Tuesday, March 18, 2014

TLC to Air Kate Plus 8 One-Hour Special

Kate and TLC have confirmed the news via Twitter.

 Retweeted by 
. is BACK in a 1 hr special coming soon to . via
10:35 AM - 18 Mar 2014

The special is to air sometime in June and will feature old clips and new.

547 sediments (sic) from readers:

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rainbowsandunicorns said... 1

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 · 32m
@Kateplusmy8 will be on @KatieShow tomorrow. So excited she's back on tv to promote her new @TLC special

Poor Lauren. I guess she doesn't know that Kate's appearance on Katie is a rerun of when they were on last October.

LOL! But Border Marie started it!

@Kateplusmy8 Yippee 👏 Want to know what it's like raising 8 kids? Tomorrow, @KatieShow drops in on Kate Gosselin! http://ktie.tv/16LPDUo

Two peas in a pod...

chefsummer #Leh said... 2

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 198
Just saw this on TLC's page, they're ridiculous:

TLC shows people making out with cars LOL they have no shame.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 3

"In memory of Wesley Warren, TLC is airing a special encore presentation of The Man with the 132-Pound Scrotum tonight at 10/9c."


Good gosh. TLC has sunk to a new level. Who in the world is in charge at that network? It's obviously someone without a functioning brain cell.

sparkle said... 4

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 · 25m
Who cares if #kateplusmy8 was holding hands with her bodyguard? She's not married. Stop making a mountain out of a molehill RO

IIRC, as of at least last year, MRS. GINA NEILD was posting on her Facebook about social events she and Steve were attending together. It appeared they were still very married.

Oh..... how Robert disappears at the most unopportune times.... he has in his possession 2009 calanders with hearts circling her travel dates with Steve, records of when she paid for him out of her own pocket, and emails to TLC stating she would only do certain events if Steve could go. It makes you wonder why then all of a sudden there in 2009, Kate was seen often with the African-American bodyguard she called "Mr. Chocolate." Keep it klassy, Kate. The sheeple all thought that was appropriate to call him that, but if he in return called Kate "Mrs. Burnt Marshmallow," Kate would have had him fired asap. She's a pig.

I wonder if it was not just Jon at that time in 2009 having "moral clause" problems with TLC. Could TLC have called Kate in for a meeting and put Skeeve on ice after Jon's accusations and all the eyewitnesses of cuddling, hand holding and hotel room sharing with her booby...err...bodyguard????? The sheeple can spin this into 500 skeins of yarn however they want to. Steve and Kate appeared to be each happily married to other people before they met. Kate divorced. Steve did not. She could have had (tried anyway) to find any other man. She set her sights on a married man. Homewrecker.

Cesspool of hate said... 5

TLC exploits Kate and balls.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 6

Don't ziplines run downhill? In this reality, they do.


You're right! Gladys, however, lives in an alternate universe, so I guess in her fantasy world, everything is helter skelter.
She's so dumb.

Cesspool of hate said... 7

I can't stop laughing about Kate being on the same network as large balls. It fits and I think one ball has more talent than all of Kate.

I can't stop ..... Do you think the man named his balls Kate and Steve?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 8

They are just a modern day circus act. Look at the giant balls. Look at the bearded lady with a gaggle of kids, look at the midgets, look at the girl with no arms and legs!

At some point several decades ago we decided freak shows were degrading and inhumane and people stopped going. But it's okay to turn on TLC and watch on your couch?

lukebandit said... 9

Just saw the trending list on yahoo.

No. 1 is kate Gosselin, a child abusing, mental abusing, animal abusing sociopath.

Her skin is like Teflon, but, over time, the Teflon eventually wears down and before you know it, stuff starts sickening to it. Can't wait.

No. 2 is Madeleine McCann is a precious little girl who was kidnapped and has been missing for 7 years. Jesus bless that baby.

That is insanity on a level I will never wrap my brain around.

This is so freaking messed up!

sparkle said... 10

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 4
They are just a modern day circus act. Look at the giant balls. Look at the bearded lady with a gaggle of kids, look at the midgets, look at the girl with no arms and legs!

At some point several decades ago we decided freak shows were degrading and inhumane and people stopped going. But it's okay to turn on TLC and watch on your couch?

Don't forget the lady who eats dirty diapers, the man who has sex with his car and the girl who eats her hair follicles. That's some fine TLC programmin' right there I say!!!!!

chefsummer #Leh said... 11

Maybe Kate & Gina could be the new sister wives.

Localyocul said... 12

Who is Wesley warren? The ball guy?

rainbowsandunicorns said... 13

Don't forget the lady who eats dirty diapers, the man who has sex with his car and the girl who eats her hair follicles. That's some fine TLC programmin' right there I say!!!!!


Oh, shoot, I forgot about those. I landed on the Banging the Buick guy episode and saw him under the car and thought...this has to be a joke. He made the dirty diapers person look normal. I couldn't change channels fast enough.

localyocul said... 14

rainbowsandunicorns said... 11
Don't forget the lady who eats dirty diapers, the man who has sex with his car and the girl who eats her hair follicles. That's some fine TLC programmin' right there I say!!!!!


Oh, shoot, I forgot about those. I landed on the Banging the Buick guy episode and saw him under the car and thought...this has to be a joke. He made the dirty diapers person look normal. I couldn't change channels fast enough.


Wasn't that the obsession show? The guy who was in love with his car? Another one with mannequins? My Strange Obsession or something ?Is TLC the show that had the people who ate strange things too like toilet paper or paper clips? LOL

PA Dutch Mom said... 15

Tweets like this really tick me off...

Truth Teller ‏@Truth_Teller201 33m
@magjd7 @LakeRat2014 @luvinglife890 Yep,& kateplusmy8 has always been there for kids while their dad ran off to relive his LOST TWENTIES!

Kate was off running around when one of the kids got sick at school. Jon, as the emergency contact, was the one who who drove three hours to pick up that child at school. Jon is the one who was always involved with his kids' school activities at that time. It certainly wasn't Kate.

And yes, sheeple, I do know that for a fact.

localyocul said... 16

NJGal51 said... 187
I think that this upd8 show


Upd8 LOLOL I just spit out my soda

Anonymous said... 17

Tucker's Mom said... 179
Steve is more than a married man that an ex is dating- he's the fox who raided the hen house when Jon was married to Kate.
Good for Jon, really.
Most guys would have a tough time being cuckolded.


Careful with the big words, Tucker's Mom. The sheeple will think you're talking about Couple's Therapy, when Jon was holding his cuck.

NJGal51, look for TLC to steal your Upd8 and use it like they thought of it.

TLC capitalizing on the death of the ball guy? Just when you think they can't get any lower, they manage to find new depth of depravity. Wow.


localyocul said... 18

I'm sure C and M were aware of the firestorm after their Today appearance, and I'm sure they are aware of the backlash about the "ud8t" (LOL). I wonder what they think.

capecodmama said... 19

When TLC cancelled TCFW+8 they said they were hoping to do specials once in a while to catch up with the Gosselins. So, three years later, they're finally doing a special. Yawn.

I've come to the conlusion that TCFW will be around until the tups turn 18. She's that turd in the toilet that refuses to flush. Forget circling the drain, she's circling the bowl. And she's desperately trying to get out. So she gets her mug out there every once in a while as a Dlist celebrity going on one shit reality show after another, with other Dlist celebrities. Mama's gotta make a livin' don't ya know. Her ship has sailed as far as her having her own show. She can't make it on her own even with the kids. She wants to have a talk show but she can't talk. Even Katie Couric, who is a journalist, couldn't carry her own talk show. Bethenny Frankel, who does have the gift of gab and snark and the backing of Ellen DeGeneres, couldn't carry her own talk show. She wants a cooking show but she can't cook and again can't talk. Can you imagine her trying to explain what the hell she was doing and cooking at the same time. Yikes.

I can't get worked up about her putting her kids on tv as I have no control over it. I can't get worked up about what Jon may or may not have done because I have no control over it. People hate her and think she's a douche bag but she doesn't care. Karma may take several years to get to her, but it will eventually get there. All I know is I'm so glad I'm not her. I wake up every morning next to the love of my life. We have two wonderful daughters and two gorgeous grandkids. Tomorrow, my youngest daughter, my grandkids and I are going off Cape to spend the day with my oldest daughter. We don't get to do that very often because of their work schedules and my grandson's school schedule. I can't wait. This is something that TCFW doesn't get and never will. She will always have more money than me but I will always be richer than her.


I saw on ESPN that VCU is playing on Friday. Good luck!

PA Dutch Mom said... 20

Wasn't that the obsession show? The guy who was in love with his car? Another one with mannequins?

I think that's the one it was. It was My Strange Addiction. There was someone who had a mothball fetish, and another woman who owned something like 500 Cabbage Patch kids, took them everywhere, fed them, diapered them, and pretended they were her real children. Her husband went along with it. And, of course, the woman who ate her dead husband's ashes. I don't think the one woman ate dirty diapers, though...I think she just got off smelling them. All perfectly normal. Sheesh!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 21

I was just deleting some old comments from my inbox and wow I really couldn't stand Taylor Armstrong back when she was making front page news. Nor could many of you! So funny that after watching CT I've warmed up to her. Dare I say I sort of like her.

I also think the twins are old enough to be well aware of the backlash. Then that just begs the question whether they are dealing with it in a healthy manner. It seems to me Kate's attitude is screw all ya'll we'll do what I want. I'm not sure this is the best attitude to be teaching 13 year olds. Instead, shouldn't they learn that when the public is this overwhelming negative toward you, maybe it's time to sit down and really do some introspection here and examine what it is that is causing all this? That maybe if this many people are upset maybe they have a point? That maybe an open dialogue here would be more productive then stubbornly telling people to kiss off? And have the girls thought at all about how maybe their mother used them as her mouthpiece, and how does that make them feel? Or has Kate shut down any emotions they may have had about that?

I fear she is turning these girls into exactly how she is come hell or high water. She's right, everybody else is wrong, including family, friends, media, and the public, and no matter what they say she'll just do the opposite. This is really not attractive.

NJGal51 said... 22

Localyocul - Yes, Wesley Warren is the big balls guy. He recently died of heart disease. It was unrelated to the big balls or the surgery he had on them. I don't watch TLC but I do listen to Howard Stern.

PA Dutch Mom said... 23

I can't stop ..... Do you think the man named his balls Kate and Steve?


Reminds me of a joke from Mary Poppins:

Bert: I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith.
Uncle Albert: What's the name of his other leg?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 24

Careful with the big words, Tucker's Mom. The sheeple will think you're talking about Couple's Therapy, when Jon was holding his cuck.


LOL!! Allegedly holding his cuck. It was never proven to be true. :)

Localyocul said... 25

Localyocul - Yes, Wesley Warren is the big balls guy. He recently died of heart disease. It was unrelated to the big balls or the surgery he had on them. I don't watch TLC but I do listen to Howard Stern.

