Sig is lamenting to Kate they're really screwed now. Lorenzo was fired, and he was their strongest leader. He thinks they're up a shit creek. Kate's all nodding and giving him puppy dog eyes of sympathy. Ha, as if! We all know she's tickled pink she is still alive in this game and that somebody else, anybody but her, was fired.
Kate confronts Vivica about her calling her out in the boardroom last week, unwilling to believe that Vivica didn't blame the PM Lorenzo for their failings, as the video idea was all his. First of all I seem to remember the idea was mostly Geraldo's. You mean the same idea you fully supported, were so excited about, and then nearly sabotaged by sitting in hair and makeup so long Lorenzo didn't have time to get all the shots he needed to make it work? Really, Vivica?! Kate demands.
I like how Vivica just holds her own here and bobbles her head just like Kate. Yep, really, Kate. Really. Ha!
Kate thinks she's doing pretty good on this show. Haha, how typical of a narcissist. A narcissist will never see what everyone else sees. She has been on the losing team more often than not, and often times she played a major role in why the team failed. Time and time again she has supported ideas that crashed and burned, and time and time again she has been against ideas that were a grand success. Her PMs have chosen her to come back to every single boardroom in which her team lost except Lorenzo's, but that was because he volunteered himself. The one time she was PM she only won because Leeza and Brandi took over her duties and the other team was led by a total idiot Jonas brother too obsessed with Geraldo to focus on being a good leader. Half the contestants hate her. She mostly eats and texts and checks out a few hours into each task. She is still here only by dumb luck, because of other better contestants' circumstances completely out of her control, and possible manipulation by the producers. But in her mind she's awesome. Heh.
Geraldo is still in his Mr. Peanut costume. He's quite the eccentric.
Their task this week will be to host a guided boat tour around the harbor with a tourism boat company Circle Line.
Oh, I need to shamelessly plug The Apprentice: UK here. It's a much better more interesting version of this show, as British versions tend to be. It has like a gazillion seasons, and they're almost all on Youtube. Their version of Trump, Sir Alan Sugar, is a more sophisticated, sharp character with a compelling backstory about growing up working class in east London and selling products out of the back of his van. He is now worth 1.5 billion. Anyway, on the first season for their final task they had to do something really similar to this task only on the Thames, and it was a really fun episode. Check it out.
Crab fisherman Sig thinks his timing is perfect. He is primed to step up as project manager this week and the task is a boat ride. The kind of ironic thing about this though is his background probably will be of no help to him on this task. This task isn't really about the boat. It's not about who can captain a boat the best or who can fish the best. Of course he would win those tasks. Rather, this task is about who can throw a good party, it is irrelevant that party will be on a boat. And for that, Brandi is perfect, and sure enough, she steps up. In terms of experience with parties, she blows Sig out of the water, so to speak.
They head to their war rooms, which this time around are right on their respective boats, which are quite rocky today. Geraldo actually knows quite a bit about the company Circle Line, he could rattle off their whole history. I don't think he's exaggerating about that, and that doesn't surprise me. Although he's obnoxious and kind of crazy, I think there's no doubt he is of a higher intelligence than most. People as smart as him often spend large chunks of their lives consuming information, whether reading, watching or listening. And then they retain and file this information away. They remember it, and are able to pull it out at a drop of a hat. Somewhere along the way he read about Circle Line, maybe in the newspaper or a local magainze or whatever, and his brain filed the information away to be unearthed years later on this task. Going into this I assumed Geraldo was smart and savvy like most journalists who have made it, but I did not expect him to be this brilliant. He is a beautiful, nutty mind who wears top hats even hours after the task is over.
Sig seems to realize in short order this task actually it not up his alley at all. He doesn't know a thing about throwing parties. Uh-oh, I figured as much.
Geraldo is throwing out a host of ideas only history nerds would appreciate, like Revolutionary War or Ellis island, with actual reenactors, or 9-11. I mean, that could work for school groups, but this is supposed to be a party. Kind of hard to be comfortable throwing back drinks at a party when the theme is an overview of some of our history's bloodiest, darkest moments.
While I would like Geraldo's ideas because I'm an American history freak, Vivica and Kate are sort of giving each other "oh, helllll no" looks. Ha-ha!
Kate, or the earpiece in her ear, calmly and diplomatically explains to Geraldo that they don't need to do the history, as the boat line already covers the history. If they want to get high ratings on this task, their focus needs to be on the fun, the entertainment. She says this all quite slow as if someone were in fact saying this to her in her ear, haha. She's right, the entertainment is key. Good point, Steve. Geraldo finally agrees to drop that dumb idea, and Kate's ego explodes like a musket going off.
Brandi puts Ian on the boat version of running errands off site at various stores just so I can get you out of my hair, and makes him her accountant. Ian looks like he'd rather have a shark give him a bikini wax than be Brandi's accountant, but he has no choice but to go along with it. Most of Brandi's team likes Mardi Gras but Brandi is really unsure of that idea since it doesn't have anything to do with NYC. I think that's a fair point, but for now, she reluctantly goes along with it.
Kenya is trying, getting excited about Brandi's charity and really volunteering a lot of ideas. Brandi doesn't buy it though, she thinks Kenya would like nothing more than to take her down. That's probably true, but I think Kenya also wants to be on the winning team even if Brandi wins too. Kenya doesn't hate her so much that she will allow herself to lose to try to get Brandi fired, that's silly.
Over on Kate's team, they've settled on a Love Boat theme with a meet-and-greet thing with Sig. The Sexiest Catch, the team comes up with. That's not bad. Sig is worried this sounds too much like a porno. Lol.
The men think as long as they're going this route they should call in the Hooters girls. This is starting to sound more like Spring Break than Viking river cruise. Neither Vivica nor Kate think this is a great idea, but they sort of just let it happen. I can't stand when people on this show don't have the guts to put up a big fight about bad ideas on the task, but then save it if they need to throw someone under the bus later in the boardroom. It's a passive aggressive, cowardly way to play the game and Kate does it all the time. Kate has a good point in that the people stepping on this boat could be a bunch of married couples, and they're probably not going to appreciate a bunch of Hooters girls there. True, I wouldn't.
Geraldo also has a good point, "all in." It's true, if you're going to go sexy, go sexy. Don't limp in, pardon the pun. Whatever theme they choose they've got to be completely behind it. It's not going to work to go with a theme and then be so uncomfortable and skeptical of it they do not take it to its climax. If they're not willing to go all the way with the Hooters girls and everything, pardon the puns again, then get rid of this theme and start over. Fair enough.
At Brandi's team, Brandi and Johnny are still skeptical about Mardi Gras. Brandi decides you know what, f-it, Mardi Gras is scrapped. "Girls," she tells the team, and Ian looks up. Haha, nice touch, editors. They must have buckets of fun in their editing bays. Brandi just can't get past Mardi Gras in New York City, it makes no sense to her, and says they're changing the whole theme. It's a big risk to change their theme this late in the task, but if the theme is terrible, Brandi had to do it. A lesser project manager wouldn't have the guts to listen to their nagging gut feeling and pull the rug out like this, so kudos to her. I think Brandi is right, the Trumps likely would have been confused by Mardi Gras and it could have sunk them, so to speak.
I like Vivica, she has a sense of humor about herself. She has posed herself all sexily on the starboard side, looking out at the water as she explains in a husky voice that their furniture has been delivered and they're setting up the food. Lol, so random! I can't picture Kate being this silly and willing to let her guard down, she doesn't have the self-esteem for it.
Wow, Brandi scrapped their theme without a new one lined up? I didn't know that. Eek. They are back to brainstorming, and finally settle on Big Apple Bonanza. I don't quite know what that means. Will Little Joe be there? But I guess it sounds fun enough.
I guess Brandi thinks bonanza just means a fun party. I think she's right that their primary focus needs to be on just throwing a great party. A vague theme is better than something nonsensical. Brandi decides to "feed into" Kenya's narcissism and let her perform her song. Kenya has a song? Is it as good as this one from the Countess? It has over 7,000 thumbs downs on Youtube, lol.
You might be too old to be starring in your own music video when the next thing on your agenda for the day is to hire your kid an SAT tutor.
Poor Brandi is about to puke from being on this boat so long, ugh, that would be awful to have to work on a rocking boat all day.
It's the day of the parties, and Sig is still worried maybe the people stepping onto this boat won't like Hooters. Do they not know much about their demographic, and why didn't they ask? Kate's right, what if it's a bunch of couples? Some might be cool with it but I venture to guess most women do not want to go with their husbands to a Hooters party.
The bartenders were late so Sig ends up spending a lot of time lugging waters and ice and so on back and forth back and forth, getting angrier as the minutes pass. He finally gets so stressed he throws a hissy fit and bangs his fist on the bar. Well, that was a little scary.
Kate and Geraldo, to their credit, calmly try to bring him back down to earth and right the ship. Kate even pulls out this huge tote bag seemingly out of nowhere like she is Mary Poppins
and suggests that Sig use the big bag to transport a lot of things at once so he won't have to make so many trips. Well, she was trying to be helpful. Good for her. When Kate stays calm, feels like working, and is motivated and focused, she's not bad. She's not the best contestant here by any means, she's simply not bright enough to play in the big leagues like Leeza, Brandi, Geraldo or Vivica, but she's somewhat better than a dud like Terrel or Shawn. I think that's what makes her laziness and ineptness all the more frustrating, because she is capable of being a decent second-string team member if she applies herself. It just seems to be so hard to get her to this head space, and I don't know why that is. Maybe she's just flighty and easily bored. She can focus and work for a couple hours and she does all right, then she's off in la-la land again. That's not going to cut it.
Kate says she's worried if Sig's snapping now he could snap again at any time on this task, and where will that leave them? Sig has calmed down a bit and says wait a minute, we're supposed to be happy. Kate is doing decoupage or something or other, at least she's not stuffing her face or playing on her phone, and says you're the only one who's not happy. There is one other positive thing I will say about Kate, and that is that she never really lost it and snapped. I would not be surprised if she had. She kept it together. There were some tears, a lot of whining, and a lot of ineptness and blame shifting. But she never lost her temper like Sig has and several other contestants before him, thus far anyway. In fact she often proved to be a calming force, which means either she has really good control over her reactions to a bad situation, or is just too clueless to realize it's time to panic.
"Make me happy!" Sig tells Kate. Lol, ew. And Kate sort of just shakes her head. Heh, funny.
Because of the tight editing, we see none of the prep on Brandi's ship and cut straight to her team welcoming guests. Even though the vast majority of reality shows should be just one hour, I really, really hate the one-hour edits on this show. It doesn't work, but we've talked that to death. Shit, there's kids among Brandi's guests, some of the Trump grandkids. Does Sig's team know there could be kids along? Oops!
Brandi's cruise is a hodgepodge of boy bands, appletinis, a magician. I don't see Little Joe anywhere, but with this random mix he would fit right in. Leeza does a phenomenal job giving commentary on the various landmarks. She keeps it fun, light, and short. I didn't realize they would have to do this part too, I thought they were just supposed to be in charge of the party. Probably I'm confused because there was no time to explain that in the tight edit.
"It's like a booze cruise with knowledge," Brandi quips. Ha, that's hysterical, Brandi. You won the episode title, again.
On Kate's team, the Hooters girls are here and serving delicious bar food, and they're handing out crabs too. The edible kind, I mean. The guests here, I don't know, they look like a fair amount of computer programmers and school teachers. It's sunny but don't let a bright sunny winter day in New York fool you. It's still chilly out so most people are bundled up, and it's the middle of the day. I don't know if this sexy thing works at all. Nobody wants to be sexy when it's lunch time and 42 degrees, sunny or not.
Geraldo is going on and on about Ellis island, pontificating about oppression and Italians and Jews. Unlike Leeza, who just kept it all low key, he is like a college professor only not really actually giving you anything of substance. It was "overboard" says, Sig. He's right, everyone is bored and looks like they'd prefer to jump ship.
"Screw the terrorists, we've won!" Geraldo blurts out as he introduces the new World Trade Center. If you could visualize the hashtag awkward on real people's faces, that's what it would look like. ####AWKWARD. Everyone just sort of stands there, not sure if it's okay to drink to that, grab another crab leg, or what you do. Kate does another one of her infamous over the top "OMG!" faces. Lol.
By the way, do you know the producers hate her? They made this entire web site just for her and her notorious faces. Hehe, they be so funny.
Back to Brandi's party, everyone is dancing, drinking, I-an does a little breakdancing. Leeza gives all the credit to this success to Brandi, because Leeza is classy and gives credit where credit is due. Kenya performs her "song." Wait, but she's not singing. She's talking like Professor Higgins "talked" all his songs in My Fair Lady. Lol, just like the Countess "talked" her song too! What's with the Housewives and talking out a song?
Right in the middle of it Brandi walks right through the stage area with a tray of drinks. She waves, lol, that's funny, she knows darn well what she's doing. I'm embarrassed for Kenya, but with enough booze in them by now some of the crowd seems to mildly enjoy it. Except one of the Trump grandkids, who looks about five and seems both confused and horrified as Kenya at one point is sort of grinding on the floor, lol. Brandi tries to distract from this misstep and gets a conga line going, which is usually a go-to party saver. I don't know if anyone watched the Grammys, but it's always a good show and Beyonce was there of course, and I think Kenya is pulling a Single White Female on her, adopting her hairstyle, dress, career and even mannerisms. Rather creepy.
Geraldo is doing some sort of odd Q and A with the Hooters girls. Who cares, nobody goes to Hooters to actually get to know them, if you want to get to know a woman you don't buy chicken wings from her. Even Kate thinks it's time to take the microphone. Sig wanted to say a few things himself but Geraldo is too much of a force to interrupt. The thing about these sort of booze cruises too is that you really shouldn't be talking the entire time or it starts to feel like a lecture. You have to take breaks and give people time to eat, drink and talk among themselves. In the edit I've seen it's been a nearly constant droning on throughout the cruise and it's getting annoying. I think Geraldo thinks if he's not talking he's not helping anything, and that's just not the case. Sig says at the end of the day he really thinks Geraldo is great so who is he to say anything.
