Well, just from the pic above, this looks to be a rent a carnival. And in the background in the tent looks to be adults running things. The fish are most likely goldfish. Who is Kate trying to kid here? Most people out there in the real world could not afford a carnival like this, churches, school, communities, can.
Oh, I just had a thought, maybe why Kate had a carnival for the kids in the backyard, is cause maybe the towns around where they live have the end of school carnivals, and Kate is just too LAZY to take the kids to any of them! And that surprise might be a petting zoo.
From previous thread: Does anyone know if Julie Carson may is still agent for Kate and kids? I didn't see Kate on the media motion international website?
I'm not sure about Julie Carson May. TFW hasn't been listed on her site for some time, but I doubt she lists all of her clients. Whoever it is must have their hands full trying to get her work especially after the release of Robert's book.
We don't subscribe to TLC, therefore anything I learn about these update shows is from this blog. Admin, thanks for the snippet above, it does give me some insight.
I was amazed to see other people present, but am I right in saying this seemed stifled, joyless and staged? There never seems to be any genuine fun, everyone seems to be in the long shadow of the controlling Kate.
It appears Alexis won a goldfish, but TFW just cannot cope with another mouth to feed. Mady tried to defend her sister, but nope, Kate talked over her and dismissed any notion of having another creature added to their "zoo".
She is a mean-spirited, self-involved narcissist who does not care a whit about her children.
-I find it curious that in part one we never saw Zorro flying anywhere. Based on my reading, I am finding that although Conure parrots can indeed fly, most of them have their wings clipped. Perhaps the bird experts out there can provide more detailed info please? But for the sake of argument let's say that he can indeed fly. Then why the heck would you let him fly lose why you're preparing a cake?
Funny you should mention that. I clipped 14 wings today. Some were not at all thrilled to have it done. Parrots can still fly with their wings clipped, but they can't do the Hitchcock birds thing. They can take off and land, but they can't fly around the house like a bat out of hell. With clipped wings, it's tough for them to gain height.
That said, I did have one eclectus who, despite the fact that her wings were clipped as far down as possible, still managed free flight quite well. We never could figure out how she did it.
You wouldn't let a bird loose if you're preparing a cake. In fact, I'd never let a bird loose in the kitchen. I read on Twitter that someone reminded Kate of the dangers of cooking with Teflon. It's toxic and can kill birds. Ditto with scented candles and Febreze. Their respiratory systems just can't withstand the perfume and chemicals they put into some products. I know Kate won't take any advice, particularly from non-fans, but if there are fans out there who read here and have Twitter, it would be kind of them to remind Kate of these dangers. I don't know if it would do any good, though. Kate does what Kate wants to do.
I don't know either, but according to Robert's book Baby Jane has to have a certain income to remain on contract with Julie May. I don't think investment interest would count. I also think that JM busted her butt for Baby Jane. I hope that JM was well paid.
I made comment to this on the last post but I want to bring the sentiment over.
It boggles the mind that someone who is doing it all for her kids, and snapped at this same child to "speak, now's your chance", would so blatantly talk over her own kid.
Mady was clearly trying to contribute to the conversation and Kate merely glanced in her daughter's direction and continued flapping her gums.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 15m 14 min til our Carnival Birthday Party on @TLC starts. Kids&Mommy in pjs ready w cookies in hand&Zorro is here too! #Shokaisinsidesleeping
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 15m 14 min til our Carnival Birthday Party on @TLC starts. Kids&Mommy in pjs ready w cookies in hand&Zorro is here too! #Shokaisinsidesleeping
I thought she said the kids were going to have friends over to watch the show....did that happen last week then?
Oh, My Lanta! Right off the bat, Zorro is on Alexis shoulder, ran up to her neck and and with his beak, he looked like he was trying to take her eyeball out!
I'm going out so I have to type this fast. A while back one of my kids was telling me that there was a blind gossip about a reality star that was bugging her agent every day to get her work. The agent was complaining to people that the reality star would complain that she was a big star and why was she not getting anything. Apparently the agent couldn't stand her.
Maybe Kate?? I don't know who it was but maybe someone saw that particular gossip item.
Not even 10 minutes in and she said she doesn't run because she broke her FOOT last year. Does she not remember she got busted by her own kids that it was a toe and not her foot? Is that Steve in the white shorts and black top?
Not watching, but following along on Twitter, I saw this:
Julia Hatmaker @JuliaHatmaker 3m It's like Mother Nature doesn't want Kate to throw this party. Hail storms, crazy wind... #KatePlus8
Remember the hail storm in Berks County? That's when a girl from a Chinese restaraunt tweeted that TFW made a reservation under a fake name and it was hailing? We speculated that it was on TLC's dime? There you go!
adam lorentzen @adamelevate ·5 mins Accidentally saw 1 minute of #KatePlus8, I am actually dumber for watching this vapid, entitled megalomaniac conduct her poor children.
When they showed Jamie and Kate at the bar eating, there were some brown beer bottles there next to Jamie and I thought I saw Jamie drink from one and put it down. I could be wrong.
If you didn't want the extra fish at the end of the carnival, why didn't you just give them away? No, it is more work for the kids to do.
I think that really deep down that circus party is for kate because she is the center of attention. The clown wig, jumping up on the Velcro wall. Let your kids do these things. Not you!
Mady was clearly trying to contribute to the conversation and Kate merely glanced in her daughter's direction and continued flapping her gums.
She really is a good flapper, though, you have to give her that much, Flapping gums, flapping hands, flapping (or flopping?) boobs (much to Milo's delight).
Her kids could not even enjoy the party they didn't want without listening to mommy say how tired and exhausted she was from pretending to put on a carnival. And she just called every other guest "nauseated"
@Kateplusmy8: FYI:Our lovely crew also enjoyed some of the 'Zorro cake' ..&said it was some of yummiest cake they've had2date! #WereTheyJustHungry? @TLC
@Kateplusmy8: Mady and Caras friends DO love me.. And I love them dearly #Gr8Girls @TLC
And then there's this.....
@Kateplusmy8: Not to be disrespectful to God, but I had had enough of this scary unpredictable and worrisome weather! #SorryGod @TLC
Natalie @Dolphins341430 18s @Kateplusmy8 How do u plan to top this birthday? Haha!! :) You've officially have raised the bar for all parents out there! :)
What a dumb question. She'll have to get TLC to foot the bill, you dimwit. Raised the bar for all parents? Oh, sure...every parent has a few grand in their budget for their kids' birthday parties.
Can't find the tweet now, but Kate said it was a lot of exhausting work, but she'd throw a big shindig like this again. And included "@TLC" at the end.
OF COURSE at the end she has to mention how this was also a celebration of how she has survived 10 years of being their mom. I really don't think I have ever encountered someone so self absorbed in my life!!
I was watching The Sixties on CNN and flipped to TLC several times. I noticed that only Mady was on the couch with Kate. Was she shown participating in the party or anything else?
@Kateplusmy8: Perhaps I was regretting (a wee bit) such a huge overwhelming labor intensive party..But I'll do it all again, 1st chance I get, so.. @TLC
(Leslie) Kate commenting at the end that the reason she celebrates with super over the top big parties (can't remember her exact word) is because it is a celebration for her 6 healthy kids. What a lie! She celebrates grandly ONLY when TLC is there footing the bill and paying her a big paycheck.
With all her " expensive toys" why doesn't Kate own a home video camera. That way she could have capture all the birthday parties when TLC isn't there. Oh that's right. The parties are a big nothing and there is nothing to capture when she has to foot the bill for the party. And why film it because there would be no audience (millions) for her to speak to a camera about every little detail in her pathetic life.
Does anybody know how many friends were there? It did not seem like many at all.
OF COURSE at the end she has to mention how this was also a celebration of how she has survived 10 years of being their mom. I really don't think I have ever encountered someone so self absorbed in my life!!
That is so self serving it's hysterical.
Next birthday I'l be sure to remind my mother it's actually a celebration of HER motherhood. How awesome she gets TWO birthdays!
Isn't she lying about how long her and Jamie have been friends...since Mady and Cara were 1 years old?
I think that's right. I think they did meet in some kind of support group for parents of multiples, as I recall.
Not that there is anything wrong with support groups but seems rather dramatic just for twins. Plus I bet she went for the attention and to make sure everyone knew her situation was more difficult than theirs, not for "support."
(Leslie) Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 23m We have needed a utility vehicle for fun&for work for so long! Their driving ability will determine who gets their licenses 1st! LOL! @TLC ________________ They needed a utility vehicle for fun. Unbelievable the greed and disillusion of this woman. And the hardest day of her life. Wow! With her two friends, production helpers, Steve, Mady and Cara and all their friends helping...I can't believe this was the hardest day of her life.
And the hardest day of her life. Wow! With her two friends, production helpers, Steve, Mady and Cara and all their friends helping...I can't believe this was the hardest day of her life.
I believe it. There really aren't very many "hard-working days" to choose from with this WOS.
I see Kate was doing the I do everything myself crap. Did Kate not go to the party store with the kids, in part 1 for birthday stuff? So why did she not get all those party stuff then when she had the kids with her. That was really stupid.
I was doing the karma dance, when everything blew away, and the cake got ruined, and yes Kate used canned frosting, on that first cake.
So the fish were Betta fish. Poor fish! Who in the hell uses Betta fish for a ball toss in a bowl game? Normal people & carnivals use goldfish. But, Kate did say she only buys the best, and Betta fish are not cheap,unless they are last of the stock, and they need to get rid of them. These fish start at $3. a fish, compare to feeder goldfish: 13 cents. That is why Kate did not give the rest of the fish away. She bought 14, I do not think Petsmart had that many for $3, some of those fish were $4-6 each. Those kids did not seem or look too thrilled about getting a golf cart drive around the property. They run about $3,000. Yeah Kate piecing & patching, I have no money! I love how Kate said at first of the golf cart: I bought this, then changed to it was a family gift. Which is it Kate you bought it or TLC gifted it?
This party is what is known as a: over the top birthday party, and mostly rich & famous people give these kind of parties. there was a reality show that showed these kinds of parties. Normal/mundane/average people 1. can not afford such parties 2. no Kate you are not a normal mom, like every one else. What a waste of an hour, I should have watched the reruns of Law & Order.
I haven't watched yet but I imagine the poor kids have mixed feelings about the golf cart. After all Kate can use it as a way to have them do even more choring around the property. Now they can drive it out to the far reaches of the property and do choring out there.
I think they're too young to be driving that IMO anyway.
More fun to watch than TFMJG: Last Comic Standing, its really funny! New thread, and maybe some new pistes will check out the blog. Here is a list of commonly encountered acronyms here. Kate Gosselin is also known as: Baby Jane (the resemblance to Bette Davis), Shmoopie (its just funny), TFW the former wife, TCFW the crazy former wife, TFMJG the former Mrs Jon Gosselin, Katie Irene, Ms Kreider, Katie Irene Kreider her maiden name, also WOS waste Of Space (Kate referred to Grand Canyon as waste of space, we recycle and use it for her), also the Warden because of her many rules and abuse of the children. Child abuser and animal abuser are also used by some to refer to her. The Orphanage, the Kompound is where the children live and apparently have their food intake strictly monitored and work a schedule the envy of any Dickensian poor house. Steve Nield security, manager, also known as Rat Claws, Purse Boy and Booby Feel free to add any other of your favorite terms for TFMJG!
Some highlights for those that are smarter than me and didn't watch this mess: -Kate lies, then TLC cuts to footage or (even better!) the kids contradicting her on the couch. -Kate "works" while the kids are in school, and by "work" the boys say it means she either goes back to bed or runs errands. -Kate claims that the twins friends "love her", but Mady immediately corrects her and and says that her friends don't like her and that they are "afraid of her". Hmmm..."afraid"..... That's interesting choice of words. -Jamie comes to Kates rescue (without her children), and arrives in a Cadillac limo. -Deanna is seen but not mentioned. -considering Kate has been planning this since spring break, she's doing a lot of things last minute ( including the actual day of the party). I know that somethings will always be last minute, but most organized people would've had done most of it prior to the day of the party. For example, why did she wait to stuff the piƱata just minutes before the party started? -they show Kate early on the morning of the party with wet hair running around doing last minute stuff. Curiously enough, (hours later and minutes before the guests arrive), it's still wet and she makes a big fuss of needing to finish getting ready. -very few guests. in fact it, it appears they all fit in one shuttle, and the majority of the carnival was run by professionals, (including tents, set up, food, and games). -in my estimation there are only about 15 to 20 children including the six little kids, and they can be seen lined up single file for the piƱata (so much fun! NOT!). Plus there appeared to be about six friends of the twins to help out. -The John Deere utility vehicle was the kids "surprise", which the boys were quick to point out that she would not let them use, (and Kate verified this in a tweet). -Kate claims never have heard of the Velcro jumping, but "just knew it would be perfect for the party". Fun fact- Kate and I are around the same age, and I am my states female Velcro jumping champ from waaaaayyyy back in the day! And I did it without a clown suit!
Yeah - Alexis saying she "hates" love is really heartbreaking. At that age, while they don't really have boyfriends, etc., they still tend to have a Disney view of love.
Are kids allowed to drive ATVs in PA without an adult? That may just be an accident waiting to happen. Didn't she blog once that Shoka liked to chase the little cars and bite at the tires? Speaking of Shoka, why a picture of Zorro but none of Shoka (who was sleeping in the house if she's to be believed).
Ad finally, Milo apparently didn't join the tweet party. WTF, did hell freeze over?
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Well....looks like U have a full house of tweeties 2support you Kate! You all have a fun tweet party....:)
(Leslie) I am glad this is over with. I only hope they don't do another special until another 3 years when the kids turn 13 into their teen years and the twins will be sweet sixteen.
I am going to croak if they start giving her several specials a year like the Roloffs. If they do that, then why did they cancel her show?
And I hope Dr. Seth Meyers who tweeted that he was very against filming kids on reality shows does what he said and contacts Robert. He has been on many great TV shows. Perhaps he will light the fire and start the parade against the filming of the Gosselins kids.
Looks like Kate only gained 1000 new followers. Last week she gained 5,000 new followers. Looks like the live Tweeting wasn't that busy. I think she had 1,1000 tweets per minute and last week was 3,000. I think the numbers will be down for Part 2. Those that were curious to see the kids go that in Part 1. No need to watch Part 2.
The dh and I watched Last Comic Standing. It is really funny, they have some great comics on. Keenan ivory Wayans and Roseanne Barr arr doing a great job as judges. Big Brother started Wednesday! Another guilty pleasure summer fun with even more houseguests, a secret Americas Team, a new twist with the head of household, its gonna be great!
(Leslie) Oh, and they blurred out the Mercedes logo on the BBB. Why? Does Kate not want the world to know she bought a new Mercedes when she is just piecing and patching.
-in my estimation there are only about 15 to 20 children including the six little kids, and they can be seen lined up single file for the piƱata (so much fun! NOT!). Plus there appeared to be about six friends of the twins to help out.
Thanks to the NDAs. Ah, the Golden Platter life. Who wouldn't want it?
because it is a celebration for her 6 healthy kids.
Why isn't the health of every child a miracle that deserves celebration?
It's really fascinating how thoroughly she's convinced herself that Jesus loves them more than most. June 26, 2014 at 8:18 PM
I can just see her now trying to raise a child or children with disabilities. She can't even manage healthy kids without freaking out. There is NO WAY she would've ever coped had her kids been disabled.
(Leslie) Oh, and she had a photo of Shoka right behind her on a table when she talked excessively about herself. Talk about damage control. Remember that is a set that she is sitting in. So she purposely put the photo there.
I know there are many bird lovers out there, but isn't weird that she cradles the bird until he falls asleep? Especially when the family has a great big dog?
-I forgot to mention that Kate has 45 minutes until bus pick up and decides that this is a good time to make a cake that takes 35minutes just to bake. Fortunately, the cakes make it out of the oven in just the nick of time, but wait...what's this?...Kate just has to make a quick change from the strappy sundress she was wearing to bake the cake, to a different strappy sundress to pick up the kids. What a sham...errr...shame that she didn't have time to make that dress change during the 35minutes the cake was baking.
-During the shopping trip the twins claim that "it wasn't any fun", and cara can be heard muttering under her breath that she "hates it" and "doesn't want to be there". The twins also claim that they didn't get to shop for themselves, but then Kate claims on Twitter tonight at the girls did. I know who I believe, but in any case the little kids and Kate looked very uncomfortable shopping together, why the heck did she wait last minute to get the new outfits anyway?
-The answer to all of this is "manufactured drama", but I really resent TLC and (Kate for that matter trading us like idiots).
-No one looked happy. Not the kids, and not even Kate. The guests at that party also didn't look like it was a barrel of laughs either.
-at breakfast they are still given only half an egg sandwich.
-a few if the boys are shown in what appears to be their boxer type underwear, while coming down to get their shorts for school. ICK!
