Sig is lamenting to Kate they're really screwed now. Lorenzo was fired, and he was their strongest leader. He thinks they're up a shit creek. Kate's all nodding and giving him puppy dog eyes of sympathy. Ha, as if! We all know she's tickled pink she is still alive in this game and that somebody else, anybody but her, was fired.
Kate confronts Vivica about her calling her out in the boardroom last week, unwilling to believe that Vivica didn't blame the PM Lorenzo for their failings, as the video idea was all his. First of all I seem to remember the idea was mostly Geraldo's. You mean the same idea you fully supported, were so excited about, and then nearly sabotaged by sitting in hair and makeup so long Lorenzo didn't have time to get all the shots he needed to make it work? Really, Vivica?! Kate demands.
I like how Vivica just holds her own here and bobbles her head just like Kate. Yep, really, Kate. Really. Ha!
Kate thinks she's doing pretty good on this show. Haha, how typical of a narcissist. A narcissist will never see what everyone else sees. She has been on the losing team more often than not, and often times she played a major role in why the team failed. Time and time again she has supported ideas that crashed and burned, and time and time again she has been against ideas that were a grand success. Her PMs have chosen her to come back to every single boardroom in which her team lost except Lorenzo's, but that was because he volunteered himself. The one time she was PM she only won because Leeza and Brandi took over her duties and the other team was led by a total idiot Jonas brother too obsessed with Geraldo to focus on being a good leader. Half the contestants hate her. She mostly eats and texts and checks out a few hours into each task. She is still here only by dumb luck, because of other better contestants' circumstances completely out of her control, and possible manipulation by the producers. But in her mind she's awesome. Heh.
Geraldo is still in his Mr. Peanut costume. He's quite the eccentric.
Their task this week will be to host a guided boat tour around the harbor with a tourism boat company Circle Line.
Oh, I need to shamelessly plug The Apprentice: UK here. It's a much better more interesting version of this show, as British versions tend to be. It has like a gazillion seasons, and they're almost all on Youtube. Their version of Trump, Sir Alan Sugar, is a more sophisticated, sharp character with a compelling backstory about growing up working class in east London and selling products out of the back of his van. He is now worth 1.5 billion. Anyway, on the first season for their final task they had to do something really similar to this task only on the Thames, and it was a really fun episode. Check it out.
Crab fisherman Sig thinks his timing is perfect. He is primed to step up as project manager this week and the task is a boat ride. The kind of ironic thing about this though is his background probably will be of no help to him on this task. This task isn't really about the boat. It's not about who can captain a boat the best or who can fish the best. Of course he would win those tasks. Rather, this task is about who can throw a good party, it is irrelevant that party will be on a boat. And for that, Brandi is perfect, and sure enough, she steps up. In terms of experience with parties, she blows Sig out of the water, so to speak.
They head to their war rooms, which this time around are right on their respective boats, which are quite rocky today. Geraldo actually knows quite a bit about the company Circle Line, he could rattle off their whole history. I don't think he's exaggerating about that, and that doesn't surprise me. Although he's obnoxious and kind of crazy, I think there's no doubt he is of a higher intelligence than most. People as smart as him often spend large chunks of their lives consuming information, whether reading, watching or listening. And then they retain and file this information away. They remember it, and are able to pull it out at a drop of a hat. Somewhere along the way he read about Circle Line, maybe in the newspaper or a local magainze or whatever, and his brain filed the information away to be unearthed years later on this task. Going into this I assumed Geraldo was smart and savvy like most journalists who have made it, but I did not expect him to be this brilliant. He is a beautiful, nutty mind who wears top hats even hours after the task is over.
Sig seems to realize in short order this task actually it not up his alley at all. He doesn't know a thing about throwing parties. Uh-oh, I figured as much.
Geraldo is throwing out a host of ideas only history nerds would appreciate, like Revolutionary War or Ellis island, with actual reenactors, or 9-11. I mean, that could work for school groups, but this is supposed to be a party. Kind of hard to be comfortable throwing back drinks at a party when the theme is an overview of some of our history's bloodiest, darkest moments.
