Sunday, May 4, 2014

What's worse than filming the demise of your marriage?

Faking the demise of your marriage. 

Tori Spelling's new reality show True Tori has all the makings of a great episode of her father's legacy Dynasty. Now the internet is abuzz with evidence that, shocker, it could all be fake.

Old Instagram photos posted by Tori and Dean don't add up to the narrative they are telling now. And various sources say the woman Dean claims to have cheated with in Canada doesn't exist. 

And check out this prophetic quote from Tori, "I’m Aaron Spelling’s daughter. I knew how to write the story. I knew what would tug on heartstrings." Not to mention, what ever would possess someone to make a television show out of something so terrible, especially when all they do is complain about the paparazzi? This would be funny if there weren't four little kids involved.

1268 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   601 – 800 of 1268   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said...

That's the first thing I thought, they are exactly 60%. Jon is not dead Kate. Be thankful your children have a father in the first place.

lukebandit said...

One more.

Shall We Gather at the McMansion, the beautiful, the beautiful McMansion.

Usually people say when they are reading a book they mention the title, or the author or both. Can't believe she is hunkered down in her bed all day today instead of taking the kids out to lunch. You know they had a big birthday bash filmed on a non-birthday day and TLC paid for it in full.

Also, who says the percentage of their family and friends came to the party? 60%? She is nuts. Hopefully, Jon had a genuine party for them with cousins and family. They deserve it.

JoyinVirginia said...

A very happy Mothers Day to all!
Condolences to all who are dealing with loss of a mother.
Its hard with dementia. The body is still there but the mind not so much. That's what I deal with, with my mother.
I do hope everyone gets to enjoy the weekend some way you like!

TLC stinks said...

I do not think she did squat for their birthday yesterday. Totally out of character to not tweet about it despite those photos which had nothing to do with their birthday. She captioned what she wants her tweeties to believe. I bet the tups were with Jon yesterday. I am so convinced she lies about everything. She lives in a fantasy world.

AuntieAnn said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 1

And you gotta love how she makes lounging in bed seem like an amazing luxury, when she's tweeted many times about going back to sleep after dropping her kids off at school.


Yep, today shouldn't be any different than any other day in that house. This is just the 131st Mother's Day of 2014 for her.

I hope she honors the woman who gave birth to her today, because without her, there were be no Katie Irene. Perish the thought, huh Kate?

MikeB said...

Sorry Kate but Mother's Day is about having a mother, not being one. In other words people should be thanking their mother for everything they did rather than expecting thanks from their children. Your job on Mother's day is to be appreciative for what your mother did for you and to try to be as good a mother as possible to your kids. The thanks you get is not how happy they are now or how much stuff you can give them, but rather seeing them develop into responsible adults with your guidance.

A more appropriate tweet by TFW today would be "Thanks to Mom for all her leadership and sacrifices. I hope I can provide as good an example to my eight children as my mother did for me."

She can't stop making every event about herself somehow. Classic narcissist.

AuntieAnn said...

NJGal51 said... 199

Happy Mother's Day to all! What's your favorite "Momism"?

I always seemed to be telling my son: Don't do that you'll put your eye out. When he was in 1st or 2nd grade his hand made Mother's Day card had a stick figure with only one eye and it said "Ouch, I put my eye out, next time I'll listen to you".


Aw, that is so sweet. Reminiscent of A Christmas Story's you'll shoot your eye out.

When my sons were young it was always:

"Put a jacket on! You'll catch your death" , "Turn that music down" and "Close the fridge before you get frostbite".

and to myself: "OMG, I sound like my mother".

AuntieAnn said...

localyocul said... 181

AuntieAnn said... 117

Emily's twitter TL: The background pic of her idol is one I've never seen before. What's with the line coming down from the right side of her lip? Is it drool or is it not-a-plastic-surgery procedure scar?


Auntie, that's not TFW, that's Em! She has changed from a dirty blonde teen to a TFW bleach blonde look alike


Local - I meant the background photo of Kate on her twitter homepage (or whatever it's called) There is a definite line coming down from the corner of her mouth.

AuntieAnn said...

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 198

Auntie (178) have a point there. I never really thought about it like that, but it's totally plausible. She does tweet about how difficult the teens are, the 19-year-old one still living at home (the one who plays with toy trucks outside) who got in late one night, who recently learned to drive, and the girl (we don't hear too much about her).


Fleecing - If it is the case, then it's rather sad. Kate has such an odd collection of fans, most of whom seem desperate for some kind of attention. Funny they'd turn to a narcissist to get it.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

After having been away from her kids for a month, you'd think TFW would cherish a morning with her "miracle babies." Nope - gave 'em some toys, and hopped in bed to read. Alone. Even on a holiday which celebrates being a mother, she still manages to out herself as someone who doesn't particularly dig the gig.

Formerly Duped said...

When is the TLC special supposed to air? Wouldn't it be on near the 10th birthday?

Tucker's Mom said...

Happy Mother's Day to all of our moms here.
I'm sure you're not spending the day hiding from your children.

FFS, Kate's been away for a month or more, then when she's finally home, her kids are at school for 10 hours a day, and what she wants for Mother's Day is to hide away in bed.

handinhand said...

Why is Milo encouraging her to a running challenge today after she's spent whatever part the day lying in bed reading, sequestered away from the kids. I wonder if it's days like these that she really does miss Jon. Does anyone remember the Mother's Day breakfast in bed episode? Quintessential Kate.

jennine s said...

Kate brags that she has a "normal family' yet never a mention of the grandparents celebrating birthdays, holidays etc. She is lounging in bed today, and not a mention of visiting her mother, extended family. Normal all right !!!

Rhymes with Witch said...

FFS , Kate's been away for a month or more, then when she's finally home, her kids are at school for 10 hours a day, and what she wants for Mother's Day is to hide away in bed. 114

Not being sarcastic, but this is Kate we're talking about. She was a gestational carrier, never a mother.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I wonder if it's days like these that she really does miss Jon. 115

I think she misses having someone doing things for her, but she does not miss Jon himself. She blames him for the loss of her nonexistant career.

jennine s said...

No mention by Kate of her own mother. She brags that her family is normal, then get off your butt and go see your mom or at least acknowledge her.

TLC stinks said...

TLC show is scheduled to air in June.

TLC stinks said...

Can you imagine lounging in bed with eight kids at home?

Formerly Duped said...

Was it last year the the twins brought her breakfast in bed and a giant card ,from a menu she had composed herself? I don't think she misses Jon, just the things he took care of , perhaps. I remember the Mother's Day J+K, and she allowed I think only Hannah and Leah and the twins in her bedroom. Was that Pancakes and Potties- very odd combo!

Millicent said...

I did sleep in today as a Mother's Day treat to myself, until 9:00 a.m. I felt lazy though! LOL. My son "made" cinnamon rolls for breakfast - the kind that come preformed in a cardboard roll. They were delicious! He's got a lot of homework today, so we've been hanging out in the living room. I read and he does his homework bit by bit. It's been a very nice day. It's very telling that what gives Kate pleasure is to be in her room away from her own kids.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Formerly Duped (#22), I think the breakfast you're talking about was
french toast, and after all the kids were shooed away, one got to stay
and have a bite (spoiler alert - it wasn't a boy).

I often think TFW wanted to have babies, but not children. And the
older they get, or maybe with the help of a therapist somewhere down the line, perhaps they'll make their peace with that, and not blame
themselves for the hands-off parenting they were subjected to.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine lounging in bed with eight kids at home?

I can't even lounge in bed with one child. She's s piece of work.

Gigi Be

Jane said...

She's simply unable to tweet without including herself.

Happy Mother's Day to all Moms out there.... Hope you're feeling especially luvvvved today! I know I am❤️!
38 min ago from Twitterrific

JoyinVirginia said...

My favorite momism:
Get down from there before you fall and break your arm/leg/neck/back!
Turn that down before you go deaf! Its too loud!

Unknown said...

The 'momism' that I simply loathed and then said over and over to my children, then laughed when I heard them say to their children: Who told you life was fair?

Rhymes with Witch said...

I often think TFW wanted to have babies, but not children. 24

I've thought this for a very long time.
It was all about her "China Dolls".
(quoting Kate herself).

Kate is a twit said...

Two of my favorite Momisms:

In reply to "everyone's doing it"--"If everyone jumped off the Empire State Building, would you want to do it too?"

When I was going to something she deemed dangerous----"If you get killed, don't come crying back to me!"

And how many of you were told---"Clean your plate-there are starving children in India."

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish a Happy Mothers Day to the Gosselin kids Nanny!

Gigi Be

Bitchy Pants said...

I've been internetless for a few days and am catching up on the posts here. Happy belated Mothers Day to everyone with human and fur kids.

Touching on a couple of the discussions here -- Don't forget that the service includes a guest soloist singing "How Great Kate Art"!

Re divorce and Reality TV couples. I think one reason that the divorce rate is high with reality couples is because the shows look for people with "drama" and dysfunctional couples provide that drama. With the possible exception of the Little Couple (I've never seen the show, so I'm just basing this on what I've read and heard about them), the most successful reality couples seem to have a lot of tension and upheaval and dysfuncion in their relationships. Maybe that's the reason for the high divorce rate. Look at the Hayes family. Their show didn't last very long because it was too "normal" and boring. Husband and wife who love and respect each other and their children, kids who have a variety of interests and activities. Even when they had a rare disagreement, it was done with respect and was very low key. Very little "drama" other than that provided by having 10 kids.

My favorite momism -- "Get your nose out of that book and go out and get some sunshine. You look like a ghost."

Admin -- praying for your friend's little daughter, and for you. It's hard to lose someone that close.

AuntieAnn said...

Kate is a twit said... 30

And how many of you were told---"Clean your plate-there are starving children in India."


Ho boy, that one rings in my ears. Never, ever say back to Mom or Dad, "Well, you can send my supper to them then". It will render you a cuff on the side of the head. And no dessert.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

JoyinVirginia said... 27
My favorite momism:
Get down from there before you fall and break your arm/leg/neck/back!
I remember calling that out to my son when I saw him on the neighbours garage roof. After protesting loudly for a few seconds he finally jumped down ....& broke his arm!

localyocul said...

