Monday, September 29, 2014

Samy from Amy's Baking Company seen going off on customer

The notorious Arizona eatery featured on Kitchen Nightmares is in the news again. This time because of a viral video which appears to show one of the owners, Samy Bouzaglo, chasing after a customer with a weapon. His wife Amy in turn calls the customer a "piece of sh** coward."

Samy and Amy say the patron was drunk, and that Samy had a pen in his hand, not a knife.

Should such volatile and unstable people be cast on reality T.V. in the first place?

918 sediments (sic) from readers:

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foxy said... 1

How do they stay in business? They are really scary people or sly as a fox for publicity.

PJ's momma said... 2

How on earth are these people still in business? Wow. ~ Administrator said... 3

I do have to say it's kind of funny in the beginning of the video Amy holds Samy back and at the end of the video Samy is holding Amy back. Those two are made for each other.

localyocul said... 4

This place is still in business? SMH

NJGal51 said... 5

I really am going to have to stop in there the next time I head up to Scottsdale.

JoyinVirginia said... 6

Amy's Baking Company has fancy aspirations but horrible people running it. In contrast, today I had a fabulous chicken biscuit on a truly exceptional homemade biscuit at... the Stop Quick Citgo Station at mile post ten in Nags Head NC. Better known as Miss Helen's, and the popular name ” Biscuits and Porn” . Seriously, google it! Its a convenience store/gas station that has fantastic food esp unbelievably good biscuits. And friendly people! And yes, they sell a wide selection of ” adult magazines”. Along with t shirts, beer coozies, shot glasses, and hats that proudly say ” biscuits and porn”. yes, there is a Miss Helen who is in her seventies now, butt only stopped working full time last year. Its her biscuit recipe that is so amazingly good!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 7

yes, there is a Miss Helen who is in her seventies now, butt only stopped working full time last year. Its her biscuit recipe that is so amazingly good!


Is Miss Helen the madam?

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 8

Kate's silly sheep are up in arms about the "haters" harassment on Twitter:

@RealZiggyFlo @GeeWhiz__ @twitter @Support @Kateplusmy8 @dickc All they need 2do is read timeline.They have been at it since 2008 or earlier

How can that be since Kate didn't have Twitter until 2011?

redbirdsings said... 9

When Samy and Amy were dancing around while Samy had the knife pointed in her direction, it looked like to me he jumped and he barely missed stabbing her with the knife. Can't believe they haven't been arrested for causing mayhem and disturbing the peace.

Oh, here is a doosy.

From GQ:

George Zimmerman's brother tells GQ magazine he hoped to 'rebrand' the former neighborhood watch volunteer by making him the star of his own reality TV show. 'I learned a lot from watching 'Keeping up with the Kardashians.'

So freaking unbelievable!

redbirdsings said... 10

So glad they tracked down and got the guy wanted for the disappearance of Hannah Graham from VA. If you didn't hear, today it was announced that they had forensic evidence that matched Jesse Matthews with the girl that was found 3 months ago, Morgan Harrington.

I knew it was going to match, had a gut feeling. There are more girls that have been missing in the area over the years. God bless these families.

Tucker's Mom said... 11

redbirdsings said... 10
So glad they tracked down and got the guy wanted for the disappearance of Hannah Graham from VA. If you didn't hear, today it was announced that they had forensic evidence that matched Jesse Matthews with the girl that was found 3 months ago, Morgan Harrington.
Morgan was murdered several years ago, but her body was found 3 months after she disappeared, also in C'ville.
In my area, there was a murder last year that was eerily similar to a murder a decade previously, and in close proximity. Shortly after, a third person was murdered and everyone thought, "holy shit, a serial killer?".
A man was arrested in W. VA on a gun charge, but was seriously thought to be responsible for the murders in my area.
He was held in jail and finally charges with all 3 murders and now awaits trial.
I had a funny feeling when they arrested him for gun charges that he was the guy- just too many connections to the murder victims to be a coincidence.
So, I'm really hoping that more than Hannah's case can be solved by catching this animal, who apparently was living amongst the good citizens and co-eds of Albermarle County, VA for 10 years or so, and scarily, working at the medical center with patients!

Tucker's Mom said... 12

JoyinVirginia said... 6
Amy's Baking Company has fancy aspirations but horrible people running it. In contrast, today I had a fabulous chicken biscuit on a truly exceptional homemade biscuit at... the Stop Quick Citgo Station at mile post ten in Nags Head NC. Better known as Miss Helen's, and the popular name ” Biscuits and Porn”
That's my kind of place!
Sam and Amy are both off their respective rockers. They, too, boasted about getting soooooooooo many reality tv offers. Of course, no one is going to touch these 2 head cases with a 10-foot pole.

Tucker's Mom said... 13

JoyinVirginia said... 6
Amy's Baking Company has fancy aspirations but horrible people running it. In contrast, today I had a fabulous chicken biscuit on a truly exceptional homemade biscuit at... the Stop Quick Citgo Station at mile post ten in Nags Head NC. Better known as Miss Helen's, and the popular name ” Biscuits and Porn”
Our fave in the OBX is bbq out of a shack ;-)

localyocul said... 14

From the other thread about the squirrel article, what a stupid article. I bet a majority of people talk to squirrels when they are stopped in front if them. I was doing this the other day tryin to will it to turn around and not go across the other lane (he even listened to me)

Dmasy said... 15

As a new resident in Texas, I have learned not to judge the food inside by the derelict appearance of the outside. No-harm-to-the-charm seems to be the rule for some roadside restaurants. It's an adventure in eating!

Tucker's Mom said... 16

localyocul said... 14
From the other thread about the squirrel article, what a stupid article. I bet a majority of people talk to squirrels when they are stopped in front if them. I was doing this the other day tryin to will it to turn around and not go across the other lane (he even listened to me)
September 30, 2014 at 5:35 AM
All the time!
"Come on, buddy! Turn around! Go Go Go!"

What that article missed completely is that Kate puts this crap out there to obfuscate the clear evidence that she neglected and abused her animals.
Just look at the fact that Shoka lives outdoors most of the time. Why? I understand working dogs who are kept with live stock to protect them. Those dogs attach to the live stock.
But Shock was meant to be a family pet, and family pets do NOT live outdoors!

Formerly Duped said... 17

The only real reality show iMO- and I'm sure it's scripted and edited too- is Pitbulls and Parolees. It premieres on the weekend I think. It tells true stories of pitbull rescues and about the paroled young men who work on the dog sanctuary in New Orleans. Tia Torres is amazing- I saw her on a talk show and she wore a black tank and casual pants, looked like she had no makeup or her hair done, but talked vivaciously about the show, the dogs and the parolees and said yes, everything is real.No Hollywood bug has got to her!

Virginia Pen Mom said... 18

Tucker's Mom said... 11
redbirdsings said... 10
So glad they tracked down and got the guy wanted for the disappearance of Hannah Graham from VA. If you didn't hear, today it was announced that they had forensic evidence that matched Jesse Matthews with the girl that was found 3 months ago, Morgan Harrington.
Morgan was murdered several years ago, but her body was found 3 months after she disappeared, also in C'ville.

So, I'm really hoping that more than Hannah's case can be solved by catching this animal, who apparently was living amongst the good citizens and co-eds of Albermarle County, VA for 10 years or so, and scarily, working at the medical center with patients!


My daughter is in her third year at UVA. We almost bought a condo for her at Hessian Hills where Matthew lived. We ended up deciding on another--thank God. Can you imagine the times she would have been alone, coming in from class at night?

When you realize that it could have been any of the young women in Charlottesville, that Matthew's been walking around since he killed Morgan Harrington in 2009, the entire time my daughter has been there ... It's freaky, let me tell you.

Can't get that young girl and her family out of my mind. If only she'd turned around somewhere along the way. I think we all hope against hope she's alive somewhere, all the while knowing how improbable that is. ~ Administrator said... 19

My daughter is in her third year at UVA. We almost bought a condo for her at Hessian Hills where Matthew lived. We ended up deciding on another--thank God. Can you imagine the times she would have been alone, coming in from class at night?


That's so scary!! ~ Administrator said... 20

Dmasy said... 15
As a new resident in Texas, I have learned not to judge the food inside by the derelict appearance of the outside. No-harm-to-the-charm seems to be the rule for some roadside restaurants. It's an adventure in eating!


Hehe that's Texas. If you stop by Austin any time go to Jack Allen's Kitchen for brunch. It's wonderful and totally reasonable price for top quality food! They don't tell you this but you can also order eggs any way you like, included in the price.

Formerly Duped said... 21

Why is Kate always tweeting for help on her home appliances? Most people would google a company or have the info in their Home Manual!
*snark* Well, I guess I know...grfting and reinforcing her image as overwhelmed hard-working SuperMom who cleans all day, all alone...

TLC stinks said... 22

ITA, I cannot believe that squirrel tweet and the subsequent dumb article. Kate probably flattened that squirrel but wants the world to believe she has a soft heart when it comes to animal; que Shoka who is nothing more than a watchdog taken care of by the kids, which is the real truth. I still say the bird will meet an untimely death. She manhandles the poor thing.

Well, I can imagine what over-the-top tweeting will go on for the twins' birthday. She will complain about being so exhausted from all the prepping. The girls will get something nice because, after all, there is bribing to do for the filming and she must outdo anything Jon could afford because he is a "deadbeat".

TLC stinks said... 23

What has happened to Milo's hillbilly droppin' of the ings? If you ever have the chance to go back and read old tweets or BM's blog, Milo used to lay it on Thick with the southern twang. Ok, now that I have mentioned it, maybe Milo, who reads here and I don't like, will start it up again, LOL. ~ Administrator said... 24

Why is Kate always tweeting for help on her home appliances?


She puts a lot of things that have no business being there on twitter. It's obvious she's trying to create blog fodder, an interesting little narrative/story/episode to keep people hooked. Only her little stories are rarely interesting, funny, cute, or sweet. I would feel sorry for her but it's TFW and I don't care to feel sorry.

