Saturday, March 15, 2014

Recap: Couples Therapy episode 9: There's nothing at the end of the rainbow!

Happy St. Paddy's Day to you, boy-o!

Last time on Couples Therapy, the lesbians fought, Duck Lips quivered, and Teen Duck Lips's gestational carrier Debra showed up in a vain attempt to straighten Dr. Jenn out. As straight as that hair is, her soul would not conform. Coming up, Sada confronts her father about abuse in her childhood, another guy from Teen Duck Lips's past shows up to try to explain to Dr. Jenn this isn't your average teen duck, and poor Jon is on the phone trying to speak to his children he hasn't spoken to in two weeks.

Oh, yeah, this dumb fight. As we recall last time, Sada was upset about her father, and Whitney asked Sada if she wanted her to hang around, and Sada told her no. Because lots of people want their space when they are upset, Whitney obliged and went off to play pool. Now Sada is mad because even though she told Whitney to leave, Whitney should have known when she said she should leave she didn't really mean she should leave, in fact she really meant the opposite, that she should stay. And I hate women.

Whitney wisely says this whole thing is really just about Sada being nervous about her dad, and she will try to be more aware of Sada's needs, but Sada just needs to tell her what she needs if Whitney doesn't realize it on her own. Sada says she needs to not project onto Whitney. And they figured this out without Dr. Jenn's help!

Ha, bed selfie! Teen Duck Lips gets in bed with Duck Lips and her fiancé to take a photo. Open mouth smilies are at least better than duck lips. Somehow I don't think that will be the most retweeted selfie of all time. Most awkward maybe.

Dr. Jenn, who is apparently an upstanding member of the Anglican church when you Travoltify her to "Deacon Jernes," sits down with Sada and her dad.

Sada's father, who used to be a bodybuilder, is now bald, skinny, and kind of wimpy looking, which seems to happen to a lot of child abusers when time catches up. Ironically, Sada could beat him up now, easily, though she never would.

Sada's dad looks sad and remorseful, and admits he would explode sometimes and destroy everything in the house. Despite the fact that he was horrific to her when she was a child, Sada is the one telling him it's okay. Child abuse is often generational, and so it is here. He said all his father had to do was look at him and he would shake. God, how sad. Deacon Jernes remarks profoundly that when you have an abusive parent you either become abusive yourself or you don't and stop the cycle. Well yeah, those are pretty much your only two choices there. Very good, Deacon.

I give Sada's dad credit for admitting yes, he did beat Sada up. Denial is very common in child abuse. He says he's sorry and he loves her, and wishes that his dad would have talked to him like he is with Sada. I think he truly wants to heal this, and that will only benefit Sada and Whitney. Sada is very happy Deacon Jernes helped them with this and she and Whitney hug.

Coming up, Teen Duck Lips's ex-boyfriend Daniel is coming to the house. I'm starting to remember this guy more from Teen Mom and was he ever really her "boyfriend"? I only recall a few dates and maybe one and a half meetings with Debra before Daniel got a clue and high tailed it out of there. And I think that's part of Teen Duck Lips's problem is that she saddles guys with these significant labels way before they're fully cooked, and guys get overwhelmed. By date three you're practically her husband, and what halfway sane man wants that? Give him at least four or five dates to process the prospect of Debra being his mother-in-law.

We're back, and Sada and Whitney are joking that Sada must have been Cleopatra in a past life. Ha, she does kind of have the hair going on there.

Teen Duck Lips is hoping with Daniel here she'll get feedback on why boyfriends don't show up and act shady to her. Teen Duck Lips, save your money. Was she not listening when Duck Lips explained this already? She's f---ed up, that's why. It's really not any more complicated. Guys don't want to be with someone f--ed up usually. You may be hot (she's not) and good in bed (who knows, we'd have to consult the not-a-porn tape) but that's not worth it to most men in the long run if you're also a psycho. Plus, knowing Deacon Jernes here she'll take Teen Duck Lips's side again and that's not helping anyone least of all Teen Duck Lips.

Deacon Jernes is seeking to get to the root of why Teen Duck Lips attracts the wrong men and has such a darn hard time connecting to people. Deacon? It's called sociopathic. Surely you've heard of it. I know some people get all bent out of shape at words like sociopath being thrown around, but the fact is enough people with a background in psychology have observed enough footage from this mess to make a pretty fair guess that that's what is going on here, and that's the word they keep coming up with. I think some folks strongly associate sociopath with serial killers, and that upsets them and they think the word should be off limits because of it. What needs to be understood is that everyday people are sociopaths and that only a teeny, tiny percentage of them actually kill people, and that suggesting that someone's behavior consistently aligns with that of a sociopath doesn't mean you're calling them a mass murderer. I doubt Teen Duck Lips would ever kill someone, but I do believe she is still, at her core, anti-social, without empathy and remorse, and disconnected from reality--a sociopath.

As a side note, I think it's pretty insulting to the men for Deacon Jernes to imply Teen Duck Lips is attracting the wrong men. The few men I've seen with her seem nice and normal. There was nothing wrong with Daniel. And that other guy who was supposed to be on the show but wouldn't because they were going to make him pretend to be dating Teen Duck Lips, seemed like a man of principle. He risked being sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars because he refused to lie about their relationship. That's not the wrong type at all. That's the right type, for heaven sake. Rather, I think the men need to ask themselves why they are attracted to the wrong woman. Or thing. It.

The way Daniel's shirt is cut so high and the dark navy color makes it look like it's part of a Civil War uniform. Poor Daniel, it is like going into a bloody battle every time anyone sits down with Teen Duck Lips.

Daniel highly resolves that his brief relationship with Teen Duck Lips shall not be in vain, as he begins to explain that although initially she was fun, he soon found out she was a freak of nature who wouldn't let him have an opinion about anything and didn't treat him like a boyfriend should be treated. Isn't that how it always goes when you step into a vortex like this? Woo-hoo fun good times.....oh dear make it stop. He goes on to explain she was dedicated to the proposition of being extremely rude, blunt, and disrespectful, and that he doesn't think she even realized she was doing it. Ouch, Daniel says Teen Duck Lips needs to be a better mother and example for her daughter. Teen Duck Lips rolls her eyes and gives a "whaa?" expression. Lol, like it's such a shocker to her someone would call her a bad mom. Deacon Jernes seems pleased with this revelation and thanks him for coming. Daniel says his pleasure, gets up to shake Teen Duck Lips's hand like a gentleman, and, oh, no she didn't, haha! She won't shake his hand and says snottily thank you so much and I wish you the best in your relationship.

Baw-haha, she's such a bitch. Well, I for one want to thank you, Daniel. At ease.

Teen Duck Lips says she is a very good role model for her daughter in real life. Real life? What's that mean? Everything we see of her parenting on T.V. is fake? Yeah right, nice try.

Even Dr. Jenn seems to finally be admitting that what Daniel just said is about the same as what everybody else in the house has been saying, and that this feedback is consistently the feedback Teen Duck Lips has been getting since the beginning of time. Hmm! The deacon is finally catching on, maybe there is something to this! Sort of a fool me once situation, eh? Teen Duck Lips seems to understand they think she is disrespectful at times but seems fully unable to recognize it when she does it. Truly, that's a bit scary. It's one thing to know you're being a jerk and you realize it of course but you just don't care to stop for whatever reason, quite another to be clueless about your jerkiness and think you're actually quite sweet and nice. I'm beginning to think she's the latter, and how do you fix that? And this is why so many people with various backgrounds in mental health or just good plain common sense think she's a sociopath. A sociopath is so emotionally stunted and cut off from other people's feelings, they can't even begin to recognize when they're being cruel.

Oh, blah, Deacon Jenis or whatever the hell her name is is now congratulating Teen Duck Lips on all her therapeutic progress. This is just patronizing at this point. What progress? Really, what has changed about her? Not two minutes ago she was rolling her eyes at and refusing to shake the hand of someone kind enough to fly out there and tell her the truth. Call me crazy, or cruz me meems, but I think she's regressing, not progressing.

Day 18. There's Wu-Tang sprawled across their bed, big surprise there. He spends so much time on his back there I'd start hauling him over once in awhile just to make sure there's no bed sores. Thank God Kelsey says she's let him go at this point. Then get out of the same bed, girl! Unless she's on bedsore duty?

It's a beautiful day, Teen Duck Lips announces as she walks into the kitchen with her mentor Duck Lips. Nearly every day is just gorgeous in Los Angeles, rarely too hot or too cold, which is a blessing. We got this freak rainstorm for three days the weekend after this episode aired and it was hysterical the drama over it. You get swept up in it, even I didn't want to be on the roads. It wasn't too bad in retrospect and didn't last long, but they made the most of it. The funniest was a reporter from KCAL9 news who was supposed to be doing a spot news segment in a rain jacket, Anderson Cooper style, but it already stopped raining by the time they got around to her. So she had to basically stand out there, in the bright lovely sunshine, and swear on her scout's honor she was just standing in a downpour earlier and it was epic, wish you coulda seen it! LOL, and it hasn't rained a drop since.

Geez, I almost forgot about Duck Lips. It's so fascinating the way she's sort of become one of the "normal" ones when you compare her to the likes of Teen Duck Lips or the Latrice love triangle with that lazy pig over there. She was so not normal on Real Housewives.

Woo-hoo, one-on-one with Duck Lips. Oh, curses, it's about her abusive past, which is so hard to poke fun of especially because her husband committed suicide, may he rest in peace. Lol, Duck Lips remarks how Dr. Jenn sure has had quite a last couple of days! Dr. Jenn cracks up. Between Debra and Daniel, definitely. Duck Lips is witty!

Duck Lips says she's been struggling to parent her daughter Kennedy, who sometimes just shuts down. She feels she wasn't there for her emotionally all the time. Dr. Jenn says Kennedy's anger is normal given that her father died, and that Duck Lips should not try to brush it under the rug. Geez, that cross around Duck Lips's neck is so huge you could crucify someone on it. Wardrobe change, and now Duck Lips is wearing some kind of Pharell Williams type hat. File that under trends that look ridiculous on you after age 40 or even 30. She says she thinks she needs to give Kennedy more structure. How do you even begin to try to seriously give a child structure in that getup?

Jon is outside at his usual hangout with the lesbians and Duck Lips and John. It's obvious this little group has really bonded, and since I more or less think these are the nicer people in the house, I'm glad these are the ones Jon has befriended. He says he wrote a book explaining everything that happened to him but then his legal team got their hands on it and were concerned, so he hasn't published it.

Jon says the lawsuit with Kate has been very hurtful to him. As much as we have giggled, laughed, snickered over Kate's "squeezed and pulled and hurt my neck in 1988" moving papers, lawsuits hurt. They really hurt. They are emotionally damaging to those involved. They are stressful, embarrassing, and demoralizing. They instill fear in you. Fear in what could happen and how much money, time and energy you are going to need to exert so that the worst doesn't happen. Fear of the future. Fear of being destroyed, professionally, personally, and financially. What she did to the father of her children with this frivolous suit, which as we know was soon dropped, was terrorize him. Make no mistake, a lawsuit is really no better than pulling a gun on someone. Our legal system has become that frightening and adversarial. Lawsuits were originally designed for the rare circumstances where you have been truly wronged, cannot move on from that wrong, and have tried everything in your power to correct or heal that wrong first with the other parties before resorting to the court of law. For instance, a dispute like this probably could have been resolved with a simple phone call, or lunch date, and a few apologies. Instead lawsuits have morphed into a method of first resort, of terrorism, blackmail, and intimidation. They are abused by people like Kate, and others, and it's shameful. And the fact that she used such a terrible method to go after her children's own father, only to drop it completely as soon as she realized he wasn't going to back down, is truly the most heinous thing she has ever done in her entire life, even worse than exploiting her children. The fact that she dropped it so quickly just proves she was only using it to intimidate. If she truly thought this suit had merits and was going to go to the trouble of filing in the first place there would be no reason to drop it just like that. She used it as a weapon, period, and when Jon and Shawn Tuma

(dreamy!) pulled back the curtain and exposed her weapon as just one of those props made out of rubber, she ran away like a little girl. Heck, lots of people have exploited their children, let's face it. But few people would do this to their children's father.

Ah the voice of reason in Duck Lips. What's the point of suing if he has very little money in the first place and what he does have goes to his kids? That's what we said! Isn't this sort of a robbing Peter to pay Paul situation?