AuntieAnn said... 10
localyocul said... 181

AuntieAnn said... 117

Emily's twitter TL: The background pic of her idol is one I've never seen before. What's with the line coming down from the right side of her lip? Is it drool or is it not-a-plastic-surgery procedure scar?


Auntie, that's not TFW, that's Em! She has changed from a dirty blonde teen to a TFW bleach blonde look alike


Local - I meant the background photo of Kate on her twitter homepage (or whatever it's called) There is a definite line coming down from the corner of her mouth.


OK, riddle me this. I can see the left side of her hair to the left and right of her timeline but I can't see the whole picture. How did you get the whole pic?

High Sodium Content said...

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms here. Its a different Mother's Day when your own mother is no longer here, but lucky to have great memories. We went to my daughter's who made brunch for us and her MIL and FIL. She's a sweety. Cherish the memories of home made cards, burnt toast and watery eggs.

High Sodium Content said...

Here's Milo's tweetpic link.

High Sodium Content said...

JoyinVirginia... I understand the difficulties dealing with a mother with dementia. My mother and MIL had it and died w/in 7 weeks of each other in 09. It seems likes years before that that I really had my mom. She was physically in great shape until the last stages. Its very hard on the caregivers, my FIL basically dropped dead taking care of his wife and my dad had a heart attack and they ended up in a nursing home together while he was recouperating from surgery. He hated that place and luckily we were fortunate to find an awesome place for my mother, where my dad could visit her every day. It is a shame that there isn't more help available to keep loved ones in the home. Once they are out of their normal environment, they go down hilll faster.

High Sodium Content said...

What wrong with lounging in bed. (LOL) I did that today for an hour after taking 4 tramadol and an Ibuprofen 800 mg so I could shower w/o excruciating pain in hips and knee. I'd give my left arm to be able to jump out of bed and make a huge breakfast for the family like I used to. One day it will happen again though.

localyocul said...

High Sodium Content said... 37
Here's Milo's tweetpic link.

A rare pic of her "kids" Who is the dog? That is not a golden lab puppy it's a small dog:

This is supposedly her son:

And her daughter:

Lalalalala said...

My favorite momism from my dear, departed mother....It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

FL Mama said...

Well, I had a truly unforgettable Mother's Day. I let my 3 teens sleep in, woke up early and tidied the house after my husband left for his weekly Sunday breakfast with his elderly father. I got to Michael's just as they opened because I had a coupon for 40% off silk flowers. I finished up at store and was just leaving when I got a call from my husband. I told him I was on my way to the cemetery to tidy my mother's grave for Mother's Day. Would you believe my DH had already gone there and had cleaned Mom's grave?...I was stunned. He still insisted that he needed to go back to finish the job. True to his word, he met me there with a shovel, rake and a few other necessities to make the grave marker clean and look beautiful for when the family arrived later in the day. This afternoon, as our husbands cooked a delicious meal, my sisters and I looked through Mom's old photo albums and laughed and cried. Our kids joined us in our reminiscing. A beautiful way to spend our day. Happy Mother's Day to all!

Starz22 said...

I don't believe a word that comes out of TFW's mouth. Nothing! She has been proven to be a liar over and over again. She is a liar....and one day the kids books will give even more proof.
I wouldn't care if she had someone else look after the kids today while she sat on her ass and did nothing. BUT...this is everyday for her. Today was no treat for her...nothing new.
I however...took my mom to brunch and gave her the gift she had asked for. Then I went home and sat on my ass and did nothing. I didn't cook or clean or entertain my kids ( they are not 10 and 13). I know some don't agree but this too is MY day. I get 1 day out of the year to feel special and do what I want.

I don't expect my kids to honor me everyday like TFW does. For every meal cooked and clothing washed I don't expect squeels woots and applause. That is what a mother does. I will take this day for mine and only worry about my wants. Then tomorrow, for another 364 days the kids will rule and their needs come first. Just like it has been from the beginning of time and I WON'T expect the mother of the year award for it.

Over In TFW's County said...

Can't believe she is hunkered down in her bed all day today instead of taking the kids out to lunch.


She tweeted that this morning...nothing about staying in bed all day. Apparently some time today they went to Sky Zone in Glen Mills, and someone posted a pic of the van in the parking lot.

foxy said...

I wonder why good ol' Milo never posts pics of her kids other than the back view. She sure wants to know all about the 8 kids, but hides hers and gives them their privacy. From the pictures she posts it appears she has a nice home, a lot of "toys" and takes good care of her animals. It makes you wonder what is up with her thinking.

Anonymous said...

so sorry, cannot se anything, because ùùùi just do not want to. ùùùùùùùùùùùùù

gonna listen to this instead


localyocul said...

@Kateplusmy8 1h
Thx @skyzone &r friends 4 another fun day of memories! My tired jumpers r all tucked in2 bed--including me! #FunWay2SpendMomsDay #We❤️2Jump


Isn't this where Kendra took the kids and after that some teen workers tweeted that the kids were there? Has she managed to grift free visits for the kids?

localyocul said...

Maybe that's not where Kendra took them but it's definately where the teenagers said they worked for the kids.

AuntieAnn said...

localyocul said... 35

OK, riddle me this. I can see the left side of her hair to the left and right of her timeline but I can't see the whole picture. How did you get the whole pic?


Local - If you're on your laptop just right click the page and you'll get the menu. Select 'view background image'.

localyocul said...

See, here's a teen today:

Julia Litle ‏@live_a_LITLE 58m
Oh and Kate Gosselin came to sky zone today. That was pretty chill. This is their van

Tucker's Mom said...

Yay the G kids got to go out and play outside of the compound today.
That's great and I'm glad Kate didn't stay in her room all day.

njay said...

What ever happened to the bird. Is that why she wanted so many cute pic. of animals. She used to tweet or put a pic of it every day for a while. Now there aren't any.

localyocul said...

AuntieAnn said... 49
localyocul said... 35

OK, riddle me this. I can see the left side of her hair to the left and right of her timeline but I can't see the whole picture. How did you get the whole pic?


Local - If you're on your laptop just right click the page and you'll get the menu. Select 'view background image'.


Thanks...this is really weird but right clicking doesn't give me that option. I get other options like "inspect element" but not "view background". I'm on a PC does that make a difference My daughter has a Mac but she has it

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Admin said (regarding Em): "Someone so young and pretty and going to school, you would think she wouldn't need any of this anymore. What is someone her age trying to compensate for with all this? We may never know. Sometimes appearances can be deceiving."


I took a look at her TL. Something is very odd there. Kate isn't the only one she calls "Mama ___." There are others. She really seems to be passionate about getting "in" with celebrities and others. Maybe it's just a young girl thing...but still, as a parent, I'd be concerned about this, especially if it continues and escalates.

NJGal51 said...

LOL! My bully is a sloppy eater (seriously!) and whenever I sweep up after him I tell him that there are starving Chihuahuas in Mexico that could eat for a month on what he leaves behind. A momism for my fur baby.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

localyocul said... 40

A rare pic of her "kids" Who is the dog? That is not a golden lab puppy it's a small dog:

It's a dachshund.

Milo tweeted way back that she used to have a dachshund and when it died she was completely heartbroken. I remember because I had a dachshund back then and remember thinking how heartbroken I would be when mine passed away...and I was.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

njay said... 52
What ever happened to the bird. Is that why she wanted so many cute pic. of animals. She used to tweet or put a pic of it every day for a while. Now there aren't any.

If you look at the pictures she posted of the tups birthday you can see the bird cage (with the orange-ish light) in the background of the top picture. I'm assuming the bird is alive. Otherwise the heat lamp wouldn't be on.

lukebandit said...

Me too! I am glad that she didn't bunker down and stay in bed all day and took the kids to skyzone.

Hope she didn't grift.

lukebandit said...

That picture the girl tweeted about the van. That front left tire looks a little low. She needs to get the tire pressure checked. ~ Administrator said...

Wow it's been so long since she mentioned the bird I had forgotten about it. Typical narcissist. It's oooh shiny for about two months then they lose interest seemingly overnight. ~ Administrator said...

I guess Milo doesn't see the irony in how fiercely she protects her own children's identities.

TLC stinks said...

She must have grifted something free:

Thx @skyzone &r friends 4 another fun day of memories! My tired jumpers r all tucked in2 bed--including me! #FunWay2SpendMomsDay #We❤️2Jump


I hope the tups got to invite friends. Wonder if Kate invited Steve?

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 61
I guess Milo doesn't see the irony in how fiercely she protects her own children's identities.
I noticed that too. She actually poses them that way, and that's great, really. They need to be protected
I don't read over the Twitter timelines often, but know enough from reading here to understand that it gets ugly and personal.
Milo has inserted herself into the whole vale of tears that is the saga that goes along with having a dog in the Kate Gosselin hunt, and personally, I wouldn't even be involved at all if I had minor children like she apparently does.

Tucker's Mom said...

I hope the tups got to invite friends. Wonder if Kate invited Steve?
I usually hope the kids get to be with friends (mostly off the compound), but not on Mom's Day.
Kids should be with their own moms, aunts, godmothers and grandmas.
Since the kids don't see their aunts and grandma to celebrate with, this was at least something fun to do.

TLC stinks said...

Knowing Kate, I'm going to guess, since she mentioned friends going, that there was at least a nanny because Kate will not or cannot handle all six without help. She always has to split up the kids and if she does all tups or all eight, it's never by herself.

One of these days someone who has been truly following this mess will tweet more than picture of the van which is an odd thing to tweet a picture of. Did the tweeter actually Kate in Skyzone or assume the family was inside because the tweeter recognized the van?

jennine s said...

Kate has no mention of honoring her own mother, inviting Jon or extended family to the celebration. It is all about her. Normal family????? ~ Administrator said...

I don't know many divorced couples who consider the ex "family." They are not a family of 10. Jon+kids=family. Kate+kids=family. There is no Jon+Kate+kids.


I actually know a lot who would never say such a thing or frame their family in such a divided way. I'm sorry, but that is a very sad way to approach the situation.

To Kate, her family is her and the children, fair enough. To Jon, his family is him and his children. Fair enough. But to the children, their family is STILL Mom and Dad and us and that's never going to change. Mom and Dad may live in separate houses but it's still us, Mom, and Dad.

