Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Recap: Celebrity Apprentice Ep. 3: Mrs. Rivera's check is real.

Editor's Note: Guess what? This is our 1,000th post! I can't believe it. The thanks all goes to you all, who have stayed here, some of you many years, through thick and thin, good times and bad, the world falling apart and the world coming together. The hysterical times, the snort your rumspringa times, and sometimes even tears. A special cheers to my attentive staff, the pool is always clean and the lawn tidy thanks to you. The porch we've all helped build throughout all these 1,000 posts is quite nice, thank you everyone.

Last time on Celebrity Apprentice, a montage of Kate Goz-land stuffing her face. The ladies were "starved" for direction with that doofus at the helm so Brandi and Leeza had to take over as the defacto PMs. Nice pun, writers. Because of some other circumstance, Kate skated by on both tasks, even though she stunk both times. Remarkably, even though Kate was PM, they won the Neat challenge. Despite Kate. It's become sort of the running joke on the blog that, as PJ here so eloquently put it, Kate has horseshoes shoved up her ass. Even though she undeniably sucks at this game, each and every time something else will happen that has nothing to do with her, somebody else needs to be fired as a result, and there she is again, veneers twinkling, to live another day. You can't get mad about this stuff, you just have to laugh.

Shawn is still upset that Vivica told Trump on national television Shawn got her period. As I said last time, that is a pretty clear violation of the girl code, except Shawn was the one who disclosed this information on national television in the first place, so this is sort of bizarre. She could have just said she felt the flu coming on. Shawn compares this to talking about one of her teammates going through menopause. Is she suggesting these ladies are old enough for menopause? Vivica gives her a well-deserved look. Shawn's kind of a bitch. There, I said it.

Whoever did the makeup for the women's interviews I have to agree it's kind of creepy how different they look. They look like they're wearing a painting of themselves. Shawn looks like a completely different person. I think it's great the way makeup can help women feel good and give them a pick-me-up, but if you look so different you're not yourself what's the point?

Geraldo appreciates the love from the ladies but the reception from the men upon his return is a bit icy. I think they were all very fond of Gilbert so this was a blow. He is right that the men's team is working against themselves. (For that matter, so are the women at times.) Geraldo is annoying but he's a strong player, and they need to just embrace that and move on.

Trump gathers the contestants in a grand courtyard.

I am happy I actually recognize these iconic steps as part of Central Park and a quick Google search pinpointed this particular area as Bethesda fountain. I have only been to NYC three times in my life, so I recognize almost nothing usually. What a beautiful setting! Production takes their roles seriously on this show, and I appreciate it. The production values are above average, like the time and effort that goes into the locations we see. Seeing what a great job production has done capturing it this season makes me wish for the first time I knew this city better. It's really blossomed.
The teams are going to create a four-page fitness editorial for Cosmopolitan magazine. Doofus over there is blown away. Wow!!! she exclaims. Yeah, not bad for Wyomissing, PA, right Goz-land? Seriously, she's so out of place here. What is she even doing here?

Johnny the cute baseball player and Jamie the snowboarder are going to be the PMs. I think that makes perfect sense and it's nice to see both of them stepping up immediately when in past weeks everyone has avoided this role.

Jamie's charity is to protect our winters. It's going to be hysterical if her team wins because then Trump will have to give the show's money to something he has called the "GLOBAL WARMING HOAX." All caps, lol. He caused this big ole dustup on the inter webs last year during the polar vortex with tweets like that, remember that? There is some real science behind the belief that global warming is not really happening or if it is, it's just normal temperature fluctuations that have been going on since time began and certainly long before pollution, but I'm guessing you're probably not going to get anyone to listen to an idea different than the mainstream just by hitting that caps lock and labeling all the other side's views a "hoax." At the very least, some of the most prominent global warming theorists are acknowledging there has been a "pause" in the warming trend for at least fifteen years, some admitting even longer, that they've been struggling to explain. But it's Trump, so he's never able to present what might be a good point in any kind of reasonable fashion let alone at a normal decibel level. How in the world Ivanka was sired by him is also a great conspiracy. Perhaps even a HOAX. I myself think she really must have been conceived by velvet and cream puffs and I'm sticking to my theory.

Jamie has a sort of "the devil made me do it" look in her eye when she talks about her charity that makes me think she knows full well Trump doesn't believe this shit, but she's going to pry that money away from him and give it to a cause she loves and he despises because that will just be fun. So far, I like her.

Okay, these editors are amazing. As Jamie crows about how their cover should focus on natural beauty, they cut to a shot of Kenya, then Kate, then Brandi, the three most plastic members of the team. Haha, so well done. Why does Kate still look confused? No one is asking her to understand the concept of a scanner scanning in a receipt or bake a pie or anything difficult like that. It's a magazine cover for pity sake.

Shawn has an idea to feature the two Olympians on the team with the theme "coached by an Olympian." Not bad. Kenya points out though Cosmopolitan is a very sex-focused magazine and so maybe they should be sexier. True, but the executives didn't say anything about sex, unless it was edited out. They want a spread about fitness. Bless her heart, Jamie's goal is to just keep the peace on this team. She is one of those naive PMs who thinks she can both win and keep the peace. At a certain point though she is going to have to stand up for herself and her fate as PM if something is happening that could cause them to lose. I'm worried for her on this task.

Lol, Brandi makes a joke about how Kenya could just "buy" more booty rather than do squats and Kenya's death glare is priceless. Brandi just can't help herself, can she?

Over at Team Vortex, the men are once again looking much more organized. They are quietly studying old Cosmopolitan magazines like it's the GMATs. They quickly realize that Kenya is right, the magazine's focus really is on sex. My boyfriend has a wife???? But he's never mentioned her before!

The boys have this idea for some kind of spread invoking the popular "selfies." I love that Geraldo boasts about how he had a very successful "selfie" a short time ago. Well, right, as the butt of the joke, Geraldo. I will certainly not link to that particular selfie or post it here, because I care about you all. If you are a disturbed person and really want to see it again, I will leave you to find it on your own or ask our blog historian. What I will say is that when that selfie came out everyone was making fun of him for it, but he either doesn't realize this or just doesn't care. And this is the beauty of successful people, bad things slip right past them like they're teflon and not only that but they have an uncanny ability to just embrace the bad or even turn it around into something good, like on this task. Dare I say we could learn something from Geraldo and the selfie that America will never be able to erase from our minds.

Johnny is going to bring in his wife who is a model (of course she is) for the cover. I think Johnny is really trying to say something else, but the way it comes out is that women who read Cosmopolitan are perfect women. I imagine some men feel we should all be reading this. Maybe so ... or not. I don't read it and I don't feel I'm missing anything. I don't get the sense this guy is that bright but he seems pleasant enough.

Geraldo has some creepy ideas where he and Johnny will hug and be naked and take a selfie. Johnny and Ian are doing a Kate "ummmm" face. Which is all you can do in this situation. Ian thinks Johnny should have at least gotten Geraldo dinner and a movie first. Lol.

Jamie sticks Kate on the useless job of "counting, time management, etc." Et cetera, lol. These are the jobs you don't really need someone on but you have to assign to someone on the team who is a nuisance to your progress to keep them out of you and your team's hair extensions. Yea! I think she's finally on to her! Great idea, Jamie, stick Kate on counting, lol. Here Kate, count these sandwiches.

Kate's bored of counting already, instead she's texting. Naturally Kate wants to get rid of Brandi, the second strongest member of this team, because Brandi has conflict with Kenya and it's a side show. And Kate would know, she's been the ring leader of an eight-ringed circus since 2004. But Brandi is right, the model should not be Kenya. Kenya doesn't make sense for their theme. Brandi correctly suggests that the models should be their two gold medalists and then a third random male model. That's not conflict that's just stating the facts. Also quite honestly it's on the PM to tell Brandi and Kenya to knock off this little feud for the task and get down to business. Butt out, Barnum. Everything Kate says sounds like a question. 

Commercials! This question thing is not a regional thing, it's an American thing. And it's gotten worse by the year. Especially people under 30, it's like they must never have any certainty in their lives. We need to stop doing the little question uplift at the end of every sentence. Ask anyone British how an American sounds to them these days and they will tell you to please stop asking questions. If it bothers an American it must sound just infuriating to them. Awww, they're going to train guide dogs on the Today show. A friend of mine got a dog last year who detects when she's going to have a seizure, and he has changed everything for her. For the first time in her life she's not afraid to be left alone in her house, or go out on her own. She can have a social life now, even date. Dogs are beautiful, wonderful creatures.

Ohhhhh, now the girls want Brandi to be the model. In Brandi's defense, she never suggested herself. She's basically like well whatever you decide, if that's really what you want, but I did say it should be a man. This is all really pissing off jealous Kenya, who has to take a breather.

Johnny's wife arrives and she is indeed gorgeous, but please, no more duck lips photos. Lorenzo is so sexy when he directs. Even Lorenzo, who is so nice, admits that Johnny really isn't much to write home about of a project manager so everyone else is stepping up too. I really never got the sense Johnny is anything special. You have to be careful going on a show like this if people don't know you're not special. You don't want to accidentally let the cat out of the bag. I think despite his slow start, Lorenzo is shaping out to be one of the strongest players on the men's team and certainly one of the smarter ones.

The women modeling are going to wrap themselves in a flag and it will look like they are naked. Oh, well Kate knows about that. Kate feels this is "spot owwwwn." I don't know, wrapping yourself in a flag has been done only about a million times before. Seems kind of unoriginal. And also, maybe a bit disrespectful to imply you're naked under there.

Jamie's got this, she sends Kate and Vivica to get props and is like, one hour max, people. Lol, after last task's shitshow that's wise. Based on this and the way she's marginalized Kate, I think it's safe to say Jamie is now up to speed on what this doofus really is all about. Welcome, Jamie. I can't picture Kate puttering around with a "superior" Vivica glaring down on her for more than an hour so that should be okay. I think it's hysterical that we so accurately predicted that Kate will always be the one sent off on little mostly unimportant errands and such just to get her out of the way. Called it.

Kenya is trying desperately to make Brandi's butt pop but I'm afraid Brandi is, well, not Kenya. I can't believe this. Kate's useless to this task, so useless all she can do is count sheeple, but there's all this tension and conflict between Brandi and Kenya, and sweet Jamie can't really handle all this big dog fighting that well, so once again some other circumstances that have nothing to do with Kate, like really nothing to do with her, are probably going to keep her safe, again. Lol, this is just too much.

Ian is rather fascinated with how ripped Terrell is. He can't stop talking about his bumpy road of muscles. Simmer down there, Milo, or we'll turn those lights right on out. Hey, that's my camera! The Canon 5d Mark iii. It's the most perfect camera ever made which is why it's probably responsible for most of the photos you see these days including these ones. You could buy a nice used car with the same amount of money it costs, but it's the only electronic I know out there that is actually really and truly worth that kind of expense.

Kenya is not happy with Jamie's PMing because she's asking everyone else what to do. Kenya really hates Brandi's shoot and wants it to be sexier. Take it off, take it off. Brandi is obviously uncomfortable with this, she's like I've had two kids, I haven't worked out in months... But finally she says whatever fine I'll do it, it's for charity, and strips down to her bra and panties. Good for her. Jamie suggests Photoshop. Lol.

Commercials. Did time-lapse guy get fired? All my favorite time-lapses are missing from this episode. A little too much horsing around with the tilt shift lenses and not enough work? Kate and Vivica come back from shopping after "forever" according to Jamie. Oops, should have kept Kate on the counting job. At least Vivica has a pep in her step as she rushes back to the group. They quickly finish up the shoot with the Olympians wrapped in flags and then begin assembling the magazine.

Leeza, the strongest member of the whole team, is worried that they have two different themes going on here, one being sex and "touch me," the other being the athletes and exercising. Leeza, now sex and exercise do go together. You can burn a hundred calories having sex. If you're Brandi maybe even 200.

Ian wants to include a story in their magazine spread about his wife taking pole dancing classes. I really resent hearing about his wife much less her pole dancing. I guess this magazine does sort of feature stories like that. Geraldo thinks the story is too long. He thinks the photoshoot that goes with it is boring and cheesy. They need something to spice up this spread or they're toast. Geraldo to the rescue. Solution: Geraldo in only his socks, shoes and underwear, pumping dumbbells. Genius.

Geraldo thinks he started the trend of selfies. Heh, no, Geraldo, it's amazing you didn't stop the trend of selfies. I imagine he also takes credit for inventing spot news reporting, and talk shows. Certain shades of narcissism are more amusing than anything and mostly harmless. Lorenzo thinks all joking aside Geraldo is just too old for their target market, which is mostly 20 and 30 somethings.

Johnny does an okay job presenting, and good for him getting up there instead of leaving this job to a more obvious choice like Geraldo. Interrupting the presentation to take selfies is awkward, but at least they were trying to tie the presentation into their spread. Their spread looks professional, but the selfie of Geraldo doesn't fit. And is creepy.

Jamie also presents, and she's nervous and a bit stumbly, but again, good for her when she could have just passed this off on Leeza who is always phenomenal at presenting. I'm not quite understanding their concept but their spread is just as professional looking as the men's. The photos turned out beautiful, all of them. Then again, both teams had several unknowns sitting around computers and operating cameras for them on this task. It's not going to look like your fifth grade English assignment with staff like that. It's kind of questionable how much of this can be attributed to the teams and how much to the helper elves.

Boardroom time already again! Another problem with these fast edits this season is that you don't really get to see much of who and what were really the problem on the tasks. 30 second snippets here and there just aren't enough to delve into and analyze all the weak points, which is one thing that is so fun to do as a viewer. What a shame.

The men had a disagreement over what the title of the project would be and felt maybe they were all a little old for this demographic but overall my boyfriend thinks they won. Jamie also thinks her team won, and Kenya thought she was the star of the team. Well, she did work hard to get that booty of Brandi's to pop. Jamie actually agrees Kenya was really helpful here, she claims she did a lot of the work on this project. To me that didn't really come through that strongly in the edit I saw. I mostly saw her picking at Brandi and at one point even excusing herself from the room. I find it admirable though that Jamie can just move on from the little spat she had with Kenya last episode, which in her time was probably only just yesterday, and admit it when she feels Kenya did a good job and was helpful to her. That said, for all her praise, she probably just found out when she saw this episode that Kenya was talking poorly of her to the cameras throughout the task. That's Kenya.