Sig arranged for the Coast Guard to show up and drive by, which was a really nice touch especially since that's his charity. The guests love it. Like almost all the other celebs here except Kate, Sig talks about his charity, the Coast Guard, with passion and sincerity. He tears up as he says he has friends whom the coast guard has saved. Has Kate actually ever visited her charity yet or is that still on her to do list?
Sig thinks they knocked it out of the park. Or ocean, Captain! If people give them bad reviews on their feedback cards fine, says Sig, I have their addresses and I can go punch their teeth out. Oh, my, why do I feel like he's only half kidding? Lol.
Blue-hour timelapses, which must mean it's boardroom time, and my assessment is pretty straightforward. It's obvious Kate's team lost, but Sig really should be fired. Their theme was uncomfortable and missed the mark, and not only was Geraldo's commentary awkward and far too long, but Sig didn't stop him even when everyone knew it was getting bad. Kate and Vivica are responsible for not being more assertive about changing their bad theme, but at the end of the day the blame rests on the PM. Both the women worked and did what they were told, and Kate even tried to help calm Sig down. The only black mark Brandi's team had was Kenya's stupid talking-song, but that's not enough to sink them. And, Brandi saved that anyway with her conga line, so they won it. Once again, due to some other circumstance, Kate won't be fired.
Sig says he thinks they won. After all they brought in the Hooters girls. Were they beautiful or "just okay?" Trump asks, genuinely curious. Baw-haha! Well, there's no question he's a man. That is such a man thing to ask. As a side note, Kate looks particularly old today. Could be the makeup or the lighting. I would honestly guess she is at least 47, not a young woman still in her 30's. Tanning, surgeries and other behaviors will do that.
Kate's reservation about the Hooters girls was the demographic. Again, why didn't they know what their demographic was in the first place before deciding on the theme? Isn't that critical to deciding what to do? Heck, what if it were a bunch of kindergartners, then Brandi's theme doesn't make sense either. I don't understand why nobody seemed to know a thing about their guests. That's the first thing you should find out.
Geraldo uses big words like sophomoric, words some of the other celebs don't understand, when he says he and Sig work well together. He talks like this not because he's trying to impress like Kate would, but because that's just how he talks.
Johnny and Leeza were Brandi's best players? I get Leeza, but Johnny? I don't know if Johnny is boring or what but we barely ever see him on these tasks.
The guests liked Brandi's festive party, and especially liked Leeza commentary. The theme confused them. I know, me too, I kept looking for Little Joe myself. Kenya was polarizing, a lot of them, I'm guessing the sober ones, said her song/dance wasn't classy. Ha-ha, Vivica looks so smug about that. She totally purses her lips in an "I told you so" face. I forgot if she hates Kenya, what happened in the past on these silly reality shows sometimes sticks to my brain for no more than a couple weeks. I can more or less keep track of who hates Kate, but the other drama going on escapes me. Though I think Vivica doesn't like Kenya, if I recall.
As for Sig's team they loved Vivica, they liked the food and the atmosphere actually. But people couldn't stand Geraldo's blathering. Trump interrupts to say he simply cannot believe this. Lol, he really loves Geraldo for some odd reason. Females thought this was geared toward the men and they got left out. Good point.
The guests gave an overwhelming win to Brandi, which was obvious. Yikes, I hope nobody loses their teeth over this, especially not any of those nice school teachers aboard. Brandi is a mature winner who calmly says that's great, she's happy, and she will be giving her money to Make A Wish. She says she feels bad for the Coast Guard though and wishes they could get some of the spoils. Trump gives them twenty-five grand. All class, Brandi. All...class. Brandi has her issues and has a lot of conflict with other women on her Real Housewife show, but I am wholly convinced she is a bright, gracious, good woman who has unresolved issues she simply needs more therapy for. She is deep down not a bad person like, say, Doofus is.
There's only six minutes left in this episode, sounds like this will be a quick and dirty firing.
Kate of course says she and her boyfriend Geraldo shouldn't be fired. She very, very reluctantly admits Vivica shouldn't be fired. Steve is right in the strategy he told her, always blame the PM. It's tried and true, and statistics show they are always more likely to be fired. Of course they won't always be fired, but you have to play the percentages. Don't be stupid and go after people you can't stand like Vivica even though every bone in your grudge-filled body wants to. It's far too risky for somebody as dumb as Doofus here to try to go after somebody less obvious. So she's right, it has to be Sig.
Geraldo has a hard time blaming anyone because he likes these people. I believe that. None of these people give him a hard time, they allow him to be his crazy self and even encourage it, and he thrives in that environment. Trump asks Geraldo if he honestly is going to be friends with any of these people after the show, then Trump kind of waves his hand with a laugh and is like get real, we're too busy to maintain friendships like this, it's on to the next thing for us! Lol. From what I've heard and witnessed that's very, very true. Unless a celeb truly forms an untenable blood brother bond with someone on the set, it's unlikely they will have the time or energy to send out more than a text message or two post project. Sometimes such an existence seems rather lonely to me, since I value true friendships made in an employment capacity just as much as any other, and if I'm going to really bond with someone I'm not going to do it without the intent of maintaining what we built post-project. The fact that Leeza showed up to a party of Brandi's in L.A. months later speaks volumes about just how close those two women became, since I really don't think that's all that common in a world in which a celeb might end up working with thousands of people on hundreds of projects before your work is done on this earth.
I don't know if Geraldo's wife would be okay with a post-show friendship, Kate says. Lol, what? Oh, doofus, you flatter yourself. Trump accuses her of having a dirty mind, hehe. No, just an inflated ego. Even Trump Jr. is laughing saying Dad you were the one going there! I like the Trumps, I think there are times like this they are just a normal family.
Vivica too admits that the fault is with Sig. Leeza is smart and says once they are down to three people Trump is going to switch up the teams again, she sees it coming. They all seem to think that sucks, since everyone on Brandi's team works so well together. They've won three in a row after all.
I think some of the nautical puns are unintentional, but they're funny, as Trump says they're all in the same boat. Lol. There are an incredible amount of nautical puns out there I've realized in just writing this re-cap. I needed at least one recap where I could giggle like a schoolgirl over something stupid the whole time like nautical puns, it's that kind of day.
Sig throws out the only defense he can, that if the ladies had a problem with any of this they certainly didn't speak up, at least not very loudly. Very true, and I find that to be shitty. It's not going to get him off the hook (nautical pun!), but it's what he should point out if he has any respect for himself.
Trump wants to know if it's true they just let this bad idea happen and didn't say anything. Kate says, well, we at least made a face over the Hooters girls, so. Lol. Kate is blathering on, I think she's trying to get to the fact that in light of all the other bad ideas that they spent the whole time shooting down (oh yeah, I forgot about the 9-11 reenactors), this idea wasn't as bad as any of those and at least we got rid of the really bad ideas. Well, you still traded one bad idea for another. Trump has no patience to give her time to get to her point and cuts her off, lol. I don't think Trump has ever once allowed Kate to get to her point, he really can't stand a blatherer. Also I think Trump knows there's no way he could pin this on one person not speaking up enough about a bad idea (even though she's done it a dozen times before) when none of them spoke up, and he especially can't fire that person or persons over the people championing the idea. That wouldn't really be fair, though it kills me to say it. If he were going to do that he would have to fire the whole team, that's the only way it's fair. Trump quickly gets to the point. He really likes Sig but let's face it, he's fired.
Everyone seems very sad to see Sig go. Vivica looks tearful. Kate the sociopath realizes everyone else is sad so she acts sad too. Geraldo said he's going to give Sig's charity $40,000. Sig seems more embarrassed than grateful about it. That's nice of Geraldo I guess, though it's treading a little bit into making this all about Geraldo, and one-ups Trump. Maybe he should do that quietly, after the show, and I'd believe it.
The Trumps seem to really respect Sig and his charity and look disappointed to see him go, too.
Sig doesn't look like he's going to knock anyone's teeth out, he says the experience was humbling and that the gamble he took didn't work out. Overall, he seems like a good guy who works hard but has a few anger management issues.
The other team still can't believe the sucky team has lost three times. What's the common denominator there? Ian asks.
Raising my hand! I know, I know. Pick me, I-an! Kate!
No, Geraldo, they say. Geraldo??? I mean, I suppose, but, but, what about his minion Doofus?
Ian and Johnny still have a lot of pent up aggression toward Geraldo. I swear they sound just like us talking about Kate, only they're talking about Geraldo. Leeza is just amazed he is still here, he is like teflon. He sucks at everything, but she attributes his staying power to strategy.
And the stars align for Kate again. Here's the thing, she's terrible at this game. She's not creative, she can be lazy, she's no leader, and is constantly on the losing team. Of everyone left she is without a shadow of a doubt the worst player. But Geraldo is more front and center, vocal, smarter, bigger, has more donors, and has amassed more enemies. Thus Kate and her ineptness have flown under the radar. Most of the folks who used to pick on Kate like Brandi and Kenya don't really care anymore because they're not on her team (and thus, it's actually a good thing she stay around and screw up tasks as long as she's on the other team) and they know she's expendable, you know, whenever. People lost interest in getting rid of Kate, and she's stayed as a result.
Also, Geraldo is a bigger threat to these stronger players, so they're all focused on him right now. You have to be careful with that. On similar reality shows like Survivor, a mediocre, seemingly expendable whenever you need to contestant, can slither through and win, because there was always somebody else that really needed to go first. Sandra is a prime example, for Survivor fans. In 2003 a secretary named Sandra played season seven of Survivor. For six seasons, the six previous winners had always played very strategic, smart games, which is how they won. But Sandra was different than those other people. She was not particularly talented, bright or special or any kind of stand out, and she was about as athletic and socially adept as a slug, but there was always somebody else to vote off.

Other contestants were dumbfounded that somebody with no social game, strategy, and no physical ability won. What can I say, they kept her on the back burner way too long and have nobody but themselves to blame. Then suddenly the end arrived and they forgot to vote Sandra out! #Dolts. Dumb luck worked out for Sandra, as well as other contestants both underestimating her and saving the non-threat for later until later turned out to be the winner's circle. She won her season without a single vote ever cast against her, and then she came back and played another season and won that too. Kate made it much further than she should due to this very same phenomenon, I'll call it the Sandra Effect. Or, the Slither Effect. She is this show's Sandra. Moral of the story, don't get distracted by that loud-talking Geraldo over there for the love of all humanity, Leeza. Bottom line, Kate is long past due, well-done, goose is cooked. She needs to go and stat or they're going to have a big problem on their hands in that this doofus might actually be a finalist in this thing. Get it together, people! I like some well done reality shows for the reasons above, talking through strategies and analyzing why and how people are where they are is fun. It's a guilty pleasure.
Kate doesn't know why on earth they keep losing. Of course she doesn't, she's a narcissist. Something has got to change! she insists. After awhile this gets so predictable; I know with that kind of ego, she imagines herself the white knight who saves her team from sure destruction by stepping up as PM on the next task. Knowing the outcome ahead of time, my stomach hurts from laughing already. So let's do it!
Did Kate get a haircut in the 20 seconds it took to get these people up on some windy roof to hear about their next task? Her hair is like four inches shorter and stick straight. Trump looks about the same shade as a tangerine at the moment, his hair about halfway to the color of straw into gold. He announces that the gale force winds prove he does not wear a wig, lol. As predicted, he switches up the teams, with Kenya going over to Kate's team. Hallelujah amen! Brandi and I shout at the same time.
They are going to make a "themed environment" whatever that is, about Trump's golf thing he has down in Miami. As you can tell, I really don't care about or understand golf. And, just as predicted, Kate the knight has stepped up to "save" her team, volunteering as PM again. She is even wearing white. She's nuts, this is a death sentence before it even started. She's already been PM before, she's checked that box. Her strategy now needs to be to avoid PM at all costs no matter what until the finals. The Sandra Effect does not work if Sandra volunteers herself to be voted off. Doofus.
Ian is going to be PM for the other team. Oh, Kate's toast.
"I'm free! Free of the monster" Kenya exclaims as she heads into the war room. Heh, that's mean but kinda funny at the same time in how over the top it is. Brand-ya or Ken-di, can't decide which one I like better to call the two of them, but they're both so immature about this.
Oh, Geraldo has been golfing there. Well, hell, he should have been PM then. Does anyone else on this team even play golf much less have been to this course in Miami? We know Kate doesn't, remember Hank having to teach her on Wife Swap? She should have pushed this off on Geraldo, said I know you've done your share as PM but nobody here knows and understands golf and golfers like you do. Flatter him, then pass the buck.
Ha-ha. Sasquatch wants to do a Sasquatch theme, that couldn't be more fitting. Kenya's all like, Kate doesn't really understand what luxury really is. Yes! Kate's a poser who thinks eating sushi and fluttering off to NYC on the weekends racking up $300 room service bills makes her just like a Dupont, minus that murder thing. Even though I don't like Kenya, I find it incredible refreshing and validating to see somebody who sees through Kate in exactly the same way the rest of us have. I guess because a lot of the sheeple keep saying we don't really "know" Kate so we can't make that judgment, and yet here is someone who does know Kate, did spend a lot of time with her in person and worked with her, and she's saying the same thing. Now what's their excuse?
Kate sends Kenya and Vivica off shopping for props. Oh, no, don't send your strongest player (Vivica) off to do that! Kenya knows what being sent off to do props means for her standing, and really doesn't want to go, but Kate makes her. Kate makes a good point I have to give her, such that if Kenya didn't want to go shopping Kenya could have volunteered for PM and called the shots herself. Hey, you get that one, Schmoops. What else ya got up there in that hallow head?
It's Braveheart redux as Ian goes into his passion for his obscure charity again. You know the one for skin diseases he feels a connection to because he loves slathering on lotion and feeling supple and feels for those who don't. I think people who talk about themselves in the third person are usually crazy. He feels if he can pull this off I-an will be one seat closer to God. He actually says this. Come on, he's not serious. Or is he? His eye twitches, which I think means he's just shitting around. I think. Oh well, whether this is real or fake he's so wonderfully nuts either way.
