Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Kate blasted by the hosts of 'The Talk': 'They didn't get a chance to choose it.'

Sharon Osbourne, Marie Osmond, Sara Gilbert and other industry experts discussed Kate on today's show. Said Gilbert: "Any time you're putting kids on T.V.--I was a kid on T.V. and I wanted to be there--but if you're putting eight kids on T.V. from the time they are tiny you don't know which ones want to be there and which ones don't. ... I chose it. They didn't get a chance to choose it."

Osbourne also explained that people in the business, like Gilbert's legendary family, have a much better understanding of how the industry works than ill-prepared and naive reality T.V. families from middle America: "It's our industry. We know what we're going to get, you know what you're not going to get. So therefore, it's a whole different thing."

1722 sediments (sic) from readers:

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FYI said...

Yay!! Kate's #1. The sheeple can celebrate that Kate finally is at the top of a list!

Unfortunately, that list is ROL's shame-o-meter. But she is number one!!

Formerly Duped said...

I signed up for the Amazon e-mail when the RH paperback was available but didn't receive one. However, you CAN pre-order it now from Amazon for $14.14 and have it delivered by July 24. Eligible for free shipping on orders over $35.

Beyond Disgusted said...

Robert has a new post up...with photos! Sheeple, PHOTOS!

Pictures show Kate's spanking instruments of choice. Oh, wait. Fans will say that she was just swatting flies.

Beyond Disgusted said...

But then she brings it on herself and never learns even when people try to very clearly point out to her what's so darn annoying.


Right, but if she looks into the mirror and does some introspection, then there goes her "martyr for the cause" routine. I honestly think that she enjoys being picked on because then she runs to Kate, lamenting over being poked at. She says she doesn't mind..."see what I put up with, all for you, Kate!" Poor me, poor me!

I'm not so sure I feel sorry for her because, as you say, she brings this all on herself. There's a method to her madness.

Sue_Buddy said...

Beyond Disgusted said... 7

Just a simple, logical question, right? If ROL is paying RH for his stories who pays for the favorable stories about Kate? People want to know.

FYI said...

After looking at the order in which ROL has published it's stories, it seems that they are going in the order in which those stories appeared in the book.

The latest one specifying the email using the R-word was a little earlier in the book that the other stories(traveling demands, Mady going to Alaska and selling clothes at consignment shops), but Robert does have a section after those stories specifically titled "Retarded" in which he talks about Kate's use of the word, and references that email but also mentions how she called the doctor's office staff the R-word also.

So it's possible that someone at ROL is reading the book, and writing those stories as they get to them in the book.

The sheeple keep saying that Robert is getting paid for these stories. Why would ROL pay him for them, when they can get them directly from the book?

Vanessa said...

Robert has a new post up...with photos! Sheeple, PHOTOS!
I've seen these photos before, but never closely...that first one?
Was that a still frame from the show? I don't recall them EVER showing a spanking on the show. Is she actually holding one of the kid's arm and ready to spank? Did she just finish spanking?

Serendipity said...

Tiffany ‏@sunnytm9 Jul 20
@AmyTyler2014 @Cowsbytheriver @MY_2BCOLLIES @neverletyoupart @Kateplusmy8 @tonibraxton @JennyMcCarthy I hate when ignorant people say that

Two days ago there was a twitter discussion about the R word. Fans were up in arms about a non-fan using it.

Is it okay, though, for Kate to use it? This fan believes that ignorant people use it. Therefore, do they believe that Kate is "ignorant?"

Can sheep put their tails between their legs?

Formerly Duped said...

It is so obvious in the first photo Kate is using that tube thing to hit the small child.

jbranck1980 said...

Here's yet another thing I don't understand about sheeple logic (which is an oxymoron if I've ever heard one):

So, if TFW doesn't want to 'waste money' suing Robert, last I checked she had a website she could use to blog. In fact, she has done that in the past to refute some of Jon's claims. This would mean more traffic to her website as news outlets would probably mention it. More traffic and website hits=more money for her, right? So, in theory she could actually be putting MORE food into her kids' mouths according to the sheeple.

Also, in the entire public history of TFW, when has she passed on the opportunity to "set the record straight" or "get the facts out there"? Is there any other example of her doing this? Bueller????

Tucker's Mom said...

Vanessa said... 20
Robert has a new post up...with photos! Sheeple, PHOTOS!
I've seen these photos before, but never closely...that first one?
Was that a still frame from the show? I don't recall them EVER showing a spanking on the show. Is she actually holding one of the kid's arm and ready to spank? Did she just finish spanking?
July 22, 2014 at 9:34 AM
I don't believe they ever showed spanking on the show, but IIRC, this particular episode was about discipline, which emphasized, "we don't hit" and "time outs in the corner".
The irony is that Kate was caught with what is believed to be a hard cardboard roll, aka. a Spanker.
Of course, the Spanker is not a myth, rather, Kate wrote about using them and keeping enough to be handy when "needed" to "happy up" her children.
There is also corroboration from nannies that Kate used the Spanker to severely discipline a boy in the bathroom, who was apparently not keeping in line during filming.

Carole said...

@HarryTNacious @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 RH put HIS email addy on HIS website for interested journalists to get in touch w/him re book.

@HarryTNacious @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 and they prob sent him legit emails where he could communicate w/him Am I getting through?

Sue, I don't tweet, but thought this might help. Yes, Robert invited interested legit media to contact him last year. ROL has been in contact with Robert since the 1st book was released and may even have both versions. They definitely have the 1st one. They're the ones who had him take the lie detector test, etc.

High Sodium Content said...

Only Kate could suck the fun out of getting ready for back to school. She'll take the twins shopping, most likely with a meal out, because they have her number and remember all her abuse of the little kids and hold it over her head daily.

Kate's to lazy to take the little kids shopping oven to sit with each kid individually to look at shoes on line, so they could pick out their favorites.

Maybe all this early prep for school is because she's using all the money she earned this year for a nice vacation in August.

On second thought, that's never going to happen. Maybe a trip for her and Steve. Wonder if the kids have been off the property at all this summer except for the one little that got to go to LAX and their visits with Jon.

Tucker's Mom said...

Amy2 said... 10
Waaaay OT. Contrast my day with the excitement of Kate buying shoes for the kids.

Arrived at work this morning and there are two homeland security vehicles with armed police and a bomb sniffing dog in the parking lot. Where I work the organization is putting on a major event for the next few days so there is tight security and media coverage from the networks.
Stay safe!

Sheri said...

Beyond Disgusted said...(17)

But then she brings it on herself and never learns even when people try to very clearly point out to her what's so darn annoying.


"Right, but if she looks into the mirror and does some introspection, then there goes her "martyr for the cause" routine. I honestly think that she enjoys being picked on because then she runs to Kate, lamenting over being poked at. She says she doesn't mind..."see what I put up with, all for you, Kate!" Poor me, poor me!

I'm not so sure I feel sorry for her because, as you say, she brings this all on herself. There's a method to her madness."


We're talking about Milo, right? Just more speculation but I think Milo is blinded by her own blind devotion...if that makes sense.

If I may play arm-chair psychologist for a second, seems to me, it's not really about Kate at all but actually about what a good "fan" Milo is.

When Milo defends Kate, what she's really doing is defending her support of Kate and not necessarily Kate herself.

Is this making any sense to anyone?

The way I see it, it will never matter what Kate has or hasn't done, does or doesn't do because the bottom line is that, for Milo, it's really all about Milo and what a good, positive, support and caring person she is.

I really don't know but it's the only way her on-going cheerleading of Kate makes any sense, at least to me. On the other hand, Milo could just be a total nut job.

AuntieAnn said...

Formerly Duped said... 22

It is so obvious in the first photo Kate is using that tube thing to hit the small child.


Yes, it sure is. We had quite a discussion about that tube a few years ago. She had it in her hand the day they were filming her sitting upon The Great White Throne in the garage. It looks to be the hard inner cardboard of Saran wrap or even the hard carboard roll that's used on hangers when items like drapes come back from the cleaners.

Wherever it came from isn't important. What is, is the fact that she kept that weapon of choice close. Anyone who thinks she didn't use on the kids should go down and take a look at that bridge for sale.

"We don't hit!!!". Yeah, sure Kate. Sure.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Flimsy 5, just so you know, I understood your original post about a then regular shutting down the shit stirrer.

Sue_Buddy said...

Carole said... 25
Sue, I don't tweet, but thought this might help. Yes, Robert invited interested legit media to contact him last year. ROL has been in contact with Robert since the 1st book was released and may even have both versions. They definitely have the 1st one. They're the ones who had him take the lie detector test, etc.
Thanks, Carol. I thought so.

Rhymes with Witch said...

After looking at the order in which ROL has published it's stories, it seems that they are going in the order in which those stories appeared in the book. 19

Good catch! Presumably there are more articles to come. It's obvious that someone at ROL bought the book.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

And for any fan who might say, oh, TFW wasn't looking to hurt them - just a quick swat to teach them a lesson - we have that picture of
TFW hitting L's bottom. She lifted the child's dress first. That wasn't
a knee-jerk reaction to bad behavior - she was intentionally inflicting

Unknown said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 6
Tucker (#195), I think I wasn't clear about what I was saying. I wasn't
condemning that particular poster - I was praising her. I meant a fan
would comment on something trivial or irrelevant to distract or deflect
the "flow" of our conversation from TFW's bad behavior. So this
regular poster would simply post a particularly bad quote from TFW's
journal, as if to say, let's remember WHO we're talking about, and
WHAT she's done, and WHY we're here commenting in the first
I c/p the worst quotes from the first book more than a few times as a response, and I remember also c/p Jon's public apology about his bad choices and hope that his children would forgive him. I don't think that I'm the poster that is being remembered because I wasn't the only one that was happy to remind the idiots what WOS had done to Jon's children!! !!!!!!

Rhymes with Witch said...

The Great White Throne in the garage. 29

You forgot PLASTIC.
The great white plastic throne. How mediocre.

JoyinVirginia said...

Amy 2, ” active shooter training” !? Oh my goodness. Be careful this week!

Linda said... (Administrator) said... 171

Now the only question is did they have this discussion before she pressed Checkout, or did she order what she liked and will let them fight it out


It just dawned on me, it sounds like she ordered a variety and they'll fight it out like cats and dogs when they arrive.

Otherwise why would there be anything to discuss about who wants what pair? Why wouldn't they each have selected the pair they want upfront? Nothing to discuss.
That's one interpretation. Another is that they discussed which ones they wanted and then she ordered and she was referring to the pre-order conversation.

FYI said...

I don't believe they ever showed spanking on the show, but IIRC, this particular episode was about discipline, which emphasized, "we don't hit" and "time outs in the corner".
The irony is that Kate was caught with what is believed to be a hard cardboard roll, aka. a Spanker.

Yes, it was in the discipline episode. They didn't show a spanking, but Kate is holding that tube as she escorts one of the boys to time out, and she is also holding later when she makes another boy apologize to his brother for hitting him.

This is the clip where those pictures came from--from TLC's website, no less:

It seems she carried it around with her, and then when she sat down, it was right there next to her on the chair.

That tube is much thicker than a paper towel roll, or even a roll from plastic wrap. It looks more like a heavy duty shipping tube.

Rhymes with Witch said...

