Saturday, January 24, 2015

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "New England Adventures": Maine-ly, Kate is a #dolt

Coming up on Kate Plus 8, screaming, crying, screeching, whining. Which is usually what's coming up on this god-damned show. There's normal familial disagreements, and then there's an unhappy family. There's a difference.

Cool drone shot of the kompound. You can tell it's probably GoPro because of the fisheye. Not that their property isn't already out there, but it seems to me this is kind of reckless. It would make it really easy for anyone to find it on Google maps who maybe already doesn't know. They used to only film little snippets of the property, such that it would be very difficult to pin down its location based on the footage. I don't get the sense anyone cares about common sense anymore, least of all Schmoopy here.

Kate has discovered, Chris Columbus style, that they have never been to New England before, so that would be a great place to get TLC to pay for a trip to.

Hm. But they all went to Connecticut in 2012 to run a race together. Maybe she thinks New England is its own state.

Kate tells Zorro she's going to miss him while they're away. He bites her. Heh, I imagine he's a fan of Vivica Fox this season on CA. A long, boring explanation about how they will all get packed. Schmoopy's in her element when she incessantly drones on about pointless things about herself and the things she does nobody else cares about. She treats her show sort of like a video version of Facebook. Next she'll be showing us the green smoothie she is about to drink and the cute little booger in one of the kid's noses when he woke up this morning.

More long, boring shots of the kids packing. Much to the dismay of Doofus, who rolls her eyes like a child, the kids, who are getting older and wiser by the day, actually want to pack their own things and choose their own clothes, which makes packing a nightmare for a control freak.

I love this part! Hannah says Mom used to try to make them wear all matching clothes, and quote, "that is so annoying." I remember many a debate back in the good ole days between the haters and the sheeple, with the sheeple saying just let them wear matchy-match clothes they probably like it! And us mean haters saying matching clothes are silly they are not toddlers, they should be allowed to be their own people and express themselves and choose their own damn shirt to wear.

Now, the golden child herself tells us that it turns out the kids hated doing the matchy-matchy thing! I feel validated, and I have a funny feeling we're going to continue to be validated as the kids get older and find their voices and confirm many of our wise speculations.

As so many have pointed out, the boys have shaped out to be so awesome. They just sort of go with the flow of packing as Kate barks orders, is over-the-top unreasonable, and tries to get a rise out of them. They're just like sure whatever you want Mom, I'm sure you know best. If you just don't engage with Kate, it's the same as cutting off her arms and legs. A histrionic narcissist craves somebody to engage with, and they won't do it.

As per her usual, Kate won't tell them where they are going. Then she teases them by using the words "main" or "mainly" in every sentence. Hannah's like no we didn't pick up on that because she always says that. Lol. And you mainly ignore her usually anyway, right kids? Actual research shows you get the biggest boost of happiness from planning and anticipating your vacation, not from actually being on it. This boost can last almost eight weeks! There is virtually no boost in happiness either on the trip or after you get home from the vacation. It's always grated on me she takes away the fun of anticipation from them. Instead they're always packing in the dark and headed down the road to nowhere, completely clueless. Poor kids.

Packing was such a struggle for this trip, and was half a day of their lives they won't get back, says the problems of the 1%. This is like Facebook, or Pinterest! Now Kate is shredding zucchini! Kate has confiscated Mady's phone again, but neither Kate nor Mady can remember why. Well, that's an effective punishment.

Mady describes the phone thing as Kate thinking, "I'm so cool, I have all the power." I think that child is pretty darn insightful.

The next morning, it's so early it's dark. Mady is still begging Kate for the phone back. I get that, it sucks not to have your phone on a long traveling day and vacation shouldn't start out on the wrong foot like this with you still being punished (for a reason no one can remember, apparently). Kate kind of gives her a "maybe, we'll see," type thing, then turns around and tells the cameras she's not getting it back. Mady's right, it's a power thing.

Mady and Cara are bringing a friend with them, Marley. Cara asked if she could bring a friend. I.e. Cara refused to film unless she gets her way, eh, Kate? Heh, I quite like these kids.

They arrive in Philadelphia airport and head to the plane. They don't want to road trip this one? It's not that bad of a drive. Ha-ha, schmoopy's slumming it in coach with the kids. Poor thing has to use her own hand as a headrest to doze. All the kids are glued to their iPads and iPhones the whole flight, quiet as mice. I think on the one hand it's nice you can just stick an iPad in front of a kid and they shut up the whole trip. On the other hand, what has happened to us?

There's a lot of filler in this episode, and I don't mean the kind you get in Beverly Hills. It's a lot of little unnecessary flashbacks to other trips, other flights, other griping. I could do without the history lesson.

Do you guys like flying? the producer asks the boys. Does anyone care? But incidentally, yes they like flying.

Kate rents a sprinter identical to the one they have at home. "Same seats!" she orders. For pity sake they are ten and fourteen years old, they still have a seating chart?

They head right to Plimoth. Did you know your very own Admin is a direct descendant of Pricilla and John Alden, two of the original pilgrims to settle here? I think I have my great-grandmother's nose.

They get dressed up as pilgrims, which strikes me as rather babyish, but the kids really seem to be enjoying this, so fine. At least a few people have mentioned that the kids may be more willing to participate in whatever, even babyish things, just because at least they are getting a chance to socialize and get out of the house. I think that's a fair point. Collin especially is so cute all head to toe in stockings, wool and brass buttons. It's nice to see the boys so much more relaxed and happy than in previous updates where they seemed frighteningly checked out. Kate too gets dressed, complete with a corset. The woman assisting her is too nice. Too bad Frances Fisher couldn't help her lace that one up.

He-he, Kate looks more like The Flying Nun than she does my great-grandmother. She's upset the stiff pilgrim shoes don't have Nike technology. She says they were so stiff a dog's teeth could have been broken on them. Tee-hee, that's what she said.

They meet up with one of the Pilgrim reenactors. I was last here when I was a teenager and being the history nerd that I was, I loved it. These people never step out of character. If your cell phone rings they act frightened and want to know what that is, that's how much they are into it. Viewing it now from an adult's eyes, it's sort of cheesy to have a bunch of actors everywhere pretending they are in a time warp. But on the other hand, it's obviously a great way to get kids interested and excited about history, and that I love.

Kate takes hobbling harridan to a whole new level as she stumbles after the kids who are gathering hay, carrying water, and other chores. Post trip, mostly all the kids can talk about was how hot it was. They need air conditioning, Collin says. I'm sure William Brewster will get right on that. Did they clear the entire Plimoth Planation in the middle of high tourist season for this family? It's utterly empty. A pilgrim ghost town.

Kate's really taken aback by the sheep and how vocal they are. You would think she would be quite comfortable amid dumb sheep by now, even vocal ones.

The kids help one of the pilgrims making some food, like eggs and mussels. In keeping with how she usually checks out an hour or so into the task on Celebrity Apprentice, Kate goes off to take a nap. Somewhere up there in heaven my grandma is snickering at this doofus. I come from a long line of both patriots and humorists.

The next day they make the long drive up to Maine, stopping at a little town called Bath for lunch. For some reason this name seems to really entertain Kate. She knows it was likely just named after the famous spa town in England, right? Lots of Northeast states have a Bath, including PA and NY. For only being on the road one morning Kate sure has a laundry list of complaints about the drive, including the Dolt giveth and the Dolt taketh away iPads. Aw, this restaurant looks like just about every little family restaurant you can find in any little Northeast seaside town. The kids seem too old for those plastic cartoony kid drinks. Maybe I'm getting out of touch with ten-year-olds.

Mm, fried pickles and calamari. And lots of other deep fried goodness. I love summer and small little coastal towns. Hehe, Mady orders lobster. The kids, being ten, are kind of forgetting their manners, playing with the food a bit, but since it's all about the details for Kate, nothing is allowed to just be let go on vacation. They even have to use a knife and fork to eat calamari. Stupid.

Mady ordered the lobster both because she was interested in trying it and because she knew it would piss Kate off because Kate finds lobsters gross. I find myself thinking Mady is my new favorite character on this show, then catch myself because that's just weird to think. She's a young woman for pity sake. A real person, not an actor or character. And yet the poor child is being discussed on the inter webs as if she were a "character", and I see how it happened. I fell into it too.

Predictably, Kate has to get in a slam about her upbringing saying she never got this sort of opportunity to try lobster so have at it, Mady. I daresay many of our parents could not afford this sort of nonsense and would not allow us to order it even if they could afford it. Especially when we're far too young to appreciate the delicacy and would, nine times out of ten, leave 90% of it on our plates to waste. I think we turned out all right despite being deprived of such a fine crustacean. Why is everything about her kids directly related to her own perceived bad childhood? Maybe a therapist could tell her. Hehe, now Lexi wants a lobster too. Well, that's what happens when you allow your children to go down this rabbit hole.

Mady loves that she's found something Kate hates. She wants to put lobsters under Kate's pillow. Hehe, the next four years are going to be long, very long, for poor Doofus.

They hit the road again and end up in Lincolnville where their beach house is. This is more than just a shanty. It's a beach-mansion. It also doesn't really appear to be on or near the beach. Maybe it's off camera somewhere.

Mady, being a teen, is mad there is no cell or wifi service. It's gonna be a long two weeks for a teenager.

Dramatic ensue because Lexi doesn't want to sleep on the couch. Well, I get that. It's kind of unfair the other two girls get nice lush bunk beds and she's stuck on the couch. Not sure how that happened, but poor Lexi is promising, tears welling in her eyes, that she'll be quiet if she can just have a bed. Aw, that's so sad. Maybe they need to at least take turns. Remarkably even Hannah suggests that if Leah and Lexi both really want that top bunk maybe they could just trade off each night. That's reasonable. Kate is dismayed the children have minds of their own. Heh. Kate shuts the three younger girls in a room and tells them to figure it out. Eh, I know this is Kate just being lazy, but at this age, they need to figure out such trivial things among themselves and stop running to Kate to solve it and betting she'll do something unfair that will end up in their favor. Interspersed with all this, the girls are giving each other random little pushes and shoves. That is so bizarre to watch. I've never seen such a thing except among preschoolers. It's like a second form of communication for them other than their words. They are ten for gosh sakes. And Kate just stands there, doing nothing about all this physical violence.

Hannah, bless her heart, volunteers to sleep on an air mattress so that Leah and Lexi can both get what they want. Well, that was nice of her, and mature. Good for her.

Commercials, and what a coincidence they are showing the trailer for Paddington, which Kate just happened to tweet about. Another grift?

The next day it's pouring rain as it tends to do in the Northeast during summer exactly when you're planning to go to the beach. I think it's nice that they put rain gear on and head to the beach anyway. The beach can still be fun even in the rain. They tackle the rocky shore and explore, finding some little crabs. I hate screamers. I think her screaming is getting worse as the years go by. More shrill.

After the beach, they hazmat the house to do some painting like they are two. If you really watch closely, the kids are constantly smacking each other. I mean it is non-stop. In one little clip, I spotted Alexis smacking Aaden and then whipping her easel toward him like a bayonet. This sort of thing goes on all episode long. Geez.

When all is finally set up the kids finally calm down and concentrate on their paintings. None of these are very good even the twins', except maybe Collin's, of a whale. Somebody should have told them to paint a base color on their canvas first. It would look so much better.

The next day they head to a ropes course. That's really cool, and Kate is right about it being difficult to find activities the two different age groups both like. I give the producers credit for really trying to find activities that appeal to the whole crew. I like ten-year-olds because they look at a sheer vertical wall with like two dozen teeny tiny little plastic peg things to hold onto, and they're all about it, can't wait to tackle it. They don't have the stupid fears and reservations and logic us silly adults have.

