Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Kate on Wendy Williams, Jan. 28

Kate pays a visit to one of her biggest critics today as Wendy Williams hosts the finally fired Apprentice dud.

1286 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Anonymous said... 1

I posted this at the tail end of the last post.

This is Kate speaking at the NEAT party,

Nancy said... 2

Well apparently one of the great things about the camp is that parents get a much needed break and can drink a glass of wine guess we know where her priorities are........

Thanx for the link Leslie

localyocul said... 3

I can't believe she is going on WW after how much WW has bashed her. I hope WW doesn't kiss ass. Andy from WWHL sure didn't when she was on.

redbirdsings said... 4

From the previous thread:

Snickdog, your post makes me want to cry. She just doesn't know when to quit putting down those precious kids.

Free to a good home. She would offer them up to strangers that supposedly have a good home, but not Jon's home.

I just watched the promo and just THAT minute was too stressful to watch. I had it on for a while but on mute while I was on the phone and computer. But from what I read here, the boys rooms stinks, due to the not flushing of the toilet? Girls sheets changed once a month?

She might as well throw them to the lions because those kids had to go to school today and face their schoolmates and I pray they didn't hear any smart remarks.

Oh, the, "this girl has never been risqué?

She is __________________ insane!

Anonymous said... 5

Kate started off pretty well during her speech. But when she said the wine comment I was dumbfounded. And then towards the end she said a bunch of ums.

Jumping In said... 6

I e-mailed a list of suggested questions to the Wendy Williams show focusing on the well-being of the children, and Kate's refusal to co-parent with Jon.

My first question was: "It must be very hard on your children knowing their father is not allowed on your property"

I even provided follow-up questions, because we all know her answer to that question would go something like this: "the kids know I am just trying to keep the peace"

If anyone is willing to expose TFW, I think Wendy Williams has the desire to do it. She is fond of Jon, so who knows, she might ask some tough questions without any encouragement from the public.

Sandylove said... 7

Also, Kate is sooooooo inconsistent as a parent. She goes from being best friend, to a controlling screaming shrew, to just rolling her eyes at tremendous disrespect.
I agree! I couldn't BELIEVE what an absolute BITCH she was and the tone she had when screaming at the kids.

When they were showing the views from above of the property, it looked like the pool had no water in it; did anyone else notice that or is my eyesight getting worse, lol?

And I believe it was when they were all in the basement showing the boys their new room, there was some man looking through the window. Not sure if he was part of the construction team but the work was all done so I just wondered who that was.

My favorite part of the show was when Collin was saying goodbye to all the things they had painted on the wall. He was so sweet about it.

redbirdsings said... 8

I have 3 sons, very good boys. They would fuss and fight with each other as brothers do, but if someone from the outside had the insane idea to fight one of the boys, they would pull a band of brothers. They banded together to protect each other.

I used to joke with them and they thought it was hilarious, that's when me and my ex were together and wanted to go out for dinner by ourselves that we would need a babysitter. I told them I was going to put an ad in the local swap paper that would say: (but, I never did)

Wanted: Retired Green Berets wanting to supplement their income? Needed for night watch while parents of 3 teenage boys go out to dinner and a movie. Pay negotiable, w/medical and dental included. Must have 6th degree black belt, advance paramedic national certification and how to cook biscuits and gravy like momma does. Fax application to 555-5555 for an immediate interview.


When their dad left my sons banded together and they made very successful young men today. They could of went down the wrong road but by the Grace of God they didn't. They worked very hard and have 7 college degrees between them and very good jobs today. I am so very proud of them and happy for them!

I hope and pray that the boys Joel, Collin and Aaden and the girls can manage to swing it too.

chefsummer #Leh said... 9

So Kate was sick okyyyy.

She didn't look sick and she also found the time to.

Make everything about herself.
Blame the kids.
Scream at the kids.
Flirt with a stranger in her house.
Go shopping while whining.
Tell her sons how much they smell.
Make Mady sad about a dot of paint she MAY have gotten on the floor
Threaten the kids if they didn't clean they would be out.
Again make a kids game alll about herself/

chefsummer #Leh said... 10

Am I the only one who thought the construction guys said He doesn't want a hug from Kate.

chefsummer #Leh said... 11

I felt so bad for M when Kate screamed at the top of her lungs about the paint.

M's voice sounded so defeated and sad to me..The M was like maybe you did it and that Shut Kate up..

And who get pissed over a dirty shirt or clothes on the floor?-(She is an a$$hole).Not to Kate.. their kids just get them some hampers and STFU about it.

capecodmama said... 12

DVR'd the show and just watched it. A couple of observations.

1) The boys bedroom was built in an unfinished part of the basement. When the room was revealed, I didn't notice any heating vents. The room is not massive so they could get away with one heat/ac vent and one air return. I didn't see either one. Even if the room was insulated, it would be cold in winter without heat. Did anyone else notice?

2) Why do the tups have to ask TCFW for permission to go in each others rooms. It should be up to them, not her.

3) C and M's acne. With TCFW's money, she should have their asses in a dermatologists office. There is no damn reason why any child should have to go through his/her teenage years with acne. Especially when their bat shit crazy mother insists on putting them on TV.

4) Why is she insisting the kids pick up after each other. NO! You pick up after your damn self. If you don't, there are consequences for you, not for someone else.

5) The kids bedrooms are devoid of anything. How sad.

6) I'm so glad I'm medicore.

Formerly Duped said... 13

Kate wrote in IJWYTK about Mady and some towel she left on the floor and lied about it. Great, commit that transgression to print.why so fussy about towels with the piles- o- crap all over and changing sheets once a month?? The kids could surely change their own by now...I didn't see the new epi. but from comments, seems horrible. WHY!!!

librarylady said... 14

I don't watch talk shows and have never seen WW, but I would be surprised if any true hardball questions are asked, or at least followed up with additional questions. From what I've seen from online comments,
I think Jon is not afraid of the tough questions but she clearly is and surely puts restriction on what is asked, even if it's required to appear for CA.

AuntieAnn said... 15

Mel said... 87

One of TFW's tweets last night:

That comment to contractor was a total joke! I'm the last girl you'll see being 'risqué' ... Such a joker! @TLC


Really? Then why didn't she put a dress on over that blue slip she wore to her last boardroom meeting where she got FIRED by Donald? Her cleavage was getting plenty of airtime and so were the nipples on the good bra.

AuntieAnn said... 16

Did they happen to show Kate's bedroom last night?

rain88 said... 17

Did I hear correctly. When Joel was on the couch did he say "Dad's up here" when they were talking about going to his Dad's instead of shopping? If so, good on you Joel, I'm sure that didn't make his Mom happy. And Cara mentioned her dad too. Good for both of them.

localyocul said... 18

I'm watching WW's twitter timeline and see this:

@Mintedroyalty: @NaughtyNiceRob looking good on #WendyWilliams show...

Is Rob there too? Kate is there when Rob who criticizes here on a show hosted by someone who criticizes her?

Mel said... 19

Not risque?

When Trump inquired of Geraldo if he was going to stay friends with anyone, at the time meaning Geraldo abd one of the men, either Johhny or Sig...out of one was even talking to her, TFW pipes up something about an affair, and that's not right.

You could feel everyone else going huh? What? What the eff are you talking about? Where the h*** did *that* come from???

Awkward, cringe inducing moment. I was embarrassed *for* her.

FYI said... 20

Watching WW and Kate will definitely be on, so she is still in NYC. She's due to be on in a few minutes. I'll report back when it's over.

kris said... 21

Did she seriously say she only changes the kids sheets 1x a month? ugh, GROSS!!!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 22

Does anyone remember when there was a point made about
not showing the kids' rooms anymore? Sure would love to
see that in black and white, since we now know not only
what each room looks like, but smells like. Nothing like
public humiliation to help nuture your relationship with
your sons.

Yeah, TFW, some of them may feed you when you're old.
But some will cut you out of their lives forever. Count
on it. And they will have learned it from the master.

Karen Kaufman said... 23

This is child abuse in real-time. There's no footage of the type of physical abuse that will get CPS involved, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it still goes on. Oh, but the emotional abuse is egregious. The messages she sends those kids, verbally and nonverbally, are horrible. She is just seething with resentment towards those kids. She can't even fake affection for them. The kids either act out or give up and it's all because they are just trying to survive living with that broad-backed beast. Maybe some new eyes will see the show and finally someone will help Jon rescue those kids.

librarylady said... 24

In regard to the comments on acne - sometimes nothing works, except drugs like accutane which can carry very serious side effects. My niece has severe acne and is vigilant about excellent skin care, diet, trying all possible combinations of medication, but nothing has worked. Her parents left the decision for accutane up to her and she refused- instead, she has learned that the acne does not define her, is temporary, and they have worked mightily on her self-esteem. I do wish people would not criticize about that with those girls. I'm sure they are trying to find something that works, but sometimes there is nothing which is why you still see it in both teens and adults.

Rhymes with Witch said... 25

Awkward, cringe inducing moment. I was embarrassed *for* her. 19

Mel, imo you are being too kind. She is incapable of embarrassment.

localyocul said... 26

Well here's a good sign!

@Mr_Bravisimo: @WendyWilliams ugh I feel like you're bullying Kate 😕 she's gonna leave your couch crying .

Others tweeted about why Kate has a spotlight or is famous.

Jumping In said... 27

librarylady.....14.. I must say, I agree with you, in all likelihood there will be no hardball questions coming from Wendy Williams, but why, WHY is Kate permitted to keep flying under the radar?

I just watched a few clips of her recent shows online and they are cringe-worthy indeed. The constant conflict framed to make Kate look overwhelmed is upsetting to watch, who puts their kids through stuff like this? There is never, ever a tender moment toward any of her children; she continues to use them in whatever way necessary to keep her face on television.

Is there some secret contract sent out from TLC to ALL the networks stating no questions about her attitude toward Jon, or her controlling, yet hands-off parenting style can be asked? It's not as if it's not documented on film!

FYI said... 28

Just watched WW.

Talking about Kenya & Vivica, Kate compared them to 14 year olds, and says she's calm and rational and in the middle of 14 yr. old drama.

Wendy brought up Jon and how he was on the show and she thought he was so nice, but later was surprised to find out that he gave up his parental rights and doesn't see the kids. Kate said that he DOES she the kids but she's not allowed to talk about the rest, and neither is Jon, but he does anyway.

