Our summer weather is finally poking through the June gloom but there's still never any parking, so I had to steal a spot at the grocery store, buy a jar of marinara sauce and a couple bananas to make me feel like I had good morals and values, and take a long walk in the blistering sun to the Apple Store for my Genius Bar appointment. My d, f, g, h, j, k, and l keys aren't working, I explained, dabbing the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand, and I really need the K like now. Apple blue man, who actually has quite a nice name I won't disclose, was not so interested in my K woes. But he ran a few tests and promptly announced, "It looks like your d, f, g, h, j, k, and l keys aren't working. We'll have to fix those." Yes. If you please.
I like how these early 20-somethings have a way of sort of shaming you over your stupid laptop. It's your laptop and you can do what you want with it, even be reckless. I mean, you paid for it. They look at you like your dad looked at you in 1986 when you were 20 minutes late for curfew. "So, you spilled something on the keys?" Apple asked disapprovingly.
"No!" I exclaimed, scandalized. "I never eat or drink or even think of such things around my laptop!" I didn't want to let him down.
"Yeah they always say that, then we open it up and find a puddle of sticky diet Sprite."
Yikes. You can't get anything past these blue men. He was making me nervous, like interrogation nervous. And then I was laughing at myself for being nervous, heh. But he laughed too, which was cute. Okay, fine, maybe I did spill a little. Once. It was a Corona. It snorted out when somebody or other on the blog here made yet another wise crack. It was just a few drops, and it was a really long time ago. I can't say he was asking me this to see if I would be covered by my warranty, because my warranty has long since been blown and he knew that. So he was just generally shaming. Probably for fun. A pastime. Count how many people own up to their Corona mishaps in an hour's time. Blue men are sick people.
Alas the Mac will be back next week all prettied up and alcohol free. In the meantime I've dusted off an old Dell which has about 30 seconds of battery life if you accidentally unplug it, so you have to try not to do that or really hurry if it happens. First world problems: I know it when I have them. Now I'm finally off with the recap, checking my power connection every few minutes as I go!
Coming up on Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10. Cousin It here decided it's time to throw the "little kids" a big birthday party. Cousin It went to the Joan Crawford school of parenting in that It has a problem with parents who let their children win. Because that turned out oh so well for Christina.
For all the T.V. Cousin It watches you would think she would have seen that film by now. I mean, it replays all the time. She probably skipped over DVRing it because she's not interested in some other mother being the dearest. Hey, I thought we aren't allowed to judge how someone parents. I thought we are to support parents and especially mothers no matter how f-ed up their parenting is. Or is only It allowed to have a problem with how other people parent? Heh.
If you're wondering why I'm referring to Kate as Cousin It, it's not because I can't get my K to work. It's because the hair is really that bad. Like a flat, sad little shih tzu with roots.
Well they certainly had fun with this in the editing room. It crows on and on about how the surprise she has in store for the kids will be the most amazinglish wonderful thing ever and she will probably be crowned bestest Mommy in all the land. Then TLC cuts to the children around the dinner table just as Aaden's face falls. Nice touch.
Credits roll. I think these are pretty similar to what they had before, only you can tell they are really under a tight budget because there was no real photo shoot this time. They just use screen captures of Kate and the kids from the couch interviews. Some of the captures are pretty lazy, with the kids not making their best smile or expression. Cara's is even a little blurry, lol. It was probably one of those things where the deadline is 6 p.m. and you just need the photo in there you don't have time to mess around with getting it perfect. Hannah's hair looks just like Kate during her Baby Jane phase. It looks ridiculous on a ten year old. Also now that she has gotten older she's the spitting image of photos I've seen of Kate when she was a child, only brunette. The rest of the kids look like Jon, mercifully, especially Alexis and the boys, only they have Kate's large teeth. They will grow into those I'm sure but at this age it's awkward. Which is another reason kids this age should be left to hit puberty in private. Even the group photos at the end are old, old, old, which is so silly when it's supposed to be an "update." LOL I can just picture Cousin It's rage when she found out there would be no photo shoot day this time around. No day to glam and primp for hours and play celebrity with Deanna and the "team" while the kids push and shove and raid the food truck.
March. Spring Break. Kate says they've grown up a lot since the cameras left and really learned what's important. Which would be? She never says. I'm going to take a guess she hasn't learned that privacy is the most important thing right now for her famous children and she's vowed to protect it with everything she has from now on.
Oh, Cousin It has been replaced by Baby Jane, which is a bit jarring.
For continuity sake, you should probably stick with the same "look" for one update special or if you must change your look, do something subtle like wear your hair up instead of down. She looks like a completely different person and it's distracting. I get this sense about her she likes showing up with some completely new and different hairstyle every time her fugly mug shows up on T.V. or even more than once on the same program. Because that's what all the cool celebrities do like Brad Pitt. Only he manages to pull the constantly changing thing off without coming across like a complete tool, so he gets a pass.
Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall is just about the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It's a pity his "just hold me while I quietly cry because I feel guilty that I indirectly caused my kid brother's death" look didn't make it to the above graphic because it was the best one. Okay I can't help myself here it is:
Told ya.
Baby Jane's skin looks like it got run over by a Mack Truck. I hope it has insurance. Kate's right a lot has changed!
Meet Zorro, the newest member of the Gosselin family to be exploited. Okay he's kinda cute, and at least he probably has no idea what a hellhole he lives in. A producer is asking Jane mundane questions about their morning routine and sounds bored. Jane's answers are equally boring. On school days they have breakfast early. On non-school days, it's later. Um, sometimes they make it themselves. Um, sometimes I make it. Um, shoot me. It's hysterical how they act like there is something special and interesting about multiples and meal times. There's not. You prepare more food. Pretend it's a dinner party with eight of your friends over, only this happens every day. Nobody asks how you possibly managed to get dinner on the table for eight friends. Eventually after ten years of this you'd think you'd get into a routine and this wouldn't be a big deal anymore, but it's Baby Jane and she loves talking about the super special ways she does the most mundane of things.

Anyway I bring her up because Alexis reminds me a lot of her. It's been impossible to find out what ever happened to Noley other than at some point she studied film at Chapman, which is a very good film school. I wish her the best, she was pretty in demand and must have spent a huge chunk of her childhood on movie sets. I'd love to chat with her about all that someday.
The kids are really wild about the bird. I'm glad they have something to care about. Kate comes about as close to admitting the kids' father is still alive when she says they haven't seen Zorro all weekend since they just got back. Back from? I don't think the kids were off having a spa weekend in the Poconos. It's very sad she can't acknowledge their father's very real presence in their lives.
He loves Rice Krispies! the girls say. Ha, aw. Aaden explains that Zorro is also known as "the president." Um, Aaden, this is about as far from a democracy as you can get. But I appreciate Zorro's optimism. Somebody's gotta try an' veto this bitch once in awhile.
I like Zorro. Hey maybe that's what that dumb Hailey meant about this special pulling presidential ratings. She thought it was actually going to feature the president. You know there's nothing funnier or more pathetic than an ex-girlfriend who ponies up to another ex-girlfriend or ex-wife just because the only thing you even remotely have in common is you both hate your ex.
We saw this part in the promo. Kate has already started a bunch of eggs but only now asks the children do they want eggs. Ah, narcissists are so fun. Nice little trap there, because the only answer is really yes. I mean, yes please, Mommie dearest. If you don't want eggs, you'll be punished for the ungrateful little brat you are. Or at the very least you're made to feel guilty because Jane already spent so much time and energy preparing them so lovingly for you while you got your sleep.
Quick shot of Mady doing her hair in the bathroom. Eek, that's creepy. Can we at least leave the bathrooms off limits? Mady looks really different without makeup. I didn't realize how much she was wearing before.
Poor shmoopy has been home a lot more since the traveling has dried up. She must hate that. Good.
It's hard for Baby Jane to grasp that her children can pour their own cereal these days. No, she really says this. These children are 10 and 13. Shouldn't she be well used to this amazing feat by now? I heard they have started walking too, and drink out of cups. A few are even talking in full sentences. Shmoopy makes sure with every boring thought she shares with us we notice that she spent 49.99 getting her nails all dolled up for the occasion.
Yes shmoop, the kids are self-sufficient now. Which is just the first step in them NOT NEEDING YOU ANY MORE WHICH MEANS YOU'RE IRRELEVANT. Ha-ha, you're toast, shmoops.
"Vacuum up Christmas tree needles" needs to be written into their lengthy and painful chore charts? Only shmoops could suck the ever living joy out of Christmas by making a chore out of picking up after Jesus.
The kids have been asking what it was like when they were babies, like how did they take care of them all. That's kind of cute. Shows they really are getting older and are finally understanding what they are and what that meant when they came into the world. Why wouldn't you just love this time in their lives instead of constantly pining after the baby years? Kids who ask questions about themselves when they were babies are fun!
A few boring flashback clips. The most we see of Jon are his hands feeding the babies a banana. Still, I'd be calling up TLC demanding my cut, Jon!
The girls explain that the "only" chores the boys do are take care of their fifty chickens. Oh well the only thing a farmer does is farm. Geez, they're mean. Also that's a lie, since we know from their chore charts seen on Wife Swap that the boys are also on bathroom duty. Kendra thought it was very unfair they never rotated the chores. Kendra is right. And Kate has learned nothing from that experience as nothing has changed. Basically the boys are still on constant shit duty, chicken, human or otherwise.
Kate says the reason they have chickens is so the boys can have a "man chore." Whoa, cue 1955. What the hell? How come you don't have chickens because they produce yummy eggs and are fun and feathery? Also as others have pointed out, chickens, Kate, are traditionally not a "man chore." She's so dumb and senseless it's painful. In fact there are a good number of paintings from the 19th century telling us exactly who has always done this work.
![]() |
Julien Dupre, French, 1851-1910 |
Some old clips of Aaden, who was probably the cutest of all the babies. He's grown into a pretty cool kid, with rad glasses and a fun belly laugh. I really like the boys. They tease each other but it's not usually nasty and cruel like the girls are. "Sometimes he's a little clueless. In a good way, in a good way!" Collin says. Ha. What's good clueless? I guess this would be good clueless:
Wook at him he's so cuteeeeee. Commercials! How many Amish shows does TLC have anyway? Couldn't they consolidate? As @localyocul pointed out, The Learning Channel has become the little people multiples cake channel. I will add to that the Amish little people multiples cake channel. I guess you will learn a bit about religion, a little bit about reckless reproduction, a bit about obscure medical problems, and a bit about baking. A well rounded education.
Mady gets her LAST REDEMPTION (cue the timpani) when she dares to suggest that the lame "fun things" Kate has planned over spring break might not be fun. That tragic clip has been discussed enough so I won't belabor it too much except to say Mady when you play the Game of Thrones you win or your die.
"I got those girls cell phones and ipads so I could take them away." She's realized she can get under their skin by cutting off their friends. She's good at shit like that. Cutting people off I mean. And getting under everybody's skin.
They can go to this play zone thing but they can only pick two fun activities to do. You may not pick one. You may not pick three. You will make your selections and write your name on the fun zone chart in blue marker for boys and red marker for girls. You will use capital letters, no cursive. Once you have made your selections the contract becomes binding. Should you fail in this mission, your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth.
Mady tells the little kids about one of the activities and says it's pretty dumb because you can't even touch the ball so don't pick that one. This really pisses Kate off, because apparently Mady is not allowed to give her siblings advice. As @Layla and others so astutely pointed out, the hook of this show was the dynamic between Kate and Jon. Now that he's been so marginalized they need someone new Kate can spar with. Cue Mady! Except, she's thirteen. A child. "Their developing self-esteem is at stake," Layla explained. "It's not a level playing field, and it's not fair."
