Several people have seen the group around Boston this week, but now someone visiting Plimoth Plantation has said they were there with cameras too. Ugh.
954 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 954 of 954 Newer› Newest»I'm pretty sure Jon has flown the white flag - which makes me a little ill to be honest. He married IT and chose to have children with IT so therefore he owes those children protection from it once he escaped by his few remaining hair follicles. Man up Jon and stand behind your words. Otherwise you look just as bad, if not worse, than IT.
Yup. I feel the same way. Both parents have failed those children.
No, I think Jon is tired and wants to get on with his own life. I'm sorry, but you owe your children every ounce of extra time you have in attempting to get their gestational carrier to stop exploiting them for money. Jon gets no out and no excuses from me. He was just as complicit in the genesis of this nightmare and he should not stop trying to end it.
Hear hear! Who just gives up on a child? Let alone, eight of them. Do SOMETHING, Jon. Go to media outlets, get your voice heard. Your children's sanity depends on it.
Curious why this Macey fan has tweeted twice tonight that Kate is her aunt, when she recently begged Kate to follow her.
Macey Wanty @maceywmp
@Kateplusmy8 can you follow me please back I need honestly message u something a message wherenobody can see it
She also asked Kate if she lives in Wernersville, PA. If Kate were her aunt, you'd think that she would know that.
I wonder what prompted her to say that Kate is her aunt.
I'm getting as nosy as Milo. Send help!
I get what you're trying to say Millicent. It's also none of our business whether Kate is sleeping with Steve but most of us have pretty strong opinions about it (she is!! lol)
So why is Jon protected from the speculating? And didn't he use some of that money he made from CT to buy his g/f a promise ring? I don't know, the guy is shifty, imo. Blows which ever way the wind goes.
I have no idea...and neither do you.
Which is why I said may and maybe in my post. Just like you said perhaps in yours. You speculated about what police would do (not necessarily) and who is paying for what. Why is no one else not allowed to do the same?
Hear hear! Who just gives up on a child? Let alone, eight of them. Do SOMETHING, Jon. Go to media outlets, get your voice heard. Your children's sanity depends on it.
Why don't you call Jon and ask him what he has done, and if hasn't done anything, then give him some advice as to what he should do. Perhaps you know a good attorney, or some other avenue he can pursue short of kidnapping his kids.
I am so sick and tired of hearing that Jon should do this, and Jon should do that when nobody knows what course of action he has taken. Going to the media and exploding over this isn't going to do anyone one darn bit of good. The kids do not need more of their parents doing battle in the public arena. They've had enough of that.
OT - I need advice from the amazingly intelligent and kind folks here. My 9 year old DGD has suddenly started to exhibit signs if anxiety. She thinks her breathing is labored and her heart is racing. She has been checked out by a medical professional twice in the last 4 days. She cries but says she diesn't know why. Where do we even start to get her some help?
Hi. My almost 8 yr old has anxiety, and he was "officially" diagnosed last year. My guess is that she has probably experienced many of the symptoms of anxiety for awhile, but it may have just come to a head for some reason (that's what happened to our son).
Through all our research,courses, etc., it's common for kids at this age to develop anxiety (if that's what it is). We took our son to a child psychologist, and then a child psychiatrist, mainly because we felt the first made a lot of blanket assumptions, and recommended medicating before the countless other solutions available.
Not saying that people who medicate are wrong - we just wanted to try all other options before ever coming to that solution. He is currently getting Cognitive Behaviourial Therapy, and some days it works, other days it doesn't (2 steps forward, 5 steps back it seems somedays).
But this is what we've learned - it's a long road, and this will not go away over night. Some days are extremely frustrating, and others are perfect. It's important to have patience, and know that progress can be made, even if it is small (for us, it was him not bursting into tears and fear as soon as the school bell rang - we celebrated when that happened).
It's also important to not gather around and make her anxiety the focus of the family's daily existence. We found if we fed into it, it would escalate. Acknowledge her feelings, but don't make it a constant topic of discussion. We also learned that a child's emotional age can be different than their chronological age, and to keep that in mind.
Anyways, I could go on and on, but know that it is not a sign of bad parenting to get help for something you don't know how to deal with. I took this personally for a long time, but that wasn't going to help our son. I would also suggest for her parents to take courses on this as well - it certainly helped us understand anxiety, and how to deal with it on a daily basis.
OT - just to add to my previous post. To start the process, we went to my son's pediatrician and asked for a referral. In Canada, we have a wonderful children's mental health program, that completes a full assessment, and treatment and programs begin from there. Our son sees a regular psychologist every couple of weeks, participates in programs with other kids his age, as well as programs we as parents attend. This is part of our healthcare system, so it is entirely free. Not sure if you are in Canada, or if there is something similar in US.
Pure speculation but the recent filming will probably provide another 2 part episode. Quite frankly, I am guessing she may get one or two more of these double episodes during the next year for a total of 2-3 double episodes a year. (While kids are off from school).
I also think she is probably not making mega bucks from the filming, and just wants to continue to film to keep her mug and the "accessories" in the limelight. Mostly her mug.
The irony is that the kids' time off from school should be a time to relax, not film. But we are talking Kate.
Over In TFW's County said... 193
Let the Sheeple wet their pants over this news, all six loony fans, along with her handful of bubble gum blowing teenyboppers. If watching Kate turns them on and makes them so happy that they have to cry for weeks at a time, then so be it. Maybe that's all they have to put joy in their lives. Fine. Let her ride donkey a$$ backwards down Penn Street in Reading, with the film crews following close behind to collect the droppings. More power to her. Just leave the kids out of this.
Yep :) Can't disagree with that.
Have Amber's articles dried up? If TLC is backing Kate again, it's possible the real abuse - the meat of RH's book wlll never be a headline.
kate @kate_troiano · 11h
funny story we can't move in to the house we rented for the next five days cause Kate Gosselin is in there with her 8 kids and won't leave
Looks like Amber is trying to get the story about the house rental:
Amber Ryland @AmberGoodhand · 6h
@kate_troiano Hey Kate...saw your last tweet! Can you follow me so we can DM?
Amber is following her, but the girl isn't following Amber. Or she could have followed her, gave her the story, and then unfollowed.
I have a feeling that they rented a beach house(either in Maine or on the Cape) for the end of their "vacation". Could be that they needed an extra day to complete the filming, which is why they didn't vacate yet.
We can only speculate what the reason is.
Mel said... 2
She'll be driving the BBB to Boston instead of flying to exotic destinations.
Well, somebody will drive the bbb to Boston, but probably not TFW.
Staff will drive it there. TFW and kids and Steve will fly there, meet the bbb someplace, and pretend/imply that they drove it there. Then they all will fly home, and the staff person will drive the bbb back to PA.
Heck, they might not even drive it there. Production will just rent an identical vehicle in Boston, which will meet TFW at her hotel (right after she gets out the limo).
Mel, I completely agree. That was my first feeling when I read that they had the BBB in Boston.
TLC stinks said... 39
Since the filming is in progress, this is not a made up story, so I am over my shock and accept this is the kids' future. Once again, Kate has masterminded continued filming. Really, the blame lies on the viewers who tune in. She got the ratings, however they are calculated. When you consider all the trash aired on TV these days, why should we be surprised?
So the last piece of Kate's masterminding is Steve...will he become a real member of the family or is it all just hype? I haven't a clue other than he is making money, aside from TLC employing him, as a partner with Kate.
Kate Gosselin is despicable, and my hope is that with the new airing of shows and the pounding of bad publicity, TLC viewers will be driven away by FINALLY understanding what this person is all about and how she is destroying these children. For the first time, I feel that there is no stopping her. If Jon as their father has no voice, then it is up to the children to individually be strong which may be impossible considering she rules with an iron fist. We can vent and criticize on this blog all day and night, but the facts are the facts. Such a shame and so unfair. Perhaps in the end, Kate will be the one to bring down herself since she is unstable. Believe me, TLC is aware how fragile mentally she is. They want people to tune into this train wreck. I really believe this.
I agree. I have often wondered why folks watch the "train wreck," and I guess for some it is like watching the Casey Anthony trial. No one adored her, but were rooting for her daughter to get justice.
Although many of us are horrified that there will be more filming, think of some of the other shows on TLC involving kids and some of the other shows involving bizarre behavior.
I hope at some point, the kids have a "true" voice in whether they want to film or not, but not very optimistic at this point. It's insane that 2 grown adults can not work out what is best for each child, but don't see that happening, as the show must go on (for Kate). I seriously doubt any kid would be disappointed if the show ended, as they could live a "normal" life, but TFW rules with an iron fist, and I don't see that changing for a few more years. I do think once the tups get into their teens, they will find their voice, and there will be hell for TFW to pay at the point. At least, I hope this will happen.
Both K & J made a deal with the devil in the beginning, and from there, things have and continue to spiral out of control with TFW now at the helm. Very sad. (Administrator) said... 12
The twitter account is real. She has hundreds of tweets and not a single one are about Kate. She looks normal to me, has a picture of her with her dad. She looks like a teen.
