's initial statement Jon's dating didn't bother her I believe was the truth. Kate Coyne probably edited out Kate intervening and saying now remember Mady that's not what we've talked about, be honest how do you really feel about that? Then Mady "remembered" the truth Kate has put in her head.

This is really not unlike ANY child who is brainwashed by their mother into believing their dad is bad. I know we always want to give the victim the benefit of the doubt but what we need to keep in mind that either way the child is a victim. If a child is truly being hurt by their dad they are a victim. If they are being brainwashed to believe something as their truth, that's not the objective truth, they are a victim of their mother's manipulation. That's how I feel about Dylan. She is a VICTIM either way and I think most reasonable people who have doubts about what happened to her still see her as a victim of Mia if it did not happen.

After seeing their two interviews on TV do most people really think Jon is a danger to his children or do they think Kate is influencing them? I think enough experts went on record about those dysfunctional interviews to give us a fair idea what's really going on here. I think just plain common sense gives us a good idea what is going on here. She manipulated and influenced them every step of the way. I don't know if the twins know what thoughts are their own anymore. I don't know if they have independent and organic feelings about their dad anymore. And that is a god damn tragedy. How DARE any mother come between a daughter and her father because SHE has some issue with his dating or girlfriend or mediocre life. Kate never said he was ABUSIVE, her issues with Jon don't make him a bad father--she simply does not like his choices. That is NOT a valid reason to come between a father and a daughter and she should be ashamed of herself.

History has shown children are highly suggestible, especially by their parents. If one parent wants to turn the child against the other, it is easy to do. This is where the mountain of literature about parental alienation came from, because psychological experts started to notice something was fishy here, that a child who hates a parent that viciously may not be coming up with that idea on their own.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 3

I think things have been bad since before the divorce was final


Yes I think things have been bad ever since they split the difference was I really don't think Jon was willing to "go there" before. Maybe that was because he didn't have the money, or just wanted this nightmare over, or didn't want to hurt his children. For whatever reason he did not go there before and I don't believe it was because he didn't have major dirt on her.

Let's face it, they had a quickie divorce. I was shocked. For all intents and purposes with the money they made and the number of children they had, this divorce should have taken years. Instead I think Jon conceded a lot just to make it over with so everyone could try to move on. He may have regrets about that now because Kate has taken advantage of her more powerful position and angled herself to turn the kids against him. The things he is asking for now are the things I would have expected him to ask for during the divorce. Full custody, psyche evaluation, going on record about the narcissism and parental alienation.

This is the sort of "mud slinging" that quite frankly should have all been hashed out during the divorce. But he let Kate get away with murder in the divorce, and because she never knows when to quit, she has been pushing him ever since and getting cocky and arrogant about her position. Well push enough and someone will snap, and now he has. He always said he would snap. And she may pay the price now for all her gloating.

Upstater said... 4

If he has a court order to see the children, why can't he demand that all children come to the gate when he picks them up or else he calls the police and they will support his custody agreement? I hope he's doing that... I know he previously said he supports his kids opinion on visitation (he said sometimes he wanted to live with his dad and sometimes his mom), but at this point he needs to do what he needs to do.....

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 5

Here is a video of Heather Demetrios talking about her book. She said that seeing a cover of People magazine with Kate and the kids was her inspiration for this novel.



Wow. What's even more impressive is that that cover only came out a few months ago and she threw together a novel just like that in such a short amount of time? I really want to read this.

gabby2 said... 6

I think he should edit a video tape with captions of every interview Kate has given putting him down in public for 6 years and show it in court. Most are on youtube.

He might have said sometime negative 2-3 times....Kate has done it 20 plus times. imo

And the lies of sharing the house for the benefit of the children??

localyocul said... 7

Kate is a twit said... 92
Math Girl said... 56
There is a new young adult novel called "Something Real" by Heather Demetrios coming out soon. Its central character is a 17 year old who was on reality TV with her family for the first 13 years of her life, then off for 4 years, who is reluctantly going back on TV.

Here is a video of Heather Demetrios talking about her book. She said that seeing a cover of People magazine with Kate and the kids was her inspiration for this novel.



LMAO I thought so from reading the first few pages on Amazon! Awesome! She even wrote about the house behind the gate.

localyocul said... 8

Oh my. Milo is going to have a stroke about this interview.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 9

Nicole Olson ‏@NicoleShawna 34m
@Kateplusmy8 You are a wonderful example of how to gracefully handle dealing with a custody situation. I feel like we are in the same boat.

There are no words to describe how I feel when I read something like this.

chefsummer #Leh said... 10

Just wait till the sheep hear about this they're going to be pi$$ed off.

Terri said... 11

All of her manic tweets lately about how great everything is in Gosselin Land and tweets quoting the boys and pics of the boys make perfect sense now. I believe for once Kate is running scared and she should be. Hopefully the family Judge will order pysch evaluations for all involved.

localyocul said... 12

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 4

Here is a video of Heather Demetrios talking about her book. She said that seeing a cover of People magazine with Kate and the kids was her inspiration for this novel.



Wow. What's even more impressive is that that cover only came out a few months ago and she threw together a novel just like that in such a short amount of time? I really want to read this.


Me too, especially after reading the first few pages:


Sheri said... 13

From the other thread...

Paige C ‏@Paige_Kate8fan 3m
@Kateplusmy8 my faveourite item! Yes I spelled faveourite right that's how we spell it in Canada, eh!


Good grief. No Paige, you didn't. In Canada we use both the British spelling FAVOURITE or the American spelling FAVORITE. Either is acceptable and understood. I've never seen it spelled "your" way before.



I'm still not thrilled all of this is being played out in public but it's been said, by myself and others here, it seems to be the only way to get through to Kate.

It was bad enough that she used her children to garner a lifestyle she would never have otherwise been able to afford. It's just sickening that she's now using them to further alienate them from their own father.

I hope Jon is successful in his bid to get Kate a psych evaluation, I totally agree, it can't hurt and has the potential to do a lot of good.

longtime lurker said... 14


so what shall WOS tweet about today?

Hoosier Girl said... 15

From the last thread ... things move so quickly around here! :-)

njay said... 74
This is a really good movie about the pedhphile witch hunt in CA quite a few years ago.

I wrote a paper on the similarities and hysteria of the McMartin preschool story and that of the Salem witch trials back in my Purdue days. That research really was an eye opener to an 18 year old kid like me. Little kids (heck even some adults) can be completely convinced of ANYTHING when it's repeated and pounded into them long enough.

... and that's why Kate needs a mental eval and parenting classes ... and to stop turning her kids against their dad ...

I honestly think that Kate has at times used some of her more rabid sheep as her mouthpiece. In particular to badmouth Jon.

Remember a year (or two - time flies) ago when at least one of Kate's fans (Milo I think) kept intimating she KNEW why Kate divorced and pretty much intimated that Jon had been abusive or something? Sheep don't just make up stuff like that out of whole cloth I wouldn't think.

I'd hate to hear what Kate has said to those kids. And if it comes down to a custody battle, I think she'll come out swinging. No way does she want to give up the dream of making more money off those kids.

And hey! Our snow prediction is down to 8-10 inches today/night and 3 inches Sunday! Woo Hoo! (waa waa waa)

localyocul said... 16

Sounds to me like Jon has moved from shock over the article and interviews into anger. I also wonder if he has talked to M and C and they told him they were sorry and they were misconstrued.

Formerly Duped said... 17

I hope Heather went back and watched all the available episodes of the show- she said she hadn't really been a viewer. Too bad in a way it's a young adult rather than an adult book.Wonder if the G kids will read it if their peers are?

gabby2 said... 18

I imagine Katie's latest faceplant has left her furious. And she has taken it out on her children.

There's probably more that Jon has not said. And he has stayed quiet a long time, it's about time he realizes protecting Kate has hurt his kids. If he could not handle her abuse....how did he expect his kids to handle it.

And who goes out to feed the chickens in the biting cold and snow??? 9 year olds?

localyocul said... 19

Will TFW try to get this book shut down? I think the main character is based on M.

Hoosier Girl said... 20

As to why Jon didn't do this before (during the divorce).

I think he knew she was a shrew. I don't think he had any idea she was evil enough to turn his kids against him.

I don't think he had any idea she would hold a grudge for this long or that her hatred and vindictiveness would just keep increasing with time.

Tucker's Mom said... 21

Here is a video of Heather Demetrios talking about her book. She said that seeing a cover of People magazine with Kate and the kids was her inspiration for this novel.

Wow, really, wow.
I hope the author sends a copy to all of those who worked on Rep. Murt's "Gosselin Law".

Oh, and I hope this woman gets a chance to promote and speak about her book on every single show that Kate went on to hawk her children's private moments, wrapped with a bow and called a "book".

What struck me the most about this author's video is that she GETS IT! She gets that this is not a choice for the kids. It's absurd to say that children can make these decisions. Those kids have never has a say in filming.
OK, maybe a couple occasions one or two kids have stayed behind, but this is a business, and many of us have seen the contract that Kate signed.
They HAD to film. Period.

Lalalalala said... 22

From the clip of the E! News interview, it sounds like Jon has finally found his voice. Maybe Couple's Therapy helped him do that. I can just imagine how frustrating these past five years have been for him. He's been like a pot of water simmering on the stove and now he's boiling over. I say good for him. The time has come.

