Celebrity Apprentice Episode 8 Live Finale: Discussion Thread
TV personalities Leeza Gibbons and Geraldo Rivera are the last apprentices standing as Donald Trump prepares to preside over one more boardroom session, this time on live television.
I do not think Mady wasted it. She said she did not eat the guacamole (tomalley) and its butt. So she may have left the very tip of the tail in the shell and she probably did not bother to get the tiny morsels from the legs. On one of the couch interviews, she said she liked seafood. February 16, 2015 at 4:36 PM ****** Mady seemed to enjoy the lobster, despite Kate doing everything she could to sabotage her experience.
Idk, Mady seemed to enjoy teasing Kate with it.Naming it Larry etc! But Kate deserved it for the salad remark as well as her over-the-top disgust at the lobster, when they were going to Maine and planned to have lobster- what would the other kids think? I noticed Hannah did not try any.I just think it was a waste for a quick lunch en route to the beach rental. To me it looked like Mady did not eat much but we didn't see the whole meal, of course.
Oh yes, Mady knows exactly how to read her mother and how to push her buttons. She loved every minute of that lunch. Mady is much smarter than Kate, and was having a little fun at Kate's expense. If that helps Mady keep her sanity until she reaches adulthood, then good for her!
NJGal, Happy to hear that you also support WWP. Such a great cause. You know, I think our husbands are in the same career field (from things we have both mentioned in the past). My DH retired from the military and we stayed here in Maryland. Given the location, you probably know exactly where he works and what he does.
I'd love to show Mady how a real lobster lover eats a lobster. Don't have to get all messy about it. Can't beat eating it at home. At home you can heat up your butter as many times as you need to and it's real butter. Some of the best I ever had was camping in NH, eating at a picnic table, in a bug proof tarp, crackeling fire nearby, lots of wine, a few steamers as an app. Can't beat a 2 1/2 - 3 lb lobster. Best is to have a little left over for a sandwich at the beach the next day, but need real hellman's mayo. Make me want a lobster bing, last good one was bday, son bought me 2- 7 lbers, which was ridiculous, but I had leftovers and froze some. But it's all gone now.
@JordanPMickle 52s53 seconds ago @ApprenticeNBC Was Kate Gosselin really surprised when she was fired? It appeared like her firing was a no-brainer. #AskApprentice
The edit so far is foreshadowing a definite winner. How about that Jonas brother! "He can tell the crowd 'you can stay and take pictures but just stand over here'. and they do what he says!" Leeza said in amazement. He didn't have to tell or make a scene either!
I'm also watching basketball, Pittsburg is playing university of Virginia in Charlottesville, in a snow storm. Pitt couldn't buy a basket the first half, now the second half Pitt got their mojo back. It's a nail biter!
"So, are you saying that Jon can't take any future concerns about his children to the court, because the judge ruled one way in the beginning, and will not ever change his mind?"
He can take it to court as many times as he wants. The question is will he ever get anywhere with it. If he gets the same judge, most likely not because all it could do is to really p$$s off the judge. Is that the way it should be? Nope. But I've seen it happen to the point where the non-custodial parent just had to accept the way things were and that unless something significant happened that would change the outcome of the custody issue, that's the way it was going to be.
What I did say was that we don't know how many times he has gone to court, for what reason (s) and if he continues to fight for more custody time, and if he will do so in the future. Those are private matters and he is not sharing them with the public. Good for him.
They do sound like they're in te same field Layla. Did the whole MD thing but decided we like the SW better so when offered the choice of MD or AZ it was a no brainer.
I listened to Leeza's presentation and was thinking that there was no way Kate could have done that. No way. Some have it and some don't, and Kate is a "don't" and always will be. She has no appeal, is not articulate, has no class, no grace, no talent, no smarts, no experience, and nothing she could bring to the table. It's sad, but that's the reality of it.
No matter what she does...a sexy twitter picture or a TV show...she always looks like the dork that is trying to fit in with the popular kids...it's so awkward it's almost embarrassing....
Why does the Sesame Street song "one of these things is not like the other" always pop into my head whenever TFW is mingling with real tv personalities....lol
I'm not watching until I finish recapping the rest of them but it doesn't surprise me she is being snubbed.
She has spent the past six weeks bashing her other contestants, Trump and the show. You can't just keep doing that and expect to get away with it. These people have seen these tweets or heard about them, they're not stupid.
If I didn't know better I would wonder why TFW was sitting up on that stage.... She's being totally ignored . Even the camera guy focused totally on Kenya even though TFW was right next to her. LMAO
Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob 2m2 minutes ago Howling @Kateplusmy8 has been moved to the second row and is livid!!! ****** Also said Kate walked out during commercial. HOLY CRAP!
No one has even acknowledged her....she was all smiles as the teams were coming in until vivica and Brandi came in...then bitch face came through and she barely clapped....she was making the most ridiculous faces when Brandi, vivica, and Kenya were rehashing phone gate. She might as well wave her arms frantically while screaming "someone look at me!!"
Hey, Joy in Virginia, I know a very nice guy named Mojo!
More fabulous GIFS from TFW! Did you see her when Brandy came out and she turned her head and like blew out a puff of air? Then Vivica and you know their dresses cost more than hers. Now, why is she just an inch from TO?
Now all we see is her legs and after the flapping of her hands and she is lying comment Vivica made to Kenya, TFW started bouncing her leg.
University of Virginia defeated Pittsburg! They will keep their ncaa #2 ranking! Now Kansas Jayhawks playing the West Virginia Mountaineers. Exciting! Donald trump knows who has helped get their tweeties excited about CA and who hasn't done anything for their charity or the show.
I noticed her starting to bounce her leg like she does during interviews. She's just sitting there like a bump on a log. Doesn't even smile when the camera (rarely) shows her. It sure does look like she is being shunned. 45 minutes left and nobody is even acknowledging her presence. Anyone else think she might end up crying in a closet tonight?
@NaughtyNiceRob 15m15 minutes ago Howling @Kateplusmy8 has been moved to the second row and is livid!!! 0 replies 10 retweets 9 favorites Reply Retweet10 Favorite9 More mscatie @mscatie 13m13 minutes ago @NaughtyNiceRob @Kateplusmy8 Shouldn't diss the Donald ;) 0 replies 1 retweet 0 favorites Reply Retweet1 Favorite More User Actions Follow
Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob 17m17 minutes ago Howling @Kateplusmy8 has been moved to the second row and is livid!!! 0 replies 10 retweets 9 favorites Reply Retweet10 Favorite9 More Abby @Flowerchic462 14m14 minutes ago @NaughtyNiceRob @Kateplusmy8 You are making my life right now with the live tweeting
Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob 32m32 minutes ago I mean! @Kateplusmy8 just demanded a water with a straw!!! 0 replies 1 retweet 1 favorite Reply Retweet1 Favorite1 More Debbie Lafleur @DebbieLafleur 22m22 minutes ago @NaughtyNiceRob @Kateplusmy8 I don't blame her, can't mess up the lips !!! 👄 0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites Reply Retweet Favorite More User Actions Follow
I noticed her starting to bounce her leg like she does during interviews. She's just sitting there like a bump on a log. Doesn't even smile when the camera (rarely) shows her. It sure does look like she is being shunned. 45 minutes left and nobody is even acknowledging her presence. Anyone else think she might end up crying in a closet tonight? ********************************************************************************* Maybe, but then she'll get a box of wine and start with the nasty tweets again. Heck, she may not even need a box of wine as livid as she is right now.
Leeza is the epitome of class! I've always admired how articulate she is. She's a winner, no matter what the outcome. Donald does not always make the right decision. Naughty but Nice Rob is hilarious. He's really sticking it to Kate. He said that "Security is looking for me. Wink." Shout out to Steve?
Kate has got to be completely humiliated right now. She bitched and moaned on Twitter, but never thought it would come back to bite her in the butt. She gets away with everything. But this time DT is giving her the cold shoulder on live TV for everyone to see. This is the first time anyone has ever called her out, and DT did it without speaking a word to her. I guess she forgot who she was dealing with.
Wow, Leeza is such an incredible speaker. I'm tearing up listening to her talk about her mother. Kate could never have moved people like this.
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Even if she had any kind of ability as a public speaker, what could she have spoken about? Camp Barnabas, where parents can drop off their kids to get away from them? I doubt that she knows anything about the camp, much less have any personal involvement with them. There would have been nosincere feelings or reflections about "her" charity, and I think that people are intelligent enough that they could have seen right through it. She can fool some of the people some of the time (and the sheeple all of the time) but when it comes to most of the viewers, there would be no pulling the wool.
Ha! watching Kate's face when Brandi and Vivica were introduced and walked in is very interesting. She checked out their bodies/outfits and kind of sneered. Very high school, sizing up the competition. She looked jealous. And nasty.
Kate's doing her best to make faces and get attention. Her leg bobbing-omg-the crew has to tell her to STOP! The hand wringing needs to stop, too. Sit still woman!
Berks Neighbor said... 58 I'm wondering where Shawn Johnson is? She was on this season. February 16, 2015 at 6:29 PM ***** Flight was cancelled due to the weather.
Naughty but Nice Rob is hilarious. He's really sticking it to Kate. He said that "Security is looking for me. Wink." Shout out to Steve? February 16, 2015 at 6:34 PM ******* Ah, yes, now I get the wink. Look out, Rob! You might get clawed!
The tribute to Joan was so sweet. Knowing how TFW was sitting there...because she is ONLY the mother of 8 kids...She is famous for nothing other than having 8 kids. 8 kids she forced and abused to give her the life she thinks she entitled to makes me sick. She is a DOLT.
Berks, apparently Shawn got snowed in somewhere and couldn't get to the finale.
DT finally spoke to Kate! Of course, her answer was filled with Uhs and Umms. And he hadn't really spoken to Jamie, and he asked her a question, too. Every last person on there is so much more articulate than Kate.
On a May 8, 2012 episode of Dr. Phil, three of the four mothers to his children accused Owens of either coming up short in his monthly child-support payments or not paying at all. Owens said he was paying some $45,000 per month in child support at one time.[7]
Trump just asked kate who should win. You could tell she had tears in her eyes and she spoke very weakly and she was nervous. I think it was because she was so ignored, it infuriated her and she was barely holding it together.
I wonder if she went and got a pep talk from Steve during the commercial break.
Wow! I hope Leeza wins, she is incredible. Her minute to convince Trump to hire her was very good!
It is such a pleasure to watch Liza Gibbons, I can only imagine what its like to be Leeza Gibbons! Genuine, warm, intelligent, gracious....I could go on and on.
So the only thing she showed up for was to mumble and ramble on about who should win. She was totally ignored for the entire show. You just know tonight is going to be misery for purse boy. I don't think there's enough wine in all of Manhattan to soothe the sting from that slap in the face. Karma is a bitch Kate.