She also tweets references and pictures of a lake in upstate New York. I wonder if that's where the house is. Now I just wonder if she was really referring to TFW or if it's just a large family. Some people call people with bad hair or a lot of kids Kate Gosselin as a joke.
She hasn't tweeted since that comment.
I guess the happy family is all shacked up with a cook and babysitters in that rental home; BUT, TLC will portray Kate as "doin' it all". She must be as happy as a clam with her man and servants in that house. Oh, well.
Admin., is it 100% that Jon gave up legal custody? And if so, could that be the reason no judge would take him seriously about how he doesn't want the kids to film?
NJGal51 said... 195
kate @kate_troiano · 5m
funny story we can't move in to the house we rented for the next five days cause Kate Gosselin is in there with her 8 kids and won't leave
I'm surprised that no one has tweeted this to Amber or ROL yet. Now this could be a real story...unless of course TLC got to the Troiano's and paid them off for their inconvenience.
Looks like Amber saw the tweet:
Amber Ryland (@AmberGoodhand)
8/20/14, 12:59 AM
@kate_troiano Hey Kate...saw your last tweet! Can you follow me so we can DM?
As of now, the tweeter is not following Amber but Amber sent that after midnight sooo....
I can just picture TFW behind the wheel of the BBB, cruising around
like Shirley Partridge with her brood, with her sunny smile and
cheerful disposition, pointing out places of interest in Boston as
her children oooh and aaah.
Then one of the crew daddies yells, "Cut!", and Steve gets back
behind the wheel as a scowling TFW scolds the boys for breathing
too loud, and M for not remembering her rehearsed historical fact.
Yup, this has "Emmy" written all over it (the award that is - not the
smitten fan).
Millicent said... 135
Until we've walked a mile in Jon's shoes, I'm not sure we can truly understand what he's been dealing with for over 14 years (10 years of marriage, and 4-5 years since the divorce).
You're right, we can't be sure but I suspect that living with that gorgon was pure, utter, absolute, unadulterated hell.
Alberta Girl said... 23
Sorry to hear of your granddaughter's problems. my own dd has anxiety and depression, and has had since age 4. We too tried everything before medication but eventually that was the only option and works only to a degree. It seems like everything is being done for your gd. However, while it sounds like panic attacks, why would they come on so suddenly. I have a niggling feeling that there may be a physical problem or even some trauma- I know she was checked out twice, but please be on alert for signs for other symptoms- cardiac, respiratory, allergy, injury, autoimmune- it would be awful to miss something and conclude it's anxiety.Any other signs besides crying, such as bed wetting, isolating herself, changes in appetite? I'm sure the family has gone to all the experts but it is a difficult nebulous thing- best of luck.
Episode idea....the bbb breaks down while they're in Boston! Oh, no! What to do???!!!!
Much pandemonium ensues. TFW goes on a rampage. Kids break into fighting/hitting each other on the side of the road. TFW goes off on Mr. Tow Truck Driver and Mr. Mechanic. Many shots of Steve trying to stay out of camera range.
It turns out that the sound guy removed a spark plug. Cut to shot of sound guy hiding in the bushes laughing hysterically.
Her day of reckoning will come. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but when the kids start to get teased about their behavior and meltdowns they will start to rebel. The more she puts them out there the more she opens them up to teasing. I don't care how expensive or exclusive the school is, kids can be very cruel. They will also be teased about her behavior and let's face it, she will be giving them a lot to work with. Whenever I think of TFW I think of the "Kyle's Mom Is A Bitch" song from South Park. Yup, if the shoe fits.
Alberta Girl said... 23
Canada's children's mental health program sounds wonderful. I'm envious. Nothing like that here in the States. There was a time when I'd have said that the program is not free, it's paid for through your taxes, but after experiencing my daughter's problems which became noticeable by the time she was 4 I'd have given my eye teeth for a program such as Canada has. We were pretty much on our own, going from one psychologist to another, always getting conflicting information and interpretations from testing. I'm sure she'd have had a different life than she does now if we'd had such a program.
It may be a slow process, but it's something, it's help. Your son is very fortunate.
Well, the BBB was already camera and mike'd up for the tup bday special, so it makes sense that TLC would continue.
"Kate, get behind the wheel and make all sorts of faces like you did before. That was brilliant. Yes, lots of eye darting, rolling and shrugging of the shoulders."
The G kids will know, without a doubt, that while these vacations are wonderful, their mother would NEVER have paid for them herself and the ONLY reason that they happen is to film them.
Oh, and cue Kate sitting on her basement throne, swearing that New England is the bestest place ever, Sooooooooooooooooooo much better than the ubiquitous farms in PA, and that it's a new Gosselin tradition.
Thanks Tweetle. Yes, we pay a lot of taxes, but it's nice to know help is there for everyone, regardless of financial status. Personally, I would have re-mortgaged our house or cashed in some retirement funds if I had to help our son. It's nice to know we don't have to do that.
Our system isn't perfect, but most of us wouldn't have it any other way!
FlimsyFlamsy said... 34
I can just picture TFW .... with her sunny smile and
cheerful disposition <--------Good one. Hahahaha.
So, Kate is still in NE, that's cutting it close for going back to school. So, then, Kate will make a real DRAMA of getting ready for school.
Oh, we baked 3,000 cookies( your part time help made the cookies), went to fight the crowds at the store for school supplies(TLC shut the store down, so Kate could get the supplies while they filmed it), I'm so tired(Kate is out laying by the pool w/wine).
If I were that people who are waiting for Kate to vacate her ass out of that rental, I would make sure I have a lawyer ready, and make sure that when the house is vacated, that it cleaned, and I get the 5 days + deducted in writing from my rental contract or get the money back and write a new rental contract, before I move in. Knowing how Kate is she will probably leave it a mess.
Good point about TLC renting a BBB, in NE. Fly family there, meet van there. Give fake BS that Kate & family drove there. Like I said earlier, they are going back to original formula of JK8 & K8. Trying to make Kate as being "I do it all, super mom, pieceing & patching finances"
As for Amber, you go girl! Amber, I think is looking for her revenge on Kate, for the Kate /purseboy were through plant.
As of Monday, looks like they were still in Maine. This tweeter is from Portland, and Anjon's is a restaurant in Scarborough, just outside of Portland. From the restaurant description, it looks like the tweeter's family owns the restaurant.
Christina DiSanto @Christeeena_ · Aug 18
Hi Kate Goslin is here with her family at Anjons. LOL.
So the "rental" could be for a beach house in Maine.
They were first spotted in Boston on Aug.11, 9 days ago. Now they have to go back home and do more filming for back to school? If they are going to be filming "back to school" stuff, I wonder when they will film it. Before or after school starts? Doesn't school start next week for them?
The girl's tweet may be a non-story, but it would be interesting to know where the house is located, near a beach most likely because Kate likes to flaunt her smokin' hot bikini bod, LOL.
I agree that I don't think there will be that many specials and they will be divided into two parts. I would love to know about the behind-the-scene negotiating that went on between Kate and TLC (like her begging). I also wonder if Steve, as her road manager, is also her "trusted" rep who negotiated with TLC. I bet he is totally entangled in representing her. Maybe he even buys her wine while they are on location, LOL. Hmmm... smells like Steven K. Neild aka Howard K. Stern. I cannot imagine any decent person putting up with her unless there is something in it for him.
Well, it's a safe bet that if the BBB were in fact driven to Boston, it was Uncle Steve behind the wheel, but TLC isn't going to show that. I tend to agree that a BBB was rented or the crew followed the BBB from Wernersville packed with everyone's luggage. It's a joke that TLC thinks most people buy into Kate does it all. And I cannot believe they continue with the exact same formula that was used before with the summer vacation and back to school crap.
getofftwitter said...43
I agree. Remember the pudding all over the walls at the Outer Banks beach house? She didn't care. She didn't have to clean it up or pay the damages. TLC's dime.
Found an update on Tracy Thurman through imdb. I was reading the message boards and through there found an article. She is living in CT and her son, Charles, who was 2 years old when her husband nearly killed her, was sentenced to 7 years in 2010 for drug charges.
Buck, by the way is remarried.
NJGal51 said... 195
kate @kate_troiano · 5m
funny story we can't move in to the house we rented for the next five days cause Kate Gosselin is in there with her 8 kids and won't leave
I'm surprised that no one has tweeted this to Amber or ROL yet. Now this could be a real story...unless of course TLC got to the Troiano's and paid them off for their inconvenience.
TFW has some balls on her. Most of us plan our vacation way on advance and only have a certain amount of time to take it because, well, we have to go back to work and our boss might not care that #Katefreekingosselin wouldn't vacate the house we were supposed to be in.
It will be interesting to find out what's going on here- if this is Kate's or TLCs doing. TLC showed Kate the curb because of her bitchy, over the top demands. There was no pleasing her. Kate admitted this and said given the chance to do it again, she'd behave differently. So if she is putting TLC in a bad spot and possibly refusing to leave the home, I hope they find that issue of People where she fessed up to being a bitch and slap her with it. If find it very plausible that arrangements were made for Kate and the kids to move to another home because this one had another reservation. I can see her not wanting to be inconvenienced and telling TLC that she's not leaving, take care of it. Regardless, TLC better find that family another rental home that is equal or better to the one they had already reserved and paid for. AND foot the whole bill for the inconvenience.
