Sunday, January 4, 2015

Celebrity Apprentice Episode One: Discussion Thread

Episode 1: May the Gods of Good Pies Be With Us!

Task 1

  • Air Date: January 4, 2015
  • Task Scope: Teams must create and sell pies.
  • Judges: Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Piers Morgan

Note: Live commenting will be allowed during the East Coast airing. There will be no rules restricting the posting of "spoilers." If you don't want to be spoiled don't read the comments here after the episodes begin airing on the East Coast. Thanks everyone! 

412 sediments (sic) from readers:

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NJGal51 said... 1

@neatcompany: Neat on Celebrity Apprentice in just 5 days! We’re so
excited we can hardly sleep! #CelebApprentice #GetToWhatMatters
Apparently this company ( will be featured on the show on the 5th. It looks like it's a company that helps you stay organized by scanning paperwork directly to a cloud service. If it is an organizational task I wonder if TFW stepped up to the plate as PM.

FYI said... 2

I'm curious to see if Kate will participate in the "live tweet" tonight. Even Donald Trump tweeted that she would be.

The Apprentice @ApprenticeNBC · 12h 12 hours ago
This time TOMORROW, the cast of #CelebApprentice will be livetweeting the premiere! Watch along with @RealDonaldTrump and the contestants!

xxxxx ‏@xxxxxx · 12h12 hours ago
@ApprenticeNBC @realDonaldTrump will @Kateplusmy8 be too? She hasnt tweeted one thing!

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump · 11h11 hours ago 
"@xxxxx: @ApprenticeNBC @realDonaldTrump will @Kateplusmy8 be too? Yes.

NJGal51 said... 3

@ApprenticeNBC: This time TOMORROW, the cast of #CelebApprentice will be livetweeting the premiere! Watch along with @realDonaldTrump and the contestants!
I wonder if this means that TFW has been in NY preparing for the premier of CA. The tone of the tweet makes it sound like DT & the contestants will be live tweeting while watching the show together. If she's in NY being pampered that would explain her twitter silence. She will be seeing the edited version along with everyone else. I wonder if she realizes that they take the worst moments of everyone and show them to create more drama.

@redcarpetcrash: Watch 'Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC Previews @lorenzolamas @terrellowens @GeraldoRivera @IanZiering @JamieAsnow
This link has all the previews together so if you haven't seen them now's your chance. Be warned though, once you've seen Geraldo in his underwear you can't unsee it.

FYI said... 4

Looks like Kate won't be home on Monday night. The company featured that night, The Neat Company, is having a viewing party at the Comcast Center in Philadelphia. This woman who works for Comcast in Philly tweeted:

Danielle Cohn ‏@daniellecohn · 27m27 minutes ago
Fun night with @MsVivicaFox @Kateplusmy8 at #ComcastCenter Mon. night when #PHL @neatcompany is on #CelebApprentice

Found an article about the Neat Company, and it mentions the viewing party.

"Neat is hosting an invite-only viewing party at the Comcast Center the night of the Celebrity Apprentice airing. More than 200 Neat and Comcast employees, business executives and people from Philadelphia's tech community were invited. Kramer said two female celebrities from the show are expected to attend.

One reason Neat teamed up with Comcast for the viewing party, and invited tech leaders from the city, was to "get Neat back on the map with the local community," Kramer said. "We've had a lot of change with the company. We see this as a positive event toward our brand. We want the community to know that we're growing, will be hiring, and that this is a relevant company."

So will Kate "pretend" to be home with the kids Monday night, and hopes that no one noticed that tweet on her timeline.

Vanessa said... 5

The thing that is very concerning is that once it became clear the child was still quite hungry and needed more calories (and wasn't just trolling for a bit more chocolate) Kate put her in a sort of standoff, made her hold out.

It is about reigning over them, controlling them. She enjoys wielding her power over the powerless. What I noticed was how she REALLY believes she is a great mom!!!! Because her "toddlers" say so!!!!
I wonder if these journal entries are a lot like her couch confessionals? Remember how the audience saw something totally opposite, totally dysfunctional, abusive? when she recounted it, she put her spin on it. Wonder what REALLY happened? Even when she admits to beating the shit out of them, she's still being a good mom!!!!!!!!!!!

Vanessa said... 6

The spring roll app I got was delicious as well as my glass of wine, but unfortunately the crab cakes were the worst I’ve eaten… and we all know that I am a crabcake connisuere!!!
It does sound like some 13 yr old girl's journal!!!!!

What I also noticed was any praise those kids got was if they somehow did something directly (or indirectly) made HER day/life easier.

Vanessa said... 7

"Obsessive housekeeping and obsession with their own and their children’s bodily functions is another way narcissists can exert control and dominance, as well as a desperate and sad unconscious attempt to hide or try to “clean out” their own spiritual filthiness."


Quite the narrative regarding her having to pee after the surgery, the kids' potty training, taking pics etc...It goes on and on....

Call Me Crazy said... 8

NJGal51 said... 1
@neatcompany: Neat on Celebrity Apprentice in just 5 days! We’re so
excited we can hardly sleep! #CelebApprentice #GetToWhatMatters
Apparently this company ( will be featured on the show on the 5th. It looks like it's a company that helps you stay organized by scanning paperwork directly to a cloud service. If it is an organizational task I wonder if TFW stepped up to the plate as PM.


NJGal51 - Someone on the Survivor Sucks site is speculating (based on pictures of boardroom seating arrangements) that Kate was the PM for the Neat task, and that she won. I think if TFW did win a task, that will be enough to satisfy her that she performed really, really well on CA. ~ Administrator said... 9

I thought the kids never got milk.


I never saw anyone here say they never got milk. What was said was exactly what Kate said by her own admission, they only get milk when it's on sale. A reasonable person would then conclude when it's not on sale, the kids go without milk. This is hardly hyperbole or a mountain out of a molehill. It's simply repeating what Kate herself admits. Maybe they got their essential dairy servings on non-milk days through some other means, I have no idea.

Formerly Duped said... 10

I noticed as did others, how much time Kate gave to writing this weird journal. When? She went to bed early and slept till 8 AM. Was it during the 4 hour nap? She claimed she used that time to prep dinner and do laundry. Most mothers do not have that kind of time.1-2 hour naps are the norm. However, if Jon did all he was seen to re: childcare on the show ( baths, bedtime, housework) she would have time in early evening when she claimed to be cleaning up the kitchen. With paper plates it wouldn't take too long! Wasn't she mortified if she read this junk back? Who was the audience for this journal? ~ Administrator said... 11

It is about reigning over them, controlling them.


Yes. It would be completely different if mom was making dinner and it was going to be ready in half an hour. Of course a child can wait, that's part of life.

The important fact here, overlooked by some, is that they had just FINISHED eating. Something went terribly wrong at dinner if a child is that hungry for an entire bowl of soup afterward.

The question becomes are the portion sizes Kate herself has shown us all the child got to eat? Was she afraid to ask for more at the dinner table? Or maybe she just puttered around at the dinner table not really focusing on eating, who knows.

Again, viewed in isolation this incident is nothing, of course. But deliberately ignoring the big picture, the dozens of other "odd" incidents between Kate and food, ignores that this incident when put in context is just another concerning incident when it comes to the children and whether they were getting enough to eat. Maybe it was nothing. Or maybe something went very wrong when it comes to this child's calories in. I simply cannot brush off ALL the odd things I've seen with Kate and food as nothing. It's too many to brush off. As Serial would say, there are too many coincidences.

NJGal51 said... 12

It would stand to reason that if TFW was the PM for the Neat task (and won) that she would attend their viewing party. I can hear her on the task now..."As a single mom of 8 I have to be super organized and Neat helps keep me that way ". You know as the PM that she'll invoke the 8 and her organizational skills as often as possible.

I don't remember any discussion of the Neat task. That must be one that flew under the radar since they didn't have to really be out I. Public to accomplish it.

redbirdsings said... 13

Geraldo and Gilbert were on the Today show this morning talking about CA. They threw TFW under the bus, Geraldo said something about trying to find her a husband and he and Gilbert and the interviewers were all laughing pretty good. Then Geraldo said something about 8 kids and they were all laughing.

Wow. kate. You really are a joke and you have only yourself to blame. ~ Administrator said... 14

I'm sure she starved her children


I never once even remotely suggested Kate starved her children. What I suggested, is that she has fostered unhealthy relationships between her children and food. As my own narcissist has proven, one need not starve their children to cause a whopping three of those children to develop eating disorders. One need only foster "dysfunction." Thank you come again.

chefsummer #Leh said... 15

AuntieAnn said... 40

KK doesn't care about anyone besides herself. She found the deal with the cereal. And god forbid. If anyone less fortunate than her was waiting on the sale

SHE need the cereal and that's all the matters. ~ Administrator said... 16

NJ, it WOULD stand to reason but if this is only task two my money is on Kate avoiding being PM any which way from Sunday!

