Tuesday, July 15, 2014

NBC fires Kate's season of The Apprentice?

The annual Television Critic’s Association Summer 2014 Press Tour is in full swing (it goes for 16 days!), and on Sunday NBC offered a little bit of information about the current season of The Apprentice, which wrapped a few months ago. 

Reports NPR's Eric Deggans via Facebook, "NBC admits they have created a season of Celebrity Apprentice but haven’t put it on their schedule. No clear answer why. #TCA2014"

Is it possible Kate's season might never see the light of day???

With leaks that came out like that one, that's really disappointing!

224 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 224   Newer›   Newest»
FYI said... 1

Do they have to do a project every time Jamie visits? Want to bet Jamie did it all, while Kate supervised?

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 1h
Aft project: Kitchen bar chairs got a 'Butt Lift'!
Jamie&I got new fabric&recovered seats together! #FUN #B4IsOnLeft pic.twitter.com/Ph7o3e8kqb


That tweet was made over an hour ago and it doesn't seem like her fans are rushing onto tweeter to tell her how amazing the chairs look. Milo must be otherwise occupied because you know she'll show up sooner or later, asking all sorts of questions.

The Empress is a Clown said... 2

And the jilted bride was clutching a wilting bouquet at the altar, all alone were it not for the disinterested (albeit paid-by-the-hour) attendants. #CanYouHearUsNow?

Tucker's Mom said... 3

Does anyone have an idea of the usual period of time between wrapping shooting CA and the airing of CA, or similar shows?
It's been what 4-5 months now?

aimee said... 4

When he committed suicide she couldn't understand why she didn't see the signs. Well duh. Maybe if she had spent more time with him and less time chasing fame things might have turned out differently.

Joan's husband was chasing fame much, MUCH harder and faster than Joan was. Joan was his rock and best friend. He was obsessed with fame and that obsession is what killed him. He couldn't let what Fox did to him go. There's tons of history in what happened back then if you're willing to look. His death was NOT Joan's fault. Not at all.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 5

. There are kids in public school here who ride the bus for the same amount of time because their bus stops at every intersection along the way (yes, that's an exaggeration, but you get the idea)


I don't think any kind of long bus ride is beneficial to children. In fact there are numerous studies about long commutes be it children or adult that show how detrimental it can be for a child or adult's health and stress level. We need to do a better job of making sure our children are gotten to school in a manner that is as efficient and quick as possible. When you are an adult you are old enough to consent to that. A child is too young to appreciate whether they really want or like such a long commute. That is another reason I support PW homeschooling her children. Surely they would have a very long ride to school otherwise given how far out they are. Chores don't seem that bad when you don't also have to get on an hour or more bus ride straight afterward.

Rhymes with Witch said... 6

I must admit I'd love to read Admin's recap of CA.

Tucker's Mom said... 7

I remember envying the kids who were "Walkers and Riders"- lived really close or got a regular ride to/from in a car.
They were always the first to go home and the "Walkers" got to go home for lunch sometimes.
I only lived 6-7 miles away from grade school as the crow flies, but the route was all over the place and took longer.
High school was much more of a slog and it was public transit.

FYI said... 8

Some one tweeted DT about CA, and DT retweeted it and replied "Soon".

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Jul 13

"@JUrciuoli19: @realDonaldTrump hoping NBC announces a premiere date of Apprentice today at press tour! Everyone misses the show." Soon.

The NBC website for CA says "Coming Soon", and it is not on the list of "Upcoming shows".

If Donald's and NBC's "Soon" is anything like Kate's "Coming Soon" on her website, it's going to be a long time before it airs, if ever.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 9

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Jul 13

"@JUrciuoli19: @realDonaldTrump hoping NBC announces a premiere date of Apprentice today at press tour! Everyone misses the show." Soon.


I guess they're really not bothering to keep him in the loop huh? Proves another point I've made many times that networks rarely respect what stars would like as far as communication or input about their shows, or bother to let them know what's going on. They don't care.

That premiere date never happened. Instead they said, that? Oh yeah we don't have a date for that really. Lol.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 10

High school was much more of a slog and it was public transit.


I road the bus and because I grew up in a rural area I was pretty far from high/middle school (but very close to elementary).

It was quite an adjustment leaving elementary to suddenly have a 50 minute bus ride each way. That 50 minutes is very long when you're playing sports and taking three AP classes and have an instrument to practice and lines to memorize for the play. The bus pickup comes VERY early the next morning and it was often dark, which IMO is dangerous to have kids waiting in the dark at the road. That is one thing I wish could have been improved about my high school appearance. Shorter bus ride. If it were bad weather it could be much longer.

I definitely wouldn't do anything like a 50 minute commute as an adult. No way. I only did it for an internship for a few months, otherwise I've been very firm that wherever I work must be 30 minutes or UNDER.

sparkle said... 11

(brought over from previous thread)
Rhymes with Witch said... 154
For theirs and the charities sakes, I hope the show does air in the future. 150

Separate from the publicity that I think you were alluding to re: broadcasting CW, I presume that the celebs got paid and that the charities received whatever money was earned for them and it's not contingent on the show airing. Right?

CW? I believe you meant CA.

My post was regarding exposure or awareness, if you will, for each of the charities. I didn't allude to money, because of course the charity gets the money raised whether the show airs or not. Just as the celebs got paid whether the show gets aired or not.

AuntieAnn said... 12

Beyond Disgusted said... 130


LOL, AuntieAnn. I read that and thought you wrote it!


ha! I wish I had but I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks Beyond. Erma Bombeck once said 'she who laughs....lasts'.

Jolie! The story about the mama cat and ducklings is so sweet. Talk about maternal instinct. Kate: Take notes.

chefsummer #Leh said... 13

she doesn't feel the need to drudge up old news and waste unnecessary money on attorney fees that could go to feeding her children’s mouths.”

Now this is funny.

So she's not suing because she needs to feed the kids-(Did I get that right?)- I guess the safety of the kids doesn't matter any more huh Kate?

And considering how you feed the kids what money are you saving by not suing?

OrangeCrusher1 said... 14

What an exciting project - boring beige chair turns into boring beige chair. Those girls certainly know how to live it up. Waiting for Milo's gushing praise. Nah, not really.

FYI said... 15

Tucker's Mom said... 3
Does anyone have an idea of the usual period of time between wrapping shooting CA and the airing of CA, or similar shows?
It's been what 4-5 months now?

From the info posted on Wikipedia, it seems like the previous seasons were filmed in either October or November, and then aired in February or March. So it usually aired approximately 4 months after filming.

But NBC said it has no place for it on their schedule right now. It sounds like it's their "filler" program that will air when and if they need to fill airtime due to a show being cancelled. Or maybe it will take The Biggest Loser's timeslot after that show has finished airing in December.

Carole said... 16

IMO, it was silly, but remember how Trump/NBC wanted to keep the CA cast a secret? And, they wouldn't confirm they were even shooting although pics were being released daily? I think the future of this season's CA was questionable even before they started filming and it's reflected in the low caliber of the cast they chose.

Rhymes with Witch said... 17

My post was regarding exposure or awareness, if you will, for each of the charities. I didn't allude to money, because of course the charity gets the money raised whether the show airs or not. Just as the celebs got paid whether the show airs or not. 12

Yes, I meant CA. Glad to know the money went where it was supposed to, so to speak.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 18

I do think now that it's more or less missed the summer season, the next even remote possibility is December as suggested. Filler over the busy holidays.

If they already have their fall schedule it's unlikely there is room for it until then, unless something major changes.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 19

What an exciting project - boring beige chair turns into boring beige chair.


I can't figure out what they did to them for sure. Cleaned them?

I can't tell if it's dirt or shadows.

Carole said... 20

If they already have their fall schedule it's unlikely there is room for it until then, unless something major changes.

They filmed 10-11 tasks and that's quite a chunk of time for a major network to commit to airing a show they really never were that gung ho about in the first place. Does NBC own a lesser channel they could dump it on? Maybe late night on CNBC?

chefsummer #Leh said... 21

So did she take a pic of Jamie?

If there's no pic of Jamie she not there-(LOL) not pic/proof of Jamie she didn't help.

Tucker's Mom said... 22

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 15

What an exciting project - boring beige chair turns into boring beige chair.


I can't figure out what they did to them for sure. Cleaned them?

I can't tell if it's dirt or shadows.

The chairs were recovered- easy to do as a home fix.
Those things were beyond filthy.

With kids, I'd have gone with pleather.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 23

With kids, I'd have gone with pleather.


I have sealed wood. Wipe and go, look brand new. I'd never get fabric on chairs like that for kids OR adults. Or pets!

Tucker's Mom said... 24

Carole said... 17
IMO, it was silly, but remember how Trump/NBC wanted to keep the CA cast a secret? And, they wouldn't confirm they were even shooting although pics were being released daily? I think the future of this season's CA was questionable even before they started filming and it's reflected in the low caliber of the cast they chose.
I agree- it's like this CA season wasn't really a "go" and far from a sure thing to begin with.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 25

Bill said, "I am a product of public schools and my education was fine, in fact great. I earned a degree at the #1 university in the world according to one recent list, and I am not talking about the party school list."

Darn. I just checked the current list, and mine is ranked at #16, and not the party school list. I feel so university-challenged, and educationally inferior. ;)


Don't worry Malcolm Gladwell says it's absolutely unnecessary to go to a top school. He is a multi millionaire and went to University of Toronto. He said he would never send his kids to Harvard. The reason being, being a small fish in a big pond can make you feel inferior and discouraged even though you are actually very smart and capable. Thus you don't try as hard and feel down because you're comparing yourself to super-human students. When you go to a middle of the road school you can feel like a big fish in a small pond and that is good for you, gives you confidence and makes you work to stay there. He has a point.

I heart him.

NJGal51 said... 26

I want CA to air because I've always enjoyed the show. My guilty pleasure if you will. I love the fighting, the breakdowns, the backstabbing and the crazyness in general. TFW being on AND getting fired just makes it that much better.

SheepleHerder said... 27

Old girl is not gonna be happy if CA doesn't air. I'm sure she was counting on putting that series in the que to watch over and over and over....

getofftwitter said... 28

So, Kate is piecing & patching? She & buddy Jamie, upholstered the chairs. Those of you out there in sewing land, you do know how much upholstery fabric is. We are talking in the range of $15-$40 a yard, and even with a coupon, and by the way, JoAnn fabrics coupons for material, is like first yard for the discount or buy one yard and get another yard free, and they only except one coupon at a time. And she has what 8-10chairs, a yard a chair, or 1/2 a yard a chair, plus new foam cushions, that's a lot of money. Fabric is not cheap, especially upholster fabric. And yeah, I too think Jamie did the work and kate watched.

Oh, when Kate did a recent interview for ExtraTV 6/19/2014 she was asked: What is she looking for in a man?
Kates answer: Anybody that comes to my property gets work, so I'm sure if you're helpful and willing to help, that would be a good quality to start with.
Wow Kate you really want to scare off guys.
And I do believe that Kate uses this same idea to get anybody else who comes on the property to do work, like Deanna,baby sitting, Steve, help kids with homework, Jamie, clean stove, upholster chairs, do other stuff Kate should be doing, herself, and Kate does not have to pay them only feed them, her slop.

AuntieAnn said... 29

aimee said... 4

When he committed suicide she couldn't understand why she didn't see the signs. Well duh. Maybe if she had spent more time with him and less time chasing fame things might have turned out differently.