For Kate to constantly frame the situation as the nine of us, the "family" versus him the father is extremely dysfunctional and probably even hurtful to the children. It may not seem a big deal her little off the cuff 60% comment but you add that to all the other negative and alienating comments she's made about their father and you've got a raging parental alienator who is and has interfered with her children's right to have a happy and healthy relationship with their father. If we're wondering what the deal is with the twins and Collin the obvious answer is to start with Kate and what she's done to contribute to that situation. That's the point of parental alienation, to alienate, and for some children it works. ~ Administrator said...

Maybe it's just a young girl thing...but still, as a parent, I'd be concerned about this, especially if it continues and escalates.


Well I guess she's an adult now in college so not much they can do but I would be concerned if I were paying her tuition and she were spending all her time tweeting and meeting celebs.

It's finals week at most schools. Was she at a Cher concert during finals? I don't know, maybe it was after. She seems like a girl whose future is her oyster, as a parent I would scratch my head that she chooses to focus her energy on B and D lister celebs.

She needs hobbies, age appropriate friends, summer plans, maybe a summer trip with your friends, and certainly a job. Fill your time up enough with those things and suddenly you don't have time for the pin ups on your wall as a teen. Time to grow up now. In many ways, she perplexes me more than Milo. I will always be interested in the psychology of fandom.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 67

I don't know many divorced couples who consider the ex "family." They are not a family of 10. Jon+kids=family. Kate+kids=family. There is no Jon+Kate+kids.


I actually know a lot who would never say such a thing or frame their family in such a divided way. I'm sorry, but that is a very sad way to approach the situation.
I think there's an acceptable continuum of co-parenting to successfully move through divorce and thrive.
What I don't think it can include is doing what Kate does: "the 9 of us", "single mom", "doing it all on my own" etc.
I get that you don't want to sit down and break bread with your ex and their new squeeze/spouse, but you have to be civil and the first order of business is to zip your lip.
Not only has Kate made her feelings very public, but she's pushing her kids to do it to, which is unfathomable.

I've read too many personal accounts here of divorced moms moving forward under less than auspicious circumstances, in a way that they can be proud of.

Not speaking to your ex, with whom you are raising 8 kids with, is nothing to hold your head high about.
Having 3/8 kids who, for whatever reason, do not want to spend time with their Dad is really, really bad news.
If Jon and Kate can't work it out, after 5 years, for crying out loud, they need a judge to order them to get their shit together. ~ Administrator said...

Not speaking to your ex, with whom you are raising 8 kids with, is nothing to hold your head high about.
Having 3/8 kids who, for whatever reason, do not want to spend time with their Dad is really, really bad news.
If Jon and Kate can't work it out, after 5 years, for crying out loud, they need a judge to order them to get their shit together.


Bingo. She should be absolutely ashamed at the way this has turned out. Jon seems to feel that shame, that pain. When he speaks of their failed divorce, he speaks like someone who is grief stricken about that. She on the other hand for some sick reason seems to think this situation is a good thing. Just one example, but in the five Father's Days since Jon left she can't once utter the words to wish her children's father a happy father's day. She can't even do something so simple. She will bend over backwards on Twitter to wish other dads the same, but not her own sperm donor.

TFW, not being able to speak to or co-parent with your ex five years later is a pathetic failure. Children who do not have the best relationship with him (IMO, due to her alienation) is a failure. This divorce is a failure.

Now we can debate whose fault it is or whose percentage of fault it is, but the fact is, this divorce is a failure.

NJGal51 said...

Emily carries on tiwtter conversations with Cher's cat (who has his own twitter account) and one of Cher's roadies. She is obsessive with her need to feel like she's friends with celebrities. I agree with you Admin, she perplexes me more than Milo.

PatK said...

Guess who's back on Twitter under his own name now? Three days of not spewing lies and threats must have been too hard.

Jeanne said...

The whole divorce thing and whether dad is part of the family is really tough. Some people are able to be civil and co-parent well after divorce. Others can't get along at all. Most are in-between. There are so many variables.

I think the main problem is she is so public with her hatred. She should not be keeping any of the kids from seeing their father. But I disagree with the people who say Jon should have stayed at the mansion while Kate was on CA or that as a parent you would automatically think of or include the other parent all the time. There were reasons for the divorce. As a divorced person you can't blur the lines all the time. He has his custody time with them to celebrate birthdays, etc.

I know I'm not expressing myself well. But I think we have to acknowledge the realities of divorce and the fallout. I blame her for not letting him see all the kids. I don't blame her for calculating 60% wrong. I would probably feel like my family didn't include him also if I were divorced. Yes, he's the kids' family. No he is not Kate's family.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

PatK said... 72
Guess who's back on Twitter under his own name now? Three days of not spewing lies and threats must have been too hard.

Will be giving the answer soon?

Anonymous said...

Jon absolutely needs to enforce that all his children see him during his custody time. This is ridiculous. Children should not be able to say that they don't want to spend time with their father.

If the situation is so bad that some of his kids don't want to visit him, then Jon should take the kids to a therapist and rehash the problems and come to an agreement. These are very valuable years that are passing by. He will never be able to get this time back.

And I have a strong feeling that a therapist would probably donate free time if he can't afford it. The Gosselins are well known in the community (and nationally) and I think some therapist would have some soft spot for this family.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

Emily carries on tiwtter conversations with Cher's cat (who has his own twitter account) and one of Cher's roadies.


Which, of course, means that she hangs around the outside of the backstage area, where the buses unload, etc., waiting for a glimpse of the celebrity. A pretty young girl is an attraction for a roadie. Soon they start talking, he becomes familiar with her when she's waiting in the parking lot, they tweet, and whatever, and when the roadies really get to know her, she can sweet talk them into walking her backstage to meet the celebrity. Then she'll ask to be put on the guest list for concerts, with all-access passes. That's how it works. You start off with the crew and work your way up!

TLC stinks said...

Twitter still shows him suspended.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

lukebandit said... 59
That picture the girl tweeted about the van. That front left tire looks a little low. She needs to get the tire pressure checked.


LOL, Luke! That's the first thing I noticed when I looked at the photo of the vehicle, and I'm not really a tire person.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

If the situation is so bad that some of his kids don't want to visit him, then Jon should take the kids to a therapist and rehash the problems and come to an agreement.


I don't think that he can just take them to a therapist without her knowledge or approval, can he? I can't imagine that Kate would allow Jon to take the kids to a mental health professional; nor can I see a therapist taking them under his/her wings and doing evaluations pro bono. They are known in the community and that's the problem. I think people know very well where Kate lives and that she darn well has money to afford the services of a therapist. Crying poor really wouldn't fly.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think the main problem is she is so public with her hatred. She should not be keeping any of the kids from seeing their father. But I disagree with the people who say Jon should have stayed at the mansion while Kate was on CA or that as a parent you would automatically think of or include the other parent all the time. There were reasons for the divorce. As a divorced person you can't blur the lines all the time. He has his custody time with them to celebrate birthdays, etc.
I've always thought that sharing the Manse was a really bad idea, and I don't think Jon should parent from Kate's house (or the kids' house, as they put it).
I do think Jon should be able to come onto the property to visit or at least drop the kids off.
While Jon and Kate are not part of each others' family, he sure ain't dead and he sure is part of the equation of how to raise them!

It must be really hard, and I give so much credit to those moms out there raising kids and managing to still nurture their children's relationship with their father.

I know I'm glad my ex is over in Kate's country and I'm....not ;-)

Tucker's Mom said...

That's how it works. You start off with the crew and work your way up!

Were you a "Band Aide", Miss Penny Lane? ~ Administrator said...

The 60 percent comment can't be viewed in a vacuum. If it were the only thing she ever said that was alienating and divisive that would be one thing. But she has repeatedly and actively sought to parse Jon out from her children's family. It's sick. I get that you have to create a different family dynamic when divorce happens. You do have to move on and you can't pretend things are like before. However it is not necessary to alienate and marginalize the other parent to do so.

Millicent said...

Tucker's Mom said:
I've always thought that sharing the Manse was a really bad idea, and I don't think Jon should parent from Kate's house (or the kids' house, as they put it).
I do think Jon should be able to come onto the property to visit or at least drop the kids off.
While Jon and Kate are not part of each others' family, he sure ain't dead and he sure is part of the equation of how to raise them!

It must be really hard, and I give so much credit to those moms out there raising kids and managing to still nurture their children's relationship with their father.
I too thought the idea of Jon coming and staying at the McMansion with the children at times when Kate is away for whatever reason, was never a feasible idea, given the animosity on Kate's side. That sort of situation would only work when the exes were on very good terms, and even then, as the "visiting parent," I'm not sure how much I'd like to spend a week or two at my ex's house.

As a single parent who has lived through 16 years of ironing out the relationship my ex would have with our son - there were some rough moments. I've had my share of being very angry with him, disappointed and/or frustrated. I'm glad to say that those moments are mostly in the past and while I don't consider us friends, we are friendly when our paths cross. The anger and bitterness I had towards him (primarily for not doing as much as I felt he should as a dad) is gone because I have come to terms with the situation. More importantly, my son and he have forged their own relationship and while it is limited, it is a good one. When I see Kate trying to minimize Jon's role, or the many times she took his involvement for granted, it makes me shake my head. For all Jon's faults and immaturities, he is a good dad to his kids. He wants to be present in their lives, and he enjoys having fun with them, and being with them. When I think of how Kate would like to take that away from her kids, out of spite toward Jon, it definitely irritates me.

White Organza said...

"I would probably feel like my family didn't include him also if I were divorced." Jeanne ( 73)

Although my ex and I did find a way to co-parent and be civil with each other, I must admit that after our separation, I never thought of him as part of "my" family. My son's, yes. Mine, not so much.

But still... We know we're part of "something", that's for sure.

So, eventually, along the way, we kind of decided we were part of a little tribe, lol: me, some of my sisters, my ex, the new girlfriend, my son, his wife... and the new baby soon to be born to the loud applauses of the entire tribe. :)

Jeanne said...

I read on jezebel dot com that Drew Barrymore has declared her kids cannot act until they are 18. She said that filming ET was good for her because it gave her the structure she wasn't receiving at home. She plans to provide her kids with a good family structure.

