Saturday, February 22, 2014

Recap: Couples Therapy episode 8: Eat your fish!

Last time on Couples Therapy, Sada was reluctant to talk about her family history because she respects that her family did not sign up for a T.V. show. Teen Duck Lips spun an impressively detailed web of lives and stupid Dr. Jenn nodded along to each and every one of them. Idiot. Teen Duck Lips claims Debra called her a whore and a bitch "for no reason." While it may not have been very nice to call her names, there was definitely reason for it, Teen Duck Lips. The surprisingly introspective people in the house like Duck Lips explain to Jon they don't like how Liz treats him.

Coming up, Dr. Jenn is coming down pretty hard on Liz as the doc tries to help Jon. Debra is here (happy happy joy joy!), and boy is she looking road weary. Twenty-two years being Teen Duck Lips's mother have certainly taken their toll.

Credits roll, and I've never really described them, but they consist of a friendly beat and the various couples against a black backdrop saying deep things like "When things are good, they're great, when they're bad, they're bad." Teen Duck Lips asks profoundly, "Why do I always end up alone?" Is that a rhetorical question?

It's the night where we last left off, and Sada and Duck Lips are trying to explain to Liz and Jon that they're not trying to be mean for the heck of it, they're trying to help by pointing out that Liz treats Jon poorly and he doesn't stand up for himself.

Duck Lips assures Liz she does not talk about people behind their backs, this is not about trash talking her. While I fully believe they love Liz and Jon like they say they do and just want to help, that is a funny assertion because that's all she ever did on the Real Housewives. That's all anyone does who appears on that franchise. Everyone constantly talks behind someone's back or is confronting someone talking behind their back or belly aching that someone is talking behind their backs, which in so doing is also talking behind someone's back, lol. That and they go to dinner parties in places like Puerto Rico.

"Lesbians, chime in!" Duck Lips says.

"The lesbians are beat, the lesbians are falling asleep," Liz quips. Ha.

There was an unpublished comment to the blog the other week blasting me for referring to Sada and Whitney as just "the lesbians," but I want to point out here that "the lesbians" is what the people in the house actually call them, and Sada and Whitney giggle over it. I get the feeling it's a running joke about casting a token gay couple. If they had any problem whatsoever with it, I have no doubt they would say so. Not everyone takes political correctness so seriously, Whitney and Sada included, and it's certainly refreshing. And to boot, the lesbians have proven themselves to have the healthiest relationship of all of them, so they get the last laugh.

"Next time Jon tells me we need to go to bed, I think I'm just gonna ...." Liz says dryly as she makes the "O.K." sign. See what you get for not listening to Lights Out Man, Liz?

In an interview later Liz says look, what really got her about this is that they're comparing her to Kate. That just gets under her skin and she thinks it's very unfair. Once she calmed down, she realized she appreciated the housemates for being honest with her and for giving reasonable explanations for why they were saying what they were. Well, good for her, that's a start.  I just can't get over how funny it is that everyone sees being compared to Kate as the greatest insult you could ever possibly give a person.

How did someone like Kate get to such a sordid point? A hundred and fifty episodes I guess. And wouldn't you be just mortified to be regarded by pop culture as the Wicked Witch of Wernersville? Man alive.

Dr. Jenn admits Liz and Jon are making progress. Fair enough. Dr. Jenn sits down with Jon one on one. As we know these are always great.

Dr. Jenn is concerned Jon is falling back into his same patterns with Kate. Again, calling out what a terrible thing he had with Kate, I love it. I can just picture Kate glued to the television, popcorn bowl in hand, squeezing that popcorn into fists when she hears this. She and Kate Coyne and TLC for years have tried to spin herself as the victim in that whole relationship, and now here's someone, a professional no less, shattering that glass house and finally describing the relationship the opposite way. To boot, Dr. Jenn, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, has massive amounts of experience in domestic violence and other dysfunctional relationships when she worked at Peace Over Violence; this is not her first rodeo. Kate must be seething over all this, a licensed therapist, not to mention all the housemates, refusing to accept she was the victim. Ha. While I think Dr. Jenn is way off base when it comes to Teen Duck Lips, overall I think her take on things is right on the money, and I think her analysis of Jon and Kate, and Jon and Liz, is spot on.

Jon explains that Liz loves him, she is the only woman he really felt a connection with after the dating he did, and also he has to think about his eight children. "She's really good with my kids."

Dr. Jenn admits that Liz is filling up things emotionally and sexually for him that he did not have before, but he can't let that overwhelm him from seeing some of the negative things in the relationship. Jon admits it's a fine line. She says Liz needs Jon to tell her certain things she says to him are not acceptable. Jon says he'll give it a whirl.

Day 15, and the cinematographers on this show have really captured some spectacular time lapse twilight shots of Los Angeles throughout this series. Photography is a serious hobby of mine, but most of Los Angeles is pretty dull during normal waking hours. However during magic hour, those brief few moments at sunrise and sunset, this place transforms into something other-wordly, almost Hobbit-like, especially during the cooler months. My current avatar is one such hauntingly beautiful sunset, here's another from a few weeks later I love.

It is truly a blessing to live in such a beautiful place. Jon notices there's a bit of smoke in the distance, probably one of the many small brush fires that crop up during fire season when this was filmed. Jon asks if that's a fire. Liz says snottily, No, genius, it's someone smoking a really big cigar. Huh, maybe Wu-tang's out there somewhere and his cigar exploded on him. I hope he gets lost.

Liz pauses a moment, and you can see the wheels turning. She admits she is a real jerk sometimes when she says things like that, and that she's not used to someone calling her out on it. It's making her realize that she needs to work on this. It's rather interesting but concerning that Liz seemed to think comments that nasty and rude were acceptable until someone had the balls to point it out to her. How does someone get that far in life? No one has asked about Liz's childhood or her past yet, oddly enough.

Kelsey comes out in an over-the-top Pepto-Bismo pink exercise outfit and bandana, LOL. "Oh, heyyy!" she announces as she strikes a pose. Aw, I'm glad she's in a better mood. She fetches Liz to go work out. As much as I find Liz frustrating, it says a lot that someone as sweet as Kelsey has taken her under her wing. She must have seen something in her.

Day 16, group therapy, woo hoo! Spoke too soon, today we're going to talk about everyone's childhoods. Now I know I just said that your childhood is important, but I don't really want to hear about everyone's childhoods for the simple fact that I think some of these people are going to lie, and a lie on national television slamming your childhood is different than just telling a lie about it to a few friends. Especially since many people from their childhoods are probably still around and can't really respond.

Oh dear, Duck Lips witnessed domestic violence as a child. I guess that makes you a gossip thirty years later. Look at Teen Duck Lips over there fake crying, haha. Dr. Jenn says Duck Lips needs to let go of that burden and that's crucial to her parenting. This is the first time I've heard Duck Lips mention her sweet daughter Kennedy, although that's not to say she doesn't talk about her all the time in the 14 other hours of conversation a day that get edited out. I wonder how Kennedy is doing, she must be nine or so now, then I catch myself thinking how weird it is to wonder about a child you don't know. But that's what filming reality T.V. children does, you get to know these kids, care about them, and from time to time wonder about their well-being years later.

Wu-Tang's dad left the family when he was six. He had to grow up at a young age. I will not feel sorry for him. I will not! He is not the first child to grow up in a single parent household, it is no excuse for how he treats Kelsey. Wu-Tang says something about how if he had receive the loved that he needed in his relationships he could have given the same back. What the hell? Dr. Jenn calls this some kind of "breakthrough." I call it blaming others including nice women like Kelsey and Latrice for him being a straight up pig. Kelsey seems to sort of be snickering. I hope that's a snicker of disbelief. "Bingo," Dr. Jenn, really? He wins the $5,000 cash prize now? Spare us, please! What is with the coddling and praising him? Did she forget how pissed she was at him just the other day?

Teen Duck Lips, oh God. Teen Duck Lips remembers something back when she was two? It sounds like what Teen Duck Lips is describing is time outs. They made her sit by herself. You know, exactly what all the experts recommend you do when your child is two. But for some reason this was terribly traumatic for poor Teen Duck Lips and scarred her forever. There goes her voice box, it's gone, I can barely understand her now. She mutters something about how somebody hit her. Child abuse hit or just self-defense? Is that a look of skepticism on Dr. Jenn's face or is the collagen just a little extra puffy today?  Oh please bring in Debra to rebut!

Dr. Jenn says the theme for Teen Duck Lips is no one was there for her.

No one was there for her??? Now, Debra and Michael are not perfect parents and in fact are pretty dysfunctional at times, but if anything, they are overbearing. They were always there, always home, have few outside interests other than their children and grandchild, and were always checking up on the kids. Teen Duck Lips complained about how smothering they were! They were the complete opposite of not there for their kids. Now maybe they weren't saying what Teen Duck Lips wanted to hear, like sure go have sex, use abortion as a form of birth control, and stay out all night every night once you do have that kid, but that does not mean they were "not there."

Someone was asking earlier if Dr. Jenn has seen Teen Mom. I don't see how she possibly could have. No way.

I know Sada did not want to discuss her family on television, so I get uncomfortable to see her sort of forced into it. Her parents fought a lot and her dad abused her, and I'll leave it at that.  I will say though that she said this became "normal" to her. Which is an important point, because just because a child seems happy, healthy and normal does not mean their home life isn't dysfunctional. That is just their life and kids adapt to it.

You were living in a constant state of terror, Dr. Jenn remarks.

Sada points out that her dad when he wasn't out of control was the most loving parent. In a way that's worse, explains Dr. Jenn and Duck Lips, because they're so confusing and unpredictable and leave you guessing.

Whitney likes the idea that other people who were abused might see this episode. "I think abuse in general is something that should be brought out of the closet and discussed. And I think it will be a really important thing. I'm proud of you." I like Whitney.

Time to go relax, see ya everyone!

So Kelsey, Whitney, Duck Lips' fiancé, Jon and Liz don't get to talk about their childhoods? Why, because their childhoods were relatively normal and too boring for primetime? While childhood plays a major role for many people, not everyone with issues had a bad childhood and not everything can always be blamed on your parents.

Wu-Tang is in his usual asshole position reclined on the bed, only this time he has his hand down his pants. Gross! I don't claim to understand it but I know it's true some guys like to sit like that watching T.V., I guess it feels natural or whatever, but in the privacy of their homes please. Can you imagine the pearl clutching if Jon were shown with his hand down his pants like that? Wu-Tang always acts so tired and lazy, it's a wonder he made it in the business and in life in general. Kelsey is glad Wu-Tang was able to open up in group and thinks he can only move forward from here. She is such a sweetheart. She really wants the best for him even if it's not going to be with her, and that takes a lot.

They both want to stick with therapy and finish this out. Well, that's commendable. Kelsey says she needs to get to a place where she can forgive him.

Coming up, Debra! Wow, she looks like she's been run over by a truck. Or had a baby who grew up into Teen Duck Lips.

Dr. Jenn says the trauma Teen Duck Lips endured was all documented on Teen Mom. Well, exactly, and if you watched Teen Mom carefully, Dr. Jenn, it should have been crystal clear to you that, not withstanding Debra's behavior, Teen Duck Lips was a nightmare of a child and most likely mentally ill. She didn't listen, she didn't respect her parents, she was downright histrionic and they were at their wit's end with her. Of course they find the one clip where Debra gives Teen Duck Lips a light smack on her shoulder, without giving you any context for what the conversation was even about. It's not even from Teen Mom, it's from the first show 16 & Pregnant. They don't mention that Debra has said that Teen Duck Lips has hit her, too. They are both a mess and Teen Duck Lips is no victim here.

I have my own clip to show if I may. In this Teen Mom clip, Debra asks completely normal Mom questions after Teen Duck Lips got a boob job, like how her pain level is and if she's eating well. Teen Duck Lips snaps back at her like an ungrateful brat. Debra was also kind enough to take her to the doctor when Debra never wanted her to get the surgery in the first place, and Debra makes supportive comments like that you can barely see the incision marks. Starts at 5:15.

So suck it, Dr. Jenn!

Geez, from the way Teen Duck Lips talked you would think she was estranged from Debra, but when Debra walks in looking like something the cat dragged in, they both look happy to see each other. Debra seems downright proud of her daughter when Dr. Jenn gushes about how far Teen Duck Lips has come in therapy. She beams with pride and compliments the room decor (she's a real estate agent).

You see, I just don't believe Debra is evil. You can't fake stuff like that.

Debra says she just wanted to raise strong children, who know who they are and achieve their dreams. Sounds reasonable enough. She said when Teen Duck Lips got pregnant, Teen Duck Lips wanted an abortion, but Debra said that was against their religion and she couldn't do that.

Now, regardless of how anyone feels about abortion, Debra as Teen Duck Lips's mother probably felt she had a right to tell her she couldn't do that. But in the state of Iowa, Teen Duck Lips was only required to inform her mother the abortion would take place. Debra couldn't stop it. Any Planned Parenthood could have told Teen Duck Lips that. Teen Duck Lips chose not to override her mother, and that was her decision. Did I mention that if you watched the other shows you would know that Farrah tried to hide her pregnancy from the baby's father? And then even after he died, his sister had to get a judge to intervene just so she could see the only living link left to her brother. In many states, you can't cut a father out of the child's life legally. In Iowa a father has a right to petition the court for his full parental rights even if the mother wants to cut him off. In California that's called a Kelsey S. father. This is who we're dealing with here. Why not address that dysfunctional alienating behavior, Dr. Jenn?

Dr. Jenn says Debra is downplaying how monumental this moment was. Well, it was five years ago. Maybe she just wants to move on at this point, Dr. Jenn. Jeepers. Is it really appropriate for a grandmother to discuss how her grandchild's mother wanted to abort this grandchild? What if Sophia sees this someday?

Dr. Jenn says Debra is angry. Debra is like, um, nooo, I'm not angry at all actually, but thanks for your concern.