Wendy then brought up Steve, and Kate again denied any relationship. When Wendy talked about what Kenya said about them sharing a room during CA, Kate said she made that up, that Steve stayed at a totally different hotel.

When asked who watched the kids while she was filming CA, she said some pseudo family(huh?) who live in Montana, but came to help her out. They brought the kids to NYC several times while she was filming.

Again, Kate didn't mention Camp Barnabas, but Kate plus 8 was mentioned by both her and Wendy.

That's about it in a nutshell. I'm sure that interview will be posted online later this afternoon.

swimgirl said... 29

I took one for the team and watched WW. The highlights (or lowlights):

*TFW said she is calm, rational and logical (I guess it is opposite day in NYC)
*V and K are like mean high school girls who make mountains out of mole hills (gee, sounds like someone else?)
*TFW has no time for this as she has to deal with real life issues
*People from Montana came out to watch the kids while she was filming Apprentice (missed who they were)
*Kids LOVED that she was doing this (duh, happier when she is away)
*Has seen Vivica many times since filming
*TFW does not hold grudges (just because you say something over and over does not make it true)
*TFW lets Jon live his life and wants him to be happy (her face said another story)
*TFW is not at liberty to discuss custody and neither is Jon
*WW mentioned that Jon intimated that TFW and Steve have relationship as did Kenya. TFW said Steve stayed in a different hotel.
*Reality is the best way for her to single handily support her family blah,blah,blah.

I loved how Jon was mentioned in a lot of the interview because clearly TFW did not! Also as everyone has said many times, she lack self-awareness. In describing V and K, she could be talking about herself. Anyone who watches her show, knows that she is NOT calm, rational or logical.

Amanda, Iowa said... 30

What I find sad is the fact that she cannot let the kids have fun....while cutting pumkins outside she has to threaten them with hellfire if they drop 1 seed on the ground, during the superfun (hmhm) pumpkin toss....lets hurry up its almost dark! Looks like a tight run production instead of family fun.And those kidsrooms are soo bare, magazine rooms instead of rooms where kids live in.
I thought it was funny that she just totally falls apart if there is something out of her normal schedule...seriously, she can't function if the kids sleep in a different room or use a different bathroom??? Yep, spells can-do-anything-supermom all over!!!

terri said... 31

Just finished watching WW. I can't believe how Kate is trying to come off as such a kind and not into drams type person. Give me a break. Now all of a sudden she truly just wants Jon to be happy, there is NO romantic relationship between her and TFM and it makes her angry when people say such things because it hurts her family and his. Well, if i knew there was something that was constantly hurting my family and it was in my power to stop it I would. She could get rid of him in a second and then there would be nothing more to talk about. She also says the when Kenya said that they shared a hotel room that was a lie. All i can say is that besides some public speaking lessons she may have had she was taught the art of lying very well.

TLC stinks said... 32

My son was prescribed Accutane and it worked. The key is to bring your child in for monitoring by the physician while using it. They would always do follow up blood work on my son. A great product, but it must be watched for side effects. The twins need something but I have to wonder, and this is out there, that she would ignore the problem for filming hoping TLC would pay for the dermatologist? We've seen this scenario many times with her.

chefsummer #Leh said... 33

So Kate let some people from Montana watch the kids but she won't allow Jon or her family to watch them????

Winsomeone said... 34

1) The boys bedroom was built in an unfinished part of the basement. When the room was revealed, I didn't notice any heating vents. The room is not massive so they could get away with one heat/ac vent and one air return. I didn't see either one. Even if the room was insulated, it would be cold in winter without heat. Did anyone else notice?"

Yes, I thought the same thing. Also, where are the stairs leading to that part of the basement the kitchen? I do hope those boys can escape through those windows in case of a fire. The kids' bed rooms are so spread out in that house..just not safe at all. It's like the boys are in a dungeon.

TLC stinks said... 35

And another pass for Teflon Kate. At least Wendy asked about Steve. She flat out lied about where he stayed because his hotel room was called and she answered! Besides, what good is a bodyguard if he stays in a different hotel? I guess because hotels are into privacy she figures she can lie and not be called out.

TLC stinks said... 36

Maybe Kenya will respond to Kate calling her a liar?

chefsummer #Leh said... 37

TLC would pay for the dermatologist? We've seen this scenario many times with her.

But them mommy dearest would want it filmed and she make it all about herself.

kris said... 38

I hope when it's Kenya's turn, tells Kenya that Kate called her a liar. It'll be interesting to see what she (Kenya) says about that.

Katykat said... 39

@23... Child Abuse In Real Time...the Story of the Gosselin Children would be a great title for their autobiography. I also hope someone let's Kenya know Kate just called her a liar.

TLC stinks said... 40

On CA she was not herself, either because the women intimidated her or she was medicated. Being calm is not her personality.

TLC stinks said... 41

Basements always seem cold to me even with heat. Poor boys sentenced to chilly solitary.

Formerly Duped said... 42

My nephew also used Accutane with great results, both with the acne and self-esteem. No more names like Crater Face, Pizza Face etc. But there were side effects. If the teen is mature enough to make the informed decision and is monitored closely by a dermatologist, I would say go ahead.

Sue said... 43

Since all the fired contestants appear on WW I'm sure that there's some sort of contract in place which states what she can and can't ask them which is whay she hasn't hard-balled anyone with the tough questions.

TLC stinks said... 44

Montana? WTH?

Jane said... 45

Off Topic: Are those of you who subscribe to receiving comments posted here via email receiving the email? I've had a problem with the last three posts - the comments aren't coming into my email account. I've tested the account by having friends email me and those come through just fine. Admin thinks it might be a Blogger glitch but isn't seeing anything backstage.

Layla said... 46

kris said... 21
Did she seriously say she only changes the kids sheets 1x a month? ugh, GROSS!!!
She has also said that she makes them re-use towels "hygienically". What does that mean? If they re-use bath towels, they're still using something to dry their faces that has been used to wipe their bums. Hygienic, my foot!

AuntieAnn said... 47

*WW mentioned that Jon intimated that TFW and Steve have relationship as did Kenya. TFW said Steve stayed in a different hotel.


Did she deny it, though? He could have had rooms booked in five other hotels but that doesn't mean he didn't share a room with her for their 'alone times'.

swimgirl said... 48

I noticed that neither WW or the Today show tweeted about her appearance on their shows.

I also noticed that when Donald asked about remaining friends, TFW said something about Geraldo's wife might not like it. Everyone in the room definitely gave her the WTF look.

swimgirl said... 49

TLC stinks said... 41
Basements always seem cold to me even with heat. Poor boys sentenced to chilly solitary.
Normally, I would agree, but in this case I love the way the boys have their own little kingdom far away from the evil queen!

Sara said... 50

Always have watched, and probably always will. This episode made me tense, sad and uncomfortable.

First cystic acne is a skin disease. A disease. It requires prescription medications, light therapy helps but diet does not help cystic acne.

There are other meds besides Accutane which while having severe, harsh side effects is very effective at curing cystic acne and the way you skin behaves forever. The scarring and pitting the girls will have is neglectful.

None of these kids are emotionally mature. I realize some kids still have stuffed animals at almost 11, but these boys still seem so very young.

Kate demanding Mady to sit down right this minute was so humiliating.

Glad the kids are at least getting the opportunity to be in the school band.

When Cara said the rest of the kids were at Daddy's house...she sounded sad and torn.

Kate looked very ill, as we know she was.

I thought the boys room was awesome. Nautical. Loved the blue and brown stained wainscoat and the secret compartments in their own windows.....those boys probably thought they had died and gone to heaven.

This is just the beginning for Kate. Fighting 5 girls in that house.

And please, oh please, get Mady help.

I found myself truly blaming Jon for so much last night. I can not think of a single good reason to why he did what he did to those children. Not one of his problems with Kate and TLC will ever outweigh the fact that he truly abandoned those children to a very mentally ill woman.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 51

So TFM was staying in a different hotel. But CA provided
their own security. Then why exactly were his services
needed? And what would justify the expense of hiring this
guy for a solid month if he wasn't actually super close by
to protect the poor vulnerable of 8?

Methinks TFW will regret calling Kenya a liar on national TV.
Who's the 14-year-old now?

Anonymous said... 52

Do any of Kate's sisters live in Montana? And yes, I am surprised Kate went on WW. I thought for sure Kate would have given the condition of no asking about Jon but she didn't.

And I think the reasons the walls had nothing on them was because the rooms were so new. Even Kate said she wanted to hang things when she was vacuuming the stairs before the kids came home.

And Jon should make Alexis and Collin visit him. They are kids and cannot be allowed to choose this important decision. I would hate to think the both kids think that their Dad isn't fighting for them for visitation. I do hope at least A & C see him on some visits.

TLC stinks said... 53

Actually the boys may be thrilled to be away from the girls.

AuntieAnn said... 54

TLC stinks said... 40

On CA she was not herself, either because the women intimidated her or she was medicated. Being calm is not her personality.


I agree, I think she was medicated and also she laid low and stayed away from confrontations because she knew well enough that she would have been called out on so many things it would make her head spin. She diddle-daddled her way through CA simply to get the paycheck. As usual she had nothing to bring to the table.

FYI said... 55

Jane said... 42
Off Topic: Are those of you who subscribe to receiving comments posted here via email receiving the email?

Jane--I haven't had any problem receiving them. Do you have more than one email account? If so, try changing the email address you use for your blogger account and see if that works.

chefsummer #Leh said... 56

HAHA I tweeted Kenya that KK called her a liar I hope she got it.

Jane said... 57

Kate is a twit said... 55
Jane said... 42
Off Topic: Are those of you who subscribe to receiving comments posted here via email receiving the email?

Jane--I haven't had any problem receiving them. Do you have more than one email account? If so, try changing the email address you use for your blogger account and see if that works.


Thanks, KIAT. I did try changing emails, rebooting, signing in and out, you name it LOL but I'm still not getting notifications. Thanks for responding!

reader said... 58

Yes why would your bodyguard stay in a separate hotel?
Because he isn't a bodyguard!
I believe they booked rooms in separate hotels, absolutely.

localyocul said... 59

They went to that ranch in Montan (well she and the boys went on the show), and then she was spotted there with the twins a couple of years ago. Their "psuedofamily" in Montana is probably like the Psuedofamily in CT (Emily)

AnnieD said... 60

I would be so nervous about having 3 young boys in a secluded, ground floor bedroom with 3 big, low windows right beside their beds....and then to broadcast the setup to millions! She's no "Momma bear" protecting her children...she's throwing them to the wolves.

reader said... 61

After seeing Kenya I wouldn't believe a thing she about twisting and self promotion. She is horrid.
But yes I am certain Kate and Steve have had an intimate relationship.