I hope she succeeds. It's interesting that she doesn't want her kids on screen.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

And Sky Zone replies, thus putting it to rest that she really wasn't there yesterday!

Sky Zone ‏@skyzone 4m
Thank you for jumping with us on your special day, @Kateplusmy8! Glad the whole family had fun bouncing off our walls. Come back soon! :)

I don't have twitter, but I looked at their TL:

"Sky Zone followed Kate Gosselin, Hallie Mossett, Hunter Price and 42 others"


What does this mean? That Sky Zone followed Kate? For what reason?

lukebandit said...

I remember years ago there was a famous rock band, can't remember which one, said the same groupies were at every concert, every time. At the buses, hanging around. Out in the audience. He looked like it was driving them nuts.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 78
lukebandit said... 59
That picture the girl tweeted about the van. That front left tire looks a little low. She needs to get the tire pressure checked.


LOL, Luke! That's the first thing I noticed when I looked at the photo of the vehicle, and I'm not really a tire person.


Lol, I looked at it and I thought they looked low. I zoomed it and yes, they are low. If Steve is her top advisor, he is slacking on the job. He prefers her implant size a C, he should be concerned what pressure her tires are! haha.

But, seriously, I am concerned about the kids safety and yes, hers. She drives recklessly and fast. It would hurt the kids if something happened to her badly if she was in a blowout with or w/o the kids. I don't won't them hurt for anything. I am going to tweet her about it.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

LOL, Tucker's! I was never a groupie. I just watched it happen. It looks like that's the path Em is going down. I hope not...she's much too young and should be involved with kids her own age in college, activities, friends, and such. There are quite a few sheeple who are perplexing, and that one I just can't figure out. If she's happy, though, so be long as it's not interfering with her studies and social interaction with friends her own age. Hopefully she will outgrow it, and this celebrity worship will pass in time. I really don't get the "Mama" or "Mamma" thing, though.

Now Milo is a different story. She's just in too darn deep!

Millicent said...

Cruising said:
I don't think that he [Jon] can just take them [any of the kids] to a therapist without her knowledge or approval, can he?
I don't know what the laws are in PA, but it does seem likely that in order for the non-custodial parent to begin psychological treatment/therapy for any minor child, a therapist would probably require written approval by the custodial parent. Using my own situation as an example, at one point my ex thought our son had Asperger's Syndrome. I disagreed, but allowed our son to be evaluated by a medical professional (I believe the doctor was a psychiatrist or psychologist). The doctor met first with my ex; then with me; then with our son. However, if I had not agreed to these office visits, my ex would have had to file a petition with the courts for a court order ordering this treatment, if the judge agreed.

It seems as though Kate and Jon have a roughly 50/50 (or 60/40) division of custodial time with the children, but I think Kate still has final say over much of the decision-making.

Tucker's Mom said... (Administrator) said... 82
The 60 percent comment can't be viewed in a vacuum. If it were the only thing she ever said that was alienating and divisive that would be one thing. But she has repeatedly and actively sought to parse Jon out from her children's family
I agree that Kate's tactics have been more insidious, but I want to give equal time to Jon in this issue.
Kate's more slick. She's a master of innuendo and can imply with the best of them.
Jon, on the other hand, drops bombs that are scathing.
To wit:
Despise her
A-hole (or F'ing A-hole)

Jon can go from tactful and seemingly nonplussed, to "holy shit! Did he just say that on TV?" from one interview to the next.

It's all not good and I can see how Jon's public comments could make a kid recoil and pick a side- Mommy.
I sort of cringe to think of what he says in private, in front of the kids, because sometimes his filter goes bye-bye.

Millicent said...

Admin said:
She needs hobbies, age appropriate friends, summer plans, maybe a summer trip with your friends, and certainly a job.
I too am puzzled by Emily and her continued fascination for and desire to interact with Kate and other celebrities. Here she is, a young, attractive 20'something, in college. Maybe college has changed tremendously since I was that age - but it used to mean that you spent a lot of time studying, and a lot of time hanging out with other college students. I went out to various pubs and bars, to the local Farmer's Market, to dance clubs, comedy shows, to the beach, to the lake, to the fair -- everywhere with my friends! There was always something going on each week-end, and many a week-night too.

I just don't get the fascination with a nearly 40-year old woman, and her 10 year old and 13 year old kids. Strange stuff.

NJGal51 said...

Crusin - It's a female roadie and she may be more of an assistant rather than a roadie in the traditional sense of the word. I probably used the wrong term.

Virginia said...

I read some the old posts by milo from the twitpic link given earlier.

Wow. Just wow. So creepy. Yikes. It almost seemed she/he was truly expecting TFW to visit her home (and bring Shoka). Complete fascination with TFW and picturing them together.

It would make me REALLY afraid to have someone that far ib LaLa Land!

And Milo supposedly has tween/teens? What are those parent teacher conferences like? "Well Kate Gosselin's 8, count'em, 8 kids are at the top of their class! Why aren't you putting my Milo, Jr there?!"

Yikes. Truly freaky

PatK said...

TLC stinks said... 77
Twitter still shows him suspended.


No, he's created a new account under his real name.

Formerly Duped said...

So SkyZone was in lieu of a birthday party? That's fine; I'm sure the kids had fun. Don't know how excited Kate would be to spend HER Mother's Day afternoon there, but luckily she did have her nap/read in bed earlier! 'Whole family" must mean the twins were there.I'm sure they'll get freebies out of this.

Tucker's Mom said...

What does this mean? That Sky Zone followed Kate? For what reason?
SkyZone looks like a new venture starting up, so they're looking to get marketed and word of mouth, which is smart.
They see someone with 100K+ Twitter followers and they're going to latch on.
The place looks really cool and I love that they play dodgeball there.

foxy said...

Drew Barrymore did not come from the best of homes or have a great childhood. I admire her a lot. Her life could have gone completely in another direction.

Goldie Hawn also would not let her children go into acting until they were 18. Kate Hudson is a very good actress, but her mother made sure she had a reasonable private and grounded childhood and education. Jodie Foster also keeps her children's lives private.

Then we have Will and Jada Smith. Will's first son from another relationship plays football, goes to school and seems to be well grounded from the very little that is said about him. The two younger kids seem to have no supervision and are really going down a fast path.

Formerly Duped said...

foxy, yes, I read some controversy about Willow, age 13, in a picture in a bed with a shirtless older man? She and her brother seem very exploited by their parents to me.(although I don't know much about them other than when something weird about the family hits the news)

Millicent said...

By the way, and totally off topic: I made a Pioneer Woman's recipe yesterday, in preparation for the heat wave bearing down on us this week. It is her sour cream cheesy pasta bake. It's super quick and easy, and makes enough for plenty of left over meals. Perfect for a hot evening, when you don't even want to cook on the stove top.

I'll be making another of her recipes tonight - fried round steak. My son loves this simple dish, with a side of baked potato and some fresh cool strawberries. Of course, I'm not going to bake that potato in the oven. My sister made a quilted bag for microwaving potatoes which actually produces potatoes that have the taste and consistency of actual baked potatoes, in 6 minutes. What a lifesaver.

As for Tuesday, Wed and Thursday - it's going to be "build your own sandwich" night one night, and pasta salad and rootbeer floats on another! This mama does not like to cook when the temperature gets over 85.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

OT question:

I was making a loaf of bread in my bread machine today and during the baking stage the machine got very hot...on the outside of the machine, like hot to the touch. Is that normal and I just never paid attention? I unplugged it and baked the loaf in the over because I was concerned.

Sherry Baby said...

Wow. Just wow. So creepy. Yikes. It almost seemed she/he was truly expecting TFW to visit her home (and bring Shoka). Complete fascination with TFW and picturing them together.

Milo could very well be the sweetest, most kind and gentle soul on the face of the earth. That does not mean, however, that she's not creepy and if ignored could turn on you in a heartbeat.

GKD said...

While I'm not divorced, my mom is twice divorced. I can't speak for the relationship or lack of that my brother's have with their dad's grandparents, I can talk about my experience. My mother absolutely made sure that no matter what I saw and spent time with my dad's parents. I spent every summer at their ranch alone. I am an only grandchild on my dad's side & my mom knew that I was everything to my mamaw & pawpaw. Easter, summers, and at least a week at Christmas. Any wedding, event, family reunion, fun trip that my mamaw wanted to take me on, my mom said yes. While I had no relationship with my dad, that was his choice, not my moms. She kept a current phone # for him for my entire childhood just in case I wanted to talk to him. She got the numbers from my mamaw. I didn't know this until the day I said "hey wonder where my dad really is" when I was 16 and she asked if I really wanted to know, I said sure & she picked up the phone & called him. SHE called him, I didn't. I saw him for the first time since I was 5 the next night at OUR house. My mom was right there with me & it went well. Less than a year later my dad had vanished again and it was devastating, but I always knew that my mom didn't stop me from seeing him. She had also never said a negative word about him to me as I grew up.

At the same time, my pawpaw had a really bad relationship with my dad. the ONLY time my pawpaw ever entered a house that my dad was in it was an event for me. Never once did I know just how bad it was between them until I was an adult & asked questions. It doesn't show in the pics from my graduation day. I'm standing between my mom, dad & pawpaw and they ALL look very happy to be there. Everyone had a very strained & angry relationship with my dad, but as a child, I never had a clue. In fact, I found out as an adult that for 3 years my dad lived in the same town as my grandparents & would come by the ranch while I was there during the summer. It would upset my mamaw because he would refuse to see me. I never knew.

You have to be an adult, act like an adult & be able to put your child first. You have to be able to put aside your bullshit and realize that the world is bigger than your anger. There ARE other people that should be involved in a child's life. You have to be willing to allow other family members to love your children & show that love to them. Kate showed early on with Jodi that she doesn't value someone that loves her children deeply and was a positive influence/role model for them. That love and involvement wasn't more important than money and revenge. She's more into punishing others by taking her kids away from love than allowing her children to be loved by family.

TLC stinks said...

Sounds like Twitter is useless when it comes to these suspensions. So now the A-Hole can set up another Twitter account to bully and abuse until there are complaints again?

Dmasy said...