Even if a task is tailor made for her, she will avoid it or find some excuse why it's better she just be the worker bee and not the PM or she'll "assist" the PM, lol.

And that's going to be really funny, and predictable, if a task is tailor made for her, like organization or cooking, and she avoids it anyway.

I'm guessing Kate's coming because she's so close to Philly and will take what she can get. I love that she hasn't promoted THAT either.

FYI said... 17

NJGal51--Have NBC and DirecTV settled their dispute so that you can watch it live?

Wish I had a laptop so that I could watch and also read the tweets. Oh well, guess I can catch on twitter later. I'll try to post some comments during the commercials.

NJGal51 said... 18

I wonder if TFW will lie tweet a picture of the "go mommy go" cake that her kids are sure to eat in her honor. ~ Administrator said... 19

Has anyone seen Foxcatcher? We saw it yesterday. The acting is in fine form, and there's a Pennsylvania connection, the estate was only an hour from Wyomissing. It's really good and worth seeing.

It struck me that John Dupont was like an obsessed fan who happened to have a lot of money. He kind of created a world that a fan would make if that fan had money. He brought the "celebs" he was fans of onto his property and befriended them, got really close to them, got invested in them in a totally creepy way. Then things took a terrible turn.

I've never really seen this incident described as a fan attack like John Lennon or Jodi Foster. I think because it's just so bizarre you can't categorize it. But to me I really was struck by the notion that when you break it all down, he was just another obsessed fan who was dangerous.

chefsummer #Leh said... 20

I thought it was funny that She said the word lazy was the only adjective that was never used to describe her.

I was like ever other adjective is used to describe you like bad mom bad person bad animal owner bad wive bad employee and other vulgar adjective so why not lazy lol.

NJGal51 said... 21

Kate is a Twit - As of now I still don't have NBC. If we don't get it back by tonight I'll follow the live tweets and read all the spoilers (especially here) that I can find. I'll watch it after the fact online.

Molly12 said... 22

I am actually looking forward to seeing how much money TFW can raise during the challenges. Who does she have to reach too? Family? Friends? I just don't see that part going well for her.

Formerly Duped said... 23

Kate has been seen giving the kids cheese string, yogurt, custard, cheese on pizza, milk on cereal, and cheese/milk in other dishes...remember the all-important lunchbox order includes 'a dairy?' Kate's cookbook had plenty of cheese ( soup or shredded etc) in recipes. I think milk just isn't a staple drink in their house; they do get dairy in other sources. maybe not enough but who knows.Maybe they go to that farmer's place for a drink fresh from the cow ! They do have a lot of dental issues and other illnesses as per the journal, the show and her tweets- maybe partially due to low calcium? I guess I'm nitpicking again...

SaraMRN2010 said... 24

I don't remember the following from the published journal.

246.After lunch, we headed to the carousel. We took pics in front of it. Then we went to get the kids on…it was $2 per child!!!!!! So Lauren and I decided to sent the girls only. When I headed back toward Dr G, (with the six) he said ‘What happened?’ I told hom how much it cost and he said I had to send them. Lauren came over and she said ‘what should we do honey?’ and he said ‘Are you kidding? I waste more money on my daughter than that in a days time!’ Before I could dig my wallet out, he handed Lauren the' money and sent us off.

What the heck. How can you put 5 of your children on a carousel and not the other 3? I mean it is only $6 more dollars. I bet her a$$ spent that at Starbucks. I feel so bad for all of those children but my heart really aches for those boys. I was lucky to be blessed with a son and a daughter but treated and loved them equally. She doesn't realize just how lucky she is to have 8 healthy children. I can't wait to watch the Donald tell her "You're fired!" And hopefully this will be the last time she is featured on a show. ~ Administrator said... 25

. I think milk just isn't a staple drink in their house; they do get dairy in other sources. maybe not enough but who knows.


Yes. I think a lot of people are coming from a place where for generations it was a given the best way to get your dairy servings in for a child is a glass of milk at breakfast, lunch and dinner, or at least lunch and dinner with milk in your cereal. To see a family with that many kids go off a script that works so well is jarring for some. And I think to add insult to injury the reason was because Kate, who had money flowing like crazy within 18 months of their birth, was being a cheap wad and refusing to fork over an extra few bucks just because something wasn't on sale. I think that really rubbed people the wrong way. It's not like she said we're just not big milk drinkers but we eat lots of yogurt, cheese, etc., and get our dairy and protein that way. No, it was, I'm a cheapwad who won't buy anything for my kids without a coupon but will spend as I please on myself. Of course people are going to be rubbed wrong by that.

You're right, they might have gotten enough dairy through other means. Or they might not have. But the concern is not ridiculous or unfounded.

swimgirl said... 26 (Administrator) said... 19
Has anyone seen Foxcatcher?

Haven't seen the movie, but I am very interested. I used to swim at Foxcatcher. John Dupont had clear mental issues and he was kept in check by his mother. After her death, there was no one to watch over him. He was obsessed with linking his name to elite athletes. Since he was so wealthy, allowances were made for him that would not have been made for an average person.

Foxcatcher was a beautiful estate and I loved swimming there. It has since been sold and is being developed as a housing development as is common here. Too bad it could not have been saved as open space. ~ Administrator said... 27

What the heck. How can you put 5 of your children on a carousel and not the other 3?


I think by girls she means the twins. Because she said she headed back to her benefactor with the six. I assume while the girls were still riding.

God what a buzzkill. Take a PICTURE in front of the carousal but you can't go ON it. Ugh. Point proven. She is a cheapwad with her kids, whether it's milk or carousals. And then she'll go begging for money she has from somebody else without shame.

Anonymous said... 28

The promo photos of hausfrau Kate in the floral house dress with the simpering, saccharin smile? Makes me want to hurl.

Since the sheeple seem to operate on an "Eyes Wide Shut" basis, they will see nothing wrong with her performance or lack thereof on CA. They'll see her going as far as she does as "winning", not as a strategy of letting the weaker players hang around because it's easy to pick them off near the end.

On the last thread: Lanc Native said... 29

I know Walt Mueller. Good writer, good man, highly educated with a doctorate (with the D) from a seminary. He tells it like it is, no beating around the bush...


I read that as "bleating around the bush". LOL

As far as I can tell, this will be another case of lots of people meeting her who DON'T love her. Sane, rational people see right through people like her.

And as for Kreider not tweeting about CA? She didn't win, why would she bother. Her failure will be out there for the world to see. I wonder how long it will take her narcissistic ego to rebound from this fiasco.


Anonymous said... 29

Judging by the number of drive-bys Admin is fielding, the sheeple must be very worried about their Queen Bee and are attempting damage control by deflecting. It ain't workin'.

Don't despair, sheeple, you've still got a few hours to spin a story about Jon. It won't work, but you can try, can't you? Bwahahaha!


SaraMRN2010 said... 30

That could be admin, sending the twins only. But still how can you do that to your other children. Although it shouldn't surprise me this is the same women who withheld the boys cupcakes on their birthday and didn't even bat an eye.

By the way, did this Pastebin journal end right before their Disney trip because I would love to read the entire thing if not.

NJGal51 said... 31

@JohnnyDamon: Happy 8th birthday to my baby girl Devon

@Kateplusmy8: @JohnnyDamon Happy Birthday 2 ur girl..pretty sure I have a child who looks like her,sleeping in my house:) #Adorable
She always finds a way to turn it around and make it all about her.

SaraMRN2010 said... 32

If anyone missed the infamous RV trip, according to my DirectTv it will be replayed on 1/13/15 @ 5 pm and the 2nd part at 6pm. Actually, they are starting a marathon @ 2p that day including Giving Back, Hodge Podge Dinner, 8 Movie Makers, DC Cupcake visit, and Treehouse and chicks. I guess Gladys better get her a big ol' bag of depends ready with all that Kate showing up before the preview @9 of the special. ~ Administrator said... 33

PJ they must be very worried indeed. Starting food fights with milk, soup, and cookies isn't; going to work. She's going to look like a lazy idiot on CA, and they can't stop it.

FYI said... 34

Johnny Damon tweeted a Happy Birthday to his daughter and included a picture of her.

Johnny Damon ‏@JohnnyDamon · 2h2 hours ago
Happy 8th birthday to my baby girl Devon

Since Kate is now following him on twitter, she saw the tweet and responded:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 8m8 minutes ago
@JohnnyDamon Happy Birthday 2 ur girl..pretty sure I have a child who looks like her,sleeping in my house:) #Adorable

The picture is one of the girls(Leah?) sleeping with Zorro sitting on her chest.

