Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Shirley Temple Black, 1928-2014

"Time is money. It's work, not play, and you learn to be obedient or something bad happens to you."

Shirley Temple made $3.21 million in Depression-era dollars (that would amount to about $45 million if she earned it in 2014). By the time she reached 18, her father had spent all but $44,000 of it. Surprisingly, a court-ordered trust had actually been put in place to protect the child star's earnings in a time when little thought was given to such things, but somehow no one did anything when her father failed to make the required payments to it. 

The "Shirley Temple Act," passed in 1938, refers to federal law that excludes child actors from normal labor regulations. It has never been overturned.

371 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Formerly Duped said... 1

I loved Shirley Temple's movies when I was a child. I never gave a thought to whether she enjoyed the work, as she seemed to, or even if it was work! She was incredibly talented and cute. Definitely had the IT factor the G8 do not.

She made a success of her life in politics, overcame cancer, and lived a long full life. But the matter of child labor and money remains. Interesting about The Shirley Temple Act.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 2

The 5th grade kids who cancelled their trip to Seaworld received recognition from the city last night. They're so sweet all lined up with their certificates.

Their new class field trip? A whale watching boat ride up in Santa Barbara.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 3

Joy to answer your question from the other day I actually prefer the primetime Olympics instead of the alternate NBC channel. I like the commentary and little segments. I love Mary Carillo. Her segment on vodka, lol. And Bob Costa's eye, "my eyes can't get any redder no matter what I do!" Back in the Vancouver Olympics she and Tom Brokow did some of the best short segments on Canadian culture I've ever seen.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 4

Formely yes same experience I watched her movies as a child and never thought about it until much later. You know she is a very strong and interesting woman. She is very matter of fact without a lot of commentary. She won't trash her mother or father or her bizarre childhood. She lived a very isolated life on set mostly with other adults, she was the studio darling until one day she grew up and they dumped her like an old pair of socks.

Yet she just says this is how it was, think what you will of it. She says she had a good childhood and she never pursued legal action against her parents for the money issue. She just let it go.

I think her personality is like many people of her generation. No time to look back, no time for regrets, no time to lament how things woulda coulda been. You just deal with the hand you are dealt and go on with life and you don't use it as an excuse not to have a good life going forward.

I also wonder if she felt it might be trite to belly ache about her childhood when so many other children her age were suffering during the Depression. Had she lived in a different time, we may have heard something different out of her. I don't think she ever was interested in being an advocate for child stars, it's almost like she felt it would be disrespectful. Rather she wanted to just move on from that and contribute to society in other ways, and she has.

I think it's important to know that at a young age she married into the Black family, one of the wealthiest California families at the time. So it was easier for her to just let it go that she lost three million dollars from her childhood than it would be for someone like Jackie Coogan or Gary Coleman who were pretty hard up because they lost their money and didn't marry into a wealthy family.

What is telling though is that she never pushed her own children into the business, or ever tried to get back in the business herself. Her oldest daughter is a school librarian, her youngest daughter is a musician and her son a businessman. Very telling. A life well lived.

TLC stinks said... 5

So sorry about Shirley Temple Black. Had no idea about how her father spent all her money.

Referring back to the Beth discussion, I just want to add that we don't know if Beth ever saw the "entire" journal or just what Kate wanted her to see. I am also sure Beth was tied up legally because of her appearances on the show and the book, so perhaps her silence is the price she has to pay or get sued. And then, something happened that caused Beth and her family to sever ties with the Gosselins or it could have been Kate's doing. We just don't know unless Beth decides to reveal what happened. I suspect there must have been some squabbling over money like if she got paid for the TLC appearances, and she did get cut out of her fair share of the book proceeds when Jon was added as a co-author. Part of the book deal must have been that Kate got the credit and Beth got nothing.

Having said that, I am not a fan of Beth's. I think she was a hanger-on and profited from her relationship with Kate. She got to go on trips, get on TV, write a book and promote her own business. She may not even have been shocked by the journal's revelations.

I think, though, it's time to get pass Beth because it appears she intends to remain silent. I hope I am wrong.

Dmasy said... 6

Shirley Temple wrote an autobiography, "Child Star". I read it years ago and remember a balanced story.

I watched her movies....all of them and more than once!

I remember her hosting a TV program (maybe fairy tales) when she was an adult. Perhaps some one with a better memory than mine will recall the details. She wore stunning gowns. And, she looked like the grown up version of her curly-topped self.

She auditioned for the Little Rascals and was turned down.

FYI said... 7

I was reading A Minor Consideration's FB page, and it seems more former child stars have volunteered to become part of AMC's team. In a post written by Paul, he says:

"It is extremely gratifying to read your expressions of support as A Minor Consideration begins the process of evolving through the next generation of former child stars. Thank you. Over the next few months you will come to know the new people who have volunteered to help. Actually, you already know them…and isn’t that cool? I think you’ll be impressed, not only for their past accomplishments as performers, but for the kind of people they have become.

The express aim of the new crew is to finally end the exemption to Federal Child Labor Laws suffered by the children in the entertainment industry. Gathering the resources and contacts for this task will be a monumental task. It’s long past time to end this archaic exemption."

In another post, he has a picture of the new volunteers and lists them:

Mary McDonough, Erin Murphy, Julie Dolan, Mason Reese, Darby Hinton, Lauri Hendler, Paul Petersen, Scott Schwartz, Moosie Drier, Mitch Silberman and Claudia Wells.


Here’s a brief bio of each of them for those who might not be familiar with some of the names. I had to look a few of them up.

Mary McDonough-played Erin on Walton’s Mountain
Erin Murphy-played Tabitha on Bewitched
Mason Reese-best known for his TV commercials
Darby Hinton-played Daniel Boone’s son in TV series of same name
Lauri Hendler-played Julie on Gimme A Break
Moosie Drier-child actor who appeared in many TV shows and movies
Mitch Silberman-child actor
Claudia Wells-played Marty McFly’s girlfriend in the Back to the Future movies
Julie Dolan-appeared in various commercials, TV shows

AND since we discussed this at Christmas…gotta love it!

Scott Schwartz-played the boy(Flick) who got his tongue stuck to the pole in A Christmas Story.

Anonymous said... 8

You would think that 80 years later, we wouldn't be treating our children like chattels. We've come so far in some ways, yet we're still having these conversations in 2014. Sad.


Call Me Crazy said... 9

I love Mary Carillo.


I concur! My DH and I were watching one of her pieces and I said she has the greatest job ever. She seems like she truly enjoys meeting people and learning about different cultures, customs and traditions. She is very respectful. Also very genuine and authentic in her enthusiasm.

longtime lurker said... 10

I didn't watch the show from the beginning, but seems like I recall Beth saying she met Kate at church and wanted to help out because of the babies..Beth was the one Kate wanted to be like...seemed to be well-to-do, dressed nicely, and Beth took Kate to her first SPA....they also filmed at Beth's house and I think that's what put a bigger/better mans idea into Kate's little brain. She wanted to BE Beth.

I also remember Robert stating in the book(or on his website) that he was watching Kate one day at the local grocery store and he did in fact witness Kate being in close proximity to Beth and she ignored her.
So much for that 'once you meet her you will love her', huh?
(sometimes I wonder how Kate can shun the entire community that helped their family, donated time and money to help them, only to turn her back on them when she was finished with them. It boggles the mind).
there's no way Kate has a conscience.

marie said... 11

In regard to Beth, I thought you were immune to confidentiality contracts when it came to reporting child abuse.


SARA said... 12

Correct, Marie. I do not believe for one second that Katie took the time to delete certain passages from her journal. That would mean she would have had a revised version, that overwrote the old one. Did she go back after Beth had looked at it and reedited it? Likely not. I firmly believe Beth saw it all, not just the words but actions as well. I think Jon saw physical abuse as well. My thought is Beth was trying to help her through prayer to be a better Mommy. I think when it came time to cut her pay on the book she finally saw the real Katie. I don't think it was about money for Beth. I think she was trying to be a needed friend to her. I don't think she was a hanger on, nor did she ever promote any business on the show. She did that on her own, after she was expelled. All this to say: I think if she didn't report the abuse after she read it then she has to live with that. A CA would not apply in a court of law for anyone, crew, nannies etc.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 13

Agree Crazy. Mary Carrillo has a genuine interest in people and learning new things and storytelling that is exactly the it factor necessary in broadcasting that we've always tried to explain is so lacking in Kate. Mary reminds me of Katie Couric in that she just exudes curiosity and it makes her so engaging. You figure well if she's this interested it must be worth watching.

TLC stinks said... 14

Marie, I don't know. The crew did not report anything that we are aware of, I guess, because of fear of losing their jobs or confidentiality agreements? Nice environment for a child and animal abuser.

AuntieAnn said... 15

When Jane Withers, Margaret O'Brien and Dickie Moore were on private screenings with Robert Osborne, they talked about working with Shirley Temple when they were all child stars. The studio wouldn't allow Shirley to play or eat or be schooled with the other children while they were off the set. She had her own private tutor and dressing room. They all agreed she was easy to work with though and it was through no fault of her own the studio treated her like gold because she was a huge moneymaker for them. It must have been a very lonely childhood for her.

Rest in Peace Mrs. Temple Black.

Gerismum said... 16

wasnt that the Jackie Coogan law?

Gerismum said... 17

irregardless, should add.......i have always LOVED shirley temple, since I was a little kid.....a true icon of the movies.

Mel said... 18

I firmly believe Beth saw it all, not just the words but actions as well. ... My thought is Beth was trying to help her through prayer to be a better Mommy. I think when it came time to cut her pay on the book she finally saw the real Katie. I don't think it was about money for Beth. I think she was trying to be a needed friend to her. I don't think she was a hanger on, nor did she ever promote any business on the show.

I also think Beth was trying to help TFW being a better mom...through example, prayer, whatever. I also don't think that Beth was a hanger on, and that it also wasn't about money for her.

She had to have been aware of the abuse, through the journals and through her own eyes. She had to have personally observed some of it. She probably thought that she could coach TFW away from that kind of behavior.

For whatever reason, the child abuse didn't cause her to walk away. Or at least the child abuse up to that point.

There was a trigger that caused her to walk away. Who knows what it was. The money on the book deal, or something else. But it was a trigger. Something that caused her suddenly to say no more, a line had been crossed.

I think that she became aware of something that was ethically unpalatable to her, and she cut TFW off the instant she found out about it.

Lots of choices for what the trigger was...
More violent child abuse than what she'd seen so far
Something with Steve
Something with her own husband (TFW has a history of poaching other women's partners...look how flirty she was with Kendra's husband, Jon had a girlfriend at the time she met him, Steve)
Money on the book deal

It's just interesting that the child abuse she *did* see/be aware of wasn't enough of a line for her. It took something else to be the deciding line that enough was enough.

Carole said... 19

I'm a Mary Carrillo fan also. I really enjoyed her segment on Siberia this weekend. What a tough environment they live in and what tough and resilient people they are!

Ex Nurse said... 20

Just to clarify--I was referring to Em tanner as the snitch--revealing details of a business arrangement. I'm not saying that she shouldn't have responded in her own defense, but taking it to the same level is just unprofessional.

