Monday, January 5, 2015

Celebrity Apprentice Episode Two: Discussion Thread

Task 2
  • Air Date: January 5, 2015
  • Task Scope: Teams must create a commercial.
  • Judges: Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and George Ross
Task 3
  • Air Date: January 5, 2015
  • Task Scope: Teams must create a presentation for a frozen food product.
  • Judges: Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump

301 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Virginia Pen Mom said... 1

redbirdsings said... 170
I posted TFW's new C word. It is Crap. She said it several times. Totally inappropriate and juvenile in the board room.


Can't remember if I commented on this last night. I'm pretty sure when she was in the boardroom, Kate not only said "crap" aloud but also at one point--when someone criticized her--mouthed, "Holy crap!" Sooo classy.

FYI said... 2

Just reading through Kate's TL, and saw this. Don't the sheeple ever get tired of using the "jealous" line?

MARIE ‏@MY_2BCOLLIES · 46m46 minutes ago
@MiloandJack @LaurenBGlassman @Kateplusmy8 Before the task started Brandi was throwing dagger eyes at Kate. She's jealous of Kate's beauty.

Jealous of Kate's "beauty"? Ha ha ha.

Tucker's Mom said... 3

I wonder if Kate will hit up Baba Wawa for a donation. I"m sure Whoopie would lurv to hear from her.
Ooh! She should call Andy Cohen and our bf Anderson Cooper!

OT- Downton Abbey was amazing and I cried watching The Good Wife.

Somewhere In Time said... 4

MARIE ‏@MY_2BCOLLIES 12m12 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @realDonaldTrump @ApprenticeNBC Takes the fun out of tweeting with the celebs when the West Coast is an hour behind the East.😥

I knew that this was one of the slowest sheeple, but I had no idea that she is this stupid. Oh, my gosh.

FYI said... 5

Reading sheeple comments on Kate's timeline. Some of the comments are priceless! Guess this is why she never got the "D" after the PH.

MARIE ‏@MY_2BCOLLIES · 11m11 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @realDonaldTrump @ApprenticeNBC Takes the fun out of tweeting with the celebs when the West Coast is an hour behind the East.😥

A MOM said... 6

Just like DWTS Kate' s at the bottom She'll stay t bottom like DWTS until 5th week Just like DWTS Kate Gosselin probably will not be in charge until predictable

Rhymes with Witch said... 7

This story goes beyond the internet.

Somewhere In Time said... 8

The sheeple spin currently underway is that Brandi is jealous of Kate's beauty, and they can't move on from the "lazy" comment. Time for another meeting in the barnyard for damage control. I haven't seen any comments from her multitude of fans why Kate failed to raise anything, what with all of her friends in high places, her millions of followers, and those "big names" she befriended on Dancing With The Stars. How do they explain that not one person donated even five dollars to the cause? Wouldn't you think that BFF Deanna and her stylist could have forked over a hundred dollars?

Best thing to do is to deflect with the jealousy card and the "lazy" comment.

Sheeple are such hoots.

Tucker's Mom said... 9

Did Kate really decorate her pies with 8's?
Give it a rest, lady.

Vanessa said... 10

And she tweeted that what she was stuffing her face with was the salad aje had ordered??
She eats salad with her hands???
You see how easily the lies flow from her mouth? She was eating the pie!!

JR said... 11

totally forgot that mindless idiot was on last there any clips available?

Vanessa said... 12********

Sounds like she doesn't truly believe the victims.

Tucker's Mom said... 13
Keisha is a class act and is too intelligent and has too much character to make it far on CA.
I think I might change my screen name to HOLY CRAP!

Paula #1 said... 14

I'll bet if the Cosby scandal had come out before CA, Trump would not have fired Keisha. He certainly would have used it for ratings, scum that he is.

Tucker's Mom said... 15

HughE Dillon ‏@iPhillyChitChat 2m2 minutes ago
Slow in Jan: tonight shooting kate gosselin, Tues going to spin class, wed motown show, thurs cleaning desk, friday shooting a bday party,

I see Hughey is still kissing Kate's ass. He's such a suck up and will never reveal what he saw with Kate and Steve. Whatever the big deal was, I don't know. But what I do know is what is wasn't- Kate getting a tarot card reading.
Like B. F. D.

localyocul said... 16

Virginia Pen Mom said... 1
redbirdsings said... 170
I posted TFW's new C word. It is Crap. She said it several times. Totally inappropriate and juvenile in the board room.


Can't remember if I commented on this last night. I'm pretty sure when she was in the boardroom, Kate not only said "crap" aloud but also at one point--when someone criticized her--mouthed, "Holy crap!" Sooo classy.

See #4:

Susan1956 said... 17

Here is Keshia Pulliam's Today Show interview. The Bill Cosby allegations were 90% of the interview, Keshia referred to 2 other contestants, but not by name.

Somewhere In Time said... 18

HughE Dillon ‏@iPhillyChitChat 12m12 minutes ago
Slow in Jan: tonight shooting kate gosselin, Tues going to spin class, wed motown show, thurs cleaning desk, friday shooting a bday party,

Isn't this the guy from the Red Cross fiasco, or was that someone else? They all blend together after awhile.

High Sodium Content said... 19

Trump did not like the fact that Keisha brought Jamie is as one to get fired along with Kate. If she had brought almost anyone else in, Kate would have been the one fired. I watched my recorded version this am., Kate is so dump, she still doesn't know the difference between a taco and an enchilada. She posted pics one and had the names confused.

Tucker's Mom said... 20

Keesha's FB Q+A regarding CA.

Anonymous said... 21

For those who missed it, it has been posted on Youtube

That is Part one, off the find part 2


Tucker's Mom said... 22

Rory Hawthorne Keisha, I respect your stance for not calling Bill having been out of touch for such a long time. Do you feel that Kate should have gone home, having not contributed a dollar and do you think that the project manager should automatically be on the chopping block?
7 · 29 mins

The Apprentice I do feel that Kate should have gone home because she raised $0. And while the project manager should be accountable, he or she shouldn't be the first one fired automatically. You can't make grown people do what they're supposed to do if they don't want to! -KKP
11 · 19 mins

Couldn't agree more, but that's not how it works. Perhaps when the Dump Truck saw how much Kate was hamming it up for the camera, and how immediately she was divisive with Brandi and Kenya, he decided to fire Keesha.

Anonymous said... 23

Here is part 2, the Boardroom


Tucker's Mom said... 24

Love how Keshia basically called Kate lazy, as in, you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

localyocul said... 25

Tucker's Mom said... 15

HughE Dillon ‏@iPhillyChitChat 2m2 minutes ago
Slow in Jan: tonight shooting kate gosselin, Tues going to spin class, wed motown show, thurs cleaning desk, friday shooting a bday party,

I see Hughey is still kissing Kate's ass. He's such a suck up and will never reveal what he saw with Kate and Steve. Whatever the big deal was, I don't know. But what I do know is what is wasn't- Kate getting a tarot card reading.
Like B. F. D.


I saw that last night. Apparently he's covering the Neat Co. viewing party. He said he hopes TFW will unblock him.

roxyhelen said... 26

" At the Country Store, the girls asked to buy something with their money. I said that that would be fine…. And boy was I sorry til I was done!!!! Mady’s money flew all over uncountable times! I had to organize her money and wallet! Then at the register, Cara forgot her wallet was open and flang her money all over!!!! UGH! This day!!!!!!
I was being sarcastic and Mady said ‘Mommy you are talking nice but you are being mean!’ Wow that comment shocked me!!!! The lady at the register wasn’t patient either which also made me upset! On the way out I told the girls we will not take our purses into a store again…. They made me sad because they both kept saying “We tried to be on our best behavior!” the both chose a pack of cookies for a dollar."
I think this may be one of the saddest entries, along with the ones where the kids get hit.I hate it so much when parents scold little children for things they cannot control.How can she live with herself, those poor 5 year old girls tried so hard and she was so horrible to them.What the hell is wrong with this woman?

AuntieAnn said... 27

Rhymes with Witch said... 7

This story goes beyond the internet.


I think NBC deliberately left in that boardroom conversation about Cosby and Keisha ended up being the sacrificial lamb as a result. Celebrity Apprentice can be merciless. You know, ratings and all that...

Somewhere In Time said... 28

Did Kate really decorate her pies with 8's?
Give it a rest, lady.


I think it was the sign for "infinity" since that was the name of her team. What a coincidence that the sign looks like a horizontal eight.

I still think that there was some reason that Keisha didn't call BC. She refused to comment on it, and had a very strange look on her face when both the other contestants and DT asked her about it. If it was something personal, then good for her for not revealing the reason.

