Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Kate blasted by the hosts of 'The Talk': 'They didn't get a chance to choose it.'

Sharon Osbourne, Marie Osmond, Sara Gilbert and other industry experts discussed Kate on today's show. Said Gilbert: "Any time you're putting kids on T.V.--I was a kid on T.V. and I wanted to be there--but if you're putting eight kids on T.V. from the time they are tiny you don't know which ones want to be there and which ones don't. ... I chose it. They didn't get a chance to choose it."

Osbourne also explained that people in the business, like Gilbert's legendary family, have a much better understanding of how the industry works than ill-prepared and naive reality T.V. families from middle America: "It's our industry. We know what we're going to get, you know what you're not going to get. So therefore, it's a whole different thing."

1722 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1001 – 1200 of 1722   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said...

If it's in the job description, and you are told in the interview that the job also requires some light housekeeping and laundry, then that's what you do.


See the thing is the nanny industry has worked very hard to move nannies away from that dual role.

Yes you can informally hire someone to do that and that should be fine. But when you hire a professional NANNY you are hiring someone who generally has a background in child development, often a degree or pursuing a degree. Many are teachers or studying to be teachers or otherwise interested in children's issues, as I was interested in children's law. You usually are CPR certified, many go to nanny "school" and most spend many long hours each week prepping for the job, like a teacher would. I would spend hours researching activities for the children to do around town, camps they could sign up for, educational things we could do. I had a huge project going with them about current events where we would cut out public figures pictures and paste them on index cards and we'd learn about current events using those cards. There were so many other educational things I did, sometimes it felt more like I was there personal tutor. I was very concerned with their education outside the classroom as all nannies I knew were. It's taken very seriously and this industry has worked very hard to elevate these young women away from housekeeper. As such, you also get paid far more than a housekeeper would, anywhere from 18-25 an hour or more, plus perks a housekeeper does not usually get like baseball games and travel.

It's not supposed to be like hiring the 15 year old girl from church who just keeps the kids alive and happy. That's different. That's a babysitter.

The women who have worked for her have rightly called themselves nannies. That is very telling. Nobody says I was her baby-sitter. They say I was her NANNY. The fact that they are using that term suggests to me they are taking it far more seriously than just babysitting, that they are professionals, and as such command the respect the industry has earned.

Besides from what we are told no one is talking about light housekeeping duties. It sounds like these nannies worked their fingers to the bone while trying to protect children from a child abuser. She wants to call herself a celeb, then she needs to behave toward her nannies as the celebs do. As such, it's inappropriate to burden a skilled, serious nanny with upkeep of a mansion as well. It's just inappropriate, and shows both her ignorance and her defiance. It's not what is done anymore.

PJ's momma said...

Admin, you just nailed it.
These are professionals caring for children, who refer to themselves as nannies.
Kate calls them helpers or babysitters like they don't matter.
But she sure trusted them enough to leave eight children with them while she traveled all over with her bodyguard, often building in ME TIME before or after her'official' duties, and sometimes just for all me time (Brad Garrett's comedy club opening in Vegas with Steve).
It's rude to diminish them and their role in the kids' lives. ~ Administrator said...

I completely and absolutely disagree with the 'explanation' that people don't want to report child abuse. Like, WTF?! Maybe people who don't have a conscience do that. Who in their ever lovin' mind could watch a child being abused and NOT report it?


I don't really have an explanation for you but it's just the facts.

You need only look at what happened at Penn State to realize that child abuse, and the reporting of child abuse, remains taboo for many people. I'm glad you reported what you saw. I think we need to ask ourselves why is it so easy for someone like you to report it but so difficult for others. We need to figure this out. ~ Administrator said...

Admin, you just nailed it.
These are professionals caring for children, who refer to themselves as nannies.
Kate calls them helpers or babysitters like they don't matter.


Exactly. I would give Kate a pass on this if the caregivers framed it like I was the babysitter or I just watched the kids.

Over and over, interview after interview, every young woman calls herself a NANNY. It speaks volumes.

For that matter, Jon has since he split form Kate has always had the respect and appreciation to call them the nanny as well. The fact that at least one parent calls them a nanny suggests that's what they really are. Otherwise everyone would just call them the same thing. There is obviously a dispute over what they really are, with one person marginalizing their role while everyone else gives it a title that suggests professionalism and skilled workers, and I tend to believe the more normal parent as well as the caregivers themselves.

Bill said...

JoyinVirginia said... 150

Another interesting take on college education and the cost is from Michelle Singletary who writes The Color of Money column for the Washington Post. Her May 9, 2014 column titled ”Report supports idea of choosing affordable, nurturing college rather than going into debt” is great. (sorry I don't know how to make link) it discusses a recent study by Gallup and Perdue University that looks at success among college graduates looking at workplace engagement and individual well-being. Defining it as being enthusiastic and engaged in your work. Some interesting conclusions: ” for example, if graduates recalled having a professor who cared about them as a person, made them excited about learning, and encouraged them to pursue their dreams, their odds of bring engaged at work more than doubled, as did their odds of thriving in all aspects of their well-being.” And the higher the amount of student loans for undergraduates, then worse the well-being. Interesting concepts, esp when you have kids in college.


That article is Report supports idea of choosing affordable, nurturing college rather than going into debt

Posting a link is pretty straightforward. The simplest way is to highlight the link (click and drag) in the address bar of your browser while viewing the page and pasting it here in the comment window. That kind of link is not clickable - the reader must select, copy and paste it into the address bar to go view it.

Making it clickable is a bit more involved. I do not bother when I am in a hurry. Enter the following in the comment window:

<a href="the link">the textual description</a>

So for the link to your article, I entered: <a href="">Report supports idea of choosing affordable, nurturing college rather than going into debt</a>

I did not make this stuff up; I just learned how to (ab)use it.

Jumping In said...

I watched the clip of Kate's appearance on GMA and realized that
without a doubt this is all she wants, all she has ever wanted, and that is that she walks alone toward the camera. She positively gleams when she hears her name being called out from the crowd. I have never seen her exhibit anything close to a true emotion as to when she sees the light coming directly toward her and ON to her alone.

I know she wants these moments of singularity more than the moments she has to share with her 8 offspring. They were (are) nothing more than a vehicle she produced to give her the avenue of fame she loves to walk alone.

NJGal51 said...

Joy and Bill - That's why I love my iPad. If I copy a link and paste it to my comment it automatically becomes clickable.

NJGal51 said...

OK, in the episode I downloaded TLC didn't swiffered it. BTW, she hit him with a red rubber or silicone spatula and not a wooden spoon. The first time that she smacked him was when Jon was pouring out the granola they'd made using a spoon to scrape the bowl and TFW got out the spatula and said "this has a bigger scraping surface". TFW moved in with the spatula to try and do it and Emeril pushed the spatula in her hand out of the way and said "wait, leave him alone". She then smacked him (and the smack was audible) and Emeril said "ow" - then she said "bam" and Emeril rubbed his arm and said "yeah, that was a bam". TFW was laughing about it and said "yeah, I hit him and the I said oh, sorry." The second smack was when he was handing her the bowl and I think he said "dishwasher" and she smacked his fingers against the bowl (again an audible smack) and Emeril shook his fingers and TFW said "oh, I have to keep this around" (referring to the spatula). What this showed me is that her first instinct is to strike out and hit and she seems to do it without thinking.

Sherry Baby said...

Why was the nanny/hired help/sitter/etc, still there at 9pm, cause Kate is a lazy a-hole. Too lazy to do any work around the house.

Helping to get the kids ready for bed, if that was their bedtime? What were her hours? Perhaps after-school help, beginning when the kids got home. If that were the case, it wouldn't be a long shift.

Carole said...

Wonder why TLC protects Kate by the swiffering? Anyone notice if this is a common practice with their other shows or is Kate "special"?

IDK about other series but I think they did it to protect their own reputation. They swiffered the DVDs the same way they used to do with the weekly episodes even during the show's greatest popularity. Episodes used to run for the 1st time but before they were rerun TLC had edited the most controversial parts out (they obviously used to read the blogs and FB) to present a sanitized/'nicer' version. The editing of certain scenes used to be hotly discussed on blogs. From what I've heard about the DVDs, I think they were even further altered.

Does anybody know for certain whether the episodes on DVD have been sanitized and whether the editions sold directly by TLC have the same content as those sold in stores?

I believe the DVDs sold directly are the same as what you'd buy in the stores and yes, I believe they're all altered in some way. Sometimes DVDs are altered from the tv version due to time or space constraints, but with the Gosselin's some have definitely been altered due to content, too - especially the first few seasons. The first releases/versions of the DVDs are definitely different than subsequent ones - sometimes considerably - just like the reruns of episodes being different than the original airing.

swingsandroundabouts said...

Admin, thanks for articulating the differences between nannies and babysitters. It is one of my pet peeves when people use the two terms interchangeably. Real nannies are a different breed altogether. I know someone who calls herself a nanny while she has a high school education and has never taken any courses in child development or child psychology. In fact she has no post secondary education and no training at all in child care. It annoys me no end when she calls herself a nanny. She is however a good baby sitter.

Nora said...

with the Gosselin's some have definitely been altered due to content, too - especially the first few seasons. The first releases/versions of the DVDs are definitely different than subsequent ones - sometimes considerably -

You know what's coming. LOL Do you have a link of specific examples of this? I mean, is this a true fact that you have seen for yourself or is it a rumour? TIA! :)

lukebandit said...

Thank you NJgal51, Pheddy, and Flimsy Flamsy.

IIRC, on the gumgate episode, I saw a clip on youtube or TLC maybe can't remember, but it was clearly swiffered. Remember when kate went nuts and was screaming and jumping up and down holding the lovey bear? I was appalled at that! All they showed was her first finding out, freaking out a little bit, her scrubbing on it in the sink with running water and calling Jodi.

It was one of the twins that got close and ate complained about Jodi giving the gum out.

Flimsy Flamsy, I promised this happened. Andy Griffith was on when I was about to read your post hadn't seen the BF reference yet and I looked up and saw Barney telling Andy that if you give them 40, then they'll take 45. You give them 45, they'll take 50, then I looked down and seen the nip it in the bud. hahaha awe, you remembered! haha

NJgal51, I hate that you paid that much to see that. I really appreciate it. It just validates she is an equal opportunity abuser. She hits her kids, her husband, anybody, including a world famous chef in that hateful frumpy hausfrau's house in rural PA.

Oh, my gosh. I saw the part where they had FLOWN IN the special salmon from Scotland. And Emeril made the sauce and the fixings to be poured on it. ate was in love with it. Jon said he ate it for days. Can't believe those 2 slabs fed Emeril, ate, all the kids and Jon as he said, he ate it for DAYS! And I am sure there is a great fish market with a great fishmonger in her backyard to get fresh salmon. Might not be 250 dollars a pound, but good anyway.

