Kate Plus 8 "New England Adventures": Discussion Thread
New England Adventures January 13, 2015. Kate and her eight go on their annual summer vacation trip, this time to New England states. Part of their trip includes going lobster trapping and a is a stop at Plimoth Plantation.
http://www.accesshollywood.com/kate-gosselin-wants-to-date-im-definitely-lonely_article_102727?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=news ******* I also noticed how Kate's face, once again, looked morphed in this interview. Her words imply emotions, but her expressions belies them. Her facial muscles are overwrought, trying to convince the interviewer of her sincerity, but there is none. This interview in particular was articulated better, but robotic.
Alberta Girl said... 98 Auntie Ann - you always crack me up with your intelligent and witty commentary. And your zingers are masterful!
For DT to say Kate is smart is absurd. She's not smart, she's conniving. Big difference in my book.
remember, this is Donald Trump, the art of whatever BS. Has declared bancruptcy more times than any one. the ultimate game player from nothing to all by bravado and ATTITUDE,
Nothing says pertinent like an annual vacation trip, paid for by media in. order to film the crap out of children, AND even better, filmed in summer but shown in January. The whole idea, and execution, is insane.
Jeremy said... 102 Twitter convo helped me ide tidy her doner. On Facebook, go to ThinkLoud in Pa. A Business man raised by a single mom, knows kate, happy to donate to Geraldo's Life WORC. There is a facebook post confirming, as well as other local families in needs he has helped.
Who believes Kate's little kids are always telling her that she needs to find a husband, someone to help her with the things that go wrong around the house, to be a good example to the kids, especially the boys. Anybody believe that? Don't most kids always hope that their parents will make up, get back together, and that Daddy will be coming back home. Kids do not want some stranger replacing their Dad. Do they?
Twitter convo helped me ide tidy her doner. On Facebook, go to ThinkLoud in Pa. A Business man raised by a single mom, knows kate, happy to donate to Geraldo's Life WORC. There is a facebook post confirming, as well as other local families in needs he has helped.
____________ Perhaps he could help the fan who asked another fan to ask Kate to ask God for $600 for car repairs.
Denise @Mydmaxx 2m2 minutes ago @Kateplusmy8 @TLC All kids homework done so all can watch #KatePlus8?
This Denise is as nosy as Gladys. Just because I'm curious (and bored), I looked at Kate's TL. Kate retweeted her a few days ago, a kiss-butt tweet about a double treat this week. Previously to that, Kate retweeted her on November 20...nothing in between.
Wouldn't you be embarrassed if you pestered Kate with tweets several times a day, and she never responded, other than two retweets in two months? I guess she's not one of the favorite sheeple, despite the fact that she most likely thinks they are bestest buddies.
Speaking of buddies, what's Uggs been up to lately?
Someone on Yahoo posted a reply to Ken Tucker's article that basically said Kate was probably contacted by TLC to drop her lawsuit against Jon in return for airing more Kate specials.
I'm sure this has been discussed here before, but I must have missed it. But it all makes sense to me. If Kate had pursued the lawsuit, a lot of stuff about TLC would have come out, things I'm sure TLC would not want made public (violating child labor laws, for one).
She knew TLC would not have wanted this stuff to come out. Maybe we need to give Kate more credit. If this is what she did, this is brilliant!
Zoe said... 4 ''Here is the Facebook account Jeremy was referring to: https://www.facebook.com/thinkloudPA and clickable link: https://www.facebook.com/thinkloudPA'' ~~~~~ Zoe, thank you for the link. When reading it, I was surprised to read this: ''Bill graciously made a personal donation to support the Life's WORC charity on behalf of friend and contestant Kate Gosselin.'' So...TFW's charity did NOT get the donation, Geraldo's charity did!! Is it at all possible that she was allowed to accept the donation in order to have her have a donation in her name? I think that it is not only possible, but probable!! PS I see I'm not the only one that caught that, localyocul!
For DT to say Kate is smart is absurd. She's not smart, she's conniving. Big difference in my book.
Alberta Girl- thanks:) And I totally agree she is conniving and manipulative. Smart? Nope.
I'm not going to watch the special tonight. One night a week of her plastic mug on tv is enough Any more and I'm apt to succumb to alcohol poisoning so I'll rely on the brave souls who are willing to take one more for the team and report back here.
Stupid lazy-ass kate keeps their travel destinations a secret. Way to waste the educational aspect of traveling. Oh, she talks a big game about being 'all there' when it comes to educational trips, but she can't be bothered to spend time discussing their destination so the kids can do some pre-trip investigating on the internet.
Pants on fire: not to mention that the ANTICIPATION of the vacation is so much fun, too. Kate is such a control freak buzzkill. Those kids will run away as soon as they figure out how
Circling the drain said... 18 Didn't TFW drop her lawsuit because it had no merit? And because jon and Robert obtained superb counsel?
That's what I thought, Circling. She had no case and Robert pulled out the big guns attorney instead of cowering in a corner like she assumed he would.
Speaking of buddies, what's Uggs been up to lately?
Not much. Still calling Kate her buddy and wanting to warm up her Daymond crush. Such a #Dolt.