Another small comfort in the sad news of the new filming (at least IMO) is that Kate no longer wears the cloak of Teflon. The jig is up, the book is out, the truth is out. Because she is now reduced to TLCs stable of freaks and trainwrecks, I don't believe they will be scrambling to whitewash her behavior and publicity as in the past. Wholesome, single, hardworking mother of 8 Kate is long gone. Militant, homewrecking, mentally unstable dictator Kate is in. Kate's on board with it, the sheep are on board with it. Both think that as long as she earns money by exploiting herself and her children on tv, it's all ok.
When my mom used to come pick up my friends and I at the mall on a Sat. night wearing her pajamas and curlers, I literally wanted to die a thousand deaths. I can't imagine enduring the constant humiliation she chooses to subject these kids to just to earn a buck. It's mortifying.
A bit of OT; we have just moved, and I am in the unpacking boxes phase, and have been watching a bit of tv for a breather. Finally saw a few episodes of Pioneer Woman, and while she is a bit folksy for me, I am been fascinated just by thinking that this is what Kate thought she could do, and deserved. Folksy or not, you have to have a talent for appearing natural in front of a camera. KG has not talent for anything like this at all. All she really can do is exploit her children.
So, Kate is still in NE, that's cutting it close for going back to school.
Not really. School doesn't start for another week. They can be back in plenty of time. We're getting ready for an end-of-summer vacation, and you can bet we'll be back for the first day, all set and ready to go. You just don't wait until the last minute to get everything together...backpacks purchased, new sneakers lined up, and all papers signed and returned.
Norma said... 17
''Hear hear! Who just gives up on a child? Let alone, eight of them. Do SOMETHING, Jon. Go to media outlets, get your voice heard. Your children's sanity depends on it.''
Norma, since you're quoting comments from yesterday, perhaps you can explain to me exactly what telling Jon to ''man up'' means!
Exactly what do you and the one you quoted expect Jon to do? Going to the media to have his voice heard will only satisfy the outsiders, and will not prevent his children from being exploited by their mother.
I won't speak for anyone except myself, but to ME, Jon is doing the most important thing a father can do, and that is love his children and give them a 'normal' life when they are with him.
To ME, it takes a real man to keep silent and prove to himself, his children, and those who care about his children that he loves his children more than he hates their mother.
To ME, a real man doesn't base either his self-worth or 'masculinity' on the opinion of people squawking on a blog about how they believe he should behave!
I responded to Kelly (the one you quoted) and you today, but I really must say that I think that these are baiting comments, and I have taken the bait. Just calling it as I see it.
And now I'm gong to quote someone that I totally agree with:
Sleepless In Seattle said... 21
''Why don't you call Jon and ask him what he has done, and if hasn't done anything, then give him some advice as to what he should do. Perhaps you know a good attorney, or some other avenue he can pursue short of kidnapping his kids.
I am so sick and tired of hearing that Jon should do this, and Jon should do that when nobody knows what course of action he has taken. Going to the media and exploding over this isn't going to do anyone one darn bit of good. The kids do not need more of their parents doing battle in the public arena. They've had enough of that.''
Where's Milo? Kate's trending again! Of course, so is the mystery beast that was found near a lake.
If I were that people who are waiting for Kate to vacate her ass out of that rental, I would make sure I have a lawyer ready, and make sure that when the house is vacated, that it cleaned, and I get the 5 days + deducted in writing from my rental contract or get the money back and write a new rental contract, before I move in.
I'm sure they have it all under control. We don't know exactly what happened, and if the gal who sent that tweet talks to Amber, perhaps we'll find out if things worked out in their favor.
Honestly, I'm fairly neutral about her coming back to television. Do I want it? No. However, it will air, the first episode will get okay ratings with people tuning in to see how large the kids have grown, then the ratings with sink into the toilet because no one really cares about them anymore. She has to keep ramping up the crazy and stirring the pot to get media attention. With any luck, when the ratings (likely and probably) show that the public would prefer her to simply go away, then it will be cancelled quietly or no more episodes will be ordered. I'm surprised TLC is ponying up an order at all based on the previous numbers... however, bad publicity is just as good as good publicity as long as people tune in. My guess is she sold the negative attention as a way to get eyeballs on the screen... and she probably thinks the silent majority of the country still love her, but they aren't vocal. The reality is 99% of the country doesn't give a crap and wonder why she is still on television. The more people see her, the less they like her... I'd love to see focus group data on the guess is her likability is off the charts in a negative way.
What's funny is that when the rags hop on the bandwagon and report that Kate is coming back, each time it changes...Kate has a new reality show, filming for Kate's new show has begun, episodes to air in December, she's back on tv for a new series, etc. etc.
The sheep might be disappointed when they figure out that this is only a special. Kate doesn't have a new weekly reality show. Not yet, at least. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Unless she takes the kids out of school for filming, I'm not sure how that could happen. Their only safe haven is away from her at school. I hope that she doesn't pull them out of school to home school them on a regular basis so that she can film the heck out of them. I guess at this point it's a "wait and see" situation.
Jill Duggar is pregnant. Announcement was made 30 days after the wedding. They want as many children as God will give them. They certainly are a fertile flock, aren't they?
When my mom used to come pick up my friends and I at the mall on a Sat. night wearing her pajamas and curlers, I literally wanted to die a thousand deaths. I can't imagine enduring the constant humiliation she chooses to subject these kids to just to earn a buck. It's mortifying.
My mom did the same thing, only sans the curlers and she wore a "housecoat." Now that she's gone, I'd give anything in the world just to have her pick me up at the mall one more time. I wouldn't care what in the world she wore.
Kate is probably not enjoying her TLC funded vacation. If they're at a beach in Maine the kids are probably shocked at the COLD water temp. They're lucky if the water is in the 60's. The kids have never been in cold water. It never stopped my kids, they will still boggy board if the waves are big. Kate would have no appreciation for the beautiful coastline. Don't see Kate slinking up to a clam bar in one of her hooker outfits. Maybe she and Steve went off to a 5* hotel and the kids are left at a beach house with all the crew daddies.
The Duggars appall me in their own deep drive for attention. Their daughter is barely married and fine, she's pregnant, but seriously, do these people have no brains? A goodly number of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Where is the decency in waiting for perhaps the first trimester to pass before oversharing this information? This is not anything anyone but the immediate family needs to know, and IMO only the couple should know this at what, 4 weeks. Attention 'hos, all of them.
OrangeCrusher 1
What's funny is that when the rags hop on the bandwagon and report that Kate is coming back, each time it changes
This had got to be the best "spin" line I've seen in any of the articles regarding the show "returning".
"Get ready for more Gosselin! Kate and her eight children have been given the green light to begin filming a brand-new season of their reality show, Kate Plus Eight. The show follows Kate and her family—which includes 13-year-old twins Mady and Cara and 10-year-old sextuplets Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Joel and Leah. While the show was never officially cancelled, it has been on hiatus since 2011."
Never officially cancelled? On hiatus, for 3 years? TLC's own announcement in 2011 said that they decided not to renew the show, not that it was going on "hiatus".
Maybe in Kate's mind it was only on "hiatus", but for all intents and purposes, the show was most definitely and most officially "cancelled".
You really have to laugh at how some of the media play this whole thing.
getofftwitter said... 43
So, Kate is still in NE, that's cutting it close for going back to school. So, then, Kate will make a real DRAMA of getting ready for school.
I'm pretty sure they got that filming out of the way before they left. It's the same as Christmas Day wasn't Christmas Day and the twins first day of school was filmed two weeks after the first day of school.
It apparently doesn't matter to Kate that she is teaching her kids that's it's okay to lie, as long as you get paid for it.
OT- I just binged Fargo and it's a terrific series. Billy Bob Thorton is one frightening dude!
Remona Blue said: I responded to Kelly (the one you quoted) and you today, but I really must say that I think that these are baiting comments, and I have taken the bait. Just calling it as I see it.
I tend to agree and appreciate your response. I have decided that I'm not going to respond to any more "Jon, you need to man up!" comments. It's been hashed and re-hashed and then hashed again. Admin has explained on several occasions, how family law works and how it's not as simple as marching into court and demanding the judge do what you want him/her to do.
I don't agree with Kate filming the kids again, but they are used to it and hopefully this time it's only for about two weeks. If this turns into an actual show or special that makes the airwaves, I doubt it will be of much interest to viewers.
And I guarantee, if Jon had already gone to the media to denounce the filming, we'd have people posting here that he's "just as bad as Kate" for blaring his concerns publicly.
Are they actually going to film them going back-to-school shopping? Kate tweeted back in July that she had bought sneakers online for the kids. Are they going to show them sitting around the computer picking out stuff for school?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Jul 21
Ordered 6 pairs of sneakers online for back to school (already!) I love hearing my growing kids discuss who wants which pair! Now2bed.. #Fun
That even sounds more riveting than them going to a local store!!
