"Well, Mady is still defying her mom and in this clip from their 2-hour torture piece of a special, Sergeant Asshole McPlasticFace tells her child army that she (read: the producers) have all sorts of “fun things” planned for Spring Break. Nobody makes“fun things” sound like the opposite of fun the way Kate Gosselin does." Michael K., Dlisted
"Last we saw Reading’s own Kate Gosselin, she appeared alongside her daughters for a stoically angry Today show interview that promoted their upcoming return to TLC with Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10. Now, we’ve gotten a first look at the show, and it is similarly stoic and angry. Who would’ve thought?" Nick Vadala, Philly.com
"What TLC does not realize is they are showing Mady to be the normal one in the bunch; refusing to play along and act like everything is fine. Mady says; “we are not going to have fun." You can tell it is taking everything Kate has to not lose it. Good job, Mady. Let the world know how dysfunctional things really are." Miss Amia, Reality T.V. scandals
And finally a blogger at Kate's former employer, The Stir, called the stunt a "twisted trick":
"Kids test their parents' limits, and we need to set up boundaries and stick to them. It's GOOD to see Kate disciplining her kids without resorting to violence ('memba the wooden spoon incident?). That said, it seems a little odd to specifically buy something nice for your child with the intention of using it to punish them. For lack of a better word, it seems ... untrustworthy? It sounds like a Trojan Horse of parenting ... here kid, here's a gift, now I can use it to destroy you. Now, to be clear, that doesn't mean you shouldn't put limits on the use of gadgets because they are, after all, a privilege. But we are supposed to buy presents for our kids out of the goodness of our hearts, not with an ulterior motive! That's part of showing love and respect for our kids. And we all know respect is a two-way street." Jeanne Sager, The Stir
Great insight from all the above bloggers and that's only some of it.
1202 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1202 Newer› Newest»THAT's my issue, that putting out redundant information could backfire. I'm not saying I can predict exactly how she will be able to spin or not spin this, I'm just raising it as a danger.
I don't see the information being redundant, since Robert's book was yanked about 48 hours after release.
My hope is that Robert gets press interviews and that tee vee personalities actually read the book in its entirety, and have real discussions about it.
I can think of only one show that picked up on Kate's delight with her Spanker supply, and thought it pretty terrible that she delighted in the relief of never not having a Spanker within arm's reach.
If it is redundant, that's fine by me.
Kate has controlled the narrative for so many years now.
It's time for a balanced conversation.
I have less sympathy for someone who knowingly took on a huge legal battle by knowingly publishing a book without really making sure it was done in a manner that would protect them from a suit. HIs first go around was very reckless, and was full of issues that even lay people recognized, like publishing long excerpts from a variety of copyrighted material. That is on him. I have published a book, and you need to be responsible when doing so. You need to ASK if you want to use something, and if you are confused or unsure about something, you need to consult an expert, even an attorney.
I'm not opposed to donating to someone's legal fund but it would need to be to someone who had no way of protecting themselves in a responsible manner and had a lawsuit thrown on them. Hypothetically speaking for instance, if Kate unscrupulously attacked someone from this site with a suit. We're just commenting like thousands of other people comment on celebs around the web every day and not knowingly doing anything reckless to invite a million dollar lawsuit. Generally I try not to publish any comments that would be reckless, always with that knowledge we have a wide latitude with public figures, but not unlimited.
I can't put my finger on it, something doesn't feel right about it to me. With all due respect to everyone else who has been very supportive.
Like I said as always I have an open mind and we'll see how it turns out.
Betty said... 198
''Robert had legal fees (if he does) because he chose to have legal fees. No one forced him to publish Kate's journal. That's on him, not us.
I find asking for money to be tacky. JMO.''
No one forced him to publish the journal? No one forced TCFW to beat her toddlers, but she did. Thanks to Robert publishing her journal, we know IN HER OWN WORDS what sort of person she is.
I find blaming the one that exposed her abusive behavior to be tacky. Just MY opinion!
I believe Robert consulted many people regarding legal issues concerning publishing the book.
I also believe that big money gets better legal representation, and Kate, as we all know, has more money than Robert.
He got bullied, threatened, handled and sued, and I don't think he counted on the singular focus of Kate's vengeance when she wants to destroy someone.
Plus, the juggernaut that is TLC went after him too.
I think Robert is rather intrepid for forging forward with his reworked book, and actually republishing it.
I'd have shat a hole in my pants after the first legal threat.
Betty said... 198
Robert had legal fees (if he does) because he chose to have legal fees. No one forced him to publish Kate's journal. That's on him, not us.
I find asking for money to be tacky. JMO.
Robert is not begging with his hand held out like Kate (and Jon), or telling his tales of woe to an ensorcelled and entranced audience.
Just because Kate grifts for a luxury lifestyle doesn't mean that there aren't people out there who really do need help paying legal bills (or mortgages, or grocery bills).
Many here praised Robert and cheered him on as he pulled back the curtain on the real Kate Gosselin.
Robert did what many of us wanted him to do, and we've been encouraging him on.
So Robert pays the price, and we turn our backs and say, 'not my problem"?.
Does no one feel just a tad accountable and complicit in the fact that he's been financially screwed up the wazoo by Kate and her legal dogs?
I know I do.
Anonymous said... 200
On E News Live tonight the 4 hosts ( Jason Kennedy, Catt Saddler, Ken Baker & Melanie Bromley did a segment on whether Kate should be seen more or to make herself stop. They all voted for her to stop. They showed the preview clip & Ken said those kids looked like they didn't want to be on TV. Catt said after seeing Kate humiliate& exploit her daughters on Today show that she was done with Kate. Ken & Melanie also said Kate doesn't look like herself anymore, hope this is truly the end of Kate! -LIN-
June 2, 2014 at 6:52 PM
I think the tide has turned.
The good will is very, very thin after the People cover and Today show disaster.
Watching Mady get disciplined on national television is more than most people can stomach anymore.
It's actually uncomfortable for most people to watch without a guilty conscience.
About time Robert!
As for who is asking for money...I don't see Robert saying "I'm ready to re-publish my book now ,but before I do I need (insert dollar amount here). He IS putting this book out not matter how much money he has or has not made from it. If he wants donations I will gladly give him one. He is the only one who is trying to make the world see TFW for what she is. An abusive mother with a plan. Who has zero concern for the kids.
If she gets work after this ( as a tv star) I will be shocked.
As for beating the dead horse of should this book be seen by the kids?
They have lived this and know way more than we will ever know. Only when some put out their own book we might feel better?
This woman needs to be seen for what she really is. When the press stops seeing her as a maryter. The kid's might just get the help and protection they need.
I think the tide has turned.
The good will is very, very thin after the People cover and Today show disaster.
Watching Mady get disciplined on national television is more than most people can stomach anymore.
It's actually uncomfortable for most people to watch without a guilty conscience.
She cried wolf too much if you will.
It's all so screwed up and it was just one too many times before people weren't buying it anymore.
The issue is punishing Mady on national television.
What haven't we seen Mady punished for?
I really do feel for the poor girl.
Tuck this what Jane was saying why did Kate have to punish Maddy like she did.
Jane was like turn off the camera and talk to Maddy privately.
It's all so screwed up and it was just one too many times before people weren't buying it anymore.
June 2, 2014 at 7:17 PM
Finally- and there was Kate during the DWTS days, thinking she'd have the choice of shutting down the cameras once the kids turned 18.
Kate thought America could never get enough of her and her kids.
The problem is, she's one-dimensional.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Same shit, different day.
One note.
One trick pony.
Been there, seen that.
T said... 199
Beyond disgusted @191
It worked thank you so much!
You are very welcome. I don't have Twitter and it took some fooling around on my part until I found one that works!
She lost a HUGE amount of good will with the Today show stunt. I mean huge. We remember it.
If the average viewer can just get their memory jogged enough to remember that little stunt, they're not going to have any patience left for this special.
If you were in a coma for 3 years, and turned on the tv when you woke up, Kate would STILL be saying the same damn things.
If you were in a coma for 3 years, and turned on the tv when you woke up, Kate would STILL be saying the same damn things.
Yep she'd just look REALLY different saying those same things!
@Kateplusmy8: Showed Lex pic of her asleep in my rm last pm Me:Face of an angel!
A:Its not a face of an angel.Its the face of a sleeping person #OHLex❤️
Wasn't TFW retweeting and patting herself on the back just yesterday for her perfect punctuation and grammar? Note to TFW, in this case it's IT'S not its.
If the average viewer can just get their memory jogged enough to remember that little stunt, they're not going to have any patience left for this special.
I think people's hearts will be breaking for Mady, what with her clamming up on the Today show, and Kate snapping her fingers, "your words, Mady... spit it out!".
Now this very public humiliation of being scolded and punished and MOCKED heartlessly by her own mother.
Worse yet, that performance of Kate's was for Kate's sake alone.
This is one of Kate's "see, I'm a good mom now I even let them sleep in my room. I'm not mean, that's all in the past" tweets.
You got it, Auntie. Who cares where Alexis was sleeping? She just HAD to mention it was in her room. Good Mommy.
So wait, E news AND JVM? LOL Well JVM tweeted this:
Jane Velez-MitchellVerified account
Kate Gosselin is bringing her brood back to TV! Will you be watching?
Some of the replies:
Lya Terrell @terrell_lya 4h
@JVM Absolutely NOT
ThE-Sherry @chrissherry1 4h
@JVM mmmm no 😕
Marion howarth @howarth_marion 4h
@JVM he'll no!!
lifespondering by AS @lifespondering 4h
lucy @LucyLyrical 4h
@JVM no
ShelbyW @Copperville1 4h
“@JVM: Kate Gosselin is bringing her brood back to TV! Will you be watching?” ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!
