Our summer weather is finally poking through the June gloom but there's still never any parking, so I had to steal a spot at the grocery store, buy a jar of marinara sauce and a couple bananas to make me feel like I had good morals and values, and take a long walk in the blistering sun to the Apple Store for my Genius Bar appointment. My d, f, g, h, j, k, and l keys aren't working, I explained, dabbing the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand, and I really need the K like now. Apple blue man, who actually has quite a nice name I won't disclose, was not so interested in my K woes. But he ran a few tests and promptly announced, "It looks like your d, f, g, h, j, k, and l keys aren't working. We'll have to fix those." Yes. If you please.
I like how these early 20-somethings have a way of sort of shaming you over your stupid laptop. It's your laptop and you can do what you want with it, even be reckless. I mean, you paid for it. They look at you like your dad looked at you in 1986 when you were 20 minutes late for curfew. "So, you spilled something on the keys?" Apple asked disapprovingly.
"No!" I exclaimed, scandalized. "I never eat or drink or even think of such things around my laptop!" I didn't want to let him down.
"Yeah they always say that, then we open it up and find a puddle of sticky diet Sprite."
Yikes. You can't get anything past these blue men. He was making me nervous, like interrogation nervous. And then I was laughing at myself for being nervous, heh. But he laughed too, which was cute. Okay, fine, maybe I did spill a little. Once. It was a Corona. It snorted out when somebody or other on the blog here made yet another wise crack. It was just a few drops, and it was a really long time ago. I can't say he was asking me this to see if I would be covered by my warranty, because my warranty has long since been blown and he knew that. So he was just generally shaming. Probably for fun. A pastime. Count how many people own up to their Corona mishaps in an hour's time. Blue men are sick people.
Alas the Mac will be back next week all prettied up and alcohol free. In the meantime I've dusted off an old Dell which has about 30 seconds of battery life if you accidentally unplug it, so you have to try not to do that or really hurry if it happens. First world problems: I know it when I have them. Now I'm finally off with the recap, checking my power connection every few minutes as I go!
Coming up on Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10. Cousin It here decided it's time to throw the "little kids" a big birthday party. Cousin It went to the Joan Crawford school of parenting in that It has a problem with parents who let their children win. Because that turned out oh so well for Christina.
For all the T.V. Cousin It watches you would think she would have seen that film by now. I mean, it replays all the time. She probably skipped over DVRing it because she's not interested in some other mother being the dearest. Hey, I thought we aren't allowed to judge how someone parents. I thought we are to support parents and especially mothers no matter how f-ed up their parenting is. Or is only It allowed to have a problem with how other people parent? Heh.
If you're wondering why I'm referring to Kate as Cousin It, it's not because I can't get my K to work. It's because the hair is really that bad. Like a flat, sad little shih tzu with roots.
Well they certainly had fun with this in the editing room. It crows on and on about how the surprise she has in store for the kids will be the most amazinglish wonderful thing ever and she will probably be crowned bestest Mommy in all the land. Then TLC cuts to the children around the dinner table just as Aaden's face falls. Nice touch.
Credits roll. I think these are pretty similar to what they had before, only you can tell they are really under a tight budget because there was no real photo shoot this time. They just use screen captures of Kate and the kids from the couch interviews. Some of the captures are pretty lazy, with the kids not making their best smile or expression. Cara's is even a little blurry, lol. It was probably one of those things where the deadline is 6 p.m. and you just need the photo in there you don't have time to mess around with getting it perfect. Hannah's hair looks just like Kate during her Baby Jane phase. It looks ridiculous on a ten year old. Also now that she has gotten older she's the spitting image of photos I've seen of Kate when she was a child, only brunette. The rest of the kids look like Jon, mercifully, especially Alexis and the boys, only they have Kate's large teeth. They will grow into those I'm sure but at this age it's awkward. Which is another reason kids this age should be left to hit puberty in private. Even the group photos at the end are old, old, old, which is so silly when it's supposed to be an "update." LOL I can just picture Cousin It's rage when she found out there would be no photo shoot day this time around. No day to glam and primp for hours and play celebrity with Deanna and the "team" while the kids push and shove and raid the food truck.
March. Spring Break. Kate says they've grown up a lot since the cameras left and really learned what's important. Which would be? She never says. I'm going to take a guess she hasn't learned that privacy is the most important thing right now for her famous children and she's vowed to protect it with everything she has from now on.
Oh, Cousin It has been replaced by Baby Jane, which is a bit jarring.
For continuity sake, you should probably stick with the same "look" for one update special or if you must change your look, do something subtle like wear your hair up instead of down. She looks like a completely different person and it's distracting. I get this sense about her she likes showing up with some completely new and different hairstyle every time her fugly mug shows up on T.V. or even more than once on the same program. Because that's what all the cool celebrities do like Brad Pitt. Only he manages to pull the constantly changing thing off without coming across like a complete tool, so he gets a pass.
Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall is just about the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It's a pity his "just hold me while I quietly cry because I feel guilty that I indirectly caused my kid brother's death" look didn't make it to the above graphic because it was the best one. Okay I can't help myself here it is:
Told ya.
Baby Jane's skin looks like it got run over by a Mack Truck. I hope it has insurance. Kate's right a lot has changed!
Meet Zorro, the newest member of the Gosselin family to be exploited. Okay he's kinda cute, and at least he probably has no idea what a hellhole he lives in. A producer is asking Jane mundane questions about their morning routine and sounds bored. Jane's answers are equally boring. On school days they have breakfast early. On non-school days, it's later. Um, sometimes they make it themselves. Um, sometimes I make it. Um, shoot me. It's hysterical how they act like there is something special and interesting about multiples and meal times. There's not. You prepare more food. Pretend it's a dinner party with eight of your friends over, only this happens every day. Nobody asks how you possibly managed to get dinner on the table for eight friends. Eventually after ten years of this you'd think you'd get into a routine and this wouldn't be a big deal anymore, but it's Baby Jane and she loves talking about the super special ways she does the most mundane of things.

Anyway I bring her up because Alexis reminds me a lot of her. It's been impossible to find out what ever happened to Noley other than at some point she studied film at Chapman, which is a very good film school. I wish her the best, she was pretty in demand and must have spent a huge chunk of her childhood on movie sets. I'd love to chat with her about all that someday.
The kids are really wild about the bird. I'm glad they have something to care about. Kate comes about as close to admitting the kids' father is still alive when she says they haven't seen Zorro all weekend since they just got back. Back from? I don't think the kids were off having a spa weekend in the Poconos. It's very sad she can't acknowledge their father's very real presence in their lives.
He loves Rice Krispies! the girls say. Ha, aw. Aaden explains that Zorro is also known as "the president." Um, Aaden, this is about as far from a democracy as you can get. But I appreciate Zorro's optimism. Somebody's gotta try an' veto this bitch once in awhile.
I like Zorro. Hey maybe that's what that dumb Hailey meant about this special pulling presidential ratings. She thought it was actually going to feature the president. You know there's nothing funnier or more pathetic than an ex-girlfriend who ponies up to another ex-girlfriend or ex-wife just because the only thing you even remotely have in common is you both hate your ex.
We saw this part in the promo. Kate has already started a bunch of eggs but only now asks the children do they want eggs. Ah, narcissists are so fun. Nice little trap there, because the only answer is really yes. I mean, yes please, Mommie dearest. If you don't want eggs, you'll be punished for the ungrateful little brat you are. Or at the very least you're made to feel guilty because Jane already spent so much time and energy preparing them so lovingly for you while you got your sleep.
Quick shot of Mady doing her hair in the bathroom. Eek, that's creepy. Can we at least leave the bathrooms off limits? Mady looks really different without makeup. I didn't realize how much she was wearing before.
Poor shmoopy has been home a lot more since the traveling has dried up. She must hate that. Good.
It's hard for Baby Jane to grasp that her children can pour their own cereal these days. No, she really says this. These children are 10 and 13. Shouldn't she be well used to this amazing feat by now? I heard they have started walking too, and drink out of cups. A few are even talking in full sentences. Shmoopy makes sure with every boring thought she shares with us we notice that she spent 49.99 getting her nails all dolled up for the occasion.
Yes shmoop, the kids are self-sufficient now. Which is just the first step in them NOT NEEDING YOU ANY MORE WHICH MEANS YOU'RE IRRELEVANT. Ha-ha, you're toast, shmoops.
"Vacuum up Christmas tree needles" needs to be written into their lengthy and painful chore charts? Only shmoops could suck the ever living joy out of Christmas by making a chore out of picking up after Jesus.
The kids have been asking what it was like when they were babies, like how did they take care of them all. That's kind of cute. Shows they really are getting older and are finally understanding what they are and what that meant when they came into the world. Why wouldn't you just love this time in their lives instead of constantly pining after the baby years? Kids who ask questions about themselves when they were babies are fun!
A few boring flashback clips. The most we see of Jon are his hands feeding the babies a banana. Still, I'd be calling up TLC demanding my cut, Jon!
The girls explain that the "only" chores the boys do are take care of their fifty chickens. Oh well the only thing a farmer does is farm. Geez, they're mean. Also that's a lie, since we know from their chore charts seen on Wife Swap that the boys are also on bathroom duty. Kendra thought it was very unfair they never rotated the chores. Kendra is right. And Kate has learned nothing from that experience as nothing has changed. Basically the boys are still on constant shit duty, chicken, human or otherwise.
Kate says the reason they have chickens is so the boys can have a "man chore." Whoa, cue 1955. What the hell? How come you don't have chickens because they produce yummy eggs and are fun and feathery? Also as others have pointed out, chickens, Kate, are traditionally not a "man chore." She's so dumb and senseless it's painful. In fact there are a good number of paintings from the 19th century telling us exactly who has always done this work.
![]() |
Julien Dupre, French, 1851-1910 |
Some old clips of Aaden, who was probably the cutest of all the babies. He's grown into a pretty cool kid, with rad glasses and a fun belly laugh. I really like the boys. They tease each other but it's not usually nasty and cruel like the girls are. "Sometimes he's a little clueless. In a good way, in a good way!" Collin says. Ha. What's good clueless? I guess this would be good clueless:
Wook at him he's so cuteeeeee. Commercials! How many Amish shows does TLC have anyway? Couldn't they consolidate? As @localyocul pointed out, The Learning Channel has become the little people multiples cake channel. I will add to that the Amish little people multiples cake channel. I guess you will learn a bit about religion, a little bit about reckless reproduction, a bit about obscure medical problems, and a bit about baking. A well rounded education.
Mady gets her LAST REDEMPTION (cue the timpani) when she dares to suggest that the lame "fun things" Kate has planned over spring break might not be fun. That tragic clip has been discussed enough so I won't belabor it too much except to say Mady when you play the Game of Thrones you win or your die.
"I got those girls cell phones and ipads so I could take them away." She's realized she can get under their skin by cutting off their friends. She's good at shit like that. Cutting people off I mean. And getting under everybody's skin.
They can go to this play zone thing but they can only pick two fun activities to do. You may not pick one. You may not pick three. You will make your selections and write your name on the fun zone chart in blue marker for boys and red marker for girls. You will use capital letters, no cursive. Once you have made your selections the contract becomes binding. Should you fail in this mission, your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth.
Mady tells the little kids about one of the activities and says it's pretty dumb because you can't even touch the ball so don't pick that one. This really pisses Kate off, because apparently Mady is not allowed to give her siblings advice. As @Layla and others so astutely pointed out, the hook of this show was the dynamic between Kate and Jon. Now that he's been so marginalized they need someone new Kate can spar with. Cue Mady! Except, she's thirteen. A child. "Their developing self-esteem is at stake," Layla explained. "It's not a level playing field, and it's not fair."
The twins didn't want to go to play zone at all, they explain. Well, I'm sure they didn't. I've been to play zone type places and they're usually more for little kids. Plus who wants to go to something geared for younger kids with a bunch of your younger siblings. It's just normal to resist this and it's no wonder Mady is frustrated.
Mady explains that she's been trying to talk to Kate all day and Kate just blows her off. I can't imagine that. Kate says she can't talk to her because all she does is whine. Kate is making such a teenager 101 mistake here in that she is trying to debate the issue with Mady.
Mady is a teenager and this is why she has no filter, Kate says. Nope, Mady has lived with you for the past 13 years, that's why she's finally just laying it all out there, shmoops.
Like any mother-daughter relationship, sometimes we don't get along, Mady explains happily on the couch, probably some several hours or days later. Ha, sounds like Mady has been studying the Gosselin PR/BS manual like a good Shmoopy Youth. Kate is sitting right next to her ready to snap her fingers just in case.
Baw-haha, Kate dramatically talks about how she broke her "foot" last year and doesn't want to do that again. Mom, you broke your toe, one of them explains. Toe, toe, toe! all the rest chime in forcefully. Kate, welcome to the concept of "ganging up." They've figured it out, and it's glorious.