She gets away with everything. But this time DT is giving her the cold shoulder on live TV for everyone to see. This is the first time anyone has ever called her out, and DT did it without speaking a word to her
************** I'm just catching the end of this. Has Kate said anything?
She finally got about 10 seconds of air time when The Donald asked her about Geraldo. Interesting comment about Gerald being unapologetic. I think she was trying to send The Donald a message and wanted to compare herself to Geraldo, but didn't have the guts and the verbal skills to bring it home.
HA!! TFW went and hugged Geraldo first---always cozying up to the men--then practically had to ambush Leeza to hug her--Leeza was reaching for someone else when TFW got her. Who was TFW waving at to come on up?
TFW was trying hard to smile. Bet TFM will earn his money tonight as her handler!
Welp. The Donald only asked her who should win, she said Geraldo. That was it. He talked to Kenya several times. The hug with Leeza was awkward and she was motioning someone to come over. Weird.
Well, I guess a likes do attract one another. Kate picked Geraldo, they are so much a like. Both in love with themselves. Shame on Kate for not picking Leeza, since Leeza saved Kates ass the first time Kate was a PM. I'm glad Leeza won. Can't stand DT or Gilbert or Geraldo.
I said this once before, for how much Kate has wanted to be in front of the camera for just about anything, she should have warmed up to Leeza, in my humble opinion. A woman in her 40's with no real resume is lucky to have such an opportunity. I really think she blew it. Brandi and Leeza it seems became fast friends, I hope that means good things for Brandi in the future. Even though I still think the show is a joke, so happy Leeza won over Geraldo.
Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob Well well! @Kateplusmy8 is trying to get friendly with @terrellowens =================================================== Someone asked Rob if Kate had passed out. :)
(Leslie) What was Kate tonight...the freakin stage manager waving repeatedly for Leeza's husband to come over. She looked so stupid. I think Leeza's husband knew he could come hug his wife without Kate's direction.
Kate was waiving for Leeza's husband to come over, like he needed her direction. wtf? Leeza had great emotion when hugging many other contestants after her win, but she really had no reaction to Kate, other than to reciprocate her hug.
It looked like she was waving to Leeza's husband to come on stage. Like they've been bestest friends, like, forever. She's so ingratiating. I guess she has no recall of all the nasty trashing tweets she sent out about people of the past few weeks, IF she was tweeting about CA at all. If I recall, she was telling people to "forget CA, watch my show".
Terri (#85), I bet you're right about this being a whiny and wine-y evening ahead for TFW. Now that we know the mini bar is off limits, I imagine that Purse Boy will be sent out in the cold to purchase some discount liquor. Kind of like a St. Bernard, but less charismatic.
Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob 32m32 minutes ago Well well! @Kateplusmy8 is trying to get friendly with @terrellowens pic.twitter.com/i4fex9dIAb View photo 0 replies 6 retweets 5 favorites Reply Retweet6 Favorite5 More You're fired - again @PRFANS 23m23 minutes ago @NaughtyNiceRob @Kateplusmy8 @terrellowens OR she's bored because this has NOTHING to do with her. Yeah, that's my vote. 0 replies 2 retweets 2 favorites Reply Retweet2 Favorite2 More SockieWhodunit @SockieWhodunit 4m4 minutes ago @PRFANS @popems42 @NaughtyNiceRob @Kateplusmy8 @terrellowens Because women see right through her. 0 replies 1 retweet 1 favorite Reply Retweet1 Favorite1 More Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob 3m3 minutes ago @SockieWhodunit @PRFANS @popems42 @Kateplusmy8 @terrellowens these ladies don't like her ******* Kate really doesn't like other women. She wiped some confetti off of Ian's face at the end, and he didn't even look at her. You don't touch people like that- she gets overly familiar with men, like that contractor at her house. You don't ask if someone's man wants a hug. She was all over T.O. Again, this is how 17-year olds act.
Tucker's Mom said... 70 Naughty but Nice Rob is hilarious. He's really sticking it to Kate. He said that "Security is looking for me. Wink." Shout out to Steve? February 16, 2015 at 6:34 PM ******* Ah, yes, now I get the wink. Look out, Rob! You might get clawed!
I turned on just as Leeza was named the winner. So happy she won! I noticed that at the end, everyone was hugging and TFW was standing there by herself. No one came over to her, she approached Geraldo and then Leeza. Leeza was too busy hugging other people and seem to have nice things to say to them. She did not hug TFW the same way and did not appear to say anything nice to her. Very telling.
AnnieD said... 97 Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob Well well! @Kateplusmy8 is trying to get friendly with @terrellowens =================================================== Someone asked Rob if Kate had passed out. :)
****** It looked like she was being a drama queen, like "ugh, are we done yet?". That was a whole lot different than sitting on her basement throne, holding court with her crew and a camera.
After watching the finale tonight...TFW was only spoke to once. I didn't watch( while she was on) cause my stomach just can't handle her bile. What the heck was up with her waving the cameras in? I guess it's a win for TFW cause she got another 2-3 days away from the kids... Sorry Kate, all you'r damage control did nothing for me...You are still the mother of 8 who abuses the kids to stay mediocre .
Susan1956 said... 104 Anybody else think Lorenzo was looking kind of yummy tonight> February 16, 2015 at 7:21 PM ****** He looks amazing, like rich, Corinthian leather ;-)
I love that Donald introduced Kate as America's most famous mother of 8, or something like that. Yup, those 8 are the reason she's on CA, that's for sure.
BTW, I saw Tori Spelling at a bookstore this weekend with her daughter. No bodyguard hovering over her or holding her purse. I didn't recognize her at first, but I smiled because I generally smile at everyone, and she smiled back. Then she was asking a saleswoman some questions very kindly. There was no camera crew around, so I'm assuming that's her "real" personality. Imagine being nice to the "mediocre" -- unlike a certain dolt we all know.
Leeza said that she gave Brandi a piece of jewelry from her jewelry collection and I think someone else on CA can't remember that has to do with her charity. She designed it. I think L & B really bonded together and have become fast friends.
TFW tweeted that Leeza was too scared to be pm, so TFW had to take it...and then she's surprised she gets the cold shoulder?
Then she tweets that Vivica and Kenya are like 14 year old drama queens. I suppose she expects them to be friendly to her after she royally insults them on twitter?
If I knew I had to go on a live finale with the same people, I think I'd wait to smack talk them until AFTER the finale.
After watching the finale tonight...TFW was only spoke to once. I didn't watch( while she was on) cause my stomach just can't handle her bile. What the heck was up with her waving the cameras in?
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You watched, but you didn't watch? How is that possible?
So she went to NYC to sit in the second row and pump her legs? That's it?
On second thought, maybe there will be some more pumping tonight after the lights go out.
She never fails to screw up. Just about every celeb, even Ivanka, was tweeting promos and pics from tonight, selfies, backstage shore, (in fact, TO has one with kate and she looks like crap) , there is even a pic of a bunch of then on state on their phones, and kate trying to make convo with Gilbert, and not ONE pic or tweet from her about the show. Why can she not even get the basics down? The tweets from Rob are hysterical, and right on target. She is her own worst enemy. Even more puzzling, not one tweet from Milo today.
Well, I guess a likes do attract one another. Kate picked Geraldo, they are so much a like. Both in love with themselves.
Opposites do attract, tool. Geraldo appeared to be a hard worker, very focused, whereas Kate was anything but that.
One can say whatever about Geraldo, but I think that he did a commendable job on this show, narcissism aside. He stuck with it, he did what was needed to be done, and his performance was nothing to sneeze at. I thought that having Tony Orlando there really was a smart choice. Everyone knows Tony and the song, and his story was very moving.
Wow! WOW!!! West Virginia Mountaineers just beat Kansas by one point! Watch out for WVA in the NCAA championship! CA was entertaining, I love that Leeza won and loved the Joan rivers tribute. but for real excitement, nothing beats college basketball!
The sheep are going to be blowing up Donald's twitter over practically ignoring Kate the whole show.
They can tweet to their hearts' content, but I seriously doubt that Donald gives a rat's rear end about the opinion of the sheeple! They are not even on his radar, as much as they would like to believe that what they think matters to him.
Over In TFW's County said... 130 Well, I guess a likes do attract one another. Kate picked Geraldo, they are so much a like. Both in love with themselves.
Opposites do attract, tool. Geraldo appeared to be a hard worker, very focused, whereas Kate was anything but that.
******* Kate thinks she's got Geraldo all figured out and knows just how to manipulate him to get her way. Geraldo is one of those people that you don't want to find out what it's like to be on his bad side. And T.O.? Really? This guy's got a few baby mamas that he doesn't support, and barely sees his kids- and Kate's all over him tonight.
I was really hoping Donald would ban Kate from the finale for sending out those tweats to watch her show over CA. But it is so much better to watch her at the finale being ignored and uncomfortable.
And T.O.? Really? This guy's got a few baby mamas that he doesn't support, and barely sees his kids- and Kate's all over him tonight.
She was being ignored, and clearly uncomfortable. I think it was a case that she needed someone to look, well, "wanted," and he was the one who happened to be there.
When asked what she'd learned from her experience on CA, didn't TFW say something like, she didn't realize she was supposed to bring the drama to get ahead? Well, then, Ms. Introspection, how do you explain Leeza Gibbons' victory? She brought zero drama, and won the whole shebang.
My guess is that the barnyard had a private meeting (or was it a bleating?), and decided to take a vow of silence tonight. Perhaps one of them was clever enough to predict how grim it might be.
So glad Leeza won! Been very busy, so am really behind reading here, and don't know if this has already been discussed but what were the numbers for CA after TFW was fired? Thanks.
I also think Lorenzo is very yummy:) Didn't Vivica look extremely great tonight? She is a beautiful woman, knows how to dress her body. Unlike u-no-hoo.
I guess that mindless idiot Rob made up for snubbing TFW on the WW show because he tweeted non stop about her tonight and #ilovedit. We called it when we said she didn't want him on her bad side. Rob is my new favorite guy on twitter!
I guess she found out the hard way that you don't dis The Donald. Forget CA? I guess it was forget Kate tonight. Payback is a bigger bitch than TFW isn't it!
I'm happy that Leeza won and it was very awkward at the end when Leeza was going in for a hug with Ian and TFW grabbed her. One arm around Ian and the other around TFW. Ooopsie!
Geraldo did work hard he's just a bit of an ass. My favorite non-TFW moment #geraldildo Classic!
I'm happy Leeza won. I liked how at the end when Trump asked both Leeza and Geraldo why they should win. Geraldo went on how he made for great television, while Leeza played it safe.
Leeza had a great comeback saying that she didn't play it safe, but played it strategically. She then pointed out that she had never been in the board room and that Geraldo had been there several times. Then she topped it off by saying that she helped Geraldo end his 5 task losing streak.
I was yelling "Go Leeza!!"
