Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Apprentice, U.K.: Jolly good fun

Breaking News: There's a version of Apprentice out there that is actually quite nice, mate.

Before the dawn of reality D-lister sludge's Celebrity Apprentice, there was another, better show called just The Apprentice. Although it eventually lost its luster, the original Apprentice was a sensation, with a savvy and engaging cast, educational tasks, and awesome rewards (remember the helicopter ride around NYC???), and it launched the career of affable Bill Rancic. The Apprentice was so good that creator Mark Burnett started a similar version in the UK, with billionaire Sir Alan Sugar standing in for Trump. Sugar is not exactly sweet. He is a much more serious, less flamboyant version of Trump. He's intimidating, thought not really frightening. "I don't like liars, I don’t like cheats. I don’t like bullshitters, I don’t like schmoozers, I don’t like arse-lickers," he tells the contestants on their first day. Win on your own merits, he explains, not on smoke and mirrors. 

If you thought the U.S. version was good, you'll love the British version, which follows a more documentary format, avoids sensation, and has more interesting, difficult, and educational tasks (Aren't British versions often better?). Those tasks include selling flowers, designing a toy for grade schoolers, working on the floor at Harrod's, and going on a scavenger hunt around London to buy a list of items as cheaply as possible, like bowler hats and a mattress. The boardroom drama also doesn't drag on as much as Trump's boardrooms do, so we spend less time watching the contestants bicker and more on the cool tasks. Sugar actually really hates when they don't get along and tries to stop their fighting, not encourage it, which is refreshing.

Saira Khan, in particular, is an aggressive and scrappy Environmental Manager who is the first business woman in her family.

She's just downright fun to watch, even when she grates on your nerves. After a tough negotiation for a T.V. box, she is able to get it for free by speaking in her native Kashmiri with the salesman. "That's how I get away with murder," she quips in her delightful British accent. Reality T.V. "character" gold. Love 'er.

Check out The Apprentice UK, and start with Saira's season, season one, which aired in 2005. Almost all the seasons of the UK version are available on Youtube. One of the few reality T.V. shows worth watching these days.

321 sediments (sic) from readers:

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prairiemary said... 1

LOL, sounds like Sugar would never have someone like tfw on his show!

Vanessa said... 2

So who does have the kids? Bizarre that there was a pap trespassing to get a shot of Jon with the gun. Then Chris was in the parking lot to get a response from tfw. Where's the pap trying to get a shot of who's taking the kids to the bus stop? Or who's supervising their playtime "in the front yard"? (NOT that this is what I want)

JoyinVirginia said... 3

Dear admin,
Enough about the Apprentice! We want final Couples Therapy Recap, please please puh-leeze. Sincerely, Duck Lips and Teen Duck Lips fans!

Tucker's Mom said... 4

Over In TFW's County said... 160
Good for her. I don't care if she becomes Joan River's twin, but own the fact that you have been spending a ton of money on altering your appearance, all the while crying about supporting 8 kids all by yourself.


Maybe she's not lying about piecing and patching, only It's her face that she's piecing and patching.
Bringing this over.
Well, in code speak, that could very well have been exactly what Kate meant!

Dmasy said... 5

JW, thank you for the the Little House info.

Admin, thank you for the British Apprentice info.

Now....finding time to watch that much good TV. ~ Administrator said... 6

prairiemary said... 1
LOL, sounds like Sugar would never have someone like tfw on his show!


Omg yes. Dmasy hopefully you can squeeze it in sometime I think you'd love it!

Joy, three day week equals get that recap done! I promise! :)

Concerned Chick said... 7

Someone on the other thread mentioned the child support issue.

Alicia Quarles is the one that interviewed Jon. She said that he was very forthcoming.

She also tweeted that she went over the child support agreement with Jon. When I read her tweet to me it seemed that she was saying it made sense.

I tweeted "Seems to me she's saying Jon explained the child support issue and it made sense."

She replied to me "Exactly what I am saying. Went over the child support questions in detail w/Jon."

In that same interview Jon insisted he did not want his children being filmed. There is no way that Alicia would say the child support agreement made sense if Jon exchanged not having to pay child support with allowing his children to be filmed.

I think the only way the child support agreement makes sense is that neither Jon nor Kate are paying for the children's expenses. I think the trust funds set up for the children pay for their schooling, medical expenses, braces, clothing, etc. Kate can probably take a portion to pay for the mortgage also since that is their main home. She may be responsible for some since she lives there too. Jon pays his mortgage and they each pay for food and misc expenses when the children are with them.

Since the kids have earned money along with Kate all these years I'm not sure what her base "earnings" are but they are probably more than what Jon made.

Also, I think they factor in that Jon wasn't the one providing that luxurious lifestyle for Kate and the kids and then moved on. TLC provided that lifestyle. Jon is not responsible for maintaining the lifestyle Kate insists on living.

The judge may have decided that if Kate does not wish to downsize to a smaller home that would still have the same amount of bedrooms (4 = 1 for Kate, 1 for boys, 1 for little girls, and 1 for twins) then she should be responsible for the excess amount.

Maybe Jon wanted the kids to go to public school and Kate insisted they go to private so the judge ordered her to pay the excess if it's not being paid by the trust accounts.

I just think there are so many factors as to why Jon is not paying child support and I don't think "he sold his children" is one. There is NO WAY Alicia Quarles would not have called him out on that, nor would she have tweeted that the child support arrangement makes sense.

Is there something I didn't consider?

Formerly Duped said... 8

Why isn't Kate doing more braggin' on her Twitter? Finally she has something to say (cough, cough)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 9

(Aren't British versions often better?).

From someone who watches a lot of British TV on Netflix, Yes!

I've also noticed that many British actors (Australian, too) look more real, not over-bleached, over-tanned, over-boobed, over-surgeried and over-botoxed.

NJGal51 said... 10

Concerned Chick - Everything you've said makes sense to me but is this something that can be done? Can the custody agreement be set up so the kids pay their own way and neither parent pays any major expenses? Wonder if they'll have anything left when the are older.

OT - I just found out that we got a $155 credit from Amazon for an antitrust lawsuit that we didn't even know we were a part of. The book budget just went up! Check your accounts.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 11

Have the birthday celebrations started yet? Or is it just Milo having a lonely cupcake by herself today.?

Vanessa said... 12

I've also noticed that many British actors (Australian, too) look more real, not over-bleached, over-tanned, over-boobed, over-surgeried and over-botoxed.
I agree. Also HBO origninals and a lot of AMC originals too ~ Administrator said... 13

I've also noticed that many British actors (Australian, too) look more real, not over-bleached, over-tanned, over-boobed, over-surgeried and over-botoxed.
I agree. Also HBO origninals and a lot of AMC originals too \


Yes I agree and I like that. I rarely watch much network TV anymore, it's looks so fake most of the time.

Everyone on British Celebrity Apprentice looks real. Not everyone looks TV ready, and that's okay. They even have a few contestants who are pretty awkward on camera. Other shows I like, like Breaking Bad and Walking Dead, all have actors on them that remind me of people I actually know. They don't feel "Hollywood."

Amy2 said... 14

OrangeCrusher1 said... 11

Have the birthday celebrations started yet? Or is it just Milo having a lonely cupcake by herself today.?

Maybe a meanie will take Kate's birthday cupcake away from her like she did the boys'. Wouldn't that be lovely payback.

Formerly Duped said... 15

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 9

I agree with you & the others. We watch a lot of British TV ( Brit background) and enjoy the 'real' people in the dramas, panel shows, docs, films.

Paula said... 16

Love those Brit sitcoms! My favorite is "As Time Goes By" with Judi Dench. It comes on Saturday night on PBS and I think I've seen every episode many times.

foxy said... 17

When you look at the women's team on CA, 5 of them look alike. Brandi, Leeza, Shaun, Jamie and of course Kate. They all have long bleached blonde hair, same type make-up, etc. If you look at them it is hard to tell them apart except for Shaun and Jamie looking a little more Healthy. They just need Kendra there and they would be all set.

I also love British TV shows. The actors are not cookie cutter and have their own unique personalities and qualities that make the characters they play quite interesting. I still love re-runs of Are You Being Served.

Jane said... 18

Oh good - another British show!! I'm really enjoying Doc Martin this season. Anyone know if there'll be another? The new season of Call the Midwife starts this Sunday in our area. Not sure if it was mentioned, but HBO had a great series on a few months back that's worth catching up with - Getting On. It's about life in a geriatric rehab unit and is based on a British series. One of the stars is Laurie Metcalf, Roseanne's sister in her original show.

Concerned Chick - everything you've said makes perfect sense. I do wonder if Jon's accountant or attorney as able to verify that the kids' money is being spent appropriately.

Re Steve "guarding" Kate in NYC - I wonder if he went to Donald's people with the claims made by BV to show Kate needs protection.

Formerly Duped said... 19

Jane: I read this was the last Doc Martin season. But you never's fab!

Concerned Chick said... 20


According to my understanding of Coogan's Law only a PORTION of their earnings goes into a trust account for when they are no longer a minor. That portion is only 15%. That must be there for them when they are an adult.

What about the other 85%? I think that may be put into another trust account and that money is where Kate can take money out to pay for their expenses such as schooling, medical, etc.

Does anyone else know how that works?

Over And Out said... 21

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 1m
@Kateplusmy8 happy birthday to my beautiful mamaG! She just keeps getting better w/ age!39 has never looked so gorge

I really hope this teen outgrows this fascination. Last thing we need is another Milo deep into Celebrity Worship.

Jane said... 22

Formerly Duped said... 19
Jane: I read this was the last Doc Martin season. But you never's fab!

Is that right? I was so hoping it would continue on for a few more seasons. The character development has been such fun to follow. I started to type something about Weds show but deleted it LOL - spoilers!

Concerned Chick said... 23

I found this online, regarding the change of putting 15% in a trust for the child's future:

NLJ: Have those changes improved things for child actors?

