Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Kate blasted by the hosts of 'The Talk': 'They didn't get a chance to choose it.'

Sharon Osbourne, Marie Osmond, Sara Gilbert and other industry experts discussed Kate on today's show. Said Gilbert: "Any time you're putting kids on T.V.--I was a kid on T.V. and I wanted to be there--but if you're putting eight kids on T.V. from the time they are tiny you don't know which ones want to be there and which ones don't. ... I chose it. They didn't get a chance to choose it."

Osbourne also explained that people in the business, like Gilbert's legendary family, have a much better understanding of how the industry works than ill-prepared and naive reality T.V. families from middle America: "It's our industry. We know what we're going to get, you know what you're not going to get. So therefore, it's a whole different thing."

1722 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1722   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

I'm still not going to watch it, but in no way was it painful to watch this episode. I enjoyed it.

The things they say about the various stories are things myself and my girlfriends would say. The things they say are thought provoking. They seem to sincerely care. I have never felt like that when I've watched the View.

MamaKnows said... 2

Someone recap it? i have no audio for some reason. Thx!

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 1h
Aft project: Kitchen bar chairs got a 'Butt Lift'!
Jamie&I got new fabric&recovered seats together! #FUN #B4IsOnLeft

That fabric is butt ugly.

FYI said... 3

Bringing my comment over from the last thread:

I read an article about the Talk where the head of CBS daytime programming described the premise of the show.

"As a viewer, you are invited to join us at the table," said Angelica McDaniel, head of daytime programing at CBS. "You feel like you're meeting your girlfriends for lunch or going out together."

Like I said previously, I hadn't watched The Talk much before today, but after watching today's episode, I'd say Ms. McDaniel described it perfectly.

It was so different than the View and so much better. Nobody was shouting over each other like they do on the View. They definitely respected each other's right to speak and to have an opinion. ~ Administrator said... 4

It was so different than the View and so much better. Nobody was shouting over each other like they do on the View. They definitely respected each other's right to speak and to have an opinion.


Did you notice how a couple of times when one of them jumped in excitedly, she would right afterward apologize to the woman she interrupted?

It was like a REAL conversation where a polite woman would say to someone oh sorry excuse me for cutting you off.

These are civilized, classy woman. This is what an all-woman talk show could really be. And their views are educated, insightful, and just have common sense. There was no sense of celebrity kiss up here. What does someone like Sharon care about that? She's a huge celebrity herself. The View is pathetic compared to this.

FYI said... 5

Admin-I'm glad you posted the link to the show. Just a reminder, the segment on Kate starts at 16:00(at the 2nd marker). However, I would suggest that people watch the whole show. I found it quite interesting.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 6

LOL Actually I should take my own advice,I always use to tell my kids " always read what you write " when I use to help them with their homework. I'll try to do better next time, I promise!


lol, Tomatoes. It's "I USED to help them..."

Use (without the d) is correct when followed by "didn't," or "did," as in "Didn't you use to be a Kate fan?" :)

I wonder who sat down and figured out the rules of grammar. Did he/she just throw it all out there to see what would stick, or did that person have one too many kegs of rumspringa?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 7

Ava Amore ‏@AvaAmore1 11m
Is silicone toxic to birds? Just askin' @Kateplusmy8

Didn't someone here ask that question last night? I guess if Zorro bit into one of those things and it sprayed like Old Faithful, it wouldn't be particularly good for his respiratory system!

NJGal51 said... 8

@Kateplusmy8: Another busy summer day...pool time, lacrosse picnic and summer (required) reading projects...let summer never end! #We'reHavingSoMuchFun
Deflect, deflect, deflect, she's right on schedule with her "we're all so special we shit Skittles" tweet. Pay no attention to the ladies on The Talk because the Gosselins are having a super fun summer. I do wonder if they ever read for fun because TFW pointed out that the reading they're doing is required reading.

Barb Gilman said... 9

What is. Kate doing Tweeting about the kids Summer reading project and letting us know that it is (required)? Looking at what is required, it's really not asking too much, 3 books for the younger kids, 2 books for the twins. Is getting her kids to read like pulling teeth? That's the impression I got from her tweet. Now waiting to see if she will tweet a photo of the kids reading. Let me know if she does!

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 10

Everyone ought to rewatch the video that was posted on Administrator's post of Tuesday, August 3, 2010 called "Daddy don't go..." It is heartbreaking. I don't know how to provide a link, maybe someone can.

After today's "The Talk" skewering of Khate, I think the Karma train is coming full speed ahead. Chugga chugga chugga chugga, chugga chugga chugga chugga, CHOO CHOO!!

Take that Khate. Was it all worth it? In her twisted brain, it probably was.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 11

After today's "The Talk" skewering of Khate, I think the Karma train is coming full speed ahead. Chugga chugga chugga chugga, chugga chugga chugga chugga, CHOO CHOO!!


Haven't people been saying that for years, and yet she's like the Phoenix rising? How she managed to hang on for so long is just mind-boggling. I'm still not convinced that it's over for her.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 12

The View is pathetic compared to this.


I haven't watched that show since the time when Sherri made the remark about blowing up Jon's car. I can't stand that woman. I don't know how really pathetic it had become. ~ Administrator said... 13

However, I would suggest that people watch the whole show. I found it quite interesting.


I agree, and I rarely say that about this kind of stuff.

If you are interested it is not a waste of time to watch the whole show or at least the "talk" part of it.

NJGal51 said... 14

Fleecing said...Use (without the d) is correct when followed by "didn't," or "did," as in "Didn't you use to be a Kate fan?" :)

I think you mean "when following did or didn't". :)

FYI said... 15

Ian Ziering is going to be on tomorrow, probably to talk about Sharknado2. I think I'll watch just to see if they mention anything about CA. They probably won't, because no one is supposed to know that he was one of the participants, but I'll check it out anyway.

little edie said... 16

Is there a link for Canadians?

sparkle said... 17 (Administrator) said... 8
Remember a couple years ago Donny and I think Marie as well did an interview where they basically trashed their childhood? They said it was completely dysfunctional, they were never home or saw their mother, and mentioned terrible things like having to work when Donny had appendicitis.

I bet the fans don't care for that interview either. Nobody likes a happy child star who grows up and reveals their childhood was actually horrific.

I remember reading an interview with Marie a long time ago, it really struck me. When she was in her late teens and doing the Donny and Marie Show, the network suits began badgering her about her weight. No matter how much weight she lost, they were never satisfied. She struggled with eating disorders for a long time. At the same time, she was completely exhausted from the non stop schedule and just wanted a break from time to time. Her father and network executives always said no, and then shamed her for even asking because so many employees were dependent on she and Donny to keep the show running. For that matter, Ricky Nelson was told the same thing when he wanted to move on from Ozzie & Harriet. Too bad son, 46 men and their families depend on this show for their livelihood, you're not going anywhere.

So to hear that Kate has allegedly threatened the kids with poverty unless they film always made me sad. It's too much responsibility to heap on a kid.

Anonymous said... 18

Might I add, I LOVE SHARON OSBOURNE!!!!!!!!

H I D E O U S!!!!!!!

oh I love that woman's opinion that is NOT affiliated with CBS!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said... 19

pertinent to my above post, of course Julie Chen kinda sort tried to understand Katie Irene...Julie is married to Les Moonves after after...aka, president of CBS...she walked the fine line just right


lukebandit said... 20

Wow! The Talk boiled, broiled, baked, skewered and grilled kate. When Julie first asked if she exploited her kids, huge outburst. Then Marie said loudly, Tell us how you REALLY feel! Oh my gosh! That was baaaad. Sharon kept on and I was going wow! Just wish they would of mentioned the book.

If I were ate, I would have a near complete embarrassing want to crawl under a rock deal. She has to be seething over this. This was bad. It is a shame that she tweeted that her kids have summer reading (required). Makes me think that they have to relax and read instead of Working like mules. That she has to pay extra for the help to do the kids chores while they do the (required) reading.

Never reading to them during the summer when they go to bed. She could easily do the her and the girls and her and the boys and just go and talk to the twins. She could do all of that in 30 minutes. 10 minutes. Start with a book where she could read for 10 minutes then lights out then the girls.

It is a shame that she has to say that it is (required) reading. This is something that she could do on her own and let them be kids and read. I would say they have a much much better chance that Jon reads to them than kate.

Sad but true said... 21

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 7
Ava Amore ‏@AvaAmore1 11m
Is silicone toxic to birds? Just askin' @Kateplusmy8

I asked it! But I don't tweet so I'm wondering who read it here and posted it on her TL. :)

TLC stinks said... 22

It's #fun,fun,fun at the Gosselin's this summer!!!!!!! Read: fun with mom, no fun at dad's.

Did you notice in the sleeping "maybe he's dead" Zorro picture that she has Hannah snuggled next to her?

Why in the heck would she post a picture of recovering those chairs? Whoop de do. I did all my dining room chair seats years ago. For someone who is big on keeping a clean house, those chair cushions were filthy. I can only imagine what all the grifted, free upholstery in the family room looks like now, LOL. Thing about it is, since shoes not allowed in the house and she and the kids are usually barefoot, all the floor dirt from those hardwood floors are transferred to cushions. Remember how black the bottoms of her feet were in those couch interviews??? LOL. And this is the woman who made the film crew wear hospital booties over their shoes!

Anonymous said... 23

Thanks for the link, franky. I keep forgetting to look at the Canadian network websites.

They did mention that there is a "tell-all" book. I hope people will look into it. Google is their friend.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 24

Again with the "endless summer" vibe from TFW. If the kids are
in school 10 months out of the year, shouldn't she try to make the
best of that time, too?

Doing required summer reading for school wouldn't have to be a
chore if she encouraged them to read all year long for pleasure.
Or if they saw her curled up in bed or poolside reading on a
regular basis. What a wonderful hobby for kids to stimulate
their imaginations, and expose them to different ideas, and
give them insight into different emotions. Heck, sometimes
just to make them laugh out loud - a great way to let off steam
in their stressed little lives. And with a library card, this is all
free - perfect for a piecing and patching mom who has to sell
clothes to put feed her children's mouths.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 25

For any Bugs Bunny fans out there, a chant came into my head
when I saw there was a new Radar article on TFW:
"Dogpile on the rabbit! Dogpile on the rabbit!"

Seems to me it's "live by the sword, die by the sword" in this
tabloid world. If you're collecting a check one week for selling
a story, you can't clutch your pearls and yell, "Well, I never!"
when you're on the losing end of a story the next week.

TLC stinks said... 26

Part two review of Robert's book.