Wow she's really pissed off that they're not letting her set the agenda here finally. Finally I am enjoying this show. "I don't really care!" she says with a childish wave of her hand. "It was broken and you still forced me to hobble about and feed you!" When all else fails pull the "I feed you so I'm the martyr so shut up" card. That's very mature. For that little stunt @AuntieAnne dubbed her the Hobbling Harridan. Lol, perfection. I'm proud to say it happens often on this particular blog.
I love how nothing, nothing is ever Kate's fault. Ever. It's not that she tripped on the island. It's that the island tripped HH. Heh, even the island wants out.
"There's nothing to yell about!" Kate yells.
Lol, the producer is soooo bored. "So you guys have a hard time making a decision as a big group?" he asked tiredly.
"Yes," the twins explain, equally bored.
At this point my DirectTV loses its signal. It's a clear sunny California day and my Direct TV only goes out about once a year, so this is weird. I can only conclude it's gone the way of the island too and can't stand this woman. It leaves me with a bizarre error message reading, "this location is not authorized." That sounds so final.
Well, a reboot did the trick and I'm back. That was scary for about two minutes. Now we're profiling Hannah, the golden child. Of course she's mature, kind and beyond her years, Kate explains earnestly. Why, it's hard to imagine she's part of the sextuplets she's so touched by an Irish angel.
The little kids are a little more on this planet. They say well, let's see how to describe Hannah. Hannah loves animals. Heh. Well yeah cause she's ten not Gandhi. It's a relief to know none of the kids appear to be nuts.
Commercials. Did you know TLC is offering life tips now? Naturally they're life tips for dummies, like keep an extra pair of flats in the office to slip on when you leave work and head to happy hour. Does their average viewer even go to happy hour? I thought most people watching this channel have either toddlers or grandkids and have to fill up on gas after work and swing by CVS for some wipies. I guess this is learning in any case. Nobody wants sore feet.
They spend an incredibly long time talking about the car situation, but they show a few clips of Jon helping the kids get buckled in so it's worth it. Kate "gave" the first BBB to Jon. Wait, the same BBB that they were grifted back in the day? Lol, I have never seen anyone so self-serving. Conveniently nobody makes mention of the two other cars she has including that Audi. Heh.
Some nice workers at Play Days organize some games for the kids. Mady doesn't want to be there, and Kate doesn't like her attitude. Mady explains it's not an attitude issue it's that Kate is not listening to her. Oh, Kate's listening, Mady. She'll just never respect or care about your wants and needs. Mady would be better off saying the opposite, that she does desperately want to be there. Then she might have a much better chance of getting to stay home.
The editors are cracking me up. When Kate talks about some meltdowns the kids used to have as babies, they show a clip of mostly just Kate melting down. Ha! Her number. They have it. And also, this is not a meltdown. This is a thirteen year old child with needs calmly and rationally telling her mother she would prefer not to attend this particular event. What's wrong with that?
Can you imagine if they made an entire series out of all this? I mean, absolutely nothing has happened and we're halfway through the show.
Jenna, Mady's best friend, shows up to Play Days and Mady is instantly much happier.
"You should have told me that. I hate surprises," Mady scolds. Had she just known Jenna was coming she says she would have been in a much better mood. I'm sure that's true. Kate, the bitch, says fine I just won't invite any friends next time then.
Ugh. Oh my God.
"Who does that?" Mady demands. Yeah that is pretty screwed up. I mean, surprises should have a purpose behind them, such as you don't want to spoil the birthday or anniversary surprise until the moment the gift or trip arrives. To withhold someone's friend from them, pretend like nobody's coming to help make this bearable for them, and watch your daughter be in a terrible mood all day because she thinks she's going to have to hang out with her younger siblings the whole time, is actually pretty sadistic. Kate likes to watch her children squirm, and I know there must be a word for that somewhere. Psychotic maybe?
They're playing some kind of variation of dodge ball and Kate is crazy eyes competitive. Well that's frightening to watch. Oh speaking of Crazy Eyes, there was a pop up food truck going around L.A. today promoting Orange is the New Black. A couple of my friends ran into it and posted photos. They had pie and, you guessed it, chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream. That's so brilliant and fun. I heart that women's prison.
Like they showed in the beginning, Kate has an opinion about other people's parenting! Hypocrite. She even wrote an entire blog posts about how we should only build parents up called "Walk a Day in my Heels." Heh, tool. Thanks to @Kateisatwit for finding it. "It’s time for all of us to make a change whereby all parents truly stick together! Period! No more contests, no more darts; just support, help, and concern for each other!"
Hey, I don't have a problem if Kate disagrees with how someone parents. We're allowed to have disagreements and say so, that is how society progresses and does not become sheep and how we ultimately raise better children. Our goal as a human race should be to communally raise better children, even though we all have our own respective children. Because better children means the human race is stronger. Ultimately I think that's the evolutionary reasons behind why so many people give a crap about somebody else's parenting. I mean, somewhere along the way somebody felt the need to say hey Ezra maybe you should let your child speak at the dinner table once in awhile. Somewhere along the way somebody said hey Prudence maybe we shouldn't hit little Elizabeth here with that paddle. They did it because we all have a vested interest in making things better for society's children, or should.
A picture of pugs dressed up as pilgrims because it's my blog and I can.
But then that's going to go for Kate too. If she criticizes other parents then she too is subject to criticism.
So, she doesn't think parents should let their kids win. At ... anything? Ever?
Oh where to begin. Congratulations, shmoops, you beat a thirteen year old at dodgeball. No one is saying always let your children win. Although come to think of it, my sweet father always, always let us win. I don't think he is capable of beating us, his gentle heart just won't let him do it. That said, what kids need is a healthy dose of both. The need to win some things so they learn how to win, and they need to lose some things so they learn how to lose. The awesome posters on this blog suggested a game of chance like Candy Land to accomplish this goal. That way you don't have to be sort of "dishonest" in letting them win. They will win and lose sometimes in games of chance. So beat them sometimes, and don't beat them sometimes. I guarantee you when they have properly learned how to handle both, they will ask you not to let them win anymore. Just be patient, it comes at about age 15. All that results in never letting your kid win is a child who grows into a frighteningly competitive adult who takes pleasure in pummeling little children with red nerf balls and can't get a date because Dad never let them win at Connect Four when they were seven.
You know her "don't let them win" attitude stretches across the board. It's clear whenever Mady engages with her Kate must have the last word on it and she'll swipe iphones and torture them with surprises and such to be sure she "wins."
Kate's so psycho out there on the court that Mady hurts her knee trying to keep up. Even while Mady is still limping Kate keeps going, just outright pummeling her until she wins. Then she tries to hug her, but Mady dives away in disgust.
"I'm sorry. I had to," Kate says later on the couch.
"I don't accept your apology," Mady retorts. Good, because that wasn't an apology.
Mady and Cara have the same personalities as they did when they were younger only Cara is more beaten down and Mady is more bitter. They show a little montage. It's good to see the twins seem to still like each other and have remained close. Mady needs constant reminders to take on a task to the best of her ability and win, Kate explains.
Win what? Life is not one giant game of Hungry Hungry Hippos, geez. Why is it so important to her the kids be so competitive? Hard-working, yes, but competitive? That can definitely be a negative trait especially when it comes between you and knowing when to quit. This is so funny because Kate doesn't seem to appreciate that this is exactly how Mady behaves towards her. She takes Kate to task and must win. And she does a pretty good job of it for a 13-year-old. It's become a battle of wills of epic proportions, and the awesome thing is there will be at least five more years of this karma every day for shmoops.
They flashback to the time when they ice skated for the first time. I really appreciate how respectful TLC is being to Jon. Every clip of him shows him being a loving and attentive father. For instance his gentle hand on Mady's back when she fell on the ice. I forgot how patient and gentle he generally was with the children when they were little. A few moments of frustration can be forgiven when the vast majority of the time you are very kind and attentive.
Back to today, and these kids still can't ice skate? Wow this is bad. Geez every kid living in the Northeast should know how to do that by now. Joel is the perfect child, Kate announces. I'm sure the other kids appreciate hearing that. Oh, the kids know she feels that way so don't worry, she explains. Oh, okay then.
Kate can't even stand up on the ice. Where has she been the past 39 years? She gets on a chair and the kids push her around. "Is this how you're going to push me when I'm old?" she asks. Eh, maybe. Though I imagine that may look something more like this:
The ice skating wasn't so bad. They had fun and Kate was okay to them, minus making it all about her when she made a spectacle of herself out on the ice..
Some of the younger kids are playing in the living room. Seemingly without provocation Collin blurts out to Hannah that her hair is ugly. Probably just pent up frustration since it's not fun to be the scapegoat and watch the golden child be treated like princess for a day every day.
Kate yells at him across the room that he shouldn't say things like that and we should only build others up. Oh, so that's what that little rampage she went on against the non-fans last year was about, building others up? What about when she ripped Kendra a new one with a laundry list of issues and basically accused her of being lazy and waited on hand and foot by Hank Sr.? Heh.
Collin looks absolutely crushed and just when I think she's really shut him up for good, he says, I was just being honest, it was ugly.
Oh shit.
Collin's eyes are full of tears. Poor kid. Kate explains that he needs to put his words through a filter and instead of saying that's ugly, say something like, "I've seen it look better." Haha. Oh, yeah cause that's so much nicer. Good grief. It's rather amusing watching someone with some of the worst social skills I've ever seen lecture her son about social skills. I especially like the part where she instructs Collin not to be honest. Well, that's confusing. I kind of look like Carrie Ann right now, cheek resting on my hand, just sort of equally fascinated and incredulous of this borg.
Oh and hey how about Leah tattling on Collin and making sure Kate heard what he said. Whatever Leah. There's sibling rivalry, and then there's sibling nastiness, and what I've seen so far is just nasty and goes way beyond normal sibling conflicts. Any one of them will sell anyone else down the river just to survive. There's no loyalty or compassion at all from especially the sextuplet girls, and I fear for their sibling relationships later on in life.
There's really nothing else Collin can say to this nonsense but "yes." Which is what Collin says. Yes, Mom. Sure, Mom.
The old clips of Collin they show are mostly sweet. It's oh so appropriate to call your child "manipulative." What? He's your child, not Lisa Vanderpump. He's also challenging authority. Rise up, proletariat.
Kate's done what any fun mother would do over spring break and filled it up with doctor appointments. Actually, I don't mind that. It's better that they not be pulled out of school. Although like anything this is probably more for Kate's convenience than the children's. The twins say they always get dragged along. Why? They're thirteen. Surely they can stay home alone for a few hours and watch T.V. or something. Or is Kate afraid they might google? You know I have a theory on her paranoia over Google. I don't think it's that she's afraid they'll see something about the family and their feelings will be hurt. Rather I think she's pretty darn afraid they will see some of the countless negative things written about her, Kate, and might actually agree with it! After all, there are numerous articles from numerous well known publications, many relying on psychologists and other parenting experts, criticizing her parenting and taking up for the children. Her own former employer The Stir thought that the incident where she took Mady's iphone away was handled terribly by Kate. A kid like Mady would print that out just to prove a point. No wonder Google frightens Baby Jane.
You know there are so many little things in this monstrosity I could spend forever on this recap, but just one of them is Hannah randomly hitting Leah as they cross the street. I know she then hugs her, but I find this behavior very strange and inappropriate especially from a ten year old. But it's just allowed, no repercussions at all. Why is that? The rules in this family are arbitrary, and enforced arbitrarily, and the resulting chaos is not at all surprising.
Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be for a ten year old to have a camera crew along for doctor's appointments? It was bad enough when they were little.
In another of the rare nice moments, the kids all help Aaden pick out a new pair of frames. He seems to love the attention and Kate does another good thing in that she has the kids give a thumbs up or thumbs down to the various frames. Now there is a fun way to help someone out with something that might end up "ugly" on them, without hurting their feelings. I agree with Kate for once, he is extra cute in those glasses.
Kate really liked their third birthday party carnival and wants to recreate it. For a ten-year-old?? I don't know. I don't think the kids remember a darn thing from their third birthday party, that is really a stretch. I think they're remembering the episode. At least Aaden admits he really doesn't remember a thing from when he was little. Ha, so much for the memories. He should get his money back!
Kate announces her scathingly brilliant idea, and the kids immediately think it's the dumbest thing they've ever heard.
Lol, waa-waa.
Because it's a narcissist, they have a fake debate about this but ultimately the carnival theme is of course going forward full steam ahead. Zorro is so cute on Kate's shoulder chewing away on Kate's shirt like he owns the place.
It's great the way the kids constantly poke holes in Kate's catfish of a life on Twitter. You know how shmoops is always posting shit from their parties like bowls of pretzels and Super Bowl cakes like sort of a poor man's Good Housekeeping spread. Hannah explains that actually when they throw parties all Kate does is complain about how she doesn't want to do any of this. Heh.
Because Kate is a tease, she hints, hems and haws about some big thing she has dreamed up but in typical Kate fashion won't tell us what it is. I think the speculation on the blog that it's that Jonas brother who she was on Celebrity Apprentice with is spot on. I guess that might be okay for some of them but for the boys, I doubt this would be that big of a deal.