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66 @Kateplusmy8 hi buddy. So glad things are going well #CantWaitToSeeYourBeautifulFamily including the furry ones #MissedYou stay warm
10 JanBrenda Schuettler @sweetbren66 @TheSharkDaymond if taking volunteers to warm you up .... #PickMe lol stay warm !!!
Boring. Just really boring. Kate throws up her hands and says she's lost control. The girls fight and whine. Mady is obnoxiously difficult. Cara is silent. The boys are sweet and seem to genuinely like each other. There's nothing new. Same old TLC recycled stuff.
Circling: You are so right about the anticipation as well as the running away.
Jane: perfect summary. Those kids have zero problem-solving skills because their "mom" abdicates her parental duties/responsibilities and lets the kids duke it out. It's like Lord of the Flies. The boys indeed are adorable. I want to huggers them. Mady is just plain hard to watch.
Trying to jog my memory here, but I think that there was one time when I actually felt sorry for Kate, and it was when Milo went on her rampage on Kate's birthday, tweeting her about being late for something, wanting to get it done on Kate's special day, etc. etc.
Of course, all this was the insane rant about adopting a dog, but I was following on Twitter and I think that Kate was genuinely upset, thinking that Milo was coming to her house with a birthday gift for her. You could almost sense her apprehension and nervousness in her tweets. I had hoped at the time that Kate had the good sense to call for security, either in the form of friends, or law enforcement, or several drive-by checks from the police department. Milo was off her rocker at that time, even more so than usual. She was just giddy over it, and Kate wasn't sharing her enthusiasm. If I recall, Kate didn't fuss over having a dog named for her, and rarely, if ever, mentioned that dog again.
Thanks to all the folks who posted the youtube links for the second installment of CA. God knows, I wouldn't want to miss 1 second of Kreider making an ass of herself.
As to the whole dropping of the lawsuit, seems to me the smoking gun promised to her by BV turned out to be a wet fart. His grand conspiracy was another colossal flop. She had no choice but to drop the suit. Suggesting it was TLC and the promise of new shows is ludicrous, IMO. TLC's "secrets" are already out there, thanks to those who grabbed the first book when it was available.
As to the whole dropping of the lawsuit, seems to me the smoking gun promised to her by BV turned out to be a wet fart. His grand conspiracy was another colossal flop.
Many things may have contributed to the lawsuit being dropped, but I think in the end, the bottom line was that his attorney humiliated her attorney and they knew it. They didn't have a snowball's chance in going up against Robert's attorney. Kate's lawsuit was a joke, and Robert's attorney would have had them trotting from that courtroom with their tails tucked between their legs, licking their wounds along the way.
The amount of FREE stuff that family gets is just tragic.
So they're going on a fully paid for and fully planned 'beach vacation' and all Kate can do is bitch and moan about...packing. Nice.
Kate shuts the door on a vicious argument her youngest 3 girls are having (over sleeping arrangements, of all things) to let them sort it out themselves. Who else was afraid one of those girls would end up bruised and bloodied from her 2 sisters? Nice, Kate.
You set a piss poor example for those kids. You act put upon, victimized and freak out at the things you should be on your knees thanking the universe for.
I hope her show tanks all to hell. No one wants to watch an over privileged whore grift vacations and free cloths and other perks AND be ungrateful for it all. NO one. I do NOT get why anyone would watch this. The whole world is struggling and this fame whore gets stuff just because? I have cancer...my mother died last month and we are struggling to pay for her funeral. I work all I can between chemo...no one is giving me money-why should this biotch get money. She is nothing. The kids are cute but so are the 100's I teach a year too. I. Just. Don't. Get. it.
PatK said... 29 The Sheepies still believe the lawsuit was "settled". smh.
They will never understand the difference between a settlement and a dismissal. Never. So you just have to smile, knowing that is why they are called "sheeple."
Not watching. She absolutely grates on my nerves. She gets free everything and all she does is bitch and whine. What a miserable human being. God help those kids. They are expressing themselves just like her (i.e. in particular Mady).
She is so concerned with Kate and bed. Now she'll be on the "alarms" thing for the next two months. Get over it, Milo. Kate will go to bed when Kate wants to go to bed, not when you and LOM tell her to. This LOL'ing all the time. Does she actually thinks she is witty and cute?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 4m4 minutes ago @Kateplusmy8 Get to bed girl....5:30am comes early! I'll have 2do the #BugleRevelry 2get you up...besides the 15 alarms! LOL
Denise @Mydmaxx 22m22 minutes ago @Kateplusmy8 Isn't it past ur bedtime? Kate, we enjoyed seeing your loving family again. You do an amazing job! Love & support to you.
Why do these sheep want Kate to go to bed? This is just plain weird.
My goodness, she's full of herself still according to her tweets. Didn't watch but wouldn't have to, sounds like same old plots. And I noted she apparently put down whatever place baked that carnival cake for that show, saying her's was better. Rude, doesn't think, and clearly floating high as a kite with perceived glory - sure not responding like that to CA, is she?
E News had a segment on tonight about Kate. The best part was at the end when the 3 co-hosts asked if Kate would be welcomed back with open arms with her new shows after the Today Show debacle. The one guy says "I think people may be tired of her, I know I am." And then the other guy said how she never talks in a positive manner about Jon.