I'm not quite sure where Ian's team is going with all their ideas but Ian says something hysterical in that if he is going to throw someone under the bus it shouldn't be a surprise to them because hey, they got the bus schedule! Ha.
I-an is so deeply impressed by how creative he is. His gifts are so incredible he humbles himself. What luck that Kate gets herself on a season so inundated with narcissists just as big or bigger than her that she looks about as harmless as a Cabbage Patch doll. Of course.
Ian talks about getting a hole to stick a pole in, and Brandi being Brandi just can't help herself and bursts into giggles. Even Leeza starts cracking up. Leeza does what any good girlfriend would do to keep her friend in line and tells her to "stop it!" while pushing her away, then she just cracks up some more. Those two are endearing without ever even trying to be. They look like sisters.
Johnny and Brandi go off to shop but because they're not insecure they don't see it as a slam on them or their talents and happily do what is asked of them. Johnny all but promised he would track down Tiger Woods's trainer to come to the event, but now realizes he got in way over his head when the guy won't return his calls. Rookie mistake, don't say you'll do something big like that until you know you can deliver. And also as a side note, this is a perfect case in point that just because you are a celeb doesn't mean you get your calls returned. It doesn't always work like that. Real life is not the movies.
Kenya is still butt hurt that Kate sent her off to shop. Gosh, I hate to say it but there are only a few players left and somebody had to shop, and the shopping on this trip is actually way more important than it's been to many other tasks, since this task seems very much about the space and experience they are putting together. More important than making sure there were flowers on the table and cutting boards shaped like hearts at their frozen food challenge some time back anyhow; that didn't really matter. Kenya is still stuck on Kate not really understanding luxury, and that Kate needs her expertise with how to build sets. Luxury, eh? That sounds silly coming from someone wearing some of the tackiest giant earrings I've ever seen. I was prepared to scoff at Kenya claiming to be some expert about sets too, but then I checked her IMDB and realized she's done a whole host of guest appearances on various sitcoms, which almost always build their sets from scratch and rarely film on location where you make something preexisting your set, more like how Kate's show is. I doubt Kenya ever pounded a single nail into a set in her life but at least she's been around those who do. She's more qualified than Kate anyway. Maybe it was a bad idea to send her off like this after all.
Vivica says she's keeping an eye on Kenya because Kenya is a back stabber.
Ian really does have friends in all kinds of places. He has one friend making their logo for them with flowers, another friend doing some sort of rendition of Trump's face for the display that looks like a Wall Street Journal sketch. If you asked him for a friend who makes Raisin Nut bran and could deliver a whole truckload of it to the event he'd have that too. Leeza said everything really fell into place for them and it was nice to get rid of Kenya. Next to Kate, it's obvious Kenya is the most disruptive player left, even Leeza has to admit she's terrible.
Back in the studio Kate is trying to make decisions with the fabricator and Kenya is bombarding her with texts, mostly with complaints about Vivica. Lol, that's funny. Kate blames Kenya for this interruption. Or she could just put her phone down and ignore it. She doesn't have to swipe it up every time it pings like she's Pavlov's dog. Lol, Kenya is so busy arguing with Vivica about how she didn't wanna stop at Bed Bath and Beyond or Babies R Us or something that she is ignoring Kate on the other line demanding to know what time they're expected to be back.
"It was a five minute stop," Vivica says in her defense, basically shaking her head and looking away. Well if I had any confusion about how Vivica feels about Kenya it's gone.
Haha, Kate's still on the other end wanting to know what the heck is going on. This is too much.
It's the day of the event and they've gone to Trump's local golf course. Does anyone know where my pants are? Geraldo asks as people are spreading rose petals around and such. What? Random. Kenya's just like well if you're behind the bar no one will know. Lol.
Kate's display shows a wedding table, a spa, a guest room and a putting green all sort of in the same room. There's also a Sasquatch kids club off to the side with a couple colorful chairs. It kind of looks like the model you see at a luxury apartment. It's not bad looking, but it's not very interesting either.
Kate thinks it's better than expected but not perfect due to the girl drama the day before. That's her fault though. She did not have to spend more than 10 seconds shutting down that drama. Instead she let it go on all day and wasted valuable time trying to mediate. Stupid.
Johnny never did come through with his golfer but just like Ian knows the butcher, the baker and the Raisin Nut Bran maker, he also knows a golf expert who shows up to help people with their swings. Ian's setup is already infinitely better than Kate's, with a massage area, the golfer using some kind of computer to analyze your swing, and a big poster sized picture book to look at various scenes from the real thing in Florida. This competition is over before it begins.
Their flower sign is buried behind some plant somewhere so Brandi decides to move it out front and center. They play the "dopety-doh" music to let us know Ian is a nut as he comes over and looks like he's going to pop a blood vessel over her touching his flower sign. Brandi quickly gives up on this one, not worth it.
Why is Kate dressed like a sexy Interpol agent? Bizarre getup. The girls are doing a decent job telling the guests who arrive about the various amenities while Geraldo serves them up drinks that look like blue Scope mouthwash. Yum. Geraldo sees his role as "lubricating" everything else. Ewww, pick another verb please.
Kate turns on her sexy kitten persona when the Trump boys arrive with some COO. They like the Sasquatch who encourages kids to play golf, hehe. Kenya thinks their set looks like crap. Seeing more of it up close now, it does look pretty rinky dink. She is convinced she could have pulled this together but for Kate sending her shopping. She's still going on about the shopping. Good grief. Kate claims that she ended up doing all this pretty much by herself last night. Heh, I'll believe that one when I see footage of that. Notice how she doesn't claim to have done this all herself within earshot of any of the other contestants. She doesn't have the balls for that. The Trumps are just asking how it was going and she's already acting like it's the boardroom and blaming Vivica and Kenya for everything. Again, not in earshot of them of course. All this in front of the COO? Rather immature. You haven't even lost yet, Doofus!
Over at Ian's classier setup, Johnny is giving massages that look simply delicious, uhhhh. Ian is a little shaky on the details of the resort when he's explaining things to the Trumps, which is embarrassing. Brandi is shocked he flubbed that, and comes in to save the day answering their questions correctly. She says she stayed up the whole night studying. Wow, good for her. Now that I believe, and it's a perfect example of the kind of over-the-top hustle required to make it in this business. It's a good thing Brandi was there to fill in the gaps what with Ian so busy praising his magical powers and wonderfulness.
Boardroom time. I like Brandi's t-dyed looking dress thing. Kate finally got the memo she should say she thinks they won. So she's learning.
Trump seems confused about Kate's Sasquatch theme. He doesn't seem to get it. As others have pointed out so well, it seems like Kate's tactic is talking slow and pausing a lot to gauge other's reactions, then shifting course and trying something new if she judges the reactions aren't good. It's so true. Kate is just so sweet and calm and just did such a wonderful job on this task, Kenya says. Kate who? Middleton? Lol, we all know from Kenya's interviews she hates our American Kate and thinks she fucked this whole task up, so her over the top facetiousness now is amusing.
Despite Kenya being so nice Kate immediately throws her under the bus for her drama. Lol, what a bitch. Vivica and Kenya are still squawking about going to the children's store or whatever. They're really pissed at each other. Kate's sitting there still as a statue. The look on her face says I'm afraid to so much as sneeze and mess this all up, I can't believe my wonderful good fortune that these two are so caught up in each other they're not blaming me. Kate, don't forget to breathe over there! You have eight kids who need you!
Why does no one ever understand what Trump is asking when he wants to know what they think? They're always like, uh, of what, Mr. Trump? Of course he's asking what they think of their team, how the task went, and so on. Anyway, Ian flubs the name as he explains their concept. Oy vey.
Brandi says things went great, a dark cloud has been lifted from their team. Ha, she really can't help herself. Kenya says that was a low blow. Oh, well, Kenya, you get what you put out, and even the Trumps thought Kenya's comment last week about Brandi's husband cheating on her was vicious. This feud may never end. Trump doesn't seem to have a problem with Brandi's comment and in fact tells her he's proud of her. Aw.
The other team members have a hard time explaining how crazy Ian is without sounding mean. Finally Leeza says look, the guy is "intense." Ha, that's a nice way of putting it.
Ian said he would have to fire Johnny because he didn't come through for him. He had no choice but to say that.
It wasn't even close, the Trumps liked Ian's team the best for all the reasons described before. They did like the Sasquatch thing though, which was all Geraldo's idea.
What's your charity again? Trump asks Ian. Lol, it's okay, nobody knows. It sounds fake to me at times. I wonder if you could get away with catfishing through a fake charity on this show. It would be interesting to try and Ian would be just crazy enough to do it.
Kate's flabbergasted. Narcissists usually are shocked to lose, so that's no surprise. How, how did they lose?? But we had a blue and gold bathtub, Mr. Trump, for goodness sake. With rose petals! We had Sasquatch!
Trump said look your setup was rinky dink. Come on, where was the luxury? Kate quickly blames the girls for the props thing. I love this, Trump is demanding to know if she is saying they spent too much time shopping. She's reluctant, and that's because she is often shopping herself and taking too much time. What a terrible, and funny, predicament poor Doofus is in now! Her only card to play is the girls messed this up by shopping too long, but to do that she has to explain away how she didn't do the exact same thing in the past. Perfect karma. Kate has no choice but to say Vivica is the better player of the two, even though she can't stand either of them. That's the correct thing to say, although if she were a strategist, now might be the time to play a hail Mary and go after a stronger player in Vivica. Not like she has much to lose right now. If she somehow finds a way out of this and Kenya is gone, Kate's absolutely done for on the next task. If she can manage to keep Kenya around though, it might buy her another week. Not that she is even thinking this far ahead, that would be too much for her. She is shooting herself in the foot by rubber stamping all the best players. It's clear now she has no long term strategy, not a very good one anyway. She's been playing week to week like a silly little amateur.
Vivica and Kenya are still going after each other, and Kate's back to not breathing again, not even blinking, for fear of messing this up. Lol.
"Girl drama," Kate finally blurts in the middle of it, pointing in their direction. What the hell? Doofus, shut up. You actually have a teeny, tiny little chance here if this plays out just right. Don't mess it up by talking.
Lol, back in the suite Leeza and Brandi are all head bobbing feeling so validated that other people have noticed what a pain Kenya is.
"This noise gets in the way of work," Kate says, her best comment of the whole season.
"This noise gets in the way of work! Thank you, Kate!" Leeza exclaims. Lol. Well, it is nice to feel validated.
"Perfect," Brandi agrees.
Relish it Kate. This will probably be the first and only time something you said was perfect.
Kate says it was disruptive to be treated like Judge Judy all day by Kenya. Isn't anyone going to ask her why she didn't shut it down then? Why didn't she just tell them to knock it off and get back to shopping? By this point I think Kate really believes that she's got this in the bag with getting Kenya fired. Haha, dolt.
Kenya is like I'm pleasant, easy to work with, I haven't offended anyone. Haha, Vivica's just like, yeah, no. I know the outcome of this, but the way Kenya is talking I think Trump could have gotten away with firing her instead and Doofus would have lived yet another week. The Sandra/Slither Effect again! Unbelievable. Kenya's just being ridiculous now, saying Kate was responsible for all the creative side and continuing to take pot shots at Vivica. That's not true, everyone was involved in the creative. Geraldo came up with the whole Sasquatch idea for heaven sake. Even one of the Trump boys was like, well that's not really true, and Kate beams with relief. Kenya if you don't shut up Kate isn't going to be fired and then I'm really not going to like you, lol.
Geraldo's barely said a thing the whole time until finally chiming in to ask for hazard pay. Hehe! Kate's smiling like a goon now, fully convinced she's not getting fired. Oh, I love it.
Trump is being a man again and wants to know if Vivica thinks Kenya is attractive or also beautiful, whatever the hell that means. Just one of those questions men ask that a woman probably never would care about. Kenya gets some jab in about plastic surgery and Vivica's so pissed now all she can do is wag her finger at her and order her not to go there. Lol. As much as this girl fight is getting old, Vivica sure knows how to hold her own.
Geraldo said it was challenging but Kate did a good job. Trump is stuck on the fact that it wasn't luxurious, which is a clue that he is still very seriously considering firing Kate, whom he seems to think is responsible for that part of it. Doofus here of course doesn't realize that, she thinks she's home free. Haha, #dolt.
Kenya goes on about how Kate doesn't have enough world experience to understand what luxury is. You know I don't like Kate either, obviously, but Kenya is a grade A bitch. She makes Kate sound like a white trash simpleton poser. Hey, maybe Kate is all of that, but I don't think it's necessary to kick trail dust straight into her mouth while she's lying there on mile 899 of the PCT struggling for her last breath. Come on, be professional. Kenya can see to it Kate is fired without being cruel about it. Leeza or Brandi would have.
In a way the drama with the other girls worked against Kate. Trump notes how Kate had a difficult team and Kate found that tough. He doesn't exactly outright say she couldn't handle them, but that seems to be what he's implying. He also says as PM this is really on you. Kate can't argue with that, since that's been her defense this whole season. Kate, you're fired.
Part of me is whooping and breathing a sigh of relief he didn't get so distracted by Kenya's crap that he fired her instead. Another part of me isn't a big fan of how this went down, with Kenya being so incredibly nasty and vicious about it. Kate has an uncanny knack for playing victim and getting a pass for it, and Kenya played right into that. It's not a good thing.
Kate of course can't believe this is how it went down. Lol. Didn't see that coming, she says to Geraldo. Haha, I know, that's what was so entertaining about it. She hugs Geraldo and Vivica. I swear Geraldo calls her "baby." He played right into her father figure thing and frankly, she was his pawn whether he meant it callously or not. A stepping stone to him. Trump was right what he said earlier, Geraldo's not seriously going to be friends with anybody after, that's not the business he is in. And sure enough we haven't seen a single shred of evidence Geraldo has reached out to maintain this so-called "friendship." Kate at this moment is just too stupid to see it. Kenya has already run off somewhere like the troll that she is.
