Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Kate Plus 8: "Kate's Most Memorable Moments": Discussion Thread

Kate reflects on her family experiences and offers her perspective on the challenges she faces.

413 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Call Me Crazy said... 1

8pm-The Celebrity Apprentice (clip show) 4 share 4.57 million viewers

9pm-The Celebrity Apprentice 4 share 4.87 million viewers

I wonder why they went down so much. Could it be that people were disgusted about the firing of everyone on Team Infinity the previous week?

KIAT - I think people weren't interested in tuning into the rehash of old stuff for the first hour, and then maybe didn't tune into the second hour because after the massacre in the boardroom last week, they figured the two finalists were a foregone conclusion.

Over And Out said... 2

MARIE ‏@MY_2BCOLLIES 17m17 minutes ago
@msgoody2shoes21 #CC @Kateplusmy8 The children have learned and experienced more from the trips then they would ever of learned from a book.

Well, yes. They learned that FDR is on Mount Rushmore. They couldn't have learned that from a book! They learned that the Grand Canyon is a waste of space.

They learned entitlement...that they could go ahead of other people in lines; that bathrooms would be closed off just for their mother; that they could run bases with the Phillies and sit in the VIP Box when few other kids were allowed to do that; they got to go backstage at the Sight and Sound and given the full tour, souvenirs were handed to them in gift shops, they learned that when a beach house is rented for them, that they can mess it up, someone will clean up after them because it's not their home, ad nauseam. They also learned that the cameras will be in their faces when they are vomiting on a fishing trip and that their super organized mother neglected to pack a change of clothing for them, They learned that if someone dripped ice cream on a shirt, that they are "ruined." You absolutely cannot learn these things from a book.

They learned that very few families are given those opportunities. They learned that trips are free because they are being filmed. One of the twins wanted a trip to California (San Diego), all she had to do was ask for it, and her mother said, "Done." They learned that they are special and entitled to so many things that "regular" kids are not.

I wonder how many of the trips from when they were very young that they remember, much less learned anything from them.

Bill said... 3

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 4

The one hour edit seems to be a compromise but it did the show no favors. I would rather they did a sink or swim approach to it. Either scrap it all together, or show it the way it should be shown, two hours.


I totally agree. One hour is too short and two is too long for those not into all of the subtle maneuvering.

Too bad TV is not very friendly with a one and a half hour format. If NBC was still the sitcom powerhouse, they could have pulled it off. Now, not so much.

Bill said... 4

Anonymous said... 11

Millicent said... 4

Oh man, that was pretty crazy. I remember watching that season and thinking that the only reason Melissa was on was probably because Joan twisted The Donald's arm to make it happen.


I've read DT had been bugging Joan Rivers for years and that the only reason Joan Rivers agreed to do CA was if Melissa was part of the package. I got the impression that she was doing it to help launch Melissa's career.


With Joan gone, it is now sink or swim time time for Melissa...

NJGal51 said... 5

I won't be watching. I think I'll head over to ABC Family and watch Switched At Birth or maybe the Food Network for Chopped. Although it might be interesting to see TFW dislocate her shoulder from patting herself ont he back one too many times during this I love ME fest.

Bill said... 6

Millicent said... 12

AuntieAnn said... 191
Was it ever revealed where the money raised by Kate came from for the wedding dress project? Who was the contributor? I can't remember. That's how unforgettable her appearance was on CA.
I don't believe it was ever announced on the show, but I do remember reading that the donor was a local wealthy man (local to Kate). I've tried Googling for more information, but I'm not having much success. I remember thinking it was sort of strange. He walked in with the check, but wearing a baseball cap and looking like he didn't really want to be filmed. There didn't appear to be any real interaction between him and Kate, even when they were standing next to each other. They didn't look at each other, she didn't appear to smile and thank him, and she certainly didn't introduce him or say anything about who he was.


That was Bill Hynes of Think Loud Development, a York, PA real estate developer.

angie said... 7

Oh geez, another crapfest? I'd watch but I don't tweet, so I can't ask someone to tell me when to turn on the teevee. No one knows how to help me...(and if someone does find the info, if you aren't running you aren't helping!)lol

Tess said... 8

*Kate reflects on* - bwhahahahaha! Good one, Admin :)
(Yeah, I know it's from the listings blurb, but still - LOL.)

Bill said... 9

Kate is a twit said... 14

What are people's opinion on whether the ratings are good enough on CA to give Trump another season? They don't seem terrible exactly.

The ratings have been pretty consistent averaging about 6.5 million viewers and a 5-6 share. However, the ratings for last night went down quite a bit, falling under 5 million viewers.

8pm-The Celebrity Apprentice (clip show) 4 share 4.57 million viewers

9pm-The Celebrity Apprentice 4 share 4.87 million viewers

I wonder why they went down so much. Could it be that people were disgusted about the firing of everyone on Team Infinity the previous week? You'd think the ratings would go higher considering that they're down to the final task.

Last week's show had the highest ratings of this season so far with 6.98 million viewers and a 6 share.

The Donald isn't going to be too happy.


The clip show instead of another task is an obvious turnoff. At least to me.

With the firing of Brandi and I-an, there was no more drama left.

I still go by my theory that the bump in the viewership last week was a direct result of ads during the Super Bowl showing Kenya drama.

I have not watched yesterday's show yet and do not know when I will get around to it.

Tucker's Mom said... 10

OK, drinking game or taking bets or both?
# of times Kate says:
It's the 9 of us
I'm a single mom doing it all alone
Making memories
The kids are all at the top of their class
Jon is sabotaging
She's exhausted
It's 9 against 1
I never sit down
I need a vacation

Bill said... 11

Oh, one more thing. NBC (accidently?) revealed that Leeza and Geraldo were the finalists.

Tucker's Mom said... 12

KIAT - I think people weren't interested in tuning into the rehash of old stuff for the first hour, and then maybe didn't tune into the second hour because after the massacre in the boardroom last week, they figured the two finalists were a foregone conclusion.
The first hour was a throw away- I skipped it. The second hour was just OK. I hope the finale is more interesting to watch.

angie said... 13

Tucker, if you add 'honestly' to your list, there won't be a sober post for 24 hours.

chefsummer #Leh said... 14

Tucker's Mom said... 10
OK, drinking game or taking bets or both?
# of times Kate says:
It's the 9 of us
I'm a single mom doing it all alone
Making memories
The kids are all at the top of their class
Jon is sabotaging
She's exhausted
It's 9 against 1
I never sit down
I need a vacation

Or say's UM
Slams Jon.
Say she doesn't care what Jon does or says or she let him live his life.
Say she wants to get married
The kids want mommy get get married or they want her to have any type of show.

Tucker's Mom said... 15

NJGal51 said... 5
I won't be watching. I think I'll head over to ABC Family and watch Switched At Birth or maybe the Food Network for Chopped. Although it might be interesting to see TFW dislocate her shoulder from patting herself ont he back one too many times during this I love ME fest.
I'll be doing the same.

Have other TLC shows done this type of retrospective? Seems like a send off to the Gosselins.
This episode will be just like "8 Little Faces"- why bother when you've seen it all before?

swingsandroundabouts said... 16

Millicent said...

On a related note, I have been watching a British reality tv show and it's quite delightful. Anyone else watching The Great British Baking Show? It's down to five contestants at this point. What I love is that there is no back-stabbing, no ramped up drama. I also really appreciate how gracious the contestants are to each other, and when they are eliminated. No "Melissa Rivers" behavior there.


Yes, I am watching it and have since the beginning. I love it and right now I am Team Martha or maybe Team Richard or...

Anonymous said... 17

I got the impression that she was doing it to help launch Melissa's career.
That is the same reason she changed her last name from her birth name of her father Rosenberg to Rivers. She is executive producer of Fashion Police and she did a lot of live reporting on the red carpet with her mother.

Formerly Duped said... 18

Kate is acting like it would be such a privilege to receive a tweet or follow from her if your question is chosen for her live tweeting tonight. Gag! Kind of like when she judged people for their random good deeds.

getofftwitter said... 19

I wonder how much of Jon they are going to cut out, from tonights episode?

I call this: The BooHoo , woe is me episode. Poor Kate everyone betrays her, Jon, friends, family, they all left her high & dry. They were so mean! They did not know how to help me? Help you Kate do what? This will be an IIIIIIIII, ME, ME, ME! Episode. And kate will cry/ whine/bitch/complain! About how terrible her life is, and that it's all Jon's fault.
We should bet on how many times:
1. she hints, does not exactly blame Jon.
2.How many clips with Jon they cut out.
3. How many times Kate says I
4. How many times Kate says me!
5. how many times she says honestly!
6. how many times she says um!
7. how many times she says she does it alone!
8. does the poor me act.

Did I miss any?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 20

I bet a lot of people tuned out because it was a clip show and either forgot to come back for the second hour or didn't realize it was a new episode in the second hour.

Bill said... 21

Over And Out said... 2

They learned that very few families are given those opportunities. They learned that trips are free because they are being filmed. One of the twins wanted a trip to California (San Diego), all she had to do was ask for it, and her mother said, "Done." They learned that they are special and entitled to so many things that "regular" kids are not.

I wonder how many of the trips from when they were very young that they remember, much less learned anything from them.


Speaking for myself, my earliest memories are from when I was three, and those were pretty sparse. By five, I remembered quite a bit.

Some of the tups' earliest memories will be from watching their "home movies" on DVDs of the show instead of actual remembered experience. They probably remember much by the final season of J&K+8.

After watching the four latest episodes, I do not think the kids are ruined, yet. Yes, lots of shouting and complaining. Not as much hitting and shoving except for the fight over the beds in the beach house.

If they can learn to appreciate what they have - they get everything material that they need and most of what they want - they might not expect so much to be just given to them.

It is understandable that getting their say is difficult in a family that large. What they need to learn is that nobody is really heard when everyone tries to talk at the same time. I am not suggesting Robert's Rule of Order strictness, but some kind of system in which they take turns speaking with everyone listening.

I really hope they get the work ethic from somebody. Neither of the parents have been a good role model.