The twins didn't want to go to play zone at all, they explain. Well, I'm sure they didn't. I've been to play zone type places and they're usually more for little kids. Plus who wants to go to something geared for younger kids with a bunch of your younger siblings. It's just normal to resist this and it's no wonder Mady is frustrated.
Mady explains that she's been trying to talk to Kate all day and Kate just blows her off. I can't imagine that. Kate says she can't talk to her because all she does is whine. Kate is making such a teenager 101 mistake here in that she is trying to debate the issue with Mady.
Mady is a teenager and this is why she has no filter, Kate says. Nope, Mady has lived with you for the past 13 years, that's why she's finally just laying it all out there, shmoops.
Like any mother-daughter relationship, sometimes we don't get along, Mady explains happily on the couch, probably some several hours or days later. Ha, sounds like Mady has been studying the Gosselin PR/BS manual like a good Shmoopy Youth. Kate is sitting right next to her ready to snap her fingers just in case.
Baw-haha, Kate dramatically talks about how she broke her "foot" last year and doesn't want to do that again. Mom, you broke your toe, one of them explains. Toe, toe, toe! all the rest chime in forcefully. Kate, welcome to the concept of "ganging up." They've figured it out, and it's glorious.
Wow she's really pissed off that they're not letting her set the agenda here finally. Finally I am enjoying this show. "I don't really care!" she says with a childish wave of her hand. "It was broken and you still forced me to hobble about and feed you!" When all else fails pull the "I feed you so I'm the martyr so shut up" card. That's very mature. For that little stunt @AuntieAnne dubbed her the Hobbling Harridan. Lol, perfection. I'm proud to say it happens often on this particular blog.
I love how nothing, nothing is ever Kate's fault. Ever. It's not that she tripped on the island. It's that the island tripped HH. Heh, even the island wants out.
"There's nothing to yell about!" Kate yells.
Lol, the producer is soooo bored. "So you guys have a hard time making a decision as a big group?" he asked tiredly.
"Yes," the twins explain, equally bored.
At this point my DirectTV loses its signal. It's a clear sunny California day and my Direct TV only goes out about once a year, so this is weird. I can only conclude it's gone the way of the island too and can't stand this woman. It leaves me with a bizarre error message reading, "this location is not authorized." That sounds so final.
Well, a reboot did the trick and I'm back. That was scary for about two minutes. Now we're profiling Hannah, the golden child. Of course she's mature, kind and beyond her years, Kate explains earnestly. Why, it's hard to imagine she's part of the sextuplets she's so touched by an Irish angel.
The little kids are a little more on this planet. They say well, let's see how to describe Hannah. Hannah loves animals. Heh. Well yeah cause she's ten not Gandhi. It's a relief to know none of the kids appear to be nuts.
Commercials. Did you know TLC is offering life tips now? Naturally they're life tips for dummies, like keep an extra pair of flats in the office to slip on when you leave work and head to happy hour. Does their average viewer even go to happy hour? I thought most people watching this channel have either toddlers or grandkids and have to fill up on gas after work and swing by CVS for some wipies. I guess this is learning in any case. Nobody wants sore feet.
They spend an incredibly long time talking about the car situation, but they show a few clips of Jon helping the kids get buckled in so it's worth it. Kate "gave" the first BBB to Jon. Wait, the same BBB that they were grifted back in the day? Lol, I have never seen anyone so self-serving. Conveniently nobody makes mention of the two other cars she has including that Audi. Heh.
Some nice workers at Play Days organize some games for the kids. Mady doesn't want to be there, and Kate doesn't like her attitude. Mady explains it's not an attitude issue it's that Kate is not listening to her. Oh, Kate's listening, Mady. She'll just never respect or care about your wants and needs. Mady would be better off saying the opposite, that she does desperately want to be there. Then she might have a much better chance of getting to stay home.
The editors are cracking me up. When Kate talks about some meltdowns the kids used to have as babies, they show a clip of mostly just Kate melting down. Ha! Her number. They have it. And also, this is not a meltdown. This is a thirteen year old child with needs calmly and rationally telling her mother she would prefer not to attend this particular event. What's wrong with that?
Can you imagine if they made an entire series out of all this? I mean, absolutely nothing has happened and we're halfway through the show.
Jenna, Mady's best friend, shows up to Play Days and Mady is instantly much happier.
"You should have told me that. I hate surprises," Mady scolds. Had she just known Jenna was coming she says she would have been in a much better mood. I'm sure that's true. Kate, the bitch, says fine I just won't invite any friends next time then.
Ugh. Oh my God.
"Who does that?" Mady demands. Yeah that is pretty screwed up. I mean, surprises should have a purpose behind them, such as you don't want to spoil the birthday or anniversary surprise until the moment the gift or trip arrives. To withhold someone's friend from them, pretend like nobody's coming to help make this bearable for them, and watch your daughter be in a terrible mood all day because she thinks she's going to have to hang out with her younger siblings the whole time, is actually pretty sadistic. Kate likes to watch her children squirm, and I know there must be a word for that somewhere. Psychotic maybe?
They're playing some kind of variation of dodge ball and Kate is crazy eyes competitive. Well that's frightening to watch. Oh speaking of Crazy Eyes, there was a pop up food truck going around L.A. today promoting Orange is the New Black. A couple of my friends ran into it and posted photos. They had pie and, you guessed it, chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream. That's so brilliant and fun. I heart that women's prison.
Like they showed in the beginning, Kate has an opinion about other people's parenting! Hypocrite. She even wrote an entire blog posts about how we should only build parents up called "Walk a Day in my Heels." Heh, tool. Thanks to @Kateisatwit for finding it. "It’s time for all of us to make a change whereby all parents truly stick together! Period! No more contests, no more darts; just support, help, and concern for each other!"
Hey, I don't have a problem if Kate disagrees with how someone parents. We're allowed to have disagreements and say so, that is how society progresses and does not become sheep and how we ultimately raise better children. Our goal as a human race should be to communally raise better children, even though we all have our own respective children. Because better children means the human race is stronger. Ultimately I think that's the evolutionary reasons behind why so many people give a crap about somebody else's parenting. I mean, somewhere along the way somebody felt the need to say hey Ezra maybe you should let your child speak at the dinner table once in awhile. Somewhere along the way somebody said hey Prudence maybe we shouldn't hit little Elizabeth here with that paddle. They did it because we all have a vested interest in making things better for society's children, or should.
A picture of pugs dressed up as pilgrims because it's my blog and I can.
But then that's going to go for Kate too. If she criticizes other parents then she too is subject to criticism.
So, she doesn't think parents should let their kids win. At ... anything? Ever?
Oh where to begin. Congratulations, shmoops, you beat a thirteen year old at dodgeball. No one is saying always let your children win. Although come to think of it, my sweet father always, always let us win. I don't think he is capable of beating us, his gentle heart just won't let him do it. That said, what kids need is a healthy dose of both. The need to win some things so they learn how to win, and they need to lose some things so they learn how to lose. The awesome posters on this blog suggested a game of chance like Candy Land to accomplish this goal. That way you don't have to be sort of "dishonest" in letting them win. They will win and lose sometimes in games of chance. So beat them sometimes, and don't beat them sometimes. I guarantee you when they have properly learned how to handle both, they will ask you not to let them win anymore. Just be patient, it comes at about age 15. All that results in never letting your kid win is a child who grows into a frighteningly competitive adult who takes pleasure in pummeling little children with red nerf balls and can't get a date because Dad never let them win at Connect Four when they were seven.
You know her "don't let them win" attitude stretches across the board. It's clear whenever Mady engages with her Kate must have the last word on it and she'll swipe iphones and torture them with surprises and such to be sure she "wins."
Kate's so psycho out there on the court that Mady hurts her knee trying to keep up. Even while Mady is still limping Kate keeps going, just outright pummeling her until she wins. Then she tries to hug her, but Mady dives away in disgust.
"I'm sorry. I had to," Kate says later on the couch.
"I don't accept your apology," Mady retorts. Good, because that wasn't an apology.
Mady and Cara have the same personalities as they did when they were younger only Cara is more beaten down and Mady is more bitter. They show a little montage. It's good to see the twins seem to still like each other and have remained close. Mady needs constant reminders to take on a task to the best of her ability and win, Kate explains.
Win what? Life is not one giant game of Hungry Hungry Hippos, geez. Why is it so important to her the kids be so competitive? Hard-working, yes, but competitive? That can definitely be a negative trait especially when it comes between you and knowing when to quit. This is so funny because Kate doesn't seem to appreciate that this is exactly how Mady behaves towards her. She takes Kate to task and must win. And she does a pretty good job of it for a 13-year-old. It's become a battle of wills of epic proportions, and the awesome thing is there will be at least five more years of this karma every day for shmoops.
They flashback to the time when they ice skated for the first time. I really appreciate how respectful TLC is being to Jon. Every clip of him shows him being a loving and attentive father. For instance his gentle hand on Mady's back when she fell on the ice. I forgot how patient and gentle he generally was with the children when they were little. A few moments of frustration can be forgiven when the vast majority of the time you are very kind and attentive.
Back to today, and these kids still can't ice skate? Wow this is bad. Geez every kid living in the Northeast should know how to do that by now. Joel is the perfect child, Kate announces. I'm sure the other kids appreciate hearing that. Oh, the kids know she feels that way so don't worry, she explains. Oh, okay then.
Kate can't even stand up on the ice. Where has she been the past 39 years? She gets on a chair and the kids push her around. "Is this how you're going to push me when I'm old?" she asks. Eh, maybe. Though I imagine that may look something more like this:
The ice skating wasn't so bad. They had fun and Kate was okay to them, minus making it all about her when she made a spectacle of herself out on the ice..
Some of the younger kids are playing in the living room. Seemingly without provocation Collin blurts out to Hannah that her hair is ugly. Probably just pent up frustration since it's not fun to be the scapegoat and watch the golden child be treated like princess for a day every day.
Kate yells at him across the room that he shouldn't say things like that and we should only build others up. Oh, so that's what that little rampage she went on against the non-fans last year was about, building others up? What about when she ripped Kendra a new one with a laundry list of issues and basically accused her of being lazy and waited on hand and foot by Hank Sr.? Heh.
Collin looks absolutely crushed and just when I think she's really shut him up for good, he says, I was just being honest, it was ugly.
Oh shit.
Collin's eyes are full of tears. Poor kid. Kate explains that he needs to put his words through a filter and instead of saying that's ugly, say something like, "I've seen it look better." Haha. Oh, yeah cause that's so much nicer. Good grief. It's rather amusing watching someone with some of the worst social skills I've ever seen lecture her son about social skills. I especially like the part where she instructs Collin not to be honest. Well, that's confusing. I kind of look like Carrie Ann right now, cheek resting on my hand, just sort of equally fascinated and incredulous of this borg.
Oh and hey how about Leah tattling on Collin and making sure Kate heard what he said. Whatever Leah. There's sibling rivalry, and then there's sibling nastiness, and what I've seen so far is just nasty and goes way beyond normal sibling conflicts. Any one of them will sell anyone else down the river just to survive. There's no loyalty or compassion at all from especially the sextuplet girls, and I fear for their sibling relationships later on in life.
There's really nothing else Collin can say to this nonsense but "yes." Which is what Collin says. Yes, Mom. Sure, Mom.
The old clips of Collin they show are mostly sweet. It's oh so appropriate to call your child "manipulative." What? He's your child, not Lisa Vanderpump. He's also challenging authority. Rise up, proletariat.