There was a hole left in the law, and the hole is that if parents do nothing, then the other 85% of the money
isn't being protected. There's nobody to make sure that the money gets used in the best interest of the child. So,
responsible parents aren't the issue. The problems are irresponsible parents. And the problem has been
irresponsible parents since Jackie Coogan's parents ripped him off.

Retired Techie said... 24

There will be one more season of Doc Martin, filmed in 2015. I really hate to see it go,as do you. Such a beautiful little town and such wonderful characters!

NJGal51 said... 25

There are a lot of birthday retweets of retweets from a Hello Canada tweet wishing 4 or 5 people happy birthday and all the usual suspects along with some one hit wonders.

Concerned Chick - a question if I may because I'm curious (and hope I'm not breaking rule 3). Why do you and some of the other non fans continue to tweet on her timeline? If not for you her timeline could very well be dead. She's only got about half a dozen die hard fans, her tween/teen fans and her twitterbots. I do enjoy your posts here as well as those from GKD but I don't get the whole tweeting thing.

Concerned Chick said... 26

Here's another link that discusses the 85%.

My understanding is the 85% can be used for expenses pertaining to the children, at the parent's discretion.

The parent can also charge a fee as their "manager."

Wow. That's crazy.

I conclude that Kate is using 85% of EACH child's earnings to pay for their "expenses."

OrangeCrusher1 said... 27

Sorry Emily, your mamaG is not interested in her mediocre twitter followers on this birthday. She has become a stah in The Big Apple don't you know? Playing in another sandbox this year. Children? What children?

JoyinVirginia said... 28

I think it was Emma Thompson who appeared on The Tonight Show shortly after Jimmy Fallon took over. She was happy the show is back in NYC and commented that when ever she went to LA she started to feel like she should have some work done. She didn't feel that pressure in NYC, working in the theater. It was either her or Helen Mirren.

NJGal51 said... 29

@EmCr68: @Kateplusmy8 happy birthday to my beautiful mamaG! She just keeps getting better w/ age!39 has never looked so gorge
Yes Em, she makes my gorge rise also. Sometimes it's better to type the entire word rather than make your own abbreviation of said word.

Concerned Chick said... 30


I tweet because Twitter as a public forum to get my views across.

I love this blog but it's limited compared to Twitter. You have to come here. The audience is limited.

Most of the posters here already know how vile Kate is. Most here already view what she does as exploitation.

People search #CelebrityApprentice or Kate Gosselin, or @TLC etc. on Twitter. Those who may not realize the extent of Kate's evilness can get a whole new perspective.

You can also include TLC in a tweet if you want them to know how you feel about their show content. Their advertisers may see it. Their viewers may.

I enjoy differing opinions and interaction with opposing viewpoints. I also like Kate to know exactly what I think of her. She reads her timeline. She has not blocked me, she has that option. She can never see my tweets again. So I'm pretty sure she enjoys my tweets. LOL.

Millicent said... 31

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 9
From someone who watches a lot of British TV on Netflix, Yes!

I've also noticed that many British actors (Australian, too) look more real, not over-bleached, over-tanned, over-boobed, over-surgeried and over-botoxed.
Agreed! It is rare that American TV can take a show first done in Britain and do a better job. One possible exception that comes to mind is The Office. I think Ricky Gervais is hilarious, but I do believe Steve Carell and the rest of the ensemble for the U.S. version did equally as well or better.

Wait - just thought of one more! Law & Order. I saw one episode of the British version and it didn't pack the same punch for me as the American version.

Overall though - I usually really enjoy British tv. Love Top Gear!

Concerned Chick said... 32

Also, I don't think my tweets keep Kate's twitter feed "alive." She still only has a handful of die hard fans, as well as a bunch of random fans that tweet her at random times. And a crap load of bots.

In fact I think her fans would tweet a lot more if they didn't have to scroll past all the non-fans for their tweets to be seen by Kate. Apparently they've taken their conversations elsewhere because of it. Back to the blogs maybe?

My opinion is even if there were 1,000 people posting here at this blog, and 1,000 tweeting against Kate on her twitter (and the numbers are no where near that) that's still only 2,000 people.

Even if ALL of her followers (yes, even the fake ones) watch her new update special that's not enough to give her the ratings she needs to get a new show.

Kate needs a much larger viewing audience. I think that the majority of people who will watch the TLC special aren't even following the media crap about the Gosselins. I think the viewers will be people who used to watch the show and still watch TLC and will see previews for the show and tune in.

Millicent said... 33

Concerned Chick said... 7

Also, I think they factor in that Jon wasn't the one providing that luxurious lifestyle for Kate and the kids and then moved on. TLC provided that lifestyle. Jon is not responsible for maintaining the lifestyle Kate insists on living.
I enjoyed your thoughtful comment and agree that it seems very unlikely to me that Jon exchanged not having to pay child support in return for agreeing to let the children be filmed again. He's been very publicly vocal about not wanting them to be filmed, and why would he do that if Kate could immediately publicly claim that he signed off on filming in return for not paying child support. She'd do it in a NY minute if she could.

I also have felt that a judge could not order Jon (or any parent) to pay for private school tuition, when it is quite clear that parent could not afford to do so and that it would put undue hardship on the parent to require such a thing.

Call Me Crazy said... 34

OT - I just found out that we got a $155 credit from Amazon for an antitrust lawsuit that we didn't even know we were a part of. The book budget just went up! Check your accounts.

NJGal51 - Good for you! What a pleasant surprise.

Tucker's Mom said... 35

I'm just getting into Last Tango In Halifax.
Loved Broadchurch.
Watch Orphan Black.
Loved The Bletchly Circle.
Doc Martin is my secret crush and I want to move to Port Wenn some day (or at least visit).

BBC TV rules, and yes, the realness of the people is so refreshing in our Barbie-obsessed society.

Formerly Duped said... 36

Retired Techie said... 24

Thanks for the Doc news! Last time I checked I heard this was the last so maybe they will think up new story-lines and keep it going! I can think of

Concerned Chick said... 37

Also, I don't have to wait for Admin to post my comments on Twitter! HA.

Millicent said... 38

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 1m
@Kateplusmy8 happy birthday to my beautiful mamaG! She just keeps getting better w/ age!39 has never looked so gorge
I gotta admit, if my child was praising and speaking to another "mom-figure" and treating her like the mom he always wanted but never had, it would hurt my feelings. I'm far from perfect but I am your mom, bub! LOL

I wonder what Emily's mom thinks of this schoolgirl crush her daughter has for Kate?

Tucker's Mom said... 39

Millicent, I'm a big The Office fan, too. I still watch reruns!
I've watched some original British episodes, but like the US version better.
I loved Ricky in Derek. I know that series wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but I found it endearing, touching and funny.

lukebandit said... 40

Wow. Just. Oh MY!

Admin, anyone here, have you seen this?

And kate got herself involved with bullyville while this was going on? Why didn't Steve know? He is the professional vetter. This is insane.

NJGal51 said... 41

@MiloandJack: @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 She does seem 2out manuever the aging process! Another yr gone by & she still looks amazing! 39 & defying #FatherTime
No Milo not defying #FatherTime more like extensive #plasticsurgery #botox #fillers

Tucker's Mom said... 42

Concerned Chick said... 32
Agree with everything. I haven't seen Kate's (or anyone's) Twitter timeline in quite some time, I appreciate the breakdown of the activity on her account.
Sounds pretty pathetic!
Also, I think the same goes for viewing Kate's "specials' or anything she's on, and Tweeting her as a non fan- the numbers are very small and won't make a hill of difference.
When the K+8 special airs, it will be promo'd out the wazoo, and I think many will tune in as old fans, and looky-loos who are hoping to see the same acrimony that springboarded the separation/divorce announcement episode into TV history.

Watch and Tweet what you want and let's just have fun here!

capecodmama said... 43

I agree about British television. It's good. Whether it's on PBS or BBC America. Alot of times when they bring a series to the US it's not as good. Everyone who watches House of Cards here raves about it. I don't watch it because I loved the British version that was on PBS back in 1990. I didn't feel the US could do a better version so I opted not to watch. However, I could be wrong. Another show that didn't translate well here, in my opinion, is Top Gear. Love the chemistry between Jeremy, Richard and James on the British show but I didn't see that in the Amercian version.


Good luck tonight. Our game is on right before yours and both my husband and I feel it's going to be a tough game for UCONN. My husband is really looking forward to the VA/MS game. He thinks that's going to be a good one especially since a lot of people are picking MS to win it all.

getofftwitter said... 44

So, what British shows do you guys watch?
I watch: Doctor Who, Broardchurch, Mr Selridge, Law & Order Brit, MI5. Watched the first season of Downton Abbey.

Am looking forward to see: Salem, more Reign, The 100. Does anyone know if that show the Dome was canceled or is it coming back.

I also have been watching: NCIS, The Little Couple, Property Brothers, Reign, Ghost Hunters, Doctor Who, H2 channel, Hoarding shows(keeps me honest), The 100, Once a upon a time, Resurrection, AFV and some others. ~ Administrator said... 45

I really enjoyed Luther and the Fall with Gillian Anderson. Both great crime shows much more interesting than most American crime shows.

JR said... 46

Concerned Chick....always enjoyed your tweets. They are one of the few bright spots on a very boring TL. Kate should be thrilled for any traffic on that mess of a twitter page. I find it so funny she doesn't have you blocked. I'm not on twitter myself but love it for the entertainment value..not to mention getting the word out on what a disgusting piece of garbage she is...

Tucker's Mom said... 47

Oh, right! Luther was great. Will check out the Fall.
Started watching Top of the Lake, but it seemed to drag. Anyone get into it?

Favorite US drama is The Good Wife- will still watch after this week's shocker.
Scandal has jumped the shark- not sure if I'm done with it yet.