Trump is pressing Brandi to throw Kenya under the bus because the producers I'm sure told him about their conflict during this task, but good ole Brandi is like I want to be a team like the boys so my answer to that is, I think we won! Lol, she's cute at times, oddly enough. Why is Kate making a shocked face when Brandi says they won? Way to back up your team. Kate's probably not going to be on the chopping block this time around, due to this other circumstance, of course. As usual.

Brandi can't help it, she says Kenya is "evil." Yikes, evil? Kenya is explaining Brandi has been way out of line with her since day one and Kate is sitting there nodding wildly and saying "I agree." Shut up, Kate. This has nothing to do with you. What's more, this feud obviously started way before this show, so what do you know about how it all went down, who started what, and which side to pick? You just hate Brandi because she is on to you. You hate her so much you'll support somebody who is obviously equally a basket case if not more. Everyone else is smart enough to just stay out of this one. Does Kate not understand the second Brandi is gone Kenya will just find somebody else to throw under the bus, and it could be Kate next? Guess what, sure enough nine months later Kenya was the only one to directly rat you out about Steve sharing your hotel room. And here you are wildly supporting her, lol. Doofus.

And just for the record, it is simply not true, Kenya (and Kate who is nodding), that Kenya never does anything to provoke this and always just ignores Brandi. This episode was crammed full of Kenya picking at Brandi and making equally snide and immature remarks about her booty and other things, making her take her clothes off in an obvious attempt to humiliate her (which backfired, Brandi looked great), etc. That's hardly ignoring her. She is no innocent here. It's a bitch fight, and they're both guilty.

The executives overall liked a whole lot of things about the men's "selfie" spread but felt it lacked in a specific takeaway. Fair enough. As for the women, the executives liked their buzzwords, but just like Leeza pointed out ages ago, the spread wasn't cohesive, it kind of jumped around. If they want to win these tasks they really need to talk to Leeza more. She knows how you get a message across, that's her entire career. Maybe Leeza needs to speak up louder when they're screwing up, like Geraldo does. The men win it.

Johnny's charity is a charity he started and helps out in a variety of areas, like wounded warriors. He chokes up, as he is a celeb who truly believes in this stuff. Well, he gets credit for being sincere.

When Trump tells the men to get outta here, he makes a grand sweeping gesture like he's a conductor wildly cutting off the French horns. He's so flamboyant and doesn't care.

Trump wants to know whose fault this was. The Housewives, Jamie explains, because they wanted the attention of being the main model. I'm not really sure what in the world she is talking about. Brandi was very clear she did not want to be the model, and had to practically be dragged kicking and screaming into the shoot. For a couple minutes Kenya did want to be the model but once it was decided that wasn't going to be the case I don't recall her ever mentioning it again. Jamie may be smart however to twist her way into a pretzel to blame this on the Housewives. They both hate each so much they're sure to blame each other in the boardroom and take the heat off Jamie. Well played. Ivanka explains that really Jamie is ultimately responsible for missing the boat on not having the four pages relate to each other or showing what the result will be. Oh, now Kate's all nodding at all this?? She used Jamie for what purpose she could, now it's see ya sister, anybody but Kate. Also she seems to have made a few inroads with Kenya by taking her side in her silly feud with Brandi, so the minions are no longer as much use to her I suppose. What a transparent, fair weather friend she is. It's kind of interesting most of the other women aren't really saying much or even defending themselves when Jamie blames them. I think they all know Jamie is done for and it's best to just try to stay out of it. Mel here on the blog pointed out that Kate always makes sure she's sitting or standing near the strongest player so she can bobble her head and act like it was the two of them versus all the other dolts. It's so true. I'm sure the producers must arrange them sometimes, but Kate surely has a role in where she ends up at other times, and it's just too coincidental how she's always right there in the thick of it, having done absolutely nothing of significance to contribute to the task but still bobbling away like she was all part and parcel to everything. What a doofus.

Wow, amazingly enough Brandi decides to swim upstream and wants Kate fired! Lol! She's all like not withstanding all these other issues all Kate does is shop and zone out and how is that at all helpful? If you want to know how I feel about it fire Kate, Trump. You know, if the team got together on this they could make this Kate thing happen but once again, because of all these other things going on distracting people from the fact that she's a doofus, Kate is pretty much sailing on through these tasks and boardrooms giving 10% effort but for Brandi calling her out. How embarrassing it is that despite Brandi's nasty feud with Kenya, she would still fire Kate? How bad is she anyway?

But, but, "doing errands with Vivica and 'et cetera' was assigned to me," Kate says in her defense. Lol, she's so damn literal. Et cetera, lol. Kate, you forgot counting. I want to know how that went, that was assigned to you too.

Trump gets bored with her before she can even finish her sentence and cuts Kate off to ask her who she would fire, haha. Predictably, she would fire Brandi. Because Brandi is on to her. Haha, Trump gets bored again and cuts her off to ask Vivica something. Vivica says quite honestly you know who drives me nuts? Brandi and Kate.  Fire them. LOL!

I think a lot of stuff was left on the cutting room floor on this episode. I mean, we didn't see any of the entire shopping trip with Vivica. That's a lot of time to drive Vivica bananas we weren't privy to. We didn't see much at all of Kate but she must have done something to have these women tearing their extensions out over her when really they should point to Jamie since it's obvious that's what Ivanka wants. Jamie's a shoe-in, but the women are still going after Kate! Hehe.

Kate manages to sound like a tool when she responds to Trump demanding to know why she isn't stepping up, by saying the reason I don't step up for certain roles is because I'm comfortable in all roles. I.e. the other ladies are only good at some things so I wouldn't want to step up and grab something and take it away from such-and-such if it's going to be the only thing that such-and-such is good at, so I'm just being accommodating to all of their shortcomings, your honor. What a narcissist, and what incredible spin, Steve. Trump really can't stand to listen to her for more than a few seconds before he cuts her off again to move on to someone else. Leeza's shaking her head when Kenya's trying to throw Brandi under the bus saying she's toxic to the team. Leeza says she thinks Brandi's great. I'm going to trust Leeza on this, she's the best player here. Ohhh, Jamie brings back Kate and Kenya. That's really not a bad choice at all. Kenya was responsible for so much on this task she could try to blame the failings on her, and enough people have thrown out some ammunition about Kate tonight she could use that as her backup plan.

The men are baffled why she won't pick Brandi. Eh, Brandi's not going to get fired at this stage. She's too hard of a worker and there's nothing about her feud with Kenya that had anything to do with the outcome of this task. Oh, man, Kenya is pissed that Jamie brought her back. The only problem with this is if you get somebody like Kenya mad enough she's going to fight ten times as hard as you ever will, the boxing gloves are going to come out. Eek.

Oh no, Jamie actually tells Trump maybe she made a mistake bringing Kenya back. Oh, no, oh, no. No you didn't, Jamie, you made a great choice because Kenya did all the layout of this project and was very involved with everything they did wrong, and now you just look indecisive, and bullied. Bonehead move. Sure enough Trump turns this right around on her and says this is just part of the problem, you're indecisive. Sigh.

Oh, how nice of Kate to say Jamie sucked so badly at this because she just loves everyone. She's so patronizing and she's not fooling anyone, least of all I would hope Jamie, playing this off like oh I'm so disappointed my minion just isn't up to snuff but I love her anyway, oh well, keep in touch! Bitch, please. Ivanka acts like maybe bringing Kate back wasn't the best move either. Ivanka! She kind of sounds like she has a head cold, so I can only assume that was some momentary lapse with reality.

Jamie finally says I guess I brought Kenya back because she was so involved with this project. Yes, yes, yes, now you're getting it. Unfortunately she should have been pounding away on that two hours ago. It's too late now. She wants Trump to change the rules and fire Brandi but he acts like, change the rules, what, never! Even junior jumps in to say come now, Jamie, you can't be serious. Heh.

Trump says look I could spend time asking Kate and Kenya who he should fire, but that would make him want to tear the rest of his hair out one strand at a time so let's just skip all that shall we? Thank you, Trump. Jamie, you're fired. Trump seems relieved he doesn't have to give a dime to that global warming hoax charity. It's incredible the way Kate tries so hard to act like something she's not. She is so fake. She gives Jamie this awkward bear hug, swaying her side to side like you would your daughter as she goes off to college, stay positive you're just so wonderful and I love you blah blah blah. Stay positive, lol. It's a reality show for gosh sakes. You knew this woman all of what, a week? Good grief.

Jamie doesn't understand that her mistake here was not that she didn't bring Brandi back. That's irrelevant. The mistake was in not explaining why this was all Kenya's fault, as she was more or less in charge of exactly what they screwed up. She should have used Kenya's own words against her! Before they found out they won, Kenya herself said that she was the "star" of this task. She gave herself all the credit. Then it was revealed they fucked up. So who do you blame but the self-proclaimed star? It's so simple. Why no one else seems to get this except Leeza is beyond me, but I think quite frankly, Kenya intimidates a lot of them. As is her right, bullying is part of her game play.

In the car ride home Jamie says this was "almost" her first time being fired in life. Almost her first time? Hehe, I want to hear about the first time!

Oh thank goodness, timelapse guy is back with some cool night shots of city traffic.

Predictably, Kenya just gets cockier about herself having made it through the boardroom. You got through because some 25 year old or whatever couldn't get her thoughts together. Big whoop, doesn't mean you're any good. Look at, Kate. This is her second boardroom and she still sucks at this game.

It seems to me a good many of the players here like Kenya, or at least don't mind her. Terrell touches her ass and discovers it feels real. Brandi thinks it's quite interesting the way she's manipulated them. I don't know if that is the case. I think it's just not the best idea to go around picking fights with people on a show where everyone has a say in who is getting voted off. I think it's as simple as that. Surely at least some of these ladies darn well know, at least Leeza, that Kenya was more or less in charge of a task that utterly failed. I mean pretty much everyone has been shaking their head about Kate, but only Brandi has been actually actively picking a fight with her to her face. That's just game play. Somebody might drive you bonkers, but you might put up and shut up about it because you don't want to call attention to yourself.

The next morning it's pouring rain, who doesn't love New York in the rain, and they meet at the gorgeous Central Park Boathouse. I love it, it's so Dirty Dancing. The task is to sell wedding dresses and raise money for charity. They can charge whatever they want for the dress.

Trump mixes up the teams and the new teams are Kenya, Brandi, Leeza, Johnny, Terrell and Ian as their PM. (Leeza? You're going to have to step up sometime if you are serious about winning this.)

The other team is Kate, Vivica, Shawn, Lorenzo, the crab fisherman, and Geraldo as PM. Geraldo sounds a little bummed he has to step up as PM again so soon but he's like look, I looked around at my team (especially at Kate, right?) and realized I am really the only one who has any business stepping up on a fundraising task. True enough. I am mad Kate got separate from Brandi, the only person willing to call her out to her face. Crab fisherman's lucky if he can figure out how to set an oven timer correctly let alone worry about giving Kate a hard time. Nobody else here is going to give her much grief except Geraldo but chances are he'll be too busy doing actual work and such to bother.

Vivica is so relieved to get some "new energy" on her new team.

If Jamie was a Type B personality, just get along with everybody I don't even realize when someone is upset with me, Geraldo is such a classic competitive, type A personality that you just have to laugh. You cannot stop people like him. Getting mad at them just makes them work against you harder. As Geraldo explains, having Ian on the opposite team, Ian who used to be aligned with Jonas brother, just motivates Geraldo to work harder. I guess Geraldo strongly associates Ian with his nemesis Jonas brother. That feels like ages ago but Geraldo has not set things right yet about that in his psycho mind. It's not really about his charity as much as it's about showing Ian because he is just wired this way, he simply must show Ian. And that's the mistake boyfriends like Ian make. They get in a game with that nut thinking it's poker on a Friday night with the boys, meanwhile Geraldo acts like it's Vegas and the world series and it's Doyle Lawson on his left and Ian on his right and a quarter of a million dollars posted as the small blind. He's just playing this completely psycho competitive crazy thing that nobody else is or ever has before on this show and he's smoking everyone as he goes.

Geraldo is getting the game plan together and there's Kate right next to him sort of in the Barney Fife role, vigorously scribbling down notes for him as if that is at all helpful.  Geraldo wants to know estimated fundraising numbers from everyone.

"I'm pretty comfortable saying 50," Kate says with a straight face. 50, what? 50 bucks, it has to be. Surely not $50,000. Baw-hahhaha. Baw-hahaha.  How do you go from zero on the first task to $50,000 three days later? Rat Claws better have inherited the DuPont estate in the past three days or she's lying.

Ew, Geraldo is one of those men who doesn't cut their nails that often. I have always found that so gross. A man should not have nails unless he plays guitar.

Ha, the crab fisherman, Shawn and Vivica, who are all in the other van, have the same reaction as me! They're just like, 50 grand? You've got to be joking, Goz-land. I love that she's the butt of the joke for just about everyone, even if most people don't feel like saying it to her face. Other reality stars are making fun of her, like crab fisherman and Brandi. She is a joke even among jokes, it's so bad.

Vivica lets us in on the fact that in the Pie Face episode Kate had promised to bring in $25,000 and nothing showed up. That's great information that they never told us before. So Kate was telling everyone that mythical check was for 25 grand?? Hahaha. Kate's not above lying to act like she has any business whatsoever among these real celebs. It's pathetic, sad, and most of all hysterical. Color me shocked that crab fisherman seems to be implying that if Kate pulls that kind of crap fill in the blank. Sounds like he means to see to it she's fired. Wow, and I was just saying I didn't think he had any interest in her. This is awesome. Carry on!

Ian is talking to his team like he is William Wallace, trying to get them all motivated. The goal is to raise money. The plan is now. His charity is for children who have a genetic disease that causes sores on their skin. Why did he pick this charity? Because he loves skin care. And kids. Thus, a charity about skin care and kids. Ian's even dressed in plaid. Braveheart's army never looked this bored.

And dying in our beds one day, Brandi, will you trade one chance, just one chance, to beat Kate Goz-land at the wedding dress challenge on Celebrity Apprentice? Brandi's eyes glaze over. I had no idea my boyfriend was such a Hollywood fruitcake. I think we may be breaking up in this episode.