Dr. Jenn accuses her of hitting Farrah. Well, she slightly tapped her on the shoulder. I think it's important to be accurate here, and fair. There are two sides to every story.  Debra said that when that happened, Farrah had been screaming, cussing and carrying on for 25 minutes. While many people these days including myself don't believe in laying a hand on a child in any form, there's a difference between holding a four-year-old down by the hair and beating them for wetting their pants, and lightly slapping your out of control teenager on their shoulder after 25 minutes of her histrionics. Context matters.

Not that that excuses ever hitting a child, but if Debra were in California she would have a point. See Veronica G.  ("The court ordered the child abuse report to be withdrawn or Gonzalez given another hearing in which the San Jose family's entire circumstances are considered and the spanking put into context with the parents' growing frustration with a recalcitrant daughter.") Not to mention, I don't see any assertion from Teen Duck Lips this happened at any other time other than this one incident when she was 16. One mistake made in a fit of massive frustration does not a bad parent make.

Recalcitrant Teen Duck Lips says when she gets this way it's because she's aggravated. Well, that's hardly Debra's fault she has such a short temper.

Debra says this all boils down to Teen Duck Lips just won't be quiet when Debra asks her to be quiet. LOL! Shut up shut up shut up shut uuuuup!!!

Debra says Teen Duck Lips has hit her too and even called the police on her. When Teen Duck Lips gets mad she gets honest, and admits yes, she did hit her mother, too. Ha! Got her right where we wanted her! How come Dr. Jenn never says it's an issue that Teen Duck Lips is violent with others, too? It's funny the way she coddles her, but it's also really disturbing too.

Teen Duck Lips is out of control now, claiming everyone in the family is angry and doesn't get along. Well, welcome to the American family, Teen Duck Lips. From Ordinary People to Flowers in the Attic to August: Osage County, we are a country with a long history of dysfunctional families. Oh well, it makes for better films. Now eat your fish!

Dr. Jenn is falling for this all hook line and sinker. She's clearly firmly in Teen Duck Lips's corner. She's been bamboozled by a bamboozler! Dr. Jenn says Debra doesn't grasp how painful this is for Teen Duck Lips. Debra says she does grasp it! Exactly what does Dr. Jenn think she needs to do to prove this I wonder? Dr. Jenn says Teen Duck Lips needs empathy and understanding. Debra says that's why she came here and that Dr. Jenn twists her words. I really feel for Debra's frustration here, even more than I thought I would. I think empathy and understanding are the last thing Teen Duck Lips needs and I think Debra knows that, but no one will listen. Countless people have shown this head case empathy and understanding and it does ... not .... help. I think if anything, Teen Duck Lips needs tough love, not more coddling and poor you crap. Even Duck Lips agrees with that, and she's quite the authority on head cases and on smelling rats. Apparently she also hates ballet flats. Even Jon weighed in, singing la-la-la-la-la-la, Smurf along with me. Yep, pretty much.

Debra is just scoffing at this point and saying her heart is broken over this. Sure it's all fun and games when Jon and Duck Lips make fun but she is her mother, I get it. She bursts into tears. Well I see where Teen Duck Lips gets her odd disappearing voice box issues. So such a thing is genetic.

Debra feels she cannot read Teen Duck Lips's mind or heart. That's because she is trying to read the heart of a sociopath, and there is nothing but a blank page to read there. Debra says she's at her wit's end not knowing what to do, does my child need more hugs, does she need me to talk to her more? I don't get it. Neither do we, Debra.

Wow. What Debra should read is We Need to Talk about Kevin. Because for as much as Debra is a nut herself, it is never easy raising a mentally disturbed child and the things she is saying here are indicative of a mother who has poured her heart and soul into raising a mentally disturbed child and is, as is inevitable, coming up empty, and not only that but is now being attacked for doing the best she could. That's rough.

Dr. Jenn says she needs to gain a deeper understanding of her daughter, that's all. I don't agree. I think Debra has tried her hardest to understand the fruit of her loins. The fact that no one else in the house can make heads or tails of Teen Duck Lips either simply proves Debra's point. Entertaining as she is, in all seriousness, there is something fundamentally wrong inside Teen Duck Lips's head. Everyone in the house saw it and doesn't even want to be around her vortex. Are they all wrong too? Most likely Teen Duck Lips is a true sociopath, and I'm certainly not the first say so, and I don't think any mother could have handled her much better.

Dr. Jenn says Teen Duck Lips needs to mourn that her mother will never be what she wants. Ouch. But, that's probably true. No mere mortal will ever be the mother that Teen Duck Lips wants, and it's high time she get over that. If we want to psychoanalyze things, I believe Teen Duck Lips has expectations for people in her life that no one could possibly fulfill. A perfect mother who understands her inside and out, a perfect love and boyfriend that promptly turns into a fairy tale marriage, a perfect set of friends who always love her and include her and treat her like a queen, and so on. She creates unreasonable expectations for everyone around her that no one could possibly live up to, and when they fail, as they can only do, she lashes out at them and blames them. She of course does not expect the same sort of perfection from herself--being a good daughter, girlfriend, mother, friend. It's really sick quite frankly and I'm shocked someone as experienced as Dr. Jenn doesn't see what's really going on here. I can only assume this must be some sort of Stockholm Syndrome.

As much as Dr. Jenn thinks Teen Duck Lips is the victim here I am just as firmly sympathetic to Debra in this mess. I wish she could stay in the house so Dr. Jenn could see that the housemates would probably like her.

Commercials. Hm, Hershey's spreads. Kinda looks like Nutella, but I bet it's not the same. Nothing is the same.

Dr. Jenn pulls Sada aside and praises her for really progressing in therapy. She encourages Sada to bring her dad out here to the house and Sada agrees. Sada says she is nervous about that and doesn't want to air their dirty laundry, but she trusts Dr. Jenn. As wrong as Dr. Jenn is about Teen Duck Lips, I think she is correct that Sada needs to talk to her father in person. Sada calls him and he agrees to come out.

Another fantastic song, Ohio's own Joshua Radin singing Like They Used To

The soundtrack and time lapse photography are impressive for a little cable show like this. But shows like this are often how the real greats get started.

Sada is upset because Whitney went to go play pool instead of going with Sada to take a bath. Well, but Sada told her not to come with her. God, I hate when women do that, and so many of us are guilty of it. Oh no it's fine you don't have to do that, but I'm going to be mad at you when you don't. How did we become so damn passive aggressive? Whitney doesn't really understand what she did. Neither do I.

Whitney calls her out on sending mixed signals. Sada says anyone would have known she really needed Whitney to be with her right then. Again, but she told Whitney not to come with her! I don't know, some people actually want some space when something monumental happens, so I can't agree with that at all. Whitney said they've been trying to work on Sada better communicating her needs, right?

Sada says she feels she did communicate her needs. By telling Whitney not to come with her? This is so frustrating. Hoodies really are making a comeback at least judging by this show.

Coming up, Sada's dad shows up and he seems earnest enough. Oh cool, I recognize this guy form Teen Duck Lips's past, and although I can't really place him, whether he was just a friend or boyfriend or what, I do remember he was awesome and frequently called her out. And finally the episode where they destroy a house in a therapeutic exercise and Jon wasted his whole life, which he defines as ten years. Now eat your fish! 

671 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Jeanne said... 1

Reality TV can seem so strange. They film for 2 weeks straight and get 8 or 10 hours of TV out of it. I can't tell at all if any of this is helping Jon and Liz. Does anyone know if they're still together? Do you think this show really helped?

Rhymes with Witch said... 2

I believe Teen Duck Lips has expectations for people in her life that no one could possibly fulfill. A perfect mother who understands her inside and out, a perfect love and boyfriend that promptly turns into a fairy tale marriage, a perfect set of friends who always love her and include her and treat her like a queen, and so on

Don't criticize me, don't you dare even disagree with me or you are GONE.
Hmmmm, who else does that sound like?

Math Girl said... 3

An article about how / why bronze medal winners are happier than silver medal winners.

Lots of silver medal winners of all sexes and countries have cried or apologized for not getting the gold or both. And the way it happened for the US hockey women must have been especially heartbreaking.

Anonymous said... 4

Admin, sorry if this is posted multiple times. Error message. Please delete if necessary.

Just catching up. Whew! Lots going on.

As an athlete, I've been in big games where you play your guts out and when the tide turns, the helplessness and frustration is palpable. I'm not a crier, but teammates bawled like babies. It's just something that happens. I saw the American women's tears and didn't think any less of them. I totally got it.

Remember when Len Mattiase lost in a playoff at the Masters in 2003? He blubbered like a baby. Twice. The initial reaction was "WTF", but later, he was applauded for being real. I wish I could find it on youtube.

Anyone who has played sports at a high level knows and gets it. Heck, anyone who is a fierce competitor gets it.


Tucker's Mom said... 5

I just can't get over how funny it is that everyone sees being compared to Kate as the greatest insult you could ever possibly give a person.
CT has made me acutely aware of some of what Liz must go through dating Jon. The comparisons to Kate would be tough for anyone to take. It really is an unkind thing to hear, and I'll bet Liz has heard it more than she cares to say.
There's merit to the comparison though. The way Liz speaks to Jon is similar in tone, only crude.

Millicent said... 6

Wow - that rude comment Liz made to Jon about the smoke from a possible fire would be a huge red flag for me if I was on the receiving end of it. Seriously, that's grounds for me taking a step back and re-evaluating whether I want to date the person that spoke like that to me. There's just no reason for it and for me, that is indicative that the person who spoke so rudely to me, does not respect me.

If you allow someone to talk to you like that, it will only get worse. I'd say Liz needs some intensive therapy and a huge wake-up call that she's a bitch on three wheels. Jon should immediately call her out on any kind of jerky remarks like that. If she can't stop being a jerk, I hope he decides he can do better. Jon - being single is better than being treated like dirt!

I would take a person with a truck driver's mouth, but who otherwise treated me with kindness and respect, over someone who spoke to me like Liz, making derogatory or demeaning remarks. What she was basically saying to Jon with that one comment is "What a stupid thing to say! Of course it's a fire. Anyone with half a brain can see that? You are so freaking dumb that it drives me crazy, and you don't deserve to be treated courteously." Shades of Kate indeed. Jon - if this continues, get the hell out of that relationship. For real and true, there are plenty of nice women out there who wouldn't even dream of saying such a rude thing to a simple comment, especially to their supposed loved one. You don't have to settle.

Millicent said... 7

Cruising said (on the last thread):
Fans many times live a very lonely life, having no outside interest other than to follow the celebrity. Sometimes you feel sorry for them. I've seen this happen, and I think that this is the case with Milo. As often as she claims she has hobbies, a family, and community involvement, I doubt it very much.
I go back and forth. Sometimes I think Milo is a persona created by Kate. I think "no one can immediately appear two minutes after Kate posts a tweet after being away for awhile, like Milo always seems to do." I think no one can be so totally enamored of Kate except for Kate herself.

But then I think along the same lines as you described. If Milo is a real person, not Kate, I think she must be a very isolated individual; someone who maybe never did fit in well with others. I don't believe she has any children, and certainly not a teen son still living at home. I think that's made up. It's possible she's married, but I don't believe it would be much of a happy, involved relationship. Her whole life does seem centered around Kate, and pushing her way in however possible to Kate's world. Her shining moment was being publicly acknowledged by Kate, and maybe that was the first time she ever felt important.

Anyway, it won't end up well. At some point, Kate is going to fade into obscurity and stop responding to Milo. What will she do then?

PJ's momma said... 8

That disappearing voice box thing is so funny! She just keeps right on whispering all in one breath, and I literally laugh out loud when the captions come on!

Her eyelashes are RIDICULOUS. She looks like she has a little black terrier pasted to each eye. They look so heavy, it's a wonder she can keep her peepers open. Maybe it's the eye terriers that make it impossible for a single tear to fall when she is'sobbing.'

Tucker's Mom said... 9

Jon - being single is better than being treated like dirt!
I don't think Jon's head space is even there, Millicent.
What I saw when Jon had a one-on-one with Dr. Jenn was Jon trying to justify Liz being in his life.
'She loves my kids'
"Sex is great"
"She digs me"

All great things, but we're how many episodes into CT and Liz's behavior continues to become increasingly abhorrent. I mean, she will attack for no reason at all.
Jon's off hand observation about smoke in the distance elicits such sarcasm and disrespect.
Listen, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. How many times have we said, "wow, if that's how Kate acts on camera, imagine how bad it is off camera".
Well, same goes for Liz.
I highly doubt Liz cleans up her language and her snide remarks when their kids are around. You just can't turn it off like that. It just rolls off her tongue like honey.
Sorry, I wish I could be hopeful for Jon's relationship, but I just can't. He doesn't deserve it, and he knows it, but he doesn't know it.
One thing Liz has going for her is believing that she and Jon should not plan to get married at this point, because they shouldn't.
Not now, probably not ever.
I'm betting a part of Jon knows this, he's just doesn't think he's strong enough to walk through the pain.

Tucker's Mom said... 10

For real and true, there are plenty of nice women out there who wouldn't even dream of saying such a rude thing to a simple comment, especially to their supposed loved one. You don't have to settle.
I know what it's like to just make a random comment or observation and get a snotty, unkind and demeaning remark.
It's like "what the hell did I just do to deserve that?"
You wind up walking on eggshells, afraid that anything you say or do could provoke anger and derision from out of the blue.
It's abuse, plain and simple. ~ Administrator said... 11

I think Liz has a big part of the package he is looking for. Someone who is wonderful with his children, someone who meets his emotional and physical needs, someone who doesn't want more kids. Those rank very high for him, he doesn't deny that.

The way she speaks to him is unacceptable. I think he knows that deep down. However, I think he is so stuck on the other things he is willing to overlook some of the major issues. He even said he dated so many people and no one was cutting it until Liz. I think his emotions are normal. If I let her go, what if it means I never find someone closer to what I'm looking for again? What if the women left out there are WORSE? He doesn't want to be alone, which is a normal feeling many people his age have. Between the kids, a nightmare ex, being a pseudo celebrity, he is not a recipe for quality women. He will have to work very hard to find someone who has the complete package. Very hard. She may be out there, but she's not going to be found just anywhere. He is going through the emotions that many people do when they are reluctant to let someone go who is not right for them, and I think that goes back to self esteem. He does not have the confidence to believe I'm a good guy and I can find a good woman out there. Actually, Kelsey was sort of in the same shoes reluctant to let Ghost go.