To tell you the truth the salmon on Barefoot Contessa looks much better than the G's had. More pinker and fresher looking.

NJgal51, How bout a 40 oz. rumspringa? Oh, oops, AuntieAnn got the last 40 oz. last section. I'll have to make a quick run to the State Store and I will have to mail it to you! Do you accept C.O.D.'s? Bwahahaha!

lukebandit said...

NJgal51, since you bought the show can you download it on another device like an iPod or something. What if TLC can have Amazon pull it from your iPad? Can you burn it onto a blank DVD?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I'd like to add another reason TFW doesn't call these workers
"nannies." Because she swore she'd never have one.

Tucker's Mom said...

The editing of certain scenes used to be hotly discussed on blogs. From what I've heard about the DVDs, I think they were even further altered.

You could really say that TLC was producing infomercials on many levels.
One, the Gosselins and especially Kate.
Kate's image was carefully crafted, often in response to criticism. Of course, what also drove the story arcs was what Kate wanted- carpeting, travel, her hair done, wardrobe, etc.
Examples of response to criticism- a good one is that music video. Wow, that piled it on thick.
Others include Christmas caroling and baking, Kate the "cook", Kate playing with her kids.

There are just too many episodes that have been altered to not believe that TLC was attempting to control criticism of Kate and Jon.

Tucker's Mom said...

What this showed me is that her first instinct is to strike out and hit and she seems to do it without thinking.
It is beyond inappropriate, and no, I don't care if it's not hard and won't leave "permanent scars".
You don't hit or strike anyone.
Society has changed a lot since I was an adolescent and thought playfully smacking boys was cute-especially when I liked them (the guys never thought it was cute).
First, you grow up and become a woman, and the playful jabbing and hitting and smacking is just immature. Second, society, with it's increased awareness of abuse and bullying, just doesn't tolerate it.
I can imagine that Emeril had it "up to here" with Kate.

The way Kate interacts with men is just strange, and it's a pattern.
Emeril- world-famous chef and tv personality is shown no respect and treated with too much familiarity. I don't care if he was in Kate's kitchen.
Jon- 'nuff said
Steve from This Old House- treated like dirt and mocked.
The Teutles- Kate couldn't even fake giving a crap about their motorcycles and the free scooter. BTW, it was sad and pathetic how TLC tried to bribe Jon with that custom cycle ;-)
St. Tony of the Ballroom- world renowned dancer and instructor, and the darling of DWTS, was treated like he just didn't know how to help her.
Brad on the New Zealand tower, the white water rafting guide and the Palin men- all treated like dirt.

Kate has a pattern of not being able to engage with men in an appropriate manner, has consistently demonstrated misandry.

Let's not forget the second-class treatment of the boy tups.

Vanessa said...

I'm glad you reported what you saw. I think we need to ask ourselves why is it so easy for someone like you to report it but so difficult for others. We need to figure this out.
Anyone watch "What would you do?"
So many different reactions, I don't think there is an explanation why some
react/respond one way, while others don't.

Tucker's Mom said...

Over and over, interview after interview, every young woman calls herself a NANNY. It speaks volumes.
It's also insulting tot he nannies and of course, the countless number of people who helped to raise the children.
Kate's either truly delusional, or is really good at sublimating the enormous amount of help she's had and still has.
She's never done 99%.

I caught a clip of the Disney trip and at the time, Ashley's mom, Carla, was very involved, and her comment was very interesting.
Carla remarked that Kate was in the house and she had no idea what she was doing, but she, Carla, was keeping the children busy.
Sounds about right.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate calls them helpers or babysitters like they don't matter.
But she sure trusted them enough to leave eight children with them while she traveled all over with her bodyguard, often building in ME TIME before or after her'official' duties, and sometimes just for all me time (Brad Garrett's comedy club opening in Vegas with Steve).
I cracked up watching Part 1 of the special, when Kate was explaining that she's doing it ALL, except when "work" calls for her to travel.

That woman would jet off for the opening of an envelope.

TLC stinks said...

I, too, have wondered where she finds these "nannies". Craig's List? I'm serious.

Vanessa said...

"And "at nine o'clock, everything was done," she added. "Even if I was halfway through dishes, at 9 p.m. you had to stop. She told me her day ended at 9 p.m, no matter what was going on."

Remember the episode where they are in the basement and she's freaking out to Jon about baths and bedtime. SIX O'CLOCK??? And he's just chilling with the kids, enjoying their company. And if YOU want them bathed and in bed, YOU do it! She just couldn't stand Jon just spending time with his kids. Jealous too I'm sure.

And I agree, she goes beyond my own experience with my narcissist. She's a depraved witch.

Tucker's Mom said...

PJ's momma said... 19
Admin, you just nailed it.
These are professionals caring for children, who refer to themselves as nannies.

Professional maids are "cleaners" and landscapers are "mowers".

Kate's verbage is meant to minimize the amount of help she has, but it is HUGE.
Also, paying the nannies $25/hour is damn good pay.

I can't imagine how much it costs to run and maintain that house.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I wonder these days if TFW jumps out of bed every morning and
checks Radar for the latest story about herself. I imagine it makes
for a miserable morning, and I can't imagine she'd put an ounce
of effort into hiding that misery from her children.

lukebandit said...

Tucker's mom said...34

Let's add these men also to the list:

The young men who were the surf instructors. She shook their hands but didn't even ask their names.

Mr. Tow Truck Man. If this is true, she belittled him, treated him like dirt and embarrassed him.

Mr. Kiwi Man. How disrespectful of how she from the USA would call that man that kind of name.

Mr. Fix it Man. Wouldn't let him place his small tool box on the counter, but Jamie can cowboy ugly on it and kate and the girls do Pedi's on it.

Robert. Robert came to help Jon as a friend to help him move out of the garage that dark and stormy night. Guys who have friends always help out guys that are their friends move! Then she calls the police because he was there helping Jon. If she didn't like it, why didn't she just jump in and help him move. Nope. Just like at the yard sale for charity, Jon and that lady or 2 ladies? were working and kate found an out. Stand and wait for the Table Rental Truck. Pace and wait. Pace and wait. She could of unloaded things from the truck. Jon could of handed her things so she wouldn't have to strain going into truck back and forth, back and forth. An hour away from the yard sale and an hour waiting for the Table Rental Truck is what works best for her family. Still want proof she gave the money to the charity. Or did she give a 100 dollars like she did the Red Cross Ball? Did she give the full amount to the charity. What did she do with all that stuff that was given to her that she had warehoused?

Formerly Duped said...

Kate mentioned they would like a beach vacation. I wouldn't be surprised if she grifts one. She does have the gift-o-grift.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I will add Mr. Thomas The Tank Engine Man to the list of
disrespected dudes. He was so cute and animated, talking
about the train being used in "Hello Dolly," and TFW
practically laughed in his face, like, who the eff cares?
No thought to the idea that this poor soul was going to tell
his friends and family to watch him on TV, only to see the
star of the show make his job seem worthless.

And Mr. Dog Breeder - TFW admitted that while he was talking to
her, she just heard blah blah blah. Who speaks this way about
other adults?

JR said...

Shes probably on a vacation now...don't the kids go back in August sometime?

Her twitter is getting more and more foul...I'm sure the kids read it...they do have I Phones...Protecting her kids from Jon? She better protect them from those sickos on her twitter....mindless idiot

Carole said...

More opinions about TFW are being voiced regularly now.
This article is @ the recent interview w/the nanny.

Kate Gosselin's Mania Just Hit a New Low

Horrible, right? And it sure sounds like everything's just falling right in line with what some people have been saying for years, doesn't it? It's sad and frightening -- all of it -- and it's no wonder some of these poor children act out in the manner they do.

To the people who say that the elder Gosselin children are out of control and misbehaved, now maybe it's possible you have your reason as to why.

JR said...

Hopefully she has a one way ticket to Siberia...I don't even want to be in the same country with her...

Formerly Duped said...

...and Mrs Biblical Theater Lady- She offered the kids a free stuffed animal after the FREE show and tour, but Kate said they were a waste of space (like the Grand Canyon?) but since HANNI had lost hers somewhere ( I guess hers is more important than Collin's gum-speckled cuddly) she allowed the kids to choose something. How nice of her. She was a little stiff and rude to that woman.

And the cancer patient who was now the tour guide at St Jude's. HER own story of bedrest equaled or surpassed this remarkable lady's and the actual children patients' illnesses.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

One of the all-time head-scratching moments of this saga is when
TFW sued Jon, saying she was worried about her kids' safety,
and then hit the road to promote her cookbook with the family's bodyguard!

If the kids were in some sort of peril, wouldn't it be wiser to leave
him with them? It'd be different if there were family members - grandparents or aunts and uncles - staying at the house while their mom was away. That would allay her "fears." But no -- apparently
she found enough not-a-nannies to cover the whole time (let's not
add Jon to the equation - remember, she does it 99% alone!).

So if we look at these facts, we can rationally come to one of
two conclusions. Either the children weren't in any danger at
all, and TFW fabricated this scenario to attract attention, gain sympathy, and further malign her ex's reputation. Or, she's
a horribly neglectful mother who cared more about her comfort
while traveling than her children's safety at home. And let's
face it, that trip wasn't necessary -- her sorry book sales reveal
what a dismal failure it was.

Anonymous said...

Admin, did you actually SEE your narc work, or just hear her talk about it?

Reading the book and watching the show, I see more and more parallels between K, my mother and my BFF's ex. They talk a good game, mostly telling anyone who'll listen about how busy they are and how tired they are, but they don't actually DO anything.

My mother spent hours on the phone every day, telling people she had a garden to weed, peas and beans to pick, relish to make, yet WE were the ones actually out there working. She had 10, count 'em 10 kids to take care of, and she beat that drum for years.

On Saturdays, I did all the baking while she gave orders.

Laundry for 12 people consisted of US gathering dirty clothes, she stood over the washing machine and watched it work, I did all the ironing and WE put all the clothes away

On Arbour Day, WE cleaned flowerbeds, mulched, fertilized, tilled, planted and did yard clean-up while she gave orders or talked on the phone.

I could go on about this for days. She'd rally us kids to start on a huge task, and within 5 minutes she'd be on the phone telling people how much work she had to do that day.

I see this behaviour from Kreider all the time. She's exhausted because the nanny didn't finish the dishes by 9 p.m.? I guess giving orders and masterminding is exhaustingish.


AuntieAnn said...

T said... 195

Can anyone make out what Kate is saying to Amy in video taken just prior to her interview on GMA? I think it might be something about Amy's hair, (which she had to cut short due to chemo treatments) and Kate seems clueless about the whole thing.