Tucker's Mom said... 48

Speaking of Luther, I had no idea he was British until I saw him in something other than Charles in The Office (US).

Formerly Duped said... 49

getofftwitter said... 44
I watch similar shows to you plus Sherlock, Who Do You Think You Are? and the panel shows QI, 8 out of 10 Cats, Would l Lie to You?, Countdown, and various docs. Anything with Helen Mirren. Of note: there is a lot of swearing, smoking and some nudity on British TV! My daughter watched Skins, My Mad Fat Diary, as well.

And of course, Doc Martin!

FYI said... 50

getofftwitter said... 44

Does anyone know if that show the Dome was canceled or is it coming back.

Are you talking about "Under the Dome" the series based on the Stephen King novel? That show is filming now and due to be back on TV on June 30. A trailer for the season 2 premiere was just released.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 51

Does Milo have any idea how much it costs to #DefyFatherTime? Kate does have a market on that. She most definitely went in for a tune-up before TLC came to film and in preparation for her adventures in NYC.

NJGal51 said... 52

Thanks for your answer Concerned Chick and I do agree with some of your points. I've often said that people give her more credit than she deserves for bringing in viewers. Will I watch her special on TLC? No because I'm not interested. Will I watch CA? Yes but not because of her but because I've always watched CA.

Sue said... 53

Interesting tweet from one of the CA players

@KenyaMoore: #teamtwirl one thing u will NEVER see me do is fight. Your brain and tongue are your most powerful weapons.

FYI said... 54

Emily also tweeted this. The picture is the same one she tweeted to Kate.

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 · 2h
Happy Birthday to a woman who is truly beutiful inside and out. I'm so blessed to have her in my life.

I noticed that Milo tweeted to Emily about Kate's birthday, but didn't tweet a HB greeting to Kate. Is she afraid Kate is going to put her in "time out" if she does?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 55

It's certainly a promising sign of TFW's imminent circling of the drain when the majority of this morning's discussion has been about British TV. Good show, mates! ~ Administrator said... 56

So blessed to have her in my life? Hasn't Em actually met Kate like, twice? Isn't that something you say about your boyfriend or baby, usually?

FYI said... 57

Sue said... 53
Interesting tweet from one of the CA players

@KenyaMoore: #teamtwirl one thing u will NEVER see me do is fight. Your brain and tongue are your most powerful weapons.

I think Kenya may have been referring to the Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion episode that apparently was filmed yesterday. There are reports everywhere that she and another housewife got into a brawl during the taping.

FYI said... 58

Looks like Brandi G. is having her kids and mother come visit her in NYC.

Brandi Glanville ‏@BrandiGlanville · 27m
I've been crazy busy working and now I'm prepping for my boys and mom to hit up NYC in a few hours! #CantWait!!

Is Kate going to have her kids visit her to celebrate her birthday? I highly doubt it.

JoyinVirginia said... 59

Cape cod mama, glad you survived the blizzard! I will be rooting for University of Virginia and UConn. We east coasters, or should I say the RIGHT coasters, have to stick together!
We watched most of all four games last night, sleepy today! Really, really good basketball! I am thinking Florida might end up winning it all. They are TOUGH and SKILLED. I have a soft spot for Dayton also, they are the last A-10 team left. ( they outlasted Duke, take that, Coach K!

Millicent said... 60

Tucker's Mom said:
I loved Ricky in Derek. I know that series wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but I found it endearing, touching and funny.
I have not seen that -- will have to see if it's available on Netflix. :)

capecodmama said:
Another show that didn't translate well here, in my opinion, is Top Gear. Love the chemistry between Jeremy, Richard and James on the British show but I didn't see that in the Amercian version.
I think so too. The 3 American guys were nice enough, but it felt staged or too obviously "created for tv." But Jezzers, Captain Slow and Hammond are just hilarious together. And speaking of not being picture perfect - Jeremy's got a pot belly going on! I also enjoyed James May's other show on BBC (can't remember the name), where they would conduct various experiments or build unusual items. I think he's extremely bright and perhaps a little bit of a genius to boot.

I remember the episode where they had their mothers on to rate different cars. Very funny. I also enjoyed a recent double episode where they travel to Burma (and through the Golden Triangle). They go places that I would never otherwise visit or see. Amazing stuff.

Okay - I'm so totally off topic today it's ridiculous!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 61

Idris Elba, who was Luther was also in The Wire, which, some say, is the best TV show ever made, probably the last thing I watched on TV before I cancelled TV altogether. It's available on Netflix DVD but not on streaming.

I will say, The Wire, Damages (which is streamable on Netflix), Breaking Bad and House of Cards are good American TV, as was L.A. Law. Haven't watched the British version of House of Cards yet. It's on my list. I'm watching some of the old Prime Suspect shows I missed and MI5.

I liked The Fall, thought Top of the Lake was pretty good, although a tad tedious.

Curious Chick, I thought you tweeted that you were going to the Pie Face event where Kate was appearing. You were kidding I take it? I've pretty much stopped reading Kate's Twitter T/L. Tired of all the bots and, frankly, some of the haters are pretty rank in their tweets as well as inaccurate. Don't think that's necessary and gives all non-fans a bad name. IMO

AuntieAnn said... 62

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 · 2h
Happy Birthday to a woman who is truly beutiful inside and out. I'm so blessed to have her in my life.


I wonder if Kate has Em's name and number in her housekeeper/cook/stand-in mommy contingency plan - just in case Deanna sees the light and quits on her.

NJGal51 said... 63

Kate is a Twit - Thanks for the link to the Under The Dome trailer. Looks promising.

Math Girl said... 64

About Em......

She does tweet about her mother occasionally, and she seems to have a good relationship with her. She has tweeted pictures of herself with her mother, though less than she has tweeted pictures of Kate!

There is speculation that Emily acted as a nanny for K/Gkids last summer (or the summer before? hard to keep up). This is based on initial tweets from Kate inviting her to visit which expanded into invitations to other fans (from themselves or Milo) then fizzled. Also, Emily has made other tweets implying she knows the Gkids much better than she does, unless the nanny thing came off. Of course, that could all be exaggeration. ~ Administrator said... 65

It sounds like exaggeration but even if she did babysit the kids what nanny talks about the children's mother like that? I can see being fond of the family but the mushiness is over the top.

Concerned Chick said... 66

Thanks JR!

Yes, I was just teasing. I didn't think anyone thought I was really serious. Maybe if I lived in Manhattan, but I don't.
Would be funny if Kate was on the lookout for "haters" showing up though.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Terri said... 67

Just got my copy of People Magazine in the mail. They always list the names of people whose birthday falls in that week. Guess whose name is missing. Yep, good old Kate. Maybe they have finally seen the light. One can only hope so.

AuntieAnn said... 68

I can see being fond of the family but the mushiness is over the top.


That seems to be a common trait of her fans. They sound childish with their excessive coddling. It's as if they're afraid she'll ignore them if they don't shower her with their drooling adulation.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 69

So blessed to have her in my life? I think Em needs a life first. And I doubt her real mother has much idea about this garbage, she probably is not on the twitter list. If she is, then sorry for her that her daughter is so immature. As for 'so blessed' - I might say that about my children and their spouses, my DIL in particular , so happy my son has her as his partner. This adulation of celebs is weird, and even if Em has met, even babysat a few times, this is not a deep relationship, well not on TFW's part. Don't let your heart break too much Em, when she first ignores, then drops you from HER life,

foxy said... 70

I know this has been addressed previously, but how do you read someone's timeline? Thanks.

lukebandit said... 71

I think it was Admin that said that it is rare for a British tv show to come to America and make it. I can think of one that was very popular. Whose Line is it Anyway?

It ran in the UK till 1998 and ABC ran it for years, then brought it back last year with a new host, who is a host on the Talk. Alicia?

I love the prop skits. hands down.

Also, remember the picture of Vivica, Brandi and kate and kate was holding and her hands and fingers were on the baking sheet, ungloved? V and B had on gloves! Also, look at kate's neck on the back near the messy bun. I thought it was a stalk of her hair but it doesn't look like it. It is separate from her hair. What is that?

Has anyone seen a tweet about their next task and where they will be? I saw Steve holding the van door for GG and TO getting out of the van. Either Steve did that waiting for kate to show up, or the DON is paying for him for extra security beyond his for kate, or kate is paying out of the kids coffers to pay for him to be there.

I hope #TeamTwirl does not throw her a surprise party! I hope they are with Jon, DARN IT! Jon had them Tuesday, b/c he gets them every Tuesday. What if only say 5 came down the driveway and worse scenario, the kids that came said they couldn't come b/c Mommy said so. Couldn't Jon call the police so he could get in and get them? Would he be in violation of a court order?

Serendipity said... 72

@MiloandJack: @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 She does seem 2out manuever the aging process! Another yr gone by & she still looks amazing! 39 & defying #FatherTime
No Milo not defying #FatherTime more like extensive #plasticsurgery #botox #fillers

How in the name of all that's holy can Milo and the MIni-Sheep look at photos of Kate from a few years ago and not see that she's had a considerable amount of work done on her face? It's as obvious as the nose on your face. Are they really that blind and dumb? Her cheek and jaw structure have been altered, as well as her nose, and exactly what miracle cream did she find to erase deep forehead lines? She should be marketing that stuff and she'd never have to worry about supporting her kids.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 73

@MiloandJack: @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 She does seem 2out manuever the aging process! Another yr gone by & she still looks amazing! 39 & defying #FatherTime

shut up you old kook. you make most people sick with your obsequiousness.

localyocul said... 74

Ah, who could forget?:

CarleneMarie ‏@CarleneMarie_1 1h
@MiloandJack Isn't today the one year anniversary of your adoption of Katy?

Serendipity said... 75

I gotta admit, if my child was praising and speaking to another "mom-figure" and treating her like the mom he always wanted but never had, it would hurt my feelings. I'm far from perfect but I am your mom, bub! LOL

I wonder what Emily's mom thinks of this schoolgirl crush her daughter has for Kate?