Tucker's Mom said... 23

Bringing this over from the old post. Thanks!

Tucker's Mom said... 91

Here's a link to a preview of Jon's interview.
Jon looks quite good- coifed, focused, sartorially appropriate. Jon's language needs to be cleaned up, but I feel the dude's frustration!
He gets this look on his face when he's mad/frustrated and pointed in what he's trying to say, and he had that wrinkled nose in this interview!

I think Jon's asking for a whole lot here. I support him, I just wonder how much of a long shot it is to ask for full temp. custody until Kate can be evaluated (and maybe the kids too).
Somehow, some way, a "reset" button has to be pushed, and maybe this is the way to do it. Otherwise, these kids are facing a myriad of problems growing up, and perhaps for their entire lives.

abc said... 24

Finally. It wouldn't hurt to demand a full accounting of the kids money she has access to.

PatK said... 25

I'm one who thinks Kate is heavily influencing her kids to step back from their dad. No doubt in my mind.

I was impressed with the clip of Jon's interview. Can't wait to see the whole thing.

gabby2 said... 26

Go vote:

localyocul said... 27

WOW, so he shows up to get them and he only gets whoever comes out? And of course she won't talk to him if he tried to call her. That is blatantly defying court orders. He should pick them up at the busstop or school itself. They have to nail down very specific stipulations in a modified custody agreement. That's what I had to do because me ex's wife kept playing games like having my daughter call right before she was to be picked up saying they were going to dinner, or she wanted to stay for a movie (she was very afraid to stand up to her dad and sm at the time (13 y/o).

TLC stinks said... 28

Wow. Jon is finally going there. So glad he has a good attorney advising him. That Today interview was the final straw for him. The girls just could not bring themselves to lie publicly.

ITA that People article was "edited" heavily. Kate Coyne out to be fired.

gabby2 said... 29

quote from book:

It took me four years, seven shrinks, three different hair colors, one Zen meditation retreat, and over six hundred mochas to get to this moment.
I step up to the blue velvet backdrop and face the camera. When the photographer isn’t paying attention, I wipe the back of my hand over my damp forehead, then clutch my fingers behind my back, like I’m a two-year-old with a secret. I shouldn’t have worn the sweater-shirt. The wool is itchy, and I’m about two seconds away from breaking out in hives.

Tucker's Mom said... 30

localyocul said... 27
WOW, so he shows up to get them and he only gets whoever comes out? And of course she won't talk to him if he tried to call her. That is blatantly defying court orders.
OK, this is more clear to me now. I thought Jon meant that he got whomever was the nanny/sitter/transfer person each time. But he meant the kids! He doesn't know who's going to walk down the driveway.
I can't imagine what a long walk that is...
Enough is enough. If the kids want to skip a visit on a rare occasion, ok, but for almost a year? No, honey, you have to see your Dad.
Tough luck, buttercup. You don't disrespect and disown your parent unless they are an abuser, which Jon certainly is not.
It's hard, and it's not fair, and it sucks at times, but this is life, not an endless string of clothes, toys, cameras and vacations.

longtime lurker said... 31

I dont know why (with the exception of Jon's decency and not wanting to traumatize the kids), but he CAN use the local sheriff's dept to enforce the visitation time. With a law enforcement officer and his custody papers in hand, he can force the kids to go with him...and if WOS won't comply, she can be arrested.
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

Paula said... 32

Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

Sounds like Jon is at that point.

fade2black said... 33

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 4

Here is a video of Heather Demetrios talking about her book. She said that seeing a cover of People magazine with Kate and the kids was her inspiration for this novel.

Oh dear...can we sue? I am very much looking forward to reading this book, even though I am far from a young adult.

Berks Neighbor said... 34

This book is going to make you crack up... I can see hints of TFW slams all over it. One line in particular (I downloaded the preview on my Kindle) "She!Loves!Exclamation!Points!"

Holy Crap. Too funny...and the main character Chloe/Bonnie in my opinion is modeled after Twin "C".

Susan1956 said... 35

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 1
It sounds like a lawyer is chirping in his ear. Let's go for all eight, and ask for a psyche exam.
Sounds like he's got a good one. Has anyone else noticed that some of his recent interviews come out on a Tuesday (when he has the/some kids for dinner) and in the week leading up to his custody weekend? I'm supposed to be working (snow day) at home or I'd go back thru the posts and come up with a list.

If the timing is deliberate, very good strategy on the part of Jon and his lawyer. Jon gets to see the kids/most of the kids during that week, which minimizes their exposure to TFMJG and decreases their stress.

I think Jon should ask the court to be able to pick up all the kids at the bus stop on Tuesdays and at a neutral location on the weekends and during the summer. Anyone else surprised we haven't seen pap pictures of the scene at the bus stop on Tuesdays? I hope we don't.
Is it possible that TFMJG's pap no longer answers her calls or is there an unspoken agreement among the media sources not to pursue photo opportunities of the kids?

Suzy said... 36

Finally someone publicly questiong Kate's mental status. Get it out there. Her attitude to run a household tha tis basically funless & tense & the insane amount of chores, no friends, no social life. Maybe someday this will encourage doctors & hospitals to do a mental exam before proceeding with the implantation of the eggs in someone one. Just to make sure they had the entire picture of a person's mental status---that she is stable enough to handle taking care of multiple babies & to make sure she was not doing it for fame. I always wondered how her doctors missed that.


JoyinVirginia said... 37

Time for another list of acronyms used frequently on this blog.
Katie Irene Kreider = KK = Ms Kreider = maiden name of Kate Gosselin
TFW = The Former Wife, how Jon referred to TFW in prior interview.
TCFW = The Crazy Former Wife
TFMJG = The Former Mrs Jon Gosselin
WOS = Waste Of Space = what TFMJG called the Grand Canyon on the RV trip from hell as shown on K+8, WOS refers to TFMJG on this blog generally.
TLC = The Lying Channel, their legal team probably intimidated Jon into the quickie divorce and definitely had a gag order on him to protect their golden goose of a show. TLC made millions on J&K+8. That was much more important to producers and network executives than the health and welfare of eight children. Otherwise that North Carolina vomitfest cruise would never have been allowed to happen.

Tucker's Mom said... 38

longtime lurker said... 31
Kate has certainly threatened Jon with a call to the cops if he dared try to get any kids off schedule.
M* did not want to go to Alaska and Jon drove over to the compound to pick her up. Kate refused and said M* was just in a bad mood. Jon said he'd come back in the morning to get her (this is when he lived 45 min. away, too) and Kate said he'd be met with police if he tried.
That, and some choice, salty words, according to Robert Hoffman, who was in the car with Jon at the time.

FYI said... 39

This is the article in People that Heather Demetrios says inprired her to write her book.

This was the "piecing and patching" interview dated 8/14/13.


Suzy said... 40

I also have to wonder if or why he has not called the police to enforce the custody order? After all, it's only two weekends a month & 4 dinners a month. That is not alot of time to catch up with all 8 childrens in one sitting. If the older girls did not visit their father a few times, I could see them giving a valid reason, but a WHOLE YEAR? I would have gone to the police or take her back to court to find out what was wrong and why she was not following the court order. To wait that long and still not requesting her to enforce it, he then asks for temp full custody.


Formerly Duped said... 41

lol the theme song is 'Recipe for Love" in Heather's book! Wonder why it's for teens- seems like there's a lot of satire and 'inside' jokes in the book only adults who watched J+K would 'get.'

longtime lurker said... 42

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 4

Here is a video of Heather Demetrios talking about her book. She said that seeing a cover of People magazine with Kate and the kids was her inspiration for this novel.


I haven't felt a seismic explosion from PA yet....WOS is gonna blow. LOl
Wonder if she will say CAN WE SUE

chefsummer #Leh said... 43

Time for another list of acronyms used frequently on this blog.
Katie Irene Kreider = KK = Ms Kreider = maiden name of Kate Gosselin
TFW = The Former Wife, how Jon referred to TFW in prior interview.
TCFW = The Crazy Former Wife
TFMJG = The Former Mrs Jon Gosselin
WOS = Waste Of Space = what TFMJG called the Grand Canyon on the RV trip from hell as shown on K+8, WOS refers to TFMJG on this blog generally.
TLC = The Lying Channel

Here's some I came up with

QOFM= Queen of mean.
LWOS= Lazy waste of space
FUKKB= Fired Up Kissing Kate's Butt-(That's 4 Milo)

Paula said... 44

One of my favorite sayings is "Karma is a-comin' and she don't play". Kate Gosselin meet Karma.

TLC stinks said... 45

M&C went up2say GN 2 littles aft in bed.
Aaden:I was sleeping. U interrupted my hibernation. It's been a long day4the big bear.

First, Aaden did not say such a thing. She is totally speaking for them. Sick. Second, I have long believed M & C are in charge of the "littles" every evening from helping with homework, taking baths, and ordering them to bed. I also believe M& C cook dinner and clean up. What does mommie do? Drink wine and tweet in her room. I truly believe this is what goes on.

I don't understand why Jon has not called the sheriff on her before for violating the custody agreement, but better late than never. I wonder if there was something in the TLC settlement handcuffing him from pursuing his rights or threats from Kate?

Tucker's Mom said... 46

In "Something Real", the "Baker's Dozen's" theme song is "Recipe For Love", with photos superimposed over chocolate chip cookie designs.

