Tuesday, September 9, 2014

We all worked on 'the career.' As if it were a totally separate entity in the room.

Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work is full of all kinds of layers and insight into the world of celebrity, women entertainers, groundbreaking comedy, workaholics, and the self-absorbed. One of those layers is Joan's only child, daughter Melissa, a celebrity now in her own right and every bit as sharp as her mother. This is a serious profile of someone who spent her life trying to be anything but.

If you watch this for anything, check out Melissa's thoughts on being raised by one of the most famous female celebrities to ever live.

"This business, you are mud your whole life," Joan explains when she talks about decades of rejection. And one of her funniest, oldest jokes about men and valuing a woman's intelligence: "No man ever put his hand up a woman's dress looking for a library card." Lol.

Thanks for your candor and rest in peace, Joan Rivers.

1214 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 1

Joan and Kathy seemed to have come to an understanding over the years.
It didn't seem like there was bad blood in the end, at least on Kathy's part.
Griffin seemed very emotional about Joan's sudden passing.


Yes absolutely, and that's the difference between her and a truly nasty person like I believe Kate to be.

Kate rejoices when a competitor miscarries. Joan would feel awful and send flowers and a meal.

Joan was obviously very thrown off her feet about Kathy usurping her, but you never felt like she didn't respect her talent and hard work and she never wished her ill. Ever. Kathy in turn fully understands Joan paved the way for her and respects her too.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 2

Holy crap, Joan STUDIED a whole huge textbook she made of information on all the other celebrity contestants.

This is the kind of drive and non-lazy attitude that have lasting careers, make boatloads of money, and WIN. Kate couldn't even begin to have this kind of drive.

JoyinVirginia said... 3

New post, hooray! Thanks admin!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 4

This is the kind of drive and non-lazy attitude that have lasting careers, make boatloads of money, and WIN. Kate couldn't even begin to have this kind of drive.


Kate can't even update her own website.

Jeanne said... 5

I was a fan of Joan Rivers. I'll miss her on Fashion Police. No idea if the show will continue. It would need a new figurehead to make it work. I watched the episode of 20/20 on Friday that was a whole hour just about Joan. Some of the old clips were fun.

Off topic: I sent a tweet for the first time today. I was trying to get service from a company and nothing else was working. So confusing. I don't even know if I'll know if they reply.

Cathy R. said... 6

Wow! The Neev thing is pretty shocking. He's getting a ton of hate from that awful tweet he put out. Leave the jokes to people like Joan, Neev! lol

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 7

Just saw the full Gone Girl trailer can't wait to see this. Neil Patrick Harris as Desi is inspired.

Ex Nurse said... 8

Admin said...
This is the kind of drive and non-lazy attitude that have lasting careers, make boatloads of money, and WIN. Kate couldn't even begin to have this kind of drive.
I especially loved the card catalog of 40 years of jokes, categorized by topic

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 9

I was sitting on the patio sipping (okay, gulping) a Bahama Mama, and thinking about the sheeple. What would happen if Milo and her Merry Minion, aka Zigfield Tola and Zigfield Ziglet, Defective, Hole-in-Heart without the D, Sienna Sheep (whose American Girl doll watches videos), Stale Cereal Brownie, Kisser-upper Carlene, Goofy Goody, Uggs and her plethora of hot friends, and a host of others would show up at the Kate Kompound, with Lauren driving her school bus, and Hero BV leading the pack.

Kate has tweeted how much she loves her supporters (not the good bra)...the tweetie strangers, she's thankful for their undying devotion and adulation, ad nauseam. How much love would she show them? Would she let them in? Would she take them out for an organic lunch? Open the wine and Rumspringa? Host a pajama party and tell them to sleep on the cold bare floor?

Exactly what would Kate do if they all descended upon her for a surprise visit (in the absence of a bunny...hide the dog, the bird and the fish)?

Anonymous said... 10

From former thread...
Thank you Ryhmes for realising I would never say anything like that, let lone tweet it to whomever


Over And Out said... 11

"What would happen if Milo and her Merry Minion, aka Zigfield Tola and Zigfield Ziglet, Defective, Hole-in-Heart without the D, Sienna Sheep (whose American Girl doll watches videos), Stale Cereal Brownie, Kisser-upper Carlene, Goofy Goody, Uggs and her plethora of hot friends, and a host of others would show up at the Kate Kompound, with Lauren driving her school bus, and Hero BV leading the pack."

Kravitz and Abner, assuming LOM goes along to act as navigator, are first off the bus, instructing the group on proper peeping procedures because she knows every window in that house and where everyone sleeps.

Creepy to even think about it!

AuntieAnn said... 12

What would happen if Milo and her Merry Minion, aka Zigfield Tola and Zigfield Ziglet, Defective, Hole-in-Heart without the D, Sienna Sheep (whose American Girl doll watches videos), Stale Cereal Brownie, Kisser-upper Carlene, Goofy Goody, Uggs and her plethora of hot friends, and a host of others would show up at the Kate Kompound, with Lauren driving her school bus, and Hero BV leading the pack.


lol Fleecing!

I think I'll try one of those Bahama Mamas.

Get medicated....... said... 13

Thank you for the new post. I just watched this last night for the second time. If her comedy is accurate about her mother, which she said it was, she was a root problem for Joan's insecurity. That's my opinion of course.
I loved her Thanksgiving party, what an eclectic group for employees, friends and family to neighbors.
I wonder if she grew up poor because she sure liked things lavish and gaudy.
BTW, can't wait for " Gone girl" the movie!!

FYI said... 14

I haven't watched this documentary yet, but will watch it in the next day or so. I did come across an interview Joan did for the British series "Shrink Rap" where she spoke with a psychologist about her life. This interview was in 2008.


BTW, if anyone missed PBS's airing of Robin Williams remembered you can watch it here:


Two iconic comedians who people tend to forget were also human beings. Both were heavily involved in charity work and trying to help those less fortunate then them.

And then there's Kate........

Westbrooke said... 15

I watched the Joan Rivers documentary. She was an incredible hard worker, did her research, a brand and a business. I couldn't believe the number of checks that were brought to her to sign, she supported a number of people and charities. I came away with more respect for her and her work ethic, she walked the walk, a true survivor. Melissa really impressed me, her insight and understanding was remarkable. It wasn't a candy coated documentary as there were rough times and awkward moments. Her biggest fear was an empty appointment book. With her schedule, she really did seem to love what she did and enjoyed her life. Sadly, I came away thinking she didn't feel she fit and honestly after seeing the documentary I came away with the feeling she actually would be shocked by the outpouring of love and sadness expressed by so many on her passing. I enjoyed the documentary and recommend it to those that liked r didn't like her because you come away with a lot to think about.

Tucker's Mom said... 16

Have some here read Gone Girl? I saw the previews on tv, and am thinking of reading the book before/if I see the movie.

willowmom (now Piper's mom) said... 17

Tucker's Mom:

Read. The. Book. :) Twisted story, but so good.

Formerly Duped said... 18

What, catfish Nev? I missed it! What was it?

Dmasy said... 19

Piper's Mom (and all others who mentioned it) -- I will read Gone Girl. My next book.

Thank you.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 20

Her biggest fear was an empty appointment book. With her schedule, she really did seem to love what she did and enjoyed her life. Sadly, I came away thinking she didn't feel she fit and honestly after seeing the documentary I came away with the feeling she actually would be shocked by the outpouring of love and sadness expressed by so many on her passing


It really gives you a wonderful insight into people who gravitate toward celebrity. I appreciate her candor. I think many other celebs, including my narcissist and Kate, are on the same spectrum as her when it comes to the how's and why's, just with Kate not having nearly as much talent or work ethic.

Melissa is sharp as a sword. She explained that in her experience people who want to be on stage like that and fawned all over are actually very broken inside. That is their way to feel valued and loved. And Joan said that fame was a drug and she was desperate for her daily fix. When a blank appointment book stared her in the face she nearly panicked because how will she get her fix? I have looked into the eyes of someone going through that same feeling of "my career is over" panic. They too staked so much of their self worth on getting their mug out there. As so many others have said, it must be hell. I think it is. Being a drug addict is hell but that doesn't mean everyone just stops using.

I think this is one of the most honest looks at the true motivations behind people who lust for fame I've ever seen.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 21

Definitely read Gone Girl I think before seeing the movie.

I think the fun of Gone Girl was the mystery of it. I think if you see the movie first the book will be spoiled.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 22

What, catfish Nev? I missed it! What was it?


Eight years ago Nev says he was taking a photo at a party or something and somebody got mad at him for it and attacked him. He punched them back in self defense. Other people say otherwise. In any case, he was arrested but the charges were dropped, but his school decided to kick him out for it. As far as anybody knows something like this was a one time screw up on his part and never happened again.

Except he was dumb enough to say something about the Rice situation, and people pearl clutched like crazy because heaven forbid you ever say something about another man beating his wife if you ever did not have a moment of complete passivity in your life, so I guess he shut down his twitter.

Formerly Duped said... 23

Thanks, Admin. I'm a Nev fan too, and think he has done a lot of good. We're all human and IMO Twitter etc, can make you say things you might regret or word differently in real life, but there they are, out there for all to criticize. Of course a repeat offender like TFW , well, that's a catfish or rather, sheep, of a different color!

PJ's momma said... 24

PJ, oh my gosh, that made me laugh out loud. Thank you. He actually has a will but the idiot never got it recorded at the courthouse. So if you DO a will, even with an online template, be sure to get it recorded! I could relate to all those things. He and my mom bypassed their kids and any remaining money when mom is gone is distributed to the grandkids. His kids are mad about that and coming after me. Hey, I get nothing either, even though I have spent thousands of dollars going back and forth trying to sort this crap out! I've spent thousands on attorney fees too, but I will reimburse myself for that when the life insurance is sorted out. I gave his daughters ALL his personal effects, and they are still mad.
Yes, friends, do read Gone Girl before you see the movie. But you may be tempted to sleep with one eye open!

Ex Nurse said... 25

The other characteristic Joan has is that she was always a professional. No gig was too small--she always brought her A game. She made sure that she was prepared and where she was supposed to be. I have posted about this before--when TFW said, on camera during DWTS that she shows up for hair and makeup when she thinks she needs to be there, not when it is scheduled, it was a huge red flag that she is a nightmare to work with. Especially on a live network show!