(Leslie) Kate's show is the exact same show that it was in June 2010 when Kate Plus 8 premiered. Kate is moaning, complaining, screaming at the most inane things, shrieks, etc. The kids fight and complain too. They are just average kids--somewhat cute but just like every other kid. Because the tups are older and don't dress alike you really can't even tell they are tups. Mady is intolerable. A man said something like I hear you don't like authority or something. And Mady responded that he didn't know her. I thought oh dear, he knows you. He may have seen every ugly remark and temper fit you had since 2006 that your mother filmed. Cara is still quiet. It was nice the twins brought their friend along.
And Kate's "special language" is worse than ever. All her made-up words with ish and ly are abundantishly. They are not even words. I am embarrassed for her.
The show is boring. I don't see the ratings holding up in the next few episodes.
And by the way, Kate introduced the show as a series not a special. SHIT!
Oh, and I noticed she is now a producer of the show.
Did you guys notice the gigantic croc shoe that the kids were playing with in the store a few years ago is now on top of a shelf in TFW's front entry?
I noticed it in the clip. I'll bet the salesperson gave it to her as a bargaining tool to get her the hell out of the store. "I'll give you this big shoe if you take your kids and leave now".
Putting in the front entry seems like a decorating idea she'd come up with. Real classy.
The whole world is struggling and this fame whore gets stuff just because? I have cancer...my mother died last month and we are struggling to pay for her funeral. I work all I can between chemo...no one is giving me money-why should this biotch get money. She is nothing. The kids are cute but so are the 100's I teach a year too. I. Just. Don't. Get. it.
Pam, I'm right there with you! It's disgusting, isn't it? Yeah, I'm 'seething' too!
Why do these sheep want Kate to go to bed? This is just plain weird. ------------------
If Milo has to go to bed, well, of course, so does Kate. Milo doesn't want Kate tweeting if she's not around to see it and respond.
I think Milo is upset that Kate didn't tweet her once tonight, despite all her butt-kissing tweets and then she has to come up with an excuse why Kate's ignoring her.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 2h2 hours ago Well was sort of a #FutileAttempt to tweet tonight! @kateplusmy8 You just have 2many tweeties who LOVE YOU now! #ThatsAGoodThing :)
During the packing segment, it appeared to me the clothes the kids were packing were not new clothes. Certainly not old, but they did not have the crispness of new clothes. I wonder if TLC drew the line at all new wardrobes for each of the kids for vacations as they have had in the past.
Cay!™ @Caileigh_Ann 22m22 minutes ago @Kateplusmy8 what keeps you going? #children
sarah ✨ @sarahkarcher16 2h2 hours ago “@Kateplusmy8: NOTICED!❤️ RT @sarahkarcher16: Why can't @Kateplusmy8 notice me? It's literally all I want in life 😭” omg is this real life
Has "literally" become the new buzzword among teenies? It's as overused as "amazing" and "awesome." I literally did this, I literally cried my eyes out, I literally watched 48 hours of the show, I literally want to be part of Kate's life, and so on. Do they even know the meaning of the word? It's literally annoying.
Thanks to those who suffered through the show. I couldn't do it. Jane, it made me happy to hear that the boys seem to be good compares and happy together. Maybe the silver lining in being often ignored by their gestational carrier is they bonded and learned how to make lemonade.
McGiblets compared to a wet fart? 😄. Love this blog.
I am a single mom and haven't dated in years. But when I am with my son or my family, I am never lonely. When I have free time, I have some great friends to hang out with. If Kate is lonely, it's her fault.
Anonymous said... 85 Looking around on youtube for last night's second episode and I came across this.
A panel discussion of episode 1 and they start off with who they hate the most. Guess who's #1? LOL
PJ ---------------------------------------- ThIs video was quite interesting. They sure didn't like K. They mentioned that one of the panelists "had worked with her". After looking at the youtube header info and googling, I realized it was Ajay Rochester, who was one the celeb models (along with Aviva Dreschler and K) at the New York charity fashion show. Another example of someone who met K and doesn't like her much.
I think Milo is upset that Kate didn't tweet her once tonight, despite all her butt-kissing tweets and then she has to come up with an excuse why Kate's ignoring her.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 2h2 hours ago Well was sort of a #FutileAttempt to tweet tonight! @kateplusmy8 You just have 2many tweeties who LOVE YOU now! #ThatsAGoodThing :)
Did Gladys say anything about the many tweeties who absolutely abhor her, and really let loose about their feelings?
Things that are not boring: VCU Rams vs. Rhode island Rams in basketball. VCU won! Birdman movie with Michael Keaton, very interesting and still wondering about that ending. Anyone else see it? New season of Face Off ON SyFy college football championship on Monday My funny dogs and everyone else's funny dogs!. Adorable children i am actually related to! Things that are boring: TFMJG, and same old same old. No need to watch any of it, it's same old stuff. That ithought was incredibly boring even when kids were little and cute. No idea why my dd liked it. Fortunately it was a phase she grew out of.
(Leslie) Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 2h 2 hours ago Our paintings may find their way to an auction for charity... At some point... @TLC #KatePlus8 ________________________ Could this be the project that Kate was alluding to with her fake boyfriend. I can't remember his name. Doesn't he involve himself in charities?
Well, what can I say: same TLC formula, different year. Here is my thoughts on this episode(watched it later)
Is Kate auditioning for a clown position? I have never seen so many weird face expressions, than I saw tonight. If Kate thinks she is funny, your NOT It makes you look stupid & immature, Kate. High School mentality. Your 39 not 15.
