"Well, Mady is still defying her mom and in this clip from their 2-hour torture piece of a special, Sergeant Asshole McPlasticFace tells her child army that she (read: the producers) have all sorts of “fun things” planned for Spring Break. Nobody makes“fun things” sound like the opposite of fun the way Kate Gosselin does." Michael K., Dlisted
"Last we saw Reading’s own Kate Gosselin, she appeared alongside her daughters for a stoically angry Today show interview that promoted their upcoming return to TLC with Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10. Now, we’ve gotten a first look at the show, and it is similarly stoic and angry. Who would’ve thought?" Nick Vadala, Philly.com
"What TLC does not realize is they are showing Mady to be the normal one in the bunch; refusing to play along and act like everything is fine. Mady says; “we are not going to have fun." You can tell it is taking everything Kate has to not lose it. Good job, Mady. Let the world know how dysfunctional things really are." Miss Amia, Reality T.V. scandals
And finally a blogger at Kate's former employer, The Stir, called the stunt a "twisted trick":
"Kids test their parents' limits, and we need to set up boundaries and stick to them. It's GOOD to see Kate disciplining her kids without resorting to violence ('memba the wooden spoon incident?). That said, it seems a little odd to specifically buy something nice for your child with the intention of using it to punish them. For lack of a better word, it seems ... untrustworthy? It sounds like a Trojan Horse of parenting ... here kid, here's a gift, now I can use it to destroy you. Now, to be clear, that doesn't mean you shouldn't put limits on the use of gadgets because they are, after all, a privilege. But we are supposed to buy presents for our kids out of the goodness of our hearts, not with an ulterior motive! That's part of showing love and respect for our kids. And we all know respect is a two-way street." Jeanne Sager, The Stir
Great insight from all the above bloggers and that's only some of it.
1202 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1202 Newer› Newest»The thing with tfw is that she heard the term "find their currency" somewhere. She has all along, from the beginning, used "things" to torture and punish her kids, just "because". hello? Cupcakes?? Alaska??
So in her demented mind, she's thinking "aha-I'll sound intelligent and relatable by now "explaining" the phone punishment. "I bought them just for that reason" with the glare of a monster. We've seen this from when they were toddlers. This woman enjoys causing her kids pain, emotional and physical. She enjoys it. So she gives her best speeches, justifications and throws in things "unlike a lot of parents". How many couch sessions did we see this? No bitch, it doesn't fly with most parents.
Also wondering if she kept the couch setup/backdrop all intact these 3 years waiting and waiting for her comeback?
But spending hundreds of dollars just to punish your child seems stupid."
I'd use the word sadistic instead of stupid
Conspiracy. Massive Coverup. Lawsuits and Legal Threats. Exploitation. Fraud. Abuse. Animal Cruelty. Lies.
Read The Book that two of the most powerful law firms in the country have tried to stop from being published.
But, but, didn't that Captain smartypants, and the detective claim there was a settlement in that he agreed never to publish??
So Robert Hoffman's re-releasing his book on June 23--right before TLC's "Mommy Dearest" update special?
Pass the popcorn…
My mistake: RH's book is scheduled for release on June 23rd, smack-dab in the middle of Parts One and Two of the Gosselin Update Special (showing June 19 & 25, respectively).
Oh, this is perfect. Hoffman played his cards well!
I figured he was staying quiet for so long for a very good reason. Looks like he had Martin Garbus represent him in getting this book published. Time magazine referred to him as one of the greatest trial lawyers of our time and "legendary". I am sure that this time around they have made sure that they have all their i's dotted and their t's crossed so that TFW can't do anything to stop publication. I can't wait to buy my copy as I believe this new edition will be better than the last. She poked this sleeping dog just one too many times and it looks like he has bitten her HARD!!!!
I hope you're for real Robert cause I'm going to buy my copy this time.
@KATEPLUSMY8 @bentspud 97.8% of mothers in America believe Kate Gosselin has exceptional and commendable parenting skills. They are right‼
Well I guess my mom and sister-in-laws and the other mothers I know are the other percent lol.
Vanessa said... 6
Oh, this is perfect. Hoffman played his cards well!
And she has someone to blame if her ratings suck.-(LOL)
How can you watch the update show if Robbie is selling his book of hate.-(snark)
What's so poetic is the klovers have been mentioning your site in the comments section on all the articles. I'm pretty sure you've had a slew of newbies coming over here. Now they'll be directed to Hoffman's site.
Maybe this explains the twitter silence and the crazier than usual look in her eyes in that promo clip. Damage control, justifying her "discipline" tactics?
I posted early on that she has gone over the edge, she looked like she mentally was not stable. Just my observation
I wish Robert had the book set up to pre order. It would be interesting (& maybe fun) to watch how many are ordered.
I wonder if it will be sold through Amazon?
I figured he was staying quiet for so long for a very good reason.
Yes, exactly.
So, I wonder since she had her diary "copyrighted" (?) what will be in the book? Wonder if he's added anything that she REALLY didn't want out there, like he threatened? I guess his blurb says it all..."Conspiracy. Massive Coverup. Lawsuits and Legal Threats. Exploitation. Fraud. Abuse. Animal Cruelty. Lies."
I am eating my words. I thought 100% Robert would never publish again. I will buy the book the minute it is available just in case the same thing happens and the book is pulled. We have a little thing in this country called freedom of speech. Thank you, Robert. Sorry I doubted you.
I wish Robert had the book set up to pre order. It would be interesting (& maybe fun) to watch how many are ordered.
I wonder if it will be sold through Amazon?
Yes, and also to the see his numbers in comparison to her cookbook.
Can't wait to see Milos reaction to this...God I need a life....
Won't this boost her ratings? You know the public likes a train wreck..
Can't you quote from any copyrighted material as long as you give credit to the source? At least that is what I remember from my college paper days.
Shhhhh, everyone!!!
Let's listen to that sound of heads exploding.
(Robert, have I told you lately that I love you?)
Can't he still use her words without actually quoting her?? I know nothing about law but...
Fair Use rules. She cannot stop him.
Anxious for Admin to comment on Robert's announcement!
And Joy, thanks for your glossary of terms. I'm guessing lots of newcomers will be stopping by.
I agree with others' comments that TFW has presented her relationship with her twins as her BFF's. It's clear she doesn't have the same bond with all 8 of her kids. So when we've heard again and again about the TV nights, and hanging out with them and their friends at their sleepover, and even sharing clothes (remember the yoga pants?),
what other conclusion could we draw? And if TFW goes the BFF route, and then switches to ruling with an iron fist, and then switches back again to doing each other's hair in her room while the other kids are excluded...what kid wouldn't be confused about the rules?
I have a feeling admin and staff will be having a very VERY busy day....
Vanessa said... 15
I wish Robert had the book set up to pre order. It would be interesting (& maybe fun) to watch how many are ordered.
I wonder if it will be sold through Amazon?
Yes, and also to the see his numbers in comparison to her cookbook.
Exactly what I was thinking!!!
Im so excited and I just can't hide it! ~~~Thank you Pointer sisters for describing what i feel right now.
I hope he goes in depth about her lawsuit. I hope he gives every stinking detail of how she tried to ruin not only him, but the father of her children. I hope he gives us the $ cost of what all this shit cost him. How much of the kids' money she spent on shutting him down and bankrupting their father.
PatK said... 18
Shhhhh, everyone!!!
Let's listen to that sound of heads exploding.
(Robert, have I told you lately that I love you?)
Great comment :)
I wonder if the tweets from the "fans" (was it Goody or Caroline or Ziggy) made the cut? Maybe he added a few new tweets - heaven knows, there are many that deserve a mention! They'll be the first ones to buy the book, checking for their names.
As Vanessa said, I also hope he goes into depth about the lawsuit and BV's involvement in it.
What a nice way to begin the week, right?
And just the fact that she copywrighted it shows they were HER WORDS
Perhaps Robert's approach to this new book will be about his experience dealing with her and her attorneys over the banning of the first . He cannot publish without permission the journal or contracts like he did before but he sure can write about his personal experiences, what he experienced, interviews with eye witnesses, perhaps emails. I bet he has conducted many, many interviews and even got Jon's permission on much of the material. There have been many authors who have written biographies without the permission of the subject, so I believe this time he has gotten it right.
