"Well, Mady is still defying her mom and in this clip from their 2-hour torture piece of a special, Sergeant Asshole McPlasticFace tells her child army that she (read: the producers) have all sorts of “fun things” planned for Spring Break. Nobody makes“fun things” sound like the opposite of fun the way Kate Gosselin does." Michael K., Dlisted
"Last we saw Reading’s own Kate Gosselin, she appeared alongside her daughters for a stoically angry Today show interview that promoted their upcoming return to TLC with Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10. Now, we’ve gotten a first look at the show, and it is similarly stoic and angry. Who would’ve thought?" Nick Vadala, Philly.com
"What TLC does not realize is they are showing Mady to be the normal one in the bunch; refusing to play along and act like everything is fine. Mady says; “we are not going to have fun." You can tell it is taking everything Kate has to not lose it. Good job, Mady. Let the world know how dysfunctional things really are." Miss Amia, Reality T.V. scandals
And finally a blogger at Kate's former employer, The Stir, called the stunt a "twisted trick":
"Kids test their parents' limits, and we need to set up boundaries and stick to them. It's GOOD to see Kate disciplining her kids without resorting to violence ('memba the wooden spoon incident?). That said, it seems a little odd to specifically buy something nice for your child with the intention of using it to punish them. For lack of a better word, it seems ... untrustworthy? It sounds like a Trojan Horse of parenting ... here kid, here's a gift, now I can use it to destroy you. Now, to be clear, that doesn't mean you shouldn't put limits on the use of gadgets because they are, after all, a privilege. But we are supposed to buy presents for our kids out of the goodness of our hearts, not with an ulterior motive! That's part of showing love and respect for our kids. And we all know respect is a two-way street." Jeanne Sager, The Stir
Great insight from all the above bloggers and that's only some of it.
1202 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1202 Newer› Newest»If I had the motivation it would be pretty funny to make Kate black and white and photoshop her into a clip of Baby Jane.
Maybe someone else will take it on,
These children do not have a chance. Some say how good they have it with private school, large house, all the material things that they have worked for and earned. What this woman has done to them physically and psychology is absolutely disgusting. When will somebody rescue them so they do not live in fear.
So.....what happened to that money? Did Jon buy a house with whatshername with their combined $80,000? Holy shit, that's a LOT of money.
He already said what he did with it, he moved to be closer to the children. I don't think that's much money at all especially after taxes and after Liz takes her half. They have eleven kids between them. It's a paycheck for a month's work but nothing to write home about when you have that many kids. It's more than one could make at most mediocre jobs in a month, but not a CEO salary.
As I recall, the pet bird in "Baby Jane" came to an unfortunate demise.
Poor Zorro better watch his back wings.
AuntieAnn said... 145
"They cheered like crazy," the 38-year-old revealed to the magazine." It was like I announced that it's Christmas tomorrow. Our crew walked in and it was like they had never left."
IF the kids are turning cartwheels when the crew shows up it's because it means the beatings will stop for the duration of their stay.
That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it.
I am in agreeance with you...and you rock btw
Oh my. I had not seen the full frontal of TFW in the clip, had not seen the totally faux curls cascading down past her shoulders, or the speckled on makeup. This is the image of a mom of 8? The world has seen her with her real hair stuffed under a baseball cap. The utter fakery is astounding, as are the images she wants to project of the kids squealing in delight when 'our crew' walked in the door. But as others have said, these kids have so little stimulation in their lives save school, reruns of the show and the pool. This 'special' is already unraveling before it is even shown.
The Baby Jane clip is eery.
I noticed Christina Crawford in the sidebar videos there , so I watched her interview with Bill Boggs.
Snippets from the interview:
...Although she spoke about her own past very little, the stories about herself were always sketchy and they changed over a period of time so that it was difficult to tell what was reality
...I think if I hadn't loved my mother and if there hadn't been good times between us, tender times, vulnerable times, close moments throughout our entire life I probably would have died in the process, killed myself or certainly never lived to a fruitful adult.
...It was no secret in the Hollywood community that we were abused. We had many servants who tried to intervene on our behalf and they were fired. There were numerous of her personal friends, her dates, even some of her husbands who tried to intervene on our behalf and were told flat-out that it was none of their business.
...The punishments had a very long duration to them, the punishment was way beyond anything that happened.
...(On the night Joan Crawford tried strangling her and someone stepped in to stop her)
That came out of some deep hidden anger where we had a confrontation. I was thirteen. Very difficult, the teenage years and I think it's perhaps simplistic to say that the hardest thing in the world is to be parent. There's no doubt about it particularly if you're a single parent and trying to combine it with a career that is so demanding. But at that particular time in her life her career was in poor shape and her alcoholism had increased considerably and all those things combined seemed to make it impossible for her to control her own inner rage and I, in most cases. was the object of her venting.
The juvenile authorities were called but they were unable to help me. My mother called the [them] on me, she wanted me to be declared incorrigible. The reason was she said she couldn't handle me anymore.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 4
As I recall, the pet bird in "Baby Jane" came to an unfortunate demise.
Poor Zorro better watch his back wings.
you are on a roll! love your posts
am I the only one who literally cringed when I saw that photo?
felt like nails on a chalkboard
I am still shuddering
OT - my sister made me watch "Baby Jane" when I was 8, and to this day there are few things scarier to me than the sight of Bette Davis
in that costume. That said, I know a version with TFW photoshopped
in will make me cackle!
Thanks for the shout-out franky. I appreciated your candor about your
own childhood, and bless you for breaking the cycle with your own dd.
Off topic but it's so funny that Food Network has completely replaced Paula Deen with a similar gal named Nancy.
She lives on a farm and cooks good ole fashioned country food.
Same haircut, same wardrobe, same weight.... and I don't understand why someone living in upstate New York sounds like she's from the Deep South. Lol. This reminds me of that Jumping the Shark site. "Same character different actor."
Wow those eyes! It is like looking at the eyes of a mad person!
I have seen those curly hair extensions at Sally Beauty Supply - around $130 or so. I wonder how much crazy Kate paid for hers.
KK's starting to look more and more like the photo Administrator has at the top of this page.
Thanks for the shout-out franky. I appreciated your candor about your own childhood, and bless you for breaking the cycle with your own dd.
Ditto to what FF wrote, Franky.
YOU rock too sister.
It's too bad that Baby Jane didn't have Kate's good bra. Those girls need some hoisting!
Admin, you really should watch the entire movie. It is SO Kate.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 14h
@BarbGilmer @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 Those were the days! We have 2get her back here ...relaxed & ready 2engage N our twitter nonsense!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13h
@BarbGilmer @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 Usually if I aggravate enuf she comes swoopin N & promptly puts me N #TimeOut! :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13h
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 @BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 Ha...did she get flat w/out saying Gnite...time 4 a #TwitterPillowSmack U go first Leight! LOL
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13h
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 @BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 Oh good smack...>> there goes her chewing gum! Ur N trouble now Leigh! #GumOnTheFloor #Horrors :/
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13h
@kateplusmy8 @BarbGilmer @LEIGHSHAHAN1 Well, gnite ladies! Hope if & when U read these tweets Kate...it puts a smile on ur face! #NextTime
She is nuts. This would be funny if she (or he) wouldn't be so creepy. That's not the case, though. There's no question that Gladys is off her rocker and keeps getting worse. She has convinced herself that Kate actually cares about her and the six sheep. No good can come of this...nothing whatsoever. I really don't believe that she is just a harmless obsessed fan. Whatever catfish this is, it's scary.
I'd like to know just who it was that thought that hairdo looked good on Kate.
Does Deanna do hair or just makeup? 'Cause that's just not right.
I'd like to know just who it was that thought that hairdo looked good on Kate.
Imagine specials showing a day in the life of TFW...without showing/hearing *any* of the kids.
Here we have TFW waking up...at 10am. A yawn and a big stretch (to show off the new boob job), a shake of her glorious mane of hair.
Here we have TFW shrieking at the kids to bring her breakfast in bed (no problem because they were up hours ago and ate the breakfast the cook prepared).
Here we have TFW shrieking at the kids to go feed the chickens and get that )($*&% weeding done before she gets back!!!
Next up, we have TFW roaring into town, pedal to the metal, to get a massage and mani/pedi.
She calls the pap on the way to let him know that she'll be at Target in an hour.
The nanny does lunch for the kids while she's gone
She roars back home, after having a lovely lunch in town with her body guard. A "business" lunch. A long business lunch. Wink, wink.
The housekeeping is not up to her standards so when she gets home she fires the housekeeper. It's the third one this week. The agency is getting a little fed up with her so she lets them have it with both barrels.
