Our summer weather is finally poking through the June gloom but there's still never any parking, so I had to steal a spot at the grocery store, buy a jar of marinara sauce and a couple bananas to make me feel like I had good morals and values, and take a long walk in the blistering sun to the Apple Store for my Genius Bar appointment. My d, f, g, h, j, k, and l keys aren't working, I explained, dabbing the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand, and I really need the K like now. Apple blue man, who actually has quite a nice name I won't disclose, was not so interested in my K woes. But he ran a few tests and promptly announced, "It looks like your d, f, g, h, j, k, and l keys aren't working. We'll have to fix those." Yes. If you please.
I like how these early 20-somethings have a way of sort of shaming you over your stupid laptop. It's your laptop and you can do what you want with it, even be reckless. I mean, you paid for it. They look at you like your dad looked at you in 1986 when you were 20 minutes late for curfew. "So, you spilled something on the keys?" Apple asked disapprovingly.
"No!" I exclaimed, scandalized. "I never eat or drink or even think of such things around my laptop!" I didn't want to let him down.
"Yeah they always say that, then we open it up and find a puddle of sticky diet Sprite."
Yikes. You can't get anything past these blue men. He was making me nervous, like interrogation nervous. And then I was laughing at myself for being nervous, heh. But he laughed too, which was cute. Okay, fine, maybe I did spill a little. Once. It was a Corona. It snorted out when somebody or other on the blog here made yet another wise crack. It was just a few drops, and it was a really long time ago. I can't say he was asking me this to see if I would be covered by my warranty, because my warranty has long since been blown and he knew that. So he was just generally shaming. Probably for fun. A pastime. Count how many people own up to their Corona mishaps in an hour's time. Blue men are sick people.
Alas the Mac will be back next week all prettied up and alcohol free. In the meantime I've dusted off an old Dell which has about 30 seconds of battery life if you accidentally unplug it, so you have to try not to do that or really hurry if it happens. First world problems: I know it when I have them. Now I'm finally off with the recap, checking my power connection every few minutes as I go!
Coming up on Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10. Cousin It here decided it's time to throw the "little kids" a big birthday party. Cousin It went to the Joan Crawford school of parenting in that It has a problem with parents who let their children win. Because that turned out oh so well for Christina.
For all the T.V. Cousin It watches you would think she would have seen that film by now. I mean, it replays all the time. She probably skipped over DVRing it because she's not interested in some other mother being the dearest. Hey, I thought we aren't allowed to judge how someone parents. I thought we are to support parents and especially mothers no matter how f-ed up their parenting is. Or is only It allowed to have a problem with how other people parent? Heh.
If you're wondering why I'm referring to Kate as Cousin It, it's not because I can't get my K to work. It's because the hair is really that bad. Like a flat, sad little shih tzu with roots.
Well they certainly had fun with this in the editing room. It crows on and on about how the surprise she has in store for the kids will be the most amazinglish wonderful thing ever and she will probably be crowned bestest Mommy in all the land. Then TLC cuts to the children around the dinner table just as Aaden's face falls. Nice touch.
Credits roll. I think these are pretty similar to what they had before, only you can tell they are really under a tight budget because there was no real photo shoot this time. They just use screen captures of Kate and the kids from the couch interviews. Some of the captures are pretty lazy, with the kids not making their best smile or expression. Cara's is even a little blurry, lol. It was probably one of those things where the deadline is 6 p.m. and you just need the photo in there you don't have time to mess around with getting it perfect. Hannah's hair looks just like Kate during her Baby Jane phase. It looks ridiculous on a ten year old. Also now that she has gotten older she's the spitting image of photos I've seen of Kate when she was a child, only brunette. The rest of the kids look like Jon, mercifully, especially Alexis and the boys, only they have Kate's large teeth. They will grow into those I'm sure but at this age it's awkward. Which is another reason kids this age should be left to hit puberty in private. Even the group photos at the end are old, old, old, which is so silly when it's supposed to be an "update." LOL I can just picture Cousin It's rage when she found out there would be no photo shoot day this time around. No day to glam and primp for hours and play celebrity with Deanna and the "team" while the kids push and shove and raid the food truck.
March. Spring Break. Kate says they've grown up a lot since the cameras left and really learned what's important. Which would be? She never says. I'm going to take a guess she hasn't learned that privacy is the most important thing right now for her famous children and she's vowed to protect it with everything she has from now on.
Oh, Cousin It has been replaced by Baby Jane, which is a bit jarring.
For continuity sake, you should probably stick with the same "look" for one update special or if you must change your look, do something subtle like wear your hair up instead of down. She looks like a completely different person and it's distracting. I get this sense about her she likes showing up with some completely new and different hairstyle every time her fugly mug shows up on T.V. or even more than once on the same program. Because that's what all the cool celebrities do like Brad Pitt. Only he manages to pull the constantly changing thing off without coming across like a complete tool, so he gets a pass.
Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall is just about the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It's a pity his "just hold me while I quietly cry because I feel guilty that I indirectly caused my kid brother's death" look didn't make it to the above graphic because it was the best one. Okay I can't help myself here it is:
Told ya.
Baby Jane's skin looks like it got run over by a Mack Truck. I hope it has insurance. Kate's right a lot has changed!
Meet Zorro, the newest member of the Gosselin family to be exploited. Okay he's kinda cute, and at least he probably has no idea what a hellhole he lives in. A producer is asking Jane mundane questions about their morning routine and sounds bored. Jane's answers are equally boring. On school days they have breakfast early. On non-school days, it's later. Um, sometimes they make it themselves. Um, sometimes I make it. Um, shoot me. It's hysterical how they act like there is something special and interesting about multiples and meal times. There's not. You prepare more food. Pretend it's a dinner party with eight of your friends over, only this happens every day. Nobody asks how you possibly managed to get dinner on the table for eight friends. Eventually after ten years of this you'd think you'd get into a routine and this wouldn't be a big deal anymore, but it's Baby Jane and she loves talking about the super special ways she does the most mundane of things.

Anyway I bring her up because Alexis reminds me a lot of her. It's been impossible to find out what ever happened to Noley other than at some point she studied film at Chapman, which is a very good film school. I wish her the best, she was pretty in demand and must have spent a huge chunk of her childhood on movie sets. I'd love to chat with her about all that someday.
The kids are really wild about the bird. I'm glad they have something to care about. Kate comes about as close to admitting the kids' father is still alive when she says they haven't seen Zorro all weekend since they just got back. Back from? I don't think the kids were off having a spa weekend in the Poconos. It's very sad she can't acknowledge their father's very real presence in their lives.
He loves Rice Krispies! the girls say. Ha, aw. Aaden explains that Zorro is also known as "the president." Um, Aaden, this is about as far from a democracy as you can get. But I appreciate Zorro's optimism. Somebody's gotta try an' veto this bitch once in awhile.
I like Zorro. Hey maybe that's what that dumb Hailey meant about this special pulling presidential ratings. She thought it was actually going to feature the president. You know there's nothing funnier or more pathetic than an ex-girlfriend who ponies up to another ex-girlfriend or ex-wife just because the only thing you even remotely have in common is you both hate your ex.
We saw this part in the promo. Kate has already started a bunch of eggs but only now asks the children do they want eggs. Ah, narcissists are so fun. Nice little trap there, because the only answer is really yes. I mean, yes please, Mommie dearest. If you don't want eggs, you'll be punished for the ungrateful little brat you are. Or at the very least you're made to feel guilty because Jane already spent so much time and energy preparing them so lovingly for you while you got your sleep.
Quick shot of Mady doing her hair in the bathroom. Eek, that's creepy. Can we at least leave the bathrooms off limits? Mady looks really different without makeup. I didn't realize how much she was wearing before.
Poor shmoopy has been home a lot more since the traveling has dried up. She must hate that. Good.
It's hard for Baby Jane to grasp that her children can pour their own cereal these days. No, she really says this. These children are 10 and 13. Shouldn't she be well used to this amazing feat by now? I heard they have started walking too, and drink out of cups. A few are even talking in full sentences. Shmoopy makes sure with every boring thought she shares with us we notice that she spent 49.99 getting her nails all dolled up for the occasion.
Yes shmoop, the kids are self-sufficient now. Which is just the first step in them NOT NEEDING YOU ANY MORE WHICH MEANS YOU'RE IRRELEVANT. Ha-ha, you're toast, shmoops.
"Vacuum up Christmas tree needles" needs to be written into their lengthy and painful chore charts? Only shmoops could suck the ever living joy out of Christmas by making a chore out of picking up after Jesus.
The kids have been asking what it was like when they were babies, like how did they take care of them all. That's kind of cute. Shows they really are getting older and are finally understanding what they are and what that meant when they came into the world. Why wouldn't you just love this time in their lives instead of constantly pining after the baby years? Kids who ask questions about themselves when they were babies are fun!
A few boring flashback clips. The most we see of Jon are his hands feeding the babies a banana. Still, I'd be calling up TLC demanding my cut, Jon!
The girls explain that the "only" chores the boys do are take care of their fifty chickens. Oh well the only thing a farmer does is farm. Geez, they're mean. Also that's a lie, since we know from their chore charts seen on Wife Swap that the boys are also on bathroom duty. Kendra thought it was very unfair they never rotated the chores. Kendra is right. And Kate has learned nothing from that experience as nothing has changed. Basically the boys are still on constant shit duty, chicken, human or otherwise.
Kate says the reason they have chickens is so the boys can have a "man chore." Whoa, cue 1955. What the hell? How come you don't have chickens because they produce yummy eggs and are fun and feathery? Also as others have pointed out, chickens, Kate, are traditionally not a "man chore." She's so dumb and senseless it's painful. In fact there are a good number of paintings from the 19th century telling us exactly who has always done this work.
![]() |
Julien Dupre, French, 1851-1910 |
Some old clips of Aaden, who was probably the cutest of all the babies. He's grown into a pretty cool kid, with rad glasses and a fun belly laugh. I really like the boys. They tease each other but it's not usually nasty and cruel like the girls are. "Sometimes he's a little clueless. In a good way, in a good way!" Collin says. Ha. What's good clueless? I guess this would be good clueless:
Wook at him he's so cuteeeeee. Commercials! How many Amish shows does TLC have anyway? Couldn't they consolidate? As @localyocul pointed out, The Learning Channel has become the little people multiples cake channel. I will add to that the Amish little people multiples cake channel. I guess you will learn a bit about religion, a little bit about reckless reproduction, a bit about obscure medical problems, and a bit about baking. A well rounded education.
Mady gets her LAST REDEMPTION (cue the timpani) when she dares to suggest that the lame "fun things" Kate has planned over spring break might not be fun. That tragic clip has been discussed enough so I won't belabor it too much except to say Mady when you play the Game of Thrones you win or your die.
"I got those girls cell phones and ipads so I could take them away." She's realized she can get under their skin by cutting off their friends. She's good at shit like that. Cutting people off I mean. And getting under everybody's skin.
They can go to this play zone thing but they can only pick two fun activities to do. You may not pick one. You may not pick three. You will make your selections and write your name on the fun zone chart in blue marker for boys and red marker for girls. You will use capital letters, no cursive. Once you have made your selections the contract becomes binding. Should you fail in this mission, your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth.
Mady tells the little kids about one of the activities and says it's pretty dumb because you can't even touch the ball so don't pick that one. This really pisses Kate off, because apparently Mady is not allowed to give her siblings advice. As @Layla and others so astutely pointed out, the hook of this show was the dynamic between Kate and Jon. Now that he's been so marginalized they need someone new Kate can spar with. Cue Mady! Except, she's thirteen. A child. "Their developing self-esteem is at stake," Layla explained. "It's not a level playing field, and it's not fair."
The twins didn't want to go to play zone at all, they explain. Well, I'm sure they didn't. I've been to play zone type places and they're usually more for little kids. Plus who wants to go to something geared for younger kids with a bunch of your younger siblings. It's just normal to resist this and it's no wonder Mady is frustrated.
Mady explains that she's been trying to talk to Kate all day and Kate just blows her off. I can't imagine that. Kate says she can't talk to her because all she does is whine. Kate is making such a teenager 101 mistake here in that she is trying to debate the issue with Mady.
Mady is a teenager and this is why she has no filter, Kate says. Nope, Mady has lived with you for the past 13 years, that's why she's finally just laying it all out there, shmoops.
Like any mother-daughter relationship, sometimes we don't get along, Mady explains happily on the couch, probably some several hours or days later. Ha, sounds like Mady has been studying the Gosselin PR/BS manual like a good Shmoopy Youth. Kate is sitting right next to her ready to snap her fingers just in case.
Baw-haha, Kate dramatically talks about how she broke her "foot" last year and doesn't want to do that again. Mom, you broke your toe, one of them explains. Toe, toe, toe! all the rest chime in forcefully. Kate, welcome to the concept of "ganging up." They've figured it out, and it's glorious.
Wow she's really pissed off that they're not letting her set the agenda here finally. Finally I am enjoying this show. "I don't really care!" she says with a childish wave of her hand. "It was broken and you still forced me to hobble about and feed you!" When all else fails pull the "I feed you so I'm the martyr so shut up" card. That's very mature. For that little stunt @AuntieAnne dubbed her the Hobbling Harridan. Lol, perfection. I'm proud to say it happens often on this particular blog.
I love how nothing, nothing is ever Kate's fault. Ever. It's not that she tripped on the island. It's that the island tripped HH. Heh, even the island wants out.
"There's nothing to yell about!" Kate yells.