Judy Olafsen @judyolafsen 4h
KandiChi @KandiChi3 4h
@JVM Absolutely not! So not interested.
Tammy Louise @talouloo 4h
@JVM no
mscatie @mscatie 4h
@JVM NO! Read "KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD-The Rise And Fall of a RealityTV Queen" on sale June 23, 2014 http://gosselinbook.com
veronica crotty @kinten68 4h
@JVM Its just a special. I think we are all done with her, she's just mean and greedy.
Nick Lavigne @nicklavigne87 4h
@JVM I wouldn't watch it if it was the only thing on TV!
Lisa Shore @LisaSpringsteen 4h
@JVM that's a rapid no no no
teresa darienzo @popems42 4h
@JVM Oh God! I would rather have a root canal while giving birth.
Well actually that was all the replies. Well except three:
TheRealChrisMichaelW @ChrisMichaelW 4h
@JVM yes
kathleen tierney @kit2010tierney 4h
@JVM oh yes
Cortesa Winton @cortesa39 4h
@JVM yes as long as her ex husband is not on it
Now how's that for a poll, Marie?
NJGal51 said... 16
@Kateplusmy8: Showed Lex pic of her asleep in my rm last pm Me:Face of an angel!
A:Its not a face of an angel.Its the face of a sleeping person #OHLex❤️
Wasn't TFW retweeting and patting herself on the back just yesterday for her perfect punctuation and grammar? Note to TFW, in this case it's IT'S not its.
Another example of how Kate doesn't see herself as others do.
Kate believes she is the epitome of manners, grammar and writing, and by all accounts, she's atrocious at all of the above.
She's just not goodish at any of them
Yep she'd just look REALLY different saying those same things!
LOL Like Jane said everything the same but that face of her's which the kids paid for.
MOCKED heartlessly by her own mother.
Kind of when she didn't want to give Maddy water and she took a sip in front of Maddy,
Or when she told Maddy she had filthy hands cause she touched Steve's pizza.
Or when she told Maddy to hurry up and get her some paper towels cause she not playing a filming at show it's real.
So Robert pays the price, and we turn our backs and say, 'not my problem"?.
Does no one feel just a tad accountable and complicit in the fact that he's been financially screwed up the wazoo by Kate and her legal dogs?
Accountable?? HELL NO. I'm just a voyeur. I can see people on twitter maybe feeling some responsibility but I'm just another anonymous person and not completely investing my entire life on this.
This blog, to me, is my guilty time waster. I lead a full life outside of the internet and am accountable for a hundred different real life things. I don't need another. JMO.
But hey, pass the popcorn! ;)
So TFW wants us to know it's not only the twins she lets in her room.
But I bet the boys still aren't allowed under "penalty of severeness."
If we see a picture of them in there, we'll know the new edition of the
book is even worse than the first one...
Amber Goodhand Radar News Editor tweeted
Talked with @JVM tonight on @HLNTV about @Kateplusmy8's new @TLC special. http://t.co/6hU1I74HP1
Kind of when she didn't want to give Maddy water and she took a sip in front of Maddy,
Or when she told Maddy she had filthy hands cause she touched Steve's pizza.
Or when she told Maddy to hurry up and get her some paper towels cause she not playing a filming at show it's real.
Or when Mady was crying and having a meltdown because she didn't think it fair that the tups were getting three birthday parties for the same birthday so Kate had to give her a lecture while the cameras were rolling.
Look out mommie dearest, she has you ALL figured out and she's only thirteen. This is just the tip of the of iceberg.
I call what Alexis said to be BS, made up by Kate, trying to sound, upper class. No, 10 year old I have ever known talks like that. Just as I have never heard any mom or any one except: people in power, or preacher people, us the word redemption. Yes, Mady, you will come back in the room and redeem yourself, ask for forgiveness, get down on your knees and pray for forgiveness. Geez, sounds like a scene out of: Carrie The original movie(Sissy Spacek).
From what I have read, & seen the clip on TV, all Mady was saying is the truth. The so call fun, Kate was going to explain, was that the film crew was here to film for the special, during springbreak. Just when the kids thought they would be able to be normal and do what all their friends did on break, Kate has the film crew show up. Mady figured it out. Wasn't Mady the one who said: all we do is work? She really knows Kate well. Of course Kate got mad. Kate had been telling everyone, for the last 2 1/2 years, who read or would listen, that the kids, missed filming. And here comes one of her kids saying, probably, what the others were thinking, and she gets punished, for speaking out, the truth. Poor kid. JMO
Ingrid said... 26
Amber Goodhand Radar News Editor tweeted
Is Amber the one who asserted on this national television show that Jon made a secret deal with Kate in regards to relieving him of child support?
If so, I hope that she and Radar can prove this.
I call what Alexis said to be BS, made up by Kate, trying to sound, upper class.
How is saying, "its (sic) the face of a sleeping person" upper class? Why wouldn't a kid say that? I really don't find it all that unusual. Did she really say it? Who knows? Who cares? Question is...why would Kate think that it was cute or worthy of being tweeted other than to make sure that tweeties know that Alexis was sleeping in Kate's room and Kate thought that Alexis looked angelic. That's what a good mommie says about her child. Kate wanted to put it out there.
As far as using the word redemption. I don't think that it's all that uncommon. We've often said, "Here's how you can redeem yourself." We're not preacher people, although the kids would say that we do have a tendency to preach to them if the occasion arises!
Or when Mady was crying and having a meltdown because she didn't think it fair that the tups were getting three birthday parties for the same birthday so Kate had to give her a lecture while the cameras were rolling.
What was Kate's reply to Mady? I forget. Didn't she just mumble something about being filmed, or that the twins would have another party or what exactly was it?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 2
I have less sympathy for someone who knowingly took on a huge legal battle by knowingly publishing a book without really making sure it was done in a manner that would protect them from a suit. HIs first go around was very reckless, and was full of issues that even lay people recognized, like publishing long excerpts from a variety of copyrighted material. That is on him. I have published a book, and you need to be responsible when doing so. You need to ASK if you want to use something, and if you are confused or unsure about something, you need to consult an expert, even an attorney.
I think anyone who wants to donate to Robert's legal fund, should certainly do so. However, I don't think anyone owes it to Robert to contribute. It is not turning our back on him if we choose not to contribute.
My stand on donations has been the same for years. I have a limited amount of income. Therefore, I can only give a limited amount per year. I have three charities that I donate to each year. After that, I really do not have the money to spare, except for the few bucks I give here and there to people begging on the streets. So while I feel for anyone facing high legal bills, I cannot help Robert out. I will help him in one way - when the book is available for purchase, I will buy one.
Most attorneys will work with clients on a repayment schedule. Hopefully Robert's attorney is willing to do so.
Just to clarify. I did not say that the book shouldn't come out because of embarrassment to the kids. I meant that up until the Growing Up Gosselin morning show tours,they were in relative obscurity. Now that she has managed to get them back in the limelight, and continues yo represent herself as uber mom, she is fair game. In fact, she is practically asking for it.
As far as RH goes, it remains to be seen whether the high cost of the book, in terms of time and money, is worth it. If he hits big, or it leads to a movie, maybe he will consider it to be worth it. If not, at the end of the day, isn't a cure for cancer, or wrestling the nuclear codes from a hostile foreign power. It is Kate Gosselin, for God's sake! If he risked his family's financial welfare on this venture, or missed out on his own kids' lives, then he is probably acting out of obsession. I just don't see how it is worth it. JMO of course.
What was Kate's reply to Mady? I forget. Didn't she just mumble something about being filmed, or that the twins would have another party or what exactly was it?
I can't remember exactly what she said either but it was along the lines of the usual 'suck it up' she uses when she's being confronted with a truth, but of course no one challenges Kate especially not her kids. You could see the frustration and hurt on Mady's face. That I do remember.
I think Jamie was with them and it was their trip to Seaworld in Orlando.
Last time when I heard about the book coming out, had a feeling I needed to buy it fast. I will be buying this one as well. I thought that I read somewhere that Robert was really sick, and had hospital bills as well as lawyer's to pay. Do not know if it is true, just what I had read somewhere, so please don't attack me for not saying where I had read it. I totally agree with Remona and Tucker's Mom, and others who agree with them, 100%.
Will whomever finds out where we can buy the book from, please let us know? I sure hope it will be from Amazon.
Why would a high profile attorney take on a client that is so financially strapped? It isn't like there would be a potentially big payout, since RH was the defendant. Isn't it more likely that it was pro bono or reduced fees, in the hopes that it would be a landmark case? Didn't Jon's attorney say something about making new laws?
Sleepless In Seattle said... 31
Or when Mady was crying and having a meltdown because she didn't think it fair that the tups were getting three birthday parties for the same birthday so Kate had to give her a lecture while the cameras were rolling.
What was Kate's reply to Mady? I forget. Didn't she just mumble something about being filmed, or that the twins would have another party or what exactly was it?
IIRC, this was in Florida.
Mady dried foul that the tups were getting yet another party and Kate said something about the tups being born premature and having their actual birthday and the due date birthday, had they gone to term.
It was utter BS.
The reason was that TLC was paying and it filled airspace with cute HOM's having a birthday party.
Which is of course, to say, it would draw eyeballs and make money for everyone involved.
Sigh- another one of Mady's meltdowns preserved for posterity for all to see.
As far as using the word redemption. I don't think that it's all that uncommon. We've often said, "Here's how you can redeem yourself."
Agree- it was Kate's syntax that was weird.
Yes, Mady, you will come back in the room and redeem yourself, ask for forgiveness, get down on your knees and pray for forgiveness. Geez, sounds like a scene out of: Carrie The original movie(Sissy Spacek).
Mady's transgression was hardly one that warranted redemption.
But, Kate's a drama queen, as we all know, and she was certainly amping it up for the cameras.