Ps. I couldn't understand what the little girls were saying on the couch because they kept talking over each other, but those three little boys are absolutely charming!
Golf carts start at $3,000, this gator is $10,000. According to Tamaratattles, she looked it up on google. It's a good article and someone sent her Robert book.
It's too bad Kate did not have a dunking tank. The velcro thing too bad they did not leave her there or threw balls at ther.
I also notice that the van that picked up the kids friends, or were they hired friends, that the guy that drove it had his face blurred out, could that have been purseboy? Those kids did not look like friends of theirs, but hired friends.
I know there are many bird lovers out there, but isn't weird that she cradles the bird until he falls asleep? Especially when the family has a great big dog?
Odd. I don't really know what to make of that.
My first thought was I hope that bird IS just sleeping in those man hands. I keep thinking he's going to get mauled to death with everyone handling him, or sat upon and squashed.
I don't even want to think about what would happen to Shoka if he went after him.
Anyway, Zorro probably had the right idea. The show was a snooze fest, I'm sure.
Ad finally, Milo apparently didn't join the tweet party. WTF, did hell freeze over?
Milo just couldn't contain her lust any longer. The droolin and slobberin has finally gotten out of hand and she's on her way up north for an up close and personal encounter with the love of her life.
They don't need a license nor must they meet the age requirement (16) to drive an ATV or golf cart or whatever the heck it is as long as it's on land owned by their parents or guardians.
OT in case you are just a wee bit tired of the carnival charade this evening; Sherri Shepard and Jennie McCarthy are leaving The View. And TFW still thinks the media world is waiting for her.
I didn't feel like tormenting myself with Kate's nonsense, so I watched a cooking competition. A contestant was massaging some scallops. It looked so relaxing that I nodded off.
Below are the top 100 cable shows for adults 18-49 for the whole day.
Thursday cable ratings: (all Live+Same Day ratings):
Show Net Time Viewership (000s, Live+SD) Adults 18-49 rating (Live+SD) WORLD CUP SOCCER L ESPN 5:30 PM 3169 1.3 WORLD CUP SOCCER L ESPN 2:30 PM 3139 1.2 Pawn Stars HIST 9:30 PM 3869 1.1 Family Guy ADSM 11:00 PM 2134 0.9 Family Guy ADSM 11:30 PM 2123 0.9 Pawn Stars HIST 9:00 PM 3423 0.9 Big Bang Theory, THE TBSC 10:30 PM 2319 0.9 SPORTSCENTER AFT L ESPN 5:00 PM 2143 0.9 Big Bang Theory, THE TBSC 9:30 PM 2204 0.9 Kate Plus 8 TLC 10:01 PM 2359 0.8
The big surprise, she got John Deere to give them a “gator” a $10,000 utility vehicle that the boys surprising knew was called a gator so I could google it. The boys are hoping she will let them drive it to do their “man duties” but one of them (probably my Collin) said “she won’t.” Because the birthday present was for Kate. http://tamaraTtattles.com/2014/06/26/kate-plus-8-special-part-2/#more-11103 --------------------- This is from Tamara Tattles. Sorry if it was mentioned already. I juuuust love what Collin said at the end about the "gator" being for her. He sure has her number. I love that little young man. All the boys for that matter.
Oh, by the way, it's been mentioned here before about all the girls having braces but none of the boys have had them yet? How true is that? It was in the part 1 episode when they showed the pictures and talked about how they have grown.
I looked online - they run anywhere between $6K and $8K.
Did TLC foot the bill for that, too, because it was used in the Special? I remember hearing that they paid for that pool slide because it was used in the show.
From Tamara Tattles: "It did seem like they hired people to come to this party. The big surprise, she got John Deere to give them a “gator” a $10,000 utility vehicle that the boys surprising knew was called a gator so I could google it. The boys are hoping she will let them drive it to do their “man duties” but one of them (probably my Collin) said “she won’t.” Because the birthday present was for Kate."
If anyone DVR'd this, I'd love to know what the notes and clipboards say on the boys kitchen chairs.
Also, I think that there actually might have been "professional workers" in attendance (in black polo's), than actual guests.
Kate didn't buy the john Deere Gator, it was product placement. It was interesting to note the kids helmets appeared to adult size and bike helmets or something similar that they had already.
So the John Deere cart thingy was the big gift? And it was a "family" gift? And it was important enough to be part of the filming and made to look like the birthday kids were getting something really superfunspecial for themselves, yet Mady and Cara will actually be the "kids" allowed to drive it?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2h We have needed a utility vehicle for fun&for work for so long! Their driving ability will determine who gets their licenses 1st! LOL! @TLC
They NEEDED a utility vehicle for fun? What the heck! I thought she's piecin and patchin. Who spends that kind of money "for fun?" I thought she's the struggling single mom who has to put food on the table and did the show to support her kids? Then she goes and gets a vehicle for $10,000? And the idiotic sheeple can't see through this charade?
If I could stand it, I'd like to time how many minutes Kate On The Couch took up of the hour. It seemed like that was all the episode was. Very Kate-centric. The episodes (both) were boring.
I would actually rather watch a little person gypsy wedding for people who like cake after they had sex and had to go to the ER. =================== Good one!
You've officially have raised the bar for all parents out there! :) *****************
Nope not even close. Raising the bar is learning go deal with what comes your way. Many parents have to change party plans due to weather. I have seen some creative ways of dealing with rain or dust storms. Those are the parents that set the bar. They are ones that roll with life and still find a way to make their child's birthday a special day. They are the ones who can give their children a party for under $40 because they have planned all year and purchased the items when they are on sale. Money will never make a party truly special. It can make it fancier but its the friends, family and love that actually make a party special. I think fancy parties actually stress kids out more. The parent want everything perfect. They blow up when something goes wrong. It causes so much stress to the children.
I refuse to watch the show or read Roberts book. Too many triggers for my own abusive child hood. The only read I read here is because I fear for the children. All of my celebrations are low key because my mom wanted everything perfect. She would get upset over the smallest think like not having batteries on hand for a new toy. The part was more about pleasing her then celebrating. Its breaks my heart to see these children go through that too..
Never watched, just the video above. The whole thing reminded me of a place selling tickets to the general public, like a sports day kind of affair, mostly people who lived around the town. For a look-see sort of event, certainly not a children's birthday party with close friends and relatives. There should have been lots more of the tups friends there. I know she reads here, faithfully, so whenever we have a beef about something, all of a sudden she changes/says something to prove us wrong. Like tweets about the boys these past few days, and Shoka as well. She is so fake and dramatic, loves living a scripted life. Deflection is what she is best at, after grifting of course. Such a loser,I wish her fake boobs would have got stuck up against the velcro wall. Along with her clown nose.
I haven't read all of Kate's tweets but does that douche thinks it's possible that she can get a weekly series. Whaaaaat ! Is she insane ? Yea ! TLC I really want to watch a child/animal abuser who also scams people and companies on the side!
I'm calling my cable companies and tell them I don't want the TLC channel. We have Time Warner ( they televise the dodgers) and we have Direct TV ( they televise the Lakers) so I'm calling both.
Thanks for three info, everyone who watched the snooze fest. El Rey network had a great kung fu movie on in the time slot, and SyFy had premiere of Spartacus Blood and Sand, I taped that one. It was on a pay cable network originally, I think it is edited a bit for SyFy. If the numbers are correct, I am surprised Honey Boo Boo got less viewers than TFMJG. probably the audience is bored with the HBB shtick. Like any further episodes of life at the orphanage workhouse would just bee sad and boring. PS those ATVs can roll over and seriously injure people, ten year olds should NOT be driving them. The teens, maybe, after careful instruction and close observation.
Surprise was a john Deere atv type vehicle for the "kids" to ride around the compound.
Yep, I called it when the pic was posted last week. Piecing and patching, my azz! Depending on the specific model they range from $6-$13,000!
Did TLC foot the bill for that, too, because it was used in the Special? I remember hearing that they paid for that pool slide because it was used in the show.
Since it was featured so prominently in the episode she probably at least got a nice discount, if not free, for it being kind of a 'product placement'.
Take a gander at the lunacy that substitutes for logic among the ewes. It would be funny if it wasn't so appalling. Who are they trying to convince - themselves?
@MY_2BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Crying tears here because we loved the show and didn't want it to ever end. Thank you TLC. Don't let it end PLEASE‼
@EmCr68 @MY_2BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 @TLC same here!!! Two specials wasn't enough!! I want this to last all summer!!
@MY_2BCOLLIES @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC We feel the same way. We want it to go on. It was TLC's best show and the ONLY show we watched on that channel.
@RealZiggyFlo @MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 Was leery of @TLC doing this update due to their misrepresentation in the past. This was good
@MY_2BCOLLIES @RealZiggyFlo @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC I felt the same way but this time they didn't edit it the way they had done previously.
@RealZiggyFlo @MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC No, no fake ramped up drama or focusing >only< on the negative.
@MY_2BCOLLIES @RealZiggyFlo @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Exactly! On all the old shows there was quite a few "set ups" by TLC to make Kate melt.
@MY_2BCOLLIES @RealZiggyFlo @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Remember the RV episode? It's impossible odds for THAT many RV's to break down. #setup
@RealZiggyFlo @MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC I agree. NO MORE FAKE DRAMA!
@CJWhodunit @RealZiggyFlo @MY_2BCOLLIES @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Not necessary when real life is interesting enough!
@MY_2BCOLLIES @RealZiggyFlo @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Fake drama is never needed. Real life is complicated enough.
@RealZiggyflo @MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC EVERY family has it's negative & positive. It's never all one or the other.
@MY_2BCOLLIES @RealZiggyFlo @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC That's what really upset me because it was edited let's be honest to make Kate look bad.
@RealZiggyFlo @MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Jon himself said in an interview that editing was spun.
@CJWhodunit @RealZiggyFlo @MY_2BCOLLIES @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC He also tweeted to haters in past to leave Kate alone, because she was a good mom!
@MY_2BCOLLIES @RealZiggyFlo @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC It was pretty obvious it was spun and it's nice to hear that Jon admitted it was. #truth
@MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @RealZiggyFlo @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC What a shame that group of haters have wasted YEARS of their lives hate tweeting Kate.
@EmCr68 @MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 @TLC agreed! Don't understand how people can be so negative/mean & sleep at night. #sad
@MY_2BCOLLIES @EmCr68 @CJWhodunit @RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 @TLC It's because they're miserable in their own lives and so jealous of people who are happy
UGH is right. Although I've seen tweets asking if she has, I don't think she's read the book and is just going by what she's read online. She's pretty much a hack. IMO, of course. lol
I would actually rather watch a little person gypsy wedding for people who like cake after they had sex and had to go to the ER.
Ingrid, may I?
I would actually rather watch a little person gypsy wedding for people who like cake after they had sex and had to go to the ER, because we had a big BOO BOO, Honey!
Carole (106) The sheeple bashed Jon for pulling the kids on their slides behind a tractor, but they're okay with Kate buying them their own vehicle to drive around? How is it that they think the kids could seriously hurt themselves by falling off a slide pulled at slow speed by their father but they are okay with children driving a vehicle with their un-seat-belted siblings piled in the back? How does that make sense?
Didn't watch last night, but did watch this clip. oh...my...boring....goodness
I think we can figure out what a 'can toss' is, or 'hit the balloon' game is...no need for a 20 minute synopsis. See Hannah "sink a basket"??? Freaking staged, just like the bird in the cake clip. She's got a whiny look because she can't get it in. Low and behold there's a clear scene of the ball going in the basket, but that's all...no showing WHO actually got the ball in. And nice look on her face when she's handed her prize and stomps off. "pay for your sins"? or whatever Mady said?? "all I've been doing is bending over, picking up..."(me me me, I did this, I did that, complain complain whine whine...) oh no, really...not good ...(sigh)
Colin actually said the tractor-thingy was for HER! bahaha! Mady's friends are scared of her? NO SHIT! Of course the crew said it was THE BEST CAKE THEY'VE EVER HAD!!!!!!!!! Did any of the kids get to do the velcro race? What was she doing laying on the grass in the promos, what was THAT all about? And yes, where was Cara? She is just waiting...counting down the years/days/minutes she can get the hell out of Dodge ...
Ok, if the sheeple feel the RV show was edited to make Kate look bad, then why do they believe all the crap that TLC shoveled out during the divorce? I guess sheeple logic is if TFW looks bad, then blame editing.
Also, I can not believe that anyone thinks that TFW actually did all the party work herself. For someone piecing and patching, she spent a lot of money for a party and gift. Someone posted that she set the bar high for parents. Really?! I don't think so as most people realize that TLC paid for everything and hired workers to put the party together. TFW just showed up and filmed her parts. A little discernment would be helpful for the sheeple.
If Kate wouldn't be so nasty, miserable, rude, selfish and greedy, she would have no personality at all.
*************************************************************** From previous thread.
You're right. I don't think what's going right now is giving her any kind of emotion, whether it be pleasure or pain, (she truly can't feel either, imo) but rather it gives her "something" that a normal person can't grasp, a purpose? Fuel to just keep her "going"? Let's her "be"? She far far FAR surpasses my mother. It was and always is about her, but there weren't any incidents of torture or vicious gleeful punishments. We'd get smacked, but never BEATEN. She'd rant, put you down (words that still haunt me) swear etc. but her biggest trait was martyrdom, which still goes on today. And call her out on it or don't give her the acknowledgment she demands...watch out. With POS, she actually physically hurt babies! She doesn't have feelings of love OR hate, she doesn't experience TRUE emotions. She mimics them, even those with no real life experience with a narc sees it in her dead eyes.
And Millicent, you're right, for their own mental health, those kids (when the day comes that they can) should stay away from her toxicity. Perfect word for it. Toxins have only one purpose, to poison, to kill.
Katykat said... 116 OT...but Sherri Shepard and Jenny McCarthy are both out at The View. ----------------- I heard Bill Geddie was out as well. Isn't he the one that had the (affection) for TFW? All her supporters have left the show, there's no one there for her now - which explains why no invite to promote the specials. Change is good.
C'mon, TLC! Let's make this fun... How about a wife swap with Michelle Duggar? The Gosselin kids would love time with Michelle, and ole JimBob would not be putting up with any woman trying to rule the roost. Good drama potential. Can you see the Duggar kids being aghast at the screaming banshee TFW?
Then swap with Amy Rolloff. Oh boy. That messy house and disrespectful kids would send her right over the edge. I'd love to see Matt pull one of his temper tantrums on her. Amy wouldn't make the Gosselin kids follow *any* rules or regimen. They'd be in heaven.
No swapping with The Little Couple. I wouldn't want those sweet little kids traumatized. Bill would probably just walk away from her, and she'd be like what? What did I do? Jen would be so sweet with the Gosselin kids.
And finally, a swap with June. Honey Boo Boo would be so good...she'd really give TFW a run for her money. The husband would be giving her the ole stink eye. June might be a lot of fun with the Gosselin kids if TLC could manage not to do all staged activities.
And then for a finale TFW and Steve could do their version of Sex sent me to the ER.
I don't understand about that shuttle bus..where did it pick up people, and where did it return them too? A parking lot in town somewhere? They have that huge driveway, why didn't people just park there? Mady grabbed the ball out of a small girl's hand while she was hoping to win a fish, and threw it herself, and then told the girl.."You won a fish." and handed her one. That must have been lots of fun for that child. And that was the most favorite game running, with Mady and her sour disposition?
Over In TFW's County said... 91 I looked online - they run anywhere between $6K and $8K.
Did TLC foot the bill for that, too, because it was used in the Special? I remember hearing that they paid for that pool slide because it was used in the show.
****************** Oh, you know TLC paid for it. If you read the first book, there was an email where she said that if TLC didn't pay for the girls' room remodel then they couldn't film it. She makes TLC pay for everything they film. The ATV, the party, the new clothes, Aaden's new glasses. She took them for everything she could get. And first chance she gets she will sell the ATV and pocket the cash.
They are the ones who can give their children a party for under $40 because they have planned all year and purchased the items when they are on sale. Money will never make a party truly special.
Isn't that the truth. As someone brought up the other day and it was a great point, look at Juanita from the Farmer's Wife and the party she threw for her girls on five bucks. She worked hard, was creative, and made it fun. And she did it with her head held hide, a smile on her face, and a great attitude even despite their perilous financial situation. The girls loved it. And then she went out there and worked to CHANGE her situation by working extra jobs and getting more education and finally securing a better job. The old cliche is true, money does not buy happiness. Love can though.
From the clip above, that surely didn't look like much of a fun carnival.
Mostly crew, in the tan shorts and black tops, and a lot of adults. Very few other 10 year olds. Looked like quite a few 16 year old girls...hired help?
It didn't look like the Gosselin kids knew the other little kids...they didn't seem to interact with them as friends, anyway.
Nobody was smiling and having fun.
Love how Mady says "I'm tired" in the exact same tone of whine that TFW says it in. She wouldn't want to put herself out to make it a nice party for her siblings or anything. Although since she probably gets stuck with most of the childcare in that house she can legitimately be resentful of the sibling group.