(she! loves! exclamation! points!!!!!!!!!)
Can we sue?????????????????

Layla said... 47

Berks Neighbor (34) said...
Is it possible that TFMJG's pap no longer answers her calls or is there an unspoken agreement among the media sources not to pursue photo opportunities of the kids?
I just read an article about Tori Spelling, and she admits that she calls a pap to take pictures and they split the money. That's obviously what Kate was doing with Chris, but the fact is, someone has to be willing to pay for the pictures. And these days, what news outlet is going to waste money buying pictures of Kate picking the kids up at the bus stop or just living her boring, mediocre life? Let's see, this week Kate did her bus runs, bought groceriees, put gas in her car, and went to FedEx. Snooze. That's what every mom on the planet does every week. Who needs pictures of that? And she's a pariah after what she did to the twins last month. 15 mnutes...over!

I had no idea how bad she really was with visitation. How is she going to defend herself in court when asked about all the custody violations? She just assumed she'd never get called on any of it, that Jon wouldn't dare fight back. Well, Jon's done being quiet. He's fighting back. it's about time! Go, Jon!

Math Girl said... 48

gabby2 said... 26
Go vote:
Thanks for posting the link. When I saw it yesterday, Jon was "leading" but now it's turned around. I guess the sheeple got on it fast. Small number of total votes, then and now.

Alberta Girl said... 49

Wow - the J&K saga continues...

Even though its a teen book, I will download - sounds like an interesting read.

One thought about Colin not "coming down the driveway" to visit Jon. Do you think that TFW is using the excuse of an emotional issue for him? While I don't know what the kids are dealing with, it sounds a bit like anxiety (my youngest deals with this).

Just thinking aloud...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 50

Of course TFW will try to sue Heather Demetrios! And in the process, will get thousands of extra people interested in the book! She's not one for thinking ahead, is she?

Posters here have been saying it for years -- TFW will be her own undoing. And 6 weeks into 2014, we're seeing that with our own eyes.

Tucker's Mom said... 51

I find it interesting that Demitrios puts TM (trademark) behind each child's given name, implying that yes indeed, they are a "brand".

JoyinVirginia said... 52

OT because I am obsessed with college basketball.
So this weeks rankings are out. University of Virginia is ranked 15, will you tell me how this is rational?!?! When my beloved Virginia Commonwealth University Rams are not ranked, and no other Atlantic 10 teams are either?
Virginia is 17-5, 8-1 in ACC play. VCU IS 19-4, 7-1 in A10 conference play. VCU beat Virginia AT UVA IN CHARLOTTESVILLE on Nov 12.
not being ranked will help motivate the team!
There is a lot of great basketball on TV every week! Love it!

JoyinVirginia said... 53

OT again: www.voteshaka.com
#shameless begging

Math Girl said... 54

Here is a recent post from The Bumpiest Path, KK's former supporter in Austrailia:

Don't want to quote extensively, but here is one paragraph:
"There’s no need for exhaustion, seriously! I’m not the first to have eight kids, for centuries women have had far more than eight and much less household gadgets to help them in their pursuit of perfect parenting."

With an attitude like that, it's hard to see how she ever supported KK, and easy to see why she has disappeared from KK's timeline.

Francine said... 55

Sheri said... 13
From the other thread...

Paige C ‏@Paige_Kate8fan 3m
@Kateplusmy8 my faveourite item! Yes I spelled faveourite right that's how we spell it in Canada, eh!


Good grief. No Paige, you didn't. In Canada we use both the British spelling FAVOURITE or the American spelling FAVORITE. Either is acceptable and understood. I've never seen it spelled "your" way before.



I'm still not thrilled all of this is being played out in public but it's been said, by myself and others here, it seems to be the only way to get through to Kate.
He doesn't need to "get through to Kate" via the media. If he wants custody of his children as he claims, that will only happen via a judge. Shit or get off the pot, Jon.

Amy2 said... 56

I wonder if Kate is going to check herself into a hospital for exhaustion now that all this is going down.

longtime lurker said... 57

Ive never understood why the kids aren't exchanged for the custody times at a neutral location, for pick up and drop off. It's gotta be easier to go from mercedes sprinter to mercedes sprinter (lol) instead of walking down a long drive carrying your suitcase.
The parents don't have to speak, but dang, they could at least say hello.
It looks like something serious and life changing is about to go down. It's about time! I hope it's not too late for the kid's sakes.

kids first said... 58

With this "Something Real" book coming out, perhaps it could pave the way for Robert's book to be republished as a novel?

TLC stinks said... 59

I remember reading in Robert's book Kate was very upset when a fan named her baby Aaden (same spelling). So if Kate could copyright their names, I think she would have done it.

Vanessa said... 60


Bahaaha! She'll sue for HER share of any profits! Wonder if she's tried to copyright her life?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 61

Joy, every time I see "Vote Shaka" I read it as "Vote Shoka!"

JMO said... 62

Sheri said... 13
I'm still not thrilled all of this is being played out in public but it's been said, by myself and others here, it seems to be the only way to get through to Kate.

It was bad enough that she used her children to garner a lifestyle she would never have otherwise been able to afford. It's just sickening that she's now using them to further alienate them from their own father.

I hope Jon is successful in his bid to get Kate a psych evaluation, I totally agree, it can't hurt and has the potential to do a lot of good.
Ditto that !
In addition, I think the kids and Jon should undergo evaluation in order to determine their "well being." Unfortunately, I do believe Kate would have a huge influence in this before hand.

So might be best if a Family Court Judge and Child Advocate could conduct interviews with kids, where they are assured no comments they make will be reported. Although I don't think that is going to happen. For several reasons.

NJGal51 said... 63

Thanks for the tip on the book. I've already downloaded it to both my iPad and Kindle. All Heather has to do is have the "this is a work of fiction" disclaimer as in "all characters are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental" and it should shut TFW down. It's sort of a Law & Order ripped from the headlines deal. The book was published today so it's available for purchase or download.

Millicent said... 64

How DARE any mother come between a daughter and her father because SHE has some issue with his dating or girlfriend or mediocre life.
I agree, except I'd phrase it as : How dare any parent come between a child and their other parent, just because the first parent has control issues.

No matter who is trying to alienate a child from their other parent, it's wrong. I've shared that I have full custody of my son and that at times, I am unhappy with his father. But I have never said anything negative about his dad to him, and I never will. Instead, I focus on the positive and have always encouraged a relationship between them, because it's not about me or how I feel about his dad -- it's about what's best for our child.

I sure hope Jon can get a court order for Kate to undergo a psych evaluation. That would no doubt be a doozy. And I sincerely hope he gets full custody of all 8 children. I think things are much worse in that house than we have ever speculated.

Susan1956 said... 65


Quote from the article below. *I don't see the poll--is it gone?

Following her twins' disastrous talk show appearance and claims that her ex-husband Jon was going to battle her for custody, Kate Gosselin was bashed by her sister. This comes after the former reality star admitted that she is going broke.

What did I miss? TFMJG loves to whine about how she's "piecing and patching", but I haven't seen much evidence that she's going broke since she still has the three cars, the konpound, etc. I'm sure she resents she's had to/will have to spend money on lawyers and is panicking because her 'paydays' are few and far between, but broke? Of course, if she's been using the kids' money inappropriately and is forced to put it back from her own stash of funds and/or Jon wins custody and she has to pay him child support . . . . . I think she'll have to downsize in the next few years and go back to work. Then again, if Jon becomes in demand on TV or as a speaker, he can support the kids and she might be able to just sit back in her "mine, all mine" mansion and order wine delivered to her door.

JMO said... 66

gabby2 said... 6

Just a guess, but there may have been many situations that occurred with the kids with Kate, but Jon chose not to do//say anything, as he wanted to try to keep his family together. This may haunt him now, but I think he is reluctant to bring things forward that happened, since he was aware of much of her neglect/abuse with Kate.

In retrospect, he may regret it, but the kids will not forget.

Millicent said... 67

Hoosier Girl said... 20
As to why Jon didn't do this before (during the divorce).
I think he knew she was a shrew. I don't think he had any idea she was evil enough to turn his kids against him.
I don't think he had any idea she would hold a grudge for this long or that her hatred and vindictiveness would just keep increasing with time.
That sounds like a realistic scenario to me. Because a normal person would not behave as Kate does. And even though Jon had just spent 10 years (I think 10?) married to her and dealing with her behaviors, I still think he had no idea how mentally ill she was or would become. I don't think he realized how truly "off" she is, because it had started with little things and slowly escalated into totally controlling and belittling him at every turn.

It has to be like a nightmare that never ends.

abc said... 68

I can't help but envision those poor kids doing a "perp walk" down that long driveway to see their dad. So sad.

Millicent said... 69

Tucker's Mom said:
Otherwise, these kids are facing a myriad of problems growing up, and perhaps for their entire lives.
I think this is the case, no matter what happens with the custody issues. But if it is possible to remove them from their mother's environment, at least some healing could begin now instead of when they become legal adults.

Millicent said... 70

longtime lurker said... 31

I dont know why (with the exception of Jon's decency and not wanting to traumatize the kids), but he CAN use the local sheriff's dept to enforce the visitation time. With a law enforcement officer and his custody papers in hand, he can force the kids to go with him...and if WOS won't comply, she can be arrested.
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.
I agree, and I think he ought to immediately start doing this. That way, he will have official documentation of trying to live up to the court order, and Kate's refusal to do the same. But hopefully his attorney is advising him on how to best document the failure on Kate's part to meet the obligations of the custody order.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 71

Yes being a normal person I think he assumed well grin and bear it she can't go like this forever this will blow over soon. And then one day in 2013 he realized it's not blowing over.