Anonymous said... 62

I thought the official line was that she needed the bodyguard because of the children. So, she is staying at a hotel in NYC, he is staying at another hotel in NYC(sure) and the children are in PA. How on earth is this setup protecting the children? Wendy missed a chance to follow up on that.


JMO said... 63

This whole separate bedrooms for the the twins stinks. Neither the boys or the girl tups wanted to move, as clearly indicated in filming.

I think the twins have too much info on her, and this is the "trade off," as well as their friend coming so the twins will keep filming. Cara has checked out of filming, so disrupt an entire house to please the twins speaks volumes. Sticking the boys in the basement makes me sick to my stomach.

TFW will do anything to please the twins to keep filming, when it is crystal clear, enough is enough. What next, they will move in to the garage apartment or not film? She has lost all sense of doing the right thing for her kids, with the twins at the helm, as they have her number. Must be a great way to live. (snark).

Why are the tups STILL NOT INVOLVED in activities outside of filming?? I am 100% sure Jon would transport them, but she does not want to involve them, using their own money, if necessary to have a normal life. I guarantee at least 4 out of the tups want their own life outside of filming/the compound. Never mind other parents helping with transport, or hiring someone to transport them if she is too lazy. They all earned a right to do things outside of filming. I am 1 of 6 so her excuses are not valid. She simply wants the tups available to filming at all times. It is really that simple.

She should be ashamed of herself, as from what I have read she was involved in a lot of activities, as was Jon, in school, yet she with all her complaints about her parents, simply can not figure how to let her kids have a life outside of the "show." She is going to pay for it later, and I think the response I read about 6 wanting to move out as soon as they can speaks volumes.

TLC stinks said... 64

Ahhh, so basically strangers watched the kids. Wow. She has to recruit people from Montana!

Don't the contestants stay at the Trump hotel? They do:

He’s accompanying Kate on set as her bodyguard but the glossy says there’s definitely a romantic side to their relationship, because, on March 30, when they called his hotel room at the Trump International Hotel, where the entire cast is put up, it was Kate who picked up.

This might be chalked up to a mere coincidence (after all, she could have gone there to discuss business), but her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, insists that this is all the proof we need that they’re sleeping together – and have done so for a very long time.

The divorced mother of eight has brought Steve along for her turn on Celebrity Apprentice. When In Touch called Steve’s room at the Trump International Hotel (where the cast is put up) on the evening of March 30 — it was Kate who answered the phone!

“[Usually] Steve and Kate would have one room and the kids would have a separate room when they traveled. It’s confusing to the children,” Jon says of the accommodation arrangements Kate always made when she was on the road. Clearly, he’s not surprised that she still shares the same room with Steve.

“It’s not a work situation. I have always thought they were together,” Jon stresses.

chefsummer #Leh said... 65

reader said... 61
After seeing Kenya I wouldn't believe a thing she about twisting and self promotion. She is horrid.

True and the same thing can be said for Kate.

Also this isn't the first time KK has been called out for being with Steve.

Karen Kaufman said... 66

TLC, really? Stop this shit. Cut ties and move on. It's like watching an SPCA commercial.

angie said... 67

From the little bit I watched last night, I did notice that Kate has toned down the MILF look--not too much boobage showing, if none at all. On the chair moments she has her extensions covering her boobs.
On WW this morning she was covered to the neck-guess she's reinventing herself again as a wonderful but misunderstood virtuous mommy.

And what's the deal with WW saying Jon terminated his parental rights? Kate says she and Jon aren't supposed to talk about custody issues (although she says HE does), but gee Kate, a parent that terminates his parental rights doesn't HAVE custody rights.
So which is it?
It's a shame that she can only ask people she's met through the show (Emily and the Montana folks) to help her with her kids, when she's surrounded by family (what happened to Jon's right of first refusal?) and friends (ya know, that ones she says she has).

getofftwitter said... 68

What a bunch of BS! Kate lied about how many times they went to NY. It was once and Kate told Wendy it was several times, but the kids had school.

I cook and get a pay check for doing reality TV, cause it is the only way to support my family, same old song & dance. We all know if she went back to nursing and downsized, and that means the kids are put in local public school and she would be able to support herself & the kids. Kate should get the award for biggist & best BSer.

getofftwitter said... 69

Reader: it was reported back in april-may that a rag-mag called Kates room and purseboy answered. I don't believe what Kate said, she is trying to save face.

chefsummer #Leh said... 70

LOL Kenya doesn't portray herself as the good girl or a innocent girl like Kate does.

FYI said... 71

So today, Kate called Kenya a liar. Yesterday, she mentioned Kenya's "illegal" activities. Get the feeling she doesn't like Kenya? Does she still feel (after almost a year) that Kenya was responsible for her getting fired on CA?

Also, when she spoke about Phonegate and Kenya's "illegal" activities, wasn't she, in fact, giving a spoiler for the show. Was she actually allowed to say that? DT must not be happy about that.

For those that missed it, here's the article where Kate mentions the "illegal activities":

PatK said... 72

I can't wait until the WW clip is online so I can watch. I'm so glad she brought up Jon and Steve. I honestly thought those subjects would be a no-no. Good for you, Wendy!

So, other than the CA finale, this should about be it for Kate's January resurrection, right? Shouldn't the TLC episodes be about over? Can't wait for her to slide back into obscurity.

I hope the TLC ratings went down even further this week.

JMO said... 73

Layla said... 46
kris said... 21
Did she seriously say she only changes the kids sheets 1x a month? ugh, GROSS!!!
She has also said that she makes them re-use towels "hygienically". What does that mean? If they re-use bath towels, they're still using something to dry their faces that has been used to wipe their bums. Hygienic, my foot!
I read somewhere on some site, that Hannah asked if they had a second set of sheets to back up the new bedding ensemble. Now where do you think this came from?? Enough is never enough with that mother after many free bedroom renovations.

It is like she can NEVER be happy, needs 8 more sets of sheets as a bonus. Boys getting hair cut in Maine (didn't have time to get their hair cut) - she is simply a bottomless pit, who will always want more no matter how much she gets. A bottomless well.

I am sure TLC built the taxes for reno and trip into her salary and perks and why they are still filming her horrible behavior is beyond me. I always wonder with the "Blankinship" deal if she has held that over TLC's head to continue her desire to film. Her shows are pathetic!!

reader said... 74

Chefsummer Yes. Absolutely what else was his purpose for being there. Away from the kids..NYC. I'm certain its been going on for years! Kenya is nasty and a back stabber, capable of nearly anything to get her way.

Anonymous said... 75

Family from Montana? Bwahaha. Guess Emily was not available?

IMO the real question to be asked about Skeeve, which was not, is this: why did you bring your 'person' along for the weeks of filming when no one else did, or does? Separate hotels? Dodging the point. And that is just lying.

As for her relationship with this kids. It all sounds pretty horrible. She has 8 kids, ages 10-14, who absolutely dislike and disrespect her. When she asks stupid questions like feeding her when she gets old, and is crestfallen, in front of a camera, by the reply consider this: while she may have inherited her abysmal parenting skills from her parents, she, at least, knew what family relationships were. She knew her grandparents. Except for Jon's mother, these children are not exposed to, and have little understanding, about generational relationships. Feed her when she's old? Hells no - they will be long out of Dodge by then. And more power to them.

Orange Crusher

Anonymous said... 76

I have gone back and forth about this but after seeing Kate on WW, I do believe she isn't having an affair with Steve. Kenya has zero credibility. So I have never believed her when she said that they shared a room. How would she know? Did Kate tell her? Hell, no. And if Steve did answer her phone room, so what. I would expect him to be in her room a lot as her friend/advisor/bodyguard. That proves nothing to me.

The two big points that make me believe her is nobody has outed her and Steve. Not his neighbors, his kids, her kids, Gina, her friends, his friends, the public, after six or more years. Even Jon says he really doesn't know. And I don't believe and never have that stupid tabloid article that Mady saw them kissing. And why keep it a secret if he is no longer married if they are in love. And if he is still married, I am sure Gina would not put up with this affair. And his kids are probably college age and would have spill the beans to their friends if they were having an affair. Those friends would talk to the media for money.

And the second point is if they are in love and one day plan on coming out then she will be a huge, huge liar to the world. So I don't think she would deny it on WW show and then in the next year or so plan on coming out. Of course Kate is a liar, but this lie would ruin her bigtime. It would prove that she had been lying over and over to many media people for many years.

I think she needs Steve as her confident/advisor. She trusts him personally and professionally. And probably is very friendly with Gina too.

And finally, she didn't really call Kenya a liar. She said it was no true what she said. And it probably wasn't true so I think it was fine for Kate to state that. What made me mad about WW was in introducing Kate she said that Kate was fired for not handling the ladies. No she wasn't. She failed as a PM for the task not being elegant enough and having zero interaction in her display. Get it right WW.

The Empress was Fired said... 77

I find this poem by Emily ( Kate's,, "old family friend") most disturbing:

JMO said... 78

getofftwitter said... 70
Reader: it was reported back in april-may that a rag-mag called Kates room and purseboy answered. I don't believe what Kate said, she is trying to save face.

I think it is the other way around. Someone called Steve's room and TFW answered. Could be wrong, but regardless, I think they were staying together regardless of semantics.

chefsummer #Leh said... 79

I read somewhere on some site, that Hannah asked if they had a second set of sheets to back up the new bedding ensemble

I took this as mommy won't change my sheets so I have to do it.

I know I love the fresh smell of clean sheets especially after shower you smell good and your sheets and pillows do it..Nice feeling

Ex Nurse said... 80

From the last thread:
From the Neat video:

"....they can feel like normal kids". And, the parents get a much-needed break to read a book or have a glass of wine, what a tone deaf comment! So what does she mean by normal? Being put on display for public consumption? Living their lives in Alcatraz, with Malificent as the warden? Having their grandparents, aunts and uncles and father erased from their lives? Being expected to take care of their mentally ill mother? Living life under constant threats? Having zero privacy? If that is normal, then thank god my kids are anything but!

The episode last night was horrific--maybe it was worse because I actually watched most of it, instead of doing other things. For those who haven't seen it, on this episode of Kate plus 8:

-8 children painting, using 5 containers of paint each, make a mess!