Tucker's Mom said... 12

The way that Jon said (I think more than once) "I have eight kids!" when tyring to build Liz up in Dr. Jenn's eyes was really kind of sad.
Finding a woman who is a mom and loves her kids and Jon's kids, and doesn't want more kids are HUGE checks in the "plus" column that are probably hard to come by.
I think those positives overshadow and make up for the negatives to an extent that should not be acceptable to a healthy individual.

Tucker's Mom said... 13

The way she speaks to him is unacceptable. I think he knows that deep down. However, I think he is so stuck on the other things he is willing to overlook some of the major issues.
When Dr. Jenn and probably others bring this up to Jon, he puts on this rubber suit so that everything just bounces right off of him.
You could tell it just wasn't being internalized, at least not at the time.
He's was not ready or open to hearing it.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 14

I don't believe she has any children, and certainly not a teen son still living at home. I think that's made up. It's possible she's married, but I don't believe it would be much of a happy, involved relationship. Her whole life does seem centered around Kate, and pushing her way in however possible to Kate's world. Her shining moment was being publicly acknowledged by Kate, and maybe that was the first time she ever felt important.

Anyway, it won't end up well. At some point, Kate is going to fade into obscurity and stop responding to Milo. What will she do then?


Do you remember when Milo took a photo of the toy truck in her yard...this, after the son was well into his teens, or had graduated from high school? The metal truck showed no signs of wear, no signs of dirt, no signs of being out in the elements for over a decade. You just don't happen upon one of your kid's childhood toys so many years later, and the kid certainly wasn't still playing with trucks. That item was deliberately placed there, but for what reason? Red flags there.

If Milo has friends on the internet, and she does tweet with other fans, I would certainly hope that one of them can think logically enough to point out to her that her behavior isn't normal, and she needs to get some help. I know that the Twitter fans hate the people here on this cesspool, but certainly one of them could e-mail Milo privately and explain some facts of life to her (or him, as the case may be). Milo doesn't appear to care that she's the joke of Twitter and that alone is disturbing. When a fan thinks they've become a part of the celebrity's life, such as she does ("what are we having for dinner?" and "how is our boy Shoka doing?") and even pretending at one point that Shoka and her dog were talking buddies, then this goes beyond what is normal in the world of fans. I'd certainly hate to see Kate find herself in a place where something has to give. Without going into details, I've seen this happen once before, the the results were anything but pleasant. I see this situation going down the same path as the one I personally witnessed, and yes, I really do have concerns.

Then again, Milo could be a paid pr person, and is sitting back laughing her head off at the speculation/analysis here.

Unknown said... 15

Millicent said... 6
''Wow - that rude comment Liz made to Jon about the smoke from a possible fire would be a huge red flag for me if I was on the receiving end of it. Seriously, that's grounds for me taking a step back and re-evaluating whether I want to date the person that spoke like that to me. There's just no reason for it and for me, that is indicative that the person who spoke so rudely to me, does not respect me.

If you allow someone to talk to you like that, it will only get worse. I'd say Liz needs some intensive therapy and a huge wake-up call that she's a bitch on three wheels. Jon should immediately call her out on any kind of jerky remarks like that. If she can't stop being a jerk, I hope he decides he can do better. Jon - being single is better than being treated like dirt!''
While I don't disagree with you about Liz and her rude comments to Jon, I did like that she called herself out for being so hateful with him. She said that she is sounding like TFW, and she didn't like that! I also believe that she is going to make an effort to watch her overbearing 'KK like' comments to Jon, because of the way she really did seem to finally 'get it' when the others told Jon to Liz's face that he didn't deserve to be treated the way she treats him. I liked her telling the others to not hold back ''being honest'' with her.

I think I've said before on this blog that Jon is so 'trained' to zone out in order to survive the ten years of TCFW that it really never enters his mind to object when Liz does the same thing. He just shuts down and becomes 'Mommy deaf'.

I think that after years of zoning out, it is going to be much more difficult for Jon to learn to speak up when she does or says something KK like, than it will for Liz to stop herself from being rude and teach herself to stop before the words come out of her mouth.

I'm hoping that after his private session w/Dr Jenn and having his CT mates tell him over and over that he deserves better treatment---which he will NOT get by re-playing old behavior, Jon will finally find his voice and speak up!

Tucker's Mom said... 16

I can relate to Jon and know the conflict he feels, which leads to denial.
I dated someone for a few years,after my ex and before meeting DH.
On paper, we were so good: Upbringing, religion, politics, interest, physicality and professional backgrounds.
Man, that screwed me up for years. It didn't work and it was NEVER going to work. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that if I married him, I'd be twice divorced by now.

Lalalalala said... 17

Farrah's mother has gone above and beyond trying to understand and appease that little arrogant, entitled, sociopathic bitch of a daughter. What she needs to do is just cut her loses and say adios. All the effort Debra has put into trying to make Farrah happy isn't worth it. It would be hard to say goodbye to your own child but I really think that's what she needs to do.

Farrah's past boyfriend will be on next week. I don't even know if he could be considered a boyfriend. They just went out a few times but Farrah tried to get him to marry her. The few episodes they were together on Teen Mom was where you could really see her mental illness come out. I'm looking forward to next week.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 18

I highly doubt Liz cleans up her language and her snide remarks when their kids are around. You just can't turn it off like that. It just rolls off her tongue like honey.


That really bothers me. You are exactly right. I don't care how great Liz is with kids, I'm not so sure I'd want my children hearing a constant barrage of expletives, even if only for a weekend.

Tucker' hit the proverbial nail with your post, and I agree that marriage at any point isn't a good idea. I tried to like LIz, give her the benefit of the doubt, telling myself that this was all staged for ratings and drama. Then I look at how natural it is for her to let loose with berating him and calling him names (and her potty mouth) and I think that this probably is the way she is. While Kate was bad, and he was emasculated, it appears that he may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Then what?

Tucker's Mom said... 19

Tucker' hit the proverbial nail with your post, and I agree that marriage at any point isn't a good idea. I tried to like LIz, give her the benefit of the doubt, telling myself that this was all staged for ratings and drama.
I actually find myself thinking, "that Duck Lips really isn't so bad!". I've been waiting to think that about Liz, but it just isn't looking hopeful.

Ariel said... 20

He will have to work very hard to find someone who has the complete package. Very hard.__________________________

I agree. That very hard work needs to be put into his kids. Not a relationship because the sex is good. He digusts me. I don't see one single thing that he's learned or changed from when he was married. Not one. Oh, his mouth has gotten more foul. That's one. ~ Administrator said... 21

I like Duck Lips too! I think she's in an environment that's really perfect for her. The problem on Real Housewives is there were too many other women in her pool to compete with and jealousy and back stabbing and keeping up with the Jones was a major issue. She has no one to be jealous of here. Liz and Kelsey are way too sporty and butch, and so are the lesbians. She can be her Barbie doll self and no one will try to usurp that. Plus everyone is so distracted by their own relationship issues to bother her. They all sort of do their own thing and aren't interested in either competing with or trying to go after Duck Lips. So this element of women being catty with each other has been completely removed. Duck Lips has friends here who just like her without conditions. Jon and Liz and the lesbians and Kelsey are always hanging out with her, laughing at her jokes, sharing a smoke. People HATED her on Real Housewives, so this must be all new to her. She probably feels like king of the castle, the most popular girl in the house. Her therapist is good and saying the right things to her. She feels safe, relaxed, and I think she will be one of those who gets a lot out of this. I have enjoyed watching her.

Ulysses said... 22

I think those positives overshadow and make up for the negatives to an extent that should not be acceptable to a healthy individual***

Jon's not healthy. Sorry but it is what it is.

Serendipity said... 23

Channel surfing here. Some of the networks aren't coming through...keep getting an error code.

Anyway, I landed on TLC and stopped on "Secret Sex Lives." When they aired "My Secret Addiction", and the guy having sex with his car, and the woman who ate diapers, I thought they couldn't sink any lower. They have. This one is featuring the guy with the largest penis (some on Twitter would appreciate that), and a man who is obsessed with having sex with a morbidly obese person. Feederism -- being sexually satisfied by feeding someone and being attracted to an obese person. Her body is a fat lover's playground, says her partner, They have sex upside down.

Moving on. Even Ghost Adventures reruns are preferable to this. ~ Administrator said... 24

I agree. That very hard work needs to be put into his kids.


Well and that's the thing, I'm not sure he really has the time or energy to put into going on a serious hunt. He has too much on his plate. Maybe he could write up a serious profile on eharmony and meet some professional women in Philadelphia or something, but it would take serious time and effort on his part. He'd really have to study their profiles, maybe with the help of his therapist, and develop a relationship including some vetting over phone and email first before even considering meeting.

I can honestly say I have never met a woman who I think would be right for Jon's situation. That's not a slam, his situation is just very complicated. I happen to think having a nightmare ex is worse than having eight kids and not wanting more. I myself would be willing to take on another man's children and would understand him not wanting more, but probably mostly based on my own experiences in family law and knowing how bad it can be, I am not at all willing to take on problems with an ex. I think many women would feel the same. Even if I could think of someone suitable, there's no guarantee she would fall in love with him.

That said, I do not think it's disgusting that someone wants companionship ad doesn't want to be alone. That's just a human emotion. It depends. It can be unhealthy to sit by yourself on the coach every night too for some.

Serendipity said... 25

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 32m
@Kateplusmy8 adopted a dog this weekend. Maybe he can be BFFS with shoka? #AdoptDontShop 🐾

Oh, geez. Milo Junior.

Ariel said... 26

While Kate was bad, and he was emasculated, it appears that he may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Then what?

After alllll the therapy Jon's already received, I highly doubt this stupid reality show is going to help. JMO.

Unknown said... 27

I have really liked watching Duck Lips. I've not seen her do anything else, so I can take her as she seems on CT.

I am beyond annoyed at Dr Jenn and her enabling Teen Duck Lips. I simply don't understand how a therapist can be so sucked in to sympathize with such a REALLY nasty lying idiot. Every time Dr Jenn's lips and/or chin tremble after hearing some stupid thing Teen Duck Lips says, I want to be there so I can yell at Dr Jen to STOP THAT and after taking a deep breath then say to Teen Duck Lips shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP!

I really like the Lesbians, but was really surprised that I wanted to jump all over Sada and the way she was jerking Whitney around. What the hell? Sada didn't communicate a thing to Whitney other than say she wanted to be alone, then getting all mashed out of shape that Whitney didn't read her mind.

I'm looking forward to next week when Jon goes bananas breaking up the room. He was so into it that it seemed to kinda scare the others.

lukebandit said... 28

Maria von Trapp died this morning. She was 99 years old.

FYI said... 29

I just want to say something about crying. Many people(not meaning the posters here) seem to think that crying is a sign of weakness. If you cry, it means you're not capable of handling your emotions and you are weak. You're supposed to be strong and never let your motions show.

However, IMO, crying is a sign of strength where you acknowledge that things didn't go the way you expected it to, and you give in to your gut reaction. Crying is an emotional release, not a weakness. I admire people who have the capacity to cry. I don't care if you're male or female, crying is good for the soul. It shows that we are human beings and sometimes need to let things out. I'd rather people cry and give in to their emotions rather than take out their emotions on others, especially children.

With that being said, I don't like when people "fake cry", like Kate and Farrah. They use crying to their advantage as in "look at poor little me" and they use crying to get pity.

People who cry honestly, don't do it to get pity. They do it because they are overwhelmed by a situation, no matter how small it seems to us. It's a way of venting an emotion, in a rather healthy way.

Isn't it better to cry out your emotions, than to take it out on others?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 30

admin said..."That's just a human emotion. It depends. It can be unhealthy to sit by yourself on the coach every night too for some."


It depends on the coach. I've seen some that are pretty darn attractive.

lukebandit said... 31

If TCFW would have let Bob and Beth buy them a house, she would of let them. And later on when Multiple Blessings was about to be printed, TCFW would still have the bowling balls to add Jon's name on the book to get a 66 percent of the royalties, while Beth would only get 33 percent.

Even IF they bought them a house. She is that greedy.

Oh, I meant to add to TCFW twisting how she says every one who meets her likes her, loves her, whatever, is she IS JEALOUS OF JON, because he is so approachable, nice, and courteous and respectful.

I love his interview on Wendy Williams.

Tucker's Mom said... 32

Serendipity said... 25
Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 32m
@Kateplusmy8 adopted a dog this weekend. Maybe he can be BFFS with shoka? #AdoptDontShop ��

Oh, geez. Milo Junior.
Very little chance of that. Not only because it will just never happen, but Shoka is as confined and isolated on the compound as the kids- except they get to go to school and escape.
Lauren, get clued in to dogs. You do not want to thrust your dog into a situation with ANY dog that has not been properly socialized and is isolated from their own kind. It's a very dicey proposition.
From puppyhood, Shoka has never been exposed to situations, people, places and other canines, which is a real shame.
Look out for your new dog, Lauren,and take him to a good training facility to educated the two of you.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 33

Jon's not healthy. Sorry but it is what it is.


Someone posted this cliche on the previous thread (with the link to Jon smoking) and I'm not sure what it means. According to Urban dictionary, one of the definitions is F**K it. When someone says this, does it imply that it's the status quo, never to be changed, or can the situation be altered at any given time? If it "is what it is" at the current time, does that mean it's static and is never capable of changing?

Millicent said... 34

lukebandit said... 27

Maria von Trapp died this morning. She was 99 years old.
I read that and thought, "Didn't she die some time ago?" But when I Googled, I found out that this Maria was the second oldest daughter of Baron Von Trapp. She was the last surviving sibling of the singing group.

Millicent said... 35

Ulysses said... 22

I think those positives overshadow and make up for the negatives to an extent that should not be acceptable to a healthy individual***

Jon's not healthy. Sorry but it is what it is.
Well, if we're all going to be subject to some fairly rigid guidelines, I imagine quite a few of us here might fall into the "not healthy" category for one reason or another. It's called human foibles and we all got 'em.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 36

I read that and thought, "Didn't she die some time ago?" But when I Googled, I found out that this Maria was the second oldest daughter of Baron Von Trapp. She was the last surviving sibling of the singing group.


