Saturday, February 1, 2014

Recap: Couples Therapy episode 5, A crumb of a boyfriend

Last time on Couple Therapy, Wu-Tang was on his grind when he met Kelsey and still is. The lesbians had a fake fight, and Liz thinks Jon is a pussy. Thanks to Urban Dictionary I learned that on my grind means you're working. You know, plugging away at putting food on the table and such. Maybe I'm dense, but it just occurred to me that Wu-Tang might not exactly mean sitting at his desk job filling out spread sheets when he talks about on his "grind."

Coming up, Dr. Jenn rightly calls Liz out for being such a jerk to Jon, and Duck Lips makes an awesome and epic duck face! We never thought it possible, but Wu-Tang is actually an even bigger jerk than before, because apparently he's been seeing another woman while he was with nice, patient, loving Kelsey. Kelsey can only take so much, and gets him back for it by throwing juice in his face. Which I'm sure felt good and was certainly well-deserved so I don't care how immature it looks. Let's face it, he had that juice coming.

Did I mention the independent music on this show? It's not half bad and a great way for raw talent to get their music played. Right now they're spinning "I Want You" by Lindi Ortega. She seems like she's sort of a cross between full-on punk and a bad-ass country singer. Even in her video she has this jet black emo hair, yet bright red cowboy boots. Heh. She's Canadian too! Never heard of her before but I dig it.

Everyone's eating, or working out, or getting ready for the day. Kelsey is giving Wu-Tang the biggest stink eye behind Wu-Tang's back. Ha! This is one of those times where he deserves every bit of her passive aggressiveness. I never expected to care so much about the other people on this show, Kelsey especially and I quite like the lesbians too. That's what happens when you get sucked into such a reality T.V. vortex, which is why it should be avoided in the first place, and I'm really rooting for Kelsey to get out of this horrific "relationship" and find a man who appreciates her for the awesome girlfriend that she is.

Group sessions. Today, Dr. Jenn says, we're going to start talking about S-E-X! Start? I thought that's all we've been talking about that I noticed.

Brrrr, Jon makes Kate sound as frigid as a Nor'easter. Their marriage was pretty sexless or when they did have sex it was a chore. Jon is very attracted to Liz and appreciates their physical relationship. I've always felt like anthropologist and pastor Gary Chapman's five love languages theory is one of the best ways to describe how people give and receive love. Chapman's theory is essentially that people tend to understand love either by words of affirmation, doing acts of service for someone, giving gifts, just spending time together, or physical touch. Depending on what language you best speak, you might not be compatible with someone who speaks a different one. For instance someone who just wants your time, might not understand a partner who spends all day away from home looking for just the right gift. They'd rather just have you around. The partner who then brings home the perfect gift that ends up not being all that appreciated, is crushed. People who speak different languages can work out if they just learn what language their partner speaks and make an effort to cater to that.

Kate's love language is bitterness and hate but since that's not one of Dr. Chapman's options I'm going to say if she speaks one of these at all it would be gifts and acts of service. Of course she would speak the things you can more or less put a price tag on, because she only understands dollars and cents and a points system. It's clear that while Jon tried to run around like a madman doing her bidding, deep down he always craved a more physical relationship, and she withheld it.

Jon said he was going to masturbate the other day, and then Liz walked in. I'm pleasantly surprised that Dr. Jenn gives Liz what for over her juvenile reaction, calling it hostile and emasculating and says she humiliated him over a private moment. That's right, masturbation is something private, and normal, and Liz needs to grow up. And as we recall from last week, Liz admitted she was withholding sex from him, which is passive aggressive. Wow, Liz looks so ashamed of herself she's nearly tearful. Well, it's nice to see she understands. Duck Lips twists and contorts her giant duck lips into an amazing sneer! I can't tell whether that's a sneer toward Liz or Jon or maybe just a fuzzy on the couch but it sure is funny. Jon says when Liz does stuff like that it reminds him of Kate. Oh, Jon, no one is quite like Kate, that's blasphemous.

Dr. Jenn actually agrees Liz is being just like Kate, oh snap! I love that that's such a huge insult, just to simply say you're like that person in general. Usually when you say someone reminds you of someone it's supposed to be a compliment. I bet Kate is watching every minute of this, winding and rewinding all the parts with Jon, and it's fun to picture her face. Dr. Jenn tells Jon that Liz's name calling is not acceptable and that if she does it again he is to immediately step up and tell her that she cannot talk to him like that. That's good, because I think so many of Jon's problems over the years could have been mitigated had he simply stepped up right there and then and said excuse me TFW (or TLC, or whoever) but that is not acceptable. He lets things go on too long. He's like a pressure cooker, steaming and hissing for so long until the lid finally pops off, but by that point he's so mad he can be irrational.

Liz and Jon both say they want to be more responsive to each other's needs, Jon just says he doesn't want to feel ashamed of masturbating and Dr. Jenn says he shouldn't have to be. I've been nodding along so much to what Dr. Jenn is saying the past few episodes I feel like a bobble doll.

Woo-hoo, we turn to Teen Duck Lips, who says her dad caught her having sex when she was 15 and then everyone knew, and her family is just so gosh darn judgmental about it. Well, I should hope to baby Jesus her family was judgmental if they caught her having sex at 15. Good grief. She had sex at 15. She was careless enough to get pregnant when birth control these days is almost foolproof and easier to get than a stick of gum. She had the baby. Then she more or less dumped the baby on her parents. And she acts like how dare they tell her what to do. I really cannot imagine the poor Abrahams having this nincompoop as their child, they must have been beside themselves. Please bring them onto this show, pretty please with sugar on top?

Teen Duck Lips is confused why all her boyfriends always want to have sex. Because they have a weiner, that's why, it's not personal, Teen Duck Lips. These days Teen Duck Lips has shut down sexually, she doesn't even masturbate. Umm. Even Dr. Jenn is like okay, moving on now, Wu-Tang and Kelsey?

Dr. Jenn says Wu-Tang lives in a world where men are encouraged to be #&$*^&*^@#$@#$.

Where men are what? I have no idea what she just said but I think it's awesome that Dr. Jenn can just throw out a word so bad it needs that much beeping and not a stick straight hair moves out of place on her head. Dr. Jenn goes Walter White on us for a moment and explains that after a woman has been with a man for a few months her brain releases oxytocin, the hormone responsible for the bonding that occurs in relationships.

Kelsey has bonded to Wu-Tang of all people and Dr. Jenn says that surprises Wu-Tang. It surprises all of us too. Kelsey was with her son's father for seven years and when they split she didn't have sex for a year before she jumped back in the sack with Wu-Tang. Wu-Tang is like, um, whoa, didn't know it was that special. He looks really guilty about something right now. We will soon find out what.

Kelsey feels very disrespected and wants an apology. "I'm sorry, again," Wu-Tang says in that snotty tone that says he's not sorry at all, he's only sorry he got called out. Kelsey, get rid of this dead weight.

Commercials, and we're back with the lesbians. They have a few minor sexual issues that are rather boring. Whitney says their relationship is sort of a mother-daughter dynamic. I never saw that but I'll take her word for it. I like how Liz is gazing at them, without judgment and fully attentive to what they're saying. She does this to everyone. I give her a lot of credit for giving this 100% of her effort.

Dr. Jenn says profoundly, sex is never just about sex. Have a nice day everyone!

The lesbians are still strung out about the group session and now they're fighting. I think in general couples therapy is good for a couple. But I think this is one of those rare instances where this is a couple that was doing well and didn't really need therapy, and all it's doing is picking at old sores and making them bleed. The lesbians seemed healthy and happy when they came into this experiment. I think Dr. Jenn's "therapy" is in effect stirring the pot, making issues out of non-issues, and getting them upset when they were just fine before.

The morning of Day 8. This is the moment where I liked Liz again. She tells Jon she's sorry about their stupid argument, and that if he has certain needs he just needs to tell her. Liz screwed up, talked about it in therapy, listened to her therapist's suggestions, was contrite, and made a real effort to change. And therein lies the difference between normal people like her, or the lesbians, or Kelsey, versus people like your Duck Lips squared, Wu-Tang, or Kate. Humans are flawed, some more than others. But I will never write off anyone who is putting in a sincere effort to change and grow. And I think it's worth noting that Liz is still a relatively young woman. Other than her ex-husband whom she must have been with awhile to have three kids, how many real relationships has she really had? I think if she can get to where she just got at only 28 or so, there's a lot of hope for her. Liz makes Jon laugh, and he looks at her like we've never seen him look at Kate. That sort of glazed over, quiet look like he can't see anything, or anyone, else in the room. The look every woman needs. Jon is truly in love with her, and I wish them the best.

Dr. Jenn does a one-on-one with Wu-Tang. I've realized that when this show does a one-on-one that means something really salacious or shocking is about to happen so I perk up.

I love women, women love me, Wu-Tang claims. What? Not this woman. Wu-Tang complains that Kelsey is moving too fast. Huh? They've been together a whole year already. Too fast how so?

I think I figured Wu-Tang out. Wu-Tang Clan was an immensely popular group about fifteen years ago, and I'm sure he lived like a rock star for it for many years and made buckets of money and had buckets of women who wanted his buckets of money. And so he didn't have to behave like a good boyfriend in any of those relationships because he didn't need to because he had the money and lavish lifestyle to make up for it. Wu-Tang Clan is still popular, but nowhere near the way things used to be, and he is finally with a woman who doesn't care so much about who he is or his money, but rather just wants a good boyfriend. Not only does he have no idea how to be that but he seems almost offended that he is required to change how he's been living for so long. Like she should just worship him any which way he is because he's Wu-Tang. To break down and just be a good boyfriend like every other man has to be is almost like admitting that the height of his fame is a thing of the past.

Wu-Tang admits he's been with another woman for two years. That's why he looked so guilty earlier!  He thinks it would be a scathingly brilliant idea if Latrice and Kelsey met each other. He thinks the only way he can really decide who he wants to be with is to see them in the same room. Jeepers, you're not choosing wallpaper, Wu-Tang. What a pig.

Uh-huh, says Dr. Jenn, slowly nodding. Um, yeah, that's a terrible idea, you oaf. You can tell she's sort of torn about the ratings, but I also think she's gotten to like Kelsey just like viewers have. Dr. Jenn is basically like hey, I wouldn't be opposed to talking to Latrice, but we are not going to hurt Kelsey in the process, okay? Here, here!

Does the other woman know about this whole Couples Therapy thing with Kelsey? Dr. Jenn asks. Oh, come on, Dr. Jenn, you already know the answer to that--of course she doesn't know. Except I guess she knows by now!

Commercials. From all these Twizzlers and hot Cheetos commercials I think I have a pretty good idea what demographic watches VH1.

People in the house seem to like Jon and Liz, which says a lot. Kelsey is tossing a football with Liz, and invites "J" to come join them. Aw. Jon says he'll be right there. He talks to Whitney, who is looking really bummed about things. Jon empathizes with her, telling her he's been there. At least I got all my masturbation talk out of the way, Jon quips, making her laugh. Ha. And aw. He's totally the type of guy that doesn't mind listening to your girl problems and just wants to see you smiling again. Unlike sort of the Todd Palin types and many other men who just run the opposite direction and avoid such conflicts at all costs. It's nice to have a guy friend like Jon.

Whitney goes to Sada who, oh dear, is crying. Sada claims she's really needy and needs affection, yet when Whitney tries to go to her and hugs her, she pretty much blows her off. Okay, whatever. Dr. Jenn says it's time to sit down with the lesbians and get to the bottom of this.

Dr. Jenn says Sada needs to treat Whitney better (yes) and that really sets Sada off because she thinks she treats Whitney like a queen. I don't think she understands that rejecting a sweet and sincere hug when you are crying is not treating your wife very nicely. Whitney doesn't like the bickering in their relationship. Sada admits her parents' relationship was pretty tumultuous. Dr. Jenn asks if there was abuse, and Sada says calmly look I signed up to air my own issues, but I don't think it's fair to air the dirty laundry of my family members in the process. Even though I think her childhood is probably something she is going to need to confront at some point, I can respect that. She can get therapy in private later to talk about her childhood. VH1 need not be the place.

Dr. Jenn to her credit doesn't pressure her about that and just says they're going to need to change things or the relationship is doomed.