FYI said... 29

I think many people here feel that Kate was the PM for the wedding dress challenge. I don't think that's true. If you were the PM for that challenge, would you really spend the whole challenge standing on the sidewalk in a wedding dress? Of course, with Kate anything is possible.

I do think that Kate was the PM for the Neat challenge, airing tonight. Why else would they invite her to the live screening event?

With that said, I find it funny how the sheeple are complaining about Brandi dissing Kate, but don't have the guts to actually tweet to her.

Hey Milo and Marie, if you have a problem with Brandi calling Kate "lazy" why not tweet her directly?

They'll rant and rave, but they won't address the person directly. Seems like a cop out to me. They'll play it safe talking about it on Kate's TL, but won't address the people they have a problem with.

They're just like their queen.

roxyhelen said... 30

"After nap, I went in and Hannah was ‘tattling’ on Collin….HE WAS IN AADEN’S CRIB WITH HIM!!!!!!"
Can someone explain to me what is so horrrifying about 2 year old Collin seeking comfort in his brother's crib? I just don't understand.She told him no more! How was this litttle boy wrong? Most parents are happy and snap a picture when two of their kids are found sleeping/hanging out together. Also, wow, she trained Hannah to be an informer very early on.Sorry if these things were discussed this is the first time I'm reading the actual jurnal.

Mel said... 31

At first I was thinking, well of course TFW doesn't have the contacts that Geraldo has. She's just a nobody from PA.

But then you think of all the people that she thinks are her besties....Sarah Palin, the View ladies, the Glassmans, Andy Cohen, Rod Dixon, the Carsons, her millionaire boyfriend, Kendra & Hank (maybe she could have enticed him with her come hither look), Neil Patrick Harris, the Cupcake ladies, Tony Dovoloni, Tom Bergeron, Evan Lycacek, Meredith Vieira, Katie Couric, Dr. Drew, Oprah, Jim Moret (Inside Edition), Bethany, Natalie Morales, those couple of radio disc jockeys who have her on and then mock her later, Pamela Anderson, Billy Bush, that woman disc jockey who fawns all over her, Mary Hart, Hugh E. Dillon.

The list of people she's been in contact with goes on and on.
All people who have met and loved her. Supposedly.

Surely any one of them could have contributed $50?

Couldn't Terri Irwin have wired in some funds?

You think she even called any of them?

Vanessa said... 32

Tucker's Mom said... 9
Did Kate really decorate her pies with 8's?
Give it a rest, lady.

They named their team Infinity
It was an infinity symbol, but yeah, she probably thought that it was a sign from God!

Tucker's Mom said... 33

Thanks for the link. Just started watching.
OMG, Kate's sitting there in her coat, slumped over and mumbling. ZERO contribution on the naming of their team.
Strong start, Kate.
How does this woman skate by????????

AuntieAnn said... 34

Virginia Pen Mom said... 1

Can't remember if I commented on this last night. I'm pretty sure when she was in the boardroom, Kate not only said "crap" aloud but also at one point--when someone criticized her--mouthed, "Holy crap!" Sooo classy.


I wondered if her little earpiece (reminiscent of the Natalie Morales interview) might have fallen out and that's why she was holy crapping herself.

Vanessa said... 35

Sorry if these things were discussed this is the first time I'm reading the actual jurnal.
No matter how much it is discussed and will continue to be discussed, it was/is/will always leave people dumbfounded and disgusted

PA Dutch Mom said... 36

Love how Keshia basically called Kate lazy, as in, you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink.


You also can't make the horse "think."

Vanessa said... 37

I saw that last night. Apparently he's covering the Neat Co. viewing party. He said he hopes TFW will unblock him.
What a brown noser! ugh
would love to know that whole story

Tucker's Mom said... 38

Ha! Kate the door greeter. One guy took one look at her and was like "I'm outa here!". Then, she's fricking texting with her face in her phone, while people walk right by.
It looks like Kate got off to a good start cooking, and then checked out.

localyocul said... 39

Roxyhelen, those are interesting; I don't remember either of those from the book. She is such a bitch! And I still don't know how anyone has time to write such detail, even with quotes. Paraphrase!!!

Vanessa said... 40

But then you think of all the people that she thinks are her besties....Sarah Palin, the View ladies, the Glassmans, Andy Cohen, Rod Dixon, the Carsons, her millionaire boyfriend, Kendra & Hank (maybe she could have enticed him with her come hither look), Neil Patrick Harris, the Cupcake ladies, Tony Dovoloni, Tom Bergeron, Evan Lycacek, Meredith Vieira, Katie Couric, Dr. Drew, Oprah, Jim Moret (Inside Edition), Bethany, Natalie Morales, those couple of radio disc jockeys who have her on and then mock her later, Pamela Anderson, Billy Bush, that woman disc jockey who fawns all over her, Mary Hart, Hugh E. Dillon.

Wow, that's a good list there

She loves lists, why didn't she make one with all those names?
Because she'd have to follow through? Make the calls, put in some effort?
There's that word again... LAZY!

And yes, LOVE that she showed more people how she thinks cooking is her strength. the 15 cups of ingredients is reminiscent of her 88 TBSP of lemon juice

redbirdsings said... 41

Wow! Her neck is beyond Turkey Neck!

I would of loved to been in that car when Buddy left, can you imagine him gripping about the bad pie?

AuntieAnn said... 42

Mel said... 31

The list of people she's been in contact with goes on and on.
All people who have met and loved her. Supposedly.

Surely any one of them could have contributed $50?

Couldn't Terri Irwin have wired in some funds?

You think she even called any of them?


That's probably why she was crying. She did call them and they all said "Kate? Kate who?".

Vanessa said... 43

And I'm going to snark and comment on her physical appearance.
When she walked out of the boardroom, from the back (not any better from the front) she looked like a sasquatch.
Hunched over, arms dangling, her hands doing that thing they do, feet stomping
She has a certain gait and way of walking that just is so unappealing.

Tucker's Mom said... 44

Kate's piping skills are funny. She couldn't pipe to save her life when she make the stunt bday cake.

Tucker's Mom said... 45

I don't believe Kate's almost-a-check story. Makes no sense in this day and age. She knows she needs money donations on CA and could have lined them up, but somehow, in the age of electronic transfers, in a city chock-a-block full of bike messengers, a check couldn't make it to her during the hours and hours of filming.
Not buying it.
She should have gone home.

Vanessa said... 46

That's probably why she was crying. She did call them and they all said "Kate? Kate who?"

Oh good one!

swingsandroundabouts said... 47

I watched Downton Abbey and recorded CA. Today I pretty much fast forwarded through it and I agree with all the comments here. I was however fascinated by her eyes. They are cold and almost reptile looking. Yes, cold reptile eyes.

Vanessa said... 48

You know, if it were just one or 2 pics that we snarked on, I'd get the sheeple. But she never ceases to give us 'those' shots. That one really captures what we see. She's so freaking pompous but too stupid to know

Anonymous said... 49

oops, link to part 2 on Youtube


Tucker's Mom said... 50

Buddy looked thoroughly unimpressed with the taco pie. It wasn't even close. Typical Kate, just dumps shit in and thinks it's brilliant.
I wonder if she dumped 7 kinds beans and chili in.

Tucker's Mom said... 51

Franky, can you link Part 2 again?

roxyhelen said... 52

localyocul said... 39

Roxyhelen, those are interesting; I don't remember either of those from the book. She is such a bitch! And I still don't know how anyone has time to write such detail, even with quotes. Paraphrase!!!
I copy/pasted the quotes from the site Robert Hoffman posted them.It took 2 seconds.Paraphrasing would have taken me longer lol

Vanessa said... 53

Tucker's Mom said... 44
Kate's piping skills are funny. She couldn't pipe to save her life when she make the stunt bday cake.
So true. Why doesn't she take a cake decorating class? Oh yeah, nvm

Get rid of those nails!!!

Vanessa said... 54

Tucker's Mom said... 45
I don't believe Kate's almost-a-check story. Makes no sense in this day and age.

Yes, I agree. I said earlier that she pulled that one out of her butt after Keshia eloquently explained and gave THAT as her excuse.
Then it was "me too! me too!"

AuntieAnn said... 55

roxyhelen said... 30

"After nap, I went in and Hannah was ‘tattling’ on Collin….HE WAS IN AADEN’S CRIB WITH HIM!!!!!!"
Can someone explain to me what is so horrrifying about 2 year old Collin seeking comfort in his brother's crib? I just don't understand.She told him no more! How was this litttle boy wrong? Most parents are happy and snap a picture when two of their kids are found sleeping/hanging out together.


