USA Today's Gary Levin has written an interesting opinion piece about the rise and fall of reality stars.
Honey Boo Boo's ratings are dropping as she gets older. |
Duck Dynasty, Honey Boo Boo, and the Kardashians, all whose fame exploded not too long ago, kicked off new seasons recently with disappointing ratings. Honey Boo Boo has only been on the air for two years and already has lost half its viewers.
Comedic legend Joan Rivers weighed in on the fading craze too with some rather insightful comments: "People are beginning to realize that reality shows are not reality shows." She believes Honey Boo Boo has "grown up too much" and says the Robertsons "totally ruined themselves" with patriarch Phil's comments about gays and blacks, But, she says, "the Kardashians will never leave us, because they keep growing us new ones."
166 sediments (sic) from readers:
She left the area because she wanted acreage and privacy.
I think she left the area because TLC was willing to foot a lot of the bill for a nice big McMansion and this was what was available when she wanted to buy. It being so far from their school was a minor problem to her. It's not HER who has to ride the bus for so long day in and day out.
Has anyone had the misfortune to land on TLC's "Buying Naked?"
I saw some naked show channel surfing over the 12 channels the hotel offered. It was really strange, I didn't really get what the naked thing had to do with it. They were in Africa and it was so hot it didn't seem to be much of a hardship they didn't have clothes. The survival aspect of the show was rather interesting, this couple even made their own sandals, but the naked part was wholly unnecessary IMO.
Thanks for a new blog post, Admin. Welcome back!!
Thank you. Yellowstone is the most beautiful place I have ever been. I got up at 430 every day to watch the sunrise so even though it wasn't the most restful vacation it was worth it to see the beauty. We are so lucky to have this place in our country.
eft a new comment on your post "Recap: Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 part 2: I h...":
Is CA being aired at all or is it just delayed?
At this point I don't think anyone, including the network, knows. Of course the producers and celebs want it to air, but many shows are never seen by viewers.
Yes. This is a real example of how much time and effort networks will spend on filming things only to have it test badly or not really "fit" with any of their schedules and it gets the axe. Somebody told me once an astounding number of pilots get filmed but never make it to the air. I forgot what they said but it was something like ten for every one that airs.
We are more aware of this because we've been following it. It will be interesting to see if it sits on the shelf for a couple years or actually gets trashed.
With a show like this they can't wait too, too long, since it's reality and not actors and is more suspetable to getting "dated."
For instance maybe they do a challenge with a now defunct product, or a cast member has a scandal and now the network doesn't want them on their channel anymore.
I for one will be very sad if it doesn't air. I would pay to see her thrust into an environment like this and I still think she was eaten alive.
I have to laugh at Joan Rvers weighing in on the "fading craze" as she and her daughter head into filming the 4th (?) season of their reality show.
Does anyone here watch Real Housewives of New Jersey? I haven't for a good long while (quit in disgust after just a handful of episodes), but I'm really disturbed to learn that they're showing how Theresa & Joe's legal battles have unfolded, from conjecture-->media frenzy-->indictment-->sentencing, and beyond.
Worse still, they're capturing their very young kids' reactions on camera...perhaps to the point where one or both parents gets locked in the slammer. I don't know how anyone could stomach that, least of all their parents. I really don't.
Goes to show, reality TV producers are ruthless in their quest for buzz-worthy story lines, regardless of any impact it might have on those who are too young to have any say in the matter.
Shows, too, how some parents are willing to sacrifice their young, in their quest for fame and the almighty dollar.
That's the lens through which I'm seeing this whole mess, anyway.
For instance maybe they do a challenge with a now defunct product, or a cast member has a scandal and now the network doesn't want them on their channel anymore.
I wonder how the businesses, like PieFace and others, feel about the show being delayed. I'm sure they were hoping the airing of the show would help increase their sales. I know there were several, but can't remember them all. I'm sure they were compensated for the use of their venue, but being on a show like this would also give them advertising.
Also by the time the show airs, Ivanka's shoe line will be probably be outdated.
I wonder how the businesses, like PieFace and others, feel about the show being delayed. I'm sure they were hoping the airing of the show would help increase their sales. I know there were several, but can't remember them all. I'm sure they were compensated for the use of their venue, but being on a show like this would also give them advertising.
I wonder if they put it in the standard contract for product placements like this that there is no guarantee the show will actually air and if it doesn't they don't owe them anything extra.
Also by the time the show airs, Ivanka's shoe line will be probably be outdated.
Good call. Another reason reality is so easily dated.
If CA doesn't air, we won't get to hear what creative spin TFW put
on abandoning her children for a month. Remember, according
to her, she'd been asked oh-so-many times to appear, and yet
this time they managed to wrangle her away. Heavens to betsy,
who was feeding her children's mouths in her absence? You
know there'd be eye-poking and tears at some point, as the
stress of being away from her babies is unbearable. And TFW
is a black-belt delegator - it'd be fun to see how very little work
she managed to do, while appearing to be overwhelmed with
the planning and micromanaging. Who could forget Moving
Day when she disappeared to clean an already clean fridge
for 4 hours with toothpicks while her 8 little children were left
on their own to get their bearings in their huge new home. And
I sure would hate to miss the firing - to watch TFW find out
that sometimes no DOES mean no.
Of course the worst part of all would be being deprived of another
hilarious recap by Admin!
I think she left the area because TLC was willing to foot a lot of the bill for a nice big McMansion and this was what was available when she wanted to buy. It being so far from their school was a minor problem to her. It's not HER who has to ride the bus for so long day in and day out.
That may have had something to do with it, but she needed acreage and privacy because there were issues with zoning (filming for commercial purposes) in her Lancaster County homestead. At that time, there was a nice selection of homes in the area that would have fit her "needs," but she had to be really careful about zoning, Most of those properties were located in residential areas. She happened to find one in Berks where she could film and not have the neighbors up in arms over an intrusion into their community.
What I hope is for the kids to be told that their great-grandmother had died and for those who want to go to the funeral, a way will be found to get them there.
The way I feel about the numerous people she has estranged is this. I think it's a red flag. I think where there's smoke there's fire. I think from what we've seen of the many people she has cut loose, they were all very good with her children and overall decent folks. Not perfect, but not somebody you would want to prevent your children from being around.
And my opinion is there's something off there.
But, it's still her choice. She is free to make it, even if others disagree, and in no way shape or form would I suggest anyone try to interfere with the choices she has made. That is not our place. That is between her, the estranged friend or family member, and if need be the courts. That is about Kate being an overall deranged person who doesn't always do what would be good for her children. Not about the exploitation of her children. One is something it's not our place to get involved with. The other is a matter of public concern.
I for one will be very sad if it doesn't air. I would pay to see her thrust into an environment like this and I still think she was eaten alive.
I just want to read your recaps!
I think its great that Alana will be off the air before she hits puberty. She is a lovely child with a big personality but I never liked the show. I do respect the fact that her mother never did major upgrades to their lifestyle. I hope she can go back to being a normal child now. I am also relieved because I read that she is having anxiety issues after the car crash. This will give her family time to focus on her recovery without having cameras intruding on the recovery process.
NJGal51 said... 6
I have to laugh at Joan Rvers weighing in on the "fading craze" as she and her daughter head into filming the 4th (?) season of their reality show.
I had that same thought.
I am not a fan of JR. I really don't know why her celebrity status has survived as long as it has. I remember watching her on the Ed Sullivan Show when I was a kid and finding her unfunny - if that's a word. She used her husband as a punch line for most of her act. The man apparently had severe mental problems and I can't see how that helped his condition, even though she declared her unwavering love and devotion to him her jokes certainly must have hurt somewhat even if it was on a subconscious level. When he committed suicide she couldn't understand why she didn't see the signs. Well duh. Maybe if she had spent more time with him and less time chasing fame things might have turned out differently.