Doofus can't figure out something as simple as how to clip on and off. She even admits she felt sort of stupid. However I think she thinks being a #dolt is cute, which it's not. Alexis and the boys especially loved this activity, aw! Kate is being one of us adults with stupid fears and reservations and won't do most of these. That's fine, but don't teach your children your fears.

Nice, the only good flashback clip they've shown so far, to when our favorite Kiwi and honorary blog husband, pushed her off a tower and laughed at her. Hehe, nice one!

On a side note, splicing in a bunch of flashbacks into the episode makes these episodes so much more low-budget. All these flashbacks add up, which means you don't need nearly as many days of footage to make one episode. Money saved. I think that's just an interesting thing to ponder about TLC's game plan here. Showing incredibly long, drawn out clips of the kids swinging across ropes also saves money. A couple of the kids have GoPros on their helmets. Fun.

Collin and Aaden are so cool. They encourage each other and Collin tells him it's nice spending time with him, "we're the boys!" he proclaims. Aw. I'm so happy they've found their voices. They close the place out like you might a bar, lol.

After just having watched the RV episode it's nice to see a relatively less stressful vacation, at least so far. I suspect a big factor in that is that Kate hasn't brought along any hired help who is over her and primed to call her out.

Next up, my DVR has also decided to record the oh so educational My Big Fat Fabulous Life. Whitney's fat girl dancing Youtube video got 5 million hits. And, I'll skip recapping that.

372 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Sherry Baby said...

From previous thread..

I won't bring it here because we're not the "outing" blog, but if it is who this person says, that's scary! It's a normal-looking woman who lives in Utah.

Yes, I saw that. However, where did you see a photo? I looked at something I thought was her picture, but when I checked it out, I was mistaken. It was the photo of a doctor for whom the organics person commented on a website.

So Emily admitted to the DMs, but not the content. Lesson learned the hard way. You don't ever DM or tweet ANYTHING about a celebrity when you're just a fan hired to do a nanny's job. Apparently she never thought that whatever she said could be altered and embellished. I guess she knows now. ~ Administrator said...

I think like a lot of things, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

I don't believe that Em's DMs, which she admits she did send to Organics, were all innocent and benign. But I also don't believe they were as over the top as Organics is claiming.

Sherry Baby said...

"Hm. But they all went to Connecticut in 2012 to run a race together. Maybe she thinks New England is its own state."

Remember when she did the photo shoot in Mexico, and she said she had never been out of the country before? She had previously been to Canada.

Still reading...

ncgirl said...

Thanks for the recap. I can not watch the show. Seems like Kate is still clueless.

localyocul said...

Sherry Baby said... 1
From previous thread..

I won't bring it here because we're not the "outing" blog, but if it is who this person says, that's scary! It's a normal-looking woman who lives in Utah.

Yes, I saw that. However, where did you see a photo? I looked at something I thought was her picture, but when I checked it out, I was mistaken. It was the photo of a doctor for whom the organics person commented on a website.


I found it on Facebook

localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 2
I think like a lot of things, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

I don't believe that Em's DMs, which she admits she did send to Organics, were all innocent and benign. But I also don't believe they were as over the top as Organics is claiming.



Tucker's Mom said...

Great recap. The pushing, shoving and hitting is out of control, and I've never seen Kate address it.
It's bizarre.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Yay -- I was so hoping you'd do a recap! Between CA and the
specials, I know it's been a crazy busy month in 15 Minutes Land,
and everyone's efforts are appreciated.

Hilarious that TFW stopped to take a nap in the middle of a family trip that was being filmed! She outs herself as a lazy galoot again and
again. When she said, "When you're helping me, you need to be
running," she forgot to add, "And wake me up when you're done!"

Rhymes with Witch said...

Thanks so much for the recap, Admin. I can't bring myself to watch. I 'm afraid I'll end up breaking my tv.
You provided little glimpses that indicate that there is hope for these children, but Katie seems hellbent on destroying them.

Tucker's Mom said...

The boys are so much like Jon- laid back and easy going.
The girls are going to blossom into fishwives if they don't get some intervention.

Wowser said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 8
She outs herself as a lazy galoot again and
again. When she said, "When you're helping me, you need to be
running," she forgot to add, "And wake me up when you're done!"

Omg!! I

And admin....TFW...Maine-ly a #dolt...hahaha!

Freethe8 said...

Excellent recap, Admin. I have been waiting for it.

I also see the ImperfectWitches are doing a fail doxx on twitter. We can all see through the sox account.

Jumping In said...

Thanks Admin! I don't get TLC so rely on your re-caps and insight into the new episodes of Kate Plus 8. It sounds eerily familiar, grifted beach house, over the top unnecessary angst, and the petty, chippy behaviour amongst the girls. Happy to hear the boys are outside the drama and coasting along happily.

As good as your re-cap was, I bet it was infinitely more interesting than the show itself. As you said, fillers are cheap, and when there is nothing much of interest in the present, why not pull out the cuter, younger version to remind the viewers what they used to like.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I don't believe that Em's DMs, which she admits she did send to Organics, were all innocent and benign. But I also don't believe they were as over the top as Organics is claiming.




But why would you be so naive that you'd communicate with that person in the first place? Geez. If Emily's so clueless that she hasn't read those disgusting, vile comments that person makes about the children and other tweeters, then Emily can deal with what is coming, if anything. She's so caught up in her delusional celebrity world that she's just like Kate and there's no awareness in anything other than bragging rights and what's in it for her. I hope this turns out to be a valuable lesson for her. Discretion is the better part of valour, or something like that. You think before you act.

localyocul said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 14
I don't believe that Em's DMs, which she admits she did send to Organics, were all innocent and benign. But I also don't believe they were as over the top as Organics is claiming.




But why would you be so naive that you'd communicate with that person in the first place?


Because she IS in that delusional, celebrity obsessed world, and she is 20. She is very young. I think something is wrong with her with all her obsessions but that just makes me feel sorrier for her.

Sherry Baby said...

I found it on Facebook

Localyocal -- I'm not sure where you are looking, but if it's the one I think it is, that is not her.

Tucker's Mom said...

Overall, the episode sounds boring.
I don't get the appeal of watching someone else's kids on vacation.

Also, Kate's constant eyeball rolling just shows her contempt over and over again.

Sherry Baby said...

I also see the ImperfectWitches are doing a fail doxx on twitter. We can all see through the sox account.

Okay. I'll bite. Who or what are the ImperfectWitches?

Ingrid said...

splicing in a bunch of flashbacks into the episode makes these episodes so much more low-budget...
To me that means there was not enough interesting things during their vacation to put on the show so they had to add stuff to fill up the time slot. There is only so much hitting, screeching, and crying that they would keep in one show. The show has become even more boring as they get older.

Kate has to do something all the time to get the attention away from the kids whether it be beating them at a game or fakey faces and shrieking about everything. Her time spouting verbal diarrhea on the couch is her way of getting more of the attention. When I used to watch I felt like the kids were shown a minute to Kate's 5 min. of air time even though there are more of them. If they made a show with just the kids and kept her bound and gagged behind the camera it might just be a little better although not great show. I would donate a dirty sock to shove in her mouth.

I don't watch K+8 or CA now because I work those evenings and have no DVR but I would have skipped it anyhow. Thanks for the great recap!!

chefsummer #Leh said...

I'm sure KK will make to NYC via her broom or on the back of the flying monkey.

She'll make a way to get her mug on TV.

AuntieAnn said...

Coming up on Kate Plus 8, screaming, crying, screeching, whining. Which is usually what's coming up on this god-damned show.


Thanks Admin. You've pretty much summed it up right there :)

Your roguish talent for transforming something as disturbing as Kate Plus Eight into an entertaining read is astonishing.

I bow to the genius within you.

Tucker's Mom said...

AuntieAnn said... 21
Coming up on Kate Plus 8, screaming, crying, screeching, whining. Which is usually what's coming up on this god-damned show.

I noticed that Kate's doing the intro now, and calling it "On this of Kate plus 8".

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Okay. I'll bite. Who or what are the ImperfectWitches?


Witches and flying monkeys. Are we sure this isn't Oz?

Tucker's Mom said...

I noticed that Kate's doing the intro now, and calling it "On this of Kate plus 8".
"On this *season* of Kate plus 8".

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Uggs is going to NYC tomorrow. Can't Kate get a ride with her?

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@NeYoCompound since you'll be in NYC come to #ComedyCellar Sunday night #chill #laugh @Sherrod_Small @JudahWorldChamp performing #GetLOLon

Who is Ne Yo?

Uggs Sheep continues to amuse. She wants Kelly Ripa to come to a comedy club in NY because Uggs and her sister will be there. Get right on that, Kelly! No snoozin!

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@1iota @KellyandMichael @KellyRipa @michaelstrahan #1iotaBeThere #sisbday #GoingToBeEpic #1iotaRocks I will be there YOU? Snooze you lose đź‘Ťđź‘Ť

fidosmommy said...

I want to see a clip of TFW' s reaction when she found out she was flying COACH. Didn't she always fly 1st class before?

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 17

Overall, the episode sounds boring.

I don't get the appeal of watching someone else's kids on vacation.


I don't get it either. This is the best they can do to replace that repugnant HBB show? Things must be worse at TLC than we thought.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Witches and flying monkeys. Are we sure this isn't Oz?

FLY my pretties fly.

AuntieAnn said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 14

I hope this turns out to be a valuable lesson for her. Discretion is the better part of valour, or something like that. You think before you act.


I hope so too and I hope she doesn't think this is her big break into the world of scandalous tabloid celebrity which garners the kind of attention only a narcissist would appreciate. I've been reading her timeline and as Vanessa said she seems a like a young Kate clone.

AuntieAnn said...

In the few minutes I tried watching this show the thing that stood out was that awful banter between Mady and Kate on the couch. I got the distinct feeling that Mady hates her mother. Seriously. The damage is done. I couldn't watch it and had to change the channel.

Lynne In RI said...

AuntieAnn (29): "I hope so too and I hope she doesn't think this is her big break into the world of scandalous tabloid celebrity which garners the kind of attention only a narcissist would appreciate. I've been reading her timeline and as Vanessa said she seems a like a young Kate clone."


It seems like it's time for an intervention. I realize that she's not a minor, but where are her parents, or do they enable and encourage this celebrity worship? ~ Administrator said...

Roguish, Auntie? Hehe! That's what she said!

Cat to kitten, Chef: comment of the week.

Jeanne said...

It's terrible that these kids are always hitting each other. What a way to grow up. And all that shrieking and shouting. It must be a nightmare. I can't believe you recapped that without getting a migraine.

Was Cara even in the episode? Has she checked out so much that she was only noticeable in the beginning? I worry the most about her.

I do appreciate how you found good points about the kids to tell us about. Even Mady and Hannah who have gotten the worst press.

redbirdsings said...

I sent Paul Peterson the link to the trailer of the vacation in Maine and he responded. So sad.

Dear Paul,

I don't know if you watched Kate Plus 8 last night,
but here is a clip of a sample of what was going on.
Just watching this much put so much stress on me.
These kids need an intervention with their Dad,
Jon Gosselin. He had to be beside himself watching
what went on last night.
One of the boys reportedly said that animals have
no souls. That has to be from Kate their mother!

She is truly mentally ill.


I know, it's horrific.
I tried to watch the RV shows...and just couldn't.

Big troubles lie ahead.


Paul Petersen

Kirkland said...

I enjoy reading comments from people about Kate at different websites. Most of them, of course, are negative.

