Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Kate Plus 8 "The Room Project": Discussion Thread


114 sediments (sic) from readers:

readerlady said... 1

So TFMJG claims to not understand how people can stoop so low in order to win and that she refuses to compromise her values, morals and ethics to do so. Wonder if Mady would agree with that assessment after the way TFMJG went after her in that dodgeball like game, in order to defeat her. Apparently it isn't against her values, morals and ethics to use her superior size and strength in order to beat and demoralize her child. She really has no self-awareness at all, does she?

Midnight Madness said... 2

TLC stinks said... 70
Emily has been tweeting up a storm, kissing Kate's butt.


It's better to kiss her butt on Twitter than to do so in person, as Gladys would love to do.

Vanessa said... 3

Piecing and patching my ass!! Did you see the stockpile of pure maple syrop!! That stuff is pricey. She would NEVER let those "icky smelly boys" (Yup she said it again) talk to her like that.

Vanessa said... 4

Oh there she is

Sheeple Herder said... 5

Made it through the first 10 minutes and had to turn it off. One big pity party from Kart, and one big tantrum after another from the kids. I'll read the recap instead of torturing myself!

Alberta Girl said... 6

So I guess Khate has never painted before - those doodles will show through the paint job.

But of course - she'll leave it to the "painter men" to deal with

NJGal51 said... 7

@MiloandJack: @JeanneKaye @SandieBellz @Kateplusmy8 @TLC This will be a #FreeForAll tonight! I think I'll just sit back & try 2enjoy the show.... :)

@BarbGilmer: @JeanneKaye @Mydmaxx @MiloandJack @SandieBellz @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Alright Kate, Jeanne, Sandie& myself been following u 4ever..just follow :)
The sheeple are getting a bit testy tonight.

foxy said... 8

She is yelling at the boys because their room smells and accuses them of not flushing the toilet. Then she threatens them with their new room had better not smell like that. I wonder if they are getting a bathroom en suite like the other bedrooms. Cara does not have much to say. Kate showed a "map" of the house where all of the bedrooms are and who sleeps in them. She just does not let up on them and they laugh at her and mock her.

foxy said... 9

The little girls had one dresser that they shared. Nothing is in organized "piles" or furniture that goes in a certain room is not together. I could never live in that house with all of the yelling, hitting, lack of respect for each other and an adult that is so disconnected.

Mel said... 10

Oh my goodness. This is just terrible.

Midnight Madness said... 11

Someone on the other thread posted that the Organics person was suspended. I don't have Twitter, so I'm not sure how this works exactly, but if I go to Tweet Tunnel and type in the name, it says account protected. This isn't the same as being suspended, is it?

Smoochie said... 12

OMG ... organized my ass, she is one of the most unorganized individuals I have ever seen, she makes everything a chore and 10x more difficult than it needs to be! Why the hell would you move the rooms while they are in school when you had all summer to get this done. Oh, maybe it's because you wanted TLC to foot the bill on some or all of this for filming purposes ...

She feels the kids outnumber her, well yeah they do. Perhaps if she were a rational and calm person and spoke that way she'd get some better results, but as a mother who acts like a 12 year old and treats them the way she does just adds to the overall confusion and issues.

Susan1956 said... 13

Holy Crap!! I decided to watch K+8 in order to get a list of the companies advertising on the show. So far I have seen 2 local! companies. The first for a theater company and a nationally recognized children's hospital here in Kansas City!!

WTF? A nationally recognized children's hospital can't buy any better air time than that s***** show?

Mel said... 14

I can't stand it. Shut it off. Blech!

I wonder if this is the TFW that Trump was counting on for drama, and she didn't deliver. He was probably counting her being like this with the other women, not realizing that she's a bully and would fold.

Susan1956 said... 15

Used furniture??!!! Biotch please.

Of course she didn't find anything!

Vanessa said... 16

Oh. My. God
That pumpkin throwing game she "just came to her" was painful to watch

??colin has suffered through more shopping excusions than he should have??
oh how cute bitch

Vanessa said... 17

Of course!! Not USED dressers!

Mel said... 18

I thought yesterday on CA she said that she *always* remains calm, works well under pressure, yada, yada.

Uh, not what I'm seeing tonight.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 19

Random thoughts on this episode ...

It's 45 minutes in, and I have to say the kids' and Kate's behavior is FAR worse than I imagined. That household is out of control. Selfishly, I'm kind of glad to see Kate getting karma for her terrible parenting. The problem is that the kids will ultimately pay, as I'm sure they already are, for lacking self-control and manners.

But Kate seems baffled that she's losing control. Really, Kate?? These are the years we on the blog have warned you about since the kids were little. Poorly raised children turn into teenage hellions. Just wait. It's only begun! The kids are already letting her know how little they respect her.

Kate is throwing tantrums. The kids are throwing tantrums. What a mess!

Alexis was really handling the bird roughly in the kitchen. I don't know anything about the care of birds, and I was flinching. Is it Sleepless who knows about birds? Should they also have been painting the walls with the bird on their shoulder? Poor Zorro. If he's smart, he'll fly the coop!

One of the boys said their room had good memories, and another piped up, "Mostly bad memories. We got in trouble a lot in here."