What's with all the screaming Kate? they are little crabs. Again, it made you sound & look immature & stupid.
When Kate & 8 were at the restaurant, Kate tells all to pick something from the menu, so before anyone does, Kate tells Mady to pick salad, Mady says she is having lobster. So what does Kate do through the whole lunch, making fun of Mady eating lobster, say it grosses her out, because Mady did not have the salad, very immature Kate, BUT next week episode, Kate is going to COOK, lobster? WHAT??????? If you don't like lobster than don't cook it!
And lastly, this cutesy thing on making up new words, again makes you sound & look stupid & immature Kate.
Can I just point out how dangerous it is for Cara to become a vegetarian when she has an incompetent mother like Kate who probably doesn't know the first thing about ensuring her daughter gets proper nutrition without meat(most likely the extent of the girl's "vegetarian phase") ? I mean yes, smart educated people can be vegetarian, they can even have raw vegan diets but those people know how not to cause themselves to have severe deficiencies, they have a diet in place, they know what they're doing.
What I noticed: 1.Mady does things just to annoy Kate(lobster anyone) and throws in her face that she only did it to annoy her.It's awesome :) The little kids follow her example(crabs later at the beach) 2.Leah and Hannah have completely pushed Alexis to the side and the poor girl is sick of getting the short end of the stick 3.The children are SELF CONCIOUS in my opinion: Kate does not leave the girls in the room to fight, initially, one of the girls CLOSES the door so as to shut the cameras out of the fight.These kids are uncomfortable with filming. 4.Staying true to who she is(an incompetent parent) Kate justifies the children's inapropriate behaviour with: They're tired. 5.The girls smack the boys with sticks over the head, the boys smile.The boys TOUCH the girls with sticks, the girls scream bloody murder. 6.Hannah and Leah are massive manipulators:"Let mommy speak [Alexis]" (fake respect voice) "Alexis always gets what she wants"(fake broken hearted voice-I am willing to bet Alexis hardly ever gets what she wants in reality). 7.Kate suggests painiting, Mady declares that none of the kids like paining and has Kate "met their family?" So yeah, Kate has no idea what her kids want/like 8.Collin is actually skilled at painting.I wish I didn't know this about a kid I;ve never met. 9.What the heck? It seems that everywhere I turn a girl is smacking/pushing/yelling at a boy in like, 50% of the scenes. I don't know much about the first half, I could not tolerate that stuff and had to skip it.
I tried to watch the show last night, but at about 20 minutes I stopped. It is just plain boring. Kids screaming and fussing at each other isn't good TV. And one can only take so much of Kate's facial expressions and butchering of the English language before wanting to pull off one's fingernails!
So. (pause) we landed in Boston. (pause) pause crickets
This is how it went. THE.WHOLE. SHOW. Explaining in excruciating minute detail every.single.ilittle.inconsequential.detail. JUST LIKE HER JOURNAL! agh!
How many closeups of her feet did we need to see? Really
Those girls! I am emabarrassed FOR them. That Hannah.? She's on top of Colin like white on rice. She's a little too preoccupied with him, don't you think? He wasn't even doing anything to HER and she's shrieking(where did they learn that) at the top of her lungs "MOOOOOOMMMMMM" And the attititude. When tfw was trying to get a family pic? She's got the tfw eye roll down pat. Yup, just like a lot of us saw years ago, the predicted hierchy has come to be. Yeah and wtf? Your stupid STUPID scene with the lobster and then you're going to boil some?? How much effing screaming is going to go on there??
(Leslie) And by the way, Kate introduced the show as a series not a special. SHIT! ************ There is a series consisting of 5 specials, so yes, technically it could be called a series. The only question is whether there will be adiitional specials after these 5. It's all going to come down to ratings.If the ratings are good, then TLC will film more. If not, then this will be it.
The rating for last night's show should be out in a few hours, and they will most likely be the highest of all 5 shows. People can only take so much of TFW, and then they stop watching. It will be fun watching the numbers go down with each successive show .Just how low will they go?
66 sediments (sic) from readers:
I also noticed how Kate's face, once again, looked morphed in this interview. Her words imply emotions, but her expressions belies them.
Her facial muscles are overwrought, trying to convince the interviewer of her sincerity, but there is none.
This interview in particular was articulated better, but robotic.
from previous..
Alberta Girl said... 98
Auntie Ann - you always crack me up with your intelligent and witty commentary. And your zingers are masterful!
For DT to say Kate is smart is absurd. She's not smart, she's conniving. Big difference in my book.
remember, this is Donald Trump, the art of whatever BS. Has declared bancruptcy more times than any one. the ultimate game player from nothing to all by bravado and ATTITUDE,
and Jeremy, please post details
Nothing says pertinent like an annual vacation trip, paid for by media in. order to film the crap out of children, AND even better, filmed in summer but shown in January. The whole idea, and execution, is insane.
Here is the Facebook account Jeremy was referring to:
and clickable link:
Jeremy said... 102
Twitter convo helped me ide tidy her doner. On Facebook, go to ThinkLoud in Pa. A Business man raised by a single mom, knows kate, happy to donate to Geraldo's Life WORC. There is a facebook post confirming, as well as other local families in needs he has helped.
