Thursday, August 14, 2014

Kate, Steve and kids seen filming near Boston

Several people have seen the group around Boston this week, but now someone visiting Plimoth Plantation has said they were there with cameras too. Ugh.

954 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 954   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Who else has been to this museum?

I went when I was probably their age and I just loved it. I thought it was the absolute coolest. It was so interactive and the actors were so committed to their roles. ~ Administrator said... 2

I'm back to thinking they are a couple.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 3

That fork will never penetrate her thick skull. Sigh. Silver
lining - Admin will have something else to recap. Yay!

I'm looking forward to TFW's unique spin on American history.
Like, Bunker Hill is where Archie and Edith met... ~ Administrator said... 4

What were the ratings again? They fell on the second special. I remember they were OKAY but nothing amazing. Better than expected, but not great either.

I'm being totally objective here but why would TLC do more specials or a series after that? And moreover they give them a BIGGER budget to go travel? Huh? But doing something on their own doesn't make much sense either.

I suppose it could be for another network but who would touch this? I would think they would want at least a cool 3 million viewers guaranteed for it to be worth it. Tons of reality shows hit that mark and much more that they could choose from instead of this. If a network wants to stay in the game on a series with medicare at best ratings and a ton of public opinion against it, I guess I don't understand ratings after all.

Somebody with money sprung for the suite seats at OneDirection. Bet all the kids went this time, a nice bribe to put up and shut up. ~ Administrator said... 5


No idea why autocorrect thought that should say medicare! ~ Administrator said... 6

I don't know why people want to see Kate get another free vacation.


Me neither. Again being totally objective, but the whole vacation thing is boring and out of touch. And to be frank, I think it's hard to make Plimoth seem that interesting on camera. You really have to be there and experience it. I think this will bore most people unless you're REALLY into this stuff, even if it were a nice family. Oprah made it interesting once but that's about it. What are we going to do, watch kids who are NOT little anymore run in and out of the houses screaming?

I do think though they made her drive just to create conflict and interest. ~ Administrator said... 7

lining - Admin will have something else to recap. Yay!



Oh I could have fun with a pilgrims theme.

terri said... 8

I think these sightings of late are a very carefully crafted way of these two coming out as a couple. Kind of like taking a band-aid off very slowly. I believe they are on the verge of announcing that they are together and by having all these photos crop up it might not seem like such a shock to some. I still think they are both slime for the way they have flaunted this in Gina's face for sooooo long and Kate denying through her veneered teeth that they were dating. Karma has a date for the both of them and when it arrives there will be hell to pay.

Kylie said... 9

IMO this is just another planted story. Just last week Radar claimed Steve had gone back to his wife and cut ties with Kate. Now we know that wasn't true. Now this latest information. I'll believe it when I see it. In any case, who even cares, people only watch now to see her make a bigger fool of herself than she already has. She is so hated, except for her few hangers on. Sure is funny that Milo is not around for this latest 'news'.

JMO said... 10

Get a job Kate that does not involve your kids! The twins are already demanding special favors (concert, friends on trips/shows) so you will have your hands full once the tups get that they want stuff to continue filming. I think Cara's silence said everything in both the interviews on national tv and on your recent show, where she said barely anything.

Buckle up if you want to continue to use your kids to film!

Layla said... 11

TLC didn't learn their lesson last time, did they? People didn't want to watch Kate and the kids go on vacation then, and we don't want to watch them do it now. But--whetever money TLC wastes on this--they deserve it. And, like it or not, if they are filming again, that means ratings will plummet again, and Kate and the kids will be fired again. People don't like her more now than they did 3 years ago. The kids did not get cuter or more interesting. And after 3 years, they haven't come up with a more interesting story line than "Watch the Gosselins go on vacation over and over and over again". Snore.

I saw previews for Leah Remini's show on TLC, and they are going on an RV trip. Go figure.

JMO said... 12

Somebody with money sprung for the suite seats at OneDirection. Bet all the kids went this time, a nice bribe to put up and shut up.
Yup, she now has to entice the kids to film. Never mind, her mantra when anyone wants to stop filming, we will. I count Jon, Cara, and some others in the equation of those who do not want to film and want a private life.

Sad part is, (especially the boys) is that their opinion does not seem to matter. Does anyone think Kate actually asks all of her kids if they want to film? And what a huge guilt trip she will put on them if they say no. Do they even have a choice anymore?

NJGal51 said... 13

I wonder if it's her production company and they're trying to sell a pilot. See the USA the Gosselin Way? I say whether it's her or TLC, let them waste their money. Her glory days are over and if they drove there in the BBB it tells me that it's even if network sponsored they're not sinking a ton of money into it because driving on their own in the BBB is a far cry from even the RV trip. Maybe TCL thinks they can squeeze a little more blood out of them. Whatever the case, they apparently had to provide their own transportation and were met by a local film crew once there. Time will tell and many things filmed never make it to air. I did like that the article called her "the monster mom".

chefsummer #Leh said... 14

Just when you thought TLC or who ever was done with this b**ch she comes back ugh.....

Sorry kids looks like their no rest for you. Lets all cross our fingers and toes and hope this thing never ever sees the light of day.

chefsummer #Leh said... 15

Administrator I don't think TLC gives a crap about ratings if they're filming with KK again but we'll see-(or we won't I hope)..

Lalalalala said... 16

FlimsyFlamsy 3 said:

I'm looking forward to TFW's unique spin on American history.
Like, Bunker Hill is where Archie and Edith met...


OMG..that is just too funny!

LisaNH said... 17

Admin, back in 2000 my now husband and I took our first vacation together. We decided to travel around New England (we've lived here all of our lives and never really visited places of historical significance). So one of our stops was Plimouth Plantation and the Mayflower. It was fun but the only drawback with Plimouth Plantation was it was a school day and there were about a dozen school buses in the parking lot. Once we walked the grounds, we realized it was the wrong day to be there because all of the displays were loaded full with kids darting in and out so we couldn't really enjoy it as much.

But it is a facinating place. They have actors in period clothing who perform as residents of the plantation. They also have Native American actors as well portraying native residents of the area.

I must say, however, eventhough I live in NH, the fact that Kate and Rat Claws are so close to where I live (New England) I'm not pleased. Jeez can't they just stay in their own state. Yuck!!! LOL.

Anonymous said... 18

Called it. There's no way she'd do a vacation as cool as Boston unless it was gritted/filmed.


And make that a double ugh for me. Grifted vacation. Filming. Steve. No wonder the biotch was so coy and giddy earlier this month. Somehow she found another way to, in her mind, stay relevant since CA seems to have disappeared. This really does underscore the fact that she has absolutely no intention of working unless she is exploiting the kids in front of a camera. May I say double ugh again? And yes, the bribes to Mady are obvious more 1D, her bff on the trip. More 1D, poor Cara. And until there is a picture of the boys, who knows if they got released from chicken duty for this trip. What a POS.

OrangeCrusher 1

JMO said... 19

One final thought and then I will shut up, but maybe TLC or whoever agreed to film her and the kids (But did not pay for travel, lodging, trip costs,etc..) and she is so desperate to keep her mug out there that she agreed to film. Maybe a private person "vetted' her a house, but probably low production costs, whether TLC or Kate herself. Who knows? She really is shameless to keep using her kids to film, regardless..

MikeB said... 20

Posted in the other thread, but I think it got closed while I was posting.

I guess we know what Kate’s “good news” was a few weeks ago. It certainly wasn’t the kid’s braces coming off.

You would think TLC would realize K+8 is old news. The first part of the update had OK numbers but the second part lost 20% of the viewers. If it is TLC maybe they heard the complaints about the update specials being all about me! me! me! and are trying one that focuses on the kids instead.

One thing for certain is someone else is paying for this since Skeeve is along. She always gets someone to pay for his services. TLC paid for him during the show, Trump paid for him during CA, HCI paid for him during the crookbook tour. He was noticeably absent during her “Growing up Gosselin”/bash Jon time in NYC in January. She was trying to drum up support for the twins to have their own show and actually made it to the Today show and another interview without ratclaws’ help.

I guess this could be a pilot for Growing up Gosselin since M has a friend along with her for the filming. It could be an attempt to show what interesting lives they lead even though we know TFW doesn’t allow them to participate in much unless it is part of a script for a show she is being paid for.

foxy said... 21

Could this latest film fest be SK8 productions filming a pilot for her dream new reality show Growing up Gosselin? Or whatever they call a demo tape to send to various outlets. Maybe she will try even to go the route of Netflex.

I wonder if Jon made some type of deal where his kids can be filmed again.

Poor Steve really needs to get rid of his baggy polyester pants and blue shirts.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 22

If I recall correctly the ratings for the specials were 2.6 mil and 1.9 mil. The 2.6 was in the favored times slot for best demographics. There was an over 600,000 drop in viewers by the second show and the demographics weren't so good. I'm surprised if TLC thinks that's good enough to film another show. So maybe it is another company. Perhaps 1.9 million viewers is a good enough number to film again. Perhaps TLC figures the 600,000 drop was those who don't really like her which leaves 1.9 million who will watch. People never fail to disappoint me. There will always be an audience for pure crap TV. Why do I keep expecting otherwise?

Jumping In said... 23

TFW will claim they were friends until Robert's book came out and Steve was there to support all NINE of them against such rubbish. She suddenly realized she had fallen in love with her bodyguard, cue the music.

We will all be in rocking chairs before she goes away. For whatever twisted reason she will continue to stay in the public eye, offering nothing other than a window into the lives of the 8 children she continues to exploit. There is a flaw in her life's plan though, her kids will grow up, split away from the unit, and then what? Oh, right, she'll live off the money she made from putting them in front of the camera while robbing them of their childhood!

Formerly Duped said... 24

I can't really believe TLC was filming this. Weren't the rating for the birthday special so-so? Who would want to watch a new special so soon? I also find it hard to believe the series is being resurrected. Idk. Maybe the ROL report of filming cameras was wrong- not the best source.And school starting up again soon... I guess we'll see!

Anonymous said... 25

Perhaps it is their own production. Brilliant masterminding if you waited until almost back-to-school time to get started on something you could have started in June.

I agree, this is laying the foundation for her and Steve's "coming out" party.

If that's true, they deserve each other.


Rhymes with Witch said... 26

Does anyone think Kate actually asks all of her kids if they want to film? And what a huge guilt trip she will put on them if they say no. Do they even have a choice anymore? 12

I don't think they've ever had a choice.

Bitchy Pants said... 27

But . . . but . . . but . . . TFMJG WAS telling the truth when she said "if anyone wants to stop filming, we're done". Jon wanted to stop filming and she was done with him in a flash!

Amy2 said... 28

Oh Uh. Looks like Steve is packing on the pounds. Kate had better tell him to lose the weight, like she did with Jon. And if he doesn't do something about it, Kate can tell him over and over and over again to do so. Kate made it clear to Jon to that she didn't like him overweight. Well, here's Steve going down the same road. Fortunately, Kate knows how to humiliate people until they do what she tells them to do.

Rhymes with Witch said... 29

I agree this is laying the foundation for her and Steve's "coming out" party.