Day Nine. Duck Lips and her douchebag fiancé are eating outside. Hey, how come Duck Lips has barely said a word the past two episodes? It can't possibly be that she's behaving herself and not doing much anything of interest. I have a conspiracy theory that after her stupid diva blowup over the heat in the bedroom, production decided to "punish" her for it by editing her out of almost everything. If there's one way to get to a narcissist, it's to edit their ugly mug out. Ha!

Kelsey is outside doing some yoga poses. It's going to take more than a little yoga to fix this, Kelsey. Dr. Jenn meets with Kelsey and Wu-Tang. Kelsey said she's afraid of losing Wu-Tang. Sigh, why??? Lose him!

Be careful when you just let someone give you crumbs in a relationship that you don't start thinking that's all you deserve, Dr. Jenn says. Wow, that is a good one, Dr. Jenn. Put that on a platitudes poster. I love food analogies, too.

Wu-Tang breaks the news that he's seeing Latrice. Oh, poor Kelsey, she looks absolutely devastated, as expected. Despite Dr. Jenn just telling Wu-Tang what a terrible awful no good very bad idea it is to bring in Latrice, Wu-Tang still persists with the notion that he wants Kelsey and Latrice to sit down together. Gaa!


What the heck is that about, Kelsey asks, are you trying to get us in the same room so you can see us together and pick who you want? Yep, that's exactly the sick thing he was thinking, Kelsey. Just like wallpaper. Would you like your drink now because I happen to have some apple juice on hand!

Wu-Tang tries to say Kelsey is no better springing her past on him, about her being a stripper.

Oh don't you even go there! Dr. Jenn immediately jumps in, raising her voice for the first time all season. And here I thought her flat and frozen monotone was the only thing she could do because of all the Botox. Boy was I wrong. She gets those lips moving somehow and says something Kelsey did four years ago she's never done since is not anything like what you're doing presently, you tool! Haha!

Are we done now? Wu-Tang asks, like this is all Kelsey's doing. Oh, don't even think about it; we're done "when Kelsey says we're done," Dr. Jenn says. Oh!!! Dr. Jenn can't even look at Wu-Tang right now, she's that pissed.

Wu-Tang tries to apologize and Kelsey says yeah right you're not sorry and storms out. Cough, so, I take it now we're done?

Commercials. We're back, and poor, poor Kelsey is wondering well geez am I the "side chick" or is she? That's funny I was wondering the same thing and I am kind of afraid Kelsey is really the side chick. That's f-ed up, Kelsey says. Sometimes things really just are f-ed up.

Why can Wu-Tang never get out of bed to have a serious conversation? Get off your ass. It's so disrespectful. If I were Kelsey I wouldn't even talk to him when he is reclined like that. Get up off the bed, sit up straight, and look me in the eyes like a man. Why is Kelsey even listening to him at this point?

Latrice should be more mad than you because I was with her first, Wu-Tang says irrationally. Huh? They both should be furious, what does it matter who he thinks should be madder?

My heart is not a toy, Kelsey says. No, it's not. So just stop this and get out. Wu-Tang rubs her leg, holds her hand, tries to touch her face. Ugh, stop! "Who the f---- are you?" Kelsey blurts. Inexplicably, he asks her to be a doll and go get him some apple juice, his poor throat is just parched. Kelsey is like oh you want apple juice? Oh, sure I'll get you some apple juice. Apple juice, comin' right up. Heh.

You didn't spit in it did you? Wu-Tang demands.

Oh, no she didn't spit in it, Wu-Tang. In one quick motion Kelsey tosses it all in his face, then turns around and walks away. Ahh, that felt good. To Kelsey and to us viewers.

Next time, finally Duck Lips is back in action and can smell a rat from a mile away. She may have impressive lips but don't be fooled, her nose is in tip top condition too. So far I haven't heard one peep out of her fiancé except for him to complain how hot he is. I hope Duck Lips is talking about how Dr. Jenn is falling for Teen Duck Lips's sob story about her childhood the rest of America doesn't believe since, oops, so much of it is on film and we judged for ourselves who really was the bad guy in the family (hint, it's Farrah). I really think Dr. Jenn has not seen Teen Mom, how could she have? Maybe she should do some binge watching this weekend before she goes taking up for Teen Duck Lips like this over the rest of her family. Look, Debra is a nut, no question, and Michael is a pushover, and neither of them are very patient or would win any parenting awards. But Teen Duck lips is a true sociopath, like straight jacket crazy. It was not easy for them to raise her, that much was clear.

Predictably, Latrice shows up, and whoosh there they go. Kelsey and Latrice sit in the same room like pretty little wallpaper swatches, just like Wu-Tang wanted. I knew Dr. Jenn couldn't resist that ratings bonanza.

494 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Anonymous said... 1

Thanks for the recap, Admin. I almost wish I got that channel here. This is how I get sucked in to watching reality shows. I find it fascinating to explore the human condition. Hard to believe adults can act that way and be blissfully unaware of the painfully obvious.


NJGal51 said... 2

@Kateplusmy8: Gosselin kid Lego designers and builders are at it again... Guesses as to who built this unique one?

Um, it's a specific Lego kit designed to build things like that. Lego city camper, Lego city off road hauler, Lego this and that (even Lego wedding nudge, nudge). All available at Target and Amazon. No great creativity here, just follow the directions and snap pre assembled pieces together. Again, not much creativity needed just a $60 Lego kit.

Millicent said... 3

Admin - thank you. Most enjoyable recap so far. Maybe that's due to Wu Tang getting juice tossed in his worthless face. Maybe it's due to hearing that Jon and Liz are actually working on their relationship issues instead of refusing to admit they could ever do anything wrong. Still not going to watch the show, but this episode sounds like it wasn't half bad.

Serendipity said... 4

jennine ‏@jennine6 7m
@Kateplusmy8 kate, I don't believe anything you say.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 3m
@jennine6 it doesn't worry me either way. But thanks for letting me know:)


Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 7m
@_shabuttah neither, I'm afraid.However,he shrieks JUST LIKE Alexis...I've called 'what,Alexis?' &the other kids say 'Mom!Its the bird!' Lol

Kids who are 10 years old should have stopped shrieking a long time ago. Something is wrong there.


A foot fetish creeper!

Steve Pratt ‏@PrattSdpratt76 3m
@Kateplusmy8 your feet are too beautiful to have problems with them specially that I got pain okay I care for you too I pray 4u &ur family

getofftwitter said... 5

I see kate is rambling on this afternoon, on twitter. Geez, she says she is so tired last night, that she almost could not stay awake to pick one of the kids up. Geez, Kate you don't work a job, you have almost 10 hours 5 days a week to do things and you even said you go back to bed after taking the kids to the bus stop, you said you go to bed by 9pm, get up at 6am, and your still tired?
Maybe Kate just cause you eat organic, does not mean you are eating healthy. If you are not eating the right foods to give you the proper energy or nutrients, you will be tired. If I were you Kate, I would go & get a full physical, blood, heart etc, cause something else is wrong or going on, for someone who claims they eat healthy you should not be tired, all the time, since kids are not home 2 weekends a month and gone for about 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. You are not caring for 4-5 year olds anymore.

Serendipity said... 6

Um, it's a specific Lego kit designed to build things like that. Lego city camper, Lego city off road hauler, Lego this and that (even Lego wedding nudge, nudge). All available at Target and Amazon. No great creativity here, just follow the directions and snap pre assembled pieces together. Again, not much creativity needed just a $60 Lego kit.


Someone on Twitter should ask her if it is a kit! She is such a blowhouse (as my grandmother used to say!)...

Thanks for the recap. I'm not watching the show, but I am enjoying the recaps...much better than seeing Duck Lips on my television screen!

PA Dutch Mom said... 7

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 27m
With Zorro on her shoulder, Alexis walked by stove(still warm) to get something, &said 'pls keep all wings &feet inside at all times' #❤️her


Good lord. A child is walking by a warm stove with a bird on her shoulder. There are no words for Kate's stupidity to allow that to happen.

Formerly Duped said... 8

Damage control on Collin and Alexis...with very little material to work with, sorry kids.They're just kids after all, not geniuses or engineers. She had to get the 'shriek' in for Alexis, though.

As for the foot fetish guy....ugh. I guess he saw the foot- licking episode..

Tucker's Mom said... 9

Admin, I'm so glad we're back to having recaps. CT has been great fodder for some really, really funny posts!

lukebandit said... 10

Justin Bieber partying last night. TMZ has a pretty gross picture of JB and his buddy are being breastfed by a woman that they said was about JB's mother's age. Warning, they did not cover anything up.

Was held at the airport by TSA for 5 hours because of all his shenanigans being grilled. Slipped into a club where if anyone was caught taking a picture, his entourage would shine very bright lights at them. A picture got out of him on stage flipping finger No. 3.

Gross to say the least! They could of had a warning on the picture. It was the first post and you can't help for seeing.

Ex Nurse said... 11

Seems like Liz and Jen might be a good fit for each othe? Liz, while similar to Kate in some ways, is clearly teachable. If they can keep the drama to a minimum, and balance out their passive and aggressive tendencies, i think it could be a healthy, or at least, a much healthier relationship. Jon has made some big strides in many ways, and as we have all seen, he is a loving parent. If he can make a long-term relationship work that allows him to focus on his children, it will at least give them a decent role model of the normal give and take of healthy relationships that was lacking with TFW. Looks like some good May come out of CT

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 12

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 4h
@Kateplusmy8 any updates about the #LoveIsInTheMix kindness project? Will we be able to see the chosen stories?

Jersey1Girl ‏@nancivs 2m
@ljohnson2006 @Kateplusmy8 excellent question!

tick tock, tick tock

JoyinVirginia said... 13

Admin thank you so much for another great recap! Jon and Liz and the lesbians are the normal couples and I hope they benefit from the therapy.
Maybe tlc will come sniffing around Wu tang for a guest appearance on Sister Wives!
Its ironic, Teen Duck Lips can't get one boyfriend, fake or whatever, to be on the show with her. Wu Tang can get TWO girlfriends on the show with HIM!

Jeanne said... 14

I love that you used a Demotivator! Their stuff is the best. I have 3 tshirts and a mug. I lost my calendar. (Everyone who doesn't know, go to and enjoy yourself.)

Lalalalala said... 15

I think we're going to see lie after lie when it comes to Teen Duck Lips. She's continuing the made up story, to this day, about her sex tape. No amount of therapy will help her.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 16

Hope she wasn't too tired to actually drive last night. She says things that really make you wonder if her kids are safe with her in the car. And who is home watching the little ones when she has to go out late at night. Something their father might want to ask since she is stupid e ought to post that stuff.

Yes, it is clearly a deflection twitter weekend at the Kompound. Building Legos (from kit directions), shrieking, bird handling ( that poor bird is not a toy), she just can't keep away from oversharing nonsense. Think she's baking her famous, and traditional, football cake?

Jeanne said... 17

From this recap and other accounts, it seems that a lot of people who meet Jon end up liking him. He seems to have some nice qualities in social situations. (I've never met him just read stories.) I disagree with many of his decisions but he appears to be likeable.

This is in contrast to Kate. She claims that everyone who meets her loves her but in reality very few people meet her and like her. And many of those eventually distance themselves or are thrown away by Kate.

Beyond DIsgusted said... 18

Steve Pratt ‏@PrattSdpratt76 3m
@Kateplusmy8 your feet are too beautiful to have problems with them specially that I got pain okay I care for you too I pray 4u &ur family

I guess he really is into big toes. Whatever turns him on! Ugh.

You know, Kate has some of the strangest fans. At one time I wondered why she would keep engaging them when clearly many of them are intellectually-challenged. But in reading more and more of their tweets, I see that Kate and the majority of them appear to be on the same emotional and intellectual level. They are peas in a pod. Not that it's a bad thing. I just think that they can identify with one another on so many levels. They feed her narcissism, while she in turn makes them feel like they are loved and important in her life. It's the closest they are every going to get to a "celebrity." It's a very strange relationship, but it seems to work for all of them. That is, until she dumps them and has no use for them.

Beyond DIsgusted said... 19

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 7m
@Kateplusmy8 Well, we all know it takes mental focus 2build/be an no need 2guess where Collin gets that from >

MILO! Woman, man or whatever you are! It's a freaking kit. He's not a 10-year-old genius engineer, and Kate's not an architect! Good grief!

She is so much in love with Kate that you have to wonder where this is all going to end.

NJGal51 said... 20

Think she's baking her famous, and traditional, football cake?
She will now that you've mentioned it OrangeCrusher. Either that or she'll pull out an old picture to post.

Great recap Admin.