Maybe they were even filming before they left for vacation. Hence, the tweet about using the flash cards and #School Prep, too.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Aug 7
Doing division flash cards. When Hannah saw 144 div by 12=__, she reacted w a scream! 'Huge numbers!' #GuessWeBetterWorkHarder #SchoolPrep
They went to the 1D concert on Aug. 5. Wouldn't be surprised if they started filming right after that, especially since Steve was already there.
As always, Michael K. from Dlisted nails the breaking Duggar news. Remove your beverages from your ipad, monitor and keyboard, take a pass if you are easily offended! :)
Millicent (#64), I laughed at your comment because I thought
the exact same thing. If Jon was to come out with a press
release today, within an hour someone would say, "Jon,
WHY couldn't you keep your mouth shut for once? Your
8 children are counting on YOU to do the right thing!
These kids need PRIVACY!"
I don't normally watch any shows on TLC but when you talk about the freak show that TLC has become the picture that comes to my mind is all of their reality show talent sitting around a table when it was announced that TFW would be coming back for more specials chanting: "We accept her, we accept her. One of us, one of us. Gooble-gobble, gooble-gobble." And that is a frightening picture!
Andisgrammy -- I'm sorry to hear that your granddaughter is having problems. To expand on the excellent advice you've already received -- My suggestion would be that her parents request that the pediatrician refer them to a good pediatric hospital, where she can receive a comprehensive workup including cardiac, neuro, endocrine, and autoimmune evaluations as well as a psychological evaluation. There are a number of physical conditions that can mimic or trigger anxiety attacks -- some serious but controllable. She could also be reacting to the onset of puberty -- it's not unheard of in 9 year olds these days. There's also the possibility -- and I pray God that it isn't the case -- that she's been molested by someone and that is what is causing the attacks. The sooner the cause can be found, the faster treatments can be devised. I'll remember her and you and the rest of her family in my prayers. Please let us know how she's doing.
When my son was in middle school we had a friend (active dutiy military mom) whose kids we used to watch if she had to go TDY. She was very attractive and had a really nice body BUT dressed kind of slutty when not on duty. Anyway, I once made a comment to my son that if I had a body like hers I'd probably wear those short shorts and tight tops also. My son looked at me and said "Oh no you wouldn't!" It might be fine for someone elses mom but kids are embarassed by what their mom does/wears. I'm sure M & C want to crawl in to a hole with some of the outfits TFW wears.
Now this is funny!
@Xxxxxxxx Hey I guess #kateplusmy8 did do the ALS challenge lol
You guys are good. I bet the back to school stuff has already been filmed. Makes sense. TLC has always filmed them out of order. However, I bet the twins' birthday will involve some type of trip.
Kate is a twit said... 64
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Jul 21
Ordered 6 pairs of sneakers online for back to school (already!) I love hearing my growing kids discuss who wants which pair! Now2bed.. #Fun
That even sounds more riveting than them going to a local store!!
OOh yes. Quick. Alert CNN!
She just has to emphasize that she ordered SIX PAIRS OF SNEAKERS in case someone in a village in Siberia hasn't noticed that KATE GOSSELIN HAS TWO SETS OF MULTIPLES. SHE HAS TWINS AND SEXTUPLETS.
There, now they know.
You're welcome, Shmoopy :)
I normally don't speculate about why this or that happens or doesn't happen preferring to just say my piece about what we know in this crazy saga.
However, with what's happened in the last couple weeks my brain has been going over things that don't make sense.
First there's a story put out there that Steve and Gina "were back together" which seemed to come out of nowhere and didn't list any credible source.
A week later someone tweets that they saw Steve and Kate with the twins at a concert and it immediately gets picked up by the same online news mag.
Not long after another tweet about seeing Kate, Steve, kids AND a camera crew in New England. Now all of a sudden TLC is filming more episodes of Kate Plus 8 to air in December.
Up until all this though, ROL was posting daily articles containing excerpts from Mr. Hoffman's book.
What I find interesting is that no mainstream media outlet went near Mr. Hoffman or his book. Not one story or interview. (Okay, The Talk came close but their brief discussion was before the book was actually released in paper.)
I'm just wondering if all this isn't just deflection on TLC's part to keep people from talking more openly and more seriously about child exploitation.
With Honey Boo Boo, the Duggars and the Little Couple, all prominently featuring minor children, as their staple fodder TLC could stand to lose a great deal should an all out debate occur.
Perhaps they are banking on vocal critics getting fed up and walking away?
In any case, I'm with those here who hope that the kids one day sue the asses off TLC for facilitating and funding their exploitation.
It may very well be that it's the reality t.v. kids being exploited today that will have to pioneer the changes to protect the children of tomorrow.
Seems to me that only their personal stories of what it was really like for them growing up with cameras in their faces and having their private and personal childhood moments sold to the masses that will make the general public sit up and take notice.
I want to be wrong. I am and have been here because I don't think it should come to that. But, sadly, I think that for these kids, the battle has only just begun.
NJGal51 said... 71
Now this is funny!
@Xxxxxxxx Hey I guess #kateplusmy8 did do the ALS challenge lol
That explains her bitching about getting wet on the white water rafting trip.
Amber is still trying to get the story about the rental. She tweeted the girl again.
Amber Ryland @AmberGoodhand · 3h
@kate_troiano Hey Kate -- reaching out again. I'm a journalist in Los Angeles...hoping we can chat?
She's also trying to get info from the girl who tweeted about Kate being at her restaurant.
Amber Ryland @AmberGoodhand · 59m
@Christeeena_ Hey Christina, I'm a journalist in Los Angeles...wondering if you can follow me so we can DM?
That tweet wasn't on Kate's timeline. Is Amber reading here, or does she search twitter for different spellings of the name Gosselin to see if there's anything out there?
Looks like neither of them are replying to her. In a way, I think that's a good thing.
Interesting that Jodie and Beth could not be paid for helping out, yet Kate noted in the SUV episode that Ashley and Jamie were being paid well (hired help), after she totally screwed them over and treated them like crap. Says a lot about her and her "friends."
She has never ever taken one ounce of responsibility for HER bad behavior and seemed to blame/resent the four women who watched them.
When did Kate ever offer to help anyone, other than herself? She claimed to be a supermom.
said... 75
NJGal51 said... 71
Now this is funny!
@Xxxxxxxx Hey I guess #kateplusmy8 did do the ALS challenge lol
That explains her bitching about getting wet on the white water rafting trip.
Can't ruin her spray on tan while she is camping !!! Hell no!
Don't Jump on Me said... 66
Those are distinct possibilities, and I'm so sorry that you lost 2 siblings to suicide.
I also think the children are at high risk for addiction and promiscuous behavior.
The children are thrust into the spotlight at a very tender age. That pressure and vulnerability is mind boggling while they are going through puberty and teen years.
The kids whose relationship with Jon is fractured at at most risk.
Other than that, the kids are torn between 2 parents who HATE each other.
What else? Oh, right. Dad's shacked up with a woman with 3 kids and Mom is committing adultery with the help.
Great for the G kids to have the story of their mom banging the bodyguard just as they go back to school.
Nicely done, Kate.
Kate must have just purchased a bunch more bots. Her timeline has a 183 new comments in just 8 minutes.
I tend to agree and appreciate your response. I have decided that I'm not going to respond to any more "Jon, you need to man up!" comments. It's been hashed and re-hashed and then hashed again. Admin has explained on several occasions, how family law works and how it's not as simple as marching into court and demanding the judge do what you want him/her to do.
Yes, and apparently even though admin has experience in this area, there are some who just don't get it. Why beat a dead horse? Trying to explain to some wears thin after awhile and doesn't seem to get through to them anyway.
Regarding the tabs. I guess now we have a brand new season of Kate Plus Eight, which never "really" was cancelled. Sheep who believe that will be pestering the living heck out of her trying to find out how many episodes, when the new show is returning, and slobbering all over their Kate cookbooks until she answers them.
OT--I saw this on FB, and thought this was one of the most unique takes on the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS. Kudos to whoever came up with the idea!!
PA dutch mom: according to their school calendar: first day of school is 8/27, next wednesday. It's hard to believe that next week is the last week of august, and most kids will be in school by that time. If according to that person who tweeted about Kate going to be there in Maine till end of week, that gives the K8, 3 days to get kids ready for school. And we know Kate will bitch/whine/complain/make up shit about rushing to get school supplies. This so her lackeys/fans can feel sorry for her and praise her on being a super mom. I too think she is already done with school supplies, uniforms etc. But she will bitch about it, drama queen!
“People at TLC suspected that something was going on and warned Jon,” a source said, alleging that one of the children even caught Steve and Kate kissing in the bathroom.
“Steve actually got reassigned after that, but Kate argued and brought him back.”
How do you buy another human?
I thought slavery was outlawed?
“Kate acts like she and the kids are one big happy family. She wants him to be the dad so badly,” a source told the magazine, revealing that the romance has been brewing between them since before Kate’s split with ex-hubby Jon.