Tucker's Mom said... 25

When you realize that it could have been any of the young women in Charlottesville, that Matthew's been walking around since he killed Morgan Harrington in 2009, the entire time my daughter has been there ... It's freaky, let me tell you.
VA Penn Mom... thank God your daughter is OK.
That hits really close to home and the freaky thing in this situation, is that it's all really random.
Wrong place, wrong time and the predator gets you in his sights.

Let's hope Hannah is found soon.
Her parents need closure of some sort.

localyocul said... 26

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 8
Kate's silly sheep are up in arms about the "haters" harassment on Twitter:

@RealZiggyFlo @GeeWhiz__ @twitter @Support @Kateplusmy8 @dickc All they need 2do is read timeline.They have been at it since 2008 or earlier

How can that be since Kate didn't have Twitter until 2011?


They are huge hypocrites. Ziggy, Gee Whiz, and that Lovin, and until recently CJ (who may be running scared) stalk and talk about the nonfans. They are more obsessed with the nonfans than the nonfans are with TFW! They even stalk and ridicule nonfans who haven't commented on TFW in ages!!

NJGal51 said... 27

@Kateplusmy8: GM! HELP! SomeX ago, some1 told me of a LOCAL (2me) repair place 4 central vac (carpet attachment)
If u c this,pls email me info again? #THX
Wouldn't it be quicker to just google central vac repair? Can do Kate my ass.

PJ's momma said... 28

Formerly Duped, Tia IS amazing, and so are her kids and the men who work for her! I have to lock up our little Sasquatch when it's on or she'll attack the TV.
I have seen another 'reality' show that rings true, based in Vegas, and it's two artists who fix bad tattoos. Amazing what they can do.

Over In TFW's County said... 29

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h1 hour ago
GM! HELP! SomeX ago, some1 told me of a LOCAL (2me) repair place 4 central vac (carpet attachment)
If u c this,pls email me info again? #THX

Wouldn't it be quicker to just google central vac repair? Can do Kate my ass.


LOL! I'd tell her, but she can just google it like the rest of us did! There should be a sticker on her basement canister or any of the parts that tell you who installed the system and where to go for service. I wonder if she ever thought about looking for that. In addition, didn't she keep folders of maintenance records and times of service and where to go for repairs?

Over In TFW's County said... 30

They are huge hypocrites. Ziggy, Gee Whiz, and that Lovin, and until recently CJ (who may be running scared) stalk and talk about the nonfans. They are more obsessed with the nonfans than the nonfans are with TFW! They even stalk and ridicule nonfans who haven't commented on TFW in ages!!


Yes, and this is one of the biggest questions in all of sheepledom. Why can't they see this? No self awareness, or are they just so darn stupid?
Maybe it's both, and that's really scary.

PJ said... 31

From last thread.

AuntieAnn said...

Child abuse being one of them. Sometimes I think forgiveness is far overrated.


As my therapist told me: Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die.

I agree though, forgiveness can be overrated. I'd rather forget. All about the other person. B'uh bye!

Over And Out said... 32

admin, 24, said, "She puts a lot of things that have no business being there on twitter. It's obvious she's trying to create blog fodder, an interesting little narrative/story/episode to keep people hooked."


Gladys is the one who is particularly interested in Kate's appliance problems. Where is she now when TFW so desperately needs her?

Cue Milo...1, 2, 3.

localyocul said... 33

Over In TFW's County said... 29
Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h1 hour ago
GM! HELP! SomeX ago, some1 told me of a LOCAL (2me) repair place 4 central vac (carpet attachment)
If u c this,pls email me info again? #THX

Wouldn't it be quicker to just google central vac repair? Can do Kate my ass.


LOL! I'd tell her, but she can just google it like the rest of us did! There should be a sticker on her basement canister or any of the parts that tell you who installed the system and where to go for service. I wonder if she ever thought about looking for that. In addition, didn't she keep folders of maintenance records and times of service and where to go for repairs?
September 30, 2014 at 8:08 AM


Aww poor poor rich Kate needs to get her Central Vac repaired. That is so upsetting. It's so hard to find the money and take time off from work for repairs....wait.

Buy a Bissel

getofftwitter said... 34

I see Kate is going for the helpless home make award. This is almost the same as a publicity stunt. I can see ROL story now, Poor helpless Kate Gossilin, becomes computer illiterate, when it comes to finding the companies that made the appliances in her home, so she can have them fixed. Waits for fans to tell her where to go to have appliances fixed or company to grift a part or services. Poor dear!

Over In TFW's County said... 35

Aww poor poor rich Kate needs to get her Central Vac repaired. That is so upsetting. It's so hard to find the money and take time off from work for repairs....wait.


Maybe if she wouldn't try to suck up those little Lego pieces, she wouldn't need to have it repaired. Oh, and Kate...stay away from the pine needles from the Christmas tree. Then you're really going to have a problem!

TLC stinks said... 36

The housekeeper/nanny was doing the vacuuming, not Kate. I've had a central vac. You are right, the installer usually posts the contact info on the canister. Further, you have to empty the canister...Kate... If you know where it is, which I doubt, and I guess all those pretend appliance files she put together have never been opened since the show, LOL. What's her IQ? Never mind. She never misses an opportunity to grift.

AuntieAnn said... 37

NJGal51 said... 5

I really am going to have to stop in there the next time I head up to Scottsdale.


Pack a shark suit. Those two nutjobs are dangerous.

Formerly Duped said... 38

In addition, didn't she keep folders of maintenance records and times of service and where to go for repair

Yes indeed ! It was the premise of an entire episode and TFW smugly said she was Kan-do Kate and wanted to be able to rule her piece of the world. 'The Manual' in theory is a good idea, but she obviously did not really keep one.

We have one with warranties, operation guides, receipts, names of appliances, repair people, etc but it's not too well-organized I'll admit! In fact, I was just at Home Depot buying new kitchen faucets, and had to take the end which connects to the dishwasher to make sure it fit...had to test several Delta types, and will call a plumber to install them- although my husband insists he is Kan-do person (ha !) If I had kept the name and serial/model no. I wouldn't have had to do this. Of course I could have Tweeted @Delta or the whole

TLC stinks said... 39

Her tweet proves she does zero housework. Judging by our comments, we've all experienced malfunctioning vacuum cleaners and know what causes it and what to do. And this woman, who is supposedly a clean freak, doesn't have a back up vac like for the cars or the kitchen? Geez. Such a dumb emergency. Where's Steve?

MamaC said... 40

What happened to that binder with all the household info in it? She just proved she has no friends or family locally if she has to take to twitter to find someone to repair her central vac system.

Over In TFW's County said... 41

Aww poor poor rich Kate needs to get her Central Vac repaired. That is so upsetting. It's so hard to find the money and take time off from work for repairs....wait.

Buy a Bissel


Wasn't she grifting for a Dyson at one time?

AuntieAnn said... 42

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 1h1 hour ago
GM! HELP! SomeX ago, some1 told me of a LOCAL (2me) repair place 4 central vac (carpet attachment)


Well it's no surprise that it's broken. As we all witnessed on the RV episode, Kate is a known vacuum cleaner abuser .

Over In TFW's County said... 43

Such a dumb emergency. Where's Steve?


Do you think that he would know what to do with a Central Vac, even if it bit him in the blank?

Blowing In The Wind said... 44

In the six years she's lived there, she's never had the central vacuum serviced or repaired? Wow...either she never uses it, or it's one heck of a fantastic system.

JoyinVirginia said... 45

Re the Hannah Graham case, local media had said a while ago that the Morgan Harrington DNA evidence was linked to an unsolved 2005 rape in northern VA. There have been other unsolved disappearances. Hopefully this case will be solved and Hannah will be found.
interesting related historical and criminal and legal and literary note, in 1988, Timothy Spencer was convicted of a series of murders in Richmond VA based on DNA evidence. There was also one murder in northern VA with similar pattern, and another man had been convicted in 1985. Spencer s DNA was connected to that murder and the convicted man was exonerated. These cases marked the very first time anyone in the US was convicted on basis of DNA, and first time someone was exonerated because of DNA. Patricia Cornwell happened to have a job in the state medical examiners office at the time, and typed up recorded reports from the chief medical examiner Dr. Marcella Fierro. The case inspired her novel Postmortem and her main character Dr Kay Scarpetta has an Italian name just like the real life Dr Fierro (who has black hair abs is married to an ob-gyn.)

Blowing In The Wind said... 46

They are huge hypocrites. Ziggy, Gee Whiz, and that Lovin, and until recently CJ (who may be running scared) stalk and talk about the nonfans. They are more obsessed with the nonfans than the nonfans are with TFW! They even stalk and ridicule nonfans who haven't commented on TFW in ages!!


I took a look at the timelines of some of these fans (and some haters, too). What is absolutely mind boggling is the vile, nasty, trashy insulting comments they come up with. I would expect this out of some mean kids in junior high, but to think that these are adults, supposedly mature adults, just makes you want to bang your head on something. I don't understand it. This back and forth mud slinging, the name-calling, the juvenile behavior. What's worse, I think, is that many of these people are parents. Is this what they are teaching their kids? Their accusations, comments, and harassing are crude and vile.

Will they ever grow up?

Millicent said... 47

I can't believe these two nut cases are still in business. Something is fishy about that -- where is the money coming from to keep their doors open? At one point, I read that the husband might be deported back to Israel, but clearly that hasn't happened. It was clearly a knife in his hand. How long will the police allow these two to threaten and harrass their own customers?

Mel said... 48

Geez. Such a dumb emergency. Where's Steve?

Taking the kids to the school bus drop off?

Tucker's Mom said... 49

JoyinVirginia said... 45
Thanks for the background info!
I was addicted to Cornwell's novels there for a while.

Tucker's Mom said... 50

MamaC said... 40
What happened to that binder with all the household info in it? She just proved she has no friends or family locally if she has to take to twitter to find someone to repair her central vac system.
Kate isn't an organized homeowner- she just plays one on tv.

Seriously, I think she is anything BUT organized, in her mind, in her home and in her life.
She has zero follow through, with a good possibility of adult ADD.