Kate's done what any fun mother would do over spring break and filled it up with doctor appointments. Actually, I don't mind that. It's better that they not be pulled out of school. Although like anything this is probably more for Kate's convenience than the children's. The twins say they always get dragged along. Why? They're thirteen. Surely they can stay home alone for a few hours and watch T.V. or something. Or is Kate afraid they might google? You know I have a theory on her paranoia over Google. I don't think it's that she's afraid they'll see something about the family and their feelings will be hurt. Rather I think she's pretty darn afraid they will see some of the countless negative things written about her, Kate, and might actually agree with it! After all, there are numerous articles from numerous well known publications, many relying on psychologists and other parenting experts, criticizing her parenting and taking up for the children. Her own former employer The Stir thought that the incident where she took Mady's iphone away was handled terribly by Kate. A kid like Mady would print that out just to prove a point. No wonder Google frightens Baby Jane.
You know there are so many little things in this monstrosity I could spend forever on this recap, but just one of them is Hannah randomly hitting Leah as they cross the street. I know she then hugs her, but I find this behavior very strange and inappropriate especially from a ten year old. But it's just allowed, no repercussions at all. Why is that? The rules in this family are arbitrary, and enforced arbitrarily, and the resulting chaos is not at all surprising.
Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be for a ten year old to have a camera crew along for doctor's appointments? It was bad enough when they were little.
In another of the rare nice moments, the kids all help Aaden pick out a new pair of frames. He seems to love the attention and Kate does another good thing in that she has the kids give a thumbs up or thumbs down to the various frames. Now there is a fun way to help someone out with something that might end up "ugly" on them, without hurting their feelings. I agree with Kate for once, he is extra cute in those glasses.
Kate really liked their third birthday party carnival and wants to recreate it. For a ten-year-old?? I don't know. I don't think the kids remember a darn thing from their third birthday party, that is really a stretch. I think they're remembering the episode. At least Aaden admits he really doesn't remember a thing from when he was little. Ha, so much for the memories. He should get his money back!
Kate announces her scathingly brilliant idea, and the kids immediately think it's the dumbest thing they've ever heard.
Lol, waa-waa.
Because it's a narcissist, they have a fake debate about this but ultimately the carnival theme is of course going forward full steam ahead. Zorro is so cute on Kate's shoulder chewing away on Kate's shirt like he owns the place.
It's great the way the kids constantly poke holes in Kate's catfish of a life on Twitter. You know how shmoops is always posting shit from their parties like bowls of pretzels and Super Bowl cakes like sort of a poor man's Good Housekeeping spread. Hannah explains that actually when they throw parties all Kate does is complain about how she doesn't want to do any of this. Heh.
Because Kate is a tease, she hints, hems and haws about some big thing she has dreamed up but in typical Kate fashion won't tell us what it is. I think the speculation on the blog that it's that Jonas brother who she was on Celebrity Apprentice with is spot on. I guess that might be okay for some of them but for the boys, I doubt this would be that big of a deal.
Mady also thinks this is one dumb idea, which is correct. Kate blames Mady for influencing the sextuplets.
Actually, I would like to point out that the sextuplets all immediately hated the idea and that Cara and Mady, even though they were sitting right there, did not say anything, look at any of them, or influence them in any way. They came up with the notion that they hated it on their own. It was only later when asked Mady said look I really don't care it's not my birthday, but if you're honestly asking, yeah I think it's dumb. So suck it, Kate.
Well this is sad and hard to snark about. Mady said she hopes the younger kids don't look up to her because she's a bad role model and just sits on her bed all day. Is she serious? Well, that's not normal. Cara mutters something about Mady threatening the tups.
Okay, this just took a rather creepy turn. Moving on please!
Leah bellyaches that it's not "fair" that whenever they have something going on Mady and Cara get to have friends over.
What the hell? I'm 100% on the twins side for this one. Of course they should be able to have friends over as much as they want as long as homework and choring and any other commitments are done. Especially when it's something going on with the younger kids. They are thirteen for gosh sakes and shouldn't be dragged along to every single thing that's happening with the ten-year-olds without a buffer. And also, it's really none of Leah's business whether Cara and Mady have friends over and when. That's Kate's call when they are with her and Jon's call when they are with him, period.
What's funny about this is that Kate has absolutely no control over any of this. The kids bicker like cats and dogs, are rude and unreasonable and nasty to each other and their mother, and she has no idea, none, how to get everyone to calm down, breathe and be kind. For all her condescending parenting blogs, these kids are just a mess of chaos and disrespect. To be clear, it's not their fault, and they are desperate for structure and a more pleasant environment, but it's not like Shmoops has set her sights on giving that to them any time soon. The priority here is "filming" not happiness. This pretty much validates everything Jon said last year about their struggles socially. It's hard to imagine very many kids would want to be around any of this.
Mady explains that the sextuplets intruded on her whole life plan when she was three and a half. Lol. The life plan was to not have six brothers and sisters, in case you were wondering.
Yeah, I don't think anyone's life plan includes six little siblings, says Cara, which is the most this poor kid has said in this entire episode.
In seriousness though, it's obvious both the twins have built up massive resentment of this whole situation over the past ten years and they don't even care at this point about blurting it out. Now that they are older, wiser and much more aware of everything, I think their anger has only gotten worse. Therapy would help them both. They desperately need to deal with these feelings somehow or risk never having a healthy relationship with their family. I'm not really sure what they are talking about when they say they are manipulative, but I think they think they have somehow conned Kate about this party and friends. You've lost me there though I do believe them when they say they've got Kate all figured out. Oh you bet they do.
That was a "negotiation session," according to Kate. Oh. I thought it was a knock down drag out. My mistake.
The famous Hannah pooped in Hannah's underwears clip that all the creepy sheeple love. Gross. Kate complains Leah's voice is like a machine gun. That's nice.
Kate and the younger kids head to a party store where Kate quickly finds a bright pink clown wig for herself. Hey, the model on the package looks just like Shmoopy. She should do appearances.
"Come an' get yer popcorn!" Kate cries. Hey, that's our line!
"Please no!" Leah cries. Ha.
Alexis gives Kate some lip in the store and when Kate reprimands her Alexis tells her, "good!" Ha, omg. Alexis has probably always been the most dynamic of the kids, and as a result probably has the most creepy fans of all of them. Remember that fan in Tennessee who even had her name tattooed on her. Yikes. Kate chews on one of those ugly white nails of hers.
Her favorite food is salmon. That's unusual. I like the metaphor of poor little Alexis swimming upstream against the narcissist that is her mother.
The kids continue to be "rabid beasts" at the store, says Kate. Well they're cute rabid beasts anyway, like this one.
Any parent would say that about their children, says Kate. That they're rabid beasts? Uh, no! Gaa, stop speaking for all parents. It drives @Vanessa and I, and many others, nuts!
You know, I agree with her, the kids were being downright obnoxious in the store. They were rude and I've never seen children with such a lip on them so constantly. It's super uncomfortable. But, that's Kate's fault. It doesn't have to be this way. Parenting would help. Try it sometime. What Kate does, which she calls parenting, is whine. She constantly whines to them about their behavior and then suggests other often equally bad behavior or only slightly better behavior in its place. Maybe that might work for some children but it's not helping for these kids. In fact it seems to be making it worse because they've learned they can keep pushing her buttons without anything but a lecture. And sometimes even talk her out of or into things they shouldn't. In other words they're playing her like a puppet with strings. Oh what a lovely role reversal. I also strongly suspect a lot of this behavior is due to years of pent up aggression for all kinds of reasons we all well know of, and the whole family needs to go to therapy for that, for starters. In any case, the great tragedy here is that this woman appears utterly clueless that what she thinks she does so well she just downright sucks at.
Kate says the party could be pulled off if the twins wake up in a good mood. Gaa she's such a tool. And mean. And obnoxious. I ate ate! Cara's body language is terrible. She's bending her head and covering her mouth with her hand. It's like the Today show redux. Interestingly enough Kate has not been invited back since that stunt.
Next time on Kate Plus 8, the birthday party is nearly ruined by gale force winds, and Kate gets stuck to a giant Velcro wall. Leave her up there, kids. Revenge for all those years of Velcro shoes. See you next time!
1256 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1256 Newer› Newest»She won't ever own this and come to the conclusion that she NEEDS help. Robert gave her the opportunity. She pushed back thinking she could keep her "secrets". You were warned and you could have given Jon all rights. I can't even fathom what hoops that man has had to jump through and to STILL not be able to save those kids. Please let this be the beginning of the end.
Yada, yada. You wouldn't believe how bad it has to be before CPS will intervene. And even then it's iffy.
what about an alcoholic falling down the stairs? How can she prpoerly monitor 8 kids when she's drunk?
Leaving a child outside in tje freezing cold hardly meets the criteria of providing the necessities of life. They have a father who wants them. He has to.petition and get primary, he has to
That evil look on TFW's face as she's beating/winning over one of her kids...that's the look I see on Hannah's face as she torments one of the other kids (and gets by with it). She knows there will be no repercussions for her misbehavior.
Kate to a T. She loses so often in real life but at least she can beat her kids. 200
She also beats her kids up. Sick Bitch.
So many astute observations and I have nothing of value to add.
But I would like to say that the clip of Mady shoving her mother's arms away made me swallow. I had a friend whose mother was so unbelievably abusive in every way, and she did not even try to hide it. She beat her when I was there more than once. Once Michelle became a teenager, she started fighting back. She and her mom would duke it out. I'm not saying I think that's what is happening or what will happen, but seeing both of their reactions made me wonder. Kate didn't even flinch at being pushed away. Most other adults would immediately shift gears and go into, "HEY! That is NOT OK" mode. My own mother, an abuser, would have beat me bloody if I did that. I challenged her once, only once, after she 'jokingly' did something to me, and got the buckle end of the belt until she was too tired to swing it anymore. She told me if I ever did it again, she would hit me five times more and five times more and would kill me before she'd allow such disrespect. I never did it again.
Jumping In, we just returned from Denmark and also have major jet lag. I actually thought of the G twins while there. We were walking in Copenhagen, and saw a large crowd outside a hotel. We asked two guys who they were waiting for and they said in their British accents, "One DIErection." I raised an eyebrow and one laughed and said that their daughters are fans, they too asked what the crowd was, and decided to stay and snap pictures if they could. About an hour later, we went that way again (to the train) and they were still there (isn't that sweet??) and I said, "For your daughters, eh? Seems kinda fan boy to me!" They laughed and told me to piss off and we laughed and left. A few seconds later, we heard a huge commotion behind us. The boys had apparently exited the hotel to go to their concert venue. And I thought, "I sure hope those girls get to see the concert in their area, but I doubt it." For the next few days, I saw kids all over town wearing 1D t-shirts (and the hairstyles are very popular among Danes now too) and had the same thought over and over. Time will tell.
I also had the thought that perhaps Kate was 'perishing' to go to Denmark - if she could even find it on her damaged globe. Haha.
I wonder if now Kate realizes that she shouldn't have sued Robert. Didn't he promise her that if she sued, he'd come back with much more?
Kate, you don't poke a sleeping bear. You just should have left all of that blow over. You'll never learn. Never.
Leaving a child outside in the freezing cold 7
She didn't leave him outside. She PUT him there.
Bullies also pick one some one that is smaller and helpless.
What more helpless then a small child when it's mother is lashing out at them?
I was just thinking. Does anyone think that TLC may have stopped the show because she may have not been in a drunkin state long enough to get a good show. Maybe they had to edit too much to be cost worthy. Just a thought.
