Saturday, May 24, 2014

TLC filming for update special

After a long period of no new news about the promised "update special" from TLC, a few locals have spotted Kate and the crew filming around PA this week. Reactions from locals have been universally negative.

Filming locations include Michaels and a casual cafe. Thank you to the locals for keeping a keen eye out.

Credit to Twitter.

945 sediments (sic) from readers:

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AuntieAnn said...

Survivor said... 167

Yeah it kind of is necessary to explain why mommy is going to be really tired all the time. It will be necessary to explain why mommy might not be able to play with you as much as usual. It iwll be necessary to explain why mommy is sick and can't hold down a lot of food It will be necessary to explain why mommy suddenly doesn't have any hair. You don't have to go in to a big explanation about the cancer itself but you do have to talk about it with your kids and let them know that although the medicine will make you sick for a little while in the long run it will make you better. Been there, done that.


Thank you for your explanation.

I got your point...It was necessary for you to explain to your child, but was your child three years old with hearing difficulties, unfamiliar with not only only with his/her surroundings but a whole different language? Did he have intruding cameras in this new home? To explain that mommy is sick would only add more confusion to his already altered life - in my opinion.

I give illness no more control than it already has over a person and their family. I won't empower it further by talking about it and preparing everyone for 'the worse'.

I really don't know how well this child understood it. My guess is he probably listened for a moment or two then turned back to playing with his toys or sister or the nanny or any of the filming crew? Would he have adapted to Jen's illness without an explanation? I think he probably would have, although I did just watch the clip (not sure if the same one MIllicent wrote of) and Jen said he got it, that mom was sick, and that he was cute about it and that he'd have to learn about it some time. He must be a very bright little fellow.

Nice people or not, Jen and Bill are shilling their kids the same way Kate and Jon did. Sure they're nice people, and yes those children came along after the show was already on, but it didn't stop them from filming. It's given them more storylines and probably a few extra seasons. Jen's illness served the same purpose, unfortunately.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 183
It's frustrating isn't it local?

Not a single dang person said it was a bad idea ON ITS FACE to confiscate a child's cell phone. Not one. They are deliberately confusing the issue IMO.
May 28, 2014 at 11:47 AM
The only recourse they have is to make a feeble straw man argument.

That's what people who don't know how to have rigorous discourse and debate resort to.

AuntieAnn said...

Love the Little Couple said... 192

Also, what is your point in putting "new" in parentheses? She is his mother. It doesn't need to be qualified.


Yeesh. I have a disdain for this kind of priggishness.

But anyway. It's very common to say 'new addition to the family' when a woman gives birth and by the same token a woman after giving birth is a 'new mother'. Jen is his new mother, is she not?

Over And Out said...

For all that's holy, I don't understand this need to spend hours hunting down information on people and then using it for intimidation.


It's a sickness, an addiction, a mental illness of some sort. "Normal" people don't do this. In her case, it appears to be a cry for attention...the look at me, I can do this, I have power, know my name!

You can't help but feel sorry for some of these people, but when they cross the boundary with the purpose of intimidating and harassing, then it becomes a criminal issue, There's no justification for it. Then again, look at the people that these sheeple call "heroes." They learn from them, and that's nothing of which to be proud.

Silimom said...

Just saw the clip. Wow. It wasn't necessarily that I think what Kate did was wrong. I have told my children to go to their room when they are being disrespectful to calm down and then we discuss the problem one on one later. It was that she gave her a set of expectations (leave until you calm down and can come back, apologize and participate with a good attitude) and then didn't give her time to do it. She set her up for failure because Kate has to prove that she's the boss of that house. That's authoritarian parenting, not authoritative and imo it's not very effective parenting.

I'm sure Mady's outburst as someone said was a comment to how fake these family games are. They don't do them when the cameras aren't rolling. And teens are notorious for calling out people who are fake, parents included.

You could also tell from how the two younger girls curled up, hugged their knees and tucked in their heads that Kate explodes a lot. Not that she really exploded but it was definitely a "Moms not happy so watch out! You may be next."

Millicent said...

Auntie Ann said:

See, this is what gets me about these shows. Is it necessary to explain to a little three-year-old boy, newly adopted, probably unable to speak let alone understand the language that his (new) mommy has an illness?
I guess it is if you have to sit in front of a camera and answer questions from viewers if the contract calls for it.
I agree with your point. Even as a teenager, my son still doesn't want to have an in depth conversation about serious illness. But I can also see why Jen felt it was important to discuss this with Will in simple terms. If I had been ill when my son was young, I probably would have said something very basic like "mommy doesn't feel good and I have to see the doctor a lot." And then drop the subject.

One thing they also discussed on this particular episode was how they would deal with bullying or teasing when the children start school. And they both agreed that while things were possibly better today than when they were growing up, there was still a lot of ignorance and misconceptions out there and that's why they wanted to do this show - to help educate as many people and maybe make life better for today's little people.

Silimom said...

Lukebandit, Kate is selling a brand and heaven help child or adult that gets in her way. Sadly, these kids got two parents with a lot of issues and I doubt anything will be done by the courts let alone CPS. It seems like the judge in their family court case likes to keep things status quo as much as possible.

There was a parody video that came out a few years ago called Jon & Kate plus 8: the college years. It was disturbingly funny atbthentime and just sad to see how close to the mark they came.

Tucker's Mom said...

Over And Out said... 199
I throw on my coat and slip into my Uggs and no one's the wiser.


Were they a gift from SweetBren, the charity lady?
May 28, 2014 at 1:20 PM
Ha! I was going to clarify that I did, indeed, pay for them!

laurel said...

I have no doubt the TLC suits arranged everything for the adoption of these two kids. These TLC lawyers are high-powered bullies who can get whatever they want and will do whatever it takes. I bet they actually bought these kids for a huge price and by-passed the whole adoption thing. JMHO


I don't think TLC had anything to do with either adoption other than filming certain parts of the process. I certainly don't think they had their legal department assist Bill and Jen. They're busy dealing with big business and don't have the expertise nor time to deal with international adoption law.

They started the process of adopting Zoey 4 years ago, worked with a couple of different agencies, and did most of the work before announcing their intentions and without TLC getting wind of what was going on. The Kleins don't rely on TLC the way the Gosselin's did. They have their own lives and live them quite well without any TLC assistance. Here is a link to an interview Bill gave. It pretty well sums up the family I hear about locally.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jen is a new mother, in every sense.
What doesn't comport, to me, is putting those kids out there for public consumption.

FYI said...

TLC has added the video to their website, but now it say "Two-part special airs June 19 & 26 10/9c".

Seems like they're splitting it up into 2 one-hour shows, especially since it's airing at 10 pm.

Their FB page, however, still says June 25 at 9pm. ~ Administrator said...

The thing with Bill and Jenn being a nice family, which they are, is that they can hide behind being a nice family. It doesn't make the child exploitation any better. All it means is they have a nicer home and parents to help them should being exploited ultimately harm them. ~ Administrator said...

Lol that's a good start TLC. Get the dates and times all f-ed up. Seriously?

Rhymes with Witch said...

There was a parody video that came out a few years ago called Jon & Kate plus 8: the college years. It was disturbingly funny at the time and just sad to see how close to the mark they came. 7

It was eerily prescient. When I saw it I hoped it would be wrong.

Heh, heh, autocorrect finally did me a solid!

FYI said... now has an article about the special.

The article lists the same dates and times as the TLC website. One interesting excerpt, which we already assumed:

"Viewers will also be “invited” to the sextuplets big 10th birthday! Kate plans a super fun carnival-themed bash to celebrate their double-digit milestone."

Rhymes with Witch said...

Lol that's a good start TLC. Get the dates and times all f-ed up. Seriously? 13

Things that make you go.hmmmmm.

FYI said...

Looks like got their story from a press release. TVbytheNumbers has the same info, but it does say "via press release".

Rhymes with Witch said...

Viewers will also be “invited” to the sextuplets big 10th birthday! Kate plans a super fun carnival-themed bash to celebrate their double-digit milestone. 15

SURPRISE! (not).
What did the twins get when they became teens? Way to rub more salt in their wounds.

Silimom said...

So if they're filming the 10th birthday does that mean they get a break from filming the next special until they turn 15? Or 18?

Love the Little Couple said...

AuntieAnn said... 3

Yeesh. I have a disdain for this kind of priggishness.

But anyway. It's very common to say 'new addition to the family' when a woman gives birth and by the same token a woman after giving birth is a 'new mother'. Jen is his new mother, is she not?
May 28, 2014 at 2:10 PM
If you want to play semantics, no, it actually is not common to refer to a woman as "So and So's new mother." "A" new mother, yes, but not "Maria's new mother."
I really don't know how well this child understood it. My guess is he probably listened for a moment or two then turned back to playing with his toys or sister or the nanny or any of the filming crew? Would he have adapted to Jen's illness without an explanation? I think he probably would have, although I did just watch the clip (not sure if the same one MIllicent wrote of) and Jen said he got it, that mom was sick, and that he was cute about it and that he'd have to learn about it some time. He must be a very bright little fellow.
I would trust the people that actually know the child to make that call over someone who has watched a clip on television. Just as you know your own child better than a stranger does, so do they. I highly doubt that they sat down with the child, talked about Stage 3 cancer, and "prepared him for the worst." He's three, for goodness sake. There are plenty of developmentally appropriate ways to explain illness to a 3 year-old.

AuntieAnn said...

laurel said... 9

The Kleins don't rely on TLC the way the Gosselin's did. They have their own lives and live them quite well without any TLC assistance. Here is a link to an interview Bill gave. It pretty well sums up the family I hear about locally.


"Bill Klein: Our show started of as an education on a type of disability and a type of lifestyle that wasn’t as exposed as it may have been in the past, and we were able to shed some positive light in that regard with respect to our relationship and our careers and all that fun stuff. Then it just morphed into our pursuit of having a family, and all of a sudden it turned into something that touched on people’s lives more directly. "

TLC/Figure 8/Discovery weren't able to lure the Foos's into their web, so they found other little couples who would. First there was Matt and Amy, then came Bill and Jen.

Here is what they said about the Foos back in 2005:

"Extremely active in the San Francisco Little People community, both Joe and Ginny do all they can to educate anyone and everyone on what it means to be a Little Person. At heights of 4’2” and 3’9”, Joe and Ginny have devoted their lives to destroying the myths and misconceptions about their small stature, and often must deal with some rather “small-minded” people. While Ginny says that “it would be nice not to have to educate people every single day” on why she’s short, how she reaches things, where she buys her clothes, she realizes the importance of answering these questions. What they want everyone to know most of all, is that they are just like everyone else."

Sounds very similar to what Bill said and I think he and his wife have grown dependent on the money/ perks they receive from TLC in exchange for filming them. Their power of persuasion is intense, too. Just ask Jon.