"Let it go, you know?" Duck Lips remarks. That's what we said too.

Who knew Duck Lips would be the voice of wisdom for Kate. Kate, listen to Duck Lips and let it go. Not just the lawsuit, but everything. Your hatred for Jon, your sad quest to get yourself back on T.V., your stupid tweets about birds and dirty socks, your desperation for a career that's been over for years now, your fantasy of eight little Shirley Temples who skip off into the sunset every week on our T.V. screens. It's over. It's....over. Duck Lips's words may be simple--Farrah's fucked up, lawsuits should be let go--but she's just so darn correct most of the time.

"You hate me more than you love your children," Jon says. Yes.

Duck Lips says it all, so I'm just going to quote every last bit of it, and I hope Jon and Kate take it to heart. "Jon and Kate need to focus on eight. Wasn't that the point of this whole thing with them? I don't understand what the hell they're fighting over. First of all, this lawsuit? Let's say she gets a judgment against him. There's nothing at the end of the rainbow! So it's just a waste of everyone's time, and there's eight little people stuck in the middle. Imagine how much energy it takes to raise that many children. I can't imagine dividing your energy amongst fighting and bullshit."

Thank you, Duck Lips. See, you can be the cool girl, wear Pharell Williams hats and be the smartest girl in the room. Lean in! My only minor nitpick with her speech is there is something at the end of the rainbow, these creepy guys:

She even said "among" like the Irish would, "amongst." Lol, oh Duck Lips, always so timely.

We're still on Day 18 I guess and they show a touching montage set to Matthew Perryman Jones of Kelsey running, the sun on her shoulders, John and Duck Lips in bed together giving each other loving looks, the lesbians kissing, Liz making a phone call probably to her kids, Wu-Tang praying over his meal (lol that's funny, boink God knows how many women but be sure to pray over your eggs). Then, they show Teen Duck Lips. Putting on lip gloss. Haha, that's great. Nice touch, producers.

This next part is heavily edited but I'll try to explain. Jon is sitting with his phone upset because he hasn't spoken to his children in two weeks. "F-- her!" he says. Dr. Jenn says Jon is upset because he just got off a heated phone call with Kate. They don't, however, show the actual phone call. We just see the aftermath. Jon says Kate doesn't value him as a man or even human. Liz advises him not to get fired up like this.

Jon's frustration comes out in droves. He says she's narcissistic, tweets too much about the kids, even has a web site dedicated to them, every book she's ever put out is about them, and she desperately wants to be on T.V., but he says it's never going to happen. "Eat sh-- and die." As we've discussed, this is a common expression that is not a death threat; although it's not a nice thing to say, obviously. Then again, it's not nice to deny a father contact with his children for two weeks either. I can't really disagree with Jon on all that and I'm sorry that he picked this Borg as the mother of his children and now has to deal with this until the kids are 18 and probably much longer. If there's one lessons we should get out of Jon and Kate's divorce, it's that you have to be careful who you pick for the mother of your children.

Day 19. Dr. Jenn sets up an exercise for the group where they are in a nice dining room and are going to break the "Norman Rockwell" image. Dr. Mike says this is called exposure therapy, where you connect to your feelings with actions. They're going to find something in the room that connects to a defining moment for them, and then they're going to tear the house apart. Now that they explain it this way instead of just a six-second promo clip taken out of context, it actually sounds reasonable enough.

Duck Lips breaks some shit with a trophy and mutters about Russell and her mom and dad as she quivers and sobs. Liz is crying too but kind of looks like she's quietly laughing as well. Heh, I kind of was a bit too, I'll admit my evil side.

Sweet, Teen Duck Lips's turn! So I guess they're not saving the best for last. Poor thing, her mom wanted to keep a reasonably tidy house growing up. She wasn't allowed to be the pig and slob that she is. She breaks a painting for all the paintings she couldn't touch growing up. Teen Duck Lips, no one is supposed to be touching a painting, even adults. It gets it all greasy and grimy and then it doesn't look pretty anymore. It's not a play thing. It's a painting. It was not just Debra being mean to you, none of our moms let us touch fine art and somehow we made it through childhood unscathed. This girl is just ridiculous. She breaks the painting through a window.

Haha, they make Teen Duck Lips pretend that Dr. Jenn is Debra for a moment. Oh this is so incredibly great. "Mom, what I needed from you that I didn't get is to just care about me more than all these things that I don't know why they matter to you."

People made fun of her flat chest and nose, too. No not her nose!

The thing Teen Duck Lips needs to understand is that everything she is describing is just part of life. Life will not be all roses, nor should it be, as that would be rather boring and would never build much character. High school is tough for lots of kids, dare I say most kids. You might get teased a bit for developing too slowly or quickly, for a funny nose, too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, or anything else that kids pick on. It happens to almost everyone. You might also have a mom who doesn't want you to touch nice things because that's sort of a mother's job to teach you about valuing nice things. But most people don't see such things as childhood trauma like she does for some odd reason. Rather they grow up, realize Mom was right you shouldn't put your grubby hands all over nice things, and that that person making fun of your nose never graduated high school and sits on the couch all day drinking beer and watching Hulu Plus. So who cares, they don't mean anything to you now. Time to get on with life. I can't imagine what Sada is thinking, whose dad admits he beat the crap out of her and even once slammed her between the car and car door. This girl is just a mess and she could destroy a hundred rooms before she'd ever get that noggin on straight.

"What you want, no plastic surgeon can give you, Farrah," Dr. Mike says. I'm afraid there may be nobody out there, M.D. or not, who could give this train wreck what she wants. She's insatiable.

Duck Lips's fiance John breaks some stuff but we don't know why. His backstory must be inexplicably normal and boring, because the producers have never spent two seconds trying to tell us about it. Whitney and Kelsey break things. Kelsey has a GoPro camera attached to her helmet, like she's about to go snowboard at Crested Butte after this. Wu-Tang finally acts like he's beginning to understand where she's coming from and gives her a nice hug.

Jon's up, and he feels that in his marriage everything always had to be so perfect. He goes at the chandelier like it's a piñata that's about to spit out 100 dollar bills. Sheesh. He says he got tired of having to do everything in the marriage. And I believe him, he did carry the weight in that marriage, between working and caring for the children and running around doing whatever Kate wanted. And not only that but Kate acts like she was the one who did it all, which we all know from all the film is just a flat out lie. This is the first time I really remember Jon expressing some frustration at the weight he had to carry in that marriage, doing it all while she did nothing. He said he wasted ten years of his life on things being fake, another quote that was taken out of context in the promo for this. He of course did not in any way shape or form imply he regrets his children or anything like that, he is simply saying that the marriage Kate wanted was very difficult to be in and left him scarred, that's all.

Jon actually looks relieved after this, he even smiles a little as he catches his breath and says he feels better, that this exercise was "awesome." He needed to get out some pent up aggression, and it's better it was done in a controlled environment. It's interesting that Jon first says he needs to be with "someone." Then he corrects himself and looks into Liz's eyes and says he needs to be with her and needs her love. Liz says she needs to give more love to him. She says she's proud of him, and that this exercise was quite symbolic for them. They get what the therapists were trying to do here, and that's good. Liz draws Jon into a big hug and Dr. Jenn remarks that this was the first time she's seen Liz pull Jon toward him. Dr. Mike says they all did great work. I still think Jon probably needs more therapy, better in private, about why he feels he just needs to be with "someone." I think there are still a lot of unresolved things behind that statement. But Rome was not built in a day.

I was skeptical about this exercise at first, as I'm skeptical of a lot of therapeutic exercises, but I have to admit that almost everyone seemed to get a lot out of this and so many of them seem to feel so much better now. Jon says he and Liz needed to let go of things they were bottling up and they can move forward now.

Next time, oh sh&t, Wu-Tang says he "forgives" Kelsey. Kelsey's face is priceless. You forgive me? she blurts. Haha!

462 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Over And Out said... 1

Cameron Follow me??? ‏@bri_acosta27 2h
@Kateplusmy8 you know whats weird I was born on October 8 like the twins and my brother was born on July 27 like the sextuplets

Yes, that is really weird, considering the younger kids were born on May 10.
You just have to shake your head...

Dmasy said... 2

Another most excellent recap. Thank you.

Over And Out said... 3

Dmasy said... 2
Another most excellent recap. Thank you.


Agree. Shawn really is easy on the eyes, isn't he?

Jane said... 4

Love the recap - hope Krazy does do CA, if only for more recaps - they're hilarious! (Not that we want you to work more, Admin!)

OrangeCrusher1 said... 5

Do you think TFW has ever watched an episode of CA? Does she not know that you have to work with people, engage with them, and yes, work, her least favorite activity. Has she not seen the not exactly gentle criticism that comes from DT? And no kids, no contact, 27 hour days, her dismal attempts at public exposure to this point does not bode well for this type of show. Hopefully it is all just smoke signals.

handinhand said... 6

And no kids, no contact, 27 hour days, her dismal attempts at public exposure to this point does not bode well for this type of show.

What mother with eight kids at home would sign on to such a time suck of a project as CA? The same type of a mother whose maternal instincts told her it was a perfectly good idea to commit to DWTS as her kids were in the infancy of dealing with their parent's high profile, contentious divorce.

Wowser said... 7

Orangecrusher: I think TFW knows exactly what she is doing. Her "brand" is the harried, Crazy,, I do everything for my kids, mom. That's her shtick. Her REALITY is that she has not a nannies, not a maids, not a laundress, and 8 little ATM's and 8 little slaves to do all the chores. The ONLY job she wants to HAVE is one that requires make up chairs, Nobu, the silver fox, nice hotels, and one preferably AWAY from her kids. SHE was the one who said being away from them works best for her and THAT'S why she would love to be on CA! They will even force her to not have contact with those kids. She is wringing her hands in anticipation. Not having twitter is no big deal because she is only on it when she has the kids. If she is on CA and isn't allowed contact with the kids, she will have no reason to be on it. She is a piece of work. Personally, the longer she is away, the better the reprieve for those kids.

Anonymous said... 8

US Weekly is confirming K, Brandi and Kenya.

Admin, great recap, as per usual.

I like Brandi too. And Tamra and Teresa (OC and NJ) I also am/was a fan of Bethenny and Sonja (NY) and Ne Ne (A). Seems I am a fan of the bad girls. Not the narcissistic, lying manipulators, but the ones who tell it like it is.

PJ ~ Administrator said... 9

US Weekly is confirming K, Brandi and Kenya.


All they're doing though is just citing TMZ's original report, which has already been partially debunked by one of the celebs they said who tweeted that wasn't true.

This reminds me of Gabby Giffords when I think it was NPR reported she had died, and then all the news outlets ran with that report. Just because a ton of news sources were reporting it as true doesn't mean they weren't all relying on the same bad source. It just takes one bad source for a bunch of media to hop on the bandwagon.

I don't know, I'm waiting until the 20th. I'll believe it when I see it. It's only until Thursday.

Lalalalala said... 10

Farrah's complaints were so lame I just had to laugh. She was just making things up as she went along. It was so obvious. My kids were taught from very early on that there were things they could touch and things they couldn't. I taught them to respect property! Poor, poor, wittle Farrah :( Danial could have said A LOT more. I respect his restraint.

Jon let loose on the property right away. He couldn't wait to just get in there and destroy everything he saw. I thought it was good that he verbalized everything he was feeling about his relationship with Kate. I hope it helped him to get that off his chest.

Kelsey. I grew to love her so much during Couple's Therapy. What a sweet, loving, smart soul she is. I can't believe she would fall for a man so shallow and egotistical as Ghost Face. Yuck. I hope she finds true love with someone who deserves her.

Duck Lips.....still don't trust her. The part where she had her daughter, Kennedy, on where that little girl was clearly disturbed about the camera's being on was just a shame. That was a set up for a lot of ridicule on the internet which is what happens when you put innocent children in a situation like that. That shouldn't have happened. I feel dirty for witnessing that.

The lesbians. I love them both but Whitney is the strong backbone in that relationship. She's the nurturer and fixer which I did not expect. I have great respect for her.

I was fully expecting to be so intrigued with Jon and Liz that I would fail to engage with any of the other couples. The opposite happened. Jon and Liz were the ones that I ended up not caring that much about. Maybe because I knew too much of the history beforehand.