My mind then wandered to what other people have kept silence, even though I am sure that they are bursting to tell what they know--Beth was the first example that came to mind.

Jane said... 21

Carole said... 19
I'm a Mary Carrillo fan also. I really enjoyed her segment on Siberia this weekend. What a tough environment they live in and what tough and resilient people they are!


I agree. I had no idea Siberia was so beautiful. Mary had a beautiful way of bringing warmth to such a cold evironment.

Over In TFW's County said... 22

Alberta Girl, as a mom of 3 ds, thank you for letting your boys eat in the tv room to watch the Olympics. They will never forget it.

There is no way on earth TCFW would allow her 3 sons such privileges. She would rather be beaten to a pulp and then let Steve lick her wounds before she would allow that to happen.


I don't know what you are saying here. All the kids, boys included, ate in the downstairs rec room (tv room) to watch the Super Bowl.

Tucker's Mom said... 23

All of these comments about Shirley Temple are so on point.
In her era, you didn't complain- there were so many who were poor and destitute. You also didn't seek revenge (ie: incite BV to do your bidding) because there simply was no time. Leisure was for the wealthy- there was no "middle class" as we know it today.
I remember my mom telling stories of having to go into her cellar and pick through the coal used in the furnace, saving the pieces that could be used again.
An "umbrella man" came along the street once a week or so to repair your umbrellas and the like. Consumerism and planned obsolescence was unheard of, and talk about recycling! In that day, you'd save every single can, crush it and donate it for the troops.
And they spend very, very little time bellyaching.

As far as Beth goes, we don't know exactly what she witness-both in person and in Kate's journals. Kate may very well have cherry picked what she handed over to Beth.
I think what came between Beth and Kate, ultimately and generally, was that Kate's Christianity waned in direct proportion to her money and fame.
Beth strikes me as a very Godly woman who lives a Christian life, and so when Kate divorced herself from the Christian way of life, I think Beth could not reconcile supporting Kate and her ever evolving evilness and wickedness.
Perhaps Beth even realized that she among many, many other, were too easily impressed with Kate's whole "package", including and especially, refusing to reduce her pregnancy.
Countless thousands of Gosselin acolytes headed that call like a sailor to a mermaid's song- reflexively bowing their heads and turning up their collective palms to Kate as they raised her up like a Madonna.

Millicent said... 24

Admin - I had not realized that Shirley Temple's father had been a poor custodian of her income. That's a real shame, but it seems that she made her way in this world very well all the same (for which I'm glad on her behalf). I had always heard that her mother was very protective of her, always was present on the set during filming, etc. She seemed a person who was content with her life. She certainly had a long life and may she RIP.

longtime lurker said... 25

Well how much longer did Beth hang around once the book was written? was she gone before it hit the bookstores?
If she did see the original journal, how in the world did she write that book of fiction?
She might have stayed if Kate begged her to, if she shed tears that she 'would change', if she agreed to let Beth 'teach' her how to control her rages...

so when did Beth take her leave? She never struck me as being impressed about being on the show, she always seemed to portray altruistic motives for helping with the children, and with Kate.

Tucker's Mom said... 26

longtime lurker said... 10
I didn't watch the show from the beginning, but seems like I recall Beth saying she met Kate at church and wanted to help out because of the babies..Beth was the one Kate wanted to be like...seemed to be well-to-do, dressed nicely, and Beth took Kate to her first SPA....they also filmed at Beth's house and I think that's what put a bigger/better mans idea into Kate's little brain. She wanted to BE Beth.
From Kate's journals, Kate really admired Beth and looked up to her and Bob as role models for her marriage and family.
Bob and Beth were very, very good to Jon and Kate. They gave without expecting reciprocity.
Bob was sort of a surrogate father to Jon, and it's a real shame that these lovely people were cast aside, because I think Beth and Bob could have helped support and guide Jon and Kate through tough times.
It's a real loss to all of the Gosselins, that the Carsons are estranged from them.
One of many losses.

While I'm mentioning it, I want to say that it irks me when the folks who were helping Jon and Kate FOR FREE, during filming, were some kind of parasites, trying to hang onto J+K and suck off any perks they could.
These people (Kevin, Jodi, Beth, Bob) were there before the cameras, and I'm sure would have been there after the cameras, if they had all not been cast aside.
Sure, it's fun to travel and meet people, but that's the cherry of top. The rest of that ice cream sundae is made up of hard work and long hours, so if Jodi got a kick out of meeting Martha, Oprah and Dr. Phil, good for her!

Millicent said... 27

TLC Stinks said:
Having said that, I am not a fan of Beth's. I think she was a hanger-on and profited from her relationship with Kate. She got to go on trips, get on TV, write a book and promote her own business. She may not even have been shocked by the journal's revelations.

I think, though, it's time to get pass Beth because it appears she intends to remain silent. I hope I am wrong.
I share many of your same thoughts re Beth. I think she probably originally had good intentions - reads about a local family who has sextuplets plus older twin girls, reaches out to offer help, and then got caught up in being part of a tv show watched by millions. I think she heard and saw things that should have stopped her in her tracks, and my guess is that she remembers those moments and feels sorry and ashamed. (I was just recalling this morning a period in my life when I was very shallow and self-centered when in my early 20's. I still cringe when I think of certain moments or events and how I behaved. So maybe my past is coloring my perspective of Beth.)

I think something happened on that fateful trip to Utah that finally crossed some sort of line, and she packed up and went home. All I remember from that show was that she and Kate had spa time (natch), and then Kate & Jon went out to dinner, leaving Beth (and Beth's daughter?) to babysit the kids. I think Beth and Mady have some sort of dispute. Next day, Beth is gone and viewers are told she had to return home for a birthday? And that's the end of Beth forevermore on the show.

Only Beth knows what happened for sure and she's not talking.

Tucker's Mom said... 28

(sometimes I wonder how Kate can shun the entire community that helped their family, donated time and money to help them, only to turn her back on them when she was finished with them. It boggles the mind).
there's no way Kate has a conscience.
I get the sense that Kate can be a very paranoid person, thinking that anyone and everyone is trying to suck off of her fame and fortune tit.
Also, when it became apparent that "their life is their show, and their show is their life" was Kate's battle call to circle the immediate Gosselin wagons, and let no one, but no one in.
Anyone who dared dissent was cast away immediately. Not only that, but vilified, sometimes quite publicly.

Tucker's Mom said... 29

I firmly believe Beth saw it all, not just the words but actions as well. I think Jon saw physical abuse as well. My thought is Beth was trying to help her through prayer to be a better Mommy. I think when it came time to cut her pay on the book she finally saw the real Katie
Yes, and yes.
Kate could do a good job of faking regret and remorse for physically abusing her children. "Oh, Lord, make me a more patient Mommy" and all that.
I can see Beth buying into this sociopath's ability to feign real emotions, and want to be patient, understand and help. After all, it's the children that would benefit from trying to stand by Kate and all of her abuse.

Tucker's Mom said... 30

Looks like Meridith Viera is getting a daytime talk show, starting in several months.
Guarantee TFW will have her bleached asshole on that couch in no time!

JoyinVirginia said... 31

I do agree with everyone that Mary Carillo does the best in depth pieces about culture and human interest. I like her sense of humor, and her willingness to try just about anything.
so admin, re the law about child performers, does this mean kids working on farms have more protection than child performers?

Vanessa said... 32

Guarantee TFW will have her bleached asshole on that couch in no time!
Oh God, I just spit out my water!!
"... Cause I went to the f$#cking salon with her and I got my asshole bleached too! And I love my new asshole!"


Anonymous said... 33

Tucker's MOM @ 30...

Please give warning before being so succint. ..I spit out a perfectly good mouthful of Canadian Beer. OYE, lmao.

New phone. ..will see if it is evil. ..

Everyone. Keep posting, I LOVE this blog

Ps. KK still sucks


Tucker's Mom said... 34

"... Cause I went to the f$#cking salon with her and I got my asshole bleached too! And I love my new asshole!"
Love that movie ;-)

LaLaLandNoMore said... 35

We may never know what truly happened between Kate and Beth. Maybe we don't need to know. Those of us who watched the show when Beth was still appearing could see how a problem might arise. Beth seemed to be the real deal with an authentic life. We all know that is the opposite of Kate. It doesn't bode well for lasting friendship. Kate wanted everything Beth had and finally used the kids enough to get it for herself. So ugly that jealousy.
RIP beautiful Shirley Temple Black!

Anonymous said... 36

Ladies, thank God that was a movie reference.


getofftwitter said... 37

Can you believe some a-hole on Kates TL, is saying that Shirley Tempos movies are racist? Racist? Geez, that person should go and read some history, these movies were made in the 1930's-40's a whole different time period and thinking. As several morning news people pointed out, Shirley was dancing with a black man in one of her movies, something that was totally unheard of, back in the 30's & 40's, very radical. I guess this yahoo does not know history. But then she posted it on Kates TL, go figure.

Call Me Crazy said... 38

I agree. I had no idea Siberia was so beautiful. Mary had a beautiful way of bringing warmth to such a cold evironment.

Unlike Kate, who has an uncanny ability to bring bitter cold to all warm environments.

Rhymes with Witch said... 39

This is a really nice article about Shirley Temple Black.


AuntieAnn said... 40

LOL!!! Tucker's Mom. Yep, Meredith and TFW can sit there and shed a few nostalgic tears all they want, but MV has got to know Kate's lost all credibility. The Today show was her final undoing.

AuntieAnn said... 41

Millicent said... 27

I think something happened on that fateful trip to Utah that finally crossed some sort of line, and she packed up and went home. All I remember from that show was that she and Kate had spa time (natch), and then Kate & Jon went out to dinner, leaving Beth (and Beth's daughter?) to babysit the kids. I think Beth and Mady have some sort of dispute. Next day, Beth is gone and viewers are told she had to return home for a birthday? And that's the end of Beth forevermore on the show.

Only Beth knows what happened for sure and she's not talking.


When Kate sat on the interview couch and said the kids were calling Beth their other mommy, it wasn't too long after that episode that she was tossed into the mounting discard pile. Of course it never crossed TFW's barren wasteland of a mind that the reason they were getting so attached to Beth was because she was treating them like a real mommy. And knowing Kate, she was leaving them with Beth more and more. Kate not only alienates them from their dad, she alienates them from everyone who cares about them. She wants to stay in control.

I think you're right. It all came to a head on that trip to Utah and she split.

Tucker's Mom said... 42

I think you're right. It all came to a head on that trip to Utah and she split.
February 11, 2014 at 1:38 PM
I don't know what the final straw was, although I think it was Kate who pushed Beth away by getting angry at her insubordination.

Beth did not plan to stay the entire Utah trip, and Aunt Jodie was scheduled to fly in and take over when Beth went back to PA for her daughter's birthday.

AuntieAnn said... 43

OT. This is scary. I was browsing through dailymail when I read the world's first genetically modified humans have been created! WTF? Are we supposed to be fooling around with that kind of thing?

