Our summer weather is finally poking through the June gloom but there's still never any parking, so I had to steal a spot at the grocery store, buy a jar of marinara sauce and a couple bananas to make me feel like I had good morals and values, and take a long walk in the blistering sun to the Apple Store for my Genius Bar appointment. My d, f, g, h, j, k, and l keys aren't working, I explained, dabbing the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand, and I really need the K like now. Apple blue man, who actually has quite a nice name I won't disclose, was not so interested in my K woes. But he ran a few tests and promptly announced, "It looks like your d, f, g, h, j, k, and l keys aren't working. We'll have to fix those." Yes. If you please.
I like how these early 20-somethings have a way of sort of shaming you over your stupid laptop. It's your laptop and you can do what you want with it, even be reckless. I mean, you paid for it. They look at you like your dad looked at you in 1986 when you were 20 minutes late for curfew. "So, you spilled something on the keys?" Apple asked disapprovingly.
"No!" I exclaimed, scandalized. "I never eat or drink or even think of such things around my laptop!" I didn't want to let him down.
"Yeah they always say that, then we open it up and find a puddle of sticky diet Sprite."
Yikes. You can't get anything past these blue men. He was making me nervous, like interrogation nervous. And then I was laughing at myself for being nervous, heh. But he laughed too, which was cute. Okay, fine, maybe I did spill a little. Once. It was a Corona. It snorted out when somebody or other on the blog here made yet another wise crack. It was just a few drops, and it was a really long time ago. I can't say he was asking me this to see if I would be covered by my warranty, because my warranty has long since been blown and he knew that. So he was just generally shaming. Probably for fun. A pastime. Count how many people own up to their Corona mishaps in an hour's time. Blue men are sick people.
Alas the Mac will be back next week all prettied up and alcohol free. In the meantime I've dusted off an old Dell which has about 30 seconds of battery life if you accidentally unplug it, so you have to try not to do that or really hurry if it happens. First world problems: I know it when I have them. Now I'm finally off with the recap, checking my power connection every few minutes as I go!
Coming up on Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10. Cousin It here decided it's time to throw the "little kids" a big birthday party. Cousin It went to the Joan Crawford school of parenting in that It has a problem with parents who let their children win. Because that turned out oh so well for Christina.
For all the T.V. Cousin It watches you would think she would have seen that film by now. I mean, it replays all the time. She probably skipped over DVRing it because she's not interested in some other mother being the dearest. Hey, I thought we aren't allowed to judge how someone parents. I thought we are to support parents and especially mothers no matter how f-ed up their parenting is. Or is only It allowed to have a problem with how other people parent? Heh.
If you're wondering why I'm referring to Kate as Cousin It, it's not because I can't get my K to work. It's because the hair is really that bad. Like a flat, sad little shih tzu with roots.
Well they certainly had fun with this in the editing room. It crows on and on about how the surprise she has in store for the kids will be the most amazinglish wonderful thing ever and she will probably be crowned bestest Mommy in all the land. Then TLC cuts to the children around the dinner table just as Aaden's face falls. Nice touch.
Credits roll. I think these are pretty similar to what they had before, only you can tell they are really under a tight budget because there was no real photo shoot this time. They just use screen captures of Kate and the kids from the couch interviews. Some of the captures are pretty lazy, with the kids not making their best smile or expression. Cara's is even a little blurry, lol. It was probably one of those things where the deadline is 6 p.m. and you just need the photo in there you don't have time to mess around with getting it perfect. Hannah's hair looks just like Kate during her Baby Jane phase. It looks ridiculous on a ten year old. Also now that she has gotten older she's the spitting image of photos I've seen of Kate when she was a child, only brunette. The rest of the kids look like Jon, mercifully, especially Alexis and the boys, only they have Kate's large teeth. They will grow into those I'm sure but at this age it's awkward. Which is another reason kids this age should be left to hit puberty in private. Even the group photos at the end are old, old, old, which is so silly when it's supposed to be an "update." LOL I can just picture Cousin It's rage when she found out there would be no photo shoot day this time around. No day to glam and primp for hours and play celebrity with Deanna and the "team" while the kids push and shove and raid the food truck.
March. Spring Break. Kate says they've grown up a lot since the cameras left and really learned what's important. Which would be? She never says. I'm going to take a guess she hasn't learned that privacy is the most important thing right now for her famous children and she's vowed to protect it with everything she has from now on.
Oh, Cousin It has been replaced by Baby Jane, which is a bit jarring.
For continuity sake, you should probably stick with the same "look" for one update special or if you must change your look, do something subtle like wear your hair up instead of down. She looks like a completely different person and it's distracting. I get this sense about her she likes showing up with some completely new and different hairstyle every time her fugly mug shows up on T.V. or even more than once on the same program. Because that's what all the cool celebrities do like Brad Pitt. Only he manages to pull the constantly changing thing off without coming across like a complete tool, so he gets a pass.
Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall is just about the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It's a pity his "just hold me while I quietly cry because I feel guilty that I indirectly caused my kid brother's death" look didn't make it to the above graphic because it was the best one. Okay I can't help myself here it is:
Told ya.
Baby Jane's skin looks like it got run over by a Mack Truck. I hope it has insurance. Kate's right a lot has changed!
Meet Zorro, the newest member of the Gosselin family to be exploited. Okay he's kinda cute, and at least he probably has no idea what a hellhole he lives in. A producer is asking Jane mundane questions about their morning routine and sounds bored. Jane's answers are equally boring. On school days they have breakfast early. On non-school days, it's later. Um, sometimes they make it themselves. Um, sometimes I make it. Um, shoot me. It's hysterical how they act like there is something special and interesting about multiples and meal times. There's not. You prepare more food. Pretend it's a dinner party with eight of your friends over, only this happens every day. Nobody asks how you possibly managed to get dinner on the table for eight friends. Eventually after ten years of this you'd think you'd get into a routine and this wouldn't be a big deal anymore, but it's Baby Jane and she loves talking about the super special ways she does the most mundane of things.

Anyway I bring her up because Alexis reminds me a lot of her. It's been impossible to find out what ever happened to Noley other than at some point she studied film at Chapman, which is a very good film school. I wish her the best, she was pretty in demand and must have spent a huge chunk of her childhood on movie sets. I'd love to chat with her about all that someday.
The kids are really wild about the bird. I'm glad they have something to care about. Kate comes about as close to admitting the kids' father is still alive when she says they haven't seen Zorro all weekend since they just got back. Back from? I don't think the kids were off having a spa weekend in the Poconos. It's very sad she can't acknowledge their father's very real presence in their lives.
He loves Rice Krispies! the girls say. Ha, aw. Aaden explains that Zorro is also known as "the president." Um, Aaden, this is about as far from a democracy as you can get. But I appreciate Zorro's optimism. Somebody's gotta try an' veto this bitch once in awhile.
I like Zorro. Hey maybe that's what that dumb Hailey meant about this special pulling presidential ratings. She thought it was actually going to feature the president. You know there's nothing funnier or more pathetic than an ex-girlfriend who ponies up to another ex-girlfriend or ex-wife just because the only thing you even remotely have in common is you both hate your ex.
We saw this part in the promo. Kate has already started a bunch of eggs but only now asks the children do they want eggs. Ah, narcissists are so fun. Nice little trap there, because the only answer is really yes. I mean, yes please, Mommie dearest. If you don't want eggs, you'll be punished for the ungrateful little brat you are. Or at the very least you're made to feel guilty because Jane already spent so much time and energy preparing them so lovingly for you while you got your sleep.
Quick shot of Mady doing her hair in the bathroom. Eek, that's creepy. Can we at least leave the bathrooms off limits? Mady looks really different without makeup. I didn't realize how much she was wearing before.
Poor shmoopy has been home a lot more since the traveling has dried up. She must hate that. Good.
It's hard for Baby Jane to grasp that her children can pour their own cereal these days. No, she really says this. These children are 10 and 13. Shouldn't she be well used to this amazing feat by now? I heard they have started walking too, and drink out of cups. A few are even talking in full sentences. Shmoopy makes sure with every boring thought she shares with us we notice that she spent 49.99 getting her nails all dolled up for the occasion.
Yes shmoop, the kids are self-sufficient now. Which is just the first step in them NOT NEEDING YOU ANY MORE WHICH MEANS YOU'RE IRRELEVANT. Ha-ha, you're toast, shmoops.
"Vacuum up Christmas tree needles" needs to be written into their lengthy and painful chore charts? Only shmoops could suck the ever living joy out of Christmas by making a chore out of picking up after Jesus.
The kids have been asking what it was like when they were babies, like how did they take care of them all. That's kind of cute. Shows they really are getting older and are finally understanding what they are and what that meant when they came into the world. Why wouldn't you just love this time in their lives instead of constantly pining after the baby years? Kids who ask questions about themselves when they were babies are fun!
A few boring flashback clips. The most we see of Jon are his hands feeding the babies a banana. Still, I'd be calling up TLC demanding my cut, Jon!
The girls explain that the "only" chores the boys do are take care of their fifty chickens. Oh well the only thing a farmer does is farm. Geez, they're mean. Also that's a lie, since we know from their chore charts seen on Wife Swap that the boys are also on bathroom duty. Kendra thought it was very unfair they never rotated the chores. Kendra is right. And Kate has learned nothing from that experience as nothing has changed. Basically the boys are still on constant shit duty, chicken, human or otherwise.
Kate says the reason they have chickens is so the boys can have a "man chore." Whoa, cue 1955. What the hell? How come you don't have chickens because they produce yummy eggs and are fun and feathery? Also as others have pointed out, chickens, Kate, are traditionally not a "man chore." She's so dumb and senseless it's painful. In fact there are a good number of paintings from the 19th century telling us exactly who has always done this work.
![]() |
Julien Dupre, French, 1851-1910 |
Some old clips of Aaden, who was probably the cutest of all the babies. He's grown into a pretty cool kid, with rad glasses and a fun belly laugh. I really like the boys. They tease each other but it's not usually nasty and cruel like the girls are. "Sometimes he's a little clueless. In a good way, in a good way!" Collin says. Ha. What's good clueless? I guess this would be good clueless:
Wook at him he's so cuteeeeee. Commercials! How many Amish shows does TLC have anyway? Couldn't they consolidate? As @localyocul pointed out, The Learning Channel has become the little people multiples cake channel. I will add to that the Amish little people multiples cake channel. I guess you will learn a bit about religion, a little bit about reckless reproduction, a bit about obscure medical problems, and a bit about baking. A well rounded education.
Mady gets her LAST REDEMPTION (cue the timpani) when she dares to suggest that the lame "fun things" Kate has planned over spring break might not be fun. That tragic clip has been discussed enough so I won't belabor it too much except to say Mady when you play the Game of Thrones you win or your die.
"I got those girls cell phones and ipads so I could take them away." She's realized she can get under their skin by cutting off their friends. She's good at shit like that. Cutting people off I mean. And getting under everybody's skin.
They can go to this play zone thing but they can only pick two fun activities to do. You may not pick one. You may not pick three. You will make your selections and write your name on the fun zone chart in blue marker for boys and red marker for girls. You will use capital letters, no cursive. Once you have made your selections the contract becomes binding. Should you fail in this mission, your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth.
Mady tells the little kids about one of the activities and says it's pretty dumb because you can't even touch the ball so don't pick that one. This really pisses Kate off, because apparently Mady is not allowed to give her siblings advice. As @Layla and others so astutely pointed out, the hook of this show was the dynamic between Kate and Jon. Now that he's been so marginalized they need someone new Kate can spar with. Cue Mady! Except, she's thirteen. A child. "Their developing self-esteem is at stake," Layla explained. "It's not a level playing field, and it's not fair."
The twins didn't want to go to play zone at all, they explain. Well, I'm sure they didn't. I've been to play zone type places and they're usually more for little kids. Plus who wants to go to something geared for younger kids with a bunch of your younger siblings. It's just normal to resist this and it's no wonder Mady is frustrated.
Mady explains that she's been trying to talk to Kate all day and Kate just blows her off. I can't imagine that. Kate says she can't talk to her because all she does is whine. Kate is making such a teenager 101 mistake here in that she is trying to debate the issue with Mady.
Mady is a teenager and this is why she has no filter, Kate says. Nope, Mady has lived with you for the past 13 years, that's why she's finally just laying it all out there, shmoops.
Like any mother-daughter relationship, sometimes we don't get along, Mady explains happily on the couch, probably some several hours or days later. Ha, sounds like Mady has been studying the Gosselin PR/BS manual like a good Shmoopy Youth. Kate is sitting right next to her ready to snap her fingers just in case.
Baw-haha, Kate dramatically talks about how she broke her "foot" last year and doesn't want to do that again. Mom, you broke your toe, one of them explains. Toe, toe, toe! all the rest chime in forcefully. Kate, welcome to the concept of "ganging up." They've figured it out, and it's glorious.
Wow she's really pissed off that they're not letting her set the agenda here finally. Finally I am enjoying this show. "I don't really care!" she says with a childish wave of her hand. "It was broken and you still forced me to hobble about and feed you!" When all else fails pull the "I feed you so I'm the martyr so shut up" card. That's very mature. For that little stunt @AuntieAnne dubbed her the Hobbling Harridan. Lol, perfection. I'm proud to say it happens often on this particular blog.
I love how nothing, nothing is ever Kate's fault. Ever. It's not that she tripped on the island. It's that the island tripped HH. Heh, even the island wants out.
"There's nothing to yell about!" Kate yells.
Lol, the producer is soooo bored. "So you guys have a hard time making a decision as a big group?" he asked tiredly.
"Yes," the twins explain, equally bored.
At this point my DirectTV loses its signal. It's a clear sunny California day and my Direct TV only goes out about once a year, so this is weird. I can only conclude it's gone the way of the island too and can't stand this woman. It leaves me with a bizarre error message reading, "this location is not authorized." That sounds so final.