I didn't get the impression the boys had any real say in where their room was or about the move. I believe Kate used the word "nasty" referring to the smell of the boys' room and that "it smelled like boys." How charming, Kate.

Kate's face looks almost gaunt.

PatK said... 20

Not watching. Did she get TLC to buy the kids all new furniture?

Vanessa said... 21

Ha ha !
Yes hannah, changing your sheets once aonth IS gross!

FYI said... 22

Not watching, but reading Kate's timeline. She's handing out "followings" like a queen who allows her subjects to kiss her ring.

She's followed 17 people so far. At least she followed Barb Gilmer who deserved to be followed years ago just for being her "secretary".
She re-followed Leigh Shahan. Don't know why she stopped following her at one time.

And then, Lauren also got a follow. Does that mean that Kate will automatically see all of Lauren's nasty tweets to the Teen Moms?

I wonder how long she'll keep following all of them.

reader said... 23

Her behavior is manic. Paint on the floor, pumpkin game, messy bathroom, she freaks out.
Yes 8 children are too much for one parent.
Especially one who is so controlling.
She shut out her entire support system.

reader said... 24

They were shopping in a used furniture store.

foxy said... 25

I think Cara's room already has a dent in the drywall from one of the younger girls opening the door with gusto and obviously there was not a door protector thing on the trim boards. I don't know what they are called, but my house has them to protect the walls from the door knob I guess. None of the rooms either before or after had any décor to personalize them where you would know that space belonged to a certain child. I still can't believe she showed a map of where the bedrooms are. That place is so isolated and she puts everyone at risk

Who brought the kids home from school while she was muttering about vacuuming and throwing back packs up the staircase..

foxy said... 26

Midnight......organics2014 has been suspended.

Midnight Madness said... 27

Kate is a twit said... 22
Not watching, but reading Kate's timeline. She's handing out "followings" like a queen who allows her subjects to kiss her ring.


I don't get the point of "following" someone. Do these sheeple think that they are her chosen fans now? Will she DM them with all kinds of insider information? Why is being followed so special?

Is she following the Denise fan, or the Grisel (spelling?) one who keeps pestering her, and the Nicole author? How about Goody, CJ, and the one they call The Zipper?

FYI said... 28

Come to think of it, Kate was really unfair to her tweeties who live on the West Coast.

They haven't seen the show yet, so how could they tweet a quote from it. I'm sure some of them are going to be very disappointed and upset that she left them out of the equation.

She really doesn't think, does she?

Susan1956 said... 29

If anyone has an advertising background, I'd like to know why LOCAL Kansas City companies would advertise on K+8.

Cheap rates? I just don't get it. I expect to see local companies advertising on the major network affiliate stations, but not a cable station like TLC. Maybe I don't watch enough TV to understand this.

Vanessa said... 30

Oh wasn't she so coquettish with the carpenter?
She just oooooozes with sensuality. Yes I'm sure the painters were JELLUS

Locallyocul said... 31

Smoochie said... 12
OMG ... organized my ass, she is one of the most unorganized individuals I have ever seen, she makes everything a chore and 10x more difficult than it needs to be!


Hey just like on CA!

Vanessa said... 32

Changing sheets once a *month*

Vanessa said... 33

And my goodness, she even stomped her foot while whining about playing the bullseye game!!
Petulant little tween, and I mean skhate

getofftwitter said... 34

This episode should be called: the Full of BS episode.

Within the 1st 15 mins, Kate bitch/whined/complained about her so-called stress disease. Kates new theme the pity stress card. Which she kept repeating through the whole episode. And that she has to be away from her kids, for rest. Gee, Kate how is it moms all over the world don't get stress disease, from working 2-3 jobs, clean house, do shopping, take kids to activities, see friend, family etc, but you do? From a person who does not work a 7-3, 8-4, 9-5 job of any kind, not even part-time anything, has 10 hours 5 days a week, with no kids, every other weekend no kids, and has hired help 20 hours a week, can you be stressed out?

This BS on she paid for the remodel, please Kate don't insult the public, we all know TLC picked up the tab.

Why let the kids garffiti the walls, let them paint their walls. I see the kids had no choice of paint color, Kate choose all paint colors. Funny, Kate choose the same color for the boys room as where they sit for couch interviews.

Pumpkins: what a waste of pumpkins, for tryin to smash them, stupid idea!. Make pie & pumpkin seeds. One tup girl whiny about hands, I would have told her to go & wash them.

So they move all there stuff out of their rooms, then they can't find anything. Good PM organizational skills there Kate.

I see Kate still treats the tups like a 6pk/unit/group/team. I'm glad the kids are taking musical instruments. But, what if say only 3 wanted to and the other 3 wanted to do say a sport or something else. To me it looked as if these tups had no choice, it was they all pick a instrument, or it's nothing at all. Cause, then they all go to practice at the same time after school.

Another episode of whiny/complaining from Kate and the kids. The boys were ok.

FYI said... 35

Some of the sheeple are still going after Coupon Cabin.

gayle ‏@GayleKg · 5m5 minutes ago
@CouponCabin @realDonaldTrump @ApprenticeNBC @Kateplusmy8 Coupon Cabin: How much $$$ did you raise for charity???