If that's true, they deserve each other. 27

AMEN to that.

sparkle said... 30

NJGal51 said... 13
I wonder if it's her production company and they're trying to sell a pilot. See the USA the Gosselin Way? I say whether it's her or TLC, let them waste their money. Her glory days are over and if they drove there in the BBB it tells me that it's even if network sponsored they're not sinking a ton of money into it because driving on their own in the BBB is a far cry from even the RV trip.

That's what I was thinking as well. I can see why TLC did the specials, they were probably contracted to do so. I can't believe they would enter into more filming if they don't legally have to, given her history of being so difficult and demanding while only pulling low to mediocre ratings. And that was before the book. She's even more hated and loathed now that people know what a fake and abusive monster she is.

The only thing I can think of is that this might be a show about Kate and Steve's possible new life together. I thought back in the CA days there was scuttlebutt about Kate wanting to come out with their relationship and have a reality show about planning their wedding.

The specials were ridiculed. Any time Kate opens her mouth publicly, she's ridiculed. She is an embarrassment and now the kids are old enough to see it, read about it and hear about it. She is a professional trainwreck for hire, butt of the joke. Which is why it's so galling for her sheep to call this "hard work." ~ Administrator said... 31

This does kind of have a pilot type feel to it. See us visit historical America or whatever. What are they going to do once they're in school? This is not 2009 anymore. These kids are busy now. School, homework and activities keep you busy enough even if they only did a few extra things. How is this realistic as a series???

Formerly Duped said... 32

God, I hope it's not "See America with Kate!" She is a very ignorant unappreciative historian, lol.

That Bunker Hill remark was SO apt!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 33

Admin (#29), that's an interesting thought. But TFW has shot
herself in the foot by showing zero intellectual curiosity about
just about anything. Unless show biz or bling is involved (going
to the Emmys, getting gift bags, being handed a microphone),
she ain't in. She can't even fake interest. She has nothing to
offer as far as give and take, conversation with other adults,
intelligent questions. No joy or wonder about seeing things of
historical or cultural significance. She is her own worst enemy.

We've often talked about TFW not being smart, but being cunning,
or crafty. But even those words gives her too much credit. The
best words I can think of to describe TFW are "calculating" and "devious." While we marvel about her still being around, I think
she could've had an empire by now, and yet she is solely
responsible for every missed opportunity, every endorsement
deal blown, every chair of her dreams pulled out from under her.
Is she still in the business? Yep. Is her career what it could've
been? Oh, heck to the no.

High Sodium Content said... 34

Maybe Milo's missing because her mother died? But she would normally be letting her bff Kate know about it all, looking for sympathy from all her twitter buddies. Or she is traveling along w/ Kate.

NJGal51 said... 35

The only thing I can think of is that this might be a show about Kate and Steve's possible new life together. I thought back in the CA days there was scuttlebutt about Kate wanting to come out with their relationship and have a reality show about planning their wedding.
That does sound reasonable. With Kate you get 8! Maybe she wants to build a show around their dating and it will all build up to the big wedding. If that's their plan what a slap in the face to Gina and if Steve did/does divorce her for TFW I hope that Gina takes him for everything he has. The divorce got big ratings because people were invested in the whole J&K drama. A wedding with Steve probably won't get nearly the same ratings because people just don't care any more. The kids aren't cute toddlers, they're average kids and no one wants to see them running around screaming and hitting each other like a bunch of toddlers.

Amy2 - I noticed that Steve was looking a tad portley in that photo also.

She can continue to film whether on her own or for TLC or some other cable channel however she will never see the ratings that she once had and she'll never be the media darling she once was. I'm hoping that she's filming this on her own so that ROL can run with the story that she's so desperate to get back on camera that she's spending her own money to create a pilot episode. Even if she's filming for some network doesn't mean that it will see the light of day. As I said earlier, many pilots are filmed and they never see any air time at all. Forget about the audience, it's the sponsors that have to be there to support the show going on the air. Can she pull in the sponsors any more with all the bad publicity?

Math Girl said... 36

LisaNH said... 17
Admin, back in 2000 my now husband and I took our first vacation together. We decided to travel around New England (we've lived here all of our lives and never really visited places of historical significance). So one of our stops was Plimouth Plantation and the Mayflower. It was fun but the only drawback with Plimouth Plantation was it was a school day and there were about a dozen school buses in the parking lot. Once we walked the grounds, we realized it was the wrong day to be there because all of the displays were loaded full with kids darting in and out so we couldn't really enjoy it as much.
My husband and I had the same experience at Greenfield Village near Detroit. It's a wonder we had kids after that!

JMO said... 37

FlimsyFlamsy said... 33
Totally agree. Problem is she has no interest in anyone or anything but herself, and this is where she has endlessly missed the mark. The whining about having no time when the kids are away at school for 8-9 hours per day, 5 days a week leaves TFW has PLENTY of time to learn about the world and other people, other than herself. Never mind weekend visitation time. Narcissism prevents her from doing that and educating her kids on world events beyond the compound..

JoyinVirginia said... 38

Meanwhile, back in real reality...
We Virginians are being highly entertained and outraged and everywhere in between by the revelations during the trial of former Governor Bob McDonnell (governor Hairdo) and his wife Maureen (” screaming nutbag” according to testimony, really!)
the trial is for federal corruption charges.
Today we learned that a wealthy CEO Johnnie Williams treated McDonnell and company to an expensive Chatham, Cape Cod vacation to the tune of $36,000 plus. Did you know Louis 13th cognac costs $150 a shot? Me neither! Our esteemed governor Hairdo and company enjoyed sixteen of the shots, lucky them!
If you are entertained by TFMJG antics, then reading testimony about how former Virginia first lady Screaming Nutbag behaved will also be entertaining!
Check out Daily Show for ” the Gifting Tree” segment, our Washington Post, or Richmond Times Dispatch, our CBS6 in Richmond. FUN!

JMO said... 39

I know I am going back, but what adult in America did not understand the 911 disaster with non-stop news, news papers, etc.. It was non-stop national news... and a HUGE tragedy.

The Kate remark about this tragedy shook me to the core. How many people in America did not have a clue to what happened ?

FYI said... 40

Milo has resurfaced:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 7m
@Kateplusmy8 Ah, U lil sneak. I knew U were takin a summer break....but I see there R some cameras w/thee?? #NewSpecial or #RegularShow ?

Then she replies to Amber Ryland(who did not write the article):

Amber Ryland ‏@AmberGoodhand · 22m
.@Kateplusmy8's bodyguard #SteveNeild caught vacationing with her & the kids:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 2m
@AmberGoodhand @Kateplusmy8 Dear Amber...get ur facts straight...a rookie journalist would KNOW Mr. Nield is working...not on vacation! :)

Love the comeback that Amber tweeted to Milo:

Amber Ryland ‏@AmberGoodhand · 2m
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 If you read the entire story you'd see that I'm not the author. #getyourfactsstraight

So according to Milo, Steve is "working". Well, if Kate and the kids are filming, they are working too.

terri said... 41

It looks like Milo has crawled out of whatever hole she/he has been in and is back to defending her idol. Uncle Steve is now Mr. Neild and he is not on vacation, instead he is there working. You just have to laugh at the stupidity of this person.

Anonymous said... 42

Tabloids seem to have a grain of truth somewhere in their stories. Sometimes they get it bang on. I'm wondering if the big story about Steve going back to his wife and kids was slightly off in that Steve no longer works for TLC. Perhaps he's severed ties with them to be partner in Kreider's masterminding. If so, it's possible they're shopping a reality show to some other network.

If I'm right on this, I'm joining the Psychic Network. (If I'm wrong, let's just forget I said anything, m'kay.) LOL


Carezee said... 43

I am going to ask this question. How do we know that they were being filmed? I don't see a picture of a film crew therefore it didn't happen. Isn't that sheep logic? How do we know that Milo didn't plant this story? Perhaps she is missing because she is helping Kate. JMO.

AuntieAnn said... 44

Carezee said... 43

I am going to ask this question. How do we know that they were being filmed? I don't see a picture of a film crew therefore it didn't happen. Isn't that sheep logic? How do we know that Milo didn't plant this story? Perhaps she is missing because she is helping Kate. JMO.


Yeah. As the little old lady from the Wendy's commercial asked, Where's the proof?

This Jennifer Kelly only said the filming crew was with them but no photo. That was pretty dumb.

Come on Radar. How about another article about Kate's abusive parenting?

Andrea said... 45

Could Kate be taking lessons from Sarah Palin and making her own internet channel? The Palin website includes some reality TV so its not out of the question that Kate may try this.

If this is the case then it would not last long. Her blog has and coupon sites are dead. She has no interest in actually doing work.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 46

Slap cargo shorts on anyone and put a camera over his/her shoulder,
and, voila - instant film crew. I've learned to be skeptical with any
and all things TFW.

Millicent said... 47

My first thoughts are:
1. Gina has had years to kick Steve to the curb and hasn't done so. If he ends up leaving her for Kate, it wouldn't surprise me a bit. And Kate and Steve deserve each other - they are both miserable excuses for human beings.

2. Like others here, I would be so surprised if TLC was going to create a new show featuring Kate and the kids. Their "where are they now" two-part special didn't seem to generate high enough ratings to lead to a new show. Then again, I'm not a TV exec so what do I know?

3. I think it would be difficult to film a show now that all the children are in school. I wish there were a couple photographs that showed the film crew, so that we could try to figure out if they are TLC or just a crew possibly hired by Kate.

4. Ole Rat Claws seems to be getting a little pudgy around the mid-section. Watch out Steve - remember how Kate skewered Jon about his weight - all the time! Might be time for Steve to step away from the pizza and try a little green salad.

Localyocul said... 48

I wonder if the twins friend gets paid

Blowing In The Wind said... 49

Me neither. Again being totally objective, but the whole vacation thing is boring and out of touch. And to be frank, I think it's hard to make Plimoth seem that interesting on camera. You really have to be there and experience it. I think this will bore most people unless you're REALLY into this stuff, even if it were a nice family. Oprah made it interesting once but that's about it. What are we going to do, watch kids who are NOT little anymore run in and out of the houses screaming?


I don't find historic Boston, Salem/Danvers and Plimoth Plantation boring at all, but you're right. You really have to be there. My kids love it there. Would I want to watch someone else's kids run in and out of a blacksmith shop? Nope.

I wonder if they did the Plymouth Rock thing. I can just hear Kate's explanation of the arrival of the Mayflower: "Here's a rock. I have bigger rocks in our mulch bed. What's the big fuss over a little rock?" And it really is small, from years and years of people chipping away at it until they finally enclosed it.

So, has anyone seen a petite blond woman in her 50s, wearing gray creased "slacks" and purple sneakers, carrying a caterpillar on a stick, gazing out over the harbor with Kate?

Anonymous said... 50

Radar quote the person who saw them as saying it was around 4:45 and the Plantation closes at 5:00 pm. That suggests to me that arrangements must have been made to film after closing time since they appear to be just arriving, which further suggests a professional film crew involved.


Millicent said... 51

FlimsyFlamsy said... 33
I agree with your thoughts. TFW is not particularly smart but she is certainly devious. I doubt she was ever naive, as it appears that she always figured out various ways to get what she wanted from life, even at a young age (she learned early how to manipulate her brother Kevin).