SHEEPLE! Don't miss out!
An autographed picture of your idol from DWTS. Great price!

Formerly Duped said...

AuntieAnn said... 29

Formerly Duped said... 22
That's right. And it's important to realize it's not just a paper towel inner roll- it's very hard thick cardboard.Imagine a mother walking around with a weapon waiting for mild transgressions. Shows how well her 'discipline" worked- she has a bunch of mean, quarrelsome girls and some boys who seem to have made it through ok so far, but surely are scarred- one even forgets his childhood!

I'm amazed at the stuff they let slide through on the update.

lukebandit said...

@sunnytm9 · Jul 19

So you can read @kateplusmy8 's new book on kindle unlimited for free. After I bought it lol.

This is the one who tweeted, I hate when people say that. About the special needs word.

Jeanne said...

I'm actually not happy with the ROL stories. Yes, she used the R word and made Mady go to Alaska. Those are not good mom things. But to me they seem like minor details. Why is ROL dancing around the big parts of the story? Why don't they tell about cheating people at churches? Why don't they tell about the marriage being over long before the vow renewal? Why don't they tell about her estrangement from friends and family? WHY DON'T THEY TELL ABOUT BEATING BABIES?

Tucker's Mom said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 30
Flimsy 5, just so you know, I understood your original post about a then regular shutting down the shit stirrer.
July 22, 2014 at 11:10 AM
Just wanted to add again that I misunderstood. Aggiemom was a regular here for quite a while.

Serendipity said...

It's nice that Kate can order her kids' shoes online. I can never do it because sneakers are so unpredictable when it comes to size. One of mine has narrow feet, and we have to find sneakers that don't "slip" at the heel. If order online, I almost always have to return them, which can be a hassle. I go to the stores and have them fitted and measured to make sure that each has the proper fit.

Serendipity said...

Why don't they tell about cheating people at churches? Why don't they tell about the marriage being over long before the vow renewal?


Maybe they are working their way up to it? I'd love to see the story about how they were crying poor to the church people while settling on the million dollar house, with Kate's notes, "How do we explain the house?"

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate is a twit said... 37
I don't believe they ever showed spanking on the show, but IIRC, this particular episode was about discipline, which emphasized, "we don't hit" and "time outs in the corner".
The irony is that Kate was caught with what is believed to be a hard cardboard roll, aka. a Spanker.

Yes, it was in the discipline episode. They didn't show a spanking, but Kate is holding that tube as she escorts one of the boys to time out
Yes, right- TLC was so white washing even back then.
It's obvious that the roll was used to hit the kids, but there's Kate, spouting on about how "we don't hit!!".

Man, we were duped, big time.
At least I know I was.

Serendipity said...

I really don't know but it's the only way her on-going cheerleading of Kate makes any sense, at least to me. On the other hand, Milo could just be a total nut job.


Or both. It's not mutually exclusive!

Unknown said...

Tucker's Mom said... 44
''Just wanted to add again that I misunderstood. Aggiemom was a regular here for quite a while.''
Yes! I think that Aggiemom is the poster that is being remembered for quoting from Robert's first book all the horrible things that WOS did to Jon's children!! !!!!!!

Serendipity said...

The sheeple keep saying that Robert is getting paid for these stories. Why would ROL pay him for them, when they can get them directly from the book?


That's the jackpot question, and the sheeple either "don't get it" or are avoiding it like the plague.

FYI said...

As of right now, Robert's book has surpassed Kate's cookbook in Amazon sales! He's sold 1986 in 30 days--Kate sold 1970 in 16 months!

Of course, we don't know how much he or Kate sold in other venues, but considering the differences in how each book was promoted, I think Robert is coming out ahead. And I think THAT is what is bothering the sheeple the most.

NJGal51 said...

I work for the government and we have to take active shooter training every year. Amy - i hope you don't need to apply anything that was taught.

gabby2 said...

sheri said:
(The way I see it, it will never matter what Kate has or hasn't done, does or doesn't do because the bottom line is that, for Milo, it's really all about Milo and what a good, positive, support and caring person she is.

I really don't know but it's the only way her on-going cheerleading of Kate makes any sense, at least to me. On the other hand, Milo could just be a total nut job.)

Sheri...I think you hit the nail on the head with these two choices...or both!!! LOL
Milo is all about milo...just as Krazy is all about Krazy.....twins.

Anonymous said...

I think ROL is releasing Kate's 'evidence' as related in Hoffman's book like a leaky faucet....lots more to come....drip, drip, drip.


AuntieAnn said...

High Sodium Content said... 26

Maybe all this early prep for school is because she's using all the money she earned this year for a nice vacation in August.


I thought maybe she'd be wrapping their feet in gunny sacks since she is out of work but I guess there's still enough money in the bank for shoes.

After she's drained all the accounts I am very curious how she's going to slither her way back into tv now that her journal, I'm sorry, I mean Robert's book is exposing the realist real personality of Katie I. Gosselin. It's going to take some serious brainstorming between her and her helpful friend and companion Steve.

What she should probably do is admit she's a child abusing tyrant to anyone left who'll listen and then get some therapy. It would be a chance for a little *cough* redemption if she really wants to keep her career going.

And that will happen the very same day hell freezes over and pigs grow wings.

AuntieAnn said...

Serendipity said... 46

Why don't they tell about cheating people at churches? Why don't they tell about the marriage being over long before the vow renewal?


Maybe they are working their way up to it?


I think that's what their doing. The worst is yet to come.

Beyond Disgusted said...

Well, I see "sour grapes" Al is back to tweeting his crap with a link to Sage's blog. What a sad, pathetic little man. There's something really "off" there. Does he crave attention this much?

willowmom (now Piper's mom) said...

Kate is a Twit (37) & Tucker's Mom (47), of course "we" don't hit, MOMMY does!

I, too, think that ROL is building up to the bigger, badder reveals. I think they're putting out these smaller issues to begin to crack the facade that's been built up around TFW, just chipping away, allowing little chinks of light to begin to show on who she really is.

Now completely OT, a book recommendation, "Shotgun Lovesongs" by Nickolas Butler. Good story about long-time male friendships in rural Wisconsin. I loved it.

TLC stinks said...

I remember that "discipline" episode. I distinctly recall thinking that those toddlers were much too willing go sit in the corner! Now I understand why.

lukebandit said...

I went to Novel Rank to check the book sales and guess what??

Amazon has added 2 more opportunities for even more people to BUY THE BOOK!!

Not only is it now being offered in English US, the U.K. and Canada and Germany, it is now being offered in French AND Spanish!!! That is 4, count'em, 4 different languages!!!

That means more SALES!

Congrats, Robert!

FYI said...

OT-Just want to congratulate my hometown boy, Billy Joel, on becoming the 7th winner of the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize.

Way to go Billy!!!

Tucker's Mom said...

Jeanne said... 42
I agree totally, and I think perhaps this is just the tease before they start to break the really disturbing stuff.

foxy said...

just watched the "discipline" tape and my goodness. Thoise toddlers were biting, hitting, taking each others toys, and they still are. You would think after 8 years they would grow out of that stuff. Then we have Mady kicking the crap out of the younger kids when they were moving into the new house.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I have the book in my hands! It's been a long road, but you did it, Robert. Congratulations. I knew you'd persevere.


Anonymous said...

I wonder, if I sent it to Kate with a self-addressed, stamped, return envelope, would she autograph it for me? Or does autograph mean I have to sign it?


Carrin said...

Tucker's Mom said... 166
I don't understand ordering sneakers for 6 kids, and THEN they decide who gets what pair?
Are all the boys and all the girls the same size?
It would be highly unusual if they were....
July 22, 2014 at 4:52 AM

And why on earth can they not choose the style they would like to have BEFORE she sends the order. She just decides the style and the size, and if the style you want is not in the size she ordered, oh well....

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

Yeah, Billy! We're hoping to go to that awards show! We're going to a concert next month -- looking forward to it. Nothing much better than a summer night Billy concert! This is the time to remember! ;-)

Twit -- this was a good interview, and I loved the picture of Sabrina the pug:

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

Now completely OT, a book recommendation, "Shotgun Lovesongs" by Nickolas Butler. Good story about long-time male friendships in rural Wisconsin. I loved it.

Thanks for the recommendation. I'm in the middle of Stephen King's Joyland. I haven't yet figured out if I like it or not!

Carrin said...

Mady has lots of spunk and she has quite a mouth on her. I don't recall seeing any of the kids back-talk Kate the way Mady does. Kate and Mady actually "fight." Mady doesn't take it like the other kids do. Imagine for a moment if Collin behaved like Mady does when Kate was going off on him about the "ugly hair" remark he made. Can you see Mady standing there, silently, eye to eye with each other, taking it all in? Can you see Collin screaming back at her and then running off to fume? Crazy.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... (Administrator) said... 180
I just read in the comments a typical M.O. accusing this blog of using the R word "all the time." Oh for the love of pete.

Admin, consider the source (s). That speaks volumes.

Formerly Duped said...

foxy said... 63
...and the Mady montage on the update showed her mainly kicking siblings or objetcs around.


What about if we send Kate a copy of Robert's book to sign? lol

Rhymes with Witch said...

What she should probably do is admit she's a child abusing tyrant to anyone left who'll listen and then get some therapy. 55

Celebrity Rehab?

Rhymes with Witch said...

You would think after 8 years they would grow out of that stuff. 63

Not if they weren't taught problem solving skills. Plus, they are imitating tfw.

FYI said...

Tweet from Amber Ryland, the author of the articles about Robert's book at ROL.

Amber Ryland ‏@AmberGoodhand · 4m
@UseCmmonSense @Sue_Buddy @BarbaraJean_s @Kateplusmy8 I can assure you all we have not paid Hoffman. Everything is directly from his book.

Guess that won't make too many of the sheeple happy. Of course, they'll probably start calling Amber a liar now.

Rhymes with Witch said...

OT: I loved The Shining and The Stand, but stopped reading SK after Pet Semetary.
Anyone have thoughts on Mr. Mercedes?

Carole said...

@UseCmmonSense @Sue_Buddy @BarbaraJean_s @Kateplusmy8 I can assure you all we have not paid Hoffman. Everything is directly from his book.

Is it too much to hope this will shut the sheeple up about RH needing rent money? ugh

AuntieAnn said...

I wonder, if I sent it to Kate with a self-addressed, stamped, return envelope, would she autograph it for me?


hehee. Wickedly scandalous. I dare ya.

While you're at it, please ask her when she's going to publish her journal, because we're just dying to read it.

FYI said...

Some of the sheeple keep insisting that Jon and Liz are no longer together. Well, this is for them. This is from the same girl who saw Jon at the beach on Sunday.

Rhymes with Witch said...

And why on earth can they not choose the style they would like to have BEFORE she sends the order. 66

IMO yet another manifestation of "I'm in control.". Then she sets them up to fight each other for the pair they want.
No wonder they fight. She pits them against each other. Divide and conquer.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Some thoughts on ROL. If they started with the big scandals, everything else would pale in comparison. I agree they are releasing stories according to the book, building up with each story.

It's karma schmoopy. And there's no going back.

Bitchy Pants said...

The Sheeple are just like their idol, bless their wooly little heads. They think if they repeat a lie long enough, and loudly enough, it automatically becomes the truth.