Anonymous said... 11

Hey, we wanted K to get a job that didn't involve the kids. Can we have a drinking game? Every time she mentions that she has 8, count 'em, 8 kids we swig what ever is handy.

PJ ~ Administrator said... 12

Lalala I agree pretty much on all point.

I also was surprised to find myself really caring about Kelsey, Whitney and Sada. And even to some extent Taylor. I had more of a "meh" reaction to Jon and Liz.

AuntieAnn said... 13

Great recap Admin. It was worth waiting for. (Deacon Jernes, haha!)

I wonder who gets an Extreme Makeover for that house they destroyed. All that racket must have scared the hell out of the neighbors.

AuntieAnn said... 14

All they're doing though is just citing TMZ's original report, which has already been partially debunked by one of the celebs they said who tweeted that wasn't true.


Or maybe it was Hollyscoop. They said Gossip Cop has confirmed that Kate will be on.

Gossip Cop. Now there's a name you can trust. (not)

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 15

Hey, we wanted K to get a job that didn't involve the kids. Can we have a drinking game? Every time she mentions that she has 8, count 'em, 8 kids we swig what ever is handy.


We'll all be under the table and unable to post anything coherent. We will have to glue AuntieAnn to the kitchen counter so she does't hurt herself.

Jeanne said... 16

Thanks for the recap. I can't bring myself to watch. I hope Jon continues with private therapy.

From what you wrote, I interpreted Teen Duck Lips differently. Was she maybe saying that she felt growing up that her mother loved possessions more than she loved her daughter? Some parents teach kids to take good care of things. Other parents love those things more than people. And no matter which is true, if TDL felt her mother didn't love her as much as things it would affect her.

I realize that as adults we have to take responsibility for our actions but we are in many ways shaped by our pasts. Did TDL start out a sociopath or was she shaped into it? Or was she prone to it? I'm not a psychologist but I am curious about these things.

I try to not blame things on the past but many things push my buttons because of how I felt or experienced things in my past. I truly wonder what is happening to the Gosselin kids growing up in a house where they at least suspect, if not know, that their mother does not love them.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 17

Admin, thanks for the recap. Such a true statement about learning to select better people to have children with. We all live and learn, but it is so hard on everyone. I agree, Jon needs further therapy in private.

chefsummer #Leh said... 18

Hey, we wanted K to get a job that didn't involve the kids. Can we have a drinking game? Every time she mentions that she has 8, count 'em, 8 kids we swig what ever is handy.

You're going to be drunk.-(LOL)

Let's drink evertimey she say um or like or when she rolls her eyes. ~ Administrator said... 19

I understand it is hard if a parent cares more about their stupid white carpet than their children but I just didn't see that as the case with Debra.

Debra's life revolved around both Farrah and the baby Sophia. If anything, she was far too involved, far too overbearing. She is the last person I would say was more concerned about her house than the children. Farrah's accusations just don't add up.

AuntieAnn said... 20

Farrah had to reach far back into her memory banks to find excuses to shirk responsibility for her own behavior. It's all mom's fault, it's all Jon's fault, it's always someone else who gets the guilt trip while the narcissist vacations on Planet Virtue.

Anonymous said... 21

Nature or nuture? This is a simple article about sociopathy.

PJ ~ Administrator said... 22

And it's one of those things where Debra can't win, no matter what she does. No one can win with Farrah.

If Debra let her be a slob then Farrah would live in a nasty messy house like the Roloffs, and that's not good either, and you can bet Farrah would be complaining about that.

I didn't notice their house was overly neat and tidy, or looks like you can't live in it or can't touch anything. It was just respectably clean. Debra tried to create a comfortable home, a nice home, and then her sociopathic daughter grasps at straws years later in therapy to throw her under the bus for it. It's nuts. ~ Administrator said... 23

It is often the kindest and most trusting individuals who suffer the most at the hands of sociopaths, and the healing process for these individuals continues long after the relationship has ended. Those in the wake of the sociopath are often left wondering, What happened to me? Why does this one individual have such a powerful effect on me?


Wow. I believe this is exactly what we saw from Jon on CT. He really still feels scarred from his marriage and being in a relationship with Kate.

Great article Pat.

Anonymous said... 24

Is Pat my Travoltified name? LOL


Lalalalala said... 25

Anonymous said... 21

Nature or nuture? This is a simple article about sociopathy.


PJ, I've always had a fascination with the concept of nurture v nature. I have a biological son and an adopted daughter so this subject has always intrigued me. I haven't read the article yet but I have it bookmarked.

Mel said... 26

Great recap! Deacon Jermes...good one!

Lalala....agree with everything you said.

Admin 23....yep. You get so overwhelmed by that person that you have a body reaction at the mere mention of their name. And it lasts for years afterwards.

Craziness said... 27

Truth Teller ‏@Truth_Teller201 25m

@luvinglife890 @Fly_On_TheWall Most kateplusmy8 H8RS have unresolved issues they take out on Kate! #BlackHeartedLosers

Yet MsGoody rted that and she is the most black hearted of all ... oh, irony ...

Millicent said... 28

Hi Admin: I got to this point in your summary:
"Make no mistake, a lawsuit is really no better than pulling a gun on someone. Our legal system has become that frightening and adversarial. Lawsuits were originally designed for the rare circumstances where you have been truly wronged, cannot mo*ve on from that wrong, and have tried everything in your power to correct or heal that wrong first with the other parties before resorting to the court of law."

And I must disagree with your assessment of the legal system. Let me use myself as an example on various counts. 1. I work in civil litigation in northern California. There is a difference in how litigation is practiced in northern California vs. southern California. I know you live in SoCal, so I can see why you might have a more extreme view. We occasionally have the misfortune to deal with law firms in SoCal, and the general experience is they do turn every single lawsuit into a dog fight, will screw their opposing counsel given the opportunity, and cannot be trusted. Sorry to say it, but that's often the case. Every phone conversation must be documented and confirmed in writing. It is must more "civil" when dealing with firms in NorCal. This is a broad generalization but often is very true.

While we might like to believe that most disputes could be resolved with a friendly conversation over coffee -- that really isn't the case. Say for example you went to a nail salon and had your nails done. Unbeknownst to you, this salon does not properly clean their instruments between use and you develop a horrible fungus that is resistant to antibiotics. Maybe it ends up disfiguring your fingers permanently. You of course contact the salon owner, who denies any wrongdoing. What is a person to do? Well, that's where having a legal system in place is important. Again - this is not tantamount to pointing a gun at the salon owner.

Or in another example, a Highway Patrol officer in en route to a call. He is speeding quite fast -- in fact, way to fast for the safety of those around him. Sadly, he strikes another vehicle, totalling the car and causing serious injuries. Unfortunately, the usual automatic response of government agencies is "our guy wasn't in the wrong." Your attorney presents a claim to the appropriate government agency, and that claim is almost routinely denied. Then your attorney proceeds to file a lawsuit, conduct discovery, retain an accident reconstruction expert, and present the best case possible to show that the Highway Patrol officer should have taken into account that other vehicles were on the roadway and not rode hell bent for leather. That is not the same as pulling a gun on that officer. In fact, it is actually hopefully doing a service for others in the future -- perhaps as a result of this lawsuit the officer learns how to be better at his job; perhaps the agency creates a new protocol for high speed chases. (In fact, I do believe that many police agencies have indeed adopted procedures regarding high speed chases after a number of serious accidents caused by police officers hitting innocent people caught in the middle)

I know this is off topic, but when I see such a broad denigration of an entire system of law, and the filing of a lawsuit equated to pulling a gun on the other party, I have to respond. I hope you will give equal time and post my comment. Thank you.

Second, I have filed a lawsuit myself; as has my father (Small Claims), as have others I have known. Please be quite assured it was not just like pulling a gun on someone. That remark is inflammatory. I was in an auto accident, I was injured, the other driver's insurance company stonewalled me, thus I filed a lawsuit. No guns were pulled, I was not creating a scary or dangerous situation. I was merely protecting my legal rights to fair compensation for my injuries.

Over And Out said... 29

@luvinglife890 @Fly_On_TheWall Most kateplusmy8 H8RS have unresolved issues they take out on Kate! #BlackHeartedLosers

Yet MsGoody rted that and she is the most black hearted of all ... oh, irony ...


That's really funny, considering that Goody has unresolved issues, the most critical being that she hates men and takes it out on Jon, even wishing he'd be seriously injured and in a lengthy coma! They just can't look into the mirror and see the irony (and hypocrisy) at what they tweet. I wonder why that is.

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 27m
@NaughtyNiceRob Why should Jon Gosselin care who @kateplusmy8 dates? They've been apart 5 yrs. Jon is the epitome of an #ExFromHell. Hello!

Over And Out said... 30

Millicent (28)...are you an attorney?

localyocul said... 31 ~ Administrator said... 32

Yes I'm pretty sure Millicent is also an attorney, she's weighed in a lot on some of the complicated legal issues we've talked about. There are at least a few other attorneys here too that I recall though less active.

I think what I'm driving at Millicent is that there are many other ways to resolve conflict that for many people seem to have been lost in "let's sue." There is no denying that we have become a much more litigious society. I am certified in Dispute Resolution, which seeks to resolve conflict before going to trial. To get this certificate I had to do a lot of work in conflict resolution, negotiation, etc. I learned a lot about alternative ways to resolve disputes that really work for people if they were willing to just put aside thoughts of suing first and give it a try. I have to say that I do agree that things in L.A. are much more contentious and litigious than other areas of the country. I have heard this from multiple people. Sometimes out of town attorneys will have to litigate something in Los Angeles and they often express shock and dismay at how contentious it is, no one willing to collaborate, listen, or compromise. In turn, you have to behave the same or get run over, so it's a vicious cycle. This kind of intense litigation is thrilling, to a point. After awhile it wears on you. It's hard to do nasty trials day in and day out. In fact one of my colleagues the other week called it "high school" down here. I don't disagree.

The other thing I do feel very strongly about is that lawsuits often do not solve much, especially those that are simply about damages but that can't really "undue" the wrong. People think they will feel better after it and instead they don't feel better and are out a bunch of time and money to boot.

That said, none of this applies when we're talking in a criminal context. In that respect, I fully support prosecuting crimes to the fullest extent of our law, as that is about the public's safety.

Kate's little lawsuit was not about safety or protection. It was just about sticking it to Jon and trying to bury her children's father, and that was wrong and an abuse of the system. If she had been open to just sitting down with him and talking things out like adults, the whole thing could have been resolved. ~ Administrator said... 33


Grr. I have a hard time feel heart warmed by this.

Baldwin Park is in L.A. This is where my dog's mother was found, pregnant and a stray. There are a million and a half resources in L.A. that can help you out with your dog if you are in a bind. Heck canine charities must be more prevalent than human ones here. I volunteer with one of them and they have money flowing like crazy, it's amazing. Call up one of them and explain the situation and they'll help you out! I don't think a dog should go back to people who gave instructions to kill it before they thought to google or pick up a phone book. Apparently I'm not the only one. I pray this is the best decision.

Local a request, when you just post random stuff that has no relevance to anything could you provide some context? A little explanation? This includes random tweets. I have no idea what some of these tweets are, what they were in response to, whether they are from a hater, a sheeple, or media. I am often confused. Help me out. :) Had I known what that article was about I wouldn't have read it, it makes my blood boil that sort of bad dog owners thing.

localyocul said... 34

OK that's weird I didn't post the link to that article or at least I didn't mean to. I found that article very upsetting as well. Someone posted it on the previous thread I think. This is what I meant to post:

Sopey ‏@sopermama 29m
I can't wait to see @BrandiGlanville bitch slap Kate Gosselin. Do it for us, Brandi. Do it for us...

localyocul said... 35

Oh, that tweet is not by a hater or a "fan". When I post tweets I usually check to make sure it's not from one of the extreme camps. ~ Administrator said... 36

What pisses me off the most is they said he can't function without us so just put him to sleep. What the hell? How about please try to find him a loving home I know with lots of love he will adjust to his new family? Instead they would rather he just be put down? Don't even TRY to give him a new home? I am in tears and I hope to God this was the best decision to give him back to those people who wanted him dead rather than to GOOGLE FOR HELP. Good grief. Some people are just so helpless and should not own dogs. You should treat it like any other major responsibility you take on, including children or a house. If you are not prepared to care for it come thick or thin and would just dump them on someone else to deal with, please don't sign up in the first place.