Oh how I miss Howard ! I listened faithfully til he went in satellite radio! In fact his dhow is what I wad listening to on 9/1/

Mel said... 26

I kind of wonder if TLC isn't contractually obligated to do the update special. If so, expect something ala the RV episodes. That would be so great. And maybe a clip or interview with Jon. At the end, so he has the last word. And then promote the hell out of Jon's part.

It'll be interesting to see if TLC sabotages it or not.

AuntieAnn said... 27

TLC capitalizing on the death of the ball guy? Just when you think they can't get any lower, they manage to find new depth of depravity. Wow.



And in today's news.... "TLC stoops lower than a 132-pound scrotum"...

Doesn't surprise me but it's sure a sad commentary on the current state of reality television. Thanks bunches Ms O'Neill.

getofftwitter said... 28

I guess tomorrow, we find out for certain if Kate is on CA or not. I think it was all a bunch of hot air, publicity stunt by Kates camp, to sway DT to put her on the show.

The Couric show will be the 3rd time kates recent appearances have been aired again. CWS was on this afternoon, her Steven & Chris was aired a day ago. I guess the other station are jumping on the bandwagon. Kate must be giddy with joy! Hope it is short lived.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 29

I kind of wonder if TLC isn't contractually obligated to do the update special.


Without getting too specific, the rumblings I'm hearing is that this IS part of their original Kate Plus 8 contract, an option they can exercise.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if way back when TLC negotiated X amount of update specials as an option, if they want to. It spares them the hassle of intense renegotiations, etc. It's just a smart thing to do especially since they know their update specials for other shows are quick and easy cash for them.

Ingrid said... 30

I suppose if it really is part of their previous contract it would be harder for Jon to stop it too?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 31

Australia is holding a press conference right now saying they found significant debris that could be the plane and they're sending a ship out. It's about 1500 miles off of Perth.

They are cautioning though that it might not be the plane, it could be some other debris, but it was significant enough to warrant them taking a closer look. I imagine because the poor families are just desperate to be kept up to speed on anything, anything at all, they want to be more vocal about what's going on.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 32

I suppose if it really is part of their previous contract it would be harder for Jon to stop it too?


Good point. Hasn't the judge already ruled that their Kate Plus 8 contract was okay? If this was just part of that, it would be harder to try to stop it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 33

By the way, how the F&*( did it get all the way off the coast of Australia? That's insane. Were they all dead up there just coasting along for hours, perhaps form a fire or oxygen problem?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 34

My main squeeze Anderson is on the case.

Math Girl said... 35

For those interested in more information on the little couple, I found this link:

At first I thought emj might be one of Bill's companies, but it is an agency that represents a whole bunch of speakers, Jen and Bill among them. Click on Bill's bio and Jen's bio for more information. It gives details on some of the companies Bill has worked for or owned. It looks like now he is doing consulting and is owner of Rocky and Maggie's. It's a bit vague and probably exaggerated, but it does give some company names (but not the name of his current "consulting" company).

By the way, can anyone more "up" on The Little Couple than I am tell me what happened to their dogs Maggie and Rocky? I haven't seen them in any episodes with Will, but I am a very intermittent watcher. Are they still around? Did they disappear without a trace or explanation?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 36

By the way, how the F&*( did it get all the way off the coast of Australia? That's insane. Were they all dead up there just coasting along for hours, perhaps form a fire or oxygen problem?


One of the many theories out there is that when they took the plane up to 45,000 feet, the cabins became depressurized and everyone was then unconscious.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 37

I assume the dogs are still around. Rocky and Maggie's is, and it's got absolutely fantastic reviews on Yelp, which I've found to be a pretty fair read on a company. It's hard for me to get upset at an animal lover.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 38

Unless it's terrorism, it seems to me if that's the plane the depressurization theory is a pretty good explanation. I hope whatever happened it was quick for those poor people.

prairiemary said... 39

Yep, there's your sexy man on CNN:)
He just reported a piece of what has been found measures 79 feet. Another guy said it could be smaller pieces all stuck together. We will not know for awhile, it just is so upsetting about what the fams are going thru, especially that mother whose son is one of the passengers, she needs closure, asap.

JoyinVirginia said... 40

OT cape cod mama, thanks for good wishes for VCU. Thru are playing Steven F.Austin which is on a current twenty eight game winning streak. And all reports say they play a fast paced game. I'm nervous about my guys chances. If VCU is hot, they are unstoppable. If they are cold in making baskets, that saps their confidence.
So many teams are really skilled, it takes the intangibles like luck and confidence to make the difference in some match ups.
I watched thr Iowa Tennessee game tonight. The Iowa coach and his team know what's important. The Iowa coach flew home last nighty, his thirteen year olds son had a tumor removed from his thyroid today. Not until the surgery was over and hiss son wad awake did the Iowa coach head back to Dayton for tonights game.

lukebandit said... 41

It is 1:03 a.m. where I am and AC 360 is LIVE on CNN right now about the plane.

It was so painful to watch the screaming lady at the hotel? police dept.? with all the reporters and cameramen and journalists taking that lady's picture in her grief!!! They dragged her out of there and she was screaming. Heartbreaking. Made me cry.

Lord Jesus, be with these suffering families and the passengers on the plane, give them peace and comfort. Phil. 3:14

Bitchy Pants said... 42

Admin 30 -- Ocean currents. Same way debris from the Japan earthquake landed on the coast of Alaska and is still occasionally showing up on the US W. coast. I hope it is debris from the plane, so the families can get some closure. Yet I hope it isn't debris from the plane, so people can maintain some hope that the passengers are still alive. In some ways this whole thing is starting to feel like an unaired episode of "Lost". Scary.

For those of you asking why Jon didn't put a stop to the filming of this "update" special -- When is he supposed to have done that? Did TFMJG inform him ahead of time about the special? Or did he find out when the rest of us did, just a little over 24 hours ago? Given TFMJG's track record -- remember her bragging that she didn't tell him about CWS -- I imagine he didn't know about it until Tuesday, just like us. It takes time to go to court. I doubt any judge would issue an emergency restraining order because "their mother's putting the kids on TV again". It's been demonstrated time and again that Jon's tried to stop TFMJG. Admin has read some of the records and other efforts have been reported. Yet some people immediately jump on the "Jon didn't do anything to stop it" bandwagon. He's done enough that we can legitimately criticize him for without people inventing issues.

I am One of Eight said... 43

Math Girl - on the last episode of The Little Couple, Bill was laying on the bed while Jen was looking in the mirror talking about getting a wig, and the black and white dog was sleeping snuggled up on Bill's back. I don't know the name of the dog but it was so cute and looked so comfy!

Tucker's Mom said... 44

For those of you asking why Jon didn't put a stop to the filming of this "update" special -- When is he supposed to have done that? Did TFMJG inform him ahead of time about the special? Or did he find out when the rest of us did, just a little over 24 hours ago? Given TFMJG's track record -- remember her bragging that she didn't tell him about CWS -- I imagine he didn't know about it until Tuesday, just like us. It takes time to go to court
I think what many of us are asking is "did Jon try to stop filming or at least have the right to approve further filming in general.
Without factual knowledge about future filming of his children, Jon can assume that at some point when they are minors, Kate will make plans to film them.
It's not a case by case basis that I'm talking about, it's history dictating what will happen in the future.
After Kate filmed CWS behind Jon's back, and after she took the twins across state lines to be on TV, did Jon seek to be granted input and the right to approve or veto future appearances?
As far as things taking time, Jon said he was going to seek "emergency" orders to temporarily gain custody of the 6, so I'm assuming there can be a sense of urgency in the court system, and some requests can be expedited.

If Jon's hands are tied, and from what we know in the past, they have been as Jon has taken Kate to court many times, then why all the sudden bravado and certainty that Jon seemed to have about putting his foot down about filming.
I'm just saying that anyone seeing Jon's interview post Today Show debacle would think he's sure he's got the right to deny his kids on tv.
That right should mean that if Kate continues to make unilateral decisions to put the kids back on tv, that there can be consequences like contempt.
Apparently, she's risking nothing.

Kate was right- he sees his kids too little and has no say in how she raises them.
I don't know how or why that came to be, but it appears to be true.

I'm sorry, but based on results, Jon's been ineffective in gaining control of how his kids are raised and somehow, he's let Kate- a mother who routinely beat the kids as toddlers for absurdly minor infractions- have all but total control.
He can't help them if he tried and I believe this is resulting from Jon's very poor decisions in the past.
It's a shame.

Formerly Duped said... 45

Jen and Bill seem very fond of their dogs. They went a little overboard with the clothes and toys but many couple pre-kids do that. The dogs were introduced slowly to Will for both their protection. They are a far cry from Kate's handling of Nala and Shoka.They also had dog specialists come in to help with the adjustments.

I am not really a fan of this show, but I think Jen and Bill are decent people, loving to their kids, pets and one another.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 46

Ocean currents take many months and years to move debris significantly. If that is debris from the plane I would expect it's probably only within a few hundred miles of the plane. It's not like we found debris six months later, we're only a few weeks in.

Formerly Duped said... 47

I think Jon will always live with guilt for how his kids were treated as toddlers, and then during and after the show to the present. I just think his personality was squashed by the 10-year marriage and it's hard for him to back up words with actions. I could be wrong, but how can this special be aired if he went to a lawyer with his concerns about filming and demands for a pscyh eval? We don't know what happened but also if CPS/legal intervention are involved you would think emergency action would prevent Kate from doing all these things in the media that are recently going on. JMO, and again, we just don't know.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 48

I'm sorry, but based on results, Jon's been ineffective in gaining control of how his kids are raised and somehow, he's let Kate- a mother who routinely beat the kids as toddlers for absurdly minor infractions- have all but total control.


This is sort of like saying because you lost the Gold Medal, you must not have really tried, or you must have just let the other person win. That's just not necessarily true. More than likely you tried your darndest but just came up short. What I hear from many people who didn't win is "I laid it all out there." If you laid it all out there and still lost, what more can anyone ask of you?

I agree with the first part, Jon's been ineffectual. But I think we just can't speculate about the second part, that he's "let" Kate have the control. I hope he has "laid it all out there." I have reason to believe he has been very aggressive in the courts, but come up short. I hope the man has done everything he could, and is simply in a situation many parents find themselves in during a divorce, with one person being given a disproportionate amount of control by the family law courts. It happens to many parents, fathers, and sometimes even mothers.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 49

You know on a side note it amazes me the tizzy the sheeple get in on twitter, I found several tweets to me emailed to my email for this site spouting off about Jon and their continued misunderstanding of legal custody (once again, even a parent who does not have legal custody may always bring concerns about their children's best interest to the court).

I haven't used twitter in like two and a half years. I got off it because of THEM and their continued nasty harassment of me. It's a dead account, sheeple. So, stop?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 50

Ocean currents take many months and years to move debris significantly. If that is debris from the plane I would expect it's probably only within a few hundred miles of the plane. It's not like we found debris six months later, we're only a few weeks in.