Paula said... 72

Can you imagine the horror to the Gosselin kids having a police escort from your house to your Dad's car? That would be the last resort imho.

gabby2 said... 73

I think Jon finally gets it that KK is damaging his kids. And it's the kind of damage that some of them might never overcome.

No sane person would purposely create 7 fertile eggs...for fame and glory. With no forethought of the potential damage to the fetuses.

She is no better than octomom, just better at getting TV shows and free MONEY.....(just like octomom: plastic surgery and hoping to be a "star").

Suzy said... 74

I recall Jon saying Kate took off a custody weekend visit one time some years ago after his flight was delayed. I don't know where he was flying home from but I think he said he was a hour late and she shut him out. He could not see the kids AT ALL. I think she did it because she was angry at him for being out of town and was doing it to 'punish him'. If it was not laid out in the agreement then there should be no reason to keep the kids away from him that day for him to pick them up. I would think they would have a clause in it regarding issues that may pop up time to time like a flight delay, bad traffic because of an accident, etc, then the parent is given leeway. Talk about DRAMATIC!


kids first said... 75

What do Narcissists do when they are backed into a corner? I'm just wondering what her next move will be.

Vanessa said... 76

I agree, he really didn't know how crazy she was or would become. His may be an extreme example, but it's like a battered wife who ends up being killed by her abuser. Those victims I'm sure never dreamed they were capable.

gabby2 said... 77

abc said... 68

I can't help but envision those poor kids doing a "perp walk" down that long driveway to see their dad. So sad.


To humiliate their Father every time he wanted to see his kids.

And she humiliates her own sons just as bad.

The women reminds me of an immature 10 year old going through her I hate boys phase.

Whoever came up with "arrested development" was spot on. And Carry Ann from Dancing With the Stars had her pegged: "I have never met anyone with so little self-awareness".

Get help Kate. Jon is not the enemy, you are your own enemy.

Formerly Duped said... 78

What if the twins tell the judge they want to stay with TFW? Does their opinion at this age count? Or does it depend on the results of the pscyh assessment? I can't imagine TFW having one; she'll go kicking and screaming, for sure.Or will the psychiatrist love her as everyone who meets her does?

Virginia Pen Mom said... 79

kids first said... 75
What do Narcissists do when they are backed into a corner? I'm just wondering what her next move will be.


Great question! I was wondering, too. She's getting slammed from so many angles.

JMO said... 80

Millicent said... 64
Well said! TFW will never get it but am hopeful that a Family Court Judge or Child Advocate or Court Ordered Psychologist will.

But am doubting this at this point, as this woman has gotten away with far too much. Who does she know? Seriously,

Virginia Pen Mom said... 81

NJGal51 said... 63
Thanks for the tip on the book. I've already downloaded it to both my iPad and Kindle. All Heather has to do is have the "this is a work of fiction" disclaimer as in "all characters are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental" and it should shut TFW down. It's sort of a Law & Order ripped from the headlines deal. The book was published today so it's available for purchase or download.


Hm, I wonder if those of us with Kindles should go ahead and download quickly? You know how good TFW is at getting things yanked from Amazon!

Hoosier Girl said... 82

Millicent said... 67

It has to be like a nightmare that never ends.

Yep. I've seen a few nasty divorces in my day, but as years go by, they usually move on with their own lives and some sort of civility ensues. Even if it's with gritted teeth!

I've NEVER seen someone just keep getting more angry and bitter like Kate has done. Of course, she's never really moved on with her life either ... she's stuck in her old celebrity days and refusing to budge!

Hoosier Girl said... 83

longtime lurker said... 31
I dont know why (with the exception of Jon's decency and not wanting to traumatize the kids), but he CAN use the local sheriff's dept to enforce the visitation time. With a law enforcement officer and his custody papers in hand, he can force the kids to go with him...and if WOS won't comply, she can be arrested.
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

Can you imagine? Kate in an orange jail jumpsuit and flip flops. Having to share a cell and a very public toilet seat. Not eating organic. Rough toilet tissue. Listening to her cellmates problems.

I'm guessing her cellies would beat the crap out of her before long - just to shut up her shrieking.

Sheri said... 84

Francine said...(55)

"He doesn't need to "get through to Kate" via the media. If he wants custody of his children as he claims, that will only happen via a judge. Shit or get off the pot, Jon."


We have no idea what wheels he's already put into motion regarding custody. As it is, he's fighting Kate's parental alienation the exact same way that she's been perpetuating it, in the media.

If nothing else, at least it shows his kids that he's trying to do something. Someday that may be all they have to counter the inconsistencies and flat out lies their mother fills their heads with.

Localyocul said... 85

Virginia Pen Mom said... 79
kids first said... 75
What do Narcissists do when they are backed into a corner? I'm just wondering what her next move will be.


Great question! I was wondering, too. She's getting slammed from so many angles.


They go into a narcissistic rage. I fear for those kids


longtime lurker said... 86

This isn't going to be WOS 's year. LOL too bad she can't add turning 40 to the list.LOL

I hope that whatever happens, it is in the best interest of the kids. It's time WOS had an intervention.

Localyocul said... 87


Millicent said... 88

Formerly Duped said... 78

What if the twins tell the judge they want to stay with TFW? Does their opinion at this age count? Or does it depend on the results of the pscyh assessment? I can't imagine TFW having one; she'll go kicking and screaming, for sure.Or will the psychiatrist love her as everyone who meets her does?
Valid question with no clear cut answer. I think that in most family law courts, age 13 is still considered on the young side as far as choosing which parent to live with. However, in this convoluted custody case - if Jon's attorney is able to present the court with lots of evidence that Kate has wilfully and repeatedly disregarded the custody order; and is likely to continue doing so; added with a possible psych evaluation that shows she has mental conditions that need to be addressed - then the court would be less likely to accept a request by the 13 year olds to continue living with their mom.

It's anyone's guess where this will go next, but I just hope Jon has an attorney who is getting the appropriate paperwork together to request a change in custody. Once filed, a hearing date will be set. These things always take time and nothing is going to happen overnight.

In the meantime, I hope Jon's attorney is telling him that he needs to insist on seeing his children on each and every court-ordered visitation time, and to call the police to enforce the order if Kate won't comply. And I'd also insist that pick ups and drop offs now be at a neutral location, so the kids don't need to walk down the long driveway - that's simply ridiculous. Kate thinks she can call all the shots and she has been allowed to do so for far too long. It's time for more rational heads to prevail.

Anonymous said... 89

Jon has been muzzled for the past 2 1/2 years. The muzzle is off. Go Jon.


longtime lurker said... 90

Besides now requesting that the custody exchange be done at a neutral location (the papers should already state where this should be done-both parents might already be violating that agreement)...Jon needs to take an adult with him to EACH AND EVERY CUSTODY EXCHANGE until this matter is resolved.
It should be someone other than Liz.

I wouldn't trust WOS as far as I could throw her; she could say Jon threatened her with words or weapon.

It's going to be interesting if she gets on twitter and starts farting rainbows after today's latest news.

Jon, glad to hear you are finally able to take the muzzle off and do what's right for the kids. Listen to what your atty is saying and follow it by the book.
But NEVER be around WOS without a witness.

JMO said... 91

Collin, of all tups, and the twins need to spend time with their dad. Poisoning the kids, so she has someone to take of the chickens, and the tweens by bribery for clothing, boots, etc... does not make you a good parent.

Rather, it makes you a manipulative witch. Just guessing, but the twins may have resisted visiting Jon as they want cell/internet access and did not enjoy spending time with Liz's kids (3) and and 7 silblings as they had no privacy in their own room, as his house was small.
It is sad the twins did not want to be internet/cable /cell phone less with Jon in the woods, but what does that say about them? I am shocked Cara does not want to spend time with Jon, but the 13 people in the house may have been too much for her. I really don't know. Just wish Jon could spend time with the twins, and the tup boys and girls separately, so they all could know that he does love them. I do firmly believe the boys should be with him. It is a start.

WalktheTalk said... 92

If I remember correctly TFW had the big guns behind her during the divorce. Jon said he knew he didn't have a chance and he also ran out of money. Those big attorneys go cha-ching $$ for everything! I can't believe he must pick the kids up at the gate, I thought most judges would say no way, they must be picked up at the door. That's what happen when my ex tried that with me when he had our son for the summer. That is a long story in itself. I was in the same position as Jon for several years, put myself into a good private counselor and she recommended an attorney that worked almost for free. I was getting next to nothing for child support $10 a week back in the 80's and she told him to court for more child support. The judge almost threw in jail because of my ex's mouth, and boy didn't everything change. I could write a book what I went through and don't wish it on anyone.

TLC stinks said... 93

What about a Guardian Ad Litem?

Francine said... 94

Sheri said... 84
Francine said...(55)

"He doesn't need to "get through to Kate" via the media. If he wants custody of his children as he claims, that will only happen via a judge. Shit or get off the pot, Jon."


We have no idea what wheels he's already put into motion regarding custody. As it is, he's fighting Kate's parental alienation the exact same way that she's been perpetuating it, in the media.