Lol, the producer is soooo bored. "So you guys have a hard time making a decision as a big group?" he asked tiredly.
"Yes," the twins explain, equally bored.
At this point my DirectTV loses its signal. It's a clear sunny California day and my Direct TV only goes out about once a year, so this is weird. I can only conclude it's gone the way of the island too and can't stand this woman. It leaves me with a bizarre error message reading, "this location is not authorized." That sounds so final.
Well, a reboot did the trick and I'm back. That was scary for about two minutes. Now we're profiling Hannah, the golden child. Of course she's mature, kind and beyond her years, Kate explains earnestly. Why, it's hard to imagine she's part of the sextuplets she's so touched by an Irish angel.
The little kids are a little more on this planet. They say well, let's see how to describe Hannah. Hannah loves animals. Heh. Well yeah cause she's ten not Gandhi. It's a relief to know none of the kids appear to be nuts.
Commercials. Did you know TLC is offering life tips now? Naturally they're life tips for dummies, like keep an extra pair of flats in the office to slip on when you leave work and head to happy hour. Does their average viewer even go to happy hour? I thought most people watching this channel have either toddlers or grandkids and have to fill up on gas after work and swing by CVS for some wipies. I guess this is learning in any case. Nobody wants sore feet.
They spend an incredibly long time talking about the car situation, but they show a few clips of Jon helping the kids get buckled in so it's worth it. Kate "gave" the first BBB to Jon. Wait, the same BBB that they were grifted back in the day? Lol, I have never seen anyone so self-serving. Conveniently nobody makes mention of the two other cars she has including that Audi. Heh.
Some nice workers at Play Days organize some games for the kids. Mady doesn't want to be there, and Kate doesn't like her attitude. Mady explains it's not an attitude issue it's that Kate is not listening to her. Oh, Kate's listening, Mady. She'll just never respect or care about your wants and needs. Mady would be better off saying the opposite, that she does desperately want to be there. Then she might have a much better chance of getting to stay home.
The editors are cracking me up. When Kate talks about some meltdowns the kids used to have as babies, they show a clip of mostly just Kate melting down. Ha! Her number. They have it. And also, this is not a meltdown. This is a thirteen year old child with needs calmly and rationally telling her mother she would prefer not to attend this particular event. What's wrong with that?
Can you imagine if they made an entire series out of all this? I mean, absolutely nothing has happened and we're halfway through the show.
Jenna, Mady's best friend, shows up to Play Days and Mady is instantly much happier.
"You should have told me that. I hate surprises," Mady scolds. Had she just known Jenna was coming she says she would have been in a much better mood. I'm sure that's true. Kate, the bitch, says fine I just won't invite any friends next time then.
Ugh. Oh my God.
"Who does that?" Mady demands. Yeah that is pretty screwed up. I mean, surprises should have a purpose behind them, such as you don't want to spoil the birthday or anniversary surprise until the moment the gift or trip arrives. To withhold someone's friend from them, pretend like nobody's coming to help make this bearable for them, and watch your daughter be in a terrible mood all day because she thinks she's going to have to hang out with her younger siblings the whole time, is actually pretty sadistic. Kate likes to watch her children squirm, and I know there must be a word for that somewhere. Psychotic maybe?
They're playing some kind of variation of dodge ball and Kate is crazy eyes competitive. Well that's frightening to watch. Oh speaking of Crazy Eyes, there was a pop up food truck going around L.A. today promoting Orange is the New Black. A couple of my friends ran into it and posted photos. They had pie and, you guessed it, chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream. That's so brilliant and fun. I heart that women's prison.
Like they showed in the beginning, Kate has an opinion about other people's parenting! Hypocrite. She even wrote an entire blog posts about how we should only build parents up called "Walk a Day in my Heels." Heh, tool. Thanks to @Kateisatwit for finding it. "It’s time for all of us to make a change whereby all parents truly stick together! Period! No more contests, no more darts; just support, help, and concern for each other!"
Hey, I don't have a problem if Kate disagrees with how someone parents. We're allowed to have disagreements and say so, that is how society progresses and does not become sheep and how we ultimately raise better children. Our goal as a human race should be to communally raise better children, even though we all have our own respective children. Because better children means the human race is stronger. Ultimately I think that's the evolutionary reasons behind why so many people give a crap about somebody else's parenting. I mean, somewhere along the way somebody felt the need to say hey Ezra maybe you should let your child speak at the dinner table once in awhile. Somewhere along the way somebody said hey Prudence maybe we shouldn't hit little Elizabeth here with that paddle. They did it because we all have a vested interest in making things better for society's children, or should.
A picture of pugs dressed up as pilgrims because it's my blog and I can.
But then that's going to go for Kate too. If she criticizes other parents then she too is subject to criticism.
So, she doesn't think parents should let their kids win. At ... anything? Ever?
Oh where to begin. Congratulations, shmoops, you beat a thirteen year old at dodgeball. No one is saying always let your children win. Although come to think of it, my sweet father always, always let us win. I don't think he is capable of beating us, his gentle heart just won't let him do it. That said, what kids need is a healthy dose of both. The need to win some things so they learn how to win, and they need to lose some things so they learn how to lose. The awesome posters on this blog suggested a game of chance like Candy Land to accomplish this goal. That way you don't have to be sort of "dishonest" in letting them win. They will win and lose sometimes in games of chance. So beat them sometimes, and don't beat them sometimes. I guarantee you when they have properly learned how to handle both, they will ask you not to let them win anymore. Just be patient, it comes at about age 15. All that results in never letting your kid win is a child who grows into a frighteningly competitive adult who takes pleasure in pummeling little children with red nerf balls and can't get a date because Dad never let them win at Connect Four when they were seven.
You know her "don't let them win" attitude stretches across the board. It's clear whenever Mady engages with her Kate must have the last word on it and she'll swipe iphones and torture them with surprises and such to be sure she "wins."
Kate's so psycho out there on the court that Mady hurts her knee trying to keep up. Even while Mady is still limping Kate keeps going, just outright pummeling her until she wins. Then she tries to hug her, but Mady dives away in disgust.
"I'm sorry. I had to," Kate says later on the couch.
"I don't accept your apology," Mady retorts. Good, because that wasn't an apology.
Mady and Cara have the same personalities as they did when they were younger only Cara is more beaten down and Mady is more bitter. They show a little montage. It's good to see the twins seem to still like each other and have remained close. Mady needs constant reminders to take on a task to the best of her ability and win, Kate explains.
Win what? Life is not one giant game of Hungry Hungry Hippos, geez. Why is it so important to her the kids be so competitive? Hard-working, yes, but competitive? That can definitely be a negative trait especially when it comes between you and knowing when to quit. This is so funny because Kate doesn't seem to appreciate that this is exactly how Mady behaves towards her. She takes Kate to task and must win. And she does a pretty good job of it for a 13-year-old. It's become a battle of wills of epic proportions, and the awesome thing is there will be at least five more years of this karma every day for shmoops.
They flashback to the time when they ice skated for the first time. I really appreciate how respectful TLC is being to Jon. Every clip of him shows him being a loving and attentive father. For instance his gentle hand on Mady's back when she fell on the ice. I forgot how patient and gentle he generally was with the children when they were little. A few moments of frustration can be forgiven when the vast majority of the time you are very kind and attentive.
Back to today, and these kids still can't ice skate? Wow this is bad. Geez every kid living in the Northeast should know how to do that by now. Joel is the perfect child, Kate announces. I'm sure the other kids appreciate hearing that. Oh, the kids know she feels that way so don't worry, she explains. Oh, okay then.
Kate can't even stand up on the ice. Where has she been the past 39 years? She gets on a chair and the kids push her around. "Is this how you're going to push me when I'm old?" she asks. Eh, maybe. Though I imagine that may look something more like this:
The ice skating wasn't so bad. They had fun and Kate was okay to them, minus making it all about her when she made a spectacle of herself out on the ice..
Some of the younger kids are playing in the living room. Seemingly without provocation Collin blurts out to Hannah that her hair is ugly. Probably just pent up frustration since it's not fun to be the scapegoat and watch the golden child be treated like princess for a day every day.
Kate yells at him across the room that he shouldn't say things like that and we should only build others up. Oh, so that's what that little rampage she went on against the non-fans last year was about, building others up? What about when she ripped Kendra a new one with a laundry list of issues and basically accused her of being lazy and waited on hand and foot by Hank Sr.? Heh.
Collin looks absolutely crushed and just when I think she's really shut him up for good, he says, I was just being honest, it was ugly.
Oh shit.
Collin's eyes are full of tears. Poor kid. Kate explains that he needs to put his words through a filter and instead of saying that's ugly, say something like, "I've seen it look better." Haha. Oh, yeah cause that's so much nicer. Good grief. It's rather amusing watching someone with some of the worst social skills I've ever seen lecture her son about social skills. I especially like the part where she instructs Collin not to be honest. Well, that's confusing. I kind of look like Carrie Ann right now, cheek resting on my hand, just sort of equally fascinated and incredulous of this borg.
Oh and hey how about Leah tattling on Collin and making sure Kate heard what he said. Whatever Leah. There's sibling rivalry, and then there's sibling nastiness, and what I've seen so far is just nasty and goes way beyond normal sibling conflicts. Any one of them will sell anyone else down the river just to survive. There's no loyalty or compassion at all from especially the sextuplet girls, and I fear for their sibling relationships later on in life.
There's really nothing else Collin can say to this nonsense but "yes." Which is what Collin says. Yes, Mom. Sure, Mom.
The old clips of Collin they show are mostly sweet. It's oh so appropriate to call your child "manipulative." What? He's your child, not Lisa Vanderpump. He's also challenging authority. Rise up, proletariat.
Kate's done what any fun mother would do over spring break and filled it up with doctor appointments. Actually, I don't mind that. It's better that they not be pulled out of school. Although like anything this is probably more for Kate's convenience than the children's. The twins say they always get dragged along. Why? They're thirteen. Surely they can stay home alone for a few hours and watch T.V. or something. Or is Kate afraid they might google? You know I have a theory on her paranoia over Google. I don't think it's that she's afraid they'll see something about the family and their feelings will be hurt. Rather I think she's pretty darn afraid they will see some of the countless negative things written about her, Kate, and might actually agree with it! After all, there are numerous articles from numerous well known publications, many relying on psychologists and other parenting experts, criticizing her parenting and taking up for the children. Her own former employer The Stir thought that the incident where she took Mady's iphone away was handled terribly by Kate. A kid like Mady would print that out just to prove a point. No wonder Google frightens Baby Jane.
You know there are so many little things in this monstrosity I could spend forever on this recap, but just one of them is Hannah randomly hitting Leah as they cross the street. I know she then hugs her, but I find this behavior very strange and inappropriate especially from a ten year old. But it's just allowed, no repercussions at all. Why is that? The rules in this family are arbitrary, and enforced arbitrarily, and the resulting chaos is not at all surprising.
Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be for a ten year old to have a camera crew along for doctor's appointments? It was bad enough when they were little.
In another of the rare nice moments, the kids all help Aaden pick out a new pair of frames. He seems to love the attention and Kate does another good thing in that she has the kids give a thumbs up or thumbs down to the various frames. Now there is a fun way to help someone out with something that might end up "ugly" on them, without hurting their feelings. I agree with Kate for once, he is extra cute in those glasses.
Kate really liked their third birthday party carnival and wants to recreate it. For a ten-year-old?? I don't know. I don't think the kids remember a darn thing from their third birthday party, that is really a stretch. I think they're remembering the episode. At least Aaden admits he really doesn't remember a thing from when he was little. Ha, so much for the memories. He should get his money back!
Kate announces her scathingly brilliant idea, and the kids immediately think it's the dumbest thing they've ever heard.
Lol, waa-waa.
Because it's a narcissist, they have a fake debate about this but ultimately the carnival theme is of course going forward full steam ahead. Zorro is so cute on Kate's shoulder chewing away on Kate's shirt like he owns the place.
It's great the way the kids constantly poke holes in Kate's catfish of a life on Twitter. You know how shmoops is always posting shit from their parties like bowls of pretzels and Super Bowl cakes like sort of a poor man's Good Housekeeping spread. Hannah explains that actually when they throw parties all Kate does is complain about how she doesn't want to do any of this. Heh.
Because Kate is a tease, she hints, hems and haws about some big thing she has dreamed up but in typical Kate fashion won't tell us what it is. I think the speculation on the blog that it's that Jonas brother who she was on Celebrity Apprentice with is spot on. I guess that might be okay for some of them but for the boys, I doubt this would be that big of a deal.
Mady also thinks this is one dumb idea, which is correct. Kate blames Mady for influencing the sextuplets.
Actually, I would like to point out that the sextuplets all immediately hated the idea and that Cara and Mady, even though they were sitting right there, did not say anything, look at any of them, or influence them in any way. They came up with the notion that they hated it on their own. It was only later when asked Mady said look I really don't care it's not my birthday, but if you're honestly asking, yeah I think it's dumb. So suck it, Kate.
Well this is sad and hard to snark about. Mady said she hopes the younger kids don't look up to her because she's a bad role model and just sits on her bed all day. Is she serious? Well, that's not normal. Cara mutters something about Mady threatening the tups.
Okay, this just took a rather creepy turn. Moving on please!
Leah bellyaches that it's not "fair" that whenever they have something going on Mady and Cara get to have friends over.