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-43767/Worlds-GM-babies-born.html#ixzz2t3JYOMIJ

AuntieAnn said... 44

Addendum to my post 43. I'm researching it and finding out there's a lot of confusion about whether or not it's a hoax. I hope it is and if it is, please disregard.

Rhymes with Witch said... 45

Kate not only alienates them from their dad, she alienates them from everyone who cares about them. She wants to stay in control. 41

Hence the rotation of nannies/babysitters.

lukebandit said... 46

GMO Babies??? God have mercy on us all!

I'm sorry, TFW Co., you are right. I forgot about the Super Bowl basement dinner. I was thinking about how TCFW treats the kids about coming into the kitchen at exactly at 6:03 am. in the morning and Alberta G's son's were eating breakfast watching the Olympics.

Was TCFW afraid the cameras would capture the kids calling Beth, Mommy? Wow. That would not been good for everyone to see. TCFW was playing the bestest Mommy ever on tv and calling Beth, Mommy, would of blown TCFW's cover.

AuntieAnn said... 47

Beth did not plan to stay the entire Utah trip, and Aunt Jodie was scheduled to fly in and take over when Beth went back to PA for her daughter's birthday.


Did Beth say that or was it made up after they edited the episode and did the couch interview? If Kate said it, there's every chance it's a lie.

Are there any episodes of J&K+8 left on YT or have they all magically disappeared?

OrangeCrusher1 said... 48

LaLaLandNoMore said... 35
We may never know what truly happened between Kate and Beth. Maybe we don't need to know. Those of us who watched the show when Beth was still appearing could see how a problem might arise. Beth seemed to be the real deal with an authentic life.

Well, exactly. Enough idle speculation about Beth, who has not been part of the saga in years. She has chosen a private life, and we should respect that.

High Sodium Content said... 49

The one crying racist about Shirley Temple on Kate's TL must be very depressed. She rants about everything from gays to religion. Very lonely unhappy person her only existence is cleaning her house.

FYI said... 50

Auntie Ann--I found one clip from the Utah episode on YouTube. At 2:45, is where it's mentioned about leaving to go home for her daughter's birthday. Beth even confirmed that she was leaving.


We don't know what happened that caused Beth's and Kate's estrangement. We can speculate all we want, but I doubt we will ever know the truth about what happened, unless Beth, herself, speaks about it.

Unknown said... 51

''It's work, not play, and you learn to be obedient or something bad happens to you.''
Has anyone read what ''something bad'' was? It sounds as though she was punished...but how? I hope she wasn't ''happied up'' w/something!

Formerly Duped said... 52

There seem to be short version of episodes like Potties and Pancakes- always thought that was a weird mixture of topics- and the old interviews and fan vids.Wonder why they took them down- it's amazing what old stuff you can find on YouTube.

AuntieAnn said... 53

Well, exactly. Enough idle speculation about Beth, who has not been part of the saga in years. She has chosen a private life, and we should respect that.


Actually she wrote a book with her and her name is still on the cover of it on Amazon as far as I know. Unfortunately she relinquished part of her privacy by doing that. That said, I have no intentions of finding out anything more about her life or how she lives it now.

Kate is a Twit - thanks for that. Anything is more believable if it hasn't come out of Kate's mouth.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 54

Remona, Shirley said they were locked in a small sound box with a block of ice to sit on when they were bad. Horrifying right?

Unknown said... 55

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 54
''Remona, Shirley said they were locked in a small sound box with a block of ice to sit on when they were bad. Horrifying right?''
Oh my goodness. Every time I read of things done to children to ''punish'' them, I'm lost in wondering how on earth their mind comes up with such awful things. How do they even think of the punishment, much less follow through? ''Horrifying'' is right!

Rhymes with Witch said... 56

Remona, Shirley said they were locked in a small sound box with a block of ice to sit on when they were bad. 54

Huh. According to the linked article that I posted, Shirley's mother was very protective of her. Who knows what the truth is.

sparkle said... 57

longtime lurker said... 10
I didn't watch the show from the beginning, but seems like I recall Beth saying she met Kate at church and wanted to help out because of the babies..Beth was the one Kate wanted to be like...seemed to be well-to-do, dressed nicely, and Beth took Kate to her first SPA....they also filmed at Beth's house and I think that's what put a bigger/better mans idea into Kate's little brain. She wanted to BE Beth.

I also remember Robert stating in the book(or on his website) that he was watching Kate one day at the local grocery store and he did in fact witness Kate being in close proximity to Beth and she ignored her.
So much for that 'once you meet her you will love her', huh?

Robert also mentioned in the book that the blogs have always suspected something happened in Utah between Beth and Kate. He wrote that he checked this out and found that Beth actually did leave Utah to return home for her daughter's birthday. His opinion on their falling out was that it was over the book. First, Jon's name was added, reducing Beth's share, then at some point Beth was informed that she would not be accompanying Kate on the book tour. The Carsons usefulness had expired and they were cast to the curb with the rest of discarded family and friends.

Vanessa said... 58


What kind of person/persons does it take to first come up with these punishments, and then enforce them? Good God. Does anyone remember the Little Rascals episode where the kids glue the baby's bottom to the floor while babysitting? THAT WAS REAL! They've edited out every stupid "violent" act in Bugs Bunny cartoons, but I think they left that little gem of BABY ABUSE in the dvds.

Vanessa said... 59

Remona you read my mind

Vanessa said... 60

You know, I don't want my mind to go there, but I cannot help thinking there was sexual abuse. I don't think the alleged saturation of pedophiles in hollywood is something new.

Serendipity said... 61

Macey♥ ‏@maceywanty328
@Kateplusmy8 do u have a Facebook your anything else besides Twitter please let me know I would love to contact you

Macey♥ ‏@maceywanty328
@Kateplusmy8 is there anyway that we can kept contact besides Twitter

Macey♥ ‏@maceywanty328 18m
@Kateplusmy8 I love kate Gosselin I wanted one

She wanted a Kate Gosselin?

For the love of all that's holy, someone, anyone, tell her NO! NO! Kate will NOT contact her or follow her, or phone her, or anything else!

FYI said... 62

I found this old article from the Daily Mail that was published in April 2008, which describes the box punishment. Apparently, it was done by the first studio, Educational Films, that she worked for when she was 3. This is an excerpt:

"At the age of three, Shirley was enrolled at the Ethel Meglin Dance Studios in Hollywood, where she was spotted by two talent scouts from a minor studio, Educational Films, which churned out one-reel "Poverty Row" shorts.

Struck by Shirley's engaging personality, Educational signed her to a two-year contract for 26 short films, at $50 a week. Eight of these were part of a series entitled Baby Burlesks, which Shirley would later describe as "a cynical exploitation of our childish innocence," that "occasionally were racist or sexist."

The regime at Educational Studios was infantile slave labour. Rehearsals would mean two weeks without pay. Each film was then shot at lightning speed in two days. For playing the lead, Shirley received just $10 a day.

For any child who misbehaved, there was the sinister black "punishment box," containing only a large block of ice, in which the obstreperous infant would be forcibly confined to "cool off."

Shirley was put into this box several times, was once forced to work the day after undergoing an operation to pierce her ear-drum and on another occasion to dance on a badly injured foot.

When Educational Films filed for bankruptcy, George Temple astutely bought up his daughter's contract for a mere $25."


I wonder how much her parents were aware of what was going on at that studio. Remember, there were no safeguards for child actors at that time.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 63

One of her first films War babies, which as a kid I thought was so cute, now just seems creepy. There's a lot of suggestive dancing and adult themes and nudity. Makes me wonder what deviant had that idea. I checked and you can find it on YouTube if you want to know what I mean.

Jen said... 64

"First, Jon's name was added, reducing Beth's share, then at some point Beth was informed that she would not be accompanying Kate on the book tour."

I'm not sure why people keep repeating this as if it's fact. The royalty split would have been specified in the contract, which would have been signed well before the manuscript was even submitted. Since Kate and Beth would have been the ones to sign the contract (Jon's name didn't get added to the cover until much later in the process), I would assume the split was 50% Kate; 50% Beth (although this is not necessarily so--it would be whatever the publisher and authors agreed upon, but for the sake of argument, let's assume 50/50). In order for Jon to get a portion of the royalties, they would have had to renegotiate the original contract, which is highly unlikely, particularly since we've seen the copyright is held by Kate and Beth only, not Jon. Just adding someone's name to the cover before printing doesn't automatically entitle that person to a share of the royalties.

Formerly Duped said... 65

That was very disturbing, Admin. I never saw this one before but it sure is pedophile material IMO. What were her parents thinking!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 66

It was a series of films that were parodies only with babies. They were very clever and entertaining but the sexual undertones are disturbing. There are five or six other ones. The only other one I recall seeing was one about cannibalism. I distinctly remember Shirley crying out cannibals, cannibals! And I remember asking my grandma and grandpa what it meant because the tape was at their house. Now I think well gee didn't Shirley at four years old ask what that meant? How do you explain that to a four year old and wouldn't it scare her??

Serendipity said... 67

Can you believe some a-hole on Kates TL, is saying that Shirley Tempos movies are racist? Racist? Geez, that person should go and read some history, these movies were made in the 1930's-40's a whole different time period and thinking. As several morning news people pointed out, Shirley was dancing with a black man in one of her movies, something that was totally unheard of, back in the 30's & 40's, very radical. I guess this yahoo does not know history. But then she posted it on Kates TL, go figure.


The person who posted it is not a fan.

I remember reading some time ago in a magazine interview that Shirley did say that there was an abundance of racism (and sexuality) in her early films, and when she looked back on those films today she only then realized exactly how racist they were, especially "Kid in Africa." If I remember correctly, she said that the cast is mostly black and wants to "eat" Shirley, therefore givingt the impression that Africans are cannibals who prey on Whites. It clearly is racist.

I think you are referring to Dimples. The two African Americans danced next to her, not with her, and it clearly depicted the segregation and role of the white masters and black slaves. At the end of the movie, the white cast members mock the African Americans by putting on black faces. It's all about segregation, and the inferiority of the servants to their masters in the old South.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 68

Remona, Shirley said they were locked in a small sound box with a block of ice to sit on when they were bad. 54

Huh. According to the linked article that I posted, Shirley's mother was very protective of her. Who knows what the truth is.


Like I said, I think she is a product of her generation. You don't complain about your parents. You didn't complain about your employer. You didn't complain about your punishments. You didn't complain about money. She knew what she was, the hope of so many people in the Depression. I believe she may have felt that would somehow be disrespectful of the fond memories she created for Americans. She was a woman who had a sense of duty and that included a duty not to tarnish her fan's nice memories during a difficult time. She has HINTED, a bit, that all was not rosy, and I think her being dumped by the studios in favor of more talented people like Judy Garland hit her hard, but she soon fell in love and had kids and had that to focus on instead of being bitter.

I do think for what it was her mom was pretty decent and protective. But these were different times and more severe punishments were more the norm and conditions on set were not something that was questioned much. Maybe her mother felt trite saying my daughter needs a nap she's tired when many other kids were out in the fields working during the dust bowl much harder and longer.

Also Shirley worked for years for the government. It's not like she was really in any position to start some big smear campaign about conditions for child actors. Surely she was aware of some of the concerns but for whatever reason she chose not to get involved. Surely she has been approached.