Tucker's Mom said... 51

We have one with warranties, operation guides, receipts, names of appliances, repair people, etc but it's not too well-organized I'll admit!
Same here!
We have a few binders with receipts, manuals, records of repair and upkeep, home designs etc.
If I need something, I'll find it.

It's highly unusual that something as big as a central vac system wouldn't be labeled with the model and company who installed it, along with maintenance dates.
Our major plumbing and electrical is all labeled, all major appliances and HVAC is labeled, etc.

Tucker's Mom said... 52

Wasn't she grifting for a Dyson at one time?
Those things can run up around $600. Kate's not getting one unless it's successful use is written into the script...

localyocul said... 53

The time someone (who responded btw) told her about it, was because she tweeted the pic of her vac taken apart and needed something or other. How did she make it happen that time if she didn't use the local central vac place. I guess she used @Mrappliance or whatever it was called and this time it's beyond their scope?

Anonymous said... 54

Milo is wondering if Prince William and Catherine are watching KatePlus8 "over there" - as if. She figures the mother-to-be "could learn a few things".


Midnight Madness said... 55

Gladys is the one who is particularly interested in Kate's appliance problems. Where is she now when TFW so desperately needs her?

Cue Milo...1, 2, 3.


Well, it took her awhile, but thar she blows!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 Well, hope someone there came 2ur rescue! Central Vac has 2b an important element of ur cleaning routine! #NeedToBeWorking

Freudian slip, there, Milo, telling Kate that she needs to be working?

"They are huge hypocrites. Ziggy, Gee Whiz, and that Lovin, and until recently CJ (who may be running scared) stalk and talk about the nonfans"

I haven't been following this very closely. Why might the Defective be running scared?

Midnight Madness said... 56

The time someone (who responded btw) told her about it, was because she tweeted the pic of her vac taken apart and needed something or other. How did she make it happen that time if she didn't use the local central vac place. I guess she used @Mrappliance or whatever it was called and this time it's beyond their scope?


Was that the central vac or an upright?

AuntieAnn said... 57

PJ said... 31

As my therapist told me: Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die.
I agree though, forgiveness can be overrated. I'd rather forget. All about the other person. B'uh bye!


Agreed, resentment and bitterness are unhealthy but some sadistic victimizers can't be forgiven or forgotten. They go to their grave believing they've done nothing wrong and without a clue to the amount of collateral damage they've left behind. It's as if they've gotten away with their abuse....again.

AuntieAnn said... 58

Milo is wondering if Prince William and Catherine are watching KatePlus8 "over there" - as if. She figures the mother-to-be "could learn a few things".



lol! Sometimes Gladys can be such a clown.

Rhymes with Witch said... 59

Will they ever grow up? 46

I'm going to go out on a limb and say NO.

AuntieAnn said... 60

localyocul said... 53

The time someone (who responded btw) told her about it, was because she tweeted the pic of her vac taken apart and needed something or other. How did she make it happen that time if she didn't use the local central vac place. I guess she used @Mrappliance or whatever it was called and this time it's beyond their scope?


Maybe all the repair shops and vacuum dealers in Berks County have her mugshot posted on the wall. She's had so many appliance breakdowns they probably lock the door when they see her coming.

redbirdsings said... 61

I ordered some shampoo over the weekend and I have been tracking it and it is right now sitting in a warehouse getting handled and getting ready to ship out an hour's drive from kate! EW! hahahaha

It was originally shipped from NY, then to PA and I will get it Thursday.

Tucker's Mom said... 62

Milo is wondering if Prince William and Catherine are watching KatePlus8 "over there" - as if. She figures the mother-to-be "could learn a few things".

Well, sure, then William and Kate can tune in to RHONJ to learn a little something about handling finances from the Guidices, and then tune in to KUWTK for fashion advice and finally, the can glean lots from CT about how to keep their love life going from Ghost Face Killah!

Yep, reality tv has so many real life lessons.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 63

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 9m9 minutes ago
I stand by my tweet saying the other Kate can learn from our USA @Kateplusmy8 < She has yrs of experience now under her belt..a #SeasonedMom

Good gosh, Milo. You ARE nuts, and insanity is not one bit funny. Kate Middleton learn from Kate Gosselin?
I need a drink.

redbirdsings said... 64

Tucker's Mom, Ghost Face...hahaha I know the rapper GF was on CT, but isn't Ghost Face a jalapeno that is the hottest one on the hotness scale? I thought a habanero was. Medium strength nacho cheese sauce is all I can handle and banana peppers, love them. hahaha

Sherry Baby said... 65

Milo is wondering if Prince William and Catherine are watching KatePlus8 "over there" - as if. She figures the mother-to-be "could learn a few things".

I wonder if Milo really believes half of what she tweets, or if she gets off on the attention and baiting the haters. Either way, it's not normal, and it's very creepy.

The thing is that they take the bait and that really gets her going.

Tucker's Mom said... 66

Good gosh, Milo. You ARE nuts, and insanity is not one bit funny. Kate Middleton learn from Kate Gosselin?
I need a drink.

Pass the Rumspringa.

What's sadder is that Kate Gosselin really does think she's just like Dianna, and Kate.

Tucker's Mom said... 67

Actually, Kate Middleton, if she were to lose her mind and ask some American reality tv personality for advice, would be better served asking Jon Gosselin, not Kate.

Tucker's Mom said... 68

redbirdsings said... 64
Tucker's Mom, Ghost Face...hahaha I know the rapper GF was on CT, but isn't Ghost Face a jalapeno that is the hottest one on the hotness scale? I thought a habanero was. Medium strength nacho cheese sauce is all I can handle and banana peppers, love them. hahaha
September 30, 2014 at 5:06 PM
I believe the Ghost pepper is the hottest in the world.
I can think of no sane reason to ingest something that will burn your lips, scald your mouth, and induce full thickness burns on your bum hole on the way out.

No thank you!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 69

I believe the Ghost pepper is the hottest in the world.
I can think of no sane reason to ingest something that will burn your lips, scald your mouth, and induce full thickness burns on your bum hole on the way out.


LOL! But if you eat it, wouldn't that get rid of the sheeple who are far up your rear end? It might be the only thing that works.

Anonymous said... 70

Milo the Martyr tonight. She just loves it.

The whole lot of them are childish, ridiculous and mostly just stupid

Pam ~ Administrator said... 71

William and Kate's viewing habits may be a bit beyond what Milo is used to. They have said they're avid fans of Downton Abbey.

PJ's momma said... 72

Pam, you are so right. "Join me in the hater trenches here, it it gets so lonely!" Martyr indeed.

Over And Out said... 73

LOL! But if you eat it, wouldn't that get rid of the sheeple who are far up your rear end? It might be the only thing that works.


If that doesn't cleanse you of butt-kissers, nothing will!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 74

TFW certainly couldn't give Kate advice on little George - he's
an icky dirty boy.

Over And Out said... 75

If I had Twitter, I'd love to reply to this one:

mytribeof55555 ‏@tonithfo 8m8 minutes ago
@8MindBodySoul @Kateplusmy8 has a right to know that you're slandering her on social media. Law suit waiting to happen 😘

First of all, learn the difference between slander and libel. I'm sure Razzmataz is just sitting by the phone waiting to draft another lawsuit! She's been there, done that, and it didn't work out for her!

mytribeof55555 @tonithfo
@8MindBodySoul But still, it's none of your, or my business. are you their mother? Or their caregiver? No. Stay out of @Kateplusmy8 biz.

If you don't want your business discussed in the social media, then you don't sign up for reality television and Twitter. Simple as that.

mytribeof55555 ‏@tonithfo 2m2 minutes ago
@8MindBodySoul you are quite honestly, defaming @Kateplusmy8 I would tread very carefully. I am screen capping everything 😘😘

For what reason? Is she going to call on BV? I think he's kind of busy at the moment!

Sheeple are funny. ~ Administrator said... 76

Kate Middleton also had said all along she was really hoping for a boy. Imagine that, a mother who wants a little boy.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 77

I can't figure out if Ms Uggs like men, women, or both, or if she's helicoptering, hoping someone, anyone, will give Junior U a job!

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@TheSharkDaymond is it wrong of me that I want to invent something just so I can go on #SharkTank to meet #Daymond lol #TrueStory

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@RobinRoberts could you be more beautiful. You look great in purple #LoveMyRobin #GMA @GMA

PatK said... 78

Over And Out said... 75
If I had Twitter, I'd love to reply to this one:


Someone should inform this tweeter not to waste her time filling hard drives with screenshots. Several sheeple have done this and it doesn't get them a damn thing...including vacation homes. lol

redbirdsings said... 79

After reading those tweets, Mrs. Uggs is certifiably nuts! ~ Administrator said... 80

I really enjoyed Jeremy's wedding episode on Little People. Most of all it was nice to see Amy and Matt getting along so well even though they are officially separated and live in separate homes. Amy took care of him when he was very sick, they both helped so much to make the wedding come together, and on the wedding day they had the conversation many parents I'm sure have about how they've raised their kid now it's time for the next step, and how special it is his wedding is on the farm. It ended with a nice hug. I think being separated has improved things between them. They can just be good friends and business partners without the pressure of the relationship.

I can't picture Kate being able to work together with Jon for up to eight weddings in the future, and that's sad.

yeah ok said... 81

Jeremy's wedding was great. Matt tried to hijack the wedding but he was shot down thank God. The little man has nothing to add...Just a bitter man. I can't even begin to understand how embarrassed he must be. Lets try this again!

Tucker's Mom said... 82

I don't watch the show, but I'll try to catch a rerun of Jeremy's wedding.
It sounds as if it was very nice and that Amy and Matt got along. ~ Administrator said... 83

It was an absolutely gorgeous wedding. I loved the vintage, country theme throughout. I loved the quilts on the benches. They both have such style.

I must have missed Matt trying to hijack things. He seemed pretty supportive to me. They showed Jeremy and Audrey making all the decisions. The few suggestions Matt had, like moving the church, he ran by Jeremy to make the final call. In fact I was thinking Matt and Amy have grown and matured to be able to get through their child's entire wedding so well.