The whole shopping for clothing was definitely a set up. The boys had no clue how to shop for clothes for themselves. Aaden was like, what is a M mean or and XL. Interesting to note, the kids were well behaved in the store. It looked like some kind of cheap outlet.
I didn't watch the specials as I've banned TLC from my life but I have gotten about thirty percent through the book and have come to three new conclusions:
I am giving up all things Discovery, including Deadliest Catch sniff sniff. I LOVE Edgar Hansen, probably too much, but he's like the manly Macgyver of the Behring sea.
I am giving up Sexy Mama Mally Roncal makeup. Now dammit this stings as I love her spackle and more importantly, I need it. I just cannot order her stuff after learning she sent Seabiscuit/Bruce (mechanical shark from Jaws) buckets of free makeup. Thank God I don't live near an Ann Taylor or The Loft and they don't sell their clothing on QVC or I'm sure I'd be boycotting that as well now. For my own sake I hope I don't get into Jeanie Bryce and Quacker Factory clothing or one of you will have to do an intervention.
And lastly, I'm going to require a lot more hard cider to make it through the remaining seventy percent of this book.
Heads up to LukeBandit for pointing me to my lovely new profile pic. It was one of the few great belly laughs I got yesterday. Can't you just see that moron dancing around inside her mansion, in front of the basement sliding glass doors and windows attempting to her antagonize the amazingly intelligent Nala? I wonder what Nala was thinking besides "she craaazy".
I could be wrong but I thought Kate met Jamie when she was an obstetrics nurse and Jamie had twins? Jamie gives her hand me downs from her girls for the tups I guess or the twins if they are smaller although older, lol.She used to know how to help Kate.
This comment did not make it through probably due to a direct observation of Mady's moods.
I was horrified by Collin sitting a wad of spit of the birthday cake as they were singing. He is 10 years old and that behavior is TOTALLY unacceptable from age 3 and up.
Those behaviors show how messed up these kids are.
As I stated last week the John Deere was the big surprise and it was Joel who said they probably won't get to drive it down to the chickens.
As mean as those kids are to one another, I would not trust them driving each other around.
My next prediction is TLC will film more of these specials. Kate has a new viewing awesome. Kids and teens will love watching these kids, again. I am afraid Kate will get the second strike of lightening.
The John Deere atv/gator or whatever it was, was either given to them for promotion or highly discounted. I know someone who has one and one of their close relatives works for John Deere. They paid like $2k of the $10K price tag plus got the deluxe model. Kate Gosselin never pays full price for anything and probably John Deere thought it would be good advertising. My husband loathes them so much that he goes out of his way (which is difficult in that we're literally surrounded by all things JD) to not buy their stuff. He recently bought a new riding lawn tractor and one of the JD slackjaws that live near us told him he'd regret it as it wouldn't last - like a "deere" would. Mr. Kelly told him the last tractor he bought from the same company lasted twenty years so he's not too worried about the new one. I hope John Deere looses sales. They deserve it.
Bon-Ton is a clothing store. Itza Party provides tents, games, the Velcro thing, etc. So Kate certainly didn't pay a dime for those things. John Deere's name and the name of the bakery where she got the cake were prominently shown in the episode, so those were probably freebies to. Free advertising for them, free stuff for Kate.
Took a look at the Itza Party website, and it even says "As seen on TV-Kate plus 8". Someone from Figure 8 films even left a testimonial:
Jordan Swaim 5/28/14 Figure 8 Films (Kate Plus 8) Thank you SO much for everything your team did for us this weekend. Everyone was incredibly nice, helpful, and I felt very confident putting so many things in your hands. Itza Party truly helped this event be such a big success, and I KNOW we couldn't have done it without you. You went above and beyond (remember hot dog buns?!), and I can't thank you enough.
Kate has a new viewing awesome. Kids and teens will love watching these kids, again. _______________________________________________________
Ah, no they won't. This show was on at 10:00 - what kids watched it? The 1st show was dismal even in the 18-35 demographics - the ones that advertisers care about.
You sure don't like Collin for some reason - still picking him out of all the kids.
Yes but even if John Deere slashed the price I believe she would be obligated to pay full fair market value taxes because it was in exchange for a promotion on T.V. or "payment" in part from TLC for doing the show. A pure gift is usually tax free but this was nothing of the sort. This was a tit for tat no matter which way you slice it, and Uncle Sam's ears perk up when he hears tit for tats.
It's just going to be very hard to explain one's way out of this one to Uncle Sam.
No one in their right mind could look at those children - and even Kate and say they are happy. They just aren't. Sheeple - Wishing it so doesn't make it so.
At the end of the show they were showing the tups at the bakery getting their cupcakes frosted. Are these the same ones that she boxed up and took home and gave them to the girls and refused to give to the little boys? Did you see her with her talons on each side of their face when she was kissing them on top of their heads like she is such a loving mom? Thought I was going to vomit.
I feel really BAD that poor Bobbie McCauley's good name is being dragged into this mess. ROL got facts wrong in the latest article. They said that Robert found her hard drive. He found CD's that were burned from the hard drive. kate probably has no idea even where that hard drive is or she may have it, you never know.
Wouldn't she have to have the hard drive to print off a copy of Mommy's Journal to submit to the copyright office for a copyright?
I know the John Deere is a Gator and I love how one boy said it was for her. But down south, we call those mules. I just hope that she doesn't get loaded and tries to drive the boys to the chicken coop. It could mean disaster.
Oh, during the blast of wind, she hollered, Can't someone close the pool gate? She was standing right there, the kids were at the pool trying to get the junk up. Did you see them work together like a precision drill team to get that mess picked up? One or more of the kids said, We got it all! We got all of it! Like trained seals.
I'm sure you're right Admin but I'd happily only pay the taxes on a brand new John Deere ATV. It sure beats paying the full MSP plus added taxes. I should add the person I know with the gator got theirs five plus years ago so I have no idea what that $10K toy costs now.
I'm sure you're right Admin but I'd happily only pay the taxes on a brand new John Deere ATV. It sure beats paying the full MSP plus added taxes.
Of course if that's your prerogative.
The point is, for someone piecing and patching even paying the taxes on such a luxury item is completely ridiculous.
The point is, she is NOT piecing and patching. She has more money than Davey Crockett. I guess she's living off investments or whatever, but she's rich as all get out or there's no way she'd be able to afford this lifestyle after all this time. It's the lying I can't stand.
Why not just say working my kids allowed me to save considerable money that we have been able to live very comfortably on for years now, we are very blessed.
Instead it's I go off and cry in my room not knowing how we will get by. My babies, they're going to starve.
Is the Gator considered an ATV? Because according to this (and common sense), Mady was required to wear a helmet while operating it. (they all should have been wearing helmets IMO):
Jordan Swaim 5/28/14 Figure 8 Films (Kate Plus 8) Thank you SO much for everything your team did for us this weekend. Everyone was incredibly nice, helpful, and I felt very confident putting so many things in your hands. Itza Party truly helped this event be such a big success, and I KNOW we couldn't have done it without you. You went above and beyond (remember hot dog buns?!), and I can't thank you enough. __________________________________________________________
And thank you, Jordan, for proving once again, that Incapable Kate can do nothing on her own.
I watched this show live yesterday, with a freshly opened bottle of chilled pink muscato, but even that didnt help it going down easier. - So she wants me to believe that after the cake she was planning on baking was ruined, a circus-tent cake is ordered and baked within 1 day. I call BS on that one! - Did she really stated she is NOT a baker, just their daily bread.....howbout all those cookies from scratch? - how excited was that kid to feed their much beloved Shoka......not! - Alexis asked her to wear her clown wig, but when Kate bought it she was all alone, makes me believe it wasnt so much Alexis idea. Also confirmed when she confronted Alexis with what she said and Alexis looked a bit confused. - where all all those guests she's invited???? - All Kate's talking how hard it was on her when the kids were babies, all that feeding, cleaning, organizing, cooking and more feeding.....uhhm...didnt she have a helping husband and an army of volunteersthose days, she makes it sound it was all just poor her against an army of babies. - Why, if its a kids Bday party does she have to be in the middle of the attention, because like she stated herself..its not about her! - All that excited screaming, irritated shreeking, facial expressions, handflapping of her...its all about :" look at me!!!" - the kids are georgious btw! I can go on and on, Halfway through I was super irritaded and got snarkier by the minute, howbout that dress change? howbout that shopping trip? howbout her yelling at everybody why nobody thought about closing the poolgate, couldve thought about that yourself! Howbout setting up a carnival all by yourself the day of the carnival...rrrrrright! Howbout paying for all that + more while you're cash-strapped...BS! This was all one big staged mess and the one getting the most enjoyment out of this is and was Kate (and Milo) Seriously hope this was her Swansong and those kids can grow up in peace and privacy from now on out!
I watched the show this morning and I agree with what people are commenting here so I'm going to throw a curve ball and say a few positive things.
TCFW looks so much better first thing in the morning with no make up, her hair pulled back and wearing sweats and a t-shirt. She needs to fire Deanna because she does her no favors when she does her up. Except for her strapless dress she wore at the party, I think TCFW looked appropriate.
I love TCFW's kitchen and I would have fun cooking in it.
Her egg sandwiches looked good.
I agree with everyone who said they love the boys. So do I. They look like they enjoy each other's company and are adorable together.
Those are the only positives I can think of. My oldest daughter is visiting and she walked into the room when I was watching Part 2 this morning. C&M were driving in on the Gator and my daughter looked at me and said, "well, they're not blurring out the name so I guess that was a gift from John Deere." She then got up and walked away. Smart girl.
And make that Bering sea..Jesus take the wheel. I need spell check and an automatic proofreader. I'm off to take Rudy to his first day of doggy daycare..which I'm dreading... since he's a prize drama llama. Then I'll meditate while watching the corn grow and attempt another chapter of the book. I hope the sale figures of the book are off and Robert has sold much more. I thought the price was more than reasonable and I'd like to see him make a decent chunk of change from this. I know that wasn't the primary goal of writing it but it would be a nice benefit.
I'm looking forward to reading what all of you brave people who watched those specials have to say.
Rhymes - so happy and excited for you and your soon-to-be new pup. What a fantastic way to save a life and get an awesome buddy in one move. Our last shelter puppy lived seventeen and a half years and was so stinking smart.
I think Seabiscuit Bruce has a bird because she wants to stand out from the crowd because having just a dog,cat or hamster is just so mediocre. Vomit. Zorro is yet another prop for her and is in danger because she obviously never learned how to properly take care of him. I never attempted birds because I didn't feel I knew enough to handle them safely and I didn't want my kids accidentally harming one. I too am surprised he's lasted this long.
TFW reminds me a lot of my boss, which is probably why I can't stand her. I deal with a greedy narcissist every day. Unfortunately for the kids TFW will never change. She will never be happy with what she has and will always be chasing more money and material items.
My boss is 74 years old, sits in his office and "delegates" the work he should be doing to other people who are already stressed doing their own duties, does absolutely nothing productive for the organization, and thinks the organization would crumble to the ground without him. He is not the owner, but the people he answers to don't work in this office and don't realize he doesn't really do anything. He's been this way all his life and makes everyone around him miserable. At a time when most other people his age would be retired and enjoying life and spending time with their grandkids he obsesses with maximizing the pay and benefits he gets from the organization. He is easily sitting on $2 million+, is in the twilight years of his life, and still only cares about control and money.
TFW is going to be the same way as she grows older. She is going to be extremely upset as she gradually looses control of her children and they begin to exercise their independence. They are her little money makers. She has no concept of building up a nest egg while the show was doing well and then using it to survive on later. She can't stand to dip into "her" savings and expects her net worth to keep growing.
I understand everyone wants to be in a better situation than they are now, nothing wrong with that. TFW takes it to the extreme though. She is wasting the best years of her and her kids lives obsessing with finding a way to make lots of money without doing any actual work. She should be happy to have been as fortunate as she is, but she isn't and likely never will be unless she gets some serious counseling and admits her greed and laziness is the root of the problem.
Over in TFW's County - Thanks for the info on driving the ATV/golf cart on private land. I had no idea that anyone at any age can do it. Again, that's an accident waiting to happen, but then again, if TFW doesn't let them drive it there won't be a problem.
Carole - Thanks for printing the sheeple twitter conversation. They really are delusional aren't they. The funny thing is that they included @TLC in the entire discussion. Note to sheeple: If you're going to bash @TLC for the way the "edited" TFW to show her in a bad light, it's probably better NOT to include them in the tweets. I feel sorry for the poor TLC intern tasked with reading the tweets today! Head banging against the desk time!
Wow, if the John Deere was product placement, it was pretty damn expensive product placement for a show that isn't geared to their target audience.
Please do NOT assume that I don't like Collin. I do not know him. I am commenting on filmed behavior. Collin spits a lugie on a birthday cake...so I am quite sure he is a charming little boy.
Actually, I think Collin is bright and articulate and very angry to say the least. Having been raised by parent's who allowed the hitting and the spitting and even still at 10, with the cameras on???
Ok, I owned a John Deere Gator for use on a 10 acre property. I loved it, but it's for an ADULT, not a 10 year old. I would never allow a child to drive one unsupervised. In fact, it is a surprise to me that someone who claims to be actively involved with that property did not already own one. Really, that Gator was nothing more than product placement and a freebie for Kate (or Steve) who wanted one. So I wonder who will really be driving it, like a nanny/housekeeper?
Watched the clip. Thought Mady was acting horribly. Not her fault. Look who her mother is.
ITA those kids were not school friends. I'd say most there came from the crew.
It is atrocious that TLC paid for all her crap for that show. No wonder she wants to stay on TV.
BTW, I heard a couple of ladies were fired (or contract not renewed) for The View. Let's guess who is on the phone today.
I didn't know who Alex McCord was. I googled Google images and saw something I wish I hadn't of seen. She was dressed in night time fun wear and I need a mixture of rumspringa and BLEACH! UGH!
Why on earth would you let a picture like that get out on the internet? Oh, I just thought, it might of been on her show. idk.
No. Most think of it more as a glorified golf cart or riding lawn mower.
Around here, they are in abundance (for work on real farms, not for "play" like she says) and I've never once seen anyone wear a helmet. The local schools used to let the students drive them while working the fields during athletic events until few years ago. If you watch the Roloffs show, those are what they use to get around their land and so Matt doesn't have to try to walk it.
Based on Kate's TL their are a lot of preteen and teens that love the kids and grew up watching them. They don't know how vile she is. I still think TLC will film more specials and kids can always DVR their shows.
Kids like watching other kids doing regular things. If TLC kept this format, Kate might have a shot again.
This episode should have been called the " Kate Show" since it seemed like the 8 were only shown in snippets, usually right before commercial breaks. Done to keep those interested in the kids hanging on so they'd keep watching.
Well, sorry, but I don't think the kids are gorgeous at the moment. They are normal average healthy kids. They are at awkward stages of tooth development, growing into features, adolescent acne etc and deserve to have privacy for these changes. I'm sure they will all grow into nice- looking human beings but nothing to fawn upon more than the next person.As for their behavior, it's deplorable, although agree I the rapport among the boys is nice to see and the twins seem close.I don't like they way they all tease Cara for being shy, though..
Well, sorry, but I don't think the kids are gorgeous at the moment. They are normal average healthy kids. They are at awkward stages of tooth development, growing into features, adolescent acne etc and deserve to have privacy for these changes.
Agree. This is an awkward time in their lives most kids go through around this age, and they deserve privacy. It's hard enough to go through it without the public ogling you.
It's a bit different when you're in the movies and a professional make up artist and CGI and fake teeth can fix all these flaws. These kids don't even have any of that as a buffer.
Anyone notice that when Kate first appears as the clown she has on false eyelashes and pink eye shadow, yet later on when she was on the Velcro wall, she has no eye makeup on at all? From the DM website:
I didn't watch - we don't have cable and I'm not spending $3.98 to buy them on iTunes - but based on the comments and recap, I doubt she's getting a new series from TLC/Discovery. It sounds like the film crew were not editing the footage in any way that made Kate look good, in fact the opposite.
Advertisers don't care about tweens/teens watching a show because they don't have the money to spend on a product. Unless Kate can pull in the demographic they want she won't get a show because she won't have the advertisers. If TLC spent this much on the specials can you imagine what she'd expect them to spend on a regular show? She is a stah after all.