Anonymous said... 26

"If her comedy is accurate about her mother, which she said it was, she was a root problem for Joan's insecurity. Post #13
What does this mean. Who was a root problem for her insecurity? And how can I watch the documentary? Thanks

PJ's momma said... 27

Shoot, sorry. I meant to also ask where you all are watching the documentary? HBO? I searched for it there but didn't find it and don't have Netflix. Thanks in advance.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 28

Joan said in her entire life nobody ever told her she was beautiful. Including her husband and her mother. She said people would tell her she looks "great" when she dressed up nice, but that is not the same as telling somebody they are beautiful. She's so right about that, that's not the same.

Her looks seemed to bring her an incredible amount of insecurity and the plastic surgery makes perfect sense.

Look at her face during the roast. I think she genuinely got her feelings hurt when they were roasting her, and when a man who had a deaf son was mad at one of her Helen Keller jokes she defended him afterward and seemed to feel awful. Then Melissa said it was awkward when she was trying to introduce her to people because Joan is socially awkward and will stare at her phone and then people feel like she not interested.

Joan just sort of said yeah I know I'm sorry.

She was definitely a very hurt and insecure person in there. By no means would I call her mean and nasty inside, even though her comedy could be cutting. If anything she's all mush and insecurity inside. As many celebs are, of course.

Blowing In The Wind said... 29

What does this mean. Who was a root problem for her insecurity?


I believe this refers to Joan's mother.

Blowing In The Wind said... 30

From Huffpost:

"The 81-year-old suffered a heart attack and stopped breathing on August 28th during a routine endoscopy at a New York clinic. But the doctor who operated on her reportedly noticed something on her vocal cords and then performed the unplanned biopsy - something that isn't supposed to be done outside of a hospital."

Uh, oh. If this is true, somebody is going to be in a heap of trouble.

FYI said... 31

I wonder why Kate never tweeted anything about Joan's passing.

Last year when Cory Monteith died she tweeted:

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Love and prayers go out to Corey Monteiths family. What a great, fun guy! Just so very sad......🙏

She met Cory just once, when she was doing that skit for the Emmys in 2010, yet she sent out condolences.

This year, she worked with Joan on CA during the challenge to sell Ivanka's shoe line. Yet not a peep. Perhaps Joan didn't treat her the way Kate expected.

Meanwhile, Kate is promoting Zorro. Maybe she's going to promote a new special "Kate with a Z" (a la Liza(Minelli) with a Z).

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8
So in case I missed my kids 'hanging' on me while cleaning up the kitchen, Zorro has found a perfect way to fix that! pic.twitter.com/nK7Jknn4XW


I doubt her kids her "hanging" on her when she cleans the kitchen--mostly because THEY are the ones doing the cleaning.

getofftwitter said... 32

Well, Kate just proved how stupid and unclean she really is. Nobody I know who has a bird, puts the bird up their sleeve and cleans house with the bird like that. First, never believed that the bird is caged trained, when birds go they go, and it does not matter where, even the most trained bird will go if frighten, or startled. Next, most cleaning stuff we use, and even the organic stuff, have fumes, and they can be very toxic to any animal. This does show Kate knows nothing about animals or animal safety. We already saw that the bird had shit on her top, so this supposedly caged train bird will shit where ever. If the animal has go to go it will. This whole I clean house with bird attached is just fantasy on Kates part, cause we all know the 4-5 hour a 5 day hired help and the kids do the work. With her long nails, she does not do any cleaning.

And to her sheeple, the haters did not bring her back, TLC did, they are using her for CHEAP DRAMA, cause they don't care either way, about Kate., the word is sucker!

Tucker's Mom said... 33

There is a lot of speculation swirling around Joan's cause of death.
We just won't know until there is an official investigation into what happened.
Any procedure can cause death, but it's still a shame with Joan because I bet she would have been cracking jokes for another decade.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 34

I knew Joan often guest judged on CA but I'd forgotten there was sightings of her watching the shoe challenge. Now Kate not even acknowledging her passing seems especially cold. I can't wait to see Joan's take on her. She can spot lazy a mile away and no way will she want to hear someone using their kids as an excuse.

Tucker's Mom said... 35

I predict a "Zorro Diaries" blog post coming soon, with Zorro sounding like Tweety Bird.

Tucker's Mom said... 36

IIRC, as we were keeping tabs on Kate filming CA, Kate's last challenge might have been the shoe challenge, with Joan and Ivanka judging.
Like I said, I have a funny feeling Joan had a part in Kate's "firing".

Blowing In The Wind said... 37

With her long nails, she does not do any cleaning.


I clean and I have long nails. It's amazing what you can do when you get used to them. Of course, maybe I'd get more cleaning done if I'd clip them way down!

redbirdsings said... 38

Maybe the reasons why ate didn't acknowledge Joan's passing is being confronted by Joan on CA and Joan's wonderful support for Laney's 5K run. Joan outdid kate about the 5K run support and it must of made kate's blood boil. I believe Joan possibly sent a small check, which would of been wonderful.

Can't believe kate would turn down an opportunity to pay back to her community when she has taken so very much for a very long time.

2 Decades.

Formerly Duped said... 39

Oh, she's just using Zorro as a ploy to 'prove' she actually cleans her own house.Kinda like she planted Jamie on the counter-top cleaning the oven hood. Poor bird, posed stuffed up her sleeve; I again marvel the little creature is still around, between Kate's antics and the rough treatment by the kids. The girl tups also seemed not to know how much food to give him, in the birthday update show.

Susan1956 said... 40

I have a feeling NBC will find a slot for Celebrity Apprentice sooner rather than later due to Joan's passing.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 41

I also have a feeling Joan's passing makes it more likely they'll make room for CA. It would be nice if one of her final acts was to eat Kate for breakfast lol. If that is why Kate won't wish her Godspeed that's pretty immature.

NJGal51 said... 42

I can hear Joan talking to TFW now...."Oh boo-hoo-hoo! So you have a bunch of kids. So what! Go home and take care of them."

Tucker's Mom said... 43

Also, Joan couldn't stand pseudo-celebs.
I remember the epic disdain Joan had for her poker-playing cast mate on CA.
She constantly questioned why she was there on "Celebrity" Apprentice.

Susan1956 said... 44

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 42

I also have a feeling Joan's passing makes it more likely they'll make room for CA. It would be nice if one of her final acts was to eat Kate for breakfast lol. If that is why Kate won't wish her Godspeed that's pretty immature
Well, we are talking about Katie Irene.

K=Kitschy-- describing writing of a pretentious but shallow kind, calculated to have popular appeal (missed the boat with her blog)
A=A**hole (according to her ex)

I'm sure others could do better.

But watch TFMJG tweet how honored she was to work with Joan Rivers when their segment airs on CA. She'll have to acknowledge her passing then.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 45

I know we're all just speculating, but wouldn't it be something if
they air CA, and TFW is her usual scowling, sulking, stomping
self with Joan Rivers, and looks twice as tool-ish now that
Joan has passed? If that's how she behaved, she may be
hoping they never air the thing. Stay tuned!

getofftwitter said... 46

Blowing in the wind: Yes, I totally agree with you, when you have long nails, you do have to get use to them. I use to have long nails, and would ram them or break them, chip polish, etc. I keep them short. I'm a crafter, gardener, etc, and long nails become a hazard. But Kate, no way does she do any real cleaning. That is a fantasy. Kate is the type, that reads the back cover, and then pretends to know everything about the book, kind of like reading cliff notes or watching a movie that was made from a book. Kate never really explores a subject, cause she is too lazy too. That is why she always made a complete ass of herself, when it came to anything historic, or a household thing etc, the RV trip, trip to NYC, and others and I'm sure she will make a complete ass of herself, on this next special/season whatever, trip to New England.

Formerly Duped said... 47

The only book I recall Kate reading is 50 Shades.Her general knowledge and knowledge of current affairs are pathetically lacking. And how does she get her contact lenses in with those talons? I had those acrylic French nails for a while but was constantly scratching my eyes putting my lenses in, so back to 'au naturel' ones.

Well... said... 48

Tucker's Mom said... 44
Also, Joan couldn't stand pseudo-celebs.
I remember the epic disdain Joan had for her poker-playing cast mate on CA.
She constantly questioned why she was there on "Celebrity" Apprentice.
Rather ironic and hypocritical considering that her daughter's "celebrity" status is based solely on the fact that her mother was famous.

Tucker's Mom said... 49

Rather ironic and hypocritical considering that her daughter's "celebrity" status is based solely on the fact that her mother was famous.
September 10, 2014 at 1:20 PM
I went and watched the scene where Melissa got fired from CA, and laughed my ass off.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 50

Admin said...
This is the kind of drive and non-lazy attitude that have lasting careers, make boatloads of money, and WIN. Kate couldn't even begin to have this kind of drive.
Ex Nurse said... 8

I especially loved the card catalog of 40 years of jokes, categorized by topic


Ex-Nurse, your comment on this made me go watch it! I love using index cards, so when you said "card catalog," my ears perked up. I have a 40-drawer card catalog from the twenties in my office and a few smaller ones on my desk. Those are about a hundred years old.

I love how Joan categorized her jokes. She must have had a hundred thousand jokes in all those drawers. As Admin said, here's someone who WORKED. Kate, take note.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 51

That was just Joan. She and Melissa have done their fair share of D list projects but she detested the D list.

She also insisted she hated children, yet clearly adored her grandson. She was sort of all over the place, which is part of her hard yet.

I do think however Melissa has built a career in her own right. Nobody lasts this long just on someone's coattails. Eventually they wear out.

Anonymous said... 52

Well... said... 49
Tucker's Mom said... 44
Also, Joan couldn't stand pseudo-celebs.
I remember the epic disdain Joan had for her poker-playing cast mate on CA.
She constantly questioned why she was there on "Celebrity" Apprentice.
Rather ironic and hypocritical considering that her daughter's "celebrity" status is based solely on the fact that her mother was famous.


That may well be, but Melissa has worked hard to get ahead in the business. She didn't crank out and exploit 8 kids to get where she is.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 53

Beats me how "charm" got changed to "hard yet."

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 54

Joan and Melissa together built up a sort of mother daughter act. Melissa was the more level headed "oh now mom" part of it, Joan was the crazy one. I think anyone with an outspoken parent sort of found the shtick relatable. That has worked for them for many years. Joan may have been her foot in the door but by no means has Melissa not worked hard and stayed there on her own merit.

Sandi said... 55

Joan Rivers sold jewelery and her clothing line on Canada's shopping channel for 18 yrs. Joan herself would be there for 2 days at least 5 times a year. If you had never met or heard of Joan Rivers, you would never in a million years believe she was a comedian. Joan had to have a drawer of "things I am selling cards" she knew every detail of each piece she was selling. An amazing woman!
The shopping channel has put up a beautiful tribute to her.