Tucker's Mom said... 84

Kate's face once again is the subject of plastic surgery speculation.

No kidding she's had a lot of work done!

Personally, I think Kate's been getting cosmetic procedures for years and years now. Just a little at a time, but there's definitely official nipping and tucking done to her face, not just injectables.
When you look at her jaw line, chin and neck from her early 30's, the difference is huge.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 85

In what lifetime could you imagine TFW making peace with Jon
for the sake of her children, even for a few manufactured minutes
on TV? I suppose in 2 years if the money has dried up, she
may be coerced to be in the same room with him, if TLC ponies
up a fortune for the twins' Sweet Sixteen. But Steve would be
glued to her side, lest her ne'er-do-well ex tried to make trouble. ~ Administrator said... 86

I think generally a divorce should happen because you are better apart than you are together. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Matt and Amy do better apart. They get along much better, they work together better, they are both more relaxed and seem happier. Separating was good for them and their emotional health.

I found the opposite to be true of Kate and Jon. There's been so much hate and discord between them, I don't know that they do better apart. They needed to get divorced, but that element of peace that it should have brought to their relationship never happened. It ramped things up instead of calming things down, as it calmed down things for the Roloffs.

Matt and Amy seem to understand that regardless if they end the relationship, they are still in a "relationship" because they are still in the same family. They have made this new platonic thing work somehow, and it's good to see. Amy even said of course she still cares about him, he is the father of her children. That may be a simple statement but it's so true. Why wouldn't you still care about the person who makes up half your beloved children?

JMO said... 87

I can't picture Kate being able to work together with Jon for up to eight weddings in the future, and that's sad.
Unfortunately, Kate's maturity level and narcissism do not allow any compromise whatsoever. EVER. It is HER way or the highway. She has dismissed her own parents, brothers and sisters, Jon, Beth, Jodi, Ashley, volunteers, and the list goes on and on.....................

She has no ability to compromise, which is a huge factor in life. Or at least do it for your 8 count em 8 kids. NOPE! Never mind alienation, which is a choice each parent makes in the best interest of their kids (not in the best interest of yourself).

Sadly, these kids are missing out on a lot of normal childhood/teens without other family, friends in the their life, but I guess TFW "just doesn't get it."

At this juncture, most normal human beings would have gotten it, but TFW can not think beyond the spectrum of Kate, with 8 kids. Sad, but I can not imagine my mother or father alienating me from ANY relatives/close friends as they made me who I am today. Well rounded. Sad, selfish and pathetic.

JMO said... 88

Forgot to add, if a parent can't get along with anyone, why do the kids continue to suffer the consequences of HER choices not to see them?
She is a very selfish, disturbed, angry woman who does NOT put her kids first ever.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 89

New Radar article on TFW's alleged "nip/tuck" obsession. will the fans defend her when she herself won't
admit to having had any work done?

Over And Out said... 90

For some reason, Gladys is fascinated with Jamie. She just can't stay out of it. When you think about it, it's really kind of pathetic. She is now besties. Let the pestering commence.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 36m36 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @Pumpkinbottom3 Easy 2see WHY you 2have remained friends all these years...different N many ways..but ALIKE N areas that count!

She doesn't know either one of them! lol!!

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 45m45 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @Pumpkinbottom3 @1560gl Oh wow...this was good timing...thinking alike are we this morning? #troubleff


Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 46m46 minutes ago
@Pumpkinbottom3 @1560gl @Kateplusmy8 LOL We officially put YOU in charge of #KatesGrammarPolice Go get 'em Jamie! :) (Exclude me tho HaHa)

WE? Who is WE?

sue said... 91

JoyinVirginia said... 92

When reality TV can do a public service: Dick Donato who was on CBS Big Brother a few years back is now on Couples Therapy. He left BB suddenly when he was on 2011 edition, and was never clear why. On tonights Coupes Therapy, and reported in People today, he reveals the reason. He tested HIV positive while on the show, the doctors came into the diary room and told him. He is doing fine, on medicine, now encouraging others to get tested. He and his girlfriend who does not have HIV, are still together. A big surprise! If he hadn't been on the show he might never have been tested. apparently her is going to discuss this with Dr Jen and them reveal it to other couples on the show. Very surprising!

Midnight Madness said... 93

New Radar article on TFW's alleged "nip/tuck" obsession. will the fans defend her when she herself won't
admit to having had any work done?


It's more than just tip and tuck and fillers. The shape of her nose is completely different. Sheeple will just ignore it, like they have done with the good bra. Ignoring is one of the few skills that they have perfected.

The thing is that she can, with the help of plastics, turn back the hands of time and appear to be younger. It won't, however, make the nastiness inside disappear.

Midnight Madness said... 94

At this juncture, most normal human beings would have gotten it, but TFW can not think beyond the spectrum of Kate, with 8 kids. Sad, but I can not imagine my mother or father alienating me from ANY relatives/close friends as they made me who I am today. Well rounded. Sad, selfish and pathetic.


Right, and if she allows them to have a normal relationship with their father, without her interference and bickering, then she can't present herself as a single mother who does EVERYTHING alone for her children, without the help of their deadbeat father. That would totally destroy what she sets out to do on Twitter and in the media. She couldn't have that and she would no longer be the struggling, single mother of eight kids. She must continue the alienation for her own sake. Forget about what the kids want.

localyocul said... 95

I couldn't get past the first sentence of the ROL article without laughing:

She may have failed at trying to soften her public image recently.

localyocul said... 96

The comments are brutal too...mostly about how ugly she is on the inside. Milo, you're falling down on the job!!

Silimom said... 97

Just saw the radar article. Wow, must be a slow news day if the best they can do is rehash a "Kate's had plastic surgery" story. Her PR team is really scraping the bottom of the barrel to keep her name out there.

Kind of pathetic, in my opinion.

Rhythm Of Life said... 98

There's something I don't understand and maybe someone can explain this. I was looking at Kate's TL to see what Kate's been up to today. I noticed that a tweeter was on there for 10 hours, with a two-hour break. How can someone do this, and why? Is this a hobby, an addiction, or what? Is there life outside of Twitter?

When you think about it, it's actually really kind of sad, that a social media site can completely take over your life..

Rhythm Of Life said... 99

Glo patterson ‏@1560gl Sep 29
@Kateplusmy8 @Pumpkinbottom3 TO FUNNY!! are U telling her to schedule your call or YOU TELLING THE WORLD? TO FUNNY try TEXTING its private

Jamie ‏@Pumpkinbottom3 6h6 hours ago
@1560gl @Kateplusmy8 try using correct grammar.. "To funny" should be "too"funny"😳

lol!! Hey, Jamie. This was not a "grammar" mistake. It was a spelling error. Do you know the difference between the two?

Formerly Duped said... 100

Jamie doesn't strike me as terribly bright. She didn't know who is on Mt Rushmore either- I think she agreed with Kate that it was FDR.
(And she was TFW's BFF- how smart is that?)

Localyocul said... 101

I guess since deeana is staying quiet TFW recruited J to fight her battles. hey J I wouldn't laugh TOO hard at the haters' grammar until you "seen" that on the fans . Or isn't fan's? Their? There?

Rhythm Of Life said... 102

Sometimes sheep are so amusing. It's always to (sic) funny when they come up with something like this:

Ali H ‏@Aharky 1m1 minute ago
@Kateplusmy8 watching your new episodes in the UK! Hooray for the new specials! You are a real #downtoearthmum

"Down To Earth Mum" -- perhaps in an alternate universe!

"I guess since deeana is staying quiet TFW recruited J to fight her battles. hey J I wouldn't laugh TOO hard at the haters' grammar until you "seen" that on the fans . Or isn't fan's? Their? There?"

Yes! Your (sic) right! I seen (sic) that fan's (sic) make that error over and over again. Will Jamie call them out on they're (sic) errors? Milo appointed Jamie to the position of grammar police.

Remember when Kate tweeted "Me and Bullyville"...?

redbirdsings said... 103

This is so seriously hilarious!

But family friend “Crazy” Tony Lindsey – who was banned from TLC’s “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” – claims the two are close.

“I’ve seen him (Batenga) put his arm around June and she liked that!” Lindsey told The ENQUIRER. “plus she’s got money now. Everywhere they go, he’s with ’em.”

TLC's same M.O. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.

Unknown said... 104

Rhythm Of Life said... 99
''There's something I don't understand and maybe someone can explain this. I was looking at Kate's TL to see what Kate's been up to today. I noticed that a tweeter was on there for 10 hours, with a two-hour break. How can someone do this, and why? Is this a hobby, an addiction, or what? Is there life outside of Twitter?''
I think I've established that I'm computer semi-literate, so I'm not embarrassed to give an opinion that may be completely wrong. I have no problem w/anyone correcting me. So.......

IF there is a way for someone to check how long I appear to be on this blog, they would assume that I am on this blog for WAY more than 10 hours a day. As soon as I log on my computer, I bring up the blog. I read it and leave it up as I read/respond to my emails, read the paper, Huffington Post and loads of other things.

I don't sign out of this blog or my email page till I go to bed at night/wee hours of the morning. Even though I'm still signed onto the blog and my email page, I am NOT sitting at the computer all that time. I do housework, read, go to the store...all sorts of everyday things while still signed on to this blog and my email page.

Does twitter work the same way? Can you be signed on to twitter and be doing other things at the same time?

Millicent said... 105

Admin said:
I found the opposite to be true of Kate and Jon. There's been so much hate and discord between them, I don't know that they do better apart. They needed to get divorced, but that element of peace that it should have brought to their relationship never happened. It ramped things up instead of calming things down, as it calmed down things for the Roloffs.
I think Jon would like to have an amicable (or at least civil) relationship with his ex. The rancor, the bitterness, and the hatred all stem from one direction - TFW. Her MO whenever she has no further use for an individual is to cut them out of her life completely. She did that to her own brother and SIL, she did it to Jon's mother, she did it to Beth, and many others. She wanted to do the same with Jon. In her mind, he had fulfilled his purpose - providing her with part-Korean multiples leading to a successful tv show. When he finally balked at her commands, and didn't want to live above the garage and be trotted out for filming but rather wanted to have an actual marriage - she tossed him out.