Why can't she just wish his daughter a HB without including something about HER and HER kids?

Meanwhile, other celebs are tweeting about the show.

KENYA MOORE ‏@KenyaMoore · 33m33 minutes ago
Ready for our premiere 2night?! @terrellowens @kevinjonas @IanZiering @GeraldoRivera @RealGilbert @Kateplusmy8 @LeezaGibbons @lorenzolamas

Ian Ziering ‏@IanZiering · 9m9 minutes ago
@KenyaMoore @terrellowens @kevinjonas @GeraldoRivera @RealGilbert @Kateplusmy8 @LeezaGibbons @lorenzolamas Game on KM!

They included her in these tweets and she can't respond?

Mel said... 35

She couldn't have used the money she saved not buying milk to put all thd kids on the carousel?

Seems pretty mean to show all the kids the shiny toy and then tell six of them they can't go on it. ~ Administrator said... 36

I don't know that she made a single friend on CA. She is totally the type to just not be professional and man up and just tweet everyone. Because she holds some kind of grudge from nine months ago she's not going to participate in everyone else's twitter fun and promotion. I'm guessing she'll only tweet the three or four people who didn't completely call her out or piss her off.

That's so classic tweeting a picture of her child to Johnny on Johnny's child's bday. Wow, unbelievable. ~ Administrator said... 37

I agree, letting the twins go on while the other ones watch is cruel.

It's not like getting your ears pierced or going on a roller coaster with a height limit or another right of passage where it's ok to send older kids on without the younger ones. They could ALL go on this, so why single out two of the kids.

This is actually a perfect example of the way she has spent ten years creating division and conflict aamong the children. A parent should foster positivity and healthy sibling relationships, not break them down.

TLC stinks said... 38

So she is with Steve in NYC for the NEAT party? Makes sense. Would live for someone to tweet about it.

AuntieAnn said... 39

SaraMRN2010 said... 24

Lauren came over and she said ‘what should we do honey?’ and he said ‘Are you kidding? I waste more money on my daughter than that in a days time!’ Before I could dig my wallet out, he handed Lauren the' money and sent us off.


Then there's:

"Bob paid for dinner again and he was very sneaky about it. I know that it is something that he and Beth want to do and so I don’t want to steal their joy so I let it slide and let them have their joy!"

She doesn't want to steal their joy.

The woman has sponging off others down to a science. She's a professional freeloader.

FYI said... 40

Wendy Williams Fans ‏@WendysTeam · 25m25 minutes ago
Ready for the Premiere of @ApprenticeNBC tonight! The first fired celebrity will be on the show tomorrow!

I checked Wendy's website and this is in the description for her show Monday:

"Plus, the first contestant fired by Donald Trump on “Celebrity Apprentice” stops by!"

This is in the description for her Tuesday show:

The latest contestant fired on “Celebrity Apprentice” stops by!"

I wonder if this is going to be a regular thing each week. If so, it'll be interesting to watch after Kate gets fired, especially since Wendy seemed to really like Jon when he was on.

White Organza said... 41

"I never once even remotely suggested Kate starved her children. What I suggested, is that she has fostered unhealthy relationships between her children and food."

100% agree! Portion control being one of the many ways she does this. At almost 11, the kids are still using prison trays as dinnerware for crying out loud. And I'll never forget the pictures she proudly posted of her super special Valentine breakfast: a mini-mini muffin, one slice of turkey bacon and, -literally-, about two tablespoons of scrambled eggs. Or the summer poolside lunch consisting of HALF a tomato sandwich she had prepared with her "yummy homemade bread", a few slices of very thinly sliced tomato and lettuce. For growing children who had been playing outside all morning? She's a nurse, she supposed to know a minimum on nutrition.

We've also seen her, over and over, associating food with crisis moments. Some of her most famous freak-outs were caused by or around food in general: the "birthday cupcakes", the "she's ruined" by ice cream, the gumgate, the "you're handling the pizza with your hands?!!", the Hershey's "visit-interruptus-by-fear-of-laundry-issues", the "let's completely wrap the countertops with plastic bags before we start any baking and if anyone drops one spoonful of sugar on the floor , etc., etc..." All potentially fun moments turned into stressful situations.

NJGal51 said... 42

TFW isn't following either Camp Barnabas or Neat on twitter. You'd think she'd at least follow Camp Barnabas since it's her charity. As far as Neat goes, if it were me I'd be networking my ass off hoping to become their spokesperson (especially if she was he PM on the task and won). Maybe those on twitter will point this out and we'll see if she suddenly decides to follow either of them.

Layla said... 43

So, Geraldo and Gilbert were on the Today Show promoting CA, huh? Anyone else find it awfully interesting that the other contestants are given opportunities to go on TV and give interviews (magazines, etc) to promote the show, but Kate, specifically, is not? It's almost as if she is being frozen out by the media. All she could do was plant a fake story about a boyfriend. She didn't get any other opportunities. We know if she had been invited on any show or called for a print interview, she'd have jumped at the chance. She loves to see her face on TV and in magazines. No way would she have turned that down.

Kirkland said... 44

I happened to catch the RV episode last night (Part 2), and it seemed to me like footage was shown that I had never seen before. To be truthful, I only saw it once before when it first aired. But just seemed as if though they showed more Kate footage.

For example, during the whole pizza thing, did Kate specifically say the pizza was for the adults, the macaroni and cheese was for the kids and the salad was for whoever wanted it? Again, for some reason I just don't remember that quote.

AuntieAnn said... 45

"Tuesday, July 17, 2007 When I came up from nap, I found a site that only a burglar should make!!!! The one tall dresser was toppled, lying on its’ face. The lamp was scattered, the light bulb shattered with shards of glass everywhere. In addition to that, there was a two foot long and one foot high section of the wall that was peeled down to the brown part (into) the drywall!!!! Those pieces were strewn everywhere in the room. Then, the 'locked' box of lotions and potions was opened and on the floor with the contents smeared everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you like this day? This all happened while I was downstairs listening on the baby monitor thinking 'oh well, if they aren't going to sleep, at least they are playing nicely.'

Amazingly, no one was cut on the light bulb glass and the dresser didn't land on anyone!!!!! And they came down from ‘nap’ and acted like nothing had happened!!!! What nerve!"


Yeah. The nerve of them.

She frightens me. ~ Administrator said... 46

Actually it's Kate who doesn't understand child development, judging by her utterly baffled and incredulous reaction to a child being so hungry directly after dinner. If she had any understanding of proper nutrition and development it should never surprise her that a child that age is hungry. What's shocking is that she is a nurse.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 47

Wouldn't surprise me that TFW didn't come away from the experience
with one friendship. Can you imagine how it went down meeting
the other contestants?

TFW: (looking behind person for someone more important)
Oh hi, I'm TFW. And this man holding my purse is my
bodyguard, Steve.
Other Contestant: Oh, were we supposed to provide our
own security?
TFW: No, this is just for me. I have 8 children who count
on me, and it's always safety first.
OC: Of, of course. So your kids have a bodyguard while
you're away?
TFW: Oh, no, they're home with the nannies, or their dad,
or whatever.
OC: Um, oh. Well, it was nice to --
(TFW walks away as Steve opens her purse so she can stuff it
with freebies)

NJGal51 said... 48

If she's going to live tweet with the rest of the cast I wonder if they'll be using their own timelines or one of the CA timelines. If using the CA timelines the non fans will be having a field day.

FYI said... 49

Layla said... 40
So, Geraldo and Gilbert were on the Today Show promoting CA, huh? Anyone else find it awfully interesting that the other contestants are given opportunities to go on TV and give interviews (magazines, etc) to promote the show, but Kate, specifically, is not? It's almost as if she is being frozen out by the media.

I do find it very interesting. As I said in the last post, the other celebs have either done print interviews, radio or TV interviews. Maybe Kate's little interview about Camp Barnabas turned people off.

If you look at @apprenticenbc's timeline, there are very few tweets about Kate. The charities are tweeting support, fans are tweeting support, and their friends are tweeting support. Tweets supporting Kate are few and far between.

BTW, here is the Today Show interview with Geraldo and Gilbert that aired this morning.

TLC stinks said... 50

Kirkland, she did say that.

Grammie said... 51

I won't be watching Kate make an a** out of herself tonight. Downton Abbey is on and I'd rather watch Lady Mary and Lady Edith. However, I can't wait to read your comments... always spot on. How soon do they put the episode online after it airs?

TLC stinks said... 52

It appears back in 2006 she was still in touch with her parents (before TLC really took over). Wonder if they were not "supportive" of the filming, thus the cold shoulder.

When you read the journal you can see the greed evolving.