She reminds me a lot of Kate, except that Joan does have a more charitable spirit.
Admin - I'm happy to see you back and glad that you enjoyed Yellowstone. It IS beautiful.
Can someone please tell me if Robert is still planing to give the money from the book to charity or law fees?
When the first book was released Robert said he was donating the profit to charity. As far as I know there's been no mention of what he's doing w/the 2nd book.
From the previous thread:
So is Ellen history?
She's been gone for approx 3 years. I think Jon has been with Liz for over 2 years already.
LOL Ingrid! TFW is much more famous (in her mind) than those two because she's got 8 - count 'em 8 - kids.
Will the Kardashians ever leave? It is sickening how rich they have become just because people watch their beauty, mansions, and "living big" garbage.
BTW Admin - Thanks for the new post. I generally read on my iPad and was getting tired of all the scrolling. (Administrator) said... 4
Thank you. Yellowstone is the most beautiful place I have ever been. I got up at 430 every day to watch the sunrise so even though it wasn't the most restful vacation it was worth it to see the beauty. We are so lucky to have this place in our country.
Great move, Admin, seeing it before that huge volcanic eruption sends it drifting over flyover country...
I remember reading that Paul McCartney was on the subway one day and a guy sitting kinda far away, hollered at him, like hello to get his attention and he hollered back, if you want to talk to me, come and sit by me and we can talk. Something to that affect.
I do believe she moved for safety reasons. day they moved out, some kook flattened their tires on both their vehicles. Nuts were coming to their door, they were catching crazy fans on their property. While of course she wanted bigger, I do believe safety was a big issue. We have finally gotten rid of the drive by Gosselin Groupies who would come here years after they were gone. Mostly due to the fact that neighbors had a relative purchase the house and they completely changed it so if the nuts try to come and take a picture of it, it looks nothing like it did when they lived and filmed here. I did see the Today Show with the teens and it was heartbreaking as she still seems to be the same paranoid, vindictive woman she was when she left here. I don't know if I was more shocked that she didn't move on from Jon or that the television community allows her to go on and outright slam or back hand slap the father of her children. I am sad for her children, she has turned herself into a punch line.
I think the trend in Reality TV is interesting, although, not completely unexpected.
Kate thought that she was endlessly interesting, which ironically, and apparently unbeknownst to her, she is not.
She's a bad actress to boot, so when she vamped it up, screeched, woo-hoo'd and otherwise mugged for the camera, it was just embarrassing.
I can only imagine that the fame and money is addictive, but these people forget who they are, and the fame goes away and the money flow dries up and you have to have a solid plan B.
The Kardashians have enough money so that really, the next few generations really don't even need to work, if they're smart, but they're greedy and spend money like it's water.
Their need to fame is unlike anything I've ever seen.
June says her family is just doing it to secure a financially secure future for HBB, and cites college funds will be there for her when she gets older, but come on, does anyone think that Alana won't be permanently affected by the unimaginable fame she has had at such a young age?
Unfortunately, she strikes me as a Danny Bonaduce in the making.
These children- many have become household names and I'm betting that some will get offered to be cast on reality tv shows in the future, because people love a good train wreck, and that easy money will be very hard to turn down.
They are not growing up watching their parents work a hard job 9-5, grinding it out every day, work a second job, get a degree or further their degree.
So, I'm thinking the matriculation rate will be rather low and have heard enough about that old chestnut "it's for college" enough.
It sounds good on paper, but these people are selling their children's privacy, and making them work to support themselves, plain and simple.
I think she left the area because TLC was willing to foot a lot of the bill for a nice big McMansion and this was what was available when she wanted to buy. It being so far from their school was a minor problem to her. It's not HER who has to ride the bus for so long day in and day out.
July 14, 2014 at 8:28 PM
Kate's house most importantly had a separate dwelling for Jon and of course the privacy of that huge property allowed privacy for filming.
I read that the Etown neighbors grew a bit tired of the lights, cameras and action at all hours of the day. (Administrator) said... 4
Thank you. Yellowstone is the most beautiful place I have ever been. I got up at 430 every day to watch the sunrise so even though it wasn't the most restful vacation it was worth it to see the beauty. We are so lucky to have this place in our country.
July 14, 2014 at 8:40 PM
I'm a sunrise person, too.
If there's a beautiful sunrise to be seen (mostly over the ocean), I'm rolling my ass out of bed.
Just hopped onto Radar's homepage and there's something called
a "Shame-O-Meter," and guess whose name is Number One?
But according to Gladys, it's always good news when TFW is at
the top of any list. #Trending#TalkedAboutMama#All4HerKids!
Will the Kardashians ever leave? It is sickening how rich they have become just because people watch their beauty, mansions, and "living big" garbage. 20
It seems to me most of the K news is about boobs and butts. Talk about boring.
Goes to show, reality TV producers are ruthless in their quest for buzz-worthy story lines, regardless of any impact it might have on those who are too young to have any say in the matter.
The sad thing is that it's not even shocking anymore. There is no decency or sense of protecting children at all costs, even if it means pulling the plug on a show.
What I find is worse is that Joe and Theresa have been thick as thieves complicit in these criminal acts, and they are the ones that put their family in peril, and now they allow their children's pain to be filmed for ratings.
Then, just like Kate, they want pity.
Remember Kate "crying" on her throne when they did the marital implosion episodes?
They'd been separated and not living as husband and wife for a very long time, so it was just a matter of time that their house of cards finally, and inevitably, came falling down.
It was just us fools watching that didn't know it yet.
Also by the time the show airs, Ivanka's shoe line will be probably be outdated.
Good call. Another reason reality is so easily dated.
I can't imagine holding onto a canned season of CA for that long- the dating factor, that's been mentioned, is huge, especially for these "stars" whose appeal is limited to begin with, in addition to the fact that most if not all of the contestants are past their shelf date.
Connie said... 20
Will the Kardashians ever leave? It is sickening how rich they have become just because people watch their beauty, mansions, and "living big" garbage.
July 14, 2014 at 10:10 PM
I've never understood the appeal.
Kim got the ball rolling (sorry...too early?) with her sex tape and the rest is history.
Westbrooke said... 24
I do believe she moved for safety reasons. day they moved out, some kook flattened their tires on both their vehicles. Nuts were coming to their door, they were catching crazy fans on their property.
I know Kate has cited the tire vandalism as a reason why they got "security".
Kate also cited the kids being picked up onto strangers' laps.
I get needing security for these reasons, but I will never understand why Kate usurped the security for herself, and left her 8 kids at home with a nanny or two.
I would have bought a house in a gated community, not on an isolated property with a gate.
Tucker's Mom said....(25)
I can only imagine that the fame and money is addictive, but these people forget who they are, and the fame goes away and the money flow dries up and you have to have a solid plan B.
Jon said, back when the show ended, that reality TV is not a career, and to NOT think that it is. Of course, TFW scoffed at him, but in reality, that was probably the best piece fo advice anyone has ever given her.
While of course she wanted bigger, I do believe safety was a big issue. We have finally gotten rid of the drive by Gosselin Groupies who would come here years after they were gone. Mostly due to the fact that neighbors had a relative purchase the house and they completely changed it so if the nuts try to come and take a picture of it, it looks nothing like it did when they lived and filmed here
I can only imagine what a pain it must have been to put up with strangers cruising the neighborhood, trying to get a glimpse of the house or the kids.
It takes a lot of nerve to approach a home where young kids live.
I don't get it.
I have definitely contributed to the falling statistics mentioned in that article.
I am still all-in for Amazing Race and Survivor and MasterChef, etc. I think I like the competition and focus on skills. Should another Project Runway season begin, I would be watching.
I stopped watching "The 600 Pound Sister Wife Hoarder Who Did Not Know She Was Pregnant" show a long time ago.