Blowing In The Wind said... 21

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 7m
@Kateplusmy8 Well, we all know it takes mental focus 2build/be an no need 2guess where Collin gets that from >


Mental focus? You're kidding, right, Milo? The woman doesn't have enough mental focus to update her blog from three years ago. She doesn't have enough mental focus to judge a few entries in a not-a-contest. She can't put aside a few minutes to read a book she has lying by her bedside, and it's been months since the "author" asked her about it. She doesn't have enough mental focus to stick with one task for longer than a few days. Put away your rose-colored glasses and for once in your life, THINK before you tweet! Sheesh!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 22

Yup, it takes "mental focus" to do things. Like following through on a contest you offered in 2013 for which you promised to award prizes.

TFW only has mental focus when there's something in it for her. Like concentrating on picking out free beds from a catalogue while her child was writhing in pain. Or was that edited in later to make her look bad?

Upstater said... 23

NJGal51 said... 2
@Kateplusmy8: Gosselin kid Lego designers and builders are at it again... Guesses as to who built this unique one?

Um, it's a specific Lego kit designed to build things like that. Lego city camper, Lego city off road hauler, Lego this and that (even Lego wedding nudge, nudge)......


Yep, those are kits and her accolades should be reserved for grandparents and aunt/uncles. Not strangers......

lukebandit said... 24

I meant to say in that post about Justin Beiber that all I posted happened to him yesterday into the night. Oh, there is a online petition with over 200K signatures to the White for the US government to deport him.

They require a minimum of 100K for them to even consider petitions.

The mayor of Toronto was ticketed or arrested for jaywalking! haha

I tweeted the new foot fetish guy that has been tweeting kate and I asked him if HE was the one that licked the tipsy TCFW's foot at the club! hahahaha He has one picture right below where you put your message of a gross topless woman. What is it all of a sudden of topless women? Did I say gross???

I am thankful for Admin's recaps of CT. I just couldn't watch Liz call Jon names and belittle him like she did. They are very funny.

Millicent said... 25

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 7m
@Kateplusmy8 Well, we all know it takes mental focus 2build/be an no need 2guess where Collin gets that from >
Milo's lips must be constantly chapped, what with all the kissing up she does. And as others have already pointed out - it's a kit and should be quite easy to put together if you are a 10 year old.

JoyinVirginia said... 26

I saw Morgan Freeman on Jimmy Kimmel this week, promoting The Lego Movie that opens Friday. Think TFMJG is grifting for tix?

OrangeCrusher1 said... 27

Think she's baking her famous, and traditional, football cake?
She will now that you've mentioned it OrangeCrusher. Either that or she'll pull out an old picture to post.
If I recall that cake came straight from the grocery store LOL. Now she really won't know what to do.

silimom said... 28

To be fair to Collin, I looked around online and the closest I could fine was the Lego camper/RV. While he may be using the pieces from that kit, the design does seem to be his own creation, which is great and actually something I see kids do all the time. My daughter and her friends are into the Lego Friends series but they mix and match those all the time to make different cars, buildings, stages, etc.

So I say good for Collin. Nice job.

capecodmama said... 29

Joy in Virginia...

You are shameless in begging for your beloved VCU and Coach Shaka. lol Who cares. I caught the last nine minutes of the VCU/Richmond game. VCU looked good. Every time I see them I think of you. I'm glad they won. I didn't realize how large enrollment was. They had a stat up and it was over 31,000 students. For some reason, I always assumed it was a small school. What's the team's record this year?

Serendipity said... 30

Allie ‏@Booklover244 57m
@Kateplusmy8 He'll definitely be an engineer someday or something that involves building!! Does he still collect things? "the gatherer"


Oh, sure. Definitely. My kids were really into Lego creations and built some of the most wonderful pieces imaginable. I still have them set up in the guest room...fantastic buildings, the Statue of Liberty, Star Wars figures...

One is now majoring in political science/economics; the other is a university professor -- nothing whatsoever to do with building anything other than a solid educational foundation for wonderful careers.

Collin builds a hauler and now he's a engineering genius and an architect. Kids do this. They're kids, and thank goodness they have an interest in something other than placating their mother.

Hard to Watch said... 31

I love it when Dr. Jenn drops the F bomb and everyone's mouth falls open. She uses the word to its maximum effectiveness. I like her and love the show. The cast is brilliant except for duck lips. She adds nothing. Just that she is a mean drunk. Who knew?

Kelly said... 32

I guess he really is into big toes. Whatever turns him on! Ugh. The Flintstones. Perhaps he can be Wilma to her Fred. Gotta love that he tossed in the "pray for you" after the squicky, thinly veiled foot fetish remark. Kate's Tweeties are so classy!

Gabby2 said... 33

Guess milo does read here.

Where's Collin?
For months kept from his father that DOES love him, and does not shame him.

Thanks for recap admin. I will continue to watch CT, hope Jon gets big bad paycheck. And Twisted ponders how she has damaged her children.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 34

I forced myself to watch this show for the first time and the recap was great, Admin. My problem is the whole premise of this "reality show". If you really want help, why does it have to be done in front of cameras.

I have always been a Jon fan, and whether anyone agrees with me or not, him and Liz are making public asses of themselves on this show. Remember when Jon said a long time ago that he was worried about what his kids would see when they googled his name? Now they hear can hear dear old Dad talk about masturbating. They can probably find the episode and watch it themselves. For a man who claims he wants his privacy, why on earth would he go on a show like this? And divulge that kind of personal information?

I feel so sorry for those kids because they have to live with this very public idiocy done by BOTH of their parents.

Mel said... 35

The best part of this blog is the recaps! They always make me laugh.

Interesting that Duck Lips was hardly in this episode at all, eh?

Also, for those that are interested, the web site for VH1 has the whole episodes, along with bonus clips. The bonus clips are defined as 'what you didn't see'.

Over In TFW's County said... 36

Milo's lips must be constantly chapped, what with all the kissing up she does. And as others have already pointed out - it's a kit and should be quite easy to put together if you are a 10 year old.


Has Milo stopped hawking Kate's coupon site? I haven't seen her gushing over the great deals on petite "slacks!"

I went to the site and had to laugh. Why feature stores if there are no coupons to be found there? Neither Best Buy, Kohls, Gap, or 1800Flowers has anything to offer.

I guess her "mental focus" is out of focus when it comes to updating her coupon site.

NJGal51 said... 37

<========I'd be impressed with their Lego building skills if they did something like this.

Over In TFW's County said... 38

He has one picture right below where you put your message of a gross topless woman.


At least it wasn't a picture of Kate's foot.

Over In TFW's County said... 39

colleen campbell ‏@callerbabe 1h
@Kateplusmy8 The simple cute things our children say,eh Kate?To be young again,eh?It's great to hear from you on here!


I had to laugh here, thinking about the Canadian "eh" posts from the last thread, so I checked, and yes indeed, this one is from Canada. I went on to read a little bit of her timeline, and you know, some of these fans really seem like lost and lonely souls. This one wants to talk to Justin Bieber on FB, tweets Amy Roloff like she's an old friend (tells her about cleaning the basement) and asked Beth Chapman for advice when her daughter returned home three hours late from a guy's house.

The Uggs fan, too, seem to believe that she's a personal friend of quite a few celebrities.

I don't know, but I just get the feeling that some of Kate's fans are really not die-hard sheeple, but they will start a tweeting relationship with any celebrity who will bother to tweet them back. It's kind of sad, actually.

Over In TFW's County said... 40

Shannon Holly ‏@Shannononair 8m
@Kateplusmy8 I luv Wendy but she wasn't right. Relationships w/ your sis is ur biz. FB so u can DM me when u want to be on the show again.


Oh, sheesh. I don't think that would be too wise.

Watch Milo get into this conversation and make sure that Kate sees it!

capecodmama said... 41

Great recap. Don't watch the show but I hope Jon and Liz work out their issues.

lukebandit said... 42

Why does she constantly post pictures of their Lego creations? I could understand a science project every once in a while, but to constantly put their play out there is awful. Can't anything be private with her?

I got a reply form the foot fetish guy. He said it was not him, that he doesn't get out to California that much, because he lives in Michigan! hahahahaha

Localyocul said... 43

@MiloandJack: @Shannononair @Kateplusmy8 Agree w/U on that! Wendy is having problems w/her ONE son relationship& she wants 2criticize Kate doing gr8 w/8!

Where's your compassion Milo ? It's more normal for 13 yo to hate their mom than to be their bff

Over In TFW's County said... 44

@MiloandJack: @Shannononair @Kateplusmy8 Agree w/U on that! Wendy is having problems w/her ONE son relationship& she wants 2criticize Kate doing gr8 w/8!


After watching that epic fail on Today, does Milo REALLY believe that Kate is doing a great job with two, let alone eight? You just have to wonder if Milo is playing with a full deck, or if she's lost that deck completely.

Localyocul said... 45

Over In TFW's County said... 46

I got a reply form the foot fetish guy. He said it was not him, that he doesn't get out to California that much, because he lives in Michigan! hahahahaha


I guess he doesn't get to New York much either! :-)

NJGal51 said... 47

Lukebandit - She posts pictures of their Lego creations because that's all she's got to offer. She seems to keep them cooped up in the konpound and that's all they spend their time doing. It's either pictures of that or Zorro. She can't keep anything private because then she would fall in to obscurity and that will be the kiss of death for her. More than anything she craves fame and the spotlight. She got a taste of it but doesn't seem to understand that she doesn't have the talent to sustain it. She wants everything handed to her and thinks that just because she wants it she should get it. She doesn't understand that she was once a blank canvas that TLC could work with and now that canvas is covered in mud and no network wants to touch it. She has no one to thank for that but herself and the Failed growing up Gosselin tour. Milo had better watch out in tweeting about WW and her relationship with her son and if TFW were smart she'd tell Milo to zip it. All Milo is going to accomplish with tweets like that is to make TFW more of a pariah. No one is going to want to touch TFW with a mouthpiece like Milo.

Jeremy said... 48

I'm no fan of kate by any means, but this is a sincere question for your feedback. Divorced mom. 8 kids. Even for a divorced mom with 3 kids. One daughter had a school function, and needed a 11PM pick up. What are the options? The fact that she lives 45 minutes from the school is obviously her first big mistake, but it may eliminate car pool options, and makes for an hour+ commute! assuming the bus is back on time, etc. she's damned if she does and damned if she don't. Leave sleeping kids alone? Have her sitter stay? What if Jon is working at restaurant on Friday night? She should have kept it private, but it does offer a real glimpse into some logistical questions.
Also, twitter people, there is a woman who just tweeted that she got cookbook today. Look at her timeline for fun. She posts infrequently over the last few years, usually in response to kate. Very interesting yo go back and read Kate's tweets from a few years ago . . . At least interesting on a cold Saturday night with nothing to watch . . .

PDMan said... 49

lukebandit said... 42
Why does she constantly post pictures of their Lego creations? I could understand a science project every once in a while, but to constantly put their play out there is awful. Can't anything be private with her?


Endorsement maybe? She probably grifted the Legos.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 50

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 5m
I miss @Kateplusmy8 ;( End of story.

I looked at her TL, and it seems that she has a new girl crush. Cyndi Lauper. Hmmmm.

She also calls Carnie Wilson, "mama."

Move over, Kate.

Over In TFW's County said... 51

At least interesting on a cold Saturday night with nothing to watch . .


There's always "Chopped."

Over In TFW's County said... 52

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 15m
@Hollybm78 @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 LOL Now don't you two both end this Saturday nite on a low note! She'll be back..she always comes back! :)

Not this time, Milo. Not this time, and she has nobody to blame but herself.

capecodmama said... 53


The problem with TCFW is that she complains about everything she has to do for the kids. She chose to have all these kids so she needs to stop bitching. She chose to live 45 minutes away from the school so she needs to stop bitching. She chose to have a lousy relationship with her ex so she needs to stop bitching. She chose to alienate her famility so she needs to stop bitching. She chose to alienate people and not have friends so she needs to stop bitching. Get it. Everything she bitches about was because of her choices. Who knows if she dragged all the kids out to pick up one child. If she wasn't such a bitch she would've had someone to call to come sit with the other kids if she has to go out late a night to pick one up. She needs to buck up, do her job as a mother to the eight children she chose to have, and shutupshutupshutup.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 54

Also, twitter people, there is a woman who just tweeted that she got cookbook today. Look at her timeline for fun. She posts infrequently over the last few years, usually in response to kate


This one?