BTW, Team Infinity also won the Chockfullonuts vote, so she also got an additional $25,000 for her charity. I wish they had announced that one the air.
So Donald asked Kate one question and she had to sputter out her reply. So much for her "gift of gab".
I think the only reason she was beckoning for Leeza's husband to come on stage, was because she saw the camera was on her at the time.
@Xxxxxxxx: @Kateplusmy8 and @terrellowens at Celebrity Apprentice after party. #CelebrityApprentice #party pic.twitter.com/hBp28RZb5W ======== Her hair looks kind of limp/thin and her roots are coming in big time. I guess she figured that CA would spring for some more filler extensions and a color touch up.
If you look at the picture quickly it looks like TO is making devil horns behind her head.
TFW got 20 seconds of a 2 hour show...I think that might have given her more time than she really got.... No one cared about you... No one cared about what you had to say... No one cared about you having 8 kids...No one gave a s*it ... Bye Bye !
I don't care how delusional you are, that extremely obvious and public snubbing had to sting like heck. DT praised almost every other contestant except Kate (and Jamie?). I think this is the only time I sort of wished I had Twitter. The tweets from Rob were icing on the karmic cake.
I'm glad Leeza won. I appreciated the tribute to Joan Rivers. I can't stop giggling over Kate being put in the back row. Too too funny.
Millicent 152...I think DT did praise Jamie, very early in the night.
Kate gets her chance to answer, which is basically a one-word answer and it takes her 50 words to say that 1 word. She has mastered the art of 'how to speak many words, yet really say nothing' DT was aware of that because every time in the board room,she'd do the same thing and a few times, he cut her off. Just answer the question Kate, don't give an essay on a one word answer!
Of course no weather would stop TFW trekking to NYC with TFM fo be pampered. Well, glad she got snubbed, deservingly. She is just not a nice person. Funny that the more she puts her mug out there, the more criticism she gets for being a no talent waste of air time. Please take note, TLC.
DT asks Khate who should win. WTF was that answer? what a doofus! I think it's interesting how she can't relate to women in any way-instead hangs on men...she wanted Geraldo to win even though Leeza's record clearly spoke as to who should win.
So her #1 fan was silent yesterday? I've always thought this Milo is Kate. No one can be THIS stupid. (well, except for Kate).
Millicent said... 152 I don't care how delusional you are, that extremely obvious and public snubbing had to sting like heck.
Yes, but she's a businesswoman, don't you know?
Arthur Kade @ArthurKade 36m36 minutes ago Kate Gosselin told me about fun she had on #CelebrityApprentice and balancing kids and being a business woman
Oh and another thing, lol. I've been thinking about this all season. Leeza's charity was created out of what she had done for her mother. I would watch and read Leeza's interviews when she was taking care of her mom and had such respect for her. She took such awesome care of her, respected her dignity and gave her all to her mom until the end. Do you think Kate could muster that up her mom? *snorts*
Interesting side note is that Milo has not tweeted for 2 days and no tweeting last night while her hero was on CA. I bet it starts again today. Coincidence?
Arthur Kade @ArthurKade 54m54 minutes ago Kate Gosselin told me about fun she had on #CelebrityApprentice and balancing kids and being a business woman ===================================================.So she's no longer just a mom of 8....a business woman?
First things first, sooo happy Leeza won!! Now, the dress was, as always, too short for her. Her boobs looked larger? When she answered her one question, the awkwardness was seeping from her pores. She made me cringe and shudder, like watching a bad accident happen. She was probably telling Terrell how exhausted-ish she was, hence the head on his shoulder. Again, "awks"-her butting in to fake hug Leeza? Who did she more or less shove out of the way? She knew the camera was on her, she's "thinks" she's so skilled at pretending she doesn't know the camera is on her. That stupid fake waving (or whatever that was) she did was just for some camera time.
Sig Hansen is likely fishing for opilio crabs. The man works for a living and wouldn't skip out for something as trivial as the finale of Celebrity Apprentice.
I disagree about Geraldo. If it weren't for his amazing abilities to raise funds and his friendship with DT he'd have been sent packing a long time ago. His ideas stunk and he was too much of a narcissist to give the reins to the PMs. He may have made for great tv with his "inventing the selfie", his prancing around in his unnerwares and his "Screw the Terrorists" but unless he was the center of attention, he wasn't very co-operative.
Leeza was a great leader because she listened to other people and she checked her ego at the door. (quite frankly, I don't think she has an ego)
Wow. sKate saying that Leeza was too scared to be the PM means that sKate was even too lazy to snoop on-line to figure out who the winner's were going to be. That also tells me she made no friends that she could DM in private and get info. She sticks her foot in her mouth so many times. I guess if she wasn't the winner, she really didn't give a rat's ass who was.
Arthur Kade @ArthurKade 36m36 minutes ago Kate Gosselin told me about fun she had on #CelebrityApprentice and balancing kids and being a business woman ======== First of all, the only thing that she balanced was the plate of food on her lap so it wouldn't spill. She was gone the entire time that she was on the show and didn't have to juggle appointments and work school activities, day care etc. There was no balancing involved. Business woman? IT.WAS.A.GAME! When Leeza wasn't there to bail her out as PM she was fired.
From what we've read, she doesn't have a very good reputation. Her negative tweets reinforced that. I guess she still needs to learn that when you say something negative about someone it will get back to them even if you're too much of a coward to include them on the tweet. She'll probably have a spring break/turning 40 special and she may be able to get a gig on another reality show here or there but she will never have her dream career nor will she ever "own the mic". I really believe that she was hired on to CA to bring her normal histrionics and when she couldn't even deliver that she was fired (bad coaching Steve). She obviously was still acting like a demanding diva last night and I totally believe that story about DT making them pay for incidentals.
AnnieD said... 162 Arthur Kade @ArthurKade 54m54 minutes ago Kate Gosselin told me about fun she had on #CelebrityApprentice and balancing kids and being a business woman ===================================================.So she's no longer just a mom of 8....a business woman? ******* Kate has always viewed her first role as running her family as a business. Her kids are her commodities, and that's not a metaphor. I think Kate really believes she's right up there with other women who have successful businesses. Being a rtv star who uses her kids for filming, fame and fortune isn't that same. She's a Grifter.
Arthur Kade @ArthurKade 36m36 minutes ago Kate Gosselin told me about fun she had on #CelebrityApprentice and balancing kids and being a business woman _______ There was no balancing involved. Business woman? IT.WAS.A.GAME! ____ A game she was fired from because she sucked.
She can't even be the b**ch she was hired to be she was to lazy-(When she wasn't eating) to even be the Kate the Donald wanted her to be.
RE: Kate waving someone to come onstage.....my version of that was when she was hugging Leeza, Leeza was saying in her ear, "I wish it were my husband hugging me instead of you." So Kate, ever the nice one, decided to oblige, waited for the camera to have her front and center and started making hand gestures. Snark.
Leeza saves her a** on a task, and she tells Trump that *Geraldo* should win?????
Reasons to say Leeza 1. Leeza was clearly the better of the two, 2. Leeza was who Trump thought did better 3. You owed Leeza 4. Leeza can do more for your career going forward than Geraldo can
Reasons to say Geraldo 1. You're attracted to his money 2. He's a surrogate father figure to you 3. You're sexually attracted to him 4. He reminds you of Steve, short with silver hair 5. He looks like Steve but he's richer 6. You have figured out how to get him to dump his wife overnight for you 7. He has lots of money and is richer than Steve. 8. You only relate to men 9. He has more money than Steve 10. He's rich, compared to Steve anyway
Your strategery was way off base. So was your ability to read the situation.
Arthur Kade @ArthurKade 36m36 minutes ago Kate Gosselin told me about fun she had on #CelebrityApprentice and balancing kids and being a business woman ---------------------------------------------- There was no balancing for TFW. She made arrangements for the pseudo-family from Montana to house sit for her the entire time she was gone and watch the kids when Jon didn't have them. She basically made a few phone calls and then completely dumped all family responsibility on other people for as long as it took.
She probably did have fun pretending to be a business woman. She wants to be anything but a nurse or a responsible mother. Too bad she proved on national TV that she has absolutely no business ability at all. It is easy to have fun when you aren't taking any responsibility and your failure won't personally impact your finances.
On the other hand, her talking trash about the show and the other contestants did hurt her in the entertainment industry. It was obvious she got a huge snub on the show last night and we all know why since she made her temper tantrums public. She is constantly burning bridges once people are of no perceived use to her.
I thought it was incredibly immature and petty of her saying that Geraldo should win. I couldn't believe my ears! She is so jealous of Leeza, Brandy, Vivica and Kenya. They get to live the lifestyle that she craves like roasted kale chips, maple syrup, and money.
Maybe TFW is just buttering Geraldo up because he has rich connections and she just might convince Geraldo to play matchmaker.
As I shoveled my driveway to get to my (real not play businesswoman) job this morning, I wondered who was going to snow blow Miss-II-Do-It-All-Alone's looooooong driveway?
I completely agree, PJ. Geraldo was never fired simply because he was able to raise tons of money. He failed at every other aspect of the game. He was not a team player. He was not a good leader. He was not creative. He did not listen to anyone. He was condescending. He criticized all ideas that were not his own. The only thing he worked hard at was making himself the center of attention at all times.
Yes, but she's a businesswoman, don't you know? ______________________________________
TLC stinks said... 176 Kate thinks all women are jealous of her because she is a sexpot. February 17, 2015 at 6:42 AM
****** Remember when you were in grade/high school, and you'd see a girl check out another girl with utter contempt? The upper lip is snarled, the eyeballs check the other girl from head to toe, and finally, there's a pffft? That is exactly what Kate did when Brandi and Vivica were introduced. She's so aware of (what she perceives as) the competition.
That, and not befriending the other women her age, and hanging all over T.O. just screamed, "I'm so insecure!!".
I hope T.O. realized Kate just likes to be a c*ck tease, and that she was going home with Stevie.
I would really like to see TFW on an elimination show that is not team-based. Then, who could she blame? It must have been galling to her team members who carried her, even to the point of having to step in to take over. Obviously, letting her fail would put themselves at risk of elimination. Had she managed to somehow be in the final 2, who would she have tapped for entertainment? Taylor Swift? Somehow I don't think she has her on speed dial. Say what you will about Geraldo, the tribute from Tony Orlando was very moving. It is too bad that Geraldo jumped the shark in his career--he used to be an extremely effective journalist. I've never watched CA before (and probably never will again), but I am surprised that success in that show really rests at your success to have relationships. Since TFW burns all of her bridges, she brought absolutely nothing to the table.
I guess she can now add being a business woman to her oh so long list of achievements, along with zookeeper, dancer and beating out absolutely nobody for the title of most famous mom of 8.