JMO said... 53

Kate is a Twit 44-----

Thanks for posting the link. I found Geraldo's comments interesting about the "reality tv women" being very cut throat, but that it really helped in figuring out who they are.

On a side note, I do like Gilbert in small doses, as he is self-deprecating, and doesn't take himself too seriously.

AuntieAnn said... 54

Kate is a twit said... 49

BTW, here is the Today Show interview with Geraldo and Gilbert that aired this morning.


Geraldo tried very hard to find Kate a husband but it was difficult because eight kids are a handicap.

Yes, for sure it's ALL their fault that no man on the face of this earth is willing to marry her because of them. They're a "handicap". Get ready to hear that about a fuckity-million times for the next month or so.

Meg said... 55

TFW does not interact good with other people. I wonder why she went on CA ? you know it has to be all about her. watch how she tweets about TLC it will be non stop since she's the big star.

Rhymes with Witch said... 56

This all happened while I was downstairs listening on the baby monitor thinking 'oh well, if they aren't going to sleep, at least they are playing nicely.'. 46

Icall bullshit on the baby monitor. Never saw evidence of one on her "realist" show.
She freakin' terrifies me

Rhymes with Witch said... 57

When you read the journal you can see the greed evolving. 52

The roots of her greed and narcissism were evident from the beginning, but they sure did increase exponentially.

AuntieAnn said... 58

FlimsyFlamsy said... 47
TFW: (looking behind person for someone more important)
Oh hi, I'm TFW. And this man holding my purse is my
bodyguard, Steve.
Other Contestant: Oh, were we supposed to provide our
own security?


Alternatively: "what kind of danger do you anticipate happening that he shares a room with you? Bedbugs?"

FYI said... 59

The Apprentice ‏@ApprenticeNBC · 25m25 minutes ago
Right after tonight's #CelebApprentice premiere at 9/8c on @NBC, watch @KenyaMoore give her take on @bravowwhl!

So Kenya's going to be on Watch What Happens Live tonight. I wonder if she and Andy will discuss Kate?

Hey Milo, Kenya's going to be on 3, count em, 3 separate shows in one night, RHOA, CA and WWHL. Can Kate top that?

Rhymes with Witch said... 60

She's a nurse, she supposed to know a minimum on nutrition. 41

She was more concerned that her "golden" 2 year old looked a bit chubby. Bitch.

Jeanne said... 61

If you're looking for alternative viewing tonight, CNN is running a documentary about Roger Ebert. This is the first airing on basic cable. I heard his widow and the documentary director interviewed on NPR. I'll be putting that on my DVR and looking at recaps here. I really can't watch Kate roll her eyes for an hour.

Formerly Duped said... 62

Kirkland, iirc, in the RV trip episode, they all ate pizza the night before, and Kate said Steve 'reserved ' a slice for lunch the next day since he doesn't eat salad or mac and cheese. Apparently some of the people in that RV like Jamie and Mady ate some more, and poor Mady was saying ' Mommy, I didn't know.' Kate said there was mac and cheese and salad for their lunch, and there was no reason to eat pizza...or something like that!

I also saw some 'new' footage On Demand from the chicken episode. I was watching because I was very bored!

As for the journal, apart from its atrocities, Kate's writing style, grammar and spelling are horrendously horrendous!

JMO said... 63

As for KK's new boyfriend, I agree that it was a diversion thrown out by CA, TLC or Agent to deflect against TFM affair. The person noted may have gone along with it, as he may do work for CA, TLC... whatever. Who knows, as the chaos surrounding her never ends.

I also agree about the lack of interviews and tweeting about her new shows but most importantly about her charity. I guess that is someone else's job, as she is the "mastermind." But clearly she is not well liked by most contestants,(DWTS repeat) and flew under the radar for a bit.

Her comprehension of her "charity" is a joke. She probably heard one comments about " the parents get a break too," from one person, and made it about herself, and missed the whole point that the charity was all about the kids prospering. Shameful on her part, that she makes it all about herself.

Finally, I think the C/M interviews have shown what lengths she will go to,,as her interviews were clearly disturbing and created for defending her. Yes, of course, at 13, my mom always asked me to be her spokesperson (snark).. she is so unbalanced on so many levels that I don't hold out much hope for ever. More importantly, the rebellion has started with the kids, and it will not get better.

redbirdsings said... 64

TFW missed her golden opportunity this morning on QVC! They have some kind of program called something for me. Making time for yourself during the day and then cookbook corner came on.

She could of been the spokesperson for making time for yourself, and a added bonus: she does have a cookbook out.

You know I am kidding, right? Bwahahaha

Maybe when Trump said that TFW and Geraldo were difficult?, maybe he was referring to her not promoting CA, because Trump is all about promotion and TFM having to be there. Remember when she was suppose to announce Coupon Cabin's new app and she was being interviewed by ? on the Today Show and she didn't even mention it. And the interviewer HAD TO mention it before time ran out and she just mumbled, yeah, like, whatever. You know Scott Kluth was watching and just stunned at her performance of not even mentioning the app until prompted to. It reminds me of when the twins were on the Today show, Jon watching and he said, say something, please say something.

Even more funny, when the segment with TFW was over, the camera went over to Trump and he was there and showing his new name brand cell phone. Wouldn't it been hilarious if he mentioned CC's app (because he heard TFW's interview) that he used it for all of his coupon needs? We know he more than likely doesn't use coupons, but it would of really made TFW look really, really bad.

AuntieAnn said... 65

Oh this is rich:

Thursday, April 26, 2007 I want to include an analogy in here about encouraging our kids to stay pure til marriage. I do well with analogies and I wish that this had been shared with me…

now think about it
how many people have you shared
the most precious gift you have to offer to your future spouse?
trust me when i say it is so hard to hand that sticky lollipop over
to the one you truly love

I guess Steve is guarding her sticky lollipop now.

Kirkland said... 66

I know this is really off topic, and if this doesn't get posted, I totally understand.

I just read an article about Stuart Soctt, an ESPN anchor who died today of cancer. I don't watch ESPN, but my husband does. So I don't really know much about him.

Anyway, I read the article then clicked on a link to watch a speech he gave last year when he was awarded the Jimmy V Perseverance Award at the ESPYs (Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly Award). For the record, I am not familiar with any of these awards, thank goodness for Google.

He was given the Jimmy V Perseverance Award, then gave a speech which (according to the article) "...showed just why his perseverance, his fight, his grit was so moving."

Okay, this speech REALLY got to me. He talked about this fight with cancer - and the speech was so moving and inspiring. He didn't feel sorry for himself, instead he showed his gratitude for all that he had.

Sometimes you need a kick in the pants to put life in perspective and realize how much you have to be grateful for in your own life. That speech was my "kick in the pants".

Here's the video, before you watch it, get out your box of Kleenex:

Kirkland said... 67

Formerly Duped said... 62
Kirkland, iirc, in the RV trip episode, they all ate pizza the night before, and Kate said Steve 'reserved ' a slice for lunch the next day since he doesn't eat salad or mac and cheese

Formerly Duped, I do remember that whole scene. What I didn't remember was the actual quote from Kate which said specifically that the pizza was for the adults and the mac & cheese for the kids, which sort of explains why Kate was so pissed. It doesn't excuse her behavior of course, but I got a bit more perspective from that. The pizza was not for the kids. Although honestly, why couldn't everyone who wanted pizza have it? That has to be Kate rule.

Oh well, TLC Stinks also responded above - and I guess Kate did say that. Again, I just don't remember it. :)

Mel said... 68

I guess NEAT didn't get the message about hiding the fact thatbTFW will be there, instead of home. That she has to fly under the radar for her safety.

What she really means is that she doesn't want people to know just how much she isn't home. How much she is doing non-mom stuff.

Hard to portray yourself as the hard working mom of 8, doing it all alone, when you're hardly ever there.

Cuz, like the safety of the other moms is like completely irrelevant. Losing a mom of 8 is sooo much worse than something happening to a mom of one or two.

Although exactly what she thinks is unsafe on the Trump property is hard to fathom.

JMO said... 69

AuntieAnn said... 65
Oh this is rich:

Thursday, April 26, 2007 I want to include an analogy in here about encouraging our kids to stay pure til marriage. I do well with analogies and I wish that this had been shared with me…

now think about it
how many people have you shared
the most precious gift you have to offer to your future spouse?
trust me when i say it is so hard to hand that sticky lollipop over
to the one you truly love

Oh this is rich:

Thursday, April 26, 2007 I want to include an analogy in here about encouraging our kids to stay pure til marriage. I do well with analogies and I wish that this had been shared with me…

now think about it
how many people have you shared
the most precious gift you have to offer to your future spouse?
trust me when i say it is so hard to hand that sticky lollipop over
to the one you truly love


Happy New Year! Think she was borrowing some of the "Duggar" lines at the time, as she wanted to be successful on tv (as they were at that ime) so she was trying the "purity" version to see if it would fly and bring her more success on tv. She is way too transparent.