Anonymous said... 56

If CA does air you just know that the two episodes with Joan will see unprecedented ratings....wouldn't it be grand if on one of those two episodes kate gets the boot. this way the many will see what a lazy pos, wos liar cheater kate is.

laura jean

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 57

It really would be sweet justice if Joan's final act is to see to it Trump fires Kate while all of Joan's fans watch. Like we said karma does come round.

Get Medicated....... said... 58

Oh sorry that wasn't more clear. I think Joan's Mother had a lot to do with her insecurity. She never told her she was pretty. Then again that could be Joan Being dramatic. That's what I meant when I said "if it's accurate". Also you can watch it on Netflix.

Tucker's Mom said... 59

Joan had a great jewelry line. She was always put together so well.
QVC is in Kate's backyard, and I always wondered if she'd wind up on there selling kids clothes or something related to her uber-mom facade.

But, over time, I realized that you can't just sit back and let everyone else do the heavy lifting on any of the shopping channels. You work your butt off in order to be successful.

Joan definitely had what it took.

Rhymes with Witch said... 60

Beats me how "charm" got changed to "hard yet.". 55

The same way "cult" got changed to "July."

Rhymes with Witch said... 61

Without meaning to infringe on anyone's
beliefs, I hope Joan is aware of the outpouring of tributes.

Tucker's Mom said... 62

Rhymes with Witch said... 64
Without meaning to infringe on anyone's
beliefs, I hope Joan is aware of the outpouring of tributes.

I hope she heard Howard Stern's joke at her funeral ;-)

localyocul said... 63

QVC is about 10 miles from me in West Chester. She used to go to the Dilworthown Inn near there for dinner when she was in town..I the owner said she would hardly eat anything.

Tucker's Mom said... 64

localyocul said... 66
QVC is about 10 miles from me in West Chester. She used to go to the Dilworthown Inn near there for dinner when she was in town..I the owner said she would hardly eat anything.
September 10, 2014 at 5:12 PM
What a shame- people travel from far and wide to eat there. It's a gem.
But, I'm guessing they wouldn't make fish in paper or a salad of egg whites and avacado for Kate.

Tucker's Mom said... 65

localyocul said... 66
QVC is about 10 miles from me in West Chester. She used to go to the Dilworthown Inn near there for dinner when she was in town..I the owner said she would hardly eat anything.
Actually, how embarrassing for the people she was dining with.
Most guys I've talked to say they hate it when they take a woman to dinner and she eats like a bird.

WestBrooke said... 66

Uh oh I found something interesting...Netflix documentaries. After the Joan Rivers one, I watched the documentary on Carol Channing. It was charming and old Broadway stories are very interesting. The famous of their time had a work ethic to be admired. She is still alive and 93.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 67

Uh oh I found something interesting...Netflix documentaries. After the Joan Rivers one, I watched the documentary on Carol Channing. It was charming and old Broadway stories are very interesting. The famous of their time had a work ethic to be admired. She is still alive and 93.


It used to be you could make it on work ethic alone. Now there's been somewhat of a shift and some people have been able to make it based on some silly stunt they did, or on just behaving weird, nasty, or otherwise being a character.

However I still think work ethic prevails. People who are famous based on gimmicks and not hard work, will not have a lasting career. Kate is barely around now, and she won't be around in 10 years or even 5. Joan was a presence from the time she was 25 until her death. Kate will never, ever have that. Get rich quick schemes never work in the end.

Tucker's Mom said... 68

Is anyone following the Ray Rice story?
I ask because it's starting to become similar to the Penn State Sandusky debacle; a football culture which is ruled by greed and protects its own at any cost.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 69

Is anyone following the Ray Rice story?
I ask because it's starting to become similar to the Penn State Sandusky debacle; a football culture which is ruled by greed and protects its own at any cost.


Very, very loosely, although I have to say this has the feel of let's just fire everybody and now we've "dealt with it." I can't say as I like that kind of quick fix even though it seems to be in vogue. I didn't like it at PSU and I don't like it now. It has a feel about it that is just like swiffering and not REALLY dealing with the problem itself. And it tends to sweep up people into it that may have had little or nothing to do with the problem.

At least professional football is SUPPOSED to be about money and profit. College is supposed to be something a bit more than that.

On a different note, another reason I wouldn't want to be a celebrity is because I wouldn't want the world to be asking me, my husband and my brother in law about my vomiting habits. Poor Kate. The real Kate. Good grief. Of course we all would do it too now wouldn't we?

Localyocul said... 70

localyocul said... 66
QVC is about 10 miles from me in West Chester. She used to go to the Dilworthown Inn near there for dinner when she was in town..I the owner said she would hardly eat anything.
September 10, 2014 at 5:12 PM
What a shame- people travel from far and wide to eat there. It's a gem.
But, I'm guessing they wouldn't make fish in paper or a salad of egg whites and avacado for Kate.


Yes it's really nice we had my moms 70th birthday there.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 71

Really?? Girl CHOSE this life. We should all have to suffer travelling the world first class and wearing designer clothing. Please.


Yes she did chose this life. I was referring to the constant vomiting. What does it matter how rich you are? Vomiting all day long every day is pretty miserable.

By the way, William flies coach:


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 72

Joan seemed to be a healthy weight. I've heard a lot of people lose their appetite before and/or after a performance. You can still get nerves even after doing it 40 years. Or maybe she filled up on craft services in her dressing room. Maybe she just wanted to take the staff out to celebrate after a good show even if she wasn't hungry herself.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 73

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 16m
Hear Ye Hear Ye > early bird tweet! So happy @kateplusmy8 is coming back to @TLC in December! Planning 4it NOW..a #WinterTreatToRemember :)

I don't think Milo is Kate. Kate wouldn't come up with dumb stuff like this. I'm still not sure, though, if Milo is female. If so, she's socially/emotionally on the level of a young teen. It's like she never grew up. A real Peter Pan. I'm becoming more and more convinced it's a man. I don't know why...just a gut feeling. There's a reason why, with all of the chances she/he had to meet Kate, it never happened. When you're this much in lust with someone, you will go to the ends of the earth to meet that person. There was/is something keeping Mrs. Kravitz from meeting TFW. 'Tis a mystery for sure.

AuntieAnn said... 74

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8

So in case I missed my kids 'hanging' on me while cleaning up the kitchen, Zorro has found a perfect way to fix that! pic.twitter.com/nK7Jknn4XW


You know I think the idiot tweets these pix of Z in various hideouts on her body because she knows it really pisses off the people who have birds and who know it's dangerous.

It's a typical F-U tactic of hers. 'See. I can do anything I want and there's NOTHING you can do about it.' She really doesn't care about the health and safety of other liviing things. As long as they're useful to her is all that really matters.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 75

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 12m
@grisel1018 @Kateplusmy8 Would love 2watch a game ..us three..now how FUN would that be? I'll explain #Offense..U can teach her #Defense LOL

grisel arteaga ‏@grisel1018 12m
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 we would have a blast!! Lets make it happen! #sundayfunday #Football

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3m
@grisel1018 @Kateplusmy8 Are U kidding me? LOL How R we going 2get #MissBusyRaisingEightKids 2sit still 4Football Game! One can hope.. :)

Good lord. I wonder if she/he has a drinking problem. Gladys wants to watch football with Kate. Seriously. There's something very wrong with this person.

Oh, and Gladys. It's "We three." As in "We Three Kings..."

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 76

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 12m
@grisel1018 @Kateplusmy8 Would love 2watch a game ..us three..now how FUN would that be? I'll explain #Offense..U can teach her #Defense LOL


I don't really feel sorry for Milo specifically but I do kind of feel sorry and embarrassed for fans like this who actually have some kind of irrational hope that someday, somehow, if only they could just sit down for a few minutes with their celeb, they will be BFFs and live happily ever after, laughing and eating popcorn over football games, going shopping, laying out poolside with cocktails.

The cruise thing was funny yet sometimes hard to watch because you know they all had this fantasy they were going to leave the whole adventure bestests friends ever with Kate, reunions every summer, pool parties, etc. What don't they understand about this? It will NEVER happen. NEVER. That cruise was over before it even started and we all called it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 77

You know I think the idiot tweets these pix of Z in various hideouts on her body because she knows it really pisses off the people who have birds and who know it's dangerous.


I've thought for a long time a lot of what she does is just about one big F-U to someone. Usually to us, but often to Jon or anybody else she hates. Remember the marathon? Oh that was all about us she even admitted it was. I guess we should be flattered. Somebody ran a marathon for us!

Even the filming is somewhat of an F-U both to Jon and us. The money is an added bonus, but most of it is about the F-U. I don't know what kind of mental illness that is, but it sounds like hell to live that way.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 78

You know I think the idiot tweets these pix of Z in various hideouts on her body because she knows it really pisses off the people who have birds and who know it's dangerous.

It's a typical F-U tactic of hers. 'See. I can do anything I want and there's NOTHING you can do about it.' She really doesn't care about the health and safety of other liviing things. As long as they're useful to her is all that really matters.


Yes. I was thinking the same thing. It's so darn frustrating, though. You just want to slap her silly. Not literally. Not a threat. Just an expression.

I think she does like this bird to some extent, and I hope she's not cutting off her nose to spite her face, and she's not going to regret this FU to those who love birds. At this point, I don't think she's even going to take any advice from her fans who are bird people. Most of them know nothing about birds and think all of this is cute. Kate thrives on this, so she will keep using Zorro as her prop. Unless this bird was DNA'ed, she has no idea if this is a male, and doesn't know what to look for if the bird shows signs of egg binding. Let her find out herself. She won't listen to anyone. Ticks me off.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 79

The bird people may do more for the cause if they ignore her poor choices with this bird.

Like a child would, she may lose interest in trying to get your dander up.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 80

'Tis a mystery for sure.


Oh, great. Now I'm seeing Milo falling asleep with a picture of Kate under her pillow. Gladys is singing...

"Ah! Sweet mystery of life
At last I've found thee
Ah! I know at last the secret of it all!
Yes, I'm falling in love with someone
Plain to see
I'm sure I could love someone madly
If someone would only love me."