What I really liked about last night's episode is how Leeza defended herself in the boardroom, breaking down Geraldo's criticism that she played it safe. It is nice to know that talent and hard work is still rewarded, in this era of instant fame and celebrity. At least there is that...
@Kateplusmy8: Lol,no.leezas husband was waiting2come in RT @_laurenscott: @Kateplusmy8 what were u doing at end of celeb app?Motioning4camera2come closer? ======== Nice of her to take over the stage management and allow him to come and hug and kiss his wife. #DoIt!!
Exactly. Witness her comment about who Geraldo's wife not being okay with Kate and Geraldo being friends after the show.
She was joking, but only half joking. She really does factor in Geraldo's wife. Like she cares! When Trump called her out for having a dirty mind, she went into hyper defensiveness mode sort of like everyone says that but I swear I don't, I'm miss innocent!
This act she played was so grating and unattractive!
As for saying it should be Geraldo, she did work with him a lot and maybe felt some loyalty to him. But, she worked with Leeza too, Leeza helped her out in the past (longest liver!) and Leeza was clearly the better candidate. I think she should have played it diplomatic, saying they were both wonderful to work with and she couldn't possibly choose.
localyocul said... 177 As I shoveled my driveway to get to my (real not play businesswoman) job this morning, I wondered who was going to snow blow Miss-II-Do-It-All-Alone's looooooong driveway? February 17, 2015 at 7:07 AM AuntieAnn said... 178 I thought DT was rude to Keshia. He didn't even let her get the name of her charity out before he moved on.
And where was Shawn? Out moon cycling? ******* Well, I doubt it's the kids or the nanny/babysitter, even though they're all going to be home at the compound today with the schools closed. Hopefully, Kate has the common sense to know that a snow storm was coming, and arranged for her drive to be plowed. Nahhhhhhhhh...
Shawn reportedly had her flight cancelled- she really should have flown in on Sat. before the East coast storm started affecting flights all over the country.
Leeza's husband has class just like Leeza. He was hanging back in the wings when Leeza first won. The cast that she had worked hard with was congratulating her and it seemed like he was letting his wife have her moment. Kate is so incredibly unaware, that she inserted herself into the situation when she should have minded her own business. Instead, she acted like she gave him permission to congratulate his wife. #Dolt. He was patiently allowing Leeza to have her moment.
I see Kate tweeted this am. She, no doubt, got on Twitter asap to see the overwhelming (snark) accolades from perfect strangers since she got none last night from the CA crowd.
TFW has tweeted "Leeza's husband was waiting 2 come in". That's right stupid, he was "waiting", he didn't need your direction. He was letting Leeza enjoy HER moment being congratulated by the other contestants. He was "waiting", get it.
She picked Geraldo because of the money he had access to. All she sees is $$$$. Leeza actually created tangible presentations and produced good work. And Leeza was smart enough to save her heavy hitters until late in the game. Geraldo burned up his black book too early. When she even outdid Geraldo in donations in the final task, that was the icing on the cake. No way could DT not pick her as the winner. She should have won even if Geraldo came up with more money.
And another thing: Why did sKate's heavy donor pick a time when she wasn't project manager? I read somewhere that "her" big donor really wanted to support Geraldo's cause and that's why the funds showed up when he was the PM. That donation had nothing to do with sKate. She brought NOTHING to the table.
After Party: The event was followed by a star-studded party at Trump Tower, hosted by finale task sponsor Universal Orlando Resorts. It was grifting time!
This was Kate's answer to Donald when he asked her who should win:
"I admire them both greatly. Um, I worked with both of them equally. But I appreciate, uh, I understood Geraldo, and he was...his...unapologetic honesty. He called a spade a spade. I appreciated that".
WTF kind of answer was that? "I' this, "I" that...she makes it about her and not Geraldo.
All the other contestants gave examples of why either Leeza or Geraldo should win without bringing themselves into the mix.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 188 I think she should have played it diplomatic, saying they were both wonderful to work with and she couldn't possibly choose. -------------------------------------- That's very publicist of you Admin. I have to disagree. I think that's part of why this season stunk. Either the "celebrities" they chose are all incredibly nice, so they didn't have much drama, or publicists are onto this show and are heavily coaching everyone on what to say and do.
I think in previous seasons the contestants got really into the competitive aspect and really tried to win. Which meant telling Trump what he wanted to hear, throwing names out to be fired, calling people out, etc... Other than Kenya, there wasn't any real "bad guys" this season. Everyone was playing nice-nice and that's boring.
The most interesting parts for me are how the celebrities act when they have a bunch of different egos in the room. This season, the most entertaining lines were said in the in-the-moments, which the other contestants don't see until the show airs, and weren't said to the actual person (except a few good lines by Brandi and Gilbert). That creates less drama because the contestants never react to what you really think of them.
I mean, how many contestants voluntarily fired themselves instead of fighting to win? I think because they realize, coming out looking honest / upstanding is better than winning a fake competition.
I don't think Celebrity Apprentice will last too much longer because of this. There's not many d-listers left that won't have heavy coaching before going in. And that's a shame. I used to love this show because I got to see a different, un-publicist-skewed side of celebrities that I wouldn't normally get to see.
331 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 331 Newer› Newest»I do not think Mady wasted it. She said she did not eat the guacamole (tomalley) and its butt. So she may have left the very tip of the tail in the shell and she probably did not bother to get the tiny morsels from the legs. On one of the couch interviews, she said she liked seafood.
February 16, 2015 at 4:36 PM
Mady seemed to enjoy the lobster, despite Kate doing everything she could to sabotage her experience.
Anyone watching the CA finale?
I'm recording it while I catch up on Downton Abbey and Shameless.
Idk, Mady seemed to enjoy teasing Kate with it.Naming it Larry etc! But Kate deserved it for the salad remark as well as her over-the-top disgust at the lobster, when they were going to Maine and planned to have lobster- what would the other kids think? I noticed Hannah did not try any.I just think it was a waste for a quick lunch en route to the beach rental. To me it looked like Mady did not eat much but we didn't see the whole meal, of course.
Watching the live finale. I've never watched before this season. Haha TFW has to sit there and watch clips of six other contestants in Florida!!!!
CA finale tonight and not one pic or tweet of Kate all day. So much for bonding with all her new close friends. LOL
I think it's VERY telling that she was not asked back for the final challenge!!
TFW taking a sexy selfie with Terrell Owens. He was taking the picture. And her eyes looked at the camera, like, uh oh! SMILE and wave!
Oh yes, Mady knows exactly how to read her mother and how to push her buttons. She loved every minute of that lunch. Mady is much smarter than Kate, and was having a little fun at Kate's expense. If that helps Mady keep her sanity until she reaches adulthood, then good for her!
Happy to hear that you also support WWP. Such a great cause. You know, I think our husbands are in the same career field (from things we have both mentioned in the past). My DH retired from the military and we stayed here in Maryland. Given the location, you probably know exactly where he works and what he does.
I'd love to show Mady how a real lobster lover eats a lobster. Don't have to get all messy about it. Can't beat eating it at home. At home you can heat up your butter as many times as you need to and it's real butter. Some of the best I ever had was camping in NH, eating at a picnic table, in a bug proof tarp, crackeling fire nearby, lots of wine, a few steamers as an app. Can't beat a 2 1/2 - 3 lb lobster. Best is to have a little left over for a sandwich at the beach the next day, but need real hellman's mayo. Make me want a lobster bing, last good one was bday, son bought me 2- 7 lbers, which was ridiculous, but I had leftovers and froze some. But it's all gone now.
Haha!!! She was just totally ignored by Donald!! He spoke to each one of them and not a word to her!! Priceless!!
I hope they ask this one:
@JordanPMickle 52s53 seconds ago
@ApprenticeNBC Was Kate Gosselin really surprised when she was fired? It appeared like her firing was a no-brainer. #AskApprentice
High Sdium Content - The was one tweet with a picture of TFW. Here it is. I hope that's not TFW's come hither look.
@KenyaMoore: My people kateplusmy8 and @terrellowens on the set of #CelebApprentice finale http://instagram.com/p/zLh9qQjNgc/
Wowser said... 10
Haha!!! She was just totally ignored by Donald!! He spoke to each one of them and not a word to her!! Priceless!!
Ooh, really? Interesting.
The edit so far is foreshadowing a definite winner.
How about that Jonas brother! "He can tell the crowd 'you can stay and take pictures but just stand over here'. and they do what he says!" Leeza said in amazement. He didn't have to tell or make a scene either!
Leeza: Are you here to support Geraldo, or are you here to support me?
Gilbert Gottfried: I'm here to get free food!
Love that guy!
Aww Gilbert Gottfried showed up for the fundreaiser for Geraldo. Kate's only a few hours away...why not show up for her "friend" Leeza?
I'm also watching basketball, Pittsburg is playing university of Virginia in Charlottesville, in a snow storm. Pitt couldn't buy a basket the first half, now the second half Pitt got their mojo back. It's a nail biter!
Bringing this over from the previous thread:
"So, are you saying that Jon can't take any future concerns about his children to the court, because the judge ruled one way in the beginning, and will not ever change his mind?"
He can take it to court as many times as he wants. The question is will he ever get anywhere with it. If he gets the same judge, most likely not because all it could do is to really p$$s off the judge. Is that the way it should be? Nope. But I've seen it happen to the point where the non-custodial parent just had to accept the way things were and that unless something significant happened that would change the outcome of the custody issue, that's the way it was going to be.
What I did say was that we don't know how many times he has gone to court, for what reason (s) and if he continues to fight for more custody time, and if he will do so in the future. Those are private matters and he is not sharing them with the public. Good for him.
Haha!!! She was just totally ignored by Donald!! He spoke to each one of them and not a word to her!! Priceless!!
She got the least amount of applause. I paid close attention! LOL!
Crap! The ice just knocked the dish out!!
TFW taking a sexy selfie with Terrell Owens. He was taking the picture. And her eyes looked at the camera, like, uh oh! SMILE and wave!
Sexy? I missed that. What made it sexy?
Haha he's still ignoring her...*LOL* talked to Keisha and Kenya again but not her...
Wowser said... 10
Haha!!! She was just totally ignored by Donald!! He spoke to each one of them and not a word to her!! Priceless!!
I missed the beginning, but he seems to be going around the room. He'll suck up to her, just wait.
If Kate had any questions on where she ranked on the CA food chain, she certainly knows now. No one, including DT has mentioned her name at all.
They do sound like they're in te same field Layla. Did the whole MD thing but decided we like the SW better so when offered the choice of MD or AZ it was a no brainer.
I listened to Leeza's presentation and was thinking that there was no way Kate could have done that. No way. Some have it and some don't, and Kate is a "don't" and always will be. She has no appeal, is not articulate, has no class, no grace, no talent, no smarts, no experience, and nothing she could bring to the table. It's sad, but that's the reality of it.
OK, watching CA now.
Geraldo is SUCH and ass!