"They're ruined!"
"There's not enough room for all of us!"
"No birthday cupcake for you since you didn't lick your plate clean!"
I have less sympathy for someone who knowingly took on a huge legal battle by knowingly publishing a book without really making sure it was done in a manner that would protect them from a suit.
In this case, he would have been sued by that bitch even if he felt he was completely protected from being sued. And wasn't the suit frivolous? (his and Jon's) Wasn't it was dismissed? How do you protect yourself from that?
We're talking about someone who sues anyone and everyone. He did know his legal rights and knew that the information (her diaries) were free for the taking. He knew that by getting them from her trash, they were no longer her property. She copywrote the diary AFTERWARDS. He took the risk KNOWING she was going to sue. Robert isn't asking people to take care of his legal bills and skirting his responsiblities. (lyes, like J&K did)h e's simply asking if anyone would like to contribute. No pulling on the proverbial heart strings, no exaggerated stories of woe and misery...if you want to donate, do so, if you don't, then don't.
Tucker's Mom said
I can think of only one show that picked up on Kate's delight with her Spanker supply, and thought it pretty terrible that she delighted in the relief of never not having a Spanker within arm's reach.
I don't remember this. Can you elaborate
A final thought, if one is not ready to take on the financial burdens of publishing a book that someone else doesn't like, one should not get involved. Or, one should prepare themselves financially ahead of time. It was Robert's choice to do what he did knowing full well he could be sued, and I don't see that it's anyone's concern what his financial burdens are as a result. But as always we're all adults and can do what we like with our money.
June 2, 2014 at 6:46 PM
didn't see this post, responding to your last one,reading from bottom up
-you pretty much said what I was trying to say.
Here's how I see the "sleeping angel" tweet.
tfw was "out of character" trying to be sweet to her daughter. Because she's in a somewhat "good mood" Alexis gave her a snotty answer. Kind of like their mother does. She's going to give tfw a run for her money too
The transcript for Jane Velez-Mitchell's HLN show last night where they talked about TFW putting the kids back on tv is here - scroll wayyyy down towards the bottom:
Dear Kate, there are no amount of damage-control tweets that can save you now. But, hey, thanks for amusing us with your effort.
In this case, he would have been sued by that bitch even if he felt he was completely protected from being sued. And wasn't the suit frivolous? (his and Jon's) Wasn't it was dismissed? How do you protect yourself from that?
Yes, how can you see this coming?
Robert was logical and thorough. He stated (IIRC) that he consulted plenty of professionals.
He dotted his 'i's" and crossed his "t's" to the best of his ability.
Could he have been more informed?
But I don't think anyone believes that a mother, with 8 kids, who she purports to support by herself, would spend untold thousands on a frivolous lawsuit to bully Robert into dropping the book.
Even for me, who has been following this saga for years, this was particularly insane.
The lawsuit against Robert, and Jon, the father of her kids, whom she said she had to protect her children and their future from by suing him!
This left me gobsmacked, and when it comes to Kate, that takes some doing.
Vanessa said... 36
Tucker's Mom said
I can think of only one show that picked up on Kate's delight with her Spanker supply, and thought it pretty terrible that she delighted in the relief of never not having a Spanker within arm's reach.
I don't remember this. Can you elaborate
June 3, 2014 at 4:22 AM
I can't remember exactly what show it was.
It was like AH, or ET or one of the Hollywood gossip fluff shows.
What struck me was that "the Spanker" was now out there, and finally, someone was talking about a mother beating her toddlers with a really, very hard, spoon.
Agree- it was Kate's syntax that was weird.
That isn't all that TFW does that is weird. Where to begin....
Re the discussion about. RH donate/don't thing....it's like the watch/don't watch thing. You're not going to change anyone's mind and everything that can be said about it has already been said. Eleventy billion times.
Scrolling is a good thing. Ducking and running now. :-)
I remember when Mady was upset about the third posh birthday party fornher siblings. TFW totally discounted Mady's feelings and gave her some bs answer about they were premature so they deserve it. Mady responded something about, so were we!
I hated how TFW just blew her off, on national tv. Didn't try to comfort the child or relieve her distress in any way. Nice mom, eh?
When you look at how Kate would go to any lengths to ruin Robert and his family, you can really understand how and why Sylvia LaFair walked away from pursuing the money awarded to her, against Kate, in her lawsuit.
Kate will fight to the death just because she hates losing that much.
That, and she's mean, really, really, pathologically, mean.
From the JVM transcript of the TLC promo:
K. GOSSELING: A lot has changed since you last have been here. It`s all still happening with or without cameras. We`ve all been through a lot. We`ve learned what`s important, and I`m getting older, tireder, more worn out.
The kids are getting older and smarter and giving me a run for my money daily and hourly and moment by moment.
Let me "de-code".
The cameras change nothing and therefore, have no effect on my kids' lives.
I'm with the kids ALL the time, never away, not for a day, an hour or a moment.
What spin, right after being away for what? Over a month?
Nice try.
Re the discussion about. RH donate/don't thing....it's like the watch/don't watch thing. You're not going to change anyone's mind and everything that can be said about it has already been said. Eleventy billion times.
Scrolling is a good thing. Ducking and running now. :-)
haha, good point Mel.
Robert has stated that the legal bills were in the mid 5 figure range. He did his research and consulted lawyers in the before the first book, but that doesn't mean that SLAPP happy internet bullies aren't out there.
Robert, when you said the book would be coming out I believed you. Thanks to TLC it can be launched earlier. Who knows if CA is ever going to see the light of day. Timing is everything.
I bought the first book and I'll buy the second one. Robert did say that the first book was the tip of the iceberg. Let's hope it ALL comes out now.
Very good and real exchange about what Kate is doing to the kids.
The constant rumors about Jon and Kate striking a financial deal so that she can continue filming the children really rankles me.
If in fact Jon has done this, I just don't know what to think or say.
The only thing I disagreed with is the false dichotomy of filming the children's private lives, or standing in an unemployment line.
First of all, there's nothing wrong with the latter.
Secondly, there's an enormous range between the two, Kate's furthering her education and securing a career in nursing/health care administration notwithstanding.
Kate can cry about piecin' and patchin' all she wants, but she has means, which means she has options.
She just chooses not to avail herself.
So, she can crack eggs and sigh until the cows come home.
She's made her choices and can't expect sympathy from anyone who can clearly see right through her.
Mel said... 50
I remember when Mady was upset about the third posh birthday party fornher siblings. TFW totally discounted Mady's feelings and gave her some bs answer about they were premature so they deserve it. Mady responded something about, so were we!
Oh, that's right, she did.
Snap, Mady!
That child doesn't suffer fools.
OBVIOUSLY, that gal from Radar has a "source" from Kate's side. I have no idea if Jon was fired but that sounds like something Kate would want to put out there to make Jon seem like a loser. As far if there was a "secret deal" between him and Kate to not stop her from filming the kids, that may have a ring of truth to it because I cannot understand why he is powerless as a parent to stop her because he says he does not want the kids filmed. I am sure he doesn't, but did he sell that right to Kate? Jon has not ever addressed this, and the kids are filming, so I believe it may be true. If so, shame on Jon. In fact, I would not be surprised that there's a deal for him not to publish a book. I would think a book by him would be a best seller and make him plenty of money.
TLC is loving all the negative publicity. In the headlines:
Berates, Still Horrifying, Gosselin Nightmare, Still the Worse, Manipulative Trick., Cruel.
I have to believe that RH releasing the publication date of his book means it's really getting published, and yet I'm still holding my breath, waiting for the bad news that it's been stalled. I hope I'm wrong.
Kate's goal has been to use her money to bankrupt others. She did it to Jon. She's done it to Robert. I would not be surprised she threatened those family members and friends that have conveniently disappeared from the face of the earth. She's got one, little problem: money is finite and she spends more than she takes in.
Robert is not begging with his hand held out like Kate (and Jon), or telling his tales of woe to an ensorcelled and entranced audience.
I have followed this saga since the beginning. When the first book was pulled some people wanted to donate to Robert's legal bills was and asked him to set up a way for them to donate. A PayPal button was added to his website.
He is not begging for donations, but has thanked people who donated.
That said, donate or don't. It's up to you.
In fact, I would not be surprised that there's a deal for him not to publish a book. I would think a book by him would be a best seller and make him plenty of money.
Sure makes you go hmm...
I'm sure Jon knows Kate will unleash the Hounds of Hell on him, should he decide to publish.
I got the sense that Jon has to rewrite the book, to make it his "opinion', and not put things out as facts.
What I don't get is if Jon struck a deal with Kate to film the kids, why would he huff and puff about going to family court to stop it?
TLC stinks said... 58
TLC is loving all the negative publicity. In the headlines:
Berates, Still Horrifying, Gosselin Nightmare, Still the Worse, Manipulative Trick., Cruel.
I'm waiting for Kate to decry "editing", like she did regarding the RV episodes.
Thing is, you can't produce something that isn't there to begin with.
Anonymous PJ) said... 54
''Robert has stated that the legal bills were in the mid 5 figure range. He did his research and consulted lawyers in the before the first book, but that doesn't mean that SLAPP happy internet bullies aren't out there.
Robert, when you said the book would be coming out I believed you. Thanks to TLC it can be launched earlier. Who knows if CA is ever going to see the light of day. Timing is everything.
I bought the first book and I'll buy the second one. Robert did say that the first book was the tip of the iceberg. Let's hope it ALL comes out now.''
PJ, I came here to say the same thing, but you took the words right out of my mouth! I was hoping that ALL of it comes out now, and TCFW will rue the day she didn't sit her butt down and shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP!
TLC is loving all the negative publicity. In the headlines:
Berates, Still Horrifying, Gosselin Nightmare, Still the Worse, Manipulative Trick., Cruel. 58
TLC has no shame. Disgusting.
p.s. Stinks, where did you see that?