Happy news: the book has sold 924 copies so far in July, plus 572 in June, for a total of 1496! And that is in just over 3 weeks. He is about to surpass Kate's entire YEAR of Amazon sales for her cookbook. He will probably beat her total sales (from all venues) in the next couple weeks. But, of course, as Gladys insists, Robert's book fizzled while the cookbook was HOT!
***best piece fo advice ******
Of course, that was supposed to read "best piece OF advice". I shouldn't post so early in the day!
Jon said, back when the show ended, that reality TV is not a career, and to NOT think that it is. Of course, TFW scoffed at him, but in reality, that was probably the best piece fo advice anyone has ever given her.
Kate hates being scoffed at, but she's the biggest scoffer out there.
"We can't go back. Our life is our show and our show is our life"
Does it get any more delusional than that?
I do believe she moved for safety reasons. day they moved out, some kook flattened their tires on both their vehicles.
See, I still think that's a cop out. It would be a hell of a lot easier to hire two or three highly competent armed security guards to patrol your less than one acre property 24 hours a day than it would be to buy a million dollar McMansion.
Arguably the McMansion is actually EASIER to penetrate. It's such a huge property you could come in from a variety of different angles. It's easier to keep tabs on who is coming and going from a small house. We've certainly heard stories of paps sneaking through corn fields. You can't do that at the other house.
I heard a rumor that the Full House house sold recently in San Francisco. Haven't googled it to find out if it's true. But what I was told was it sold for WAY below market because nobody wants a house that tourist ogle every day of the year.
I am still all-in for Amazing Race and Survivor and MasterChef, etc. I think I like the competition and focus on skills. Should another Project Runway season begin, I would be watching.
Just saw Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn on a morning show, so the new season of Project Runway is starting.
I think I'll tune in this year- I missed the last couple.
I think shows like The Amazing Race, Survivior etc. have longevity because it's a different cast and scenario every season. I haven't watched either show but it sounds like it stays interesting because viewers don't get bored with watching the same people. The cast is completely out of their element with the situations they are in week in and week out. As viewers have found out watching family related "reality" shows, everything is not what it seems and we're not watching the family's actual reality but the reality contrived by the producers. You can only insult viewers for so long before they turn you off.
Welcome back and glad you had a nice vacation.
We're we going this summer?
FlimsyFlamsy said... 10
I sure would hate to miss the firing - to watch TFW find out that sometimes no DOES mean no.
Even if it is a pretend firing it would sort of be like watching the Titanic go down in real time. And as Penn Jillette so eloquently phrased it, "it's venal people clawing at stupid, soulless shit in front of the modern-day Scrooge McDuck in order to stay famous."
He made it sound like the show was tailor-made for Kate.
I do hope they air it.
Layla said... 37
Happy news: the book has sold 924 copies so far in July, plus 572 in June, for a total of 1496! And that is in just over 3 weeks. He is about to surpass Kate's entire YEAR of Amazon sales for her cookbook. He will probably beat her total sales (from all venues) in the next couple weeks. But, of course, as Gladys insists, Robert's book fizzled while the cookbook was HOT!
Where are the 46783 unsold cook books that HCI insisted needed to be published because this was going to fly off the shelves?
Seriously, they claimed to have printed 50,000.
What were they thinking?
Happy news: the book has sold 924 copies so far in July, plus 572 in June, for a total of 1496! And that is in just over 3 weeks. He is about to surpass Kate's entire YEAR of Amazon sales for her cookbook.
Did you mean her sales for last year? If so, Robert already surpassed that. From Mar. 2013 through Dec. 2103, Kate's cookbook sold a total of 1438 copies (both hard cover and Kindle) on Amazon.
Even if it is a pretend firing it would sort of be like watching the Titanic go down in real time. And as Penn Jillette so eloquently phrased it, "it's venal people clawing at stupid, soulless shit in front of the modern-day Scrooge McDuck in order to stay famous."
Speaking of which, I watched his documentary Tim's Vermeer. It was pretty good. I'm pretty convinced Vermeer used optics.
I hope CA gets aired, although I'm sure the "stars" pocketed their tidy little sums already.
If CA doesn't get aired, I'm sure Kate will be truly bummed that she won''t get to do her usual media tour/vacay with Steve.
OT tv- I binged Masters of Sex and it's really good.
What an interesting topic, that really isn't easy to pull off, given the subject matter.
On CWS when Mady said all she has known is work, she also said you had to do things Kate's way and no other way. Her way was the only way and do not argue
This is the same problem as the portion control.
Kids have to learn on their own how to gauge things and this includes things like Windex. If an adult is always breathing down their neck telling them "two spurts of Windex!!!" how will they ever learn how to gauge and judge amounts for when nobody is around to tell them?
It's fine to gently correct them. I.e. Tommy you probably need more windex than that to get the window clean. Or Tommy I don't think you need that much hand sanitizer we should try not to waste things. But to constantly regulate their portions, even for something as simple as Windex, is going to leave them completely helpless about some basic life skills.
Top Chef is coming back in August. I love these types of shows.
Kate also cited the kids being picked up onto strangers' laps.
Interesting that that bothered TFW.
I always thought that the kids were *far* too friendly with people they didn't know. They seemed to be so needy, the way they physically clung to strangers.
I felt at the time that if they were getting their needs met at home that they wouldn't feel the need to cozy up to strangers.
I hope CA finds a home on the same shelf next to Twist Of Kate.
Glad you had a nice vacation Admin.
Yay, a new post. And welcome home from vacation, Admin. Yellowstone remains on my bucket list.
I hope so AuntieAnn, I want to see ate on CA under the gun and squirming like she does her children. Would love to see the Donald fire ate, her face and the dramatic music hit and the same time!
I finally stood up for myself to one of the neglects at the Nhome that I have been suffering for the last week. I refused to go to the clinic unless something was done. The guys came to get me and I told them that I was in a knot about it, but I had to do this to get their attention. They were so proud of me! Love my amb guys and gals! It was a drama train, but I was able to go to the clinic and looks like I will get my full treatment in today! (5 hours) But I expect the drama to continue when I get back.
IMO Kate does not want "time" with her children. Rarely did from the beginning. That's why she always hid in the "kitchen".
Care for the children was handed off to Jon and volunteers and paid staff. And now she spends her time on lists and schedules instead of one on one time actually teaching them anything.
And with their tight "schedule"...where is the one on one time with each actually give them "loving"?????
"Emotional support?"
I think the kids can be outspoken at times, but I think Kate either gives them too much attention/discipline...or ignores them. I have never seen fear on kid's faces so often like I do on the Gosselin kids. Look back on the photos. Cara included when she pulled a string off her sweat in the Today interview and looked up in fear at Kate to make sure she did not see it.....
I am sure they all know her anger well.
Admin: If you thought Buying Naked was bad, I think it's VH1 is doing: Dating Naked. And there is a show called Naked & Afraid (people in the wild) Sorry I like clothes on people, I like the mystery. Naked does nothing for me, except say cover up please. I prefer a speedo on a well toned guy, to a naked toned guy, it's that mystery. Cause, once the mystery is gone, you've seen one naked guy, you've seen them all. This must be the new direction reality TV is going, naked. Cause they have done just about everything else. BORING!
I bet the kids scoff at Kate's instructions a la Hannah or Mady and squirt Windex all over when she's locked in her dead-bolted Or sneak unopened snacks. Spit on the breadmaker.Go on-line.
I get needing security for these reasons, but I will never understand why Kate usurped the security for herself, and left her 8 kids at home with a nanny or two.
But don't forget. Those nannies were armed with the dictatorial Nanny Manual.
Just because there's no bodyguard in the (awesome) pic doesn't mean one wasn't present.