-Cara breaks her vow of silence, and let's it rip! And rip! And rip! Fourteen years of misery spill forth!

-TFW embarrasses women everywhere by displaying some macabre form of flirting behavior in an attempt to obtain something (free labor, validation, fill the gaping bottomless hole of want) from a guy who is just trying to do his job.

--The boys stink because they are boys.(but, definitely not because, as we also learned, their sheets are only changed once a month!)

-The boys continue to delight us with their good-natured, can't we all just get along, philosophy of life, even as they are berated pushed to the side and generally ignored.

-Kate wonders if anyone has fed the chickens in last 2 days (Inspector Gadget came down with shingles).

-TFW is just a mom, like all moms--at least the moms who talk to invisible cameras and people--and prefaces everything she says with a long-winded explanation of the boring backstory, and, even more excruciating, the thought process behind what she is about to say or do, even though, for the most part, it requires absolutely no explanation whatsoever, and, in any case, no one gives a Holy Crap.

-In case anyone missed the whack-a-mole and gaga ball fiascos, we are, once again, treated to the spectacle of a grown woman acting like a spoiled 2 year old. Her insistence on playing in the game, even though it gave a huge advantage to one team, was absolutely appalling. Not to mention her standing and barking at the kids to hurry up and take their turn before they lost the light.

--The tup boys will be facing their friends at school tomorrow, who will have been treated to a long discussion of their underwear, Spoiler: They prefer boxers, and one of them hoards them when they come out of the dryer. So, they definitely need more boxers--next week, a trip to K-Mart, and then home by 4 to watch Judge Wopner! (Rain man reference--heh,heh, auto fill hasn't heard of Rainman)

localyocul said... 81

The Empress was Fired said... 79
I find this poem by Emily ( Kate's,, "old family friend") most disturbing:


Oh no! It must be about what that Organics did this is NOT GOOD

Rainbirdie said... 82

AuntieAnn said... 16
Did they happen to show Kate's bedroom last night?
I couldn't get past the 11 minute mark so I'm not sure. However, she said this on the interview couch (right before I turned it off) - "I should have saved this money.I should have just redone my room & made myself a little peaceful oasis".

Anonymous said... 83

When Kate Plus 8 was terminated in 2011, Kate said that Steve would be her "road manager". Yes, that is a stupid term and she certainly doesn't need a road manager. But my point is I don't think either Steve or Kate refers to him as a bodyguard anymore or even thinks that he is being a bodyguard to her anymore. Yes, in the past but not any longer.

And I think Trump payed him to be security for CA. Why not, you know Trump has security for his D-list stars. And Steve was probably going to be there anyway. And he is certified or whatever the heck it is called. That is why I think he was in the store with Kate shopping. Otherwise I don't think the other players or even Trump would let Steve go shopping with Kate.

foxy said... 84

Wasn't it Wyoming where Kate took the boys to a ranch and later the twins went?

The kids rooms never had any decorations on the walls or anything that would be personal for them. She has said many times she wants her house to not look lived in. This new episode is going to be horrible with her tossing all the kids things out for the yard sale.

Ex Nurse said... 85

Auntie Ann said....
Her cleavage was getting plenty of airtime and so were the nipples on the good bra.
Is that you, Milo?

Rainbirdie said... 86

I'm wondering if the "stress disease" had more to do with lawsuits & a mommy journal than redecorating.

Sue_Buddy said... 87

redbirdsings said... 4
From the previous thread:

Snickdog, your post makes me want to cry.

Really? It sounded rather ominous to me, disturbing.

Sue_Buddy said... 88

Sara said... 50
When Cara said the rest of the kids were at Daddy's house...she sounded sad and torn.

I thought Jon didn't see all the kids.

TLC stinks said... 89

Some wives put up with cheating husbands.

Kate can still get away with denying an affair because a few years from now she can say they realized they wanted to be together. Steve is at that age where the kids are grown, the wife is looking old and he strikes me as someone who is quite capable of maintaining secrecy. He knows the traps because he worked as a P.I. after all. And his sons aren't going to say anything to embarrass and hurt their mother.

No idea if it's an ongoing thing between those two, but if I were a betting person, they've been intimate. Their relationship is just too tight.

Mel said... 90

Last night's episode was painful.

AuntieAnn said... 91

Ex Nurse said... 87

Auntie Ann said....
Her cleavage was getting plenty of airtime and so were the nipples on the good bra.
Is that you, Milo?


Whoa, Ex.

Did you watch CA? Kate smutted out with that dress. I'm sure Gladys was turned on. I wasn't.

Sue_Buddy said... 92

localyocul said... 83
The Empress was Fired said... 79
I find this poem by Emily ( Kate's,, "old family friend") most disturbing:


Oh no! It must be about what that Organics did this is NOT GOOD

At the bottom of the poem Em explains the poem is dedicated to 4 of her high school teachers upon whom she relied when she was still in high school. When she went off to college, they were no longer there to help her.

getofftwitter said... 93

Did anyone notice that the paint color in the boys room, the one Kate picked for their room and the room they do the couch interviews in, are the same color. Kate picked all the colors for the rooms, the kids got to pick nothing. When I got my own room when we moved I was 7, and my parents let me pick a paint color for my room. I too thought the blue color in the boys room was too dark for a basement room. We all know how much Kate really cares or likes her boys.

localyocul said... 94

foxy said... 86
Wasn't it Wyoming where Kate took the boys to a ranch and later the twins went?


Oh maybe you're right. Those western states are all the same to me. Whoops

chefsummer #Leh said... 95

If Kate has some sorta mental illness and she on meds perhaps Steve is her handler/guide/aid person.

Maybe TLC hired him to protect her from hurting the kids and going off on fans...

-(Or she's his mistress and technically they're aren't dating since you can't imo date a married person.)

If it's mistress she'll never come out and say it why case Jon was/is right and she'll be a home-wrecker and second best.

JMO said... 96

Rainbirdie said... 84
AuntieAnn said... 16
Did they happen to show Kate's bedroom last night?
I couldn't get past the 11 minute mark so I'm not sure. However, she said this on the interview couch (right before I turned it off) - "I should have saved this money.I should have just redone my room & made myself a little peaceful oasis".


Wow, didn't watch it, but THERE IT IS.. Me, myself and I... not surprising.

localyocul said... 97

Well she's definately keeping her blog a secret:

Emily Creighton ‏@EmCr68 11h11 hours ago
how bout a blog, eh? … via @weebly

The Empress was Fired said... 98

It's a painful read, and especially when you consider what might be written between the lines.

Localyocul said... 83
The Empress was Fired said... 79
I find this poem by Emily ( Kate's,, "old family friend") most disturbing:


Oh no! It must be about what that Organics did this is NOT GOOD

Anonymous said... 99

chefsummer @81 - NOTHING beats freshly laundered scented sheets.


FYI said... 100

And I think Trump payed him to be security for CA.

That is a possibility. I remember when Terrell was tweeting his "Hang With" videos. In one of them, he and Gilbert were in the car, and at the end of the video,when the car stopped and they were getting out, you could see Steve standing by the open door.

He was most likely the security when they went on their shopping tasks.

AuntieAnn said... 101

Sue_Buddy said... 89

redbirdsings said... 4
From the previous thread:

Snickdog, your post makes me want to cry.


Really? It sounded rather ominous to me, disturbing.


It did indeed. Free to a good home? She's also called them rabid beasts.

No Kate, they stay. YOU go... to a good facility where you can't hurt children and other living things anymore.

The Empress was Fired said... 102

At the bottom of the poem Em explains the poem is dedicated to 4 of her high school teachers upon whom she relied when she was still in high school. When she went off to college, they were no longer there to help her.

Yes, and while we can never fully understand someone's situation unless they present the full and honest truth, I think E's poem suggests she is feeling their absence more acutely in her present circumstances.

Tucker's Mom said... 103

TLC stinks said... 35
And another pass for Teflon Kate. At least Wendy asked about Steve. She flat out lied about where he stayed because his hotel room was called and she answered! Besides, what good is a bodyguard if he stays in a different hotel? I guess because hotels are into privacy she figures she can lie and not be called out.
If Steve stayed at another hotel, and CA/NBC provided security (confirmed by other CA contestants), when why was Steve there, away from his own family?
The logic does not follow here.

AuntieAnn said... 104

JMO said... 98

Rainbirdie said... 84
AuntieAnn said... 16
Did they happen to show Kate's bedroom last night?
I couldn't get past the 11 minute mark so I'm not sure. However, she said this on the interview couch (right before I turned it off) - "I should have saved this money.I should have just redone my room & made myself a little peaceful oasis".


Wow, didn't watch it, but THERE IT IS.. Me, myself and I... not surprising.


The reason I wondered was because apparently she was raising hell about the boys not picking up after themselves. I didn't watch just going by the comments. It seems to me that a couple of years ago they did film bits and pieces of her room and it looked like a cyclone had gone through it.

She is a hypocrite. Those kids' heads must be completed screwed up by now.

Tucker's Mom said... 105

TLC stinks said... 41
Basements always seem cold to me even with heat. Poor boys sentenced to chilly solitary.
IF there was proper remodeling with insulation and a well thought out plan for egress in case of emergency, I couldn't be happier for the boys.
They need their space and clearly, they have bonded and become a unit that acts to indemnify them from their mother and sisters' estrogen antics.

JMO said... 106

The Empress was Fired said... 100
It's a painful read, and especially when you consider what might be written between the lines.

Localyocul said... 83
The Empress was Fired said... 79
I find this poem by Emily ( Kate's,, "old family friend") most disturbing:


Oh no! It must be about what that Organics did this is NOT GOOD


I sincerely hope Emily's parents are monitoring her sites after what has gone down with her tweets/DMs, about Kate and her experience. Yes, she is a very young adult, but seems VERY distressed.

Why is it that everything TFW touches turns to shit? Yes, I said SHIT mainly because she seems to have the Anit-Midas touch and those she involves, never seem to have a happy ending. Distturbing.

High Sodium Content said... 107

I just started reading but hear are my thoughts from last night.