There are a few celebrities that this young woman feels that she is very close to. Kate't not the only one. She's met some of them, and immediately they are her best friends and she believes that they actually care about her and she can talk to them like she's known them for years. She seems like a bright girl from a nice family, is a college student, so I'm not sure exactly what is "off" there.

Sue said... 76

Kate is a Twit I associated it with CA because I read somewhere the name of the team was Twirl. Maybe I misunderstood because what you said makes sense.

I agree with Tweet-le about some of the haters tweets.

FYI said... 77

Sue said... 76
Kate is a Twit I associated it with CA because I read somewhere the name of the team was Twirl. Maybe I misunderstood because what you said makes sense.

I think Team Twirl refers to fans of Kenya Moore and has nothing to do with CA. I saw one article about RHOA that talked about some charity event they participated in, and Kenya's team was named Team Twirl. So that may be where the term originated.

I've seen the men's team referred to as Team Vortex, and the women's referred to as Team Infinity on twitter, but don't know if those are the actual names of the teams on CA. However, those are the names of the teams that are listed on Wikipedia.

I wonder if Kate came up with the name Infinity, since she expects to be around forever and ever.

Tucker's Mom said... 78

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 73
@MiloandJack: @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 She does seem 2out manuever the aging process! Another yr gone by & she still looks amazing! 39 & defying #FatherTime

shut up you old kook. you make most people sick with your obsequiousness.
Tuna fish up the nose...ouch!
How can you be so dumb, blind and in denial?

Kate's done a whole lot of procedures. It's not good living, a good trainer, a good bra.
A couple years ago, I think you could look at Kate kind of sideways and think, "hmm...has she 'freshened up?' ", but now, it's beyond obvious that in the very least, she's had botox, fillers and tightening.
I think her face has had some sculpting to her nose and chin, too.

Wake up!!

sparkle said... 79

lukebandit said... 40
Wow. Just. Oh MY!

Admin, anyone here, have you seen this?

And kate got herself involved with bullyville while this was going on? Why didn't Steve know? He is the professional vetter. This is insane.

Wow, wow and wow. If that blog isn't being written by a lawyer it is at least being written by a paralegal. Chock full of case law. Very good, humorous and informative reading. Thank you for the tip Lukebandit!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 80

It seems Gladys gets some kind of kick out of needling TFW, but I bet her idol isn't thrilled with having her real age out there. She's paid good money to make herself look younger, and is hoping to squeeze many more years out of her 15 minutes. So reminding everyone that she'll be 40 next year is probably not going to win her heart.

getofftwitter said... 81

Thanks Kate is a Twit. I could not remember the full name. Now I can't wait to watch.

As for Kate not doing any trashy reality show, if the money is right, Kate would do it. And now use the term: it is a necessity, cause after all she has to support 8 kids, count them 8. So this $16,000? is to support her & the kids, and be away from them a possible 6 weeks. So a nursing job, which she can choose, depending on what kind of nursing she is doing, can probably get a day shift, and work some weekends. I heard that nurses, don't work 12 hours shifts every week, but that a couple times during the month they have to, and work a couple of nights as well. Kate is full of BS. Why don't she just be truthful, and say it's a lot of hard work, it can be dirty/germs work, and she does not want to do any of it. So being a possible 6 weeks away is better according to Kate but not the same as working a 12 hour shift a couple times a month. Making a possible $16,000 minus the sitter/hired help fee, and the boobyguard fee, she is left with hardly nothing or nothing, to working a steady job making around $40,000 a year with health insurance, she rather be doing CA?

She is delusional.

prairiemary said... 82

I just started reading, and got to Concerned Chick's reason for tweeting. I tweet as well, usually part of a group where we all feel the same. Nothing wrong with it at all, Concerned Chick always tweets with respect, does not do/say anything wrong. Everything she said about her tweets is true, if tfw did not want to know what we say, then she would block us. But she doesn't.

Call Me Crazy said... 83

I wonder if Kate came up with the name Infinity, since she expects to be around forever and ever.

Ha! But she would have misspelled it Inphinitee.

AuntieAnn said... 84

Kate is a twit said... 77

I wonder if Kate came up with the name Infinity, since she expects to be around forever and ever.


Quite possibly she did. The symbol for Infinity is (lemniscate). Looks like an 8 taking a nap.

Makes perfect sense that she would come up with that name. She is obsessed with that number and yes she really believes she'll be on tv forever. The way she sticks around, I'm beginning to wonder if she's right.

Now if I could just find the symbol for a turd that won't flush...

AuntieAnn said... 85

'Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the former.' -Albert Einstein. ~ Administrator said... 86

I don't get twitter or the appeal of tweeting Kate, but that's me. I imagine there are many who don't get blogging. Oh well.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 87

So has TFW not tweeted at all since her "come and git yer pie" plea?
I thought for sure she'd pop in today to thank all her well-wishers on her special day (in case anyone missed the memo). Maybe she's plum wore out from...oh, what do the mediocre call it again...oh yeah...WORK!

Concerned Chick said... 88

I didn't like twitter when I first got on either.
And I don't actually consider it tweeting Kate. I am tweeting on her timeline but it's not like I expect her to reply to me and have conversations with me. I think of it more like tweeting about Kate using her name as the topic. That way you see all the tweets about Kate in one place and don't have to look all over for them. It's a lot easier to follow once you're used to it.
Yes, sometimes I tweet "to Kate" as if I'm talking to her but that just conversational quality. I know she reads her timeline. I don't think of it as having a conversation with her, not even a one-sided one.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 89

Kate does not want to work. Kate does not want to be a nurse. She was a nurse for a few years. That is in another life. Kate wants to be on tee-vee; she will stop at nothing, no humiliation, no real pay, no matter. The only thing that is important to this narcissist is to put her faux face in front of a rolling camera. If she had to throw Skeeve under a bus to keep this going, I think it would be buh-bye time for him too. Again I ask, what kids? They are not real either. They are largely a prop in her media obsessed world. And yes, Milo did herself no favors by tweeting K's age, either the aggressive part of passive, or just plain stupid. Probably both.

Anonymous said... 90

I am watching Celebrity Apprentice with Kate and I am pissed. (In all honestly, I watched the previous 2 shows before that and had no idea that Kate was going to be on). The lies being purported are unreal. After the kids are in bed, they show Kendra organizing the shoes under the staircase. Kate never does that; it is one of the kids chores. And then they show Kendra washing an egg and preparing lunches after the kids are in bed. Again, the kids do their own lunches and if Kate helps, it isn't after the kids are in bed. And then the clincher was when Kendra walks into the laundry room with clothes all over the floor. Kate never lets the clothes get that bad. Kate absolutely piled up the chores that she does NOT do and pretends that Kendra has to do them because she does them.

And typical Kate states that she doesn't have any full-time help. What a half lie. Kate admits she has a part-time babysitter but that was not shown.

I changed the channel cause I could not take it anymore. And then when Kendra took the kids to the inside fun zone place, Kendra was losing her mind because she could not keep track of the 8. But Kate never takes her 8 anywhere by herself in public. Again, this is a pure bullshit show.

JoyinVirginia said... 91

Cape cod mama, Huskies looking GOOD!

Sherry Baby said... 92

It seems Gladys gets some kind of kick out of needling TFW

She's desperate right now for attention from Kate. Any attention is good, and even the old stink eye would satisfy her desperation to hear from her absentee paramour. That's why she's doing it, hoping that she'll get in a dig about Kate's age and Kate will have to respond.

So far it's not working. ~ Administrator said... 93

Has she even bothered to thank all her fans for their birthday wishes or is she off getting her foot licked somewhere with Steve-o?

Two birthdays in NYC she must be in heaven!

Sherry Baby said... 94

I don't get twitter or the appeal of tweeting Kate, but that's me.

I don't get it either, but apparently there are those who thrive on it, and that's their business. Whatever floats their boat. What I am really curious about, though, is how someone finds the time to send 150 tweets in just one day, many times with only four or five hours "off" when I assume they eat and sleep. How can this be entertaining, fulfilling, or whatever, especially when they basically say the same thing day after day? ~ Administrator said... 95

And even if you do find Twitter interesting at first don't you get bored with it after awhile? It amazes me Kate and all these fans/haters are STILL on it, is it really that fulfilling?

I actually stand corrected about Twitter. I honestly thought it was a fad that couldn't really last more than 6 months.

Wowser said... 96

Does anyone know where Robert has been? He hasn't posted since January....he said he had been in the hospital a few times. I hope he is seems he would have posted something about TFW and this ridiculous stint on CA.

JoyinVirginia said... 97

For Virginia Pen Mom: I left a note for you with Luis at AC&T
Give me a call sometime! we can meet up during Garden Week!

prairiemary said... 98

Sometimes there are comments posted on here, either about Jon or tfw, that I find are pretty extreme, so I don't agree that the 'haters' who tweet are much worse those times. We are ALL different people, so we all have different opinions. I say Live & Let Live.
I have been curious if tfw is having the fairly new, but popular, Vampire Facelifts. They are supposed to be so much better, because it is your own blood used as fillers, so the body does not see it as a foreign body, and does not try to reject it. But pretty expensive.
I, alas, can not watch anything where the actors have a British, Australian,
or South African accents. I just can't understand a word anyone says! So I can't join the discussions about the awesome programs you discuss here. I know there are others like me, but have no idea how many. If I am seeing a Doctor who has an accent, I always ask the receptionist to come in with me, to translate what is being said. It gets very embarrassing!

capecodmama said... 99


UCONN is going to the Elite Eight. Yee Haa!. We're watching (well, I am. Hubs fell asleep. He had a long week at work) VA/MS right now. Hopefully, we'll be playing you on Sunday night. Good Luck!!

sparkle said... 100

Tucker's Mom said... 78

I think her face has had some sculpting to her nose and chin, too.