Mady also thinks this is one dumb idea, which is correct. Kate blames Mady for influencing the sextuplets.
Actually, I would like to point out that the sextuplets all immediately hated the idea and that Cara and Mady, even though they were sitting right there, did not say anything, look at any of them, or influence them in any way. They came up with the notion that they hated it on their own. It was only later when asked Mady said look I really don't care it's not my birthday, but if you're honestly asking, yeah I think it's dumb. So suck it, Kate.
Well this is sad and hard to snark about. Mady said she hopes the younger kids don't look up to her because she's a bad role model and just sits on her bed all day. Is she serious? Well, that's not normal. Cara mutters something about Mady threatening the tups.
Okay, this just took a rather creepy turn. Moving on please!
Leah bellyaches that it's not "fair" that whenever they have something going on Mady and Cara get to have friends over.
What the hell? I'm 100% on the twins side for this one. Of course they should be able to have friends over as much as they want as long as homework and choring and any other commitments are done. Especially when it's something going on with the younger kids. They are thirteen for gosh sakes and shouldn't be dragged along to every single thing that's happening with the ten-year-olds without a buffer. And also, it's really none of Leah's business whether Cara and Mady have friends over and when. That's Kate's call when they are with her and Jon's call when they are with him, period.
What's funny about this is that Kate has absolutely no control over any of this. The kids bicker like cats and dogs, are rude and unreasonable and nasty to each other and their mother, and she has no idea, none, how to get everyone to calm down, breathe and be kind. For all her condescending parenting blogs, these kids are just a mess of chaos and disrespect. To be clear, it's not their fault, and they are desperate for structure and a more pleasant environment, but it's not like Shmoops has set her sights on giving that to them any time soon. The priority here is "filming" not happiness. This pretty much validates everything Jon said last year about their struggles socially. It's hard to imagine very many kids would want to be around any of this.
Mady explains that the sextuplets intruded on her whole life plan when she was three and a half. Lol. The life plan was to not have six brothers and sisters, in case you were wondering.
Yeah, I don't think anyone's life plan includes six little siblings, says Cara, which is the most this poor kid has said in this entire episode.
In seriousness though, it's obvious both the twins have built up massive resentment of this whole situation over the past ten years and they don't even care at this point about blurting it out. Now that they are older, wiser and much more aware of everything, I think their anger has only gotten worse. Therapy would help them both. They desperately need to deal with these feelings somehow or risk never having a healthy relationship with their family. I'm not really sure what they are talking about when they say they are manipulative, but I think they think they have somehow conned Kate about this party and friends. You've lost me there though I do believe them when they say they've got Kate all figured out. Oh you bet they do.
That was a "negotiation session," according to Kate. Oh. I thought it was a knock down drag out. My mistake.
The famous Hannah pooped in Hannah's underwears clip that all the creepy sheeple love. Gross. Kate complains Leah's voice is like a machine gun. That's nice.
Kate and the younger kids head to a party store where Kate quickly finds a bright pink clown wig for herself. Hey, the model on the package looks just like Shmoopy. She should do appearances.
"Come an' get yer popcorn!" Kate cries. Hey, that's our line!
"Please no!" Leah cries. Ha.
Alexis gives Kate some lip in the store and when Kate reprimands her Alexis tells her, "good!" Ha, omg. Alexis has probably always been the most dynamic of the kids, and as a result probably has the most creepy fans of all of them. Remember that fan in Tennessee who even had her name tattooed on her. Yikes. Kate chews on one of those ugly white nails of hers.
Her favorite food is salmon. That's unusual. I like the metaphor of poor little Alexis swimming upstream against the narcissist that is her mother.
The kids continue to be "rabid beasts" at the store, says Kate. Well they're cute rabid beasts anyway, like this one.
Any parent would say that about their children, says Kate. That they're rabid beasts? Uh, no! Gaa, stop speaking for all parents. It drives @Vanessa and I, and many others, nuts!
You know, I agree with her, the kids were being downright obnoxious in the store. They were rude and I've never seen children with such a lip on them so constantly. It's super uncomfortable. But, that's Kate's fault. It doesn't have to be this way. Parenting would help. Try it sometime. What Kate does, which she calls parenting, is whine. She constantly whines to them about their behavior and then suggests other often equally bad behavior or only slightly better behavior in its place. Maybe that might work for some children but it's not helping for these kids. In fact it seems to be making it worse because they've learned they can keep pushing her buttons without anything but a lecture. And sometimes even talk her out of or into things they shouldn't. In other words they're playing her like a puppet with strings. Oh what a lovely role reversal. I also strongly suspect a lot of this behavior is due to years of pent up aggression for all kinds of reasons we all well know of, and the whole family needs to go to therapy for that, for starters. In any case, the great tragedy here is that this woman appears utterly clueless that what she thinks she does so well she just downright sucks at.
Kate says the party could be pulled off if the twins wake up in a good mood. Gaa she's such a tool. And mean. And obnoxious. I ate ate! Cara's body language is terrible. She's bending her head and covering her mouth with her hand. It's like the Today show redux. Interestingly enough Kate has not been invited back since that stunt.
Next time on Kate Plus 8, the birthday party is nearly ruined by gale force winds, and Kate gets stuck to a giant Velcro wall. Leave her up there, kids. Revenge for all those years of Velcro shoes. See you next time!
1256 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1256 Newer› Newest»I'm thinking TLC paid off TFW to drop the lawsuit...because *they* didn't want to go to discovery. Thus, the two badly/cheaply produced update specials?
Bet she's pissed cuz she thought she was going to get a posh trip out of the deal, along with Stevie time doing media rounds. And then they blur out Steve while not blurring Jon. Heehee.
I'd sure love to hear what Radar's 'inside' sources have to say about Steve being blurred.
Oh, yet another expert weighs in on the situation. This doctor has a doctoral degree in clinical psychology.
THIS is why Kate doesn't want the kids to Google. She doesn't want them finding the child development experts who have called her a shit crap mother.
Milo won't stop until she finds out what question Kate asked the man at the gas station. Maybe LOM should put her to be early tonight.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 18m
@Kateplusmy8 Enuf w/the suspense.....And the QUESTION was??? #DrumRoll ...... :)
A psychologist's take on the contents of Robert's book:
Here is her bio and credentials:
I'd love for someone who has access to the older episodes to compare the credits with the credits from the specials, just to see if the old crew really did return. I'd be willing to bet a month of banana splits that they didn't!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 8
They have very cheap fax/scanning programs through your ipad or computer that do an excellent job. For all the gas she wastes going into town looking busy at kinkos and being seen she could have saved hundreds just signing up for one of those services.
Not to mention having to take your personal/private/important papers out in public. I'm just little 'ol random nobody me... but I would not be comfortable taking my pertenent documents to a public place and have them scanned, copied or run through a fax. What if you leave one behind? You just never know. I never understood why she didn't have her own tanning bed and copier, why she repeatedly pays for those services over & over again for years. For the sake of her char broiled skin, I'm glad tho that she didn't get a home tanning bed.
Sparkle 27 said "I never understood why she didn't have her own tanning bed and copier . . . "
If she had her own tanning bed and copier, that would be 2 fewer excuses to get away from the kids.
I never understood why she didn't have her own tanning bed and copier
Because then she would be stuck at home even more? And we can't have that.
Whatever it takes to get her away from those kids she has no interest in...
The reason Kate doesn't have a copier/fax machine is simply because no one has sent her one for free and arranged for someone to install it for her.
There is a nice copy/fax machine right on the desk shown in the scene where Kate wanted to plan fun but Mady said "no fun". It is in clear view when one of the girls is has her legs drawn up to her chest. And guess what is also on it.......a note. That woman has notes all over the house.
I watched just a few things on the special. It was just making me sick. She is so vile. I could scream at that propaganda board in the kitchen white w/brown letters.
This isn't snark, but rather a valid question. Then why did you watch? I can't stand to watch her, listen to her, or see her horrible parenting skills, so I avoid listening to her spewing her lies, bashing Jon or being just her mean, miserable self.
Disgusted (187)
The book is offered for free to Amazon Prime members, so there's no way to tell how many people are reading it. We can only see how many have bought it. Of course, most people would download it for free out of curiosity, since it's available. Some may end up buying it, some may not. But just looking at the sales of the book does not give you an accurate picture of how many people have it now.
I would like to see it come out in hardcover form. So many people do not have Kindle, and many would still rather have a physical book to read.
A thought on the copier issue. We have a decent fax/copier/printer at home but there have been times when we have to print or fax or copy in volume and it just makes more sense to go to the local Staples. It's quicker and often less expensive than going through printer cartridges. Maybe she had to fax Laverne and Shirley the entire book??
Al said (in part) in his article "Instead, buyers get a warmed-over version of the original book – excerpts from Kate's now-copyrighted journal reduced to paraphrase in order to comply with fair use law. Hoffman didn't even edit out his fear that he might be sued, and the absence of any discussion of the court battle suggests there may have been some agreement with Kate's lawyers."
This guy is some piece of work, isn't he? Good grief, Al. Get over it. Your book didn't sell and you've been spitting out nothing but sour grapes ever since Robert published the original book. Take some antacid, for gosh sakes...anything to get rid of that bitter taste in your mouth. You're looking like a jerk.
Kate's tweeting, Milo's waving like crazy, and Kate is ignoring her.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 12m
@Kateplusmy8 I guess ur going 2leave us #Wondering what question U asked...& #Wondering what N the world ur doing w/that gas can 2nite? :)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 6m
@Kateplusmy8 Well...U are still up I see...who won 2day? Who is still standing there? YOU or the kids...:)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m
@Kateplusmy8 Well...U are still up I see...who won 2day? Who is still standing there? YOU or the kids...:)
She just won't stop, and oh yes, she is nuts. Isn't it past her bedtime yet?
Seriously, though, there really is something wrong with this person. If I were Kate, I'd really have red flags. You just have no idea what someone like this is capable of doing. Out of all the sheeple, this one scares me the most.
I feel like with all the notes posted all over the compound those poor kids are left with a sense of not even being able to do even a mundane task properly. They must be feeling so (a) mistrusted and (b) stupid. I hope and pray that Karma is working her way to Pennsylvania as I type. She can be slow to bring her form of justice but eventually she will show up. I can't think of any other human that is deserving of a little bit of Karmic Justice than Kate Gosselin.
I wonder if Dr. Sue was set to be an expert witness in case of trial?
Dr. Sue earned her reputation as a leading expert in child abuse and victims’ rights during the Jerry Sandusky trial. Her psychological commentary on the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, was broadcasted nationally. She has appeared on numerous television outlets around the country discussing victims’ rights. Dr. Sue has been featured as an expert in interviews by news outlets including the Philadelphia Inquirer, The Comcast Network, WNET NY Public Media, KYW NewsRadio, CBS Radio, Clear Channel Communications, Greater Media Philadelphia, ABC, NBC, Fox News and CBS.
Beyond Disgusted, your right. I was watching America's Got Talent and I quickly went and looked and I got a really good look at the girl tup who said Good in the store and the LOOK! wow. Then later, BAM your out! And M saying she was hurt. She fell at the W's feet on her left knee, then blink, M was against the wall and the W was honing in on the kill shot.
Who does that to their hurt child and then talks about it on the couch and blows it off? Then says, Will it scar her for life...no.
Calm as can be. Creepily Sadistic.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m
@Kateplusmy8 Well...U are still up I see...who won 2day? Who is still standing there? YOU or the kids...:)
She just won't stop, and oh yes, she is nuts. Isn't it past her bedtime yet?
I wonder if she is like this in "real" life, or just with Kate. I can't imagine if I were her teenage daughter, coming home from a night out with friends, and being confronted with a game of 100 questions. I'd get into my room as fast as I could, close the door and under my breath let loose with the shutupshutupshutup...just shut up for once in your life SHUT UP!
When Kate let Discovery know that she simply had to have a bigger house, these were a few of her "wishes": driveway to pool/guest house, barn or rumble room for the kids, home theatre for Fri night movies, tray ceilings for production lighting. Guess she planned to keep on filming.
Elizabeth Bailey @dukecoulard 5m
@Kateplusmy8 Meatloaf is on the menu for tomorrow's dinner - where can I find your recipe?
LOL! According to Kate's website, her cookbook is available for pre-order, to be released in September, 2013.
@Kateplusmy8: Ok ok..about gas station/gas can question:
I ?'ed him how 2 avoid leaking--Nozzle in, like when I bought it? Or nozzle out? #Legitquestion
If you are using the typical gas can that most of us use, common sense would dictate that to prevent leaks you'd have to have the top screwed back on. In order to screw the top on you've got to gave the nozzle in.
By sundown tomorrow, the fans will tell us it's all lies because
Dr. Sue had a parking ticket in 1974.
Just in case they buy it, I'm kidding.
Back to reading my cereal box. Ooh, these Cocoa Pebbles come
with a toy dinosaur!