He's definitely getting the loser edit.
No matter what she does...a sexy twitter picture or a TV show...she always looks like the dork that is trying to fit in with the popular kids...it's so awkward it's almost embarrassing....
Why does the Sesame Street song "one of these things is not like the other" always pop into my head whenever TFW is mingling with real tv personalities....lol
I'm not watching until I finish recapping the rest of them but it doesn't surprise me she is being snubbed.
She has spent the past six weeks bashing her other contestants, Trump and the show. You can't just keep doing that and expect to get away with it. These people have seen these tweets or heard about them, they're not stupid.
Naughty but Nice Rob is giving a play by play on his twitter; it's on Kates T/L. Intresting.
If I didn't know better I would wonder why TFW was sitting up on that stage.... She's being totally ignored . Even the camera guy focused totally on Kenya even though TFW was right next to her. LMAO
Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob 2m2 minutes ago
Howling @Kateplusmy8 has been moved to the second row and is livid!!!
Also said Kate walked out during commercial.
Haha he said to the ones who helped on the final project that they were brought back because they were excellent players
Walked out walked out, or just went to get a potty break?
Sorry Kate you can't be an asshole then expect the red carpet treatment. You were an ASSHOLE on Twitter these past 6 weeks. Serves you right.
BAHAWA!!!!!!!!!!!! They moved her to the back row of the chairs! Are they sitting in the order they were fired?
Lord, I can see Kate's french tips behind Kenya
I LOVE that they sat Kate next to Kenya.
@JamieAsnow: We here mean muggin... I hope @LeezaGibbons wins! @ApprenticeNBC @terrellowens @Kateplusmy8 pic.twitter.com/tEeMKl2BJu
She really does need to practice camera ready faces in the mirror.
No one has even acknowledged her....she was all smiles as the teams were coming in until vivica and Brandi came in...then bitch face came through and she barely clapped....she was making the most ridiculous faces when Brandi, vivica, and Kenya were rehashing phone gate. She might as well wave her arms frantically while screaming "someone look at me!!"
Hey, Joy in Virginia, I know a very nice guy named Mojo!
More fabulous GIFS from TFW! Did you see her when Brandy came out and she turned her head and like blew out a puff of air? Then Vivica and you know their dresses cost more than hers. Now, why is she just an inch from TO?
Now all we see is her legs and after the flapping of her hands and she is lying comment Vivica made to Kenya, TFW started bouncing her leg.
Sue_Buddy said... 31
Naughty but Nice Rob is giving a play by play on his twitter; it's on Kates T/L. Intresting.
To say the LEAST, SB ;-)
The synergy of pissing off The Donald and Rob Shuter is fabulous.
You've got to follow Kate's Twitter or Rob Shuter's. He's on her timeline every time he tweets about her.
I-an- "Geraldildo"
Gilbert said he gave up because he was going through menopause!
Awww Schmoopy's pal Shawn is stuck in Nashville due to weather.
@ShawnJohnson · 3m 3 minutes ago
“@g_reggulator: Where's @ShawnJohnson #askapprentice” stuck in Nashville due to weather!
University of Virginia defeated Pittsburg! They will keep their ncaa #2 ranking! Now Kansas Jayhawks playing the West Virginia Mountaineers. Exciting!
Donald trump knows who has helped get their tweeties excited about CA and who hasn't done anything for their charity or the show.
I noticed her starting to bounce her leg like she does during interviews. She's just sitting there like a bump on a log. Doesn't even smile when the camera (rarely) shows her. It sure does look like she is being shunned. 45 minutes left and nobody is even acknowledging her presence. Anyone else think she might end up crying in a closet tonight?
Sue_Buddy said... 31
Naughty but Nice Rob is giving a play by play on his twitter; it's on Kates T/L. Intresting.
HAHAHAHA is he there or watching it on TV?
@NaughtyNiceRob 15m15 minutes ago
Howling @Kateplusmy8 has been moved to the second row and is livid!!!
I missed the followup:
@NaughtyNiceRob 15m15 minutes ago
Howling @Kateplusmy8 has been moved to the second row and is livid!!!
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mscatie @mscatie 13m13 minutes ago
@NaughtyNiceRob @Kateplusmy8 Shouldn't diss the Donald ;)
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Naughty GossipVerified account
@mscatie @Kateplusmy8 wink
He's there hahaha
Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob 17m17 minutes ago
Howling @Kateplusmy8 has been moved to the second row and is livid!!!
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Abby @Flowerchic462 14m14 minutes ago
@NaughtyNiceRob @Kateplusmy8 You are making my life right now with the live tweeting
TFW and her 6 foot speech.
Kate Speak: Steve
Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob 32m32 minutes ago
I mean! @Kateplusmy8 just demanded a water with a straw!!!
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Debbie Lafleur @DebbieLafleur 22m22 minutes ago
@NaughtyNiceRob @Kateplusmy8 I don't blame her, can't mess up the lips !!! 👄
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Naughty GossipVerified account
@DebbieLafleur @Kateplusmy8 wink
Wow, Leeza is such an incredible speaker. I'm tearing up listening to her talk about her mother.
Kate could never have moved people like this.
1 hour and 23 minutes into the finale and not one word spoken to TFW.
Speaks Volumes!
Wow, didn't know this. Leeza has been married 4 times. First marriage was 2 years, Second, 2 years, 3rd 14 years, then 6 years later married in 2011.
Bless her heart! My GMA was married 6 times.
Tucker's Mom said... 51
Kate could never have moved people like this.
Kate's moved me, several times...to grab my mouse and click her gone!
Layla said... 47
I noticed her starting to bounce her leg like she does during interviews. She's just sitting there like a bump on a log. Doesn't even smile when the camera (rarely) shows her. It sure does look like she is being shunned. 45 minutes left and nobody is even acknowledging her presence. Anyone else think she might end up crying in a closet tonight?
Maybe, but then she'll get a box of wine and start with the nasty tweets again. Heck, she may not even need a box of wine as livid as she is right now.
I'm wondering where Shawn Johnson is? She was on this season.
Donald holds grudges so it doesn't surprise me she isn't getting any air time. Also, the sheep see missing from Kate's timeline tonight.
Leeza is the epitome of class! I've always admired how articulate she is.
She's a winner, no matter what the outcome.
Donald does not always make the right decision.
Naughty but Nice Rob is hilarious. He's really sticking it to Kate. He said that "Security is looking for me. Wink." Shout out to Steve?
Kate has got to be completely humiliated right now. She bitched and moaned on Twitter, but never thought it would come back to bite her in the butt. She gets away with everything. But this time DT is giving her the cold shoulder on live TV for everyone to see. This is the first time anyone has ever called her out, and DT did it without speaking a word to her. I guess she forgot who she was dealing with.
Wow, Leeza is such an incredible speaker. I'm tearing up listening to her talk about her mother.
Kate could never have moved people like this.
Even if she had any kind of ability as a public speaker, what could she have spoken about? Camp Barnabas, where parents can drop off their kids to get away from them? I doubt that she knows anything about the camp, much less have any personal involvement with them. There would have been nosincere feelings or reflections about "her" charity, and I think that people are intelligent enough that they could have seen right through it. She can fool some of the people some of the time (and the sheeple all of the time) but when it comes to most of the viewers, there would be no pulling the wool.
"Forget Apprentice"???? Looks like lots of people sent that nasty tweet to DT and payback is a bitch. She is definitely being snubbed. LOLOLOL
You mean calling Rob a "mindless idiot" DIDN'T work in TFW's
favor? Well, that is puzzling...
Ha! watching Kate's face when Brandi and Vivica were introduced and walked in is very interesting.
She checked out their bodies/outfits and kind of sneered.
Very high school, sizing up the competition.
She looked jealous.
And nasty.
Finally, a proper tribute to Joan Rivers.
Kate's doing her best to make faces and get attention. Her leg bobbing-omg-the crew has to tell her to STOP!
The hand wringing needs to stop, too.
Sit still woman!
Nice tribute to Joan Rivers.
Karma's a bitch Kate. Enjoy.
Berks Neighbor said... 58
I'm wondering where Shawn Johnson is? She was on this season.
February 16, 2015 at 6:29 PM
Flight was cancelled due to the weather.
Naughty but Nice Rob is hilarious. He's really sticking it to Kate. He said that "Security is looking for me. Wink." Shout out to Steve?
February 16, 2015 at 6:34 PM
Ah, yes, now I get the wink.
Look out, Rob! You might get clawed!
The tribute to Joan was so sweet.
Knowing how TFW was sitting there...because she is ONLY the mother of 8 kids...She is famous for nothing other than having 8 kids. 8 kids she forced and abused to give her the life she thinks she entitled to makes me sick. She is a DOLT.
Kate just said Geraldo should win. Suck up. Vivica says Leeza
Trump said Lorenzo did a noble thing by firing himself (It should have been TFW)
Kate just sounded like a total moron.
Of course sKate would pick Geraldo. Leeza made sKate look like the fool that she is.
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Naughty GossipVerified account
Well well! @Kateplusmy8 is trying to get friendly with @terrellowens
Berks, apparently Shawn got snowed in somewhere and couldn't get to the finale.
DT finally spoke to Kate! Of course, her answer was filled with Uhs and Umms. And he hadn't really spoken to Jamie, and he asked her a question, too. Every last person on there is so much more articulate than Kate.
Leeza's commercial? Not. Even. Close. This is a no brainer.
She must have just had Botox, she's got clown brows.
She can pick them:
On a May 8, 2012 episode of Dr. Phil, three of the four mothers to his children accused Owens of either coming up short in his monthly child-support payments or not paying at all. Owens said he was paying some $45,000 per month in child support at one time.[7]
Rob tweeted a pic of Kate all over Terrell.
Run, Terrell. Run like the wind.
She's not worth it!!!!!
Trump just asked kate who should win. You could tell she had tears in her eyes and she spoke very weakly and she was nervous. I think it was because she was so ignored, it infuriated her and she was barely holding it together.
I wonder if she went and got a pep talk from Steve during the commercial break.
Wow! I hope Leeza wins, she is incredible. Her minute to convince Trump to hire her was very good!
I don't know why, but every time Rob tweets "Howling" I laugh.
It is such a pleasure to watch Liza Gibbons, I can only imagine what its like to be Leeza Gibbons! Genuine, warm, intelligent, gracious....I could go on and on.
So the only thing she showed up for was to mumble and ramble on about who should win. She was totally ignored for the entire show. You just know tonight is going to be misery for purse boy. I don't think there's enough wine in all of Manhattan to soothe the sting from that slap in the face. Karma is a bitch Kate.
She gets away with everything. But this time DT is giving her the cold shoulder on live TV for everyone to see. This is the first time anyone has ever called her out, and DT did it without speaking a word to her
I'm just catching the end of this. Has Kate said anything?