Really I never got the impression she had any desire to continue to relive and critique her childhood. She very much has a put your big girl pants on and move on type personality, I've got other things to do. Her passion was foreign policy and her family, not trying to make changes in the industry. Remember this is just what she did as a kid. She rarely did anything in in the industry as an adult, this wasn't her thing or her passion. I'm not even sure she saw much of a need for her to take a role when her time could be better spent making big changes abroad.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 69

I don't think a 6 year old child should bear any responsibility for any themes in their movies, racism, sexism or what have you. She was three at most four in the cannibal movie, she may not even remember it. It was totally different times, nonetheless she was quite clear her favorite actor to work with was African American, his name escapes me. She said in her SAG speech that all she knew at that age was people would tell her what a great little actress you are! And she would say I don't know what that is, an "actress". That's cute, but at the same time it shows how oblivious she was. She didn't know what was going on or how many people were fans or what her movie themes were and whether they were appropriate.

She is clearly not racist. She was an ambassador in Ghana and was absolutely beloved there.

Unknown said... 70

High Sodium Content said... 49
''The one crying racist about Shirley Temple on Kate's TL must be very depressed. She rants about everything from gays to religion. Very lonely unhappy person her only existence is cleaning her house.''
Hummm...that is one way to read her twitter line, and that is your choice. I don't see how she is ''depressed'' because she rants on her timeline about all sorts of things that she (along with me and many others) see as wrong. Now that we know that Shirley Temple herself said that some of the movies she did WERE racist, does that mean that GKD is right, or is she still ''depressed''?

I know that now that I've seen War Babies and In Africa, I totally agree w/both Shirley and GKD.

Somewhere In Time said... 71

Kate has been ignoring Milo for some time, something like two weeks. Milo's trying all sorts of things to get attention -- platitudes,her own words of wisdom, questions, and nothing. Let's see if Kate answers this one:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 22m
I'm beginning 2value as each yr passes that its the simple, everyday events N our family that make life so worthwhile! Agree? @Kateplusmy8

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 72

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 22m
I'm beginning 2value as each yr passes that its the simple, everyday events N our family that make life so worthwhile! Agree? @Kateplusmy8


Poor Milo. Not sure Kate agrees with that. Kate doesn't like mediocre. She wants TRIPS and SWAG TENTS.

Somewhere In Time said... 73

When she made the movies she was too young to know what racism was, but most likely when she looked back on them as an adult in a different era, she could see that they there were elements of racism in many of them.

NJGal51 said... 74

@Kateplusmy8: Realized I watched #ShirleyTemple on YouTube for 2hrs! Was smiling/crying happy tears at same X. Gr8 ch hood memories #RIP #THX4spreadingJOY
Two hours! Poor overworked mom.

Amy2 said... 75

...nonetheless she was quite clear her favorite actor to work with was African American, his name escapes me.

The dancer's name was Bill "Bojangles" Robinson.
Here's a link for more information

Somewhere In Time said... 76

She keeps trying!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5m
@Kateplusmy8 Hey...be sure & check out my tweet abt ur future bucket list! Anxious 2see which one U pick?? :)

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 10m
I've been making fresh kale chips SO often lately,that I fear we may show up4breakfast 1day w coarse curly leaves growing out r ears! #yum

Look at the cover of your cookbook. Your daughter has green leaves growing out her ears.

getofftwitter said... 77

Serendipity: I know what you are saying. But, you have to remember that was back in the 30's & 40's, if you look at movies from the time period, they were full of racist, sexist, abuse, etc,.By todays standards, most if not all of those movies can/could be labeled: racist, sexist,etc.Women, children, other races, animals, were not treated well in those movies. One has to watch any old movies with a grain of salt. We have come far, but not far enough.There is reality TV, they just put an old concept from the movies back on TV for another generation. They are what they are. A part of history. I'm not saying what they did was right, not by any means, but it is what it is. People can chose to watch them or not. A lot of the old movies are violent, like the Three Stooges shorts, some people think they are classic comedy. If you care to watch them they are violent. Again it is what it is, and people were entertained by it. A lot of comics today, do a lot of racist, sexist etc acts on stage, and we all have a choice, on whether to see them or not. Are these old movies classics or racist, sexist etc, movies? Don't know? depends on how you look at it.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 78

@Kateplusmy8: Realized I watched #ShirleyTemple on YouTube for 2hrs! Was smiling/crying happy tears at same X. Gr8 ch hood memories #RIP #THX4spreadingJOY

Did she just hashtag Shirley Temple? And hashtag RIP? Moron.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 79

@Kateplusmy8: Realized I watched #ShirleyTemple on YouTube for 2hrs


What? It's the middle of the work week. She has eight children. Who would have time to screw around for two hours on youtube?

It's Jon's dinner night, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't have a dozen things to do. Who can relate to this? Moreover I'm not surprised she's some uber Shirley Temple fan spending hours and hours crying and watching her on youtube on a weeknight. The movies were simple kiddie flicks that make child labor look all hunky dorey. Simple themes and happy joy joy are what Kate understands.

I'm sure almost all child actors of Shirley Temple's generation look back on their movies and see where improvement could be made. Racism is not exclusive just to her films. We'll probably look back on the movies of today in 60 years and see things wrong. Society evolves.

PatK said... 80

I see Walt is ranting again about this blog and how the topic always come back to Kate.

Well, duh, Walt! It ain't called "15 Minutes Gosselin Style" for nothing!


Unknown said... 81

terri said... 76
Remona said:
''because she rants on her timeline about all sorts of things that she (along with me and many others) see as wrong.''
''May I ask a question of you? Why do you guys 'rant' day in and day out about the same things over and over? What's the end goal? Or is there one?''
I will speak for only myself in answering your question. I am not on twitter, and don't post on any political message board, so I'm not ''ranting'' anywhere publicly.

However, I am a knee-jerk liberal yellow dog Democrat, whose ''Represantives'' in Congress are Ted Cruz and that Cornyn person, therefore I approve of all postings that echo my opinions. Since I am among those stuck w/men who are against everything I believe, I think that after voting against them, our only option is to bitch and bitch and rant and rave, hoping that eventually Texas will turn 'Blue'.

Midnight Madness said... 82

Pat -- don't give him any attention...that's what he wants. He's been trying to provoke it the past few days, trying to get someone to respond. For some reason he has an obsession with this blog. He wants a fight. Ignore it.

FYI said... 83

@Kateplusmy8: Realized I watched #ShirleyTemple on YouTube for 2hrs! Was smiling/crying happy tears at same X. Gr8 ch hood memories #RIP #THX4spreadingJOY

Did she just hashtag Shirley Temple? And hashtag RIP? Moron.

Usually when a celebrity passes away there usually are several articles about how other celebrities reacted to their passing. Today I saw several such articles regarding Shirley's death, and they included tweets made by different celebrities. Kate probably made that tweet and used that hashtag in the hopes that she would be included.

Unfortunately, she succeeded. I have seen one or two of those articles where Kate's tweet was included. However, I doubt she spent 2 hours on Youtube this morning, especially since she made that tweet at 9:41am. It was just another way that she was hoping she'd get noticed.

FYI said... 84

To correct my previous post---Kate tweeted about Shirley Temple at 10:41am ET not 9:41am.

FYI said... 85

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 10m
I've been making fresh kale chips SO often lately,that I fear we may show up4breakfast 1day w coarse curly leaves growing out r ears! #yum

Look at the cover of your cookbook. Your daughter has green leaves growing out her ears.

Somewhere In Time(#76)--that was the exact same thought I had when I saw that tweet!

OrangeCrusher1 said... 86

Oh then I stand corrected, did not know this was a celebrity thing.

She's still a moron. 2 hours bawling on Utube, hardly, and once again she speaks to having nothing else to do all day.

Serendipity said... 87

You called someone an a$$hole because she said that Shirley Temple's films were racist:

"Can you believe some a-hole on Kates TL, is saying that Shirley Tempos movies are racist? Racist?"

Why would you call someone a name when clearly, they were correct in that they were racist? Shirley Temple herself admitted it, Now you backpedal.

prairiemary said... 88

Admin., I found War Babies on you tube, but it is just past 9 minutes long. Is that the normal length of her first few movies?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 89

Jennifer Iverson ‏@Ivymamma 21m
@Kateplusmy8 my 6 love them too, but I have trouble making enough, any tricks to making big batches?

LOL!! Put more on a baking sheet, use two racks, or buy another oven!

prairiemary said... 90

I don't for a minute believe she cried watching Shirley Temple movies-not unless she had an audience to cry in front of! Just her way of trying to seek attention, ANY attention.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 91

Prairie yes War Babies is only 10 minutes but there was a series of others like it.

Two hours on YouTube in the morning? Even worse. She's 39. Get a job. Be productive. Do something with yourself.

FYI said... 92

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 1h
@Kateplusmy8 How did #FreshKaleChips get left out of "LoveIsInTheMix"? U keep coming up w/new recipes! Need 2nd Edition ALREADY! :)

Milo--Kate didn't come up with anything new. Google kale chips and you'll find many recipes on how to make kale chips. Kate most likely got hers from allrecipes.com--she's used them before for one of her Menu Monday recipes.

"2nd edition"? Ha ha, that has to be the joke of the day!!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 93

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 1h
@Kateplusmy8 How did #FreshKaleChips get left out of "LoveIsInTheMix"? U keep coming up w/new recipes! Need 2nd Edition ALREADY! :)

Milo--Kate didn't come up with anything new. Google kale chips and you'll find many recipes on how to make kale chips. Kate most likely got hers from allrecipes.com--she's used them before for one of her Menu Monday recipes.


Yes, another 50,000 in the making. Right, Milo? :)

prairiemary said... 94

Thanks, Admin., off to watch it:)

FlimsyFlamsy said... 95

I hope the kids get to see the Lego movie with their dad. Of course TFW can't take them, because chaos would ensue. And then there's the prohibitive expense - tickets x8. What piecin and patchin mom could afford such a luxury?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 96

cassandra ferreira ‏@fink1 5m
@Kateplusmy8 what are Kale chips?

This from a grown woman with 2 children.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 97

cassandra ferreira ‏@fink1 14m
@Kateplusmy8 what are Kale chips?

These people find their way to Twitter. Wouldn't you think that they would know how to use Google?

AuntieAnn said... 98

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 1h
@Kateplusmy8 How did #FreshKaleChips get left out of "LoveIsInTheMix"? U keep coming up w/new recipes! Need 2nd Edition ALREADY! :)


I really hope Kate is embarrassed by Milo's grovelling tweets. In their lucid moments they both know that cookbook is a joke.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 99

Jennifer Looper ‏@JenniferLooper 6m
@Kateplusmy8 how do you make kale chips?

...and another one! What is WITH these people?

AuntieAnn said... 100

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 96

cassandra ferreira ‏@fink1 5m
@Kateplusmy8 what are Kale chips?

This from a grown woman with 2 children.


Behold. It's the future generation.

Frightening if you think about it too long.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 101

Amy2 said... 75
...nonetheless she was quite clear her favorite actor to work with was African American, his name escapes me.