Yes. There was just a report on television from a meteorologist who explained that right now the currents aren't moving anything anywhere, and although the waves are high, there's a front passing through, and it's perfect weather for searching.

getofftwitter said... 51

You know Kates fans always amazes me. They are so gun-ho for Kate to have another show, so kate can take the kids on trips, have things most of us will probably never get/have, her fans put Kate first and their own kids last. I would like to ask her fans, what about your kids, family, do you take your kids to places that kate has? and get the same things, your idol Kate has?, or do you live through Kate and fantasize, what you can't have or give your own kids? They are so worried about Kate! Since Kate did not earn any of it! She got most free.

Anonymous said... 52

I just caught the last 20 minutes of Kate Plus 8 in Australia. The kids were highlighted a lot on the couch and I found them to average and slightly obnoxious. Please don't attack me but those were my feelings. I do think the producer was sitting there pumping info from the kids though. And encouraged them to play out certain things that happened to them during the trip. They are cute kids but no more than the great majority of kids in America. When they were toddlers they were over the top adorable with the cutest sayings ever. But no more. Several years have past since that trip though. And they are probably more average now than they were in this trip to Australia.

And you could tell Kate was in her glory talking and talking about herself and her kids. It is amazing that she considers this working. Oh, and how she considers going on national interviews/talks/book signings in other states and lounging in first class hotels for days at a time work. Of course, all with her own personal bodyguard to boot. No wonder she is delusional and narcissist . This is not real life by any means.

The only hard work Kate ever did since the tups were born was DWTS. And we know from Tony that she "had no motivation" and cancelled rehearsals (remember the scene in the back of the limo) when she felt like it. Also when her 8 kids came to visit her in CA, she admitted on DWTS that she slacked in her rehearsals to play with her kids and take them to Disneyland. Wow, if I had millions watching me dance on national tv and was being paid a half of millions of dollars to do so, I would have been busting my ass all day and night long in practice.

And we all know that she did not work hard raising her 8 kids. That was done with tons of volunteers, paid helpers, and Jon. And of course, "working" away from home for a week and then being at home (with help) for a week. She admits she was gone 50% of the time when her 8 kids were small.

LaLaLandNomore said... 53

Question: "Are we here on this blog helping to keep TFW relevant?" Do we need to begin ignoring totally?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 54

You know on a side note it amazes me the tizzy the sheeple get in on twitter, I found several tweets to me emailed to my email for this site spouting off about Jon and their continued misunderstanding of legal custody (once again, even a parent who does not have legal custody may always bring concerns about their children's best interest to the court).


No matter how often this is explained to them, and in the very simplest way possible, they just can't understand it, so it's no wonder they just can't comprehend that children are not put on television to entertain the sheeple. It's sad, really, but nonetheless annoying and frustrating that anyone could be this dense. There are a handful of them in particular who are really slow on the uptake, and that's being kind.

Lalalalala said... 55

OT but this is interesting. Cheaterville is being sued. This may be the first of many lawsuits. I hope so.


Jumping In said... 56

I was struck by the kids various behaviours and actions when Katie Couric arrived at their door. Cara, seemed to be positioning herself behind her mother, almost hiding from the camera. I recall the introduction of all the kids too, where Mady seemed unhappy and snippy. Overall, these children (with the exception of the young girls) did not respond well to being back on-camera.

I don't think anything around the world of entertainment happens by chance. The re-airing of the Katie Couric interview today, the update show, the possibility of TFW being on CA, (soon to be followed by a People magazine article I bet), is all part of a cross-marketing and promotional plan, all linked in one way or another. Of course, lost in this, swept up in this without any say, are her hapless children.

Perhaps this update show was part of her deal when they ended her series, but TFW will use this opportunity to get Growing UP Gosselin promoted and hopefully launched, with Mady at the centre, her best hope. The problem here is making sure the twins are on-board, and all-in, and if not, we can expect a longer version to the TODAY show. If they choose to co-operate, it most likely will be in response to a big incentive provided by their mother as bait.

With TLC making the announcement, it is easy to assume that Jon signed off on this, which I hope is not the case. My guess is TFW went ahead, told TLC that Jon is a non-issue and that her lawyers will take care of him, especially if this was a contractual obligation she made when her show ended. Who knows?

She will never, ever give up on getting herself permanently back on the air. If she gets CA, and with this special in the works, I'm sure she feels she is well on her way to making this happen!

Midnight Madness said... 57

admin said (49)... I found several tweets to me emailed to my email for this site spouting off about Jon and their continued misunderstanding of legal custody (once again, even a parent who does not have legal custody may always bring concerns about their children's best interest to the court).

One of them still doesn't understand the difference between a plural and a plural possessive, so it comes as no surprise that anything involving legal issues would be way over their heads...

Anonymous said... 58

Admin., We know when the Gosselins got divorced that Kate received primary custody. But lately it has been said that Jon does NOT have legal custody. When was that change made regarding him not having legal custody? I was reading a website called http://www.palawhelp.org. and they said this: "Primary legal custody - The right to decide the child's medical care, education, religion, etc., to the exclusion of the other parent. Rarely does the court grant primary legal custody to a parent." Thanks for answering my question.

Tucker's Mom said... 59

This is sort of like saying because you lost the Gold Medal, you must not have really tried, or you must have just let the other person win
I'm not saying Jon didn't and isn't trying. I am saying that I think he got his head in the game a bit too late, and may never gain the ground he lost.
I'm sure he's sorry for not being aggressive early on, and probably miscalculated Kate's wrath and determination to crush anyone in her path.
Kate has curried favor in the courts as some Madonna, and Jon is still behind the 8-ball, trying to put his Hailey Glassman/NYC/Utah/"I dated A LOT of women"/Kate Major (psycho!!)/ Michael Lohan/ Ed Hardy-wearing days behind him.

Localyocul said... 60

It's being reported that Fred Phelps died. I'm sure his name will be trending. Is that because he was a good guy Milo?

TLC stinks said... 61

Jumping in, ITA. These past few months have been cross promotional. I think the twins behavior on The Today Show took TLC by surprise, but Kate has probably set those girls straight now. Maybe her meeting recently in MD was with TLC to assure them the kids would cooperate.

TLC stinks said... 62

Cheaterville being sued: as Milo would say , good things come to those who wait.

Tucker's Mom said... 63

getofftwitter said... 51
You know Kates fans always amazes me. They are so gun-ho for Kate to have another show, so kate can take the kids on trips, have things most of us will probably never get/have, her fans put Kate first and their own kids last
When I first found the Gosselins on tv, it was, I believe, their second Discovery special.
I Googled them, being really curious about them because they sounded like they were from the area of Philly, and of course, they are.
I liked them, and saw no reason for concern. I marveled at how J+ K handled the kids.
But, even waaaaaay back then, there were grumblings, from moms, who said, "hey, I got 2 kids and can't afford Gymboree clothing, I can't afford every zoo, amusement park and tourist attraction in my entire state, I can't afford xyz.... and so how is it that this couple is complaining about being poor"
Yes, there moms who figured out that J+K weren't struggling or poor, and were getting freebies and they even spotted the product placements very early on.
Dana Hoffman was preaching to the choir at that point, she wasn't revealing who Deep Throat was.

I believe that Kate's supporters have dropped precipitously and she has a scant amount left.
The fans who still hang on just want the kids back on their boob tube and in their gossip magazines.

My first "aha" moment was when the camera zoomed in on a bottle of Juicy Juice after one of the boys just "happened" to "suddenly" notice this ubiquitous elixir he was weaned on.
And the camera paused on that label for a ridiculous 4-5 entire seconds.
Aaaaand......... thank you JJ for your support.

AuntieAnn said... 64

I'm pretty sure Kate has made it clear that if the '8' don't fall into line with her plans to go back to filming, the lifestyle they know and enjoy (read: SHE enjoys) will be no longer. The twins may have to go along with it but not without a few perks of their own thrown in (I'm sticking with my extortion theory). She probably has them convinced that no one can tell them how to live because she's in charge and the buck stops with her. Judges and courts be damned.

In her conniving mind Kate thinks she has all the kids in her corner, that daddy is an asshole, but what she's really done is created a house divided. It has to be one very unhealthy atmosphere in that home.

Layla said... 65

I'm just not terribly impressed with TFW getting a one-time special. It's not a recurring thing. And isn't it funny how TLC has make it very clear that it is a one-time show and not a new series? TLC recalls how quickly K+8's ratings dived, and how low the numbers got. TLC knows that people will tune in once to see how the kids are growing. But then interest wanes. TFW and her kids are just not interesting enough to sustain the public's interest. The public is curious to see how those adorable toddlers have grown. But their day-to-day lives just don't hold much fascination. They get up, they go to school, they eat dinner, they do chores and homework. Just like every other kid. Either TLC coughs up lavish vacations to make it all more interesting (which didn't work before) or they just let it go.
This show allows the fans to see the kids now that they are 10. Maybe there will be another special on a few years, showing them as teenagers. Maybe a graduation special when they finish high school. But what TFW and the sheeple want is a weekly show. That will never happen again. Time to move on.

Layla said... 66

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 12m
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC You are #Trending Number ONE on @Yahoo again! Just a mention of ur name...zipline >> to the TOP! :) #StillRelevant

Let's see what's trending on Yahoo today, shall we? Well, I'll be, hair growth supplement!
Just a mention of hair growth supplement and...zipline>>to the TOP!

Somewhere In Time said... 67

Bud Cooper ‏@userback 17m
@Kateplusmy8 If you say you're sorry to me I will follow you again

Does anyone know anything about this guy's run-in with Kate? He pops up on Twitter every so often and just can't seem to let it go (whatever it is).

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 68

LaLaLandNomore said... 53
Question: "Are we here on this blog helping to keep TFW relevant?" Do we need to begin ignoring totally?

IMO, the constant talk about Kate has helped, not hindered her ability to get on TV.

Lalalalala said... 55
OT but this is interesting. Cheaterville is being sued. This may be the first of many lawsuits. I hope so.


"UPDATE 11:08 a.m. PT — A lawyer for Cheaterville tells Radar the case has been dismissed and a judge is expected to sign off on the case, soon. The attorney, Jay Leiderman, said: “Counsel for Dr. Quainoo has stated that he has manually filed a motion for dismissal with an order therefor yesterday."

JoyinVirginia said... 69

Lalalandnomore, I have been happily ignoring TFMJG since Saint Tony of the Ballroom was freed from her clutches! I hang around to hear about gardening, pets, recipes, Duck Lips and Teen Duck Lips, Wu-Tang, current events, and take virtual trips, and more!!!!!!!!
Gotta go, basketball is on!

virginia said... 70

I'm certain I am in the minority here, but I hope TFW does well on CA. The time away from her children will be good for them. They could finally get the wrinkles out of their bellies (Colin's face still haunts me from the KC interview. Those boys are way too thin!), visit some relatives, have some FUN OFF the compound!

maybe this gig will land her another show that will keep her away from home. The children will spend time with their loving father and extended family. Maybe TFW will be a better mother bc she'll have her FT booby-guard and spotlight on her, not being "stuck at home" with the kids.

Tucker's Mom said... 71

Flipping channels and watching Kate on Katie.
Gawd, she can't not code speak! Um, um, uh.