Lanc Native said... 37


Admin, I don't know if you read this. I've read several opinions on Dottie's interview, and this one is very good.

localyocul said... 38

I struggle with the thought of ever even having to take my dog to be put to sleep, even if in real pain. I just think how she would be excited to go for a car ride and would trust me and I just don't think I could do it. I pray that she goes suddenly at a very old age because she is my buddy and it would be too hard to have to do. I'm sure if she were suffering greatly I would find a way to be less selfish but I can't imagine deciding to do that nonchalantly. Good grief, that's what rescue organizations are for!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 39

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 7m
Mady&I were talking abt Nitrogen. Its late/bedtime so then she said: GoodNitrogen.Sleep Tightrogen.Dont let the bed bugs Bitrogen! #Precious


Isn't that just precious? Absolutely adorable. It warms my heart. I won't be sleepless tonight. I'll be tightrogen. Thank you, Kate, for sharing that.

chefsummer #Leh said... 40

localyocul said... 38

I agree with everything you said.

chefsummer #Leh said... 41

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 7m
Mady&I were talking abt Nitrogen. Its late/bedtime so then she said: GoodNitrogen.Sleep Tightrogen.Dont let the bed bugs Bitrogen! #Precious

How about not tweeting a mother/daughter moment hmmm?

I bet Maddy wouldn't think it was precious that mom tweeted her private moment. ~ Administrator said... 42

"Precious"? She's 13 and a half years old, long past the precious stage as evidenced by her recent media tour.

PatK said... 43

Kate's reaction to Mady's little cute-ism seems to be more how a peer would react, not a parent. Sad.

NJGal51 said... 44

Yes Kate, your kids are just so much more #precious than any other kid in the universe. Why dont you just #bitemetrogen!

Jeanne said... 45

According to the article, sociopaths have a sense of entitlement that comes from rage, but they don't really know what causes the rage. From the research, there's a large genetic portion. They lack normal emotions and esp lack a conscience.

So then what's the difference between a sociopath and a narcissist? I would think of us meeting one would have a hard time figuring it out. I guess the sociopath never feels love and the narcissist loves herself. Why would a sociopath even look for love? It's confusing to me. ~ Administrator said... 46

Here's a good explanation of it: "So what's the difference between the two? A narcissist needs to be validated by others, and a sociopath doesn't. A sociopath will exploit others because he finds it amusing, while a narcissist only exploits those he believes is a threat. If you are dealing with a sociopath, stop playing his games. He enjoys pushing your buttons just for the fun of watching you squirm. If you are dealing with a narcissist, don't feed his ego and avoid falling prey to his traps."

Even though we tend to think Kate is a narcissist, I know there are some of us who think she has some serious signs of a true sociopath instead.

Georgia Peach said... 47

Even though we tend to think Kate is a narcissist, I know there are some of us who think she has some serious signs of a true sociopath instead. 44

It is possible to be both.

NJGal51 said... 48

Uh oh Kate, someone googled M's precious saying tonight and guess what? It's not original! Now I don't even believe the conversation took place. I think it's something TFW saw on The Big Bang Theory or something like that.

@Xxxxxxxx: "@XxxxxxxxIt's a Geeky science quote I googled it... Try again Kate." @Kateplusmy8

Meagler said... 49

Local... I felt the same as you. but.

( warning, feel free to skip past, as I explain my story about putting my precious puppy to sleep)

When my first puppy, my baby, was 16 years old she began to lose weight. Then she quit eating her dog food, and very quickly began to have loss of her bodily functions. I knew the end was near, and like you couldnt think of putting her to sleep. I wanted her to die at home.

However one night when I had to put her very thin and very frail body into the bath tub to clean her up, and she looked up at me with those eyes, I knew I couldnt let her stay in this misery. She may have only lasted a few more days, but those eyes were begging me.

The next day I made the appointment. It was the easter break so the kids were off school and hubby was on days off. I was SAHM then. We held her, and went out on the driveway and let her lay in the nice warm sun.

My daughter was 7 and my son was 9. The vet was very gentle and they took my puppy ( she will always be my puppy, until those last few weeks she was still very active like a puppy. She must have ad some type of aggressive cancer or something) and started the process.

We all went in after wards, and she was so peaceful. They let us stay with her for quite a while. A few weeks later we received a card from the vet.

I think this was way more peaceful for me , and the kids, then coming home one day and finding she had passed.

I only tell this because I was of the same opinion, I never could put her to sleep, but in this situation was the best thing for everyone.

However, euthanizing an animal because you dont want it inhumane.

Ingrid said... 50

TFW is now following Ricky Gervais on twitter. Looking to grift tickets to new Muppet movie perhaps?

CS said... 51

I personally have been concerned about the eight and their future . It finally occurred to me today they will be just fine. Kate, Jon and the generous TAX paying citizens of Pennsylvania have provided for them since before the sextuplets were born.
Kates plan has always been to have the public financially support her and her family so she would not have to work, down to the matching cribs!
I am still puzzled to this day as to WHY the good State of Pennsylvina has not insisted that the Gosselins reimburse them for all of the money that they have spent?
According to Kate she was on bed rest in the hospital for months. The delivery of the sextuplets costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Months of intensive care for the sextuplets after their birth cost hundreds of thousands..
I have read that in many states when a person wins the lottery they are expected to pay the state for back Taxes, Medicaid , welfare and back child support. Well, the Gosselins won the the Reality TV Lottery. Why shouldn't they have to pay back the State of Pennslyvana for the the cost of hosiptal bills and nursing care? Kate is a Multi-Millionaire!
I believe that the only reason Kate & Jon continue to get sporadic paying jobs in the industry is because of the children. Kate constantly cries, "I have eight children to support!" Why would'nt the entertainment industry feel sympathy for the children?
I'm sure that for the next eight years she will continue to play the sympathy card. Then what? In eight years the twins will be 21 and the sextuplets will be 18 .The WITCH of Wernersville will be pushing 48. I bet my life in eight years she will send them ALL packing.
By 2022 Kate will have spent all of the money, she will not have husband, children, friends or family. Kate will be miserable! YEA!!! The good news is she will have her dripping tits!

CS said... 52

Gosselin says she would be unable to tend to the needs of the six 1-year-olds and their two 4-yearold sisters without the continued help of a nurse.

I thought the sheeple might need a refresher course.

Anonymous said... 53

"A Narcissist sees others as a means to validate his existence. The less validating you are, the less use you are to a Narcissist.

A Sociopath views others as entertainment. The less entertaining you are, the less use you are to a Sociopath."

From this article, another good one, IMO.


Dmasy said... 54

Several years ago my adopted Greyhound was in poor health. Our vet recommended euthanasia. I thought we would not be able to make the decision. But, as Meagler commented, his pain and fear were so great that we chose a peaceful passing.

The vet was kind and compassionate. There was time for a tearful goodbye. Sam closed his eyes and was just gone from the struggle.

Just last December, we were faced with the same decision. Little Nugget had some dreadful strokes. He hadn't seemed ill -- until just suddenly one night. We wanted to hope, but each stroke left him with less control.

Same Vet. Same horrible feeling. But, I remembered the peace for our Greyhound. We said goodbye to another beloved animal.

The grief and missing them is maybe worse because you know you agreed to the timing. But, I still cling to the thought that we chose a compassionate act.

Part of me wishes that I could have the same choice for myself when the time comes.

Anonymous said... 55

Another good comparison of the two.


Carole said... 56

The full quote is supposed to be "What happens to nitrogen when the sun rises? It becomes daytrogen. I'm going to bed. Good nitrogen. Sleep tightrogen. Don't let the bed bugs biterogen." TFW must have had to shorten it for her tweet. What a tool.

Formerly Duped said... 57

It seems like Farrah had no real role on this show- no partner, and no relevant issues. She just tried to dredge up nasty things about her mother as a reason she does not do well in relationships. I don't think CT 'helped' her at all. She is not going to change, just will collect a paycheck for this . I also think Dr Jenn was not completely fair to Debra whom I believe loves her daughter and granddaughter and tired her best. Farrah's story keeps changing from the ones resented on Teen Mom as far as I know.

As for Mady's 'precious' comments, those don't even make any sense- why tweet that? Surely there's more dirty laundry TFW could air, lol.

TLC stinks said... 58

Kate 100% a narcissist but I seriously doubt she is a sociopath. When I think of a sociopath, I think of a criminal. What concerns me is her lack of empathy which is dangerous ( remember her treatment of Nala and Shoka being caged up ) so she does have little regard for other living things. In fact, if not for the Figure 8 crews' watchful eyes, those babies may have been horribly neglected. As it was, the babies were forced to remain in their cribs for many hours because she could not be bothered taking care of them.

White Organza said... 59

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 7m
Mady&I were talking abt Nitrogen.

Yeah... I know exactly what's she's talking about. It's late saturday night... Almost time to go to bed. A mother and a daughter lazily just shooting the wind, sharing ideas, opinions, confidences, laughs, giggles and informations about nitrogen. I get it. In fact, I used to do the same with my kid. Oh, the things I could tell you about our own conversations on carbon. Good times... Good times...

lukebandit said... 60

Over and Out said...

That's really funny, considering that Goody has unresolved issues, the most critical being that she hates men and takes it out on Jon, even wishing he'd be seriously injured and in a lengthy coma! They just can't look into the mirror and see the irony (and hypocrisy) at what they tweet. I wonder why that is.


IIRC, Goody said on a tweet that she wished Jon was in a bad car accident and fall into a coma for 6 months or a year? Then be in rehab for 6 months or a year. Why would she say that about the kids father? Does she not realize how much pain that would cause those children?

She just doesn't realize how dangerous it is to say things like that and mean it. Your words will find you. When you get banned from twitter, do they ban them by blocking their ISP address so they can't open new accounts, new name and still spew their toxic propaganda?

Goody, you will regret what you have said in the past, present and future when it comes home to roost on your doorstep. I hate it for you, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But you have so much hate for Jon and what has he ever done to hurt you?


lukebandit said... 61

Admin, ITA about the dog article. The owners are so lazy and inhumane. I can't read the article, but I got the gist of it. Don't they realize it would be no cost to find the dog a good home? There are many many animal, cat, dog rescues in their area. Just like TCFW, just too darn lazy, ill informed, and cut anyone, anything out of their lives, Quick! Get it over with.

Hopefully, some good will come out of this evil situation.

Mel said... 62

A sociopath will exploit others because he finds it amusing, 
Look how hysterical she thought it was to deny the boys their birthday cupcakes. And when the one protested she thought it was even funnier.

I don't think she's entertained by the kids/Jon, but she sure gets her jollies from being as mean as possible to them. It's what feeds her soul.

You could see that with little Hank. She got satisfaction from forcing him to bend to her will. Him yielding to her awesome-ish power is what gave her pleasure. ~ Administrator said... 63

When I think of a sociopath, I think of a criminal.


That's the thing though many, many sociopaths are not criminals at all. It has an association with criminals that is inaccurate.

However most of those explanations keep saying that narcissists need validation from others and I think Kate fits that a bit better, because it is painfully obvious the way she constantly seeks validation.

localyocul said... 64

Carole said... 56
The full quote is supposed to be "What happens to nitrogen when the sun rises? It becomes daytrogen. I'm going to bed. Good nitrogen. Sleep tightrogen. Don't let the bed bugs biterogen." TFW must have had to shorten it for her tweet. What a tool.


What a tool indeed. She acts like it was an original Mady quip but it's a saying:

It's not even funny it's just stupid.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 65

Kate will be miserable! YEA!!! The good news is she will have her dripping tits!


What will they be dripping? Will she be pregnant again?

Anonymous said... 66

Admin said....

However most of those explanations keep saying that narcissists need validation from others and I think Kate fits that a bit better, because it is painfully obvious the way she constantly seeks validation.


And she certainly doesn't find others entertaining. She's too self-absorbed to notice other people.


localyocul said... 67 (Administrator) said... 63
When I think of a sociopath, I think of a criminal.


That's the thing though many, many sociopaths are not criminals at all. It has an association with criminals that is inaccurate.