She defintely had a chin implant. Look at any old picture of her and she had a pointy chin. Now it looks like the end of a russet potato. US mag had a plastic surgeon look at pictures of her once and he thought in addition to the chin implant, she had her nose slightly thinned and either a mini facelift or major peel. My best guess is she did this right after K+8 stopped filming. The promo pictures for her job at Coupon Cabin were the debut for the new face, it was extremely evident she looked different.

Anonymous said... 101

Admin, I thought twitter was a fad too. I never dreamed that people would become so addicted to it, so fast. It's insane.


Sherry Baby said... 102

olivia walton ‏@lovemedietcoke Mar 27
@MiloandJack and yet with all the encouragement u give her she can't tweet u a simple thank u! Very sad she doesn't appreciate her fans!!!!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack Mar 27
@lovemedietcoke Olivia...I appreciate ur "heartfelt" concern...LOL! Kate & I are good! All is well...don't worry! :)

She and Kate are "good?" Good for what? Oh, that's right. Milo knows exactly what Kate is doing, when she is doing it, and with whom she is doing it. It's that communicatin in so many other ways that gives Milo her Kate fix for the day. She is so full of herself. I wonder, though, if she really believes what she tweets, even if she's the joke of Twitter and others know that Milo lives in her own little fantasy world.

Sherry Baby said... 103

I know there are others like me, but have no idea how many. If I am seeing a Doctor who has an accent, I always ask the receptionist to come in with me, to translate what is being said. It gets very embarrassing!

What do you do if you call customer service about a problem with your cable, phone, or electric bill? :)

Over And Out said... 104

If Kate were arrested for a DUI, I wonder if Milo would say that it was the bartender's fault, or that the breathalyzer malfunctioned.

Over And Out said... 105

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 26m
"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve." - J.K. Rowling Go 4it!

Dream Big! Gnite...:)

Looks like LOM flipped the switch. Did Gladys wish Kate a happy birthday today?

getofftwitter said... 106

Yep! not a word from Kate. No thank yous to the fans that show up, yesterday or even the public, or any thanks to all who wished her a Happy Birthday, today. Yes, Kate really cares about her fans, that's why she probably can't figure out why no one buys her books or wants her back on TV.

My reason for my dislike of Kate is the way she treats people, hers kids, her ex, and her family & friends, service people. There is no excuse for any of it. Her disregard for people who work, is disgusting, and her doing CA, is kind of a slap in working peoples faces. Here are celebs or so-call celebs, who have hired help to do tasks, cleaning etc, most of us don't have that, our money goes for house bills, mortgage, rent, car payments, etc. Besides working 8+ hours a day, & more, sometimes 40 hours a week, we also clean our own houses, and take care of our kids. We don't have that luxury of sitting on our asses, or exercising in the middle of the day, or going back to bed, after getting rid of the kids, go to tanning, salons(only if we can find time). Kate does not work, she pretends to work, then when someone calls her on it, she uses her kids as an excuse. Well, Kate, your kids are getting older, that excuse is starting to fall apart. Your kids are not little anymore, they are soon to be 10 and later this year 14. Those are hardly little or babies anymore.

Kate is now most likely going to use the phrase: it is a necessity , for her to be in the public eye, and do TV.

Bitchy Pants said... 107

Prairiemary -- If you have trouble understanding the dialog when the actors have accents, try watching a show with closed captioning enabled. Most broadcast shows are closed captioned, and so are many DVDs. With streaming, it depends, but a lot of shows are available with either subtitles or captioning. It makes a big difference!

Wonder what TFMJG is doing to celebrate her birthday. Did she "want Nobu"? Or did she and Skeeve go on a bar crawl or take in a Broadway show? Be interesting to find out if any paps took photos of them.

Bitchy Pants said... 108

Hit "publish" too soon. One of my favorite British shows is "Ballykissangel". It's available for free viewing if you have Amazon Prime, and is also available on DVD. Netflix doesn't have it for streaming but they probably have the DVDs, or possibly it's available through your local library. ~ Administrator said... 109

Well I felt THAT ONE. 5.3!

Dwindle said... 110 (Administrator) said... 107
Well I felt THAT ONE. 5.3!


ARE YOU OK? Did you pack up the babies and grab the old ladies... wait...wrong mood. Obviously you are ok if you posted. I hope.

I am resisting the urge to make a comment on feeling the earth move...
Besides, you cant let your abode get all rubbled, not with 48 hours to go until the season finale of Walking Dead! Priorities, my dear Admin, priorities! ~ Administrator said... 111

lol Dwindle.


OrangeCrusher1 said... 112

Felt it here too. Eyed the doorframe. When you grow up in SoCal think you can be more ho-hum. The birds outside went crazy. ~ Administrator said... 113

I thought of you Orange!

My dog can't settle down. He keeps pacing, drinking water, then pacing some more. He sat with me for a little bit then got up to pace more. ~ Administrator said... 114

Orange it was big enough to shout at my dog to go into his crate, and to crouch beside the couch and hold on. I've only ever done that for maybe one or two other big ones. Usually I'm just sitting or standing around and laughing. This one was NOT a laughing one! :)

The Empress Was Downgraded to Apprentice said... 115

It wasn't an earthquake like most we've had here recently. At our house, the chandeliers were swinging wide, and it felt like a freight train was rumbling under the floorboards.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 116

Sounds like it was stronger in your 'hood. Also, we had the house foundation bolted after the Northridge quake, or maybe even the Whittier one.

NJGal51 said... 117

Glad you're OK Adman but that was a little one. We were stationed in San Francisco in 1989 when the Loma Prieta hit. Now that was N earthquake.

AuntieAnn said... 118

They're saying the quake lasted about 20 seconds. Bet that feels longer than Kate's 15 minutes if you're standing there feeling it roll. Scary sh*t going on with Mother Earth lately.

Stay safe you guys!

prairiemary said... 119

Sorry that you experienced such a frightful thing tonight. Sending prayers of comfort your way:) ~ Administrator said... 120

I was about 15 miles from it yet some of my friends who were farther away said it lasted longer for them. I felt like it was definitely under 10 maybe even only 7 or 8 for me. Friends and news say 20. No way was it 20 for me.

Sandylove said... 121

God I hate earthquakes!!! Orange County resident here and yes it was definitely a longer one, seemed like it was never going to stop! You'd think I'd be used to them being a Calif native but noooooo!! Hope we don't have any strong aftershocks. This is probably great business for people who sell earthquake kits, lol!

Dwindle said... 122 (Administrator) said... 110
lol Dwindle.



All kidding aside, I cant imagine what you go through. I went through only one and it was 5.0. I thought at first that the furnace had blown up (it was January), then I went outside and looked for a mushroom cloud.

Your poor pup. If you decide to crate him to help calm him, perhaps consider throwing a large cover over the crate to make it a dark, snug environment for him.

If not, throw that large cover over yourself, clutching your pearls and your loved ones, and your favorite bottle of adult beverage. No glass required.

Gas lines etc all ok?

prairiemary said... 123

Looks like La Habra area was the worst hit, what direction are you in? ~ Administrator said... 124

It's funny how earthquakes all feel a bit different. This one was a rumbling explosion like a bomb. Never felt a "bomb" type earthquake. I've felt a "garbage truck going by" one, "shifting side to side" one, and I've felt a "the earth just fell 8 feet" one (that Ontario one in 2008, remember that one??). Never a bomb type though until now.

Funny on the news everyone was also saying that was like a bomb.

The Empress Was Downgraded to Apprentice said... 125

I've been remiss in keeping my disaster preparedness kit up to date, but this latest earthquake reminded me that Mother Nature doesn't mess around. First thing I did this morning? Bought myself a hand-cranked emergency radio/flashlight/cellphone charger. I've got the Red Cross Emergency Supply List in hand, and plan to restock my kit this weekend.

JoyinVirginia said... 126

Glad you are ok admin! Also everyone else in Cali who felt it.

Cape Cod Mama, your Huskies had a great game! We stayed up and watched all four games last night. I was most shocked that Kentucky beat Louisville. Then Virginia lost. That leaves Florida as the remaining number one seed. They play like a pro team, I think they will win it all.
I'm going to be rooting for UConn and Dayton this next round!
we enjoyed all four games last night very much. Great basketball!

Winsomeone said... 127

Maybe Kate is on twitter silence because she was the first one fired already..that would be something.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 128

Did she "want Nobu"? Or did she and Skeeve go on a bar crawl or take in a Broadway show? Be interesting to find out if any paps took photos of them.


If there are no photos, then they aren't there! :-)

OrangeCrusher1 said... 129

Our small earthquake is possibly the most exciting news to come out of TFW's oh so special day.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 130

Did any of the CA women tweet TFW on her birthday? I remember Brandi tweeted Leeza on hers earlier in the week. Could it be that none of them fell in love with TFW, as her fans insist is the case? If they didn't, they're probably just jellus. Wow, it's hard to even type that with a straight face...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 131

A few days ago, it seems Kathy Griffin and Demi Lovato were in a Twitter war. Some of Demi's fans started posting death threats to Kathy, so Demi finally intervened. She said she appreciated their support, but that they know she's anti-bullying, and they crossed the line behaving that way -- no matter what Kathy had said about her.

Compare that with the way TFW responded to "fans" threatening the father of her children with bodily harm. Calling him every name in the book. Wishing he'd land in a coma. Not only did she not try to stop them, but she actually retweeted a few. Remember the one about Jon breaking up the family, but TFW putting it back together? She was
oh-so-proud to echo that sentiment, when she was the one to kick him to the curb.

TFW, you may be 39 years old, but Demi Lovato is twice the woman you are.