This episode seems highly edited.

Kate just said she converses with Jon. Suck on that, Milo.

Is your Queen a liar?

Kate acts like she's done nothing but bite her tongue when it comes to Jon. What she's insinuating is sickening.
It's like Jon is a necessary evil.

Oh, and she looks like a horse.

All This Is That said... 72

your best friend. ‏@mr_shneebly 35m
@KatieShow if people could look past the tabloids, they'd have more positive opinions of kate gosselin. I can't help but love her!

LOL!! Really? How about watching some re-runs of the show. Still have a positive opinion of her?

You just have to shake your head. There's no reasoning ability among the sheep. If she was a much-loved person, kind and generous, wouldn't you think that the tabloids would have a positive opinion about her? They just don't come up with scathing stories about her because she's a wonderful person. It has to come from somewhere!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 73

Localyocul said... 60
It's being reported that Fred Phelps died. I'm sure his name will be trending. Is that because he was a good guy Milo?


Ah, Milo, Milo, Milo. She will never understand that to be "trending" is not necessarily a good thing.

The auction at the Pontiac Silverdome is also trending. Just the mention of the opportunity to buy one of the urinals there sets off a zip-line frenzy because the stadium urinals are still relevant and in great demand.

PatK said... 74

Am I living in Bizarro world? Today's appearance on the Katie Couric show is a repeat from September; yet it looks to me like ROL did a new story (again referencing the famous Jon/gun firing incident) AND Kate's TL is being bot-spammed as if this was a new episode.

Good grief!

And isn't today supposed to be the big earth-shattering CA cast announcement? Why hasn't it happened?

chefsummer #Leh said... 75

Tucker's Mom said... 65

We all know that Kate has done the exactly opposite when it comes to biting her tongue.

And don't insult horses please by saying KK looks like one.

chefsummer #Leh said... 76

virginia said... 70
I'm certain I am in the minority here, but I hope TFW does well on CA.

I want her to stay off my TV screen.

FYI said... 77

And isn't today supposed to be the big earth-shattering CA cast announcement? Why hasn't it happened?

Apparently Donald had a press conference announcing the new cast but nobody's supposed to say anything about it yet. I wonder when he'll make the announcement public.

Alicia Quarles ‏@alicialquarles · 5h
"You're fired" Rode the elevator with @realdonaldtrump who introduced his @apprenticenbc cast. I'm under embargo ;-) pic.twitter.com/SWVlsrHLud

Then there's this article which says:

Donald Trump held a press conference today, March 20, 2014, where he announced the 2014 Cast of The Celebrity Apprentice.
During the press conference, Trump spoke about the fact that the show was on a brief hiatus from filming since he was too busy to film.

This season we can expect to see three of Donald’s children, Ivanka, Eric and Donald, Jr., In the boardroom. While the cast was revealed for the 2014 Celebrity Apprentice, we are not allowed to release any of the names at this time. We have our spoilers but can neither confirm nor deny anyone on the list.


AuntieAnn said... 78

Oh, and she looks like a horse.


Which end?

Formerly Duped said... 79

The KC clip was enough update for me, although I will read a recap- hint, hint. Nothing had changed except that the twins were more sullen, the boys thinner and quieter, the little girls mean little spitfires. Chore board, more pizza, failed attempt to cooperate on teams and have fun.

JoyinVirginia said... 80

OT i'm so happy that I took this afternoon off to watch basketball! Great games!

PatK said... 81

Why bother having a press conference to announce the cast, but not allow it to be released?

Yep Bizarro World. smh

Anonymous said... 82

I just saw Kate on Katie for the first time. Boring! The same old sh*t. The dating talk that is pure bullshit. Why? Because Kate has not had ONE date in the past 4 years since the divorce was finalized. Again, not one date yet she goes on all these talk shows saying she wants to date.

And the trip to her house was completely useless. Kate was totally boring and Katie was the only one with any personality out of the nine of them. The games and kitchen scenes were so edited and shortened they didn't show anything other than one of the little girls crying.

And Kate saying that she wrote the cookbook because her kids asked her if she could write down her recipes for their kids. How stupid! First of all, she wrote this cookbook many years ago before her kids supposedly asked her this. And even if her kids did ask her this, what does that have to do with her writing a cookbook. Just write down the recipes and give them to your kids. Again, she has to USE them as an excuse to write her cookbook.

And again, she threw Jon under the bus without mentioning his name. When Katie read the tweet about how the paps found Kate in her small town in PA, she said she NEVER contacts them like some people (cough, cough). WOW! There are literally hundreds of photos of Kate taken in 2009-2013 by the paps. And a fraction taken of Jon by the paps in PA. There may have been more taken of Jon in NY, Vegas, Utah, or CA but we are talking about Wernesville or the surrounding area in PA where they live.

And Katie mentioned that a lot of people hate her. And Kate said it was because of all the false stories WRITTEN about her. No it isn't. It is 100% because of all her nasty behavior towards everyone on over 100 episodes of TV for many years. And also because of her numerous TV interviews where we can see for ourselves how she handles herself. I never read any tabloids about her and I don't like her. I came to dislike her because of her behavior on TV. I am so sick of her saying it is because everything written about her is lies.

I really don't know why in the heck she is ever on any TV shows for an interview. I don't get it. What did Katie's interview show about the aftermath of reality TV. Nothing! And what did Kate have to say about anything. Nothing again!

PatK said... 83

Regarding today's ROL new "old news" story: Open sheep mouth, insert sheep hoof:

@AmberGoodhand @Kateplusmy8 @katiecouric Seriously Amber? Come on why overdramatize with your headline? Kate answered Katie's ? gracefully 😔

Amber Ryland‏@AmberGoodhand·4 mins
@MY_2BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 @katiecouric Seriously Marie? If you read the story you'd know it wasn't my byline or story.

Sandi said... 84

Correct me if I am wrong.
The Katie show is a rerun that was shown months ago.

sparkle said... 85

Anonymous said.....

When Katie read the tweet about how the paps found Kate in her small town in PA, she said she NEVER contacts them like some people (cough, cough). WOW!
cough, cough, cough.... so on Easter Sunday of 2012, Kate shooshed the kids outside wearing their Easter best for an egg hunt, where Mr. and Mrs. Egg Stuffer Hider people just happened to hide all 20,000 eggs on the only part of the yard clearly visible from the road. A pap just appeared out of thin air at the same time (wow! what a coincidence!) and took pictures. Those pictures ended up in US magazine the following week. Kate did not comment nor did she complain about a pap being there. She never said a word about it.

Noooooo, she would never alert the paps to take pictures, never.

Anonymous said... 86

Hairpiece has been too busy to film CA? Riiiight! And I'm off on my yacht in the Caribbean.


Blowing In The Wind said... 87

Ah, Milo, Milo, Milo. She will never understand that to be "trending" is not necessarily a good thing.

The auction at the Pontiac Silverdome is also trending. Just the mention of the opportunity to buy one of the urinals there sets off a zip-line frenzy because the stadium urinals are still relevant and in great demand.


Kitchenaid mixers are also trending. Just the mention of those things makes me zipline to the store to buy one. Move over, Kate, an appliance has replaced you on Yahoo's trending list.

psych major said... 88

Its good Jon doesn't want his kids on television but it wasn't television that so screwed them up. Too bad he lays so many of their problems at there and ignored the real causes. All of them would be experiencing serious problems if they had never had a show or shows because it is their mom and dads actions and neglect not cameras and fame that messed them up. The tv side just exaserbated problems that already exisited.

Tucker's Mom said... 89

How weird that ROL is reporting Katie's interview with Kate today.
This was from 2013!

It seems like every interview with Kate is a pity party.
Poor, poor Kite. She's so misunderstood, let's all feel sorry for this poor little rich girl.

It pisses me off that Kate gets away with insinuating that Jon is a danger to his children.
Why can't a judge order her to SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!?

Localyocul said... 90

Soooo now she's talking to US MagaZine and I'm sure the sheep will be just fine with it tho they blast Jon for "selling stories" to them.

Sounds like they already filmed and that as her mo she didn't tell the kids so she wouldn't rat her out to Jon. I don't know why he can't get a general order that she needs to inform him before filming.


Localyocul said... 91

A random tweet about the US article:

@JeanBairDavis: Oh mercy. Not this again. #todayshowRePeat “@usweekly: Kate Gosselin's kids "extremely excited" for TLC special: http://t.co/cYMjfd7Iq4”

Amy2 said... 92

Thinking out loud.

Five babies were born to the Michelle and Steven Seals at Baylor Medical Center. They have a two year old already. Here's what I wonder. What kind of backlash HOM parents get from the antics of Octomom and Kate. What I'm driving at is do nice, hardworking HOM parents who would like to receive and be grateful they receive financial, gifts, volunteer help from their community not receive them because of Octomom and Kate? I know absolutely nothing about the Seals and only assuming they are nice people. But do you get what I'm driving at?

These two yahoos may have "tainted" the HOM pool for others. When the McCauhey's came along in 1997, they were nice people who were grateful for what they received and thanked everyone. People were amazed that so many babies were born at one time and wanted to help. Then came Kate who redefined the word greed all in the name of her children. Octomom has her own set of problems that just makes my head spin.

What impact, if any, has there been on HOM parents because of Octomom and Kate. Is assistance from the community less forthcoming because of these two?

As I said, just thinking out loud.

NJGal51 said... 93

During the press conference, Trump spoke about the fact that the show was on a brief hiatus from filming since he was too busy to film.
Which basically means that the show was originally cancelled and may or may not have been picked up for another season and The Donald is still working on the details becasue if it is filmed it may never see the light of day.

Tucker's Mom said... 94

"I mean, everybody is entitled to their opinions," she tells Us. "I don't let it bother me or affect me that much. I'm led by my gut, my heart, and doing what I've always set out to do as a parent."

Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/kate-gosselins-kids-extremely-excited-tlc-special-jon-gosselin-doesnt-approve-2014203#ixzz2wXoFnXte
Follow us: @usweekly on Twitter | usweekly on Facebook

Wow, Jon, does it make you feel better that Kate thinks you're entitled to an opinion? I mean, she doesn't give a shit what it is, but you're entitled to have it.
What a auspicious dispensation!

My God, these quotes make her look insane!
But by all means Kate, invoke the "preemies"! They weren't at all Jon's little babies that you were carrying, just YOURS, ALL YOURS.


Sketchy Gosselin said... 95

Kart is quoted in the US Magazine article as saying:

"Certainly in my case -- and even if it wasn't the case -- I fought for every day of all eight of my preemies' lives and so certainly once they're born I'm staying that course," Kate added. "We weather that and deal with that as we need to. I try to look at positives in every negative, and the positive there is just life skills . . . that we've learned to deal with different personalities."

She is a talking contradiction: "Certainly in my case -- and even if it wasn't the case" - WTF?

Formerly Duped said... 96

"Kate's not obligated to tell him anything." (Jon's team had no comment to issue at this time.)"