Who believes Kate's little kids are always telling her that she needs to find a husband, someone to help her with the things that go wrong around the house, to be a good example to the kids, especially the boys. Anybody believe that? Don't most kids always hope that their parents will make up, get back together, and that Daddy will be coming back home. Kids do not want some stranger replacing their Dad. Do they?
Twitter convo helped me ide tidy her doner. On Facebook, go to ThinkLoud in Pa. A Business man raised by a single mom, knows kate, happy to donate to Geraldo's Life WORC. There is a facebook post confirming, as well as other local families in needs he has helped.
Perhaps he could help the fan who asked another fan to ask Kate to ask God for $600 for car repairs.
Oh my word. I know who this is, and I know how he knows Kate. Small world, huh?
I'm glad he helped out. It sounds like something he would do.
I posted on fb page, very nicely
Je suis Charlie
Oh my word. I know who this is, and I know how he knows Kate. Small world, huh?
Don't tell me he believes Kate is raising 8 kids all alone?
Sheep Denise asked...
Denise @Mydmaxx 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC All kids homework done so all can watch #KatePlus8?
This Denise is as nosy as Gladys. Just because I'm curious (and bored), I looked at Kate's TL. Kate retweeted her a few days ago, a kiss-butt tweet about a double treat this week. Previously to that, Kate retweeted her on November 20...nothing in between.
Wouldn't you be embarrassed if you pestered Kate with tweets several times a day, and she never responded, other than two retweets in two months? I guess she's not one of the favorite sheeple, despite the fact that she most likely thinks they are bestest buddies.
Speaking of buddies, what's Uggs been up to lately?
Someone on Yahoo posted a reply to Ken Tucker's article that basically said Kate was probably contacted by TLC to drop her lawsuit against Jon in return for airing more Kate specials.
I'm sure this has been discussed here before, but I must have missed it. But it all makes sense to me. If Kate had pursued the lawsuit, a lot of stuff about TLC would have come out, things I'm sure TLC would not want made public (violating child labor laws, for one).
She knew TLC would not have wanted this stuff to come out. Maybe we need to give Kate more credit. If this is what she did, this is brilliant!
Zoe said... 4
''Here is the Facebook account Jeremy was referring to:
and clickable link:
Zoe, thank you for the link. When reading it, I was surprised to read this: ''Bill graciously made a personal donation to support the Life's WORC charity on behalf of friend and contestant Kate Gosselin.''
So...TFW's charity did NOT get the donation, Geraldo's charity did!!
Is it at all possible that she was allowed to accept the donation in order to have her have a donation in her name? I think that it is not only possible, but probable!!
I see I'm not the only one that caught that, localyocul!
Alberta Girl said... 98
For DT to say Kate is smart is absurd. She's not smart, she's conniving. Big difference in my book.
Alberta Girl- thanks:) And I totally agree she is conniving and manipulative. Smart? Nope.
I'm not going to watch the special tonight. One night a week of her plastic mug on tv is enough Any more and I'm apt to succumb to alcohol poisoning so I'll rely on the brave souls who are willing to take one more for the team and report back here.
I just decided...I'm not watching Kate tonight either. I find myself truly not interested.
Don't tell me he believes Kate is raising 8 kids all alone?
lol!! I'm not getting into this. Nope, not me. I know better!
Stupid lazy-ass kate keeps their travel destinations a secret. Way to waste the educational aspect of traveling. Oh, she talks a big game about being 'all there' when it comes to educational trips, but she can't be bothered to spend time discussing their destination so the kids can do some pre-trip investigating on the internet.
Didn't TFW drop her lawsuit because it had no merit? And because jon and Robert obtained superb counsel?
Not watching the show, but am laughing hysterically at some of the tweets like this one:
Megan McLaughlin @MeggaPie 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 what are you guys doing at your house during the commercials?
Pants on fire: not to mention that the ANTICIPATION of the vacation is so much fun, too. Kate is such a control freak buzzkill. Those kids will run away as soon as they figure out how
Circling the drain said... 18
Didn't TFW drop her lawsuit because it had no merit? And because jon and Robert obtained superb counsel?
That's what I thought, Circling. She had no case and Robert pulled out the big guns attorney instead of cowering in a corner like she assumed he would.
Speaking of buddies, what's Uggs been up to lately?
Not much. Still calling Kate her buddy and wanting to warm up her Daymond crush. Such a #Dolt.
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@Kateplusmy8 hi buddy. So glad things are going well #CantWaitToSeeYourBeautifulFamily including the furry ones #MissedYou stay warm
10 JanBrenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@TheSharkDaymond if taking volunteers to warm you up .... #PickMe lol stay warm !!!
Boring. Just really boring. Kate throws up her hands and says she's lost control. The girls fight and whine. Mady is obnoxiously difficult. Cara is silent. The boys are sweet and seem to genuinely like each other. There's nothing new. Same old TLC recycled stuff.
Circling: You are so right about the anticipation as well as the running away.
Jane: perfect summary. Those kids have zero problem-solving skills because their "mom" abdicates her parental duties/responsibilities and lets the kids duke it out. It's like Lord of the Flies. The boys indeed are adorable. I want to huggers them. Mady is just plain hard to watch.
Trying to jog my memory here, but I think that there was one time when I actually felt sorry for Kate, and it was when Milo went on her rampage on Kate's birthday, tweeting her about being late for something, wanting to get it done on Kate's special day, etc. etc.