For the person upthread who asked if sheep can put their tail between their legs (I'm assuming that was a serious question and not in jest) -- no, they can't. Their tails aren't long enough for that, although they can, and often do, wag their tails.

All This Is That said...

"Is it too much to hope this will shut the sheeple up about RH needing rent money? ugh"

Nah. They will say she's lying because ROL is a trash tab and they wouldn't tell the truth. Of course, that's their stance when Kate is bashed; when Jon is criticized, they jump up and down, clapping their hands because Radar publishes only the verified, gospel truth.

Sheeple are not playing with a full deck, as evidenced by some of the tweets from those really slow fans who insist that Robert needs rent money. There is no way in the world you could make them understand that it would be foolish to pay him for all of those stories when they could just buy the book for less than ten dollars. You just want to bang your head over their stupidity and stubbornness.

All This Is That said...

Their tails aren't long enough for that, although they can, and often do, wag their tails.

Especially when the Chief Ewe sees Katie in her Daisy Dukes!

All This Is That said...

Some of the sheeple keep insisting that Jon and Liz are no longer together. Well, this is for them. This is from the same girl who saw Jon at the beach on Sunday.

Oh, but that's not Liz. It's a Liz look-alike who just happens to have three kids, just like Liz does! LOL!

PJ's momma said...

Aunt Connie, she is carrying that spanker in TWO of those scenes! Oh my gosh. ~ Administrator said...

I like this Amber chick. She's a straight shooter.

Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one and of course it was this time. Obviously, Radar spent 8.88, bought the book, and are going through it chapter by chapter pulling out interesting information for daily stories. It's really not any more complicated than that no matter how much they want it to be.

JMO said...

AuntieAnn said... 78
I wonder, if I sent it to Kate with a self-addressed, stamped, return envelope, would she autograph it for me?


hehee. Wickedly scandalous. I dare ya.

While you're at it, please ask her when she's going to publish her journal, because we're just dying to read it.


Classic! ~ Administrator said...

That's one interpretation. Another is that they discussed which ones they wanted and then she ordered and she was referring to the pre-order conversation.


Well, if that were the case, I think she would have said I "loved." Instead she framed it in the present tense, when everything else in the tweet was past tense. (I orderED)

I love hearing my growing kids discuss who wants which pair! Now2bed.. #Fun

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Well, if that were the case, I think she would have said I "loved." Instead she framed it in the present tense, when everything else in the tweet was past tense. (I orderED)

Kate talks in code. One can never know what she's really saying.

All This Is That said...

Kate is trending again. She's in good company with 530 Fatties and Ghostbusters 3.

JMO said...

AuntieAnn said... 78
I wonder, if I sent it to Kate with a self-addressed, stamped, return envelope, would she autograph it for me?


Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said... 71 (Administrator) said... 180
I just read in the comments a typical M.O. accusing this blog of using the R word "all the time." Oh for the love of pete.

Admin, consider the source (s). That speaks volumes.

Wow, when desperate, sheeple will throw out anything to protect the queen from herself and her words.. I honestly have never seen that word mentioned on this site. Ever.

OrangeCrusher 1 said...

It's Katespeak. My interpretation is they discussed, chose and then she pressed send. She just convolutes everything. Kids probably don't all wear the same size anyway.

Anonymous said...

"Let's live next to the Duggars. YeeHaw!!!!"

Hey Kate,
We know you read here..all of the celebrities magazines had the new TLC summer promo "family" picture featured this week, including People.

The Duggars looked good and so did June and Honey Boo Boo, Buddy, Teresa, Randy everyone looked so happy and good.

Funny thing..You and your 8 were missing from the picture. Must have been an over site huh..

The Duggar's appear to be really nice people who probably would have loved to live next door to you and your children. Another opportunity you missed out on. You never had any allies in your corner, only enemies.,

You are so insensitive. How you made it as far as you did with TLC is unbelievable.


Jeremy said...

My 22 year old is home and excited that Netflix had a few seasons of JK&8. SHe also believes K is witch, but rememebrs the show from her childhood, so we have been watching. Im interested in seeing when it started to fall apart. I have to say, I think it's season 4, and it was still sweet and showed how much stress they were both under. Yes, there were bad moments, but in perspective of an episode, they were not horrible. Cupcake-gate wasn't really a big deal, and it was nice to see both parents on the same page. We've seen the visit to Hershey Medical Center, and K was teary thru the whole thing, filled with gratitude for her healthy kids. On another episode, they spoke about how blessed they were that they had the opportunity to do these things with the kids. They were a united parenting front. Kate enjoyed both the boys and the girls. They were affectionate and loving and teasing with each other. You can also see that they never had the time to understand Mady's issues or the time to deal effectively with her. It truly is sad knowing what they have become, and I want to see when the cracks start to show, but there was happiness and kindness there.

All This Is That said...

Wow, when desperate, sheeple will throw out anything to protect the queen from herself and her words.. I honestly have never seen that word mentioned on this site. Ever.

It's been mentioned here, not too long ago, but not in a derogatory way. The discussion was about the word being offensive, if it were going to be swiffered, and that it still appears as medical technology. ~ Administrator said...

It's been mentioned here, not too long ago, but not in a derogatory way. The discussion was about the word being offensive, if it were going to be swiffered, and that it still appears as medical technology.


Yes. The reason the poster missed it was probably because it wasnt used to name call as Kate did. It was not in any way used to complain about others and call people names in the way Kate did when she called her multiples group names. To frame it as anything else is a complete mischaracterization. Using it to name call, versus discussing the evolution of the term and concern it might be used or even thought of toward a loved one are two completely different things. The fact that they deliberately refuse to see the difference is just plain obnoxious.

And yet as I said before they refuse to acknowledge that it doesn't matter if all this blog did was use offensive terms all day long. That does not make Kate's use of that word to name call any less offensive. They refuse to grasp this. ~ Administrator said...

Thank you for finding two comments from four years ago long before we were moderated, out of the hundreds of thousands, that used the word inappropriately. I don't recognize either of those names, and I promptly deleted them just now. I'm glad this came up because I had no idea those were there. However, two times from 2010 I don't think qualifies as this blog using the word "all the time" as the sheeple claimed. If you find any others let me know. ~ Administrator said...

Wow, when desperate, sheeple will throw out anything to protect the queen from herself and her words.


Yes even comb this blog for posts from four years ago looking for a drive by or two that might have said something remotely offensive and then use that to try to claim that stands for the blog.

This blog is not the same blog it was four years ago. It has evolved and improved and developed some reliable and pretty fun regulars and I cannot imagine something like that flying today.

Dmasy said...

I remember aggiemoml. I miss her and hope that all is going well with her family.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Cupcake-gate wasn't really a big deal, and it was nice to see both parents on the same page.


I think that it was a short time after that when I stopped watching. To see that poor little guy saying, "I don't get my cupcake?" and seeing the hurt expression on his face was a big deal to me. It just about broke my heart. The favoritism shown to the girls was so blatantly obvious, and to not let a child eat his birthday cupcake was beyond cruel...I don't care if he finished his dinner or not.

White Organza said...

"I want to see when the cracks start to show, but there was happiness and kindness there." (96)

For me the cracks showed very early. In one of the very first episodes, actually, when I learned that Kate, -a woman lucky enough to have six beautiful healthy babies-, was forcing them to take 4 hours-nap every single afternoon. Four hours without any contact with any of those babies.

Think about it. Babies. Not much older than 18 months. Left for four hours in the dark. With no other stimulation than the presence of their brothers and sisters stuck in their individual crib. Four hours. And if one of them had the audacity to climb out of bed before the prescribed time, he or she was not greeted with a kiss, a hug and a "Well hello, sleepy head! Up already? Want a glass of juice and a cookie?" Nope: the kid was sent back directly to bed and even had to stay there AFTER the end of the imposed nap for DOUBLE the amount of time he or she had cut from it by getting out of bed. As if a child that young can even grasp the concept of "double". Or "time", come to think of it.

After that episode I was never able to see real true happiness or kindness in that household. Except, maybe, snippets here or there from Jon.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

it was nice to see both parents on the same page. We've seen the visit to Hershey Medical Center, and K was teary thru the whole thing, filled with gratitude for her healthy kids. On another episode, they spoke about how blessed they were that they had the opportunity to do these things with the kids. They were a united parenting front.


If by being on the same page, you mean as far as parenting went, I kind of doubt it. I think that it was always her way or the highway, and he just went along with her. Otherwise, there would have been hell to pay.

Teary at Hershey? She's always been good at crocodile tears. Knowing now what we know, and from reading the e-mails and messages in Robert's first book, I just don't see her as being sympathetic to anyone or anything, nor did she feel truly blessed and grateful for anything. I think that it was all an act.

AuntieAnn said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 102

I think that it was a short time after that when I stopped watching. To see that poor little guy saying, "I don't get my cupcake?" and seeing the hurt expression on his face was a big deal to me. It just about broke my heart.


Mine too. There was no call for that from Jon and Kate. Then they said the boys had forgotten about it the next day. Bull. Those boys didn't dare say anything about it. Lesson learned. Got it. I'll eat my supper.

The thing is they all DID try to eat something off their plate, same as the girls. But hey, there was a show to be filmed. It's all part of the circus act. Suck it up, boys.

It was their BIRTHDAY for crying out loud. ~ Administrator said...

Glitter if you have a question how the blog is run just email me.

As far as the special I commend anyone who picked up on this right away. I wouldn't say the four hour naps didn't make me raise an eyebrow but I gave her the benefit if the doubt. In context now looking back, the specials are obvious in how many red flags there were. At the time, I still bought the sweet big family line.

However it did not take long and I was part of the early group on TWOP who had a huge problem with what was going on, who saw the exploitation and narcissistic behavior after only half a dozen or less episodes. A lot of us came to question things very early on, before it was popular to do so. Years before "sheeple" and "haters" came to be. We were just viewers back then, in the good ole days. ~ Administrator said...

Glitter another thing is that we discussed this issue several weeks ago. Scroll back to look.

A lot of us were saying it makes sense he would take on an alias to pony up to the sheeple for information.

I personally don't like the guy or his tactics, I've said this many times. That would include IF he was ponying up to the sheeple in a manner that was akin to cat fishing. Not that they haven't done much worse.

swingsandroundabouts said...

OT I have just finished the book by Anthony Doerr: All The Light We Cannot See. I don't know if anyone had recommended it here but if someone did then I'll repeat the recommendation. Well written and well paced, it is about a blind girl in France during World War II whose life is affected by a host of other characters including a young orphan boy from Germany.

Jeanne said...

I was living nearby when the whole Gosselin thing got started. My parents had a Reading Eagle subscription and I read the paper often. I was first suspicious at the time of the court appeal to keep the nurse. I don't remember that she said they were disabled. I do remember her saying that society helped them have multiples so society owed them help in raising them. I thought that was really a horrible thing to say. I watched the first special. The kids were cute but something seemed off. By the second special, things felt terribly off. I knew about the original website and I read it. Her wish list was too long. The way she talked about God reminded me of a number of skeevy people I've known. I watched the second special but after that I couldn't take any more of Kate. I was very happy when I found GWOP. Before that I only had Dana Hoffman's articles and comments. People in Berks knew things weren't right.

Vanessa said...