Here's one from a person named "cynicalsteve" from the PennLive website:

"I had the pleasure of meeting them and waiting on them when the babies were still in Hershey Medical Center. Nurses all pitched in and bought them gift cards to the place I worked so they could enjoy a dinner out. Jon was the nicest, most soft-spoken man. Kate was demanding, ungrateful, and overall just not a nice person. I attributed it at the time to her being tired and grumpy, since real TV news crews (abc27 and cbs21) had just been doing stories on them. So I was slightly mistaken....unless 10 years later, she's still just tired and grumpy."

JMO said...

Jeanne 33-
Was Cara even in the episode? Has she checked out so much that she was only noticeable in the beginning? I worry the most about her.

I think C & M have a little "GEM" of their own. If you make us film, I will be filmed a little as possible and remain silent (C) and I will call you out on every thing I don't like and sass you (M).They have her over a barrel.

On the other hand, I find out astounding how much the little girls hit, push, and shriek, but never the boys. Great double standard. Usually see boys just walking away, and TFW not saying a single thing to the girls for hitting the boys. Yet Colin says one thing to L about her hair and she lectures him on and on and on. Disturbing.

JMO said...

Cat to kitten, Chef: comment of the week.

Agreed. It's a PURRFECT description : )

JMO said...

Great recap Admin! As always.

JMO said...

Kirkland said... 35
I enjoy reading comments from people about Kate at different websites. Most of them, of course, are negative.

Here's one from a person named "cynicalsteve" from the PennLive website:

"I had the pleasure of meeting them and waiting on them when the babies were still in Hershey Medical Center. Nurses all pitched in and bought them gift cards to the place I worked so they could enjoy a dinner out. Jon was the nicest, most soft-spoken man. Kate was demanding, ungrateful, and overall just not a nice person. I attributed it at the time to her being tired and grumpy, since real TV news crews (abc27 and cbs21) had just been doing stories on them. So I was slightly mistaken....unless 10 years later, she's still just tired and grumpy."


Classic and accurate description. Sometimes I think TFW is a bottomless pit who will never be happy, as she the more she gets, the more she thinks she deserves. Bottomless pit.

Tucker's Mom said...

Kirkland said... 35
I enjoy reading comments from people about Kate at different websites. Most of them, of course, are negative.

Here's one from a person named "cynicalsteve" from the PennLive website:

"I had the pleasure of meeting them and waiting on them when the babies were still in Hershey Medical Center. Nurses all pitched in and bought them gift cards to the place I worked so they could enjoy a dinner out.
Wait, I thought Kate didn't leave the house for 2 years??

Anonymous said...

(Leslie) Great recap Admin. Thanks for doing that.

I know one of the episodes is the boat and Sig is in charge. Does anybody know what the second episode is and who is the PM. Is it certain that Kate gets fired Monday night?

Tucker's Mom said...

I know, it's horrific.
I tried to watch the RV shows...and just couldn't.

Big troubles lie ahead.


Paul Petersen
How nice to take the time to respond to you. I know Paul P. is doing what he can, traveling across country to help efforts in PA to protect children being filmed.
He's a hero in my book.
Now that Paul P. knows Jon personally, I'm sure he sees the episodes through a new lens that gives him context beyond his own vast knowledge and experience.
It is sad, and I just have to wonder how did we as a society get to this point, where we are feckless voyeurs, watching (not consenting) children, in their most personal and private moments, for entertainment.

Sue_Buddy said...

Sherry Baby said... 18
I also see the ImperfectWitches are doing a fail doxx on twitter. We can all see through the sox account.

Okay. I'll bite. Who or what are the ImperfectWitches?

They're the women who run the Imperfect Women blog. I'm guessing the person who made that comment thinks they're the ones who doxed the person who doxed organic-what's-her-name. Make sense? LOL

Tucker's Mom said...

Just saw Donald Trump on the Today Show. He was promoting his beauty pageant, and was asked about CA.
CA will be extended 2 hours- a live 2 hours.
I wonder if he'll tape Katie Kreider for this.
I have no idea how this works or how this is different from previous CA season finales.
Do they know who won yet, or is the finale usually live, and between the 2 finalists?

chefsummer #Leh said...

AuntieAnn said... 30

I got that feeling during the RV episode that M was tired of Kate and that M doesn't have one ounce of respect for Kate.

Jeanne said... 33

It's normal for sibs to fight but usually it evens out and I don't see that with the G kids.

Sasquatch said...

Dear God, please help these kids. Remove them from the bondage of living with a mother with active, untreated mental illness. Remove them from that fearful, joyless house and let them live with their father.

Sasquatch said...

The nurses bought Katie Kreider (aka Karen Kaufman) a gift card for free food. Wow. She's always been That Person. Undeserving yet ungrateful. It's astounding that she was unhappy at this free dinner paid for by people who worked hard for their money as they drained the PA Medicaid coffers. After SHE used a fake name to order illegal fertility drugs on the internet...and use them illegally...,to become pregnant with the HOMs that her husband did not want and knew they couldn't afford....and then forced him to do most of the childcare...and begged for help with everything from a 15 seat van (only certain colors acceptable) to juice boxes to paying the light bill.., oh crap I just got too tired to finish this. She's such a miserable evil malevolent bitch. Lock her up on the psych ward for a year and then maybe I can not want to hit her

NJGal51 said...

Maybe the sheeple will tune every TV in their house to the show to boost ratings. Didn't they try that once before?

TLC stinks said...

From Organics tweets, looks like she's been contacting various media outlets. I guess we'll just see what happens.

I think Emily is just young and truly in the dark about what the hell she tweeted to a hater. I think she took it upon herself to innocently defend Kate because she thinks she is Kate's BFF. She thinks she is an insider and was doing Kate a favor. This may be finally an instance where Kate and Steve screwed the pooch on not impressing upon Emily to keep quiet like the others. Sloppy because Kate thinks she is invincible with the show and CA airing. I truly hope she gets hers. It's about time although as a narcissist, she will love the attention.

Formerly Duped said...

I liked the recap, Admin, and glad to know you have Pilgrimish roots!

I think Hannah had a secret agenda about the bunk beds. She seemed to be whispering something to Leah and then shut the bedroom door. Later, on the couch, she and Leah said they 'mainly' (get it?) slept together, I gather, in one bunk. They still managed to ostracize Alexis.

Why would the other bunk-bed area have enough room for the 3 boys or were they just not fighting over who had the air mattress ( which I would prefer over a couch) I like the boys, too- Go Boys! But I think Collin was parroting his dialogue about his wonderful mother and quality family time.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I find out astounding how much the little girls hit, push, and shriek

Like their mother did/does.

redbirdsings said...

Sasquatch said... 46
Dear God, please help these kids. Remove them from the bondage of living with a mother with active, untreated mental illness. Remove them from that fearful, joyless house and let them live with their father.


Matthew 28:20 Bible
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

I agree and I stand with you in this prayer for the kids.

localyocul said...

Sherry Baby said... 16
I found it on Facebook

Localyocal -- I'm not sure where you are looking, but if it's the one I think it is, that is not her.


Really? It's the one that suzeclues is implying. Same exact name (how many people would have that name) and the other tweet from Suze Clues match info from the profile. I'm not saying that person IS her, but that is who Suzeclues is saying it is. BTW I don't know why Em hasn't had Organics suspended by now.

localyocul said...

Sue_Buddy said... 43
Sherry Baby said... 18
I also see the ImperfectWitches are doing a fail doxx on twitter. We can all see through the sox account.

Okay. I'll bite. Who or what are the ImperfectWitches?

They're the women who run the Imperfect Women blog. I'm guessing the person who made that comment thinks they're the ones who doxed the person who doxed organic-what's-her-name. Make sense? LOL


Makes sense to me; I can't reconcile the FB profile they are referencing with the hateful tweets of Organics.

localyocul said...

They head right to Plimoth. Did you know your very own Admin is a direct descendant of Pricilla and John Alden, two of the original pilgrims to settle here? I think I have my great-grandmother's nose.


That's really really cool!

Sasquatch said...

Formerly duped, I had a different take on the bunk bed situation. It seemed to me that Hannah realized that Leah was creating a scene and quieted her and closed the door to avoid embarrassing themselves more. I think it was Hannah, and not Kate, who closed the door. Hannah kept saying "Leah, Leah, Leah..." to quiet her and then closed the door. It was a sad moment, IMO. It implies that those kids know full well that the people filming them do not have their best interest at heart and will show them in an unflattering light. It implies that they know people criticize them and their parents. It may imply that they're filming against their will...that they're complying with their moms demands.

localyocul said...

Did they clear the entire Plimoth Planation in the middle of high tourist season for this family? It's utterly empty. A pilgrim ghost town.


I remember the ROL article said they arrived shortly before the place closed for the day... of course

NJGal51 said...

Tucker's Mom - In the past there has always been a live finale where they bring bac everyone to sit around and answer questions, etc. They usually show the final task during the live show and announce the winner at the end. I live show is usually pretty boring and I read somewhere that many only tune in at the end to see who won.

NJGal51 said...

My comment @58.....The live show, etc.

capecodmama said...

It definitely seems like TLC is not putting much money into these episodes. Compared to what TCFW is used to, a vacation to Plimoth Plantation and Maine is chump change. Of course to you and I it's not, but to a woman who is used to vacationing in FL, the OBX, Hawaii, Australia and New Zealand, visiting the home of the Pilgrims and the coast of ME is scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Especially since she only got to fly to Boston and then had to drive (or ride) the rest of the way in a BBB. This is a woman who is used to 5 star hotels and large houses right on the beach. While the house the family stayed in was nice, it looked rather tight for 10 people and they were not on the beach. I have to say the best part of the episode was TLC splicing in TCFW being pushed off the sky tower in NZ. I had never seen that but the laughter on the face of the "tower man" who pushed TCFW off was priceless.

I do agree the boys are lovely with each other. That was nice to see. It looks like H and L are tight with each other but they shut A out. The fighting, screaming and hitting is beyond out of control with the girls. As far as M goes, this is a young lady who definitely feels like she was shoved aside when her brothers and sisters showed up. Let's face it, she and C were. When just one sibling newly arrives on the scene, it's a huge adjustment for a child, let alone six. As a parent, it is your job to make sure you make time for the child(ren) that were already there. I realize six babies at once is different, but we all know TCFW had plenty of help. She could've easily set aside time to devote to just C and M. She didn't and now she's reaping what she sowed. M has her number and I admit to smiling when she gives it to TCFW. Theirs is not a peaceful home.

I do agree with the poster who said TCFW was rich, not enriched. In her strange mind, enough will never be enough. She will never be happy or content. I have never been jellus of her and I never will be. I don't have the money she has but I have more riches than she could ever imagine. to kitten...Brilliant!

I made PW's Breakfast Burritos. They're on the veranda. Enjoy. ~ Administrator said...

I understand they want the place closed for filming because it's easier on so many levels, but as always I worry about how that sort of special treatment could spoil these children. That's not real life. In real life there are crowds at places like this, often long lines, you have to wait your turn and you don't get free run of the place. You can spoil kids with presents but you can also spoil them with special treatment.

redbirdsings said...

I saw the person you are talking about on FB and I can't wrap my head around it for the possibility that one of those women is organics.

Layla said...

I see the 4th episode is going to be cleaning the basement/yard sale/taking the kids to a trampoline place for Mady and Cara's birthday. And the last one is a Kate's favorite memories show. TLC has filmed all of this stuff before with this family. Are they out of ideas? Why bother filming if they can't come up with anything they haven't already done? Who wants to watch Kate clean her basement and have a yard sale, anyway? What's next, an episode of Kate doing her laundry and the kids loading the dishwasher? Riveting!

I wonder if TLC realized how badly the Gs came across on film and stuck in as many old clips as possible so they didn't have to show as much new stuff.

JMO said...

Question- I don't twitter, but once in a while look at her Twitter (not too much anymore, as it seems to me to be a disaster), but is TFW's Twitter account anywhere near "normal" for a "Reality TV Person?"