Holy shit, Ian has almost $200,000 locked, loaded and ready to go! Way to barely bring out hardly any of that in the Pie Face challenge, geez Louise. There was more game play going on in that Pie Face challenge than I gave these dumb clucks credit for. There is no way Geraldo is going to anticipate Ian has that much he could bring in, is that real? This is the best episode yet so far, mixing the teams around was like a double shot of espresso. I'm ready now.


Ian's team, every single one, are all working the phones like crazy. Exactly what you should do on a fundraiser challenge. There's a ton of food around and everyone is chowing down but the editors aren't editing this to make fun of anyone for eating. That's just saved for Kate. Brandi is ten feet away trying not to have drama and have some quiet for her phone calls. Ian wants her to rejoin the group, like I said ten feet away. She's like eh, no thanks. Terrell gets bored after a few phone calls and stops calling, eats a sandwich, yawns, and so on. Kenya tries to encourage him to get back to it. I think he is one of the biggest duds but I haven't heard a single person flag him as a weak link. Odd.

Over at Geraldo's team he too is on the phone. Kate's in the background sort of playing with her phone but not actually talking on it. Even Lorezno, Sig, and Shawn are making calls.

Kate is worried that her nonexistent money might not come in again. Why? It's not snowing anymore. It's not even raining. Maybe the abominable snowman melted along with the check?

Oh God, I hate what a good idea this is. Ted Gibson stops by and Kate sets him up to agree to give a free hair consultation for those buying dresses. Was this all Kate's idea? It can't be, it's too good. I'm skeptical about the responsible party. Kate claims it's her idea. She also has this idea that she and Geraldo will dress up as a bride and groom and stand outside getting people to come in. It's better than just a boring sign. I would have bet money on that being someone else's idea to just get her out of the way. Who is this woman and what was in that coffee Steve gave her this morning? She's actually contributing something more meaningful to the task than her usual shocked and appalled faces and knick knacks from Bed Bath and Beyond. I get the sense it's really important to her to impress Geraldo. I know he's PM and all, but she seems really overly eager to please him, almost like a strange sort of father figure type psychology going on here, you know what I mean?

You know the sad thing about this? This just proves Kate does have it in there. There are good ideas to be had in that little noggin ready to go and she can work if she would just apply herself once in awhile and not be so darn lazy and zoned out all the time. Aw, Geraldo gives her some nice encouragement, calls this sudden brainstorm session quite enterprising of her. I guess you can't fix stupid. Kate doesn't know what enterprising even means, lol. Shoulda asked her kids, I'm sure they could tell her, they've lived it.

Kate's thrilled they finally have men on the team so they can do all the heavy lifting of carrying the dress racks inside and she can assume her usual role of ordering others about. If those are what I've lifted before, those racks are darn heavy. Team Estrogen, the crab fisherman mutters. Hehe.

No one can find Brandi. Oh no, she took off. She calls Ian and said she had a panic attack and went back to the hotel and will work from her bed. Oh, dear. Kenya thinks this is because Brandi is all intimidated by Kenya. Nah, I don't think so. I do think it's because she has difficulty controlling herself at times and shuts down. She doesn't want to explode on Kenya or anyone and cause a problem so she checked out.  She's like this on the Real Housewives show, too. She slips into bad places and does unwise things and makes unwise comments. I've thought at times she is the survivor of some kind of abuse, I don't know by whom. She needs a lot more therapy than even she already has gotten, but I do think she means well under all these issues. And, why do I feel like once again some other circumstance that has nothing to do with Kate is going to result in somebody else getting fired other than Kate. Yep.

Lorenzo the rat tells Geraldo Ian has told them his number is $180,000. I like that Lorenzo's the narc here. This is his new team now and if he is not here to win why is he here at all? Ian was a real dummy to tell anyone that number until he absolutely had to. Of course all this information does is motivate Geraldo all the more. Now he has a number to aim for, and that's bad news for Ian. The only way this could ever work out for Ian is if Geraldo did not know his number. Now that he  knows it? Game over for my boyfriend and I'm breaking up with him, too. Kate's all giddy because she's sitting front and center and being treated like a real live team member and confidant. Geraldo doesn't have time to do anything but just act like he's accepted her, he has bigger fish to fry and a sleepless night ahead coming up with more donors.

It's the morning, and look at how peppy and talkative Goz-land is this fine morning. She is finally in her element. She's self-appointed herself Geraldo's assistant and loving the ego inflation from it, Brandi's not in her hair extensions anymore, a semi-real celebrity Ted Gibson is on his way over to help her win and so is a big fat check she hopes. Look at her out there in the wedding dress, laughing and joking with Geraldo about her eight kids and so on. This is just nuts the way she came alive. She's been hibernating this whole time.

Brandi is back and dressed up all nice and looking much better and already bringing in some donations. Good, I hope that's all over with. But Geraldo's team brings in a $100,000 check early. Good Lord, that is so much money. All kidding aside, can you imagine writing a check like that? Rich people are another world.

Ian brings in the Chip 'n' Dales. Hello.

Kate's being all clever and stuff. Kate must have an earpiece in her ear, she has to. She's like Sig was wrestling in women to the store like he must wrestle fish. Well, crabs are better described as crustaceans, but I'll let that go since at least she's making an effort to say interesting and funny things. Guess what, if you make an effort to be cute and clever, you suddenly get edited into the cut a lot more.

Noooo, Ian gets a check for $165,000. You know, I have to say for as silly as this task is I'm almost tearful here. Man alive, the generosity out there makes you really want to believe in the human race again. Who throws around that kind of money at charity? A lot of people, apparently.

Eric Trump comes over to check things out and wants to know where Kate's check is she promised. There's only minutes left. On it's way, she says. Lol. I wonder if Kate ever thinks about this idea that whoever her donor is obviously isn't taking her all that seriously to flake on her the first task and cut it down to the wire on the second. That's not very respectful of her.

Terrell sucks, some of his donors are falling through. At least Kate is hustling on her phone trying to get an ETA. Terrell explains that the reality is he really isn't comfortable begging for money. I see. I mean, I get that. It's the last thing I would want to do. But I'm guessing a lot of people don't like doing this, but they've done it because it was for the team and for the win and it's what was expected of them. If this is really not something you're willing to do then you shouldn't have bothered with this show.

Like a knight in shining armor Kate's donor pulls up in a beautifully crisp Mercedes. Who is this guy? He looks cool, like I own a minor league baseball team and a software company in Austin cool. I skimmed some mutterings about who he was on the blog but haven't had a chance to read most of the comments so I'm in the dark still.

Somebody pointed out a common theme when editing this show is to show some kind of dud contestant making a real turn around, and this was indeed Kate's redemption edit. That was the cliche storyline straight out of the playbook, and they fit her into it. Life's a funny thing.

Final boardroom of the night! Ian sells Brandi out about her little incident, and says it was because of Kenya. Brandi said it had nothing to do with Kenya, she just had a panic attack and felt really sick and even threw up. That does sound like symptoms of a real panic attack and they really aren't necessarily triggered by something big like some huge feud with Kenya. I find it hard not to believe Brandi when she said she would continue to make calls from her bedroom and then once it was over was right back there ready to work the next morning and bringing in money without skipping a beat. It's not like she was checked out the whole task as Kenya loves to spin it. Even Trump said a panic attack is not really "checking out," that's hardly fair.

This is really being set up as Kenya vs. Brandi, and someone will have to go and soon.

Barney Fife just loves her boss. She's in awe of everything about him, it was an honor to work for him. He's marvelous. Lol, what is Trump's response to all this ego stroking? Do you have a boyfriend? Haha, he just blurts it out like your grandfather would in front of everyone at the Thanksgiving table. Kate's like uh, uh, well no, but I'll be Geraldo's next ex-wife. Lol. Oh, Kate, it's not as much fun to make fun of you when you're joking too.

It's amazing what a little self-deprication and loosening up will do, Goz-land. I will never say I actually liked her in this episode, but she didn't grate on my last nerve and I wasn't bringing out the doofus term as much as usual, which is saying a lot. You know what, I think she's so intimidated by other strong women she just can't hack it. She shuts down, can't control herself when provoked. She gets along with people like Geraldo because she responds to people who either are much younger and she can mother, or those so much older and wiser they take on a fatherly role toward her. Nobody was going to mother or father Kate on the women's team, that's not how women are in this competition usually. Thus, she reverted to an ineffective doofus. I have a sneaking suspicion this is why she loves Steve so much, he too fulfills that fatherly role for her she responds to so well, and brings out the best in her.

Trump's still playing the grandfather. He's like hey you over there, Shawn, you've really grown up! Haha, that's all he says to her. Poor Shawn.

Trump said there was $600,000 raised with only about a $2,500 difference. Wow! That's unbelievable! His solution to this is to allow the project managers to each keep their own money or go for broke and stick to the deal with winner taking all. There's no way they're not sticking to this deal, they're both too psycho and Type A, and splitting the pot will always make a Type A feel like they didn't really win even if they did.

Geraldo admits that going for broke would just be an ego move, which is entirely true, and begrudgingly he will have to put that aside and just split it. I'm shocked. Good for him and nice for the charities. How wonderful for both charities. I can't even imagine what a small charity like Camp Barnabas would do with this sort of money. I mean it would change everything for them. You could make a freaking endowment in perpetuity with that sort of money and never have to worry about fundraising ever again. As much as money doesn't have to be important in one's life, it can also do a lot of powerful, amazing things.

Geraldo's team wins. Wow. Geraldo says artistic again to mean autistic. So that wasn't just a fluke, I think he thinks that's how it's pronounced, hehe.

Oh this is so sad. How can Trump fire anyone on a team that brought in almost $300,000? How crazy. Geraldo knew they won because he could actually just add in his head and the numbers Trump was throwing out plus the number he knew he had told him they won before it was announced. I was thinking that. Anyone who can add in their head would know the result of this. But of all these dolts only Geraldo could figure it out. The rest were just sitting there waiting in suspense. Hehe.

Trump agrees to round off both men's numbers to $300,000. Ian admits Brandi raised about $40,000, even from bed at home. Based on that, I say her panic attack is a complete non-issue at this point. Kenya only raised $30,000 without a panic attack, so. Leeza raised a respectable $20,000.

Geraldo says based on those numbers you can't justify firing either Brandi or Kenya. Lorenzo thinks Leeza is safe too. Uh oh, that only leaves Terrell and Johnny. Either one of them is a dud so it doesn't matter to me. Trump is confused how people like Terrell and Johnny with their contacts can't come up with much of anything. It's pretty simple, because some people are shy about cold calling asking for money even if it's for charity even if it means they'll be fired. Ian is absolutely correct to bring back Terrell or Johnny. I imagine these men are shocked he would bring long-standing team members back over the women they just joined up with, but Ian is playing to win so you can't blame him for that. If he does something stupid like bring someone back who raised $40,000, next thing you know Ian will be gone. One of them is done and Ian will be safe, but I'm afraid Ian and I? We've broken up. I'm fine. I'll just box up his stuff and he's going to pick it up tomorrow when I'm not home. Really, I'm okay. Ian is in disbelief that one of Terrell's donors that fell through would have been enough so that they won. That is crushing. Terrell seems ready to go, I think he's had about enough.

My ex has his moments where he's a real nut. "Inspiration" is how he raised this kind of money. Huh? Freak.

Terrell, you're fired. Dud from day one. See ya.

The future will deliver, William Wallace says in his plaid suit as he gazes into Terrell's eyes. It's inside of you. Freedom!!! You know Beverly Hills High was built on an oil well. It pumps $300,000 in profits a year of that stuff believe it or not. Maybe the fumes have finally caught up to him.

Aw, next week the great Joan Rivers will be an advisor on the show. What sweet justice that one of her final acts on this earth is to take Kate Goz-land to task.

Fun fact. Kate and Vivica are the only women to have won their tasks as Project Manager so far. Fun fact, Kate has been to the boardroom twice and come out alive twice. We live in a parallel universe, folks. Happy 1,000th!

961 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 961   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

I think I forgot to hit publish after a last minute edit of the recap last night which caused it not to post. Oops sorry everyone, here it is!

JoyinVirginia said... 2

THANK YOU! Admin, for hosting such a lovely veranda! Where we have laughed, learned about interesting books, documentaries, tv series, movies, and even reality tv unrealistic production techniques. Along with gardening tips, recipes, real holiday traditions, free speech constitutional issues, and virtual travel! The humor of auntie Ann, dmasy, and too many more to list, the Canadian view from franky, the magic La-Z-Boy bringing to Flight of the Kiwis husband, it's just all so much fun!

Tucker's Mom said... 3

First, I want to say the veranda is just as I'd imagined it, but in my head, filled with all of you lovely ladies (and gents)!
I haven't read the recap yet because I'm finishing reading the last of the prior thread's comments and wanted to comment on a couple things.

"Anonymous said... 55
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 2h 2 hours ago
Our paintings may find their way to an auction for charity... At some point... @TLC #KatePlus8
Could this be the project that Kate was alluding to with her fake boyfriend. I can't remember his name. Doesn't he involve himself in charities?

OK, I dvr'd the show and haven't watched yet. Am I to guess that the kids painted and Kate is alluding to auctioning off their paintings for charity?
Unless any of those kids are Akianes in the making, I just can't see a big potential buyer pool.

Sorry, they're usual kids living in a very unusual situation, which is not to say, extraordinary.

Tucker's Mom said... 4

roxyhelen said... 60
What I noticed:
1.Mady does things just to annoy Kate(lobster anyone) and throws in her face that she only did it to annoy her.It's awesome :) The little kids follow her example(crabs later at the beach)
2.Leah and Hannah have completely pushed Alexis to the side and the poor girl is sick of getting the short end of the stick
3.The children are SELF CONCIOUS in my opinion: Kate does not leave the girls in the room to fight, initially, one of the girls CLOSES the door so as to shut the cameras out of the fight.These kids are uncomfortable with filming.
4.Staying true to who she is(an incompetent parent) Kate justifies the children's inapropriate behaviour with: They're tired.
5.The girls smack the boys with sticks over the head, the boys smile.The boys TOUCH the girls with sticks, the girls scream bloody murder.
6.Hannah and Leah are massive manipulators:"Let mommy speak [Alexis]" (fake respect voice) "Alexis always gets what she wants"(fake broken hearted voice-I am willing to bet Alexis hardly ever gets what she wants in reality).
7.Kate suggests painiting, Mady declares that none of the kids like paining and has Kate "met their family?" So yeah, Kate has no idea what her kids want/like
8.Collin is actually skilled at painting.I wish I didn't know this about a kid I;ve never met.
9.What the heck? It seems that everywhere I turn a girl is smacking/pushing/yelling at a boy in like, 50% of the scenes.
I don't know much about the first half, I could not tolerate that stuff and had to skip it.
Thanks for summarizing. Sounds like SSDD.
I sure hope Jon doesn't ignore the physical altercations because that shit should have been nipped in the bud YEARS ago.
Sounds like TLC is playing up the "bratty and rebellious" angle, which does these kids no favors.
Growing kids don't need to subsist on salads, rather, they need to be open to expanding their horizons food-wise.
I can't wait to hear about Kate and the kids screeching when they attempt to eat whole lobsters, tamale, lungs, guts and all.
Grow the frick up, Kate.