OrangeCrusher1 said...

Well we called it, super duper special birthday party planned (ha) by hero mom, and the viewers are 'invited' to attend. Some steeple are going to be so, so happy. As if hero mom would ever throw such a bash without the TLC credit card. Anyone think there will kids' friends in attendance or just the 8 celebrating for the cameras? No wonder C&M have had enough. Pissy does not even begin to describe this.

2 one hour specials? Now I will have to wash my hair twice.

Carole said...

OT but since Michelle Duggar's fertility a topic of discussion last week I thought I'd update those on the edge of their seat waiting for her blood test results. LOL

She said on last night's show that another pregnancy was "not totally impossible, but highly unlikely."

(thank goodness)

AuntieAnn said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 18

Viewers will also be “invited” to the sextuplets big 10th birthday! Kate plans a super fun carnival-themed bash to celebrate their double-digit milestone. 15

SURPRISE! (not).
What did the twins get when they became teens? Way to rub more salt in their wounds.


When the twins turned ten, they went to the Olive Garden with their dad, which I'm sure meant more to them than anything TLC, sorry, their mother could do for them.

This has got to hurt, though.

AuntieAnn said...

When this all started long ago, the special was "Surviving sextuplets and twins", not twins and sextuplets.

I guess they know where they stand in mommie dearest's book.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Sounds very similar to what Bill said and I think he and his wife have grown dependent on the money/ perks they receive from TLC in exchange for filming them. Their power of persuasion is intense, too. Just ask Jon. 21

You can also ask the Deadliest Catch guys who were sued by Discovery (tlc's parent company) for trying to stop.filming.

Bill also made it clear that this money would assist them in retiring early.
(I am not judging their need/desire to retire early, just the method they are using).

AuntieAnn said...

Love the Little Couple said... 20
I would trust the people that actually know the child to make that call over someone who has watched a clip on television. Just as you know your own child better than a stranger does, so do they. I highly doubt that they sat down with the child, talked about Stage 3 cancer, and "prepared him for the worst." He's three, for goodness sake. There are plenty of developmentally appropriate ways to explain illness to a 3 year-old.


Certainly they would and I agree. That's what is meant by "in my opinion". Please re-read my comment.

And no, I do not wish to play semantics. Again, as I said before, I disdain it. Please re-read that post too.

Vanessa said...

"Striving" to love them? Good gosh. That should be unconditional love. You shouldn't have to strive to love, appreciate and show respect for your own children.
didn't she have an eerily similar entry in her diary about Colin?

Anonymous said...


They actually put "No fun things" in the link? Tells you what spin TLC is putting on this: All you Khaters, come and see what a bitch she is. We love the fact that the controversy is going to give us big numbers!

So transparent.


jennine s said...

I'm on Mady's side on this one. Mady saw the camera crew setting up and realized the fun was over. She obviously didn't think filming was fun. Kate should have said "We will talk about that after I am finished' o something like that.

PatK said...

So it's now a two part special?

Will they change their mind again, film some more, and make it a summer series? Good grief.

I hope Kate was gracious enough to thank TLC for footing the bill for the carnival birthday bash. She sure knows how to work it, doesn't she?

Math Girl said...

Kate is a twit said... 11
Seems like they're splitting it up into 2 one-hour shows.
This should make Admin's recap duties a bit less onerous. I was going to suggest splitting the recap into two parts, even if the show was broadcast in a two-hour "lump".

FYI said...

I wonder if TLC changed the time, because they got a lot of negative feedback on their FB page. The new schedule has the first part airing right after the season premiere of "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo".

They probably figured they needed a strong(at least for TLC) lead-in to get people to watch.

PatK said...

Not that long ago, Mady and Cara appeared on two national television talk shows and both stated how they wanted to film again. Why should anyone assume that Mady's outburst in the clip was because she didn't like filming?

My guess is she was disappointed that it wasn't going to be beach vacation filming.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Two one hour specials? Now I will have to wash my hair twice. 22

No worries - they're a week apart, unless TLC changes their mind again. :)

Betting the first hour is almost all old clips - look! Cute kids, must watch next week.

JoyinVirginia said...

So TLC will air the show at ten pm? Way to get that target demographic of all those families who watch together! So probably on nineteenth there will be some K 8 reruns then the new hour, the next week the first hour will rerun leading into second hour. Both will be equally boring according to my handy crystal ball!
Seriously, if TFMJG didn't know it already, burning her update special at ten pm is really an insult. The network isn't even pretending to try for a family audience.

Tucker's Mom said...

Well, it now makes sense that there was no tweeting photos of presents, a party or that mediocre birthday cake (too small for 8) on the tups actual birthday.
They had to wait until the cameras showed up and TLC paid for it, instead of Kate.

I wonder if that party was last week, and not over Spring break filming.

Ingrid said...

How many think that in the beginning of that clip Maddie had a hard time saying "we miss(ed) you". She didn't even look at the camera. It looked more like she was being coached from someone behind the camera. Was the witch holding Maddie's phone in the air threatening to take it away that time too?
PJ 29 ---- They actually put "No fun things" in the link? Tells you what spin TLC is putting on this: All you Khaters, come and see what a bitch she is. We love the fact that the controversy is going to give us big numbers!
So transparent.

PJ I totally agree with you. They know that a good mommy act won't bring in as many viewers as the wicked witch of Wernersville attitude would and that Kate would go along just to get her hands on as much money as possible. They probably needed something or someone like this to counteract the syrupy sweetness of Michelle Duggar.

Although the twins have a hard time with the younger kids and there will be some who are closer than others amongst the 8 I hope they all stick together in time. I have seen instances where a child takes the parents side and another doesn't and they are never close again. (on tv talk shows not in my life) I think that is sad.

Tucker's Mom said...

I hope Kate was gracious enough to thank TLC for footing the bill for the carnival birthday bash. She sure knows how to work it, doesn't she?
May 28, 2014 at 4:31 PM
I can see her in Michael's, willy nilly chucking crap into her cart.
What the hell, she's not paying for it, like Party City, like Pet Smart...

foxy said...

Maybe the tups will get a bigger cake this year instead of the traditional small crooked messy chocolate cake that Katie bakes. My friend has triplets, without fertility treatments, and they each get their own small layer cake. One likes chocolate and the other two like vanilla. There is also an extra sheet cake for all the guests. They are only dressed alike at Christmas with their dresses. Easter and other holidays are individual as they are.

Mady always felt the tups got better treatment. She even said they get 3 big parties and she only got one small party. Wait until they find out if it were not for the tups, no private school, no McMansion, no big vacations, etc. That has got to be hard to digest.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Although the twins have a hard time with the younger kids and there will be some who are closer than others amongst the 8 I hope they all stick together in time. 38

She works very hard at "splitting" those kids. Sick bitch.

Tucker's Mom said...

Seriously, if TFMJG didn't know it already, burning her update special at ten pm is really an insult. The network isn't even pretending to try for a family audience.
I'm shocked that the special is airing at 10pm.
I would think it would do much better at 9pm.

I can't imagine this is an FU to Kate or a ploy to ensure lower ratings because what network doesn't want to make money, no matter how big a diva they're working with. ~ Administrator said...

It's all about creating as much division and conflict among the siblings as you can first because I think they find it amusing/a fun pastime, second because as long as the siblings are fighting among themselves they will be too busy to realize how f-ed up their narcissist is. Conflict is good among the masses because those in conflict don't band together against the narcissist. It's also somebody else to blame other than the narcissist. I.e. don't look at me it's your sister/brother who is as fault.

Sibling alienation is just as sick as parental alienation.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Jen is a new mother, in every sense.
What doesn't comport, to me, is putting those kids out there for public consumption.


Exactly. One can try to justify it until the cows come home, saying this is a wonderful family, they're doing this for "educational" purposes, ad nauseam, but the bottom line is that this is child exploitation, the kids have no say in this, and this couple loves the money and the perks. Otherwise, let's see them doing it without collecting a cent and without paid-for vacations and the freebies that go along with it, leaving the children out of it.. ~ Administrator said...

Mady was too little to really understand filming like a 13 year old does.

My guess is that her memory is a little rosy. I think she thought she wanted filming but when she saw what it actually entailed (Kate being in charge, being dragged along with younger siblings she wants nothing to do with), she changed her tune.

I've always predictaed that. When and if the filming actually starts it will suddenly not be what Mady thinks it is. When you are 13 and just want to go meet some girlfriends for decaf options at Starbucks over the long weekend, suddenly filming is not fun anymore because you have to tell them you can't.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I hope Kate was gracious enough to thank TLC for footing the bill for the carnival birthday bash. 39

Wow, Kate and gracious in the same sentence.
I picture something more like "it's about damn time..."
May ~ Administrator said...

Exactly. One can try to justify it until the cows come home, saying this is a wonderful family, they're doing this for "educational" purposes, ad nauseam, but the bottom line is that this is child exploitation, the kids have no say in this, and this couple loves the money and the perks. Otherwise, let's see them doing it without collecting a cent and without paid-for vacations and the freebies that go along with it, leaving the children out of it..


Well said. I think this is how the Duggars got away with a lot of their crap because I think many people feel that in general, discounting the creepy religious factor, they are more or less nice people. Nicer than Kate anyhow.

And I repeat, lots of people not just want to but HAVE TO retire early. Google it, there are some really interesting blogs about retiring early from both people who want to and people who have to. Mr. Money Mustache retired early, before 40 I think. I think he lived on something like 35,000 a year to do it. Oh and he has a kid, wife and house. The difference is they made sacrifices in their working years to make this possible. No matter your reasons for retiring early you can't expect to do so without sacrifices.

What makes them think they are so special to not have to make those same sacrifices? I really can't sympathize with whining about retiring early when they live a very upper middle class lifestyle. I don't begrudge them that but do not then say you have to exploit your kids to retire early. No, you could CUT BACK first. I am really disgusted they would use that as their excuse to exploit the kids. Talk about a cop out.

PatK said... (Administrator) said... 41


Admin, I have to disagree. Mady definitely understands about filming. It hasn't been that long since K&8 and CWS. If she and Cara both told the public they really want to film again, then I believe they (especially Mady) understands what is involved. She knows they film during school vacations and on weekends and the words still came out of her mouth.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

CarleneMarie ‏@CarleneMarie_1 5h
@MY_2BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 All the parents of teens&pre-teens that I know do the exact same thing. Sheesh...what's the big deal?