LOL, Millicent. I just did the same thing. One story reported that her brother confirmed the death, and I thought...wait a minute, if she's the last surviving Von Trapp, how can that be? It was her step brother who confirmed it, one of three children born to Maria and the captain. Too many "Marias." How do you solve a problem like that? :-)

Millicent said... 37

Remona Blue said:
I also believe that she is going to make an effort to watch her overbearing 'KK like' comments to Jon, because of the way she really did seem to finally 'get it' when the others told Jon to Liz's face that he didn't deserve to be treated the way she treats him. I liked her telling the others to not hold back ''being honest'' with her.

Remona, I hope you are right. If someone truly wants to change, then they can certainly do so. However, Liz is a grown woman, so this pattern is probably well set in. Maybe she grew up in a household where her parent spoke like that to each other. She learned it somewhere. The deeper it's ingrained, the tougher it will be to permanently change, but I wish her well on that journey.

Tucker's Mom - yes, I've been on the receiving end of a hurtful response to an innocent remark more than once. That was many years ago in a relationship that I stuck with for far too long. Usually when I would get upset, he would say, "I was just joking. Wow, lighten up." Or something similar. I resolved that I would never take disrespect from a partner again and I've kept that promise to myself and am happier for it.

I hope Liz changes her ways - but I've never known a person who was like that to actually stop. That's how they keep control and keep their partner down.

Unknown said... 38

Kate is a twit said... 28
''I just want to say something about crying. Many people(not meaning the posters here) seem to think that crying is a sign of weakness. If you cry, it means you're not capable of handling your emotions and you are weak. You're supposed to be strong and never let your motions show.''
''People who cry honestly, don't do it to get pity. They do it because they are overwhelmed by a situation, no matter how small it seems to us. It's a way of venting an emotion, in a rather healthy way.''
I agree with you that people who cry (not fake cry) are overwhelmed by a situation. Though my eyes sting when I see kids fly into the arms of their military parent, or see a family cling to a military person at the airport saying goodbye, I don't cry actual tears. Just stinging eyes and swallowing hard over the lump in my throat. I cry so seldom that when I do, my family goes on full tilt alert...''She is CRYING''!!

However, I have burst into tears when I'm very angry. It is much more healthy to cry when angry than to punch someone out! It's like you said, I'm overwhelmed by anger, and can't control the tears....and then crying makes me even more angry. I've told whoever made me so angry that I cried that if they mistake my tears for weakness they are making a huge mistake.

Ariel said... 39

If it "is what it is" at the current time, does that mean it's static and is never capable of changing?

Well, his behaviour haven't changed since he was married 4 or 5 years ago. So, imo, no. Jon will never change. Sad but true. Past behaviour is indicative of future behaviour...or something like that. lol

abc said... 40

I'm overwhelmed by anger, and can't control the tears....and then crying makes me even more angry. I've told whoever made me so angry that I cried that if they mistake my tears for weakness they are making a huge mistake.

Remona, this is a horrible way to live!! Have you tried therapy or anything? I feel bad you live this way....:)

Ulysses said... 41

I imagine quite a few of us here might fall into the "not healthy" category ****************************

I agree with you. However, we're not the ones on a disgusting reality tv show getting "therapy" for all the world to watch. Jon knew what he was signing up for and I doubt he cares what we think. Wasn't the purpose of him going on this show to gain money to get his kids back?

Mel said... 42

I actually find myself thinking, "that Duck Lips really isn't so bad!". I've been waiting to think that about Liz, but it just isn't looking hopeful.
Me, too. I really, really wanted to like Liz. But it's hard to get past the foul mouth and disrespect shown to Jon.
I can kind of understand the twins not wanting to be exposed to that, especially with their mother all too willing to encourage them not to go.

Craziness said... 43

Re: Chef Michael Smith - I don't see what's so bad about him to be honest. It's Chef Lynn Crawford who always gets on my nerves for some reason.

Mel said... 44

 Between the kids, a nightmare ex, being a pseudo celebrity, he is not a recipe for quality women.

Sad, but true. I feel badly about this because a lot of it is not his fault.

 She may be out there, but she's not going to be found just anywhere.
True enough. Especially when he's picking up women at the bar when he's already dating someone else.

He's got a tough row, that's for sure.

Anonymous said... 45

Hey, the Captain had 7 children and found new love. Why not Jon?


momof 2 said... 46

Especially when he's picking up women at the bar when he's already dating someone else.

Great role model for your daughers, Jon. Sheesh.

Jeanne said... 47

Nobody wants to be alone. Some of us have had to accept that we will be alone. I think it would be healthy for Jon to take some time off from dating but I don't accept he will. There's something about marriage he really loves and wants again. Is it possible he really felt happy with Kate the first year or two? Maybe she was on her best behavior or he was making excuses for her.

Unknown said... 48

Millicent said... 37
''Remona, I hope you are right. If someone truly wants to change, then they can certainly do so. However, Liz is a grown woman, so this pattern is probably well set in.....''
''I resolved that I would never take disrespect from a partner again and I've kept that promise to myself and am happier for it....''
I agree that Liz is a grown woman, and the pattern has become a habit. However, you said that you resolved to change your habit of accepting disrespect, and did.

Liz is much younger than I was when I decided to change my ways. I was 35 before I made up my mind to no longer twist myself half way to China trying to please everyone. Once I made up my mind, I changed. IF Liz decides to change her ways she can, just as you and I did.

Tucker's Mom said... 49

Is it possible he really felt happy with Kate the first year or two? Maybe she was on her best behavior or he was making excuses for her.
I believe they were both very happy, in particular, I think Jon was over the moon with his twin girls. He was completed.
Unfortunately, Kate's mission wasn't accomplished the first time around, and the rest is history.

Tucker's Mom said... 50

Anonymous said... 43
Hey, the Captain had 7 children and found new love. Why not Jon?

I'm just picturing Jon and a nun Nanny, and the Captain trolling bars for tail!

Tucker's Mom said... 51

Wasn't the purpose of him going on this show to gain money to get his kids back?
February 22, 2014 at 8:08 PM
I'm dithering over that. Ostensibly, getting a wad of money for doing a brief RTV show could help Jon pay for legal help.
Part of me believe Jon thinks he's still "got game" and will entertain RTV offers for some time to come, vs. buckling down and getting serious about a solid career.

Anonymous said... 52

Living in Canuckistan, I am unable to watch the show. Thanks, Admin, for the recaps. I'm basing my thoughts on what has been written here.

That being said, I have an alternate point of view. Have you ever been out in public and heard something said that you thought was horrible and immediately looked down on the person speaking? Years ago, my brother and I were shopping at Walmart. We literally ran into one another at the end of an aisle. I looked at him and say, "Could you move your ugly ass out of my way?". He looked at me and said, "Shut up, you old bag." We burst out laughing. An old lady shopping heard our exchange and let me say, we nearly gave her a heart attack. I saw her look of distress and assured her that my brother and I were just joking. Poor lady!

I come from a family where nasty comments were the norm. Still are, a lot of times. And we learned it at the knee of my narcissistic mother. It's a bad habit that I've worked long and hard to curb. I'm not always successful but I am aware of it. My siblings are, for the most part, not as "evolved". It's easy to slide back into the habit when I'm with them.

I think Liz probably came from a home where it is the norm too. It's possible that it's a bad habit that she's just becoming aware of. It could be a coping mechanism. Offense is the best defense. I think it's possible she uses that when she's uncomfortable in a situation or simply out of habit.


Future Nurse said... 53

The only 2 reality shows I've ever really watched were J&K+8 and 16 & Pregnant/Teen Mom. I started watching this show because it was talked about here, and I really like the show.

I think Debra is just as crazy as Farrah. There never seems to be any emotion in her eyes, and she speaks like a robot. I find her very creepy. She has just always seemed "off" to me. But having Farrah for a daughter might do that to you lol

I also remember there being a big deal on one of the shows (16&P or TM) about Farrah and her sister being left a lot with their grandparents when they were younger. It might have been during one of Farrah's therapy sessions in TM. I just remember thinking that it was a lot of time and Debra just tried to sweep the issue under the rug. I feel like she (Debra) does a lot of that. I think she usually doesn't acknowledge that there are problems and were rather act like everything is okay, when it's obviously not.

I adore Whitney and hope that Sada realizes how she treated her this episode. I think they are very loving and could really last if they figure out how to communicate. I agree 100% with whoever said they can't stand when women expect their partners to be mind readers.

I also hope Liz sees that she's treating Jon horribly. I was glad to see her catch herself after, but she needs to learn to catch herself before she says something hurtful.

Mel said... 54

No, I don't think he went on the show to get money to get his kids back. That's just a believable lie. It sounds good, and it's something people want to believe.

I agree with Tucker's Mom...he thinks he still has game, as she phrases it. I think he's just as hooked on the fame thing as TFW.

Winsomeone said... 55

Jon had a 6 month IT course well over 10 years ago. Is he even qualified for a job in today's world? He claims he had an offer recently, but I wonder. Plus he claims he can't work in a cubicle..I think that means, he can't work without smoking. Finding a good woman will be hard..Liz claims he chains smokes, between that and the amount of drinking he does, and the little time he spends working, that must take most of his money each week. He works two part time waiter jobs, so I imagine besides companionship, he also relies on Liz to help pay the bills. I believe he thought he would get a show out of the CT thing. Plus, he is thinking with more custody time, Kate would have to pay some child support. Also, why must he always pick women who are taller than he is?

Paula said... 56

Mel said... 53
I think he's just as hooked on the fame thing as TFW.

"Hooked on fame"...LOL, based on what? One television show? This show was filmed in October, has Jon shown up on any other tv (other than those he was obliged to appear to promote the show?).

Whatever will the sheeple go after Jon on when the CT is over? We've already been subjected to cursing, drinking and smoking makes Jon a bad person, Jon is as addicted to the fame as Kate, Jon dates too much, blah, blah, blah.

Paula said... 57

Oh, and my favorite nonsense from the sheeple are those that bash him because he has chosen to work in a restaurant. I mean that is ever so lowly compared to Queen Kate sitting on her tush in her mcmansion tweeting all day.

Paula said... 58

Oh, and one more thing...I praise God my girls are nothing like Farrah!!!

Winsomeone said... 59

Oh, and my favorite nonsense from the sheeple are those that bash him because he has chosen to work in a restaurant. I mean that is ever so lowly compared to Queen Kate sitting on her tush in her mcmansion tweeting all day. "

No one has bashed him for working as a waiter. The thing is though, he has been trained to get a better paying job, and with his expensive habits and eight kids, he can't make it on his own on a waiter's wages. Therefore, he must rely on someone like Liz to help support him and his children. How healthy is that? Choosing to be a waiter would be fine, if he only had himself to consider. ~ Administrator said... 60

he can't make it on his own on a waiter's wages


First of all I don't think he's just a waiter, I believe he's a host. He also said he's working at two restaurants.

Second of all, it really depends on the restaurant. He seems to work at higher end restaurants, places you gussy up for a bit for a nice steak, and with the higher end restaurant comes higher paying clients, more expensive alcohol and bigger tips. The restaurant business is a funny thing, you can be doing the same hard work at restaurant A and make only a few bucks in tips but over at restaurant B, a nicer place, you're making 20-30-40 bucks in tips. Hospitality CAN be a good living.

marie said... 61

Someone once told me, "you can't control anyone's actions but your own". Liz is who she is. Jon has choices. He can choose to live with a person like Liz or move on. I'm betting that the only way he will move on is if Liz kicks him to the curb.


Over In TFW's County said... 62

Second of all, it really depends on the restaurant. He seems to work at higher end restaurants, places you gussy up for a bit for a nice steak, and with the higher end restaurant comes higher paying clients, more expensive alcohol and bigger tips. The restaurant business is a funny thing, you can be doing the same hard work at restaurant A and make only a few bucks in tips but over at restaurant B, a nicer place, you're making 20-30-40 bucks in tips. Hospitality CAN be a good living.


Absolutely. I have friends whose kids are servers and hosts in some of the finer establishments. Some weekday nights they take home a hundred dollars or more, and on weekends, two hundred or more in tips...just for evening work. Not bad. Beats TFW sitting at home with her coupon site and tweeting.

Speaking of which, I wonder how that coupon website is working out for her. Milo doesn't seem to be hawking it anymore.

Over In TFW's County said... 63

Plus he claims he can't work in a cubicle..I think that means, he can't work without smoking.


How does he serve as a waiter (and act as a host) in a restaurant without chain smoking? I doubt that he comes to the table with a cigarette in his mouth, or makes trips ever fifteen minutes out back to grab a smoke.

In fact, how does anyone who is a smoker manage to hold down an office job?

Millicent said... 64

Jeanne - I think that men especially do better when they are in a relationship, and most of them seek that because that's something they need and want. Even men that stray often have a strong need for a constant in their lives. Of course, most of us want to have a strong relationship with others, but it seems that women are able to make emotional connections with friends, other family members, etc., so that if they don't have that romantic relationship, they can still thrive and be generally very content.

So I don't find it strange that Jon seeks out a monogamous romantic relationship when he's a single guy. Even if that means he ends up with someone who can be abrasive at times, he seems to stick it out. He stayed with Kate for ten years, and would have stayed longer if she hadn't kicked him to the curb, and that was a miserable relationship.

I agree with Admin. A woman looking for a new partner is probably going to be more willing to accept Jon has 8 children under the age of 15, than they are going to be willing to deal with the drama and disruption that Kate is constantly bringing.

Millicent said... 65

Especially when he's picking up women at the bar when he's already dating someone else.
When did this happen?

Over In TFW's County said... 66

momof 2 said... 46
Especially when he's picking up women at the bar when he's already dating someone else.

Great role model for your daughers, Jon. Sheesh.


Were his children with him when he was picking up women at bars? Did he bring a string of women home to the kids on his custody nights?