Kate goes down the fake elevator in a blue dress and straight hair and emerges in a pink jacket and Brazilian blowout. Lol, cool, just like the horse in the The Wizard of Oz. Ha, ha, ha! Ho, ho, ho!
How fitting, where's her flying monkey? Kate's crying and blaming Vivica and Kenya for all this. I don't remember a contestant ever crying about getting fired before, and I've seen every season of this show. What a baby. It doesn't add up, she laments. Nothing contrary to the plan they had in mind adds up to a narcissist. Buh-bye!
2149 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1801 – 2000 of 2149 Newer› Newest»(Leslie)
Kate tweeted a "loading dose", what does that mean? And there is no way antibiotics work that fast.
"I’m open to doing it again," Honey Boo Boo told ET, as long as the production schedule was less constant. "I couldn’t do what we were doing," she said. "That’s just not something to do for a 9-year-old."
This is a quote from the E online article. I think that quote is very telling about TLC filming the HELL out of kids on their shows. Can you imagine the production schedule during the years of J&K Plus 8. They cranked out so many episodes so fast. Shame on TLC for just thinking about the bottomline of money. Also that goes for Jon and Kate too.
So, this is what happens to the blog when there gets to be 1800 comments? Wow.
Ya'll are lucky my mom & grandma threatened to feed us air custards and wind pudding. 199
HA! That's what we WERE fed. Then we had to trudge 5 miles to school and back. It was uphill both ways.
Kate tweeted a "loading dose", what does that mean? And there is no way antibiotics work that fast.
A loading dose is a double dose of the prescribed antibiotic to really start to knock out the infection fast. However, it's not something you should screw around with, especially when you're a nurse with highly questionable knowledge and are far removed from practical nursing.
Rhymes with Witch said... 4
Ya'll are lucky my mom & grandma threatened to feed us air custards and wind pudding. 199
HA! That's what we WERE fed. Then we had to trudge 5 miles to school and back. It was uphill both ways.
Yeah, well, we did it in the snow. In July.
And yes, we had snow in July. And yes, we went to school all year round.
On them, he wrote that the kids had $900,000 in trust, and also the house and the blue van were part of the kids' trust. So, at the time of the divorce, the kids certainly did have enough money for college. If it turns out that they don't h
Didn't a local look at public records to determine who the legal owner of the house was?
I believe they did, and the house is in KATE'S name.
If Kate was trustee at that time, after the divorce was settled, all she had to do as trustee was use her authority to transfer it into her name.
Easy as taking candy from a baby.
Rhymes with Witch said... 4
Phew I thought I was the only one lol.
Anonymous said... 6
Rhymes with Witch said... 4
Ya'll are lucky my mom & grandma threatened to feed us air custards and wind pudding. 199
HA! That's what we WERE fed. Then we had to trudge 5 miles to school and back. It was uphill both ways.
Yeah, well, we did it in the snow. In July.
And yes, we had snow in July. And yes, we went to school all year round.
Don't forget fighting off the bears with our looseleaf notebooks!
Y'all are so funny! For reals, my mom grew up on a farm near the Chesapeake bay. She would tell me when she was growing up there were two chores she despised and swore she would never do when she grew up.
Milk a cow and pick a crab!
Their cow didn't like her and would always try to bite her.
and have you ever picked out crab meat from a crab? It's tedious and you dont get that much anyway. mom would say it was worth it to pay for already picked crab meat.
And she not only had to do all that, she had to kill and pluck the chickens they ate! Plucking a chicken was not high on her list Of favorite things either.
And they had to row a boat across a creek to get to anywhere! In a hurricane!
I could never complain about taking a bus ride for an hour to school. She always, always topped me!
She did feed me spam. She fried it up with Crisco! Those were the days. I thought cold spaghettios were gourmet food!
Layla said... 186
You win! I laughed so hard I almost wet myself.
Layla, when I laugh too hard the tears run down my legs.
I'm sure that child stars who sue their parents for their earnings win all the time. But what do they do when there's no money left?
I imagine it would be like any judgment over a trust. They would order the parents to reimburse the trust. They may have to work out a payment plan if they don't have the money. In some states they may be able to garnish your wages, depending.
What in the heck is she talking about. Antivirals most certainly are used for the flu, available by prescription only.
Oh Lord. You know I'd like her to get a job but it sounds like it was meant to be she doesn't. She sounds like Nurse Doofus.
Antibiotics loading was bigger years ago. Almost everything started with a double dose and backed off. But you have to be educated in working with that drug. Where are these drugs coming from? Where does she find someone who will prescribe for walking pneumonia without listening to a set of lungs? How odd.
I thought Jon went to court and had Steve taken off the trustee account. I thought it was horrible that Steve, that he would even be on it. He is her employee, not Col. Tom Parker!
Great analogy! I know we don't need another pet name or abbreviation here, but I will think of Steve as "The Colonel".
He is. He really is.
He's hitched his wagon to Kate for the duration, kids be damned.
I usually keep my nose out of Kate's business, but I swear, if she tried to adopt a dwarf Shepherd, I'd do whatever is in my power to dissuade anyone from giving her another dog- especially a small dog.
I'd start with Robert Hoffman's first-hand account of Kate abandoning her dogs when they were running loose on a country road.
It's unconscionable. I don't think you'd need any other data point but that.
There's one commonly prescribed antibiotic that has you take two pills to start. Zithromax, Cipro? I can't remember but both my son and husband took it last year for bronchitis. Maybe that's what she's taking. Not that I particularly care :)
I can just see Katelvis getting on her personal jet, TCB.
TCB: TLC Call Baby
Tucker's Mom said... 15
I usually keep my nose out of Kate's business, but I swear, if she tried to adopt a dwarf Shepherd, I'd do whatever is in my power to dissuade anyone from giving her another dog- especially a small dog.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think it was the shepherd I think it was the retriever. She only wants it because it's cute.
I doubt if she'd take in the shepherd because his tail has been docked. Can't have inperfection.
If Kate wants another dog so badly why hasn't she taken her ass on down to the local animal shelter to adopt one?
I'm sure that child stars who sue their parents for their earnings win all the time. But what do they do when there's no money left?
Ask the family singing group "The Cowsills". They performed for years under the management of their "father" (and I use that term loosely) and never saw a penny of that money. Check out the documentary "Family Band - The Cowsills Story" I believe it is on Showtime or you can order it over the internet which is what I did. A very sad story for those kids (now adults)
If antivirals aren't prescribed for the flu, I guess that wasn't Tamiflu my doctor prescribed a couple of months ago when I came down with the flu.
When did TFMJG say she wanted another dog? I must have missed that.
When are we getting a new thread, Admin?
With all the lying, and weird way she writes anyway who knows what she has, who she saw, what she is taking. Maybe she saw a doctor, maybe she one who prescribes for special her over the phone, maybe she is foolish and never takes an a/b for the whole dose and hoards the leftovers to self-medicate. Anyway, she's a fool and this is all for poor her drama.
From the woman who currently has a cold (virus) on top of shingles (virus) and is taking Ibuprofen and antihistamines. So big whoop TFW.
Geez, hasn't everyone heard of Tamiflu? Kate does not keep up with health innovations or review the basics even if she does renew her RN license. I agree, it would be scary if she did go back into nursing. I'm sure any potential employer would make her take a refresher course.
But I don't think we have to worry about that.
I'm almost done with the next recap, I'll do a thread for that. Sorry about the huge thread!
You're absolutely right, Tucker's Mom, he hitched his wagon on to her
"STAH" 7 years ago and has never looked back!
Kids be darned! You got that right! To Hello with their happiness and mental and emotional well being! Release the hounds!
angie (7),
The house was in the name of the kids' trust and and also in Kate's name until Dec. 2011. At that time, Kate changed it--had the kids' trust taken off so that it was in her name only. Then she refinanced it to a 30-year mortgage and took some money out of it. Someone posted about it here at the time. But Kate definitely removed the house from the kids' trust. I think she was able to do that because it is a revocable trust. She can take things back (revoke them) from the trust. And that's exactly what she did.
readerlady said... 20
If antivirals aren't prescribed for the flu, I guess that wasn't Tamiflu my doctor prescribed a couple of months ago when I came down with the flu.
Which Antiviral Drugs Are Recommended for Both Treatment and Prevention of the Flu?
The CDC recommends the antiviral drugs Rapivab, Relenza, and Tamiflu.
Leslie (2),
How sad that a 9-year-old is already aware of her grueling work schedule with TLC. It proves that TLC is only out for $$ and the well-being of the kids means nothing to them.
I looks like Mama June is following in Kate's footsteps. TLC cut her loose, so she is going on TV, giving interviews, begging, and using her kid as a commodity to get another show. These women become accustomed to TLC pampering them, addicted to all the attention and money, and they will do anything to get that back. Just like a drug addiction, their fame addiction takes over their lives, becomes more important than their personal relationships and their childrens' well-being. They are constantly seeking out their next "hit", they are euphoric then they get it, and then they crash when it his over. Look at how arrogant Kate was during her recent months of filming and shows. She was flying high, full of herself, dissing anyone who got in her way. Then the shows ended, and she crashed (we saw the nastiness on twitter). Now she is begging for her next hit, and she is all over twitter, trying to fill her need for attention. The twitter adulation is like methadone to her, it helps her get by without the "real thing". When the "real thing" comes along, she ditches the twitter adulation because the void is being filled with the real drug. It's a vicious cycle.
AuntieAnn said... 18
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think it was the shepherd I think it was the retriever. She only wants it because it's cute.
Kate said she wanted the dwarf shepherd:
Barbara Gilmer @BarbGilmer 21h21 hours ago
“@CuteEmergency: This German Shepherd has dwarfism. I need him.” Look @Kateplusmy8 a mini SHOKA!
0 replies 1 retweet 2 favorites
Reply Retweet1 Favorite2
Kate GosselinVerified account
@BarbGilmer @CuteEmergency wait wait wait! Where can I pick him up? I'm NOT kidding! I'm in total LOVE❤️❤️❤️
Here's the link of the dwarf shepherd Barb tweeted:
Oh, imagine the jealousy in the barnyard if Barb's tweet really
does lead to TFW getting that dog! I can think of a certain
wooly-headed woman who might lose sleep wondering why
she didn't think of sending a picture of a tiny dog to her
Sue_Buddy said... 29
Okay, thank you Sue. I saw a different photo yesterday of a shepherd with a docked tail, or was I imagining it? I did not see this one. I swear I cannot make sense of twitter TLs.
Anonymous said... 5
Kate tweeted a "loading dose", what does that mean? And there is no way antibiotics work that fast.
A loading dose is a double dose of the prescribed antibiotic to really start to knock out the infection fast. However, it's not something you should screw around with, especially when you're a nurse with highly questionable knowledge and are far removed from practical nursing.
Kate might have gotten a Z-pack where you take 2 pills right away, then 1x/day until done (5 days, iirc).
The really idiotic thing about Kate proclaiming to "load" antibiotics, then be all better 12 hours later, is that it's NOT about the front end of the treatment, it's about the back end, by making sure to take the WHOLE prescription, so you knock out the bug and prevent super-bugs from forming.
Gawd, she's just scary.
Also, Kate thinks just because SHE doesn't take antibiotics often, that that's the reason why it worked so miraculously fast.
It's the evolving bugs that really make antibiotics less or ineffective.
She really thinks that she's a medical miracle.
Again, it's scary how out of touch with reality she can be.
AuntieAnn said... 31
No, you're not imagining things. Ph without the D tweeted a picture of a miniature Germ S with a docked tail. The picture was from back in May, doubtless the dog was still available, but Ph needed to get into the convo somehow or other, so she could spew her tale (or tail) about her and her hubs dream to run a rescue shelter.
PJ, I agree, you win. Thanks for my morning laugh.
Dear God, please don't let her get another dog.
Layla said... 26
angie (7),
The house was in the name of the kids' trust and and also in Kate's name until Dec. 2011. At that time, Kate changed it--had the kids' trust taken off so that it was in her name only. Then she refinanced it to a 30-year mortgage and took some money out of it. Someone posted about it here at the time. But Kate definitely removed the house from the kids' trust. I think she was able to do that because it is a revocable trust. She can take things back (revoke them) from the trust. And that's exactly what she did.
Layla, thank you for providing that info!
What was going on in 2011 that required Kate to need cash? (and if she needed $$ then, how's she paying the bills now?)
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES 51m51 minutes ago
@CarleneMarie_1 @Kateplusmy8 @dickc Best news I've seen in a long time! Bullies have lied about Kate & fans, stalked fans families, etc.
They are still going on and on about this new Twitter policy, or whatever it is. And the fans/sheeple haven't stalked the non-fans? I can think of one particular fan who has lead the herd for quite some time and makes it her life's work on the internet. Do these morons think that Twitter will suspend the non-fans for not worshiping Kate while ignoring the fans just because they like Kate?
I just have to shake my head at the stupidity of some of these fans who can't recognize bullying and harassment within their own pasture. I just have to hope they aren't this dumb in their real lives, but I kind of doubt it. I'm not sure that you can turn ignorance off and on.
The Gosselin house's assessment is currently listed with CWM REV
"The picture was from back in May, doubtless the dog was still available, but Ph needed to get into the convo somehow or other, so she could spew her tale (or tail) about her and her hubs dream to run a rescue shelter."
Or is this the one who faked Kate's signature on her husband's memorial page? I sometimes get these sheeple confused.
Is there any decent reason for Kate taking back the house from the kids?
It makes me wonder if their trusts are revocable, too.
"Do these morons think that Twitter will suspend the non-fans for not worshiping Kate while ignoring the fans just because they like Kate?"
lol, yes, apparently they do. Twitter take sides, don't you know? If Kate's your idol and inspiration, you're in like Flynn. You get a nice "good boy" pat on the head and you keep on tweeting.
If you don't think that Kate walks on water, it is grounds for immediate expulsion, humiliation, public floggings and perhaps castration.