I don't do twitter so help a girl out. Thanks.

Formerly Duped said...

I wonder if TLC realized how badly the Gs came across on film
I know, I'm puzzled as to why they aired things that made TFW and some of the kids look so bad. Also there was a lack of 'stage' make-up/cover-up for some who needed it to avoid criticism (trying to be polite b/c it's no one's fault) Does the viewing audience thrive on dysfunction? Kate's sheeple seem to see her in a beatific light so I don't understand the conundrum. Is she a good mom or a bad one to them? Why do they emulate her? Are those kids adorable darlings or spoiled brats? Do sheeple want their kids to turn out this way since they claim to copy her mothering style and recipes? Do people really find the themes interesting? (apart from Plimoth)

fade2black said...

An interesting article on reality competition shows:

JMO said...

Is it me or is TFW a complete mess? She is horrible on CA, and her team mates are not fond of her, her Kate Plus 8 Episodes are horrible, her Twitter is a mess, and her needs/grifting is getting worse than ever. Never mind "the kids want me to date," and then she doesn't have time. Really? She has time for whatever she wants, and I think she has a Man on board, although she will never admit this.

I really can not believe how poorly SHE handles her kids. And why was she recently always looking off camera to get approval? TFM? It is disturbing. Rather than handle her own kids and their issues.
She is a piece of work, at her kids' expense.

I don't see her EVER stop filming the kids (her choice) but does she not get how bad she looks?

JMO said...

I guess if she is "replacing" HBB, so she doesn't give a crap anymore. I use You Tube to view her shows, and am so bored and disgusted, that I rarely watch the whole thing through.

MiChi said...

Layla, so true. Literally everything they're doing this "season," they've done and aired before. 1) Beach vacation 2) Painting 3) Yard sale 4) Organizing basement 5) "Favorite Memories" 6) Birthday

I know I'm missing a few other things I thought of before. But seriously, the "new" episodes are really just repeats. Nothing original. The producers of this show are a joke.

Mel said...

Matthew 28:20 BibleFor where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. 

I agree and I stand with you in this prayer for the kids.
********************, too. My prayer is that have peace.

chefsummer #Leh said...

JMO said... 68
I guess if she is "replacing" HBB, so she doesn't give a crap anymore. I use You Tube to view her shows, and am so bored and disgusted, that I rarely watch the whole thing through.

I'm so with you she's a replacement,

I tried to watch her God she is boring..I feel bad for the kids.

How many times can we watch the same old stuff over and over again? Kate is the same she hasn't changed in 6yrs in-fact she gotten worse imo.

Jackie said...

I can't find a picture of organics? Is there a link or what? Sorry twitter challenged. Ha

Great recap-you know for the sadness that it really was. Love the boys too! Maybe they will make it!


NJGal51 said...

Of course TLC realizes how badly the kids come off. They know people will watch just to see the bad behavior and say "Thank God my kids don't act like that."

Sue_Buddy said...

How many times can we watch the same old stuff over and over again? Kate is the same she hasn't changed in 6yrs in-fact she gotten worse imo.

It has nothing to do with "we." It's how many times can those "feckless voyuers" (lol - thanks Paul Peterson for such a perfect description) will continue to watch.

Ex Nurse said...

Sue buddy said...
They're the women who run the Imperfect Women blog. I'm guessing the person who made that comment thinks they're the ones who doxed the person who doxed organic-what's-her-name. Make sense? LOL
Sadly, it does! But, whose on first?

Ex Nurse said...

Tucker's mom said....
CA will be extended 2 hours- a live 2 hours
---------- mean, like her cherry picker finale number on DWTS? I guess it will be reenactments of her eating and shopping.

JMO said...

Mel said... 70
Matthew 28:20 BibleFor where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

I agree and I stand with you in this prayer for the kids.
********************, too. My prayer is that have peace.
Likewise... This alleged religious woman has lost her way. And the kids deserve better.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Sue_Buddy said... 74

Love your articles.

I meant "we" as the the former fans and now the sheep lol.

Every time Kate opens her mouth it's the same lines and ever time she on TV it's the same..We as the viewing public should be tired of the same ol same ol boring KK..-)

But Kate found her boring way back once again. How long are we going to put up with her boniness is all I'm saying lol.

Rhymes with Witch said... 66

Maybe this is why Katie is always eating.

angie said...

I know, I'm puzzled as to why they aired things that made TFW and some of the kids look so bad.
umm...maybe because this is the best footage and the rest is 'worst-ish?"

and for those of you saying the current episodes are just regurgitation of old ones (painting, beach, blah blah)...don't complain too much or Kite will get her passport punched to Ol' Pari!

JMO said...

Ex Nurse said... 76
Tucker's mom said....
CA will be extended 2 hours- a live 2 hours
---------- mean, like her cherry picker finale number on DWTS? I guess it will be reenactments of her eating and shopping.

And eye rolls, panic, complaining and desperation trying to latch on to males, as the 2 youngest females are gone. She really is a mess trying to fit in to the adult world, let alone parent of 8 kids.

JoyinVirginia said...

Cape cod mama, thanks for the yummy breakfast burritos!
Kayla, I agree with your speculation that new filming resulted in much footage that was unusable, so using the old footage saved the episode and saved money.
I recall that somewhere, maybe way back on aunt Jodi's sisters blog, there were reports of how much filming it took to get enough usable film for an episode, thanks to TFMJG volatility primarily.
Tlc may just be trying to fill a hole in the schedule, and seeing how this version of TFMJG plus Jon's children goes over.
quite a few years ago I thought this, and I still believe it. TLC owns all the footage shot over the years. They will use TFMJG and that film to get viewers, and when they have no more use for TFMJG they will discard her with the same consideration one would discard a used tampon. It's all about the eyeballs and not about the welfare of anyone on any of their shows, especially not children. TLC just hasn't run out of uses for TFMJG yet.

Jane said...

Rhymes with Witch said... 79 66

I read this earlier today - terrible stuff! But I don't see that it applies to the "stars" on CA. I just can't see celebs like Joan Rivers, Piers Morgan, Star Jones, etc being subjected to the kind of abuse mentioned. That's not to say that their lives are made easy while they're filming, but it's obvious they have cell phones and more during the course of their time on the show.

Jackie said...

I don't like how Kate is shown talking to the camera or producer or Steve instead of dealing with, interacting with her kids. Isn't that was this show is supposed to be about???

And upthread someone said nicely about lack of makeup/coverup for girls??? Couldn't their faces been photoshopped a bit? So sad.

Jane said...

Hasn't the final episode of CA been two hours in the past? Or maybe two hours over 2 days? I seem to remember quite a bit of bloating from Donald, looks back at past challenges, the usual praise along with humiliation of the celebs (hope he rips into Kate). It seemed like a really long show and even though I generally like CA, for the finale I'd find myself leaving the room, iPading, folding laundry, whatever.

JMO said...

angie said... 80
I know, I'm puzzled as to why they aired things that made TFW and some of the kids look so bad.
umm...maybe because this is the best footage and the rest is 'worst-ish?"

TFW is a HBB replacement. TLC is now coming up with newer shows, although many are ridiculous. Regardless, I give it a year, and they will find other shows to fill her spot.

Kate Plus 8 is an example of the ultimate lazy, reality "person" who is not willing to put her kids first. And looks like tides are turning with the exception of very few sheeples who hang on. Most comments on her show are NOT positive.

Tucker's Mom said...

JoyinVirginia said... 82
Cape cod mama, thanks for the yummy breakfast burritos!
Kayla, I agree with your speculation that new filming resulted in much footage that was unusable, so using the old footage saved the episode and saved money.
I recall that somewhere, maybe way back on aunt Jodi's sisters blog, there were reports of how much filming it took to get enough usable film for an episode, thanks to TFMJG volatility primarily.
The burritos sound great, but we were lucky to get fresh, hand-made tacos at the farmers market this morning!
I think the flashbacks serve to remind the viewers how little and cute the kids were, and to sort of distract from the fact that they're growing up.
It really does seem like an inordinate amount of old footage shown.

getofftwitter said...

Hey, you forgot: rehabbing/making over/remodel her house. They did that when they moved into the house.

I also went to & read the complaints of Dacor. It seems that their appliances are crap, and they really don't stand up to their products, warranty or not. The parts they sell to fix are expensive. Most of us here never heard of this Dacor, I never heard of them. For starters, most/all of us here, would not spend 9k for a frig, for 9k we could outfit our whole kitchen and possible a few other rooms. If you are into high end appliances than possibly 9k is what you pay. Having different brands of appliances does not bother me, as long as they work, and I am not calling CS to get it repaired after only a few months(from what I read of the complaints of Dacor. Now to be fair, other appliances do breakdown, warranties are not honored. But you know I went to Consumers Report and Dacor was not even mentioned or compared to any brand, they tested. Samsung, GE, Frigitaire, Kenmore, LG models, were the top picks, after they were tested by CR. If I were doing a remodel of my Kitchen, and got to pick new appliances, I would be on the CR website, researching the appliances for the best value and the appliances with the least amount of complaints and breakdowns. I think TLC got Dacor, to donate appliances for Kate, to advertize on JK8 & K8. Nobody did any research to find out if these appliances were any good. I know they sell appliances in a bundle, frig, stove, dishwasher, microwave, for as much as $2500 on sale. This is the common/normal/mediocre appliances, most/if not all of us can afford. I don't really care for high end appliances, they are for mostly show, especially if they break down alot. I want something that will last a long time, and do the job I got it for. My appliances as I said before are around 20-25+ years and have knock on wood, never been repaired. I'm on my 3rd microwave in 30+ years. I use my 5 year old microwave all the time. Have no idea how anyone can break appliances, cars & sport equiptment, that is not even 5years old, in some cases, like Kate can. JMO

Sue_Buddy said...

chefsummer #Leh said... 78

Thanks, chef. :) I knew what you meant, but it gave me the perfect opportunity to us "fetid voyeurs." Love that.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I think the twins look cute.

Maddy looks nice in her glasses

Sue_Buddy said...

Yikes! I'd think that an article like this might spark some kind of investigation but it will probably just increase ratings. People will eagerly be looking for signs of abuse among the contestants.

Reality TV is kind of the 21 century version of feeding Christians to the lions, blood, guts, humiliation, torture all for those big advertising dollars. Despicable. Kate, that's how you use that word, btw.

Tucker's Mom said...

It has nothing to do with "we." It's how many times can those "feckless voyuers" (lol - thanks Paul Peterson for such a perfect description) will continue to watch.
Oops, I didn't mean to make it look like PP said that. Sorry!
I just italicized because I really needed to get that thought off my chest.

localyocul said...

This spin-off of the Donald Trump reality show ran for one season in 2005. “One of my fantasies is a class-action lawsuit against Mark Burnett Productions,” says a former castmember. She spoke on the condition of anonymity, because she’s terrified of a network lawsuit. “These shows survive solely, solely because of their gag orders.”


"This spin-off of the Donald Trump reality show ran for one season in 2005. “One of my fantasies is a class-action lawsuit against Mark Burnett Productions,” says a former castmember. She spoke on the condition of anonymity, because she’s terrified of a network lawsuit. “These shows survive solely, solely because of their gag orders.”

JMO said...

I honestly don't think any extension of the show has anything to do with TFW. This show was in hiatus for quite a while, and based on ratings, they probably got an extension.

TFW obviously got some coaching for CA, but she is still repugnant, and the extension of show has NOTHING to do with her. Her costars can barely stand/ let alone tolerate her. She does not have a good reputation, other than using her kids for fame. Think we will be saying buh-bye to her on the next show.

Sue_Buddy said...

Oops, I didn't mean to make it look like PP said that. Sorry!
I just italicized because I really needed to get that thought off my chest.