And that's how it should be More than the eye can see. Bodyguards are there to do a job and not be a personality. Steve was too much a part of the show. Had anyone wanted to do any of them harm they would have known to take him out first. As a security professional he should know that he could do his job more effeciently by fading into the background. I guess on air personalities make more money though. Just an observation and just my opinion.
Reminder to please not change your name to fit the situation. Frankly, it's annoying.
Bodyguards do tend to walk close by to the celeb, which is where they need to be if someone lunges toward them like what happened to John Lennon, who did not have a bodyguard with him. It's not like the president where you are on the roof with a sniper rifle. If you don't see one, I think it's a pretty safe bet there is no bodyguard. I've never seen a celeb with a bodyguard except Kate, and Maria Shriver when her husband was a governmental leader. The most common place I tend to see celebs is the grocery store and I've seen various big stars get groceries, check out and drive away, alone or sometimes with a kid or two. I really doubt there is some bodyguard on the roof somewhere that I just don't see.
Interesting that that bothered TFW.
I always thought that the kids were *far* too friendly with people they didn't know. They seemed to be so needy, the way they physically clung to strangers.
I felt at the time that if they were getting their needs met at home that they wouldn't feel the need to cozy up to strangers.
I agree with this reasoning. I remember when the kids were quite young, J&K stated in their couch interview that their kids would actually run toward costumed characters and get clingy with them as opposed to other kids who are often afraid.
Are people totally naked in these naked shows?
Where are the 46783 unsold cook books that HCI insisted needed to be published because this was going to fly off the shelves?
Seriously, they claimed to have printed 50,000.
What were they thinking?
Did HCI claim they published that many copies, or was it Gladys who threw that out there?
Are people totally naked in these naked shows?
In the one I watched they were. I mean they blurred them out so then it's like well what's the point of that? I really am struggling with the point.
I get some people might like the idea of nudity, but not if you can't even see anything I would think.
Are people totally naked in these naked shows?
In the one I watched they were. I mean they blurred them out so then it's like well what's the point of that? I really am struggling with the point.
So they're totally naked but their privates are blurred out. I'm struggling with that too. LOL I feel I need to say something more but I'm speechless.
I think the kids can be outspoken at times, but I think Kate either gives them too much attention/discipline...or ignores them.
I caught Mady saying more than once in the recent birthday update special that Kate never listens to her, or that she'd been trying to talk to Kate all day and Kate just told her to go away. I think Mady is just crying to be genuinely listened to by her mother. Her mother, on the other hand, ignores her by busying herself with something, pretends not to hear or tells the kids to work it out themselves.
I think it was Bill from the last post who said his sister, whom he felt he may have teased at times when they were growing up, only remembered feeling ignored when she wanted attention or help. In the end, I think that's what Mady's looking for from Kate.
And hats off to you Bill for the apology to her years later.
Look back on the photos. Cara included when she pulled a string off her sweat in the Today interview and looked up in fear at Kate to make sure she did not see it.....
I noticed Cara was picking a lot at her clothing in the update special as well.
I always thought it was creepy when the kids would receive gifts from fans on holidays or birthdays and Kate would tell the kids that people they don't even know love them. As a child, I might have thought that a bit spooky.
There was a bodyguard in Omaha. Paul retweeted the kids pic and added "just hanging out with friends."
Paul McCartney @PaulMcCartney · 23h
Just hanging out with friends "@WHITE_estkid:”
If you go to the kid's twitter, he talks about the bodyguard telling them pics were ok but no autographs. He said that was the closest he was allowed to get.
So CA is collecting dust on a closet shelf, does not bode well for Kate and the other d-listers,their relevancy was over before shooting started. Once the fall schedule kicks in, to will probably stay on the shelf. So is this the end of the media circus for Shmoopy? One would think so. Doubt she's been approached for one of those naked shows. Oh, eye bleach.
Naked and afraid on animal planet is is very popular now so I think TLC saw this and was like "hey let's try it" with buying naked.
I watched 5 second of buying naked and I was like WTF is this and never watched it again.
Radar's Online
Guess who's number 1.
Kate Gosselin.
I noticed Cara was picking a lot at her clothing in the update special as well.
Yes, or turned away from the couch and the interviewer, eyes down. But the tups seemed relaxed, even bored, and willing to answer questions (except the boyfriend one to the girls) Shows that privacy is vital in the teen years and should be in the pre-teen years or the tups will end up like the twins in public. An explosive extrovert like Mady or an anxious introvert like Cara.
Blowing In The Wind said... 64
I think I remember HCI posting that her book had sold enough to have to print 50,000 more.
I'm estranged to most of my father;s side of the family-(due 2 his abuse)- But you better believe if my grand-ma-(Father's mom) passed away I would go.
My father didn't tell me or my brother that our grand-father-(his dad) passed away and I was so pissed it took me a very long time to get over that he did not tell me.
It would be a shame of Kate doesn't tell her kids that their grandma passed away at least tell the twins. .
The girl named Jada that was drugged, raped, beaten and her picture was posted online that went viral was on the View yesterday. Her parents were in the audience and they were devastated. Jada was there with her attorney and she is so strong and courageous for telling her story. My heart went out to her.
When she was laying in the floor, drugged, raped and unconscious, she was laying with her leg and foot back her arms out. Guys have started laying in the floor like her, with their eyes closed, mocking her and posting the pictures on social media.
I had heard about her picture going viral, then I heard the story about the mocking pictures, I blew a gasket on how this girl is being humiliated. Well, later on when I changed channels, Dr. Drew was on and they were talking about it about 40 minutes into the show. And I said, Oh, they're not showing any tweets. Just recently on dr. drew, they posted one of my tweets and I am trying to remember on what subject Can't remember.
So, I wrote a tweet and sent it. 2 minutes later, I looked up and dr. drew was talking to the blonde headed lady that is always there and wow, 2 seconds later my tweet come up, so big! I saw the picture of the dogs, and I said, Oh, My. Gosh!
Here is what I sent.
lukebandit @lukebandit
@DrDrewHLN The Jada Pose being posted by these guys! Bastards, everyone of them! #IAmJada #StayStrongJada
If anyone dvr'd dr. drew last night, I would like to have a screen shot of it. I called my all of my boys really quick last night and told them, hoping one of them could dvr it on the repeat, but it wasn't on the schedule. All ds's said it was awesome. Somehow, I think the #StayStrongJada tweet gave me the strength to take up for myself this morning.
Hooray! A new post! Glad you had a nice vacation admin!
Cape cod mama, think we should go to Cape Cod and some other nearby Massachusetts sites? I can put together a virtual tour,.if you can recommend some posh place we can virtually stay. With attractive pool boys of course! Provincetown, orleans, Chatham, Yarmouth, Hyannis, Sandwich, we can stop by all of them! And we could do a side trip to Marthas Vineyard and nantucket! Let me know when ever y'all would like to take a virtual vacation, and we will see if admin approves. bicycle riding, kayaking, ice cream shops, Cape Cod potato chip factory, Edward Gorey house, H.P. Lovecraft!!!!!!!! I have some great ideas!
handinhand said... 67
I caught Mady saying more than once in the recent birthday update special that Kate never listens to her, or that she'd been trying to talk to Kate all day and Kate just told her to go away.
Well Kate's a narcissist so unless the conversation is about her anything else will fall on deaf ears. I'm sure Mady has learned by now to start each and every sentence with 'Mommie you're the best most awesome mommie in the world. Can I go to the mall with Jane?' or 'Mommie you cook the yummiest food in the universe. Can I go on a sleepover with Valerie?'.
Did HCI claim they published that many copies, or was it Gladys who threw that out there?
HCI did!
"HCI has gone back for a second printing for its for its big fall book, reality TV personality Kate Gosselin's forthcoming Love is in the Mix, which goes on sale September 24. The new printing brings copies in print to 50,000. The title will also be available has an e-book."
I want to know what statistical tools they used to forecast a demand this large...