Per Roberts books, Kate has written into all her contracts where freebies are involved that the donor of said freebie pays all the taxes on the freebie. Kate learned to do this after she got burned with taxes on their first remodel. So no, she didn't pay one dime for that tractor or anything else she has received since jon&kate first started. Everything is free.. laura jean
There were so many shots of the massive and well manicured property she lives on, I wonder how the sheeple reconcile that kind of homestead with piecing and patching. laurajean
From reading the tweets posted earlier, it sounds like the sheep are very happy that TLC did not "edit" the special to make TFW appear mean. Judging from how T and others have summarized Part 2, I guess the sheep don't mind that TLC has made TFW look like a liar and complete moron. I guess they think being stupid is much better. Did they not ask themselves:
While baking/icing a cake, who lets a bird out of its cage to roam free? Imbecile
What person complains about having too many pets, but then purchases fish for a carnival game (cruel to begin with) without considering the distinct possibility that several of those fish will end up in your own home? Idiot
Who talks about herself as being a great mom, but then has to ask her son if he likes basketball? Fool
Who continues to cry about piecing and patching, but is able to "buy" (snort, snort, cough, cough) a $10,000 utility vehicle? Dolt
Who allows herself to be shown to be a liar when her kids are interviewed contradicting everything she says? Dunderhead
One thing is for certain - nobody will ever go broke underestimating the intelligence of Kate's sheep.
BTW, I heard a couple of ladies were fired (or contract not renewed) for The View. Let's guess who is on the phone today. &&&&&&&&&&&&
Oh no doubt! Heck, she and Skeeve are probably en route to NYC right now to personally demand she be given 'her' seat! In her mind she surely thinks that after her spectacular showing (ha!) over these two specials, she is a shoe in.
Supposedly they are canning Jenny in part because of the controversy over Jenny's anti-vaccine beliefs. Also ratings dipped after she came on board. If they want to stay away from controversy I would think they would stay far away from Kate.
At the end, there is Kate sitting on the soap box, going on & on & on, blah,Blah Blah, about how terrible her having her kids, and thanking God for their health, praising herself and on, & on & on. It was an all about me. BORING! I was hoping someone would duck-tape her! shutup! Shutup shutup!
Oh, online Kate said that she got rid of the other fish to people who were there with instructions. I wonder if the people who worked the tents took the fish home. And was the hotdogs organic, the funnel cake organic, hotdog buns organic, how about the cake?organic? cotton candy, organic sugar? what about the candy in the pinata?organic? The cake she made was not organic, she had Wilton can frosting on the counter. That is not organic. And that was all the food she had? hotdogs? Funnal cakes? candy, cake?. No salads, corn, anything? Hamburgers? ketchup, mustard, etc? There was a moment towards the end where Kate is calling the kids over for the pinata, and one of the tup boys was going to throw the funnal cake into the trash.
Kate didn't NEED nor have any use for the John Deere, nor does she have any use for a lot of other things donated to her, but just as she stated during their Christmas show when talking about gifts being sent from strangers " Who am I to say no?" She will take anything that anyone wants to give her. John once stated in an interview that when the kids were real young they were cranky and tired but Kate still made them all drive 2 hours to a ladies house just to pick up some $100 gift cards, and this is while the show was going on and they were already raking it in. laurajean
Any goldfish the kids won literally ended up flushed down the toilet. I always felt bad for goldfish, always being treated like disposable pets.
I guess Shoka was tied up during the carnival?
My god, there were tons of teenage girls there at the carnival. Any locals hear anything about girls being recruited for that filming? Was Steve around?
@Kateplusmy8: Not to be disrespectful to God, but I had had enough of this scary unpredictable and worrisome weather! #SorryGod @TLC ****** Oh, Katie Irene, God has nothing better to do than provide you good weather for you over-the-top-scripted-for-tv-so-you-can-continue-to-exploite-your-children's-better-than-a-Qincineanera-10th-birthday-party.
and once again TFW makes it all about her. IN her closing in discussing the milestone birthday of 10 years its all about Kate surviving 10 years...who does that ??? oh yeah, oopsie, TFW does. Both shows were kate, kate, and more kate, all about kate, I thought this was supposed to be an update about the KIDS????? laurajean
Anonymous said... 167 There were so many shots of the massive and well manicured property she lives on, I wonder how the sheeple reconcile that kind of homestead with piecing and patching. laurajean ___
IMO most of KK's fans are young and very naive they have to experience in life so they believe what they see on and realty show.
Her young fans life KK and look up to her and it's hard for them to believe that she's a horrible person.
Chef (#171), not having the crew help TFW was probably deliberate. Gotta stick with the "struggling single mom" story line this time around. I can just imagine a production assistant running to grab one of her carts and her shrieking, "Let go! My next series is on the line here!" Or, she could've said, "Let it go!" and then say how much her kids loved "Frozen," and try to grift another trip to Disney World.
Party planners plan parties - set up, clean up, the whole nine yards. Any and all attendant drama is manufactured. We're on to you, Schmoopie!
Call Me Crazy said... 170 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I agree with you. using live fish for a game is cruel. Wouldn't the ball knock them out of their cup to flounder about? Those type of fish die easily so the 'winners' are also set up for a loss. And yes, the extra fish or unwanted ones will well end end up being flushed. Some pet lover..again. (Noticed she kissed and cuddled Zorro more than she has ever been seen to show affection to the children)
BTW, I heard a couple of ladies were fired (or contract not renewed) for The View. Let's guess who is on the phone today.
Sherri's contract was not renewed. They are not saying that she was fired, but that she and the network were just too far apart in agreement. Jenny is not gone yet...at least as of last night she wasn't.
Kelly, your welcome! Thanks for my belly laugh of the morning. I just wish that the National Enquirer had put that crazy picture on the cover instead of the picture that they did.
She told someone on a tweet that she rarely uses a non-stick pan Teflon? Didn't she scramble those eggs in a non-stick on part one when she said, Who wants scrambled eggs and one of the kids had their hand half raised up and she said, Is that half a hand?
And she made eggs in the same pan for the egg sandwiches. That WITCH only makes 3 sandwiches and cuts them in half for them!
A full sandwich and some milk or OJ would of made them a good breakfast! Their poor stomachs are probably shrunken and they can't eat the way they are suppose to! DANG, I hope the meatballs in Jon's spaghetti sauce are the size of Softballs!
Underfeeding PILE OF SHITAKE Mushrooms!
Maybe she can correct what is on her cast on her broken foot with a black sharpie! Ms. Kreider eats SHITAKE Mushrooms.
Luke bandit, don't have a BOO BOO, HONEY! You are so funny! Kelly, what inspired the Seabiscuit/ Bruce nick name? I am trying to keep my list updated, everyone here is so creative when it comes to TFMJG, Baby Jane, shmoopie!
Oh, I thought last night, when I saw Jamie and kate sitting at the bar eating close and saw kate telling the kids goodnight, they were all going to bed and kate and Jamie were still in the kitchen. Then the next morning, we saw kate's hair wasn't even dry while she was trying at the last second do the piƱata's.
Also, remember when they were at Bald Head Island and the girls were fussing over the rooms, because the girls didn't want to sleep together. kate said that HER and Jamie slept together in the same bed ALL THE TIME! SO, where did Jamie sleep in the house? The garage apt.? On the couch with the RC blanket? Deanna, I don't think stayed at the house, but was probably in a hotel room close by.
Jamie, Deanna, Steve didn't look all that thrilled to even be there. It was written all over their face. It was for the money ONLY!
Kids like watching other kids doing regular things. If TLC kept this format, Kate might have a shot again.
Kids also get bored very fast and move on to other things. The Gosselins do not hold enough fascination for kids to be so enamored with them that they will continue to watch. What else can they do? Travel? So to an amusement park or museum? Fourth of July fireworks? It's all been done.
A network needs to have a show that will sustain its audience over a longer period of time, and buy the products that the sponsors are selling. Tween and teens just don't do that. Take a look at Kate's timeline. I was watching it last night, and my gosh, those tweeters are nearly all gullible kids...not just young adults, but kids.
I DVR'd and watched late last night. Several thoughts: 1. Why did she buy over 120 plates? I counted heads during the pinata thing and the cake ceremony, where all the kids would be gathered around and she had under 20 little kids there, including her own. Factor in the twins and their friends and parents, and there were less than 40 people there. But she is the queen of paper plates, so they will get used. 2. They DID refer to her as mommy - including one of the boys. One of the boys also said she was a good cook and focused on healthy eating. The boys are so cute and lively and fun. The girls come off a little bratty. 3. Why did people have to be shuttled at all? They are not allowed to drive up the driveway? That long driveway can't accommodate 10 cars? 4. I think she paid for the clothes AND the ATV. The only credit thanks were for the clothing store and the party place, and I assume the clothing store is thanked for allowing them to film. The reason I think this is because she steered those kids RIGHT to the clearance racks. No thanks to Party City, but I did wonder who paid because she loaded those carts up with everything she could grab. 5. She puts the back of her hand to her forehead while her eyes are closed for EVERYTHING! I am in the midst of a very messy estate issue, and saved that gesture for times like cleaning out the hoarding and coming upon another mountain of mouse poo, or finding out my mom was not on any of her bank accounts. Certainly not for trying to wrap bunting around a pole. Jamie actually looks at her like, 'get a grip' a couple of times. Jamie seems like a no nonsense, energetic person, just jumps in and gets things done. Kate talks about getting things done while some else does them. 6, Kate's faces, where she thinks she is being cutesie, are just absurd. They make her look really, really dumb. Her hair is awful too. Those roots! 7. The best part was when Kate said to Mady, "Your friends all love me and you know it." (You know it???) Mady said they didn't and Kate argued and then Mady said, "They're afraid of you." Kate's eyes got big and then stabby and she said, "Oh." I think Mady probably paid for that later, but it was awesome. 8. The next best thing was the leading questions that the crew asked the kids on the couch. It was almost like they were set up to refute the crap their mother spews on Twitter or on camera. "Is your mom a good cook?" Wish I could remember the others, but they were very pointed questions.
Hope that's the last special - because it was B-O-R-I-N-G.
This TLC production was "all about Kate." Could not believe the big surprise was something only she can drive. What a selfish hag. Hope TLC got their money's worth. Kind of doubting it. Did not watch the whole thing, but did see the big reveal. Kate lives in constant anticipation of "Christmas" as long as TLC provides! This is such a horrible story. Still cannot stand that voice!
Let me guess.... she bought (grifted) those kids a John Deere so that she can take it away. Yes, indeedy! Another non-gift to be used as currency later on for some minor infraction such as globe equator peeling.
TLC stinks said... 183 sprinkle, I heard they are revamping the show to be more creative, so definitely Kate is OUT. &&&&&&&&&&&&&
HAHA! I was envisioning her sitting there at the table umming and uhhing, having nothing to add to the conversation other than she has 8 kids.
Hasn't she said in the past that she wished that someone would take pity on her situation and see that she needs a show or to be on a show to support her kids? Finally, a true statement from her own lips! She has made no effort to polish her interview skills, either behind or in front of the mic. She has zero knowledge or interest in current events. She cannot restrain herself from constantly injecting herself in every topic. She just wants to show up every day, sit in hair and makeup, then interject umms and uhhs about herself for two hours while making a huge salary. And an ensemble show like The View is even more ideal in her mind because she has other people to carry her while they talk about boring stuff (i.e. not her, actual news) while she just sits there.
AHHH. So I bet the party planners had a crew of teen girls to help supervise. And good ol' Jamie showed up. Wonder if her kids were there too? I bet they were.
This is a little OT, but I took my 3 granddaughters to a well-known chain water park here in the MIdwest yesterday. The one with the new tallest water slide that is not quite ready for public use, LOL. Expensive (unlike TFMJG I paid for everything), but fun. We were the last ones out at closing time, tired and sunburned.
Anyway, the girls are going down some very tall slides while grandma waited on the ground when I noticed a man with a professional video camera on his shoulder. He asked me to hold up a white t-shirt I had in my hand and trained the camera on it (checking the color and focus?) and I thought at first he was with a local TV station. When I mentioned that I, shameless grandmother that I am, had a trio of very cute granddaughters coming down the slides, he told me he was there filming certain people for an episode for The Travel Channel. My surprise must have shown--I always thought they just filmed the people they found at the locations--because he then made a remark about how even reality TV is scripted and laughted. Then I noticed the boom guy and another cameraman at the top of the slide. Since the girls loved the slides and wouldn't leave the area, I got to watch them work for a while. He was filming a group of three older teens/young adults for the show. Two things amazed me--the three older teens/young adults were so professional, standing quietly when the cameraman was focused on someone else and how close the camera was to the face(s) of the older teen/young adult who was talking at the time. They didn't look at the camera, no mugging, screeching, wild hand gestures. Everything TFMJG is incapable of doing. The cameramen and the boom guy were also very professional as they knew what shots they wanted and appeared to get them in one or two takes. It will be a pleasure to watch when it airs.
Kate said, "'I get up at 5.30 in the morning every day of my life,' she said, explaining that the children get up at 6am."
Every day of her life? What about the three months in the summer when she sleeps in? I thought that she loves summer because of the lazy days when she doesn't need to get up in the mornings?
1622 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1622 Newer› Newest»Well, just from the pic above, this looks to be a rent a carnival. And in the background in the tent looks to be adults running things. The fish are most likely goldfish. Who is Kate trying to kid here? Most people out there in the real world could not afford a carnival like this, churches, school, communities, can.
Oh, I just had a thought, maybe why Kate had a carnival for the kids in the backyard, is cause maybe the towns around where they live have the end of school carnivals, and Kate is just too LAZY to take the kids to any of them! And that surprise might be a petting zoo.
From previous thread:
Does anyone know if Julie Carson may is still agent for Kate and kids? I didn't see Kate on the media motion international website?
I'm not sure about Julie Carson May. TFW hasn't been listed on her site for some time, but I doubt she lists all of her clients. Whoever it is must have their hands full trying to get her work especially after the release of Robert's book.
We don't subscribe to TLC, therefore anything I learn about these update shows is from this blog. Admin, thanks for the snippet above, it does give me some insight.
I was amazed to see other people present, but am I right in saying this seemed stifled, joyless and staged? There never seems to be any genuine fun, everyone seems to be in the long shadow of the controlling Kate.
It appears Alexis won a goldfish, but TFW just cannot cope with another mouth to feed. Mady tried to defend her sister, but nope, Kate talked over her and dismissed any notion of having another creature added to their "zoo".
She is a mean-spirited, self-involved narcissist who does not care a whit about her children.
This might be the LAST nice party those kids have if TLC goes away!
What were the themes of the last 3 parties??
-I find it curious that in part one we never saw Zorro flying anywhere. Based on my reading, I am finding that although Conure parrots can indeed fly, most of them have their wings clipped. Perhaps the bird experts out there can provide more detailed info please? But for the sake of argument let's say that he can indeed fly. Then why the heck would you let him fly lose why you're preparing a cake?
Funny you should mention that. I clipped 14 wings today. Some were not at all thrilled to have it done. Parrots can still fly with their wings clipped, but they can't do the Hitchcock birds thing. They can take off and land, but they can't fly around the house like a bat out of hell. With clipped wings, it's tough for them to gain height.
That said, I did have one eclectus who, despite the fact that her wings were clipped as far down as possible, still managed free flight quite well. We never could figure out how she did it.
You wouldn't let a bird loose if you're preparing a cake. In fact, I'd never let a bird loose in the kitchen. I read on Twitter that someone reminded Kate of the dangers of cooking with Teflon. It's toxic and can kill birds. Ditto with scented candles and Febreze. Their respiratory systems just can't withstand the perfume and chemicals they put into some products. I know Kate won't take any advice, particularly from non-fans, but if there are fans out there who read here and have Twitter, it would be kind of them to remind Kate of these dangers. I don't know if it would do any good, though. Kate does what Kate wants to do.
I'm not sure about Julie Carson May. 2
I don't know either, but according to Robert's book Baby Jane has to have a certain income to remain on contract with Julie May. I don't think investment interest would count.
I also think that JM busted her butt for Baby Jane. I hope that JM was well paid.
Let's throw tomatoes said... 4
This might be the LAST nice party those kids have if TLC goes away!
What were the themes of the last 3 parties??
Home Alone?
I made comment to this on the last post but I want to bring the sentiment over.
It boggles the mind that someone who is doing it all for her kids, and snapped at this same child to "speak, now's your chance", would so blatantly talk over her own kid.
Mady was clearly trying to contribute to the conversation and Kate merely glanced in her daughter's direction and continued flapping her gums.
Damage control much?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 15m
14 min til our Carnival Birthday Party on @TLC starts. Kids&Mommy in pjs ready w cookies in hand&Zorro is here too! #Shokaisinsidesleeping
DId anyone notice any media appearances by TFW today?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 15m
14 min til our Carnival Birthday Party on @TLC starts. Kids&Mommy in pjs ready w cookies in hand&Zorro is here too! #Shokaisinsidesleeping
I thought she said the kids were going to have friends over to watch the show....did that happen last week then?
The last three parties? Have Some Friends Over to Swim in Freezing Water, if I recall.
Layla - she was not on but E! showed her crying behind closed doors video and mentioned part two was on tonight.
Let's throw tomatoes said... 4
What were the themes of the last 3 parties??
Piecing, Patching and Pouting.
She couldn't shill them, so why thrill them.
Oh, My Lanta! Right off the bat, Zorro is on Alexis shoulder, ran up to her neck and and with his beak, he looked like he was trying to take her eyeball out!