This one is so clueless. Does she realize that part of the reason why Kate got fired from CC was that she wasn't promoting the charity they expected her to promote?

Some even said they are going to contact the HR department at CC and also report them to the Better Business Bureau.

I doubt CC is worried, since they haven't deleted the tweet.

getofftwitter said... 36

Virginia Penn Mom: It is in the beat interest of anyone who owns birds that live in your house to keep them away from, paint fumes, hair spray, candle smell, any perfume, teflon, when your cooking, fumes from scented candles, smoking etc, for the health of the bird. Kate knows little about birds.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 37

I think the CC was funny and tongue in cheek. The sheeple are so uptight. Relax. She WAS fired from CC, I mean, it's true, and they issued a public statement about it. Nothing wrong with making a little wise crack about their firing, who cares. She's just a silly celebrity subject to snark form whoever wants to snark, something they often forget.

FYI said... 38

Susan1956 said... 29
If anyone has an advertising background, I'd like to know why LOCAL Kansas City companies would advertise on K+8.

I don't have an advertising background, but I think the local affiliates get a certain amount of advertising time during the airing of any show, whether it is a cable station or not. I don't think they put their ads on for any particular show, just that buy certain blocks of air times. I'd have to research it further

I get local ads on my cable networks as well.

Sad but true said... 39

Vanessa said... 16
Oh. My. God
That pumpkin throwing game she "just came to her" was painful to watch

This must be a TLC thing, someone on Twitter pointed out that it had already been done by the Roloffs, oddly enough. "Came to me," my ass! All of this stuff is directed by TLC, not a spontaneous moment to be seen.

reader said... 40

By the looks of things, TLC is not spending the money they once did on the Gosselins. Watching that show was depressing. I think I'm done. I can't watch anymore. Soon I will be back to work and busy again.
I think Kate needs some professional attention, long past due.
I read an article online about 20 richest and 20 poorest celebs of celebrity apprentice, it stated Kate's estimated net worth at $200k.

RonnieandMaggie said... 41

TFW telling the worker men that she can pay them in hugs in kisses (gag). She has been watching too many Real Housewives episodes. She stole that line from RHONJ season one when Dina was interviewing personal assistants. Still not an original idea in that noggin.

FYI said... 42

Susan1956--Here's an article that explains about local advertising and cable TV.


Anonymous said... 43

Nice they show all her spare fridges after she complained about one breaking! I really can't stand parents who badmouth/put down their kids in front of them and that's all TFW seems to do.


FYI said... 44

This person was begging Kate to follow her all night but she couldn't watch the show when Kate was having her tweet fest.

James-Aly's Husband ‏@BBUSAJames · 13m13 minutes ago
“@Kateplusmy8: let's play 'u tweet a quote from #KatePlus8 for a follow' game again next week, shall we? @TLC”


AuntieAnn said... 45

I can't bring myself to even sneak a peek at the show tonight. All the comments here have me wondering how Jon feels if he's seeing this and what lengths his former wife will go to to keep her face out there and the TLC $$ coming in.

Good God I'd fight to the death to get them away from her if I were him.

AuntieAnn said... 46

Some even said they are going to contact the HR department at CC and also report them to the Better Business Bureau.


Well they'd better get at it then. Time's a wastin', We don't want Kate's good name smeared. I'm sure the BBB will push Coupon Cabin right to the top of their list.

Anonymous said... 47

I am watching the 10pm episode for the first time and am appalled how many times Kate is bitching. And the girls are terrible. I am surprised that Leah is throwing a fit. And Kate opens the show saying "the rooms are moving". What a bitching idiot. Kate bitches more than the whole family.

chefsummer #Leh said... 48

Ya'll were right the first 10 mins was Kate saying me I me I my feelings and how I feel.

And no I don't feel sorry for you Kate now I feel bad for the kids,

TLC stinks said... 49

I wonder what TFM sees in her? It's gotta be money.

Sounds like Kate is allowing the kids to cut loose in front of the cameras for "drama". Wonder what happens when the crew leaves? I just do not understand the chaos if she is such a drill sergeant and so organized. If I am confused, those kids are totally not being raised with any consistency and respect for each other.

chefsummer #Leh said... 50

WOW Mady got paint on the floor and Kate freaked what a freak she need to clam down.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 51

Is it Sleepless who knows about birds? Should they also have been painting the walls with the bird on their shoulder? Poor Zorro. If he's smart, he'll fly the coop!


I do know a little bit about birds.Someone asked this on another thread. The answer is that it depends on the paint. Some paint is more toxic than others. There is a birdy-safe paint, but I doubt very much if anyone researched this. Even if the paint is non-toxic, a bird's respiratory system is such that paint fumes could cause the bird to go onto distress. It depends on how sensitive the bird is to the paint.

That said, any kind of paint is most toxic when it's wet and that bird most definitely should not have been in the room that is being painted. Rather, he should have been in his cage and as far away from the paint as possible. I have friends who recently painted their lower level family room, and they put their two parrots upstairs, in the bedroom, and actually sealed off the door with plastic. Better safe than sorry.