I can't make out what she's saying but I'll tell you what she was thinking:

"I couldn't care less about you Amy, or your chemo - or whatever - or your hair loss, or anything about you for that matter but I'm going to pretend to be very concerned while all eyes are on ME so that everyone knows what a great and compassionate person I am and they'll instantly fall in love with ME the minute see ME. Cancer and chemo - or whatever - are nothing compared to what I have to go through on a daily basis because I have eight kids and I had to stay on bedrest for eleventy billion weeks in order to deliver MY eight money sacks into this world. Now get those cameras rolling on ME because this is MY interview so you can just shut the hell up about your cancer and chemo - or whatever - and your hair and let's talk about ME and how difficult MY life is and how beautiful I am in spite of it all. I have the microphone in MY hand now so let's get to it."

Kate Gosselin epitomizes disingenousness.

Anonymous said...

Formerly Duped said... 44
Kate mentioned they would like a beach vacation. I wouldn't be surprised if she grifts one. She does have the gift-o-grift.


I'll take it one step further. She has the GRIFT of GRAB.

PJ ~ Administrator said...

PJ no I saw it. Now I didn't see them do much parenting or household work. Never saw them cook a meal, dish up a plate for their kids, or clear the table. "Dinner" consisted of opening the freezer and pointing things out to the housekeeper. Help with homework was exceedingly rare. Going to sports games or other events was rare. But as far as phone calls, going into work on time or early, hitting all their marks, developing various projects at home and working on them (clothing line, beauty products, etc), committing to various charity work and fulfilling their duties for that too (even if they tried to finagle a lot of perks for it in the process like paid vacations and hired cars), lots of promotion of themselves giving good interviews and such. Yes, they did all that. I really can't fairly say they did not work.

A lot of narcissists are workaholics.

The thing that was frustrating for those who really knew the family is that if you talked to a director or another actor they would say narcissist was just lovely and amazing, what a dedicated worker and a pleasure. But if you talked to someone who actually spent real time with them in the home, it was a different story. Narcissist is very disconnected from her children, cruel, and self-absorbed. It was really quite fascinating the different perceptions, though also frustrating. I have never seen someone so skilled at turning "on" the public persona in public then turning it "off" in the house. (Or, if company was over, keeping it on.)

Tucker's Mom said...

I got a second hand verbal invitation to this ceremony; is a gift required? Help!
July 23, 2014 at 8:30 PM
IMO, no gift is necessary, nor should be expected.
A nice card wishing them well is sufficient.

You are not invited to the reception, and I assume you didn't get an invite to the shower, so no.

This sounds like a spur of the moment thing, and lots of people just go to the ceremony because they want to share in the experience of a friend or family member.

A card and warm congratulations are all you need do- and don't feel bad or obligated that your friend bought a gift!

NJGal51 said...

lukebandit said... 31
NJgal51, since you bought the show can you download it on another device like an iPod or something. What if TLC can have Amazon pull it from your iPad? Can you burn it onto a blank DVD?
Lukebankdit - I'm really not invested in it enough to want to even try to download it to another medium. I just bought it out of curiosity since so many were talking about it and I may have discovered the reason why it doesn't seem to be available on the DVD so many have seen available for sale AND it's not a big conspiracy. On Amazon one of the ratings says...The Complete Season Five vs. Season Five: Big Changes - There are TWO editions of Season 5 currently being offered by TLC. Jon & Kate Plus Eight: Season 5 Big Changes and Season 5 The Complete Season. Apparently with the Complete Season you get an extra disk (disk 3) which includes the following 7 episodes: 1-Viewers Top Moments; 2-Never Before Seen; 3-Gymnastics/Baseball; 4-It's A Crazy Life, But It's Our Life; 5-American Chopper Episode: Jon & Kate Plus 8 Bike; 6-Emeril: BAM! 100th Episode; 7-Jon & Kate: The First 10 Years.

So no big conspiracy, just two different editions of the season available.

Mel said...

Notice how in the latest article that the woman says "us nannnies".....guess there must be a bunch of them?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Formerly Duped (#49), I thought of including Biblical Theater Lady,
too! TFW wasn't rude outright, but there's this arrogance that seems
to seep out of her pores. Even when she hugged the woman
goodbye - after scoring hundreds of dollars' worth of freebies
via tickets and stuffed animals - there was no warmth or sincerity

If I were trying to defend TFW, I'd say, well, maybe she's just shy,
and doesn't particularly connect with strangers, and that that may
come off as being aloof. But if that stranger is holding a microphone,
or sitting in one of the "chairs of her dreams," that Grinch-y grin is
out full stop, and there's warmth and charm to spare... ~ Administrator said...

Many shows are chopped down for syndication purposes I think, because I gather they air more commercials during syndication so they need a shorter show. It's hard to tell whether Kate Plus 8's various nips and tucks have been due to TLC having an issue with some of the things they aired, or just standard cutting and pasting for future airings.

I don't know if this is so much true anymore with the dawn of Netflix but I remember back in the 90's if you didn't watch the FIRST airing of your favorite show chances are you'd never be able to see it in that form ever again, even if it were released on DVD at some point. I remember a favorite scene from a favorite show that was drastically altered for syndication and even though I have the DVD, it's the altered version. I'm not sure how I'll ever see the original I know I saw back in the day. It's a shame, it was well done.

AuntieAnn said...

Breaking Bad is going to be airing on AMC starting August 10 and running until October 5th every Sunday night from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. EST. with episodes including never-before-aired interviews with the show's crew and cast, along with behind-the-scenes commentary and footage.

Woot! ~ Administrator said...

Auntie I was going to mention that and invite everyone who wants to to an informal summer viewing party here. If you want to discuss the episodes and BTS airing each Sunday feel free!

AuntieAnn said...

Great idea Admin. I'm looking forward to it.

Tucker's Mom said...

BB should come with a warning -
"Warning- might cause ennui and general disinterest in all other tv shows".

It's like once you've been hooked, you're always chasing that dragon...

Anonymous said...

I suspect that swiffering may have had a duel purpose when it comes to The G story.

I remember, back in the Zlogger days, how we joked about how the TLC interns were earning their paychecks. TLC was definitely keeping an eye on the blogs and the swiffering may have been as a result of backlash. Robert mentions in the book how K asked TLC to get a blog shut down. (Sorry, I haven't loaded Kindle stuff on my new machine yet so I can't c & p) If I recall correctly, Z even had TLC try to pressure him re the way he wrote about the show.

TLC started doing damage control very early on to protect their cash cow. You can tell when they stopped caring. I think their legal dept may have had some input as to future lawsuits re the abuse the film crew saw. I'm sure they have a very thick file. What "trade secrets" were they trying to protect when they sued Robert? I have the original contracts from the first book and they wanted to cover up their exploitation rather than their business model. IMO, of course.


Carole said...

You know what's coming. LOL Do you have a link of specific examples of this? I mean, is this a true fact that you have seen for yourself or is it a rumour? TIA!

Nora, yes, I saw the original episodes when they aired 5-6 years ago and I watched reruns which were definitely different than the originals. I also watched some of the original DVDs, but again, it was when they were first released for sale and they were sometimes different from what was shown on tv. The DVDs I watched went to the dump when I moved a couple of years ago.

Of course I don't have links - they weren't shown online. I watched the shows on tv and the DVDs on my tv with my own eyes.

As I said, a few years ago there were many discussions about the differences between the episodes on tv and on DVDs on the blogs. I have no reason to try to deceive anyone. I don't have any time or interest in locating links for those discussions but they can most likely be found in GWOP archives and Moon's blog if those remain.

NJGal51 said...

I'll be watching Breaking Bad (again). Love that show!

Kelly, let me just say RUDY!!!!

Vanessa said...

PJ @ 51
Our mothers could be one of the same!

Even to this day she has sooooo much work!! She has the gall!! to say that I have no idea!!! Rewriting history, we kids did it all and now she pays someone. She's tried to guilt many of us into "helping" her, I always have an excuse ready, done done DONE being her monkey

Carole said...

You could really say that TLC was producing infomercials on many levels.
One, the Gosselins and especially Kate.
Kate's image was carefully crafted, often in response to criticism.

You are so right, Tuckers Mom. As the episodes aired and the comments poured in each week, the story arc morphed as they did damage control. Viewers watched as they tried to craft a new image for TFW as well as create new storylines to fit. Looking back, I wish I'd paid more attention at the time because it was really quite interesting how the network worked with their 'talent' to create a reality show that wasn't necessarily all that real.

I think the Gosselin family's history coupled with Robert's book which helped shine a light on the backroom dealings between TLC and TFW, and what was captured on film is a fascinating, although tragic, window into the business of making reality tv. Put together, it's good documentation of how the networks, who appear to treat PEOPLE, especially children, as expendable side issues, exploit them in the process.

Anonymous said...

s it possible that TFW wasn't so much about keeping the kids from Jon back then as so much keeping to HER schedule? Same with the 9:00 pm shut down time? Control freaks (I am intentionally using the derogatory term in her case) are notorious for needing to make all others conform to his/her way of doing things no matter what. If those nannies didn't finish be 9 TFW may have seen HER schedule shot to h*ll and that would throw the next day and the next and the next in pertuity completely off track. Control freaks get crazy like that. They cannot abide what or who they cannot control. They are very good at control.She is a horrible parent, but sometimes I think we (me included) read stuff into things because we think she is evil, when really she is just very, very sick. And lazy.

I feel I am softening on her a bit - because I am bored with her and the whole thing. I wish she would get herself and ALL the kids therapy. Wouldn't hurt.

Living in a house that could have a space mission at any moment, well, you see things differently.

High Sodium Content said...

Capecodmama - everyone has to try some salt water taffy. The best in the world at Cape Code Salt Water Taffy in So Yarmouth before heading to the National Seashore. Best taffy I've ever had, actually salty vs sicky sweet. Good friend is a grad of MMA - knew the Cape very well. Everyone will die if they see the hike up and down to Marconi Beach LOL.

You're planning a wonderful trip.

Carole said...

Whoa boy. Another article about the E!Online interview w/nanny. Gawd, I hope they're right.

"Even then, it doesn’t get really bad until the nanny decided to leave. She tolerated as much as humanly possible, but she decided to quit after seeing Kate hit one of her younger sons with a spoon."

"Yeah, so Kate Gosselin apparently abuses her children. There have been rumors about this for years, but since she has no compunctions in using her kids for her own gain, I suppose it’s not shocking that she also feels no hesitation in striking them when they’re not listening to her."