Well, a reboot did the trick and I'm back. That was scary for about two minutes. Now we're profiling Hannah, the golden child. Of course she's mature, kind and beyond her years, Kate explains earnestly. Why, it's hard to imagine she's part of the sextuplets she's so touched by an Irish angel.
The little kids are a little more on this planet. They say well, let's see how to describe Hannah. Hannah loves animals. Heh. Well yeah cause she's ten not Gandhi. It's a relief to know none of the kids appear to be nuts.
Commercials. Did you know TLC is offering life tips now? Naturally they're life tips for dummies, like keep an extra pair of flats in the office to slip on when you leave work and head to happy hour. Does their average viewer even go to happy hour? I thought most people watching this channel have either toddlers or grandkids and have to fill up on gas after work and swing by CVS for some wipies. I guess this is learning in any case. Nobody wants sore feet.
They spend an incredibly long time talking about the car situation, but they show a few clips of Jon helping the kids get buckled in so it's worth it. Kate "gave" the first BBB to Jon. Wait, the same BBB that they were grifted back in the day? Lol, I have never seen anyone so self-serving. Conveniently nobody makes mention of the two other cars she has including that Audi. Heh.
Some nice workers at Play Days organize some games for the kids. Mady doesn't want to be there, and Kate doesn't like her attitude. Mady explains it's not an attitude issue it's that Kate is not listening to her. Oh, Kate's listening, Mady. She'll just never respect or care about your wants and needs. Mady would be better off saying the opposite, that she does desperately want to be there. Then she might have a much better chance of getting to stay home.
The editors are cracking me up. When Kate talks about some meltdowns the kids used to have as babies, they show a clip of mostly just Kate melting down. Ha! Her number. They have it. And also, this is not a meltdown. This is a thirteen year old child with needs calmly and rationally telling her mother she would prefer not to attend this particular event. What's wrong with that?
Can you imagine if they made an entire series out of all this? I mean, absolutely nothing has happened and we're halfway through the show.
Jenna, Mady's best friend, shows up to Play Days and Mady is instantly much happier.
"You should have told me that. I hate surprises," Mady scolds. Had she just known Jenna was coming she says she would have been in a much better mood. I'm sure that's true. Kate, the bitch, says fine I just won't invite any friends next time then.
Ugh. Oh my God.
"Who does that?" Mady demands. Yeah that is pretty screwed up. I mean, surprises should have a purpose behind them, such as you don't want to spoil the birthday or anniversary surprise until the moment the gift or trip arrives. To withhold someone's friend from them, pretend like nobody's coming to help make this bearable for them, and watch your daughter be in a terrible mood all day because she thinks she's going to have to hang out with her younger siblings the whole time, is actually pretty sadistic. Kate likes to watch her children squirm, and I know there must be a word for that somewhere. Psychotic maybe?
They're playing some kind of variation of dodge ball and Kate is crazy eyes competitive. Well that's frightening to watch. Oh speaking of Crazy Eyes, there was a pop up food truck going around L.A. today promoting Orange is the New Black. A couple of my friends ran into it and posted photos. They had pie and, you guessed it, chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream. That's so brilliant and fun. I heart that women's prison.
Like they showed in the beginning, Kate has an opinion about other people's parenting! Hypocrite. She even wrote an entire blog posts about how we should only build parents up called "Walk a Day in my Heels." Heh, tool. Thanks to @Kateisatwit for finding it. "It’s time for all of us to make a change whereby all parents truly stick together! Period! No more contests, no more darts; just support, help, and concern for each other!"
Hey, I don't have a problem if Kate disagrees with how someone parents. We're allowed to have disagreements and say so, that is how society progresses and does not become sheep and how we ultimately raise better children. Our goal as a human race should be to communally raise better children, even though we all have our own respective children. Because better children means the human race is stronger. Ultimately I think that's the evolutionary reasons behind why so many people give a crap about somebody else's parenting. I mean, somewhere along the way somebody felt the need to say hey Ezra maybe you should let your child speak at the dinner table once in awhile. Somewhere along the way somebody said hey Prudence maybe we shouldn't hit little Elizabeth here with that paddle. They did it because we all have a vested interest in making things better for society's children, or should.
A picture of pugs dressed up as pilgrims because it's my blog and I can.
But then that's going to go for Kate too. If she criticizes other parents then she too is subject to criticism.
So, she doesn't think parents should let their kids win. At ... anything? Ever?
Oh where to begin. Congratulations, shmoops, you beat a thirteen year old at dodgeball. No one is saying always let your children win. Although come to think of it, my sweet father always, always let us win. I don't think he is capable of beating us, his gentle heart just won't let him do it. That said, what kids need is a healthy dose of both. The need to win some things so they learn how to win, and they need to lose some things so they learn how to lose. The awesome posters on this blog suggested a game of chance like Candy Land to accomplish this goal. That way you don't have to be sort of "dishonest" in letting them win. They will win and lose sometimes in games of chance. So beat them sometimes, and don't beat them sometimes. I guarantee you when they have properly learned how to handle both, they will ask you not to let them win anymore. Just be patient, it comes at about age 15. All that results in never letting your kid win is a child who grows into a frighteningly competitive adult who takes pleasure in pummeling little children with red nerf balls and can't get a date because Dad never let them win at Connect Four when they were seven.
You know her "don't let them win" attitude stretches across the board. It's clear whenever Mady engages with her Kate must have the last word on it and she'll swipe iphones and torture them with surprises and such to be sure she "wins."
Kate's so psycho out there on the court that Mady hurts her knee trying to keep up. Even while Mady is still limping Kate keeps going, just outright pummeling her until she wins. Then she tries to hug her, but Mady dives away in disgust.
"I'm sorry. I had to," Kate says later on the couch.
"I don't accept your apology," Mady retorts. Good, because that wasn't an apology.
Mady and Cara have the same personalities as they did when they were younger only Cara is more beaten down and Mady is more bitter. They show a little montage. It's good to see the twins seem to still like each other and have remained close. Mady needs constant reminders to take on a task to the best of her ability and win, Kate explains.
Win what? Life is not one giant game of Hungry Hungry Hippos, geez. Why is it so important to her the kids be so competitive? Hard-working, yes, but competitive? That can definitely be a negative trait especially when it comes between you and knowing when to quit. This is so funny because Kate doesn't seem to appreciate that this is exactly how Mady behaves towards her. She takes Kate to task and must win. And she does a pretty good job of it for a 13-year-old. It's become a battle of wills of epic proportions, and the awesome thing is there will be at least five more years of this karma every day for shmoops.
They flashback to the time when they ice skated for the first time. I really appreciate how respectful TLC is being to Jon. Every clip of him shows him being a loving and attentive father. For instance his gentle hand on Mady's back when she fell on the ice. I forgot how patient and gentle he generally was with the children when they were little. A few moments of frustration can be forgiven when the vast majority of the time you are very kind and attentive.
Back to today, and these kids still can't ice skate? Wow this is bad. Geez every kid living in the Northeast should know how to do that by now. Joel is the perfect child, Kate announces. I'm sure the other kids appreciate hearing that. Oh, the kids know she feels that way so don't worry, she explains. Oh, okay then.
Kate can't even stand up on the ice. Where has she been the past 39 years? She gets on a chair and the kids push her around. "Is this how you're going to push me when I'm old?" she asks. Eh, maybe. Though I imagine that may look something more like this:
The ice skating wasn't so bad. They had fun and Kate was okay to them, minus making it all about her when she made a spectacle of herself out on the ice..
Some of the younger kids are playing in the living room. Seemingly without provocation Collin blurts out to Hannah that her hair is ugly. Probably just pent up frustration since it's not fun to be the scapegoat and watch the golden child be treated like princess for a day every day.
Kate yells at him across the room that he shouldn't say things like that and we should only build others up. Oh, so that's what that little rampage she went on against the non-fans last year was about, building others up? What about when she ripped Kendra a new one with a laundry list of issues and basically accused her of being lazy and waited on hand and foot by Hank Sr.? Heh.
Collin looks absolutely crushed and just when I think she's really shut him up for good, he says, I was just being honest, it was ugly.
Oh shit.
Collin's eyes are full of tears. Poor kid. Kate explains that he needs to put his words through a filter and instead of saying that's ugly, say something like, "I've seen it look better." Haha. Oh, yeah cause that's so much nicer. Good grief. It's rather amusing watching someone with some of the worst social skills I've ever seen lecture her son about social skills. I especially like the part where she instructs Collin not to be honest. Well, that's confusing. I kind of look like Carrie Ann right now, cheek resting on my hand, just sort of equally fascinated and incredulous of this borg.
Oh and hey how about Leah tattling on Collin and making sure Kate heard what he said. Whatever Leah. There's sibling rivalry, and then there's sibling nastiness, and what I've seen so far is just nasty and goes way beyond normal sibling conflicts. Any one of them will sell anyone else down the river just to survive. There's no loyalty or compassion at all from especially the sextuplet girls, and I fear for their sibling relationships later on in life.
There's really nothing else Collin can say to this nonsense but "yes." Which is what Collin says. Yes, Mom. Sure, Mom.
The old clips of Collin they show are mostly sweet. It's oh so appropriate to call your child "manipulative." What? He's your child, not Lisa Vanderpump. He's also challenging authority. Rise up, proletariat.
Kate's done what any fun mother would do over spring break and filled it up with doctor appointments. Actually, I don't mind that. It's better that they not be pulled out of school. Although like anything this is probably more for Kate's convenience than the children's. The twins say they always get dragged along. Why? They're thirteen. Surely they can stay home alone for a few hours and watch T.V. or something. Or is Kate afraid they might google? You know I have a theory on her paranoia over Google. I don't think it's that she's afraid they'll see something about the family and their feelings will be hurt. Rather I think she's pretty darn afraid they will see some of the countless negative things written about her, Kate, and might actually agree with it! After all, there are numerous articles from numerous well known publications, many relying on psychologists and other parenting experts, criticizing her parenting and taking up for the children. Her own former employer The Stir thought that the incident where she took Mady's iphone away was handled terribly by Kate. A kid like Mady would print that out just to prove a point. No wonder Google frightens Baby Jane.
You know there are so many little things in this monstrosity I could spend forever on this recap, but just one of them is Hannah randomly hitting Leah as they cross the street. I know she then hugs her, but I find this behavior very strange and inappropriate especially from a ten year old. But it's just allowed, no repercussions at all. Why is that? The rules in this family are arbitrary, and enforced arbitrarily, and the resulting chaos is not at all surprising.
Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be for a ten year old to have a camera crew along for doctor's appointments? It was bad enough when they were little.
In another of the rare nice moments, the kids all help Aaden pick out a new pair of frames. He seems to love the attention and Kate does another good thing in that she has the kids give a thumbs up or thumbs down to the various frames. Now there is a fun way to help someone out with something that might end up "ugly" on them, without hurting their feelings. I agree with Kate for once, he is extra cute in those glasses.
Kate really liked their third birthday party carnival and wants to recreate it. For a ten-year-old?? I don't know. I don't think the kids remember a darn thing from their third birthday party, that is really a stretch. I think they're remembering the episode. At least Aaden admits he really doesn't remember a thing from when he was little. Ha, so much for the memories. He should get his money back!
Kate announces her scathingly brilliant idea, and the kids immediately think it's the dumbest thing they've ever heard.
Lol, waa-waa.
Because it's a narcissist, they have a fake debate about this but ultimately the carnival theme is of course going forward full steam ahead. Zorro is so cute on Kate's shoulder chewing away on Kate's shirt like he owns the place.
It's great the way the kids constantly poke holes in Kate's catfish of a life on Twitter. You know how shmoops is always posting shit from their parties like bowls of pretzels and Super Bowl cakes like sort of a poor man's Good Housekeeping spread. Hannah explains that actually when they throw parties all Kate does is complain about how she doesn't want to do any of this. Heh.
Because Kate is a tease, she hints, hems and haws about some big thing she has dreamed up but in typical Kate fashion won't tell us what it is. I think the speculation on the blog that it's that Jonas brother who she was on Celebrity Apprentice with is spot on. I guess that might be okay for some of them but for the boys, I doubt this would be that big of a deal.
Mady also thinks this is one dumb idea, which is correct. Kate blames Mady for influencing the sextuplets.
Actually, I would like to point out that the sextuplets all immediately hated the idea and that Cara and Mady, even though they were sitting right there, did not say anything, look at any of them, or influence them in any way. They came up with the notion that they hated it on their own. It was only later when asked Mady said look I really don't care it's not my birthday, but if you're honestly asking, yeah I think it's dumb. So suck it, Kate.
Well this is sad and hard to snark about. Mady said she hopes the younger kids don't look up to her because she's a bad role model and just sits on her bed all day. Is she serious? Well, that's not normal. Cara mutters something about Mady threatening the tups.
Okay, this just took a rather creepy turn. Moving on please!
Leah bellyaches that it's not "fair" that whenever they have something going on Mady and Cara get to have friends over.
What the hell? I'm 100% on the twins side for this one. Of course they should be able to have friends over as much as they want as long as homework and choring and any other commitments are done. Especially when it's something going on with the younger kids. They are thirteen for gosh sakes and shouldn't be dragged along to every single thing that's happening with the ten-year-olds without a buffer. And also, it's really none of Leah's business whether Cara and Mady have friends over and when. That's Kate's call when they are with her and Jon's call when they are with him, period.
What's funny about this is that Kate has absolutely no control over any of this. The kids bicker like cats and dogs, are rude and unreasonable and nasty to each other and their mother, and she has no idea, none, how to get everyone to calm down, breathe and be kind. For all her condescending parenting blogs, these kids are just a mess of chaos and disrespect. To be clear, it's not their fault, and they are desperate for structure and a more pleasant environment, but it's not like Shmoops has set her sights on giving that to them any time soon. The priority here is "filming" not happiness. This pretty much validates everything Jon said last year about their struggles socially. It's hard to imagine very many kids would want to be around any of this.