Roxy - I questioned that too. Obviously those kids were sick and tired of being sequestered in that room for hours at a time in their separate cages. They sought out each others' company when she wasn't around and probably fell asleep playing together.

Kate's proprieties are so screwed up.

Here's another one that made no sense (my bolding):

"I quickly began to scrub the kitchen sink aka tub....and put Leah in it after I carefully peeled her vomit drenched clothing off! I sat her in the sink, took the time to take two pictures, and washed her in between tending to my nearly blackened chicken and almost over cooked noodles!!!!

She had a blast splashing between phases of her bath....while I cooked! All seven of the other kids watched in amazement as they observed the most fabulous multi tasking skills on display they had ever seen!"

And I highly doubt the other seven were in awe of her multitasking skills. They were probably thinking more along the lines of 'do we have to eat that chicken?'.

Rainbirdie said... 56

This quote from Michael at Dlisted made me LOL: "Keshia wasn’t the greatest project manager. I mean, she let Kate Gosselin be the door greeter. Who does that?! The only entrance Kate Gosselin should greet is the entrance to HELL."

FYI said... 57

You just knew that if the ratings for CA went up they would be sure to say it was because of Kate. Hey Milo, there were 15 other people there that have bigger followings than Kate, but, of course, you give all the credit to Kate.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 4m4 minutes ago
Gr8 ratings > 'Celebrity Apprentice' @NBC; - @Kateplusmy8 Yay 24% up 4premiere episode! It's called the #KateEffect

Perhaps, the Kate fans, like Milo and Marie should refrain from tweeting, because they really are showing how stupid they are.

FYI said... 58

"Keshia also revealed that she feels Kate Gosselin should have been the one fired as she didn’t bring in any money to their team’s fundraiser while Keshia did get several checks.

“She (Kate Gosselin) deserved to be fired. I tried to be fair. For her to say I was not clear with what she needed to do…it’s a fundraiser, you fund money, you raise money.”

Vanessa said... 59

Vanessa said... 54
Tucker's Mom said... 45
I don't believe Kate's almost-a-check story. Makes no sense in this day and age.

Yes, I agree. I said earlier that she pulled that one out of her butt after Keshia eloquently explained and gave THAT as her excuse.
Then it was "me too! me too!"

And taking it a bit further, when she's having a little whisper with- not sure who- saying she didn't get any donations, NO mention of $10,000
she would have been shouting that from the mountain tops.
As the discussion in the boardroom went on and it clicked- aha "I HAD SOMEONE TOO", she didn't say $10,000
when Keshia gave actual figures, thennnnnn tfw mentions the dollar amount

rainbowsandunicorns said... 60

The list of people she's been in contact with goes on and on.
All people who have met and loved her. Supposedly.


The sheep absolutely refuse to address this because they are so focused on the lazy thing. Isn't Milo just a bit disappointed that her idol couldn't raise one dollar, given the fact that Kate knows so many people and is loved by everyone?

Come on, Gladys. Let's hear your reasoning for this one, no matter how stupid it will be.

Redbirdsings -- she really can't help her "turkey neck." It's genetic. Some have it at age 40, while others at age 80 still have the neck of a 20-year-old.

Anonymous said... 61

Okay, watching on youtube. The introduction? Hilarious!

Kate= "tv personality and famous mother of 8"

Brandi="Best Selling Author and Reality Mega-Star"

El Oh El

Yes, and NBC severs their ties with BC, but will still capitalize on the controversy for ratings. Disgusting.


localyocul said... 62

roxyhelen said... 52
localyocul said... 39

Roxyhelen, those are interesting; I don't remember either of those from the book. She is such a bitch! And I still don't know how anyone has time to write such detail, even with quotes. Paraphrase!!!
I copy/pasted the quotes from the site Robert Hoffman posted them.It took 2 seconds.Paraphrasing would have taken me longer lol


No no! The Paraphrase was meant for TFW not you! Don't paraphrase! your quotes are interesting I don't understand why she has time or energy to write in such detail.

Vanessa said... 63

She was standing at the door greeting people because that was all that was expected from her in the past. Her book signings? she just waltzed in and plastered on her fake smile. She never had to do any of the background work, implement the logistics etc. She expected the same here

rainbowsandunicorns said... 64

How does this woman skate by????????


The same way she stayed on DWTS for so long...the drama thing, and pulling in viewers because she is so disliked. What a legacy.

FYI said... 65

Keisha on the Wendy Williams show talking about Kate. Approximately at 4:58.

"For her to say it was not very clear what she needed to do, it's a FUND RAISER, which part, which word, didn't you fund money, raise money."

Vanessa said... 66

"I quickly began to scrub the kitchen sink aka tub....and put Leah in it after I carefully peeled her vomit drenched clothing off! I sat her in the sink, took the time to take two pictures, and washed her in between tending to my nearly blackened chicken and almost over cooked noodles!!!!

She had a blast splashing between phases of her bath....while I cooked! All seven of the other kids watched in amazement as they observed the most fabulous multi tasking skills on display they had ever seen!"
You see? It never stops being so perplexing, so disgusting. She thinks those kids should have the mentality and maturity of adults, (or adults who do her bidding) but doesn't want them to grow up.

Rainbirdie said... 67

C'mon - we all know that Kate was texting the bodyguard for help while she was supposedly fundraising. Why didn't Steve's company hand over a check? After all, he was RIGHT THERE. Epic fail.

kris said... 68

OMGosh this is hysterical! From under the pic of Jamie, Kate and Keshia at the table:

but I cannot stay away from the Celebrity Apprentice, because when you mix together Botoxed crazies and desperate has-beens, you get a magical train wreck that you can’t keep your eyes off of. You probably didn’t read that sentence, because you’re too busy staring at that plastic object in the middle and wondering why a knock-off Barbie styling head sold at selected Dollar Trees is a contestant on the Celebrity Apprentice. Please, a knock-off Barbie styling head sold at selected Dollar Trees IS too famous for Celebrity Apprentice. That’s Kate Gosselin.


Tucker's Mom said... 69

swingsandroundabouts said... 47
I watched Downton Abbey and recorded CA. Today I pretty much fast forwarded through it and I agree with all the comments here. I was however fascinated by her eyes. They are cold and almost reptile looking. Yes, cold reptile eyes.
I think a lot of that is the botox that raised her eyebrows and makes the lid look like it's drooping, as well as the lack of movement in general.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 70

MARIE ‏@MY_2BCOLLIES 13m13 minutes ago
@realDonaldTrump @ApprenticeNBC Keshia blames Kate? Without @Kateplusmy8 mixing,baking & decorating pies Keshia wouldn't have pies to sell.


Oh, good lord. This person is about as dumb as they come. She just needs to shut up before she says something even more stupid. I know sheeple aren't the brightest bulbs in the light, but good gosh, why would you even say something like this? Is this the best they can come up with? I sometimes wonder if they drunk tweet, or if this really is the way they are when they are sober.

localyocul said... 71

Rainbirdie said... 56
This quote from Michael at Dlisted made me LOL:


Haha I like this one:

"You probably didn’t read that sentence, because you’re too busy staring at that plastic object in the middle and wondering why a knock-off Barbie styling head sold at selected Dollar Trees is a contestant on the Celebrity Apprentice. Please, a knock-off Barbie styling head sold at selected Dollar T"rees IS too famous for Celebrity Apprentice. That’s Kate Gosselin.

Vanessa said... 72

For her to say it was not very clear what she needed to do, it's a FUND RAISER, which part, which word, didn't you fund money, raise money."

Reminds me of how she'd harp on Jon about not being able to read her mind or how Tony didn't know how to teach
"her". She's the best player in thr Blame Game

Tucker's Mom said... 73

rainbowsandunicorns said... 70
MARIE ‏@MY_2BCOLLIES 13m13 minutes ago
@realDonaldTrump @ApprenticeNBC Keshia blames Kate? Without @Kateplusmy8 mixing,baking & decorating pies Keshia wouldn't have pies to sell.


Oh, good lord. This person is about as dumb as they come.
If Kate didn't make the pie, someone else would have followed the damn directions.

rainbowsandunicorns said... 74

gale ‏@All433 19m19 minutes ago
@RealSwingfly @Kateplusmy8 Yes, and where was that new million dollar boyfriend with money for charity??