At the same time, as her ego as grown out of control, she is her own worst enemy. She was poised to be packaged and sold as the can-do mom of 8, with a possible line of children's clothing, continued TV deals, maybe even moving into hosting her own show or co-hosting with others --- and for each and every opportunity, she blew it.

Millicent said... 52

foxy said... 21
Poor Steve really needs to get rid of his baggy polyester pants and blue shirts.
Steve looks like he's just about ready for a manssiere (aka The Bro)! Wouldn't it be sort of funny if the longer Steve stays with TFW, the more weight he gains; and in turn Jon suddenly buffs up?

Formerly Duped said... 53

Wonder if Kate has ever been called for jury duty/ I just was...don't they try to get people who are unaware of what's going on in the news or familiar with controversial issues etc? Does she even vote?

NJGal51 said... 54

@MiloandJack: @AmberGoodhand @Kateplusmy8 Dear Amber...get ur facts straight...a rookie journalist would KNOW Mr. Nield is working...not on vacation! :)

@MiloandJack: @AmberGoodhand @Kateplusmy8 I do apologize though 4giving U credit 4that eye-opening/exclusive story..... :) I should have read #FinePrint
Keep poking the bear Milo. Your attempt at sarcasm falls flat and the :) doesn't help.

Sheri said... 55

Oh wow, really? A camera crew? Well, obviously this woman has no intentions of giving up exploiting her children for her own gain.

It's hard to care anymore. I mean, I feel for the kids and all but as far as any hope of them getting any privacy at this stage of the game, I truly believe that ship has sailed.

Their only hope now is that they find some good therapists and lawyers when they become ready to deal with consequences of having their entire childhoods' filmed and sold to the masses to keep their mother in hooker heels and hair extensions.

What a shame.

Mel said... 56

The poster did say that she was trying to get more photos, but Stevie-boy kept stepping in front of her blocking her view.

Bet the reason they went so late was that they were getting their own private showing of the place.

Can't film with a bunch of strangers running in and out of the frame. You'd run the risk of one of them wanting to say "Hi" to TFW, and we all know how well that goes over.

Mel said... 57

Interesting that if the kids & TFW went someplace without a camera crew and Steve, and TFW didn't dress like a hooker with bleached out hair, no one would even look twice at the family group.

capecodmama said... 58

So TCFW was in my neck of the woods. Plimoth Plantation is only 20 minutes away from me (kinda like Stephanie being 2.8 miles away). The historical and educational significance of Plimoth Plantation will be totally lost on TCFW and probably the kids as well. I went there as a child on school trips as well as both of my daughters. My husband and I went a few years back during Thanksgiving week. The local Wampanoag tribe participates as the Native Americans. It was bitter cold the day we went as the "Pilgrims" and Native Americans went about their daily tasks in their period garb. No heavy coats, warm shoes, insulation in their houses. Fires were roaring in the draughty, wooden structures, but unless you were standing right in front of it, you were cold. It really brought you back to the era and what they went through when they got here. TCFW won't appreciate any of it.

With regard to filming, I not buying TLC is involved in this. They dumped her ass three years ago and in their statement then, they said they hoped to film update specials. It took them three years to film one and it was boring. Same ol', same ol'. If TLC wanted her to have a show, they never would've canned her in the first place. IMO, she's filming a pilot, if filming was actually involved, and she's going to pitch it to a network and she's footing the bill. As far as Skeeve goes, once a scumbag always a scumbag.

I'll keep my eyes peeled in case they're on the Cape. If she is here, I should be able to smell the stench of desperation.

Joy...If your governor didn't rent a house while he was on his little vacation in Chatham, he probably stayed either at the Chatham Bars Inn or the Wequassett Inn. And yeah, I can see them running up a high tab. Both are expensive. But $36,000+, yikes.

AnnieD said... 59

Kate Gosselin (and countless others) could learn a lot from Zelda Williams' views on use of social media:
"I will be leaving this account for a [sic] but while I heal and decide if I'll be deleting it or not. In this difficult time, please try to be respectful of the accounts of myself, my family and my friends," she shared on Instagram alongside a photo of a butterfly. "Mining our accounts for photos of dad, or judging me on the number of them is cruel and unnecessary. There are a couple throughout, but the real private moments I shared with him were precious, quiet, and believe it or not, not full of photos or 'selfies'.

"I shared him with a world where everyone was taking their photo with him, but I was lucky enough to spend time with him without cameras too," she continued. "That was more than enough, and I'm grateful for what little time I had. My favorite photos of family are framed in my house, not posted on social media, and they'll remain there. They would've wound up on the news or blogs then, and they certainly would now. That's not what I want for our memories together. Thank you for your respect and understanding in this difficult time. Goodbye. Xo."
Such a classy, mature young lady.

swimgirl said... 60

Just read that the following from Robin Williams' widow:

"Robin's sobriety was intact and he was brave as he struggled with his own battles of depression, anxiety as well as early stages of Parkinson's Disease, which he was not yet ready to share publicly."

Jane said... 61

Robin Williams had early Parkinson's Disease according to his wife and as reported in the New York Times

Over And Out said... 62

She's not missing anymore. Rhymin Simon is back, trying to get sympathy from someone:

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 1h
Have to make these days my best, make my quest one of happiness and just let God take care of the rest....

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 1h
Another many a tear, why is the future now something I fear?

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 1h
Another summer has come & gone so do we make this life of ours last?

Kate will stop at nothing to exploit these kids. Nothing. She'll have the camera crew on her front porch when the kids come home from their first days. She makes me sick. If they did filming out of state, did Jon give his permission? Did he even know about it? When she tweeted about the happy call she got, was it about filming? I know she said that it wasn't work related or television, but was #fam stuff," but she lies so much you just don't know. I didn't buy it for a second that the good news was about braces. Orthodontists don't normally call a patient to tell them that their braces can come off. That's done at the regular appointment.

Over And Out said... 63

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 Ah, U lil sneak. I knew U were takin a summer break....but I see there R some cameras w/thee?? #NewSpecial or #RegularShow ?

What? What does this mean...that Kate didn't tell Milo, through all of their communicatin where she was going, what she was doing, if she was filming, if she and Steve had one bedroom or two? How can that be? Doesn't Milo deserve to know what her best friend forever is doing every minute of every day? How dare she sneak away without telling her like Milo's friends did in the middle of the night? Oh, the humanity...

Is there a link to the cameras that Milo sees?

Over And Out said... 64

My husband and I had the same experience at Greenfield Village near Detroit. It's a wonder we had kids after that!

LOL!! Try a Disney cruise. There's nowhere to go to get away from the masses. It's a big ocean out there!

PatK said... 65

I simply don't understand who would want to film them. The last special was pretty much all about Kate, correct? Kate and her kids just aren't interesting any longer. I know TLC is desperate, but, come on!

And she's now allowing a friend of the kids to tag along? What the...?

PatK said... 66

And one more thing. Did she get the appropriate filming permits?

Over And Out said... 67

"I shared him with a world where everyone was taking their photo with him, but I was lucky enough to spend time with him without cameras too," she continued. "That was more than enough, and I'm grateful for what little time I had. My favorite photos of family are framed in my house, not posted on social media, and they'll remain there. They would've wound up on the news or blogs then, and they certainly would now. That's not what I want for our memories together. Thank you for your respect and understanding in this difficult time. Goodbye. Xo."
Such a classy, mature young lady.


She shows more wisdom and maturity at age 25 than Kate does at 40. ~ Administrator said... 68

Zelda touches at the heart of why it can be so difficult to be the child of a celebrity. He's not just your dad. All the world wants a piece of him. As a child you want your parents to be all yours and you're the star. That is hard to understand and deal with as a child when the opposite occurs. It sounds like she handles this well. I wish her well and feel deep sympathy for her.

NJGal51 said... 69

As has been mentioned, I'm inclined to believe that if there is filming being done it's being done on Kate's dime (SK8 productions?). She'd need to get some sort of a pilot filmed in an effort to get a network interested in them because the update shows just didn't cut it. Drive there in the BBB, hire a local film crew and tell the powers that be wherever they were that they're filming a pilot for a reality show and her name still probably has enough recognition that they accommodated they after hours filming. This is not Field of Dreams but I'm sure TFW's current mantra is "if we film it it will air". As I said, the sponsors have to be there and the sponsors are not stupid. They won't fall for "I have eleventybillion twitter followers and people will watch my show". If they're sinking their mony into a show you can be damn sure that they'll check and see just how many of those followers are actual accounts. They may actually check to see how many cookbooks whe sold since that was one of her recent ventures.

Millicent said... 70

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 1h
Have to make these days my best, make my quest one of happiness and just let God take care of the rest....
Hmmmm, contrast this with her rude and snippy tweets to Amber Goodhand, and I'm afraid that Milo needs to work on "making her days her best." Really Milo - you think the best use of your time is hassling Amber Goodhand about an article she didn't even write? Then when it's pointed out - you don't have the decency to provide a simple apology?

Milo really is an unpleasant woman, and I feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with her on a regular basis. ~ Administrator said... 71

Milo is hassling. And heckling. She's so caught up in the hassling and heckling she can't stop, breathe, and look at the author's name.

It's funny but sad too. What has Kate given her in return for all this? She doesn't care or appreciate this. She's enjoying her VIP vacation, filming and feeling like a star again.

No Name For This One said... 72

Lalalalala I think it was you who commented in the previous thread that if only the mental health medications we have today were available years ago. I wanted to thank you (or if it wasn't you, whomever brought it up) as it speaks to my situation perfectly. I rarely discuss it and never online but so many were so open I felt comfortable sharing. My mother suffered from depression and committed suicide when I was 10. If anyone says, "well, kids forget" that's not true. I remember her going to a "rest home", I remember her trying vitamin shots, I remember way too much and I often think that if only the SNRIs and SSRIs, etc were available to her, she would have had a better chance of making it. Over the years, I've read of others committing suicide but for some reason Robin William's death had a profound effect. I hope that this opens the dialogue to productive discussions on mental health and it's so heartening to see the bloggers here sharing their most personal thoughts.

While sadly there weren't medications to help my mother, there are excellent drugs now to help another family member who suffers with severe depression and anxiety. It's so important to have hope, to know there are ways to treat the pain. Even when it seems as if all the doors are closing.

I post here pretty often and read at least once a day but because CJ and her thugs once tried unsuccessfully to out me, simply because I said Kate needed to get a job, I'm not going to use my blog or Twitter name.

I also want to thank Admin and the blog girls for the time and caring they put into this blog. It's a true community. Even though it's moderated, there are so many times I'll make a post and then refresh the screen and my comment is showing!

Sue said... 73

It's funny but sad too. What has Kate given her in return for all this? She doesn't care or appreciate this. She's enjoying her VIP vacation, filming and feeling like a star again.
Unless she's paying for the filming and finding out that the only VIP treatment she gets is what she can provide for herself.

lukebandit said... 74

Does anyone know if the issuance of the filming permit they had to have is public record? Can anyone just call and ask to see when it was issued and who the film company is?

Very Strange that the ROL article came out today and then Milo hadn't tweeted in 9 days! Now she was bashing Amber about the article and saying that Steve was the bodyguard. Very suspicious, sounds like kate deflecting again.

Here is an article that I haven't seen posted here. It came right before the ROL article.