What the hell? I'm 100% on the twins side for this one. Of course they should be able to have friends over as much as they want as long as homework and choring and any other commitments are done. Especially when it's something going on with the younger kids. They are thirteen for gosh sakes and shouldn't be dragged along to every single thing that's happening with the ten-year-olds without a buffer. And also, it's really none of Leah's business whether Cara and Mady have friends over and when. That's Kate's call when they are with her and Jon's call when they are with him, period.
What's funny about this is that Kate has absolutely no control over any of this. The kids bicker like cats and dogs, are rude and unreasonable and nasty to each other and their mother, and she has no idea, none, how to get everyone to calm down, breathe and be kind. For all her condescending parenting blogs, these kids are just a mess of chaos and disrespect. To be clear, it's not their fault, and they are desperate for structure and a more pleasant environment, but it's not like Shmoops has set her sights on giving that to them any time soon. The priority here is "filming" not happiness. This pretty much validates everything Jon said last year about their struggles socially. It's hard to imagine very many kids would want to be around any of this.
Mady explains that the sextuplets intruded on her whole life plan when she was three and a half. Lol. The life plan was to not have six brothers and sisters, in case you were wondering.
Yeah, I don't think anyone's life plan includes six little siblings, says Cara, which is the most this poor kid has said in this entire episode.
In seriousness though, it's obvious both the twins have built up massive resentment of this whole situation over the past ten years and they don't even care at this point about blurting it out. Now that they are older, wiser and much more aware of everything, I think their anger has only gotten worse. Therapy would help them both. They desperately need to deal with these feelings somehow or risk never having a healthy relationship with their family. I'm not really sure what they are talking about when they say they are manipulative, but I think they think they have somehow conned Kate about this party and friends. You've lost me there though I do believe them when they say they've got Kate all figured out. Oh you bet they do.
That was a "negotiation session," according to Kate. Oh. I thought it was a knock down drag out. My mistake.
The famous Hannah pooped in Hannah's underwears clip that all the creepy sheeple love. Gross. Kate complains Leah's voice is like a machine gun. That's nice.
Kate and the younger kids head to a party store where Kate quickly finds a bright pink clown wig for herself. Hey, the model on the package looks just like Shmoopy. She should do appearances.
"Come an' get yer popcorn!" Kate cries. Hey, that's our line!
"Please no!" Leah cries. Ha.
Alexis gives Kate some lip in the store and when Kate reprimands her Alexis tells her, "good!" Ha, omg. Alexis has probably always been the most dynamic of the kids, and as a result probably has the most creepy fans of all of them. Remember that fan in Tennessee who even had her name tattooed on her. Yikes. Kate chews on one of those ugly white nails of hers.
Her favorite food is salmon. That's unusual. I like the metaphor of poor little Alexis swimming upstream against the narcissist that is her mother.
The kids continue to be "rabid beasts" at the store, says Kate. Well they're cute rabid beasts anyway, like this one.
Any parent would say that about their children, says Kate. That they're rabid beasts? Uh, no! Gaa, stop speaking for all parents. It drives @Vanessa and I, and many others, nuts!
You know, I agree with her, the kids were being downright obnoxious in the store. They were rude and I've never seen children with such a lip on them so constantly. It's super uncomfortable. But, that's Kate's fault. It doesn't have to be this way. Parenting would help. Try it sometime. What Kate does, which she calls parenting, is whine. She constantly whines to them about their behavior and then suggests other often equally bad behavior or only slightly better behavior in its place. Maybe that might work for some children but it's not helping for these kids. In fact it seems to be making it worse because they've learned they can keep pushing her buttons without anything but a lecture. And sometimes even talk her out of or into things they shouldn't. In other words they're playing her like a puppet with strings. Oh what a lovely role reversal. I also strongly suspect a lot of this behavior is due to years of pent up aggression for all kinds of reasons we all well know of, and the whole family needs to go to therapy for that, for starters. In any case, the great tragedy here is that this woman appears utterly clueless that what she thinks she does so well she just downright sucks at.
Kate says the party could be pulled off if the twins wake up in a good mood. Gaa she's such a tool. And mean. And obnoxious. I ate ate! Cara's body language is terrible. She's bending her head and covering her mouth with her hand. It's like the Today show redux. Interestingly enough Kate has not been invited back since that stunt.
Next time on Kate Plus 8, the birthday party is nearly ruined by gale force winds, and Kate gets stuck to a giant Velcro wall. Leave her up there, kids. Revenge for all those years of Velcro shoes. See you next time!
1256 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1256 Newer› Newest»I got the book!!!! I noticed that in Jon and Kate's TLC contract, any individual who signed a NDA was basically silenced for life or would face huge (financial?) repercussions UNLESS they were subpoenaed. So if Kate were to sue Robert alleging the abuse claims were false anyone who witnessed abuse of the children (Steve, TLC crew, Jaime,Jon, babysitters etc.) would have to testify under oath in a court of law. In a way, I wish Kate would sue Robert because it would finally bring out all of the individuals that have been silenced by Kate and TLC. Also I wonder if Milo has secretly read the book (assuming she's a real fan and not PR for Kate). Being an animal lover, how can she still support Kate knowing she is a sadistic and cruel animal abuser as well as a child abuser. If any of her fans still continue to support Kate after these revelations they are just as mentally ill as she is, imo.
OH, Admin., I wanted SO bad to tell you we should send the Milo-case right to Nev to figure out! I did not want to be laughed at, so am glad that it is you who brought that up! YOU can do what you want on your own playground!
getofftwitter said... 188
Admin: question: when did Kate copyright her journals? Before or after Robert got the them, published?
Robert's first book came out in Sept. 2012. TLC had the book pulled a day or two later because it contained their intellectual property. Not because of "lies" like Kate and the sheeple try to claim.
Kate copyrighted her journal in April of 2013. She did it under her full name Katie Irene Gosselin.
It's not personal for pete sake. I say it with my head held high, some mothers, including one I got to know very well, should NOT have had children. Just like some people are not meant to cook or garden or deal with blood.
Got no kids, don't cook nor garden and ain't gettin near no blood. It's a great career path for me. ;-)
It's not personal for pete sake. I say it with my head held high, some mothers, including one I got to know very well, should NOT have had children. Just like some people are not meant to cook or garden or deal with blood.
Got no kids, don't cook nor garden and ain't gettin near no blood. It's a great career path for me. ;-)
Tucker's Mom said: "The more recent revelations at the end are particularly egregious." Can you tell us what was said. I plan on buying on the hard copy when it comes out but meanwhile I am curious as to what is new in the book. Thanks so much! I enjoy all your posts.
If the media does not talk about this book I will be baffled. If they are only quoting the book's material and author then why do they fear writing or talking about it. I don't understand. Can the media get in trouble for only reporting what is in the book?
I don't understand how Kate can still have fans calling her a great mom and defending her mistreatment of the children with the "she has 8 kids" BS. It doesn't matter whether she has 8 children or two children - that is NOT an excuse for her to speak and act towards them the way she does.
No-one can complain about the kids getting away with acting out when Kate herself has gotten away with FAR WORSE. It's not surprising they have little respect for her when has ZERO respect for them!
It's HER fault that her children have serious issues, and punishing them isn't going to accomplish anything when SHE is the problem. And surely Jon, their teachers, their nannies and other hired help would be fully aware of this, so WHY haven't any of them done something about it since they SAW what happened?
There are two things that drive me crazy.
1. People who say what good does it do for people in the media to read the book they already know what she's like. Do they???? If it wasn't for this blog I wouldn't know all of the story. I wouldn't know she physically abused her babies or her dogs. Because who the f**k does that except a really evil person. Do you really think Kelly Ripa and others read here or have read Robert's book? I would bet that many of the people who are in the entertainment industry don't have a glue what the extent of how abusive she is . She does a lot more then snap her fingers!
2. The other thing is that Kate is done. One of my kids has said that to me about a dozen times since the divorce. My response : Are you kidding me? She has been on several shows DWTS,CWS, CA, the Hallmark Channel, the Today Show, etc. since they cancelled Kate +8. And last week every entertainment show talked about her or interviewed her. They also wrote articles in entertainment websites, blogs, and newspapers and even yahoo. Is she done? Only in our dreams.
BTW, now that the book is out who is talking about her? No one! Except us.
I really believe Milo (Fired Up For Kate) is just a lonely somewhat old lady. I don't believe she is Kate, Steve or a hired gun to do Kate's bidding. Why? Because I remember a radio program that talked exclusively about the Gosselins one day a week for a good bit of time. This was probably several years ago. I can't think of the name of the show but I am sure somebody here can. Anyway, Fired Up For Kate (Milo) called in and talked a bunch about being a big Kate fan. Her voice was very rough sounding to me. And this was before Kate signed up for twitter. She sounded very much like a real person and fan to me.
I think the reason people think she may be fake is because she is such a hard core over the top Kate fan. But there are plenty of crazy people in this world and that is why I do believe she is just a nutty fan. Plus I think she reads here and this spawns her on to tweet even crazier stuff to be noticed and talked about. And Kate talking about her on Dr. Drew's TV show only exaggerated how very "special" her link is to Kate.
You know Kate's excuse is she can't go work as a nurse (or another job) because child support would take most of her paycheck. Well, what will her excuse be in another 6 months or so when the twins will be 14 years of age. I think they will clearly be old enough to babysit the tups after school. And she could very easily hire anybody to pick them up at the bus stop if that is needed. I mean the tups are 10 and the twins are mature enough to simply watch the kids for a few hours in the daylight. And their father lives close by too in case of an emergency.
The reasons Kate does not want to work is because she does NOT need the money. And more importantly if she took a 40 hour job then she would not be available to go to NY for talk shows, Celebrity Apprentice, Wife Swap, etc. Word would get out that she has a regular job and she is not available for any type of TV jobs.
This book finally made it absolutely concrete to me that alllll the "rumors" that were a little far fetched (even for me) were true. I believe him when he says he spoke to hundreds of people and immediate family members. It's just so bizarre that it became this huge coverup. Money & power really are the only gods for some people.
God this, God that, help me God, Thank you God, God spoke to me...
in allllll those conversations, HE didn't once tell you to STOP??
1. People who say what good does it do for people in the media to read the book they already know what she's like
Agree with that point. I if they covered HER version of HER story, gave her a platform to spew her LIES. Helped Discovery destroy a man and his children???? WTF? YES THEY NEED TO READ THE BOOK and REPORT ON IT. Every little salacious drama story gets covered from sexting gone wrong, to pets being left in their cars etc.. (you get my drift?)
YES there should be a discussion in the media about THIS version of HER STORY. Irresponsible not to
, any individual who signed a NDA was basically silenced for life or would face huge (financial?) repercussions UNLESS they were subpoenaed.
Is it THE reason she withdrew the suit/case? They knew those agreements would be worth shit if Hoffaman's team called them all as witnesses?
We also have a mentality that mothers are sacred and it's like we are so loathe to admit that some mothers are very screwed up and never should have had kids because that does not comport with the sacredness of motherhood. Or the idea that every woman's sacred uterus is meant to do the God given divine gift and bear children.
I get what you'r saying, but I think with this unique situation it was the WAY baby jane LOOKED and was EDITED to look. WE all saw the evil, but it was nicely packaged, bows and all. Does anyone remember the "hot sauce" mom on Dr Phil. SHE sent in a video of herself punishing her son by pouring hot sauce in his mouth and forcing him to stand in a FREEZING cold shower (ahem? sound a little familiar?) The OUTRAGE was palpable.
They changed the story line (that bitch and the other bitch, Discovery) they manipulated the masses... I can't get over JUST HOW MUCH!! They played on the idea that the mother is sacred. Had they actually shown her atrocious abuse? The BEATINGS? The REAL words that came out of her mouth?? Ahhhhh! I had to take a break from the book last night...to me, it's comparable to a pedophile ring. This was an ORGANIZED group of people exploiting, abusing, robbing, tormenting, kidnapping, emailing instructions on how to HIDE their crimes.
I finally understand now why sensible Cara cried so hard when her mother was leaving for that night on the town in New York. (That was so out of character for Cara...) She could see her mother, already sloshed, heading for a whole evening of "celebrating" filmed by a TLC crew. Cara was ashamed and probably afraid that her mother's dirty little secret could end up on TV for everyone to discover..
Sure could.
Another fear might be that when her mother finally got home she would be hung over, have a raging headache, have to be in absolute quiet and dark, and be in a mood that would make a disturbed rattlesnake look cuddly. Not a scenario a tween would look forward to. Then add Jamie to the mix...
Yup to alll of it
I am glad so far the media has been quiet about the book. It won't drum up ratings for the second half of the update.
I think, or hope, Robert has or has someone who is contacting the media and sending them a copy of his book. It will take a while for them to digest the material and verify. It could be they are indeed intimidated by Discovery or there could just be a fear of lawsuits.
I don't believe Kate will sue at all. That was an interesting insight in regard to the CA's not in effect if depositions are taken.
A public personality like Kate with a book like Robert's out there will destroy her, maybe not as noisily as we'd like, but it will circulate among those who count. And most importantly, it may help Jon in his fight for those kids. It's obvious from the book and the update show that they are in a fragile state. Except for the few who adore Kate and her "child rearing techniques" (cough, cough), I think any parent with half a brain understands this woman is mentally off and the kids are suffering. Once again Kate's big, fat ego wanting a TV show has backfired. She truly is done except for the occasional appearance as an oddity on a low rated show. The important thing now are the children.