"However, Kate should realize that her career is over after this. First of all, this interview was published on E!, which doesn’t take sides without doing their research. And second of all, child abuse is one of the few things that does NOT fly in Hollywood, no matter how famous or connected you are – and Kate is neither of those things. She may have relaunched her reality TV career in the hopes of landing more shows, but these allegations are just going to force networks to think twice before hiring her. Ostensibly, her career is over."

FYI said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 2m
This summer day is zipping right along...made egg/hash brown nests for brunch and then received some GR8 news via phone! #LoveDaysLikeThis

There she goes with the teasing again. Now the tweeties will start playing "guess my gr8 news". Of course, others will ask "what is egg/hash brown nests and will ask for the recipe.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Kate makes one tweet:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 21m
This summer day is zipping right along...made egg/hash brown nests for brunch and then received some GR8 news via phone! #LoveDaysLikeThis

and receives 110 bot tweets in 20 minutes.

Great news? Free beach rental?

foxy said...

After making brunch of eggs and hash brown nests Kate received wonderful news via a phone call. I guess her many fans must be losing interest so has to try and peak interest back to her. She is such a tease isn't she. I can't see 8 kids waiting for brunch, but then it is Kate. I guess this way it is only 2 meals to prepare.

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 63

BB should come with a warning -
"Warning- might cause ennui and general disinterest in all other tv shows".

It's like once you've been hooked, you're always chasing that dragon...


It is addictive, isn't it? In a million years I would have never thought I'd be hooked on tv show only to find myself throwing in with a guy running a meth lab.

Go Heisenberg!

(shame on me)

Millicent said...

Admin said:
You need only look at what happened at Penn State to realize that child abuse, and the reporting of child abuse, remains taboo for many people. I'm glad you reported what you saw. I think we need to ask ourselves why is it so easy for someone like you to report it but so difficult for others. We need to figure this out.
I agree. On another board that I visit, a person posted about a possible sexual abuse of a child. It seems that her partner (female) had experienced abuse at the hands of a family member when she was a child. Now grown, they see this relative hanging around a young child and are naturally concerned. However, the grown victim didn't want to contact CPS, because she feared the entire family guessing she was the one who turned in the abuser. Many people chimed in and finally CPS was apparently contacted, but here was a situation where someone who had been abused still didn't feel able to stand up and speak up for a child who might be next. I don't understand, but it's clearly not a simple issue.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Great news guesses:

-free trip
-Celebrity Apprentice is airing
-all 8 kids have filed for emancipation, and
will be moving out by the end of the week

Millicent said... (Administrator) said... 61

Auntie I was going to mention that and invite everyone who wants to to an informal summer viewing party here. If you want to discuss the episodes and BTS airing each Sunday feel free!
Yay! I had the last 8 episodes on my DVR for months, and I just recently started re-watching them. They are as amazing as the first time I watched.

sparkle said...

Carole said... 47
More opinions about TFW are being voiced regularly now.
This article is @ the recent interview w/the nanny.

Kate Gosselin's Mania Just Hit a New Low

Horrible, right? And it sure sounds like everything's just falling right in line with what some people have been saying for years, doesn't it? It's sad and frightening -- all of it -- and it's no wonder some of these poor children act out in the manner they do.

Lol, did you read any of the comments on the E article? You can pick out the sheeple comments a mile a way, they check every known sheeple box. They seem to have caught on to how obvious "I'm no fan of Kate's... but" looks. None of the comments I saw last night included that, I haven't looked today.

I am curious about this nanny who is speaking out. If it's the same one who was speaking out to NE, she mentioned having to monitor the amount of gas used when Jon would return the BBB. Kate got the Mercedes BBB in Dec. 2011. That narrows it down to a nanny employed at least before then. How could she be getting around her CA?

getofftwitter said...

I bet her great news is either:
1. their vacation rental house is available, like someone said here.
2. She got news of when CA is going to air.
3. her lawyer called
4. some talk show is having her on
5. some radio show is having her on
6. some media rag is having her on
7. her 2 Bff can get away and help her for free with the kids on vacation
8. she bought something
9. something to do with Jon
10. purseboy is coming on her vacation

So which do you guys think it is?

Tucker's Mom said...

It is addictive, isn't it? In a million years I would have never thought I'd be hooked on tv show only to find myself throwing in with a guy running a meth lab.

Go Heisenberg!

(shame on me)

That's exactly why I didn't tune in until the show was over!

Shame free zone!

JR said...

Oh God ...lets hope its not another "setting the record straight" tour....I don't think I can live through another one of those...and why does she do that and give no information about her phone call...the sheep will lose their minds now wondering what the hell it is.....they're all going to think she has a show...maybe CA will be aired...BIG that's a career changer...she is such a moron

JR said...

OH OH....I know...she probably ordered a new spoon to hit the kids with and it just came in

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 21m
This summer day is zipping right along...made egg/hash brown nests for brunch and then received some GR8 news via phone! #LoveDaysLikeThis
Bite, little fishies, bite!

Dwindle said...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 69

Living in a house that could have a space mission at any moment, well, you see things differently


Snort! <3

TLC stinks said...

I think she grifted another beach vacay.

FYI said...

Kate's great news is probably that the sneakers she ordered online 3 days ago have been delivered. Since she uses her phone for everything, she probably got an email and not necessarily a phone call.

PatK said...

Oh, God, TLC better not be giving her another show.

Amy2 said...

Kate's great news....#11. She brought another pair of shoes online.

TLC stinks said...

Actually her "gr8t news" only got ONE ! so it must be that gr8t.

So predictable. Throwing a bone on twitter hoping some internet site will care.

Tuckers Mom said...

I should have said that I tuned in to BB because of 15 min. !

NJGal51 said...

We'll have to go on twitter to see if any of the other participants in CA are talking about good news. I wish I could remember who that guy was that worked on the show that was so snarky...I hope that CA is going to air becasue I want to see it.

Bitchy Pants said...

My take on TFMJG's "for the kids' safety" and "to protect my children" is that the kids aren't in any physical danger. SHE is in danger of losing complete control over them. She filed for the divorce to protect the kids because of Jon's actions, which were, of course, taking steps to try to stop the show. Was Jon trying to gain more custody of the kids around the time she filed the law suit? Or was that around the time when he began saying that he wanted her to have a full psych eval? I think the only clear and present danger to the kids is TFMJG herself. Oh sure, there's always the chance that some crazed fan will try to approach them or worse, but the main danger, in TFMJG's mind would be her not being able to micro-manage their lives ad infinitum.

Alberta Girl said...

Just thought I'd mention something that the posters here may be interested in. I have been recently listening to podcasts by Jason and Molly Mesnick. For those of you who don't know who they are, they were both on the Bachelor. If anyone recalls, he was the one who changed his mind after proposing to Melissa (who went on DWTS), and wanted the girl he turned away. They ended up getting married, and now do these podcasts that usually comment on The Bachelor/ette, and they are very entertaining.

I went back into their archives to listen to some old podcasts, and in one from June of last year, they touch on the G's, and kids on reality tv. It was really interesting to listen to, as by the end of that podcast, Jason felt very bad for the limited amount of times he has let his kids be on tv, mags, etc.

Anyways, just thought some may be interested. They are smart, funny, and down to earth. If you want to listen, just download the podcast app from the apple store. All of their podcasts are free. Just search "Jason and Molly".

Tuckers Mom said...

Bitchy 93

my sentiments exactly

Millicent said...
This is not a new article - in fact, it's from 2013. But I just found it as I was doing a Google search and it made me laugh.

BarbM said...

Her Gr8 news was probably something like her mammogram was negative. She is very sly the way she words her tweets. Needs to get the buzz from her fans going again.

JR said...

I know its been said a million times before but Milo never ceases to make a complete idiot out of herself....#tweetieswanttoknow #assholeMilo #stopkissingthislosersass

Anonymous said...

Yup, gr8t news via phone, not an actual phone call. Isn't she the crafty one.

I believe Robert's book was the catalyst for the rest of the entertainment industry to take the gloves off. She's not bankable and marketable, so why not wring every last cent out of her for more website hits or ratings by airing all the dirty laundry. They don't risk anything by telling the story. It's all in the book, they're just "reporting". Brilliant plan.


Formerly Duped said...

I wonder if Jon is able to discipline the kids at all in terms of manners, behavior to one another, all the things we noted from the update.Kate was always the one to rule the roost.. Or maybe they don't act that way with him or at school- wonder what their teachers thought if they watched! Or maybe this is what he meant by how the children were affected by the whole reality TV experience. Just curious.

PatK said...

Wouldn't it be a little late for a beach vacay? I mean, it's nearly the end of July know....the WHOLE month of August is spent preparing for back to school.

AuntieAnn said...

NJGal51 said... 92

...I hope that CA is going to air becasue I want to see it.


I want to see it just to hear the Donald utter those three little words to Shmoopy. Even if they shelve the rest of the episodes, I'd still be a happy camper.

PA Dutch Mom said...

So which do you guys think it is?


None of the above. She's pregnant with triplets.

PatK said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8·3 mins
Oh no sorry...Gr8 news was something not work or tv related...Was a worry that popped up but worked out well &gr8ly eases my mind! #FamStuff


Oh, did Jon decide he's not taking the kids somewhere? :)

Anonymous said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8·3 mins
Oh no sorry...Gr8 news was something not work or tv related...Was a worry that popped up but worked out well &gr8ly eases my mind! #FamStuff

What a little tease she is, pathetic. Curious about brunch on a Thursday? Kids are down to 2 meals, or she's making a brunch meal for lunch. Again, more careful vagaries. She really has nothing to say.

Posting as Anon since Google keeps dropping my account.
OrangeCrusher 1

Tucker's Mom said...

Formerly Duped said... 100
I wonder if Jon is able to discipline the kids at all in terms of manners, behavior to one another, all the things we noted from the update
I think Jon is willing and able to guide the children, and it's probably not tough and physical like Kate.
I also get the sense that Liz is a good mom, and just good with kids- maternal.
The look on Liz's face when Jon was asked and talked about the kids on CT... she was kvelling.

Tucker's Mom said...

I believe Robert's book was the catalyst for the rest of the entertainment industry to take the gloves off
I agree- it seems like people are willing to talk about the real issues of using children and making them work to support the family, violating their right to privacy and using them as a shield to deflect any and all critics.
Of course, the issues of Kate's excessive corporal punishment, control, animal abuse and parental alienation are finally being seen by the masses.

AuntieAnn said...

Tuckers Mom said... 91

I should have said that I tuned in to BB because of 15 min. !


ha! Thanks for clarifying Tucker's. I thought I'd overspiked my rumspringa cooler.

FYI said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8·3 mins
Oh no sorry...Gr8 news was something not work or tv related...Was a worry that popped up but worked out well &gr8ly eases my mind! #FamStuff

Maybe she was worried that Jon wouldn't be back in time from HIS beach vacation and she'd be stuck with the kids again this weekend.