FYI said... 22

Apparently, the Q&A part of tonight's show is called "Candid With Kate". The Kate plus 8 FB page has a few short clips. In this one, she is asked if the all get together to watch the show. She says that one the younger kids were little they didn't care, and the same with Mady and Cara. But now they're all excited to watch it. I like how she said "we watch all the premieres together. Does she also throw out a red carpet?

Didn't she use to say many times how the kids all loved watching themselves on TV and that they played the DVD's of the show many times?

Seems like she's always contradicting what she's said before. Here's that clip:


Another question is her favorite moment from this season. Of course, it was their trip to Maine.


Over And Out said... 23

Tucker, if you add 'honestly' to your list, there won't be a sober post for 24 hours.


Is there ever (a sober post)? There is always a nice supply of kegs here!

Tucker's Mom said... 24

Bill said... 11
Oh, one more thing. NBC (accidently?) revealed that Leeza and Geraldo were the finalists.
Yes, they did, which made Vivica falling on the sword a whole lot less effective and surprising- could have been a much bigger moment.
Actually, if I wasn't so impressed with Leeza, I wouldn't tune into watch Geraldo in the finale.
I hope Leeza doesn't lose because Geraldo pulled out the big donor guns.

FYI said... 25

getofftwitter said... 19
I wonder how much of Jon they are going to cut out, from tonights episode?

Well, they didn't cut him out of the preview ad they showed at the end of last week's episode. That was a clip from the tups' 5th birthday party episode. Here's that preview clip.


But when Kate talks about it, she says "that was a very difficult thing to navigate on camera", so if they do show Jon, she'll use it to show how "difficult" everything was for HER.

Call Me Crazy said... 26

NJGal51 said... 5

I won't be watching. I think I'll head over to ABC Family and watch Switched At Birth or maybe the Food Network for Chopped.

Me, neither. I will be watching Face Off (with hard-working, talented people showcasing their make-up skills) on Syfy, and recording Fixer Upper (with hard-working, talented people showcasing their construction and design skills) on HGTV. Then it's on to Person of Interest at 10:00 (with the masterful Michael Emerson showcasing his acting skills). So, nope - no time or stomach for watching a no-talent, lazy doofus showcasing her narcissistic blathering and sadistic torture of her kids.

I will, however, look forward to kicking back on the veranda and reading all the gory details here later!

Tucker's Mom said... 27

Formerly Duped said... 18
Kate is acting like it would be such a privilege to receive a tweet or follow from her if your question is chosen for her live tweeting tonight. Gag! Kind of like when she judged people for their random good deeds.
If you do play favorites, or give some people special attention, you have to be smart about it and not create rancor.
There's a lot of pissed people wondering why they didn't get a follow.
Why anyone would want one, I don't know.

PA Dutch Mom said... 28

Kate is acting like it would be such a privilege to receive a tweet or follow from her if your question is chosen for her live tweeting tonight.


For many of the young teenie tweeties who are fans, it really is something special. She walks on water, an inspirational role model. They beg her for a follow; they cry in delight if she acquiesces. Then they will pester the daylights out of her with DMs, and I would suspect that she's soon going to get very tired of that.

Tucker's Mom said... 29

Well, they didn't cut him out of the preview ad they showed at the end of last week's episode. That was a clip from the tups' 5th birthday party episode. Here's that preview clip.


But when Kate talks about it, she says "that was a very difficult thing to navigate on camera", so if they do show Jon, she'll use it to show how "difficult" everything was for HER.
February 10, 2015 at 2:12 PM
It was tough to navigate because they weren't speaking, knew the marriage was a sham and beyond over at that point, but were continuing to film and rake in the money.

Bill said... 30

Tucker's Mom said... 24

Bill said... 11
Oh, one more thing. NBC (accidently?) revealed that Leeza and Geraldo were the finalists.
Yes, they did, which made Vivica falling on the sword a whole lot less effective and surprising- could have been a much bigger moment.
Actually, if I wasn't so impressed with Leeza, I wouldn't tune into watch Geraldo in the finale.
I hope Leeza doesn't lose because Geraldo pulled out the big donor guns.


Is the final task fundraising? If not, Leeza probably wins.

Tucker's Mom said... 31

When you look back in these retrospectives, I don't know how anyone can say that Kate needs to film, or feel in any way sorry for those kids, who have had more opportunities than most people do in a lifetime.

How much is enough?How many more VIP, luxury vacations do people want to see them take?

There are so many families who deserve what the Gosselins have been given-what more can they possibly need for?

It's time to spread the wealth around-maybe do a show giving dream vacations to Military families, or wounded Vets.

JMO said... 32

Tucker's Mom said... 15
NJGal51 said... 5
I won't be watching. I think I'll head over to ABC Family and watch Switched At Birth or maybe the Food Network for Chopped. Although it might be interesting to see TFW dislocate her shoulder from patting herself ont he back one too many times during this I love ME fest.
I'll be doing the same.

Have other TLC shows done this type of retrospective? Seems like a send off to the Gosselins.
This episode will be just like "8 Little Faces"- why bother when you've seen it all before?


Hey ladies... refuse to watch tonight, but TFW is a HBB filler. I haven't watched any of K +8 live (some on You Tube) but never watch the full episodes on You Tube either, because she has created a huge mess of dissention with her kids IMO, and the same old tired crap.

TLC has some new shows, so hopefully any new shows TLC gives her will be few and far between. She has an expiration date stamped on her and even the kids do, as far as a show. There are still some sheeple, but after 10 years, and the disturbing behavior of some of her kids, household dysfunction, and the ME, ME, ME aspect of TFW, I think a lot of people have tired of her antics.

One can hope, for the sake of her kids, although I do believe a lot of damage has been done in her pursuit of fame, filming, traveling, selfishness and money. which may be too late to fix.

Rhymes with Witch said... 33

But when Kate talks about it, she says "that was a very difficult thing to navigate on camera", so if they do show Jon, she'll use it to show how "difficult" everything was for HER. 25

Katie has had the martyr thing down since she was pregnant with the six. She is the sun, the moon and the stars, according to Katie.

Bill said... 34

TLC stinks said... 41

I agree with others. If the dog and bird have not been raised together, you have to separate them. Wasn't there an issue about Shoka and the chickens?


According to this clip, there is a fence between the yard and the chickens, though it does not appear to be able to keep chickens in or Shoka out. Maybe the electronic invisible fence runs along there too?

JMO said... 35

News indicates that Bobby Kristina will be taken off life support tomorrow. Sad.

FYI said... 36

I hope Leeza doesn't lose because Geraldo pulled out the big donor guns.

I hope so too, but the final task is about more than just raising money and the one who brings in the most money doesn't necessarily win.

When Joan Rivers and Annie Duke did their final task, Annie raised $365,000 more than Joan, but Joan ended up winning.

Tucker's Mom said... 37

If they can learn to appreciate what they have - they get everything material that they need and most of what they want - they might not expect so much to be just given to them.
I hope so, too, but when I see something as ridiculous as lobsters being delivered cooked, to their door, with someone practically feeding it to them, I have to wonder.
I really do think the kids will undergo some sort of adjustment when they realize that trips don't come with "servants" and an entire crew with follow vehicles and every toy imaginable waiting on the porch of a beachfront vacation home.

Bill said... 38

Vanessa said... 48

Aaden looked like he was really enjoying that cake. For reals


Maybe they can make a spot for Life cereal: Give it to Aaden; he'll eat anything...

Anonymous said... 39


um, so sorry, cannot do that, will not watch, would rather , ummmm, ummm do anything

BUT! I am always awake for rumspringa!!!


Bill said... 40

Mel said... 53

When they were feeding the dog his cake, notice each girl had a tablet they were taking photos with. The boys had nothing. Guess the boys weren't interested in taking pics....


Boys at that age are more impulsive. I wonder whether given a choice between a tablet later or other toys now, they chose the latter. Lego sets aren't cheap.

Bill said... 41

Tucker's Mom said... 57

I probably dislike dogs more than Kate. Yes, I know that's unpopular here. The difference is: I don't have a dog. It would be stupid for me to have a dog. She's such a ninny.

Nothing wrong with that ;-)
The difference is that you would never own a dog that you know you couldn't love and spoil and embrace, and that's exactly what Kate is doing.
When Shoka gets up there in age, God help him. Kate isn't going to go the extra mile, or even an inch, to put the time, money and effort into caring for an aging dog.
Senior dogs can have quality lives-enriched by love, caring and lots of soft places, but that sadly won't be Shoka.
Shoka will be taken away once again, or euthanized at the first sign of needing extra care and love.


I would guess when the kids move out, one may say something about taking Shoka and Kate says, "Sold!"

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 42

Well I'm flying home and can get Kate plus 8 on direct tv. This isquite an experience flying with the hobbling harridan.

Bill said... 43

Anonymous said... 75

The garage sale wasn't kates idea.. Look at her!! Stupid lady didn't want to get rid of the witch! This was obviously tlc. Organized? Then why all the baby toys and booster seats? All that trash was in her house. My guess? Tlc needed to clean up in order to film. She's a PIG.


I can excuse the booster seats. Many states require their use until the age of eight or a specified height or weight. Parents do not rush to yank them out of service at the first opportunity, but wait until the kid does not want it. They have that many because they have several vehicles and it gets old quickly having to move the seats around.

As for the timing of the sale, what kind of turnout would they have gotten if the event was not going to appear on TV?

JMO said... 44

Mel said... 53

When they were feeding the dog his cake, notice each girl had a tablet they were taking photos with. The boys had nothing. Guess the boys weren't interested in taking pics....

The boys have been shown time and time again looking over the shoulder of a girl tup using the tablet. Girls come first. After all the boys have been through they should have their own tablets, but in TFW's twisted mind, the girls are ALWAYS FIRST. With all of the money she has earned, those boys should have the same advantages. She really is a twisted piece of work. There is no way I could favor one child over another. Either both get it or neither. And we know the Alpha girls do not share, and the Queen does nothing about it. She is pathetic.

PJ's momma said... 45

Don't do it, Admin! If you're on United, watch The Good Lie (semi-fiction) or The Grand Budapest Hotel!