Rob tweeted that every commercial break, Kenya's makeup team spackled her face more.
She finally got about 10 seconds of air time when The Donald asked her about Geraldo. Interesting comment about Gerald being unapologetic. I think she was trying to send The Donald a message and wanted to compare herself to Geraldo, but didn't have the guts and the verbal skills to bring it home.
HA!! TFW went and hugged Geraldo first---always cozying up to the men--then practically had to ambush Leeza to hug her--Leeza was reaching for someone else when TFW got her. Who was TFW waving at to come on up?
TFW was trying hard to smile. Bet TFM will earn his money tonight as her handler!
Welp. The Donald only asked her who should win, she said Geraldo. That was it. He talked to Kenya several times. The hug with Leeza was awkward and she was motioning someone to come over. Weird.
Sue_Buddy, I laughed too.
Rob gets his schadenfreude. :)
Well, I guess a likes do attract one another. Kate picked Geraldo, they are so much a like. Both in love with themselves. Shame on Kate for not picking Leeza, since Leeza saved Kates ass the first time Kate was a PM. I'm glad Leeza won. Can't stand DT or Gilbert or Geraldo.
CA is getting another season.
Hope they ask Jon ;-)
I wonder if she went and got a pep talk from Steve during the commercial break.
Was she looking for a closet?
I said this once before, for how much Kate has wanted to be in front of the camera for just about anything, she should have warmed up to Leeza, in my humble opinion. A woman in her 40's with no real resume is lucky to have such an opportunity. I really think she blew it. Brandi and Leeza it seems became fast friends, I hope that means good things for Brandi in the future.
Even though I still think the show is a joke, so happy Leeza won over Geraldo.
Naughty Gossip
Well well! @Kateplusmy8 is trying to get friendly with @terrellowens
Someone asked Rob if Kate had passed out. :)
What was Kate tonight...the freakin stage manager waving repeatedly for Leeza's husband to come over. She looked so stupid. I think Leeza's husband knew he could come hug his wife without Kate's direction.
Kate was waiving for Leeza's husband to come over, like he needed her direction. wtf?
Leeza had great emotion when hugging many other contestants after her win, but she really had no reaction to Kate, other than to reciprocate her hug.
Admin: Jon was right: Kate is a asshole! That man knows Kate better than she knows herself! LOL!
It looked like she was waving to Leeza's husband to come on stage. Like they've been bestest friends, like, forever. She's so ingratiating. I guess she has no recall of all the nasty trashing tweets she sent out about people of the past few weeks, IF she was tweeting about CA at all. If I recall, she was telling people to "forget CA, watch my show".
Terri (#85), I bet you're right about this being a whiny and wine-y
evening ahead for TFW. Now that we know the mini bar is off
limits, I imagine that Purse Boy will be sent out in the cold to
purchase some discount liquor. Kind of like a St. Bernard,
but less charismatic.
Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob 32m32 minutes ago
Well well! @Kateplusmy8 is trying to get friendly with @terrellowens pic.twitter.com/i4fex9dIAb
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You're fired - again @PRFANS 23m23 minutes ago
@NaughtyNiceRob @Kateplusmy8 @terrellowens OR she's bored because this has NOTHING to do with her. Yeah, that's my vote.
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SockieWhodunit @SockieWhodunit 4m4 minutes ago
@PRFANS @popems42 @NaughtyNiceRob @Kateplusmy8 @terrellowens Because women see right through her.
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Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob 3m3 minutes ago
@SockieWhodunit @PRFANS @popems42 @Kateplusmy8 @terrellowens these ladies don't like her
Kate really doesn't like other women. She wiped some confetti off of Ian's face at the end, and he didn't even look at her.
You don't touch people like that- she gets overly familiar with men, like that contractor at her house.
You don't ask if someone's man wants a hug.
She was all over T.O.
Again, this is how 17-year olds act.
Anybody else think Lorenzo was looking kind of yummy tonight>
Flimsy Flamsy said...
Kind of like a St. Bernard, but less charismatic.
Okay, tweet of the week and it's only Monday. I snorted on that one.
Tucker's Mom said... 70
Naughty but Nice Rob is hilarious. He's really sticking it to Kate. He said that "Security is looking for me. Wink." Shout out to Steve?
February 16, 2015 at 6:34 PM
Ah, yes, now I get the wink.
Look out, Rob! You might get clawed!
You're right! Hahahaha I didn't get that
CA is getting another season.
Hope they ask Jon ;-)
They are???!
Well, I guess it's their redemption edit now! This show was toast.
I turned on just as Leeza was named the winner. So happy she won! I noticed that at the end, everyone was hugging and TFW was standing there by herself. No one came over to her, she approached Geraldo and then Leeza. Leeza was too busy hugging other people and seem to have nice things to say to them. She did not hug TFW the same way and did not appear to say anything nice to her. Very telling.
AnnieD said... 97
Naughty Gossip
Well well! @Kateplusmy8 is trying to get friendly with @terrellowens
Someone asked Rob if Kate had passed out. :)
It looked like she was being a drama queen, like "ugh, are we done yet?".
That was a whole lot different than sitting on her basement throne, holding court with her crew and a camera.
Wait, how does everyone know it was Leezas husband she was waving over?
After watching the finale tonight...TFW was only spoke to once. I didn't watch( while she was on) cause my stomach just can't handle her bile.
What the heck was up with her waving the cameras in?
I guess it's a win for TFW cause she got another 2-3 days away from the kids...
Sorry Kate, all you'r damage control did nothing for me...You are still the mother of 8 who abuses the kids to stay mediocre .
Susan1956 said... 104
Anybody else think Lorenzo was looking kind of yummy tonight>
February 16, 2015 at 7:21 PM
He looks amazing, like rich, Corinthian leather ;-)
She did not hug TFW the same way and did not appear to say anything nice to her. Very telling.
Leeza said, "nice to see you".
I love that Donald introduced Kate as America's most famous mother of 8, or something like that.
Yup, those 8 are the reason she's on CA, that's for sure.
Could this be Kate's final curtain call?
We can only hope....for the sake of her kids.
She really has no business being in show "bizness"
Awwwwatching Westminster dog show they described German Shepherds as being interested in the doings of its
Owners. 😓
BTW, I saw Tori Spelling at a bookstore this weekend with her
daughter. No bodyguard hovering over her or holding her
purse. I didn't recognize her at first, but I smiled because
I generally smile at everyone, and she smiled back. Then
she was asking a saleswoman some questions very kindly.
There was no camera crew around, so I'm assuming that's
her "real" personality. Imagine being nice to the "mediocre" --
unlike a certain dolt we all know.
Susan1956 said... 104
Anybody else think Lorenzo was looking kind of yummy tonight>
Lorenzo always looks yummy!
Leeza said that she gave Brandi a piece of jewelry from her jewelry collection and I think someone else on CA can't remember that has to do with her charity. She designed it. I think L & B really bonded together and have become fast friends.
The speech that Tony Orlando gave was beautiful.
Susan1956...yea, I tbought Lorenzo was looking yummy as well. He has aged well.
Agree that Kate doesn't like woman. She is extremely threatened by her female peers.
Localyocul said... 110
Wait, how does everyone know it was Leezas husband she was waving over?
Well, if that wasn't her husband, that was one hell of a kiss she laid on some guy.
TFW tweeted that Leeza was too scared to be pm, so TFW had to take it...and then she's surprised she gets the cold shoulder?
Then she tweets that Vivica and Kenya are like 14 year old drama queens. I suppose she expects them to be friendly to her after she royally insults them on twitter?
If I knew I had to go on a live finale with the same people, I think I'd wait to smack talk them until AFTER the finale.
After watching the finale tonight...TFW was only spoke to once. I didn't watch( while she was on) cause my stomach just can't handle her bile.
What the heck was up with her waving the cameras in?
You watched, but you didn't watch? How is that possible?
So she went to NYC to sit in the second row and pump her legs? That's it?
On second thought, maybe there will be some more pumping tonight after the lights go out.
Could this be Kate's final curtain call?
Hmmmm...wonder what she has up her sleeve for her next stunt, because you just know there will be something.
Susan1956 said... 104
Anybody else think Lorenzo was looking kind of yummy tonight>
I only have eyes for Johnny!
I imagine that Purse Boy will be sent out in the cold to
purchase some discount liquor. Kind of like a St. Bernard,
but less charismatic.
St. Bernard could have gotten some kegs at the Rumspringa Brewery. It would have been much cheaper than the liquor in New York City!
Besides the one Olympian who was unable to make it, Sig Hansen wasn't there. Is that the only 2 people missing from the reunion?
As much as I love seeing TFW get dissed on national TV, I almost wish she hadn't been at the reunion. THAT would have been great!
The sheep are going to be blowing up Donald's twitter over practically ignoring Kate the whole show.
She never fails to screw up. Just about every celeb, even Ivanka, was tweeting promos and pics from tonight, selfies, backstage shore, (in fact, TO has one with kate and she looks like crap) , there is even a pic of a bunch of then on state on their phones, and kate trying to make convo with Gilbert, and not ONE pic or tweet from her about the show. Why can she not even get the basics down? The tweets from Rob are hysterical, and right on target. She is her own worst enemy.
Even more puzzling, not one tweet from Milo today.
Well, I guess a likes do attract one another. Kate picked Geraldo, they are so much a like. Both in love with themselves.
Opposites do attract, tool. Geraldo appeared to be a hard worker, very focused, whereas Kate was anything but that.
One can say whatever about Geraldo, but I think that he did a commendable job on this show, narcissism aside. He stuck with it, he did what was needed to be done, and his performance was nothing to sneeze at. I thought that having Tony Orlando there really was a smart choice. Everyone knows Tony and the song, and his story was very moving.
Wow! WOW!!! West Virginia Mountaineers just beat Kansas by one point! Watch out for WVA in the NCAA championship!
CA was entertaining, I love that Leeza won and loved the Joan rivers tribute.
but for real excitement, nothing beats college basketball!
The sheep are going to be blowing up Donald's twitter over practically ignoring Kate the whole show.
They can tweet to their hearts' content, but I seriously doubt that Donald gives a rat's rear end about the opinion of the sheeple! They are not even on his radar, as much as they would like to believe that what they think matters to him.
Over In TFW's County said... 130
Well, I guess a likes do attract one another. Kate picked Geraldo, they are so much a like. Both in love with themselves.
Opposites do attract, tool. Geraldo appeared to be a hard worker, very focused, whereas Kate was anything but that.
Kate thinks she's got Geraldo all figured out and knows just how to manipulate him to get her way.
Geraldo is one of those people that you don't want to find out what it's like to be on his bad side.
And T.O.? Really? This guy's got a few baby mamas that he doesn't support, and barely sees his kids- and Kate's all over him tonight.
Geraldo fought a good fight. I was Team Leeza, but I think Geraldo was one of the most passionate, fiercest competitors ever on CA.