This is a dysfunctional family. I’ve never seen or known of a family that can’t agree on anything and argue about everything. What’s with all the bratyness? (The behavior, not the individuals.) Figure 8/TLC should have pulled the plug o filming during all that arguing and say, call when you’ve settled this.
The twins own Kate. If they wanted separate bedrooms so bad, I would have told one of them, go sleep in the basement. None of the little kids wanted to be displaced. As for Mrs. Organized, pure farce. If she was, why not complete the basement remodel, move the boys. Then faze two paint their empty room for whoever was moving in and work down the line. Instead the whole house is upside down, no one getting sleep. Sad to say the new rooms have no personality. Didn’t notice one bedside light, so the kids could read in bed. Funny the little girls worried about having a “back up” sheet, since “she” only changes beds once a month. No wonder the girls have such bad skin. I did not like the cameraman alone in the girls’ bedrooms. I cringed when Kate started to discuss the boys and their underwear. The woman is in need of mental intervention. No wonder she is always sick and tired, she is malnourished. Noticed more than one kid talking about being hungry. The dinner of organic chicken fingers and salad. These kids’ brains are being starved. She sits down w/ a salad. For a former nurse, that family is sick an awful lot.

Tucker's Mom said... 108

TLC stinks said... 44
Montana? WTH?
I clearly remember Kate and Steve being spotted in Montana by a fan a few years ago. They were dining at a resort/hotel and a fan got his picture taken with her.
I remember thinking, "Montana?"

JMO said... 109

The Empress was Fired said... 100

Should someone forward this to her family, TFW or TLC?. The girl sounds defeated and in need of help. I would take this seriously, and hope she is not flaming. Disturbing.

Tucker's Mom said... 110

Glad the kids are at least getting the opportunity to be in the school band.
Color me jaded (admittedly), but I found it quite the coinkydink that the kids suddenly got to pick an instrument, each getting a shiny new one and one lesson under their belts, just before filming.

localyocul said... 111

The Empress was Fired said... 104
At the bottom of the poem Em explains the poem is dedicated to 4 of her high school teachers upon whom she relied when she was still in high school. When she went off to college, they were no longer there to help her.

Yes, and while we can never fully understand someone's situation unless they present the full and honest truth, I think E's poem suggests she is feeling their absence more acutely in her present circumstances


Yes, that's what I think. I think she wrote it a while ago (I hope it's not about what it sounds to me its about) and posted it now due to current circumstances.

Sue_Buddy said... 112

Yes, and while we can never fully understand someone's situation unless they present the full and honest truth, I think E's poem suggests she is feeling their absence more acutely in her present circumstances.

It's definitely possible. The poem is dated Jan 15, which was a week before organics despicable display on Twitter . I hope she's finding solace. I won't comment on it makes me uncomfortable to do so.

NJGal51 said... 113

Well Jamie is from Michigan so maybe TFW just got her "M" states mixed up. Michigan/Montana what does it matter to her because in her mind they're both fly-over states. If it was Jamie, why wouldn't she just say that her friend Jamie came out to watch the kids.

I have to agree that Em's poem is disturbing.

Tucker's Mom said... 114

I thought the boys room was awesome. Nautical. Loved the blue and brown stained wainscoat and the secret compartments in their own windows.....those boys probably thought they had died and gone to heaven.
Me too! Kate seemingly wanting to throw in the towel after she created complete and utter chaos (let's all paint at once!, not organizing clothing etc. during construction, etc. (FFS, buy some storage tubs!)) in order to bemoan not spending the money to make her gigantic master BR with en suite enormous bath made me cringe.
I still don't believe for a minute she paid for those renovations.

Knowing what I know from watching and reading all these years, I could pick out everything that was brought there for filming, that miraculously, just shows up.
Such as: a gazzillion pumpkins, carving materials for 8, supplies for the stupid pumpkin splat game, dozens of paint samples, air mattresses X 8, and the list goes on and on.

Kate's fooling no one when she tried to fool people into thinking that she was going to buy second hand furniture and whoops! she wound up ordering new.
At least none of the kids was constipated while she went through the charade this time.

localyocul said... 115

Anonymous said... 101
chefsummer @81 - NOTHING beats freshly laundered scented sheets.



Except freshly laundered sheets driend on the clothesline!!

JMO said... 116

High Sodium Content said... 109
Great post! The dysfunction in that house is reeling out of control. All for the sake of filming. And it shows......

Tucker's Mom said... 117

Can someone explain to me how Jon is violating some rule about not talking about the kids' visitation, when Kate has given jaw-dropping quotes recently:

""I don't have [a relationship with Jon anymore]," she admitted of her ex-husband. "I give the kids… some of the kids visit and some don't and I keep the peace. That's what I've always done. It's best for the kids."
PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin's Life After Reality TV
"I wish that things were better for the kids," she added of her dynamic with Jon. "It's very clear by now that I'm just trying to preserve what relationship he has with them. I do think it's best for them, but, you know, divorce is hard, period. But it's really difficult when one parent is in the sabotaging mode. That's been difficult."

Read more:
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I'm sorry, but I just don't understand how this works. What has Jon said or revealed that is worse than this parental alienation?

Jon has been silent as the grave, despite the horrifying statement above.

JMO said... 118

Tucker's Mom said... 105
The logic does not follow here.

It doesn't and never will. She makes it up as she goes along, and most know that at this juncture.

High Sodium Content said... 119

I meant to add my other observations: Lots of filming inside and outside and not one sighting of Shoka.

Why does she go bat shit crazy over the possibility of a future towel or sock being on the floor. Put hampers in the rooms or bedrooms. Way to ruin the excitement of getting new rooms. She really does need to learn to pick her battles.

That is one very sad house.

Tucker's Mom said... 120

I found myself truly blaming Jon for so much last night. I can not think of a single good reason to why he did what he did to those children. Not one of his problems with Kate and TLC will ever outweigh the fact that he truly abandoned those children to a very mentally ill woman.

When has Jon ever abandoned his children?
There is a visitation schedule that both parents must adhere to, and it was set by the court.
Blame the system for allowing Kate to use her kids for fame and money.

There is NOTHING Jon can do to stop it.
He's tried. He's been outspoken. He is powerless to stop it.
Right now, he can only be there for his kids and be a soft place to fall.

Tucker's Mom said... 121

reader said... 58
Yes why would your bodyguard stay in a separate hotel?
Because he isn't a bodyguard!
I believe they booked rooms in separate hotels, absolutely.

Exactly. Why book in another hotel?
To have privacy when you're together.

I don't know how Kate and Steve didn't figure out a better come back for that one!

High Sodium Content said... 122

capecodmama said... 12

1) The boys bedroom was built in an unfinished part of the basement. When the room was revealed, I didn't notice any heating vents.

I wonder if Kate got required building permits for the construction downstairs. If she did, it would have had to meet code, for heating, electrical, emergency egress, etc. There must have been at least one inspection (if done legally) before the dry wall was put up. (I watch too much HGTV).

Tucker's Mom said... 123

I read somewhere on some site, that Hannah asked if they had a second set of sheets to back up the new bedding ensemble. Now where do you think this came from?? Enough is never enough with that mother after many free bedroom renovations.

I don't think that was another grift grab from Kate, but it's a good idea to keep extra sets of sheets, especially with 8 kids!
I hope that girl wasn't saying that each bed has exactly ONE set of sheets, and there are no spares.
For once, I hope they do get a grift of bedding so they can wash their sheets more than once a month.
Fricking gross.

Anonymous said... 124

IMO, all of the sextuplets mugged for the cameras and quite frankly, I was embarrassed for them. It was awkward. They're too old for such nonsense and their coached phrases were poorly delivered. Their acting skills are as pathetic as their mother's.


Suze said... 125

None of the rooms either before or after had any décor to personalize them where you would know that space belonged to a certain child.


Yup, the rooms looked the same way 4-5 years ago - nothing on the walls, devoid of any personality, warmth. The whole house has an institutional and cold appearance.

Blowing In The Wind said... 126

I looked at Em's long piece of poetry or prose, or whatever it is, and this stuck out for me:

"It’s hard to open up and tell my story to others
I never felt so lost
I just needed a figure that was like my mother
Now the scars are here"


"I just needed a figure that was like my mother..."

Why? Where was her mother and why would she need someone "like" her? This could explain her fascination/obsession with older women like Kate, the older women celebrities she latches on to, but for what reason? Something clearly wasn't (or isn't) given to her that she desperately needed. Of what "scars" is she referring? Does she consider Kate a surrogate mother, and why is that role model needed?

Anonymous said... 127

If Milo watched the show last night, and is reading here this morning, it's no wonder she is speechless today (at this point anyway).


Suze said... 128

Geezus, she makes the kids (Cara? this time) place the bath mat a certain way on the edge of the tub! WTF difference does it make as long as it's picked up? Save the control and shrieking for when it's needed, not over the placement of a stupid towel or bathmat.

Tucker's Mom said... 129

What in the name of everything sane and holy is up with those kids not having sufficient bedroom furniture?
3 kids to ONE dresser?
I might have been brought up in a mediocre house, but I had my own closet and bedroom suite (decorated nicely, with lots beloved things displayed).

Anonymous said... 130

Sue_Buddy said... 110

The poem is dated Jan 15, which was a week before organics despicable display on Twitter . I hope she's finding solace. I won't comment on it makes me uncomfortable to do so.


Despicable display on Twitter????? What did I miss? I saw all the tweets by Organics and there was nothing despicable about them. Are we shooting the messenger?


Suze said... 131

Kate insisted on playing the stupid pumpkin 'game' WITH the kids when they didn't want her to be involved!

She had to control everything to do with the pumpkin 'game' including how hard to throw the pumpkin, where to stand, where to aim and then Cara yelled to Kate:
"Can you please stop yelling? You always make everything so stressful, that's why none of us want to this."

Listen to your kids, Kate. Listen to someone. She's making them crazy and neurotic like she is and she's sucking the fun out of everything they try to do.

Suze said... 132

Does anyone else think that the kids painting and the pumpkin throwing
would have never taken place if TLC hadn't been there for filming?

Blowing In The Wind said... 133

Sharpen Axe ‏@SharnaPax 14m14 minutes ago
@FrkofNatr @ConcernedChick @Sassccha @Kateplusmy8 From what I've read, I wish the man had filed sexual harassment charges against Kate & TLC

I haven't watched any of the shows and have no intention of doing so. It's not that I can't *watch* the episodes, I just can't stand to listen to her. It's the voice, the strange inflections, the condescending tone that just annoys the heck out me. I could probably put it on mute, and I'd be okay for a few minutes, but that voice just really drives me nuts, which explains why I can't listen to any of the interviews.