Ah so she's the one who cheated? and not Jon gasp!!!!! and Steve is still married gasp!!!!
If this is true she is nothing but a lying homewrecking whore good christian my a$$.
I hope Steve never leaves Gina and he takes all of KK money she made the kids work for.
Rhymes with Witch said... 143
Tucker's 126.
The RA patient was literally just diagnosed and is kind of freaking out. An appt with a rheumatologist is in the offing. It's me.
Rhymes - I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I have no helpful information, but hopefully you will get a good amount of helpful info at your appointment.
TLC was more than happy to throw Jon under the bus and label him the cheater.
I truly believe that TLC was behind that first pap photo of Jon partying.
Why? Why would a pap be hanging out in the middle of bumfart nowhere at 2 am unless they had a scoop?
Norma said... 19
I get what you're trying to say Millicent. It's also none of our business whether Kate is sleeping with Steve but most of us have pretty strong opinions about it (she is!! lol)
So why is Jon protected from the speculating? And didn't he use some of that money he made from CT to buy his g/f a promise ring? I don't know, the guy is shifty, imo. Blows which ever way the wind goes.
I differentiate between Kate and Jon in a number of ways. One big difference is that Kate puts her personal business out there, and shares details about the children, via her Twitter. She also actively pursues having herself and the children filmed for a reality show (as we know is currently going on). So by her actions, she puts herself out for public consumption and critique.
On the other hand, Jon is trying to lead a private life of an average person, like you or me. Now, someone could go down to the local courthouse and search for my name and see if I'm involved in any lawsuits, or family law cases, probate cases, etc. It's all public record. But I don't expect people to do that and if they did, it would make me feel sort of strange.
Same goes for any purchases I might make with money I earned. Why would it be shifty of Jon to purchase his g/f a promise ring, and how do we even know this tidbit of information? Is it okay to intrude on his private life in that manner? How would any of us feel if people were making note of where we went to dinner, where we shopped, what we bought, and so on, and then discussing and critiquing all our choices? I bet not one single one would like it (I know I sure wouldn't).
While he was on the Couples Therapy show, I felt what he said and did on that show was open for public discussion. Same goes for any interviews he might give. And if he were to be arrested for anything, that would be news and free for discussion. But where do we draw the line?
I think by now everyone has their opinion of Jon pretty much fixed, and unlikely to change. Some truly feel he is as bad as Kate (even though we have no reports of him yanking any of his kids by the hair, spanking them harshly for being babies, screaming at them in a rage, etc.). Some feel that somehow he should have known that Kate would turn into a nightmare of a spouse (but why would he marry her if he knew that?), and therefore he's somehow to blame for what transpired during their marriage.
I still think that no matter what KG wants from her relationship with the boobyguard, the enigma is still Steve Neild. She has spent significant amounts of time alone in the past few years, the man appears to still have a wife, he certainly has sons. And he does not seem particularly fond of, involved with, the G8 when they are out and about. He IS front and center whenever madam gets a camera opportunity. I do not think Skeevio wants to play daddy to these kids. And I still think there are a lot of smokescreens in play. Eh, but who really cares?
OrangeCrusher 1
Tucker's Mom said... 62
OT- I just binged Fargo and it's a terrific series. Billy Bob Thorton is one frightening dude!
Agreed! I don't normally care for stuff that Thornton is in, but this series was so well done. Tom Hanks son, Colin Hanks, played the hapless police officer that ends up marrying the female officer that figured out the whole tangled mess. So many great characters. Excellent series!
Millicent said... 88
Rhymes with Witch said... 143
Tucker's 126.
The RA patient was literally just diagnosed and is kind of freaking out. An appt with a rheumatologist is in the offing. It's me.
Rhymes - I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I have no helpful information, but hopefully you will get a good amount of helpful info at your appointment.
I'm sorry to hear that ;(
Let me know if you have any general exercise or adaptive equipment question, ok?
Good luck!
Tucker's Mom said... 89
Nah this is alll Roberts doing if he can't have Kate and that hot plastic body then on one can.
It's plain to see Tuck that Robbie outed Jon to have Kate and now he's lying on uncle Steve so he can leave KK's sad.
KK will have no choice but to choose Robert now he will stop at nothing to get KK the book and now this.
It's all Roberts fault.
Does anyone think that it's possible TLC indicated to Kate and/or Steve that if they were to "get involved" with each other, that there might be a series in it? Maybe they want to try to sell it like a real life "Bodyguard"? If so, the people running TLC apparently have about 3 brain cells to rub together. I cannot think of two less appealing people than Kate and Skeeve. However, I would like to see Steve continue to pack on the pounds of unhappiness that come from being Kate's minion. It would be hilarious to see her picking away at him like she used to do to Jon, and him meekly taking it so he could have that TLC paycheck.
I think Jon had no idea what a narc and bitch Kate would turn out to be.
Their courtship was pretty brief, and Kate pushed to have kids/multiples very quickly.
I don't think they really knew one another before they had 8 kids, and then the pooch was screwed.
Kate led Jon right into it.
Hey, wouldn't it be funny if Jon did DWTS and Kate and Skeve did CT next season?
I think Skeve and Kate would push for a series.
I wonder if Skeve is waiting until his boys are off to college to leave Gina.
One thing is for sure, if Skeve did it with Kate, he'll do it to Kate.
I read the article...what room does Steve have- the garage?? I doubt a lot of this is true.
Tucker's Mom said... 96
I think Skeve and Kate would push for a series.
I wonder if Skeve is waiting until his boys are off to college to leave Gina.
One thing is for sure, if Skeve did it with Kate, he'll do it to Kate.
Wasn't a rumor going around-(Via radar)- that he was with a woman in China while he was "protecting" the little couple.
Formerly Duped said... 97
I read the article...what room does Steve have-
My guess would be where are most comfy.
1. A closet.
2. Her bedroom closet where she keeps him locked away.
3. Up her butt the stick holds him in place.
Goodness can you just picture one of the kids needing to use the bathroom and walking in on mom and uncle Steve making out??
Ugh poor kids especially if it was Maddy...
I wonder if Skeve is waiting until his boys are off to college to leave Gina.
I think both boys are already in college. Weren't they in their teens when they visited Kate for Thanksgiving in 2009?
It breaks my heart to read the harsh comments about Jon. The reason for that is that my father was very flawed, but he was my savior - he was my soft place to fall. My mom had a horrendous childhood and had some pretty severe issues. (But if want to clarify that she was nowhere near as bad as Kate.) But there were so many times I would be sobbing and so upset that I wouldn't be able to go to school, etc, and my dad was the person I could go to for comfort and support.
When I saw that video of the tups crying in the van when they didn't want to go back to Kate's house, my heart kind of stopped when they were at the gate and I saw Mady approaching Jon with her arms out to hug him and a very sad look on her face. That was me so many years ago and that was exactly what I looked like when I was miserable and upset with life and I went to my dad for a hug and some kindness.
My life would have so much harder without my dad. But believe me, he was NOT PERFECT.
I think both boys are already in college. Weren't they in their teens when they visited Kate for Thanksgiving in 2009?
I thought perhaps Skeve is waiting until the boys leave home, because after divorce, the family home is often sold.
SCgal said... 99
It breaks my heart to read the harsh comments about Jon.
I think most here acknowledge Jon's flaws, but agree he's the better parent.
I find some of his decisions just plain wrong, but I find him to be a decent person.
Whatever happened to that Mady who looked at Jon with those puppy eyes and hugged him so emotionally?
What the hell happened???
Tucker's Mom said... 95
I don't think they really knew one another before they had 8 kids, and then the pooch was screwed.
Kate led Jon right into it.
Did she ever. Right down the garden path and into the sack.
She's a regular freakin' cannibal who chews people up and spits out the bones. Kate can't love anyone except herself but she can sure fake it until she gets what she wants.
Hey Steve, I hope you're sentenced to life with that thing.
I think Jon is doing the right thing by keeping quiet. He made his feelings known months ago, and there's no reason for him to do the same now. We don't know what he has tried to do or has done, but apparently it has not worked, and we can't keep blaming him for something that may be beyond his control.
Kate will just keep using the kids for her own agenda. It doesn't matter how their father feels about it, or even how they feel about it. She has shown her true colors, and it's all about her. Damn their father, Damn the kids--full speed ahead!
If she's so marketable, how come she can't do anything without using her kids? Yes, I know she did CA without the kids, but how come no network since has offered her something that did not involve the kids? The only network that was interested was TLC, and of course, the kids have to be included.
She is nothing without those kids and she knows it. Unfortunately, it is the kids who will suffer for it.
In order for Jon to go to court to fight filming, he would first have to be aware of it. I sincerely doubt that Kate asks for Jon's approval or notifies him PRIOR to it occurring. These once in awhile specials are also probably easier for her to hide from him, (the public seems to hardly notice her anymore, and even sightings on social media have been sparse considering she was/is filming in popular tourist areas).
Additionally, another reason that she may be filming out state, is to avoid the new child labor laws in PA. She didn't bother to file for permits and licenses when she was filming an ongoing series, so it would surprise me if she bothered to when on "vacation" in multiple states.