Time for bed, Milo. Please, just go to bed. Tomorrow will be a brand new day for more slobberin, droolin and lustin. Gotta get your rest.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 81

Gladys, TFW admittedly sits down for plenty of TV -- American
Idol, Full House reruns, multiple showings of Princess Diaries, etc.
She's also not too busy to go back to bed after taking her kids
to the bus stop. So when you create your own script about TFW's
uber-packed, go-go 24/7 schedule, even when it contradicts the
woman's own claims, it makes you appear desperate to defend
her. And it also makes you seem not nearly as in-the-know as
you've repeatedly bragged about being.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 82

The cruise thing was funny yet sometimes hard to watch because you know they all had this fantasy they were going to leave the whole adventure bestests friends ever with Kate, reunions every summer, pool parties, etc. What don't they understand about this? It will NEVER happen. NEVER. That cruise was over before it even started and we all called it.


Remember when she gave the Austin lad false hope that there would be a huge meet and greet in the middle of the country? Didn't she have him running around checking venues, the logistics of getting everything together, and nothing even materialized? I guess he gave up. When she realized that he actually was trying to make it happen, she got cold feet. She was all talk, but when it became more than just talk, she balked.

Somewhere In Time said... 83

Admin, 79...

But then you have the Uggs person and I'm not sure I really feel sorry for her because she's so obnoxious and annoying and assumes that these celebrities are her buddies. I just can't feel embarrassed for someone like that, probably because she comes on like gangbusters and thinks she deserves to be noticed and wined and dined.

I don't know. Fandom is so intriguing.

AuntieAnn said... 84

Sleepless, I had to google "egg binding" because just like Kate, I know zero about birds which is probably why we don't have one. I hope Gladys reads here and passes the information on. Gaaah. Why can't all pet owners research the needs and behavior of their adopted friends?

I think you're right that she does like that bird. It must be because it cuddles up to her and preens her hair and nibbles on her neck. A narcissist like Kate would love that. Then again, I've seen National Geographic photos of birds sitting on the backs of water buffalo and rhinoceros and doing that very thing so I don't think they discriminate too terribly much.

AuntieAnn said... 85

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 82

The bird people may do more for the cause if they ignore her poor choices with this bird.

Like a child would, she may lose interest in trying to get your dander up.


Yeah but then she'll find something else to prey upon. She's scary like that.

redbirdsings said... 86

AuntieAnn said...87

Oh, AuntieAnn! Thank God I had just finished a cough drop when I read what you posted about birds sitting on rhinos and water buffalos doing the same thing! I would of been a goner!

Localyocul said... 87

Where can I watch a piece of work I thought the YouTube linked it but that's just the opening

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 88

Then again, I've seen National Geographic photos of birds sitting on the backs of water buffalo and rhinoceros and doing that very thing so I don't think they discriminate too terribly much.

LOL Auntie! I was at the zoo a few weeks ago, and there was a flock of them sitting on the back of a capybara, which is the largest rodent in the world. Imagine a giganticus raticus.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 89

Yeah but then she'll find something else to prey upon. She's scary like that.


I suppose that's true. I know nothing about the proper care of birds other than basic common sense, but I do know about dogs. She used to do this with Shoka, throw out all kinds of crap about him that would drive the dog lovers nuts. In particular she really made a point to claim how much he loved being outside, the wild animals he would kill and eat, the roaming he did, all huge red flags for anyone who knows about dogs and their behavior. The nutcase even started writing blog posts from his perspective further justifying all his concerning behaviors.

But this went on for years and after awhile it was hard to keep up our outrage. I think she lost interest too because now, she hardly mentions him.

Rhymes with Witch said... 90

Somebody ran a marathon for us. 80

Somebody might have, maybe, sorta, kinda ran a marathon. But I doubt it.

Anonymous said... 91

Sleepless In Seattle said... 76
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 16m
Hear Ye Hear Ye > early bird tweet! So happy @kateplusmy8 is coming back to @TLC in December! Planning 4it NOW..a #WinterTreatToRemember :)

I don't think Milo is Kate. Kate wouldn't come up with dumb stuff like this.


I have to disagree, Sleepless. She lacks imagination and wouldn't put any effort into a tweet. To me, this sounds as lame as most of the stuff she does. She really does lack creativity and talent of any kind. Like most narcs, she steals ideas from others and tries to pass them off as her own.

AuntieAnn, the visual I got had me snorting tea out my nose this morning. You owe me a screen cleaning.


Tucker's Mom said... 92

I think Kate genuinely likes Zorro, but birds can live a very long time, and I fear at some point, when the kids are gone, Zorro will be yet another inconvenience to her.
Or, she'll tire of the bird long before that.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 93

There's a classic "Sesame Street" piece with birds sitting on different
animals, like elephants, rhinos, giraffes. The song is "There's A Bird
On Me," and the animal is complaining that these birds are talking
to each other, and just using them for transportation. You can
find it on youtube.

Maybe Zorro -- now that he can talk -- can sing his own version
called "There's A Shrew On Me!"

FYI said... 94

For those of you who don't have Netflix and want to watch the documentary, you can watch it on Amazon. It'll cost you $2.99 to rent it, or $9.99 to own it(in SD--HD is slightly higher).

Here is the description from Amazon which gives the difference between renting vs owning:

Rentals start at $2.99. If you rent, you'll have 30 days from when you rent to start watching, and once you start watching, most movies have a 24-hour window to finish watching. Once the rental is over, the movie will automatically disappear from Your Video Library.

Buying a movie or TV show means you can watch it as many times as you want, now or later, subject to terms of use.

Here is the link to order the documentary:


Dmasy said... 95

Auntie, I will have visions of grooming in the wild entertaining me all day. You are a gem!

Ex Nurse said... 96

Virginia Pen said...
Ex-Nurse, your comment on this made me go watch it! I love using index cards, so when you said "card catalog," my ears perked up.
Makes me wonder what topic the Kate jokes were in.

another thing that struck me in the documentary was that she said that she is an actress who plays a comedienne. So, she never cared when someone was offended by criticism of that character--it would just be validation that she is playing it well. She closed her play because she couldn't handle criticism of her acting, but that was about her personally.I thought that was an interesting distinction that she made, and I wonder if the same could be said for Robin Williams, too.

Call Me Crazy said... 97

I saw this today and wanted to share.


getofftwitter said... 98

I wonder how long, it will take Kate to say something about 9-11? Or will she play the ignorant a-hole we all know her to be, by saying that it was a bomb thing or whatever or bringing up about how panic she was with the twins or saying nothing at all! Cause if it is not about her it is meaningless.

TLC stinks said... 99

I think the bird will last as long as it doesn't bite "Kate". She likes to show that the bird "loves" her because of all the criticism regarding the dogs. My feeling is that the only thing she does in regards to Shoka is sending him off to be groomed, otherwise the kids feed and interact with him. It's interesting Shoka has a bed in that front porch; strictly used as a guard dog. I always thought that the return if Shoka was for two reasons only: ratings and a suggestion from Steve to use the dog to guard the property. Period. At least Nala's personality got her a reprieve from being returned. I guess Shoka is a happy dog to be able to roam and gets some attention from the kids, but he was treated horribly by Kate and that dog probably stays away from her. I am tired of her pretending to be "an animal lover". She's not. And that breeder who returned Shoka should be ashamed.

getofftwitter said... 100

As for if Zorro is male or female, it's probably male, so egg-binding is not going to happen. Male birds talk a lot, thy will shake head up/down and do a little dance, spread wings to show off to the female and sing their heads off. I now have 3 males, since i lost both of my female birds. I am going to go to a bird show this saturday to get a new buddy for my cocktiel, he is grieving, I probably will get another male, so all 4 can drive me up the wall(just kidding) with their chatter and singing. My birds are in separate cages, like bird condos. The birds at bird shows are about half the price you paid at the pet store.

Vanessa said... 101

I guess Shoka is a happy dog to be able to roam and gets some attention from the kids, but he was treated horribly by Kate and that dog probably stays away from her. I am tired of her pretending to be "an animal lover". She's not. And that breeder who returned Shoka should be ashamed.

Remember her blog post (or was in on CC?) about Shoka not "liking" to get into her vehicle or something? How she would growl at tfw? Some speculated it was a preemptive attempt at damage control. Or she knew the book was coming out?
Remember the Teutles (sp?) episode? She had a complete shitshow when the dogs came over to the picnic. She does NOT like dogs.

Susan1956 said... 102

Hmmm. Isn't Katie Irene a big fan of The Hunger Games? I doubt they even tested her since Rosie decreed, rightly so, that no reality show participants would be hosts. But it would have been funny. Ironic.


Tucker's Mom said... 103

I am tired of her pretending to be "an animal lover". She's not. And that breeder who returned Shoka should be ashamed.
I would love to know what Robert Hoffman had to say when (if) he saw the b-day special, where Kate professes that she'd like to come back as one of her kids or one of her animals.
Robert watched her drive away from the compound, when the 2 dogs got out and were roaming around on the road, and stay away for a couple HOURS.

Yeah, she's quite the animal whisperer.

(gosh, sometimes I wish Jon would publish his book)

Tucker's Mom said... 104

I'm not sure the shake up at The View could get me to watch again, but I think I'll give a few episodes a look-see and decide.
I'm sure Kate never stood a chance.
Her bff who thinks the world is flat, Sherri Sheperd is gone.
Babs is gone.
Big Boner Bill Geddie is gone.

I can't see any of current ladies of The View capitulating to have Kate on to "set the record straight".

OTOH, maybe it might be "must see tv", with Whoopie and Rosie O being straight shooters with the lying liar who lies.

AuntieAnn said... 105

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 92

She used to do this with Shoka, throw out all kinds of crap about him that would drive the dog lovers nuts. In particular she really made a point to claim how much he loved being outside, the wild animals he would kill and eat, the roaming he did, all huge red flags for anyone who knows about dogs and their behavior. The nutcase even started writing blog posts from his perspective further justifying all his concerning behaviors.

But this went on for years and after awhile it was hard to keep up our outrage. I think she lost interest too because now, she hardly mentions him.


Yes poor Shoka was banished to the wild outdoors because she found another shiny ornament and now she's literally flipping the bird at her haters with Zorro. It's how she treats everything. Remember when they moved out of the old house how she just kicked those paper towels to the side and left the place in a mess? All done playing here, lets go to the bigger house now. That'll really tick off the nasty naysayers.

And I don't want to give her any ideas but because Fleecing mentioned 'capybara' I had to google it to see what they look like, and lo and behold there's a picture of a spider monkey lounging on the back of one.

Don't even think about it, Kate.

FYI said... 106

OT--I don't know if there are any Streisand fans here, but I just read that she's going to be on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Monday. The whole hour will be devoted to her. It's the first time she'll be appearing on the Tonight Show since her first appearance in 1963.