GKD, that is an inspiring post. You lived your childhood as it should have been lived because adults loved you and behaved accordingly. Kate could read your words 1,000 times and probably never understand what you are saying. Thank you for sharing.

Tucker's Mom said...

Millicent said... 99
By the way, and totally off topic: I made a Pioneer Woman's recipe yesterday, in preparation for the heat wave bearing down on us this week.
I do "batch" cooking, too.
I made a ton of soup, braised beef and chicken with morels and ramps, and I'm done for days.
I have cooked pasta and cous cous to serve it over, and with salad it's many meals.

Ugh, actually, I remembered today that I bought a nice roaster chicken on sale that's got to get baked tomorrow- Peruvian chicken.

OK, now I'm done for a couple days!

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate showed early on with Jodi that she doesn't value someone that loves her children deeply and was a positive influence/role model for them.
Kate managed to couch that whole lost relationship/casting out of Jodi and Kevin on "protecting' her children.
Of course, the same goes for Jon.
She has to protect her kids from everyone, according to her.

I think Kate had/has the power to isolate them so she can control the narrative.

BTW, your story is amazing and touching. I'm sorry your dad chose not to be in the life of such an amazing person.

Anonymous said...

Tweet-le mine gets really hot too..not sure it is normal, but never bake unless I am home

GKD, loved your post.

My NPD mother completely bashed my dad, but I am fb friends with my siblings on his side..


GKD said...

Thanks, but my story isn't an exceptional or special one. Until the 2nd divorce our lives were a nightmare. After the divorce, it was a struggle. But I learned a lot from my mom during those times. I saw her struggle. I saw her work 2 & 3 jobs to support her 3 kids. She took us to school in the mornings, went to her office job. Came home and made dinner & then went to her 2nd job. Before bdays & holidays, she worked retail on the weekends for extra money. She showed the real meaning of going thru hell, picking yourself up, seeing what needs to be done and doing it all herself. And she managed to never bash either dad, not take her anger at them out on us. That's not saying she was perfect and never yelled. but her anger at THEM was never put onto us. She never received child support from either ex & didn't file against them because she said it wouldn't really help us in the long run to drag everyone thru it. She accepted support from family. Whether it was the occassional dinner invite, weekend sleepover for the kids, or someone buying "too many groceries" and bringing the extra over. Or having my uncle stand in as a surrogate father figure for my brothers. While I was at my mamaws, my brothers were at my mom's parents. Not only did it foster relationships & love, my mom could relax & know she didn't have to worry about the grocery bill doubling in the summer with 3 kids home all day.

It's just the reality of a divorced mom with kids than the mcmansion, 3 cars, gourmet kitchen, and happy happy joy joy. And it's also just my take on it from the child's view. I can't say what it's like for others in the same position, but I can speak about what it's like from one child's point of view. It absolutely had a deep impact on me and the kind of mom I hope I'm being.

Layla said...

I bet the pic of the van was tweeted because Kate and the kids were filming for the b-day episode. TLC wouldn't let them take pictures of the family

DT said...

Does anyone know which sky zone it was? I don't think there are any in her local area.

Tucker's Mom said...

Layla said... 109
I bet the pic of the van was tweeted because Kate and the kids were filming for the b-day episode. TLC wouldn't let them take pictures of the family
May 12, 2014 at 3:50 PM
I thought the update about the tups turning 10 was filmed a month or so ago?

lukebandit said...

Layla said... 109
I bet the pic of the van was tweeted because Kate and the kids were filming for the b-day episode. TLC wouldn't let them take pictures of the family.


Oh, Layla, that makes so much sense. If TLC was filming the tups birthday on Sat. they paid for it and all the goodies. She didn't have to pay anything.

I think she got some time with Steve. For Free.

I can't imagine how big the posts will be when Admin makes the post with her on CA! haha

Lalalalala said...

GKD, thank you for your story. It puts into perspective what a real family should be. Many kudos to your mom for being a mature, loving mom and not letting her disappoint in your dad get in the way of trying to foster a relationship with him for the sake of you and your brothers. Extended family is so terribly important for children and your mom 'got it'. You were so lucky to have her and mamaw, pawpaw and the rest of your family involved in your life.

Kate is too selfish to understand any of this.

Over In TFW's County said...

Does anyone know which sky zone it was? I don't think there are any in her local area.


Glen Mills. It's about 35 minutes or so away.

Over In TFW's County said...

I thought the update about the tups turning 10 was filmed a month or so ago?


That's what I thought, too.,,filmed in the beginning of March.

Over In TFW's County said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 11m
A good resolve I share w/ @kateplusmy8 > Maintain a positive mental attitude, look 4good N all, & be determined 2b an upbeat/happy person!

Do as I say, not as I do...huh, Milo? Unless, of course, this means that Milo is upbeat and happy when she's bashing Jon, calling him her ex from hell, accusing him of being a deadbeat dad, stealing groceries and having a restraining order issued against him. You look for good in all? Happy, happy, joy, joy...right, Gladys?

Such a gosh darn hypocrite.

sparkle said...

TLC stinks said... 62
She must have grifted something free:

Thx @skyzone &r friends 4 another fun day of memories! My tired jumpers r all tucked in2 bed--including me! #FunWay2SpendMomsDay #We❤️2Jump


Loosely translated into Katespeak:

fun memories = TLC paid!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!

sparkle said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 11m
A good resolve I share w/ @kateplusmy8 > Maintain a positive mental attitude, look 4good N all, & be determined 2b an upbeat/happy person!

She talkin' about Kate? Kate has few to no friends, no contact with family, a deep, searing hatred for the father of her children she can not contain and she is roundly despised by most American citizens. You don't end up like that if you're the shiny happy individual Milo described. In fact, every compliment they shower Kate with is usually the polar opposite of how she really is. Kooks, all of them.

Over In TFW's County said...

MsGoody2Shoes21 ‏@msgoody2shoes21 11m
@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 Sometimes you can't find any good in a meanie

Geez, another one! Look in the mirror, MsGoody. Someone should tweet some screen grabs of her horrible tirades against Jon.

Over And Out said...

When do we get to see Kate get fired on Celebrity Apprentice? Has any date been announced, or is it still hush-hush?

Rhymes with Witch said...

Kate is too selfish to understand any of this. 113

Selfish and immature. ~ Administrator said...

I never could quite grasp why they think this woman is so positive. You can say all day long you are positive but it doesn't make it so. As far as I have seen she can be extremely bitter, critical and unforgiving of others, to the point where it seems to me she has cut off the vast majority of people who have ever tried to love or befriend her. We have numerous examples of what a NEGATIVE person she is, just one of hundreds being her tirade about the school bus driver on twitter. One of the most inappropriate things I've ever seen her do. Where are there examples of her positivity? And I don't mean vague examples like "she has gone on with things despite her divorce!" I mean specific tangible examples. It's okay if you are a glass half empty person which I firmly believe she is, but for heaven sake don't go around in utter denial about who you are. I'm not exactly a rainbows and butterflies person myself, I wouldn't say I'm negative but I am pretty practical about things, but I don't go around posting every rainbow and butterfly I see pretending I'm that person....I'm just not.

If anyone is still watching Apprentice UK you know that Sir Allen is notorious for saying he HATES fluff words like "I'm a hard worker" or "I gave my all to this task!" He wants REAL WORLD EXAMPLES, not FLUFF. ~ Administrator said...

When do we get to see Kate get fired on Celebrity Apprentice? Has any date been announced, or is it still hush-hush?


I think we had speculated her last surviving task was the shoe thing or perhaps shortly afterward.

That would be so epic if she gets ousted over the shoes. Oh what fun that recap will be.

Tucker's Mom said...

I can't really remember the tweet about the bus driver- didn't he have to audacity to reprimand the kids or something?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

If anyone out there is a "Peanuts" you know when Charlie Brown gets exasperated, and throws his hands up and yells,
"AAUGH!!?" Well, that's how I feel when I read Gladys' tweets.
Logic is thrown completely out the window with this person. She has created some version of TFW's persona out of whole cloth. Upbeat?
Happy? Positive? Even TLC gave up on trying to pass that nonsense off as truth, and had Ashley and Jamie openly attack her on camera on that last show.

It reminds me of a teenage girl defending some boy she likes based on, well, nothing. But she thinks he's cute, and she wants him to love her, so she says and does anything necessary to get his attention. And she'll defend him with everything she's got. Except in a case like that, after a few months the teenage girl usually wises up, and is soon embarrassed that she invested so much time and energy in the loser.

TLC stinks said...

We only guessed it was filmed over spring break. ~ Administrator said...

I seem to remember a tweet from TFW a couple months ago that was pretty strongly hinting that something was going on as far as the special. In hindsight though I don't remember if it was clear she was talking about filming, or it's possible she meant just general planning/pre-production type things. Who knows. With TFW, even a 15 minute conference call to plan a few things would have her giddy with excitement and taking to Twitter to hint, tease, and hem and haw. ~ Administrator said...

I can't really remember the tweet about the bus driver- didn't he have to audacity to reprimand the kids or something?


Something like that. I don't think she gave us enough details to really know what that was about nor did we get the bus driver's version. What really bothered me about it is the sheeple asked, rightly so, why she didn't complain to the school. (Duh.) She said something along the lines of they had but nothing was done.

Poor thing! Or maybe the school made the call that you were whining about nothing and the bus driver was right. God forbid the school doesn't do exactly what Kate asks and fire her on the spot. In any case, there are many steps you can take if you are not happy with your school's decision, but not a single one of them involves whining to your 100,000 followers on Twitter. So inappropriate and how awful for that bus driver to be publicly shamed by the great TFW. She probably makes minimum wage. Whatever she makes it's not enough to deal with a spoiled D lister helicopter parent.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Franky, thanks for the reply. I'll probably try it again next time I need bread and just let it go through the whole cycle. And, right, I won't leave it unattended. Could be I've never really paid any attention to how it gets. ~ Administrator said...

Logic is thrown completely out the window with this person. She has created some version of TFW's persona out of whole cloth. Upbeat?