Tucker's, thanks for the clarification. It's great, a perfect description of those who get so much enjoyment watching the humiliation of others.

PatK said...

chefsummer #Leh said... 90
I think the twins look cute.

Maddy looks nice in her glasses


chefsummer, Cara's the one with the glasses. ;)

Anonymous said...

Sasquatch said... 56

Formerly duped, I had a different take on the bunk bed situation. It seemed to me that Hannah realized that Leah was creating a scene and quieted her and closed the door to avoid embarrassing themselves more. I think it was Hannah, and not Kate, who closed the door. Hannah kept saying "Leah, Leah, Leah..." to quiet her and then closed the door. It was a sad moment, IMO. It implies that those kids know full well that the people filming them do not have their best interest at heart and will show them in an unflattering light. It implies that they know people criticize them and their parents. It may imply that they're filming against their will...that they're complying with their moms demands.
This is EXACTLY how I saw the scene.In fact, if you look closely you can see Hannah looking at the camera as she is shutting the door, not at her mother.Jon was right, they are no longer oblivious toddlers.

Formerly Duped said...

I agree Hannah shut the door but I think it was to figure a way for her and L to sleep together , but let Alexis have the top bunk.I don't think for a minute she was suddenly being nice to A, given the eyes rolling and the look of ennui on her face a la Mommy. But who knows.

Layla said...

JMO (86)
I saw previews of a show that will be starting on Feb 17th, right when K+8 ends. It is another family of "little people", parents and 3 small kids. I think that is the new permanent show, and will take HBB's place, not K+8. K+8 is just filler until they could get this new show filmed, edited, and ready to go. If TFW is lucky, she might be able to squeeze in a few episodes to be used as filler over the summer, between seasons. But I don't think K+8 is ever going to be a regular show again.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Mentioning cooking shows reminded me that that's yet another
area TFW might get a gig. Something like Celebrity Chopped
or the Guy & Rachael celebrity team shows. But as I've said
before, there is so much potential revenue TFW screwed herself
out of by getting in her own way. I really believe she could have
had her own weekly cooking/helpful hints shows like Pioneer
Woman or Trisha Yearwood. There's a new show called Daphne
Dishes and I don't have a clue who this chick is, but there she is
on my TV every week. TFW is younger than most of these
women, and has the unique angle of cooking for 9 every day
(pause here for raucous laughter). But I think her reputation has relegated her to these on-off guest star type things.

Suze said...

From the previous thread:

However, this apparently wasn't a tweet, but a DM, so we're not able to see the actual DM, only what this person has copied from a DM. Is that correct?


Correct. The only person who can see a DM is the person it's sent to. DMs are not available via Twazzup.
The organics person is supposedly copying and pasting the DMs she received from Em. You can only see regular, public tweets on Twazzup or TweetTunnel.

Suze said...

I've never seen anyone who has such difficulty making a simple statement so difficult to understand. 14

I wonder if she thinks this makes her sound sophisticated?
If so, it DOESN'T.


I think Kate feels she sounds sophisticated, intelligent, and important when she utters her mangled version of English. With her need to overcome her insecurities, I think she wants to be seen as smarter and better than everyone and I think her gibberish is a way she thinks she's winning. It sets her apart from everyone else, that's for sure! Unless her goal is to be mocked and detested by millions of people, like with her other efforts trying to be and have better than everyone, she's failed miserably.

JMO said...

I am guessing that house probably had 5 bedrooms - K+8 = 9 plus Emily, twins' friend, and Steve = 13 people for 5 bedrooms. Of course Alexis was delegated to the couch. One of the boyt tups most likely agreed to sleep on an air matress. Weird- only one bedroom shown so she could provide more conflict and did NOTHING TO DEAL WITH IT.

Let Kate sleep on the couch!!! Or in the garage for that matter.

Suze said...

Just seems like all of the younger ones are on the other side of the house from their mother at night time..not very handy when the kids are sick I wouldn't think.


I've never seen a layout of the McMansion's interior, but I don't really care for what I've seen of it on tv. The rooms upstairs seem to be awfully small, not very conveniently located in relation to the downstairs bedrooms, and it seems chopped up. The kitchen/living room/dining-family room area looks fairy large and conveniently located. But the rest of the house? Not so much. It reminds me of a house built in stages and difficulties getting the first part to work with the second.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

JMO (#103), good point -- why didn't TFW take the couch? I think
most parents would put their child's comfort and well being first,
but she has shown again and again she doesn't operate that way.
It was so revealing when she took the perfect lollipop for herself,
and gave the broken one to her son. She can talk until she's
blue in the face, but her actions show her to be a selfish, lazy,
unkind mother. Just my opinion of course.

chefsummer #Leh said...

chefsummer, Cara's the one with the glasses. ;)


I was off lol either way both of the twins look cute.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

I think Kate feels she sounds sophisticated, intelligent, and important when she utters her mangled version of English. With her need to overcome her insecurities, I think she wants to be seen as smarter and better than everyone and I think her gibberish is a way she thinks she's winning.


I'm not so sure that it's because she wants to sound intelligent. I honestly think that there's a physiological reason for it. She may very well know what she wants to say, but somehow it becomes muddled and unintelligible in the journey from her brain to her vocalization of it. The pattern of her speech really does indicate some kind of problem somewhere. It also happens in her tweets, so it's possible that there's a disconnect somewhere.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

Hey, you forgot: rehabbing/making over/remodel her house. They did that when they moved into the house.

They moved into the house in the fall of 2008. The rehab and kitchen remodel took place in the summer of 2009. They may have painted before that, and got new furniture, but the actual gutting of the kitchen/remodel didn't take place when they moved into the house.

"Have no idea how anyone can break appliances, cars & sport equiptment, that is not even 5years old, in some cases, like Kate can. JMO"

If these appliances are five years old, and have terrible consumer reviews, then it's possible that the quality just isn't there. With new appliances and all of the digital technology that goes into them, the more problems you can have. The more bells and whistles an appliance has, the greater the chance for something to go wrong. They just don't build them like they used to.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

And upthread someone said nicely about lack of makeup/coverup for girls??? Couldn't their faces been photoshopped a bit? So sad.


I don't think that a video/film can be photoshopped, but I could be wrong.

Romi said...

JMO said... 86
angie said... 80
I know, I'm puzzled as to why they aired things that made TFW and some of the kids look so bad.
umm...maybe because this is the best footage and the rest is 'worst-ish?"

TFW is a HBB replacement. TLC is now coming up with newer shows, although many are ridiculous. Regardless, I give it a year, and they will find other shows to fill her spot.
The new season of K+8 was announced long before the HBB shit hit the fan. It is not a replacement.

Sherry Baby said...

Really? It's the one that suzeclues is implying. Same exact name (how many people would have that name) and the other tweet from Suze Clues match info from the profile. I'm not saying that person IS her, but that is who Suzeclues is saying it is. BTW I don't know why Em hasn't had Organics suspended by now.


Then I'm looking at the wrong one. The FB photo I saw was a "normal" looking woman, same name, rather attractive, with long-ish blond hair and the profile was for an ortho group. The photo was of the doctor who is in partnership with her father there, not Organics. Apparently the Organics turned up there because she gave a review of the practice.

I don't know. I'm confused. What photo are you looking at? I have no idea who the Imperfect Women/Witches are since I never have seen their blog and I don't have Twitter.

Layla said...

Suze (104)
I agree, the layout of that house is just bizarre. Why such small bedrooms? It's not an efficient use of space. The room that used to be M&C's room (now, I guess, the younger girls' room) is so far away from the others. And there is a separate entrance leading outdoors that is right down the stairs from it. That would make it so easy for them to sneak out, or for someone to sneak in/out without anyone else in the house being alerted. The boys also, now the they are in the basement, have a door outside right there that is too far from TFW's room to be heard, and which TFW has said that even the dog can open without anyone's knowledge. It looks like the placing of the bedrooms raises huge safety concerns, and what if there was ever a fire? So many kids spread out so far away from each other, and from their mother. Does it even have a sprinkler system? I can't understand why anyone would plan a house that way, or why someone with kids would buy a house like that. Makes no sense at all.

ingrid said...

Sleeping arrangements should have been easy. Rotate kids so they each got to sleep each night on different bed. I did this in the car all the time so kids had a chance to sit in front without fighting.

Formerly Duped said...

I've noticed the other kids tend to avoid/blame Collin and Alexis (couch interview seating and remarks, bed fiasco, hair incident, hitting). Kate also said Collin will not follow instructions.Alexis is a wild child.To me they seem the most genuine and bright of all the children.Aaden and Joel seem nice but goofy.

Over In TFW's County said...

Does it even have a sprinkler system? I can't understand why anyone would plan a house that way, or why someone with kids would buy a house like that. Makes no sense at all.


I don't think it has a sprinkler system, very few in this area do. But there would be an automatic security/fire system that would be activated in the case of a fire.

Many people buy houses thinking about the future. Kids don't stay little forever and don't need supervision or closeness to their parents for the duration of their lives in a house. When purchasing a house, some think long-term, knowing that the children will grow up in the home, become teenagers and independent and want to be a distance away from their parents. Moreover, the adults like to have the master bedroom on the first floor for privacy reasons.

Over In TFW's County said...

She may very well know what she wants to say, but somehow it becomes muddled and unintelligible in the journey from her brain to her vocalization of it.


I agree. Something is "off" there. It would be interesting for a speech pathologist to weigh in here. I'm wondering if all of the "ums" and hesitation in her speech is, as some believe, because she's taking her time to skirt previously-told untruths, or if she's really having difficulty speaking.

AuntieAnn said...

Layla said... 112

So many kids spread out so far away from each other, and from their mother.


When they lived in the old house, Kate always said she wanted a house so big it would put lots of space between herself and her kids. I imagine she must have shrieked and squealed in delight when they found the McMansion.

The sextuplets were only four-years-old and the twins eight IIRC. Most mothers want their kids that age within earshot whether they have nannies looking after them or not.

She has no maternal instincts. None. She is nothing more than their gestational carrier, as some wise person here once dubbed her.

Sad but true said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 105
JMO (#103), good point -- why didn't TFW take the couch?


Steve. In the master all by his self? I don't think so.

Formerly Duped said...

Why did they go on a lobster trapping expedition if Kate is not lobster-ish ? Waste of people's time and lobster souls! I noticed TFW called the boat owner Lobster Man.

As for TFW's speech, I think she is just not verbally bright: she has poor grammar, limited vocabulary, little general knowledge to talk about, and I do think she believes it's cute to invent adjectives, mainly but adding 'ish' to words. She said "I have a moving issue thing" meaning balance, I guess? And "I grew up in a boat in Canada, fishing with my grandparents." Maybe there is some language issue. I think it's just lazy speech, ignorance and lack of caring, with a firm belief she is superior anyway.

Over In TFW's County said...

BD ‏@3ismyfav 12m12 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 you have a blizzard warning! is there anything you cant handle!

lol! No, there is no blizzard warning. There is a winter storm advisory, a far cry from a blizzard warning. Tomorrow it changes to a winter storm watch, but not yet a WSW, and no blizzard warning.

Sheeple exaggerate as much as TFW.

If she's in New York, though, they may get hammered with one to to feet of the stuff.

angie said...

Perhaps the builder put more square footage into the common living areas of the are more likely to hang out in bonus rooms, etc, than in their rooms. (of course, the master suite is large to please adult wishes).