People will only put up with so much. I think Kate Gosselin is about to find out what karma is all about.
What a nice way to begin the week, right?
hmmm, do you think tfw is saying the same?
Vanessa said... 29
What a nice way to begin the week, right?
hmmm, do you think tfw is saying the same?
She'll show up with a happy happy joy joy rainbow tweet soon. Maybe throw in a pic of Shoka or Zorro. Or maybe she'll get really creative (desperate) and we'll see her shlepping chicken feed!!
She'll show up with a happy happy joy joy rainbow tweet soon. Maybe throw in a pic of Shoka or Zorro. Or maybe she'll get really creative (desperate) and we'll see her shlepping chicken feed!!
lol! yup, wait for it. waaaaittt for it
Waiting for the ROL article.
And just the fact that she copywrighted it shows they were HER WORDS
So? does this mean she can profit from this if he uses her words?
Waiting for the ROL article.
Let's start a betting pool to see which way they slant the story.
I had to bring this here. It made me chuckle out loud.
WEARETRULY@DdissidentT·25 mins
@bitemeaholesFU @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 Milo doesn't have enough hashtags to fix this
I had to bring this here. It made me chuckle out loud.
WEARETRULY@DdissidentT·25 mins
@bitemeaholesFU @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 Milo doesn't have enough hashtags to fix this
Ha! And CJ doesn't have enough emojis!
I like this idea:
bitemebitches @bitemeaholesFU 43m
@DdissidentT @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 hey maybe we should tweet pics of us holding our new books! Hmmm
Certainly by the end of the week there'll be a bad article about Jon -
perhaps being spotted by an "insider" tossing a puppy out a car
I would not want to be one of those kids today because, much like Godzilla, she will be spitting fire this morning. I agree that the happy, happy, joy, joy my kids and pets love me and we do such fun things together tweet will be coming out very soon. I guess RazzleDazzle wasn't quite as good as Laverne & Shirley. I guess the old adage is true that you get what you pay for. TLC was footing the bill for Laverne & Shirley while TFW is paying for BV & RD. I've got the original book and if I can pre-order the new one I will otherwise I'll be one of the first to buy it on the 24th. Good for you Robert!
bitemebitches @bitemeaholesFU 43m
@DdissidentT @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 hey maybe we should tweet pics of us holding our new books! Hmmm
Once I've got my copy (whether Kindle or dead tree) I will tale a picture and have a new avatar since I don't tweet.
We've seen this from when they were toddlers. This woman enjoys causing her kids pain, emotional and physical. She enjoys it.
Yep. She is just cruel. Totally gets her jollies by being as mean to the kids.
She plays with them the way a cat toys with a mouse, and gets her high when they show pain. #junkyarddog
Her back and forth between being mean most of the time and pleasant once in while must be so confusing for the kids. That's what my dil does. You never know what you're going to get. The mean just comes out of the blue and whacks you upside the head.
Certainly by the end of the week there'll be a bad article about Jon -
perhaps being spotted by an "insider" tossing a puppy out a car
While not paying his child support that he illegally negotiated away so the kids could be filmed.
Bad news for Kate, good news for us is that Robert knows all her dirty, little secrets so he was able to zero in on who to interview and gather outside evidence.
Vanessa, she copyrighted the journal solely to deny Robert permission to publish from it again. The only way she'd profit would be to grant him permission with a steep price tag, which she will never do. It doesn't matter because he can refer to the journal and back up any allegations with witnesses.
Knowing Kate, she kept that journal solely to profit from a book in the future, and of course would sanitize anything inappropriate or unflattering which she and Beth Carson did. I always thought Beth walked away because of guilt. You will never convince me Beth did not read that journal.
It seems as though the karma stars are lining up nicely to showcase Kate Gosselin in all her abusive glory. Publicly, openly, and with just as much fanfare as she has always lusted after. Unfortunately for her, it doesn’t appear the attention she’ll be getting, will be quite what she had in mind. The irony that this book is being released just as she has once again demonstrated her extremely poor parenting (can we even call it parenting?) on video for the world to see is delicious. The public at large has been quite vocal in condemning her most recent media stunts – the exploitive interview when the twins refused to speak, along with the promo video for the special. This book will prove that their feelings and discomfort at seeing her in action with her children, have been correct. Many people have suffered immensely for calling this woman out over the years, long before Robert’s book was first released. Kate, on the other hand, has gone blithely on her way with her fingers firmly planted in her ears and her eyes closed, thinking she was somehow exempt from the repercussions of her behavior. Her association with bullies and criminals has done her no favors, and in fact, she has kicked sand in their eyes as she’s flounced away without a second thought also. Now all will know the truth and it seems to be long overdue. The timing of her public humiliation of Mady followed now by the re-release of this book detailing her abuse, couldn’t be more fitting in my opinion.
Wow @karma has arrived, you have a way with words! Beautifully said
Thanks tlc stinks, good to know!
Vanessa said...
The thing with tfw is that she heard the term "find their currency" somewhere
The term, finding their currency, comes from Dr. Phil.
Why do I feel that in a sick way she loves the attention...thinking that its good publicity for her specials. I really believe she is THAT psycho...shes in the news again and that always her ultimate goal.
KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD - The Rise And Fall of a Reality TV Queen on sale June 23, 2014.
Wow, now this blew my skirt up this morning!
Robert, you've made another sale- second book for me.
KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD - The Rise And Fall of a Reality TV Queen on sale June 23, 2014.
Wait... when are the "specials" airing?
Can you even imagine how angry she is. I love it. At least the kids are still in school for a few more days. I'm buying this book for sure. I have the original on Kindle but if he has a hardcover I'll buy that.
I just absolutely love how he saved all this so he could rain on her parade. She thought she was free and clear. How anyone can keep defending her shows just how messed up they are.
Why do I feel that in a sick way she loves the attention...thinking that its good publicity for her specials. I really believe she is THAT psycho...shes in the news again and that always her ultimate goal.
I may be in the teeny tiny minority but I agree.
Nothing against Robert and I don't want to be hypocritical but I get the strong sense she gets off on this and likes the attention and the fight. She likes the idea of having someone trash her so she can come out and play victim. Kate Gosselin always needs a battle to fight because she needs to play martyr, and this just gives it to her. I feel like he's already revealed what we need to hear and I'm not sure what else can be added to the discussion that won't simply be spun to make her the piled on victim. But as always I'll keep an open mind.
Wonder if Robert Could buy Ad Space on TLC...during TFW's Special. ;-)
Oh, oh. If I was a normal person (TFW not being normal) I would be shaking in my boots about now.
Looks like Mr. Grabus had a personal interest in this case, much the same way that other lawyer took a personal interest in Jon’s case.
Some quotes I found about Mr. Garbus. Bolding is mine.
He has appeared before the United States Supreme Court in leading First Amendment cases, and his cases have established precedents there and in other courts throughout the country.
Recently, Mr. Garbus represented Eric Corley in the first copyright case, a landmark case of the internet era, tried under the new Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
He has tried cases throughout the country involving constitutional, criminal, copyright, and intellectual property law.
While Singer’s firm specializes in all things entertainment, “[n]othing gets Mr. Singer going like a whiff of defamation.” And when he gets going, he does what has made him famous: “kill, or at least maim, unflattering stories that have yet to surface.” Some attorneys do not believe the hype about Singer’s ability to kill said stories (e.g., noted First Amendment lawyer Martin Garbus, who described Singer as a “blowhard”).
“He has had no effect, so far as I know,” said Martin Garbus, a First Amendment lawyer…. In an e-mail, Mr. Garbus said of Mr. Singer: “I think of him as a blowhard.”