Did dating interfere with his parenting...did it mean that he chose to go bar shopping instead of taking his kids bowling or out to eat, or spending quality time with them?
I don't know, but I kind of doubt it.

Paula said... 67

Therefore, he must rely on someone like Liz to help support him and his children.

What proof do you have that Liz "supports" Jon and the kids?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 68

In fact, how does anyone who is a smoker manage to hold down an office job?

One goes outside for a smoke at break and lunch time. I smoked for years and was always able to hold down a job.

Any clue as to when everyone will tire of the smoking issue?

Paula said... 69

Millicent said... 65
Especially when he's picking up women at the bar when he's already dating someone else.
When did this happen?

Those silly sheeple and their talking points. Also, unless there was a exclusive understanding between Jon and his "dates", then dating more than one person at a time is perfectly acceptable.

Millicent said... 70

Sleepless in Seattle said:
Too many "Marias." How do you solve a problem like that? :-)
LOL, cute. I think this daughter had a somewhat difficult time dealing with her step mother. On a retrospective shown on PBS awhile ago, she was interviewed and shared that she underwent electroshock therapy more than once, apparently because her step mother thought she needed it. She clearly loved her father dearly, but I don't think she felt the same about her step mom.

Remona Blue said:
However, you said that you resolved to change your habit of accepting disrespect, and did.
Liz is much younger than I was when I decided to change my ways. I
Yes, I was in my early 20's when I had that light bulb moment, but I was always very feisty and had the benefit of being raised by parents who demonstrated loving, respectful behavior toward each other. I know that helped me to more easily grasp that certain behaviors should not be tolerated.

I'm glad you too grew in strength and determination in your own life. We may never be privy to how Liz grows and matures in her own life but as a fellow mom and woman, I wish her well. I guess I was disappointed to hear her pop off with such a mean-hearted response. I would hope by mid-30's and having kids of her own, she'd be aware enough to know that's not cool.

Paula said... 71

I would guess that almost 100% of companies do not allow smoking in the office. My company has setup smoking "areas" outside of the building and this seems to be the way most companies handle their employees who smoke. The sheeple sure don't get out much do they?

Future Nurse said... 72

Has it been said on the show what Liz's occupation is?

PJ @ 52 - My family is the same in that we can sometimes make nasty comments but not actually mean them. It's something I'm trying very hard to change about myself so I don't pass it on to my son, but it's almost second nature to be a smart ass. ~ Administrator said... 73

hold down an office job?

One goes outside for a smoke at break and lunch time. I smoked for years and was always able to hold down a job.

Any clue as to when everyone will tire of the smoking issue?


No idea but I'm exhausted.

Most olders lawyers I know smoke. That's just what you did I guess as a lawyer, smoked. A lot of deal occur over smokes. It's really not that big of a deal. There are numerous breaks and down time between cases where you can go use the bathroom, check your email, make a phone call, get a Coke in the cafeteria, and if you so desire, smoke. Happens every day and I hear the smoker's cough to prove it. ~ Administrator said... 74

Now smokers can't hold down jobs, eh?

Interesting, since most of the smokers I know have been at the same job for 30 years!

Winsomeone said... 75

"Therefore, he must rely on someone like Liz to help support him and his children.

What proof do you have that Liz "supports" Jon and the kids? "

She said so in one of the first CT interviews. You would have to go back and look at it..I have no link. ~ Administrator said... 76

She said so in one of the first CT interviews. You would have to go back and look at it..I have no link.


On CT? I don't remember that. Are you sure she didn't mean emotionally? Or that they both support each other?

Winsomeone said... 77

"I would guess that almost 100% of companies do not allow smoking in the office. My company has setup smoking "areas" outside of the building and this seems to be the way most companies handle their employees who smoke. The sheeple sure don't get out much do they? "

Many companies don't hire smokers period due to their health insurance. And when they allow outside smoking, it has to be so many feet away from the front door, and sometimes not any where near the building. I can't imagine a high end restaurant having a host that reeks of's sure not a place I would go to. Enough with the name calling already..if a person doesn't agree with you, that does not make them a sheeple. The original bloggers here had more manners, and never name called period. ~ Administrator said... 78

The office environments I've always been a part of seem to be the way things are trending. You don't punch in or out, the environment is casual and friendly, you're encouraged to take a lunch and breaks, go pick up your daughter from preschool, call the vet about your sick dog, etc. This results in happy campers and more productivity. Google and FB are the extreme example of this but it's the way we're going.

I think the rigid strict no nonsense offices are a relic that people are moving away from because they simply don't promote happy employees and better work. Point being, there is plenty of time for a smoke and you can even go discuss a project or case over a smoke, I've done it with smokers.

Midnight Madness said... 79

Well, his behaviour haven't changed since he was married 4 or 5 years ago. So, imo, no. Jon will never change. Sad but true. Past behaviour is indicative of future behaviour...or something like that. lol

I think that people can change, but if they want to change they must create evidence of change. There have been many success stories among drug addicts, criminals, etc., who have turned their lives around. What a hopeless world this would be if nobody could get out of a pattern of bad behavior because someone told them they were doomed to repeat their past. But in order to create an evidence of change, there must be new habits; if there is none, there is no change. I think that's where he is now.

Jon did change, though. He went along with TFW's quest for fame and fortune. He enjoyed the limelight (and perks) as much as she did. Then he put the brakes on everything, stopped the filming, realized that it wasn't in the best interest of his kids. If he hadn't "changed," he would have continued to allow her to rule the roost. He didn't, and that's how he found himself in the situation he is in now. ~ Administrator said... 80

I can't imagine a high end restaurant having a host that reeks of smoke


Well, I only worked at a high end restaurant in high school for two years washing dishes, but everyone on staff smoked. Everyone. And drank. Except minors....although quite frankly one of the line cooks was 17 and he did smoke. It was at an old senator's mansion that had been converted into a restaurant and did high end weddings and so on. Very pricey, very high end. I got lots of great free food.

Smoking and a beer are about as common to a restaurant as a knife and a fork. Everyone does it. I know you can't imagine it, but that's just restaurant culture. Jon would be the odd man out if he didn't smoke.

Winsomeone said... 81

On CT? I don't remember that. Are you sure she didn't mean emotionally? Or that they both support each other?"

Well, not 100% sure, but either on CT or one of the interviews for it. She said he chain smokes, worked sporadically, and depended on her to pay the bills. She also listed several other things which she faulted him about too..not sure what right now though. ~ Administrator said... 82

Jon actually first met Liz in a grocery store parking lot.

Yes they did talk in a bar later. Sounds like he's picking up women over canned corn. ~ Administrator said... 83

but either on CT


It wasn't on CT. I've recapped the entire thing line by line and she never said or implied she supported Jon financially. She must have said that somewhere else.

Paula said... 84

Many companies don't hire smokers period due to their health insurance.

While there are a few companies that have gone the way of higher insurance premiums for smokers, you'll have to give me examples of companies that don't hire smokers.

Winsomeone said... 85


Smoking and a beer are about as common to a restaurant as a knife and a fork. Everyone does it. I know you can't imagine it, but that's just restaurant culture. Jon would be the odd man out if he didn't smoke.

Are you saying that people smoke and drink in restaurants? Or that the help drink and smoke while on duty?Not around here..people are not even allowed to smoke in bars. I read the other day that just 17% of people now smoke, so I can't imagine anyone being thrilled to have a smoker serve their food. ~ Administrator said... 86

Jon changed the most important thing that matters for those children, and that was that he changed his idea that it was okay for them to be on T.V. and took them off. It's been a struggle for Kate to get them back on ever since. At this point, it's not going to happen, and their privacy is the greatest gift he could have given them. Sure they do pop up on twitter and the Today show from time to time but having no series in the home day after day has been a Godsend for them. They can grow up in relative privacy with only a few embarrassing tweets and pics from Kate posted.

If they turn out all right, it will be because he pulled them off T.V. just in the knick of time.

PatK said... 87

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 68
Any clue as to when everyone will tire of the smoking issue?


It appears there are stragglers who just won't tire of it, while the rest of us have! ~ Administrator said... 88

Are you saying that people smoke and drink in restaurants? Or that the help drink and smoke while on duty?


The "help" or as we called them the chefs, the line cooks, the host, the dish washers, the servers, and the owners, went out the back door of the kitchen to smoke on our designated breaks, which I think were about 10 minutes every few hours. I believe the breaks were mandated by law. So they weren't "on duty" but they were still in the middle of their shift.

You smoke downwind, and you wash your hands afterward, and go back to cooking, serving, whatever. I never smelled it.

While Gordon Ramsay doesn't smoke and doesn't like it because it interferes with your taste buds, he did explain that most chefs do smoke: "A majority of them smoke."

He's been in restaurants for 40 years, I trust his take on smoking and whether it's occurring for people in the restaurant business.

If I had to guess, I'm speculating the stress of the restaurant business, being on your feet, not being able to eat much all night but watching all that great food go out, yet not really being able to be drunk on the job or medicate yourself to deal with the stress, is what led to it becoming a culture where everyone smoked. It's a tough business and Im glad I got out.

Trust me, Jon would not find himself to be the only one smoking at a restaurant, out back of course. ~ Administrator said... 89

It appears there are stragglers who just won't tire of it, while the rest of us have!


I think I've developed smoker's cough just from the second-hand talk!

Vanessa said... 90

Omg admin, so true about restaurant workers that smoke. I can't count how many times I see staff (especially the cooks!) having a butt out by the back doors of eating establishments

NJGal51 said... 91

I know that when Over In TFW's county said the following she was Beijing facetious - In fact, how does anyone who is a smoker manage to hold down an office job?

However I think the poster who said - Plus he claims he can't work in a cubicle..I think that means, he can't work without smoking. - was serious. I guess it would blow the sheeples' collective minds to know that most companies (and even the federal government) have designated smoking areas outside their buildings and folks don't have far to go to smoke and they can use their breaks and lunch time to do so. I work for the fed gov and I see that many smokers have now taken up those vapor cigarettes to get them through the day. It's perfectly legal to "smoke" them at your desk. So you can work in a cube and smoke.

Vanessa said... 92

My God, I've seen MEDICAL STAFF Drs and nurses out having a puff! Even teachers! But the restaurant business has no place for smokers?

Nancy said... 93

I smoke and I am fully aware it is bad for me but believe it or not I can function just fine in both my personal and work life not sure what the big deal is? ~ Administrator said... 94

I smoke and I am fully aware it is bad for me but believe it or not I can function just fine in both my personal and work life not sure what the big deal is?


It's not a big deal. Most smokers are perfectly capable of fulfilling all their professional and personal responsibilities without smoking interfering with that.

I'd rather have someone take 4 minutes out of their day to pop downstairs and smoke than say the people that chat around the water cooler for hours every morning about T.V., kids, husbands, gossip. Which is worse?

hmmm... said... 95

RE: Winsomeone said... 59

Obviously you have never worked as a server of any type, or are one of the ones that don't know how to tip.
You can make a very good living as a waiter or a bartender, much better than a lot of office jobs.
Never look down on someone because of the type of work they do.

Winsomeone said... 96

"I smoke and I am fully aware it is bad for me but believe it or not I can function just fine in both my personal and work life not sure what the big deal is?"

Ask "lovemygrandsons" what a big deal it can be. Her husband smokes, and that made a very big deal for her.

chefsummer #Leh said... 97

1.I was making good money working as a server. I was also making good money as a line cook and I only worked part-time while in school.

Many people in pa like Jon and he's a nice guy so they may tip him well.

You can smoke in most bars and restaurants.-(They have smoking sections).

2. So Liz is supporting Jon and his 8 kids plus her self and her three kids??

-What kind of Job does she have to support 11 people plus a home and pets?

3. Jon is doing all of this why mammaG is sitting on her butt tweeting and exploiting the kids. Sooo she doesn't seem to worried.

AuntieAnn said... 98

I think the anti-smoking campaigners and complainers have just about gotten their way and should perhaps back off a little. Call it a success if you want because smokers are treated like Salem witches and warlocks now. Everyone agrees smoking is unhealthy and smokers are well aware that they shouldn't blow smoke in non-smokers air. Got it. Now if those same people would just take that kind of action against Monsanto and its enablers we'll all die a lot healthier :o)


Great recap once again, Admin. I'm still puzzled about this weird bond Jenn and Farrah seem to have developed. I wonder if Dr. Jenn shouldn't have had a little therapy herself between filming Season 4 episodes. She was going through a divorce around the same time this was taped. It might not have been the best time for her to be handing out advice but I guess she needs her paycheck too. What a world.

PA Dutch Mom said... 99

Are you saying that people smoke and drink in restaurants? Or that the help drink and smoke while on duty?Not around here..people are not even allowed to smoke in bars. I read the other day that just 17% of people now smoke, so I can't imagine anyone being thrilled to have a smoker serve their food.


I have no idea where you live, but around here, servers, cooks, busboys, managers, and others employed in the restaurant business, if they are smokers, DO find a way to smoke. They get breaks. Most restaurants have a "back" where these people go on their breaks. I've never seen any of these people smoke in a non-smoking establishment, a policy that local restaurants have adopted. I have never smelled smoke on a server, never checked his hands for a smoke smell before the person brought my food, but I assume that there are washing stations where they clean up after a break.

The medical staff -- yes! It's not a requirement here to be a non-smoking before one is hired by a hospital or doctor's office. One of the best surgeons in our area is a heavy smoker. I've seen him outside with his cigarettes. As a health care professional, yes, he should know the dangers of cigarette smoking, but he still continues his habit. He's a fantastic surgeon with a history of longevity on several hospitals. If I needed surgery, I wouldn't refuse his expertise because he had been outside with a cigarette! He could "operate" on me any day, and as long as he wasn't dropped ashes or a lit cigarette into my open body, I'd have no problem using him as my surgeon! And I wouldn't insist on sniffing his hands before he made the first cut.

PatK said... 100

Winsomeone said... 85
I read the other day that just 17% of people now smoke, so I can't imagine anyone being thrilled to have a smoker serve their food.


What's next? People who use the bathroom can't prepare/serve food?