Sheesh! Can't believe I missed that. Showing the mark one of them made on the other? Maybe CPS should have asked her "do you see the mark you've left on this baby?" She was pretty confident in herself wasn't she?
I notice a huge difference in the way she speaks to the camera now. Not too sure how to lie anymore? Not that she did a great job before, but the confidence was there, SHE believed her lies. Now? She knows every.single.word. that comes out of her mouth will be dissected and proven wrong. That's what a bully/tyrant needs. She's lost her power, she's been taken down a few (lots) notches.

Vanessa said...

They have learned to be snitches and rats and to revel in another sibling getting what is coming to them, and it will not serve their relationship with their siblings well. Nor any relationship. It's very unhealthy.
I agree, very unhealthy. Just another ingredient in their dysfunctional make up. It gives the "tattler" attention from their abuser, it's "positive" attention. She's actually listening to them. Survival instincts kick in. You do what you were groomed to do. The girls are the alphas, they rule. The boys just take their medicine. I cannot WAIT for the day those boys to dole out their payback. I hope HOPE they keep enough of themselves intact, that she doesn't totally brainwash them and they decide to live with their father. And please go to therapy.

Jillygee said...

I just read some comments in the ROL article , there is something in the book about another person carrying multiples and sadly losing them and Kate celebrating ? Anyone know the story ?

TLC stinks said...

When I first watched the show, I understood Kate's frustration with Jon and how overwhelmed she would feel, so I was on her side. It quickly evolved, though, that she appeared more mean with each successive episode, not only to Jon but to the kids. Editing? You bet. They edited what they filmed. Oh my, what tales the crews could tell.

Formerly Duped said...

The University of Toronto is a very good, and large school. It is known as the Harvard of the North. I graduated from it! But yes, it's what you make of that degree that counts; an Ivy League school doesn't guarantee success although it's true that names and networking do play a role. JMO.

JR said...

Why is Kates twitter feed so messed up...theres actual days of tweets missing...

Sideline Observer said...

Beyond Disgusted said... 57

Well, I see "sour grapes" Al is back to tweeting his crap with a link to Sage's blog. What a sad, pathetic little man. There's something really "off" there. Does he crave attention this much?


I don't remember where I read it, but men want to be known for being smart. One expression of being smart is to be authoritative on something. For a while (after he put out his book), Al was considered an authority on J+K based on being in the area when the whole saga started and seeing things develop over the years.

Then Hoffman put out his book, which was based on source material that, when compared to Al's personal observations, was incontrovertible. Hoffman became the authority on J+K, while Al's street cred went into the dumpster. Al got exposed as somebody who didn't know what they were talking about.

Add to that some personal animus from Al over Hoffman deciding not to play ball with him on something, and Al's probably going to keep sniping at Hoffman until the J+K saga becomes ancient history. It's hard enough for Al to lose his claim to authoritativeness; on top of that, this has become personal for him

Sara said...

The photos on Robert's site are from Garage Makeover, she has Aaden in her grip after her bit Collin. The one with her sitting in Jon's chair, was the day of the NICU reunion. The day Jon said, "get the stick out"...

The clips were later added to the Discipline Episode.

However, in the reairing of Leah and Joel's special day, it was clearly seen that JON had the red spoon in his hand, not by his side but straight out in an act of threat.

I have never seen Kate with the spoon in hand, but TLC did put it back in when they rerun some of the old shows before the Tups birthday special.

Jon used the spoon too. I think he was also a spanker, not a beater, but I do believe he knew how violent Kate got.

As far as watching the early shows and seeing kindness and happiness....when I have rewatched them I look for those moments of dear and tender love. I have never seen what you saw poster. I saw Kate was most comfortable when Jon was jumping high for her.

Recently I rewatched the show where the twins are going off to first grade and Jon is describing his morning. Kate did nothing.

And during the bedroom painting on a Saturday she was definitely spiraling down. That leg was shaking and she was watching Ashley play with her kids complaining, complaining, complaining.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

JR said... 116
Why is Kates twitter feed so messed up...theres actual days of tweets missing...

Don't know. It's been messed up since last night.

Formerly Duped said...

Jon seemed to agree more with Kate in the early episodes. He did speak up about her pumpkin-carving cleaning mid-project and the Toys R Us debacle. He appeared to agree with her views for the most part to avoid a slap or correction. I guess I would have to say he enabled her then.I'm sure he knew what she was up to as far as the abuse ( to some extent if she shared the journals with him) and her drive for fame and fortune.How could you live with someone and not know? Then he seemed to go more quiet and introspective till finally he had enough and tried to extricate first himself, then the kids from the whole facade of family and the show.Looking back,I don't see true love between the spouses either, merely bad acting.The kids all preferred Daddy time and time again.

TLC stinks said...

Al is sure holding a grudge. My take is that Al and Robert were going to co-author a book but Robert pulled out because, I am guessing, Al wanted to attack Jon? Not sure what the truth is, but Al needs to move on.

And I would not be surprised Jon participated in spa king the kids too but remember, he did what he was told to do.

Very disturbing in that video seeing Kate with her talons gripped around that thick cardboard tube. Surely the crew witnessed her whack a toddler with it! ~ Administrator said...

Totally forgot about this similarity:

Crawford's next book, My Way of Life, was published in 1971 by Simon and Schuster. Those expecting a racy tell-all were disappointed, although Crawford's meticulous ways were revealed in her advice on grooming, wardrobe, exercise, and even food storage. ~ Administrator said...

I don't remember where I read it, but men want to be known for being smart. One expression of being smart is to be authoritative on something.


This is true but I think most men would have let this go by now.

He had his ego damaged. Oh well we all do sometimes. Most people are able to shrug off their butt hurt and move on. The way he's held onto the grudge though is frankly disturbing. Who cares, it's just Robert and the Gosselins. Get a grip.

lukebandit said...

On the 100th episode with Emeril Lagasse, kate had the big red spoon and slapped Emeril hard twice on his forearm where he had to rub it his forearm while Jon was pouring the granola unto a sheet pan while Emeril watched close by. kate was right there, acting like the @ she is and hit Emeril, twice you can hear the slap. On the original airing, she hit him twice.

I don't ever recall anyone hitting a Chef like that on tv. Ever.

I am having extreme difficulty finding the video of that show where she hit him. There is a trailer and they show it very quickly, but to the person who just sees it for the first time and really hasn't a clue how she really is, thinks it is in all in fun or jest. It was not. She could not stand it because Jon was blossoming right there in front of her with Emeril. Control out the window!

The only way she can deal with it is to strike out at the person or child who is testing their wings and she is right there ready to pounce with the clippers to clip their wings so they can't fly out of the witch's cuckoos nest.

I am telling you. The original set of DVD's of Jon and Kate plus 8, unedited will be collector's items. They could be right now. In the trailer clip I found, only 34 seconds long only shows her hitting him once. I watched several months ago the entire episode and it was swiffered down to one. Now I can't even find that episode. I had watched the original before that. I wish I could of burned it on a DVD, I could do it because I have DVD's because I make movies but I don't know how to burn a video from youtube to transfer to a DVD for my own use.

lukebandit said...

Jeremy, it was a big deal that the boys didn't get to eat their cupcakes. It was their birthday just as well as the tup girls. They deserved them just as much as they did. They were all born together, remember? kate is cruel. She gets off seeing adults, family, friends, strangers, children, including her own and animals suffering because of something that she did or said or what will happen to them because of her.

I know Jon regrets and is remorseful of a lot of things that he has done and going along with kate to keep the abuse of the kids and animals from being worse at times. He has said he hopes that they will forgive him. That means everything he did. You will never hear kate say that. She thinks she can rule those kids and animals with her iron taloned fist till doomsday, but she won't.

God won't let her. His Wrath is coming for her because He promises in His Word that you shall reap what ye has sown. Because, He hears those children's cries of pain and anger and one day, at His decision, He will say, Today's the day. She will not do this again. I hate it for the kids, I really do.

They have had enough pain, anger and tears already for a lifetime. The wheels of Wrath bus turns slowly but the wheels of the Wrath bus eventually arrive at the Bus Station. kate will have a ticket to ride, but right now, she don't care!

Formerly Duped said...

lukebandit, I agree with you. I can't find any of the complete original episodes on YouTube when I go to check something I know I saw.There seem to be just short TLC clips with new names.

handinhand said...

Some here may find this item from the Daily Mail interesting:

"John Travolta's former pilot is allowed to make a case that he has no confidentiality agreement covering his employment with the actor, an appeals court ruled."

Martin Singer is Travolta's lawyer and tries first to shut things down with this C&D letter:

"Warning Gotterba 'you proceed at your peril,' Singer wrote: 'We demand that you immediately cease and desist from your wrongful course of conduct which has subjected you to enormous liability and entitles my client to seek tens of millions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages"

Wonder if RH got the exact same letter from Singer? There's much more to the Travolta/pilot case. The link follows:

sparkle said...

TLC stinks said... 121
Al is sure holding a grudge. My take is that Al and Robert were going to co-author a book but Robert pulled out because, I am guessing, Al wanted to attack Jon? Not sure what the truth is, but Al needs to move on.

And I would not be surprised Jon participated in spa king the kids too but remember, he did what he was told to do.


Robert did say that he and Al initially met with a publisher in NY and at first he was excited about it. Then when he saw the direction Al and the publisher wanted to go with the book, he dropped out. He said this cost him his friendship with Al. Robert getting the discs and other items Kate deposited on the curb in late April 2010 was surely a game changer, as well.

I agree with you, I also suspect Al was more interested in trashing and ridiculing Jon, while Robert was more interested in calling attention to Kate's maltreatment of the children. Although Al does insult Kate a few times, Al's book (to me, at least) seemed to glorify Kate. He seemed awed and impressed with how Kate never let the paps rattle her and how she always got away from them in her car. Never mind that she had to drive at speeds well over 100mph, drive with her headlights off, drive the wrong way on off ramps and one way streets in residential neighborhoods to accomplish this.

Anonymous said...

Admin: I'd be very interested to read your comments on the John Travolta story. I know you have commented before on his attorney, Martin Singer.


sparkle said... (Administrator) said... 123

I don't remember where I read it, but men want to be known for being smart. One expression of being smart is to be authoritative on something.


This is true but I think most men would have let this go by now.

He had his ego damaged. Oh well we all do sometimes. Most people are able to shrug off their butt hurt and move on. The way he's held onto the grudge though is frankly disturbing. Who cares, it's just Robert and the Gosselins. Get a grip.

Amen. Al's crappy book has gotten a small boost in sales because of Robert's book. He really needs to let it go. There's something wrong when you let your wounded ego trump the plight of 8 children. For that matter, not impressed with WG, either. Her concern for the kids ended as soon as she was done gathering research for her book.

lukebandit said...

Just went to TLC and discovered that on the Season 5 DVD that was issued in Jan. 2010 it is not included! So if anyone can find the episode on youtube that clearly shows kate hitting Emeril twice would be a awesome, awesome catch! Wasn't there a DVD release with it on it before this release?

TLC must have stock in Swiffer. Speaking of Swiffer, they are showing that cute elderly couple again on the commericals. I've been living in a fool's paradise!

sparkle said...

handinhand said... 127
Some here may find this item from the Daily Mail interesting:

"John Travolta's former pilot is allowed to make a case that he has no confidentiality agreement covering his employment with the actor, an appeals court ruled."