That bird is toast in that house.
I'm going out so I have to type this fast. A while back one of my kids was telling me that there was a blind gossip about a reality star that was bugging her agent every day to get her work. The agent was complaining to people that the reality star would complain that she was a big star and why was she not getting anything. Apparently the agent couldn't stand her.
Maybe Kate?? I don't know who it was but maybe someone saw that particular gossip item.
Not even 10 minutes in and she said she doesn't run because she broke her FOOT last year. Does she not remember she got busted by her own kids that it was a toe and not her foot? Is that Steve in the white shorts and black top?
Could Kate's attempt at damage control be any more obvious? One hashtag isn't going to make anyone forget her abuse of that poor dog.
Not watching, but following along on Twitter, I saw this:
Julia Hatmaker @JuliaHatmaker 3m
It's like Mother Nature doesn't want Kate to throw this party. Hail storms, crazy wind... #KatePlus8
Remember the hail storm in Berks County? That's when a girl from a Chinese restaraunt tweeted that TFW made a reservation under a fake name and it was hailing? We speculated that it was on TLC's dime? There you go!
Isn't she lying about how long her and Jamie have been friends...since Mady and Cara were 1 years old?
You're upset about the gust of wind and you look up with your hand toward the sky and say Are You listening? Wow. Your going for it, aren't you?
Random tweet:
adam lorentzen @adamelevate ·5 mins
Accidentally saw 1 minute of #KatePlus8, I am actually dumber for watching this vapid, entitled megalomaniac conduct her poor children.
When they showed Jamie and Kate at the bar eating, there were some brown beer bottles there next to Jamie and I thought I saw Jamie drink from one and put it down. I could be wrong.
If you didn't want the extra fish at the end of the carnival, why didn't you just give them away? No, it is more work for the kids to do.
I think that really deep down that circus party is for kate because she is the center of attention. The clown wig, jumping up on the Velcro wall. Let your kids do these things. Not you!
Isn't she lying about how long her and Jamie have been friends...since Mady and Cara were 1 years old?
Probably not. She said that she met Jamie at a parents of twins get together and I think that was when the girls were one year old or close to it.
Lies so far: I wake up every day of my life at 5:30.
"Zorro has never flown into food". Next minute "he eats from our plates all the time"
I will say her anxieties real. In a mental illness way
Wow, Mady! Mady told kate that kate scares her friends.
This is crazy, they are hardly showing the carnival, just kate running her mouth on the couch.
Mady was clearly trying to contribute to the conversation and Kate merely glanced in her daughter's direction and continued flapping her gums.
She really is a good flapper, though, you have to give her that much, Flapping gums, flapping hands, flapping (or flopping?) boobs (much to Milo's delight).
This seriously is all about Kart....what an ass
English has to be her second language....she annihilates it worse than any foreigner I know!
Not very many kids there for a party for 6 kids - not more than any regular bday party.
Seems excessive for the size/expense.
Typical TFW!
Her kids could not even enjoy the party they didn't want without listening to mommy say how tired and exhausted she was from pretending to put on a carnival. And she just called every other guest "nauseated"
She just loves herself doesn't she.
@Kateplusmy8: FYI:Our lovely crew also enjoyed some of the 'Zorro cake' ..&said it was some of yummiest cake they've had2date! #WereTheyJustHungry? @TLC
@Kateplusmy8: Mady and Caras friends DO love me.. And I love them dearly #Gr8Girls @TLC
And then there's this.....
@Kateplusmy8: Not to be disrespectful to God, but I had had enough of this scary unpredictable and worrisome weather! #SorryGod @TLC
Yes, you are right boys! She won't let you drive it.
She only buys things for you, so she can take them away!
Natalie @Dolphins341430 18s
@Kateplusmy8 How do u plan to top this birthday? Haha!! :) You've officially have raised the bar for all parents out there! :)
What a dumb question. She'll have to get TLC to foot the bill, you dimwit. Raised the bar for all parents? Oh, sure...every parent has a few grand in their budget for their kids' birthday parties.
regina phalange @chelseamrae 2m
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC can we get Mady and Cara their own reality show? They're hilarious
Good gosh. Don't give TFW any ideas.
Can't find the tweet now, but Kate said it was a lot of exhausting work, but she'd throw a big shindig like this again. And included "@TLC" at the end.
Well, Duhhhh! LOL
OF COURSE at the end she has to mention how this was also a celebration of how she has survived 10 years of being their mom. I really don't think I have ever encountered someone so self absorbed in my life!!
Kate reminds me of Mama June in Gypsy and not in a good way.
Ms M.
You've officially have raised the bar for all parents out there! :)
Hm. I don't think other parents should worry about what bar Kate Gosselin is setting.
I was watching The Sixties on CNN and flipped to TLC several times. I noticed that only Mady was on the couch with Kate. Was she shown participating in the party or anything else?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 1h
I hope Alexis 'hates love' til she's 30 ... At least �� #KatePlus8 @TLC
You'd like that wouldn't ya.
Kate Gosselin you're an asshole.
Here's the tweet you're talking about PatK
@Kateplusmy8: Perhaps I was regretting (a wee bit) such a huge overwhelming labor intensive party..But I'll do it all again, 1st chance I get, so.. @TLC
Could she be any more obvious.
Kate commenting at the end that the reason she celebrates with super over the top big parties (can't remember her exact word) is because it is a celebration for her 6 healthy kids. What a lie! She celebrates grandly ONLY when TLC is there footing the bill and paying her a big paycheck.
With all her " expensive toys" why doesn't Kate own a home video camera. That way she could have capture all the birthday parties when TLC isn't there. Oh that's right. The parties are a big nothing and there is nothing to capture when she has to foot the bill for the party. And why film it because there would be no audience (millions) for her to speak to a camera about every little detail in her pathetic life.
Does anybody know how many friends were there? It did not seem like many at all.
OF COURSE at the end she has to mention how this was also a celebration of how she has survived 10 years of being their mom. I really don't think I have ever encountered someone so self absorbed in my life!!
That is so self serving it's hysterical.
Next birthday I'l be sure to remind my mother it's actually a celebration of HER motherhood. How awesome she gets TWO birthdays!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 1h
I LOVED saying 'Coming up on Kate Plus 8'... It means we are back!! @TLC #KatePlus8
Good grief. She really hit the bottle tonight.
because it is a celebration for her 6 healthy kids.
Why isn't the health of every child a miracle that deserves celebration?
It's really fascinating how thoroughly she's convinced herself that Jesus loves them more than most.
LOL Ms. M - In Gypsy it was Mama Rose. June was her other daughter (Baby June).
Honestly (I know you will love that TFW), it was REALLY boring.
I would actually rather watch a little person gypsy wedding for people who like cake after they had sex and had to go to the ER.
Isn't she lying about how long her and Jamie have been friends...since Mady and Cara were 1 years old?
I think that's right. I think they did meet in some kind of support group for parents of multiples, as I recall.
Not that there is anything wrong with support groups but seems rather dramatic just for twins. Plus I bet she went for the attention and to make sure everyone knew her situation was more difficult than theirs, not for "support."
So what was her big surprise? I followed on twitter during Hell's Kitchen commercials.
No, there weren't many kids there at all. No more than at a regular birthday party.
As for the gift, she said "family" gift. How much do you want to bet its for her lazy ass to ride around, barking orders at the kids.
I can't sit up straight - had a drink every time TFW said the word "like."
Surprise was a john Deere atv type vehicle for the "kids" to ride around the compound.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 23m
We have needed a utility vehicle for fun&for work for so long! Their driving ability will determine who gets their licenses 1st! LOL! @TLC
They needed a utility vehicle for fun. Unbelievable the greed and disillusion of this woman. And the hardest day of her life. Wow! With her two friends, production helpers, Steve, Mady and Cara and all their friends helping...I can't believe this was the hardest day of her life.
And the hardest day of her life. Wow! With her two friends, production helpers, Steve, Mady and Cara and all their friends helping...I can't believe this was the hardest day of her life.
I believe it. There really aren't very many "hard-working days" to choose from with this WOS.
Wait why would that atv vehicle be something that she was soooo worried would come together? Oh the drama.
Go to Walmart or Home Depot. Buy it. End of story. What, she didn't have a coupon?
I see Kate was doing the I do everything myself crap. Did Kate not go to the party store with the kids, in part 1 for birthday stuff? So why did she not get all those party stuff then when she had the kids with her. That was really stupid.
I was doing the karma dance, when everything blew away, and the cake got ruined, and yes Kate used canned frosting, on that first cake.
So the fish were Betta fish. Poor fish! Who in the hell uses Betta fish for a ball toss in a bowl game? Normal people & carnivals use goldfish. But, Kate did say she only buys the best, and Betta fish are not cheap,unless they are last of the stock, and they need to get rid of them. These fish start at $3. a fish, compare to feeder goldfish: 13 cents. That is why Kate did not give the rest of the fish away. She bought 14, I do not think Petsmart had that many for $3, some of those fish were $4-6 each.
Those kids did not seem or look too thrilled about getting a golf cart drive around the property. They run about $3,000. Yeah Kate piecing & patching, I have no money! I love how Kate said at first of the golf cart: I bought this, then changed to it was a family gift. Which is it Kate you bought it or TLC gifted it?
This party is what is known as a: over the top birthday party, and mostly rich & famous people give these kind of parties. there was a reality show that showed these kinds of parties. Normal/mundane/average people 1. can not afford such parties 2. no Kate you are not a normal mom, like every one else. What a waste of an hour, I should have watched the reruns of Law & Order.
@Kateplusmy8: Not to be disrespectful to God, but I had had enough of this scary unpredictable and worrisome weather! #SorryGod @TLC. 31
I haven't watched yet but I imagine the poor kids have mixed feelings about the golf cart. After all Kate can use it as a way to have them do even more choring around the property. Now they can drive it out to the far reaches of the property and do choring out there.
I think they're too young to be driving that IMO anyway.
More fun to watch than TFMJG: Last Comic Standing, its really funny!
New thread, and maybe some new pistes will check out the blog. Here is a list of commonly encountered acronyms here.
Kate Gosselin is also known as: Baby Jane (the resemblance to Bette Davis), Shmoopie (its just funny), TFW the former wife, TCFW the crazy former wife, TFMJG the former Mrs Jon Gosselin, Katie Irene, Ms Kreider, Katie Irene Kreider her maiden name, also WOS waste Of Space (Kate referred to Grand Canyon as waste of space, we recycle and use it for her), also the Warden because of her many rules and abuse of the children. Child abuser and animal abuser are also used by some to refer to her.
The Orphanage, the Kompound is where the children live and apparently have their food intake strictly monitored and work a schedule the envy of any Dickensian poor house.
Steve Nield security, manager, also known as Rat Claws, Purse Boy and Booby
Feel free to add any other of your favorite terms for TFMJG!
Some highlights for those that are smarter than me and didn't watch this mess:
-Kate lies, then TLC cuts to footage or (even better!) the kids contradicting her on the couch.
-Kate "works" while the kids are in school, and by "work" the boys say it means she either goes back to bed or runs errands.
-Kate claims that the twins friends "love her", but Mady immediately corrects her and and says that her friends don't like her and that they are "afraid of her". Hmmm..."afraid"..... That's interesting choice of words.
-Jamie comes to Kates rescue (without her children), and arrives in a Cadillac limo.
-Deanna is seen but not mentioned.
-considering Kate has been planning this since spring break, she's doing a lot of things last minute ( including the actual day of the party). I know that somethings will always be last minute, but most organized people would've had done most of it prior to the day of the party. For example, why did she wait to stuff the piƱata just minutes before the party started?
-they show Kate early on the morning of the party with wet hair running around doing last minute stuff. Curiously enough, (hours later and minutes before the guests arrive), it's still wet and she makes a big fuss of needing to finish getting ready.
-very few guests. in fact it, it appears they all fit in one shuttle, and the majority of the carnival was run by professionals, (including tents, set up, food, and games).
-in my estimation there are only about 15 to 20 children including the six little kids, and they can be seen lined up single file for the piƱata (so much fun! NOT!). Plus there appeared to be about six friends of the twins to help out.
-The John Deere utility vehicle was the kids "surprise", which the boys were quick to point out that she would not let them use, (and Kate verified this in a tweet).
-Kate claims never have heard of the Velcro jumping, but "just knew it would be perfect for the party". Fun fact- Kate and I are around the same age, and I am my states female Velcro jumping champ from waaaaayyyy back in the day! And I did it without a clown suit!
Yeah - Alexis saying she "hates" love is really heartbreaking. At that age, while they don't really have boyfriends, etc., they still tend to have a Disney view of love.
You suck, TFW!
After her kids called her out on that "broken foot" last week, she just had to mention it again; "I broke my foot last Fall".
Are kids allowed to drive ATVs in PA without an adult? That may just be an accident waiting to happen. Didn't she blog once that Shoka liked to chase the little cars and bite at the tires? Speaking of Shoka, why a picture of Zorro but none of Shoka (who was sleeping in the house if she's to be believed).
Ad finally, Milo apparently didn't join the tweet party. WTF, did hell freeze over?
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Well....looks like U have a full house of tweeties 2support you Kate! You all have a fun tweet party....:)
I am glad this is over with. I only hope they don't do another special until another 3 years when the kids turn 13 into their teen years and the twins will be sweet sixteen.
I am going to croak if they start giving her several specials a year like the Roloffs. If they do that, then why did they cancel her show?
And I hope Dr. Seth Meyers who tweeted that he was very against filming kids on reality shows does what he said and contacts Robert. He has been on many great TV shows. Perhaps he will light the fire and start the parade against the filming of the Gosselins kids.
jolie Jacquelyn said... 52
I can't sit up straight - had a drink every time TFW said the word "like."
lol!! Good thing you didn't have one for "um" you'd have alcohol poisoning.
(I'm just assuming she was umming a lot. I didn't watch)
Looks like Kate only gained 1000 new followers. Last week she gained 5,000 new followers. Looks like the live Tweeting wasn't that busy. I think she had 1,1000 tweets per minute and last week was 3,000. I think the numbers will be down for Part 2. Those that were curious to see the kids go that in Part 1. No need to watch Part 2.
I agree Admin. They are too young to be driving that. It will mostly be the twins and TFW.
I looked online - they run anywhere between $6K and $8K.
And to think that we agonized about spending a couple hundred on a refurbished iPad for our 9 year old.
She's too cheap to form that kind of money over - definitely TLC.
I should have watched the reruns of Law & Order. 57
I couldn't find one so watched some cooking "cook off".
The dh and I watched Last Comic Standing. It is really funny, they have some great comics on. Keenan ivory Wayans and Roseanne Barr arr doing a great job as judges.
Big Brother started Wednesday! Another guilty pleasure summer fun with even more houseguests, a secret Americas Team, a new twist with the head of household, its gonna be great!
Tamaratattles has part 2 reviewed.
Oh, and they blurred out the Mercedes logo on the BBB. Why? Does Kate not want the world to know she bought a new Mercedes when she is just piecing and patching.
T said... 61
-in my estimation there are only about 15 to 20 children including the six little kids, and they can be seen lined up single file for the piƱata (so much fun! NOT!). Plus there appeared to be about six friends of the twins to help out.
Thanks to the NDAs. Ah, the Golden Platter life. Who wouldn't want it?
I lost track of how many times she said "envisioned".
When I refer to her as TFW I am always thinking " the f^ck wad". I guess it's the Jersey on me.
because it is a celebration for her 6 healthy kids.
Why isn't the health of every child a miracle that deserves celebration?
It's really fascinating how thoroughly she's convinced herself that Jesus loves them more than most.
June 26, 2014 at 8:18 PM
I can just see her now trying to raise a child or children with disabilities. She can't even manage healthy kids without freaking out. There is NO WAY she would've ever coped had her kids been disabled.
Oh, and she had a photo of Shoka right behind her on a table when she talked excessively about herself. Talk about damage control. Remember that is a set that she is sitting in. So she purposely put the photo there.
I know there are many bird lovers out there, but isn't weird that she cradles the bird until he falls asleep? Especially when the family has a great big dog?
Odd. I don't really know what to make of that.
I'm just assuming she was umming a lot. I didn't watch) 66
I think that's a pretty safe bet.
OT - I love chef Jose Andres.
-I forgot to mention that Kate has 45 minutes until bus pick up and decides that this is a good time to make a cake that takes 35minutes just to bake. Fortunately, the cakes make it out of the oven in just the nick of time, but wait...what's this?...Kate just has to make a quick change from the strappy sundress she was wearing to bake the cake, to a different strappy sundress to pick up the kids. What a sham...errr...shame that she didn't have time to make that dress change during the 35minutes the cake was baking.
-During the shopping trip the twins claim that "it wasn't any fun", and cara can be heard muttering under her breath that she "hates it" and "doesn't want to be there". The twins also claim that they didn't get to shop for themselves, but then Kate claims on Twitter tonight at the girls did. I know who I believe, but in any case the little kids and Kate looked very uncomfortable shopping together, why the heck did she wait last minute to get the new outfits anyway?