After LOM shut off the lights, Kate finally answered Milo's question.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 9m
Ok ok..about gas station/gas can question:
I ?'ed him how 2 avoid leaking--Nozzle in, like when I bought it? Or nozzle out? #Legitquestion
Now we can all have a peaceful night's sleep.
Elizabeth Bailey @dukecoulard 5m
@Kateplusmy8 Meatloaf is on the menu for tomorrow's dinner - where can I find your recipe?
It's on the back of the cornflakes box, Lizbeth.
T -- Well Duh! I'm a regular user of IMDB and I never even thought to check there (hanging head in shame). Senior moment, I guess. Thank you! TV.com lists crew members for episodes too. They might have the info for the newest special. Your thought about "crew" meaning producer and Figure8 is pretty much what I was thinking, too.
“@GreggyBennett: Kate Gosselin's Cowardly Lion wig in her Kate Plus 8 interviews is out of control
Omg! This was posted by Greg Bennett who sometimes appears on RHONJ, and knows a thing or two about weaves and big hair. So funny! Bahaahaaahhaaaaa!!!
"Hoffman didn't even edit out his fear that he might be sued, and the absence of any discussion of the court battle suggests there may have been some agreement with Kate's lawyers."
Yes, Al. Because everyone was absolutely dying to hear all the details of that epic court battle.
Here. I will sum it up for you so you can stop worrying your pretty little head about why Robert didn't include any information on those legal proceedings in his book. Ready? Here are the oh-so-interesting and juicy details that Robert neglected to include:
1. Kate brought a nonsense lawsuit against Jon and Robert using an inept attorney who got schooled by Shawn Tuma.
2. Kate lost.
Any questions?
Oh, and Al, as to that phantom agreement? I suspect any negotiations would have gone down like this:
Kate's/TLC's Lawyers: Mr. Hoffman, if you release your book we will sue you.
RH: Okey, dokey.
Kate's/TLC's Lawyers: No, seriously. We mean it. We will sue you unless you agree to scrap the book.
RH: Too bad; so sad.
Kate's/TLC's Lawyers: You leave us no choice but to definitely sue you.
RH: Please do. I'll see you in discovery.
Kate's/TLC's Lawyers: Um. Never mind.
RH: So...we are in agreement. Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.
The End
Kate is a twit said... 46
After LOM shut off the lights, Kate finally answered Milo's question.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 9m
Ok ok..about gas station/gas can question:
I ?'ed him how 2 avoid leaking--Nozzle in, like when I bought it? Or nozzle out? #Legitquestion
Now we can all have a peaceful night's sleep.
But Milo won't. lol
Kate is a twit said... 46
After LOM shut off the lights, Kate finally answered Milo's question.
If Milo has a Kate twitter alert on her phone, is she allowed to use it after LOM has flipped the switch? If so, she'll see the tweet. If not, she'll have to wait until morning. I hope not knowing what question Kate asked isn't going to interfere with her eight hours of blonde beauty sleep.
Vanessa said... 6
Well we've all seen the dog vomit she cooks and calls food that she posted on her twitter.
If you were on of the eight would you want the tiny portions of dog vomit?
Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Her curls did look like the Cowardly Lion's mane after the pampering when they arrived in OZ. Why didn't we catch that one.
NJGal51 said... 7
@Kateplusmy8: Filled a gas can at station&bc I have safety concerns re gas, I ?'ed a 'Dumb Girl' ? 2 a nice older man 2b sure..he didn't seem2mind!;) #THX
Let's guess what you asked.
1. Do you put the gas in the car or does it just appears in the can it self?
2. Do I have to pay for the gas or can I grift it.
3. Do I have to remove the nuzzle for the pump first?
Hey Mr. Gas Station man "clap clap helloooo do you know who I am did you know I have 8 eight that I solely provide for.
Back to reading my cereal box. Ooh, these Cocoa Pebbles come
with a toy dinosaur!
Tyrannosaurus, Raptorex or Stegosaurus? I'm looking for the Rapto, but I can't read the cereal box info, so I'm not sure which one Cocoa is offering.
NJGal51 said... 44
KK doesn't have common sense like us mediocre folk do.
Bitchy Pants said... 46
T -- Well Duh! I'm a regular user of IMDB and I never even thought to check there (hanging head in shame). Senior moment, I guess. Thank you! TV.com lists crew members for episodes too. They might have the info for the newest special. Your thought about "crew" meaning producer and Figure8 is pretty much what I was thinking, too.
Bitchy Pants- Did you notice that IMDB also lists the # of episodes each crew member worked on? Let's compare the "star" Kate to one of the most critical crew members, the director (um...err I guess that should be directorS, since there are 6 of them listed.
Kate Gosselin ... Herself (135 episodes, 2007-2011)
Jeff Lanter ... (60 episodes, 2008-2011)
Jennifer Stocks ... (9 episodes, 2007-2008)
Beth Glover ... (9 episodes, 2011)
Scott McVeigh ... (3 episodes, 2008)
Brad Cruz ... (3 episodes, 2011)
Scott Enlow ... (1 episode, 2008)
Hmmmmmmm....is it just me or does something not add up?
“@GreggyBennett: Kate Gosselin's Cowardly Lion wig in her Kate Plus 8 interviews is out of control
Now that is funny. She does look like Bert Lahr!
3. Do I have to remove the nuzzle for the pump first?
Don't say "nuzzle" to Milo. She'll be there in a jiffy.
Kate Gosselin's House of Horrors
AuntieAnn said... 47
Elizabeth Bailey @dukecoulard 5m
@Kateplusmy8 Meatloaf is on the menu for tomorrow's dinner - where can I find your recipe?
It's on the back of the cornflakes box, Lizbeth.
Lizbeth. Lizbeth. Is that when Emma on Terms of Endearment was trying to get that girls name right at the luncheon when she went with her best friend? lol
Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Her curls did look like the Cowardly Lion's mane after the pampering when they arrived in OZ. Why didn't we catch that one.
Ha HA!!!
Oh I still love our Baby Jane nickname but gosh that one fits so well.
Oh and #mymacisbackthankyoubabyjesus
I imagine Robert wouldn't know much about their custody battles because the diary he has was obtained around about the same time Kate was officially kicking Jon out of the house. BEFORE the divorce and custody battles really hit their peak. He doesn't have her diary, if one even exists, from that point. In fact it's my understanding from what I've read of the diary it kind of peters out when they got older ANYWAY. The bulk of the must disturbing entries were from when the kids were babies.
Look I've had my issues with Robert but some of the criticism of this is so ridiculous and COMPLETELY MISSES THE POINT. I am all for debate but not when it is deliberately missing the point.
I'm going to ask this every single time. But what does this have to do with the CHILD ABUSE?
Ok ok..about gas station/gas can question:
Lol "ok ok"
I think Kate was rolling her eyes right along with us tonight. I mean Milo REALLY?
That's a brief moment where I like the shmoops. We've bonded over Milo.
I don't know how many prime members with kindles (you have to have an physical kindle for this benefit) would download the book. You get one book per month. At the end of the month the book is automatically removed from your library.
By sundown tomorrow, the fans will tell us it's all lies because
Dr. Sue had a parking ticket in 1974.
Also one of the editors uses a pen name cause that was cool in 1988 so she stuck with it. Shock and awe! And they had a parking ticket in Nineteen Seventy-FIVE.
Stacy Powers Torsch @Ladyj2121 5m
@Kateplusmy8 loved the first half of the show and when you called the kids rabid beasts... Totally relatable :) keep up the good work!!
You can beat your head on the wall trying to figure out what in the world is wrong with these people, but you know, it's not going to do any good. You just have to hope that a person who finds it "relatable" when a mother calls her own children "rabid beasts" is not representative of most of the parents out there.
I like how Dr. Sue sort of said that Kate was obsessed with this idea of a perfect marriage and family and life and that that put unreasonable expectations on her such that she would crack and abuse the children.
I have always thought that, that she has this fantasy of how things should be and she will stick to that story even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Even when her own children are contradicting her. She FLIPPED when they tried to tell her she broke her TOE not her foot. She has a very unhealthy fixation on this "fantasy" and anything that dares deviate from that drives her nuts. Like the doc said I wish she would go to therapy. Therapy would help her accept it can't be this way all the time and to stop with the obsession with it, it's hurting her children.
I thought the doc nailed it.
You can beat your head on the wall trying to figure out what in the world is wrong with these people, but you know, it's not going to do any good.
This is sick.
Does it ever occur to these people that calling your own children that might HURT them? I hate people who think it's okay to disrespect your own children. Every hurtful nasty word toward them jeopardizes your parent-child relationship years from now.
Not to mention having to take your personal/private/important papers out in public. I'm just little 'ol random nobody me... but I would not be comfortable taking my pertenent documents to a public place and have them scanned, copied or run through a fax.
I agree with that, especially when you're a celebrity. Not only are you taking your documents out in public where you could lose them or have then stolen but you risk them going the wrong fax number or the wrong person picking them up on the other end.
Does anyone even fax anymore? Rhetorical question I mean I do sometimes but most printers now have scan buttons where you scan the document and send it off to email. Much safer and more secure. In fact our court just stopped accepting faxes. You now email things. If you fax it, you get a phone call saying your document has been rejected.
Why do I get the feeling she thinks faxing a bunch of "very important paperwork" is "cool." Grow up, Shmoop.
I think I misunderstood Al I guess he was referring to Kate and Robert's court battle?
Well again I ask what does that have to do with anything? Why would Robert fill it book up with tales from his court battle? Not only is it none of anyone's business but quite frankly it's really not that interesting. Kate whined a bit, her attorney didn't show up to court, realized Robert had a real live good attorney, and promptly dropped the suit. Yawwwwn. I wouldn't bog down a book with a self indulgent tale of legal woes either.
After watching this, I am happy the Hayes family was canceled. I did enjoy watching their family. At the time, they were the anti- J&K+8. They are able to make it on what Eric (police officer) makes and possibly disability they collect for one of their children. They have a nice house, their kids are involved in activities and they are all well fed. All of this inspire of a single parent income.
They prove that Kate can provide for her children without being famous. Yes, she may have to relay on family, forfeit luxuries, and downsize but its possible.
Sparkle you know it really goes back to penny wise and pound foolish. All this nonsense faxing stuff when she could buy a cheap but reliable scanner, scan like everybody else is doing, and email it. It would be a one time fee of maybe 150 bucks and she's done.
I'm betting between all the trips back and forth and kinkos fees she's spent ten times that over the years. Dummy.
I have to laugh at the responses Kate is getting to the gas cap question. It's just a bit too late for advice. I imagine she's been home with the gas can for quite awhile, unless, of course, she's sitting at the gas station waiting for her tweeties to help her out!
Jared Hernandez @The_Mexicant_13 1m
@Kateplusmy8 can go both ways depending in cap, BUT remember when filling up a gas can to put it on the ground to avoid static electricity.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 60
3. Do I have to remove the nuzzle for the pump first?
Don't say "nuzzle" to Milo. She'll be there in a jiffy.
But how would we know it's Milo since we don't know if Milo is a man or a woman or even human.
For all we know Milo is Shoka.
Stacy Powers Torsch @Ladyj2121 5m
@Kateplusmy8 loved the first half of the show and when you called the kids rabid beasts... Totally relatable :) keep up the good work!!
Yes every child wants to hear his or hers parents call him a rabid beasts.
Lizbeth. Lizbeth. Is that when Emma on Terms of Endearment was trying to get that girls name right at the luncheon when she went with her best friend? lol
Oh that's right, Luke. I must have logged that one in my memory bank.
That was a great movie. I still choke when I watch it. The scene in the hospital where they talked to their mom....it was such a tear jerker.
I meant nozzle but I'm sure nuzzle works for Milo.
Lizbeth. Lizbeth. Is that when Emma on Terms of Endearment was trying to get that girls name right at the luncheon when she went with her best friend? lol
I think it was also the name that Lizzie Borden used after she moved out of the murder house. I have no idea why I thought of that. I need another rumspringa...or maybe not!
I wonder if Kate doesn't know how to scan documents and then find them on her hard drive. That would not surprise me.
Or maybe she really only has about 3 things she actually does with her time outside the home - go to Target; go to the tanning booth and/or nail salon, and go to Kinko's. She's got absolutely nothing in her life - no friends, no job, no hobbies, no interests besides herself and apparently drinking. Loser.
Apparently somebody has a "thing" for Cowardly Lions! All Kate was missing was the red bow. Admin, you should insert a picture of the lion in your thread above. She really does look like him!
Alyssa Brown-Adams @AlyssaBrown_7 6m
@Kateplusmy8 Kate, you look gorgeous with long hair. Hope you and your family are doing great. Always loved you all.
“@GreggyBennett: Kate Gosselin's Cowardly Lion wig in her Kate Plus 8 interviews is out of control
LOL! Now, if only she had a heart, or a brain, or the courage to support her bone-lazy self! Instead, she's the wicked witch of the east.