I for one will be purchasing multiple copies and donating them to local libraries.
Mr. Hoffman, thank you for your perseverance.
Mr. Garbus, thank you for your legal work.
When was she shown getting sloshed in the kitchen?
It was TFW's BD trip to NYC w/Jamie when they were drinking before the limo arrived. Cara was front and center during that scene and she looked pretty upset.
What high school sophomore wants to "hang out" with 10-year-olds?
Kortnee K- Johnson❤️ @KortneeJohnson1 16m
@Kateplusmy8 I would love to hang out with your kids! they look like such fun loving and nice kids!! maybe I'll get to meet you all one day
I agree about CPS. I think Jon has to plead his case, with evidence and testimony from the kids, to get custody.
I fear for those children. Truly. She is mentally ill and no good will come out of this.
Re: the big party surprise. When was TFW shown talking about how fantastic the surprise was going to be? Was it during a March scene before she left for CA or right before the party in May? I don't think it was a Jonas visit, but something to do with the stupid clown/circus theme or... she gifted/bribed them with the John Deere $6-10K utility vehicle they were in.
Some child abuser's can't be satisfied with physical abuse alone. There's got to be the added element of psychological fear instilled into their victims to have total control over them.
I think she's using mostly emotional abuse and psychological intimidation now.
I just can't bring myself to read the new excerpt from the book. I, too,
was under no delusion that the hitting stopped. There's been nothing
to interrupt TFW's mental illness, so why would she?
The 6-year-old in me wants to think that this is it. That right will win
out. That the whistle-blower will be made a hero, and that this evil
woman will be stopped, and these 8 children will somehow heal,
and their dad will get full custody, and everyone will live happily
ever after. But this is the real world, and that's probably not going
to happen.
On a less sickening note...about the big "surprise" - MiChi mentioned
it may be a big animal, and I think that's a great guess. A real-live
elephant shows up on the lawn, to the oohs and aahs of the children.
Perhaps TLC's way of acknowledging the "elephant in the room?"
For all her griping, Mady has also been protective, especially of Collin (gumgate being a good example).
Maybe she stays home from her Dad's to try and protect him? IDK.
What a f'd up LIE TLC has perpetrated, supporting an abusive fame whore for the almighty dollar.
Yes Rhymes, I stand corrected. PUT him out in the cold. Hmmm, luke's comment about giving the tups a 2 week ultimatum for being potty trained doesnt sound so far fetched now does it? After all, she couldn't understand why she couldn't reason with a dog.
I heard the same thing about Milo being outed tomorrow.. This should get very interesting if true.
She IS a sociopath and a psychopath. Her last tweet about the "lies from haters" is all the proof I need. She can look straight into ones eyes and outright deny it all and she will. There are WAY too many detailed accounts of her abuse starting years YEARS ago. This new concrete proof cannot dispute the fact she truly is monster. And I don't care who I offend, I lump her in with Casey Anthony.
I heard the same thing about Milo being outed tomorrow.. This should get very interesting if true.
I really hope it happens, but I don't think I can handle another "shocker". Pls just let her be someone we've speculated
KKortnee K- Johnson❤️ @KortneeJohnson1 16m
@Kateplusmy8 I would love to hang out with your kids! they look like such fun loving and nice kids!! maybe I'll get to meet you all one day
Kortnee - just so you know, Kate will be the one wearing an orange jumpsuit.
And just proves why she never EVER defends her kids on twitter. She AGREES with whatever nasty things are being spewed by her ass kissers. So long as you don't associate their behavior with HER, it's all fair game,
Parental rights are very much respected in this country. This is generally a good thing. You generally don't want the government to be able to knock on your door and take your kids unless it's really serious. Ideas about what good parenting is are subjective and change over time, and we are very slow to come down hard on more "traditional" parenting techniques when it wasn't that long ago it was acceptable.
Unfortunately that means "marginal" cases likes this are poised to slip through the cracks. Kate is more likely to lose her kids if she were a wonderful mother who tried meth a few times while the kids were with Jon. Seriously. If CPS even gets involved with an alcoholic or someone who beats their kids, they will almost always first try to provide them in home services and "evaluate the situation out." That means all Kate would have to do is submit to a few home checks and go to some classes and they'd never even file.
There are a lot of drugs in this country, mentally ill parents with things like schizophrenia, and a fair amount of sexual abuse going on, and CPS is overwhelmed just handling those cases. They just can't squeeze in every "bad" parent in between all those other serious cases. They don't have the resources or the legal backing to do it.
Besides it doesn't matter how much CPS wants to intervene, Kate could appeal it, and the court of appeal could very well reverse for something that while horrifying is still relatively "minor" in the child abuse world. Lots of Child Welfare appeals are public record, if you are interested in looking at some of those I think it will give you a good idea of where we stand in this country even in more progressive states like CA. Gonzales v. Santa Clara is a really good place to start. There is another one I forgot the name of where a parent got into a car accident with the kids in the back. He was drunk. You would think you should lose your kids for that right? But the Court of Appeal said that should have been dismissed because it was a "one-time incident." That's where we're at.
Rhymes with Witch said... 22
For all her griping, Mady has also been protective, especially of Collin (gumgate being a good example).
Maybe she stays home from her Dad's to try and protect him? IDK.
You know, I'll bet you're right. We've seen her come to her siblings defense more than once on the show. If she has to protect them from their own mother, that's a horrible burden for a thirteen-year-old to bear. Kids should never need protection in their own home.
Kate Gosselin has been bad news from the beginning. I think everyone here had that gut feeling there was something really wrong with her, even if not during the first few episodes.
Her ugliness has grown like a malignant tumor.
You know another thing?
Has she personally read the new book? How does SHE know it's all lies from haters? By saying it's all lies when she hasn't even read it she just hurts her credibility.
A much more mature response would be to say I have not seen the book and cannot comment on its contents unless and until I do.
I don't want Milo outed.
Number one it's wrong to out people.
Number two I don't care who she is.
Number three and most importantly it will take the fun out of it if we know who she is!
Number one it's wrong to out people
You don't want him/her outed if it's someone from that bitches camp? Isn't that catfishing also?
Carole said... 19
Re: the big party surprise. When was TFW shown talking about how fantastic the surprise was going to be? Was it during a March scene before she left for CA or right before the party in May?
She did that couch interview in March. She's wearing the same clothes as she did in the other couch interviews. In a scene from the TLC commercial for the first show, M & C are wearing the same clothes as they were when they were sitting on the couch with Kate and the clapboard says 3-13-14. Here's the link to that commercial.
Why were they crossing a busy street in the middle of the block, in the first place? Very unsafe, and very poor role-modeling, IMO. If you are going to a dictator about rules, doesn't it follow that you make sure that you are following the rules? Parenting is all about what you do--not what you say. Shouldn't be surprised that the kids do not treat each other respectfully, and resort to pushing and shoving to get there points across. I am sort of hoping to see an update when the twins are 17 and the tups are 10. She ain't seen nothing yet!
Also -- am I alone in suspecting that one reason they are afraid to go visit with Dad is fear of what will happen at home if they go? As others have said, they are parentified. What if TFMJG gets drunk and falls down steps again? What if she goes off on one of the little kids and seriously injures them? They may very well feel that they are the ones holding the household together. I hope I'm wrong, and it's just teen hormones and rebellion, but I'm very much afraid that I'm right.
No, you're not alone. That and any repercussions they might endure if they visit Jon and heaven forbid, she find out that they had a good time and want to go more often.
You know I wonder if that surprise in part 2 is a petting zoo? If Kate is recreating the first circus, they had a a horse ride, maybe this time they will have a petting zoo.
Oh, in one of the new rags out, they have a story on what the maids, nanies knew. And for Kate, they say Kate has hidden cameras in all the rooms to record and listen to hired help and the kids. I wonder if that is true, if it is, then what some here have always called the mcmansion the compound & prison, were correct.
Admin: good recap!
Number two I don't care who she is.
Number three and most importantly it will take the fun out of it if we know who she is!
lol!! You don't want to know if it's Steve, Kate, or more than one person taking turns assuming the role?
I don't believe in outing. To publish a name, address, photo, phone number, and personal info is wrong. But if it's a catfisher masquerading as a fan, it would be interesting to call him/her out on it.
You know another thing?
Has she personally read the new book? How does SHE know it's all lies from haters? By saying it's all lies when she hasn't even read it she just hurts her credibility.
Kate jumped on that non-fans tweet right away. I thought all of them were blocked. "Block the haters, and join the fun." How did she know what the hater tweeted?
As far as to purposely losing to your children, does she not see that at this moment in time, she has a huge physical advantage? Leveling the playing field is not the same as letting them win. That is sportsmanship. The only rabid animal I saw in that family was TFW. Whatever reason Mady tried to stop the game, a decent parent would respect the request.
I can't even begin to imagine what an unpleasant child TFW was. Poor sport, poor loser, scratching and clawing to win every single transaction by any means possible.
And, I loved her "hate away" comment. Because, if you disagree with any of her parenting decision, you are automatically a hater. I can't wait for the New York best sellers, authored by her children.
I know I'm different, but I do hope Milo is outed. The only people being outed are the non fans. It's time for them to see what it's like. For me, if the info does come out, it won't make any difference in my life. I won't stalk her or try to contact her. I would just like to know who this whacked out woman really is.
@Kateplusmy8 We loved your special, can't wait for the 2nd one. Don't worry your little darling will 1 day admit she loved you as a clown.😄👍
I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. Good grief...sheeple are really dumb.
Does anyone think that TLC may have stopped the show because she may have not been in a drunkin state long enough to get a good show. Maybe they had to edit too much to be cost worthy.
There's a thought. It could explain the relative abruptness of the cancellation. And why not a word has slipped re: the cancellation.
It seemed at the time that she must have done something to piss them off,but who knows what. Maybe they'd warned her about it, offered treatment (which of course she refused), issued another warning, and then that was it. She was done.
If that was the case..interesting that beating/abusing the kids/dogs/husband wasn't a problem, triggered nothing, but an alchoholic star is a problem.
Auntie Ann said...
I'd like to ask the locals if they actually ever see Kate out with all eight of her kids with her, besides dropping them at the bus.
Since we are asking, I would like to know if TFW stands around the bus parking lot joking with the other parents.
Normally I'm against outing, especially of private people. But Milo is no longer a private person. She's inserted herself into this story by interacting on a public forum with TFW and acting on TFW's behalf with other tweeters, so come what may. I don't view that as an outing.
I also think that if it's a catfish, or paid help, that's ok to be made known.
Ex Nurse (#45), I had the same thought about TFW joking with the
other parents. Yep, I can just picture Shecky Gosselin, jokester
extraordinaire, laughing it up with the mediocre, and then going out
for coffee with them and sharing stories about their kids. Nope.
I say she either drops them off, scowling all the way, and goes
back to bed - or only drops them off when the nanny is sick.
This whole thing is starting to make me queasy.
Thinking more about Milo, if it truly is a random private person I wouldn't want to know any personal details about them. He/she would just be written off as a whack job.
But if it's someone known to TFW, someone who is part of the story, such as Steve, her mother, Deanna, etc. I think that's fair game to be made public. Or if it's a hired person just for this purpose, that's also fair game. Or if it's TFW herself.
I think the difference is if it truly is a private person, someone part of the story, hired help, or a catfish. A catfish really deserves to be outed, IMO.
I only saw a clip on Radar. I watched it without sound. My eyes were drawn to Cara and I was HORRIFIED. She wasn't just picking at pills in her sweater. She was trying to tear the sweater apart. That poor girl! I think she is in huge trouble. I worry about how she has to turn everything inward. One day she will let it out. To her, filming is obviously about as much fun as waterboarding.