What did Kate do that would constitute filing sexual harassment charges? Were the actions really that bad that they would justify charges being levied? I can't imagine Kate sexually harassing anyone because she's just not, well...sexual!

localyocul said... 134

Sue_Buddy said... 114
Yes, and while we can never fully understand someone's situation unless they present the full and honest truth, I think E's poem suggests she is feeling their absence more acutely in her present circumstances.

It's definitely possible. The poem is dated Jan 15, which was a week before organics despicable display on Twitter . I hope she's finding solace. I won't comment on it makes me uncomfortable to do so.


I don't want to keep commenting on it either. She keeps tweeting it out so hopefully someone in her life will see it. Where do you see the date of 1/15 though? I only see the posting date of 1/27

Mel said... 135

Even a hotel room is decorated better than that.

Remember on CWS they showed the little girls' room, and it looked just like the new one. Not a personal item in sight, nothing on the walls, a small old style tv. Nothing else.

Their rooms look like something the wicked step-mother would put together for an evil step-child. The bare minimum.

AuntieAnn said... 136

Tucker's Mom said... 131

What in the name of everything sane and holy is up with those kids not having sufficient bedroom furniture?


Prison cells have very few extra furnishings. Fewer places to hide the files and chisels from the warden.

Suze said... 137

What's with debating everything and the total chaos we saw? Is it always that way or just when the cameras are there?

Here's a novel concept for ya Kate, you're the parent or you should be. It looks like the inmates running the asylum. Just make the danged decision and the arguments, whining, and crying might just stop. Geez, if their everyday lives are as chaotic and stressful as what we see on tv, I'd be shocked if they all don't have anxiety, stomach and sleep problems. Dang, what an unhealthy environment to live in.

Suze said... 138

OMG, instead of wiping up a few drops of paint on the floor, she threw a tantrum and scrubbed the whole hallway. Gawd, she's out of control. How do these kids live w/that stress?!

What an irresponsible and careless decision to show the layout for the children's bedrooms on national tv. Does she have even one maternal/protective bone in her body?

Jeanne said... 139

I will admit I don't wash my sheets and towels as often as I should. I'm disabled and I live alone. Changing sheets on a double bed can be really tiring. I do NOT have cleaning help, laundry help, etc.

Is this telling us she has less help? Wouldn't she just assign the housecleaner to do this stuff?

I don't know what hoarding boxers/underwear is about. Do the boys actually share underwear? Every pair of boxers is for whoever? That's not right. The kids are old enough to write an initial on the label or use a dot system to separate underwear.

The acne thing is tough. I had really terrible cystic acne. I went to the doctor for years. They don't jump rght to Accutane. (Although I eventually took Accutane and it was amazing.) The problem for Cara is the FDA requirements. She has to be taken for regular blood tests. She has to provide a new pregnancy test result each month to get a refill. I don't see Kate investing the time. However, she should at least have Retin A.

Alberta Girl said... 140

- I missed the first 20 mins last night, and I am horrified by those of you who said she basically gave a map to the viewers of the kids' bedrooms. Anything for a free reno, right Kate?

- I thought the basement bedroom was great for the boys (not the security part of it though), but the design scheme is very old fashioned. But she doesn't really have any sense of style in my opinion anyways.

- I agree with the poster who said the boys still seem very young. Not always a bad thing, but I have 2 boys who are 8 and 9, and if they were painting on the walls, they would probably paint Minecraft characters, FIFA soccer team logos, and probably some WWE stuff. I don't know - maybe they are too sheltered and mine not enough? But, most of their friends are into the same things. And, at this age, the last thing they would write on a wall is "I love Mommy". Now, it could have been the girls, but I find at age 10, a lot of kids are into themselves quite a bit. I would have expected to see stuff like, "Colin is the greatest", and "Hannah Rules". I don't know. Just strikes me as very, very weird!

- If for years, there were rumours about MY husband and someone he works with having an affair, I would not be standing idly by and allowing this to happen. The only person who talks about both families is Kate, and that is not right. If Kate cares about the reputation of Steve's family so much, she would have severed the "working" relationship years ago. ~ Administrator said... 141

I found myself truly blaming Jon for so much last night. I can not think of a single good reason to why he did what he did to those children. Not one of his problems with Kate and TLC will ever outweigh the fact that he truly abandoned those children to a very mentally ill woman.


But Kate filed for divorce and Kate kicked him out. What was he supposed to do?

He didn't abandon the children, he separated from Kate and made his home above the garage. He has said many times he was desperate to do therapy with Kate and try to fix things but she either did very little or refused.

At some point she decided this garage thing wasn't gonna fly, kicked him out and left his stuff in a box by the road. I don't know how Jon can be blamed when Kate is the one who decided it was over. And I think the catalyst was Jon decided, several months prior, that he didn't want to do a reality show anymore. The moment he said that, it was inevitable she was going to get rid of him. Inevitable. ~ Administrator said... 142

They went to that ranch in Montan (well she and the boys went on the show), and then she was spotted there with the twins a couple of years ago. Their "psuedofamily" in Montana is probably like the Psuedofamily in CT (Emily)


I had the same thought, I bet you it's those people she weaseled into babysitting for her. They probably said oh sure we'd love to visit PA sometime and wouldn't you know it Kate invited them right when she needed to dumb the kids on someone.

Just how many agencies, nannies, etc has she run through anyway? She can't get a live in from the several agencies in NYC or Philly? Or is she just being cheap.

Suze said... 143

This week's episode was a perfect example for teaching/counseling someone how NOT to parent. I think it might be the worst episode of all.

I know I'm wasting time typing this, but... if Kate had anyone in her life who had any influence with her they'd get her to sit down and watch the episode to see herself systematically destroy the self esteems of her children. She'd see herself making more work than was necessary for everyone doing completely unnecessary things, controlling when it's not needed, spoiling fun for the kids and sucking the joy out of everything - all because of her unhealthy and irrational need for control. This isn't a snark or criticism because I don't like her, but she is truly mentally ill and this episode made it glaringly clear how extreme it is.

She's legitimately out of control and needs help (seriously, no snark). The kids are having to compensate (healthily I hope, but doubtful w/o counseling) and deal with the effects of her outrageous tirades, rules and ever present control. I think they've lived thru so many years of verbal, physical, and emotional abuse and we're seeing (unfortunately the whole world is seeing) how they've learned to adapt and appease her to keep her calm - the boys primarily, but I see it in all of the kids.

IDK, maybe her show has some value. Maybe the kids can show it to their future therapists or maybe a viewer will recognize some of Kate's neuroses or traits in themselves and get some help. Maybe they won't destroy their family's health and happiness like Kate is doing to hers.

PA Dutch Mom said... 144

So now the entire viewing audience knows the layout of Kate's house...the bedrooms, the basement, everything? How absolutely stupid and irresponsible is that? If she wanted to do a remodel, fine, that's great, but why would you map it out for everyone, burglars and perverts included, to see? They may have a state-of-the-art security system, but geez...why help a potential criminal by showing where each child sleeps?

I'm thinking of Jon Benet, and Elizabeth Smart and Polly Klaas. I wonder what Mark Klaas would say about this. Things do happen, but why in the name of all that's holy would you even think about filming in your house and disclosing locations? It makes no sense, no matter how you look at it.

If Kate's too stupid to think this through, wouldn't you think that TLC would at least have concerns about it? Oh, wait...this is TLC. Never mind.

reader said... 145

Tucker's Mom said
3 kids to ONE dresser?
Yes things look stark. Gifts have dried up. Thought about how 10 years ago she refused the gift of used cribs and last night's episode showed her shopping in the used furniture store for bedroom furniture.

Sue_Buddy said... 146

I don't want to keep commenting on it either. She keeps tweeting it out so hopefully someone in her life will see it. Where do you see the date of 1/15 though? I only see the posting date of 1/27

Interesting. When I first looked at the poem, it was dated 1/15, and on the far left of the page, then I went and checked when the organics tweets started, then rechecked the date of the poem and it was 1/15 and realized the poem was dated a week before. Now it's 1/27. Apparently she's working on it as we speak. She's added a new poem, "I'm Doing Well."

PA Dutch Mom said... 147

If Milo watched the show last night, and is reading here this morning, it's no wonder she is speechless today (at this point anyway).


Speechless Milo? An oxymoron if I ever heard one!

Jeanne said... 148

Kate says she has a stress disease that causes shingles. I'm sure that her stress could be relieved with therapy and better parenting. But therapy only works if the person wants to do the work.

Here's my question. Do you think Kate is really under a doctor's care or is she self-diagnosed? The comments on her physical appearance make it sound like she could have other problems that she needs a doctor for. Is it the bad nutrition? The alcohol? It appears someone could at least be giving her Xanax. I wonder if she goes to a doctor or if Steve obtains it for her. She is too famous to go anywhere. I know no one can diagnose her. I am curious on your thoughts about how sick she likely is.

I suspect that when the cameras are not there, the kids don't even see their mother 99% of the time. Because of "stress" she must stay in her room and rest. The kids get no parenting. The nanny knows she has no authority. I believe Kate has completely checked out.

TLC stinks said... 149

It's surprising how these kids are not allowed to personalize their bedrooms.

She's not Martha Stewart, that's for sure. I think years ago she was shooting to knock Martha off her pedestal, LOL. Even jail time hasn't done that.