Silimom said... 1
Millicent 150:
Live + Same Day Ratings: 2,359,000
L & SD 18-49 Ratings: .8% of 126,960,000 viewers in this age range
My understanding from their "How Ratings Work" FAQ is that Neilsen has 126,960,000 people who fall in the 18-49 demographic. Of that group, only 8% watched Kate last Thursday , roughly 1,015,000 of that 126.69 million. Basically, a little less then half her viewers fell in the 18-49 age range according to Neilsen/TV by the Numbers. The other half would be made up by other demographics - teens and older people (50+).
Thank you Sillimom. I didn't understand what that statistic meant :)
So, at last I finished viewing Admin's recap- two days later. We enjoyed it here. Moving on- has anyone mentioned the yellow Post-it with the note, in TFW's sometimes I make breakfast (lie) pantry... telling the 8 not to eat the unopened snacks and it's simply "THE WORST EVER!!!" scribbled? Not when we know she makes the kids ask before munching #IcallBullshi#
Next- Why is Hannah #princess4Aday- tasked with being "Inspector Gadget" each day? (Look at the chores board, in the middle in pink- and it never changes? So odd.
She would never have said "No one is going to let me WIN", unless she felt that way.
She won't ever win. I can lounge in a white plastic chair in my driveway all week, and do nothing for that to happen.
My concern about using public copiers and faxes has to do with security. Commercial digital copiers that manage incoming jobs and workload do so with a hard drive. I know the IT department where I work takes measures to safeguard the information copied and scanned to manage the risk of stolen data. Even if the image is deleted after it is printed, my understanding is that with the right recovery software, someone can access a "shadow" of the information if it hasn't been written over. We have some inexpensive, fairly low-tech home office equipment for faxing, printing and making copies for personal business where the risk is less because it isn't digital and doesn't have a hard drive. We also have physical control over the equipment.
Filled a gas can at station&bc I have safety concerns re gas, I ?'ed a 'Dumb Girl' ? 2 a nice older man 2b sure..he didn't seem2mind!;) #THX
1st time she's had to put gas in a can? I think it was for the BD surprise John Deere utility vehicle. lol If it was indeed their BD gift.
Avery dear friend of mine, mother of 8 (YES 8!) , has died of Stage 4 cancer. She has the most loving husband and family anyone could as for.
Her seven surviving children (she lost a newborn several years ago) nominated her for Mother's Day mother of the year.
Coaches vs Cancer - My hero, Mollie Conway: http://youtu.be/29Ye_F6n380
With ALL Kate's "fortune", she will NEVER be as rich as Mollie.
Her children range from mid-twenties to eight years old (a baby!). She lived such a healthy life, because she lost her mother when she was only 6 yrs old, and didn't want that to happen to her family.
PLEASE PLEASE pray for Mollie and her family.
Thank you
Oh what? Did the all and powerful Mastermind let one of her 3 vehicles go all the way down to empty?? Why was she filling up a gas can? Didn't she write some stupid blog post about running out of gas. After reading the book, I don't believe a single SINGLE thing she puts out there anyways. Every ONE little thing those talons twit out there, every ONE little word that spews from her mouth I will question and doubt. She ain't gonna gaslight me! lol
Does the gaslightER eventually become the gasligthEE to herself?
Call Me Crazy said... 50
"Hoffman didn't even edit out his fear that he might be sued, and the absence of any discussion of the court battle suggests there may have been some agreement with Kate's lawyers."
Yes, Al. Because everyone was absolutely dying to hear all the details of that epic court battle.
Here. I will sum it up for you so you can stop worrying your pretty little head about why Robert didn't include any information on those legal proceedings in his book. Ready? Here are the oh-so-interesting and juicy details that Robert neglected to include:
1. Kate brought a nonsense lawsuit against Jon and Robert using an inept attorney who got schooled by Shawn Tuma.
2. Kate lost.
Any questions?
Oh, and Al, as to that phantom agreement? I suspect any negotiations would have gone down like this:
Kate's/TLC's Lawyers: Mr. Hoffman, if you release your book we will sue you.
RH: Okey, dokey.
Kate's/TLC's Lawyers: No, seriously. We mean it. We will sue you unless you agree to scrap the book.
RH: Too bad; so sad.
Kate's/TLC's Lawyers: You leave us no choice but to definitely sue you.
RH: Please do. I'll see you in discovery.
Kate's/TLC's Lawyers: Um. Never mind.
RH: So...we are in agreement. Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.
The End
Ha ha! priceless!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 5m
@Kateplusmy8 Well...U are still up I see...who won 2day? Who is still standing there? YOU or the kids...:)
Who won? oh come on Milo, you know the answer to that, you coy little girl!
Who's Standing there? DEFINITELY NOT the kids, that's for DAMN sure. It's probably the night shift tween babysitter discussing how the spankings went that day while baby jane was a piecing and patching at Kinkos
THIS is why Kate doesn't want the kids to Google. She doesn't want them finding the child development experts who have called her a shit crap mother
ABSOLUTLEY! I've seen posters say that those kids should talk, tell someone or they "could" tell someone...Robert confirms they are FORBIDDEN to speak the school councilor. You think that's the only person they KNOW they are not to repeat what goes on in that house of horrors? Absolute dominance and control, textbook abuse victims. One day, sometime from now, at least ONE of them will talk
Got an early morning email from a close friend in the UK. She lives north of Hull, in England. The DailyMail has a spread on Robert's book and it is making quite a stir. It is being mentioned on chat shows and news broadcasts. I encouraged her to help stir the pot anyway she can. She is outraged at the details she is hearing. Several pics were posted in the DailyMail, 2 of Kate hitting Leah and squeezing her arms, and the one of Kate smashing Collin in the mouth at the bus stop. This stuff is not considered "They are my kids, I will discipline as I see fit" over there, those pics are considered abuse in the UK.
Andrea said... 66
I don't know how many prime members with kindles (you have to have an physical kindle for this benefit) would download the book. You get one book per month. At the end of the month the book is automatically removed from your library.
And now there is "Kindle First" where they offer 4, bigger name authors' new releases every month, and Prime members can choose ONE for free. I have not done that yet, but I did fill my iPhone full of the Prime Free music!
Sigh... I love my Kindle. It is just the basic, bare bones model, but I am so in love with it.
I just find that impossible to believe. At just this moment in time they assembled the same crew from TWO YEARS ago??? Do they all not work otherwise? PLEASE!
Again, she just lies when there's no reason to! Why even mention the crew at all? Oh yeah, cuz you've shoved it down everyone's throats since you were being criticized for exposing your kids to strange men, right? So that's her story and she will stick to it till she "lays down and dies"
It also seems that she wanted America or even wanted to convince herself that she was a great mom but inside she was really struggling to manage a career, 8 kids and a successful marriage. Having 8 children would be a stressful situation for anyone to manage.
Baby Jane would have have abused 1 or 100 children had they not had the reality show. I think the Doctor is being very diplomatic and PC.
Jon (even if it wasn't Jon, if it was any other man) would have suffered at her hands. The show did not make baby jane, baby jane was always there, it just magnified and increased her abuse of power.
Stressful to manage, yes. But this woman, she went full throttle with her sadistic, CALCULATED torture.
A stressful existence does not make you gleefully torment a child, man or dog. She has a defective brain and there is no cure, excuse or justification for it.
Got an early morning email from a close friend in the UK. She lives north of Hull, in England. The DailyMail has a spread on Robert's book and it is making quite a stir. It is being mentioned on chat shows and news broadcasts
Good. Isn't the UK just at the end of the show? As in they didn't have it there until very recently?
Bitchy Pants said... 26
I'd love for someone who has access to the older episodes to compare the credits with the credits from the specials, just to see if the old crew really did return. I'd be willing to bet a month of banana splits that they didn't!
The crew for all the older episodes is listed on IMDB but they haven't updated the listing for the new two part special yet. If you have the new specials taped you could freeze frame and compare if you want.
Too bad that Daily Mail article didn't get a final proofread! It's riddled with sloppy errors. Rush to print, maybe?
For example, the cut line under RH's book cover image says, "Master manipulator: Former reporter Robert Hoffman believes that cake was out for fame and fortune, and didn't care who she hut in the process, in his new book."
(Bolding = mine)
But the story's out there now, and I guess that's the main thing.
Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2667590/EXCLUSIVE-Inside-Kate-Gosselins-House-Horrors-plot-pregnant-sextuplets-control-spankings-kids-suspected-affair-bodyguard-destroyed-marriage-revealed-bombshell-new-book.html#ixzz35eMuhNW6
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
I bought the book Sunday night but I'm having a hard time reading it. I just read the first chapter. OMG little church girl was/is a little slut.
She had boyfriends, but to say she was a "little slut" is a bit over the top, in my opinion.
The book says her father made her leave home because he couldn't tolerate her "rebelliousness and promiscuity"
I have no problem with the word "slut". When you falsely use your supposed virtue & wholesomeness to amass wealth and deceive/scam people who FOR SURE have better morals and standards than yourself? When you look down on others and judge others all the while doing far FAR worse?
What was she trying to promote in her "hooker on the street corner" phase?
"that" persona was not new
Call Me Crazy said... 50
"Hoffman didn't even edit out his fear that he might be sued, and the absence of any discussion of the court battle suggests there may have been some agreement with Kate's lawyers."
This will come as a surprise to Mr Ego-Al, but Robert wrote a book about CHILD ABUSE and the mentally ill woman who is reigning terror on little kids. He did NOT write a book about me me me, I, I, I. Take your medication, Al, with a nice cup of herbal tea and try real hard to comprehend that.
No, really. Keep trying.
Harder. Really put some effort into it, Al.
Oh, and another tidbit I found interesting was the kids' free dentistry was not
passed down by Jon's father when he sold his business.(cyber rumor?) Baby Jane told Jon to ask for it, and the dentist felt put on the spot and agreed.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 72
I think I misunderstood Al I guess he was referring to Kate and Robert's court battle?
Well again I ask what does that have to do with anything? Why would Robert fill it book up with tales from his court battle? Not only is it none of anyone's business but quite frankly it's really not that interesting. Kate whined a bit, her attorney didn't show up to court, realized Robert had a real live good attorney, and promptly dropped the suit. Yawwwwn. I wouldn't bog down a book with a self indulgent tale of legal woes either.
I'm confused.
Did Robert or his attorney ever see the inside of a courtroom?
What battle did I miss?
Does it ever occur to these people that calling your own children that might HURT them?
Did you read what Brandi Glanville was calling her younger boy?
He is apparently precocious and quite the character:
“My son’s name is Jake. He’s 7, he’s a complete a**hole, but we love him. Oh man, he’s a d*ck, seriously,”
I know she's kidding, but since when is is ok to broadcast this snark about your children publicly? For entertainment? To get a chuckle?
It's really not funny.
WTF is wrong with some moms these days?
National Enquirer has posted an article on the book! (they're part of DailyMail)
INSIDE KATE GOSSELIN'S HOUSE OF HORRORS http://www.nationalenquirer.com/celebrity/world-exclusive-enquirer-cover-story-kate-gosselin-house-of-horrors-exposed?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed …
Got an early morning email from a close friend in the UK. She lives north of Hull, in England. The DailyMail has a spread on Robert's book and it is making quite a stir. It is being mentioned on chat shows and news broadcasts
Good. Isn't the UK just at the end of the show? As in they didn't have it there until very recently?
Hello from the north east of England. Our TLC channel doesn't even air the show, as far as I can tell. Haven't had a chance to watch any chat shows yet but I'll be anxious to see how the story has been picked up. Most people in this area have never even heard of K8.
I know she's kidding, but since when is is ok to broadcast this snark about your children publicly? For entertainment? To get a chuckle?
Kidding or not, that's disgusting. She thrives on shocking people. She's a shit stirrer that one. Can she not see the ramifications on that one?
Anonymous said... 106
Nat'l Enquirer has a different book. The "Gosselin Manual".
R'uh R'oh.
"The hard-driving 39-year-old mom’s rulebook, the “Gosselin Manual” – obtained exclusively by The ENQUIRER – spells out the duties that she expected her nannies to perform while she gallivanted around the globe for work and lavish vacations"
This might not be a bad thing at all. They are eager to not give Robert his due, but they are on board with the House of Horrors theme. Although the "Bill Clinton is not Chelsea's father" when she looks just like him, takes away from the credibility of what they printed about TFW.
Clinton is not Chelsea's father" when she looks just like him, takes away from the credibility of what they printed about TFW.
That's funny cuz I think Chelsea looks exactly like her mom :)
Dwindle said...
Although the "Bill Clinton is not Chelsea's father" when she looks just like him, takes away from the credibility of what they printed about TFW.
That's funny, Dwindle, because I think Chelsea is the spitting image of her mother. Eye of the beholder, eh?
Well, remember when Kate didn't even put gas in her own car- said it was a man's job.Jon had to do that too, as well as all the driving and childcare plus house chores What a helpless tool.