Joan's husband was chasing fame much, MUCH harder and faster than Joan was. Joan was his rock and best friend. He was obsessed with fame and that obsession is what killed him. He couldn't let what Fox did to him go. There's tons of history in what happened back then if you're willing to look. His death was NOT Joan's fault. Not at all.


aimee - Where exactly in my comment did I say his death was her fault? Geez. I'll rephrase it then. Maybe if they were BOTH not so busy chasing fame things might have turned out differently. It still doesn't change my opinion of her.

FYI said... 30

And she has what 8-10chairs, a yard a chair, or 1/2 a yard a chair, plus new foam cushions, that's a lot of money. Fabric is not cheap, especially upholster fabric.

Kate said they did the bar stools. On the special, they showed them and there were only 4 of them. Those were the only chairs in the eating area that had cushions.

So they probably did 2 each, or like I said, Jamie did them all and Kate supervised.

FYI said... 31

Milo finally weighed in on the chair project. Does she really think she's being cute?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 32m
@Kateplusmy8 At drive-thru 2pic up salad (my dinner) & glance 2see someone got a "butt lift"?? #WhereAreMyGlasses? LOL. Fun I bet!

AuntieAnn said... 32

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 1h
Aft project: Kitchen bar chairs got a 'Butt Lift'!
Jamie&I got new fabric&recovered seats together! #FUN #B4IsOnLeft pic.twitter.com/Ph7o3e8kqb


Wouldn't it have been easier (and less expensive) if she'd just forced the kids at spatula-point to scrub the birdshit off them? Why bother to recover them if it's just going to happen again.

NJGal51 said... 33

EZ Covers - as seen on TV? Cover any seat in 5 minutes (Amazon sells them). Just being snarky but some of the Sure-Fit products are not bad. We used one once to recover an old couch that the bully used for his bed.

PatK said... 34

That's two tweets to Kate in the last couple days from Milo mentioning. "butt".

Obvious much, Milo?

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 35

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 32m
@Kateplusmy8 At drive-thru 2pic up salad (my dinner) & glance 2see someone got a "butt lift"?? #WhereAreMyGlasses? LOL. Fun I bet!

This dingbat is insufferable. What other reason is there to tell Kate she was getting a salad for dinner than to please her master? Why not just say that she saw her text and it looked like fun? If she is going to be that stupid, why doesn't she get real and tell her master a more believable version like she was sitting on the toilet taking a dump while reading her phone and saw her tweet about the bar stools. No one but you Milo cares that you are getting a salad for dinner. Not even Kate. Painful.

Re: CA, after people had pretty much figured out who the winner was after the tweets and photos that were taken constantly, I lost all interest in watching the episode that was filmed and assumed Trump would be pissed about it. People were taking photos all throughout the challenges that the teams were involved in. Seems to me this was the first time the cat had ever been let out of the bag on CA so yeah, the surprise element is gone and I think the execs know that.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 36

It's really sad, I mean why mention the salad at all or what you are doing? What does it have to do with anything.

The ignorance of the sheeple always fascinates me. Chances are if you're getting a salad through a drivethorugh it's one of those salads that has just as many calories as a bigMac. No point. It's summer. Get some greens and some fresh veggies whatever you like at the farmer's market, maybe grill some chicken or steak, and make it at home.

Tucker's Mom said... 37

I wanted to say that tonight, I went thru a drive thru and ordered a bag of air, with a side of vinaigrette aroma.

Sad but true said... 38

Just catching up on the previous post, and a couple people mentioned Kate's book sales and the (supposed) huge quantity HCI printed.

HCI clearly bought Kate's PR package hook, line and sinker. In the trade section, here's what they posted for sales reps to read about why the book would be sooo popular:

Sales Points
Kate's popularity is huge!

* 10.6 million people watched "Jon and Kate Plus 8" on TLC at its highest ratings point, which were record-breaking ratings in the history of the network.

* Kate has made frequent appearances on The Today Show, The View, Katie, Access Hollywood, Inside Edition, Live with Regis and Kelly, Ellen, Entertainment Tonight, Larry King Live and Rachel Ray.

* Kate has been featured countless times on the cover of People Magazine and she and the kids have appeared on/or in the New York Times, Good Housekeeping and Vanity Fair.

* Kate's fans crave hearing from her and want her recipes and tips.

* Twitter: @kateplusmy8 has over 150,000 followers and quickly growing.

* Website: Roughly 200,000 visitors per month. www.KatePlusMy8.com.

- See more at: http://www.hcibooks.com/p-4290-kate-gosselins-love-is-in-the-mix.aspx#sthash.eIgyJFeI.dpuf

I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that this has to be one of HCI's biggest market miscalculations EVER.

And someone mentioned that Amazon has it at "retail" price. Amazon has never come close to selling that book at the cover price, which is $22.95. It's been as low as $12.89 (in pre-sales) and as high as in the $18 range, but never has it listed there at $22.95.

As for what went out to bookstores, I know that BN sent back unsold copies shortly after Xmas. And I've been given to understand there were a LOT of them.

FYI said... 39

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 22m
....all our noise, hanging out watching tv and laughing has bored Zorro to sleep.. #BoredBird #FeatheredFriendLove pic.twitter.com/UGzvhlK2aJ


I don't know about anyone else, but the picture of Zorro asleep on Kate's chest is kind of creepy. Do birds really fall asleep in that postion? He looks like he's dead, not sleeping.

Sad but true said... 40

Kate is a twit said... 40
I don't know about anyone else, but the picture of Zorro asleep on Kate's chest is kind of creepy. Do birds really fall asleep in that postion? He looks like he's dead, not sleeping.

Is silicone toxic to birds? Where's our resident bird expert?

lukebandit said... 41

Admin said...37

The ignorance of the sheeple always fascinates me. Chances are if you're getting a salad through a drivethorugh it's one of those salads that has just as many calories as a bigMac. No point. It's summer. Get some greens and some fresh veggies whatever you like at the farmer's market, maybe grill some chicken or steak, and make it at home.


Reminds me of when Dairy Queen would have their chicken finger sandwiches on sale for 99 cents, over 20 yrs. ago. The CF's were huge and they put 2 on each one. I would go and buy about 10 of them and take them home and make me a salad, I had all the fixings and add the CF's.

The buns I didn't use, I bagged up and put them in the refrigerator for a sandwich or you could use for chicken and dressing. The boys inhaled the others. Cheaper than buying a bag of CF's and cooking them in the summer heat!

OrangeCrusher1 said... 42

She's consistent - parentifies her twins and infantalizes a bird. Something is very wrong with her.

Starz22 said... 43

I sent an e-mail to cnn.com...Seems to be the only address for many of the shows there including HLN.cnn
I wrote...
Since many of your shows host claim that they are advocates in the fight to stop child abuse,I was wondering why nothing has been said about Kate Gosselin abusing her children.She has been on a few of you'r shows...made out to be a martyr. Now facts - yes facts have come out about the abuse the 8 kids are still suffering from today.The woman is mentally ill and those kids need help....This time the media can HELP these kids...
I ran out of space....only allowed so many words.
I got my 1st response...typical ...thanks so much for you'r response bla bla bla...then days later I got this...

Hello "me" (my name)
Actually Kate Gosselin has NOT been brought up as a topic before. I will certainly forward you'r suggestion to members of our team.
viewer communications Management.
Maybe if we keep writing the right people ...we might get something done!

PoohBear said... 44

I'm still catching up on the last thread, so pardon me if this has already been mentioned:

* Website: Roughly 200,000 visitors per month. www.KatePlusMy8.com.

This is kind of an 'odd' statistic to be used to push something to anyone that uses these kind of stats. What kind of visitors are these? Unique? Is this all visitors? Is this page views? Unique page views?

If I were an advertiser/buyer that was used to working with these kind of things, I would see that vague description and think why is that so vague and take a pass.

lukebandit said... 45

Tucker's Mom said... 38
I wanted to say that tonight, I went thru a drive thru and ordered a bag of air, with a side of vinaigrette aroma.


Did you get change back from your Sawbuck? Bwahahaha!

Jeanne said... 46

I don't believe for a minute that Kate recovered those chairs. I've watched my mother do it and it takes some planning and some work. Maybe Jamie did it. Maybe she paid someone and lied about it. We were pretty sure the 10th birthday carnival was filmed Memorial Day weekend. Is Jamie still there 6 weeks later? That seems odd to me.

Bill said... 47

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 11

I definitely wouldn't do anything like a 50 minute commute as an adult. No way. I only did it for an internship for a few months, otherwise I've been very firm that wherever I work must be 30 minutes or UNDER.


Is that tough to find in the Southland? I cannot imagine some people putting up with commutes over two hours each way.

I once got a pretty good job offer in Moorpark. At that time, the cost of living was fairly reasonable in Simi Valley. But the company was shaky, so I said "Thank you, but no." and did not move out West. The company folded within a year.

Starz22 said... 48

I'm trying again to send an e-mail to CNN...HLN ect ect and find it hard to find the right link to click on to send a message. They don't make it easy...But I will keep sending them as soon as I find the link.
Why is it so hard to voice an opinion to CNN and any other show they carry?
Kate Gosselin is a child and animal abuser...the proof is there...Read Robert Hoffman's book...

Bill said... 49

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 26

Don't worry Malcolm Gladwell says it's absolutely unnecessary to go to a top school. He is a multi millionaire and went to University of Toronto. He said he would never send his kids to Harvard. The reason being, being a small fish in a big pond can make you feel inferior and discouraged even though you are actually very smart and capable. Thus you don't try as hard and feel down because you're comparing yourself to super-human students. When you go to a middle of the road school you can feel like a big fish in a small pond and that is good for you, gives you confidence and makes you work to stay there. He has a point.


Admin, I lived that first hand, going from a 1 percenter, #5 in a class of six hundred something in high school to being very average. Add to that the fact that I am a minority - did I get in because I was good enough or because of affirmative action? It did not help that at Freshman Camp, we were told, "Look to your left. Look to your right. Once of you will not graduate here and only one of you will graduate in four years."

AuntieAnn said... 50

Kate is a twit said... 40

Do birds really fall asleep in that postion?


Yeesh. I don't think so. Looks like he's trapped in her cleavage. That's just mean.

Bill said... 51

NJGal51 said... 27

I want CA to air because I've always enjoyed the show. My guilty pleasure if you will. I love the fighting, the breakdowns, the backstabbing and the crazyness in general. TFW being on AND getting fired just makes it that much better.


They give the person fired a chance to a few words before getting into the limo home. I really want to know what Kate had to say.

Bill said... 52

getofftwitter said... 29

Oh, when Kate did a recent interview for ExtraTV 6/19/2014 she was asked: What is she looking for in a man?
Kates answer: Anybody that comes to my property gets work, so I'm sure if you're helpful and willing to help, that would be a good quality to start with.
Wow Kate you really want to scare off guys.
And I do believe that Kate uses this same idea to get anybody else who comes on the property to do work, like Deanna,baby sitting, Steve, help kids with homework, Jamie, clean stove, upholster chairs, do other stuff Kate should be doing, herself, and Kate does not have to pay them only feed them, her slop.


I would love to help the kids with homework; to give them the best chance to become successful adults. As for the rest of that stuff,


Beyond Disgusted said... 53

Did you get change back from your Sawbuck? Bwahahaha!


Who is Sawbuck?

Beyond Disgusted said... 54

Maybe if we keep writing the right people ...we might get something done!


Such as?