Kate's house most importantly had a separate dwelling for Jon and of course the privacy of that huge property allowed privacy for filming.
I read that the Etown neighbors grew a bit tired of the lights, cameras and action at all hours of the day.
Not to mention the drive-bys, and Kate screaming outside.
Remember Walt Mueller's blog? For those who missed it, here it is again. It was an excellent account of the way things went down. He lived in the neighborhood, and no, Milo, not everyone who meets Kate loves her.
He's not just some random person who decided to hate on Kate.
Formerly Duped @ 58
I've thought the exact same thing. Good stress reliever
I noticed Cara was picking a lot at her clothing in the update special as well.
July 15, 2014 at 8:43 AM
Maybe it's just being shy, or even nervous on camera.
I bet she's far more outgoing when not the center of attention.
I think Cara wants to stay "out of frame".
When the bench-clearing brawl broke out after the gaga ball game, Cara ran in to break up the scrum, then ran out of the picture.
Admin - Our family calls Yellowstone the Trip That Shall Not Be Named. We went with a caravan of campers and family cross country, grandparents and lots of cousins. We all have such great memories of that trip and love to tell stories. However, my youngest child was not born yet and always yells, stop talking about Yellowstone!
HCI did!
"HCI has gone back for a second printing for its for its big fall book, reality TV personality Kate Gosselin's forthcoming Love is in the Mix, which goes on sale September 24. The new printing brings copies in print to 50,000. The title will also be available has an e-book."
lol!! So if she sold 3,000 copies (that might be generous), where are the other 47,000 of them? At the bottom of Zorro's cage?
capecodmama said... 42
I think shows like The Amazing Race, Survivior etc. have longevity because it's a different cast and scenario every season. I haven't watched either show but it sounds like it stays interesting because viewers don't get bored with watching the same people.
Dancing With the Stars has both: the "stars" are new every season, but the pros tend to repeat. Even with new stars every season, they are always searching for novelty: (some) new pros, new sets, new dances, new crazy challenges that don't always works out so well, new "categories" of "stars". It has kept the show on for years, but with waning popularity.
I want to know what statistical tools they used to forecast a demand this large
Probably TFW's 200K+ twitter followers and the (bogus) millions of hits on her blog. When you buy followers they don't reciprocate and buy your book and when your counter logs 10 or more hits for your one hit, well, not much cookbook buying going on there either.
About Naked and Afraid...
Yup, completely nekkid in the wild. I just watched the last episode, The show has changed a bit. In the beginning, more focus was on nekkid, now more focus is on the pairing dynamics. Just watched 2 ex-marines get their score lowered for nothing.
What amazes me is that no one since last season has fashioned shoes or coverings. Must be a new rule.
but it is my guilty pleasure..LOL
NJGal51 said... 88
I want to know what statistical tools they used to forecast a demand this large
Probably TFW's 200K+ twitter followers and the (bogus) millions of hits on her blog. When you buy followers they don't reciprocate and buy your book and when your counter logs 10 or more hits for your one hit, well, not much cookbook buying going on there either.
I agree- I think HCI was sold on Kate's amount of Twitter followers and the tremendous success of Multiple Blessings, written by Beth Carson.
The thing is, Kate does still draw some eyeballs to the boob tube, but only a very small percentage are interesting in her cooking and even less interested in spending their money on her brand.
I would think that Kate's book sales skew higher than what's reported on because she's had her books included in her appearances in the past.
That really helps boost reported sales numbers.
When the rubber meets the road, Kate's notoriety surpasses her "fame".
I'm surprised the crookbook hasn't been sent to the remainder bin yet. It is still offered at retail price on Amazon. I wonder how long bookstores have to hold on to their inventory before it can be returned for credit. Surely no more than one year.
She has total estimated physical sales of 1,687 on Amazon which typically accounts for about half of the books sold. Her few book signing sessions & the Baltimore Book Festival yielded maybe 200 sales, the audience giveaways on her "bash Jon, publicize the lawsuit" tour would be another 500, and her "not a contest" was probably 25.
Of the 50,000 printed only 5,000 or so have found their way into people's hands. The other 45,000 will either show up in dollar stores or will join the Atari E.T. cartridges buried in the Alamogordo desert landfill.
Kirkland said... 83
The documentary was mentioned in this article on Huffington Post. It's the first one on the list:
12 Mind-Blowing Documentaries On Netflix Right Now
Thanks for heads up on that list. All the documentaries sound like they're worth watching, but I really liked their synopsis on "Blackfish":
You've probably already heard everything there is to be heard about this "hauntingly beautiful nonfiction film." Anyway, it's on Netflix. Watch it.
I agree. Watch it and you will weep for those whales.
MikeB said... 91
Of the 50,000 printed only 5,000 or so have found their way into people's hands. The other 45,000 will either show up in dollar stores or will join the Atari E.T. cartridges buried in the Alamogordo desert landfill.
haha! Hopefully they'll decompose.
That can be Kate's contribution to a greener planet.
Kirkland - thanks for the suggestion on the documentary (about the phony 9/11 survivor). I'll have to add that to my Netflix queue.
NJGal51 said... 88
I want to know what statistical tools they used to forecast a demand this large
Probably TFW's 200K+ twitter followers and the (bogus) millions of hits on her blog. When you buy followers they don't reciprocate and buy your book and when your counter logs 10 or more hits for your one hit, well, not much cookbook buying going on there either.
When HCI put out the Fall 2013 catalog for the book trade, media and libraries, these were the talking points they used to push the book.
Target Audience
The 10+ million of fans of Kate and her family (women, men, and children ages 15-95); fans of "Dancing with the Stars"; busy moms and dads who want fresh ideas to feed their families.
Sales Points
Kate's popularity is huge!
* 10.6 million people watched "Jon and Kate Plus 8" on TLC at its highest ratings point, which were record-breaking ratings in the history of the network.
* Kate has made frequent appearances on The Today Show, The View, Katie, Access Hollywood, Inside Edition, Live with Regis and Kelly, Ellen, Entertainment Tonight, Larry King Live and Rachel Ray.
* Kate has been featured countless times on the cover of People Magazine and she and the kids have appeared on/or in the New York Times, Good Housekeeping and Vanity Fair.
* Kate's fans crave hearing from her and want her recipes and tips.
* Twitter: @kateplusmy8 has over 150,000 followers and quickly growing.
* Website: Roughly 200,000 visitors per month.
They obviously thought that with all those statistics that they would have a runaway best seller. Someone at HCI should have done better research before giving the go ahead to print 50,000 copies.
I think Honey Boo Boo was lucky to have two high viewership years. I do hope trust funds are set up for all the children, but I'd very quite surprised to learn that any of them use the funds to attend college.
As to Duck Dynasty, I think Phil Robertson's outspoken views did cost the show viewers. However, they also completely saturated the market with Duck Dynasty everything, and that contributes to loss of interest as well. If you start seeing Duck Dynasty products everywhere you turn, it's only natural to think "enough already."
I think Miss Kay is annoying as heck, almost as tiring to watch as her husband. The only one that I halfway liked was Sy. I watched the show off and on during the first season, but I had to sneak it in because my son refused to allow it on when he was awake lol. He hates most reality tv shows but for some particular reason, he really hates DD.
Robert Hoffman has a new post up at Gosselin Book entitled, "Why Do So Many People Dislike Or 'Hate' Kate Gosselin? Why Her?" He has included comments from viewers of a four year old CNN story about her.
Sales right now: 1512, avg. 69 per day.
kate's book fizzled, swizzled down the drain
Robert's book is sizzling on the success train!
kate and Robert went up the publishing hill
one to expose and one to oppose
kate came tumbling down,
had to give up her crown
Lordy bee, Robert sure didn't frown! (Administrator) said... 5
Yep, think she was eaten alive, but don't care anymore if this person gets any more time on TV. She left her kids with a nanny for at least 3 weeks, does not get along with anyone, so I don't care what she did, as it is probably more of the same, as she has done in the past. She is clearly a piece of work.