Jumping In said... 5

Admin, thanks for the re-cap, you know you've struck a home run when a reader is laughing out loud at your commentary as I did this morning. I agree with JoyinVirginIa wholeheartedly, this is one fascinating and fun veranda you have given us all. ~ Administrator said... 6

Many things may have contributed to the lawsuit being dropped, but I think in the end, the bottom line was that his attorney humiliated her attorney and they knew it. They didn't have a snowball's chance in going up against Robert's attorney. Kate's lawsuit was a joke, and Robert's attorney would have had them trotting from that courtroom with their tails tucked between their legs, licking their wounds along the way.


It was a classic David and Goliath story. In Gladwell's book he talks about how the "David" in conflicts can win 25% of the time and even more. Hardly the 1% chance that we might think.

Kate made a classic mistake in assuming that she could simply crush David. However David used his wits, and that's why he won and Kate was humiliated.

It drives me crazy she doesn't tell these children where they are going. There are actual studies that show you are happiest not on your vacation or after your vacation, but PLANNING your vacation, the anticipation of it. Not to mention all the fun reading, watching films, etc., they could be doing about the places they are going to. Makes the experience so much more meaningful. ~ Administrator said... 7

Someone on Yahoo posted a reply to Ken Tucker's article that basically said Kate was probably contacted by TLC to drop her lawsuit against Jon in return for airing more Kate specials.


I think it does make sense for them to say we have been turning over the idea of doing new specials and we think we can greenlight a couple but just so you know we're not going to be willing to do that if you are embattled in a big ole legal mess with your children's father.

It really does all fit. So it's not that they really cared about trying to get her to stop that lawsuit, but if they did want to throw out a few filler update specials and make some quick cash, they weren't going to allow a messy lawsuit that could reflect poorly on them be part of the equation. ~ Administrator said... 8

Yes, but then you still have to physically take it to change the password. I used to have a netnanny for my kid's laptop and could just turn off access for certain times of day. But then ipods then smartphones came along. It used to be we just had to monitor their Facebook, so they jumped on Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat and all sorts of media. It gets harder and harder, especially if you have a challenging kid.


It is hard. Here in L.A. they were doing a pilot project with iPads in schools for every kid. Spent a fortune on it. They had them configured so they can only access schoolwork and school web sites and stuff. Sure enough, the kids had them hacked within days and were using them for private browsing and all other normal iPad uses. Lol.

The local radio talk shows were laughing about that for weeks. We think we have a handle on these kids and they outsmart us every time.

reader said... 9

The girls with the exception of Cara mimic the behavior we saw exhibited by Kate towards Jon, really towards any adults. The shrieking, pouting, shouting over and demanding their own way never moored by logic or the feelings of those around them. They are just like their mother.
And the excruciating lecture Collin received over a comment about his sister's hair...are you kidding me?!
This from a woman who is rude to everyone! Remember Jon's breathing?
I feel for Collin and Cara, trapped in a house of immaturity and a mother who really isn't very smart.

Anonymous said... 10

1 000 posts hunh? Who wudda thunk that 6 years ago.

Thanks for the shout out joy ( I think) . But being a Cabadian, I actually filter my thoughts to be,"percieved as polite", since we have a standard to live up to. In real life I curse better than mama june, lol

Franky...damned phone is capitalising my name againurghhh. I am against capitalism.

Formerly Duped said... 11

I didn't watch the special but from what I have seen in ads, clips and comments I think Kate is trying to get Mady to order salad since she has gained a little weight. Not much but enough for Kate to freak. Second, Alexis' relationship with her sisters is well-established to be two against one- Kate does nothing to change this- why should Alexis sleep on a couch?? The boys seem to be doing ok- superficially anyway. Kate is still screeching and complaining and mangling English.She think she's cute- she's not. So, I didn't watch but have enough for a summary! I may watch On Demand if I have spare time.

readerlady said... 12

Wow! 1,000 posts! That's a lot of writing, Admin. Thanks for keeping it civil here and thanks to all the people on the veranda, who come up with such funny one liners. I've really enjoyed reading and occasionally posting here. Learned a lot about books, TV shows, and other parts of the country and Canada and from our European posters. Now, pass the rumspringa, please!

Anonymous said... 13

OMG, I got a shout out from Admin in the recap. I'm verklempt! You like me, you really like me!

Okay, enough of that.

Thanks for another herculean effort, Admin. Although fun, the recaps must be gruelling. Feel free to use the "smoking gun turned out to be a wet fart."

New name for Kreider: sKate


Tucker's Mom said... 14

It drives me crazy she doesn't tell these children where they are going. There are actual studies that show you are happiest not on your vacation or after your vacation, but PLANNING your vacation, the anticipation of it.
I think it's for 2 reasons: first, Jon and anyone else Kate wants to keep these trips from. Remember Kate acting like their trip to Korea was all clandestine, and yelled at Jon for saying "Korea" out loud?
Kate doesn't tell the kids because she doesn't want them to leak the information to anyone.
Second, she, and probably the producers, think that the kids' reactions make good tv.
Both reasons, very sad.

Wowser said... 15

Has anyone seen the viewer numbers for her crapfest last night.....nothing has changed...she spits out the same old same old ...only with her botoxed resting bitch face, stupid expressions and sighs, and over exaggerated responses to everything.

Rhymes with Witch said... 16

From the previous post.

" Because the tups are older and don't dress alike you really can't even tell they are tups."

And that is why she insisted they dress alike for so long.

Rhymes with Witch said... 17

OT but priceless.

reader said... 18

Tucker's Mom, once again you're spot on. I think its selfish really.
What is it like to always NEED such control?
It was relief on this trip their were adults to teach the children.. Kate thought the grand canyon a waste of real estate and couldn't name the presidents on Mount Rushmore.

localyocul said... 19

roxyhelen said... 60
What I noticed:

3.The children are SELF CONCIOUS in my opinion: Kate does not leave the girls in the room to fight, initially, one of the girls CLOSES the door so as to shut the cameras out of the fight.These kids are uncomfortable with filming.


That's an interesting take. I thought it might be that the gilrs regularly shut the door in TFWs face. I also got the feeling that L knew damn well TFW always sides with her and H and that's why she said "let mommy speak." It had ALREADY been decided that the two golden girls would get the bunk together and A would be out in the cold.

Vanessa said... 20

There is a series consisting of 5 specials, so yes, technically it could be called a series. 
Maybe theyre trying to bring back the glory days of the mini series? Remember The Thornbirds? Scruples?
TFM can play Father whatshisname.

also noticed Hannah was going to smack talk the cameraman or TFM? Whoever, but she was looking at the camera and caught herself, forgot she was being filmed for a moment. TfW in the making.

jbranck1980 said... 21

I'm not a confrontational person but it would be hard for me to not say anything if I ever saw her in person. Someone should keep count on how many times she has thrown Jon under the bus. Ugh.

Suze said... 22

How may single parents, piecing and patching things together, would let their 14yr old order a full live lobster for lunch?! Something she had never tasted before, didn't even know she'd like, and "just wanted to try"?

The whole show was B.S. It was full of excess and waste and more excess and was a slap in the face to people everywhere who know what it really is to support and raise a family.

Sure, WE know Kate doesn't pay for the expensive meals, beach house rentals, plane tickets, large passenger van rentals, 8 brand new easels and oil paint sets, 8 new pair of shoes, 8 new pair of water shoes, 8 new electric toothbrushes, 8 sets of travel toiletries, 8 new duffle/travel bags, etc. etc, etc., but what about the people who believe the BS she spews about doing it on her own?! It was sickening to watch.

I don't think the excess and wastefulness and greed was ever more apparent than in this show. Kate makes it so easy to notice, too as she lays everything out in such a (time wasting), neat and orderly fashion on the living room floor.

They flew from Philly to Boston - a normal 6 1/2 hour drive, only to get off the plane and rent rent a very expensive Sprinter van, identical to the one they already own (an online rental check listed the price at about $1500/week) and then had STEVE drive 3 1/2 hours more to Maine.

By the way, TLC did a pretty good job keeping Steve out of the shots until the end of the show. They left the ziplining place (where Kate tried to be the center of attention, but where the kids looked like they had a fantastic time), and guess who was spotted driving the get-away van but good 'ole Stevie with Kate in her usual passenger seat spot.

Formerly Duped said... 23

Yes...I used to feel most badly foo the boys but now it's Alexis! The boys seem to support one another, as do the twins. Kate plus now her siblings always against Alexis.

Vanessa said... 24

Congrats Admin! You run a great establishment here!
Cheers to many more years! nice place to go to for some gossip, chatter, inspiration, tips and great virtual company! Here here!!

Vanessa said... 25

Oh oh- maybe Brandi needs to use a filter sometimes.

Dmasy said... 26

Admin, congratulations on 1,000 posts.

Vanessa said... 27

And talk about going on and on and ON about the rental van being just like theirs!!

Vanessa said... 28

Sorry link didnt post

Suze said... 29

Sounds like TLC is playing up the "bratty and rebellious" angle, which does these kids no favors.


yep, they're doing that just like they play up Kate's snarking about the kids, and her eye rolls and grimaces for attention. She thinks it's cute, TLC thinks it's cute and that it attracts viewers and that the controversy about her sells to advertisers. It's why she's infamous rather than famous.

I think her "antics" are rude and juvenile and is sending a strong message to her kids and many of the younger viewers that it's acceptable to act that way. I think they're going to find that type of behavior is not accepted in interactions with mature and educated people and that they're going to be totally unequipped to interact appropriately in many business and social situations, just like Kate is experiencing on CA.

Vanessa said... 30

And her complexion is just awful along with the "bacne"

She's also as exhausted as ever,, had to HAD to lie down.
Wanted the corset to make her 3 sizes smaller,
The interrogator is always asking the kids "how did mom do? What did she do? What did she say?"
Way to reinforce the notion that it's all about her.
loved that they replayed the skyfall scene

And good point about the excess and waste! Gluttons is what they are.

Sara said... 31

Hey Admin,
Is there a glitch on New England post? It says no new comments allowed?

Here is my comment:

These children are far from normal in their behavior. They are all so extremely immature.

I was more than a little bit disturbed by Mady's behavior. She is manic is her demeanor and I do not think it is an act. It appears even worse than the Spring episode and I think she has clinical issues.

Her behavior issues have never been dealt with properly but there is something deeper with her.

I see a angry, seething look in Alexis' eyes. She has been labeled the wild child, the screamer, the rabid beast for so long, she is fulfilling her own parent's expectations. One of the most interesting and charming little girls of the bunch has become a loose cannon. The other's all know it and she knows exactly where she is in the pecking order.

The boys at the rope course looked like they were unleashed from their chores and were loving life and each other. That was pleasant to see. I imagine this is how they act when they are with Jon. Free.

It was my impression that Kate watched her words and expressions while the cameras were on her. She is trying very hard to seem less annoyed. She didn't yell so much. Just the girls.

Mady let the cat out of the bag about having internet acsess when she finally got her phone back and announced the beach house did not have wifi. She was not happy. This from a teen whose mom says her kids do not have internet acsess.

These kids don't look as well kept as they once did and perhaps some of that is because they are screamers and have put their collective feet down, except the boys, or TLC doesn't pay for their wardrobes anymore.

Cara said about 10 words.

Mady needs some excersise and both teens desperately need a dermatologist.


localyocul said... 32

Vanessa that link didn't work but I was scrolling down looking for it and found this:

AuntieAnn said... 33

Another hiliarously spot on recap. Wow 1000th post! Congrats Admin. My gawd have we been ragging on Kate that long? The veranda is gorgeous. Makes me wanna tawk in a deep suthun draaawl. (That is a keg of rumspringa beside the chair there isn't it?

I'm glad you've broken up with Ian. He was getting obnoxious with all his positivity preachin' and besides unless you're Kate Gosselin hands off married men. .

Will there be cake later?

localyocul said... 34

Oops, the ladyparts article was right below it

Suze said... 35

The boys indeed are adorable. I want to huggers them. Mady is just plain hard to watch.


I agree. I think the boys are adorable and I love how they've bonded and interact with each other. The girls are another thing. They're still hitting and shoving each other while Kate turns her back on it. Yes, it's hard to watch M, but it's painful to see how it appears C's so uncomfortable with having to be there filming and especially sitting next to Kate while she and M "banter".

Suze said... 36

"Did you notice in the packing clip some of the clothes had price tags still attached? And lots of stuff was on hangers. I think this is why she tweeted her thanks to Peace, Love, World. Why the heck is everything all spread out downstairs instead of packing in their rooms? Because she wants to make it harder than it can be."

Yes, I noticed the stacks of new clothes and some already worn, new shoes, new water shoes, toothbrushes, toiletries, 8? different and brand new colored tote bags, and more. I also noticed labels. She's always feeling exhausted because she makes everything so much harder than it actually is. For anyone wondering what she does all day - it's things like this, masterminding and working making more work for herself.

And... Kate's last minute hurrying to use all of her fresh produce before leaving on the trip? Not only was some of it possibly wasted, but here's a tip for her: how about not buying so much in the first place knowing there's a vacation coming up so soon. Gaaaaa, she drives me crazy.

getofftwitter said... 37

Bringing over from last thread.

Well, what can I say: same TLC formula, different year. Here is my thoughts on this episode(watched it later)

Is Kate auditioning for a clown position? I have never seen so many weird face expressions, than I saw tonight. If Kate thinks she is funny, your NOT It makes you look stupid & immature, Kate. High School mentality. Your 39 not 15.