Amanda, Iowa said... 46

so what I understand out of this that after filming all summer TLC couldnt get enough material to make 5 fresh episodes and now they have to go back in to the archives/trashbin/shed in the back, to rehash old crap. lol!

Bill said... 47

Anonymous said... 75

I think Mady is a smart girl. I'm sad to hear people calling her a brat or mouthy. She's just a young girl who has been put in the spotlight.


Yes, she is the smartest of the kids and one who has been aware of what is going on when the tups were born and the family dynamic took the big turn.

In the recent shows, she said that she only acted that way when she felt Kate was unfair to her or when the little kids were annoying. Clearly, she knows to kiss up to get her phone back.

Bill said... 48

Mel said... 83

One of the young women on twitter posted something about she adds "est" to words, and wonders where she gets that from.

I don't know, but it's not from TFW. She adds "ish" to words.


In the intro to the family photo session in the fourth episode, Kate said something like "We had just finished the world's most stressful-est construction on our house..."

JMO said... 49

Kate is a twit said... 36
I hope Leeza doesn't lose because Geraldo pulled out the big donor guns.

I hope so too, but the final task is about more than just raising money and the one who brings in the most money doesn't necessarily win.

When Joan Rivers and Annie Duke did their final task, Annie raised $365,000 more than Joan, but Joan ended up winning.
Team Leeza,- Class act and I DO think she will win, regardless of money raised. She is someone with little ego, and all around engaging person. Who doesn't like her?

I had never watched CA with Joan and Melissa ... disturbing.

Call Me Crazy said... 50

I hope Leeza doesn't lose because Geraldo pulled out the big donor guns.

Unless she faiIs monumentally with the commercial, I think (hope) Leeza has this in the bag. Trump made a strong point of stating that it wasn't just the person who brought in the most money who would win. It sounded like his way of dancing around his normal "the person who raises the most money wins" spiel (except, of course, when Joan was in the final).

Bill said... 51

Mel said... 87

I got the feeling on the couch interviews that Cara wished that Mady would just shut up. I'm getting the feeling that Cara is losing respect for her twin.

I wish that they would stop splitting the kids up the way they do. Why not have a kid by themselves. Or one twin with a couple of the younger kids. Or TFW and one kid.


From the family photo shoot, it is clear that is how Kate thinks of the kids: the boy tups, the girl tups, the tups and the twins.

Seeing how happy Kate was when Trump shuffled the teams on CA, I was hoping that Kate would do the same with her children. The latest shows say otherwise.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 52

Formerly Duped said... 18
Kate is acting like it would be such a privilege to receive a tweet or follow from her if your question is chosen for her live tweeting tonight. Gag! Kind of like when she judged people for their random good deeds.


Aw, I was really hoping I could go hold up a sign in the Walmart parking lot telling people to watch tonight. Do we win points with Kate if we do that? Has she told us? I was going to get a picture of myself doing it and tweet it to her, too. Darn.

JMO said... 53

As for the timing of the sale, what kind of turnout would they have gotten if the event was not going to appear on TV?

Bill, it was heavily advertised on radio, ad, etc... but ONLY because TFW wanted people to show up. TFW would never bother to advertise anything if she was not doing it for TLC==$$$$$. She had things 10 years old, never cleaned anything out until she got several room renovations for the kids at the expense of TLC.

Why could they not have cleaned that stuff out before? TFW is home all day and could have gone through stuff 10 years old without a camera. She only springs to life when there is a camera in her face, and when she has TLC crew there to help her.

Bill said... 54

MikeB said... 109

TFW has already alienated her family and former friends so I don't think there will be a party back at the compound. It would just be Steve, the Discovery crew, and support staff. There is no way her mother and siblings would agree to be filmed and her only friends are Deana and Emily (although it appears Em has burned her own bridges).


Did something happen with Jamie?

AuntieAnn said... 55

NJGal51 said... 5

I won't be watching. I think I'll head over to ABC Family and watch Switched At Birth or maybe the Food Network for Chopped.


The beeswax gasket on the bottom of our toilet might need replacing. Not sure if it does but I'm going to check it around the same time K+8 comes on.

AuntieAnn said... 56

Bill said... 6

That was Bill Hynes of Think Loud Development, a York, PA real estate developer.


Thanks Bill. I'm not sure why he'd do that for Kate, but it was certainly generous of him.

Bill said... 57

Formerly Duped said... 113

And that was weird in the 'photo-shoot' when TFW said 'body parts will be touching and I want no complaints??' I guess physical affection is verboten at the McMansion. I do notice some of the tups are physical, almost overbearingly so, the girls to the boys, pretending they are their babies or puppets etc. as in the couch interviews and when tying lobster bibs on.


We were not a huggy family. When we were that age, we did not like any touching either. I do not think it was that unusual.

As for the girls touching the boys, the only thing which stood out to me was Alexis sometimes treating Aaden like he was her baby; I think she really adores him.

AuntieAnn said... 58

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 42

Well I'm flying home and can get Kate plus 8 on direct tv. This isquite an experience flying with the hobbling harridan.


teehee. I guess it was destined that she was going to get on board with you one way or another.

Bill said... 59

chefsummer #Leh said... 141

Shoka is such a beautiful dog.

If he was mine I would be petting and cuddling him all the time


Agreed. And I am not even a dog person.

TJ said... 60

Swingsandroundabouts....my husband and I have been watching The British Baking Show...we really enjoy watching it..they are all very kind and supportive with each other and the judges are encouraging and critique in a helpful way...wonderful breath of fresh air on television..well most British shows are really..

encouraging and try to be critique positively and in a helpful way..wonderful

JMO said... 61

As for the timing of the sale, what kind of turnout would they have gotten if the event was not going to appear on TV?

That says a lot about the stuff filmed. They could barely put enough episodes together, and quite frankly, the film they did show was quite disturbing in terms of the interactions on so many different levels. I would be ashamed and embarrassed if I was TFW.

Bill said... 62

Virginia Pen Mom said... 173

Remona Blue said... 124
Molly12 said... 54
redbirdsings said... 35
''.......I think she skimmed the yard sale money and wrote the check out for 1111.55. That is just a strange amount to me....''
''I think she made a lot of money from that yard sale and pocketed a good portion of it (IMO). To me, this is "love offerings" once again just in a different form.''
Your mention of ''love offerings'' caused me to wonder if her check was for 10% of the proceeds. You know...''thithing''?


At first, I thought, "No way! That would be a huge amount to rake in." But for that to be the case, she would have to have made just over $10,000 (so the tithe would be about $1,000.) Spreading $10,000 among 300 people is only about $33 a piece. Whoa. So maybe you're onto something, Remona! Sure, some didn't buy anything, but "if it's all for charity," what might some have donated, thinking it was all going to the animal shelter?


Don't forget that Mady was running the bake sale table and a couple of the girl tups the "grab bag" table. Maybe another $100 between those?

Bill said... 63

Formerly Duped said... 175

Hannah rudely announced Alexis was 'nuts' and Kate said 'we don't say that." A lot of words that they 'don't say' were used in these recent specials!


The instance I noticed was Mady putting her hand on Joel's face and saying, "Shut up."

AuntieAnn said... 64

As for the timing of the sale, what kind of turnout would they have gotten if the event was not going to appear on TV?


That is a very good question, but I don't think a garage sale would have happened had she not had the TLC crew there to do everything for her. Yes she did say she had to do it all by herself but let's remember she's the biggest lying liar of all liars.

High Sodium Content said... 65

I haven't read here in the last day or so, but I did catch a bit of CA last night. What caught my attention was The Donald talking about how he like smart, hard working people. I wonder how long it took him to figure out that Kate was neither. What got her on the show in the first place? Did he feel sorry for her, although he's not known to be a warm fuzzy guy. Maybe he thought she needed/deserved a break? Who knows. Maybe he thought she'd bring in a few viewers. Sounded like Trump was really proud of some of the very big dollar amounts some of his past winners brought in. Talking $600,000 to over a million dollars. What did Kate bring in, one $30,000 check? No way was she going ay farther. He figured out she had no connections to money or how to get any donations. What a total embarrassment, she would have been to go any further. For her fans still believing she was fired too soon, what planet are these people on? It's a show to get some BIG donations for charity. She failed.

Formerly Duped said... 66

Wonder if the kids feel embarrassed seeing their behavior on TV. Or do they just laugh. Since Aaden can't remember certain things on the early shows, I don't think they watch all the time. But I think Kate does...

angie said... 67

I hope so, too, but when I see something as ridiculous as lobsters being delivered cooked, to their door, with someone practically feeding it to them, I have to wonder.
I wonder what the kids think...
cameras=vacays, fun, great and abundant food.
home=chores and slop for dinner.

PJ's momma said... 68

I am having construction at my house and have had no TV for weeks. Boredom has set in and I just watched the garage sale episode on youtube. I have to say, it was very, very sweet how Mady ran to her brother when he showed up at her birthday bash, after having spent the night at his friend's house. She ran to him and hugged him and you could see his hands hugging her from behind. Very cute.

Rhymes with Witch said... 69

Kate said something like "We had just finished the world's most stressful-est construction on our house..." 48

Maybe she think this makes her sound smarter than "ish". It doesn't.

Midnight Madness said... 70

For her fans still believing she was fired too soon, what planet are these people on? It's a show to get some BIG donations for charity. She failed.


The fans think that she was on the show because Donald has a classy, popular show and that Kate, since she is loved by everyone and has incredible business sense and a strong work ethic, would bring in millions and millions of viewers who are in awe of a single, struggling Mother of eight.

It doesn't work that way. The clients wanted luxury. She failed to deliver. She was fired. It's as simple as that, but the Sheep are unable to figure that out.

Formerly Duped said... 71

Bill said... 62

I think more, since the grab bags were $2/one and they probably had about 100, seeing all that stuff in the basement. And the food stand had coffee, other drinks, brownies, cookies, some other squares and K8's famous salads...she said she didn't know when to stop..so that would pull in a couple of hundred maybe. Many people were fans so they would want to sample the edibles. JMO...