NJGal51 said... 27

Sarknado2! I can't wait! Thanks Twit, I set my DVR tour record The Talk.

Dmasy said... 28

I have not watched "The Talk" before. I could have used a longer show. I will check in again. The blend of ladies was well done. I take it Marie is not a regular. They all looked lovely and not too "over worked".

Thanks to Admin (and other posters) for introducing me to this program.

NJGal51 said... 29

I liked this comment by Marie: I saw that Today show. Those girls didn't want to be on TV - they shouldn't be on TV and that should be her responsiblility as a mother.

The ladies on The Talk get it. TFW must be livid! If you read the review that TLC Stinks (posted above @28) click on the link for information on "fake favorites". Very interesting info. ~ Administrator said... 30

I liked this comment by Marie: I saw that Today show. Those girls didn't want to be on TV - they shouldn't be on TV and that should be her responsiblility as a mother.


But but but, Marie does not speak for these children!! whines our resident troll on a weekly basis on her way to the trash bin.

Question, if no one can speak for children, why would our treatment of children as a society ever improve? It's because people have spoken for children that child labor laws and other protections ever even got started.

Wake up. Look at their body language. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know something was off there. Thank you, Marie, for stating the obvious.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 31

Does anyone have the recent sales figures for RH's book? I saw a tweet that said there was a spike in yesterday's sales.

localyocul said... 32

Of course the comments at ROL are all "who cares she has 8 kids it's smart to consign to get money for new clothes"

chefsummer #Leh said... 33

But but but, Marie does not speak for these children

But their mother does-(ugh) and it seems when the kids can't speak or use their word as their mother said she speaks for them.

She is is worst self appointed mouthpiece a person can have.

It's also scary since she can barely string a coherent sentence together when out sound like a ditzy teenager.

OrangeCrusher 1 said... 34

So how much honest vitriol will Kare expose her children to before she accepts that her nasty demeanor has made her quest for a media career virtually impossible? I would crawl under a rock after yesterday's honest yet brutal conversation on The Talk. Her children are old enough to read tabloids, and I do not believe they are shut out of wifi with the number of devices she has in that house. All of this talk about mom has to be on the radar for the teens. Not that she will, but for their sake she really needs to go away, get off Twitter, take the rest of the summer off. She has one 13 year old sassing her in front of cameras, another nervously picking at her clothes, what does she not see that the rest of the world does? Yes, of course, the narcissist lives in her own world, but this is really getting harsh for the kids. And she goes on farting chair recovers, sleeping birds and all sorts of nonsense. It is was past time to give it a break already.

chefsummer #Leh said... 35

OrangeCrusher 1 said... 36

Even if KK controls the wifi in the home all C&M has to do is look at the internet box the passcode is on the side of the box.

Or just use their Iphones for internet. ~ Administrator said... 36

I was thinking about the common excuse the Kate apologists are putting forward lately that she has to feed the children somehow.

This is yet another response that is sort of an admission. In essence they are admitting well yeah you have a point BUT it's justified because she has to feed them.

Shouldn't their answer be, there's nothing harmful about this at all? Not, BUT she has to feed them, thus admitting it's bad but justified? lol.

How far do you take the "she has to feed them somehow" philosophy? At what point is behavior not okay even if it's the only way to feed the children? Where is the line drawn? They don't say.

And how does one update special in TWO YEARS feed the children? What about the other 23 months? If it only takes one update to feed the children in two years they should be good for another two years right?

All questions never answered.

Vanessa said... 37

Does anyone have the recent sales figures for RH's book? I saw a tweet that said there was a spike in yesterday's sales.
I bet there was!
The Talk's audience is quite huge, lots of women I'm assuming, right?
They gave just enough titillating info to make people (other than "us", uberfans and haters) to want to find out more. And won't "they" be shocked?

chefsummer #Leh said... 38

Kate has to feed the kids so that why she's not suing.

But she sued the first time so did they kids not need to eat during the first lawsuit?

Kate sued for the kids safely during the first lawsuit.

But she won't sue a second time so do the kids safety not matter now?

Her sheep are so stupid they fall for any excuse she pulls out of her butt,

FYI said... 39

How far do you take the "she has to feed them somehow" philosophy? At what point is behavior not okay even if it's the only way to feed the children? Where is the line drawn? They don't say.

Kate could rob a bank and they still would say there was nothing wrong with it because she needed the money to feed and clothe her children and keep a roof over their heads.

chefsummer #Leh said... 40

And how does one update special in TWO YEARS feed the children? What about the other 23 months

Maybe the kids are like bears-LOL- they hibernate till momma gets a job to feed them.

Vanessa said... 41

But but but, Marie does not speak for these children!! whines our resident troll on a weekly basis on her way to the trash bin.

Question, if no one can speak for children, why would our treatment of children as a society ever improve? It's because people have spoken for children that child labor laws and other protections ever even got started.

Wake up. Look at their body language. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know something was off there. Thank you, Marie, for stating the obvious.

That's why I am totally FOR more discussion, more opening of closed doors, more EXPOSURE. If nobody talks about what has happened (each and every time an abuse is committed) how do you stop it from changing, form happening again. Every single time we hear a victim come forth for whatever reason (rape, assault, child abuse etc) they say they want to heal but also prevent this from happening again. Like Chef said, those kids have the WORST mouthpiece speaking for them. She does not stop. Well time for someone ELSE to speak for those kids. Someone who is genuinely looking out for their well being. If it's the media, FINALLY, then so be it.Their situation is unique, they have an industry backing their abuser! It HAS to exposed, people have to question, dig further.

JoyinVirginia said... 42

A few more thoughts, about the View. I have always liked Julie Chen, ever since she was on CBS News shows and their morning show. She even embraced her critics who thought her hosting of Big Brother was robotic. She has said she IS the Chen Bot! Its fun when the pro is in on the joke and embraces it. I have been a Big Brother fan since the beginning, and the online fan sites were BRUTAL in their critiques of Julie in the early days. She took it and worked with it, and now fans can't imagine anyone else doing the job.
About summer reading for kids, every summer local library in my area had summer reading program with special free programs with story tellers, animal programs, etc and contests where kids could record the books they read and get special prizes, a gift coupon for ice cream, a cute pencil, an official reading program certificate, things like that. Good time for kids to get out of the house, get together with friends and make new friends, have fun. And all FREE at your local library! I have an e reader but still like to feel a real book in my hands.

Vanessa said... 43

FlimsyFlamsy said... 27
For any Bugs Bunny fans out there, a chant came into my head
when I saw there was a new Radar article on TFW:
"Dogpile on the rabbit! Dogpile on the rabbit!"

Seems to me it's "live by the sword, die by the sword" in this
tabloid world. If you're collecting a check one week for selling
a story, you can't clutch your pearls and yell, "Well, I never!"
when you're on the losing end of a story the next week.


Excellent point! ~ Administrator said... 44

But she sued the first time so did they kids not need to eat during the first lawsuit?


The kids were on the lawsuit diet then.

JR said... 45

I think it is hilarious that her twitter is being used against her....Roberts book, Radar, and whoever else that wants to make an ass out of her...too funny...for those who don't believe in it is

Vanessa said... 46

But she sued the first time so did they kids not need to eat during the first lawsuit?

Kate sued for the kids safely during the first lawsuit.

But she won't sue a second time so do the kids safety not matter now?

Her sheep are so stupid they fall for any excuse she pulls out of her butt,

And yes, her speaking in code. What "safety issues" were you so concerned about that your only recourse was to sue? Sue the father of your children? Maybe Jon should sue you for so carelessly throwing pertinent info in the trash? Robert said he hasn't even scratched the surface. Maybe there's top secret information about HER children that she just dumped nilly willy in the trash? It's because of HER hoffman got a hold of the stuff. It's because of HER that information was made into a book. Sue her ass Jon!! lol

JMO said... 47

So many great posts... so little time :)

First of all- on The Talk, several women spoke up about the children being forced to film. Sharon Osbourne clearly did not demand that her one daughter who did not want to film be on the show. Liked the "barfing" as well. Like them or not, both she and Ozzie have/had talent that brought them in the spotlight.
Sara Gilbert clearly WANTED to film as a child and noted her desire to do so, rather than assuming all 8 want to film, according to TFW.
Marie Osmond- Mother of many kids did not approve of Kate's "blanket" -THEY ALL WANT TO FILM rhetoric.

Recent articles about Mady NOT wanting to go to Alaska, the TFW's complete meltdown, as she had to share the spotlight with SP,the spying antics when kids wanted to call Jon with the nanny present, show how insane these kids lives have become. Her way or the highway. No way all 8 wanted to film- Mady pretty much made it clear she was not okay with the party, Cara barely if ever spoke, boys barely said a word. So I guess Kate + 3 girl tups thought filming was a grand idea.

The kids are old enough now that each and every one should be able to let the Family Court Judge know if they want to film.

Personally, don't care what TFW does herself (always about herself anyway) but leave the kids alone once and for all and get a career or job without involving your kids. That is what GREAT parents actually do. 10 years now!

I am most concerned about the boys. Robots - no good will come of this!

chefsummer #Leh said... 48

The kids were on the lawsuit diet then.


What about the money she spent on her face and chest and her head I'm sure all of that money could feed the kids.

JMO said... 49

Admin 46- The kids were on the lawsuit diet then.
Classic! : ) ~ Administrator said... 50

. I take it Marie is not a regular. They all looked lovely and not too "over worked".


That's another thing I like. They look real. Most of them aren't out of this world pretty or enhanced. I've always loved the Gilbert family and every word out of Sara Gilbert's mouth was genuine. She looks like she could be your neighbor. Alison Arngrim had some great stories about sleepovers at the Gilberts. They were really rich and had nannies and housekeepers doing everything for the kids. It was funny because in real life Alison was the poorer one and the Gilberts were rich, lol. And yet Melissa always wanted to go over to Alison's place because Alison's family were hippie nomad types and lived in a hotel room.

If you're interested in a great celeb instagram to follow check out Melissa Gilbert's. She recently moved to Michigan after a lifetime in Hollywood and she posts lots of interesting stuff from her new country mediocre life. ~ Administrator said... 51

Also how does a CIVIL lawsuit help with "safety"? Does she think people are that dumb. When it comes to her sheeple I guess she would be right.

A civil lawsuit is almost always just about money. How does draining someone of every last cent help your "safety"? Wouldn't that actually just antagonize the person and make them desperate, thus actually making your level of safety WORSE?

If she has a safety issue, she is welcome to go down to family law court and ask for monitored visitation, a restraining order, or a no contact order. That is where you address "safety." It was such malarky and her dumb sheeple fell for it.