Now we have her checking the internet to see what everyone is saying about her.
Then she spends an hour or so seeing what she can grift.
She checks to see what the cook is preparing for supper. Not good enough. She fires her, too.
She goes outside, kicks the dog just because, and then screams at the kids to get out of the pool where they've been all day.
They're not allowed off the compound or in the house.
The kids eat supper at the table, while she stays in the kitchen and monitors every.single.move with the alertness of a hawk. She wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to discipline.
Let's see...who still has their ipod yet this week? Time for them to have an infraction.
The kids silently eat, and then silently get up and begin doing their many nightly chores.
TFW goes to her room and locks the door. She'll be in there the rest of the evening, drinking her wine.
The kids fight among themselves, and eventually go to bed.
Tomorrow is groundhog day.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 18
I'd like to know just who it was that thought that hairdo looked good on Kate.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 18
I'd like to know just who it was that thought that hairdo looked good on Kate.
According to Milo, Those Were the Days!
Boy the way Kate Gosselin played
Kids that were hit at the parade
Gosselins like us we had it made
Those were the days!
And you who Kate was then
Curls were Curls and Steve my man
Makes it we could use a man like Jon Gosselin again!
Needed those TLC welfare stamps
Kate makes the kids pull their weight
GEEEEEE, My Audi TT ran great!
Those Were the Days!
Get off twitter: So sorry for your loss.
I think we ALL ROCK on here!
Please someone photoshoppe kate as baby Jane.
After all this Baby Jane references, I just may have to refresh my memory.
All I can hear is STELLLA!!! from a Streetcar named desire
Didn't Baby Jane have mascara streaking down her face? eeewwww
will build up the strenghth when I can to revisit that nightmare
btw, no way in hey am I youtubing TFMJG
You cant pay me enough
I was literally shaking just thinking about looking up Baby Jane.
thank goodness I have Bob Marely lined up
as it is, I am too traumautised to look it up
I do not have any wire hangers here for a reason, and I am being serious
I lived with that in my face, do not need to rinse, lather and repeat
ps, thanks Aunty Anne
ps, am slowly walking away from closet and hitting Marley..on loud speakers
jolie jacquelyn said... 126
Baby Jane...I mean TFW ...& her Mc Mansion
Brought over to refresh your memory franky...
@Kateplusmy8: Cara and Mady have their first Bat Mitzvah to attend this wkend...I'm excited to play hair&makeup and chauffeur roles... #GrowingUpGosselin
She is most definitely trying to pitch a new show. Lets hope that the special is not so special and as boring as we think it will be.
Kate, bubalah, it's not C & M's Bat Mitzvah, it's about someone else and not them. Too bad you're not Jewish because a Bat Mitzvah is a big deal.
ok, I admit I could not read it all ...got lost third tweet I think
Flleecing Could you please tweetlate or bleat a bit?
Post 16, I got dizzy just looking at it!
could you possibly translate sheeple into English please?
and thank you
If I get over the thought of wire-hangers, I just may photoshop da biotch.
I am a graphic artist after all,LOL
mEL AT 19
Time to repost a list of acronyms often used at 15 minutes. please everyone add to list as needed.
in interviews, Jon Gosselin refers to Kate as ”my former wife” and not by name. in one episode of K+8 Kate called the Grand Canyon ”a waste of space” = WOS, some use it to refer to Kate.
So Kate Gosselin = TFW (the former wife) = TCFW (the crazy former wife) = TFMJG (the former Mrs Jon Gosselin) = WOS (waste of space) = KK (Kate Kreider her maiden name) = Katie Irene Kreider (complete maiden name) and now we have Sargent Asshole McPlasticFace! Thanks Michael K.!
Also the home of TFMJG is sometimes referred to as The Orphanage since TFMJG had been so vocal about how much she enjoys getting away from there without the money makers =.children.
The formerly ever present Steve Nield, bodyguard or road manager, is also referred to as the Booby Guard (he advised her on implant size supposedly), Purse Boy (TFMJG is to important to hold her own purse), and as Rat Claws (see admin story about meeting TFMJG and Rat Claws at signing during filming of Dancing With The Stars (DWTS).
Hope this helps! Everyone, add your favorites, I have just scratched the surface!
NJ Gal, TFMJG would never pay to put on a proper Bat Mitzvah, if they were Jewish the only way the girls would get one is if tlc paid.
Forgot, TLC = The Lying Channel
Sorry franky, don't mean to upset you with that clip from Baby Jane.
Jolie Jaqueline
thank you so much
I am watching now because I should
this is my retribution to you
Joy, thank you, I think you pretty much summed it all up, except maybe ratclaws..and I love rats
Jolie, you did me a service.
We must always revisit our nightmares so that we always overcome them.
So this is for ypou
Kate, bubalah, it's not C & M's Bat Mitzvah, it's about someone else and not them. Too bad you're not Jewish because a Bat Mitzvah is a big deal.
Good grief. Thanks for the memories. I have not heard someone called "bubala" since high school, which is what one of my teachers called some of his students.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13h
@BarbGilmer @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 Usually if I aggravate enuf she comes swoopin N & promptly puts me N #TimeOut! :)
Does Milo have a touch of sadomasochism in her? She likes to be punished, or is this just her way of getting attention, and it doesn't matter how it's achieved as long as Kate notices her?
and yes Jolie, I was playing with you...BWAHAHAHA
I am Rastafari-bhuddist, one bro is a catholic priest
franky, not hard to find
Bette Davis totally stole that scene, because she has
Is it me or did Bette TOTALLY Rule Joan?
Kim totally nailed it
I think you all just helped get away from Crawford Mother
while I may not nhave any wire hangers, I am sendidng kudos to Bette Davis
thank you adinfititum
I shudder to imagine what TFW thinks a Bat Mitzvah is. Did your girls attend the service or is this just a big ol' party to you? What a perfect opportunity for them to learn something about another religious culture, but well, you know, it's Kate.
even if my brother is a preacher, this will be my swan song
Interesting---Kate is now following Becki Dilley on twitter. However, Becki is not following her.
In 3 years, when her sons get invited to Bar or Bat Mitzvahs, I hope
TFW will show equal pleasure in finding nice suits for them to wear,
and having the privilege of playing chauffeur.
And, yeah, it'd be nice if she had an inkling about the religious significance. But who are we kidding - this is the woman who thought
people in Chinatown spoke Asian.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 38
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13h
@BarbGilmer @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 Usually if I aggravate enuf she comes swoopin N & promptly puts me N #TimeOut! :)
Does Milo have a touch of sadomasochism in her? She likes to be punished, or is this just her way of getting attention, and it doesn't matter how it's achieved as long as Kate notices her?
Milo is delusional. She thinks she and Kate have a relationship. When Milo becomes obnoxious Kate doesn't put her in time out. Milo puts herself in time out by pouting. Her last pout lasted two weeks because Kate wouldn't answer her about her challenge to walk as many miles as Kate ran. Sometimes Milo uses the face-saving "time out" excuse when she repeatedly tweets Kate and Kate doesn't answer her. And yes, she can get downright insulting at times, when she's angry she always ends her nasty comment with a fake "LOL."
I don't know if anyone mentioned this in the last post, but did you notice Hannah's hair (sitting on the couch with the other tups). Just like Mommy Dearest!
ACK....now I can't get those tunes outa my head!!!!
Nice one franky ;<)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 4h
Cara and Mady have their first Bat Mitzvah to attend this wkend...I'm excited to play hair&makeup and chauffeur roles... #GrowingUpGosselin
I,I,I, ME, ME,ME...she just can't do one tweet without bringing herself into it, can she? I've never seen anything like this.
Why must she tell all of her kids business on twitter Jon was right.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 4h
Cara and Mady have their first Bat Mitzvah to attend this wkend...I'm excited to play hair&makeup and chauffeur roles... #GrowingUpGosselin
Oh you mean like most moms do without a second thought? Aren't YOU just the cat's ass Ms Gosselin.
Please be sure to mention on your TL if you give your kids a ride to a friend's house, a soccer game and any other activity or if you help your child style their hair for any occasion, otherwise you may not receive the mothers medal of distinction you duly deserve.
Wow, looks like Betty Davis and Kate are more alike than I thought.
FL Mama said... 48
I don't know if anyone mentioned this in the last post, but did you notice Hannah's hair (sitting on the couch with the other tups). Just like Mommy Dearest!
I don't get it, Fl Mama.
What is funny about what Ever happened to Baby Jane is Bette Davis and Joan Crawford HATED each other! They had a long history and rivalry.