The dancer's name was Bill "Bojangles" Robinson.
Here's a link for more information


Bill "Mr. Bojangles" Robinson has a statue in Virginia--in Richmond near his birthplace.


Jeanne said... 102

Are kale chips actually that good? They sound awful to me. Of course we never know what is true of what she says, but I don't know many kids who would love those. Although they aren't cans of beans mixed with cheese or undercooked sausage so maybe the kids love them.

Rhymes with Witch said... 103

I don't think a 6 year old child should bear any responsibility for any themes in their movies, racism, sexism or what have you.


fidosmommy said... 104

I just looked up kale chips on allrecipes. I had never heard of them. I read comments that said they were tricky to cook just right, not soggy, not burnt. The pictures submitted did not do kale chip promoters any favors. One person said they tasted like potato chips, one said if you don't like Brussels sprouts, you won't like kale chips either. That was enough for me. The thought of a BruSp gets my gag reflexes going. Nasty.

KittyFitz50 said... 105


I'm the 'asshole' who said Shirley Temple's movies were racist and sexist on Twitter. If you read my tweet fully, and the thread it's linked to, you would know I responded to this tweet from Milo:

@Kateplusmy8 Her old movies would be gr8 entertainment 4ur kids....do they even know who she is? Ever seen any of her movies? #SpecialGirl

Her old movies are NOT good for kids. Watch b4 you show kids and see. Racist, sexist etc bc so old @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8

I also tweeted:

Shirley Temple had a horrendous childhood: exploited in movies by studios & father. We shld remember this too. #RealityTVKids Kate Gosselin

I have NO idea what you mean about cleaning. And yes, I support LGBTQ and other causes on twitter which I hardly think is 'ranting'.

Serendipity, thank you for getting it.

GKD said... 106

Since my tweets are being discussed, I want to point out that what I said was "does anyone wonder why Shirley Temple movies aren't shown on tv anymore? It's because they were racist". And they were, even Shirley Temple stated as much. It's also why we don't have the Shirley Temple movies running every weekend like we did when we were growing up.

I, like many others, watched all the Shirley Temple movies growing up. I don't blame Shirley Temple for the sometimes very open racist tones. But they aren't exactly classics we'll all be showing our kids & grankids anymore, IMO.

For the record, I'm not "depressed" (but thanks for the couch therapy, maybe you should get a show on VH1) and yes I do rant & rave about topics I feel strongly about. Having been born & raised & lived the majority of my life in Texas, I'm still very passionate about my home state & I'm heartbroken by the politics I see coming out of there. I'm horrified by the education system there at the moment. I can't rant & rave about Georgia politics because I live in the belly button lint of the Bible belt & being a Democrat is like being gay, don't ask don't tell. (that's a joke, so if you just got offended....ooops!) But seriously, if there was something for me to get behind & rant/rave about in Georgia, I'd be more than happy to do so.

I also post a ton of music videos that I love. I post food ideas, recipe links, and I'm WAY too involved in certain sports. Nascar season is about to start & I'll be posting nasty things about Kyle Busch very soon. I'll be fan girling over Dale Jr at the same time. I'll obsessively follow the NFL draft because I have a brand new jersey riding on the #1 pick. When college football starts, I'll be a maniac over Texas A&M.

I can at least say that my entire TL isn't all about Kate or her fanatics 24/7.

Millicent said... 107

Orange Crusher said:
Well, exactly. Enough idle speculation about Beth, who has not been part of the saga in years. She has chosen a private life, and we should respect that.
While I agree that any speculation or prying into Beth's current private life is inappropriate, I do not agree that speculation or discussion about Beth during the time frame that she willingly appeared on J&K+8 should now be off limits. While I think Beth is probably a fairly decent person, she's no saint and she certainly saw and heard plenty that should have concerned her and made her think twice about continuing to participate in the show. She was more than willing to go on trips and be filmed for the show for a period of time. I don't think it was a crisis of conscience that led to her departure. But I don't know the reason, as it has not ever been stated publicly. I would never pry into her current life, but I do respectfully claim the right to discuss and analyze what she did while still choosing to participate in filming.

Vanessa said... 108

don't for a minute believe she cried watching Shirley Temple movies-not unless she had an audience to cry in front of! Just her way of trying to seek attention, ANY attention.
She's inserting herself into it, making Shirley Temple's passing about her somehow. Classic. Yet, she wouldn't show an ounce of emotion to someone IN her life.

Vanessa said... 109

She 'SAYS she watched Shirley Temple movies on youtube for TWO HOURS? This time I'm thinking she spent MORE than 2 hrs boobtubing, but didn't want that number posted.

Tucker's Mom said... 110

Sleepless In Seattle said... 89
Jennifer Iverson ‏@Ivymamma 21m
@Kateplusmy8 my 6 love them too, but I have trouble making enough, any tricks to making big batches?
Exactly Jennifer! Doesn't something sound a bit hinky here? You're on the right track, Jennifer.
Kale chips are a low-yield dish. It takes a lot of kale and a good deal of prep to make kale chips for 1 or 2 people, let alone for 8 kids. Kale dehydrates in the oven, just like spinach shrinks down to almost nothing when you saute it, so you need HUGE amounts to get proper serving sizes.
A bunch of kale is around $3 each. You do the math.
I highly doubt that Kate is there in her kitchen, washing, drying, oiling and seasoning her kale, then arranging carefully on baking sheets.
8 kids would have about 2 chips each and then done.
Keep those questions coming, Jennifer!

Tucker's Mom said... 111

I'm older than Kate and I have vague memories of Shirley Temple. Sure, there were plenty of reruns, and she was adorable, but I just can't relate to bawling for 2 hours watching YouTube!
That's insane.
She's generations ahead of both Kate and me.
With all Kate's hashtagging, she surely meant to get a mention for her Tweet.
Pathetic user.

Vanessa said... 112

don't think a 6 year old child should bear any responsibility for any themes in their movies, racism, sexism or what have you.
I sincerely hope we alllll agree on this?

Tucker's Mom said... 113

GKD said... 105
Good post.
I've always had the sense that Texans are passionate people, about many things, like Blue Bell ice cream!
(let's agree to NOT bring up the Cowboys!!)

Tucker's Mom said... 114

Tucker's Mom said... 110
I'm older than Kate and I have vague memories of Shirley Temple. Sure, there were plenty of reruns, and she was adorable, but I just can't relate to bawling for 2 hours watching YouTube!
That's insane.
I wanted to add that I can't imagine why Kate would mourn Shirley, the curly-topped little girl, but can see how ADULTS could mourn Mrs. Temple Black, the political activist and survivor that she was.

Blowing In The Wind said... 115

I'm older than Kate and I have vague memories of Shirley Temple. Sure, there were plenty of reruns, and she was adorable, but I just can't relate to bawling for 2 hours watching YouTube!
That's insane.
She's generations ahead of both Kate and me.
With all Kate's hashtagging, she surely meant to get a mention for her Tweet.
Pathetic user.


Exactly. I thought the same thing when I read that. I doubt that Kate even saw one of her movies. Bawling for two hours? I don't believe that for a minute.

Anonymous said... 116

I found it! Kate's manifesto. And the sheeple bible.


GKD and KittyFitz50, I back you 100%.


Anonymous said... 117

Vanessa said... 107
don't for a minute believe she cried watching Shirley Temple movies-not unless she had an audience to cry in front of! Just her way of trying to seek attention, ANY attention.
She's inserting herself into it, making Shirley Temple's passing about her somehow. Classic. Yet, she wouldn't show an ounce of emotion to someone IN her life.


Yup, had to make it all about how SHE was affected. It really is 'classic' behaviour from a narcissist.


Vanessa said... 118

I wanted to add that I can't imagine why Kate would mourn Shirley
Because she has to insert herself into any kind of tragedy, and again, make it about herself. She thinks she should say something, but it always misses the mark. She in incapable of true empathy or sympathy. And yes, she was hoping the tweet would get picked up somewhere. And big deal! Our local paper publishes lots of tweets from fans when a certain singer/band plays our city.

Vanessa said... 119

Yup, had to make it all about how SHE was affected. It really is 'classic' behaviour from a narcissist.
and that's what's so harmful to her kids. If she's pulling that sad crap on them today (yesterday) when they know she NEVER has an ounce of sympathy for them (impacted bowels, vomitous boy, gumgate etc, the examples are too many) and then is chirping away about Shirley Temple?? A lot like the skydive hysterics, hopefully not to THAT extent. And she picks and chooses when/where/how to use her fake sympathy. With the beds, she was all giddy because she was getting free shit. The monster was being fed. She'll just latch on to whatever opportunity gives her the most attention at that moment. Your dealing with an obnoxious self centred adult with the mind of a teen, but she'll never outgrow that stage-as we've seen. The bitch is pushing FORTY!!

TLC stinks said... 120

So Kate lies again about watching Shirley Temple and bawling. Classic narcissist. Really? My own mother hasn't shed a tear and she is older than Shirley. It's sad but please....

I bet she buys those kale chips at Trader Joe's. There is no recipe because they are store bought. She brags about cooking homemade (because then she can claim it's healthier).

Has she started grifting yet for those "Lego" movie tickets? It's coming. I hope Jon does take the kids, too, before Kate starts up with her piecin' and patchin' crapola.

Blowing In The Wind said... 121

I have NO idea what you mean about cleaning. And yes, I support LGBTQ and other causes on twitter which I hardly think is 'ranting'.


I think that comment was about GKD. There was more than one person commenting about the films being racist, which they certainly were, then and now.

Vanessa said... 122

Remember she cried holding the koala? She makes me sick.

Vanessa said... 123

@Kateplusmy8: Realized I watched #ShirleyTemple on YouTube for 2hrs! Was smiling/crying happy tears at same X. Gr8 ch hood memories #RIP #THX4spreadingJOY
Gr8 childhood memories? GR8 CHILDHOOD MEMORIES? Has she ever offered any real or somewhat tangible examples of childhood memories? It's a freaking lie. And of course "gr8". Did I say she makes me sick?

JoyinVirginia said... 124

OT Olympics. I watched the snow boarding coverage on TV last night. It was edited so that you thought Shawn White was the ONLY snow boarder, everyone else was supporting cast. Until he didn't medal, and even then the reporter had to interview Shawn on what he thought. Talk to the guy who WON, or the second and third place Japanese guys, whydontcha?
Matt Lauer did better than I thought he would.
Mary Carillo was adorable as always, love her reports.
What did everyone else think?

Amanda, Iowa said... 125

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 13h
@Kateplusmy8 While ur singing remember U got a BD coming up! So here's some more stuff 2add 2ur #BucketList >> http://wp.me/p1PHrF-596 LOL

Amanda says........ Why the heck does Milo send Kate these things.....did she already forget the "can do Kate" on top of that tower in NZ, bitrching, blubbering and abusing that poor guy? Why would she think Kate would enjoy these pics for on her "bucketlist"?