First of all- on The Talk, several women spoke up about the children being forced to film. Sharon Osbourne clearly did not demand that her one daughter who did not want to film be on the show.

Yes and there are many key differences. Like Sharon said they had been around the business for a lifetime and knew exactly what they were signing up for. A random middle America family does not. They were already very financially secure, lived in a mansion, and did not depend on the show for food. And their kids were much, much older, almost adults, and were in a much better position to know what they were getting into. Plus, they ended the show after a reasonable time. Four season I think. It had its run, now time to let it go. They didn't try to drag it out and really destroy their lives for decades.

JMO said... 52

chefsummer said... 50
The kids were on the lawsuit diet then.


What about the money she spent on her face and chest and her head I'm sure all of that money could feed the kids.
I think it is called the "Beautification/GotaGoodBra" budget.

Kids need to diet quite a bit apparently with TFW's ongoing "budgets." ~ Administrator said... 53

IF they're so hungry why did Kate, according to Kate, "relieve" Jon of child support?

Well that's sure dumb for someone starving. He works. HIs wages could be garnished and given right back to her for grocery money.

You'll make your kids work before you ask their father to support them? That's pretty pathetic.

Vanessa said... 54

And just look how she went after Jon for not continuing to film? Look how she set out to destroy him. THAT was the fire under her butt, the hate that consumed (still consumes) her. Does everyone actually think? THINK? that those kids are not FORCED to perform? ~ Administrator said... 55

I'm pleasantly surprised Mady being forced to go to Alaska has struck a chord with journalists. Quite frankly that seems like a minor incident compared to everything else that has happened in this mess, but so be it. I guess people really didn't like the idea of a child dragged somewhere she didn't want to go. Why that bothers them and not the mountains of other things that happened I'm not sure.

And great catch about the kids crying and screaming for Jon shortly after they got home from that very same trip. I'll always remember "following" that trip live via random sightings and tweets and how it was apparent the children were without Kate for three or four days at a time. That must have been so sad and lonely. I'm not sure we ever found out where she went.

Anonymous said... 56

Admin said...

...And how does one update special in TWO YEARS feed the children? What about the other 23 months?

Well, the kids don't each much (HA) and Kate only eats lettuce, so, they're all good. ~ Administrator said... 57

I guess they had to fill up on eggs over those very long, long 23 months of no filming.

It's nature's perfect food. Or is that avocados.

JMO said... 58 (Administrator) said... 53
Also how does a CIVIL lawsuit help with "safety"?
It doesn't. All about TFW's desire to lash out and try to stop the book. But you knew this, of course.

Sounds like the TFW "budget" is and always has been" about TFW's needs. Lawsuits, beautification, etc.. without a thought of giving her kids the half a sandwich (at 10 yrs old) or second helpings that they probably need at this juncture.

Her whole idea of salads and "not getting fat" is probably being passed on to her kids. These are growing children, they need to eat to grow - oy vey!! Sick. ~ Administrator said... 59

Her whole idea of salads and "not getting fat" is probably being passed on to her kids.


And her sheeple, who are apparently now counting salads as a healthy balanced dinner. It CAN be but you have to know what you're doing and when is the last time somebody like a sheeple knew what they were doing.

JMO said... 60 (Administrator) said... 57
I'm pleasantly surprised Mady being forced to go to Alaska has struck a chord with journalists. Quite frankly that seems like a minor incident compared to everything else that has happened in this mess, but so be it. I guess people really didn't like the idea of a child dragged somewhere she didn't want to go. Why that bothers them and not the mountains of other things that happened I'm not sure.


I get what you are saying, but in the bigger picture, it clearly exemplifies that ALL KIDS do not want to film, while TFW has clearly said over and over and over again that they all agreed to filming. Lies.

The most recent filming, likewise, visually demonstrated the same. TFW's claims are clearly not truthful.

OrangeCrusher 1 said... 61

The half a sandwich thing continues to bother me. I have grandsons who are 5,4,3. When hungry, a normal thing for them after a morning of play, they can each eat most of a whole sandwich, 2 halves, either PB&J, or grilled cheese, sometimes a cheese quesedIlla, with two tortillas. The portion over control at the Kompound is frightening. ~ Administrator said... 62

I get what you are saying, but in the bigger picture, it clearly exemplifies that ALL KIDS do not want to film, while TFW has clearly said over and over and over again that they all agreed to filming. Lies.


Yes. Though I'm not sure all kids don't want to film. I think it's clear some of them don't like it. Not sure about all. Perhaps they just see it as representative of the fact that Kate does what is best for Kate and cannot be trusted to honor and respect the wishes or her children. In fact will even lie about those wishes and exploit the children even when their body language suggests that they are mortified and terribly uncomfortable. It really is sort of representative of the big picture. I've always felt it was irrelevant whether the kids loved or hated filming, however. The point is it's not good for them, not at this level, not at this amount, not for this long. It does not matter if they love it or hate it, it's got to stop for their SAFETY, if we wanna talk about safety, TFW. However, it certainly makes a more compelling argument if they have been forced to do something they did not want to do.

Tucker's Mom said... 63

Jeebus, another Malaysain 777 plane went down in Ukraine- may have been shot down.
Good Lord.

JMO said... 64

I think TFW switched perimeters to meet her own needs. She always said, once anyone wants to stop filming, we are done. Jon wanted to stop, and poof, he was not only gone from the show, but from her life.

The kids are getting older and wiser. They know what she said, and Kate is not honoring her own words. There were only 3 kids (IMO) that were actually on board with recent filming, based on the footage.

The others - not so much. Not sure if she used bribery, guilt, or punishment, but if you view the most recent shows, most of the kids did not exhibit happiness at all. Actually the opposite. And I don't think TLC missed this nuance either.

Anonymous said... 65

The Talk discussion was scathing. At this point, what media endeavor is possible for Ate?

I can't think of one thing...but maybe porn? (and I am being serious).
She has nothing to offer. NOTHING.
she's worse than, shall I say it, MEDIOCRE?

As bad as I imagined the the discussion would be, it was worse than what I expected. I am stunned. poor schmoopy.


FYI said... 66

As of right now, Robert has sold 1645 books, with 1073 sold this month alone.

From Mar. 2013 through Feb. 2014, Kate sold 1641 copies on Amazon. So Robert has sold more on Amazon in 25 days than Kate did in 337 days!!

As of today, he has only sold 315 less copies than Kate has sold total (1960) on Amazon since Mar. 2013.

Not exactly "fizzling"!

Granny in Nebraska said... 67

My granddaughter picked up 38 books at the library on Monday. The limit is 40. She will be back in a few weeks for more.

Tucker's Mom said... 68

When, oh when, is Radar going to highlight the part where an editor on J+K+8 and K+8 was convicted of trafficking in pornographic images of children?
I would love to hear The Talk's take on "Operation Spyglass", Bill Blankenship, and Kate's utterly ignoring something that would make most parents sick to their stomach.

sparkle said... 69

“Kate’s not going to take any legal action at this time,” a source close to the reality TV star told Radar.
“She feels the book is already ‘out there’ and thinks that ‘even though a lot of things are fabricated and untrue,’ she doesn’t feel the need to drudge up old news and waste unnecessary money on attorney fees that could go to feeding her children’s mouths.”


I still can't wrap my head around this. First of all, according to the sheep this book was never coming out again. They insisted that Kate made Robert and Jon cry 'uncle' in a super secret deal.

Oh, but it did indeed get re-released. It is selling steadily and has sold (or almost sold) more e editions than Kate's crookbook total, but Milo calls that "fizzling." Lol. The statement from the spokessheep is most confounding. They are claiming that this book is "fabricated and untrue" but she's not going to waste unnecessary money on lawyer fees." Any innocent individual would not consider defending their name and character a waste of lawyer fees. They would consider the vindication of these allegations money well spent. This was a bad excuse and bad choice of words. Again, no libeled person calls defending their good name a waste of money. The sheeple who came up with that steaming pile only made Kate look worse and even more guilty.

Tucker's Mom said... 70

chefsummer said... 40
Kate has to feed the kids so that why she's not suing.

But she sued the first time so did they kids not need to eat during the first lawsuit?

Kate sued for the kids safely during the first lawsuit.

But she won't sue a second time so do the kids safety not matter now?
What has changed now such that the children are safe and their futures secure?
I'd love to know, because Kate was adamant that she HAD to sue Jon and Robert in order to affect this.

Eh, never mind, there is no sane, logical answer.
Kate's timing was impecable, as usual.
She timed her divorce filing and inflammatory statement about Jon when 10 million sets of eyeballs were watching.
Kudos on that one.
Next, Kate timed a baseless, hapless and vicious lawsuit against the father of her children just as her cook book was to be released.
Fantastic way to tease television shows in order to ensure they get Kate on their couches.
Interestingly, once the book was out and failing miserably, she didn't need to protect her bebbies.
Not so much?

chefsummer #Leh said... 71

Does everyone actually think? THINK? that those kids are not FORCED to perform?

The sheep are blind and brainless followers that believe everything Kate tells or tweets them.

I bet if she said yes filming is very harmful the sheep will turn around an agree with her.

JTN said... 72

I have been thinking about Sara Gilbert's comment about wanting to be there and act, and I think it probably highlights a fundamental difference between her life and the kids lives. Her sister was on one of the biggest shows in America. According to Alison Arngrim's book, one of the reasons Little House worked was because Michael Landon treated the children like actors. She said that children are often treated like movable props, and he dealt and interacted with them like professionals. She and the other child actors thrived in the atmosphere of respect set by their boss. Sara Gilbert undoubtedly was impacted by seeing her brother and sister (her brother played Willie Nelson) work as actors in an environment where they mattered and were taken seriously. If they had horrible acting experiences, she may not have followed them into the profession, but that was not the case. That said, however, the Gilbert family didn't need their children to act and were apparently wealthy enough on their own to not use them as a support base.
The 8 children are largely used as props in manufactured situations to play out some contrived scenario. None of them can choose another path. They are the backbone of income in that family and are treated as cash generators. I have read alot about child actors over the year and in almost every. single. situation where the children support the parents, it doesn't end well. You can look back to Mary Astor's parents (they sued her for support and pretty much stripped her clean), Jackie Coogan's parents, and go from there to modern day. The Gosselin situation will not end well.

chefsummer #Leh said... 73 (Administrator) said... 61

My thing would be is to look at Kate and see how skinny and sometimes sickly and unhealthy and unkept she looks.

She's a former nurse and as a grown woman she should know how to care for herself properly.