Well, in Kate's defense (sigh), if she didn't meet him until fall, then when this was filmed back in March, she wouldn't have known him (if she knows him at all). That said, there would be a plethora of other people she could have asked. Wouldn't you be embarrassed out of your mind at not having raised anything at all? I wonder if this is why she was so slow to promote the premiere. She knew darn well that she was on the firing line, her pie was terrible, and she raised nothing.

Anonymous said... 75

localyocul said... 62
Lol, ok I thought you meant me, it's been a long day, so long that I'm finding this whole exchange between us unreasonably funny.
Rainbirdie said... 56
Lol I don't know who Michael from Dlisted is but he rocks!

Tucker's Mom said... 76

She had a blast splashing between phases of her bath....while I cooked! All seven of the other kids watched in amazement as they observed the most fabulous multi tasking skills on display they had ever seen!"
You see? It never stops being so perplexing, so disgusting. She thinks those kids should have the mentality and maturity of adults, (or adults who do her bidding) but doesn't want them to grow up.
It's almost impossible to comprehend that Kate actually thought her kids were saying to themselves, "wow, Mommy is amazing! She's the best tasker ever".
She's so needy it's not even funny. Those kids are saddled with validating her, thanking her, noticing her and showing her their eternal gratitude for giving birth to them.
My gosh, this woman passive aggressively spends their entire birthday telling them how awful it was to carry them, while she had to eat a dozen slices of bacon (while she feeds it to them once a year).

rainbowsandunicorns said... 77

TFM was flapping his wings around there. Why didn't he reach into his pockets and give a donation? Let's see...he forgot his checkbook, or left it in the hotel room and couldn't get there because of the weather?

rainbowsandunicorns said... 78

I think a lot of that is the botox that raised her eyebrows and makes the lid look like it's drooping, as well as the lack of movement in general.


Lack of brain activity?

PatK said... 79

The Sheepies are having to reach deeper and deeper into their bowels to pull out excuses for Kate on this one.

What a brain trust the six are.

Rainbirdie said... 80

localyocul said... 62
I don't understand why she has time or energy to write in such detail.
Wasn't the 'mommy journal' supposedly the basis for the book she "wrote" with Beth?

Tucker's Mom said... 81

Ha! Piers relating Buddy's thoughts on Kate's pie, "missed the mark" with too many flavors.
Just from looking at her recipes it's clear Kate doesn't have a developed sense of flavors or cooking technique.
Maybe she should have added 1/2 tsp. of feta ;-)

rainbowsandunicorns said... 82

Perhaps, the Kate fans, like Milo and Marie should refrain from tweeting, because they really are showing how stupid they are.


Yes, and Milo and the sheep just can't accept the fact (or are incapable of understanding) that people will tune in to see Kate because she is so disliked, not because she is loved by everyone. It was the same thing when she was on DWTS...Milo said that the reason the show had so many viewers was because Kate was the draw. She also gets all giddy when Kate is trending, not realizing that Imodium might be trending as well.

God, she's dumb.

Ex Nurse said... 83

I just watched CA. It seems like they could only accept in-person donations--no mention of wiring, PayPal etc. So clearly, Geraldo had a very big advantage because he is based in NY, and, his Fox cohorts turned out for him,

I think that Keisha's choice of Shawn to be in the bottom was a big reason for the firing, since Shawn's work on the pies brought in 1/3rd of the contributions in the bonus. I thought Keisha handled herself admirably, and I think she was right that without risk, there is no reward. In this case it backfired on her because she made one bad decision. The Cosby thing may have made that decision easier for the judges.

I really don't like comments on her appearance, especially genetic characteristics. But, whatever she has done to herself is really not working for her. Her face looks like injected fillers are migrating all over her face--it is shocking to see.

As far as how she conducted herself, I agree with almost all of the posts here, so I won't repeat. Her acting skills are nil and her communications are ridiculous, especially for someone who has spent as much time in front of the camera as she has.

redbirdsings said... 84

Wow, I knew there was something fishy with that the check was in the mail shtick. So she was whispering to someone in the back about not raising any money. I saw and heard that part. She lied in the board room about having a check on the way because she realized she may get fired. So she mentioned the check and then after Keisha mentioned amounts, she said, 10K.

Remember the Red Cross Ball, with the doofus photographer? TFW had to donate and I believe, IIRC, she only donated 100 dollars. She paid for that last night giving such a paltry amount, but Keisha bringing in Jamie (same name as Jamie, TFW's bff for years) instead of someone else, because Jamie had the winning pie, sealed Keisha's fate. Ironic, that Jamie on CA saved her backside, just like the real Jamie in TFW's life all the time and has for years.

Jamie, please don't drink the Kate Kool Aid!

Tucker's Mom said... 85

"I've been in court a lot in my life" with the poor me eyeball roll.
Jeebus, she's such a narc. It has zero to do with the situation at hand, but let Kate shine a light on how hard her life is.
She's got only herself to blame.

Tucker's Mom said... 86

Kate's check got "snowed out". First of all, what the hell does that mean and second, did NYC have a blizzard that day.
How does NO ONE call her on her bullshit.
Who was the check from, Kate??

Sheri said... 87

Thanks to Franky for posting those two videos...unfortunately, I couldn't sit for more than a few minutes through either of them, though I was eager to see Kate's "15 cups of spices" comment.

If anyone can spare me the agony of looking for it and give me a time frame to jump ahead to, I'd be grateful.

Anyway, this show has never been my cup of tea and I've never watched more than a few minutes here and there of any episode from any season. I see no reason, even with all the fodder for some great Kate snark, to start watching now.

I have read all the comments though and I'm not at all surprised by Kate comes across..."classic Kate" as the saying goes.

I also had to laugh out loud at...

MARIE ‏@MY_2BCOLLIES · 46m46 minutes ago
@MiloandJack @LaurenBGlassman @Kateplusmy8 Before the task started Brandi was throwing dagger eyes at Kate. She's jealous of Kate's beauty.

Bahahahahaha, isn't it awesome how when the sheeple can't think of anything else to say they throw out the jealous card. Brandi has absolutely NO reason to be jealous of Kate, ESPECIALLY about looks.

Kate's a KMart knockoff of Brandi's Rodeo Drive. I'm not particularly partial to the bleached blonde botoxed bitchy bimbo (say that 5 times fast) look at all but let's be real...jealous, I think not.

Am loving the comments guys. Pass the popcorn.


redbirdsings said... 88

I feel bad for the people that actually bought the savory pie. Bet the garbage can was full. But, I hope they don't get mad about it because the money is going to a great charity. Geraldo said his charity was the institution that he found that was so horrible and hell for the children that lived there. So almost 300K is a big help!

Tucker's Mom said... 89

I am loving Brandi- she's not suffering Kate the Fool. Oh yes, honey, you were given a task. Oh no, dear, Keshia was clear on instructions.

redbirdsings said... 90


Imodium trending, especially for those who bought and ate the pies!

I saw TFW's shaking hand icing the no. 8 on the pies, I was expecting Zorro to appear and bring a check for charity because she had a BIG yard sale and gave ALL? the money to the local animal rescue and this was a small token of appreciation to help her in her time of need.

Was it Brandi that said she was outside, hollering, trying to get people to come in and dancing and making a fool of herself out there and TFW didn't do that. But that day is coming, the Wedding Dress.

AuntieAnn said... 91

Tucker's Mom said... 85

"I've been in court a lot in my life" with the poor me eyeball roll.
Jeebus, she's such a narc. It has zero to do with the situation at hand, but let Kate shine a light on how hard her life is.


You could tell she was nervous speaking to DT because her voice quivered when she spit out 'your honor'. The silly woman shouldn't have tousled the judge's hair when she met him years ago. Now she's sitting in his courtroom. She is such a bumbling hick and it shows.

Tucker's Mom said... 92

rainbowsandunicorns said... 78
I think a lot of that is the botox that raised her eyebrows and makes the lid look like it's drooping, as well as the lack of movement in general.


Lack of brain activity?
She does look vacant.

It have to say it's funny watching Kate kiss Donald's ass.

Tucker's Mom said... 93

redbirdsings said... 84
Wow, I knew there was something fishy with that the check was in the mail shtick. So she was whispering to someone in the back about not raising any money. I saw and heard that part. She lied in the board room about having a check on the way because she realized she may get fired. So she mentioned the check and then after Keisha mentioned amounts, she said, 10K.
Close only matter in horseshoe and hand grenades.
I think she's lying and that a check wasn't even close to happening.
I swear, she lies like a child.