JTN said... 55

The problem with CA is that it isn't really Celebrities... its more 'what was that person on again... oh... give me a minute, it will come to me' Apprentice.
On the NBC website, they have CA listed as coming soon on the 2014/2015 schedule. It doesn't look like they will burn it off during the summer. My *guess* by looking at the schedule, they haven't finalized Sunday, but CA will wind up on the Sunday schedule opposite NFL football. It's clearly a low priority or filler program for them. My hunch is they are waiting to see the ratings on their summer programming schedule to see if they want to order another season for some of their shows with high expectations.
For example, Castle was a 2009 replacement series that got a spring/summer pickup which rolled into a full season in the fall for ABC. It's become one of their big franchise money makers.
My guess is Celebrity Apprentice is sitting in the can because they are either pulling better numbers off reruns than they will get on it currently or they are hoping a summer show will show enough promise to pull ratings against fall Sunday NFL. If they don't get anything that looks like it will do it, they will toss CA against it.
I suppose my longstanding television addiction can be put to use from time to time :)

Sleepless In Seattle said... 56

The bird photo...

Birds sometimes fall asleep with their owners. I've had some who loved to snuggle before bed and would fall asleep (a bird nap) on my arm while I was watching television and everything was quiet. This wasn't a deep sleep. That said, it's unusual for a bird to fall asleep in the position shown in the photo. I can't tell if both of his eyes are closed, or just one. Usually, if there is noise and commotion and activity (as Kate's tweet indicates) a bird will fall asleep with one eye open and one closed. They do this to protect themselves and keep watch. I can't tell from the photo if both eyes are closed. If they are, then the bird is in deep sleep and this doesn't generally happen if there is activity around them. Birds need at least 10 to 12 hours of darkness/deep sleep a night. If that bird is falling asleep on Kate, and on his back with both eyes closed, then it's either an atypical bird, or he is not getting enough uninterrupted sleep at night. In other words, it could be a case of over-stimulation. It's difficult to tell.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 57

Is that tough to find in the Southland? I cannot imagine some people putting up with commutes over two hours each way.


Not at all. My commute is 15 minutes. I don't live in the poshest, trendiest area but it has some of the best family restaurants you will ever find and is extremely safe and welcoming with clean and safe homes/condos to rent or buy. I suppose if you must live in Bel Air or Calabasas then you might have a much longer commute. I don't know anyone who has a two hour commute but I do know many people who have around an hour. When you really think about how much time that is you're wasting years off your life.

Sometimes I work at a sister office that is an hour and forty-five minutes away, but it's rare so I don't mind it once in awhile. I get a good audiobook and enjoy the scenery.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 58

From the Radar article about TFW's demands - she said they would
"alleviate some of the stress of traveling." Stress? Traveling?
How could those 2 words go together? Traveling is the most
bestest thing a toddler, tup or twin could ever experience! Life lessons! Meeting new people! Once-in-a-lifetime adventures!
And, sheesh, if traveling from PA to NY was stressful, I'm
guessing a trip for 9 to Australia was positively hellish.

You've got to believe not scoring a free vacay out of that 2-part
special was a slap in the face to TFW. John Deere or not, it
must've stung when she realized there was no summer getaway
to look forward. Of course it's only July - she may score a free
beach trip yet.

Rule #3 said... 59

AuntieAnn said... 30

aimee - Where exactly in my comment did I say his death was her fault? Geez. I'll rephrase it then. Maybe if they were BOTH not so busy chasing fame things might have turned out differently. It still doesn't change my opinion of her.

Admin the nitpicking and attacks have gotten out of hand. Picking on Auntie Ann is where I throw down the gauntlet. There are people who are here not to discuss Kate and the kids, but to scrutinize every post looking to pounce. Unless someone is respectfully disagreeing and then states why, I really wish the assholes who are obviously just looking to be mean and pick a fight would not have their posts published.

Treat people here like how you would talk to the person you most respect in your life, it's just pleasant that way.

Anonymous said... 60

Admin... Some people don't have a choice.. Yes.. We chose to live in the country aka farm. My husbands job is exactly 1 hour from our home. We wouldn't change it. But where we live traveling to work is the norm in a lot of cases. I rode the school bus when I lived in a huge city. I hated it. My kids took the school bus too. School was 10 minutes away. But was a 45 minute ride. They were happy when we bought them a car lol. Of course, that meant sleeping in. ;)


Vanessa said... 61

. Usually, if there is noise and commotion and activity (as Kate's tweet indicates) a bird will fall asleep with one eye open and one closed. They do this to protect themselves and keep watch

Ha ha sorry sleepless, this sentence made me laugh. Bet that bird ALWAYS sleeps with one eye open. I know I would!

Sad but true said... 62

PoohBear said... 45

* Website: Roughly 200,000 visitors per month. www.KatePlusMy8.com.

This is kind of an 'odd' statistic to be used to push something to anyone that uses these kind of stats. What kind of visitors are these? Unique? Is this all visitors? Is this page views? Unique page views?
If you've ever visited Kate's website, you'll notice almost immediately that the counter is rigged. The few times I've been on it, I specifically noted the counter when I arrived. The minute you click to a different page on the site, you'll see the counter go up by 8 or 10 notches. It is clearly NOT "unique" visitors. It might be linked to page views, but I think it's something like "page views x 10." Both her Twitter followers and the website counter are as fake as she is.

What's ironic is, with just a tiny bit of social-media savvy and a little bit of digging, HCI should have been able to pick her off on both these fronts. The fact that they are are a small, trade-focused publisher located outside of this country's major publishing centers worked very much in her favor. We know she shopped this book quite strenuously, and it's clear why she was rejected by all the big guns.

Vanessa said... 63


Anyone see this? haha! Ms. Malaprop take a gander

JMO said... 64

Not sure what is going on with Celebrity Apprentice, but from past tweets, etc... got the impression that Kate was not that well received by many co-stars and did her usual - as little as possible, and with her usual lack of enthusiasm and attitude.

Time will tell if the CA will be broadcast, but might be a favor to Kate if it is not broadcasted, as her general behavior does not sit well with many, including those who filmed with her. She really does not get along well with anyone, unless it is done HER way. (TFW blessings in disguise.) Time will tell. She got paid, but loves to see her mug out there, even if it projects her bad behavior

No matter what, I truly hope the kids- 8 count 'em 8 come out of this in a way that they will be able to function in society and live "normal" lives.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 65

Admin... Some people don't have a choice..


Right. I didn't have a choice when I had a 50 minute bus ride in HS. The school district we were in was just too big because so much of it was farmland. I do have a choice now as an adult to live in a more consolidated area, which I have done. Almost everything I need is within 15 minutes. Only now I don't have homework, instrument practice, sports and lines to learn!

TLC stinks said... 66

Sorry if this double posts.

The drip, drip, drip of Radar continues and Robert's book is so full of material that this could go on for months. She is taking a blow and as much as we criticize Radaronline, here's why it's this is important:

With Radar Online's new world-class infrastructure in place, AMI has taken ownership of its mobile platform, offering a dramatically improved visual and user interface, explains AMI General Manager, Entertainment, Peter Van Dijck. "Radar Online, through mobile and iPad/tablet devices, is now able to support a growing audience, which has doubled to 10 million unique visits a month," he said. "In 2012, mobile traffic has jumped from 11% to 37%. At this rate, we hope to reach 50% by the end of the year."

American Media, Inc. (AMI) owns and operates the leading print and digital celebrity and health and fitness media brands in the United States. AMI’s titles include Star, OK!, National Enquirer, Globe, etc.

JMO said... 67

Forgot to add, that although the kids are very lucky to attend a private school, they don't seem to have any outside activities that expose them to life outside the compound. Part of growing up is experiencing new things, and this is where Kate falls way short.

She could probably do individual activities for the kids, if she made this a priority, but it has always been about Kate's convenience.

Tucker's Mom said... 68

Hello "me" (my name)
Actually Kate Gosselin has NOT been brought up as a topic before. I will certainly forward you'r suggestion to members of our team.
viewer communications Management.
Maybe if we keep writing the right people ...we might get something done!
Wow, very interesting that you got something beyond a rubber stamp response.
This evidently caught someone's eye.

I think what shows can do is start to question (finally) why these children should continue to have their privacy invaded, and be made to work to produce more shows, especially when their take-home money is a pittance compared to what Kate pockets.

I think what the NE article highlighted and exposed is ammunition for Jon to ensure that his children's home lives aren't filled with the type of abuse detailed by the nanny, with the spying and food restriction rules.

I also hope that the NE article, and Kate's response via her "insider", exposes the parental alienation that she's been perpetrating for years.

It is a hallmark of an abuser to blame their dysfunctional behavior on someone else, ie: Kate has to spy on her kids/Jon because she's protecting them.

Tucker's Mom said... 69

Vanessa said... 64

Radar's not letting up. Going for the 1, 2 punch!
I say GOOD!
July 16, 2014 at 5:47 AM
Didn't the "editor" or whomever change from a David Perei to a woman, over there at Radar?
This woman (sorry, forget her name), seems to be working with Robert and others (the nannies) and corroborating these stories, and running them.
It's very interesting and I'm quite surprised and happy for Robert that the really salient points in his book/Kate's journals are given attention.

lukebandit said... 70

Beyond Disgusted said... 54
Did you get change back from your Sawbuck? Bwahahaha!


Who is Sawbuck?


Beyond Disgusted, a sawbuck is a Ten Dollar Bill!

Tucker's Mom said... 71

American Media, Inc. (AMI) owns and operates the leading print and digital celebrity and health and fitness media brands in the United States. AMI’s titles include Star, OK!, National Enquirer, Globe, etc.
It's interesting that Kate has had the major networks and all of the shows/cable networks that are under the same umbrella protecting her for all these years.
Now, it seems as though the AMI empire has a bigger horn, longer reach and no dog in the hunt that protects Kate's saintly image.

TLC stinks said... 72

Amber Ryland, news editor at Radar bio per Radar:

A former high school teacher, Amber was bitten by the journalism bug in 2006 while she was living in Maui. She had several close encounters with Britney Spears and her then-husband K-Fed, broke the news that Britney was pregnant with her second son — and the rest is history. After returning to Chicago, Amber freelanced for weekly entertainment magazines until she left the Windy City to make a home with Radar Online in 2009. Among her scoops: Amber scored the only video interview inside the home where Brittany Murphy died; reported on the outrageous Mel Gibson freak outs; was the first to confirm the death of Mexican-American pop star Jenni Rivera; has exclusively broke the existence of many celebrity sex tapes; obtained exclusive audio of Paris Hilton using gay slurs; and co-produced videos of Charlie Sheen’s infamous drug test. Amber is a frequent guest on radio stations across the country and has appeared on CNN, HLN, Lifetime, The Wendy Williams Show, Extra, Geraldo and often appears on TF1's 50 Minutes Inside in France. A native Canadian, Amber is happily married and is excited to have made Los Angeles her permanent home. Amber can be reached at aryland@radaronline.com and be sure to follow her on Twitter @AmberGoodhand.

NJGal51 said... 73

Some comments from the RLO article (my comments bolded)===
Some of you posters are nut jobs. Who believes half the gossip these sites post!?! But if I had one kid bitching while the other 7 were not and we were going on vacation, it would be a suck it up buttercup moment. In the real world you don't cancel a vacation because the child doesn't want to go. And as far as child abuse goes, get a grip! And I don't even like Kate=== how is it they don't understand that this was not a family vacation but rather a cross-over filming trip.

Mady is an obnoxious brat that complains and throw tantrums if something doesn't go her way. She does this all the time.===WTF? I hope that TFW is happy because this is how they portrayed M and this is still how many people think she is.

(Me). I believe that many of the posters are regular sheeple and are throwing in the "I don't even like Kate" to make them seem like real posters and I'm sure they're signing on multiple times under different names because the tone is the same.