Midnight Madness said... 72

The beeswax gasket on the bottom of our toilet might need replacing. Not sure if it does but I'm going to check it around the same time K+8 comes on.


If it doesn't, you can always use that time just scrubbing the toilet.

Tucker's Mom said... 73

Rhymes with Witch said... 69
Kate said something like "We had just finished the world's most stressful-est construction on our house..." 48

Maybe she think this makes her sound smarter than "ish". It doesn't.
Yeah, it's really roughing it when you have to stay at home during construction when you're used to being whisked away on a luxury, beach-front vacation.
Tough times, indeed.

JoyinVirginia said... 74

Amanda Iowa you have a great point. So little usable footage. Boring same old.
I will also be watching face Off, and recording Agent Carter on ABC, it's really a fun interesting show. Or maybe vice versa.

Midnight Madness said... 75

Aw, I was really hoping I could go hold up a sign in the Walmart parking lot telling people to watch tonight. Do we win points with Kate if we do that? Has she told us? I was going to get a picture of myself doing it and tweet it to her, too. Darn.


Virginia, you not only have to hold up a sign, but you have to parade around, act like a carnival barker, and perhaps even sing. Are you prepared to do that? Do you have someone to film it? At least it won't have to be edited. Kate likes the realest of the real.

At least it's not snowing.

Midnight Madness said... 76

I can excuse the booster seats. Many states require their use until the age of eight or a specified height or weight. Parents do not rush to yank them out of service at the first opportunity, but wait until the kid does not want it.


Many parents won't purchase used and old seats, no matter what kind of condition they are in. That goes for strollers and cribs, too, because they may have been part of a recall and their safety couldn't be determined.

Formerly Duped said... 77

Also that pink car seat looked broken..and Kate just left it that way and put it out for sale.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 78

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 5m5 minutes ago
Zorro is peeking out to say 'have a 'tweet' trip down memory lane' on #KatePlus8 tonight at 9pm on @TLC


He takes one peck at that inflatable and she won't have to worry about purchasing a good bra. There will be nothing left to put into it.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 79

Barbara Gilmer ‏@BarbGilmer 3m3 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC Haha peaky tweety bird!


Is Barb referring to Kate's twin peaks, or doesn't she know which peek is peak?

prairiemary said... 80

As usual, am behind in my reading here. Just wanted to say how happy I am that Jon is being a DJ, that will make him so cool in the twins eyes. And since he is an IT guy, he likely has computer stuff going for the twins, that TFW can not see, so she can't control that with them. And why don't the sheeple question how Jon can take the kids out to do activities, on his own, while TFW needs tlc there to film and pay for it all? Are they all that dumb?

Tucker's Mom said... 81

prairiemary said... 80
Great to "see" you here- glad you're checking in.

Anonymous said... 82

Kate's eyes are freaking me out. One eye is so much smaller than the other. It is way more noticeable tonight than usual.

Vanessa said... 83

haven't read any comments yet, but wanted to post this
I consider that tummy tuck to be the beginning of the rest of my life!
yup! her metamorphosis had just begun, her turning into the diva, hollywood wanna be probably DID start after that procedure

Have her teeth changed yet again?
How many times are they going to have the same memorable moments episode? Really, wrap it up!!

Her teeth have changed yet again.

Vanessa said... 84

"I haven't done viewers questions IN A WHILE" ???
maybe because you haven't been on the air IN A WHILE???

Vanessa said... 85

She was way more articulate and better spoken when she was the old khate.
Now every second word is like, like like...LIKE

chefsummer #Leh said... 86

Bill said... 59

I bet Shoka would make a good guard dog if Kate had him trained right.

Vanessa said... 87

Forgot the sobbing and wailing she was doing before the jump
What a like, dingbat. Like totally.

Vanessa said... 88

Hmmm, spending quite a lot of time talking about the dogs...

Now she's explaining the demise of her marriage. Wonder what Jon thinks.
Oh the salad scene where she's stuffing her face and the kids come running in and she tells them to buzz off...and that beautiful lovely face she gives the camera.

Oh the crocodile tears, Jon changed...the divorce was a lesson, not what happens to you but how you respond to it! BAHHAHAHA! Good Lord what a freaking piece of work

Vanessa said... 89

Oh, she loves Emeril? You really showed him how much

Vanessa said... 90

Earlier she says she wishes she had the time and opportunity to go try this restaurant or that place.
Later she says she's been to several of Emeril's restaurants.

Looking at that clip again, I can now see how it was probably a test of some sort for her to have a cooking show. It just looked too set up.

NJGal51 said... 91

TFW's show is on? I decided to watch Fresh Off The Boat. Funny.as.hell!

Vanessa said... 92

Screaming like she's being murdered! She is SO aware of the camera. She had to take the attention away from the whales too???

Pants on Fire said... 93

Shrieking her blood-curdling shriek at the wales in Alaska, Khate just terrified my 3 cats along with all the wildlife in Alaska.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 94

JMO said... 35
News indicates that Bobby Kristina will be taken off life support tomorrow. Sad


There are conflicting reports on this.. The family's attorney issued a statement that TMZ and the NE, among others, are issuing false statements on this and they will be dealt with..

The family has stated that she is "progressing." It's hard to know what to believe.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 95

Vanessa said... 84
"I haven't done viewers questions IN A WHILE" ???
maybe because you haven't been on the air IN A WHILE???


Didn't she have a question and answer thing on her blog? I guess she hasn't been there for quite some time either!

Vanessa said... 96

Yup, even Nanna Janet getting on the horse was taking the attention away from her, that's why she made that comment about how she needs her, not to get hurt

Vanessa said... 97

"I would quote him as the most unexpected quote at any time of the day"


getofftwitter said... 98

I take it back! This episode should be call: The Great BS episode. not the BooHoo . I never heard so much BS in one hour.

That BS about most marriages falling apart because of multi is BS. Kate did not even try to get therapy or counciling to save her marriage. The minute Jon said he did not want to do the show any more, that is when Kate dump him. That is when Kate picked fame over her husband & marriage and even the kids.

readerlady said... 99

I recorded "Agent Carter" and "Supernatural" tonight and read a book. Sounds like the show was the same old, same old. More of TFMJG's revisionist history. I feel sorry for most of the viewers. They must be bored to tears.

Anonymous said... 100

Great catch: "Earlier she says she wishes she had the time and opportunity to go try this restaurant or that place.
Later she says she's been to several of Emeril's restaurants."

And that screaming at the whales was way beyond over the top. I don't even think people that are getting murdered scream like that. She does this all the time. Screaming like crazy over those tiny crabs comes to mind. I think she does this to bring excitment to her show.

I was surprised they showed a few clips that had her being mean. For instance, when she screamed at Joel for getting gum on his socks. They even showed her taunting him how she was going to throw his stuff animal away and Collin crying over her threats.

And why did she have to answer AGAIN about dating. She has answered that quesiton a few times in the past few weeks in interviews on tv and in magazine articles. Not to mention her answering this very question many times over the past 3 or 4 years.

I thought the episode was boring. And of all the episodes this season, I really hope it ratings crashed. I mean it just had her once again talking and talking away with her hands flapping away. She needs to get rid of that chalk white tip and go with a more natural looking white if she insists on keeping her nails that way. And she needs to cut some of the length off. Super long french tip nails are no longer in style. And what mother of 8 has nails like that.

getofftwitter said... 101

Oh, I want to point out something I thought was weird, about the New England trip. We all know that Kate was going to cook the lobsters they caught, right? Then they didn't. So the next day, Kate orders already cooked lobsters, so while they are out buying stuff, Kate buys the lobster napkins, plates, bibs, lobster tools. Now if they were going to have lobster the day before, would they not already have the tools to use on the lobsters to eat? That did not make sense!

Rhymes with Witch said... 102

She was way more articulate and better spoken when she was the old khate.
Now every second word is like, like like...LIKE 85

HM, EST for ish and like for um.
How terribly 12 ish.

Anonymous said... 103

Have her teeth changed yet again?
They showed a close-up clip from when the kids were just bornor very young and her teeth were very yellow. To me the difference between now and then was very noticeable.

And when the puppies were brought home, one peed a tiny bit on the basement carpet and Kate said that she was going to bring the dogs back and she said she wasn't kidding. All puppies pee in the house when they are brought home. What a witch to threaten her kids like that over something they had no control of. Even the puppy did not have any control at that time. Animal lover my ass!

Over In TFW's County said... 104

Oh the crocodile tears, Jon changed...the divorce was a lesson, not what happens to you but how you respond to it! BAHHAHAHA! Good Lord what a freaking piece of work


Did she say that the way she's responding to it is by throwing the father of her children under the bus every chance she gets, or by not allowing him on the property, or by dragging two of her children on national television in the hopes that they will trash him, or by perfecting the parental alienation thing?

Let me guess. She doesn't hold grudges and has chosen to move on.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 105

They must have done 5 or 6 clips shows now between the two shows. It's ridiculous.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 106

the next day, Kate orders already cooked lobsters, so while they are out buying stuff, Kate buys the lobster napkins, plates, bibs, lobster tools. Now if they were going to have lobster the day before, would they not already have the tools to use on the lobsters to eat? That did not make sense!


Yes! I'm almost done with the recap and I point that out!!

Mel said... 107

That was oddly sad. In a weird way sad. Very strange. It didn't feel fun at all. Just sad. And grim. Gloomy and bleak.

With TFW as the crazy eyed puppeteer.

I'm walking away thinking what the h*ll *was* that???

It surely wasn't a celebration of 8 little kids' lives. It felt like a weird funeral.

Anonymous said... 108

We all know that Kate was going to cook the lobsters they caught, right? Then they didn't.
I don't think she ever planned on cooking the lobsters. She used it as a storyline and to taunt her young kids again. She even tweeted after the first episode to tune in to see if she cooked them or not.

AuntieAnn said... 109

Midnight Madness said... 72

If it doesn't, you can always use that time just scrubbing the toilet.


I can think of several toilet-related duties I could do rather than tune into TLC. lol.