Localyocul said... 70

. 19
Has anyone seen Foxcatcher? We saw it yesterday. The acting is in fine form, and there's a Pennsylvania connection,


I didn't know there was a movie coming out about him!at the time of the murder/standoff my then husband was LE in Media right next to the estate and worked assistance with it. Scary stuff

White Organza said... 71

"We know if she had been invited on any show or called for a print interview, she'd have jumped at the chance. She loves to see her face on TV and in magazines. No way would she have turned that down." (43)

It could be because that she hasn't been invited anywhere, but I wonder if for the first time in her "career", she DOESN'T want to be interviewed. CA is Trump show and she must knows perfectly well that the questions wouldn't be the same as the TLC'S pre-approved ones designed to protect her "picture perfect mom of 8" status on which her "Kate+my 8" show is based, the "doing it all by myself" myth she's been peddling everywhere all these years.

In fact, if there is such a thing as pre-approved questions for a Trump show, it would be to protect Trump's reputation, not the contestants'. I would even go farther than that and bet that the CA's PR machine is actually suggesting questions designed to create controversy about (and around) contestants.

She's scared stiff. Karma...

Vanessa said... 72

How do you like this day? This all happened while I was downstairs listening on the baby monitor thinking 'oh well, if they aren't going to sleep, at least they are playing nicely.'

Amazingly, no one was cut on the light bulb glass and the dresser didn't land on anyone!!!!! And they came down from ‘nap’ and acted like nothing had happened!!!! What nerve!"
How in the F$@#??? did they do allll that damage, with a monitor (yeah right, i agree, never saw one either) and she thinks they're playing? How can you topple a dresser without thinking the ceiling's coming down?

Vanessa said... 73

The picture is one of the girls(Leah?) sleeping with Zorro sitting on her chest.

Why can't she just wish his daughter a HB without including something about HER and HER kids?

JMO said... 74

Kirkland said... 66 --------------

Thank you for that video. Saving it to my laptop. Very powerful message about the mind, heart and soul - his message is SO point on, and his priorities in a very difficult time are a great example to all of us. He exemplified such grace and dignity in his journey.

Formerly Duped said... 75

AuntieAnn said... 65

But I don't get the analogy- is her lollipop sticky because she didn't find it hard to share?? Why is it hard to share with the one you love but not others? Why do you hand it over? She had no trouble with the Empire State Building lollipop !. Did she author this gem? Grammatically it doesn't make sense.Or figuratively. Or literally. Or at all.

Vanessa said... 76

Don't despair, sheeple, you've still got a few hours to spin a story about Jon. It won't work, but you can try, can't you? Bwahahaha!
LOL, I'm actually quite shocked there still isn't one

NJGal51 said... 77

Sticky lollipop? That is an image that I did not need in my head! Please pass the brain bleach.

Rhymes with Witch said... 78

How can you topple a dresser without thinking the ceiling's coming down? 72

And monitor or no monitor, how could she miss the sound of a dresser toppling over?
I can't imagine that the six did all this in silence, either.
I repeat: she freakin' terrifies me.

Vanessa said... 79

The question becomes are the portion sizes Kate herself has shown us all the child got to eat?
Whenever there was food to be had, even up to the last update where she portioned out tiny cups of kale chips, SHE decides how much food goes into their bodies. How can all 8 (or 6) have the same size of appetite? Colin was the bigger of the boys, now he's a shadow of himself. She was so excited that Leah ate more!!!! That she's usually the one who eats the least!!!!!!!! Then why the hell did you stonewall and refuse to let her eat more?? Remember the banana they all ate?

JMO said... 80

Vanessa said... 73
The picture is one of the girls(Leah?) sleeping with Zorro sitting on her chest.

Why can't she just wish his daughter a HB without including something about HER and HER kids?


Because deep down, she knows she is nothing without the kids. All of her shows with her only have been epic fails, so she uses her BRAND at every juncture. Wish she would have promoted her charity instead of continuing the "freak show" on twitter.

Guess promotion of her charity was not a priority, gotta keep the BRAND going.

Sorry I am posting so much, am home sick with the flu and bored out of my mind as I can't sleep : (

AuntieAnn said... 81

Happy New Year! Think she was borrowing some of the "Duggar" lines at the time, as she wanted to be successful on tv (as they were at that ime) so she was trying the "purity" version to see if it would fly and bring her more success on tv. She is way too transparent.


Happy New Year to you too JMO. Yes they were told their show was right up there with the Duggars.

It's astounding how back then so many people were pumping up her ego to point where her head exploded. She had a lot of people fooled. Anyone who caught on was immediately tossed onto the discard pile and she continues to do that to this day.

Call Me Crazy said... 82

AuntieAnn said... 58

Alternatively: "what kind of danger do you anticipate happening that he shares a room with you? Bedbugs?"

Haha, Auntie! Can't you just picture Purseboy bravely striding over to Mr. Bedbug, grabbing it by its tiny shoulder (do bedbugs have shoulders?), and escorting it away from his queen?


AuntieAnn said... 58

I guess Steve is guarding her sticky lollipop now.

Ugh. Thanks, Auntie. I will have to buy gallons of bleach, on sale or not, to eliminate this thought from my brain!

White Organza said... 83

"Geraldo tried very hard to find Kate a husband but it was difficult because eight kids are a handicap. "

Yeah. Very true. Especially, -as a sheeple recently posted-, when you have 8 literal kids as oppose to the metaphorical kind.

"How many people have you shared the most precious gift you have to offer to your future spouse? Trust me when i say it is so hard to hand that sticky lollipop over to the one you truly love."

O.K. My french is acting up again because even knowing she's talking about virginity, I have no frigging idea what the sticky lollypop is all about. Help?

JMO said... 84

Vanessa said... 73
The picture is one of the girls(Leah?) sleeping with Zorro sitting on her chest.

Why can't she just wish his daughter a HB without including something about HER and HER kids?


A new name for Kate - Sticky Lollipop AKA SL.

Call Me Crazy said... 85

Kirkland - I heard about Stuart Scott's death, but I had not seen the video you posted. Thank you for sharing it. This was particularly touching:

“When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer,” Scott told the audience. “You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live.”

AuntieAnn said... 86

NJGal51 said... 77

Sticky lollipop? That is an image that I did not need in my head! Please pass the brain bleach.


Oh there's lots more, lol:

you pick up the biggest rainbow sucker you can hold
you know, the kind with all the swirls...

you plan on giving it to the one person you truely love
the one you plan on being with forever...

but before you give it to that person
you share it with a friend
then another friend
and another one takes a big lick...
pretty soon the rainbow swirls are all mooshed together
and the stick is all sticky

Bwahaha!! Another one takes a big lick...The stick is all sticky. lololol!!! OMG I can't quit laughing.

NJGal51 said... 87

Milo is strangely silent today. You'd think that she'd be promoting TFW non stop.

Anonymous said... 88

On the Today show, Gilbert Gottried was asked why he decided to do CA. He replied that when most people answer their phone they say "Hello". He said that he always answers by saying, "I'll take it".

I think that is why TFW is always pictured with her pink phone at the ready just in case she gets an offer, any offer.


Rhymes with Witch said... 89

Sorry I am posting so much, am home sick with the flu and bored out of my mind as I can't sleep. 81

Nothing to apologize for! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Sue said... 90

Milo sounds like a paid robot..

Rhymes with Witch said... 91

A new name for Kate - Sticky Lollipop AKA SL. 84

Well, she did give the broken one to her son in NYC. Hopefully they're 2 different things.
Sorry, her diary is just really pissing me off.

AuntieAnn said... 92

Formerly Duped said... 75

Did she author this gem? Grammatically it doesn't make sense.Or figuratively. Or literally. Or at all.


No she didn't. It seems to have made an impression on her though:

"Anyway, interesting and I saw it on the Dr Phil message board after our show aired! Of course most of the talk is about the other wackos that were on that show!"

Other wackos? lol. I don't think she realizes what she wrote.

FYI said... 93

NJGal51 said... 87
Milo is strangely silent today. You'd think that she'd be promoting TFW non stop.

She's probably watching the football playoffs. I think football even outranks Kate.

NJGal51 said... 94

Noooooooooooooooooooooo AuntieAnn noooooooooooooooooooooo!

White Organza said... 95

Did she author this gem? Grammatically it doesn't make sense.Or figuratively. Or literally. Or at all. (75)
Oh good... My french wasn't acting up. But after Auntie Ann's (83) post, knowing what I now know, I kind of wish it did.