FL Mama said... 48
I don't know if anyone mentioned this in the last post, but did you notice Hannah's hair (sitting on the couch with the other tups). Just like Mommy Dearest!
Now I noticed. lol!
I think Sgt A-hole made it clear years ago who the golden child was and we've for the most part been politely quiet about it. I wonder if her other seven kids have learned to do the same.
What's with the #GrowingupGosselin bullshit. She can't help herself. Please please please please give me another show. I have the name all picked out and everything....!!!!! me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.
Kate is a twit said... 45
Interesting---Kate is now following Becki Dilley on twitter. However, Becki is not following her.
May 31, 2014 at 3:40 PM
Interesting that even though these were the first surviving set of sextuplets in the U.S., the Wiki entry is a handful of paragraphs long.
This might be why:
"The Dilley children have appeared on a few television segments, but say that they don't want to live life "under a microscope".
You are MORE than welcome, Jolie
Here is another wiggle!!!
please dare to listen
Milo is delusional. She thinks she and Kate have a relationship. When Milo becomes obnoxious Kate doesn't put her in time out. Milo puts herself in time out by pouting. Her last pout lasted two weeks because Kate wouldn't answer her about her challenge to walk as many miles as Kate ran.
Oh, shoot. I forgot about that. She was in self-imposed exile, playing the victim, the martyr about something, sulking and then returned exactly when Kate started tweeting. You're right. She was pestering the living daylights out of Kate about that challenge and Kate didn't answer her.
She really is a piece of work, not to mention a delusional piece of work! It would scare the bejeesus out of me to have something like that obsessed with me. I'd feel sorry for Kate, except that Kate could put an end to it but she doesn't. I guess maybe she really doesn't know what to do with Gladys. Ignore her and she might become dangerous. Feed the beast and the lusting will get worse.
Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 56
What's with the #GrowingupGosselin bullshit. She can't help herself.
I know- it's sad, really.
The good Lord willing, #allkidsgrowup - what a pathetic and transparent ploy to get another show.
Then again, I'm not surprised at all that Kate would think this means she's back "in" with TLC and she will RT any and all (read-bots) messages about being "back on tv".
It's a special. One and done.
Paper plates...I apologise for not having responded to you earier
YOU totally rock, your name freaks me out for obvious reasons
the 3 right rs
reduce-re-use, recyle
.noff said franky
It is all about Kate and don't you forget it. How could we? She will never step back and let the kids steal the show. Most selfish mother I can think of right now. Don't believe a word out of her mouth. Silly looking curls just add to her immaturity. Not only does she act immature, she looks immature. This update on the kids in June will probably be the end of that. Surely, even TLC knows a stinker when they have one.
Does Kate realize she will have to give the Bat Mitzvah girl a decent gift or check?
Someone with twitter account should tweet about child exploitation, abuse, plastic fame whores, etc., and use that stupid hashtag.
PJ's momma said... 64
Someone with twitter account should tweet about child exploitation, abuse, plastic fame whores, etc., and use that stupid hashtag.
I have tried this most people on her twitter agree but most don't. I have to stay away from KK's twitter and her sheep.
The mindless following and dumbness of the sheep I can't take it lol.
Interesting little blurb about Bette Davis. I didn't know anything about her.
I laughed when the guy said there are many things Bette Davis was capable of but I don't think murder was one of them, lol!
I actually quite liked her on Captain Kangaroo. She was very honest that yes I love the swarms of attention I love the perks and anyone who acts like they don't is downright ungrateful. I respect her candor.
Formerly Duped said... 63
Does Kate realize she will have to give the Bat Mitzvah girl a decent gift or check?
Watch for it. It will be inappropriate. She is a clueless, unaware and unauthentic WOS.
Hopefully not for the girls sake.
When a tweeter person has been suspended, is that suspension permanent or can they come back using the same name? If they can't come back with the same name, can they just set up another account under a different name? I've never used Twitter, so I am rather clueless about how this works.
I noticed there are some who were suspended, but have reappeared under a new name.
Ok the hair is truly weird. That is obviously Kate's idea of beauty and so she asks for the extensions to be beautiful. You all are better at this than me. Who is she emulating? Farrah Fawcett? Kendra? It's confusing to me. I'm a little older than Kate. By this age, my friends and I have found the hair style that looks best and become comfortable with it. Long or short or whatever. I have no friends that add and remove extensions on a frequent basis like Kate. Forget the money. We like our hair the way it is.
The makeup is spackled on because she appears to have such bad skin. I had absolutely terrible skin as a teenager. Now my skin is normal. Not perfect but not bad. Her diet and booze make her skin awful. Eat a balanced diet, shower normally, don't overdo the booze or other bad habits and you'll look fine for your age. I also wonder if she thinks she knows better than the makeup people too and won't let them stop at normal tv makeup.
Speaking of which, this is a reality show but they are still tv lights. Do the kids all have to get makeup done?
I actually wonder what shape Kate is really in. We've seen glimpses but not the whole picture. Her hair line is receding because of the weaves. Does she have any bald spots from hair damage? What does her hair feel like?
Her face has acne as we've seen. Can she see the scars from procedures? Does it feel weird to have a different shape from implants? How uncomfortable are those large veneers? Is her skin rough or smooth? Her neck doesn't even seem to match.
I've never had breast implants. Is it strange to have such large implants on a not that big body? She must have scars from the tummy tuck and implants. Other surgeries? Who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if she had liposuction. I also bet there are other tattoos that we haven't seen. Again, is her skin reasonably healthy? Without proper hydration your skin doesn't feel good and loses elasticity.
Her feet don't ever seem to fit her shoes right. Are her feet painful? Does she have bunions or corns? Constant hooker heels can't be good for your feet.
I'm not sure what I'm saying except that it must be very strange to be Kate, to be alone in your room. Does she even recognize herself? Is this the look she wanted or does she always feel it's just out of reach? They say a woman's life is written on her body. Usually that means the stretch marks from your babies, the surgery you had because of illness, the time you were painting and fell off a ladder, all those things from living life. I can't imagine not even looking like me in the mirror. Esp when it seems that after all this she is still not ready to accept herself.
That hussie dared to use Growing Up Gosselin as a hasthag? Does that mean there is a deal in the works? Or, more likely, she's saying look producers, if you had taken me up on Growing Up Gosselin(!) you would have the privilege of filming me me me playing hair and makeup while my twins embark and new and exciting things!!!
I had found the Dilleys' twitters a while ago. They are so freaking NORMAL! All the kids are in college. Some of the kids have twitter accounts too..and I think one is married iirc
It looks like one of the Dilley six just graduated and they just turned 21...
Becki Ruth Dilley @Dilleymom6 · May 25
Happy 21st to our Sixpack! Celebrate, stay safe and have fun!
localyocul said... 71
That hussie dared to use Growing Up Gosselin as a hasthag? Does that mean there is a deal in the works?
Nah. It means she's on the high end of her mood swings because she's trending doncha know. She has this special coming up, she's going to be seen on Celebrity Apprentice, seven and a half of her sheep are having orgasmic seizures over her and in all likelihood she and Steve celebrated with an extra bottle of wine or two. Her head is as big as the Goodyear blimp right now.
It's a pattern with her.
Formerly Duped said... 63
Does Kate realize she will have to give the Bat Mitzvah girl a decent gift or check?
She probably gave her a homemade loaf of bread with a recipe for ham and cheese sandwiches Oy Vey
This Bat Mitzvah girl will have relatives, cousins, friends from Temple there that don't know C and M. Just wait, someone is bound to ask them if their mom is as big of a bitch as she seems to be.
Jeanne said... 70
I'm not sure what I'm saying except that it must be very strange to be Kate, to be alone in your room. Does she even recognize herself? Is this the look she wanted or does she always feel it's just out of reach? They say a woman's life is written on her body. Usually that means the stretch marks from your babies, the surgery you had because of illness, the time you were painting and fell off a ladder, all those things from living life. I can't imagine not even looking like me in the mirror. Esp when it seems that after all this she is still not ready to accept herself.
Beautifully said!!
I was looking at Kate's TL. You know, a few of the non-fans are really nasty, and not just to Kate, but to the fans. It goes beyond the poking and baiting...the remarks made to others is really over the top. No matter what one thinks of Kate, or how much she is disliked, I actually feel sorry for some of the casual fans who tweet to Kate, only to have cruel insults hurled at them. There's no reason for it. I wonder if they are like that in real life, or only on the internet where they can hide behind anonymity. Kate needs to take down that Twitter. Of course we've been saying that for a long time, but she needs the die-hard sheep because she has nobody else in her court.