NJGal51 said...

@lukebandit: @TMZ @Kateplusmy8 @fishwrapped TMZ, these few things that have came out about Kate Gosselin pale to compare what is coming out very soon!
I'll bite Likebandit. What's coming out soon?

PA Dutch Mom said...

She is such a dingy. Family stuff? Custody issues? Sounds so middle schoolish to put it out there on twitter, like, nannie nannie boo boo...great news, but I'm not telling you what.

Then why on God's green earth even bother to tweet it and get the sheeple wetting their Depends? Such immaturity on her part. Gladys was probably foaming at the mouth, thinking it was a new show. ~ Administrator said...

As Ellen Degeneres would say, stop talking in code!!

Kelly said...

NJGal51 - He's taken to the bottle ever since his "procedure". I believe he made a half hearted suicide attempt via John Deere today. He drunkardly ;) dashed (in the way only bulldogs can) in front of the tractor after getting chased out of my sweetcorn. Lucky for him the tractor was stationary.

I have not seen Breaking Bad. I plan on a nonstop marathon as I just found out it's on Netflix. I watched the docu 65 Red Roses and cried my eyes out. I gotta stay away from the documentary section. I can't afford Woodchuck for both my dog and myself. :)

Katie got a phone call today with good news? No need for the sheep to whip themselves into a woolen knitted frenzy. It was probably the tanning salon telling her she's qualified for her free session.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

TFW knew exactly what she was doing when she wrote that tweet.
So it's so disingenuous for her to say "Oh no sorry." You're not
sorry, fool. And why are you tweeting strangers about #FamStuff
anyway? She's such a twit-tease...

JMO said...

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8·3 mins
Oh no sorry...Gr8 news was something not work or tv related...Was a worry that popped up but worked out well &gr8ly eases my mind! #FamStuff

Okay, I'll play... KIK was offered a free beach vacation house, during a week the house was NOT rented out. A paying customer expressed interest in that week, but ended up backing out. Worry FREE Kate now!! FREE being the operating word.

Formerly Duped said...

I don't want to play Kate's little game but I do wonder if her gr8t news (wow, the 8 always irks me!) has anything to do with the RH book? I don't see how it can be. But what work?? TV- I was also thinking about CA. But my first guess was a free vacay.Hope it's not in Cape Cod lol.

Or it could just be cat-and- mouse BS.

TLC stinks said...

Maybe she got a call that she has been cured of PCOS. Watch out, Steve! She's missing babies.

A Mom said...

Kate probably got a discount at the fancy school for the kids since she doesn't have a income; she's most likely getting help from the state. Kind of like keeping the nurse when kids were babies. Wonder who she wrote the letter to this time???????!!!!

A Mom said...

Kate Gosselin probably received state help for the kids school. Since she has no income maybe only interest from investments or Kate wrote a letter to someone for help!?!

Anonymous said...

Maybe she got a call that she has been cured of PCOS. 117

Bwahahah! Spit out my lemonade.


AuntieAnn said...

Personally I don't give a flying fig what her good news was. She only tweets those things to see if anyone is interested and sure enough it gets people talking. It puts a smile on her face.

That and grifting give her a thrill. Whenever she's down and depressed she simply remembers her favorite things ....

♫And then she doesn't feel so bad ♫♪♫

lukebandit said...


Oh! Well, we all know already, but the masses don't know yet. Manhandling one of the tup boys an inch away from dog feces, those kind of things is what I meant. ROL is building up the stories. TMZ and fishwrapper think that what everyone has heard up to this point, what they have printed quotes from the book is the most damning.

There is more. And what Robert promised he wouldn't release.

Anonymous said...

I've always believed that the reason so many media outlets haven't skewered Ate in the past was because of corporate ownership (TLC owns this, which owns this, which partner with this, etc, etc,.....)
The few times she was on The View, you can obviously see Joy and Whoopi seething, biting their tongues....someone silenced them at the time--and I think it was due to the corporate ownership issue. Now that Ate is no longer under any sort of TLC contract, everyone is now free to express their opinions.

just my opinion, of course. :)


Tucker's Mom said...

Anonymous said... 123
I've always believed that the reason so many media outlets haven't skewered Ate in the past was because of corporate ownership (TLC owns this, which owns this, which partner with this, etc, etc,.....)
The few times she was on The View, you can obviously see Joy and Whoopi seething, biting their tongues....someone silenced them at the time--and I think it was due to the corporate ownership issue. Now that Ate is no longer under any sort of TLC contract, everyone is now free to express their opinions.

just my opinion, of course. :)

Everyone's laying in the same bed.

It is, however, mind-boggling how Kate was picked for prime time interviews with Baba Wawa and Natalie Morales.

It just never made any sense.

10 most interesting people?
Are you fucking kidding me?

The woman could put a whirling dervish to sleep.

sparkle said...

Formerly Duped said... 116
I don't want to play Kate's little game but I do wonder if her gr8t news (wow, the 8 always irks me!) has anything to do with the RH book? I don't see how it can be. But what work?? TV- I was also thinking about CA. But my first guess was a free vacay.Hope it's not in Cape Cod lol.

Or it could just be cat-and- mouse BS.

I agree. I think this teaser is somehow vacation related, the early back to school shopping being a clue. Since Kate only likes to stay at beaches that can only be accessed by ferry, then by a small motor boat, then by a 4x4, her choices are so very limited.

gabby2 said...

RE: Tweeties

LOL...Katiee's feeble attempt to let the world know "all is right in her world".

Right. she's shitting in her pants about now. All about damage control about now....tearful phone calls to her Steeviee.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said...

To Anonymous (#123): I think you're absolutely right.

lukebandit said...

The books have made it past 2100 at 2106!

lukebandit said...

Today, would of been my 32nd wedding anniversary with my ex. We made it 19 years. I wanted to do something on FB to acknowledge discreetly about it. I go on FB this morning and the first post on my feed was a guy that I went to school with and there was a huge picture of him and his wife at their wedding in the slicing the cake pose.

It is really nice picture of them. Their wedding anniversary is the same as mine. I was like, what? And what is so interesting is, I went to school with him, and now he is the senior pastor at the church about less than a 1/4 of a mile from the house I lived in during high school.

Also, when my ex and I were dating, we were thinking about breaking up. We went to the church were he pastors, it was late at night and we parked under the huge tree next to the tennis court. The radio was on, Lionel Richie, Sail On was playing. I was like ugh. But we talked and made up. I am so grateful, because if he would of left, we wouldn't have our 3 sons, grandson and 2 dils.

So, I googled images and found a brick wall background with a white wood circle with the number 32 on it. The brick walls look exactly like the bricks on the church where we got married. So that is my avatar for today, and the weekend. Right now we would be liking 4 hours arriving at Cherokee, NC. for 2 nights. We should of went to Shoney's but we ate at the fancy hotel restaurant for breakfast.

My ex wanted extra bacon and they brought out about 5 or 6 pieces on a saucer on a doily and I saw the check under it and just for that it was an extra 3.50! This was 32 years ago!

High Sodium Content said...

Capecodmama- it's fun remembering the Cape. Haven't been in a few years, but my family spent at least one week in a rental every summer. We've go in April, visit several rentals and my mother would chose one for a week in July.We usually went to the Dennis/Dennisport area, and at least once during the week, we would venture to Nauset for a day trip, because we loved the big waves. My dad loved them too, he used to call the white water the "beer foam". One of the last times we went we camped w/ my son's boyscout troop, daughter included, and we biked the rail trail.

What a shame that kids of a millionaire will never have any happy family memories of a real family vacation. ~ Administrator said...

Personally I don't give a flying fig what her good news was. She only tweets those things to see if anyone is interested and sure enough it gets people talking. It puts a smile on her face.


I don't care either and I don't think we should even engage in speculating unless it's just snark. She is a sick woman who not only plays games with her children but with a bunch of strangers on the internet. Such behavior should not be condoned by participating lol.

swimgirl said...

A Mom said... 118
Kate probably got a discount at the fancy school for the kids since she doesn't have a income; she's most likely getting help from the state. Kind of like keeping the nurse when kids were babies. Wonder who she wrote the letter to this time???????!!!!

TFW is definitely not getting state aid. The state looks at assets, including investments, not just earned income. She probably makes good money from her investments and would not qualify for aid.

AuntieAnn said...

She is a sick woman who not only plays games with her children but with a bunch of strangers on the internet.


When they're adults and if have kids of their own, those grandkids might ask if Granny Shmoops ever played games with them and the G8 can all say Yes, she did sweetie. She loved to play head games. Lots and lots of head games.

Over And Out said...

@lukebandit: @TMZ @Kateplusmy8 @fishwrapped TMZ, these few things that have came out about Kate Gosselin pale to compare what is coming out very soon!


What's coming out? I don't like teasers.

AuntieAnn said...


When they're adults and if THEY have kids of their own...'


FlimsyFlamsy said...

AuntieAnn (#121), I dug your little musical notes!

I won't be able to make it to Cape Cod, but I would like to offer my
services for virtual pet sitting. I am deathly allergic to cats, but
online, they don't bother me a bit. And, Kelly, I have no experience
with virtual bulldogs, but I'm willing to give your new pup a chance!

FYI said...

A Mom said... 118
Kate probably got a discount at the fancy school for the kids since she doesn't have a income; she's most likely getting help from the state. Kind of like keeping the nurse when kids were babies. Wonder who she wrote the letter to this time???????!!!!

I don't know the laws in PA, but I doubt she would be entitled to any state aid since the children attend a private school. I don't think the state would give assistance to anyone just so they could attend an elementary/secondary private school.

Kelly said...

Auntie Ann, now I've got Foreigner's Head Games running through my head. That could be TFW's theme song!

Lanc Native said...

I don't know the laws in PA, but I doubt she would be entitled to any state aid since the children attend a private school. I don't think the state would give assistance to anyone just so they could attend an elementary/secondary private school.


Correct. No state aid. Financial aid comes from the schools themselves.

Anonymous said... her fabulous news is personal. Not TV related. Not surprised alt all.

Jeanne said...

Lukebandit, sounds like you have good memories. Interesting coincidence with your friend.

Lanc Native said...

Does anyone have any idea what these bots are trying to say?

bikini@mgfind ‏@bikinimgfind 7m
Wow, for some #reason we push #these #cinema of Kate #Gosselin are …

Over And Out said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1m
@Kateplusmy8 Good thing U clarified this gr8 news...big mouth here was getting all hopeful we had a new gig & was goin 2run w/it! LOL

LOL!! Someone posted that old Gladys would be wettin her unnerwears. Milo, you are so darn predictable that it's no fun anymore!

MaryB said...

"WE had a new gig" - barf.