And my excuse for posting so much today is that we're in the middle of an ice storm here. Tried to go out to get milk for my coffee this morning. Put grips on my boots, took one step on the sidewalk and almost split in half. Sideways. Very painful. Drank my coffee black. And now, I'm very hyper as you can see. ;)

FYI said... 96

Interesting interview with Ian, Vivica, and Leeza about CA. Can't see Kate participating in an interview like this and sharing how she prepared for, and what she learned from CA and how it was different from DWTS(since all three also appeared on that show). They all contacted past contestants for advice. Ian even watched all the past seasons of CA.

Serendipity said... 97

Sorry I am posting so much, am home sick with the flu and bored out of my mind as I can't sleep.

I have the intestinal bug thing and I got to know my bathroom pretty well last night...better than I ever wanted to. I know the feeling...every time I'd drift off to sleep, nature called. One of the kids brought this bug home and we're passing it around. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

Get better!

AuntieAnn said... 98

White Organza said... 83

O.K. My french is acting up again because even knowing she's talking about virginity, I have no frigging idea what the sticky lollypop is all about. Help?


Don't worry it's not your french. Nothing makes sense when it comes to ol' Sticky.

NJGal, so sorry. I will ship a barrel of brain bleach to you immediately, if not sooner.

Kate is a twit said... 93

She's probably watching the football playoffs. I think football even outranks Kate.


Or she could be busy circling the wagons and loading up the ammo. It's gonna be a rough night.

Call Me Craz said... 99

JMO - Sorry you are not well. I hope you feel better soon.

TLC stinks said... 100

In all the years I watched, I never saw nor heard her mention a baby monitor.

Note in the journal she said Jen (producer) wanted her and Jon to bicker.

She also said they "faked" for filming Nana Janet being at the house while Kate was gone ( I forget what the episode was). Reading her journal is torture, BTW.

Everything is about God's will and how He will provide, how she and Jon pray for things.

There was a disturbing passage about one of the tup babies Leah I think, had a massive poop and Kate put her in the tub and the child was shaking from the cold or fear.

redbirdsings said... 101

NJGal51, I know this might be a long shot. There is a inside tv antenna where you can pick up the digital signals from your local tv stations. What you need right now is NBC. They sell them at Walmart and the name is Clear TV. Here is the link to check out where and what stations you can pick up based on your address.

Formerly Duped said... 102

SL- I like it! Well, for her. What drivel. Or should we say dribble?

FYI said... 103

Hmm, maybe they all ARE in NYC. Leeza tweeted the following to Brandi:

Leeza Gibbons ‏@LeezaGibbons · 21m21 minutes ago
@BrandiGlanville @ApprenticeNBC You guys all look so gorgeous in this shot!! Especially @RealGilbert !!!

Of course, she could mean "see" as in seeing her on TV, but I know from other shows that I've watched (NCIS, Criminal Minds,etc), that when they live tweet during a show, they're all together.

So far, Johnny, Gilbert, and Donald have tweeted that they will be live tweeting. I wonder if Kate will give her tweeties a heads up?

Formerly Duped said... 104

I think that's Hannah asleep in the twit pic. It is a sweet but very private photo as usual. Hannah is the one she thought was getting chubby- like Collin, she has become a lot slighter over the years.I recall Kate was kind of panicked that H was the heaviest of all 6 at the dr pre-school check-up. Kids come in different shapes and sizes, Ms. Not-a-Nurse! I wonder if she is angry at the twins for changes puberty has brought

A MOM said... 105

Kate Gosselin couldn't be outdone by a sleeping child even though its the child's birthday so she staged her daughter asleep! How immature! Jon maybe under then Kate, but knows how to raise kids.
Wish a rich person would help Jon & his kids out!!

redbirdsings said... 106

Rhymes with Witch said... 60
She's a nurse, she supposed to know a minimum on nutrition. 41

She was more concerned that her "golden" 2 year old looked a bit chubby. Bitch.


Rhymes with Witch, I couldn't agree with you more. This reminded me of Anna Nicole Smith and the way she did Dannielynn.

NJGal51 said... 107

Redbirdsings - We're surrounded by mountains and the only way to get anything is through cable. Ithanks for the thought though. I'll read he spoilers and watch online tomorrow. I'm betting every football fan in this area is pretty pissed off right about now though.

redbirdsings said... 108

Well, Beck's Bells!

This is on Robert's blog.

Read Kate Gosselin's 'Mommy's Journal' and Decide For Yourself #KIDSLIVESMATTER


FYI said... 109

Oops--in my comment #103 I left out the most important part of Leeza's tweet. Here it is again. The bolded part is what I left out. Wish it wasn't such a trial to c/p tweets from twitter.

Leeza Gibbons @LeezaGibbons
· 59m 59 minutes ago
@BrandiGlanville @ApprenticeNBC You guys all look so gorgeous in this shot!! Especially @RealGilbert !!! Can't wait to see you tonight !

Formerly Duped said... 110

I think Kate likes to control her family's appearance as well as her own. First the identical dressing, then the weight control, Jon's weight, his hair, both their teeth whitening, making them all wear numbered T shirts (Em Tanner) and Jon's Valentine tee, her fuss over 'outfits' and being ruined or dirty, forcing a crying Cara to have a haircut, Mady a braid, and the tups to get beads in their hair while they cried in pain.The fuss over red, white and blue jackets, making Jon show her what clothes he chose, the argument over sandals in the garage, tie vs Velcro, on and on. Her own appearance- what a pathetic mess. But she should allow her kids to grow and thrive as nature dictates, not her fashion sense or ideals for weight. That's terrible about Dannielynn- hadn't heard that before, redbird

NJGal51 said... 111

Maybe her contract states that she only has to begin tweeting at 9/8c. She's too busy being pampered in NYC and spending time with TFM to even think about tweeting until then. She really has not promoted this at all.

Rhymes with Witch said... 112

Such a polite crew here on the veranda.
Admin, feel free to set me straight but I don't think anyone needs to apologize for posting "too much."
There are times when I have a lot to say, other times not so much.
Same as other folks.

FYI said... 113

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · 1m1 minute ago
I'll be LIVE tweeting at 9pmET during #CelebApprentice @ApprenticeNBC while watching w/ my kids...yep, they're staying up for the premiere!

So she finally says something. And she's letting the kids stay up to 11pm on a school night? To watch a show that's rated TV-PG, DL?

What an idiot. If she wanted the kids to see it, then she should at least watch if first to see if it's suitable for them to see.

It'd be funny if during the live tweet someone mentions that Kate is there with all of them.

BTW, in order to see the live tweets, I think they will be using the hashtag #CelebApprentice in their tweets. That's what most of them have been using when they tweet about the show.

You can follow tweets with that hashtag here instead of following individual tweets.

redbirdsings said... 114


On the eve of CA! WOW!

Robert posted 4 pictures of kate, clearly drunk, sitting on the couch on his Gosselin book twitter. He also asked the question:

Was @Kateplusmy8 drunk while she beat her babies?

IMO, She is clearly DRUNK in these pictures. I would like to know who took them!!! Those poor babies!

Here is the link:

To GKD, Bwahahahahaha!

FYI said... 115

Robert is in full twitter mode. He not only posted the whole journal on his website, crediting the pastebin post, but he also tweeted these pictures of Kate drinking.

PatK said... 116

Kate tweeted that her kids are staying up for the premiere. Isn't this over at 11PM? Don't they have school tomorrow?

FYI said... 117

BTW, thanks to Admin and her helpers for putting comments through in such a timely manner. You guys have your work cut out for you tonight and tomorrow night.

No one will ever call you guys "lazy"!

redbirdsings said... 118


Gosselin Book @GosselinBook

JoyinVirginia said... 119

Time for the acronym round up!
Kate Gosselin = Sticky Lollipop SL (according to a journal allegedly written by her) = Katie Irene Kreider (her maiden name) = TFW The Former Wife (as the husband she threw out referred to her) = TFMJG = The Former Mrs Jon Gosselin = TCFW The Crazy Former Wife = The Warden (of Shawshank) = WOS Waste of Space (what TFMJG called the Grand Canyon)
where TFMJG lives = The Orphanage = Shawshank (if you don't know why, just read aa few recaps)
Steve Nield = The Boobyguard = Rat Claws = TFM The Flying Monkey = Purse Boy
DWTS = Dancing With The Stars , an opportunity TFMJG squandered.
Tony Dovolani = Saint Tony of the Ballroom who tried to teach TFMJG to dance. He earned sainthood by not strangling TFMJG. Note that others who have been on DWTS know Tony, he seems to be well liked, and Wendy Williams was his partner and adored Tony.
Rep. Murt, Thomas Murt, rrespected Pennsylvania legislator who has sponsored legislation that puts more restrictions on filming for any entertainment purpose in Pennsylvania.
I'm busy with home projects, but hopefully will be able to post with the verandah crew tonight.
One more term to know: The Verandah! This corner of the internet where we can talk about tv, recipes, books, movies, and the excruciatingly boring TFMJG.