Formerly Duped said... 132

I too watched a bit of CSW, trying to get Charlie Rose- wasn't who was scheduled for him ( He conducts great interviews) What struck me this time, was how Kate was sanctimoniously telling Hank that little Hank should sit at the table,learn manners, and use proper adult silverware. What! Her kids were in highchairs at that age, used plastic forks or those baby kind, and her own manners are atrocious.

NJGal51 said... 133

Has anyone ever given their dog a Himalayan Dog Chew? If so how did you like it? I think I tried it once with our previous bully but can't remember. ~ Administrator said... 134

I don't usually search for the tweets to her but I was curious how many happy birthday's she got. Local is right her twitter feed is dead as a doornail. A few happy birthdays from fans, no response from her to any of them of course, and then I guess Wife Swap must have done a rerun and there were a handful of tweets talking about how unhappy the kids look and what nerve Kate had to criticize Kendra.

Meanwhile Brandi is tweeting away retweeting things from fans, thanking them, and posting pics like some kind of energy thing she's taking.

Anonymous said... 135

Apparently the fans are tweeting amongst themselves and the big topic of discussion is that CC is SG and they're still bashing Jon. I find it funny that Milo tweeted Leeza and Brandi about Kate's birthday and neither of them responded (to Milo or Kate). You know that Kate let it be known that it was her birthday.

Lily with no account but a regular reader

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 136

Lily with no account but a regular reader


Lily -- you don't need an account. Under the box, Comment As, you can sign in with the Name/URL option. You create a user name and you don't have to use the URL box. Just a name. That way you don't have to post as Anonymous.

At least the BOTS were on hand to tell the world it was TFW's birthday!

Anonymous said... 137

@MicaxoMica: Helping out the girls (Vivica Fox, Brandi Glanville, Keisha Night Pulliam and Kenya Moore) selling…

Oh snap! K8 doesn't r8 even a mention.

Lily again

Call Me Crazy said... 138

Hello Lilly with no account! Welcome to posting!

Formerly Duped said... 139

Was just reminded of Kate parking in the fire lanes. A woman was parked between the rows of cars in a busy lot, blocking traffic both ways. I knocked on the passenger window and the lady inside napping said her friend had 'just gone to mail a letter!" I told her there were plenty of open stalls & their vehicle was trapping cars in their spots and stopping traffic.. The driver reappeared after a good five minutes, nonchalant and 'surprised' at the irritated drivers ( me included) waiting to leave the lot! Such a sense of entitlement Ergh.

capecodmama said... 140

Admin. and all the west coast posters....Glad you're all safe. Have a rumspringa to calm your nerves.


That was a tough loss last night. My husband felt sure they would tie it up and go into OT. We didn't like the non-call when MS was inbounding the ball and the MS player pushed off the VA player to get to the ball with 33 seconds left. But the refs will call foul on a barely there hand check. I'll never understand the officiating.

The Huskies played the best we've seen them play all season. Everything was in sync and they were on fire. I'm a little worried about our center against Adrieane Payne of MS. He was a pain last night against you guys. UCONN has a 7' center but he's lean. He's definintely not a wide body like Payne.

I was thrilled Kentucky beat Louisville. I'm not a Rick Pitino fan. Not a John Calipari fan either but he's just a tad more palatable to me than Pitino.

Dayton is playing phenomenal. Love watching them. Their next game will be interesting.

CAS said... 141

Kate Gosselin Turns 39 Today, So That's Cool We Guess

Each time you think you've heard the last of attention-starved Kate, back she comes with a vengeance. She's like an immortal vampire of a reality TV star.

23 Photos of a Terrible Mother


sparkle said... 142

FlimsyFlamsy said... 131
A few days ago, it seems Kathy Griffin and Demi Lovato were in a Twitter war. Some of Demi's fans started posting death threats to Kathy, so Demi finally intervened. She said she appreciated their support, but that they know she's anti-bullying, and they crossed the line behaving that way -- no matter what Kathy had said about her.

Compare that with the way TFW responded to "fans" threatening the father of her children with bodily harm. Calling him every name in the book. Wishing he'd land in a coma. Not only did she not try to stop them, but she actually retweeted a few. Remember the one about Jon breaking up the family, but TFW putting it back together? She was
oh-so-proud to echo that sentiment, when she was the one to kick him to the curb.

TFW, you may be 39 years old, but Demi Lovato is twice the woman you are.

Amen and I have new respect for Demi L. If you claim to be against bullying, then you should be against all bullying. Period. How ridiculous Kate looks claiming she is against bullying, while thanking the woman who has made thousands of hateful tweets against Jon. ( from Sept. 12 2012)

@MsGoody2Shoes I thank u for your constant FAIR surmising and opinions of situations re me/family. I think yr beautiful too! :) XO

This hypocrisy is what Kate should be asked about in interviews.

It bears to repeat again about the lengths fans and others have gone to wreak havoc and seek revenge on Kate's behalf. I think they wanted Kate to get back on tv even more that Kate did, if that's possible. But here she is, ignoring them and walking away from the nuclear bomb that is imploding, brushing her hands off and pretending to know nuthin' about nuthin'. Gladys is gamely trying to pretend that she's not concerned about Kate's twitter silence cause winkwink they're still comunicatin'. But if they have other ways of communicatin' then why does she publicly pout and martryize herself when Kate ignores her? Why isn't she in constant contact with Kate all the time? And besides, Kate has other fans besides Gladys, she has 5 others. She should be sharing this exciting adventure with all of them, like the other D-listers are doing with their fans.

Anonymous said... 143

Winsomeone #127 - Exactly what I am wondering.


Fleecing The Sheeple said... 144

I have no idea how I landed on Sherri Shepherd's timeline, but I had to shake my head. She tweeted:

Sherri Shepherd ‏@SherriEShepherd Mar 26
A10: I'm a big believer in treating people with kindness. The ole 'do unto others' works well for me. And do it w a smile! #whatsyourview

I remembered her comment about Jon:

You know what? To Kate - I'm going to tell her when she gets here. If you've got timber wood, I've got matches because I will burn up the house and tear up a car for you, Kate. You don't have to say you did it. I'll leave my name - Sherri. I'll blow up Jon Gosselin's car.

That's being kind? Will she "do it with a smile?" Do unto others? Yeah, I guess, if she wants someone to burn down HER house and tear up HER car.

What is with the hypocrisy of these people?

AuntieAnn said... 145

This loud silence coming from Kate makes me think she's overwhelmed again like she was on DWTS. She always barges into these things thinking it'll be a cakewalk. Ratclaws is probably spending a most of their off time rubbing her feet and patting her hand.


Jane said... 146

Based on this tweet from geraldo earlier today, looks like they might be doing a challenge. If it involves being outside, she'll be bitchier than usual. It's raining and chilly.

@GeraldoRivera: Morning, back at work on my major network show devoted to raising money for charity. Bear Down Arizona in the NCAA; Wildcats to Elite Eight

FYI said... 147

I noticed that not one celeb tweeted HB to Kate, not even her BFF's Kendra W or Terri Irwin. No one from CA or any of her "friends for life" from DWTS--not People, TLC, or HCI or Kim Weiss. Even, her great defender, BV, who tweeted her HB last year, didn't tweet either.

Another one who didn't wish her a HB was Barb Gilmer. Is she sick of Kate ignoring her or did she really believe Milo that Kate didn't want her birthday mentioned? Milo didn't even wish her a HB, she just replied to Emily's tweet to Kate.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 148

@MsGoody2Shoes I thank u for your constant FAIR surmising and opinions of situations re me/family. I think yr beautiful too! :) XO

This hypocrisy is what Kate should be asked about in interviews.


I guess Kate missed Goody's tweet about Jon being in a long coma...or if she saw it, does she think that was a FAIR opinion of the situation? Kate must see her tweets about Jon being the ex from hell, the size of his manhood, his being a deadbeat dad who refuses to pay child support, and so on. In Kate's opinion, are these FAIR? Good grief, Kate...someone the likes of man-hating Goody is someone with whom you do not want to align yourself, or thank her for her FAIR surmising of the situation. It makes you look like a fool. Of course, Kate called BV her hero, so nothing really surprises me anymore.

Molly12 said... 149

NJGal 51: OT - I just found out that we got a $155 credit from Amazon for an antitrust lawsuit that we didn't even know we were a part of. The book budget just went up! Check your accounts.


I just got a pleasant surprise this morning from Barnes and Noble. I received a $36 credit on my account from an antitrust lawsuit as well. Like NJGal, I didn’t have to do a thing.

Meagler said... 150

You SoCal folks had an earthquake..oh my...hope your nerves are pulling themselves back together!!! I was in SoCal in 1989, but came back home just before the BIGger one and cant believe how much that affected me and I wasnt even there when it happened!! Certainly hope the after shocks are not bad.

Thanks Lukebandit for the link to the bvfiles. I will find that an interesting follow. When BV first came to my attention thru kate, I tweeted many other anti bullying sites asking them to NOT affiliate themselves with this account as it had an evil underbelly. BV shot back a vile remark to me and then blocked me. I always thot for an ex marine he had pretty tender skin! :) I always laughed at the word ex marine, not retired marine, but ex... Sure would love someone to find out the conditions under which he became an ex.

IMO Kate only pays attention to the 6 ( and her fans) when she needs them to provide her with Media opportunities. The 2 she loves like children, and the 6 she loves like commodoties. Sure those 6 provide her with in home entertainment, and they say the damndest things..

It is interesting that no further pics of Kate have come out with CA, and there are tweets out there that have all of the team woman names on it...but . not. kates.

Never watched CA, does someone get FIRED even before they make it to the first board room meeting?

Formerly Duped said... 151

I'm really not counting on Jon's book being published...or Robert's. But I'm glad I read RH's e- book. That's enough 'evidence' for me re: Kate's character and behavior. Her own words, brutal actions, outlandish demands and the entire get-rich & famous scheme show us just what kind of person Kate is.. I think Jon just got taken along for the ride and succumbed to the world of money and fame for a while. Inside their marriage was pretty obviously a nightmare, as seen on CT, although I would read the book if it came to light.

