Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Kate blasted by the hosts of 'The Talk': 'They didn't get a chance to choose it.'

Sharon Osbourne, Marie Osmond, Sara Gilbert and other industry experts discussed Kate on today's show. Said Gilbert: "Any time you're putting kids on T.V.--I was a kid on T.V. and I wanted to be there--but if you're putting eight kids on T.V. from the time they are tiny you don't know which ones want to be there and which ones don't. ... I chose it. They didn't get a chance to choose it."

Osbourne also explained that people in the business, like Gilbert's legendary family, have a much better understanding of how the industry works than ill-prepared and naive reality T.V. families from middle America: "It's our industry. We know what we're going to get, you know what you're not going to get. So therefore, it's a whole different thing."

1722 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Tucker's Mom said...

grisel arteaga ‏@grisel1018 19m
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate!! How r u?? What are you doing with your time being almost alone? It's crazy! I bet you don't know what t o do!
July 26, 2014 at 1:17 PM
Oh, silly, of course Kate knows what to do.
She sits at home by the phone and waits for her kids to call her and pick them up because they want to come home and be with her.


Get with the program!!!

(btw... I see Kate is still unraveling this weekend...)

Sherry Baby said...

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 29m
@Kateplusmy8 is a better mom than any of the haters who care more about how Kate raises her kids than how they raise their own

This one is as obnoxious and annoying as Gladys. I just looked at her TL. Her hate tweets and name-calling to celebrities are all over the place. Kate certainly does attract the odd ones, doesn't she?

Sherry Baby said...

I agree, she is manic tweeting and hitting the sauce, not spaghetti.

Nothing wrong with hitting the sauce. A good rumspringa now and then never hurt anyone! :-)

Right, Auntie?

Sherry Baby said...

Collie's the widow, with a huge hole in her heart that was cured by a miracle. They talk about the haters, but they are on line all the time.

If she has time to be on Twitter non-stop, wouldn't you think that she would find a few minutes to search for that lost "D"?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

About the manic gotta figure she's scared witless
about what Radar's next story is. Waiting for the other stiletto to
drop. It's not if at this point, it's when, and what. And with every
story, Robert's sales go up, up, up. It must be destroying her.

Didn't she recently say she only had an ocassional babysitter?
Wonder how she'll spin it if she goes on that getaway we suspect
she's planning...

Pants on Fire said...

lukebandit said... 18

Book sales right now. 2222!!!

I ordered 2 more paperbacks today. Makes a GR8 Gift!!

AnnieD said...

Anonymous said... 200
Funny, Milo has all these brilliant ideas on child-rearing, yet her husband dictates bedtime He essentially treats her like a child.
I wonder if she has a door on HER room....:)

Lynne In RI said...

Sodium, 13..."BorderCollie has several names I believe, one of her most active is lovinglife01O2O. Her and the detective and the one with the handicapped adult manchild go 24/7. Just check them out on twazzup."


I did. Oh, my gosh. I had no idea. Apparently she tweeted one of the non-fan's employers yesterday. They are really caught up in all of this, aren't they? Do they have a life? A family? How can anyone be so obsessed with this stuff that it takes over their lives? It's kind of sad, actually. Mental issues are really nothing to be ignored.

FYI said...

So Collin spent his day "helping" at the neighbor's farm instead of being with his dad. I have no words right now.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 14m
@MiloandJack I picked Collin up aft helping on nbors farm! Couldn't tell me fast enuf abt ALL the fun! Then he ate me out of house/home! Lol

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 9m
@MY_2BCOLLIES @MiloandJack true!! He's enjoying outdoor hard work &is actually very helpful 2 me 2.. But there r the dramatic 1's here 2 😉

Lynne In RI said...

Oh my, Kate has just tweeted a pic of Zorro nestled in her cleavage. LOL
Mr. Celebrity "Attict" will go bonkers.


Okay, Kate. Put down the bottle. That's enough for one day.

NJGal51 said...

A farm hand at 10 #unfuckingbelievable

@Kateplusmy8: @MiloandJack I picked Collin up aft helping on nbors farm! Couldn't tell me fast enuf abt ALL the fun! Then he ate me out of house/home! Lol

@Kateplusmy8: @MY_2BCOLLIES @MiloandJack true!! He's enjoying outdoor hard work &is actually very helpful 2 me 2.. But there r the dramatic 1's here 2 😉

chefsummer #Leh said...

Zorro finally knows how he would look with blonde hair!

Aww that poor bird in the blond messy.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Lauren ‏@ljohnson2006 29m
@Kateplusmy8 is a better mom than any of the haters who care more about how Kate raises her kids than how they raise their own

Should she raise her own kids i;m confused?
& no.

Kate is not a better mom than my mother sorry Lauren. ~ Administrator said...

Okay, Kate. Put down the bottle. That's enough for one day.


At this point you take away the keys. Or in her case the damn phone.

Really, today and yesterday too was just downright embarrassing.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 14m
@MiloandJack I picked Collin up aft helping on nbors farm! Couldn't tell me fast enuf abt ALL the fun! Then he ate me out of house/home! Lol

Good thing you didn't sue again since you need the money to feed the kids.

MaryB said...

Boy, she's trying to hit all the talking points tonight. Everything she's being slammed about. He transparency is so obvious. Plus throw in the sauce she's drinking and that makes for desperate twitters.

chefsummer #Leh said...

grisel arteaga ‏@grisel1018 19m
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate!! How r u?? What are you doing with your time being almost alone? It's crazy! I bet you don't know what t o do!

Apparently she stuff her poor bird down her shirt.

FYI said...

This guy is getting just as bad as Milo. Kate shows up again on twitter and there he is. He supposedly has a wife and 6 kids, but he's busily tweeting to Kate and wants so badly for her to follow him.

Matt Anderton ‏@CelebAttict · 1m
@Kateplusmy8 I would love a follow Kate!! I live in PA by Scranton..You must live in the nice section of Reading

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Jeanne K ‏@JeanneKaye 21m
@Kateplusmy8 we will have to change your name to Rapunzel before too long 😊

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 12m
@JeanneKaye ha! Hoping my busyness doesn't force that nickname to be true! #SoHeavy #TooMuchTimeToDry&FlatIron

Huh? What has Rapunzel got to do with busyness?

chefsummer #Leh said...

Look at the look on Zorro face hahaha poor bird.

FYI said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 10m
@Kateplusmy8 @CelebAttict Oh be careful....Shoka is gonna get jealous! U know he's ur main man there! #WoofWoof A reminder from Jack! :)

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 9m
@MiloandJack @CelebAttict without a doubt. Working on his tv watching etiquette .. When Z isn't around, that is ;)

Shoka's "working on his tv watching etiquette"? WTH is that supposed to mean?

Kate should not drink and tweet. She's a babbling idiot. I guess that's how she spends "quality time" with her kids.

Lynne In RI said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 14m
@MiloandJack I picked Collin up aft helping on nbors farm! Couldn't tell me fast enuf abt ALL the fun! Then he ate me out of house/home! Lol


Well, apparently she's driving. Nobody took away the keys yet.

chefsummer #Leh said...

TMZ ‏@TMZ Jul 24
The latest Kate Gosselin allegations are the most horrible -- and damning -- of them all (via @fishwrapped)

FYI said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 23
About the manic gotta figure she's scared witless
about what Radar's next story is. Waiting for the other stiletto to
drop. It's not if at this point, it's when, and what.

I think you're right. Kate has been basically ignoring her tweeties, just tweeting maybe on random tweet a day. Now that there have been no new articles for 2 days, she goes on a twitter spree.

She's got to placate her tweeties to make sure they'll stick by her and support her when the next story hits.

High Sodium Content said...

Milo is a trick. Her mother is dying, but she deposited her w/ a brother, she's twittering her cares away w/ Kate and taking long walks in the woods. She sounds as self absorbed as her hero is.

jennine s said...

Boy is Kate on the sauce,tonight !! She is not not making any sense at all.

NJGal51 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tucker's Mom said...

Matt Anderton ‏@CelebAttict · 1m
@Kateplusmy8 I would love a follow Kate!! I live in PA by Scranton..You must live in the nice section of Reading
Rut Roh

NJGal51 said...

Between bleaching and flat ironing her hair must be one hot mess especially if it's halfway down her back as she claimed earlier. Taxicab yellow is never a good look especially with the dark stripe down the center.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

She made Collin worked on neighbors farm???? Kate actually thinks that people are going to believe that Collin rather be working on a Saturday instead of being with his brothers and Dad??? She must be drunk.

Poor little guy. No wonder he's always angry.

Sometimes I really do want to feel bad for Kate but she's just so bad to the core that I can't. Who treats their own child like that?? And no excuses can justify Collin having to work while his siblings are having fun with dad. Bitch!

Over And Out said...

Both the haters and the sheeple can dish it out and each side can be vile, disgusting and yes, maybe even border on dangerous at times. I may be naive, but until I read the goings-on between these two factions I didn't realize that grown adults, many of whom are parents, could be so immature and act so middle school-ish. It just makes you shake your head and say, STOP IT! I just don't understand how this in-fighting can consume their every waking moment, and it obviously does!

FYI said...

Notice how Kate never mentioned which 2 kids were at home even after several of her tweeties asked her. Then after a non-fan tweets the picture of Jon and the kids, she has to blatantly point out that Collin was one of the kids at home with her.

It was just another way to bash Jon by implying that Collin would rather work at the neighbor's farm that to go spend time with his dad.

I doubt she would have mentioned Collin's name if she didn't know about the picture. She got busted and she using it to bash Jon even more.

Anonymous said...

I read here but post infrequently due to being mistaken for the twitter person you call Border Collie but who actually is "my2bcollies" or something like that. Note we are not one and the same. That is her twitter name, not mine. Perhaps I should change my posting name here.

Over And Out said...

Sometimes I really do want to feel bad for Kate but she's just so bad to the core that I can't. Who treats their own child like that?? And no excuses can justify Collin having to work while his siblings are having fun with dad. Bitch!

Maybe it was his choice. You just don't know. Obviously something is going on there, and there must be a reason why he's not with his father.

MaryB said...

Each time she tries to set the story straight she ends up making it worse. She has no PR person now, that is obvious.

Over And Out said...