Rhymes with Witch said...

OT. It is more difficult to adopt a shelter/rescue pet than to have 8 children.
Everyone has a different application, and by the time you apply the pup has been adopted. #frustrated.
My search continues. FU Katie.

lukebandit said...

Here is my post, Over and Out:

lukebandit said... 122

Oh! Well, we all know already, but the masses don't know yet. Manhandling one of the tup boys an inch away from dog feces, those kind of things is what I meant. ROL is building up the stories. TMZ and fishwrapper think that what everyone has heard up to this point, what they have printed quotes from the book is the most damning.

There is more. And what Robert promised he wouldn't release.

Over And Out said...

MaryB said... 144
"WE had a new gig" - barf.

According to psychologists, one of the symptoms of the last stage of celebrity worship syndrome is identifying with that person, either living through them or with them in a fantasy world, and believing that they are an integral part of their lives.

Milo presents with these classic symptoms.

Susannh said...

I prefer to think Kreider is taking a vacation just like Maureen Ohara and Jimmy Stewart.
Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation 1962. yes, that must be the good news.

Over And Out said...

TMZ and fishwrapper think that what everyone has heard up to this point, what they have printed quotes from the book is the most damning.


I'm lost! Where did TMZ report this is the most damning

Sad but true said...

What was fascinating about Kate's "Gr8 news" tweet is how LITTLE attention it garnered from anyone. There were maybe half a dozen "Oh what is it? Are you coming back to TV?" And then about 120 bot tweets. One thoughtful fan even tweeted her a picture of the beach where SHE is on vacation, lol. (Ouch, that must've hurt!) And Milo didn't tweet at all until about 2 hours later.

Interest IS waning, that is becoming clear. I wonder if she's gotten the message yet.

AuntieAnn said...

Kelly said... 138

Auntie Ann, now I've got Foreigner's Head Games running through my head. That could be TFW's theme song!


Pretty soon her theme song is going to be "It's Over". (Roy Orbison)

I know she thinks she's teflon and it does seem like she is because I've never seen anyone who can step in a shitpile and come up smelling like a rose as many times as she has. It's incredible. But this time the future doesn't smell so pretty. She's getting bad press everywhere you look now and rightly so. It's quite disturbing that not only will she not address it, but that she's probably relishing the attention it's giving her. It's sick. It's wrong.

The worst part is there are eight kids at her mercy who have to live with her illness. What's going to happen when she does crack? What kind of fury will she release on them when she finally realizes it IS over? We saw what she did to their father and it worries me what she'll do to them.

PA Dutch Mom said...

A Mom said... 118
Kate probably got a discount at the fancy school for the kids since she doesn't have a income; she's most likely getting help from the state.


No, A Mom...Kate is not getting help with tuition from the state.

Bill said...

Carole said... 27

The first releases/versions of the DVDs are definitely different than subsequent ones - sometimes considerably - just like the reruns of episodes being different than the original airing.


Thank you for the information though that was not what I wanted to hear; as someone with OCD, the different versions really bug me.

Bill said...

Tucker's Mom said... 36

Thank you for the tutorial about how to make a link clickable.
Here's my first try:


Outstanding - you get an A+.

Bill said...

Millicent said... 96
This is not a new article - in fact, it's from 2013. But I just found it as I was doing a Google search and it made me laugh.


On first glance, I read "clueless" instead of "childless," ~ Administrator said...

Sad but true, yes.

I think the reality is even she were a terribly nice woman and mother, she would have run her course as well. She's got nothing. She hasn't been able to successfully launch any other schtick but mother of eight kids. Yawn, that was old ages ago. The whole big families, multiples thing was hot in 2009. It's run its course for every family on TV trying to sell it.

Yes she'll probably always be able to pull in 1.2 million lookie loos but that's not enough to sustain a series.

She has a shelf life like everyone else. She hasn't figured out the preservative to keep her up there any longer than the inevitable. She's not smart enough or motivated enough to.

Bill said...

Formerly Duped said... 100

I wonder if Jon is able to discipline the kids at all in terms of manners, behavior to one another, all the things we noted from the update.Kate was always the one to rule the roost.. Or maybe they don't act that way with him or at school- wonder what their teachers thought if they watched! Or maybe this is what he meant by how the children were affected by the whole reality TV experience. Just curious.


There was an episode of Star Trek in which several members of the crew of the Enterprise found themselves in a parallel universe where backstabbing is the rule and promotion is by assassination. That is, you kill your superior to get his position. The moral of the story is that it is easy for a civilized man to behave as a savage, but it is impossible for a savage to act civilized.

Even if the tups were able to decide to act differently for Jon and at school, it will be difficult, especially at their age. ~ Administrator said...

You know also it's really bad TLC threw her a bone this year because I think all it does is keep hope alive for her, feeds her fantasy that they could be back on TV.

It encourages her, basically, to not let this go and move on with her life.

Bill said...

sparkle said... 125

I agree. I think this teaser is somehow vacation related, the early back to school shopping being a clue. Since Kate only likes to stay at beaches that can only be accessed by ferry, then by a small motor boat, then by a 4x4, her choices are so very limited.



Rhymes with Witch said...

Just want to clarify. I understand and agree with vetting of prospective pet owners by shelters/rescue orgs. My point was different; I think most here understood.

Unknown said...

Bill said... 156
Formerly Duped said... 100
''I wonder if Jon is able to discipline the kids at all in terms of manners, behavior to one another, all the things we noted from the update.Kate was always the one to rule the roost.. Or maybe they don't act that way with him or at school-
''The moral of the story is that it is easy for a civilized man to behave as a savage, but it is impossible for a savage to act civilized.
Even if the tups were able to decide to act differently for Jon and at school, it will be difficult, especially at their age.''
Bill, first I will object to comparing children with ''a savage'' no matter the context!!

Based on a conversation I had yesterday with my 7 and 4 year old great-grandchildren, here is my opinion. They were telling me that at their grandmother's house they stay up ''after midnight'' and don't have to take baths every night (it was bath time). I asked why they don't object when I tell them it is time to go to bed at 9 pm and when I tell them it is time for baths. Both said ''you have different don't even have the tv on and we watch tv all the time at Grandma's.'' I asked why they don't ask to watch tv and the oldest said that ''you have fun things to do here and your rule is no tv for us.'' and the four year old agreed.

My point is that Jon's children have rigid rules at the compound, that are met with severe punishment if the rules are broken. Jon is much more relaxed and has said he has few rules. His children are intelligent and quite capable of understanding there are different rules when with WOS and when they are with their father.

FYI said...

ENews(the tv show) did a spot on Kate tonight. It basically reiterated what was in their online article. They didn't mention the weeding punishment, but did say that not only did Kate hit Collin with a plastic spoon, but also that she pulled him by the ear.

They also said that the nanny worked for Kate for 8 months.

Interspersed with the voiceover were some clips of Kate from the special and recent interviews. I liked how they showed Kate playing gaga ball with Mady. That sort of brought home the point of how mean she can be.

foxy said...

Rhymes I knew what you meant about adopting an animal from a shelter. These people look out for the animals to make sure they will be given a good life and can be taken care of.

I had a friend who wanted to adopt a child. She quit her job to prepare for all the procedures one must go through. She was turned down the first time because the social workers said her house was too clean. Her house was always spotless even when she worked. It was just how she is. So the next time they did the home inspection she let a couple of things out on the table, coffee pot and things out on the counter, etc. Then, she passed and she and her husband adopted 2 kids. So I guess nothing is easy when it comes to any adoption.

Good luck, and it will happen.

Blowing In The Wind said...

ENews(the tv show) did a spot on Kate tonight. It basically reiterated what was in their online article. They didn't mention the weeding punishment, but did say that not only did Kate hit Collin with a plastic spoon, but also that she pulled him by the ear.


I can't watch that show. The format drives me crazy. "Up next...Kate Gosselin's nanny speaks out. But first, baby bump news. Before we find out who is pregnant, here's the scoop on Bieber's latest misadventure. Next, though, is Kendra's nightmare, followed by Kim and Khloe's brawl...up next Kate Gosselin...did the bachelorette really get pregnant in the fantasy suite?

Okay, so if Kate is "up next," as announced in the beginning of the show, then why is she last on the menu?

lukebandit said...

July 24th, 2014 8:00 p.m. from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Blowing In The Wind said...

Even if the tups were able to decide to act differently for Jon and at school, it will be difficult, especially at their age.''


I'm not sure I agree with that. They are at the age where they know exactly what rules apply at Jon's house, and they know what is expected of them at school. If they get into that "routine" and those rules stay consistent, then they shouldn't have any difficulty in abiding by those rules. In this life, not everything is the same everywhere, and all of the time. You adapt, you know what is allowed and what isn't allowed, depending on the place and circumstances. The rules at school may be totally different from those set down at Jon's house. They have to be. Nevertheless, a child doesn't confuse one with the other.

Blowing In The Wind said...

I agree. I think this teaser is somehow vacation related, the early back to school shopping being a clue. Since Kate only likes to stay at beaches that can only be accessed by ferry, then by a small motor boat, then by a 4x4, her choices are so very limited.




LOL! I was thinking more along the lines of Alcatraz!

FYI said...

I can't watch that show. The format drives me crazy.

I usually don't watch that show. I only turned it on because I saw that someone on twitter said they'd be talking about Kate. I was hoping that the hosts would give their opinion(like they did on The Talk), but it only consisted of a voiceover repeating what was in the article, with some clips interspersed throughout. There was no discussion. But at least the story made it to TV.

As in the online article, they also stated that "Kate's rep did not respond to our request for comment". I guess Kate and her "source" are still trying to figure out what the response will be, if any.

JoyinVirginia said...

Cape cod mama, where are we going today? I really want to tour the Cape Cod Potato Chip factory in Hyannis, can we stop there on way back or would it be better to stop there now?
On our tour, can we also stop by the Edward Gorey House in Yarmouth and take a bicycle ride on the rail trail? Is there a haunted house or ghost tour we can take? Take us to all the out of the way places. And of course nice restaurants, or resorts with pool boys who can bring us rumspringa!

Ex Nurse said...

Blowing in the wind said....
You adapt, you know what is allowed and what isn't allowed, depending on the place and circumstances. The rules at school may be totally different from those set down at Jon's house. They have to be. Nevertheless, a child doesn't confuse one with the other.
I understand what Bill is saying. But I think that kids naturally seek out boundaries. TFW sets boundaries with punishment and threats. The tups were expelled for the same behaviors that we witnessed on the show and update. However, private schools are much better equipped to deal with outbursts in a respectful but firm manner, with appropriate consequences. In kindergarten at a private school, my daughter spent several weeks on defining community, and the expectations for behavior. It was very effective in the classroom, but the kids had very consistent expectations. Whereas, I would imagine that the kids never know which mom will greet them at the bus stop--will it be Suzy homemaker, the drill captain, the BFF, the ecstatically happy star, the wronged mother, the stern taskmaster, the exhausted mom, and on and on. I can't even imagine what it would be like to live with her as a mother.