I mean can you imagine the outrage if TLC gave STerling a reality show? The public would never have it. You don't get to profit off of being an asshole.
Didn't they give Pete Rose a show not too long ago? And there you have another example of being ripped apart for "just" cheating...Lance Armstrong? Really, WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE??
Now that the book's been re-released and apparently cannot be suppressed by TFW and her henchmen, will it provide the impetus to get a psych eval and/or financial audit ordered up on TFW?
Never understood TFW's claim the kids aren't allowed to use Google. Google's not the only search engine out there, so it would be fine if the kids used Yahoo instead?
Wikipedia's not really a search engine, but it taps Google if one is searching for something that Wikipedia doesn't have a page for. The kids are going to be in for some interesting reading if they look up Wikipedia's page for the Menendez brothers.
I think part of the problem with Robert is that it is perceived he has an ax to grind and is (or was) a friend of Jon's. Even though many people did not get to read the first book, it was covered pretty extensively on the internet. What it's going to take, IMO, is for a witness, like a nanny, to come forward. Of course, Kate has put the fear of God and a CA to shut them up, but if a person, other than Robert, were to verify what he wrote, it would be just what Jon needs. Those poor kids are virtual prisoners, aren't they?
However refusing to address these problems or even acknowledge they exist is something you should be deeply, deeply ashamed of.
haha! good one admin! SHAME?? She's never heard of the word, OH sorry, she only know how TO shame others.
They (discovery, pr team etc) I feel are what fed her already fragile sense of reality. Those emails where she goes off, they're all replied with soothing responses and they're all YES, YES YES. So of course she "wins" it's being reinforced to her that her ideas, feelings are right and true
Anonymous said... 28
I really believe Milo (Fired Up For Kate) is just a lonely somewhat old lady. I don't believe she is Kate, Steve or a hired gun to do Kate's bidding. Why? Because I remember a radio program that talked exclusively about the Gosselins one day a week for a good bit of time. This was probably several years ago. I can't think of the name of the show but I am sure somebody here can. Anyway, Fired Up For Kate (Milo) called in and talked a bunch about being a big Kate fan. Her voice was very rough sounding to me. And this was before Kate signed up for twitter. She sounded very much like a real person and fan to me.
That was radio host Nina Frye on Toginet radio.
Her show was called Living The Dream Mom, and she covered Kate Gosselin quite a lot- at first as a supporter and "let's talk all things Gosselin".
However, Nina had a change of heart when the divorce dominated the headlines, and Kate wanted to go forth and film full steam ahead.
Nina began to feel that Kate really did have other options for revenue, rather than film her kids and put them on tv during this very emotional time for the entire family, and the Kate supporters pilloried Nina for it.
I wonder if Nina has been on Robert's radar and if she got an advanced copy of the book.
I'd like Nina to know that she made the right decision many years ago.
While I was watching the special I kept thinking, WTH? Kate literally looks like she's scared of Mady?!! Especially during the kitchen confrontation and during the "Look, we are triplets!" couch interview. And considering TFW's quick temper, I couldn't figured it out: Mady really got away with a LOT during that special. Not only defiant but flippant on top of it.
But witnesses say that this went on all the time. SHE (baby jane) is pretending/acting (cough) when the cameras are rolliing. If the cameras are off, she's threatening, yelling, screaming, embarassing those kids to say their lines and perform like trained seals. Remember the snapping fingers on the Today show? The look on her face? She had to check herself there didn't she.
2. The other thing is that Kate is done. One of my kids has said that to me about a dozen times since the divorce. My response : Are you kidding me?
I feel like I've been in the minority, refusing to say "she's done"- until recently.
I think the Today Show fiasco was jaw-dropping bad, and so far, this TLC special is highlighting Kate's special brand of crazy, her mania, and 8 kids who seem to be having some problems and aren't living in the unicorn-farts, rarified air of a magical mansion.
All one needs to do is look at Kate's ever-morphing face to see she's spending a boat load of money on cosmetic procedures, in addition to her high cost maintenance of bleaching, tanning, mani and pedi, at the very minimum.
Just now, I'm beginning to think that the overall tide it turning.
I don't wish Kate off of tv everywhere. As we've said, if she wants to do D-list shows, that's fine. Just give the kids back what's left of their waning childhoods.
God this, God that, help me God, Thank you God, God spoke to me...
in allllll those conversations, HE didn't once tell you to STOP??
Bingo- reminds me of Ocean's 12.
Rubin, a thief, is getting his fortune told and the cops come in the door to arrest him.
"What? You couldn't see this??"
Of course, Kate has put the fear of God and a CA to shut them up, but if a person, other than Robert, were to verify what he wrote, it would be just what Jon needs. Those poor kids are virtual prisoners, aren't they?
June 24, 2014 at 4:32 AM
For example, what appeared to be a more recent incident, at the end of his book.
Apparently, a boy did not shut a door all the way and Kate punished him by locking him out of the house in the freezing cold, until his face was good and red.
This is child abuse-clear cut, but not reported?
I wonder... hmm... if someone will report what's been exposed in the book and trigger another investigation.
The children are old enough to speak now.
, any individual who signed a NDA was basically silenced for life or would face huge (financial?) repercussions UNLESS they were subpoenaed. *********************************************************************Is it THE reason she withdrew the suit/case? They knew those agreements would be worth shit if Hoffaman's team called them all as witnesses?
IMO, yes. Remember that Robert said that he *wanted* this to go to discovery, that he was looking forward to it.
What reason would that ge so other than because witnesses would be subpoened? And the truth would come out?
I can't remember if he specifically said that or very strongly implied it. I think he said that he was disappointed that she dropped her lawsuit, that he was looking forward to discovery.
I know why there's no Radar story! It's because the book is the TRUTH and they only deal in gossip from so-called insiders. LOL
I agree that she is more or less done however TLC should not be rewarding a child and animal abuser with T.V. shows no more than they should reward a racist like Paula or Sterling with T.V. shows.
I agree, but for me, it's not about TFW being rewarded with another show. It's that TLC is furthering enabling her exploitation of the kids and contributing to their abuse and in certain ways abusing the kids themselves. For money! As Dr. Glass said, "they are contributing to the demise of these children’s already poor self esteem..."
By jove, White Organza - I think you're on to something here!
Then I read here that she and Cara take care of Kate when she's drunk... So I guess those two girls finally found their mother's currency: "Know what? If we decide so, we could tell a thing or two about what really happens on those cosy "tv watching in my bedroom with the twins" weekend sessions..." That, to me, would be a very good reason for the HH to poop in her unnerwears and just shut up, shut up, shut up when Mady confronts her.
That and the fact that when one regularly holds your hair while you're throwing up in the toilet, one do tend to lose a little respect for you.
Oh, and one last thing: I finally understand now why sensible Cara cried so hard when her mother was leaving for that night on the town in New York. (That was so out of character for Cara...) She could see her mother, already sloshed, heading for a whole evening of "celebrating" filmed by a TLC crew. Cara was ashamed and probably afraid that her mother's dirty little secret could end up on TV for everyone to discover.
This second edition of the book is much easier to read than the first one. But, the same facts are there, and if the first edition didn't bother the majority of the people, than neither will this second one. Robert is singing to the choir. I just hope that some day, the gosselin children will be able to sue TLC for enabling their mother to abuse them for so many years.
BTW, now that the book is out who is talking about her? No one! Except us.
The other exception is that Lillian Glass just wrote a scathing piece about Kate and the revelations in the book. She was positively outraged. I'm not a big fan of Dr. Glass and her horrendous typos, but she really stepped up in this case. She had the balls to swim upstream against the entertainment industry current of ignoring and deflecting wherever there is money to be made. Good for her.
Nobody tried to "out" the editors. You are making assumptions with no basis in fact. The FACT is that Robert used to correspond with another blog owner using a fake name...the exact same name that appears as one of the editors. That's quite a coinkydink, don't you think?
Well, no, it's not a "fact." It's just what that sheeple is claiming. I don't see any proof she didn't just make this whole story up and further I really don't see proof that this person she claims emailed her was Robert. I mean why could it not have just as easily been the editor themselves?
And that sheeple has massive credibility problems. This is the one that will just throw things out as "fact" without any proof and stick to it. This is the same one for years has insisted, and to my knowledge still does insist, that I "begged" for donations from you kind posters. Many of you have been here from the beginning and can attest that is an outright lie. And yet despite dozens of witnesses who will affirm that is not true, she sticks to this libelous lie. If you want people to believe your konspiracy theory you shouldn't have amassed a five year history of lying about others.
That said, even assuming it to be true, I don't find it a "coinky-dink." I find it to be common sense.
Robert has an alias he has used to try to fish out if some of the head ewes had inside info, and to protect his editors, he gave them aliases, including one he has used before. Or, the editor themselves had been corresponding with that sheeple. It's as simple and reasonable as that.
And yes they DID try to out the editors, they said so themselves. I guess we have a different definition of outing. Any action you take in which you seek to find out who someone really is is outing. It's not always uncalled for or unreasonable, but it IS outing. The second they saw those names they frantically looked to see if they have other books out and frantically searched their email for their names. They searched high and low for information about them. Who does that? Obsessed much? Who would even care about the editor? I have never in my life clicked on an editor's name, that's just nuts. And you can't convince me for one second if they DID find out who they are they wouldn't plaster their names everywhere. These are the sheeple we're talking about here. Please. The only reason they HAVEN'T done so is because they haven't figured out who they are yet, period.
Wow! Thanks, MaryB
Anonymous said... 24
Tucker's Mom said: "The more recent revelations at the end are particularly egregious." Can you tell us what was said. I plan on buying on the hard copy when it comes out but meanwhile I am curious as to what is new in the book. Thanks so much! I enjoy all your posts.
A few cringe-worthy reports of Kate locking a boy out in the cold because he didn't fully close a door (the one that Shoka knows how to open? haha!!!)- and she ignored his pleas and knocks to get back in until he was good and cold.
Also, trying to shove a boys face into Shoka's feces after the dog had an accident in the house.
These are reportable offenses- they have to be, my God, and I wonder if they were reported. If not, why?
I don't know.
IF Kate is that bulletproof, and IF an employee is frightened because of paybacks and lawsuits that would render them homeless, I wonder, maybe, just maybe, if being a source for Robert is a way to get around being sued by Kate, yet have the proper authorities notified about what's going on in the house.
The kids are not toddlers anymore.
d. (Favorite Legends quote "You say that again... and we're not brothers."
"I think they loved mostly the idea of each other."
It is, IMO, the most underrated movie of the 90's. It's a beautifully epic, sweeping and Shakespearean story. And it is the first movie where I realized Brad Pitt can ACT. I think it only won best cinematography at the Oscars, it was a sad shutout otherwise. I highly recommend it, but you will need tissues.
I saw Julia Ormond at the playground last summer. She looks pretty rough, she is a HEAVY smoker or was. But it was definitely an omg omg omg "Suzanna you're alive!!" moment lol!!!
Ex-Nurse said...
There was a NYT op-ed by David Broder talking about the massive denial that happens in the face of horrific circumstances. He used the phrase "motivated blindness":
"Some people suffer from Motivated Blindness; they don’t see what is not in their interest to see. Some people don’t look at the things that make them uncomfortable.
Thanks, Ex-Nurse. That's the best description I've seen of this phenomenon. Truly sad, when you think of the sheeple's motivation. Their lives must be full of tragedy too overwhelming for them to cope with. They need a hero to take the edge off of their own suffering and avoidance of issues.
Off to do some research on Motivated Blindness. Fascinating.
The rumbling has started but it needs more unbiased reviewers to really get the ball going. The TV critics need to investigate what really is going on with TLC and their crackpot, lying reality shows. What ever happened with "Z" at the Baltimore Sun? Was he shut up about Kate?
Leaving a kid to stand locked outside of the house is something I HAVE seen. But it was for huge periods of time like six hours before it got CPS's attention.
Keep in mind though the weather is much milder here. It could be a different story for CPS leaving your kid outside for five minutes when the weather is freezing. In some parts of the country you can get frost bite in five minutes or a short period of time when it's cold enough.
Fantastic indeed!
Anonymous said... 29(Leslie)
Word would get out that she has a regular job and she is not available for any type of TV jobs.
And boy would she be forgotten fast if that happened.
I think you're probably right Leslie. She doesn't really HAVE to go back to a regular Jane Q. Public job like the 99% of lowly serfs who didn't run off and join the famewhore circus. She made a ton of money off the backs of her kids no matter how much she denies it. She's addicted to the front of the camera and all the perks that come with it. Plain and simple. It also provides her with an excuse to get away from her kids as often as possible.
Last I knew about Z on TV he was sick of the Gosselins on television. Not sure about him today, but back in the day, I followed him. I read his take many times when the proceedings were going on in PA re: child acting.
As far as comments about the kids go I just ask that we be sensitive without taking that too far such that we don't point something important out.
I think there is a fine line, but a difference, between pointing out specific examples of concern versus assigned labels or speculating about the future.
I would focus more on the specific examples and avoid the speculation about what this might or could lead to or what it might or could be called by a doctor or therapist. I think we all are well aware of what these behaviors might or could lead to and what a doctor or therapist might say. It is not necessary to spell it out.
We need to find that balance between highlighting very concerning things we are seeing versus saddling the children with self fulfilling prophecies and labels that may be hard for them to shake.
What I don't want to do is NOT say something when we see something terribly wrong. But we need to find the balance. Hopefully that makes sense.