Mady explains that the sextuplets intruded on her whole life plan when she was three and a half. Lol. The life plan was to not have six brothers and sisters, in case you were wondering.
Yeah, I don't think anyone's life plan includes six little siblings, says Cara, which is the most this poor kid has said in this entire episode.
In seriousness though, it's obvious both the twins have built up massive resentment of this whole situation over the past ten years and they don't even care at this point about blurting it out. Now that they are older, wiser and much more aware of everything, I think their anger has only gotten worse. Therapy would help them both. They desperately need to deal with these feelings somehow or risk never having a healthy relationship with their family. I'm not really sure what they are talking about when they say they are manipulative, but I think they think they have somehow conned Kate about this party and friends. You've lost me there though I do believe them when they say they've got Kate all figured out. Oh you bet they do.
That was a "negotiation session," according to Kate. Oh. I thought it was a knock down drag out. My mistake.
The famous Hannah pooped in Hannah's underwears clip that all the creepy sheeple love. Gross. Kate complains Leah's voice is like a machine gun. That's nice.
Kate and the younger kids head to a party store where Kate quickly finds a bright pink clown wig for herself. Hey, the model on the package looks just like Shmoopy. She should do appearances.
"Come an' get yer popcorn!" Kate cries. Hey, that's our line!
"Please no!" Leah cries. Ha.
Alexis gives Kate some lip in the store and when Kate reprimands her Alexis tells her, "good!" Ha, omg. Alexis has probably always been the most dynamic of the kids, and as a result probably has the most creepy fans of all of them. Remember that fan in Tennessee who even had her name tattooed on her. Yikes. Kate chews on one of those ugly white nails of hers.
Her favorite food is salmon. That's unusual. I like the metaphor of poor little Alexis swimming upstream against the narcissist that is her mother.
The kids continue to be "rabid beasts" at the store, says Kate. Well they're cute rabid beasts anyway, like this one.
Any parent would say that about their children, says Kate. That they're rabid beasts? Uh, no! Gaa, stop speaking for all parents. It drives @Vanessa and I, and many others, nuts!
You know, I agree with her, the kids were being downright obnoxious in the store. They were rude and I've never seen children with such a lip on them so constantly. It's super uncomfortable. But, that's Kate's fault. It doesn't have to be this way. Parenting would help. Try it sometime. What Kate does, which she calls parenting, is whine. She constantly whines to them about their behavior and then suggests other often equally bad behavior or only slightly better behavior in its place. Maybe that might work for some children but it's not helping for these kids. In fact it seems to be making it worse because they've learned they can keep pushing her buttons without anything but a lecture. And sometimes even talk her out of or into things they shouldn't. In other words they're playing her like a puppet with strings. Oh what a lovely role reversal. I also strongly suspect a lot of this behavior is due to years of pent up aggression for all kinds of reasons we all well know of, and the whole family needs to go to therapy for that, for starters. In any case, the great tragedy here is that this woman appears utterly clueless that what she thinks she does so well she just downright sucks at.
Kate says the party could be pulled off if the twins wake up in a good mood. Gaa she's such a tool. And mean. And obnoxious. I ate ate! Cara's body language is terrible. She's bending her head and covering her mouth with her hand. It's like the Today show redux. Interestingly enough Kate has not been invited back since that stunt.
Next time on Kate Plus 8, the birthday party is nearly ruined by gale force winds, and Kate gets stuck to a giant Velcro wall. Leave her up there, kids. Revenge for all those years of Velcro shoes. See you next time!
1256 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1256 Newer› Newest»I don't think it's that she's afraid they'll see something about the family and their feelings will be hurt. Rather I think she's pretty darn afraid they will see some of the countless negative things written about
100% Agree.
From last post:
chefsummer said... 186
Shoot if Maddy had pushed Kate any harder Kate would've fell backwards.
Shoot if M had pushed K, K's body would have moved back. But it didn't. Watch in stop-mo. M pushed K's arms to the side to keep K from invading her personal space.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m
..Watched local fireworks display outside kitchen window while eating homemade choc chip oatmeal cookies 4 bedX snack❤️ #AhhInLoveWithSummer
Of course they are homemade! She just had to tweet that, didn't she? Question is, though, are her cookies organic? Milo wants to know.
I didn't read the recap yet...I need to mix up a Margarita and settle into my LEATHER sofa first. Looking forward to it!
Math Girl said... 2
I must me looking for a weird angle lol cause sure thought she pushed KK away.
Potato potahto lol.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m
..Watched local fireworks display outside kitchen window while eating homemade choc chip oatmeal cookies 4 bedX snack❤️ #AhhInLoveWithSummer
Why not pack to cookies up and the kids and take them to see the fire works??
Well, now we have proof of how Krazy has completely beaten the spirit out of Collin. It was so horrendous I don't know what to say. He should be with his father. IMO.
"Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be for a ten year old to have a camera crew along for doctor's appointments? It was bad enough when they were little."
GREAT recap Admin. I feel like I've watched it only better beause there's no annoying TLC banjo tinkling in the background and I didn't have to endure looking at Kate for an hour. Blech.
Anyway, good point (among so many) about dragging the camera crew along to the doctor's office. Has she really convinced her kids this is okay?
Maybe she would like them to be there when she goes in for her next pap smear.
Nix that. She'd probably love it.
Conversation on Kate's timeline. Pay special attention to Kate's response to her fan:
Ashley Ogbunugafor @MJandWWELover97 · 41m
My mom ADORES you. She admires you perseverance with raising 8 children and she says she will be a lifelong fan of yours! @Kateplusmy8
GosselinbookStTeam.. @AlfredoCocozza · 36m
@MJandWWELover97 @Kateplusmy8 Tell your mom Kate has a biography coming out on Monday 23 June 'Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled The World"
Ashley Ogbunugafor @MJandWWELover97 · 35m
@AlfredoCocozza @Kateplusmy8 Okay! Sure thing! :)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 29m
@MJandWWELover97 FYI: a biography is a book written by someone abt themselves. I don't have a new book coming out. Beware of lying haters :(
I thought Kate blocked the "haters". So how did she know what was said? Did she unblock them so she could see what was being said about Robert's book?
BTW Kate, a biography is a book written about a person by another person. A book written by someone about themselves is an Autobiography.
English was her best subject? Didn't they teach her the difference between a biography and an autobiography?
Admin-great recap!! You should have included where Kate said "You're gone-BAM!!" to Mady after Kate won the game. Hmm, maybe Donald Trump could steal that phrase and use it on CA. I'm saving it for future use and hope we can say it about Kate real soon.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 3
Question is, though, are her cookies organic? Milo wants to know
Rice crispies aren't organic either, yet the kids seem very familiar with them. The point being, that the organic partyline is a complete farce.
Great recap as usual admin. bravo!
Ashley Ogbunugafor @MJandWWELover97 50m
My mom ADORES you. She admires you perseverance with raising 8 children and she says she will be a lifelong fan of yours! @Kateplusmy8
GosselinbookStTeam.. @AlfredoCocozza 45m
@MJandWWELover97 @Kateplusmy8 Tell your mom Kate has a biography coming out on Monday 23 June 'Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled The World"
Ashley Ogbunugafor @MJandWWELover97 44m
@AlfredoCocozza @Kateplusmy8 Okay! Sure thing! :)
Kate GosselinVerified account
@MJandWWELover97 FYI: a biography is a book written by someone abt themselves. I don't have a new book coming out. Beware of lying haters :(
LMAO!! I thought she didn't read "hater" tweets! She read the replies to the fan! And um, no idiot an AUTOBIOGRAPHY is written by someone about themselves! What a dumbass
Uh oh--Kate must be worried about the book. She's tweeting platitudes again.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Life Tools @LifeTools · 1h
If you do what you love, you'll love what you do.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
iAm Wise @iAmTheWiseOne · 1h
Even though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
Kate is dumb as a stump and doesn't know the difference between a biography and autobiography. Look at her response to a tweet about the book coming out on Monday. Ugh! I ate I ate!
@MJandWWELover97 FYI: a biography is a book written by someone abt themselves. I don't have a new book coming out. Beware of lying haters :(
11:04pm - 21 Jun 14
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 1m
..Watched local fireworks display outside kitchen window while eating homemade choc chip oatmeal cookies 4 bedX snack❤️ #AhhInLoveWithSummer
It's a good thing that Gladys has gone to bed. Otherwise, we'd have a hundred questions about the chocolate chip cookies...who ate the most, how many did Kate bake, is the recipe posted online, and why were there fireworks tonight!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 47m
@MJandWWELover97 FYI: a biography is a book written by someone abt themselves. I don't have a new book coming out. Beware of lying haters :(
LOL,Kate. No, that's an autobiography. Geez! Wouldn't you think that a best-selling author would know that?
Why doesn't Aaden remember anything from his childhood? I thought all they did was sit around looking at old episodes of their show.
I just saw this on TCFW's twitter timeline:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 58m
@MJandWWELover97 FYI: a biography is a book written by someone abt themselves. I don't have a new book coming out. Beware of lying haters :(
No idiot, an AUTObiography is something you write about yourself. A biography is something written about someone else.
No matter how many times it happens, her utter stupidity makes me shake my head!
Last thread replay,
Over And Out said... 177
I was thinking the same thing. Now she's on this "life skills" kick. Milo should buy her a Chia Pet Sheep to see if she can keep it alive.
I was going to comment on this but it was too late. I don't get this lifeskills kick she's on now either. I guess she's exhausted all other avenues of expertise. But like cooking, blogging, and all her other endeavors, lifeskills coaching will go south too. What does a narcissist know about raising other human beings?
And I just got an image of the Chia pet. She'd probably let it grow long and scraggly and then bleach it.
Thanks so much for the recap admin! So glad I did not have to watch, and I know your recaps are so much funnier and interesting than the actual update special.
Schmoopy, Hobbling Harridan, Cousin It, all the nicknames are so much more interesting than the actual boring events of the not-so special special.
From the last post: when are we meeting for that googly ball game? Sounds fun! Except I am wearing shorts and my Life Is Better In Flip Flops tee shirt and my pink flip flops. Ok I will bring green crocs to wear during the game. Plus cup cakes, I have virtual cup cakes for everyone! Even my favorite red velvet cup cakes with cream cheese frosting, yum! Made on a bird free, feline free, and rodent free counter.
I watched the video of the brawl, and it reinforced the fact that Collin is the scapegoat. When Kate goes to hug Mady, Hannah walks behind Kate (where Kate can't see her) and pushes Collin. Then Alexis starts pummeling him. Hannah, knowing that Kate didn't see her start it all by pushing Collin, points at him and says something to Kate. Looks like she's tattling, trying to blame it all on him. Cara moves in to break it up, but Alexis continues hitting Collin.
Makes me think about what Robert said about writing the book for Collin. He saw something long ago, something we didn't see, probably due to TLC's editing. Collin really got to him. The hierarchy is so clear in that house. The girls are princesses, Joel is safe because he is "the perfect child", Aaden seems to tolerated well. That just leaves Collin. He is lectured for things that the other kids get away with. He is blamed for everything, even if he didn't start it. The girls set him up and then blame him. Heaven help that poor little guy.
What do the people at TLC think when they see all the footage? If this is what we see, just imagine what ends up on the cutting room floor. They probably edit out the worst of it, but there is still so much dysfunction and nastiness that was shown. I hope they took a good look at it and realized how unhealthy this family's dynamic is, and leaves them alone. Putting their bad behavior on TV is only going to make it worse.
Leah bellyaches that it's not "fair" that whenever they have something going on Mady and Cara get to have friends over.
What the hell? I'm 100% on the twins side for this one.
I agree that the twins should be able to have friends over but my take on Leah's statement was that the sextuplets are NOT.
(Think about it - each sextuplet invites 1 friend = 6 more kids. However could tfw cope?)
Maybe shewould like them to be there when she goes in for her next pap smear.
Nix that. She'd probably love it. 7
Maybe she should just change her name to Kardashian.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 29m
@MJandWWELover97 FYI: a biography is a book written by someone abt themselves.
Haha. That's autobiography you idiot. AUTO.
It's a biography. You may not like it. You may not agree with it. But it IS a biography.
I was going to comment on this but it was too late. I don't get this lifeskills kick she's on now either.
I think she picked that schtick up from Terri Irwin. She loved Terri justifying exploiting her spawn because it was good for them. That was because, wait for it, it gave them PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS.
Oh that was so funny. Just so funny. Public speaking skills!
Kate likes to watch her children squirm, and I know there must be a word for that somewhere. Psychotic maybe?
Fiendish or diabolic?
Excellent recap, admin...one of your best. Thanks.
I would have loved to see what happened in the five or ten minutes before Collin told Hannah her hair was ugly. They don't show us.
I don't think he just blurted that out. I bet my bottom dollar Hannah did something to provoke it. I did notice her being a little grabby with some toy Aaden had just prior. Even that could have been enough to set Collin off.
Somewhere out there my comment is floating around:
I just saw this on TCFW's twitter timeline:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 58m
@MJandWWELover97 FYI: a biography is a book written by someone abt themselves. I don't have a new book coming out. Beware of lying haters :(
No idiot, an AUTObiography is something you write about yourself. A biography is something written about someone else.
No matter how many times it happens, her utter stupidity makes me shake my head!
I see we all saw/thought the same thing! She is truly an empty-headed oblivious piece of work, always good for a point at the idiot and laugh!
Hit publish too soon. I couldn't remember who "Cousin It"was. I kept thinking "Cousin It" was the disembodied hand, and then I remembered the hand was "Thing." I couldn't figure out why you were referring to Kate's hand, other than that she flaps it around so much!
Great re-cap! It had just enough snark but with enough truth to remind us of the abuse that these 8 kids still suffer from the bitch that is their mother.
Where does Kate get off bragging about teaching her kids about winning when the end result is a brawl and basically a cheater's win. What if Mady really was hurt?