PA Dutch Mom said... 101

Especially when he's picking up women at the bar when he's already dating someone else.
When did this happen?


When he was out back smoking at his place of employment.

PA Dutch Mom said... 102

I would guess that almost 100% of companies do not allow smoking in the office. My company has setup smoking "areas" outside of the building and this seems to be the way most companies handle their employees who smoke. The sheeple sure don't get out much do they?


lol! Watch them say that they stay away from back alleys!

Winsomeone said... 103

"While there are a few companies that have gone the way of higher insurance premiums for smokers, you'll have to give me examples of companies that don't hire smokers."

The Cleveland Clinic does not hire smokers, and neither does our local hospital. Several of our local restaurants don't either..I obviously can't name them, or someone might then know where I live at.

PA Dutch Mom said... 104

I just read our local restaurant inspections and had to laugh about this one:

xxxxx Restaurant, Feb. 19. Cigarettes found in a bowl in the prep area during the inspection.

Oops. It doesn't say if they were discarded cigarettes, or ones waiting to be smoked, but apparently someone at that establishment is a smoker! :) I wonder where they smoke! They do have great food, though, and we're going there again next weekend!

White Organza said... 105

(55) "Also, why must he always pick women who are taller than he is?"

I dunno, but this would be a problem because...?

I'm tall and I like to wear high heels. And French- Canadian men tend to be short. Never bothered me. Never bothered them. Or, as one of my ex use to say: "At one point, it seems I always can make her take her shoes off."

Dear, dear man...

Serendipity said... 106

Someone here recently tweeted that the Lauren sheeple annoyed the crap out of her. Apparently a non-fan on Twitter had the same reaction and finally let loose. LOL!

@ljohnson2006 @Kateplusmy8 Oh shut up Lauren,just shut up or lm gonna kill myself b/c of ur endless inane tweets.Get a job,get laid,anything

Serendipity said... 107

Lisa Adcox ‏@poorbabi 14m
@Kateplusmy8 just blocked a few haters here because they say things that peeve me off&I want to take up for u.So blocked so not get involved

I love sheeple. They remind Kate that she's hated, but are too slow to realize that's what they are doing!

Take up for U? What is she taking up? As in taking up a collection for money? I think Kate's already been there and done that, and those who put money in the basket aren't likely to forget it too soon!

DanielleB said... 108

Paula said... 84

Many companies don't hire smokers period due to their health insurance.

While there are a few companies that have gone the way of higher insurance premiums for smokers, you'll have to give me examples of companies that don't hire smokers.
February 23, 2014 at 8:50 AM

Here's a few examples:

Hollywood Casino
Medical Mutual Insurance Co
Alaska Airlines
Detroit Medical Center
Union Pacific Railroad
Baylor Health Care System
Mountain States Health Alliance
Scott's Fertilizer

Anonymous said... 109

Me, too. I really, really wanted to like Liz. But it's hard to get past the foul mouth and disrespect shown to Jon.
I can kind of understand the twins not wanting to be exposed to that, especially with their mother all too willing to encourage them not to go.

Ditto, I really wanted to like her and give her a fair chance, but I don't like the way she treats Jon and both of their potty mouths are really awful. I can't believe some of the cursing does not slip out when the kids are around.

And what I didn't know before this show was that Jon and Liz lived together with her three kids. That really has to affect the way his 8 kids feel when they come for visits. Even Jon mentioned this in the VHI clip how Abbey and Hannah are leaders and really get into it.

And it is very hard to believe Kate when she says that the kids are begging her to get remarried. Certainly the kids are smart enough to know that whomever she dates/marries more than likely would come with his set of kids for them to get along with. I can't believe that her kids would not be concerned about this. More kids and a step-dad would take more time away from them and complicate their lives all the more.

Serendipity said... 110

I think one of the main things that fascinates me about the sheeple is the hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness. No introspection. They can't look into the mirror and see things as they really are. Goody tweeted:

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 2m
@poorbabi @Kateplusmy8 That's the only thing you can do. Sometimes haters piss me off with their nasty tweets. I try to steer clear too. :-(

MsGoody is one of the most vile haters out there...hates Jon with a passion, and yet she tweets that she steers clear of haters. Does this mean that she avoids herself? Nasty doesn't begin to describe some of the things she has tweeted. Does the label "haters" only apply to those who dislike Kate? The Lauren sheep does the same thing -- condemns the haters for bullying and then turns around and does exactly the same thing herself, not to Kate, but others on her reality television shows.

What it is in the way their brain is wired that doesn't allow them to step outside the box and see that although they condemn the Kate haters, they are actually haters themselves -- not directed at Kate, but at other people? I'd love to hear from a psychologist on this one. Dr. Jenn? :-)

Dwindle said... 111

Paula said... 84
Many companies don't hire smokers period due to their health insurance.

While there are a few companies that have gone the way of higher insurance premiums for smokers, you'll have to give me examples of companies that don't hire smokers.


The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, in Ohio and Florida, which is one of the largest employers in the nation by numbers, does not hire smokers and there is a strict policy that there is to be no smoking by grandfathered employees on any company property. Or during your work day, even if you are punched out for your break or lunch hour. Their handbook says words to the effect that "Just as there is to be no drinking of alcohol during breaks or lunch hour, there will be no smoking during your work shift either."

"That's why we adopted a smoke-free campus in 2005 and why, in 2007, we went further, deciding to no longer hire smokers. Job candidates are told that the offer is subject to a nicotine-free urine test. If a candidate tests positive for nicotine, the offer is rescinded, and he or she is offered a free tobacco- cessation program and may reapply in 90 days."

"Ohio is among 21 states across the country in which employers can legally refuse to hire those who use tobacco. Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia passed laws prohibiting discrimination against people who use lawful products such as tobacco. Some states allow exceptions for hospitals.

Although a growing number of employers have been adopting policies against hiring smokers, some organizations -- including the antismoking nonprofit American Legacy foundation and other legal experts -- oppose this approach.

Smokers are not a protected class legally, said Browne C. Lewis, director of the Center for Health Law and Policy at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law."

Aunt Connie said... 112

If the Jon we had seen on the Wendy whatever show had been more evident at the CT house, we would have a different opinion of him. I think he just played into being a slug for the stupid CT show. What a shame. And those hoodies, well, .... not so much.

Unknown said... 113

abc said... 40
Remona said:
''I'm overwhelmed by anger, and can't control the tears....and then crying makes me even more angry. I've told whoever made me so angry that I cried that if they mistake my tears for weakness they are making a huge mistake.'
''Remona, this is a horrible way to live!! Have you tried therapy or anything? I feel bad you live this way....:)''
abc thank you so much for your concern. It means a lot to me that someone I've never seen before feels so bad for me. Once I know you better, I'll tell you all about my therapy and the few occasions I've been angry enough to cry. Till then, keep me in your thoughts!

Unknown said... 114

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 68
''One goes outside for a smoke at break and lunch time. I smoked for years and was always able to hold down a job.
Any clue as to when everyone will tire of the smoking issue?''
I also managed to smoke and hold down a job. I'M sick and tired of the smoking issue...WAY over it. Smoking and potty mouth seems to be something the sheeple have grabbed as an easy way to bash Jon and Liz. It offers such a great opportunity to be judgmental and holier than thou, and something to deflect TCFW's behavior of continual grifting, abuse and anger!! !!!!!!

Hoosier Girl said... 115

Sada points out that her dad when he wasn't out of control was the most loving parent. In a way that's worse, explains Dr. Jenn and Duck Lips, because they're so confusing and unpredictable and leave you guessing.

Whitney likes the idea that other people who were abused might see this episode. "I think abuse in general is something that should be brought out of the closet and discussed. And I think it will be a really important thing. I'm proud of you." I like Whitney.

I've only gotten this far in the recap ... but wanted to say ...

THIS is why Kate is more disliked than Jon IMO - and by me. NO parent is perfect, nor should they be expected to be.

Being a parent is a forever learning and forever experiencing ... and seldom forgiving job.

Kate Tweets and Blogs and expounds in interview after interview ... that it's perfect. She's perfect. Her kids are perfect. The only thing wrong with her family was Jon. Now that he's gone ... it's perfect.

Jon on the other hand admits that things weren't perfect, and aren't perfect, and will probably never be perfect - but he'd like to improve and deal with the situation.

And yes ... this post isn't even addressing all the real abuse she acknowledged in her journal ... but her fans won't even come close to believing that is true. The fact that she portrays herself and her children as perfect is out there ... in every blog ... in every tweet. They have to see that.

Anonymous said... 116

I am a teacher and I ...gasp....smoke. Doesn't make me any less of a teacher. In fact, I am a hell of a good teacher and most of my students would NEVER know I smoke.

I am tired of this degrading attitude because I smoke.


Pooshanella Goober said... 117

Just want to congratulate the students at Penn State for raising $13,343,517.33 in the their annual dance marathon (THON) to aid in the fight for kids with cancer. WE ARE

DanielleB said... 118

I live in NW Ohio and I can think of two companies near me that do not hire smokers- the Hollywood Casino and Medical Mutual Insurance.
I wrote something a while ago that wasn't published, in reply to Paula asking for examples of companies that don't hire smokers.
A quick Google search gave me these:
Idaho Central District Health Dept, Humana, Alaska Airlines, Union Pacific Railroad, Detroit Medical Center, Baylor Health Care System, Scott's Fertilizer.
The major hospital system in my area does not allow smoking anywhere on it's campuses, not even in the parking garages.
*My post has nothing to do with whether or not I care if Jon smokes, but for the record, I don't care nor do I think it makes him a bad parent. I think it sets a bad example for his kids, but has no bearing on his parenting abilities.
Both of my parents smoked, and I think my brothers and sisters and I turned out okay. There are four of us and none of us smoke. We all hated that they smoked and would beg them to stop, or refuse to go to the corner carryout and buy cigarettes for our mom. (this was in the 1970's, early 80's)

Hoosier Girl said... 119

Winsomeone said... 55
Jon had a 6 month IT course well over 10 years ago. Is he even qualified for a job in today's world? He claims he had an offer recently, but I wonder. Plus he claims he can't work in a cubicle..I think that means, he can't work without smoking. Finding a good woman will be hard..Liz claims he chains smokes, between that and the amount of drinking he does, and the little time he spends working, that must take most of his money each week. He works two part time waiter jobs, so I imagine besides companionship, he also relies on Liz to help pay the bills. I believe he thought he would get a show out of the CT thing. Plus, he is thinking with more custody time, Kate would have to pay some child support. Also, why must he always pick women who are taller than he is?
February 23, 2014 at 6:18 AM


Do we know what education Jon has had since he's been out of the public eye or through his employment?

Do we know how much time he spends 'chain smoking' or 'drinking'?

Do we know how he and Liz divide expenses?

I am a self employed consultant in the healthcare industry.

Most medical IT jobs (and many more medical jobs BTW!) are
'remote' (meaning - from home).

My software company ONLY hires remote (at home) IT techs.

Those folks can smoke to their hearts content and still get their jobs done.

Not sure you've ever waited tables ... but let me assure you ... it can be pretty lucrative! How do you think all those wannabe actors/actresses make it in Hollywood? Cali isn't exactly known for it's low cost of living!

As far as 'relying' on Liz to help pay the bills ... Is she living there?! Are her kids living there?! Hell yes she should help pay the bills!

As for Jon's motives ... If he were to get custody of the kids - he wouldn't need Kate to pay child support.

He doesn't pay child support and Kate doesn't work ... so seems to be ... those kids' trust funds or whatever was made from TLC has been supporting them quite nicely. Just transfer the custodian from Kate to Jon and all would be the same in those kids' lives.

Except they'd have a parent in charge who wasn't trying to sell what's left of their childhood. And IMO, a parent who truly cares about them and wants to change the course their lives are on.

Unknown said... 120

I don't know what happened to my comment, so I'm re-posting it:

abc said... 40
Remona said:
''I'm overwhelmed by anger, and can't control the tears....and then crying makes me even more angry. I've told whoever made me so angry that I cried that if they mistake my tears for weakness they are making a huge mistake.'
''Remona, this is a horrible way to live!! Have you tried therapy or anything? I feel bad you live this way....:)''
abc thank you so much for your concern. It means a lot to me that someone I've never seen before feels so bad for me. Once I know you better, I'll tell you all about my therapy and the few occasions I've been angry enough to cry. Till then, keep me in your thoughts!

Unknown said... 121

Re-posting another comment lost out there somewhere:

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 68
''One goes outside for a smoke at break and lunch time. I smoked for years and was always able to hold down a job.
Any clue as to when everyone will tire of the smoking issue?''
I also managed to smoke and hold down a job. I'M sick and tired of the smoking issue...WAY over it. Smoking and potty mouth seems to be something the sheeple have grabbed as an easy way to bash Jon and Liz. It offers such a great opportunity to be judgmental and holier than thou, and something to deflect from TCFW's behavior of continual grifting, abuse and anger!! !!!!!!

DisgustedwithKate said... 122

This is off the topic but I recently saw Honey Boo Boo and her mother June on The Katie Couric Show. I hate to say it but I think Mama June is heading down the same road as Kate. Alana (HBB) was asked if she still competed in beauty pageants, she said no BUT SHE WOULD LIKE TO. June said Alana no longer participates in pageants because Saturdays are FILMING days. I think when filming takes precedence over living your actual real life trouble lies ahead. Also, Alana came across as very shy (which surprised me) and seemed quite uncomfortable in front of the cameras (very similar to Mady and Cara's stint on the Today show). I think Alana is now at that age where being in the limelight is very uncomfortable for her. It will be interesting to see if Mama June continues on with the show ($$$) or let's Alana live a normal away from the cameras life.

Mel said... 123

If the Jon we had seen on the Wendy whatever show had been more evident at the CT house, we would have a different opinion of him.
Yes. You walk away wondering, who is he anyway? Which one is the real Jon?
That nicely dressed, well-spoken, stand-up guy who wants what's best for his children and is doing his best to get it, or that foul-mouthed smoker, dressed like he's going to rob a bank, who wants what's best for his kids but is too ineffectual to get it.
He's hard to figure out.