JMO said... 74

TLC stinks and Tucker's Mom- Keep up the great work!!

2 of my favorites posters, who keep us all in the loop with great posts. Can not forget Auntie Anne- who we all love for her humor and posts. Keeps us laughing and grounded.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 75

But if I had one kid bitching while the other 7 were not and we were going on vacation, it would be a suck it up buttercup moment. In the real world you don't cancel a vacation because the child doesn't want to go


It misrepresents the situation to call it a "vacation." It was employment. Work. Filming. And Mady was darn tired of it. They had spent all summer traveling and working. I get that one kid whining about a vacation is not really to be tolerated and they'll snap out of it. But this was about far more than that.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 76

And by the way sheeple who was asking to "cancel" the vacation? Nobody.

The rest of the seven could go, Mady simply asked that she be able to stay behind with Jon. Nothing would need to be canceled at all. It would have been simple enough to explain to viewers that Mady was tired and had some things with friends and her dad planned and chose to stay behind. Done, and no one would have thought anything of it.

Actually in the real world, things go on as planned even though one kid can't make it because she's sick, or tired, or misbehaving, or has conflicting plans, or whatever. This IS the real world.

Tucker's Mom said... 77

TLC stinks said... 72
Amber Ryland, news editor at Radar bio per Radar:
Amber seems to be plugged in and responds to Tweets about the stories run on Radar.
Recently, she assured a sheeple that she was very confident that her sources were verified/vetted.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 78

The new sheriff in town at Radar seems a lot more concerned with using a source in the first place. It seems important to her to get a good source to dish.

It's still rag mag stuff, but the focus on getting the rag mag story CORRECT is quite refreshing.

lukebandit said... 79

Oh, man. The comments on the Alaskan article on ROL has a higher number of fans than usual. Where did they come from? I tried to explain, but it was exhausting. Thank God all of her meanness is on video forever to prove what a vile person she really is.

I mean, who ever heard of a mom telling her kids that if they don't jump and go with her that they can stay and not be Gosselins anymore, that they would be Palins. I have never heard it. It was very cruel. If that didn't turn Steve's pizza lined stomach, nothing would.

I wish Sarah would put out a statement since this has come out and say something like how awful she really was and even her dad thought so too. Then roll the video where he called her a W. Wow, and it be on national tv? Dang.

JMO said... 80

It misrepresents the situation to call it a "vacation." It was employment. Work. Filming. And Mady was darn tired of it. They had spent all summer traveling and working

Totally agree. When has this woman EVER sprung for a vacation for her kids without filming without TLC? She has made millions of these kids's back.

Spoiled and entitled and all about Kate, always.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 81

NJGal51 (#73), I agree about the fan comments which include
"I don't even like Kate." For the love of pete, within an hour of
the article posting, you're just Jane Q. Public reading about
someone you allegedly don't give a hoot about, and yet you
feel compelled to quickly type up a comment in her defense?
How transparent can you be? As the Smashmouth lyric goes,
they ain't the sharpest tools in the shed...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 82

"I hate Kate as much of as the next person, BUT".... is a dead giveaway. How sad is it that you can't even own that you're a sheeple when you defend this waste of space? You have to lie and pretend you really are one of us but fancy yourself a voice of reason among all the hate. Sad.

Tucker's Mom said... 83

It's still rag mag stuff, but the focus on getting the rag mag story CORRECT is quite refreshing.
July 16, 2014 at 7:14 AM
I remember reading in the NE, I believe, about the disaster that was filming Kate camping in Alaska for Sarah Palin's Alaska.
I was sure it was exaggerated, and even fabricated to some extent.
But, the stories about Kate's tantrums and leaving filming turned out to be completely true.
I really couldn't believe my eyes when I watched it with my own eyes, so do I believe the stories about Mady rebelling and Kate getting physical with her?

You betcha ;-)

TLC stinks said... 84

I wonder if it would have been a violation of the contract with TLC if Mady did not film?

FYI said... 85

I noticed that at the end of the ROL article it said

Calls to Kate for comment were not immediately answered.

I don't recall ever seeing that on any of the other articles about Kate. So it seems they've reached out to Kate for comment, but she's not answering.

I guess she and her "source" have to first figure out what comeback they're going to come up with.

chefsummer #Leh said... 86

Maddy staying with her loving father yeah right that's not going to happen.

Why not..

Jon would be ruining Kate's money making & her super mom-(bull crap) along with "my ex doesn't help me and I do it all alone" image

KK isn't going to let that happen and the only person I saw throwing a temper tantrum was Kate.

JMO said... 87

Not looking at TFW's twitter anymore. A big nightmare, with so many twitter bots, and not too many people making one ounce of sense.

TFW really needs to rethink her whole twitter, period. It is a huge mess.

FYI said... 88

Vanessa said... 65

Anyone see this? haha! Ms. Malaprop take a gander

Vanessa---I love that video!! Weird Al certainly nailed it about grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 89

Admin the nitpicking and attacks have gotten out of hand.


I agree. I actually delete a lot of "picker" comments. We have a couple, or perhaps just one, resident "pickers" who pick pick pick on a daily basis. I don't understand what they get out of it since I never publish them or respond. I guess it blows off steam to talk to yourself?

We will be more careful in the future not to publish anyone who is just here with a pick axe.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 90

Calls to Kate for comment were not immediately answered.

I don't recall ever seeing that on any of the other articles about Kate. So it seems they've reached out to Kate for comment, but she's not answering.


Good. They should ask her for comment. That is just good journalism.

These articles lately have been much more professional, a word I never thought I would use with Radar.

JoyinVirginia said... 91

Re the Palin-Gosselin crossover Alaska trip, one person who SHOULD have stayed home was TFMJG. I think it was Sarah Palin s father who was so good with the Gosselin kids, showing them things about the Alaska wilderness. After TFMJG made her ” i'm freezing” temper tantrum exit, Sarah Palin s dad was the one on film saying TFMJG bitched from the moment she got off the plane. The Palin family was happy to be rid of her! I think they would have enjoyed camping with just the kids, but that would have meant TFMJG would not be filmed.

chefsummer #Leh said... 92

Sarah Plain's dad didn't like Kate and he spent what a couple days with her?

How do the sheep explain him not liking her? He also said all she did was complain from the moment she got there.

I also find it funny that she hated camping in Alaska but she loved camping in New Zealand wtf is wrong with her.

lukebandit said... 93

When did this photo shoot happen? kate side by side comparison to CHARLENE THERON? WTHECK??? What was this for? I wonder what Charlene Theron thought about it.


You can just tell, this is ALL she wants to do. Be glammed up, admired, live a privileged life, be waited on hand and foot, run with the upper crust "IN" Hollywood crowd. With no parental responsibilities.

What's stopping you, kate? Just sign them all over to Jon and go for it.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 94

I also noticed a preponderance of positive comments about
TFW on the new Radar story. And I also remembered a
certain unemployed woman in Pennsylvania has a house
guest, and that both gals might have some extra time on
their hands. Just a theory...

Formerly Duped said... 95

They filmed without the twins a couple of times- the visit to Forrest's, and when the twins had to leave OBX for school. Why couldn't Mady have stayed with Jon, with an explanation that she couldn't make the trip?

Better still, film without Kate!

TLC stinks said... 96

The rumors swirled about that Alaska trip :Kate shook Mady and the Palin's were very upset. Wanted to report Kate, TLC stepped in and the consensus was that Kate should leave immediately. After she left, she and Steve disappeared for a few days. The kids had no idea where their mother went. People thought that maybe she was ordered to LA to see, I think, Laurie Goldberg, who attending some cable TV event. Anyway, it's all moot unless someone were to speak out what really went down.

That show was definitely a disaster. TLC certainly would have bent over backwards to make nice with Palin at that time. Mady was obviously very distressed. Can't believe TLC released publicity photos with Mady sobbing. Maybe it will be revealed in Mady's book some day.

FYI said... 97

These articles lately have been much more professional, a word I never thought I would use with Radar.

They might be a bit more professional, but they still can't get basic facts right. The article states " Kate Gosselin took her eight children to Alaska for a TLC special with then-Governor Sarah Palin in 2010"

Duh, ROL, Palin resigned the governorship in 2009 and was not governor when she filmed with the Gosselins.

JoyinVirginia said... 98

Bringing over from prior thread: anyone interested in virtual trip to Cape Cod, Martha s Vineyard, nantucket? It has been a while since I put on my virtual tour guide hat, time for some fun!
if admin approves of course!!!!!!!!
(eight, count em, eight exclamation points!)

sparkle said... 99

Formerly Duped said... 98
They filmed without the twins a couple of times- the visit to Forrest's, and when the twins had to leave OBX for school. Why couldn't Mady have stayed with Jon, with an explanation that she couldn't make the trip?

Better still, film without Kate!

Radar should have added the little kernel from the book relating how once they were in Alaska, Mady said she was going to run away. Kate allegedly told her she would be eaten by a bear. Nice.

I agree, she should have been left back in PA. She did not want to go and her father was available to care for her. Instead she was dragged there against her wishes and then berated and possibly roughed up. Something happened that made Todd Palin very upset. IMO, Kate didn't want to set a precedent. If Mady got to stay home, next time Cara might want to stay home, then Alexis, then Joel......

JMO said... 100

TLC stinks said... 99 --

I totally agree, something went bad with this trip, and most likely had to do with the Queen not liking Mady's behavior. As I recall TLC execs were called to come to Alaska to "diffuse" or straighten out this mess. There are actually photos somewhere of execs coming out to Alaska, as I clearly saw them. Not sure if they still exist online, but Krap clearly was over the top on this "episode" and as usual made it all about herself. I think TLC had enough of her at that point, and started to look at ways to get rid of her.

Like SP or not, TFW really thinks the world revolves around her, and I have no doubt she manhandled Mady, as that is what she does when she is frustrated - never mind what goes on behind closed doors. How dare Mady ruin her TV show!! All about Kate's "appearance."

What a nightmare.
This woman is in heavy need of psychiatric help, but will never admit it.

Carole said... 101

The new sheriff in town at Radar seems a lot more concerned with using a source in the first place. It seems important to her to get a good source to dish.

It's still rag mag stuff, but the focus on getting the rag mag story CORRECT is quite refreshing.

Sometimes their 'source' stories are silly. IMO, either get the comment from the person the story was written about or don't write the story at all. Even tabloid editors can be catfished.

As for the new editor publishing a 'correct' story: over the past few months ROL ran stories repeating the same inaccurate info. The truth was easily verifiable on their OWN site, but they kept running the misinformation anyway and it drove me crazy every time I saw it.

Let's just say, they do read e-mails and they do correct articles after they're published - quickly too. hehe

Carole said... 102

Starz22 said...
I sent an e-mail to cnn.com.

I'm glad they replied to you! CNN as a network hasn't addressed TFW, but as you said, some of their program hosts have talked about her and reality tv, including Dr.Drew and Jane Valdez Mitchell. I guess the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing? Either way, it'd be nice if an investigative team spent some time looking into TFW, the abuse and how the whole reality tv genre IS abusive to kids. When the book was re-released I saw tweets to Nancy Grace, Drew, and JVM asking them to do stories about TFW and the abuse, but so far - crickets.

JMO said... 103

sparkle said... 102
I think you hit the nail on the head. In Kate's selfish world, ALL kids must be present for filming, with little to no thought for her kids. ALL ABOUT KATE and her 8.