Tucker's Mom said... 110

getofftwitter said... 101
Oh, I want to point out something I thought was weird, about the New England trip. We all know that Kate was going to cook the lobsters they caught, right? Then they didn't. So the next day, Kate orders already cooked lobsters, so while they are out buying stuff, Kate buys the lobster napkins, plates, bibs, lobster tools. Now if they were going to have lobster the day before, would they not already have the tools to use on the lobsters to eat? That did not make sense!
I'd bet money that Kate was never going to boil the lobster-that wasn't the plan to begin with.
Kate egged on the kids and their attachment to the lobsters, instead of teaching them the valuable lesson of honoring where your food comes from (and not spitting it out- so disgusting and they're way too old for that baby crap).
Kate's never prepared lobster, hates it and can't act like a grown up around her kids who were trying to enjoy it, so can you imagine Kate doing the cooking and actually teaching her kids what to do?
No! She had fricking lobster delivered and peeled like grapes for her kids.
So, the story arc goes like this: kids have fun trapping wobsers, and then they get attached to the wobsters, and then they scream at the thought of killing Mr. Wobster to eat Mr. Wobster, and then after all that drama and tension, we get the feel goo kicker- wewease Mr. Wobsters.
Conflict->Tension->Resolution= ratings.

Sheeple Herder said... 111

She certainly isn't aging gracefully.

And she talks like she NEVER gets out of the house!

She should be scared that they have to use so many clips from "the good old days." I think it means her days are numbered since they can't seem to get any new footage that's worth anything.

getofftwitter said... 112

Well, I don't think TLC is going to care, what the ratings are going to be tonight. Kate, just gave herself away, on filming more.

Second to the last tweet, Kate hashtag said: #GN #untilNextTime @ TLC. That is a hint, that more filming to come. Most likely over spring break, which is in a couple of weeks. Poor kids.

Tucker's Mom said... 113

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 102
They must have done 5 or 6 clips shows now between the two shows. It's ridiculous.
The fans are in mourning, like they're never going to see the family again.
Yeah, right.
The thing that bothers me is that they thank Kate for sharing her family, like she's sharing her shoe collection.
Her kids' lives are not hers to share, and what do they want? TLC to lavish them more? To invade their privacy more?
It should be enough to do a magazine article every couple years or so to keep people in the loop and basically apprised of how the kids are doing.
Fans act like viewing children in glass bowls like goldfish is normal.

I don't get it.

Tucker's Mom said... 114

It surely wasn't a celebration of 8 little kids' lives. It felt like a weird funeral.
February 10, 2015 at 7:28 PM
The fans were tweeting dirges!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 115

Can't wait for that recap, Admin! Hope you had a fantastic trip.

I'm watching "Modern Family" on USA. On account of watching
TFW makes my ears bleed, my eyes hurt, and my soul clench.

Tucker's Mom said... 116

And she talks like she NEVER gets out of the house!

Did she actually say if you're not in her kitchen or the grocery store, you won't see her?
Are you f*cking kidding me?
She's certifiable- has to be with lies like that.

Just like she's sitting at home waiting for the kids to call to be picked up from Jon's, except when she's not.

Over In TFW's County said... 117

Now if they were going to have lobster the day before, would they not already have the tools to use on the lobsters to eat? That did not make sense!


They wouldn't already have the tools because they probably were never going to eat the ones they caught. It was scripted for the drama of it all. I'm betting she knew all along that caught lobsters were not going on the table.

AuntieAnn said... 118

It's funny how Kate's TL just springs to life when her show is on. She loves them all and thanks them for their support as if she were dying and in need of a special blood type. Poor sheep don't quite realize that they will be forgotten/ignored the day after tomorrow. Possibly sooner.

Anonymous said... 119

If Kate is serious about wanting to meet somebody to date, then she needs to travel without Steve. If some guy was thinking about approaching her in public when she is traveling, I am certain they didn't because they think she is with Steve. And this is especially true if they don't know who Steve is...bodyguard/road manager/friend. How embarrassing that she has proclaimed on national tv numerous times over the past four years or so that she wants to date yet nobody has asked her.

NJGal51 said... 120

Hmmmmmm. Next Tuesday on Chopped are reality TV stars. I guess TFW didn't make the cut (pun intended).

Reality stars Renee Graziano (Mob Wives), Travis Lofland (Deadliest Catch), Amy Roloff (Little People, Big World) and Kathy Wakile (Real Housewives of New Jersey) are ready for battle in the Chopped Kitchen. They'll have to tackle biscuit dough, vegetable cream cheese and cherry pie filling if they're going to take home $10,000 for their favorite charity.

Anonymous said... 121

She should be scared that they have to use so many clips from "the good old days." I think it means her days are numbered since they can't seem to get any new footage that's worth anything.
I have a different take on this. I think they show all the old clips because that was when the ratings were through the roof. Everybody loved her young kids--they were very adorable. She wants to remind everybody of how cute her kids were because that is why everybody feel in love with them. It brings back great memories for all the viewers. And her days are not numbered; her ratings are good to very good.


PatK said... 122

What a lying liar who lies!

Nicole York‏@noma2300·1 hr1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 AWW, you didn't get invited back for #CelebApprentice's final task; that's what happens when you have no talent. #KatePlus8

Nicole York‏@noma2300·1 hr1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 Too bad #CelebApprentice's final task wasn't a promo for #Botox or veneers; then surely you'd have been brought back.#KatePlus8

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8·57 mins57 minutes ago
@noma2300 braces and healthy lifestyle ... That's me!

PJ's momma said... 123

Leslie, I didn't see the puppy pee thing, but boy oh boy, she would have sent our dog away immediately. This stubborn little terrier mix still pees and poops in the house after almost four years here. Not all the time, but she does do it. She's extra persnickety after coming back from the pet sitter. She will not go on the leash during many trips outside and will either hold it all for 24 hours or go in the house. Our elderly PJ won't always hold it either. Plus, he pees and poops if he has a seizure. It is frustrating, VERY frustrating at times. But we deal with it, we clean up the mess, and we love them just the same. They are family and it is just what they do. No need to banish anyone or anything for making mistakes!

Rhymes with Witch said... 124

I'm watching "Modern Family" on USA 115

A much better choice!

chefsummer #Leh said... 125

Kate Gosselin‏@Kateplusmy8·57 mins57 minutes ago
@noma2300 braces and healthy lifestyle ... That's me!

More like a surgeon and his scalpel.

Rhymes with Witch said... 126

Admin, I may be a lone voice, and that's ok, but it would be fine with me if you stopped recapping k&8.
Your writing and snark are excellent and make me laugh but the entire situation just makes me so sad. Eight lives being destroyed by a sociopath.
Of course I defer to your decision and others here. Just needed to say it.
Carry on.

Over In TFW's County said... 127

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 50m50 minutes ago
@Jeannebug @Kateplusmy8 Hey there..not meaning 2butt N...Kate has probably already gone 2bed. Has 5am wake-up. Best 2e-mail her & explain.

She knows she's butting in, offers a disclaimer, but goes about meddling anyway. Good lord. Go home, Milo. It is too cold to stand outside peering in those windows to find out if Kate has gone to bed. Does she text her at 5 a.m.?

"It's funny how Kate's TL just springs to life when her show is on. She loves them all and thanks them for their support as if she were dying and in need of a special blood type."


Can't you just feel the love? She's throwing them bones, in hopes that enough of them will picket TLC for new episodes. Did she set hearts aflutter by following anyone?

I notice that her TL has become more of a personal chat room than a Twitter TL. This new Terri sheep and the Kansas person are using Kate's timeline to discuss private issues/grief/friendship. I don't have Twitter. Is this the way it's usually used? If they follow one another, wouldn't this best be done in private rather than putting it on on public display?

Anonymous said... 128

Just a reminder of Khatie Irene on Wendy Williams after her firing.

Good lord, her face doesn't move, and she thinks she speaks so eloquently, OY VAY



Anonymous said... 129

this is Whoopie and Khatie Irene, thought you all would love a lol



AnnieD said... 130

Over In TFW's County said... 117
They wouldn't already have the tools because they probably were never going to eat the ones they caught. It was scripted for the drama of it all. I'm betting she knew all along that caught lobsters were not going on the table.
It was just downright mean and cruel for her kids and the lobsters.
She knew it and enjoyed every bit of it. Talk about despicable. Kate and TLC.

prairiemary said... 131

Tucker's Mom, thanks for your kind words, sometimes life gets tough:)

Sleepless In Seattle said... 132

Jillian Ybarra ‏@Jillian_R5 17m17 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 #WestCoastK+8 I'm still so ecstatic that your show is back. It's been my favorite since I was maybe 8 and now I'm 16! 😂☺️❤️

Will there be a wailing and gnashing of teeth when these youngsters find out that this was the last show, at least for awhile? Who will deliver the sad news? Kate or Gladys?

Rhymes with Witch said... 133

She will not go on the leash during many trips outside and will either hold it all for 24 hours or go in the house. 123

Roo will not go out when it's precipitating and holds it forever. I've tried pee pads to no avail. I worry when she does that and would rather clean up inside.

Rhymes with Witch said... 134

But we deal with it, we clean up the mess, and we love them just the same. They are family and it is just what they do. No need to banish anyone or anything for making mistakes! 123

But this is a woman (tfw) who beat the crap out of her toddler son for not being potty trained after five whole days. Imagine what she may have done to a puppy.

JoyinVirginia said... 135

New thread, so I am posting the acronym list again.
The Veranda = This lovely corner of the internet where our gracious Admin and her Blog Girls and Pool Boys host a variety of conversations on all sorts of interesting topics while serving delicious virtual beverages and snacks!
Rumspringa = the beverage of choice on the veranda. Note: there is an actual Rumspringa Brewing Company in Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania that makes craft beer. The term comes from the period when Amish youth can explore other ways of living outside their community.