Beth said... 120

Journal: Why am I reading this crap?
If joel said the wrong animal, aaden would say ‘no that’s a giraffe’ or whatever! It was sooooo cute!!!! I just sat and reveled in that joy of my boys and let me tell you, I don’t often get to revel in the joy of anything that the kids do!!!! Sad but true!!! I really hope that I am able to remember that very special moment.

What a horrible way to feel about your kids!

Vanessa said... 121

Whoah!!! That sure is a close up
Do I need to point out the lack of silicone??

White Organza said... 122


Do I need to point out the lack of silicone?? (121)

Yep, no silicone there! None whatsoever. But don't forget she'll never have to resort to that extreme: the woman has the ability to de-age. Phew...

FYI said... 123

BTW, click on the first picture and you will get a slide show showing the full pictures. She got a drinking glass in her hand in two of them. Is that the chocolate martini or pom martini that she emailed Gina about? It's definitely a martini glass she's holding.

Rhymes with Witch said... 124

don’t often get to revel in the joy of anything that the kids do. 120

She made that clear in every episode.

Katykat said... 125

don’t often get to revel in the joy of anything that the kids do. 120

I have never seen anyone who hates being a mother as much as she does. She sickens me.

FYI said... 126

I've noticed that a lot of the other celeb's friends are tweeting them and wishing them good luck. I know Jamie's twitter account is private, but not a peep from Deanna?

If she were such a good friend, you'd think she'd publicly tweet her support.

Anonymous said... 127

Apparently the martini pictures were taken before she bought the good bra.


Beth said... 128

During nap, Jamie mopped my floor and folded my laundry


FYI said... 129

I took a look at Camp Barnabas' TL and saw that they tweeted this on Friday:

Camp Barnabas ‏@CampBarnabas · Jan 2
Don't forget to watch the two hour season premiere of Celebrity Apprentice on Sunday 9/8c. Camp Barnabas is a charity! #CelebrityApprentice

Seems a little strange that they didn't mention WHO was playing for their charity, doesn't it?

redbirdsings said... 130

I can't believe this. From Pastebin.

We ordered Cara’s hot dog and fries and then 3 other kids meals (chicken fingers and fries) for the other 7 to split. They did so awesome!!!!

So Cara was given a full kids meal and 7 other kids split 3 kids meals. If 2 chicken fingers are on each plate, that is only 6 CF's. So which kid didn't get a chicken finger? They might of been big enough to be cut into 4 small pieces. That would of been 3 bites each and a couple of fries.

Why not just order a full kids meal for each child, let them eat what they want, then the waitress would be more than happy to box up the leftovers for you to take back home and you could chop up the leftover fries for hash for their breakfast and make chicken quesadillas for their lunch.

I could feed my kids at the local kids buffet and I got soup and salad and paid less than 6 dollars. A bag of chicken fingers at the grocery store was 7.99.

Meg said... 131

animalabuseneverwins ‏@bitemeaholesFU 37m37 minutes ago
@GosselinBook @TwitTartwif @Kateplusmy8 has Kate not told all the bots she gets FIRED in week 3 or 4. 1st time this has leaked on CA.

AuntieAnn said... 132

Meg said... 131

animalabuseneverwins ‏@bitemeaholesFU 37m37 minutes ago
@GosselinBook @TwitTartwif @Kateplusmy8 has Kate not told all the bots she gets FIRED in week 3 or 4. 1st time this has leaked on CA.


Gladys must be hyperventilating by now.

scgal said... 133

Wow, Orange Crusher is right. Those pictures sure were before she got the good bra. I didn't realize just how good that bra was.

FYI said... 134

One thing I just thought of, and it will interesting to see. Most sites are saying that Keisha Knight Pullam is one of the PM's tonight. I wonder if she'll ask BC for a donation?

Of course, this was all taped before the scandal broke, but it will be interesting to see.

Localyocul said... 135

@Spar_kle_Girl: @SandieBellz @LakeRat2014 @Kateplusmy8 I could not believe my ears ! But that Kenya chic will say anything, no truth required by her.


Ummm it was Brandi who called her lazy not Kenya

FYI said... 136

Gladys must be hyperventilating by now.

The last football playoff game of the day is almost over. I expect Milo to put in an appearance soon.

FYI said... 137

Who's in control of the Rumspringa stock? Have we decided on the drinking game for tonight? A least one drink for every time Kate mention or is shown with the number 8. Another when she mentions her kids.

I have a feeling we'll be snockered 15 minutes into the show!! ~ Administrator said... 138

Enjoy the east coast airing everyone! I will catch up soon.

redbirdsings said... 139

The Fame Driven
‏@TheFameDriven We hear on #CelebrityApprentice that @peachespulliam did not use her 'industry connects" @realDonaldTrump

‏@TheFameDriven @MissAmiaSays On tonight's #CelebApprentice @peachespulliam wouldn't use her "Cosby Connects" to help her team win.

Midnight Madness said... 140

Gladys must be hyperventilating by now.

The last football playoff game of the day is almost over. I expect Milo to put in an appearance soon.

She sent LOM out for some extra disposable drool bibs and Depends. Cant's she multi-task -- watch the games and tweet at the same time?

Anonymous said... 141

Did Kate do any interviews for CA at all? I don't recall any.

Sandylove said... 142

Doesn't the show start at 9 pm?

Trying for three said... 143

Jeanne said... I only skimmed the journal. She never actually liked her children. She liked when they helped her. She had no knowledge that babies and toddlers act like babies and toddlers. You have to parent them not just spank them. One trip to the store she spanked Mady multiple times with the spoon that thank goodness she had just put in the van. Poor kids. The story about the kids pulling over the dresser struck me because they hadn't attached the dresser to the wall like a parent should. Instead it's the kids' fault. And the time a kid had a head injury that needed stitches but she was too tired to get care. There is no motherly love.

However, I think line 897, she quotes something and says that Jon is an amazing husband and she is lucky to have him
She adored him worshiped him then the tv people said they should argue more and wouldn't it be cute funny if TFW was overbearing bitch wife and J was lazy incompetent husband ha ha go ho. Audience starts tuning in to see them bicker it grows as the kids do the other multiples family on TLC is to respectful and loving and are off the air soon but J&K are getting even worse and also better because a divorce brings in record numbers and paparazzi everywhere. More eyeballs and more money for TFW because she likes this way more than being #2 to a husband and he we are now poor abused J really abused after the marriage ended and the real cheater was TLC who could have been named as the other party not Ratclaws

AuntieAnn said... 144

Kate is a twit said... 137

Who's in control of the Rumspringa stock? Have we decided on the drinking game for tonight? A least one drink for every time Kate mention or is shown with the number 8. Another when she mentions her kids.


And a drink for every time someone rolls their eyes behind Kate's back.

I'm wheeling out the rented theatre popcorn machine and unloading the extra chairs onto the veranda. I can't tell you how exhausted I am.

Darn. I forgot the port-a-pottie.

3.5 hours to wait in our time zone.

Sue said... 145

Did TFW have a nose job? she looks better in those drunk pictures.

Anonymous said... 146

Hey NJGAL15, did you get access to NBC yet? Just thinking about you.

JMO said "Why can't she just wish his daughter a HB without including something about HER and HER kids?" What is a HB? Just curious.

Sue said... 147

I wish TWF would get a clue and cut her long hair. She looks awful in long hair.

NJGal51 said... 148

Leslie - we don't have NBC back yet. I may be able to go to someone's house that has basic cable to watch.

From Roberts blog post said... 149

Sunday, October 15, 2006 Today started out well, but became a very ugly day by about half way through! We got up and got to church on time… amazingly! I felt okay this morning, not too tired! The six all screamed like crazy when we dropped them off but calmed down quickly! A lady in the hall was shocked at me voice loudness as I screamed for Jon to ‘stop stop stop’ because he hadn’t taken the kids jackets off before putting them in their class like I had asked--- woopss!!!!
The message was good—pastor Bryan talked about the ‘emotional temptations’ where we talk ugly to each other and our marriages suffer! It really hit hard and made me realize that I cannot talk ugly to jon and I must love him. It was a really good message!

Midnight Madness said... 150

IMO, She is clearly DRUNK in these pictures. I would like to know who took them!!! Those poor babies!