Vanessa said... 126

Has she started grifting yet for those "Lego" movie tickets? It's coming. I hope Jon does take the kids, too, before Kate starts up with her piecin' and patchin' crapola.
Yes, I hope he does too. Besides, even if she managed to grift tickets, SHE wouldn't take them. I doubt she'd even give the tickets to Jon.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 127

Remember TFW weeping when she got a framed photo of the tups as babies? They were only toddlers at the time -- not leaving for college. Why the drama? And poor M was standing beside her saying something like, (meaning the twins), we're not even in it! I think
she meant, dude, I could see you crying if it was a family portrait,
but 25% of your kids are missing! I'm as sentimental as the day is long, but when someone turns on the waterworks to make themselves appear tender-hearted, it creeps me out a bit.

Vanessa said... 128

Amanda, I think the LOL at the end of her tweet is supposed to poke fun at her straight-jacket worthy performance at the skydive.OR she's trying to provoke her in a passive-aggressive way.

Vanessa said... 129

when is her damn birthday anyways? Spring? Collect yourself Milo, breathe, breathe. It's mid Feb.

Vanessa said... 130

Ok, this may sound stupid or sound like a stupid sheeple question but is Milo&Jack her twitter name or Fired up for kate? First time I've taken a gander at her tweets and I don't get how both names come up for her.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 131

I'm older than Kate and I have vague memories of Shirley Temple. Sure, there were plenty of reruns, and she was adorable, but I just can't relate to bawling for 2 hours watching YouTube!
That's insane.


I think it's insane too. I understand fans might be genuinely upset if some genius is taken down in the height of his career. For instance, Jon Lennon. Yes it's understandable people would be in tears.

But Shirley's career was over 60 years ago. She lived a full life, contributed to society in remarkable ways, and lived to a ripe old age. You can sit back and say a life well lived. It's always sad to see a legend go, it kind of feels like a piece of your childhood died, but few of us knew her personally for heaven sake. This alleged crying is HISTRIONIC behavior, beyond just narcissism.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 132

Her old movies are NOT good for kids. Watch b4 you show kids and see. Racist, sexist etc bc so old @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8


Well some of them are fine for kids. I don't recall anything wrong with Heidi or anything racist or sexist about that. A little bit too cotton candy, I like the newer version. The War Babies one probably should be burned, or as an alternative it could be watched with kids and open up a discussion about some of the issues you see in it.

Thanks for explaining your tweets.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 133

I hate kale chips but they're really catching on in the healthy living crowd. I do not think they bear any resemblance to a potato chip alternative. I think it's a load of B.S. Kale is a very strong green, not a good "starter" green for kids. I've only ever been able to tolerate it blended up and masked in a green smoothie. The concern about forcing kale on kids is that if they hate it they may swear off all greens, even those that are much sweeter and milder.

Vanessa said... 134

This alleged crying is HISTRIONIC behavior, beyond just narcissism.

You got it, "alleged". It could go either way with her though. It's either a complete lie OR she did bawl. BOTH scenarios are ridiculous.

Vanessa said... 135

I've attempted to make kale chips once. They turned out really soggy and limp and were quite bitter. Plus the amount of salt I had to put on to make them edible, well wasn't worth it. I too add it to my smoothies or throw some into a big salad.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 136

You got it, "alleged". It could go either way with her though. It's either a complete lie OR she did bawl. BOTH scenarios are ridiculous.


Yes. If you think about it, even if she never shed a tear or even watched a minute of her movies, it's still histrionic behavior to talk like she said. Either one is histrionic. I almost think pretending she did is worse.

Vanessa said... 137

. I almost think pretending she did is worse
I am with you there.

Vanessa said... 138

FlimsyFlamsy said... 127
Remember TFW weeping when she got a framed photo of the tups as babies?


Yes, that was awkward for the viewer too

Anonymous said... 139

If she was watching "Wee Willie Winkie" and crying at the death of Sgt MacDuff I give her a pass...still makes me AND DH cry every time.

Hopefully, she would have been stuffing envelopes with books for the winners at the same time. Otherwise, quite rude.

It is what it is said... 140

...don't think a 6 year old child should bear any responsibility for any themes in their movies, racism, sexism or what have you.
Totally agree. Although I don't agree with the content of some of the old movies, I enjoyed watching them on Saturday mornings as a child and still watch some of them today. Shirley Temple was a child when these movies were made and was just repeating her lines and not voicing things that were her own thoughts and it disturbs me that people are trying to turn her into a racist because of this (and I'm not accusing the GKD and KittyFitz50 of this). Sadly, the movies were a product of their time. Would they be made today? No but does every movie have to be made by Spike Lee before it is acceptable?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 141

Totally agree. Although I don't agree with the content of some of the old movies, I enjoyed watching them on Saturday mornings as a child and still watch some of them today. Shirley Temple was a child when these movies were made and was just repeating her lines and not voicing things that were her own thoughts and it disturbs me that people are trying to turn her into a racist because of this (and I'm not accusing the GKD and KittyFitz50 of this). Sadly, the movies were a product of their time. Would they be made today? No but does every movie have to be made by Spike Lee before it is acceptable?


Agree completely. These movies are a product of the times and hold a place in our history. It's important we are aware of them to understand how where we were and how far we have come today. I don't think anyone should feel guilty watching them or prevent their kids from watching them. Rather, let your kids watch them and then discuss with them some of the concerning themes.

People may feel uncomfortable by them but they hold an important place in cinematic history. The way to deal with them is to face them head on and have an open discussion. I do think War Babies was so exploitive of very young kids in such a sexual way that it should probably be removed from the airwaves for the simple fact that more perverts can't get a hold of it, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't still discuss it. We don't swiffer racism and sexism from the history books, nor should Shirley be swiffered.

Carole said... 142

Welcome GKD and KittyFitz50,
I appreciate you both for taking the time to explain your tweets further and I hope you'll come back - our discussions are incredibly varied - from the benefits of coconut oil, to how to boil an egg so that the shell peels properly, to books and movies, to of course reality tv. Please join us. ;-)

Carole said... 143

Ok, this may sound stupid or sound like a stupid sheeple question but is Milo&Jack her twitter name or Fired up for kate?

I can't help you.
I don't use twitter, I'm not a sheeple, but I too would like to know why the different names on many twitter accounts. Does one have a special significance? I'd think one would be sufficient, but that's just me. lol

PatK said... 144

Vanessa said... 129
when is her damn birthday anyways? Spring? Collect yourself Milo, breathe, breathe. It's mid Feb.


Now, now, remember it's Milo's job to remind everyone a month and a half before Kate's birthday that it's coming up. That gives the fans plenty of time to buy those gifts/gift cards and get them ready for mailing. It's also a reminder to Kate to purchase more twitter bots for the birthday wishes.

Milo does her assigned duties well.

Georgia Peach said... 145

Ok, this may sound stupid or sound like a stupid sheeple question but is Milo&Jack her twitter name or Fired up for kate? First time I've taken a gander at her tweets and I don't get how both names come up for her.

She's posted on fan blogs for years as Fired up for Kate.
When she opened her twitter account she used Milo and Jack, one being her cat and the other her dog.

Carole said... 146


Theresa Guidice's oldest daughter has been interviewed for Star magazine.

"Gia, 13, replied to one of her followers on Feb. 3 using the offensive word in a statement that read, “@nickslaaen who’s this chick u little f*gg*t..” which immediately sparked controversy and caused the reality TV tot to delete the tweet.
But not before RadarOnline.com snapped a screen grab.

Now, Gia explains her regret telling Star magazine she has learned from her mistake.

“People took it as a gay slur. I would never think that way. It was a mistake to joke, but that’s not what I meant. So that’s hard, and I feel awful,” Gia told the magazine.

“I have to take responsibilities for my actions because I am always in the public eye.”

"And despite the backlash Gia received for using the word, she says she enjoys the perks of being famous.

“When I go to Disney or want concert tickets, I can get them for free!” she told Star."


FYI said... 147

Shirley Temple movies were a staple of my childhood. One of my favorite Shirley Temple movies is The Little Princess. I think she really showed her acting chops in that one, and she did it without singing one musical note.

I also had a big crush on Richard Greene, who was in the movie, and also was on TV as Robin Hood at the time I saw the movie.

I agree that parts of her movies could be looked on as sexist or racist, but so could a lot of movies made at that time.

You can't wipe out history, but you can certainly learn from it.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 148

Looks like the little Giudice does not fall far from the tree.

As for my comments about Beth, I guess I fail to understand the interest in spending most of a day dissecting the woulda/coulda/shoulda of a person not currently part of this story. Slow news day I guess. Good thing KG decided to share her mourning over Shirley Temple and her passion for kale chips.

Susan1956 said... 149

@Kateplusmy8: Realized I watched #ShirleyTemple on YouTube for 2hrs! Was smiling/crying happy tears at same X. Gr8 ch hood memories #RIP #THX4spreadingJOY
While I agree with all the comments re: TFMJG's narcissitic insertion of herself into Shirley Temple's death, maybe she was REALLY mourning the 'old days' when there was less public comment, recognition of exploitation, and laws governing the the filming of children.

FYI said... 150

Ok, this may sound stupid or sound like a stupid sheeple question but is Milo&Jack her twitter name or Fired up for kate? First time I've taken a gander at her tweets and I don't get how both names come up for her.

I don't have a twitter account, but I found this on twitter's help page:

"What's the difference between your username and your name?

Your username appears in your profile URL and is unique to you. It's used for logging in, @replies, and direct messages.

Your name is a personal identifier (sometimes a business name or real name) displayed in your profile page and used to identify you to friends, especially if your username is something mysterious like @neongolden or @meangrape."

In Milo's case, her name is Fired Up for Kate, and her username is MiloandJack. Kate's name is Kate Gosselin, but her username is Kateplusmy8.

Hope this helps.

Vanessa said... 151

Thanks Kate is a Twit. I should have just googled it myself:)

Jane said... 152

Carole said... 142
Welcome GKD and KittyFitz50,
I appreciate you both for taking the time to explain your tweets further and I hope you'll come back - our discussions are incredibly varied - from the benefits of coconut oil, to how to boil an egg so that the shell peels properly, to books and movies, to of course reality tv. Please join us. ;-)

Ditto to what Carole says :) It's nice to see you here and hope you'll comment again.

LisaNH said... 153

AuntieAnn said... 43
OT. This is scary. I was browsing through dailymail when I read the world's first genetically modified humans have been created! WTF? Are we supposed to be fooling around with that kind of thing?

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-43767/Worlds-GM-babies-born.html#ixzz2t3JYOMIJ


This could be a good thing. Maybe they can genetically re-create some great people from History, like Winston Churchill, Princess Diana, Ronald Reagan, Jon and Abigail Adams, Joseph Plum Martin?

At least those are the historical figures I would love to meet.

But with our luck they will just create some crazy zombie like creatures like in Walking Dead LOL.

Marie said... 154

“When I go to Disney or want concert tickets, I can get them for free!” she told Star."
This is really disgusting to me. The ones who can afford to pay should be the ones TO pay. I wish the places that give out free tickets would give them to underprivileged children.


Marie said... 155

To add to my earlier post: I wonder if children realize how privileged they are? It would be wonderful if they used the gifts they are given to do good deeds. Like donate her free tickets to someone in need.