Milo's obsession with Kate is based largely on a fantasy. This fantasy they are dear friends, they do things together like walk/run miles together when they never have. Fantasies that they're raising the children/watching the children grow up. Fantasies she is a good mother devoted to the kids. Fantasies about who she even is as a person. In Milo's mind kind, generous, gracious, gentle. It's all just one big fantasy and none of it is based in reality. None of it.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Milo's obsession with Kate is based largely on a fantasy. This fantasy they are dear friends, they do things together like walk/run miles together when they never have. Fantasies that they're raising the children/watching the children grow up. Fantasies she is a good mother devoted to the kids. Fantasies about who she even is as a person. In Milo's mind kind, generous, gracious, gentle. It's all just one big fantasy and none of it is based in reality. None of it.


Yes, indeed. A fantasy world. She has never met Kate. She has never met the kids.

Which begs the question -- why isn't her LOM, her family, just letting this go? They MUST know about it. Are they pretending everything is fine and dandy with her, or do they know that absolutely nothing they can do or say will make any difference, so they just shove her delusions under the rug?

It's sad, and scary/

jolie Jacquelyn said...

If anyone is still watching Apprentice UK you know that Sir Allen is notorious for saying he HATES fluff words like "I'm a hard worker" or "I gave my all to this task!" He wants REAL WORLD EXAMPLES, not FLUFF.


Me.. me...I'm still watching when I can! Love this show. Just starting season 4 after accidentally watching season 5 out of order. I thought I'd tire of it, but so far it's better than a lot of shows available locally.

I haven't read too much about Sir Alan , so it might be that he's a twit, but so far he makes sense to me.

One of the things he stated was that the women were not to play coy with him..."flipping your BLOODY hair, because it won't work on me - a hard worker is what I'm after!"

jolie Jacquelyn said...

If anyone is still watching Apprentice UK you know that Sir Allen is notorious for saying he HATES fluff words like "I'm a hard worker" or "I gave my all to this task!" He wants REAL WORLD EXAMPLES, not FLUFF.

Me! I'm still watching the show. I'm starting season 4 after accidentally watching season 5 out of order. Still think it's better than a lot of shows available locally.

I haven't read much about Sir Alan, so he may be a phoney, but he makes sense to me. He stated at the outset that he didn't want the women playing coy with him - "flipping your BLOODY hair! I want results!" ~ Administrator said...

I haven't read much about Sir Alan, so he may be a phoney, but he makes sense to me. He stated at the outset that he didn't want the women playing coy with him - "flipping your BLOODY hair! I want results!"


He makes sense to me too. He has a very common sense approach to things. I think Trump usually gets it right but he still tends to play favorites now and again. Sir Alan won't play favorites. You're either good or you're not. He won't hesitate to fire the most charming person in the room if they screwed up.

The only thing I've noticed is that sometimes he falls for it when the other contestants will gang up on others. Too many terrible contestants have been able to talk their way out of it with him. I LOVE his assistants Margaret and Nick.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

Sorry for the extra post. When I completed the first one, it disappeared when I pressed "publish". Or so I thought!

cassie said...

Who still thinks Donald Sterling deserves to keep 'his' team?? Dude needs to be eradicated from earth, IMO. *spits on him*

Tucker's Mom said...

cassie said... 136
Who still thinks Donald Sterling deserves to keep 'his' team?? Dude needs to be eradicated from earth, IMO. *spits on him*
May 12, 2014 at 11:16 PM
It depends on what the NBA laws/guidelines are.
If being repugnant is cause to take his team away or force a sale, then yes.

I'm just not sure it works that way.

Mind you, his wife owns 50%, so a forced separation is going to be messy.

TLC stinks said...

Sterling's wife says he may be in early stages of dementia. Probably true. He has no filter. This is typical of dementia. Not making excuses since you have to have had those kind of opinions to begin with but at least had the sense to not be as vocal. Went through this with my mom.

Formerly Duped said...

maybe TLC will just add on the SkyZone footage to whatever they filmed over spring break. No wonder there was no party if so. ~ Administrator said...

Well I don't believe eradication is the appropriate punishment for racism so no.

The first thing I thought was he sounds senile. I thought this before I heard that his wife was saying the same. The rambling thoughts, the circular logic, the inexplicable bursts of anger. I listened to pieces of the interview he gave to my boyfriend Andersen and there were times where he called Andersen racist, and even he seemed to realize he as making no sense. He also truly seemed to have no recollection of certain things he said nor could he explain why he said certain things. This was not a "normal" conversation. Folks, he has dementia.

Even on the John and Ken show as they played it they were just cringing and saying okay we now we realize this is a senile elderly man here, holy cow.

Now I guess you could make the argument that dementia brings out the worst characteristics in people. Some people get very angry, others get very gentle and sweet. I don't know the research that would support whether this frustrating aspect of dementia is at all tied to who you really are as a person. We do know from his past he has been vile. The guy should see a doctor now though. ~ Administrator said...

By the way if he does suffer from dementia and is exhibiting the classic signs of unfiltered, rambling, vocalized inappropriate thoughts, I find it just as disgusting for someone to sell that tape to capitalize on someone's disintegrating brain. If you've ever walked down the hallway at a nursing home, every so often you will hear a patient ranting and raving to someone. I highly doubt most of those patients would have behaved that way before they grew old. Would you tape your great grandfather going off on someone in the nursing home and put it on youtube for a laugh? That's just sick. They were saying something like 50% of people his age and older have dementia, so I tend to believe it.

PatK said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8·5 mins
Took a time out:Had RARE & super fun dinner out w a friend last pm..feelin like Mother's Day lasted 2 days 4 me this yr! #Spoiled #Surprise!


Oh, was Steve in town again? lol

And didn't a month of pampering and being away from kids filming CA also feel like an extended Mother's Day? Why was this even worthy of tweeting? Just more narcissistic "look at me" garbage. ~ Administrator said...

Took a time out:Had RARE & super fun dinner out w a friend last pm


Huh? She just spent nearly two months in NYC. She didn't squeeze in several fun meals out in all that time away from the kids?

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: Took a time out:Had RARE & super fun dinner out w a friend last pm..feelin like Mother's Day lasted 2 days 4 me this yr! #Spoiled #Surprise!
I'd believe that it was RARE if the friend actually came to rural PA to have dinner with you because you don't seem to have any local friends. RARE that you're having time away from your kids which, I believe, is what you're trying to imply, doubtful. Maybe a trip to NYC to get your hair done? Fig & Olive anyone?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

"Rare" was always TFW's code word for -- "I do this all the time, but
I bet those knuckleheads who send me gift cards have no clue!"
"Rare treat" - spa day, fancy dinner, luxury vacation, and on and on.

Did all 8 kids stay with their dad, or did TFW have to pay for a sitter?

TLC stinks said...

What "friend'? It had to be Steve and I think he was at Sky Zone too. It would make total sense for Kate to take Steve away from HIS family on Mother's Day. She's that devious.

Anywho, we'll see when the TLC show airs if Sky Zone was filmed. We know the date for that now. There is NO WAY Kate would take those kids on such an outing, and NEVER without help (i.e. sitter or Steve). The only other friend she has is Jamie, so we'll see if those two are still bff's, but I'm with the crowd that thinks Sky Zone was filmed and Steve was her dinner date. It was either him or Jamie. That's it. She has no local friends.

Somewhere In Time said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8·5 mins
Took a time out:Had RARE & super fun dinner out w a friend last pm..feelin like Mother's Day lasted 2 days 4 me this yr! #Spoiled #Surprise!

Maybe Gladys showed up, got tired looking in the windows, Kate felt sorry for her and took her out to Sonic for supper in the car.

Somewhere In Time said...

Has Kate ever tweeted anything that didn't involve herself? Is she even capable of it?

JR said...

KATE HAS A FRIEND??????????!!!!!!!!!

OrangeCrusher1 said...

I would be rather surprised if TLC would haul a film crew out on Mother's Day, paying extra per union rules for the weekend hours. After all, they, and the wicked witch, had no trouble filming Xmas in October. My guess, and only a guess, is that it may been Jon's weekend or turn to have the tups on their real birthday, and she was forced to share Mother's Day with them. My second just a guess is that Jamie came to town, since we all know neither dinner out nor Skeeve time is a rare treat.

Tucker's Mom said...

If Sterling does have dementia, and he showed signs and symptoms in his AC interview, then I'm beginning to understand how V. could get him to buy her millions of dollars worth of "gifts", but never really put out.

sparkle said...

TLC stinks said... 146

Anywho, we'll see when the TLC show airs if Sky Zone was filmed. We know the date for that now. There is NO WAY Kate would take those kids on such an outing, and NEVER without help (i.e. sitter or Steve). The only other friend she has is Jamie, so we'll see if those two are still bff's, but I'm with the crowd that thinks Sky Zone was filmed and Steve was her dinner date. It was either him or Jamie. That's it. She has no local friends.

Exactly. When I read her tweet about #making memories I laughed and made a snarky post about it here last night. The next day, I realize it's not so funny. It's beyond sad that she will not take her kids on an extended day outing unless TLC is paying for it and paying HER to do it.

She became spoiled very early on when the tups were young and they filmed at places that were closed for them or gave them special accomodations. She is now unable and unwilling to function as a regular citizen. Unless TLC or some other entity is paying and providing an entourage and film crew, she's not taking them anywhere.

Somewhere In Time said...

What "friend'? It had to be Steve and I think he was at Sky Zone too. It would make total sense for Kate to take Steve away from HIS family on Mother's Day. She's that devious.

If it were Steve, it wouldn't have been "rare." She's just been with him for how many weeks in New York?

mscatie said...

For those who've never experienced up close and personal the effects of dementia and associated behavior changes it is an insidious disease. Your loved one can and often do display verbal & physical outbursts that you would never in a million years think you'd see.

My mom was the most gentle, loving mother you could hope to have but this terrible, terrible disease turned her into a swearing, hateful and sometimes violent stranger. Believe me, this wasn't her. It was the disease and the disease alone. We were told behavior changes depends on what area of the brain has been destroyed as the disease progresses.

I'm not making excuses for this man because I don't know him and his comments could possibly reflect who he is. It's just that I would hate to think my beautiful mother was judged by a chance encounter during her final years based on behavior controlled by a diseased, deteriorating brain.

sparkle said...

Somewhere In Time said... 148
Has Kate ever tweeted anything that didn't involve herself? Is she even capable of it?