Matt Anderton ‏@CelebAttict · 1m
@Kateplusmy8 I would love a follow Kate!! I live in PA by Scranton..You must live in the nice section of Reading
Rut Roh


LOL!! Oh, I bet you'd love more than a follow! Let's see. What a dumb remark. No, actually Kate lives in the seedy side of town, right in the Street Walker district and sketchy bar area. Drunks live in the gutter right next to her front door. Sheesh!

Hey, champ. She doesn't live in Reading!

Over And Out said...

High Sodium Content said... 44
Milo is a trick. Her mother is dying, but she deposited her w/ a brother,


Maybe her own mother doesn't want to live with her!

Over And Out said...

Well, apparently she's driving. Nobody took away the keys yet.


"And she'll have fun, fun, fun, 'til her nanny takes the car keys away.
She shouldn't have lied now, she shouldn't have lied..."

chefsummer #Leh said...

Well, apparently she's driving. Nobody took away the keys yet.

Maybe she drove the gator she got TLC to grift,

AuntieAnn said...

Sherry Baby said... 21

Nothing wrong with hitting the sauce. A good rumspringa now and then never hurt anyone! :-)

Right, Auntie?


Right. Yes. Definitely. No argument from me. lol.

I think Shmoops was either drunk or we witnessed the final unraveling of reality tv's supermom via twitter. She might have actually realized there's a fork sticking out of her head. She's done.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

On CA, Kate's going to show what a terrific mom she is? I didn't realize the kids filmed with her!

And, Dingbat Milo, "smart business women" don't get fired!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m
@MY_2BCOLLIES Folks will be surprised 2see @Kateplusmy8 on #CelebrityApprentice as not just a terrific Mom but a smart business woman! :)

Sleepless In Seattle said...

She might have actually realized there's a fork sticking out of her head.


And, of course, that stick protruding from her rear end!

AuntieAnn said...

Serendipity said... 8

I haven't tried that one. Does it have a kick to it? I need something with zippidy doo-dah.


I've only had the American version which a neighbor had brought up from the States. It wasn't so much of a kick as it was just so dang smooth and tasty. They sell a slightly different version of it up here and it's good but it's not the same.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Border Collie said... 52
I read here but post infrequently due to being mistaken for the twitter person you call Border Collie but who actually is "my2bcollies" or something like that. Note we are not one and the same. That is her twitter name, not mine. Perhaps I should change my posting name here.


You could post as Collie, Not Missing The D Person!

MaryB said...

I think she knows she is done and will most likely not get any trips away now. Thus the pity-party followed by manic tweeting.

AuntieAnn said...

chefsummer said... 36

grisel arteaga ‏@grisel1018 19m
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate!! How r u?? What are you doing with your time being almost alone? It's crazy! I bet you don't know what t o do!

Apparently she stuff her poor bird down her shirt.


Speaking of stuffed - I swear that poor bird died and Kate had him stuffed and she's posing him between her boobs. The last time she tweeted a picture of him in her cleavage his eyes were closed.

Seriously though, I agree with your other comment. The look on his little face is like "WTF? Get me outta here!"

Future Nurse said...

NJGal51 said... 60
@Kateplusmy8: @CarleneMarie_1 I sure will but to never get a break is very draining...Gotta have some balance..But I know I'll b wishing it back some day
She can’t possibly be serious.

Bill said... 68
I saw a tweet at one time that the kids are into the show Full House now. Have they ever been told that was not an actual family?
I’ve never thought about that. That’s really interesting that the kids (and other reality show kids) might think scripted TV shows are actual families since they are an actual family and were on TV. I imagine they’re old enough to know now, but I wonder if some reality show kids do think all families on TV are real families.

FYI said...

I think Milo is getting into the wine tonight too. She tweeted a picture of a platitude to Kate and the guy in the picture is flipping the bird. What happened to her Christian Sunday go to meetin' persona?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 8m
Ha...this is priceless & so true! >> U've already shown urself 2b a #WiseWoman @Kateplusmy8

Then of course, she's got to jump on the bash Jon bandwagon too.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 20m
@Kateplusmy8 Its wonderful that Collin has the opportunity 2work/help out on a REAL FARM! City kids have no idea! Also some male bonding tm!

Ha ha--I just went back to her timeline to copy the last tweet, and I noticed that the tweet with the platitude was deleted. Maybe it didn't register with her the first time what the guy was doing.

Millicent said...

Over And Out said... 50

Both the haters and the sheeple can dish it out and each side can be vile, disgusting and yes, maybe even border on dangerous at times. I may be naive, but until I read the goings-on between these two factions I didn't realize that grown adults, many of whom are parents, could be so immature and act so middle school-ish. It just makes you shake your head and say, STOP IT! I just don't understand how this in-fighting can consume their every waking moment, and it obviously does!
Which is why I don't read the posts on twitter. Why allow oneself to get caught up in the in-fighting between strangers? The only time I hear about it is when people post about it here.

Sad but true said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 60
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 4m
@MY_2BCOLLIES Folks will be surprised 2see @Kateplusmy8 on #CelebrityApprentice as not just a terrific Mom but a smart business woman! :)

When you think of all of the opportunities that were just HANDED to this talentless, mean, narcissistic waste of a human being that have all been blown, "smart" is not exactly the word that comes to mind.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Yes, Gladys, let's encourage 10-year-old boys to look outside of their
families for male role models. C has got a living, breathing, available
father who can do that job just fine.

Andrea said...

My father and Uncle went to school with some of the older Osmond children before the family moved to CA. All of the children were pimped out. They preformed at town functions, school functions and church functions. I think that Marie sympathizes with the children on a deeper level then others. She lived it and has survived many things.

MaryB said...

If Collin does have a 'role model' in this farm owner he is with, lets hope he forms enough of a bond that maybe he could confide in him someday. It is actually surprising that kate would let him be somewhere on his own where he could talk about things at home. Unless the farmer had to sign a CA!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Ha ha--I just went back to her timeline to copy the last tweet, and I noticed that the tweet with the platitude was deleted. Maybe it didn't register with her the first time what the guy was doing.


Ha! Remember when she tweeted (to the kids) the picture of the mating butterflies?

High Sodium Content said...

Kate is a twit...

Go to, you can see lots of Milo's crazy there.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I think Shmoops was either drunk or we witnessed the final unraveling of reality tv's supermom via twitter.


Could be both.

Anonymous said...

Moving past the absurdity of Collin being farmed out, literally, for the afternoon, which had to leave TFW alone with the golden child, the real question is WTF with the tweetathon? If she can't move herself to do anything with her special one, she really could care less about these kids. I do not get it.

OrangeCrusher 1

All This Is That said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3h
@Kateplusmy8 @MY_2BCOLLIES I do believe Collin already has YOUR work ethic Kate! Wonderful quality 2see N such a young boy! #CommendHim :)


Is she nuts? What work ethic might that be? Working at grifting? Working her kids on television? Exactly what "work" do the sheeple think that Kate does? She wants everything handed to her. I really hope the children don't grow up with the grifting/entitlement 'ethic.'

Sad but true said...

Anonymous said... 76

Those kids are props, nothing more, in the endless reality SHOW that plays in Kate's head. It's clear that reality itself is no longer within her grasp or on her agenda.

NJGal51 said...

I think Milo is getting into the wine tonight too. She tweeted a picture of a platitude to Kate and the guy in the picture is flipping the bird. What happened to her Christian Sunday go to meetin' persona?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 8m
Ha...this is priceless & so true! >> U've already shown urself 2b a #WiseWoman @Kateplusmy8
LOL Twit. I guess that Milo forgot that you can't nursing a bell and you can't untweet a tweet. I hope the no fans cut and paste Milo's tweet and give it back to her in spades.

Over In TFW's County said...

Harry T Nacious ‏@HarryTNacious 5m
@GovernorCorbett So PA still allows Child Abuse to go uncheck. Kate Gosselin sents 10yr son out ALONE 2 work on neighbor's farm #ChildAbuse

Oh my word. A hater is tweeting Gov. Corbett. Kate is what she is, but I hardly think that our governor would see a 10-year-old boy helping out on a neighbor's farm as child abuse. This is Amish farm country!

The kid was not ALONE. He was with the farmer, and I am assuming he knows him. Corbett has a few other issues on his plate. Kate Gosselin is not even on his radar. ~ Administrator said...

Well, he does need to follow child labor laws. Child labor in farming is very strictly regulated, however extremely lenient especially when kids aren't in school. Some states would let you work very young kids all day long in the summer. Having no idea if he followed the applicable laws, I'm not going to get upset over it.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

Over And Out......53

Maybe it's by choice.


That's really funny!! A 10 year old boy rather be working at the farm with whoever instead of hanging out with brothers and dad.

I was raised working at farms as a young child and it's no picnic.

As some of you sometimes say:

Sometimes you just want to bang your head on a wall.

Over In TFW's County said...

LOL Twit. I guess that Milo forgot that you can't nursing a bell and you can't untweet a tweet.


Blogger ate my post. I'll try again...

Who is nursing whom? That darn auto-correct, right?

Poor Milo. The platitude makes no sense and is not applicable to Kate. We are wise because we make our decisions based on what we see and what Kate has put out there. Milo needs to search for some new platitudes and be on the lookout for flipping birds!

Over In TFW's County said...

Well, he does need to follow child labor laws. Child labor in farming is very strictly regulated, however extremely lenient especially when kids aren't in school.


This is true, but child labor laws and child abuse (in PA) are two different things. I really doubt that Collin was chained, dragged by his feet and forced to perform twelve hours of hard labor.

Labor laws fall under the DOL. There is a chain of command there. The governor is not going to take it upon himself to look into what a Gosselin child is doing for a few hours on a farm in the summer when school is not in session.

NJGal51 said...

That's right Over In TFW's County, that "nursing" in my post should have been "unring". Now I think I need to go a nurse a drink!

Over In TFW's County said...

That's really funny!! A 10 year old boy rather be working at the farm with whoever instead of hanging out with brothers and dad.


I don't think it's funny at all. We don't know if it was his choice or not. We don't know the situation with his father. It could very well be that he likes the farmer and he enjoys being outside with the farm animals and simply helping with whatever the farmer asked him to do.

What we do know is that there is a reason that he'd rather hang out with the farmer than with his dad. That in itself is worrisome.

Over In TFW's County said...

Now I think I need to go a nurse a drink!


I'll drink to that! Of course, after reading about Kate's nonsense manic tweeting tonight, I'll drink to anything!

Kate needs to shut the heck up about what kids are at home, where they are, who they are with, and what they are doing. She just can't keep quiet.

