Our summer weather is finally poking through the June gloom but there's still never any parking, so I had to steal a spot at the grocery store, buy a jar of marinara sauce and a couple bananas to make me feel like I had good morals and values, and take a long walk in the blistering sun to the Apple Store for my Genius Bar appointment. My d, f, g, h, j, k, and l keys aren't working, I explained, dabbing the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand, and I really need the K like now. Apple blue man, who actually has quite a nice name I won't disclose, was not so interested in my K woes. But he ran a few tests and promptly announced, "It looks like your d, f, g, h, j, k, and l keys aren't working. We'll have to fix those." Yes. If you please.
I like how these early 20-somethings have a way of sort of shaming you over your stupid laptop. It's your laptop and you can do what you want with it, even be reckless. I mean, you paid for it. They look at you like your dad looked at you in 1986 when you were 20 minutes late for curfew. "So, you spilled something on the keys?" Apple asked disapprovingly.
"No!" I exclaimed, scandalized. "I never eat or drink or even think of such things around my laptop!" I didn't want to let him down.
"Yeah they always say that, then we open it up and find a puddle of sticky diet Sprite."
Yikes. You can't get anything past these blue men. He was making me nervous, like interrogation nervous. And then I was laughing at myself for being nervous, heh. But he laughed too, which was cute. Okay, fine, maybe I did spill a little. Once. It was a Corona. It snorted out when somebody or other on the blog here made yet another wise crack. It was just a few drops, and it was a really long time ago. I can't say he was asking me this to see if I would be covered by my warranty, because my warranty has long since been blown and he knew that. So he was just generally shaming. Probably for fun. A pastime. Count how many people own up to their Corona mishaps in an hour's time. Blue men are sick people.
Alas the Mac will be back next week all prettied up and alcohol free. In the meantime I've dusted off an old Dell which has about 30 seconds of battery life if you accidentally unplug it, so you have to try not to do that or really hurry if it happens. First world problems: I know it when I have them. Now I'm finally off with the recap, checking my power connection every few minutes as I go!
Coming up on Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10. Cousin It here decided it's time to throw the "little kids" a big birthday party. Cousin It went to the Joan Crawford school of parenting in that It has a problem with parents who let their children win. Because that turned out oh so well for Christina.
For all the T.V. Cousin It watches you would think she would have seen that film by now. I mean, it replays all the time. She probably skipped over DVRing it because she's not interested in some other mother being the dearest. Hey, I thought we aren't allowed to judge how someone parents. I thought we are to support parents and especially mothers no matter how f-ed up their parenting is. Or is only It allowed to have a problem with how other people parent? Heh.
If you're wondering why I'm referring to Kate as Cousin It, it's not because I can't get my K to work. It's because the hair is really that bad. Like a flat, sad little shih tzu with roots.
Well they certainly had fun with this in the editing room. It crows on and on about how the surprise she has in store for the kids will be the most amazinglish wonderful thing ever and she will probably be crowned bestest Mommy in all the land. Then TLC cuts to the children around the dinner table just as Aaden's face falls. Nice touch.
Credits roll. I think these are pretty similar to what they had before, only you can tell they are really under a tight budget because there was no real photo shoot this time. They just use screen captures of Kate and the kids from the couch interviews. Some of the captures are pretty lazy, with the kids not making their best smile or expression. Cara's is even a little blurry, lol. It was probably one of those things where the deadline is 6 p.m. and you just need the photo in there you don't have time to mess around with getting it perfect. Hannah's hair looks just like Kate during her Baby Jane phase. It looks ridiculous on a ten year old. Also now that she has gotten older she's the spitting image of photos I've seen of Kate when she was a child, only brunette. The rest of the kids look like Jon, mercifully, especially Alexis and the boys, only they have Kate's large teeth. They will grow into those I'm sure but at this age it's awkward. Which is another reason kids this age should be left to hit puberty in private. Even the group photos at the end are old, old, old, which is so silly when it's supposed to be an "update." LOL I can just picture Cousin It's rage when she found out there would be no photo shoot day this time around. No day to glam and primp for hours and play celebrity with Deanna and the "team" while the kids push and shove and raid the food truck.
March. Spring Break. Kate says they've grown up a lot since the cameras left and really learned what's important. Which would be? She never says. I'm going to take a guess she hasn't learned that privacy is the most important thing right now for her famous children and she's vowed to protect it with everything she has from now on.
Oh, Cousin It has been replaced by Baby Jane, which is a bit jarring.
For continuity sake, you should probably stick with the same "look" for one update special or if you must change your look, do something subtle like wear your hair up instead of down. She looks like a completely different person and it's distracting. I get this sense about her she likes showing up with some completely new and different hairstyle every time her fugly mug shows up on T.V. or even more than once on the same program. Because that's what all the cool celebrities do like Brad Pitt. Only he manages to pull the constantly changing thing off without coming across like a complete tool, so he gets a pass.
Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall is just about the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It's a pity his "just hold me while I quietly cry because I feel guilty that I indirectly caused my kid brother's death" look didn't make it to the above graphic because it was the best one. Okay I can't help myself here it is:
Told ya.
Baby Jane's skin looks like it got run over by a Mack Truck. I hope it has insurance. Kate's right a lot has changed!
Meet Zorro, the newest member of the Gosselin family to be exploited. Okay he's kinda cute, and at least he probably has no idea what a hellhole he lives in. A producer is asking Jane mundane questions about their morning routine and sounds bored. Jane's answers are equally boring. On school days they have breakfast early. On non-school days, it's later. Um, sometimes they make it themselves. Um, sometimes I make it. Um, shoot me. It's hysterical how they act like there is something special and interesting about multiples and meal times. There's not. You prepare more food. Pretend it's a dinner party with eight of your friends over, only this happens every day. Nobody asks how you possibly managed to get dinner on the table for eight friends. Eventually after ten years of this you'd think you'd get into a routine and this wouldn't be a big deal anymore, but it's Baby Jane and she loves talking about the super special ways she does the most mundane of things.

Anyway I bring her up because Alexis reminds me a lot of her. It's been impossible to find out what ever happened to Noley other than at some point she studied film at Chapman, which is a very good film school. I wish her the best, she was pretty in demand and must have spent a huge chunk of her childhood on movie sets. I'd love to chat with her about all that someday.
The kids are really wild about the bird. I'm glad they have something to care about. Kate comes about as close to admitting the kids' father is still alive when she says they haven't seen Zorro all weekend since they just got back. Back from? I don't think the kids were off having a spa weekend in the Poconos. It's very sad she can't acknowledge their father's very real presence in their lives.
He loves Rice Krispies! the girls say. Ha, aw. Aaden explains that Zorro is also known as "the president." Um, Aaden, this is about as far from a democracy as you can get. But I appreciate Zorro's optimism. Somebody's gotta try an' veto this bitch once in awhile.
I like Zorro. Hey maybe that's what that dumb Hailey meant about this special pulling presidential ratings. She thought it was actually going to feature the president. You know there's nothing funnier or more pathetic than an ex-girlfriend who ponies up to another ex-girlfriend or ex-wife just because the only thing you even remotely have in common is you both hate your ex.
We saw this part in the promo. Kate has already started a bunch of eggs but only now asks the children do they want eggs. Ah, narcissists are so fun. Nice little trap there, because the only answer is really yes. I mean, yes please, Mommie dearest. If you don't want eggs, you'll be punished for the ungrateful little brat you are. Or at the very least you're made to feel guilty because Jane already spent so much time and energy preparing them so lovingly for you while you got your sleep.
Quick shot of Mady doing her hair in the bathroom. Eek, that's creepy. Can we at least leave the bathrooms off limits? Mady looks really different without makeup. I didn't realize how much she was wearing before.
Poor shmoopy has been home a lot more since the traveling has dried up. She must hate that. Good.
It's hard for Baby Jane to grasp that her children can pour their own cereal these days. No, she really says this. These children are 10 and 13. Shouldn't she be well used to this amazing feat by now? I heard they have started walking too, and drink out of cups. A few are even talking in full sentences. Shmoopy makes sure with every boring thought she shares with us we notice that she spent 49.99 getting her nails all dolled up for the occasion.
Yes shmoop, the kids are self-sufficient now. Which is just the first step in them NOT NEEDING YOU ANY MORE WHICH MEANS YOU'RE IRRELEVANT. Ha-ha, you're toast, shmoops.
"Vacuum up Christmas tree needles" needs to be written into their lengthy and painful chore charts? Only shmoops could suck the ever living joy out of Christmas by making a chore out of picking up after Jesus.
The kids have been asking what it was like when they were babies, like how did they take care of them all. That's kind of cute. Shows they really are getting older and are finally understanding what they are and what that meant when they came into the world. Why wouldn't you just love this time in their lives instead of constantly pining after the baby years? Kids who ask questions about themselves when they were babies are fun!
A few boring flashback clips. The most we see of Jon are his hands feeding the babies a banana. Still, I'd be calling up TLC demanding my cut, Jon!
The girls explain that the "only" chores the boys do are take care of their fifty chickens. Oh well the only thing a farmer does is farm. Geez, they're mean. Also that's a lie, since we know from their chore charts seen on Wife Swap that the boys are also on bathroom duty. Kendra thought it was very unfair they never rotated the chores. Kendra is right. And Kate has learned nothing from that experience as nothing has changed. Basically the boys are still on constant shit duty, chicken, human or otherwise.
Kate says the reason they have chickens is so the boys can have a "man chore." Whoa, cue 1955. What the hell? How come you don't have chickens because they produce yummy eggs and are fun and feathery? Also as others have pointed out, chickens, Kate, are traditionally not a "man chore." She's so dumb and senseless it's painful. In fact there are a good number of paintings from the 19th century telling us exactly who has always done this work.
![]() |
Julien Dupre, French, 1851-1910 |
Some old clips of Aaden, who was probably the cutest of all the babies. He's grown into a pretty cool kid, with rad glasses and a fun belly laugh. I really like the boys. They tease each other but it's not usually nasty and cruel like the girls are. "Sometimes he's a little clueless. In a good way, in a good way!" Collin says. Ha. What's good clueless? I guess this would be good clueless:
Wook at him he's so cuteeeeee. Commercials! How many Amish shows does TLC have anyway? Couldn't they consolidate? As @localyocul pointed out, The Learning Channel has become the little people multiples cake channel. I will add to that the Amish little people multiples cake channel. I guess you will learn a bit about religion, a little bit about reckless reproduction, a bit about obscure medical problems, and a bit about baking. A well rounded education.
Mady gets her LAST REDEMPTION (cue the timpani) when she dares to suggest that the lame "fun things" Kate has planned over spring break might not be fun. That tragic clip has been discussed enough so I won't belabor it too much except to say Mady when you play the Game of Thrones you win or your die.
"I got those girls cell phones and ipads so I could take them away." She's realized she can get under their skin by cutting off their friends. She's good at shit like that. Cutting people off I mean. And getting under everybody's skin.
They can go to this play zone thing but they can only pick two fun activities to do. You may not pick one. You may not pick three. You will make your selections and write your name on the fun zone chart in blue marker for boys and red marker for girls. You will use capital letters, no cursive. Once you have made your selections the contract becomes binding. Should you fail in this mission, your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth.
Mady tells the little kids about one of the activities and says it's pretty dumb because you can't even touch the ball so don't pick that one. This really pisses Kate off, because apparently Mady is not allowed to give her siblings advice. As @Layla and others so astutely pointed out, the hook of this show was the dynamic between Kate and Jon. Now that he's been so marginalized they need someone new Kate can spar with. Cue Mady! Except, she's thirteen. A child. "Their developing self-esteem is at stake," Layla explained. "It's not a level playing field, and it's not fair."
The twins didn't want to go to play zone at all, they explain. Well, I'm sure they didn't. I've been to play zone type places and they're usually more for little kids. Plus who wants to go to something geared for younger kids with a bunch of your younger siblings. It's just normal to resist this and it's no wonder Mady is frustrated.
Mady explains that she's been trying to talk to Kate all day and Kate just blows her off. I can't imagine that. Kate says she can't talk to her because all she does is whine. Kate is making such a teenager 101 mistake here in that she is trying to debate the issue with Mady.
Mady is a teenager and this is why she has no filter, Kate says. Nope, Mady has lived with you for the past 13 years, that's why she's finally just laying it all out there, shmoops.
Like any mother-daughter relationship, sometimes we don't get along, Mady explains happily on the couch, probably some several hours or days later. Ha, sounds like Mady has been studying the Gosselin PR/BS manual like a good Shmoopy Youth. Kate is sitting right next to her ready to snap her fingers just in case.
Baw-haha, Kate dramatically talks about how she broke her "foot" last year and doesn't want to do that again. Mom, you broke your toe, one of them explains. Toe, toe, toe! all the rest chime in forcefully. Kate, welcome to the concept of "ganging up." They've figured it out, and it's glorious.
Wow she's really pissed off that they're not letting her set the agenda here finally. Finally I am enjoying this show. "I don't really care!" she says with a childish wave of her hand. "It was broken and you still forced me to hobble about and feed you!" When all else fails pull the "I feed you so I'm the martyr so shut up" card. That's very mature. For that little stunt @AuntieAnne dubbed her the Hobbling Harridan. Lol, perfection. I'm proud to say it happens often on this particular blog.
I love how nothing, nothing is ever Kate's fault. Ever. It's not that she tripped on the island. It's that the island tripped HH. Heh, even the island wants out.
"There's nothing to yell about!" Kate yells.
Lol, the producer is soooo bored. "So you guys have a hard time making a decision as a big group?" he asked tiredly.
"Yes," the twins explain, equally bored.
At this point my DirectTV loses its signal. It's a clear sunny California day and my Direct TV only goes out about once a year, so this is weird. I can only conclude it's gone the way of the island too and can't stand this woman. It leaves me with a bizarre error message reading, "this location is not authorized." That sounds so final.
Well, a reboot did the trick and I'm back. That was scary for about two minutes. Now we're profiling Hannah, the golden child. Of course she's mature, kind and beyond her years, Kate explains earnestly. Why, it's hard to imagine she's part of the sextuplets she's so touched by an Irish angel.
The little kids are a little more on this planet. They say well, let's see how to describe Hannah. Hannah loves animals. Heh. Well yeah cause she's ten not Gandhi. It's a relief to know none of the kids appear to be nuts.
Commercials. Did you know TLC is offering life tips now? Naturally they're life tips for dummies, like keep an extra pair of flats in the office to slip on when you leave work and head to happy hour. Does their average viewer even go to happy hour? I thought most people watching this channel have either toddlers or grandkids and have to fill up on gas after work and swing by CVS for some wipies. I guess this is learning in any case. Nobody wants sore feet.