TLC stinks said... 52

I am glad it's being noticed that TLC has run out of fresh ideas for Kate Plus 8. And Kate, as a "producer", proves she has no original thoughts. BTW, with her name on the credits as producer, maybe she negotiated more money? Did she grift brand new furniture from TLC?

chefsummer #Leh said... 53

I can see it now once the twins leave the compound at 18 I bet they're going to be buckwild....Jon you better hurry

FYI said... 54

Not only Mady is getting trashed on the Kate plus 8 FB, now some people are trashing the other kids, mostly the girls. They say they can't understand why Kate puts up with such whiny, ungrateful kids(that a euphemism for some of the comments). But they say that Kate is a saint for having to deal with it.

Hey, Kate, these are your fans. And your show is encouraging them to trash your children. But what do you care?

Anonymous said... 55

I hate the texture of the wood in the boys' room. It is so knotty it would drive me crazy. And why MORE blue downstairs. After all the blue in the basement I would have choses a light tan or another color. And Kate has not changed at all. She is still flipping out with the camera in her face. When she went crazy because of the paint on the floor. She was mean about it.

And it was wrong of her to say her boys' room smelled because they didn't flush the toilet. But she never respected their privacy before so why start now.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 56

Some even said they are going to contact the HR department at CC and also report them to the Better Business Bureau.


LOL! The BBB? What in the world are they going to do? Post the tweet? Warn consumers that someone who had no business dealings with CC is irked because a website tweeted CA about references of a celebrity?

Think about how insanely idiotic that is. This is so stupid that it's really quite funny.

Sometimes I get to the point where I almost feel sorry for the Sheep.

chefsummer #Leh said... 57

Kate was screaming I am playing cause I made the game..Dude really? how old are you? Lets you kids have fun,

AnnieD said... 58

getofftwitter said... 36
"...Kate knows little about birds."
One would think that such a birdbrain would know a little more about birds! That poor bird. More importantly, those poor kids.
All she talked about was HER stress. Well she creates it all. I felt stressed watching it.

Anonymous said... 59

Are any the comments on facebook bashing Kate? The reason the kids scream and are out of control is because Kate is a screamer and out of control.

Pants on Fire said... 60

Anonymous said... 54

I hate the texture of the wood in the boys' room. It is so knotty it would drive me crazy. And why MORE blue downstairs. After all the blue in the basement I would have choses a light tan or another color. And Kate has not changed at all. She is still flipping out with the camera in her face. When she went crazy because of the paint on the floor. She was mean about it.
I was thinking the same thing about the paneling and the color in the boys' room. A nice tan would have brightened up the basement room along with better coordinating with any bedspreads chosen. As it stands, those 3 bedspreads look like ragtag crap with that dark color.

The girls' behavior is off the charts. Even Leah is snipping and whining and shoving.

Pants on Fire said... 61

Collin should not be dragged along on endless shopping trips....he should be over at his dad's like the rest of the kids. Such a horrible shame that Collin's relationship with his dad has been sabotaged by his conniving witch of a gestational vessel.

Jeanne said... 62

The whole thing sounds like a nightmare. Stress disease. Give me a break. I doubt she even goes to a doctor. She knows more than everyone else in the world.

She's disgusting picking on those boys that way. I'm sure all they have to do is breathe wrong and they're criticized. Maybe if things smell they need their sheets and clothes washed and the bathroom cleaned. Maybe the girls' room smells too but they're not boys so it's ok? I'm not real clear on the basement thing. Does their new bedroom have a door?

TLC stinks said... 63

Earlier in the episode, Kate reveals that she has been "sick as a dog" due to "stress-related Shingles" and she refers to the room swaps as the source of her sickness on several ocassions. http://www.pennlive.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2015/01/kate_plus_8_recap_kids_swap_ro.html

According to Livestrong article:

Emotional stress makes a person more prone to developing shingles because it can lower immunity. Your body cannot fight off the virus effectively when you are not fully prepared to fight it. For example, you are more vulnerable to illness when you are in a stressful emotional state, such as anxiety or depression.

Avoid stress that may lead to future breakouts by exercising, getting enough sleep and finding outlets for anxiety such as writing in a journal or Internet blog or talking regularly to friends or a therapist. The Mayo Clinic also recommends quiet, calm activities such as reading, listening to music, doing tai chi or finding another hobby.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 64

Virginia Pen Mom (#19), I loved your thoughtful comment.
You ended your observations with, "Kate's face looks almost
gaunt." And I believe TFW would've read that whole
sad-but-true summation of her situation and only come
away with one thought: "Yay -- she thinks I look skinny!"

AuntieAnn, perhaps you can make a festive sash for the
people TFW has deigned to follow. Aw, skip it -- she'll
probably unfollow them before your hot glue gun heats up.

JoyinVirginia said... 65

TFMJG is still boring. Painting is boring too, but you have something nice when you are done. Thanks to all the posters who watched. I saw VCU WIN their twelfth straight game! As one tweet put it, "VCU ran over GW, call the Rambulance!"
Seriously, there are so many great college basketball teams! You can find a fun game to watch every day of the week practically!