We also have a mentality that mothers are sacred and it's like we are so loathe to admit that some mothers are very screwed up and never should have had kids because that does not comport with the sacredness of motherhood
Great post.
In Kate's case, it wasn't just motherhood, it was what became Kate and Jon's battlecry: NO SELECTIVE REDUCTION.
This is what catapulted Kate to near Madonna status.
It was as if anything and everything could be excused because she didn't reduce her pregnancy.
One writer, who was not left very fond of kate after seeing her speak, wrote about Christians getting so caught up in the pregnancy that Kate refused to reduce, that they never stopped to ask what the Gosselins were doing manipulating her fertility with drugs (thus presenting the possibility of very dangerous pregnancy to mom and babies, which could result in death) to begin with- ESPECIALLY when they already were blessed with beautiful twins.
Oh, the collective gasp and finger pointing at that poor woman for DARING TO JUDGE the great Kate Gosselin!
So un-Christian! How dare she!
The media silence on this book suggests to me that there are bigger forces at work here than we know. There must be phone calls being made between these media corporations to ensure this book does not find it's way to the light of day. If TLC witnessed 1/10th of what Robert describes then are they not party to a cover-up of abuse? Did they allow this behaviour to continue for the sake of the ratings that turned into heaps of cash for their network?
I believe Kate is bullet-proof, but cannot, for the life of me work out how she manages this. What IS it that allows her to skate so smoothly over all of these obvious abuses. Even if you have no knowledge of Robert's book, you can still easily see how twisted she is by watching anything she does in front of the camera. I sometimes think we all reside in the Twilight Zone.
I have concluded her day of reckoning will come at the hands of her own children. Oh, she'll call them little liars too no doubt, but until that day comes her eye rolls and phoney smile will see her through, and THAT is the dumbing down reality show effect!
There were media stories about the book before it came out so I have to be hopeful that the writers are taking their time to read it before commenting.
It is unbelievable that she thinks she can get away with just making shit up.
Kate's been lying scamming and making s**t up for years and with TLC help it kept her butt out of trouble so why would she stop now?
People say she's not good at anything.
I say she damn good at blaming other-(including her kids) she good at not taking personal responsibility and she great a playing the victim.
TLC stinks said... 57
The rumbling has started but it needs more unbiased reviewers to really get the ball going. The TV critics need to investigate what really is going on with TLC and their crackpot, lying reality shows. What ever happened with "Z" at the Baltimore Sun? Was he shut up about Kate?
Hey stinks! Before I found this blog, I was introduced to the Gosselin mess by "Z" at the Baltimore Sun. I don't think he was shut up, I just believe that this one particular subject had become so prevalent and all-consuming, to the detriment of other things he wanted to cover, that he decided to back away from the subject entirely.
What got me once when the twins were on the view they were asked about the divorced.
Maddy said it really didn't effect her but it effect KATE and they took her of her-(well they said in not so many words) I was thinking what 12-13yrs say this?
My father was very abusive and a drunk so my mother left him when I wa a child they didn't divorced till. I was 11 and even though I know my mom did the right thing I was still sad about their divorce.
Kate is putting to must adult problems on the kids-(the divorce money issues her drinking if that true and God knows what else) Those kids need help.
I agree Kate can be on tv all she wants just please leave the kids out of it.
While out of town TFW instructed a babysitter to lock the boys in one of the bathrooms for her ENTIRE SHIFT because the boy didn't wipe up the water drips from the sink and floor !!! In my book that's child abuse....but then again it's no different from her throwing them in their cribs with no stimulation for 4 hours at a time when they were babies.
Anonymous said... 70
While out of town TFW instructed a babysitter to lock the boys in one of the bathrooms for her ENTIRE SHIFT because the boy didn't wipe up the water drips from the sink and floor !!! In my book that's child abuse....but then again it's no different from her throwing them in their cribs with no stimulation for 4 hours at a time when they were babies.
Me too.
These new revelations/allegations are clear abuse and I can't imagine any caregiver carrying them out.
Locking a kid in a bathroom for hours?
Not feeding them dinner?
Whoa- whoever would do this could be arrested!
I sure hope no helper or sitter or nanny ever carried these things out- corporal punishment, locking in a small room or making a child miss a meal.
What bugs me is that Kate would instruct anyone to do this, because if she did, it was SOP for her.
TLC stinks said... 57
The rumbling has started but it needs more unbiased reviewers to really get the ball going. The TV critics need to investigate what really is going on with TLC and their crackpot, lying reality shows. What ever happened with "Z" at the Baltimore Sun? Was he shut up about Kate?
It's early. Give the book a week or two. Talk shows will start the buzz and it will snowball.
"People will come Ray. People will most definitely come"
Within hours, won't the new version of book already be on sale for longer than the first one was? To me, that already gives it more of a chance to start garnering interest with the right people who might hold her feet to the fire (attention, fans, that is a metaphor - I am not encouraging arson or injury).
I was reading the Amazon comments...was there really apart about Kate shoving one of the kids' faces in dog excrement?? Good Lord.
It's early. Give the book a week or two. Talk shows will start the buzz and it will snowball.
"People will come Ray. People will most definitely come"
Who will be Robert's John Kinsella?
Auntie Ann said ''It's early. Give the book a week or two. Talk shows will starat the buzz and it will snowball.
'People will come Ray. People will most definitely come'"
From your mouth to God's ear, Auntie Ann. Please Lord, make it so.
"People will come Ray. People will most definitely come"
I just watched the ending of that on TV the other day! It's one of those movies that I get sucked into every darn time I happen upon it!
I was reading the Amazon comments...was there really apart about Kate shoving one of the kids' faces in dog excrement?? Good Lord.
I saw that and wondered the same thing. If true, does anyone know what chapter it is in?
All in all, the book is much more readable than the first one was. The commentary is toned down, which I think makes the horrific contents stand out. This book is much more credible, as a piece of journalism, and less about his personal feelings about her.
I will be happy if she never works in the public eye again--I don't care if the whole world knows what she has done. She is now firmly in Bonaduce and Tonya Harding territory, and she will never redeem herself to the general public. I am looking forward to hearing from the kids in the future. Theirs is the only opinion that matters to me.
Just saw this tweeted by a Real Housewives "Cesspool of Hate" site (haha)
It's a review of the update AND the book and it's on point:
"Nothing has changed. The first of the two-parter was an hour-long look at narcissistic bulldozer Kate. "
"The following is from RobertHoffman’s site, which includes everything you ever wanted to know about Kate:"
Call me crazy, I remember him saying he was going to write a book about reality TV. I agree that his blog got taken over with Kate commenters, but at least he was on to her early on. Has he not reviewed the update? He should.
What I got from the part about the dog incident is that she put the child's face NEAR it but did not put his face in it.
BTW, my take on her plopping herself between the twins on the couch interview was strictly to intimidate them into not blurting out something (i.e. Mady). Cara has some issues going on with her silence and anxiety. Kate is ruling those kids with an iron fist because somewhere, in that pea sized brain of hers, she knows what she does to them is wrong. And locking a child in a bathroom or outside in the cold...SICK. I totally believe now that those children were locked in their bedrooms at night so Kate could sleep in, maybe to keep prying eyes away from her and Steve in her bedroom or the garage apartment.
Like many here, I also hope Robert's book is picked up by the mainstream, legit media. Perhaps when it's released in hard-cover, the interest will pick up.
I started reading it last night and find that, again, I can only read in short bursts. It's that upsetting...still. More so because it's a much, much easier read and the horrors shine through clearly. Even if you read the first book, I urge you to read this one. For one thing, there's more damning info and the explanations as to why no one's speaking up to confirm the abuse, why Jon often did what he did, why RH wrote this book, are crystal clear now.
I have to think there are some sheeple out there that believe the horrors Kate's inflicted on her children and others but don't want to lose face with their online pals. It's become more about staying in the battle than speaking up on behalf of abused children for them.
I do hope Jon continues to stay quiet.
Blowing In The Wind said... 78
I was reading the Amazon comments...was there really apart about Kate shoving one of the kids' faces in dog excrement?? Good Lord.
I saw that and wondered the same thing. If true, does anyone know what chapter it is in?
It's at the very end, I think he calls the chapter 'the end.' Horrific.
Who will be Robert's John Kinsella?
It probably WON'T be Dr.Shill or Dr. Druid.
TLC stinks said... 83
BTW, my take on her plopping herself between the twins on the couch interview was strictly to intimidate them into not blurting out something (i.e. Mady).
Kate was not going to have a repeat of the today show.
Blowing In The Wind said... 78
I was reading the Amazon comments...was there really apart about Kate shoving one of the kids' faces in dog excrement?? Good Lord.
I saw that and wondered the same thing. If true, does anyone know what chapter it is in?
It's in the chapter titled "THE END?"
I think the difference between the allegations toward Kate and Paula Dean, is that Paula admitted it and Kate has not.
I like the term Motivated Blindness. Here is an example:
Lisa Adcox @poorbabi · 4h
@ljohnson2006 @Kateplusmy8 I habe read a sample from Amazon.This man stating things from way before he knew the family tells me Jon involved
If she read the sample, then she should have seen where Robert stated that he found computer discs containing Kate's journal. That part is include in the sample.
The blindness is that they refuse to see what is right there in front of them and the motivation is as always--blame Jon.
Do any of the sheeple have any explanation at all for Kate copyrighting her journal that contains her own words? You would think that they'd at least say...hey, something's not right here. Or is the only reason they can come up with is that it was fiction and she was (or is) writing the Great American Novel?
I just don't understand that there is none among them that has any kind of critical or logical thinking ability. If true, that's a sad commentary on the demographics of these people. I'm hoping that those who might be able to see through her charade just don't want to admit it because it would mean that others in their inner circle would shun them. Then again, you have some of the really slow ones who are so far gone in their obsession that nothing you could do or say would make a difference. Thankfully, though, I think that this group consists of the uninformed teens and just a few adults who are, well, intellectually challenged and there's something really "off" about them.
Jumping In said:
I believe Kate is bullet-proof, but cannot, for the life of me work out how she manages this. What IS it that allows her to skate so smoothly over all of these obvious abuses.
I think what has happened with Kate continuing to get away with abusing her children is something akin to GM's failure to recall a flawed ignition switch in the Chevy Cobalt, for years, which resulted in serious injuries and sometimes deaths of consumers. GM is a corporation, and their focus is on the bottom line. Seems to me they made a cost analysis decision and decided that it would more cost effective not to issue a broad recall of the ignition switch than to save a few lives.
TLC and its parent company, Disney, are corporations. Their investment in the Gosselin brand brought them millions of dollars. So what if 8 children are routinely physically and mentally abused? For TLC and Disney, that was a small price to pay in exchange for making bank. They made a cost analysis and morality had no place in that analysis.
That's why it appears Kate is coated in teflon. It's not anything she has done. It's because TLC has the power and the financial resources and the long tentacles to stifle anyone who would try to damage their Gosselin brand.
The blindness is that they refuse to see what is right there in front of them and the motivation is as always--blame Jon.
That particular fan is really, really slow. I've read some of her tweets. I think that I do feel sorry for some of them, not because they won't open their eyes, but because they can't.
How many times can one woman go get her nails done? I can't get over all the puttering and "erranding" around town she does, just to be away from her kids. Goes to one location, goes back home just to go back to another location right next to the one she was just at?? That stupid blog post about her taking the van back home just to hop in the SUV to save gas? "honestly" I'm getting a headache from all the head shaking
I would like to think that the book combined with the horrendous update special will be Kate's downfall. That being said, as long as TLC is involved you will not see main stream media reporting on Robert's book.
ABC,NBC,CBS etc. do business with each other. They trade talk show favors and will not ask the hard questions. When Kate is interviewed the host is given a list of pre-approved questions and Kate has rehearsed the answers. If a host were to deviate from the list the TLC pr person would pull the plug on the interview. This is discussed in Robert's book. TLC may abandon her at some point but until they do we can't expect much from main stream media.
Kate hasn't had time to read the Nicole person's book (I think it's been eight months of so), but I wonder if TFW is sitting down right now with her glasses of wine reading Robert's book and crying, "sue, sue" to Laverne and Shirley.
Ha! I had forgotten about her blog post to tear Anderson/Tony a new one.
Ah, good times, good times
TLC and its parent company, Disney, are corporations. Their investment in the Gosselin brand brought them millions of dollars.
Can you imagine how angry she must be when she reads or thinks about how much money she isn't "STILL" getting, yet the huge corporations are? I tend to think that the life of those children become a living hell on those days she realizes it.
While I agree with what Millicent said (#93) about GM, and not excusing the lack of concern for human lives, what we are discussing here is without a doubt child abuse. I don't understand why all who are complicit are not held responsible regardless of their long tentacles.
I wish the MSM would take a look at the review of Hoffman's book available at reality tv scandals and make the general public aware of what the Gosselin children have experienced at the hands of their mother in order that the general public can be 'entertained'.
TLC stinks said... 81
Call me crazy, I remember him saying he was going to write a book about reality TV. I agree that his blog got taken over with Kate commenters, but at least he was on to her early on. Has he not reviewed the update? He should.
I remember that as well. Z was very vocal in his criticism of the Gosselin situation and TLC, and in his support of House Bill 1548. I believe he even traveled to PA for the hearings. He has not reviewed the update, and I have not found any book he has authored on reality TV (although, like you, I remember he spoke about writing one).
I think I may reach out to him to get his perspective on the phenomenon that we have been talking about where the media doesn't seem all that interested in covering child abuse, unless it is an exceedingly explosive story, like Sandusky. Z is a real journalist and very approachable.