You make a good point. Mady said I'm injured. She made it clear. Right there and then Kate should have said okay time out time out.
It almost every major sport, if a player is injured the game stops or at the most stops when that play ends. You don't get to keep playing and playing hitting serve after serve over their heads while they're prostrate on the ground clutching their knee. It's called playing fair.
That is NOT winning. I agree.
Watching the firework through her kitchen window? I thought she lived in te middle of nowhere and looked out over her vast acreage with farmer whomever's land next door. Also, wouldn't the trees block the fireworks? We live a mile from where they typically shoot them off in our town and even though it's a straight line, with trees, etc. it's hard to see anything but those that go highest.
AUTObiography Kate! Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
You don't get to keep playing and playing hitting serve after serve over their heads while they're prostrate on the ground clutching their knee. It's called playing fair.
Playing fair is not in her vocabulary. She literally kicks people when they're down. Maybe this has something to do with Celebrity Apprentice. I think she had a bitter learning experience there. I'll bet she wasn't on any winning streak in that crowd so she comes home and mends her wounded ego by beating her kids in a game of gaga.
I had to laugh at your d, f, g, h, j, k, and l key dilemma and the grilling you took from the Mr. Apple Man. Been there and done it. When my family gave me a laptop they also gave me a can of compressed air with it. They know me.
Now if Kate's middle keys weren't working, it wouldn't be a problem. She'd still have the I, M and E keys - the only three she uses.
Plus cup cakes, I have virtual cup cakes for everyone! Even my favorite red velvet cup cakes with cream cheese frosting, yum! Made on a bird free, feline free, and rodent free counter.
Joy, I'm looking forward to the as yet unscheduled game too. When you decorate those cupcakes could you put pretend bird dropping splotches on them? How appetizing is that? (Asked in my best Ina Garten voice)
I think Joan Crawford also took a lot of her frustrations with her career out on her children.
Great recap Admin. Very funny and informative with great insight.
The kids have been asking what it was like when they were babies, like how did they take care of them all.
It's cute that they're interested but are they being told the truth about the many wonderful and generous helpers J&K had or is she's repeating her woe is me tale of how exhaustedish she was doing it all on her own while their father did nothing? I wonder if they're comparing her answers with the dvds they've watched many times.
For all her condescending parenting blogs, these kids are just a mess of chaos and disrespect. To be clear, it's not their fault, and they are desperate for structure and a more pleasant environment, but it's not like Shmoops has set her sights on giving that to them any time soon.
Isn't it ironic (but quite sad for the kids) that despite all of TFW's masterminding and charts, Inspector Gadgets checking on each other, and militaristic rules-rules-rules, the kids are so ill-mannered, rude, and disrespectful? It serves TFW right, but my heart breaks that the kids are the ones who will pay the price for not knowing how to have healthy relationships or what it's like to live in a peaceful, loving, nurturing environment.
There are an awful lot of notes and lists posted for someone who claims not to have any help.
I wonder if the notes are also for the kids so she can throw it back at them if they don't follow to her instructions to the letter. I can hear her now: 'Even though I specifically posted that sign for you, you still didn't fill Shoka's water dish up to the line, now go back and do it right!!!'
About the kids obnoxious behavior in the store: Do you think they were acting out more than usual because they had an audience (they were filming)?
AuntieAnn said... 15
... Playing fair is not in her vocabulary. She literally kicks people when they're down. Maybe this has something to do with Celebrity Apprentice. I think she had a bitter learning experience there. I'll bet she wasn't on any winning streak in that crowd so she comes home and mends her wounded ego by beating her kids in a game of gaga.
Just FYI, I think her kids' spring break was BEFORE she went off to film CA. Their break is early to mid-March. CA started filming around 3/22 or 3/23.
I'm from a family of 12. One Christmas, when I was 9 or 10, my mother was sick in bed. I prepared Christmas dinner for all of us, with many trips to the bedroom to ask my mom questions about gravy, browning the bird etc. I'm so glad the G kids are pouring their own cereal.
Thanks for the recap, Admin. I don't think I could honestly (ha ha) sit through an hour of her face.
Thanks for the stellar recap, Admin - it was so worth waiting for!
Quite a contrast between the Mother of the Year tweeting about
her cozy kitchen fireworks-and-cookie party last night, and the
bossy, argumentative, controlling, insensitive shrew that was
front and center in that special.
"FYI: a biography is a book written by someone abt themselves.
I don't have a new book coming out." How awesome is it that she
included her snotty little "FYI" before stating a "fact" that is incorrect!
If it was anyone else, I'd cut 'em some slack, and say they just
misspoke, and of course they know the difference between a
biography and an autobiography. But if someone brags about
being a "New York bestselling author," then the gloves are off.
It sure did get her attention when the book was mentioned on her
timeline. The fact that she responded at all makes me think
there's truly no one advising her. I think she thought her ratings
would be through the roof, and the offers (and freebies) would
start pouring in, and the book would barely be a blip on anyone's
radar. But that's not the case, and I think she's actually scared.
but just one of them is Hannah randomly hitting Leah as they cross the street.
I thought Hannah was "kind"! I wish after TFW said this they would have shown H being so mean to Clay at the table that time. Well, I guess that's just as well they didn't. These kids have enough problems.
And HEY I made the recap!
Great recap, Admin; so glad I won't have to watch.( Although I did think at first you wrote you were getting a can of marijuana? lol,) Maybe that would make the show more bearable. Also loved the Velcro ending.
Does Hannah look like Kate? I have never seen a resemblance between TFW and any of the children, but since I didn't watch,I will take your word. I always thought Hannah was the prettiest of all the girls, uh-oh. Mady has liked make-up for a long time- Cara also looks so different now, as seen in the couch scene with downcast eyes and picking at her sweater.I agree the boys are cool although Joel looked a little bored in the clips I saw.
Awesome awesome awsome! Sorry, I sound like "Jane". (I'll be using that one from now on, that pic is theeee best one yet)
Thanks for the shout out! Now I know how Paige felt when Jane gave her hers
Excellent recap Admin! You've summed it all up perfectly once again.
And BTW, Legends of the Fall is also my absolute favourite movie as well! Love, love, love it!
She sets up her children to act badly because she wants drama to filmed. A normal person does not do this to their children. She knows what sets them of and then allows it to be filmed, embarrassing them publicly, just to make herself look like either super mom or poor pitiful single mom having to deal with eight kids. What she did is very calculated and mean.
Great recap Admin. How fun would it be next week when TCFW is stuck to the velcro wall for the kids to throw gaga balls at her! And do you think the crew "stopped playing they were filming a show" and helped her chase down her signs during the gale force winds?
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
Life Tools @LifeTools · 1h
If you do what you love, you'll love what you do.
Well you sure as hell love exploiting the s**h out of your kids you must be head-over hooker hills in what you do.
So KK think and biography is written by oneself?
Haha no one has ever accuse her of being to bright it's a wonder she had co-writers on her book. But she thought co-writer was herself that why she took all the credit.
I have to admit I was shocked to read that HH describes J as
"perfect." She once labeled him "the forgotten tup." So I chewed
on it for a second and came up with a theory. Since, in her twisted
mind, men do the dirty work, she needs at least one male ally in
that household. Perhaps she's given a moment of thought to that
time 8 years in the future when 3 teenage boys are counting the
seconds until they get to run like the wind the heck out of that
house. So having one person she might con into staying is worth
the investment.
Oh, and then there's this -- J was super attached to his father
(I remember that sweet smile when he said, "I'm Daddy's son!").
So maybe showering J with attention is an attempt to bring him
over to her side.
I also dislike how Kate told Collin "we always tell the truth" I was like chick you're the queen of lying how dare you say that.
I remember seeing the shot of M doing her hair in the bathroom. I thought, WHAT? Bless her heart, her shirt was riding up a bit and I thought that was totally inappropriate of them to film her like that. No privacy. Like a voyeur, Creepy!
kate, if you saw from the infamous window where you declared, Mine, All, Mine and last night saw the fireworks from town, why didn't you load up the cookies and the kids and take them and let them see them.
Oh, I get it. It would of been too much chaos at the sink for 8 kids to b clambering to look out and see them. You probably had your baby bird sitting on your shoulder watching them with you.
TFW is so much like my dil. A lot of bombastic belligerence, but no actual discipline. As a result the kids are wild out of control hellions. She never actually makes the kids behave.
She abuses them, not disciplines them.
but just one of them is Hannah randomly hitting Leah as they cross the street.
All that attention, all that favoritism, all that pampering (compared to the others, mind you) has just groomed H. into the kind of kid she is, and what kind of adutl she'll become. Jon, called jane an asshole, right? Well adult assholes come from somewhere.
“When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.”
~Maya Angelo
I have believed who you are all these years from the get go. A horrible, mean sadistic mother who controls her kids like a dictator, shoves garbage parenting skills down their throats and has to beat her kids at every mind game in their short lives. Mentally, emotionally and physically.
Too funny about her "oh so know it all" little lecture about what a BIOgraphy is. What a condescending ignorant fool
"FYI: a biography is a book written by someone abt themselves.
I don't have a new book coming out." How awesome is it that she
included her snotty little "FYI" before stating a "fact" that is incorrect!
Ha ha! YES flimsy. That makes it even more of a gem!
Where are the fish? When last we heard about them she was having a funeral for one that died. It was quite an elaborate funeral for this much loved pet if my memory serves me correctly (I thought she was going to dislocate her shoulder from patting herself on the back over this). She was also quite proud of herself for getting the new fish and blogged all about it (again, I was certain she'd dislocate her shoulder). Maybe they're still around and just don't rate any mention since Zorro came on the scene.
I didn't like that shot of Mady in the bathroom, either. Peeping Tom, creepy. Like the beginning to a porn movie. What else did they film there that Mady didn't realize? As the mom, I would have made them cut that.
It leant itself to inappropriate implications.
Makes you wonder, was someone filming through the crack in the door, hoping to catch something to be viewed privately later? Why was the camera anywhere near the bathroom anyway?
I was to pissed seeing KK being unsportsmanlike with her own 13yr daughter I failed to see that Maddy did push her mother by the arms.
So you guys were correct.-(plus I re-watched the clip lol)
..Watched local fireworks display outside kitchen window while eating homemade choc chip oatmeal cookies 4 bedX snack❤️
Wonder if it was just neighbors setting off fireworks? Having a party? you know what normal people do? and if not, like someone posted, take them to go see fireworks. She can pull out the rings again since she loves living in the past. have them all hold it again.
Great recap. Thank you, Admin. "I ate ate" tale of keyboard woe was just as well-written. Lady, you got literary style!
lukebandit said... 55
“When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.”
~Maya Angelo
I have believed who you are all these years from the get go. A horrible, mean sadistic mother who controls her kids like a dictator, shoves garbage parenting skills down their throats and has to beat her kids at every mind game in their short lives. Mentally, emotionally and physically.
And after two years I saw the same thing so KK has shown us twice who she is so WTF is she re-tweeting?
Or is she to dumb to realize what she re-tweeting?
Great recap! Aaaaaand it's going to seem like I'm picking on Hannah again, but I didn't even notice the golden child doing the hitting when they were crossing the street! Re-watching the gaga ball "brawl," I did see that she was the one to instigate it by pushing Collin, complete with a smirk on her face. Sweet, kind, perfect, mature-beyond-her-years Hannah. I really think the reason she acts out like that is not because she's testing boundaries (like all kids do), but because she KNOWS she can get away with anything, and judging by the looks on her face, enjoys it. That only goes for the house, Hannah. Good luck with that in the real world.
And Good God, those kids hit! A lot. Collin and Alexis got expelled for doing things at school that they and their siblings do EVERY DAY with no repercussions. That's gotta be confusing. I can't get over how MEAN some of them are, specifically the girl tups. I want to be clear I'm not bashing or blaming the children, but rather criticizing Kate and feeling frustrated that it is that way.
Digressing back to the discussion about pouring cereal being a control issue with food--it's been talked about a lot on this blog about the portions, food choices, prison plates etc. I am confident there will be eating disorders--yes plural--amongst the kids, especially because as rape isn't about sex as much as it is control, an eating disorder isn't as much about food as it is control. Those kids have been deprived of food and control their entire lives, their mother is obsessed with her own weight, and the odds are that will all add up to an eating disorder for more than one of them.
Ugh, my posts are always so long because once I start venting about Kate, it's hard to stop and even when I do stop, I still could go on and on and on...
Had the TV on so I thought I'd check the lineup for Thursday to see if TLC was running another J&K+8 or K+8 marathon and alas, for the sheeple, they are not. Part One of the special is rerunning at 7pm and then HBB until 10pm and then Part Two of the special.
Where are the fish?
There was a shot of one of the kids feeding the fish. Although it was just the fish bowl on the table. You couldn't really see the fish, as I recall.
That felt like a product placement, so I'm sure it was on purpose so they could show what an animal lover TFW is. Snort.
Thank you for the great recap, Admin! Since I didn't watch the show, the recap reaffirmed that I made the right decision to spend that hour doing something else.
Love the Pilgrim dogs, btw!
Makes you wonder, was someone filming through the crack in the door, hoping to catch something to be viewed privately later? Why was the camera anywhere near the bathroom anyway?
She forbids twitter, fb, internet etc...because they don't have the foresight to see the ramifications of what they post??? BUT a f%$#^ing adult man with a camera can roam around the house capturing candid moments on film? To do whatever the f$#@ he wants with them?? Does Mady know that there are freaks out there who get off on that shit? On that image right there? School girl getting ready? jane you need to wake the f$#% up.
Sorry, didn't watch it, but any way you describe/slice it, it's wrong wrong wrong.
TFW is so much like my dil. A lot of bombastic belligerence, but no actual discipline. As a result the kids are wild out of control hellions. She never actually makes the kids behave.