A good dose of one- on- one therapy could improve all of their lives. I never heard so much "I do everything" as we hear from TFW's mouth. Really, really craving attention like a 4 yr. old. TFW is the head of her family by her own choice, but is so ill equipped to deal with it. Fame and fortune are her guides to a fulfilled life. Sad, really sad. There are people living in apartments or mobile homes surviving on pasta/powered milk who are more fulfilled than TFW. Her actions prove her ungratefulness. What happened to the Christian based talk the Gosselins used to milk the good and generous people in the churches they visited? They must have used that up, got tired of living it, or both. That is another confusion for the children to deal with. What happened to their Christian education? TFW is too "worn out" to take them to church? Please insert the word lazy in that last sentence. No respect here for the want to be "star" of reality tv. If she is the star, that mode of tv is in serious trouble.
Vanessa said... 110
Guess more nannies are coming out of the woodwork?
Or the manual was on the disks Robert had.
I think Chelsea Clinton looks exactly like Bill Clinton's mother.
I wonder if Karma will finally bite Kate in the butt. She has hurt so many people in her 39 years that one day it has to get back to her. If I had such a reputation as she I would hide and never show my face. I would go to that island she talks about.
Kristine #86
. Moving on- has anyone mentioned the yellow Post-it with the note, in TFW's sometimes I make breakfast (lie) pantry... telling the 8 not to eat the unopened snacks and it's simply "THE WORST EVER!!!" scribbled? Not when we know she makes the kids ask before munching #IcallBullshi#
I am clear about what you wrote. Could you please explain it a little further. Did you see a note and what did it say exactly? Thanks
I meant I am not clear, of course in previous post. Caught my error as it was being posted...sorry
It sounds like a nanny is spilling it. This is bound to happen when you continually and repeatedly treat your hired help like crap. Eventually they'll have enough and tattle.
A good dose of one- on- one therapy could improve all of their lives. I never heard so much "I do everything" as we hear from TFW's mouth. Really, really craving attention like a 4 yr. old.
I wholeheartedly wish beg plead that she would get her and the kids therapy. They are in desperate need of a third neutral party professional mental health expert to intervene.
Here's the thing with "I do it all." She doesn't do it all. But even if she did, what's with constantly having to remind everyone you do it all? What are you trying to prove? Is it an attention thing? I know mothers who DO do it all but I've never heard them mention it. Even if she does do it all she need therapy to figure out why she has a constant need to inform the world what she does.
Oh MY - apparently from the Natl Enquirer web site it looks like TFW and her House of Horrors will be on the cover of the magazine!! And, Milo, just like trending on twitter, making the cover for "8 Kids Living in Hell" is NOT something to be proud of!
Uh oh....this chickens are coming home to roost. BV Files is calling out one of the uber fans BIG TIME. DM, DM, DM, circle the wagons.
BV Files is calling out one of the uber fans BIG TIME\\
Not sure what that's about but we called that one big time. Told ya he would turn on them when and if it ever suited him. They're so dumb it hurts.
I'm confused.
Did Robert or his attorney ever see the inside of a courtroom?
What battle did I miss?
You didn't miss anything that we know of anyway. It never went past Robert's Answer to Complaint to dismiss which Admin has linked above on the left.
I have to laugh at this tweet from one of her make fans that seems to be in love with her. Double entendre much?!
@sammc243: @Kateplusmy8 if you want to be extra careful then insert that nozzle deep in there!
And why WHY does she not take her meds if she has been diagnosed with Bipolar?
I have a friend who suffers from bipolar and she's told me many times that she doesn't like to take the meds because they level out her moods (which they're supposed to do. lol) and she likes the manic phase. That's when they feel good. I guess it's a fairly common feeling among those patients.
IF TFW does indeed have that disorder and IF meds are prescribed and IF she doesn't take them, I don't think it's unusual. My friends disease started to cause her personal and professional problems and that's basically the only reason she takes her meds regularly now.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 125
BV Files is calling out one of the uber fans BIG TIME\\
Not sure what that's about but we called that one big time. Told ya he would turn on them when and if it ever suited him. They're so dumb it hurts.
It's not Bullyville that is calling her out,it's the anti-Bullyville blog
NJGal51 said... 124
Uh oh....this chickens are coming home to roost. BV Files is calling out one of the uber fans BIG TIME. DM, DM, DM, circle the wagons.
June 25, 2014 at 6:57 AM
Whoever writes that anti-BV blog does a great job. The defective detective meets karma...finally. Didn't she used to have many online buddies from other blogs? Not so much anymore. They're smartly fleeing. Interesting stuff!
Kristine said...
...has anyone mentioned the yellow Post-it with the note, in TFW's sometimes I make breakfast (lie) pantry... telling the 8 not to eat the unopened snacks and it's simply "THE WORST EVER!!!" scribbled? Not when we know she makes the kids ask before munching
I didn't watch the show but I'm confused about your comment. What did the note say in addition to something about not eating unopened snacks? The note said 'the worst ever!!!' ? She's something else isn't she? IIRC Jon said something about the kids even having to ask to get a glass of water. ugh
Oh gotchya.
That blog seems to be finally calling it like it is.
They make some really good points about how silly it was for BV for taking up for maidens in distress like Kate Gosselin and how stupid that whole alliance thing was. Duh, but no one else but us seems to want to point that out.
I also like when they said this:This person is obviously butt-hurt over things people may or may not have said about her on Twitter. So what? Nothing anybody says about you on twitter matters in real life (unless the person tweeting about you is named “@NYTimes or something). So who gives a fuck? Get a life, people!!
Exactly. Plus every single person complaining their feelings got hurt has said nasty nasty things too, so come on!
I mean honestly, it's taken so damn seriously. From some of the ranting and raving I can only conclude that there are mental health issues at play which makes it much harder to reason with people and explain how stupid and silly and dramatic this all is.
IF TFW does indeed have that disorder and IF meds are prescribed and IF she doesn't take them, I don't think it's unusual. My friends disease started to cause her personal and professional problems and that's basically the only reason she takes her meds regularly now.
Ok, but does your friend beat the shit out of her kids? Not saying baby jane wouldn't still beat them and abuse them in all sorts of ways, but if it "levels off their moods" it may just be enough to mellow her and she'd have more "good days". She likes to level off her moods with a bottle of wine? I think the medication would do a better job
NJGal51 said... 124
Uh oh....this chickens are coming home to roost. BV Files is calling out one of the uber fans BIG TIME. DM, DM, DM, circle the wagons.
June 25, 2014 at 6:57 AM
Whoever writes that anti-BV blog does a great job. The defective detective meets karma...finally. Didn't she used to have many online buddies from other blogs? Not so much anymore. They're smartly fleeing. Interesting stuff!
Can someone elaborate?
nvm, was reading from the bottom up
You know what else is funny too is that generally judges are supposed to throw out "letters of support" on whichever side or turn them over to the attorneys without reading them.
Unless it is filed as some kind of appropriate "friend of the court" type motion and served on all parties as well, the public doesn't get to just jump in and give their two cents on cases to the judge and in fact it's completely inappropriate for the judge to be influenced by any ex parte communications that are not part of the evidence. For all their sleuthing you would think they would know something this basic. If you have evidence, you can contact the prosecutor or in civil the parties and they will decide whether your crazy story should have any place in their lawsuit.
I have a friend who suffers from bipolar and she's told me many times that she doesn't like to take the meds because they level out her moods (which they're supposed to do. lol) and she likes the manic phase. That's when they feel good. I guess it's a fairly common feeling among those patients.
I've heard that and I've heard some things like, the meds make me feel so sleepy and out of it. I'm not myself on the meds. I'm not as sharp on the meds. Or just, I don't like the meds but when pressed to explain why they can't.
I am very sorry if meds make you feel so off that you're not taking them and then are having symptoms that are harmful to others as a result. It is very difficult to work with the mentally ill and often heartbreaking.
Admin...You're so right about sending a fax to the wrong number. About a month or so ago, I heard a strange noise in my house. As I walked around my house, I realized the noise was coming from my basement. When I went down there, I saw papers coming out of my fax machine. Now my husband and I never use the thing so I couldn't figure out why someone was faxing us something. Imagine my surprise when I picked up the papers and saw they were from a pediatrician's office from a town south of Boston and they were the medical records of a 12 year old boy. They were faxing the records to a camp in my town and whoever faxed them had transposed the last two numbers of the fax # and it came to our house instead of the camp. I had the boy's name, address, date of birth and every vaccination he had been given. I called the pediatrician's office and told them what happened and that I would shred the documents. Needless to say, they were grateful. Lucky for them, I'm not a derelict.
Whoever writes that anti-BV blog does a great job
Yes. I NEVER would have noticed that "l" in the URL instead of an "i". Amazing catch and blew up the whole plot. These people are just nuts aligning themselves with this guy and this obsession with capturing IPs is downright in comprehensible. I don't understand what value this is bringing to their lives and overall wellbeing.
Forgot to mention one other audiobook I have stocked up for my trip: My Story by Elizabeth Smart. I loved Duggard's book and thought I'd like this one too. Anyone?
I am very sorry if meds make you feel so off that you're not taking them and then are having symptoms that are harmful to others as a result
My point exactly. If they take kids away from crack/meth heads, why not take them away from mothers who DON'T take prescribed meds that would curb your abusive behavior? If you ingest alcohol/drugs and end up killing someone, you're charged. If you end up beating a kid because you're "off your meds", is that not the same thing? Take your effing pills (this rant is specifically for baby jane)
My company does not allow any type of materials to be sent via Fax - it's not a secure form of communication. All of our documents have to be scanned and sent via secure email. Printers/Copier/Scanner combinations are inexpensive these days. I think Kate just goes to FedEx/Kinko's to be "seen".
The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd is a great read.
My point exactly. If they take kids away from crack/meth heads, why not take them away from mothers who DON'T take prescribed meds that would curb your abusive behavior?
They do take kids from mentally ill mothers all the time as long as you show a clear connection between the mentally ill behavior and a risk to the children. For instance you can be off your rocker but as long as your children are provided for and treated well you can maintain custody. But if you're so mentally out of it you keep forgetting to bring them to school or cook them dinner that's a problem.
Kate's number just hasn't come up and there are a variety of reasons for it, some of the major ones being IMO she is white and lives in an upper middle class part of the country.
Vanessa said... 146
The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd is a great read.
Oh, I agree! Great book! I've found so many wonderful recommendations for books, movies, television shows, podcasts here.
Kate's number just hasn't come up and there are a variety of reasons for it, some of the major ones being IMO she is white and lives in an upper middle class part of the country.
June 25, 2014 at 7:49 AM
Yes, I hear ya. We've said this many times here.
Next- Why is Hannah #princess4Aday- tasked with being "Inspector Gadget" each day? (Look at the chores board, in the middle in pink- and it never changes? So odd.
I actually didn't pause to look at any of her stupid charts and notes but if it's true that Hannah is inspector gadget every day that's really screwed up.
Talk about creating division and dissension, and frustration, among your children. Children who should love, respect and appreciate each other because I know you think you're immortal but some day you will be gone Kate and they will be all they have. Even moreso for these kids since quite frankly only THEY understand what it was like to be in that family. They will need each other just as much at 50 as they do now. Shame on anyone who jeopardizes their healthy relationship.
I also wouldn't want to fax from a public location because how do you know that they don't have a tracker on it or are (secretly) making their own copies of what you send/copy?
All kinds of nefarious things could be done without your knowledge.
And if you're Kate Gosselin, whom everyone who meets you loves...haha, I'd be really concerned about stuff like that. They'd probably have a program set up specifically to capture your stuff.
Funny though Britney Spears lost custody od her boys at one time
Ok, but does your friend beat the shit out of her kids? Not saying baby jane wouldn't still beat them and abuse them in all sorts of ways, but if it "levels off their moods" it may just be enough to mellow her and she'd have more "good days". She likes to level off her moods with a bottle of wine? I think the medication would do a better job
My friend doesn't have children to abuse. She's a super special special-ed teacher. ;-) As for TFW or any psych patient for that matter - just getting many of them to take their meds is half the battle.
Many like to self-medicate, which TFW may be doing when she drinks, because they feel they can manage themselves better than their Drs. It's a vicious cycle and so heartbreaking and frustrating for their loved ones. It's documented that the meds work and they're of course better than alcohol or illegal drugs but convincing many of these patients of this is another thing altogether. But, I agree with you - TFW would be much better off and so would the kids, if she took her meds IF they're prescribed.
I also wouldn't want to fax from a public location because how do you know that they don't have a tracker on it or are (secretly) making their own copies of what you send/copy?
Exactly. It's a very insecure way of transmitting information. You are much safer in your own home doing it via programs like Evernote or other simple, free or almost free programs, and via email.
I don't like turning over anything like that in public. I ate out a couple weekends ago and gave them my credit card which they took back. I didn't use it the rest of the weekend. Two days later my credit card number was stolen and somebody spent four hundred bucks on gift cards. I don't know who did it or how but I do have my concerns about how easy it would be when they take your credit card back like that. It's a royal pain when that happens since so much of everything now is automated to my card. Start all over.
The anti-bullyville blog is going to out the defective detective and or Milo?