All This Is That said... 75

stuckinkansas ‏@tkgun73 8m
@Kateplusmy8 ok Kate I know u r busy but Im going through Katie withdraw. Please give us an update on what u all r up to.

Yeah, we wish Kate would withdraw her kids from filming the crap out of them and retreat into a world of privacy for them.

Why do sheeple need an update? For heaven's sakes, just let them be kids.

All This Is That said... 76

What has Kate given her in return for all this?


A look at her rockin bikini body, great physique, and pictures of Kate in her Daisy Dukes to plaster on her bathroom wall. That's enough. Milo's happy with just her lustin and peekin in through windows.

All This Is That said... 77

Then when it's pointed out - you don't have the decency to provide a simple apology?


She did apologize, but her nasty tweets always reveal that ugly, name-calling person underneath that good old Christian, positive, God-fearing persona she tries to create.

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@AmberGoodhand @Kateplusmy8 I do apologize though 4giving U credit 4that eye-opening/exclusive story..... :) I should have read #FinePrint

getofftwitter said... 78

I had commented on other thread that I hope they were not filming, and I had also said, it is not like Kate to take the kids to a historic place for vacation, unless they were filming, or the vacation was grifted, cause, vacation for Kate is the beach, not anything history!

SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! another special coming. Kate must have made a deal with TLC to film a couple of specials, this will probably be a combo special: school/fall/Halloween? anyone want to bet?

TLC rating as a network must be slipping, for them to film another K8 special, desperate much!

Lynne In RI said... 79

Millicent. 70..."Milo really is an unpleasant woman, and I feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with her on a regular basis."


Maybe, hopefully, there isn't anyone who has to deal with her on a regular basis, with the exception of her family if she has one. We've seen photos of her house, outside, wooded area, pond. It doesn't appear that she has any close neighbors. Thank goodness for that. I can't imagine having someone like that for a neighbor. She'd be showing up at your door, wondering what's for supper, bringing coffee cake and expecting to be invited in for breakfast, and if the neighbor's husband wasn't home exactly on schedule, she'd be sitting by the window watchin and wonderin where he was.


That said, if she/he is somewhere in a facility, then heaven help her roomie and the staff that has to deal with her.

Anonymous said... 80

Speaking for myself, and probably countless others, I do not think there is much of an audience left dying to see the Gosselin kids take yet another grifted vacation ANYWHERE, complete with closed site access, shrieking biotch mom, and all those extra shots of 'Mr. Neild'. I also doubt that TLC is involved in this boondoggle. Their editing of what was probably a contractual special showed what they think of TFW. It's only a vacation if someone else pays for it.

OrangeCrusher 1

TLC stinks said... 81

I thought also Steve looked a little pudgy, LOL.

This all reeks of low budget so I am guessing this has nothing to do with TLC. I just knew she was up to something.

Oh yeaaaaaah, Steve has quit Kate. I think Amber needs to check out why this story was put out there. Mind games: that's Kate Gosselin, the Masterminder.

Over In TFW's County said... 82

Does anyone know if the issuance of the filming permit they had to have is public record? Can anyone just call and ask to see when it was issued and who the film company is?


It would have to be under Massachusetts child labor laws. PA law doesn't apply if they are filming out of state.

Speaking of Gladys peering in windows. I just heard on the local news that the police have reported a case of a woman "peeper" who has been seen in various neighborhoods, looking in windows. Not kidding! When I heard it, I almost lost my rumspringa on my keyboard!

Martha said... 83

So damn infuriating, this most recent piece of news. When we she dry up and disappear? I'm flabbergasted if a network is funding this garbage...absolutely flabbergasted. ~ Administrator said... 84

Agree Orange.

I'm not sure families taking vacations is of interest as a show in GENERAL. That's why I said objectively I just don't know if this concept has any traction period whether it's someone I like in the lead role or not.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 85

Ugh is right, Admin! I hope this is a total waste of money. I agree about the "couple" business, too. To see TFW have this good fortune to continue to travel on someone else's dime is just annoying. It is just a shame that Jon gave up the right to stop the public filming of his own children. The Gosselin story is certainly based on shameless grifting. There is not any respectful talent in the bunch. When all the "good life" comes so easily, what will this mean for the kids' futures? Work ethic. I doubt it. Could TLC be that desperate?

getofftwitter said... 86

I read the ROL article, and the person who saw them said it was a reality film crew? That is probably what that good news call Kate got. A yes from TLC for a film crew, to do a pilot : Growing up Gosselin. or something like that, featuring the twins.

And if they did go to that 1D concert the other night, and had VIP seats, TLC probably paid for them, cause, Kate would not spend several hundreds of dollars for seats. The other concert cost $40 each.
Come on people, we all know how Kate operates. Kate does not do history stuff, or anything that is difficult or complicated, with Kate it has to be kept simple. Yes, Kate is not the sharpest pencil in the box, nor is she very bright either, she only reads the back cover, then pretends to know the whole story type! So, when she gets it wrong she acts like a 12year, does the flip talk, and call people and places Mr. like: Mr Mountain, Mr Boatman etc, she thinks she is being cute, it only makes her look & sound stupid!

Over In TFW's County said... 87

Oh yeaaaaaah, Steve has quit Kate. I think Amber needs to check out why this story was put out there. Mind games: that's Kate Gosselin, the Masterminder.


Sounds like Kate, or someone in Kate's Camp put this out there for the sole purpose of showing that ROL is not credible. She knew that she, Steve and the kids would be shown together several times after that story appeared and what better way than to discredit Radar?

Unless, of course, they knew that this filming would take place and Steve was under some kind of contract and he had to fulfill it before a "separation" would take effect and he would legally be able to leave her high and dry.

FYI said... 88

Looks like they're still filming today. From her previous tweets, this tweeter seems to be in Maine.

Morgan Cates ‏@mcates101 · 4h
Kate Plus 8 is filming in my hometown and I'm not sure if it's the best or worst thing to ever happen here.

❁ liz ❁ ‏@lizsteytpark · 3h
@mcates101 wait that show is still a thing

Morgan Cates ‏@mcates101 · 3h
@lizsteytpark I don't think so, but she's here with her kids and a film crew so there some shenanigans happening...

❁ liz ❁ ‏@lizsteytpark · 3h
@mcates101 photobomb them somehow I dare you

Morgan Cates ‏@mcates101 · 3h
@lizsteytpark They're on a boat. Otherwise you better believe I'd be all over that.

I wonder if they're on a boat to go whale watching.

Susantoyota said... 89

What companies had ads during the two-part update special?

LaLaLandNoMore said... 90

We use the title "bodyguard" quite loosely! I still wonder who is promoting this woman and her brood? Private tours, first class hotels, great food, etc. Is there no end for this woman who is "piecing and patching" just to get buy? Liar, liar, pants on fire! Guess it pays the bills. It is still quite distasteful to keep watching someone like TFW continue to be rewarded. Bodyguard. Right.

Autumn Leaves said... 91

Steve does look a little pudgy, maybe he's pregnant and he and TFW have to get married. :)

Formerly Duped said... 92

My daughter just can't find the right combo of drugs, including the add-on Abilfy which works very well for many...she is on 3 meds now and is still depressed, anxious and has trouble in social situations.

Amy2 said... 93

PatK said...And one more thing. Did she get the appropriate filming permits?
And....did she get the kids work permits?

No Name For This One said... 94

Formerly Duped said... 92
My daughter just can't find the right combo of drugs, including the add-on Abilfy which works very well for many...she is on 3 meds now and is still depressed, anxious and has trouble in social situations.


Please know that there are people who understand what you're experiencing. The fear, anxiety, helplessness can be numbing and when it's our child who's in such pain, well, sometimes it's hard to think of anything but their pain. Of course, what works for one, doesn't work for another. Right now what's helping my loved one, and is working well, is Abilify, Wellbutrin and Pristiq. Klonopin is available if needed. Talk therapy is weekly. I hope your daughter finds something that helps and I wish you peace. I'm not going to post any more about this as I'm very concerned about the fans and the damage they can do.

Susantoyota said... 95

Amy2 said... 93

PatK said...And one more thing. Did she get the appropriate filming permits?
And....did she get the kids work permits?

I would bet no. How would one find out?

Massachusetts specifically mentions children in entertainment (special permit required). But is TFMJG getting around this because they're on "vacation" and they are not residents of the state?

Rhymes with Witch said... 96

Could Kate be taking lessons from Sarah Palin and making her own internet channel? The Palin website includes some reality TV so its not out of the question that Kate may try this. 45

I doubt it. Katie doesn't take lessons from anyone

If this is the case then it would not last long. Her blog has and coupon sites are dead. She has no interest in actually doing work. 45

You've got that right.

Over In TFW's County said... 97

And if they did go to that 1D concert the other night, and had VIP seats, TLC probably paid for them, cause, Kate would not spend several hundreds of dollars for seats. The other concert cost $40 each.


They were in Boston filming and are apparently in Maine today. Going from Boston to Philly to a concert and then back up to Maine (when you already are in MA) doesn't make sense.

Rhymes with Witch said... 98

If they are out on a boat whether it be in Massachusetts or Maine, I hope someone brought Dramamine (notice I didn't say Katie).

Carrin said... 99

Just judging by the other shows TLC has, maybe K&8 is just another of their top quality viewing choices. Honey Boo Boo, Four Weddings, Four Houses, My 600 Pound Life, My Crazy Obsession, Sex Sent Me To The ER, and let's not forget Long Island Medium. I mean, really, why NOT add Kate and whatever title they are going by now. Doesn't Kate just fit right in?

Rhymes with Witch said... 100

Going from Boston to Philly to a concert and then back up to Maine (when you already are in MA) doesn't make sense. 97

It will all come out eventually. It always does. As others have said, she is devious and cunning not very bright.

NJGal51 said... 101

The only family vacations I enjoyed seeing were the Griswolds.

Rhymes with Witch said... 102

Doesn't Kate just fit right in? 99

I thought it, but didn't say it. :)

LisaNH said... 103

Hmm, Kate and the kids are filming in New England, one of the busiest times of year in New England, summertime. That was a good choice....not. I really can't see any of these historical places shutting down for Kate and her litter to be filmed. It wouldn't make any sense unless they were planning on pay big $$$$ because these historical places make a lot of money from tourists in the summer, especially places located on the shore.

Then again I could be wrong. I just still get the creeps about Kate being in my beloved NE!! LOL.

And I agree with all who posted that Rat Claws does appear to have gained some poundage around his belly.

And I too, am back on the "Kate + Steve 4Ever" side of the fence. He's her boy toy, for now, until she finds another sucker. ~ Administrator said... 104

It sounds like places are not shutting down but rather saying sure you can come but it's going to be at the end of the day when all the other people have left. Five o'clock, you know when kids are tired, hungry and pretty much done for the day and now are going to run around Plimoth and try to enjoy it.

Rhymes with Witch said... 105

It sounds like places are not shutting down but rather saying sure you can come but it's going to be at the end of the day when all the other people have left. Five o'clock, you know when kids are tired, hungry and pretty much done for the day and now are going to run around Plimoth and try to enjoy it. 103

Of course! The low blood sugar excuse.

Presuming that you are correct, it is unlikely that TLC is footing the bill. Jmo.