She should have quit while she was ahead, about 4-5 years ago. No one ever said she was smart. Greedy yes, smart not so much.

sparkle said... 104

From a January 1, 2012 NY Times article:

Perhaps Ms. Goldberg’s most sensitive project was Ms. Palin’s reality show, for which she put aside her strong Democratic views. She traveled to the Palins’ home in Wasilla repeatedly, dining one night on smoked caribou and salmon that had been hunted and fished by Todd Palin.

She even baby sat the children one rainy day when, in a programming stunt of sorts, Ms. Gosselin went camping with Ms. Palin. In the ensuing episode, Ms. Goldberg can be seen listening to Ms. Gosselin list her grievances about the trip — “I am freezing to the bone. ... I’m hungry.”

“I felt like Forrest Gump,” Ms. Goldberg told Ms. O’Neill when she returned.

In an interview, Ms O’Neill joked: “I’m still paying for that trip.”

That article never gets old ;) A direct quote from Kate's former boss. Again, no bloggers made Kate behave like a jerk during that trip. Kate mistakenly felt she could perpetually crap all over TLC, behave like she's irreplacable and still keep her job. She was wrong and that's on Kate and Kate only. The kicker is that they did replace her- with Mama June lolololol!

Anonymous said... 105

Let me see if I've got this straight. Mady doesn't want to go but has to because they're filming and it's a contractual thing. Yet when Kreider decides she's leaving, contractual obligations be darned.

You can't have it both ways. Why didn't someone in production read her the riot act and tell her to get her bony ass back to the campfire? My theory is they knew she was finished and they were pulling back the curtain to expose Her Royal Heinous.


OrangeCrusher1 said... 106

' Either way, it'd be nice if an investigative team spent some time looking into TFW, the abuse and how the whole reality tv genre IS abusive to kids. When the book was re-released I saw tweets to Nancy Grace, Drew, and JVM asking them to do stories about TFW and the abuse, but so far - crickets.'

Personally, I cannot think of anything worse for the children to have a 'journalistic investigation' into their lives, and then a show detailing the abuse on national tv. There is no excuse for K's behaviors, but for the sake of the children and their personal lives, this is not a good idea. Oh maybe it would satisfy the people who really want to to stick it to her, the people who e-mail networks and shows to draw attention to her sins, but I think she is a walking time bomb already with her crazy rules, her obsessive behaviors, and this 'investigation' would only make it worse for the kids. I may be in a minority, but I don't get the point of the e-mails and the blog comments at places like ROL trying to 'set things straight'. If the bottom line is to keep the kids off tv, and hopefully see them living a private life, why would anyone want a CNN team snooping around playing defective detective?

Anonymous said... 107

I DID have a choice for HS and I chose a school 50 minutes away. We had a bus, but, my Dad being in cars and all, I had a beater car JR and SR years. Then the commute was 30 minutes (I knew the back road shortcuts). I wish I could go back to those days, homework and all, over adult responsibilities ;) But I wouldn't want to give up my grandchildren and watching my wonderful children grow as adults and parents. Every step of life is the best - we sometimes just don't know it at the time.

JMO said... 108

The entire Palin family got her number from the get go. Seemed none of them could stand her constant bitching nor could her own kids.

It must have been really bad, beyond what we saw on film, as TLC executives were called out to the scene. Never mind, TFW's tantrums, anger and how she spoke to the youngest Palin, let alone her own kids.

I think TLC knew at this episode, that it was time to shut down production. TFW could not be civil to anyone anymore, and they had enough. Remember the RV episodes to follow. TLC wanted her gone!! Her own entitled selfish disgusting behavior finished her off!

Ex Nurse said... 109

Admin said...
Nothing would need to be canceled at all. It would have been simple enough to explain to viewers that Mady was tired and had some things with friends and her dad planned and chose to stay behind. Done, and no one would have thought anything of it.
Except those kids are under a contractual obligation to never be sick or exclude themselves from a filming gig, for any reason. That would have been a breach of contract.

Blowing In The Wind said... 110

Calls to Kate for comment were not immediately answered.


They have Kate's phone number, or has she hired the newbie "I know people who know people" as her new PR person?

JMO said... 111

Except those kids are under a contractual obligation to never be sick or exclude themselves from a filming gig, for any reason. That would have been a breach of contract. -----------------------

And KATE plus 8 committed her kids to the contract.

Don't you know that ALL kids wanted to continue filming, PER kate??

I am not a big karma person, but in the case, I will make an exception.

FYI said... 112

Hmm, I wonder if they are going to discuss this on their show.

The Talk on CBS! ‏@TheTalk_CBS · 5m
New tell-all reveals that Kate Gosselin exploits her kids for ratings. What do you think? #everybodytalks

Blowing In The Wind said... 113

Is this all the sheeple can come up with? They really don't get it, do they? To use the analogy of going to the doctor is just really way off base. Ridiculous, in fact. It seems like they are either all on vacation, or it's just too much trouble lately to man their battle stations to come up with a plan for damage control! It must be exhaustingish to be a sheep right now!

IndianaAnny ‏@CandyDishes 2h
@radar_online @Kateplusmy8 Haha! Sometimes my kid doesn't want 2 go 2 dr & cries. I'd sell ya story but unlike Robbie, I can pay my bills.

Terri said... 114

Looks like The Talk will be discussing Kate on the show today.

TLC stinks said... 115

Thanks, Sparkle. So Goldberg was in Alaska so the rumor about Kate having to answer to TLC exec in LA must have been O'Neill. Anyway, something went down because I remember reading about her and Steve disappearing for a few days and the kids did not know where their mom was.

Katykat said... 116

The Talk just put a tweet out about the book. I don't have twitter, maybe those that do can add their two cents. Of course some idiots have already chimed in, she has 8 kids, she's doing the best she can.

Carole said... 117

Whoa - is The Talk actually going to address this?

New tell-all reveals that Kate Gosselin exploits her kids for ratings. What do you think? #everybodytalks

Mel said... 118

I sure felt badly about how awful TFW talked to the younger Palin girl.

That was terrible, so disrespectful to just a young girl who hadn't done anything other than be unlucky enough to get caught in the wrath of TFW.

If I was the grandparent (or parent) and saw someone speaking to my granddaughter than way....
I'm not a normally agressive or violent person, but I tell ya....there would have been hell to pay if an adult talked to my kid that way.
Bad enough that she was nasty to her own kids and my kids have to see that ugly behavior, but she doesn't get to be nasty to my kid!

Especially since they were an *invited* guest of mine. I would be marching that person by the ear, right out of my camp.

Blowing In The Wind said... 119

If Amber was a high school teacher, I'm guessing civics isn't her strong suit since she thought SP was governor of Alaska at that time!

"When Kate Gosselin took her eight children to Alaska for a TLC special with then-Governor Sarah Palin in 2010, it didn’t matter that her daughter..."

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 120

Wow what a terrible analogy. Did Jamie come up with that one??

A child can and should go to the doctor because it is best for their health. There is no similar compelling reason to drag a child along on another work trip. It is not by any means a necessary "evil".

sparkle said... 121

TLC stinks said... 118
Thanks, Sparkle. So Goldberg was in Alaska so the rumor about Kate having to answer to TLC exec in LA must have been O'Neill. Anyway, something went down because I remember reading about her and Steve disappearing for a few days and the kids did not know where their mom was.

I do remember something about a trek to LA during or after that debacle and Kate getting a dressing down from Eileen.

Blowing In The Wind said... 116
Is this all the sheeple can come up with?

IndianaAnny ‏@CandyDishes 2h
@radar_online @Kateplusmy8 Haha! Sometimes my kid doesn't want 2 go 2 dr & cries. I'd sell ya story but unlike Robbie, I can pay my bills.

Yep. All they have is to bleat about money. Just say that the person is lying for money. Which is so ironic, because that is exactly what their kween did, lied about being happily married for money.

Millicent said... 122

Grew up out in the country and we had to take the school bus. The ride itself probably lasted between 15 to 20 minutes each way. I disliked it very much. The noise level, the jockeying over seats, the petty fights between friends that makes those 15 minutes absolutely misery, etc. My mother had to hear about it nearly every afternoon too. Having to spend two hours a day on a school bus, 5 days a week, 9 months a year? I do feel for any kid who has to do that. Pretty it up all you like, riding a school bus full of kids is not a fun adventure - it's a test of endurance.

However, it is probably greatly preferable to spending those two hours in TFW's company.

FYI said... 123

I just turned on The Talk, and yes, they will be talking about the book. Will report back when it's over.

JMO said... 124

Mel said... 121
I sure felt badly about how awful TFW talked to the younger Palin girl.

That was terrible, so disrespectful to just a young girl who hadn't done anything other than be unlucky enough to get caught in the wrath of TFW.

If I was the grandparent (or parent) and saw someone speaking to my granddaughter than way....
I'm not a normally agressive or violent person, but I tell ya....there would have been hell to pay if an adult talked to my kid that way.
Bad enough that she was nasty to her own kids and my kids have to see that ugly behavior, but she doesn't get to be nasty to my kid!

Especially since they were an *invited* guest of mine. I would be marching that person by the ear, right out of my camp.


Mel- I completely agree with you!

She treated her kids like crap, as well as Palin and her youngest daughter! Who does that? "Do you really like camping?"

This was after the Queen agreed to this adventure for pay!!!! Forced Mady to go! WTF?

On the other hand, I think this was the beginning of the end of her "career." You can only treat so many people badly for so long before enough is enough. DWTS, CA, CWS- She is a complete a--hole on everyone of these shows, according to all reports.

Never mind how she views her girls vs boys= her boys are never good enough. Please get psychiatric care TFW as your boys deserve so much better!!!!!!!!!!

Vanessa said... 125

Personally, I cannot think of anything worse for the children to have a 'journalistic investigation' into their lives, and then a show detailing the abuse on national tv. There is no excuse for K's behaviors, but for the sake of the children and their personal lives, this is not a good idea. Oh maybe it would satisfy the people who really want to to stick it to her, the people who e-mail networks and shows to draw attention to her sins, but I think she is a walking time bomb already with her crazy rules, her obsessive behaviors, and this 'investigation' would only make it worse for the kids. I may be in a minority, but I don't get the point of the e-mails and the blog comments at places like ROL trying to 'set things straight'. If the bottom line is to keep the kids off tv, and hopefully see them living a private life, why would anyone want a CNN team snooping around playing defective detective?

I totally get what you're saying, but I disagree that there can be nothing worse for those kids, that an investigation would make it worse for them. It cannot be worse than living in that farce of a home. Exposure and accountability are all good things for tfw, Jon and TLC. It could stop future Reality TV abuses/exploitation of children. Change/make laws that will protect children. There's a price to pay for bringing evil to the forefront, but it's collateral damage for the greater good. They are kids now, they won't understand what really has gone on and what continues to be kept behind closed doors, behind contracts and big money, but one day they will. The adult G8 will most definitely appreciate someone/anyone who tried to expose the wrongs, ALL OF THEM that were done to them. I think they'd rather see in print THE TRUTH than the bullshit lies their mother puts out there.

JMO said... 126

However, it is probably greatly preferable to spending those two hours in TFW's company.

Milicent- It is probably SO preferable to hearing her barking orders non-stop, so I totally agree with you.

TFW needs to lighten the F up! She is home all day and should be doing most of the chores. She is ridiculous.

chefsummer #Leh said... 127

Damn everyone in the audience and the crew of the talk agrees that Kate is exploiting the kids.

They also agree that the kids are shell shocked and were abused.


Ellasmum said... 128

Kate's getting burned on the talk. They hate her!