-The answer to all of this is "manufactured drama", but I really resent TLC and (Kate for that matter trading us like idiots).
-No one looked happy. Not the kids, and not even Kate. The guests at that party also didn't look like it was a barrel of laughs either.
-at breakfast they are still given only half an egg sandwich.
-a few if the boys are shown in what appears to be their boxer type underwear, while coming down to get their shorts for school. ICK!
Ps. I couldn't understand what the little girls were saying on the couch because they kept talking over each other, but those three little boys are absolutely charming!
Golf carts start at $3,000, this gator is $10,000. According to Tamaratattles, she looked it up on google. It's a good article and someone sent her Robert book.
It's too bad Kate did not have a dunking tank. The velcro thing too bad they did not leave her there or threw balls at ther.
I also notice that the van that picked up the kids friends, or were they hired friends, that the guy that drove it had his face blurred out, could that have been purseboy? Those kids did not look like friends of theirs, but hired friends.
Oh year, forgot to mention that at point Mady says on the couch that they could "cut that part out" of her interview.
On me = in me.
Alberta Girl said... 78
I know there are many bird lovers out there, but isn't weird that she cradles the bird until he falls asleep? Especially when the family has a great big dog?
Odd. I don't really know what to make of that.
My first thought was I hope that bird IS just sleeping in those man hands. I keep thinking he's going to get mauled to death with everyone handling him, or sat upon and squashed.
I don't even want to think about what would happen to Shoka if he went after him.
Anyway, Zorro probably had the right idea. The show was a snooze fest, I'm sure.
Ad finally, Milo apparently didn't join the tweet party. WTF, did hell freeze over?
Milo just couldn't contain her lust any longer. The droolin and slobberin has finally gotten out of hand and she's on her way up north for an up close and personal encounter with the love of her life.
They don't need a license nor must they meet the age requirement (16) to drive an ATV or golf cart or whatever the heck it is as long as it's on land owned by their parents or guardians.
Rhymes with Witch said... 79
OT - I love chef Jose Andres.
I've only seen him on Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations. He forced Tony's face into the fruit basket, lol! He's very passionate.
OT in case you are just a wee bit tired of the carnival charade this evening; Sherri Shepard and Jennie McCarthy are leaving The View. And TFW still thinks the media world is waiting for her.
I didn't feel like tormenting myself with Kate's nonsense, so I watched a cooking competition. A contestant was massaging some scallops. It looked so relaxing that I nodded off.
Below are the top 100 cable shows for adults 18-49 for the whole day.
Thursday cable ratings: (all Live+Same Day ratings):
Show Net Time Viewership (000s, Live+SD) Adults 18-49 rating (Live+SD)
Pawn Stars HIST 9:30 PM 3869 1.1
Family Guy ADSM 11:00 PM 2134 0.9
Family Guy ADSM 11:30 PM 2123 0.9
Pawn Stars HIST 9:00 PM 3423 0.9
Big Bang Theory, THE TBSC 10:30 PM 2319 0.9
Big Bang Theory, THE TBSC 9:30 PM 2204 0.9
Kate Plus 8 TLC 10:01 PM 2359 0.8
The big surprise, she got John Deere to give them a “gator” a $10,000 utility vehicle that the boys surprising knew was called a gator so I could google it. The boys are hoping she will let them drive it to do their “man duties” but one of them (probably my Collin) said “she won’t.” Because the birthday present was for Kate.
This is from Tamara Tattles. Sorry if it was mentioned already. I juuuust love what Collin said at the end about the "gator" being for her. He sure has her number. I love that little young man. All the boys for that matter.
Oh, by the way, it's been mentioned here before about all the girls having braces but none of the boys have had them yet? How true is that? It was in the part 1 episode when they showed the pictures and talked about how they have grown.
I looked online - they run anywhere between $6K and $8K.
Did TLC foot the bill for that, too, because it was used in the Special? I remember hearing that they paid for that pool slide because it was used in the show.
Cripes, that's right. I'm sorry. Thanks, NJ Gal.
Ms. M
From Tamara Tattles:
"It did seem like they hired people to come to this party. The big surprise, she got John Deere to give them a “gator” a $10,000 utility vehicle that the boys surprising knew was called a gator so I could google it. The boys are hoping she will let them drive it to do their “man duties” but one of them (probably my Collin) said “she won’t.” Because the birthday present was for Kate."
If anyone DVR'd this, I'd love to know what the notes and clipboards say on the boys kitchen chairs.
Also, I think that there actually might have been "professional workers" in attendance (in black polo's), than actual guests.
Kate didn't buy the john Deere Gator, it was product placement. It was interesting to note the kids helmets appeared to adult size and bike helmets or something similar that they had already.
So the John Deere cart thingy was the big gift? And it was a "family" gift? And it was important enough to be part of the filming and made to look like the birthday kids were getting something really superfunspecial for themselves, yet Mady and Cara will actually be the "kids" allowed to drive it?
I have no words.
I caught the last five mins where KK was saying how she happy that she has 6 healthy kids and the of course she had to make it about herself.
And how she survived ugh poor me,,It's their day but it's alllllll about Kate and what she went thought ugh.
And of course M&C's friends love her and they're not afraid of her-(eye roll)
Interesting commentary from Alex McCord. At the end she says, "YOu try parenting 8 kids..." Ugh
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2h
We have needed a utility vehicle for fun&for work for so long! Their driving ability will determine who gets their licenses 1st! LOL! @TLC
They NEEDED a utility vehicle for fun? What the heck! I thought she's piecin and patchin. Who spends that kind of money "for fun?" I thought she's the struggling single mom who has to put food on the table and did the show to support her kids? Then she goes and gets a vehicle for $10,000? And the idiotic sheeple can't see through this charade?
If I could stand it, I'd like to time how many minutes Kate On The Couch took up of the hour. It seemed like that was all the episode was. Very Kate-centric. The episodes (both) were boring.
Alberta Girl said.
I would actually rather watch a little person gypsy wedding for people who like cake after they had sex and had to go to the ER.
Good one!
You've officially have raised the bar for all parents out there! :)
Nope not even close. Raising the bar is learning go deal with what comes your way. Many parents have to change party plans due to weather. I have seen some creative ways of dealing with rain or dust storms. Those are the parents that set the bar. They are ones that roll with life and still find a way to make their child's birthday a special day. They are the ones who can give their children a party for under $40 because they have planned all year and purchased the items when they are on sale. Money will never make a party truly special. It can make it fancier but its the friends, family and love that actually make a party special. I think fancy parties actually stress kids out more. The parent want everything perfect. They blow up when something goes wrong. It causes so much stress to the children.
I refuse to watch the show or read Roberts book. Too many triggers for my own abusive child hood. The only read I read here is because I fear for the children. All of my celebrations are low key because my mom wanted everything perfect. She would get upset over the smallest think like not having batteries on hand for a new toy. The part was more about pleasing her then celebrating. Its breaks my heart to see these children go through that too..
It's too bad Kate did not have a dunking tank.
I read this as "drunking" tank. Yes, it's too bad they didn't have one of those. Kate would have enjoyed it.
Never watched, just the video above. The whole thing reminded me of a place selling tickets to the general public, like a sports day kind of affair, mostly people who lived around the town. For a look-see sort of event, certainly not a children's birthday party with close friends and relatives. There should have been lots more of the tups friends there.
I know she reads here, faithfully, so whenever we have a beef about something, all of a sudden she changes/says something to prove us wrong. Like tweets about the boys these past few days, and Shoka as well. She is so fake and dramatic, loves living a scripted life. Deflection is what she is best at, after grifting of course. Such a loser,I wish her fake boobs would have got stuck up against the velcro wall. Along with her clown nose.
I haven't read all of Kate's tweets but does that douche thinks it's possible that she can get a weekly series. Whaaaaat ! Is she insane ? Yea ! TLC I really want to watch a child/animal abuser who also scams people and companies on the side!
I'm calling my cable companies and tell them I don't want the TLC channel. We have Time Warner ( they televise the dodgers) and we have Direct TV ( they televise the Lakers) so I'm calling both.
Thanks for three info, everyone who watched the snooze fest. El Rey network had a great kung fu movie on in the time slot, and SyFy had premiere of Spartacus Blood and Sand, I taped that one. It was on a pay cable network originally, I think it is edited a bit for SyFy.
If the numbers are correct, I am surprised Honey Boo Boo got less viewers than TFMJG. probably the audience is bored with the HBB shtick. Like any further episodes of life at the orphanage workhouse would just bee sad and boring. PS those ATVs can roll over and seriously injure people, ten year olds should NOT be driving them. The teens, maybe, after careful instruction and close observation.
Surprise was a john Deere atv type vehicle for the "kids" to ride around the compound.
Yep, I called it when the pic was posted last week. Piecing and patching, my azz! Depending on the specific model they range from $6-$13,000!
Did TLC foot the bill for that, too, because it was used in the Special? I remember hearing that they paid for that pool slide because it was used in the show.
Since it was featured so prominently in the episode she probably at least got a nice discount, if not free, for it being kind of a 'product placement'.
Take a gander at the lunacy that substitutes for logic among the ewes. It would be funny if it wasn't so appalling. Who are they trying to convince - themselves?
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC Crying tears here because we loved the show and didn't want it to ever end. Thank you TLC. Don't let it end PLEASE‼
@MY_2BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 @TLC same here!!! Two specials wasn't enough!! I want this to last all summer!!
@EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC We feel the same way. We want it to go on. It was TLC's best show and the ONLY show we watched on that channel.
@MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 Was leery of @TLC doing this update due to their misrepresentation in the past. This was good
@RealZiggyFlo @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC I felt the same way but this time they didn't edit it the way they had done previously.
@MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC No, no fake ramped up drama or focusing >only< on the negative.
@RealZiggyFlo @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Exactly! On all the old shows there was quite a few "set ups" by TLC to make Kate melt.
@RealZiggyFlo @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Remember the RV episode? It's impossible odds for THAT many RV's to break down. #setup
@MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC I agree. NO MORE FAKE DRAMA!
@RealZiggyFlo @MY_2BCOLLIES @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Not necessary when real life is interesting enough!
@RealZiggyFlo @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Fake drama is never needed. Real life is complicated enough.
@MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC EVERY family has it's negative & positive. It's never all one or the other.
@RealZiggyFlo @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC That's what really upset me because it was edited let's be honest to make Kate look bad.
@MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Jon himself said in an interview that editing was spun.
@RealZiggyFlo @MY_2BCOLLIES @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC He also tweeted to haters in past to leave Kate alone, because she was a good mom!
@RealZiggyFlo @CJWhodunit @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC It was pretty obvious it was spun and it's nice to hear that Jon admitted it was. #truth
@CJWhodunit @RealZiggyFlo @EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 @TLC What a shame that group of haters have wasted YEARS of their lives hate tweeting Kate.
@MY_2BCOLLIES @CJWhodunit @RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 @TLC agreed! Don't understand how people can be so negative/mean & sleep at night. #sad
@EmCr68 @CJWhodunit @RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 @TLC It's because they're miserable in their own lives and so jealous of people who are happy
Interesting commentary from Alex McCord. At the end she says, "YOu try parenting 8 kids..." Ugh
UGH is right. Although I've seen tweets asking if she has, I don't think she's read the book and is just going by what she's read online. She's pretty much a hack. IMO, of course. lol
Ingrid said... 100
Alberta Girl said.
I would actually rather watch a little person gypsy wedding for people who like cake after they had sex and had to go to the ER.
Ingrid, may I?
I would actually rather watch a little person gypsy wedding for people who like cake after they had sex and had to go to the ER, because we had a big BOO BOO, Honey!
Carole (106)
The sheeple bashed Jon for pulling the kids on their slides behind a tractor, but they're okay with Kate buying them their own vehicle to drive around? How is it that they think the kids could seriously hurt themselves by falling off a slide pulled at slow speed by their father but they are okay with children driving a vehicle with their un-seat-belted siblings piled in the back? How does that make sense?
Didn't watch last night, but did watch this clip.
I think we can figure out what a 'can toss' is, or 'hit the balloon' game is...no need for a 20 minute synopsis.
See Hannah "sink a basket"??? Freaking staged, just like the bird in the cake clip. She's got a whiny look because she can't get it in. Low and behold there's a clear scene of the ball going in the basket, but that's all...no showing WHO actually got the ball in. And nice look on her face when she's handed her prize and stomps off.
"pay for your sins"? or whatever Mady said?? "all I've been doing is bending over, picking up..."(me me me, I did this, I did that, complain complain whine whine...) oh no, really...not good ...(sigh)
Colin actually said the tractor-thingy was for HER! bahaha!
Mady's friends are scared of her? NO SHIT!
Of course the crew said it was THE BEST CAKE THEY'VE EVER HAD!!!!!!!!!
Did any of the kids get to do the velcro race? What was she doing laying on the grass in the promos, what was THAT all about?
And yes, where was Cara? She is just waiting...counting down the years/days/minutes she can get the hell out of Dodge
Ok, if the sheeple feel the RV show was edited to make Kate look bad, then why do they believe all the crap that TLC shoveled out during the divorce? I guess sheeple logic is if TFW looks bad, then blame editing.
Also, I can not believe that anyone thinks that TFW actually did all the party work herself. For someone piecing and patching, she spent a lot of money for a party and gift. Someone posted that she set the bar high for parents. Really?! I don't think so as most people realize that TLC paid for everything and hired workers to put the party together. TFW just showed up and filmed her parts. A little discernment would be helpful for the sheeple.
If Kate wouldn't be so nasty, miserable, rude, selfish and greedy, she would have no personality at all.
From previous thread.
You're right.
I don't think what's going right now is giving her any kind of emotion, whether it be pleasure or pain, (she truly can't feel either, imo) but rather it gives her "something" that a normal person can't grasp, a purpose? Fuel to just keep her "going"? Let's her "be"?
She far far FAR surpasses my mother. It was and always is about her, but there weren't any incidents of torture or vicious gleeful punishments. We'd get smacked, but never BEATEN. She'd rant, put you down (words that still haunt me) swear etc. but her biggest trait was martyrdom, which still goes on today. And call her out on it or don't give her the acknowledgment she demands...watch out.
With POS, she actually physically hurt babies! She doesn't have feelings of love OR hate, she doesn't experience TRUE emotions. She mimics them, even those with no real life experience with a narc sees it in her dead eyes.
And Millicent, you're right, for their own mental health, those kids (when the day comes that they can) should stay away from her toxicity. Perfect word for it. Toxins have only one purpose, to poison, to kill.
OT...but Sherri Shepard and Jenny McCarthy are both out at The View.
Well, now we know what the gas can kerfuffle was all about.
Katykat said... 116
OT...but Sherri Shepard and Jenny McCarthy are both out at The View.
I heard Bill Geddie was out as well. Isn't he the one that had the (affection) for TFW? All her supporters have left the show, there's no one there for her now - which explains why no invite to promote the specials. Change is good.
Just curious, how does one "pierce and patch" for a $10,000 John Deer tractor? Seriously????
C'mon, TLC! Let's make this fun...
How about a wife swap with Michelle Duggar? The Gosselin kids would love time with Michelle, and ole JimBob would not be putting up with any woman trying to rule the roost.
Good drama potential. Can you see the Duggar kids being aghast at the screaming banshee TFW?
Then swap with Amy Rolloff. Oh boy. That messy house and disrespectful kids would send her right over the edge. I'd love to see Matt pull one of his temper tantrums on her. Amy wouldn't make the Gosselin kids follow *any* rules or regimen. They'd be in heaven.
No swapping with The Little Couple. I wouldn't want those sweet little kids traumatized. Bill would probably just walk away from her, and she'd be like what? What did I do? Jen would be so sweet with the Gosselin kids.
And finally, a swap with June. Honey Boo Boo would be so good...she'd really give TFW a run for her money. The husband would be giving her the ole stink eye. June might be a lot of fun with the Gosselin kids if TLC could manage not to do all staged activities.
And then for a finale TFW and Steve could do their version of Sex sent me to the ER.
I don't understand about that shuttle bus..where did it pick up people, and where did it return them too? A parking lot in town somewhere? They have that huge driveway, why didn't people just park there?
Mady grabbed the ball out of a small girl's hand while she was hoping to win a fish, and threw it herself, and then told the girl.."You won a fish." and handed her one. That must have been lots of fun for that child. And that was the most favorite game running, with Mady and her sour disposition?
Over In TFW's County said... 91
I looked online - they run anywhere between $6K and $8K.
Did TLC foot the bill for that, too, because it was used in the Special? I remember hearing that they paid for that pool slide because it was used in the show.
Oh, you know TLC paid for it. If you read the first book, there was an email where she said that if TLC didn't pay for the girls' room remodel then they couldn't film it. She makes TLC pay for everything they film. The ATV, the party, the new clothes, Aaden's new glasses. She took them for everything she could get. And first chance she gets she will sell the ATV and pocket the cash.