What I noticed she's doing, is doing a heck of a lot of lecturing and reasoning. It's like she enjoys hearing herself talk about the virtues of what's right and wrong and hearing her minions say yes mom you're right. Only she frequently contradicts herself or says hypocritical things, and the kids are well old enough to recognize it. And they've lost all respect for her for it. I saw two common reactions from the kids. One, their eyes would glaze over, like Collin. They're not digesting what she's saying. It's in one ear out the other, they don't care.
Or two they respond with disrespect and dismissal, like Alexis, who sort of rolled her eyes and snapped back, "good."
Obviously, this technique is NOT working for them. So change the technique. Eat some humble pie, realize your parenting strategy is an utter failure, and change it.
A third reaction from mostly Mady was to fight back. She will dish it right back, argue, reason, negotiate. While it's good to get input from kids, this is truly out of control. Every single thing can't be a debate or you'll go bonkers.
I just don't understand how this is making anybody happy. Every day is a battle. This feels terribly unsettling. It was difficult to watch, now imagine they LIVE it.
I too just shake my head at the absolute irony. Parenting was this woman's priority and she thought she had it down. She and her sheeple were just so arrogant about her parenting. But the truth is she sucks at it. I mean really sucks at it. Like way more than I thought, too. And I'm not even talking about the abuse I'm talking about the BASICS, like how to control kids in a store. If you have a normal and healthy ten year old, and you still can't control your ten year old in the store for half an hour, you are doing something terribly wrong.
Dmasy said... 62
Great recap. Thank you, Admin. "I ate ate" tale of keyboard woe was just as well-written. Lady, you got literary style!
Lol glad you enjoyed it!
Sweet, kind, perfect, mature-beyond-her-years Hannah. I really think the reason she acts out like that is not because she's testing boundaries (like all kids do), but because she KNOWS she can get away with anything, and judging by the looks on her face, enjoys it. That only goes for the house, Hannah. Good luck with that in the real world.
What do the people at TLC think when they see all the footage? If this is what we see, just imagine what ends up on the cutting room floor.
It's scary thinking some may be fans of the show and think the kids are totally normal and praise TFW for doing a brilliant job of raising 8 kids 'all by herself'. Just thinking about people not seeing any dysfunction makes me queasy. I had to take a break from reading about the show because my blood pressure couldn't take much more. lol
I hope you're right that they recognize the behaviors and stop exploiting them.
Thanks Mel. I didn't see the show and haven't heard her mention the fish for a while.
I think Joel is mild- mannered and probably goes along with TFW more than the sassy girl tups, the rebellious teens and the victimized Collin . And remember, Aaden wears glasses so is not 'perfect' to his own mother. What what she do if one of her kids had a real problem, disown him or her?
Great recap Admin and the bouncy house (next week) sounds kind of fun if the object is to get yourself stuck to a Velcro wall. One can only hope that they threw rotten tomatoes at her while she was stuck on the wall.
I noticed several little times when Hannah gave the other kids lip, was grabby, or was pushing and shoving.
Golden child stomps all over the little kids and gets away with it. In context, Collin's remark makes sense. He's sick of it.
I think Joel is mild- mannered and probably goes along with TFW more than the sassy girl tups, the rebellious teens and the victimized Collin
Yes, to her a "perfect" child is one that has no voice, no needs/wants, ...a doll basically. He's learned to just "be" in that house.
I can't get over how MEAN some of them are, specifically the girl tups. I want to be clear I'm not bashing or blaming the children, but rather criticizing Kate and feeling frustrated that it is that way.
The facts are the facts. They were mean. I know this age well, and I have never seen other 10 year olds be this cruel, disloyal, and nasty. 10 is a good age. It's, usually, a sweet age. They're old enough to tackle most things but they're still proud to be your kid. Their hearts are huge at this age. It's those precious last few years before they hit the teens and hate you.
It just shouldn't be like this. I think we do these kids a disservice if we don't acknowledge how abnormal this was. It was not right. Their behavior is not normal or pleasant. And Kate has only herself to blame, except she won't even accept there is something wrong here let alone it's all her fault.
A few thoughts . . . what an great recap
how interesting that Kate hasn't tweeted her BFF Milo for alomst two weeks, but the girl who got involved in the tweets about the "biography" got two tweets from Kate last night.
It hasn't been mentioned, when Kate was trying to sell the idea of a carnival circus, she said that they could build their own games. WTH> and later she promised the girls that they could women the booths> does she even listen to herself? Pulling promises out of her butt when she needs the kids to agree with her. Obviously TLC has this whole carnival circus planned and purchased.
My heart breaks for Colin and Cara. I can only hope that the adults in the lives of all the 8 - teachers, coach, etc., are able to make a real difference in these kids' daily lives.
Mady was 100% right when she said "no fun things" over break. They did 1 activity that was "fun" in theory for little kids. And as Admin pointed out, all the fun was sucked out of anticipation for that trip by the data collection system of preferred activities. Break was doctor appointments and fake shopping for the 6's party two months away. I would call that "no fun things". Mady tries, bless her heart. "who does that?" truly incredulous that mom has sneak invited a friend. "If you had told me she was coming, I would have been in a better mood all day". The calm, honest, reality. And i guess if you are not acting out, you don't get the consideration of having a friend join you. Sucks to be Cara. start banchee screaming.
Prediction; I think the Jonas Bro surprise is WAY offffff base. My prediction is that the surprise that the kids and their friends will never ever ever ever forget is Kate showing up in full clown regalia. In her inflated mind where she is the star of the world, her apperaing in a clown costume is the ultimate is wonderful surprise.
By the way does anyone still have a problem with Jon calling Kate an asshole?
I mean, it is what it is.
He must feel so validated right now. It's just as bad as he tried to tell us. Actually, it's worse.
Golden child stomps all over the little kids and gets away with it. In context, Collin's remark makes sense. He's sick of it.
God help him when they get older. .Seeing that hitting is tolerated ( no, actually it's encouraged) you don't think there'll be all out brawls? Trust me, it will happen, only I see H. going ballistic and C. restraining himself from seriously doing some damage. Remember the "love taps" jane would inflict on Jon? I'm using that as an example, Jon SHOULD have hauled off and smacked her back (not for real...well maybe..) but he wouldn't. Put in some hormones, a lack of control, a princess attitude and no consequences...EVER?? It'll be the next "Dr Phil Family"
-HEY, there's her next TV gig
I didn't put it in the recap because I just couldn't put everything in, but that's exactly how the boys described Joel. They said he's really quiet, doesn't say anything.
That's his defense mechanism. Just fly under the radar. It works for him because Kate doesn't take issue with him. As long as she has somebody to pick on Joel will be okay.
Haven't read the recap yet, but just want to say that The special was in the top 10 shows for the night, and highest in the time slot, in the ratings for the key demographic of 18-49 (.8) . Advertisers do not care about total viewers--the prices of ads are based on the demographics, and that is the most important one. LPBW special Drew around a .6, and TLC ordered additional shows. Given the crappy time slot, TLC might be pleased with this rating.
It just shouldn't be like this. I think we do these kids a disservice if we don't acknowledge how abnormal this was. It was not right. Their behavior is not normal or pleasant.
No, absolutely. The school tried to intervene and help.Jon has tried to do to do the same. Family members...it's not the kids' fault. It's jane's. And you're right, it is what it is. There's no bashing, labeling...it's observations and opinions. We see what is there.
Yep...you are correct Admin....Jon spoke about the behavioral and social issues his children were having. The sheeple and the media either ignored or bashed Jon. From your recap we can see Jon was so right I his observations and worries. Kate allowed the children!s issues robe displayed in a very public manner.
Jeremy I don't think it was the clown costume because she was talking about arranging a big surprise before she got the idea for a clown costume. Plus she already told the kids she wanted to dress as a clown and asked them if they were okay. Some of them said sure, actually, although Leah said no. So if she already told them how is that a surprise?
Also, she was very worried about how it would all come together. What needs to come together about a clown costume but to just put it on? That is something you say when you're worried whether a celebrity can squeeze you into their schedule. That Jonas brother is so big I can see him saying he would TRY but wouldn't be able to promise. That's how all celebrities who are or think they are important act, "we'll see, I'll try." You never firmly commit your celeb to anything like this just in case the role of a lifetime comes up the day before or something and you have to bail. You don't want to get sued for breaking a contract so you simply don't commit. Rude maybe. Reality yes.
I have no idea though, who knows.
After seeing this episode I am very curious about why Jon spoke out about the kids. I really don't think it was to just tattle or be mean to Kate like the sheeple spin it.
Now I think it was either a cry for help, hoping that maybe a friend like Deanna or somebody would listen and intervene. Or maybe he was trying to get Kate herself to listen to him by going to the only arena she knows, the media. Things were SO bad, he felt compelled to do that. I get now how bad things are. I get it. Sorry Jon.
MiChi, I agree with your predictions. The iron control, the mega notes, the inspector gadget, all those efforts by TFMJG to control her household and her children will backfire spectacularly in probably more than one case. I do think the boys being able to bond over the chickens and being able to be out from the control for some part of every day will help them be more resilient.
I volunteered with a girl scout troop for elementary girls for several years. We had from twelve to fifteen members over that time. Never was hitting allowed, and only once was hitting a problem over the years. Reading the descriptions of all the hitting that goes on, that is just wrong. TFMJG has something really wrong with her if she can't see that.
How many years before all the children are her height, or taller, and then might think its ok to hit TFMJG? Has she thought about that? Thru have learned that hitting at home has no consequence.
I'd like to ask the locals if they actually ever see Kate out with all eight of her kids with her, besides dropping them at the bus. Not that they should be photographed, but rarely when you see photos of Kate running errands (if you call spa time an errand) do you see them all with her kids at once. One or two of them, maybe but not all eight. Seems to me when she does take them anywhere like a restaurant she tweets that it's 'a rare treat'. She ditches as many of them as she can to have her alone time. No wonder all her yammering at them is met with arguing and bewildered looks. This isn't the same mother they see when there's no cameras in the house.
From what I can gather about this special, the kids aren't accustomed to doing things outside the home as a group anymore since the show was cancelled. Why would they want to after that RV trip to hell and back with Mommie Dearest.
(Not a rhetorical question…I'm seriously wondering why it is that the media hasn't included his reactions --or lack of same.
I'm not sure what he can say in the media at this point. This is really for him to handle through the courts and with Kate and the children directly if he wants to do anything about it.
If I were Jon at this point I'd be pretty confident that most of the public knows exactly how he feels. I think the message is loud and clear. I can't add anything to it at this point.
While Kate could have been ignoring the bad behaviors for the benefit of the cameras, I wouldn't be surprised if this is how she responds when there are no cameras around. This might be her way of keeping the kids at home on Jon's visitations. If she ignores when the kids say hateful things to each other and pound on each other, but Jon consistently addresses the behaviors with time outs, consequences, etc. ... of course they won't want to go there. They're kids! She hates Jon more than she loves her kids.
I seriously hope TLC does not pick this mess up as a regular series again. There are some major problems in that home, if TLC dares to exploit this, they could be looking at several lawsuits in the future when the kids become adults.
There have been a zillion articles written over the last few days about how horrible and evil Kate is, she has no business raising children. They just now noticed? She's been displaying horrible parenting skills for years, but she always got a pass and had excuses made for her. We, her "critics," have always been brushed off as nitpicky busybodies with nothing better to do. Now that the the kids are old enough to vocalize that they are miserable, now all of a sudden it's ok to call Kate out. Grrrr.
I am not sure what else you think Jon should say. He told, or tried to, tell the public what was going on with the kids. Now there is visual proof. Unless he can get a social worker assigned to investigate or a Judge that cares these children are doomed.
I read your recap 3 times and everytime it got better :-) Thank you so much for sitting through this crapshoot, much appreciated, you are a brave woman. I watched maybe 10 minutes of it plus seeing some clips from this episode I must conclude that Kate has a constant low bloodsugar account, because wasnt that the reason she flipped out during that shoot at that suuuper relaxing dolphin-waterpark. But I guess she loves being back in the (tiny) spotlight because she's back in full force on twitter, talking up a storm....doesnt she see she looks like an idiot on tv.....one big mean bullying idiot.
The Kate plus 8 FB is just as bad. Many are saying Mady is a brat and worse. Some even said that Mady needs a good beating or that Kate should have smacked her for talking to Kate that way. These were the same people who praised Kate for being a strong mother.
It's like they're completely unwilling to even consider that Mady may be behaving this way (and in my opinion is) because of Kate's piss poor parenting.
I think we called this one about four years ago. The moment the kids turn on her the sheeple will blame the KIDS, not Kate. Typical.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 80
By the way does anyone still have a problem with Jon calling Kate an asshole?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 29m
@MJandWWELover97 FYI: a biography is a book written by someone abt themselves. I don't have a new book coming out. Beware of lying haters :(
Uh 0h. The countdown is on for the not-an-autobiography.
Bet she's pooping in her unnerwares.
's like they're completely unwilling to even consider that Mady may be behaving this way (and in my opinion is) because
of Kate's piss poor parenting.
but you see, narcissists build each other up, admin.they don't tear each other down. Of course the kids are to blame, I'm sure the sheep's very own are even worse! ( according to them)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 29m
@MJandWWELover97 FYI: a biography is a book written by someone abt themselves. I don't have a new book coming out. Beware of lying haters :(
Uh 0h. The countdown is on for the not-an-autobiography.
Bet she's pooping in her unnerwares.
Am I missing something here? Isn't a biography a book written by someone other than themselves? And an autobiography is a book written by a person writes about themselves?
I swear I lose a significant amount my limited braincells everytime I try to read TFW and her fangirl tweets. Or it could be the ambien hasn't worn off yet.
I have my debit card out and am so ready for that book. I'll be holed up probably all day and night (cover over my head so the Nook light doesn't disturb Mr. Kelly) progressively becoming more and more enraged and needing a vast amount of hard cider. I'll try and stop myself from taking notes ;)
has there been any information on the availability of Hoffman's book tomorrow?