AuntieAnn said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 75

I think Shmoops was either drunk or we witnessed the final unraveling of reality tv's supermom via twitter.


Could be both.


Do you think she might have realized the jig is up? It's hard to say, but if she's not capable of admitting it's not all rainbows and skittles in her house and the hills of PA aren't really alive with the sound of music then someone needs to take her by the collar and haul her into therapy and that doesn't mean to some afternoon talk show host like Phil McGraw. She needs professional help.

Oh hell. How long have we been saying that? It's futile.

All This Is That said...

The Noetic Nomad ‏@thenoeticnomad 5m
@Kateplusmy8 what's your favorite activity to do with your kids?

Oh, that's an easy one for Kate. Filming the crap out of the kids for $$$$.

Moon Over Miami said...

The governor is not going to take it upon himself to look into what a Gosselin child is doing for a few hours on a farm in the summer when school is not in session.

Agree. It's a sad day when one defends Kate. However, the rumours are getting out of hand.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

Over In TFW 's County......86

You know that Collin prefers to spend time with the farmer then Jon. How do you know that??? Who told you???

Actually I do think itt's funny that a 10 year old boy would prefer to work then hang out with brothers and dad!

One more question how do you know he played with farm animals instead of working????

Berks Neighbor said...

Depending on the type of work 'C' is doing on the farm, it can be dangerous. Even cows can kick and tractors can slip out of gear. That is why there are strict laws to having children working outside of the home (even if it's considered helping) not only out on a farm but elsewhere. The labor laws in PA are pretty darn strict when it comes to children/teens - physical exams, doctor approvals, school approval, etc. Even in summer. My kids have to make sure they have their job card (I can't remember the actual name of that yellow piece of paper) with them to show employers.

As for TFW's twitter fest last night. What I got out of it: TFW just showed her true colors. She can't stand being around her kids, hates the noise, isn't enjoying anything that can't stay quiet and snuggle up to the silicon attached to her chest, constantly needs 'a break' and isn't reluctant to express that desire 24/7, and ignores whatever child(ren) is home by sitting on her throne while her subjects (sheeple) blow smoke up her arse.

Tucker's Mom said...

Over In TFW's County said... 80
Harry T Nacious ‏@HarryTNacious 5m
@GovernorCorbett So PA still allows Child Abuse to go uncheck. Kate Gosselin sents 10yr son out ALONE 2 work on neighbor's farm #ChildAbuse

Oh my word. A hater is tweeting Gov. Corbett. Kate is what she is, but I hardly think that our governor would see a 10-year-old boy helping out on a neighbor's farm as child abuse. This is Amish farm country!
For the love of Pete!
I'm so glad that this blog rarely, if every, goes "there".
For his hater to even attempt to make a big deal out of a 10-year old boy spending a day on a working farm and helping out is sick.

I'm assuming that Collin's day on the farm isn't a punishment, rather, an opportunity to hang out and do some really cool "big people" stuff, which kids LOVE to do.
Look, if he doesn't want to go to see Jon, I can hardly think of a better way to spend what was a GORGEOUS summer day, on a farm, hanging out with farmers, learning, doing, developing skills and being in a healthy environment.
What else to do for Collin?
Kate certainly isn't going to have a bonding day with "just two" kids at home, so what's he to do? Play Legos? Hang in the pool again?

This opportunity reminds me of when the kids got to spend time with the Palin men, learning, playing and working.

For anyone to try to ascribe anything nefarious here in uncalled for and frankly, sounds like a witch hunt.

When I was young 12+ years old, I had the opportunity to spend time at a local barn (I got to know them from taking horseback riding lessons) during my summers, and I ADORED it.
Yep, I spent many, many summer days helping out and for FREE, I'd much stalls, groom horses and stack hay bales in the barn lofts.
I'd leave early and come home by dinner, tired and hungry, and very excited about my day.
I got to assist and travel for weekend horse shows, and eventually, had the opportunity to take over care of a couple horses whose owners where too busy to give them proper care and exercise.
That was the best reward that I got to reap for years, since my parents couldn't afford to buy and stable a horse.
I also happened to make a lot of friends.

So, I'm happy that Collin has this opportunity, and hopes he gets to continue doing his own thing, if that's what he chooses.

Of course, I hope Collin and Jon's relationship comes around eventually, but for now, these days working on a farm would have thrilled me as a kid, and I've no doubt it thrills Collin.

Tucker's Mom said...

Seriously though, I agree with your other comment. The look on his little face is like "WTF? Get me outta here!"
Zorro.... blink twice if you need help!

TLC stinks said...

I don't think my previous post went through. I commented that maybe Collin wants to be a farmer when he grows up. HOWEVER, it is Jon's weekend and there is something going on in that this child consistently has not been seeing his father. I would think Jon's custodial time would TRUMP Collin spending time on his neighbor's farm on this particular weekend. It is summer vacation so he could go to the farm any time.

I have no idea why Hannah would stay home with Kate except as a substitute for Mady to watch Collin to report back to the herr commandant.

And frankly her obvious plea for a private vacay because she never gets to relax is disgusting. She must dread summer even though she tweets how much fun they are having. So much fun but she needs time away? Again with the lying.

Paula said...

With all due respect, a 10 year old should not be "working" on a farm, esp. In the summer. Summer is joule be a relaxing, fun time for kids that age. Hopefully, Colin was just visiting and having a good time away from his mentally ill mother. What is more pathetic and tragic is that we are watching Kate "breakdown" on twitter, however I guess it is appropriate.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I wonder if this whole farm twittersode is damage control about
last week's Radar tidbit. See - C LOVES to work! It's not
punishment! And, no, he doesn't have anger issues - he
talked my ear off in the car! Oh, and by the way, he ate
me out of house and home and I ALLOWED him to!

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: @MY_2BCOLLIES @CelebAttict wow! That's in my notes somewhere too but haven't used that... Does it get THAT bad? #NowImScared #MoreThanB4
This tweet was in reference to taking the door off a kid's bedroom. My question is does she really have notes on best punishments to use for any given situation? Does she have a punishment notebook that she looks through to see what punishment will fit the crime? I can see her looking through her notes and gleefully checking off each punishment as she gets to inflict it upon the kids.

librarylady said...

Sometimes some things said are just silly. Saying that one of the kids was at the neighbor's farm "working" doesn't mean he was driving tractors and baling hay or handpicking lettuce in the sun for 10 hours. He was probably watching them milk cows or rode along in a combine or some such thing. One of mine would have spent every day on a family member's farm if he could have, ditching our family lol, from the time he was a toddler. And sometimes we let him, he loved it so much. To this day he finds it relaxing, and plans to do it full time some day.

And farm families know all too well the dangers. I'm sure they would be instructing him as he was there, as they do for other visitors. That's how you learn safety. It's better than sitting at home with a parent whom is clearly bored and whining. You do have to trust the farmers, and that's on the parent to be okay with it.

That being said, whatever is up with him and his father is a sad situation, and I suspect that someday it's going to come back to blow up against his mother and she will regret it.

Rhymes with Witch said...

I can see her looking through her notes and gleefully checking off each punishment as she gets to inflict it upon the kids. 98

Sadly, I can too. It 's scary.

Jillygee said...

I had a hell of a time w my older daughter when she was 16-17 , taking the door off would have accomplished nothing. K will prob do it thinking she will,have some sort of control. My daughter is 21 now and doing much better but those G kids are going to have a lot of anger and emotional issues the more mature they get I've said it before that K is not going to know how to deal w older teens and it ain't gonna be pretty. I feel so sorry for those kids : (

lukebandit said...

Flimsy Flamsy...97

I totally agree with you. It is Jon's weekend with his kids and Colin should be with his dad. Why does he have to go on JON'S TIME? She is the deflecting grand champion. He ate, He loves it, Couldn't wait to tell mommy all about it, like they are BFFS! He talked his head off, No anger issues, I let him al a carte the food and snack pantry till he stuffed himself silly!

I figured she just gave him 3 grapes, 3 crackers and a cube of cheese and a Juicy Juice.

ate's note to self in "Mommy's Food Journals". Make sure C's food supply next week is drastically cut. Can't make a habit of a kid of mine eating too much!

Even though he is a growing boy! BANG BANG BANG MY FREAKING HEAD ON THE WALL!

librarylady said...

I forgot to add to my previous post that Collin would probably LOVE being in 4-H, but I'm sure she would find it a hassle and fuss or find an excuse not to as with everything. He could start with something as simple as showing chickens, which he already has, if he really is into the farm animals (and it's also way more than just animal projects anymore). It's no one's business what they do for activities, but I do hope that maybe something like that is an option for him if he's truly interested.

Ex Nurse said...

Tucker's Mom...
So, I'm happy that Collin has this opportunity, and hopes he gets to continue doing his own thing, if that's what he chooses.
ITA. When I was around his age, I befriended the local gas station owner. I loved hanging out at the station, helping him fix bike flats and other minor repairs. My only payment was an ice cold grape NEhi out of the big cooler. I would imagine that Colin would enjoy having something that is just his--especially an adult male relationship! without having to be just one of the six pack. ANd, I am sure that if he has regular chores, that he is paid for his work. How ridiculous if people start harassing the farmer for this. What's next--report the twins for working under the table babysitting?

Ex Nurse said...

We don't know why C is not with Jon--making assumptions and jumping to conclusions is a waste of time, IMO. Maybe Jon takes him by himself upon occasion, or just the boys. We just don't know.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

So what was Kate's "good news" #famstuff that she tweeted? No reveal? Was this just a teaser to get her fans going, and she had no intention of sharing the happy happy news?

librarylady said...

ExNurse, I agree, but she seems to continually make pointed references to C not being with his father, so that just fans the flames (which is probably what she wants), and that is sad.

I think it's great he has the exposure to farming and something that he individually seems to enjoy. How nice that he has the opportunity basically next door and that she allows it. (If it ever shows up as a tv "opportunity"' instead of a private interest for him, however, I will probably change my tune).

Ingrid said...

I grew up a city kid but loved going to grandma's farm whenever I could. I would stay a week or two and helped with whatever I was able for my age. I drove tractor for tobacco harvest when I was 11. Fed calves, scooped manure in the barn. Helped with milking, chickens, pigs. It was the best time of my life because I got away from my dad who lectured and belittled me all my life til he died. I would never be a full time farmer but I enjoyed it so much!