Sigh...... I know right? Once the tups were safely delivered, that should have been the end of the whining and constant stories about what she did to get them here. Ten years later, she's still demanding props and adulation for what millions of women do every year. They had no control over being a high multiple birth, they didn't ask for this, they shouldn't be made to worship her for eternity for lying on bedrest. She's sick.

Somewhere In Time said...

The only other friend she has is Jamie, so we'll see if those two are still bff's, but I'm with the crowd that thinks Sky Zone was filmed and Steve was her dinner date. It was either him or Jamie. That's it. She has no local friends.

She didn't say it was a local friend. It sounds more like it was a surprise visit from someone out of town.

JoyinVirginia said...

OT DWTS was terrific last night! And Amazing Race is very entertaining. No spoilers but speculation, early on the country singers got the cowboys to give them the extra fast pass, so they could avoid the construction task that they just could not do. The girls reasoned with the cowboys that they (girls) were not a threat and cowboys should help them out. And the cowboys did! Now the girls are still in the race! Seeing that film, foreshadowing? Interesting speculation.
And Survivor is more entertaining than ever!
If NBC ever puts on ” i'm a celebrity, get me out of here” again, I would so watch it if TFMJG was on. or that ” Masked and Afraid” show. That's a Discovery show, right? It could happen.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

And once again, TFW considers time apart from her kids as a Mother's Day treat!

AuntieAnn said...

Somewhere In Time said... 148

Has Kate ever tweeted anything that didn't involve herself? Is she even capable of it?



AuntieAnn said...

JR said... 149

KATE HAS A FRIEND??????????!!!!!!!!!


lol! Maybe it's that guy she posed with at the Target store the other day.

Over And Out said...

Weren't the sheep saying that the RWA bloggers and Kate haters had BV suspended? He's tweeting that some felon was the one who had him suspended with fake court docs.

Honestly, I can't keep up with this stuff... ~ Administrator said...

I'm not making excuses for this man because I don't know him and his comments could possibly reflect who he is. It's just that I would hate to think my beautiful mother was judged by a chance encounter during her final years based on behavior controlled by a diseased, deteriorating brain.


Neither am I but I am also quite sensitive to the effects of dementia because as I shared some time back my dad has Alzheimer's. He does not make remarks like Sterlings however the scattered thought process and inability to remember or explain past actions is IDENTICAL.

While he has not had any angry outbursts he does have incidents where a casual observer might thing he's not that bright. For instance, forgetting how to use a mouse, or not being able to open a door that says "pull" because he keeps pushing. My dad is very young, which may add to people's snap judgments. He was a computer programmer. He's not dumb. But are people thinking oh that poor retarded man? Just like people are thinking Sterling is a racist?

If someone was taking advantage of an aging man's lack of control over his scattered and incomprehensible thoughts, I find that just as disgusting as the thoughts themselves. This whole thing did not smell right to me from the beginning, something was "off" about it. I just thought it was a publicity stunt, but this is like that final piece of the puzzle. There is evil involved in this that is for sure, and it's not just the evilness of racism now. ~ Administrator said...

You know what I find helpful too is to contrast this with the Sandusky interview. Nothing about Sandusky seemed confused, scattered, or not able to control his thoughts or understand his thoughts. He knew exactly who he was and what he did. He just didn't feel bad about it.

The man is sick, but he is a sick man who knows exactly what is going on. This was like night and day from the Sterling interview. Sterling did not know what was going on in any kind of normal fashion. I expected to come out of it hating him. I came out of it extremely uncomfortable instead.

DWINDLE said... (Administrator) said... 140
Well I don't believe eradication is the appropriate punishment for racism so no.

The first thing I thought was he sounds senile. I thought this before I heard that his wife was saying the same. The rambling thoughts, the circular logic, the inexplicable bursts of anger. I listened to pieces of the interview he gave to my boyfriend Andersen and there were times where he called Andersen racist, and even he seemed to realize he as making no sense. He also truly seemed to have no recollection of certain things he said nor could he explain why he said certain things. This was not a "normal" conversation. Folks, he has dementia.

I have a tremendous amount of professional experience with people with dementia, and after watching the interview I can definitely agree he has an 'age-related' thought process disorder. He tried hard to reign himself in on several occasions during that interview which may mean he is still in early stages. What struck me is how hurt he is that so many folks courted him, praised him, and have sucked up to him over the years and have now deserted him. He thought all these users and hangers-on were friends and now he has seen their true colors. He is truly reeling from all of this.

With dementia often comes the inability to control one's emotions and those emotions are often greatly exaggerated, too. And as most of the posters here know, Alzheimer's and dementia are not necessarily the same thing at all.

I once had an elderly man with dementia call his long time home care aid the N word. She was devastated but was trying to be understanding. One day during a moment of clarity, she told him (in my presence) what he had said to her. He was shocked. He got very tearful and reached for her hand and told her he loved her like a grand daughter and trusted her more than anyone in his life. He said "You get me naked every day; you handle my money. You trust me to hold your own children. I would never do anything to hurt you, I am so sorry." ~ Administrator said...

I once had an elderly man with dementia call his long time home care aid the N word. She was devastated but was trying to be understanding. One day during a moment of clarity, she told him (in my presence) what he had said to her. He was shocked. He got very tearful and reached for her hand and told her he loved her like a grand daughter and trusted her more than anyone in his life. He said "You get me naked every day; you handle my money. You trust me to hold your own children. I would never do anything to hurt you, I am so sorry."


Exactly what I've witnessed at the nursing home. My mom's first job was in a nursing home kitchen and she endured abuse from patients who could not control themselves.

One moment a patient would be saying to a nurse you f-ing b&tch get the hell over here! A few minutes later he would be tearful and sweet. God bless those who care for the aging. When he said I don't remember saying that I thought that was the strangest response to all this UNLESS it's the truth, he doesn't remember it.

Ugh. This situation is sick.

Kate is a twit said...

I'm surprised Kate hasn't posted anything about the tups' birthday or Mother's Day on her website. The last 2 years she posted about their birthdays, and last year she had a post about Mother's Day.

But "honestly", what more can she write about? The shrieks and squeals of delight? The billion days of bed rest?

It could just be laziness on her part, but I hope that Jon has had something to do with her cutting down on posting pics of the kids and writing about them on her blog.

How sad for Kate that there was not one single news article about the tups birthday. No media mention at all.

I did notice that after some sites starting posting celebrity's Mother's Day tweets, Kate tweeted a Happy Mother's Day. I guess she hoped someone would pick up her tweet. Sorry Kate, too late.

Of course, she'll be back in the news when CA airs. The NBC website for CA has been updated, but all it says is "Coming Soon".

Hmm, if that's anything like Kate's "coming soon" it may never air.

Tucker's Mom said...

You know what just hit me about Sterling's interview with AC, where he goes off about Magic Johnson and having AIDS (which he doesn't)?

AC is of course, gay, and I'm sure has been affected by the disease in his life, and remained so composed.

What a professional.

Kate is a twit said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 2h
Taught Alexis meaning of 'All's well that ends well' when her am didn't go as planned&we had2make 'Plan B' together..IT WORKED! #LifeSkills

So, Kate--What's YOUR "Plan B"? Almost 3 years since you had a TV show, and you still haven't come up with anything else.

lukebandit said...

This reminds me of when I was on a different hall several years ago. An elderly lady in a wheelchair was sitting outside my door, which was closed, but I could clearly hear her say:

The law has been called...pause...and their on their way.

She did this for a solid 4 hours. It got to the point where it started affecting me, for I actually started looking out the window, where I could see just a bit of the front parking lot to see if the law was out there.

When I realized that I had fell for it, I cried.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Donald Sterling doesn't have dementia-(IMO) he just a old racist.

He's in damage control trying to save his money and he trying to stay in owner ship of his team.

People have report Sterling was like this 10-20-30 yrs ago so I guess he had dementia then to?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Let's not forget that Sterling doesn't hate just blacks he's not a fan of other races either. ~ Administrator said...

You seem to be forgetting that he paid the largest fine possible for housing discrimination.


Excuse me? I'm not forgetting any of that. Did you not see when I specifically said: "We do know from his past he has been vile."

We do KNOW. His past was VILE. Not sure how I could have been any clearer to you.

I have no problem with ousting him or otherwise punishing him for his past behavior that is properly and fairly on record. I do have a problem with using a private tape of a senile old man to do the same.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tucker's Mom said... 151
If Sterling does have dementia, and he showed signs and symptoms in his AC interview, then I'm beginning to understand how V. could get him to buy her millions of dollars worth of "gifts", but never really put out.

I think he was just her sugar daddy.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Don't all racist say "I'm not a racist"???

Millicent said...

I think the jury is out on whether Mr. Sterling truly has dementia, or is playing the dementia card in hopes it will garner some sympathy. If he does have dementia, that is yet another reason why he should be removed as owner of the Clippers. If he's not in his right mind, then he needs proper medical care and ownership should be transferred (by sale or to his wife), so that the business of ownership can be run by someone with full mental faculties.

His comments regarding Magic Johnson were appalling. If he has family who love him (and I hope he does), I am sure they were mortified.

My personal take is that in Mr. Sterling's case - years of privilege, greed, and prejudices are coming home to roost. So be it.

AuntieAnn said...

chefsummer said... 173

I think he was just her sugar daddy.


Not too hard to tell her favorite color is green, is it?

Kate is a twit said...

I don't know if Donald Sterling has dementia or not, but now his wife is going around saying that she thinks he has dementia. She said that to Barbara Walters 2days ago, and repeated it on the Today Show this morning. It's like she's trying to make up an excuse for what he's said and done.

If he truly does have dementia, then I would feel bad he was used the way he was. Taking advantage of a person with dementia/Alzheimer's is truly horrendous.

But the thing is, unless he has been diagnosed as such, there's no way of knowing whether he was used or not.

Millicent said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 11m
A good resolve I share w/ @kateplusmy8 > Maintain a positive mental attitude, look 4good N all, & be determined 2b an upbeat/happy person!
Lordy Be! She's as delusional as Donald Sterling lol.

Seriously, the wiring in Gladys' brain is most definitely faulty.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I would have more respect if Sterling owned what he said.