Kate Gosselin is a slick manipulator. She purposely used that term, "find their currency" because she wants the Dr. Phil people to know she follows his advice and is looking for a guest appearance on the show. It was deliberate. BUT, she made an ass of herself saying she bought "the girls" those iPads and iPhones solely so she could punish them by taking those items away. She totally twisted what Dr. Phil (whom I cannot abide) was telling parents, which is nothing new since most parents punish kids by taking away privileges. The difference is we don't buy the kids things with the purpose of using those things to punish our kids.
He has appeared before the United States Supreme Court in leading First Amendment cases, and his cases have established precedents there and in other courts throughout the country.
From that perspective, I would like to see Robert prevail. We have a dangerous culture right now where if you have enough money you can pay to shut anybody up. Even if they're telling the truth. Even if they're saying something of public concern or being a whistleblower.
For that reason, I'd like to see Robert be able to say what he wants to say as long as it's relevant and a matter of public concern.
Celebs should not have the power to shut people up. They are public figures and we have a long history of being able to freely discuss public figures that is being dangerously compromised.
@KATEPLUSMY8 @bentspud 97.8% of mothers in America believe Kate Gosselin has exceptional and commendable parenting skills. They are right‼
I wonder who's ass Marie pulled that "fact" from.
Some information regarding a 2007 case involving Perez Hilton having commented publicly on his blog some things about this Ronson woman, who is a wannabe celebrity (also a friend of Lindsay Lohan).
A Los Angeles judge ruled that Perez Hilton was within his rights to make his comments about this person for the following reasons:
The judge ruled that Ronson is at least a limited public figure, rather than the wronged private figure she portrayed herself as
Ronson voluntarily placed herself in the public eye both through her career as a nightclub and Hollywood party deejay and through her choice of friends
Perez Hilton’s atty: “It's a huge victory for not only Perez Hilton but also for everyone who uses the Internet to comment on celebrities of public interest,”
Shades of TFW?
Interesting that Mr. Grabus specializes in intellectual property law....
@KATEPLUSMY8 @bentspud 97.8% of mothers in America believe Kate Gosselin has exceptional and commendable parenting skills. They are right‼
I wonder who's ass Marie pulled that "fact" from.
The funniest thing about this is they actually thought somebody would spend the time and resources to do a real polling on this. lol. Like a team of people robo-called all last week to get to the bottom of this important current event? hahahhaa
Even if this did happen it would just be a web poll which can easily be flooded by one side or the other to skew the results.
Some information regarding a 2007 case involving Perez Hilton having commented publicly on his blog some things about this Ronson woman, who is a wannabe celebrity (also a friend of Lindsay Lohan).
A Los Angeles judge ruled that Perez Hilton was within his rights to make his comments about this person for the following reasons:
The judge ruled that Ronson is at least a limited public figure, rather than the wronged private figure she portrayed herself as
Ronson voluntarily placed herself in the public eye both through her career as a nightclub and Hollywood party deejay and through her choice of friends
I remember that Ronson chick. Wasn't she Lindsay's girlfriend for awhile? She was a DJ and definitely trying to show up in magazines and never tried to hide that she was hanging out with Lindsay.
That is a good ruling for people TRYING to be public figures then crying foul when suddenly the negative aspects of celebrity come their way.
So to put it better don't like Perez Hilton commenting on you then don't sign up to be a celebrity OR don't TRY to be a celebrity. Good case.
It's an interesting fine line when you are a celebrity and when you are not. But I think that line is much easier to draw when someone is pursuing a celebrity lifestyle instead of staying home minding their own business.
I get the strong sense she gets off on this and likes the attention and the fight. She likes the idea of having someone trash her so she can come out and play victim. Kate Gosselin always needs a battle to fight because she needs to play martyr, and this just gives it to her.
She clearly loves the fight. Look how she goes after Mady, the only kid who will fight back.
She also clearly loves being the victim. That's been her primary schtick with a few random overlays of other schticks, such as cooking Kate, can-do Kate, celebrity Kate.
Poor, poor TFW...stuck with those 8 kids, and a skirt-chasing, lazy doofus of a husband; she has to do everything all by herself, working her fingers to the bone for those lousy 8 kids who won't lift a finger to help her out.
Admin said...
I feel like he's already revealed what we need to hear and I'm not sure what else can be added to the discussion that won't simply be spun to make her the piled on victim. But as always I'll keep an open mind.
I agree with this....and, of course, I will read the book. Hoping it has been cleaned up and there is less in the way of his own commentary.
I have always felt that the kids could only be damaged by the book being rereleased, because they had, at least for a time, faded into relative obscurity. But, given on TFW's obsessive clawing to stay in the public eye, maybe there will be some good out of it if prevents her from showcasing the little moneymakers in the future.
People may tolerate, or even enjoy, verbal and emotional abuse in reality shows, between adults. But, beating babies and verbally abusing children is a whole other thing. What network would touch her? She may never completely fade from obscurity--this is the new reality of social media. Because, even though networks may lack a conscious and be driven by greed, the bottom line is that they won't be able to find advertisers. Who is going to sponsor a show? The red wooden spoon corporation? The How To Use Fear and Intimidation To Control Your Children Company? No advertiser will touch her--there is a limit.
Most media outlets have just ignored her. Now that TLC has put her in the limelight again, she is fair game, 8 children or not. We are already seeing the backlash from the clip. JMHO of course!
Vanessa said:
I posted early on that she has gone over the edge, she looked like she mentally was not stable. Just my observation
I think she is teetering very close to the brink, and that her grasp on reality is getting more tenuous every day. To me, it seems the workings of her brain are like an old-time vinyl record. Her thoughts go around and around in the same old groove and any input that doesn't match that groove makes her record skip. "I'm the best mother!" "I will return to TV!" "I am de-aging!"
The situation she's in is all due to her. From the very beginning when they were begging for handouts, Dana Hoffman, confidentiality contracts, firing nannies, state paid nurse etc.etc (the list could take days)
She has bullied her way to the top, so to speak but she got there by being abusive, shady, litigious and throwing anyone and everyone under the bus (ESPECIALLY those who would have had her back right now) She loves a fight, that's for damn sure, she fought for what is happening to her RIGHT NOW. It's just one big circle, what goes around comes around. She set that wheel in motion. She has a material life built on lies, deceptions, atrocities that we will probably never know for sure (I certainly can imagine). She made all this happen. Kate Gosselin is responsible for it all. What's happening to her, what's happened and WILL happen to her innocent children.
JR said... 19
Can't he still use her words without actually quoting her?? I know nothing about law but...
Someone else posted that this time around, Robert has had the benefit of legal representation regarding the publishing of his book. I am assuming that if his attorney is thorough, he or she would have consulted with attorneys who specialize in copyright law, etc., to be sure that anything contained in Robert's re-released book is well within the law.
But here's the thing, sure Kate likes playing the poor widdle victim, but it won't help her this time. This time she has been thoroughly exposed and contrary to what Marie says, read all the comments on every article about Kate -- the world hates her. No one is going to feel sorry for her. I think the timing of this is fabulous, because more people will be exposed to Roberts book. And another thing, the G kids have been living inside a prison with this witch for years, so it's time for the world to get a real view into what their life is really like. Jon, you go for custody now!!
She'll show up with a happy happy joy joy rainbow tweet soon. 31
But I'll bet she is breathing fire and spitting nails.
Thank God the kids are in school.today.
Thank you.Robert, for persevering
The hell with everyone else reading this book...her kids will have to live with the fact that their own mother wrote these words. These words will be in print for the world to see and her kids will have to live with that for the rest of their lives....I think I would throw myself off a bridge if my kids had to see that on the bookshelves of America...She will never be able to shield them from this humiliation
I have the sense (per Robert) that Robert held back in his first book.
The content about Kate was bad, and I think he didn't want to pile on, but I get the sense that he will put it all out there this time.
She tried to destroy him (and his family) and this time, it would be great if he didn't hold back.
I hope Robert is not self publishing again but has a regular publisher. It would be great if he does because they would arrange interviews for him, very important if he wants to get the word about his book.
She clearly loves the fight. Look how she goes after Mady, the only kid who will fight back.
She also clearly loves being the victim
Kate has that frowny face/shoulder shrug down pat.