They spend an incredibly long time talking about the car situation, but they show a few clips of Jon helping the kids get buckled in so it's worth it. Kate "gave" the first BBB to Jon. Wait, the same BBB that they were grifted back in the day? Lol, I have never seen anyone so self-serving. Conveniently nobody makes mention of the two other cars she has including that Audi. Heh.
Some nice workers at Play Days organize some games for the kids. Mady doesn't want to be there, and Kate doesn't like her attitude. Mady explains it's not an attitude issue it's that Kate is not listening to her. Oh, Kate's listening, Mady. She'll just never respect or care about your wants and needs. Mady would be better off saying the opposite, that she does desperately want to be there. Then she might have a much better chance of getting to stay home.
The editors are cracking me up. When Kate talks about some meltdowns the kids used to have as babies, they show a clip of mostly just Kate melting down. Ha! Her number. They have it. And also, this is not a meltdown. This is a thirteen year old child with needs calmly and rationally telling her mother she would prefer not to attend this particular event. What's wrong with that?
Can you imagine if they made an entire series out of all this? I mean, absolutely nothing has happened and we're halfway through the show.
Jenna, Mady's best friend, shows up to Play Days and Mady is instantly much happier.
"You should have told me that. I hate surprises," Mady scolds. Had she just known Jenna was coming she says she would have been in a much better mood. I'm sure that's true. Kate, the bitch, says fine I just won't invite any friends next time then.
Ugh. Oh my God.
"Who does that?" Mady demands. Yeah that is pretty screwed up. I mean, surprises should have a purpose behind them, such as you don't want to spoil the birthday or anniversary surprise until the moment the gift or trip arrives. To withhold someone's friend from them, pretend like nobody's coming to help make this bearable for them, and watch your daughter be in a terrible mood all day because she thinks she's going to have to hang out with her younger siblings the whole time, is actually pretty sadistic. Kate likes to watch her children squirm, and I know there must be a word for that somewhere. Psychotic maybe?
They're playing some kind of variation of dodge ball and Kate is crazy eyes competitive. Well that's frightening to watch. Oh speaking of Crazy Eyes, there was a pop up food truck going around L.A. today promoting Orange is the New Black. A couple of my friends ran into it and posted photos. They had pie and, you guessed it, chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream. That's so brilliant and fun. I heart that women's prison.
Like they showed in the beginning, Kate has an opinion about other people's parenting! Hypocrite. She even wrote an entire blog posts about how we should only build parents up called "Walk a Day in my Heels." Heh, tool. Thanks to @Kateisatwit for finding it. "It’s time for all of us to make a change whereby all parents truly stick together! Period! No more contests, no more darts; just support, help, and concern for each other!"
Hey, I don't have a problem if Kate disagrees with how someone parents. We're allowed to have disagreements and say so, that is how society progresses and does not become sheep and how we ultimately raise better children. Our goal as a human race should be to communally raise better children, even though we all have our own respective children. Because better children means the human race is stronger. Ultimately I think that's the evolutionary reasons behind why so many people give a crap about somebody else's parenting. I mean, somewhere along the way somebody felt the need to say hey Ezra maybe you should let your child speak at the dinner table once in awhile. Somewhere along the way somebody said hey Prudence maybe we shouldn't hit little Elizabeth here with that paddle. They did it because we all have a vested interest in making things better for society's children, or should.
A picture of pugs dressed up as pilgrims because it's my blog and I can.
But then that's going to go for Kate too. If she criticizes other parents then she too is subject to criticism.
So, she doesn't think parents should let their kids win. At ... anything? Ever?
Oh where to begin. Congratulations, shmoops, you beat a thirteen year old at dodgeball. No one is saying always let your children win. Although come to think of it, my sweet father always, always let us win. I don't think he is capable of beating us, his gentle heart just won't let him do it. That said, what kids need is a healthy dose of both. The need to win some things so they learn how to win, and they need to lose some things so they learn how to lose. The awesome posters on this blog suggested a game of chance like Candy Land to accomplish this goal. That way you don't have to be sort of "dishonest" in letting them win. They will win and lose sometimes in games of chance. So beat them sometimes, and don't beat them sometimes. I guarantee you when they have properly learned how to handle both, they will ask you not to let them win anymore. Just be patient, it comes at about age 15. All that results in never letting your kid win is a child who grows into a frighteningly competitive adult who takes pleasure in pummeling little children with red nerf balls and can't get a date because Dad never let them win at Connect Four when they were seven.
You know her "don't let them win" attitude stretches across the board. It's clear whenever Mady engages with her Kate must have the last word on it and she'll swipe iphones and torture them with surprises and such to be sure she "wins."
Kate's so psycho out there on the court that Mady hurts her knee trying to keep up. Even while Mady is still limping Kate keeps going, just outright pummeling her until she wins. Then she tries to hug her, but Mady dives away in disgust.
"I'm sorry. I had to," Kate says later on the couch.
"I don't accept your apology," Mady retorts. Good, because that wasn't an apology.
Mady and Cara have the same personalities as they did when they were younger only Cara is more beaten down and Mady is more bitter. They show a little montage. It's good to see the twins seem to still like each other and have remained close. Mady needs constant reminders to take on a task to the best of her ability and win, Kate explains.
Win what? Life is not one giant game of Hungry Hungry Hippos, geez. Why is it so important to her the kids be so competitive? Hard-working, yes, but competitive? That can definitely be a negative trait especially when it comes between you and knowing when to quit. This is so funny because Kate doesn't seem to appreciate that this is exactly how Mady behaves towards her. She takes Kate to task and must win. And she does a pretty good job of it for a 13-year-old. It's become a battle of wills of epic proportions, and the awesome thing is there will be at least five more years of this karma every day for shmoops.
They flashback to the time when they ice skated for the first time. I really appreciate how respectful TLC is being to Jon. Every clip of him shows him being a loving and attentive father. For instance his gentle hand on Mady's back when she fell on the ice. I forgot how patient and gentle he generally was with the children when they were little. A few moments of frustration can be forgiven when the vast majority of the time you are very kind and attentive.
Back to today, and these kids still can't ice skate? Wow this is bad. Geez every kid living in the Northeast should know how to do that by now. Joel is the perfect child, Kate announces. I'm sure the other kids appreciate hearing that. Oh, the kids know she feels that way so don't worry, she explains. Oh, okay then.
Kate can't even stand up on the ice. Where has she been the past 39 years? She gets on a chair and the kids push her around. "Is this how you're going to push me when I'm old?" she asks. Eh, maybe. Though I imagine that may look something more like this:
The ice skating wasn't so bad. They had fun and Kate was okay to them, minus making it all about her when she made a spectacle of herself out on the ice..
Some of the younger kids are playing in the living room. Seemingly without provocation Collin blurts out to Hannah that her hair is ugly. Probably just pent up frustration since it's not fun to be the scapegoat and watch the golden child be treated like princess for a day every day.
Kate yells at him across the room that he shouldn't say things like that and we should only build others up. Oh, so that's what that little rampage she went on against the non-fans last year was about, building others up? What about when she ripped Kendra a new one with a laundry list of issues and basically accused her of being lazy and waited on hand and foot by Hank Sr.? Heh.
Collin looks absolutely crushed and just when I think she's really shut him up for good, he says, I was just being honest, it was ugly.
Oh shit.
Collin's eyes are full of tears. Poor kid. Kate explains that he needs to put his words through a filter and instead of saying that's ugly, say something like, "I've seen it look better." Haha. Oh, yeah cause that's so much nicer. Good grief. It's rather amusing watching someone with some of the worst social skills I've ever seen lecture her son about social skills. I especially like the part where she instructs Collin not to be honest. Well, that's confusing. I kind of look like Carrie Ann right now, cheek resting on my hand, just sort of equally fascinated and incredulous of this borg.
Oh and hey how about Leah tattling on Collin and making sure Kate heard what he said. Whatever Leah. There's sibling rivalry, and then there's sibling nastiness, and what I've seen so far is just nasty and goes way beyond normal sibling conflicts. Any one of them will sell anyone else down the river just to survive. There's no loyalty or compassion at all from especially the sextuplet girls, and I fear for their sibling relationships later on in life.
There's really nothing else Collin can say to this nonsense but "yes." Which is what Collin says. Yes, Mom. Sure, Mom.
The old clips of Collin they show are mostly sweet. It's oh so appropriate to call your child "manipulative." What? He's your child, not Lisa Vanderpump. He's also challenging authority. Rise up, proletariat.
Kate's done what any fun mother would do over spring break and filled it up with doctor appointments. Actually, I don't mind that. It's better that they not be pulled out of school. Although like anything this is probably more for Kate's convenience than the children's. The twins say they always get dragged along. Why? They're thirteen. Surely they can stay home alone for a few hours and watch T.V. or something. Or is Kate afraid they might google? You know I have a theory on her paranoia over Google. I don't think it's that she's afraid they'll see something about the family and their feelings will be hurt. Rather I think she's pretty darn afraid they will see some of the countless negative things written about her, Kate, and might actually agree with it! After all, there are numerous articles from numerous well known publications, many relying on psychologists and other parenting experts, criticizing her parenting and taking up for the children. Her own former employer The Stir thought that the incident where she took Mady's iphone away was handled terribly by Kate. A kid like Mady would print that out just to prove a point. No wonder Google frightens Baby Jane.
You know there are so many little things in this monstrosity I could spend forever on this recap, but just one of them is Hannah randomly hitting Leah as they cross the street. I know she then hugs her, but I find this behavior very strange and inappropriate especially from a ten year old. But it's just allowed, no repercussions at all. Why is that? The rules in this family are arbitrary, and enforced arbitrarily, and the resulting chaos is not at all surprising.
Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be for a ten year old to have a camera crew along for doctor's appointments? It was bad enough when they were little.
In another of the rare nice moments, the kids all help Aaden pick out a new pair of frames. He seems to love the attention and Kate does another good thing in that she has the kids give a thumbs up or thumbs down to the various frames. Now there is a fun way to help someone out with something that might end up "ugly" on them, without hurting their feelings. I agree with Kate for once, he is extra cute in those glasses.
Kate really liked their third birthday party carnival and wants to recreate it. For a ten-year-old?? I don't know. I don't think the kids remember a darn thing from their third birthday party, that is really a stretch. I think they're remembering the episode. At least Aaden admits he really doesn't remember a thing from when he was little. Ha, so much for the memories. He should get his money back!
Kate announces her scathingly brilliant idea, and the kids immediately think it's the dumbest thing they've ever heard.
Lol, waa-waa.
Because it's a narcissist, they have a fake debate about this but ultimately the carnival theme is of course going forward full steam ahead. Zorro is so cute on Kate's shoulder chewing away on Kate's shirt like he owns the place.
It's great the way the kids constantly poke holes in Kate's catfish of a life on Twitter. You know how shmoops is always posting shit from their parties like bowls of pretzels and Super Bowl cakes like sort of a poor man's Good Housekeeping spread. Hannah explains that actually when they throw parties all Kate does is complain about how she doesn't want to do any of this. Heh.
Because Kate is a tease, she hints, hems and haws about some big thing she has dreamed up but in typical Kate fashion won't tell us what it is. I think the speculation on the blog that it's that Jonas brother who she was on Celebrity Apprentice with is spot on. I guess that might be okay for some of them but for the boys, I doubt this would be that big of a deal.
Mady also thinks this is one dumb idea, which is correct. Kate blames Mady for influencing the sextuplets.
Actually, I would like to point out that the sextuplets all immediately hated the idea and that Cara and Mady, even though they were sitting right there, did not say anything, look at any of them, or influence them in any way. They came up with the notion that they hated it on their own. It was only later when asked Mady said look I really don't care it's not my birthday, but if you're honestly asking, yeah I think it's dumb. So suck it, Kate.
Well this is sad and hard to snark about. Mady said she hopes the younger kids don't look up to her because she's a bad role model and just sits on her bed all day. Is she serious? Well, that's not normal. Cara mutters something about Mady threatening the tups.
Okay, this just took a rather creepy turn. Moving on please!
Leah bellyaches that it's not "fair" that whenever they have something going on Mady and Cara get to have friends over.
What the hell? I'm 100% on the twins side for this one. Of course they should be able to have friends over as much as they want as long as homework and choring and any other commitments are done. Especially when it's something going on with the younger kids. They are thirteen for gosh sakes and shouldn't be dragged along to every single thing that's happening with the ten-year-olds without a buffer. And also, it's really none of Leah's business whether Cara and Mady have friends over and when. That's Kate's call when they are with her and Jon's call when they are with him, period.
What's funny about this is that Kate has absolutely no control over any of this. The kids bicker like cats and dogs, are rude and unreasonable and nasty to each other and their mother, and she has no idea, none, how to get everyone to calm down, breathe and be kind. For all her condescending parenting blogs, these kids are just a mess of chaos and disrespect. To be clear, it's not their fault, and they are desperate for structure and a more pleasant environment, but it's not like Shmoops has set her sights on giving that to them any time soon. The priority here is "filming" not happiness. This pretty much validates everything Jon said last year about their struggles socially. It's hard to imagine very many kids would want to be around any of this.
Mady explains that the sextuplets intruded on her whole life plan when she was three and a half. Lol. The life plan was to not have six brothers and sisters, in case you were wondering.
Yeah, I don't think anyone's life plan includes six little siblings, says Cara, which is the most this poor kid has said in this entire episode.
In seriousness though, it's obvious both the twins have built up massive resentment of this whole situation over the past ten years and they don't even care at this point about blurting it out. Now that they are older, wiser and much more aware of everything, I think their anger has only gotten worse. Therapy would help them both. They desperately need to deal with these feelings somehow or risk never having a healthy relationship with their family. I'm not really sure what they are talking about when they say they are manipulative, but I think they think they have somehow conned Kate about this party and friends. You've lost me there though I do believe them when they say they've got Kate all figured out. Oh you bet they do.
That was a "negotiation session," according to Kate. Oh. I thought it was a knock down drag out. My mistake.
The famous Hannah pooped in Hannah's underwears clip that all the creepy sheeple love. Gross. Kate complains Leah's voice is like a machine gun. That's nice.
Kate and the younger kids head to a party store where Kate quickly finds a bright pink clown wig for herself. Hey, the model on the package looks just like Shmoopy. She should do appearances.
"Come an' get yer popcorn!" Kate cries. Hey, that's our line!
"Please no!" Leah cries. Ha.