I was really hoping Donald would ban Kate from the finale for sending out those tweats to watch her show over CA. But it is so much better to watch her at the finale being ignored and uncomfortable.
Even more puzzling, not one tweet from Milo today.
She's off pouting somewhere. She does this occasionally, and I think it's time for a repeat performance.
And T.O.? Really? This guy's got a few baby mamas that he doesn't support, and barely sees his kids- and Kate's all over him tonight.
She was being ignored, and clearly uncomfortable. I think it was a case that she needed someone to look, well, "wanted," and he was the one who happened to be there.
When asked what she'd learned from her experience on CA, didn't
TFW say something like, she didn't realize she was supposed to
bring the drama to get ahead? Well, then, Ms. Introspection, how
do you explain Leeza Gibbons' victory? She brought zero drama,
and won the whole shebang.
My guess is that the barnyard had a private meeting (or was it
a bleating?), and decided to take a vow of silence tonight.
Perhaps one of them was clever enough to predict how grim
it might be.
So glad Leeza won! Been very busy, so am really behind reading here, and don't know if this has already been discussed but what were the numbers for CA after TFW was fired? Thanks.
I also think Lorenzo is very yummy:)
Didn't Vivica look extremely great tonight? She is a beautiful woman, knows how to dress her body. Unlike u-no-hoo.
Wouldn't it be great if Leeza or even Leeza & Geraldo made this week's cover of People?
Naughty Gossip @NaughtyNiceRob 2h2 hours ago
Well well! @Kateplusmy8 is trying to get friendly with @terrellowens pic.twitter.com/i4fex9dIAb
Was she three sheets to the wind tonight? Totally smashed? Nobody else acted like that!
Kate was trying hard to look above it all when Phonegate was being discussed. She was all...oh I'm SO not like these awful women. I'm pure and honest.
I guess that mindless idiot Rob made up for snubbing TFW on the WW show because he tweeted non stop about her tonight and #ilovedit. We called it when we said she didn't want him on her bad side. Rob is my new favorite guy on twitter!
I guess she found out the hard way that you don't dis The Donald. Forget CA? I guess it was forget Kate tonight. Payback is a bigger bitch than TFW isn't it!
I'm happy that Leeza won and it was very awkward at the end when Leeza was going in for a hug with Ian and TFW grabbed her. One arm around Ian and the other around TFW. Ooopsie!
Geraldo did work hard he's just a bit of an ass. My favorite non-TFW moment #geraldildo Classic!
I'm happy Leeza won. I liked how at the end when Trump asked both Leeza and Geraldo why they should win. Geraldo went on how he made for great television, while Leeza played it safe.
Leeza had a great comeback saying that she didn't play it safe, but played it strategically. She then pointed out that she had never been in the board room and that Geraldo had been there several times. Then she topped it off by saying that she helped Geraldo end his 5 task losing streak.
I was yelling "Go Leeza!!"
BTW, Team Infinity also won the Chockfullonuts vote, so she also got an additional $25,000 for her charity. I wish they had announced that one the air.
So Donald asked Kate one question and she had to sputter out her reply. So much for her "gift of gab".
I think the only reason she was beckoning for Leeza's husband to come on stage, was because she saw the camera was on her at the time.
I can't wait to watch it on Watch TV Everywhere tomorrow (don't have a dvr and had to work) . https://www.watchtveverywhere.com
I am so glad Leeza won.
Cynthia Simpson @NaturalCyn 12m12 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 and @terrellowens at Celebrity Apprentice after party. #CelebrityApprentice #party
All I see are teeth...lots of really white teeth. Nothing else.
@Xxxxxxxx: @Kateplusmy8 and @terrellowens at Celebrity Apprentice after party. #CelebrityApprentice #party pic.twitter.com/hBp28RZb5W
Her hair looks kind of limp/thin and her roots are coming in big time. I guess she figured that CA would spring for some more filler extensions and a color touch up.
If you look at the picture quickly it looks like TO is making devil horns behind her head.
The guy who writes the CA recap for Entertainment Weekly is pretty funny. I've always liked his recaps.
I also liked this comment that was posted on the recap:
"And by the way, is Kate Gosselin the worst in answering any sort of direct question in the history of direct questions? Good grief."
TFW got 20 seconds of a 2 hour show...I think that might have given her more time than she really got....
No one cared about you... No one cared about what you had to say... No one cared about you having 8 kids...No one gave a s*it ...
Bye Bye !
Maybe this flirting with Terrell is just damage control because Robert said Kate was a racist in his book.
I don't care how delusional you are, that extremely obvious and public snubbing had to sting like heck. DT praised almost every other contestant except Kate (and Jamie?). I think this is the only time I sort of wished I had Twitter. The tweets from Rob were icing on the karmic cake.
I'm glad Leeza won. I appreciated the tribute to Joan Rivers. I can't stop giggling over Kate being put in the back row. Too too funny.
Millicent 152...I think DT did praise Jamie, very early in the night.
Kate gets her chance to answer, which is basically a one-word answer and it takes her 50 words to say that 1 word. She has mastered the art of 'how to speak many words, yet really say nothing' DT was aware of that because every time in the board room,she'd do the same thing and a few times, he cut her off. Just answer the question Kate, don't give an essay on a one word answer!
Of course no weather would stop TFW trekking to NYC with TFM fo be pampered. Well, glad she got snubbed, deservingly. She is just not a nice person. Funny that the more she puts her mug out there, the more criticism she gets for being a no talent waste of air time. Please take note, TLC.
DT asks Khate who should win. WTF was that answer? what a doofus! I think it's interesting how she can't relate to women in any way-instead hangs on men...she wanted Geraldo to win even though Leeza's record clearly spoke as to who should win.
So her #1 fan was silent yesterday? I've always thought this Milo is Kate. No one can be THIS stupid. (well, except for Kate).
Localyocul said... 110
Wait, how does everyone know it was Leezas husband she was waving over?
Well, if that wasn't her husband, that was one hell of a kiss she laid on some guy.
Hahahah I must have turned it off when she started beckoning
Millicent said... 152
I don't care how delusional you are, that extremely obvious and public snubbing had to sting like heck.
Yes, but she's a businesswoman, don't you know?
Arthur Kade @ArthurKade 36m36 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin told me about fun she had on #CelebrityApprentice and balancing kids and being a business woman
Oh and another thing, lol. I've been thinking about this all season. Leeza's charity was created out of what she had done for her mother. I would watch and read Leeza's interviews when she was taking care of her mom and had such respect for her. She took such awesome care of her, respected her dignity and gave her all to her mom until the end. Do you think Kate could muster that up her mom? *snorts*
No one cared about you... No one cared about what you had to say... No one cared about you having 8 kids...No one gave a s*it ...
Bye Bye !
It's not bye bye. We've been saying that for a few years. She'll be back with something new. Watch for the teasing to begin on Twitter.
Interesting side note is that Milo has not tweeted for 2 days and no tweeting last night while her hero was on CA. I bet it starts again today. Coincidence?
Saw the tweeted picture of Kate resting her head on Terrell's shoulder? What the heck was up with that?
Arthur Kade @ArthurKade 54m54 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin told me about fun she had on #CelebrityApprentice and balancing kids and being a business woman
===================================================.So she's no longer just a mom of 8....a business woman?
First things first, sooo happy Leeza won!!
Now, the dress was, as always, too short for her. Her boobs looked larger? When she answered her one question, the awkwardness was seeping from her pores. She made me cringe and shudder, like watching a bad accident happen.
She was probably telling Terrell how exhausted-ish she was, hence the head on his shoulder.
Again, "awks"-her butting in to fake hug Leeza? Who did she more or less shove out of the way? She knew the camera was on her, she's "thinks" she's so skilled at pretending she doesn't know the camera is on her. That stupid fake waving (or whatever that was) she did was just for some camera time.
@NaughtyNiceRob: Heading to work! The snow is so beautiful. See you at 10am on @VH1 Gossip Table http://t.co/Xg5fd2cOSW
Sig Hansen is likely fishing for opilio crabs. The man works for a living and wouldn't skip out for something as trivial as the finale of Celebrity Apprentice.
I disagree about Geraldo. If it weren't for his amazing abilities to raise funds and his friendship with DT he'd have been sent packing a long time ago. His ideas stunk and he was too much of a narcissist to give the reins to the PMs. He may have made for great tv with his "inventing the selfie", his prancing around in his unnerwares and his "Screw the Terrorists" but unless he was the center of attention, he wasn't very co-operative.
Leeza was a great leader because she listened to other people and she checked her ego at the door. (quite frankly, I don't think she has an ego)
Wow. sKate saying that Leeza was too scared to be the PM means that sKate was even too lazy to snoop on-line to figure out who the winner's were going to be. That also tells me she made no friends that she could DM in private and get info. She sticks her foot in her mouth so many times. I guess if she wasn't the winner, she really didn't give a rat's ass who was.
Arthur Kade @ArthurKade 36m36 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin told me about fun she had on #CelebrityApprentice and balancing kids and being a business woman
First of all, the only thing that she balanced was the plate of food on her lap so it wouldn't spill. She was gone the entire time that she was on the show and didn't have to juggle appointments and work school activities, day care etc. There was no balancing involved. Business woman? IT.WAS.A.GAME! When Leeza wasn't there to bail her out as PM she was fired.
From what we've read, she doesn't have a very good reputation. Her negative tweets reinforced that. I guess she still needs to learn that when you say something negative about someone it will get back to them even if you're too much of a coward to include them on the tweet. She'll probably have a spring break/turning 40 special and she may be able to get a gig on another reality show here or there but she will never have her dream career nor will she ever "own the mic". I really believe that she was hired on to CA to bring her normal histrionics and when she couldn't even deliver that she was fired (bad coaching Steve). She obviously was still acting like a demanding diva last night and I totally believe that story about DT making them pay for incidentals.
There was no balancing involved. Business woman? IT.WAS.A.GAME!
Lol I had the same thought!
I know several of us have said this before, but hey Kate, you know that was a GAME right? You weren't really the CEO of Fortune 500 named Vortex.
There was no balancing involved. Business woman? IT.WAS.A.GAME!
She plays a mom on tv, too. (albeit a bad one)
AnnieD said... 162
Arthur Kade @ArthurKade 54m54 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin told me about fun she had on #CelebrityApprentice and balancing kids and being a business woman
===================================================.So she's no longer just a mom of 8....a business woman?
Kate has always viewed her first role as running her family as a business. Her kids are her commodities, and that's not a metaphor.
I think Kate really believes she's right up there with other women who have successful businesses.
Being a rtv star who uses her kids for filming, fame and fortune isn't that same.
She's a Grifter.
LOL. I hope Rob goes after her on his show.
Arthur Kade @ArthurKade 36m36 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin told me about fun she had on #CelebrityApprentice and balancing kids and being a business woman
There was no balancing involved. Business woman? IT.WAS.A.GAME!