She LOVES it when she can play victim, and every single time she speed dials her "people" to get booked on shows to "set the record straight".
I truly hope now that Babs is gone from The View, that Whoopie will not allow her panel of co-hosts to suffer this fool one more bloody time.
Such terrific writers here. Haven't felt the need to add my own 2cents, because everyone else does such a good job.
BUT, today I can add one...I'll buy the book!
I wonder if Robert Hoffman's new release will make Kate star in her last hurrah....."Little Bo Beep has lost her Sheep".
We can only dream......
I'll bet Kate will spend a ton in legal bills to fight this.
Who is going to sponsor a show? The red wooden spoon corporation? The How To Use Fear and Intimidation To Control Your Children Company? No advertiser will touch her--there is a limit.
The tide has turned on Kate, and show hosts have not hidden their WTF? moments.
Kate was excoriated by everyone on Billy Bush's show after the cluster f*ck that was the Today show appearance with the twins.
The Spanker has some hosts in disbelief.
"Inspector Gadget" had Christina Ferrare (sp?) shaking her head is disbelief after Kate proudly announced that she appoints her kids Mr. and Ms. Tattle Tale, to do her job for her.
Why to divide and conquer 8 kids, POS.
Oh, and don't forget Scott from Coupon Cabin, who did not mince words in his public-firing missive.
So, no, I don't believe any media entity would take on Kate.
She'll be spending the rest of her media "career" on D-list shows like CA.
What a life.
What a life.
I wonder why this book is not available on amazon's pre-order ? I'm debating whether or not to purchase it as I still have the other, i.e. wonder how different it will be .
Millicent said... 64
Vanessa said:
I posted early on that she has gone over the edge, she looked like she mentally was not stable. Just my observation
I think she is teetering very close to the brink, and that her grasp on reality is getting more tenuous every day
She looked unhinged in that TLC preview.
Kate's behavior had many red flags, including not taking Mady aside to privately discipline her, those over-the-top-dramatic hand gesturing with her fakey fake French tips, and throwing Mady's already confiscated phone on the coffee table, with "that's mine until further notice", followed by one of the scariest, lingering stink eyes I've EVER seen.
I wonder if the G kids dread summer vacation. They've had almost 10
months of a respite from long days with their controlling mother. But now they'll be spending days at a time with someone who, quite clearly from what you've all said about the TLC clip, is not all that into them.
Maybe they'll get a break when she storms NYC for her publicity tour
before the special. Except by then there might be fewer questions about iPhones and more about beating toddlers.
@KATEPLUSMY8 @bentspud 97.8% of mothers in America believe Kate Gosselin has exceptional and commendable parenting skills. They are right‼
I wonder who's ass Marie pulled that "fact" from.
It wasn't a fact. It was from one of those satire websites and Marie believed it. As admin said, Marie never thought to ask where the poll was taken, how the poll was taken, from whom, or anything else. She just retweeted it and believed it. What a doofus.
Kate has such knowledgeable and intellectual fans!
And regarding the Perez Hilton/Samantha Ronson thing, TFW surely
can't deny being a public figure when she happily grabbed a paycheck
from Dancing with the "Stars," and both "Celebrity" Wife Swap and "Celebrity" Apprentice. Can't have it both ways, sister.
Regarding the re-release of the book. Have there been any emergency calls to muster stations? Imagine how very busy those sheeple must be getting their act together to do damage control. They only have a few weeks left, so things will be rather busy in their barnyard.
But, but, didn't that Captain smartypants, and the detective claim there was a settlement in that he agreed never to publish??
Yes, one of Captain's BFF's tweeted the following just a few weeks ago:
xxxxxx@xxxxxx May 18
@CJWhodunit @xxxxxx They can deny all they want. Kate got a settlement, including Hoffie not publishing. DUH
The ultimate irony would be to have Robert booked on every show that ever kissed Kates ass...The Today show would be a good start..
Gee I wonder if MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES will take another poll after the book comes out.
I'll buy the book!
Robert Hoffmans book is coming out JUNE 25th
WTG ROBERT!!!!!!!!!
I wonder who's ass Marie pulled that "fact" from.
Probably the same place Kate's keeps her stick,
After today's tweets from @GosselinBook, the Joint Chiefs of Sheeple are currently meeting in the war room to plan their strategy.
@GosselinBook: KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD - The Rise And Fall of a Reality TV Queen on sale June 23, 2014.
@GosselinBook: Will SuperMom Kate Gosselin finally admit to beating her children by filing a copyright infringement lawsuit? The world wants to know.
Roberts on twitter right now...and he sounds like he has no mercy...challenging Kate to file a copy right lawsuit....this is getting ugly
xxxxxx@xxxxxx May 18
@CJWhodunit @xxxxxx They can deny all they want. Kate got a settlement, including Hoffie not publishing. DUH
And this is why they are called "defective" and "sheeple." There was never any report of a "settlement" nor of his agreement not to publish. DUH.
Robert just tweeted this:
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook · 6m
Will SuperMom Kate Gosselin finally admit to beating her children by filing a copyright infringement lawsuit? The world wants to know.
Good question, Robert!!
No one is going to feel sorry for her. I think the timing of this is fabulous, because more people will be exposed to Roberts book. And another thing, the G kids have been living inside a prison with this witch for years
I agree- we here are generally nice folks and real people. Very salt of the earth, which makes you all so endearing.
So, I get that it twinges a little- waiting for that huge, hanging-by-the-thinnest-of-threads- Acme anvil to drop on Kate's bleached, pulled, tucked and veneered head.
The kids will be privy to the book and its content, no doubt. But holding back and giving Kate yet another pass is what she's banked on for 10 years. The media has turned a blind eye to her extortion, bullying, abusing and exploiting for far too long.
Kate has been allowed to slide by, unscathed by judgement, but it's worn thin and it's about time that the public stood up for these kids.
No more exploiting children on tv for profit and fame.
No more drinking Kate's Kool Aid about her parenting. She beat her babies, for fuck sake!
I was slow off the mark for RH's book the last time and so I wasn't able to get the book. This time I'll be sure to get it, in part to show support for him for having the perseverance and tenacity to face up to KK and her attempts to silence him.
At the same time that I was delighted to see that the book has not disappeared, I feel so sad for those kids. What disruptions will this bring to their lives and how incapable is TFW in protecting them? I truly hope that extended family and of course their father will step forward to help them through this latest fiasco.
There are no more words. There just aren't. None of this is good. The only rainbow may be that there will be an intervention with KK and that the kids will get the parenting they need and the future they deserve.
Most media outlets have just ignored her. Now that TLC has put her in the limelight again, she is fair game, 8 children or not. We are already seeing the backlash from the clip. JMHO of course!
And after the book is published, Kate will once again be "trending" on Yahoo. Gladys will be giddy with delight, too dumb to realize that having your name out front on something like this is not something of which to be proud or to celebrate. It only matters to the fans that the Queen Ewe will be "trending." It's sad, but oh, so funny.
hmmm, do you think tfw is saying the same?
TFW is saying three words: CAN WE SUE (among other expletives not appropriate here).
"Can't wait to see Milos reaction to this...God I need a life....
Won't this boost her ratings? You know the public likes a train wreck.."
Milo's ratings? LOL!! Well, Gladys is a train wreck!
Amen to that Tucker's Mom.
Whether in real life or make believe, we want the "villain" to get what's coming to them. She's getting hers. Sick, but it's justice in some way. She deserves it. Like I said, she set the wheels in motion, HER own doing.
Yes, exactly.
So, I wonder since she had her diary "copyrighted" (?) what will be in the book? Wonder if he's added anything that she REALLY didn't want out there, like he threatened?
I just want to know if Milo is Steve or Kate or a catfish. I always thought that Robert knows exactly who this is and he's going to release it one day. Remember that teaser "Who Are You" from Alice in Wonderland with the caterpillar on the stick?
Robert's last tweet:
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook · 29m
Will SuperMom Kate Gosselin finally admit to beating her children by filing a copyright infringement lawsuit? The world wants to know.