Everyday I read Yahoo news. Interesting because you read about different stories that happen around the country. And everyday there is a story about a dog that has been abused or killed. Yesterday I read that a person in West Virginia threw a puppy out of the car window. Thankfully the puppy was saved by a woman in another car. When I read that I wish I can punch the person who threw out that puppy in the face. How can someone be so cruel to a puppy!
Now let's go to Kate. The question has been asked do you want kate destroyed ? YES. Not physically hurt of course but I want her dreams of being a celebrity done! I don't want that lazy ******* to make money without working like the rest of working America. I do not want her on any TV show even without the kids. And even worse that she pushes any of her poor kids into show business.
As I have said many times I don't believe rewarding bad behavior and she is the worst. Abusive to babies and puppies!!!!
BTW, Admin. I agree with you we know what has ( is) happening to those kids now but we really don't know how it's going to affect them in the future. I come from an abusive home and I and my siblings were all different in our lives. From sad to happy.
Kate is a twit said... 91
I like the term Motivated Blindness. Here is an example:
Lisa Adcox @poorbabi · 4h
@ljohnson2006 @Kateplusmy8 I habe read a sample from Amazon.This man stating things from way before he knew the family tells me Jon involved
In her Twitter profile she writes:
"Mom of 7 with only 1 left at home. Guess what?? I still have a brain that works. With this last teen at hm, my brain cells are going fast"
At least she admits that there isn't much left 'upstairs.'
Isn't Oprah part owner of one of the parent company's?
Someone should email her the book. Dr Phil too....especially after he defended Krazy Kate.
In the new tlc video, I saw anger and meanness in Krazy's expressions, especially her mouth. Like a sneer. And the close ups show her aging...no amount of plastic surgery can hide the meanness.
She definitely treats the girls and boys differently. Poor Collin. And when Cara was picking at her sweater nervously, she pulled so much the sweater began to unthread....as it happened she "fearfully" looked up at Krazy to make sure she had not seen it.
Mady seems to be the only one that openly challenges Krazy's iron fist. Can't wait till someone helps them emancipate.
So what if 8 children are routinely physically and mentally abused? For TLC and Disney, that was a small price to pay in exchange for making bank. They made a cost analysis and morality had no place in that analysis.
As Jon and Kate's marriage was headed towards imminent failure, the show was pulling in ratings gold- off the charts, record-setting ratings gold.
This was lightning in a bottle and everyone involved milked it for everything it was worth.
The amount of advertising dollars on the table must have been staggering.
Kate was handled by her "people" within an inch of her life- there was a lot to lose.
But then, we're talking about Kate here, and the fact that a spin-off never saw the light of day says a lot.
I'm sure that for Kate, and everyone hanging on to her whirlwind fame were drooling over the money they were all going to be making, hand over fist.
Mighty forces were brought to insulate Kate, and her new-found martyr image, from anything and anyONE who would tarnish them.
Millicent (#693), I appreciated this analogy to GM, and the power of
the bottom line. Something to think about, in terms of TLC.
And now for some snark. Your comment was so eloquent, and
I was just imagining some of the fans glazing over as they tried
to understand what on earth you were talking about! The idea
that they made fun of us reading anything more complicated than
a cereal box has got to be the best example ever of the pot calling
the kettle (bleat this) bla-a-a-a-a-ack!
Vanessa said... 98
Ha! I had forgotten about her blog post to tear Anderson/Tony a new one.
Ah, good times, good times
June 24, 2014 at 10:53 AM
Yup, Kate and her entitled self took her position at CC and used it as a bully pulpit.
What an incredible narc to think that the world at large cared about some spat between AC and Tony, and her.
I have to shake my head over how that post ever got published on CC in the first place.
ABC,NBC,CBS etc. do business with each other. They trade talk show favors and will not ask the hard questions. When Kate is interviewed the host is given a list of pre-approved questions and Kate has rehearsed the answers
I'm sure some of those show hosts must want a shower after interviewing Kate and her ilk.
The questions are known and the interviews are always softball.
Even Mady and Cara were prepped with pat answers, and Mady managed to get one of them out, which made Kate BEAM with pride (as she mouthed the words to Mady's answer!).
To anyone who watched the first update - Was there any explanation given as to why Kate had to participate in the dodgeball game at all, instead of just letting the kids play? Or was it simply a case of Kate once again just forcefully inserting herself into one of their activities (as usual)?
Hmmm, I tried posting something last night but it doesn't seem to gone through. Sorry if this has already been covered, but TV by the numbers has her ratings for last Thursday.
Live + Same Day Ratings: 2,359,000
L & SD 18-49 Ratings: .8% of 126,960,000 viewers in this age range, or 1, 015,680 of the 126,960,000
It will be interesting to see what her ratings are next week, i.e. will they go down or stay the same?
I just re-watched the clip where Mady is pushing Kate away from her at the Gaga game. The pure hateful look on Mady's face toward Kate is scary. If she pushes her mom that hard at 13 years old, wait another year or two. This is not going to go well at all.
I understand what a money maker the Gosselins were for Discovery and its affiliates and I understand now that unbiased journalism is rare these days. I think that Discovery/TLC is and has been involved in a coverup the whole time. That's what is infuriating to me. There's plenty more to this story than krazy Kate. You can't tell me that people in the entertainment industry are not aware of reality shows' dirty secrets. I guess they are afraid for their jobs rather than doing the right thing.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 106
The idea that they made fun of us reading anything more complicated than a cereal box has got to be the best example ever of the pot calling the kettle (bleat this) bla-a-a-a-a-ack!
Aw those poor things. Next it'll be "I'm rubber you're glue..."
The idea
that they made fun of us reading anything more complicated than
a cereal box has got to be the best example ever of the pot calling
the kettle (bleat this) bla-a-a-a-a-ack!
Yes, and this from some fans who are still trying to figure out the child custody laws, court complaints, and being dismissed with or without prejudice! They couldn't sit down and have an intelligent discussion or debate if their lives depended on it because, well, they were absent when critical thinking ability was passed out. Moreover, their reading comprehension, which is so apparent in their tweets, just isn't there.
But you know what? Maybe they are happy. They say that ignorance is bliss, so who knows? Someone said that you don't miss what you don't have, so I guess for them, their "normal" is going through life being clueless, gullible and unaware. As my grandmother would say, "That goes with them."
What does Milo do? Sit down and google "platitudes for losers?" I wonder if she knows that when she tweets this stuff that she's saying that Kate's past is questionable or she's a "has been" whose future is uncertain? How on god's green earth does she know what goals Kate has, or doesn't have?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 56m
@Kateplusmy8 "The past does not have a future, but you do." ~Byrd Baggett I know U live w/positive goals 4the days ahead..4U & ur kids! :)
Call Me Crazy, it's just like Kate inserting herself into the carnival birthday party. She has to be the center of attention. God forbid one of those kids ever takes over the camera from Kate.
Call Me Crazy said... 109
To anyone who watched the first update - Was there any explanation given as to why Kate had to participate in the dodgeball game at all,
I didn't see or hear any reason why she had to play.
TLC stinks said... 116
Just like when Maddy was hurt during the game KK had to make all about herself and call M a faker.
Wonder what Kate's doing right now?
From the little I've seen on clips and the recent shows this tweet does not sound like Leah's words.Leah seems feisty and opinionated, in a good way mostly. Damage control..not working. And now the littles can enter her bedroom for 'evening TV." Hmm.
her ratings will go down...I think people have seen enough of this animal
KittyFitz50 said... 9
lukebandit said... 192
I have Amazon Prime. I can share the book with you. I think I just need an email address. I got $200 back from that lost funds website you shared. Least i cann do for you!
KittyFitz50, Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! The link to send Admin an email will not work for me thanks to a virus that damaged my computer files and won't let me use Microsoft Outlook.
Admin, could you please post the address to contact the pool boys! lol and I will send you my email address and I give you permission to give it to KittyFitz50! TIA You guys and gals in here are so awesome!
OT...If anyone's interested, the British version of House of Cards is being rebroadcast on PBS starting on Wednesday, June 25 @ 10pm. I saw this show when it originally aired in 1990 and it was fantastic. Ian Richardson as Francis Urquhart was brilliant. Also, the Season Two premiere of Last Tango in Halifax is starting Sunday, June 29 @ 8pm on PBS.
Why did TFW have to get into the game? Because that's where the camera was pointed, that's why!!
They must have missed some of our summer reading tangents.
I found both Gone Girl and We Need to Talk About Kevin through posters here and enjoyed them both. I'm currently finishing Twelve Years a Slave and got Orange is the New Black for my trip. Love hearing recommendations!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 56m
@Kateplusmy8 "The past does not have a future, but you do." ~Byrd Baggett I know U live w/positive goals 4the days ahead..4U & ur kids! :)
And the future doesn't have a past.
And the present doesn't have a past or a future.
And... holy shit...my brain just broke.
This pushing the childs face in the dogs poop will be infamous like "no more wire hangers"...
James Tyler @JamesTylerESPN · 31m
In equally exciting news, I saw Kate Gosselin at a FedEx/Kinko's. She used the fax machine AND the copier. What times.
Is Kate faxing excerpts of Robert's book to her lawyers with a cover sheet that says "Take care of this NOW!!"
Unless TLC hypes the heck out of Part II, I think the ratings will go down.
Has anyone seen commercials for the second part?
Looks like TFW has been busy preparing some documents: (not sure where this dude is located, but he's legit - soccer Editor for ESPN onine)
James Tyler @JamesTylerESPN 38m
In equally exciting news, I saw Kate Gosselin at a FedEx/Kinko's. She used the fax machine AND the copier. What times.
I have skipped around while reading the book, but nothing I have seen so far indicates Robert said anything disparaging about 15 mins. specifically. He does say that the haters and fans have both been extreme and have both said vile things. His couple mentions of 15 mins were positive. He described the day that Kate came on twitter and tweeted about Bella bars all day. He said the smart bloggers at 15 mins. quickly sniffed out that Bella Bars were a product that Kate could make money from by getting her tweeties to buy them.
There's another part where he writes about not including the twitter names on the tweets he wrote about.
"I have removed the twitter names of those tweeting with Kate in an effort to protect the "haters," the ignorant, and those blinded by the pinpoint of light reflecting off a has-been reality star. I would also rather not give any of her rabid hate-filled, or creepy fans who clamor for her time and attention and information about her kids the satisfaction of seeing their names in print." Loc 12312
There must be phone calls being made between these media corporations to ensure this book does not find it's way to the light of day. If TLC witnessed 1/10th of what Robert describes then are they not party to a cover-up of abuse? 64
Seems that way to me.
That's why it appears Kate is coated in teflon. It's not anything she has done. It's because TLC has the power and the financial resources and the long tentacles to stifle anyone who would try to damage their Gosselin brand.
Yes, just like Sandusky, clergy, teachers.....
Repeat of PART 1 is on again tonight >> Tues.
I finally got a copy of the.book - on my phone. Long boring computer story. Reading on the phone is easier than I expected. No spoilers, I'm.only up to 'grocery shopping' but the whole People thing makes more sense....
JR said... 127
This pushing the childs face in the dogs poop will be infamous like "no more wire hangers"...
:( I can't even imagine. I thought that even the most ironclad NDA does not protect abuse. Some of these nannies have had to witness some horrific stuff, why didn't any of them speak out? I wonder if they didn't know that they are allowed to report abuse with immunity? Or perhaps they were given incorrect information about this by the person making them sign the agreement.
I'm not buying the book..just can't handle it. I read the free portion of it and I had a panic attack and almost vomited. I kid you not. I never put the news on because I just get upset. Have lots of anxiety and try to stay away from awful horrific things like that. I know what shes about...I don't need sickening details....You are brave people...
You would think this woman would have an all-in-one printer at home.
I know this sounds very stupid but, I would love to see a huge march against child abuse with banners/posters of revelations from Roberts book how TLC covered up the abuse to make money.
I wish I had the money. I would send Roberts book to every child abuse charity or whatever you call them. Oh, it infuriates me! SHAME ON KATE, SHAME ON STEVE AND SHAME ON TLC.
For any that think I should include Jon. Jon is the only one "PAYING HIS DUES" for his sinful and immoral choices. He is broke. He has been sued who knows how many times. He has legal bills up the ying yang. He has a judge that turns his requests to help his kids down at every turn. He has to try to work with the "Spawn of satan" just to talk to his kids. He has to watch his children, who he loves dearly, be abused, feel guilty and live in fear for loving him. He is hated and demeaned by, what seems to be, the whole world. Did he put himself in that situation? ABSOLUTELY and he has said so himself and owns it. If that is not paying his dues, I don't know what is. Guess what...he's still hanging in there and is still trying.
I cut anyone slack who admits their wrong and wants to make it right. Those who love to love are vulnerable because they believe with a childlike trust that everyone wants to be loved and treated good. I mean, that's what we were told since we were little, isn't it? Only instead of being shown love, our lives are consumed by any and all evil manipulators looking for self gain. What's left is, what I envision in my mind, a zombie eyed innerself wandering from person to person looking for someone who can help make sense of what has happened and can bandage my wounds and be there to be a spotter should I slip during therapy.