Are they all too darn dumb to understand this? You don't purchase something for a child specifically to be able to take it away as a form of punishment. You just don't. Moreover, the tone in Kate's voice when she said this was so creepy. I'm surprised she didn't rub her hands together, sneer, cackle and smirk.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I wonder if TLC is using the carnival theme to contrast with the tups'
3rd birthday carnival at home. Oooh, clips of them at 3, and clips of them at 10! This just in: they're 7 years older! And maybe Jodi and Kevin and Beth and Bob can -- oops, they've been kicked to the curb. Well, at least Jon will be there to -- nope, he's been swiffered out,
too. There will be fake tears a-flowin' as TFW marvels at the passage of time. But I bet her children have cried real tears over not having these loved ones in their lives anymore. ~ Administrator said...

re they all too darn dumb to understand this? You don't purchase something for a child specifically to be able to take it away as a form of punishment. You just don't. Moreover, the tone in Kate's voice when she said this was so creepy. I'm surprised she didn't rub her hands together, sneer, cackle and smirk.


And in addition to the dysfunctional joy she got out of denying her child something she wants, it was the disturbing power struggle they had, battle of wills. Kate disrespecting her right back by mocking her. Kate letting the child have the control by indulging her outbursts by engaging. Kate refusing to let her child have a valid opinion that what Kate/TLC has planned is not fun. That is her OPINION Kate. She does not HAVE to like it, she is a person with her own thoughts and ideas. Kate not having a mature conversation with her about this later, AFTER. Putting this all on national TV for this poor child to be mocked. Let's not even get into the looks of defeat and joy-less expressions across the other seven children.

I'm not sure how many times it has to be explained to them it wasn't what she did but HOW she did it.

Sort of like they're trying to say there's nothing wrong with giving a child an apple for a snack! No, except if it's a rotted out apple that could make them sick. Get it? I guess Ewe-niversity needs to reevaluate its curriculum because they're not getting it.

I can only assume at this point they are being deliberately obtuse.

FYI said...

PatK said... 34
Not that long ago, Mady and Cara appeared on two national television talk shows and both stated how they wanted to film again. Why should anyone assume that Mady's outburst in the clip was because she didn't like filming?

Just because Mady & Cara said it, doesn't mean they meant it. Don't forget their mother was there at the time trying to control their answers. It was probably one of the things they felt they could safely say in order to appease her.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, Admin, you know how the sheeple are about opinions. You're entitled to one, as long as it's the same as theirs.


AuntieAnn said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 49

CarleneMarie ‏@CarleneMarie_1 5h
@MY_2BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 All the parents of teens&pre-teens that I know do the exact same thing. Sheesh...what's the big deal?

Are they all too darn dumb to understand this? You don't purchase something for a child specifically to be able to take it away as a form of punishment.


Actually I don't think they're bright enough to be called dumb. It's hardly worth the effort to understand them and certainly a waste of time to reason with them.

JoyinVirginia said...

So TFMJG will be on after the season premiere of Honey Boo Boo. The drop in the audience between Honey Boo Boo and TFMJG will be very important numbers. Can TFMJG hold an audience. Look for more depressing previews so folks will tune in to see if TFMJG is really that awful. ~ Administrator said...

I still think 13 is too young to really understand what filming means for them at this age until a friend is calling them up to hang out this weekend and they can't.

NJGal51 said...

A carnival theme for 10 year olds? Unless she's rented a traveling carnival with rides and games it's probably not going to fly. They're too old for a bouncy house and pony rides and I'm sure they'd be mortified if TFW put on her trusty wig to scream "come and get yer popcorn". Cotton candy machine? Pop corn machine? What else could there be that is guaranteed to cause the expected screeches of delight? They won't need a sideshow because the tups are the sideshow and have been ever since they were born.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Actually I don't think they're bright enough to be called dumb. It's hardly worth the effort to understand them and certainly a waste of time to reason with them.


lol, you mean that being called "dumb," would actually be a compliment? ~ Administrator said...

I thought it sounded a bit juvenile. There IS a way to do a carnival theme in a manner that's appropriate for 10 year olds, but it's more difficult. I'm thinking focused more on the older kids games like the basketball, water gun, climb the wall type carnival games. Little kid rides and rubber duckies and clowns isn't going to work.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Sort of like they're trying to say there's nothing wrong with giving a child an apple for a snack! No, except if it's a rotted out apple that could make them sick. 51

Actually it was moldy strawberries in school lunches.

foxy said...

In the "no fun" clip when Kate is mocking Mady as she walks back in to the room, Aaden is on the floor and moving along with Kate's motions. When Kate stops he stops. Those kids must be scared spit less of her. Maybe the twins don't see Jon right now because of what Kate would put them through when they get home.

AuntieAnn said...

lol, you mean that being called "dumb," would actually be a compliment?


Well, I'm afraid they might think so. Scary, huh?

Starz22 said...

Sorry but I find the Duggars and Bill and Jen so different from TFW. The Duggars had 14 kids before TLC came along. If and when the show ends the Duggars won't change anything. They wont stop doing what they have always done. Followed their religion helping as many as they think they do. Not sure what started Bill and Jen...who knows...could have been the money....but I don't think thats it. Both of them are educated and have well paying professions. Even before they adopted their kids.
As for TFW... we all know she was out to get something...fame money...a free ride. We have seen this woman lie over and over again. She conforms to what anyone says just to get more money. It's clear the kid's need's and wants mean nothing to her. She is all about her.

As for wanting to film...they miss the crew? Please? They know what to say to make mom happy. They know they don't get to do toys...nothing unless they want to film. Keep mommy happy and you might get something.
Sorry but this is SO different from the Duggars and the Arnolds.
The abuse Kate has put on the kid's is well shown...Stop watching her crap. I know you hate to be told what to do...but really???? What don't you get???

rainbowsandunicorns said...

For all that's holy, I don't understand this need to spend hours hunting down information on people and then using it for intimidation."


I wonder if they don't ever sit down and think about what they are doing. Wouldn't you ask yourself WHY you spend so much time on this, what is the purpose, and what you hope to accomplish by doing it? Or are they so far into it that it's become just a matter of daily routine for them? No matter the reason, there's something seriously wrong going on in their heads. I mean, who gets satisfaction out of outing another person, cruising the internet with gleeful anticipation to dig up personal information on someone?

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Sorry but this is SO different from the Duggars and the Arnolds.
The abuse Kate has put on the kid's is well shown...Stop watching her crap. I know you hate to be told what to do...but really???? What don't you get???


I can't answer for others, but what I don't get is why you persist in telling people not to watch even though you seem to know that there are those who don't like being told what to do.

It doesn't matter that the Duggars and the Arnolds have different backgrounds, may have different reasons for continuing the show. Bottom line is that they are using their kids, comprising their privacy when these kids have no say in the matter.

Unknown said...

Starz22 said... 63
''........The abuse Kate has put on the kid's is well shown...Stop watching her crap. I know you hate to be told what to do...but really???? What don't you get???''
Speaking only for myself, I'll tell you what I don't get. It stomps all over my last nerve to read that even though the concept of realizing people don't like being told what to do, they continue to do so! I don't get how some continue to say that they don't like something, and even though I also don't like it, it is MY CHOICE what I watch or don't watch! THAT is what I don't get.

Unknown said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 65
''.....I can't answer for others, but what I don't get is why you persist in telling people not to watch even though you seem to know that there are those who don't like being told what to do.''
I see we had the same thought!

Rhythm Of Life said...

Someone posted that BV and Cheaterville sites were pulled, or did I read that post incorrectly? Both sites are still there... ~ Administrator said...

It doesn't matter that the Duggars and the Arnolds have different backgrounds, may have different reasons for continuing the show. Bottom line is that they are using their kids, comprising their privacy when these kids have no say in the matter.


I agree, the backgrounds don't change the fact that children are exploited.

Like I was alluding to before, it's actually worse when "nice" families exploit their children because people are more apt to look the other way because oh they're so nice. Kate gets called out much worse for the same exploitation Jen and Bill do because Kate makes it easy to dislike her.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Kate's TL is exploding with drooling fans, giddy over the fact that this will be the best summer of their lives because Kate is coming back. Seems they think that this is a regular series. Should someone tell them? Nah...let them find out on their own and watch their excitement deflate! :)

Speaking of giddy and drooling, Milo still hasn't surfaced? Something must be up. ~ Administrator said...

Seems they think that this is a regular series. Should someone tell them?


It's funny how easily confused they are. Almost as often as they miss the point.

Momof2 said...

''.....I can't answer for others, but what I don't get is why you persist in telling people not to watch even though you seem to know that there are those who don't like being told what to do.''

The only sure fire way to get kate to stop filming these kids is to NOT watch it. People say her voice is torture and such but still watch her. That makes little sense to me.

AuntieAnn said...

Should someone tell them?


It's Kate's TL. She should be the one to say, I'm happy you're excited but this is a 'special'.

Oops. Silly me. It's Kate we're talking about. I lost my head for a minute there. Sorry.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Seems they think that this is a regular series. Should someone tell them?


It's funny how easily confused they are. Almost as often as they miss the point.


Are most of them bots? Keywords seem to be "back," and "excited." Moreover, they are all youngsters.

AuntieAnn said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 70

Speaking of giddy and drooling, Milo still hasn't surfaced? Something must be up.


Maybe Gladys is in stealth mode, communicating with TFW by DM. Important ewes do that.

FYI said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 70
Kate's TL is exploding with drooling fans, giddy over the fact that this will be the best summer of their lives because Kate is coming back. Seems they think that this is a regular series. Should someone tell them? Nah...let them find out on their own and watch their excitement deflate! :)

And Kate was busily retweeting some of those tweets. Some haven't even realized that the date and time have been changed.

Brenda Schuettler ‏@sweetbren66 · 2h
@Kateplusmy8 4 weeks from today @TLC #Kate8 I cannot wait ! Miss you all bunches.

Does Kate even know that the time was changed? You'd think she'd at least inform them of that.

Amy said...

I think continuing to question where 'milo' is, is only giving her the attention she seems to crave. Let's stop doing that. Yes?? :)

T said...

I urge you to re-read the post and links to the articles on The Little Couple that I posted the other night. Bill did not use his need to retire early as an excuse to exploit his children. He used it as one of his explanations for starting the show (education being the other one), and why they both kept their full time day jobs when the show became a success. This was done before they had children, BUT to be clear- I agree that the kids should not be on the show for any reason period. Maybe the contract was done before the kids too, (who knows?) but even so, there is no reason for them to be on the show now. If the show was successful without the kids, I can see no justification for having them on now.