Alexis gives Kate some lip in the store and when Kate reprimands her Alexis tells her, "good!" Ha, omg. Alexis has probably always been the most dynamic of the kids, and as a result probably has the most creepy fans of all of them. Remember that fan in Tennessee who even had her name tattooed on her. Yikes. Kate chews on one of those ugly white nails of hers.
Her favorite food is salmon. That's unusual. I like the metaphor of poor little Alexis swimming upstream against the narcissist that is her mother.
The kids continue to be "rabid beasts" at the store, says Kate. Well they're cute rabid beasts anyway, like this one.
Any parent would say that about their children, says Kate. That they're rabid beasts? Uh, no! Gaa, stop speaking for all parents. It drives @Vanessa and I, and many others, nuts!
You know, I agree with her, the kids were being downright obnoxious in the store. They were rude and I've never seen children with such a lip on them so constantly. It's super uncomfortable. But, that's Kate's fault. It doesn't have to be this way. Parenting would help. Try it sometime. What Kate does, which she calls parenting, is whine. She constantly whines to them about their behavior and then suggests other often equally bad behavior or only slightly better behavior in its place. Maybe that might work for some children but it's not helping for these kids. In fact it seems to be making it worse because they've learned they can keep pushing her buttons without anything but a lecture. And sometimes even talk her out of or into things they shouldn't. In other words they're playing her like a puppet with strings. Oh what a lovely role reversal. I also strongly suspect a lot of this behavior is due to years of pent up aggression for all kinds of reasons we all well know of, and the whole family needs to go to therapy for that, for starters. In any case, the great tragedy here is that this woman appears utterly clueless that what she thinks she does so well she just downright sucks at.
Kate says the party could be pulled off if the twins wake up in a good mood. Gaa she's such a tool. And mean. And obnoxious. I ate ate! Cara's body language is terrible. She's bending her head and covering her mouth with her hand. It's like the Today show redux. Interestingly enough Kate has not been invited back since that stunt.
Next time on Kate Plus 8, the birthday party is nearly ruined by gale force winds, and Kate gets stuck to a giant Velcro wall. Leave her up there, kids. Revenge for all those years of Velcro shoes. See you next time!
1256 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1256 Newer› Newest»The superfans have had all this time to prepare for the book, and all
that baa-rainstorming yielded, "The editors are fake!" Wow, that's
weak. I don't care if Robert listed Lucy Ricardo, Ralph Kramden,
and Fred Flintstone as his editors. Telling that they've stopped
with the "lies, lies, lies" excuse. If the horrors the book details,
as described by this woman herself, aren't enough to make them
sick, then we are dealing with an extremely disturbed group. And
I don't for a second let Gladys off the hook because she's not as
publicly nasty as some of the others. She, too, supports a child
and animal abuser.
I quickly read the first chapter this morning, and yes, it is better written. What I sensed even more this time around is Robert's sincerity, his honesty, and most of all, his integrity. He wants those children to live a normal life, he wants Kate to seek help for her mental illness, he is coming from a place without malice. You can feel the pain in his heart.
I'm with you.
What is striking me is Robert's explanations and reasoning when he addresses the many disturbing facts presented in his book.
Robert relates his stories, many first hand, and then gives the reasons WHY this is so disturbing.
This is refreshing to me.
TLC and Kate and all of her spinners have so carefully crafted a false image, and so many people are in bed with Kate and TLC, that you actually start to believe her lies.
Again, the book is reading much better than the first release, and I'm happy for Robert to see 9 Amazon reviews already.
I hope Robert gets opportunities to speak about publishing this book, and being sued by Kate, to a very wide audience.
People NEED to know how the hot dog, err, scrapple, is made.
It ain't pretty.
The aliases was a good idea. They immediately checked to see if they wrote any other books. I can only imagine they would proceed with a smear campaign against anyone who helped Robert. Why don't they just read the book with an open mind? I used to be as fan of the show until it became obvious that something was off about Kate. The evidence just kept piling up.
If I were an editor for Robert, I sure as HELL would want to be an alias.
Kate's sheeple are crazy and dangerous.
The ill and harm the wish, and the lengths they've gone to to harass and "out" people is frightening.
While I have no idea, I think it's a pretty safe bet he's just using pseudonyms for the three ladies who helped him.
I agree. I'm sure he wouldn't want to expose them to the viciousness of TFW's rabid fans.
Just got off the phone with Amazon and she told me how to look up the rankings. Here they are. Not bad for less than 24 hours!
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#380 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#2 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Rich & Famous
#3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Rich & Famous
#5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > Arts & Literature > Entertainers
The superfans have had all this time to prepare for the book, and all
that baa-rainstorming yielded, "The editors are fake!" Wow, that's
weak. I don't care if Robert listed Lucy Ricardo, Ralph Kramden,
and Fred Flintstone as his editors.
Yeah. I mean we've had our discussions about this book and I've shared my opinions about Robert, and there's been disagreement here, but I just don't get the editing konspiracy.
I don't care who edited this book. What does it matter? The point is it sounds much more readable. Why does it matter who did it and what name they are using? I truly don't get their point. I don't. While we're on the subject, what does it matter IF Robert said something negative about this site? So? Free speech, and we've said negative things about him too.
It's like they are incapable of understanding that normal adults are capable of having different opinions and even be frustrated with each other at times, and still get along just fine. It's so extreme with them. They assume there must be some big conflict with Robert and whoever that they've just "outed" ruh roh! And it's simply not the case. I think they are truly incapable of understanding that different opinions doesn't mean there's a crack in the foundation or that there is some big epic fight going on. For most people that's not how disagreements work. But for them it's always, always epic. Always.
I happened to have 19 Kids and Counting on the other day while sewing. Interesting how they have 2-3 of the little kids on for the couch interviews and they don't wriggle/screech/talk over each other.
One of the kids talks, the other listens in a respectful way, then says what they have to say as the first kid listens.
Not the mass chaos that ensues when there are 3 Gosselin children together on the couch. It's hard to even make out what they're saying because they all talk at once, and are too busy screwing around to even think about what they're saying.
It's like they are incapable of understanding that normal adults are capable of having different opinions and even be frustrated with each other at times, and still get along just fine. It's so extreme with them.
Just like their Queen. "Either you're with me or against me." Normal, mentally healthy, people can disagree on a wide variety of subjects and still like and respect each other. This is just another deflection tactic by the sheeple - make it about anything or anybody other than Kate. It doesn't take away from the fact that these are Kate's words and Kate's actions. She is deeply mentally ill and desperately needs help. Those children should be removed from her care PRONTO!
And -- the editors may not be aliases at all, but are a few friends who are good at proofing and organizing and helped him out. I've done that for an author friend a couple of times, because I'm good at grammar and spelling (most of the time, anyway, LOL). She didn't give me a credit line (although she did mention me in the acknowledgments). A lot of authors use what they call "beta" readers. They may or may not acknowledge them.
I'm about half way through the book now. It's much easier to follow and to read but I think some of the impact of TFMJGs actions is lost in paraphrasing her diary entrees. I understand the necessity for doing that, though. It's still plenty eye-opening, particularly for someone who didn't read the first release. There's some new material, but a lot of it is the same, just tightened up and clarified.
If you are toward the top of the list the ranking should be right there on the main page of the book. Super easy to find. They'll even list sub categories if you're high on them.
Speaking of books how's KK cookbook doing? HAHAHAHA
Why don't they just read the book with an open mind? I used to be as fan of the show until it became obvious that something was off about Kate. The evidence just kept piling up.
Exactly. Grow up. Hey almost all of us here watched this show in the beginning with an open mind. We sympathized with Kate and Jon's plight and we thought the kids were cute. Who tunes into a show about babies to "hate"? That's ridiculous. We tuned in because every single one of us had a heart for their situation.
Then we saw things we didn't like and they just kept happening. So we changed their minds.
There is nothing wrong with changing your mind once you have more information. In fact that shows maturity and critical thinking skills. I wish they would pause, breathe, and just collect information then form a decision and forget this "fight."
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 22
If you are toward the top of the list the ranking should be right there on the main page of the book. Super easy to find. They'll even list sub categories if you're high on them.
His sales ranking is 380 according to Amazon, 491 according to Novelrank. Novelrank says her cookbook's best Kindle sales rank was 3,948. However, it also says Robert has sold 12 books (Novelrank must not be updated instantly?)? I have no idea how to interpret or compare these.
lukebandit said... 18
Just got off the phone with Amazon and she told me how to look up the rankings. Here they are. Not bad for less than 24 hours!
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#380 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#2 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Rich & Famous
#3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Rich & Famous
#5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > Arts & Literature > Entertainers
I like those rankings! Robert has a message to share and people are reading that message. Go, Robert!
One of the kids talks, the other listens in a respectful way, then says what they have to say as the first kid listens.
I have my issues with the Duggars but from what I can gather their sibling relationships are generally healthy.
I have only seen a few episodes this year but of the one I saw it was the older girl's boyfriend over for dinner. It was such a pleasant meal with them mostly engaging and talking to their guest, which is the polite thing to do. The kids were certainly allowed to speak but it was done in normal inside voices and no one made a scene or interrupted. There was a lot of laughter and good times, how meal times should be.
Contrast this with the Gosselin meals where Kate is running around like crazy barking at them. The kids are talking out of turn, yelling, eye rolling, giving lip, and so on.
This kind of environment must just be so stressful and unhealthy. It just is not good.
I forgot to add, like I told the girl who took my call at Amazon, not bad for just being released yesterday afternoon, less than 24 hours ago!
I was telling her the book title and I said, I am sure you know who I am talking about and she said, Oh, yeah!
Barb In Nebraska said... 197
The new book is easier to read, but I am finding some editing errors. I've found the word form instead of from 2 times so far.
I noticed that too, but was he quoting written text from Kate? If so, he should have inserted (sic). I could be way wrong, but I think the 'form' errors were Kate's?
@parker_scarlett haters know proof is irrelevant when all they want is 2 destroy Kate. 2 them accusations r enuff @Holodinski @Kateplusmy8
Gawd, I know they're sheeple and I should consider the source but come on people... how many times must you be told that no one wants to destroy TFW? She is loved by her children, they need her in their lives, but the abuse must stop and she has to stop exploiting them. She needs to stop putting them in front of a camera, and if she needs money, then find herself a job - independent of them.
That's it - simple. Capisce? Comprendo? Get it? or just duhhhh?
Their schtick now is that Robert allegedly once said some of the posters here are mentally ill or something like that.
So freaking what.
I have no idea whether he said that or not. If he did, I'm sure it was said in a moment of frustration. Or even, to pony up to the sheeple for information by making it appear like he hates us (dumb sheep never considered that one huh?) Some of us have not always agreed with his tactics and said so. He has given us no other reason to think he has some issue with this site. In fact he thanked us.
I just don't take that comment personally, I have no proof he even said it, and if he did, I certainly forgive it. It's not how he behaves on a daily basis. One slip is allowed. If any of us want to address it with him his email address is public record, we may do so. It's really none of the sheeple's concern.
And really, who cares what he thinks about us? It's not about US, you dumb sheep, it's about a child abuser. I don't care if Robert hates us, I care that if he has information that should be disclosed then he should disclose it.
Like I said, it's extremes. Just like Kate. ONE little thing you do wrong and they write you off. Nothing is forgiven. No reasonable explanations are ever allowed. No slack is ever allowed. There is no understanding for how mature adults function, even mature adults who have disagreements. Once they hook their claws into something it's over.
Ah yes another thing they are incapable of understanding.
They don't get the difference between I want the exploitation to stop versus I want someone destroyed. I could care less about destroying Kate. I want her to mother her children off camera.
It is an easier read. If you bought the book strictly to find out who Milo is, well, you're missing the point. She's not the story here.
I can't imagine anyone doing that. If she/he/it had been outed, all someone would have to do is read here. If Gladys would be Steve, or a paid rep, I'm sure there would be discussion here or on Twitter about it.
I think some of the impact of TFMJGs actions is lost in paraphrasing her diary entrees. I understand the necessity for doing that, though.
I agree that the intensity of it is diluted. Unfortunately.
But I also understand the need to paraphrase.
I have my issues with the Duggars but from what I can gather their sibling relationships are generally healthy.
I have also noticed that the Duggar kids are well behaved and their speech is far ahead of the G kids.
From the clips that I saw, this special does no favors for the G kids.
They fight at the drop of a hat.
Gaga ball ended in a bench clearing fistacuffs.
A saw 2 girls go from happy and celebratory to furious anger and physical violence in 2.1 seconds.
This, after seeing hitting and spitting on Katie Couric.
Mady is a real pip and that sass, while par for the course for girls her age, is non stop.
I don't know if Kate just blows in off when the cameras aren't rolling, but you don't just shrug your shoulders and say "kids!'.
Oh, and this recent, carefully crafted gem: "The kids want to film. I couldn't get them to do X, so how could I make them film?".
Uh, let me count the ways:
Physical violence
Not feeding them
Locking them outdoors
Telling them that they'll be homeless
Telling them that they'll never see their school friends again
Threatening to harm to get rid of animals
You know I just cannot imagine how they have normal adult relationships. Humans will be human and will mess up, disappoint you, frustrate you. You can't take glee in it or write them off or you'll never have anyone at all. They have these impossible standards for how people should be that surely must extend into their real lives. Hard to imagine.
A saw 2 girls go from happy and celebratory to furious anger and physical violence in 2.1 seconds.
Exactly. I assume they're just mirroring Kate?
The flashes of extremes are scary. Like Hannah one moment pummeling Leah the next moment hugging her.
It's this flash of anger then affection right after. It's not normal. In fact it's deeply concerning. How do you know when you're sister is coming at you whether she's gonna kick you or kiss you?
Anonymous said... 188
BTW, my review is gone from Amazon too.
PJ-Your review is still there, but it's on Amazon's Canadian site, not the US site. Guess the reviews don't carry over to all of Amazon's sites.
I see that Al's review is no longer there. Guess he didn't like it when several people called him out for being a jerk.