Very true; here is a book I read once about sociopaths:

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 68

Uh oh Kate, someone googled M's precious saying tonight and guess what? It's not original! Now I don't even believe the conversation took place. I think it's something TFW saw on The Big Bang Theory or something like that.


Did Kate say it was original? Don't forget -- she is so very good with her wording. Maybe the conversation did take place; Mady heard it at school and repeated it. It's totally possible.

But the #precious certainly does make it sound like Kate is implying that Mady came up with the quote by herself. ~ Administrator said... 69

Maybe Kate herself didn't know that Mady probably heard that "precious" nitrogen quote somewhere else. Following in mom's footsteps plagiarizing things!

FYI said... 70

What a tool indeed. She acts like it was an original Mady quip but it's a saying:

It's not even funny it's just stupid.

That because Kate is not too brightrogen. But her fans squealed with delightrogen, because Kate made them think that it was a Mady original.

TLC stinks said... 71

OMG. Thanks for that quote catch. Again she lies by implying. I bet Mady said no such thing and if she did, she was not making it up as "implied" by Kate. Also it's a way to let the tweeties know Mady is home and not with with Jon.

Mel said... 72

I haven't heard the good nitrogen thing before either, but if my kid said it I would probably say "where did you hear that?" instead of thinking that the kid made it up and then posting it on the web as an original by the kid.

Yet another thing for Mady to live down when she goes to school on Monday.

FYI said... 73

Some of the sheeple believe that it was a Mady original, so Kate got what she wanted:

Leigh Shahan ‏@LEIGHSHAHAN1 · 11h
@Kateplusmy8 Good-one Mady!! Ill have to remember that one!! Good-nitrogen!! 😴😴😴

Nora ‏@NoraSaysNo · 11h
@Kateplusmy8 So cute! So smart! Why are you still up? (Why am I still up?!). GN, Momma Gosselin!

Truth Teller ‏@Truth_Teller201 · 11h
@Kateplusmy8 Mady is a hoot!

DI (dry ice!) ‏@LakeRat2014 · 11h
@Kateplusmy8 LOLOLOLOL!!! I LOVE her snark!

Mel said... 74

Probably something TFW read somewhere recently, and as she was thinking about how she could get out there that Mady was home with her, and not with Jon, came up with the quote idea.

Lanc Native said... 75

Mel (72): Yet another thing for Mady to live down when she goes to school on Monday.


If she heard it at school in science class, repeated it to her mother (who either thought it was a Mady original, or tried to put it forth as that) why would Mady have to live it down? She just repeated something she heard. I don't think that Kate is smart enough to come up with that.

In fact, I doubt that her classmates were sitting on Kate's twitter line on a Saturday night and even saw that Kate tweeted it. I would think that 13-year-olds who are still on spring break until Tuesday and most likely in Florida or some other vacation destination aren't concerned about what Mrs. Gosselin is putting out there on Twitter.

Lanc Native said... 76

admin (69): Maybe Kate herself didn't know that Mady probably heard that "precious" nitrogen quote somewhere else. Following in mom's footsteps plagiarizing things!


How is it plagiarizing? If Mady heard it at school, or read it on the internet while researching a science project, and then repeated it to her mother, I don't understand what would be wrong with that unless she said, "Hey, mom, I just thought of this..." and therefore led Kate to believe she came up with it.

We just don't know the context of the conversation, only that Kate thought it was "precious" therefore suggesting that it was a Mady original. Who knows...maybe Mady told Kate that it was something she heard, but once again Kate was just too dumb to think it through -- that someone might actually find the quote on the internet. Of course, that "someone" isn't going to be a sheeple because they are so happy to squeal about another clever cute-ism. ~ Administrator said... 77

How is it plagiarizing? If Mady heard it at school, or read it on the internet while researching a science project, and then repeated it to her mother, I don't understand what would be wrong with that unless she said, "Hey, mom, I just thought of this..." and therefore led Kate to believe she came up with it.


I was being somewhat facetious. It's natural for kids to hear things and repeat things, and when parents think they're so cute and clever, to not mention oh by the way that's not my joke I just heard it and am repeating it. I daresay most kids have done this at some point. Hopefully, this disingenuous behavior doesn't continue into adulthood.

lukebandit said... 78

She's nuts. A normal mom would of picked up the socks because she is in the house by herself this weekend and put them in the laundry hamper. And not tweeted a picture of it. Deflecting that the younger ones are with Jon.

A normal mom wouldn't quote garbage and claim that she is having a conversation with M to deflect that M was not there, either at a friends house or with Jon. Hopefully, with Jon.

AuntieAnn said... 79

White Organza said... 59

I get it. In fact, I used to do the same with my kid. Oh, the things I could tell you about our own conversations on carbon. Good times... Good times...



OrangeCrusher1 said... 80

I hope her BFF twins understand IF she is doing CA and leaves them for six weeks, which will mean all of her conniving to keep them from their father will surely end. Me, me, me time in front of a camera is truly more important to the biotch. So much for 'precious' moments tweeted to strangers who think Momma Gosselin is the head of their fan club. Ick.

FYI said... 81

Celebrity Yahoo picked up the US Weekly article about CA. I was reading some of the comments, and Kate (and others) are really taking a beating. This one perfectly describes Kate:

"This IS the end of civilization. Kate Gosselin is a professional at doing nothing."

Mel said... 82

Personally I don't think the conversation happened at all. It was just something stupid for TFW to tweet. She probably saw the quote somewhere and thought she'd attribute it to her kid.

chefsummer #Leh said... 83

I think Maddy would say something like that but she would've said it years ago as a kid and not as a pre-teen.

But then again Kate's a proven liar so we can't trust anything she say's or tweets.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 84

Leigh Shahan ‏@LEIGHSHAHAN1 49m
@HspncElvis @Kateplusmy8 Thanks!! Now ill be singing "In the still of the Nitrogen" all day!!😯🎶

Maybe she can park herself outside Walmart and sing to her heart's content.

"I get it. In fact, I used to do the same with my kid. Oh, the things I could tell you about our own conversations on carbon. Good times... Good times..."


Yes, indeed, good times. LOL! We hang out in the kids' bedrooms on weekend nights, balancing chemical equations while contemplating the complexities of the universe.

PCl3 + H2O ---> H3PO3 + HCl is one equation that brings back such fond memories. I can't wait until another good nitrogen.

sparkle said... 85

Over And Out said... 29
@luvinglife890 @Fly_On_TheWall Most kateplusmy8 H8RS have unresolved issues they take out on Kate! #BlackHeartedLosers

Yet MsGoody rted that and she is the most black hearted of all ... oh, irony ...


That's really funny, considering that Goody has unresolved issues, the most critical being that she hates men and takes it out on Jon, even wishing he'd be seriously injured and in a lengthy coma! They just can't look into the mirror and see the irony (and hypocrisy) at what they tweet. I wonder why that is.

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 27m
@NaughtyNiceRob " Jon is the epitome of an #ExFromHell. Hello!

I give Goody extra points for spelling epitome correctly.

Goody has mentioned several times that the father of her children paid no child support. She said he wanted the glory of fatherhood but not the responsibility. She is the one who has unresolved anger over this, which she transferred to Jon.

Why should Jon Gosselin care who @kateplusmy8 dates? They've been apart 5 yrs.

If Kate started dating a single or divorced man, I don't think Jon would give two hoots whatsoever. This is different and Goody knows it. The pre-damage control is starting. Steve Neild is/was a married man. He has been glued to Kate's side for 6 years, and Kate has shrieked the entire time that there was no romantic involement. When the relationship began to appear inappropriate years ago, Kate and Steve should have parted ways and Kate should have found a new babysitter and purseholder. If they are now indeed an item and this becomes public, the story will surely be that the Neild marriage ended for reasons that had nothing to do with Kate. America will laugh hysterically and collectively say "riiiiiiiiiiight...ok" but that will be the excuse.

Even if Jon's book never sees the light of day, props to him for floating it out there right when Kate's is trying to wrangle a tv gig. Hopefully the Donald decides that a potential book about Kate potentially being a homewrecker while she's on his high class show (heehee) is not worth the trouble. Kate allegedly interfered with Jon's DWTS gig, one good turn deserves another.

localyocul said... 86

Kate is a twit said... 81
Celebrity Yahoo picked up the US Weekly article about CA. I was reading some of the comments, and Kate (and others) are really taking a beating. This one perfectly describes Kate:

"This IS the end of civilization. Kate Gosselin is a professional at doing nothing."


Wow, look at all those hater socks trying to ruin every job TFW gets. #snark

Formerly Duped said... 87

I don't understand why TFW would be hired for CA when it's been shown on television recently and per Jon's remarks about a psych assessment and alleged abuse, that she is an incredibly unstable, unkind & demanding person. Would this do their ratings any good?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 88

A normal mom wouldn't quote garbage and claim that she is having a conversation with M to deflect that M was not there, either at a friends house or with Jon. Hopefully, with Jon.


Kate didn't say that it was last night. It could have been last week, but she put herself in the past, describing the conversation as it would have been then, "it's late," and this is what happened. She's very good at deceptive, creative wording, subjecting the tweets to one's own interpretation. Very good.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 14h
Mady&I were talking abt Nitrogen. Its late/bedtime so then she said: GoodNitrogen.Sleep Tightrogen.Dont let the bed bugs Bitrogen! #Precious

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 89

Formerly Duped said... 87
I don't understand why TFW would be hired for CA when it's been shown on television recently and per Jon's remarks about a psych assessment and alleged abuse, that she is an incredibly unstable, unkind & demanding person. Would this do their ratings any good?

What could be better for ratings with the "reality" TV crowd than someone so controversial?

Irish grandma said... 90

Happy St. Paddy's Day from an Irish woman who appreciates all the witty and interesting and educated posters on this blog!

High Sodium Content said... 91

The "stagged" socks on the floor--based on Kate's based behavior, if they are still on the floor when the kids get home the second the "offender" get's home it will be PICK UP THOSE SOCKS AND PUT THEM WHERE THEY BELONG. Now bring them back, prick them up put them in the hamper again, again and again. Maybe 50 times. What would be enough for the offense of socks on the floor?

Jeanne said... 92

Well, now I'm thinking of joining the Kate is a sociopath camp. I think she is getting her jollies from not letting Colin see his father. It probably upsets Colin even if all he can do is refuse to smile. It appears to upset Jon. I think this makes her happier. Just my opinion.

Somewhere In Time said... 93

Kate, here's a suggestion for you, because we know you read here. Before you tweet some cute-ism to make your kids sound precocious or #precious, check on the internet and see if's original. You know that those here and on Twitter will call you out on it if it's not, and you'll just come across as being desperate and dumb.

Somewhere In Time said... 94

I don't understand why TFW would be hired for CA when it's been shown on television recently and per Jon's remarks about a psych assessment and alleged abuse, that she is an incredibly unstable, unkind & demanding person. Would this do their ratings any good?


Absolutely it would bring in viewers. The celebrities you love to hate are always the draw. Who wants to see a group of lovely, nice (and boring) people together with no drama? The in-fighting is what makes the show. Watching her melt-downs and seeing her flip out would up the ratings. It's the proverbial train wreck and rubber-necking.

silimom said... 95

Thanks for the recap, Admin. As always, it was just the laugh I needed at just the right time. As for sociopaths, I love this line from Sherlock where he is interviewing people for Jon and Mary's wedding:

David: ...They’re right about you. You’re a bloody psychopath.
Sherlock Holmes: High-functioning sociopath. With your number. [He grins evilly]

Over In TFW's County said... 96

"Would this do their ratings any good?"


It's the draw of the cat fight. Of course she'll hang on there. The more hated she is, the better it is for ratings.

Formerly Duped said... 97

Hmm, you're all saying Kate would bring in viewers.Wow.I thought maybe people wouldn't bother or would boycott her. I have never watched CA but I thought it was more serious a show than most reality programs. thanks...but I still won't tune in. I will read Admin's recaps if she is so inclined to write them! Thanks.I guess TFW's happy now...for now.

Dwindle said... 98

"...And I think that's part of Teen Duck Lips's problem is that she saddles guys with these significant labels way before they're fully cooked,..." Kind of like TFW doing something half assed, half of a time and then proclaiming it a Gosselin Family Tradition. Announcing it does not make it so. Is this kind of outright hyperbole part of the narcissistic personality disorder? Buying into things so very quickly and then DEMANDING everyone else does too?