I can't same the same regarding Jen's illness however. Yes, it may have provided more reasons to continue filming, but it has also helped many by demystifying and educating people about diagnosis & treatment. She did it all in a direct and matter of fact way with little fanfare or unnecessary drama. Speaking from both professional and personal experience, I can guarantee you that it was not easy.
I take care of patients and I have been a patient, and those are very different sides of the bed. One of the hardest things to do when your are diagnosed with a serious illness is to share that news with loved ones. Whether you are telling a friend, sibling, spouse, parent or child (I've personally been on both sides of that coin too), none of it is done lightly or unnecessarily. Sharing your diagnosis can cause pain and hurt to your loved one. Wouldn't most of us rather suffer the illness and pain then to watch anyone we love go through it? For every person we tell there are many more we don't, but sometimes the (outward physical signs) like hair and weight loss give our secret away. It's hard to hide these signs and symptoms from those that you live with, including children. They will notice you aren't at work, can't pick them up or play because your surgical sutures or drains, and they will be the first to spot a wig due to hair loss. You will take into account their age and developmental stage when telling them, and like the rest of your loved ones you will go out of your way to ease any worry. I suspect Jen was direct with Will and kept it simple. For example, "Mommy can't pick you up because I have a boo boo on my belly",(Jen had a hysterectomy prior to chemo which is a very big surgery to recover from), or "that's where mommy's medicine goes" when asked about an IV or catheter port. Like anything else, what you tell a 4 yr old and a 15 yr old is very different, and so are their reactions. I give Jen a pass on this one. She didn't tell him on camera, and only showed the tail end of treatment. Stage 3 with metastases to lungs and liver is not an easy hill to climb.

AuntieAnn said...

Momof2 said... 72

The only sure fire way to get kate to stop filming these kids is to NOT watch it. People say her voice is torture and such but still watch her. That makes little sense to me.


Mom, I disagree. The only way these kids will not be filmed is for Kate to quit pushing them in front of a camera. Lots of people don't watch but she's still around. You'll never convince everyone to stop watching a trainwreck no matter how hard you try.

Her star will fade eventually, it's just taking a lot longer than we thought. The time will come when she won't want the public to know what her kids are doing because it will be the result of her horrible parenting skills and her decision to exploit them for all their worth. It will come back on her, don't worry.

Patience is the order of the day.

NJGal51 said...

rainbowsandunicorns - I think a good number of the, are bots and I agree that the buzzwords are excited and back.

JMO said...

WOW- If you freeze the frame where Mady is re-entering the room Kate's face has a furious "how dare you" look at Mady.

Mady tends to call her on her crap, as she did in CWS, but because of her strong personality, and probably some persuasion, Kate is stuck on using Mady to make her point, although it failed miserably when she took the twins on national TV.

I do think Kate loves "babies" who can not respond, but has no clue how to deal with real youngsters - Sara Palin show on.......A normal person would retreat and get help since she has no clue beyond toddlers. And as such, has appeared angry and disgruntled since the kids hit an age where they have a voice. She is way too self-absorbed, and doesn't appear to have a clue how to deal with daily stress. Or how to deal with 8 emerging personalities - never has. This was supposed to be "her" moment, but she never considered the actual responsibilities of raising 8, and expected Jon and the twins to deal with the tups since day one, and was always disgruntled that Jon or the twins or helpers were not doing enough.

Fiasco with a self-absorbed person, who thinks she is special, but hates all that goes with it. Very sad for the kids, and that short clip speaks volumes. These kids need and deserve a life beyond their mother, and that is never going to happen. I simply can not imagine what these kids go through on a day to day basis, as it all appears to revolve around Kate's needs. Very sad and not ever going to change, per Kate's words. Not one of those kids in the clip looked happy at all.

Tucker's Mom said...

Not one of those kids in the clip looked happy at all.
It's telling that the camera persons wanted to be sure to capture their fearful and sullen reactions to Kate's outburst.

Dmasy said...

That clip is brief but so telling.

I thought of the breakfast scene. Her heavy, weary sigh sets the tone. She asks (cheerlessly), "Who wants scrambled eggs?" Six presumably hungry children and not one animated response. No clamor, no "Me-Me!" -- just two silent hands up and one tentative hand up.

Maybe they were rehearsed beforehand and instructed only to raise their hands. That is sad in and of itself -- realest reality at it's kindest. But, it is worse to think that is the standard silent way they are expected to express a preference.

Then she immediately calls attention to the one child who didn't raise their hand high enough.

I accept the accusation of over-analyzing a snippet of a TLC program. But, I felt the chilliness of that home and the coldness of her parenting style. I felt sad enough that I doubt I will watch the entire two hours.

Those sweet kids are going to have to find an inner strength to overcome their childhood experiences. It can be done -- I pray the best for them.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Not one of those kids in the clip looked happy at all.
It's telling that the camera persons wanted to be sure to capture their fearful and sullen reactions to Kate's outburst.


If you were a kid and you would have to look at her sullen mug all the time, would you be happy? She never seems to smile, or to laugh at home when with the children. It appears she finds no joy in being with those kids. It's as though being a parent for her is a nasty chore and who smiles when doing that? She does, however, manage those big toothy grins when she's out and about filming and she's the center of attraction.

Anonymous said...

RadarOnline now has the Mady/Kate story, how sad that a child is put out to the public by her own mother to be analyzed/critiqued by total strangers. -LIN-

Tucker's Mom said...

Patience is the order of the day.
May 28, 2014 at 9:40 PM
I think people will continue to be confounded, if not outraged, by Kate's "parenting", oh, I'm sorry, "single parenting".

I'm team Mady. She was humiliated by that fiasco on the Today show and now, what TLC picks, out of ALL the footage they have for a sneak peak, is Mady getting pwned by Kate.
First, Mady is a deer in headlights being used by Kate to trash her father on live national tv, now she's once again, seen having a meltdown.
Who the frick does this to a sensitive, hormonally-challenged 13-year old girl?

Mel said...

At first I thought the two girl tups were showing anxiety with what was happening to Mady right then, but upon further reflection I think they were showing so much anxiety because they were afraid it would escalate. Where it was going to go.

As in...let the beatings commence.

You could tell that they knew what was coming and were incredibly anxious about it.

That's how TFW controls the kids. She keeps them in line by beating one of them in front of the others, thus terrorizing the others into submission.

It's like terrorists on an airplane...shooting one person and pushing the body out the door as they're flying, thus scaring everyone else into submission.

Nice mom, eh?

Tucker's Mom said...

T said... 78
Well said,thanks.

I think we can all agree that Bill and Jen's story is much more nuanced than Kate's.

Blowing In The Wind said...

I do think Kate loves "babies" who can not respond, but has no clue how to deal with real youngsters - Sara Palin show on.......A normal person would retreat and get help since she has no clue beyond toddlers. And as such, has appeared angry and disgruntled since the kids hit an age where they have a voice.

You're right. There are some women, such as Michelle Duggar who just love being pregnant because they get so much attention. Right after the baby is born, people still are fussing about how beautiful the baby is, and the proud mom takes all the credit. She thrives on it. However, babies don't stay babies very long, and soon you have to deal with them being toddlers, and then their personalities emerge. Kate can't handle that, nor does she enjoy it. I really don't think she ever bonded with those kids, except maybe with Hannah. To her they are just a responsibility, a nuisance, except when she can use them to bring in the bucks. What a sad life that must be for the children. I remember her saying that if she had to do it all over again, she wouldn't. I hope to heaven that the kids never hear her say that, or read that interview.

Anonymous said...

You guys are on a a daughter of an NPD mother, this conversation is bringing a lot of memories back. Yeah, I flattered my mom, echoed her opinions, played up to her, especially when people were around. If I didn't, life was hell when we were alone, as in, opening the door after school only to have her waiting behind it , pulling my hair out and ripping my blouse. I got away that time, she followed me in her car and tried to run me over, thank goodness for concerned neighbours who called police, and a few well placed trees. She explained that she brought me into this life and mine was hers to take if she wanted.

Took a couple more years until everyone got sick of how she treated us, and one uncle called police on her, and pushed for me to go to fostercare.

Best year of my life.

Maddy speaks to me...She is over the BS, willing to call TFMJG out, and I hope she does. There is safety in numbers, may the 8 remember that. TFMJG may conquer and divide, but if her kids stand together united, she will fall.

We were only 2 at home, and when at 10 and 13 we made a pact to survive her, it was the start of a beautiful complicity. Mum mad at me? Bro went in first to sooth. Mum mad at bro?, I went in and soothed.

Foster care only happen after bro enlisted, could not take anymore.

TFMJG will either unite or divide those poor children, I hope they band together. Me bro is me BFF, I still talk to mum, but respect? Hey to the NO!


Tucker's Mom said...

My hope is that, as these "specials" get set to air, that we don't see post after post telling people not to watch, "why do you watch?", "you're the reason why Kate is still on tv" etc.

I'm going to dvr the shows and read Admin's recaps.

If my stomach will allow, I might watch, I don't know.

If I do, or I don't, I don't need to read anyone telling me what I should be doing or not doing, and I'm certainly not going to waggle my finger at anyone here if they want to tune in.

There is no way, on God's green earth, that we here at 15 minutes somehow trump Neilson ratings and sway the powers that be at TLC, or any other show that wants to feature Kate and her brood.

It's a very complimentary notion, albeit grandiose.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Maybe Gladys is in stealth mode, communicating with TFW by DM. Important ewes do that.


Especially those who have graduated cum laude from the Ewe-niversity of South Sheepdom!

Tucker's Mom said...

If you were a kid and you would have to look at her sullen mug all the time, would you be happy? She never seems to smile, or to laugh at home when with the children. It appears she finds no joy in being with those kids. It's as though being a parent for her is a nasty chore and who smiles when doing that? She does, however, manage those big toothy grins when she's out and about filming and she's the center of attraction.
May 29, 2014 at 5:10 AM
Kate's interactions with her children are completely joyless.
I've seen Kate try to act out "joy", but she just can't quite get there.

I think Kate views her role as manager, not mother.

Technically proficient, but woefully lacking in real emotional connection.

And yes, those teeth, that frozen, pulled face.

I hope she quits with the facial tweaking because she's in Joan River territory now.

Anonymous said...

One more thing.

My aunt died of lung cancer a few years ago, and I was the one watching over her her final day. I asked her if she had any regrets in life, she said no, except that she should have stepped in to change our situation. She said the entire family agonised over it, but did not know what to do.

I thanked her for telling me that, it was redemption for me, we were not crazy, and I still thank her every day. I was not crazy as my mum said. Validation.

Hope the 8 get that from Jon


TLC stinks said...

Yes, I get it that we are over analyzing that clip. But it's so obvious how rehearsed and unenthusiastic the kids are and how cold and mean Kate is. The sextuplets have been herded into the kitchen to stand around the stove and she asks who wants eggs after she's already dumped them in the pan? There's pause and a few kids silently and tentatively raise their hands, because God forbid, you will be reprimanded if you cross mother. I get the feeling that as adults those kids will not ever eat eggs again.

I agree that it was telling that the cameraman had the foresight to do a closeup of the two tup girls cowering, yes cowering, while their mother yelled at Mady and it was not edited out. Bravo.