What's with all the screaming Kate? they are little crabs. Again, it made you sound & look immature & stupid.

When Kate & 8 were at the restaurant, Kate tells all to pick something from the menu, so before anyone does, Kate tells Mady to pick salad, Mady says she is having lobster. So what does Kate do through the whole lunch, making fun of Mady eating lobster, say it grosses her out, because Mady did not have the salad, very immature Kate, BUT next week episode, Kate is going to COOK, lobster? WHAT??????? If you don't like lobster than don't cook it!

And lastly, this cutesy thing on making up new words, again makes you sound & look stupid & immature Kate.

Kate actions were embarrassing.

An hour of my life I will not get back.

The stir also did a recap, in favor of Kate. The person who wrote the article thinks Kate flew across country to Maine from Pa. The comments are negative.

Admin:Congrats on 1000.

Call Me Crazy said... 38

What a lovely veranda - so open and accessible (even to stray sheep who happen to wander up every now and again)!

Thanks for the entertaining recap, Admin. TFW really is "a joke even among other jokes".

I'm glad you have seen the light about your new, now ex-boyfriend. But a word of caution. When you box up his stuff, make sure you don't put any computer disks or your own personal journals or other incriminating material out at the curb. Geraldo just might try to trash-pick it and turn it into a new TV special.

AuntieAnn said... 39

Yes, it's hard to watch M, but it's painful to see how it appears C's so uncomfortable with having to be there filming and especially sitting next to Kate while she and M "banter".


The show has morphed from Kate vs Jon to Kate vs Kids just as we expected it would. Cara's been resisting this whole circus act for years. I'm waiting for the title to change to Kate Plus Seven soon.

roxyhelen said... 40

localyocul it seemed to me that Hannah looked at the cameras as she shut the door, not at Kate, I'm sure that she slams the door in her mom's face often though.Or maybe she was slamming the door in Kate's face but she remembered the cameras and that's why she looked straight at them.Either way, she is no longer a 4 year old and she realizes she is being filmed and the world is going to see her on tv. I think it may be the first time I've seen one of the tups aware of the fact that they're being filmed in a way that made them think twice about their behaviour or in a way that made them want to retreat.

Layla said... 41

Did you notice in the packing clip some of the clothes had price tags still attached? And lots of stuff was on hangers. I think this is why she tweeted her thanks to Peace, Love, World.
I noticed (in the clip--I didn't watch the show) that she made a point of holding up a dress-- with price tag attached and still on a hanger--with a big peace sign on the front. Anyone want to guess where that is from? Funny thing was, I don't think any of the girls wanted to wear it. Sorry, PLW!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 42

Happy 1,000, Admin! So grateful to you, the pool girls, the cabana
boys, and anyone else I may have forgotten, for the hard work it must
take to keep this blog up and running. And of course, thanks to
all the fantastic posters here for making the veranda such a cozy
meeting place.

Another top-notch recap, Admin. Uh-oh, I'm starting to sound
like a lickspittle! But seriously, here's what separates us from
the sheeple (besides about 50 IQ points). You actually gave
TFW props in this recap. You were surprised to see an actual
decent effort on her part, and acknowledged it. Are the fans
ever capable of doing that? Swallowing their pride or delusion
or whatever is driving them to acknowledge that TFW perhaps
isn't perfect?

PJ's momma said... 43

One thing that struck me about CA was Geraldo hanging all over the baseball player, trying to show him how to take good selfies. It went on WAY too long, he could have kissed the guy's neck and the baseball player was very uncomfortable. Then Geraldo turned him around and approached from the back. He would not be denied, as always. After it was all over, Johnny (I think) said, "What was that? I hope that was your thumb!" Funny, but he was very uncomfortable.

And the reason it struck me as funny is because last week, Geraldo had an absolute hissy about someone touching him. He jerked away from them and said he doesn't like to be touched. But when he wanted to invade someone else's space, it was all good in his mind.


Rhymes, that is a local story. That dog is in danger. The dog park is right on the road that is the mass transit corridor. I will not even cross that road on foot because of buses running red lights. The owner is a jerk. He needs a leash - and to either put out his cigarette and go with the dog, or make the dog stay with him. He's actually violating the leash law and the unattended dog law. Now that it's gone viral, the dog will probably disappear. It is a smart and adorable dog though.

redbirdsings said... 44

Great recap, Admin!

I can't believe it, but I didn't watch last night because forgot that it was on! haha Was watching the mini CHOPPED marathon and at 9 pm central a new CHOPPED came on and I watched it. I had planned to watch it, but oh, well, sorry, kate! haha

Just reading everyone's reactions to the show, just tensed me up to the point I am going to have to really think about watching it. kate telling Mady what to order. Mady can order what she wants, even though I think she should of ordered something else besides lobster.

This trip cost THOUSANDS of dollars. Why, why, why for the love of pete doesn't TLC have the piecing and patching harrigan going for luxury at reduced cost? That is the thing now, going to very nice places for a fraction of the money. This just slaps every single mom, working with kids, that does or doesn't receive child support money in the face.

Someone said that the big croc shoe was on a shelf in the hallway of the house! WTHeck!!! That should be in the playroom!

Oh, I get it, it is a TROPHY! That explains why it is displayed as soon as you walk into the house, you will see it.

It is a trophy to her of her grifting. The billions of rolls of TP and Paper towels are trophies to her. Her cereal coupon grocery store shelf clearing is another trophy, The crooked houses, the Gator.

redbirdsings said... 45

She should be ashamed to knock the bakery that made that cake for the circus birthday party. Who does she think she is, saying hers is better? She authorized 15 CUPS OF SPICES in the enchilada/TACO pie filling. I would of LOVED Aaron Sanchez from CHOPPED to have tasted that pie instead of Buddy. Aaron would of flipped, asked who put the spices in and thrown kate under the bus. Could of gotten her fired, but the other pie was supposedly good.

Also, she has the gall to eat, eat, eat, stuff, stuff, gobble down all kinds of food and then she tells Mady to order a freaking salad. I am surprised that she didn't say, only 1 teaspoon of feta, Mady!

That harrigan can kiss my grits.

redbirdsings said... 46

I just found out last night that a family I care about, the baby son was diagnosed with a genetic syndrome and has to be cared for the rest of his life. This family is incredible! Very strong in the Lord, financially able, he has an incredible job and his wife will be the main caretaker.

They would NEVER send this sweet baby to CB to drop him off to give THEM a break! They would send him to be with other children who have the same challenges and to have FUN! They are not selfish people! They are very kind and humble.

I have more to say about this, but I am going to post it on another post.

White Organza said... 47

Happy 1000th Veranda to all!!! And a big, big, thank you to Admin for the hospitality.

Last night, while waiting for The Tonight Show, I did tried watching the second airing of Kate + 8 in Maine. I stopped right after they finished packing when Kate started moaning about that being another hour of her life that she wouldn't get back. Taking care of your kids makes you losing hours of your life? Geez... Who knew? If so, then I have about a nineteen years deficit. I was glad it was about time for Jimmy Fallon because I did feel a little depressed. (Not! It wasn't always a walk in the park, but I never had the feeling I was losing my time, -not a second, not a minute, not an hour-, taking care of my son. Never.)

redbirdsings said... 48

What TFW said about CB is atrocious! I am hoping JOAN really talked trash about sKate! I hope she really told Donald how she really is.

The girl that tweeted that their family was suppose to be in a beach house and kate goz-land was there and they couldn't get in for 5 days and one of the kids hid the remote. Is the house that she was talking about the same one as last night?

I FEEL SO BAD FOR ALEXIS! kate should be horsewhipped for pitting H and L against A. I wonder if in her childhood 2 of her sisters wouldn't have anything to do with her and she is carrying on the tradition and have 2 sisters shun 1. Where is this coming from?

Good to hear that the boys took the lemons that their mother threw very hard at them and they picked them up and have managed to make lemonade.

Jon must of been beside himself watching his kids being treated like
animals. From 2010 till 2015, it is the same old, same old. I believe TLC and TFW agreed to this. She drop the lawsuit, they would film them and she could recoup money she shelled out on lawyers. TLC could make some money. A win-win for THEM, but not the kids!

Shame on them both!

Midnight Madness said... 49

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 51m51 minutes ago
@jeannine1270 @TLC @Kateplusmy8 Same here...I missed a few parts. We had MIL visiting..& she LOVES 2talk! LOL Could not keep her quiet! :)

This is one of the funniest things Gladys has tweeted. This is how so many feel about her. Shutupshutupshutup!!!!!!!

" But being a Cabadian, I actually filter my thoughts to be,"percieved as polite", since we have a standard to live up to. In real life I curse better than mama june, lol


I've never been to Cabadia. How long a flight from the East Coast? ;)

TLC stinks said... 50

Ratings information includes live and same-day DVR viewing. All numbers are preliminary and subject to change. Source: The Nielsen Company.

Midnight Madness said... 51

Uh oh...


Call Me Crazy said... 52

I was never lucky enough to have Stephanie 2.8 miles from where I live, but at the top of my page right now I am getting a banner ad from a plastic surgery joint promising me "New Year... New Breasts... New YOU!" for just $4,900. The ad shows a close-up of a woman's giant breasts popping out of her red bra. The funny thing is that the picture of the boobs is positioned almost directly under the caricature of TFW and her giant orbs that are bursting forth from her shirt. They look like twins. It is hilarious.

P.S. I have no idea why I am getting an ad to purchase boobs! I swear I am perfectly content knowing how fortunate I am to have lived long enough for gravity to work its magic!

Suze said... 53

It's incredible the way Kate tries so hard to act like something she's not. She is so fake.


I agree Admin. Her unauthenticity and awkwardness seeps from every pore of her body. It's evident in the way she speaks, her inappropriate comments, stupid facial expressions, her hand flapping, and the way she tries to flirt with the men and suck up to the younger women. She's just so out classed in every way and I think deep down she knows it. ~ Administrator said... 54

This video titled "The Celebrity Apprentice - Honest Boardroom: What They're Really Thinking' is really funny. It shows one of the boardrooms from last night with captions edited in showing their thoughts.


This is stomach-hurting hysterical, lol. What a great job that person did. They're spot on about everyone even Kate, "new and recalibrate!" lol!!

AuntieAnn said... 55

PJ's momma said... 43

One thing that struck me about CA was Geraldo hanging all over the baseball player, trying to show him how to take good selfies. It went on WAY too long, he could have kissed the guy's neck and the baseball player was very uncomfortable.


At least the producers turned Geraldo prancing around in his unnerwears into a little comedic sketch. They even added some goofy music in the background to relieve the awkwardness. I'm glad he's at ease with his body. I'm not. Like Terrell said "keep your pants on". lol.

Suze said... 56

I was more than a little bit disturbed by Mady's behavior. She is manic is her demeanor and I do not think it is an act. It appears even worse than the Spring episode and I think she has clinical issues.

Her behavior issues have never been dealt with properly but there is something deeper with her.


I think she's too much like Kate and is mimicking her mother for attention. She's gotten attention for it and inappropriate positive reinforcement for her on-camera behavior. She hasn't learned the hard lesson yet that not all attention is good and that the info on the internet will be there forever and for all of that I blame her mother.

The effects of Kate's exploitation of the kids is going to be a lifelong battle for them to try to overcome. THIS is one reason I object so strongly to what Kate has done to her kids - all in her quest for the almighty dollar and celeb lifestyle because she's too lazy and/or untrained and untalented to get a job on her own.

Suze said... 57

Terrell and Jamie were on Wendy's show yesterday. He said his people were not reliable. They supposedly had the money, they told him they would donate, but when it came time to write the check, they left him waiting and wondering. One guy told him he'd match someone else's check for this last task but never did. If this one "friend" had come thru they would have won the challenge and he'd have not been fired.

TLC stinks said... 58

FlimsyFlamsy said... 59

Admin (#46), don't you mean "spot AWN?!"

Sasquatch said... 60

Robert emphasized in his book that Kate is addicted and obsessed with freebies. She is insatiable and unrelenting with regards to them. Poor peace love world. She'll hound them until they cut the cord with the greedwhore

Sasquatch said... 61

I didn't know what a harrigan is, so I looked it up. The urban dictionary says:

1. A formal haircut in which one's pubic hair is styled to resemble a handlebar mustache.
2. A legendary sexual maneuver involving a fully mature dwarf, a dollop of margarine, an amputee, and the anus.
3. A drunken conversation about philosophy and the nature of life, shared over a cigarette

Rhymes with Witch said... 62

PJ's Momma 43

Thanks for the additional information about information about the dog. It certainly deserves a more responsible owner.

Sasquatch said... 63

Kate claims she can't work a real job because bla, bla, bla. But the real truth is that even if she wanted a job, she is too MENTALLY ILL to stay employed. Her willingness to allow her bipolar, narcissistic, personality disordered existence may be her only means of making a "living". Those poor kids are just collateral damage.

Wowser said... 64

White organza....I was just going to post the same thing. I don't get TFW...she is such a freakin walking (ignorant) contradiction. She has gone on the media circuit for YEARS crying the same old same old..."the kids miss the cameras, we miss the fun, the TRIPS, the adventures, and then all she does is BITCH and MOAN to go in these trips that she is practically willing to sell herself for.....WTF??? Is she pissed because they buy everything, but won't pack it for her too? Just shut the hell up already!

FYI said... 65

Congrats on the 1000th post!! Great recap again. However, there is just one thing that needs correction. You said "Fun fact. Kate is the only woman to have won her task as Project Manager so far."

Just want to point out that Vivica also won her task for Luvo. Just want to give credit where credit is do.

As blog historian, please do not, I repeat, NOT, ask me to find the selfie of Geraldo. That is one task I refuse to do.

Midnight Madness said... 66

They're spot on about everyone even Kate, "new and recalibrate!" lol!!


If Kate doesn't know the meaning of enterprising, I doubt if she can even pronounce recalibrate, much less know what it means!

Midnight Madness said... 67

I was never lucky enough to have Stephanie 2.8 miles from where I live, but at the top of my page right now I am getting a banner ad from a plastic surgery joint promising me "New Year... New Breasts... New YOU!" for just $4,900


Can they be ordered online, and is there a coupon code for them? Free shipping?