I just watched the clip, and have some other thoughts about Mady's comments. Her body language didn't look rebellious--she may actually have been trying to help The Wicked Witch of the East, by saying--oh, no we don't want fun things in a wink wink manner, not in a belligerent way. Similar to that comment (I can't remember it exactly), that TFW ruined her dramatic pause. Or she may have gone off script, throwing TFW off--this would explain M's comment on trusting her..
Of course, M should know by now that one must never upstage TFW, or the wrath of hell will be visited upon her. Maybe Dr Lillian Glass will weigh in on that, or we will get more context for what happened. Since TFW had the phone in her hand already, she may have confiscated it earlier. In any case, TFW's overreaction was shocking, to say the least. And that world-weary egg cracking scene just says it all. Do these kids ever get a welcoming smile and an encouraging word that doesn't somehow end up being about her? If so, I haven't seen it yet.
Hopefully, this special will be the last time that turd circles the drain before finally being flushed into the sewer, where she belongs. If she thinks she is worn out now, just wait until the tips are teens. Which, hopefully, we will not see.
Her diet and booze make her skin awful.
I would think that more than the diet and booze, it was the overkill on tanning that really did a number on her skin.
Watch for it. It will be inappropriate.
Watch for what, lukebandit? The gift? I really doubt if Kate is going to tweet what gift was given.
Or she may have gone off script
I was thinking this ex-nurse.
I believe kk got the kids-(the twins especially) trained to follow her script she doesn't want another today repeat.
Does Kate realize she will have to give the Bat Mitzvah girl a decent gift or check?
So not a problem for our Kate - I imagine she has a basement full of autographed crapbooks, or perhaps a grifted Chipotle card or two lying around.
What I find astounding is that based on the clips from the special the six sheep are going to have to believe the woman with the greasy pulled back not so long hair morphs into Little Bo Peep with the long golden ringlets and speckled face for the couch interview. Insane.
OT the movie CHEF. we saw this movie Saturday night. Oh my goodness, it is GOOD! If you like the food network, you will LOVE this movie, food prep scenes that are orgasmic! If you like great acting, you will like this movie. If you like positive stories and happy endings, you will like this movie. if you want to see how a parent and child really get to know each other, you will enjoy this movie. it is a perfect gem of a film. Highly recommended. Great story, great cast, great food, great fun!
amazing post
was not the original name Growing up Gossi?
Did Kate steal the "Growing Up Gosselin" idea from the Duggar girls?
The book they wrote is called "Growing Up Duggar", which was published in March, but was available for pre-order several months prior. The "Growing Up Gosselin" tag was first used on the Today Show.
Kate may not realize it, but she may have just provided the title for on of the kids future tell-all book.
#GrowingupGosselin is such a dumb hashtag I'm embarrassed for her.
They're not meerkats.
Wow, PA locals, Lewis Katz died in a plane crash.
Katz's publications like philly.com have published numbers critical articles on the Gosselins and their scam on the good people of PA, too many to name. Thank you for your journalism, Mr. Katz and RIP.
Here's Farrah giving an interview about book one of the trilogy she spoke about on Couple's Therapy. Oy, that girl!
Admin (#88), you're right, the kids aren't meerkats. If they were, there
would've been more of an uprising about their mistreatment. Instead,
there's a fan base clamoring for more and more of this invasion of
privacy - and a grinning narcissist more than willing to serve her own
innocent children up on a golden platter.
I think people who have not kept up with Kate these past few years will be shocked by how different she looks.
...the woman with the greasy pulled back not so long hair morphs into Little Bo Peep with the long golden ringlets and speckled face for the couch interview. 83
Little Bo Peep! A perfect description of that look.
Hmmmm...Angelina Jolie gets it.
Jolie reiterated her hope that her children not go into show business.
"I want them to do it for fun only, and when they get older, if they decide to be actors, I would just ask that that's not the center of their lives," she said. "That's an aspect but they are involved in many other things, because I don't think it's a healthy focus as the center of your life."
There was a horrible show on TV some years ago, "Growing up Gotti" about the life of John Gotti's daughter, Victoria and her three extremely spoiled, disrespectful sons.
Thank you hand ,watching what I think is her now
I am stuck on releasing a sex tape is how you grow yerself:
DD has Rhianna blasting as I try to listen to Miss Duck Lips
Rhianna is winning..CRAZY, and I do love me some Eminem
Also, Barry Williams, Greg on the Brady Bunch, penned a book called Growing up Brady.
Gotti !!! Gotcha Tweetle
thank you
Hopefully, this special will be the last time that turd circles the drain before finally being flushed into the sewer, where she belongs. If she thinks she is worn out now, just wait until the tips are teens. Which, hopefully, we will not see.
We've been saying that for a few years, and somehow, some way, she manages to surface and keep it going. I don't expect this to be any different. Although she's not all that bright, intelligence-wise, she's cunning and she will find a way to wrap someone around her finger. She's not done yet.
I'll bet Mady will get teased at school for being disciplined on national television. Poor kid. The body language of her siblings are very telling. Good that the crew was there to film it. I guess Kate feel that her kids shouldn't have their own feelings.
OT but amusing:
MAJOR damage control is underway:
I texted Mady, in a rush,and 4got to say 'please'. She got upset. Next time, I used THREE 'pleases'..her response.. Continued..
Mady:good job mommy.a good mannered mommy is a happy mommy My response to her: True. A good mannered teen also makes a happy mommy #TeenLOVE
Who still say mommy at all most 14yrs old?
I was saying mom by then maybe that's just me,
Carole said... 102
MAJOR damage control is underway:
It couldn't have been more obvious, could it? She's something else.
TLC stinks said... 92
I think people who have not kept up with Kate these past few years will be shocked by how different she looks.
My dh has no clue that I follow this mess. With TFWs silly putty face plastered all over the news lately, he took one look and said "wtf? When did she get Jay Leno's chin?" He also commented on her crazy eyes. I told him they were courtesy of Botox.
During her Ann Taylor Loft/chicken hair days, I'll give credit where credit is due, she looked very pretty during that time (even with the hair.) She looked younger than her age, her hair was thick and healthy and her skin was lovely. I'll never understand why Kate and so many in Hollywood think that streched, pulled, Muppet-like features and polyester hair are youthful and desirable looking. Cindy Crawford is a good example of good plastic surgery. First, she's up front about getting it. Second, she gets very minor tweaks and preventative procedures. She still looks just like Cindy Crawford. It's a shame Kate and others feel the need to morph into the cookie cutter plastic and frozen blond.
Didn't someone check about the trademark on "Growing up Gosselin?" I thought some random guy already trademarked it.
OT...sort of.
I checked out our local news website and saw a picture of a hand holding a wooden spoon. I thought Kate made the news (just kidding). However, it's an excellent article on spanking and discipline. Kate should take a look.
It's not just you Chef. I think it's odd that they still say mommy.
But it wouldn't surprise me if TFW insisted they call her that, to continue infantizing them.
I live in a small house, not a mansion like Kate. But, I have never felt the need to text or call anyone on their cell phone when they were in my home...am I unusual?
reiterated her hope that her children not go into show business.
"I want them to do it for fun only, and when they get older, if they decide to be actors, I would just ask that that's not the center of their lives," she said. "That's an aspect but they are involved in many other things, because I don't think it's a healthy focus as the center of your life."
I know not everyone likes her but the more she speaks the more I'm convinced this woman really does get it.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 15m
WE ❤️ YOU TOO! RT @caitlnmariee: I am not at all ashamed of my undying love for @Kateplusmy8 and her kids
Kisses, kisses, kisses. Gag me. Sure she loves her tweeties. That's why she disappears without a word for weeks, not even a bone thrown their way until she wants something. Now she needs them to watch the show, so she's going to start her manic tweeting once again.
I texted Mady, in a rush,and 4got to say 'please'. She got upset. Next time, I used THREE 'pleases'
She's such a smart ass. And Mady is walking...all...over her. Good luck with that.
I went back and re-read Dr. Lillian Glassman's review of Kate and M/C on the Today & View show. Bottom line was Mady knows Kate's buttons to push and Mady pushes them when she wants to. These tweets seem to show once again that Mady has the upper hand. Kate doesn't control Mady, Mady controls Kate.
Mady's learned she can sass and be disrespectful with either no consequence or a consequence she can put up with just fine.
This is everything we predicted for years. Disrespect the kids their whole lives and they will soon dish it right back ten times over. Team Mady.
I wouldn't be surprised if Kate enforces they call her "Mommy," because it makes both the kids and her sound younger. As far as the rest of the tweet, there is usually some truth in every lie and I bet the truth is in what Mady said, but not in Kates response. Puhlease, like Kate would not only let her get away with talking to her like that, but would reprimand and correct herself.