I also did, as others, some freeze framing because I sensed the deep anger that Kate has and sure enough, she cannot disguise her true self. Her face distorts with viciousness and ugliness. My goodness, those French tips look like weapons!

I am totally astounded that this woman gets any TV time at all. It is just painful to watch. My hope is that once and for all the airing of the update will finally bring her down. This may be wide awake moment for those women who believe Kate Gosselin is a great mother. I think the criticism of her will be overwhelming. Those children have been mentally destroyed.

Anonymous said...


great post


Mel said...

Aw, Franky.....

You are my little grandaughter. I want her to know that I tried, that I do tthe best I can for her. All the agony I feel, how my heart is forever shattered because I can only make a small difference for her. I do what I can while always hoping that I'm not making it worse for her.

TLC stinks said...

Personally, I believe the ratings will be good. TLC must believe this also, thus splitting the show. But so what? She is totally unable to bring in the numbers consistently. TLC knows this. We are a small group and will not make any difference when it comes to the numbers, but we are a small group who will grow in vast numbers because the update will confirm and shock those who have not kept on top of Kate's world. They will not recognize her physically and will be appalled by her treatment of the kids. Kate is so narcissistic she believes this is her comeback, but it will be her downfall. If this I have no doubt.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

So TFW retweeted something from the Uggs lady about being excited to see the special. Is the woman giddy with excitement from being
acknowledged? TFW seemed to ignore so many of her tweets asking for a pool-party invite, but now that she can serve a purpose, her words matter. And these poor souls mistake this for friendship.

Anonymous said...


Your GD knows, she feels it, and she is probably wiser than her years. Just keep doing those little things, they make all the difference.

Were you not the one who gave her treats in your bag? Can not remember exactly, but you made up for something her mother did not deem important, like snacks?

My family did that for me, and 30 years later we still talk. They do not talk to my mum, in fact, they call me on the side to let me know what is really going on.
Mum gets one version, I get the truth.

Your gestures are so appreciated by her, she can feel your love, although she may not be at liberty to say it.

People like you are why I made it through and changed things. My DD is 17 and amazing, and NOT afraid to speak her mind.

Chains can be broken.

Jah Bless you and yours


Midnight Madness said...

Amy said... 77
I think continuing to question where 'milo' is, is only giving her the attention she seems to crave. Let's stop doing that. Yes?? :)


So, where IS Milo? :)

Formerly Duped said...

It seems like the twitter comments indicate a whole new series of K+8 is coming back.It's just the special, right? I would really doubt there would be enough material to generate interest in viewers even if Kate did score a series again.Wouldn't it depend on viewership of the special? And the kids can't just take more filming days off school, and they've been everywhere, done everything I can think of that would keep the series afloat. Plus obviously the kids are acting out, scared and not that 'into it" as per the little clip, CWS, KC, Today etc. So many negative comments on Kate; no way, tweeties. ~ Administrator said...

Like in the past when there has been filming, from here on out I'm not going to publish comments that are on the topic of watch or don't watch. Adults should not lecture other adults about what they should or should not watch on T.V. That is a personal decision.

We are not a blog with a lot of rules, but this is an extremely unproductive, circular conversation.

NJGal51 said...

TLC Stinks - If TLC thought that the ratings were going to be good they'd put the show on earlier. As it is they've got it scheduled to follow Honey Boo Boo in the hopes of keeping some of their viewers. The reason they've broken it into two shows vice one two hour special is that no one is going to stay up until midnight to watch.

JR said...

WTF...10:00 oclock....I can't watch..never stay up that late. Whats up with that time slot? Do I hear 11:00????? They should put her 2 in the morning. Think she'll get the hint?? I don't!

Anonymous said...

I love this blog!

Reading today has brought me some clarity, after a really dark time.

Thank you all. Even TFMJG....since you brought us together.

Mel, If ever you want to talk, I give admin permission to give you my e-mail, and if not, cool, just keep looking at your GD with love in your eyes. That is what I remember most about my own GM.

Lol, even named DD after her, mum was not pleased...bwahahaha


Jumping In said...

Franky......your post was heart wrenching. Knowing a parent is capable of doing what your mother did to you and your brother is just dreadful. Thank god for your brother, you stuck together for mutual protection and survived.

You're right, there is safety in numbers and this is what Kate's kids have in their favour. Still, Mady is the wild card for me and always has been. She has never wanted to associate with the six siblings who disrupted her quiet life with Cara and her resentment is palatable. She is saddled with them and seems to want to separate herself from them and their notoriety. There may be two tyrants in that household with the same level of anger and burden.

When I watched the clip I wondered why everything has to be so stressed and difficult, there is no ease to anything, it's all a chore.
Tucker's mom is right, there is no mothering, it's just management, and poor management at that. This household is a study in micro-management, all done under the guise of super-duper masterminding by TFW. The truth is in there on the faces of her children. Soon, they'll hear their mother say she doesn't like the way they breath!

TLC stinks said...

Perhaps Milo, er Steve, broke up, LOL.

TLC stinks said...

So the special is airing at 10 pm? I did not realize that. Kate must be seething.

The bots are a joke, a lame attempt to drum up interest in a new show for Kate. Ain't happening, bitch.

TLC stinks said...

Thanks, NJ. I think TLC will fill up most of those two shows with old clips. I really have to wonder how they will handle Jon on the show. Blur him out? Like he never existed (Kate wishes). You know, I wonder if she resents the kids more than normal because they remind her of Jon, and why didn't 't the boys get phones and iPads?

Anonymous said...

Finally watched the clip. Yikes. Anyone else notice the screaming noise in the background near the beginning when she first appears with the bird on her shoulder?


localyocul said...

Anonymous said... 85


For some reason I can now no longer, all of a sudden, post from my iphone. It disappears. So I haven't had my laptop til now...

Here's what I think. I think TLC saw all the tweets and trending and attention from TFW and Mady's Today Show exchange and decided to focus on that for ratings. I don't think that clip was faked because TFW can't act her way out of a bag but that's why they are focusing on it.

I also wonder if Mady is upset because the "fun things"include yet another birthday bash for the tups. We've seen how she feels about that.

Oh, and this line from the ROL article: "Kate, sporting long curly blonde hair and a suspiciously smooth forehead, " LOL

JoyinVirginia said...

If this special turns into a Worst Of TFMJG show, tlc might be looking at a hit! Everyone loves some snark, and I can see Joel McHale on The Soup having a grand time with clips from the show.

Anonymous said...

Jumping in..107

Thank you, but....

I was and still am the wild card mum never expected.

Maddy reminds me of me...I have organised many revolts, all were based on tactics I learned. ( Save Jericho, Highway of Heroes, changing school laws,)

A down side is now I am burnt out, but still trying to make a difference



JoyinVirginia said...

OT for those who like snark, I recommend the Wil Wheaton Project on SyFy channel, Tuesdays at ten. Half hour of Wil talking about things that interest him, clips of fun stuff, satire. Kind of combination of The Soup and Tosh.o with a SyFy pop culture view and minus the poop and gross jokes of Daniel Tosh. Really funny!
Wil Wheaton played Wesley crusher on Star Trek The Next Generation. He was a child actor who has talked about how hard the business is. He has had memorable guest appearances as a parody of himself on The Big Bang Theory.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Oh, and this line from the ROL article: "Kate, sporting long curly blonde hair and a suspiciously smooth forehead, " 112

The ROL article was not at all flattering. Interesting that it was by "Radar Staff".

localyocul said...

JoyinVirginia said... 115
OT for those who like snark, I recommend the Wil Wheaton Project on SyFy channel, Tuesdays at ten. Half hour of Wil talking about things that interest him, clips of fun stuff, satire. Kind of combination of The Soup and Tosh.o with a SyFy pop culture view and minus the poop and gross jokes of Daniel Tosh. Really funny!
Wil Wheaton played Wesley crusher on Star Trek The Next Generation. He was a child actor who has talked about how hard the business is. He has had memorable guest appearances as a parody of himself on The Big Bang Theory.


I love Will Wheaton his Twitter is awesome. I know him from Stand by Me.

Anonymous said...

10:00 PM???? Will Lights Out Man "let" Milo stay up past bedtime??


rainbowsandunicorns said...

You know, I wonder if she resents the kids more than normal because they remind her of Jon, and why didn't 't the boys get phones and iPads?


Was it said or implied that they didn't?

The boys reminding her of Jon...funny, the sheeple claim that all of the kids look just like Kate, and nothing like Jon. lol!

Anonymous said...

Will Wheaton was in Stand By Me?

Off to youtube or realitytv to refresh


rainbowsandunicorns said...

So TFW retweeted something from the Uggs lady about being excited to see the special. Is the woman giddy with excitement from being


She really is an odd one. I looked at her timeline. She's hung up on celebrities, particularly a Sherrod person. I never heard of him, but she thinks the two of them are best buddies. I hope he invites her to his pool this summer.

localyocul said...

These articles get that it's not the consequence of the phone that is the problem, it's her demeanor and behavior:

@TMZ: You Won't BELIEVE How Awful Kate Gosselin Was to Her Kids on New TV Special (via @fishwrapped)


Kate Gosselin is Still "Mommie Dearest" After All These Years

"...the ridiculous, overbearing mother who can barely put on a happy face for the sake of cheering her miserable-looking children...In the above clip, Kate is shown looking angry, stressed, annoyed, pompous, worn out, dictatorial, alienating, intimidating, imposing, and that's just in the first minute and a half."

@celebdirtylaund: WATCH Kate Gosselin Bullying and Punishing Children – ‘Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10′ (VIDEO)

"Kate has never been the cheeriest person and her control freak ways are already legendary, but there seems to be an extra layer of bitterness this time around. Perhaps it’s because none of her follow-up reality show attempts have worked. .. It seems that this chick is still so focused on controlling everything and being right that she has forgotten to have some fun along the way. My guess is that it’s why every word that Kate speaks on camera seems to drip with venom and resentment. "

Maybe this is why she did away with whoever she was paying to be Milo...she has changed her schtick again from positive, happy, determined Kate to harried, poor single mother of a rebellious teenager Kate

localyocul said...

Anonymous said... 120
Will Wheaton was in Stand By Me?

Off to youtube or realitytv to refresh


YES! He was the main character...the boy whose story is being narrated by his older self and whose brother was the football hero who died.

Lynne In RI said...

I watched the clip, and i think I'm missing something. When Mady walks out of the room she says that Kate doesn't trust her. To what was she referring? Wasn't Mady's only comment about the "fun" thing...and what did that have to do with trust?

localyocul said...

Hmmm, the commens on Celebrity Dirty Laundry are 99% supportive of the poor poor TFW having to parent by herself and who has to be strict. Who are these people?

getofftwitter said...