JMO said... 129

For the most part- I don't see sheeple. Mostly concerned about the kids, and not her highness, or the followers, who advocate for using the kids.

It is HIGH time Kate herself and Jon support the kids without using them. They are 10 and 13. No more filming/using of these kids.

Not directed specifically at Jon, but these 2 need to figure out a way to support their 8 at this juncture without filming them. Enough is enough!!

TJ said... 130

Wow! Just watched The Talk and they were discussing when Kate made Maddie go to Alaska to film the show...they mentioned the book and their thoughts of kids on reality tv....in regards to Kate the word hideous and blech (vomiting sound) was used by Sharron Osbourne and the other weren't any more complimentary!

foxy said... 131

One of my sisters had a hair cut shaved partially up the back and bobbed on both side with one side longer and tapered so the front was longer than the back. It was popular 30 years ago. She was saved from the Hedge Hog spikes though as were her friends. So this is not exclusive of Katie.

NJGal51 said... 132

Sharon Osbourne was on Ellen once And Ellen did that thing where she holds up a picture of a celebrity and the guest has to make a comment. Ellen held up Kate's picture and Sharon took it made a disgusted sound and threw it on the ground.

Vanessa said... 133

They also agree that the kids are shell shocked and were abused
good for them!

JoyinVirginia said... 134

Love that Julie Chen! She hosts Big Brother dontcha know! And Sharon Osbourne is just fun, a very astute businesswoman and a good mother.
when the Osbournes reality TV show was on MTV, their oldest daughter did not want to be on it. She was never shown our mentioned on the show even tho they all lived in the same house. Imagine that, letting your child decide if they want to be on TV or not! The fact she and Ozzy respected their daughters decision made me really like both of them.

OrangeCrusher1 said... 135

Very grownup of Sharon Osbourne to make a vomiting sound in a discussion of Kate. The Talk is not what I would call a mature sounding board. Look, I do not like what KG does, did, says, how she treats her children and more, but it is rather disengenuous of these talk shows now, based on reports from ROL and other rags, to jump on the anti- Kate bandwagon. They could care less, it's all about talking to fill a void and ratings. Will this pound the few final nails in Kate's media dream coffin - probably, and that is a good thing. The kids, however, will still suffer from living with a crazy person. That's the real shame.

Carole said... 136

Oh boy did The Talk discuss TFW and her exploiting the kids!

Unfortunately Julie Chen introduced the topic as being just about her forcing Mady to go to Alaska but then they got rolling about TFW's exploitation in general. The audience yelled, cheered and clapped in agreement that she's exploiting the kids.

Marie Osmond is a co-host this week and she said she watched the Today Show interview and she was very strong in voicing her opinion.

'As a parent you need to look at your children's needs individually. I saw that Today Show. Those girls didn't want to be on tv. They shouldn't be on tv. That should be her responsibility as a mother. CHEERS Then Julie Chen chimed in and said 'I don't know Kate Gosselin. But I suspect when they 1st started the show it was sexy, it was a lot of fame, it exploded... It's tough to walk away. I wish... (then she was interrupted). I blame producers; they have to see it's not good for kids...' and she started talking about TFW should have done a show by herself w/no kids and Sharon O interrupted and said "she's BORING" and others chimed in and laughed and they went to commercial.

The tweets at the bottom of the screen were mixed between those supporting a mom needing to feed 8 kids and those agreeing she's exploiting the kids.

There's absolutely NO question in my mind that TFW's reputation w/media, show hosts, and the vast majority of the public is that of a child exploiter and is highly disliked. I also very strongly believe that most people believe the things that have come out in Robert's book.

If you have a chance to catch the show, it's worth a watch. The segment started @ 21 min.

FYI said... 137

On The Talk, Julie Chen mentioned the book(but not by name) just calling it a "new tell-all book about Kate Gosselin". The only part of the book she brought up was the subject of Kate forcing Mady to go to Alaska and she gave basically the same story as in the ROL article--Mady not wanting go, Jon willing to take Mady, and Kate refusing, etc. When she asked the audience "Is this exploitation" the audience gave a resounding "yes!! Oh, yeah!!".

The whole panel of Marie Osmond, Sara Gilbert, Sharon Osbourne , Aisha Tyler, and Julie all agreed.

Aisha called Kate "the meanest person" and "cruel". Sharon just said "hideous" and made a gagging expression.

Sara brought up the point that the kids were to young to consent to being on TV and shouldn't have been forced to do so. Marie basically said the same thing. They brought up the twins' appearance on the Today Show, and Aisha said they looked "shell shocked".

Marie said "as a parent you have to look at your children's needs individually. I saw the Today Show. Those girls didn't want to be on TV. They shouldn't be on TV and that should be her responsibility as a mother".

Julie talked about how the show took off and how "fame" is hard to let go, especially since Kate was an unknown person when the show first aired. She also mentioned how in addition to the "fame", Kate also seemed to want the show to continue because she was a "divorced mother with 8 kids". Julie also blamed the producers saying "the producers should have seen it wasn't good for the kids". She said the producers should have told Kate that they would do a show with just Kate and not the kids. Sharon said "She's not interesting" and Julie asked Sharon "even if it was just Kate" and Sharon said "No. She's boring".

So all in all, nobody had a kind word to say about Kate. You could really see Sharon's distaste for Kate.

Out of the 5 people on the panel, Julie, Sara and Sharon have met Kate when she was on the show several years ago(although Sharon didn't participate in her interview). Guess that "everyone who meets me, likes me" manta, is shot down again.

Wish they had mentioned Robert's name or the title of the book, but at least it was mentioned.

Anonymous said... 138

I am so tired of fans and sheeple insisting she needs TV to feed her kids. Balderdash! By now she could have her BS in Nursing, and a Masters as well - or at least on the way (if she had any desire to WORK). She banked enough to support all 8 of them at least through HS, most likely in the big a*s house. Just stop with the "Oh she has 8 mouths to feed."

FYI said... 139

For those of you that missed the airing of The Talk, CBS does put full episodes online the day after the show airs. So you can go to their website tomorrow to see their discussion about Kate.


lukebandit said... 140

I love hear, seeing ate being called a bony @.

The first time I ever heard it was on the movie, Working Girl.

JoyinVirginia said... 141

Another fun fact about Julie Chen, she is Mrs. Les Moonves. He just happens to be head of CBS. Did you know that Julie was on CBS Morning News with Harry Smith, who did the interview with uncle Kevin and aunt Jodi, when they were talking about the children working? Interesting connections.

url said... 142

I didn't watch the Talk today, but I am glad they discussed the book. This will bring more attention to it and hopefully more sales. Regarding CA and the possibility that it may not air. The money that was raised for charity, was this money automatically forwarded to the respective charities at the time it was donated when filming was completed or did the charities not even receive the donations because the show hasn't aired or may never air? I'm curious to know if the donations were given to the respective charities even if the show may never air. And the problem with NBC finding a time to air the show, seems ridiculous to me because even their summer shows such as America's Got Talent is nothing more than two hour repeats for weeks now and other summer shows on the same network are also repeats or new pilots that have ratings far less than CA. I just don't get their hesitancy to air the show.

Vanessa said... 143

Good discussion on the Talk!

Well more exposure for the book!

Anonymous said... 144

Thank you for letting me know about "The Talk"! Just watched it and all I can say is Holy crapola! Toasted. They seriously toasted Khate!

OrangeCrusher1 said... 145

I don't think the network is hesitating to air CA, but rather they are not getting the advertising support for several weeks of the show. They knkw the 'secrets' were revealed, which was crazy, and now no one is hot to put $$ into ads. This is, of course, just my guess. If it were 2 episodes it may have had a better shot.

Vanessa said... 146

And finally an audience that was given permission to "tell us how they really feel!"

JMO said... 147

Flight of the Kiwi said... 142
I am so tired of fans and sheeple insisting she needs TV to feed her kids. Balderdash! By now she could have her BS in Nursing, and a Masters as well - or at least on the way (if she had any desire to WORK). She banked enough to support all 8 of them at least through HS, most likely in the big a*s house. Just stop with the "Oh she has 8 mouths to feed."


I agree! SHE should be doing the chores and pursuing other interests, while she is home all day, with nanny/babsitter 20 hours a week, in her own words.

Problem is she got a taste of the alleged "good life" and does not want to let go.

Her kids, on the other hand need some "normalcy" which NEVER seems to be a priority in her book. The boys are clearly treated differently than the girls (DISGUSTING), and deserve so much better treatment.

I wish Jon would get custody of the 3 boys, as their lives would turn out so differently. Let Kate focus on the 5 girls (2 of which she has clearly lost control over (way to go) and the highly valued tup girls, who seem to get the best treatment. Sad, but true And clearly she has gender issues. JMO

FYI said... 148

I haven't watched The Talk in a long time, and only watched today because they were going to be talking about Kate. One thing I can say is that it was refreshing to see that they let each other actually talk individually unlike the View where they always talk over each other. They actually listened to what each of them had to say.

I may start watching more often.

chefsummer #Leh said... 149

. Just stop with the "Oh she has 8 mouths to feed."

That's all the sheep have to say.

Besides Kate's a single mom-(yeah right she div mom) and Jon doesn't help-(but we see photos of him w/kids and tweets of ppl seeing him w/kids)

So yeah it;s all the sheep has-"She needs to feed the kids:-But if she needs to feed them so badly and.She's rarely on. TV why not get a real job w/a steady paycheck so you won't have to worry about feeding them?

The sheep do see their own hypocrisy. Also if Jon and real single mom's can work real jobs why can't Kate?

chefsummer #Leh said... 150

I can't wait for Milo and Marie boile collie to blast the ladies of the talk.

chefsummer #Leh said... 151

I agree! SHE should be doing the chores and pursuing other interests, while she is home all day


Se has a giant list of chores for the kids to do and she has help to do the rest so WTF does she do all day?

She can't run errands and sleep all day when the kids are in school or with Jon can she?

PA Dutch Mom said... 152

Having to spend two hours a day on a school bus, 5 days a week, 9 months a year? I do feel for any kid who has to do that. Pretty it up all you like, riding a school bus full of kids is not a fun adventure - it's a test of endurance.


Millicent, it's not two hours a day. It's 80 minutes a day...still a long ride, but somehow those on Twitter greatly exaggerated this, I remember them also claiming that the kids are in school 10 hours a day, which isn't true.

Kate could drive these children to school, but logistically, it wouldn't make sense. She'd be on the road for 80 minutes in the morning (to school and back), and then another 80 minutes at the end of the day. I wouldn't want to do it., especially not with her gas guzzlers. You're right -- taking the bus is preferable to spending that time with Kate. I'm willing to bet they'd rather ride the bus with their friends than drive to school with her.

My friend has a child who attends public school in the district -- one of the larger public schools. They live less than 15 minutes from their school. Because of scheduling, neither she nor her husband are able to drive the child to school. The kid is on the bus for 40 minutes in the morning and the same amount of time in the afternoon. Because of all the stops the bus makes, it's the same amount of time that the Gosselins spend on the bus.

JMO said... 153

PA Dutch Mom-

My friend has a child who attends public school in the district -- one of the larger public schools. They live less than 15 minutes from their school. Because of scheduling, neither she nor her husband are able to drive the child to school.----

Get what you are saying but sounds like both parents have a JOB.

Over And Out said... 154

The slower-than-molasses sheeple are still reminding Kate that she is hated and being harassed. How incredibly dumb are they?
That's a rhetorical question!

That TL is a royal mess. Milo isn't even on the job. I wonder if she's exhausted her book of platitudes by now. Time to dig up some new material.