Because love and trust didn't work and that is still who you are, you turn inward and lash out with anger and guard carefully your gift of love and trust so no one can break you again. The problem there, you don't really know how or have experience in being so hateful either. Man, that is really when you screw your life up royally. You don't want to have a conscience so you can say you don't give a hoot. The truth is though, you do have one and you "CONSTANTLY" have a battle within trying not to care. It's really a miserable, scary and lonely time in your life. What you are didn't work and what you are doing isn't the right thing either. All you truly want is direction from someone, anyone that really cares and is non judgemental. It's a "get busy livin or get busy dying" moment.
I can't even imagine having to fix my broken self while nearly anyone who hears my name doesn't believe in me and thinks I'm a douchebag. I will always pray for Jon and the family. Yes for Kate too.
Matthew 9:12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
You know, over the past decade or so, these here fax and copy machines have actually gotten small, and relatively cheap, so that you can have one in your home office!!!!
Modern technology is amazingish!!!
But seriously, why the heck is Kate constantly in Kinkos for faxing and copying?
She still doesn't have a photocopier at the konpound
Gone Girl kinda, sorta freaked me out.
Tucker's Mom said... 129
Unless TLC hypes the heck out of Part II, I think the ratings will go down.
Has anyone seen commercials for the second part?
I did see a couple commercials for the 2nd part. It was during a 19 Kids and Counting short marathon, on Sunday (I think).
Formerly Duped said... 119
Wonder what Kate's doing right now?
Don't know, but it probably involves a thought bubble over her head with free gift cards and free beach house rentals inside.
Admin said:
Love hearing recommendations!
One of the best recommendations I got here was to check out Looking for Sugarman. That film is very moving, and I think Sixto Rodriguez is one of the most humble of men. I just recently rewatched the movie after learning that the filmmaker died at a very young age.
JR said... 127
''This pushing the childs face in the dogs poop will be infamous like "no more wire hangers"..''
That should be ATTEMPTING to push the child's face in the dog's poop!
I'm not taking up for anything that WOS did, but if it's going to be infamous it should also be accurate!
Morally TLC should pull Part 2 from their lineup. But they won't, and as someone mentioned, reruns of Part 1 are already showing.Aren't there some things more important than money, like making a statement in defense of these children and admitting their own mistakes? I can dream, can't I?
Jane said "I have to think there are some sheeple out there that believe the horrors Kate's inflicted on her children and others but don't want to lose face with their online pals. It's become more about staying in the battle than speaking up on behalf of abused children for them."
ITA Jane. That along with them having this long standing battle with the non fans that they hate so much, and they can't publicly change sides without losing face.
It's just so hard for me to believe that these dumb sheeple have heard of all the people who have been kicked out of her life are all liars and Kate is the wronged party. All the locals who have talked are labeled as jealous or liars. Anyone who reports on her awfulness are liars. Jon is instantly just horrible because Kate says so. Good Lord people, open your damn eyes, it's blatantly obvious to anyone with even a pea brain that woman is the definition of evil!
Kiwi, Gone Girl was surely a page-turner. Same author's other books are just about as unsettling. Don't know if I heard about it here or elsewhere, but I just finished "Looking for Alaska", by John Green, that was very good. About young people in boarding school. I'd recommend it.
Live + Same Day Ratings: 2,359,000
L & SD 18-49 Ratings: .8% of 126,960,000 viewers in this age range
Is that correct? Out of all the viewers, only .8% were between the ages of 18 and 49? Who compromised the other 99.2%? (Or am I reading this incorrectly, and it was 8% who were in that age range?)
Either way, those are some terrible numbers. It seems that this block of viewers (age 18-49) are usually those most sought after by advertisers.
Something seems off. Could it be accurate that 99% of the viewers were age 50 or over?
Tucker's mom: Kate goes & picks up her Fed-ex packages. Another reason, maybe she had a copier, and broke it. She does have a habit of breaking things, including her own toe. Must be that anger she has penned up.
What's Kate doing now, well she was photo copying stuff, and then picked up her fed-ex, stuff she ordered online, and then go home, kick the kids outside to the pool and then get on the phone with her lawyers. Did you not know we and Robert and anyone else who can't stand her are ruining her come back. LOLOLOL
I bought the book Sunday night but I'm having a hard time reading it. I just read the first chapter. OMG little church girl was/is a little slut.
Have not read the poop part. Please God let that not be true. Tears are coming to my eyes just thinking that happened.
Did read where through her lawyers she demanded a high percentage for net profit of sales from Multiple Blessings. No wonder she doesn't talk to Beth.
No one makes money off her kids except the child abuser. Yea, she deserves it!
According to cableratings.tv/2014/06/17/selected-cable-ratings-15-jun-2014/ there were 2,359,000 viewers with 1,036,000 between 18-49
Sorry don't know how to make it clickable
Kylie said... 148
Jane said "I have to think there are some sheeple out there that believe the horrors Kate's inflicted on her children and others but don't want to lose face with their online pals. It's become more about staying in the battle than speaking up on behalf of abused children for them."
ITA Jane. That along with them having this long standing battle with the non fans that they hate so much, and they can't publicly change sides without losing face.
I think both of you have nailed it perfectly. The sheeple will *never* give us the satisfaction of admitting that Kate is everything everyone said she was. In spite of all the irrefutable evidence. Saving face and their pride is all they have left. They will continue to make up deluded stories like "Kate was writing a work of fiction and Robert stole it" to try to aggravate us and like you said, stay in the fight.
The reason Kate doesn't have a copier/fax machine is simply because no one has sent her one for free and arranged for someone to install it for her.
Millicent said... 150
Live + Same Day Ratings: 2,359,000
L & SD 18-49 Ratings: .8% of 126,960,000 viewers in this age range
Is that correct? Out of all the viewers, only .8% were between the ages of 18 and 49? Who compromised the other 99.2%? (Or am I reading this incorrectly, and it was 8% who were in that age range?)
Either way, those are some terrible numbers. It seems that this block of viewers (age 18-49) are usually those most sought after by advertisers.
Something seems off. Could it be accurate that 99% of the viewers were age 50 or over?
Doesn't seem right to me, too.
That middle segment is the sweet spot, and J+K had them in droves during their heyday.
getofftwitter said... 151
Sounds about right!
Millicent, I think I recommended Searching for Sugarman - it is amazing! I also recommended To Be and To Have, and if you haven't seen that, you should. God Grew Tired of Us is another amazing, amazing documentary.
I probably didn't recommend Gone Girl, but I enjoyed the heck out of it. If anyone here watches Nurse Jackie, Sunday's episode sort of harkens back to Gone Girl (the evil conniving and plotting).
I am reading The Book Thief now. I am really savoring it.
There are many horrible scenes in Robert's book, parts are really difficult to read and the fact that he's able to back up what he writes with sources (2 sources mentioned are her siblings) is important. I don't remember this bit about Kenny Loggins from the first book - it speaks to Kate's sense of entitlement, which apparently continues even now.
.... a new album by singer/songwriter Kenny Loggins. On May 15, 2009, Julie May received an email from “Maria K,” vice president of media relations at Walt Disney Records, who was aware that the Gosselin children had been dancing to Loggins’ song, “Footloose,” on an episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8, and that Jon had mentioned he loved Kenny and wished he could meet him one day. Maria said she was working with Loggins on a new album... She also said he had a concert near Lancaster, PA, ... and they would be open to arranging a meeting with the Gosselins ..."a possible meet-and-greet with Loggins." Now, the chance to meet Kenny Loggins in and of itself would have been a thrill for most normal people , but Kate Gosselin isn’t most people, and she certainly doesn’t want to be treated as normal. Always thinking she is more important than she is, Kate had the nerve to request that Kenny Loggins give them a private outdoor concert at their home. She did say, however, that “We will go to the concert if that is only option though...”
Hoffman, Robert (2014-06-21). KATE GOSSELIN: HOW SHE FOOLED THE WORLD - THE RISE AND FALL OF A REALITY TV QUEEN (Kindle Locations 2172-2175). . Kindle Edition.
Have not read the poop part. Please God let that not be true. Tears are coming to my eyes just thinking that happened.
I'm one of those people who gets really weepy when an animal is in peril in the movies, so the stories about the dogs had me in tears.
Not the kids' stories aren't horrific!
I just can't not fathom for a moment, causing my dogs discomfort or neglecting them.
I'm 57 percent done with the book. I have to read it in small sections like many posters have said. I found it interesting that. Kate knows how to make a Google Alert to find out when she is being talked about on the internet. Perhaps someone else set it up for her.
Robert is stating his case better when he leaves out the snark and opinions. When I read one line that included, "8, count them, 8 kids" I knew it was blog snark, but not sure if the average Kate followers knows this.
Also, who is reading this book? Is it just blog readers?
Funny reading the actual tweets from Kate. I think those added to the book are very good to his case. Remembering back to the day Kate blocked me, little ole me, who asked her kindly to use correct spelling and not use text speak to be a good example for her young fans.
PJ's momma said... 158
Thanks for the book recs- what this blog and its people excel at!
Yes, Jane, Kenny Loggins I'm suuuuuuuuure was begging his people to get him on J+K+8, with a concert in their backyard.
Kate thought Kenny Loggins would entertain the idea of giving a private concert for them at their house? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! OMG, I am so glad I had an empty bladder when I read that.
What's Kate doing right now? She's screaming at her lawyers on the phone, berating them for not being able to find a way to block the book without her having to answer to anything in it. Then, when she hangs up with them, she'll call TLC and scream at them for firing her and blocking her from using their legal department to fight her battles (for free) for her.
You know, I really don't care about all of thefree crap she got from Lane, Ethan Allen, Nestle, Ann Taylor, appliances etc. That was the companies' stupid choice. And did all that material crap make her happy? Nope. That overly Botoxed face that belongs on a 50 year old is always just miserable.What infuriates me is the crying poor at the churches while receiving so much, NOT giving back a damn thing when she was given so much...and of course, the abuse of the children and the dogs. There is a special place in hell for Kate Gosselin.
Tucker's Mom, those are actually movies - only The Book Thief is a book (and apparently a movie too)! I am a documentary nerd/junkie.
God must be answering Katie's prayers again.
"Dear God, it's me, Kate - thank you for having the man I lived with for a tv show splashed all over Radar this week. His sex scandal with a transsexual is deflecting away from Robert's book!!"
Hmmm. I don't the sound of it that she was copying and faxing. She's up to something.
I'm not sure that anyone should copy/paste excerpts from the book here, especially since the book states:
Copyright © 2014 by Robert Hoffman All rights reserved 2014. No part of this work covered by copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the written permission of the author.
Admin-I think you should address this.
I think the .8% means of 127 million total viewers 18-49 of all television shows on all networks at 10:00 PM that 0.8% were watching the TFW special. That would be just over a million 18-49 watching which is about half the total of 2.35 million. The other half would presumably be under 18 or over 49.
Hadn't I seen a few short excerpts here? I thought in moderation was okay but yes, KIAT, let's see what Admin decides.
Where on Amazon.com can I view how many HSFTW (how she fooled the world) have been purchased?
Amy2 said... 173
Where on Amazon.com can I view how many HSFTW (how she fooled the world) have been purchased?
You can got to novelrank.com which shows how many books sold based on the Amazon rankings. It says that the book was tracked since June 23, so I'm not sure if it includes the books that were purchased on Sunday. Here's the link:
I do apologize if this has been posted, I did not read all the posts yet, but the word the admin. is looking for is Schadenfreude. The term means gaining pleasure from seeing others suffer misfortune of pain. It is one of the many behaviors of narcissists.
As someone who has worked with little children for many years this was hard to read even though it was written in an amusing way. Those poor children. We should feel bad not just for Colin who seems to be picked on but also the other children who seem to bully each other. There life will not be happy either.
So sad.
Sorry to post as anonymous, I have posted before as Little mIss smarty pants, had trouble loging in.
Amy2 said... 173
Where on Amazon.com can I view how many HSFTW (how she fooled the world) have been purchased?
NovelRank.com then enter Robert Hoffman in the Author field. I see he's sold almost 100 in the US already. Take that, TFW!
So Robert confirms that she DOES NOT leave baked goods for the trash men. 3 yrs of him scoping the place for the tabs and not one of those years did she leave anything for "the kindest garbage men ever!!"
What a loser
Jane (#759), I remember that "Footloose" episode very well. The kids
had endured that outdoor photo shoot wearing fall clothes in very hot weather. Just playing in and out of camera range, huh, TFW? The
kids were presented with backpacks, and I think she described them
as "rewards." Rewards for what? They're just having fun fun fun!
And I do remember when they all celebrated at the end dancing
to "Footloose," and Jon said something about Kenny Loggins to camera, like, "Call us!" And I thought, dude, who do you think you
are? They were really flying high back then. And to think that
comment actually got them an offer of concert tickets and special
No wonder TFW is so bitter. She had a taste of the good life, and
could've milked many, many more years out of it. Decades, even.
If only she'd shown a modicum of kindness, graciousness, respect,
appreciation, humility and, well, humanity.
I wonder if the media silence regarding the updated book and Kate's special aren't a coincidence? Meaning that, I think TLC/discovery and parent company Disney have far more to lose with the update of this book being released then Kate does. Let's face it, Jon was right when he stated that everybody knows that Kate is an a$$hole, her abuse of the children has been evident from all to see from the start so there's hardly anything shocking in that revelation. The shock factor is in the details of the depth and method of abuses, and more importantly the collusion and how many people and companies aided and abetted Kate in carrying it out.