Also, not sure if it has been mentioned, but according to multiple sites, the two hour special will be split into two one hour parts airing a week apart.
completely OT....
dd just informed me her graduation is THURSDAY, not the 20th like she said
I am not allowed to cry, under penalty of severness
I am grateful she gave me 3 days to cry (from Joy)
Now back to previously scheduled programming
Also, not sure if it has been mentioned, but according to multiple sites, the two hour special will be split into two one hour parts airing a week apart.
It has but it's worth mentioning. It confused some of us a bit and boy did it ever confuse the sheeple who think two part special means full blown series.
I agree TLC stinks. They will be shocked. A lot of posts on the websites are commenting on how different, older, worse she looks.
Anon/franky, I think you are thinking about Growing Up Gotti. Wow, Gotti's grandsons were nothing but pure bred thugs, entitled, so disrespectful. I watched just a little of a couple of shows and it didn't take long who was the bosses there.
Good gravy, I find it so darn creepy that TFW tweets back to a stranger who professes to love her and her kids, "We love you, too!" All kinds of wrong and creepy! She can speak for herself, but the idea that her children are claiming to love this stranger too is so bizarre. You may say, oh, c'mon, she doesn't mean she actually loves this
person, but this kind of communication can and does backfire sometimes. Look at Gladys, who firmly believes she is an intimate friend, based on a few kind words tossed her way.
Since she probably makes up all of their text conversations anyway, doubt that one, with the mommy, mommy, mommy, even happened. And if it did, what a POS for broadcasting it. Damage control? She's losing that game big time.
Chef...I hear ya
Mommy flew out the at about age 5, it became Mom
Although Mamie will never change
Beyond DIsgusted said... 110
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 15m
WE ❤️ YOU TOO! RT @caitlnmariee: I am not at all ashamed of my undying love for @Kateplusmy8 and her kids
Kisses, kisses, kisses. Gag me. Sure she loves her tweeties. That's why she disappears without a word for weeks, not even a bone thrown their way until she wants something. Now she needs them to watch the show, so she's going to start her manic tweeting once again.
Expect more of this. Already a brand new sock came out from hiding in the dryer and has expressed it's undying love for Kate. It's twitter handle is i love cats @pancakes.... somethingorother. Milo and the pancake were chatting up a storm on twitter about how they are shocked- shocked about the raw deal Kate gets. The pancake has little pancakes the same age as Milo's children, which the truthers thought was a pretty good idea- to keep everything straight and all.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 78
I was looking at Kate's TL. You know, a few of the non-fans are really nasty, &&&&&&& We have a group of fans and non fans that out each other and attack each others family's on twitter. This has gone way bond being a fan or a non fan these people need to go private on twitter and leave each other alone. How long are they going to obsess over Kate and argue over her? she's not that important to being fighting over her for years now.
Good gravy, I find it so darn creepy that TFW tweets back to a stranger who professes to love her and her kids, 119
Even Bo Peep was smarter than Kate.
Winsomeone said... 108
I live in a small house, not a mansion like Kate. But, I have never felt the need to text or call anyone on their cell phone when they were in my home...am I unusual?
My cousin and his wife were visiting along with a few others at Christmas. They were texting each other while sitting opposite one another in the living room. Aside from being rude, I thought it was stupid and told them so.
I read recently that some people are actually going back to basics with cellphones, reasoning they don't need all the bells and whistles that come with them. They are apparently suffering from 'smart phone fatigue'.
Of course if I had to live with Sgt Asshole, I'd rather text her than talk to her face to face, so there's that too.
Alberta Girl said... 107
But it wouldn't surprise me if TFW insisted they call her that, to continue infantizing them.
Or she's speaking for M you how she likes to speak for the children.
In a few years I bet M&c won't be calling KK mommy their be calling her by her first name.
Spoiled rich kids who have no respect usually do that
Rhymes with witch, that bear in hammock photo is so funny! All the more because its a wild bear.
Franky, congrats to your daughter and her proud mother!
My college age dd calls me Momma most of the time. Or mom. Hasn't been mommy for years.
This "little bo-peep" look is just another example of the fact that Kate has no self-awareness. Plastered on make-up and that fake blond wig just look horrible. No self-awareness at all and no one can tell her anything. If I had been publicly fired by a coupon site like Kate was, I would still be in the corner licking my wounds. So embarrassing and it never seemed to faze the woman. Very telling, don't you think? She appears to be oblivious to anything we see as normal and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. That fact alone just adds to the fact that she is unlikeable, plain and simply, unlikeable.
I, too, was impressed by the Angelina Jolie quote regarding her children's future. She truly cares about her children. They do not financially support their mother and never will. Big difference from the Gosselin eight.
Rhymes with witch, that bear in hammock photo is so funny! All the more because its a wild bear. 128
Joy, if you can open the video, the bear trying to get into the hammock is hilarious, although the lighting is poor.
So odd how tfw does a Pollyanna routine on twitter and is Baby Jane on camera.
Can she see the disconnect?
I, too, was impressed by the Angelina Jolie quote regarding her children's future. She truly cares about her children. They do not financially support their mother and never will. Big difference from the Gosselin eight.
Her 60 Minutes interview she did some time ago was fantastic. The kids were off limits. She said you can film the dogs.
Another thing about Vivian is she never set out for Vivian to have a cameo in Mallificent. They had a bunch of other little girls to do it but they were all so scared of Angelina in full makeup they would all cry. Vivian knew her mom and wasn't scared so they said okay fine we'll let her do it. She really is a little darling. This is the difference between a time or two on camera is purely fun for kids versus "WORK." You can't keep claiming playing in front of the cameras after 100 episodes. That works for one or two times.
So odd how tfw does a Pollyanna routine on twitter and is Baby Jane on camera.
Can she see the disconnect?
I still believe that she suffers from some form of MPD, and if so, then she cannot see the disconnect.
I still believe that she suffers from some form of MPD, and if so, then she cannot see the disconnect.
I think she thinks that if she just frames things a certain way that's how they are. I don't know what you call that clinically but f-ed up. Her reality rarely matches up with what is really going on, and we can prove it. Happy happy joy joy kids actually look very dejected, tired but patient and loving mom is actually Captain Asshole.
She is catfishing HERSELF.
It looks like Kate had the phone before they filmed this part. This could be a continuation of rebellious moment. If Kate were half the parent she claims to be, she would have addressed this privately. She would have stopped filming and taken care of this before starting to film again.
The pancake has little pancakes the same age as Milo's children, which the truthers thought was a pretty good idea- to keep everything straight and all.
Do you mean Milo's not-children? I don't think she has children at all. She's catfished for so long, and has slipped up on occasion about their ages, and then there's the 19-year-old who still plays with toy dump trucks.
It has but it's worth mentioning. It confused some of us a bit and boy did it ever confuse the sheeple who think two part special means full blown series.
That's because they don't know what a two-part special means. They haven't yet figured out the meaning of "special" and "series." Imagine how disappointed they will be when they do their channel surfing looking for show #3.
I actually believed Milo had kids at first but then a lot of little things started adding up that made me think she doesn't really understand kids at all and thus does not have kids.
There are just too many examples to name and I've forgotten most of them. A recent one, she said she took her son's phone away for a month. Thirty whole days? I don't know, that is a hell of a long time for even the most patient of parents to hold out on dealing with an older teen without a phone. If you have to take the phone away a month you may need to take something more than the phone away. I have a hard time buying a catfish describing punishments that actually just make the PARENT's job harder. I'm sure people have but it's just one of many rather unusual things she describes. And the toy truck of course was a huge red flag.
She's always taking pics of the kids from behind, like she's doing so covertly and they don't know (creepy). I think they could just be a niece and nephew or the neighbor kids. That's a common tactic for catfish is just sort of adopt the facts and figures of someone they know. The person exists they just don't play the role you say they do. This is exactly what Nev's catfish did.
Andrea said... 135
It looks like Kate had the phone before they filmed this part. This could be a continuation of rebellious moment. If Kate were half the parent she claims to be, she would have addressed this privately. She would have stopped filming and taken care of this before starting to film again.
This is a good point, Andrea. In parenting 101, all experts recommend handling discipline privately. Kid is acting up in a restaurant, take him out. Acting up at a barbeque, take her inside and speak with her away from other people, etc. The sheeple are trying to spin this like people are attacking Kate for discipining her daughter, they're not. They're speaking up because she purposely embarrassed the child in front of the camera and a soon to be national audience. Then reveled in it with sadistic glee.