The whole organizational thing is a crock invented by Kate to control people and Figure 8 producers played it up. I absolutely do not believe she has any OCD but knows how to fake it. I just have not seen any of the usual behaviors. For example:

Is overconscientious, scrupulous, and inflexible about matters of morality, ethics, or values (not accounted for by cultural or religious identification)
Is unable to discard worn-out or worthless objects even when they have no sentimental value
Is reluctant to delegate tasks or to work with others unless they submit to exactly his or her way of doing things
Adopts a miserly spending style toward both self and others; money is viewed as something to be hoarded for future catastrophes

capecodmama said... 150

TLC stinks...32 We went through the same thing with our youngest daughter. Her face started breaking out when she was only in fifth grade. We tried an over the counter cleanser for six to eight weeks and when that didn't work I took her to the dermatologist. She had my daughter start out on a prescription cleanser and cream which worked for awhile. The Dr then prescribed an oral form of tetracycline which worked for awhile. All the while we're having regular consultations with the Dr so she can see how she's doing. After four years, when my daughter was 14, the summer before my she entered ninth grade, the Dr told us she was worried about possible scarring and talked to us about Accutane. She showed us before and after pictures of people, adults and teenagers, who had used Accutane and also stressed the possible side effects of which there are many. She said she would only prescribe one month of Accutane at a time and would not fill out any prescription until blood work was done. If my daughter had high cholesterol, she would not prescribe it as it does raise your cholesteral. She also informed us that Accutane causes severe birth defects and would not prescribe it unless both my daughter and I signed a form stating that if my daughter became pregnant, she would terminate the pregnancy. My daughter looked right at the Dr and said, I have never had sex, that is the furthest thing from my mind and I have no problem signing that because I know I won't be getting pregnant. She also discussed the fact that Accutane was extremely expensive at $350 per month and a lot of insurance companies weren't covering it. Fortunately for us, our company did. She told us to take a week to discuss it and let her know. After we discussed all the pros and cons, my daughter said she wanted to do it, so we did. She had blood work done before she received her first prescription and then blood work done before each appt. before she could receive her next prescription. She had two side effects: itchy palms and sensitive skin. We found that out when she went to get her eye brows waxed and it ripped off the top layer of her skin. That hadn't happened before the Accutane. So we stopped that while she was on it. Neither side effect that she had was one her Dr had heard of so each person is different. At each appt her Dr. was was very specific with her questions to my daughter's mental health and anything different that she felt. She even questioned me as to if I had seen a change in her which there were none except for what I said. She was on it for five months and her skin cleared up beautifully with no scarring. Well worth it. She was thrilled and hasn't had a problem since and she's now 30.

High Sodium Content...I'm like you watching way too much HGTV. The vents stuck out in my mind because we just converted our all electric house to gas and central air so I'm now well aware of heating/cooling vents and air return vents.

reader said... 151

Things just really seem sad and her manic behavior worse. I think the teens have learned coping skills with their mother. They are bright and feeling trapped. And 13.
I hope they gain understating that most adults don't behave this way.
I can't imagine facing my school mates and teachers the day after they all saw my bedroom
and heard my Mom say how disgusting it smelled. My God, she lives in her own reality.

TLC stinks said... 152

Actually, guys, I do not believe security is a concern. I am pretty sure she has a security system, probably cameras and then there is Shoka, the outdoor guard dog. I bet Steve has her all fixed up. Those kids are not going to get out and nobody is breaking in. I remember reading years ago there was a false alarm at her house because a fire alarm went off (so she must have a monitored system).

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 153

The scene that upset me the most was when Kate was giving the boys a lecture about how much their room stunk. Aaden was crestfallen when she was screaming at him. He is clearly afraid of the monster. He is a gentle little soul and she does not see that what she is doing to him will scar him for life. You can't talk to gentle, soft children like that. It will affect him down the road. The other thing I noticed is that both Collin and Alexis were yawning on the couch interviews. None of the other four were. Maybe it's the meds they take to calm them. I do like the affection the six show each other. Hannah is going to be trouble. She is already a little on the arrogant side for a kid her age. Kate is such a stress case, can't relax, type A, uptight shrew. Her behaviour was deplorable during the pumpkin throwing. Screaming at them all to hurry up. I felt like I needed an Ativan after watching it. And her comment that the renos were costing her alot of money? Wow. Unbelievable. And my final question is why don't any of those 8 kids look like either her or Jon. Has anyone else ever wondered that? Usually one or two kids will show facial features of either parent but I don't see it in any of them....

Sue_Buddy said... 154

Despicable display on Twitter????? What did I miss? I saw all the tweets by Organics and there was nothing despicable about them. Are we shooting the messenger?


I have formed the opinion that DMs were sent, but the contents were not as organics described them. Perhaps I'd have come to a different conclusion if we had seen one complete DM. I'm a "trust but verify," "believe half of what you see and none of what you hear kind of person."

Rhymes with Witch said... 155

What an irresponsible and careless decision to show the layout for the children's bedrooms on national tv. Does she have even one maternal/protective bone in her body?


Suze said... 156

The stuff from their bedrooms ended up all over the house because Kate had a crew

of helpers come in and empty the bedrooms and they dumped stuf w/o a plan.

I guess Ms. Masterminder, of Project Manager repute; she who can do everything while those 'less-than' become more proficient in only certain skills, certainly didn't mastermind that part of the remodel very well, now did she? SMH

Sue_Buddy said... 157

Blowing In The Wind said... 135
What did Kate do that would constitute filing sexual harassment charges? Were the actions really that bad that they would justify charges being levied?

That's what I want to know.

reader said... 158

The screaming orders during the pumpkin smashing game...a wire hangers moment for sure.

Anonymous said... 159

Thanks for the explanation, Sue. I just find it fascinating that the tweeter was suspended. As we've all seen, twitter lets a lot of people get away with murder, but I saw nothing from this tweeter that deserved suspension. Are powerful people throwing their weight around?


Suze said... 160

It's all about Kate and her constant control even precisely how they see their new rooms. Damnnnnn, they "must have HER permission for girls in boys rooms, and boys in the girl's room". Repeated twice. WHY? Why not teach them to respect their sibling's possessions and rooms (which I think they do anyway) or ask each other if they can enter a room that is not theirs - like is done everywhere? This is just another one of her arbitrary rules. Control, just to control, just because she can.

PA Dutch Mom said... 161

Interesting. When I first looked at the poem, it was dated 1/15, and on the far left of the page, then I went and checked when the organics tweets started, then rechecked the date of the poem and it was 1/15 and realized the poem was dated a week before. Now it's 1/27. Apparently she's working on it as we speak. She's added a new poem, "I'm Doing Well."


It sounds like a cry for help. Why put this personal information out for everyone to see? Hasn't she learned by now that there are some things that just need to be kept private?

She's got issues, and I'm not so sure I'd feel comfortable having someone like this as a nanny. But that's just me.

localyocul said... 162

Sue_Buddy said... 156
Despicable display on Twitter????? What did I miss? I saw all the tweets by Organics and there was nothing despicable about them. Are we shooting the messenger?


I have formed the opinion that DMs were sent, but the contents were not as organics described them. Perhaps I'd have come to a different conclusion if we had seen one complete DM. I'm a "trust but verify," "believe half of what you see and none of what you hear kind of person."


I agree with you Sue. It was despicable. Organics engaged in terrorism, taunting her. ~ Administrator said... 163

Why? Where was her mother and why would she need someone "like" her? This could explain her fascination/obsession with older women like Kate, the older women celebrities she latches on to, but for what reason?


I have thought for a long time the reason many young girls may latch on the Momma Kate thing is because of Mommy issues, and there it is in black and white.

It could be something as simple as having a career mom who just isn't around much. For whatever reason, I strongly suspect Em feels something is lacking in her home life the way she has latched on to Kate, Cher and others. And she CLEARLY has latched on to these women not as a BFF like Milo does, but as a mother-daughter dynamic. That speaks volumes about where she's coming from and what she looked for in Kate.

redbirdsings said... 164

If this information would find it's way to Mark Klaas, he would blow a gasket.

Anonymous said... 165

So if she invited those seemingly nice folks from Montana, who the kids have met how many times, to basically have a vacay in her house, and oh by the way you are In charge of 8 kids for several weeks, did she not pretty much leave them with strangers? And even if she left them with 'family' who do they actually know? This was weeks. It is stuff like this that makes me wonder why their father does not hail her sorry flat ass to court. Well, maybe he does.


FYI said... 166

Here's the video of Kate's appearance on WW:

TLC stinks said... 167

Yeah, I believe there were DM's to Organics but they must not have been definitive proof. Wonder who got Organics Twitter suspended? Milo? Milo was certainly in a rampage. I did not like some if the things Organics said about the kids, but there is such a thing as free speech.

reader said... 168

Most people forced to deal with Kate do it cautiously. They tip-toe, and endure, and thank God when its over. Kate"s comment to the contractor was creepy but honestly I think harmless. And yes its a double standard. When she made the comment about paying in hugs and kisses, it was weird. She wasn't comfortable saying it. Someone else put that in her head, completely out of character for her.

Sorry for so many comments, I've been out of commission and anchored to the bed. Tomorrow will be some freedom, physical therapy!
I will stop for awhile.
Sometimes I feel as if I must make my point immediately. Usually if I wait one of the other clever women of the veranda writes exactly what I am thinking!
Will sit quietly with my paper plate of grapes...
And again thanks admin and crew for giving us a place to vent so our heads don't explode.

angie said... 169

Why be surprised that Kate was shopping at a used furniture store? Instead of TLC"s usual doing-it-all, perhaps they cut her a check and told her 'this is all the money you get, whatever you don't spend you can bank'....that makes sense and would explain why she said 'this is costing ME a lot of money', and hence a used furniture store expedition.

Secondly, if it's true the kids only have 1 set of sheets, that surely doesn't apply to their mother. Didn't she tweet in the past about a super expensive brand of sheets she adores?

I can't believe Kate allowed TLC to show every voyeur a blue print of her house and told where each kid's room was. Talk about bad parenting. damn.

AuntieAnn said... 170

Suze said... 145
if Kate had anyone in her life who had any influence with her they'd get her to sit down and watch the episode to see herself systematically destroy the self esteems of her children.


Anyone, friend or family, who has tried to help her has been tossed in the dumpster.

If Steve were any kind of a good friend and 'handler' he'd drag her kicking to a therapist, but he's nothing more than an enabler.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 171

Someone commented on another blog that TFW must be a good
mother, because the boys are so well behaved. I guess she
didn't read about the tossin'-'em-in-the-crib-by-their-hair school
of good manners. Sigh.

Tucker's Mom said... 172
Molly, you in danger, girl ;-0

Anonymous said... 173

I specifically remember Kate telling the salesperson to order another dresser like the one she pointed to. If it was a used furniture store, how could this be?

And I agree that Steve must be on top with the security issues with the boys sleeping in the basement. He isn't stupid as far as that goes.

The tup girls had to share one dresser in their old bedroom. It was very small and no room for another one. I think all the tups will like their new rooms once they get settled. Those bedrooms were tiny are three growing kids. And like I said before, Kate commented on twitter that she heard twelve feet above her. So I am sure she was motivated too by having four feet above her instead of the twelve. But changing rooms did make sense to me because of how small the tups' rooms were.

Admin. your point about Em and her mother sounds very valid.