Why on earth would Jon have no say in the matter? They are his children, too. I know it's just an US article but it certainly seems that Kate gets what Kate wants and Jon never does re: the kids.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 97

The Donald's too busy eh? That sounds like industry speak for the show's fate is up in the air.

Rhymes with Witch said... 98


We (here) all know that this is an OLD story with a new date - today's.
Many of the negative stories about Jon have been recycled as well.
The sheeple pee their pants in their excitement, but it's meaningless. It just gives them more laundry to do.

Tucker's Mom said... 99

Wow, that US article!
Hey, Jon! Kate just sent you a big F-U!

Do judges actually allow dads to be THIS marginalized?

TLC stinks said... 100

Could Kate be the issue with CA announcement? She backed out?

LaLaLandNoMore said... 101

Thank you all for trying to answer my questions. I am still wondering how on earth a father of 8 children could avoid child support? Never heard of it before. A deal must have been struck that we just do not know about. Jon does not get a pass from me, but I will say he is more likeable than TFW. Jon, I believe, was gob-smacked by the divorce and turned to the wrong women/people for comfort. He was a sad case for a time and allowed TFW to really take over.

My dear husband believes that anyone who buys a magazine, writes in a blog, or views TLC Gosselin programs is helping keep TFW on the air. She doesn't deserve the attention or the money. There is no attraction, talent, personality, or redeeming qualities to this woman. I suppose she and her financial success at the feet of her children is an example of what is unfair in the universe. Again I say, "TFW is not likeable." I cannot think of anyone I know that would enjoy hearing about another Gosselin expensive vacation, home, or plastic surgery. It is and always has been about TFW. By the way, I saw a copy of the book by Kenny and Bobby Mc from Iowa, with the septuplets, today at a second hand shop. That is the book we are told started TFW on her quest for multiples. That is the book we are told TFW carried around with her. I flipped through the pages and it certainly reminded me of "Multiple Blessings" I saw at the Dollar store. Bobby and Kenny's book is bigger w/section of colored pictures. They, too, benefitted for a time from the kindness of strangers, but that ended. Their 8 kids are their responsibility.

Admin, you do a great job here and I look forward to any recap you write. Thank you.

TLC stinks said... 102

US magazine:

"They cheered like crazy. It was like I announced that it's Christmas tomorrow," Kate, 38, tells Us. "Our crew walked in and it was like they had never left."

Dad Jon Gosselin, however, is not cheering. "He thinks it is a really bad idea for his kids," a source tells Us. "Jon feels he has his kids' best interest at heart."

Kate, 38, apparently didn't need Jon's permission, however, to put their children -- twins Cara and Mady, 13, and sextuplets, Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel, 9 -- back on TV. "Jon didn't have to give his consent for their kids to tape the TLC special," the source explains. "Kate's not obligated to tell him anything." (Jon's team had no comment to issue at this time.)

Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/kate-gosselins-kids-extremely-excited-tlc-special-jon-gosselin-doesnt-approve-2014203#ixzz2wXxRsQEk
Follow us: @usweekly on Twitter | usweekly on Facebook


If what is reported is correct, then they filmed over spring break, without Jon's permission.

She made it sound like the crew was the old crew but of course, it's not. I agree she did not tell the kids so Jon would not know, then those kids got a big spring break surprise and I doubt they cheered. I hope Jon's attorney or some witness can speak to their actual feelings and reactions to be being deceived by their mother and forced to film. This is her MO. She did the same thing with Slut Swap. Surprise, kiddies! You have a new mommy for a week and you get filmed!

PatK said... 103

I do believe the Katie Gosselin PR Machine has been ramping up these stories to get interest worked up for her upcoming tv appearances like nothing else we've ever seen. A tabloid blurb here, a tab magazine interview there, re-runs of K&8 and the infamous Wife Swap...even possibly the timing of the Katie Couric re-run to coincide with The Donald's not-an-announcement.

Some firm is sure earning their percentage from K8 right now. And I'll bet she's dancing around the McMansion singing to Zorro like Snow White sang to the birds perched on her finger. (It WAS Snow White, right? lol)

PatK said... 104

TLC stinks said... 94
Could Kate be the issue with CA announcement? She backed out?


That's the funniest thing I've read all day! Not.A.Chance.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 105

Here's TFW's quote about Jon not wanting his kids on TV: "I mean, everybody is entitled to their opinions." Like he's the freakin' Fuller
Brush man weighing in on something that's none of his business.
The level of disrespect is off the charts.

localyocul said... 106

If what is reported is correct, then they filmed over spring break, without Jon's permission.


Yep That's what I gleaned. What a see you next Tuesday

AuntieAnn said... 107

"Certainly in my case -- and even if it wasn't the case -- I fought for every day of all eight of my preemies' lives and so certainly once they're born I'm staying that course," Kate added.


Same old story. She 'fought' every day. Bullshit. She laid on her flat butt and barked orders to the hospital staff for two hundred weeks or whatever.

For crying out loud Kate, make up a new lie. That one's getting old.

prairiemary said... 108

So when will we know if season 2014 of CA will be taped or not?

getofftwitter said... 109

I was right about one thing: Kate does not tell Jon anything, not even probably for safety reason, (like I'll be out of town, on such & such, the kids will be with such & such). I do remember on the RV trip Kate said it then, she does not tell the kids about anything, or where they are going, or what they are going to be doing, so they can not object to it. I think in that article she said the kids were surprised to see the old film crew, since she had not told them, so Jon would not know. Kate is a underhanded sneak.
What ever Jon signed in the custody agreement originally, he has probably been trying to get it changed, unsuccessfully. And besides, I think Kate will do what she wants with her "BRAND/MERCHANDISE" (the kids), no matter what the custody agreement says, the Court says, Jon says, or the public says. Kate OWNS (in her mind) her kids, she carried them, bore them, "she fights for them!( lol)" they are her toys.

Take them down from the shelf, dress them alike, wind them up, show how they perform(like a circus act), then when done, put them back on the shelf, for next time.

Kate does live in her lala twisted land world. JMO!

localyocul said... 110

If she surprised the kids then we may see their true sullen selves. I wonder how much fighting and cajoling it took to get the kids to be happy for the show. I guess that explains the Toys R Us sighting that week.

localyocul said... 111

If I were C and M I would be demanding my share be put in a special account toward a car at 16.

Turtle Logic said... 112

One way for Jon (or any parent) to avoid child support:

Kate makes more $$ than him. A LOT more. She was filming Kate plus 8, traveling for book signings, getting tons of freebies (which counts as income) and Jon worked at a restaurant. If her income was in the millions, and his was barely over minimum wage, and they have shared custody, he wouldn't be paying anything. The formula that calculates child support wouldn't work in her favor. If she gets tons of $$$ for this new special, she may end up owing him!

Also, as has been stated before, the parties can agree on zero. Boom, no child support.

getofftwitter said... 113

Has anyone notice how quiet Kate has become, the last 2 days and how quiet her timeline is. No bragging about TLC special, no admitting either way to CA. And why is Trump, holding a press conference, then tells the press not to say anything. Maybe, the person here who said , may cause of Kate, changed her mind?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 114

"I mean, everybody is entitled to their opinions," she tells Us. "I don't let it bother me or affect me that much. I'm led by my gut, my heart, and doing what I've always set out to do as a parent."

This is probably the only true thing she's ever said. Yes, she's doing what she has always set out to do as a parent -- exploit her kids, trot them out as a circus act -- anything which will make HER a celebrity and bring in the money to sustain that lifestyle at the expense of her children's privacy and well-being.

She makes me so sick I could just spit. I'm usually a very calm, easy-going, laid-back person, not much bothers me, but her total disregard for his feelings, treating him like dirt beneath her feet, the "I'll do whatever I want to do" FU stance is enough to gag a maggot. She's disgusting. Actually, more than disgusting. Despicable.

"All of them would be experiencing serious problems if they had never had a show or shows because it is their mom and dads actions and neglect"


Jon neglected the kids? In what way?

getofftwitter said... 115

OK, Kates fans, right from your idols mouth:" I mean everybody is entitled to their opinions" So, stop tryin to tell us critics to shut up, were entitled to our opinion, your idol Kate Gosselin said so to US mag! Put that in your freakin hat and smoke it!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 116

Olivia Weber ‏@liviaalex 14m
@Kateplusmy8 can't wait to see the kids on TV in June!!! I've been following them for 9 years, I was 14, now almost 25, pleaseeee RT!!!

I guess math wasn't her best subject in school.

Turtle Logic said... 117

So Donald Trump held a "press conference," but the attendees can't release the information?

Um, I thought the whole purpose of a press conference WAS the release of info? If he didn't want anyone to spill the beans, he should have cancelled or postponed the alleged press conference to the date he wanted the info released.

Or maybe there was no press conference? Only a couple of gossip-type sites are reporting it. NBC.com has nothing, even in the "Upcoming Shows" section.

sparkle said... 118

"I mean, everybody is entitled to their opinions," she tells Us. "I don't let it bother me or affect me that much. I'm led by my gut, my heart, and doing what I've always set out to do as a parent." -Kate Gosselin

This from the woman who has gone to very great and very shady lengths to muzzle ANYONE who voices an opinion about her.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 119

I know some people don't like the Donald but this is why I kind of enjoy him. A press conference but shhh it's a secret don't tell! And it may or may not happen shhh don't tell. I don't know, he's funny to me. I have to admit I really would have preferred to have an answer about this today so the speculation can stop. But that's Donald for ya!

Anonymous said... 120

Admin., We know when the Gosselins got divorced that Kate received primary custody. But lately it has been said that Jon does NOT have legal custody. When was it when he stopped having legal custody?
I posted this earlier. Admin., if you could answer this, I would appreciate it.

Kate trashes the tabloid magazines (they tell lies about her) when they publish negative things about her. According to Kate on Katie today, the reason she is hated is because the tabloids write lies about her. But these same magazines (US) are good enough for her to talk to get her messages out that she wants the public to believe. She can't have it both ways. Hey Kate, does US lie and trash you with their negative stories or are they a great magazine because they report what you want them to report (today's TLC article).

Tucker's Mom post #94, what a great comments. In fact, so great I will re-post some of it here: "Wow, Jon, does it make you feel better that Kate thinks you're entitled to an opinion? I mean, she doesn't give a shit what it is, but you're entitled to have it. What a auspicious dispensation! My God, these quotes make her look insane!
But by all means Kate, invoke the "preemies"! They weren't at all Jon's little babies that you were carrying, just YOURS, ALL YOURS.

All This Is That said... 121

I wonder if the Department of Labor was informed of this, and if the work permits were obtained and a set teacher was present.

sparkle said... 122

getofftwitter said... 113
Has anyone notice how quiet Kate has become, the last 2 days and how quiet her timeline is. No bragging about TLC special, no admitting either way to CA. And why is Trump, holding a press conference, then tells the press not to say anything. Maybe, the person here who said , may cause of Kate, changed her mind?