I wonder if Sylvia LeFair could put a lien on Kate's house for money owed, similar to a mechanics lien. That seemed odd to me that she did not pursue any collection method.
Except for Mady, the kids seem like zombies to me, so afraid to say or do the wrong thing. I don't believe Mady is a hero as some here do, just a typical young teen who speaks before she thinks and is highly emotional. She'd be a handful for any parent, but I have zero sympathy for Kate. Kate Gosselin is a tyrant and deserves everything Mady dishes out.
foxy said... 66
I wonder if Sylvia LeFair could put a lien on Kate's house for money owed, similar to a mechanics lien. That seemed odd to me that she did not pursue any collection method.
June 3, 2014 at 6:48 AM
Kate exercised her right to appeal the judge's decision, and LaFair thought the better part of valor was to walk away.
I don't know if she can even collect, since Kate appealed or threatened to appeal.
Perhaps appealing takes collection the money owed by Kate off the table.
I'm waiting for Kate to decry "editing", like she did regarding the RV episodes. 63
Bo Peep AND her 6 sheeple. And you're right, you can't edit in something that doesn't exist.
I can't remember who asked, but Sage has the blog where her posters c & p comments from this blog.
Right, Tucker's Mom. I think Jon does have a journal or manuscript and has used that to threaten Kate. And that may be the point for him: use his book as a threat. Maybe that's all he's got. She sure drained him financially. It all just does not make sense to me but then there must be some very, very nasty exchanges going on between those two over the years.
I thought the family court thing was to gain temporary custody. We haven't heard anything more about that. Aren't these kids old enough to answer a judge on who they want to live with?
I cannot understand why he is powerless as a parent to stop her because he says he does not want the kids filmed.
I can. Family law battles. One parent often runs the show and has the momentum, for a variety of reasons including more money and better lawyers. The other parent has to fight tooth and nail for the smallest of victories.
Trying to change this momentum can be impossible. So yeah, I buy that his hands COULD be tied in family law court, just because I've seen it countless times.
eal so that she can continue filming the children really rankles me.
If in fact Jon has done this, I just don't know what to think or say.
But this rumor was completely made up out of thin air really by just the fans and even some haters. No one has ever remotely suggested that was the case. It's something that was SPECULATED.
I wouldn't worry about it at all.
Just to clarify. I did not say that the book shouldn't come out because of embarrassment to the kids. I meant that up until the Growing Up Gosselin morning show tours,they were in relative obscurity. Now that she has managed to get them back in the limelight, and continues yo represent herself as uber mom, she is fair game. In fact, she is practically asking for it.
To me that's really saying the same thing a different way. Ultimately, you believe the book should not come out because it plucks the kids out of obscurity again. I.e. will embarrass them publicly.
Respectfully, that is never a good reason not to speak up. We must fight against the stigma that being a child of abuse is humiliating or something that should be kept hush hush or private. It's just in my view I believe the abuse has already been properly exposed and there is no reason to keep re-exposing it or risk turning Kate into a martyr. Maybe we forget but the media was all over this story when it came out. Yes, they quickly moved on, because that's just how it works. They didn't move on because Robert had to pull the book. They moved on because they're on a 24 hour news cycle and it was old news even before the book was pulled, that's all.
Thanks, Admin. It's a shame that the parent with the financial resources rules in court.
So if the rumor is false that Jon sold out his kids, why does he not address this or call out Radaronline? If it were me, I would be chomping at the bit to set the record straight.
But this rumor was completely made up out of thin air really by just the fans and even some haters. No one has ever remotely suggested that was the case. It's something that was SPECULATED.
I wouldn't worry about it at all.
Deep down, I'm not believing it.
It's just repeated over and over and over as fact and I don't know how media like ROL can get away with it.
It's really quite damaging to the kids.
Your dad doesn't think filming is healthy for you, but your mom bought him off, so your privacy has a price.
If it's not true, it's a whopper!
I feel like he has set the record straight numerous times and it gets him nowhere. Then he does some stupid interview where he pees in the driveway and people forget everything else he ever said. Whatever, the guy clearly can't handle himself in the media so it's probably better he not say anything at all.
Plus, why does he have to prove or explain to the public anything? I think the first step in recovery from this whole mess is realizing the media isn't going to change your life one way or the other no matter how many times you set the record straight. Both of them need to focus on the kids, not on their statements to the public or media. Generally I think the less celebs tend to talk to the media the easier it is to have a stable and normal life, so staying out of it is what I would recommend to any friends in that situation. The ones living for the media, like your Kate's and Kardashians and all the others, tend to be pretty dysfunctional.
Whatever, the guy clearly can't handle himself in the media so it's probably better he not say anything at all.
OMG so true.
From looking disheveled in ill-fitting clothes, to choosing the wrong words, to cursing Kate out, he is much better served by either staying out of interview chairs, or having carefully crafted media releases done for him.
What's frustrating is that from time to time, Jon can come across as genuine and real.
What was Kate's reply to Mady?
I think it was some bs like "Oh you know they were born early.... So the 6 needed two cakes and two parties
I know I've mentioned it a few times but Divorce Corp. is a great documentary worth watching. The crux of it is family law court is a money making machine where money drives everything. In other countries where there is no financial incentive, divorce and custody battles are much more amicable. In other countries it is virtually a given you will share the children 50-50 thus eliminating the countless battles over every hour of the children's time.
Yes they paint with a broad brush yes I didn't agree with every single thing they said but in terms of explaining the idea of how a perfectly decent parent could easily get screwed in family law court, they did a great job. They found some really nice dads to profile. Dads who have been great fathers but lost their kids in family law court anyway.
From the transcript, Amber Ryland says:
"As Radar reported, we have really good sourcing that tells us that Jon actually made a secret deal with Kate....So he made a deal with Kate that he wasn`t going to pay child support anymore, and in exchange he no longer has a say with Kate as to whether or not the kids appear on TV."
Jane replies "Unbelievable" to which Amber replies " So sources tell us -- "
So ROL never verified anything, but bases this whole rumor on sources and then it all of a sudden it is stated as a fact to be believed.
I guess as long as you can blame the info on "sources" you can get away with.
I knew that chick was lying-(or not telling the whole truth) When she said Radar does their research and that they have an insider and reliable sources lol.
I mean what was she supposed to say "Yeah we here at radar just pull crap out o our butts?
Radar is nothing but a tabloid,
Maybe we forget but the media was all over this story when it came out. Yes, they quickly moved on, because that's just how it works. They didn't move on because Robert had to pull the book.
Actually, I do believe the media moved on because the book was pulled.
And correct me if I'm wrong, when reporting on the book, it was never clearly stated that the book was mostly her journal, her own words, confessing that she beat her kids. Then the lawsuit came and the media went with that. Again, sweeping the REAL story under the rug. It became about privacy, theft, identify theft, sleazy ex husband, sleazy tab reporter etc. . That story ran more than the book did. Nobody really discussed WHAT was in her journals, for fear of legal action. IMO
From looking disheveled in ill-fitting clothes, to choosing the wrong words, to cursing Kate out, he is much better served by either staying out of interview chairs, or having carefully crafted media releases done for him.
What's frustrating is that from time to time, Jon can come across as genuine and real.
I think with him he gets so frustrated it boils over and then he gets in sort of a "I don't give a crap" kind of mood with the media and blurts out whatever. He's impulsive and can only think in the moment about his frustration in that moment. He does not think ahead later, and think well later I won't be so ticked off and later I might be sorry I said that. I think it's just his personality, I know people like this and they can be irritating. With him once he's done he's done and there's no talking him off the ledge.
If that's the way you are, fine, but at least recognize it and stay away from the reporters. Generally he has been lately and it's wise.
I'll give Kate credit, she rarely snaps in the media. A couple times she's snapped on twitter but that was mostly in the beginning. There were a couple really FUNNY times she lost it on people but it really doesn't happen much anymore. She is very good at keeping her cool in the media. She may give you a really vicious stink eye but she's never going to have an outburst. We've seen her outbursts on the show I think because she gets so immersed in things she starts forgetting herself. But if she's going to doll herself up and sit on an interview couch you can bet she's going to keep it together.
Whatever, the guy clearly can't handle himself in the media so it's probably better he not say anything at all.
Jon is damned if he does and he;s damned if he doesn't.
Of course Kate never "snaps". She controls the interview questions and /or has a earpiece with someone giving her the answers. Has anyone ever asked Kate the tough questions the media asks Jon? Nope, not ever.
She controls the interview questions and /or has a earpiece with someone giving her the answers. Has anyone ever asked Kate the tough questions the media asks Jon? Nope, not ever.
Right, he always gets the brunt of the tough and might I add RUDE questions. Barbara Walters was way out of line asking him if he supports his children. I like his response, something along the lines of emotionally, financially, what? Because there is more to supporting and raising children than paying their mother eleven grand a month, Barbara.
That question could have just as easily been posed to Kate. Do YOU support your children? Because as far as I can tell she doesn't. They support her. And that's financially AND emotionally. But is that ever asked, of course not.
It frustrates me, so I can only imagine Jon's frustration, that NO ONE, has EVER asked Kate any really tough questions. She has always been allowed to portray herself as the harried, single, mother of 8. Can we dare go so far as to say the media has been in some way complicit in the continuing abuse of the Gosselin children?
From the JVM transcript (clip of the show preview):
"I would love to be in a movie at some point. I`m getting older, tireder, more worn out. "
Does she really say "I would love to be in a movie at some point."? I'd have to go back and listen but I don't recall her saying that
Yes, very true about tfw keeping her cool with the media, it's everyone else she's a total bitch to. Jon on the other hand is always described as a real nice guy. He can't "lie" when being interviewed unlike the bitch. Whatever he's feeling at that moment is what you get. She plays a role, a game, a fantasy.