I looked online. There was a family night at the Wernersville Fire Company on June 21. Food, a band, and fireworks. Yes, a FAMILY NIGHT. So yes they might have seen fireworks from their house but they might have enjoyed the concert too.
I'm still really confused about this film crew crap. How is it possible that it's really any of the same crew members? Maybe a producer. Don't film crews ever change jobs like other people? I don't understand claiming you got the same crew and they're like family.
I don't think that the show was cancelled due to alcohol. That's making quite a leap. If she drinks she doesn't do it in front of people outside of the family, oh wait, the crew is family. Maybe she needs a little nip in the coffee to keep her going throughout the day. I had a friend whose MIL was like that. Her ever present 7/11 coffee mug held a little more than coffee and ice water. Lukebandit, this is merely speculation and snark. Please do not run to twitter with it as fact.
Thank you for the recap, Admin! I just couldn't stand to watch it. Thank you for doing it for us. The sound of Kate's voice is just sickening!
I know I'm different, but I do hope Milo is outed. The only people being outed are the non fans.
Not exactly. The identities, addresses, children, etc. of many of the die-hard sheeple are also known. In fact, the non-fans have been known to refer to them by their first names.
While I agree that Milo is most likely a private person and doesn't deserve to have her private (name, address, etc) exposed, there's a part of me that says she's been complicit in the horrific outings of the non-fans. She's friends with those that did the outings, has posted on their blogs, supported BV and his thugs. So maybe she needs a dose of what others have felt?
Is this possible info on Milo a rumor though? Where did it all begin?
Like many posters here, I too grew up in an abusive home with a narcissistic parent. In my experience, while the physical abuse it's hard to endure, the broken bones and bruises heal much faster than the lingering effects of mental and emotional abuse. To this day the worst things that were ever done to me were not any of the many beatings that I and my siblings endured, but rather it was the words slung at me during the emotional warfare that was known as my childhood.
Kate physical abuse must be terrifying to those children, however I would bet that the things she says to them is far worse than any of us could ever imagine, and the effects will last for decades to come.
The sad but harsh truth is that although they may hate the things that Kate says and does to them, nothing will ever stop those children from loving their mother or or mourning the loss of the mother that they, (and children) should have had.
Robert Hoffman's new book is available right now on Amazon. I just bought it. Once again, it costs $8.88.
Well yeah Milo's going to be outed. The book comes out tomorrow. Didn't Robert say he knew who she was? Either he may say it in the new book or people are speculating he will. The relentless wacko haters could be assuming, like they do so much on other things, are probably hoping Robert will reveal it. Please, if any haters from twitter post here, what I have said only goes for those who do what I have said.Those who teach with the truth are different than those who use the truth to slaughter others for self gratification. One heals, the other kills.
Here is the link to buy it on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/KATE-GOSSELIN-FOOLED-WORLD-REALITY-ebook/dp/B00L774BFA/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1403476492&sr=8-4&keywords=kate+gosselin+how+she+fooled+the+world
Is this possible info on Milo a rumor though? Where did it all begin?
Someone popped in here and said that Milo will be outed, and then disappeared.
Just downloaded it. Sure hope it is better written and organized than the first version which I already have. Thank you Robert for coming through for the kids.
Please someone just skip to the part of Who is Milo. If it's Kate, I want to laugh my a$$ off at her patheticness...the only laugh that tragic book will bring. (I can't order it until my husband gets home and puts it on his Kindle. I love Old Fashioned books and don't own a Kindle). Thank you!
As usual, great recap Admin. Thanks! I just watched the show and noticed when Kate said bam, you're out to Hannah during gagaball, Hannah said "shut up" under her breath to Kate as she walked away. That was rich.
And at the party supplies store, when Alexis was poking Leah and Kate gave her crap for it, did anyone notice that look that she gave Kate? It was scary. Conniving and manipulative. As a parent, that look means trouble to me. Not just now but surely down the road. I would be quite worried if I was Kate. And the come and git yer popcorn comment Kate made. It's so obvious she knows people have made fun of her because of that so she thought she would crack a funny about it. One more thing, Kate said she truly appreciates that only one of her kids wears glasses given they were preemies. Oh, now we are grateful for that are we? Sounds like someone is trying to make the redemption tour. Read here much asshole?
I've always believed Kate is a closet drunk/alcoholic. She's lonely, hated, has 8 anchors tying her down and needs to self-medicate.
Got it! On my KINDLE right next to the old edition! Thanks!
Bought it! Loaded onto my Kindle.
I'm going to download my to my pc since I don't have a kindle.
Bought! Beautiful dedication from Robert to the children.
Admin - could you refresh us on rules re copy/pasting clips from the book, please?
Thanks Robert for once again coming through I sure hope the book stay's this time.
For The Children said... 58
''Here is the link to buy it on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/KATE-GOSSELIN-FOOLED-WORLD-REALITY-ebook/dp/B00L774BFA/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1403476492&sr=8-4&keywords=kate+gosselin+how+she+fooled+the+world''
WAIT! Are you POSITIVE this is the NEW book? When I looked, it was only available on Kindle...no hard cover.
I'm waiting until ROBERT says it is now available. When it is, I will buy both the hard cover and the Kindle version.
Robert...where are you? Can you confirm?
Bought it, too. Thanks for the head's up.
$8.88. Love It.
It has the new cover and says Copyright 2014. I believe this is really it.
Book is for sale for 8.88!!!
Thank you For the Children. I just bought Robert's book and downloaded to both my Kindle and my iPad. I had purchased the original and probably could have asked Amazon for an update but it's worth another $8.88 to me!
Ugh I'm going to need a hardcover book or one for my nexus tablet.
ooops, everybody else noticed too.
Also, he had 3 editors. That's a good sign. Has anybody just updated their old copy to kindle? Thanks.
Just bought the book. Now I have the matched set. Something Krieder can relate to.
Chef - I don't have a Kindle but use a Kindle app to read Amazon books on an iPad. Is there a Kindle app for a Nexus?
"In this chapter, as in those previous, I have removed the Twitter names of those tweeting with Kate in an effort to protect the “haters,” the ignorant, and those blinded by the pinpoint of light reflecting off a has-been reality “star.” I would also rather not give any of her rabid, hate-filled , or creepy fans who clamor for her time and attention and information about her kids the satisfaction of seeing their names in print. Welcome to Kate’s life on Twitter. Her tweets appear in bold type."
Hoffman, Robert
Rats. Looks like we're not going to find out about who Milo is. (Unless my speed reading missed something, LOL)
Well yeah Milo's going to be outed. The book comes out tomorrow. Didn't Robert say he knew who she was?
I just did a search on my brand new Kindle copy of the book - YAYYYY, TY Robert! and the word 'milo' wasn't found.
Book is now available on Amazon. Just bought it.
I just bought the book. For those of you who are wondering if downloading this book will affect the older book, it didn't. This book is being treated by Amazon as a separate book, even though the title is the same. Amazon doesn't list a physical (DTB) book, at least not yet. The book appears to still be self-published, but Robert lists 3 editors this time around, so hopefully that means it's more coherent and less repetitious this time.
Re outing Mile. I think a lot of people have assumed that Robert will be outing Milo because of something he implied on his website. IIRC, he never actually said that he knew who Milo was or that he would out Milo. However, I have to confess I'm really curious. I suspect I'll be up most of the night reading.
I didn't update my old copy I just bought the new one. Good for you Robert, you got it out there before Kate could really gear up for the lies, lies, lies twitter tour. Wait for it, there will be pictures and she will be farting rainbows tonight as they all watch Princess Diaries again. Maybe this time they'll be watching the Lego Movie since she'll have to do damage control on her treatment of the boys.
Probably a stupid question....I don't have a Kindle, can I download it to my computer?
I getting the free sample for now I have to $$ I sue hope that is stay on till Wednesday so I can buy it.
WAIT! Are you POSITIVE this is the NEW book? When I looked, it was only available on Kindle...no hard cover.
It's the new version, Remona. It has the new cover, the title is changed and it shows editors, etc. Plus Kindle recognizes it as different from the first version, which I have also. Go for it. I'm going to get the hardcover if/when it's released, too.
I just noticed this: "You can lend a Kindle book to another reader for up to 14 days. The borrower does not need to own a Kindle device and can read the book after downloading a free Kindle reading app." You can't do this with every book you buy on Kindle, but you can with this one. Wow.
Oh...the wine box is coming out tonight!
Jane said... 77
Chef - I don't have a Kindle but use a Kindle app to read Amazon books on an iPad. Is there a Kindle app for a Nexus?
Jane I found a Kindle app for my computer-(windows 8) in the google store I was able to download it and I got Roberts book now.
As far as I know nexus doesn't have any apps.
Ex Nurse said... 41
And, I loved her "hate away" comment. Because, if you disagree with any of her parenting decision, you are automatically a hater. I can't wait for the New York best sellers, authored by her children.
Yes that 'hate away' comment was admitting she refuses to consider any other option like maybe relax the rules a little, be more flexible, balance the outcome according to the game. I guess we shouldn't expect anything else from a 39-year-old who has the mentality of a competitive 12-year-old.
By saying 'hate away' you know, even though she says she ignores them, she pays way more attention to her haters than she does to her sheep.
jolie Jacquelyn said... 83
Probably a stupid question....I don't have a Kindle, can I download it to my computer?
If you have the google store app you can download the kindle app one you do just type in the book and it will download 4u.
Well, I ordered it, and was thanked for the purchase. I clicked for it to go to KindlePC, so I'm sure it is there.......wherever there is!
I think karma has bitten my butt for calling TCWOS and idiot for not knowing what an Autobiography was, because I have no clue how to find and actually read the thing I just bought!
I can hear my old Auntie whispering in my ear ''God don't like ugly''!!
I can hear my old Auntie in my ear saying ''God don't like ugly''.
For those of you who don't have a Kindle, here is the link to load the application, to your PC, phone, Ipad, etc.
Remember, you must download the application BEFORE you purchase the book.
Just bought this book, thank you Robert, on behalf of those children. Godspeed.
I knew the difference between biography and autobiography in 4th grade.
Kate is stupid.
Time to read.
I am sharing this because I have had a Kindle a long time and have never noticed you could do this before. If you want to loan someone a book, go to Your Account and click Manage Your Content and Devices (Formerly "Manage Your Kindle"). Find the book you want to loan and select it, then click Actions and Loan this title. Then all you have to do is enter the person's email address and click Send. Mr. Hoffman did not have to make this option available. Yet another thing that tells me he truly did this for the children, not for any personal gain--which is why I chose this name.
I hate to say this but I hope the kids are with Jon.
Robert has links for both downloading the Kindle app and for ordering the book on his website.
Just found out about the book being available already! Off to get it for my Kindle!! Woohoo!
I seem to remember Maddy having a similar reaction to a surprise Jon and Kate had for them when they went to American Girl in NYC. I think the surprise was a show. I have not seen the show in a long time so I don't remember everything.
I could see her not liking surprises after all the change she has gone through in her life.
Wow, between only charging $8.88 AGAIN for the book plus it's also available to borrow free for Amazon Prime members.... I bet Robert and Jon are just a-raking that money in!!!! ;) Their big conspiracy is sure paying off! ;) ;) ;) What will they buy first with their riches?!
Glad you got the book, now look for the blue Kindle Icon in your programs - maybe it's on your desktop and once the program is open, you'll find the book in your 'library'. Enjoy!
Bam! Bought it!