Joy brings up an interesting point. Many adults - Teachers, coaches, troop leaders, etc., are in charge of large groups of kids on a regular basis. They manage to instill respect, discipline, organization, structure, learning, etc., in their group without the theatrics that Kate demonstrates when doing something as basic as making breakfast.
Admin - will make some points, happy to listen to yours, and then we will wait and see on Wednesday. Who knows what the timing is on the couch interviews -but the whole carnival theme would have been set from the conception of the special, so anytime Kate is on the couch she would have been talking about her surprise. I do agree that her asking at the party store would negate the surprise - but kate never thinks about what she says . . . and maybe she expected a wonderful reaction. Why would kate need to worry about a clown costume coming together? Surely you jest, Admin! This is a woman who needs a chart to organize Play Zone, who gets exhausted by preparing a plate of cheese and crackers, who can't watch fireworks from outside . . . hair, costume, makeup, timing, of a surprise clown appearance could well put her over the top.
But remember, this is a TLC show. Jonas wouldn't just be showing up if he is in the neighborhood. He would have a contract, get an appearance fee by TLC, etc. And I believe TLC would be promoting the heck out of a star appearing on the show for the ratings factor, even to say "surprise guest", "surprise musical treat for the girls". Just the fact that they aren't saying "guest" , leads me to believe this is an internal surprise. a nail biter for sure
Regarding the fireworks: The Wernersville Borough is celebrating their 100th anniversary with different events. Saturday night they did have food, music and fireworks at 10:00 pm. Kate's house does sit on a slight hill and she probably could see over the trees.
There was also a week long festival called the Apple Dumpling Festival which was very close to her home. They had rides and all kinds of food and entertainment. There are a lot of things to do in this area all the time and I get the feeling the kids don't get a chance to enjoy them unless they are being filmed.
Surely they must ask to go to the activities they see going on around town. What reason does she give them for not allowing them to go?
Naughty but nice Rob has written about Robert's book coming out tomorrow. I think he's the first:
“The book has been reviewed by one of the top First Amendment/Copyright/Intellectual Property lawyers in the country and was given the green light for publishing,” author Robert Hoffman tells NAUGHTY BUT NICE ROB."
One day Mother Hobbling will be on her hands and knees crying and begging those kids for forgiveness. But none of them will be there.
The Rapture would of just taken place.
Oh yes, let's blame Mady. Her fans are so dimwitted it's absolutely unfortunate. Mady acts the way she does because of what she's seen for thirteen years and how it's worked for her birth carrier (I refuse to use Mother/Mom in reference to TFW, or my own birth carrier for that matter).
This situation with Mady and TFW will really turn really ugly once Mady gets more into the teen years. Narcissists do not like nor tolerate any competition and a child who mirrors narcissistic behavior will really get it. Because deep down, narcissists don't like anyone - including themselves - though they might need therapy to realize it. They absolutely loathe their own children who mimic their own awful behavior and habits. Maybe because deep down it shows them their true selves.
I went the opposite way of my birth carrier and just went quiet (like Cara). I still got raging, extremely inappropriate punishments but I learned that if I stayed out of the way, it didn't happen as often. My birth carrier's sister, who is a carbon copy of my own birth carrier, has a daughter who refused to back down and mirrored her mother and carried on with it into adulthood. She had the most miserable childhood and has had one of the saddest adult lives I've ever seen. She has no friends and is estranged from absolutely everyone, including her two adult sons and their families. If she did not have a husband who puts up with her she would be absolutely alone in the world. We believe she's attempted suicide a couple of times, but being the pathological lying narcissist that she is, she denies it and then makes fun of people who have tried to help. It is sad beyond belief. Also, she is absolute non affectionate. She literally cringes when anyone attempts to hug her or hold her hand. Her birth carrier does the same thing. During my grandmother's funeral, this aunt was crying and clearly very upset. I attempted to place a hand on her hand to comfort her and she literally threw my hand off and gave me the most evil stare I've ever seen. I had never had any fights or problems with her so it was completely baffling. My birth carrier was never affectionate either, but never to that extreme. Thank goodness for the third aunt, she was like a Mom to me and I love her dearly to this day and wonder if she secretly was adopted ;)
This is what Kate has to look forward to and no one deserves it more. She will end up alone. And she is an Asshole, with a capital A.
Jeremy said... 79
Like Jeremy, I don't think it's a Jonas Bro surprise. That would take actual masterminding & I think we would have heard some details of it by now via twitter leaks by "friends" who attended. And also for the obvious reason - it would take attention away from the clown. Yes, the kids know about the clown costume, but I think it may have something to do with the velcro wall & whatever goes with that (throwing things at the clown stuck to the velcro wall?) That seems more in line with Kate's style - "I hope I can pull this off" (me-me-me-me-me)
Hi All,
Back again from hiatus, this time it wasn't computer issues but Spring finally sprung and the delay left a mass of undone chores piling up.
Thanks Admin for the re-cap. For someone who claims she's grown and learned a lot, sure seems like a lot of the same ol' Katie Irene. If anything, she sounds worse now.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said...(94)
It's like they're completely unwilling to even consider that Mady may be behaving this way (and in my opinion is) because of Kate's piss poor parenting.
I think we called this one about four years ago. The moment the kids turn on her the sheeple will blame the KIDS, not Kate. Typical.
Typical indeed. Like Kate needs any reinforcement of the idea that nothing is her fault, she's been pretty steadfast in that assertion for years.
I'm glad to hear that Mady is giving Kate a run for her money and calling her out. I suspect it's not pretty behind closed doors and I worry about the potential ramifications for Mady should she set Kate into a rage.
On the other hand though, Mady is setting the best example possible about how not to lose yourself when dealing with a narcissist. Seems a couple of the others already have taken the withdrawn, defeated approach and that breaks my heart.
It can be really difficult to over come later on in life. Hopefully Mady manages to keep her spark and is able to help the others cope, either directly with advice or just indirectly by continuing to call Kate out on her bullshit.
I was discouraged to see that despite the later time slot they still got an impressive amount of viewers. I sincerely hope that TLC doesn't attempt to "rebrand" the Gosselins and give them another go at a series.
In my opinion that would be devastating for those kids. I'm extremely curious to see how Mr. Hoffman's book launch tomorrow goes, though I'm still on the fence as to whether or not I'm going to buy it.
Been catching up on posts and comments and want you all to know how much I enjoy the quips, the snark and the stories.
I wonder if the children behave like that (hitting, etc.) when they are with Jon. Maybe Jon makes them toe the line and be civil to each other. Just speculating. Teaching children proper behavior is called parenting. Something Kate just doesn't get.
Oops. Here's the correct link for the Naughty but nice Rob article about RH's book:
One thing, I would really like to see someone sit Mady down, and explain to her that everything she has at this time, is because her six siblings were born. She should be thankful they were born, rather than hating them, as they provided the good things in life that she has. If they were not born to mess up her 3 1/2 year old life, she wouldn't have the mansion, private school, i-pad, i-phone, $300 boots, designer clothes, and the many over the top trips and concerts. Surely she is old enough to realize this?
I think the big surprise is the bouncy house with the Velcro walls and I'm basing this assumption of the one picture of her that was printed that looked like a clown suit but was probably the Velcro suit. She is bent over with arms out...TA DA!
As far as filming goes, Jon might not have been able to stop this because it was part of the original contract. However he may be able to stop future filming as being detrimental to the kids. All he has to do is collect everything being written about them on social media and elsewhere and present it to a judge. He can also point out that TFW did not say one word on twitter to stop people from saying things about the kids but was quick to jump on a tweet about Robert's book because it is now, always has been and always will be about her.
Blowing In The Wind said... 105
Am I wrong, or has there been more interest and media reports about the re-release of this book than there has been when the first one was published?
I think the first time around media outlets were hesitant to report on it or give it any creedence, because of legal ramifications. And then it was pulled two days later. Kate filed a lawsuit but dropped it barely three months later. As has already been mentioned here, if Robert had actually settled with Kate she could get an injunction easy peasy to stop the re-release. The sheeple were lied to about a settlement and I can't believe they still don't get it.
With all those above factors in addition to having Martin Garbus behind him, hopefully the book will receive abundant media attention. He's certainly striking while the iron is hot.
OMG. I just read Rob's blog and I'm nauseous. Living in that house IS as bad as our worst imaginings.
Thank you Admin. for such an awesome well-balanced re-cap. It was heartbreaking to see Aaden's shoulders slump when she announced the carnival. Previously he was full of anticipation for the big surprise but was quickly deflated. I was thrilled however to hear the children call her out on the "broken foot" - that made my day. I agree Joan Crawford took a lot of her career frustration out on her children.....another reason why TFW reminds me of her and Norma Desmond. As far as the biography vs. autobiography goes, Hoffman's book (a biography) is based on what we can call her "auto"biography.
Naughty But Nice has excerpts from the book. All NEW information.
I can see why she tried to stop this book. I am glad she failed in the attempt.
I bought the first one and I will buy the second one.
Thanks Tweet for the heads up re the Naughty but nice Rob article. Oh my word..I can tell just from reading snippets he posted that I'm going to be furious after reading this.
Here's a direct link: http://www.naughtybutnicerob.com/kate-gosselin-caught-abusing-children-and-dogs-reports-shocking-new-book/
Hope it's okay to link like that Admin.. If not, let me know and I'll delete this.
Since new books typically are available on Tuesdays do you think we'll have to wait for midnight for Robert's book? I wish he'd give us a bit more information. I'm ready to order NOW!
Great recap! It's all there -- the good (not too much of that, sadly), the bad (way too much), and the very ugly. Hope you had a Corona or two while writing it :)
Dmasy said... 113
Naughty But Nice has excerpts from the book. All NEW information.
I just read the blog post...oy, my heart hurts right now. Those poor kids and dogs. She is even worse than I thought, what a psycho.
“The book has been reviewed by one of the top First Amendment/Copyright/Intellectual Property lawyers in the country and was given the green light for publishing,” author Robert Hoffman tells NAUGHTY BUT NICE ROB."
Amen! Finally, even if it's a gossip site, someone is putting out the truth in clear English.
NJGal51, I got a question for you that's off topic. I believe you said before that your bully goes to doggy daycare or spa. I was wondering if he's ever exhibited anxiety afterward? I need to send Rudy to either day boarding or doggy daycare at least a couple of times a week (five days would be best, but I'll settle for less if it agitates him) so I can rest this ankle for a month. Otherwise my orthopedic surgeon said they'll have to break it and reset with six months in a hard cast. Not happening! I asked his trainer for a reference and she gave me one but with the warning that it can cause anxiety. I don't know anyone who's only utilized day boarding so was wondering if you had any issues?
The sheeple are going to join her in pooping in their unnerwears!
Sheri said... 118
I just read the blog post...oy, my heart hurts right now. Those poor kids and dogs. She is even worse than I thought, what a psycho.
Yep. Not sure I can bear to read it. Leaving Nala out in the freezing weather and then taunting the poor dog through the window as if Nala could understand! Kate IS a psycho.
“After her divorce from Jon, Kate was caught on video violently spanking two of the boys in the driveway of their home, the moment they got out of the van from returning from an overnight with Jon.
Why in the name of God, does she still have those kids?
Some of us have thought that the physical punishments have stopped, now that they're older?
NO WAY. Just no effing way it's stopped
Thanks Admin for the great recap which I followed by reading the article at Naughty But Nice Rob and I am already heartsick. Truly, truly heartsick.
I ate ate too. With a passion.
Those Naughty But Nice excerpts are giving me a sinking feeling. Some of the details could only have come from the kids. If the kids told this stuff to Jon and now it's in a book, her wrath will be taken out on the kids.
Also, she said in one of her interviews that the twins are not allowed to answer a phone call if the call is not in their contacts...what if she does not allow Jon to be in their contacts? They'd never answer his calls
Love the "Shmoops" moniker! Great recap, Admin!
Do you think Kate thinks that an autobiography is about cars?
Say, Kate, did you ensure that background checks were done on "your" crew?
And if she can do those horrific things then you just know she withholds food as punishment from those kids too which we have suspected all along. All the tups, IMO are too thin, especially Collin who is of the muscular type. They must be constantly hungry.
She is a cruel sadist, where is CPS? and SPCA?
Kate’s drinking though is something that the children are accustomed to. They’ve been dodging her and quietly cleaning up after her for several years. Kate once fell down several stairs while drunk in front of the children and the oldest girls helped her up and cleaned up the broken glass from her drink.”
Not sure if this went through
Explains Cara's apprehension when that bitch was getting sloshed in the kitchen. Cara was worried, she had seen this before. PARENTIFICATION
Vanessa said... 121
OH LORDEE BEEE! Just read the new excerpts! Even MY own mother could not come up with those sadistic punishments. wow, just wow
Vanessa - My dh's stepmother delivered that kind of punishment. He's told me so many horror stories. One time she made him and his brother stand completely nude in the kitchen for an entire afternoon. They had gone out the door on their way to a movie and had started to run toward the bus stop. She happened to be watching and immediately called them back into the house, furious that they were so careless as to run in their good dress pants after she had taken the time to press them. As added punishment they missed the Saturday afternoon matinees for another month after that, too.
Kate says to "Beware of lying haters :("
Those four words say she is afraid. Very afraid.
She ought to be.
Also, she said in one of her interviews that the twins are not allowed to answer a phone call if the call is not in their contacts...what if she does not allow Jon to be in their contacts? They'd never answer his calls
I can absolutely see that. Absolutely
Kelly - When I take Spike to day camp all I see is ass as he runs happily with the counselor to the day camp area. He has never had any anxiety about going at all. He seems to know when it's his day(s) to go because he'll start whining by the door at about 0630 (and the place doesn't open until 0730). He knows that it's time to leave when I tell him "nice boys poop at home and not at day camp". He runs to the back door to be let out and then off we go. They really are very good with the bulldogs and watch that they are not over exerting themselves. If they look like they're getting too hot they either take them in to the air conditioning or squirt them down. Spike doesn't mind being squirted down but just let him be out back when our sprinklers come on and you'd think that there was bully abuse going on. Go figure. My icon is a picture of him in one of the pools at day camp.