Will SuperMom Kate Gosselin finally admit to beating her children by filing a copyright infringement lawsuit? The world wants to know.
he's got her by the short and curlies
I just want to know if Milo is Steve or Kate or a catfish. I always thought that Robert knows exactly who this is and he's going to release it one day. Remember that teaser "Who Are You" from Alice in Wonderland with the caterpillar on the stick?
Yes, wouldn't that just be hilarious?
Do you think purse boy is there consoling her, or helping her plan her next plan of attack?
Still, if I were Robert, I would let it be with today's zingers and sit back and enjoy the show. The high road is a nice place to be, no need to continue to poke at the train wreck (apologies for the mixed metaphors). The notice of publication should be enough fodder for this week.
Hoping this may be the last real stop on the karma train.
So the book will be published on the 23rd, right between the airing of the two-part special. Way to go, Robert!
I haven't heard any bleating yet from the next county over. Nothing resounding from the hills and valleys. Perhaps she's still in bed.
Still, if I were Robert, I would let it be with today's zingers and sit back and enjoy the show.
Respectfully disagree. Robert has taken the brunt legally, financially, etc., trying to get the abuse of the Gosselin children out in the open. If it weren't for Robert we would not know even a glimpse of what these children have gone and continue to go through. How ever, Robert wants to play this ok by me...not that he needs my ok...lol.
After today's tweets from @GosselinBook, the Joint Chiefs of Sheeple are currently meeting in the war room to plan their strategy.
There are joint chiefs? lol! I would believe that the Chief Executive Ewe is busy communicatin with Kate off-twitter, only to be ignored. What to do, what to do.
You can bet that Radar will be inundated with insider info from the sheeple, with wild deflection stories about Jon. Let's see -- will it be that Jon masterminded a credit card identity theft scheme when he worked in restaurants, or that the real reason Kate threw him out is because he likes to dress in drag? Photos coming up at 11.
AlWalentis @AlWalentis 5h
Here's today's fun video of Kate Gosselin scolding her child, http://www.greaterreadingonline.com/al-walentis/2014/6/2/heres-todays-fun-video-of-kate-gosselin-scolding-her-child …
FUN video? Fun? Humiliating a kid? Is this like #superfunsandy?
Gee, Al, you find humiliating a child "fun". Man, you're a sick one.
I'm so happy to read that Robert is going to be ''aloud'' to get his book published. Like the others, I hope there will be a way to pre-order the book. I will buy it again on Amazon for Kindle AND buy the hard copy.
GO ROBERT! GO!! !!!!!!
Does anyone here think that Kate has been aware that Robert got the go ahead to publish months and ago and she got TLC on board for the the update to help shield her from the book's repercussions? Or maybe she is counting on TLC to sue Robert? I would think her attorneys would be aware of what has progressed in regards to Robert.
I kind of wish Robert would just be classy and get real interviews rather than taunting Kate on Twitter. It would legitimize his book rather than coming off as more of a vendetta, which is how she will play it.
I hope people buy the book...I don't know of anyone really cares about this wacky broad anymore....
I think Al is being facetious, meaning he is being deliberately inappropriate as in Kate is behaving horribly toward her daughter. Al is not a fan of Kate's either and I am not a fan of Al's.
Can't wait until the gossip sites start picking up on this...the bots will be working overtime later today.....
After today's tweets from @GosselinBook, the Joint Chiefs of Sheeple are currently meeting in the war room to plan their strategy.
There are joint chiefs? lol! I would believe that the Chief Executive Ewe is busy communicatin with Kate off-twitter, only to be ignored. What to do, what to do.
You can bet that Radar will be inundated with insider info from the sheeple, with wild deflection stories about Jon.
A new twitter name popped up a few days ago - SockieWhodunit - that has the detectives putting their outing skills to work. It's a pretty funny, and honest account. Not sure they can tear their furry hooves away to contact Radar.
I think Al meant 'latest fun video' facetiously....
I'm not a big fan of Al but I agree that he was being facetious - especially since he said watch the vido on your iPad here before Kate takes it away.
I'm not a fan of Al either, but I also think he was being facetious when he referred to the video as "fun." Maybe he should have used a couple of hashtags, such as #notfunatall, or #CruellaDeKrieder
Just wondering...is Al trying to hitch a ride on Robert's coattails now that
he might finally be having his moment of glory?
"Why do I feel that in a sick way she loves the attention...thinking that its good publicity for her specials. I really believe she is THAT psycho...shes in the news again and that always her ultimate goal."
I also agree... Because her relative social isolation, her unbridled NPD finally sent that woman so off her rocker that her contact with reality is tenuous at best. Exactly like "my" narcissist" who can't care less that people are saying horrors about her: they are talking about her and that's more than enough to satisfy her need to feel important. The content of the conversation (her behavior) isn't important, only its subject: her.
Like Ex-Nurse, I must say I'm a little worried for the kids because it's a given that once more, their private life will be plastered all over the tabloids.
On the other hand, I think that the fact Hoffman's book will hit the market between the two specials will once and for all destroy Kate's image as the ideal super-fun-mom. If he clip released by TLC is any indication of what is in those specials, they will more or less serve as "show and tell" for the book; and maybe it will finally sink in the public psyche that this woman is NOT what a good mother is all about.
She'll finally have to market herself as an entire new persona. Sargent Asshole McPlastic face could be a possibility... but I really don't care at that point because the moment she has to let go of the model mom image, she won't have any use for the kids and maybe, -maybe-, they will finally have some normalcy to their lives.
Tucker's Mom said:
So, I get that it twinges a little- waiting for that huge, hanging-by-the-thinnest-of-threads- Acme anvil to drop on Kate's bleached, pulled, tucked and veneered head.
What an awesome image you painted here! Yes, that's exactly right. I know I've been waiting for years for the boom to fall on Kate - as it has to do eventually. If she were smart enough to step back out of the limelight, then she'd still have a chance to avoid scrutiny.
But the allure of celebrity, the easy money, the tv camera listening just to her, is pulling at her like a moth to a flame. She'll keep flapping her gums and showing off her horrible parenting and people skills for all to see, until that stretched out string finally breaks.
I wonder if Al's going to jump on the bandwagon and use this as an opportunity to shill his own book. Nothing like using Robert's coattails. lol.
I don't think he was being facetious at all. Quotes are normally used when making a facetious remark, so it isn't not taken as a serious comment.
The last round of court proceedings and legal bills crippled Robert and Dana financially. This time around with mounting legal bills once again we believe Robert needs some help. Please, give what you can to help out the Hoffman family in this latest fight to expose extreme abuse, greed, fraud, animal cruelty, lies & theft. Scroll to bottom of http://www.gosselinbook.com and check in with PayPal. Thank you all from the Gosselinbook Street Team
TLC stinks said... 109
Does anyone here think that Kate has been aware that Robert got the go ahead to publish months and ago and she got TLC on board for the the update to help shield her from the book's repercussions?
If Kate thought she could run interference with this TLC special, perhaps she shouldn't have acted like she would eat her young.
Vanessa said... 31
She'll show up with a happy happy joy joy rainbow tweet soon. Maybe throw in a pic of Shoka or Zorro. Or maybe she'll get really creative (desperate) and we'll see her shlepping chicken feed!!
lol! yup, wait for it. waaaaittt for it
Tweeted pictures of Zorro, Shoka and her schlepping 50lb. bags of chicken feed ain't gonna cut it this time kate!
YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW! God bless, help those children and protect them from the wrath she will extrude from her ugly mouth and body!
Sorry Paula, IMO he was being facetious in that his remark about the fun video was not meant to be taken seriously or literally.
Poor Al--he bad-mouthing Robert again. Sour grapes much, Al?
AlWalentis @AlWalentis · 12m
Kate Gosselin will sue author Robert Hoffman again, on June 23
AlWalentis @AlWalentis · 10m
Robert Hoffman shitting on Kate Gosselin's parade. http://fb.me/3QfyGW99P
He's probably still so upset that he wasn't the one to find those discs in the garbage.