It doesn't look like she knows how so why would anyone follow advice or ways or anything?

chefsummer #Leh said... 74

Tucker's Mom said... 72

We will never get sheep or Kate's logic let's just leave at that lol.

FYI said... 75

Milo's on the warpath. She's not only attacking Robert, now she's attacking Amber Ryland. Is she going to attack the cast of The Talk next?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 10m
@AmberGoodhand @Kateplusmy8 Good grief Amber...have U lost it? What a stupid article!! No ones business what Kate does w/clothes or $$!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 9m
Well I see Hoffie is riding this #MoneyTrain 4all he can get off @Kateplusmy8 Sells bits & pieces of his trash "tell all" comic bk 2ROL!

Seems it's okay though when Kate or her "source" sells stories to ROL.

FYI said... 76

Robert thanked The Talk and included Kate in his tweet. How soon before the sheeple start trashing them?

Gosselin Book ‏@GosselinBook · 11m
Thank you ladies of @TheTalk_CBS for your fair assessment of @Kateplusmy8. Watch starting at 16:00 …

Anonymous said... 77

Sara Gilbert's family has been in the biz for generations. They knew what they were dealing with. Okay. :)

I wish The Talk ladies had voiced that the G kids aren't acting--they are on a reality show depicting themselves.

That's a whole different animal and it's worse.


FYI said... 78

Getting back to Milo's tweet to Amber. She says it's "No ones business what Kate does w/clothes or $$!".

This from the person who wants to know every single detail about Kate's and the kids' lives and makes it her business to try to find out. This from a person who admires Kate for putting her and her children's lives out there and making it everyone's business. This from a person who doesn't give one iota about the children's privacy.

Hypocrite thy name is Milo.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 79

Granny in Nebraska (#69), great that your granddaughter is such an
avid reader! What a wonderful hobby.

There's a coupon blog I read which is written by a mother of 3. The
first post I saw this morning - right after I'd commented about the
lack of reading in the G family's lives - was this: "12 Books I Plan
To Read in July, and 3 Books I Plan To Read Aloud To The Kids."
And this is a woman who runs a marvelous blog, and travels a lot
to conferences and book-signings (she has an actual best seller),
and still manages to make time to read not only for herself, but
with her children.

It seems like the G kids don't have a lot of intellectual stimulation
at home. I sense a lot of electronic "babysitting" going on. TFW
has busted herself time and again on that one.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 80

Now, now, Gladys, let's not go calling Amber's article "stupid" -
you're all about positivity, 'memba? And if you just sit tight, it's
likely that within the next 10 days there'll be something nasty
about Jon printed, and you'll have to eat your words. Lucky
you only had that salad for dinner the other night...

JMO said... 81

Tucker's Mom said... 70
When, oh when, is Radar going to highlight the part where an editor on J+K+8 and K+8 was convicted of trafficking in pornographic images of children?
I would love to hear The Talk's take on "Operation Spyglass", Bill Blankenship, and Kate's utterly ignoring something that would make most parents sick to their stomach.

Who knows- guessing TLC may have paid TFW to keep her mouth shut. Every word out of her mouth was, "Can we sue??" Always about getting money not earned.

Likewise, raising an issue that has never been discussed, but is it possible that TLC agreed to pay for tuition for the 8 back in the hay days? Never minding paying for her "new set" at the McMansion?

I am talking back in the day, back to days of her high ratings? Reason I mention this is because TFW is always concerned about every penny she spends on her kids (Boys wearing shirts for 2 years down the road, chickens on property for tax break, consignment shops for clothing she received for free, many freebies, etc...

Don't know what to make of her greed, but I do think the tuition issue was addressed with TLC at the height of her fame. Pure conjecture, but she complains about the most minor of bills, but never any mention of the school tuition. Odd. And remember, she had everyone who gave her furniture, etc.. pay for the taxes so she did not have to put out a penny for any perks.

sparkle said... 82

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 10m
@AmberGoodhand @Kateplusmy8 Good grief Amber...have U lost it? What a stupid article!! No ones business what Kate does w/clothes or $$!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 9m
Well I see Hoffie is riding this #MoneyTrain 4all he can get off @Kateplusmy8 Sells bits & pieces of his trash "tell all" comic bk 2ROL!

I am a glutton for punishment, I fully admit it. Attempting to find logic where there is none is futile, I know, I know, I know.

That said, here goes. For us mediocres, it isn't anyone's business what we choose to do with our children's hand me downs. Consign, Goodwill, give to relatives, we all have a preference.

A few months before Kate was photographed taking clothes she likely received for free to a consignment shop, the big push for the show was "Gosselins give back." Never mind that the Gosselins had to fly to Tennesee to give back, but hey, they were giving back. Kate publicly gushed that she was addicted to giving back and that from here on out she was going to be more charitable so her kids would know the joy of giving to those in need. She even flew back to Tenn. ON HER OWN DIME (she made sure we all knew this) to continue her addiction of giving back.

A few months later, her addiction must have been cured, because she's photographed taking her kids clothing to a consignment shop. Kate doesn't get it both ways, Milo. She doesn't get to do a mini publicity tour gushing about her newfound charitable ways, inviting the public to know about what a giver she is, then slink off to a consignment shop to shill clothes she got for free to squeeze a couple bucks out of them. If Kate is going to make these public declarations, she deserves to be called out publicly when they turn out to lies and stunts.

JMO said... 83

Kate is a twit said... 77
Milo's on the warpath.

To be expected.

getofftwitter said... 84

Marie Osmond is not a regular, on the Talk. I guess you can call her a free lance co-host. Marie still does the shows in Vegas and flys to LA to do the Talk. I think she should do the talk show, period, but perhaps she likes doing live performances,(good exercise, she can move) as to being a regular on a Talk show. I like her on the Talk. Marie comes from a family of 9 kids, and she had 8 kids. (some were adopted). Marie at one time had all her kids perform on stage with her(she had them do summer stock with her, years ago, she did Sound of music, one summer) I don't know how many are still performing, but she let them try it. Marie knows a lot about the music world, acting world, and stage. From what Donny said in an interview how he was pushed into the family business, how he would get stage fright, a lot, and as he got older it got worse. Both Donny & Marie and all there brothers would have like to had a normal childhood. Donny said later in interviews, how he enjoyed watching his sons play football in high school, and hearing all the fun his kids got to do, and he missed. He never encouraged any of his kids to go into the business. Unlike Kate, the G8 had no choice.

Millicent said... 85

Admin said:
I'll always remember "following" that trip live via random sightings and tweets and how it was apparent the children were without Kate for three or four days at a time. That must have been so sad and lonely. I'm not sure we ever found out where she went.
Purest speculation on my part, but I think that Kate became very un-nerved by her experience in Alaska. She was thrown up against Sarah Palin, which clearly made her very uncomfortable. I'm not a Palin fan, but Palin was chipper, enthusiastic, and tried to be a good host to Kate and the children. Kate's interactions with others only work (in her mind) when she has the upper hand, when she has control.

Tossed into a situation where she is expected to treat Palin as an equal, she clearly hated it.

The capper was being ignored while everyone went ahead and had fun without her. She was miserable!!! and no one dropped everything and tried to placate her (except perhaps for that money grubber, Steve).

We saw her basically lose it on camera and take flight from the campground. I think perhaps she really did have a sort of mental breakdown, and maybe she was off somewhere for a few days, self-medicating with booze. It was probably the first time in years where Kate was very publicly ignored, and she couldn't get anyone fired because of it. She came face to face with a situation where her presence was irrelevant and it probably freaked her out.

I think she is headed for some serious breaks from reality as the years pass and those kids get the hell away from her. She will have no one and nothing. She will be older and look older. She will have a hissy fit in a store and be asked to leave, rather than be catered to. She may foolishly drive under the influence and get arrested and her mug shot splashed all over ROL. No, it won't end well for Kate, and the saddest thing is she'll never understand that she was the cause of her own downfall.

Tucker's Mom said... 86

I wish The Talk ladies had voiced that the G kids aren't acting--they are on a reality show depicting themselves.

That's a whole different animal and it's worse.

I think most people appreciate that the Gosselins are not actors, but I don't know if the public "gets" that the show was highly orchestrated, and that the kids were not running in and out of frame all the time.
The schedule was rigorous, and while what you saw in an episode looked organic, it really wasn't.
The family had to meet deadlines, travel, be on mark, do activity, wait, do another activity.

One of the best first-hand accounts of this was Polly Kahl's observation of the corn maze filming.
To listen to Kate narrate (on the basement throne), you'd think that they were there all day long, and did the whole maze.
In reality, the came, they filmed, they left.
In 20 minutes.
Kate was completely unengaged with the children, other than yelling "don't step on the corn!!!!!!!", and the crew interacted with the kids to get action scenes; chasing and calling them.
Oh, Kate and her stiletto boots trampled all over the corn on the way to the BBB when they left.

Millicent said... 87

JMO said... 49
So many great posts... so little time :)

First of all- on The Talk, several women spoke up about the children being forced to film. Sharon Osbourne clearly did not demand that her one daughter who did not want to film be on the show. Liked the "barfing" as well. Like them or not, both she and Ozzie have/had talent that brought them in the spotlight.
That's right - they had an older daughter who opted out of being part of their reality show, and her wishes were strictly honored. Also, Sharon and Ozzie are characters, but crazily enough, demonstrate what it means to be in a committed long-term marriage. What with Ozzie's drug use in younger days, wild times, etc. - yet they stuck it out and seem as deeply in love as ever. No wonder Sharon scoffs at Kate, who chased off a good husband and father, and has had an inappropriate relationship with her married money-grubbing "body guard" for years!

"Marie Osmond- Mother of many kids did not approve of Kate's "blanket" -THEY ALL WANT TO FILM rhetoric."
I believe that the Osmonds' father did push them into the limelight, and I am not sure whether all of them would have chosen that path. However, they did have a very strong family and seem to have mostly positive things to say about being young singing sensations. However, Marie seems to have raised her own children very much out of the spotlight. I wouldn't recognize one of her children if I passed them in the street. Marie Osmond has worked hard all her life - she knows a phony when she sees one.

FYI said... 88

I like ConcernedChick's response to Milo's two tweets:

Concerned Chick ‏@ConcernedChick · 47m
.@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 ROFL!!! The book is available to buy! Common sense says Amber bought the book. #duh

Concerned Chick ‏@ConcernedChick · 44m
.@MiloandJack @AmberGoodhand @Kateplusmy8 You do realize Kate made millions selling her children's moments that weren't world's business...?

Concerned Chick ‏@ConcernedChick · 2m
Too funny that @Kateplusmy8 fans think ROL is paying someone for each story about Kate when they can buy them ALL for $8.88 on amazon.