Oops, Maybe that was two clips from different interviews because later they have the whole thing of what she says. Interesting that Amber Goodhand who the sheeple love for bashing Jon says this:
I think instead of mothering her eight children, maybe the way most of America would think she should be she has clearly been focused on herself. She has had a dramatic makeover from, you know, the early Kate Gosselin with the spiky hair, frumpy outfits. She is very focused on herself. And I think she`s sort of using her kids as a way to keep the focus on herself.
She may give you a really vicious stink eye but she's never going to have an outburst.
Kate has had massive support, counseling and training for media appearances.
I doubt Jon has had any.
Kate was never without her PR person- forget her name now- she was mentioned several times in articles as being by Kate's side at all times there for a while.
Kate is very good at innuendo, and that stink eye.
I remember a Rachael Ray appearance some time ago, during the angry possum hair days, so she was still married.
Kate was seated at the table, chatting with RR, when she fielded a question about raising her kids on tv.
Kate, being used to studios by that time, addressed the question, "don't you dare question my mothering, you don't get to second guess how I raise MY kids, etc" while actively trying to look directly into the camera filming her.
It was like, 'fuck off, and fuck you".
It was telling to see her seething anger seep through.
Paula said... 88
It frustrates me, so I can only imagine Jon's frustration, that NO ONE, has EVER asked Kate any really tough questions. She has always been allowed to portray herself as the harried, single, mother of 8. Can we dare go so far as to say the media has been in some way complicit in the continuing abuse of the Gosselin children?
A few intrepid souls have deigned to ask the questions about negative impacts of filming the kids, and they seem to ask in a way that says, "isn't this wrong, like really wrong?
The problem is that Kate's canned response of unicorn farts is never challenged, and the fact is, how is a host supposed to counter what Kate says?
Call her a liar?
They can't, and Kate knows it.
I would like to see Kate answer to a panel of professionals who know darn well the damage and risk Kate is exposing her kids to.
I would also like to see a few plastic surgeons disbelieve and reject her de-aging and good bra BS.
Paula said... 88
Can we dare go so far as to say the media has been in some way complicit in the continuing abuse of the Gosselin children?
Oh, there's absolutely no doubt about it!
Carole said... 44
The transcript for Jane Velez-Mitchell's HLN show last night where they talked about TFW putting the kids back on tv is here - scroll wayyyy down towards the bottom:
"...She is very focused on herself. And I think she`s sort of using her kids as a way to keep the focus on herself."
Dear Amber,
Welcome back from YOUR COMA. You think she's sort of using her kids?
Sort of?
You're not sure? What exactly would it take to convince you?
Happy Birthday Anderson Cooper!
I remember when Bethenny asked KK what did she do with all the money..Kate was shocked
And when Savannah told KK to take it easy on the twins..Kate was again shocked
When she was on Home&Family for a second time someone wrote in asking. KK why is she still exploiting her kids the person basically said she nothing w/o the kids and she has on talent..He eye all most popped out of her
AuntieAnn said... 93
I know, Auntie!
This is the kid glove treatment Kate always seems to get.
No one wants to offend the matriarchal monolith that is Kate Gosselin.
It's like they fear lightning will strike if they tell the truth about how they really feel, because heaven forbid, they might be taking food out of those babies mouths, clothing off their backs and the roof from over their heads.
chefsummer said... 82
''I knew that chick was lying-(or not telling the whole truth) When she said Radar does their research and that they have an insider and reliable sources lol''
Oh I don't doubt for one moment that they have ''insider and reliable sources''. The problem is who the insider/source is. Are they the defective detective or Milo or (Senior moment here) whatever the name is of that makeup person. Tell a lie and then other blogs/sites repeat it and suddenly it is a ''fact'' instead of repeating the same lie over and over and over!
It is very annoying and I can't even imagine how infuriating it must be for Jon.
Re: Mady and Kate exchange about the tups birthday party
Admin recapped it and zeroed right in on it. As usual, excellent recap. (thanks Admin)
"You’re right, Mady. Three birthday parties is bullshit. A birthday party staged just for the cameras a full week after the actual birthday that your mother even pulled you out of school for is even bigger bullshit. Fight on. So far, I have no seen Mady complain about one single thing that she wasn’t completely justified in making a stink about this entire trip. This girl does not screw around complaining that her lemonade ain’t cold enough, she is complaining about legit injustices here.
Kate pulls Mady aside and gives Mady some bizarre explanation about how the babies were still in the NICU a week after they were born and that’s why they’re celebrating a week later. Huh? WTF? “We were early too and you only celebrated one day,” Mady retorts. Ha, this child is wonderful. And so smart.
Kate, just admit it’s for the cameras. Mady would respect you a lot more. Kate tries to explain that because of the divorce and because they’re multiples they had a party with Mommy, then Daddy, and now this one. That explains the first two parties, but does nothing to explain the third one. Still no adequate explanation for yet another party and this discussion has gone on for like five minutes now. Mady is 100% right, this is borderline spoiling these poor kids now with all the parties, and not even remotely fair to her and Cara."
Yes, I agree that Jon is not sometimes a great spokesperson. The guy needs to grow up. It is disheartening to see him act like a 20-something college drop out which adds fuel to the fire that he is a deadbeat bum, rotten dad. We talk about Kate going back to school, what about Jon? Both have wasted so many opportunities.
For anyone interested, it appears that at least one of bullyville's forays into court did not go his way.
Hopefully his "reign of terror on the internet" is ending.
Jane replies "Unbelievable" to which Amber replies " So sources tell us -- "
So ROL never verified anything, but bases this whole rumor on sources and then it all of a sudden it is stated as a fact to be believed.
They better have a verified source if she is stating that Jon and Kate made a "secret" deal regarding PA custody. That one could get ROL into very big trouble if they didn't verify it. This isn't like saying that rumor has it that someone was walking into a hotel room with someone else. This "story" of theirs is about something that has to do with the PA legal system. If their "source" is a sheeple, look out. I can't believe that ROL hasn't yet been sued. They are playing with fire.
As far as Kate using the word "redemption," Kate grew up as a preacher's kid. I imagine that she heard that word quite a bit at home.
It reminds me of a time when one of our kids was put on time out. He was maybe five or six. He asked if he could be redeemed. I just kind of looked at him because I didn't know that he knew what it meant. He explained that his teacher always gives the kids a chance to redeem themselves. He heard it at school.
prairiemary, here it is. It is on gosselin book blog.
Q: Where have you been?
A: Certainly not looking for sympathy, but It's been a difficult few months. Besides the obvious legal financial difficulty, I've had some fairly serious health issues that have hospitalized me three times in the last year and kept my attention on other things more recently. Unfortunately I haven't kept up with the blogs or the Gosselin story lately. I'm sorry for the gap in updates.
Steve Neild's phone number is listed on his website and I called the number. There was no answer so I left a voice mail, stating my name and asked him to call me back. He did. I answered and he said, "This is Steve Neild, what can I do for you"....I asked, "Do you have a comment on the re release of Robert Hoffman's book?", He again asked, "who is this", I said, "I just gave you my name, do you have any thoughts on this book?", and he said, "No", and hung up.
He was cordial but short.
Admin said...
It's just in my view I believe the abuse has already been properly exposed and there is no reason to keep re-exposing it or risk turning Kate into a martyr.
I have said that many times on this blog. I think that everything that needs to be known is known--the rest is the details. I was saying that when we talked about this several months ago, the kids had something resembling privacy. Now, that is over because their succubus of a mother finally managed to drag them back in the spotlight, so it is harder to make that argument. And, since she is the one dragging them back, the argument can be made that she is begging for it. When it comes to this family, I have outrage fatigue. Nothing the public, or schoolmates or locals think can hurt them as much as the emotional abuse they suffer on a daily, moment-to-moment basis.
One last think about donating: RH didn't ask for this round of donations--someone else did. It is possible that their is a real publisher behind this--he has already alluded to a film. He has been in characteristically silent during the dragging the twins around morning show tour.
It is possible that he has a publisher, an advance and a movie deal. So, until he asks for a donation himself, it isn't really fair to criticize him for it.
Tucker's Mom said... 98
It's like they fear lightning will strike if they tell the truth about how they really feel, because heaven forbid, they might be taking food out of those babies mouths, clothing off their backs and the roof from over their heads.
Yeah I don't know what their fear is. It's not like they're kicking a poor starving pregnant woman in the stomach if they spit out the truth about her. They tiptoe around her like she's as precious as a Ming vase.
Even if she lost the house, she has a stocked grocery store in her basement from all the freebies she's grifted over the years. And if she ran out of that, she certainly knows how to get more. Grifting is her most highly developed talent. And her only one.
Jane said... 59
I have to believe that RH releasing the publication date of his book means it's really getting published, and yet I'm still holding my breath, waiting for the bad news that it's been stalled. I hope I'm wrong.
This has happened before so it's a wait and see for me too. Not that I need to know more about that harridan. I'm convinced without the rewritten book.
I agree PA Mom these sources are making a serious accusation of potentially illegally activity and quite frankly it implicates Kate just as much as Jon. Under their scenario Kate gave up her children's right to be supported by their father just to exploit them. She negotiated a back door deal contrary to PA law which requires the judge to find best interest. That's a pretty serious allegation and one Kate should be very angry about. And one I wouldn't make lightly.
PA Dutch Mom - I'm a preacher's kid (Episcopalian) and did not grow up hearing that things were our "last redemption". I think that the thing that is so odd is her phraseology. I've heard this is your last chance to redeem yourself but I've really never heard it phrased the way she phrased it. It's just very odd to me and may just be the difference between Jersey and PA. I think a lot of it is that she wants to appear smarter than she actually is so she uses words that don't quite fit.