I have no idea what Robert's and Dana's finances are and it's not anyone's place, especially anonymous types, to ask for donations unless Robert is willing to speak out about it publicly. If he needs the money, then let's hope the book is a bestseller and he gets plenty of paid interviews. I would guess that he has included in the book what it has cost him financially to battle Kate.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 60
@KATEPLUSMY8 @bentspud 97.8% of mothers in America believe Kate Gosselin has exceptional and commendable parenting skills. They are right‼
I wonder who's ass Marie pulled that "fact" from.
The funniest thing about this is they actually thought somebody would spend the time and resources to do a real polling on this. lol.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 60
@KATEPLUSMY8 @bentspud 97.8% of mothers in America believe Kate Gosselin has exceptional and commendable parenting skills. They are right‼
I wonder who's ass Marie pulled that "fact" from.
The funniest thing about this is they actually thought somebody would spend the time and resources to do a real polling on this. lol.
I am a mom in America and *I* was never asked. Were any of you?
Where did this great survey occur? On April Fool's Day in the back pages of How To Beat Your Kids monthly?
Tucker's Mom, ITA but the sad thing is that Kate thinks the way she treats her children is justified and that she is some type of authority when it comes to raising children. I really believe she is totally clueless about how she looks to normal people. TLC only cares about the numbers, so I bet they are rubbing their greedy hands in anticipation that people will tune in to watch her bitch act, and with Robert's book coming out, it looks like plenty of publicity in the next few weeks. I just thought it was kind of a coincidence that she gets involved with TLC again and the timing of Robert's book.
ROL has a list of A-listers with small packages, and Jon Gosselin is on it of course...thanks to Hailey Glassman. I guess he should be thrilled to be considered an A-lister. So, guess they have their first hit on him. What sort of person talks about someone's genital size on a national stage? Next there will be another story about him not paying child support I suppose. They are mad at Robert, so Jon must pay?
Kate is a twit said... 126
Poor Al--he bad-mouthing Robert again. Sour grapes much, Al?
AlWalentis @AlWalentis · 12m
Kate Gosselin will sue author Robert Hoffman again, on June 23
AlWalentis @AlWalentis · 10m
Robert Hoffman shitting on Kate Gosselin's parade. http://fb.me/3QfyGW99P
lol, Twit. I was just about to post the same thing. I read from the bottom up! Al is such a classy guy and has a way with words, doesn't he? Good command of the English language. I don't know why, but that one makes my skin crawl...
Al's still appears to be pissed that Robert didn't share his treasure from the garbage with him. Sure, I bet Kate will sue Robert again when the book is released and that's why I intend to buy it ASAP like I did with the first one. And you can bet that Robert's attorneys have already received those threats from Kate's attorneys.
The last round of court proceedings and legal bills crippled Robert and Dana financially. This time around with mounting legal bills once again we believe Robert needs some help. Please, give what you can to help out the Hoffman family in this latest fight to expose extreme abuse, greed, fraud, animal cruelty, lies & theft. Scroll to bottom of http://www.gosselinbook.com and check in with PayPal. Thank you all from the Gosselinbook Street Team
Is this from a Hoffman spokesperson, or someone who is affiliated with Robert in any way and has been sanctioned from him to speak for him?
Kate is a twit said... 126
Poor Al--he bad-mouthing Robert again. Sour grapes much, Al?
AlWalentis @AlWalentis · 12m
Kate Gosselin will sue author Robert Hoffman again, on June 23
AlWalentis @AlWalentis · 10m
Robert Hoffman shitting on Kate Gosselin's parade. http://fb.me/3QfyGW99P
He's probably still so upset that he wasn't the one to find those discs in the garbage.
I think Al is dissing Kate, not Robert.
And I agree- she'll try to sue him.
God's speed, Robert.
With Kate, you'll need it!
When all else fails, tweet a platitude:
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Great Minds Quotes @GreatestQuotes · 2h
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard
No Kate, the biggest mistake you can make in life is not caring for the welfare and privacy of your children--AND throwing private stuff away in the garbage.
Gosselinbook Street Team said... 122
The last round of court proceedings and legal bills crippled Robert and Dana financially. This time around with mounting legal bills once again we believe Robert needs some help. Please, give what you can to help out the Hoffman family in this latest fight to expose extreme abuse, greed, fraud, animal cruelty, lies & theft. Scroll to bottom of http://www.gosselinbook.com and check in with PayPal. Thank you all from the Gosselinbook Street Team
I think this is a nice notion, but has Robert sanctioned this?
I thought any donations were to go to a charity.
BTW, I'm happy to help out, I just want clarification.
Dwindle said... 128
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 60
@KATEPLUSMY8 @bentspud 97.8% of mothers in America believe Kate Gosselin has exceptional and commendable parenting skills. They are right‼
I wonder who's ass Marie pulled that "fact" from.
The funniest thing about this is they actually thought somebody would spend the time and resources to do a real polling on this. lol.
June 2, 2014 at 1:06 PM
4 out of 5 dentists think Kate's an asshole.
TLC stinks said... 130
Tucker's Mom, ITA but the sad thing is that Kate thinks the way she treats her children is justified and that she is some type of authority when it comes to raising children. I really believe she is totally clueless about how she looks to normal people.
I also think Kate's "tough love" act was for the cameras, so America can see just how hard she has it, raising 8 kids ALL ALONE.
America will see that Kate can handle teenagers with an iron fist and think she's so, soooooo strong and be amazedish at her mothering skillz.
In fact, she will be asked to be on panels, and talk shows and write a book on parenting teens.
She's THAT good.
I'm serious- just look at the flourish with which she threw Mady's phone on the table.
"See! I'm tough! I throw things! I'm serious, can you tell?".
"Did I sell it?".
Over and Out, Gosselinbook Street Team are some of the extreme non fans from twitter. I don't know that they actually speak for Robert. I will support him by purchasing his book
They are mad at Robert, so Jon must pay?
Ummmmmmm... because he's still breathing?
Why does a tell all book suddenly appear
When I thought I made it disappear
Thank you, Robert. So glad you got a great lawyer to help you. I hope KG: HSFTW makes the NYT best sellers list for weeks! Will she go on a media tour? They would HAVE to ask questions about the book contents. She can't ask them not too.
Awe. Too. Bad. So. Sad. You. Are. Done.
Can you imagine the Admin posts and recaps??
We will be posting huge numbers for a very long time.
I am just stunned!
Scroll to bottom of http://www.gosselinbook.com and check in with PayPal. Thank you all from the Gosselinbook Street Team
I would be very cautious about this. This post could be a set-up by someone (even Al?) to get Robert in trouble and make him look bad.
Is this from a Hoffman spokesperson, or someone who is affiliated with Robert in any way and has been sanctioned from him to speak for him?
That is from one of the "haters" on twitter, who also tweeted the same thing that the comment here said. The twitter handle is GosselinbookStTeam.. @AlfredoCocozza .
I doubt Robert himself sanctioned the comment here and that tweet.
On Gosselinbook.com:
"THANK YOU to those who have Graciously offered to help us with our substantial legal bills for bringing this story to light."
There's a PayPal link below, so I think Robert has capitulated on taking donations.
I can't imagine his legal bills.
"This time around with mounting legal bills once again we believe Robert needs some help."
Who is "we?"
Tucker's Mom said... 137
I thought any donations were to go to a charity.
It was my understanding that the proceeds from the first release of the book went to charity. But after Kate sued him, he incurred the massive legal debt which he is still under...and I believe he posted about it.
My donation will be forthcoming, Robert.
Tucker's Mom...
So, no, I don't believe any media entity would take on Kate.
She'll be spending the rest of her media "career" on D-list shows like CA.
That is probably why the show is airing at 10:00pm--lack of advertisers willing to pay prime time rates.
Sorry...I just had to, but TFW reminds me so much of Amy from Amy's Baking Company (Kitchen Nightmares). check out this image and tell me it's as though they are long lost sisters (complete with the shaking)
Click This Link for Amy
Click This Link for Kate
Uncanny - I tell ya! !