I've always been a big Streisand fan since my teens and am looking forward to her appearance.

FYI said... 107

I've been watching 9/11 specials on TV all morning, and I think I need to take a break. I still remember that day as if it were yesterday. I saw the following posted on FB, and I don't recall seeing it before. It gives another perspective to "Don't sweat the small stuff."

"The head of a company survived 9/11 because his son started kindergarten.
Another fellow was alive because it was his turn to bring donuts.
One woman was late because her alarm clock didn’t go off in time.
One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike because of an auto accident.
One of them missed his bus.
One spilled food on her clothes and had to take time to change.
One’s car wouldn’t start.
One couldn’t get a taxi.
The one that struck me was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, took the various means to get to work but before he got there, he developed a blister on his foot. He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid. That is why he is alive today..

Now when I am
Stuck in traffic,
Miss an elevator,
Turn back to answer a ringing telephone…
All the little things that annoy me,
I think to myself,

This is exactly where I’m meant to be at this very moment."

Remembering the souls who lost their lives on 9/11. May they forever rest in peace.

Millicent said... 108

Admin said:

I don't really feel sorry for Milo specifically but I do kind of feel sorry and embarrassed for fans like this who actually have some kind of irrational hope that someday, somehow, if only they could just sit down for a few minutes with their celeb, they will be BFFs and live happily ever after, laughing and eating popcorn over football games, going shopping, laying out poolside with cocktails.
As annoying and foolish as I find these sorts of fans, I also feel somewhat sorry for them. I think there must be quite an emptiness to their lives, leading them to get so caught up in a fantasy world. If you have a lot going on in real life: friends, family, a spouse or significant other; children, work you enjoy; a home to take care of; activities you enjoy, etc. - then when would you have the time to get so completely absorbed into a celebrity's life?

It reminds me of a friend I had when I was a teenager. Like most teenage girls, she had crushes on the latest boy singer or male movie star. Her big dream was to move to Hollywood once she graduated from high school, meet a movie star and marry him. Totally unrealistic, but pretty normal for a 14 year old. Of course, she didn't do anything of the sort. She went on to college and now works for a local junior college as an admissions counselor.

With the grown women that we see hovering around TFW and other celebs (Ugg lady), it's like they're stuck in that 14-year old mentality. And the older a person gets while stuck in a juvenile mentality, the creepier it becomes.

And when they look back on their life, what will they have to show for it? A million tweets to a pathetic excuse for a mother?

Formerly Duped said... 109

Kate is a twit said... 111

Excellent post and points you made. I could not put what you expressed into words so succinctly and eloquently.

Blowing In The Wind said... 110

And when they look back on their life, what will they have to show for it? A million tweets to a pathetic excuse for a mother?


As well as tweets to comedians telling them when they are leaving for the city, what time they will be there, where they are sitting, and asking them for backstage passes, or to "do" lunch with them.


Blowing In The Wind said... 111

I have to disagree, Sleepless. She lacks imagination and wouldn't put any effort into a tweet. To me, this sounds as lame as most of the stuff she does. She really does lack creativity and talent of any kind.


Exactly, which is why this isn't Kate. Kate lacks the creativity to come up with "Hear Ye, Hear Ye." She'd never think of that. Moreover, Milo's tweets seem to have a down home, backwoods thing to them, and she comes up with phrases that are more common with older people. I agree that Kate is not Milo, but his/her identity is anyone's guess for now. One of the things that was interesting is her talking about her church meetins. This is right in line with the Jehovah Witnesses. Kate wouldn't know anything about them. She'd never bother to research them and decide that, as Milo, this is what she wants to be.

chefsummer #Leh said... 112

Kate is a twit said... 32
I wonder why Kate never tweeted anything about Joan's passing.

I bet it's because Joan made it front of KK and she called KK on her BS-ing.

chefsummer #Leh said... 113

Of course Milo wants to watch a football game with KK that mean they'll be in the same room together that Milo's wet dream.

Tucker's Mom said... 114

And when they look back on their life, what will they have to show for it? A million tweets to a pathetic excuse for a mother?
Tweeting is so empty for the most part, especially for Kate's obsequious lickspittles.
They hang around to get crumbs tossed to them, only when it suits their Queen.

Millicent said... 115

Kate is a twit - that was a wonderful post.

I am sure almost everyone here can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they first heard what was going on on 09/11. That morning began like so many other workday mornings. I had taken my son to preschool and so I didn't have the car radio on. I dropped him off and headed to work, turning the radio on. It was a beautiful fall morning - crystal clear skies of deep blue, crisp air - one of the perfect mornings. And then I was hearing some sort of nonsense on the radio - what was this? A stupid prank like War of the Worlds?

I could not believe what I was hearing at first, and I changed to another station, and it was the same thing. And it was shocking and unbelievable.

I don't think I'll ever forget those specific moments of that morning. So horrible. What humans will do to each other under the mantle of righteousness. So very, very sad.

swingsandroundabouts said... 116

Kate is a twit said... 110

OT--I don't know if there are any Streisand fans here, but I just read that she's going to be on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Monday. The whole hour will be devoted to her. It's the first time she'll be appearing on the Tonight Show since her first appearance in 1963.

I've always been a big Streisand fan since my teens and am looking forward to her appearance.


Yes, big fan here. A couple of years ago my daughter got us tickets for her Back to Brooklyn tour. It was a great evening.

I've been a fan since my brother bought me her first album. Now I'm really dating myself.

Sometimes I find her a little too "divaish", but her talent is undeniable. I'll have to tape the show on Monday. Thanks for the heads up.

Bitchy Pants said... 117

KIAT 111


Sleepless In Seattle said... 118

As for if Zorro is male or female, it's probably male, so egg-binding is not going to happen


I'm sorry to have to disagree with you on this one. If you're pregnant, this is like saying, "it's probably a boy." Without a 100 percent confirmation on a sonogram or another form on testing, there is no way of knowing. The same goes with conures. If she had an eclectus, then it's easy to tell the sex. They can be distinguished by their feather colors; in a cockatoo, the sex can be determined in the eye color. Otherwise, the only way to sex a conure is surgical sexing or a DNA analysis. Could this have been done where she purchased the bird? Quite possibly, but generally, this is not done by a breeder or pet shop unless there is a need to know the sex. She always refers to the bird as "he," but she might be surprised if Zorro lays an egg.

As for talking, both males and females can be great talkers. It all depends on the bird. I have a female eclectus here who can talk circles around the male. He looks at her like, "Knock it off. Enough of this!" I have to laugh because I think her constant singing "Yankee Doodle Dandy" is driving him huts. She really does have the gift of gab.

Good luck with your new bird. Have you looked into a rescue organization for a cockatiel?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 119

stuckinkansas ‏@tkgun73 11h
@RealZiggyFlo @Kateplusmy8 cried through the hole thing. I loved & sure I will the next but Im drained So emotional I just went expecting it


She's drained because she cried the "hole" way through Multiple Blessings? What is WITH these sheeple? Good grief, woman.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 120

She's drained because she cried the "hole" way through Multiple Blessings? What is WITH these sheeple? Good grief, woman.


I guess some people cry over the oddest things. I just cried the "hole" way through "God Bless America" at a baseball game. Never, though, in a million years, would I cry over what Kate has been "through" in her life. Poor baby.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 121

I noticed TLC recently dropped the "19 kids and counting" to just "19 kids." Lol, acceptance of menopause is always a good thing!

Lalalalala said... 122

Kate is a twit said... 111


So beautifully said.

FYI said... 123

She's back, still asking if Kate has read her book. It's been almost a year since she gave it to Kate. You'd think she'd resign herself to the fact that Kate's never going to read it.

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould · 1m
@Kateplusmy8 just checking in to see if you have been able to read yet? :)

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 124

Nicole Gould ‏@nicolergould 9m
@Kateplusmy8 just checking in to see if you have been able to read yet? :)

I was thinking about this one last night, wondering if she gave up. What's it been....a year since Kate said her book was on the nightstand and promised that she'd read it?

Tuckers Mom said... 125

MB was written by Beth, so thank her!

Ingrid said... 126

Remember when she gave the Austin lad false hope that there would be a huge meet and greet in the middle of the country?
She never tried yet she was in Missouri (his state) that same year to speak at something. Didn't even bother to arrange something then.

FYI said... 127

I was thinking about this one last night, wondering if she gave up. What's it been....a year since Kate said her book was on the nightstand and promised that she'd read it?

Almost a year.....

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Oct 6
@nicolergould your book is on the table next to my bed.. It's my next read. Thanks again! #topofmybookstack

Hmm, remember this tweet from Mother's Day? I wonder if Kate was reading Nicole's book. Nicole even wondered the same thing.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · May 11
Mother's Day following the bday of over 60% of r family means new toys 2 play w while mom lounges in bed, reading a book. #IMeanWhoAmI? #AHH

Nicole Gould @nicolergould May 11
@Kateplusmy8 hope it's mine! :)

So if Kate was telling the truth(ha ha) last October when she said it was her next book to read, then she would have read it. But I doubt it and she's just ignoring Nicole because she doesn't want to admit that she has no intention of reading it.

Starz22 said... 128

Kate is a twit #111
This hit home...thank you.
My daughter has her birthday on this day...1995
As much as I celebrate her life....I mourn those who lost their lives on this day.
It was hard to explain to her why we find joy on this day. She HATED her birthday for years. School's even asked me not to send in treats and make it for another day. Even tho we remember the sorrow...we must go on and celebrate life.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 129

I know a lot of us are 60 Minutes fans. Do you remember the story of the football coach who rushed the shooter at a school shooting in Ohio? This coach is also a foster parent.

The shooter responsible for that escaped from prison tonight! Unbelievable. I hope they find him soon and he does not hurt anyone else.

amy2 said... 130

My birds are in separate cages, like bird condos. The birds at bird shows are about half the price you paid at the pet store.


First off, excuse my ignorance re: birds. I have a couple questions tho if y'all can bear with me.

1. Why are puppy mills labelled 'the devil' but these 'bird shows' are encouraged? Aren't the people at these shows rapidly breeding the birds the same way the dogs are rapidly bred? What are the conditions in that breeding environment? Are they packed together in cages like puppy mill dogs are?

2. Birds, to me at least, are wild animals that have feathers for a reason. To fly! It makes me think of the poor elephants who are always separated and trained with a vengeance. Why is it ok to do it to a bird but not to an elephant or other wild animal?

3. Are people who 'breed' birds not following a money making scheme off the feathers of these creatrues, who should be wild and able to free fly? Do 'Bird Mills' exist?