If nothing else, at least it shows his kids that he's trying to do something. Someday that may be all they have to counter the inconsistencies and flat out lies their mother fills their heads with.
No, we don't know what wheels are in motion but if he had already filed one would think that he would say that. I think it's perfectly reasonable to conclude that so far he is all talk.

He can show his kids that he tried by showing them court documents. There is absolutely no excuse for a public pissing match with his ex-wife.

Math Girl said... 95

Virginia Pen Mom said... 81

Hm, I wonder if those of us with Kindles should go ahead and download quickly? You know how good TFW is at getting things yanked from Amazon!
I don't think it will be so easy for her this time. The book is published by Henry Holt and Co, a big established firm, and has already won an award.

From the previews, the family situation is somewhat different. I believe Bonnie has a twin brother/sister combo who were born by a surrogate mother and are only 2 mod older than her. Is Bonnie a HOM? Can someone who has the book post the relative ages and birth situations of all the Baker kids?

I rarely buy books, but am really itching to get my hands on this one. It may even inspire me to get an electronic book software.

Sheri said... 96

Millicent said... 88


Excellent comment. Very well said.

getofftwitter said... 97

You go Jon!

Gotyournumberkate: I too was given an inhaler, for the coughing. Man my chest muscles were very sore, hurt to laugh.

To Barbara Walters: hey, Babs, it's time to hang it up, you are pulling the whole show down, the show is boring, and you are starting to say non-sense things, and backing the wrong people. I don't even watch anymore. I watch between WW & Rachel Ray or if the Property brothers are on, well they get first watching, even if it is a re-run. I like cute guys!

JMO: The only reason the twins don't go and spend time with Jon, cause, 1. Kate has brainwashed them, about their dad, 2. Kate can't stand being lonely.

As for poor Colin, someone has to take care of the chickens, cause that is a boys job, and Kate can't break her nails or get dirty, cause, Hollywood might call and she has to be ready.

What a twisted sister!

TLC stinks said... 98

I wonder if she told Collin that if he visits his dad the chickens won't be taken care of and may die. I truly believe she'd say that to that sweet boy.

Carole said... 99

Gawd, I hope the actual E interview is less chopped up than what's in the clip above. The excessive editing makes for a horrible interview. ugh

Ingrid said... 100

Math girl said.... I rarely buy books, but am really itching to get my hands on this one. It may even inspire me to get an electronic book software.

Just so you know, if you don't know that you would use an actual Kindle enough to spend the money on it, I have the kindle app loaded on my desktop computer and on my non kindle Android tablet for free.

There are also lots of free books available on Amazon for the kindle. (just do a search on their site for free books)

Berks Neighbor said... 101

In the book: Bonnie has a twin brother who is gay (you find that out in the first few pages). The younger kids are all adopted (or so it looks like from the 'character list' at the beginning of the book.) So there are some differences.

Tucker's Mom said... 102

I think C* may hang back at the house to feed the animals. He's always been sweet and sensitive.
The E! interview is choppy for the preview, and that's par for the course when putting together these "packages".
No doubt, I hope this isn't Jon blowing smoke, but rather, that Jon has good counsel and an action plan that is proactive and reactive.

gabby2 said... 103

I also think it's a good idea to have a witness with at all times. And I would tell her all phone calls are taped!!

Meagler said... 104

Woo hoo I just got an hour of sleep! I am off to go get more. Our area had a HUGE water main break and our street flooded. It is so badly rutted right now, the kids had to park quite a ways and walk in. Apparantly the graders cant get in due to stuck cars.

So... I am somewhat sensitive to medication, and hubby spoke with Pharmacist today. The coug syrup I was taking yesterday had both a suppressant AND an expectorant in it?? Why would they do that? So now I have a cough syrup with just a suppressant in it.

I cant wait to come back later tonight and hear all about Jon's interview. Go Jon!!! Go save those kids of yours.

Berks Neighbor said... 105

Here's another little "quote" from the book..."For a second, I can almost imagine I'm back in New Hampshire. Dad would be cooking dinner at home. mom would be ... still Mom. Probably doing a book tour and going on talk shows to sell her clothing line."

I'm laughing out loud as I read this novel. It's pretty comical in a bit of tragic way in that it shadows a lot of the stuff we've talked about here in a way.

I'm wondering if the author isn't just one of us...I know there are a couple of authors on this blog. #whoknows ;-)

gabby2 said... 106

Interesting facebook people:


lukebandit said... 107

So glad that ya'll got your money! It is exciting to find money. I have checked my family's names for a couple of years and one day something said to check #3 ds name. He had one. It was about a cell phone about 50 or 60 dollars that he was owed.

I told him and sent him the link, he filled out the form sent his info, printed it out, sent it off, got the check in about 2 or 3 weeks.

I can't believe Jon pulls up to the gate and it depends on the mood of TCFW who goes and who stays. Jon definitely needs to video tape these pick ups and drop offs. He could get a dashcam video recorder with audio. And have a witness with him too. I agree, it should be someone else, not Liz.

I read an article that an idiot wrote and said that Jon might not get custody because he pulled a gun. I wanted to scream. Jon was in his legal rights as a father and property owner. The paps were extremely aggressive to him and refused to leave after being asked repeatedly to leave. He shot in the air anyway.

Then when the pap left, she texted the photos to TMZ, THEN went to the police dept. and wanted to file a complaint. They said if she did they would arrest her for trespassing and harassment. They said he was in his legal rights to protect his children, property and himself.

Oh, I am surprised TCFW hasn't asked an attorney, we haven't heard, she may have is, SUE this blog and take it down just like Robert's Book. I think she is letting suing this blog go by because she loves reading here! hahaha

I think it is Amazing that a young lady writer just by seeing TCFW's pictures of her kids and her and her and the twins on mag covers gave her the inspiration to write her book in record time! It is also unreal that she can do this but Robert's book has dragged on and on and on and we keep hoping it will be published, re edited.

Love that she puts the trademark on their names. Big Diss to TCFW!

TCFW was very upset when someone named their little boy Aaden, but look how cruel TCFW was to Aaden about his glasses! Oh, in that Super Bowl party picture, Aaden didn't have his glasses on. I wonder why. He had them on in 2013.

We really need to pray for the kids and Jon for strength, guidance for this new tsunami that is on its way. Hopefully, Jon will be able to take them to church more, get them into sports or what activity they would like to do.

Formerly Duped said... 108

Millicent 88 , thanks for the answer. It's so nice to have experts in a variety of fields on this board or people with just plain old experience they share with all of us! I've had advice or explanations many times here.

gabby2 said... 109

ET has a tip line....I don't want to sent them anything, but I hope someone tells them about the book. That would be a great interview.

JMO said... 110

TLC stinks said... 98
I wonder if she told Collin that if he visits his dad the chickens won't be taken care of and may die. I truly believe she'd say that to that sweet boy.

TLC Stinks- Always enjoy your comments. There is some very strange things going on with the twins not visiting their dad, and Collin, of all people. Not trying to be sexist, but the boys need to be with Jon as they are second class citizens, in Kate's mind. Jon might want to start there as a dad. Sorry- but the 3 boys have barely spoken over the past three years, look like zombies, so I would love to see them with Jon as they appear to be very good kids!

Millicent said... 111

I too think that Jon should try to bring a third party along for any pick ups or drop offs - and it should not be Liz. Preferably an acquaintance or other non-related adult. I'm sure that won't be easy to work out, as most people have jobs and lives and can't always be available to drive with Jon to pick up his kids once a week for dinner. But he's a likeable guy - I'd say he has a better than average chance of being able to find some people who would be willing to do ride-alongs with him.

Dmasy said... 112

I am in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. I found Eonline. I will be able to watch Jon's interview. ALL in Mexican/Spanish!

Does not matter what language. I know TFW is mean and controlling.

Sheri said... 113

Francine said...(94)

"No, we don't know what wheels are in motion but if he had already filed one would think that he would say that. I think it's perfectly reasonable to conclude that so far he is all talk.

He can show his kids that he tried by showing them court documents. There is absolutely no excuse for a public pissing match with his ex-wife."


Are we arguing? I hope not, because I totally agree that he shouldn't be doing interviews at all. I was also one of the first to say I thought CT was a bad idea but here we are.

This is happening whether I agree with it or not but if Jon is seriously in the works to try and get custody then I support his efforts. It's not how I would choose to play it out but in the end they're his choices to make, not mine.

I also agree it's reasonable to think he's all talk, in my opinion his recent media blitz does him no favours in that regard.

I just happen to think it's equally reasonable to conclude that he's been advised to avoid divulging any specifics about the custody issue.

Maybe I'm just hoping?

Gabby2 said... 114

The problem with it not being public is that Kate's story is the only one out there. She has been dumping on him for years on multiple shows, and plenty of people have bought her story which is not fair. Also, if she refuses to let him speak with them, all they hear is what she wants. Who knows what she has told the twins and Collin.

Over In TFW's County said... 115

Valid question with no clear cut answer. I think that in most family law courts, age 13 is still considered on the young side as far as choosing which parent to live with. However, in this convoluted custody case - if Jon's attorney is able to present the court with lots of evidence that Kate has wilfully and repeatedly disregarded the custody order; and is likely to continue doing so; added with a possible psych evaluation that shows she has mental conditions that need to be addressed - then the court would be less likely to accept a request by the 13 year olds to continue living with their mom.