Another thing about the fans is, wow, how narcissistic to make the new Twitter rules all about you and your petty issues on Twitter.
Those rules were really enacted because of some real harassment and bullying that resulted in people really getting hurt, mostly young people, on a social media platform that the vast majority of the time causes no problems. You and your stupid immature feud with the non-fans had nothing to do with it.
OT * dog update: 6 weeks post hemi-laminectomy
Well, my furry friend here has sort of reached a plateau, I think partially because of the weather and the limited places a small dog can go! She walks, but with a limp, and an odd gait in the back limbs, which are weaker than the front.We have to look into dog steps or a ramp soon because she keeps trying to vault onto beds and couches. She's shy about stairs, though- can do the first one, but her back legs hit the second one which scares her from trying more. She is still going out a lot, but luckily not at night unless she has unfinished business to attend to. She seems bored at times.I make kibble trails for her and other games/hunts. A doggy friend left her a message in the snowbank bank yesterday, cute. How I wish I could afford physical therapy for her. I also keep reminding people not to be frustrated or annoyed with her trips outside in the cold when she doesn't 'do' anything, since she is used to going out on her own, and this is still new for her. Also, we signed her up for the surgery, she didn't have a say.
Thanks again to all for your overly supportive and helpful comments.
oops, that's lovely not overly!!
Maybe TFM aka Kiwi give KK the bird flu.
Rhymes with Witch said... 35
Dear God, please don't let her get another dog.
I'm on my knees too.
Why do Kate's fans think Kate should get another dog? If they're such dog lovers, did they not see how she treated Shoka and Nala when they were brought home from the breeder? She put the poor things down in the basement ALONE first night away from their familiar surroundings. Who does that?
She was totally unprepared for them in the first place and then she started screaming and belly-aching and threatening to take them back to the breeder right away because they were piddling on the carpet. They were babies and had never been indoors before. Then they were left alone to cry all night by themselves in a big old scary basement.
What is WRONG with these people!?
Formerly Duped said... 43
Kibble trails are a great idea.
I've found a lot of stimulation/food reward toys at discount stores like Home Goods.
You could get a PT evaluation and a home exercise program, and check in every few weeks to progress it.
They can teach you exercises, range of motion and even massage techniques.
Also, try to find inexpensive or used agility equipment that you can use once the snow goes away, which might be never!
A homemade wobble board is excellent for stabilization, weight shifting and co-contraction.
Thanks for the update ;-)
Formerly, sounds like she is right on track! Too bad this didn't happen in better weather. It would have been easier for everyone to adjust.
We went to our condo last week and ours did amazingly well on the potty trips. Better than they ever have. So we will probably go next week because the construction here is not to be believed.
We all just have to be patient with these four-legged children. You're right; they ask for none of it and they do the best they can under the circumstances.
PJ was paralyzed about 4 years ago,and healed without surgery. He still staggers around sometimes. He seems to do better with momentum behind him and runs like a champ. It's just the nature of those injuries. They will never as strong as they were, but they adapt to their new reality and do well. I know I told you this, but she may always be weaker on one side than the other,which will let you know which was the more injured side.
Can you look on youtube for doggy PT tips? I bet they have some! They have everything there!
We are happy to be overly supportive! LOL!
AuntieAnn (#46), you left out one of the hightlights of the
dog-getting episode. When the kids thanked TFW for
getting the dogs, she responded as any warm, wonderful,
caring, compassionate, animal-loving mom would:
You're not welcome.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 1h1 hour ago
@kateplusmy8 I could be wrong but it looks like your cyberstalking haters are slowing down. Could it be bcuz of Twitter's new abuse policy?
Hey, MsGoofy2Shoes, maybe after Twitter gets rid of everyone who doesn't like Kate, they'll get rid of all stupid tweeters?? Heil Twitter.
Thanks PJ's momma and Tucker. Good ideas. I have just looked up wobble boards etc on YouTube which is a great source for all the things I don't know about or how to do. I can get a PT eval referral too. I have also noticed my dog runs better than she walks.Thanks for being 'overly supportive.' Yikes, what a bad auto correct to make- you guys rock ( as Milo would say)
Sue_Buddy (50)
Remember the time Kate's "haters" boycotted her twitter? That did not go over well with the sheeple. They were so bored they were practically begging the non-fans to come back, trying to bait them into responding, and Kate's timeline was dead--only a few tweets an hour. Goody can gloat, but it's only a matter of time until she and the rest of the sheeple are desperate for someone to fight with. Just look at their tweets--they are more focused on the non-fans than they are on Kate. They want to fight, then cry victim. The new twitter policies could kill Kate's timeline, which could be disastrous to her "career". Have at it, sheeple. I truly hope the non-fans leave for good.
High Sodium Content (38)
I definitely remember that there was the name of a lawyer listed in the deed to the house. He was supposedly a lawyer who represented the interests of the kids/their trust. His name was removed before Kate refinanced the house. The trust is revocable, so would she even have to get anyone's approval to just take whatever she wants out of the trust? If the trust is still on it, but she removed the lawyer who was looking out for the kids' interests, then there is nobody to stop her or even slow her down from taking whatever she wants, whenever she wants. That is just wrong. Why does PA require the kids' 15% to be put into a trust if the parent can just take it right back out? What's the point?
Just read that Pamela Anderson has left social media. Smart! Kate could take a lesson from her.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 49
When the kids thanked TFW for getting the dogs, she responded as any warm, wonderful,caring, compassionate, animal-loving mom would:
You're not welcome.
Yep. It wasn't even their idea to get dogs but they were happy and she shot them down just like that.
That entire episode was all anyone needs to see to prove that she shouldn't have so much as a stuffed animal near her. Sure she likes them when they're little and cute - who doesn't - but just as soon as they make a mess or get under foot she goes berserk. She treated her kids no differently when they were babies.
And that idiot who sold her Shoka and Nala should have his head examined too. Those pups were not ready to leave so he should have stood firm on his decision. He caved in to her whining and let her take them.
What Kate wants Kate gets. I think Jon even chimed in there and said that's how she got pregnant with the sextuplets. She whined and made life miserable until she got her way.
This has been the coldest February on record where I live. This morning I asked DH if he was taking the dog for a walk and he said, yeah, it's not too bad, it's only -17. ( -17 C.= 1.4 F. ) At least we haven't had the amounts of snow that New England has had. Also today was sunny and beautiful and I think I detected a hint of spring in the air. They are my delusions and I'll keep them.
From wikipedia article on loading dose:
"A loading dose is an initial higher dose of a drug that may be given at the beginning of a course of treatment before dropping down to a lower maintenance dose."
Look up the article for more information. The drug is not necessarily an antibiotic, and the loading dose is not necessarily a double dose. In their example, the loading does is 10 times the maintenance dose. Also, of 4 examples of drugs that can be used with a loading dose, only one is an antibiotic and it is used for diarrhea, not respiratory ailments.
OK, more googling and I found a single-dose antibiotic ZMax that is used for sinusitis and pneumonia. Maybe that (or something like it) it what Kate took. We can speculate all we want about how she got hold of it, but we won't know unless she tells.
Jon set up a trust for the kids w/money from TLC [I believe] as a settlement; I remember that he stated that TFW could NOT touch it. I wonder if Kate uses the money from other trusts to pay for their school,
Or is this the one who faked Kate's signature on her husband's memorial page? I sometimes get these sheeple confused. 39
I'm pretty sure (but not 100%) that it is.
Swingandroundabouts 54s.
I like your delusions. :)
Formerly, thanks for the update.
JoyinVirginia, you would be so proud of me! haha
Taking a break from the Munch Marathon, I will be back soon, Munchie!
UAB vs. MT basketball!! Now on their THIRD OVERTIME! I have hollered and screamed. And I was questioned about it. DA DA DAAAA! haha
They just won UAB 100 MT 95!
Way to go UAB BLAZERS!
I took a look at Kate's twitter timeline, and it is dead! Only a few tweets per hour. I truly hope that the non-fans boycott it again. The sheeple whine and complain and play victim, but they know, deep down, that they really need the non-fans. What else is there for them? It gets pretty old to kiss Kate's a$$ and have her ignore them.They get bored. Once they get over high-fiving each other and gloating about how nice it is that the "haters" are gone, the wind will go out of their sails and they will be begging for some interaction, just like before. Only this time, hopefully, the non-fans can stay away long-term. Let Kate keep her timeline alive on her own. She may find that it's not so easy. We all know that Kate doesn't like to work at anything. Please, please,non-fans, stay away!
lol Milo asked Kate what she took and she answered antibiotics, duh. So I guess she did not have a virus. A couple of people were SO worried b/c Kate has the flu? (if she does) She overdid it today so the kids may have to be cooperative about an episode where Mommy is sick with the sniffles? We already have exhausted, post-op, sunburned, stressed, shingles, overworked...
I think when Kate tweeted:
"Where can I pick him up? I'm NOT kidding! I'm in total LOVE❤️❤️❤️"
about the dwarf German Shepherd dog, she really meant
"Wow that dog is cute, but I'm not having it"
The "I'm not kidding" is the tip-off that she's not serious. Kind of like saying "literally" when you mean "not literally".
I sure hope so, as she seems extremely ill-equipped to deal with real pets. I'm amazed that Zorro has lasted as long as he has and is still Kate's "pet".
Math Girl said... 57
Maybe that (or something like it) it what Kate took. We can speculate all we want about how she got hold of it, but we won't know unless she tells.
Of course all this speculation has been based on the premise that she was actually telling the truth about not feeling well and taking these meds that cured her overnight.
She has this bad habit of lying.
Yeah. I don't get the love affair with Zorro, all the kisses, sweet talk, treats,rides in her bosom, her giggly delight when Mady painted his picture! I see the kids treating him a little roughly, so I am also surprised he has survived.
Where does she find someone who will prescribe for walking pneumonia without listening to a set of lungs? How odd.
Same internet site that sold her fertility drugs, most likely. Some countries sell antibiotics over the counter just like they sell narcotics and other controlled substances. I had friends that would go to Mexico and load up on meds, so it's possible and that's why the antibiotics were on the way.
Jeanne said... 14
Antibiotics loading was bigger years ago. Almost everything started with a double dose and backed off. But you have to be educated in working with that drug. Where are these drugs coming from? Where does she find someone who will prescribe for walking pneumonia without listening to a set of lungs? How odd.
How do you know that she didn't see a doctor?
We already have exhausted, post-op, sunburned, stressed, shingles, overworked..
Did they do an episode on the broken foot? lol!
I was thinking about the sheeple and their obsession with Twitter cracking down on harassment and abuse. One of them recently tweeted, and I can't remember which one, that they are so blessed to have friends like the Detective, Zips and someone else because they are such an inspiration (or something like that). So I guess these sheep, like Ph, just ignore the fact that the Detective mocked someone who had a miscarriage and went off on a manic rant about it, how much blood there was, etc. Yet, this person and others are an inspiration (gawd), but they are cheering Twitter laying down stricter rules about hate tweets.
Never in my life have I seen the hypocrisy that I see on Kate's timeline. What's just as disturbing is that they have so much wool over their eyes that they can't see it. The ignorance there is astounding.
We all know that Kate doesn't like to work at anything. Please, please,non-fans, stay away!
Yes...I second that! It's a symbiosis of sorts. They both need each other. Milo won't be able to play victim and that's really going to hurt her. Let her gush about Kate's bedtime and kids' underwear and make a fool of herself, while tweeting boring platitudes. Goody can't argue with anyone, and they can tweet cute animal pictures until the heavens open up. Nobody cares and it will get old after awhile. When Kate needs an appliance problem solved, the sheep will be right there. When the fans need a recipe, Kate can respond and tell them to buy her book that is now available on pre-order. They can all tweet happily as they call Jon every name in the book and Kate doesn't say a thing. Even that will get tiring. Of course, trashing Jon doesn't qualify as hating so they won't be reported and suspended. Jon is fair game.
This has been the coldest February on record where I live. This morning I asked DH if he was taking the dog for a walk and he said, yeah, it's not too bad, it's only -17. ( -17 C.= 1.4 F. ) At least we haven't had the amounts of snow that New England has had. Also today was sunny and beautiful and I think I detected a hint of spring in the air. They are my delusions and I'll keep them.
Yes. Coldest February on record here, with snow coming tomorrow, followed by ice. I was looking ahead to week after next, and next Saturday's high is in the 60s. Happy dance time!
"That is just wrong. Why does PA require the kids' 15% to be put into a trust if the parent can just take it right back out? What's the point?"
Good question, and that's the very first thing I thought of when I saw the ruling. Kate can get her hands on that money and can justify anything to be for the welfare of the kids. I'll try to find out about that because I'm curious if anyone is a watch dog there and if she has to account for how the money is spent. I'm really not sure how that is set up.
Denise @Mydmaxx 33m33 minutes ago
Next month on this date someone is turning 40 and looks nothing near that age! #YoungerLooking @Kateplusmy8 😉
Why don't you remind her, Denise? She's thrilled to death over the idea of getting old! LOL! Doofus. But, you know, she's right. She looks MUCH older than that age!
Was trying to find the clip where kate says your not welcome for the puppies and I found this little gem. I would love to know her opinion now, especially after the book came out!
From a youtube video on the puppies.
Jon and kate and all the kids are eating at the table and they are talking all about animals and puppies. Alexis said, how about a leopard? kate said, sure, Alexis, have a leopard, as long as it is STUFFED! While she was eating with her fork flying around!
kate blathers on, on the couch. I knew it was a sacrifice for my family, but I knew that I could live my whole life WITHOUT A DOG!
On the couch, kate says, Alexis loves them.
Jon said after that, I get out in the fresh air with them and at the END OF THE DAY, I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH!
She is so freaking cruel!