NJGal51 said... 155

For all intents and purposes CA had been cancelled and then the network (?) said OK, we'll dust it off and film one more season. As many have stated there were too many leaks out there this year. I've watched the show since the beginning and have never seen anything like this leak-wise. If they thought that leaking information may generate interest they were mistaken because it seems to have had the opposite effect. No one cares (except me because I want to watch the show). Couple that with the Sunday night timeslot against football and the ratings just won't be there. The advertisers see this and don't want to sink their money into it.

Hope this makes sense. I'm typing on the fly between meetings.

Millicent said... 156

PA Dutch Mom - thanks for clarifying the more realistic time the kids spend on their school bus ride. And that's too bad about your friends' child, who has a long bus ride even though they live much closer to school! I have been fortunate enough to be able to drive my son to/from school. Although now that he's 16 and has his driver's permit, he drives one way each trip.

Millicent said... 157

"So all in all, nobody had a kind word to say about Kate. You could really see Sharon's distaste for Kate."

Thank you for summarizing the show, since I couldn't watch. I know Sharon Osbourne has had an unfavorable opinion of Kate for years. She was on The Ellen Show one time (at least 2-3 years ago), and they did a little segment where Ellen would hold up a picture of a famous person and Sharon would comment. Ellen held up Kate's picture and I believe Sharon just made a face and pushed the picture away. It was a clear negative response.

I wonder what Kate is thinking, or if she can even stand to watch people discuss her in a negative way? Do you think she changes the channel? Calls Steve to cry about it? Or goes off to tweet rainbows and unicorns?

Formerly Duped said... 158

Kate has a Rolodex of who sits where in the bus. Can they even sit with their friends?

PA Dutch Mom said... 159

PA Dutch Mom - thanks for clarifying the more realistic time the kids spend on their school bus ride. And that's too bad about your friends' child, who has a long bus ride even though they live much closer to school! I have been fortunate enough to be able to drive my son to/from school. Although now that he's 16 and has his driver's permit, he drives one way each trip.


You're welcome, Millicent. I, too, have always driven my children to school...probably because I'm a Mama Grizzly and I like to know that they got there safely and will be picked up by me. It's not that I don't trust the bus system, but, well, I guess I don't feel comfortable with it, especially not during the winter in bad weather. I do understand, though, that with many parents, driving their children to school isn't an option.

Mrs. Malaprop said... 160

Vanessa @ 65 . . .
Ha! That was good. Gosh, I haven't heard anything by Weird Al in ages. Thanks for sharing.

JoyinVirginia said... 161

Kate is a twit, I am usually working but occasionally have day off I can watch. They did a series of shows each revealing a secret. Aisha talked about her infertility and her and her husbands decision to not pursue having children. Sara talked about being on Roseanne with Johnny galecki (who is Leonard on Big Bang Theory now) and realizing she was gay and how supportive he was and how he was protective of her privacy, it was a really touching story.

Millicent said... 162

Every parent has to figure out how they are going to feed, clothe and house their child(ren), and hopefully at the same time save toward either a college education or a trade school of some kind, while at the same time trying to save for retirement, a nest egg, and a little something to leave their child(ren) when they pass away.

Whether it's one child or eight, we all have to figure this out! The answer should not be "put the kids on tv and exploit them further." Kate needs to get herself out and earning an income. She has tried the tv route, and her last attempt, via Celeb Apprentice, did pay her a small amount of money. I don't think it covered the cost of her personal bodyguard during filming.

Her cookbook was a flop. The "Where Are They Now?" episodes were sad and dreary and the second hour got about half the number of viewers. Clearly, interest has waned. No more TLC shows for you Kate. She will have to accept that she needs to actually go get a job, in the real and mediocre world the rest of us inhabit.

Or turn her McMansion into a bed & breakfast. It could be like an awful boot camp, where you go to lose weight through endless crappy chores and limited food.

Layla said... 163

Hello! Catching up after work and I see that I missed a good episode of The Talk! Darn! I'll have to watch tomorrow. Didn't Kate just say last fall (on Access Hollywood or ET, I think) that a seat on The Talk would be her ideal job? HA! Don't sit by the phone waiting for that call, Kate! Does she really still think she has the "Gift of gab"? If so, doesn't she ever wonder why in show business ever noticed her "gift" and gave her a seat on a talk show? Interesting to see that people who actually do have that gift think she's boring and awful. It looks like her "friends" at The Talk aren't really her friends after all. Gotta love Sharon O. She calls 'em like she sees 'em. And when her daughter said she didn't want to film, Sharon respected her wishes, unlike Kate.

Anonymous said... 164

I know she wants TV or film (HA) but wanting it isn't enough. Not that many reality tv personalities can keep the jobs coming. Heck, even A-listers still have to audition. Did not her heinous want a seat on The Talk? Sorta think THAT isn't in the cards...

For her children's sake, those 8 mouths who are only going to get hungrier and hungrier, she MUST get her head out of the clouds. Either her fortune gets used up OR she finds a VIABLE means to a paycheck. God forbid, some crisis hits that will drain finances...will Milo start a gofundme page for her? If the fans couldn't make her last book a best seller, doubt they are going to pony up funds. IMHO.

Seriously, I think she needs to fade into mediocrity to get any kind of job. It hasn't been easy for Jon, for a lot of reasons, but certainly one is perceived reputation on TV, but there ya go. This is part of the downside of easy fame and fortune. It does not last. Did no one tell her this?

sparkle said... 165

Juicy! Anyone we know? (bolding by me)

[Naughty But Nice Rob] Which famous for being famous person is soooo desperate to get back into the spotlight that she is telling friends she plans to put on a lot of weight, and then lose it, to get the cover of People Magazine.

This celebrity has made a brand out of weight loss, but after her career has disappeared she will do anything to get back into the spotlight.

The plans is to disappear for several months and eat as much as she can. Then return and let people attack her, this way she will win back the public’s support. Then she will lose the weight and sell the pictures!


BONUS CLUE: She is currently skinny.

sparkle said... 166

Layla said... 167
Hello! Catching up after work and I see that I missed a good episode of The Talk! Darn! I'll have to watch tomorrow. Didn't Kate just say last fall (on Access Hollywood or ET, I think) that a seat on The Talk would be her ideal job? HA! Don't sit by the phone waiting for that call, Kate! Does she really still think she has the "Gift of gab"? If so, doesn't she ever wonder why in show business ever noticed her "gift" and gave her a seat on a talk show?

Between being lambasted today on The Talk, and Rosie stipulating that no new View hosts can be reality stars, Kate can't catch a break!

Sherry Baby said... 167

" God forbid, some crisis hits that will drain finances...will Milo start a gofundme page for her?"

Now there's a possibility I hadn't thought about. I always figured that if it ever came to that, Milo would move in with Kate, go to work (internet business?) and just turn over her income to Kate. After all, that's what friends do for best friends...isn't it?

Let's throw tomatoes said... 168

Didn't Kate sell over a million books with MB and Eight Little Faces?? Even at $4.00 per book that's 4 million dollars. I'm just throwing out that number because a relative ( non-celebrity at the time ) got that amount. I think the paper back was 1 or 2 dollars, plus a signing bonus.
That's not including everything else she did and the TV show.

Kate doesn't need to work she has enough money for a lifetime maybe two. Her fans saying that Kate needs to sell her kids so that she can support them is B.S.

The only high overhead that Kate has are the school, home and plastic surgeries. She can send the kids to a public school, downsize to a big house without the land, and stop with the plastic face!!

Formerly Duped said... 169

Funny how on the special only the icky boys had good things to say about Mommy- her cooking, her appearance, her healthy lifestyle, that no one would want to hit her! I would say she has alienated all the girls, but they know how to 'work' her and copy her attitude to get along and lord it over the boys. They punched and grabbed things from them, tattled on them, insulted them and there was n only wrestling when they were playing together except for when the girls used the iPads and the boys watched.

Seems like only a few kids were at Jon's when Kate announced they were just returning from the weekend away.Mady and Hannah had PJs on, no sign of Cara, and all the boys & Alexis were dressed??

Bitchy Pants said... 170

The kids where I live spend 45 minutes or more on the bus each day, and the schools are less than 2 miles away. If their parents can't drive them, it's the only way for them to get there. Walking/biking is out of the question because it would mean traveling on 2 lane country roads, often in the dark, no berm or shoulder or bike path, with a 55 MPH speed limit and crossing a very busy 4 - 6 lane highway with a 65 MPH speed limit. The kids all grouse about the bus ride, but when they have a choice of being driven or taking the bus, most of them opt for the bus.

I don't watch "The Talk" as a rule, but it's good to hear that they were discussing TFMJG and her treatment of the kids. All of the ladies are mothers, except for Aisha, and she's always impressed me as being very intelligent and well-spoken. I'm glad they were discussing the things we've been seeing and talking about here for years. I hope many more shows follow suit.

FYI said... 171

Today's episode of The Talk is now online.


The segment about Kate starts at about 16:00.

Just be prepared to listen to several commercials before they play the segment.

Sherry Baby said... 172

Kate doesn't need to work she has enough money for a lifetime maybe two. Her fans saying that Kate needs to sell her kids so that she can support them is B.S.

The only high overhead that Kate has are the school, home and plastic surgeries. She can send the kids to a public school, downsize to a big house without the land, and stop with the plastic face!!

I can't imagine she has enough money to last her own lifetime, let alone two, especially if she's unemployed. It may look good on paper (and in investments), but eventually you have to dip into the principal, and with no means of replacing that money, those funds are going to be depleted rather quickly.

Of course, we have no way of knowing how much is being withdrawn from the kids' account, since she may take funds for their health, education and welfare, which includes tuition, mortgage (they need a roof over their heads), plus bills for various utilities, etc., and a security system, and whatever she could claim as being necessary for the welfare of the children.

Tucker's Mom said... 173

sparkle said... 169
Juicy! Anyone we know? (bolding by me)

[Naughty But Nice Rob] Which famous for being famous person is soooo desperate to get back into the spotlight that she is telling friends she plans to put on a lot of weight, and then lose it, to get the cover of People Magazine.

This celebrity has made a brand out of weight loss, but after her career has disappeared she will do anything to get back into the spotlight.

The plans is to disappear for several months and eat as much as she can. Then return and let people attack her, this way she will win back the public’s support. Then she will lose the weight and sell the pictures!


BONUS CLUE: She is currently skinny.

I can't imagine Kate eating a cheeseburger...

Math Girl said... 174

Formerly Duped said... 173

Seems like only a few kids were at Jon's when Kate announced they were just returning from the weekend away.Mady and Hannah had PJs on, no sign of Cara, and all the boys & Alexis were dressed??
Source? All I saw was one tweet from K and speculation. What did I miss?

Tucker's Mom said... 175

Millicent said... 166
Every parent has to figure out how they are going to feed, clothe and house their child(ren), and hopefully at the same time save toward either a college education or a trade school of some kind, while at the same time trying to save for retirement, a nest egg, and a little something to leave their child(ren) when they pass away.

Whether it's one child or eight, we all have to figure this out! The answer should not be "put the kids on tv and exploit them further."
I hope, really hope, that finally, the real conversation is beginning.
Sure, seeing a mean girl get her comeuppance is delicious schadenfreude indeed, but that's just the thinnest of veneers when it comes to what I really want to see come out of this exposure.