Anonymous said... 66

That is scary that the boys only have that sliding door to protect them. If I was Kate, I would insist on some kind of lock on their bedroom door at night. The kind that the door opens when in their room so they can get out fast, but nobody can get in. And I would put some kind of alarms on those windows too. They are really isolated down there. The den is above them with no one in there at night.

And I noticed that the spare bedroom upstairs was a play room painted pink. Kate said so. How unfair of her. At least paint it tan. And the spare room (play room) had a bed in it. That is the nanny room.

And the first time Kate was shown in the boys' basement room, I saw their "old" silver fridge behind her. That very expensive fridge that came with the house was not good enough for her. She needed a new 9,000 one. And there is another fridge in the basement kitchen off of the bath. And she had three freezers too, I think.

And there were tons of photos of the house from outside. How anybody can think she NEEDS to get filming to raise her kids is beyond me. No children need that excess to be raised...no kid. It clear Kate is not hurting the least for money. Why oh why doesn't the public see this?

Future RN said... 67

Kate is a twit said... 53
But they say that Kate is a saint for having to deal with it.
I believe that's the reason she allows/encourages her children to misbehave. She gets praised for "dealing with" bratty children and she can say how hard she has it. I personally know people like her, and they drive me crazy. I don't understand how they and the people who praise them can't see that a complete lack of parenting is what caused the bratty behavior. The parent is the problem.

I've read in previous comments that the kids are shown hitting and spitting. When Kate saw that behavior she had 2 choices.
1. Nip that shit in the bud because they're not toddlers.
2. Show a complete lack of parenting & instead complain about how hard she has it because her kid(s) hit & spit while doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to correct the behavior.

She defaults to "woe is mom" every freaking time.

redbirdsings said... 68

2 funny posts from TLC FB.

I'd rather have a bikini wax by a blind homeless guy than watch this show.

Dear TLC, Again Kate Plus 8, is on. I promise, if you remove that show, I will-- Marry a "little Person" dream of being a "Sister Wife" gain weight, "then Fight to Loose the Extra Weight".I will take a road trip to see "Long Island Medium",get some peace.Then, have some " Sex, sent me to the ER"! I will ask Buddy, to Bake me a Cake, as I said "Yes to the Dress".Calling my "Gypsy Sisters", to have a girls night out, and talk about is my "husband gay".I will build a house near "19 kids and counting, and learn, some good values, before "Love,Lust, or Run" and after the changes, I will stop "My Strange Addiction" to Gluten, and "dance to Whitneys video" as I need, some great show time. So please, Take off Kate Plus 8, as we got great shows!

Ingrid said... 69

Kate has to throw her screeching fits and insist on playing the games with t he kids because she doesn't want them to have more attention or film time than her.

I caught the last few min. after I got home from work (a later repeat I think) and saw 2 rooms. They were excited and happy about the rooms but I think they look boring. Nothing looked unique or fun about those rooms. They looked mediocre to me.

Rainbirdie said... 70

Kate complains about the house. Kate complains about the boys. Kate complains about stress. The girls complain about moving rooms. Kate complains about the girls complaining. That is the basic recap of the first 11 minutes of the show.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 71

tammy rynders ‏@tammy_rynders 17m17 minutes ago Hot Springs Village, AR
@Kateplusmy8 I have watched u since u was prego and love y'all but out of all the kids Maddie whines a lot and argued with u dnt that bug u


Kate was on television when she was pregnant? How did we miss that? Darn, we've been cheated -- we didn't see her on 36 weeks of bed rest!

Anonymous said... 72

Back to CA, Kate teams lost because it was said by Eric and Don that it was not luxurious enough and they failed because it was not interactive. And interactive was one of things they were judge on.
Both of those reasons had zero to do with the woman fighting. Both reasons fell directly on Kate.

It was said by Eric that they like they really like the collateral piece they walked away with. What was he talking about? And the blue monster idea was totally Geraldo's idea that they were impressed with not Kate's idea.

Anonymous said... 73

You know Kate said the kids (it may have may the twins, don't remember) that they promised her they would not do this. Do this meant throw a fit on TV because that is what they were doing when she said that.

So, I think and have always suspected that all the kids behavior is restrained when filming. Yes, the kids are more out of control then we even see on TV. They are better behaved with cameras in their faces. Especially since all the kids are in school and now have teachers and all there classmates watching their behaviour.

Suze said... 74

Previous thread:
I think what really happened is that Kate was making media appearances on behalf of Coupon Cabin to promote races that were benefitting the Susan G. Komen Foundation.


That's my impression, also. She was supposed to be making appearances for CC and the Komen Breast Cancer race, but she didn't mention one thing about it. That coupled with her tweets about being home doing repair work when she was actually in NYC are what prompted her very public firing. I think she sold CC a load of crap about herself and they finally came to the realization they'd been 'had'. I like the way CC and Scott Kluth handled her firing. She more than deserved it. He'd obviously had more than enough of her BS. A man of few words, but ohhhh those words were so full of meaning and they pack a powerful punch.

"A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to built almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.”


The New York Daily News quotes “sources” as saying CouponCabin grew tired of her “loathsome” and “abrasive” personality, and her “over-the-top, expensive demands". ... Others who have followed her postings more closely cite her last article, which may have been at least partly a work of fiction – Gosselin described the do-it-yourself work she had done around her house the previous week, when apparently she had actually spent that entire week away from home on a media tour.