I forgot the layout of the G mansion. What is upstairs ( separate from the twins' wing) other than the small tup bedrooms and bathrooms?
The Empress is a Clown said... 7
Totally agree, nothing is off limits. And this is what disturbs me most. These parents will do anything to keep filming. Disgusting and sad.
PA Dutch Mom said... 11
I think she left the area because TLC was willing to foot a lot of the bill for a nice big McMansion and this was what was available when she wanted to buy. It being so far from their school was a minor problem to her. It's not HER who has to ride the bus for so long day in and day out.
That may have had something to do with it, but she needed acreage and privacy because there were issues with zoning (filming for commercial purposes) in her Lancaster County homestead. At that time, there was a nice selection of homes in the area that would have fit her "needs," but she had to be really careful about zoning, Most of those properties were located in residential areas. She happened to find one in Berks where she could film and not have the neighbors up in arms over an intrusion into their community.
Never mind that TLC probably paid a huge chunk of money to film on her property.
July 14, 2014 at 9:26 PM
* Twitter: @kateplusmy8 has over 150,000 followers and quickly growing.
* Website: Roughly 200,000 visitors per month.
This is another reason Kate will never close down her Twitter or website (despite it being poorly maintained). There's a sucker born every minute and if HCL printed 50,000 copies based on these erroneous stats, it fuels her to continue the bot-buying and web hit shenanigans.
Tucker's Mom said... 25 -------------
I totally agree. TFW's only plan is to exploit the kids for the rest of her life so she never has to work again.
Sales Points
Kate's popularity is huge!
Not so much! Many are sick of her charades.
New post up a Gosselinbook blogspot. Interesting how many people had her number so many years ago.
Still makes me wonder how she managed to get so many t.v. interviews yet not one hardball question.
When Mr. Hoffman said in his book that Kate was extremely insulated, she really must have been.
As for the decline in the popularity of reality t.v. families, I say it's about time. These children deserve so much better.
You want Survivor, MasterChef, DWTS and Amazing Race, fine. Have at it. Let's just keep children from being exploited and used by network execs, producers and even their own parents to pad greedy pockets.
Tucker's Mom said... 84 ====
Totally agree- Cara has checked out with filming.
Says a lot!!
gabby2 said... 56 --------------
I think you have picked up on Kate's interest well- more about obeying than focusing on any child's individual needs or interests.
Sales Points
* Twitter: @kateplusmy8 has over 150,000 followers and quickly growing.
* Website: Roughly 200,000 visitors per month.
Each click on Kate's website used to add 500 clicks to her counter or something like that, don't hold me to it. Kate was called out for it but I don't think anything was ever fixed. She buys twitter followers. Most of her following is fake or inactive. Twitter chooses to ignore this, but companies looking to do business with a public figure with a large following will analyze the validity of the followers first. She is wasting her money buying followers.
You can find TFW's cookbook for sale now on "" Bwahahahaha. ;-)
Kate is a twit said... 95
Someone at HCI should have done better research before giving the go ahead to print 50,000 copies.
I guess no one told them she was also on Andy Cohen's show and made "Jackhole of the week". That's a good talking point.
The funny part of it is she's still making the covers. Except now it's Robert's book and The National Enquirer.
That Karma train is proving that it's the little engine that can.
JMO said... 104
Sales Points
Kate's popularity is huge!
Not so much! Many are sick of her charades.
Agreed. Eyes were opened wide after her antics on Sarah Palin's show and many sheep left the barnyard. The rest of the public who may have been still on the fence hopped off after Kate dragged her twins on the Today show, snapped her fingers and demanded the girls trash their father. Kate chose him, Kate had children with him, now she condemns the man whose DNA makes of half of her children's being. It's horrible for these kids to live with the fact that Dad is treated like the enemy. Finally, the woman who doesn't work, lives in a mansion and has 3 vehicles, just cried to People about how sorry she feels for herself and how she cries at night over her perilous situation. She is still fixated on the notion that if she cries and whines enough some producer will take pity on her, hand her a show and become her next sugar daddy because she's too rare to actually, you know, WORK.
No lie and to be perfectly honest, Kate has done more damage to Kate and Kate's reputation than any blog ever could or has. Her out of touch and bizarre behavior brought down her "career."
I watched about 5 minutes of buying naked and when the naked buyers sat on living room furniture and even things in the bedroom I thought I would die. My mouth had a hard time closing. You cannot even try on swimsuits without a paper insert on the crotch area. That is just disgusting and shows no respect.
sparkle said...
Each click on Kate's website used to add 500 clicks to her counter or something like that, don't hold me to it. Kate was called out for it but I don't think anything was ever fixed.
500 clicks? How mediocre of her. BV had 25,000 per click. But, I guess fake is fake, right?
Sheri said... 106
New post up a Gosselinbook blogspot. Interesting how many people had her number so many years ago.
Still makes me wonder how she managed to get so many t.v. interviews yet not one hardball question.
When Mr. Hoffman said in his book that Kate was extremely insulated, she really must have been.
As for the decline in the popularity of reality t.v. families, I say it's about time. These children deserve so much better.
Great post by Robert. Those comments were from people who either watched Jon & Kate+8 or Dancing with the Stars. When reading any article about Kate, the comments are always 99.5% negative and based on the posters own observations of Kate. When will the sheeple get this? They are fixated on the notion that everyone would love Kate as much as they do if the whole world would just stop reading the anti-Kate blogs and the non-fans comments on twitter. They can't imagine that anyone can form an independent opinion after watching that shrew.
Berks Neighbor said... 110
You can find TFW's cookbook for sale now on "" Bwahahahaha. ;-)
I'm watching for it at the Dollar Tree. It shouldn't be too long a wait.
When Mr. Hoffman said in his book that Kate was extremely insulated, she really must have been.
Kate's brand was huge because she was well known, but she was not liked by many.
Insulating Kate meant HUGE bucks- she landed spokesperson gigs with some of the biggest companies in America, including P&G and KMart.
Kate was also promoting Healthtex clothing for kids.
This is in addition to all the product placement deals on her show and appearances.
The money train was chugging along and TLC and Kate's handlers were pulling out all the stops to maintain her brand of Christian super mom.
They all did an amazing job of spinning the broken marriage and divorce in Kate's favor, and deflecting away from all the ugly rumors and stories swirling around Kate at the time.
Here's the original article where Robert got those comments from.
I especially like this one excerpt in that article:
"That being said, writer Toni Fitzgerald doesn't believe people should dismiss the possibility of Gosselin finding ratings success again with her planned new reality show "Twist of Kate." The series will follow the single mother as she travels around the country visiting with people and families facing challenges."
And we all know how that worked out!
If anyone wants to see how popular Kate is right now. Just take a look at her twitter timeline. Nobody's tweeting her. It's all bots, bots, and more bots.
Sales Points
How many are watching now? I think you are speaking in past tense. Twitter bots do not count for actual fans on her twitter site, but I think you know that, right?
"The thing is, Kate does still draw some eyeballs to the boob tube..."
Well...Kate draws Milo's attention to the boobs -- not sure about the tube, though. I really don't think that the teenyboppers who bought the book were interested in cooking, so if they shelled out the money for the book it was to look at the photos of Kate and the kids.
Has the Hawking of the Book bit the dust? I don't see the sheeple praising the wonder of it all, nor is anyone tweeting about that fantastic coupon site where Kate is scouring the web for deals.
Starting to think all of TFW fans are either paid, dense or just plain stupid. Not much to admire, other than TFW admiring herself while setting a very bad example for her kids/fans as a reported competent super star mom !?!?