Good points!!

Blowing In The Wind said... 89

I like ConcernedChick's response to Milo's two tweets:


For once in her life, Gladys needs to shut the heck up. She's not helping Kate one bit, and she's making herself look like more of an idiot than she already is. Milo, knock it off. It's much better if you keep tweeting platitudes or your lust for Kate rather than denouncing this book and ROL as trash. It's not working for you.

sparkle said... 90

Here's another example of how Kate does make her business everyone else's business because of the way she shoots her mouth off. When Jon and Kate were relentlessly begging for their van and equipment, etc. they would always throw in that when they were done with the equipment they would pay it forward and donate it to other families with multiples. They publicly made the statement and that declaration. I'm sure with that in mind, some companies felt more inclined to help the Gosselins. Unfortunately, when the time came, instead of seeking out other familes of multiples to give the equipment to like they promised, they listed it for sale on their website and sold it. Shady.

Had they never said a word about what they intended to do with the donations they received, it would be a non-issue and truly nobody's business. But they made it people's business by publicly claiming they would do one thing, then reneging on that promise and doing the opposite. In fairness, they did sell the last of the equipment on the show at their yard sale and donated the proceeds to charity. It wasn't the initial promise to donate to other families of multiples, but at least the money went to a worthy cause.

In short Milo, Kate is a public figure and makes sure via her twatter and other outlets, that we know all about her business. When she's caught lying, it is only because she publicly told the lie in the first place.

Vanessa said... 91

Well, the kids don't each much (HA) and Kate only eats lettuce, so, they're all good.

Oh, and don't forget the kale chips she was stuffing down her pie hole while doling out a yogurt cup sized portion to the kids. She is seriously whacked in the head. Imagine the energy it takes to monitor every morsel that goes into their mouths? Imagine the stress on the kids, knowing there may be an scene or a lecture when all they fricken want is MORE!!

JMO said... 92

Other than pursuing doctors (who wisely avoid her like the CLAP), pursuing a dentist's son, who provided financial support, collecting funds and having bills paid by locals, and listing a web site that requested donated items- including a 15 passenger van, sending videos to networks before the kids were even born, what has she ever done that would contribute to the finances, other than filming her kids?

I know she wrote 4 books, first written by Beth, 2nd and 3rd popular due to ratings';4th- cookbook-disaster. Failed show (with Kate alone), CC - fired, DWTS - disaster- you pick on Tony, you pick on him, you deal with me: );ARC photos, CWS- Way too smug to a mother of 1; treated Ashley and Jamie like crap on RV trip, Father of children left after being told filming would continue, when he clearly said, he wanted it to stop, Beth gone, Nanny Janet gone, family "does not know how to help her."

Sorry, but somewhere along the line, you have to realize the problem is you. And your demands were too much, even for TLC! Take note.

Vanessa said... 93

I think TFW switched perimeters to meet her own needs. She always said, once anyone wants to stop filming, we are done. Jon wanted to stop, and poof, he was not only gone from the show, but from her life.


Yes, classic narcissist. Explains why she's all alone right now.

Over And Out said... 94

Flimsy said..."Now, now, Gladys, let's not go calling Amber's article "stupid" -
you're all about positivity, 'memba? And if you just sit tight, it's
likely that within the next 10 days there'll be something nasty
about Jon printed, and you'll have to eat your words. Lucky
you only had that salad for dinner the other night..."


Isn't it soon time for Gladys to go and pout somewhere, then come back saying that things are bad there, she's not movin very fast, she needs some of Kate's abounding energy and positivism, her relatives were abducted by aliens, or she's busy chasin down flyin turtles in the car?

Geez, I hope so!

Over And Out said... 95

Kate is a twit said... 90
I like ConcernedChick's response to Milo's two tweets:


Milo is bull-headed, and so far up Kate's butt that absolutely nothing would make sense to her. Logic isn't a word in her vocab. You could try to reason with her, talk until you're blue in the face, but it wouldn't make one iota of a difference, so why waste your breath?

Anonymous said... 96

Tucker's Mom...yes, I realize that most reality shows are 'scripted', but my meaning about the kids depicting themselves is just that...they might be 'acting' out a scripted episode, but they are in fact acting as themselves.

here's another thought, and ya'll tell me what you think.
Ate copyrighted her journal. Robert paraphrased Ate's abusive parenting skills. (for the record, I have both editions of Robert's book. I do not plan on reading the second one. I simply purchased the second to support Robert)
So what happens if a PA mandated reporter reads Robert's book? Is it enough to open an investigation, although a complaint wasn't registered through an agency?
(I don't know if I could be a PA child welfare employee that could read this book and not feel some sort of responsibility to protect the kids).


Over And Out said... 97

Hypocrite thy name is Milo.


Milo may be the chief hypocrite among the ewes, but this also applies to other sheeple as well. Lauren comes in a close second. In fact, all of them appear to have taken a course in Hypocrisy 101.

Vanessa said... 98

Sorry, but somewhere along the line, you have to realize the problem is you.

It's frightening really. the thing is she KNOWS she is an abuser, she confessed to it in her own journal. But she has never seeked help.
Did anyone watch Dr. Phil the other day about a raging abusive mother?
NO DEAD EYES. She was abused as a child and was repeating the cycle. She genuinely wanted help. With POS, she will never be reached. She will never want help, therapy, do the hard HARD work that's required to change her life. What I don't get is she KNOWS what her childhood did to her, made her feel...why WHY? does she not want better for her kids. She can justify it til the cows come home. Would she want her abuser(s) to blame it on THEIR abuser (s)? I can't stand to hear my mother bemoan about what a rotten childhood she had, how she was treated and then turn around and do the exact same thing. If you can see the injustice done to YOU, why cant they see it when they're the perps?

Tucker's Mom said... 99

Millicent said... 87
Admin said:
I'll always remember "following" that trip live via random sightings and tweets and how it was apparent the children were without Kate for three or four days at a time. That must have been so sad and lonely. I'm not sure we ever found out where she went.
Purest speculation on my part, but I think that Kate became very un-nerved by her experience in Alaska.
I agree with your take on Alaska, with the additional thought that Kate was uncomfortable with, and perhaps angered by, being in a somewhat patriarchal environment, where 3 generations of a cohesive family interacted in cohesion, without tension or acrimony.
Jealous? Perhaps.
Uncomfortable? Definitely.
Angry. I'm pretty sure.

Formerly Duped said... 100

Are you ladies talking about lunch sandwiches or the breakfast ones in the special? The breakfast ones are filled with egg, cheese, bacon and the bread she bakes is larger than average store-bought bread. Hey, I'm defending Kate??? But the lunch ones we've seen look very small, not enough, although she does fill up the packed lunch with various other things like fruit, veg, dairy, 'crunchy', dessert. As for the stale uneaten repacked sandwiches, NO!

PJ's momma said... 101

I can't believe that anyone would think it's OK to SELL things that were given for free, especially by someone who has been given and has so much. Someone should ask these fans this question. If you sent Kate a gift and she didn't use or like it (and it didn't end up in the trash), would you be OK with her selling it? Not quietly regifting it, but selling it for cash, and very little at that, pennies on the dollar that YOU spent?

T said... 102

OT- Help! Had the outside of the house painted, so we (all humans & all pets), went away for 5 days. Unfortunately, I found a dead and decomposing mouse in my washing machine when I came back. Aaaccckkkk! So gross! I got rid of the carcass and wiped out the washer, and then ran it with lots of bleach, detergent, and hot water several times, then ran it w/ vinegar twice, but now it just smells like bleach scented dead mouse. Does anyone have any ideas? I should note that it is a up and down washer and dryer that fits inside a single closet, and not a side by side one. It is also on the main floor and not in a basement, so I have no idea now it got in there, and I haven't seen any signs of mice anywhere else. I am so grossed out by this that I cannot even tell you! For the life of me, I can't imagine why it would make it's way to the washer either, since I store extra bags of dog and cat food in a different closet on the same floor. So I guess I have 3 questions: 1. How to get rid of dead mouse smell and clean the washer completely. 2. How to know how it got it in, so it doesn't get it again. 3. Once clean, how to find the courage to use the washer again. I am totally skeeved out at the idea of it. Ugh! ICK!!!!!

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled (and hopefully mouse free) program.

Over And Out said... 103

If you sent Kate a gift and she didn't use or like it (and it didn't end up in the trash), would you be OK with her selling it? Not quietly regifting it, but selling it for cash, and very little at that, pennies on the dollar that YOU spent?


Good point, but these are sheeple. In their eyes, Kate is perfect. She does no wrong. They'd argue that if she needs the money to feed her children or pay bills, then it would be fine with them. She knows what is best for the kids, and they'd have no problem with whatever she chose to do.

That's how they think. It's the cult-like thing.

Vanessa said... 104

Formerly Duped said... 102Are you ladies talking about lunch sandwiches or the breakfast ones in the special?


I think the words "for the special" say it all.
Her manual said otherwise

JMO said... 105

Lesson #1 when you receive gifts from fans...

If you don't like what you got, donate it to charity. There are MANY folks with children, who are truly in need. Having your "body guard" dump gifts/donations in to a dumpster(except for gift cards).... laughing about it...not cool.


Formerly Duped said... 106

T said... 104

I'm sorry for you! That happened to me once in my first apartment, a few times, behind the wall. All I could do unfortunately was try to close off the area, and wait till decomposition was complete- 2 weeks. Masking the smell with air freshener and what you have already done is all you can do, as far as I know. But remember, if there was one mouse, there may well be more...maybe call a pest control company. Could it have got in through the vent or other opening and traveled to the washer area- they can fit in very tiny spots. Look for holes or droppings.. Good luck! I understand how gross this is and so horrific an odor.

Vanessa said... 107

Vanessa said... 106
Formerly Duped said... 102Are you ladies talking about lunch sandwiches or the breakfast ones in the special?


I think the words "for the special" say it all.
Her manual said otherwise
that kind of sounded like there was a "tone" to it after I read it.
None intended:)

NJGal51 said... 108

T - I use the stuff that Tide makes specifically to clean your washing machine. It cleans all the gunk out and leaves a vey pleasant smell. Other than that you could try filling the tub and adding vinegar with baking soda. Maybe the effervescent action will help.

Bitchy Pants said... 109

T-104 -- EEWW! ICK!! I'm skeeved out right along with you, just from reading your post. I can't imagine a nastier surprise to come home to. As for getting rid of the odor -- Try running it through with a whole box of baking soda. Then run it through again with baking soda and vinegar. That MIGHT help. You might also ask your vet if he/she knows of a way to get rid of the smell. Call a local cleaning company like ServPro and they might have some suggestions, too. Companies that do flood/fire/crime scene clean-up know all about removing nasty odors. No. 2 and No. 3 on your list -- ya got me. My prayers are with you because you'll need them. Yuck! Now I need a shower!