Winsomeone said... 68

I wonder if the kids would have had as much fun at that zip line park, if the place hadn't been shut down just for them? Have they ever had to wait in line for something like that, and wait for their turn,like normal people do? I see the boys still don't have braces, even though she said all would have them by last August.

FYI said... 69

Jamie Anderson did an interview with the Wrap about her stint on CA. She had this to say about Kate:

Who else do you think should leave?

Kate [Gosselin] kind of blew it, and she didn’t do much either. I thought he would fire her. And she took forever on the shopping mission when we needed her help. Like “Kate, you suck.” [laughing]

Blowing In The Wind said... 70

"Did you notice in the packing clip some of the clothes had price tags still attached? And lots of stuff was on hangers. I think this is why she tweeted her thanks to Peace, Love, World. Why the heck is everything all spread out downstairs instead of packing in their rooms? Because she wants to make it harder than it can be."


If these were new things, wouldn't it be much easier to bring them into the house and dump them in the living room, rather than taking them upstairs to the kids' rooms, sorting through them, packing there, and then taking them back downstairs? I don't know...but I would have done the packing on the first floor as well where everything could be spread out.

AuntieAnn -- I was looking at the photo of that gorgeous veranda and thinking how funny it would have been if admin had photoshopped kegs and barrels of Rumspringa next to the chairs!

JudyK said... 71

Congrats, Adm, on your milestone and on your new porch!

Going to comment before I read, so I may be repeating something someone else has already pointed out, but I have to say that Geraldo just GROSSES ME OUT...he's so rude and arrogant and if he thinks he has a good body, guess again. I thought I was going to throw up. His arrogance (and delusion) know no limits.

Also, I like The Donald on The Apprentice but not at all otherwise. And speaking of delusions of grandeur, I am sure you have all heard by now that he is suiing the Airport where his mansion is located for $100 MILLION for allowing planes to fly over ...perhaps afraid they may mess up his hair. He believes it is a deliberate conspiracy. And this is the man who wants to run for President.

Anonymous said... 72

Midnight Madness said... 49

I've never been to Cabadia. How long a flight from the East Coast? ;)


It's Cabada, and it take a fuckety-hundred hours from anywhere.


Call Me Crazy said... 73

roxyhelen said... 60 (of previous thread)

Can I just point out how dangerous it is for Cara to become a vegetarian when she has an incompetent mother like Kate who probably doesn't know the first thing about ensuring her daughter gets proper nutrition without meat(most likely the extent of the girl's "vegetarian phase") ? I mean yes, smart educated people can be vegetarian, they can even have raw vegan diets but those people know how not to cause themselves to have severe deficiencies, they have a diet in place, they know what they're doing.

Agree, agree, agree! I brought this over from the previous thread because what you have written is so important.

I cannot begin to express how dangerous this is. C & M are at the age where parents must be on high alert for signs of eating disorders, or even just disordered eating behaviors. EDs are extremely complicated brain diseases that affect certain people who are genetically predisposed, but they usually begin with seemingly harmless changes in eating habits, most often in adolescents, whose developing brains are more vulnerable to external stressors.

In Anorexia, victims don't start out with the goal of trying to starve themselves to death. They think they need to lose some weight, or they cut out all fats from their diet because they believe that will maximize athletic performance, or they become vegetarians because they can't bear the thought of animals being killed for food. For certain people, these changes can spiral out of control very quickly.

For normal people, these changes in eating behaviors can lead to, at worst, nutritional deficiencies. But for people whose brains are susceptible to EDs, such seemingly minor changes can be catastrophic. Their brains become so starved and compromised, that they become completely incapable of rational thought where nutrition is concerned.

I have posted here before about watching one of my loved ones descend into the madness and horror of Anorexia. It began at age 14 with her desire to eat "healthy." While she is doing well now and has been in remission for years, it remains a constant battle for her to stay well.

I pray that C & M and their siblings never develop an ED. Given their mother's actions, I don't hold out much hope that they will have a healthy relationship with food.

Anonymous said... 74

I know Kate was on E and Access Hollywood. Any other tv programs?

AuntieAnn said... 75

Interviewer: When will we see Kate on a date?

Kate: Um never. Probably. Not yet. I mean someday maybe if that happens.

The girl knows her mind. Not.

Then the overbloated egotist says she's tired of being linked to - get this - EVERYONE UNDER THE SUN. Yep that's what she said. She's mad because the tabloids are linking her to EVERYONE UNDER THE SUN. Wrong you asshat. So far it's just your bodyguard and some guy named Jeff.

Hardly everyone under the sun.

jbranck1980 said... 76

Wow, I guess we can add Jaime to the LONG list of people who are just 'jellus' of TFW's beauty, brains and talent (snark)

AuntieAnn said... 77

Blowing In The Wind said... 69

AuntieAnn -- I was looking at the photo of that gorgeous veranda and thinking how funny it would have been if admin had photoshopped kegs and barrels of Rumspringa next to the chairs!


I think Admin filled that little white barrel beside that chair with rumpsringa. At least I hope she did. We may need to order a few more of them. ha!

FYI said... 78

The Kate plus 8 FB page posted a preview clip of the show. It shows some of Skyzone, the yard sale and the home renovation. Looks like the boys are moving into the basement.

Most of the clip is the kids yelling and screaming at each other, and it even shows Mady crying because the girls don't want to give up their room to her.

In one part, it looks like Kate is preparing for the yard sale and she says "I wasted my whole week on this". Hey Kate, you were getting "paid" to waste your whole week, stop complaining, bitch.

Kate said on CA "don't default to drama". How ironic that that's all Kate plus 8 is about.

Blowing In The Wind said... 79

Kate has had some creepy fans, such as the foot fetish guy, but look at this one who wants to help her take care of the kids. Doesn't he make your skin crawl? Ew....

eugene grant @eugenegrant98
@Kateplusmy8 I am in love with you and wish I could be their to help with the work so hard ..gene

FYI said... 80

Anonymous said... 73
I know Kate was on E and Access Hollywood. Any other tv programs?

She was also on Extra and TMZ. All the "tabloids" she loves to hate.

redbirdsings said... 81

Thank you, Admin for posting the link to the Honest Boardroom!

Recalibrate! That is NOT in TFW vocab! Bwahahaha

She probably thinks it is Recelebrate. You got TLC gusts of winds in your sails for just a while longer!

Anonymous said... 82

So, is sKate supposed to be on these shows promoting CA or her show on TLC? Is she promoting anything other than herself, her needs and throwing Jon under the bus? I haven't seen any of these. (praise God)


Vanessa said... 83

EDs are extremely complicated brain diseases that affect certain people who are genetically predisposed, but they usually begin with seemingly harmless changes in eating habits, most often in adolescents, whose developing brains are more vulnerable to external stressors.

So sad because SHE'S the external stressor!!

Millicent said... 84

Anonymous said... 70

Midnight Madness said... 49

I've never been to Cabadia. How long a flight from the East Coast? ;)


It's Cabada, and it take a fuckety-hundred hours from anywhere.

LOL! But if you are tanked up on rumspringa, it only feels like a fuckety-fifty hours.

There is not enough brain bleach to remove the image of Geraldo striding out in his tight boxers, black socks and little boots. His knees looked dirty. Compare/contrast to Brandi, who really did not want to even remove her little zip up jacket for the photo shoot.

I am developing a little crush on Lorenzo. How tactful he was in merely pointing out that a 70-year old man is not really going to appeal the Cosmo's demographic. I hope he goes far in the game.

Anonymous said... 85

Interesting(disturbing) article in Inquisitr: "Kate Gosselin, Kids In Danger? Rumored Millionaire Boyfriend Has 'Troubling' Past".

"...court documents that suggest that Kate could be dealing with a man who has anger-management issues."


Call Me Crazy said... 86

Midnight Madness said... 66

Can they be ordered online, and is there a coupon code for them? Free shipping?

Ha, Midnight. Sorry to report there were no coupon or free shipping offers. There was, however, a place to click for a "Free Consultation," but alas, the ad has now disappeared so I am out of luck. Maybe we can check Kate's coupon site for something entitled "good bra".

swingsandroundabouts said... 87

How in the world Ivanka was sired by him is also a great conspiracy. Perhaps even a HOAX. I myself think she really must have been conceived by velvet and cream puffs and I'm sticking to my theory.

I agree. Ivanka is intelligent, poised, confident and beautiful. She can't possibly be DTs offspring. Maybe she is an example of children consciously trying to be the opposite of the parent.

Congrats Admin on maintaining such a great blog over so many years.

Rhymes with Witch said... 88

Call Me Crazy 72

Excellent post ending with:

"I pray that C & M and their siblings never develop an ED. Given their mother's actions, I don't hold out much hope that they will have a healthy relationship with food."

Katie has done nothing to demonstrates an understanding of basic nutrition, how nutritional needs vary at different ages or the value of sitting down to meals as a family. Dolt.

It is also documented that the vomiting associated with anorexia and bulimia wreaks havoc on teeth. I wonder what it might do to veneers. Anyone?

Mel said... 89

It's just so sad....on other sites the comments are thoroughly dissecting Madie's weight & Cara's acne. Why, why, why would a mom subject her children to that?

Rainbirdie said... 90

FlimsyFlamsy said... 59
Admin (#46), don't you mean "spot AWN?!"
It's really tough to spell how she said "on" - I definitely heard her start with an 'o' sound but then she took a detour with an extra syllable thrown in. Sort of like saying spot "oh-whan" fast. She definitely has a regional accent that shows up on certain words.

Anonymous said... 91


Actually Cabadia is East-coastish

most people call them Canada and Cuba, lol

I am also a Pastafarian


Call Me Crazy said... 92

swingsandroundabouts said... 82

I agree. Ivanka is intelligent, poised, confident and beautiful. She can't possibly be DTs offspring.

Ha! Agree. There must have been a code pink at the hospital when she was born!

Call Me Crazy said... 93

Vanessa - You are so right. And it is very sad.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 94

LOL! But if you are tanked up on rumspringa, it only feels like a fuckety-fifty hours.


But if you are totally sloshed on rumspringa and spending all of the time in the airplane bathroom, then it probably feels like two hundred hours!

Anonymous said... 95


Cabada IS a fuckity=hundred hours from everywhere...spit my rumspringa out on that one. You owe me a new keyboard btw. I do have a coupon though


FYI said... 96

Joy--have you heard the news? DWTS returns March 16!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 97

In one part, it looks like Kate is preparing for the yard sale and she says "I wasted my whole week on this". Hey Kate, you were getting "paid" to waste your whole week, stop complaining, bitch.


So preparing for a sale that is going to net money for an animal rescue organization is a waste of her time? She just doesn't know when to shut the heck up. It's obvious that she just blurts out whatever is on her mind, and has no idea how it could be interpreted. Milo was right (for a change). She IS a dolt.

FYI said... 98

If the story about Kate and Jeff Prescott was a plant to deflect from her relationship with Steve, and to promote her "lonely hearts tour" it sure is backfiring on him now.

Winsomeone said... 99

What is that huge lump on the left side of the back of Kate's neck? Is it a shadow, a tumor, or is she having something done to help eliminate the wrinkles in her neck, and it's being done in stages maybe?

Tucker's Mom said... 100

If these were new things, wouldn't it be much easier to bring them into the house and dump them in the living room, rather than taking them upstairs to the kids' rooms, sorting through them, packing there, and then taking them back downstairs? I don't know...but I would have done the packing on the first floor as well where everything could be spread out.
Peace, Love, World sent the kids free clothes for Christmas. Kate tweeted a thank you to them.
I don't know if more clothing came after, but at 11 and 14, those kids should have been taking the time and effort to hang up the clothing in their rooms, or put them in drawers.
They're too old to have Mommy packing everything. They''re also too old to have Mommy doing the thank yous. Not that I consider tweeting a proper thank you.

Vanessa said... 101

In one part, it looks like Kate is preparing for the yard sale and she says "I wasted my whole week on this". Hey Kate, you were getting "paid" to waste your whole week, stop complaining, bitch.
For the love of God!!! Grrrr..

Can you spare some bleach Millicent? Now I've got his dirty knees on the brain!! lol yuck!!
How in the world Ivanka was sired by him is also a great conspiracy. Perhaps even a HOAX. I myself think she really must have been conceived by velvet and cream puffs and I'm sticking to my theory.

LOL-I demand to see her birth certificate!!!

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 102

Has Gladys tweeted Jamie yet, telling her how disappointed she is because she dared to say that Kate doesn't do anything? Of course Milo would tell Jamie that she is way off base because Kate has done everything while everyone else sat on their tushes. #jamieisjealousofkate.

PatK said... 103

I see dirt has been dug up on Jones/Prescott. Since Kate has denied being romantically involved with him, I don't expect to see any commentary on this from the Sheepy-Sheeps to try and explain away his "sordid" past. Milo can breathe easy.

Call Me Crazy said... 104

In honor of the 1,000th post, ♫ these are a few of my favorite things ♫ about this blog:

1. Smart, respectful, caring people
2. Funny and witty comments
3. Links to lots of good stuff
4. Muumuus and crocs
5. Fuckity-hundred
6. #Dolt
7. Rumspringa
8. The Veranda
9. Virtual excursions
10. Ridiculous sheeple comments

Well, a few turned into ten. There could have been many more. Thanks to all the faceless friends who make this such a comfortable place to be.

Vanessa said... 105

Wow-they could do with some serious family counseling.
And wow-talk bully ammunition.
A bullyy/mean girl can latch on to the smallest stupidest thing in terms of using it to make a kid's life a living hell. That woman has thrown those kids to the wolves.
That short clip is full of material to get bullied about.

Vanessa said... 106

Lol- I think it's a wisp of hair and the angle of the camera

Or she's really a Thorny Devil Dragon. They have fake heads on the back of their necks

FYI said... 107

So I see Kate is now following Donald Trump, Jr., Eric Trump, and Amanda Miller(who plays the receptionist on CA) on twitter She was already following Donald, Sr.

So how come she's not following Ivanka?

Vanessa said... 108
Does she just regurgitate the same crapola every time?

Anonymous said... 109

franky, if you are a Pastafarian, I guess that makes me Romaine Catholic.


TLC stinks said... 110

Kate’s younger girls were not the only ones creating havoc. Maddie made her upset known after she realized their vacation home was not Internet-friendly. “Didn’t have phone service, number one. Didn’t have Wi-Fi, number two,” Maddie complained. "This is a struggle.”