Lauren @ljohnson2006 3m
So many people believe the @Kateplusmy8 hate book. I don't know why. She's nothing more than a great mom, who raised 8 healthy kids
Um, Lauren, sweetie...I don't think I'd tweet that to Kate. It might really tick her off. She doesn't want to be "nothing more" than a great mom. She wants to be a world-famous star with a show all of her own! LOL!
Holly @lilscorpio1985 50m
@Kateplusmy8 I'm slowly cooking my way thru #loveisinthemix. Suggestions 4 a side 4 ur lemon basil chicken? Plz & thank u!
Honest to goodness. These sheep are so funny. This one doesn't know what to serve with the chicken.
Are these people for real, or just looking for attention from Kate?
Beyond Disgusted said... 116
Berks Neighbor said... 110
You can find TFW's cookbook for sale now on "" Bwahahahaha. ;-)
I'm watching for it at the Dollar Tree. It shouldn't be too long a wait.
Or free at your local library..
sparkle said...(112)
"No lie and to be perfectly honest, Kate has done more damage to Kate and Kate's reputation than any blog ever could or has. Her out of touch and bizarre behavior brought down her "career." "
Such an excellent point. It's absolutely absurd for her sheep to claim that the "haters" (I prefer the term critics personally) have anything to do with the state of her (imaginary) "career".
She had a reality stint, a gig if you will, that, without argument, led to a plethora of other opportunities to showcase her talents. Bahahaa...
She blew every single one of those opportunities HERSELF. Kate won't be remembered as a parenting expert or a cookbook author or a coupon guru or an empire builder.
She will only be remembered as that bitch who sold her children's privacy, emasculated her husband publicly for profit, spent her children's earnings on herself, lied to the general public, tried to force her teenage daughters to bad mouth their father on national t.v. then berated them for embarrassing HER when they wouldn't. Oh, and yeah, beating the shit out of her toddlers just for being fuckin' toddlers.
The harder she tries to maintain her fame, the more infamous she becomes. In the meantime, what's left of eight children's childhoods hang in the balance.
This cracked me up.
From Robert's blog entry at
"Geterdone RyanFitz • 4 years ago
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! When are we gonna be done with this bowel movement of a woman?"
LMAO! I love how some people express their feelings so well with such brevity.
Kate is a twit said... 119
If anyone wants to see how popular Kate is right now. Just take a look at her twitter timeline. Nobody's tweeting her. It's all bots, bots, and more bots.
Thanks Kate is a Twit- I actually looked at her Twitter for the first time in ages, after a week off from work, and it was ridiculously filled with BOTS. What is the point of having fake admirers? Most of the postings made no sense at all.
KK bought most of those followers and if she is soooo popular why hasn't she had a tv show in the past 2yrs?
Also if she is so popular then..
Why was K+8 even cancelled to began with?
Why didn't her cruise sell?
Why isn't her coupons-by-kate a flop?
Why didn't I want you to know sell so bad?
Why didn't she have presidential rating on K+8 special?
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! When are we gonna be done with this bowel movement of a woman?"
LMAO! I love how some people express their feelings so well with such brevity.
LOL, AuntieAnn. I read that and thought you wrote it!
Gwyneth Paltrow and Pioneer Woman both have a significant amount of haters. PW even has hate blogs that are pretty elaborate (and many quite funny). Goopy has been made fun of relentlessly. Neither of their careers seem to have taken a hit.
"No lie and to be perfectly honest, Kate has done more damage to Kate and Kate's reputation than any blog ever could or has. Her out of touch and bizarre behavior brought down her "career." "
KK is most deff her own worst enemy.
pulling out all the stops to maintain her brand of Christian super mom.
And she says she never intended to portray herself as super mom.
That's been her schtick since the beginning. Look at me! Mom to 8!! Look at me!
I think CA is not airing because they can't find advertisers for it. ( You bet if they had advertisers they would find a spot for it) and I wonder if they can't find advertisers for it because KG is on it and the book made her name mud in the industry or if no one wants to pay for ads simply because the show has run its course....I really hope its the former.
laura jean
It's to bad that KK's fans don't know the difference between famous and infamous.
And it's to bad that her fans don't see that KK is becoming more and more infamous by the day.
W, and most families, see things as a cooperative effort. Something that families do for the good of ALL members and not just the dominant one. Each member contributes as their abilities and talents permit and each member benefits from the support, cooperation, and love involved.
I do agree. One thing you will notice when the PW kids are helping with chores is that dad and usually hired hands are almost ALWAYS out there with them too, helping them and busting butt. PW helps sometimes too and often hand delivers a nice hot meal out there. Collaborative, as you say. Nobody feels like everything was dumped on them. They all pitch in until it's done and if a kid has football practice or a church group event it's no big deal to do without them.
I think it would be different if Kate were on that chore chart too and Kate was pitching in and doing everything she could to help the FAMILY accomplish the tasks they need to.
Instead it feels very isolated. You go do this. And she can't even be bothered to inspect when they are done, that's left to the kids themselves.
I think all the choring would be easier to accept if it did feel more like a family, collaborate effort.
Apparently you can purchase the birthday special on YouTube??? It's on TV right now, 'on demand'- tape it if you so badly need it!
So, the article from 2010 garnered 851comments. She was mediocre and on her way out way back then. Most articles on CNN garner several thousand replies. People just didn't care and that should have been the writing on the wall. She's been circling the drain for almost 4 years.
chefsummer said... 135
It's to bad that KK's fans don't know the difference between famous and infamous.
Or celebrity vs. notoriety.
Kate is well known, but she is not a celebrity.
Kate's club is Jay-Wow, and Snooki, and the Kardashians and every weave-pullling housewife who thinks they're an author and singer. (Administrator) said... 131
Gwyneth Paltrow and Pioneer Woman both have a significant amount of haters. PW even has hate blogs that are pretty elaborate (and many quite funny). Goopy has been made fun of relentlessly. Neither of their careers seem to have taken a hit.
The distinction is very interesting, isn't it?
My theory is that Goop and PDubs have discernible talent that got them where they are now.
Kate's brand and image was carefully built by TLC, but the cracks in the facade have been around for way too long, and they are only getting bigger and bigger.
Just look at the National Enquirer nanny article.
Kate's camp pretty much conceded that the story is true. Frankly, to me and most anyone, it had Kate's hand writing all over it.
Then to add more madness to the sick that is Kate having a nanny spy on her children, her camp states that well, she's just forced to do it, because Jon is a low-down dirty dog who wants to use his own children for dirt on her so he can turn around and sell it.
Says the woman selling to the rag tabloid.
The woman who recently released a cook book based on how moms can quickly feed hungry kids is the same woman who told her nanny to feed her 8 children very, very small portions, and make them ask for more.
Re: Naked and Afraid
What amazes me is that no one since last season has fashioned shoes or coverings. Must be a new rule.
Franky, shoes are still being made.
Two weeks ago, the pair in Africa made shoes. They weren't at all durable because they were made out of grass but they made them. Another couple this season (their shelter washed away when it rained hard the day before they were evacuated) made shoes from the hide of an animal that they found dead the day they arrived.
I guess no one told them she was also on Andy Cohen's show and made "Jackhole of the week". That's a good talking point.
She earned the 'honor', not once, but twice! LOL
Does TFW share the position w/someone or is she the sole 2x 'winner'?
Or celebrity vs. notoriety.
Remember when Milo was relentlessly gushing about Kate's notoriety and had no idea what the word meant? Non-fans were laughing hysterically.
I forgot the layout of the G mansion. What is upstairs (separate from the twins' wing) other than the small tup bedrooms and bathrooms?
I don't think they're anything upstairs but the kids' bedrooms and bathrooms. TFW's space is on the main floor.
Tucker's Mom said... 139
chefsummer said... 135
It's to bad that KK's fans don't know the difference between famous and infamous.