Jon Gosselin = father of the 8 Gosselin children, who is still living despite what TFW says!
Couples Therapy = CT = VH1 reality show that Jon was on with then girlfriend Liz

Kate Gosselin = TFW The Former Wife (how Jon refers to her) = TCFW The Crazy Former Wife = TFMJG The Former Mrs. Jon Gosselin = Katie Irene Kreider (her maiden name) = KK Katie Kreider = WOS Waste Of Space (how TFW referred to the Grand Canyon, we believe in recycling and it fits) = Shopping Kart (how judge Bruno Tonioli referred to TFW on DWTS after her first dance) = Bitch from Hell (also how judge Bruno Tonioli referred to TFW on DWTS after her Papparazzi dance) = Shmoopie (just because) = sKate (because she is able to skate by on tasks on CA and others who are higher profile get fired) = FSS Freeloading Societal Sponge (thanks Auntie Ann!) (because she is a grifter who solicits free stuff because she has 8! count ‘em! 8 kids) = The Warden (watch her CWS episode if you want to know why) = “Sergeant Asshold McPlasticFace” ( how Michael K. of Dlisted.com referred to her, May, 2014)

The Orphanage = Shawshank = home of TFW and the 8! count ‘em! 8 kids, because she leaves them alone a lot plus how she treats the 8! count ‘em! 8 kids.

Steve Neild = The Boobyguard = Rat Claws = TFM The Flying Monkey = Purse Boy = roommate during CA filming according to Kenya = personal security for TFMJG

TLC = The Lying Channel

CWS = Celebrity Wife Swap, another reality show that TFW was on, along with her 20 pound rule book the 8! count ‘em! 8 kids must obey.

DWTS = Dancing With The Stars

Tony Dovolani = Saint Tony of the Ballroom, who was given the impossible task on DWTS of teaching TFW to dance. He is a saint because he put up with TFW tantrums and laziness and did not quit and tried his best to make TFW look good, despite her lack of work ethic, her lack of rhythm, and her delusions about what it takes to learn to dance.

CA - Celebrity Apprentice, hosted by Donald Trump = DT

Leeza Gibbons = TCL = The Classy Leeza (Thanks redbird sings!) another contestant on TFW season of CA

Rep. Murt = Pennsylvania State Representative representing the 152nd legislative district in Pennsylvania, Army veteran and educator who has successfully sponsored legislation to improve child labor laws in Pennsylvania Specifically House Bill 1458 that passed in 2012 and gave children in reality shows the same protections as child actors in movies in the state of Pennsylvania, limited work hours, required trust accounts for each child, and required set teachers if school is missed. [could this explain why the Gosselin children are so often taken out of state for filming?]

A Minor Consideration = child advocacy group headed by Paul Peterson, former child actor on the Donna Reed Show.

Lavely & Singer = Laverne & Shirley, law firm that represented TFW in the past; now representing Bill Cosby.

Martin Garbus and Shawn Tuma = two respected attorneys who represented Jon Gosselin and Robert Hoffman successfully against a bogus lawsuit brought by TFW to get them to stop criticizing her and advocating for the Gosselin children. Please see realitytvkids.com entry for September 20, 2013 and subsequent dates for full story about dropping of the lawsuit by TFW. The entries around this lawsuit are why I love this blog! Who would have thought that snarking on a reality TV show would lead to an education in constitutional law and discussion about freedom of speech and intellectual property?

Anonymous said... 136

Kate did it again. She said, "who is the most asianest". Yes, she did. First of all, Asianest is not a word. And second, she is using a double superlative.

Tizzie said... 137

Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 105

They must have done 5 or 6 clips shows now between the two shows. It's ridiculous.
February 10, 2015 at 7:25 PM


I just looked on the episode guide and counted TEN clip show / FAQ episodes:

1. Viewer F.A.Q
2. Embarrassing & Favorite Moments
3. More Viewer F.A.Q.
4. All You Wanted to Know
5. Jon & Kate Plus 8: The First 10 Years
6. You Ask, Kate Answers
7. Viewers' Top Moments
8. Kate's Toughest Questions
9. The Finale
10. Kate's Most Memorable Moments

Way too many, especially when a lot of the same clips and questions are featured over and over.

And does anyone really care about what KATE remembers and what HER favorite memories are? I sure don't! I'd be more interested in hearing how much the kids actually remember from all of their trips and activities over the years. I bet they remember their mom's meltdowns and overreactions more than anything else!

Anonymous said... 138

Talking about the divorce, she said the kids are somehow better people.They learned a lot about people's intentions. They learned about trust.

WOW! What kids are better because their parents divorced when they were five and seven. Are they better because Jon is such a louse? And whose intentions did the kids learn about during their parents divorce. Well, Jon's of course. She is a horrible woman, mother, ex-wife, etc.

Tucker's Mom said... 139

Anonymous said... 138
Talking about the divorce, she said the kids are somehow better people.They learned a lot about people's intentions. They learned about trust.

WOW! What kids are better because their parents divorced when they were five and seven. Are they better because Jon is such a louse? And whose intentions did the kids learn about during their parents divorce. Well, Jon's of course. She is a horrible woman, mother, ex-wife, etc.

Sadder than a mother saying this about the father she CHOSE to have children with (begged, cajoled, "prayed", probably pouted and browbeat into submission), is that it's so damn predictable.
Jon's intentions are/were bad and he is untrustworthy.
Got it.

But, no, Kate doesn't hold grudges, because, ya know, she's rare like that.

Tucker's Mom said... 140

Anonymous said... 136
Kate did it again. She said, "who is the most asianest". Yes, she did. First of all, Asianest is not a word. And second, she is using a double superlative.
Can she not even bring herself to mention her kids' Korean heritage?
It's pretty damn ignorant to call her kids Asian, when Asia is a continent, not a language or nation.
Kate should be teaching her kids not to make general assumptions about anyone based on their physical attributes.
Can you imagine a mother asking her kids who's the most white or black?
It only serves to cause divisiveness, and it promotes judgement based on what one looks like.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 141

So "braces and healthy lifestyle" are responsible for TFW's
new-and-improved look? Wonder where indoor tanning, wine, excessive amounts of coffee, chemical creamer, and spray-on
salad dressing fit in? If all that contributed, TFW needs to be
doing a sequel to to the "good bra" endorsement, and she'll
never have to work another day in her life.

Tucker's Mom said... 142

Rhymes with Witch said... 133
She will not go on the leash during many trips outside and will either hold it all for 24 hours or go in the house. 123

Roo will not go out when it's precipitating and holds it forever. I've tried pee pads to no avail. I worry when she does that and would rather clean up inside.
I know it's so frustrating and worrisome!
Our Lab girl would hold it in when we traveled with her and visited my mom.
Mom lived in a more city environ, and she'd hold it in for 48 hours at a time, instead of going on the little patches of grass here and there.
Our Bichon baby is somewhat the same when we take him into town-there are plenty of trees with grass and dirt around them, but he just won't go!
Grass is grass!
Dirt is dirt!

Anonymous said... 143

Leslie, I thought the same thing about the old clips. It's like showing kittens on the internet: Ratings gold. Keep reminding people how cute the kids used to be.

As for the clip shows, it would be a hoot if someone actually had the time to sit down and create a spreadsheet and video and splice together all the contradictions and outright lies. But who has that kind of time?


JoyinVirginia said... 144

Admin, I agree with rhymes with witch. You don't even have to watch the episodes to do a snarky recap. It's recycling same old over and over on TFMJG plus 8. Watch TFMJG make something more complicated than it has to be, then complain. Watch Jon s children get upset by each other and by TFMJG. The end. sometimes TFMJG makes things more complicated at home and sometimes on a trip. Watch TFMJG stop any fun going on.
Instead we can talk about gardening, books, tv like Better Call Saul or Agent Carter (it's a FUN show!) or walking dead or reality tv competitions, any of them, or pets or advocacy efforts or podcasts or anything else.
There are real children I am actually related to that I am much more interested in. I never understood when my dd was fascinated by Jon and TFMJG and their children.

reader said... 145

Lying liar who lies.
When the only adult left in your life is the married bodyguard with whom you're having an affair, and the media is really no longer interested, you can tweet all the lies you want. No one to call her on it. no personal relationships.
Her lies are bold ones too. Its part of her nature.

Mel said... 146

IMO, it seems pretty cruel to keep showing the kids video of back when they were a family.
Here, let's torture you everyday with a video of how life used to be. Let's watch a video of your beloved father who you miss so much. Let me rub your nose in it.

I think that's the crux of it: I will rub your nose in how much you miss your father.

She takes such pleasure in tormenting her children.

Anonymous said... 147

Reminder: Vote for Leeza on the Chock Full O'Nuts challenge.


Contest Closes Feb 15th.


reader said... 148

Kate Krieder was brought on CA in the hopes they would capture the meltdowns and manic tantrums she is known for.That's her marketable attraction. Watching someone throw a tantrum is entertainment.
She didn't bring it.
The whiny milktoast wasn't what they wanted.

Tucker's Mom said... 149

NJGal51 said... 120
Hmmmmmm. Next Tuesday on Chopped are reality TV stars. I guess TFW didn't make the cut (pun intended).

Reality stars Renee Graziano (Mob Wives), Travis Lofland (Deadliest Catch), Amy Roloff (Little People, Big World) and Kathy Wakile (Real Housewives of New Jersey) are ready for battle in the Chopped Kitchen. They'll have to tackle biscuit dough, vegetable cream cheese and cherry pie filling if they're going to take home $10,000 for their favorite charity.
Chopped is another show I think Kate will do- surprised she hasn't already.
Kate was dropping major hints to Food Network there for a while. Maybe Chopped is short of her own cooking show, but I don't see that EVER happening.
I'd love to see Kate eyeball to eyeball with Alex Guaraschelli, and tell her she was Chopped unfairly, because, Alex doesn't suffer fools.
In fact, none of those judges does.

Tucker's Mom said... 150

Anonymous said... 119
If Kate is serious about wanting to meet somebody to date, then she needs to travel without Steve.
If Kate is ever to really find love, trust and bond with another man, Steve has to step aside and let it happen.
I don't think any man would tolerate Steve as the third wheel, cozying up with Kate, being as intimate as they are, even if one assumes they aren't in a sexual relationship.
There's no room for a Steve between a man and a woman.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 151

Yeah, I bet the divorce taught the kids about trust, after
their mother had said the vow renewal meant Mommy and
Daddy would be together forever. But they got a free trip to
Hawaii out of it, and a name for their dog, so I'm guessing
the deceit was worth it.