Amanda ‏@happilymommy
@Kateplusmy8 @cboso @Emeril but what is your recapie that bread looked perfect mine always are to heavy and I have used a lot of recapies!

I hope she has luck opening cans.

Anonymous said... 55

Love, love, love the recaps. I have a feeling they are more entertaining than the show. I don't watch because I refuse to participate in anything that exposes the personal lives of people. The only reality shows I will watch once in a great while are the home improvement ones. I also try to not watch shows that feature children whether they are in reality shows or actors.
Enough about me! I don't want to sound like Kate.
In the recap it was mentioned the "5 languages of love" I really like that explanation of the interaction between couples. May I just add my opinion-when it comes to the language of love, Kate is absolutely a "selective mute!"

~Little Miss Smarty Pants

Sleepless In Seattle said... 56

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 15m
@Hollybm78 @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 LOL Now don't you two both end this Saturday nite on a low note! She'll be back..she always comes back! :)

Where did she go, Milo? I thought that she's always been around, always relevant and that everyone loves her.
What a dingbat.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 57

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 8h
With Zorro on her shoulder, Alexis walked by stove(still warm) to get something, &said 'pls keep all wings &feet inside at all times' #❤️her

NO! Oh, my gosh, NO!

And the sheeple think this is cute?

I have to go and take a deep breath, bang my head on the wall, and pour myself a drink.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 58

And then there's Christie Brinkley, at 60, in a bathing suit on the cover of People. Her comment on not wearing a bikini - "I would not want to embarrass my children".

Aunt Connie said... 59

I LOVE those recaps. Such fun to read! SUCH FUN! Thanks again! ~ Administrator said... 60

Thanks Aunt Connie and everyone.

I have NEVER had so much fun writing recaps and I think that's coming through. These are way more fun when I'm enjoying the program. ~ Administrator said... 61

What love language do you all think you speak by the way? Mine is mostly time, with some acts of service mixed in.

JoyinVirginia said... 62

Hi Cape Cod Mama! VCU is 18 wins, 4 losses this season. They are in Atlantic 10 conference and are 7-1 in conference play. And the A10 is TOUGH. the St Louis Billikens and the VCU Rams have two of the toughest home court crowds in the country.
Briante Weber after today holds the school record for steals at 260. He is only a junior, and the NCAA steals record is 385. Briante has rest of this season and all next year, can he get close to that record?
Three players have over 1000 points in their college careers!
And yes VCU is big school, state school, with medical, dental, nursing, allied health programs, award winning advertising program, business program, music and arts programs, painting and sculpture, and more.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 63

Does anyone know what this is all about?

Sav♡ ‏@SavGuercio
Are you mad at me @Kateplusmy8?? I feel like you have been ignoring me lately...:'( Im sorry for anything I did

Sav♡ ‏@SavGuercio
@MiloandJack please follow me one more time. I am not young. I'm almost 18. I didn't see your messages becuz my phone died. Please!

Sav♡ ‏@SavGuercio
@MiloandJack why do u keep unfollowing me?

NJGal51 said... 64

Fleecing - I think Milo took a load of crap for tweeting with this individual because she's a minor.

Jeanne said... 65

The Lego pictures are to prove to us that everything is hunky-dory with Colin. If he builds Legos well, he can't possibly miss his father. Or some such skewed logic.

Colin has been isolated since maybe August? I hope he's enrolled in school and not "home schooled" by Kate. Not to offend actual home schoolers but we don't have enough protections for home schooled kids in PA. If the parent is abusive, it's too easy to keep them home and teach them very little.

NJGal51 said... 66

@Shannononair: @Kateplusmy8 I luv Wendy but she wasn't right. Relationships w/ your sis is ur biz. FB so u can DM me when u want to be on the show again.
Shannon has a radio show in Minneapolis which TFW has apparently been on. Seems like someone is looking for ratings and wants to stir things up between TFW and WW. I say this with peace and love, peace and love don't do it Kate, you will not win!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 67

Fleecing - I think Milo took a load of crap for tweeting with this individual because she's a minor.


Thanks, NJ. I didn't see the tweets. Milo doesn't usually pay attention to any crap that the non-fans hand her. In fact, she seems to enjoy messing with them, egging them on out of spite.

njay said... 68

NJGal51 said... 47
Lukebandit - She posts pictures of their Lego creations because that's all she's got to offer.
She posts the pictures because someone here lately mentioned she never tweets about what the boys do.

Read here much Kate?

njay said... 69

Over In TFW's County said... 46
I got a reply form the foot fetish guy. He said it was not him, that he doesn't get out to California that much, because he lives in Michigan! hahahahaha
He is a nasty, filthy guy. I started reading some of his post the other day and the things he said to women was just shameful and made him a poor excuse of a man.

Call Me Crazy said... 70

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 15m
@Hollybm78 @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 LOL Now don't you two both end this Saturday nite on a low note! She'll be back..she always comes back! :)

Kind of like Herpes.

NJGal51 said... 71

Fleecing - it wasn't a recent thing with Milo. I can't remember when exactly it happened but it was a while ago.

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 72

Narcissism, in a nutshell.

Twitter keeps suggesting I follow @Kateplusmy8 Over 180k followers and I don't know who she is. She follows less than 100 people. No thanks.

Anonymous said... 73

My love language is mostly acts of service, with a balance of the other categories.

Reminds me of a little story: A woman was sitting at a bar enjoying an after-work cocktail with her girlfriends when an exceptionally tall, handsome, extremely sexy young man entered. He was so striking that the woman could not take her eyes away from him. The young man noticed her overly attentive stare & walked directly toward her. Before she could offer her apologies for being so rude for staring, the young man said to her, 'I'll do anything, absolutely anything, that you want me to do, no matter how kinky, for $100, on one condition.' Flabbergasted, the woman asked what the condition was. The young man replied, 'You have to tell me what you want me to do in just three words.'
The woman considered his proposition for a moment, withdrew from her purse and slowly counted out five $20 bills, which she pressed into the young man's hand along with her address. She looked deeply into his eyes & slowly, meaningfully said, "Clean my house."


Formerly Duped said... 74

OT: re : Canadian 'eh" It's regional. I lived in Canada most of my life and don't think I ever said that! I certainly never wrote it. It's very exaggerated and a joke to poke fun at Canadians sometimes.It's sort of like the American 'huh?"
PS. I also never said "oot and aboot!?"

Wowser said... 75

Check out this oldie....hmmmm....looks like TFW only became "organic" after TLC started footing the bill....go to the end father video and check out their shopping items..POPTARTS!! Lol

lukebandit said... 76

I didn't even bother to read that foot guy's timeline but his picture, IMO he looks soooooo creepy, nasty and perv. This is IMO.

TCFW is insane to tweet her comings and goings! Anything could happen and she would have her own self to blame. Can you imagine the media tour after a tragedy, which I pray never happens and I have prayed for those kids for years! Those kids have had the grace of God's protection on them and TCFW just keeps on and keeps on pushing it to the limit.

I wonder if she lets Shoka come in to be there if the kids should need protection.

I hope Jon's attorney asks the court for a Guardian Ad Litem for the kids. About Colin being isolated from Jon. Does he not pick him up and drop him off at school? I think if he was being home schooled Jon would of said something or kept it quiet and it will come up in court. I remember someone tweeting at Christmas that they saw all eight kids out locally. Could this be someone TCFW asked to tweet? Was it a fake tweet to show that Jon does see Colin when he actually doesn't?

Someone said about her grifting tickets for the Lego movie. I wonder if TCFW had a chance to take the kids to a premiere and walk the red carpet with her children, would she do it? She could get more mileage out of her thousands of dollars worth of veneers by smiling at the camera and say, This is my first movie premier with my children. Would the boys be in suits 2 sizes to big for them? Would Steve go?

Wouldn't it be funny if Jesse Ventura took TCFW to task on his Conspiracy Theories show? Also, Directv took off the network INSP and I am upset. The Waltons, The Big Valley, Anne of Green Gables series of movies, Bonanza, Matlock. There is a petition to get it back on.

Sorry, just rambling on.

Anonymous said... 77

Formerly Duped said... 74
OT: re : Canadian 'eh" It's regional. I lived in Canada most of my life and don't think I ever said that! I certainly never wrote it. It's very exaggerated and a joke to poke fun at Canadians sometimes.It's sort of like the American 'huh?"
PS. I also never said "oot and aboot!?"


I always thought oot and aboot was a Scottish thing. My husband is an abuser of the eh, but I really never developed the habit. But I do say "sorry" a lot.


Hoosier Girl said... 78

"Because they have a weiner, that's why .."

Admin, you are a RIOT! If that whole law thing doesn't work out, you could do some stand-up or comedy writing!

I'm so glad recaps are back :-)

Mel said... 79

Looks like a lot of product placement even back then. Lysol, Swiffer, Huggies.

Notice when she's grabbing their heads and kissing them that they aren't paying *any* attention to her. They're just standing there with blank looks, not interacting with her in the least.

Their expressions say, who are you and why are you touching me?

capecodmama said... 80


Thanks for the link. Couple of observations. I still can't get over the fact that she slept until 8:00a.m. with eight little kids. That blows my mind. Love how her note for how she wants her coffee states 3TBSP. of sugar. That's a lot of freaking sugar! Having a meltdown and saying it was horrible because your child had an explosion in their diaper. Really? Was it that bad. I think it's sad she never did bath time with the kids. Cara and Mady have been taking care of those kids for a long, long time. I love how TCFW rolls her eyes because of financial need in explaining why she works on Saturdays. You wanted all those kids b@%ch so deal with it. She's such a germaphobe yet when she's feeding the kids breakfast she's feeding them from the same spoon. At 16 months, why aren't they feeding themselves? Oh I forgot. Too messy. She's still a tool.

capecodmama said... 81


Thanks for the info re:VCU. Their record is 18-4 but they're not ranked? I'll never understand the NCAA ranking system. There were some great games on yesterday. Duke/Syracuse and Wisconsin/OhioState were good.

Martha said... 82

I know this is repetition, BUT...
Everything she tweets is damage control: we know Collin and Alexis are her least favourites. She encouraged the twins to say this, about Alexis. So now, Alexis and Collin are featured. Her transparency makes me ill. Oh when will she STFU? I read here, because of the snark, and intelligence of the posts, and keep hoping her stupidity will bring her down.
Yes, appoint a guardian ad litem, if necessary. I really think she is evil. Narcissist, yes, but an evil one.

Lalalalala said... 83

Localyocul said... 45


Great article, Local. If Kate thinks none of her kids are going to speak out about the abuse that goes on in that house then she's got a sorry surprise waiting for her in a few years.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 84

I have a friend whose DIL did get free passes to an advance screening of the Lego movie this weekend. My friend took her grandsons. I think the DIL is a mommy blogger, because friend mentioned the passes came via her blog. And they, my friends, are just ordinary folks. Of course no red carpet was involved and she did not have to bring her security 'team'. Just imagine KG taking just the younger children out to a
movie, or anywhere for that matter.

NJGal51 said... 85

@Xxxxxxxx I hope Jon Gosselin had a great time at Maxim Magazine’s “Big Game Weekend”!!! @Kateplusmy8 #SuperBowl
Jon looks good in this picture and I guess he was rubbing elbows with some A listers. Wait for TFW to start farting rainbows and shitting glitter.

PatK said... 86

I see Kate's already tweeting about preparing her SuperFunSuperBowl party food. I'm sure pics are to follow later. Her kids don't even get to watch the whole game, due to bedtime being so early. (As if most of them really care to watch it all anyway!)

This is all she has for now to try and stay relevant. Maybe tomorrow a new show for her will be announced. Hahahahaha.

FYI said... 87

Jon went to Maxim's Super Bowl party in NYC. Kate must be fuming!

He's on a TV show, he gets to hobnob with other celebrities at a major Super Bowl party, and all she has is her tweeties.

Dmasy said... 88

Admin, another biting and funny re cap. I saw one clip. It isn't necessary to watch the show, your condensed report captures the nuances.

I thought Liz seemed so contrite and willing to learn different behavior. She may be a tough lady with a tender heart.

Jeremy said... 89

I try to give Kate the benefit of doubt, but she seems to be more devious with each day (OT I do think she paid ROL to run the story on her BIL) so Friday night, when she tweeted to let us know she was a busy single tired mom running endless driving errands for her 8! children and she was exaustedish, Jon was in NYC at a Super Bowl party hosted by Maxim. Party was a major event.