If she's such an animal lover, why all the fussing about the additional fish???
Even if TLC did pay for it, it'd be hard to convince Uncle Sam that wasn't income in exchange for their services filming them.
So Ms. Piecing and Patching is still going to have to pay a good couple thousand dollars in taxes on that thing come next April.
They are the ones who can give their children a party for under $40 because they have planned all year and purchased the items when they are on sale. Money will never make a party truly special.
Isn't that the truth. As someone brought up the other day and it was a great point, look at Juanita from the Farmer's Wife and the party she threw for her girls on five bucks. She worked hard, was creative, and made it fun. And she did it with her head held hide, a smile on her face, and a great attitude even despite their perilous financial situation. The girls loved it. And then she went out there and worked to CHANGE her situation by working extra jobs and getting more education and finally securing a better job. The old cliche is true, money does not buy happiness. Love can though.
From the clip above, that surely didn't look like much of a fun carnival.
Mostly crew, in the tan shorts and black tops, and a lot of adults. Very few other 10 year olds. Looked like quite a few 16 year old girls...hired help?
It didn't look like the Gosselin kids knew the other little kids...they didn't seem to interact with them as friends, anyway.
Nobody was smiling and having fun.
Love how Mady says "I'm tired" in the exact same tone of whine that TFW says it in. She wouldn't want to put herself out to make it a nice party for her siblings or anything. Although since she probably gets stuck with most of the childcare in that house she can legitimately be resentful of the sibling group.
The whole shopping for clothing was definitely a set up. The boys had no clue how to shop for clothes for themselves. Aaden was like, what is a M mean or and XL. Interesting to note, the kids were well behaved in the store. It looked like some kind of cheap outlet.
I didn't watch the specials as I've banned TLC from my life but I have gotten about thirty percent through the book and have come to three new conclusions:
I am giving up all things Discovery, including Deadliest Catch sniff sniff. I LOVE Edgar Hansen, probably too much, but he's like the manly Macgyver of the Behring sea.
I am giving up Sexy Mama Mally Roncal makeup. Now dammit this stings as I love her spackle and more importantly, I need it. I just cannot order her stuff after learning she sent Seabiscuit/Bruce (mechanical shark from Jaws) buckets of free makeup. Thank God I don't live near an Ann Taylor or The Loft and they don't sell their clothing on QVC or I'm sure I'd be boycotting that as well now. For my own sake I hope I don't get into Jeanie Bryce and Quacker Factory clothing or one of you will have to do an intervention.
And lastly, I'm going to require a lot more hard cider to make it through the remaining seventy percent of this book.
Heads up to LukeBandit for pointing me to my lovely new profile pic. It was one of the few great belly laughs I got yesterday. Can't you just see that moron dancing around inside her mansion, in front of the basement sliding glass doors and windows attempting to her antagonize the amazingly intelligent Nala? I wonder what Nala was thinking besides "she craaazy".
I could be wrong but I thought Kate met Jamie when she was an obstetrics nurse and Jamie had twins? Jamie gives her hand me downs from her girls for the tups I guess or the twins if they are smaller although older, lol.She used to know how to help Kate.
Gleefully awaiting the recap - the only silver lining in this cloud of
So fan, if there's "good and bad" in everyone, wouldn't that include
the kids' father?
I don't for a second believe Shoka was sleeping inside. No picture,
no proof.
This comment did not make it through probably due to a direct observation of Mady's moods.
I was horrified by Collin sitting a wad of spit of the birthday cake as they were singing. He is 10 years old and that behavior is TOTALLY unacceptable from age 3 and up.
Those behaviors show how messed up these kids are.
As I stated last week the John Deere was the big surprise and it was Joel who said they probably won't get to drive it down to the chickens.
As mean as those kids are to one another, I would not trust them driving each other around.
My next prediction is TLC will film more of these specials. Kate has a new viewing awesome. Kids and teens will love watching these kids, again. I am afraid Kate will get the second strike of lightening.
The John Deere atv/gator or whatever it was, was either given to them for promotion or highly discounted. I know someone who has one and one of their close relatives works for John Deere. They paid like $2k of the $10K price tag plus got the deluxe model. Kate Gosselin never pays full price for anything and probably John Deere thought it would be good advertising. My husband loathes them so much that he goes out of his way (which is difficult in that we're literally surrounded by all things JD) to not buy their stuff. He recently bought a new riding lawn tractor and one of the JD slackjaws that live near us told him he'd regret it as it wouldn't last - like a "deere" would. Mr. Kelly told him the last tractor he bought from the same company lasted twenty years so he's not too worried about the new one. I hope John Deere looses sales. They deserve it.
In the credits, it says:
Special thanks
Kate Gosselin and Family
Itza Party
Bon-Ton is a clothing store. Itza Party provides tents, games, the Velcro thing, etc. So Kate certainly didn't pay a dime for those things. John Deere's name and the name of the bakery where she got the cake were prominently shown in the episode, so those were probably freebies to. Free advertising for them, free stuff for Kate.
Took a look at the Itza Party website, and it even says "As seen on
TV-Kate plus 8". Someone from Figure 8 films even left a testimonial:
Jordan Swaim 5/28/14 Figure 8 Films (Kate Plus 8) Thank you SO much for everything your team did for us this weekend. Everyone was incredibly nice, helpful, and I felt very confident putting so many things in your hands. Itza Party truly helped this event be such a big success, and I KNOW we couldn't have done it without you. You went above and beyond (remember hot dog buns?!), and I can't thank you enough.
Kate has a new viewing awesome. Kids and teens will love watching these kids, again.
Ah, no they won't. This show was on at 10:00 - what kids watched it? The 1st show was dismal even in the 18-35 demographics - the ones that advertisers care about.
You sure don't like Collin for some reason - still picking him out of all the kids.
Yes but even if John Deere slashed the price I believe she would be obligated to pay full fair market value taxes because it was in exchange for a promotion on T.V. or "payment" in part from TLC for doing the show. A pure gift is usually tax free but this was nothing of the sort. This was a tit for tat no matter which way you slice it, and Uncle Sam's ears perk up when he hears tit for tats.
It's just going to be very hard to explain one's way out of this one to Uncle Sam.
@TLC It's because they're miserable in their own lives and so jealous of people who are happy
But it's just exactly the opposite though. These kids seem so unsettled and unhappy and I want exactly the opposite, I want them to be HAPPY.
They don't get it and never will.
"loses" sales..geez I need to wait to comment until at least nine a.m..
Free advertising for them, free stuff for Kate.
Except come April!
No one in their right mind could look at those children - and even Kate and say they are happy. They just aren't. Sheeple - Wishing it so doesn't make it so.
At the end of the show they were showing the tups at the bakery getting their cupcakes frosted. Are these the same ones that she boxed up and took home and gave them to the girls and refused to give to the little boys? Did you see her with her talons on each side of their face when she was kissing them on top of their heads like she is such a loving mom? Thought I was going to vomit.
I feel really BAD that poor Bobbie McCauley's good name is being dragged into this mess. ROL got facts wrong in the latest article. They said that Robert found her hard drive. He found CD's that were burned from the hard drive. kate probably has no idea even where that hard drive is or she may have it, you never know.
Wouldn't she have to have the hard drive to print off a copy of Mommy's Journal to submit to the copyright office for a copyright?
I know the John Deere is a Gator and I love how one boy said it was for her. But down south, we call those mules. I just hope that she doesn't get loaded and tries to drive the boys to the chicken coop. It could mean disaster.
Oh, during the blast of wind, she hollered, Can't someone close the pool gate? She was standing right there, the kids were at the pool trying to get the junk up. Did you see them work together like a precision drill team to get that mess picked up? One or more of the kids said, We got it all! We got all of it! Like trained seals.
I'm sure you're right Admin but I'd happily only pay the taxes on a brand new John Deere ATV. It sure beats paying the full MSP plus added taxes. I should add the person I know with the gator got theirs five plus years ago so I have no idea what that $10K toy costs now.
I'm sure you're right Admin but I'd happily only pay the taxes on a brand new John Deere ATV. It sure beats paying the full MSP plus added taxes.
Of course if that's your prerogative.
The point is, for someone piecing and patching even paying the taxes on such a luxury item is completely ridiculous.
The point is, she is NOT piecing and patching. She has more money than Davey Crockett. I guess she's living off investments or whatever, but she's rich as all get out or there's no way she'd be able to afford this lifestyle after all this time. It's the lying I can't stand.
Why not just say working my kids allowed me to save considerable money that we have been able to live very comfortably on for years now, we are very blessed.
Instead it's I go off and cry in my room not knowing how we will get by. My babies, they're going to starve.
Is the Gator considered an ATV? Because according to this (and common sense), Mady was required to wear a helmet while operating it. (they all should have been wearing helmets IMO):
"It is illegal to operate an ATV without a securely fastened helmet on
the head of the operator."
Jordan Swaim 5/28/14 Figure 8 Films (Kate Plus 8) Thank you SO much for everything your team did for us this weekend. Everyone was incredibly nice, helpful, and I felt very confident putting so many things in your hands. Itza Party truly helped this event be such a big success, and I KNOW we couldn't have done it without you. You went above and beyond (remember hot dog buns?!), and I can't thank you enough.
And thank you, Jordan, for proving once again, that Incapable Kate can do nothing on her own.
I watched this show live yesterday, with a freshly opened bottle of chilled pink muscato, but even that didnt help it going down easier.
- So she wants me to believe that after the cake she was planning on baking was ruined, a circus-tent cake is ordered and baked within 1 day. I call BS on that one!
- Did she really stated she is NOT a baker, just their daily bread.....howbout all those cookies from scratch?
- how excited was that kid to feed their much beloved Shoka......not!
- Alexis asked her to wear her clown wig, but when Kate bought it she was all alone, makes me believe it wasnt so much Alexis idea. Also confirmed when she confronted Alexis with what she said and Alexis looked a bit confused.
- where all all those guests she's invited????
- All Kate's talking how hard it was on her when the kids were babies, all that feeding, cleaning, organizing, cooking and more feeding.....uhhm...didnt she have a helping husband and an army of volunteersthose days, she makes it sound it was all just poor her against an army of babies.
- Why, if its a kids Bday party does she have to be in the middle of the attention, because like she stated herself..its not about her!
- All that excited screaming, irritated shreeking, facial expressions, handflapping of her...its all about :" look at me!!!"
- the kids are georgious btw!
I can go on and on, Halfway through I was super irritaded and got snarkier by the minute, howbout that dress change? howbout that shopping trip? howbout her yelling at everybody why nobody thought about closing the poolgate, couldve thought about that yourself! Howbout setting up a carnival all by yourself the day of the carnival...rrrrrright! Howbout paying for all that + more while you're cash-strapped...BS!
This was all one big staged mess and the one getting the most enjoyment out of this is and was Kate (and Milo)
Seriously hope this was her Swansong and those kids can grow up in peace and privacy from now on out!
I watched the show this morning and I agree with what people are commenting here so I'm going to throw a curve ball and say a few positive things.
TCFW looks so much better first thing in the morning with no make up, her hair pulled back and wearing sweats and a t-shirt. She needs to fire Deanna because she does her no favors when she does her up. Except for her strapless dress she wore at the party, I think TCFW looked appropriate.
I love TCFW's kitchen and I would have fun cooking in it.
Her egg sandwiches looked good.
I agree with everyone who said they love the boys. So do I. They look like they enjoy each other's company and are adorable together.
Those are the only positives I can think of. My oldest daughter is visiting and she walked into the room when I was watching Part 2 this morning. C&M were driving in on the Gator and my daughter looked at me and said, "well, they're not blurring out the name so I guess that was a gift from John Deere." She then got up and walked away. Smart girl.
"Who's going to let ME win?"
Answer: TLC, Bonton, Bakery, John Deere
And make that Bering sea..Jesus take the wheel. I need spell check and an automatic proofreader. I'm off to take Rudy to his first day of doggy daycare..which I'm dreading... since he's a prize drama llama. Then I'll meditate while watching the corn grow and attempt another chapter of the book. I hope the sale figures of the book are off and Robert has sold much more. I thought the price was more than reasonable and I'd like to see him make a decent chunk of change from this. I know that wasn't the primary goal of writing it but it would be a nice benefit.
I'm looking forward to reading what all of you brave people who watched those specials have to say.
Rhymes - so happy and excited for you and your soon-to-be new pup. What a fantastic way to save a life and get an awesome buddy in one move. Our last shelter puppy lived seventeen and a half years and was so stinking smart.
I think Seabiscuit Bruce has a bird because she wants to stand out from the crowd because having just a dog,cat or hamster is just so mediocre. Vomit. Zorro is yet another prop for her and is in danger because she obviously never learned how to properly take care of him. I never attempted birds because I didn't feel I knew enough to handle them safely and I didn't want my kids accidentally harming one. I too am surprised he's lasted this long.
TFW reminds me a lot of my boss, which is probably why I can't stand her. I deal with a greedy narcissist every day. Unfortunately for the kids TFW will never change. She will never be happy with what she has and will always be chasing more money and material items.
My boss is 74 years old, sits in his office and "delegates" the work he should be doing to other people who are already stressed doing their own duties, does absolutely nothing productive for the organization, and thinks the organization would crumble to the ground without him. He is not the owner, but the people he answers to don't work in this office and don't realize he doesn't really do anything. He's been this way all his life and makes everyone around him miserable. At a time when most other people his age would be retired and enjoying life and spending time with their grandkids he obsesses with maximizing the pay and benefits he gets from the organization. He is easily sitting on $2 million+, is in the twilight years of his life, and still only cares about control and money.
TFW is going to be the same way as she grows older. She is going to be extremely upset as she gradually looses control of her children and they begin to exercise their independence. They are her little money makers. She has no concept of building up a nest egg while the show was doing well and then using it to survive on later. She can't stand to dip into "her" savings and expects her net worth to keep growing.
I understand everyone wants to be in a better situation than they are now, nothing wrong with that. TFW takes it to the extreme though. She is wasting the best years of her and her kids lives obsessing with finding a way to make lots of money without doing any actual work. She should be happy to have been as fortunate as she is, but she isn't and likely never will be unless she gets some serious counseling and admits her greed and laziness is the root of the problem.
Over in TFW's County - Thanks for the info on driving the ATV/golf cart on private land. I had no idea that anyone at any age can do it. Again, that's an accident waiting to happen, but then again, if TFW doesn't let them drive it there won't be a problem.
Carole - Thanks for printing the sheeple twitter conversation. They really are delusional aren't they. The funny thing is that they included @TLC in the entire discussion. Note to sheeple: If you're going to bash @TLC for the way the "edited" TFW to show her in a bad light, it's probably better NOT to include them in the tweets. I feel sorry for the poor TLC intern tasked with reading the tweets today! Head banging against the desk time!
Wow, if the John Deere was product placement, it was pretty damn expensive product placement for a show that isn't geared to their target audience.
Please do NOT assume that I don't like Collin. I do not know him. I am commenting on filmed behavior. Collin spits a lugie on a birthday cake...so I am quite sure he is a charming little boy.
Actually, I think Collin is bright and articulate and very angry to say the least. Having been raised by parent's who allowed the hitting and the spitting and even still at 10, with the cameras on???
Ok, I owned a John Deere Gator for use on a 10 acre property. I loved it, but it's for an ADULT, not a 10 year old. I would never allow a child to drive one unsupervised. In fact, it is a surprise to me that someone who claims to be actively involved with that property did not already own one. Really, that Gator was nothing more than product placement and a freebie for Kate (or Steve) who wanted one. So I wonder who will really be driving it, like a nanny/housekeeper?
Watched the clip. Thought Mady was acting horribly. Not her fault. Look who her mother is.
ITA those kids were not school friends. I'd say most there came from the crew.
It is atrocious that TLC paid for all her crap for that show. No wonder she wants to stay on TV.
BTW, I heard a couple of ladies were fired (or contract not renewed) for The View. Let's guess who is on the phone today.
I didn't know who Alex McCord was. I googled Google images and saw something I wish I hadn't of seen. She was dressed in night time fun wear and I need a mixture of rumspringa and BLEACH! UGH!
Why on earth would you let a picture like that get out on the internet? Oh, I just thought, it might of been on her show. idk.
Is the Gator considered an ATV?
No. Most think of it more as a glorified golf cart or riding lawn mower.
Around here, they are in abundance (for work on real farms, not for "play" like she says) and I've never once seen anyone wear a helmet. The local schools used to let the students drive them while working the fields during athletic events until few years ago. If you watch the Roloffs show, those are what they use to get around their land and so Matt doesn't have to try to walk it.
Based on Kate's TL their are a lot of preteen and teens that love the kids and grew up watching them. They don't know how vile she is. I still think TLC will film more specials and kids can always DVR their shows.
Kids like watching other kids doing regular things. If TLC kept this format, Kate might have a shot again.