Martin Singer is Travolta's lawyer and tries first to shut things down with this C&D letter:

"Warning Gotterba 'you proceed at your peril,' Singer wrote: 'We demand that you immediately cease and desist from your wrongful course of conduct which has subjected you to enormous liability and entitles my client to seek tens of millions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages"

Wonder if RH got the exact same letter from Singer? There's much more to the Travolta/pilot case.

Interesting! I recall Robert posting about getting the "proceed at your own peril" letter from Laverne and Shirley.

Marty Singer has known how to help Travolta every time a gentleman comes forward with details of his relationship with JT. Shut down, every time (until now, possibly) So if Kate is supposedly a victim of libel, defamation, lies and fabrication, it should have been very simple for this prestigious and world famous celeb reputation law firm to shut Robert down. Huh.

lukebandit said...

I'm sorry, need to make clearer! The DVD available at TLC of Season 5 the 100th episode celebration with Emeril is not included. There are many reviews of upset fans wanting to know why all the specials were not included as bonus features and entire regular episodes missing.

Must be difficult to walk around the TLC editing room because of all the film on the floor!

lukebandit said...

I can just see kate hit one of the kids while filming, then kate turn to the camera, talks to the producer to the side of the camera then kate says, oops! Lord, bee, what a tangled secret web we weave, once we edit to deceive! kate then cackles.

Deceptive, Demonic Witch!

There were crew members that left on moral grounds. A producer, Jen Stocks and camera men. One camera man I know went to the Duggars and has been there for years. Others also.

lukebandit said...

Just the July sales of the ebook right now are 2030. Avg. 63 a day. By the 31st, it should be a total of 2534.

Has someone been able to order the paperback yet? Please post details. TIA!

Ingrid said...

I ordered paperback on Amazon. I had to pay shipping so cost me about $19.Suppose to come July 30.

Winsomeone said...

There were crew members that left on moral grounds. A producer, Jen Stocks and camera men. One camera man I know went to the Duggars and has been there for years. Others also. "

Yes, I believe his name is Jim? Supposedly a devoutly Christian man. He supposedly saw Kate abuse the kids and Jon, and apparently told no one, as his job was more important than the welfare of eight kids.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

There were crew members that left on moral grounds. A producer, Jen Stocks and camera men.


Was this confirmed, or just a rumor circulating around at the time?

Millicent said...

Auntie Ann said:

Mine too. There was no call for that from Jon and Kate. Then they said the boys had forgotten about it the next day. Bull. Those boys didn't dare say anything about it. Lesson learned. Got it. I'll eat my supper.

The thing is they all DID try to eat something off their plate, same as the girls. But hey, there was a show to be filmed. It's all part of the circus act. Suck it up, boys.
It was their BIRTHDAY for crying out loud.
That was shocking to me. What parent is so mean as to take away their child's birthday dessert - that they made themselves!? For the alleged crime of not eating enough of their dinner? I think by that point I was on to Kate and what a shrew she was, but I remember being quite disappointed in Jon that he did not step in and tell Kate, no, these kids do get their dessert. And that hogwash about "they forgot it by the next day." No one bought that. At that point, I felt both Jon and Kate were horrible parents.

Jon has made strides, but I hope he's still working toward never letting another person push him around or mistreat his kids.

When I was a kid, our birthdays were always special days. That didn't mean big parties or expensive gifts. But it did mean that for that day, we didn't have to do any chores; we got to pick the menu for dinner; and we always got to have dessert! Same goes for my son on his birthdays. I cannot imagine being so mean-hearted as to ruin my son's birthday. Yep, that particular moment on the show has always stuck with me, and glaring evidence that something was very, very wrong in that household.

Sheri said...

Jeremy said...(96)

"Yes, there were bad moments, but in perspective of an episode, they were not horrible."


Yes, I agree that from the viewer's perspective, as in per episode, it might not seem horrible. But if you remember that these kids lived these experiences daily.

For every episode, days and days of filming took place and out of all that footage what we saw was THE BEST THEY COULD CAPTURE.

Individually, perhaps the incidents were not horrible. Examples of crappy parenting, an over bearing obnoxious mother and a spineless tool for a dad, okay.

But when you think about the sheer volume of hours, days, weeks, months and YEARS these kids were FORCED to perform, smile, say their lines (don't kid yourself, they had scripted dialogue) under the threat of beatings from their mother, well, I'd say horrible isn't a strong enough word.

No amount of happiness and kindness can make up for that.

Formerly Duped said...

lukebandit said... 135

I also ordered the PB on Amazon for $14.14- no shipping since I was ordering up to $35 on other items. Should be shipping soon. You can pay extra and get it by tomorrow, but why not wait and save a bit- RH won't get the shipping proceeds.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy - I am sorry, but you sound very much like a person who, regarding cupcake gate, told me "just be glad they made a decision"...WTF? Be glad they made a "decision" to deprive a child of the cupcake he spent the day making on his birthday??? There was no "decision". This was one of those moments "created" for drama. Because we all just "love" a child in tears. You betcha, I'm glad they made a decision to pick on a child. Yep. NOT

Kelly said...

I've got to go back and read since my last post but just wanted to pop on here now and let you guys know that I've got seasons one through four on DVD and can look up indiscrepancies if needed . Unfortunately Luke, I don't have season five but I now wish I did. I'll try to check on here more often. We've been having super crazy time at Casa Kelly and Rudy. So crazy that I have the vet's personal cell number and text him photos (usually weekly) asking if this requires an office visit. LOL

I'm so glad Robert's book is out on hard copy and that ROL seems to be running a serial about Kate's Big House Of Horrors. I tried to read some of the comments from the Creeple on ROL's article last night and what struck me the most was how they never directly answered precise incidents (or maybe I just skipped over it if some of them did). They would make some blanket statement exonerating TFW of everything..past, future, forever and ever. She's the bestest. Period. That's very telling of her supporters and their emotional maturity. Maybe they know you can't defend the indefensible, but it just seemed to me like they didn't know any better. That's scary.Especially if they're actually adults and not the twelve year olds I always seem to imagine them to be.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

And that hogwash about "they forgot it by the next day." No one bought that. At that point, I felt both Jon and Kate were horrible parents.


But don't you think that even if Jon had told Kate that all of the kids got their cupcakes, she would have overruled that? I wonder if by that point he knew darn well that arguing with her wouldn't have accomplished anything, and why put the kids through another knock-down, drag-out fight? I would imagine by then he knew exactly that her "rules" stood, and no amount of protesting by him would have accomplished anything.

Kelly said...

I'm with you Winsomeone regarding Cameraman Jim. Perhaps he believed J&K were Christians and he just didn't happen to agree with their discipline. So rather than alerting the abuse he might have seen, he just decided to mosey on over to the Gothardite Christians that are the Duggars. I do wonder if he happened to witness the arm twisting incident that happened to Josiah during one of Michelle's filmed (of course) pregnancy announcements. Religion aside - abuse is abuse Cameraman Jim and he should know better.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Formerly Duped (#141), when I read you'd ordered the PB, at first
I thought you meant Purse Boy! I wondered, does Gina know about
this? And I know shipping is free with a $35 purchase, but isn't there
a weight limit?

FYI said...

FYI-for those of you who have not yet ordered the paperback, it is now on sale for $11.13 at Amazon.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

Kate's twitter feed -- yes, it's messed up, but if you keep going back and clicking on it multiple times, it will eventually show all of the current tweets.

There's no escaping Milo. I'm reading Joyland (King) and the Jack Russell in the book is named Milo.

TLC stinks said...

Wonder why TLC protects Kate by the swiffering? Anyone notice if this is a common practice with their other shows or is Kate "special"? Proves they have folks who read the blogs after an airing. Many companies do this. But why the coverup?

JoyinVirginia said...

Bill (910) thank you for the article you recommended, Don't Send Your Kid to an Ivy League School. That author makes some really good points and it is a very thought provoking article.
Admin, another reason I love this blog! I hear about interesting things to read, watch, talk about!
Another interesting take on college education and the cost is from Michelle Singletary who writes The Color of Money column for the Washington Post. Her May 9, 2014 column titled ”Report supports idea of choosing affordable, nurturing college rather than going into debt” is great. (sorry I don't know how to make link) it discusses a recent study by Gallup and Perdue University that looks at success among college graduates looking at workplace engagement and individual well-being. Defining it as being enthusiastic and engaged in your work. Some interesting conclusions: ” for example, if graduates recalled having a professor who cared about them as a person, made them excited about learning, and encouraged them to pursue their dreams, their odds of bring engaged at work more than doubled, as did their odds of thriving in all aspects of their well-being.” And the higher the amount of student loans for undergraduates, then worse the well-being. Interesting concepts, esp when you have kids in college.

Formerly Duped said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 146

No thanks, if I receive Purse Boy I'll return him! Amazon has such a good return policy lol.I'll state product arrived incomplete, no balls attached.


As fro Cupcakegate, who would think that was ok? Hannah did not eat her dinner except a mouthful or two she was spoon-fed. None of the boys got to eat their cupcakes and all the girls did. The disbelief and disappointment on their faces was heartbreaking. And in the bakery, Kate whined Jon stole 'her' kids because she got 'stuck' with I forget whom, but not her Hanni I guess.It was all disgusting parenting
including Jon agreeing the boys forgot about the next day.

Zoe said...

I just went to the paperback book on Amazon and clicked on "look inside", but instead of the new book it shows the 1st book Kindle edition. The original cover picture and journal quotes all the way from the beginning into chapter 9.

Formerly Duped said...

What was the Josiah arm twist? Was it like Kate squeezed Alexis' arm on a talk show?

Winsomeone said...

"Wonder why TLC protects Kate by the swiffering? Anyone notice if this is a common practice with their other shows or is Kate "special"? Proves they have folks who read the blogs after an airing. Many companies do this. But why the coverup? "

I think it's because they are afraid they will get sued some day for watching Kate abuse those kids, and doing nothing at all to stop it. It was right there on tape, for all to see, plus what ever was on the cutting room floor. So they swifter the worst of it, after seeing what people thought about it.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Wonder why TLC protects Kate by the swiffering? Anyone notice if this is a common practice with their other shows or is Kate "special"? 149

Potential liability?
Maybe they realized that not enough footage ended up on the cutting room floor.
IMO Eileen O'Neill.and TLC were complicit in the abuse of the Gosselin children.

Rhymes with Witch said...

There's no escaping Milo. I'm reading Joyland (King) and the Jack Russell in the book is named Milo. 148

I assure you that when I find my dog, it's name will not be Milo, even if that's it's shelter name.

Sherry Baby said...

As fro Cupcakegate, who would think that was ok? Hannah did not eat her dinner except a mouthful or two she was spoon-fed. None of the boys got to eat their cupcakes and all the girls did.

Maybe someone who would parent the same way...insisting on eating all of the dinner and then not allowing a child to have his birthday cupcake when the girls clearly were shown favoritism?

That one ranks right up there with Gumgate. It was cruel.

MikeB said...


Same feeling here. My dogs' favorite treats are meatballs made by Milo's Kitchen. I think about her every time I open the bag.

MaryB said...