Poor girl. She certainly sounds like her mother.

TLC stinks said... 111

I would not be surprised Kate and Steve are responsible for the dirt on Prescott coming out. How perfect. The guy has anger issues so of course he's not boyfriend material. If only Steve were single! Boo hoo.

Anonymous said... 112


That worries me. My uncle had a lump at the same spot that looked like that, turns out it was cancer, by the time he got it looked at he had a 10% survival change. Not sure of the word in English, les ganglions. He got lucky and made it, after 7 weeks of straight radiation. It was brutal.

I hope she gets that checked out. STAT


Anonymous said... 113

Vanessa said... 105

A bullyy/mean girl can latch on to the smallest stupidest thing in terms of using it to make a kid's life a living hell.


Maybe the boys, but I think the girls will be the ones doing the bullying. They've learned from the master.


Wowser said... 114

Has anyone seen the number of viewers for the Maine episode...I haven't yet but you ladies seem to know where to find that better than I do. : )

Formerly Duped said... 115

Call Me Crazy said... 104

Love your list and couldn't agree more! Also info on many topics , and personal stories- it's like chatting with friends!

Rainbirdie said... 116
"We discovered that we had never been to the New England states". Huh? How does one 'discover' that? She must have forgotten that they have been to Connecticut - which is a New England state.

Sherry Baby said... 117

sarah english ‏@sarahenglishxo 39m39 minutes ago
I wish @Kateplusmy8 was my mom #momcrush

I bet Mady and Cara would trade places in a heartbeat!

Sherry Baby said... 118

In honor of the 1,000th post, ♫ these are a few of my favorite things ♫ about this blog:

1. Smart, respectful, caring people
2. Funny and witty comments

And those are two things that the sheep seriously lack. There is no intelligence among the flock, and they have absolutely no sense of humor.

PatK said... 119

No ratings yet for Kate's crap fest last night?

Sherry Baby said... 120

I don't expect to see any commentary on this from the Sheepy-Sheeps to try and explain away his "sordid" past. Milo can breathe easy.

Ah, but Goody The Goof and the Milos-in-Training would say that this happened years ago, so what? It doesn't matter, even if it were true.
Sheeple PH without the D would say that there are no pictures and therefore it never happened.

Sheeple are a question about it. Dumb and so predictable, but funny...

Sherry Baby said... 121

What is that huge lump on the left side of the back of Kate's neck? Is it a shadow, a tumor, or is she having something done to help eliminate the wrinkles in her neck, and it's being done in stages maybe?

At :46? I see it, but I have no idea. It's not a shadow because it's lighter than the rest of her skin and looks to be the size of an egg. Strange.

PatK said... 122

I think what Kate meant by "we've never been to the New England states" is that TLC hadn't provided them with a filming vacation to the New England states.

I'm so glad I didn't (and won't) watch these episodes. I'm in a much happier place.

TLC stinks said... 123

Cable ratings out tomorrow.

Vanessa said... 124

Maybe the boys, but I think the girls will be the ones doing the bullying. They've learned from the master.

Oh for sure PJ, I hear ya. But Mady crying over her room? This is just perfect retaliation materail. It's crazy that this is actually being shown, that their mother wants to expose behavior that should be kept private. What about the online bullies?

PatK said... 125

Thanks, TLC Stinks!

Vanessa said... 126

In the Access Hollywood interview, she says that the kids say they need a male figure to look up to. Another adult to look up to. That any man that comes in would have to be the right one because they know how things worked out with the last man.(paraphrasing) THEIR FATHER???
The one who did anything and everything you asked, and more?? Put up with YOU, loved HIS kids MORE than YOU??

The one who loves HIS children unconditionally?

Vanessa said... 127

I bet Mady and Cara would trade places in a heartbeat!
I think 3 more would follow, and they're male

handinhand said... 128

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 102

Has Gladys tweeted Jamie yet, telling her how disappointed she is because she dared to say that Kate doesn't do anything? Of course Milo would tell Jamie that she is way off base because Kate has done everything while everyone else sat on their tushes. #jamieisjealousofkate.

Here's Jamie's interview quote about Kate:

Who else do you think should leave?
Kate [Gosselin] kind of blew it, and she didn’t do much either. I thought he would fire her. And she took forever on the shopping mission when we needed her help. Like “Kate, you suck.” [laughing]

Isn't this one of the 'young ones' that Kate cozied up to early on?

Tucker's Mom said... 129

LOL-I demand to see her birth certificate!!!
You Birther, you!

I watched the preview on K+8's FB page, and it's just more screaming and crying.
I would love to hear what Paul Peterson and other experts have to say on this. If the kids aren't being entertained with shiny balls, they are acting out on a level that is clinical.
I just can't believe this.

White Organza said... 130

"What is that huge lump on the left side of the back of Kate's neck? Is it a shadow, a tumor, or is she having something done to help eliminate the wrinkles in her neck(...)"

At around :46, I think it's just a strand of hair that is curled up that way on the back of her neck.

Happy Vegetarian said... 131

Call Me Crazy said... 73
roxyhelen said... 60 (of previous thread)

Can I just point out how dangerous it is for Cara to become a vegetarian when she has an incompetent mother like Kate who probably doesn't know the first thing about ensuring her daughter gets proper nutrition without meat(most likely the extent of the girl's "vegetarian phase") ? I mean yes, smart educated people can be vegetarian, they can even have raw vegan diets but those people know how not to cause themselves to have severe deficiencies, they have a diet in place, they know what they're doing.

Agree, agree, agree! I brought this over from the previous thread because what you have written is so important.

I cannot begin to express how dangerous this is. C & M are at the age where parents must be on high alert for signs of eating disorders, or even just disordered eating behaviors. EDs are extremely complicated brain diseases that affect certain people who are genetically predisposed, but they usually begin with seemingly harmless changes in eating habits, most often in adolescents, whose developing brains are more vulnerable to external stressors.

In Anorexia, victims don't start out with the goal of trying to starve themselves to death. They think they need to lose some weight, or they cut out all fats from their diet because they believe that will maximize athletic performance, or they become vegetarians because they can't bear the thought of animals being killed for food. For certain people, these changes can spiral out of control very quickly.

For normal people, these changes in eating behaviors can lead to, at worst, nutritional deficiencies. But for people whose brains are susceptible to EDs, such seemingly minor changes can be catastrophic. Their brains become so starved and compromised, that they become completely incapable of rational thought where nutrition is concerned.

I have posted here before about watching one of my loved ones descend into the madness and horror of Anorexia. It began at age 14 with her desire to eat "healthy." While she is doing well now and has been in remission for years, it remains a constant battle for her to stay well.

I pray that C & M and their siblings never develop an ED. Given their mother's actions, I don't hold out much hope that they will have a healthy relationship with food.

I'm sorry, but what does becoming a vegetarian have to do with "descending into anorexia?" Why would you assume that a vegetarian is any more likely to develop an eating disorder than a carnivore? Believe it or not, for many people (and this includes teenagers) make the choice to become a vegetarian is an ethical choice, not some huge red flag about anorexia. (And no, I'm not saying that meat eaters are unethical.)

Mel said... 132

The spot moves with her when she moves, so not a shadow.
Maybe a piece of hair that's in a funny position?

Or maybe it's something that's been PhotoShopped? :-)

PJ's momma said... 133

I'm a happy vegetarian too. And not at all worried about one of the kids developing an eating disorder by shunning meat. Lots of kids do it now. I eat everything everyone else does, except for meat. No biggie. I'd be more worried because their mother has controlled their food portions so strictly their entire lives. That could make them go crazy eating too much when the controls are off, or obsessing about every bite.

RonnieandMaggie said... 134

So I see Kate is now following Donald Trump, Jr., Eric Trump, and Amanda Miller(who plays the receptionist on CA) on twitter She was already following Donald, Sr.

So how come she's not following Ivanka?

Besides the fact that Ivanka is beautiful, successful, has money, has a handsome and successful husband, good looking kids . . . she may not like her "Women Who Work" initiative that she has been promoting lately. Who am I kidding - she cannot be jealous - could she?

Tucker's Mom said... 135

Sherry Baby said... 121
What is that huge lump on the left side of the back of Kate's neck? Is it a shadow, a tumor, or is she having something done to help eliminate the wrinkles in her neck, and it's being done in stages maybe?

At :46? I see it, but I have no idea. It's not a shadow because it's lighter than the rest of her skin and looks to be the size of an egg. Strange.

That's just a wisp of hair and shadowing front/back of it. Not a tumah!

JMO said... 136

Vanessa said... 101
In one part, it looks like Kate is preparing for the yard sale and she says "I wasted my whole week on this". Hey Kate, you were getting "paid" to waste your whole week, stop complaining, bitch.
Totally agree.

Tucker's Mom said... 137

Elle Lee Batalon These kids are fortunate that their mother is putting herself out there just to support her family on her own. It takes courage to put oneself out to the public and face criticism. I'm sure the whole ordeal of putting your family's life to be viewed is extremely stressful.
4 · 3 hours ago
From the FB page. can these people lack such basic reasoning?
I wonder if Ellie Lee's pea brain can begin to comprehend what it's like to be a CHILD, and have your REAL life out there.

Rhymes with Witch said... 138

I'm sorry, but what does becoming a vegetarian have to do with "descending into anorexia?" Why would you assume that a vegetarian is any more likely to develop an eating disorder than a carnivore? 131

They're not. I think the main point was that Katie has never demonstrated any real knowledge about nutrition and was concerned about her children's (at least h's "chubbiness" as a toddler.
A now defunct blog posted some pics of the vomit fest on the fishing trip. A. looked positively emaciated.
Katie has provided a lot of fodder about her unhealthy relationship with food. What she's teaching her children is concerning.
Crazy, sorry for butting in and feel free to correct me. ~ Administrator said... 139

I wonder if the vegetarianism is Cara's way of taking back control of some of the many things that have been taken away from her.

If she's veggie she doesn't necessarily have to eat the slop Kate puts in front of all of them. She can justify making her own decisions about food and having some input in what she eats. She might actually find the whole thing very liberating. I don't know whether Kate was supportive or snide about it but I hope she can grow up and be nothing but supportive of such a wonderful choice for your health and life.

Vanessa said... 140

But of course tfw is supportive of Cara's choice! She is all about the ethical treatment of animals. Be sure to ask Zorro though, not Shoka

Vanessa said... 141

Who am I kidding - she cannot be jealous - could she?
I think you mean jelus?

AuntieAnn said... 142

Sherry Baby said... 121

What is that huge lump on the left side of the back of Kate's neck? Is it a shadow, a tumor, or is she having something done to help eliminate the wrinkles in her neck, and it's being done in stages maybe?

At :46? I see it, but I have no idea. It's not a shadow because it's lighter than the rest of her skin and looks to be the size of an egg. Strange.


Geez. It looks like a goiter.

(Seinfeld, anyone? And that's all I'm gonna say about that)

ncgirl said... 143

Congratulations on the 1000th post.

Here's a funny comment on Kate's circus:

TLC’s revival of the original self-imposed gestational freak show, Kate Plus Eight. Bright side: as long as the reality show cameras are there, those kids are never alone with their mother."

Rhymes with Witch said... 144

Admin, your comment makes a lot of sense, but "I don't know whether Kate was supportive or snide about it but I hope she can grow up and be nothing but supportive of such a wonderful choice for your health and life. "

When has katie actually supported her kids any way?

JMO said... 145

Vanessa said... 105
VERY DISTURBING. Did not watch show, but the video posted can be attributed to TFW and her insanity, selfishness, and lack of control as a good parent. ~ Administrator said... 146

I think it's so funny poor Milo is upset that the reviewer was not "objective."

Milo, it's a review. By its very definition it's not objective. An objective thing would be like writing up a summary of the show for TV listings. A REVIEW of it, is your TAKE on it. Hence by its very nature, subjective. Gosh these sheeple are dumb. #Dolt.

Somewhere In Time said... 147

The docs of Prescott's wife. Ouch. If true, this isn't a Father of the Year.

Ewes on Dewty said... 148

Or maybe it's something that's been PhotoShopped? :-)
I don't think videos can be photoshopped ;)

Tucker's Mom said... 149

Sherry Baby said... 121
What is that huge lump on the left side of the back of Kate's neck? Is it a shadow, a tumor, or is she having something done to help eliminate the wrinkles in her neck, and it's being done in stages maybe?

At :46? I see it, but I have no idea. It's not a shadow because it's lighter than the rest of her skin and looks to be the size of an egg. Strange.
Upon further inspection, I do believe that's Kate's soul trying to Shawshank its way out of her body.
If you turn up your speakers to "11", you can faintly hear, "I'm soooo cold, heeeeeellllllllp me!!!!"

Rhymes with Witch said... 150

I don't think videos can be photoshopped.

Of course not. They are EDITED to add in Katie's bad behavior.

Vanessa said... 151

Maybe it's the 7th embryo?
Sorry, that was bad, shame on me

FlimsyFlamsy said... 152

According to Gladys, the only people who should be permitted
to judge TFW are single mothers with twins and sextuplets. But
then doesn't that mean Gladys' own opinion isn't of value?

I'll say this -- at least Gladys has the courage of her convictions.
Sure, she acted like a lovesick #Dolt defending TFW's honor
against that mean old Ken Tucker, but at least she did it directly
to him. Whereas flimsy-flamsy TFW slammed Leeza in a tweet
that didn't even include her (which Leeza saw anyway -- bwahaha!)

Tucker's Mom said... 153

Somewhere In Time said... 147

The docs of Prescott's wife. Ouch. If true, this isn't a Father of the Year.
What a mucking mess! This guy must rue the day he got tangled in Kate's web.
This dating rumor did not get started on its own. I've no idea who planted it, but have no doubt it was planted to diffuse and take attention away from Kenya telling the world that Kate and Steve were shacking up, so that this Jeff would be the story, not Steve.
It worked. Good for Kate. Not so good for Jeff.

But, congrats to Kate for working on a business deal with an (allegedly) abuse a*hole and sh*t for a dad.

Rhymes with Witch said... 154

Upon further inspection, I do believe that's Kate's soul trying to Shawshank its way out of her body. 149

Tucker's, thanks for the laugh but she sold her soul to TLC years ago.
Maybe it's an alien and it will spew out green goo (X Files anyone?)