I have no doubt, that from the very beginning TLC advised Kate to remain silent and not give Roberts book any more attention, and just let it blow over. But Kate with her narcissistic foolishness, had to bring in the lawyers. IIRC, Kate is the only one who actually sued Robert, and TLC/discovery merely filed an injunction to stop publication, which is not quite the same. Could it be that the TLC lawyers recognized the inherent danger of filing a lawsuit that the ensuing discovery phase would bring? That discovery phase with all of its subpoenas would negate and void all of the non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements, opening the way for the truth to come out. Imagine the fallout that would occur if they had to admit to what they knew? Certainly there would be fallout for Kate, but nothing in comparison to what could happen to them. Kate is one brand and one person, TLC is many.
After the airing of the RV episodes it seemed apparent that TLC was done with Kate. What then would give them the incentive to give Kate two more specials? Could it be that the specials were a reward to Kate for dropping her lawsuit? The timing at least remains suspicious, and the media blackout that seems to be occurring with this second release can hardly be a coincidence.
Kates a Twit,
thanks for the info. I'm off the check out the sells.
Thank you for the info too. I didn't scroll down far enough to see that you also responded to my question
Tucker's Mom said... 163
Yes, Jane, Kenny Loggins I'm suuuuuuuuure was begging his people to get him on J+K+8, with a concert in their backyard.
This is exactly the reason why real artists and performers look down their noses at "reality stars." It's the same reason the Hollywood Walk of Fame has vowed never to allow a reality star receive a star. These people did nothing to earn their fame nor did they put their time in perfecting a craft.
I do apologize if this has been posted, I did not read all the posts yet, but the word the admin. is looking for is Schadenfreude. The term means gaining pleasure from seeing others suffer misfortune of pain. It is one of the many behaviors of narcissists
Thank you. Now why do I feel I need a rumspringa?
Jane said... 172
Hadn't I seen a few short excerpts here? I thought in moderation was okay but yes, KIAT, let's see what Admin decides.
I'm kind of thinking Robert is not going to sic Mr. Garbus on us if a few brief passages are shared ;)
This is exactly the reason why real artists and performers look down their noses at "reality stars." It's the same reason the Hollywood Walk of Fame has vowed never to allow a reality star receive a star. These people did nothing to earn their fame nor did they put their time in perfecting a craft.
Exactly. As trashy as Hollywood can be we should strive to make it about "the arts." Music, theater, thespians, great screenplays and writers, artful direction, set design, production values. There is nothing about reality t.v. that remotely resembles "the arts." Hollywood should be about being creative and transforming you into another world. Reality shows are just "reality" even a fake reality, and has no place there.
Formerly Duped said... 147
TLC doesn't give an f--k about the poor Gosselin kids all they care about is $$$ and more $$$ and. As long as the kids are making bank TLC with cash in.
Trust me if KK would try against them they will do her dirty they would exposed her as well.
To those who keep asking how many books Robert has sold, in my opinion that is not important. Let's face it the book is probably NOT going to sell many copies (no offense Robert :) ). What IS important is letting the public know that Kate is exploiting and abusing her children and possibly Shoka as well. Also, perhaps this could be a wake-up call for Kate to get help for her drinking and mental problems. The only way this venture would be profitable to Robert is if he sold the rights to the book and the book became a Lifetime-type television movie, imo.
That was the companies' stupid choice. And did all that material crap make her happy? Nope.
Well that's the sad thing. Look at all the time and effort she spent on freebies and where has it gotten them?
And where did it leave them? These kids seem so unsettled. Do they care about some stupid free coffee table? What about all the free trips Aaden can't even remember? How is that helping them now?
The Book Thief is in my ipad's Kindle as well but I've only read a handful of chapters so far.
It's interesting the narrator.
I have had TLC on in the background tonight and have only heard 1 commercial for K+8. Last week at this time, they had 2 commercials for every half-hour show. Now it seems to be 1 very short commercial every 2 hours or so. All it shows is the kids, the wind, and then Kate giving her "I'm so irritated/exausted" sigh. Then done. The other shows (Next Gread Baker, Sister Wives, HBB, Amish) are much longer and more frequent.
A few limited quotes are usually allowed under fair use for the purpose of criticism, discussion, etc.
I don't have a problem with quotes as long as you keep it limited. When it gets beyond one or two sentences posted to comment on it's pushing it. Books are quoted all the time but it's limited to one or two sentences.
Admin, that's one of the things I loved about The Book Thief - the narrator. Very unique perspective from which to write a book. Anything by David Sedaris is great for travel, because they are either short chapters or unrelated essays and you can read a little here and there. Sherman Alexie is the same, if you like him. I'm reading Blasphemy now, and he has the unique ability to make something tragic seem funny, while leaving a hint of the tragedy there as a reminder.
ITA Jane. That along with them having this long standing battle with the non fans that they hate so much, and they can't publicly change sides without losing face.
Yes. I never understood it. Is this enjoyable?
I just want to constantly ask but WTF does any of this drama have to do with the concerns raised about Kate? Stop avoiding the darn issue.
I mean seriously, what do who the editors are or aren't or WHAT have to do with the CHILD ABUSE??? The fact that there was some old alias put forth as an editor doesn't prove one damn bit those weren't Kate's words. The only thing it PROVES is that some old alias has resurfaced--that's neither here nor there and is certainly not an ah-ha moment. It's a "neither here nor there" moment. Big flipping deal.
Amy in Gone Girl reminded me of Kate in many ways.
Gone Girl is going to be a movie but I doubt it will be as good as the book.
Admin (#794), the same with the fans blaming Jon for leaking the
stories. If they hadn't happen, there'd be nothing to leak! And if
they did happen, and TFW wrote about them herself, well, how in
the holy heck are they still defending her? Gah!
I have Lone Survivor and Lean In for audiobooks when I'm driving. I've already read several chapters in Lean In and disagree with a lot of it but that's fun I don't mind hearing her perspective. I think one of the big flaws in her feelings about girls in school is that there are a very fair number of children both male and female who are simply shy and that's why they are demure in school. Not because of "gender roles." But I digress....
Yes exactly that's another thing you just can't get through to their thick heads.
That it's neither here nor there WHO leaked the information or if no one did. It...does....not....matter in the context of whether the child abuse is true.
It's like they have no earthly idea how to cast doubt on credibility. They do the age old, weak debate thing that you want to avoid because it's a sign of weakness: red herrings.
It's like they have no earthly idea how to cast doubt on credibility.
Unless it's someone other than their queen like Jon or here or anyone that doesn't like KK.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 194
I just want to constantly ask but WTF does any of this drama have to do with the concerns raised about Kate? Stop avoiding the darn issue.
I mean seriously, what do who the editors are or aren't or WHAT have to do with the CHILD ABUSE???
Maybe it is because lifting your infant by his hair, or shoving a child's face into a pile of dog poo, or ever locking a child out of the house into the snow with no coat is what they ALL do. Their reply would be: Well you would do it too if it made you money. Or you would do it too if you were tired. They think it is normal. They think it is excusable! They dont get that abuse of this kind (or most any kind) is extremely ill, mentally ill, much too ill to be in charge of raising a child.
I am more and more convinced that the sheeple get off on Kate's abuse; they are living vicariously and wish desperately they could make money by shoving their kids' faces into a pile of dog poo. They admire the savvy she had in finding a way to accumulate a Kardashian lifestyle by simply abusing her husband, brother, and children. For pay!!
Millicent 150:
Live + Same Day Ratings: 2,359,000
L & SD 18-49 Ratings: .8% of 126,960,000 viewers in this age range
My understanding from their "How Ratings Work" FAQ is that Neilsen has 126,960,000 people who fall in the 18-49 demographic. Of that group, only 8% watched Kate last Thursday , roughly 1,015,000 of that 126.69 million. Basically, a little less then half her viewers fell in the 18-49 age range according to Neilsen/TV by the Numbers. The other half would be made up by other demographics - teens and older people (50+).
By the time this gets posted, I hope someone else has posted Kate's tweet about her dumb gas station question, along with Milo's non-stop follow-up tweets begging for Kate to tell her what the question was.
I just can't.
Milo, shutupshutupshutup!!!!!!!! You are an ass.
Jillygee - I was going to post the same thing! Avenue Q is one of my favorite shows.
The reason Kate doesn't have a copier/fax machine is simply because no one has sent her one for free and arranged for someone to install it for her.
Yep. Spot on, PatK
I found this surfing around. What is this guys problem?? (Al Walentis) He really hates Robert Hoffman. I wonder what the story is.
Random thought. Knowing now that she never cooked and still doesn't, on the "rare" occasion that she does serve her slop, I wonder if she makes the kids worship her efforts because she doesnt want to be outdone by the professional chef? They can obviously taste the difference. Making them eat that eggplant parm for days? It was probably because they complained about it.The thumbs up is probably a contest between her and the chef. They KNOW who has to win
@Kateplusmy8: Filled a gas can at station&bc I have safety concerns re gas, I ?'ed a 'Dumb Girl' ? 2 a nice older man 2b sure..he didn't seem2mind!;) #THX
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 LOL Did the older man smile? May we ask what the "dumb" question was? :) #AnotherBlondeMoment
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Did U ask ..."Is it safe 2put the cap back on?" #HeatAndCombustion #Boom!!
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Did U ask ..."Is it dangerous 4me 2smell the fumes N my car? Will I pass out?" :)
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 Will my car explode when I turn the ignition on? :) #DyingToKnowWhatYouAskedNow
Shutupshutupshutupshutup! And just for the record Milo, SHE'S NOT REALLY BLONDE SO SHE CAN'T HAVE A BLONDE MOMENT! Shutupshutupshutupshutup! And another just for the record, Kate, you're a dumb ass. Whatever happened to "can do Kate". Yeah, just an episode for the realist reality show. Thought so.
They have very cheap fax/scanning programs through your ipad or computer that do an excellent job. For all the gas she wastes going into town looking busy at kinkos and being seen she could have saved hundreds just signing up for one of those services.
I'm one of those people who gets really weepy when an animal is in peril in the movies, so the stories about the dogs had me in tears.
Not the kids' stories aren't horrific!
I skipped the entire section on animal abuse. I just couldn't read it.
T -- Disney is not the parent company for TLC. Discovery Communications is the parent company for TLC (and Animal Planet, the Oprah Winfrey Network, the Military Channel, The Discovery Channel, etc,).
I'm about 3/4 of the way through the book. Robert has included a lot of new information. The chapter "In Steve We Trust" was particularly interesting. He drew a very clear timeline of Steve's involvement with the family. He never came right out and said that he thought Steve and TFMJG were having an affair, but I certainly got the impression that he believes that they are. I'm hoping and praying that some enterprising journalist picks up on the story and makes a national issue of it. It would do my heart good to see TFMJG knocked off that pedestal she's put herself on. One thing really struck me, so far. IIRC, TFMJG ridiculed Jon because he "needed help" caring for the kids when she was off gallivanting around the country on one of her book tours. Robert included a memo from Jon's lawyer to TFMJGs lawyer during the divorce, stating that Jon wanted the babysitter hours reduced while he was staying with the kids, because he wanted to take care of them himself. Just as we've always said -- she can't manage her children, but Jon doesn't seem to have any difficulty doing it.
I bought the book Sunday night but I'm having a hard time reading it. I just read the first chapter. OMG little church girl was/is a little slut.
She had boyfriends, but to say she was a "little slut" is a bit over the top, in my opinion.
And why WHY does she not take her meds if she has been diagnosed with Bipolar? Siblings confirmed this. It won't cure her narcissism but it would certainly improve her kids' lives, even just a teeny bit
TLC stinks said... 138
You would think this woman would have an all-in-one printer at ho
But she does have a bread machine that slices bread as it bakes; a deli slicer and a French yogurt machine.
Al said (in part) in his article "Instead, buyers get a warmed-over version of the original book – excerpts from Kate's now-copyrighted journal reduced to paraphrase in order to comply with fair use law. Hoffman didn't even edit out his fear that he might be sued, and the absence of any discussion of the court battle suggests there may have been some agreement with Kate's lawyers."
What would that agreement have been Al? That Robert can go ahead and publish the book again?
GAS is not exactly a funny thing to have a "blonde moment" about.
Shut up shut up shut up shut up!!!
What would that agreement have been Al? That Robert can go ahead and publish the book again?
Lol. Good one.
oh boy
Vanessa said...6
Wow, Vanessa, good catch! That W is so competitive in everything on earth! Katherine's cooking skills would not surprise me. But didn't she just cook for the W and the W cooked for the kids?
I watched just a few things on the special. It was just making me sick. She is so vile. I could scream at that propaganda board in the kitchen white w/brown letters.
Know that you are loved. Hug each other. Is this board just for Zorro?
What a fat, lying hypocrite!
So funny when one of the "beloved crew daddies that have been with them since the beginning of time" asked the W when she took Zorro out of his cage, Is that a new pet?
Thought the "crew daddies" came by, ate dinner, played with the kids, go on vacation with them and their families.
And he had no idea about, Zorro? hahahahaha
I can't believe I forgot to mention in the recap her crap about how it's the same ole crew. Although I guess she said that in an interview which is why.
I just find that impossible to believe. At just this moment in time they assembled the same crew from TWO YEARS ago??? Do they all not work otherwise? PLEASE!
That is just not how crews work. It's just not. You're constantly here there and everwhere on various gigs. You will never be able to assemble the same exact crew again project to project, which is one reason why it's so darn sad when movies wrap because you know that will just never be the same again. You can do it episode to episode by contract but for an update special that's utter nonsense and I don't believe it for one second unless she proves it in writing.
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