Well, you all might be interested in the fact that most of the recent articles posted, the comments are 98% negative. They don't want her back on TV and won't watch. They think she is a horrible parent, and the special will be more of the same crap. Like a continue of both shows, minus Jon.

That clip made, showed, Kate has not changed in anyway, and the special will be more of the same. Kate is probably riding high now cause she is getting media, very bad media. TLC & Kates angle is to show a harried single mom of 8, patching & piecing & coping with teens, and 10 year olds. Nothing anyone in the world has not done before. Kate thinks she is the only one in the world with 8 kids, single/divorce, doing it all herself(please) etc. Your not Kate and you are not special.
I have to laugh at her twisted fans: they think this is her new show, I guess they don't know the difference between special and new series? They should go and look up both words, they might learn something. JMO

Carole said...

Are most of them bots? Keywords seem to be "back," and "excited." Moreover, they are all youngsters.

There are tons of both. UGH The bots are the ones that tweet the exact same phrase over and over and the teens and preteens are lazy retweeting what friends or ppl they're following have already said. It's the teens who say they're crying they're so excited the show is coming back and are reminiscing about how young they were when they started watching her that I find scarily unhealthy. Just like Em, they need to find some other interests and start seeing who and what she is and does. I hate to think a chunk of this generation will repeat the parenting they saw her do on tv when they have their own families.

FYI said...

On their FB page, TLC removed their old post about the special that had the wrong date, and posted a new one with the correct dates and times. The comments are still just as negative as they were on the old post.

T said...

The currency in Kate's household is not screen time or (other gadget/toy), it's power & control (and nothing else), when it should be love and positive attention. Currently, Kate seems to have all it (power, control, love, & attention), but if she does not give at least some of it to the kids soon, they will take it or find it somewhere else, (which could have catastrophic consequences if they make poor choices when finding it). Of course kids need order and discipline, it's only Kate's tone and methods that we find so appalling. No one is saying that taking away Mady's phone as punishment is bad, it's Kate's own admission that she bought them for the purpose of punitive manipulation that shocks us, (“I got those girls cell phones and iPads so I could take them away,”)' but I bet they come in handy when she needs some quiet time too.

She is so focused on domination, that in actuality she punishes Mady for something that she did not say. Kate says to Mady: “Interrupting me and saying, ‘No, we’re not,’ is something!", but what Mady actually says is : "No. No fun things". Mady's dramatics were taught to her by the feet of the mastermind herself. And if the sheeple are right, and Kate's parenting methods are so great, then why aren't they working? One would think that interruptions and attitudes (teen or otherwise), would've been cured long before now.

She is seldom seen engaged or interacting with her children, and bestowing affection is rarest of all. Kate is always physically separate and apart from them. Why is she always walking ahead of them, (or the even more common) standing in front or above them? Sitting at their level is rare, and even then she chooses a place apart from them. If there's both a chair and a couch available, she'll choose the chair. If there's a choice between sitting next to a kid or across from the kid, she chooses across. If spring break is going to be so fun, then why does she have to stand there dictating it to them like a General giving orders? I'll tell you why: because Kate Gosselin loves the idea of being mother far more than she actually likes the realities of being one.

Ps. Thanks for the positive feedback re: post 78 Tucker's mom and franky.

Carole said...

Some of the comments @ this article are LOL funny.

NJGal51 said...

@celebdirtylaund: WATCH Kate Gosselin Bullying and Punishing Children – ‘Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10′ (VIDEO)
BULLYING! Absolutely correct. It is not parenting it is BULLYING. Yes sheeple, your hero is nothing but a BULLY. Quick call BV on her.

MickeyMcKean said...

I was on TMZ's web site and found this link:

They refer to Kate as "Mommie Dearest" and said Jon was lucky to get out when he did.

I cringed when I saw the clip, and yes I do think Kate was wearing hair extensions when she is sitting on the couch and her hair is curly.

I also want to mention that I noted that E! has a show this Friday night 5/30 12:00am PST called The E! True Hollywood Story re Reality Ex Wives who have gone through a divorce on their show. Even though the Gosselins are not mentioned, I'm assuming that Kate will be mentioned during this episode.

MickeyMcKean said...

I was on TMZ's web site and found this link:

I saw the video and it made me cringe ... no wonder they refer to Kate as Mommie Dearest and realize that Jon was lucky to get out when he did.

Also, even though I don't usually make comments about what she is wearing, etc., yes, when Kate is sitting on the couch with her hair curled, I do think that Kate is wearing hair extensions because it appears to be a lot of hair LOL

MickeyMcKean said...

Set your DVRs ~

Friday, May 30th, 12:00 am PST and Wednesday, June 4 at 5:00 pm PST, there is a new episode of The E! True Hollywood Story re Reality Ex-Wives -- Women whose marriages fell apart during and after their appearances on reality television.

I can't see E! doing this show without mentioning Kate.

Wilma said...

No one is commenting on the whiteboard. Is she really planning to write down the "fun things". Why is she lecturing them like a them like a teacher/boss. They can't just sit around on the couches and talk about what they want to do for their week break. It takes writing in down on a whiteboard???

Millicent said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 44

Jen is a new mother, in every sense.
What doesn't comport, to me, is putting those kids out there for public consumption.

Exactly. One can try to justify it until the cows come home, saying this is a wonderful family, they're doing this for "educational" purposes, ad nauseam, but the bottom line is that this is child exploitation, the kids have no say in this, and this couple loves the money and the perks. Otherwise, let's see them doing it without collecting a cent and without paid-for vacations and the freebies that go along with it, leaving the children out of it..
For the record, I agree. I hope that Jen and Bill will not renew their contract with TLC, whenever it is up. I'm sure they have good intentions as to better educating the general public about what life is like for a little person. Fine - consider your work done. You've educated those viewers who tuned in. But as Bill said, it's now morphed into people forming an attachment to their children and that's not a good thing, benign as it may sound. The sooner they stop filming the children, the sooner they will begin to fade from the public's memory, and the better chance Will and Zoey will have at making their way through life as little people without the added burden of being worried that some unhinged fan will stalk them or creepily obsess over them.

Carole said...

If spring break is going to be so fun, then why does she have to stand there dictating it to them like a General giving orders? I'll tell you why: because Kate Gosselin loves the idea of being mother far more than she actually likes the realities of being one,


Millicent said...

CarleneMarie ‏@CarleneMarie_1 5h
@MY_2BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 All the parents of teens&pre-teens that I know do the exact same thing. Sheesh...what's the big deal?

Dear CarleneMarie: I'm a parent of a teenager and I don't do this. The reason I don't is because this is the way I can communicate with my child as needed. I must also have an easy kid, because I rarely have to discipline him. (Oh boy, am I jinxing myself by saying that?)

I have no objection to using temporary loss of a privilege as a disciplinary method. But most parents I know (including myself) do not enjoy having to mete out discipline, nor do we purchase items for our kids with the plan that we can then take it away in order to keep them in line.

I prefer to sit down with my kid when we are having a problem with expectations not being met. I explain why the behavior is not okay with me; I give him a chance to explain himself; I share how I would like a similar situation to be handled in the future. If I still feel punishment is needed, I tell him so and invite him to suggest what he thinks would be appropriate. (Yeah, I'm a California crunchy kind of mom I guess lol). He usually does suggest something I think is adequate. Discipline should come from a place of love - as a parent, there will be times you must enforce the rules, because you care about your child. You want them to be safe, you want them to do well in school, be considerate of others, to make good choices.

I don't believe Kate has ever come from a place of unconditional love for her children. Something will set her off and she reacts in anger. I also think she enjoys meting out punishment, and that's where you can see there is something mentally disturbing about her behavior toward her own children.

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 86

Patience is the order of the day.
May 28, 2014 at 9:40 PM
I think people will continue to be confounded, if not outraged, by Kate's "parenting", oh, I'm sorry, "single parenting".

I'm team Mady. She was humiliated by that fiasco on the Today show and now, what TLC picks, out of ALL the footage they have for a sneak peak, is Mady getting pwned by Kate.


I've always been team Mady too. She refuses to allow her mother to snuff out her spirit. She violates the rules of a narcissist's domain which takes guts.

In the clip when she's being berated, sent from the room and called back to apologize and the camera pans to Alexis and Leah, the look on their faces says it all. They know what's in store if she doesn't apologize. They've been witness to the battles between those two many times. Had the cameras not been present I'm pretty sure this would turned into a very long and ugly screaming match with neither one of them backing down. It's an unhealthy environment for those kids to grow up in and Kate is to fully to blame.

I understand completely why those kids miss the filming. The crew was a safeguard.

Anonymous said...

Mickey I saw the last half hour or even a little more and there was no mention of Kate or Jon. Think about it, it was been 41/2 years since their divorce. I do the media has moved on from Jon and Kate. They are old, old news.

Carole said...

Set your DVRs ~

Friday, May 30th, 12:00 am PST and Wednesday, June 4 at 5:00 pm PST, there is a new episode of The E! True Hollywood Story re Reality Ex-Wives -- Women whose marriages fell apart during and after their appearances on reality television.

I can't see E! doing this show without mentioning Kate.

They realllllllly scraped the bottom of the barrel for this show; I don't think TFW will even get a mention. The show aired last week for the 1st time and these are the ex-wives that were mentioned in articles about it: Countess LuAnn De Lesseps, Linda (Hulk) Hogan, Courtney Stodden, Jennifer Williams (BB wives), Adrianne Curry (ex-wife of Christopher Knight.

Anonymous said...

local, while searing Stand by you, It reminded me of a project of mine,,, Playing for change

thank you youtube, and local


Millicent said...

Franky - thank you for sharing your own painful experiences growing up with a NPD mom. Your story shows that there is hope for the Gosselin kids to finally break free and build their own lives, and that they have a chance to finally be happy and free. I don't think I'll watch either one hour "special," because it sounds too miserable and depressing.

MickeyMcKean said...

Now ROL has the video and their article is not complimentary re Kate.

If this clip is any indication, I have a feeling that TLC once again decided to throw Kate under the bus like they did with the RV episodes.

So two hours of Mommie Dearest ... maybe it will be the last time that TLC does an update especially since as more sites are picking up on this little clip they are not saying nice things re Kate.

Anonymous said...

I bet anything Kate's countenance and demeanor will be downtrodden, mean, unhappy being around her kids during her special.

But just watch her demeanor and countenance around "celebrities" during Celebrity Apprentice. She will be so happy and bubbly it will be disgusting.


Millicent said...

Lynne In RI said... 124
I watched the clip, and i think I'm missing something. When Mady walks out of the room she says that Kate doesn't trust her. To what was she referring? Wasn't Mady's only comment about the "fun" thing...and what did that have to do with trust?
As the clip begins, Kate has Mady's phone in her hand - she's already confiscated it. So apparently something occurred that's not included in the clip. From Mady's comment "you never trust me!", I'm guessing that Kate accused Mady of either doing something (or not doing something?), and Mady denied the accusation.