I actually believed Milo had kids at first but then a lot of little things started adding up that made me think she doesn't really understand kids at all and thus does not have kids. 137
If Milo is in fact catfishing, s/he has adopted an extremely odd persona. If she is for real, it's equally scary.
OH another thing I found very ODD. Milo said her son got his own apartment the summer before college. She was making some joke about how he's so eager to leave her with an empty nest.
We're talking about that final wonderful senior year summer. Moving out would be extremely, extremely unusual. A kid needs the summer to pack for college, tie up loose ends, and have your personal laundry service for just a bit longer, and have them teach or refresh you on doing laundry when you're on your own. There's still a lot of house parties to be had in the backyard and fridges to raid for free.
So many things need to get done that parents help with, from getting a bunch of quarters from the bank to gathering your insurance cards and other documents to of course packing.
Even if a kid WANTs to move out the kid when they go to the leasing office won't want to when they hear how much an apartment really costs.
I found it just bizarre. The only time i've seen that happen is when a kid has abusive parents and they just want to get out ASAP. I don't get the sense that Milo has any gumption to even begin to be abusive with a 18 year old boy.
If Milo is in fact catfishing, s/he has adopted an extremely odd persona. If she is for real, it's equally scary.
I think her personality is who she is. I think she is overbearing, annoying, obnoxious, a Gladys.
I just don't believe the many little facts about her life like her children. I think she's in a long term medical care facility somewhere with outdoor privileges. There's nothing wrong with that but don't lie to people.
The sheeple are trying to spin this like people are attacking Kate for discipining her daughter, they're not. They're speaking up because she purposely embarrassed the child in front of the camera and a soon to be national audience. T
I guess i've come to accept that they're just going to deliberately spin this like people are attacking the idea of taking a cell phone away. Sigh, no, but not amount of explanation for what our issue is has helped.
All I can say is the bloggers in this post above get it, and for that I"m glad.
Others have pointed out Mady's "You never trust me" comment must be related to why Kate had her phone in the first place.
I think the best guess proposed so far was that Kate doesn't trust her not to play on her phone while Kate talks and that's why she took the phone, but who knows. I'm sure if Kate swiped it for no reason when Mady wasn't doing anything wrong, it sure as heck explains why Mady was so irritated.
Not that I can blame the kid that would definitely be a "pull out my phone and play" time.
Milo is just weird.
A big red flag with Gladys for me is that she can devote hours and hours to tweeting. How can someone who's married with 2 kids, and who has health problems, and meetings to go to, just drop everything and grab her smartphone at the drop of a hat?
Also, the full-court press of love for TFW doesn't seem like it's coming
from someone with a balance of real love in her life. It almost feels like a teenager with a crush - something so intense it's all they think about. But crushes usually burn out within months - this has been going on for years.
This is classic! A tweet from Milo....
"Ur not rich til U have things that $$ can't buy! Like a good relationship w/God...family...friends..integrity...loyalty...honesty...health!"...
Another one two punch to SHAM SAHM....she ain't got none! Hilarious.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 141
OH another thing I found very ODD. Milo said her son got his own apartment the summer before college. She was making some joke about how he's so eager to leave her with an empty nest.
I too believed that comment was indication she was making stuff up. If her son is 18, he probably just finished up high school. If he's going to college, that means he has college expenses already, such as the first semester's tuition, housing costs (usually your first year is spent in the dorms, but either way, you need to pay for housing), books, etc. Why would a kid with these big expenses staring him in the face, fritter away three months' worth of rent, when it makes the most sense to remain at home for those three months, rent-free?
No, that did not sound right to me whatsoever. She was probably just tired of having to make up stories about this fictional son, so she shipped him off (in her mind) to his own apartment, then he'll be off at college.
I used to think Milo was an alter ego of Kate, but now I think he or she is someone with a few screws loose, perhaps housebound or otherwise with very limited social contacts, and has become fixated on Kate.
Winsomeone said... 108
I live in a small house, not a mansion like Kate. But, I have never felt the need to text or call anyone on their cell phone when they were in my home...am I unusual?
No, you are not unusual. But I have texted my son when we were both at home, but more to make a point in a joking way. He'll be watching a video or something on his phone with the headphones on and I (not realizing he's wearing the ear buds), will ask him a question. Usually I just get up and tap him on the shoulder, but I do get tired of having to do that, so I've texted him. While I'm sitting five feet away on the couch. LOL
I too believed that comment was indication she was making stuff up. If her son is 18, he probably just finished up high school. If he's going to college, that means he has college expenses already, such as the first semester's tuition, housing costs (usually your first year is spent in the dorms, but either way, you need to pay for housing), books, etc. Why would a kid with these big expenses staring him in the face, fritter away three months' worth of rent, when it makes the most sense to remain at home for those three months, rent-free?
No, that did not sound right to me whatsoever. She was probably just tired of having to make up stories about this fictional son, so she shipped him off (in her mind) to his own apartment, then he'll be off at college.
Exactly, exactly, exactly.
There are obscure obscure exceptions to every rule of course. But these days, in 2014, I'm struggling to think of a single example of all the teens I've known of a graduating senior getting his own apartment BEFORE college. Nope, never happened. Moreover, you'd have to find a place willing to let you lease for an odd period of time, maybe 9 or 10 weeks because colleges start early usually in August. Making your search even more difficult. Kids this age don't want to bother. College is too expensive now and kids these days just live at home beforehand. They are not going to fork over hundreds of dollars for a crappy apartment when they can continue to live off mom and dad and their great food, laundry services and HBO. 'He is eager to flee the coop' is not a credible enough explanation for that. ALL kids are eager to flee the coop at that age but few actually do it or even come close to doing it especially when they realize how expensive it is to flee that coop. I was skeptical then and I am now.
Next Food Network starts tonight and Ross will be on!
Rest in peace Ann B. Davis (Alice, Brady Bunch). I grew up watching the show when it was originally on. Florence Henderson and the kids in the cast must be so sad.
I too believed that comment was indication she was making stuff up. If her son is 18, he probably just finished up high school.
Not that it matters, but she recently mentioned that he is 19.
Admin said (re Angelina Jolie)
I know not everyone likes her but the more she speaks the more I'm convinced this woman really does get it.
I think she and Brad Pitt are very committed to each other and truly do put their family first. Late night hosts and comics used to love making jokes about all the kids AJ was adopting, but it surely appears as if the children are loved, well taken care of, and most importantly, they seem happy. They have traveled all over the world, yet their parents have been fairly protective of them. I compare them to Will and Jada Smith's two children, and how they have been raised. I think the Smiths are loving parents, but they seem (from my outside view) to be over-indulgent and in a way, living out their childhood dreams through their kids. I mean, didn't Will Smith basically fund a movie so his kid could be the star, and then the world got to see that Jaden Smith isn't really a good actor? And their daughter, hanging out on beds with 20-year old male friends, she only 13? There is such a difference in the way the Smith kids are over exposed because their parents gave them free rein and think that allowing them to be in the spotlight at their young ages is okay.
I think AJ and Pitt's children have a much greater chance of growing up to be successful and happy in their own right, than the Smith's kids. Both are from high powered, very visible Hollywood couples, but their upbringing is so different.
This has gone way bond being a fan or a non fan these people need to go private on twitter and leave each other alone.
It's disgusting and shameful. What is wrong with these people?? Are they mentally ill? Will they be happy only when someone is actually arrested or found dead?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 134
''I think she thinks that if she just frames things a certain way that's how they are. I don't know what you call that clinically but f-ed up. Her reality rarely matches up with what is really going on, and we can prove it. Happy happy joy joy kids actually look very dejected, tired but patient and loving mom is actually Captain Asshole.
She is catfishing HERSELF.''
''SHE IS CATFISHING HERSELF'' is positively the very best comment I've ever read on your blog! Perfect.
Did Milo actually watch the preview clip? Now she's heaping praise on Kate for that text convo between Kate and Mady that Kate tweeted.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 17m
@Kateplusmy8 U & Mady have a wonderful dialogue between urselves...she enjoyed being able 2correct U...& U used the moment 2teach her! :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 4m
@Kateplusmy8 Clearly Mady feels at ease enuf w/U 2b able 2say this...and I love how U used this 2help her see the benefits of good conduct!
I think AJ and Pitt's children have a much greater chance of growing up to be successful and happy in their own right, than the Smith's kids. Both are from high powered, very visible Hollywood couples, but their upbringing is so different.
They've done something that is relatively simple to do and I think they've given their children a wonderful gift for it. They simply do not tell us who their children are as PEOPLE. They've kept their essence private.