My concern is the security of the home and its occupants. Any nutso with a computer can learn all they want to about the house layout...and Kite is always too happy to tell everyone on twitter or on teevee which rooms are the kids.
She better have one hell of a security system, because they are all sitting out there like sitting ducks. I am surprised she hasn't had problems with people coming onto her property--all it takes is jumping over a fence at the road or going around to the back of the property and gaining access that way. It's unsafe (imo) to live out in the middle of nowhere if you are a 'single mom of 8 doing it all alone'. She's been very fortunate nothing has happened. I'd be hesitant (if I were her) to let those kids go outside unsupervised--anytime. A dog can only do so much. I hope ratclaws put in a state of the art security system!

Over In TFW's County said...

Kelly ‏@KellyJeanturner 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 .. What do you think?

She's not asking me, but I think that before I tweeted this picture, I would have centered the "arrangement" on top of the wooden cubicle. It's way too far to the left!

Am I the only one who gets a craving for chocolate chip pancakes?

Formerly Duped said...

Another comment: Hannah said she would sit in the car if she had to do the rowing activity with Collin or Alexis. Nice. Why would that not be edited out?

I agree about the security- I owuld not rest with my kids spread hither, thither and yon in that big house on that large isolated property

FlimsyFlamsy said...

AuntieAnn (#117), yes, most parents want their little kids within
ear shot not just for safety, but because they effing LIKE them.
Six 4-year-olds -- the adorable things that must've been coming
out of their mouths all day! But TFW's goal, as she grinned
about on camera, was to have them "disperse."

That day they moved in, there were 8 little people with
8 different sets of emotional needs getting their bearings in
their new home. But that was the day she looked out the
window and dubbed the place "mine all mine," disappeared
to clean the fridge for hours, and dispatched one of the twins
to help her little brother wipe his behind. Or was all that edited
in later to make her look bad?

swimgirl said...

I live in a county east of TFW and we are not expected to get as much snow as Philadelphia. TFW's area is getting even less. There are no blizzard warnings for this area. TFW should be able to ride out this storm without too much whining (or wining!).

angie said...

I've read some comments regarding how Kate buys stuff to make her happy. But when has she EVER been happy?
She alludes to an unhappy childhood, apparently she got cross ways with her family and she moved in with a boyfriend, etc etc.
There's plenty of film footage showing her belittling, ignoring, hitting Jon...we've read her journal.
She seems to equate happiness with material things. I think it went into warp speed when Beth knocked on her door offering help with the kids. Kate wanted to be Beth.
Didn't work out that way.
You can't fix an ugly heart without a miracle and an intervention. She'll NEVER be happy.
You could ask her 'what's the meaning of life?" she'd say TRIPS.

She's the one that 'just doesn't get it'.

High Sodium Content said...

swimgirl said... 125

I live in a county east of TFW and we are not expected to get as much snow as Philadelphia. TFW's area is getting even less. There are no blizzard warnings for this area.

If she's expected to be in NY by Tuesday, is she isn't there already or in the limo early tomorrow morning, she'll miss all her guest shots, after getting fired tomorrow night. Hope, Hope.

High Sodium Content said...

Nice picture of Jon meeting some fans, most likely working this weekend. Let's see, who can Kate call on if she MUST be in NY this week and some kids are sick? Jon's not allowed in the home. Guess she has to pay someone to look after sick and/or snowbound kids. How comforting for a sick child to have a hired person looking after you.

High Sodium Content said... Opps, here's the pic of Jon I meant to include in prior post.

Lanc Native said...

"lol! No, there is no blizzard warning. There is a winter storm advisory, a far cry from a blizzard warning. Tomorrow it changes to a winter storm watch, but not yet a WSW, and no blizzard warning.

Sheeple exaggerate as much as TFW.

If she's in New York, though, they may get hammered with one to to feet of the stuff."

No blizzard warning here, either. It's snow. It's winter. Women have been "handling" snow here for generations, with or without men in their lives. It's supposed to be a light, powdery snow, and not the heavy wet kind that brings down power lines. I doubt if she needs a generator for this. Regardless, watch for more snowblower pictures.

If she's in New York she can get plastered and seek out refuge in a bar. Perhaps some lucky foot fetish guy can lick her legs and feet and can slobber over her with a wet, slithering snake tongue.

Lanc Native said...

"So many kids spread out so far away from each other, and from their mother."

She has two teens and six kids who will soon be eleven. It's not like they are toddlers anymore. I really don't see why they need to be that close to their mother. They're probably very happy that they aren't!

chefsummer #Leh said...

She'll NEVER be happy.

Sad isn't it?

She has smart beautiful children by a man who seems to want to help.
She has a nice home with pets.
She has money so it's not like she has to leave her kids she can be there for them.

Most people would be happy to have half of what Kate has but it seems.She wants more and more but it's never enough and it's quite sad.

Lanc Native said...

"I agree about the security- I owuld not rest with my kids spread hither, thither and yon in that big house on that large isolated property"


I would certainly hope that they have a security system that they arm at night, and if anyone attempted to get in or out, it would alert her. Moreover, houses are monitored by a central command company and if it's a reputable firm, the home owner is notified within minutes, and police are immediately dispatched.

Been there, done that...even for malfunctions or when the alarm was accidentally triggered.

I haven't seen the specials, nor do I plan on watching, but if they are showing the interior layout of that house, I'd have a problem with that. It serves no purpose other than to show a potential intruder the exact location of the bedrooms. I wouldn't allow it, but hey, it's Kate, who is not known for common sense,

Lanc Native said...

"She's been very fortunate nothing has happened. I'd be hesitant (if I were her) to let those kids go outside unsupervised--anytime"

I agree with that. I wouldn't let my kids outside unsupervised on that property. There are far too many nuts running around. Kate let two-year-olds unsupervised in a garage, and wandering around their old home, so nothing about her surprises me. Even on trips, she'd walk ahead of them, flapping her mouth away for the camera and never bothered to turn around to make sure everyone was there. She'd assume someone else was keeping track of them. I know that I'd be doing a constant count, and would probably fall asleep counting kids (and my blessings) instead of sheep.

On second thought, Sheep are the last things I'd want to count! lol!

Formerly Duped said...

That's right, Lanc. Kate said no more filming in bedrooms. But the upcoming episode is all about bedrooms. I wold fear most for the 'littles' whose outer door entrances will be shown I assume. They have already shown the inside of the girls' room on CWS.No privacy for these kids. I feel even having them sort out underwear in packing on-screen was wrong.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Kind looks like Jon's hair is coming back.

Lynne In RI said...

Duped (135): " I feel even having them sort out underwear in packing on-screen was wrong."


Gladys will probably love it. She wanted to know which kids needed new underwear.

redbirdsings said...

Sometimes we need a quick break here from all the pain TFW puts her kids through and read about a mom who wanted her son to be happy on his birthday and she and a company made his dream come true! ~ Administrator said...

Those stories about reality show contestants are inhumane, and these are consenting adults. Imagine what a child could face.

High Sodium Content said...

Kate has never bothered to put a personal touch on that house. Maybe the kids' rooms got painted, the kitchen redone as part of a show. But the pictures she posted of her bedroom (with the empty wine bottles that are no longer on twitter) were still the same walls as when the house was for sale. She has no personality, no personal touch for anything - except hitting kids. That is a very cold house, not even a home. No compfy blankets to cuddle up w/ on the couches, no photo albums, no books or magazine to leaf threw. Just a sterile, non inviting atmosphere.I know when I've been home for extended periods of time, I get itching to paint or fix up something.

Lots of blizzard warnings now including New York, Long Island, Boston, all of CT and up north. Some funny weather maps being posted from "f'd" up to really "f'd" up. I really don't like grown woman swearing, but you get the drift. Some areas could get 36" or more. All kinds of warnings on TV tonight. I imagine that TV will be a 24 hour weather cast tomorrow. Some people panic. Gee it's winter, in NE, it's going to snow eventually. Now the roads are "pretreated". Used to be in the "old" days, they didn't even plow until there was six inches on the ground. Some people just don't know how to drive in the stuff. I personally love driving on a snowy road. It's like a winter wonderland. If it's too bad, they'll actually try to tell people to "stay home". Of course government and state offices are always the first to close - those folks get paid either way. Pity the poor hourly workers that could loose two days of pay. One year the governor closed the roads, but I didn't live in that state - only worked there - so I went North with a bunch friends and skied for 3 days.

High Sodium Content said...

chefsummer #Leh said... 136

Kind looks like Jon's hair is coming back.

Talk about living with a stress disease, that it what living w/ Kate must have been like. The poor man would probably have been dead by the time he turned 40 if he wasn't set free. In the end, he will come out the "winner" if there can ever been one. His kids will know he tried to save them from her. He will have a house full of kids and grand kids and hopefully a loving wife. It looks like his ex is doing great - she is down south w/ her kids and look so happy. He looks happy, so maybe the time they did have together was not all bad, some people just aren't meant to be.

redbirdsings said...

Admin, when the lady contestant was in the ER getting her face stapled together and she didn't want to go back, couldn't she ask the doctor to talk to her in private without anyone from that show around?

Then tell the dr. to call the police to come and get her and escort her out of there so she could go and get her things and get out of dodge?

What about that chef they went and put him on a 5150 hold? WTHeck? How did they pull that off and the other things that they did.

They are not the KGB Secret Police or Gitmo. How awful!

Lanc Native said...

Some people just don't know how to drive in the stuff. I personally love driving on a snowy road.

If you ever slid down a snowy hill sideways and ended up at the bottom in the other lane in the opposite direction, you might not love it so much! I know how to drive in the snow, but my concern is staying away from people who don't.

The reason they tell people to stay off the roads here is so PennDOT plows can get through to clear the roads, or treat them. When people go out driving around and really don't have to go anywhere, it makes PennDOT's job so much more difficult because they have to contend with cars on the road that really don't need to be there.

It does look like New York, southern New England and Boston are going to get nailed with this one. The mayor of New York City just released a warning not to be complacent about this one because it may be the worst storm in the history of the city.

Sue_Buddy said...

redbirdsings said... 142
Admin, when the lady contestant was in the ER getting her face stapled together and she didn't want to go back, couldn't she ask the doctor to talk to her in private without anyone from that show around?

Then tell the dr. to call the police to come and get her and escort her out of there so she could go and get her things and get out of dodge?

The person who was relating that story to the Post said she was in shock which isn't unusual considering a big TV camera just hit her in the face and sliced it open. I'm sure she wasn't thinking at all clearly and the TV people were pressuring her knowing full well they needed her to make a decision before she was thinking clearly. The reality TV lawyers were probably called immediately and told to get something for her to sign releasing them from any liability. She was taken advantage of at her vulnerable time with no one who cared about her around to help.

readerlady said...

Sasquatch 45 -- Amen.

Great recap, Admin. Love the way you can boil 2 hours of nonsense into a funny, readable commentary.

Interesting that you're descended from John and Priscilla Alden. I'm a Mayflower descendant too. Are you a member of the Mayflower Society?

Regular said...

The rental has 6 bedrooms and 4 baths. All of that was manufactured drama.

Jeanne said...

When I grew up, we had a few acres (not 26!), much of it woods, and we were allowed to go out and play without being watched. Elementary age and up. But we weren't famous. No one really cared if we were out in the woods. My mother knew where we were of course. I feel bad for the kids if they can't enjoy the fun and imagination of playing on their property. I have to wonder though, if Kate would be upset if a stranger did come onto the property. One more thing for publicity and interviews and attention. ~ Administrator said...

The person who was relating that story to the Post said she was in shock which isn't unusual considering a big TV camera just hit her in the face and sliced it open. I'm sure she wasn't thinking at all clearly and the TV people were pressuring her knowing full well they needed her to make a decision before she was thinking clearly.


Yes. What I took away from it is that they put the contestants under such stress, food, water and sleep deprivation, you lose your wits about you.