This topic fascinates me and I can't seem to find any answers. I love to learn new things! :)


Tucker's Mom said... 131

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 133
I know a lot of us are 60 Minutes fans. Do you remember the story of the football coach who rushed the shooter at a school shooting in Ohio? This coach is also a foster parent.

The shooter responsible for that escaped from prison tonight! Unbelievable. I hope they find him soon and he does not hurt anyone else.
September 11, 2014 at 7:59 PM
He's caught. I say lock him up Hannibal Lecter- style.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 132

He's caught. I say lock him up Hannibal Lecter- style.


He sounds totally out of control. They said he's been disciplined 7 times since he's gone to prison only a few years ago.

I say death penalty.

Bitchy Pants said... 133

Admin -- He was a juvenile when convicted, so no death penalty. He was given 3 life consecutive life terms, which is the max he could receive under the circumstances. The scary thing is that this prison (which is only about 40 miles from where I live), isn't even a maximum security prison. It's medium, at best. He's been a problem even before his conviction, with courtroom antics and defiant behavior. I'm glad they caught him, but I wish they'd throw him in solitary for the rest of his natural life.

Saffron said... 134

Amy2: I'm sure you will get many varying opinions/answers, but here's my take. I have a bird sanctuary in my home and have for over 20 years. I don't breed or sell, just allow them to live a cage-free life with "friends" of their own kind.
1. Why are puppy mills labelled 'the devil' but these 'bird shows' are encouraged? Aren't the people at these shows rapidly breeding the birds the same way the dogs are rapidly bred? What are the conditions in that breeding environment? Are they packed together in cages like puppy mill dogs are?
I have dealt with many breeders, and many of them are a bird version of puppy mills. I take in the rejects that the breeders will normally kill--those with special needs, defects, or breeder birds that are too old. Most of the breeders' birds live a miserable existence. The birds' best interest are not considered, only the bottom line. Most of us who work in rescue have nothing but disdain for the majority of breeders and the bird shows (which are stressful and awful for the birds!).

2. Birds, to me at least, are wild animals that have feathers for a reason. To fly! It makes me think of the poor elephants who are always separated and trained with a vengeance. Why is it ok to do it to a bird but not to an elephant or other wild animal?
I don't believe it is okay to do that to a bird. A bird does not belong in a cage. It is cruel! Caged birds demonstrate a variety of behaviors associated only with the mentally ill. Birds also should never be alone in a household. It is completely unnatural and unhealthy for a bird to live apart from others of his/her own kind. They live in very complex communities and are as miserable living alone in a cage as a human would be living apart from other humans for their entire life (even if they were spoiled and given nice treats and toys, it would still suck!). Birds live in communities and will retain their family structure for generations. Aunties help watch over the babies, older siblings help care for the younger. They have quite deep, loyal attachments to their family and friends and become tremendously depressed when one dies.

3. Are people who 'breed' birds not following a money making scheme off the feathers of these creatrues, who should be wild and able to free fly? Do 'Bird Mills' exist?
Yes, the breeders are simply exploiting these animals as objects from which they can profit. Yes, bird mills definitely exist. I have been there and have the disgusting photos from the police bust. Yes, birds should be wild and free. These birds are not native and couldn't survive if released into the wild. Ideally, we would stop breeding and forcing these beautiful creatures into cruel, unnatural cage-bound lives and let the remaining birds enjoy their lives in sanctuaries, but that's not the reality we live in, sadly.

Dmasy said... 135

Saffron, I knew none of information you just posted. I am going to educate myself. Thank you for sharing.

Millicent said... 136

Saffron - thank you for educating me about bird mills. I wish laws could be passed that would prevent all kinds of animal mills and animal abuse. I think however the key is educating the general public. When I was younger, I did not know about puppy mills and would see a pet store with doggies in the window and go "awwww." Now I know better and so do many other people. We won't encourage puppy mills by purchasing a puppy at a pet store. Now I am aware of bird mills (not that I plan on having a bird ever, but at least I'm aware that a problem exists.)

Sea World is finding themselves hit financially because of increased public awareness of the poor conditions many of their animals endure. The more people become aware of animal cruelty, the sooner those profiting from it will find their profits dropping. It can't be soon enough for me!

Formerly Duped said... 137

Thanks, Saffron. This was very informative. Stories of exploitation of all kinds of creatures have come to light in recent times so I hope that this cruel treatment of birds is also revealed I always thought any caged animal was wrong to 'keep' for our amusement. And the cock fights make me shudder.We're a family who will help an insect escape into the free night air if we see one in the house!

Blowing In The Wind said... 138

Amanda ‏@mclol 1h
"I got those girls phones and iPads so that I could take them away" - @Kateplusmy8 . HA! Go Kate! Hilarious! :)

This is hilarious? My gosh, what is wrong with these people? Where are their heads? I don't get it. I just don't get it. The level of stupidity is incredible. The only possible excuse one could have for this kind of thinking is that they are young, have no experience with childhood development, and they themselves are still wet behind the ears.

All This Is That said... 139

irds, to me at least, are wild animals that have feathers for a reason. To fly! It makes me think of the poor elephants who are always separated and trained with a vengeance. Why is it ok to do it to a bird but not to an elephant or other wild animal?

Then dogs, cats, small animals, should never have been domesticated and should have been left to survive in the wild as nature intended them to be? What about fish in tanks and those who keep tropical fish in their homes? Is this against all laws of nature?

Dmasy said... 140

Formerly Duped, I have discovered SCORPIONS in Texas. They are small and tan and outside, except for during the construction of the house when they ventured inside.

My "tender" heart has been tested. I am giving every one I encounter the "big squish". My appreciation of nature only goes so far. What a hypocrite I am!

Rhymes with Witch said... 141

Sometimes.dreams really do come true.


JoyinVirginia said... 142

The Daily Beast.com has an article about Joan Rivers funeral by Tim Teeman. It's a wonderful article with lots of detail and it made me cry again.

Blowing In The Wind said... 143

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Ha... motivation 2get a gal running again! >> pic.twitter.com/PbAiUYzKQU We girls want 2look good! :)

So old Gladys is concerned because Kate has apparently abandoned her running stint? She's worried that Kate will be losing her "physique" and won't look so good rockin that bikini? lol!

FYI said... 144

Looking at Milo's timeline from yesterday and today and it's obvious that she doesn't follow Kate's advice "to block the bullies", because she not only sees the non-fan tweets, she responds to them.

Yesterday, Milo tweeted about Kate coming back on TV and one of the non-fans replied to her:

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · Sep 11
THANKS @TLC Spreading the word early...getting a jump start...on winter's best show >> @Kateplusmy8 is coming back N December!

(BTW, one of Kate's other sheeple tweeted thanks to TLC on the 9th. Kate retweeted that tweet--so looks like Milo was hoping for the same thing-a retweet from her beloved Kate.)

mscatie ‏@mscatie · Sep 11
@MiloandJack @TLC @Kateplusmy8 There's a History channel special about the horrific events of 9/11. Perhaps focus on that for a few minutes.

To which Milo replied:

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 20h
@mscatie @Kateplusmy8 Funny U should mention this...we spent a good deal of time fr our mornin routine 2watch #GroundZeroCeremonies! & YOU?

Then Milo started muttering to herself on twitter:

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 20h
Wow...I guess haters 4got 2send a "fly on the wall" 2watch hubs & I this mornin watching 9-11 Memorials. I assure U we paid our respects!

Then she tweets one of her most hypocritical tweets to date:

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 20h
People always making themselves look foolish w/personal assumptions abt things they know NOTHING abt! B4 U criticize..focus on ur own self!

Too bad she doesn't practice what she preaches. She's always foolishly making assumptions about things that she knows nothing about regarding Kate and the kids. And how many times has she criticized Jon, Robert and the non-fans?

She's still talking to herself today:

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 33m
Never miss a good chance to shut up. #Haters

I think one of the reasons she doesn't block the "haters" is because she feels that it is her duty to be vigilant about guarding Kate's twitter timeline and defending Kate.

Just getting back to her original tweet---"winter's best show"? She's really laying it on thick. But no matter how much she's trying to get Kate's attention, Kate's still ignoring her. The last time Kate tweeted her was 2 weeks ago.

Anonymous said... 145

All This Is That said... 143
irds, to me at least, are wild animals that have feathers for a reason. To fly! It makes me think of the poor elephants who are always separated and trained with a vengeance. Why is it ok to do it to a bird but not to an elephant or other wild animal?

Then dogs, cats, small animals, should never have been domesticated and should have been left to survive in the wild as nature intended them to be? What about fish in tanks and those who keep tropical fish in their homes? Is this against all laws of nature?


Dogs and cats were domesticated thousands of years ago, so that ship has sailed. Returning them to the wild would be of no good to the animals at this point.

In my opinion, yes, fish have no business being confined to a tank. We get entertained, but what's in it for the fish?

I don't want to get into a debate. I'm just voicing my opinion.


Blowing In The Wind said... 146

In my opinion, yes, fish have no business being confined to a tank. We get entertained, but what's in it for the fish?


A life?

Blowing In The Wind said... 147

Dogs and cats were domesticated thousands of years ago, so that ship has sailed. Returning them to the wild would be of no good to the animals at this point.


Birds have been kept as pets for more than 4,000 years, so perhaps that ship has sailed as well?

NJGal51 said... 148

Just getting back to her original tweet---"winter's best show"? She's really laying it on thick. But no matter how much she's trying to get Kate's attention, Kate's still ignoring her. The last time Kate tweeted her was 2 weeks ago.
Well Milo is in good company then. TFW also ignored the passing of Robin Williams and Joan Rivers AND the anniversary of 9/11. TFW is, however! Happy to tweet about cleaning with Zorro up her sleeve and some made up nonsense about Cara being able to drive years before anyone else her age. It must be great to live in Gosselinland where the rules of the rest of the state don't apply.

Tucker's Mom said... 149

All I can say is God bless those of you who take care of and give forever homes to rescued birds.
They are such sensitive, intelligent, fragile creatures and I think most people who buy them have no clue what they really need, and the degree of the commitment they are making (Kate).

FlimsyFlamsy said... 150

"Never miss a good chance to shut up" - I do wish Gladys would
take her own advice.

getofftwitter said... 151

As for fish in the tanks: sorry, they too have been domesticated. Most are born in tanks, generation after generation, they would become instant food for any other fish, they could not survive in any of the waters in our streams, lakes etc. They only know, a filtered enviroment, that has been treated, heated and they get food everyday. You put any of these tank raised fish into the wild they would die.
If you do not like animals in your house, good for you. I like sharing my life with dogs, birds & fish. As long as they are taken proper care of, I have no problem with it. JMO

Circling the drain said... 152

Still wonder if Milo is Kate. She says the things Kreider wants broadcasted (dissing the haters, emphasizing her fake martyrdom, obsession with her spongebob body, trumpeting the good mama angle).