Suze said... 75

From the FB Q&A

Fan: Which task was your most favorite?

KG: I loved them all. I think that in terms of the task, I most enjoyed the wedding dress.


No surprise there, of course this was her favorite task -- she did nothing but stand outside in a wedding dress and flirt with Geraldo and Sig.

Anonymous said... 76

Pants on Fire, great point about the ugly bedspreads. I know it is not that important but I would have chosen off white spreads for the tup girls' rooms. That way it would go any paint color and any personal crap they put on their beds as decoration. And the same goes for the boys. a solid color would look a lot better. And then let the boys pick out their sheets and posters for the wall. That way they would have some choice in their room. Yuck, I am sorry, all that blue still makes me sick in the basement.

Vanessa said... 77

Did you see her going bonkers over the towel on the bathroom floor?
No doubt in my mind Robert's account of her screaming at them to weed faster (without a a break or drink in hot weather) and also her shoving one of the tups face's in dog poop are "yes indeedee" true

Vanessa said... 78

saw their "old" silver fridge behind her. That very expensive fridge that came with the house was not good enough for her.

Really? If it's stainless steel than it must be the one that she got with the reno. Not the one that she cleaned for 18 hrs, that one blended with the cupboards. What a POS-if that's the one, it's obviously still working

Vanessa said... 79

That poor bird. More importantly, those poor kids.
All she talked about was HER stress. Well she creates it all. I felt stressed watching it.
Exactly! Guilt guilt guilt
|Loved when she asked "are you guys going to feed me when I"m old?"
just how she likes it-in unison "NOOOOO!!" and did you see how pissed she got?? lololol
Then SIX out of EIGHT of them said they're moving out first chance they get!

Localyocul said... 80

What does Milo have to say about these episodes? Her mantra for the last few years has been what a #goodmom kate is. A good mom doesn't wind up with all the kids acting out and doesn't act out the Wu she does. Oh and her other mantra #positivity. Where does she see that in these episodes?

angie said... 81

While waiting for a delayed Auusie open to begin, I watched Kate's shows. I think I saw most of the lobster ep, and half the room one.


Mady cleary has issues with her mother. Kate needs to turn off the cameras and heal this relationship. Twins won't drive until they are 18 because that's what Kate experienced (so that makes it right? Clearly Kate doesn't approve of how she was raised, so inflict it on the kids? My thought on kids driving at 16...yes, it's a little young, but they need to gain experience behind the wheel before packing their car and going to college at 18).
Her shrieking is annoying.
The paddle man right off the bat told the 3 teenagers 'I know you don't like authority'....wow, what WAS he told about these kids beforehand.
Mady hates sports and activities like this, so it's cruel of Kate to make her participate.
Kate's behavior sitting in a rowboat was ridiculous. Grow a pair and quit squealing. It's a B-O-A_T--12 feet from dry ground. SHUT UP.

I didn't get to watch much of the rooms episode, but DANG, a house that size should have larger rooms!! (I guess some of the square footage is put into bathrooms attached to each room). Those rooms are TEENY. And besides that, they look like dorm rooms. Bunk beds, blah dressers, and NOTHING ON THE WALLS. I did see one tv, and it was a little 13inch old style tv. Way to go, Kate. I felt sorry for one of the girls, they had one little thing hanging on their wall, it was a handmade thingy-ish of what looked like friend's school pics. Gee Kate, can't you spring for a collage frame for the kiddo?

Besides all the yelling, shrieking and crying, it was just so sad to watch. I didn't see the end results of the remodeling, I hope TLC provided the kids with nice furniture and other pieces to make it a welcoming safe place.

Kate probably parents the way her parents did. The cycle continues. So sad. :(

Anonymous said... 82

I don't know if it's been said here before, but it's like Lord of the Flies in that house. I flipped it on during commercials and couldn't believe my eyes. You all said it was bad, I just didn't realize how bad. All of the girls are frightening. There will be bloodshed one day.

Oh and sKate, you're only going to be the biggest and strongest for a little while longer. Then, lookout.

When you have 8 kids it's pretty easy to make two teams of four. Why must she try to tip the scales? What a pathetic loser.

How does anyone watch this? I found just a few minutes to be painful beyond belief.

I also wonder how anyone who possibly watched because they saw her on CA could rationalize what they saw on the two shows. There's such a disconnect.


FlimsyFlamsy said... 83

To me, it sounds like the most heinous part of this episode was
that TFW "blamed" the room swap for her shingles. If the kids
didn't know it then, they know it now -- getting our awesome new rooms made Mom sick. How is that supposed to make them feel?

Stress because things are out of order? It's called life, you
hothouse orchid. I'm sure a lot of people watching would've
welcomed the "stress" of a TV network spearheading a
redecorating project, paying for every last detail, and then
offering them a paycheck for the whole ordeal.

Back to Coupon Cabin for a second -- funny how the fans
jumped all over them for their snarky comment about TFW.
And yet they haven't said boo about the fans'non-fans'
absolutely disgusting comments about TFW's 14-year-old
minor daughter. TFW is a big girl -- she can defend herself.
But that teenage girl can't.