Mel said... 156

While I agree that any speculation or prying into Beth's current private life is inappropriate, I do not agree that speculation or discussion about Beth during the time frame that she willingly appeared on J&K+8 should now be off limits.

Yep. Especially now that more is publicly known about that time period re: the child abuse by TFW.

Beth willingly participated in the filming, thus opening up her behavior *during that time* for discussion. Not that anyone should be digging any into her personal life then or now. But I think it's entirely appropriate to talk about the behavior we *did* see.

She also willingly participated in the book, going so far as to allow her name to be on it as an author. Again, opening herself up to public discussion.

You don't want that public discussion? Don't author a book. Don't participate in a tv show.

As always, if it's not a topic of interest to you, there's always the scroll button. No need to criticize those who do wish to talk about it.

Kale chips not being of much interest to me, since TFW probably bought them anyway. Lol.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 157

This is really disgusting to me. The ones who can afford to pay should be the ones TO pay


That's the great irony of being a celebrity. By the time you crawl your way to the top and can afford all these toys, they are given to you for free.

It amazed me the amount of free stuff the celeb I worked for got. I knew they got swag but I never knew it was that much. Books were a huge one, everyone would send their book. Clothing and purses. But the big thing then were iPods. iPods were in every swag bag. I assume Apple was doing a big celebrity push at the time. These things cost several hundred dollars. At one point there were six or seven iPods floating around the house. She'd give them away like candy to the staff or friends. Something felt so wrong about that. Not blaming the celeb, but I can't help but think of all the aspiring musicians from less fortunate families where having a good iPod could really make a difference for them. For the really big stars I imagine the swag must be overwhelming, it really does get to the point where you sincerely don't want it. Now add in all the gifts that fans send on a weekly basis, most of it not really usable. Trinkets, toys for the kids, flowers. Just sorting the mail and packages was a part time job.

Formerly Duped said... 158

This is really disgusting to me. The ones who can afford to pay should be the ones TO pay
I know. I was watching an actor I follow on a talk show and he said he was wearing Hugo Boss. The host said, "well, you will never have pay for HB again" That struck me as wrong so I totally again with the above sediments (sic) TFW always tries this ploy and was pretty successful for a time.

Do they get swag bags for being guests on talk shows? Maybe a naive question, but idk!

AuntieAnn said... 159

Formerly Duped said... 158

TFW always tries this ploy and was pretty successful for a time.


I think the freebies and donations to the McCaugheys were what switched on the lightbulb over Kate's head in the first place and the plan was hatched. All that free stuff! Wooohooo! The rest is history.

Anonymous said... 160

Do people really rush out and buy things because a celebrity has them? Stupid question, apparently the answer is "yes" or companies wouldn't do it. I remember the Brangelina birth photo with the baby wearing a $45 tiny white t-shirt that someone had grifted to them. The company couldn't keep up with the demand. Kate Middleton wears a dress in public and the stores are sold out in minutes. I guess I'm not a typical person in the eyes of marketing firms. Even as a teen, having Brooke Shields wearing a pair of certain jeans didn't entice me to buy them. I couldn't care less who is wearing what.


AuntieAnn said... 161

Mel said... 156

You don't want that public discussion? Don't author a book. Don't participate in a tv show.

As always, if it's not a topic of interest to you, there's always the scroll button. No need to criticize those who do wish to talk about it.

Kale chips not being of much interest to me, since TFW probably bought them anyway. Lol.


My thoughts exactly only you said it better.

And I've never heard of kale chips before yesterday, although I've made cabbage chips for years. I just didn't know they were called 'chips'. (I like them a little on the burnt side)

Math Girl said... 162

Vanessa said... 151
Thanks Kate is a Twit. I should have just googled it myself:)
I second those thanks. I did google it, but didn't find that explanation of name vs username. Maybe because I didn't know what the second name, that isn't the username, was called.

Tucker's Mom said... 163

“When I go to Disney or want concert tickets, I can get them for free!” she told Star."
She'll get to visit her parents in the pokey for free too!

This kid is going to have a rude awakening soon.

AuntieAnn said... 164

In remembrance of Shirley Temple, TCM will be airing some of her movies on Sunday evening.

Ellie said... 165

JoyinVirginia said... 124
OT Olympics. I watched the snow boarding coverage on TV last night. It was edited so that you thought Shawn White was the ONLY snow boarder, everyone else was supporting cast. Until he didn't medal, and even then the reporter had to interview Shawn on what he thought. Talk to the guy who WON, or the second and third place Japanese guys, whydontcha?
Matt Lauer did better than I thought he would.
Mary Carillo was adorable as always, love her reports.
What did everyone else think?
I watch the CBC network being a Canadian. I did see that event and the coverage was good. The commentators talked Shaun White up before he started, saying he was the one to beat. When he fell they seemed genuinely disapointed for him. I have to say (sorry) that I've always noticed the American networks tend to focus solely on the US and not the other countries during the Olympics. There have even been a few profiles of athletes who are not from Canada. My parents live in Florida duirng the winter and my mom says she's not watching the Olympics anymore because they're not showing any Canadians. Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield was featured on a Today Show segment a while back. Not once in the promos or actual segment did they mention he was a Canadian. I know Americans are fiercely proud of their country and for great reasons. But, the little Canadian neighbours to the north are very proud too.

And in typical Canadian fashion I am going to apologize for offending anyone here.

Tucker's Mom said... 166

Just sorting the mail and packages was a part time job.
February 12, 2014 at 9:42 AM
I think Admin can truly comprehend just how much free stuff Kate and Jon received, way back when they first burst on the scene.
From being well known locally for the HOM's, to getting 2 little specials on the Discovery channel, to getting their own show, to the surreal media bomb that exploded when they got divorced and the immediate post mortem, these people have received an unfathomable amount of swag, cash, checks, trips, medical procedures, excursions and God knows what else.
Kate and her children begging for another show, after all they have received, is sickening.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 167

And I've never heard of kale chips before yesterday, although I've made cabbage chips for years. I just didn't know they were called 'chips'. (I like them a little on the burnt side)


The fans could make sheeple chips which are similar to cow chips, but they are much harder to digest.

Tucker's Mom said... 168

I couldn't care less who is wearing what.

Me too! But, most people can come anywhere near affording what celebs have, so if they can have just a tiny slice of it, they'll open their wallets.
It's sad, but it's our culture.

Tucker's Mom said... 169

AuntieAnn said... 161
Mel said... 156

You don't want that public discussion? Don't author a book. Don't participate in a tv show.
I think Beth had no earthly idea what fame would do to Kate and I believe her intentions were pure, Christian and put forth out of all the goodness in her heart.
Who's next? The late Nana Janet?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 170

I think Admin can truly comprehend just how much free stuff Kate and Jon received, way back when they first burst on the scene.
From being well known locally for the HOM's, to getting 2 little specials on the Discovery channel, to getting their own show, to the surreal media bomb that exploded when they got divorced and the immediate post mortem, these people have received an unfathomable amount of swag, cash, checks, trips, medical procedures, excursions and God knows what else.


It must have been astronomical. I'm not sure we'll ever know. If I'm comparing it to a B lister who was not in their prime, who they themselves fully admitted their heyday was long over, that their prime was way back in the 80s and 90s, who really did not have that big of a fan base compared to other celebs and did not attract very many teens or young adults who tend to be responsible for most of the gifts....if they got that much crap, how much did someone with a CURRENT show who was currently hot get, and add six cute babies to the mix to boot?

Tucker's Mom said... 171

And in typical Canadian fashion I am going to apologize for offending anyone here.
No offense ;-)
I think the Canadians are killing it this Olympics!
The half pipe guy with the brother with Cerebral Palsey-- now that had me bawling.

Vanessa said... 172

Marie said... 155
To add to my earlier post: I wonder if children realize how privileged they are? It would be wonderful if they used the gifts they are given to do good deeds. Like donate her free tickets to someone in need.

This reminds me of a part in Mommie Dearest (watched it over the weekend). Christina used to get tons and tons of gifts sent to her from "fans". She could only pick one gift to keep and the rest went to charity. BUT for Joan Crawford, it was all a publicity stunt.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 173

FlimsyFlamsy said... 127
Remember TFW weeping when she got a framed photo of the tups as babies?


Yes, that was awkward for the viewer too


Does she also cry when she looks at photos of the kids' first poops?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 174

Kids who are celebs aren't equipped to handle the responsibility of Twitter, just like Gia wasn't. Some ADULT celebs can't handle twitter, it's ridiculous to expect a kid to know what to do with it.

The problem is it's forever, they can't undue it. I really worry about all these young people and the things they are saying being so well documented. "In our day" I'm sure we said a bunch of stupid stuff but it was allowed to float into the wind and we could move on from it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 175

This reminds me of a part in Mommie Dearest (watched it over the weekend). Christina used to get tons and tons of gifts sent to her from "fans". She could only pick one gift to keep and the rest went to charity. BUT for Joan Crawford, it was all a publicity stunt.


Yes her motives were suspect but I actually think it was one of the few things she did right. You don't just get a boatload of free crap because your mom is famous. Rather take your good fortune and pay it forward to those who don't have everything like you do.

Vanessa said... 176

Yes her motives were suspect but I actually think it was one of the few things she did right. You don't just get a boatload of free crap because your mom is famous. Rather take your good fortune and pay it forward to those who don't have everything like you do.
I agree with the lesson, but she didn't expect the same behavior from herself.

Tucker's Mom said... 177

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 166
Kids who are celebs aren't equipped to handle the responsibility of Twitter, just like Gia wasn't. Some ADULT celebs can't handle twitter, it's ridiculous to expect a kid to know what to do with it.
I really don't blame Gia. Her parents have spoiled her beyond belief.
Years ago, I watched an episode of RHONJ and Theresa was throwing her a birthday party that was sinfully decadent.
It must have cost 15K-20K.
Where do you go from there? What will you need later to feel happy and satisfied?
The law and Mr. Tax Man are going to catch up with the Guidices, and when they do, those kids are going to melt down in a big way.
Their life as they know it is simply not sustainable.
I've neve seen people live so far beyond their means. It would make me a nervous wreck if I lived in that much debt.
No thanks. I'll be mediocre and have a nervous breakdown over something else!

JoyinVirginia said... 178

Hi Ellie! Yes, NBC that carries Olympics in USA is heavily focused on Americans in their evening edited broadcast. The live broadcasts are showing everyone in whatever live competition they are showing.
My dh told me he heard a report on Shaun White on NPR radio yesterday. That he is a multimillionaire business and his product he promotes is... Himself! the handlers, the secrecy about his practices, the heavy marketing, it is all just too much. also not impressed that he dropped out of slope style competition too late for another us contestant to take his place. It seems the promotion of this individual is at the expense of the team, and there is a us Olympic team.

Mel said... 179

I guess I'm not a typical person in the eyes of marketing firms. .... I couldn't care less who is wearing what.

Me, either.
My criteria are: Can I afford it? Better yet, is it on sale and do I have a coupon I can layer on top of the sale? Do I really, really like it? Does it fit me reasonably well? If not, can I tailor it myself? Do I have something similar already?