NJGal51 said... 152

Although TFW finally followed Paige last night she still hasn't followed Sandie (another long-time, loyal fan). Sandie tweeted the following last night...

@Quote_Soup: Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you act while you're waiting.

And then tweeted the following this morning...

@SandieBellz: People are crazy and times are strange
I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range
I used to care, but things have changed
~ #BobDylan

She's always been one of the smarter fans and I wonder if she's finally wishing up.

Braces and a healthy lifestyle? I think people might respect her just a little more if she owned up to the veneers, Botox and various procedures. SMH that she thinks people still believe that she hasn't had any work done.

reader said... 153

Reality TV is part of Walmart nation.

And people don't realize, there's a high price for cheap.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 154

Yet another story of a fan attacking celebrities, this time from Japan:


A Japanese man has been sentenced to six years in jail for slashing two members of popular J-pop group AKB48 with a saw at a fan event.

Satoru Umeta, 24, was convicted of assaulting singers Rina Kawaei and Anna Iriyama, both 19, along with one of the group's male employees at a "hand-shaking event" for fans in Takizawa City, Iwate Prefecture last May, CNN's affiliate TV Asahi reported.

The attack left the three victims severely injured, according to Japan's Kyodo news agency.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 155

PJ (#147), thanks for the heads-up about the Chock Full O'Nuts
competition. I just voted for Leeza's. I do hope she wins the
whole CA enchilada for her Alzheimer's foundation.

Formerly Duped said... 156

adding to the dog comments; Since my dog is still recovering, we have to carry her out down the steps to do her business. Because of the weather, she cannot go to her favorite spot- back of the property!! It's under almost 4 feet of snow!! But she has regained bladder and bowel control, which is wonderful, but necessitates about 5 trips out to choose a new spot she deems acceptable! Oh, my aching back and arms! But we love her and are happy she is improving. The weather has been so bad for all of us in our family, but especially for her.Everyone in the NE has had a terrible time.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 157

I just looked on the episode guide and counted TEN clip show / FAQ episodes:


Whoa! That's ABSURD.

What a cheap-ass way to churn out an episode. And as others have said it was the babies that were the draw so it's a pathetic way to keep showing those babies.

Clip shows are so 90's. Networks don't even really make them anymore as much because people hate them so much.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 158

Admin, I may be a lone voice, and that's ok, but it would be fine with me if you stopped recapping k&8.
Your writing and snark are excellent and make me laugh but the entire situation just makes me so sad. Eight lives being destroyed by a sociopath.


Thank you Rhymes. I've considered it. But there are so few episodes this "season" I thought oh what the heck one more time.

We'll see what I do about future ones, if any.

TLC stinks said... 159

@donjdad59 I LOVE charleston!!!! Such a wonderful place.... XO

Yeah, I bet she does. Did a book signing and later stayed in one of the most expensive hotels in Charleston with Steve Neild working on her second book.

Upstater said... 160

Rhymes with Witch said... 126
Admin, I may be a lone voice, and that's ok, but it would be fine with me if you stopped recapping k&8.
Your writing and snark are excellent and make me laugh but the entire situation just makes me so sad. Eight lives being destroyed by a sociopath.
Of course I defer to your decision and others here. Just needed to say it.
Carry on.


I agree on all points.... :(

Tucker's Mom said... 161

FlimsyFlamsy said... 141
So "braces and healthy lifestyle" are responsible for TFW's
new-and-improved look?
B.S. like this makes me really concerned for the kids.
Sometimes, I think Kate might be a saner mother as she ages, but when she outright lies like this, it's a sign of some sort of disorder.
Healthy adults don't lie about things that are so obvious.
It's a wonder so many sheeple don't see how insulting it is to everyone's intelligence.
Kate thinks you're a boob, idiot, dullard, dupe and gullible, and you still worship her and wonder "how does she do it/look that way?"
Well, then, maybe you actually are all of the above.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 162

Clip shows began in the old days as a way to re-live memorable moments. Once shows started going in to syndication, series
that previously aired weekly began airing daily. So the novelty
of those clips wasn't so novel. Now in 2015, you can watch/DVR
a show several times a day. Not to mention Hulu and Youtube,
which provide a steady stream of your favorites.

Translation: TFW's clip shows are mediocre.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 163

I have to say, it was very, very sweet how Mady ran to her brother when he showed up at her birthday bash, after having spent the night at his friend's house. She ran to him and hugged him and you could see his hands hugging her from behind. Very cute.


There was a scene at the house in Maine where Mady was hugging Aaden's head from behind and he was smiling and it was done in a very sweet, loving manner.

There is love there, and that's a good thing, but it often seems overshadowed by bitterness and resentment which I think Kate does not do a good job helping the twins process and move on from.

Anonymous said... 164

Admin, I love your recaps and I hope they continue. I know they are a ton of work for you, but if you enjoy them, please carry on. It's your blog.


Tucker's Mom said... 165

Braces and a healthy lifestyle? I think people might respect her just a little more if she owned up to the veneers, Botox and various procedures. SMH that she thinks people still believe that she hasn't had any work done.
People who believe Kate's lies, despite what they plainly see, have no respect for themselves.
It galls me to see grown women self-flagellate because they think they can't possible be as wonderful as Kate in every way.
I wish I could shake them and yell, "snap out of it!".
She's no better. She's rich, has had a lot of help, a lot of work done, a high-maintenance routine for nails, hair, tanning and wrinkle/skin management, and spends a great deal of time away from her kids and daily grind.

chefsummer #Leh said... 166

Anonymous said... 119
If Kate is serious about wanting to meet somebody to date, then she needs to travel without Steve.
If Kate is ever to really find love, trust and bond with another man, Steve has to step aside and let it happen.

He should but I don't think he letting that meal ticket go anytime soon.

Tucker's Mom said... 167

Formerly Duped said... 156
adding to the dog comments; Since my dog is still recovering, we have to carry her out down the steps to do her business. Because of the weather, she cannot go to her favorite spot- back of the property!! It's under almost 4 feet of snow!! But she has regained bladder and bowel control, which is wonderful, but necessitates about 5 trips out to choose a new spot she deems acceptable! Oh, my aching back and arms! But we love her and are happy she is improving. The weather has been so bad for all of us in our family, but especially for her.Everyone in the NE has had a terrible time.
This is wonderful news.
I hope you can treat yourself to a nice massage sometime soon!
Not that it compares at all to your winter, but when we got our puppy just about 1 year ago, suddenly winter decided to act like winter, and we got a good handful of snows- so much fun when house training!

Keep up the great work. YOU are a true inspiration.

TLC stinks said... 168

Not sure what the point was for TLC to air another clip show other than to complete some sort of contract with Kate. If you've watched the show, you've seen it all anyway. Oh well, she sat on that couch and earned $40K.

I also noticed that she tweeted about the twins watching last night. Haven't those girls seen these clips a million times? So odd.

FYI said... 169

Sounds like DWTS all over again. According to NaughtyButNiceRob, Kate doesn't speak to any of the CA contestants.


"Kate Gosselin kept her cool when she was given the boot on NBC’s “The Celebrity Apprentice” Monday night, but now she’s not holding back, saying TRUMP should have fired Kenya Moore not her! And although she looked like she had made friends on the show, Kate is no longer speaking with any of her cast.

“Kate dumps people and moves on. She did it after DANCING WITH THE STARS and now she has done the same with CELEBRITY APPRENTICE,” a cast member tells NAUGHTY GOSSIP. “We have tried to email and text and call her but she cannot be bothered. She pretended to be our friends on the show but I’m not sure she knows how to be a friend. The reunion it going to be awkward with her around.”

angie said... 170

She really has lost it, hasn't she? saying her perfect teeth are due to braces and a healthy lifestyle?
I don't know how many documents Robert has (I think he has documentation regarding the boob job), wouldn't it be great if he posted a dental receipt disputing her claim? LOL

I've never seen a woman that professes faith (well, used to) lie about EVERYTHING. it's some scary shit.

And I look forward to the episode recaps since I don't watch the show.

Tucker's Mom said... 171

Whoa! That's ABSURD.

What a cheap-ass way to churn out an episode. And as others have said it was the babies that were the draw so it's a pathetic way to keep showing those babies.
TLC is lazy, let's face it. Anytime you have to count on cute babies- human and animal, you're using a crutch instead of any real talent to get a viewing audience.

I liken this to those TV chefs who crank out delicious food that's full of butter and cheese. Well, of course it tastes good! It's lazy cooking and shows no real talent when it comes to coaxing out flavor from healthier food, but tons of people chime in to tell you how yummy it is.

It's also like getting hits on a food blog. A pick of dripping chocolate gets more hits than kale salad.

chefsummer #Leh said... 172

She's rich, has had a lot of help, a lot of work done

It boggles the mind how her fans can't or won't see this. Then again we were all once fans to her bs-ing and it took something for all of us to wake up to her lies and fakeness.

I think her devote fans need their own rude awaking-(as we had) to see the real WOS & once they do they'll drop her and move on.

From me it was seeing her fake tears during the purse full of bills bash Jon tour.

TLC stinks said... 173

During the Season 3 finale, Kate Gosselin also answered fan-submitted questions, which is amazing in the sense that there are still fans to write them in.

We kid ... the producers can obviously feed her faux fan questions on cue cards. One of which posed the subject of Kate meeting somebody new.

"If you're not in my kitchen or in the grocery store then I'm not going to meet you," she demurred, so apparently that's where she met Jeff Prescott.

Hope it works out better than ... you know:


Tucker's Mom said... 174

I can't imagine all 8 kids don't mind their baby moments being shown, especially when they're all teens.
How humiliating is it when people repeat your "wieners" and "unnawears" quotes?
Let's face it- there's no way that the kids aren't going to get bullied.

NJGal51 said... 175

Tucker's Mom - I'd be really surprised if TFW does Chopped because it would be put up or shut up time. There would be no faking her way through the baskets and I think she knows this. She may have already been offered Chopped and turned it down. But oh boy would I love to see those judges have a go at her! I think when she was throwing out the heavy hints to Food Network she was expecting them to hand her her own show because she's "K8 the gr8 mother to 8" or she was wrangling for a spot on one of the next network star competitions.