Mel said... 84

Why was she cutting 2 x 4's? The pumpkin smashing boards looked to just be sheets of fiber board set up.

And what the h*ll was that all about with the she'll pay the contractor in hugs and kisses if he would cut 2 x 4's????? WTF????

She really came alive there. Disgusting.

That sequence when she was standing alone in the dark basement with the camera man soliquizing about kissing the contractors was very odd. It felt like the beginning of a porno film. That just seemed really creepy.

And here she was all worried about Hooter girls in a public setting, when she's trying to seduce a contractor guy, one on one in her basement. That was just plain bizarre.

You could tell the contractor guy wanted *nothing* to do with that kind of talk.

Her older teens must have just died when they saw that footage.

Cougar much? All that did was make herself look like one sex starved person. Maybe Steve is having uh....issues? I heard Viagra helps with that.

Notice how she came alive with the bird also. The only time in the whole hour when she seemed to have some energy and be genuinely happy.

westcoastie said... 85

Anonymous said... 71

It was said by Eric that they like they really like the collateral piece they walked away with. What was he talking about?
Collateral in marketing can be a variety of things. General sales info sheets, web media, sales packets and the like. Table tents in restaurants and hotel rooms are collateral. So are postcards from realtors. I believe Eric was referring to the cards she was handing out as people arrived at her display. That was the only collateral I saw on her team.

Anonymous said... 86

Leslie said...

It was said by Eric that they like they really like the collateral piece they walked away with. What was he talking about?


"Marketing collateral, in marketing and sales, is sometimes considered the collection of media used to support the sales of a product or service. Historically, the term "collateral" specifically referred to brochures or sell sheets developed as sales support tools." Wikipedia

It's one of those business buzzwords that make me want to claw my eyes out. It's a fancy schmancy way of saying brochure.



Mel said... 87

One of TFW's tweets last night:

That comment to contractor was a total joke! I'm the last girl you'll see being 'risqué' ... Such a joker! @TLC

That didn't seem very jokey to me. And you could see that the contractor didn't take it that way either.

It wasn't funny, it wasn't a joke. It was work place harrassment.

Anonymous said... 88

BTW, I think the kid's rooms were as lacklustre as her CA presentation.

"Not even close."

Who's mediocre now?


Mel said... 89

Another tweet from Tfw...

My contractor also drilled holes in the pumpkins for us so they would properly 'splat'! @TLC8:30pm - 27 Jan 15

So...Kate...what did you have to pay him for that???

TLC stinks said... 90


@Kateplusmy8 @TLC Sure by the end of the night, u'r kids were wishing the pumpkins were u'r skull

localyocul said... 91

Mel said... 87

It wasn't funny, it wasn't a joke. It was work place harrassment.


That's exactly right! If he had told her he would do some work for a hug and a kiss people would be in an uproar!

Alos, Kate is sooooooo inconsistent as a parent. She goes from being best friend, to a controlling screaming shrew, to just rolling her eyes at tremendous disrespect. She has some strong willed children. Strong-willed children need firmess, consistency, and positive reinforcement for good behavior. She's a failure as a mother. No love or warmth either.

Oh, and "one towel on the floor and you're out!" Out where? Outside? In the doghouse? In the treehouse? Who says that?

TLC stinks said... 92

Well, the contractor was an idiot for allowing himself to be filmed but I guess he figured it's publicity for his work. Kate is a nasty woman and I am not surprised she would flirt on TV because she envisions herself a sex pot with her inflated boobs and long blond hair. There is no doubt, none, she played that card with Steve years ago. Frankly, I think she'll get hers with him when both his sons graduate from college. Steve has big bills with both boys attending out of state. I think this may be the reason, plus side benefits, he still hangs around.

localyocul said... 93

Notice how she came alive with the bird also. The only time in the whole hour when she seemed to have some energy and be genuinely happy.


I noticed that! She has more affection for that bird than for any of her kids.

Anonymous said... 94

Thanks PJ for the explanation about the brochure. I was baffled over that one.

TLC stinks said... 95

Shoka not filmed?

localyocul said... 96

Anonymous said... 73
You know Kate said the kids (it may have may the twins, don't remember) that they promised her they would not do this. Do this meant throw a fit on TV because that is what they were doing when she said that.


Yes, M was having a fit about something and Kate said to someone "they promised they wouldn't act like this" or something. Oh. Well.

Anonymous said... 97

I only wish that last night's episode was shown as the first episode. I would have loved for 2 million to have seen the dysfunction and the disconnect from how Kate acted on CA and in her home.

Vanessa said... 98

With every room being so sterile and infurnished, where in the hell did all that "stuff" come out form when they showed the preview to the garage sale?

TLC stinks said... 99

It's like there is no adult in that household. Yes, there is no consistency so you end up with confused kids. Boundaries? Nonexistent when the cameras roll. Maybe nonexistent all the time. One thing is for sure: she stated she is going for those viewers who can relate with young teens, except I bet these parents do not want their kids watching that kind of behavior.