I can't help but wonder if Kate went to court to ask that her rotation of nannies take care of the kids instead of Jon. He may not have rendered his decision, therefore holding up the announcements. If the judge should shoot this down and give Jon total care, I don't think she would do the show. She would never give him that access. JMO (just my observation)

localyocul said... 123

Turtle Logic said... 112
One way for Jon (or any parent) to avoid child support:

Kate makes more $$ than him. A LOT more. She was filming Kate plus 8, traveling for book signings, getting tons of freebies (which counts as income) and Jon worked at a restaurant. If her income was in the millions, and his was barely over minimum wage, and they have shared custody, he wouldn't be paying anything. The formula that calculates child support wouldn't work in her favor. If she gets tons of $$$ for this new special, she may end up owing him!

Also, as has been stated before, the parties can agree on zero. Boom, no child support.


Yes, they basically plug in each's income (if no steady paycheck they take paystubs from last 6 months), add them together and tally what percent of the total each is responsible for. Then they take into account health insurance payments, other stuff and apply it to the forumula. If she's making millions and he's making thousands, his percentage would be very small. They also take into account the percentage of time the kid(s) are with each one. I've always made more than my ex but since I have my daughter primarily, he has always paid child support. I can see where Jon's would be very small anyway but our enforcement officer told us after she calculated the amount that that amount would be enforced unless we agreed on another amount, upwards or down to zero.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 124

"I don't let it bother me or affect me that much


Of course it doesn't bother her, she doesn't want to listen to ANYONE no matter how much they've tried to help or how sincere their concern. It's her way or the highway and if you aren't on her way you're cut off, just like that. Her stubbornness is unbelievable. Grow up.

localyocul said... 125

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 123
"I don't let it bother me or affect me that much


Of course it doesn't bother her, she doesn't want to listen to ANYONE no matter how much they've tried to help or how sincere their concern. It's her way or the highway and if you aren't on her way you're cut off, just like that. Her stubbornness is unbelievable. Grow up.


There's a clip from one of the J and K plus 8 that shows them reading their emails. K8 says that when they get negative emails they just delete, don't even read them. She goes "sorry you're unhappy goodbye". That was in the early days.

Tucker's Mom said... 126

But that's Donald for ya!
I particularly enjoy his political absurdisms!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 127

I mean I'll admit it, his fight with Rosie Odonnell was hysterical. She got so mad lol!

NJGal51 said... 128

"Certainly in my case -- and even if it wasn't the case -- I fought for every day of all eight of my preemies' lives and so certainly once they're born I'm staying that course," Kate added.
She is still speaking in code. "In my case and even if it wasn't the case"? WTF! Ether it was or it wasn't the case.

Tucker's Mom said... 129

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 127
I mean I'll admit it, his fight with Rosie Odonnell was hysterical. She got so mad lol!
March 20, 2014 at 6:13 PM
Rosie's a piece of work- but her impression of The Donald was hysterical!
She nailed it.

Tucker's Mom said... 130

Kate's defensiveness in the US article is evidence that the backlash has begun. She is not doing this TLC special in a vacuum- she's doing it against the express wishes of Jon.
We're not talking about one parent not wanting vaccinations and one wanting them, or one parent wanted a blood transfusion and one saying it's against their religion.
We're talking about something that is in no way, shape, or form necessary for the children, so Kate digging in her feet over putting her kids back on the boob tube makes her look petty, stubborn and a misandrist among misandrist.

This goes so far beyond the backlash with the Today show- this is post Today show, and that changed the game.
I think the more she films the kids, the more she will look like a hateful, spiteful bitch.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 131

It also always bothers me the way she acts like such a martyr for going on bed rest. Like no one else could possibly ever have done what she did.

Um if you don't want to do those things don't get pregnant. When you choose to get pregnant, you sign up for taking good care of the baby or babies. You have to change your diet, quit some things you may like, slow down, go to the doctor all the time, follow doctor's orders and keep tabs on things. And that might include bed rest at some point. You don't get a medal for doing what you're SUPPOSED to do, what any good mother would do.

Tucker's Mom said... 132

Just invoking her "preemies" shows her desperation to justify what she's doing.
I mean, she is really, really, REALLY reaching here.

Given Jon's record with US magazine (seems like a good relationship), me thinks perhaps US was baiting Kate and giving her enough rope to hang herself.

Tucker's Mom said... 133

Also, Kate actually seems to believe that by her sheer will, and sheer will along, those tups made it in her belly as long as they did.
It took a team of amazing and dedicated professionals to bring those babies into the world, yet Kate claims all the glory to herself.
But for those people who handled the MESS Kate, or Karen Kauffman, made, the outcome could have been very, very different.
Frankly, I find her part in the conception to be ignorant at least, and recklessly endangering at worst.
Kate played with fire, and got lucky.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 134

Just invoking her "preemies" shows her desperation to justify what she's doing.
I mean, she is really, really, REALLY reaching here.


Exactly. It's really pathetic. Like oh just so you know there were premies involved here. Yeah, TEN YEARs ago!

Like it's not okay to ever criticize anyone as long as there are premies involved, poor me these mean people and those precious babies. She has nothing else.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 135

And about those 8 preemies...2 of them were born 13 years ago. So again, TFW's language is carefully crafted for maximum pity.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 136

Great question, Tucker's mom. Hard to believe how Jon and his feelings about serious decisions re: his children are brushed aside. TFW is showing us that she wanted the kids, but she may have never truly wanted him for longer than it took to have said kids. I was told once long ago that the Court "does not dictate morals." The Gosselin saga is a prime example. We just do not know it all and may never have our questions answered. We just know what we see of TFW's actions and that is not pretty. How is exploitation ever pretty?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 137

I think it does look to most reasonable people very spiteful, stubborn, and petty. She is acknowledging the criticism but saying her take on it is whatever F-U. Especially when there is no reason to do the special, as we can all get plenty of updates on the kids via Twitter.

She looks hellbent, and that's not very attractive usually.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 138

I hope the set teacher makes Kate miserable. I hope she drives her crazy. I hope she makes filming such a pain in the ass for her Kate won't want to bother anymore.

Mel said... 139

Wanna bet on how pleasant those Gosselin kids were to the set teacher?

Non-stop fighting, sassy, attitude....while their mother says, oh don't bother me about it, I'm getting my make-up done, figure it out yourself Miss Set Teacher.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 140

Poor Gladys...she's probably been waiting all day for the CA news
with 2 tweets at the ready: "Donald knows talent when he sees it!
Watch out boardroom -- here comes Missy Kate! #AlwaysAWinner" Or, if TFW isn't on: "Naturally Kate had to say no - 8 little hearts to take care of 24/7! #NoHelpFromEx"

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 141

I'm betting the kids will find filming is suddenly not fun anymore when they have to spend the whole time in SCHOOL with a set teacher.

I've been on two separate sets for children and there's very little play time. You either are with the teacher or you're working for the cameras. The kids I were with loved her but they had known her for many years and they loved school, they were rather unusual as kids who are on TV tend to be.

And you can't get away with day dreaming or screwing around like in school because it's just you and maybe a few other kids and the teacher.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 142

Poor Gladys...she's probably been waiting all day for the CA news
with 2 tweets at the ready: "Donald knows talent when he sees it!
Watch out boardroom -- here comes Missy Kate! #AlwaysAWinner" Or, if TFW isn't on: "Naturally Kate had to say no - 8 little hearts to take care of 24/7! #NoHelpFromEx"


LOL exactly. No matter what the situation, her queen comes out on top. It's amazing. Just get married already! Those are so spot on I'd never be able to tell they are fake!

Susie Cincinnati said... 143

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 4h
Who cares what #JonGosselin has to say about @Kateplusmy8 and her kids doing a special?

If this isn't the dumbest of the sheeple, she's certainly in contention for the title.

NJGal51 said... 144

Y'all are giving TFW way too much credit. I can't see that The Donald would hold off on anything because of her. If she signed on the dotted line and then tried to back out he'd sue her ass. His pockets are much deeper than hers will ever be. Either the fate of the show is still up in the air or he doesn't have enough D-list celebrities signed up and you can only watch so many Z-listers like TFW. If the show does air I'm pretty sure that this will be the last season.

getofftwitter said... 145

Admin: Perhaps as many have said here, & I think, Kate already filmed, last week during spring break, and may be filming a little more now. That is possibly why she has been so quiet. It's been 2 days and not a peep.

sparkle said... 146

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 141
I'm betting the kids will find filming is suddenly not fun anymore when they have to spend the whole time in SCHOOL with a set teacher.

I've been on two separate sets for children and there's very little play time. You either are with the teacher or you're working for the cameras. The kids I were with loved her but they had known her for many years and they loved school, they were rather unusual as kids who are on TV tend to be.

And you can't get away with day dreaming or screwing around like in school because it's just you and maybe a few other kids and the teacher

Since it was their week off, would they still have needed a set teacher? What about summer filming?

I personally see Kate treating these state mandates like she handles other laws and restrictions put in her path- with a one finger salute.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 147

Since it was their week off, would they still have needed a set teacher? What about summer filming?


A set teacher is required on PA sets now at all times, vacation or not. I believe the amount of hours they work and the amount of school they are required to do can vary if they are on at least summer break. We filmed on a Saturday and the kids were with the set teacher most of the day because it was the school year.

A set teacher does more than teach them algebra. She is required to look out for their best interests. For instance there was a scene where a child had to run into a tree, and even though they had about four feet of padding all over the tree and a mat on the ground, she stood right next to him just off camera and inspected everything and worked with the director to make sure it was 100% safe. She also stood there with a stopwatch making sure they didn't go over their hours. She did a good job. So even if she is only required to do a few hours of school she's still going to be a heavy presence on set involved with production. Welcome to child labor laws, Kate. Enjoy it!

Lanc Native said... 148

So even if she is only required to do a few hours of school she's still going to be a heavy presence on set involved with production. Welcome to child labor laws, Kate. Enjoy it!


Yes, if she and TLC didn't try to sneak this one past the child labor law requirements. They did it before, but weren't penalized for it. However, they were warned that if they tried this again, there would be serious fines and penalties,

AuntieAnn said... 149

NJGal51 said... 144

Y'all are giving TFW way too much credit. I can't see that The Donald would hold off on anything because of her


Totally agree. Trump knows how to play the media game. This pause in the announcement isn't about Kate, it's about HIS show.

'Make 'em wait so people will wonder. Curiosity will bring them in.'

He's doing what he wants the celebs do on projects - get people interested in the product. Sell, sell, sell.

Damn, he's good.

Sad but true said... 150

If she managed to film them over spring break, as it sounds that she did (meaning it's already OVER), would there have been a need for a set teacher? I wonder if they'll fake a 10th birthday party for the kids, just for old times' sake. Or maybe there's another round of filming scheduled when/if she gets done with CA.

I don't believe for a second that the people who showed up were "our crew." She's gonna have to prove that one (and thank heaven for IMDB). As for the rest of her comments--the nonsensical double-speak is over the top. It either is or it isn't the case, there is no "even if it wasn't the case"?!!? It sounds as if she's invented so much of her past, SHE's not even sure about it anymore. I guess her mouth runs on the theory that most of America won't be paying close attention. And I guess she'd be right about that.