This episode should have been called the " Kate Show" since it seemed like the 8 were only shown in snippets, usually right before commercial breaks. Done to keep those interested in the kids hanging on so they'd keep watching.
Well, sorry, but I don't think the kids are gorgeous at the moment. They are normal average healthy kids. They are at awkward stages of tooth development, growing into features, adolescent acne etc and deserve to have privacy for these changes. I'm sure they will all grow into nice- looking human beings but nothing to fawn upon more than the next person.As for their behavior, it's deplorable, although agree I the rapport among the boys is nice to see and the twins seem close.I don't like they way they all tease Cara for being shy, though..
Well, sorry, but I don't think the kids are gorgeous at the moment. They are normal average healthy kids. They are at awkward stages of tooth development, growing into features, adolescent acne etc and deserve to have privacy for these changes.
Agree. This is an awkward time in their lives most kids go through around this age, and they deserve privacy. It's hard enough to go through it without the public ogling you.
It's a bit different when you're in the movies and a professional make up artist and CGI and fake teeth can fix all these flaws. These kids don't even have any of that as a buffer.
Sara....a few hundred pre-teens don't an audience make. -...Try again....
Anyone notice that when Kate first appears as the clown she has on false eyelashes and pink eye shadow, yet later on when she was on the Velcro wall, she has no eye makeup on at all? From the DM website:
With makeup:
So which part was filmed first?
Just before the tractor arrives she has no hat on top of her clown wig, yet she has one on during the tractor sequence.
I guess no one checked for continuity during the editing.
Wouldn't be surprised if the tractor segment was filmed the next day.
I didn't watch - we don't have cable and I'm not spending $3.98 to buy them on iTunes - but based on the comments and recap, I doubt she's getting a new series from TLC/Discovery. It sounds like the film crew were not editing the footage in any way that made Kate look good, in fact the opposite.
Advertisers don't care about tweens/teens watching a show because they don't have the money to spend on a product. Unless Kate can pull in the demographic they want she won't get a show because she won't have the advertisers. If TLC spent this much on the specials can you imagine what she'd expect them to spend on a regular show? She is a stah after all.
Per Roberts books, Kate has written into all her contracts where freebies are involved that the donor of said freebie pays all the taxes on the freebie. Kate learned to do this after she got burned with taxes on their first remodel. So no, she didn't pay one dime for that tractor or anything else she has received since jon&kate first started. Everything is free..
laura jean
Why do they kids need ATV don't have some all ready? I remember watching Jon driving their ATV's around so WTF???
And I'm sure KK didn't give Jon the old ATV's so again why do they need a new one?
There were so many shots of the massive and well manicured property she lives on, I wonder how the sheeple reconcile that kind of homestead with piecing and patching.
Robert book has sold 316 copies to date.
Layla said... 112
Everything KK does the sheep love she can do no wrong to them and if she does the sheep blame everyone but their queen.
From reading the tweets posted earlier, it sounds like the sheep are very happy that TLC did not "edit" the special to make TFW appear mean. Judging from how T and others have summarized Part 2, I guess the sheep don't mind that TLC has made TFW look like a liar and complete moron. I guess they think being stupid is much better. Did they not ask themselves:
While baking/icing a cake, who lets a bird out of its cage to roam free? Imbecile
What person complains about having too many pets, but then purchases fish for a carnival game (cruel to begin with) without considering the distinct possibility that several of those fish will end up in your own home? Idiot
Who talks about herself as being a great mom, but then has to ask her son if he likes basketball? Fool
Who continues to cry about piecing and patching, but is able to "buy" (snort, snort, cough, cough) a $10,000 utility vehicle? Dolt
Who allows herself to be shown to be a liar when her kids are interviewed contradicting everything she says? Dunderhead
One thing is for certain - nobody will ever go broke underestimating the intelligence of Kate's sheep.
I like how the crew-(who's family) didn't help KK open the door to party city they also didn't help when the b-day sign's blew into the pool..hahaha
TLC stinks said... 154
BTW, I heard a couple of ladies were fired (or contract not renewed) for The View. Let's guess who is on the phone today.
Oh no doubt! Heck, she and Skeeve are probably en route to NYC right now to personally demand she be given 'her' seat! In her mind she surely thinks that after her spectacular showing (ha!) over these two specials, she is a shoe in.
Supposedly they are canning Jenny in part because of the controversy over Jenny's anti-vaccine beliefs. Also ratings dipped after she came on board. If they want to stay away from controversy I would think they would stay far away from Kate.
This comment from TLC's FB page basically sums up Part 2 of the special:
"It's the Kate narrate show. Does this woman ever shut up? I'd like to watch the kids. Not her. So annoying!"
OMG. She is totally talking like Kate. Those poor kids. Who speaks like that?!
At the end, there is Kate sitting on the soap box, going on & on & on, blah,Blah Blah, about how terrible her having her kids, and thanking God for their health, praising herself and on, & on & on. It was an all about me. BORING! I was hoping someone would duck-tape her! shutup! Shutup shutup!
Oh, online Kate said that she got rid of the other fish to people who were there with instructions. I wonder if the people who worked the tents took the fish home. And was the hotdogs organic, the funnel cake organic, hotdog buns organic, how about the cake?organic? cotton candy, organic sugar? what about the candy in the pinata?organic? The cake she made was not organic, she had Wilton can frosting on the counter. That is not organic. And that was all the food she had? hotdogs? Funnal cakes? candy, cake?. No salads, corn, anything? Hamburgers? ketchup, mustard, etc? There was a moment towards the end where Kate is calling the kids over for the pinata, and one of the tup boys was going to throw the funnal cake into the trash.
Kate didn't NEED nor have any use for the John Deere, nor does she have any use for a lot of other things donated to her, but just as she stated during their Christmas show when talking about gifts being sent from strangers " Who am I to say no?" She will take anything that anyone wants to give her. John once stated in an interview that when the kids were real young they were cranky and tired but Kate still made them all drive 2 hours to a ladies house just to pick up some $100 gift cards, and this is while the show was going on and they were already raking it in.
Any goldfish the kids won literally ended up flushed down the toilet. I always felt bad for goldfish, always being treated like disposable pets.
I guess Shoka was tied up during the carnival?
My god, there were tons of teenage girls there at the carnival. Any locals hear anything about girls being recruited for that filming? Was Steve around?
@Kateplusmy8: Not to be disrespectful to God, but I had had enough of this scary unpredictable and worrisome weather! #SorryGod @TLC
Oh, Katie Irene, God has nothing better to do than provide you good weather for you over-the-top-scripted-for-tv-so-you-can-continue-to-exploite-your-children's-better-than-a-Qincineanera-10th-birthday-party.
F*ck starving children in Darfur.
and once again TFW makes it all about her. IN her closing in discussing the milestone birthday of 10 years its all about Kate surviving 10 years...who does that ??? oh yeah, oopsie, TFW does. Both shows were kate, kate, and more kate, all about kate, I thought this was supposed to be an update about the KIDS?????
The reviews are coming in:
Anonymous said... 167
There were so many shots of the massive and well manicured property she lives on, I wonder how the sheeple reconcile that kind of homestead with piecing and patching.
IMO most of KK's fans are young and very naive they have to experience in life so they believe what they see on and realty show.
Her young fans life KK and look up to her and it's hard for them to believe that she's a horrible person.
Chef (#171), not having the crew help TFW was probably deliberate.
Gotta stick with the "struggling single mom" story line this time around. I can just imagine a production assistant running to grab
one of her carts and her shrieking, "Let go! My next series is on
the line here!" Or, she could've said, "Let it go!" and then say
how much her kids loved "Frozen," and try to grift another trip to
Disney World.
Party planners plan parties - set up, clean up, the whole nine yards.
Any and all attendant drama is manufactured. We're on to you,
sprinkle, I heard they are revamping the show to be more creative, so definitely Kate is OUT.
Poor bird. In part one his feathers are ruffled and has little tail feathers. Second part Zorro has tale feathers....what's up.
And John Deere is so boys can cut the grass and save her money.
And Krazy Kate wants us to think she has no security at party??? Where's Steve?
Again, another party that is all about "her". I wonder how many lies she told in the special. My money is on plenty.
Call Me Crazy said... 170
I agree with you. using live fish for a game is cruel. Wouldn't the ball knock them out of their cup to flounder about? Those type of fish die easily so the 'winners' are also set up for a loss. And yes, the extra fish or unwanted ones will well end end up being flushed. Some pet lover..again. (Noticed she kissed and cuddled Zorro more than she has ever been seen to show affection to the children)
ny goldfish the kids won literally ended up flushed down the toilet. I always felt bad for goldfish, always being treated like disposable pets.
Were they goldfish? I thought they were betas. Kind of too expensive to flush.
BTW, I heard a couple of ladies were fired (or contract not renewed) for The View. Let's guess who is on the phone today.
Sherri's contract was not renewed. They are not saying that she was fired, but that she and the network were just too far apart in agreement. Jenny is not gone yet...at least as of last night she wasn't.
Kelly, your welcome! Thanks for my belly laugh of the morning. I just wish that the National Enquirer had put that crazy picture on the cover instead of the picture that they did.
She told someone on a tweet that she rarely uses a non-stick pan Teflon? Didn't she scramble those eggs in a non-stick on part one when she said, Who wants scrambled eggs and one of the kids had their hand half raised up and she said, Is that half a hand?
And she made eggs in the same pan for the egg sandwiches. That WITCH only makes 3 sandwiches and cuts them in half for them!
A full sandwich and some milk or OJ would of made them a good breakfast! Their poor stomachs are probably shrunken and they can't eat the way they are suppose to! DANG, I hope the meatballs in Jon's spaghetti sauce are the size of Softballs!
Underfeeding PILE OF SHITAKE Mushrooms!
Maybe she can correct what is on her cast on her broken foot with a black sharpie! Ms. Kreider eats SHITAKE Mushrooms.
(from the Golden Girls)
Luke bandit, don't have a BOO BOO, HONEY! You are so funny!
Kelly, what inspired the Seabiscuit/ Bruce nick name? I am trying to keep my list updated, everyone here is so creative when it comes to TFMJG, Baby Jane, shmoopie!
Oh, I thought last night, when I saw Jamie and kate sitting at the bar eating close and saw kate telling the kids goodnight, they were all going to bed and kate and Jamie were still in the kitchen. Then the next morning, we saw kate's hair wasn't even dry while she was trying at the last second do the piƱata's.
Also, remember when they were at Bald Head Island and the girls were fussing over the rooms, because the girls didn't want to sleep together. kate said that HER and Jamie slept together in the same bed ALL THE TIME! SO, where did Jamie sleep in the house? The garage apt.? On the couch with the RC blanket? Deanna, I don't think stayed at the house, but was probably in a hotel room close by.
Jamie, Deanna, Steve didn't look all that thrilled to even be there. It was written all over their face. It was for the money ONLY!
Kids like watching other kids doing regular things. If TLC kept this format, Kate might have a shot again.
Kids also get bored very fast and move on to other things. The Gosselins do not hold enough fascination for kids to be so enamored with them that they will continue to watch. What else can they do? Travel? So to an amusement park or museum? Fourth of July fireworks? It's all been done.
A network needs to have a show that will sustain its audience over a longer period of time, and buy the products that the sponsors are selling. Tween and teens just don't do that. Take a look at Kate's timeline. I was watching it last night, and my gosh, those tweeters are nearly all gullible kids...not just young adults, but kids.
The reviews are coming in:
The 2nd picture made me do a double take.
I DVR'd and watched late last night. Several thoughts:
1. Why did she buy over 120 plates? I counted heads during the pinata thing and the cake ceremony, where all the kids would be gathered around and she had under 20 little kids there, including her own. Factor in the twins and their friends and parents, and there were less than 40 people there. But she is the queen of paper plates, so they will get used.
2. They DID refer to her as mommy - including one of the boys. One of the boys also said she was a good cook and focused on healthy eating. The boys are so cute and lively and fun. The girls come off a little bratty.
3. Why did people have to be shuttled at all? They are not allowed to drive up the driveway? That long driveway can't accommodate 10 cars?
4. I think she paid for the clothes AND the ATV. The only credit thanks were for the clothing store and the party place, and I assume the clothing store is thanked for allowing them to film. The reason I think this is because she steered those kids RIGHT to the clearance racks. No thanks to Party City, but I did wonder who paid because she loaded those carts up with everything she could grab.
5. She puts the back of her hand to her forehead while her eyes are closed for EVERYTHING! I am in the midst of a very messy estate issue, and saved that gesture for times like cleaning out the hoarding and coming upon another mountain of mouse poo, or finding out my mom was not on any of her bank accounts. Certainly not for trying to wrap bunting around a pole. Jamie actually looks at her like, 'get a grip' a couple of times. Jamie seems like a no nonsense, energetic person, just jumps in and gets things done. Kate talks about getting things done while some else does them.
6, Kate's faces, where she thinks she is being cutesie, are just absurd. They make her look really, really dumb. Her hair is awful too. Those roots!
7. The best part was when Kate said to Mady, "Your friends all love me and you know it." (You know it???) Mady said they didn't and Kate argued and then Mady said, "They're afraid of you." Kate's eyes got big and then stabby and she said, "Oh." I think Mady probably paid for that later, but it was awesome.
8. The next best thing was the leading questions that the crew asked the kids on the couch. It was almost like they were set up to refute the crap their mother spews on Twitter or on camera. "Is your mom a good cook?" Wish I could remember the others, but they were very pointed questions.
Hope that's the last special - because it was B-O-R-I-N-G.
This TLC production was "all about Kate." Could not believe the big surprise was something only she can drive. What a selfish hag. Hope TLC got their money's worth. Kind of doubting it. Did not watch the whole thing, but did see the big reveal. Kate lives in constant anticipation of "Christmas" as long as TLC provides! This is such a horrible story. Still cannot stand that voice!
Let me guess.... she bought (grifted) those kids a John Deere so that she can take it away. Yes, indeedy! Another non-gift to be used as currency later on for some minor infraction such as globe equator peeling.
TLC stinks said... 183
sprinkle, I heard they are revamping the show to be more creative, so definitely Kate is OUT.
HAHA! I was envisioning her sitting there at the table umming and uhhing, having nothing to add to the conversation other than she has 8 kids.
Hasn't she said in the past that she wished that someone would take pity on her situation and see that she needs a show or to be on a show to support her kids? Finally, a true statement from her own lips!
She has made no effort to polish her interview skills, either behind or in front of the mic. She has zero knowledge or interest in current events. She cannot restrain herself from constantly injecting herself in every topic. She just wants to show up every day, sit in hair and makeup, then interject umms and uhhs about herself for two hours while making a huge salary. And an ensemble show like The View is even more ideal in her mind because she has other people to carry her while they talk about boring stuff (i.e. not her, actual news) while she just sits there.
AHHH. So I bet the party planners had a crew of teen girls to help supervise. And good ol' Jamie showed up. Wonder if her kids were there too? I bet they were.
This is a little OT, but I took my 3 granddaughters to a well-known chain water park here in the MIdwest yesterday. The one with the new tallest water slide that is not quite ready for public use, LOL. Expensive (unlike TFMJG I paid for everything), but fun. We were the last ones out at closing time, tired and sunburned.
Anyway, the girls are going down some very tall slides while grandma waited on the ground when I noticed a man with a professional video camera on his shoulder. He asked me to hold up a white t-shirt I had in my hand and trained the camera on it (checking the color and focus?) and I thought at first he was with a local TV station. When I mentioned that I, shameless grandmother that I am, had a trio of very cute granddaughters coming down the slides, he told me he was there filming certain people for an episode for The Travel Channel. My surprise must have shown--I always thought they just filmed the people they found at the locations--because he then made a remark about how even reality TV is scripted and laughted. Then I noticed the boom guy and another cameraman at the top of the slide. Since the girls loved the slides and wouldn't leave the area, I got to watch them work for a while. He was filming a group of three older teens/young adults for the show. Two things amazed me--the three older teens/young adults were so professional, standing quietly when the cameraman was focused on someone else and how close the camera was to the face(s) of the older teen/young adult who was talking at the time. They didn't look at the camera, no mugging, screeching, wild hand gestures. Everything TFMJG is incapable of doing. The cameramen and the boom guy were also very professional as they knew what shots they wanted and appeared to get them in one or two takes. It will be a pleasure to watch when it airs.
LOL! Looks like she has a penis in that clown Velcro getup (2nd picture).
What time do the cable overnight ratings come out?
Seabiscuit Bruce? Can someone tell me about this gem? I know it is for the W. hahaha
Kate said, "'I get up at 5.30 in the morning every day of my life,' she said, explaining that the children get up at 6am."
Every day of her life? What about the three months in the summer when she sleeps in? I thought that she loves summer because of the lazy days when she doesn't need to get up in the mornings?
FlimsyFlamsy said... 182
I know the crew did it to go along with KK single mom BS but it was still funny.
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