Tucker's Mom said... 176

TLC stinks said... 168
Not sure what the point was for TLC to air another clip show other than to complete some sort of contract with Kate. If you've watched the show, you've seen it all anyway. Oh well, she sat on that couch and earned $40K.
It's a lazy and dishonest way to make money, just like putting out a picture book with some bible quotes.

Formerly Duped said... 177

Tucker, thank you. You are so kind.That made my day! Funny, I have never felt impatient with these nightly sojourns.

Winter is definitively a hard time for pets who need to go out to their restrooms!

Tucker's Mom said... 178

The reunion it going to be awkward with her around.”
Yes, it is, although I don't expect to see most contestants being overtly negative to Kate.
Kenya and maybe Vivica, I can see.
I'd love Jamie to come back with some clarity about being played by Kate.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 179

Angie (#170), we don't even need to see Robert's receipts
about dental work -- TFW's teeth whitening was done on
camera! A free procedure, plus a paycheck for the episode.
Keep tap-dancing about that hard-knock life, Annie -- only
the very naive and the very lovesick are buying it.

Tucker's Mom said... 180

Speaking of good tv, I caught up on Saul.
DH and I were loving seeing the old familiar faces. When I saw Tuco was at the other end of that gun, I thought, "here we go-buckle up!".

The writing is great- some laugh out loud moments.

I hope Saul gets more stamps on his tickets.

angie said... 181

Not sure what the point was for TLC to air another clip show other than to complete some sort of contract with Kate. If you've watched the show, you've seen it all anyway. Oh well, she sat on that couch and earned $40K.

I was thinking, since TLC knows how DESPERATE Kate is to get back on tv, the payola would be a pittance. Why pay her this much if they don't have to? It's not like she's today's news! (and I forgot how much is now required to go in trust).

I bet Kate would do the show for free, just for the trips and swag (remodel)

TLC stinks said... 182

I do not think she is serious about dating at all. Why should she be? She has her male escort. Frankly, why do people think a woman needs a man anyway? Although in Kate's case, she does need an escort because she is unable to navigate airports, restaurants and hotels alone.

localyocul said... 183

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 13h13 hours ago
Fyi: I did NOT throw the bear away. Threatened but didn't. Should have thought it and not said it... Young me.. [eye roll]

This tweet was followed by a bunch of sheep comments about how ALL mommies have those moments we wish we could take back, she was young and frustrated and it happens to all of us. Um. No. I never was cruel like that to my kid. And it wasn't a moment, it went on and on and on and on. AND it wasn't a single incident born from stress. She was like this ALL the time. It was her pattern. She was (is) a cruel, heartless witch.

Tucker's Mom said... 184

localyocul said... 178
Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 13h13 hours ago
Fyi: I did NOT throw the bear away. Threatened but didn't. Should have thought it and not said it... Young me.. [eye roll]

This tweet was followed by a bunch of sheep comments about how ALL mommies have those moments we wish we could take back, she was young and frustrated and it happens to all of us
For me, it's just that Kate went on and on and on and on!
She got upset. OK. But, when that little boy was crying so hard, experiencing so much despair, that would have snapped me right out of it and I would have cried and apologized.
Then, Mady is begging Kate, trying to sooth her brother, and also crying.
Even that wasn't enough to make Kate stop her tantrum.
Then she had to call Jodi, as if that would have done ANYTHING to change that facts.
Kate was angry and kept on lashing out uncontrollably.

I couldn't stand to see my kid cry in so much pain without soothing him.
I think most parents would be brought back to their senses when they see how much they've upset their child.

Tucker's Mom said... 185

"If you're not in my kitchen or in the grocery store then I'm not going to meet you," she demurred, so apparently that's where she met Jeff Prescott.
That and the yard sale was damage control for Kate. She's not exactly liked in her community.
Of course, this makes no sense, but it will satisfy her enablers.
I wonder if it makes that Amish woman, who made her a lovely gift, feel better after she found out Kate tossed her gift in the trash.

FYI said... 186

So Kate ended up following 21 more people, 16 last night and 5 more today. She did follow Paige(Yay!) and she also ended up following the PH without the D, another BV minion, who still thinks that there will be lawsuits to save them from the bullies on twitter.

Tucker's Mom said... 187

NJGal51 said... 175
Tucker's Mom - I'd be really surprised if TFW does Chopped because it would be put up or shut up time. There would be no faking her way through the baskets and I think she knows this. She may have already been offered Chopped and turned it down.
I've thought of this, too, but I think Kate is so used to spinning everything, that it wouldn't occur to that she wouldn't be able to talk her way out of a total fail.
Plus, her cookbook is on life support, so it's not going to affect future sales that are not going to happen anyway.
This is the woman who tells people she wears a good bra, eats healthy and had braces to explain her obvious procedures and interventions.
It apparently doesn't occur to her that telling big, fat lies makes her a lying liar that lies.

Snickdog said... 188

My daughter has a stuffed bear that she's had since she was 3 days old. It was once white, not sure of the color now! She won't let me wash it--the one time I did she wailed at me, her little heart broken--"Mommy how could you?!" This bear will go with her to college and beyond.

And if our house was ever on fire, that filthy matted gray bear would be the first non living thing I would grab. Because my daughter loves it and I love my daughter.

Those poor kids. Everything they've looked to for comfort has been taken from them--or threatened to be. That's what they are going to remember.

Mel said... 189

Didn't TFW tweet Evan Lysacek a few times after DWTS?

Her usual mo....reach out to the young one. Someone a little more gullible, more likely to be taken in by the 'star' trying to be friendly with them.

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 25 Jun 2011

Watching my season (10) DWTS semifinals w kids and crying bc I miss @erinandrews and @evanlysacek! :( amazing dancers, both of them!

FlimsyFlamsy said... 190

Tucker's Mom (#184), and it was all crueler because it was
a comfort item she threatened to throw away. Not a Hot
Wheels car, or some blocks -- something specifically
named a "lovey." And now we need to factor in the knowledge
that these toddlers were beaten, so that comfort item may
have been even more cherished.

Didn't TFW talk about how they each had rags/blankets they
sucked on when they were little for comfort? Something must've
been lacking for them from not having as much one-on-one
attention from a parent. Probably a common phenomenon with multiples, made worse when your mother decides to let a village
come in and care for you while she sleeps in.

Jen said... 191

"I couldn't stand to see my kid cry in so much pain without soothing him.
I think most parents would be brought back to their senses when they see how much they've upset their child."

She behaves like this because, as a narcissist, she has no empathy. I could put together a page-long list of examples just from her show alone, both recent and past. These kids are essentially being parented by an unfeeling child.

localyocul said... 192

Tucker's Mom said... 184
localyocul said... 178
Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 13h13 hours ago
Fyi: I did NOT throw the bear away. Threatened but didn't. Should have thought it and not said it... Young me.. [eye roll]

This tweet was followed by a bunch of sheep comments about how ALL mommies have those moments we wish we could take back, she was young and frustrated and it happens to all of us
For me, it's just that Kate went on and on and on and on!


Yes, seeing my kid cry would have snapped me right out. She's still so clueless. What's with the "eyeroll". How about "hanging head" or "#SoSorry

AuntieAnn said... 193

localyocul said... 183

No. I never was cruel like that to my kid. And it wasn't a moment, it went on and on and on and on. AND it wasn't a single incident born from stress. She was like this ALL the time. It was her pattern. She was (is) a cruel, heartless witch.


And how did that work out for her, I'd like to ask her sheep?

She has two teenagers who clearly understand they're living with a toxic histrionic and aren't afraid to go to the mat with her, three little girls who whine, scream, grab, argue and punch their siblings if they don't get their way and three little boys who appear to be scared shitless of her because they've been beaten senseless for being icky boys who remind her of their father.

Real swell parenting there, Kate Gosselin.

Tucker's Mom said... 194

Snickdog said... 188
My daughter has a stuffed bear that she's had since she was 3 days old. It was once white, not sure of the color now! She won't let me wash it--the one time I did she wailed at me, her little heart broken--"Mommy how could you?!" This bear will go with her to college and beyond.
I had a stuffed bunny that was my favorite, and I loved it for years. Even all dirty and peeling and ratty.
I would have wailed for days if my mother threw it out before I was ready to let it go, so I know exactly how it feels to be so attached.

localyocul said... 195

Good thing Kate didn't get a Cockatoo..this would be her bird:


FlimsyFlamsy said... 196

As usual, TFW is tone deaf about being a "real" mom. She thinks
it means being either in the kitchen or the grocery store. What
about being at your kids' school? All 8 go to the same one --
you'd think she'd be there a lot, school bus or not. What about spending her afternoons at baseball or soccer or gymnastics or
tae kwon do or Scout (Boy or Girl) meetings or dance class?

And what about simple being WITH HER KIDS? How about
being at the table helping with their homework? Or spending
time in the family room playing games or just hanging out?
Or actually sitting at the dinner table with them and sharing
stories and feelings? Or is that only when the cameras are

Mel said... 197

Kate was angry and kept on lashing out uncontrollably.

Cross her and it's scorched earth.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 198

I think the bottom line is that the bear incident was really about pent up aggression toward Jodi, taken out on Collin.

Yeah Kate THREATENING to trash a little boy's beloved stuffed animal is soooo much better than actually doing it. The boy doesn't know when you're threatening you're NOT going to do it, so what's the difference to HIM and his heart? Geez!

chefsummer #Leh said... 199

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 13h13 hours ago
Fyi: I did NOT throw the bear away. Threatened but didn't. Should have thought it and not said it... Young me.. [eye roll]

So you taunted you poor young son and put his bear in the trash can to teach him a lesson?

That makes you even worse.

chefsummer #Leh said... 200

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 13h13 hours ago
Fyi: I did NOT throw the bear away. Threatened but didn't. Should have thought it and not said it... Young me.. [eye roll]

Next she going to tweet that she didn't scream at M for the paint or she didn't scream at M for the pizza.

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