Dwindle said... 110 (Administrator) said... 57

And great catch about the kids crying and screaming for Jon shortly after they got home from that very same trip. I'll always remember "following" that trip live via random sightings and tweets and how it was apparent the children were without Kate for three or four days at a time. That must have been so sad and lonely. I'm not sure we ever found out where she went.


At the time, I ASSuMEd that Steve checked her into a luxury hotel while she had a temper tantrum for a few days, while he fielded irate calls from Discovery. I also thought at the time that we were witnessing the beginning of the end.

Let's throw tomatoes said... 111

I'm not feeling well today but I just want to voice my concern for the G8. Kate must be getting angrier by the moment and I hope she's not taking out her anger out on those kids.

I hope Jon is keeping a close eye on the kids.

Blowing In The Wind said... 112

T - I use the stuff that Tide makes specifically to clean your washing machine. It cleans all the gunk out and leaves a vey pleasant smell. Other than that you could try filling the tub and adding vinegar with baking soda. Maybe the effervescent action will help.


lol! I just wrote exactly the same thing, read your post and deleted mine! I guess her cat isn't doing his/her job with the mice!

There's also Chlorox washing machine cleaner. I've had good luck with that, although I never had a bleached mouse in my washer, so I don't know if it would work on that.

Dmasy said... 113

T, be careful with a whole box of baking soda. You don't want to make a paste that will clog your drain. Sam's Club sells a product called OdoBan (that's close) in gallons. It does work, but it has it's own cloying smell.

Good luck.

Dwindle said... 114

But but but, Marie does not speak for these children!! whines our resident troll on a weekly basis on her way to the trash bin.


When Kate decided to broadcast her family and demanded that the public PAY HER to observe her mothering, she made it everyone's business.

Also, I have a question for Milo: If Hoffman is riding a gravy train, implying he is getting paid for the handful of negative articles about Kate, wouldnt that mean that Kate likewise was paid for the billions of glowing articles about her for the past 8 years? If Robert is getting rich, didnt Kate get a billion times richer off of rag articles? Where is all that money, Milo?

Blowing In The Wind said... 115

Has Milo commented on Kate's travel rider? How about the Kobe beef and her planned menu for each day at the Essex? I guess every normal mom makes extravagant requests like this for her children. In fact, do sheep even know what Kobe beef is?

Tuckers Mom said... 116

RIP Elaine Stritch.

She was a real broad.

PatK said... 117

Other than Milo, and occasionally Lauren, the rest of the sheeple seem to be rather quiet on Kate's TL regarding the book. Of course, I'm sure they've gone batshit crazy at the pro-Kate blogs (but I certainly don't go there).

Perhaps they're all hoping it dies down soon. Or maybe they're too embarrassed because (a) they said it would never be published and (b) their promised lolsuit and big cash payoff was a failure.

Martha said... 118

Forget about the sheeple! I'm relieved that the media is finally grasping some salient points. Hopefully, now that The Talk has gone where no one dared to tread, there will be more open discussions, not engineered by TFW.

AuntieAnn said... 119

Kate is a twit said... 77

Milo's on the warpath. She's not only attacking Robert, now she's attacking Amber Ryland. Is she going to attack the cast of The Talk next?


Poor Gladys is gonna wear herself out trying to plug the holes of a dam that's about to burst. She's going to run out of fingers. Look at what's come out in the past three weeks alone since the release of Robert's book - it's gone from tabloid to prime time. You can bet there will be plenty more stories from former friends and employees. Once one starts talking they all will.

(I'm trying to catch up on the posts - from the previous thread - Rule #3 @ 60 - I appreciate your comment although I wasn't terribly offended by that other person's remarks. Anyway, I've never had a gauntlet thrown down for me so I will wear my special cardboard tiara with extra gold glitter and raise a glass of rumspringa in your honor. Thank you! :0)

Hoosier Girl said... 120

I went to Kate's website to see if I could find that idiotic rambling she wrote about why she needed to sue Jon. WTF! Did she forget she has a website?! She STILL has the 'Pre-order Love is in the Mix due for release in September 2013' posted!!!

OrangeCrusher 1 said... 121

There is a plane down in Ukraine and dead children in Gaza. Kate who?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 122

Just read in the Hollywood Reporter that, for the first time in its
4-year history, "The Talk" beat "The View" in the ratings last week.

Canadian Girl said... 123

What happened to Maddies arm while they were in Alaska?,i read somewhere that Kate twisted it out of anger,why wasn,t this reported on more,if true how can something like that remain so quiet,someone must have seen something,was there any medical attention involved? some good investigated reporting should have been done.

JoyinVirginia said... 124

T, this gets out cat urine odor whenever Kitty had an accident on the bathmat or towel. I washed the item in HOT water with Borax added to the detergent (usually use Tide) . I suggest run the washer with your usual detergent and one cup borax. Run the water and add the borax and detergent then let it go thru the cycle. After that you could maybe put an open small box of baking soda just in the room, or inside the washer without running it, to absorb the smell like in the fridge. Hope this helps!

FYI said... 125

And Milo's rampage continues:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 9m
The Gosselin8 belong 2 @Kateplusmy8. She's sole provider/full custody! Haters..they ARE NOT YOUR KIDS! U have NO say in how she raises them!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 11m
YOU go girl > @Kateplusmy8 Coupons, consignments, freebies, beg & borrow along w/all ur hard work! 8-10yrs more,,,just U 2get ur kids thru!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 10m
@Kateplusmy8 I'd do exactly same...if I had the financial weight on my shoulders by myself..U'd better believe I'd squirrel away every dime!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 9m
@Kateplusmy8 Ur not asking taxpayers 2provide 4ur kids..ur doing whatever U have U said "piece & patch" 2gether a living 4ur family!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 5m
U hold ur head high @Kateplusmy8...I have nothing but #Respect 4U & all that U do 4ur kids! I could NOT "walk a mile N ur shoes"..2tuff4me!

"The Gosselin8 belong 2 @Kateplusmy8"? So I guess Milo's considers the kids to be Kate's possessions and Kate can do whatever she likes with them.

It seems that Milo's rage is proportionate to Robert's book sales. The more he sells, the more vocal she gets.

Kate should really advise Milo to just shut up. I don't think she handling her PR job very well. Maybe Kate should tell her "You're fired!!"

FYI said... 126

And then you have this little gem from another sheeple about why Mady was crying in the Alaska picture. Seriously, you can't make this stuff up!!

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 People see ONE picture of Mady crying & assume it was about filming,but it was about getting her shoes/feet wet:).

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 127

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 People see ONE picture of Mady crying & assume it was about filming,but it was about getting her shoes/feet wet:).

Marie was there, of course. I have to wonder if she conducts her real life like her fake/lie-filled Twitter life.

Anonymous said... 128

@ 104 Have you thought about using lemon juice?

Ami said... 129

I never watched Kate + 8. They really "acknowledge" Steve? What was TFW thinking? The show would become Steve and Kate + 8?

Millicent said... 130

Tucker's Mom said:
I agree with your take on Alaska, with the additional thought that Kate was uncomfortable with, and perhaps angered by, being in a somewhat patriarchal environment, where 3 generations of a cohesive family interacted in cohesion, without tension or acrimony.
Oh good point about men being involved and treated with respect. Not just Todd Palin, but Sarah Palin's dad was there too and very active and involved in the camping trip. I wonder if that triggered something for TFW. I notice she didn't try to "playfully slap" either Todd or Grandpa Palin! Both men are outdoorsmen, seem very capable, have a strong sense of themselves and neither one liked TFW one bit! LOL.

Millicent said... 131

PJ's momma said... 103
I can't believe that anyone would think it's OK to SELL things that were given for free,
I have sold items that I received as gifts, several times. Most of the time, it was clothing items that were brand new but either did not fit my son, or were things he would not wear. However, I really was (and am) a penny-pinching, "piecin' and patchin'" single mom, and needed the money lol.

Over the years, I have also donated tons of clothing, as well as furniture and other items, to the Salvation Army and Goodwill.

But in Kate's situation, where she was making so much money at the time, I think she could have easily afforded to donate to a local women's shelter/homeless shelter, etc.

Over And Out said... 132

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 7m
@MY_2BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 Doesn't matter WHY she was get upset..w/8 ur lucky 2get them all smiley at one time! So what? LOL

So what? Milo really doesn't give two cents about those kids, does she? It's all about Kate, her one true love. Or, does Milo just hate all kids?

LOL? Gosh darn it. There is nothing in the least bit funny about a child crying because she doesn't want to be there or have the crap filmed out of her.

willowmom (now Piper's mom) said... 133

ROL'S Shame-O-Meter today:
1. Teresa Guidice
2. Theresa Caputo
3. Casey Anthony
4. Kate Gosselin

That's some great company she's in today.

willowmom (now Piper's mom) said... 134

By the way, #5 is Barack Obama, #6 Kim K

Over And Out said... 135

(b) their promised lolsuit and big cash payoff was a failure.


What's happening with that? I thought by now they'd all own vacation homes in the Caribbean somewhere, guzzling tropical drinks and watching the young fellows parade by in their Speedos.

Over And Out said... 136

OrangeCrusher 1 said... 124
There is a plane down in Ukraine and dead children in Gaza. Kate who?


Does Kate have any insight as to who or what a "Gaza" is?

Over And Out said... 137

Poor Gladys is gonna wear herself out trying to plug the holes of a dam that's about to burst. She's going to run out of fingers. Look at what's come out in the past three weeks alone since the release of Robert's book - it's gone from tabloid to prime time. You can bet there will be plenty more stories from former friends and employees. Once one starts talking they all will.


This is way too big a job for Milo to handle by herself. Even calling for assistance from some of the mini-ewes isn't going to work. The only thing she can do at this point is make a joke out of the whole thing. She's run out of options.

Tucker's Mom said... 138

Martha said... 121
Forget about the sheeple! I'm relieved that the media is finally grasping some salient points. Hopefully, now that The Talk has gone where no one dared to tread, there will be more open discussions, not engineered by TFW.
July 17, 2014 at 1:24 PM
Let's hear a REAL, honest, open conversation that isn't peppered with "but, but, but Kate's a SINGLE mom with 8 mouths to else can she support her kids????"

Let's hear experts discuss how filming children's lives, a la The Truman Show, affects their development on every level.