Of course, all this was the insane rant about adopting a dog, but I was following on Twitter and I think that Kate was genuinely upset, thinking that Milo was coming to her house with a birthday gift for her. You could almost sense her apprehension and nervousness in her tweets. I had hoped at the time that Kate had the good sense to call for security, either in the form of friends, or law enforcement, or several drive-by checks from the police department. Milo was off her rocker at that time, even more so than usual. She was just giddy over it, and Kate wasn't sharing her enthusiasm. If I recall, Kate didn't fuss over having a dog named for her, and rarely, if ever, mentioned that dog again.
Thanks to all the folks who posted the youtube links for the second installment of CA. God knows, I wouldn't want to miss 1 second of Kreider making an ass of herself.
As to the whole dropping of the lawsuit, seems to me the smoking gun promised to her by BV turned out to be a wet fart. His grand conspiracy was another colossal flop. She had no choice but to drop the suit. Suggesting it was TLC and the promise of new shows is ludicrous, IMO. TLC's "secrets" are already out there, thanks to those who grabbed the first book when it was available.
As to the whole dropping of the lawsuit, seems to me the smoking gun promised to her by BV turned out to be a wet fart.
As to the whole dropping of the lawsuit, seems to me the smoking gun promised to her by BV turned out to be a wet fart. His grand conspiracy was another colossal flop.
Many things may have contributed to the lawsuit being dropped, but I think in the end, the bottom line was that his attorney humiliated her attorney and they knew it. They didn't have a snowball's chance in going up against Robert's attorney. Kate's lawsuit was a joke, and Robert's attorney would have had them trotting from that courtroom with their tails tucked between their legs, licking their wounds along the way.
The Sheepies still believe the lawsuit was "settled". smh.
The amount of FREE stuff that family gets is just tragic.
So they're going on a fully paid for and fully planned 'beach vacation' and all Kate can do is bitch and moan about...packing. Nice.
Kate shuts the door on a vicious argument her youngest 3 girls are having (over sleeping arrangements, of all things) to let them sort it out themselves. Who else was afraid one of those girls would end up bruised and bloodied from her 2 sisters? Nice, Kate.
You set a piss poor example for those kids. You act put upon, victimized and freak out at the things you should be on your knees thanking the universe for.
I'm literally SEETHING with anger. Spoiled bitch!
I hope her show tanks all to hell. No one wants to watch an over privileged whore grift vacations and free cloths and other perks AND be ungrateful for it all. NO one. I do NOT get why anyone would watch this. The whole world is struggling and this fame whore gets stuff just because? I have cancer...my mother died last month and we are struggling to pay for her funeral. I work all I can between chemo...no one is giving me money-why should this biotch get money. She is nothing. The kids are cute but so are the 100's I teach a year too. I. Just. Don't. Get. it.
PatK said... 29
The Sheepies still believe the lawsuit was "settled". smh.
They will never understand the difference between a settlement and a dismissal. Never. So you just have to smile, knowing that is why they are called "sheeple."
Pam, it's one of the mysterious questions that may never be answered. She's been getting away with this for years, thanks to TLC the Enabler.
Not watching. She absolutely grates on my nerves. She gets free everything and all she does is bitch and whine. What a miserable human being. God help those kids. They are expressing themselves just like her (i.e. in particular Mady).
She is so concerned with Kate and bed. Now she'll be on the "alarms" thing for the next two months. Get over it, Milo. Kate will go to bed when Kate wants to go to bed, not when you and LOM tell her to. This LOL'ing all the time. Does she actually thinks she is witty and cute?
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Get to bed girl....5:30am comes early! I'll have 2do the #BugleRevelry 2get you up...besides the 15 alarms! LOL
...and there's Milo Junior:
Denise @Mydmaxx 22m22 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Isn't it past ur bedtime? Kate, we enjoyed seeing your loving family again. You do an amazing job! Love & support to you.
Why do these sheep want Kate to go to bed? This is just plain weird.
Did you guys notice the gigantic croc shoe that the kids were playing with in the store a few years ago is now on top of a shelf in TFW's front entry?
Just piecin' and patchin'. That's our Kate.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 36
Why do these sheep want Kate to go to bed? This is just plain weird.
My armchair psychology at play here says it's their subconscious longing to see her gaping maw stfu, even if they're not consciously aware of it.
SS Pam, stay strong
it sounds trite, but it is not
Cancer fkn suks, stay strong
Lost my dad Nov 22 1914....fkng suks
My goodness, she's full of herself still according to her tweets. Didn't watch but wouldn't have to, sounds like same old plots. And I noted she apparently put down whatever place baked that carnival cake for that show, saying her's was better. Rude, doesn't think, and clearly floating high as a kite with perceived glory - sure not responding like that to CA, is she?
E News had a segment on tonight about Kate. The best part was at the end when the 3 co-hosts asked if Kate would be welcomed back with open arms with her new shows after the Today Show debacle. The one guy says "I think people may be tired of her, I know I am." And then the other guy said how she never talks in a positive manner about Jon.
Who sets up their OWN CHILDREN to be fall guys??
Someone, please, step in and help these kids. Where is their father? Where are the set advocates??
How can Kate be so blind??