I think a real, honest discussion needs to happen, and it needs to deal with turning children's lives into The Truman Show.
If Kate really, truly fears not being on tv, I hope she can get any and all help she needs to streamline her life and her finances so that she can handle raising 8 kids along with Jon.
I hope that we have a real conversation about what happened to the Gosselins, and what happens when a lot of people stand to make money hand over fist, even at the peril of children's privacy.
I hope people publicly offer to help Kate and Jon out, to facilitate their co-parenting.
After 6 years, not being able to successfully co-parent is absolutely disgraceful.
I hope that the TLC's of the world realize that filming children will be looked at very, very critically.

I'm hopeful that the floodgates are finally starting to open.

I realize that this brutally honest conversation may affect the Gosselin kids, but this conversation isn't just for them. In fact, so much has been done to them, so much of their lives has been offered up at the alter of public entertainment, that I don't know how much left can be salvaged.
I believe this overdue conversation will most benefit potential future child victims of the obnoxious greed shown by every single parasitic corporation that rode their little coat tails to the bank, and be a cautionary tale to any parent out there who thinks a little innocuous tv exposure won't hurt them, their marriage, their children and any and every relationship in their lives.

There is no such thing as a little innocuous tv exposure.

chefsummer #Leh said... 176

I was watching TRHONJ and Treas said she worries how she going to send her kids to college and. That they don't have a college fun due to lawyer bills.

That pi$$ed me off.

Wit the money she & Joe "stole" from the government and all the monies. She made from the show and her cookbooks she can't afford college tuition for her four girls I could believe what she was saying.

Formerly Duped said... 177

Math Girl said... 178
Yes, my speculation from the special. The kids (not Cara) came in the kitchen, and Kate said they were just 'getting back' after the weekend and it was the 1st day of Spring Break. Mady was saying her alarm clock did not go off and she was in PJs, Hannah and Leah had pink PJ bottoms, and the boys came in, all dressed and Alexis, in black pants, and they were all excited to see Zorro. JMO. Not sure if Collin was away in light of recent mention he does not see Jon.Agai. JMO, as none seemed to have eaten breakfast- or maybe they got in late the night before- but Kate said ''HI' like she hadn't seen them for a couple of days???

chefsummer #Leh said... 178

Kate doesn't need to work she has enough money for a lifetime maybe two.

Remember she has 8 kids to feed and a dog and a bird and they only eat organic foods.

Plus Jon does't help her.

Tucker's Mom said... 179

Not directed specifically at Jon, but these 2 need to figure out a way to support their 8 at this juncture without filming them. Enough is enough!!
JMO, I think this is the paradigm shift that really needs to happen.
These children have 2 parents and I do not believe for one second that if Kate could never land another job on tv, filming her kids, or pushing them on live tv shows and magazines, that her kids would suffer and want for things they need.
Between Kate and Jon, these children will have shelter, food, clothes and an education.
It's time to stop feeling sorry and panicked for a multi-millionaire raising a lot of kids.
There are so many families in need, it is disgusting to allow Kate to continue to try to garner sympathy for her perceived plight.
She's already been given more than most people have in 10 lifetimes.

sparkle said... 180

Tucker's Mom said... 177


I can't imagine Kate eating a cheeseburger...

Bethenny does make sense, in light of the uproar she caused last weekend by tweeting a picture of herself wearing her 3 yr. old daughter's pajamas. Bethenny tried to defend it by saying "when your 3 yr. old daughter asks you to do something, you do it." Okayyyyyy.... but did the daughter then demand she tweet the photo, too? Sheesh.

Unknown said... 181

Tucker's Mom said... 80
''TLC stinks said... 72
Amber Ryland, news editor at Radar bio per Radar:
Amber seems to be plugged in and responds to Tweets about the stories run on Radar.
Recently, she assured a sheeple that she was very confident that her sources were verified/vetted.''
I may be mistaken, but I believe that Amber Ryland was once involved on some Soap Opera Message boards in the late 90's as some kind of moderator. If she is the person I'm thinking about she has a LOT of experience dealing w/nutty fans and the insane behavior of some fans.

Now that I'm thinking about this, there was one Soap Actor fan that was totally obsessed w/''proving'' that another actor's fans were all one person and compiled ''crates of charts and lists all printed out'' in order to ''prove'' her belief! Sounds really really familiar, doesn't it?

lukebandit said... 182

Just checked. The book just cracked 1600 at 1601!

Sent a link to the The Book to the Talk.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 183

Hey, Joy, Sharon Osbourne has labelled TFW as "boring." Can
you sue?

Letting Mady stay with her dad during the Alaska trip would've
totally blown the illusion that TFW does it all by herself. If there
was a doting father in the background who was willing to take
his daughter on a moment's notice, how could TFW continue
to dab her eyes on national TV with one hand, and reach for
freebies with the other?

glitter said... 184

I may be in a minority, but I don't get the point of the e-mails and the blog comments at places like ROL trying to 'set things straight'. If the bottom line is to keep the kids off tv, and hopefully see them living a private life, why would anyone want a CNN team snooping around playing defective detective? )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

You're definitely not in the minority. Or maybe we are. Minority? Table for two, please. LOL

foxy said... 185

Joy, when you come up for the New England journey add Block Island on for a great excursion. Ferry boat or small plane will get you there. Most people take the Block Island Ferry.

Let's throw tomatoes said... 186

Chef, don't know if you're kidding but I made a huge bowl of chili beans in my slow cooker for dinner. A little sour cream, onions and copped avocado on top. A pan of corn bread for all under $10 and can feed about 10 people! Yum!

No, Kate has a lot of money with two best selling books, years on TV, DWTS, CWS, CA, , Kmart, Healthtex Clothing, Walmart(?), free food and clothes, and on and on!!

BTW, KATE IS STINGY. She buys her kids clothes they can grow into, apparently never takes them on vacations!

And I bet there is more that we don't even know! Didn't Jon and Kate get a investment broker at the beginning of the show?? It pisses me off she has all that money when she is such a lazy ass! Maybe if she was hard working I would feel differently.

handinhand said... 187

I wonder what Kate is thinking, or if she can even stand to watch people discuss her in a negative way? Do you think she changes the channel? Calls Steve to cry about it? Or goes off to tweet rainbows and unicorns?

All of the above.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 188

I wonder what Kate is thinking, or if she can even stand to watch people discuss her in a negative way? Do you think she changes the channel? Calls Steve to cry about it? Or goes off to tweet rainbows and unicorns?


I know we've asked this question so many times but wouldn't it just mortify any normal woman and mother to be discussed like this? It's a national daytime T.V. show millions of other mothers and women are watching and they're talking about you, little ole you, and what a terrible mother and person you are. They are making vomit sounds about you!

Wouldn't you want to crawl under a rock and die?

Anonymous said... 189

I finished Robert's book last night. What a sad story for the children and the dogs. I wasn't shocked by anything I read because of the recaps Admin. did when the book was first available. Still ... the revelations of abuse are shocking on their own. I missed The Talk today but the hosts' reactions don't surprise me.

Lynn W.

chefsummer #Leh said... 190

Let's throw tomatoes said... 190
Chef, don't know if you're kidding but I made a huge bowl of chili beans in my slow cooker for dinner. A little sour cream, onions and copped avocado on top. A pan of corn bread for all under $10 and can feed about 10 people! Yum!

I was joking,

But the dinner you made sounds yummy,

rainbowsandunicorns said... 191

Wouldn't you want to crawl under a rock and die?


A normal person would, absolutely! What about a narcissist, though? Would she say, "MEMEMEMEMEME! They're talking about me! YAY!"

At least the women of The Talk get it, especially when discussing taking a child on vacation. When our parents told us we were going somewhere, we went. The women there pointed out that this was an entirely different situation. Mady didn't go because she was tired of having the camera in her face. She was tired of working. Period.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 192

No, Kate has a lot of money with two best selling books, years on TV, DWTS, CWS, CA, , Kmart, Healthtex Clothing, Walmart(?), free food and clothes, and on and on!!


I don't think she made a bundle from that kids' clothes line, or the second book, and don't forget, if everything were on the up and up, Uncle Sam would have grabbed his share of what she raked in.

lukebandit said... 193

Nancy Grace is on with Jean Lasaurus?
and it is about the Mom who was hit by a rock at the overpass in Frackville, PA. Her injuries are horrendous! Dear Father in Heaven, my heart goes out to her and her family! Her son is in Afghanistan. Her 19 yr. old dd was driving so her dad could rest after a hard work week and driving 250 miles.

A few minutes before, the Mom called her son, had it on speakerphone and they all talked. She asked him to send her a selfie of himself and he did and they were laughing and tears. Then the rock came through the windshield and hit her straight in the forehead.

The drs. stopped counting the fractures! She lost her right eye and socket and the left eye is questionable. She is also a aggressive breast cancer survivor. The son can only stay till the 21st, then has to go to Afghanistan. Hopefully, they will give him a family hardship.

My prayers go out to her and her family.

JoyinVirginia said... 194

Sharon is great! Successful businesswoman, music manager and promoter, entertaining TV personality, animal lover, cancer survivor, supporter of cancer charities, mother, wife, more!
Oh, and TFMJG is boring.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 195

Sent a link to the The Book to the Talk.


They've already discussed it, and I think that the verdict was that Kate is fame hungry, a lousy mother, and is boring. I'd be surprised if they brought up the topic again, unless something really major is revealed.

High Sodium Content said... 196

Surely someone as petite and ill as Mil could use something a lot more substantial than a salad at 9:30 at night? She needs some protein for brain food.

Just started reading first time today, Kate was crucified on The Talk today. Deafening roar when they asked the audience if they thought she was abusive.

If Kate had one adviser or anyone was a true friend, they would tell her to close her twitter. Has Steve really disappeared from her life? Her timeline is full of porn, bullyville junk, threats on non fans, it's disgustingly ugly, her 3 biggest "fans" are no better than criminals. Kate is not earning any good will anywhere with her twitter timeline. Kate needs to disappear. She is gaining nothing by trying to remain "relevant". M is getting beaten up as being a horribly brat on ROL. That is her mother's fault, not a child. I hope one of their friends or a mother gets those twins aside and tells them that they DO have choices, they do not have to be 18 to express their desire to put an end to the circus of their lives.

I applaud Jon for remaining quiet for all these months. He will be the hero in these kids' lives, they will know and understand it in the future.

JoyinVirginia said... 197

Thanks foxy, I will add to list of attractions. Block Island, check!
Maybe we can stay in Hyannis port at the Kennedy compound! Apparently you can just walk on in! (a man broke into the house recently).

FlimsyFlamsy said... 198

I think Marie Osmond's comments on "The Talk" carry some weight.
She had her first hit record at age 13 - the age Mady and Cara
are right now. She has 40 years of experience in the entertainment
business, and besides singing, she has sitcoms, TV movies, a talk
show, and even Broadway under her belt. Not to mention her
successful doll business. Her estimated worth is 17 million.
The fans can't use their usual tired "she's just jellus" when it
comes to someone like Marie Osmond, now, can they?

Bitchy Pants said... 199

Joy, I'm really looking forward to the virtual trip to Massachusetts. I'd like to add a visit to Plimouth Plantation, walking the Freedom Trail in Boston, a visit to Faneuil Hall in Boston, and a side trip to Salem. Maybe we could also plan a side trip to Gloucester and go on a whale watch. I look forward to the HP Lovecraft excursion too. We haven't heard from chulhu the cuddly recently. Maybe he can join us and give us the true lowdown on his life and relationship with Lovecraft.

Sad but true said... 200

FlimsyFlamsy said... 2

Not to mention, Marie had 8 (count 'em, EIGHT) kids! Of whom five were adopted. Now SHE is someone who's had a busy life, Kate pales by comparison.

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