AuntieAnn said... 106

Formerly Duped said... 92

My daughter just can't find the right combo of drugs, including the add-on Abilfy which works very well for many...she is on 3 meds now and is still depressed, anxious and in social situations.


Formerly, I know how very difficult it is to see your child in pain. I'm sorry your daughter is struggling with these issues.

If you and your family are open to researching integrative health care, this is part of an article about vitamin B12 deficiency and depression by Kellly Brogan MD:

"One of the most remarkable papers I have read in the psychiatric literature was about a 57 year old woman who was treated with months of both antipsychotic and antidepressant medications and given two rounds of electroconvulsive treatment before anyone bothered to check her vitamin B12 level.

Her symptoms were years in the making including tearfulness, anxiety, movement abnormalities, constipation, lethargy, and eventually perceptual disturbances (hearing her name called) and the ultimate in severe psychiatric pathology: catatonia. Despite her inpatient treatment, she remained suicidal, depressed, and lethargic.

Within two months of identifying her deficiency, and subsequent B12 treatment, she reverted to her baseline of 14 years previous, and remained stable with no additional treatment.

If this is not a wake up call to the average psychiatric prescriber, I’m not sure what is. Much of what we attribute to serotonin and dopamine “deficiencies” melts away under the investigative eye of a more personalized style of medicine that seeks to identify hormonal, nutritional, and immune imbalances that can “look” psychiatric in nature."

Lalalalala said... 107

No Name For This One said... 72

Yes, that was me. Robin's death has hit me hard and I just think that there's so much we don't know and so many, many people suffering in silence. It truly breaks my heart. Best wishes to you.

getofftwitter said... 108

Why I say TLC is backing, cause, purseboy was working for TLC, he was with the Little couple, TLC is a big pay check, Kate is small potatoes. Purseboy is not going to quit TLC. That is why I do believe TLC is filming.

Perhaps they are taking another approach, another angle, to the Gosselin Saga. Divorced single struggling mom, who pieces & patches the finances, to pull enough money together for a "normal"vacation, you know like all of us take. Kate is trying to show that she has changed, and is like everyone else. Driving the BBB to Mass/Maine etc, just a normal family vacation, visiting normal sites.


This is as normal as Kate will ever get.
1. Normal people don't bring camera crew with on vacation
2. normal people don't go to a place that closes at 5pm to film in an empty place
3. normal people don't have a bodyguard.
4. normal people don't dress like a coochee mama, which I'm sure Kate was dressed as
5. normal people don't wear hooker heels to go touring, Kate probably did.

Don't forget that TLC also did some specials with the Roloffs, their shows rating was not high either, a lot of reality personalities, who's show had bombed, were given another show. Someone on TLC new staff, fell for Kates new idea or sob story: hook, line & sinker. Kate is determine to keep those kids on TV, one way or another till they are in college, just as she had planned.

Over In TFW's County said... 109

Then again I could be wrong. I just still get the creeps about Kate being in my beloved NE!! LOL.


LOL! Try living in the same area with her, all year round! Consider yourself lucky that she's only there for a short period of time. Add to that, now we have Gladys peering in windows.

LisaNH said... 110

Over In TFW's County said... 109
Then again I could be wrong. I just still get the creeps about Kate being in my beloved NE!! LOL.


LOL! Try living in the same area with her, all year round! Consider yourself lucky that she's only there for a short period of time. Add to that, now we have Gladys peering in windows.


Believe me, you have my heart felt sympathy on that one. I don't know how you can stand it. She really needs to go live on a deserted island so no one has to get the creeps from her living in the same area. Ugh.

getofftwitter said... 111

The phrase I was thinking of that best describes Kate:

the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world

Kate version: the one that controls the money, rules the roost.

In Kates house, you do as told, or she will cut you off, or take things away, or deny things, including food. Not to mention that purseboy has a vested interest with Kate, remember the companies and trusts Kate & purseboy formed. He is not going anywhere.

Formerly Duped said... 112

No Name For This One ..and AuntieAnn: Thank you both so much for your concern and ideas. Vitamin B12- I will certainly have this checked out.I appreciate the article.

I really love all you posters! You take the time to share and it means a lot. I don't know how many times I've been given info on a variety of topics that was helpful, and I've seen other posters receive ,too, empathy and kindness, as well as a lot of laughs. What an odd thing to come out of a 'Kate" discussion group!

AuntieAnn said... 113

Jumping In said... 23

TFW will claim they were friends until Robert's book came out and Steve was there to support all NINE of them against such rubbish. She suddenly realized she had fallen in love with her bodyguard, cue the music.


Let's just be grateful Shmoops and Chubs aren't filming an episode of 'Dating Naked'.

capecodmama said... 114

getofftwitter....Even tbough Skeeve is there, I still say TLC is not involved.

Sue said... 115

Has anyone checked Jamie's timeline or FB to see if she has anything to say about it? I'd check but don't know her last name.

LisaNH said... 116

Hey Capecomama, just wanted to say, I grew up on the Cape (W. Dennis and Hyannis). Even though I only live a few hours away, haven't been back in 20 years. Most of my friends and family moved off Cape :( But one of these days I'll get back there.

TLC stinks said... 117

Although this appears to be on the cheap, this filming is the same stale stuff she's been doing for us at a museum, watch us on a boat, etc. in that respect, it sounds like TLC but then again, Kate does not have one single ounce of creativity in her bones if she is doing a self-financed pilot. Either way, who wants to watch this stuff?

As far as Steve, I am totally convinced he is her business partner and gets a cut. That's her sneaky way of entangling him.

N.E. Psychologist said... 118

One of the most remarkable papers I have read in the psychiatric literature was about a 57 year old woman who was treated with months of both antipsychotic and antidepressant medications and given two rounds of electroconvulsive treatment before anyone bothered to check her vitamin B12 level. 106

PLEASE everyone, insist on ruling out medical causes to the extent possible. Vit B12, D, thyroid just to name a few. Such things can also be confounding factors in the presence of a real.psychiatric diagnosis as well.
This is not to say that some people have illnesses that are more complicated/difficult to treat. Just that it's important to look at the whole person.
Overall we've gotten better at this, but still...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 119

4. normal people don't dress like a coochee mama, which I'm sure Kate was dressed as
5. normal people don't wear hooker heels to go touring, Kate probably did.


Are there photos of this that would confirm that Kate dragged out her hooker attire? Milo says that she "sees" a camera crew. Where is the photo that shows the crew? Milo has the eye of a hawk when it comes to Kate, but where did she see this?

AuntieAnn said... 120

Formerly Duped, aw you're welcome. I'm glad you'll look into it and hope it can help your dh. When it comes to our kids we explore all the options.

(And I love this blog and the posters here, too)

NJGal51 said... 121

We can still refer to Steve as PB only we won't mean Purse Boy we'll mean Pudge Bucket! ~ Administrator said... 122

I was thinking Steve and his belly there have sort of that "I'm pretty comfortable in this relationship" look. The lived in, let yourself go stage that may happen a good two or three years in. ~ Administrator said... 123

Robin William's wife said he had Parkinson's. A very difficult diagnosis in its own right but I can't imagine somebody as flamboyant as him and also who was apparently very active in the cycling world, thinking about that all possibly ending. I wonder if he just decided he wanted it over on his own terms not before things got bad. She was saying he was actually clean and sober at the time but was battling depression. ~ Administrator said... 124

in that respect, it sounds like TLC but then again, Kate does not have one single ounce of creativity in her bones if she is doing a self-financed pilot


It really does have a pilot feel and it sounds pretty simple to me, like somebody mediocre like Kate planned the boring schedule. And it's ambitious, in Boston one day then off to the Maine coast the next, they are not really close. If you wanted to save money you would stay in one place.

Even so, the budget for this kind of thing has to be in the hundreds of thousands with all the traveling and pre and post production. Are we to believe she honestly has money to finance that? Real celebs can't even finance their own pilots sometimes. You have to set up a legit production company not just register some name, and you have to get funding. I just cannot picture her being able to do such a thing. At the same time I just have a hard time believing these sort of ratings were worth it to TLC especially with the concerning HUGE drop for the second episode. I guess that leaves a third option, a smaller lesser known network who would be happy with crap ratings? Talk about a puzzle this one is.

lukebandit said... 125

Formerly Duped said...112

What an odd thing to come out of a 'Kate" discussion group!


We take the lemons that kate throws at us and we gather them up and make big ol' jugs of cold lemonade w/a little rumspringa! lol

Someone posted that maybe Steve may need to back away from the pizza and eat a salad!

kate in panic distress about the pizza on the RV trip:

Steve, HE DOESN'T EAT SALAD!!! Looks like he needs to now!

Schmoopy and Chubs! Bwahahahaha ~ Administrator said... 126

I can't put my finger on it exactly but something about this doesn't smell like TLC.

I don't know, it feels rinky dink.

I could be wrong, we'll find out.

LisaNH said... 127

in that respect, it sounds like TLC but then again, Kate does not have one single ounce of creativity in her bones if she is doing a self-financed pilot


It really does have a pilot feel and it sounds pretty simple to me, like somebody mediocre like Kate planned the boring schedule. And it's ambitious, in Boston one day then off to the Maine coast the next, they are not really close. If you wanted to save money you would stay in one place.

Even so, the budget for this kind of thing has to be in the hundreds of thousands with all the traveling and pre and post production. Are we to believe she honestly has money to finance that? Real celebs can't even finance their own pilots sometimes. You have to set up a legit production company not just register some name, and you have to get funding. I just cannot picture her being able to do such a thing. At the same time I just have a hard time believing these sort of ratings were worth it to TLC especially with the concerning HUGE drop for the second episode. I guess that leaves a third option, a smaller lesser known network who would be happy with crap ratings? Talk about a puzzle this one is.


She could have taken a second mortgage on the house to finance this (if she is the one financing). That seems to be her only asset, that we know of.

Or maybe she got some 2nd rate network to do the filming?

Over And Out said... 128

There was a discussion here recently about helicopter parents and Brenda (Mrs. Uggs) contacting the Yankees (as well as Kate) about hiring her son. I just looked at her TL to see who she tweeted in NY, and apparently it isn't only the Yankees she's pestering. Bill Gates? LOL! If you were any of these people, wouldn't you wonder why Son isn't doing his own job search and steer clear of this person?

She is really scary. Kate, run away from that one. She's deep into Celebrity Worship. Whereas Milo is fixated on Kate, this one spreads herself more thin and is enamored with quite a few celebrities. Creepy.