Kate's show is the exact same show that it was in June 2010 when Kate Plus 8 premiered. Kate is moaning, complaining, screaming at the most inane things, shrieks, etc. The kids fight and complain too. They are just average kids--somewhat cute but just like every other kid. Because the tups are older and don't dress alike you really can't even tell they are tups. Mady is intolerable. A man said something like I hear you don't like authority or something. And Mady responded that he didn't know her. I thought oh dear, he knows you. He may have seen every ugly remark and temper fit you had since 2006 that your mother filmed. Cara is still quiet. It was nice the twins brought their friend along.
And Kate's "special language" is worse than ever. All her made-up words with ish and ly are abundantishly. They are not even words. I am embarrassed for her.
The show is boring. I don't see the ratings holding up in the next few episodes.
And by the way, Kate introduced the show as a series not a special. SHIT!
Oh, and I noticed she is now a producer of the show.
Mel said... 37
Did you guys notice the gigantic croc shoe that the kids were playing with in the store a few years ago is now on top of a shelf in TFW's front entry?
I noticed it in the clip. I'll bet the salesperson gave it to her as a bargaining tool to get her the hell out of the store. "I'll give you this big shoe if you take your kids and leave now".
Putting in the front entry seems like a decorating idea she'd come up with. Real classy.
The whole world is struggling and this fame whore gets stuff just because? I have cancer...my mother died last month and we are struggling to pay for her funeral. I work all I can between chemo...no one is giving me money-why should this biotch get money. She is nothing. The kids are cute but so are the 100's I teach a year too. I. Just. Don't. Get. it.
Pam, I'm right there with you! It's disgusting, isn't it? Yeah, I'm 'seething' too!
Why do these sheep want Kate to go to bed? This is just plain weird.
If Milo has to go to bed, well, of course, so does Kate. Milo doesn't want Kate tweeting if she's not around to see it and respond.
I think Milo is upset that Kate didn't tweet her once tonight, despite all her butt-kissing tweets and then she has to come up with an excuse why Kate's ignoring her.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 2h2 hours ago
Well was sort of a #FutileAttempt to tweet tonight! @kateplusmy8 You just have 2many tweeties who LOVE YOU now! #ThatsAGoodThing :)
During the packing segment, it appeared to me the clothes the kids were packing were not new clothes. Certainly not old, but they did not have the crispness of new clothes. I wonder if TLC drew the line at all new wardrobes for each of the kids for vacations as they have had in the past.
Cay!™ @Caileigh_Ann 22m22 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 what keeps you going? #children
sarah ✨ @sarahkarcher16 2h2 hours ago
“@Kateplusmy8: NOTICED!❤️ RT @sarahkarcher16: Why can't @Kateplusmy8 notice me? It's literally all I want in life 😭” omg is this real life
Has "literally" become the new buzzword among teenies? It's as overused as "amazing" and "awesome." I literally did this, I literally cried my eyes out, I literally watched 48 hours of the show, I literally want to be part of Kate's life, and so on. Do they even know the meaning of the word? It's literally annoying.
Thanks to those who suffered through the show. I couldn't do it. Jane, it made me happy to hear that the boys seem to be good compares and happy together. Maybe the silver lining in being often ignored by their gestational carrier is they bonded and learned how to make lemonade.
McGiblets compared to a wet fart? 😄. Love this blog.
I am a single mom and haven't dated in years. But when I am with my son or my family, I am never lonely. When I have free time, I have some great friends to hang out with. If Kate is lonely, it's her fault.
So Cara's become a vegetarian? Wonder if that has anything to do with Kate's cooking.
Randizzle @Randi_101 · 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 do you think Alexis will one day become a vegetarian since she loves animals?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 2h 2 hours ago
@Randi_101 Cara already has ... So probably ...
And then there's this gem:
Rene @plumeriagal · 3h3 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC Do you ever get time for yourself Kate?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
· 3h 3 hours ago
@plumeriagal @TLC not too much, no... Someday...I have hope to do some stuff for me someday:)
I have no words for that one. Actually, I do, but most of them would be unprintable.
From last post:
Anonymous said... 85
Looking around on youtube for last night's second episode and I came across this.
A panel discussion of episode 1 and they start off with who they hate the most. Guess who's #1? LOL
ThIs video was quite interesting. They sure didn't like K. They mentioned that one of the panelists "had worked with her". After looking at the youtube header info and googling, I realized it was Ajay Rochester, who was one the celeb models (along with Aviva Dreschler and K) at the New York charity fashion show. Another example of someone who met K and doesn't like her much.
I think Milo is upset that Kate didn't tweet her once tonight, despite all her butt-kissing tweets and then she has to come up with an excuse why Kate's ignoring her.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 2h2 hours ago
Well was sort of a #FutileAttempt to tweet tonight! @kateplusmy8 You just have 2many tweeties who LOVE YOU now! #ThatsAGoodThing :)
Did Gladys say anything about the many tweeties who absolutely abhor her, and really let loose about their feelings?
Things that are not boring: VCU Rams vs. Rhode island Rams in basketball. VCU won!
Birdman movie with Michael Keaton, very interesting and still wondering about that ending. Anyone else see it?
New season of Face Off ON SyFy
college football championship on Monday
My funny dogs and everyone else's funny dogs!.
Adorable children i am actually related to!
Things that are boring: TFMJG, and same old same old. No need to watch any of it, it's same old stuff. That ithought was incredibly boring even when kids were little and cute. No idea why my dd liked it. Fortunately it was a phase she grew out of.