Admin: I have been in many fandoms over the years and seen a lot of people in other fandoms, and I can say, that when fans become obsessed, with their celeb/idol/etc, they can do no wrong, you can not say anything bad about them or listen to anything bad about them. These fans live in their own world, sugar & lollipops, & everything good. To be told that you idol has done something wrong, just does not exist. If they beat their kid, drove drunk, stole, f-off a fan etc, they don't see it, until it happens to them, they see it for themselves, they don't believe. On the same note, their idol can do all the above and they would still see them as perfect and can do no wrong. I was a fan, I wanted to see how 2 working parents deal with 8 kids, and how they budget. I grew up with friends who came from very large families, and always wonder how they managed, there were only 2 kids in my family. But when everything started to center around Kate, and she started with the entitled crap and belittling Jon, and the treatment of the kids, and I've to date had never read Roberts book, I saw with my own eyes, on the show, it was an automatic turn off, for me. The charm died. I like the Little couple, cause they are a lot more honest, both work, dealed with cancer, adopted 2 kids, and work together as a team, so far they have not let fame go to their heads. The Duggars for the most part if they keep their religion in tack, they won't stray, or be tempted. Yes, they have went on trips, yes, Jimbob, can make an ass of himself, where ever they go, but you know the kids are well behaved, well taken care of, and do not act entitled. Yes, I don't care much for their life style, but then everyone is different. Not like Kate, she & Matt Roloff, have let fame go to their heads, to the point that both marriages, got destroyed, or Matt is on that road. Matt, problem comes from when he was a kid, he spent a lot of his childhood in hospitals, and now he is trying to make up for that, and TLC is the bank. However, Matt forgets to ask other(his family for input), before making any choices, and that gets everyone mad at him, especially Amy. He wants this, that, and his way, and if he does not get it, he does it anyway. He is a whiner. He does not enjoy anything. The Hayes, were very normal, and to this day have not let fame make them greedy. They did a shot at RT and called it quits. Betty, never let it get to her. Kate got greedy, and with TLC help and probably advice, became the monster she is. I'm sure someone at TLC PR dept told Kate she does not need those losers, including her husband & family, to be a star. The kids were/are her ticket to stardom. Boy she is sure getting a reality check. Only, what 4 interviews, only one of those a Talk show, what happen Kate no media tour? What happen to your friends at the View? Today show? The rest? Wow, have the greedy fallen.
chefsummer said... 24
Speaking of books how's KK cookbook doing? HAHAHAHA
Just great!:
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #126,266 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Some of us have not always agreed with his tactics and said so. He has given us no other reason to think he has some issue with this site. In fact he thanked us.
He also came to this site, and made several comments after the first book was published. So I doubt he had any issue with us.
They figure that by shooting the messenger, it will make the message less credible. They were so convinced that the book wouldn't come out again because there was no pre-publication publicity, no publisher listed on his site and were convinced that Robert was lying. Guess Robert proved them wrong, and they can't stand that.
As I all ways said I once was a fan of Kate and I kind of hated Jon for supposedly cheating on her.
The I found out she was lying on the today show about unpaid bills and she was gallivanting with Steve.
I also found out KK was scamming churches so I found realitykids by accident and well a KK fan I'm no more.
Mel: The G6 have not changed much in that area. At 10, they should be more mature, and be able to sit still, and respect & listen to another person talking. I expect that kind a actions from a 2-5 year old, not 10. Those kids must have a hard time sitting still in school. When the Hayes made an appearance about a year or 2 ago, their tups & family were on I think it was Oprah or Katie, and those kids sat still for the whole time they were on TV. Yes, the Duggar children were taught very well on how to sit still and listen to the other person who is talking. Kate is not teaching her kids that. Even when Kate was telling the kids what they were going to do on break, they all yelled, complained at once, they tried to talk over each other. You suck Kate at parenting.
localyocul said... 41
chefsummer said... 24
Speaking of books how's KK cookbook doing? HAHAHAHA
Just great!:
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #126,266 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
When was the last time KK tweeted or spoke about her wonderful cookbook or couponsbyKate?
My family and friends think my hatred for TFW is obsessional, and "not good" for me. I receive glazed, blank, concerned expressions whenever I raise the subject of this monster. And when I do, it's always on point! Relevant to the discussion. The problem is, unless you're familiar with the atrocities (everyday occurrences), people really don't care.
And that is the rub. Most people are unaware that she is truly diabolical. We witnessed it years ago, which is why we come here. For me, it helps to ease the pressure. But the media is all powerful: it has fed and helped augment her disgusting presence. No outlet has a concern for the children, and we know she certainly does not. Jon has been raked over the coals for minor actions: his urination on a friend's driveway didn't bother me one whit. Normal!
I didn't see the update, but read all about it here, plus honestrob's blog. Together with the rerelease of the book, I'm cautiously optimistic that the tide will turn and that the children can be restored to their father. NAW..that'll never happen. It should, but until and unless there is a public, tragic or photographed blunder on her part, they will be at her mercy until they are able to escape.
I highly doubt Shoka is even allowed to press his nose to the door, to see the coddled bird; the monster couldn't abide the impression on the glass. Of course, one of the boys would be sent out to "clean up the offending mark".
Regarding the Iphone text. If they have iPads that are wirelessly connected and have email addresses, they can text her phone. My kids send me iMessage from their iPads to my phone call the time.
What's wrong with this picture?
It's a warm summer night in rural PA.
There is a house full of healthy, bright, supposedly happy, 'culturized' 10 and 13 year old children.
They have 23+ acres to roam, a fancy treehouse, bikes, crooked houses, motorized rides, hundreds of places to run and hide.
Yet they're carrying on a group chat/text via iPhone w/mommie-dearest. Couple that with tweets about movie night, marathon sitcom tv viewing, watching ` movie 5-6 times in a week. I come up with children needing outside stimulation, more interaction with peers and involvement in organized activities. What ever happened to good old fashioned fresh air and exercise for goodness sakes? My kids had to be pried away from their friends and dragged into the house at night in the summer. They'd shower, grab an evening snack and crash until they repeated it the next day.
Anonymous said... 188
BTW, my review is gone from Amazon too.
PJ-Your review is still there, but it's on Amazon's Canadian site, not the US site. Guess the reviews don't carry over to all of Amazon's sites.
Thanks, Kate is a twit. G'ah! This Amazon stuff has me all mixed up. Yes, I did see my review this morning. But Al's review was on the Canadian site yesterday. I'm afraid to look in case it's all changed again. I saw it gone yesterday (sounds like sheeple speak, I know) and then it was back, now gone again. Sometimes there were 10 comments and 5 minutes later there were 8.
I'm batting 0 today, so I'll just read here and ignore all the rest.
BTW, does anyone have any links to where the sheeple are blaming the editors? Deflect, deflect, deflect. I haven't seen anything, but then again, I haven't looked.
Not only did they have people sign a confidentiality agreement but they couldn't SAY that they signed one! And they had to immediately inform production or "the Gosselin Family" if they were approached and by whom?
Worst combination ever! A narcissist with unlimited power.
I STILL don't get people NOT reporting abuse EVEN in the face of these contracts? You are mandated by law, are you not?
I downloaded the book to my Kindle then to my PC last night. Well, my husband actually did the work. But I watched.
I also read the book when it was first released. This version is tighter and has better editing. Still some typos, but not many. I'm about 20% through the book right now.
Kate was brilliant (I hate to say that!) in her master plan and achieving her goal of fame and fortune. It's chilling how single minded she was in achieving her goal. I'm not going to say much more, so as to not give away anything to those who have not read the book yet.
But I will say this, the book confirms what we have speculated for years....Kate was looking for a wealthy sperm donor and she picked Jon because his father was a successful dentist.
Martha, my husband constantly questions my reading here and contributing. He believes any attention to the Gosselins, good or bad, keeps TFW's mug on television. I must say that TLC is at fault for filming the dysfunction of this family. Just finished reading Dr. Lillian Glass's take on the "special." Quite enlightening and sad just the same.
I believe one of the reasons the Duggar children are calm and well-behaved is that their parents are an example of that. Michelle is comfortable in her own skin. The Gosselin children have no example of calm and comfortable to follow in TFW. It is like comparing apples to oranges.
how do you find out how many copies have been sold?
I've read a few chapters so far and am really getting in to it. I like that I now have a respectable title, Gosselin extremist. That's me and I love it. I was talking about Kate last night with my family and shocked myself with how much I know about her just from reading this blog. Thanks Admin. It's my guilty pleasure. heh heh. We are all here because we want her diabolical behaviour to stop. Plain and simple. She truly is an interesting case study, one that we have never seen before. That is another reason I think we are all on here discussing the situation ad nauseam.
Hillary Clinton got an $8M advance for her recent book. TFW must be so jells, don't ya think? $200,000 per speaking engagement for HC. How's all those speaking engagements going for you, TFW? Hillary is "piecing and patching" as well. Seems to be going a bit better for her. She's a public figure too, dontchaknow?
Disclaimer - this is NOT a political post. Just a comparison between two women who are "not wealthy". I actually understood the point HC was trying to make about her finances. I will never understand TFW. She is pointless. (HA)
TLC stinks said... 3
I put off watching the update and when I did, thankfully, for some reason my Tivo only recorded the first 14 minutes. It was enough.
I gather some sheeple are making trouble in regards to the editors? I see no issue with the editors using pseudonyms to protect themselves from Ziggy, CJ and others. It's a silly thing for them to focus on rather than accepting what a horrible person Kate is to her children.
Lordee Bee. If I'm reading correctly, when the sheeple set out to hunt the editors down like dogs and mount a campaign of terror upon them, they were chagrined to find the names were pseudonyms? The nerve! How dare they not use their real names so they can be attacked proper! The first book was laid out in such an odd piecemeal way, my eyes hurt. He needed editing help, they're grasping at straws if they think for a minute that somehow this discredits the content.
It is more or less the same book with a few new details inserted here and there, and the new information is at the very end. The part about her manipulating her fertility treatments is again covered quite thoroughly, again emphasizing that he has the packaging as proof. Since he knows the fake name she used to order the drugs, I wonder of he has that paperwork as well? Either way, she's screwed. "We wanted just one more!" lol.
Also, we surmised correctly that TFW thought the open chair at the View table was automatically going to be hers. When Jenny McCarthy got it, apparently TFW flew into a weeks long rage. One of the other reasons she wanted the View job so bad was to give TLC the finger for dumping such a rare talent as herself. She just doesn't get it. He said she feels she is a valuable and sought after hot commodity, way more talented and desirable than the other reality stars who are out there now making good money and enjoying prominent fame. Not for one minute does she even consider that her behavior and long history of lying has affected her ability to get a job.
Those rabid fans of Kate who may have paid for some twitter bots on her behalf must be kicking themselves right now. Guess they didn't expect the bots would pick up on the book. That is so lol-worthy.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 33
I could care less about destroying Kate. I want her to mother her children off camera.
Oh for sure, IF she takes her meds and gets therapy. It would make a world of difference for all of them. The way she behaves now is like a twelve-year-old babysitter in charge of eight kids. She can only handle the job for about three hours a day. After that she's looking for a way to get out of there and go to the mall with her tweenie friends. Some people just aren't cut out for parenting. She's one of them. (imo)
PatK said... 59
Those rabid fans of Kate who may have paid for some twitter bots on her behalf must be kicking themselves right now. Guess they didn't expect the bots would pick up on the book. That is so lol-worthy.
I've got to ask a SSQ (stupid sheepleish question). Where do you read this? I look at kateplusmy8 TL and never see this stuff. Duh. I'm twitter challenged.
I understand the G kids not wanting to see Jon, and it doesn't mean they don't love him. I had the same situation with my father when my parents divorced. Every time I had visitation with my father, my mother was angry at the whole world for days. I'd end up basically trying to disappear until her mood blew over. She'd grill me for details about everything I did with my dad, everything that was said, and then take offense at something. That led to her calling him on the phone and having screaming fights. It was just too much, and eventually I stopped seeing my father. It was just easier and more peaceful that way.I didn't see him again until I was in high school. I had gone to the local hospital to vosit a friend, and when I was leaving, passed by the office with his name on the door. I walked in, not knowing what to expect, and he turned around and said, "Oh, it's you".
That was 30 years ago, and I still don't have a close relationship with my father. We lost too much time. He remarried and I am close to my sisters from his second marriage, but not to him. When my half-sisters refer to him as Dad, it feels strange to me. I don't really know what to call him, so I try to avoid saying anything that would require me to refer to him in a certain way. I don't feel comfortable calling him Dad, but it doesn't feel right to call him by his first name. It's just...awkward. I remember really enjoying th time I had with my father, and I clearly remember how much I dreaded going hime to my mother and being interrogated and dealing with her mood for days. And I remember the fear that I would slip up and actually admit to enjoying my time with my father, because if she thought I liked being with my father, there would be hell to pay. It's just too much to deal with, emotionally, when you're that young.
The sheeple claim that the kids who don't spend time with Jon really hate him. No, they don't. The consequences of seeing him outweigh the fun they have with him. A few hours with Dad can turn into a week of tantrums and moody silences at home. It gets to the point where it's just too hard to go through that.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 6
I haven't watched it on my dvr yet, but it sounds pretty boring.
It was very boring. How many times can Kate explain how she does mundane things everyone else does, only times eight? How many times can we watch this family go on some outing to some cleared out venue?
If Kate is serious about wanting to be filmed she needs a better pitch or idea other than watch our family watch paint dry. In fairness I guess she did try with that whole test pilot she did where she was cooking in that restaurant kitchen, but she blew it somehow. I'd pay to see that pilot. Must be on the cutting room floor somewhere.
I always kind of assumed that after waitressing and cooking for the pilot, Kate freaked and refused to do anymore. Just too beneath her rare and exceptional talents. She must have completed the pilot though, Robert stated he spoke to a TLC insider who said the show tested horribly and was scrapped. No one wanted to see Kate without the kids.
Kate is a twit said... 42
He also came to this site, and made several comments after the first book was published. So I doubt he had any issue with us.
I remember those comments. He wanted someone to share his feelings of triumph and exhaustion with and he chose this blog, his kindred spirits. It was a pleasant exchange that evening, if I recall correctly but he made it clear he had no intention of derailing this blog by his continued presence. I thought at the time that showed great respect for Admin and for us. IMO. We can get impatient with him and he with us from time to time, that doesnt change any of the core issues and respect.
What I find creepy is that she asked that certain scenes be left out or not as much of it shown. (less crying in the hair braiding ep) You see? SHE KNOWS
how it is being absorbed by the public.HOw she's being seen. She KNOWS it doesn't look good.
Manipulate the footage. EDIT the footage. She is a psychopath.
E! Online @eonline Jun 19
Kate Gosselin: If I Didn't Need to Support My Family, "You'd Never Hear From Us Again" http://eonli.ne/1m1Ce2A
And this would be a bad thing????
Just saw this on Twitter. The comments are brutal and overwhelmingly against TFW
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 38
A saw 2 girls go from happy and celebratory to furious anger and physical violence in 2.1 seconds.
Exactly. I assume they're just mirroring Kate?
The flashes of extremes are scary. Like Hannah one moment pummeling Leah the next moment hugging her.
It's this flash of anger then affection right after. It's not normal. In fact it's deeply concerning. How do you know when you're sister is coming at you whether she's gonna kick you or kiss you?