I just watched epi of Chopped w/ Ami Roloff, a guy from Deadliest Catch (nicest guy), a Mob Wife and Kathy Wakile. All were very nice, pulling for each other and their charities. Guess what the main course contained? LOBSTER! LOL The deadliest catch guy helped the other ladies get their lobsters in the pots and helped them disassemble. Non of the ladies were screatching or making a big dead out of it. Kathy, I would have thought would have been familiar with it, since she's an east coaster. I can see it being foreign to Amy, from the NW. I would love to see Kate on this show, because she would make a total ass of herself. Non of the ladies had over manicured nails, that I noticed, and I wasn't even noticing nails. Kate's just stand out as gross and out of style. The biggest "stars" have short, dark colored nails. Kate has no idea how to create something on the fly, like an ice cream, or a bread pudding, or custard. She would be out in the first round.The judges don't soften their criticism because of who they are, they have had shows with Iron Chef on and working moms. This would just prove again, that Kate has no "taste" or class, which is well documented in her undecorated, cold home.
This just got posted in my Facebook today. A link to 12 Tomatoes website and the recipe "Mexican Casserole".
I remember the first time I posted that picture (it could have been a different recipe). It's the same photo Kate used in her cookbook. I think she used it in Cara's Bean Casserole (or something like that).
Anyway, I personally thought Kate had hired a photographer to take her pictures. Turns out she was using stock photos. I'm curious if she paid for them?? Probably not.
We all know she does nothing if not foreshadow.
My vote is that she *already* has a new dog, and the episode has already been filmed.
I had friends that would go to Mexico and load up on meds, so it's possible and that's why the antibiotics were on the way.
Is that illegal? You're saying that Kate sent to Mexico for drugs instead of seeing her family physician for a prescription? I really kind of doubt it!
Anyway, I personally thought Kate had hired a photographer to take her pictures. Turns out she was using stock photos. I'm curious if she paid for them?? Probably not.
I thought Kate was more or less self publishing, so I think she didn't want to spend the time, labor and money on all original shots.
The stock photos would have been a fee, but far less than original work.
I just looked at Kate's tweet about the antibiotics.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Mom has a fever,cough headache and body aches! Starting antibiotics soon! Thank goodness for frozen made ahead dinner and cooperative kids!
Nowhere has she said that she didn't see a doctor. She tweeted that she's starting antibiotics soon. Perhaps she did go to the doctor; he phoned in a prescription, and she was having the meds delivered. How does one go from her tweet of "starting antibiotics" to ordering them from another country, or Mexico?
Oh, no -- did Denise do the pre-40th birthday reminder tweet?
She stole someone's job! Maybe the #1 fan is waiting to tweet tomorrow on the first day of the month to officially launch
the birthday countdown with something super clever like:
"True March Madness is that K8 is turnin 40! Oh Lordy! LOL
Nowhere has she said that she didn't see a doctor. She tweeted that she's starting antibiotics soon. Perhaps she did go to the doctor; he phoned in a prescription, and she was having the meds delivered. How does one go from her tweet of "starting antibiotics" to ordering them from another country, or Mexico?
It's just speculation. Personally, I don't care if she saw a doctor, or where she got meds from, if she indeed is telling the truth.
I think she is very likely lying, but moreover, her tweeting misinformation is concerning. I mean, it's stunning that a former nurse would be so incredibly wrong about medications and what they're used to treat for.
Personally, I do believe that she got fertility drugs under the name of Karen Kaufman, and perhaps that's why some speculate she gets her hands on meds without prescriptions.
She is, if nothing else, very resourceful.
I just noticed that someone has a Twitter account impersonating Jon. Isn't that against Twitter policy, or does the user skirt around that somehow?
Sleepless In Seattle said... 83
I just noticed that someone has a Twitter account impersonating Jon. Isn't that against Twitter policy, or does the user skirt around that somehow?
February 28, 2015 at 6:41 PM
Clearly impersonating Jon, while trying to make him look like an a-hole.
I think Jon has a legit reason to report.
Speaking only for myself, I was skeptical that TFW didn't go to the
doctor simply because she didn't say she did. She is all about
attention and sympathy, so I figure she would have managed
to fit in "Went 2 dr." Of course her not saying it doesn't mean
she didn't go. But knowing that she frequently manipulates the
truth through exaggeration, omission, and out-and-out lies,
I automatically question the way she phrases things.
Sleepless In Seattle said... 80
I just looked at Kate's tweet about the antibiotics.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Mom has a fever,cough headache and body aches! Starting antibiotics soon! Thank goodness for frozen made ahead dinner and cooperative kids!
Aww. Mrs Kreider is ill? Does anyone know how old she is? Thank goodness "mom" has cooperative kids, like Kevin and Katie and whoever else is helping 'mom'. How lovely.
*for those that dont know me, this is my snark tone.*
Has anyone seen the movie "Proxy"? Hard to watch, but there they are: Kate, Mama June, Brood Mare Duggar, etc...
Mel said... 77
We all know she does nothing if not foreshadow.
My vote is that she *already* has a new dog, and the episode has already been filmed.
That is a frightening possibility.
DWINDLE said... 86
I also thought it was odd for Kate to refer to herself as Mom. Or, I would have thought it was unusual if it were anyone but Kate. Kate is very ... odd.
Total snark: I think Dr. Fabio the Fish was her prescriber! haha
Found this:
Any pharmacist will tell you:
(A) Fish diseases are treated with human antibiotics.
(B) You don't need a prescription to purchase antibiotics for fish.
It is a bad idea for people to take veterinary medicines but chemically the drugs are the same as what you find in a human pharmacy.
According to anecdotal reports the fact that one can obtain antibiotics in this manner is common knowledge among branches of the armed forces.
Milo says its a southern tradition to put up a billboard when someone turns 40, and she should do this for Kate. Yeah, okay,
She's doing her Gladys thing again,,,
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 43m43 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Maybe U've been #PuppyHunting per last convo..or maybe Ur not feeling 2well again or maybe #LifeWithEightKids got U! #Gnite! :)
If you had someone this obsessed with you, wouldn't it drive you totally batpoop crazy? I would be so freaked out that I would either ignore her or tell her where to go, and in no uncertain terms. It doesn't seem like it bothers Kate, though.
Of course, maybe she's just baiting the haters.
Of course, maybe she's just baiting the haters.
It's quite amusing to watch her talk to herself.
We all know she does nothing if not foreshadow.
My vote is that she *already* has a new dog, and the episode has already been filmed.
That is a frightening possibility.
Does she know what foreplay, err...foreshadow means?
Does she know what foreplay,
err...foreshadow means? 92
i doubt she understands the latter. Re: the former, didn't she say she read Fifty Shades?
(pure shark - I haven't read it).
p.s. Not being sanctimonious; if you want erotica (not porn), read Anais Nin or rent the movie "Henry and June".
Milo is crazy as a betsy bug. It is not a tradition to put a picture of somebody on a billboard on their 40th birthday in the south!!!
It is a tradition to put in my local country paper in a boxed ad a young picture of someone who turns 40 with the caption, Lordy, Lordy, look who turned FORTY!
Oh, If I had the money and a smart phone. I would use the picture of her face at the hospital in that striped shirt with all the hospital bracelets and photoshop it on the black and white dress she wore on the CA promotional pictures.
Oh, if i had the money and a smart phone. I would use the picture of her face at the hospital in that striped shirt with all the hospital bracelets and photoshop it on the black and white dress she wore on the CA promotional I. 95
Better you should save your money for something worthwhile, IMO. She certainly isn't.
The future of Kate's Twitter?
Jeannine Smith @jeannine1270 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack @MY_2BCOLLIES @CarleneMarie_1 guess who got anal glands "expressed"These happy campers did!
(Included with that very informative tweet is a picture of her two dogs.)
You can get your prescriptions delivered in PA ? Wow, I would like that rather than driving to a pharmacy, waiting forever in line, in pain or feeling ill..
I too thought her wording of 'starting a/b soon' weird! If I were ill, I would gobble up that loading dose right away! Probably wouldn't feel like tweeting if I was so sick that I could barley rattle up dinner for my cooperative kids.
But who knows what Kate means!
Sue_Buddy said... 97
The future of Kate's Twitter?
Jeannine Smith @jeannine1270 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack @MY_2BCOLLIES @CarleneMarie_1 guess who got anal glands "expressed"These happy campers did!
(Included with that very informative tweet is a picture of her two dogs.)
I saw that! Seriously?????? Shaking my head. Wow. Kreider should be so proud of her twitter account.
I saw that! Seriously?????? Shaking my head. Wow. Kreider should be so proud of her twitter account.
LOL!! I just saw that and thought the same thing. Maybe that's why the sheep get a bit testy. They need those glands expressed.
I wonder if Kate's sudden interest in a dog has anything to do with the fact that the kids' spring break is coming up. Time off school means time for filming, and she is trying to come up with ideas to pitch to TLC. It could be that there is something already lined up and she is helping come up with a story line, or maybe she is trying to come up with something to "sell" to TLC so that they will send the crew out. Kate's 40th, plus a new dog, plus "fun stuff" for spring break. Personally, I don't think Kate's birthday is enough for a show. She has nobody to celebrate with, other than the kids. The twins can bake her a cake, but then what? I doubt that TLC is going to pay for a birthday trip, so that would only make up a few minutes of a show. They'd need more.
Rhymes with Witch, yes, there are much much more important and meaningful ways to spend money than on a smart phone and Katie Irene. Just wishful thinking. Maybe I would if I won the mega millions. Oh, the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes I could fill, stock food pantries, make donations to dog and animal shelters. That is more important.
Layla said... 101
I wonder if Kate's sudden interest in a dog has anything to do with the fact that the kids' spring break is coming up.
I don't think Kate would be pandering for TLC to "call me" if further filming was locked up.
Never say never, but the manic hinting isn't there either.
You can get your prescriptions delivered in PA ? Wow, I would like that rather than driving to a pharmacy, waiting forever in line, in pain or feeling ill..
Yes, some do that, particularly the mom and pop owned pharmacies. In fact, some of the grocery stores have online ordering and delivery, and the cost is very reasonable. You never have to leave your house. Don't you have drive-thru pharmacies in your area? You just drop it off and pick it up at the window. A McPharmacy. Hold the pickles.
More snow right now, changing to ice this afternoon, with more expected on Tuesday and Thursday. At least it's every other day or so, with one break between. Will we see Kate and her blower at work?
It is a tradition to put in my local country paper in a boxed ad a young picture of someone who turns 40 with the caption, Lordy, Lordy, look who turned FORTY!
We have that here as well, also the Nifty Fifty caption. I told my family that if they ever did that to me, they wouldn't even see forty!
(pure shark - I haven't read it).
As in Tank, or Jaws?
Sue_Buddy said... 97
The future of Kate's Twitter?
Jeannine Smith @jeannine1270 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack @MY_2BCOLLIES @CarleneMarie_1 guess who got anal glands "expressed"These happy campers did!
And we have this -- a picture of a parakeet pushing a shopping cart, which got a response from Denise, the poser, Milo-In-Training wannabe, and a tweet from Barb, the cute animal tweeter:
Denise @Mydmaxx 58m58 minutes ago
@EmCr68 @Kateplusmy8 Lol. Too cute Em's. I agree Kate could always use the extra "help"....Zorro to the rescue! 🐤
Well, TFW did say that she'd been an animal lover since childhood....
Clearly a falsehood. Apparently her mama never told her the perils of bald faced lying.
I doubt that TLC is going to pay for a birthday trip, so that would only make up a few minutes of a show. They'd need more.
Well, they could always plop Katie on the couch to ponder the meaning of life and reflect on what she's accomplished at the ripe old age of 40. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Maybe she will concoct a storyline like the kids got her a new puppy for birthday. I could see that. She wants to get rid of the animal abuser label. Of course, TLC would have to film that and PAY for the puppy. That's how she rolls.
LOL, she did claim to have read Fifty Shades. Getting ideas for TFM I suppose.
The TL "haters" took the bait. So much for the brief respite. They can't help themselves. It is so much more fun to watch the fans flounder on a dying Timeline, but there are the non-fans, bringing it back to life and giving Kate exactly what she wants so she can play victim.
Sue_Buddy said... 97
The future of Kate's Twitter?
Jeannine Smith @jeannine1270 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack @MY_2BCOLLIES @CarleneMarie_1 guess who got anal glands "expressed"These happy campers did!
I am reading here while waking up, and my little terrier just jumped up for a cuddle, and I thought, "I smell butt. Why didn't you need your glands expressed 2 days ago when you were at the vet for your annual?" Too funny.
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES 1m1 minute ago
@CarleneMarie_1 @jeannine1270 @Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack Vet offered to teach me how but no way is this lady doing it. I leave it to groomer.
What a relief it is. Good to know that MsPhMinusD isn't into squeezing glands. I can now enjoy the rest of my day.
Clearly a falsehood. Apparently her mama never told her the perils of bald faced lying.
I need a nap (or a drink, or both). I read this as "the penis of bald faced lying."
PA Dutch Mom said... 105
It is a tradition to put in my local country paper in a boxed ad a young picture of someone who turns 40 with the caption, Lordy, Lordy, look who turned FORTY!
We have that here as well, also the Nifty Fifty caption. I told my family that if they ever did that to me, they wouldn't even see forty!
We have something like that around here, except they put your picture on a milk carton and...oh...never mind.
I am reading here while waking up, and my little terrier just jumped up for a cuddle, and I thought, "I smell butt. Why didn't you need your glands expressed 2 days ago when you were at the vet for your annual?" Too funny.
We took our Senior dog to see a specialist. He gets regular grooms, just fyi.
When the doctor brought him back into the room, she said that while she was at the exam, she noted he needed his glands expressed, so she did it.
I was SO embarrassed! I swear, he gets groomed.
Oh, and she was pregnant!
Poor lady!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2m2 minutes ago
@EmCr68 found it and ordered it! On @Amazon of course!
She found the miniature grocery cart for Zorro. $10.99. Don't all struggling and single moms who are piecing and patching buy those things for their birds? Give me a break!
PA Dutch Mom said... 104
Yes, we have some drive-thru pharmacies but they seem to take a while with a new prescription, not one called in , ready and waiting.They are great for refills, although you do have to go there and wait in line in your car or go in. None deliver as far as I know...I get my regular Rxs through Express Script mail which is amazing!