AuntieAnn said... 94

Tonight I guess we'll see her go into the lounge and call out Brandi and Keisha for calling her lazy. So how many times will she mention 'eight kids' right after that? We should start a pool. I say she'll say it at least eight times. lol

redbirdsings said... 95

For their savory pie, they should of done Chicken Pot Pie. Could of used Campbell's Cream of Chicken soup, a little heavy cream, canned mixed vegetables, chicken stock, you don't have to hardly add salt because of all the salt in the canned soup. Pepper. Some sage. The pie crusts were already made up, didn't see anyone rolling and kneading dough like Barefoot Contessa.

She still would of wanted to put 15 cups of salt and pepper in it though. I am watching Barefoot Contessa now and she is making Lentil Vegetable Soup and she said you have to add red wine vinegar at the last, before it is done JUST 2 TABLESPOONS! More is too much she said!

OH MY GOSH! Pioneer Woman just came on, she is making HUMMUS and she only put the juice of a ONE HALF OF A LEMON!

TFW is crazy, really. There is another reality tv show she can go on:

America's Worst Cooks.

AuntieAnn said... 96

rainbowsandunicorns said... 64

How does this woman skate by????????


By being pushed on a chair on the ice? I dunno. It's a puzzlement.

Rhymes with Witch said... 97

How does NO ONE call her on her bullshit. 86

There's still time, Tucker's. The gloves may come off.

Also, I don't like commenting on genetic factors either. I do wonder why, with all the work she has had done her neck hasn't been addressed. Perhaps there is a medical.reason? IDK.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 98

It have to say it's funny watching Kate kiss Donald's ass.


He'd rather have her kiss his a$$ and not mess with his hair!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 99

"I've been in court a lot in my life" with the poor me eyeball roll.
Jeebus, she's such a narc. It has zero to do with the situation at hand, but let Kate shine a light on how hard her life is.


It's too bad they didn't ask her why she was in court so much. I'm sure she wouldn't admit to being sued by Lafair, or because she hid money during the divorce disaster!

Sheri said... 100

Vanessa said...(66)

"You see? It never stops being so perplexing, so disgusting. She thinks those kids should have the mentality and maturity of adults, (or adults who do her bidding) but doesn't want them to grow up."


Tucker's Mom said...(76)

"She's so needy it's not even funny. Those kids are saddled with validating her, thanking her, noticing her and showing her their eternal gratitude for giving birth to them."


Her lack of awareness is unsettling. That she's the primary care giver to eight vulnerable children is downright disturbing.

I'm not dismissing Jon's contributions to his children's upbringing, and really I think he is a saving grace for them. His laid back, open and loving approach goes a long way to counter the rigid, controlling and harsh effects of their mother's ways.

But, that any mother could be so outright and openly oblivious to the needs of her children while spending her days documenting how negligent, uncaring and dangerous a parent she is...well, that's just certifiable.

I'm am truly amazed that Jon was never able to get more custody.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 101

Tucker's Mom said... 81
Ha! Piers relating Buddy's thoughts on Kate's pie, "missed the mark" with too many flavors.
Just from looking at her recipes it's clear Kate doesn't have a developed sense of flavors or cooking technique.
Maybe she should have added 1/2 tsp. of feta ;-)


Now I'm giggling ... : D

Rhymes with Witch said... 102

Geraldo said his charity was the institution that he found that was so horrible and hell for the children that lived there. So almost 300K is a big help! 88

That would have to be Greystone or Letchworth.

Letchworth closed years ago. DK about Greystone.

Anonymous said... 103

Too funny, the minute Ivanka said the ladies were an articulate group, good old motormouth Kreider kicked it into high gear. Someone should tell her that the "gift of the gab" means quality and not quantity. She wouldn't shut up after that.

She thinks the expression is "grift of the grab". She's certainly got that down pat.


Virginia Pen Mom said... 104

rainbowsandunicorns said... 77
TFM was flapping his wings around there. Why didn't he reach into his pockets and give a donation? Let's see...he forgot his checkbook, or left it in the hotel room and couldn't get there because of the weather?


Excellent question, rainbows! My guess--since Kate is the miserly type, it's all gimme and no give. I'll bet even if Steve offered, there's no way she was going to let him part with some of THEIR money. And even if it's his alone, she'd rather he spend it on her. ("No, Skeeve! I want Nobu!")

Ironically, she almost got kicked off for raising *no* money, which would have cost her more money in the long run than if Skeeve had dug into his pockets. Do flying monkeys have pockets?

(Was it Tucker's mom that referred to him coaching Kate and calling her "Kite"? LOL.)

Jane said... 105

Tucker's Mom said... 93
redbirdsings said... 84
Wow, I knew there was something fishy with that the check was in the mail shtick. So she was whispering to someone in the back about not raising any money. I saw and heard that part. She lied in the board room about having a check on the way because she realized she may get fired. So she mentioned the check and then after Keisha mentioned amounts, she said, 10K.
Close only matter in horseshoe and hand grenades.
I think she's lying and that a check wasn't even close to happening.
I swear, she lies like a child.


She has so few sources to go to for big money - over $5,000 - I'm thinking that she's saving them for when she's project manager. Who does she have?? The hairdressers, BFF Jamie and her husband (isn't he a doctor?), I don't think TLC would give her money as it seems like a convict of interest, maybe Milo and CJ and BCollie, Ph without the D can chip in and send her $100? And because she has no deep pockets to go to, she'll play that card to the hilt, prepare for more crocodile tears!

jbranck1980 said... 106

I was astounded that TFW didn't call Deanna and have her help. First of all, she's in NYC and second, she is a makeup artist to famous people so she could have done a LOT of networking to help TFW out if she wanted too. Something tells me TFW did try her and got rejected. I wonder if they are still friends.

Vanessa said... 107

Some don't like the snark about her appearance and I can appreciate that.
Me on the other hand feel it's fair game. She de-ages, she preaches about nutriton in direct correlation to her physique, she criticized her husband's body along with her children's. She was in high heaven on the q&a episode where she responded to questions about her beauty and fashion sense. When ahe first came onto the scene, i thought she was very pretty. Now all i see is ugly and i'm going to point it out. All of it

Rhymes with Witch said... 108

Just from looking at her recipes it's clear Kate doesn't have a developed sense of flavors or cooking technique. 101

The sheeple must be equally clueless about for since they rave about her recipes.
God bless Silimom for giving any of them a shot.
I love lemon, but her hummus recipe was ridiculous.

PA Dutch Mom said... 109

Gosselin Book ‏@GosselinBook 15m15 minutes ago
@ConcernedChick @mscatie @MiloandJack @nbc @Kateplusmy8 So not one single K8-loving Tweetie called in a credit card order to help her out?


Good one, Robert. In this day and age of plastic, if Kate is so loved by her Tweeties, and their lives are now complete because Kate is on television for another "season," where were all of them with their donations? Where was Milo and the sub-ewes?

Rhymes with Witch said... 110

I don't think TLC would give her money as it seems like a convict of interest, 105.
Ha! Autocorrect gets it right.

Katykat said... 111

Oh, My Word.About 2 hours ago someone posted a pic (probably fake) of a naked. spread eagle, Dominatrix KateGosselin on her twitter timeline. You know Milo has copied and downloaded that sucker.

Over In TFW's County said... 112

The sheeple must be equally clueless about for since they rave about her recipes.
God bless Silimom for giving any of them a shot.
I love lemon, but her hummus recipe was ridiculous.


I tried the Asian thing, and we were drinking water for days after that!

localyocul said... 113

I thought Brandi or someone had tweeted that they were having a hard time figuring out how to take credit cards and finally did. I did find this tweet:

Brandi Glanville ‏@BrandiGlanville Apr 4
Check ur email people!!! I need your money! Credit cards welcome its for charity.

So why didn't TFW have ANYONE use a credit card? IIRC TFW wasn't really tweeting ANYONE for money that day. Maybe because the skiier was in charge of social media? She still could have asked her "tweeties" for money

Over In TFW's County said... 114

Ironically, she almost got kicked off for raising *no* money, which would have cost her more money in the long run than if Skeeve had dug into his pockets. Do flying monkeys have pockets?


Well, they have something below their waists, but I'm not sure it's a pocket. Kate would know.

Tucker's Mom said... 115

Seriously, no one at TLC would donate? My gosh, what does it say about this woman?
Even I could raise a couple hundred bucks.
I can't believe her pie failed and she raised nothing and was called out for standing around and yet she stays.