Lastly, let's not forget that on the last two specials Kate received a "producer" credit. Which means that not only will she get a check as "talent", but she will also get one as a "producer". Who wants to bet which one has more zeros? My bet is that she gets a higher one for being a producer, and then takes a lesser amount to split with the kids as per episode talent. That my friends, is no accident.
Tucker's Mom said... 100
I think both boys are already in college. Weren't they in their teens when they visited Kate for Thanksgiving in 2009?
I thought perhaps Skeve is waiting until the boys leave home, because after divorce, the family home is often sold.
Yes, both Neild boys are in college. The youngest would be starting his 2nd year.
When I read the article earlier this summer about Steve quitting his "job" with Kate, it made sense to me. I assumed that with the boys clearly out of the house now that Gina had no reason to keep up the charade of a happily married couple for the sake of the kids. And thus she gave the "it is me or Kate" speech to Steve.
Now with this new information about Steve spending the last few weeks with Kate and the article today, I would not be surprised if Gina really throws Steve to the curb. The boys are firmly settled in college and working towards independence. Gina will get a very nice split of assets (in MD marital assets are split 50/50). And she will save face and be done with all the rumors once and for all.
I would not blame Gina one bit for divorcing Steve. I am just surprised that she has not done it yet.
At what point does she say enough is enough?
What woman wants to have her husband written about in the news saying he is having an affair with Kate Gosselin (yuk) year after year?
What mother would want her boys reading about their father having an affair with Kate Gosselin (yuk) year after year?
We all know Kate could care less what her kids read about their own father (Jon) but I am really surprised that Gina lets this continue.
Gina if you read here ... RUN and RUN fast to Maryland District Court House in Rockville Maryland and file for divorce ! There are plenty of great lawyers who can help you and make Steve pay for the fees.
Rhymes: Good luck with your appt. I don't have anything helpful to offer except my support. :) I do know a lot of people with RA live full productive lives- I have a friend with it who exercises, camps, holds a full-time job and has a house, husband and two college-age kids.Advances are being made all the time.
I read the article...what room does Steve have- the garage?? I doubt a lot of this is true.
I need glasses. I read this as "what room does Steve have in the garbage? Come to think of it, once she's gotten what she wants out of him, that might well be where he lands.
" I don't know, the guy is shifty, imo. Blows which ever way the wind goes."
True. You don't know him, but I do, and I have ever since the twins were in first grade, which has been quite a few years ago. He is anything but shifty and he doesn't blow which every way the wind goes. He blows in one direction, and that's trying to do what's best for his children.
"PA dutch mom: according to their school calendar: first day of school is 8/27, next wednesday. It's hard to believe that next week is the last week of august, and most kids will be in school by that time. If according to that person who tweeted about Kate going to be there in Maine till end of week, that gives the K8, 3 days to get kids ready for school. And we know Kate will bitch/whine/complain/make up shit about rushing to get school supplies."
I know when school starts. Perhaps Kate got everything lined up before they went away. That's what we did, and we'll be back in time for school to start on the 27th. It can be done.
Re: The ROL article. Waiting for Gladys to do the angry tweet thing to Amber blaming her for this cesspool of lies!
T said... 104
In order for Jon to go to court to fight filming, he would first have to be aware of it. I sincerely doubt that Kate asks for Jon's approval or notifies him PRIOR to it occurring. These once in awhile specials are also probably easier for her to hide from him, (the public seems to hardly notice her anymore, and even sightings on social media have been sparse considering she was/is filming in popular tourist areas).
Additionally, another reason that she may be filming out state, is to avoid the new child labor laws in PA. She didn't bother to file for permits and licenses when she was filming an ongoing series, so it would surprise me if she bothered to when on "vacation" in multiple states.
It is not the job of the "talent" to file for permits. Blame the production company, not Kate.
Why don't you call Jon and ask him what he has done, and if hasn't done anything, then give him some advice as to what he should do. Perhaps you know a good attorney, or some other avenue he can pursue short of kidnapping his kids.
I'd love to. No need to get rude. I was posting my opinion in which others have shared.
Can I call Katie too? Ask her if she's boning her body guard?
I would not blame Gina one bit for divorcing Steve. I am just surprised that she has not done it yet.
At what point does she say enough is enough?
Unless Gina truly doesn't give a crap if Steve is boinking Kate and their marriage is in name only, I don't understand being so humiliated.
I'd be embarrassed to show my face in public, knowing my husband is splashed all over the tabloids with Kate.
Again, if you love your spouse and honor them as a person, you don't keep doing the same darn thing that gets you into tabloids.
There's no other reason than Steve and Kate still being together unless their a couple.
There are plenty of body guards and managers and clients out there.
If this latest Radar Online article about Kate and Steve is true, I feel like Jon is vindicated and "wins". He did not end his marriage by having an affair. It was Kate! I think the sickest part in all of this mess is that even though it was (allegedly) Kate that destroyed her marriage she had the gall to blame Jon and portray herself as the poor innocent scorned wife! If I remember correctly didn't she make a big deal about removing her wedding ring? I believe she also mustered up some fake tears at the end of her marriage on one of the episodes. She really is disgusting! If this article is proven to be true, I hope Milo and Ms. Goody put on their big girl panties and issue apologies to Jon who was presumably innocent in this fiasco.
Can't ruin her spray on tan while she is camping !!! Hell no! 77
IIRC she told the world she's allergic to.spray tanning.
Can't keep.her story straight.
her for this cesspool of lies!
I thought it was cesspool of hate lol.
I read and heard that most married men don't leave their wives.
Exactly what do you and the one you quoted expect Jon to do? Going to the media to have his voice heard will only satisfy the outsiders, and will not prevent his children from being exploited by their mother.
Well Remona, I guess if it were ME, I'd be shouting to any camera willing to listen and try to get some traction and some people behind me. I'd do whatever it took to get the focus on how my spouse is damaging my children.
I understand everyone responds differently to situations. Jon is a passive guy and my opinion is that he could do more. *shrug*
I think the sickest part in all of this mess is that even though it was (allegedly) Kate that destroyed her marriage she had the gall to blame Jon and portray herself as the poor innocent scorned wife. 112
This is completely consistent with Katie's character and behavior.
I hope Milo and Ms. Goody put on their big girl panties and issue apologies to Jon who was presumably innocent in this fiasco. 112
Nevah! Not going to happen.
There are plenty of body guards and managers and clients out there.
But Kate wants Steve Studly. Better than a dentist's son any day.
Thanks to all for their good wishes. Right now the worst part is that my feet are so painful that it makes it difficult to walk and affects my balance.
I had the back yard fenced but as someone said, I did not know my pup is part kangaroo.
Going to replace a small part of the fencing w/6'. She's worth it.
T #104 has made an excellent point about K getting a fee for being a "producer" (no jokes about she produced the eight "talents") and not having to share that fee with the children. As well as sharing the talent fee with the children, she gets paid twice. I agree with "T" the producer fee will exceed what she must share with the children. I'll just bet that Steve put her up to negotiating that gem.
Kate will never admit the truth about when she and Steve got romantic.
Exactly what do you and the one you quoted expect Jon to do? Going to the media to have his voice heard will only satisfy the outsiders, and will not prevent his children from being exploited by their mother.
Well Remona, I guess if it were ME, I'd be shouting to any camera willing to listen and try to get some traction and some people behind me. I'd do whatever it took to get the focus on how my spouse is damaging my children.
If Jon spoke out, shouting to every media outlet, folks would be criticizing him, telling him to keep quiet. If he doesn't say anything, then he is accused of not caring about his kids. Damn if he does, damn if he doesn't.
Norma, you still haven't given specifics...exactly what Jon should do, other than to let people know how Kate is controlling the situation? It's so easy to say that he should to this, and he should do that. WHAT should he do? Yelling from the rooftop to the media is NOT the way to solve anything. The only thing it would do is to start another tit for tat in the media between two sparring parents, and it's the kids who would be caught in the crossfire. They're already living with this parental alienation. Why in the world would anyone want to exacerbate the situation?
If people don't "get" by now that Kate has been poisoning the kids against Jon, then they're never going to get it. As I said previously, if anyone has suggestions (other than getting the attention of the cameras) as to exactly what Jon should do, then contact him personally with advice.
But Kate wants Steve Studly. Better than a dentist's son any day.
Plus she can make him carry his own balls while holding her purse.
Tucker's Mom said... 121
Kate will never admit the truth about when she and Steve got romantic.
She'd have to admit to being his mistress first.
A pox on both their houses.
Blame 109 said
It is not the job of the "talent" to file for permits. Blame the production company, not Kate.
Actually, according to Jon & Kate's original TLC contract, it was their responsibility to get the necessary permits. They failed to this and were sanctioned by the state of PA. The docs are easily found on google.
Rhymes I am sorry to hear about your RA diagnosis. I understand how disheartened you may be, but once your ready there is help out there. There is great RA support group in your area, (you've posted it before, but I don't want to bring anymore attention to it in case it was an accident), 2 nationally ranked specialist, and Boston & New Haven are within driving distance if your willing. In the meantime, as many have said, maintaining activity is important in managing your symptoms, and your new pup really will be your savior. She will make you laugh, give you comfort, and of course force you to interact. In my ACTUAL professional medical opinion, pets are often the best medicine EVAH, (even when they are part kangaroo)!