Anonymous said... 100

Vanessa said:
Really? If it's stainless steel than it must be the one that she got with the reno. Not the one that she cleaned for 18 hrs, that one blended with the cupboards. What a POS-if that's the one, it's obviously still working
Yes, the fridge that came with the house had the matching cupboard boards on it. But I was looking on you tube a few days ago for this fridge and Jon was opening it and the cupboard boards were removed from it. Jon was fixing lunch for the kids in that kitchen and I noticed that. So it is the same fridge. In summary, the fridge that came with the house is sitting in the basement and Kate got a new $9,000 when she remodeled her kitchen.

Anonymous said... 101

I wanted to say the fridge that Jon was opening without the cupboard boards was in the same position as the original fridge and it was before the remodel too.

Snickdog said... 102

Free to good home.

Kate often tells her kids this, apparently, that she will give them away--for free--to a good home.

This isn't funny. If I were her child (God forbid) I would be beyond hurt.

But Kate can't see how that remark (said often) would make a child feel. Kate can't see past the garbage she constantly spews from her mouth.

But gee, Kate, it's nice to know you're open to giving your kids away--free, to a good home. You said it on TV, with a million total strangers watching, some watching very, very closely.

So you've not only offered your young sons and daughters--for free--but you've shown their bedrooms and even a layout of your house. You've shown the outside of the house and how isolated it is. Anyone with half a brain can figure out the exact address. You've banished the smelly boys to a bedroom 2 floors from you, with access to the backyard and all of your mine-all-mine acreage. You've explained that your young daughters sleep in the other side of your huge house, far from you and their older sisters and their brothers.

Free. But only to a good home.

TLC stinks said... 103

I just watched that preview clip where Mady was upset. Mady had obviously been upset and crying before they filmed them in their room, yet she allows the filming. Further, poor Cara's face is covered in acne and I know, as an teen with acne, I would not have wanted to be filmed like that. Also Mady said I want my own room, so what Mady wants, Mady gets apparently.

TLC stinks said... 104

Vanessa, how about the TLC crew bringing in extra stuff to fill out the yard sale filming?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 105

"I'm the last girl you'll see being 'risqué'" -- she thinks she can just
say things and make them true. First of all, she's not a girl -- she's
a middle-aged woman. Second, if Jon offered to pay some woman
in hugs and kisses, he'd be eviscerated. And finally, how can
TFW play the coquette card when she's been flashing Cagney
and Lacey ("thanks, good bra!") to the world for years? Those
gas station photos (when Chris seemed to have been on speed
dial) -- was that the outfit of a shy, retiring matron? When she
was wearing that bikini in front of her married body guard and
his young sons -- was that demure? She's so used to rewriting
the narrative that I'm not sure she even knows who she is

TLC stinks said... 106

I set up to record the room exchange but after seven days so there is no chance it could be counted in DVR ratings. This looks like it could be a tipping point episode with viewers; of course, it could get worse with next episode with the yard sale.

Layla said... 107

Rememeber when Jon said that the kids have problems with morals and manners and right and worng...and the sheeple went after him? They said he was bashing the kids. But--now we see that he was absolutely right.He wasn't bashing them, he was telling the truth.How very sad, but true.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 108

I agree, free to a good home is a very nasty comment.

I am all for joking around with your kids but that takes it too far. That's the sort of comment a kid remembers when they're 50 and at your funeral and still trying to move past some of their issues with you and finally put them to rest too.

Has anyone been to a funeral where at least one child was estranged? I did, this weekend, for the father of a family friend. It was heartbreaking to see that one of his daughters felt like she really couldn't handle her father's death because things just weren't right between them on this earth when he was alive, and now it couldn't be fixed.

TLC stinks said... 109

Flimsy, her actions betray her words. You are correct. She thinks by saying something, it makes it true. That's why I do not believe a single thing that comes out of her pie hole.

Anonymous said... 110

The whole moved rooms initiative could have been solved easily and no stress by just moving one of the twins into the un used bedroom the one tup girl had to herself ( but then she moved with her sisters )...and the boys room downstairs looked like it would get cold in the winter and too hot in the summer time...and those stairs every single day to the boys downstairs room and the tups new over the garage room. When she showed blue prints of the house and who slept where, I had flashbacks to the little girl who was kidnapped in her bedroom by the handman in SLC Utah...Elizabeth was her name ?? what a dolt to post such photos ..her house is so isolated any crazy person can climb over the fence and have at it !

Anonymous said... 111

This is Kate speaking at the NEAT party.

TLC stinks said... 112

If those kids didn't bring home the bacon, she'd dump them in Jon's lap in a New York minute.

TLC stinks said... 113

You are a parent forever and I do not believe Kate thought beyond the infant stage. Now she has to deal with what she has raised. There is karma. When she says she's give them away, there is an element of truth in that declaration, but she needs them to promote herself.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 114

gas station photos (when Chris seemed to have been on speed
dial) -- was that the outfit of a shy, retiring matron?


It's kind of interesting how she had about 2-3 years of dressing trashy before toning it down a ton and finally looking, generally, more her age.

I'm betting somebody like Steve finally intervened after she made a fool of herself all that time and hired a professional stylist for her who revamped her whole wardrobe.