She is galled every time she is reminded that he is still part of the childrens' lives. I don't know how deep her delusion runs - it's possible that deep down, she is aware that once the children are grown, most of them will probably spend as little time with her as possible and most likely will instead work on their relationship with their dad. It has to rub like a burr under the saddle to know that no matter what she does or says, Jon cannot be banished from the childrens' lives.

Matt and Amy Roloff had a dysfunctional marriage. Perhaps both also have a pragmatic streak and realize that if they are going to continue to have a successful public farm, and encourage their children to stay close, they need to at least be civil when around each other. Time often helps heal wounds as well. Some years ago, I still had bitterness toward my ex which would easily rise to the surface. Today, I can honestly say that I just don't care about the past. My son is thriving, I am thriving, and my ex seems to be doing fine too. The bitterness just evaporated over time. It feels good.

TFW will never be able to say the same. If she wasn't such a miserable excuse for a human being, I might feel sorry for her.

Millicent said... 106

mytribeof55555 ‏@tonithfo 2m2 minutes ago
@8MindBodySoul you are quite honestly, defaming @Kateplusmy8 I would tread very carefully. I am screen capping everything ����

that's hilarious. I imagine whoever this person is, taking all the screencaps down to her local police station and telling them she wants to file a police report. But by all means, screen cap away.

I shouldn't laugh actually, because it's sad that there are people out there who think doing stuff like that is worthy of their time.

Tucker's Mom said... 107

Right, and if she allows them to have a normal relationship with their father, without her interference and bickering, then she can't present herself as a single mother who does EVERYTHING alone for her children, without the help of their deadbeat father. That would totally destroy what she sets out to do on Twitter and in the media. She couldn't have that and she would no longer be the struggling, single mother of eight kids. She must continue the alienation for her own sake. Forget about what the kids want.


The children are mere props- nay- they are the two-dimensional backdrop on the grand stage that is The Kate Show.

No One In Particular (NOIP) said... 108

Deanna must not be aware Milo has an alert when she tweets. As she does with Kate and others she needs to pester. Poor Deanna tweeted someone and Milo was in like Flynn...

"@deannatweeting Woohoo...she is indeed ALIVE and WORKING! Nice 2see ya...even if its not a tweet 2me.... :) #YouAreMissed "

Rhymes with Witch said... 109

The children are mere props- nay- they are the two-dimensional backdrop on the grand stage that is The Kate Show. 108

That sums it up perfectly.
I find it curious (but good, don't get me wrong) that she hasn't been posting their pics.

It's also odd that if she has pr people trying to keep her name out there that the stories that show up are so negative. The comments are pretty uniformly brutal as well.

redbirdsings said... 110

Some people on twitter call Milo: Kalo, because they think Milo is kate.

KaloandJack hahahaha

Somewhere In Time said... 111

"@deannatweeting Woohoo...she is indeed ALIVE and WORKING! Nice 2see ya...even if its not a tweet 2me.... :) #YouAreMissed "

I have a feeling that Milo is a very lonely, insecure person and if she does have a family, they don't bother with her, or she's nothing more than someone they just reluctantly tolerate. When you think about it, it's really sad that she has to insert herself into the lives of others on twitter, and particularly those with whom are acquaintances of Kate. I just can't imagine what it would be like having a neighbor like that, or someone in my family who is such a Gladys Kravitz. Her craving for attention on Twitter is really out of control.

If it's a Catfish, it's just as pathetic that she/he/it keeps this charade going. Eventually, it's going to be outed.

Somewhere In Time said... 112

I shouldn't laugh actually, because it's sad that there are people out there who think doing stuff like that is worthy of their time.


I think that saying they are dumber than a box of hair is actually being quite kind.

Somewhere In Time said... 113

Does twitter work the same way? Can you be signed on to twitter and be doing other things at the same time?


I don't know either, Remona, but from the way I see it on the Timeline, when a person tweets it shows when and how many hours ago that tweet was made. In order to have this done, you just can't be hanging around with your computer on. It shows when the tweet was made, like 10 hours, 8 hours, etc.

Of course, I am Twitter-challenged as well.

Tucker's Mom said... 114

Millicent said... 106
My ex and I never had kids, so when we split we went our separate ways and never looked back.
That said, over time my anger passed and I really didn't need to forgive him to move on. I'm not a big believer in the whole "forgive but don't forget" thing.
I forget- it evaporates, as you mentioned, and literally goes away.

There's nothing left to forgive; there's just nothing even palpable about my relationship and marriage to him. So, if I were ever to see him again, it just wouldn't move me either way.

I don't understand holding on to the venom for as long as Kate seems to be able to.

Like I said, she doesn't just kick people to the curb. She tears garments.

Rhymes with Witch said... 115

OT Roo comment and question.

I feed her kibble in the am an kibble mixed with some canned Blue Wilderness at night. She does a happy dance after dinner.
Q: She found a hole in the backyard yesterday and decided it must be expanded (chipmunk?) then stuck her entire head in. I don 't mind her dirty.snout, but am worried about what might be in there
Any advise from the dog people? Thanks.

Rhymes with Witch said... 116

Damn autocorrect. I typed advice.

redbirdsings said... 117

Rhymes with Witch said....116


You may have a gopher hole. On the infomercial for the scientist? that wrote the big book of hints said if you have gophers, don't use toxic chemicals to kill them. Get a cheap transistor radio and put it on a rock station on high, (wrap yarn or string around it so you can retrieve it) and they will hit the road.

Tucker's Mom said... 118

Rhymes with Witch said... 116
OT Roo comment and question.

I feed her kibble in the am an kibble mixed with some canned Blue Wilderness at night. She does a happy dance after dinner.
Q: She found a hole in the backyard yesterday and decided it must be expanded (chipmunk?) then stuck her entire head in. I don 't mind her dirty.snout, but am worried about what might be in there
Any advise from the dog people? Thanks.
Dogs are led by their noses! I wouldn't worry about Roo getting bit by a varmint. Once he starts digging, the chipmunk will run out another way.
Their tunnel systems are vast, so it won't get backed into any corners.

My suggestion is to cover the hole with something sturdy and see if Roo is apt to focus on something else.

Tucker's Mom said... 119

You may have a gopher hole. On the infomercial for the scientist? that wrote the big book of hints said if you have gophers, don't use toxic chemicals to kill them. Get a cheap transistor radio and put it on a rock station on high, (wrap yarn or string around it so you can retrieve it) and they will hit the road.

Sounds like a Gitmo interrogation technique.
If that doesn't work, water board the rodent!

Rhymes with Witch said... 120

Dogs are led by their noses! I wouldn't worry about Roo getting bit by a varmint. Once he starts digging, the chipmunk will run out another way. 119

Thanks everyone. She's had all her shots but worried about skunks. Has a family under the shed at my old address {pre Roo).
Will try some of the remedies suggested. Thanks again.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 121

omewhere In Time said... 112
"@deannatweeting Woohoo...she is indeed ALIVE and WORKING! Nice 2see ya...even if its not a tweet 2me.... :) #YouAreMissed "

I have a feeling that Milo is a very lonely, insecure person and if she does have a family, they don't bother with her, or she's nothing more than someone they just reluctantly tolerate. When you think about it, it's really sad that she has to insert herself into the lives of others on twitter, and particularly those with whom are acquaintances of Kate. I just can't imagine what it would be like having a neighbor like that, or someone in my family who is such a Gladys Kravitz. Her craving for attention on Twitter is really out of control.


Milo tweeted something a week or so ago (and has since deleted it--surprise) about people saying they're too busy for you when the truth is you're actually just not a priority. It was a poster. I can't remember the exact phrasing. But what struck me was that Milo said something like, "Ha! Good to know! I get told this a lot." And I was thinking, "I bet!"

(Sorry if someone commented on this already. I'm not caught up.)

Virginia Pen Mom said... 122

Over And Out said... 90

For some reason, Gladys is fascinated with Jamie. She just can't stay out of it. When you think about it, it's really kind of pathetic. She is now besties. Let the pestering commence.


Hmm, think about it. Which woman gets to sleep in the same bed as Kate? It's not Deanna! And which one hung all over Kate like a girlfriend in those photos a few years back. You KNOW Milo is fascinated with Jamie. Like Visa, Jamie is everywhere Milo wants to be! ~ Administrator said... 123

The thing Kate doesn't seem to get is that Matt and Amy haven't tried to portray their separation as anything but amicable and they are quite clear they are both friends, business partners, and a support to each other as parents of their children. They seem to be getting along swimmingly and yet somehow ratings are just fine for them. You need not play the single parent victim pity card to keep people interested. It is a tired and unoriginal schtick. ~ Administrator said... 124

Hmm, think about it. Which woman gets to sleep in the same bed as Kate? It's not Deanna! And which one hung all over Kate like a girlfriend in those photos a few years back. You KNOW Milo is fascinated with Jamie. Like Visa, Jamie is everywhere Milo wants to be!


I am now pretty convinced that there is a sexual component to Milo's fascination. She is attracted to Kate in a physical, sexual way, not that there's anything wrong with that. The bigger question is why can't Kate, and Jamie, see how odd that one is and run, run far away. They're not that bright. ~ Administrator said... 125

Milo tweeted something a week or so ago (and has since deleted it--surprise) about people saying they're too busy for you when the truth is you're actually just not a priority. It was a poster. I can't remember the exact phrasing. But what struck me was that Milo said something like, "Ha! Good to know! I get told this a lot." And I was thinking, "I bet!"


She has a terrible problem with social cues. Could be any number of things that cause that problem. And admittedly, social cues can be difficult. Sometimes it is hard to know whether someone truly IS busy or whether they just don't like you.