That story about Nala kills me (well they both do but..).My dog has puked on my rug and in my bed, and had diarrhea on the rug and although annoyed, never felt anything but compassion for her. I put my dog in place of Nala in that story and it breaks my heart.
When my dd was in 1st grade, although we had been divorced for 3 years she suddenly started crying because she missed her dad (who she saw at least 3 times a week). Did I spank her? No I gave her a hug and asked her school counselor to talk to her as well.
Read the excerpt. What a sadist.
I never thought she stopped hitting. I'm heartbroken to be right.
One thing, I would really like to see someone sit Mady down, and explain to her that everything she has at this time, is because her six siblings were born.
Oh, trust me, she knows, and I think that only fuels the resentment.
Regarding the "big surprise," I think it's somewhere middle ground of what's been discussed. I agree with Jeremy that if it were a surprise that big, we'd get more of a tease--a blurred face in the promo, or the kids' huge reaction to it. I also don't think it's the clown getup. I think we're going to see a guest appearance. At first I thought maybe a person from the past, like Jenny. A clue is that Kate said it was a treat for her kids, then caught herself and backtracked and said hopefully for their friends, too. Perhaps a (large) animal of some kind? Whatever it is, methinks the buildup is just that--buildup.
My impression only....
I think things have already gotten physical between Mady and TFW and that's the fear we were seeing on the other kids' faces when TFW was taking the phone away.
You could see it all over their faces...oh no! Don't let it go there! Please! Don't make me see it! I can't escape it this time! No!
Yep. Not sure I can bear to read it. Leaving Nala out in the freezing weather and then taunting the poor dog through the window as if Nala could understand! Kate IS a psycho.
Disgusting DISGUSTING! And Nala? What about the boy? Wonder if he could understand? WHAT THE FUCK?
I am being honest here, I thought my mother and that twisted fuck were one in the same. NO, she's outdone/outshone my own mother.
Great recap, Admin! (And I so agree with what a beautiful creature Brad was in Legends of the Fall.) Thanks so much. I ate ate!
Milo please tell TFW that her Kate Middleton inspired hair style just isn't working for her. It makes her look like the product of a drunken one night stand between Seabiscuit and a shark. Her long face/dead eye combo is better suited to a layered side bang.
Vanessa said... 125
Some of us have thought that the physical punishments have stopped, now that they're older?
NO WAY. Just no effing way it's stopped
Just my personal experience mind you, but the violence towards me from my mother got worse as I got older. The older I got and the more I resisted her control over me the worse the beatings became until I finally left at 15. It was quite clear that there would never be any middle ground. It was her or me...thank God I chose to believe in myself and the faith that I had that my mother was just a crazy bitch and it wasn't my fault.
And there is no way hell that her spanking those kids as they were getting out of the van was discipline...it was hard core, premeditated abuse. She couldn't wait to get her hands on those kids and beat them for their impertinence.
I hope those kids sue TLC for aiding, abetting and covering up with "confidentiality agreements", the on-going, systematic and horrendous abuse they suffered at the hands of their mother.
That this kind of violation of the Gosselin kids' basic human rights has been going on so long when so many people knew what was happening, I really want to puke.
I will likely buy the book in support of Mr. Hoffman and his exposing the monster for who she is but I sincerely doubt I'll have the stomach to read it. Just those excerpts I just read have made me very angry already.
swingsandroundabouts said... 126
I ate ate too. With a passion.
lol! Ditto.
Also, she said in one of her interviews that the twins are not allowed to answer a phone call if the call is not in their contacts...what if she does not allow Jon to be in their contacts? They'd never answer his calls. 127
What if she doesn't LET them spend time with him either? They know she'd follow through on whatever she threatened them with.
One thing, I would really like to see someone sit Mady down, and explain to her that everything she has at this time, is because her six siblings were born.
And momma didn't work for s**t the kids are the ones working at least Jon can say he's working now.
Maybe Kate's big surprise is that each child with get their own copy of How She Fooled the World. (Snark)
If CPS does not immediately do something for those children after reading this new information on NBNR they just need to throw their hands up and close up shop. They. Are. Freaking. Useless. Then. How much more abuse are they going to have to endure before something is done by an agency bound by law to help abused and neglected children???
The special proved A LOT of the abuse, the mental and physical abuse. Jon was soooo validated.
My Lord, I hope Jon can go to court and get them away from her!
Steve you make me SICK! You Freaking ENABLER! Hope you enjoy your blood money. No wonder you had your face blurred on the special because of the book coming out so soon.
I wish one of the kids would have ran into the house and called 911. Even though the pap filmed it, HE should of called 911. You can call 911 on someone's private property. Then you could of gave the police the video! What a jerk! 2 boys were being beaten by this sociopath. Where is your decency, your morals, MAN?
Would be so awesome if the judge would deem her to dangerous to be with them and sign a court order for her to immediately move out, but serve it and she can't stay a couple of days or a week or two, it has to be NOW. She would have to pack a bag and leave and a restraining order against her coming with in a mile of the house. All of her things would have to be packed up and shipped to her. No coming back. Period.
Then he could get all of the notes, orders, instructions, CHICKEN FORMS, Mr. Gadget, signs of smile, hug each other, fake junk and take them out in the back and have a huge BONFIRE!
Vanessa - My dh's stepmother delivered that kind of punishment. He's told me so many horror stories
I can't fathom doing that to an animal child, an adult, another human being, I just cannot. Don't get me wrong, there was a lot of physical abuse, hitting, slapping...but the CALCULATED-ness of her her cruelty
I would never leave my poor dog out in the cold or the hot weather.
Doing so isn't right and to me it show that you don't give an F about another living creature.
But then again a mother who can beat her little babies why should she be kind to any animal?
My impression only....
I think things have already gotten physical between Mady and TFW
They way M pushed her mother I doubt it was the first time and I doubt it will be the last time.
Kate is only getting what she put out.
“After her divorce from Jon, Kate was caught on video violently spanking two of the boys in the driveway of their home, the moment they got out of the van from returning from an overnight with Jon
I'm guessing that this caught on video might just have been around the time of the video with the kids crying (having hysterics) about not wanting to leave Jon and go back to TFW. I agree with localyocul that some of the information had to have come from the kids or maybe a fired nanny. Dear Lord forgive me bit I ate, ate, ate ate!
Thanks NJ. I thought you said he loved it but the trainer sorta freaked me out. The last thing I need is an anxiety ridden bulldog puppy while I'm his sole, peg-legged caregiver during the day. I will send him to the daycare next week for a trial run. Thanks for the feedback.
I love the pool pic :) Rudy's Dad bought him one and he literally lays in it. He just got done helping Mr. Kelly mow the lawn by sitting on his lap on the mower. I can't take it..it's so funny. My daughter is mad that I didn't get video of it.
Winsomeone said... 109
One thing, I would really like to see someone sit Mady down, and explain to her that everything she has at this time, is because her six siblings were born. She should be thankful they were born, rather than hating them, as they provided the good things in life that she has. If they were not born to mess up her 3 1/2 year old life, she wouldn't have the mansion, private school, i-pad, i-phone, $300 boots, designer clothes, and the many over the top trips and concerts. Surely she is old enough to realize this?
June 22, 2014 at 10:20 AM
With all due respect, Winsome, I'd like to see someone sit Mady down and explain to her that the 6 didn't ask to be born and it's not their fault. If she needs to be angry at someone for wrecking her life plan, she needs to look no further than her mother.
What about the boy?
Oh, that's right she did it to the boy too! (I read the blog on my phone but couldn't comment til I got home). Yes, who does that? That is down right clear child abuse. She's always had an obsession with them not closing the door all the way. Maybe that's how the dogs got in and tracked mud? And how drunk was she when she did these things? Oy Vey
Vanessa said... 130
Kate’s drinking though is something that the children are accustomed to. They’ve been dodging her and quietly cleaning up after her for several years. Kate once fell down several stairs while drunk in front of the children and the oldest girls helped her up and cleaned up the broken glass from her drink.”
Not sure if this went through
Explains Cara's apprehension when that bitch was getting sloshed in the kitchen. Cara was worried, she had seen this before. PARENTIFICATION
What? Was that in the update? When was she shown getting sloshed in the kitchen?
Vanessa said... 147
I can't fathom doing that to an animal child, an adult, another human being, I just cannot. Don't get me wrong, there was a lot of physical abuse, hitting, slapping...but the CALCULATED-ness of her her cruelty
Some child abuser's can't be satisfied with physical abuse alone. There's got to be the added element of psychological fear instilled into their victims to have total control over them. I think it gives them some kind of pleasure to hate someone as much as they must hate themselves. DH said his SM always had a terrifying grin on her face when she *disciplined* them, whether it was physical or verbal.
They're sick f*cks. I can't think of any other way to put it.
I hope that Robert makes a media tour.
I wish TLC would cancel the follow up.
HA! Who am I kidding?
AnnieD said... 128
Love the "Shmoops" moniker! Great recap, Admin!
Do you think Kate thinks that an autobiography is about cars?
Hehe probably.
but the CALCULATED-ness of her her cruelty 147
Wow. I'd say some fired nanny spilled her guts or the kids told Jon plenty and Jon repeated to Robert. Wow. I ate ate too !!!!!!!
On TLC's homepage, there's a list of articles or videos to promote several of their shows. This is how Kate plus 8 is listed:
5 Classic 'Kate Plus 8' Outbursts
Relive the bickering and blowups of past seasons and check out the special Thursday at 10/9c.
Watch Now >
They should have just titled these episodes "The Bitch Is Back", since that seems how they're promoting it.
This is TLC's description of the episode:
Kate and the kids hustle to complete their party to-do list. Will Kate falter under the pressure of making this day memorable for the sextuplets or will the birthday extravaganza exceed expectations? Perhaps a birthday surprise will ensure its success.
I doubt the birthday surprise is Kevin Jonas. That would be something for the twins, not the tups. But knowing how Kate thinks, it doesn't matter what the kids like, it's what she likes.
Retweeted by Kate Gosselin
iAm Wise @iAmTheWiseOne · 16h
Even though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
What's the matter Kate? Worried about something?
Who taunts their freezing dog through a window?
She's batshit crazy.
People who call her beating the kids "necessary discipline" will freak over her abuse of the dogs.
I think I heard Mady say get off me when she pushed Kate. I agree Mady and Kate have probably been physical. It was bound to happen. Violence begets violence.
I believe the drinking. She is a nasty drunk. Steve is worthless. I bet he was present when some bad stuff happened.
What about the boy?
Oh dear! I missed that whole paragraph! Subconsciously maybe I wanted to miss it. It's all too awful. :(
I ATE ATE!!!! Oh yes I do.
One thing, I would really like to see someone sit Mady down, and explain to her that everything she has at this time, is because her six siblings were born. She should be thankful they were born, rather than hating them, as they provided the good things in life that she has. If they were not born to mess up her 3 1/2 year old life, she wouldn't have the mansion, private school, i-pad, i-phone, $300 boots, designer clothes, and the many over the top trips and concerts. Surely she is old enough to realize this?
Or they could've had it still if J&k worked hard saved up like ever normal family does.
They could've showed the kids that hard-work and patience get you places.
Sheri said... 141
Vanessa said... 125
''Some of us have thought that the physical punishments have stopped, now that they're older?
NO WAY. Just no effing way it's stopped''
''Just my personal experience mind you, but the violence towards me from my mother got worse as I got older. The older I got and the more I resisted her control over me the worse the beatings became until I finally left at 15. It was quite clear that there would never be any middle ground. It was her or me...thank God I chose to believe in myself and the faith that I had that my mother was just a crazy bitch and it wasn't my fault.''
Sheri, my siblings and I experienced the same thing you did. The older we got, the worse the beatings were...the ''happy up'' implements of a wooden spoon or spatula were no longer 'enough'. In our case, five of us married to the first man we could grab in order to escape and/or were having babies by 15 and one was in jail.
In our case both parents were abusive. Thank all that is holy that Jon's children have him. Jon has a firm grasp of the problems living with that crazy person is causing his children, and I am positive that he is doing all he can to help his children. It is a dirty rotten disgrace that he is hobbled by Family Court.
I'm stopping here because if I don't I will go on an epic rant!! !!!!!!
I was thinking. Yes, I do that sometimes. This thing with Kate about not letting the kids win. Wouldn't children get to the point where they don't even want to play anything (or swim) or whatever against their parents because they know right off that bat that they would never win? Adults have the edge over the kids with stronger skills, better reflexes, knowledge of the game, etc. Why bother to even compete if they know they are going to lose? When children grow up, wouldn't this early childhood experience break their spirit when it comes to competitions...they'd remember that they are not that good, the other person always wins, and therefore they'd be reluctant to compete in any kind of team sports or solo events?
I hope Robert sends CPS several copies of his book.
What? Was that in the update? When was she shown getting sloshed in the kitchen?
That was her b-day episode.
If they were not born to mess up her 3 1/2 year old life, she wouldn't have the mansion, private school, i-pad, i-phone, $300 boots, designer clothes, and the many over the top trips and concerts. Surely she is old enough to realize this?
Maybe all of that isn't that important to her. Perhaps she would trade all of that if none of this ever happened. Who knows if her parents would still be together, they'd be living in a "mediocre" house with no film crews crammed down their throats. She's never know all of the luxuries mentioned, and when you don't have them, you can't miss them.
lukebandit said...(146)
"Would be so awesome if the judge would deem her to dangerous to be with them and sign a court order for her to immediately move out, but serve it and she can't stay a couple of days or a week or two, it has to be NOW. She would have to pack a bag and leave and a restraining order against her coming with in a mile of the house. All of her things would have to be packed up and shipped to her. No coming back. Period."
I get what you're saying and on the surface of it I agree with you.