Virginia Pen Mom said... 153

Blowing In The Wind said... 147
Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 1h
@Kateplusmy8 Ha... motivation 2get a gal running again! >> pic.twitter.com/PbAiUYzKQU We girls want 2look good! :)

So old Gladys is concerned because Kate has apparently abandoned her running stint? She's worried that Kate will be losing her "physique" and won't look so good rockin that bikini? lol!


Oh, my goodness! That sounds like EXACTLY what she's implying, lol. Get on her, Milo! Can have those hot legs gettin saggy!

NJGal51 said... 154

I think TFW has given up running because with her healthy diet she just doesn't have the energy. She isn't exhausted because she has 8 (count 'em) kids, she's exhausted because she eats like crap. Her natural body type is not uber thin and if she were to eat a normal healthy diet she'd lose the look she's cultivated.

redbirdsings said... 155

Virginia Pen Mom said...157

The sagging legs and don't forget the bags! Don't want them to SAG!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 156

Redbirdsings (#159), maybe instead of, "We girls want 2look
good!" Gladys meant to say, "We want 'the girls' 2look good!"

PA Dutch Mom said... 157

Still wonder if Milo is Kate. She says the things Kreider wants broadcasted (dissing the haters, emphasizing her fake martyrdom, obsession with her spongebob body, trumpeting the good mama angle).


I just can't see Kate tweeting this. I know she has the maturity of a middle-schooler (and that's being generous), but this Milo person just tries too hard to be cute and it doesn't work. The rhymin Gladys is just so juvenile.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 12m
@Kateplusmy8 So #TGIFriday! I know ur wired..certainly very tired! So put up ur feet, its the end of the week & have urself a nice treat! :)

Anonymous said... 158

It is appalling when I see the football athlete charged with child abuse for using a stick or switch and kate gosselin used wooden spoons. She should be next. She is the definition of an abuser. Just look how she treated her animals. I'm sickened.

Amy2 said... 159

Saffron, THANK YOU. I'd always wondered....and now I KNOW.

Appreciate all the info. :)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 160

It is appalling when I see the football athlete charged with child abuse for using a stick or switch


But that's a man and father. People can accept that a man would hurt a child and will turn on him in a heartbeat as they have here.

But try to get people to accept a WOMAN is a child abuser, and for some reason it makes other mothers and women and people in general extremely uncomfortable. They don't want to hear that a mother can be evil. Unless you actually kill the child, it doesn't happen. I'll never understand this. I can only assume it must be some kind of irrational insecurity that maybe they don't measure up as mothers themselves.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 161

Still wonder if Milo is Kate. She says the things Kreider wants broadcasted (dissing the haters, emphasizing her fake martyrdom, obsession with her spongebob body, trumpeting the good mama angle).


PA Dutch Mom said... 161

I just can't see Kate tweeting this. I know she has the maturity of a middle-schooler (and that's being generous), but this Milo person just tries too hard to be cute and it doesn't work. The rhymin Gladys is just so juvenile.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 12m
@Kateplusmy8 So #TGIFriday! I know ur wired..certainly very tired! So put up ur feet, its the end of the week & have urself a nice treat! :)


Way back, someone here commented that there was a mental or emotional disorder or something characterized by rhyming. It was mentioned in regards to Milo. Does anyone remember what it was? Ever since I read that here, I think of it each time Milo makes one of her juvenile rhymes.

I don't think Milo is Kate, partly because Milo has a peculiar way of phrasing things. It's very unique, particularly that weird way she reverses sentences. People write that way, but Milo does it more than most and a little more awkwardly.

"Quite a character he is."
"Well...how gallant a gent U are!"

I've worked with kids and adults in writing. People have written "tells" just as they do verbal ones. After a while, you can tell who wrote which story even without a name. Milo's style is over-the-top bizarre. Even Kate doesn't write like that! (Did I just compliment Kate? Auntie Ann, pass the bottle, please!)

Rhymes with Witch said... 162

But try to get people to accept a WOMAN is a child abuser, and for some reason it makes other mothers and women and people in general extremely uncomfortable. They don't want to hear that a mother can be evil. 164

I guess this is what it takes.


Or google Jeremiah Oliver, Fitchburg, MA.

Abuse takes many forms; it shouldn't need to be this extreme to warrant intervention.

These are news all over New England; maybe further.

Rhymes with Witch said... 163

Even Kate doesn't write like that! (Did I just compliment Kate? Auntie Ann, pass the bottle, please!). 165

No, you just said her style and "tells" are different. Don't let that stop you from imbibing though. Happy Friday!

Anonymous said... 164

It is appalling when I see the football athlete charged with child abuse for using a stick or switch


But that's a man and father. People can accept that a man would hurt a child and will turn on him in a heartbeat as they have here.

But try to get people to accept a WOMAN is a child abuser, and for some reason it makes other mothers and women and people in general extremely uncomfortable. They don't want to hear that a mother can be evil. Unless you actually kill the child, it doesn't happen. I'll never understand this. I can only assume it must be some kind of irrational insecurity that maybe they don't measure up as mothers themselves.

Well said. It's a special kind of person/persons who does not stay silent. This blog is proof of that.

Math Girl said... 165

Virginia Pen Mom said... 165

"Quite a character he is."
"Well...how gallant a gent U are!"
Speaks like Yoda, she does.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 166

Gladys just said to TFW, "I know ur wired..certainly very tired!"
Guess she's already forgotten her own tweet from yesterday:
"People always making themselves look foolish w/personal assumptions abt things they know NOTHING abt!"

FYI said... 167

This is an in depth article about Adrian Peterson, the athlete charged with child endangerment.


Warning: It might you sick just reading it.

These are a few excerpts citing what happened and what Peterson had to say about the incident. BTW, the child is only 4 years old and the reason he got "whooped"---he pushed another child off a video game!!

"The “whooping” – as Peterson put it when interviewed by police – occurred in Spring, Texas, in May. Peterson’s son had pushed another one of Peterson’s children off of a motorbike video game. As punishment, Peterson grabbed a tree branch – which he consistently referred to as a “switch” – removed the leaves and struck the child repeatedly."

"Peterson also said, “Anytime I spank my kids, I talk to them before, let them know what they did, and of course after.” Peterson also expressed regret that his son did not cry – because then, Peterson said, he would have known that the switch was doing more damage than intended. He didn’t realize the “tip of the switch and the ridges of the switch were wrapping around [the child’s] legs.” Peterson also acknowledged that this was administered directly to the child’s skin and with the child’s pants pulled down."

When Peterson was asked how he felt about the incident, he said, “To be honest with you, I feel very confident with my actions because I know my intent.” He also described the incident as a “normal whooping” in regards to the “welps” on the child’s buttocks, but that he felt bad immediately when he saw the injuries on the child’s legs. Peterson estimated he “swatted” his son “10 to 15” times, but he’s not sure because he doesn’t “ever count how many pops I give my kids.”

"Peterson went on to reiterate again how much he loves all his kids, and only “whoops” them because he wants them to do right. Toward the end of the interview, Peterson said he would reconsider using switches in the future, but said he would never “eliminate whooping my kids . . . because I know how being spanked has helped me in my life.”

So since he was spanked as a child, he thinks it's okay to "whoop" his kids. He's just repeating the cycle of abuse, and most likely his kids will also.

And he doesn't think that he didn't anything wrong. I hope they throw the book at him, and make him an example of how not to treat a child.

Sick bastard!!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 168

Here's my thoughts a bit more in depth about why it's a double standard for men and child abuse.

Women are wired differently than men. I think we compare ourselves to other women much more than men compare themselves to other men. Many people have a sense that we are a community of women. Perhaps this is evolutionary, when we all gathered back at the caves and often worked together for the good of the clan. Men didn't have to do everything in groups or work together on everything, but women did. We are wired to see each other as all aligned.

If we see another woman doing something really terrible, including hurting a child or hurting someone else, many of us have an instinct to either deny it, or downplay it, or otherwise excuse it. In the ancient days we would banish her from the tribe but since that is not an option and we are stuck with her, we have to figure out some other way to get rid of this bad act and one way is to just deny it. The reason for that is that if another woman could be that evil, then that means we too could do something that terrible, or any other mother out there. I think we are actually wired to see us, womanhood and motherhood, as one collective body. I think people take it personally when womanhood and motherhood is violated.

I don't think anyone is consciously thinking that, but I do believe that is the psychological reasons behind why many sheeple just cannot accept that Kate is a bad person and mother who abused and exploited her children. To accept it is to admit that the sacredness of motherhood is a myth. No can do. I think this phenomenon played into why Casey Anthony was acquitted too. They just couldn't get people to go there on such a heinous level.

Of course since I deal with women doing terrible, terrible things to their children every day, and do not believe whatsoever that all mothers or even women should stick together, it's much easier for me to accept. You bet it happens. For whatever reason many other people here are also very capable of accepting such things happen when it's such a struggle for others.

You rarely hear a man say us men should stick together! They'd be met with ridicule. But I hear we mothers/women need to stick together. All the time!

FYI said... 169

Way back, someone here commented that there was a mental or emotional disorder or something characterized by rhyming. It was mentioned in regards to Milo. Does anyone remember what it was? Ever since I read that here, I think of it each time Milo makes one of her juvenile rhymes.

There is a disorder called Obsessive Complusive Rhyming Disorder.

But in Milo's case, I think she's a wannabe Dr. Seuss(she has mentioned him several times on twitter), and I would call it Dr. Seuss syndrome.

FYI said... 170

I remembering hearing the phrase "women should stick together" in the early days of the women's liberation movement. But it was meant to get women to unite to fight for equal rights, not as an excuse that women can't do wrong.

I judge people by their actions, and I get sick of hearing that "women should stick together" in defense of someone who is a woman or a mother, no matter what they have done.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of woman who seem to think that just because you're a woman or a mother, you're entitled to a free pass.

That is totally in opposition to the feminist movement.

Localyocul said... 171

Schizophrenics can exhibit rhyming


Localyocul said... 172

o since he was spanked as a child, he thinks it's okay to "whoop" his kids. He's just repeating the cycle of abuse, and most likely his kids will also.


Hey! Just like Milo!