Just bought the long awaited, not sure it is really coming BOOK, have it on all 3 computers, just to be sure! Set DVR for t.v shows, settling down to read until I finish!
I know she doesn't have a legal leg to stand on to try to stop the book again, but I think it's funny that Robert had it released on a Sunday when law offices are closed. LOL Is anyone still taking her calls? .... crickets
And, I loved her "hate away" comment. Because, if you disagree with any of her parenting decision, you are automatically a hater
Yeah that's a great catch.
She's completely incapable of understanding that people have different ideas about how best to raise happy healthy adults and just because we might disagree doesn't make us "haters." It makes us NON-sheeple.
She has this very bizarre you're either with me or against me mentality that must have stemmed from some event in childhood. It's terribly unhealthy.
Robert has all the ordering information on his website, including a link to use for downloading apps to read the Kindle edition. There's a print edition coming soon:
Ack KIAT - just saw I posted the same thing you did!!
I got it, also. I'm not sure if I can read it because, well, just because. However, I bought it to support Robert and all that he has gone through.
Ooohh...the Sheep are VERY quiet. I like how Robert thanked Martin Garbus and the law firm of Eaton and Van Winkle for their excellent representation...and provided the link for the sheeple on his blog page. Now they can read up and inform themselves about how excellent "Hoffie's" lawyers are.
Has the news hit TFW's Twitter timeline yet? I bet the barnyard is
quiet, as they brainstorm helpful ideas. Real highbrow stuff, like,
um let's tell Radar that Jon, um, has cooties!
Dear Santa -- I know Christmas is 6 months away, but can you
help Robert's book outsell TFW's? Thank you!
I just bought my copy of the book. I was wondering whether Robert might just surprise us and release it a bit early. Just to keep Shmoopy off-balance. She might try to run to court tomorrow to find someone--anyone--to help her get it stopped again, but releasing it on Sunday means we already have it. Of course, she has known for weeks that it is going to be released, and has done nothing, but she might feel a bit of panic when it's actually happening and try to do something about it.
The NBN Rob article had new information. I thought the "source close to Kate" said she's not worried because there is no new information, and everything in the book is old news. Could it be that the all-knowing Kate really had no idea what was in it, and that story was just her attempt to blow smoke up readers' bums?Yes, I think so.
All those poor sheeple who predicted the book would never come out-HAHAHAHAHA! DH and I had a nice day out with the kids for a
War of 1812 reenactment, and now we're all tuckered out and being lazy. Perfect time for Mom to get some reading done.
I'm an amazon prime member, so I can borrow this book for free from the kindle lending library, but ponied up the $8.88 anyway. It's the least that I can do considering all of the hardships Robert has gone through to bring this information to light.
T said... 113
I'm an amazon prime member, so I can borrow this book for free from the kindle lending library, but ponied up the $8.88 anyway. It's the least that I can do considering all of the hardships Robert has gone through to bring this information to light.
I did the same thing. When it comes out in hard cover, I'll buy a few copies and pass them around. Least I can do.
PJ's Momma, I'm so jealous! We lived in Europe for almost 10 years, and loved every minute of it. We miss it. Now that I am working part-time I am saving for a trip next summer to England, Scotland, and Wales. Some of my sons were too young to really remember our travels, so I want to take them back now that they are older and will appreciate it and remember it. Plus it's good incentive for me to get up and go to work in the mornings. Please share more of your adventures with us!
I knew exactly what she was going to do when I read the first sentence. My heart breaks for those children.
"On one occasion, one of the boys was punished for having Shoka in the basement when he was supposed to be outside. Shoka had an accident by the door and Kate was so enraged that she brought the boy down to the basement and screamed at him while showing him the mess. To show her complete domination of the child, she grabbed him by the back of his neck and forced his face down to within inches of the mess, trying to rub his face in it. He struggled and resisted and ended up with only a spanking instead of a face-full of dog feces."
Hoffman, Robert (2014-06-21). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD - THE RISE AND FALL OF A REALITY TV QUEEN (Kindle Locations 14163-14166). . Kindle Edition.
Before I start reading, I just wanted to ask that no one complaints about Robert's use of english words, mis-spellings, paragraphs that run on, anything and everything negative. Robert did not write the book to teach us to use proper english, or how to be an author-no, he wrote the book to educate the public about what has gone on with those precious 8 children for all of these years, that is what this book is about. Please give the guy a break, it could not have been an easy last couple of years. Thanks.
OT to Layla (#312), I know you mentioned something recently about
your sons being of service together, and talked about your oldest's
injury getting better (sorry I can't remember the details). I wanted
to send my best wishes to him, and to all of you. I remember when you "took one for the team" at the cook book demo (oh, wait -- or
was it a biography?!), and gave us the description afterwards.
Such a nice group here. I think we all really, truly, have these kids'
best interests at heart. And how sad that their own mother doesn't
seem to.
How very odd. There is already a "review" of the book on Amazon. It's been given one star & a "nothing to read here" review by someone using the name Snarkzilla. Interestingly, when you click on Snarkzilla's activity, there is a link to Snarkzilla's public wishlist on the left side of the page. And when you click that wishlist, what comes up is: This list is for: AL WALENTIS.
I'm not sure there's anything further Jon could add at this point…IMO, he should save his perspectives for the courtroom & speak directly with those who are legally able and equipped to impact in a positive way the kids' health & well-being.
In my original comment, I was just asking (out of curiosity, more so than editorializing) about whether the media had reached out to him for a response to the TLC special. From all appearances, they didn't. Or maybe he chose not to respond--but if that's the case, the reporter typically notes that.
Carole said... 102
''Remona, Glad you got the book, now look for the blue Kindle Icon in your programs - maybe it's on your desktop and once the program is open, you'll find the book in your 'library'. Enjoy!
Thank you for your help Carole. When I click on the blue icon, I see where I downloaded the first book but not the new one. Clicking on the content of the first book doesn't even open.
I will ask my Granddaughter to stop by on her way home from work tomorrow to help me, and not bother all of you who are reading the book now!
Thanks again.
I had ordered the previous version and so I thought I had kindle on my computer. I just ordered the new one and it did take my order but when I try to open my kindle on the PC nothing comes up, even the old one. Don't know what is wrong.
Also, just my opinion on something. I think it is great to be able to discuss the book but I hope people don't start putting up quotes directly from his book. Somehow, that doesn't seem fair to Robert.
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC I am very excited for your new cookbook to come out. Do you have a very favorite? If so which one.
I see there is one review at Amazon, posted by Snarkzilla, and it says "verified purchase". This is what it says:
"If you bought the 2012 edition that Kate's lawyers got yanked, you won't find anything new here. The author simply paraphrases the stolen material to try to comply with "fair use" regulations. It did take a trio of editors to bang the clumsy prose into shape. The hatefulness however is still there in full force."
If you click on the name Snarkzilla, it'll show the review again, but on that page is also a link to Snarkzilla's Wish List. When you click on that, it come up Wish List for....Al Walentis.
Surprise, surprise, surprise. Al is still showing his sour grapes.
Rainbirdie said... 117
''How very odd. There is already a "review" of the book on Amazon. It's been given one star & a "nothing to read here" review by someone using the name Snarkzilla. Interestingly, when you click on Snarkzilla's activity, there is a link to Snarkzilla's public wishlist on the left side of the page. And when you click that wishlist, what comes up is: This list is for: AL WALENTIS.''
Oh my goodness! I LOVE that you found this. I just snorted Sunkist out my nose! I'll bet that I'm not the only one not the least bit surprised by this! Same ole, same ole from that tool!
I would like to find out if Milo is either kate, Deanna, or a relative of kates. But, I prefer if it were Steve. It would really be a surprise to his peers and his background of security.
From his bio:
Steve Neild
His special expertise is in VIP protection and major event security planning. His experience has included work for the 2000 Olympics, the 2001 Queensland Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), close protection planning and management for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), for the Royal Families of Britain, Thailand, and Brunei, U.S. President Clinton, and many other elected heads of state. Mr. Neild has also served in leadership roles of large-scale security operations during the 2000 and 2004 Olympics and numerous major sporting events worldwide.
Kate is a twit said... 124
I see there is one review at Amazon, posted by Snarkzilla, and it says "verified purchase". This is what it says:
"If you bought the 2012 edition that Kate's lawyers got yanked, you won't find anything new here. The author simply paraphrases the stolen material to try to comply with "fair use" regulations. It did take a trio of editors to bang the clumsy prose into shape. The hatefulness however is still there in full force."
If you click on the name Snarkzilla, it'll show the review again, but on that page is also a link to Snarkzilla's Wish List. When you click on that, it come up Wish List for....Al Walentis.
Surprise, surprise, surprise. Al is still showing his sour grapes.
Al's more about putting Robert down than doing anything positive to help the children. What a creep. Bet that review comes down now that he's been exposed.
Robert has links for both downloading the Kindle app and for ordering the book on his website.
KIAT, I see where Robert says the hardcover is coming soon, but don't see a link that is active now. What am I missing? TIA
MDJ said... 122
''I had ordered the previous version and so I thought I had kindle on my computer. I just ordered the new one and it did take my order but when I try to open my kindle on the PC nothing comes up, even the old one. Don't know what is wrong.''
Maybe that is the problem I'm having?
Layla, before were moderated here, I was accused of bragging so won't say much about travel (which is related to DH's job). I will say that I am really jealous that you spent 10 years over there! We were in Edinburgh last fall and it was wonderful and I hope you enjoy Scotland with your boys too!
I can't bring myself to read the book, will read all your comments instead. Thanks in advance, from someone who was raised by a 'mother' like Kate and can't bear to read those stories.
How very odd. There is already a "review" of the book on Amazon.
Whoever that reviewer is - fan-sheeple or Al's pal, they obviously didn't read the new version before giving it a review, but who cares -- they bought the book! They're a confirmed purchaser! LOL
Next? The Gosselin Movie, of course. In the starring role maybe Shelley Long? She can over-act and screech just as well as TFW.
I bought the Kindle edition and will be buying 2 copies of the hardback. One for my bookshelf and one for our public library.
Looks like Al already removed his review. I had responded with MY review and I guess he knew he'd been "outed".
Here's my review: "5.0 out of 5 stars
What are you, a speed-reader Al? June 22 2014
By P.
Verified Purchase
Shove your sour grapes. You had your chance and you chickened out.
Thank you, Robert, for shedding light on this travesty. Let's hope your book brings positive changes in the lives of 8 innocent children.
And let's hope their days of being exploited by their mother are truly over."
Yep, Al's still a douchebag.
Oop, my bad. Al's review is still there. And someone is accusing him of being Kate. LOL
Remona, Well shoot, I'm sorry you're having problems. Hope your granddaughter gets it set up for you.
KIAT -- I misunderstood your comment about Robert's site having the book link on his page - I had hardcover on the brain and realize now you were referring to Kindle. oops!
Oooh, I hope all the fans are as clever as Al and teach Robert
a lesson by buying his book and then slamming it. That'll
teach him! What a brain trust...
Read here much, Al? He wishes his articles got this much attention.
I hope people don't start putting up quotes directly from his book. Somehow, that doesn't seem fair to Robert.
I was thinking the same thing....
I think it's fine to refer to an incident, but maybe refrain from direct quotes? At least anything more than a couple of sentences.
Al Walentis...just couldn't wait, could he. Good grief.
Got it. Thank you, Robert, for speaking for the kids and for not backing down.
Gee, I wonder if she's trending again. LOL
Jane said... 114
T said... 113
I'm an amazon prime member, so I can borrow this book for free from the kindle lending library, but ponied up the $8.88 anyway. It's the least that I can do considering all of the hardships Robert has gone through to bring this information to light.