AuntieAnn said... 151

Watch out boardroom -- here comes Missy Kate!


Yes, Milo. She's by far more savvy than Piers Morgan and Trace Atkins. She's had SO much more experience in the industry than Joan Rivers. She can outsmart all of them.

Good heavens. Everybody duck! Here comes what's her name.


PatK said... 152

I don't know for sure, of course, but my gut feeling is that there is/was no set teacher. I'm even doubtful about a filming permit.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 153

My mistake, unfortunately a set teacher is only required in PA when the child misses school. In CA, a set teacher is required at all times, regardless whether school is in session or not. So foiled again, they can get around these pesky child labor laws by making sure the kids are only worked when they have days off. It's better than no set teacher at all I suppose.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 154

LOL exactly. No matter what the situation, her queen comes out on top. It's amazing. Just get married already!


But would Kate enforce the mandatory "lights out at 11" rule?

AuntieAnn said... 155

So foiled again, they can get around these pesky child labor laws by making sure the kids are only worked when they have days off. It's better than no set teacher at all I suppose.


Yep. Put them to work on their days off from school. That's why she had them in the first place. No set teacher is going to interfere with her plans either. Bitch.

Susantoyota said... 156

sparkle said... 122

I can't help but wonder if Kate went to court to ask that her rotation of nannies take care of the kids instead of Jon. He may not have rendered his decision, therefore holding up the announcements. If the judge should shoot this down and give Jon total care, I don't think she would do the show. She would never give him that access. JMO (just my observation.
Very interesting theory Sparkle. I tend to agree that TFMJG went to court to ask that the nannies take care of the kids so she can maintain her control over them, but also agree with several people upthread that the Donald is not waiting to announce the CA cast because of her. He probably has a couple Z-listers on deck and doesn't need TFMJG as much as she needs him. She's probably stomping and shrieking waiting on the judge's decision, especially since there's a couple desperate housewives rumored to be in the CA cast. How dare Jon and/or the judge mess with her plans to remain in control, be back on prime time Teevee and to become best buddies with the desperate housewives?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 157

I know Murt did everything he could to put in restrictive laws but still get them passed.

But if you think about it the way they are written, you could put a kid in school all week, work them all weekend, put them in school all the next week, work them all the next weekend and continue to do this on and on without any need for a set teacher or giving a kid any break. You could potentially work them to death 7 days a week. Now I would hope that most people with a heart would never do that, but it seems legal under the new law. Of course you do still need a permit so it's possible schools wouldn't approve such a schedule.

This is why I've suggested before a lifetime limit on hours or "episodes" in front of the camera on reality t.v. as a minor is a creative solution. Once you hit that max, you're done, you can't film anymore. I would suggest 100 episodes and then you're done until 18.

Lanc Native said... 158

So foiled again, they can get around these pesky child labor laws by making sure the kids are only worked when they have days off. It's better than no set teacher at all I suppose.


I think that they still have to have work permits regardless if school is in session or not, and they do have to observe the number of hours worked, and the times they work.

Millicent said... 159

Admin said:
Um if you don't want to do those things don't get pregnant. When you choose to get pregnant, you sign up for taking good care of the baby or babies
Exactly. But with Kate, as always -- it is all about her and her exaggerated opinion of her "heroic" self.

Millicent said... 160

Amy2 said:
Five babies were born to the Michelle and Steven Seals at Baylor Medical Center. They have a two year old already. Here's what I wonder. What kind of backlash HOM parents get from the antics of Octomom and Kate. What I'm driving at is do nice, hardworking HOM parents who would like to receive and be grateful they receive financial, gifts, volunteer help from their community not receive them because of Octomom and Kate? I know absolutely nothing about the Seals and only assuming they are nice people. But do you get what I'm driving at?
I am sure there will still be plenty of people in any community that will want to reach out to families who suddenly face special needs, like the one you described.

I do not do so myself, but not because of Kate or Octomom. I live on a strict budget and I budget so much for charity, divided between three charities. So each year, those three charities receive a one time donation from me. Then I've used up my budgeted amount for charity, except for the dollars I give to panhandlers from time to time.

I have never expected strangers to help me out financially. If I were to take fertility treatments and end up pregnant with multiples, I still wouldn't ask strangers to help support me or my kids. That's just my own personal viewpoint. (I think I read somewhere that one of Kate's sisters was going to adopt a child from another country and set up a paypal account for people to donate to defray the cost - that's also something I would never donate to.)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 161

Maybe Kate was advising Trump on how best to handle PR.

For instance, say you have a really big announcement that will be just wonderful everyone please show up and tune in, but DO NOT tell anyone what it is. Be a TEASE, people love this. Not-an-announcement.

Millicent said... 162

psych major said:
because it is their mom and dads actions and neglect not cameras and fame that messed them up. The tv side just exaserbated problems that already exisited.
Curious to know more specifically what "actions and neglect" you are referring to. I agree that their mother is a nightmare and she would have caused them extreme problems whether they had a tv show or not. Not sure about Jon though, as he was the hands-on parent and the only one who showed the children love and affection. So neglect? Other actions? Please share if you feel comfortable doing so.

prairiemary said... 163

Well I was on twitter for a short time, but made myself sign out, because I was getting a little too passionate, and did now want to be kicked off, just because of tfw.
So then I wander over to TLC, to read comments, and the story is no where to be found. I did look everywhere, even used their search, but nothing about this new catch-up show came up. Did anyone else see it?

prairiemary said... 164

Does anyone know if someone can find a work permit for TLC filming the kids for the June special? Is it public record?

Ingrid said... 165

It blows my mind that in PA the kids don't need a set teacher when off school if that set teacher is responsible for their well-being besides school stuff. Perhaps they should call it something else besides 'teacher' like set guardian and make it mandatory any time children are filming. Can Mr Murt or someone push to change the laws after seeing how it is not written well?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 166


LOL you all need to see this. PA maintains a rolling list of rejected personalized plates. Look at the first one! Nah, that couldn't have been Kate who applied for that one....could it? :)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 167

I'm currently on a legislative committee with an organization I belong to that currently has a bill pending in the CA legislature. This is the first time I've done it. It's been a lot of fun but very eye opening. We've been through probably a hundred drafts of what we're trying to accomplish. And we don't WRITE the bill, we come up with an "idea" for the bill and then seek sponsors and if we can get a senator on board to sponsor it (we did) their office writes it, with numerous teleconference guidance from us.

I'm not at all surprised the PA legislation is not "perfect." It's a vast improvement. But they needed to build support for it and that was not an easy battle to win. I think Murt was caught between a rock and a hard place where he and his supporters just wanted a set teacher on set at least SOME of the time, especially when the kids were supposed to be in school. I suspect he was pretty sure if he shot for the moon and said set teacher on set at all times even when there was no school, there would be more resistance. Better to have him/her there some of the time than none. I think this is a baby steps process, and once the entertainment industry in PA gets acclimated to this change and realizes it's not going to destroy them, maybe more changes can be made. I just think Murt realized that he's not going to be able to go from Z to A and expect this thing to pass.

Berks Neighbor said... 168

TFW's entire twitter feed is bot after bot with the same "kids are excited about fiming" crap. DESPERATION. I've never seen any celebrity with this type of bot action.
First of all it's bad marketing. Twitter is meant for interacting with others, you give an opinion, someone else reads and responds. Buying twitter bots to push your message doesn't get you trending.
The only way you start to trend is when 'real' people on twitter send up a tweet. The top trends are usually paid advertisements and they are noted by such with a little symbol.

She's such a pathetic loser, her followers are at least 3/4 inactive or fake/paid for and with the exception of the 6 sheeple and handful of haters she really only gets an occasional shoutout from the others, either good or mocking. And then her twitter feed is piled high with garbage Bots. #desperatemuch ?

Localyocul said... 169

This goes so far beyond the backlash with the Today show- this is post Today show, and that changed the game.
I think the more she films the kids, the more she will look like a hateful, spiteful bitch


It IS a game changer for sure. People have her number:

@iRexRedBird: @Kateplusmy8 You're just doing it to keep yourself out there. We know damn well you aren't doing this for your kids. #KatePlus8

Carole said... 170

I'm betting the kids will find filming is suddenly not fun anymore when they have to spend the whole time in SCHOOL with a set teacher.

I totally agree that their opinion about the fun filming would completely change IF the DOL rules are followed. She and TLC thumbed their noses @ this years ago and I see them doing the same thing again. What's that old saying - it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission?

My mistake, unfortunately a set teacher is only required in PA when the child misses school. In CA, a set teacher is required at all times, regardless whether school is in session or not.

WHAT? No one is on set to check for safety or that filming and rest hours are followed, etc if it's on weekends or breaks? Good grief, as Figure 8 and J&K proved, leaving the production company and parents in charge doesn't work!!

Carole said... 171

I wander over to TLC, to read comments, and the story is no where to be found. I did look everywhere, even used their search, but nothing about this new catch-up show came up. Did anyone else see it?

Primarymary -
The announcement about the update show is on TLC's FB page. https://www.facebook.com/TLC Scroll down to the post on March 18. There are 1294 comments. You do not have to belong to FB to read posts or comments.

Carole said... 172

Y'all are giving TFW way too much credit. I can't see that The Donald would hold off on anything because of her. If she signed on the dotted line and then tried to back out he'd sue her ass.

Agree completely. He'd just pull another name from the hat and go on filming. I don't think he'd ask the rest of the cast to rearrange their whole schedule just to accommodate TFW. He'd simply plug in someone else. IF she's chosen, she'd not let anyone or anything interfere with filming.

Paula said... 173

That list of "stars" rumored for Celebrity Apprentice is really a sad list. If I were NBC I would tell Trump, go out and find some real celebrities...now.

Layla said... 174

I think filming for this special is going to be minimal. After flashbacks, Kate blathering endlessly in a couch interview, and commercials, there's not much time left to fill.
But Kate will start her media blitz all over again, just as if a series had just ended. She will stick her mug in front of every available camera to tell the world that they realized from this show just how much they all miss filming, that the kids miss the crew all over again, that the kids want a new show, and that her 10-year-olds want to know when they will get to go on a "hair-pane" again.She'll take the next few years to make the rounds begging for another show, invoking the kids at every turn. Then the tups will turn 13, and TLC will do a "tups become teens" special, and she'll start all over again. It will be an unending cycle until the last of the kids moves out on their own.

Winsomeone said... 175

At the time of the divorce and then the custody hearing, TLC needed Kate to have full control of the kids for filming purposes. I personally have always thought they bought that judge off..that is why Jon got screwed so badly. I think he will stay bought, and no matter what Jon does or doesn't do in the future, Kate will always remain in control of them.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 176

That list of "stars" rumored for Celebrity Apprentice is really a sad list. If I were NBC I would tell Trump, go out and find some real celebrities...now.


Agree, I don't think the networks are impressed. Back to the drawing board.