" What needs to be understood is that everyday people are sociopaths and that only a teeny, tiny percentage of them actually kill people, and that suggesting that someone's behavior consistently aligns with that of a sociopath doesn't mean you're calling them a mass murderer. " You nailed it, Admin. The term has been coined by Hollywood to be interchangable with psychopath, and they are very similar but not the same. Kate is, without a doubt, a sociopath, which means she is incapable of comprehending society norms,human norms, her role in humanity, or the humanity in other people. She hurts other folks who are in her way, the way the rest of us sweep away leaves off the driveway. And she doesnt get the difference.

" "Eat sh-- and die." As we've discussed, this is a common expression that is not a death threat; although it's not a nice thing to say, obviously." HunnyBunny has a Tshirt that says 'Consume Feces and Expire." :-/

In reading your recap of Jon's expressions of "I did everything in the marriage", I thought of something in addition to physical work. I wonder if he was also referring to emotional work, such as always being the one who apologizes, always giving her her way, always on edge to put on his socks and blow his nose according to her standards, tiptoeing around her, always always always being the one whose wishes never matter, his own standards never mattered, his relatives and HIS family traditions didnt matter, etc. And he went along with her because Lawdy, that woman was a lot of heavy work but he thought this was best for The Marriage. I hope Jon has identified all the little things about his own life, his own values and personality that he kowtowed and subjugated to his former wife, all in the name of making the marriage work. THIS is what is meant by 'it takes two' in a marriage, not just that you both take turns taking out the trash or raking those leaves.

Hilarious and well written recap, Admin, as always. ~ Administrator said... 99

I wonder if he was also referring to emotional work, such as always being the one who apologizes, always giving her her way, always on edge to put on his socks and blow his nose according to her standards, tiptoeing around her, always always always being the one whose wishes never matter, his own standards never mattered, his relatives and HIS family traditions didnt matter, etc.


Totally agree. The man bent over backwards to give her the marriage she wanted without any regard for his emotional and physical wants and needs.

Again, it was his choice to marry her and stay married to her, and not to insist on a different kind of marriage, but he is 100% correct in the way he describes the imbalance in that marriage.

sparkle said... 100

Formerly Duped said... 87
I don't understand why TFW would be hired for CA when it's been shown on television recently and per Jon's remarks about a psych assessment and alleged abuse, that she is an incredibly unstable, unkind & demanding person. Would this do their ratings any good?

I agree with you. I also agree with the people who said her mental unstablilty will make for good ratings.

Good ratings aside, is going on national tv and being a catty, mean bitch the best role model you can be for your kids? What does it show them about her level of desperation to be on tv? What does that tell them about how low you can go to exploit and embarrass yourself for money? And it's not even that much money! The 16k CA pays won't even pay for one kid's tuition for a year.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 101

It's the draw of the cat fight. Of course she'll hang on there. The more hated she is, the better it is for ratings.

Frankly, I don't think she has the goods to hang in there and cat fight - she is largely inarticulate, freezes when confronted and needs Skeeve to clear a bathroom for her. Remember her face when DWTS constructive criticism came her way. Simply cannot see her in the CA sandbox, but the Trumpster, who is as contrary as can be, would probably put her on just because conventional wisdom says not to.

AuntieAnn said... 102

Formerly Duped said... 97

I guess TFW's happy now...for now.


I'm sure she's on cloud 9 right now simply because she's being discussed. We'll find out on Thursday whether or not she's been sitting on this little secret.

I'll watch the show either way because I enjoy it, even if the Donald is annoying. If it turns out Kate is there she won't bring much to the table, aside from yammering on about being a single mom. As if that's unique.

Plus, it will be a hoot for us to speculate on her performance. We're pros at interpreting her every lie I mean her every move.

chefsummer #Leh said... 103

Again, it was his choice to marry her and stay married to her


But then again a lot of people stay with abusive spouses for years and years.

A lot of people stay for the sake of the kids. I think we should find out why. Jon stayed so long and once we find out we can understand him more.

DisgustedwithKate said... 104

I'm looking forward to watching Brandi Glanville and Kenya Moore on Celebrity Apprentice, Kate not so much. Despite Kate's "diva" attitude she is extremely boring and brings nothing to the table so to speak. It WILL be interesting to see if PurseBoy makes an appearance and how will his presence be received by the other contestants. As usual, I do not think Kate has thought this through. Kate saw the opportunity to appear on TELEVISION and jumped. The contestants on the Apprentice are actually expected to WORK. Not only do they WORK but they are expected to WORK together as a group. The contestants are put under a microscope and all of their flaws/ weakness are exposed. Any and all BS behavior will be called out by the other contestants. Then there is the humiliation of Donald Trump also pointing out the contestants flaws before they are then told "you're FIRED!!!! ( Kate has heard this a time or two but it will be interesting to see how she handles it PUBLICLY). I'm still hoping she will be one of the first to go.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 105

First of all, Kate you liar, I'm willing to bet you know NOTHING about nitrogen and to lead others to believe you are having a conversation about it with your kid is STUPID and completely untrue. And second of all, how much longer before your kids get on twitter and find out that you have been lying to the masses about all the crap you say your kids say and do???? Can't you share those 'funny' little quips with your friends, not strangers who really do not know you and your family? You are unbelievable and pathetic.

PA Dutch Mom said... 106

( Kate has heard this a time or two but it will be interesting to see how she handles it PUBLICLY). I'm still hoping she will be one of the first to go.


She's really good at rolling her eyes and pursing her lips...not to mention the old evil eye that Milo just loves.

PA Dutch Mom said... 107

Plus, it will be a hoot for us to speculate on her performance. We're pros at interpreting her every lie I mean her every move.


I'm looking forward to the recaps more than the show.

Wowser said... 108

According to this interview with the lying liar who lies: SHE is the one who does the drop off and pick up for visitation. Hmmmm... Jon said several times he is the only one who does it. I am sure you know which one i believe. On a sidenote: I wish someone would duct tape her hands during interviews.....her mouth too for that matter! : )

rainbowsandunicorns said... 109

sarah ‏@gypsi001 4m
@BuzzedBunny @TLC @Kateplusmy8 is this true??? 😳 I can't get the link to work


Uh, Sarah, keep up. The story was pulled.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 110

Frankly, I don't think she has the goods to hang in there and cat fight - she is largely inarticulate, freezes when confronted and needs Skeeve to clear a bathroom for her.


I read this as "needs Skeeve to clean a bathroom for her." I thought, why is he cleaning her bathrooms? LOL!

She has no self awareness, and therefore I do think she'd stick it out because she probably would have convinced herself that she's doing a good job. She thought she was going to win DWTS and look how that turned out...probably ranks as one of the worst dancers they ever had on the show.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 111

Good ratings aside, is going on national tv and being a catty, mean bitch the best role model you can be for your kids? What does it show them about her level of desperation to be on tv?


Don't you think that they've come to accept the fact that this is the way she is? They've seen it at home. They were present when she was filming her show and saw how she acts. They knew she would have been seen like that on national television. I can't imagine this would be any different from what they've been living with for years.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 112

For those who follow TFW's twitter -- did her biggest fan comment on the nitrogen quip? I can't imagine she'd miss an opportunity to blow smoke
(or nitrogen) up TFW's skirt. Or is she still sulking about being ignored?

rainbowsandunicorns said... 113


I wonder if Milo and the Six Sad Sheep have read the comments on this article. I'm sure they'd enjoy all of the praises for Kate because you know that she's still so relevant and loved worldwide.

Shouldn't this be called "Has-Been Celebrity Apprentice?"

Wowser said... 114

Wowser said... 115

Oops. Sorry. Forgot o post the link. See above

Wowser said... 116

Ugghhhh... I need help today! Lol. Try again

rainbowsandunicorns said... 117

chloeberk ‏@chloeberk 16m
@Sassccha @Kateplusmy8 Our dogs ate outside...too messy to eat in. We played with them outside as I'm sure the Gosselin kids do.


Huh? Dogs can't eat inside because it's too messy? So the Gosselin kids go outside in zero degree temps with windchills below zero to play with the dog because it's too messy for him to eat his dog food in the basement? Okay, then...

You just have to shake your head (or bang it on the wall, if that makes you feel better)!

rainbowsandunicorns said... 118

First of all, Kate you liar, I'm willing to bet you know NOTHING about nitrogen and to lead others to believe you are having a conversation about it with your kid is STUPID and completely untrue.


She is/was a nurse. I would imagine she'd have to know something about it, having taken classes in the sciences (chemistry, biology).

Having a conversation about it? Who knows? Maybe they were reviewing info for an upcoming school project or exam.

The fact that she got caught pretending that Mady came up with the quote is amusing. She'll never learn to shut up and quit with these cute little things the kids allegedly come up with. ~ Administrator said... 119

What? My dog has eaten inside, in the kitchen, his entire life. I just put the bowls down on a towel and the rare occasions where there is a little splash of water or something I just change the towel, otherwise the towel gets changed once a month or so and it's fine. The food goes into his belly not on the floor making a mess. There is no mess at all. The disadvantages of feeding a dog outside include attracting ants and other animals with the food out there, not to mention that a dog wants to eat with his pack not outside.

chefsummer #Leh said... 120

chloeberk ‏@chloeberk 2h
@Sassccha @Kateplusmy8 Our dogs ate outside...too messy to eat in. We played with them outside as I'm sure the Gosselin kids do.

To messy huh?

What is your dog wild? Cause my two dogs a hardly messy while eating. And the only time when my dogs eat outside are during road trips.

AuntieAnn said... 121

My cats' dishes are on the boot mat or boot tray I bought at the Dollar Tree. Is there a Nobel prize for that kind of brilliance or what?

Bitchy Pants said... 122

"Again, it was his choice to marry her, and to stay married to her."

Jon was very young -- just twenty -- when TFMJG sank her claws into him. He appears to have been naïve and possibly (probably?) emotionally immature. I think TFMJG is very skilled at hiding her true nature when she wants to. By the time the extent of her manipulation and mental instability became clear, Jon was well and truly ensnared by 8 little lives. Also, IIRC reading somewhere that Jon was raised Catholic. Going against those early teachings is difficult, even for a lapsed Catholic.

I can't wait to read Admin's recaps on CA, either. She'll have a field day, especially if TRMJG's behavior is true to form. TVGuide online has also picked up the story about her being one of the contestants. Comments there are unfavorable and unflattering, to say the least. She's going to wind up with egg on her face no matter how this plays out. If it turns out that she isn't a contestant, she's going to look like a fool (and be very prepared for a media tour about how she turned it down "for the sake of my kids" and that it's all Jon's fault). If she is, she will show her true persona very early in the game, and many people will understand just what we've been saying for 6 years.

Rhymes with Witch said... 123

I think we should find out why. Jon stayed so long and once we find out we can understand him more. 103

IMO, that's his, not ours.

Over In TFW's County said... 124

There is no mess at all. The disadvantages of feeding a dog outside include attracting ants and other animals with the food out there, not to mention that a dog wants to eat with his pack not outside.


In this area, raccoons! They'll clean a dog dish in a minute.

PatK said... 125

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that Kate's negotiated contract demands for CA must not have been too unreasonable if they're still gonna go with her. I do hope she had to swallow some of her pride on some of that, though.

Rhymes with Witch said... 126

I'm looking forward to the recaps more than the show. 107

Ditto. ~ Administrator said... 127

Let me put it this way, a dog makes far less mess eating than a 12 month old! But we keep babies in the house. Most people do anyway.

Over In TFW's County said... 128

Myra kirk ‏@KirkMyrakirk123 29m
@Kateplusmy8 be grateful they even bother to match them. My kids don't


They wear white socks to school. Have any of these sheep ever considered the fact that when you have multiple kids, you buy socks in bags (lots of bags) that are the same style so that you don't have to match them? I wouldn't imagine their shoe sizes are that much different and a bag of socks is packaged to fit a range of sizes, not just one specific size. ~ Administrator said... 129

In this area, raccoons! They'll clean a dog dish in a minute.


Yes, we get them all here. Raccoons, possums, SKUNKS, and coyotes. Neighborhood etiquette here is that you do NOT feed your dogs outside, to help keep the varmints down. Many of us have had our dogs skunked. Mine has been right on our porch.