I remember waiting for some a/b and pain pills after oral surgery one time and other customers were looking at me in horror because blood was dripping from my mouth onto the pharmacy floor...I couldn't feel it with the Novocain,lol
More snow for us, too 6 inches!!
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 115
Clearly a falsehood. Apparently her mama never told her the perils of bald faced lying.
I need a nap (or a drink, or both). I read this as "the penis of bald faced lying."
I think that's Steve.
Now that we're on the dubious topic of expressing anal glands, my groomer was one of two Master Groomers in the city and she said you never express the glands as part of grooming. It's something the dog takes care of itself. Only in dire situations should a vet do it. I suspect that it's one of those things that once started, you have no choice but to continue. My guys never get touched.
Meant to mention this a thousand comments ago. Someone said Kate is still misspelling 'veggies' as 'veges'. I was messaging with family in New Zealand this morning & I realized that they always use 'veges'. Now I'm thinking she isn't misspelling anything - she's using the kiwi version of 'veggies'. Either that or the bodyguard is writing her twitter messages for her.
Just crawled out of my cave to find out I've lived all these years without ever hearing of 'expressing the anal sacs of a dog'.
And somehow I've survived without that knowledge.
The things I've learned here.
Millicent... I am making your chicken recipe today can't wait to try my girlfriend tried yesterday and said it was amazing :)
My neighbor said he had studied some veterinary work once and just grabbed my dog and expressed her glands! She was horrified, as was I!!
(He's a bit off)
As for the bird shopping cart, I hope it was just BS that she ordered it. What a waste of money she could be 'giving back' if her ' piecin' and patchin' are in the past thanks to CA and the specials. Here I'm pinching pennies for real things my pet needs.She's sick.
And we have this -- a picture of a parakeet pushing a shopping cart, which got a response from Denise, the poser, Milo-In-Training wannabe, and a tweet from Barb, the cute animal tweeter.
It's St. Zorro and Shopping Cart Kate in Dancing with the Birds!
Dancing the Flamingo to the Byrds song, Turn, Turn Turn.
There is a season, (oop, she doesn't do seasons)! St. Zorro is frustrated because she won't turn where she is suppose to go!
Bruno: Shopping Cart, you did a perfect Flip with your Bird!
Les: Zorro, you clumsly flew into the cart, expected more, but a great start!
Carrie Ann: Shopping Cart, there is so much unawareness, but when you and Zorro did the Flip a Bird, you were very much aware of what you were doing!!!!
Carrie Anne: 10!
Les: 10!
Bruno: 10!
Perfect Score!!!
"She found the miniature grocery cart for Zorro. $10.99. Don't all struggling and single moms who are piecing and patching buy those things for their birds? Give me a break!"
Well, after all, she has been known as a cart, thanks to DWTS, so I guess this is appropriate! Too funny!
PA Dutch mom said...104
A McPharmacy. Hold the pickles.
A McPharmacy. Hold the placebo's!
Hold the placebo's
Hold the Lasix!
Katie's special orders don't upset us
All we ask of Katie is that she let us learn to serve it HER WAY!
She has it her way, has it her way, has it her way at Everything!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 27m27 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Good grief...I swear I'd just as soon DIE and be REBORN as a bird N ur house! LOL #PamperedPet #SpoiledZorro
Actually, Milo, you'd love to be anything at Kate's house right now, even a flea on Shoka's butt or a mouse in her trash can.
PA Dutch mom, I forgot about the Nifty Fifties! My local country paper does that too!
Speaking of billboards, when my oldest son was in Jr. college, where we both graduated, he was selected to be one of a couple of students to go up on billboards all over the state advertising for the college. Wow. Baby blue polo long sleeve shirt, handsome guy arms folded. This was in 2001. They got an unusually great response because of his looks. I heard from a lot of people saying they were driving and they saw the billboard. My son drove me to see one and it was pouring down rain and he pulled into the median on the 4 lane hwy. It looked great.
PJ (121): "Now that we're on the dubious topic of expressing anal glands, my groomer was one of two Master Groomers in the city and she said you never express the glands as part of grooming."
It looks like they've moved from anals to shopping carts and jokes for kids, with someone wondering if there is a sixth episode. Such intriguing topics for in depth discussions!
Back to the anal glands. I had a toy poodle who had gland problems and she'd visit the vet periodically for relief. She seemed to be prone to inflections back there. I'd never let a groomer do it, though...wouldn't trust it.
Anonymous said... 121
It's something the dog takes care of itself. Only in dire situations should a vet do it. I suspect that it's one of those things that once started, you have no choice but to continue. My guys never get touched. It's just not necessary.
My good friend is a dog trainer/groomer & she told me the exact same thing many years ago when I got my first dog. As a result, my dogs don't get that "service" when groomed.
Milo has really lost it! She would die to be a kate's bird, like pampered Zorro? She would love that. Placed in her precious bosom, getting kisses, hugs and sum loving!
I think it is horrible that kate smothers that bird with love, kisses, hugs and actually misses him when she leaves.
That is a huge Farm Utensil to the kids, specifically certain kids that she really wants to drive in the idea that I love this bird, I kiss this bird, I hug this bird and that is never going to change.
I can't believe she forced her hug onto Cara and there is her precious little boy just yearning for a hug and she won't do it on her own and that is never going to change. But I hope it does for the kids sake!
Millicent... I am making your chicken recipe today can't wait to try my girlfriend tried yesterday and said it was amazing :)
I missed this somehow. Would you please direct me to it? Thanks!
"Actually, Milo, you'd love to be anything at Kate's house right now, even a flea on Shoka's butt or a mouse in her trash can."
Or some stink bugs around her bathtub.
And somehow I've survived without that knowledge.
The things I've learned here.
Just think how much you learned about vinegar and hard-boiled eggs, not to mention bedazzled crocs and matching muumuus!
Of course Milo wants to be a bird inside the Kate compound it would mean she gets to ride in-between in her queen's fake Ta-Tas.
Or some stink bugs around her bathtub.
Or that stick Jon mentioned.
If TFW is tweeting, the kids must be home. Surely she wouldn't
waste her time chit-chatting with her mediocre fans unless it
gives her a break from her children. "Shhhh! Mom's working!
And you boys are breathing too loud, just like your father!"
Or maybe she's just priming the pump for Fortypalooza.
Hint, hint, fans...she'd LOVE an @Amazon gift card!
TFW is saying she orders DAILY from Amazon??? I think she said that before. What on earth is she buying? No wonder her basement was full of 'crap' as Mady said.
I had always thought that Kate, spends most of her time on the net. Either trying to grift from companies, reading articles about herself, or looking everything up about herself, her own love fest, or shopping at every shopping place on the net. That would include besides Amazon, ebay. and others. Kate just told the world that is exactly what she does daily on Amazon. Patching & piecing BS. If you are patching & piecing you do not shop on Amazon or any place else, Kate is blowing money left & right, but who's money is she spending? The kids. The doofus just told the world that she is not poor but has lots of money, if she is going to Amazon daily. That's probably why she goes to fed-ex or UPS to pick up packages, like sending to England for some pic/poster and spending a lot of money for, and her kid putting it in the yard sale. People who are truly patching & piecing don't do that. They are watching every penny.
chefsummer #Leh said... 136
Of course Milo wants to be a bird inside the Kate compound it would mean she gets to ride in-between in her queen's fake Ta-Tas.
LOL, chef! I was thinking the same thing!
Tucker's, I believe when groomers do expression, they do a soft one, from the outside. PJ has problems and is incapable of the boot scoot to express, and he literally grows big bulbs back there. The vet tech says PJ makes her get gland face.' She is a hoot.
I have had many dog family members over the years and never knew about anal gland expression by a vet. Not until little Annie.
She seems to have regular problems in that area. She lets us know when it is time to visit her Doctor by scooting her butt across the carpet -- usually in the presence of guests!
"My" Gator?
Truth always comes out, doesn't it Kate?
I think it is horrible that kate smothers that bird with love, kisses, hugs and actually misses him when she leaves.
It's much better than neglect. Believe me. When it comes to birds, I've seen it all. I'm just happy the bird is still alive. She's done so many foolish things with him.
If you are patching & piecing you do not shop on Amazon or any place else, Kate is blowing money left & right, but who's money is she spending?
If you need something, yes you do. There are excellent deals on Amazon if you know where to look. The deals of the day, as well as warehouse deals offer some incredible buys. You just have to do your research, comparison shopping and even use Camel if you want to find out how low a product has gone.
Or some stink bugs around her bathtub.
Or that stick Jon mentioned.
Milo is already sharing a spot with that stick. She doesn't have to dream about it!
My dog used to do the butt scoot out of nervousness, too. Like your dog, Dmasy, usually with guests or service people coming to the house.Endearing habit -not! Our previous dog had an odor though, when her glands were full, quite pungent.
Milo is already sharing a spot with that stick. She doesn't have to dream about it!
But but I thought the 5 other sheep where up there and that why Milo wants to be Zorro so she can be tucked between her queen boobs.
Katherine Miller @katiemill300 10m10 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Crazy! Hope the pizza is awesome! I'm sure your kids will either have a delay or no school tomorrow w/ this upcoming PA storm!
Where do these doofuses or doofi get this information? There is no upcoming PA storm. It stopped snowing and the freezing rain will move out before midnight. Sunshine in the forecast for tomorrow, so yes, there will be school.
Kate is whining about her driveway. PAY someone, Kate, and get on the schedule to have your driveway cleared when it snows, and quit your griping about it. Geez. It snowed, and it's icy and glazed over, so there's not much you can do about it now. Snowblowers aren't going to remove the ice, so just deal with it.
Oh dear. A sheep got K's reverse mullet haircut. Oy. The others are even retweeting it. Lol.
ok, time for a rumspringa, I mis-read the first letter of tucked wrong. sheesh-----------------------------------------
chefsummer #Leh said... 149
Milo is already sharing a spot with that stick. She doesn't have to dream about it!
But but I thought the 5 other sheep where up there and that why Milo wants to be Zorro so she can be tucked between her queen boobs.
My bad
Where do these doofuses or doofi get this information?
They do quite a bit of doofussing there, don't they? Once the Barbara Sheep is fixated on her cute animal photo tweeting in hopes of getting Kate's attention, there's no stopping her. Then there are always the ones who ask Kate when the next episode airs. Bet she loves that.
Actually, some schools have issued delays already for tomorrow. Only a few inches of snow but some dangerous ice. I did not look if their school has a delay but they probably well. I am sure the sheep have bookmarked the kids' school and the local media and check them obsessively. The weather forecasters have of course made it sound like we will all die.
So far I've seen doofus used here as a noun, adjective verb and adverb. It's quite versatile isn't it.
So far I've seen doofus used here as a noun, adjective verb and adverb. It's quite versatile isn't it.
Much more versatile than doofus herself.
OT: Binging on House of Cards. Really liking it. Anyone watching? I find the First Lady's hairdo a tad distracting, plastered on her head like a helmet. Strange.
Actually, some schools have issued delays already for tomorrow. Only a few inches of snow but some dangerous ice. I did not look if their school has a delay but they probably well. I am sure the sheep have bookmarked the kids' school and the local media and check them obsessively. The weather forecasters have of course made it sound like we will all die.
Although schools in Lancaster are not yet on a delay, it's quite possible, but the tweeter commented about an upcoming storm with the school being cancelled for tomorrow. There is no upcoming storm, and it's unlikely that school will be canceled because it's supposed to be sunny and 38 degrees! Yes! I haven't heard any doomsday forecasts because the system is almost out of least in this county.
Poor widdle Milo, begging for attention. Kate has been tweeting, but not to Gladys. "I will not be ignored!" Hide the bird, Kate.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 51m51 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ha been sittin here at ur #TwitterTable this evening...talkin 2the hand...LOL I'm #Optimistic we shall tweet again one day! :)
Instead of talking to her hand, maybe she should try talking to her family.
Nancy, I hope you liked the chicken recipe too. For the person who asked, it's a simple crock pot dish. I use bone-in whole chicken breasts, but thighs would work too. I salt and pepper lightly & place in crock pot. Then I mix a small jar of mild salsa with a small can of pineapple chunks, half the juice, some soy sauce, and a spoonful or 2 of brown sugar. Pour over chicken and cook on low for 7 hours. Probably less if doing thighs.
So far I've seen doofus used here as a noun, adjective verb and adverb. It's quite versatile isn't it.
When it's used as a verb, is the "s" doubled, or does it take the same form as busing? Doofussing or doofusing?
Yeah, but, Amazon, E-bay and all the others, can become an addiction and you would spend more money, and slowly if you are not careful in debt. I know one can get some good bargains, but when you are patching & piecing, you have to stay away from addicted places and lock up the credit cards, cause it is sooo easy to spend. Kate sounds like she is addicted to net shopping, and that can put you in debt, real quick. I would not be too surprised if Kate were not already in debt. Course Kate will always cry poor.
Admin: aren't we a creative bunch. Doofus is a very creative word. LOL!
Admin, I beg you, put up a new post, even an empty one until you have the next update ready. (Administrator) said... 155
So far I've seen doofus used here as a noun, adjective verb and adverb. It's quite versatile isn't it.
Yup, just like the eff word.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 51m51 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ha been sittin here at ur #TwitterTable this evening...talkin 2the hand...LOL I'm #Optimistic we shall tweet again one day! :)
Instead of talking to her hand, maybe she should try talking to her family.
She is a pathetic, sad little person who is crying for attention from Kate. I've never seen anything like this. It's surprising that even the sheeple aren't annoyed by this and tell her to shut up...just shut up!
I second this emotion--------
Anon for now said... 162
Admin, I beg you, put up a new post, even an empty one until you have the next update ready.
Our bulldogs have always had problems expressing their glands so we have it done as part of their grooming. Bully's are stinky enough without adding the AG's to the mix.
Sorry the recap was supposed to get one but I ended up having a pretty busy weekend. I'm almost done I swear, either tonight or tomorrow.