Blowing In The Wind said... 90

He is a nasty, filthy guy. I started reading some of his post the other day and the things he said to women was just shameful and made him a poor excuse of a man.


Nasty is being kind. This has to be the most disgusting one that ever showed up on Kate's TL. Look at his picture. I hope she hasn't been tweeting him.

Steve Pratt ‏@PrattSdpratt76 1m
@xxxxxx hey beautiful honey you're both beautiful beautiful feet I love to kiss those beautiful feet and rub hand lotion on them Aloha ~ Administrator said... 91

I think it's so funny that Jon seemingly without barely trying is on a T.V. series every week and pretty huge public appearances and parties (Aaron Paul and Justin Bieber!) and the talk show circuit while she so desperately tries to pull whatever outrageous stunts she can to do the same and keeps coming up empty.

What might hurt her just as much as the stunt with the twins is that viewers are going to start to empathize with Jon. He's coming across as likable, not pretentious, he likes the right people in the house (Kelsey, the lesbians), and they like him. He is not the bad guy on the show whatsoever. Come across as too likable and America starts to think well maybe SHE was the problem after all.

Blowing In The Wind said... 92

Lukebandit -- I think he's talking about you e-mailing him about Kate's feet!

Steve Pratt ‏@PrattSdpratt76 27m
@Kateplusmy8 I would greet you with open arms and somebody said about kissing your feet I do that for you cuz your so beautiful call you

Wowser said... 93

Guess the "siblings should always be close" didn't apply to her....oh! And Jon has always been the work horse which is why the kids react to him and not her

NJGal51 said... 94
This comment has been removed by the author. ~ Administrator said... 95

I thought Liz seemed so contrite and willing to learn different behavior. She may be a tough lady with a tender heart.


I'm beginning to think that's Liz exactly. The tough exterior, the not wanting to let her guard down. I think she has the attitude I had three kids and got divorced and I'm FINE. I'm in a relationship with a guy with a lot of post divorce issues but I CAN HACK IT. I'm a tough lady, you can't break me, I DON'T CRY. I suck it up and get on with things. I hope one of the things Dr. Jenn gets to is to help Liz see it's okay to be vulnerable once in awhile, it's okay to let her guard down. Nothing will happen, no one will think less of her, it's not wrong or means she's failed at anything. It just means she's expressing her emotions. I think when she's afraid to get emotional she covers it up by lashing out and calling people names and cursing. If she just keeps doing that, she doesn't have to face her own vulnerabilities. She's an interesting gal and I'm enjoying watching her progress.

Meagler said... 96

If Kate was such a selfish and devious B , she would encourage all the kids to go to Jon's every second weekend, and she would then have a mommy me weekend where she could sleep all weekend and get rested up.

But that wouldnt create as much of a "poor me" story line, now would it.

gabby2 said... 97

Martha said... 82

I know this is repetition, BUT...
Everything she tweets is damage control: we know Collin and Alexis are her least favourites. She encouraged the twins to say this, about Alexis. So now, Alexis and Collin are featured. Her transparency makes me ill.

Completely agree. Transparent. And she's always looking-to-get-something-for-nothing.
The first time she had to really work-->(DWTS), she fell flat on her face.

What values is she teaching her kids, especially the girls. That the world owes them because they are special?? In the future, I see a hard time for those kids unless someone builds up the boy's self esteem and lets the girls know they are not entitled.

I don't remember who came up with the observation that Twisted has some sort of arrested development.......That of a 13-14 year old girl, so I am sure the three of them huddle together against the needy pesty 6....well, maybe not Cara. I hope someone is giving them love in that house.

There have been hundreds of people the children have become attached to and then lost. I can't even imagine how horrible that has been, and what that will do to their psyche.

And unfortunately since their own mother has paraded them in public since they were born, they will never have their privacy. Very sad story. Every little mistake they will make will be on tabloids. At least Twisted had a private childhood, something that she has denied her own children. Pathetic. IMO

Carole said... 98

TFW soooo reads here and all the tweets @ her.

I'm in my kitchen today, getting my Super (large) Bowl(s) out to prepare our party foods for the big game! #menutocome

@Kateplusmy8 Your kids are going to sit throw a game?I know mine r not.

@angiecallahan4 yes,most will.We discussed yesterday how girls love the commercials&1/2time and boys love game (some exceptions I know lol!)


I don't know of a single 9 yr old who watches the whole game. No matter how much she says otherwise, they simply aren't interested enough in it -- especially kids who don't play the sport themselves!!

Dwindle said... 99

NJGal51 said... 85
Jon looks good in this picture and I guess he was rubbing elbows with some A listers. Wait for TFW to start farting rainbows and shitting glitter.


A fake homecooked meal, a tweet about the bird, and then BAM she will haul out the Big Mommy Guns - sick kids. And it will be all about HER, of course. ~ Administrator said... 100

When I read that Mia Farrow was using Twitter to basically tweet passive aggressive tweets about this incident, my red flags went off. Really, she thinks Twitter is appropriate to discuss serious sexual abuse allegations? I wanted to find out more about the case. I've been trying to make sense of this whole story and get a summary of the investigation that occurred two decades ago when the allegations were first made and deemed unfounded. This is the best article detailing the investigation and presenting the other side that I've found. Several medical experts found that the child was not abused, and what I find REALLY creepy is that Mia made a video tape of the abuse that started and stopped over and over. WTH? So, what was happening during those pauses? A nanny went on record saying she coached the child the whole way through the tape. I think there is a fair possibility the Mia brainwashed that poor child in a bid to get full custody--which she got.

Meagler said... 101

Kate's not happy...she's biting back at some of the haterzzz... there will be a twitter break down coming shortly.... ~ Administrator said... 102

I saw Blue Jasmine and hated it by the way. I don't know why this movie is being considered one of his finest. HIs films always have cynical characters but they're always likable. This one no one was likable, which was a huge missing element.

I may be jaded but too many times I've seen some psychotic mother who wants full custody throw out bogus sexual abuse allegations. It usually does take a long time before the child either cracks and admits they made it up or the investigation runs its course and turns up nothing. That article details how thoroughly they were investigated, numerous doctors, experts, a six month long investigation and nothing. I don't believe he got off easy because he was a celeb, I believe he got off because they just couldn't come up with the evidence and that Mia's behavior with the tape and all the other things she did, even to this day on Twitter, was very suspect. Another judge might have given full custody to him in this day in age.

Meagler said... 103

I have posted these links twice now over the last week, and they never get thru. Its not an Admin thing, for some reason when I do it, it just disappears and I get no noitce of being shown after approved..ah well..

I am going to do a short note, and if people want the links , let me kn ow and I will report.

In the First Surviving Twins and Septuplets, Kate seems up beat, even if a bit tired. She says when kids are age 1 she went back to work to nursing to help with the financial stuff. And yes she does do an eye roll. Kate also tries to have us believe that her and jon are all alone doing it themselves. ( if so, why all the notes??)

Then in 2009 she is on Oprah as the Gosselins made headlines again as the media outlets wanted their views on Nadya's octuplets. Kate was so happy to ablige. Also in the Oprah one, there is a couple from texas expecting Quads and they want some advise from Kate.

When Oprah takes her attention off of Kate o and onto the expecting mom from texas, I love the look on Kate's face. She is NOT happy. But again, Kate says, the couple has 2 sets of arms and will be able to each hold 2 babies, so it wont be too hard. Kate says give your self some time to recoup, but by the time the babies are 1 yr old, the expecting mom should be able to go back to work like Kate did.

Then on the 2009 Dr. Phil show, again about Nayda...things change.

Kate says she never left the house for 2 years.
Kate says, it was soooooo hard they needed 50 volunteers a week.
And kate says she fed those kids on an 8-12-4-8 schedule. Ih who fed them kate? You never got up till 8:oo am! And then you had to drink coffee first.

I love pointing out her inconsistancies!

Wowser said... 104

Cape cod mama 80: I agree with you. I cannot believe what a lazy ass she is. 8:00?!? You know those babies were awake forever before she dragged her ass out of bed. And what a hypocrite she is having a fit because Mady hands Steve pizza with her hands when their is episode after episode of her serving pancakes with her fingers (while holding a fork in the same hand! What a tool) and who serves French fries by scooping them up in their hands and putting them on plates?!

We know you read here kate.....go get yourself a cup of coffee with 3 tbsp. of sugar and a cup of coffee mate creamer and get on the phone for your "grift of the day" all the while screaming at your kids to get away from you because you are "working" sucks to be you because everything about you is documented for all to see.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 105

Yep she surely will need those Super large bowls to 'prepare' her party foods. Prepare as in open bag of pretzels, pour, open bag of potato chips, pour. Maybe she made a dip. And look, there is nothing wrong with that, she just makes it out like she is some great chef making a Super Bowl spread. Paper plates, check. 6 pretzel sticks per kid, check. Messy wings, nah. Handful of m and m's check. Watch half a game because mommy can't stand having you up one single extra minute, check. Seriously, they have a whole day to play, so somewhere, do anything, including church. Nope, mommy is tweeting and preparing her bowls. Nauseating.

Wowser said... 106

Anyone else notice that that Shaw woman has stopped writing ANYTHING about TFW over at Gather?? Could it be there is another person who is finally "enlightened"? Things that make you go hmmmmm? ~ Administrator said... 107

I don't know of a single 9 yr old who watches the whole game. No matter how much she says otherwise, they simply aren't interested enough in it -- especially kids who don't play the sport themselves!!


I've wondered about this too. The whole football thing perplexes me. She talks about having the game on a fair amount. Yet with the exception of Cara the kids don't seem particularly athletic or into sports, especially a sport as complex and LONG as football. And she's never provided details that suggest she understands the first thing about football. It is so hard to picture those three boys much less any of the girls riveted to a professional football game. I just can't see it. And Jon doesn't or didn't have cable so he can't be that big of a televised sports fanatic himself if he's cutting cable--no one who is really into televised sports would do that. So it's not like he taught them to be into it.

So then does she just have the game on as background noise? Does she talk about football to seem cool and hip because so many other people live for football? It's so odd.

Localyocul said... 108

@UncleRico23: @Kateplusmy8 im surprised you arent putten your gaggle of slaves to work to get everything ready

@Kateplusmy8: @UncleRico23 Use of the word 'slaves' is not funny in any situation, especially not when speaking about my (or any)children.Have a gr8 day. ~ Administrator said... 109

Whoa this is just like 2011 with Kate responding to the nasty tweets to her! She must be REALLY pissed about something to forget herself like that. Probably that party with Justin Beiber Jon went to. ~ Administrator said... 110

Hey I'm willing to admit I'm "just jealous" about something.

I'm just jealous Jon was at a party with Aaron Paul!

Blowing In The Wind said... 111

@Kateplusmy8: @UncleRico23 Use of the word 'slaves' is not funny in any situation, especially not when speaking about my (or any)children.Have a gr8 day.

Um, Kate. I don't think this tweeter was trying to be funny. He (she?) was serious.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 112

Oh, for pete's sake, TFW, it's 2014. Are you really teaching your children that boys like football and girls like commercials and the singers at halftime? I know she gave a half-hearted "lol" about that not always being the case, but it's an unnecessary gender stereotype.
I remember her telling one of the tups she couldn't get a backpack she liked because it was a boy's backpack. She's raising 5 daughters and 3 sons, and each will be an individual with her or his own likes and dislikes.

You gotta smile at the prospect of TFW's hair extensions standing on end when she hears that Jon was hanging out with the likes of Aaron Paul! A few days ago, Admin mentioned Aaron as the ultimate A-lister at the moment. This script sure isn't going the way TFW thought it would.

Layla said... 113

Well, well...Jon was in NYCat the Maxim Super Bowl party while TFW is in PA driving car pools. I'm sorry, which one of them is supposed to be the mediocre one?
Of course, TFW just had to mention staying up sooo late to pick up the kids so that everyone would think that she's running herself ragged trying to be the bestest mommy ever while Jon is partying. Problem is, we already know that she desperately wants to be the one hanging with the big celebs, with Jon sitting around in PA. Funny how that all worked out, isn't it? And it's her own "mediocre" speech that makes it all so funny! She just couldn't help herself, could she?
I watched that video clip of their trip to Sam's Club, and wow, Ms Organic wasn't organic at all back then, was she? Pop Tarts, Eggos, Quaker flavored oatmeal, Goldfish crackers. Seems she's only organic when someone else is paying for it. Remember the picture of her cleaning out the fridge last year? Rolls of cookie dough, jars of non-organic pasta sauce. She doesn't care if the kids eat organic or not--she only cares when it's free.

mamaK said... 114

She is so full of it. My kids would only sit for the whole game if they had something else they were also doing, like one of those foam art kits or something. However, the game won't be on at my house. It used to be fun to watch for the commericals, but the last few years they have gotten so inappropriate that we will just keep the game off. No way would I encourage them to watch for the commericals!