Jillygee said... 152

From this week's Entertainment Weekly The Hit List :

"Heartbroken Jon Gosselin on TLC's plan to air special catching up w Kate plus 8 ..'I hope no one watches' -We totally got your back Jon.

Carole said... 153

Concerned Chick said...
According to my understanding of Coogan's Law only a PORTION of their earnings goes into a trust account for when they are no longer a minor. That portion is only 15%. That must be there for them when they are an adult.

What about the other 85%? I think that may be put into another trust account and that money is where Kate can take money out to pay for their expenses such as schooling, medical, etc.

Does anyone else know how that works?

The Coogan Law is only followed by California, New York, Louisiana and New Mexico and states that 15% of the 'actor's' gross earnings be set aside in a trust account until they're at least 18. The other 85% appears to be left to the discretion of the parent/guardian.

Only 15% of the kids' earnings must be put into trust with TFW allowed to spend the other 85% however she wishes (plus she can use the 15% if needed, too).
Per the 2010 PA DOL letter to Discovery/TLC - 15% (split 8 ways) of the gross proceeds were to be placed in trust fund until the G8 reach the age of 18 or "unless needed for their safety, education, welfare or health" (basically anything TFW decides is necessary). There were no checks or accounting procedures specified in the letter.

The 2013 revised PA Child Labor Act says: "If the child performer trust
account reaches at least $150,000 or a higher amount set by the department through regulation, a trust company or independent custodian shall be appointed."

"Proceeds may be distributed to the minor before 18 years of age only
for the minor's legitimate health and educational needs. Proceeds may remain in trust for distribution to the minor after 18 years of age if the parent or guardian determines that it would serve the health, education and financial interests of the minor."

London said... 154

I would love to know what Himalayan dog chew is. And how did they determine the refunds at Amazon and Barnes and Noble ?

Carole said... 155

does someone get FIRED even before they make it to the first board room meeting?

The firings take place in the boardroom. They do their 2? day tasks, then go to the boardroom to discuss the reasons for/against the win/loss, the losing project manager nominates 2 people to bring back to the boardroom with them to face TheDonald and then the 3 plead their cases for deserving to stay. Then one contestant hears the words... 'you're fired' and they make the walk to the elevator and then to the (pre-filmed) limo waiting to take them away. lol

Anonymous said... 156

Another thing I noticed about Wife Swap was Kate said that she is in bed by 9:30pm. And the manual she wrote said she wakes up on weekdays at 5:30am. That is a solid 8 hours sleep every night.

Am I wrong or has Kate consistently claimed that she is sleep deprived because she doesn't get a decent night's sleep?

NJGal51 said... 157

London - A Himalayan dog chew is made out of compressed yak and cow milk, salt and lime juice. It's an all natural food product so unlike rawhide it will break down and pass even if a chunk is swallowed. After researching the product I've convinced myself to buy it for him and will let you know what I think. ~ Administrator said... 158

Not every task involves direct interactions with the public so I'm guessing they're still trucking along filming but it could be one of those tasks where they have to create a campaign for some company or something, or make a commercial. Those things are almost all done inside away from the public.

High Sodium Content said... 159

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 144
Sherri Shephard's been getting killed on twitter, her FB and The View FB the last few days. She acted like a drunken pig on Thursday's show. Then heading to LA w/ husband, and son, thew a hissy fit because she was in coach and her baby (almost 10 years old) could not use the first class bathroom.

She can't take the "haters". Wants to shoot them in the head like zombies ala Walking Dead. She's taking hits for that comment too. She is just very low class, like someone else we know.

Sounds like she needs a "handler" too.

Molly12 said... 160

London, here is the FAQ's on the eBook Settlement from Barnes and Noble. The dates were from April 2, 2010 to May 21, 2012 on eligible ebooks. There is a credit guide listed in FAQ. It sounds like this is the same settlement from Amazon as well but I'm not 100% sure.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 161

I honestly do not know how a woman who cannot string more than two coherent sentences together, if your overlook the umms, will be able to plead her case in the boardroom, facing DT. I'm sure nobody will be able to get past The Face, and the eyes shooting daggers. No matter how long it takes for her to get there, get there she will. It will not be a pretty sight.

Call Me Crazy said... 162

Never watched CA, does someone get FIRED even before they make it to the first board room meeting?

Meagler - There has never been a time when someone has been fired before the first board meeting. Here is how things go down.

After the teams complete the assigned task, they all assemble in the boardroom, where Trump and his two "business associates" (usually Ivanka and his son, or his long-time associate George, or other CA winners) discuss the task with the contestants.

They talk and ask questions about roles and responsibilities and who did or did not perform well. Trump usually asks some very leading questions and tries to stir up the drama. Before he even reveals the winner, he will ask people on the team who they think should be fired if they lose. Things can start to get ugly.

Ivanka and Don, Jr. (sometimes his other son, Eric) will then go over the numbers and positives/negatives of the team's performance, and Trump finally reveals which team won the task. Sometimes the winner is determined by which team raised the most money; other times the winner is determined by input from the executives of the company for which the task is designed.

The winning team celebrates and the Project Manager (PM) talks about the charity he/she is playing for. The PM's charity gets ALL the money raised from both teams. (For non-fundraising tasks, the company they did the task for puts up a certain amount. Trump will sometimes add another $20,000 to that.) Trump then sends the winners back to their team suite to watch the boardroom shenanigans on TV.

Trump then instructs the PM of the losing team that he/she can bring up to 2 people into the boardroom to face the music. The PM picks those people he/she thinks performed the worst or raised the least amount of money. Trump sends the safe members up to their suite. The PM and people picked leave the boardroom so Trump and his associates can deliberate about who should be fired.

Trump then summons them back in, and that is where things can get really interesting. Some PMs fall on their sword; some fight tooth and nail; some throw their teammates under the bus.

Finally, Trump makes his command decision. He gives his signature point at someone and says, e.g., "Kate, you're fired." The team members who remain standing are instructed to return to their suite, and the fired person gets in the elevator going down. This is where they insert the pre-filmed walk of shame out to a waiting cab. They end with some final words from the celebrity, sitting in the cab, being driven away.

I know this will sound shallow, but it can get deliciously catty! It is tremendous mindless entertainment.

Anyway, I hope your family is well Meagler, and you have gotten more positive news on the health front.

Dutch Tulip said... 163

NJGal51 said... 157

Have you tried these:

Meagler said... 164

Thanks Carol @155

Can the Project manager ever get fired??

Me too, cant wait for the recaps!! :)

Call Me Crazy said... 165

Meagler said... 164

Can the Project manager ever get fired??

The PM gets fired very often. There is a different PM for each task.

Blowing In The Wind said... 166

Not every task involves direct interactions with the public so I'm guessing they're still trucking along filming but it could be one of those tasks where they have to create a campaign for some company or something, or make a commercial.


Well, heck, she should have taken one of the sheep along with her..,the one who is very good at campaigning in the superstore parking lot!

Blowing In The Wind said... 167

Another one who didn't wish her a HB was Barb Gilmer. Is she sick of Kate ignoring her or did she really believe Milo that Kate didn't want her birthday mentioned?


Did Kate even respond to her tweet that she got the worst news ever? It just seemed like a final last ditch effort to get Kate's attention.

Blowing In The Wind said... 168

Ratclaws is probably spending a most of their off time rubbing her feet and patting her hand.


As long as he's not licking them, then all is good. ~ Administrator said... 169

Ugh another pretty big aftershock, 4 something! ~ Administrator said... 170

Can the Project manager ever get fired??


Oh yes, they very often are.

The way the rules work if you are the PM and your team loses you automatically are up to be fired, no buts about it. You then are allowed to bring with you 2 or 3 other team members to also be considered to be fired. Thus that increases your risk of getting fired if you are PM, which is why some people try to avoid it.

Rhymes with Witch said... 171

Oh my. Katie had a birthday and the "dreaded" paps didn't notice.
Well, that's what she always claimed she wanted.
Be careful what you wish for, dearie.

Bitchy Pants said... 172

London -- The refunds were determined by a complicated formula that I don't understand, involving your purchases, pricing, number of books sold, ranking on the Best Seller list, etc. They're the result of the anti-trust lawsuit brought by the government against Apple and the "big 5" publishing companies over the Agency Pricing model instigated by Steve Jobs when the I-Pad was launched. Basically, the Agency Pricing model allowed the publishers to prevent sellers like Amazon and B&N from selling e-books for lower prices than set by the publisher. I got my refunds the other day too. Pleasantly surprised -- over $200! I need to put my Kindle on a diet before I can start spending it, though. Kindle is stuffed to the gills. ;>)

Beyond DIsgusted said... 173

Someone recently tweeted that the Goody fan sent death threats to Jon. Is this true? I remember some really horrible comments to and about him, but no actual death threats. If so, when was this?

Jeremy said... 174

To Meaglar - CA fan here, and looking forward to the show,though I hate to give DT the ratings. Yes,the project manager can get fired, and is usually the main target, simply because they were in charge. This is where Trump's discretion comes in on who he really likes and or wants to stay. Let's imagine that Leeza was the PM and Kate did absolutely nothing. Team all agrees that Leeza was great and Kate was a slouch. Trump will either say "kate, your team says you were useless, you are fired " or if he wants kate to stay he will decide "leeza, your team said you were great, but your team lost and you couldn't manage kate, so you are fired" . It's sometimes obvious who trump favors, and some of his decisions are clearly suspect.

NJGal51 said... 175

Oh yes Dutch Tulip, we've spent a small fortune on antlers. He does love them I'm just trying to find something to change things up a bit.

PA Dutch Mom said... 176 (Administrator) said... 169
Ugh another pretty big aftershock, 4 something!