They don't or rarely say anything about their personalities, their likes and dislikes, who they are as people. We can infer that Shiloh is a tomboy and Vivian is the sweetheart and Maddox knows his own mind. But that's only based on photos. We're just guessing. No one is going to have much preconceived notions about them when they get out there. They will be able to be who they really are without pressure.
I happen to think that raising a child of a celebrity is more difficult than usual. I imagine it would be similar for anyone whose parent is a big CEO or other power player. Their children have a huge shadow they are under, and they have all these perceived expectations and pressures. In normal situations, the star in the room is the child. That is the natural order of things, that is how it's been since the beginning of time. We focus things downward toward the children and revolve things around the children in the room. But when someone like Joan Crawford steps into the room or name any celeb, she is the star not the children. That is an abnormal role reversal that I think children find difficult to deal with. It creates intense feelings of not being good enough, ever able to measure up so why bother, and pressure. They then end up acting out in horrific ways as they get older.
In this situation you have to be able to raise a child to find their own voice independent of the baggage you bring to the table. My narcissist clearly didn't have the first clue how to do this, and in fairness, there's not really many parenting books about this particular situation. They just kept on being the star, even at home, and the children kept on being the footnote "children of the star." Now, they're paying the price for not bringing the children outside of the "footnote" pages. But Angelina and Brad have found a way to get around this, have not made their children a footnote, and I'm happy for their children.
I just don't believe the many little facts about her life like her children. I think she's in a long term medical care facility somewhere with outdoor privileges. There's nothing wrong with that but don't lie to people.
This would explain why she has never met Kate, although she may have had many opportunities to do so. I just don't buy the health issue. One month she was in a wheelchair (the cruise) and shortly thereafter she was walking three miles. She used the wheelchair as an excuse. You can't tell me that when one is as truly obsessed with a celebrity, and that person is anywhere near your neck of the woods, where Kate has been, that every effort isn't made to meet that person. There's a reason that, after all of these years, Milo hasn't come face to face with her queen, and it could be because she is somewhere in a facility and it
is not logistically feasible for her to travel.
All that is, of course, just conjecture, but there are so many things that just don't add up. Moreover, it's not just a coincidence that when Kate disappears, so does Gladys. I haven't yet figured that one out.
But whatever she or he is, it's clear that the person is over-bearing, annoying and very obnoxious and persistent. I really do hope that she is a catfisher in a facility because I pity any family that has to live with that.
Clearly Mady feels at ease enuf w/U 2b able 2say this
What delightful spin. Mady is sassing and being a disrespectful little snit (not that it's not justified) but that just shows she is at ease with her mother. LOL! Shouldn't that be a given, a daughter at ease with her mother? We need a trophy for THAT now too?
Yeah, she's at ease to walk all over her all right.
Wow why thanks Remona lol!
I actually don't think Milo ever mentioned college in reference to her son. She mentioned him graduating, said he dropped and did 20, then said he wanted to get an apartment...I think that was in the fall after he "graduated".
What delightful spin. Mady is sassing and being a disrespectful little snit (not that it's not justified)
Your mother selling your privacy.
Your mother embarrassing you on national tv over and over.
Your mother badmouthing your father and other family.
Doesn't sound like Kate respects her kids to much.
Being disrespected is the least of KK's worries,
Watching Next Food Network Star and there is a cook on it that has Kate's hairdo. I kid you not. Its the exact same hairdo. The only difference is the cook appears to be in early 20's and the hairdo looks cute on her. Kate has passed her expiration date of being 20 years old with her hairdo. Time to get a hairdo that fits a woman who is almost 40 years old. She's not young anymore, she's moving the midlife.
Wait till M&C get to the age of "U can't tell me what to do"-HA what's KK going to do then.
I had to laugh when I read the tweets from some of the sheep who praise Kate for her perfect grammar and punctuation. They really set the bar low!
Lauren @ljohnson2006 40m
@Kateplusmy8 punctuated and grammatically correct tweets for the win! 😉👍
I remember one of Kate's tweets that was really funny, grammatically, and so I looked it up:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@beckybgrimwood for seriously??! I'm constantly fixing and repairing myself! It gets lots of use here obviously! Email me your details?:)
Kate was fixing and repairing herself? Obviously, her attempts were futile because she's still the same old Kate!
Then, of course, there are the many times when she begins her tweets with "me" as the subject, or uses "I" as the object of the preposition. She doesn't know the different between lay and lie, set and sit, or when to use who and whom.
No matter. Her sheeple think she's perfect and nobody is ever going to change that!
I really really really hope TLC only purposley shows TFW in a bad light and not the kids. There was no reason for Kate Curic to show them hitting and spitting or for TLC to make them out to be hyper, annoying idiots like the so often did. No more kids not knowing who the current president is, or being bullies to other kids or airing the medical problems of ten year olds.
Wait till M&C get to the age of "U can't tell me what to do"-HA what's KK going to do then. 163
At some point, all 8 will be there simultaneously. Disrespect breeds disrespect.
@KATEPLUSMY8 @bentspud 97.8% of mothers in America believe Kate Gosselin has exceptional and commendable parenting skills. They are right‼
I don't know what she's been drinking, but I don't want any of it! :)
Amy2 said...162
Yes, I agree she is headed into mid-life. The life expectancy of a woman is 74 years old. Divided by 2, which is 37, the peak. Now she is 2 over going back down now. 39 and holding. Can't unring the bell, can't hold back a busted dam, can't stop a freight train on a dime.
Time keeps on marching.
RIP Ann B. Davis. Alice Nelson.
A couple of my favorite scenes with Alice. When she went out on a date from a guy from HS or college and they were at a very expensive restaurant. She was eating vichyssoise and she told her date that she thought vichyssoise was a really fancy name for cold potato soup! Aw, she was so pretty in that scene!
Also, when she was the secret buddy for Jan and she sent her a necklace. Alice finally confessed to Jan that the necklace was from her and Jan said, why? And Alice said, because I am a middle child. And your a middle child, so we are sisters. Very sweet.
From the Associated Press:
More than a decade before scoring as the Brady's loyal Alice, Davis was the razor-tongued secretary on another stalwart TV sitcom, "The Bob Cummings Show," which brought her two Emmys. Over the years, she also appeared on Broadway and in occasional movies.
Davis considered her ordinary look an asset.
"I know at least a couple hundred glamour gals who are starving in this town," she told the Los Angeles Times in 1955, the year the Cummings show began its four-year run. "I'd rather be myself and eating."
She said she told NBC photographers not to retouch their pictures of her, but they ignored her request and "gave me eyebrows."
Wow. Just ordinary looks kept her working for years and fed.
How humble and authentic!
The sheeple go on and on about how kids should be disciplined. Of course they should. Nobody has ever said otherwise. They just can't get it into their thick heads that you don't do this on television. What is it about the way their brains are wired that no matter what you do, you just can't make them understand this? Their lack of comprehension and logical thinking is not only frustrating, but it's downright scary. What's worse is that many of them are parents.
I don't know what she's been drinking, but I don't want any of it! :
KK's special kool aid, I don't want any either.
Has Ms Goody2shoes been tweeting? I wonder where is she at now a days,
Another article I found where Kate's parenting is called out due to the promo video.
"Kate’s parenting style has always been controversial. And for a long time I was a staunch defender of Kate. I mean, she has 8 children, including sextuplets. Can you imagine taking care of six babies at one time. Or six toddlers. What a nightmare. So I always sympathized with Kate and felt that her strict ways were how she coped with having such a large family.
But I find buying your kids electronics for the sole purpose of punishing them to be very twisted. I think you should buy your children things as a reward or because they need them. Many parents buy their teens cell phones for safety purposes. Or maybe as a birthday gift—13 is a big birthday in the life of a kid. But buying something to use as a punishment seems sick. I’ve never heard a parent use that rational, though Kate claims she’s not the only one who does this.
If I was Kate’s kid, I would wonder what my mom’s intentions were every time she bought me something. “Did I really do a good job or is she just playing another mind game with me.”
I don’t think there is anything wrong with confiscating phones and iPads, in fact I think it’s a very effective way of punishing a child. But spending hundreds of dollars just to punish your child seems stupid."
Serious challenge for BORDER COLIC and her friends.
Prove it.
Take your People covers (for those who say "Kate who") and your cell phones and ask the mothering question to 20 RANDOM mothers at the mall or supermarket. If 5 of you do this you will have 100 responses. I dare you. I double dare you.
Silly me, you may shout it on twitter but I bet each and every one if you don't have the guts to take it to your community. If you are so sure, do my challenge or STFU and stop making up numbers that match your delusions.