NJGal51 said... 115

Was trying to edit my post (note to self...this is not FB) and deleted by mistake. Too hard to post from phone so will try again later if I remember. ~ Administrator said... 116

Well, well...Jon was in NYCat the Maxim Super Bowl party while TFW is in PA driving car pools. I'm sorry, which one of them is supposed to be the mediocre one?


Hey this is what she wanted. She complained that Jon said her little celebrity lifestyle wasn't a career. She said media IS a career and that everything else is mediocre. So now Jon is doing exactly what she wants and getting out of mediocre life and living the celebrity lifestyle. It's what you wanted Kate.

Another thing about the Super Bowl is how does she know what will happen today and whether the kids will sit through it? It hasn't happened yet. ~ Administrator said... 117

If someone is a slave they are a slave and I think you should be able to say that if you want to. If she doesn't like it why doesn't she just block them?

Dmasy said... 118

Oh, she is back to the, "Have a gr8 day." I bet her teeth are gritted so tightly they are cracking.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 119

Nasty is being kind. This has to be the most disgusting one that ever showed up on Kate's TL. Look at his picture. I hope she hasn't been tweeting him.

Steve Pratt ‏@PrattSdpratt76 1m
@xxxxxx hey beautiful honey you're both beautiful beautiful feet I love to kiss those beautiful feet and rub hand lotion on them Aloha


Oh, yuck! What a pervert! How can Kate be so lucky to attract this kind? I looked at his TL, and why would anyone tweet, e-mail or do any kind of communicatin with this person?

Gabby2 said... 120

Twisted likes telling other people what to she sits on her butt (or in bed for weeks)....who said that...LOL....Mady???

Even the nurses that cared for her had issues with her. How about past co-workers??

Yes...the kids will someday write their "tell all" books, can't wait, I will buy everyone of them, since by then I am sure Twisted will have spent their money. imo

chefsummer #Leh said... 121

Funny how she didn't deny using the kids as slaves.

She is sooo full of S88t I bet she set up that twitter account. 1 cause most "haters" she replies to are empty or half empty account.

2. Cause I wouldn't put it past her to make a fake "hater" account. Just so she can say "look I have haters/bullies and they don't brother me"

Why not reply to the "haters" with tons apon tons of tweets to her? Why reply to empty/half empty accounts.

Call Me Crazy said... 122

Oh, no. Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead in NYC today. Terrible news.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 123

Admin, with all due respect to the Woody Allen/Dylan/Mia situation, I think some of us who are old enough to remember what was happening at the time will see things a bit differently. And of course he was also embroiled with the other situation, being caught with the naked photographs of his partner's teenage daughter. She may have been 19 but there was always a question of how old she was when the pictures were taken. AND she was his partner's daughter. His infamous quote: "the heart wants what the heart wants". Irregardless of what actually happened with Dylan, he had a blatant disregard for boundaries at the time. And frankly, based on Dylan's issues growing up, I have to think there was some serious abuse with adults in her childhood. We may have to agree to disagree here.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 124

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 37s
LaRosa,was SO wonderful2meet/chat w u in the groc store 2day!Thx 4 ur encouraging words re single momhood!Congrats on ur daughters success2!

She's losing it. Totally. Me Me Me Me, single momhood, encouraging words. Me Me Me Me ~ Administrator said... 125

Orange I'm not ruling it out whatsoever. It may very well have happened. There are some very questionable things that went on. I'm just saying there is definitely two sides to the story, and the link I posted does outline another side that's worth listening to. Mia is no innocent in all this, that much I believe, regardless of what happened. ~ Administrator said... 126

How tragic about Philip Seymour Hoffman. What a legend.

Carole said... 127

So then does she just have the game on as background noise? Does she talk about football to seem cool and hip because so many other people live for football? It's so odd.

Admin, I think you explained it. At Thanksgiving time her tweets showed that neither she nor the kids understood the game (it's understandable @ the kids) and she was cheering for whichever team a fan recommended. I think it's something for her to tweet about hoping some tweeties, who do like the game, feel some kind of bond with her, OR is she looking for some way to feel close to her tweeties, especially the males? ~ Administrator said... 128

At Thanksgiving time her tweets showed that neither she nor the kids understood the game (it's understandable @ the kids) and she was cheering for whichever team a fan recommended


This is the point where I was really confused. They DON'T understand the game. They were trying to explain downs or something to the girls and really had little idea. It's one thing not to really understand a game that on its face is easier to pick up like say watching a horse race and understanding okay well whoever comes in first wins. But I personally feel football is far too complex to just "pick it up" by watching it. The rules are endless the strategy complex the positions so involved the strategy so intellectual. And I have a hard time believing someone who barely even understands downs would be able to sit through a four hour game of that. That's just strange. Another Gosselin mystery. ~ Administrator said... 129

Dmasy said... 118
Oh, she is back to the, "Have a gr8 day." I bet her teeth are gritted so tightly they are cracking.


LOL I know. She probably already chipped a tooth just watching this weeks Couple's Therapy.

chefsummer #Leh said... 130 (Administrator) said... 125
Dmasy said... 118
Oh, she is back to the, "Have a gr8 day." I bet her teeth are gritted so tightly they are cracking.


LOL I know. She probably already chipped a tooth just watching this weeks Couple's Therapy.

And Jon got invited to a super bowl party and got to rub elbows with the celebs.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 131

This is the point where I was really confused. They DON'T understand the game. They were trying to explain downs or something to the girls and really had little idea. It's one thing not to really understand a game that on its face is easier to pick up like say watching a horse race and understanding okay well whoever comes in first wins. But I personally feel football is far too complex to just "pick it up" by watching it. The rules are endless the strategy complex the positions so involved the strategy so intellectual. And I have a hard time believing someone who barely even understands downs would be able to sit through a four hour game of that. That's just strange. Another Gosselin mystery.


She doesn't understand it. The kids don't understand it. Heck, I dated an NFL quarterback, went to game after game, and even I don't understand all of it. She's just trying to "fit in" with the crowd, while convincing her tweeties that she's being both mom and dad to these kids.

Carole said... 132

Seems she's only organic when someone else is paying for it.

She was only organic when it suited the brand message she and TLC were trying to 'hook' the viewers with. Same with OCD, germaphobe, Bible verse quoting, and on and on. It was all about "branding" and when one didn't work or had outlived it's usefulness the brand was switched to a new one until finally, the one that seems to be resonating with the public and which makes sense is sticking -- the exploitative, controlling, vindictive, abusive, and desperate for fame ex-celeb. I think this is the one the public will remember!

Amy2 said... 133

Children can learn about football provided they are a "football" family. You know the kind where Dad is on the couch cheering on his team while the child sits next to him learning at the knee of his/father or mother. They are nurtured about football. The Gosselin children while they are with Kate are merely pawns, not football fans. ~ Administrator said... 134

Children can learn about football provided they are a "football" family. You know the kind where Dad is on the couch cheering on his team while the child sits next to him learning at the knee of his/father or mother.


Exactly, which is how I was raised by someone who could have gotten a PhD in the game. You start easy with the child understanding downs and ways to score and as they get older you explain the more complex things to them, the positions, the rules, the strategy. Even to this day I'll still ask questions about rules and strategy. I don't think most people could really enjoy this game as much as they should without having a pretty good understanding of it all. You'll get bored and switch to the Hallmark channel.

Over And Out said... 135

Oh, no...could this be another Milo Busybody In Training (MBT)?

DENISE ‏@Mydmaxx
@Kateplusmy8 Are you still in kitchen prepping for today?

DENISE ‏@Mydmaxx
“@HspncElvis: @kateplusmy8 Football party at Kate's??” Lets go!

DENISE ‏@Mydmaxx
@Kateplusmy8 I'm sure you will make a feast, always do. Have you tried these, so good. Making for our party. …

DENISE ‏@Mydmaxx
@Kateplusmy8 GM. Are you in taxi mode already this morning? Hope you have a great day😊

OrangeCrusher1 said... 136

I only began to understand football when my son played in high school, at least I finally got 'downs' down. The nuances escape me, but I do enjoy the camaraderie of the big games. Kate is, as with most other traditions, just a tool and can only appreciate things on the surface level. She's tweeting more about the Super Bowl than she did about Thanksgiving, so I think it is all to do with appearances. If this was a Jon weekend, she would be dead silent.

A real tragedy about Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Admin, I have always thought Mia Farrow to be more than a bit flaky, but I doubt even she would use her child to settle a score with a partner. It is Dylan, a grown woman, and by her accounts a now happily married mother, who is breaking her own silence. There is a reason for that, I really do believe.

chefsummer #Leh said... 137

Kate didn't know who was on Mount Rushmo so I'm sure she doesn't know a thing about football/super bowl.

Anonymous said... 138

I am guessing since Jon is friends with Jill Zarin that she may have invited him to the party. Aaron Paul of Breaking Bad was there along with Justin.

"Justin Bieber planning to chill by the fire TV while eating fondue during the Super Bowl on Sunday? We're not sure, but we do know that he was partying at Maxim's star-studded big game event over the weekend — and was chatting up a sexy blonde.

After his five-hour detainment at Teterboro Airport on January 31, the Biebs arrived to Maxim's "Big Game Weekend" in NYC at about 1:45 a.m. His table was swarmed by fans while he was there, and he spent a good chunk of time chatting to a blonde. His bodyguards were seen grabbing fans' phones who tried to snap a photo of Justin.

Justin stayed at the star-studded party — which was presented by Talent Resouces Sports — until about 4 a.m. Justin can be seen at the party in the photo above. TMZ also has a photo of Justin's flipping the bird at a camera at the party. Stay classy, JB.

Justin was hardly the only bold-faced name at the event that was sponsored by AQUAhydrate, Heavenly Mountain Resort, Patrón Tequila, Philippe by Philippe Chow, Touch by Alyssa Milano, and Wonderful Pistachios. Also in attendance were Real Housewives of New York star Jill Zarin, Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul, and Alyssa Milano."

Carole said... 139

And I have a hard time believing someone who barely even understands downs would be able to sit through a four hour game of that. That's just strange. Another Gosselin mystery.

Of course the kids won't be sitting thru a 4 hour game unless, as someone upthread said, they're working on something else like a puzzle or legos. The game is too complex for 9 yr olds, with no sports experience or living/watching with a fan of the game to understand and enjoy for an hour, let alone 4 hours! She's exaggerating... because that's what she does.

I grew up in a passionate college football town with parents and neighbors who knew the game and schooled me in the rules, strategies, etc. I'd have never understood the game if I'd watched on random weekends with no one to explain it to me. There's no way I believe any understanding of what they're watching is taking place at the G8 konpound either. They may find the game exciting, etc, but that's as much as I can see they're getting from the experience w/TFW as their guide.

capecodmama said... 140

Okay, I'm out of the loop. Who's Aaron Paul?

With regard to the Super Bowl, which team are the posters here rooting for, if your interested in the game? Since the Patriots are in the AFC, I'm going with Peyton and the Broncos. My husband, however, is going with Seattle. I know Sleepless will be going with Seattle. Anyone else? I also know that if the game runs past 9:00p.m., I will be switching to Downton Abbey. Game or no game, I have my priorties. Did anyone watch the Season 6 premier of Doc Martin last night? I even got my husband to watch.

JoyinVirginia said... 141

Orange Crusher, neat that your relative got passes to Lego movie. I want to see it! if someone updated their blog once in a while and actually tried to learn how to do a blog right, maybe TFMJG would have gotten tix too.
Cape Cod Mama, I am watching the Michigan Indiana game now. They look like they are in slow motion compared to the VCU pace I am used to. There are lots of great games every week! Love NCAA basketball!
So glad Jon got to go to a party! He's likable and now its out there, not only did he have to live with TFMJG but no sex either! He will get lots of invites just because people feel for all he has been thru. Maybe he can get together with Saint Tony Dovolani of the Ballroom some time so they can compare notes!