@Yankees son #DreamJob work 4 u #Sabermetrics his strong suit 3.94gpa math major minor actuary science huge nyy fan

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@BillGates looking for a brilliant honest just graduated man? 3.94gpa Math major minor actuary science #HeIsYourGuy my son :)

lBrenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@MikeBloomberg my son just graduated from college 3.94gpa Math Major minor actuary science if looking for a gr8 person #HeIsYourMan

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@TheSharkDaymond any leads for someone hiring a brilliant math major? He loves NYC would relocate #AnyHelpAppreciated not having any luck 🙏🙏

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@TheSharkDaymond my son did not get the job at ESPN :( made it to final cut. Math major minor actuary 3.94 GPA #HardWorker please hire him 🙏

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@RobinRoberts always a class act! My son hopes to follow your footsteps #InterviewedAtESPN can you recommend a good town to live #FingersX

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@TheSharkDaymond since you are home come to Yankee game today My son and I will be there RF 103 gr8 seats ! Would love to meet you #Yankees

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@RobinRoberts @StuartScott @espn #ESPYS2014 well deserved ! Both great people. And hope my son is soon part of @Disney fam #HadJobInterview

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@TheSharkDaymond I must miss communicating with you... I had a dream about you last night that I finally met you :) #SoReal #MaybeSomeDay 🙏👌

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@BrunoMars @aloeblacc can I meet you PLEASE!!!!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏@HersheyPA #tonight

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@BrunoMars @aloeblacc Saturday can not come soon enough!! #HersheyPA going to be a "sweet" time #SoExcited would love to meet you !!!🙏🙏🙏👍👌

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@Ginger_Zee I am heading to the jersey shore. Wildwood. How is it looking for me ? 7/3 & 7/4??? You are doing great job ! Huge fan!&we met ! ~ Administrator said... 129

Oh I guess a reason I think TLC isn't involved is that I think it's less than ideal to start filming at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. I think TLC would have been able to finagle a better deal than that such that they're in there much earlier. It's only giving you a few hours of daylight to get everything you need. It's not ideal at all.

It totally has a feel of Kate WHO? You wanna come to Plimoth WHEN? Uh sure whatever as long as it's on OUR terms. I think TLC could have done better.

Anonymous said... 130

Wouldn't it be hilarious if Steve's company was financing this disaster?

PJ ~ Administrator said... 131

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@BillGates looking for a brilliant honest just graduated man? 3.94gpa Math major minor actuary science #HeIsYourGuy my son :)


Oh dear lord this is embarrassing. Son, control your mother!

Is it me or has his GPA gone up this week and his minors/majors changed?

Can you minor in "science" these days? That seems kinda broad. Yeah Mr White! Yeah science!!!

The sheeple are nothing if not entertaining.

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@TheSharkDaymond any leads for someone hiring a brilliant math major? He loves NYC would relocate #AnyHelpAppreciated not having any luck 🙏🙏

If you want good luck on a job search I would suggest you look outside Twitter. No wonder you're not having any luck. ~ Administrator said... 132

Wouldn't it be hilarious if Steve's company was financing this disaster?



Hilarious enough to pull out my Titanic graphic again. What are they THINKING???

It's just not TLC, I just have a hunch. How hilarious.

capecodmama said... 133

LisaNH...If you ever get back to the Cape, give me a heads up and we'll get together for a rumspringa.

Jeanne said... 134

I recently went to my neurologist for an analysis. Insert long medical history here that I won't bore you with. They wanted a blood test for B12 and thyroid before working on my problems. Thyroid and B12 are relatively easy to treat so they look there first. But please get the blood test before taking anything. ~ Administrator said... 135

Or maybe she got some 2nd rate network to do the filming?


I'm going with that one. Some random itty bitty cable network buried somewhere. Maybe TLC's rights ended when they filmed the special.

getofftwitter said... 136

Pudge bucket: love that! LOL!

Sleepless: In the ROL article, the Kelly person who was trying to take some pics of K & 8, says just to the right of the pic, was the reality camera crew, so they are out of the pic, but PB was trying to shield them, and preventing this Kelly person from taking any pics. Also, I'm guessing what Kate had on, it is her usual attire, and from what she wore to the concert, that is what she probably wore.

Here is some food for thought: TLC, will probably do more specials with K8, probably those contract ones. TLC is not going over board for Kate. The birthday was a backyard thing, not a Disneyland, or a trip over seas. But a trying to show a changed Kate, cause, TLC wised up on Kate. They will put her on TV, but they are not going to bend over backwards for her. Remember the RV episode: TLC gave Kate a chance to redeem herself, but Kate not picking up the signals, did as she felt like, and that is exactly what TLC wanted her to do. Keep doing what she was doing, so they could cancel her. Not catching the hint, that possibly TLC and everyone else was trying to tell her to change. Kate being Kate, it's my show I will do as I please. By having Kate drive/live/travel in an RV, for a couple of weeks, to show that Kate is like everyone else. But this is not Kate way of doing things. Kate is the celeb, the travel by plane, limo, stay in expensive hotel, be taken to & from event & place, not traveling around in a RV for 2 weeks. For this filming, in Mass. they had her drive there, no special treatment, to show how much she changed. Like she said in People, on how much things have changed. We all know Kate has not changed, just figured out how to play the game.

Jeanne said... 137

I would consider watching if they show Kate treating Steve like she always treated Jon. It would still show her as a shrew and confirm for us the pathetic position Steve has in life now.

Milo, Steve is working. Being in a relationship with Kate, whether for free or paid gigolo, is difficult work I am sure. He has been paid for years to satisfy Kate's every need and that's probably why he looks older.

The Daily Mail article quotes a woman as saying Steve prevented pictures by using his body to block their camera. That must be why he gained weight. He can block more cameras. Seriously, how can a good bodyguard be out of shape? I'll protect you as long as your attackers can't run fast. ~ Administrator said... 138

2. normal people don't go to a place that closes at 5pm to film in an empty place


I've never believed it's good for these kids to go to cleared out places. It's not good for them. It spoils them.

At the height of tourist season Plimoth is going to be a huge tourist trap. That means you have to wait your turn in line, crowd around huge groups of people trying to hear the person in costume speaking, brush up against people all day long, be hot and tired, wait in line for food and drinks again, get there early to avoid the crowds which means getting up early, learn to plan vacations when it's NOT the high season, etc.

This is life. They need to know this.

Jeanne said... 139

The Black Dog Cafe closed abruptly this week. This is where Jon was working for a while. The owners said they couldn't make enough money to keep it open. The article included a line about Jon working there last year. I think you have to be a subscriber to read the article at Reading Eagle but a similar article is free on WFMZ Channel 69.

LisaNH said... 140

capecodmama said... 134
LisaNH...If you ever get back to the Cape, give me a heads up and we'll get together for a rumspringa

Sounds like a plan! Rumspringa and chowdah!! LOL. ;)

Rhymes with Witch said... 141

I'm only being somewhat sarcastic here - I think that Katie will be a DSM diagnosis at some point.

Blowing In The Wind said... 142

At the height of tourist season Plimoth is going to be a huge tourist trap. That means you have to wait your turn in line, crowd around huge groups of people trying to hear the person in costume speaking, brush up against people all day long, be hot and tired, wait in line for food and drinks again, get there early to avoid the crowds which means getting up early, learn to plan


Maybe it is, depending on the day and time, but I have never found this to be true. We've been there many times during the summer and it has never been crowded. In fact, last summer we weren't even sure it was open, and it was right after lunch. We just wandered around on our own and had a wonderful time with no crowds. It is such an open area that we never were brushed up against anyone trying to hear the volunteer at the various sites, but I imagine if there were bus tours or kids on field trips, this could be a possibility. I love that place, especially stocking up on blueberry soap from the gift shop! ~ Administrator said... 143

Blowing that's good! Although, maybe that's not good. I remember having to wait our turn to approach a person in costume and that it was crowded. I wonder if people are losing interest in things like this in the age of iPhones and iPads. In any case, they do need to learn that they will not be able to clear a room with anything other than a fart when they are grown and mediocre.

Blowing In The Wind said... 144

I'm going with that one. Some random itty bitty cable network buried somewhere. Maybe TLC's rights ended when they filmed the special.


I'm going with that one, too. I just find it difficult to believe that TLC had anything to do with this.
Then again, we've been surprised before.

FYI said... 145

Milo's still at it.

Radar Online ‏@radar_online · 3h
Kate Gosselin’s bodyguard Steve Neild caught vacationing with her & the kids:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 12m
@radar_online Ha! Silly article! Mr.Nield is doing what he always does when they R filming > providing security, crowd control! @Kateplusmy8

For one thing, you'd think she'd know the correct spelling of Uncle Steve's last name.

Crowd control?? What crowd? If there was a crowd I'm sure there would have been more tweets and pictures.

Steve probably was the designated driver for the BBB. I've been to Boston many times and there's no way Kate could drive in Boston. The traffic there is crazy.

I'm also wondering if someone else drove the bus there(TLC crew or whatever crew there is) and Kate, Steve and the kids actually flew into Logan Airport and met up with the driver of the BBB there.

Of course, if this show ever airs, Kate will pretend that she did all the driving. ~ Administrator said... 146

Does anyone else remember Colonial House? It was really good! ~ Administrator said... 147

I'm going with that one, too. I just find it difficult to believe that TLC had anything to do with this.
Then again, we've been surprised before.


Yes, well at least it will be something to snark about if we never get Celebrity Apprentice or its delayed.

I have to admit I'm kind of feeling like I think it was Sherri. She was essentially saying what's done is done, it's really too late to do much else for the kids and it's hard to really care anymore. I understand that. It's sort of like, how long can you stay in the game here and continue to be invested and disappointed when they keep being exploited again and again? At a certain point the investment is a road to nowhere and I don't disagree that we've totally reached that point.

LisaNH said... 148 (Administrator) said... 144
Blowing that's good! Although, maybe that's not good. I remember having to wait our turn to approach a person in costume and that it was crowded. I wonder if people are losing interest in things like this in the age of iPhones and iPads. In any case, they do need to learn that they will not be able to clear a room with anything other than a fart when they are grown and mediocre.

People are losing interest in museums and historical sites. We used to be members of Strawberry Banke Museum in Portsmouth, NH (until they went political-then we stopped being members-museums have no business being political-unless it's a political museum LOL). Anyway it's a bit like Plimouth Plantation, it's like a living history museum with the actors but they encompass different time periods. Anyway, they have, for years struggled to keep afloat because they don't get the crowds they used to. There have been numerous articles in local papers about how people don't frequent museums the way they used to.

PA Dutch Mom said... 149

Blowing, 143...I love that place, especially stocking up on blueberry soap from the gift shop!



PA Dutch Mom said... 150

Kate Is A Twit said..."Crowd control?? What crowd? If there was a crowd I'm sure there would have been more tweets and pictures.

Steve probably was the designated driver for the BBB. I've been to Boston many times and there's no way Kate could drive in Boston. The traffic there is crazy."


What crowd? My gosh that woman is delusional. She has a few screws loose. Scratch entire box of loose screws. Maybe she thinks all of the Boston traffic is comprised of fans who just want to reach out and touch Kate and they heard that she was coming.

There are two places that I refuse to drive. One is DC and the other is Boston. Been there, done that and I swore if I ever got out of that city with my car and brain intact, I would never do it again, and I haven't.

librarylady said... 151

OT and re: the sheeple job-hunting for son - my kid would be mortified if I posted something like that on social media. But, times have changed and with my kid recently graduated, it's become apparent that even parents posting has become the norm. It's all who you know now, not what you know. And with the way job hunting has been for recent grads, I've noticed that convention has gone out the window. I myself haven't been above asking customers where I work about leads for my kid if I know they are in the field (but I do know them well, not strangers). The problem with this sheeple mom is her overly effusive approach and direct tweets to random famous people. That I have NOT seen!