To get quickly to the newest comments just click on "newest" at the bottom of the comment page. Easy peasy.
To get quickly to the newest comments just click on "newest" at the bottom of the comment page. Easy peasy. 167
This doesn't work on all phones, which is the only way some of us can access this blog. Just FYI.
Did you try this link? See if this works to get directly to the last page
Admin., is it possible for the cursor to go the last comment at the bottom of the page instead of it going to the top of the page? It is a pain scrolling all the way down. And if I hit the END button then the cursor goes to the bottom the screen and then I have to scroll up.
When it's used as a verb, is the "s" doubled, or does it take the same form as busing? Doofussing or doofusing? 159
I vote for the double s (fussing). JMO.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 51m51 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Ha been sittin here at ur #TwitterTable this evening...talkin 2the hand...LOL I'm #Optimistic we shall tweet again one day! :)
Instead of talking to her hand, maybe she should try talking to her family.
She is a pathetic, sad little person who is crying for attention from Kate. I've never seen anything like this. It's surprising that even the sheeple aren't annoyed by this and tell her to shut up...just shut up!
I think it's fairly obvious why her friends pulled out and left in the middle of the night without leaving any forwarding address or phone number! If Kate won't talk to her, it's surprising she's not pestering Jamie or Deanna or anyone else with whom Kate communicates via Twitter.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 13h13 hours ago
For dinner it's my old emergency standby... Macaroni and Cheese, Tuna and Peas! #QuickFixForEmergency #NoPizzaTonight
0 replies 7 retweets 206 favorites
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J murphy @sassypants98 12h12 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 is tuna recipe in your cook book?
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites
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Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 11h11 hours ago
@sassypants98 yes!!
These fans are pathetic.
Cook mac and cheese according to box directions.
Open can of tuna and dump.
Heat up frozen peas and add.
I can't believe Kate actually took up space in her cookbook for this.
One thing that's great about Lent is that it reminds me to make my tuna noodle casserole...from scratch!
Oh, and poor Milo is talkin' to the hand. She's g-droppin' again-must be a hurtin'
I was looking at Kate's timeline and noticed that it's been quiet except for the few non-fans who apparently haven't gotten the "ignore Kate and sheeple" memo. I doubt, though, that their voices there will be enough to sustain a dying timeline. The fans need them to keep that thing going. Photos of baby animals and wise sayings will become very tiring after awhile and without the "haters," that's about all that they have to work with.
So last March, TFW was in NYC living the good life with Trump
and company. Then she had the spring break filming with TLC.
She disappeared from Twitter for a month (except for the Pie-Faced
tweet, I think?), and ignored the fans who sent her birthday
Fast forward a year, and she's tweeting about cute puppies and
mac and cheese and Zorro's shopping cart. Sounds like she's
not getting her narcissistic supply filled elsewhere, so the fans
have moved up on the list. And don't think that upcoming
birthday isn't part of the equation. She'll let the fans talk and
talk about her birthday, so she won't be accused of grifting.
But she'll reap the rewards.
Oh, and poor Milo is talkin' to the hand. She's g-droppin' again-must be a hurtin'
I wonder if the hand answers her or if it's sick and tired of listening to her whining and wants to slap her!
The funny thing is that Kate was tweeting but was ignoring Milo. She's not content with the fact that Kate is on Twitter but she has to be the personal recipient of Kate's tweets or she'll go into her "here I am" act. I've noticed that Kate tweets after she knows that Milo has been tucked into bed. Coincidence? I don't know!
TMZ has a post about Jon doing a DJ gig in a bowling alley in NJ. Of course, the sheeple (including Milo) are bashing him. At least he's doing something that he enjoys without using his kids. But the sheeple don't get that.
Is Milo researching how much DJ's make? She acts like she knows all about how much they make.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 11h11 hours ago
@GeeWhiz__ @Fly_On_TheWall I can't believe he drove 2 Jersey 4that! Did U see the one girl dancing...LOL
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 11h11 hours ago
@idwithoutaname @GeeWhiz__ @Fly_On_TheWall U have 2b talented people person w/gr8 ability 2entertain a crowd 2make something N this field.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 11h11 hours ago
@idwithoutaname @GeeWhiz__ @Fly_On_TheWall Oh my...afraid this gig won't last long either. Entry DJ's make abt $23,000 a yr. Not good $$
All the way to NJ? The place where he was DJing is only an hour and a half from Reading. Milo acts like he drove hours and hours to get there.
Is it just me? I remember talk-to-the hand as a not so-good-, yes-I-am-ignoring you gesture. But what do I know, was a teen in the 80's!
The mac/cheese/tuna/pea recipe sounds disgusting.
Gee, if Milo is talking to her hand, I wonder how many times she sends Kate a personal message and gets ignored?
I bet Kate's inbox is full.
(and I recall Kate saying she was an expert at hitting the delete button, I bet she never reads Milo's personal messages).
And yep, an unemployed mother of 8 should think a shopping cart toy for a bird is a necessary purchase. Oh, the life of the 1% with a purse full of bills.
So Kate got Zorro a shopping cart? Now if he could learn to whistle "She's Always a Woman" he can channel Tony Dovolani while he's pushing it around!
Ugh, that copied mac/tuna recipe. That is Kraft's one-pot tuna mac recipe, been around forever. All she did was add the words "white albacore" to the word "tuna" in Kraft's recipe and tried to call it her own.
Hey, Milo, your Queen goes to NYC to get her hair done! Not to make money, LIKE JON AT HIS J-O-B, but to spend $$$$$$ at her celebrity stylist's salon.
I thought Kate was 'all better" Now she has to serve that mac and cheese dish, known to all moms everywhere. I agree, it's weird to add to a cookbook. It is indeed an emergency dinner, although kids seem to like it.But surely there are enough leftovers- she bragged she always has some for her weird choose- your- leftover traditional night- that the kids could fend for themselves? Is she trying to get sympathy or renewed interest in her crookbook?
I agree Amazon has great deals but it is addictive and you can spend more than you intended too.I don't have Prime so I have to wait for $35 to get free shipping , I just put things on save for later- otherwise you might just add something to make up the $35 that you don't really pressingly need.
More snow and ice here, what else is new :(
Kate is a twit said... 180
So Kate got Zorro a shopping cart? Now if he could learn to whistle "She's Always a Woman" he can channel Tony Dovolani while he's pushing it around!
March 2, 2015 at 6:26 AM
OMG, the irony. How do the sheep NOT see it?!
angie said... 179
The mac/cheese/tuna/pea recipe sounds disgusting.
Eh, I think kids and poor college students like it. I like a good tuna noodle casserole, but it doesn't involve a box of Kraft mac and cheese.
It's funny how many recent dinners that Kate has shared or filmed involve no cooking and all convenience foods.
And no heart-shaped muffins or pizza for V-day this year...
Anonymous said... 178
Is it just me? I remember talk-to-the hand as a not so-good-, yes-I-am-ignoring you gesture. But what do I know, was a teen in the 80's!
I think that's how Milo meant it. She's as passive-aggressive as Kate.
Kate said she was going to order pizza to be delivered for dinner. She said she called the pizza place, but they never called her back.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
· 15h 15 hours ago
On the RARE occasion I decide to order pizza vs make it (BC Im still not feeling well) the rural delivery guy doesn't call me back🍕 #MyLuck
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
· 15h 15 hours ago
@katiemill300 BC no one delivers way out here and I located a service that delivers ... Finally! So LV a message and they call u back!
I've never heard of calling a pizza place, leaving a message, and waiting for them to call you back to place your order. Has anyone ever heard of that before? That whole thing sounds fishy to me.
Especially since she tweeted at 6:44 pm that she was still waiting to hear from them:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 15h 15 hours ago
@Tessa1109 I'm still praying lol. No, seriously, I am... I never needed the break more than tonight!!
Susan Dowd @dowd24 · 15h15 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 so what's 4 dinner instead?? 😄
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 15h 15 hours ago
@dowd24 nothing so far... I had faith in pizza delivery service lol
So at 6:45, she still didn't know what they were having for dinner? Isn't that kind of late, especially on a school night?
The whole thing was a ploy for sympathy. Poor little Kate, still not feeling well, and the ONE RARE TIME she decides to get pizza delivered, the place doesn't call her back.
So she has to struggle to make a packaged mac & cheese dinner.
My heart really bleeds for her.
Well, I feel kinda bad. Jon is trying, I'll say that, and he's busy as a DJ and says he's making decent money, so good for him.
DH said, "hey, the man is working, so I have a lot of respect for that", and I agree.
Maybe he can grow this into a business and own his own company.
He still comes across as very down-to-earth and friendly.
Man, I hope all his kids are seeing him ;-(
It would be a shame to close this thread when we are so close to 2000 sediments!
.But surely there are enough leftovers- she bragged she always has some for her weird choose- your- leftover traditional night- that the kids could fend for themselves? Is she trying to get sympathy or renewed interest in her crookbook?
Whenever I hear Kate use the word "tradition", I know she's lying.
Heck, even with Twitter's 140-word constraint, Kate could just throw her fan a bone and share the stupid-simple recipe!
Yes! It's in my cookbook! Go spend $$ on it so you, too, can make this recipe from a box that I co-opted as my own!
More snow and ice here, what else is new :(
I see Boston should bust the old snowfall record this week.
We had freezing rain and sleet yesterday and this morning, everything was coated with about 1/4" of ice.
Then, suddenly, as the temp reached above freezing, the trees just let loose and POURED down water!
Hey Milo, that's 23,000 grand he's not making off the backs of his kids, which is more than can be said of Kate.
In any case, she doesn't have the foggiest idea what Jon makes. What did she do, pull that from some web site about average salaries? Talk about creepy. He may be able to charge a premium for the novelty of who he is, what does she know? As I understand it, lots of DJs are part time wedding and bar mitvah people, who I doubt make much. Doing clubs full time is a different story. There have been plenty of people that made good money going that route, where more is required of you than playing a pre selected playlist.
That's like saying an attorney averages $80,000 or whatever it is. That in no way proves that the specific person makes that. They may work for public interest and make a lot less than that, or they may work for a big firm and make five times that, or they may work on their own but prefer to have a huge caseload and make great money or they may prefer to have only a few clients and make much less. You don't f-ing know what someone makes based on averages.
Millicent, The chicken was excellent and you are right it just falls off the bone. I highly recommend it and the extra bonus it is so easy took 5 min to put together :) Thank you!!
Admin (#184), yes, the celebrity factor probably ups Jon's
price. Joe Schmo spinning "Celebration" at your daughter's
Sweet Sixteen is not going to get the same fee as someone
who's been on the cover of People magazine.
So Jon Gosselin has a job, and his ex-wife, who is the
"sole supporter" of 9 (herself and 8 kids), doesn't. But
as she said in that interview, she is waiting to see what
comes along next, and is hoping to find something
"comfortable." So, there's that.
This week is SPRING VACAY! YAY!!! This was me a few years ago, with Bob Sponge Whatever. On an eternal Loop, in a van, driving to PEI. This mom is me, I swear, but except for the last 20 seconds, I wish this on a loop X8 for Khatie Irene
This mom got it, Khatie never here's a loop-ti-loop
How can anyone make having pizza for dinner so complicated? I thought she was the master maker of all things pizza? Surely she could have just baked her own. Or have a frozen one one in one of those freezers. Or jump in the car and pick one up if there is no delivery. Is there a pizza joint in Wernersville?
Kate is a twit said... 187
Kate said she was going to order pizza to be delivered for dinner. She said she called the pizza place, but they never called her back.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
· 15h 15 hours ago
On the RARE occasion I decide to order pizza vs make it (BC Im still not feeling well) the rural delivery guy doesn't call me back�� #MyLuck
Aw, poor Kite. The pizza place doesn't know how to help her.
I love how she's backing off from her miraculous antibiotic-loading recovery.
I have never left my # for a delivery place to call me back, and who would wait >5-10 minutes anyway?
She's ridiculous and so helpless.
Call them back and don't hang up until you've placed your order.
How does this woman tie her shoes in the morning?
I wonder if the hand answers her or if it's sick and tired of listening to her whining and wants to slap her!
Maybe it puts itself over her mouth to shut her up, or ties itself to the other hand so she can't tweet!
If you're successful at the type of work that Jon is doing, it can be very lucrative. Everyone has to begin somewhere. A friend of mine has been doing it for a few years and ballpark income has been around $60,000 a year. He doesn't always do gigs close to home, though, and I think one of his recent jobs required a three-hour drive to get there. If you're good at what you do, and word gets around, there is considerable traveling involved.
So Milo is questioning why Jon drove "all the way" to New Jersey? Her geographical knowledge has always been lacking. At least he's ambitious enough to take a job outside the area, to establish himself in the business, showing that he is serious about this work. If he turned down job offers, then the sheep would say he's lazy and should get off his butt and take whatever gig is available. He can't win, no matter what he does.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 15h 15 hours ago
@Tessa1109 I'm still praying lol. No, seriously, I am... I never needed the break more than tonight!!
Jeebus. Pull out PB&J. Pull out the cereal. Scramble some of your fucketyhundred eggs, pop in some toast and call it a night.
Does this mother of 8 have nothing to grab and put out?
Cara and/or Mady could do any of the above.
Roseanne came on yesterday and I had just got at the top of the thread where you have to scroll down to the Newest. I pressed the down arrow just as the first bellow of the saxophone and I wondered if I could get to the Newest before Roseanne quits laughing.
Didn't make it! Still scrolling, the harmonica music with pictures of the street signs, the house and finally got to Newest after Dan and Roseanne said a couple of lines.
Patrick Fabian from Better Call Saul is on Home and Family today. He has a funny story about Breaking Bad with his wife and babies. One of his daughters is named Abbey Rose named after Abbey Road. The other daughter is named Delilah Grace after the song Delilah by Tom Jones.
He also said that when his children were babies the producers stacked his work so he could fly in work and be off for awhile to be with the babies. On Andy Griffith, they would schedule around Opie's (Ron Howard) baseball schedule so he could play baseball and be a normal kid.
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