Gee, isn't that amazing...even TLC who is the master of offensive and exploitive TV finds Kate's actions bad enough to swiffer. Yet the sheeple seem to think everything she does is OK.

capecodmama said...

Would the posters here like a break from TCFW? If so, come up to the Cape and I'll show you around. We'll be doing lots of walking so make sure you bring comfortable shoes and of course your bathing suit. For the sights that require a mode of transportation, we shall be travelling in style on FoTK's husband's recliner. This trip will take several days so pack accordingly.

We'll start in Sandwich, the oldest town on Cape Cod. It was first settled in 1637 and incorporated in 1639. The town is celebrating it's 375th anniversary this year. This sights you will be seeing first are all within walking distance of the Daniel Webster Inn which is where you'll be staying. It is a lovely inn with four dining rooms, a spa, lovely gardens and a pool. I've not been able to ascertain if there are hunky pool boys but one can hope. There is a stockade in front of the inn which I suspect we may find Auntie Ann in after a few rumspringas.

The inn is located on Main Street which is lined with antique homes. The Sandwich Historic Committee regulates what is done to the outside of any building, home or commercial, within the historic district. You can't paint, change a door or window, replace trim, clapbord, shingles or fencing, add an addition, etc. without getting approval from the Historic Committee. But the area of Main Street, Water Street (aka Rte. 130) and Jarves Street are still beautiful because of that.

As we head down Main Street we will pass the former First Parish Church which wasbuilt in the 1700's. When I moved to town it was a doll museum. The old clock and bell tower were restored by a local businessman and he converted it to a private residence. I don't know what it looks like on the inside but the outside is gorgeous.

The end of Main Street leads to Water Street and what is known as Town Hall Square. Town Hall Square consists of Shawme Pond, Town Hall, Dexter Grist Mill and First Church. The Town Hall was built in 8134 and restored in 2009. The second floor ballroom had it's ceiling stencilling, theatrical stage and balcony seating historically restored. It is now used for meetings, movies and plays. The Dexter Grist Mill was built by the Dexter family as a community resource to grind corn for making bread. It is still in use today. The First Church was built in 1848 and originally known as Congregational Church.

Next to Town Hall is The Soldier's and Sailor's Monument. It is a 30 foot Civil War Monument donated by a wealthy businessman on May 30, 1911. The inscription on the monument reads: Presented by William Eaton to his Native Town of Sandwich, Mass. as a Memorial to his Father, James R. Eaton May 30, 1911.....Erected in memory of the Soldiers and Sailors From This Town, Brave Defenders of the Union and the Flag, We Honor Their Noble Deeds. "Les Us Have Peace"

Across from this monument is the Sandwich Glass Museum. Glass blowing was introduced to Sandwich in 1825 by Deming Jarves when he started the Boston and Sandwich Glass Company. The museum chronicles the history of glass blowing in Sandwich and you can see the glass blowers actually blowing the glass. There is also a gift shop so you can purchase their wares.

A short walk from the Glass Museum up Water Street is the Hoxie House. The Hoxie House was built in 1675 and is one of the oldest structures on Cape Cod. It was built for the Rev. John Smith, his wife and their 13 children (take that TCFW). The saltbox style house is furnished with antiques and 17th century essentials on loan from the Museum of Fine Arts.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Same feeling here. My dogs' favorite treats are meatballs made by Milo's Kitchen. I think about her every time I open the bag. 158

I hate to admit this but I've got you beat. I buy Kate's Butter, hand churned in Maine.
Luckily the picture on it is of a little blonde girl. It really is good butter...........

sparkle said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 138
There were crew members that left on moral grounds. A producer, Jen Stocks and camera men.


Was this confirmed, or just a rumor circulating around at the time?

I thought Jodi and Kevin alluded to crew members leaving on moral grounds, don't remember exactly though.

As far as Jen Stocks, going by the email exchanges from the first book, it looks like she left because Kate was just plain impossible to deal with (shocker, I know)

Going by the email exchanges, Jen was constantly trying to get Kate to return emails, approve show content and schedules, as well as participate in conference calls. Kate then had the nerve to complain that Jen was unorganized and threw things at her with short notice! Jen had enough and resigned. There was an email from Kate begging her to stay. Kate admitted that Jen did give plenty of notice, etc. Kate said she took her frustrations with others out on Jen because she was "on the front line" but she would work on not doing that in the future. Jen quit anyway.

lukebandit said...

Yes, Winsomeone. His name is Jim, he has a mustache, IIRC. Wow. That just infurates me. As a Christian and as a human being. Not report the abuse of those kids. I wonder if he or all of them have nightmares about seeing them getting hit with that spanker, hearing their cries.

When I first saw a tup boy being hatefully told to go to the corner over by the landing at the stairs at E-town, he ran as fast as he could and sat down. He knew. He knew it would be worse if he didn't. No child should have to go through that!

A devout Christian man not publically speaking of the horrors he saw on the set of Gosselin Manor should be ashamed and not be able to sleep at night for not reporting the abuse. Christian or not, ALL of them should.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. KJV Matthew 18:6

I don't care if he or the others did sign a CA. Child abuse supersedes a confidentiality agreement!!! He and they would of been believed.

It would of maybe got stopped in its tracks when they all left at the same time if they all reported it then. I guess they thought, well, it's not that bad, she won't kill'em. They could of been hero's to those kids. The abused would of stopped. It took years, but Robert is their hero now. And Jon when he tried to stop the filming.

Kate does all the abuse. Her team of enablers knew she was doing it. Few people reported it, it was the corporation who let it go on for years because of the money. Can't taint the brand, or the corporation because of so many millions on the line.

capecodmama said...

(Sandwich cont.)

As we head back down Water Street towards Jarves Street we pass the Dunbar House and Tea Room. The Tea Room is housed in the old carriage house to the circa 1740 Dunbar House. The Tea Room serves breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. It's gift shop sells loose teas, tea accessories and tea pots.

We pass the First Church as we head back to Main Street. As we pass the Daniel Webster we come to the Spotted Cod, a home accessories shop; and the brown jug, a specialty food and wine shop.

Jarves Street is also home to several shops:

A Village Gift Shop
Design by Consign: a home furnishings consignment shop
2 Jarves Street: St. John's Church thrift store (my personal favorite)
Heidi's Gem: antiques and second hand items
Collections Gallery: a shop showcasing local artisans

Jarves Street is also home to The Belfry Inn. The Inn started life as an Abbey, then St. Peter's Church and then Corpus Christi Church. The church was purchased by the same gentleman who renovated and then converted the former First Parish Church, when the Catholic Archdioses built a bigger Corpus Christi church in another part of town. The church was converted into a restaurant on the first floor with guestrooms on the second floor all while keeping the character of the church.

We're going to head back to the Daniel Webster and hop on FoTK's husband's recliner and head over to Heritage Museums and Gardens. The museum and gardens encompasses several acres of lush gardens and three galleries. The galleries are the Special Exhibition Gallery; American Art and Carousel Gallery which houses a working 1908 carousel and collections of New England Folk Art; and the Automobile Gallery which houses a collection of automobiles in a round barn.

Back on the recliner we head over to the Sandwich Boardwalk. The boardwalk spans Mill Creek and the marsh and consists of 2200 planks, is approximately 1350 feet long and leads out to Town Neck Beach. The boardwalk rises in one section so that it is above the hight tide mark. It is a rite of passage for kids to jump off this section in the summer during high tide.

I know you're exhausted so take a few days to wander around this lovely town. But we're going to end by having a couple of rumspringas while sitting on the deck at Horizons on Cape Cod Bay located near the east end of the Cape Cod Canal. We can watch people frolicking in the water and boats cruising the bay. Enjoy.

JoyinVirginia said...

Cape cod mama, hooray! Walking tour! When do we go to the BEACH!?!? Can I leave my same bathing suit on all day long? Can I wear my pink flip flops instead of crocs? Yea! When is our first rumspringa break? Let's go!

Millicent said...

rainbows and unicorns said:

But don't you think that even if Jon had told Kate that all of the kids got their cupcakes, she would have overruled that? I wonder if by that point he knew darn well that arguing with her wouldn't have accomplished anything, and why put the kids through another knock-down, drag-out fight? I would imagine by then he knew exactly that her "rules" stood, and no amount of protesting by him would have accomplished anything.
He probably knew very well that anytime he disagreed with Kate, it would be an argument. However, showing his boys that he would at least try to stand up for them seems the more important issue. As a parent myself, there is no way I would have let that occur. If I believe someone is treating my child unfairly, I am his strongest and most vocal advocate.

So I was quite disappointed in Jon. Even if he was giving in to keep the peace, the message sent to those boys was "even on your birthday, you will be treated unfairly in this house, and even your dad won't speak up for you." Jon was the adult, and he should have stood up against Kate, given the boys their cupcakes, and he and Kate could have gone into another room and had a knockdown argument while the boys gobbled down their dessert. Almost as bad was him agreeing on film that the boys "forgot about it" the next day. How dismissive of your childrens' hurt feelings! Oh they were both horrible parents in the moment.

I hope if there is anyone who thinks I always give Jon a free pass, they'll notice this comment ;)

Winsomeone said...

I hate to admit this but I've got you beat. I buy Kate's Butter, hand churned in Maine.
Luckily the picture on it is of a little blonde girl. It really is good butter..........."

Sorry, but I have you all one grandson is named Jakob Milo.

lukebandit said...

I can't escape Milo either.

Milo's Hamburger's started in Birmingham in the 1940's and has several locations and they constantly buy the tv ads in bulk! haha

Their jingle is addictive and so are the burgers, fries, tea. Their food is so good. I have only had food from Milo's 3 times in 14 years. They constantly have lines out the doors all the time. I miss it!

The video is very short, but the comments are hilarious!

Everybody, Everybody, Everbody, Everybody
Everybody goes to Milo's!

Catch the part about the secret sauce. haha Yes and I posted a comment on there, it should be the first one.

High Sodium Content said...

Capecodmama - loving your tour. Do you still have the Thompson's Clam Bar commercial on the radio all the time?

Which beach are we hitting first. Ocean or Bay Side? Nauset Beach big waves and their onion rings were one of my favs.

Rhymes with Witch said...

MikeB, Winsomeone and lukebandit - at least none of us is "Fired Up" for a child and animal abuser.

gabby2 said...

lukebandit said... 131

Just went to TLC and discovered that on the Season 5 DVD that was issued in Jan. 2010 it is not included! So if anyone can find the episode on youtube that clearly shows kate hitting Emeril twice would be a awesome, awesome catch!)


One thing I know...KrazyKate loves hitting things....anything within 10 feet of her is a target., etc etc...does she kick the chickens, too. She does have a heavy hand.

JMO said...

Millicent said... 166
Totally agree. Jon took the easy path on this one And on other occasions. (Not always) The empress was barking orders when clearly the girls did not "eat enough" either. Very sad and disturbing.

I do think Jon, at one point, took the path of least resistance, as he did not want to argue in front of kids, with cameras rolling, and did not want to deal with her "hellion" - my way or the highway, either you stand with me, or you are against me mentality. And he probably regrets this, as the cameras were rolling and chose not to oppose her. Maybe/probably one too many times.