Plus if you think about it, Donald's statement that he is too busy to film REALLY doesn't make sense. Most of the celebs who sign on are busy and usually can only carve out a brief moment in time to film this show, which is one reason I think the show has such a backbreaking filming schedule, to try to accommodate as many big stars as possible. For him to suddenly say sorry I'm busy right now (especially when he was just tweeting how excited he was to start filming), risks losing all these celebs to other contractual obligations coming up. Heck you could lose half your cast because they'll just say well you told me this was filming in March and April, I can't push this out because May for me is packed, I'm out.

Something just doesn't add up.

Localyocul said... 177

Or like this person who seems to be a big Jen Arnold fan:

@DanitaSmith1: @TLC PLEASE I BEG YOU.. take Kate Gosselin off your lineup. WE ARE OVER HER. SHE is her own fan NOT ours. I, like many, refuse to watch that

TLC stinks said... 178

99% of the 1,295 comments regarding the Gosselin update on TLC's Facebook page are negative. At this rate in a few months, TLC may really need to rethink their programming decisions.

localyocul said... 179

Well, looky a new photo of TFW. Must have been taken the day someone tweeted about seeing her at ToysRUs. Look at the loot the kids earned. Oh, and look how tall Cara is.


Blowing In The Wind said... 180

TFW's entire twitter feed is bot after bot with the same "kids are excited about fiming" crap. DESPERATION. I've never seen any celebrity with this type of bot action.


I just saw that. Same thing. Hundreds of them. I wonder if Milo still thinks that these are all fans who love Kate, and the mere mention of her name puts them all in ecstasy. She said many times that Kate would never buy bots.

FYI said... 181

CA usually films in the fall, and then airs in the spring. By "hiatus", I think Donald was trying to explain why the show wasn't filmed last fall, and used his "busyness" as an excuse. Last year, NBC seemed to be on the fence whether they would renew it for another season and only announced recently that it would be renewed. Thus the reason for the change in the filming schedule.

I don't know why everything is so hush-hush about the official announcement. It's seems stupid to have a press conference, but then have everyone there sworn to secrecy about it.

Perhaps, it's an NBC thing, also. Maybe they don't want it officially announced until they have a set start date for the show to air, but since all these casting rumors have been swirling about, maybe they figured they needed to do something to appease the press to stop all the rumor speculation, and of course, build up the suspense.

Now the press can say "we know something, you don't know"--like the article that said they can't confirm or deny any of the rumors.

Lalalalala said... 182

localyocul said... 179

Well, looky a new photo of TFW. Must have been taken the day someone tweeted about seeing her at ToysRUs. Look at the loot the kids earned. Oh, and look how tall Cara is.



Hey Kate! I'd think twice about using those leggings like their a pair of jeans. I can see ALL your anatomy! LOL!

TLC stinks said... 183

Thanks for that, local. She obviously was expecting that pap with the makeup and full head of hair, LOL. Nothing like buying off the kids for filming. Notice that Cara is walking behind mom, head down, trying to disappear (cannot imagine what would interest a 13 year old anyway at ToysRUs). I wonder if those shots were part of the filming? Was I imagining it, but look at the tup girl pictured right. . . does she have lipstick on?

Oh, and "camel toe" stretch pants are not flattering (unless Steve is around).

Formerly Duped said... 184

localyocul said... 179
Thanks for the pic link. Kate has her extensions on; I guess she was expecting paps and ' chaos to ensue' While trips to the toy store are fine, I think TFW does bribe. For example, I think those DL concert tix were in exchange for the People and TV interviews and a little 'coaching' for the twins. The 'littles' if I had to guess, received things to occupy them in spring break and for filming the special and memorizing their own 'lines'. JMO, could be an innocent fun outing. Or they could be gifts- Collin's bag looks like there are Teletubbies on the contents? But Joel's looks like a Lego box in shape.

Tucker's Mom said... 185

Watching Hoda and Kathy Lee on the Today Show.
They're interviewing a 12 yo young lady who won a Kraft baking contest for inventing an amazing cookie using their products.
She appeared all by herself, was poised, articulate, sweet, attentive and even smiled through Kathy Lee's corny joke!

I bet her mom had nothing but praise for her backstage. Mom should be proud.

BTW, the young lady won a 25K scholarship!
Now, why, if Kate is such a magical home chef, hasn't she tried to help her daughters do this?
Oh, right...that would put her OUT of the spotlight.

(I'm also betting that this 12 yo hasn't spent a lifetime with cameras, but she was a natural)

TLC stinks said... 186

I am mistaken about the lipstick (tup girl in blue jacket). She just has prettier features.

Mady got cut off on the end. I cannot believe Kate is parading out all eight unless it is planned for the pap, INF Photo.

Anonymous said... 187



Seriously? She's making almost-10-year olds hold hands? Ugh!


FYI said... 188

As far as the upd8 special goes, I too think it will be most clips, interviews with Kate, and probably some stuff showing the kids doing they're normal routine, etc. That's what the finale of Kate plus 8 was like. It could also be similar to what they showed on Katie.

Last year, Katie tweeted when she went to film the kids at their home.
Katie Couric ‏@katiecouric · Sep 14
Guess who I spent the day w yesterday? Guess why I can't get out of bed today? #eightismorethanenough! pic.twitter.com/hPCj7mNLaN

They filmed on a Friday(probably after school). As far as I can remember, work permits are good for 6 months. So if the kids had work permits to film Katie, they would still be valid for filming in March. Which probably means that the update show was filmed over spring break.

I believe that according to PA law, only a parent or guardian has to be on set with the minor children if they are not filmed on a school day or if only one school day is involved.

So I think all PA's labor laws were followed. I think any network would make sure they had all their ducks in a row, especially TLC, before filming the Gosselin.

Just another thought. We don't know what Jon is or isn't doing behind the scenes. Perhaps, he couldn't stop the filming, but it may be possible that he could stop the show from being aired. Like I said--just a thought.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 189


Oh pap shot for sure - plastic face and fake hair, this is not the hair shoved up under a baseball cap caught at Bed Bath and Beyond. Buy off trip to Toys R Us for filming during spring break. These are also not the faces that 'shrieked with joy' at the return of the film crew. Shameful when she drags the kids out for a pap shot like that. And yes, leggings for pants, not a good luck either.

Call Me Crazy said... 190

localyocul said... 179

Well, looky a new photo of TFW. Must have been taken the day someone tweeted about seeing her at ToysRUs. Look at the loot the kids earned. Oh, and look how tall Cara is.


Hmmm. Very suspicious that Kate risked causing chaos by venturing out with ALL 8 kids in tow. And they are holding Babies R Us bags. I wonder if this was a special outing filmed for the TV update. Wouldn't it be outstanding to show how the happy, generous family was shopping for merchandise to donate to a worthy cause? And her long, flowing mane is all done up like she knew she was going to be photographed/filmed.

Dutch Tulip said... 191

She claims she never calls the paps.


Serendipity said... 192

It looks like one of the girls got Cuddles the Giggly Monkey (ages 4 and up), which sells for $64.99 at Toys R Us. She should have done her shopping at Christmas, when those were special buys with coupons. My little one wanted one, and we got it for $22.99 with discounts and a special deal! I guess she couldn't find a coupon for one on her site.

"Hey Kate! I'd think twice about using those leggings like their a pair of jeans. I can see ALL your anatomy! LOL!"


And someone in the Deep South, a big fan is droolin and slobberin, busy printing out the photo to put under her pillow. Ah, sweet dreams.

localyocul said... 193

Dutch Tulip said... 191
She claims she never calls the paps.



And she never talks to tabloids yet she talked to US Magazine

Amy2 said... 194

What I noticed about the pic was all the girls had boots but the boys only had sneakers. Shouldn't the boys have boots also if its cold enough to need them. Yep, it was a full blown pap picture. Everyone looking camera ready. Someone also did the girls hair. One of the girls has a nice bun, looking tidy.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 195

Lalalalala said... 182 Hey Kate! I'd think twice about using those leggings like their a pair of jeans. I can see ALL your anatomy! LOL!

When she works so hard eating Kate salads 3 times a day, she has earned the right to wear 'skinny clothes' don't you think? LOL. She is never seen in anything other than skinny jeans and leggings now. Maybe those are Mady's. She's got to keep skinny until Hollywood comes a knockin'. Or Mr. Right. What is taking him so long anyway? That's one hell of a dry spell. I suspect with this special coming up, Kate will be shown in full damage control mode. Look everyone! See how skinny I am, and beautiful and soft spoken, and introspective, and, why do you all hate me so much??? I just don't get it.

TLC stinks said... 196

Oh yeah, the BBB candid shot was priceless. It's like night and day comparison with the INF photos. Really? A pap knew they were shopping at ToysRUs?

The hand holding is a subtle clue to prove that they are a "family unit". It has nothing to do with safety in a parking lot where there is a camera crew shooting.

I wonder if TLC paid for the "toys"? Let's think about this. The show will air in June, after the tups' birthday in May. A fake film birthday outing? Gotta be because the show will be about the sextuplets turning 10. It's so obvious. The TLC formula never changes.

Pay attention to the bags and what you think you see inside. Will those be wrapped up as "surprise" birthday party gifts? Wanna bet?

FYI said... 197

celebitchy.com has an article based on ROL's article about Kate's rerun appearance on Katie. They wrote their take on some of the questions that Katie asked Kate. I like their synopsis of Kate's response to this question:

Twitter question: how does paparazzi know when Kate will be shopping in rural PA to get pics of her?

Kate's response:

[Laughs] I would not know how to contact… I have never spoken to any tabloids, called them, tipped off anybody. I know there are those who do that regularly. I have never done it. I would never put my kids in that kind of danger. That’s a downside of what we did and do. And um, definitely not.

Celebitchy's take:

So Kate’s main points are that she’s never called “the tabloids” (she never said she’s never called the paparazzi) because she’s so concerned about the safety of her kids, and that she’s not given in to Jon nor trash-talked him because “it’s still their dad.”

Kate may not have called “the tabloids,” but her argument is ridiculous when she’s made her kids famous by putting them on television, and is continuing to showcase them on tv and on the covers of magazines. If she was so concerned about their safety she would keep her children out of the spotlight.


BTW, when I first read the article earlier, they had an update at the bottom of the article, stating that the Katie Show was a rerun and wondered why ROL would do a story that was old news. That disclaimer is no longer there.

FYI said... 198

Regarding the disclaimer I mentioned in my post about Celebitchy. They removed the update, but added it to the body of the article:

"Kate appeared on the Katie Couric show earlier this week, it was a repeat of an interview that first aired in September, but Radar is reporting it like it’s new, and it’s new to me."

Paula said... 199

Well, the show ought to be a ratings hit! I mean, watching the Gossselin kids shop at Toys R Us - everyone will drop everything to watch!! It's too bad Jon won't be around to yell at...

Over In TFW's County said... 200

What I noticed about the pic was all the girls had boots but the boys only had sneakers. Shouldn't the boys have boots also if its cold enough to need them.


It's not that cold. It's been in the 40s and 50s. Boots for girls are a style thing, not necessarily for cold weather. Guys do the sneaker thing and can't be bothered with boots.

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