Somewhere In Time said... 155

"I would love to hear what Paul Peterson and other experts have to say on this. If the kids aren't being entertained with shiny balls, they are acting out on a level that is clinical.
I just can't believe this."


Yes, and the really appalling thing is that the fans think that this is cute, all a normal part of growing up, and for Kate, the trials and tribulations of having eight kids, and Kate is the most awesome, strong and patient Mother ever, and they all want to be just like her. No wonder Jon has voiced his concerns about this. He sees it and there isn't a dang thing he can do about it.

The stupidity of the sheep is enough to gag a maggot. Sometimes it's hard to believe that there are so many people walking around who can't see the forest for the trees.

Somewhere In Time said... 156

"Upon further inspection, I do believe that's Kate's soul trying to Shawshank its way out of her body."


Well, some of the sheep are so far up Kate's rear end, so perhaps it's Milo's elbow.

Lynne In RI said... 157

admin (146): "Gosh these sheeple are dumb. #Dolt."


Here comes a bread person!

wendy mc ‏@ladyloda 3h3 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 I apologize if this has been asked but what brand of bread maker do you use? Does it do two loaves?

Not only does it do two loaves, but it slices them as it bakes! Amazing, huh?

High Sodium Content said... 158

Did anyone catch that Kate said she was recovering from shingles? Isn't she a little young for that? She also has to worst posture. What a bad example for her kids. My daughter and I are tall 5'11" and I've always stressed stand up tall, (which wasn't much of a job) she's always been proud of her height. We've always been proud of our height. FYI you can hide a few extra lbs, and being pregnant gives plenty of room for baby. I don't see Kate ever setting a good example for the kids. Poor table manners, never a please or thank you to wait straff. She is always in her own little rude world.

High Sodium Content said... 159

Still catching up reading because I chose to ignore the mess last night. I recorded it though. I have made note of who all the sponsor were. If anyone wants a list, it's easily found. When did Cara being vegetarian come up? ~ Administrator said... 160

An old classmate of mine is also 5;11 and when she was recently pregnant you could barely even tell until the 9th month! She looked 4 months pregnant the whole time, it was crazy. I guess the baby just hid away up in there.

My family is mostly tall too, though not that tall. I'm almost 5'8. And yes I too was always taught to own and be proud of the height. It was never suggested to me to slouch or be embarrassed. I think Kate is about my height.

Dmasy said... 161

Sasquatch, 61. Maybe this is the word that was meant:

a strict, bossy, or belligerent old woman.
"a bullying old harridan"
synonyms: shrew, termagant, virago, harpy, vixen, nag, hag, crone, dragon, ogress;


High Sodium Content said... 162

Kate the ever so smart one. Yes she has been to NE. She went to a run in Conn. that is where she met her other devoted teen fan Emily.

Sheeple Herder said... 163

Just watched the Access Hollywood clip of TFW. Usually she makes me chuckle at her stupidity, sometimes she irritates me, but this segment really got me fired up! She's linked to every man under the sun, she is single handedly taking care of every problem at home, and she NEVER acts differently from what you see when she's on camera. What in the name of Jesus' sandals is she smoking???? I've never seen anyone more removed from reality.
Thanks...rant over!

Tucker's Mom said... 164

I'm also on the taller side and try hard not to slouch.
Kate is a bit young for shingles, but it can happen. Vaccination is recommended at 50 if you are at higher risk, otherwise, it's 60-years old.
Kate is on the younger side for the outbreak- her health doesn't appear to be the best.

PatK said... 165

High Sodium Content said... 158
Did anyone catch that Kate said she was recovering from shingles? Isn't she a little young for that?


My daughter had shingles at age 19. It's weird, isn't it?

PatK said... 166

Somewhere In Time said... 147

The docs of Prescott's wife. Ouch. If true, this isn't a Father of the Year.


You know, I was just thinking earlier that the KG curse strikes again. Jones/Prescott may have been able to keep this under wraps from a majority of the public had he stayed away from her. LOL

Ewes on Dewty said... 167

High Sodium Content said... 158
Did anyone catch that Kate said she was recovering from shingles?

Did she say that on K+8 or CA?

She probably had a rash, you know, like her "broken foot."

PJ's momma said... 168

I'm 5'8" and a horrible sloucher. Back in the 70s, my mom threatened to put me in a 'back brace.' She didn't and I still slouch. I'm shaped like Kate is now too, straight up and down, long limbs, big hands, no waist (but no boobs). It's a bad habit that's hard to break and it looks terrible. My husband sometimes touches my tummy while pulling my shoulders back, which sort of hurts my feelings, but I don't even realize I am slouching until he does that. Or I catch a glimpse of my reflection walking toward a mirror or glass door, and think, "Ugh." I even see a slouchy shadow when I run. She'll probably be a lifelong sloucher.

AuntieAnn said... 169

Dmasy said... 161

Sasquatch, 61. Maybe this is the word that was meant:

a strict, bossy, or belligerent old woman.
"a bullying old harridan"
synonyms: shrew, termagant, virago, harpy, vixen, nag, hag, crone, dragon, ogress;



Virago describes her very well, too.
[vi-rah-goh, -rey-]
1. a loud-voiced, ill-tempered, scolding woman; shrew.

Not to be confused with Viagra although I suspect 'everyone under the sun' sleeping with Kate would probably need it.

High Sodium Content said... 170

Ewes on Dewty said... 167

High Sodium Content said... 158
Did anyone catch that Kate said she was recovering from shingles?

I think it was the early part when she was packing. Who drags all their belongings to a hallway/entrance way to pack. Ms. organized is so unorganized. Why not give each kid a check list to put on their bed, you check it and they put it in their bag? Has to make everything more work than necessary. Never mind it's summer and she has nothing else to do. Can't just blanch a few veggies she has left but has to saute and run through a food processes. She is so far from organized. Otherwise she would have had each meal planned out before the trip and nothing left for waste. She is so phoney like a $3 bill.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 171

She'll probably be a lifelong sloucher.


Maybe her pendulous breasts are causing her to tilt forward. That's got to be a lot of weight to carry around and throw her off balance.

Rainbirdie said... 172

PatK said... 122
I think what Kate meant by "we've never been to the New England states" is that TLC hadn't provided them with a filming vacation to the New England states.
You are absolutely right. I confirmed in the 'Kate to English' dictionary.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 173

High Sodium Content said... 158
Did anyone catch that Kate said she was recovering from shingles?


Or perhaps she meant she had someone replace her roof.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 174

You know, I was just thinking earlier that the KG curse strikes again. Jones/Prescott may have been able to keep this under wraps from a majority of the public had he stayed away from her. LOL


Yes, PatK! I was thinking the same thing. This sure has opened up a can of worms that I would bet neither he nor his ex wanted opened, not to mention his children now being talked about in the media.

NJGal51 said... 175

Thanks Dmasy - I kept thinking Harrigan is the song written by George M Cohan (and you don't even want to know the urban dictionary meaning) but couldn't think of the word she meant to use. Harridan! Slapping my head, of course.

High Sodium Content said... 176

Don't ask me where the height comes from. My dad was about 5'10" and mom maybe 5'7". I always said I took after my football playing cousins. My brother is about 5'10"-''. But my 19 year old nephew is 6'3" and I swear still growing. His mom is petite like 5'1" and 110 lbs. And he's skinny as a rail. This is the same brother that lived on fried balogna, bacon, hotdogs. Now he's all natural this and that, won't touch anything w/ corn syrup. Even gave up drinking, (we're German/Polish) just because he felt better drinking nothing. No drinking problem either - just for his health. Now if only I gave up my wine :).

ncgirl said... 177

Interesting comments from on the show. This is the site that a lot of television without pity people went to. The reactions are mixed. Some think Kate is horrible and feel badly for the children. Some think she looks good and has mellowed out. They liked how she let the children solve their own battles.

NJGal51 said... 178

LOL Sasquatch - When I posted my recent comment I hadn't seen your earlier comment giving the urban dictionary definition of Harrigan. That'll teach me to read all the comments!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 179

Maybe TFW was including her tweeties when she mentioned her
name being linked to "everyone under the sun." The Irish Creeper,
Iwanna, the teenagers with girl crushes, etc. Why, if you count
that stellar lineup of admirers, she's practically a Kardashian.

And AuntieAnn (#169), don't forget earplugs and a blindfold on
the list of gear for prospective suitors.

PatK said... 180

No way would Kate film with a huge lump on her neck and have her hair exposing it. I looked at it, and to me it looked like a possible pixilation problem with the video, possibly combined with a lock of hair out of place and casting a shadow.

....or it really was a huge lump. lol

PJ's momma said... 181

Fleecing, she was a sloucher before she purchased those pendulous boobies! Takes one to know one (raising hand).
There, I just sat up straight, consciously. I'm trying.

getofftwitter said... 182

What the heck is Kate talking about, just getting over shingles? My mom had shingles and it took almost 2 years to get rid of it. And it usually affect people over 50. Kate must have been talking about the roof.

Well, Kate and Brandi are very alike, Brandi was very impatient, and Kate is the same way: I lost a week or hour I will not get back.

Oh, did anyone catch on the preview for next week, one of the boys says that animals don't have souls?

Jen said... 183

I have no idea if kate had shingles, probably not since she exaggerates everything. But it's very possible to have them at a young age. Both my sister and I had mild cases in our 40s, me twice! Other than a day or two of feeling miserable, we were both able to work. We were both put on an antiviral med. it's not usual, but it sure can happen!

Vanessa said... 184

Poor table manners, never a please or thank you to wait straff. She is always in her own little rude world.

Speaking of table manners, did you all catch the part where the kids were asked what tjeir mother had taught them?
Use a fork and knife
no elbows on the table
no speaking with your mouth full.....

.............I have no comment

FYI said... 185

Anyone find it a bit strange that the story about Jeff Prescott comes out the day AFTER Kate denies dating him? He's been in the news since the beginning of the month, and just now it comes out?

Also, the InTouch article never explains why he has 2 different names.

Seems there's a lot of fishy stuff about this whole so-called relationship. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole rumored romance is the 'business deal" Kate had with Jeff. He lets her use his name, and in return he gets publicity for his company. However, something went wrong with the "deal" and now he's getting trashed.

Of course, now his family is brought into it. This kind of reminds me when Radar did the story on Kate's sister's husband.

Just wonder how much Steve is involved in all of this.

Dmasy said... 186

PJ's Momma, my hubby does the same thing to me. Yes, it kinda' hurts my feelings. But, I know he is only trying to help me.

My shoulders slump. I try to remember to sit and stand straighter. I am right now! Then I forget and assume my natural slouch.

Anonymous said... 187

What was that loud noise....could it be that the business deal has collapsed after those documents became public?

bm ~ Administrator said... 188

How terrible this guy is now getting some dirt dug up about him. Geez.

If he agreed to go along with Kate's little plan, he should have thought of that. If this was all just a misunderstanding, how awful for him for just associating with her. That's a risk you take I suppose when you associate with any celeb who is single. People are going to wonder if you're dating, then they're going to wonder about you.

AuntieAnn said... 189

FlimsyFlamsy said... 180

Maybe TFW was including her tweeties when she mentioned her
name being linked to "everyone under the sun." The Irish Creeper,
Iwanna, the teenagers with girl crushes, etc. Why, if you count
that stellar lineup of admirers, she's practically a Kardashian.

And AuntieAnn (#169), don't forget earplugs and a blindfold on
the list of gear for prospective suitors.


ha! Kate Kardashian. Oh would she like that wouldn't she.

And yes, earplugs would be a must. Not that I want to but I can imagine the shrieking she lets loose with in 'that' situation.

Another fine moment brought to you by makers of Brain Bleach.

Tucker's Mom said... 190

Speaking of table manners, did you all catch the part where the kids were asked what tjeir mother had taught them?
Use a fork and knife
no elbows on the table
no speaking with your mouth full.....

.............I have no comment
Did they say it in unison?
This is what you'd expect to hear from a 5-year old. Table manners should be locked up by 11.

Dmasy said... 191

I didn't watch the first of her "series". I scanned the guide. It will repeat at 6:00PM on Monday evening.

Maybe then.

I have to realign my chakras after exposure to Kate. Might have to make an appointment with a dentist for clenched teeth. There is an emoji for grimacing, but I don't know how to enable it.

Dmasy said... 192

Oh, look what I did! Only the ladies of this fine verandah would possibly care. That face is how watching Kate makes me feel.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 193

Maybe TFW was including her tweeties when she mentioned her
name being linked to "everyone under the sun." The Irish Creeper,


What happened to him? He tried so hard. I kind of liked him, even though he was a bit odd.

Anonymous said... 194

I don't know why I watched this drivel, but when I did my on-demand said Caution for viewers younger than 11. How about participants younger than 11?!


Sleepless In Seattle said... 195

What the heck is Kate talking about, just getting over shingles? My mom had shingles and it took almost 2 years to get rid of it. And it usually affect people over 50. Kate must have been talking about the roof.


Two years? I would guess it depends on the severity of the case. A friend of mine had it and it lasted two weeks. She's 32, and her doctor told her that he's seeing more and more people that age who get it, but the episodes tend to be milder. I was talking to a college professor a few weeks ago and he said that two students on campus had it, and they are still in their teens. It does happen.

Lynne In RI said... 196

Another one of those educational/inspirational shows on TLC right now. Strange addiction...woman is married to a carnival ride, and another one has been eating bricks for twelve years.

It makes Kate seem normal.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 197

If Kate had shingles, wouldn't she have been whining and complaining on Twitter, asking for advice and sympathy from her Tweeties? From what I have heard, those outbreaks are painful. Of course, Gladys would have been right there, offering to rub her with soothing lotion.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 198

Oh, look what I did! Only the ladies of this fine verandah would possibly care. That face is how watching Kate makes me feel.


I thought that was Kate flashing her veneers.

localyocul said... 199

I don't know, wrapping yourself in a flag has been done only about a million times before. Seems kind of unoriginal. And also, maybe a bit disrespectful to imply you're naked under there.


Um, like this?

NJGal51 said... 200

@Kateplusmy8: Loved watching with you all! Goodnight, everyone! See you next Tuesday.. Same place, same time, same channel! @TLC #KatePlus8

@PRFANS: @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Haha! C U Next Tuesday!!! Yep, you certainly are!
Ha! TFW walked right in to that one!

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