I see nothing wrong with Colin being at the farm. Since he is not part of the farmer's own family I am sure he is not overworked and would be able to quit going any time that he doesn't want to do it anymore. I think it is great he can get away from his shrew of a mother.

Warmth Of The Sun said...

ITA. When I was around his age, I befriended the local gas station owner. I loved hanging out at the station, helping him fix bike flats and other minor repairs. My only payment was an ice cold grape NEhi out of the big cooler. I would imagine that Colin would enjoy having something that is just his--especially an adult male relationship! without having to be just one of the six pack. ANd, I am sure that if he has regular chores, that he is paid for his work. How ridiculous if people start harassing the farmer for this. What's next--report the twins for working under the table babysitting?


I'm totally on the same page for this one. Maybe he likes going to the farmer's and helping out. You know, people are up in arms because the kids are all a six-pack, no individuality, treated as a group. And now, he goes off on his own to do something he could very well like to do, and Kate's being jumped all over for sending the poor lad out into a slave labor camp, abusing him, and whatever. She's damned if she does, and damned if she doesn't.

We don't know anything about his relationship with his father, and frankly, that's an issue that needs to be dealt with in private, between Jon, Kate, Collin and hopefully a good therapist if, indeed, there is something going on there that needs to be fixed.

Kate's still a tool, but on this one, I just don't see child abuse at all and contact the state's governor is absolutely ridiculous.

Nurse -- I did the same thing when I was around that age, perhaps a bit younger. My friend and I hung out at the corner gas station, rode our bikes there, watched them patch tires, do oil changes and such. When I think about it now, I can't imagine letting a child do that, especially in a busy gas station with all kinds of strangers there. But those were different times, and we had a blast. To this day, the smell of gasoline and various other smells associated with a gas station, I get flashbacks of those good old days...great memories and innocent times of summer fun. Our reward for helping out was either a fudgsicle or an orange creamsicle. It was an important decision.

Tucker's Mom said...

lukebandit said... 102
Flimsy Flamsy...97

I totally agree with you. It is Jon's weekend with his kids and Colin should be with his dad. Why does he have to go on JON'S TIME?
Well, we don't know if Colin goes on Kate's time- perhaps he does.
What he does when he voluntarily refrains from spending time with Jon and his siblings is not the point.
For whatever reason, good, bad, both, indifferent- he didn't go to spend the weekend with Jon.
Them's the fact's M'am.
Given this constraint, I say that spending quality time, "working", learning, socializing, is a wonderful opportunity and Hell's Bells, I'm gonna say it- I give Kate credit for forging and moreover, keeping the relationships she has with locals, such as these farmers and Henry.

There are very few constants in the children's lives, but this is certainly one of them, and what a constructive, positive thing it is.

And you know what? It's REAL and down to earth and mediocre and exhausting and rewarding, as opposed to the "Golden Platter" stuff they've come to know.
No crew, no body guards, no helpers, no cameras, no booms.

Real life.
For once.

Let's not try to tear it down.

*jumps off soapbox now ;-)*

gabby2 said...

There is only one reason Collin is not with his father:

BECAUSE Kate does not want him there. Period.

Tucker's Mom said...

librarylady said... 107
ExNurse, I agree, but she seems to continually make pointed references to C not being with his father, so that just fans the flames (which is probably what she wants), and that is sad.


"See what wonderful men Colin gets to have as "Daddies" now that the "Daddy" crew is gone?"

"See how I'm providing positive male role models, since I can't "father" them?"

Oh sure, this is all about posturing on Kate's part.

I am glad Colin has this in his little life, but I have no doubt that it benefits Kate in some way, or she wouldn't be doing it.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Paula said, "With all due respect, a 10 year old should not be "working" on a farm, esp. In the summer. Summer is joule be a relaxing, fun time for kids that age."


Maybe that is relaxing for him. It's summer. Let him do what he wants to do if he enjoys being on the farm.

I agree with librarylady. Making these assumptions that Collin was being forced to do this as a punishment of some kind, out slopping the pigs and repairing fences is just so over the top. If he's happy doing this, then that's what he should do. He's lucky he has a place so close where he can get away from her and enjoy some time with other people.

I remember summers when I was that age. Living out in the country, we were close to Amish farms. My girlfriend and I would walk to the neighbor's farm where we helped milk the cows, and the lady of the house, who baked pies and cookies to sell at the road side stand, would let us roll out the dough in her kitchen. We absolutely loved doing this. We picked mint tea in the meadow and waded in the creek with all of the cow poop. Summer on the farm can mean good times!

Of course, we did get chased by a bull, but hey, that was all part of the fun. That guy was so nasty...

JMO said...

I don't know what is going on with Collin not visiting with Jon, but don't have a problem with him spending time with the "farmer" if that is what HE chooses. Maybe it is a break for him, the farmer treats him well, and he has a chance to branch out, and enjoy time separate from the 7 others. We all know he is one of the scapegoated kids by Kate, so am not sure what to make of this. Maybe he tends to the chickens, and then gets to spend time with the farmer, without all other kids.
Maybe this makes him feel special, as he gets a break from the chaos and criticism from Kate and the kids.

If he is not seeing Jon at all, I truly hope Jon truly pursues some "separate" time with Collin aside from the "scheduled" visits. We have all seen how the tups and Kate treat him on film, never mind what goes on when KRAP is not filming. And I don't think it is good in any way for him.

Any normal mother and father would address this issue, as Collin clearly is a good kid, but has been placed in a tenuous
situation. I really do feel for him, as he deserves better.

Kate should be encouraging visits with Jon, but I seriously doubt that is going on, much like with the twins. Kids do choose "survival" methods to make their lives easier. And I think this is what is going on. JMO.

Tucker's Mom said...

Ingrid said... 108
I grew up a city kid but loved going to grandma's farm whenever I could. I would stay a week or two and helped with whatever I was able for my age. I drove tractor for tobacco harvest when I was 11. Fed calves, scooped manure in the barn. Helped with milking, chickens, pigs. It was the best time of my life because I got away from my dad who lectured and belittled me all my life til he died. I would never be a full time farmer but I enjoyed it so much!
Sounds amazing!
My home life was very good, and I had plenty of friends in my neighborhood, so I wasn't looking to get way, rather, I was looking forward to experiencing something wonderful, and yes, it involved hard work.

And, occasionally getting thrown into a manure pit :-0

PA Dutch Mom said...

There is only one reason Collin is not with his father:

BECAUSE Kate does not want him there. Period.


Why him? What would the reason be?

Warmth Of The Sun said...

Helping out on a farm sure beats spending time in the basement watching old DVDs of their show while Mommy sits next to him crying, remembering how good it was when she was a celebrity.

FYI said...

I have no problem with Collin going to help out at the farm. Whatever the reason for him not being with Jon, it seems like a better scenario than spending the day with his mother.

What I do have a problem with is Kate blatantly putting it out there on twitter. She was asked which children were home with her and she didn't answer. Then she said that only "one" was home with her and then it just seemed like she waited for the perfect opportunity to state that Collin was at the neighbor's and not with Jon.

She didn't have to mention his name or what he was doing. But she did, and it came across that she was rubbing it in that Collin would rather be at the neighbor's than with his father. Just another subtle dig at Jon and more damage control.

She never mentioned the name of the one girl who was with her, yet she just had to mention Collin and what he was doing.

Tucker's Mom said...

Our reward for helping out was either a fudgsicle or an orange creamsicle. It was an important decision.

Another popsicle kid here!
My friend an I used to go to the pharmacy up the road and pick an ice-cold popsicle and that would be our treat for the day.
Oh what good times- and what we did "back in the day" galavanting all day and coming home for dinner!
I loved it.

Tucker's Mom said...

Of course, we did get chased by a bull, but hey, that was all part of the fun. That guy was so nasty...
July 27, 2014 at 9:41 AM
And somehow, we survived!
Go figure.

Look, whatever Colin was doing was probably a little help, but most likely, more work for the farmers, with supervising him and teaching him.
Bless the farmers' hearts.

Carole said...

@Kateplusmy8 100% from scratch homemade. NO bread machine.

Oh my, GKD. That looks delicious! yummm What flavor - filling?

Tucker's Mom said...

Kate should be encouraging visits with Jon, but I seriously doubt that is going on, much like with the twins. Kids do choose "survival" methods to make their lives easier. And I think this is what is going on. JMO.
Totally agree.
What does it benefit Kate if the kids want to spend more time with Jon, or never want to miss a visit with him?
It doesn't, so Kate is never going to pursue any avenue that facilitates her kids having the most healthy relationship with Jon.
She will just sit back and revel in how this does not make Jon look good, and how she has to be both Mom and Dad.

getofftwitter said...

I read most of the posts here, about Colin, on the neighbors farm. It's a fine & dandy, but we are forgetting that, when it is Jon's visitation with his kids, that means all 8 kids, not 1 or 6 all, which it is suppose to be. The kids are under 16-18, and by law, in the family court, under visitation, suppose to visit their dad, they don't have a choice at 10 or 13. Kate has no business keeping that child or any of the kids from visiting their dad. Jon should take her to court for violating the visitation. I agree the kid is better off at the other farm at least he can get away from that lunatic mother of his. But, when it is Jon's turn to visit kids, this child has to go. Whether the kid likes it or not. So it means that poor tired Kate, will have to get off her lazy ass and do some real work, and get her hands dirty. TS Kate.

Carole said...

What we do know is that there is a reason that he'd rather hang out with the farmer than with his dad. That in itself is worrisome.

I agree it is worrisome if he's not seeing Jon regularly, but I disagree that we know it's because he'd prefer to hang out with the farmer rather than his dad. Perhaps he wasn't given the option to visit with him. Maybe he was with him on Fri nite, had an obligation on Sat (I don't believe this is the case, but who knows...). We simply don't know why he was not visiting with Jon, who prefers what, why, or why not, who makes the decision and the reasons behind them. I can only hope that steps are being taken to end the alienation taking place and restore the healthy, loving relationship they once had.

All that said, if he's not going to go with his siblings to visit his dad, then I think it's much better that he's in what is probably a much healthier environment, with people who like him and let him be himself rather than stuck with TFW in the usual oppressive and controlled atmosphere at home.

Carole said...

Kate is tweeting with some guy who says he has 6 kids and can understand what Kate goes through. This is part of their convo:
Matt Anderton ‏@CelebAttict...

Did you look at his TL and/or youtube acct? He sure has a lot of free time for someone with 6 kids (2? w/autism). SMH ~ Administrator said...