And that's Kate's 'parenting'. "We dont hit. Now say sorry and hug." Except when it is Kate doing the hitting, then they have to apologize for upsetting her.
Is anyone taking numbers on how many of these kids end up in physically abusive relationships, whether as the abuser or the victim? It sounds like Leah and Hannah already think a hug erases a hit - will they ever be able to realize that love and physical pain arent SUPPOSED to go together?
getofftwitter said... 44
Mel: The G6 have not changed much in that area. At 10, they should be more mature, and be able to sit still, and respect & listen to another person talking. I expect that kind a actions from a 2-5 year old, not 10.
It's not the fault of the sextuplets (or of the twins for that matter), that they have don't behave better. After all, they have been raised by a rabid beast.
I can't help but contrast their behavior to that of little 2-year old Zoey on The Little Couple. Yes, she does sometimes cry and whine, but I am amazed at how well she can feed herself using a fork or a spoon. I was also impressed to see her on a recent episode sitting and playing quietly by herself on a couch with her baby doll. She and her older brother Will are not allowed to hit anyone, and certainly not each other, without be gently but firmly reprimanded.
It clearly demonstrates the difference between children who are raised in a loving home, gently taught how to behave and interact with others vs. the Gosselin children, where envy has been allowed to fester and grow; where tattling on siblings is encouraged and rewarded (if you are a girl sibling tattling on a brother sibling); where the rules change at the drop of a hat and never apply to your mother. One home has happy children with parents who really love interacting with their children and have fun with them. The other is like a fancy orphanage, with a cruel head mistress and children who have lived with "survival of the fittest" for their whole lives.
hater hater @BuzzedBunny 2h
@Kateplusmy8 @lcoco37 Can't wait to spend time with your beautiful, happy, well cared for, loved, healthy & loud family this Thursday @TLC
And how are you going to do that jump through the TV?
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 32
Their schtick now is that Robert allegedly once said some of the posters here are mentally ill or something like that.
Hmmmmm. Well, as I evaluate that claim, I consider the following:
I have been coming to this blog on a near daily basis for at least 2 years, maybe longer. I read through most of the posts here and comment frequently. Many posters will share tweets they've read elsewhere, or post links to articles about TFW, and we certainly have discussed Robert, his book, the lawsuit, and everything else Robert-related quite a bit.
Yet I do not recall ever hearing that Robert ever said any of the posters here are mentally ill.
Doesn't mean he didn't say it. However, if he did say it somewhere (in print, in an interview of some kind), I would definitely remember if it was discussed here. A remark of that kind would have generated a fair amount of discussion here, and I don't recall anything of that sort.
If he did say something remotely like that, once, somewhere - it doesn't bother me. In fact, we do occasionally get a poster who pops in, says something provacative, starts a back-and-forth discussion, then disappears again. We suspect them as being one of the sheeple. If Robert actually said such a thing, I'd assume he was talking about one of those posters :)
He said: Their marriage was never about love.
"It was just kind of like 10 years of a business transaction
After reading Roberts book this sounds right,
Ok, I'm way behind in reading, but just wanted to jump in and say that I got Robert's book early this morning. I love that the price is $8.88.
And I want to give a shoutout to Admin for running such a great blog!
Back to reading comments now...wow, what a fiasco this update show has turned out to be. ATTENTION MILO: "fiasco" doesn't mean anything good. Don't confuse it with "fiesta" or something like that. "The cesspool of hate said @Kateplusmy8 is so festive! #SuperFunCesspool"
He said: She was more interested in fame than parenting. "I'm taking care of the kids. She's on book tours, she's doing all these things. You know, she's gone a week. You know, comes back… packs up and leaves again," Jon told Good Morning America in 2009. "I'm standing there like, 'Oh, OK. Your mom's gone again.'"
This sounds right to and did Robert say that Kate would cry upon going back home?
Very funny recap admin!
I didn't watch but as I was flipping channels I stopped for a moment when one of the boys was describing another boys personality as "clueless" - isn't this what Kate said about one of them at some point (when they were much younger)? Can anyone else recall who she said that about? I just can't help thinking that he was simply mimicking what his mother said (either in person or by re-watching the show on DVD) and just accepted it as a fact. It was troubling to me so I changed the channel before I had to see Queen Rabid Beast rear her ugly head.
Oh - I love all you new terms for TFW - Cousin It and Baby Jane had me cracking up!
Also, I just purchased the re-released book and it is beyond disturbing. She is so much more manipulative that I originally thought. It is such a shame that most of the media portrays Jon like they do; Kate deserves all that hell and nothing less. Yes, they both have made many mistakes, but why is he "the idiot" "the player" "the cheater" "the douchebag" - I feel sorry for him all over again.
Do the boys have phones? Seriously, I am so totally disgusted with the gender treatment being so different, and that boys are the target of her wrath, at least Collin, but none of them seem to have anything to say, always watch their sisters using Ipads, and getting the best treatment. I just wish Jon would get custody of the 3 boys once and for all. This needs to stop right now- the boys barely speak or utter a single word, yet are the only ones reprimanded.
What more proof do fans need to know that this family is NOT functioning well AT ALL!!
Anyone heard about Kendras husbands alleged affair with a transsexual. They seem to have the texts or phone calls to back it up....I think I'm gonna throw up. What does she expect...he married her knowing she did a sex tape for the whole world to see...she not exactly a saint. Maybe its ok with her..shes pretty sleazy...
So let me get this straight: As part of her lawsuit "settlement" Robert had to agree to publish the book? Do I have that right? Snark
So Jon's "douchebag year" was done purposely so that he would be IN BREACH OF CONTRACT. He saw it as a way to get him and his kids out of the contract. hmmmm
Only posting at this time, not reading comments. want to get my ideas down as I'm reading so I apologize if others have made similar observations. This one was an "aha" for me
Millicent said... 69
Great Post!
I am so sickened by the insane behavior and things going on in that house, that I had to take a step back.
that bitch found her soul mate with Discovery, didn't she??
How absolutely disgusting
Vanessa said... 65
Agreed. I don't think we know one hundredth of what it going on in that house, but if this is their best behavior, while filming, can not even imagine and seriously, is disturbing to think about. So much has probably been edited, I don't even want to think about it. Too disturbing.
AuntieAnn said... 61
PatK said... 59
AuntieAnn, this is the Twitter TL I read.
LaLaLandNoMore, I believe the reason the Duggar children are well behaved is they have always had religion and a certain belief and discipline system in place. While I personal oppose many of the Duggars methods, they have been consistent whether on tv or not on tv. The discpline might be gven my the parents or the older buddy but the kids know their are serious consequences for rude or bad behavior. The kids know how to behave for live intervews and photo shoots and know the consequences.
If you watch the Duggar episode closely there is some bad behaviors but not name calling or disrespect. There have been multiple times the kids walk barefoot across the dining room table or kitchen counters with dirty feet, multiple kids have licked the counters and the boys have been pretty wild (and slightly destructive inside the house). There is an episode where Joy is frustrated in the laundry room(now who would not be at age 14-15 with piles of laundry everyday?) and she starts throwing clothes and hangers at her older buddy leader and is obviously upset. It also seems like the girls have better manners then the boys. It always gets me a bit upset to see Josh have Anna carrying the luggage and the kids while he stands around. there is an a episode where they are traveling, Anna has a 2 year old, holding an infant and is forced to drag all the luggage across the airport as Josh plays on his phone. This is not what a well raised young man should learn how to treat his wife when the Duggars have such prescribed gender roles.
Layla said... 62
Thanks Layla. You described the current K8 situation perfectly. Kids caught in the middle. So not right or fair.
I was looking at some of the comments on Amazon, and had to laugh
at the telltale "I dislike Kate as much as the next person, but --" -
followed by a one-star review.
SuzyQ (#75), it was J who was identified by his mommy as "clueless."
She talked about the future, about some woman falling for him before
realizing he was - I think she even added "totally" or "complelely" -
Or maybe some fake editor disguised her voice and added that commentary later, while TFW and J were off playing Candy Land
together. That's highly possible - right, fans?
Do the boys have acess to IPads? Every time I see a photo or on TV, it is the girl tups on it, with the boys watching them use it.
JR said... 77
Anyone heard about Kendras husbands alleged affair with a transsexual. They seem to have the texts or phone calls to back it up....I think I'm gonna throw up. What does she expect...he married her knowing she did a sex tape for the whole world to see...she not exactly a saint. Maybe its ok with her..shes pretty sleazy...
Yup, and Kate lived with him for a week!
Keep on trading up, Kate.
ps... I love how Robert refers to Kate's sex kitten incarnation in the book- Kate was looking "fabulously slutty".
Outside stimulation?? What say you? JK
What kid does not do outside activities, have friends over and go to friends's houses regularly Hint: Other parents will assist with transport if the other parent agrees to assist, at least occasionally.
Millicent said... 69
I can't help but contrast their behavior to that of little 2-year old Zoey on The Little Couple. Yes, she does sometimes cry and whine, but I am amazed at how well she can feed herself using a fork or a spoon. I was also impressed to see her on a recent episode sitting and playing quietly by herself on a couch with her baby doll.
This leads me bring up a point I have often considered when we see the 6 younger ones so violent with each other: We did used to comment here that there was never any kind of toy in their cages -er cribs - to learn with, imagine with, comfort with. No cloth books, no Dapper Dan dolls to learn zippers and buttons with, no busy boxes on the crib slats. Nothing.
And Jon and Kate apparently bought large wrap around puppy gate corrals, and locked the 6 babies in there during their "UP" hours where the main form of entertainment seemed to be pinching and pulling someone and stealing the other toys. As impractical as it sounds, why were there never any traditional play pens full of safe learning toys, so that each baby could safely learn ways to entertain him/herself, explore toys at his own pace, without being hit, bitten and his project or lovey stolen by a screaming sibling? Even when locked in their cribs for hours at a time, no toys were given to progress their thinking skills, fine motor coordination, etc. The only sensory stimulation those kids have EVER had has been physical, loud, and over the top. From their mother, and from each other.
Vanessa said... 79
So Jon's "douchebag year" was done purposely so that he would be IN BREACH OF CONTRACT. He saw it as a way to get him and his kids out of the contract. hmmmm
Only posting at this time, not reading comments. want to get my ideas down as I'm reading so I apologize if others have made similar observations. This one was an "aha" for me
Jon was definitely not cooperating at the end.
I don't quite believe that Jon was throwing himself on the sword for his kids, but I do believe the end result of his behavior was TLC letting him go and punishing him severely.
Jon was just not sticking with the program, and he would not show up, or show up late and impaired- very evident in one couch confessional in particular.
But, yeah, you know, Kate asked the kids if they want to film and if they say no, no biggie.
Oh, also no dinner.
SuzyQ said... 75
Very funny recap admin!
I didn't watch but as I was flipping channels I stopped for a moment when one of the boys was describing another boys personality as "clueless" - isn't this what Kate said about one of them at some point (when they were much younger)?
That was Joel. Kate wrote in her journal about the glazed look in Joel's eyes and his "dad-like cluelessness". She also said she WANTS to love him, but...
Poor Joel.
Dwindle said... 87
I agree 100%- Kate neglected to further their development on many levels and their environments were barren.
They spent way too many hours confined to their desolate cribs.
Eh, what's another year with velcro shoes?
And if I'm reading correctly, Kate is saying that the tups are just starting to pour cereal?
For those who watched the show- the promo said that Kate's kids were all busy with activities, you know, Kate's crazy life yada yada.
Aside from Cara's field hockey, did the special elaborate on any other sports, scouts etc.?
Al's alleged 2 reviews have been removed and replaced with 2 more 1 star reviews. Notice that when the name is checked, they have only one review and they are not a verified purchaser. Makes you go hmmmmm. Maybe he needs a biography written about him.
Their schtick now is that Robert allegedly once said some of the posters here are mentally ill or something like that.
Well I've been told that I'm crazy and I never claimed to be normal so who knows lolssssss.
To those that answered my question about who was described by Kate as "clueless" - thank you. I find it so sad that a mother would describe her own flesh and blood like that, but even more sad that one of the boys would also later use that term (even if it was for a different child).
This book is very difficult to read - not comprehension wise, but just to think about the level of deception on Kate's part.
One other thing that I was disgusted with on this special was something I've read on other websites (Gawker) about her competitiveness with the children and that she won't let them win. What the heck kind of parent does THAT????!!! I was watching my 20 yr old son play with our friends daughter over the weekend while he was teaching her how to play a game and he let her win almost every single time. DUH. That's also how children learn to be gracious winners.
Agree Tucker, but I think it was a lot of "go ahead, fire me"
Little did he know just how burned he was going to get
Dr. Lillian Glass's take on the book.
For those who watched the show- the promo said that Kate's kids were all busy with activities, you know, Kate's crazy life yada yada.
Aside from Cara's field hockey, did the special elaborate on any other sports, scouts etc.?
Isn't it interesting - snark - that with the numerous charts and notes TFW has posted around the house that no one who watched the show has mentioned seeing a chart of who has a sport or music class, etc. I'd think TLC would be sure to show what a hectic schedule TFW has shuttling them around, right? Hummmm
Where did Robert allegedly say some of the posters here are mentally ill or something like that? Is it in the book and if so does anyone have the Kindle reference #s? I don't recall him saying anything like that here on the blog or on twitter. Is this a sheeple distraction? TIA
why were there never any traditional play pens full of safe learning toys, so that each baby could safely learn ways to entertain him/herself, explore toys at his own pace, without being hit, bitten and his project or lovey stolen by a screaming sibling?
They were raised as a pack and it's continued until today. I guess J&K thought it was more practical; ie: it was too labor and time intensive (laziness?) to tend to them separately so they depended on them to keep each other occupied. Who needs a busy box or when you have a sibling to hit and pinch?
I think the state was generous in providing a nurse their first year simply because of their birth situation. They really should have had some early childhood intervention to help make up for the individual attention and nurturing they missed as infants and toddlers.
Carole: The kids were busy with activities & sports. Kate had a chart. Remember it was only during their break they went to any activities, and it was a sport activities. Cara ia the only one who plays sports, and Mady does acting, who knows what the 6 others do except come home & do chores, perhaps dad has them in something. Kate's mindset is they were born together, have to do everything together, that is why Kate was so upset that the one tup boy needed to wear glasses, he ruin her perfect set. That's sick thinking. These kids are not joined at the hip or anywhere else, they are individuals. Wait, when those tups, get a little older and figure it out, that they are being jip, out of things the twins did at their age, and that mom only sees them as a set/6pk/team. They will give her hell, it is only starting.