Let's not just focus on Kate's talking points and guarded questions which never take her to task for the OBVIOUS detrimental effects of living in a fish bowl.

Beyond Disgusted said... 139

Hey, Nicole. While you are kissing up to Milo, why not ask her why she makes Kate's business HER business? Why she bombards her with a game of 100 questions. Why she wants to know where Kate is, what's for dinner, who won the game, and if Kate's grow-a-boyfriend is waitin for her in her bedroom.

And no, Nicole, I seriously doubt if Kate has even given a glance at your book. In fact, I'd bet the farm (and the sheep) that it's in a landfill somewhere.

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould 32m
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I agree. They need to mind their business. She is doing an amazing job raising those beautiful kids. :)

Rhymes with Witch said... 140

When Kate decided to broadcast her family and demanded that the public PAY HER to observe her mothering, she made it everyone's business. 116

Indeed she did. People who watched or read her website or twitter are entitled to form an opinion.and share it. She deliberately put it out for public consumption

Beyond Disgusted said... 141

Marie was there, of course. I have to wonder if she conducts her real life like her fake/lie-filled Twitter life.


She has a real life?

swingsandroundabouts said... 142

Auntie Anne said ... 122

Poor Gladys is gonna wear herself out trying to plug the holes of a dam that's about to burst. She's going to run out of fingers.


I can give her a finger.

Rhymes with Witch said... 143

I can give her a finger. 145


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 144

Does Kate have any insight as to who or what a "Gaza" is?

It's that white stuff you wrap around a wound. That's why it's called a "gaza strip."

AuntieAnn said... 145

swingsandroundabouts said... 145


I can give her a finger.



FYI said... 146

Another gem:

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 In Alaska photo Mady was closest to the creek & she was worried about not getting her shoes & feet wet not filming.

Anyone see a creek next to Mady in this picture? To me, it looks like the creek was behind them.

I guess that's the kind of reasoning you have when you only have a PH without the D.

chefsummer #Leh said... 147

Tucker's Mom said:
I agree with your take on Alaska, with the additional thought that Kate was uncomfortable with, and perhaps angered by, being in a somewhat patriarchal environment, where 3 generations of a cohesive family interacted in cohesion, without tension or acrimony.

Yes but lets remember she was all for camping in New Zealand.

She wasn't have fun in Alaska so no one has fun she acted like a child and told her kids that they weren't Gosselin if they didn't get on the plane with her.

T said... 148

Thanks to everyone for all of your dead mouse cleaning tips. I am running it now w/both baking soda (not an entire box) and vinegar. I'll let you know how I make out. The only problem is that my machine is only a year old, so I cannot adjust the water level. To be energy efficient, it is adjusted automatically based on the weight of the items. So I am going to try to stop it mid cycle and add some boiling water. Can't hurt it right? Then maybe I will alternate cycles a few more times between bleach and the baking soda/vinegar combo....sigh....this stinks! Get it? Stinks??? Ha ha...maybe the fumes are getting to me!

The cat is off the hook this time, (since both he and the dog were away with me), but I will admit that he is missing that "killer instinct". He is an indoor cat, and when a live bat flew into the house a few years ago all he did was hide under the bed. Scaredy-cat indeed! I must of spoiled this one, since the cat I had as a kid could of taken down a gazelle!

T said... 149

Ps. Do NOT google dead mouse in washing machine, unless you are prepared for way too many pictures of them! Apparently, google isn't always your friend.

Tucker's Mom said... 150

Does Kate have any insight as to who or what a "Gaza" is?
Lady Gaza?
Gaza Gabor??

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 151

T said... 151

You can get a Dakota Odor Bomb available at Home Depot. There is a no-smoke version that can be used as a spray. Might work.

Beyond Disgusted said... 152

Another gem...

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 For pete's sake is was a wonderful trip for the children and experiences they might never of had otherwise. #Lucky

What kid on this planet likes to be dragged away from a campsite because their mother is freaking out over a little drizzle and a moose hot dog? What child likes to be told if they stay then they are no longer Gosselins? Yeah, real fun and are lucky to have experienced this.

Not too sure about experiences they wouldn't have had otherwise. These kids "experience" their mother's control and temper tantrums every day of their lives. ~ Administrator said... 153

Hundred of thousands of Americans visit Alaska every year without a tv show. Not to mention it's not the only place children can find good experiences. She lives in a part of our country in which you can have dozens of wonderful experiences all within a day's drive.

Beyond Disgusted said... 154

"I guess that's the kind of reasoning you have when you only have a PH without the D."


LOL! Does the PH stand for Pathetic Hypocrite? So, she's missing the D. What's a little D in the whole scheme of things?

Future Nurse said... 155

Over And Out said... 135
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 7m @MY_2BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 Doesn't matter WHY she was get upset..w/8 ur lucky 2get them all smiley at one time! So what? LOL
If they were babies/toddlers I could understand not being able to get a picture of all 8 smiling. But these are school aged kids. Has Milo never seen a school class photo where 30+ kids are all smiling? There is no reason why they shouldn't have been able to find at least one picture that had all of the kids smiling if everything was as great as Milo seems to think it was.

Amy2 said... 156

I'm sorry every time I see these posed pictures all I can think of is the children being trained seals. They learned at an early age how to smile for the camera. Other families' photos there's always a couple of people with closed eyes or scratching or doing heaven knows what. But not in the Gosselin children photos.

Alaska picture with Mady being upset is the exception.

Anonymous said... 157

She had to sue for the kids safety; she was protecting their "brand".

T, I heard that Ozium spray eliminates the odour of dead bodies so you might want to try that. It works great in general, but I've yet to have cadavers laying around my house. Available at Walgreen's and most hardware stores.

Hey, my new laptop does spell check in Canadian English. Woot, woot!


PJ's momma said... 158

T, I agree with the poster who said if you have one mouse, you have more. Most likely, it came through a water pipe and landed in there. Mice often come inside to get water, not necessarily food. That's why it's dicey to use poison, because if they eat it and drink water and hemoragge (sp?) to death, it may be in the walls since the water is inside!
Maybe you should was a rug in there to get the water level up. I've done that with an outside mat, so it didn't matter if it was a little smelly. It aired out on its own.

chefsummer #Leh said... 159

Couples Therapy is free on youtube for anyone that missed it or wants to re-watch.

sparkle said... 160

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 For pete's sake is was a wonderful trip for the children and experiences they might never of had otherwise. #Lucky

I actually agree with border collie. The kids WERE having a once in a lifetime experience being guided by Mrs. Palin's father, the former science teacher. He was extremely interesting and giving the kids a wonderful lesson about Alaska's wilderness. Until their shrew of a mother had an adult tantrum and demanded they leave THIS MINUTE!
Allegedly, for the rest of the trip they were all holed up in some lodge. Wow.

Nice try sheep, thanks for playing but #failagain.

AuntieAnn said... 161

T said... 152

Ps. Do NOT google dead mouse in washing machine, unless you are prepared for way too many pictures of them! Apparently, google isn't always your friend.


Well now I have to since you told us not to.

A couple of years ago I had a horrible odor exuding from the trash bin in the alley after someone tossed a dead bird into it. I was actually afraid to open the lid for fear there would be something bigger and maybe illegally placed in there (I watch too many crime shows). It reeked so bad the neighbor even commented on it. lol.

After garbage collection I filled it half full of water and poured about three cups of 20 Mule Team Borax into it, stirred it around with a mop and let it stew in the hot sun for a day before I dumped it. It removed most of the dead body smell.

lukebandit said... 162

Milo keeps digging deeper and deeper into Katekatoa. I guess Milo thinks the State Nurse is not taxpayer funded. Kate had plenty of money even back then, she was too stingy to pay for it. It was only a little over 20K. She could of paid her a monthly salary.

I wonder if the State Nurse ever signed a CA. The saying is true, when one person has the courage to stand up and speak the truth, the others will too.

I am Spartacus!


Amy2 said... 163

T, I recommend you go to Lowe's and get a catch and release (Mouse House) trap. Put peanut butter inside the house to attract the mouse/mice. Check the trap everyday to see if you've caught one. Then take the mouse a safe place and release him/her.

We went through this in our house and it took several weeks to relocate the mice. And I agree with an up thread poster...if there's one mouse, they've got friends.

AuntieAnn said... 164

Future Nurse said... 158

There is no reason why they shouldn't have been able to find at least one picture that had all of the kids smiling if everything was as great as Milo seems to think it was.


On the one of last or THE last episode that Jon was in which was the tups outdoor birthday party with the bouncy tent, Kate ordered everyone to sit down for the 'traditional' family photo. She yelled at JON to take his sunglasses off and then told everyone to smile and just like that everyone flashed their happy happy fun fun smiley face for the camera. And as soon as the photo was snapped almost all of them went back to their frowny faces. That's how well she has (had) them trained.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 165

swingsandroundabouts said... 145


I can give her a finger.


Any particular one?

This Colllie person. Has she been around long? Is she really as dumb as her tweets indicate, or is she just pretending to be stupid so she fits in with the rest of the flock?

chefsummer #Leh said... 166

@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 For pete's sake is was a wonderful trip for the children and experiences they might never of had otherwise. #Lucky

Or she could have save up while working a normal job then took the kids.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 167

Put peanut butter inside the house to attract the mouse/mice. Check the trap everyday to see if you've caught one. Then take the mouse a safe place and release him/her.


A place free of cats? Is there any guarantee that the mouse doesn't like the inside of her home and is quite comfortable there, and therefore will return to the old homestead?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 168

I wonder if the State Nurse ever signed a CA. The saying is true, when one person has the courage to stand up and speak the truth, the others will too.


Are you talking about Angie Krall? She did talk with US magazine several years ago.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 169

T, I heard that Ozium spray eliminates the odour of dead bodies so you might want to try that. It works great in general, but I've yet to have cadavers laying around my house. Available at Walgreen's and most hardware stores.


I have to ask this. Did you google "dead body smell," or was this just a piece of trivia you picked up somewhere? lol!

chefsummer #Leh said... 170

f Mady was really worried about it that she would be huddled up close to Kate for comfort? Instead Mady looks to be actually pulling away from Kate

Like when they were playing dodgeball and M hurt her leg and mom said she was faking?

Wouldn't a normal mother in both situation go to their child and see if they're all right?

Then again KK didn't want to give M any water she made her thirty daughter watch her mother drink water...Kate a sick person.