I imagine some people feed them in a closed garage but you never see bowls of food just out on the porch or you'll get some serious dirty looks.

NJGal51 said... 130

The food goes into his belly not on the floor making a mess.
Obviously you don't have an English Bulldog Admin! They have to scoop their food and are pretty sloopy eaters (at least mine is) and he expects his humans to pick it up and put it back in the bowl for him (we do). And drinking? There always seems to be a puddle near his water bowl. We always tell our bully that we could feed a starving chihuahua in Mexico for a year with all that he leaves on the floor. However, he does eat and drink in the kitchen like the rest of the family and we clean up after him as necessary and there's no way we'd make him eat & drink outside just because he's messy.

Over In TFW's County said... 131

AreYouKidding ‏@AreUKidding604 56s
@KellyKittyKat Also Kate Gosselin? Any word on male contestants?


Last I checked, Geraldo, Ludacris, Lorenzo Lamas and Ian Ziering were all males. And no, they're not kidding about that. ~ Administrator said... 132

Lol well when I babysit my little pug he is messier. My dog eats like a little prince, delicately.

Point being though, put a towel down. Problem solved.

chefsummer #Leh said... 133

Here's a photo of KK by a fan looking roof-(LOL)

chefsummer #Leh said... 134

My dogs-(Lhasa Apsos) aren't messy eaters but my brothers dogs-(bulldogs) are really messy when they eat.

Formerly Duped said... 135

My dog eats from her plates on a vinyl placemat. (She had teeth removed so needs a flat plate) No mess, wipe clean for sanitary reasons.

I remember one episode the dog (s) were eating in the basement with their food kept in the 'dog kitchen' Kate was annoying the dog by harshly brushing his fur while he ate- she said you are supposed to do this to avoid their biting a person who disturbs their meal. Maybe, but there was no compassion or attachment evident. Probably Shoka eats outdoors- just like the kids on blankets as she suggested in the crookbook and also tweeted- to avoid any mess at all since the cameras are gone.#funpicniceventhoughit'sfreezing

Anonymous said... 136

If Kreider is on CA, I predict victimhood. She'll size things up quickly and realize that playing the bullied one (ha ha) will garner sympathy for her from people who don't know her. Can you imagine the look on her face the first time Brandi tells her to STFU?
Her nasty will come out when the cameras are rolling and no one else is around. I've never watched the show. Do behind-the-scenes shots happen or just couch interviews?


AuntieAnn said... 137

chefsummer said... 133

Here's a photo of KK by a fan looking roof-(LOL)


From that view it looks like she's had another forehead botox treatment that made her look strange in that one photo - you guys know which one I mean - sort of a half-doped up appearance.

Wowser said... 138

She looks like a mannequin in that Instagram else has she had done to her face???? ~ Administrator said... 139

More support for the kids being with Jon this weekend.

I see one pair of shoes next to her, not eight.

TLC stinks said... 140

Wow. Her cheeks are sunk in. She looks unhealthy.

NJGal51 said... 141

<========this is why we leave a mess because after a hard day of playing sometimes you can't even muster the strength to stand up for a drink! Bulldogs, gotta love 'em!

Call Me Crazy said... 142

If this CA thing does happen, I will be looking forward to hearing Kate's ideas when her team is sitting around brainstorming about the task. I wonder if any of her teammates will be able to figure out what she is saying when she starts speaking in code. It will also be quite interesting to see how much (or little) she participates when the team meets with the executives of the company involved with the task.

chefsummer #Leh said... 143

sort of a half-doped up appearance.

Be more specific AA their a lot of those photos of KK-(LOL).

TLC stinks said... 144

Yeah, I noticed the black boot next to her. One of the twins I guess.

lukebandit said... 145


Came across the neatest and coolest way to cook corn on the cob! Amazing. Instead of cooling ears of corn in pots on the stove, especially if you need upwards of 2 doz. ears, get a insulated cooler, wipe it out, put the corn in the cooler.

Then pour hot water that was boiled in a tea kettle and cover the corn. Shut the lid. Don't open for 30 minutes and it will be done! Butter, Parmesan Cheese, Chili Powder, oh, my lanta! lol

With Jon's baker's dozen this would be so much easier to fix to go with anything he cooks.

Baker's doz.: Jon, Liz, G8, J3.

Linda in PA said... 146

Can't you share those 'funny' little quips with your friends, not strangers who really do not know you and your family? You are unbelievable and pathetic.


She has no friends!

Irish Granny said... 147

Does anyone else remember when she said she would win DWTS because she would "charm" everyone? Didn't she ever watch the show and know that she had to dance?

Lanc Native said... 148

LC stinks said... 140
Wow. Her cheeks are sunk in. She looks unhealthy.

Up close and personal she looks very unhealthy; she has shrunken cheeks, very loose neck skin, hollow eyes and skinny arms, and an almost waxy appearance. It's amazing what they can do with makeup so she looks as good as she does on television. You'd never know it's the same person.

JMO said... 149

Okay. Going to take this to this highest level, at least. I hope.

I am starting to think NONE (or at least most) of "reality stars" will ever evacuate placing themselves on TV for a buck. Honestly, the public creates this with watching the shows and responding to the Reality Stars, which is why they never go away. Neither Kate or Jon has gone quietly in to the sunset or left their kids out of this disgusting array of "reality people/shows." Yes, I know the kids no longer film regularly but both parents do and discuss each other.

In all fairness, both Jon and Kate have both put themselves out their not only discussing their relationships but that of the kids, which was always the draw. Kate recent interviews with the twins were horrible, but so were Jon's/

Seriously, what are either thinking? These two both need 101 parenting classes in how to protect their own kids, since neither seems to have a clue. It is all very disturbing with them but many other reality stars, but since these 2 made huge money off the 8 kids AND NOTHING ELSE, they both need to take 100 steps back, and make this work for the kids. Without using them, and disparaging each other constantly.

These kids deserve so much better. They never signed up for it. And it is just not right for THEM to force the "kid" issues in the public spotlight.

mamasan said... 150

How is Kate and from whom will she raise money? I can't imagine the producers of CA will put up w/Kate arriving at the last minute; or, expecting Star treatment. Kate had one 10,000,000 view episode that dropped to 6,000,000 the next episode, then down and down. She is no longer ratings gold.

Dwindle said... 151

Irish Granny said... 147
Does anyone else remember when she said she would win DWTS because she would "charm" everyone?


I DO remember.

"And I will WIN, too!" she said smugly. At that point I was certain the fix was in. But she just assumed the fix was in, like everything else in her life was fixed in her favor. She knows no other way.

"I gave birth twice!!!! I am entitled!!!!"

OrangeCrusher1 said... 152

Wowser, that is one unflattering candid shots, you can see the faux planes on her face, along with a strange sheen, maybe that's the harsh lighting, but if that broad thinks she is going incognito, hah.

Carole said... 153


I can't explain how I ended up on Honey Boo Boo's FB page but I did and I must say I'm impressed. I don't like many things about the family and the show but I have to give them tons of credit for recognizing and appreciating their fans. They take photos and/or video the kids opening fan gifts and mail and thanking the fans individually. TFW should take notes on how to acknowledge and treat fans, be gracious and thankful and how to pay back the generosity of others (and teach her kids to do the same - I can only imagine what she's put in their heads about fans, their letters, gifts, etc). Gosh, sometimes TFW infuriates me with her greed and conceit and with the way she treats others!

JMO said... 154

CA is all about controversial, and TFW will have a horrible time producing anything. She will most likely blame it on needing to be with the kids, when she discovers how cut throat this show is, and you actually have to participate.(Think Dancing with the Stars, when she gave zero effort, whined and complained about Tony, when she clearly was far too lazy to do the work, and did as little as she could, in spite of claiming she would give 100% and win.

This is simply a paycheck for Kate with air time with no intention of doing any work, which is her standard MO. This woman does as little as possible to market herself as a great mom of eight. All about Kate.

I hope the 8 are okay with the "mother required" filming. After 10 years, just lovely. I am guessing they would just wish to be left alone, but they probably can not speak of this as they do not want to upset the "mother" who wants to be filmed forever (Just a guess on my part: ) )

Dwindle said... 155

AuntieAnn said... 121
My cats' dishes are on the boot mat or boot tray I bought at the Dollar Tree. Is there a Nobel prize for that kind of brilliance or what?


I will meet you in Sweden, although sheeple and their goddess are too stupid to know what that means. I buy the Dollar Tree little rag rugs, change them out once or twice a week for laundry and pitch them as needed. I heart Dollar Tree, big time.

And still heart you too, Auntie. Hope all is well.

@NJGal - sweetest thing I have seen in weeks! Poor Baby, just how hard did you work him? You beast you! Give that baby some supper, by hand if you have to! LOL! <3

Dwindle said... 156

High Sodium Content said... 91
The "stagged" socks on the floor--based on Kate's based behavior, if they are still on the floor when the kids get home the second the "offender" get's home it will be PICK UP THOSE SOCKS AND PUT THEM WHERE THEY BELONG. Now bring them back, prick them up put them in the hamper again, again and again. Maybe 50 times. What would be enough for the offense of socks on the floor?


Shredding the socks of the beast of a child who deliberatly offends his precious mother in this manner, and then whipping/hitting his feet to make him appreciate the value of the Target 12 pair for $3.99 socks she lowers herself to buy for them.

Dont doubt it.

lukebandit said... 157

Wowser, ITA, she does look like a mannequin! But with a pale faced zombie look. Can't believe how many 1K's of dollars spent on her hair and what just 2 years? look at it now, all stuffed up in that ball cap!

All that money could of been spent on the all the kids for their extra circular activities. When she is gone for CA for 6 weeks, hopefully longer! Maybe Jon could get the girls in gymnastics, dance, ect. Maybe Jon could get the boys on a baseball, softball or even Boy Scouts. Spend the night with their own friends.

What could she do about it? Tweet more platitudes?

At least it is better than nothing.

Sad but true said... 158

sparkle said... 100
. . .And it's not even that much money! The 16k CA pays won't even pay for one kid's tuition for a year.

Actually, this would probably cover two kids' tuition, but I have NO doubt that money goes straight into Kate's "I'm never working a real job again" account. The kids will continue to pay their own way.

Sad but true said... 159

PatK said... 125
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that Kate's negotiated contract demands for CA must not have been too unreasonable if they're still gonna go with her. I do hope she had to swallow some of her pride on some of that, though.

I think Kate's desperation to get her face back on TV at this point means she would have done this FOR FREE if she had to. I still don't believe she's not sitting on plenty of moolah at this point. She does not plan to work again--ever. Unless it's on TeeVee. ~ Administrator said... 160

Actually, this would probably cover two kids' tuition,


Not at PA's state school, which is currently charging 16,090 per year for freshman and sophomores. Once you get to be a junior and senior it goes up depending on your program, with most programs clocking in at 17,300 for the year but if they want to be a nurse or engineer it's 18-20,000. By the time they are freshman I'm sure it will be much more. State school. Who knows what it would be at a private school.

So she's right, 16k won't even cover tuition at one of the cheapest 4 year colleges in the state in 2014.

Unknown said... 161

Admin . . . 160

I was talking about the private school they currently attend. ~ Administrator said... 162

Ah indeed. I had assumed we were talking about saving for college.

Either way, had she just gotten a real job she could have made 70,000 this year instead of just 16,000.

I am going to request, once again, that people pick a name and stick to that name. Do not change your name to fit the situation or for any other reason. Thank you.

lukebandit said... 163

Dwindle, I heart Dollar Tree, big time too! BNH (before Nursing Home), I helped the girl that I took care of, she was a 1st grade teacher. She wanted me to go with her to DT and take the money that each student sent in so the teacher could make their Christmas class gifts. Wow. She had 100 dollars and we bought a nice brown paper sack bottom full of items. We decorated the bags, stenciling and with artwork. We had them done in no time.

When the kids came in the morning of the last day of the Christmas break, they looked up and on the top shelf of the cabinet, all of their bags were neatly sitting on top, waiting to be opened at the party that afternoon.

Each child sent in 5 dollars and some didn't. They were poor and she paid out of pocket. It was very moving to do this and see the sincerely going bananas at all their gifts.