Math majors are struggling to find jobs, but actuarial science majors not as much. Maybe his mom is going to interviews with him, too! (I do have empathy for him, still not easy for new grads. And it appears that his mother is, mmm, unusual).

PA Dutch Mom said... 152

Milo is clamin that Kate is trendin on Yahoo. flash. So are lunch bags.

Math Girl said... 153 (Administrator) said... 132

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66

@BillGates looking for a brilliant honest just graduated man? 3.94gpa Math major minor actuary science #HeIsYourGuy my son :)

Can you minor in "science" these days? That seems kinda broad. Yeah Mr White! Yeah science!!!
She actually said "actuary science". In real life (not Brenda's twitter) it's called actuarial science; an actuary is a person, not a subject.

Actuarial science is a branch of mathematics related to insurance and investments, and would probably be of no interest at all to Bill Gates. It's a highly specialized field. If someone actually needed that expertise, they'd want a real actuary, which is a professional designation. Kind of like you'd want a CPA and not someone with a minor in accounting.

Got to live up to my name. ~ Administrator said... 154

She actually said "actuary science". In real life (not Brenda's twitter) it's called actuarial science; an actuary is a person, not a subject.

Lol Math Girl! Thanks! I thought "actuary" was Brenda's typo for "actually."


When being an obnoxious overbearing helicopter mom for your grown a-- son, you might want to get his major right.

Blowing In The Wind said... 155

Blowing, 143...I love that place, especially stocking up on blueberry soap from the gift shop!




I never asked. I haven't eaten any...yet. ;)

NJGal51 said... 156

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@RobinRoberts @StuartScott @espn #ESPYS2014 well deserved ! Both great people. And hope my son is soon part of @Disney fam #HadJobInterview
Is he going to follow in his mother's footsteps and be Goofy or Daffy Duck? Seriously Brenda, give it up and for Hod's sake, stop tweeting pictures of him at the Yankees game with his mommy! ~ Administrator said... 157

OT and re: the sheeple job-hunting for son - my kid would be mortified if I posted something like that on social media. But, times have changed and with my kid recently graduated, it's become apparent that even parents posting has become the norm


Any kid would be mortified.

I think times have changed in terms of networking. I think people network way more aggressively now and will try anything from their pastor to the mailman to find some kind of connection. But we're not talking about networking. That's different. I think it's perfectly acceptable, if a parent actually KNOWS somebody in a certain field either socially or through work, it's acceptable to discuss your child and that they are interested in the field. Then if that person offers, you may pass on their contact info to your child. At THAT point it is up to your child to make the next move. I've actually met half a dozen parents like these through various things, church, hobbies whatever, usually random conversations, who have sons/daughters in law school who ask me for tips. I always give them my business card and invite them to have their kid call me. Nobody would think anything of that or hold it against the child that mommy was the first contact. BUT if mommy called ME about it instead of their son, I wouldn't pass their info on.

But networking is not what Brenda is doing. She is reaching out to random people on Twitter trying to get attention and interest in her grown man son. That is HIS job, not mom's. And even in this day in age, any reputable employer would cross him off the list. ~ Administrator said... 158

Is he going to follow in his mother's footsteps and be Goofy or Daffy Duck? Seriously Brenda, give it up and for Hod's sake, stop tweeting pictures of him at the Yankees game with his mommy!


Okay does her son know she is doing all this? Does he have twitter and does she tweet him? How much you wanna bet he doesn't know? Can you imagine if someone DID track him down after she tweeted them, I would not put it past a big company to have enough man power to track down who the hell is this woman and her son who is pestering them and then cross him off the list. She's not even helping at this point if it ever was to incessantly tweet Disney AFTER the interview. He got the interview, now leave it! He needs to send a thank you note or thank you phone call and Mommy needs to butt out.

I noticed she said @espn fell through for the poor guy. I wonder if that's because some mom crashed the @espn twitter account yapping about how she wants her son to soon be part of the @espn family.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 159

I don't get the Yahoo trending thing Milo is always talking about. I've looked on Yahoo when Milo's said that and can't find it.

I wonder if Kate "trends" because she's got all those bots on her timeline day and night. Would that make someone "trend?" ~ Administrator said... 160

That's sad museums like this don't do well anymore. We also had something like this growing up and it was good fun.

I think reenactors in general may be a fading past time. Civil War reenactors were a huge thing where I grew up. Not so much now. I don't know what this all relates to but I think it's probably a combination of many things. That includes I think people have higher standards for their entertainment now and watching a history buff prattle on about obscure subjects isn't entertaining anymore. It is to me, but I see why it isn't to the special effects texting generation. I go to the Underwood Family Farms annual Civil War days thing every year and the crowd gets older by the year. I think kids see this as nerdier than we ever did when I was a kid.

Blowing In The Wind said... 161

I didn't think that anyone could be creeper than Milo, but Bren Uggs is right there in contention for second place. She is so taken by celebrities that she actually believes they care about her, and that's pitiful. I can sort of understand how pre-teens and teens could be obsessed with celebrities, but she's a grown adult woman with a genius for a son. Something is very off there.

Meagler said... 162

Anyone else having a hard time accessing Kate's twitter. For me it says that account doesn't comes up for a second then shuts down saying that....

And very.interesting about the filming.....I figured Jon had the kids, but now we know better! ~ Administrator said... 163

I just looked at the pics Brenda's posted of her son out of curiosity. He looks normal, friendly, and very bright wearing all his honors sashes.

Put on a good suit and go into the interview with confidence. You can get a job without Mommy. Believe that you can.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 164

Put on a good suit and go into the interview with confidence. You can get a job without Mommy. Believe that you can.


Wouldn't she have to wean him first? ~ Administrator said... 165

I can sort of understand how pre-teens and teens could be obsessed with celebrities, but she's a grown adult woman with a genius for a son. Something is very off there.


It's possible with a son as bright as that, she is very bright too and this is genetic. A GPA that high in something like math is impressive. A lot of smart people are like this, "odd". I think she sounds, and frankly looks, terribly socially awkward to me. Like too smart awkward.

There may be absolutely nothing wrong with her other than plain ole "awkward."

Milo is way beyond just awkward though and not smart at all.

Anonymous said... 166

Well, color me amused. So Steve is the professional photo-bomber not body guard.

The Brenda woman's frantic tweeting to people she doesn't know, as if they were best buds, looking for a job for her son (poor thing) is beyond ridiculous. As a college professor I was shocked to sometimes receive inquiries from parents. I tried to tell myself they were paying the tuition, maybe, but come on folks, time to butt out of the little darling's business. If you raised him/her to think it was ok to not do the work and still get a good grade, you were wrong. Don't blame me.

librarylady said... 167

It will be interesting to see exactly what's up with this filming. The demise of many reality ratings has been when people start with the free trips. Not so sure that's a good way to try to weasel back onto tv. (Lol, I knew the overly excited pre-braces tweet had nothing to do with braces, it was too ecstatic.)

Maine certainly is the hotspot for vacations right now. We've actually been trying to go for years but haven't had enough time, but can't tell you how many coworkers have gone that way this year and last. Guess everyone was tired of the Redneck Riviera in this neck of the woods, lol! Wish we could schedule enough vacation time to go, thought this year, but our graduate actually got a job (om his own and with only resume help and not desperate tweets to celebrities from mom, lol.) Another time, hopefully.

Greedy Gosselins said... 168

As someone who suffers from depression, anxiety and panic disorder and as someone who was a moment away from shoving a handful of pills down her throat, this news has just wrecked me. I was saved by someone coming home early. It just makes me so sad to know that he felt like he couldn't go on living anymore. Having those disorders and then being diagnosed with a disease like Parkinson's must have been completely unbearable and he probably didn't want to be a burden on his family which makes it so much more heartbreaking. ~ Administrator said... 169

Wouldn't she have to wean him first?


She could pump. Interviews don't last too long usually.

librarylady said... 170

Tweet 159, I don't know, either. Our internet provider is attached to Yahoo and the trending shows up each time, but K is never on there when Milo claims, including today.

But I did notice that "lunch bags" is currently trending at #7 when I checked my email not long ago! :)

lukebandit said... 171

Yes, Admin, I remember Colonial House on PBS. I really liked it. It has been a few years back.

I bought a English Literature book for school at a yard sale for 2 dollars about 12 years ago. It was 1901 or 05 and what was so fascinating about it was the original label was there and you could tell the teacher had signed each year each girls name in the book. Beautiful handwriting.

I wanted SO BAD to find the relatives to these girls. I wanted to send them a zerox copy of the label so they could have it. That is at least 6 maybe 7 generations ago. The book was from up north. Oh, I forgot what state. I wanted to sell it to the board of education so they could display it. If the internet today was as it was back then, I could of easily done it. I am hoping it is in my things packed up in the attic at my mothers house.

SusanNH said... 172

IF the Witch mother was filming in Maine, there will a puke worthy scene of her trying to eat a Lobster. Wait for it...hollering and screeching with a bib on while she trys to rip the poor cooked spider like creature limb from limb....Good Tv for sure. Bet they end up in Ogunquit, Me. Clambake...but maybe Kittery.

PA Dutch Mom said... 173

Wouldn't she have to wean him first?


She could pump. Interviews don't last too long usually.


lol! Wiping the Rumspringa off my keyboard.

I looked at the photo of her and some others with @ChrisFranjola, and I'm going to be good and not say a thing about weaning or pumping. Not one word.

PatK said... 174

OMG. I just read those tweets of Brenda's posted upthread! What a nutter she is. Her son needs to run fast and far.

SusanNH said... 175

I want to go on record here, I said it before..Kate Gosselin has been doing Steve since day one...White Bikini, Orange Bikini, ,knocking knees, whatever.
I studied body language. She makes no secret....Steve can put on a poker body/face. He never fooled me. As the stomach churns.

Millicent said... 176

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@TheSharkDaymond my son did not get the job at ESPN :( made it to final cut. Math major minor actuary 3.94 GPA #HardWorker please hire him ��
I cannot express how embarrassed I am on behalf of this young man. It reminds me of an I Love Raymond episode, where Marie jinxes Robert's interview with the FBI. That was funny, but it was a tv show, not reality.

I love my son with all my heart, but I respect him as well. I know he's smart and articulate and able to accomplish many things --- all without mommy's help! I would never in a million years do what this woman is doing. Oh My Lanta! I think she is selfish - she is using her "brilliant" son to try to get attention from others. Stand back and let him shine on his own lady - he's the one who did the school work and got the grades, not you.

I am very curious to learn (eventually) what this filming was about, who financed it, and if it will ever see the light of day. I too question whether there is a viewing audience who would be interested in watching six ten-year olds and two 13-year olds visit different tourist attractions. Why would that be interesting? I'm not interested in watching teenage girls turn their noses up at historical artifacts as "so lame" and "borrrrrrrrrrrrring." I am even less interested in watching Hannah try to get one or more of her brothers in trouble with their mother. And more vomiting while out on the ocean? No thanks!

Let's hope this is a real clunker and is politely turned down by all networks.

Sherry Baby said... 177

PatK said... 172...OMG. I just read those tweets of Brenda's posted upthread! What a nutter she is. Her son needs to run fast and far.

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@TheSharkDaymond since you are home come to Yankee game today My son and I will be there RF 103 gr8 seats ! Would love to meet you #Yankees

What? She's telling a celebrity to come to a game so He and meet HER, and is giving him her seat location? What a nutcase.