I agree it is worrisome if he's not seeing Jon regularly, but I disagree that we know it's because he'd prefer to hang out with the farmer rather than his dad.


Exactly. A dozen things could be going on here. He could very well adore his father and desperately want to see him, but being the clear scapegoat in the family, he may be too afraid to upset Kate by leaving. He may feel it will be better for his relationship with her if he tries to please her by staying home. He may also worry about all the animals alone. He may also worry about his mother alone. She is very mentally unstable and if all the kids left her all weekend, he may wonder what would happen?

We just don't know and just have to hope and pray Jon is doing what is best to handle this. I know it's dysfunctional, I know that much. I know we never saw ANYTHING in the past that would indicate there is something wrong or dysfunctional between him and his father or any of the other children, which makes this all the more questionable.

Carole said...

Re my question about the term for changes to the kids' memories after watching so many hours of their own show:

Remona Blue said...
I think the term you are talking about is ''Cognitive dissonance"...
Rhymes with Witch said...
but one thing it's known as is "gaslighting"...

Yes, thank you both. Could it possibly be false memory syndrome (similar to what is seen w/abuse victims)?

Tucker's Mom said...

But, when it is Jon's turn to visit kids, this child has to go.
Apparently not- this is not how Jon is handling it, at least for now.
It seems that a while ago, it was decided that Jon wouldn't have all 8 at one time, so there's that. Additionally, Kate isn't holding Colin back against his will.

I don't know what's going on psychologically, emotionally or socially with the kids who don't visit Jon, or see him infrequently when they could see him more.
I've always thought Jon to be a really good dad, additionally, he is a child of divorce, and he knows what it's like to "pick" one parent over the other for a period of time.
Jon has said he did that himself, and I think, this gives him some insight as to what might be going through Colin's head.

This is a marathon, not a sprint, and Jon gets that.

Look at the relationship he has with his mom now!
(and not just because his dad passed away)

All This Is That said...

I was reading Kate's TL. My word. Those haters are out of control. They are "reporting" this on Monday. To whom, I have no idea. The state? For allowing Collin to help out at a neighbor's farm? What in the world is wrong with these people? Disliking Kate is one thing. Tweeting nasties to her and poking at the sheeple are another thing. But it's insanely ridiculous to assert that this farmer is using Collin for slave labor and complaining to the state about it is crazy. All this does is show to what extreme these people will go, and it makes Kate look like a victim in all of this. What do they hope to accomplish by making unfounded reports of child abuse? It's nuts!

librarylady said...

And, it could also be that his father recognized how much he might have wanted to do the "farm thing" and said, sure, son go ahead and have a great time. We really can't know and it's no one's business. The problem is that she tries to make it everyone's business.

Winsomeone said...

I, too, hope Colin is doing something that he wants to be doing. However, I can't help but feel a bit suspicious, as when has Kate ever put herself out for one of the tup boys that we know of before? They do no sports that we know of, or anything else that takes them off of the compound, but suddenly she is transporting him to the farm so he can just enjoy himself?

All This Is That said...

Jon should take her to court for violating the visitation. I agree the kid is better off at the other farm at least he can get away from that lunatic mother of his. But, when it is Jon's turn to visit kids, this child has to go.


If Jon is on top of this, and I hope that he is, he probably knows what is going on and isn't forcing his son to go with him when he has visitation. If this is agreeable to both parents, and if Jon believes it's in the best interest of the child, then I would think that even if it is his custodial time, he's doing the right thing by not forcing the issue. We don't know if she's violating the court visitation order and if he's agreed to let Collin make his own decisions, then taking her to court is not the answer.

JMO said...

Kate is a twit said... 118
What I do have a problem with is Kate blatantly putting it out there on twitter. -------

Totally agree. Not necessary other than for her self-serving purposes. Will she ever stop advertising her "parental alienation?

The fact that Jon and Kate do not speak (but text), speaks volumes about TFW's interest about her kids, especially the boys. Not okay, as they should be co-parenting and discussing concerns with the kids.
That is what truly good parents do. Still all about Kate and not the kids.

Carole said...

Oh what good times- and what we did "back in the day" galavanting all day and coming home for dinner!
I loved it.

My sibs and I talk about the wonderful fun we had growing up. Ahhh, the summer nights we'd all straggle home when Mother called that dinner was ready and then we'd head back out to play with friends until dark. We'd take a bath to get rid of the dirt and sweaty grime from the day and then often lounge outside in our jammies until bedtime - windows open (no AC then) of course, praying for a breeze to come thru the window to cool our hot bodies.
I'd give anything to go back and experience those carefree days of 'ole.

Gayle said...

Tuckers Mom- 128

I'm confused. Could you share when it was verified that Jon wouldn't have all 8 of the children at once? Although we see a picture of Jon with a few children now and then, couldn't ot be that he does have all 8 at other times? I just don't like jumping to conclusions. Also, how do we know what kind of relationship he has with his mother? He mentioned seeing her now and then but there's no proof, as far as I've seen, as to what their relationship is. Hopefully it's wonderful!

I'm as far from a sheeple as one can get. I just don't like all the jumping to conclusions that seems to be going on.

JoyinVirginia said...

Cape cod mama, I hope we are going to done more fun places today! Can we ride on a nice safe straight FLAT section of the rail trail to celebrate the end of the tour de France? Then stop to eat ice cream somewhere after that! When do we get to Provincetown? what fun places should we go to there?
I will need several rumspringas at the end of or adventures!

PA Dutch Mom said...

Oh what good times- and what we did "back in the day" galavanting all day and coming home for dinner!
I loved it.


Oh, yes! Summer in the country. Nobody locked their doors. We rode our bikes all day, got caught in thunderstorms, played in everyone's yards, eating "dinner" (actually what we now call lunch) with the old ladies of the neighborhood who invited us into their house, not coming home until dusk for supper, when Grandmother rang the old farm bell and we kids all headed for home. What I wouldn't give for just one more day like that.

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: @CelebAttict awww hard 2describe how much we love him.Hes so comforting&makes us all laugh SO much!We prob kiss him more than we should lol
Nope, she's not talking about one of the kids or even Shoka. She's talking about Zorro. I just don't get it.

PA Dutch Mom said...

She didn't have to mention his name or what he was doing. But she did, and it came across that she was rubbing it in that Collin would rather be at the neighbor's than with his father. Just another subtle dig at Jon and more damage control.

She never mentioned the name of the one girl who was with her, yet she just had to mention Collin and what he was doing.


I agree with you. There was absolutely no reason for her to mention if any of the kids were home or where they were. She just can't shut up. I do believe, though, that there was some drinking going on during that manic tweeting. Something just wasn't right there. She was much to "loose" with her comments!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

All the farm talk may die down if there's another story on Radar in
the morning.

Sad but true said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 36s
Fam 2b tog aft sev days in var places: Reminded of r bond as Im texting: 'U'll all hav ur chance2tell&show pics.Just don't fight over me!'

She really lives in her own little fantasy world, doesn't she? Never witnessed anything like this on the show, it seemed in several episodes that her kids were actually fighting to get away from her.

PA Dutch Mom said...

Carole, 134...

I forgot about no air conditioners! We lived in a house built in the late 1700s, and of course, installing air conditioning in those thick walls was impossible. Was it hot? Yes, indeed...I remember on really hot nights I slept downstairs on a mattress in the kitchen which was the only room with a window unit. We all survived, and looking back, those were the best days of our lives. We just didn't know it then.

FYI said...

I think she's either still in the sauce or hung over. Anyone want to attempt to interpret this tweet?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 9m
Fam 2b tog aft sev days in var places: Reminded of r bond as Im texting: 'U'll all hav ur chance2tell&show pics.Just don't fight over me!'

Is she trying to say that the kids are going to be so happy to see her after their time away at "various" places, that they are going to fight for her attention? And it reminds her of the "bond" she has with them?

Sounds like another dig at Jon. She should just say "some of the kids were with their father, but they are so so happy to be coming home to ME, ME, ME!!!!!!!

Tuckers Mom said...

PA Dutch Mom- we hung out with the old ladies too.
What wonderful times.

TLC stinks said...

Top Ten Custody Myths in Lancaster County (same for Berks? I don't know what county Kate resides in)

GKD said...

Carole said... 121

@Kateplusmy8 100% from scratch homemade. NO bread machine.

Oh my, GKD. That looks delicious! yummm What flavor - filling?


It's jalapeno cheese bread. It was my first try at it and it turned out AMAZING! I'm so proud of myself for it.

Anonymous said...

@Kateplusmy8: @CelebAttict awww hard 2describe how much we love him.Hes so comforting&makes us all laugh SO much!We prob kiss him more than we should lol

She's talking about a bird, right? A bird getting passed around to be cuddled and kissed by everyone. One she snuggles into her faux cleavage. A bird. Nothing against birds, but she is twitting crazier every

OrangeCrusher 1

Carole said...

If Jon is on top of this, and I hope that he is, he probably knows what is going on and isn't forcing his son to go with him when he has visitation. If this is agreeable to both parents, and if Jon believes it's in the best interest of the child, then I would think that even if it is his custodial time, he's doing the right thing by not forcing the issue. We don't know if she's violating the court visitation order and if he's agreed to let Collin make his own decisions, then taking her to court is not the answer.

Last fall Jon said that he never knew which children would be coming with him for visitation and at that time, at least, that 'arrangement' was not agreeable to him at all and it sure sounded to me like TFW was definitely violating court orders. That was when he felt out of other options and said he wanted to ask for full custody.

Since then, who knows what's taken place and I can only hope that he's doing what he feels is in the best interest of his children even if it means taking TFW to court.
We know that TFW isn't helping the situation. She's never fostered the relationship between father and children and I have no reason to believe she is now. She continues to present herself as still fully engaging in parental alienation and w/o her cooperation or the court's help, I can't imagine he's had much success getting her to help make sure he has every opportunity to see his children - IF that isn't happening now.

TLC stinks said...

A family law attorney from PA says this:

It is a myth that there is a magic age in the law that permits a minor children to decide when they are no longer required to visit with a parent or when they can decide with whom they wish to live. It is the parent's responsibility to instruct their children to comply with any court orders that have been entered. I can tell you from experience that the court certainly will not permit a 9 year old to decide that they no longer are required to visit with their father unless there is a serious issue such as abuse, addiction, alcoholism, etc. unless the child is not safe in that environment. As the child becomes an older teenager, their preference will carry greater weight. I would suggest that you seek counseling for the child to find out why she does not want to go. However, if you have shared legal custody, you must seek the father's consent.