Unknown said... 116

Vanessa said... 107
''Some don't like the snark about her appearance and I can appreciate that.
Me on the other hand feel it's fair game. She de-ages, she preaches about nutriton in direct correlation to her physique, she criticized her husband's body along with her children's. She was in high heaven on the q&a episode where she responded to questions about her beauty and fashion sense. When ahe first came onto the scene, i thought she was very pretty. Now all i see is ugly and i'm going to point it out. All of it.''
Me too, Vanessa. Me too! I agree that every single thing about her is fair game!!

Tucker's Mom said... 117

Gosselin Book ‏@GosselinBook 15m15 minutes ago
@ConcernedChick @mscatie @MiloandJack @nbc @Kateplusmy8 So not one single K8-loving Tweetie called in a credit card order to help her out?

But, but, Robert, it was snowing! Funny how all those other checks managed to make it to Pie Face...
I think the reason Kate was crying is that she was turned down.

Jumping In said... 118

rainbowsandunicorns said... 64

How does this woman skate by????????


By being pushed on a chair on the ice? I dunno. It's a puzzlement.


And we will all be sitting in rocking chairs asking the same questions years from now.

Personally, I think she skates by because she is perceived as a side show and the people behind these shows use her for ratings. She brings in the numbers because the majority of people want to witness her squander another opportunity. Or, they are holding out hope there is a modicum of authenticity somewhere in her DNA.

She will get her herself booted off a whole lot sooner than she did on DWTS. She should also get a good dressing-down from her peers and the Donald, so that's something, right?

angie said... 119

#67 said
C'mon - we all know that Kate was texting the bodyguard for help while she was supposedly fundraising. Why didn't Steve's company hand over a check? After all, he was RIGHT THERE. Epic fail.

What about her dancing partner and all her new besties she made from DWTS? What about the Palin crew?
I thought everyone that met her loved her.
guess not.


Over In TFW's County said... 120

Gee Whiz ‏@GeeWhiz__ 11m11 minutes ago
@GreenGables777 @Spar_kle_Girl @GosselinBook @Kateplusmy8 Poor stalking trash man can't accept that Kate NEVER gave him attention. #loser


The sheep are still on the "kick" that Kate spurned Robert and he has some great vendetta against her. You'd think they could come up with something better than that. It's so ridiculous.

Over In TFW's County said... 121

Me too, Vanessa. Me too! I agree that every single thing about her is fair game!!


Sorry, but I don't. I don't think making fun of a "wonky" eye is fair game...her botox (Mr. Spock look), the not-extensions, the boobage, yes, but physical (genetic) defects, not so much.

localyocul said... 122

Where was this check snowed in on 4/4/14?

Tucker's Mom said... 123

After watching Kate in the boardroom, I feel so sorry for Jon. She sat there making faces the entire time and just checks out and shakes her head in disagreement and constantly brought everything back to mememememe.

Anonymous said... 124

Hey Rhymes,

"Convict of interest"?

Best. Autocorrect. Ever.

Oh, and Go Robert, Go! Why not make bank on her stupidity? She still owes you for that frivolous lawsuit that cost you so much money.


Rhymes with Witch said... 125

COMPLETELY OT but fascinating.

Over In TFW's County said... 126

Oh, My Word.About 2 hours ago someone posted a pic (probably fake) of a naked. spread eagle, Dominatrix KateGosselin on her twitter timeline. You know Milo has copied and downloaded that sucker.


Probably fake? Yes, it was a fake. I'm surprised the fans weren't all over that, furiously tweeting support to have it taken down. It's still there.

Rhymes with Witch said... 127

I think the reason Kate was crying is that she was turned down. 117

I thought. Everyone who meets her loves her! Too bad, so sad.

localyocul said... 128

And if it were a check, it would have to be mailed, so what, the US mail didn't get through the snow for the first time in forever? Does she get mail at Pie Face? Why was she on the phone? Was someone bringing the check? From where, Alaska? It wasn't Sarah Palin we know that...why didn't anyone call her out on this BS or was it edited out?

prairiemary said... 129

I had taped CA last night, then took awhile before I had the stomach to watch it. She did not disappoint, how much did she mention she had 8 kids, how she cooks for 8 kids, how they eat whatever she cooks, blah, blah, blah...
The best part for me was when she go to the boardroom, wow, she really has no self awareness, does she? She does not have one iota of class, sat there making those faces, lots of teenage type faces, interrupting so SHE could talk. I was really embarrassed for her! She has no clue how to act with good manners, how to speak like a lady and not like a trucker(sorry to all manly truckers out there), and sit at the table quietly. She had her stink face on during the entire board room time, which I had hoped for, she did not disappoint me! If she is going to be rubbing elbows with the rich friends her boyfriend likely has, she had better start skipping the needles and surgeries, and spend some time in charm school. I wonder who her only check was supposed to come from, I wonder if she was lying about it. They really went over-board on the dark purple eye shadow, it really aged her, I also hated her yellow Pollyanna hair style, that also added a few years to her. Besides charm school, she really needs to learn how to walk gracefully, not like a line backer. Excited to see what she does tonight, wonder how Jeff is enjoying the show. If he wants a woman who stands out(like a sore thumb!) then he is dating the right woman!

Over In TFW's County said... 130

MARIE ‏@MY_2BCOLLIES 16m16 minutes ago
@LadyTforever @Kateplusmy8 @KenyaMoore @ShawnJohnson If the PM doesn't stress the $ factor they may have thought she had that part handled.

Gosh almighty. Now the PH minus the D is blaming Keshia because Kate failed to get any donations. These sheeple just need to shut the heck up because their stupidity is at an all-time high. The really pathetic thing is that they just don't see it.

MARIE ‏@MY_2BCOLLIES 23m23 minutes ago
@JasonBacke @BrandiGlanville @Kateplusmy8 You've got that right Jason! You're a class act and you've always stood by your friend Kate.😘👏

But he couldn't get through the snow to give her a hundred dollars? With friends like that...

PatK said... 131

Katykat said... 111
Oh, My Word.About 2 hours ago someone posted a pic (probably fake) of a naked. spread eagle, Dominatrix KateGosselin on her twitter timeline. You know Milo has copied and downloaded that sucker.


I saw that disgusting pornography. Her face was photoshopped on the body. But you're right...Milo's probably got that bad boy tucked safely away.

Remona Blue said... 116
Vanessa said... 107


Me, three!

Lynne In RI said... 132

Sascha ‏@Sassccha 17m17 minutes ago
@NotJenD @HarryTNacious @GosselinBook @PRFANS @Kateplusmy8 Milo said she wd have donated if she'd known - Kate didn't even reach out.


What a crock of you-know-what. Milo knows everything that's going on in Kate's life. She has inserted herself into Kate's family. They communicate in so many ways. She has Kate's phone number, private e-mail address...she could have messaged her. Fact is, Kate doesn't give a rat's patootie about Milo, and there's the proof in the pudding.

Katykat said... 133

Over In TFW's County said... 126


Probably fake? Yes, it was a fake. I'm surprised the fans weren't all over that, furiously tweeting support to have it taken down. It's still there.

I know! It was like the elephant in the room everyone was ignoring.

Tucker's Mom said... 134

Have no idea if there's any truth to this rumor, but Celeb Dirty Laundry says that sources report the Mady and Cara are considering emancipation from Kate, because they're sick of being used.

NJGal51 said... 135

Rhymes With and Redbirdsings - Back in the day Geraldo was an investigative journalist and did an exposé on the Willowbrook State School (Staten Island NY). It was really quite good. Of course this was way before he decided to open Al Capone's vault. I think he was part of the Eye Witness News team in NY. You can google Willowbrook for a look at the documentary. I don't think his foundation was created specifically for Willowbrook because that was back in the 70's but it was probably created because of Willowbrook.

Call Me Crazy said... 136

Over In TFW's County said... 130

MARIE ‏@MY_2BCOLLIES 23m23 minutes ago
@JasonBacke @BrandiGlanville @Kateplusmy8 You've got that right Jason! You're a class act and you've always stood by your friend Kate.

But he couldn't get through the snow to give her a hundred dollars? With friends like that...

Exactly. I'm curious now. Did anyone on Twitter ask her good friend Jason why he didn't donate anything?

Casey said... 137

A new season of The Celebrity Apprentice begins Sunday on NBC, and it sounds like it will be a season filled with drama. Which participants will stir things up the most? Donald Trump teased that this may well be the season filled with the most hate out of all the combinations they’ve had. Which ones does Trump say are vicious and challenging?

Trump told Channel Guide Magazine that this season has a level of hatred he’s never seen in any of the previous seasons. The Celebrity Apprentice star says that Brandi Glanville, Kenya Moore, and Vivica A. Fox are vicious and the ones who will really keep things heated. He even teases Celebrity Apprentice spoilers that Vivica and Kenya almost get into a fistfight.