It's easy to say just say no and walk away but all that changes when you are not in your right mind. Sleep deprivation and other similar tactics are what they use to break down criminals and terrorists. Enough of it puts you in a different state of mind. They say going without sleep is equivalent to being drunk. A sleep deprived person has similar slow response times and wits as a drunk person. So you're asking a "drunk" person to make wise decisions.

These people are the victim of low budgets and limited regulations and the almighty dollar. There is also an incentive to stress them out so there will be more conflict. Adults can be exploited too and I think it's clear from some of these stories coming out that they were.

The 6 bedroom beach house.....were some of the crew, Emily and Steve all staying in the house too? That could make those bedrooms go fast. ~ Administrator said...

Interesting that you're descended from John and Priscilla Alden. I'm a Mayflower descendant too. Are you a member of the Mayflower Society?


No, I'm not, I'm not sure if my grandparents might be. History nerd that I am I might quite like that! I'm going to look into it, thank you.

We are proud of our Mayflower roots but we are also descendants of William and Sarah Wells, a lesser known pioneer but famous in upstate NY, and we're pretty active in that society, go to the reunions, are members, etc. Sarah Wells was an orphan and hired help (pool girl) who came out "west" and was the first white woman to settle in her area. It is the sort of gumption you did not much hear about from women back then. Oh and she had 12 kids, so suck it Kate.

It is hard to find Americans whose generations go that far back these days.

Sue_Buddy said... (Administrator) said... 147
These people are the victim of low budgets and limited regulations and the almighty dollar. There is also an incentive to stress them out so there will be more conflict. Adults can be exploited too and I think it's clear from some of these stories coming out that they were.

I would think that if these stories are true an investigation should be conducted. It could possibly be the nail in the coffin for some of these horrible shows. But I bet we'll never hear another word. Where's John Stoessel?? Is he doing investigative reporting anymore?

Sketchy Gosselin said...

MiChi said... 69 "I know I'm missing a few other things I thought of before. But seriously, the "new" episodes are really just repeats. Nothing original. The producers of this show are a joke."

Has anyone noticed that Khate is listed as a producer of the show? ~ Administrator said...

I would think that if these stories are true an investigation should be conducted. It could possibly be the nail in the coffin for some of these horrible shows. But I bet we'll never hear another word. Where's John Stoessel?? Is he doing investigative reporting anymore?


Maybe, but what laws did they break? Many states don't really have much in the way of labor laws for reality TV stars. SAG does not allow reality TV stars as members so there is no protection from a union.

That's the problem much as it is for children reality T.V. is frighteningly unregulated. It's amazing it's gone on this long with only a few politicians taking notice, like Murt. It sort of chugged along at full speed without anyone stopping and saying wait a minute, is this right? Bad things have happened as a result but I think we could see much more of that perhaps even worse. ~ Administrator said...

Layla, so true. Literally everything they're doing this "season," they've done and aired before. 1) Beach vacation 2) Painting 3) Yard sale 4) Organizing basement 5) "Favorite Memories" 6) Birthday


You're right! It does feel very revamped, recycled, refused. Moldy.

Is this all they got? Seriously? This is the format that got the show cancelled. Is it just laziness or what?

localyocul said... (Administrator) said... 149

Interesting that you're descended from John and Priscilla Alden. I'm a Mayflower descendant too. Are you a member of the Mayflower Society?


No, I'm not, I'm not sure if my grandparents might be. History nerd that I am I might quite like that! I'm going to look into it, thank you.

We are proud of our Mayflower roots but we are also descendants of William and Sarah Wells, a lesser known pioneer but famous in upstate NY, and we're pretty active in that society, go to the reunions, are members, etc. Sarah Wells was an orphan and hired help (pool girl) who came out "west" and was the first white woman to settle in her area. It is the sort of gumption you did not much hear about from women back then. Oh and she had 12 kids, so suck it Kate.

It is hard to find Americans whose generations go that far back these days.


That is soooo cool! We only go back 3 generations. All of my greatgrandparents, both sides, came from Ireland.

Sue_Buddy said...

Maybe, but what laws did they break? Many states don't really have much in the way of labor laws for reality TV stars. SAG does not allow reality TV stars as members so there is no protection from a union.

And it's possible that the people that make it onto these shows have $$ signs and stars in their eyes and are so eager to get on TV they'll sign anything when they're accepted. Sounded like it from the article. I guess it's kind of a "buyer beware" kind of situation and if these poor people's reputations and future careers are destroyed by reality TV, well, tough luck, folks.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Is this all they got? Seriously? This is the format that got the show cancelled. Is it just laziness or what?


That's all they got. They are not cute toddlers anymore. There is nothing adorable about almost eleven-year-olds on a vacation trip. There's not much you can do with them, other than what they have done in the past. This time, though, they are boring and you can dress them up in Pilgrim outfits, but they are still average kids.

In the past, they could get away with this because of the cuteness factor, and because Jon was on the show. It was the dynamics between Jon, Kate and the kids that was the sustaining factor of the show. Jon refused to film. Kate thought she could make it on her own. She couldn't, and there's really nothing left. Oh sure, her adoring sheep will watch her and don't give two hoots about the kids or Jon not being there. But even that gets old very fast and the ratings are just going to continue to decline.

Mel said...

Is this all they got? Seriously? This is the format that got the show cancelled. Is it just laziness or what?

Diabolical planning in TLC's part? :-)

As in we contracted to do a few shows and see what happens (read: we're just using you to fill in we find a HBB replacement, and then we will drop you quicker than a hot potato), so we 'll sabotage the filming to get poor ratings to use to justify dumping you. And she's too stupid to see it.

fade2black said...

nd it's possible that the people that make it onto these shows have $$ signs and stars in their eyes
Exactly. After describing the horrific conditions and aftermath of Top Chef, the contestant that came in third said she would consider doing another reality show because any exposure is good exposure. She sounds like just the kind of looney tunes these reality production people are hoping to find.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Then tell the dr. to call the police to come and get her and escort her out of there so she could go and get her things and get out of dodge?


It sounded like the camera hit her in the face on a road trip, and it wouldn't be up to the doctor who stitched her to call the police. No laws were least not from what could be ascertained from the story. She was an adult and not being held against her will in a commune.

Rainbirdie said...

Sue_Buddy said... 91
Reality TV is kind of the 21 century version of feeding Christians to the lions, blood, guts, humiliation, torture all for those big advertising dollars. Despicable. Kate, that's how you use that word, btw.
One of the Hell's Kitchen contestants that was interviewed said the show left her broken & borderline suicidal. And yet she'd consider doing another reality show. Unbelievable. At least she has a choice - the Gosselin kids are at the mercy of a mother who is determined to be a celebrity no matter the cost to her family.

AuntieAnn said...

They all drove to the nearest hospital, and the contestants were left to sit on top of the bus, in the sun, for four hours while the injured woman was treated. ...

...His season, like so many others, lives forever on the Internet.
“They are playing with people’s lives,” he says. “I’ve been destroyed by the experience.”


Sounds like doubledecker buses are a special kind of torture reserved for reality tv. Even the Gosselin kids couldn't escape it thanks to their mother who was batshit manic the day they filmed that episode.

They all looked as if they were suffering from heat stroke which they probably were. Their lives are 'being destroyed by the experience' too but the cameras keep on rolling. Kate's not just a bad mom she's the worst.

fade2black said...

Oops, it was a contestant in Hell's Kitchen, not Top Chef, that would entertain the idea of another round of reality torture. I found that shocking. I wonder if she would be willing to put her children through the reality wringer like another mother we all know and...well, we all know.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

One of the Hell's Kitchen contestants that was interviewed said the show left her broken & borderline suicidal.


I guess I'm missing something, but then why stay there? You don't allow yourself to be tortured like that, and if you have a shred of insight into yourself, you know what you can endure and what you can't.

Was it Ann Landers who said that nobody can take advantage of you without your permission? What these contestants had to go through, if true, is horrible, but you don't stick with it to the point that it's going to make you suicidal. Nothing is worth that. Nothing.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Speaking about security issues with the G kids...remember when
they were traveling and TFW covered their names on their
backpacks with tape for safety purposes? Talk about shutting
the barn door after the horse had left. Too little too late, sister.
TFW and Jon (yes, I'm going to hold him accountable, too) had
already invited America into their home. We not only knew each
child's name, but their parents also announced their character
traits during the show's open (A is wild, J is sneaky, C is stubborn,
etc.) so we'd know which kid was which. And this fool thought
she'd somehow restore their anonymity by covering up their names?

One day M is going to be at a friend's house, or at the library,
and will stumble upon that Facebook page of revolting
comments about herself -- about which her mother has not
done a blessed thing to try to stop. TFW was quick to tell
the "haters" to back off when it came to her grifting appliances,
but not to come to the rescue of her own child. ~ Administrator said...

I guess I'm missing something, but then why stay there? You don't allow yourself to be tortured like that, and if you have a shred of insight into yourself, you know what you can endure and what you can't.


Why does anyone stay in anything bad for them? But it happens all the time. Look at DV relationships, for one.

I don't think a lot of these people seeking out these shows have that kind of self esteem, self confidence and rationality to just walk away. Add to that sleep deprivation, stress, money, etc., and it's even worse. If a chef is living paycheck to paycheck and is thinking this may be his ONLY chance to hit it big, he may put himself through very bad things to stay on.

The people seeking out this sort of nonsense are exactly the type of people they are looking for. Dramatic people, people with issues, people with low self esteem or who don't know their own minds, people desperate for cash, people who will stay.

If they only cast rational reasonable people who had plenty of money, there would be a lot more people walking off reality shows. ~ Administrator said...

A person who has suffered a head injury and blood loss is in no fit state to make a decision about what is best for them.

Sherry Baby said...

Desirae Cointreau ‏@desco1151 5m5 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 just got diagnosed with PCOS... Any advice?!


Yes. Don't put your e-mail address on Twitter. Sheesh!

Call Me Crazy said...

Lanc Native said... 130

If she's in New York she can get plastered and seek out refuge in a bar. Perhaps some lucky foot fetish guy can lick her legs and feet and can slobber over her with a wet, slithering snake tongue.

OK, LN. This is just cruel and unusual punishment!! How do you expect me to sleep now that you have put these horrible images in my head?? I am sending you to the timeout spot on the veranda!!


The forecast for my neck of the woods is up to 2 feet of snow starting tomorrow evening. Everyone in the path of the storm please be careful and stay safe.

Trying again said...

m not so sure that it's because she wants to sound intelligent. I honestly think that there's a physiological reason for it. She may very well know what she wants to say, but somehow it becomes muddled and unintelligible in the journey from her brain to her vocalization of it. The pattern of her speech really does indicate some kind of problem somewhere. It also happens in her tweets, so it's possible that there's a disconnect somewhere.
People learn to communicate by doing two main things, listening and reading. Kart doesn't do the first and rarely does the second. Ergo her jumbled idiot speak.

getofftwitter said...

Boy, it must bother Kate greatly, that there are people out there who don't like her. I thought she said it does not bother her and everyone who meets her likes her? Well, it must greatly bother her, cause she is tweeting a lot of platitudes lately, of people who dislike & hate.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Desirae Cointreau ‏@desco1151 5m5 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 just got diagnosed with PCOS... Any advice?!


Ask a doctor.
Ask a real nurse-(yea yea Kate's a nurse I know lol)
Ask you obgyn.

njay said...

but somehow it becomes muddled and unintelligible in the journey from her brain to her vocalization of it.
I think she just doesn't want to bother with saying it right. She just doesn't have the time. It's not important enough.

Sherry Baby said...

People learn to communicate by doing two main things, listening and reading. Kart doesn't do the first and rarely does the second. Ergo her jumbled idiot speak.

I think that she does read -- about herself.