Generally, if someone is busy every single time you try to spend time with them, that's probably a message you are not a priority for them or heck they don't even like you. If they are busy some of the time but other times fit you in, they probably actually are truly busy. The problem is poor Milo is wholly unable to discern the difference or even recognize it as an issue in the first place. I don't think she sees how overbearing, nosey and obnoxious she can be. For that I am sorry, as relationships of any kind must be a challenge for her, even though she clearly wants relationships with others.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 126

I am now pretty convinced that there is a sexual component to Milo's fascination. She is attracted to Kate in a physical, sexual way, not that there's anything wrong with that. The bigger question is why can't Kate, and Jamie, see how odd that one is and run, run far away. They're not that bright.


I am not totally convinced that Milo is of the female gender. Oh, I know that females can be attracted to females, but it's her wording, her phrasing and things that she comes up with that sounds so much more like a male would say them.

But you're right, admin...whatever "it" is, there is a physical attraction there. She's said just too many things in the past that would indicate she wants to spend time with Kate, and not in a platonic relationship. If she wouldn't be so darn annoying, I'd almost feel sorry for her. ~ Administrator said... 127

And by the way I should say I don't think it's odd Milo is attracted to a female. I think it's odd she's attracted to and obsessed with somebody she doesn't know from Adam, has never met, and has actually avoided meeting. She has developed this "relationship" out of sand. ~ Administrator said... 128

The obsession with certain body parts like the rocking legs does ring more like a man. If you ask a man why he loves his wife he will say something like she is beautiful, intelligent, caring, she loves me. But **beautiful** is usually in there somewhere. When you ask a woman why she loves her husband she doesn't usually say he's handsome. She will say he's intelligent, caring, etc. She leaves out the physical and just talks about his attributes. Of course physical attraction plays a role but it's just not something we usually think to mention at the top of our lists.

That's not to say a woman couldn't have a preoccupation with the more physical aspects of someone they care about, but it would be unusual.

localyocul said... 129

Rhymes with Witch said... 121
Dogs are led by their noses! I wouldn't worry about Roo getting bit by a varmint. Once he starts digging, the chipmunk will run out another way. 119

Thanks everyone. She's had all her shots but worried about skunks. Has a family under the shed at my old address {pre Roo).
Will try some of the remedies suggested. Thanks again.


Oh Lord my dog got skunked a few weeks ago. We had such deep snow for so long last winter I could open the door and she would trudge out, pee, and trudge back. She couldn't run away (no fenced in yard.) When the snow melted, she still would do that. One night I let her out and she bolted. I looked out and she was trying to play with a skunk. She was play-bowing (yes that's a term..dogs do that bow thing to signal they are just playing and not fighting to other dogs). I yelled at her to come in but didn't dare get closer. Ooohhh boy then I smelled it. It doesn't smell like fresh skunk it is AWFUL. And it permeated everything. And of course it was late at night and Petsmart was closed so I couldn't get any Nature's Miracle Skunk Remover. My dd begged me to go to a hotel our house stunk (stank?..Jamie where are you) so bad.

localyocul said... 130

Seems to me that TFW tried Bullyville to drive off the haters, then had Deeana come to her defense, and now Jamie. Pathetic. What happened to block and ignore?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 131

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3h3 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 If finding that VacCleaner repair store was the highlight of yesterday..U definitely need a #GirlsNiteOut! :) #JamieWhereAreYou

And the thing is that when Milo attaches herself to something or someone, she can't let it go. She keeps on and on and on - the Grow A Boyfriend is an example. Now she's hooked on Jamie. Where's two need to go out, ad nauseam. She'll be working this thing to death.

"That's not to say a woman couldn't have a preoccupation with the more physical aspects of someone they care about, but it would be unusual."


This popped into my mind -- a line from Pretty Woman, when Vivian meets a few of Edward's friends:

Lady at polo match: Edward is our most eligible bachelor, everyone is trying to land him.
Vivian: Oh, I'm not trying to land him, I'm just using him for sex.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 132

She has a terrible problem with social cues. Could be any number of things that cause that problem. And admittedly, social cues can be difficult. Sometimes it is hard to know whether someone truly IS busy or whether they just don't like you.

Yes, admin. I think you hit the nail on the head. She really has a problem with social skills as well as social cues. It could be one of the reasons she's never met Kate. There have been so many opportunities for her to do so, but she's always had an excuse. When you are so much in love with someone, enamored by them, set someone up as your idol, you find a way to meet them in person. That's always been a red flag for me.

On Twitter, however, she doesn't have to come face to face with anyone. She (or he) can be anything she wants to be. It's clear that she desperately wants to belong, establish a relationship with other fans, with Kate's inner circle. She can hide behind that computer screen and doesn't feel uncomfortable as long as there is no personal contact.

I'm beginning to feel just a tad bit sorry for her. I still wouldn't want her as a neighbor, though! ~ Administrator said... 133

It doesn't smell like fresh skunk it is AWFUL. And it permeated everything.


Lol, I had the same experience with my pooch when he got skunked. And what shocked me the most was like you said, it didn't SMELL like skunk. That sort of slightly sour, pungent smell you smell when you drive by a recent skunking on the road. It was a totally different smell like nothing I've ever experienced before. A hundred times harsher, take your breath away, toxic chemical smell like it could kill you (of course, it's actually completely harmless). I guess it settles into that other slightly better smell after a few days.

They are one of the world's most incredible animals. We had two baby ones playing in the yard a couple months ago and although they were adorable, I thought oh here we go they're back. But then they went away and I never saw them again. It's a relief, because skunks used to come by the side of the house EVERY NIGHT in the summer. Don't know what happened to them.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 134

Right, and if she allows them to have a normal relationship with their father, without her interference and bickering, then she can't present herself as a single mother who does EVERYTHING alone for her children, without the help of their deadbeat father. That would totally destroy what she sets out to do on Twitter and in the media. She couldn't have that and she would no longer be the struggling, single mother of eight kids. She must continue the alienation for her own sake. Forget about what the kids want.


Yes, indeed, and then Milo wouldn't be able to tweet #SuperMom still doin it all!

Kate needs this from her fans, she thrives on it, that she's doing everything without the help or support of the kids' father.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 Learning to handle problems is like lifting weights: The more we do, the stronger we become. HaHa #SuperMom still doin it all!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 135

I'm also still baffled with this LOM, and exactly why Gladys needs to go to bed at the same time every night, and why "hubs" gives her those orders!

I won't lose any sleep over it, though, but it is interesting. I never knew anyone who is that submissive!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 136

Is Jamie following Milo? I don't' have Twitter, so I can't see it...or is there a way to do this? I really don't understand too much about Twitter!

I wonder what Kate told Jamie about Milo. I would love to have heard that conversation!

Call Me Crazy said... 137

Rhymes with Witch said... 116

Q: She found a hole in the backyard yesterday and decided it must be expanded (chipmunk?) then stuck her entire head in. I don 't mind her dirty.snout, but am worried about what might be in there
Any advise from the dog people? Thanks.

Some people use pinwheels to get rid of unwelcome gophers/rodents. When stuck in the ground, the turning pinwheel causes vibrations that the little varmints can't stand. I've never tried it myself, but a friend of mine swears by them.

swingsandroundabouts said... 138

Once a number of years back I let our dog out early in the morning. I noticed he stopped dead and was staring at something so I poked my head out the door and there was a skunk staring back at him. They were about 10 feet apart and suddenly it was high noon and showdown at the OK Corral. I yelled NOOO so loudly that the skunk looked at me, turned and continued waddling on his way. Miraculously the dog did not chase him and went about his business too. Just call me the skunk whisperer, er, yeller. I probably also scared away any other wildlife within a mile radius.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 139

Swings (#139), loved your skunk story! "The Skunk Yeller" - there's
a new reality show idea! Would you and your dog be willing to
re-inact the showdown for the TLC cameras, perhaps with a stunt

Tucker's Mom said... 140

Some people use pinwheels to get rid of unwelcome gophers/rodents. When stuck in the ground, the turning pinwheel causes vibrations that the little varmints can't stand. I've never tried it myself, but a friend of mine swears by them.

I wonder if that would work with chipmunks. Those varmints are taking over my property.

Tucker's Mom said... 141

In other reality news, the Guidices (Theresa and Joe) are being sentenced today in N.J. for the mass fraud they've committed.

Reportedly, Joe is virtually certain to do jail time (and maybe get deported back to Italy after) and Theresa might get as little as probation or house arrest, or even a lesser sentence served after Joe gets released.

It will be very interesting to see how this judge handles these two criminals who have flaunted their ill-gotten wealth for YEARS on television. ~ Administrator said... 142

Jamie's really drawn people out of the wood works. Even good ole Paige popped in to talk to her. I see Paige now has a serious boyfriend, cute, and is all about him now, as a 20 year old should be.

Jamie also said this weekend is going to be family time. I can't remember the last time Kate used such a term. Now let's see if Milo pesters her for attention when she specifically said this weekend she's devoting to her family. It's so selfish. ~ Administrator said... 143

Well it's happened finally. Two photographers have been following Prince George with his nanny to the park every day and William and Kate have had to send them both a letter pleading with them to please stop stalking their child.

TLC stinks said... 144

You know, it is amazing to me how long this Milo person has managed to remain incognito considering how many years Fired Up has been on BM's blog or on Twitter. A true fan would be above board as to who they are rather than being incredibly sly. Kate allows Milo into her world because of the constant adoration so it will be interesting some day to find out if Milo is someone Kate knows or has permitted a catfish to dupe her. I really think Milo is keeping a secret and taunts everyone with occasional hints. It's a game with this person.

Tucker's Mom said... 145 (Administrator) said... 144
Well it's happened finally. Two photographers have been following Prince George with his nanny to the park every day and William and Kate have had to send them both a letter pleading with them to please stop stalking their child.
October 2, 2014 at 6:45 AM

Hopefully, no paper will buy them and publish the photos.
It they have no value, the pap will move on. ~ Administrator said... 146

William and Kate said that most publications have not published the photos. I think they won't have much problem in Britain because they have more control of their own press, either with leverage or actual laws.
From what I've observed usually it's the international publications that publish photos like these. USA, and other places in Europe like Spain or Italy. That is much harder to police. Some rag mag like Radar is not going to care that William and Kate are upset.