As for those who are challenging to have on the season, Trump calls out Kate Gosselin and adds Geraldo Rivera. Trump also says that Gilbert Gottfried is challenging because he acts as if everything is a joke.

What can fans expect from the Celebrity Apprentice premiere? The Futon Critic shares that in the January 4 premiere, the 16 contestants are challenged with creating and selling pies in a fundraising competition. The men’s team project manager apparently focuses on raising money and neglects the needs of the pie makers. As for the women’s team, some are not happy with their project manager, and advisor Piers Morgan will get an earful.

Who will be fired first? Celebrity Apprentice spoilers from Survivor Sucks posters reveal that it seems likely that Keshia Knight Pulliam and Geraldo are the first project managers, and the men win. It is believed that Keshia is the first one fired this season.

For the second challenge it is believed that Kevin Jonas and Kate Gosselin take on the project manager roles. Celebrity Apprentice spoilers indicate that it seems that the women will win, and Jonas is fired.

There have been some wild and ugly battles on previous seasons of this show, but the hype certainly indicates that this may be the most contentious yet. Who will make it all the way to the end? Celebrity Apprentice spoilers indicate that one or two of those most vicious, per Trump’s assessments, may manage to make it quite far this season. Will one of them win?


Susan1956 said... 138

Over In TFW's County said... 130

MARIE ‏@MY_2BCOLLIES 16m16 minutes ago
@LadyTforever @Kateplusmy8 @KenyaMoore @ShawnJohnson If the PM doesn't stress the $ factor they may have thought she had that part handled.

Gosh almighty. Now the PH minus the D is blaming Keshia because Kate failed to get any donations. These sheeple just need to shut the heck up because their stupidity is at an all-time high. The really pathetic thing is that they just don't see it.
I'm not going to to back and watch the episode again (trying to gear up for tonight's two episodes) but wasn't there a shot of all the women before they even got to Pie Face with Keshia telling everyone to tweet, FB, Instagram?

Tucker's Mom said... 139

I'm not going to to back and watch the episode again (trying to gear up for tonight's two episodes) but wasn't there a shot of all the women before they even got to Pie Face with Keshia telling everyone to tweet, FB, Instagram?
I believe so. Kate did very little, iirc.
I didn't get the judges' point about Kevin Jonas having 4.3 million Twit followers and they shouldn't have wasted their time because his reach is beyond all their combined.
Made no sense. It's still worth doing.

Rhymes with Witch said... 140

NJGal 51 134

I know that Greystone was a major expose'.
He also went into Letchworth Village (an institution for cognitively impaired folks) several years later and found similar appalling circumstances. Letchworth is in Rockland County, NY, unless I am mis-remembering.
Whatever he's done since, he did a service to very vulnerable people who were being mistreated and abused.

Et Tu, Katie?

Susan1956 said... 141

I have another question. Does everyone remember last spring when there were all those publicity? photos showing several of the various female contestants outside Pie Face trying to draw crowds to the door? I don't remember seeing any footage of that last night during the women's task and it wasn't really talked about. However, Gilbert G's performers outside was covered extensively.

Granted, Gilbert did a good job attracting attention. Can't figure out the women's attempts weren't really shown that much.

Pants on Fire said... 142

AuntieAnn said... 96

rainbowsandunicorns said... 64

How does this woman skate by????????


By being pushed on a chair on the ice? I dunno. It's a puzzlement.

LMAO AuntieAnn!

PA Dutch Mom said... 143

Have no idea if there's any truth to this rumor, but Celeb Dirty Laundry says that sources report the Mady and Cara are considering emancipation from Kate, because they're sick of being used.


I don't think that's going to happen. In PA, minors must show that they are capable of supporting themselves.

"As stated earlier, a minor child may ask a court to declare him/her emancipated but court action is often unnecessary. A court will look at the facts of the minor's situation. For example, a 13 year-old who wants to leave home is not likely to be declared emancipated because he/she does not have the ability to support him/herself. In effect, the minor child must already be living independently for a court to determine that the child is emancipated."

PJ's momma said... 144

The comments here last night were so entertaining, so I DVR'd the west coast version and just watched it. And I was watching for one thing. The moment when the sheeple realized Brandi had it out for Kate because she's jealous of her beauty. I did not see it.
And what does she have to be jealous about? Brandi is richer, thinner, lives in a mansion and shares custody of her kids (so she has more free time), has a show, has better hair, and a less-plastic look about her. (All those middle aged ladies had fillers, and it looks like Lorenzo does too, yowza!) I don't know much about her, but think she looks spunky and is quite pretty. Kate just looks mean and unhappy. I never saw Brandi even look at her, much less look her up and down like she was sizing her up, though of course hours were edited down to what we saw. When Kate was speaking, Brandi was often looking down and pursing her lips in disgust. When the team gave Jamie credit for creating the tasty sweet pie, Brandi was smiling and patting Jamie's back. So she must not be jealous of Jamie, who is absolutely and naturally beautiful. She reserves her jealousy for just Kate.
It really is too bad she was not fired. Then the sheeple could not refute the IRREFUTABLE fact that she did not raise one little dollar for this task, and was fired because of it. Have they addressed this at all? So, she supposedly had ONE $10,000 check that got snowed in. Was that it? No other pledges? Not a $100 check, not a $1,000 check, not a $50 cash donation? NOT ONE DOLLAR. Ms. Organized did not get her ducks in a row prior to departing to tape the show? I do charity races now and then, and raise about $700-$1000, just from my circle of 'mediocre' friends and family! And those are mostly $20-30 pledges! And when they do something that means a lot to them, I help them and pledge toward their causes. Friendship and support go both ways!
One thing that struck me that I haven't seen here yet is a moment where, during the uncomfortable exchange about Bill Cosby, Kenya said something like "I am very involved (or something) with my charity." Kate smirked and muttered, "We all are (or something)." HUH? Sorry, I can't bear looking through all that video to find it. When has she EVER mentioned this charity, except to announce it was her CA charity?
Man, she interrupts or talks over people a lot. Too much. Very bad manners and an ugly habit. The kids do it too. My auntie had eight kids and they are all loud and their kids and grandkids and greats are loud, and part of it is cultural. Those kids and their spouses and offspring number over 60 now. And none of them talk over others nor interrupt. It's so rude.

NJGal51 said... 145

Rhymes with - You're right. I was pointing out Wllowbrook because it wasn't mentioned and had a very big impact on everyone in the area back then.

PA Dutch Mom said... 146

MARIE ‏@MY_2BCOLLIES 16m16 minutes ago
@LadyTforever @Kateplusmy8 @KenyaMoore @ShawnJohnson If the PM doesn't stress the $ factor they may have thought she had that part handled.

So Kate didn't know that she was supposed to raise money for charity because the PM didn't keep tabs on her and remind her every hour on the hour?

I just can't believe how incredibly dumb some of these sheeple are. Aren't they embarrassed?

Tucker's Mom said... 147

Kate's at the CA viewing party in Philly with Vivica Fox. Fox has tweeted about it and is doing live tweeting during the show.
Kate is doing...nothing.

Jane said... 148

Looks like Kate's in Philly tonight doing a promo for Neat Co.
It's become difficult to c/p tweets- if this doesn't work, check out Neat Co on Twitter.

Anonymous said... 149

Re the story about the twins filing for emancipation from their famewhore mother - who wouldn't want to get as far away from her as possible after her performance last night. I wonder what their friends at school today had to say about her appearance.


Tucker's Mom said... 150

PA Dutch Mom said... 143
Thanks. I am highly skeptical. Why would they be emancipated from just Kate?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 151

Reading that journal entry about little L getting a bath in the sink
and splashing and having a blast, I couldn't help wondering how
different that scenario would have been had one of the little boys
dared to vomit. I don't think his clothes would've been "peeled
off" -- they would've been yanked off, and he would've been
tossed in that sink by the hair. And I bet there wouldn't
have been any photos taken -- not of a dirty, icky boy.
We all saw TFW place poor feverish J place on the laundry
floor, so she wouldn't have to be saddled with any more
"vomit laundry" on her precious bedding.

Rhymes with Witch said... 152

was pointing out Wllowbrook because it wasn't mentioned and had a very big impact on everyone in the area back then. 145

I agree, it was a huge deal.

Susan1956 said... 153

I don't put much stock in the emancipation story. It is almost a year old and hasn't happened yet. I could see them telling the judge in the not too distant future that they want to live with Jon.