Sending you love & prayers.
To Millicent and Tucker's Mom, Fargo was a fabulous show. I don't know if anyone has watched Hell on Wheels, but it just keeps gettin better and better. So authentic. And that Anson Mount... Very good looking.
OK, about the article, there was some new info in it I had not heard before. I have always, always thought he spends time there. This is the guy she refers to as a"friend" who fixes stuff at the house. I'm telling you, it's going to come out that he and Gina are separated. That story from the so-called neighbor was a plant so everyone would believe he and Gina have tried to work things out.
It would be a risk for TLC, IMO, to integrate Steve into the family because although it would be a ratings bonanza initially, many of the fans (married mothers) would drop Kate in a heartbeat for being a conniving home wrecker.
BTW, both of Steve's sons are in college, so yes, he may have been waiting until they were away from home.
I don't think it matters financially whether K gets paid as a producer or the whole family is paid as "talent". She only has to put 15% into trust for the kids, which is piddly. Doesn't really matter if it is 15% of the total fee or 15% of some smaller amount. It's still piddly in the grand scheme of things.
It might matter to K's ego though if she could claim most of the income as "mine, all mine".
Don't know how income tax works in the US, but in Canada people try to have income considered their children's, rather than theirs, for more favorable tax treatment. Even otherwise reputable newspapers suggest some pretty shady schemes to accomplish this.
Sometimes, an actor’s producer credit is just “vanity,” a concession to keep them happy. But even when the actor earns the credit, it rarely comes tied to actual producing duties or fees. In other words, a producer credit doesn’t contractually obligate an actor to fulfill actual duties or receive producing monies… although, like I said, the actor has probably received a raise anyway for his acting duties. - See more at:
If Jon spoke out, shouting to every media outlet, folks would be criticizing him, telling him to keep quiet
By who? Not by anyone here....he appears to be beloved by some of you. And I sure wouldn't criticize him. I'd applaud him for at least *trying*. He is/was a public figure and should have some kind of connections out there in the world. He couldn't try to find someone, ANY one to help him save the kids?
Of course, if he doesn't have legal custody then it's all for naught. I suppose he could try to get legal custody back. I actually assumed that's what he was doing when he proclaimed he was fighting to get the kids to live with him. And fighting to get Kate a mental health evaluation.
Look, at the end of the day, our goals are the same. We ALL want the kids off tv. We ALL want their father involved in their life. right?
It is not the job of the "talent" to file for permits. Blame the production company, not Kate.
It's not the job of the talent. It is however the obligation of every parent whose child is working to ensure that all applicable laws are followed on behalf of those children. If they see violations, it is their obligation to report it to the set teacher, the director, corporate, and if need be, the proper authorities. It is always the obligation of everyone involved with working minors to ensure their children are following the law. Any parent who decides their child should work should make it their business to know the applicable child labor laws, permit requirements and so on, backwards and forwards. If you cannot take the time to pay attention to the law and the protections in place for your child that MUST be followed, you are not ready to put your child on TV.
The TLC contract stated that Jon and Kate were responsible to get work permits.
Obviously, there was zero follow up and accountability.
They failed to this and were sanctioned by the state of PA.
They were sanctioned? How? I thought that the state just looked the other way this time, but they were told that if they did it again, THEN there would be fines and penalties.
Well, they did deem that they were in violation of child labor laws, but indicated that as long as it never happened again they would not press charges. They also indicated that if it DID happen again they would press charges which would include current offenses AND these PAST offenses. They're not off the hook for anything if they mess up again.
As much as it would have been nice to see them punished, I think they probably would have given almost any production company a second chance to prove they would comply, especially since they reserved their right to press charges about the past offenses. They also indicated a trust must be set up.
As far as fines or sanctions, no they didn't go there yet.
I truly believe that this story from in touch is very possibly true on some points. In touch has always been the one magazine that he had a fairly trusting relationship with. I believe the source is none other than Jon himself. Who better to know if there is an affair going on. He does get visitation with some of the kids and every parent here knows that kids blab when they go visit the noncustodial parent. I'm sure they have told Jon about al the time Steve spends at the home and probably do tell him that they don't like Steve acting like their dad. I believe it's disgusting the way Kate and her TLC minions made Jon out to be the cheater when it was her all along. She really is setting a terrible example for her kids, making them think they can just take whatever they want even if it doesn't belong to them. I see terribly bad things coming those kids way in years to come.
Actually, according to Jon & Kate's original TLC contract, it was their responsibility to get the necessary permits. They failed to this and were sanctioned by the state of PA.
That is not correct. I followed this very closely, and there were no sanctions leveled against them for failing to get the proper work permits for the children. Many here wondered why they got off with just a warning and though the state was being far too lenient on this.
As more stories come out about TFW & PB being a couple look for more "long time reader first time posters" to come here and make comments about Jon to deflect from their queen. If they can get us arguing amongst ourselves over Jon they will have done their job.
We'll I guess she wasn't kidding:
@kate_troiano: status update: we are in the house
@kate_troiano: I think one of the kids hid the TV remote though so that's an issue
"long time reader first time posters" to come here and make comments about Jon to deflect from their queen. If they can get us arguing amongst ourselves over Jon they will have done their job.
Is this a nice way of calling me a Kate fan? lol No, I'm definitely not a fan of Kate's. My stance is that these kids' father bears some culpability for trying to save his kids. That's all. After all, the G8 do have TWO parents.
Hi, Admin, I asked earlier but you didn't answer. Does Jon NOT have legal custody? And if he does not, then could it be that is why the judge will not let him have a say in the filming? Thanks for your answer.
NJ, 138..."As more stories come out about TFW & PB being a couple look for more "long time reader first time posters" to come here and make comments about Jon to deflect from their queen. If they can get us arguing amongst ourselves over Jon they will have done their job."
I remember when they did this, way back in the good old days, and we'd read the tweets and say, "Thank you for bringing that to our attention. We'll take it into consideration and give it some thought," and then move on. They'd get so pi##ed!
. My stance is that these kids' father bears some culpability for trying to save his kids.
I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you that Jon should make best efforts to "save" his kids. All that was said was that number one, we have no clue what, if any, those efforts are or were, and number two, given how screwed people can find themselves every day in family law court, some of us give him the benefit of the doubt on that. Having done it for six years, I can never assume the way things turned out in family law court for someone is the way things "ought" to be in the eyes of somebody who thinks they know the situation. Frequently they are not.
If you don't want to believe that that's your prerogative, but it's hard to get worked up about what he's doing or not doing with such limited information. I know the quick answer will be we do it all the time with Kate, but quite frankly, Kate is in the public eye, making public statements and going on TV, about ten to one compared to Jon. Really a hundred to one if you count all her tweets. We have far more information about what she's up to from her own words alone, let alone everybody else spilling the beans these days, to be able to speculate with a lot more cards. We're just not "playing with a full deck" when it comes to Jon. I have difficulty judging the whole deck when I've only got a couple cards in my hand, or pieces of information if you will. But when you're got 2/3rds of that deck you pretty much know what the rest looks like. And no I do not think he should take it the press. His problem is with the court of law, not the court of public opinion. The court of law does not care and in fact tries to avoid whatever is going on in the press. He owes no one an explanation about this but his own children. And I'm sure they will discuss this with him at some point, just as Missy Francis discussed her father's complacency when it came to how her mother treated her. Their relationship today is very positive, whereas she estranged her mother. Perhaps it will turn out like that for the kids, or not. We just don't know, but ultimately this is for the kids to be upset over, or not. Not us.
@kate_troiano: status update: we are in the house
Well, well. Looks like somebody lost and somebody won. And the winner was this seemingly nice innocent family. Good to hear.
Ok. Fair enough admin. I wasn't really understanding why speculation can run rampant about kate but not about Jon. I get it that Jon is treated with a little more respect. I may not totally understand WHY but I appreciate your reply. :)
You all have everything covered, and more...most days I just read and admire the comments, but feel I should add something. If everyone did as I do, there wouldn't be a blog.
I think Jon should remain quiet: he lacks TFW's ability to manipulate and lie, and he will be slammed. Now, if he were on a talk show, that's another thing. He has proved himself capable of conducting a good, honest and decent interview.
It's all so disheartening, everything she pulls off without retribution. She is one cold blooded b!?¥£.
Reality television is her platform...she degrades the human race.
Admn, you've been more than patient in trying to explain what happens in family court, how things go down in rulings, etc. and that we don't know how often Jon has been shot down. We have no idea at this point what is going on behind the scenes. The court of public opinion means nothing in all of this, no matter how much someone thinks Jon should take this to the media. He could rant and rave all he wants and people would get fed up with that pretty darn fast.
Is this a nice way of calling me a Kate fan? lol No, I'm definitely not a fan of Kate's. My stance is that these kids' father bears some culpability for trying to save his kids. That's all. After all, the G8 do have TWO parents.