You know how the sheeple always say we're just jealous of TFW's life? I imagine that goes for a lot of sheeple of any celeb. Well they recently did a poll and asked people whether you would want to be the Duchess. It was overwhelming how many people said absolutely not. I guess they would not do it too. The sheeple cannot grasp that most people don't want to be famous or under public scrutiny, even with all the perks.

NJGal51 said... 147

Well it's happened finally. Two photographers have been following Prince George with his nanny to the park every day and William and Kate have had to send them both a letter pleading with them to please stop stalking their child.
I guess TFW can tweet that she knows exactly what they're going through and maybe she can pass some advice on to the royal couple. LOL!

Mel said... 148

The sheeple cannot grasp that most people don't want to be famous or under public scrutiny, even with all the perks.

What???? You mean not everyone is a materialistic greedy pig? While still trying to portray themselves as a good Christian woman?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 149

Admin (#147), what you said about the fans saying we're jealous of
TFW just triggered a thought.

TFW portrays herself as being harried, and overwhelmed, and running 24/7, and piecing and patching, and not a moment to herself, and lonely without a partner, and trying to be both mother and father
to 8 children, and no family members that know how to help her,
and not being able to sleep at night worrying about her future.
So if the fans believe everything that comes out of their heroine's
mouth, and of course they do, then what kind of knuckleheads
would envy even one of those things? It's not just laughable --
it's stupid.

JMO said... 150

A good parent would encourage her 8 kids to see their dad regularly. Not sure why M & C were not visiting Jon back to the BBB video, so perhaps, they did not want to spend time in his home, but they appeared in driveway and gave him hugs. Maybe they don't like spending time with Jon's girlfriend and her three kids who he reportedly lives with. Who really knows?

Regardless, it is sad for kids who do not see him, especially the boys who need a dad. Clearly something is not right with the situation. Kids will have other commitments with friends, school, etc.. but how is TFW able to keep them away from Jon if they actually want to go see him?

Not being snarky, but how does this work? Does scheduled visitation get ignored?

Gayle said... 151

Good golly! Anyone know what set CJ off? She's in meltdown on Twitter and it's both funny and very sad.

Rhymes with Witch said... 152

Not being snarky, but how does this work? Does scheduled visitation get ignored? 151

Nor being snarky either, but probably the same way that I'm betting that Katie and TLC ignored the new laws in PA.

getofftwitter said... 153

Does it not make you wonder why TLC, finds space in their programing, to run several current programs repeatedly( Duggars, Roloffs etc). , several times during the week, but could not find a slot, for K8? I'm surprised that her sheeple have not bomb-barted TLC with wondering why. So TLC had no room on current schedule to put K8 on, but will put K8 on in December? Question of the year.

PatK said... 154

Gayle said... 152
Good golly! Anyone know what set CJ off? She's in meltdown on Twitter and it's both funny and very sad.


I saw that mentioned elsewhere and took a look. That woman needs mental help, stat.

Millicent said... 155

Tucker's Mom said... 142

In other reality news, the Guidices (Theresa and Joe) are being sentenced today in N.J. for the mass fraud they've committed.

Reportedly, Joe is virtually certain to do jail time (and maybe get deported back to Italy after) and Theresa might get as little as probation or house arrest, or even a lesser sentence served after Joe gets released.
I hope the husband is deported after he serves his sentence. We have enough home grown grifters and crooks of our own. Let Italy have this bum back! Is Theresa still on the show? I sincerely hope not!

localyocul said... 156

PatK said... 155
Gayle said... 152
Good golly! Anyone know what set CJ off? She's in meltdown on Twitter and it's both funny and very sad.


I saw that mentioned elsewhere and took a look. That woman needs mental help, stat.


Holy crap! She's insane! And mean! This is one who TFW thinks is normal and supportive?

Millicent said... 157

Sleepless In Seattle said... 136

I'm also still baffled with this LOM, and exactly why Gladys needs to go to bed at the same time every night, and why "hubs" gives her those orders!
It makes me wonder if he doesn't give her some medication at a certain time each night that helps her sleep or something. It reminds me of someone who has to have a caregiver living with them, to make sure they don't leave the stove on, or go wandering around at night in their nightgown. The "lights out" at the same time every night sounds like a regimen that might exist at some type of living facility.

Tucker's Mom said... 158

NJGal51 said... 148
Well it's happened finally. Two photographers have been following Prince George with his nanny to the park every day and William and Kate have had to send them both a letter pleading with them to please stop stalking their child.
I guess TFW can tweet that she knows exactly what they're going through and maybe she can pass some advice on to the royal couple. LOL!
October 2, 2014 at 7:42 AM
I remember being slack jawed when I read in the Vanity Fair article, that Kate knew exactly how Diana felt.
What a megalomaniac.

Tucker's Mom said... 159

I hope the husband is deported after he serves his sentence. We have enough home grown grifters and crooks of our own. Let Italy have this bum back! Is Theresa still on the show? I sincerely hope not!
Joe Guidice got 41 months and the judge said that if Theresa gets time, she'll serve first. So, it looks like she's getting time, too.
Good. Let them serve time to really think about the fact that their crimes where not victimless.

Also, I didn't realize that federal prison doesn't do parole, so the sentence is the sentence.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 160

So TLC had no room on current schedule to put K8 on, but will put K8 on in December? Question of the year.


Perhaps because they aren't finished filming, with the twins' birthday coming up and the holidays? It wouldn't make sense to run a special now and then another special if they want to do this during consecutive weeks in December.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 161

Good golly! Anyone know what set CJ off? She's in meltdown on Twitter and it's both funny and very sad.


I think of all the sheeple, that one is the scariest and quite possibly the most dangerous. The others are, well, just sheep who are really not all that bright and for the most part seem benign. Then again, I don't really follow them too closely!

Gayle said... 162

Even for CJ, this is a new low - and she's still tweeting. Her husband must be gone or else has given up. She's really unravelling. Wonder where her BV pals are.

TLC stinks said... 163

An unflattering take on the Radar story.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 164

You know, it is amazing to me how long this Milo person has managed to remain incognito considering how many years Fired Up has been on BM's blog or on Twitter.


I think her identity was revealed on another blog; at least there was speculation about it, her name, husband's name, even her address with photos of the property that looked exactly like some of the ones she has posted.

Gayle said... 165


I think of all the sheeple, that one is the scariest and quite possibly the most dangerous. The others are, well, just sheep who are really not all that bright and for the most part seem benign. Then again, I don't really follow them too closely!


Doesn't tweeting like this constitute spam? Hopefully, she's been reported to Twitter.

All This Is That said... 166

"Doesn't tweeting like this constitute spam? Hopefully, she's been reported to Twitter."

I don't know. I don't have Twitter and it looks like she's gone private, so I can't see what she has tweeted. Someone said she's running scared, but I don't know from whom or what.

All This Is That said... 167

I don't understand Twitter, and I guess that may not be a bad thing. I checked Tweet Tunnel and it said her account is protected, but when I searched another way, it pulls up her timeline.

Unknown said... 168

JMO said... 151
''... Maybe they don't like spending time with Jon's girlfriend and her three kids who he reportedly lives with. Who really knows?

Regardless, it is sad for kids who do not see him, especially the boys who need a dad. Clearly something is not right with the situation. Kids will have other commitments with friends, school, etc.. but how is TFW able to keep them away from Jon if they actually want to go see him? ''
''Who really knows'' indeed. Jon isn't on twitter, doesn't post anything about his children, his work, who he is or is not living with or which children he has with him on any given day. That is a GOOD thing. How do we actually know that TCFW is able to keep any of the children from Jon? We only know what other people say, there is nothing from Jon. That is the way it should be.

I have faith that Jon is a good loving father to his children who love him in return. The very fact that we hear nothing from Jon is proof enough to me that Jon is doing what is best for his children and his life with them!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 169

CJ hasn't gone private. Here are two ways to see her insane tweets:

SCgal said... 170

What kind of stuff is CJ saying (tweeting)?

All This Is That said... 171

CJ hasn't gone private. Here are two ways to see her insane tweets:

Yes, I see that and posted at 168 that I found her account. My question is, though, when I searched another way, this showed up::

Protected Account: cjwhodunit

redbirdsings said... 172

Sleepless in Seattle, I just checked. Jamie is following only 4 people:

kate, Deanna, Milo and some lady named Denise.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 173

What kind of stuff is CJ saying (tweeting)?

Kinda hard to describe. She's been going for 7 hours now. Mainly saying everyone who ever criticized Kate (and her, of course) is going to jail. #SOON

Tucker's Mom said... 174

SCgal said... 171
What kind of stuff is CJ saying (tweeting)?

I took a gander and don't see what the issue is- it appears to be a bunch of random, mostly meaningless non sequiturs.

redbirdsings said... 175

Of all the animal whisperers we have on here!

Squirrel whisperer, Tucker's Mom, and of course, kate.

Skunk whisperer, roundsaboutandswings

Gopher whisperer, Rhymes with Witch


Over In TFW's County said... 176

Of all the animal whisperers we have on here!

Squirrel whisperer, Tucker's Mom, and of course, kate.

Skunk whisperer, roundsaboutandswings

Gopher whisperer, Rhymes with Witch



Well, I have a groundhog. He or she is rather tame. I am NOT, however, feeding the little critter. We all know how that ends up for me. Strays become permanent residents who take over my pillow (and my heart)!

Still, the little guy is kind of cute, and is waiting in the driveway for me when I get home. Every day is Groundhog Day. Sigh. I don't think the Slumbering Lodge or Punxsutawney needs another prognosticator, though.

Gayle said... 177

Tuckers Mom - as Tweet-le posted, all the tweets can be seen here:

I just took a look at her timeline and it's pretty astounding. Someone upthread mentioned bipolar and that may be it but, after seeing her in action over many years, I think it must be more, although I wouldn't hazard a guess as to what the pathology might be.