I just saw videos on the news. That wasn't just a minor shake, rattle and roll. You need to move back to Central PA. I know we complain about winter weather, but the snow never shook our foundations or knocked food off the shelves in stores! I think I'd rather deal with shoveling the driveway than having to hold on to shaking furniture (and pets!)...

PatK said... 177

" It's sometimes obvious who trump favors, and some of his decisions are clearly suspect."

Well, if he favors Katie Irene, he truly IS an idiot.

NJGal51 said... 178

Beyond Disgusted - I don't remember Ms. goody ever making a death threat against Jon either. I remember that she wished a car accident and coma on him and she bashes him every chance she gets but I don't remember any death threats. Maybe LB can be a little more specific because I could be wrong.

Meagler said... 179

Call me Crazy, Jeremy and Admin,

Thanks for the information on CA. I have never watched it. It sounds very interesting...( she says as she tickles her fingers together with a catty laugh ) ....

It sounds like something I might like to watch, however, I could throw something at the TV if the Trump fired Leeza in the way the example Jeremy gave above... You certainly would figure out who he favors.. ( or is using to drum up contraversy).

Call me Crazy.. we got good news on my daughter, she has been cleared off all medical concerns, and we are just waiting for my son to get his CT scan.

The sun is shining and one set of weights lifted off our shoulders. It will be the happiest day of my life if we are blessed with the son having his medical concerns also completely removed :)

Off to celebrate hubby's birthday with a group of friends and family at an indoor golf centre!!! OOh my, how will I ever handle having 19 people all coralled under one roof without a Stevio to help me......!

foxy said... 180

Sheri Shepherd is another idiot like Kate. Whoopi has taken her to task several times for being clueless on the world around her and common knowledge things that elementary school children know.

Sheri would always throw her first husband under the bus on air every chance she got. Comparing him to Jon Gosselin, John Edwards, and anyone else that was "cheating" on their wives at that moment. He finally made her stop somehow. Maybe that is why she is so willing to burn Jon's house down. And she says she does all this for her son. Sound familiar?

And yet she professes to be a devout Christian.

Millicent said... 181

Foxy - I agree, Sheri Shepherd is someone I don't like. It's a shame - she played a small part on Everybody Loves Raymond, as Robert's cop partner. She was very funny. She has been on other shows and I liked her. Then she got a platform (The View) and started sharing her true thoughts and ugh! She reminds me of GoodyTwo Shoes.

"thew a hissy fit because she was in coach and her baby (almost 10 years old) could not use the first class bathroom."

Oh my - someone feels very entitled but doesn't want to pay for 1st class tickets. I wish The View would dump her.

Millicent said... 182

Jillygee said... 152

From this week's Entertainment Weekly The Hit List :
"Heartbroken Jon Gosselin on TLC's plan to air special catching up w Kate plus 8 ..'I hope no one watches' -We totally got your back Jon.
I will not be watching. If one or two posters here do watch so that they can recap for us, I would be appreciative. I think it may depend on what else is on tv that night at that time. Let's hope a rerun of NCIS blows them out of the water.

Millicent said... 183

AuntieAnn said:
Ratclaws is probably spending a most of their off time rubbing her feet and patting her hand.
Or talking her out from under the covers, or coaxing her to get dressed and report for filming.

Millicent said... 184

capecodmama said:
That was a tough loss last night. My husband felt sure they would tie it up and go into OT. We didn't like the non-call when MS was inbounding the ball and the MS player pushed off the VA player to get to the ball with 33 seconds left. But the refs will call foul on a barely there hand check. I'll never understand the officiating.
I could not believe that either. The refs completely ignored that one player was about knocked down, yet 2 seconds later blow the whistle on some supposed foul that even in slow mo I didn't see. Ridiculous.

NJGal51 said... 185

Great news about your daughter Meagler hope the news is just as good for your son and happy birthday to your husband. Hope you all have a great time tonight.

Heidi Hi said... 186

NYGal #178 Vanessa aka MsGoodytwoshoes called for Jon to be "nailed upside down on a cross" and to "hang him" I have her actual tweets as proof. I don't know how to post them here.

Another outrageous comment she made was accusing Dana Hoffman of writing a blog calling for Kate to have "culling" and "aborting" the sextuplets.
More shocking, she and another lunatic sheep tweeted Jon had affairs with Beth & Jodi and that's why they lied about Kate - jealousy. ( I did say BOTH sheep were lunatics, remember)

London said... 187

Thanks BitchyPants :)

Lynne In RI said... 188

"Oh my - someone feels very entitled but doesn't want to pay for 1st class tickets. I wish The View would dump her."


I looked at her timeline, and apparently the flight attendant told her it was off limits and wouldn't stand for her entitlement, and then roped off the first class bathroom! That would have been fun to watch. Sherri tweeted that there are exceptions to the rules. She is so obnoxious.

T said... 189

Well, based on what the other contestants are sharing on twitter, they do get some time off. Hard to tell if it's for the entire weekend or only a few a days, but either way, it does look like Kate has had time to both see her children and share what she has been up to with her six pack of fans. Interesting that she chooses to remain on twitter silence though. Brandi Glanville made time to tweet about her podcast, the products she endorses, thank her fans, and photos of her day day spent with her sons in Central Park. Hmmm.....Kate? Not so much...

NJGal51 said... 190

Thanks for the info Heidi. I hadn't seen those tweets I'd only seen her never ending deadbeat dad tweets.

PatK said... 191

T said... 189
Well, based on what the other contestants are sharing on twitter, they do get some time off. Hard to tell if it's for the entire weekend or only a few a days, but either way, it does look like Kate has had time to both see her children and share what she has been up to with her six pack of fans. Interesting that she chooses to remain on twitter silence though.


Why, I'm sure her six fans would say "how do you know Kate didn't see her kids?"; to which I would reply: "Pics or it didn't happen." :)

Localyocul said... 192

I for $1.46 from Amazon!

Localyocul said... 193

Lynne In RI said... 188
"Oh my - someone feels very entitled but doesn't want to pay for 1st class tickets. I wish The View would dump her."


I looked at her timeline, and apparently the flight attendant told her it was off limits and wouldn't stand for her entitlement, and then roped off the first class bathroom! That would have been fun to watch. Sherri tweeted that there are exceptions to the rules. She is so obnoxious.


Was the flight attendant named Steve errr Stove? Lol #Bridesmaids

AuntieAnn said... 194

Millicent said... 183

AuntieAnn said:

Ratclaws is probably spending a most of their off time rubbing her feet and patting her hand.


Or talking her out from under the covers, or coaxing her to get dressed and report for filming.


Yep. Steve knows how to soothe the poor baby when she's having her meltdowns. I do wonder if she was verbally smacked down by someone who isn't afraid to call her out. Reality tv being what it is, there are people with more savvy than Kate there who know how to create drama, which is exactly what NBC and DT want.

. Milo is right about one thing and that is Kate is way out of her comfort zone.


Blowing In The Wind said... 168

As long as he's not licking them, then all is good.


Gaaah....pass me a tumbler of rumspringa, please.

AuntieAnn said... 195 (Administrator) said... 169

Ugh another pretty big aftershock, 4 something!


Geez Admin. Hope you and Crusher and anyone else out there will be safe.

Sending you all a huge roll of virtual bubblewrap.

Lynne In RI said... 196

And yet she professes to be a devout Christian.


And thinks that nothing predates Christianity! According to her, Jesus came before the Greeks and Romans. How in the world did she ever land that job on The View?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 197

Heidi Hi said... 186
NYGal #178 Vanessa aka MsGoodytwoshoes called for Jon to be "nailed upside down on a cross" and to "hang him" I have her actual tweets as proof. I don't know how to post them here.


I didn't see those tweets and don't know how they were worded, but if the tweets did constitute a death threat, then I would think that she would be on her knees every night giving thanks that Jon never pursued it. As far as I know, credible death threats are punishable by fines and perhaps even a jail sentence. And yet, she keeps vilifying him on Twitter. Anyone who would keep it up has to be some kind of a loose cannon.

lukebandit said... 198

I confess, I used the "d" word on a tweet about ms.goody2shoes, just this afternoon, responding to a tweet. Death. I remember that she tweeted that she wanted Jon to have a bad car accident, be hurt very bad, be in coma for 6 months, wake up and be in rehab for 6 months.

I'm sorry for the confusion.

It may not technically be a death threat, but surely that is what she meant because of the horrible way what she wanted to happen to Jon, the father of his children.

Same way with Sheri. My mouth has gaped open several times at what she says about her husband and other things. She keeps it up, he will divorce her and she only did it to herself.

I was stunned when Prince was on the show and walked on really nice, humble like and Sheri jumped up and Screamed, Prince, I have wanted to make love to you, ALL OF MY LIFE!!! I believe either she was engaged to or even married to her husband. Can't think of his name. Devout Christian women do not do that!

I agree, she should be given a swift kick in the backside out the View's back door. What Sheri said about Jon, blowing up his car, burning down the house. What look of horror kate and Sheri would of gave if Mady or Cara would of said to Sheri, Is it true, you are the lady that hates my dad so bad that you want to help my mother get her timber and you get the matches, burn down his house and blow up his car?

Then they both start crying. Here comes Steve in his RN uniform with a bottle of smelling salts for kate.

Millicent said... 199

Admin - hope all in So Cal are okay and the after shocks are done with. It's always a little nerve wracking.

NJGal51 said... 200

Judging by the picture on the poster I think it's going to start off as men vs women on CA. You can guess who is going to be on by looking at who the known celebs have started to follow. And BTW, TFW hasn't started to follow any of her teammates.

@adriennemw: NYC help @terrellowens & #TeamVortex raise dough for charity! Buy a pie at Pie Face (469 7th Ave) today! @ochocinco

The men really tweeted up the event. I think that Kevin Jonas with his 4 million plus followers may bring in a few more viewers than TFW but the sheeple will say it's all because of their idol.

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