A game she was fired from because she sucked.
She can't even be the b**ch she was hired to be she was to lazy-(When she wasn't eating) to even be the Kate the Donald wanted her to be.
Okay my curiosity got the best of me and I went and saw Fifty shades of Grey.
I have to say it was a bit boring but was better than I expected.It was a sexy movie.
RE: Kate waving someone to come onstage.....my version of that was when she was hugging Leeza, Leeza was saying in her ear, "I wish it were my husband hugging me instead of you." So Kate, ever the nice one, decided to oblige, waited for the camera to have her front and center and started making hand gestures. Snark.
Leeza saves her a** on a task, and she tells Trump that *Geraldo* should win?????
Reasons to say Leeza
1. Leeza was clearly the better of the two, 2. Leeza was who Trump thought did better 3. You owed Leeza 4. Leeza can do more for your career going forward than Geraldo can
Reasons to say Geraldo
1. You're attracted to his money 2. He's a surrogate father figure to you 3. You're sexually attracted to him 4. He reminds you of Steve, short with silver hair 5. He looks like Steve but he's richer 6. You have figured out how to get him to dump his wife overnight for you 7. He has lots of money and is richer than Steve. 8. You only relate to men 9. He has more money than Steve 10. He's rich, compared to Steve anyway
Your strategery was way off base. So was your ability to read the situation.
Kate thinks all women are jealous of her because she is a sexpot.
Arthur Kade @ArthurKade 36m36 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin told me about fun she had on #CelebrityApprentice and balancing kids and being a business woman
There was no balancing for TFW. She made arrangements for the pseudo-family from Montana to house sit for her the entire time she was gone and watch the kids when Jon didn't have them. She basically made a few phone calls and then completely dumped all family responsibility on other people for as long as it took.
She probably did have fun pretending to be a business woman. She wants to be anything but a nurse or a responsible mother. Too bad she proved on national TV that she has absolutely no business ability at all. It is easy to have fun when you aren't taking any responsibility and your failure won't personally impact your finances.
On the other hand, her talking trash about the show and the other contestants did hurt her in the entertainment industry. It was obvious she got a huge snub on the show last night and we all know why since she made her temper tantrums public. She is constantly burning bridges once people are of no perceived use to her.
She has resumed tweeting.
Lol,no.leezas husband was waiting2come in RT @_laurenscott: @Kateplusmy8 what were u doing at end of celeb app?Motioning4camera2come closer?
I thought it was incredibly immature and petty of her saying that Geraldo should win. I couldn't believe my ears! She is so jealous of Leeza, Brandy, Vivica and Kenya. They get to live the lifestyle that she craves like roasted kale chips, maple syrup, and money.
Maybe TFW is just buttering Geraldo up because he has rich connections and she just might convince Geraldo to play matchmaker.
As I shoveled my driveway to get to my (real not play businesswoman) job this morning, I wondered who was going to snow blow Miss-II-Do-It-All-Alone's looooooong driveway?
I thought DT was rude to Keshia. He didn't even let her get the name of her charity out before he moved on.
And where was Shawn? Out moon cycling?
PJ said ... 165
I completely agree, PJ. Geraldo was never fired simply because he was able to raise tons of money. He failed at every other aspect of the game. He was not a team player. He was not a good leader. He was not creative. He did not listen to anyone. He was condescending. He criticized all ideas that were not his own. The only thing he worked hard at was making himself the center of attention at all times.
Yes, but she's a businesswoman, don't you know?
Yeah. A monkey business woman.
AuntieAnn said... 178
I thought DT was rude to Keshia. He didn't even let her get the name of her charity out before he moved on.
And where was Shawn? Out moon cycling?
She tweeted she was stuck due to weather/flight delays
Man, can those eyebrows move any higher on her forehead? For sure she got a freshening up with her doc in NYC.
TLC stinks said... 176
Kate thinks all women are jealous of her because she is a sexpot.
February 17, 2015 at 6:42 AM
Remember when you were in grade/high school, and you'd see a girl check out another girl with utter contempt? The upper lip is snarled, the eyeballs check the other girl from head to toe, and finally, there's a pffft?
That is exactly what Kate did when Brandi and Vivica were introduced.
She's so aware of (what she perceives as) the competition.
That, and not befriending the other women her age, and hanging all over T.O. just screamed, "I'm so insecure!!".
I hope T.O. realized Kate just likes to be a c*ck tease, and that she was going home with Stevie.
I would really like to see TFW on an elimination show that is not team-based. Then, who could she blame? It must have been galling to her team members who carried her, even to the point of having to step in to take over. Obviously, letting her fail would put themselves at risk of elimination. Had she managed to somehow be in the final 2, who would she have tapped for entertainment? Taylor Swift? Somehow I don't think she has her on speed dial. Say what you will about Geraldo, the tribute from Tony Orlando was very moving. It is too bad that Geraldo jumped the shark in his career--he used to be an extremely effective journalist. I've never watched CA before (and probably never will again), but I am surprised that success in that show really rests at your success to have relationships. Since TFW burns all of her bridges, she brought absolutely nothing to the table.
I guess she can now add being a business woman to her oh so long list of achievements, along with zookeeper, dancer and beating out absolutely nobody for the title of most famous mom of 8.
What I really liked about last night's episode is how Leeza defended herself in the boardroom, breaking down Geraldo's criticism that she played it safe. It is nice to know that talent and hard work is still rewarded, in this era of instant fame and celebrity. At least there is that...
@Kateplusmy8: Lol,no.leezas husband was waiting2come in RT @_laurenscott: @Kateplusmy8 what were u doing at end of celeb app?Motioning4camera2come closer?
Nice of her to take over the stage management and allow him to come and hug and kiss his wife. #DoIt!!
Exactly. Witness her comment about who Geraldo's wife not being okay with Kate and Geraldo being friends after the show.
She was joking, but only half joking. She really does factor in Geraldo's wife. Like she cares! When Trump called her out for having a dirty mind, she went into hyper defensiveness mode sort of like everyone says that but I swear I don't, I'm miss innocent!
This act she played was so grating and unattractive!
As for saying it should be Geraldo, she did work with him a lot and maybe felt some loyalty to him. But, she worked with Leeza too, Leeza helped her out in the past (longest liver!) and Leeza was clearly the better candidate. I think she should have played it diplomatic, saying they were both wonderful to work with and she couldn't possibly choose.
localyocul said... 177
As I shoveled my driveway to get to my (real not play businesswoman) job this morning, I wondered who was going to snow blow Miss-II-Do-It-All-Alone's looooooong driveway?
February 17, 2015 at 7:07 AM
AuntieAnn said... 178
I thought DT was rude to Keshia. He didn't even let her get the name of her charity out before he moved on.
And where was Shawn? Out moon cycling?
Well, I doubt it's the kids or the nanny/babysitter, even though they're all going to be home at the compound today with the schools closed.
Hopefully, Kate has the common sense to know that a snow storm was coming, and arranged for her drive to be plowed.
Shawn reportedly had her flight cancelled- she really should have flown in on Sat. before the East coast storm started affecting flights all over the country.
Leeza's husband has class just like Leeza. He was hanging back in the wings when Leeza first won. The cast that she had worked hard with was congratulating her and it seemed like he was letting his wife have her moment.
Kate is so incredibly unaware, that she inserted herself into the situation when she should have minded her own business.
Instead, she acted like she gave him permission to congratulate his wife.
He was patiently allowing Leeza to have her moment.
That's what respectful, loving partners do.
Wouldn't a normal person bring their significant other to an After Party hosted by Trump? Oops, I answered my own question.
I see Kate tweeted this am. She, no doubt, got on Twitter asap to see the overwhelming (snark) accolades from perfect strangers since she got none last night from the CA crowd.
TFW has tweeted "Leeza's husband was waiting 2 come in". That's right stupid, he was "waiting", he didn't need your direction. He was letting Leeza enjoy HER moment being congratulated by the other contestants. He was "waiting", get it.
She picked Geraldo because of the money he had access to. All she sees is $$$$. Leeza actually created tangible presentations and produced good work. And Leeza was smart enough to save her heavy hitters until late in the game. Geraldo burned up his black book too early. When she even outdid Geraldo in donations in the final task, that was the icing on the cake. No way could DT not pick her as the winner. She should have won even if Geraldo came up with more money.
And another thing: Why did sKate's heavy donor pick a time when she wasn't project manager? I read somewhere that "her" big donor really wanted to support Geraldo's cause and that's why the funds showed up when he was the PM. That donation had nothing to do with sKate. She brought NOTHING to the table.
And AMAZINGLY, Milo is back to tweeting defending Kate. Now why am I not surprised!
LOL Now we have #HugGate...the moment by moment...second by second clip analysis by #CC of Kate's actions during CelebAppren finale! CRAZY!
This response:
@MiloandJack U really should have stayed off twitter a few more days .. U coming back now is a bit 2 obvious!!@Kateplusmy8 😳
After Party: The event was followed by a star-studded party at Trump Tower, hosted by finale task sponsor Universal Orlando Resorts. It was grifting time!
This was Kate's answer to Donald when he asked her who should win:
"I admire them both greatly. Um, I worked with both of them equally. But I appreciate, uh, I understood Geraldo, and he was...his...unapologetic honesty. He called a spade a spade. I appreciated that".
WTF kind of answer was that? "I' this, "I" that...she makes it about her and not Geraldo.
All the other contestants gave examples of why either Leeza or Geraldo should win without bringing themselves into the mix.
But that's Kate.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 188
I think she should have played it diplomatic, saying they were both wonderful to work with and she couldn't possibly choose.
That's very publicist of you Admin. I have to disagree. I think that's part of why this season stunk. Either the "celebrities" they chose are all incredibly nice, so they didn't have much drama, or publicists are onto this show and are heavily coaching everyone on what to say and do.
I think in previous seasons the contestants got really into the competitive aspect and really tried to win. Which meant telling Trump what he wanted to hear, throwing names out to be fired, calling people out, etc... Other than Kenya, there wasn't any real "bad guys" this season. Everyone was playing nice-nice and that's boring.
The most interesting parts for me are how the celebrities act when they have a bunch of different egos in the room. This season, the most entertaining lines were said in the in-the-moments, which the other contestants don't see until the show airs, and weren't said to the actual person (except a few good lines by Brandi and Gilbert). That creates less drama because the contestants never react to what you really think of them.
I mean, how many contestants voluntarily fired themselves instead of fighting to win? I think because they realize, coming out looking honest / upstanding is better than winning a fake competition.
I don't think Celebrity Apprentice will last too much longer because of this. There's not many d-listers left that won't have heavy coaching before going in. And that's a shame. I used to love this show because I got to see a different, un-publicist-skewed side of celebrities that I wouldn't normally get to see.
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