Dwindle said... 124

Winsomeone said... 102

The Cleveland Clinic does not hire smokers...


Are you a fellow Buckeye, Wonsomeone? Summit County, here.

PatK said... 125

DanielleB, the Hollywood Casino doesn't hire smokers? Interesting. Is that policy in place for all our Ohio casinos? If so, I wasn't aware of that!

Hoosier Girl said... 126

Winsomeone said... 77

Many companies don't hire smokers period due to their health insurance.

That's just not true.

Many companies (especially healthcare) do now make you take a blood test for nicotine, but will still hire a smoker. They are now passing the increased insurance cost on to the individual smoker. Approximately $100 per month at most of my local healthcare institutions.

To say companies are NOT hiring smokers is a little histrionic.

Tucker's Mom said... 127

Paula said... 57
Oh, and my favorite nonsense from the sheeple are those that bash him because he has chosen to work in a restaurant
The irony is that Kate declared like Scarlett O'Hara that she'd work at McDonald's if she had to.. and yet, she didn't, did she?

Hoosier Girl said... 128

PatK said... 87
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 68
Any clue as to when everyone will tire of the smoking issue?


It appears there are stragglers who just won't tire of it, while the rest of us have!

Hey! Some of us just got here! :-) Sorry though ... I'll let it go now.

Tucker's Mom said... 129

Winsomeone said... 55
Jon had a 6 month IT course well over 10 years ago. Is he even qualified for a job in today's world? He claims he had an offer recently, but I wonder.
We (as far as I know, other than any "insiders" that pop on here) have no clue what Jon's history of being in IT has entailed. So, we have no idea how easy or hard it would be for him to re-enter "IT".
IT runs the gambit.
Jon saying he's in IT is like me saying I'm in healthcare.

Tucker's Mom said... 130

I am a teacher and I ...gasp....smoke. Doesn't make me any less of a teacher
I remember being in grade school, and every once in a blue moon, having a reason to go into the teachers lounge. It was a cloud of smoke!
Funny how times change and how this blog elicits memories long tucked away.

Somewhere In Time said... 131

Ask "lovemygrandsons" what a big deal it can be. Her husband smokes, and that made a very big deal for her.


That was a family situation. What was being discussed here was in response to the comment that Jon couldn't work in IT because he's a smoker and couldn't do his job because he couldn't smoke in the work environment.

Tucker's Mom said... 132

*My post has nothing to do with whether or not I care if Jon smokes, but for the record, I don't care nor do I think it makes him a bad parent. I think it sets a bad example for his kids, but has no bearing on his parenting abilities.
It can't get distilled down more than this. What the FUCK more is there to say?
Please, write down your further thoughts on the subject on a piece of toilet paper and wipe your ass with it!
I'm so tired of scrolling!
(seriously, I'm not usually this bitchy!!)
((yes... I do feel better now))
(((I need a rumspringa)))

Mel said... 133

I had no idea companies could refuse to hire smokers. What's next? Overweight people?

Hoosier Girl said... 134

Okay ... sorry Pat and Tweet ... I lied :-)

FYI - Many of those companies listed as not hiring smokers ... are now being sued ... the smokers are tired of paying the way for diabetics, overweight, genetic heart disease, drinkers, and people who have a bazillion kids :-)

TWEET and PATK - you can resume your regular programming :-) Promise this time!!!

Tucker's Mom said... 135

Pooshanella Goober said... 115
Just want to congratulate the students at Penn State for raising $13,343,517.33 in the their annual dance marathon (THON) to aid in the fight for kids with cancer. WE ARE
Penn State
I can chime in, having taken 2 classes at the Abington, PA campus many moons ago ;)

Winsomeone said... 136

Are you a fellow Buckeye, Wonsomeone? Summit County, here.

Yes, Huron County here. I could care less that Jon smokes, as he is not around me. I just resent the fact that he whines he has to save up money to file a complaint against Kate in court for abuse, and then spends what seems like a lot on cigarettes and alcohol. He hasn't seen the one poor boy since last long until he saves up enough to try and correct that I wonder?

Winsomeone said... 137

To say companies are NOT hiring smokers is a little histrionic.

It may be histronic, but it is also very true here in Ohio.

Tucker's Mom said... 138

Also, Alana came across as very shy (which surprised me) and seemed quite uncomfortable in front of the cameras (very similar to Mady and Cara's stint on the Today show).
Funny what happens when thos kittens and puppies grow up to be cats and dogs, isn't it?

DanielleB said... 139

PatK said... 119

DanielleB, the Hollywood Casino doesn't hire smokers? Interesting. Is that policy in place for all our Ohio casinos? If so, I wasn't aware of that!

Apparently only Hollywood Casinos in Ohio

Somewhere In Time said... 140

Also, why must he always pick women who are taller than he is?

Probably because he's short and many women are taller than he is? Are a short man and a tall woman incompatible? So should we add "too short" to his list of faults? Kate is older than Jon. At least this time he found a younger woman. What a mistake it would be to find himself in yet another relationship with an older partner! Or is Liz too young for him?

Somewhere In Time said... 141

Owner ‏@Owner09708009 10m
@radar_online @Kateplusmy8 has her 10 yr old sons all over massage her and tweets pictures of it

What the heck?

Lila said... 142

Hoosier Girl said... 120
Winsomeone said... 77

Many companies don't hire smokers period due to their health insurance.

That's just not true.

Many companies (especially healthcare) do now make you take a blood test for nicotine, but will still hire a smoker. They are now passing the increased insurance cost on to the individual smoker. Approximately $100 per month at most of my local healthcare institutions.

To say companies are NOT hiring smokers is a little histrionic.
Yes, it is true and it is NOT histrionic. Others posted a list of some companies that will not hire smokers. Here are some articles on the subject. It helps to do your research before making false accusations.

Nancy said... 143

Anonymous said... 114
I am a teacher and I ...gasp....smoke. Doesn't make me any less of a teacher. In fact, I am a hell of a good teacher and most of my students would NEVER know I smoke.

I am tired of this degrading attitude because I smoke.


Amen, I don't smoke around people it bothers or in my house ever out of respect for hubby and kids or in a vehicle and yes I remember the discussion with "lovemygrandsons" and I felt for her.

Moving on now :) ~ Administrator said... 144

There's rumblings that might be unconstitutional to not hire a smoker, on privacy grounds. Someone will have to take it up and that could take years. Just because a company starts doing something doesn't mean it will pass legal muster. Nanny state policies historically often get struck down.

NJGal51 said... 145

Here's a tweet from Lauren:----@ljohnson2006: Hey @Kateplusmy8 bullies: an Australian top model judge killed herself in part bc of bullying. Stop the cycle. You all are vile

Followed a short while later by these:---

@ljohnson2006: @F1abraham be grateful that your parents didn't throw you on your ass when you said you were pregnant. You're damn lucky. Show respect

@ljohnson2006: @F1abraham please let this be the last time we see you on @MTV no more farrah

@ljohnson2006: @F1abraham Stop using Derek's death as an excuse for you being a bitch. Yeah, it's sad, but you need to move on.

She, like Ms Goodie, is clueless.

lukebandit said... 146

Now is the time for Mama June to pull the plug on the show. Alana would be so much better off, off tv. Then MJ can go and do DWTS, cooking shows, anything she wants to cash in on her 15 minutes of her daughters fame.

MJ saying that filming is on Saturdays and she can't do the pageants and her daughter wants to do them is a huge red flag for rebelling.

Also, do they just film them on Saturdays? Compared to the G kids that is nothing.

For once, in a pageant, I wish a mom would just dress up their little girl with no enhancements period. Natural. Hair fixed nice, nice Easter dress. And she would win! But, sigh, it will never happen ever.

Kirkland said... 147

After staying away from this blog for a couple of days, I'm very disappointed to discovered the topic of the day is STILL smoking!

Yes, I know I can scroll through the posts, but my scrolling finger is getting carpal tunnel!


handinhand said... 148

If the Jon we had seen on the Wendy whatever show had been more evident at the CT house, we would have a different opinion of him. I think he just played into being a slug for the stupid CT show.

He played that same slug for the Philly Mag article.

Formerly Duped said... 149

Mel said... 127

Well, yes. Abercrombie & Fitch for one does not hire 'people of size' or sell larger sizes.( or people who do not look the part of a young attractive skinny model) The CEO even said he does not want their brand being worn by a demographic it was not intended for...they won't even donate extras to charity as they don't want their clothes worn by poor people or bargain hunters apparently.

Winsomeone said... 150

That was a family situation. What was being discussed here was in response to the comment that Jon couldn't work in IT because he's a smoker and couldn't do his job because he couldn't smoke in the work environment.

No, this was in response to a smoker who said her smoking was no big deal, and didn't really affect any one around her, or something to that affect.

LoveMyGrandsons said... 151

Carole and Empress, thank you for the welcome. It's been a long time and it made me feel good.

As far as the smoking issue, yes it is an issue in my family, and I can see both sides of this. In my case, my daughter (a nurse) wants to protect her sons from all of the bad health issues that she learned about in nursing school, that second hand smoke can cause. I understand her position and respect her for putting her sons (my grandsons) first, regardless if it's a popular decision or not.

However, her decision is still hurtful to me. When I grew up in the 60's and 70's, all of the major shows had stars that smoked on camera. Rob and Laura Petry (Dick Van Dyke & Mary Tyler Moore), Lucy and Desi on I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith on his show, etc. My parents smoked, it's just something we grew up with and it was the norm in many households, even those on TV.

Bottom line is, smoking doesn't make someone a bad person; I know because my hubs is a terrific man. It's just an addiction and a hard one to break. However, people cannot be judged as being good or bad because they smoke cigarettes.

Okay, I agree, the smoking issue has been exhausted, but I just had to put my 2 cents into it.

Still love the fact that we can post our opinions here and respect each other's point of view even if we don't agree.

Whether or not Jon smokes is not an issue with me. It's all of his other decisions that bother me. Particularly to go on reality TV again after saying over and over again that he wanted a private life out of TV. He just seems to be playing both sides of the game and that bothers me.

Lalalalala said... 152

Here is a cigarette smoking blog for those of you who continue to discuss and beat this dead horse to death can go to. Again, I've had enough of this discussion. It's gotten beyond ridiculous.

Somewhere In Time said... 153

I could care less that Jon smokes, as he is not around me. I just resent the fact that he whines he has to save up money to file a complaint against Kate in court for abuse, and then spends what seems like a lot on cigarettes and alcohol. He hasn't seen the one poor boy since last long until he saves up enough to try and correct that I wonder?

I don't understand what you are saying here. He spends money on cigarettes (and alcohol), and because he does, he has no money. Because he has no money, he hasn't seen his son?

localyocul said... 154

OK, so, you may remember that my second job is in retail. Today a very nice lady came out to my register with two huge carts of cloths, baby items, diapers, etc. She had a boy, maybe 6 y/o and a boy maybe 4 /o in one cart and and a cute little girl about in the other cart. She apologized for having so much stuff but said they just got a hous nearby but kept their other house in the midwest and she has to get all
new stuff. (I thought oh poor baby). She was so nice though and her son was helping her out and said "yes m'am" "when I asked him something. The baby wanted her pacifier and the woman was soothing her telling her it was in the car. She laughed and said "she thinks if she fake cries I'll give in".

Then, one of my coworkers came up and said she was told to come help me. Another coworker came up and said hi. And the lady said again about how they now have two houses and how they live in Florida part of the year, here another part, and in the midwest. I said "oh you guys must work from home."

My coworker asked if she needed help out to the car and she replied Oh no I push one and pull the other. So, this pretty without makeup dressed in fashionable ripped jeans went on her way. Only later did a coworker say "oh, I hear you checked out xxx's wife." I said what? xxx is a well known major league baseball player. I had heard they come in to the store and have very nice kids but didn't know this is who that was. She didn't stomp in alone with the kids at home with the nanny, in full makeup and throwing her name around. In fact I was told she doesn't like people to know who she is. The funny thing is I was thinking the whole time "what the hell do these people do for a living to afford two houses, drop $1000 like it's nothing, and live in three states." Haha now I know!

localyocul said... 155

Pooshanella Goober said... 115



Somewhere In Time said... 156

No, this was in response to a smoker who said her smoking was no big deal, and didn't really affect any one around her, or something to that affect.


Someone posted that smoking didn't affect how she functioned in her work life and it was no big deal. Your comment was a response to that. #95. The discussion was about Jon working in IT.

Dwindle said... 157

Tucker's Mom said... 122
The irony is that Kate declared like Scarlett O'Hara that she'd work at McDonald's if she had to.. and yet, she didn't, did she?


HAHAHA! No, she sure didnt, but we knew then that what falls out of her mouth has no resemblance to reality whatsoever.

She also declared she would WIN DWTS, that she would NEVER EVER spend a holiday without her children, that Twisted Kate was in development, that she was exhaustedly exhautedish after 1, 293 hours straight of filling12,000 Easter eggs, that her inflate-a-breasts were due to a good bra, and I dont even KNOW what category to put the dinner placecard for "Kate's New Husband" in.

NJGal51 said... 158

For once, in a pageant, I wish a mom would just dress up their little girl with no enhancements period. Natural. Hair fixed nice, nice Easter dress. And she would win! But, sigh, it will never happen ever.

I hate that I know this but they do have "natural" pageants Lukebandit. The ones that you're thinking of are the full glitz pageants. And now you've outed me! I did watch some episodes of Toddlers and Tiaras. Hanging my head in shame...

Ex Nurse said... 159

I have posted a couple things, but not sure if they ended up on the last thread, or got eaten by blogger.

Anyway, really glad to see LMG posting again! I am on day 2 of being a grandmother--what a joy and blessing. Seeing this little guy makes me want to take better care of myself so that I will be around for a long time. I had forgotten how much effort one little baby requires. This afternoon, the other grandparents and the parents all fell asleep in the middle of a conversation. And, all this baby does, so far, is sleep and eat!

Nancy said... 160

Winsomeone said... 142

That was a family situation. What was being discussed here was in response to the comment that Jon couldn't work in IT because he's a smoker and couldn't do his job because he couldn't smoke in the work environment.