Remona Blue said... 99
chefsummer said... 82
''I knew that chick was lying-(or not telling the whole truth) When she said Radar does their research and that they have an insider and reliable sources lol''
Oh I don't doubt for one moment that they have ''insider and reliable sources''. The problem is who the insider/source is. Are they the defective detective or Milo or (Senior moment here) whatever the name is of that makeup person. Tell a lie and then other blogs/sites repeat it and suddenly it is a ''fact'' instead of repeating the same lie over and over and over!
It is very annoying and I can't even imagine how infuriating it must be for Jon.
Funny, but this blog and its posters have no problem repeating tabloid stories that paint Kate in a negative light as fact. I haven't noticed you complaining about that.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 77
I feel like he has set the record straight numerous times and it gets him nowhere. Then he does some stupid interview where he pees in the driveway and people forget everything else he ever said. Whatever, the guy clearly can't handle himself in the media so it's probably better he not say anything at all.
He has stated that he does not pay child support. He has stated that Kate has legal custody of the children. Both those facts align with the speculation that he gave up paying child support in exchange for allowing filming, so how has he "set the record straight." I understand that is not the only scenario that those two facts support, but what he has stated does not contradict that scenario, so how has he set the record straight?
I don't understand this "secret" deal. Radar keeps using the term "secret." Secret from whom or what? Secret between Kate and Jon, excluding what is required legally under the court system? What is "secret" about it? Are they saying that Kate and Jon worked out a deal without the sanction of the courts, bypassing the judge's decision?
Where did all of this come from? Isn't this something that some fans cooked up on Twitter, and the rumor grew a life of its own and it somehow became fact?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 80
...In other countries it is virtually a given you will share the children 50-50 thus eliminating the countless battles over every hour of the children's time.
Yes they paint with a broad brush yes I didn't agree with every single thing they said but in terms of explaining the idea of how a perfectly decent parent could easily get screwed in family law court, they did a great job. They found some really nice dads to profile. Dads who have been great fathers but lost their kids in family law court anyway.
I wonder, did they profile any moms who have been screwed in the family law court system, because I dare say that happens more often than the guy getting the short end of the stick. Did they happen to profile any one of the myriad of deadbeat dads out there? You know the ones who duck out on child support, take jobs that pay under the table so no wages can be attached, who move every few months (usually after the ex finds out where they are living). I wonder if they profiled any of the men who drag out the divorce and division of marital assets just to be a-holes, until the wife gives in and accepts way more than her fair share of the marital debt, just to be rid of the bum? I've had experience via friends with each of these types, so I know it happens, and probably way more often than the occasional good guy who feels he got shafted by the divorce/custody courts.
Child support/custody issues do not need to be either contentious or expensive. I handled my own, and the costs involved were a filing fee that had to be paid by each of us (less than $400 each), and our time at the hearing. We merely formalized the custody arrangement already in place. He kicked about the amount of child support ordered, but yet chose to keep the barest minimum of custodial time. I am sure he feels he was screwed by the court system, but it was a computer formula, not any expensive lawyer on my side of the courtroom.
I've seen so many women struggle to take care of their kids when the ex decides he doesn't want to be daddy anymore, and fight to find out where he's working now so the D.A. can garnish his wages to feel sorry for the occasional guy who maybe gets the short end of the stick in family law court. They are in the minority yet make up most of the whining.
So, until he asks for a donation himself, it isn't really fair to criticize him for it. 105
I agree. Also, the tweeter who asked for donations for Robert is one of the original people who asked him to set up a way for her (and anyone else who wants to) to donate.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 13
She lost a HUGE amount of good will with the Today show stunt. I mean huge. We remember it.
And now a national audience has seen The Wrath of Kate when one of those kids dares to utter unapproved words, complete with Kate's rocking and swaying histrionics like there was an exorcist in the room. "Shy on the Today Show" say the sheeple? Nope, just terror over their mother's foaming, spitting, screaming, flapping, rocking and swaying. And now there is proof.
Maybe TFW can get a gig on this new show - she can change her persona to an extreme helicopter mom...why not, she's tried everything else but nothing seems to stick. I heard Roseanne talking about the show on Howard Stern this morning and looked it up.
I think a lot of it is that she wants to appear smarter than she actually is so she uses words that don't quite fit. 109
I think you're right. Except for her occasional use of local vernacular, she mangles the English language in her efforts to appear erudite.
And now a national audience has seen The Wrath of Kate when one of those kids dares to utter unapproved words, complete with Kate's rocking and swaying histrionics like there was an exorcist in the room. "Shy on the Today Show" say the sheeple? Nope, just terror over their mother's foaming, spitting, screaming, flapping, rocking and swaying. And now there is proof.
And one of the girls is shown in the clip. holding her legs up to her chest and putting her head down. If body language analysis tells you anything, it shows that child is scared to death at what might happen. She's protecting herself by somehow comforting herself in the only way that's available to her.
Where did all of this come from? Isn't this something that some fans cooked up on Twitter, and the rumor grew a life of its own and it somehow became fact?
Yes, and it's too bad no one pushed that Amber person from ROL to prove what she said...she took the cowardly road and "according to our sources". Well, Amber, we all know your sources are the sheeple.
Where did all of this come from? Isn't this something that some fans cooked up on Twitter, and the rumor grew a life of its own and it somehow became fact?
If ROL is reporting that they have credible sources, then they better be ready to prove it if any suits are filed. This couldn't have been legally done outside the court, so if they got their hands on court documents that prove that this "deal" took place, they need to show it by providing the actual sign-off on child support that was issued by the judge.
Again, from the CNN transcript:
K. GOSSELIN: Every mom runs themselves ragged. I just -- I`m really ragged.
I would love to be in a movie at some point. I`m getting older, tireder, more worn out.
Okay, I missed that. When and where did she say she wanted to be in a movie in the clip? Is there another longer preview of the special out there?
I had to laugh at the Bo Peep comparison. It would be funny if someone photoshopped a frilly bonnet on Kate's head in the couch interview pic (with some sheep in the background, of course)!
AuntieAnn said... 119
K. GOSSELIN: Every mom runs themselves ragged. I just -- I`m really ragged.
I would love to be in a movie at some point. I`m getting older, tireder, more worn out.
''Okay, I missed that. When and where did she say she wanted to be in a movie in the clip? Is there another longer preview of the special out there?''
I could be mistaken, but it seemed to me that the clip was from way back whenever, not the preview for the special.
Okay, I missed that. When and where did she say she wanted to be in a movie in the clip? Is there another longer preview of the special out there?
Auntie Ann-when they first started talking about Kate, they showed snippets of other clips of Kate and then showed the clip of Kate from the preview. I actually googled the line about her wanting to be in a movie, and it was from the episode "You Ask, Kate Answers' which was aired back in 2009.
The part about being ragged probably came from that episode also. Both those lines are not in the preview clip.
BTW, Vimeo still has that episode online. If you want to compare the BS she spewed over 4 years ago as compared to today, you can watch it here.
Nothing's changed--she's still the same bitch as she was back then.
I just caught the tail end of Wendy Williams talking about Kate, Wendy said Kate's show is going to be a train wreck. More & more it seems as though no one is buying what Kate is trying to sell.
I would love to be in a movie at some point. I`m getting older, tireder, more worn out.
Okay, I missed that. When and where did she say she wanted to be in a movie in the clip? Is there another longer preview of the special out there?
I just watched that clip on TLC's website. I didn't hear anything about her being ragged or wanting to do a movie. What am I missing?
I had to laugh at the Bo Peep comparison. It would be funny if someone photoshopped a frilly bonnet on Kate's head in the couch interview pic (with some sheep in the background, of course)!
Did you know that there was a Bo Peep Barbie Doll? Here's a picture of it. The resemblance is uncanny!!
I could be mistaken, but it seemed to me that the clip was from way back whenever, not the preview for the special.
Thanks Remona, that makes sense. I didn't think she said that on the clip. I don't watch HLN.
If they're using ROL as their source they may as well just start their stories with 'rumor has it ....'
I'm still scratching my head over what TFW meant when she said that
since we last saw them, something like, "We found out what's
important in life." What was that supposed to mean? Was that some
half-hearted apology? Like when she kinda sorta admitted to being
difficult in the past?
And "we" doesn't make sense in that statement. If she's had some
kind of epiphany, she shouldn't lump her 8 kids in with it. From
what I can glean, she's just as shallow and materialistic and cold
and narcissistic and selfish as ever. In the few years since she's
been without a regular series, what kind of growth can she point to?
Besides the efforts of the "good bra," that is?
I went back specifically to see if she said that she wanted to be in a movie at one point. On the transcript, she would of said this right before older, tireder, blah, blah, blah.
Why would you say that about the movie, looking so exhaustedish and then say, I am older, tireder, blah, blah, blah. She BLEW every potential casting director, director, the movie business even asking her for a screen test!
Shocked about the preview. Mady didn't do anything wrong. She also had Mady's phone in her clutches. The white talons, the greasy pulled back hair, the vile words pouring out of her mouth! Those poor little girls bracing themselves. The one girl on the left looked shell shocked. Her eyes!
MY LORD, what has that woman really put them through????
Blowing In The Wind said... 116
If body language analysis tells you anything, it shows that child is scared to death at what might happen.
I've been waiting for Doktor Lilian Glasin two wiegh inon the mattr, but I think she's sayy the same thinng in her owen words.
Wendy Williams just came on and she is going to show and talk about the preview special! It is 2:04 CT right now for me.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 127
I'm still scratching my head over what TFW meant when she said that
since we last saw them, something like, "We found out what's
important in life." What was that supposed to mean?
It means nothing.
Kate thinks it sounds good, but it means nothing at all.
It's a broad, general, generic, non-specific, inconclusive, non statement.