Imagine if the People cover we assume is in the works the week of the special is scrapped because of some of the book's content.
4 out of 5 dentists think Kate's an asshole.
I bet this included Jon's dad.
I'd feel better about donating if this were running through gofundme and there was some sort of oversight for the money raised. I'm fine with it going towards his legal defense but there's no guarantee that is going to happen. At least with go fund me, he would need to lay out specifics regarding how much he needs to raise, etc. I don't know, I just feel weird about handing him $100 (or any amount frankly) free and clear. That's similar to what Kate and Jon did. I'd just like to see more accountability.
silimom said... 153
''I'd feel better about donating if this were running through gofundme and there was some sort of oversight for the money raised. I'm fine with it going towards his legal defense but there's no guarantee that is going to happen. At least with go fund me, he would need to lay out specifics regarding how much he needs to raise, etc''...........
I don't understand this comment silimom. What difference does it make if any money donated to Robert goes to help pay his legal defense or is used to buy groceries or pay the mortgage?
In MY opinion a donation to Robert is for ROBERT, and either give it or not without any need to account to anyone exactly where each dollar goes!
IIRC-when the book first came out in September 2012, several people on twitter asked Robert to open an account so that they could make donations to his legal fund to help him out, because at the time said he would probably be sued. At that time, Robert did open a PayPal account, and posted it on his website, so this isn't something new. I at that time donated, and I believe several others here did also.
The title of the Paypal account is GosselinBook Legal Fund - Robert Hoffman.
I am not pushing anyone to donate, I just wanted to explain that this Paypal account is not something new.
I do think the commenter here took it upon his/herself to comment and tweet urging people to donate. I don't believe Robert sanctioned the comment or the tweet.
Of course, with any donation you make either through Paypal or Gofundme or any other online fundraiser, there is no accountability that the funds are going to be used for what they are supposed to be for. It's up to the individual whether they want to donate or not. Do what you feel comfortable doing.
I agree with all who believe Beth walked away from the Gosselin mess because something made her feel very uncomfortable. There was apparently no looking back with that "friendship." We could list many red flags we saw from the outside. Hard to tell all the red flags that were viewed from the inner circle. Sad, really sad for the children.
Tucker's Mom said... 137
Along with today's announcement of the book's return, Robert did post a link at gosselinbook.com to PayPal. The hardship to his family over the last year has been, I have heard, quite severe. Not least because of Kate's non-suit against him and Jon.
I, too, would be glad to help in addition to buying his book, but I want to hear it from Robert.
Twit, 145 said: "The twitter handle is GosselinbookStTeam.. @AlfredoCocozza"
Alfredo Cocozza? That sounds familiar. Isn't that Mario Lanza's "real" name? I don't have time to look it up right now...off to an elementary school graduation ceremony!
Sorry Remona Blue but I've got to agree with silimom on this one because it is very similar to what Jon & TFW did with their love offerings.
IIRC -when the book first came out in September 2012, several people on twitter asked Robert to open an account so that they could make donations to his legal fund to help him out, because at the time said he would probably be sued. At that time, Robert did open a PayPal account, and posted it on his website, so this isn't something new. 155
i recall the exact same thing and made a donation at that time. I cannot imagine his legal bills
Would someone please re-link me to the twitter page that shows what people tweet to her? I had it saved, but now it no longer works. It also doesn't work if I just search by her name. I can't be blocked, as I have no twitter account. Is anyone else having the same problem?
I was seriously thinking of sending $100 to Robert but after this posting by Gosselin Book Team I am rethinking it. They are as someone else said, the worst on Twitter. I'm sorry Robert, I would love to help but that should come from you. Also, although I really want to read this, I can't imagine it is worth bankrupting your family for it. I hope it turns into a real money maker!
Available June 23, 2014. http://gosselinbook.com/
YAY ROBERT. Congradulation! YEY! Martin Garbus and Eaton & Van Winkle.....thank you for helping him.
You all have gone where no man has gone before and have lived. lol
Re: Robert...............Oh...Goody, Goody. Summer reading.
Krazy is beginning to look like a mosaic of several movie stars...."Give me her eyes....give me her chin/forehead.....give me her hair cut and color...give me her shoes....etc, etc".
Makes me laugh...she must hate herself...and her family.
For MiloMan....who has Krazy ever been loyal to? WHAT family? What truth? ...the one she spins in her head?? Give me a break!
There is nothing more evil than a cruel mother. IMO
IMO...I'm ok with Robert using the money for personal use. The way I see it is up to now, he had to use money out of his own pocket that should have gone to his family for the book and fees. So yes, he deserves it and more.
IMO...I'm ok with Robert using the money for personal use. The way I see it is up to now, he had to use money out of his own pocket that should have gone to his family for the book and fees. So yes, he deserves it and more.
OT- I wanted to share that I'm very excited that Netflix has released new season of some shows that I've love and become addicted to.
Sherlock- if you like Elementary, you'll LOVE this
Derek- with Ricky Gervais. I found it funny and touching
Longmire- for watching handsome, middle-aged cowboy sheriffs!
Orange is the New Black- amazing tv. I can't wait to see Pennsylutcky again!
Kate under fire reports Jane Velez-Mitchell on hln...
Jane Velez-Mitchell is blasting Kate she is no fan of Kate's and neither is Jane's lions den.
They lions dean is talking about Kate's plastic surgery to and calling her out for using the kids.-(2 get a new face ha)
I can't keep up with the bizarro world of the sheeple. Who in the heck is "Sage?" I think I have the Zipper, Hole In Heart sheep, TT, Buzzer, Goody and Defective figured out, but what is a Sage?
Jane Valez Mitchell just had the "clip" on her show along with a reporter from ROL stating Jon made a secret deal for no alimony and she can film the kids. If it is secret why is it being broadcast every where. She also said Jon was fired from waitering. Another expert said it is better than her standing in the unemployment line. Another expert says it is fine to take electronics away for punishment. Apparently these people do not know the story of our dear Kate. Jean disagreed with them all and the show was over.
I wonder if Robert Hoffman's book will get any press. I hope so for the kids sake. Can you imagine reading that book about your mother when you are a teenager?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m
Showed Lex pic of her asleep in my rm last pm Me:Face of an angel!
A:Its not a face of an angel.Its the face of a sleeping person #OHLex❤️
And this is cute or clever? What in the world is wrong with Kate?
Beyond DIsgusted said... 173
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m
Showed Lex pic of her asleep in my rm last pm Me:Face of an angel!
A:Its not a face of an angel.Its the face of a sleeping person #OHLex❤️
And this is cute or clever? What in the world is wrong with Kate?
This kind of interaction has been tweeted by Kate before. It's like her children don't get abstract thoughts, nuances or even humor.
I have to wonder if her kids have a very, very dry sense of humor, or they don't get allusions and metaphors.
T said... 159
It's easy -).
1. Type KatePlusMy8 in google her twitter will come up.
2. When you get to her page re type Kate Gosselin into twitter search engine.
Her timeline should pop up for you.
foxy said... 172
They all seem to agree that KK needs to stop exploiting the kids for her own gain.
foxy said... 172
Jane Valez Mitchell just had the "clip" on her show along with a reporter from ROL stating Jon made a secret deal for no alimony and she can film the kids. If it is secret why is it being broadcast every where. She also said Jon was fired from waitering. Another expert said it is better than her standing in the unemployment line. Another expert says it is fine to take electronics away for punishment.
As if the only alternative to making money off her kids by filming them is an unemployment line.
She's a nurse, for f*ck's sake!!
Are these people that idiotic?
And of course taking away electronics, or any privilege for that matter, is commonly used as punishment. That's not the issue. The issue is punishing Mady on national television.
What haven't we seen Mady punished for?
I really do feel for the poor girl.
Could have figured this was coming. Now someone wants to see a picture of Alexis sleeping. What in the name of all that's holy is wrong with these people? Do they have children? If so, would they tweet photos on the internet of their own kids sleeping? Good gawd.
kcsmum @kcsmum 9m
@Kateplusmy8 Show us, please!