Anonymous said... 173

Oh good lord. Do these "super fan idiots" even look at what they tweet from day to day? That Lauren nut is telling Adrian Peterson that hitting is not okay to discipline but wasn't she one of WOS biggest supporters about the cooking spoon? WOS could murder someone and these idiots would stick up for her.


ncgirl said... 174

Good points about women not being seen as child abusers. There really is a double standard. When I started getting disgusted with Kate, I hated how it was fine for her to harrass Jon, but it would never be acceptable for a man to do that to a woman on TV.

Greedy Gosselins said... 175

If we see another woman doing something really terrible, including hurting a child or hurting someone else, many of us have an instinct to either deny it, or downplay it, or otherwise excuse it.


Where did you come up with that opinion? I have many friends, all women, and none of us would deny, downplay OR excuse it. What makes you think that??

Truthful Tabloid Oxymoron said... 176

Admin what you said about women's views on women also extends to things like cheating and divorce. The man becomes the wrongdoer in the situation no matter if she cheated first or what. The physical attractiveness of the woman also makes a difference, as of course does the modern media binge. Jon can shout to the high heavens that he and TFW were separated but she's the woman AND only famous for being a mother so he will be blaimed. Some women still hate Angelina Joelie for 'stealing' Brad Pitt, even though they are obviously a couple still very in love who are also great parents whereas Jennifer Aniston can't seem to have a long term relationship and still has no kids even though she herself has been giving interviews for more than a decade saying she'd be having them within a year... Who are other men that got the fuzzy end of the lollipop?
Would Casey Anthony have been convicted if she were homely and overweight?

url/URL said... 177

I think you're doing a huge misservice to women in general, admin. We aren't a majority of weak minded people. Watch a game show. You hear men say "let's stick together' allllll the time. Survivor and Big Brother are microcosms of life and men have been doing this in the majority of seasons. Just curious, how did you come up with that? Because the majority of people know Kate abuses her kids, whether they read Hoffman's book or not. People know from watching the show. This is why she only has a handful of fans!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 178

Where did you come up with that opinion? I have many friends, all women, and none of us would deny, downplay OR excuse it. What makes you think that??


Easy, the sheeple and many other women who excused people like K over and over. And over and over and over. With no other explanation. But will easily hate a man for the The same exact thing or even not as bad. It's very hypocritical.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 179

Look at the woman who ran over her wheelchair-bound husband. People think the video is funny. If a man did that there will be outrage.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 180

I don't think it's a matter of being weak URL. I think it's a matter of having great difficulty accepting that one of our own could be so bad. If you have a better explanation for why so many women have such a hard time with this have at it.

grandee4 said... 181

So happy to be back home and on this board.

After 6 surgeries on my leg I am finally on the road to recovery. This has been going on since Feb and I ready to be done with all of this.

I still have one more plastic surgery in 2 weeks. But no hospital, same day surgery. It's hard being on the other side of the bed rail. I was a patient where I work as a nurse. I got excellent care, despite probably being the worst patient.

Never missed reading here and I must say I cannot believe KKG is really putting her kids back in front the cameras. When is she going away for good.?

Hoping Jon starts speaking out about the children not wanting to film.

She can go make an ass of herself all she wants, just have all little respect for the kids, or her little ATM's. What a mess she has become.

Hope everyone had a great summer and getting ready for the holidays. Walgreens has their Halloween stuff out and Im sure Big Lots already has Christmas decorations on their shelf.

Cant wait for all the good party recipes and clever Christmas hobbies.

Missed ya'll. Go Saints

Somewhere In Time said... 182

That Lauren nut is telling Adrian Peterson that hitting is not okay to discipline but wasn't she one of WOS biggest supporters about the cooking spoon? WOS could murder someone and these idiots would stick up for her.

There is something wrong with her, and I'm not so sure that she isn't mentally challenged in some way and that she might have special needs. Something is very off with that person.

PJ's momma said... 183

Wow. Someone posted a porn picture and used Kate's name so it shows up on her tweet tunnel. Her kids could go look and see that. I wish I hadn't seen it. But she'll never shut down that account.

Dmasy said... 184

Grandee4, welcome back. I hope your recovery continues without much stress.

Empress is a Clown said... 185

None of my female friends would circle the wagons around a woman who's behaving badly. Nor would they support a man in similar circumstances. We encourage and empower one another, yes. But in building one another up, it's never at the expense of someone else.

Of course there are exceptions to every rule--most certainly, there are women who choose to bond over bad behavior, same as with men. [Witness: Kate's timeline and Rice's supporter.] But there are two basic [psychological] reasons for this, neither of which are gender-specific.

1) Rationalization most often comes of seeing ourselves (our actions and/or belief systems) mirrored back to us. If you have a distorted picture of what it means to act in a socially acceptable manner, you'll give it your own stamp of approval. [e.g., "Of course spanking's okay. I got whipped all the time as a child and I turned out fine." or "All men cheat. What else did you expect?"]

2) Cognitive dissonance happens on a subconscious level--when we witness what we see as bad behavior from someone we love and/or admire, we work hard to reconcile the differences between what we see and what we believe. [e.g. "No, I wouldn't ever pee in someone else's driveway, but who's to say he didn't have permission." or "Sure she's a b****, but with good reason. I wouldn't slug a celebrity chef or paddle my kids; but then again, I'm not stressed out by eight, count em, 8 kids and a ne'er-do-well husband."]

Integrity, honesty, compassion...these are gender-neutral qualities, expected equally of friends and strangers. They are borne of healthy relationships and positive self images, to X and Y chromosomes alike.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 186

Would Casey Anthony have been convicted if she were homely and overweight?



I still go back to the recent example of the woman who ran over her husband who is in a wheelchair. It's on video if you want to google it. It is a viral joke. Few people are saying it's domestic violence. They're just laughing and telling him to man up. And I think it's significant because it came out at the exact same time there was absolute outrage over a football player punching his fiancee.

This is not a small subset of the population. It is a lot of people who are not holding women to the same standard as men and excusing terribly even deadly behavior like running someone over. I think there are a lot of people who certainly do hold them to the same standard, like most people here and I'm sure most people we would choose to be around in our real lives, however, it certainly has not been enough of us to be able to get a wheelchair bound man who was run over by his wife to be taken seriously. It is not, IMO, just a few sheeple who feel this way. It's a significant group of women and even men.

Sue said... 187

If we're talking about the same woman Admin she didnt run oner her husband she ran over the wheelchair. I agree that if it had been a man there would be a whole lot more outrage. Here's the story.

A violent fight between a husband and wife erupted Sunday afternoon at an apartment complex in Huntington Beach, Calif., and it was caught on tape by a neighbor.

Video captured by neighbor Sarah Oliver from her upstairs window shows 47-year-old Laura Cox pushing her common law husband out of his wheelchair. She then gets behind the wheel and backs into the wheelchair, twice.

"Insanity. I felt really bad for him, so I called the cops," Oliver said.

Cox ended up behind bars and was charged with driving under the influence. But her common-law husband, who did not want to be identified, said the video is misleading and his wheelchair was not broken.

"I wasn't hit. It was a thing of just trying to stop someone from drinking and driving," he said.

He said Cox suffers from mental illness and had stopped her medication and started drinking.

The incident isn't the first time Oliver has captured bizarre behavior and loud fights, but she feared this time someone could get hurt.

"This was kind of more serious. It was always something I showed to friends to kind of laugh, like 'Look at my crazy neighbors.' Now, it's turned into this," Oliver said.

Sue said... 188

I agree that there is something off with that Lauren poster but I don't think she's mentally challenged because she is (was?) a school bus driver. That's why she's got o much time for court TV, she watches between runs. She has talked about this in the past

The Empress is a Clown said... 189

I agree that if the roles were reversed, the outrage would be greater. And I also think that the video went viral because it's so far outside the norm. People's attentions are drawn most easily to train-wrecks, no doubt about it.

But I come back again to my main point, which is that it's not typical for women to rally around a woman who's behaving badly. We don't know for sure the gender breakdown of everyone who responded to that video. But I didn't see a whole lot of thumbs-up, atta-girls for the woman behind the wheel, did you?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 190

But I come back again to my main point, which is that it's not typical for women to rally around a woman who's behaving badly.


Rally around, some. That's what the sheeple do and I agree that's the extreme end of the spectrum to what we're talking about.

But excuse it or look the other way or somehow see it as "different", absolutely a whole lot of people. I even saw headlines making jokes about it like "Leave the scooter out of this." At least the woman was arrested and charged with domestic battery, but that fact barely makes the story.

If this were a man running over his wheelchair bound wife there would be absolute outrage.

JoyinVirginia said... 191

Good to hear from you Grandee! Hope your final surgery goes well and that you are literally up and around soon!

The Empress is a Clown said... 192

Admin said...94

Rally around, some. That's what the sheeple do and I agree that's the extreme end of the spectrum to what we're talking about.

Well then,I stand corrected on that one thing...and am thinking maybe I misunderstood you when you said, You rarely hear a man say us men should stick together! They'd be met with ridicule. But I hear we mothers/women need to stick together. All the time!

Anonymous said... 193

If this was a man backing over his wife's wheelchair there would be outrage. But why isn't anyone asking what the man did to "provoke" her? That's what very many people, women included, are asking about Ray Rice's fiance. A sportscaster on Fox news even had the balls to say, "Lesson learned, next time take the stairs. No video cameras". (I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist of it)


Anonymous said... 194

Very few men support Kate Gosselin, but her timeline is filled with women who support her just because she's raising kids. Would Jon get that kind of sympathy? No. Same thing. Supporting someone because they have a vagina. Period.


Anonymous said... 195

Another child star shows how healthy it is to be in the "entertainment" business.



Formerly Duped said... 196

'If you see something, say something." This goes for good and bad things involving men, women, children, animals etc one comes across in life. Praise, criticism, information, whatever seems warranted. Like what you see on that very good program 'What Would You Do?"

The Empress is a Clown said... 197

PJ said...89

I'm thinking it's more than her vagina. It's Kate's a**holery that appeals to her supporters, at least at some level.

Kylie said... 198

Welcome back Grandee! I agree -- Go Saints. Love me some Drew Brees!

Call Me Crazy said... 199

Welcome back grandee4! I'm glad to see you posting. I hope your next surgery goes well and you won't need anymore after that. Sending all good thoughts to you!

Wowser said... 200

I wonder is TFW has new counsel.......her narcissistic self would usually be tweet crazy with all this upcoming tv time yet she has been rather quiet and totally boring........

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