I know what's important, too- don't I sound evolved?
lukebandit said, "Why would you say that about the movie, looking so exhaustedish and then say, I am older, tireder, blah, blah, blah."
At what point in the clip did you hear that, lukebandit? I've replayed it, and my hearing is pretty darn good. I didn't hear it.
Oh, my goodness. Wendy, Wendy, Wendy.
She totally approved of the parenting. She said she didn't buy her son just to take things away. She don't like stomping and slamming doors. She thought kate was just "acting".
Very, Very, Very disappointed Wendy.
Lukebandit wrote:
... She BLEW every potential casting director, director, the movie business even asking her for a screen test!
Hahahaha. My perverted mind went THERE. The ole casting couch routine!
Sorry....I just couldn't help it
Nothing's changed--she's still the same bitch as she was back then.
According to Jane Velez-Mitchell Kate's face has changed.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 127
In the few years since she's been without a regular series, what kind of growth can she point to? Besides the efforts of the "good bra," that is?
Well, she does have those looooong, flowing blonde locks, now.
Lukebandit -- I saw your tweet to Nancy Grace. She hates Jon with a passion. She would glorify Kate as the Mother of all Mothers. She'd crucify Jon and Robert. Are you sure that's what you want?
In the few years since she's been without a regular series, what kind of growth can she point to? Besides the efforts of the "good bra," that is?
Well, she does have those looooong, flowing blonde locks, now.
And a longer, more pointed and sculptured nose.
Hahahaha. My perverted mind went THERE. The ole casting couch routine!
Sorry....I just couldn't help it
I was right there in the gutter with you. One really has to be mindful when using that verb, especially in the same sentence as "director."
I've been waiting for Doktor Lilian Glasin two wiegh inon the mattr, but I think she's sayy the same thinng in her owen words.
Oh, my gosh, Auntie. That's the laugh of the day. Good one!
Even if she didn't say that about being in a movie this time I think she has in the past. I don't know why she can't get a part in something. They always need dead bodies on the crime dramas and for re-enactments on Discovery ID and 48 hrs etc.
If they're using ROL as their source they may as well just start their stories with 'rumor has it ....'
I love that movie! Mrs. Robinson and Benjamin resurrected!
rainbowsandunicorns said... 138
I've been waiting for Doktor Lilian Glasin two wiegh inon the mattr, but I think she's sayy the same thinng in her owen words.
Oh, my gosh, Auntie. That's the laugh of the day. Good one!
June 3, 2014 at 1:05 PM
omg...I just got it.
I thought Auntie was in auto correct hell when I first read it!
Virginia said... 134
Lukebandit wrote:
... She BLEW every potential casting director, director, the movie business even asking her for a screen test!
Hahahaha. My perverted mind went THERE. The ole casting couch routine!
Sorry....I just couldn't help it
Okay then. Glad I'm not the only one! #faceturningred
Virginia, I didn't mean it that way! oh, my. But, I can see what your saying.
Well, she was on the couch. Bwahahahaha!
What was up with all the matching vests?
I know what's important, too- don't I sound evolved?
I just had a flashback of Kate in the bikini, stomping around with long strides. Evolved came to mind, as in homo erectus. That was one of the funniest pictures ever.
"Kate’s journal is what finally convinced me to write this book. It once and for all gives us a glimpse into what happened behind closed doors, in Kate’s own words and it can not be disputed. I have no regrets about the kids someday reading this book because they’re living this nightmare and I’m sure it was far, far worse than I or anyone outside of that house will ever know or could possibly imagine."
"To A, L, H, J, A, C, C & M. Remember that no matter what, you will always have each other. Stay close to one another. There is nothing more important than family."
Hoffman, Robert (2012-09-27). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD (Kindle Locations 126-130). . Kindle Edition.
Do the fans take courses in Deflection 101? Is that a requirement at the Ewe-niversity? Do all of them pass with flying colors, or do they try to pull the wool over the eyes of their instructors? Some of them seem quite good at it; others, not so much.
Ann B. Davis, the maid on the Brady Bunch, has died. I'm sure many of us grew up with that show. Some of those kids were messed up as adults.
I've been waiting for Doktor Lilian Glasin two wiegh inon the mattr, but I think she's sayy the same thinng in her owen words.
hehe. I couldn't help being a little facetious. Lillian Glassman's blog drives me up the wall with the typos and grammatical errors. I can't believe a professional allows that to happen.
I DO agree the body language of the kids in that video said volumes. They're living in a very unhealthy atmosphere.
Why can't Kate see that herself? I know, I know...narcissism and all, but it's getting worse every time she appears somewhere.
TLC stinks said... 146
What was up with all the matching vests?
As someone suggested earlier, maybe the bird shat on her shoulder so she had to keep changing her clothes.
Did you know that there was a Bo Peep Barbie Doll? Here's a picture of it. The resemblance is uncanny!!
http://www.barbiecollector.com/shop/doll/barbie-doll-little-bo-peep-14960 125
Yep. Same dead eyes.
What was up with all the matching vests?
She grifted them from Old Navy?
I think with him he gets so frustrated it boils over and then he gets in sort of a "I don't give a crap" kind of mood with the media and blurts out whatever. He's impulsive and can only think in the moment about his frustration in that moment. He does not think ahead later, and think well later I won't be so ticked off and later I might be sorry I said that. I think it's just his personality, I know people like this and they can be irritating. With him once he's done he's done and there's no talking him off the ledge.
Long time reader, near never poster here. Please don't accuse me of being a sheeple right off because of what I am about to say. I think Kate K is a horrible person and even worse mother. But I also think Jon is an inmmature not fabulous father because of exactly what you said. Though it was much less often than we saw mean hurtful KK there were far too many times on JK8 that we saw mean hurtful Jon. Every time it happened it stuck out so glaringly to me because my heart absolutley wept that those eight sweet children couldn't count on their only stable loving parent to be stable and loving all the time. It came to matter even more because of how often life obviosuly frustrated and stll frustrates Jon. It makes sad sense that a few frustration created mean words aimed at some of the kids would be the reason they don't want to see him anymore. I don't think I'm expessing myself well, which is why I never comment here, but I hope you somewhat understand what I am trying to communicate.
Ouch karma just bit me. It's Lillian Glass, not Glassman.
rainbows and unicorns, oh, I absolutely don't want her praising kate at all. Maybe NG will get the book and with all of the media and public outrage, she will realize she was wrong.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 149
I just had a flashback of Kate in the bikini, stomping around with long strides. Evolved came to mind, as in homo erectus. That was one of the funniest pictures ever.
It' was almost identical to the stride of the famous Patterson photo of Bigfoot. Google it for a chuckle.
LOL!!! From philly.com
Kids, they say crazy things right? Turns out adults do as well, with the matriarch Gosselin responding that her daughter is now faced with her “last redemption.” Then, she apparently has a mild seizure as 13-year-old Mady stomps back to her seat, the ensuing shockwave evidently throwing Gosselin even more off balance.
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/entertainment/television/WATCH-Kate-Gosselin-still-horrifying-in-new-Kate-Plus-8-promo.html#s9AlYXZCJeC5VAcp.99
midnight madness, localyocal posted on 89 and 91 that it was a clip from something else or two clips. I went back and watched the one on the People magazine clip and she didn't say it on the People magazine website.
rainbows and unicorns, oh, I absolutely don't want her praising kate at all. Maybe NG will get the book and with all of the media and public outrage, she will realize she was wrong.
Nancy Grace...admit she is wrong? On what planet? Never happen.
Questions for "rare poster" aka sheeple...when did you see a "mean hurtful Jon"
AuntieAnn said... 154
hehe. I couldn't help being a little facetious. Lillian Glassman's blog drives me up the wall with the typos and grammatical errors. I can't believe a professional allows that to happen.
Thank goodness. I don't want to be the grammar/spelling Nazi, but it drives me nuts too. We all make typos, but to me a person's IQ plummets when things are that bad. You're a professional; get a proofreader, for cryin' out loud. If that blog was my bread and butter, I sure would hire someone. Heck, I'd volunteer if she'd have me.
Rare Poster said... 158
''...It came to matter even more because of how often life obviosuly frustrated and stll frustrates Jon. It makes sad sense that a few frustration created mean words aimed at some of the kids would be the reason they don't want to see him anymore.''
You are so right. It is all Jon's fault. Some of the kids not wanting to see Jon has nothing to do with TFMJG's parental alienation. It is all Jon's fault.
rainbows and unicorns, oh my gosh, thank you for making me laugh! I think jibberjabbers photo shopped kate in that position on the Ape to Man chart!
Whoops! I found it! Bwahahaha
The URL on it was 735 letters, so I went to tiny URL.
Rare Poster, you said well. ITA.
TLC stinks said... 162
LOL!!! From philly.com
...Then, she apparently has a mild seizure as 13-year-old Mady stomps back to her seat, the ensuing shockwave evidently throwing Gosselin even more off balance.
" Even more off balance" lol. Is that even possible?
That photo of Kate with her arm raised looks like she's giving the 'sieg heil' salute. All it needs is a little mustache under her nose.
Anon/PJ, I just reread your posting about what I said about kate. I reread it really quick and realized how bad it really is! I should of wrote: She blew any chance she had with casting directors, directors, the movie industry that would offer her a screen test.
Paula said... 165
Questions for "rare poster" aka sheeple...when did you see a "mean hurtful Jon"
I'm not the poster, but I'll answer. When he was agreeing with Kate! Some examples that come to mind are: "Boys are icky" and cupcake-gate.
He certainly didn't do it nearly as often as Kate, and was by far the better parent, but he was mean and hurtful on occasion. Maybe some people who are more familiar with the show can supply other examples.
Still no reason to stay with continuously-hurtful parent vs visiting rare-occasion-hurtful one.