I do remember a video of Kate following Jon around in their bedroom, bitching him out big time non-stop. He didn't say too much of anything but okay to Kate, when she was clearly out of line. I am sure he regrets this in retrospect. In that video, she was clearly a pit bull and would not let up. Similar to "You didn't use a "coupon-gate," where she was relentless and followed him around screaming on film Who does that on film?

Not excusing Jon at all, but her bad behavior and temper and viciousness was clear for all to see. So if she did that ON CAMERA, what did she do why no one was recording her bad behavior? Very frightening.

Anonymous said...

One thing I know...KrazyKate loves hitting things....anything within 10 feet of her is a target., etc etc...does she kick the chickens, too. She does have a heavy hand.
don't forget that big Fred Flintstone Toe!


Rhymes with Witch said...

So if she did that ON CAMERA, what did she do why no one was recording her bad behavior? Very frightening. 172

Frightening indeed. I doubt that it has stopped.

capecodmama said...


We can take the boardwalk out to Town Neck beach and do the beach scene first. We can do the tour later. After frolicking on the beach for a couple of hours, we can walk the beach to Horizons for some rumspringa. And sweetie, if you want to wear your bathing suit all day, be my guest. Also,your pink flip flops will be just fine.

High Sodium Content...169

I haven't heard the Thompson's Clam Bar commercial in a long time. Kream n Kone is the one I hear most often now. We're hitting the bay first. We'll do the lower/outer Cape later. I've never been to Nauset Beach but I've hit the waves at the National Seashore.

Anonymous said...

Lukebandit @ #131 re: Khate hitting Emeril not once but twice
The best I could do was find a recap on another site under the show title of "BAM! 100th episode"! It very specifically states that she hit him twice.

Anonymous said...

Got 3 copies of the paperback version of the book today! One for me, one for friend, one for sister.....
Anyone tracking paperback sales yet? Hope the numbers are high, hope this is the vehicle of karma delivery to ate!


lukebandit said...

Rhymes with Witch...170

The First person I would be fired up for is Jesus! and after Him, I wish I was able to fire up the grill and grill a ribeye (Kobe beef, no thanks) just like my ex does!

I wish Jon would of just grabbed the kids sit them down in the kitchen corner floor and grabbed the cupcakes and gave them to them. She would of then came running over to scream, to jerk out of their little hands. Jon should of stood there and barricaded her off. He could of told the cameraman, Keep on filming!!

She would of course slapped his face. Then he could of turned around and put his hands in the key corner wall and he could of taken the beating on his back. At least the kids could of ate their cupcakes.

Or he could of gotten the kids in the downstairs bathroom and ran quickly back up, got the cupcakes and ran back down and gave them to them and shut and locked the door. Have a big bucket of water to throw on her when she beat it open. Told them you love them and Happy Birthday.

How he restrained himself, unreal. Her day is coming.

FYI said...

Seems like Eonline also interviewed the nanny about the nanny manual.

Here's a couple of excerpts that weren't in the NE article:

"And "at nine o'clock, everything was done," she added. "Even if I was halfway through dishes, at 9 p.m. you had to stop. She told me her day ended at 9 p.m, no matter what was going on."

"Twins Maddie and Cara and sextuplets Aaden, Collin, Joel, Leah, Alexis, and Hannah were also often privy to their mom's strict side, the nanny added.

"When the boys were in trouble, they were made to go outside, in their giant yard, and pull weeds," she claimed. On another occasion, she said, the kids weren't allowed to eat a gingerbread house that they had made.

"They had to stare at it every night during dinner," she said. "I finally just let the kids eat it."

The nanny said that she ultimately quit after witnessing certain behavior she was uncomfortable with, such as Kate spanking son Colin—whom she described as the "busiest" of the eight kids and the one most often in trouble—with a plastic spoon in front of his brothers and sisters."

A rep for Gosselin did not answer multiple requests for comment.

FYI said...

Looks like the twitter problem was fixed. They even went back to where you don't have to refresh the page to see the new tweets. You just have to click on "new tweets" at the top of the timeline.

swingsandroundabouts said...

capecodmama said... 160 & 164


I love this walking tour. Thank you. It makes me want to go back to Cape Cod for a few days.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Phreddie (#176), good detective work! We have a savvy crowd
here - or, as Gladys would say, "savy."

How are people ordering this book in paperback form when the fans
swore up, down, and sideways it'd be blocked? Blocked, I tell ya!
On account of, it's full of lies! And falsehoods! And untruths!
TFW was gonna get Laverne and Shirley on the blower and stop
this nonsense! Or, as Barney Fife would say - nip it in the bud!
(Lukebandit, that was for you!) ~ Administrator said...

Kudos to the nanny for speaking out. And kudos to her for defying her employer's sick directives and giving the kids their Gingerbread house anyway. (What sick mother says you can't eat it then forces them to stare at it night after night, wtf!) We can't forget some of the less high profile people who have spoken out like the nannies and Jodi and Kevin. Robert is not the only person to expose this awful woman or the first. ~ Administrator said...

I find it highly suspicious that we know Collin has been one of the kids who has missed visits with Jon, especially when the nanny confirms he is the scapegoat and most often in trouble. That makes me fear that he thinks he will get in trouble if he goes to visit Jon. That staying behind may very well be his way to try to make nice with his mother, to appease her, to try to avoid future punishments by doing what she clearly wants, which is alienation from Jon.

The whole situation is so far beyond concerning it's incredible. I cannot imagine the therapy they're going to need.

FYI said...

capecodmama-I'm enjoying our walking tour of the Cape. I have been to the Cape a few times, mostly to Centerville and Chatham. My daughter got married in Chatham. We also took a trip to Hyannisport.

So thanks for bringing up some delightful memories.

NJGal51 said...

Lukebandit - I just purchased the 100th episode from Amazon to stream on my iPad and will watch it later. It starts out with TFW on the interview couch alone saying (paraphrased)...whoever lands on the couch does the interview, it's called rolling with life. I'll let you know about the hitting and whether or not it's been swiffered. I also remember her hitting him at least twice. It cost me a whopping $2.99 so I expect a free rumspringa!

Anonymous said...

Cape Codder's, double shot of vodka please! ~ Administrator said...

I think a lot of people are guilty of enabling and not speaking out when it comes to Kate before they "got it".

There aren't too many people directly involved in her life who immediately realized what was going on and cut her off that very same day. Nannies, other employees, friends, family members and Jon all stuck it out before they got it eventually.

It's a very serious thing realizing that someone in your life is toxic. It's even more serious to leave them and even MORE to speak out. If it's happening overnight you are a better person than I am. That's just not how most human being are able to operate. Emotional things like that don't move that quickly.

Bitchy Pants said...

While I agree that Jon should have confronted TFMJG about her behavior, I've often wondered if one of the reasons he didn't is because she would take it out on the kids when he did. I think he's rather passive and easy-going by nature, but he doesn't strike me as being a person who would stand by and let his kids be deliberately hurt if he thought he could do something about it. She's a demonstrated abuser, and one of the first things an abuser does is take away the power of the abusee. We can debate until the cows come home whether he could have stopped her. Personally, I think he should have, but should have and could have are two entirely different things.

Future Nurse said...

lukebandit said... 131
Just went to TLC and discovered that on the Season 5 DVD that was issued in Jan. 2010 it is not included! So if anyone can find the episode on youtube that clearly shows kate hitting Emeril twice would be a awesome, awesome catch! Wasn't there a DVD release with it on it before this release?

TLC must have stock in Swiffer. Speaking of Swiffer, they are showing that cute elderly couple again on the commericals. I've been living in a fool's paradise!
Netflix has season 4 and 5 for streaming. I looked and the episode is listed as episode 23. It says Bonus:Bam! 100th Episode. I have no idea if it's been swiffered.

OrangeCrusher 1 said...

"And "at nine o'clock, everything was done," she added. "Even if I was halfway through dishes, at 9 p.m. you had to stop. She told me her day ended at 9 p.m, no matter what was going on."

What a crazy, rigid biotch. Her day ended at 9 pm? And oh, the nanny did the dishes, sorry, I mean the not-a-nanny? Poor Shmoopy, tough life, making the nanny stop housework at 9pm, it might disturb her highness. ~ Administrator said...

You'd be surprised how many people don't stand up to child abusers or even defend them even when it's proven.

Maybe you wouldn't be surprised, look at what happened and is still happening on the Sandusky case. Perfect example. It took absolute teeth pulling to get something to happen on that case and even afterward people still defend him.

I haven't figured it out, but there is something about child abuse that makes people very uncomfortable to intervene. People will call 911 for a fire or flood or burglary, but not for child abuse. Everyone thinks they would but when the rubber meets the road few do.

The vast majority of child abuse reports come from mandatory reporters. People who HAVE to report it as part of their job. Few come from good samaritans including relatives or friends who are more likely to know about it anyway. It could just be a basic human instinct of denial as a defense mechanism. Our brains have a hard time going there. If we report it, we're acknowledging something unspeakable happened and our brains don't want to do it.

Not excusing it, just expressing the realities. It's something we need to do much better at as a society. I'm glad that many people got there eventually with Kate because it truly is very difficult. ~ Administrator said...

Another thing revealing about this is why the hell was the nanny there at 9 p.m. with Kate home?

Good heavens I left after dinner around 730 or so, UNLESS the parents were out of town, which was pretty frequent, or they were having a party or something and couldn't tend to the children. But when they were home narcissist used to joke in her own weird way that as long as a "responsible adult" was around like a parent, an adult sibling or the assistant, I could leave.

Let the nanny go home. It's a waste of money, and it's interfering with your time with your children. They need to bond with you at bedtime not the nanny. The woman does not work and has all day to get the house in order and things organized for bedtime so that she can do bedtime herself. It just confirms to me she really wants nothing to do with these kids if she can help it. Even narcissist put the kids to bed as long as she was home. She even once left a party to go spend several minutes with them at bedtime, hugs and kisses and talking about their day tomorrow. My god when you're making even her seem not so bad that's pretty terrible. ~ Administrator said...

Another child pilot has died flying a plane.

I'm not sure how many kids need to die flying planes before we realize kids do not have the mental or emotional development to operate something that complex. If it is their passion they can do so in flight simulators. Once they are an ADULT then they can fly planes. I just don't understand why we've moved as a society to thinking that adults have the capacity to think and reason as adults do, be it to decide whether they should be on TV or fly a plane.

T said...

Can anyone make out what Kate is saying to Amy in video taken just prior to her interview on GMA? I think it might be something about Amy's hair, (which she had to cut short due to chemo treatments) and Kate seems clueless about the whole thing.

PJ's momma said...

Kate doesn't even use the word nanny. She always refers to them as 'the babysitter.' So why does she have 'the babysitter' vacuuming or doing dishes or other maintenance chores? Isn't that a housekeeping job? I babysat all the time as a teen, 40 hours a week in summer for friends' kids, and I did do housework over there out of sheer boredom (and because I was used to doing it at home) and they would be thrilled for having the laundry done, the dishes washed, and the floors swept/vacuumed. They couldn't believe I did it, much less expect it to be done by me. But it was only 2 kids, not 8!

Rhymes with Witch said...

I agree that Jon should have confronted TFMJG about her behavior, I've often wondered if one of the reasons he didn't is because she would take it out on the kids when he did. 189

I think she still does. She is a bottomless pit of insecurity an need. She never learned to share - anything.
This goes well beyond narcissicism. ~ Administrator said...