Just took a look at the Neat photo. Who dresses that woman? A strapless, low-cut white dress with that fake mane draped down her front in the middle of winter? Vivica looks so much classier.

PatK said... 154

Milo seems to be under the impression Kate fed the kids and helped with homework before going to this NEAT event in Philly. Oh, my, Gladys.

AuntieAnn said... 155

Jane said... 145

Looks like Kate's in Philly tonight doing a promo for Neat Co.
It's become difficult to c/p tweets- if this doesn't work, check out Neat Co on Twitter.


From the Philadephia Business Journal:

Neat's Smart Organization System uses technology to extract key information from receipts, business cards and documents, creating digital files.

I'm not so sure Kate is anyone I'd want to have promoting the company. She tossed a disc into the trash with an awful lot of 'key information' on it. Organized? I don't think so. lol

Oh the irony.

Rhymes with Witch said... 156

Reading that journal entry about little L getting a bath in the sink and splashing and having a blast, 151

But who stops to take 2 pictures? She is bizzaro.

Call Me Crazy said... 157

Cry cry cry.

High Sodium Content said... 158

I love Brandi's comment about Kate, If she's not on TV yelling at her kids, what is she going to do?

localyocul said... 159

Hahahahaha Brandi: I don't know how she makes money.. If she's not on TV yelling at her kids what's she gonna do?

RonnieandMaggie said... 160

Best line the first minute of the show. Brandi: "If Kate is not on TV making money from screaming at her kids what is she going to do?"

localyocul said... 161

Never, Kate?

redbirdsings said... 162

Way to go BRANDI! She told the camera, Kate is not a business woman, how is she going to make money? If she is not on tv, yelling at her kids, WHAT IS SHE GOING TO DO TO MAKE MONEY???


Sue said... 163

Kate's out of the board room crying because she was called lazy boo hoo. Brandi Kate's not a business women LMAO. She said if Kate's not on TV yelling at her kids how is she going to make a living.

prairiemary said... 164

She said no one has ever called her LAZY??!!

redbirdsings said... 165

They have a technology task and Kate asks the women who is technology, then tells the camera, I don't know nothing about technology. She said it was her weakness.

She is PM on this task!!! Jonas is PM of the men! BWAHAHAHA

Sue said... 166

Kate's the project manager.

Sue said... 167

Brandi kate has zero clue we don't have a project manager.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 168

Kate's the project manager. I didn't think it was possible for her hair to look worse, but it does. It's slicked down very flat in the interviews. Along with the botoxed arched eyebrows and pulled up eyes, she looks very much like a blonde Cruella Deville. A long cigarette holder and the look would be complete! Ha.

Sherry Baby said... 169

I don't know nothing about technology. She said it was her weakness.
She said she don't know NOTHING about technology, not she doesn't know ANYTHING about technology?

Tucker's Mom said... 170

Kate is the PM for this task- a Neat technology product that she hasn't the first clue about.
How does she manage being so ignorant?

Susan1956 said... 171

I really haven't watched CA since the first 2 seasons, but hasn't DT JR. lost a lot of weight?

Did CA alter the lead-in to the show since yesterday? I don't remember that stock photo of K8 with the kids in the lead-in last night.

localyocul said... 172

Someone needs to tweet this to Brandi so she knows she's not alone haha

Call Me Crazy said... 173

Kate is dumber than a doorknob. She does not have a clue what the Neat execs are talking about. Brandi says they do not have a PM.

localyocul said... 174

Haha even sweet Leeza says TFW doesn't have a clue

FlimsyFlamsy said... 175

If I was Neat, I'm not sure I'd want TFW giving me tips. If she
was telling the truth on the Today show, she had a purse full of
bills, when most actual, busy, organized "single moms" in 2015
are probably paying theirs online. And what about that train
wreck of a yard sale, at which she didn't even bother to price
the items?

of a yard sale

Tucker's Mom said... 176

Kate isn't even understanding what's going on...not a clue. Shawn pitched a great concept and Kate actually couldn't even follow the line of thought.

Leeza is stepping up to the plate. Yup, once again, Kate manages to get others to do her work and then she takes all the credit.

Kate's team mates are realizing how dumb Kate is.

Call Me Crazy said... 177

Leeza is taking over as PM.

Over In TFW's County said... 178

Just took a look at the Neat photo. Who dresses that woman? A strapless, low-cut white dress with that fake mane draped down her front in the middle of winter? Vivica looks so much classier.


I saw that and laughed and thought the same thing! It is so darn cold here that I just turned up the heat. The windchill is five. I hope she has a warm coat with her.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 179

Leeza: "Kate was on a different channel from everybody else." So Leeza says she feels like she has to be "the defacto PM."

Brandi: "As a boss and project manager, she SUCKED!"

So much for the great Masterminder!

Tucker's Mom said... 180

Kate is making everyone's task more complicated and Leeza is totally taking over.
I can't wait to see Kate take the credit.

Sue said... 181

Lezza takes over.

Tucker's Mom said... 182

Geraldo is a bitch!

Sherry Baby said... 183

I saw that and laughed and thought the same thing! It is so darn cold here that I just turned up the heat. The windchill is five. I hope she has a warm coat with her.

Flying monkeys have extra fur in the winter. I'm sure he will keep her warm.

Sue said... 184

Geraldo is a prick he thinks he knows it all.

May said... 185

Kate eats lunch and stands around drinking and yakking while everyone else does the work. Oh I bet she will blame editing.

localyocul said... 186

Kim ‏@Kimmera1 2m2 minutes ago
OMG. Kate Gosselin is so tiresome @CelebApprentice
Seazon ‏@seazon_k 3m3 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin just said "Don't default to drama" Umm does she even have a non-drama mode??? #CelebrityApprentice

Michael ‏@michaellara 4m4 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin is giving me some serious anxiety with the way she talks to these girls #CelebApprentice

RON COLE ‏@ronocole 5m5 minutes ago
Some body get #KateGosselin a cookie and tell her to sit down.

Richard Baxter ‏@RichBaxter 6m6 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin is the most nervous thing I've ever seen on TV. #CelebApprentice

localyocul said... 187


If rumors are true and the women win this, it will be DESPITE TFW being PM, not because she was PM. It will be because of Shawn's idea and Leeza's management.

Sheeple Herder said... 188

So far the "Ass of the episode" is a tie between Kate and Geraldo! Those two are such tools.

Sherry Baby said... 189

Kate is the PM for this task- a Neat technology product that she hasn't the first clue about.
How does she manage being so ignorant?

I've wondered that about the sheeple. I guess ewes of the wool stick together.

JR said... 190

this is unbearable to watch....I'm so embarrassed for her....please god make it stop!

Tucker's Mom said... 191

Leeza said everyone knows that if she hadn't stopped up, there'd be no commercial.
Kate just stood there like a dolt as Leeza presented the commercial to the board.

Sue said... 192

Yes the women win Kevin J goes home. I wonder if Kate will be number three to go home?

localyocul said... 193

I think the guy's commercial was just as good as the women's.

Susan1956 said... 194

PatK said... 154

Milo seems to be under the impression Kate fed the kids and helped with homework before going to this NEAT event in Philly. Oh, my, Gladys.
Gladys, Gladys, Gladys. TFW probably went to Philly last night or early this morning. She didn't let you know or invite you to come have lunch with her? Bet the nannies did the school run.

Over in TFW's County-did you notice the bloated midsection? Time to grift some Spanx!

Sue said... 195

Kate say's she has to worry because she's the project manager . She didn't do a thing wow.

Call Me Crazy said... 196

Geraldo really is insufferable.

redbirdsings said... 197

Sig Hansen got Mike Rowe to do the voice over of the NEAT commercial and Geraldo went ballistic. He was an nut. Lorenzo said, hey buddy, in case it doesn't work out that Mike Rowe can't do it, let's record a voice over with you. They were walking off and Lorenzo put his hand on his back and Geraldo pushed it off and said some mean things. He is a jerk.

Lorenzo told the camera, I have never seen or dealt with someone this bad attitude on set and I have been doing this for 30 years!

He would say the same thing about TFW.

localyocul said... 198

Leeza should have just let TFW fail and get fired.

Anonymous said... 199

"Don't default to drama" - sounds like advice to her from Steve.


redbirdsings said... 200

Leeza should of been PM for NEAT. Kate was a fish, flopping out of water, gasping for air. She went and told Leeza and Brandi that she wanted them to eat lunch and Brandi told the camera, Just go and get a lollipop and get the F-Bomb to work! TFW is a control freak.

All she did in the brainstorming session was umm, uh, oh, Goodness Gracious, it was BAD!

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