Jon, in his own words, does not impose many rules on the kids. So, it is completely believable that the kids behave differently at home, differently at school and differently with their father. Must be crazy-making.

I don't think a comparison the kids as savages is appropriate or deserved. They seem to know what civil behavior is when they see it. For example, they were entirely appropriate and cooperative on the camping trip with the Palins, until their succubus mother melted down.

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

Joy said..."Cape cod mama, where are we going today? I really want to tour the Cape Cod Potato Chip factory in Hyannis, can we stop there on way back or would it be better to stop there now?"

lol, Joy. I'm there right now, in real life...not eating all day (just a little snacking) because we're going to eat Brazilian tonight and I want to be very hungry when the time comes!

Cape Cod -- great tour so far. Keep those drinks coming!

Cruisin Just As Fast As She Can Now said...

As in the online article, they also stated that "Kate's rep did not respond to our request for comment".


Could that be because Kate no longer has a "rep?" Nobody knows how to help her.

sparkle said...

“We always had to refer to the manual because it listed her pet peeves,” the nanny told E! News in a recent interview."

The actual excerpts NE published from the actual manual (which appeared to be in e-form) had numerous mentions from Kate about how she will "freak out" if this or that isn't done to Cruella's expectations. It's just so Kate to create a manual which doesn't just specify how she likes her household to be run and a few reasonable expectations, she has to emphasize over & over again that she will have an ADULT TANTRUM if things are not done EXACTLY as she demands!!!!!!!! She knows what her persona is and she's using it to 'urge' the help into towing the line.

In the article the nanny said "us nannies." Plural. Kate hems and haws and tries to say she has a couple hours of help a week. Her twitter persona is based on poor exhaustedish Kate doing it all alone by herself ("99% by myself") Only Kate is claiming to 'do it all' while other sources have repeatedly confirmed she does not. According to the book, the nannies are often full time live-in. This, for a woman who does not work and whose children are away 9 hours a day during the school year. Between the live-in nannies and the full roster of chores the children must do, what exactly does Kate do? Mastermind? Bark orders and make threats?

I am also disturbed by how Robert and now this nanny, described two different instances of a child being spanked in front of the other siblings. How humiliating. I'm sure Kate does this to instill fear.

Yesterday someone asked why Kate wasn't taking to her twitter or her dead website to "set the record straight." I highly suspect both Jon and Kate are under a gag order. This is the longest Kate has gone without publicly trashing Jon. She's done the "source" thing through Radar, but has not made any comments about him personally in a long time.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

In the article the nanny said "us nannies." Plural. Kate hems and haws and tries to say she has a couple hours of help a week. Her twitter persona is based on poor exhaustedish Kate doing it all alone by herself ("99% by myself") Only Kate is claiming to 'do it all' while other sources have repeatedly confirmed she does not. According to the book, the nannies are often full time live-in. This, for a woman who does not work and whose children are away 9 hours a day during the school year. Between the live-in nannies and the full roster of chores the children must do, what exactly does Kate do? Mastermind? Bark orders and make threats?


But when did this supposedly take place? Recently? If this were awhile ago, Kate did admit then to having "helpers," and Jon referred to them as "nannies." If it were recent, then Kate was lying through her teeth when she said that she had no help, only an occasional sitter.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

For example, they were entirely appropriate and cooperative on the camping trip with the Palins, until their succubus mother melted down.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a succubus (in mythology) a female demon who seduces men in their sleep and has sex with them? I somehow can't see Kate doing this...

handinhand said...


Thanks for the E segment info. Do you remember if they mentioned RH's book? Would be nice to think he got a plug.

Millicent said...

I will reiterate that children and adults alike do learn rather quickly to adapt to their environment. My son is almost always an absolute sweetheart when we are at my parents (his grandparents') house, whereas at home he can be more like Axl on The Middle lol. Also, his father is more strict than I am and has a lot more rules at his house. But my son adapted and knew the rules both places and it was never a problem.

So I figure that the Gosselin kids also know the difference between being at home with their mother; being at school; and being with their dad. It seems since that one incident where two were suspended or expelled temporarily, the rules of school behavior have sunk in.

Tuckers Mom said...

Kate's more of a harridan.

Millicent said...

I could be wrong, but I think TFW is finally reaching the end of her "TV personality" road. Her season of CA may or may not make it to tv audiences. The longer they hold that season back, the less likely it will make it to tv. She is being very heavily criticized in all media.

I compare her sometimes to Tonya Harding, who fell from the public's grace with the Nancy Kerrigan incident. She scrabbled around for years, trying to eke out a living, and even did an episode of Celebrity Boxing. In more recent years, she was a commentator on World's Dumbest, which seemed to be a place of semi-redemption for any number of tv celebs (Danny Bonaduce, Todd Bridges, Leif Erikson, etc.)

The difference between a person like Tonya Harding and TFW, is that TFW's actions have hurt and been harmful to her own children. You can't get too much lower than that. I do not see her finding a redemption arc back into the public spotlight -- you just really cannot come back from "child abuser" and "animal abuser" into any sort of tv personality that networks would want. Her television career, such as it was, is over now.

FYI said...

handinhand said... 176

Thanks for the E segment info. Do you remember if they mentioned RH's book? Would be nice to think he got a plug.

No, they did not mention Robert's book. It was basically just a recap of their online article. They didn't mention the book in their article either.

lukebandit said...

Is the reason why they are reporting ates abuse but not plugging the book is because of the slim chance it is not true? But Julie Chen said, from the tell-all book. So if anyone who wanted to know more could google and find it.

Ex Nurse said...170

For example, they were entirely appropriate and cooperative on the camping trip with the Palins, until their succubus mother melted down.


Absolutely! They BLOSSOMED there! They were so at ease, attentive and wanted to learn what Mr. Palin was teaching them with the rocks. They loved the food, and I don't even recall them fussing, hitting, spitting on each other while they were there.

kate realized as soon as she got there, she was NOT in control. She was always in control when they went on a trip, but not this one. Sarah, the ex-gov., Todd, Mr. Palin to her were very intimidating and she couldn't stand it. She realized she couldn't bulldoze them, so she chose to bulldoze her kids and boy did she do a great job doing it!

Those poor kids were doing a craft at the table and she said all of a sudden without warning that they were leaving, they said they wanted to stay and she said, if you don't leave now you are not Gosselins anymore. You can be Palins. Wow. What if one of the kids would of said, mommy, your not a Gosselin anymore because you divorced daddy! But what was bad about what she told them was horrible because they thought that they would never see Jon again because they were not going to be Gosselins anymore. I can still see her in my mind, standing there with her arms crossed.

The reason why they had to leave was because the way she did Mady and TLC executives had to fly there and then it was decided that they would leave. Then didn't they all fly back to PA and they went to Jons and ate and Steve flew to LA for a meeting with Eileen O'neill?

Then the infamous pitiful heartbreaking video of the kids wailing wanting to stay with Jon. Mady and Cara looked so pitiful hugging Jon and they didn't want to let him go. This is when they got back from Jon's right after going to Alaska. I hope I have this time line right.

AuntieAnn said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 175

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a succubus (in mythology) a female demon who seduces men in their sleep and has sex with them? I somehow can't see Kate doing this...


She probably goes in for the kill even if their eyes are wide open. Just ask Jon.

Either way succubus seems appropriate.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

Im beginning to see some red flags. Very suspicious that a nanny has come out and is speaking out on Kate. She was a nanny for 8 months and yet she only mentions that Kate wants to know what conversations go on between Jon and the kids. That Kate spanks Collin because he's the busiest. What the heck??? That she spanks him with a PLASTIC spoon! Makes the kids pull weeds when they misbehave .

The nanny also says that she has to stop washing the dishes at 9:00 P.M. Please anyone who knows anything about Kate knows that is not going to happen. She would not let her leave with dirty dishes in the sink.

The biggest red flag of all is that the kids love to watch themselves on film over and over again. Huh?????? How many of you here have or had kids that watch (ed) home movies every night?? That alone is over the top ridiculous . They're kids not babies, even at the time she was their nanny.

And the timing that this nanny comes out is weird . Robert's book is much worse yet this nanny is being discussed more then the book. Could it be that Kate did prepare herself for the release of Robert's book?? She certainly had time to plan for it. One more thing whether it's E News or the Pittsburg Newspaper they never mention Robert's book.

Carrin said...

Kids do act different in different situations. My older married sister asked me why I was always so polite and mannerly when my mother was around, and why was I such a "wild indian" away from my mother. That was a surprise to me. I didn't know my behavior changed when around my mother. I dearly loved and respected my mother, so maybe it just felt different when I was away from her. I wasn't afraid of my sister or my mother, loved them both dearly. It was news to me.

FYI said...

I think the reason they don't mention Robert's book when talking about the nanny is because the nanny interview is a separate thing and isn't from the book.

Enews did an interview with the nanny, so there would be no reason to mention the book. The Enquirer interview with a nanny also didn't mention the book.

If they mentioned something that was from the book, like The Talk did, then I could see them mentioning the book.

Sue said...

Tomatoes, Kate has said over and over in the past that they watch themselves on TV ALL.THE.TIME. and that it's one of their favorite things to do, and yes, at the time she was the nanny the kids were much younger and that may have been all that Kate let them watch. I don't see that red flags that you're seeing and I certainly don't see Kate being behind the nanny coming out now.

MaryB said...

Perhaps the nanny is concerned about the CA that she signed and didn't want to completely spill the beans - just enough but not everything.

TLC stinks said...

I think the nanny spoke out because she is aware of Robert's book so decided to jump on that bandwagon. I cannot see Kate planting a nanny story that paints Kate spanking Collin with a spoon. I hope others come forward but perhaps it's concern for a CA and embarrassment they followed Kate's directions. I wonder if Ashley will ever come out with what she witnessed.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Tomatoes, Kate has said over and over in the past that they watch themselves on TV ALL.THE.TIME. and that it's one of their favorite things to do, and yes, at the time she was the nanny the kids were much younger and that may have been all that Kate let them watch. I don't see that red flags that you're seeing and I certainly don't see Kate being behind the nanny coming out now.


I agree. I don't see any red flags either. The book and the nanny are two separate issues, and both the tabs and TV have discussed each of them. I don't think that the nanny is being discussed more than the book. ROL has printed multiple stories about what is in the book. Kate did say that they watch their show over and over fact, she's said this several times so it's not difficult to believe that this is true.