I don't think I'm expessing myself well, which is why I never comment here, but I hope you somewhat understand what I am trying to communicate.
RP, welcome (not that I'm the official Welcom Wagon!).
Your first post was great.
I understand your point, and many of us agree.
Jon is a conundrum- a riddle, wrapped up in an enigma, and all that.
Keep posting!
Linda, what tabloid stories? Most of the talk about k comes from film, journals. and interviews.
Beating kids
Being an ass
Treating kids like objects
Kicking loved ones to the curb
Poor treatment of animals
I can go on but I think you would defend the bitch if you saw her eating live puppies with a wooden spoon.
Thanks for the laugh AA. I thought you lost it.
Well, where is Steve hiding out at while the big announcement about the book has hit and the backlash is starting. Do you think he will travel with kate when she has to do an interview or whatever?
Jon is no angel in all of this but I agree that Kate has done her best in alienating the kids from him. I hope they are comfortable spilling their guts to him.
Does this 13-year-old who is fighting with her mom have a say as to whether she wants to be scolded on national television?
ANNA YUM, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: They do. They do have a say through their father. Their father, Jon, can march into court, try to seek an injunction and try to basically stop this behavior. This is ridiculous. Kate is just exploiting her children, putting them in the national spotlight, only to reprimand them and scold them. This is not the best interest of the children.
And Jon has every right being their father to go into court and say look, we need to put an end to this.
Why doesn't he?? Clearly, this is damaging to these kids.
Norma said... 177
''...ANNA YUM, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: They do. They do have a say through their father. Their father, Jon, can march into court, try to seek an injunction and try to basically stop this behavior. This is ridiculous. Kate is just exploiting her children, putting them in the national spotlight, only to reprimand them and scold them. This is not the best interest of the children.
And Jon has every right being their father to go into court and say look, we need to put an end to this.''
''Why doesn't he?? Clearly, this is damaging to these kids.''
Norma, Admin answered your question in her comments #72 #73 and #80 on this very page.
And Jon has every right being their father to go into court and say look, we need to put an end to this.
Why doesn't he?? Clearly, this is damaging to these kids.
We know he was unsuccessful trying to stop filming in the past. We don't know if he's tried recently, or if he has, the outcome. Family court records are confidential.
Why doesn't he?? Clearly, this is damaging to these kids
Jon said on national T that he has been to many courts he has tried time and time again to stop Kate,
Kate said herself that she doesn't ask Jon's permission to put the kids on TV.
Catching up from being very busy, and I am so excited to see that Robert's book is coming out! I saw that he gave advance notice of the publication date, and that makes me think he has a real publisher behind him this time. If he were self-publishing again, all Kate would have to do is file an injunction against him and stop publication. It would be much harder for her to go up against a publisher than a broke, local reporter. She could bury Robert, but a publishing company? Not likely. Giving us a release date means that he is not afraid that she will pull some strings and bury it again.
I hope this book will finally set the world straight about what a monster Kate really is. I hope it sells, and I hope there is a TV movie. Kate loves seeing herself on TV, so it just seems fitting that she gets to see her true self unmasked on TV for all to see.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 24m
@Kateplusmy8 I know ur X-ing off the days til school is out! Down the home stretch now...the finish line is N sight! #FunSunSleepInTime
Milo, if you and Kate communicate in so many ways, I'm sure she has told you that the last day for the younger kids is tomorrow. Get with the program and keep up.
Kate has more money than Jon.
That is why Kate always wins.
'Nuff said.
Let's move on.
Norma said... 177
And Jon has every right being their father to go into court and say look, we need to put an end to this.
Why doesn't he?? Clearly, this is damaging to these kids.
Jon has made it clear he doesn't like that they're being filmed, nor do we here and apparently a whole lot of other people are joining the chorus. It only makes Captain A-hole dig her heels in deeper when she hears that.
She won't stop trying to get them filmed but with any luck the day is coming when no one will even want to film them anymore. I think it could very well end on its own and Kate herself will be the cause of it. Her behavior of late is making many question the state of her mental hygiene even more. Who wants to be a part of that mess? She's killing her own career.
The old adage of give her enough rope and she'll hang herself seems appropriate here.
Speculating on what we HAVEN'T heard happened is really a waste of time. An exercise in futility. And a logical fallacy (i.e. because I have not heard that anything is happening in family law court that must mean nothing is happening. Uh, no.) Kate has done something very bad so we have to keep bringing up Jon even though he's been absolutely silent about current Gosselin "events." Utterly silent.
Norma, a, your questions/comments have been answered and discussed ad nauseum by Admin and others. Move on please.
Norma said... 184
We don't know how many times he's taken Kate to court.
We don't know how much he lost during his battle with TLC.
$40k maybe a lot of $$$ but if you ex- has millions and at one point had a major network fighting with her how can Jon win?
Talk is cheap but court isn't I bet.
Seems funny to me that no one has been able to find any record of Jon doing it recently
Child custody records in PA are sealed. Unless one wants to break into the system and put the docs out there, then there wouldn't be any record available for public consumption.
When one files for divorce, however, the complaints are often printed in local newspapers, as well as when the divorce is finally granted. Not so in matter of child custody in family court.
For what it is worth, when they were talking about their source for the secret deal story, it was emphasized that it was a good source. I don't think that ROL would characterize Milo or any of the fanzine as a good anything.
I really liked that Jane closed the segment by saying that Kate's current life is the consequences of the irrevocable decisions that were made in the past, and that both Jon and Kate are a cautionary tale.
Rare Poster....
Great post--welcome. Hope you will continue posting.j
Remona, I find it difficult to believe no one has been able to find ANY court documents at. all. r
I don't find it hard to believe since I work in family law and we keep our documents under lock and key. In close cases like theirs family law documents are almost always limited to the parties unless someone leaks it. No one has that I know of. I don't believe we've ever seen documents from the divorce. I believe we may have seen some from when TLC was suing him but the family law documents NO. The TLC lawsuit was NOT their family law dispute. That does not count.
The only thing we can look at is the court docket, which I haven't looked at in like two years. The court docket can give you a general idea of what is going on but it certainly gives you very little indication of the details. It's like reading the title of chapters in the book but nothing else! You know that chapter is about the Civil War but it's not going to tell you who won. The only thing I could tell from the court docket is that they were in court constantly for awhile there and that Jon was bringing a lot of the motions, which made me confident that at least at that time he was fighting. There was at least one order to show cause type motion for Kate talking about the case that I recall.
I can't access the court docket and never could. It has to be someone who is authorized to have access, like a court clerk. A long, long time ago one such person came forward and gave it to me but I haven't heard for them or contacted them since. I don't feel it's relevant at this point or any of our business. I think most of us have long moved on from trying to dig up dirt about the family law case. Why do we need to do that? We DON'T.
I don't know what the confidentiality laws regarding divorce/child custody are in PA, but here in Ohio they are public record. My divorce and all matters regarding child support, alimony, custody, etc are there for anyone to see. Documents are scanned to PDF files. Everything, down to signed receipts for certified mail. Phone numbers and social security numbers are blurred. But you can find out how much people make, what they claim for expenses each month, how much child support and alimony was awarded. You name it, you can probably find it.
Close should be CLOSED cases, and they were both very clear that their case was sealed.
Norma said... 181
Dude doesn't get a pass from me for allowing all that awful behaviour from his bitch wife and mother of his kids.
I find that comment odious, to say the least. Jon ALLOWED it? Like the MAN is in charge? What century is that from? She is responsible for her own behaviour. He has all the symptoms of an abused spouse. Let's not forget that.
Yeah, I don't get the whole Saint Jon thing.
What Saint Jon thing? Obviously you don't read here regularly.
Sheeple trying to divert the conversation again. Typical m.o.
I don't mind criticism of Jon either but when it has absolutely no relevance to anything whatsoever, especially when he's been so quiet about the update special, it feels more like an attempt to deflect from Kate's behavior. As they say, "just saying."
If he had said or done something or even been seen somewhere, I'd find all these new names popping in here to trash Jon a bit more credible. Otherwise, I'm suspicious.
It's not what they say, it's the lack of credibility behind it. It could be anything irrelevant they are saying that distracts from the current "events." Doesn't have to be Jon. They could start trashing Aunt Jodi or pick your poison. How funny that four or five new people with names I've never seen before in my life suddenly stop by to trash a silent Jon just when Kate is being blasted in the media. Huh. I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday. You're not fooling anyone.
DanielleB said... 191
Danielle, I don't know what county you are in, but in my Ohio county, you can see the docket of domestic relations matters, but not actual pdfs of the pleadings. I'm talking online, of course, not actually walking into the Clerk's office and asking to see the file.
Norma said... 182
''Norma, Admin answered your question in her comments #72 #73 and #80 on this very page.
Remona, I find it difficult to believe no one has been able to find ANY court documents at. all. regarding this. Smells fishy to me.''
Norma said... 184
''Jon said on national T that he has been to many courts he has tried time and time again to stop Kate,
Talk is cheap. We know Jon blusters when upset so...
Weren't the divorce proceedings 'confidential' to? Yet there was a record showing Jon and kate in court arguing about custody of the kids. Seems funny to me that no one has been able to find any record of Jon doing it recently. He just made a bit of cash on Couples Therapy, what was it? $40,000?
Nothing wrong with questioning things.''
Family court records are confidential.
I agree that there is nothing wrong with questioning things.
So my question for you is did you read the three comments from Admin?
Another question for you is if you're trying to start an argument?
If so, I'm outta here. Not worth my time dealing with nonsense.
You'll just have to carry on without me.
Dude doesn't get a pass from me for allowing all that awful behaviour from his bitch wife and mother of his kids.
Do I wish that Jon would have ran with the kids and taken custody of them while be abused yes.
Do I wish Kate would have never abused her children yes,
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