I can't believe the W told a nanny to lock the boys into the bathroom till she got back hours later. I would of agreed with her and then after she left, I would of called the police. That is a crime. It's like a robber, robbing a 7-11 and making the customers go back in the back and huddle together in a locked room. I wonder if the W requested that the light be turned off?
I know the National Enquirer has had it's sloppy reporting over the decades, especially after Carol Burnett sued and won a huge amt. of money. So when O.J. killed Nicole and Ron, I thought they did an extraordinary super job on it. Also, the investigation of John Edwards and his downfall.
"The National Enquirer is in the running for the Pulitzer in two categories: "Investigative Reporting" and "National News Reporting" in 2010.
Next- Why is Hannah #princess4Aday- tasked with being "Inspector Gadget" each day? (Look at the chores board, in the middle in pink- and it never changes? So odd.
I must have missed this post plus I didn"t watch. Seriously? Nvm the fact that the "job title" even exists, the fact thay it's none other than the
groomed golden child? Imaginea school teacher running a classroom like that
My God if the PA Dept. of Children's Services doesn't step in and help these poor children after reading of the abuse by Kate in her own words, towards her own kids it will be a travesty of Justice that something isn't done to take those kids away from her. I am just heartsick over what excerpts from Kate in her own words published in the book detail her mental illness and use and abuse of her children for her personal gain. She wrote these words herself in detail yet there are those claiming that those words are fake, false, made up by her haters. They are as sick as she is. Kate is the devil incarnate and her children are her prey. I urge everyone to make complaints to the State of PA District Attorneys office and Children's Protective Services of PA. Also call the National Hot Line and give an anonymous tip of child abuse of the Gosselin Children. .
They'd probably have a program set up specifically to capture your stuff.
Baha! Maybe kinkos is the deep throat??
A few celebs have had problems with CPS. Courtney Love is probably the most famous case. Halle Berry, Charlie Sheen. But those cases were really bad. Halle Berry's level of parental alienation was through the roof, dare I say way worse than Kate's. Others I know of who I don't think are public record, a famous character actor you would know. But, it's few and far between. I think it's easier to hide these issues when you are rich because you have a lot more yes-men around to cover for you and help guide you through the process. You can also afford to hire the best attorneys in the county instead of public defenders which can be hit and miss. I have to say that getting through a CPS issue is all about playing the game. You tell them yes you're right whatever you want me to I do it. And then you do what they say and you don't ever step out of line. If you can do that you'll wrap your case up quicker than scat. If you don't, like your Charlies or Courtneys, then that won't work. It's entirely possible Kate did just that and had a referral or referrals evaluated out.
People who are not rich or celebs and are minorities generally don't have this kind of hand holding going on. The system is much harder to navigate that way when you have no idea how to handle it. People get defensive and then the case goes to shit.
As I understand it, many of the meds she would likely need do not mix well with alcohol. Perhaps it is a matter of pick one or the other.
Another great read is The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. I hope I'm not saying the wrong thing here...I know we had a little misunderstanding a while back Silimom, but I thought of you right away when I started reading it. It's about a grown man with Asperger's who goes on a "wife hunt". A real "feel good book" :) I think they're making a movie too.
I can't believe the W told a nanny to lock the boys into the bathroom till she got back hours later. I would of agreed with her and then after she left, I would of called the police.
What would the police have done?
I must really be out of the loop. Who is Jo Jo and why would Jo Jo be suing Kate?
@AlfredoCocozza @Kateplusmy8 Ruh Ro! She lies thru her teeth. Hope JoJo sues her.
Has anyone asked her on twitter if calling the kids "Rabid Beasts" is how she "lifts them up"? That is waaay worse than, "Your hair looks ugly."
There is a book I would like to recommend. It is called Unlikely Angel. The true story of Ashley Smith who convinced an escaped prisoner from a Atlanta Ga. courthouse to turn himself in.
Link: http://www.ajc.com/news/news/local/whatever-happpened-to-ashley-smith/nQdKZ/
My mother got it for me in 2006 at the Dollar Tree for a dollar. 1.99 at Barnes and Noble.
Link for the 700 Club interview: http://www.cbn.com/700club/guests/interviews/ashley_smith100705.aspx
localyocul - I didn't say it was BV, I said it was BV Files. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Maybe I should have made it one word or put a dash between BV & Files. Sorry.
Vanessa - PJ @130 posted a link.
Admin - Agree that this is something that we called long, long ago. Z, CJ and Milo must be DMing frantically!
When your whole story is just that, a story, watch out! The walls will crumble. Lies will not hold up. Someone always knows the truth and it will eventually be told. Can't even imagine what those kids will eventually tell about their lives. They might build their mother up to her face, but watch out, at least one of them will do a tell-all.
Here's the thing with "I do it all." She doesn't do it all. But even if she did, what's with constantly having to remind everyone you do it all? What are you trying to prove? Is it an attention thing? I know mothers who DO do it all but I've never heard them mention it. Even if she does do it all she need therapy to figure out why she has a constant need to inform the world what she does.
Well the martyrdom part of the story was a good one in the beginning. Waa waa poor shmoopy birthed eight kids in five years. So it makes you wonder then, why did she look so young and fresh when her mug first appeared on tv? Answer: Because she had everyone doing it all for her even back then. She needs to stop with the bs "I do it all" line. It's old.
Apparently Kate's parents or at least her father was a strict disciplinarian and that is part of the reason why she's estranged from her family. So if that's the case, and it's not another sob story she made up to justify her estrangement, why make your kids' lives as miserable as yours was if it was that bad? We've seen how she operates. I can hear her using the 'look at everything I've done for YOU, now you are obliged do these things for ME!!!!' threat on them every chance she gets.
She said she wanted them to have the best things in life and yes they have traveled more and had more experiences than most other kids, but I'm pretty sure she holds that over their heads. Guilt is a very useful tool for a narcissist. She won't admit that in actuality THEY gave HER the life on a golden platter she's living.
Her greed has absolutely devoured any sense of moral propriety she might have had before she landed in teevee land, although I doubt she's really ever had a sense of right and wrong.
I must really be out of the loop. Who is Jo Jo and why would Jo Jo be suing Kate?
@AlfredoCocozza @Kateplusmy8 Ruh Ro! She lies thru her teeth. Hope JoJo sues her.
They're not talking about TFW. They're talking about the super fan/defective detective that is the subject of the viaview blog @ BV mentioned upthread.
Could someone please put up the link to the anti Bullyville blog. I would love to read this. The defective detective really deserves a slap down!
I'm confused.
Did Robert or his attorney ever see the inside of a courtroom?
What battle did I miss?
The only battle you missed was the one going on in Al Walentis' over-inflated head when his brain was exploding with jealousy.
This is a Spark Notes version of the "battle" timeline (if I remember it correctly). In September 2013, Jon's attorney, Shawn ("it's NOT a tuma!!") Tuma, filed a motion to dismiss Kate's complaint. It was truly a thing of beauty. He completely ripped apart every word of Kate's complaint, bit by glorious bit. A couple of days later, Robert's attorney, Martin Garbus, filed an answer to Kate's complaint, denying each and every allegation and basically saying, "Yeah. What he (Tuma) said."
Kate dropped the suit against Jon "with prejudice" in November, and soon after dropped the suit against Robert "without prejudice."
Al is just looking for any tiny little tidbit he can manufacture to call Robert's integrity and motivations into question because he is still angry that their planned collaboration fell apart. He is a sad, sorry little man.
Kylie said... 171
Could someone please put up the link to the anti Bullyville blog. I would love to read this. The defective detective really deserves a slap down!
Call Me Crazy said... 172
Thank you!
I followed the sue-age closely and didn't think I missed anything.
For a minute, I thought maybe I had a tuma ;-)
Al is just looking for any tiny little tidbit he can manufacture
yes, keyword here "manufacture". What a slimey individual
Thanks Vanessa @103 for addressing the slut comment. It's not name calling its a " fact".
Maybe it's time to stop giving Kate a pass. She's been given so many maybe that's why she's still around.
Admin. what happened to my last post?
So if that's the case, and it's not another sob story she made up to justify her estrangement, why make your kids' lives as miserable as yours was if it was that bad?
That's the thing though, victims of abuse (your hubby for instance Auntie Ann :) either do everything in their power to not repeat the cycle OR continue it. I don't much believe in "black & white" scenarios-but in this instance (for me anyways)it is black & white.
When your whole story is just that, a story, watch out! The walls will crumble. Lies will not hold up.
Great point.
Has anyone asked her on twitter if calling the kids "Rabid Beasts" is how she "lifts them up"? That is waaay worse than, "Your hair looks ugly."
Another great point.
Just for giggles, does anyone know when it was announced that Jenny McCarthy would be joining the View? According to Robert's sources she was BALLISTIC. Curious to see what she was tweeting at that time.
I wonder if TLC arranged John Deere for the fun ride for the kids and the piecing and patching Hobbling Harridan didn't have to pay for it.
Product Placement/Grifting/Freebies
Strange, I was reading about John Deere who started his company and it is very interesting this earlier this morning.
Midnight Madness said... 163
I can't believe the W told a nanny to lock the boys into the bathroom till she got back hours later. I would of agreed with her and then after she left, I would of called the police.
What would the police have done?
This is where so many kids fall through the cracks. Yes, a caregiver could call the police and report their concerns. Maybe a cruiser might even respond. But if they did show up to investigate, and they find 6 children who are living in what appears to be a nice well-equipped home, left with a caregiver while their mother is away, apparently adequately nourished, clothed and housed and with no obvious signs of serious injury - they would probably tell the caregiver there was nothing they could do. While they might not agree with the method of discipline, all they have at that point is the caregiver's word that she was told to lock the child in the bathroom for hours. They might simply advise the caregiver to refrain from doing so. They might return when the mother was back home to talk with her (might, but probably not). They might even offer some pamphlets with information about parenting classes, or anger management. Then they leave. No report filed, no charges filed.
That type of incident does not rise to the level of police action. There is an ingrained reluctance to interfere with parenting and discipline. That's called "government interference" and people tend to freak out at the idea that the government could step in and take their kids away.
Unfortunately, what usually causes the state to finally step in is a tragedy, which I certainly don't want to see happening here. So some kids have to endure a miserable childhood as best they can, because they aren't abused enough to suffer a crippling injury, near death, or worse. I understand the anger and frustration toward a caregiver, but it's not their fault. I'm sure most tried their best to make life a little easier for the kids, but were hamstrung by Kate's obsessive need to punish her children for any sort of imagined infraction.
She's not right in the head.
The Empress is a Clown said... 102
Too bad that Daily Mail article didn't get a final proofread! It's riddled with sloppy errors. Rush to print, maybe?
I am so glad Robert's book is starting to get some publicity, but the sloppiness of the writing in many of these articles makes me crazy. It is really difficult to read an article that is completely riddled with inaccuracies, spelling errors, missing punctuation and improper grammar. Not only does it sound and appear unprofessional, it damages the credibility of the author and the substance of the piece. I sincerely worry about the state of our language and how it will look in the future.
Thanks to the link for the BV files! Interesting reading. the funniest thing to me is how the author, like 99% of the viewing public, has no interest in TFMJG or ”her 17 kids”. TFMJG is so boring. The sad schoolchildren who hit and tattle and behave badly are just not interesting, except as objects of pity.
Re the ratings analysis, the 0.8% is not eight percent of total viewers, but that decimal point makes it eight tenths of one percent of viewers watched TFMJG update special. The numbers were way back in this thread. Gotta say, I was surprised that the show got more viewers than Honey Boo Boo.
I noticed in the imdb credits that Jen Stocks was the director from the beginning for 10 episodes of the shows and was producer of the interview with Natalie Morales, which really surprised me.
And the 2 surviving specials. I wonder if it was Jen telling kate what to say in the secret earpiece?
Hey, has anyone asked Kate Coyne if she has read the book? What a perverted soul she has.
Carole said:
As for TFW or any psych patient for that matter - just getting many of them to take their meds is half the battle.
Yes, in my own limited experience, I've noticed that to be true. Several years ago, I worked for an attorney who had a lifelong friend who was bipolar. From time to time, he would go off his meds and my boss would get a call from him where he would be very paranoid, thinking he saw men in black with assault rifles hiding around his property, etc. My boss would calm him down, go over and drive him to the pharmacy for his meds. But he warned me should this guy ever come in, to call him (my boss) immediately and then find a reason to excuse myself and leave the building. Kinda scary!
Now I've got a neighbor 3 doors down with either an ex-husband or son (can't quite figure out what the relationship is) who also has some mental condition. She lets him come back and stay with her, but eventually he has a psychotic episode where he's screaming with rage, yelling about killing her, or killing someone, and the police have to come subdue him and haul him off. It always happens in the middle of the night.
I guess the medication that keeps them calm must have unpleasant side effects.
Tucker's Mom said... 174
I followed the sue-age closely and didn't think I missed anything.
For a minute, I thought maybe I had a tuma ;-)
"sue-age" - Ha, ha! Keep an eye on that possible tuma!