Somewhere In Time said...

COFFEE & DONUT RUNS$ ‏@lovinglife01O2O 5m
@Shortnsaszy @Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack @MY_2BCOLLIES the Khaters are just being effing bitches that's all.


I'm sure that Kate appreciates this language from a fan! Someone posted last night that this is another name that the sheeple Collies person uses. I just looked at the timeline. My gosh...she's crazy! Shaking my head here. How does Kate attract these people? Is this avatar (the heavy legs) a picture of one of the non-fan's legs? All of this confuses the heck out of me.

One thing I do understand, though, is that collectively this is the most childish/immature group of adults I've ever seen.

Carole said...

Also, how do we know what kind of relationship he has with his mother? He mentioned seeing her now and then but there's no proof, as far as I've seen, as to what their relationship is.

IIRC when his mother broke her foot or leg she either stayed with him while she recuperated or he stayed with her to help her. From everything I've heard, which isn't much, their relationship is fine, as is his w/his brothers. One brother lives in the area, I believe. That said, it's hard to know much about them since he's never made the family dynamics a public matter. Props for them all for valuing their privacy and protecting each other.

Millicent said...

Ingrid said:
I see nothing wrong with Colin being at the farm. Since he is not part of the farmer's own family I am sure he is not overworked and would be able to quit going any time that he doesn't want to do it anymore. I think it is great he can get away from his shrew of a mother.
I agree with this viewpoint. I have no idea exactly why Colin doesn't seem to spend time with Jon and that makes me sad. But I'm sure Jon knows the deal and he's allowing it to continue - so there must be some reason that makes sense to Jon. That's all I can conjecture.

Since the situation is what it is - then if Colin is home while his siblings spend time with Jon, I think he's better off away from his mother. He is probably well liked on the neighbor's farm, probably gets to eat plenty of food at lunch time/snack times, and overall, it's probably quite a pleasant break from home. Personally, I would hope he could go over there quite often during the summer.

lukebandit said...

This young actor from "Major Crimes" has a twitter stalker. It is really bad.

Carole said...

@Shortnsaszy @Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack @MY_2BCOLLIES @CelebAttict I betcha she locks them in at night!!

@Cowsbytheriver @Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack @MY_2BCOLLIES @CelebAttict I seriously doubt it. Its to keep them from locking mom out of room.

IDK, sheeple. She used to lock them in when they were toddlers; why wouldn't you think she might not still be doing it?
It's dangerous and abusive, but I wouldn't be shocked to hear she still did it.

lukebandit said...

The post I posted about the twitter is a huge reason why kate needs to shut down her twitter.

Over And Out said...

Well, if anyone knows the situation between Kate, Jon and Collin, it would be Milo. She knows everything. Hey, Milo....come on, woman (or man), spill! You know that you're just itchin to tweet something!

Speaking of Gladys, someone posted here not too long ago that Milo's identity would be revealed. I remember it as being a Bird or something...A Little Bird? When is this big "reveal" going to happen and we finally find out if Gladys is a Catfish, Kate or Steve, or just some delusional soul deep into celebrity worship?

JMO said...

TLC stinks 149

Thanks! Had no idea of visitation requirements. Still think TFW should be encouraging visits with their father, as this is a chance to spend time with their dad.

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: Fam 2b tog aft sev days in var places: Reminded of r bond as Im texting: 'U'll all hav ur chance2tell&show pics.Just don't fight over me!'
Wait, is she texting the kids telling them not to fight over her when they get home? We know at least 4 of them were with Jon and I'm sure she doesn't want to see pictures of anything fun they did with him (nor does she want to hear about it). At 13 if the twins were with friends I'm sure they don't want to share everything they did. Knowing how she feels about Jon my guess would be that the kids know that they can't be honest and say they had a great time so their standard answer is "it was OK but were glad to be home with you because you're the bestest, skinniest, most beautiful mommy on the planet and you're a great cook!" They know they have to touch all the bases to make her happy.

KitK said...

Said: "I've always thought Jon to be a really good dad, additionally, he is a child of divorce, and he knows what it's like to "pick" one parent over the other for a period of time.
Jon has said he did that himself, and I think, this gives him some insight as to what might be going through Colin's head.
Agreed, BUT in case J reads here (or someone in a similar situation), I will say it isn't always the best approach. I was a child in such a situation and while I was given the 'choice' of participating in my non-custodial parent's time, and exercised the choice not to see that parent, I realized when I became an adult that I was offered an inappropriate choice. I was 9 yrs old, and the non-visitation choice took on a life of its own - it simply became the "way things were". I enjoyed the power of the choice - what 9 yr old wouldn't? - but as I matured another realization hit me: did that parent think so little of developing a relationship with me that I was allowed to get away with something I could not possibly comprehend?? The consequences were devastating, and H U G E. I was 19 before I had a melt-down from believing my parent didn't care enough to override my 'choice' and it took four long years to accept that my (misguided) parent thought it was a loving opportunity I was offered.

Here's the punchline: if a medical event takes J from C's life prematurely, will J think this approach is still a good idea??

Aunt Connie said...

Farm kids learn work very early, and farm families need all the help their kids can contribute. My 3 year old grandson used to go to "work" several times a week with his mother's farm family. His job was to "kick hay." He would walk along the fence line and kick hay from the hay bales under the fence so the cows could reach it. To him, he was working and he took that job very seriously. He didn't realize he was only 3. He realized those cows needed that hay, and his job was to kick it so they could reach it. Farms can teach kids good work ethics, and that is to the kids advantage.

chefsummer #Leh said...

@Kateplusmy8: Fam 2b tog aft sev days in var places: Reminded of r bond as Im texting: 'U'll all hav ur chance2tell&show pics.Just don't fight over me!'
Wait, is she texting the kids telling them not to fight over her when they get home?

And if this doesn't prove that she's a narcissist and self-centered then IDK what will.

If she hasn't seen her kids in days should it be about then and not momma? wtf is wrong with Kate.

swingsandroundabouts said...

Like water seeking its own level, I think that crazy seeks crazy. That's why TFW has so many fans who are a little bit "off".

When I worked downtown I would encounter on a regular basis some street people most of whom had mental issues and I learned right quick not to make eye contact. Like Chris Rock has said: " When you see crazy coming, cross the street."

Milo, I'm crossing the street.

Sandylove said...

We all survived, and looking back, those were the best days of our lives. We just didn't know it then.

That reminds me of a long ago Dennis the Mennis comic strip where he and his friend Joey were laying under a big tree and Dennis said to Joey "Joey, these are the good ol' days, only we don't know it yet!"

Sandylove said...

Oops! I meant Dennis the MENACE!

Janice said...

I think Kate is running out of money. On another blog (which I can give if needed since I don't know if I can post it here) the reason the house was on the market was the previous owners wanted to get out from under the cost of maintenance. The husband is a doctor, so money was coming in on a regular basis. I also read that Jon said she has a balloon payment coming up next year.

lukebandit said...


yes, you are right. What is wrong with her!

Sounds like she can't handle the "chaos" of the children returning from various places today. Is she that hung over? She will give them all a chance? Since when has she done that? Did she give Colin a chance to apologize to the tup girl about the hair comment and when he did it, kate had to belittle him like a dog?

Did she give the little tup boy a chance to find out what he was trying to ask her about if he could run over the water hose. A normal kid would have. She has instilled fear upon fear among those kids that the least little mistake they make they pay dearly for it.

lukebandit said...

OT: Sister Wives. I watch it just to catch up to see what is going on, like on a soap opera. You can not watch for months and watch it and you know exactly what has happened in a few minutes.

Just saw Madison, Cody and Janelle's daughter give Cody a letter that was a surprise. Janelle was not in camera frame, but Cody opened the letter and Robin was right beside him, eyeing and reading the letter. Should of been Cody and Janelle together, reading it together. Now the wives are planning a party for Cody thanking him for moving them to Las Vegas. Another TLC paid for cake and party.

So happy for Madison! She earned a Leadership Scholarship to Utah St. They should be giving a small party for Madison celebrating the scholarship, instead of Cody getting another pat on the back, good job, buddy party.

scgal said...

I'm confused about something. Some posters are making it sound like it's Collin's choice, for whatever reason, to not go to Jon's visitation time. I always assumed Kate wasn't letting him go. Did I miss something? Thanks.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

I think many people here are comparing apples and oranges. If all the Gosselin children were at the farm working or playing that's a different story. But Collin has a history of being singled out in an abusive way by Kate . I don't know if Collin enjoys being at that farm but I have a hard time believing that he would rather be there then with his brothers. Jon is a fun dad. Kate works that kid everyday and on Dad's weekend he rather be at a stinking farm ( no offense to farmers ) .

Janice said...

I think Kate is running out of money. On another blog (which I can give if needed since I don't know if I can post it here) the reason the house was on the market was the previous owners wanted to get out from under the cost of maintenance. The husband is a doctor, so money was coming in on a regular basis. I also read that Jon said she has a balloon payment coming up next year.

Tucker's Mom said...

KitK said:
"Agreed, BUT in case J reads here (or someone in a similar situation), I will say it isn't always the best approach. I was a child in such a situation and while I was given the 'choice' of participating in my non-custodial parent's time, and exercised the choice not to see that parent, I realized when I became an adult that I was offered an inappropriate choice. I was 9 yrs old, and the non-visitation choice took on a life of its own - it simply became the "way things were". I enjoyed the power of the choice - what 9 yr old wouldn't? - but as I matured another realization hit me: did that parent think so little of developing a relationship with me that I was allowed to get away with something I could not possibly comprehend?? The consequences were devastating, and H U G E. I was 19 before I had a melt-down from believing my parent didn't care enough to override my 'choice' and it took four long years to accept that my (misguided) parent thought it was a loving opportunity I was offered. "

I wanted to copy the majority of your post, because as Oprah says, this is an "ah ha" moment.
First, what great insight about having young minors make such a choice.
We've been bitching for years about the kids' inability to consent to filming/working, and this really puts a fine point on Colin's dilemma.
Next, one never knows exactly where the "point of no return" is.

Thanks for sharing- very illuminating.

Let's throw tomatoes said...

My iPad cut me off. Aunt Connie I agree with you. If you were born into a farm family and then you do work on that farm. The Gosselin children are not farmers! Their job should be go to school, clean up after yourselves, and reasonable chores around the house. Collin is ten years old let him be a child.