NJGal51 said... 180

@Kateplusmy8: I've been making fresh kale chips SO often lately,that I fear we may show up4breakfast 1day w coarse curly leaves growing out r ears! #yum
I don't like kale chips. I've never made them but tried the Trader Joe's and Whole Foods brands. As for TFW's tweet, she doesn't say that she's making the kale chips for all 9 of them. She just says that she's been making them often and then implies that it's been for all of them by using the word "we and 'r'". That could either be the royal we or it could just mean 1 or 2 of the kids or Zorro. I can't imagine that all the kids love them.

PA Dutch Mom said... 181

Milo is really slippin. She hasn't yet told Kate about the impending snow storm tonight and tomorrow. We're expecting anywhere from 8-14 inches, biggest of the season. She really needs to get her act together or Kate will find herself "snowed in" and totally unprepared. Whatever would she do without Milo?

GKD said... 182

Thanks Tucker's Mom! Is there any other ice cream besides Blue Bell? As I tell folks here in Georgia, not everyone from Texas is a Cowboys fans, I'm a bitter Houston Oilers fan. My hubby is a Cowboys fan & I LIVE for giving him hell every Sunday. I can make him cringe at any time by just saying "Romo" LOL

I also do realize that Shirley Temple movies were a product of their time, but IMO, they aren't classics that stand the test of time like other classics.

Layla said... 183

GKD said... 106
Since my tweets are being discussed, I want to point out that what I said was "does anyone wonder why Shirley Temple movies aren't shown on tv anymore? It's because they were racist". And they were, even Shirley Temple stated as much. It's also why we don't have the Shirley Temple movies running every weekend like we did when we were growing up.

I, like many others, watched all the Shirley Temple movies growing up. I don't blame Shirley Temple for the sometimes very open racist tones. But they aren't exactly classics we'll all be showing our kids & grankids anymore, IMO.

GKD, welcome!
I remember watching Shirley Temple movie on TV when I was little, and not realizing that anything was wrong. Shirley Temple, at such a young age, couldn't have realized it, either.
I also remember going to see Disney's "Song of the South" at a movie theater as a child. Now, of course, you can't find it anywhere--on DVD or video, etc. And for good reason. We have come a long way

Tucker's Mom said... 184

PA Dutch Mom said... 181
Milo is really slippin. She hasn't yet told Kate about the impending snow storm tonight and tomorrow
Here, Milo, just cut and paste-

WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T USE A GAS GENERATOR INDOORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vanessa said... 185

LOL LOLFleecing!
God to think she has PICTURES!
wonder if she squeals like a pig like she did when she was overdoing it for the cameras? What is WRONG with her?

Rhymes with Witch said... 186

Rather take your good fortune and pay it forward to those who don't have everything like you do. 175

WHAT? You mean you don't take it to a consignment shop? What a concept!
(snark if anyone is unsure).

PA Dutch Mom said... 187

Here, Milo, just cut and paste-

WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T USE A GAS GENERATOR INDOORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There have been a few on Twitter who would love to gird her loins (Milo?) as well as her feet!

I had to stop at the grocery store for pet food. Insanity therein! You'd think people were stocking up for the end of the world tomorrow.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 188

The mention of Nana Janet reminded me of the carnival episode for the tups' birthday (when TFW said something like "poor horse" when Janet was about to get on the pony). Remember TFW was sitting and cutting tickets for the carnival? Jon had been hustling to build all the booths, and there was the queen, sitting with a paper cutter -- the job involving the least effort. While she was doing this difficult task, she talked about wishing Jon was "skinny" again, then realized how bad that sounded and quickly added that it was for his sake.

I also remember someone said maybe the carnival could be an
annual thing, and TFW quickly said that maybe they could charge admission. Always hustling...

AuntieAnn said... 189

Tucker's Mom said... 169

AuntieAnn said... 161
Mel said... 156

You don't want that public discussion? Don't author a book. Don't participate in a tv show.
I think Beth had no earthly idea what fame would do to Kate and I believe her intentions were pure, Christian and put forth out of all the goodness in her heart.
Who's next? The late Nana Janet?


Oh, I don't think Beth is a horrible person. She just thought Kate should be pampered and introduced her to things that Kate had never experienced. It appeared (to me) as if she enjoyed sharing some of the spotlight with her. She said her book was an honest approach to things that weren't seen on the show, which kind of made me scratch my head. I doubt she had any idea that Kate would turn into a raging megalomaniac.

In the end she was probably just as hornswoggled by TFW as the rest of the discards. Nothing good seems to come to anyone who has crossed paths with TFW.

Anyway I'm moving on from the subject.

PatK said... 190

Maybe Milo is communicatin' with Kate another way to warn her of the impending bad weather.

And Kate can tweet tomorrow what a blessing the "surprise" snow day is and that she again loves having all her dollar signs home with her, blah, blah, blah.

More pictures of baking and Valentine's crafts to follow?

Tucker's Mom said... 191

Oh, I don't think Beth is a horrible person. She just thought Kate should be pampered and introduced her to things that Kate had never experienced
Yup. Many of us have been pampered here and there. A vacation, a spa visit, a pedicure, or maybe a little bling bling ;-)
But, I think where most of us mediocre folks differ from Kate is that we enjoy being spoiled now and then, but happily go back to our lives without pining away for the pampering all the darn time.
Kate's constantly tweeting about needing beach vacations and a "mom" getaway shows that she's just so unsatisfied with the normal ebb and flow of everyday life.
Her brain has been so addled with rush after rush after rush that I think there may be an imbalance in her chemistry, hence her obvious mood swings.
She's like a junkie that needs a fix. She continues to chase the highs that she constantly experienced.

Somewhere In Time said... 192

Nicholas Humphrey ‏@NicholasH98 26m
I keep looking out the door and waiting to see if my #BeKindGetSigned package is here, I hope I win! @Kateplusmy8

I don't think I'd spend too much time with my nose pressed against the window.

I was looking at the rules Kate should have posted when announcing this not-a-contest. Interesting is the section how a photo submission must be handled.


How does she get away with this stuff?

Unknown said... 193

It is what it is said... 140
''......Shirley Temple was a child when these movies were made and was just repeating her lines and not voicing things that were her own thoughts and it disturbs me that people are trying to turn her into a racist because of this (and I'm not accusing the GKD and KittyFitz50 of this).''
Since I am one that agreed w/GKD, I would like to know exactly WHERE anyone said that Shirley Temple the child was racist! I know that I said the MOVIES I watched were racist, and that Shirley Temple the adult said the same thing. I really would like to see the comment that called the child actress a racist.

JoyinVirginia said... 194

Pa Dutch Mom, here in central Virginia, the snow panic is in full swing! We shopped on the weekend, our usual time, and glad we did! So many things are closed, including VCU. The mens basketball team is playing tonight tho!

Anonymous said... 195

R.I.P. Sid Caesar. Another great gone.



prairiemary said... 196

I did watch 'War Babies' yesterday, boy, was I ever surprised! Sexualizing those very young kids, so shocking to me! It was all something that adults would say, who gives lines like them to tiny children?! Blew my mind, it did.

The daughter of mine who has the 5 kids, ages 7 and younger, has been making kale chips for at least the last 2 years, probably even longer. And ALL of the kids just love them! She grew her own kale this past summer, and she used 2 older dehydrators, and her double ovens, so she got lots of chips done and ready for the little masses. I tried them, but to me, they taste very yucky, don't get how small kids can love them so much. Her kids love vegetables more than fruit or any other foods, so growing a garden was great budgeting. Something tfw should be doing, then it would not be full of pesticides, you know it is safe when you do it yourself.
I hope whomever is in the path of this wicked storm gets thru it okay, and hopefully are stocked up with food and water so you don't need to leave the house. Watching CNN, it is such a mess on the roads again. Be careful:)

KittyFitz50 said... 197

Thanks for the welcome and apologies for assuming the comment was about my tweets.

I doubt anyone blames Shirley for the content of her movies 60 years ago. I certainly don't and of course, the times were very different, thank goodness. I agree that one could watch with your children and discuss the movie content. I also know that too many parents stick kids in front of a screen as an electronic babysitter - hence my comment to Milo.

I've followed this saga off and on since the start when my own daughters were enthralled with the Gosselin kids. I can't remember when I started to change my opinion of the whole thing, but somewhere along the line, I began to be appalled by Kate's behavior. I never understood why the house wasn't better baby-proofed, so the kids weren't set up to get into trouble. Of course toddlers are curious and get into things. It's how they learn. I never understood why she didn't watch them more closely. Of course toddlers will wreak havoc alone in their rooms/the garage unattended. Cleaning was always more important to her. She seemed to endure rather than to enjoy their childhoods which really stood out for me. As an older parent, one thing I did right was to really enjoy my children's childhoods. A lot of people advised me to let things go and live in the moment as best I could since the times goes so quickly and I took that advice to heart. I don't see that Kate ever did that. What a shame for all concerned.

I 've always seen many of Kate's behaviors as a way to manage anxiety. Does anyone agree? I'm thinking of her need to organize things and categorize people/kids as well as yelling at Jon across crowded rooms when SHE is the one who is out of control.

prairiemary said... 198

Oh yes, I was so excited to hear on this blog(Vanessa maybe?) that 'Mommie Dearest' was on Netflix!! So I went and re-subscribed to Netflix, go dogs settled, got snacks, and was all ready to FINALLY watch it!
Well wouldn't you just know it-NOT Streaming to Canada!!!!! So I asked them why I could not get it, and some guy told me that he would send in my request to the big cheese. So I decided to stay with Netflix until I get busy when we finally get warm weather.

Tucker's Mom said... 199

I never understood why the house wasn't better baby-proofed, so the kids weren't set up to get into trouble. Of course toddlers are curious and get into things. It's how they learn. I never understood why she didn't watch them more closely.
Yes!! Thank you!
Where are the baby monitors? CCTV (really affordable in the big scheme of things)?, the tethering furniture and tvs? crib covers?

Kate complained about some of the tups knocking over furniture and climbing into cribs, yet did nothing. But, there's everyone falling for Kate's sob story about getting the kids out of the house if there's a fire, but what actually DID happen, she just blew off, got angry and did nothing to mitigate the situation.
I think I'm doing more house proofing for my puppy!

lukebandit said... 200

I just googled BC's name and Answers came up and it will make your head spin reading it about why BC left and different scenarios of what happened.

If true, TLC offered to pay BC for filming in her home and for being on the show. The lights, cameras, intrusion. TCFW found out and flipped and said, Nobody is making money off my kids, but ME! Just like she did UK and AJ. They deserved compensation for their time and effort helping take care of the kids. What an entitled mean witch!

If TLC had any brains, they would of had a secret meeting with people that they wanted to compensate and pay them privately without TCFW's knowledge. Just spend your money low and slow. They deserved compensation. TCFW and Jon left many sick babies in the care of AJ so they could fly across the country to get Jon free hair plugs. VanityGate. No, lets save that for TCFW. All of her spending on unnatural procedures.

It upset me when I saw TCFW talk about poor Nana Janet getting on that horse. After ALL that the late Nana Janet did for her and her children. No appreciation, no gratitude. TCFW is a vile, vicious evil woman.

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