Or celebrity vs. notoriety.-(Yes this to great add Tuck)
Kate is well known, but she is not a celebrity.-(My exact point)
Kate's club is Jay-Wow, and Snooki, and the Kardashians and every
-(But Snooki is way smarter than KK at least Snooki loves her haters and she has a mind of business)
weave-pullling housewife who thinks they're an author and singer.
-(I say the same for the housewives look at Treasa she may be evil but her cookbooks and other projects are selling the RHW know what sells KK doesn't.
If anyone wants to see how popular Kate is right now. Just take a look at her twitter timeline. Nobody's tweeting her. It's all bots, bots, and more bots.
Not just the regular bots we're used to, but a new group has invaded and they're tweeting porn. Time to shut it down, TFW.
Lukebandit, kudos to you for sticking up for yourself. I'm behind you. I hope things go in your favor. (5 hours of dialysis? I never went beyond 4 hours. I'm impressed you can get through that.)
She earned the 'honor', not once, but twice! LOL
Does TFW share the position w/someone or is she the sole 2x 'winner'?
Didn't Bill O'Rielly make her the Pinhead of the Day, and of course, who can forget AC's hysterical commentary on Pizza Gate?
I bet the kids scoff at Kate's instructions a la Hannah or Mady and squirt Windex all over when she's locked in her dead-bolted Or sneak unopened snacks. Spit on the breadmaker.Go on-line.
I hope so. I hope TFW hasn't completely broken the spirit of all of the kids and that they still have the spunk to use 2 paper towels instead of 1, take shortcuts, or risk sneaking snacks.
But, then I remember the 'globe gate' inquisition and wonder how many other times something similar has happened and I think how anxious I'd be to even look at her wrong if she was my mom. I wouldn't put it past her to count the snacks and keep track of the supplies of everything and I wonder... would it be worth it to take the chance be caught? I hope so. ;-)
Anonymous said... 134
I think CA is not airing because they can't find advertisers for it. ( You bet if they had advertisers they would find a spot for it) and I wonder if they can't find advertisers for it because KG is on it and the book made her name mud in the industry or if no one wants to pay for ads simply because the show has run its course....I really hope its the former.
laura jean
I wondered about this myself, Laura Jean. It seemed to me that CA was right on track for a July 2014 airing. I also wondered if the wave of bad publicity from the specials and the book led to it being shelved for now. Of course there could have been other problems too, unrelated to Kate.
I feel bad for the other celebrities who were surely hopeful for the wide exposure the show would give for their charites. For theirs and the charities sakes, I hope the show does air in the future.
I don't think any Kate-related mishegas is holding up CA, rather, I think it's probably due to Trump's show failing to bring in the ratings, no matter the toxic brew of self-centered fame whores he has steeping away in that flatulence-filled boardroom of his.
Thanks Carole, I am just catching up on projectfreetv,
I don't think any Kate-related mishegas is holding up CA, rather, I think it's probably due to Trump's show failing to bring in the ratings, no matter the toxic brew of self-centered fame whores he has steeping away in that flatulence-filled boardroom of his.
Yes, I think the cost-benefit thing is not adding up for them. I just don't know why they filmed it in the first place. It's also possible they did some test screenings and it didn't test well. The cast this season was pretty boring.
I think it's being shelved as filler for the moment. If they have room for it and don't have anything that has tested better they'll air it. But if an opportunity for filler doesn't come up it might never see the light of day. The most likely time it's going to air is now, the summer. If they don't get it going now I think the odds of us ever seeing it grow smaller by the day.
For theirs and the charities sakes, I hope the show does air in the future. 150
Separate from the publicity that I think you were alluding to re: broadcasting CW, I presume that the celebs got paid and that the charities received whatever money was earned for them and it's not contingent on the show airing. Right?
mishegas. 151
I always wondered how to spell it. :)
Rhymes with Witch said... 154
For theirs and the charities sakes, I hope the show does air in the future. 150
Separate from the publicity that I think you were alluding to re: broadcasting CW, I presume that the celebs got paid and that the charities received whatever money was earned for them and it's not contingent on the show airing. Right?
July 15, 2014 at 3:23 PM
I also assume everyone got paid and contributed to, no matter when or if the shows air.
I also wondered if the wave of bad publicity from the specials and the book led to it being shelved for now. Of course there could have been other problems too, unrelated to Kate.
I would think that rather than have a negative effect on the show, this would be a good thing. You know, the celebrity you love to hate. She's so polarizing that I'd imagine the book and all the bad press would contribute to decent ratings.
Seriously, all I want to know about CA is just who Shmoopy designated as her charity. There is nothing in her life that would change the old adage 'Charity begins at home' since Charity begins, and stays, in her house.
Not just the regular bots we're used to, but a new group has invaded and they're tweeting porn. Time to shut it down, TFW.
Carole, I saw that and thought the same thing. It's gone too far. Now is the time.
I don't think they're anything upstairs but the kids' bedrooms and bathrooms.
I thought you were saying that Kate doesn't have anything 'upstairs," and I think that we'd agree with that observation!
New article on ROL with more excerpts from the book This time it's about Kate's demands(food and accomodations) when travelling.
Seems like ROL's lovefest with Kate is "fizzling".
It actually is a bit mind boggling to me to think that CA won't see the light of day.
Think about all that money for filming, paying and pampering that cast of Prima Donnas- all for nothing?!
That would be a real waste, plus, I think the recaps will be a hoot.
Thanks, Jeanne. I got back too late to talk to the people I need to talk to. I wish I could be more specific, here, but it is too embarrassing.
Big, scathing article on ROL about kate's demands of food, rooms at the Essex Hotel. I thought, why did they use that picture in the inset, but now I think it fits. She looks like a delicate princess (haha) and all she is, is a child, animal abuser bio haus mutter of 8 children that she planned and exploited and still exploits till today from PA for the worlds consumption.
Another Radar story from Robert's book:
It actually is a bit mind boggling to me to think that CA won't see the light of day.
Think about all that money for filming, paying and pampering that cast of Prima Donnas- all for nothing?!
That would be a real waste, plus, I think the recaps will be a hoot.
It does doesn't it but I swear it happens all the time.
Everyone in Hollywood has filmed a pilot that never aired. Narcissist has filmed several. It's actually a little frustrating for fans because of Twitter and so on to be aware that a celeb is filming a project but to never be able to see it. There's something about knowing that something is out there but not being able to see it that is very annoying.
There was a really cool Deadwood type spin off type show a friend of a friend made once about a western barkeeper that never made it. Because I knew a couple people in it I really wanted to see that pilot but there's no way I ever will that I know of. I don't think even they got to see it.
I guess networks figure it's worth the expense of actually seeing what it would look like on film. I think it's harder to tell if a pilot/show will work unless you actually film it. Something that might look great on paper might just not "work" once you film it. As far as CA goes, a certain cast might make you think they would have a lot of interesting conflicts and so on. If that never pans out the series could be very boring, which would be unexpected and cause networks to shelve it.
I think pilots cheap out a bit. If you watch them they often have different actors and not as nice hair/makeup cinematography, etc. Then when the show starts it looks different. I wonder if that's how they save money.
A hundred bucks her charity is something to do with bullying.
Poor put upon Shmoopy.
And I'm not the other URL that argues about Sandusky, home schooling or stirs crap with admin. I haven't posted in quite some time. If that URL wants the caps, I'll post in lower case, but I've been posting much longer than that URL has.
Well that's all the confirmation I need that's a shit stirrer.
I did not realize someone had been hijacking your name. I'm sorry about that and will be very cautious in the future. (Administrator) said... 170
A hundred bucks her charity is something to do with bullying.
Poor put upon Shmoopy.
It will be something that relates back to her suffering/pain/whatever.
It will be about Kate.
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