The Empress was Fired said... 174

Just to clarify, E's blog entry (poem) was dated 1/27 when I first mentioned it here this morning, and that posting date hasn't changed. And despite her further postings, I remain concerned for its author.

reader said... 175

Filming crew is in the basement, 2 contractors in the basement. One looks twice the size of Kate. She asks him if he could help her cut some 2x4's for smashing pumpkins. ( I guess to brace the targets from falling). He said he could, she playfully says physically scrunching and across the room that she could pay in hugs and kisses...yes awkward, but sexual harassment way!
I have a friend who is a carpenter, he puts up with a lot. They make for good stories on the deck with a beer...not lawsuits. Lol he'd have a difficult time finding more work if that comment turned into a lawsuit!

Anonymous said... 176

Since everybody is commenting about the acne, what impressed me was in last night's episode and the episode where they left for Maine in the early morning, Cara didn't have any make-up on to cover it. I would think if she was self-conscious about it on film, she would at least try to cover it up. You could really see the redness of the pimples. A little concealer would have helped somewhat and would have taken three minutes top to apply. Yes, it would not have covered it completely but it would have toned it down quite a bit.

Romi said... 177

Don't the contestants stay at the Trump hotel? They do:

He’s accompanying Kate on set as her bodyguard but the glossy says there’s definitely a romantic side to their relationship, because, on March 30, when they called his hotel room at the Trump International Hotel, where the entire cast is put up, it was Kate who picked up.

This might be chalked up to a mere coincidence (after all, she could have gone there to discuss business), but her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, insists that this is all the proof we need that they’re sleeping together – and have done so for a very long time.

The divorced mother of eight has brought Steve along for her turn on Celebrity Apprentice. When In Touch called Steve’s room at the Trump International Hotel (where the cast is put up) on the evening of March 30 — it was Kate who answered the phone!
Has it ever occurred to anyone that she registers in hotels under his name? She would not be the first celebrity to have a hotel reserved under a name other than her own. Maybe she was answering the phone in her own hotel room.

Formerly Duped said... 178

Not defending Kate but they do have a uniform closet on the first floor- and that's what they mainly wear. In a house that size surely there are other closets/drawers? But wow, sharing underwear is gross.I thought TFW stated the kids are all different sizes?T he kids seem to have a LOT of clothes.We know she trades out summer/winter clothes as per that episode when she complained about the task.

Romi said... 179

angie said... 68

And what's the deal with WW saying Jon terminated his parental rights?
That is not news. Jon does not have legal custody of his children. He has stated such; it is not a rumor.

Anonymous said... 180

How really sad that her grandparents could not come to the house and stay with the kids during CA.They must be retired by now. Some of her sisters could have taken turns too. Robert said one of them came for a few days during DWTS.

I don't know why, but the thought occurred to me that Kate may have made up Montana so the viewers could not guess who stayed with the kids. Did anybody think that?

reader said... 181

Angie said
Why be surprised that Kate was shopping at a used furniture store?
I'm not surprised Kate was shopping at the used furniture store, just thinking of how things have changed. The many freebies and generous gifts have stopped

Layla said... 182

Suze said... 134
Does anyone else think that the kids painting and the pumpkin throwing
would have never taken place if TLC hadn't been there for filming?
Agreed. Although, come to think of it, the vacation, the room renovation, etc also would never have happened without TLC to foot the bill.

CS said... 183

Why did TLC have to buy air mattresses? The children already have a mattress on their bed. Oh! Silly me, they were free and she can sell them at her next garage sale.
I find the poem or blog by Emily disturbing also. In my opinion she is emotionally unstable and not capable of taking care of 8 children by herself. What does Kate care, as long as she has a body there while she is away distressing,
As far as the second pair of sheets, what happen to the sheets that were on the bed before the makeover?
I think that the 3 girls should have Kate's suite and Kate should move in one of the bedrooms next to Mady & Cara. Kate always says that they her best friends.

Anonymous said... 184

High Sodium, great point about getting the building permit. You know, I bet they did get one. I mean TLC and the contractor were overseeing it so I think that was done. It must get freezing in that basement and can't imagine that bedroom not being heated. Moving the boys down there is going to drive up her electric/gas bill with A/C/heating. At night she did not have to worry about that before but now she will be running her units on all three floors. I am curious what that costs; I would love to know what her bill is every month.

AuntieAnn said... 185

Kate is a twit said... 168

Here's the video of Kate's appearance on WW:


I swear there is more than one personality inside that mind. I've never seen the Kate that the Kate on WW is talking about. She views her life completely different than what it is. Strange.

Tucker's Mom said... 186

Mel said... 92
Last night's episode was painful.
Especially the first part- total chaos.
Most painful was after all these years, court battles, public derision and raw footage edited by a convicted child predator, there is a man with a camera interviewing little girls in their beds.
How sick is that?
And no, sheep, I'm not a perv and my mind doesn't "just go there". I find that it crosses the line of decency, on so many levels, to allow cameras into the most private space in anyone's life: not just their home, but their bedroom.
Grown ass men should not be allowed there with cameras-with Kate nowhere in the picture.
It's evident that the film crew still has free reign of the children's home, and nothing is off limits.

Paula said... 187

Romi said... 181
That is not news. Jon does not have legal custody of his children. He has stated such; it is not a rumor.
Romi, not having legal custody has nothing to do with giving up parental rights AT ALL.

Tucker's Mom said... 188

I too thought the blue color in the boys room was too dark for a basement room. We all know how much Kate really cares or likes her boys.

I thought the paint and the wood finish was too dark, but I bet the boys don't mind.
What she did to that basement is going to be a turn off to many when selling.

Romi said... 189

Tucker's Mom said... 123
reader said... 58
Yes why would your bodyguard stay in a separate hotel?
Because he isn't a bodyguard!
I believe they booked rooms in separate hotels, absolutely.

Exactly. Why book in another hotel?
To have privacy when you're together.
That is not the only possibility. If Kate was footing the bill for Steve's hotel as part of his employment agreement, she probably wouldn't want to pay for a room at Trump Tower at $500+/night.

Anonymous said... 190

I can understand everybody being upset about Kate showing the floorplan but I knew from the first/second moving episode who slept where. Jon was clearly shown going up the stairs in the den to go up to Mady/Cara's room to put the beds together. The tups even said that M & C bedrooms were on the other side of the house. And it was clear the tups had bedrooms upstairs. And we all know Kate's room is right off the foyer. So really, what was shown has been shown many, many times. Anybody that has foul play in their minds as far as breaking in would have already watched all the episodes on you tube or DVD's and figured this out with no problems. So I don't think it was wise but I really don't see that much of a problem with it.

Anonymous said... 191

About the used furniture - do we honestly think she would consider anything "used". Isn't this the woman who refused the used cribs that were donated when the six were born? She held out then for new and continues now, at TLC's expense of course this now time around.


Rhymes with Witch said... 192

She's got issues, and I'm not so sure I'd feel comfortable having someone like this as a nanny. But that's just me. 163

Not just you at all.

angie said... 193

And what's the deal with WW saying Jon terminated his parental rights?
That is not news. Jon does not have legal custody of his children. He has stated such; it is not a rumor.
She may have legal custody, but he has partial custody, which is NOT the same as terminating parental rights.
Someone that has their parental rights terminated does NOT have access to visitation. Kate said today that she cannot discuss 'custody', which means Jon DOES have some sort of custody of the children.

WW was wrong. Jon has not terminated his parental rights.
I am divorced and have custody of my kids. Without digging out my papers to look up the correct terminology, they live with me and he has the legal option to see them every other weekend and holidays on certain years. His is called a different kind of custody, just can't recall the correct terminology.

Serendipity said... 194

Why was organics suspended? Because she was tweeting so many people on Emily's TL, warning them about her, or because she was making vile comments about Kate's children?

So Kate has a stress disease. Nice for the kids to be reminded of this, thinking that the trials and tribulations of having eight children is causing a disease in their mother. Yes, lay the guilt of that on them. That's what any responsible parent does. Maybe if she had pulled out of filming when Jon wanted to do so, worked on her marriage, she would have had a partner to share in the raising of these kids and she wouldn't have to do it by herself as she claims.

Then again, it could be Jon who would have the stress disease, just having to live with her.

Tucker's Mom said... 195

High Sodium Content said... 109
I just started reading but hear are my thoughts from last night.

This is a dysfunctional family
I agree with everything you wrote. This family is in crisis, on so many levels, it's not funny.
Of course, the reason why Kate addressed all 3 bedrooms at once was for filming, and I don't believe she paid for any of it. ~ Administrator said... 196

That's correct, legal custody and parental rights are two completely difference things. They should not be used interchangeably. Legal just has to do with whether a parent is allowed to make certain decisions without consulting the other and is common when parents just can't get along and are bringing every decision to court. Parental rights means on paper you are no longer the father or mother have no rights to see your child and typically is not done by most states unless there is an adoptive family ready to adopt in their place. There is a presumption kids should have two parents and so many states won't terminate one oarent's rights without temrunsting BOTHA

Anonymous said... 197

One question then I will quit posting. Kate said that new piece of furniture (where the big ass shoe was before) in the foyer was for Mady/Cara. Why do they need that piece and not the tups? It looked like she had it built to match the piece across from the breakfast table she had made for their snacks a few years ago. And it also looked like the same wood as the custom cabinets under the foyer stairs too.

Anonymous said... 198

I have seen this episode, but my gut feeling is that if TFW was shopping at a used furniture store, it was all for the cameras. You know, part of that piecing and patching thing she claims to do. Just wait, her tiny brain will forget all that, and pretty soon there will be a tweet to some furniture store about a problem with the new whatever pieces.

Orange Crusher

Serendipity said... 199

The divorced mother of eight has brought Steve along for her turn on Celebrity Apprentice. When In Touch called Steve’s room at the Trump International Hotel (where the cast is put up) on the evening of March 30 — it was Kate who answered the phone!


I really don't understand what the fuss is about here. It could be that Steve had a room, and Kate had a room. He could have been in her room, and vice-versa. It doesn't matter who answered the phone. Just because they were both in the same room at that time doesn't mean that they didn't have separate hotel rooms for sleeping, either in the same hotel or in different hotels.

Am I missing the entire story? Did Kenya say that they shared one hotel room for the duration of the filming?

Tucker's Mom said... 200

I wonder if Kate got required building permits for the construction downstairs.
Usually, the contractor pulls those and will know when it's needed. I'm not sure they needed one, but unless that contractor wanted to risk losing his license, I'm betting he had it covered.
Now, whether it's kosher to do work for hugs and kisses is another issue.

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