I did the same thing. When it comes out in hard cover, I'll buy a few copies and pass them around. Least I can do.
Same here. I just bought the Kindle, and I will buy several copies of a hard copy if one is published. Thank You, Robert.
The book is dedicated to ALL eight children.
If anyone has trouble downloading the book, I would suggest you call Amazon customer service. They are very very helpful. I had a problem earlier this year getting into my kindle app on my PC and they helped me solve the problem.
The phone number for Amazon Customer Service is:
Ooohh...the Sheep are VERY quiet. I like how Robert thanked Martin Garbus and the law firm of Eaton and Van Winkle for their excellent representation
Uh oh. And I bet somebody is maxing out Lavirne and Shirley's answering machine.
They're not in the office, they're definitely poolside watch the World Cup with some margaritas.
I have been reading Roberts book for 45 minutes. I would really like to drive to PA and rip all of that vipers yellow hair out by it's black roots.
Going to bed now with a huge headache. It is 9 pm here in NH. I need to lie down and not think about her any longer today.
Carole said... 136
''Remona, Well shoot, I'm sorry you're having problems. Hope your granddaughter gets it set up for you.''
Thanks for your kind thought Carole. My granddaughter can do ANYTHING!
Al the tool's review is still there pj, BUT he has deleted the list that enabled his snotty sour grapes review to be identified as his. Too late, he had already been exposed...heeheehee
Oh Al, your book was just as hateful toward Jon. So move on....
It was quite confusing to purchase this edition...but the first page says copyright 2014. So I guess I have the new one? When I first tried to purchase it, I had a message that said "you already purchased this title"...referring to the first one I purchased that was pulled after two days.
The most pathetic thing is going on on her twitter feed. One tweet of hers is being retweeted over and over and over...as if that will block the news of the book. She's like a kindergartener trying to make it go away with her fingers in her ears yelling, "LALALALALALALALALALA."
Carole said... 116
I knew exactly what she was going to do when I read the first sentence. My heart breaks for those children.
"On one occasion, one of the boys was punished for having Shoka in the basement when he was supposed to be outside. Shoka had an accident by the door and Kate was so enraged that she brought the boy down to the basement and screamed at him while showing him the mess.
No wonder she's so exhausted. Just tell the child to clean up the mess! Or better yet, housetrain your dog! I have a Bichon...they are notoriously hard to housebreak. I think it's because they are TOO smart and they'll just go if you don't see their signal. They know they can just go there...anyway I've cleaned up many a mess including vomiting and diarrhea. Crap happens my ass.
Jane said... 127
Kate is a twit said... 124
I see there is one review at Amazon, posted by Snarkzilla, and it says "verified purchase". This is what it says:
"If you bought the 2012 edition that Kate's lawyers got yanked, you won't find anything new here. The author simply paraphrases the stolen material to try to comply with "fair use" regulations. It did take a trio of editors to bang the clumsy prose into shape. The hatefulness however is still there in full force."
If you click on the name Snarkzilla, it'll show the review again, but on that page is also a link to Snarkzilla's Wish List. When you click on that, it come up Wish List for....Al Walentis.
Surprise, surprise, surprise. Al is still showing his sour grapes.
Al's more about putting Robert down than doing anything positive to help the children. What a creep. Bet that review comes down now that he's been exposed.
Ugh, what a bitter old douchebag he is. He's worse than a 14 yr. old girl. Wait, I don't want to insult 14 yr. old girls by comparing them to Al.
there is another reviewer for Robert's book named Misty Eyes. First review of anything and basically saying the same thing Al, I mean snarkzila, said. The same attitude and use of the same type of words. Makes you go hmmmmm.
I have Prime also but purchased the book and I will also purchase the hard copy when it comes out. May even purchase 2 of them.
How can one person think up so many evil and horrid things to do to children, animals and other adults.
The Secret World of Jon and Kate: The Stupidest Story in the History of the Universe and the People Who Covered It [Kindle Edition]
Al Walentis
Al you just mad and a hater that no one brought your book and your book is OLD news.
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66 23m
@Kateplusmy8 ZORRO!! My lil feathered friend !! Tweet tweet I want to get a bird now :)
This one is as crazy as Milo. "My" feathered friend? Since when did Zorro become a member of Mrs. Ugg Lady's household?
She has this very bizarre you're either with me or against me mentality that must have stemmed from some event in childhood. It's terribly unhealthy.
Yep. There is no gray area with her, it's either yea or nay. I guess you can't can't be flexible with a stick that far up your ass. I think it's characteristic of narcissists to see things that way.
I want my money back! This is mostly a word for word rehash of the first book with inconsequential tidbits added here and there. No reveals other than what we read on Naughty but Nice. About 4 pages at the end of the book have new info. Remember his comment that he only uncovered 5% and had 95% more? Not in this book he doesn't.
No Milo, all tweets were xxxxxx, no school expelling at least NO new details. I felt like I was reading previously read book after 5 or so chapters. Safe to say, 95% was already reported.
I am NO sheeple, I've been posting here for a while. It's just maddening that this was supposed to bring her down. Nope. Not this book. It's all been said already. And once again, Kate skates away.
I just bought the Kindle edition & will be buying the hard copy when it's available.
Really hoping Robert's book out sells that crappy cookbook of hers!
PJ'a Momm...130
We lived in Aberdeen, Scotland for 3 1/2 years and loved it! PJ's Momma, glad you enjoyed your time in Edinburgh and Layla I hope you have a great time in Britain next year with your boys.
Al...You're a first class dickhead. Jealous much.
Just bought the book. Reading it tonight.
OT: OK, wishing Jill Duggar & Derick congrats on their wedding yesterday saturday. Some of the articles are saying that Derick mom has cancer, and only attended the wedding.
It looks as if K8 will be repeated on Wednesday.
I don't have a Kindle so will have to wait for the hardcover book to be released. Read the reviews, poked around Amazon a little bit and found the perfect gift for Milo!
That's right ladies! An 8X10 photograph of TFMJG in all of her DWTS glory, signed by TFMJG with a blue sharpie. Only one left, at the low, low price of $89.99. Anybody?
Let the deflecting begin! Yes, I really, really believe that those texts are real and that TFW didn't stand over them telling them exactly what to text.
@Kateplusmy8: So this is a typical texting convo w my wordy 10yr old girls...They make me smile every X I hear their text tone! #❤️ pic.twitter.com/OEfq7uUVTw
And of course they're all in her room watching TV (complete with pictures). I expect that Shoka will make an appearance, fresh from the groomer any day now AND he will be in the house.
@Kateplusmy8: We're all hanging in my room watching tv.. Zorro is a permanent fixture for evening tv watching.. #featheredfammember pic.twitter.com/G5nK7iBg9j
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1h
So this is a typical texting convo w my wordy 10yr old girls...They make me smile every X I hear their text tone! #❤️ pic.twitter.com/OEfq7uUVTw
Now she is making her children's texts public. What in the name of all that's holy is wrong with this woman?
Jon -- do something! Sorry, this is so disturbing.
Do they ever watch television in that house in any other room besides Kate's. Something is so not normal in that place. I can't even bring myself to call it a home because it certainly doesn't seem like a home. I think she's losing her grip with reality little by little.
Poor Al. He's really showing his sour grapes. First with the review on Amazon and now in his tweets. I'm sure his 351 followers really don't care.
21 JunAlWalentis @AlWalentis
Better buy @gosselinbook early. Kate's lawyers set to block Amazon sales over copyright infringement.
AlWalentis @AlWalentis
Before buying @gosselinbook, first read the definitive Gosselin book. http://t.co/0zIwSxt59D
The link in the last tweet goes to the Amazon page for his book.
I see that the other negative review was removed,
Kate is a twit said... 167
Poor Al. He's really showing his sour grapes. First with the review on Amazon and now in his tweets. I'm sure his 351 followers really don't care.
21 JunAlWalentis @AlWalentis
Better buy @gosselinbook early. Kate's lawyers set to block Amazon sales over copyright infringement.
Walentis is such a tool. A jealous, petty tool. He is hoping TFW's lawyers will try to block Robert's book. The funny thing is, I think that Martin Garbus would be thrilled if they would try to do so. I have a feeling that good, old Martin would probably welcome that fight.
Terri said... 166
Do they ever watch television in that house in any other room besides Kate's.
Good question.
Kate is a twit said... 145
''If anyone has trouble downloading the book, I would suggest you call Amazon customer service. They are very very helpful. I had a problem earlier this year getting into my kindle app on my PC and they helped me solve the problem.
The phone number for Amazon Customer Service is:
Thank you so much for that phone number. I wasn't patient enough to wait for my granddaughter to fix everything tomorrow afternoon, so I called the number.
The customer service person was very nice and helped me uninstall kindle for pc and reinstall one that works. Suddenly there was not only Robert's new book, but the older books I've downloaded!
Thanks again! Now off to read..
" I expect that Shoka will make an appearance, fresh from the groomer any day now AND he will be in the house. " (164)
The groomer? lol!
By the way I can't really recall any of the kids calling Kate Mommy in this week's episode.
I'm pretty sure it was Mom.
It looks as if K8 will be repeated on Wednesday. (162)
It was supposed to be at 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Did they change it?
Susan1956 -- Amazon has a free Kindle app you can download to your PC, your iphone, ipad, etc. Just go to Amazon and search free kindle app. They are easy to install and you can read any book purchased at Amazon on them.
I'm about 1/3 of the way through the book. It's much easier to read now. Much more concise,, and he doesn't copy/paste endless passages from her diary or contracts or emails . The editors did a good job. There's not a lot of new material so far, but there is some.
I am finding the second book so much easier to read. Not any easier to stomach, but easier to read. A synopsis of contracts and the gist of email conversations are so much easier to digest. Also finding new information and clarification on old. Thank you Robert!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 172
By the way I can't really recall any of the kids calling Kate Mommy in this week's episode.
I'm pretty sure it was Mom.
Her golden child called her mommy.
Remona Blue said... 170
Thank you so much for that phone number. I wasn't patient enough to wait for my granddaughter to fix everything tomorrow afternoon, so I called the number.
The customer service person was very nice and helped me uninstall kindle for pc and reinstall one that works. Suddenly there was not only Robert's new book, but the older books I've downloaded!
Thanks again! Now off to read..
Remona, you're very welcome. I'm glad I was able to help.
Anna K. Smith @Anna_K_Smith 10m
Finally watching this @Kateplusmy8. I've been mentally preparing. THEY ARE SO GROWN UP
How does one mentally prepare to watch Kate--get a frontal lobotomy?
Well yeah Milo's going to be outed. The book comes out tomorrow. Didn't Robert say he knew who she was?
I would like to apologize for posting this comment as if I knew for sure. I was wrong for doing so. Sorry especially to Robert. My bad.
So, was Milo outed as rumored?
We have prime but I decided to pay the $8.88 to support Robert. I would have paid more and hope an actual book comes out. I live in a retirement area and many of the retirees watched Kate and loved the kids and want to read the book to know the truth but are not kindle/ipad readers.
Off to read, I don't think I will be getting much sleep tonight!
I am NO sheeple, I've been posting here for a while. It's just maddening that this was supposed to bring her down. Nope. Not this book. It's all been said already. And once again, Kate skates away.
But the first book was pulled. It never saw the light of day. YOU read it, but many of us didn't, such as me. She didn't get to stop it this time so let's just see what kind of momentum it gets. I think you're prematurely writing this one off.
Bwahahahahaha, TFW's bots have picked up Robert's book tweet.
Or better yet, housetrain your dog!