This is why I love doing the OCC shoeboxes so much. Some of these kids never had a gift given to them. And they are so grateful.

chefsummer #Leh said... 164

If Kate's gets on CA and she gets paid $16k she'll have to pay taxes and her manger. What $10-15% and if CA won't pay Steve salary Kate will pay it.

All the hard work for little pay doesn't seem worth it to me.

Lanc Native said... 165

Actually, this would probably cover two kids' tuition, but I have NO doubt that money goes straight into Kate's "I'm never working a real job again" account. The kids will continue to pay their own way.


No, it wouldn't. Not by a long shot.

lukebandit said... 166

Remember when Robert said he saw kate and a woman and all the kids go to the park one afternoon and he couldn't believe she was not nasty at all. She was kindly swinging the kids, not screeching, being a witch. He said something to the effect that she was like a different person. IIRC, didn't he say that he thought she took her meds that day?

Just think. kate shot herself in the foot by not getting professional medical help, getting meds to calm her down, and being grateful, kind and humble on the show. Letting family, friends be on and letting them get paid for being on. And at the end of each show, a quick spot with kate thanking her fans for their support and show something hand made that someone sent in. AND thank them.

The ratings would of been through the roof.

She then could of donated it, so someone else could use it. She didn't have to keep everything.

With that all together, she would of been a reg. millionaire, but a multi-millionaire. The only thing that made a billion off this is TLC.

chefsummer #Leh said... 167

Renee Audric ‏@ReneeAudric 3h
@Kateplusmy8 Mady never said that. U STOLE it from here: …

Wow lol here it is

Sad but true said... 168

Apologies, Admin, the computer I'm working on had a Blogger account name I wasn't aware of. As for the tuition, I thought everyone assumed she probably got a break with 8 kids. Without any discount, the younger kids' annual tuition would be around $12-13K apiece. And I am also guessing that her CA appearance fee is probably nearer the $25K, not $16K (which I thought was from a much earlier season). Either way, I don't expect any money earned from CA to be used to support anyone but Her Heinous.

Lanc Native said... 169

Shredding the socks of the beast of a child who deliberatly offends his precious mother in this manner, and then whipping/hitting his feet to make him appreciate the value of the Target 12 pair for $3.99 socks she lowers herself to buy for them.


LOL, Dwindle. Inflation. I just bought a pack today at Target -- 8.99 for ten. ~ Administrator said... 170

I know we've discussed this a lot but how IS she supporting herself and these kids anyway? She waived child support, she hasn't worked more than a few gigs in the past three years. They can't be that much all put together.

The only conclusion is she's living off savings and their trust. What is her long term plan here? They have many years left to just be living off reserves.

chefsummer #Leh said... 171 (Administrator) said... 170

Yupe KK said it herself that she and the kids are living off her investments and her cookbook sales.

Sad but true said... 172

For most of the time she worked with TLC, they paid for just about everything. We know now they even paid for her divorce lawyers! So whatever she made, she could put in the bank. And we'll never know how many bags of $20s from the church circuit she put under her mattress either. I think she's using the kids' money to pay their expenses (and I do think, outside of the private school, they live adequately but marginally), and when they're 18 and out, she'll still be sitting on a very nice sum for her "retirement." ~ Administrator said... 173

I have always had such a hard time imagining how someone like her could be so disciplined about money but not disciplined about anything else in her life. It is rather impressive than she can live an upper middle class lifestyle all these years later.

I mean think of all the people in her shoes who have blown their money. Even Jon admits his money is gone and it's not like he has anything all that lavish to show for it. Sure he bought a nice car but Kate bought TWO nice cars!

Sad but true said... 174

You're forgetting just how very good a grifter she is. She has no shame about getting whatever she can for free--even if she doesn't need it and others do.

Unknown said... 175

I thought kate didn't have the power to "waive" child support?

Sad but true said... 176

chefsummer said... 171 (Administrator) said... 170

Yupe KK said it herself that she and the kids are living off her investments and her cookbook sales.

You're joking about the cookbook, right? Amazon sales (including Kindle) are still below 2,000 for a YEAR on the market. B&N probably sold not even half of that. The rest? If she sold as many as 5,000, I'd be very surprised. If HCI actually printed 50,000, then they're sitting on another 10 years' worth. Even if Kate netted $5 a book (which would be a very generous royalty deal), that endeavor was maybe worth $25K to her. The only way this might be a money-maker for her is if she really DID self-publish and is taking the loss on her taxes. ~ Administrator said... 177

Waive is the wrong word, but apparently she didn't fight the reduction order. I would think if she were concerned about finances that would be the last thing she would just let go.

lukebandit said... 178

Admin, yes. It is crazy to live off the kids salaries to support that mansion, your vanity cosmetic procedures, your luxurious cars, your stupidly outlandish legal eagle bills, the kids expensive private school.

No regular steady working paycheck in almost 3 years! Also another backlash will be that it will affect her SS retirement, because look how much money she has not put into the SS's coffers!

There is a 29 year old surfer, band playing bum who lives in CA, can't remember what city. Lives off the government, hasn't worked in years or never worked. Got caught by the public who knew him buying LOBSTER with his food stamp card! He uses the public assistance to pay his car payments on his ESCALADE! He is playing, practicing with a group of friends, hoping to make it big one day!

Sean Hannity interviewed him and told him, If I get you a job driving a truck in North Dakota at 80K a year would you take it?

He paused for a second and then said....No. And he is not feeling bad about buying lobster to eat and making his escalade payments either. Talk about entitlement.

Does that sound like someone we all know? It is like he is waiting for his big break on tv just like kate. If he had some gumption, why doesn't the band try AGT?

I remember when the kids were small and our income missed getting food stamps by 4 dollars. 4 stinking dollars. My ex was paying hundreds per month in taxes, due to his OT. The town next to us, the police where they were several policemen getting food stamps. Low pay and their wives working full time jobs and they still qualified for food stamps.

And when that hit the fan, the city was so embarrassed they immediately gave them a raise so they could get off the stamps,

Anonymous said... 179

guess who is on the Living Well Network now? Relax, sheeple, it's the episode from a few months ago. So many ummmms, and she looks so awkward: NFW does she slave in the kitchen all day LOLOLOL

chefsummer #Leh said... 180

Sad but true said... 176

Kate said she and the kids were living off that lame cookbook.

localyocul said... 181

chefsummer said... 133
Here's a photo of KK by a fan looking roof-(LOL)


I thought she said her hair is longer than it's ever been? That looks like a short pony tail, not a bun?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 182

I thought she said her hair is longer than it's ever been? That looks like a short pony tail, not a bun?


If that is Kate, it looks like her hair is twisted into a "messy." I'm guilty of doing the same thing. When you do that, you can't tell how long your hair really is.

localyocul said... 183

She had really long hair on the Today Show though. My daughter does a messy bun and it looks much larger than that

localyocul said... 184

Milo is just NOW noticing that TFW is too thin?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 44m
So @Kateplusmy8 ...was that YOU at BedBath&Beyond this afternoon w/ball cap on? Miss SkinnyMinny...U look lil thin? Hope you are okay! :)

getofftwitter said... 185

This is for the idiot on Kates TL, and anyone else, who does not get it. Any animal save the cat, once an animal, has been deemed domestic pet, the ones that are bought at a pet shop & shelters, these animals can not be just let outside to fend for themselves, they are totally depended on humans for their survival. Clean habitat, food, water, some depend on human contact. Unlike cats, who when let outside, refer back to a feral state, and can fend for themselves. Dogs who have been domesticated, no longer can fend for themselves and will starve. Dogs are pack animals, they see us as their pack, cause we have been treated as family. When you take a puppy in, it thinks of you as it's mother. My mother always said how you treat animals, mostly dogs is how you treat your children. Keeping a dog or any animal deemed a pet outside is cruel. Feeding them outside, is disgusting. With all the bugs, and other creatures out there ready to get a meal. Poor dog, will be hungry. Not to mention any disease, these creature have. I know a lot of people who live in the country, were taught, that animals, belong outside, not understanding, that certain animals are to be outside, pets are to be inside, or don't have them at all. JMO

getofftwitter said... 186

Oh, and my dogs are house dogs. Where I am my dogs are. If I am outside, they are outside, etc. But, I do not take them to the store, in my car. Their job is to watch house, when I am not home. Besides, my dogs will not stay outside long(they know where the food is, where it is warm or cool(depends on season)). They are family!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 187

localyocul said... 184
Milo is just NOW noticing that TFW is too thin?


And the "Marie" person has befriended someone who has no idea who Kate is and is filling him in, how Kate is a big star on television shows, a nice lady, and...she's giving out hugs (totally creepy) to this person and he retorted:

Rod McArthur ‏@macprint61 14m
@BarkingMadGC @MY_2BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 I'm totally bloody lost in this convo now lol

Rod McArthur ‏@macprint61 12m
@MY_2BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 did I want hugs ?

Most likely not! Ewwwww!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 188

My daughter does a messy bun and it looks much larger than that


It depends how thick your hair is. With the damage done to Kate's hair, there probably isn't too much to work with.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 189

Unlike cats, who when let outside, refer back to a feral state, and can fend for themselves.


Feral cats are trained by their parents how to survive and hunt in the wild. Domesticated cats, who have been indoors, lack this training, and many of them, especially ones who have been pampered inside, would not be able to survive in the wild. I know that mine, if left outside, would not revert to the feral state and wouldn't know what to do with a mouse if one ran across its path.

NJGal51 said... 190

A Dwindle, you know that if the bully is going to live in this house he's going to have to earn his keep. If he could sing his theme song would be "It's A Hard Knock Life". LOL!

Actually I think we took that picture when he got home from day camp. He plays so hard he is exhausted and sleeps for two days.

chefsummer #Leh said... 191

localyocul said... 183
She had really long hair on the Today Show though

Yes she did but even then it looked like she didn't comb it.

AuntieAnn said... 192

Dwindle said... 155

I will meet you in Sweden, although sheeple and their goddess are too stupid to know what that means. I buy the Dollar Tree little rag rugs, change them out once or twice a week for laundry and pitch them as needed. I heart Dollar Tree, big time.

And still heart you too, Auntie. Hope all is well.


Right back at you Dwindle! We're still hanging in there. Dh is in holding pattern. Hope all is well for you too.

Yep, I love the Dollar Tree especially for its cornucopia of kitchen gadgets and I'm pretty sure I have every one of them. Their strategy worked on me. I just wish they sold restaurant quality super absorbent 100% cotton Gillett barmop towels They are my kitchen addiction. I must have a hundred of them. Is there a 12-step program for that?

Carrin said... 193

It is going to be very interesting to see if Kate can hold her own on CA. Will she be her organizish self against Geraldo and those other big mouths? It seems she could even be a bit intimidated. This is going to be very interesting and I am going to enjoy every minute of it.

AuntieAnn said... 194

chefsummer said... 191

Yes she did but even then it looked like she didn't comb it.


She looked better with short hair, but not the rooster comb part. Of course she had a personal hairdresser back when she had that.

Milo, please tell Kate she looks better in short hair. Thank you.

chefsummer #Leh said... 195

AuntieAnn said... 194

KK did/does much better with short hair.

Jeanne said... 196

I was confused by the Bed Bath & Beyond picture. I thought I couldn't see it right because I couldn't see the face of the person in the black coat. But that's her farther away. She looks 20 years older. I don't know why she goes out looking like that if she thinks she's so famous. Also, if you are "piecing and patching", that is not usually where you shop. Sometimes there's a deal but usually things are cheaper elsewhere.

AuntieAnn said... 197

I agree Chef. And that is probably the only 'nice' thing I will ever say about her. ha!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 198

Milo, please tell Kate she looks better in short hair. Thank you.


Why would she tell her that? Then she couldn't run her fingers through Kate's magnificent luxurious mane...

Oh, Kate
Gimme head with hair
Long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming,
Streaming, flaxen, waxen

Give me down to there hair
Shoulder length or longer
Here baby, there mama
Everywhere daddy daddy

AuntieAnn said... 199

Actually I think we took that picture when he got home from day camp. He plays so hard he is exhausted and sleeps for two days.


Our local pet store owner has two bullies who, every time I've been in there, have both been sound asleep by the front counter. If they were guard dogs, they'd probably be fired. They look so lovable and man can they snore!

AuntieAnn said... 200

lol Sleepless.

A home for fleas, a hive for the buzzing bees
A nest for birds, there ain't no words

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