If he said "I did say these horrible things I'm so sorry that I said them. It's how I was taught and I'm trying to be better if you were offend please accept my apology.

Kate is a twit said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 1h
@Kateplusmy8 So happy 2hear that someone stepped up & #Spoiled you! A well deserved break! That's what friends are for! :)

So Milo, when has Kate spoiled any of her friends if that's what friends are for? Kate is always the "spoilee", never the "spoiler". Has she "spoiled" you lately? I thought you were her "friend"?

Millicent said...

GKD said:
She's more into punishing others by taking her kids away from love than allowing her children to be loved by family.
Your mother sounds like a very loving parent who truly put your best interests first. Thank you for sharing your own story :)

Millicent said...

GKD said:
I saw her struggle. I saw her work 2 & 3 jobs to support her 3 kids. She took us to school in the mornings, went to her office job. Came home and made dinner & then went to her 2nd job. Before bdays & holidays, she worked retail on the weekends for extra money. She showed the real meaning of going thru hell, picking yourself up, seeing what needs to be done and doing it all herself
I've been in those shoes, where you just work your butt off to make ends meet. Your mom did what had to be done, like so many other moms (both single or otherwise) do every day. That's why it annoys the heck out of me when Kate acts like she works so hard "all for my 8 kids." She does the least of any mom I've ever seen!

Millicent said...

mscatie said... 154
I agree that dementia and Alzheimer's can take your loved one and turn them into someone that not only doesn't know you -- you don't know them! They aren't the person you knew and loved all your life. It is heartbreaking.

Donald Sterling may be in the early stages of dementia. However, his past deeds are fairly well documented and I think the views he expressed in his interview with AC are ones he's held and shared over the course of his lifetime. People have known for years that he's a racist, among other things. Kareen Abdul-Jabbar pointed out in an excellent article that he wondered why people were all of a sudden getting all riled up over Sterling's racism based on a taped conversation he had with Stiviano -- when for years his discriminatory behavior and racism were well known to people who knew the guy. I think what we saw in that interview was Sterling sharing his actual beliefs, without the filter he might have used if he still had all his mental faculties.

Millicent said...

Admin said:
But are people thinking oh that poor retarded man? Just like people are thinking Sterling is a racist?
I just want to be sure I understand your remarks. Are you saying that you do not believe Sterling is racist? That he is not racist, but what's happening is that he's got dementia and is thus only saying racist things solely because he has dementia?

I am very sorry about your dad, and for anyone who has a family member with dementia or Alzheimer's. We had a dear family friend who got Alzheimer's. This vibrant, witty, intelligent man disappeared before our eyes. He withdrew - you could see him slip in and out of awareness. One minute, he knew who we were, and could join the conversation. The next, you could see his eyes cloud and an anxious look cross his face - "where am I and who are these people?"

I think Sterling's past behavior demonstrates that he is prejudiced against blacks, Hispanics, and probably anyone who isn't wealthy, white and male. His dementia (if he is in the early stages of dementia) is merely breaking down the discipline that allowed him to camouflage his beliefs in situations where it would be unacceptable to share them.

Also, maybe it's because I have a sister with Down's Syndrome - but I never think "oh that poor retarded anybody." My sister is not a poor retarded person. She is an exceptionally loving, giving, kind-hearted funny individual. When I see another Down's person, I smile at them and think "what a sweet smile they have." If I saw your father in public pushing on a door that says "pull," I can promise you I would not think "oh that poor retarded man." I would merely smile at him, pull the door gently open and say "Here you go." that's all. ~ Administrator said...

Where was the public's outrage when all of this was happening in the past? The NAACP was ready to give this man an award. I find the shock and awe now when he's 80 rather perplexing when he apparently has spent a lifetime being racist. I still think Jabbar summed this up the best and I'll defer to his comments.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think what we saw in that interview was Sterling sharing his actual beliefs, without the filter he might have used if he still had all his mental faculties.
May 13, 2014 at 10:52 AM (Administrator) said... 184
Where was the public's outrage when all of this was happening in the past?
Millicent, I agree that entitlement, never being told "no", and perhaps slipping of mental faculties caused him to say such outrageous things to AC.

The NAACP's outrage was bought off and silenced.

chefsummer #Leh said...

AuntieAnn said... 176
chefsummer said... 173

I think he was just her sugar daddy.


Not too hard to tell her favorite color is green, is it?

Of course.

chefsummer #Leh said... (Administrator) said... 184
Where was the public's outrage when all of this was happening in the past?

Good question.

The same can be asked Jerry Sandusky or Paula Deen heck even Kate.

How did Kate get away with abusing the kids for so long?

chefsummer #Leh said...

I also don't like how Sterling is judging Magic saying her slept around and yet Sterling is cheating on his wife of what 35 plus years?

Tucker's Mom said...

chefsummer said... 189
I also don't like how Sterling is judging Magic saying her slept around and yet Sterling is cheating on his wife of what 35 plus years?
May 13, 2014 at 12:06 PM
I'm shocked, shocked!
A professional athlete having sex with the countless women who throw themselves at them?

That doesn't really happen, does it?

Tucker's Mom said...

How did Kate get away with abusing the kids for so long?
It all comes down to money.

Each one of these situations comes down to money.

TLC stinks said...

I never heard of Sterling until the tape recording. Unfortunately, I think there are many, many people who have no idea how awful Kate Gosselin is.

TLC stinks said...

I want to add that if anyone says he may have dementia, that is not making an excuse. The guy has apparently always been prejudiced, but it's so blatant now because whatever social filter he had is now impaired. And I believe the bimbo girlfriend knew exactly what buttons to push with Sterling and tape recorded the exchange in some sort of attempt to extort more money.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tucker's Mom said... 190

Their is no such thing as groupies lol.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Tucker's Mom said... 191

This what I was hinting at I just didn't want to be obvious-(LOL).

Also many people have aid that they have filed lawsuits against Mr & Miss Sterling however the suit were handled out of court.

Millicent said... (Administrator) said... 185

Where was the public's outrage when all of this was happening in the past? The NAACP was ready to give this man an award. I find the shock and awe now when he's 80 rather perplexing when he apparently has spent a lifetime being racist. I still think Jabbar summed this up the best and I'll defer to his comments.
Well - the first I heard of Donald Sterling and his racist viewpoints was when that tape was leaked to TMZ. Then, reading about it online led me to learn about the past discrimination lawsuits against him. I also read comments and articles by people within the NBA who told of being well aware of his prejudices. But since I am not a member of the NBA, haven't really followed basketball until just this year, and have never looked up the names of any owners of NBA teams and done research on them - that's why I wasn't disgusted by Mr. Sterling until recently.

I would say my experience is probably similar to that of a great number of people.

Further, even with his known prejudices and past discrimination lawsuits, (and as you pointed out in other posts), he could still legally purchase the Clippers, which he did. Other team owners might not have liked it, but what legal recourse could they have to stop the sale?

The question I have is: have the Clippers and/or the NBA suffered financial losses due to loss of advertising revenue, sponsorships, and the like, because of Donald Sterling? If so, that may provide some sort of argument for why he should no longer be able to own the Clippers - if they could demonstrate that his continued ownership of the Clippers would cause financial losses to the team, and to other teams/team owners.

Since Sterling has done this interview, raising suspicions that he's no longer in full control of his mental faculties, that's yet another piece of leverage the NBA can use against him. Will it be enough? I don't know. I do know that in the court of public opinion - he's toast.

While I wish the sports and mainstream media had made bigger noises about Sterling's prejudices, no one can go back and change the past. So whether it should have been raised before or not -- it's being raised now. Let's not suggest it should be ignored or forgiven, simply because it wasn't raised sooner.

Rhymes with Witch said...

How did Kate get away with abusing the kids for so long?
It all comes down to money. 191

I firmly.believe that TLC enabled.this as well. ~ Administrator said...

The question I have is: have the Clippers and/or the NBA suffered financial losses due to loss of advertising revenue, sponsorships, and the like, because of Donald Sterling


It'll be tough to prove that one. Every single seat in the arena has been filled since this happened. People have rallied to show the team it's not you it's him. People are wild for the team, it's mayhem here and you sooner can have lunch with Obama than get a ticket to the games. All this publicity seems to have created an unprecedented amount of good will and money. Which makes me all the more suspicious. The more this goes on and on, the more the old man is encouraged to rant and rave, the more those seats will fill up and the more the money flows. No one gave a flying fig about the team until now. It was all about the Lakers until tmz decided a private conversation was a story.

Millicent my point is exactly what you're saying. You didn't know about it because the media deemed his long history of racism and other abuse a non story. So how could the average person know unless someone decides it's important? I hate when the media sets the agenda and the public played right into their hands on this one. We should be demanding to know why we were not informed of this man sooner but no one seems to be demanding that and the media has done a lovely job of distracting us with controversial kitchen table rantings from a senile old man. Well done, I hope they buy themselves something nice with the spoils.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Each one of these situations comes down to money.191

I also think the pending award (to Sterling) from the NAACP would have been in return for a donation.

Tucker's Mom said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 197
How did Kate get away with abusing the kids for so long?
It all comes down to money. 191

I firmly.believe that TLC enabled.this as well.

They are exactly who enabled this and cocooned Kate (and Jon to an extent) with staff, body guards, film crews, PA's, managers, PR handlers and lawyers, many lawyers.
She was untouchable for a while there.

sparkle said...

What is this world coming to?

Playgrounds are being built in CT and dedicated to the child victims of Sandy Hook. Some of them are being vandalized by people who are convinced Sandy Hook was a hoax. The sign from Grace McDonnell's playground was stolen. The person who stole the sign then called her mother and said her daughter never exsisted and that Mrs. McDonnell was in on the "conspiracy."

I hate, hate, hate the fact that we live in a world where people just pick and choose only what they want to believe in order to fit and mold their agenda. Even if the facts are undisputable, dispute them. Make up lies that fit your agenda, and use that as an excuse to harrass and torment people who are already deeply traumatized. Unspeakably disgusting.

Kate is a twit said...

Kate's sheeple will never get it.

Lisa Adcox ‏@poorbabi · 10m
@Kateplusmy8 glad you had some adult time.All moms need that.

What about all the weeks she was in NYC filming CA, especially with Steve in tow? How conveniently they forget that.

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