It looks like she's been tweeting for 6+ hours and seems to think everyone is "jen". And there's something about the non-fans courteously alerting her to her teenage daughter's blog, or profile or some social media platform that was open to the public and contained some information that was best made private. She's making little sense - I'm surprised that her online friends haven't told her to chill. She's really looking pretty foolish.

Over In TFW's County said... 178

I took a gander and don't see what the issue is- it appears to be a bunch of random, mostly meaningless non sequitur


She's ranting and raving and carrying on about people being insane and having mental health issues, suicide, and going to jail, and who knows what else. Sounds like the proverbial case of the pot meeting the kettle.

As we say here in this neck of the woods...ay yai yai.

Craziness said... 179

tweet from @CJWhodunit to @GeeWhiz__ I'll DM you when I get home.Jen really stepped in it this time,holy cow

This is coming from the woman who steps in it at least once a week. How can one woman like this be so CLUELESS?

swimgirl said... 180

Gayle said... 163
Even for CJ, this is a new low - and she's still tweeting. Her husband must be gone or else has given up. She's really unravelling. Wonder where her BV pals are.

She has tweeted/retweeted over 170 times today! She sounds manic. I feel sorry for her, perhaps a hobby could fill her day. For someone who says she is a Christian, her tweets say otherwise. She is a very negative person.

redbirdsings said... 181

Over in TWF's County, how are those little darling kittens that you took in during the ice cold winter?

TLC stinks said... 182

Fleecing, I think I know which blog you are talking about. If that's the case and I went back and looked at all the pictures she's posted with tweets, I'd say this person is unstable with the constant inviting of Kate to come to her place and inserting herself into Kate's life. I still say Kate eggs this on just to have someone adore her and promote her. This is very typical of Kate regardless of the consequences for the other person. The infatuation is just so over the top. This person lives in an alternate universe believing she is Kate's pal. I keep swinging from one position to the next, but now with Jamie starting to tweet and it's obvious those two are still tight, I don't believe Kate is using Milo as an "insider". I think it's been Jamie all along. Milo, unfortunately, is just another pawn in Kate's quest to lie her way through life.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 183

She has tweeted/retweeted over 170 times today! She sounds manic. I feel sorry for her, perhaps a hobby could fill her day. For someone who says she is a Christian, her tweets say otherwise. She is a very negative person.


She has a hobby, and she's doing it on Twitter. There are a few fans I would love to interview, and that one in particular. I am really interested in the psychology of it all. What makes a person become so obsessed, so full of hatred that they are hell bent on stalking, tormenting, ridiculing and harassing strangers on the internet? There are some very serious mental issues going on there, and how long does it continue before they snap and do physical harm to others or to themselves? There has to be a breaking point. It's so far from being "normal." How pathetic must their own lives be that they must engage in such internet activities in order to find some kind of fulfillment? I really don't think it's all done for attention. There is something much deeper at issue here.

Moreover, if they have families, why isn't there any attempt at intervention? It could be though, that they don't recognize the extent to which the family member has gone, they could be in denial that this would happen to a member of their own family, or maybe even those close to the person are also "off" in their own way. Then, too, perhaps they are afraid of the stigma of mental health illness within their own family.'s both frightening and sad at the same time, and one can only hope that they get the help that they so desperately need before some tragic event ensues.Perhaps people like this have nowhere to turn and just don't know how to cope and don't have any understanding of what is happening to them, and that this is not rational behavior. Are they struggling with depression and they can't handle the pain, and it manifests itself in making the lives of others miserable? Do they just want someone the result manic tweeting?

My heart goes out to the children of these people. This can't be a positive experience for them.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 184

Now CJ is including the Pope in her insane rants.

CJWhodunit @CJWhodunit ·
@GoKingDaddy @AlfredoCocozza Alfredo admits right in her header she is a drunken drug abuser,TL proves it!#GetHelp@Pontifex

AuntieAnn said... 185

Remona Blue said... 169

''Who really knows'' indeed. Jon isn't on twitter, doesn't post anything about his children, his work, who he is or is not living with or which children he has with him on any given day. That is a GOOD thing. How do we actually know that TCFW is able to keep any of the children from Jon? We only know what other people say, there is nothing from Jon. That is the way it should be.

I have faith that Jon is a good loving father to his children who love him in return. The very fact that we hear nothing from Jon is proof enough to me that Jon is doing what is best for his children and his life with them!


Exactly what I thought. Thank God for it too because the kids privacy is not important to Kate. She birthed them to use them. They are her only hope of staying relevant. If she couldn't talk about them the only thing she'd have left to tweet about would be her cataclysmic appliance problems and her *fabulous* recipe inventions. And deep down she has to know no one gives a shite about her vacuum cleaner, her lint trap or her hashhouse cookery so the kids' private lives' are sacrificed to serve HER needs, as usual.

PA Dutch Mom said... 186

Now CJ is including the Pope in her insane rants.

CJWhodunit @CJWhodunit ·
@GoKingDaddy @AlfredoCocozza Alfredo admits right in her header she is a drunken drug abuser,TL proves it!#GetHelp@Pontifex


Obviously her family isn't going to stop this nonsense, but doesn't she have any normal/rational Twitter friends who could put the brakes on this nonsense?

Or do they condone this behavior and egg her on? Something's gotta give...

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 187

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 185
Now CJ is including the Pope in her insane rants.

Does she drunk tweet? Serious question!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 188

Have we not heard a peep from Jon since Couples Therapy? While
I think it was a cringeworthy decision, it seems like he just did it for
a quick paycheck, and then went right back underground. And he
didn't parade his kids in front of the camera.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 189

I'm not sure about the ins and outs of Twitter - can Jamie see those
off-the-wall tweets, sent by one of TFW's "nice, normal, supportive"
fans? ~ Administrator said... 190

I know the obvious thought is why don't someone's family, friends, whatever intervene when they've gone off their rocker. The thing is though my experience with the mentally ill is that for some of them there is no controlling them. There is nothing you can say or do to curtail them. There is no reasoning with them because they are not operating within reason. Some of them may even have a professional therapist or other expert involved in their treatment whom they may disregard too.

It's really not much unlike Kate. Does anyone honestly think her family or friends have any say in what she does? I certainly think they've tried, and I think anyone who tries gets cut off. She does what she wants, and that's part of her mental illness.

Tucker's Mom said... 191

It's really not much unlike Kate. Does anyone honestly think her family or friends have any say in what she does? I certainly think they've tried, and I think anyone who tries gets cut off. She does what she wants, and that's part of her mental illness.
I got the feeling that when Kate's sister commented to Radar (or whomever) about not seeing Kate or the kids, it was truly out of desperation because Kate has completely cut her off and there is no other way to reach her.
Her sister really seemed to be reaching out, trying to explain why perhaps she was cut out of Kate's life. She seemed very upset and affected by the fracture in the family.

No, there's no getting to Kate. She will not tolerate any dissent or questioning of her methods and lifestyle.

The thing is, I think Kate's poor sister feels like somehow, Kate just outgrew them, when the fact is, Kate is still the same. She just puts on more airs now.

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 192

She has tweeted/retweeted over 170 times today! She sounds manic. I feel sorry for her, perhaps a hobby could fill her day. For someone who says she is a Christian, her tweets say otherwise. She is a very negative person.

Not to play armchair psychologist, but could self-loathing./paranoia be at play here? If you have no respect for yourself and hate yourself, would one remedy be to try to make others feel just as miserable and terrible about themselves?

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 193

I'm not sure about the ins and outs of Twitter - can Jamie see those
off-the-wall tweets, sent by one of TFW's "nice, normal, supportive"

I was wondering that, too. Not only tweets from that "normal" person, but also the ones from that fan's Twitter cronies?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 194

I'm not sure about the ins and outs of Twitter - can Jamie see those
off-the-wall tweets, sent by one of TFW's "nice, normal, supportive"

Jamie would have to be following that person to be able to see their insane tweets. The only other way they can be seen (unless you go to CJ's timeline and I doubt Jamie knows what's going on enough to go there) would be if those insane tweets are on Kate's timeline which they aren't because CJ didn't include @Kate in her tweets

Anne B. said... 195

especially the boys who need a dad.

I vehemently disagree as a single mother to an almost adult son. He didn't need a dad. He may have 'wanted' one but he certainly didn't 'need' one.

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 196

Did that person actually tweet and ridicule someone's miscarriage, asking about how much blood there was? Tell me it's not the case.

Then we have this from Kate...

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 26m
Is it bedX already? Man this day flew by..I repaired saggy drawers of a dresser today so I feel accomplished & proud! #Hammer #Drill #Glue

CarleneMarie ‏@CarleneMarie_1 22m22 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Way to go Ms Fix-it!

Does Carlene also have Kate Twitter Alert? I thought only Milo cared about Kate's saggy drawers?

Kokomo, Cocktails And Dreams said... 197

especially the boys who need a dad.


I vehemently disagree as a single mother to an almost adult son. He didn't need a dad. He may have 'wanted' one but he certainly didn't 'need' one.

They do need a dad because they have TFW as a mother.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 198

Kokomo (#197), don't worry - I'm sure Gladys will be checking in
momentarily with her praise, making Rosie the Riveter seem
like a slacker in comparison! ~ Administrator said... 199

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 26m
Is it bedX already? Man this day flew by..I repaired saggy drawers of a dresser today so I feel accomplished & proud! #Hammer #Drill #Glue


You'd be surprised how fast these days fly when you have to WORK too like other single moms. ~ Administrator said... 200

Even though it’s reality TV there’s still a fictional aspect to it, where they develop a plotline, they develop characters, they try to plot people against each other. Look at all the couples that have been split up through reality television: Nick and Jessica, Jon and Kate, the Blink 182 guy, it’s almost like reality TV has some sort of a curse to it. It’s like they want drama going on, because more drama leads to better ratings. I don’t know…though there were good points, I think the bad far outweighed the good. I resent doing it. I think that if we weren’t on television that we would still be married today. Absolutely.


I don't think he's bitter. I think he's telling the truth. Just because you choose to share the truth of what really happened as you see it doesn't mean you should be blown off as just bitter.

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