Wowser said... 142

Finding all these videos from when TFW was in their first house....."exhausted" is her most over-used word....she never liked having these babies......this episode is where she starts grifting for a bigger house

Over And Out said... 143

Admin (133)...
Exactly, which is how I was raised by someone who could have gotten a PhD in the game. You start easy with the child understanding downs and ways to score and as they get older you explain the more complex things to them, the positions, the rules, the strategy. Even to this day I'll still ask questions about rules and strategy.


I was that way about basketball. My kids played and I went to all of the games. I didn't really understand all of it, but I was there at every game supporting them. They watched the NBA games on television. One season during the playoffs, the living room television died, then we had cable problems with that set, so they confiscated the television in my bedroom. Of course, I had to watch the games with them. I learned to really love the game, understand it (well, most of it) became a fan of one team in particular, and now I watch it more than the boys do. I blame them for it. They still like to tease me and say, "Hey, mom, remember when we had to explain to you what a pick and roll is,you didn't know a flagrant from a hole in the ground, and you didn't know any of the coaches?"

Fun times...

sparkle said... 144

OrangeCrusher1 said... 135
I only began to understand football when my son played in high school, at least I finally got 'downs' down. The nuances escape me, but I do enjoy the camaraderie of the big games. Kate is, as with most other traditions, just a tool and can only appreciate things on the surface level. She's tweeting more about the Super Bowl than she did about Thanksgiving, so I think it is all to do with appearances. If this was a Jon weekend, she would be dead silent.

A real tragedy about Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Admin, I have always thought Mia Farrow to be more than a bit flaky, but I doubt even she would use her child to settle a score with a partner. It is Dylan, a grown woman, and by her accounts a now happily married mother, who is breaking her own silence. There is a reason for that, I really do believe.

I totally agree with everything you said. I believe Mia found out about Woody and Soon-Yi by finding nude photographs Woody took of her. Something is not right with him. The fact that Dylan is speaking out as an adult lends does credibility to the story, IMO.

Then, there's the speculation that Ronan Farrow may actually be Frank Sinatra's biological child and not Woody's son. Ronan looks just like Frank, right down the the piercing blue eyes. What a tangled web that has been woven with that whole clan.

Loving the fact that the more desperate Kate becomes to stay famousish and relevant, it only leaves her more forgotten and unwanted. Jon OTOH, just lets the chips fall where they may and ends up at the Maxim Super Bowl Party. Oh snap. Gritting her teeth, indeed, the veeners should be popping off like Chiclets today! She has invested so much time, energy, hatred and money into ruining him, all for nothing.

Tess said... 145

I just noticed something on the video posted above. There were always retakes, even from that first special. Look at 8:02 to 8:07. One twin is putting cheese on the cart and the big thing of animal crackers is there. In the next scene it shows the other twin carrying the huge animal cracker container and putting it on the cart, but the cheese is already there. Plus, organic my a$$. Poptarts, store brand American cheese, animal crackers, instant oatmeal, goldfish, eggo waffles and orange cheese ball things being carried in the background by one of the twins. Liar liar pants on fire :). The adorable thing I saw, was Jon spinning the babies around in the stroller trying to entertain them. Taking 8 kids shopping was totally optional. There were 2 parents and a film crew, plus a personal helper provided by the store. Plus, the 50-odd "not-a-staff-of-volunteers". It's amazing how many inconsistencies one can pick up looking back with what is known now.

Wowser said... 146

Another doozy: checkout TFW's hair!! Lol love the barrette in the middle f her forehead. Her shopping spree: coke....other crap...then she's in the kitchen talking about how organic and healthy she cooks....this was the first time on film she refers to the girls watching her "cooking show"
Some things at least have been consistent over the years with TFW.

On a side note: sad for Phillip Seymour Hoffman. He grew up in our town. Nice family. Such a waste...he was sober for sooooo long.

Wowser said... 147

Forgot to post the link...oops

FYI said... 148

Interesting read about an author who wrote a fiction novel geared toward teens, based on reality tv.

Also, here's a video of the author, discussing the book

Upstater said... 149 (Administrator) said... 126
How tragic about Philip Seymour Hoffman. What a legend.
One of my very favorite actors. I would always watch a movie he's in, (except "Synecdoche, New York", I tried, too weird...) Such talent. So sad........

Layla said... 150

Another Kate inconsistency (exaggeration) is when you watch the clip mentioned above, before the Sam's Club trip, Kate says they go through 30 diapers a day. Then in the Today Show clip where she denied Mady water, they have a list of things Kate needed for the 6, and it says 1800 diapers a month. 30 diapers a day x 30 days equals 900 diapers a month. She doubled that amount for the Today Show.
She says she didn't leave the house for 2 years, yet the first special showed her and Jon going shopping, picking out a Christmas tree, and going out to eat--all before the tups turned two. And, of course, they bought their E-town house and moved there a couple months before the tups turned two. Kind of hard to pick out a house and move without leaving home.
She just can't keep up with her own lies, can she? She just has to make everything seem harder and more expensive than it was. Not to say that 6 babies at once isn't expensive and hard work, but exaggerating it all just shows her to be a liar. Nobody is more impressed by it.

Meagler said... 151

Kate wants us to believe she is going to sit down and watch the whole football game?? The only time we hear the word football come of of her mouth is Superbowl day, and Thanksgiving.

She isnt watching it at all. Maybe some of her kids are in and out of the tv room and stop to have a look.

Her only motivation to talk about football, is " her menu" and so her kids go to school the next day and can say yep we watched it...but no one is going to ask because 9 yr olds dont really care.

Its the whole Crookbook scam. If all else fails, fall back onto the cookbook hope.

IF, and this is a BIG if, kate is interested in the football game, it is only because she has the next man she is about to stick her wolf claws into sitting beside her, and she is grooming him.

Oh and the menu is wings and maybe pizza pops ( dropping brands names are we???) or maybe a football shaped pizza? For someone with a crookbook, she sure isnt very creative. Gawd those kids are going to HATE pizza when they grow up!

Pants on Fire said... 152

Shannon has a radio show in Minneapolis which TFW has apparently been on. Seems like someone is looking for ratings and wants to stir things up between TFW and WW. I say this with peace and love, peace and love don't do it Kate, you will not win!

Ahhh crap. This is my favorite radio station. Is there nothing that TFW doesn't befoul??

FlimsyFlamsy said... 153

When these TFW inconsistencies come up, I'm reminded of the lyrics to an old Dire Straits song, "Industrial Disease": "Two men say they're Jesus -- one of 'em must be wrong." Something is either a fact or it isn't. You either went to church on a particular Sunday or you didn't -- it's not open to interpretation. The kids have either had junk food or they haven't -- no gray area to discuss. You can't claim the crew stayed the same, and then say that only one person remained from the original group. One of those comments was a lie.

gabby2 said... 154

8AM coffee in bed....let's not forget 5 hour naps for the 6!!

Amy2 said... 155

I'm going w/Denver. I'm in the northwest and torn between the Seahawks and Broncos. But I have to go w/my man....Peyton. Go Broncos! BTW I have $1.00 bet that Broncos will win.

lukebandit said... 156

I know about seeing the inconsistences of TCFW from the video when the kids were little. It seems like every one you watch you can count on your fingers and toes the lies and inconsistences. Some of the interviews that made me sick, besides TwinGate was the one with Regis and Kelly.

TCFW was not there to promote anything. No upcoming special on the Gosselins, no new ventures like a book, clothing any new business deal, selling anything at all. She sat there and shook her leg and threw Jon under the bus, under the bus and under it again. The oil pan said, hey Jon, how ya' doing?

What got to me was in that interview was when Regis told TCFW that why don't you work it out with Jon and he could apologize and... I then thought HE WAS GOING TO SAY: AND YOU COULD APOLOGIZE and you too could work this out.

As soon as Regis got out of his mouth, Jon apologize, I thought TCFW was going to scream! Right after the interview, TCFW jetted first class for the People photo shoot in Mexico.

I believe that TCFW and Steve had an affair during his employment. The DJ said in the lobby of the swank hotel that Steve and TCFW were holding hands walking and a pap was walking toward them to snap a picture and they let their hands go.

I believe TCFW used the same seductive tactics that she used with Jon on Steve and when the money was rolling in made it even better. I believe the trip to Bald Head, NC is when Mady discovered Steve and TCFW doing something, kissing or worse. Mady ran to tell Cara and Cara started crying and TCFW came in their room. Mady and Cara left the next morning back to PA.

Steve and TCFW were seen walking hand in hand on the sunset beaches of Bald Head. Real bodyguards do not do this. Remember the trip a couple of years ago when we thought Gina and Steve went to NZ by themselves and we thought they got a divorce? It is possible they did. And they either or still divorced and get along for their beautiful sons or she forgave him.

Robert said he had the package for the shot of the meds to make your ovaries stimulate, the receipt, and IIRC, the syringe also. IDK. You would think she would have enough sense to destroy evidence.

CSI, she ain't.

Lalalalala said... 157

Arngrim ‏@Arngrim 18m

It's Robert Hoffman's cue...

Alison Arngrim posted this on Twitter. Any ideas on what it might mean?

Meagler said... 158

In the clip where they go to Sam's club, the woman who helps them, puts out her hand to Kate and introduces herself to Kate and says " Ill be helping you today"..

Then when that employee does her spot shot, she says, " I am the one who usually helps the gosselins shop". Hmm. but you had to introduce yourself to Kate.

I guess when kate says she didnt get out of the house for almost 2 years, what she really really means is...

" It took two freakin years before Discovery/TLC figured out that what I really wanted was trips, excursions, and to be treated like a millionaire."

Sam's club, Christmas tree shopping, a meal out... that is what mediocre folks do!!! and stomps foot.

When did the trip for Jon's birthday happen? The one where Kate got so badly sunburnt?

Unknown said... 159

I'm officially very jellus of a gosselin. Jon at a party with Aaron (yo, Bitch) Paul. That's as a-list as you can get, bitch.

I also believe Dylan. "The heart wants..." To touch little girls that trusted him. He married Soon Yi. That is all the proof I need that the man knows no boundries

gabby2 said... 160

Lunkbandit...can't argue with a word you said.

getofftwitter said... 161

Well, how long, do you think it will take Kate to post pics of that stuff she refers to as food? She has been slipping lately.

NJGal51 said... 162

capecodmama @140 - Aaron Paul played Jesse (yeah bitch, magnets!) Pinkman on Breaking Bad. An iconic role to be sure.

Ruthie said... 163

Love the recaps! I've also followed Teen Duck Lips since she was first on Teen Mom and hope she gets her comeuppance someday. I think her parents are as crazy as she is though...especially her dad who defends her at every turn.

I'm on Team Jon but do wish the masturbation issue hadn't come up for the kids's sake. That will be embarrassing for them.

The Kitten Bowl is adorable!

fidosmommy said... 164

I'm betting on layered bean and cheese dip with "triangulary thingies", chocolate cake, fresh "veges" and Juicy Juice for the Gosselin Super Bowl Party for a game nobody cares about. You know, HOURS of sweat producing work. I hope those kids shriek sufficiently to make Mommy happy and feel like the best Mommy EVER. Take THAT, Jon!

Millicent said... 165

OrangeCrusher1 said... 123

Admin, with all due respect to the Woody Allen/Dylan/Mia situation, I think some of us who are old enough to remember what was happening at the time will see things a bit differently
Yes, I too remember and I have never been able to feel the same about Woody Allen ever since, nor watch any of his movies with the same complete enjoyment. Obviously I was not "in the know," but something about that whole situation raised numerous red flags and my inner radar said "that ain't right."

The fact alone that he dated and eventually married a young lady who was essentially his daughter is just plain creepy. It may not have been technically illegal, but "that ain't right" in my book. You raise a child, or act as step father to a child, then don't date them, or marry them.

Mia Farrow may have some problems of her own, but Woody Allen's behavior gave me serious pause then and still does.

Millicent said... 166

I only got interested in football when my son took an interest in it. Now, we have all sorts of sports on year round: football, basketball, baseball. Thank goodness he isn't into hockey or golf! I don't mind watching a football game, but even I get bored and wander off during the game to do something else. I can't imagine 9 year olds who neither play nor have any other connection to the game, to sit through the Super Bowl. (Maybe the Puppy Super Bowl!).

I doubt TFW sits with those children in the same room for any length of time. I also doubt she makes any sort of feast or special effort for the day. It's just in her twisted imagination that she's a mother who participates in her children's lives. In fact, if any of the younger six actually were enjoying watching the game, I imagine TFW would find some way to ruin their enjoyment. That's more her style.