AuntieAnn said... 178

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 12m
@radar_online Ha! Silly article! Mr.Nield is doing what he always does when they R filming > providing security, crowd control! @Kateplusmy8


Of course we know Gladys is just yanking people's chains here but it is kind of funny. Seriously, how many fans of Kate Gosselin are likely to show up at a Pilgrim museum in Massachusetts where they'll need crowd control? One? Two, maybe?

Okay, three.

I kind of doubt a riot will break out.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 179

But I did notice that "lunch bags" is currently trending at #7 when I checked my email not long ago! :)


Kate is now at #6. right above lunch bags! ~ Administrator said... 180

Stand back and let him shine on his own lady - he's the one who did the school work and got the grades, not you.


Agree. One of my pet peeves.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 181

stuckinkansas ‏@tkgun73 29m
Wish ppl would sign a petition 2 protect me from Kate Gosselin haters that attack when I tweet her. Its harassment even if u can block them.

Good grief. Kate really attracts the odd ones, doesn't she? Poor baby.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 182

Stand back and let him shine on his own lady - he's the one who did the school work and got the grades, not you.


But she birthed him. Doesn't that count for anything?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 183

I was reading Kate timeline and these special needs fans should be off limits from the attack of the non-fans. It's just really cruel. You don't do that. You just don't.

Anonymous said... 184

Kate is never going away. All of the posts about she is done and nobody wants her prove to be not true. Kate will film the hell out of all the kids and I think even some--not all-- will continue to film with TLC even after they leave the Gosselin compound. TLC will film most of their weddings and perhaps even after that. And I think Kate is counting on that.

Kate's ratings for the first special hour was 2.36 million and I think (not sure) the second hour was around 1.7 million. We thought that was not good but I did some searching to see what other TLC's shows ratings were. Below is a sample. It is kind of all over the place but you will get a feelings for what their poplular shows have in ratings. And Kate's rating was pretty good for TLC standards. No, not great by any means but good enough.

Honey Boo Boo for the premeire in June 2014 was 1.73. Sister Wives was .7 in Sept. 2013 though much higher in earlier years. Little People earnerd 2.1 million in Oct. 2013. Also Little People will have 5 episodes for their "new season" that will start in Sept. 2. Jeremy is getting married. Little Couple's rating were 2.2 in Oct. 2013. Since the adoptions their ratings are much higher of course. And I found this quote by tvbythenumbers: In Sept. 2011, TLC top 20 shows averaged 1.0 viewers.

So I think KatePlus8 did pretty good as far as TLC is concerned. The problem with Kate's show is she has nothing going on in her life or the kids' lives. NOTHING. Little Couple has all the adoptions. And even Little People Big World had a bunch of previous specials but they had a lot of new stuff going on in their family. For instance, they started doing weddings, the twins left home and got girlfriends, the twins are both now engaged, the parents fought like hell and seperated, etc.

Personally I think Kate Plus 8 was cancelled in August 2011 because of two of the kids getting expelled. Yes, they were expelled a year earlier and they kept filming but I think that was because they had a contract. I think it scared the hell out of TLC that TWO of the kids were kicked out of school because of very serious behaviour problems. My goodness, TLC were very heavily in their lives since they were toddlers. TLC did not want to be associated with Kate and her 8 kids when the new school year started in 2011 and the two kids were back in school on a permanent basis. Kate's ratings in 2011 were falling but they were not terrible. TLC had plenty of other shows with those ratings and they did not cancel them.

Anyway, I am very sickened that Kate will be back on the air.

Sideline Observer said... 185

"I agree this is laying the foundation for her and Steve's "coming out" party..."


It would be a total curveball if the "coming out" was out of the closet.

Other than Steve-O being a totally money-driven mercenary who knows an easy paycheck when he sees one, I can't think of much else that could explain his continuing tolerance of TFW. Outside of a couple of tabloid stories, his wife doesn't seem to be terribly worked-up about it. Sure, there were reports of her giving an ultimatum or two to Steve-O, but there hasn't been any real-world confirmation that it actually happened.

Paula said... 186

So I think KatePlus8 did pretty good as far as TLC is concerned.

Kate had been off the air almost 3 years - imo, that explained the ratings 0 curiosity. I don't think she could sustain that each week and, what with Kate's demands and personality, does TLC think she's worth it? I don't think so. They have the Duggars and their children to bank on. TLC biggest ratings hit seems to be those crazy sex shows, which are cheap to film and produce. I might be wrong, but TLC doesn't need Kate. ~ Administrator said... 187

So I think KatePlus8 did pretty good as far as TLC is concerned.


I really don't think so.

The first episode had the lookie loo factor and did better than anticipated. The second episode was the true test, and sure enough that saw a really massive ratings plummet. If I were TLC, I'd go by the second episode if I were them for a more accurate accounting of what ratings a series would pull in.

I am just scratching my head trying to think how they would think the ratings for that second episode would in any way justify starting a series.

JMO said... 188

My 2 cents- I do think TLC or some network did the filming, but on a much lower budget that TFW is used to, and most likely while the kids are still available before school starts. Yes, we will pay gas money to travel, have you go to 2 different locations in a very short period of time (Mass/Maine) and air it as a special when we feel like it.

Of course TFW will NEVER turn down filming. Time will tell who sponsored the filming. ~ Administrator said... 189

I love my son with all my heart, but I respect him as well. I know he's smart and articulate and able to accomplish many things --- all without mommy's help! I would never in a million years do what this woman is doing.


Here's another thing about helicopter moms like that woman. They don't seem to understand it's okay, even beneficial sometimes, to let their baby boy fall flat on his face.

It's good he didn't get the job at ESPN. He's young enough that it shouldn't break him. He needs to know you can't always get what you want, that job searching can be frustrating, and he needs to figure out and self assess what he could do better so he gets the job at the next place.

The problem with a hover mother is when they do things FOR the kid instead of letting the kid navigate it themselves, the kid can easily miss out on important lessons like that.

She needs to be okay with letting her son fall flat on his face. Maybe it's going to take six months for him to find a job. It wouldn't be the first time somebody fresh out of college had difficulty. Let him fall flat on his face, pick himself up and dust himself off without spitting on a tissue and wiping his cheeks. He will find a job, and if he allowed to do it himself, the accomplishment when he finally gets that offer will feel sweeter.

Anonymous said... 190

We don't know if TLC is filming the Gosselins in Boston but more than likely it is TLC. WE will find out in a few months or till Kate spills the beans.

My guess is they are going to give her maybe 2 to 4 specials once a year. That is basically what they have been doing with Little People.

I agree that her ratings for the June special will decline in any further episodes. I think many tuned in to see what the kids looked like and how they acted. Again, Kate Plus 8 biggest downfall with future filming in the next few years will be there is nothing new going on in their lives. There is nothing exciting about 10 year olds and bratty 14 teenagers. And if they do any Thanksgiviing or Christmas specials the Gosselins don't have any family to filming interesting. Maybe in a few years it will be more exciting when the tups turn into teenagers and Mady and Cara are datings. But right now, I just think it will be boring.

I just hope that they are paying Kate a low salary for each episode. I do believe she earned $250,000 per episode when they started filming Kate Plus 8 in the summer of 2010. She was very popular then and just coming off of DWTS. But it is a totally different game today. Maybe that is why TLC agreed to film her again...maybe Kate accepted a very low figure thinking it was better than nothing.

JMO said... 191

I do find it interesting that Kate has brought in friends for Mady for filming. Sounds like Mady gets what she wants in exchange for filming- concerts, friends with filming, who knows what else. Strings attached to try to control and produce filming. The boys and C have checked out for the most part, negotiations with Mady, but of course, everyone wants to film!! I guess 3 out of 8 isn't bad. (snark)

Sad, but TFW gets what TFW wants, as we all know. ~ Administrator said... 192

I do find it interesting that Kate has brought in friends for Mady for filming. Sounds like Mady gets what she wants in exchange for filming- concerts, friends with filming, who knows what else.


Oh yeah I can see that.

I won't go unless my BFF comes too! Stomp stomp!

If there's one good thing about this it's that the kids are going to make her life hell. They are old enough to realize how badly she wants to exploit them. I think they get it now, no question, especially the twins. They will only continue to develop a better understanding of it. So now they are realizing they have a little something called LEVERAGE over Shmoopy. You should never really have leverage over your own mother. It's not a good thing. For your mother anyway. But they got it and now they're doing their own version of exploiting it. They're going to get what they want, which is kind of cool as a kid to have that power.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 193

Why do I have the feeling that Mrs. Uggs has a bit of Gladys in her,
and will expect a parade in her honor if Junior really does get a job
with her help?

TLC stinks said... 194

I at first thought this was some self-promotion deal, but now I can see that TLC does see some value in keeping up with Kate and kids with these specials. As long as she makes news in the tabloids, she is worth something. Filming a vacation does have the stink of TLC on it. Also, the twins turn 14 in October, so it's possible this vacation could be rolled into that special.

As far as Steve, he's totally a business partner, probably more, and as long as there is money in his pocket, the guy is not going anywhere. I don't believe either of them care about what the tabloids write because it makes news, good or bad. I suspect Steve did not do much with Kate after CA (he did not go with her to NYC), but Radar was misled when he was home. I think he did spend time with his family this summer but it was short lived because he was "needed" for the concert and this current filming.

Common sense says their relationship is too close. Can't speak for his wife, and some turn a blind eye, but really?

Circling the drain said... 195

Whoever is filming this will have to learn the hard way that people just don't want to watch children suffer. The emotional abuse is astounding. The last special was so weird...kinda like look at Kate be an asshole to her kids. No thanks

FlimsyFlamsy said... 196

Greedy Gosselins (#169), sorry to hear about what you have endured.
I hope things have gotten better for you.

And Border Collie (#167), it's always nice to see you commenting!

Paula said... 197

And just in time for next season's filming....another Duggar daughter gets engaged.....

Anonymous said... 198

Sideline Observer said... 186
"I agree this is laying the foundation for her and Steve's "coming out" party..."


It would be a total curveball if the "coming out" was out of the closet.

Other than Steve-O being a totally money-driven mercenary who knows an easy paycheck when he sees one, I can't think of much else that could explain his continuing tolerance of TFW. Outside of a couple of tabloid stories, his wife doesn't seem to be terribly worked-up about it. Sure, there were reports of her giving an ultimatum or two to Steve-O, but there hasn't been any real-world confirmation that it actually happened.


Funny you should mention that. I've been wondering for a while why it seems that Mrs. N. tolerates this nonsense. Could it be that Steve is Kreider's beard? She's such a man-hater, it wouldn't surprise me. Not that there's anything wrong with that. (for Seinfeld fans. lol)

Can this story get any crazier?


NJGal51 said... 199

Looks like Mrs. Uggs has deleted all of the tweets begging for a job for her son.

Sleepless - I agree with you about the haters leaving the special needs fans alone. Most do but those few that make fun of them and call them names are disgusting.

Anonymous said... 200

Re: filming and Mady's bff. I do not understand the thinking of a parent that would allow their child to be part of the Gosselin filming 'vacation'. Not my kid, never.

OrangeCrusher 1

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