Baha. Looking back at all thr crappy meals she posted on twitter, it's even funnier now. She thought she was the next Martha?? Better than Martha? Hoffman's source says she cannot cook and only ends up making a mess. Delusion at it's finest. And Jon is the neat freak and she's a slob.
I STILL don't get people NOT reporting abuse EVEN in the face of these contracts? You are mandated by law, are you not?
No. At that time in PA, there was a list of mandated reporters, including physicians, teachers, day-care workers, those whose profession involved coming into contact with children. Of course, anyone who suspected child abuse could report it, but were not required to do so.
However, in the wake of the Sandusky scandal, all that might change, and mandating reporting would include anyone, librarians, Scoutmasters, who work with children. I don't know if that bill was passed, but if that legislation goes through, it would become effective in January of next year.
JMO: yeah, I noticed that too. I'm not sure, but didn't Kate say she bought the ipads & Iphones for the girls, so she can take them away. Kate did not say the tups only the girls. So I wonder if that means she only bought them for the girls, and the girls have to share with their brothers?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 14m
@BuzzedBunny @Fly_On_TheWall @Kateplusmy8 Critics bought a $8.88 "ticket to ride!" Destination > Dupe City, LaLaLand. #Unbelieable
Is Milo admitting the book is true? I know that unbelieable is not a real work, but the definition of belie is:
"To give a false representation to; misrepresent"
Since the prefix "un" means not true or opposite, is she confirming that Robert did not misrepresent or give a false representation?
Ha ha. I know it's a typo on her part, but I found it funny when I saw it. She'll now probably delete the tweet and retweet it with the correct spelling.
Deflect, deflect, deflect!When you can't really dispute the fact that everything in the book is fact, attack people for buying it twice. I bought the original, I bought this one AND I will buy the hard copy when it comes out for those that don't have a Kindle. My small way of supporting Robert.
@Fly_On_TheWall: pic.twitter.com/KNZj3V70rw (I'm sure TFW appreciates your picking that particular picture)
@BuzzedBunny: @Fly_On_TheWall Yes, and they're telling everyone they now have a library. Previously only cereal boxes got their attention. @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack: @BuzzedBunny @Fly_On_TheWall @Kateplusmy8 Critics bought a $8.88 "ticket to ride!" Destination > Dupe City, LaLaLand. #Unbelieable
Dr. Lillian sure calls a spade a spade. Now, where is the mainstream media on this?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 14m
@BuzzedBunny @Fly_On_TheWall @Kateplusmy8 Critics bought a $8.88 "ticket to ride!" Destination > Dupe City, LaLaLand. #Unbelieable
It is unbelieable, ITA Milo! This book was never supposed to come out because Robert paid Kate off to drop the suit, right? But here it is! Then, this was nothing but a huge pack of lies created so Robert could get rich! But here the book is, 8.88 or free for prime members. With Martin Garbus waiting in the wings in case Kate gets any funny ideas.
Yeah Milo remind KK that people are buying Roberts books that's the way to get on your queens side.-(eye roll)
She looks like the wicked witch with her mouth gaped open.
I can see why Kate is trying so desperately to film, film, film and make TV appearances.
The facade is cracking and she won't be able to spin her lies for very much longer.
I think Kate is spoiling the heck out of the twins, to win their favor and keep their allegiance.
The are of an age to have a say where they want to live, and if they turn- when they turn- the cat's going to be out of the bag.
Admin, please read the new article written by Dr. Lillian Glass re: Robert's book. She was sent a copy of the book, read it, and has written paragraphs re: cruelty to the children and animals. Basically, she wants anything Kate Gosselin pulled off the airways. Paula Dean did a lot less 30 yrs. ago by using racial slang and was dropped like a hot potato. For whatever reason, TLC/Discovery has protected Kate and keeps using her. I tried to write a comment to TLC and each time I tried to contact, it locked up. Makes me wonder? I hope this book explodes and does expose the truth. Please read Dr. Lillian Glass's body language blog. Right on target!
Dr. Glass's reaction is what you would expect any normal human being to have- "holy shit, that's child and animal abuse"
Layla, you went through Parental Alienation! It is sad when our parents divorce and cannot be mature enough to truly "share" their children. Been there as many of us have! Still experiencing it through my own adult children and their father. It's caused by a weakness in the parent who cannot share or who feels threatened by the child loving both parents. It also has to do with "one upping" the other and the poor child is caught in the middle trying to please the weaker parent. It is awful and there are many support groups formed to help teach us how to deal with the issue.
I wonder of anyone sent Paul Peterson a copy of the book?
Bravo Kristen Bell! Here is what she said about her children's PRIVACY b/c she's the MOTHER and she should be the PROTECTOR. They are children, they shouldn't make these decisions, unlike Kate who says about filming 'they're 10 and 13, they can make that decision'
'Our daughter is not a public figure. We chose to be, we volunteered to be in this business and she did not. I feel it's very important and my number one job as a mother to protect what her interests might be. She might grow up to be very shy and she might not want her picture anywhere. This lifestyle might make her very uncomfortable and I think it's my duty to protect that"
Now that is a mother.
getofftwitter said...
Carole: The kids were busy with activities & sports. Kate had a chart.
TY. I didn't watch the show and hadn't heard anyone mention an activity chart. I''m glad some of the kids have outside activities!
Dr. Lillian Glass received her doctorate degree at age 24! She's smart. One of the posters on her blog about the first part of the "$extuplet$ Turn 10" TV special stated that she thinks Cara shows behavioral signs of a teen who CUTS herself. Kate should spend less time on her hair and her lies and more time getting therapy for her little money makers.
Deflection tally thus far:
1. fake editors
2. we're all a bunch of whackjobs
3. how surprising that we mental midgets finally
picked up a book (and yes, it's "we" - not "us")
What's next? Stay tuned!
Tucker's Mom said... 116
Dr. Glass gets it- I'm glad she decided to read Robert's book and do a post on this sad situation.
Dr. Glass has been around Hollywood and entertainment for decades and I think her post will be read by people who are in the industry Kate so badly wants to continue using her kids in.
Glass is sickened, as should everyone be who reads Kate's words, and she's not mincing words about calling for Kate to end the filming of her children.
I never thought of it this way before but Dr. Glass is right- Paula Deen has been villified because she admitted to saying the N word 30 years ago, among some other innapropriate talk. Kate BEAT her 2 year old babies, still BEATS them now and inflicts sadistic punishments on them. Allows a nanny to do the same. Abused her dogs repeatedly.
Kate already tried to sue Robert but chickened out. She copyrighted her diary. Two of the biggest law firms in the country tried to stop this re-release and could not. What further proof do people need???? Where is the outrage? Why is Paula Deen saying the N word 30 years ago a good reason to topple what she worked hard for for 35 years, but Kate is a 100% verified child and animal abuser and it's completely ignored? Can we start one of those petitions to send to TLC and the Donald?
I hope her post gets picked up by other sites and news outlets.
Tuckers Mom,
I think Dr. Glass has been courageous for speaking out about TFW and especially now for blogging about Robert's book. It's not easy in the entertainment industry to go against the popular opinion about sensitive subjects and against big networks and corporations and Dr. Glass did it big time with the blog. I wonder how many outlets will have the courage to report on her blog which I thought was rather explosive. RadarOnline has been quiet. Are they afraid of losing TLC's business?
How nice to check out the book on Amazon and see it flagged as "#1 Best Seller in Rich & Famous Biographies".
Suck it, sheeple.
One of the posters on her blog about the first part of the "$extuplet$ Turn 10" TV special stated that she thinks Cara shows behavioral signs of a teen who CUTS herself.
Is it just me, or do comments about cutting (and other arm-chair diagnoses of the children) make others feel uncomfortable?
Did Dr. Glass hire an editor? I read her commentary, and this wasn't written in her usual style with all of the spelling/grammar errors.
Yes, my childhood was parental alienation at its finest. But I wanted to share the lasting effects from that experience--how, decades later, I still don't know what to call my own father. I have to stop and restructure sentences in my head before I say them so that I don't have to refer to him in any way. Because I don't know what to call him. Nothing feels right. It is awkward and uncomfortable and totally unnecessary.
We can hope that the kids are able to reestablish contact with Jon when they are older and out of Kate's house, but the awkwardness and distance that comes from the guilt (and I do feel guilty for caving in to my mother's manipulation), the loss of familiarity, and the hurt feelings create such a barrier. I hate to think that these kids are going to someday be wrapping a Christmas present for Jon and they won't know what to write on the tag--just as I do now. Do they write "Dad", even though that doesn't seem right because it seems too familiar for the distant relationship they have? Or do they write "Jon" and feel like they are dismissing and even rejecting him by doing so? Or do they do as I do and say, "Oh, I forgot to put a tag on this one, but it's for you". I know my father notices. I know it hurts him. But we both play along. It's heartbreaking for both of us because I don't want to say anything that is disloyal to my mother, but I can't really explain why I cut my father out of my life without doing so.
This is their future. And it's just one aspect that people don't really understand unless they live it.
Al's alleged 2 reviews have been removed and replaced with 2 more 1 star reviews. Notice that when the name is checked, they have only one review and they are not a verified purchaser. Makes you go hmmmmm. Maybe he needs a biography written about him.
Al published his book four years ago. Seems like it's a long time to hold a grudge for his book not selling, and Robert's getting all the publicity. It's nothing more than sour grapes. Time to give it up, put it aside and move on.
Are they afraid of losing TLC's business?
June 23, 2014 at 3:34 PM
The media are all in bed together. It's rare to be able to speak out and offend another person or brand, hence the constant coddling of Kate.
If the likes of Paula Deen can be dropped from the Food Network and instantly made a pariah for using the N word, then for frick's sake, Kate should see some repercussions for beating her kids and abusing her animals.
All one has to do is witness the twins' Today Show fiasco and this "special" to see something smells in Denmark.
I'm hoping her main outlet, the Today Show, is done with her after that embarrassing, uncomfortable and telling "interview" with the twins.
I think the Today staff was duped by Kate, and they didn't like it.
I'm sure Kate and her people convinced Today that the twins had a burning desire to "set the record straight" and would speak openly about their father- ratings gold!!!!
It was painfully obvious that the twins wanted no part of dishing about their very personal issues.
Layla said... 131
But I wanted to share the lasting effects from that experience--how, decades later, I still don't know what to call my own father.
I understand that your not knowing what to call your father is a result of your parental alienation and shows how deeply parental alienation hurts.
But to address the symptom - don't know what to call him. Don't you have children? Do your children have a relationship with your father? What do they call him? Couldn't you call him that (think of it as a nickname rather than a relationship).
I have a new nickname since I became a grandmother (not "grandma"), and its use is not reserved for my grandson.
Someone upthread mentioned RadarOnline. Yes, where IS the story about the book being out? Things that make you go "hmmmmm".
Admin- I know that you said that you have no interest in reading the new version of Robert's book, but I urge you to reconsider. First of all, the layout and presentation is a huge improvement from the prior version, and (although I am only half way through it), he uses many of Kate's own (undisputed) words and actions to prove his claims by taking things that have been put out there by the queen herself (via tweets, interviews, and the actual show). Further, since we discuss so much about her life (from the very mundane to bigger issues), wouldn't it be prudent (and dare I suggest fair?) to be up to speed on this latest item as well, (if only to give validation to much of what we have discussed)? I understand your reluctance, and I will of course your respect your decision, but I just wanted to offer this perspective as well.
Okay, I'll be hiding under Auntie Ann's dunce cap and glitter hoard if anyone needs me.....
Is it just me, or do comments about cutting (and other arm-chair diagnoses of the children) make others feel uncomfortable?
Did Dr. Glass hire an editor? I read her commentary, and this wasn't written in her usual style with all of the spelling/grammar errors.
I was going to comment on this, too.
I think Dr. Glass wrote that post, but yes, it was more focused and had far less errors.
The speculation about Cara's sleeve-pulling was done out of concern, I believe, but it's a heck of an armchair diagnosis and over the line.
I have to say, I'm surprised no posts on Radar today.
Did Dr. Glass hire an editor? I read her commentary, and this wasn't written in her usual style with all of the spelling/grammar errors.
LOL, I noticed that too. A few years ago she was criticized for her atrocious typos and she said when she blogs she does it in a hurry and doesn't proofread before posting but that when she has time, she's more careful. I'm guessing she took her time reading the book and composing the blog and 'maybe' went back and proofread this time. It was so much better than her usual posts!
Robert's book was available on Amazon last evening, and if I am understanding this correctly, Walentis posted a review of the book? I didn't see the reviewt, but geez, does he have mega speed reading abilities? He just couldn't wait to post a review so that it would be a credible...one showing that he actually read the book?
What a doofus.
The second book reads better, that's for sure.
The more recent revelations at the end are particularly egregious. I do wonder who is Robert's source for the information about what happened in the house- has to be a nanny/sitter-has to be.
Thats soooo sad Layla 131 :-( I hope and pray that you and your dad are still going to be able to have a good and comfortable relationship together!
JMO: yeah, I noticed that too. I'm not sure, but didn't Kate say she bought the ipads & Iphones for the girls, so she can take them away. Kate did not say the tups only the girls. So I wonder if that means she only bought them for the girls, and the girls have to share with their brothers?
I remember some twit-pics where the girls only were holding I-pads on their laps with the boys were looking over at them while seated next to the girls.
Carole said... 139
Did Dr. Glass hire an editor? I read her commentary, and this wasn't written in her usual style with all of the spelling/grammar errors.
LOL, I noticed that too. A few years ago she was criticized for her atrocious typos and she said when she blogs she does it in a hurry and doesn't proofread before posting but that when she has time, she's more careful. I'm guessing she took her time reading the book and composing the blog and 'maybe' went back and proofread this time. It was so much better than her usual posts!
June 23, 2014 at 4:25 PM
Dr. Lillian states she was sent a review copy of the book. I imagine she worked on this post and had time to polish it before the book was released.
P.S. The sheeple have also stated that Robert stole a "fictional" book that KG was working on. They really are insane.
Why should we even care what the sheeple say. I mean they are SHEEPLE.
Tucker's Mom said... 138
''I have to say, I'm surprised no posts on Radar today.''
I was surprised too, then I started thinking about how most of Radar's posts begin. ''An insider'' reports that blah blah blah....then bad things about Jon and good things about TCWOS. All those so-called insiders don't want to call any more attention to Robert's book this time because they KNOW that he can't be stopped by their lies.
TCFW made things worse when she copyrighted 'Mommy's Journal'. I think that she believed that would prevent Robert from using anything from the journal that she ADMITTED was her writing by the copyright. Robert's attorney has made it clear that Robert CAN say what he says in his redone book, and they can just kick dirt. OR get hysterical about the real life names of the ones that edited the book!