Cowards. All 6 of you.
rainbowsandunicorns said... 164
I had to laugh when I read the tweets from some of the sheep who praise Kate for her perfect grammar and punctuation. They really set the bar low!
Lauren @ljohnson2006 40m
@Kateplusmy8 punctuated and grammatically correct tweets for the win! 😉👍
Someone tweeted the following, at that's where Lauren got that from:
Suave @MrRicoSuave00
I literally follow @Kateplusmy8 because she makes no grammatical mistakes. Even at 140 characters she punctuates haha
Kate even retweeted it!!
Lauren is sometimes worse than Milo in her thinking. She tweeted this:
Lauren @ljohnson2006
@MileyCyrus and @justinbieber are two of the many examples of what happens when u become famous too young. Bad examples for teens
Then she tweets this:
Lauren @ljohnson2006
@Kateplusmy8 so excited for the update show. @TLC should bring you back full time
Doesn't she get that the Gosselin kids became famous at a young age? Yet she wants the show to continue.
99.9% of sane mothers think Kate Gosselin eats her young.
2% of Kate's children will allow her to be in their adult lives.
97% of children that watched K+8 have nightmares about Kate replacing their mom.
Kate has kissed her sons a total of 17 times, combined, in their entire lives. #OrLess
@KATEPLUSMY8 @bentspud 97.8% of mothers in America believe Kate Gosselin has exceptional and commendable parenting skills. They are right‼
**Based on survey results of six sheeple.
I took a peek over at The Stir's comments, and a common sentiment is, well, at least she's not hitting them. Guess they don't know about TFW's
If I was Kate’s kid, I would wonder what my mom’s intentions were every time she bought me something. “Did I really do a good job or is she just playing another mind game with me.”
Thank you.
There's an undercurrent of reluctance from some of these bloggers criticizing her. Sort of like well I HATE to say it since she does have all these kids ...... but, this ain't right...
Listen, if something seems messed up, it probably is. You don't have to feel guilty saying so.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 167
@KATEPLUSMY8 @bentspud 97.8% of mothers in America believe Kate Gosselin has exceptional and commendable parenting skills. They are right‼
I thought Marie was just making things up, but then I looked up bentspud. They are a satirical twitter account and site (kind of like the Onion?).
Taking them seriously shows the extent of this sheeple's delusions.
Kate gave Maddy the power in this situation. Maddy could have walked away when Kate told her to leave and refuse to come back and be filmed. She would have missed out on some fun stuff but she would have had privacy.
Beth! You are brilliant....hahahaha!
@MiloandJack: @Pancake035 @Kateplusmy8 We have much fun w/our teens & I know Kate does! But they don't need us 2b best friends..they need us 2b parents!
But,but,but isn't Kate always tweeting about how she and the twins are BFFs?
I was curious about Milo's catfishing, the ages of her children, if the boy went to college, etc., so i went to Tweet Tunnel and looked back on some of the tweets. She has always called the boy the "oldest" and the girls "the youngest." Does she only claim to have two children? Wouldn't you say the "older" or the "younger" if there were only two? I don't know...maybe it's just the way she refers to them. I couldn't find anything where she mentioned about his going to college. Of course, she deletes so many tweets. She tweeted that she is 14 years older than Kate.
Anyway, I went to one of the last pages and read her tweets from when Kate went to Australia (November 2011). She pestered the crap out of Kate. Good grief...Kate, where are you, Kate, why don't you tweet, Kate, we worry about you, Kate, do you need help packing, Kate, are you on the plane now, Kate, did you take off, Kate, throw us a tweet now and then, Kate, ??????, Kate, where are you. I laughed when I read that she wonders if Kate gets a full body search at the airport.
Yeah, Milo would be interested in that!
Whatever happened to that Milo In Training, MeInAtlanta?
If I was Kate’s kid, I would wonder what my mom’s intentions were every time she bought me something. “Did I really do a good job or is she just playing another mind game with me.”
What they are doing is straw manning, plain and simple. It's the elementary way out of a situation in which one side is making a valid point.
It's up or down, to them, black or white. This is when having a meaningful debate is so frustrating because they constantly play straw man.
When we say we don't like the way Kate disciplines the children they all for some reason straw man it that we must think the only other alternative to Kate's methods is NO discipline, and so our opinions are immediately dismissed because of course no child should go without no discipline Fresh Prince style.
It's bizarre. Nobody said that. Nobody. Grow up and have a meaningful discussion.
Well that's not what i meant to quote but you get what i"m saying :)
Lol this is what i was quoting: :)
The sheeple go on and on about how kids should be disciplined. Of course they should. Nobody has ever said otherwise. They just can't get it into their thick heads that you don't do this on television.
But,but,but isn't Kate always tweeting about how she and the twins are BFFs?
Yes, Sue, I read that and was going to post the same thing. Kate tweeted so many times that she and the twins were hanging out in her bedroom, doing this or that...it sounded exactly like she was trying to make them her best friends and that they were bonding as such.. Too funny that Milo brought that up! Milo really shot herself in the foot with that one.
The sheeple go on and on about how kids should be disciplined. Of course they should. Nobody has ever said otherwise. They just can't get it into their thick heads that you don't do this on television.
But,but,but....If it weren't shown on television, how would they learn how to parent just like Kate? Especially, her young fans? They keep saying they are going to be a parent just like Kate when they have children. They consider the show to be a parenting manual and they want to emulate Kate in every way.
I don't know if TLC ever scrolls through the entertainment websites, but if so, they must be salivating. This is exactly what they wanted; controversy over TFW and her conflict with Mady. Add to that, watch the camera pan to younger kids looking stressed (as shown in the clip), and you have a ratings bonanza!
TLC is about the bottom line, there is no integrity. Sure, they cut TFW loose but if they feel there is still an audience, they'll test the waters with this "update" show. The one thing TLC knows is that they can draw viewership because everyone loves a train wreck. Lost in all the marketing are 8 young lives who are being sold by a mother who cares little about their wants and needs.
Aw, did anyone see promos for Rachel Ray's The Big Tip? They're going to be going around finding waiters and waitresses who work hard but also give back to their community. Looks like they're going to be cutting them some big checks.
Good for them. Shame on anyone who has ever put down those in hospitality.
I thought Marie was just making things up, but then I looked up bentspud. They are a satirical twitter account and site (kind of like the Onion?).
Taking them seriously shows the extent of this sheeple's delusions.
So it was satire, and the Marie Person fell for it? Geez...
Lauren @ljohnson2006
@Kateplusmy8 so excited for the update show. @TLC should bring you back full time
Doesn't she get that the Gosselin kids became famous at a young age? Yet she wants the show to continue.
Lauren is one of the slowest of the sheeple who would make a very good case study in a college psych book.
Say what you will about Rachael Ray, but she started out waiting tables and this certainly does sound like a way of giving back to a hard working group of people. She certainly paid her working dues too. Unlike some people we know.
Over And Out said... 183
''....she has always called the boy the "oldest" and the girls "the youngest." Does she only claim to have two children? Wouldn't you say the "older" or the "younger" if there were only two?...''
I have two children, and on this blog I call them the oldest and the youngest. Maybe it's a 'Southern' thing? Whatever it is, I'm rethinking using it from now on because I damn well don't want to be like Milo in any way!!
Didn't Border believe another story that was published not too long ago on one of those satire sites? I remember the non-fans laughing about it.
Thanks for the clarification. I thought BC wrote that tweet.
Challenge still on since she retweeted it.
Yes, bentspud is a satirical site. This is what it says in the About section on it's website:
"The bent*spud™ Mission
Right, so what’s this tomfoolery all about, you ask? Well, it’s all about being the world’s most reliable source of unreliable news. Pure and simple.
In these pages, nifty bullcrap and codswallop (look it up, it’s a real word, mate) fabricated with wild abandon shall be delivered with the hope that you, beloved reader, will enjoy it in all its cheeky splendor. Because you know what? Reality sucks. It does, doesn’t it? We all could do with a little less of it, and a little more LOL."
Marie is one of those sheeple who constantly say they have "facts" to back up what they say. I think it's hysterical that she actually thought that tweet was a fact!!
Another Milo observation: when SHAM SAHM had the not-so-random acts of kindness to win a crookbook! Why didn't Milo, Mrs Thinkin of& bein kind to other's didn't participate?? Maybe because she'd/he'd have to reveal his/her name??
Just so bizarre
So, there's this:
Gosselin Book @GosselinBook · 46m
KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD - The Rise And Fall of a Reality TV Queen on sale June 23, 2014.
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