No, this was in response to a smoker who said her smoking was no big deal, and didn't really affect any one around her, or something to that affect.

I'm sorry I did not say it did not affect people around me I said that I am able to do my job and live my life even though I smoke, I am very aware that some people don't like it and I do not smoke around anyone that it bothers. The conversation was implying that if you smoke you can't hold down a job that is what I took exception to.

I sometimes forget that sarcasm doesn't always come through with the written word :)

Alberta Girl said... 161

Admin said...

There's rumblings that might be unconstitutional to not hire a smoker, on privacy grounds. Someone will have to take it up and that could take years. Just because a company starts doing something doesn't mean it will pass legal muster. Nanny state policies historically often get struck down.

Interesting you say that Admin, because I was just going to mention that would be a privacy issue in Canada, and not allowed. While some industries do conduct drug test (oilfield, heavy machinery, and probably more that I don't know), most cannot due to privacy laws. Funny how everyone calls Canada a "socialist" country, when we have some strict privacy laws in place, IMO.

And I agree with many posters, ENOUGH with the smoking issue. Can we all agree to disagree?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 162

Millicent -- backtracking on the problem of Maria! I found this in the archives. It really does a nice job of explaining the whole thing.

Tucker's Mom said... 163

Wow, Erin Andrews is the new co-host on DWTS. Wasn't she a contestant on Kate's season?
"I want that microphone!"


Oh, wait, unless Erin got the gig after Kate turned it down.


Somewhere In Time said... 164

I'm sorry I did not say it did not affect people around me I said that I am able to do my job and live my life even though I smoke, I am very aware that some people don't like it and I do not smoke around anyone that it bothers. The conversation was implying that if you smoke you can't hold down a job that is what I took exception to.

I sometimes forget that sarcasm doesn't always come through with the written word :)


Nancy, for what it's worth, I understood what you were saying! :-)

just me said... 165

29 states have now passed laws preventing employers from screening prospective employees on their smoking status, the other 21 have no such restrictions.

Apparantly, it's happening all over.

Dwindle said... 166

( - FOX Sports reporter Erin Andrews is expected to replace Brooke Burke-Charvet as co-host of ABC'€™s "€œDancing With the Stars," an individual with knowledge of the situation told TheWrap.

She'€™d come aboard as Tom Bergeron's co-host of the ABC dance competition series when its 18th season begins on March 17. ABC declined to comment Sunday.

Andrews knows the show; she competed as a dancer in 2010 and finished third along with her partner, series pro Maksim Chmerkovskiy.,0,4365288.story

Hold on, G Kids; Momma is gonna be in quite a rage again just as soon as she hears this. I can picture the stiletto stomping, hand flapping, gazes of death, and temper screams right now.

Aunt Connie said... 167

Admin, I do so very much enjoy reading your very witty and very well written recaps. They are absolutely WONDERFUL! You clearly have a way with words.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 168

Oh, wait, unless Erin got the gig after Kate turned it down.



Which, of course, is what Gladys is going to assert.

Sherry Baby said... 169

Let's see. Milo says that Brooke was fired because she was too old. Erin is 35. Brooke is 42. I guess that seven years really makes a big difference! It's not like they hired a 20-something sweet young thing!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack Feb 22
Always a get older & they R deemed more valuable...women get older...BrookeBurke...& they R expendable! DWTS no different! :(

How will she spin this one? ~ Administrator said... 170

29 states have now passed laws preventing employers from screening prospective employees on their smoking status,


Good. I'm sick of this nanny state. They are free to restrict me from smoking at work, but it's none of anyone's darn business whether I smoke outside of work. I don't, but that doesn't change the fact that it's none of their business. ~ Administrator said... 171

Ha, that's so great for Erin!

capecodmama said... 172


Another great recap. Farrah sounds like a piece of work and I feel sorry for her daughter. Yikes. My favorite part of the article was the picture of the syringe with the Nutella in it. However, my method of ingestion is shoving a large spoon into the jar of Nutella making sure I get a substantial amount of Nutella on the spoon and then quickly putting said spoon into my mouth. I follow that up with a nice, cold glass of milk. Yum.


Always good to hear from you.

And I agree with other posters. Enough with the smoking conversation.

Unknown said... 173 (Administrator) said... 163
29 states have now passed laws preventing employers from screening prospective employees on their smoking status,
''Good. I'm sick of this nanny state. They are free to restrict me from smoking at work, but it's none of anyone's darn business whether I smoke outside of work. I don't, but that doesn't change the fact that it's none of their business.''
I agree about trying to dictate what you do outside of work, especially since cigarettes are legal. I think what annoys me so much about the smoking discussion is the idea that they don't smoke so you shouldn't either....and if you do, you're a horrible person that shouldn't be around children or anyone else, for that matter.

I see that 'I don't like that so you can't do it' attitude about SO many things now. Long gone are the days of simply minding your own business unless it is something illegal! ~ Administrator said... 174

Thanks to all who enjoyed the recap, I appreciate your comments, and I got a special extra treat tonight when I think "oh, yes" showed up!

Dmasy said... 175

I am sorry to see another season of Downton Abbey end. Glorious TV. I stand just a bit straighter after watching an episode.

Alberta Girl said... 176

Ahh...Nutella! My love, but also my nemesis! Agree - spoon in jar (in the pantry, with the kids asking why I'm in there with the door closed).

I've banned my husband from buying the double jar pack from Costco - I can't resist!

Millicent said... 177

Sleepless - thank you for the link. It's interesting to read that information, and to also contrast it with the information as provided in the PBS special on The Sound of Music and the von Trapp family. There are differences and it makes me wonder which version is closer to the truth. I guess we'll never know for sure :)

Ellasmum said... 178

I skimmed through the posts on this blog 4 days ago when 3/4 of them were about smoking. Now they are back again. Jon smokes. So what! Kate burns herself to a crisp on the sunbed 3/4 times a week. Morbidly obese people continue to over eat. None of these things are illegal. Lifestyle choices. Love this blog and I read it daily, but I think a week break maybe in order

Millicent said... 179

I was away most of the day playing bingo (sadly, I only won $20 lol). I am glad I missed out on the discussion that shall not be named!

On a completely unrelated topic, does anyone know where I might be able to find a monthly calendar on-line that I can print out - without having to download a program (plus all the add ons)? I wanted to print out a calendar for March, in landscape format. I did find a very basic calendar but it will only print in portrait, which makes it pretty small. Every other link I find wants me to download a zip file, and when I begin the process, it turns out that I have to download a new toolbar, etc. That sets up red flags, as I think those downloads often bring along viruses. So if anyone knows a site that offers a simple PDF file for each month, I'd love to know! ~ Administrator said... 180

For once, in a pageant


Has anyone seen Bad Grandpa.....? hehehe!

lukebandit said... 181

NJGal51...158 said

Lol. I didn't mean to out you, So sorry! lol Those full throttle glitz pageants are scams and should be shut down. The parents shell out mega bucks for one pageant, dress, accessories, food, hotel, gas, entry fees for each category. And win a trophy, maybe.

I remember at Walmart, they had a little contest for cute kid or something like that. But when I got there, it was boys vs. girls. Should of been separate. My oldest ds was about 4 and we were there just waiting and then all of a sudden a woman brought her son about 4 yrs old in a suit and she was carrying him like he had passed out! That little boy was so sick, lethargic. It really upset me to see this.

I can't even remember how it went and I said I will never do this again.

Please forgive me, but when I first met my future husband, we were on a date and I whipped out a cigarette and was lighting it and he said, what are you doing? I said, smoking a cigarette. He said, I don't smoke and my parents like chimneys, so if you want to date me, you will have to quit. I was like, what?? Then I begin to think about it. I was a very very light smoker. 2 packs would last me for 6 weeks. I said, ok. I am so glad I did.

Even though my ex treated me worse than heck when he left, I am grateful to him for 5 things. Our 3 ds, our first grandchild, boy, and quitting smoking.

Aunt Connie said... 182

I do wish Downton Abby filmed longer each season. Such a beautiful, elegant show. I was so interested to see they skipped ahead and Edith did give birth to her baby. Apparently only her aunt and her granny knew about. Am I right? Looks like maybe she is going to retrieve her baby. Oh my, such a long time for the new season to begin.

lukebandit said... 183

Admin, I need to send you an email and when I clicked where to send an email my Office Outlook won't work. I need a regular email address. TIA

Lalalalala said... 184

Did anyone else watch Being Farrah last night? This girl really is a nut job. It was so sad to watch her parents cowering down to her the way they do and Farrah has her hands full will Sophia already. If we all thought Farrah was bad as a teenager, she's going to seem like an angel next to Sophia.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 185

On a completely unrelated topic, does anyone know where I might be able to find a monthly calendar on-line that I can print out - without having to download a program (plus all the add ons)? I wanted to print out a calendar for March, in landscape format.

Millicent, I've always used this site:

Click on the month you want to print, then click on Printable Calendar (PDF). Once there, you can choose the design you want in landscape mode. I've never had to download a toolbar to print it.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 186

Aunt Connie said... 182
I do wish Downton Abby filmed longer each season. Such a beautiful, elegant show. I was so interested to see they skipped ahead and Edith did give birth to her baby. Apparently only her aunt and her granny knew about. Am I right? Looks like maybe she is going to retrieve her baby. Oh my, such a long time for the new season to begin.

Oops. Sometimes people DVR shows to watch at a later date, or in my case, I don't have a TV watching "service" which means I don't have TV and watch it on the PBS website, and haven't seen the latest episode yet so it's usually advised not to give away what's happening.

localyocul said... 187

Lalalalala said... 184
Did anyone else watch Being Farrah last night? This girl really is a nut job. It was so sad to watch her parents cowering down to her the way they do and Farrah has her hands full will Sophia already. If we all thought Farrah was bad as a teenager, she's going to seem like an angel next to Sophia.


Does she have her own reality show?

JoyinVirginia said... 188

Thanks for the recap admin! Fun as always!
I am not as cheery as usual because my beloved VCU Rams have lost the last three away games. Those guys need to do better at free throws! They are down to a 8 - 4 A-10 conference record. Waaaaah!
On to Dancing With The Stars! Avid fans of the show have been vocal in criticism of Brooke's wooden style of interviewing. Samantha who started out with Tom Bergeron was so much more animated and engaging. I cam understand why Brooke was replaced, i'm just surprised it took so long. I think Erin will be a great fun backstage interviewer! I've watched her sports coverage and she is good! She will add a lot to the show and interact with Tom well.

chesterctymom said... 189

I hope that Brooke Burke-Charvet isn't leaving because of health issues...

Lalalalala said... 190

localyocul 187

Does she have her own reality show?


No, Teen Mom did updates on Farrah, Catelynn and Amber.

The Empress Was Stripped Bare-Nekkid said... 191

Someone asked why it is that people put a dot (.) in front of their tweets. As I understand it, tweets that start with @username are seen by fewer people, since Twitter interprets them as a reply. But when you add that period (.@username), the potential audience is exponentially larger. So the advice given at this link is that, when you're mentioning someone's handle at the beginning of a tweet, add that period!

On a tangentially related note, I'm wondering why it is that some comments I've submitted over the past couple of days aren't showing up here. Blogger issues, maybe?

Layla said... 192

I just read that Erin Andrews is replacing Brooke Burke-Charvet on DWTS. I was waiting for the sheeple to start yammering about how perfect TFW would be for the job, and how high ratings were due to her appearance on the show (conveniently adding @DWTS or whatever it is to their tweets)., but didn't happen. Perhaps even the sheeple now realize that TFW is O-V-E-R. They knew she didn't have a chance.

Tucker's Mom said... 193

Sigh, another season of Downtown Abbey is over.
Here's to a smoke-free (discussion) day!
Also, Tom Bergeron is a TV icon who has been a successful host of many shows for many years. He's been DWTS's anchor in many ways.
Fact is, the show is rebooting to save itself, and Tom could be replaced too. I doubt it, but Brooke, as the eye candy, is ostensibly far more replaceable than Tom.
Kate, there's no dearth of blonde, tanned, veneered, botoxed, pulled, tucked and fun-bags enhanced women in Hollywood.
You need talent, bottom line.
Brook is going to land on her feet, so I hope I don't smell any wool bras burning!

Formerly Duped said... 194

I didn't watch Being Farrah but did look at comments on a recap. Apparently 5 year old Sophia is still using a pacifier and is a tantrum thrower. Who could blame her? Ugh, glad this is a one-time deal program. Farrah seems to have a large house and fancy car from her RT work and the porn tapes. What happened to her dreams of being a chef?

I can only imagine what the train wreck Being Amber will display.

JoyinVirginia said... 195

Millicent, for printable calendars try
on the home page go to the section halfway down ”printables for everyone” and you will see the link for 2014 calendars. There are lots of options. ~ Administrator said... 196

What's Being Farrah?

JoyinVirginia said... 197

Completely OT re pageants on film. Admin, I will see your Bad Grandpa and raise you ” Little Miss Sunshine”! The pageant scene at the movie climax is so unexpected and funny, its a great movie too!

Dmasy said... 198

Admin, MTV did 3 update hours shows last night. Being Farrah. Being Amber. Being Caitlyn. The programs updated the lives of the 3 original teen moms. Maci was not included. The girls are all in their early twenties now. Amber is out of prison. Farrah is NOT in the porn industry (cough). Caitlyn and Tyler are still together.

Formerly Duped said... 199

Being Maci was aired earlier and I think was 2 episodes. She is living in a 'party house' with 5 year old Bentley who seems to be a little , um, defiant, and Ryan the dad, appears to still carry a flame for Maci who is single again.They still bicker and swear and disagree a lot.i just watched about 20 minutes.

White Organza said... 200

To all posters here who are in their first stage of Downton Abbey withdrawal, maybe this link below will help. It's another one of BBC 4: fascinating documentaries: "History of England's Domestic Servants"
Like all BBC 4 documentaries (my personal treasure trove when I'm bored by what's on TV...), it's absolutely captivating. You really get to understand what the real "downstairs" live used to be like.

It's on YouTube, (absolutely free, of course) at this link"

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