August 20, 2014 at 8:10 PM
Unfortunately, Jon went along with filming at first and was loving the money and perks as much as Kate.
Jon was greedy.
But, he's changed his tune and I admire that. I admire that Jon has said "enough".
This is no longer to pay the bills, sock money away and get a better, bigger house. This is for a lifestyle and continued fame, and growing up in the public eye with a life that is anything but "real" is starting to be detrimental to his kids' development.
But, it's too late and whatever his custody is, he has no veto in the eyes of the court.
That ship has sailed.
Obviously, Kate has full decision making power when it comes to filming the crap out of the kids.
The ship has sailed and isn't even on the horizon anymore.
Jon has said he regrets his decisions and he will have to explain his poor choices to his kids one day.
So true, and I believe he will.
What I do not understand is how he can't compel visitation with some of the kids. I don't understand "I don't know who is going to show up at the gait".
The kids that are to visit with Jon should be with Jon, barring any extraordinary circumstances, and Kate should be responsible for having them packed and ready to go.
Again, how does Kate get away with it?
Assume that CA sees daylight in December. Same with these new episodes. I still think the timing's not coincidental. Here's why:
Anyone remember the breaking news about Steve leaving the set of CA? There were rumors then, if I recall correctly, about their relationship having spilled over into the competition itself. That his being there, in such close proximity to her all the time, somehow gave her an unfair advantage. I remember also reading about Steve having answered the phone in her hotel room. True or not, wasn't she assigned a new bodyguard about the time that this story broke?
Fast forward to this latest filming...
How does what happened in late spring (CA filming) harmonize with a Kate Plus 8 storyline in which Steve's not only "body guarding" Kate, but also accompanying the Gosselins (i.e. driving the BBB, etc.) on their family vacation?
And now, to the distinct possibility that both shows will air in December. Despite the fact that they were filmed in different seasons, it'll appear to most (non-involved) viewers as if they occurred somewhat simultaneously. Which, it seems to me, will only serve to reinforce the narrative about Steve & Kate being a long-time couple. Is that one of TLC's (or Kate's) objectives, I wonder?
The Empress is a Clown said... 149
I think one way or another, Kate and Steve will break the news of their relationship soon.
I don't know if one story line will be related to another, and Kate probably has no idea how CA will be edited.
Kate and Steve are very strategic and when they feel they can spin their relationship positively, so that it won't affect their money making ventures, I think they'll do it.
It is possible the source for the In Touch article is Jon. It makes sense, or could be just another planted story to continue the narrative that Kate and Steve are a couple to drum up ratings. All this Kate and Steve talk is no coincidence. I tend to believe that the source is Jon and that the kids blab what is going on in the household. Saying that the children believe the relationship is "gross" is typical for kids that age. I bet Mady and Cara, in particular are really embarrassed.
The article had new information, like Steve and Kate caught kissing in a bathroom. Last time I heard something similar to that, Mady caught Steve and Kate kissing in the bedroom while on a NC beach vacation. Maybe it's the same thing but the rooms are different, LOL.
Remember when Kate had the African American bodyguard instead of Syeve for awhile? That seems to jive with Steve being reassigned. I also believe TLC did not want Kate portrayed as the "other woman" when rumors started up, so Steve brought Gina and sons to visit the McMansion several times and they made sure there were paps taking pictures every time.
I'm not sure what the end game is here. I totally believe that they are a couple and have been since the book tours. Steve is the reason she started caring about her appearance ( hey, we ladies that when we are in live) and the timeline fits when she gave Jon the word that their marriage was over. I think they've had to coy over the years, but I bet the reason TLC came back to her is that Steve is a part of the story now and that was pitched to the execs.
I want to add, if they are out as a couple, stand by for the lying about their relationship. At all costs, they will not want the viewing public to believe this has been an ongoing affair. If I were Gina, she should divorce his cheating ass, although part of me hates to see Kate win on another masterminding project. When is this woman ever going to see karma?
I wonder how Kate feels about gypsy using her timeline to promote her various product sales sites.
sarah @gypsi001 · Jul 31
Hey guys! My newest fun and excitement.. @Kateplusmy8
sarah @gypsi001 · Jul 31
@CJWhodunit @cdn_gayle @Kateplusmy8 Thank you guys. Im super excited. Been with @isagenix for a year and will be fun to add this in.
sarah @gypsi001 · 39m
For those of you with lil divas, check out my site! Boys and pre-teen line added soon! @Kateplusmy8
Sort of reminds me of people who post promotional ads in the comments on various media sites. She's using Kate to promote herself and get more sales.
How tacky can you get?
I'm sadly not surprised that TLC and Kate are still exploiting the G8.
I swear I heard that Steve aka rat claws had another GF or he was seen with another woman while traveling to china with the little couple.
Kate is a twit said... 153
I wonder how Kate feels about gypsy using her timeline to promote her various product sales sites.
I'm sure Milo will point out that her queen needs her $15%.
Gypsy is an "affiliate" for some company. It seems like so many women now are signing up for these "avon calling" type jobs.
I had somebody message me the other day, a casual acquaintance, saying they wanted my opinion on something. I thought that was an odd thing for someone I didn't know that well to ask. I said okkkkay and then they launched into a pitch for a skin care line they were selling. Rather off putting.
From what I've heard many of these companies are scams, make you purchase expensive "kits" up front and you are lucky if you make back what you put out. Or if you do turn a profit, it's chump change compared to the amount of work you put in. It's amazing how easy it still is, after all this time, to take advantage of people especially the stay at home mom crowd.
Wow just what I thought, I looked at the site and look how much it is for their "best value" startup "kit." Almost 200 bucks! Holy scam.
Become a Diva Stylist- Large Product Kit $199 (Best Value)
Affiliate Website
Use of Images
12 Assorted Clothing Items
3 Accessories
1 Diva Bags/Totes
2 extra surprise items
I remember Avon I used to sell back in HS one of my aunts sold it as well.
I just think that gypsy using Kate's timeline is tacky. Gypsy should use her own timeline to promote herself, but then she has only 64 followers. What better way to get attention than to post on Kate's timeline with over 213 K followers?
Yet she sees nothing wrong with it. She's making it appear as if Kate endorses her products. I wonder if Kate will actually wake up and realize she's being used.
At this stage, after all these years and Kate and Steve being connected at the hip, they are a couple. I used to waffle back and forth about it, but now, years later he is still traveling with her despite the big announcement by the media, a few months ago, that they were no longer together (professionally and otherwise). I never thought about it but perhaps Steve is just as much a narciscisst as Kate so maybe that is their bond? Or perhaps he sees her as his money bags. I mean after all these years, wouldn't you think that Kate could have changed security companies if he was acting as her "body guard"? Security personnel, to Kate, would be nothing more but servents and she would treat them as such (like all the not nannies and assistants she's had through out the years. Steve is the one constant, everyone else has been cast out of her realm, except Steve. So clearly there's more going on between these two than a working relationship.
I had to laugh at the "hiatus" comment another poster pointed out. Yes, talk about spin. Here was TLC's statement when they CANCELLED the show:
TLC has decided not to renew another season of Kate Plus 8," a network rep told PEOPLE in a statement. "By the end of this season Kate Plus 8 will have hit the 150 episode mark (including Jon & Kate Plus 8); an exceptional milestone. TLC hopes to check in with Kate and the family periodically with specials in the future."
That's a cancellation announcement. They tried to even soften the blow by saying look it had a great run, 150 episodes! They never said or even hinted this was just temporary. Even the part about specials sounded very non-committal and we even said so at the time. Sure enough it took almost three years before they finally got around to airing a special.
At this stage, after all these years and Kate and Steve being connected at the hip, they are a couple. I used to waffle back and forth about it, but now, years later he is still traveling with her despite the big announcement by the media, a few months ago, that they were no longer together (professionally and otherwise)
I agree. He would have cut ties by now if this was nothing. Your wife and children and dignity should come way before this whole mess.
I still think it could be more of an emotional relationship "affair in her head" than anything else, but it's still a relationship and clearly he loves this whether it's in her head or actually real. I don't know if Radar's story is accurate about this however I have to say the comment about the kids sounded VERY credible. That's exactly how kids their age would react. Apparently Radar says the kids think this is "gross" and tell him you're not our dad. That is a classic reaction from a 10 or 13 year old. Just classic. For someone to just make that up, they would have to have a very good understanding of child development. And I don't think a sheeple would be smart enough to say something like that. A sheeple would say the children love him and are so happy (like they did in some other article.)
I think it's hilarious that someone is using Kreider's TL to self-promote. That's what happens when you go away and ignore your fans. Imagine her rage when she can't gain some of the profits for herself. Sucks to be used, doesn't it?
I think it's hilarious that someone is using Kreider's TL to self-promote. That's what happens when you go away and ignore your fans. Imagine her rage when she can't gain some of the profits for herself. Sucks to be used, doesn't it?
Gypsy is just clueless. It's both sad and kind of cute.
Martha, you are right on in your thinking. I agree with every word you wrote. Thanks for writing.
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