However, abused children are conditioned to believe that they could not exist without the abuser. One of the more damaging psychological effects of ongoing abuse is that children think, "Well, if my OWN MOTHER treats me this badly and she's supposed to love me more than anyone in the world, how will the world treat me?"
Add to that the idea that so many people knew about the abuse and did nothing to stop it, a child can only conclude that no one else really gives a shit about them.
It's the only way a child's mind can rationalize the dichotomy and make sense of an utterly senseless situation. In the end, a child comes to accept that it must be them.
To just permanently remove the parent - who also happens to be their primary caregiver (God, I nearly choked on that one) - could actually cause even more psychological damage.
Because Kate plays it this way, at least some of the kids, while they are still this young anyway, are going to see her as much a victim as they are. To just arbitrarily remove her from their lives would only reinforce that view.
No matter how awful she is, those kids love their mother and WANT things to be good. No, they don't want to be abused but I'm positive they don't want to grow up without their mother either.
The most ideal outcome would be for Kate to accept and admit that she's in over her head when it comes to parenting and get help. Start family therapy sessions, let and insist that ALL the kids spend more time with Jon and for the love of all that's good in this world, take some freakin' parenting classes.
I know, first hand, that this is a very unlikely scenario but it is the best one for the kids if they stand a chance of actually healing and not just trying to cope.
I did not intend to be so long winded here but there's a very delicate dance being played out with 8 tender, fragile and already skewed psyches taking center stage.
Mr. Hoffman's use of chess pieces to illustrate the cover of his book was, in my opinion, spot on and speaks volumes.
This was never going to end well, but maybe there's a chance it can end better than it would have had he towed the line and buried his head in the sand like everyone else.
I didn't always like Mr. Hoffman's approach but I'm ever more convinced that he has always had the best interest of those children in his heart.
IDK why the blurred out Steve face I mean it's not like we don't know who he is.
Oh, trust me, she knows, and I think that only fuels the resentment.
Yes. I'm not sure the "stuff" is all that motivating to her. What do they really have anyway? Three cars. Mady can't drive. Private school. Eh, Mady would do well in public school too. Trips? Those went by the wayside years ago. The house? I bet she likes the house but enough to put up with six little siblings for it, no.
I see not letting your kids win but at least be fair to them.
KK was like-"why should I let them win it not like they're going to let me win"-I was like b**h really WTF is your problem your kids are 10 & 13 your all most 40 grow the f-up dude..
Over and Out I think I may have accidentally deleted your last comment. Sorry about that. Feel free to post again!
OH LORDEE BEEE! Just read the new excerpts! Even MY own mother could not come up with those sadistic punishments. wow, just wow
I didn't read the new excerpts. I'm not sure that I can. It's far too upsetting.
It's being tweeted that Milo is being outed tomorrow. Is this rumor or gospel? Anyone know?
I wonder if Mady is old enough to suspect, like we have, that the six babies were planned. Whether that was Kate being reckless or actively trying to get pregnant with multiples.
I bet she has. And it's only going to increase her resentment. Any older child would feel like they weren't enough, and cast aside for something bigger and better.
Be for warned (I know it's to late because I just sent the article here to read) YOU WILL WANT TO PUNCH HER IN THE FACE as you read the article. I'm not a violent person but I want to release any neg. thing I have experienced in life on her. OOOOOOOooooooohhhh!!! YOU WITCHY SPAWN OF SATAN!!!!
That excerpt is absolutely horrible. While I know what happened in the past, somehow I thought things were a little better since the children could talk, and maybe 'tell on' Kate. But that behavior against the boys and the dogs proves things have not changed, and maybe have escalated along with her drinking. What horrid secrets the children harbor; I hope someone who can make a difference will now intervene. How can the relatives stand by? Can Jon not do more? Why won't the courts listen? Kids, TELL!
I later found out the reason for the beating was because the boys told Kate they wanted to stay longer at Jon’s house because they were having too much fun. Kate now promises the children presents and trips to Toys R Us for toys if they tell Jon that they don’t want to go to his house
Bribing the kids so they won't want to see dad bribing the kids so they want to film and bibing the kids for they silentness.
Ugh this monster is sick just sick.
She said something about how she doesn't want to let them win because in adulthood no one will let you win.
I have to completely disagree with that. In adulthood there will be lots of adults who will help you succeed. Good people are going to support your efforts. Good people might even let you take the lead now and again, to help you gain more experience, etc. Now, it's unlikely people are going to lie to you about winning but support you, absolutely.
And I think most adults can well distinguish between adult situations in which you are competing against others and a childhood game where your mom "let" you win. Come on. If you're talking about professional basketball no no one is going to let you win. But most of us don't play professional sports.
Even if you are in a "competitive" field like say advertising or litigation, no the other side is not going to "let you win" BUT your own firm is going to support, encourage and help you so you can win. The people on your side, like your own mother, firm, etc., should help you.
I think in addition to making them overly competitive I think she is also making them extremely distrustful. Like life is one big competition and everyone is out to "beat" you. That simply is not the case. In many situations it's to everyone's mutual benefit to help someone "win." It's just such a skewed and IMO completely negative and incorrect view of our world.
Sheri, thank your for your great post.
I know all the kids love their mother. I think the kids have Stockholm Syndrome. They sympathize with her. It would be nice for kate to get out for awhile and let Jon take over and get them into therapy. And they could have visitation after kate's psych evaluations and rehab and they could have supervised visitation with her then.
I wonder if Milo let her cat out in the freezing cold and let him watch her pet Katie the dog and say, r ya cold out thar? Since she loves kate so much and named her dog after her.
She forced a boy to go outside in the freezing weather with no provisions and he was begging, crying knocking on the doors to come in. I wonder how many times she told the other kids do not let him in. It is a miracle it didn't kill him. Remember the poster who took in the neighborhood stray cats and she said a bottled water was completely frozen in her car inside her garage, near kate.
What a sick and evil witch.
Then there are the teens on Twitter who think she's the most amazing mom ever, and they want to grow up to be just like her. God Almighty.
PJ @152
Perfectly said
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 182
This reminded me of the sky tower when the twins and most of the kids jumped and KK wasn't going to jump.
The she said something like "I'm not going to let 11 yr olds to show me up". IMO the dodge ball game was the same she wasn't going to let her 13yr show her up KATE HAS 2 WIN at any cost.
I agree Aunti Anne
The world is full of sick fucks.
Kate didn't win DWTS, she didn't win CA. She didn't win any of her lawsuits(LaFair, Jon, Robert). She didn't win any of her marathons.
Kate does not like losing.
Seems the only way she feels she can win anything is by being in competition with her children.
It would be nice for kate to get out for awhile and let Jon take over and get them into therapy
Sadly I don't ever see this happening unless a judge forces her to do so.
I just read NBNR. I ATE ATE also!! !!!!!!
Re Mady -- I think it's understandable that she feels the 6 ruined her "life plan", as she puts it. Think about it. At 3 1/2 she was abandoned by her mother (well, not literally. TFMJG was on bed rest then hospitalized for an extended period of time, and that feels like abandonment to a little kid). Daddy's upset and worried and not around a lot. Then 6 squalling, helpless babies invade her home and demand all the attention. Her mother, in particular, goes out of her way to show her that she's yesterday's news. She's given responsibilities for the younger kids that she's way too young for (It's one thing to ask an older kid to keep an eye on little bro or sis for a few minutes, but the early episodes of J&K+8 show that the twins were left to supervise the littles for long periods of time, at an age when they still should have been supervised themselves). And on top of it all, her beloved grandfather, who by all accounts adored the twins and spent a lot of time with them, died. Another abandonment. Throw in her mother's alienation of the other set of grandparents; aunts and uncles and cousins; other caretakers; add a contentious divorce and you get a kid who feels like there's nothing stable in her life. She's lashing out at who and what she feels are responsible, and top of the list are the 6. Her twin, Cara, OTOH, has turned all those feelings of abandonment, jealousy, and confusion inward, and you have a sullen, withdrawn and very unhappy teen. Both of those girls are in deep trouble. Also -- am I alone in suspecting that one reason they are afraid to go visit with Dad is fear of what will happen at home if they go? As others have said, they are parentified. What if TFMJG gets drunk and falls down steps again? What if she goes off on one of the little kids and seriously injures them? They may very well feel that they are the ones holding the household together. I hope I'm wrong, and it's just teen hormones and rebellion, but I'm very much afraid that I'm right.
Of course, there's always the comic relief on Twitter, with questions about the bread machine or freezing cookies!
Sublime @Cotlyn 1h
@Kateplusmy8 How did u make that giant loaf of bread? Was that a bread maker on the counter? #newtobreadmaking #noteasy
Over and out @170
Perfectly said also
Se was getting sloshed in the kitchen on the fiiy licking episode.
Admin, thanks for the recap. I've been in Europe for 3 weeks, returning home on Friday with zombie-like jet lag ever since. I read your recap at 3:00 am last night and loved your take on this latest debacle. You have captured the ridiculousness of this situation with humour without diminishing kids plight in any way.
Do you remember when Katie Couric asked TFW if she steps in to referee the sniping that goes on amongst the kids? Kate said that she lets them work it out themselves, that that's the way life is, you work it out, essentially saying "not my problem". It's a bit late for me to ask where is the guidance, the lessons being taught, the boundaries being set. To have these things happen, a parent has to care, so I guess I just answered my own question.
I have always had a difficult relationship with my older brother, we lived with his bad behaviour. He married a whack-job and I reluctantly went to dinner at their place one night just months after their wedding. When I arrived, my SIL was ironing in the living room of their apartment, calm and pleasant as could be. It was winter, absolutely freezing with gale-force winds howling. I heard a pounding sound and when I asked her what the noise was, she told me (with TFW's dead eye grin) that she had locked my brother out on the balcony "to teach him a lesson". I bolted to the door to see him in a shirt and pants with bare feet crying hysterically. We fled the apartment, me holding the hand of the brother I disliked all my life.
I still don't have much of a relationship with my brother, but I know I needed to step in that night, to save him from her. They eventually divorced, but I can still see that grin on her face, it's haunting to see a display of such a twisted mind.
I pray Jon can save those kids from her, this update show is more ammunition for him, let's hope anyway.
Time for a nap.
Remona Blue said...(166)
Sheri said... 141
''Just my personal experience mind you, but the violence towards me from my mother got worse as I got older. The older I got and the more I resisted her control over me the worse the beatings became until I finally left at 15. It was quite clear that there would never be any middle ground. It was her or me...thank God I chose to believe in myself and the faith that I had that my mother was just a crazy bitch and it wasn't my fault.''
"Sheri, my siblings and I experienced the same thing you did. The older we got, the worse the beatings were...the ''happy up'' implements of a wooden spoon or spatula were no longer 'enough'. In our case, five of us married to the first man we could grab in order to escape and/or were having babies by 15 and one was in jail.
In our case both parents were abusive. Thank all that is holy that Jon's children have him. Jon has a firm grasp of the problems living with that crazy person is causing his children, and I am positive that he is doing all he can to help his children. It is a dirty rotten disgrace that he is hobbled by Family Court.
I'm stopping here because if I don't I will go on an epic rant!! !!!!!!"
Thanks for relating Remona. As I was reading our exchange it really hit home that the twins are 13, only two years before we experienced our own personal breaking points. My heart breaks for all those kids.
I will admit that I'm very lucky to have had a Dad like Jon. He was never abusive, he was fun and I never doubted for a minute he loved me. I didn't see him very much growing up but the brief times I spent with him carried me through some of the worst I had with my mother.
I feel for you that you didn't have at least that balance. Hugs.
I totally agree about Jon getting getting the shaft all around by people who were more concerned about ratings, brands and bottom lines than the welfare of eight children.
Hey, rant away! I've been doing it all afternoon. :D
It sounds like she has beaten their good relationship with Jon out of them. Exactly what we feared. It's probably just not worth it anymore for some or all of them. We called the parental alienation years and years ago. Years.
Excellent points. But she really needs to be supervised now with those kids. The cat is out of the bag. There cannot be any more favoritism towards her. No cutting her out, but she can't be allowed to reign this terror on those kids. You want to bet Nala will suddenly be gone, removed?
Isn't that a hallmark of a BULLY?
You suck at life so you have to go around searching for smaller weaker people to pick on and "beat" to make your real life feel less of a failure.
Kate to a T. She loses so often in real life but at least she can beat her kids.
After reading the latest revelations from Robert, I can't even enjoy snarking on The Evil Abusing Tyrant (TEAT) today. I am beyond heartsick. As badly as TEAT treated Nala, I feel relieved that at least Nala was rescued and is hopefully safe now, living happily in a home that is warm and loving. I can only hope that those poor children and Shoka and Zorro can be rescued someday as well. I ate ate more than ever.
People who call her beating the kids "necessary discipline" will freak over her abuse of the dogs.
They won't believe it. They will say that it is all lies. I would imagine by now they have called their emergency meeting in the barnyard.
That should read FOOT licking episode damn smart phone
Over And Out said... 167
When children grow up, wouldn't this early childhood experience break their spirit when it comes to competitions...they'd remember that they are not that good, the other person always wins, and therefore they'd be reluctant to compete in any kind of team sports or solo events?
A good point, if K played/competed with her children often, but I doubt if she does. K would not have been anywhere near that gaga ball arena if she hadn't been filming, and probably the kids wouldn't have been either, unless J took them.
It's sad to have a mother who seldom plays with her kids, but since her idea of "playing" is annihilating them and crowing about it, perhaps for the best in this case.
It's hard with CPS.
She clothes and feeds them, sends them to school, doesn't leave bruises that last more than 4 hours, doesn't burn them with cigarettes. They live in a nice house, in a nice neighborhood. Yeah, the staff turnover is horrendous, but as long as they're not drug addicts no complaint.
Yada, yada. You wouldn't believe how bad it has to be before CPS will intervene. And even then it's iffy.
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