Unknown said... 171

Amy2 said... 166
''T, I recommend you go to Lowe's and get a catch and release (Mouse House) trap. Put peanut butter inside the house to attract the mouse/mice. Check the trap everyday to see if you've caught one. Then take the mouse a safe place and release him/her.''
I'm way too 'country' to ever even THINK of trapping a mouse and setting it free. After dealing w/the horrific smell of a dead mouse between the walls, I called the local 'feed store' for advice. The man said that the only thing he would ever recommend was Havoc, that it would kill the rodent and they would NOT smell. I bought it when I spied a female mouse, but couldn't trap her. I never saw another mouse, so I know that they were killed and did not smell. However, I have no small children or pets, so that might make a difference to you.

Luke's Mom said... 172

chefsummer said... 174
f Mady was really worried about it that she would be huddled up close to Kate for comfort? Instead Mady looks to be actually pulling away from Kate

Like when they were playing dodgeball and M hurt her leg and mom said she was faking?

Wouldn't a normal mother in both situation go to their child and see if they're all right?
YES and YES! Not only would I be comforting my child in any crisis, hurt, worry that they are having but they too would be coming and clinging to me for comfort.

Clearly, in that picture Mady does not view her mother as a safe comforting place to go to while she stands there crying and in visible distress.

No matter how the fans want to twist the story behind what is happening during the photo shoot, the picture does not show Mady turning to her mother for comfort. Quite the opposite, Mady is turning AWAY from Kate!

NJGal51 said... 173

@MY_2BCOLLIES: @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 In Alaska photo Mady was closest to the creek & she was worried about not getting her shoes & feet wet not filming
Why would she be worried about NOT getting her shoes & feet wet? Shouldn't she be worried about getting them wet?

gabby2 said... 174

Be careful on rat poisons....just had a neighbor's cat poisoned. It was horrible...was found dying on front of my house, I am still upset.

NJGal51 said... 175

When I want to get the smell out of our garbage can I dump in a bunch of charcoal (the regular kind not the match light). It does a good job in absorbing the smells and seems to work quickly.

Unknown said... 176

Make that a PREGNANT mouse I couldn't catch!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 177

Patricia Chow ‏@PatriciaChow1 26m
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Read The Book Milo !

On what side of the fence does this one live? I thought she was a fan.

Willowmom said... 178

I think that one's eye are being opened.

chefsummer #Leh said... 179

my child in any crisis, hurt, worry that they are having but they too would be coming and clinging to me for comfort.

I tell you I'm 26 if I say ouch in the wrong way in the presence of my she at my side asking me if I'm okay same goes for my brother who's 36.

I feel for the 8 it seems like KK doesn't give and F about their feelings.

NJGal51 said... 180

Tuckers Mom said... 118
RIP Elaine Stritch.
She was a real broad.
She was indeed Tucker's Mom. She's now with the ladies who lunch that have gone before her and saved her a place at the table. I saw her in Company and she was a show stopper. I'lllllllllllllll drink to that!

Anonymous said... 181

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 173
T, I heard that Ozium spray eliminates the odour of dead bodies so you might want to try that. It works great in general, but I've yet to have cadavers laying around my house. Available at Walgreen's and most hardware stores.


I have to ask this. Did you google "dead body smell," or was this just a piece of trivia you picked up somewhere? lol!


I heard it from guys who work in smelly places. They said they'd heard it was used in crime scene clean up although I never saw them use it on CSI.


lukebandit said... 182

Oh, my, Gosh! I just saw a commercial for a new series with DARYL HALL! He is going to be renovating old houses. I love the name it is cute: Over Hall. I was going to name my youngest ds Daryl, because I have a crush on Daryl Hall. But, I named him after my great aunt's love that her dad ran off. My great grandfather. This was over 80 years ago.

Bitchy Pants said... 183

NJGal -- I was privileged to see Elaine Stritch in "Company" too. She KILLED "Ladies Who Lunch". What a great broad she was, in the best sense of the words. RIP, Ms. Stritch and thanks for the indelible memories.

T-- Don't worry about the baking soda. It will NOT make a paste and gum up your washing machine. It dissolves in the water just like soap powder does. NilOdor is very good on animal odors and comes in liquid form. You might try that, too. You can buy it at most pet stores. I've used it on whole male smell and it takes care of it.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 184

I've used it on whole male smell and it takes care of it.


So it would work even better on half male smells?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 185

This Colllie person. Has she been around long? Is she really as dumb as her tweets indicate, or is she just pretending to be stupid so she fits in with the rest of the flock?


Is it just me, or do her tweets get more stupid as time goes by? I just find it difficult to believe that some of them are able to function on their own.

Anonymous said... 186

The Border Collie person is just one of many of her socks. Isn't she the one with the giant whole in her heart that was able to tweet from ICU years ago. She has several aliases, including names such as living and/or loving. She is crazy, just like the detective.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 187

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 4h
@MY_2BCOLLIES @Kateplusmy8 Doesn't matter WHY she was get upset..w/8 ur lucky 2get them all smiley at one time! So what? LOL

I thought all Kate's kids were always screeching with delight #makingmemories #havingfun #hangingwiththemostbeautifulmom

T said... 188

Okay I went to the hardware store and here's the deal. According to them, since I do have both a dog and a cat, they only reccomend a "live" trap, but no poisons. However, that will bring with it an entirely different set of problems, including keeping my pets away from both the trap and the live mouse. They also offered a trap that is basically a big pad of sticky goo. The mouse is attracted to the smell, then get stucks to the glue in the trap. Unfortunately, it has the same problem with pets. Basically, since I do not want any humans or pets to come in contact with any mice (dead or alive), I am just going to call an exterminator tomorrow and let them deal with it.

The hardware store is still a "mom & pop" operation and the helpful folks there suggested that the mouse got in because of the house painting. Apparently the power washing that is done before the painting really disrupts them and often sends any field mice that live outside to seek refuge inside. Then when they put plastic sheeting on the parts of the house that they are not spraying with paint, they get trapped in places that they shouldn't be. Does that sound right to anyone, or are the nice folks at the hardware store just trying to make me feel better? Ugh. I guess we'll just have to see what the exterminator has to say.

The baking soda, vinegar, and bleach trifecta does seem to be working on the washer. A friend came by and said that they didn't smell a thing, but I will be running it a few more times and then use the Tide washing maching cleaner as the final cycle. However, I am still skeeved out by the idea of putting actual clothing in the washer, so I guess I am still a wuss. It's funny because professionally, I can take care of the worst smelly wounds, blood & gore, gross bloodily fluids, and surgeries without batting an eyelash, but once it goes from alive to dead, I lose my nerve...Ack! If you have a gaping chest wound and your bleeding from the head, then I am totally your girl, but send me one dead mouse, and I totally lose my sh$t!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 189

Gladys is an idiot, says some of the most stupid things, loves Kate with a passion, but this tweet is just a read head banger:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 5h
The Gosselin8 belong 2 @Kateplusmy8. She's sole provider/full custody! Haters..they ARE NOT YOUR KIDS! U have NO say in how she raises them!

The children DO NOT belong to Kate. They are not possessions. Milo actually tweeted this, but I wonder if she believes it. Are her children (if she has them) her possessions?

Gibran expressed it eloquently:

"Your children are not your children;

They are the sons and daughters life
longing for itself

They come through you but not from you,
Though they are with you they're not possessions

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts

You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls live in the house of tomorrow,
Which you cannot visit, even in your dreams

You may strive to to be like them,
But seek not to make them like you
For life goes backward and lingers not with yesterday

You are the bows from which your children,
As living arrows are cast forth

The archer sees the mark upon the path of the Infinite,
And God Himself fills you with His Might that His
Arrows may go swift and far"

A good read, especially the section that says children are not possessions or projects on display.

I'm glad I don't have Twitter because I'm afraid I'd really go off on her. She's the most annoying person over there. If she's a catfish, she's an obnoxious specimen.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 190

Oh, my gosh. The stupidity continues. They are mutating.

MeLyn ‏@BluMyst 6m
@radar_online @Kateplusmy8 @GosselinBook How much are you paying Hoffman to post this trash? He must be desperate for cash.

Right, nutso. They are paying him $500 per story when they can go to Amazon and get the book for less than ten dollars. Makes total sense to me.

Rhymes with Witch said... 191

This Colllie person. Has she been around long? 169

She's been around for quite some time and has changed her name a bunch of times. I can't remember all of them, but she's had a hope in her heart, ins. problems, kidneys working at 50%, known all sorts of important people, been there, done that (whatever that may be). She's just one amazing ph without the d. Her sister has the d. Or vice versa. Hard to keep up.

Rhymes with Witch said... 192

Gibran expressed it eloquently. 193

I haven't read Gibran in years, but that was very apropos.

NJGal51 said... 193

Uh oh! Someone's in trouble now. Wouldn't you love to see what that DM says.

@PatriciaChow1: @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Read The Book Milo!

@MiloandJack: @PatriciaChow1 Sent DM

Rhymes with Witch said... 194

196. a hole in her heart.

localyocul said... 195

NJGal51 said... 198
Uh oh! Someone's in trouble now. Wouldn't you love to see what that DM says.

@PatriciaChow1: @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Read The Book Milo!

@MiloandJack: @PatriciaChow1 Sent DM



chefsummer #Leh said... 196

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 2h
@Kateplusmy8 Leaving U ..& myself w/this positive thought 4the nite! >> Remember the compliments you receive. Forget the insults. ~iAmWise
Aww it's time for rainbow farts.

chefsummer #Leh said... 197

MeLyn ‏@BluMyst 6m
@radar_online @Kateplusmy8 @GosselinBook How much are you paying Hoffman to post this trash? He must be desperate for cash.

They're paying Robert what they pay the sheep.

localyocul said... 198

Wow. Reading from the bottom up. I saw this tweet earlier:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 10h
Well I see Hoffie is riding this #MoneyTrain 4all he can get off @Kateplusmy8 Sells bits & pieces of his trash "tell all" comic bk 2ROL!
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Patricia Chow
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I read it, very shocking indeed !!

And I wondered at the time if PC was talking about the ROL article and agreeing with Milo's opinion about "Hoffie" or if she was appalled at the allegations. Guess it was the latter.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 199

Basically, since I do not want any humans or pets to come in contact with any mice (dead or alive), I am just going to call an exterminator tomorrow and let them deal with it.


Been there, done that. All mine would do is to set traps in the drop ceiling. I asked them if they would come every day to check the victims and remove them. They said no. I asked them if the mice just die and rot, and they said, yes, that's basically what happens.

I didn't use the exterminator.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 200

She's just one amazing ph without the d. Her sister has the d. Or vice versa. Hard to keep up.


lolol! They shared the PhD? Her sister has Collie's D, or her sister got the D all on her own? Did they only have to pay for one PhD and they split the cost?

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