As others have already said - dealing with teenagers is completely different than dealing with little kids. And this is just the beginning. Kate ought to be getting pretty worried - in three short years, she'll have 8 teenagers mouthing off to her and parroting back behavior they've learned from her. It ain't gonna be pretty.

I hope the six youngest figure out that if they band together, they will have a great deal of power and support.

AuntieAnn said...

Millicent said... 136

I'm sure they have good intentions as to better educating the general public about what life is like for a little person. Fine - consider your work done. You've educated those viewers who tuned in.


Agreed. As mentioned upthread, I think by Admin, what on earth is educational about taking their kids to Disneyland?

Time to bail on this circus or fess up and admit they're in it for other reasons.

AuntieAnn said...

But just watch her demeanor and countenance around "celebrities" during Celebrity Apprentice. She will be so happy and bubbly it will be disgusting.


Up until the moment she hears Kate, you're fired. Then let's see who stomps out of the room.

prairiemary said...

OT, but I watched the Celeb. Wife Swap with Larry Birkhead's sister trade places with the wife of race car driver who won DWTS. It was hard for me to focus because Larry's sister's face reminded me so much of tfw, especially the upper part of her face, though some expressions were all of her face. Did anyone else watch, and think the same?

prairiemary said...

Sorry, 1 more thing. When I watched the clip, it looked like tfw was acting like the crew there, were the crew members that filmed her back in the day.
Since she reads here, she would have seen how we talk about the crew not being the same 'crew daddies' that are part of her family. Anyone else see that?

Susan1956 said...

Carole said... 141
Set your DVRs ~

Friday, May 30th, 12:00 am PST and Wednesday, June 4 at 5:00 pm PST, there is a new episode of The E! True Hollywood Story re Reality Ex-Wives -- Women whose marriages fell apart during and after their appearances on reality television.

I can't see E! doing this show without mentioning Kate.

They realllllllly scraped the bottom of the barrel for this show; I don't think TFW will even get a mention. The show aired last week for the 1st time and these are the ex-wives that were mentioned in articles about it: Countess LuAnn De Lesseps, Linda (Hulk) Hogan, Courtney Stodden, Jennifer Williams (BB wives), Adrianne Curry (ex-wife of Christopher Knight.

I was working from home yesterday and had this show on for background noise and I remember glancing up when each reality ex-wife was profiled. Didn't know several of them, but TFMJG was not mentioned/profiled.

Each reality ex-wife did a short interview and the camera followed them around a little bit to show what they are now doing. That has to be one of the reasons TFMJG wasn't profiled as she has nothing new to say, hasn't moved on, is a one trick pony, etc.

handinhand said...

Friday, May 30th, 12:00 am PST and Wednesday, June 4 at 5:00 pm PST, there is a new episode of The E! True Hollywood Story re Reality Ex-Wives -- Women whose marriages fell apart during and after their appearances on reality television.

I can't see E! doing this show without mentioning Kate.

Perhaps Kate was asked to participate but declined.
She's actively trying to land another reality TV gig and would never participate in a show that implies reality TV had a part in breaking up her marriage or damaged the kids in any way.

Unknown said...

Mel said... 87
''...At first I thought the two girl tups were showing anxiety with what was happening to Mady right then, but upon further reflection I think they were showing so much anxiety because they were afraid it would escalate. Where it was going to go.
As in...let the beatings commence.
You could tell that they knew what was coming and were incredibly anxious about it.

That's how TFW controls the kids. She keeps them in line by beating one of them in front of the others, thus terrorizing the others into submission.''
You are so right. That scene was a glimpse of my childhood. I was the one being beaten while my five siblings were lined up on the couch forced to watch. Though the same thing happened over and over and over, through the years the process accomplished one thing that wasn't intended. The six of us formed a tight unbroken bond of helping each other to survive. That bond is still there after all these years!

The beatings weren't the worst thing to overcome as we grew into adults. It took some of us years to cope with and accept the certain knowledge that we were not loved by our parents.

The Gosselin children have only to accept that their Mother doesn't love them...they have their loving father. Thank all that is holy!

JoyinVirginia said...

Another take on child /adolescent actors. Http://
Read the entry from may 23. ”you stand on the edge while they run you through” admin, take a look, this might be a new post possibility

Anonymous said...

Millicent..thank you

My story got way worse until it got better, and I am grateful for everything

Every day is a challenge, especially with a 17 yrld who expresses herself freely

I am so gratefulll for that, no matter what anyone says, she is free


Suzy said...

I always found it hard to believe the older girls were ‘best buddies’ with mom, staying in her bedroom at night daily, all these things. It was pretty clear they were not voluntary participating in it from the CWS show where they were shown standing next to her in the kitchen as she was making dinner. They were just standing there motionless and had very sullen looks on their faces like they were tired of this s*it. They barely lifted a finger to help out in the kitchen. Then it looked very tense when they all sat around the dinner table eating their food. She appeared she didn’t want to interact with any of the kids and neither did the older girls. I wonder if they got in an interaction beforehand filming the kitchen scene? I don’t believe one thing she says about them for that reason.


NJGal51 said...

prairiemary - I think that when TFW says since last you were here the "you" she is talking to is her adoring public and not the crew.

NJGal51 said...

TFW is on a retweeting frenzy! Everyone is excited to see MEEEEEEEE! Watch MEEEEEEEE! It's all about MEEEEEEEE!

PatK said...

Carole said... 130
Some of the comments @ this article are LOL funny.


I love how that gawker article has Kate's rocking/swaying on a video's comical watching Aiden bounce.

Tucker's Mom said...


I love how that gawker article has Kate's rocking/swaying on a video's comical watching Aiden bounce.
May 29, 2014 at 12:28 PM
Hysterical gif.
I wish I could make an avatar out of it.
The one boy was shaking as Kate was doing her best surfer imitation, and the one girl who was holding her knees to her chest starts to rock herself.

It just says it all.

Amy2 said...

Given that the articles seem to be negative toward Kate, I wonder if she was expecting this reaction from the press. In the past the press said wonderful, fawning comments about her. Now not so much.

Anonymous said...

googling the movie...found a trailer,,,,from Castlerock,

Was that not Stephen Kings company?

will continue search


Jumping In said...

Am I right at suggesting Kate's kids could easily take the burden of breakfast-making away from their mother? Oh, I know it's all about control, but it makes no sense to me that these kids can't grab cereal and milk, or make toast and go sit at the table. This small change would allow them to show some individuality and independence. They are not toddlers, they are perfectly capable of eliminating the deep sighs of exhaustion coming from TFW as she cracks the millionth egg for their breakfast. For heavens sake, it's breakfast, she's not climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro!

What are her motives other than the obvious, which is control. Is she a compulsive micromanager, a martyr, a superior being? She has no right to whine and complain when she has 8 individuals who are capable of doing more than their designated chores listed on the chore chart. What is she so afraid of?

JMO said...

Anonymous said... 145
I bet anything Kate's countenance and demeanor will be downtrodden, mean, unhappy being around her kids during her special.

But just watch her demeanor and countenance around "celebrities" during Celebrity Apprentice. She will be so happy and bubbly it will be disgusting.

And therein lies the problem. Kate wanted "babies" but once they had a voice or defied her (as kids do) she realized that her quest was not fully thought out. Much like a teenager. TFW is/was in "arrested development" when she had the tups, had her eye on the ball to be famous (shopping the tups out before they were even born.) I do think she loved them as babies when they did not speak or show any defiance (although even then, she always needed "help").And I think post Jon, helpers, family, friends, Nana Janet, etc.. the twins were and still are the helpers, as Kate really does not want to deal with the kids on a regular basis. Remember one week with kids, one week away and working. This was her premise YEARS ago. Can you imagine how it is now with her actually having to deal with these kids solo? I think the clip says a lot, and without Jon as a buffer, she has gotten meaner and angrier and more demanding. Must be hell to live in that house as a kid.

mamasan said...

has anyone seen the comeback with Lisa Kudrow? It is funny/sad about a former famous TV series actress making a comeback.

Lynne In RI said...

Given that the articles seem to be negative toward Kate, I wonder if she was expecting this reaction from the press. In the past the press said wonderful, fawning comments about her. Now not so much.


But of course the sheeple will say that all of those tabloids, particular ROL are trash. Unless it's Jon who is being bashed. Then it's all true and they print nothing but facts!

willowmom said...

Franky, I think Castle Rock was Rob Reiner's production company. Stand by Me is a short story by Stephen King that became this wonderful movie. Besides Wil Wheaton, look for River Phoenix, Corey Feldman and Jerry McConnell as co-stars.

FYI said...

I feel so sorry for Mady because her mother is again using her as a prop to try to show what a great mother she is. All the articles about the update show are not only showing Kate in a negative light, but they are using that one scene to show Mady in a negative light also.

By letting that scene be filmed and shown, it just shows that Kate doesn't care for her children's well-being or privacy--it just shows her again basically saying "I'm in charge and that's never going to change!!"

Remember when Kate wrote that piece for BV and claimed how she was bullied as a teenager? This is what she wrote:

"I've been bullied. A lot," she begins the post. "I was definitely bullied back then [during middle school] and the cruel comments and mean displays are memories that have left deep scars that remain with me till this day. Bullying made me feel insecure, alone, ugly, powerless, and hopeless at times. Being bullied was the most difficult part of my early teen years."

Yet Kate is acting as a bully with her own children and unfortunately, the television audience gets to see her own "cruel comments" and "mean displays".

She once wrote the following on her blog when asked how to raise children to be confident and believe in themselves:

" Focus on the positive: It IS difficult to help kids grow up confidently. I try to build my kids up, discuss their unique strengths and positive qualities. I constantly stress being KIND to others, being a friend and building others up no matter what.

Empathy: Figuring yourself out and how you fit in with others is very difficult (I remember being young and how hard it was).

Doing our best as parents is the most important thing: , our presence and validation for their thoughts, feelings and fears makes all the difference!"

Mocking your child by doing that "surfer" dance, is really a good way of showing a "good example". So much for "focusing on the positive".

getofftwitter said...

Ok people, here is the rundown on when this special is to be aired:

1 A 2 hour special. to air june 25th

2. 2 back to back 1 hour specials, airing on june 25th at 9pm

3. part 1 of 2 specials to air at 9pm on june 25th

4 US weekly says: 2 specials airing at 10pm on june 19th & june 26

so which is it? This is what is going around the media, seems nobody has the right date! Gee, Kate aren't your PR people organized!