#BugleRevelry -- doesn't Gladys mean "reveille?" #Dolt
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 2h 2 hours ago
Our paintings may find their way to an auction for charity... At some point... @TLC #KatePlus8
Could this be the project that Kate was alluding to with her fake boyfriend. I can't remember his name. Doesn't he involve himself in charities?
Well, what can I say: same TLC formula, different year. Here is my thoughts on this episode(watched it later)
Is Kate auditioning for a clown position? I have never seen so many weird face expressions, than I saw tonight. If Kate thinks she is funny, your NOT It makes you look stupid & immature, Kate. High School mentality. Your 39 not 15.
What's with all the screaming Kate? they are little crabs. Again, it made you sound & look immature & stupid.
When Kate & 8 were at the restaurant, Kate tells all to pick something from the menu, so before anyone does, Kate tells Mady to pick salad, Mady says she is having lobster. So what does Kate do through the whole lunch, making fun of Mady eating lobster, say it grosses her out, because Mady did not have the salad, very immature Kate, BUT next week episode, Kate is going to COOK, lobster? WHAT??????? If you don't like lobster than don't cook it!
And lastly, this cutesy thing on making up new words, again makes you sound & look stupid & immature Kate.
An hour of my life I will not get back.
3hstuckinkansas @tkgun73
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC WOW I didn't know I would be so emotional. Can't stop tearing up.
stuckinkansas @tkgun73
@Kateplusmy8 Its crazy how I can be so attached to kids I've never met.
I wouldn't call it crazy. I'd say it's creepy...very creepy.
Anonymous said... 43
And by the way, Kate introduced the show as a series not a special. SHIT!
Yeah she would be happy that Kate Plus Eight got a reprieve on TLC thanks to the HBB pedophile scandal.
The only difference between Kate and Mama June is about 150 pounds. Putting lipstick on pigs doesn't hide what they are.
The CA recap will post at midnight PST.
Can I just point out how dangerous it is for Cara to become a vegetarian when she has an incompetent mother like Kate who probably doesn't know the first thing about ensuring her daughter gets proper nutrition without meat(most likely the extent of the girl's "vegetarian phase") ? I mean yes, smart educated people can be vegetarian, they can even have raw vegan diets but those people know how not to cause themselves to have severe deficiencies, they have a diet in place, they know what they're doing.
What I noticed:
1.Mady does things just to annoy Kate(lobster anyone) and throws in her face that she only did it to annoy her.It's awesome :) The little kids follow her example(crabs later at the beach)
2.Leah and Hannah have completely pushed Alexis to the side and the poor girl is sick of getting the short end of the stick
3.The children are SELF CONCIOUS in my opinion: Kate does not leave the girls in the room to fight, initially, one of the girls CLOSES the door so as to shut the cameras out of the fight.These kids are uncomfortable with filming.
4.Staying true to who she is(an incompetent parent) Kate justifies the children's inapropriate behaviour with: They're tired.
5.The girls smack the boys with sticks over the head, the boys smile.The boys TOUCH the girls with sticks, the girls scream bloody murder.
6.Hannah and Leah are massive manipulators:"Let mommy speak [Alexis]" (fake respect voice) "Alexis always gets what she wants"(fake broken hearted voice-I am willing to bet Alexis hardly ever gets what she wants in reality).
7.Kate suggests painiting, Mady declares that none of the kids like paining and has Kate "met their family?" So yeah, Kate has no idea what her kids want/like
8.Collin is actually skilled at painting.I wish I didn't know this about a kid I;ve never met.
9.What the heck? It seems that everywhere I turn a girl is smacking/pushing/yelling at a boy in like, 50% of the scenes.
I don't know much about the first half, I could not tolerate that stuff and had to skip it.
I tried to watch the show last night, but at about 20 minutes I stopped. It is just plain boring. Kids screaming and fussing at each other isn't good TV. And one can only take so much of Kate's facial expressions and butchering of the English language before wanting to pull off one's fingernails!
Was there a glitch in posting the recap?
So. (pause)
we landed in Boston. (pause)
pause crickets
This is how it went. THE.WHOLE. SHOW.
Explaining in excruciating minute detail every.single.ilittle.inconsequential.detail.
How many closeups of her feet did we need to see? Really
Those girls! I am emabarrassed FOR them. That Hannah.? She's on top of Colin like white on rice. She's a little too preoccupied with him, don't you think? He wasn't even doing anything to HER and she's shrieking(where did they learn that) at the top of her lungs "MOOOOOOMMMMMM"
And the attititude. When tfw was trying to get a family pic? She's got the tfw eye roll down pat. Yup, just like a lot of us saw years ago, the predicted hierchy has come to be.
Yeah and wtf?
Your stupid STUPID scene with the lobster and then you're going to boil some??
How much effing screaming is going to go on there??
And by the way, Kate introduced the show as a series not a special. SHIT!
There is a series consisting of 5 specials, so yes, technically it could be called a series. The only question is whether there will be adiitional specials after these 5. It's all going to come down to ratings.If the ratings are good, then TLC will film more. If not, then this will be it.
The rating for last night's show should be out in a few hours, and they will most likely be the highest of all 5 shows. People can only take so much of TFW, and then they stop watching. It will be fun watching the numbers go down with each successive show .Just how low will they go?
Lots of "defaulting to drama" on that show last night!
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