If she does have a speech disorder, a pathologist would pick up on that. It has nothing to do with not listening or reading. It could be a type of speech/language problem such as expressive speech disorder or cluttering. She knows what she wants to say, but what's in her head doesn't come out of her mouth in the way she formulates it prior to vocalization.

Then again, maybe it's just inept communication skills, or a combination of the two (laziness and a speech disorder).

redbirdsings said...

The Mayor of NYC was on the news today and said that the snow storm may be the worst ever in history in NYC! To prepare for the worst! Wish TFW would be stuck there for a week and give the kids a break with their dad!

They showed people buying supplies, buying rock salt. It is not perishable. You could by that ahead in the fall and have it when you need it. Charcoal for grilling, batteries, gallons of spring water, canned goods, flashlights, candles. Radio with batteries. A lot of this can be bought along all year at Dollar Tree and you could have it on hand when winter hits and save a ton of money.

bookworm said...

Hi everyone, longtime reader here. One thing I noticed and haven't seen mentioned - at the restaurant in Bath when Kate was rattling on about all the stops they had made (bathroom stops, entertainment stops, etc), Hannah chimed in with "and happiness stops." I thought it was interesting in light of the kids having previously been "happied up" with the wooden spoon in the BBB.

fidosmommy said...

Mayflower era descendant here! My ancestors came over from England, and when the colonies started serious rumblings about rejecting the King' s power, my clan went to Canada. They were Royalists.

I am often asked if I can trace my family back to the Revolutionary War. Sure I could if I wanted to. But I can guarantee they were wearing red coats.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Rae Volkova ‏@RaeVolkova 17m17 minutes ago
I named My 3 Puppies Aaden,Collen and Joel After @Kateplusmy8 3 sons hope she don't mind. Hell she'll never see this.

She don't (sic) mind, I'm sure. It's good the pup doesn't have to spell his own name (Collin)!

fidosmommy said...

Oops. I meant LOYALISTS, not Royalists. ~ Administrator said...

I think ya'll are overanalyzing Kate's speech. She's just not that bright and is not articulate because she's not that bright. She can't communicate like Leeza, Geraldo, Lorenzo or Brandi can because she's dumb.

Over In TFW's County said...

Charcoal for grilling, batteries, gallons of spring water, canned goods, flashlights, candles. Radio with batteries


How many people grill outside in three feet of snow with 60 mile an hour winds? :) I wouldn't think it's advisable to grill in the garage.

NYC seldom gets the severe storm that is now predicted, so it stands to reason that they would not stock up on supplies such as that in the fall.

In this neck of the woods, we buy bread, eggs and milk. Those staples fly off the shelves. Me...I make sure I have dog food and cat food (and toilet paper, but not Great Northern)!

Sue_Buddy said... (Administrator) said... 177
I think ya'll are overanalyzing Kate's speech. She's just not that bright and is not articulate because she's not that bright. She can't communicate like Leeza, Geraldo, Lorenzo or Brandi can because she's dumb.

Amen and g'night.

AuntieAnn said...

I think ya'll are overanalyzing Kate's speech. She's just not that bright and is not articulate because she's not that bright. She can't communicate like Leeza, Geraldo, Lorenzo or Brandi can because she's dumb.


She's a dolt.

Tucker's Mom said...

I really believe she could have
had her own weekly cooking/helpful hints shows like Pioneer
Woman or Trisha Yearwood. There's a new show called Daphne
Dishes and I don't have a clue who this chick is, but there she is
on my TV every week. TFW is younger than most of these
women, and has the unique angle of cooking for 9 every day
(pause here for raucous laughter). But I think her reputation has relegated her to these on-off guest star type things.

Love Trisha-yeah, she's not a great cook, but she's actually pretty fun and has tons of family and friends on her show and doesn't depend on children for her story line.
That said, PW's kids do actually have a life of their own, the vast majority of it off screen. They're on her show, but not the focus of it.
I watched a recent episode where she had a day with Bryce (Brycie, she calls him) and the love and connection was so beautiful.
That boy is a young man, and I thought to myself "no way would Bryce don a Pilgrim outfit (his Dad probably wouldn't let him!), and no way would PW ask him to do it".
Daphne might appeal to young, new moms, but I give her one season, tops.

Tucker's Mom said...

Let Kate sleep on the couch!!! Or in the garage for that matter.
Everyone knew damn well that the couch would cause problems. No way was Kate going to point to a couch for a girl to sleep on and it go over without protest.
It's all for conflict.

Wowser said...

Well another oh crap moment....and no...TFW is still bimbo boat Barbie not a hooters girl

Tucker's Mom said...

I've never seen a layout of the McMansion's interior, but I don't really care for what I've seen of it on tv. The rooms upstairs seem to be awfully small, not very conveniently located in relation to the downstairs bedrooms, and it seems chopped up.
I envy that gigantic, finished basement, but the living areas? No thanks. I'd rather have half the square footage for a better layout.

Jillyg said...

I will bet Mady already has read plenty :(

One day M is going to be at a friend's house, or at the library,
and will stumble upon that Facebook page of revolting
comments about herself

Tucker's Mom said...

Regular said... 146
The rental has 6 bedrooms and 4 baths. All of that was manufactured drama.
Totally. And why, why ask a girl when one of the boys would have been game to sleep on the couch?
Frankly, that house would have been unacceptable to me if someone, anyone, had to sleep on a couch.
But...was the couch a pull out?

She's Still A Twit said...

I watched the episode, and it was so completely boring I kept wandering out of the room, only realizing a few minutes later that it was still on. Then for the last 15 minutes or so, I fell asleep.

Riveting viewing, that. She's not quite as overtly cruel to the kids as she was in the old days, but I think that's ONLY because she clearly realizes they are older and smarter (I think the older girls are both smarter than their mother already) and she's outnumbered. And/or she's toning it down in front of the cameras because she's trying for a different image.

I counted five eye rolls in the first ten minutes of the show, by the way. Boy she sure enjoys being a mom, doesn't she? /eye roll

Tucker's Mom said...

Yes. What I took away from it is that they put the contestants under such stress, food, water and sleep deprivation, you lose your wits about you.
I've known that these "reality" shows do this for years now.
They cut you off from the world.
Not tv.
No paper.
No computer.
No cell phone.
Then, they put you in a pressure-cooker situation, and supply booze much of the time.
I remember getting sick watching Top Chef on year, and haven't watched it much since.
The cheftestants are homed and crowded into some living quarters where personalities are bound to clash, and of course, it's filmed.
A couple of the chefs got hammered, drinking, and thought it would be funny to shave another guy's head.
A much, much smaller guy, who was brilliant, but a outcast geek.
This poor guy was tackled, held down and just about had his literally Wolverine head of hair shaved off by force, while the cameras filmed.
And I *know* that there's nothing they can do about what happens to them while filming.
Everyone who becomes CAST in these shows is given a "part", a "type" and they are edited to fit it, and it doesn't matter how much creative editing they have to do to accomplish to final cut.
You are there to play a part, whether you want to or not.
Anything you do or say may be taken out of context and manipulated.

I swear, you have to have your head examined if you willingly agree to any of these shows.
I guess for some, the pay off is big.
In my metro region, we have a few Top Chef alums that have made it big with their restaurants. In fact, I just figured out that our neighbor's son had made it far in this season's Top Chef, and he might be in the finale if he wins a match up in Mexico.
But mostly, I think becoming famous on reality tv is much like winning the lottery- it's a mixed blessing at best, and a curse at worst.

TLC stinks said...

In between caring for sick kids & sick self, the ones of us who are 'well' did this... #LoveMySnowBlower #MomMachine


It's quite obvious the one driving the snow blower was Steve, don't you think? The comment says she is sick but someone who is well used the snow blower on the driveway (it has to be an adult) and then she has the gall to # it #MomMachine implying that she was the one who is using the snow blower.

Tucker's Mom said...

Was it Ann Landers who said that nobody can take advantage of you without your permission? What these contestants had to go through, if true, is horrible, but you don't stick with it to the point that it's going to make you suicidal. Nothing is worth that. Nothing.
I think a real problem is what editing and producers do with the footage, such that you might be completely misrepresented.
So many rtv people have complained about it, but still, people line up to be on these shows for their shot at fame and $$$$$.

Anonymous said... (Administrator) said... 179
I think ya'll are overanalyzing Kate's speech. She's just not that bright and is not articulate because she's not that bright. She can't communicate like Leeza, Geraldo, Lorenzo or Brandi can because she's dumb


I was about to make a similar comment. She's been coached by someone (cough, cough) to try to use business speak. All she had to do was put the buzzwords into a cohesive sentence but she even failed at that. (I've been in meetings with those people and wanted to pull my hair out) You're not fooling anyone with that crap.

I also think she was told to have verbal diarrhea as a method of getting her face on camera more often. (I think Vivica is doing it too) John Wayne launched his career by hogging camera time with his signature slow speech. Unfortunately for her, DT recognizes this tactic and needs to move the show along so he cuts her off. He actually let her get away with it the first few episodes, but he's on to her now.


localyocul said...

Kate's concerned that men's wives won't like them being around Hooters girls, but it's OK she was laying out in a Bikini in Mexico with someone's husband? And was all over the place in skimpy outfits with him? And still galavants around with him? Hypocrite

TLC stinks said...

I did not watch so just going by the recap, but on what planet does an expensive beach house rental not have wi-fi? That's as common as having TV! Soooo, I guess that was manufactured drama too.

Good point about the sofa perhaps bring a sleeper bed. It's been my experience that these types of beach rentals will cram as many people in them as possible so family members can split the rent if it's a shared vacation. Common sense says you do not rent a house with not enough beds. I guess this fake drama was courtesy of the "producer", i.e. Kate. The couch should have been Steve's, LOL, but I guess that was not the case.

Anonymous said...

(Leslie) *CA SPOILERS*
Somebody here said they looked up how many times each contestant in CA's history went to the boardroom. We know that Kate's team loses the boat task and Sig is fired. So Kate MAY be brought back into the boardroom for that task. Let's assume she does.

And then we know she gets fired in the second task. So two questions. How many times will that make Kate being in the boardroom total? And will she be the winner in all of CA for being brought into the boardroom the most? I would love to know this. Again, this is assuming she is brought into the boardroom after the boat task.

JMO said...

Wowser said... 185
Well another oh crap moment....and no...TFW is still bimbo boat Barbie not a hooters girl

Pure speculation on my part, but my GUESS for CA is that Sig and then TFW go home this week. Teams to be reshuffled. One can only hope.

Cozy and warm in my house, while my fiancé is away on the road for work this week. : ( Guess I will be shoveling snow this week : ) Not a big deal, as I am more worried about him on the road all week. But Rainman would call him an excellent driver.

TLC stinks said...

So, how much did this getaway set the Gosselins back? Well, nothing since TLC paid for it, but we calculated all the activities, food, airfare and lodging for 9 over a week long trip to New England to be somewhere around $12,000. No wonder Kate keeps churning out those shows!

JMO said...

Sue_Buddy said... 181 (Administrator) said... 177
I think ya'll are overanalyzing Kate's speech. She's just not that bright and is not articulate because she's not that bright. She can't communicate like Leeza, Geraldo, Lorenzo or Brandi can because she's dumb.

Amen and g'night.

I agree, fire Kate and bring back Lorenzo (classy/not a whiner) or Gilfred (hilarious and entertaining).

JMO said...

localyocul said... 194
Kate's concerned that men's wives won't like them being around Hooters girls, but it's OK she was laying out in a Bikini in Mexico with someone's husband? And was all over the place in skimpy outfits with him? And still galavants around with him? Hypocrite

Really TFW? You strolled around in high heels, short shorts, and ridiculously low cut shirts as a mother of 8 young kids, and now you are worried? Hypocrisy at its best. What a moron!

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