There goes 2 weeks worth of trash on TV. Is TLC & Kate hoping for another TV show?, By putting on 2 specials, part one on june 19th & part 2 on june 26th? Or as someone said here, TLC is writing the contracted specials off? By doing 2 at once. I hope for the latter.

localyocul said...

Anonymous said... 162
googling the movie...found a trailer,,,,from Castlerock,

Was that not Stephen Kings company?

will continue search



Stand by Me was based on the short book by Stephen King called "The Body"

localyocul said...

Tucker's Mom said... 160


I love how that gawker article has Kate's rocking/swaying on a video's comical watching Aiden bounce.
May 29, 2014 at 12:28 PM
Hysterical gif.
I wish I could make an avatar out of it.
The one boy was shaking as Kate was doing her best surfer imitation, and the one girl who was holding her knees to her chest starts to rock herself.

It just says it all.


That GIF is a riot. Too bad you can't use GIFs as a Twitter Avatar anymore. I think.

sparkle said...

Excerpted from Dlisted. No one does snark better than Michael K.

Hmm, where have I seen that horrifying, serial killer-like manufactured smile, those dead glazed-over eyes and that plastic hair before? Pennsylvania nurse turned rubber-faced fame whore Kate Gosselin is trotting her herd of money makers out again for a 2-hour special on TLC. Earlier this year, the oldest Gosselin kids, Cara and Mady, defied their plastic pimp of a mom by not performing during an interview on Today.

Well, Mady is still defying her mom and in this clip from their 2-hour torture piece of a special, Sergeant Asshole McPlasticFace tells her child army that she (read: the producers) have all sorts of “fun things” planned for Spring Break. Nobody makes “fun things” sound like the opposite of fun the way Kate Gosselin does. After 13-year-old Mady lets her mom know that she isn’t into “fun things,” Kate goes full dramatic Game of Thrones and tells her daughter that she has one last chance at REDEMPTION! When Mady stomps back to the sofa, Kate says that all her stomping is shaking the floor and is making her sway around like a drunk Glenn Close having a seizure on the high seas. Basically, Kate Gosselin knows this is really HER show and the bitch is going to perform.

After Kate and Mady’s little power-struggle, Kate takes her daughter’s cell phone away and you can almost feel her dark orb of a heart throb with glee when she does it. Kate tells her best friend, the camera, that she got her kids cell phones and iPads just so she can take them away when they misbehave and so that her evil powers can regenerate from their cries and moans. It almost makes me want to be a parent. And what I don’t understand is, there’s 8 of those kids. Can’t they band together and go after her Children of the Corn-style? They can shoot it for another 2-hour special called 8 Minus Kate.

Michael K. has no dog in this fight or particular thoughts either way about Kate. Based on the material Kate HERSELF has provided for the last eight years, these are his observations. Going by the comments being posted right now on articles about the show clip, the rest of the country agrees. Only Kate's 6 sheep think that this is a fine example of awesome parenting.

My heart goes out to Mady, Kate has tormented the poor thing her entire life for simply having an opinion. Kate's family wasn't allowed to have an opinion. The camera crew wasn't allowed to have an opinion. Jon was not allowed to have an opinion. Those people crossed her and were shown the curb. How fitting and karma-like that Kate has an opinionated child who stands up to her, despite knowing the consequences. Kate can't get rid of her, so she's going to try the total dictator route instead. Good luck with that Kate, let us know how that goes in about 2-3 years.

localyocul said...

Carole said... 130
Some of the comments @ this article are LOL funny.


So ... none of the kids inherited Kate's natural blonde hair?

It looks like Jessica Simpson's hair had a baby on her head.

So she has to go from that crazy porcupine thing to this? There is a normal style in between those two she could try.

WUT is that paris hilton circa-early 2000's weave she's sporting?!

Maddy never forgets.

When that woman says "change your attitude" and makes that hand motion - I hate her eternally.

"I'm getting older, tireder, more worn out. [sigh] The kids are getting older and smarter... They're giving me a run for my money daily and hourly and moment by moment."

Wow, what a sell! I'm sure that's how Elie Wiesel pitched Night.

sparkle said...

Amy2 said... 161
Given that the articles seem to be negative toward Kate, I wonder if she was expecting this reaction from the press. In the past the press said wonderful, fawning comments about her. Now not so much.

Yeah, I think Kate thought replacing Jon with the kids as her whipping boys/girls, people would harken back to the good old days when folks did get a kick out of her shrewing on Jon. Their bickering was a draw and people especially liked Jon's under the breath retorts. But he was an adult. Most people who have a conscience and a heart have a soft spot for children. Watching Kate humiliate the kids on national television will not rate as entertainment for most. Sadly, the purpose of this clip was for the train wreck draw. Kate knows she is a train wreck and she's ok with it as long as it puts eyeballs on the tv.

NJGal51 said...

franky - The movie Stand By Me was based on Stephen King's The Body hence the Castlerock Productions.

Mel said...

I hate how TFW is going thru the kitchen in her matching turtleneck/vest with her eyes down...all lalala here I am cooking breakfast, I don't even see the cameras, I always work like this. Cameras? What? On meeeee? Oh mercy! Oh! You've been there for 10 minutes filming me? However did that happen? Smirk.

Anonymous said...

Millicent said...

I also think she enjoys meting out punishment, and that's where you can see there is something mentally disturbing about her behavior toward her own children.


Millicent, not only does she enjoy meting out punishment, I can guarantee that years from now, (if the kids are still talking to her) she will relish bringing up all the times she disciplined them. It will be thrown in their faces whenever they get too big for their britches, or something nice happens to them. My NPD mother did this all the time, right up to her dying day.


Unknown said...

Jumping In said... 163
''Am I right at suggesting Kate's kids could easily take the burden of breakfast-making away from their mother?''
''........What are her motives other than the obvious.......''
I think you haven't considered another possibility. I believe that Jon's kids DO take the burden of breakfast making, and that the entire yellow vest egg making scene was entirely for the cameras!

Her motive was to pretend for the cameras that she is the poor pitiful overworked single mother, a martyr!

She is despicable!!

Rhymes with Witch said...

Excerpted from Dlisted. No one does snark better than Michael K. 172

Maybe so, but that's not snark.
That's a CUT. Ouch.

It's also accurate.

NJGal51 said...

Sergeant Asshole McPlasticFace. I love it!

Vanessa said...

By letting that scene be filmed and shown, it just shows that Kate doesn't care for her children's well-being or privacy--it just shows her again basically saying "I'm in charge and that's never going to change!!"
Letting that scene be filmed is just a continuation of what she allowed to be filmed from the beginning. Diaper changes, potty training, dentist visits, time outs...imagine what would have been filmed had Jon not broken the contract? She's the contract honorer remember?

Vanessa said...

Oh, I know it's all about control, but it makes no sense to me that these kids can't grab cereal and milk, or make toast and go sit at the table.
I'm betting they do, or it's up to the twins. That little display was for the cameras. They kind of looked lost when she asked how they wanted their eggs. Mind you, that could be because they're never sure what answer is the right one with that monster

Vanessa said...

I think you haven't considered another possibility. I believe that Jon's kids DO take the burden of breakfast making, and that the entire yellow vest egg making scene was entirely for the cameras!

Her motive was to pretend for the cameras that she is the poor pitiful overworked single mother, a martyr!
My thoughts exactly

AuntieAnn said...

sparkle said... 172

Excerpted from Dlisted. No one does snark better than Michael K.


Thanks for posting those excerpts Sparkle. He has her SO pegged.

"Her dark orb of a heart" should be etched in stone somewhere.
"Sergeant Asshole McPlasticFace" lol. I'm going to refer to her as SAMPF from now on

I love this guy!

Vanessa said...

She works very hard at "splitting" those kids. Sick bitch.
Just one of the many sick tactics a narc mother uses to reign power and control

Vanessa said...

And what exactly is she trying to infer when she says "we've learned what's important"
Or, as always, a narc just "says" what she thinks sounds good.

AuntieAnn said...

Mel said... 176

I hate how TFW is going thru the kitchen in her matching turtleneck/vest with her eyes down...all lalala here I am cooking breakfast, I don't even see the cameras, I always work like this. Cameras? What? On meeeee? Oh mercy! Oh! You've been there for 10 minutes filming me? However did that happen? Smirk.


haha! lil' ol' Kate the homemaker. So very immersed in her duties.

Who cooks dressed like that? I have to have a t-shirt on or I don't feel comfortable cooking, but maybe that's just me.

I think TLC slapped this special together just to get it over with.

FYI said...

I see Milo has returned and of course, she agrees with Kate.

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 15m
@Kateplusmy8 YES N DeeDee...totally w/U on that strategy! Done it twice here ...1st infraction one wk cell gone...2nd time...cell gone 4mo!

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 15m
@Kateplusmy8 If askin 4respect & a better attitude makes a Mom "mean" be it! Only one adult there..U can't let one child dictate mood!

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 13m
I'm totally w/U @Kateplusmy8 on ur parenting style. Strict, tight ship rules makes 4smooth sailing 4family! We R on board w/U! :)

PatK said...

I see Milo has surfaced, 100 percent behind Kate on her parenting skills. Kate could have whipped out a butcher knife to threaten Mady and by God, Milo would praise her for it.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Why does Kate look lie a bobble head super thin version of Kendra?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Mel said... 176
I hate how TFW is going thru the kitchen in her matching turtleneck/vest
She loos stupid lol!!

chefsummer #Leh said...

I'm going to spare myself and stay away from Kate & TLC. I haven't read or tweeted KK's twitter line in over a month.

I'm done with KK but I do love this blog so I'm going stay here -).

Rhymes with Witch said...

Why does Kate look lie a bobble head super thin version of Kendra? 190

I don't know why, but she clearly worked - er had work done to get there.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Whew, TFW can sleep soundly tonight, knowing Gladys is totally,
completely, 100% on board with her parenting methods!

And there's "only one adult there" because the other adult was
kicked out. But crew daddies are lotsa fun, too!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

chefsummer said... 190
Why does Kate look lie a bobble head super thin version of Kendra?


Oh, my gosh, Chef. When I looked at that clip, I did a double take. At first I thought it was Kendra.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Kate is a twit said... 188
I see Milo has returned and of course, she agrees with Kate.


No shocker there. It's clear that Milo doesn't have kids. We knew that the clip would bring her out of hiding/sulking/pouting. She/he is so darn predictable.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I don't know why, but she clearly worked - er had work done to get there.

LoL she worked hard all right in getting a plastic surgeon.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 195

I think KK's Kendra doppelganger.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Looks like KK wearing a wig or very bad weave extensions. She doesn't even look like the same KG from 2009. ~ Administrator said...

If askin 4respect & a better attitude makes a Mom "mean"


Asking for respect and a good attitude needs to be done with respect and a good attitude. Get it, Captain Milo? Welcome back.

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