For a minute, I thought maybe I had a tuma ;-)
You can't have him. I already claimed him!
Carole said... 129
And why WHY does she not take her meds if she has been diagnosed with Bipolar?
I have a friend who suffers from bipolar and she's told me many times that she doesn't like to take the meds because they level out her moods (which they're supposed to do. lol) and she likes the manic phase. That's when they feel good. I guess it's a fairly common feeling among those patients.
Wasnt there a movie about this exact subject some years ago starring Richard Gere? Except I think he was a creative type, not a baby beater.
They're not talking about TFW. They're talking about the super fan/defective detective that is the subject of the viaview blog @ BV mentioned upthread.
Who is Jo Jo?
Sheeple site? laughable
"I must really be out of the loop. Who is Jo Jo and why would Jo Jo be suing Kate?"
I don't know, but John Boehner is suing Obama!
I don't remember if this was in the last book or not...butKate has forbidden the School Counselor to speak w/ her kids. Isn't that a red flag for any counselor and to bring those kids in and speak to them each individually to see what is going on at home? Isn't she required by law to look into the situation?
re: Hannah. I did see a bit of the rerun when flipping around last night, and Kate was saying she forgets Hannah is the same age as the other tups since she is so much more mature and always has been. I hate to rag on a kid but to me she seems very bossy and sometimes mean to other kids including siblings (like Alexis and Collin) and even Leah, second 'in command' for Princess post.
Posting this w/o reading anything else, so it's probably already been said...
Vanessa said... 92
''.......Does the gaslightER eventually become the gasligthEE to herself?''
Yes! Remember what Admin said? The CrazyWasteOfSpace ''is catfishing herself''!!
I haven't read the book but...to me revealing child and animal abuse is one thing. I just don't think it's right to "out" her childhood sexual abuse (alleged). That is hers to reveal..or not. Same with teenage indiscretions. I don't think that should be public fodder. And it sets her up as for sympathy. I do have sympathy for her sexually abused childhood if it is true. I don't have sympathy for the way she treats other now, but I wish that had been left out.
Except I think he was a creative type, not a baby beater.
Exactly. Just what admin said-if you're not taking your meds and it causes you to do harm to others, why don't you just take them? If your creativity is diminished or your "talent" is supressed, I get that. We're talking about baby jane here, arent' we? Talent? Creativity? pfft
I don't remember if this was in the last book or not...butKate has forbidden the School Counselor to speak w/ her kids. Isn't that a red flag for any counselor and to bring those kids in and speak to them each individually to see what is going on at home? Isn't she required by law to look into the situation?
Good question. I really hope the counselor has approached the kids and offered them help or just a kind word, saying that they are there for them.
My inner voice tells me that Kate won't be getting Jenny's seat if this rumor is true. Just a hunch.
Jenny McCarthy may be out of a job after only one season on "The View." Looks like the View from where she's sitting isn't so good.
HA! Get it? Because she's on a show called "The View," and ... sorry. A well-placed insider told FOX411 that McCarthy's contract is up next month and ABC likely will not re-sign her. "Jenny just didn't appeal to the daytime audience market. They couldn't relate to her," the source told FOX411. "There are a lot of changes taking place now that Barbara (Walters) has left." ABC said policy prohibits them from discussing talent contracts but they state "Jenny has been a welcome addition to the show."
Also, now it doesn't look like Celebrity Apprentice will be airing this year. The newest article I could find about it was from this past May. It might air next year? Frowny faces all around for TFW : (
Shame on the school if Kate won't let the counselor talk to the kids! Do all they care about is money?
Vanessa said... 180
Radar finally chimed in
Oh, Radar, Radar, Radar.
"Gosselin, 39, previously sued Hoffman and her ex-husband, Jon — claiming he had a hand in the book — claiming he penned his self-published book about her using information obtained by Jon through hacking into her computer and stealing her identity, but later dropped the legal battle."
If she dropped the legal battle, she could hardly have sued them. Where do they get their writers from?
They're also reporting the book is available for download on Amazon.
They used to write somewhat pro-Kate articles. hmmm. I wonder how many of her supporters are going to be backpedaling after they read that book. What happens if People mag withdraws from her fanclub.
This is going to get very, very interesting. Thank you, Robert.
Remona Blue said... 197
Posting this w/o reading anything else, so it's probably already been said...
Vanessa said... 92
''.......Does the gaslightER eventually become the gasligthEE to herself?''
Yes! Remember what Admin said? The CrazyWasteOfSpace ''is catfishing herself''!!
didn't I read here a saying "the best (or was it the worst) liars are the ones who lie to themselves?
The Radar picture. Where did they get that...it's one I hadn't seen before? If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then what's inside there is frightening.
Hannah. I did see a bit of the rerun when flipping around last night, and Kate was saying she forgets Hannah is the same age as the other tups since she is so much more mature and always has been
Well of course she says she seems more mature. Never a need for her to whine or be upset, cough CUPCAKES anyone? how about when she was allowed to sit in on their confessionals? When you're at the top of the totem pole no need for "melt downs" etc.like the rest of her kids. She's a good little soldier. PLUS if she does misbehave, the consequence is different.
Blowing In The Wind said... 190
They're not talking about TFW. They're talking about the super fan/defective detective that is the subject of the viaview blog @ BV mentioned upthread.
Who is Jo Jo?
JoJo is the hacker BV allegedly hired this past December to further attack the Kate haters. When JJ found out who his targets were and their "crimes" he said no. BV was not happy and added him to the enemies list. JoJo is currently in jail on a parole violation. The detective appears to have sent a letter to the judge in JoJo's case accusing him of all kinds of wild conspiracies, including accusing JoJo of outing her super secret previously unknown personal info. She felt unsafe because of this. She had to upgrade her security system and buy a new front door. She's just a simple mother of 3 and she has no idea why she's being targeted. I'll pause here so you can clean up any drink you may have just spewed on your computer. Meanwhile, her personal info has been easy to find with the simplest of searches and has been for years. Funny as it is, she wasn't under oath and her letter was unsolicited. It doesn't look like she committed any crime by doing this, but maybe someone with more familiarity about these matters knows different. I guess JoJo could take civil action.
Gosselin adamantly denied all claims.
Kate never denied anything,
despite being in a sh!tload of trouble, she continues to sit on Twitter all day and night outing people. Comparing Twitter IDs of those she doesn't like. And she alternates this with Bible verses. It's the oddest kind of mental illness. It looks like most of her former friends have left her high and dry. BV must wish he never met her.
People has an article about the 2nd part of the special including 2 clips.
The first clip is Kate whining about how HAAARRRDD she has it because she has 8 kids.
The 2nd clip shows when she was decorating the cake and Zorro jumps on it. She actually took Zorro to the sink to wash the icing off of him.
Well b**h you should've thought about this be for abusing your kids and divorcing Jon.
I don't feel bit sorry for you.
Pity you I won't I pity the kids.
Fear not, ROL will probably soon be running a story (with quotes from a "close friend of Kate's) slamming Robert and/or the book into a wall, and denying any of the contents are true. Because...you know...Kate herself can't deny it.
Also, there are two video clips of Kate (from the special, I guess) on People's website, where she's off again on her pity poor single mom of eight/me, me, me rant.
She cries behind closed doors, ya know.
Jenny McCarthy has acting and performing chops, and I think she pulls her weight on The View with regards to hosting- she's quite good at it.
I think there are many formers viewers who are like me and don't find any of the hosts particularly likable, knowledgable in an academically rigorous way, or relatable.
They've just gone so far left that it makes most people's head spin.
Interestingly, I did catch about 20 min. this week, and for some reason, a "hot topic" was about quashing rumors about who The View has offered seats to.
Suzanne Sommers many years ago- denied
Bethenny Frankel more recently- denied.
No mention of Kate whatsoever.
I can imagine Jenny doesn't have wide appeal, despite obvious efforts to leverage her relationship to her fiance, Donny Wahlberg, by culling the coveted demographic he still garners with NKOTB.
The "Blockheads", as they are called.
The show has been in the crapper for a while now, and the last thing that sinking ship needs is Kate Gosselin.
The shame is that The View, like Kate , thinks The View gets to decide how long they're on our televisions.
It doesn't work that way.
The shows that have been the most respected and successful have gone out on top.
As Julie Chen said to Kate- "...the show will end, it always does".
Beyond Disgusted said... 5
The Radar picture. Where did they get that...it's one I hadn't seen before? If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then what's inside there is frightening.
I"m pretty sure that's a still from Kate's appearance on GMS last Thurs., and is just one of her appearances that made us think she's had some funky work done to make her mouth look odd and lopsided.
The photo is really unfortunate.
Deanna- don't make Kate look like The Grinch again, mmkay?
She cries behind closed doors....REALLY?? WHO GIVES A SHIT!!!
Don't give up Kate you give up on everything you do honey. And no you're not a super mom or a single mom.
Do you own a dictionary?
I wonder how much her kids cry??
For someone who wrote a cookbook and who claims to get a 10/10 during meals Kate can't frost a cake and she let Zorro stay in the kitchen???
She didn't wash her hands after putting Zorro back the 1st time he got off his stand either ugh...
"Jenny just didn't appeal to the daytime audience market. They couldn't relate to her," the source told FOX411."
Gee, it couldn't have anything to do with her commercial for an e-cigarette, where she appears to be out at a bar, in a mini-dress, exchanging meaningful glances with a guy she just met but might want to be making out with later that night, so thank goodness for e-cigs?
You mean the image of a divorced mom of a son with autism out drinking and hooking up with a guy she meets in a bar doesn't have broad appeal to the daytime audience of mostly SAHMs? Who woulda thunk?
Or could it have anything to do with her anti-vaccination stance? Outbreaks of measles is on the rise, thanks to the anti-vax movement, which puts not only the children of the anti-vaxxers at risk, but everyone they come into contact with. I have a feeling that most moms do not appreciate their child being exposed to increased health risks.
I'm surprised there are all positive comments on the starcasm article that Robert is the bad guy and Kate is great and a victim. No one is seeing the kids as a victim. Sad.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......couldn't resist..Give me a damn break with this stupid crap People Magazine. What a waste of ink. Bet she got another pay day for that ridiculous article. Unfreakin' believable..
Look at Kate and feel sorry for her while she's got Party City (or whatever) closed down for her filming, while she fills multiple carts to the brim, hoarding stacks of crap that TLC is paying for, while she's getting paid to put on a birthday party for her kids.
Yeah, I'm puddling up as I write.
Uh, no, I'm not, really.
Oh, but wait...poor Kate is trying so hard to maneuver those free party favors and decorations out the door and it looks so hard.
Gee, I wish someone would open the door for her.
Too bad there's no one there to help her.
Oh, my.
This is just breaking my heart.
She cries behind closed doors, ya know.
Or is she getting wasted?
In the first cry-me-a-river-segment, why is Kate's couch confessional present time, and all the footage of her kids from a couple years ago?
So Zorro flew into the stunt cake, big deal.
Kate had the real cake ordered anyway, who is she kidding?
That would be like me carving a chicken on the floor and crying because my dogs got into it!
Kate does indeed want to be considered a supermom, come on now.
10/10 dinner!
My kids all shrieked!
Kate puts this crap out there on her twitter, and formerly on her blog, all the time.
How fitting. The twitter bots are tweeting about TFW being a 'bully' (from the book). LOL
Jen said... 10
despite being in a sh!tload of trouble, she continues to sit on Twitter all day and night outing people. Comparing Twitter IDs of those she doesn't like. And she alternates this with Bible verses. It's the oddest kind of mental illness. It looks like most of her former friends have left her high and dry. BV must wish he never met her.
I agree. It is said that the detective is the one who sought him out and put he and Kate together in the first place. I had heard that her "friends" have all distanced themselves from her. Probably a good idea.
She really makes no connection to her actions when the same actions are applied to her. In her mind, she believes it is up to her to decide what can and cannot be said on the interwebs because a higher power gave her this authority.
Oh, does the closed door you cry behind belong to a closet maybe?
Wonder if the tup you made the babysitter put in the locked room cried too?
what a POS
Kate is a twit said... 11
''People has an article about the 2nd part of the special including 2 clips.
The first clip is Kate whining about how HAAARRRDD she has it because she has 8 kids.
The 2nd clip shows when she was decorating the cake and Zorro jumps on it. She actually took Zorro to the sink to wash the icing off of him.'' ~~~~~~~~~
As I watched that second clip I couldn't take my eyes off what on earth Zorro was eating. It looked like a long strip of cellophane or maybe Saran wrap. I can't wait for the bird lovers/owners chime in about the clip!
Look at Kate and feel sorry for her while she's got Party City (or whatever) closed down for her filming, while she fills multiple carts to the brim, hoarding stacks of crap that TLC is paying for, while she's getting paid to put on a birthday party for her kids.
That segment was probably filmed at Michael's. Remember the tweeter who tweeted about her being there?
I don't think they closed down the store. I noticed that Michael's name was blurred out on the shopping cart and elsewhere.
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