This goes well beyond narcissicism.


Completely agree. She moved past being like my experience with narcissism about two years ago. For me everything she does was yep been there done that. Now it's, whoa it was never THAT bad for me!

It's way beyond that now. It's beyond just I'm too caught up in my own things to care about my kids even though I do love them. We're talking about true child cruelty here. Emotional manipulation. I think it's more sociopathic, and definitely rearranged and histrionic.

Starz22 said...

I don't own any of the dvd's and stopped watching before the Emeril episode. What I'm wondering is... do you think TLC is swiffering these episodes to protect Kate or themselves? I would think that TLC is trying to erase anything that might or could hold THEM accountable in witnessing child abuse. I really don't think that TLC gives a crap about protecting Kate anymore. They are protecting #1 ...thats TLC not Kate.

I started watching Jon and Kate +8 from the start. I was like,omgosh how do they do it. Nice wholesome family with God at their core...I have to watch. It didn't take me long to see things were not what they wanted me to see. TGWOP was the only website I found. I started posting. Then I was being told I was wrong...I wasn't going with the flow. What I was saying was wrong. Through that website I found the 15 minutes site and have never looked back. This site is well run and allows all opinions ( if written right). Not many rules to follow and you don't have to go with the flow to be posted. I guess there is a reason why this site is still quite active and the rest have come to a stand still. ~ Administrator said...

She always refers to them as 'the babysitter.' So why does she have 'the babysitter' vacuuming or doing dishes or other maintenance chores? Isn't that a housekeeping job?


That's not the nanny's job, and most agencies will blacklist you for treating the nanny like that. I was NEVER expected to be a housekeeper, EVER. The nanny is there to care for the children, tidy up after the CHILDREN, and after all that is done and she is still feeling energetic she can pitch in with a FEW things as far as housework IF she has time. If I had time, from time to time I would unload the dishwasher or fold the laundry. That's it and nothing more was expected of me. I was expected to be dedicated to the KIDS not the house.

I have never met an agency that allowed for anything else.

This is different than a family of four in a small town hiring someone to help them around the house and with the kids.

In a house that size, with eight children, you need a dedicated nanny and a dedicated housekeeper. One person simply cannot do both or they will BOTH suffer. Part of the reason she's blown through so many nannies is probably for that very reason, she tried to make one person do two jobs.

I wouldn't be surprised if she goes out on her own and hires girls for cheap. Avoids the agency fees and their rules about not turning highly skilled and trained child caregivers into the two bit dishwasher. It's not normal to blow through nannies like this if you are with an agency. Their goal is to try to keep nannies with you not blow through them.

PJ's momma said...

And another thing!
When an entire family is terrorized by one person, it is difficult to leave or speak out. My best friend growing up was horribly abused by her mother, and so was her dad. He threatened to leave and the mother said if he did, she would take the kids and flee to Mexico. He left after many episodes of having knives thrown at him, guns pointed at him, being beaten from behind with boards, etc. And she did it - she took the kids and disappeared for a month. He was terrified at what might be happening to the kids and when she came back, he never threatened it again. He didn't leave her until the kids were gone.
When we were in high school, this friend started fighting back physically. Her mom had lost some of her power, so she did different things. My friend came home 5 minutes after curfew to see her bed as the centerpiece of a bonfire in the backyard, with all her things piled on it for fuel. Her dad was the fire chief and the mom knew he would be too ashamed and scared to report it. And he didn't.
Living with an abuser really messes with the psyche. They do it all for control, and will struggle very hard to maintain that control.
I have no idea what happens in that house, but there are probably reasons Jon either went along with it and/or didn't stop it.

Starz22 said...

If I was to answer Kate's ad to be a nanny of 8 kids, I would think thats all I need to do. Watch over and care for the 8 kids. Make sure they are fed and happy. To be told my job also includes, laundry and house cleaning is insane. This is something kate can't do herself alone,why would she expect anyone else to be able to do it? Cause they are paid to do it? So was Kate for years and she has never done it alone. I bet Kate got paid a lot more than the nanny/sitter could ever hope for. And sadly, I bet most of the sitters/nannies cared more about the kids then Kate did!

Rhymes with Witch said...

I really don't think that TLC gives a crap about protecting Kate anymore. They are protecting #1 ...thats TLC not Kate. 199

I agree. She is no longer making big bucks for TLC. They are about protecting themselves. Swiffer those DVDs! Prevent lawsuits from the children.

getofftwitter said...

Why was the nanny/hired help/sitter/etc, still there at 9pm, cause Kate is a lazy a-hole. Too lazy to do any work around the house.

You know what is scary about Kate, she almost parallels, Joan Crawford, it's like Kate read: Mommie Dearest, to get pointers, on how a Hollywood Queen was and how Joan raised kids. Spooky!

I see Kate has been very quiet. I figure from past years, Kate must be doing one of 3 things: 1. buying school supplies early, which means: 2. getting ready for a trip, with kids, 3. she went off or is getting ready to go to NYC for hair, before trip. Remember Kate can only stand to be around her kids for short periods of time. She is about due to go somewhere.

Jeanne said...

Where is she getting nannies these days? If no agency would allow this, then she's prob not using an agency. She doesn't seem to have a network of friends to use. I can't see her driving into Reading and talking to immigrants. Where do these girls come from? Does she know anything about them before they start?

Norma said...

I completely and absolutely disagree with the 'explanation' that people don't want to report child abuse. Like, WTF?! Maybe people who don't have a conscience do that. Who in their ever lovin' mind could watch a child being abused and NOT report it?

I reported my BFF. Tried to do it anonymously but I did. And I'd do it again, if I had to.

capecodmama said...

I have an etiquette question. A few months ago, my girlfriend told me she had run into an acquantance of both of ours and she found out the acquantance's son had become engaged. They were getting married this summer. I haven't seen this acquantance in a few years and I don't talk to her on a regular basis. I haven't seen the son in several years and I've never met his fiance. Same as my girlfriend. Well, a few weeks ago, this same girlfriend ran into our acquantance and the acquantance verbally invited the both of us to the wedding ceremony. Not the reception. My girlfriend called me to see if I wanted to go. I said sure, if your going. The wedding is this Saturday evening. My girlfriend texted me on Monday and said she bought a gift. Now, I don't know if I'm being ignorant, but buying a gift never crossed my mind. I got a second hand verbal invitation to this ceremony; is a gift required? Help!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

If I was to answer Kate's ad to be a nanny of 8 kids, I would think thats all I need to do.


If it's in the job description, and you are told in the interview that the job also requires some light housekeeping and laundry, then that's what you do. You either take the job or you decline.

Bill said... (Administrator) said... 200

I wouldn't be surprised if she goes out on her own and hires girls for cheap. Avoids the agency fees and their rules about not turning highly skilled and trained child caregivers into the two bit dishwasher. It's not normal to blow through nannies like this if you are with an agency. Their goal is to try to keep nannies with you not blow through them.


If she is doing that, she should at the very least be doing background checks on them. It may be difficult to get and check references when operating "underground."

Bitchy Pants said...

TFMJG has a long history of expecting far more from her "servants" than she was willing to do or capable of doing herself. She repeatedly said that one person couldn't care for all 8 children alone, yet she expected JON to do it without help. While she was out gallivanting the country with her married PB, on the alleged book tour, and Jon was home playing Mr. Mom, she made several disparaging remarks about him "needing help", and yet it was apparent from the shows that he had far less help than she did. Similarly, she expected her hired help to do the child care and household chores with out assistance. She now claims to have no "help", yet she requires the kids to do a long list of chores daily. If she truly does have no paid help now, it's only because the kids are taking on those responsibilities. And while it's right and good for kids to have some chores, school work and learning and growing and, yes, PLAYING, are all necessary to grow up healthy and well-rounded. Something I fear none of the 8 are going to accomplish without extensive support and therapy.

Bill said...

Starz22 said... 199

I don't own any of the dvd's and stopped watching before the Emeril episode. What I'm wondering is... do you think TLC is swiffering these episodes to protect Kate or themselves? I would think that TLC is trying to erase anything that might or could hold THEM accountable in witnessing child abuse. I really don't think that TLC gives a crap about protecting Kate anymore. They are protecting #1 ...thats TLC not Kate.


I was wondering why the Emeril episode was not on the DVDs since it was the 100th one and had thought it might have been to avoid paying him any royalties.

Does anybody know for certain whether the episodes on DVD have been sanitized and whether the editions sold directly by TLC have the same content as those sold in stores?

Bitchy Pants said...

capecodmama -- A gift is never REQUIRED, but it is a nice gesture if you want to give them something. ~ Administrator said...

If she is doing that, she should at the very least be doing background checks on them. It may be difficult to get and check references when operating "underground."


And I bet my bottom dollar she doesn't pay for the background checks. She's penny wise and pound foolish.

One of her old nannies, Ariel C., has an arrest for petty theft. I don't want to republish her name as I dot think something so minor should have to follow her forever just because she worked for the Gosselins, but you can find it if you want to. We found the arrest very easily. And it occurred at about the same time she was with the family (either just before, just after or maybe even while employed), in 2009. Any crime like that could turn very dangerous and I don't think anyone would want someone who break the law like that babysitting their kids. Something like that would be unacceptable to any reputable nanny agency. You are required to have a completely clear background. I'm sure she's a nice girl and she just made a mistake, but since you can't be absolutely sure of that, you don't have someone like that responsible for your KIDS.

Norma said...

OR....Kate accused her of stealing and she was set up. Wouldn't surprise me!

OrangeCrusher 1 said...

I imagine she's quiet because she has nada going on. CA was supposed to be her summer splash, and that's not happening. She had her visit from Jamie, they recovered chairs. So no trip plans where she might need another adult. Of course she could be renting another Uhaul for a dead of night getaway, but I doubt it. She's buying schools shoes in July. I cannot even imagine what they do all day, besides snipe at each other. Kids seem to be having the occasional summer weekend outing with their dad. Oh wait, a whole week of Vacation Bible School, and a reading list. Such a shame, so much time, so many opportunities to be out and about if only in their community. I also doubt if she has getaway plans - no marathons (ha), no media tour for a show still in the can, and every day another snipe article pops up. Couldn't be happier for her.

Bill said...

JMO said... 172

Not excusing Jon at all, but her bad behavior and temper and viciousness was clear for all to see. So if she did that ON CAMERA, what did she do why no one was recording her bad behavior? Very frightening.


I haven't had cable since late 2005, so I did not follow the show when it was on. But TLC was often available when I was on the road. Whenever I came across the show while channel surfing, I always had to stop and watch since the kids were so adorable.

When the DVDs became available in stores, I bought them, but I got busy and put them away unwatched.

The phrase "plus 8" kept coming up in something I was studying last fall and it reminded me of the Gosselins. So I dug out the DVDs and watched them. From the very first episode, Kate's behavior was apparent when she made Jon stop the pumpkin carving because she was so bothered by "the mess." Then there was the sniping between her and Jon when they were leaving the corn maze, but they were both frustrated by people trying to walk between them and the kids.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I have an etiquette question. 7

I'm not Ann Landers or Miss Manners, but without any formal invitation, I don't think you have any obligation. I would not attend any events connected with this. JMO.

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