How can you tell? She's not falling over, we can't hear her mushing her words. We've seen a few pictures of her like this when she looks kind of out of it, but that's because she is. Remember that horrible picture of her in the parking lot? You'd swear she was three sheets to the wind, but it's just the way she looked that day. ~ Administrator said... 151

I can't tell form the photos whether she is drunk.

"Lord, deliver me from myself and Jon from himself!"

She's a total nutcase.

Anonymous said... 152

Ummm popcorn. I have some bottle of bubbly leftover from New Year's too.

What a tool, surpised that a woman at church was taken aback at her 'voice loudness' as she screamed at Jon about not taking the kids jackets off. More concerned about jackets than the fact her 6 little children were upset that they were left in the church nursery. Poor nursery volunteers. She writes like a child. No literary talent there, for sure.

Orange Crusher

Call Me Crazy said... 153

Here we go!

redbirdsings said... 154

They just showed kate walking down the street and they let the others say something! hahaha!

Virginia Pen Mom said... 155

Okay, they just announced all the players. Everyone sounded more important than Kate--something like "tv personality and mother of 8."

They previews are making it sound like Kate is going to get slammed.

Cake Boss is going to choose the pie he likes best.

readerlady said... 156

I haven't screwed up my nerve enough to go to the pastebin site yet, but let me get this straight. Cara got a whole kids meal while Mady, the same age as Cara, had to make do with less than .5 of a kids meal? No wonder Mady was always whining and crying. The poor kid was probably starving to death! And so obviously being put in second (or 8th) place! Despicable parenting.

JMO -- I feel for you. I'm battling the flu also, but I can't seem to stay awake. I think I slept about 30 hours out of the last 48. Hope you feel better soon.

Call Me Crazy said... 157

Haha. "Raise your hand if you desire that task." She is a fish out of water.

s said... 158

I noticed they didn't allow Kate to say anything LOL.

Localyocul said... 159

@katieyouuu: Also, Kate Gosselin's long ass hair extensions merely confirm the tried and true fact that she does not parent her kids #Nanny911

readerlady said... 160

I hit post too soon. I don't have kids, so I don't know from my own experience, but don't parents almost always revel in everything their kids do? All the parents I know seem to.

Alberta Girl said... 161

Ivanka is stunning. Kate looks like an old bag compared to her

Sue said... 162

Kate's hair extensions look awful look at the top of her head. She should have dyed her hair before the show dark roots yuck.

Localyocul said... 163

@shychiguy: Kate Gosselin always sporting a severe case of RBF... #TheApprentice

Sue said... 164

Ivanka is pretty. All the other women look better than Kate.

Call Me Crazy said... 165

She was mute when they were brainstorming their team name.

Lanc Native said... 166

"That's fantastic that you were there!! Did they actually show you on camera? Looks like all the people there had a great time.

Kevin Spacey was great, as were the others. The only one I didn't care for was Leann Rimes. IMO she butchered "Lullabye", which is one of my favorite songs."

Yes, Twit, this was the third awards ceremony I attended. It wasn't the best one, but it was Billy, and that's all that mattered. Yes, I was shown on camera a few times, but once it was just half a face. Probably better that way!

I'm not a Rimes fan by any means, but it was better in person than in the video. It was an interesting take on that song, but nobody sings it better than Billy. He doesn't do it too much in concerts anymore because he explained that it really makes him sad, "wistfully" remembering the good times when Alexa was a baby.

Localyocul said... 167

@SFCelebWatch: Totally not fair. On a fundraising challenge @Kateplusmy8 can have the kids come & use all their residual checks to win. #CelebApprentice

Alberta Girl said... 168

Brandi Glanville : kate loves the sound of her own voice!


Call Me Crazy said... 169

"Kate loves the sound of her own voice."

Sue said... 170

Kate's neck looks awful. Kate thinks she's taking over the pie companion . And she cooks for eight kids big azz deal Kate.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 171

The men are talking about the Alpha Females and are glad they're not in the room with them. "Are they going to call it Team Hormone??" ha ha.

Kate looks haggard and old.

Someone thought Kate was wasting time on inconsequential things and said, "Kate loves the sound of her own voice." Ha!

Kate managed to work in that she has 8 kids and then added, "I cook 3 meals a day for 9 people." She says, "It's an understatement that I was comfortable doing that." (Cooking or planning, I guess.)

Lanc Native said... 172

Is that three shots already? I may have to order more kegs.

May said... 173

Everyone is ignoring her. Ha.

Lanc Native said... 174

"Kate's hair extensions look awful look at the top of her head. She should have dyed her hair before the show dark roots yuck."


Dark roots are "in" right now. I have no idea why, and it looks terrible, but she'll go with whatever she thinks is the Hollywood look.

Sue said... 175

Oh darn meant pie competition lol. Kate say's me and Jamie jumped right in.

Call Me Crazy said... 176

She has 8 kids. Who knew???

Melly said... 177

Kate has had work done she looks worse than me and i'm 49 dang.

White Organza said... 178

Okay, they just announced all the players. Everyone sounded more important than Kate--something like "tv personality and mother of 8." (155)

And two of the women were described, among other achievements, as "best selling authors", among other things. Kate. Nope. I like this show!

Virginia Pen Mom said... 179

OMG, Kate's had work done between the pie challenge and the couch interview! Her eyebrows are shaped like upside down V's. She looks hideous and plastic.

Unknown said... 180

Milo is very busy live tweeting TFW, just waiting for a response from her beloved. Shhhhhhhhhhhh!! Don't tell her!!!

Localyocul said... 181

@mi_paddock: Since when does having 8 children qualify you as a celebrity? @Kateplusmy8 #CelebApprentice

Localyocul said... 182

@rhonda_lynch: #CelebApprentice Show of hands - who believes that @Kateplusmy8 even cooks 1 meal a day for her kids let alone 3?!!

Call Me Crazy said... 183

She keeps eating.

Melly said... 184

Kate's forehead looks like shiny wax from all the botox she had.

redbirdsings said... 185

Did you see kate say, Good Thinking to Piers, but she barely showed her teeth and her barely moved her lips. But when Piers was talking to Rudy, take was grinning ear to ear.

She just said, they were over there at the table doing hashtags and random things. They were RAISING MONEY! Crazy hag!

Ivanka is stunning!

What is RBF?

I think she was relieved that she didn't get the PM job in the very first task!

Any TFM sightings yet?

Susan1956 said... 186

Piers so ignored her when he popped in while they were choosing the team name and picking the PM. He appeared to shake everyone's hand but hers.

What was with her stuffing her face in the background when they were discussing social media contacts? Low blood sugar?

Over And Out said... 187

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3m3 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 You definitely were the #KitchenPro there. Your experience showed!

LOL! Milo, you dimwit. She didn't do anything! Gladys really loves to re-write things.

Susan1956 said... 188

Why is Shawn drinking the Kate Kool-Aid? Run girl run!!

Sue said... 189

Kate talking behind Keshia's back witch.

redbirdsings said... 190

I know Susan1956, she and TFW exchanged singing, You're Awesome!

Bleach Time!

Call Me Crazy said... 191

RBF = Resting Bitch Face

Mel said... 192

Who is that woman they said was TFW?She looks nothing like herself. Not even her new self. Talk about devil eye! What did she do to them???

Susan1956 said... 193

"It's not what happens to you it's how you respond to it." Bitch please.

You documented very well in your journal how you responded to things that happened to you.

Over And Out said... 194

What was with her stuffing her face in the background when they were discussing social media contacts? Low blood sugar?


She explained on Twitter that it was a salad:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 13m13 minutes ago
@MiloandJack no..that was my salad that arrived at lunch time and that was first time I stopped to eat when we were long days!

And of course Milo praised her for eating right. Milo is clearly insane and desperately in love:

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@Kateplusmy8 I love how you "talk" w/your eyes! LOL Those expressions N the kitchen there...worth a thousand words! #PennyForYourThoughts

Sweet dreams tonight, Gladys!

Call Me Crazy said... 195

She is texting and greeting people.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 196

The others are irritated that Kate is only standing at the door greeting people (and texting) while the rest are hustling.

redbirdsings said... 197

She is there in there on her pink iPhone! Must of been texting TFM! or was he in the store?

Wow, the others are ill about that!

foxy said... 198

She keeps texting on her pink phone instead of working the pie sale and chewing that darned gum. Milo is encouraging her on how well she is doing. Does she not know Kate was fired?

redbirdsings said... 199

She just hated that they wanted to call the pie enchilada instead of taco. She even said it again standing next to Buddy when they told him it was enchilada pie and she said Taco.

Loose Cannon.

Anonymous said... 200

I love that Buddy, the judge, did not like the pie that Kate "was in charge of cooking". HA, take that!

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