I agree that the more recent revelations have come from a nanny or sitter, and even the most dense sheeple must realize that they don't want to dig up that person. No telling what ELSE could be revealed!
Lauren @ljohnson2006 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Kudos on not commenting on the re-release of the hate book. You're above the BS. It's all lies. Your kids know the truth
I guess Lauren is a speed reader, too. She has no idea what's in the book, only that it's all lies. If this isn't typical of cult thinking, I don't know what is. Don't even consider for one minute that there may be truth in this book. Just call it all lies and hate because the cult leader has you so brainwashed that you can't think on your own. This goes for you, too, Gladys. Sadly, yes, the kids do know the truth and that's what is so despicable about Kate's parenting. You can see it on their faces. Sheep just don't have the ability to open their eyes and see it for what it is. Sometimes I honestly feel sorry for them. But with this fan, and a handful of others, there's really no hope. It's like of administering medicine to the dead....useless.
It's bad enough that they are so close-minded and ignorant; even worse is their unwillingness to learn.
What did the sheeple do, try to "out" the editors? Why in the world would they bother to check out who they were? And how would they know if they are real people? I took a couple editing classes in college, and my instructor freelanced, editing newspaper articles and manuscripts on the side. She was basically contracted to do specific jobs by the newspaper and the publishing company, but was not a regular employee of either. How do they know that this isn't the situation? Or do the sheeple claim that nobody by those specific names exist in the entire world?
I can absolutely see Robert insisting that anyone who worked on this book use a pseudonym. He knows how crazy and obsessed the sheeple are, and he knows they will research and attempt to attack anyone connected in any way with this book. Just hours after the book came out, they did just that. Why? There is no reason for them to do that, unless they intended to harass and bully the editors.
Somewhere In Time said... 147
Lauren @ljohnson2006 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Kudos on not commenting on the re-release of the hate book. You're above the BS. It's all lies. Your kids know the truth
I guess Lauren is a speed reader, too. She has no idea what's in the book, only that it's all lies
Then Kate should sue for defamation and libel.
You know why Robert now has paraphrased what's in Kate's journal?
Because she copyrighted it- she owns every single word as her own.
Oh, that's right, Kate was penning a fictional novel about an alternate universe Kate.
.S. The sheeple have also stated that Robert stole a "fictional" book that KG was working on. They really are insane.
Oh sure. Just like someone posted some time ago, it's like OJ's IF I DID IT
Kelly (OT)- I meant to comment the other day about your doggie daycare issue, but then life intervened and I totally forgot…anywhoooo....
When finding a facility, make sure that you go in person and spend a few hours observing if you can. Any facility that does not allow you to do this, cross off your list immediately. Additionally, make sure that the daycare screens your dog to be sure that he is a good fit for them. The other dogs that are at the facility can be just as important as the facility itself, and any daycare that takes just any dog without a thorough screening for fit, needs, and temperament should be crossed off your list as well. The extra effort put forth to find a good fit for Rudy will be worth it in the long run, as good daycare will lead to hours of fun, adventure, and socialization for him, and much needed respite for your ankle. And even when your ankle heals he may just like to go on occasion for the fun and it's nice to have a backup if you ever need last minute care.
Regarding the Sheeplo/Robert calling us mentally ill, I say this: it takes one to know one! Ha!
And my personal motto about craziness is this: admitting it is the first step... Lol!
I don't understand. Ipad, itouch, iphone. All completely expensive and unnecessary for 10 year olds. What ever happened to playing outside. What do they need all this junk for?
Lol oh so now Kate was working on the great American novel in between all the grifting and Robert stole her manuscript? Do they even hear themselves. If it's all crap just sue him. It's not like she's afraid to sue. Bury him if it's all lies, that should be easy even if you're a public figure. Waiting for that!
Do they know what date and time part 2 of the special is? Do they even realize there's a part 2? I mean shouldn't they focus here?
Why should we even care what the sheeple say. I mean they are SHEEPLE.
I don't. I find what they say amusing. Entertaining. That's why I don't mind discussing some of the nonsense they spout.
Lol oh so now Kate was working on the great American novel in between all the grifting and Robert stole her manuscript? Do they even hear themselves.
No, they don't. You have to admit, though, that whatever sheeple are coming up with this stuff, it is innovative, although ridiculous. So Kate's journals really are her words, but it's all fiction because she was planning on writing a fictitious novel about a mother who beats her children? Good lord.
Kate has been advised to embrace the hate. Hell, everything else has failed. Poor advice, though. Child and animal abuse is not tolerated. She will be a Pyrrha after this book makes the talk shows.
I think the reason the book hasn't been noted on a Radar is because Robert was treated horribly by them before. They seem to go overboard with Kate's insiders anyway.
Because she copyrighted it- she owns every single word as her own.
Which was really a very stupid thing to do. She thought that by doing this, then he couldn't use her words. Didn't her attorneys tell her that he could paraphrase this and give a blow by blow account of what she did without being held accountable for copyright infringement? By copyrighting, she's now admitting that this was her journal. The fans just can't get around this, no matter how much they try to rationalize it, or deflect.
There is no reason for them to do that, unless they intended to harass and bully the editors.
If they were led by the detective and her cronies, that's exactly what they would do. We've seen their work, and they indeed are capable of it. They thrive on it, they live for it, it's an obsessive addiction.
Has HH tweeted anything else today? Platitudes? Adorable bird
stories? Kids-say-the-darndest-things anecdotes? I can't believe
we haven't gotten a Shoka update. I was certain she'd tweet a
damage control photo today of her 9th child, all handsome from
the groomer -- quickly followed by kvelling from Gladys about
"her" Shoka Joe, the #pamperedpooch.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13m
@Kateplusmy8 Sometimes you have 2smile & act like nothing is wrong...that's called putting negatives aside & being strong! #MovingAhead
No, Milo. Sometimes you have to look at yourself, be introspective, listen to the negatives, and figure out exactly why you are disliked so much, and why you do the things that you do. You can't be arrogant about it. You can't pretend it's not happening. You have to first admit that there is a problem and take it from there. You owe it to yourself and your family to get the help you need...for your own mental well being and for those around you, before this illness escalates into something tragic.
And, Gladys, that goes for you, too. You are an enabler and an a&& kisser, and if you really love Kate as much as you profess you do, and you consider herself a friend, even though you never met her, then you don't keep feeding her these platitudes. No good can come from burying your head and pretending that nothing is wrong, as much as you want it to be so.
It's been said here so many times that the fans don't care about the kids. It's all about Kate. Now is the chance to be honest with Kate, don't throw her kudos, praises and adulation, and make excuses for her and come up with this crazy deflection. If you don't give a darn what happens to the kids, then think about Kate. Be honest with her, and if Kate, with therapy, can fix what's wrong inside, then maybe, just maybe, there still is hope for these children even if their welfare isn't important to you.
For SuzyQ #71(?)
Kate says [one of the sons] Joel, "will be a ladykiller like his father". She says he, "might be a model on the cover of GQ with that adorable smile. He'll suck some girl in and she'll figure out he's clueless. Wait, haven't we seen this before?" she says, laughing.
Don't know if anyone has seen it but there is a wonderful commercial that features what appears to be an autistic little boy and his mother caring for him patiently and lovingly.
It is for Mass Mutual Financial Group. It's really very beautiful and sensitive. They did a great job.
She will be a Pyrrha after this book makes the talk shows.
I think a pyrrha is a moth. Do you mean pariah, or piranha? Either one works! :-)
Kate is above the BS? Really????
Isn't this the same woman who went on TV claiming she HAD to file a lawsuit on the behalf of her children and then she just dropped the suit??
And she's above BS okaeyyy.
Kylie said... 145
Why should we even care what the sheeple say. I mean they are SHEEPLE.
She doesn't care I mean she tried to sue so she must not care right?
Very OT
HBO has an engrossing new documentary - The Case Against 8. Their synopsis is below. I think this is a must-see for all lawyers and for anyone who cares about Constitutional rights. It's fascinating to see how our judicial system works, or doesn't, up close and personal.
The riveting documentary THE CASE AGAINST 8 takes an in-depth look at the historic federal lawsuit filed in an effort to overturn Prop 8, California’s discriminatory ban on same-sex marriage. Shooting over five years, with exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of the powerhouse legal team of David Boies and Ted Olson and the four plaintiffs in the suit, directors and producers Ben Cotner and Ryan White (“Good Ol’ Freda,” “Pelada”) have created a powerful emotional account of the journey that took the fight for marriage equality all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
A crowd-pleaser on the festival circuit, THE CASE AGAINST 8 won the 2014 Sundance Film Festival Directing Award in the U.S. Documentary category and the SXSW Audience Award in the Festival Favorites category.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13m
@Kateplusmy8 Sometimes you have 2smile & act like nothing is wrong...that's called putting negatives aside & being strong! #MovingAhead
No worries Milo your queen is thick skinned remember?
Or maybe it that stick of her and years of botox who knows lol.
While I was watching the special I kept thinking, WTH? Kate literally looks like she's scared of Mady?!! Especially during the kitchen confrontation and during the "Look, we are triplets!" couch interview. And considering TFW's quick temper, I couldn't figured it out: Mady really got away with a LOT during that special. Not only defiant but flippant on top of it.
Then I read here that she and Cara take care of Kate when she's drunk... So I guess those two girls finally found their mother's currency: "Know what? If we decide so, we could tell a thing or two about what really happens on those cosy "tv watching in my bedroom with the twins" weekend sessions..." That, to me, would be a very good reason for the HH to poop in her unnerwears and just shut up, shut up, shut up when Mady confronts her.
That and the fact that when one regularly holds your hair while you're throwing up in the toilet, one do tend to lose a little respect for you.
Oh, and one last thing: I finally understand now why sensible Cara cried so hard when her mother was leaving for that night on the town in New York. (That was so out of character for Cara...) She could see her mother, already sloshed, heading for a whole evening of "celebrating" filmed by a TLC crew. Cara was ashamed and probably afraid that her mother's dirty little secret could end up on TV for everyone to discover..
Lol, Sleepless. Gotta love autocorrect.
No, Milo. Sometimes you have to look at yourself, be introspective, listen to the negatives, and figure out exactly why you are disliked so much, and why you do the things that you do. You can't be arrogant about it. You can't pretend it's not happening. You have to first admit that there is a problem and take it from there. You owe it to yourself and your family to get the help you need...for your own mental well being and for those around you, before this illness escalates into something tragic.
Well said.
A mature adult does not say "la la la I can't hear you" after all this.
A mature adult pauses, reflects and thinks long and hard. And takes steps to address this problem, like checking themselves into therapy for starters.
There is nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to these issues as long as you accept you have them and seek help. However refusing to address these problems or even acknowledge they exist is something you should be deeply, deeply ashamed of.
I'm disappointed, (but not surprised), that we haven't seen more about the new release of the book in the mainstream news media. TLC/discovery has a lot to lose if the truth comes out about their complicity in this, and I have no doubt that they have threatened the mainstream media that if they cover this story they will not have access to TLC/discovery "talent" and stories in the future. Make no mistake, this is what has worked for them in the past, and will continue to in the future. Their marketing and PR machine is huge.
Ps. Perhaps one of the editors working under a pseudonym is Cara? I mean jeeze, she does have editing experience now that she worked on Kate's latest New York bestseller....errrr....bomb..culinary tome. Bahaahaaahah!
You know this is my impression of Milo
(shouting from across the room) HEY KATe, yeah you, you have a booger in your nose! Do you need a tissue?? No not there, There, yeah right there! Don't worry I got it, I got it, here's a tissue! Everything is A-OKAY girlfriend!!
Instead of just quietly touching her own nose where the booger is on Kate's and giving her an encouraging nod and a tissue.
I mean geez Milo!
PatK and Carole - thanks for answering my SSQ.
T said... 174
I'm disappointed, (but not surprised), that we haven't seen more about the new release of the book in the mainstream news media. TLC/discovery has a lot to lose if the truth comes out about their complicity in this, and I have no doubt that they have threatened the mainstream media that if they cover this story they will not have access to TLC/discovery "talent" and stories in the future. Make no mistake, this is what has worked for them in the past, and will continue to in the future. Their marketing and PR machine is huge.
This is what made me roll my eyes when she said "noone is going to let ME win" after she annhilated M in Gag Ball. I thought, are you kidding me? TLC LET you win! They backed you!! They coddled you, they kept you famous and gave you freebies out the wazoo for no talent!! YOU deserve NOTHING of what you have!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 175
You know this is my impression of Milo
(shouting from across the room) HEY KATe, yeah you, you have a booger in your nose! Do you need a tissue?? No not there, There, yeah right there! Don't worry I got it, I got it, here's a tissue! Everything is A-OKAY girlfriend!!
In midst of a million thoughts,running errands etc..
Leah: I wanna be JUST like u when I grow up!
Me: 'crazy'?
Leah: YEP!:)
10:14pm - 23 Jun 14
Jeeze Kate! Read here much? I just snarked that admitting to your craziness is the first step (my comment @152) and suddenly there you are snarkingly admitting it. Wtf! Have you ever had an original idea in that over bleached head of yours! Ugh! I ate I ate!
Why don't the "haters" send a copy of the book to : the ladies of the view, the anchors of GMA, The Today Show, and CBS This Morning. They can also send copies of the book to Hoda & Katie Lee. Send copies to everyone, they might not discuss her on the air but they'll think of her as a horrible person.
Most people like kids and dogs!!
Why is Paula Deen saying the N word 30 years ago a good reason to topple what she worked hard for for 35 years, but Kate is a 100% verified child and animal abuser and it's completely ignored?
Because no one really cares about Kate Gosselin. She's not a major presence on television, online or in stores. Paula is. Or was.
Kate's been vilified already. No one has anything nice to say for the majority. She's been done for a long time.
I wonder how far away Kate's handlers got today. Surely they packed up and got out of Dodge after RH's book was released.
They enabled her every inch of the way for their own gain. They're as guilty as Kate is for the exploitation of the G8.
Layla 62,
Have you ever considered saying those things to your dad? It would be an awkward conversation, but it could possibly facilitate huge healing for you both. Your dad knew how your mom was and it was probably why he divorced her. He knew what happened when you got home, so he protected you by letting the relationship falter so you wouldn't be in the middle like that. It had to be as painful for him as it was for you.
I wish I'd had the courage to have a similar conversation with my dad on his deathbed, but I didn't. We healed some things in those last days, but it would have really helped my broken heart to hear him say, "I am sorry, but I tried to protect you in the only way I knew how." But he couldn't say it on his own and I didn't bring up the past because I figured it was pointless. But now I realize that hearing those words might have helped me as much as saying them might have helped him.