The PayPal link to contribute to RH is on his own website. http://gosselinbook.com. The fact that a non-fan tweeted about it and posted about it means little except s/he wanted to get the word out. RH must have accrued huge legal fees in this multi-year battle.
Sue said... 160
Sorry Remona Blue but I've got to agree with silimom on this one because it is very similar to what Jon & TFW did with their love offerings.
Sorry, but not even in the same ballpark.
Jane Valdez has always done some great journalism on this situation. I remember her making fun of the cruise, if I recall. She has common sense about the situation.
PatK said... 180
Sue said... 160
Sorry Remona Blue but I've got to agree with silimom on this one because it is very similar to what Jon & TFW did with their love offerings.
Sorry, but not even in the same ballpark.
Agree- Robert isn't fleecing church going good folks by regaling them with stories of unpaid bills whilst in escrow for a 1.2 million dollar compound and a divorce attorney on speed dial.
I can't imagine Robert's legal bills.
He has really stuck his neck out for this project and book and there is virtually no one else who can or will tell the truth about Kate.
Crissakes, even if one of her family DARE say that they haven't spoken in years and that they didn't support her using her children for profit, the wrath of Kate and her legal cronies rain shit all over them.
Just the fact that Robert is still standing, still in the game, is amazing.
He's sacrificed a lot.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 36m
Showed Lex pic of her asleep in my rm last pm Me:Face of an angel!
A:Its not a face of an angel.Its the face of a sleeping person #OHLex❤️
If had taken a picture of my 10 yr old grandson while they were sleeping, and then showed it to him, his first reaction would be "Why did you take a picture of me while I was sleeping? That's weird."
I'm sorry, but no 10 yr old I know speaks like that. It sounds like something my 3 yr old granddaughter would say.
CASA is a wonderful organization that could always use donations. They help abused and neglected children going thorugh the court system. Maybe it's just getting them a juice after they testified in court and be somebody safe to sit with, or as complex as preparing detailed studies about their foster home life and current situation.
Most of their people are volunteer based.
As if the only alternative to making money off her kids by filming them is an unemployment line.
She's a nurse, for f*ck's sake!!
For f*ck sake indeed.
Look, it's the age old straw man argument again. We don't want her to exploit the children, therefore we must want her to stand in the unemployment line and starve.
Like there aren't hundreds of other jobs out there she is well qualified for. Or, she could have spent her hard earned dollars exploiting the kids to get a further degree. You can do it at home online now. She could have done it while they are at school. Instead she sat on her ass and watched Dr. Phil. "Currency" Kate? We know what you do all day. Oh and by the way I know like six different people who got a degree while working a full time job with kids. There's no reason she couldn't have done it too. Penn State has very respected online programs.
Tucker's Mom said... 182
PatK said... 180
Sue said... 160
Sorry Remona Blue but I've got to agree with silimom on this one because it is very similar to what Jon & TFW did with their love offerings.
Sorry, but not even in the same ballpark.
''Agree- Robert isn't fleecing church going good folks by regaling them with stories of unpaid bills whilst in escrow for a 1.2 million dollar compound and a divorce attorney on speed dial.
I can't imagine Robert's legal bills.
He has really stuck his neck out for this project and book and there is virtually no one else who can or will tell the truth about Kate.''
To even compare Robert's problem with TCFMJG is nonsense!
If anyone wants to donate to Robert for WHATEVER reason, all they have to do is go to
and donate....or don't! I don't see anyone twisting anyone's arm forcing them to send Robert a single penny!
Good grief!
This kind of interaction has been tweeted by Kate before. It's like her children don't get abstract thoughts, nuances or even humor.
I have to wonder if her kids have a very, very dry sense of humor, or they don't get allusions and metaphors.
I think this is a softer version of sassing and talking back. Sort of a pre-teen sass.
Mom says something, and you contradict her just for the heck. You're not doing anything wrong EXACTLY but you are being unnecessarily contrary. And then, the child realizes this behavior is something they can get away with because Mom laughs it off and tweets about it. This empowers them to continue to sass and push mom around. And.....the next step is Mady.
If had taken a picture of my 10 yr old grandson while they were sleeping, and then showed it to him, his first reaction would be "Why did you take a picture of me while I was sleeping? That's weird."
I'm sorry, but no 10 yr old I know speaks like that. It sounds like something my 3 yr old granddaughter would say.
A 10-year old would "get" the "face of an angel" allusion.
It just doesn't sound right and I sure as heck wouldn't broadcast it.
(isn't she the one who got expelled?)
If Kate spent her time furthering her nursing degree, she'd be sitting pretty and sitting on a sure thing.
Instead, she's pissed away all these years with grifting, "blogging", tweeting and scrounging for D-list appearances.
Thanks chef, but I tried that already. I can get Kate's twitter just fine, but am basically unable to search for anything on twitter. Weird right? I blame os7. That update ruined everything!
Try this...
Sorry Remona Blue but I've got to agree with silimom on this one because it is very similar to what Jon & TFW did with their love offerings.
What? It's absolutely NOTHING like what was done to the church people...not even in the same ballpark. Robert has legal fees. He's not settling on a million dollar house while crying poor. Geez.
njay said... 167
''IMO...I'm ok with Robert using the money for personal use. The way I see it is up to now, he had to use money out of his own pocket that should have gone to his family for the book and fees. So yes, he deserves it and more.''
BINGO! You are so right. Robert has had to use his own money to fight TCFMJG's lawsuits, and then who knows who else in order to re-publish his book. I agree that Robert deserves every penny he gets and to use in any way he pleases!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 1h
Showed Lex pic of her asleep in my rm last pm Me:Face of an angel! A:Its not a face of an angel.Its the face of a sleeping person #OHLex❤️
This is one of Kate's "see, I'm a good mom now I even let them sleep in my room. I'm not mean, that's all in the past" tweets.
What's really happening is she's shitting her pants right now because of the RH's news today.
Damage control coming too little too late, Sarge.
So has Robert been communicatin' with some of the twitter khaters? If so, tell us what he's said!
Personally, I don't hand money over unless I *know* it's being DIRECTLY deposited to said charity.
Kate uses her kids, even for damage control about abusing her kids.
Oh, the irony.
Like Ex-Nurse, I must say I'm a little worried for the kids because it's a given that once more, their private life will be plastered all over the tabloids.
I sort of agree, my thing that I want to clarify is that I always think that abusive behavior should be exposed. "The children could be hurt by it" is never a good excuse, IMO, because child abuse is worse than children being hurt by "exposure" of that child abuse. What you also find over and over in child abuse is that most kids feel a sense of relief once the abuse is "outed." They may have many emotional struggles but it is rare to hear a child say I wish the abuse was kept quiet and had been just left to continue.
The problem here is the abuse has already been revealed and put out there loud and clear. It's BEEN outed. This is no reason to keep putting it out there over and over, and it runs into a dangerous point where it is much easier to spin it as Kate the victim. THAT's my issue, that putting out redundant information could backfire. I'm not saying I can predict exactly how she will be able to spin or not spin this, I'm just raising it as a danger.
A final thought, if one is not ready to take on the financial burdens of publishing a book that someone else doesn't like, one should not get involved. Or, one should prepare themselves financially ahead of time. It was Robert's choice to do what he did knowing full well he could be sued, and I don't see that it's anyone's concern what his financial burdens are as a result. But as always we're all adults and can do what we like with our money.
Robert had legal fees (if he does) because he chose to have legal fees. No one forced him to publish Kate's journal. That's on him, not us.
I find asking for money to be tacky. JMO.
Beyond disgusted @191
It worked thank you so much!
On E News Live tonight the 4 hosts ( Jason Kennedy, Catt Saddler, Ken Baker & Melanie Bromley did a segment on whether Kate should be seen more or to make herself stop. They all voted for her to stop. They showed the preview clip & Ken said those kids looked like they didn't want to be on TV. Catt said after seeing Kate humiliate& exploit her daughters on Today show that she was done with Kate. Ken & Melanie also said Kate doesn't look like herself anymore, hope this is truly the end of Kate! -LIN-
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