I don't know how it is in other states, but in PA, 13 is not too young to decide. In fact, judges will even listen to kids as young as 9. However, kids just can't say that they want to live with the other parent because the one with whom they reside is mean, or because the other parent buys them toys and lets them stay up late. There has to be a valid reason, and judges will interview the children alone to determine the validity of that reason.

Julianna said... 116

"Can you imagine? Kate in an orange jail jumpsuit and flip flops."


Uggs flip flops. Orange is the new black. Great book by Piper Kerman, a Smith College graduate who detailed her life in a woman's prison. If you haven't read it, it's very interesting and is required reading in many sociology/criminology classes.

Rhymes with Witch said... 117

But NEVER be around WOS without a witness. 90

An adult witness eh isn't Liz.

longtime lurker said... 118

Jon has numerous taped interviews of WOS throwing him under the bus...and all those can be presented as evidence in parental alienation.

I'd say her goose is finally cooked.

CS said... 119

lukebandit said... 107 "
We really need to pray for the kids and Jon for strength, guidance for this new tsunami that is on its way. Hopefully, Jon will be able to take them to church more, get them into sports or what activity they would like to do".

Amen lukebandit, I pray along with you!

Math Girl said... 120

Berks Neighbor said... 101
In the book: Bonnie has a twin brother who is gay (you find that out in the first few pages). The younger kids are all adopted (or so it looks like from the 'character list' at the beginning of the book.) So there are some differences.
Thanks, Berks Neighbor. I went back and found the character list, which I'd missed first time.

Benton isn't Bonnie's twin, he's Lexie's. They were born of a surrogate mother 2 months before Bonnie/Chloe was born. From the excerpt, the three youngest children are triplets, adopted from China. The others appear to be adopted singletons.

So the ages, sexes and birth circumstances in the book don't agree with the Gosselins. I think that's good - gave the author creative license to draw her characters without copying real children.

The parents' situation is different too - the mother is remarried. KK, eat your heart out!

The children in The Sound of Music are also different in name, sex, number, and birth order from the real VonTrapp family. So none of the real children is a "character". Maria and the Baron did use their real names, and the family was apparently unhappy about how the Baron was portrayed. He wasn't a control freak / martinet in real life. He was changed to make the story more dramatic.

Somewhere In Time said... 121

I feel so sorry for some of her fans who are developmentally disabled and keep begging to meet her somewhere. Nobody has the heart to tell them, very kindly. that this just isn't going to happen -- no way.

Rhymes with Witch said... 122

Comment 117. I guess my.phone went Canadian. eh= that.