"The nanny also says that she has to stop washing the dishes at 9:00 P.M. Please anyone who knows anything about Kate knows that is not going to happen. She would not let her leave with dirty dishes in the sink."


If Kate makes a rule that dish-washing stops at 9 p.m., then that's the law in the household and nobody is going to change it. Let's face it...Kate is not normal. If she doesn't want anyone in the kitchen after that hour, then that's the way it's going to be, dishes or no dishes. I find it hard to believe that a nanny would make this up because it's so far out there. You just don't pull something like that out of thin air. She was there, so she obviously knows exactly what the rules were.

Ex Nurse said...

Rainbowsandunicorns said...
(About succubus)
From Wikipedia:
"In modern fictional representations, a succubus may or may not appear in dreams and is often depicted as a highly attractive seductress or enchantress; whereas, in the past, succubi were generally depicted as frightening and demonic."

Yep, that's how I remember the use of the word. It sounds frightening and demonic. Feel free to substitute any other frightening and demonic creature--I don't mind!

Ex Nurse said...

How would a story about spanking distract from the book--it actually validates it. I can't see TFW as being behind this.

Gayle said...

Didn't Robert say in the book, or maybe it was on his website, that people would now begin to come forward? He never mentioned who the people would be but since he was in contact with several of the nannies it makes sense that they're who he was referring to.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Merely speculation on my part, but setting a time for the nanny to
stop washing dishes sounds like, "Please leave - there's a box
of wine in the cabinet calling my name and we'd rather be alone."

Tucker's Mom said...

If Kate makes a rule that dish-washing stops at 9 p.m., then that's the law in the household and nobody is going to change it. Let's face it...Kate is not normal. If she doesn't want anyone in the kitchen after that hour, then that's the way it's going to be, dishes or no dishes. I find it hard to believe that a nanny would make this up because it's so far out there. You just don't pull something like that out of thin air. She was there, so she obviously knows exactly what the rules were.
"The truth has a certain ring to it"

- Ernest Hemingway ~ Administrator said...

The 9 pm rings true to me. Number one she's cheap and doesn't want to pay the nanny for time after the kids are asleep. The purpose of the nanny is to get the kids out of her hair. It is a waste of money to pay her when they are not bothering her. And second someone as controlling as her would be strung out at the idea of someone in her kitchen after she's retreated to the bedroom. Especially banging dishes around. Her brain just can't handle the idea. Jon just recently referred to the nanny so I doubt very much has changed.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

"In modern fictional representations, a succubus may or may not appear in dreams and is often depicted as a highly attractive seductress or enchantress; whereas, in the past, succubi were generally depicted as frightening and demonic."

Yep, that's how I remember the use of the word. It sounds frightening and demonic. Feel free to substitute any other frightening and demonic creature--I don't mind!


I'm not sure that Kate qualifies as highly attractive or enchanting, although Gladys would disagree! I remember a succubus to be a female demon who descends on men for the specific purpose of having sex; the male demon is the incubus. Of course, I don't know from experience.

Formerly Duped said...

They had so many nannies- Kate said they couldn't handle the job. There was the one from the Nanny Agency she selected on the show, Jenny the cute redhead who went to OBX, Judy the Asian lady who did great hairstyles on the girls, one who took Cara to the dr for her bruised foot, casual helpers like Carla, Ashley and one of Beth's girls, many more.I'm sure they all have stories! Kate admitted to a homework helper and anonymous helpers who assisted with shower time and so the kids were never alone while she did other things like the garage reorganization.She has said it's part-time help; she does most of it on her own. Deanna stated on CWS that Kate does MOST of the house work and childcare herself.'Most' is loosely defined, I think!

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

MaryB said... 187
Perhaps the nanny is concerned about the CA that she signed and didn't want to completely spill the beans - just enough but not everything.


If she's concerned, and IF she signed CA, spilling one bean or the whole jar would constitute violation of that order. It means that NOTHING comes out, not even just a handful.

Formerly Duped said...

The gingerbread house the kids were not allowed to eat is reminiscent of also must have been so hard for the kids to build up trust with these nannies only to have them leave.You could see how they grew fond of Kendra pretty fast after initial wariness.

Tucker's Mom said...

Millicent said... 179
I could be wrong, but I think TFW is finally reaching the end of her "TV personality" road.
I don't know if Kate will ever go away completely- there will be D-list opportunities for some time to come, and Kate will be willing to do whatever she thinks it takes to "T" up her career again.
I don't believe there will be another family show involving the kids. Sure, a special now and then, but maybe not.
The tups will turn 13 in 3 years, and that's a lifetime in tv, and her children will be old enough to put their foot down by then.
I can envision more "has beens and never was'es" shows for Kate.
I can't envision a seat on The View, The Talk and in nowhere in the known universe, a talk show called "Kate".

Although.... Merideth Vierra is getting her own talk show this fall, and I think Kate still will have some juice with her old Today show pal, so I expect an appearance there.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Do you suppose someone has told TFW to keep her trap shut so she is actually taking their advise? I know it is a lot to believe, but could speak to her silence. You know she is just seething over this book of Robert's, but sometimes the more one tries to defend, the guiltier one looks! Maybe somebody she respects or pays to advise her has gotten through, finally. You know TFW really wants to be famous and make those big bucks forever.

Tucker's Mom said...

Gayle said... 192
Didn't Robert say in the book, or maybe it was on his website, that people would now begin to come forward? He never mentioned who the people would be but since he was in contact with several of the nannies it makes sense that they're who he was referring to.
July 25, 2014 at 1:10 PM

I do recall Robert alluding to this.
My take was that Robert found out from sources, that certain situations that we are aware of, are in fact, much, much worse.
I seem to recall Robert relating that the sources/truth would come to light.
I can't remember the exact situation he was referring to- perhaps the not-an-expulsion- and I remember thinking, "holy shit, it's worse?!"

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate didn't want the kids eating cupcake when they were little so I think she did the same with the gingerbread house.

Plus she loves to control food portions.

I also can see her telling the nanny bye-bye-(no dishes)- at 9pm if the kids are in bed she can get drunk.

Nothing ruins your tipsiness like a loud dish washer lol's.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I wouldn't say KK is a succubus more lie medusa.

Fleecing The Sheeple said...

Deanna stated on CWS that Kate does MOST of the house work and childcare herself.'Most' is loosely defined, I think


How in the heck does Deanna know what Kate does or doesn't do? She doesn't live there with her.

Formerly Duped said...

Is what Robert promised never to reveal known? ~ Administrator said...

I noticed from the special Kate is pretty good at getting up early and looking busy at a whole lot of nothing. At the end of the day she set up one booth out of ten and made a cake they couldn't eat. Deanna isn't the brightest bulb in the bunch and all she would have to do is see Kate flutter around to conclude she does it all. Remember that brief period where she was defending her on twitter? She said something like Kate brings in all the groceries herself I saw it! If something like that impresses her I don't put much weight in anything else she says.

AuntieAnn said...

Although.... Merideth Vierra is getting her own talk show this fall, and I think Kate still will have some juice with her old Today show pal, so I expect an appearance there.


She'd better wait a little while before she drags Kate Gosselin onto her show unless she wants it cancelled before it gets off the ground. If she does have her on, she'd better keep a ten-foot pole handy. The Kate kurse is highly kontagious.

AuntieAnn said...

She said something like Kate brings in all the groceries herself I saw it! If something like that impresses her I don't put much weight in anything else she says.


Aw, now isn't she a trooper.


She'd better not set those bags on the counter either. She probably brings them in herself so the kids can't touch them with their filthy hands or go through them to see what she bought. I remember that was always a thrill when I was a kid and my kids did it too. And yes, they were always looking for the 'good stuff'' like potato chips and what not.

FYI said...

Kate's having a little tweet fest:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 53m
Hey guys..what's up? It's ACTUALLY quiet here... (Only 2 kids home! I verrry rarely have less than 1/2 of them home) SO thought I'd say HI!

Sarah Federici ‏@Sarahspf · 27m
@Kateplusmy8 Enjoy my dear, enjoy. I always look forward to it, but when its too quiet, I get lonely. Is that crazy or what? Love my sons.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 1m
@Sarahspf same here. It's an odd feeling2have 'down time' &the quiet is 2 quiet ..When it(rarely) occurs, that is. Off to make dinner soon!

What about all the "down time" she has when the kids are in school or at Jon's? And because she only has 2, count em, 2 kids at home, she suddenly decides to tweet?

Seems like she's just doing more damage control. She's been ignoring her tweeties, so she has to get validation that they still love her. I noticed Irishfan showed up, and she even replied to him.

JMO said...

Aside from the filming, which was heavily edited, I think Jon, the nannies, and kids know the truth. A couple of the "helpers/friends" probably do as well.

The behavior on film was bad enough (after editing) but I don't think we even know the half of it. Can't imagine when there is no filming, witnesses, etc... what goes on with her erratic behavior. But I saw enough to know she is manipulative and the boys are not getting the same treatment.

JMO said...

Admin 3- So many buffers. For 10 years. The enabling is maddening. If there wasn't a show, the enabling would never have occurred, as evidenced by Jodi, Kevin and countless others who saw the atrocity of what was really going on. ~ Administrator said...

I rarely have less than half is a slam at Jon. She has to rub it in that she always has at least a few she has successfully alienated from him. Congrats on giving your kids daddy issues Kate. That's something to brag about.

JMO said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 53m
Hey guys..what's up? It's ACTUALLY quiet here... (Only 2 kids home! I verrry rarely have less than 1/2 of them home) SO thought I'd say HI!
Wow, just wow. What a parent alienator. ~ Administrator said...

My first question when I saw that tweet from Deanna is you sat there and watched poor shmoopy haul all those groceries in by herself? Why didn't you help? Seems kind of rude.

JMO said...

Hope all the kids are feeling comfortable enough to visit with Jon, without the wrath of the queen. She is so selfish and self-absorbed. Who does this kind of message on twitter?

Formerly Duped said...

Sounds like the two that are home are not the faves. Otherwise they would be watching TV or playing games in Kate's bedroom after a delicious meal scoring a 10 and shrieks of delight.Maybe the twins are at a sleepover and two boys or Alexis are with her, the rest with Jon.
Not my concern, just figures if she's on Twitter.

FYI said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 17m
Well.. Quiet time is over... Off to make dinner for ONLY 2--my lonely little boy and girl! lol! #FunChat #ThanksGuys

Notice how she just had to specify a boy and a girl. For all we know, she could be talking about Zorro(or Shoka) and one of the twins or the 2 beta fish, Fizzy and Finn. But she wants to imply that it's one of the boy tups, and one of the girls.

Several people asked her which 2 were home, and of course, she didn't answer.

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