NJGal51 said... 167

I know nothing about football. I was never interested. My parents and some brothers and sisters liked it and my husband and son like it. Me? Meh. I'll take baseball any day of the week.

lukebandit said... 168

Thank you gabby2. Lunk is okay! lol better than funk, clunk, skunk lol.

I went to Allison Arngrim's timeline and she is going to be in Philly and NYC, IDK when but I tweeted her and told her it would be awesome to tell the audience that it was TIME for Robert Hoffman to republish THE BOOK!

The audience in Philly would go crazy, I think and since the Today Show and View fiasco, NYC would too! Maybe this will get the ball rolling. Wish I had the money to completely pay for everything even extra! That CFW has got to be stopped torturing and abusing those kids!

Oh, when she replied to the tweet about slaves, she didn't deny that her kids were slaves. She should of said, got mad as heck and said, what makes you think their slaves? I would never treat my kids like slaves! Are you crazy?


OT: A Hero! A Dr. who is a Neurosurgeon in Birmingham AL during our horrible snow/ice storm was at Brookwood Hospital and got an emergency call to do surgery on a man who was going to die without his expertise. He couldn't get there by car because it would of taken hours, SO HE WALKED 6 MILES to Trinity Hospital in B'ham!

Did surgery on the critically ill man and SAVED HIS LIFE! He is very humble and said what is the big deal, I walked! He also said that God had His Hand all over this! Congrats, Dr., you are a hero!

Formerly Duped said... 169

Modern day slavery exists in the US and Canada as well as other countries. Not saying the G kids are slaves but TFW is so ignorant, since the person meant she works the kids hard with her chore chart despite her helpers.

Math Girl said... 170

gabby2 said... 154
8AM coffee in bed....let's not forget 5 hour naps for the 6!!
Actually, she said they napped from 12:30 (or earlier) to 4:00. That's 3 1/2 hours. Bad, bad, bad, but not as bad as 5.

I was floored, as everyone was, by all the notes. If she was doing it "all by herself", why did she need to write detailed notes to ... herself? And would the sky have actually fallen in if the kids were put into random seats or beds, instead of the ones on the charts? Apparently at TCFWs house, it would.

I noticed that in the early clips, Jon often refers to TCFW as "my wife". A sign of things to come?

Rainbirdie said... 171

Lalalalala said... 157
Arngrim ‏@Arngrim 18m

It's Robert Hoffman's cue...

Alison Arngrim posted this on Twitter. Any ideas on what it might mean?
There was a child actor on LHOTP with the name Robert Hoffmann. He's included in many of Alison's tweets. I think the name is a coincidence & not related to the Gosselin book Robert Hoffmann.

Lalalalala said... 172

Rainbirdie said... 170


Thanks for the info, Rainbirdie :)

PA Dutch Mom said... 173

OT: A Hero! A Dr. who is a Neurosurgeon in Birmingham AL during our horrible snow/ice storm was at Brookwood Hospital and got an emergency call to do surgery on a man who was going to die without his expertise. He couldn't get there by car because it would of taken hours, SO HE WALKED 6 MILES to Trinity Hospital in B'ham!


I saw the video last night. He is not a young man. He said something to the effect that the patient wasn't going to die on his shift.

PA Dutch Mom said... 174

I went to Allison Arngrim's timeline and she is going to be in Philly and NYC, IDK when but I tweeted her and told her it would be awesome to tell the audience that it was TIME for Robert Hoffman to republish THE BOOK!


I really question if she wants to get involved in that, She's been all about child actors/ labor laws, but I don't think that she's spoken at all about Robert's book, has she?

localyocul said... 175

That clip of Surviving Twins...OMG. Who has 8 kids under 7 and gets up at 8? The voiceover says that after Jon leaves, Kate is alone (first lie). There are sticky notes all over telling "lunch helpers" etc what to do. (lets see if we can find the one with the sex directions). She admits that after dressing them she spends some time because she doesn't see them the rest of the day. SO she's alone but not with the kids? Then she puts them down from 1230 or so til 4??? GMAB. She probably spent a total of 45 minutes per day with those kids. My daughter at that age napped 45 minutes in the morning and 45 in the afternoon. And she was in bed by 7. WOW what a lazy piece of crap

PA Dutch Mom said... 176

getofftwitter said... 161
Well, how long, do you think it will take Kate to post pics of that stuff she refers to as food? She has been slipping lately.


And there she blows!

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 9m
Altho I have yet to see the tv (still serving party dinner), we are off to a gr8 start with this! #yum #X2sit&enjoy

PA Dutch Mom said... 177

Oops...hit publish too soon.

She is so predictable it's not even fun anymore!

Anita said... 178

Robert has a new post up.

Anonymous said... 179

It's Another Robert Hoffman she tweeted about.


lukebandit said... 180

I wonder if she is going to put ALL the food for the Super Bowl party on that 12 inch circular table in the basement that the kids ate off of when they had their taco meal with Kendra.

Over In TFW's County said... 181

@SiobhanR111 @Kateplusmy8 I haven't made pizza yet but the meatloaf & chili are yummy!!

Wasn't this the one who made the chili without the beans? lol!

Kate's party spread is so amazing, so awesome, so delicious, so fabulous, so over-the-top, slaved all day in the kitchen...she went above and beyond the call of duty...according to her fans. Moreover, Milo wants to be there a-hollerin with excitement!

What she did was dump the contents of boxes on the plates, bought some little cakes, and purchased some cut up veggies at Giant. Took all of 10 minutes.

Altho I have yet to see the tv (still serving party dinner), we are off to a gr8 start with this! #yum #X2sit&enjoy

Tess said... 182


Yes! The exaggeration by double. 900 diapers is unfathomable to most people, why double it? Good catch on the grocery helper introducing herself, too! Another one - she also said something to the effect that those little bitty 15m olds together ate more than a very large, very hungry man. Emphasis on VERY.
Whoever pointed out that she was feeding them all from one spoon, I caught that, too. Holy pass the flu around. A nurse doing this? Good grief. They absolutely could have been feeding themselves at that age, with someone watching/helping to be sure they all got enough.
For anyone who has been following this mess "it's like shooting fish in a barrel".
Admin, I am loving your recaps!

lukebandit said... 183

The picture of Jon outside Maxim. He looks great! Since he was around Aaron of BB what IF Jon was able to get a cameo on BB? Wow, would TCFW blow a gasket!

Jon giving interviews, on CT, Maxim party. I just wish that Jon would have been able to do a Super Bowl ad.

She would have to be sedated, straight jacketed and hospitalized for a year at least.

Maybe Steve would visit her on Sunday 2-4.

Over In TFW's County said... 184

It is sad, and even pathetic, that Kate is so insecure that she needs the adulation of twitter strangers to reassure her that she's the Best Mom In The World. There's nothing special about her SB food. In fact, it's mediocre, but she still needs strangers to fawn over her. She loves it. She thrives on it. There are times like this when I really do feel sorry for her.

Unknown said... 185

Millicent said... 164
OrangeCrusher1 said... 123
Admin, with all due respect to the Woody Allen/Dylan/Mia situation, I think some of us who are old enough to remember what was happening at the time will see things a bit differently
''Yes, I too remember and I have never been able to feel the same about Woody Allen ever since, nor watch any of his movies with the same complete enjoyment.''
''The fact alone that he dated and eventually married a young lady who was essentially his daughter is just plain creepy. It may not have been technically illegal, but "that ain't right" in my book. You raise a child, or act as step father to a child, then don't date them, or marry them.

Mia Farrow may have some problems of her own, but Woody Allen's behavior gave me serious pause then and still does.''
Like OrangeCrusher and Millicent, I remember all this happening in real time, and from the beginning the very fact that he took nude photos of his partner/girlfriend's daughter make Dylan's abuse probable in my eyes. Here is another link that from Allen's own mouth that are a perfect example of why I loathe that man!

As far as I'm concerned, HIS behavior is his and stands alone.

localyocul said... 186 (Administrator) said... 109
Whoa this is just like 2011 with Kate responding to the nasty tweets to her! She must be REALLY pissed about something to forget herself like that. Probably that party with Justin Beiber Jon went to.


I was thinking the same thing. I guess block and ignore and join the fun didn't work out.

PA Dutch Mom said... 187

gemma martin ‏@gmma96 4m
@Kateplusmy8 love you from southampton united kingdom if you know where that is? Xx


Too funny! Kate's thinking...somewhere in Dublin?

chefsummer #Leh said... 188

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 2h
@EmCr68 YES!We think of @KendraWilkinson when we hav basement dinners! Wish they were here lol- Boys need @TheHankBaskett football pointers!

Watch out Kendra KK like men that are taken.

And I don't believe for one 1 she lets them eat the way Kendra did. Well maybe since she steals peoples idea.

Unknown said... 189

Luke, unfortunately, BB is over and done. 5 brilliant seasons with a satisfied ending.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 190

Speaking of germs...wasn't there a banana shared between the 6 in one of the specials? I think it was passed around, and each tup took a bite?

Pants On Fire (#152), I love the way you described TFW's "magic touch." Maybe that should be the title of her next New York bestseller book: "I Just Want You To Know There's Nothing I Won't Befoul!"

localyocul said... 191

lukebandit said... 179
I wonder if she is going to put ALL the food for the Super Bowl party on that 12 inch circular table in the basement that the kids ate off of when they had their taco meal with Kendra.



Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 49m
Super Bowl, Gosselin style: 2013&2014.Different teams, different menu but same company&celebration style. #Havingfun

Pants on Fire said... 192

FlimsyFlamsy said... 190

Speaking of germs...wasn't there a banana shared between the 6 in one of the specials? I think it was passed around, and each tup took a bite?

Pants On Fire (#152), I love the way you described TFW's "magic touch." Maybe that should be the title of her next New York bestseller book: "I Just Want You To Know There's Nothing I Won't Befoul!"

Haha - good one, Flimsy!!

Anonymous said... 193

she calls her own kids in their own home company? You know no one else is there, she is a name/picture dropper. If someone else were there we would see it. She is pathetic!


Kirkland said... 194

She should have family and friends over her big house for her Super Bowl party! Imagine how fun that would be for the kids!

I think Kate leads such a sad sad life. Her only "friends" are twitter friends. I mean really....that is really really sad.

I wouldn't trade my "mediocre" life for Kate's lonely sad life for one second. She's pathetic.

Martha said... 195

To: over in the former wife's county.
I'm bewildered that you can feel sorry for such a vile, malevolent person. I feel sorry for the 8 @ her mercy, her slaves.
The bags she ripped open for her feast, and spread on plates, are no more than hors d'oeuvres. 8 kids are to subsist on that? Where's the protein? Sure, there's raw vegetables. That's about it.
She should be jailed.
I cannot believe people are so oblivious.

Greedy Gosselins said... 196

The "investigation" that supposedly cleared Woody of molestation was considered to be so biased and favourable to Allen, that the judge thought it was not worthy of being used as evidence. Judge Wilk said that the investigators were in Allen's pocket, and their findings weren't substantial. They also destroyed all their notes before the trial, something that is not commonly done, and refused to testify in court except by deposition.

Secondly, the only reason Allen wasn't brought on criminal charges was to spare Dylan from going on the witness stand and experiencing further trauma. The prosecutor said he believed Allen did it, and Judge Wilk also said the same, though less explicitly.

Beyond DIsgusted said... 197

What she did was dump the contents of boxes on the plates, bought some little cakes, and purchased some cut up veggies at Giant. Took all of 10 minutes.


Yes, but the kale chips are homemade. Of course they are. Would she say that they were anything but HOMEMADE? LOL!

PA Dutch Mom said... 198

Cynthia *G*rand ‏@CJR17 17m
@Kateplusmy8 Thanks for putting these up! How about a new tradition of putting up all of the past Superbowl pics each year?


Sheeple! You gotta love 'em. Sure, let's resurrect photos of Nachos and dip from a few years ago. There's always a demand for those. Sometimes you have to wonder if these fans are for real.

Wowser said... 199

So where are the twins?? I only see the six.....maybe they went somewhere with real fun and not TFW controlled, contrived and all for a TV show/twitter exposure fun.... RUN Mady RUN!! RUN Cara, RUN!! No, that s not TFW's vice barking out orders....I was actually encouraging the girls to get the hell out if there! Lol

PA Dutch Mom said... 200

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 5m
Halftime selfie.... Me and (2 of) my boys...

Me first, Kate? Always ME first? Ugh.

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