Anonymous said... 123

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 160
Another thing about cell phones is back in the day if we got a car stuck in the snow or out of gas we'd wait for a motorist to pull over and help us out. I just don't think in this day in age that's safe anymore to do. You need the cell to call a licensed tow company like AAA, for safety reasons.
For those of us who grew up in a major city, it wasn't safe to do "back in the day" either. When I was in high school 30 years ago, there was a serial killer on the loose in my immediate community. There is nothing inherently more dangerous about today's world. In fact, it's the opposite. Crime, including violent crime, has decreased over the last several decades, not increased.
Thank you to the second poster!! We must be the same age because I remember 'back in the day' and it WAS dangerous! I was going to respond to Admin's previous post that there are more kidnappings now which is just not true- we just talk to our kids more openly about them now, teach them Stranger Danger. I grew in Hollywood and the greater LA area in the 70's, hitchhiking was legal and (I was told never to hitchhike by a very over protective mother) and everyone knew to be careful about which car you got in cuz you might not make it home. Kids disappeared from public parks and on the way home from school because in those days, kids had more freedom to be out alone, away from parents. So, again, thank you for pointing that out. It drives me nuts when people keep saying todays times are worse, when they aren't for so many issues- they are better thanks to awareness.
~~~finally had time off from homework and to lurk, Butterfly

Tucker's Mom said... 124

Just starting to read "Something Real" on my Kindle Cloud, and I'm really getting shades of "An American Family" too, especially the invasiveness of filming.
Makes me miss James Gandolfini. Did anyone see him in Enough Said- good movie.

LifeinOH said... 125

lukebandit said... 54
I have an unusual hobby. A bank in my hometown printed a list of unclaimed property owners in my state of AL.

How fun! I have a >$100 check coming! Thx Luke!

sparkle said... 126

CS said... 119
lukebandit said... 107 "
We really need to pray for the kids and Jon for strength, guidance for this new tsunami that is on its way. Hopefully, Jon will be able to take them to church more, get them into sports or what activity they would like to do".

Amen lukebandit, I pray along with you!

I agree, prayers are defintely needed for this difficult situation.

KY Pastor, will you do the honors?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 127

Wow that is an old post! But I said right after that a better way to put it is that we're more aware of dangers now and don't do things many of us used to in the past, like hitching a ride with a stranger. Because we've chosen to be more careful now we use cells as a tool to support that.

I can't dispute stats that say we're safer now. Maybe crime stats are falling because we're more aware and being more careful. You can't kidnap a child very easily if a parent makes sure they're never out of an adult's sight. That was not how many people used to parent. Adam Walsh was running around a store unsupervised when he was taken. His parents since then always stressed never to do what we did and most parents today wouldn't dream of having a child that young out of their sight.

LifeinOH said... 128

For those who pray, now is the time, IMO. Kate will be raging, I think, and the children need a wall of protection.

T said... 129

Omg I just finished watching the E interview and it was AMAZEBALLS! E! News to totally team Jon & the kids! I'll leave the recapping to those with DVR's, but it was one of his best interviews evah!!!!!

chefsummer #Leh said... 130

Jon has a 2 part interview today and tomorrow.

I just saw his interview and he didn't not hold back he let lose I was cheering him on.

Cause he spoke very well and very clear on what his plans are and I hope he does it I say good luck Jon and God's speed.

I can't wait for part two.

-(He said he does see the twins)-

chefsummer #Leh said... 131

Here's a photo of Jon he look nice and looks like he lost some weight as well.


The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 132

May they be peaceful. May they be well. May they be filled with joy and free from suffering. ... May we be peaceful. May we be well. May we be filled with joy and free from suffering. … May all be peaceful. May all be well. May all be filled with joy and free from suffering. (Buddhist prayer)

Amy2 said... 133

Butterfly, Welcome back! Missed your posts.

Lalalalala said... 134

Good job, Jon!! Here was very clear and succinct. Good eye contact. No pauses or ummmm's. And, he was HONEST! That man is on fire. Kate, your time is over. Tick tock.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 135

Yes the sheeple love to dig up first time misdemeanor offenses of people only vaguely connected to the situation. Public shaming is their specialty.

Amy2 said... 136

For those who have Twitter. What has Kate been saying today?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 137

She's said nothing. She's probably steaming by now and has her people making all the calls trying to get her mug on screen to rebut. Let's see if she gets any takers.

abc said... 138

Lukebandit checked out names and found my sister. Called her and we are now waiting. Even $5 is nice. Thanks!

lukebandit said... 139

Admin, Adam Walsh who was a polite little boy asked his mother for permission to stand by the video game that some older boys were playing. Mrs. Walsh had an Sears ad for a lamp shade that was on sale and it was just a couple of aisles over. She told Adam to stay right there and he did. She went to lamps to find the shade and the older boys started fussing over the game while Adam stood there.

A 18 year old security guard, who had just had an abortion the day before was not feeling good, John told this years ago when he found out, she told them to ALL get out of the store. Adam, because he was such a good boy, went with the older boys out the door and it was on the back side of the building.

The older boys walked away and then Adam was left alone in the parking lot walking around and then Otis Toole, an animal came driving by and saw him and kidnapped him and took him off and killed him that afternoon.

The police dept. in that town was incredibly inept. Years later when a new police chef came in, they officially apologized to John Walsh and his family.

John Walsh was in Washington D.C. in his hotel room when he found out they had found Adam decapitated and he went into such a rage that they had to call the police. He completely destroyed his room.

I don't blame him. This is what I remember, because I was having my sons right at that time. This November, Adam would of been 40.

lukebandit said... 140

Part 2 coming tomorrow! Sound bite said, Jon rips into kate!

That interviewer STINKS! IMO she was horrible. But she was impressed that Jon didn't backpeddle his answers.

So proud of Jon! I thought he did a great job!

Tucker's Mom said... 141

Shoot, I dvd'd ET, not Eonline enews, soooo, if anyone can post the full interview with Jon, I'd surely appreciate it.
And don't call me Shirley ;-)

Susan1956 said... 142

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 138
She's said nothing. She's probably steaming by now and has her people making all the calls trying to get her mug on screen to rebut. Let's see if she gets any takers

I've often wondered, especially lately, if the talk show producers or the network wouldn't be subject to a subpoena to produce the full tape(s) and/or testify re: Kate's appearances. Would the court accept DVR copies of her appearances from Jon?

I don't think any of the talk shows will bite since the last debacle on the Today Show and the View. However, there will be something on ROL by morning.

NJGal51 said... 143

Uh oh, the fans are starting to ask. Maybe TFW should get on the ball with this and make the big announcement. Deflect, deflect, deflect.

@PatriciaChow1: @Kateplusmy8 Who Won THE GOOD Deed Contest for Your Cookbook?

CS said... 144

Has anyone ever thought about the amount of money each child should be compensated for the years that they have worked?
The children have filmed 116 episodes of Jon & Kate plus 8. They have also filmed 24 one hour specials of Kate plus 8. That is a total of 143 episodes.

Let us not forget the many morning talk shows and countless magazine covers that they have been featured on. In addition the children are the only reason their mother has been able to publish any of her books. Without them, NO one would be interested.

I personally think that they each deserve a minium of $250,000.00 EACH and that is stretching it! What do you think?
Before you respond please do the numbers.

Over In TFW's County said... 145

DENISE ‏@Mydmaxx 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Are you & the kids still snowed in? Unbelievable winter weather!

Geez, Denise. Give it up! Snowed in means snow in feet -- snow drifts up to the roof, unplowed roads. Kate was never snowed in. Roads were clear this morning,.

That's for you, too, Milo, since you read here and asked if Kate can drive on the snow. Kate hasn't been out 24/7 with the snow shovel.

More coming tonight, though, with sleet and freezing rain. Ugh. Power outages expected. I hope Kate has remembered that generators aren't to be used inside.

Jr said... 146

I also thought it was on e entertainment ....would love to see it but can't find the whole interview ...would appreciate anyone who could post it

Jane said... 147

It looks like this will be rebroadcast at 11:30pm.

chefsummer #Leh said... 148

If you guys missed Jon it'll be on tomorrow at 11am-(EST). or 10 am depending on your time zone.

LifeinOH said... 149

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 132
May they be peaceful. May they be well. May they be filled with joy and free from suffering. ... May we be peaceful. May we be well. May we be filled with joy and free from suffering. … May all be peaceful. May all be well. May all be filled with joy and free from suffering. (Buddhist prayer)


LOVE it. Thank you.

Anonymous said... 150

lukebandit said... 141
Part 2 coming tomorrow! Sound bite said, Jon rips into kate!

That interviewer STINKS! IMO she was horrible. But she was impressed that Jon didn't backpeddle his answers.

So proud of Jon! I thought he did a great job!
February 4, 2014 at 5:04 PM

Why do you say the "interviewer stinks"? She is the first one who asked direct and pointed questions and demanded answers and Jon gave them to her. What is the problem?

Over In TFW's County said... 151

Shoot, I dvd'd ET, not Eonline enews, soooo, if anyone can post the full interview with Jon, I'd surely appreciate it.
And don't call me Shirley ;-)


Hey, Shirley! I did the same thing! They repeat it at 11:30.

Shirley II

AuntieAnn said... 152

Formerly Duped said... 78
Or does it depend on the results of the pscyh assessment? I can't imagine TFW having one; she'll go kicking and screaming, for sure.Or will the psychiatrist love her as everyone who meets her does?


Funny, I was thinking about her doing that too a la Jim Bakker style (of the PLT scandal back in the 80's). I remember seeing him on the news crying like a baby while they dragged him off.

Oh this is gonna get very interesting.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 153

I personally think that they each deserve a minium of $250,000.00 EACH and that is stretching it! What do you think?
Before you respond please do the numbers.


What is the price for destroying a normal childhood? No price. But we have to put a price on it. TLC made multi millions of dollars off then. I think at the very minimum each child should have a trust with at least 2.5 million dollars in it. This money could grow to much more by the time they are 18. Honey Boo Boo reportedly makes 50,000 an episode. That would be over seven million dollars if she made 143 episodes.

As far as the psyche exam who knows Kate might actually willingly go thinking fine we'll settle this once and for all and I will prove to you nothing is wrong with me. She has another thing coming if she thinks she's going to fool a psychologist.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 154

John looked awesome in that E! News interview.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 155

I have so much more respect for Jon Gosselin after that E! News interview. He really showed himself to be a stand-up man and father.

CS said... 156

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 154
What is the price for destroying a normal childhood? No price. But we have to put a price on it. TLC made multi millions of dollars off then. I think at the very minimum each child should have a trust with at least 2.5 million dollars in it?
I agree with you! There is NO PRICE for destroying a normal childhood? However, lets face it, TFW does NOT have 2.5 million saved for each child and TLC is certainly not going to cough up any more money for the children. According to your calculations that would equal $20,000,000. Let's be realistic! I doubt that TFW has made that kind of money. If she did she would not be worried about money!

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 157

cherier1 said... 150
The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 132
May they be peaceful. May they be well. May they be filled with joy and free from suffering. ... May we be peaceful. May we be well. May we be filled with joy and free from suffering. … May all be peaceful. May all be well. May all be filled with joy and free from suffering. (Buddhist prayer)


LOVE it. Thank you.


You're very welcome. It's Buddhist in origin, but I believe the sentiments are universal.

Midnight Madness said... 158

Why do you say the "interviewer stinks"? She is the first one who asked direct and pointed questions and demanded answers and Jon gave them to her. What is the problem?


I didn't think she was a bad interviewer. She did what nobody has ever done with Kate...didn't beat around the bush.

Jon is really ticked, isn't he? He has every right to be. Awhile back I thought it was commendable of him not to speak out, to remain private and take the high road, but I imagine he's just had enough of Kate and her conniving ways. He's finally telling it like it is without ums, and eye rolling. He makes eye contact, unlike Kate who is so "readable" in interviews that you can tell she's stalling, trying to remember previous lies.

Good for him. I guess the sheep are going to be bleating their way into the pasture tonight. The thing is that a psyc evaluation would be a good thing for the kids. Fans won't see it that way, though, because they don't care about the children. It's all about Kate, who has become so transparent when she tweets pics of "my boys" -- too late for damage control. It's funny how those on here are one step ahead of her and can see her next move and know exactly what she is going to tweet and when! The sheeple, though, are just too dumb to get it.

longtime lurker said... 159

as far as a $amt the kids 'deserve', well I certainly don't think it's 2.5 million each....we want the kids to be normal, mediocre working folks, don't we? if they received that much, they might feel, special like their momma does now....
and a note to WOS, if you read here:
how's it feel to be backed into a corner, a little more each day...kinda like what you and TLC did to Jon, back in the day..
doesn't feel so good, does it?

Layla said... 160

Admin (138)
Oh, yes, she's been working the phones all day trying to find someone who will put her on camera to set the record straight for the 8 millionth time. She is far more upset about Jon getting TV time than she is about the custody issue. After all, the kids are of no use to her if they're not getting her back on TV.
I think the kids each should get at least 2 million. They deserve it after spending much of their childhoods working, and the years of humiliation that followed, thanks to their parents. Of course, they will need all of it for therapy.

Canuck2 said... 161

I hope someone has been keeping screenshots of every outrageous statement/lie/photo/slam for Jon to use in his custody attempt. This, I believe, exposes her completely as a nutcase who only wants fame. At any cost. Regardless of who gets hurt. Particularly her children.

Midnight Madness said... 162

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m
@Kateplusmy8 Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace. Continue doing what you do best...being a loving, responsible Mom!

I wonder if they could get a buy one, get one free psychological evaluation. Milo needs one as well.

Inner peace? One of the funniest things she's come up with. Inner peace? Kate? More like inner raging, anger and revenge.

lukebandit said... 163

I think it was the way it was edited with her, not Jon. To me it was choppy to her, she seemed to not really get it but was asking a list of submitted questions. Jon was spectacular. He was calm, cool and collected. He was not irrational. He has a goal and suggesting TCFW get a psych evaluation, he is trying to HELP HER.

He just wants her to get help so she can function as a parent, co-parent be more kinder to the kids. Jon is mad as heck and he is not taking her bull anymore.

Wow! I am excited several here have found money even if they are relatives! Your so welcome. I wish I posted it long ago!

Andrea said... 164

This is reminding me of the Inman twins.They were abused and neglected while surrounded by riches. Their father and stepmom were parental alienators. The Inman twins were so bad off when their bio mom got custody of them that they had to be in a mental institution for a few months. This could be the reality of the Gosselin children if TFW is allowed to continue her current behavior.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 165

Good for him. I guess the sheep are going to be bleating their way into the pasture tonight. The thing is that a psyc evaluation would be a good thing for the kids. Fans won't see it that way, though, because they don't care about the children.


Red alert red alert! This is not a drill!

And that is the essence of what a sheeple is. I saw several comments here remarking that it would be good if actually the whole family got a psyche assessment, and that includes Jon. I have seen enough to know that the people here really care about these kids and want what's best for this family, and if that's a psyche assessment of all parties even parties some of us happen to support and like a lot more than Kate so be it. There are no "sides" here other than what is in their best interest. It's not about about Jon vs. Kate or sheeple vs. haters or whatever. That does not matter to normal people the way it does to the sheeple. The FIGHT matters more than what is best for the children, and I find that both tragic and rather disturbing. The whole family needs a psyche assessment and there is no reason to feel threatened by that--the goal is to HELP. Our "sides" are not important.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 166

The kids worked very hard for many years. It does not matter if they were 3 weeks old or 36, they deserve fair payment for their work. In this country, we don't allow slave labor. If you work at a job, you are to be paid your fair wage for said job per industry standards. Since their industry was the entertainment business, they needed to be paid like any child actor would be on a show with similar ratings and time commitments.

I understand that some people probably can't handle large sums of money but I don't think we have a right to say the kids shouldn't get paid what they deserves because they MIGHT not be able to handle it or it might spoil them. People should be paid fairly and it is not anyone's place to withhold it from them because something MIGHT go wrong if they have that much money. You could say that of anyone, but we're not here to parent people over their money. That's up to them.

If they were even paid by the minimum pay scale that SAG requires they should be set for life. And the minimum is usually reserved for nobodies.

Craziness said... 167

@msgoody2shoes21 1h

LOL! No judge ia giving Jon Gosselin temporary primary custody. He needs a psychopath evaluation. #BowlOfPits #Pitiful @Kateplusmy8

Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Goody.

AuntieAnn said... 168

(Sorry to stray off topic) Just catching up on the last thread. Great recap there Admin. lol! I tried watching the latest episode on YT but could only get halfway through it. I had no idea Duck Lips's face was that distorted. She could have been nice looking once upon a time. Maybe she and her beau have no sex problems because they don't have no sex?

I notice Dr. Jenn hugs people when she has these one-on-one meetings with them. What's with that? Do therapists usually hug their clients?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 169

Oh Goody. The biggest mistake you can make in family law is to assume something NEVER could happen.

You know what I tell my clients who demand to know what is going to happen? I do not know, it's up to the JUDGE. I can tell you what I think they might do but anything can happen because I am not making the decision, the judge is.

Kate may maintain custody, but at least his children will know Jon tried. Or maybe she will lose it--you do not know, Goody, what is going to happen here. Why can't we all just agree to support the whole family and what's best for them?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 170

I had no idea Duck Lips's face was that distorted. She could have been nice looking once upon a time. Maybe she and her beau have no sex problems because they don't have no sex?


What's with them getting off completely scot free from that question? I mean I'm not saying I want to know but it was strange everyone else talked about sex but they just sat there not saying a word.

AuntieAnn said... 171

What's with them getting off completely scot free from that question? I mean I'm not saying I want to know but it was strange everyone else talked about sex but they just sat there not saying a word.


Maybe they edited out the part about the paper bag he insists she put over her head when they do have sex. Poor guy. That face would take the air out of anyone's tire.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 172

I don't blame him. This is what I remember, because I was having my sons right at that time. This November, Adam would of been 40.


Aw, lukebandit. The Adam Walsh story always makes me sad. Such a senseless, horrible crime. I can't believe that beautiful boy would be 40. My husband said recently while watching Adam's dad on America's Most Wanted, "That man certainly took his pain and did something with it."

localyocul said... 173

People already saw the interview? I just got home from work...I thought it wasn't on until 1130? Is that a second airing?

Craziness said... 174

There goes Goody in rant mode again. Kate could MURDER someone and she'd defend her,

Rhymes with Witch said... 175

OT: watching American Experience on PBS about Amish who chose to leave
It is intense, poignant and things I don't have words for at the moment.
I recommend it. Need time to process.

Rhymes with Witch said... 176

On topic: anyone with FIOS - what channel is e online? Thanks.

Anonymous said... 177

Kate is certainly laying low on twitter. Not one tweet today. What do you think is going on?

Millicent said... 178

I think it's clear to everyone here that MsGoody is more than a few bricks shy of a full load. So her input regarding how a family law judge might rule is as meaningful as using the stock exchange to predict the weather.

Math Girl said... 179

Off topic

In Canadian politics today, a newspaper correspondent made a very sexist tweet about a new member of parliament. A woman from the opposite party replied to his tweet by retweeting it and adding the tags #sexist and #jerk.

He tweeted this "apology" :
I apologise for any offense taken by today's #qp comment about @cafreeland & I will speak with the member directly #cdnpoli

When he received several tweets that pointed out this was a cop-out, not an apology, his next tweet was:
To #cdnpoli - I'm sorry for being a #sexist #jerk. @cafreeland

That one appears to have been accepted. While it's unfortunate that he was a #sexist #jerk in the first place, it's refreshing that he actually owned up to it.

Meagler said... 180

Its Tuesday, Jon should have the kids tonight.

Kate is liking bribing the ones who stayed back.

The cough has subsided. I still feel like crap. Thanks for all your concerns everyone. I got a few hours sleep.

Rhymes with Witch said... 181

Kate is certainly laying low on twitter. Not one tweet today. What do you think is going on? 169

Machiavelli is plotting her next move.

Anonymous said... 182

Kate must be hibernating with the insane and amount of outrageous snow!

Unknown said... 183

Jobs interview can be seen at E online website. Yeah, he's done with her bs. He never says, "unmm" or evades questions and I can't see him backing down. The Today show was the final straw.

Paraphrasing, " is tv harmful to ny kids? Today show proves it with whip cream and a cherry in top."

Millicent said... 184

Over In TFW's County said... 115

Valid question with no clear cut answer. I think that in most family law courts, age 13 is still considered on the young side as far as choosing which parent to live with. However, in this convoluted custody case - if Jon's attorney is able to present the court with lots of evidence that Kate has wilfully and repeatedly disregarded the custody order; and is likely to continue doing so; added with a possible psych evaluation that shows she has mental conditions that need to be addressed - then the court would be less likely to accept a request by the 13 year olds to continue living with their mom.


I don't know how it is in other states, but in PA, 13 is not too young to decide. In fact, judges will even listen to kids as young as 9. However, kids just can't say that they want to live with the other parent because the one with whom they reside is mean, or because the other parent buys them toys and lets them stay up late. There has to be a valid reason, and judges will interview the children alone to determine the validity of that reason.
I think we're in basic agreement. As far as I'm aware, there is no hard and fast rule about age (meaning, at what age can a child tell a judge which parent he/she wants to live with, and the judge bases his/her decision solely on that request). I don't know PA family law. My own personal info is based on knowledge of some rulings in family law court in my own area.

Jane said... 185

Rhymes - I also watched "shunned" and recommend it. A very moving documentary of those who leave the Amish home and how they fare, or don't, outside their community. This was serious tv, beautifully filmed and narrated with great care and sensitivity.

Rhymes with Witch said... 186

Meagler 181, glad your cough subsided and hope you get some sleep, but PLEASE see a doctor.

localyocul said... 187

hater hater ‏@BuzzedBunny 1h
@GiulianaRancic You have no insight GHOULIANA Rancid Soon all will know what Jon Gosselin is will laugh at u &torment u with ur own wordsI


How ironic is this tweet? She's a hater hater who is a Guiliana hater.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 188

Machiavelli is plotting her next move.


I read this as Maleficient and then I thought well that works too. She even had a "Zorro"


Unknown said... 189

So many typos. Such a small screen/keyboard.

PA Dutch Mom said... 190

Wow! I am excited several here have found money even if they are relatives! Your so welcome. I wish I posted it long ago!


Lukebandit -- you did...quite awhile ago. I found my unclaimed cash back then!

localyocul said... 191

Rhymes with Witch said... 176
OT: watching American Experience on PBS about Amish who chose to leave
It is intense, poignant and things I don't have words for at the moment.
I recommend it. Need time to process.


I watched that last week or the week before and it was about the school shooter. That asshole lived down the road from my coworker. Tragic.

Anonymous said... 192

I hope Jon uses the dropped lawsuit as part of his claim. That was harassment, plain and simple.
The people here could make a list a mile long of the things she's said/done over the years to bash him. Jon just needs to ask.


Gabby2 said... 193

Admin, I am reminded of when Kate told Jon she wanted the kids to be 30 years old before they got any money...of course Jon disagreed.

It's unfortunate stupid people like goodie, page and milo keep blowing smoke up Kate's bottom, so then she feels justified in what she does.

Rhymes with Witch said... 194

So many typos. Such a small screen/keyboard. 190

Welcome to my world. I type, I correct. and then autocorrect bites me in the butt. :)

Beyond DIsgusted said... 195

Snotty Girl ‏@Snotty_Girl 12m
@Kateplusmy8 @Teresa_Giudice Why hasn't Jon Gosselin been working & paying child support all along? He says hes a hard worker.

DI (dry ice!) ‏@LakeRat2014 6m
@ConcernedChick @MiloandJack @GiulianaRancic @Kateplusmy8 I appreciate the peaceful discussion but don't agree. Jon started this IMO.

Jon started it? In what universe? Jon didn't put his kids on the cover of People; Jon didn't haul them out for the Today or View interviews.

They don't get it, do they? They just don't get it. I almost feel sorry that they were MIA when not only logical thinking ability was passed out, but rudimentary intelligence as well.

Rhymes with Witch said... 196

Jane 188, one of the things that struck me was how they said they left the "culture" but didn't say they left "the faith."

Rhymes with Witch said... 197

I watched that last week or the week before and it was about the school shooter. That asshole lived down the road from my coworker. Tragic. 192

Local, we are talking about two different shows.
The shooting was indeed tragic.

Jane said... 198

Rhymes197. It's such a strong, all-encompassing faith. I'd think that totally leaving it would be almost impossible. It's ingrained from birth, reminds me in many ways of Orthodox Judaism.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 199

Patricia Chow ‏@PatriciaChow1 2m
@FrankieCee01 @PRFANS @Kateplusmy8 Shame on you Kate !

Uh oh. What's this about? A sheep leaves the flock?

Rhymes with Witch said... 200

Snotty Girl ‏@Snotty_Girl 12m
@Kateplusmy8 @Teresa_Giudice Why hasn't Jon Gosselin been working & paying child support all along? He says hes a hard worker. 196

Interesting how none of them asks why tfw doesn't work. You know, like the rest of us.

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