I'm very disappointed that people here are okay with Collin being singled out. Again if he was with all the rest of the kids it would be different. He's being singled out. Plain and simple!

NJGal51 said...

swingsandroundabouts - I agree with you that many of her more zealous fans are a little "off" but by the same token many of the haters are a little "off" as well. To me haters and non-fans are two different groups entirely just as zealous fans and casual fans are two different groups. The haters take it to the extreme just as many of the more zealous fans do. I think there are only a handful of each and they all seem to camp out on her timeline.

lukebandit said...

Looks like ate will have to sell a little red corvette and a little green Gator to help pay the balloon payment.

When she bought the house one of the agreements in buying the house was that the horses stayed there. Well, such a contract honorer she is, they were gone. She had to sell them.

That is why she is stocked with paper towels, TP and no telling what else till doomsday so she wouldn't have to buy it. There was just no sense in her divided limo ride with Steve to NYC for several hundred dollar haircuts and shopping.

I remember years ago when they would take a pap pic of her, they would have the name of the clothing she had on with the price tag. It was unbelievable how expensive the shoes, blouses, accessories were.

It seems like she is living like this old saying. Would you rather live a regular normal life to the age of 100, or live rich, famous, world as your oyster to the age of 50. A lot of people would pick 50. But not me! lol

Tucker's Mom said...

Janice said... 170
I don't think Kate's in trouble with any balloon payment- I think she did a refi, but am not sure.
Whatever her house is worth on the market, or anyone's house, for that matter, matters only if you are selling ;-)

That said, maintenance has got to be a biotch!

DH and I are redoing our deck/patio area (ouch!) and now see we'll have some landscaping/planting to do, in order to finish it off nicely.

I am seriously weary of paying other people to do things, that of course, we can not do, and am thinking about taking on the landscaping details ourselves to save $$$.

Heaven help us!

Sad but true said...

Janice said... 170

I don't know where you heard that. This was discussed here a number of times. She apparently refi'ed the house shortly after the show was cancelled (11/2011), and it's a 30-year term. Her rate (4.25%) is supposed to adjust after 10 years. The PRIOR mortgage on the house was only 10 years and had a balloon payment at the end. So I don't think what you read is accurate. BTW, all of this is public record.

Tucker's Mom said...

I think there are only a handful of each and they all seem to camp out on her timeline.
Give 'em some Marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate...S'more away...
Oh, what's that?
Oh right, Kraft decided to cut ties with Kate over a tie in with their products. ~ Administrator said...

I enjoyed the power of the choice - what 9 yr old wouldn't? - but as I matured another realization hit me: did that parent think so little of developing a relationship with me that I was allowed to get away with something I could not possibly comprehend?? The consequences were devastating, and H U G E.


Thank you for sharing this.

This is why although CA courts always take into account a child's concerns, a child does not get to choose or have veto power over whether he or she will see their parent or not see their parent.

In fact there are very firm cases holding that a child must be dragged kicking and screaming to visitation, if it is so ordered. They have drawn very firm lines about it, whether you agree or not. The child, parent, or even social worker may not take it upon themselves to suspend or withhold visitation without permission of the judge.

The final decision about a child's contact rests with the judge, as it should.

The whole thing is a real mess and I Completely agree that it will have long lasting implications. ~ Administrator said...

Their job should be go to school, clean up after yourselves, and reasonable chores around the house. Collin is ten years old let him be a child.


Well it's summer. He doesn't have school.

I was not raised ON a farm but I was raised in rural dairy and fruit farm country. My extended family were farmers and I spent many weekends on the family farm. It was truly all fun. I have no problem with a kid helping out on the farm if child labor laws are followed, the child wants to, and it does not interfere with anything else.

When I visit my friends in Wyoming, I ASK to go with them to the ranch some of them work at. I help out with the horses and cattle, it's fun. I don't think it's inappropriate for anyone if you like it.

I don't think we know ANYTHING about this situation to judge what is going on here with this farm. All we heard was he worked for ONE day on a farm. Honestly I don't think we should sweat it unless given a reason to.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Warmth of the sun, I so agree with your comments. Very clever as well. ~ Administrator said...

Like water seeking its own level, I think that crazy seeks crazy. That's why TFW has so many fans who are a little bit "off".


It does not surprise me at ALL someone like Kate attracts some really off fans.

Not only that but she encourages them which just makes things worse. ~ Administrator said...

I'm confused about something. Some posters are making it sound like it's Collin's choice, for whatever reason, to not go to Jon's visitation time. I always assumed Kate wasn't letting him go.


We don't know which it is. We can speculate. But not knowing for sure makes debating the point kind of like running on a hamster wheel. ~ Administrator said...

Wait, is she texting the kids telling them not to fight over her when they get home?


She needs to leave the kids the F alone when they are with Jon. It's just a few days. Unless it's an emergency, or at the most a brief good night and I love you at bed time (even that I think it's borderline interference with him), she needs to shut up and let them have their time with their father. By texting them, not only is it probably and interruption to their quality time, but it can send them the message that she is not comfortable when they are gone and is pining for them. It places guilt and confusion on them they do not need when they are trying to have a healthy relationship with a parent.

Ate Ate said...

Does Robert control how much his book is selling for? It's on clearance now and I wondered why? ~ Administrator said...

I should add that it may be a very good thing this farmer has taken Collin under his wing. There may be more to this than he could use a hand. It may have nothing to do with that and more of a mentor thing.

It may very well be that he sees that he needs a break from Kate, perhaps a break from his siblings, needs a positive role model and hard worker when he certainly doesn't get that from Kate. If Collin were as preoccupied with her as she makes it out he would have stayed home with her. He did not.

Just dropping in said...

I haven't seen this mentioned yet, Robert has a new post. The kindle version of the book is on sale this week for $2.99 ~ Administrator said...

You have complete control over your self published book on Amazon and it's actually regarded as a sound strategy to routinely change the price. They allow you to do it at will as well as have sales and even free days.

It sounds counterintuitive but after I did a couple days of giving away my book for free I sold a lot more than usual in the days afterward. A lot of people report this same thing.

In any case a price fluctuation it's not an indication of anything but marketing strategy.

Jumping In said...

This is pure speculation, but if I were part of a unit of 6, marketed as such, herded in a pack for 10 years I would cherish a break from the unit. Colin may want a break from his siblings more than wanting to be with his father from time to time. Sure, Kate would pounce on that (if it is so) and spin it to suit her, but perhaps Colin just wants to hang out with the farmer next door for a change of pace.

I imagine Jon respects his son's wishes, and gives him the space he needs when necessary. Jon knows TFW will twist and manipulate the situation, but I bet Colin knows his dad supports and loves him and more importantly allows him to be an individual.

As long as Colin is not estranged from his father then I think he should be allowed to drift off from the group occasionally, even when it's Jon's time. However, always lurking is his mother, using any opportunity to suggest Colin is home to avoid being with his father through her innuendo on Twitter. That would hurt the most, finding out one day that my own mother used me against my father, thus robbing me of a chance just to be myself, away from my siblings for a day now and then.

Just dropping in said...

I didn't mean my post to imply anything negative. I actually thought this was a good idea to get more books sold. I don't believe for a moment that this book was about money. I truly believe Robert was getting his message out there that she is a fraud and selling out the kids. And of course the abuse the kids endured. I was more than happy to pay my $8.88 to support him.

lukebandit said...

Just dropping in said...185

Thank you dropping in said! Now, I am going to buckle down and get it some how, some way! There is a clock/timer that this sale is going for 6 days. Oh, I hope it makes him sell more!!!!

Anonymous said...

So, if I have this right, the child who's told in what order to eat his lunch is allowed to decide whether or not he sees his Dad on Dad's visitation days? Spin this any way you want, it's wrong. KitK, thank you for that poignant description of what you went through and the after-effects.

Children should be making decisions on what shirt to wear, or how to eat their lunch. They should not be making adult decisions and IMO, whether or not he sees his father is an adult decision. Jon may be being too lax on this issue, if that's what's going on.


Bill said...

lukebandit said... 174

Looks like ate will have to sell a little red corvette and a little green Gator to help pay the balloon payment.

When she bought the house one of the agreements in buying the house was that the horses stayed there. Well, such a contract honorer she is, they were gone. She had to sell them.


Where did you get that?

I have never any mention she had a Corvette.

As for the horses, the family was shown looking at the barn where the previous owner kept horses and there was a cat in there, no horses.

Bill said...

Tucker's Mom said... 175

Whatever her house is worth on the market, or anyone's house, for that matter, matters only if you are selling ;-)


It matters at property tax time.

Bill said... (Administrator) said... 179

I was not raised ON a farm but I was raised in rural dairy and fruit farm country. My extended family were farmers and I spent many weekends on the family farm. It was truly all fun. I have no problem with a kid helping out on the farm if child labor laws are followed, the child wants to, and it does not interfere with anything else.

When I visit my friends in Wyoming, I ASK to go with them to the ranch some of them work at. I help out with the horses and cattle, it's fun. I don't think it's inappropriate for anyone if you like it.

I don't think we know ANYTHING about this situation to judge what is going on here with this farm. All we heard was he worked for ONE day on a farm. Honestly I don't think we should sweat it unless given a reason to.



I was a naive kid. Watched a lot of Lassie on TV and thought that everybody lived in the city until they saved enough money to get a a farm. I was looking forward to doing farm chores like little Timmy until the parental units burst that bubble.

Bill said...

Sandylove said... 163

That reminds me of a long ago Dennis the Mennis comic strip where he and his friend Joey were laying under a big tree and Dennis said to Joey "Joey, these are the good ol' days, only we don't know it yet!"


Ain't that the truth.

Though I do have to feel a bit sorry for those at the reunion whose best days were in high school.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

insurance ‏@insurance34 8m
Kate Gosselin: we neglected 10 lbs. in 10 days; My diet & argue secrets … http://

Kate's bots are a riot! How do you neglect 10 pounds in 10 days? You put on the weight, and then just pretend they're not there? Then you argue about it...and keep it a secret? From whom? Your stomach?

PJ said...
So, if I have this right, the child who's told in what order to eat his lunch is allowed to decide whether or not he sees his Dad on Dad's visitation days? Spin this any way you want, it's wrong.