I hope you'll consider it. There is regret on both sides because of an evil person who doesn't care that she caused this pain. You still have time to build a relationship, awkward though it may be at first.
I wish you all the best.
I was reading Glass's blog and this line stood out:
Journalist Hoffman and others report her as being, narcissistic, bipolar and a boarderline personality.
I thought of it earlier when someone here posted about her "you are with me or against me" stance. That's classic BPD. It's called splitting...people are either perfect or evil, no in-between to a BPD. BTW, Jodi Arias is a BPD. She was infatuated with Travis Alexander, then when he rejected her she murdered him.
"Act like nothing is wrong," eh, Gladdy Girl? The word "act" can
connote illusion. Are we finally admitting something actually is
Oh, and that quote HH tweeted from L? Pure fantasy. Plus,
there was no picture, so it didn't happen.
I believe you nailed it
been there, done that
Tomatoes said: "Send copies to everyone, they might not discuss her on the air but they'll think of her as a horrible person." 180...
I'm not sure what good that would do. What purpose would it serve? I think most of them already know what Kate is like.
Wow, read Dr Glasses blog, I kind of figured Kate was a bit of an abuser, just from the shows, but the bits from the book were disturbing, to say the least. I think Kate goes into rages and breaks things, her own foot included. She is sick, and as I have always thought that most of what Kate does to her kids and animals, comes from her childhood. I can understand why she does not talk to her mother & father. According to the bits from the book, Kates own father was an abuser, now whether this is true or not, remains to be seen. My mom would always say the way you treat you kids and pets, say something on how you were raised.
As for TLC canceling the part 2 of the special, not happening. Thery have money invested, and a contract.
Kate being quiet, means she is on the phone to the lawyers. I would not be surprised if she files a lawsuit, soon.
Admin: question: when did Kate copyright her journals? Before or after Robert got the them, published?
Oh, and this! I was thinking about this earlier:
12. “Kate was given the bottle of water, unscrewed the cap, and took a sip. She then put the bottle down on the floor next to her chair without offering any to a clearly distressed Mady. Mady pleaded, “I need a drink now.” Kate told her to “Be quiet.” Mady then said, “You’re really, really mean! You drank it right in front of my face.”
I used to think Kate took that drink of water in front of Mady because she was clueless and lacking empathy. After hearing about the Nala incident where she was taunting her...I think she did it to be sadistic. No doubt. She did it on purpose to taunt Mady.
Carole: What I was trying to say is that K8 special commercial was presented as see what the kids have been up to now, the activities. We do not know if any of the tups are in any activities or sports, cause, Kate only twitters that the twins are in activities or sports. On the special part 1, Kate tells the kids that they are to pick 2-3 sport activities, from a chart Kate made, and that is what they are going to do for one day. I think that was Kates way of saying what was advertized in the commercials of the activities the kids do. Cause, Kate did not say anything about Cara or Mady in extra activities. So from that I take it to mean the tups are in nothing. Hopefully, Jon takes them to activities or sports, cause it looks like Kate does not.
This is one of the things that really intrigues me about the whole Milo story. I know, I know...I need to get a life. Why do those lights go off exactly at 11 p.m. every night, with no extra hours allowed on weekends? I've never heard of anything like this, at least not in a normal family situation.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 9m
@Kateplusmy8 LOL Good 4U! Sorry we woke U up w/our foolishness. U know what time it's getting 2b here....#LitesOut :)
Has anyone in here printed a book off from a kindle?
I think that my dil maybe a Amazon prime member and she could get the book for me and print me a copy. I called my hometown library and the librarian there, we went to school together and she is going to try her best to get it. But it has to be in a certain data base for her to be able to order it.
I went and looked inside the book and read as far as it could go. Got past the kate God complex. I really want a hard copy. But I want to support Robert with the ebook and a DTB. I have the money, but don't have a way to pay electronically.
The pregnancy masterplanning was gaspingly horrible. She took such advantage of Jon, the AA dr., Jon's dad! What a freaking witch!
If Kevin and Jody had signed a CA, then when they went on CBS This Morning, they weren't sued? They didn't speak out after that, I don't think, except at the child labor law hearings. I think TLC really let them have it.
I used to think Kate took that drink of water in front of Mady because she was clueless and lacking empathy. After hearing about the Nala incident where she was taunting her...I think she did it to be sadistic. No doubt. She did it on purpose to taunt Mady.
There is so much that is coming together now. The pieces are all fitting and it all makes sense.
eason to topple what she worked hard for for 35 years, but Kate is a 100% verified child and animal abuser and it's completely ignored?
I don't get it either.
Same with Sterling. One racist comment and he's done. And two separate mental health experts have diagnosed him with Alzheimer's symptoms, just like Dwindle and I said. So guy presenting with Alzheimer's hurts people's feelings and he's destroyed but able body and mind 39 year old who beats children and dogs is given a pass.
Not saying it wasn't wrong to oust Paula or Sterling but if we are going to be this unforgiving and cut throat when someone steps out of line why is not a documented child abuser subjected to the same?
"Been there, done that. (Franky)
If so, my heart is with you, Franky: two of my best friends are children of alcoholics, and both lost most of their childhood being parents to their parents. They are well in their fifties, but they are still dealing with deep set anxiety especially when they feel they are not in complete control of what is happening in their lives. Like Mady, they too "hate surprises"...
LOL! I wonder how long they will be trying to figure out the time of this show, exactly what it is, and if it's a series. Until the end of the year perhaps?
lauren @lauren20011998 44m
@Kateplusmy8 @RealZiggyFlo is it only on those dats and never again or every Thursday at ten or everyday
Flipping channels and came across another CNN interview with Dottie Sandusky. She's still claiming 26 victims, her own adopted son and an eye witness are all lying and Jerry is innocent.
This is so similar to the way the sheeple behave with regards to Kreider. They see it with their own eyes, the rest of the world acknowledges it, but they refuse to. There has to be a word for it, but I'll be darned if I can think of what that word is. It's possible there hasn't been a word vile enough invented to describe that blind, stubborn, ignorant, disgusting belief system. They are beneath contempt.
If there is such a word, would somebody please share it?
Kate's been vilified already. No one has anything nice to say for the majority. She's been done for a long time.
I agree that she is more or less "dumb" however TLC should not be rewarding a child and animal abuser with T.V. shows no more than they should reward a racist like Paula or Sterling with T.V. shows.
I mean can you imagine the outrage if TLC gave STerling a reality show? The public would never have it. You don't get to profit off of being an asshole.
It doesn't matter if you're just a minor celebrity, the same treatment should apply to all. It's a double standard and the posters are correct to point it out.
Wow I totally meant to type "done" not dumb!
But what the hay she's dumb as bricks too.
You don't get to profit off of being an asshole.
Is Sherri still on The View?
White Organza said... 170
Then I read here that she and Cara take care of Kate when she's drunk... So I guess those two girls finally found their mother's currency: "Know what? If we decide so, we could tell a thing or two about what really happens on those cosy "tv watching in my bedroom with the twins" weekend sessions..."
I agree with you WO. (I guess 'currency' is the new word for extortion and blackmail). Seems the one flaw in Kate's plan was she forgot to get the kids to sign confidentiality agreements.
Anonymous said... 197
Flipping channels and came across another CNN interview with Dottie Sandusky. She's still claiming 26 victims, her own adopted son and an eye witness are all lying and Jerry is innocent.
This is so similar to the way the sheeple behave with regards to Kreider. They see it with their own eyes, the rest of the world acknowledges it, but they refuse to. There has to be a word for it, but I'll be darned if I can think of what that word is. It's possible there hasn't been a word vile enough invented to describe that blind, stubborn, ignorant, disgusting belief system. They are beneath contempt.
If there is such a word, would somebody please share it?
I believe it's called denial.
You don't get to profit off being an asshole.
Or being a child abuser. And that's what most people object to.
(197) They see it with their own eyes, the rest of the world acknowledges it, but they refuse to. If there is such a word, would somebody please share it?
Why, yes, PJ. My pleasure. It's a condition called "headupyourownassitis"...
Reading this book makes me sick. Makes me feel so bad that I watched it for as long as I did...The tups 5th b-day was the last I watched.
TFW is a puke...a child abuser. She should hang her head low and beg for forgiveness from the God she claims gave her everything. What a nasty woman. KARMA is calling you kate!
I finally understand now why sensible Cara cried so hard when her mother was leaving for that night on the town in New York. (That was so out of character for Cara...) She could see her mother, already sloshed, heading for a whole evening of "celebrating" filmed by a TLC crew. Cara was ashamed and probably afraid that her mother's dirty little secret could end up on TV for everyone to discover..
Sure could.
Another fear might be that when her mother finally got home she would be hung over, have a raging headache, have to be in absolute quiet and dark, and be in a mood that would make a disturbed rattlesnake look cuddly. Not a scenario a tween would look forward to. Then add Jamie to the mix...
Seems the one flaw in Kate's plan was she forgot to get the kids to sign confidentiality agreements.
Yeah, Auntie... But who could blame her: in her sick mind she probably thought that, by the sheer force of her will (and portion control...), she could keep them "little" and cute as long as she needed them to be.
Math Girl, I think denial is too benign. White Organza, you're getting warmer.
lukebandit said... 192
I have Amazon Prime. I can share the book with you. I think I just need an email address. I got $200 back from that lost funds website you shared. Least i cann do for you!
Not saying it wasn't wrong to oust Paula or Sterling but if we are going to be this unforgiving and cut throat when someone steps out of line why is not a documented child abuser subjected to the same?
It is puzzling and infuriating, isn't it? Maybe it's because many people still consider children to be property and, therefore, don't command the same basic rights and respect as adults. Maybe it's because children can't vote. Maybe it's because children don't have the money and power to influence decision makers.
Whatever the reason, it seems clear that Discovery Communications' reach is so powerful that other networks/media outlets have been more than willing to ignore all the rumblings about Kate just so they can continue to have a good relationship with Discovery.
As far as TLC goes, we already know that child abuse means nothing as long as boatloads of cash are flowing into their coffers. I sometimes wonder if TLC has gone to the mat for Kate, giving her opportunity after opportunity, because disavowing her would be akin to admitting that they knew of the abuse, and would make them liable for allowing and enabling Kate's abuses to continue unchecked.
I just have this terrible feeling that TLC is positively giddy about the bad publicity Kate is getting from the book, and hoping it translates into tremendous ratings for the second part of the update special.
I really hope that, with the revelations in Robert's book, networks and media outlets will no longer be able to feign ignorance about the abuse, so maybe the invitations and TV specials will finally cease. Sigh. One can only hope.
Pj said...
....interview with Dottie Sandusky
There was a NYT op-ed by David Broder talking about the massive denial that happens in the face of horrific circumstances. He used the phrase "motivated blindness":
"Some people suffer from Motivated Blindness; they don’t see what is not in their interest to see. Some people don’t look at the things that make them uncomfortable. In one experiment, people were shown pictures, some of which contained sexual imagery. Machines tracked their eye movements. The people who were uncomfortable with sex never let their eyes dart over to the uncomfortable parts of the pictures.
As Daniel Goleman wrote in his book “Vital Lies, Simple Truths,” “In order to avoid looking, some element of the mind must have known first what the picture contained, so that it knew what to avoid. The mind somehow grasps what is going on and rushes a protective filter into place, thus steering awareness away from what threatens.”
I don't remember seeing any comments about this, but how about Kate saying that she forgot that she loves animals, and always has? How exactly does that work? It is unbelievable that she thinks she can get away with just making shit up. What a ridiculous thing to say! Even for her.
Admin. - Longest recap ever. Baby Jane, I'm amazed. (Favorite Legends quote "You say that again... and we're not brothers."
This is one of the things that really intrigues me about the whole Milo story. I know, I know...I need to get a life. Why do those lights go off exactly at 11 p.m. every night, with no extra hours allowed on weekends? I've never heard of anything like this, at least not in a normal family situation
I think she's in some kind of assisted living. The photos she's posted of broken legs looked very medical-esque like a long term care room.
I like the mystery of it. I don't know to know unless it's actually a player in it like Steve or Deanna, which I find impossible to believe. Even they aren't this nuts. The only exception I would make is if Nev were willing to help us out.
You know we SHOULD give the case to Nev. You NEVER know. I mean he tracked down Traci's catfish. He might be interested in the celebrity catfish angle.
You know if Mrs. Sandusky lived in California and had minor children in her home, those children would be removed from her until she accepted her husband is one sick sick man. Seen that. I wouldn't run her mouth so much if she wants to see her grandchildren.
I believe it's called denial.2
It's not just a river in Egypt.
(sorry, couldn't resist).
Finally downloaded the book, but only to my phone - long story - laptop issues.
Working my way through it. Looking forward to the DT version.
Maybe it's because many people still consider children to be property and, therefore, don't command the same basic rights and respect as adults.
YEs. I think age-old ways we did things play a major role.
We have this mentality that children belong to parents, it's not something we interfere with. That should generally be true but not when ABUSE is going on for heaven sake.
We also have a mentality that mothers are sacred and it's like we are so loathe to admit that some mothers are very screwed up and never should have had kids because that does not comport with the sacredness of motherhood. Or the idea that every woman's sacred uterus is meant to do the God given divine gift and bear children. I saw this same phenomenon with my narcissist. Even in the face of atrociously inept parenting and a very cold and uncaring mother (who did not even care to make sure she was home for her children's high school graduations--shouldn't you have penciled that into your schedule 18 years ago???)--yet people would ignore the behavior or make excuses. Even if it were as simple as saying "well I don't think they even know they're doing that." or "Well maybe the kids were fine with Mom not being there." Wtf? What does THAT matter whether they know? What does it matter if the kids may have claimed they were "fine" with it. It's WRONG.
Anyway we hate doing that and will only do it in the most extreme of cases when if KAte were a man she'd be done.
Look at Casey Anthony or Betty Broderick's supporters. People can't grasp it. It almost feels personal, like we're afraid if we admit this or that mother is really f-ed up, that means we too have the potential to be that f-ed up too.
It's not personal for pete sake. I say it with my head held high, some mothers, including one I got to know very well, should NOT have had children. Just like some people are not meant to cook or garden or deal with blood.
Yeah Auntie... But who could blame her: in her sick mind she probably thought that, by the sheer force of her will (and portion control...), she could keep them "little" and cute as long as she needed them to be. 7
I don't think she ever considered that her "China Dolls" would actually have the nerve to grow up. I agree that she worked hard and deprived them of food to minimize that. BITCH.
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