But that's the "logical" conclusion. That bitch expected the pup to KNOW where/when to go. OF COURSE, it's one of the boys' fault if he makes a mess. Like everything else, even the dog training was the kids' responsibility. How old were they when they got the pups? Stupid "see you next thursday"
Kylie, it does not matter to me if the book has the same information. This time it is easier to read and this time, hopefully, it will not get pulled. Because the original book was only available for two days, there was not much media coverage. I am hoping the book makes the rounds of talk shows, internet and magazines. It will bring her down if gets publicity. Readability is a huge plus. I am hopeful that if this book is successful for Robert, he will come out with a sequel because he says he has plenty of dirt on her.
Yes, please, let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. I don't care if the book is identical, it needs to be out there.
It is an easier read. If you bought the book strictly to find out who Milo is, well, you're missing the point. She's not the story here.
BTW, my review is gone from Amazon too.
I agree...this book is far easier to read...but still above the average Sheeple's reading and comprehension ability.
Bitchy Pants said... Also -- am I alone in suspecting that one reason they are afraid to go visit with Dad is fear of what will happen at home if they go?
Mady is very protective of Collin, always has been, so if he is staying home, she would too. However...
Could be the incessant badgering about their father? Questions, ridicule, mimicking not only him but them. "Oh so your father's cheap spagetti dinner was ok was it?" followed by a 10 rant-and-ridicule about how stupid Jon made dinner, followed by another 10 minute rant about they dont appreciate the dinners SHE makes and how they can just get the hell out of here if they just LOVVVVE that loser of a father so much, followed by the happy-up spoon. Add to all that the mimic and ridicule of the child, the eye rolling, the hand flapping; but when the child stays home, they are treated to sushi, facials, sleep overs in Mom's bed...
I really agree with Vanessa @ 199. She needs to be supervised with those kids. Every terrifying facial expression, every word out of her mouth, every game she plays with them is intended to terrorize them and remind them that she "is in charge and that is never going to change."
I have a question for the group: Is Joel suddenly the perfect child because he is so beaten down he never says a word? Or is this just a PR bit on her part to make up for Globegate?
Didn't anyone else pick up on the fact that the text she tweeted last night is an iphone group message? Do all the kids (well at least the girls) have iphones now?
I have a question for the group: Is Joel suddenly the perfect child because he is so beaten down he never says a word? Or is this just a PR bit on her part to make up for Globegate?
It could be both.
I probably won't be reading the book again but I appreciate the info from those diving in again. However, to address the sheeple rumor that Robert made up his editors. I think they can look to themselves for that. Because of all the outings, who would want to put their real name out there? While I have no idea, I think it's a pretty safe bet he's just using pseudonyms for the three ladies who helped him. It's very possible one of those could have been an alias he used before.
I did not help him edit it, but if I did I'd ask him to use a pseudonym for me. Seems like common sense. They're so quick to jump to "gotch ya's" that they don't think about the obvious answer first.
I also think it's very telling he's released the book in much of its same form. That should put to rest at last the lie about a settlement. They just lie, they have no remorse about it. They will lie to suit their agenda. At least when someone says something off here most of the time someone will correct it. I'm proud of that. We don't need to lie to make our case.
You know, you guys are definitely right. I had forgotten how few people had access to the first book. This one is definitely written much better, easier to read. And those last pages are enough to take her down.
Didn't anyone else pick up on the fact that the text she tweeted last night is an iphone group message? Do all the kids (well at least the girls) have iphones now?
I absolutely picked up on that. They would each have to have their OWN PHONE to do that.
You HAVE to film? No, you don't have to get all your children bloody IPHONES. Geez. And you can tell it's an iphone because the texts were in blue/gray, the color used for imessages, so that's confirmed.
I really don't object to getting a 10 year a phone in this day in age. However, it should be when they are away from you for emergencies, not to screw around with in the house. Go down to ATT, they have basic texting/phones for 59.99 that will keep your kids safe. Even if they are on a family plan their phone bill must be outrageous. Why will no journalist call her out on this. Couldn't you cut back in your daily life so that a real job would be more realistic?
First, thanks to Admin for the recap.
I haven't watched it on my dvr yet, but it sounds pretty boring.
I bought Robert's book again and reading through it just socks you in the gut.
That woman is insanely horrible.
Robert said that in 2012, he discovered new information about the kids' expulsion and it's actually way worse than he ever knew. But, he's sworn to secrecy and I respect that- these are children.
However, Robert feels confident that after the book release, the info will see the light of day.
The book is easier to read, more concise and pointed.
The way Robert tells the story is cogent and actually chilling in that Kate isn't just a bad mother- she is cold blooded-evil.
The new book is easier to read, but I am finding some editing errors. I've found the word form instead of from 2 times so far. I looked at the rankings, so far, for the book and it's moving up fast. Perhaps that will get some people to notice the book.
About the girls texting their mom, they can also do this on iPods. So the little girls don't necessarily have iPhones. They could also use hand me down iPhones that don't have phone service too.
Barb in Nebraska said:
I looked at the rankings, so far, for the book and it's moving up fast. Perhaps that will get some people to notice the book.
Where are you finding the rankings?
Glad to hear it's moving up fast.
All This and That - ????? I don't get your LOL. What did I say?
I haven't verified it and dont' know his competition but apparently Robert's book is ranking #3 right now on Kindle.
@kateplusmy8 Read it and Weep, You EVIL Cunt. You wish you have Robert's ranking of #3 in Kindle @Gosselinbook pic.twitter.com/rFYw4BlUi0
This re-release of Robert's book is not about garnering new, salacious dirt about Kate, it's about this book finding a wider readership before Kate's lawyers swoop in....again. I agree with Vanessa 100%, it is about getting another chance of exposing her and getting those kids protected from this despicable woman.
I quickly read the first chapter this morning, and yes, it is better written. What I sensed even more this time around is Robert's sincerity, his honesty, and most of all, his integrity. He wants those children to live a normal life, he wants Kate to seek help for her mental illness, he is coming from a place without malice. You can feel the pain in his heart.
My question is this: Is Kate sick enough to use this book as another opportunity to get herself on talk shows to roll her eyes, bounce her foot and continue to deny, deny, deny? Oh, and to blame Jon for the book....of course!
How high did the "NY bestselling author" TFW's crookbook ever rank on Amazon?
@Kateplusmy8 Robert Hoffman now ranks #409 on Amazon while you currenly rank #88,424. Guess Bought Followers can't help you, huh #LULZ
I put off watching the update and when I did, thankfully, for some reason my Tivo only recorded the first 14 minutes. It was enough.
I gather some sheeple are making trouble in regards to the editors? I see no issue with the editors using pseudonyms to protect themselves from Ziggy, CJ and others. It's a silly thing for them to focus on rather than accepting what a horrible person Kate is to her children.
I am scratching my head as to why Steve is blurred out. Was he blurred out when he was strictly working for Kate and not for TLC in those clips? Did the sh$t hit the fan with his wife about all the CA speculation and he doesn't want his face shown any longer? Just an odd thing when everyone knows the blurred face is him.
As far as outings, the only reason I would like to know who Milo is if that person is being paid by Kate, otherwise I don't care if it is some lonely fan. Milo has not been vicious like Goody and others.
Kylie, I really do get your frustration. I've only read a chapter but since I didn't get the first release in time, I'm looking forward to taking my time reading this. Hopefully this is a test run for Robert and if it sails along without any lawsuits there might be a follow up book with all the rest of the info. If he does have more (and I do believe he does), I'd love to see him publish a sequel and really go into depth over the fraud/scamming of the churches she's done.And I'd also like to see him make buckets of cash off the back of that hag. If sales are good for the first one, he should have no trouble with a second. I would have waited and bought a used hardback edition too (cause I had to have the electronic one in my hot fat hands asap) if it would have saved those of you smart enough to get it the first go round.
NJGal51, Your Spike is so stinking cute in that pool pic. I showed it to my husband and he said, and I quote, "Now that's a Bulldog!"
Admin, I just noticed the pugs and snorted tea all over the monitor. Any critter with a smooshed in face and I'm there. I wanted a pug years ago but my husband refused. He had a friend that had pugs and said they'd run to the field immediately after it had been fertilized with sh*t and roll around in it. It happened any time they could make a run for it. I still laugh thinking about the pugs rolling in the sh*t and this guy trying to chase them out.
I do understand your frustration though and he should have put out a disclaimer that this book is just a reworked/proofread version of the first. If I'd known this, and if there is going to be a hardback copy, I would have offered to buy a used copy to have saved some of you your money.
I wonder how many voice mail messages Kate has left for Laverne and Shirley since the book was released?
I am sure Martin Garbus is ready for anything Kate and her lawyers want to try.
I haven't watched it on my dvr yet, but it sounds pretty boring.
It was very boring. How many times can Kate explain how she does mundane things everyone else does, only times eight? How many times can we watch this family go on some outing to some cleared out venue?
If Kate is serious about wanting to be filmed she needs a better pitch or idea other than watch our family watch paint dry. In fairness I guess she did try with that whole test pilot she did where she was cooking in that restaurant kitchen, but she blew it somehow. I'd pay to see that pilot. Must be on the cutting room floor somewhere.
It would seem to me that if Kate used the book as an opportunity to make the talk show circuit, all she ends up doing is giving Robert's book publicity and curious people will want to read it. She's damned either way: silence or talk show. She will probably use her minions.
PJ's Momma,
Our time over there was a job requirement for DH's work, too. But now we have to pay to go back, wihch makes it all a lot harder.It gives me a goal to work toward, and I'm happy to say that is IS possible for a mom with a large family to work outside the home in order to contribute to her family, even though there is a lot to do at home. It irks me when Kate claims it would be impossible for her to work because of the number of kids she has. No, the reason she won't work is because she wouldn't be able to crawl back in bed after dropping the kids off at the bus stop.That and having to rub elbows with the medicore folk. She'd never do it.
Edinburgh??You lucky girl! We have never been there, but we desperately want to go. My DH's family is from another town in Scotland, but not close to Edinburgh. I'm happy for you that you had the opportunity.
I did a little reading last night, and all I can say is--bless Robert for having the courage to do this. I hope the books comes out in hardcover. I'd love to have him sign it.
I haven't verified it and dont' know his competition but apparently Robert's book is ranking #3 right now on Kindle.
No not of all kindle. It's ranking number three of ebooks of the subcategory rich and famous biographies.
Last year my book went to number one in Civil War ebooks after only selling about 50, so I'm not sure how difficult it is to climb the ranks of these smaller subcategories. Not knocking him just sharing my experience. It was exciting to be at the top of a category even if it was only a niche area. I was beating the Gettysburg address, lol!
As usual I don't get the nutty sheeple's point.
Are they saying he must be lying about the book then because he's using an old alias for the editors? Huh? Because according to the first reads here it's definitely edited.
So what is their point?
Did they not stop in their pea brains to consider Robert used fake names for real people? Duh.
It's funny, I watched TLC last week (the Little Couple and Duggars) and I recall seeing ads for the update show of Kate's but I didn't pay any attention as to when it was going to air. In fact I forgot all about it until I came here and saw Admin's recap. Great job, by the way, as usual Admin.
IMHO, I just don't see the point in having an update show. Sounds like it was not only a waste of TLC's time but money as well. Kate is horrible, everyone knows it, so why did TLC bother?
I wonder what the ratings were for this show? I hope they were low so that TLC won't bother doing any more of these update shows. Enough is enough. These kids have enough on their plates between their wicked witch mother and dealing with regular kid stuff to have cameras in their faces and their lives, once again, on display for the world to see.
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