I don't think we're spinning this at all, and I don't think it's wrong. Only those involved know exactly what the situation is. We don't. What I do think is wrong is the time that Jon returned with those children and they had to go back to Kate. They were crying in the van. They didn't want to go back there, but because of custody issues, they had to do it. They may have had to comply with the orders, but in my opinion, it was heart-breaking, and it was wrong. I'd hate to see one or more of the children be forced to see their parent if there's truly something going on in the relationship that makes him/her uncomfortable about it. I know that's the law, but it's just not right.

Whether or not to spend time with your father or go to a farm for a day isn't an adult decision. It's a choice that a 10-year-old is perfectly capable of making. We don't know if Collin never sees Jon, or if he does, in fact, have visitation at another time. I hope he does. ~ Administrator said...

I just thought of a fond memory. We had cherry trees on the farm and in the summer we'd dive under all the bug netting and pick our fill. We'd wear "cherry picking" clothes because they would stain so easily. The women of the family would gather in the garage and use these little plastic gadgets that would pit the cherries, and I remember learning how to use those, wash them off in buckets of water picking off all the dirt and leaves. Then they'd make cherry pie or preserves and we'd feast.

We eventually cut all but a few of those trees down because it was just a small family farm and became non-operational. We couldn't take care of all those trees anymore. And I remember my mother and aunts lined up as they watched, tears pouring down their cheeks. I didn't understand it at the time, I was too young to understand why a necessary change like that would be so upsetting. I certainly get it now.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Admin (#193), aw, that was a poignant story.

Whatever the circumstances were behind C's farm visit, I hope
he had a blast, and will have some happy memories of the

I wanted to take a second to show some compassion for H,
who is sometimes commented upon in a negative way. She
didn't choose the role of the golden child - it was given to her.
For pete's sake, her own mother said the words on national TV,
preserved for eternity on DVD, while the child was still in diapers:
"H is the leader, and Mommy's helper." And perhaps keeping
that title -- sometimes through not-so-nice behavior -- is her
own survival method.

Sherry Baby said...

Their job should be go to school, clean up after yourselves, and reasonable chores around the house. Collin is ten years old let him be a child

A child CAN have fun on a farm during the summer. He/she can still be a child. The best memories of my life were vacation days when we'd pack up and go to my uncle's farm for a few weeks. Those were the days, picking sweet corn and having a corn and doggie roast, followed by toasting marshmallows on a stick.

I don't understand why some posters see this as child abuse and forcing a child into labor on a farm. He was there for one day, and probably enjoyed it. It did not rob him of his childhood. Many things that Kate does deserves criticism, but this has been blown way out of proportion.

Sherry Baby said...

DH and I are redoing our deck/patio area (ouch!) and now see we'll have some landscaping/planting to do, in order to finish it off nicely.

I am seriously weary of paying other people to do things, that of course, we can not do, and am thinking about taking on the landscaping details ourselves to save $$$.

Heaven help us!

We did the same thing, only heaven turned its back on us. No help at all. We had a four acre property to landscape. I used mostly perennials and small shrubs, and on the sloped mulch beds, I wanted rocks. Well, not rocks really, but boulders. My advice -- don't do that! Oh, it looked wonderful when it was done, but it turned out to be a monumental task and we had to call people in to do it. The fish pond was no picnic either! Good luck!

lukebandit said...

Bill said...182

The little red corvette was a stinger to the little 2 seater that she had bought. I think she traded it in and got the new Audi 4.

I may be wrong, but IIRC, I remember when they were buying the house, the horses had to stay as a condition of buying the house.

Susie Cincinnati said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 10m
@Kateplusmy8 How are you Gosselin kids? May I spend the rest of the summer w/you guys? Please..... >>

Uh, oh...somebody's hinting for an invite! LOL!

Lalalalala said...

Bill said...
Though I do have to feel a bit sorry for those at the reunion whose best days were in high school.


I hear that! My 40th HS reunion is this coming Saturday. No, I'm not going. I don't get the obsession with high school. That was a loooong time ago. I've moved on LOL!

Amy2 said...

We don't know what C did at the neighbor's farm. Put here are some possibilities...
1) Freedom from Kate
2) A chance to talk to someone one-on-one who (might) listen(ed)
3) A chance to get dirty; digging for worms, rolling in the dirt
4) Freedom from the other 7
5) A chance to be taught something new

Again, we have no idea what happened at the farm. But on the other hand it might have been a great experience.

PoohBear said...

I am behind on comments (surprise!), but I haven't seen this mentioned yet. I didn't catch who originally suggested the punishment of taking the doors off the kids room, but that is a big red flag for me.

That is a popular punishment with dominionists/fundimentalists. They don't allow their children *any* privacy, particularly in the bedroom because they might *gasp* masturbate and then they would "in sin" and the world would end etc etc etc.

Sad but true said...

I don't think anyone argues that C visiting a neighbor's farm was not a good or appropriate activity for him. The concerning part is that it was clearly his father's custody weekend, and once again he wasn't with him. Which, according to Jon on that therapy show, has been going on for quite a while now. While it's nice the child had the day away from his (obviously underoccupied) mother, it's sad to think that he doesn't get to enjoy the things his siblings are doing with their dad.

Maybe it's his choice, maybe it's not. I personally think he has been made the "big boy" of the family and, as such, has taken way too much responsibility on himself as the designated "man of the house." I believe this is reinforced by his mother at every opportunity, and she makes him think he's shirking whenever he's not around to handle his usual chores. It's a sad life for a little boy. So I hope his time with the neighbors helped lighten his load some. And I sincerely hope he decides to spend some time with his dad soon.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I hear that! My 40th HS reunion is this coming Saturday. No, I'm not going. I don't get the obsession with high school. That was a loooong time ago. I've moved on LOL!


I never missed a reunion. I guess it depends if your high school years were positive or negative. I'm not obsessed with those years, even though they were good ones. For me, those were wonderful times and I always look forward to seeing former classmates and reminiscing.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

The little red corvette was a stinger


I could drink one of those right now, but alas, we're out of brandy.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

That is a popular punishment with dominionists/fundimentalists. They don't allow their children *any* privacy, particularly in the bedroom because they might *gasp* masturbate and then they would "in sin" and the world would end etc etc etc.


Do they also remove the bathroom door?

My parents were of the evangelical Protestant faith, fundamentalists, with some Pentecostal beliefs thrown in there.Holy Rollers, actually! Never once did they not allow me privacy or take off any doors. I guess I got lucky, or they never heard about the door thing! ~ Administrator said...

That's in my notes somewhere too but haven't used that


I just saw this in reference to the door thing. She takes NOTES on punishments? Good grief!

And I do agree that some religions don't believe in privacy as much for children and I think it's unfair and unreasonable. I thought it was more about paranoia over boyfriends and sex, usually unwarranted. There are a dozen different ways to deal with issues like boyfriends without stripping a child of privacy they need just like an adult needs. And, I don't like using privacy as a "currency". I don't think it fits the crime, and I don't believe in punishments that rely on humiliation to teach you a lesson. It not respectful, it is not an appropriate "currency" and I don't care what Dr. Phil says. No matter what you've done you have a right to be able to close your door and get dressed, sleep, write in your diary, or have a private conversation with a friend and you have a right to keep your dignity. Why parents like Kate and the sheeple don't value this for young people is beyond me.

Lynne In RI said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 21m
@Kateplusmy8 LOL #PondScum is a derogatory southern term used4folks we really don't like! Is this played w/reg. deck of 52 or special cards?


No. Milo, you don't have the market cornered on that one. It's not only a southern term. We, here in the north, actually know what "pond scum" is, and it's not only for folks you don't really like. It means that the person is the lowest of the lowest form of existence, like the dregs of humanity, only worse!

NJGal51 said...

I think that if TFW had just left it at Colin had fun helping on the farm next door it would have been fine but she just couldn't leave it alone and had to tweet about his enjoyment of "outdoor hard work". Having fun helping and hard work are two different things. Especially after the allegations of the boys having to pull weeds for punishment.

@Kateplusmy8: @MY_2BCOLLIES @MiloandJack true!! He's enjoying outdoor hard work &is actually very helpful 2 me 2.. But there r the dramatic 1's here 2 😉

I grew up on the Jersey Shore and after a storm we'd go and help rake the beach. Hard? Yeah, but we were in bathing suits and could take a dip in the ocean any time we wanted. It was also followed by a beach party in the evening for everyone.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

ACK! How much more can be said about Collin going to a neighbour's farm? Can't wait for The Apprentice to air so we have something else to discuss.

Just finished the last episode of FARGO - loved the show!

lukebandit said...

Oh, Sleepless. I just realized what I said about the little red corvette being a stinger. A stinger is a drink, right? Also, a corvette comes in a model stingray. I will take a sloe gin fizz, no gin.

NJGal51 said...

@realDonaldTrump: "@AuthenticBrett: .@realDonaldTrump When is Celebrity Apprentice coming back? Its the best show on tv. #donaldtrump #yourefired" In the Fall
In the fall of what year? I shouldn't snark because I love the show!

Lynne In RI said...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 10h
Fam 2b tog aft sev days in var places: Reminded of r bond as Im texting: 'U'll all hav ur chance2tell&show pics.Just don't fight over me!'

Her ego is out of control. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for her. She's one sick puppy. She has no idea that everything she tweets is MEMEMEME. She needs help. She really does.

Anonymous said...

I was Collin , when I was younger, and I sought refuge helping the neighbours as much as I could. They gave me what I lacked at home...validation. Maybe Collin gets what he needs from the least polaraising person.

It is is sad, but I still aim to please at all costs.

and, yup, I was NOT the golden child.


Aunt Connie said...

My Grandson sent me some Youtube videos of my great-granddaughter, 10 months, and I was basking in the glo of her delightful little voice and face and beautiful eyes, when to the right of her I noticed some Gosselin Videos to click on, after I finished. Shouldn't have done it. This is the one I was watching.

It proved to me that J and K actually DID like each other quite a lot in the early years of their marriage. But it also reminded me how very little Collin was when he was pleading for help from his Mommy while she was checking out the beds. Then I saw how she threw Jon out of the boys' bedroom because "This is how we do things!" She was clapping her hands at him and insisting he stop his important work so she could have her way. For a bit there, I thought Jon won. Nope. He didn't. Whew. Think I will go back to my great-granddaughter's delightfulness.

Anonymous said...

Litter Red Corvette,,,wasn't that a Prince song in the 90's?

and no for reunions for me, I have moved way beyond


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