While I would like Geraldo's ideas because I'm an American history freak, Vivica and Kate are sort of giving each other "oh, helllll no" looks. Ha-ha!
Kate, or the earpiece in her ear, calmly and diplomatically explains to Geraldo that they don't need to do the history, as the boat line already covers the history. If they want to get high ratings on this task, their focus needs to be on the fun, the entertainment. She says this all quite slow as if someone were in fact saying this to her in her ear, haha. She's right, the entertainment is key. Good point, Steve. Geraldo finally agrees to drop that dumb idea, and Kate's ego explodes like a musket going off.
Brandi puts Ian on the boat version of running errands off site at various stores just so I can get you out of my hair, and makes him her accountant. Ian looks like he'd rather have a shark give him a bikini wax than be Brandi's accountant, but he has no choice but to go along with it. Most of Brandi's team likes Mardi Gras but Brandi is really unsure of that idea since it doesn't have anything to do with NYC. I think that's a fair point, but for now, she reluctantly goes along with it.
Kenya is trying, getting excited about Brandi's charity and really volunteering a lot of ideas. Brandi doesn't buy it though, she thinks Kenya would like nothing more than to take her down. That's probably true, but I think Kenya also wants to be on the winning team even if Brandi wins too. Kenya doesn't hate her so much that she will allow herself to lose to try to get Brandi fired, that's silly.
Over on Kate's team, they've settled on a Love Boat theme with a meet-and-greet thing with Sig. The Sexiest Catch, the team comes up with. That's not bad. Sig is worried this sounds too much like a porno. Lol.
The men think as long as they're going this route they should call in the Hooters girls. This is starting to sound more like Spring Break than Viking river cruise. Neither Vivica nor Kate think this is a great idea, but they sort of just let it happen. I can't stand when people on this show don't have the guts to put up a big fight about bad ideas on the task, but then save it if they need to throw someone under the bus later in the boardroom. It's a passive aggressive, cowardly way to play the game and Kate does it all the time. Kate has a good point in that the people stepping on this boat could be a bunch of married couples, and they're probably not going to appreciate a bunch of Hooters girls there. True, I wouldn't.
Geraldo also has a good point, "all in." It's true, if you're going to go sexy, go sexy. Don't limp in, pardon the pun. Whatever theme they choose they've got to be completely behind it. It's not going to work to go with a theme and then be so uncomfortable and skeptical of it they do not take it to its climax. If they're not willing to go all the way with the Hooters girls and everything, pardon the puns again, then get rid of this theme and start over. Fair enough.
At Brandi's team, Brandi and Johnny are still skeptical about Mardi Gras. Brandi decides you know what, f-it, Mardi Gras is scrapped. "Girls," she tells the team, and Ian looks up. Haha, nice touch, editors. They must have buckets of fun in their editing bays. Brandi just can't get past Mardi Gras in New York City, it makes no sense to her, and says they're changing the whole theme. It's a big risk to change their theme this late in the task, but if the theme is terrible, Brandi had to do it. A lesser project manager wouldn't have the guts to listen to their nagging gut feeling and pull the rug out like this, so kudos to her. I think Brandi is right, the Trumps likely would have been confused by Mardi Gras and it could have sunk them, so to speak.
I like Vivica, she has a sense of humor about herself. She has posed herself all sexily on the starboard side, looking out at the water as she explains in a husky voice that their furniture has been delivered and they're setting up the food. Lol, so random! I can't picture Kate being this silly and willing to let her guard down, she doesn't have the self-esteem for it.
Wow, Brandi scrapped their theme without a new one lined up? I didn't know that. Eek. They are back to brainstorming, and finally settle on Big Apple Bonanza. I don't quite know what that means. Will Little Joe be there? But I guess it sounds fun enough.
I guess Brandi thinks bonanza just means a fun party. I think she's right that their primary focus needs to be on just throwing a great party. A vague theme is better than something nonsensical. Brandi decides to "feed into" Kenya's narcissism and let her perform her song. Kenya has a song? Is it as good as this one from the Countess? It has over 7,000 thumbs downs on Youtube, lol.
You might be too old to be starring in your own music video when the next thing on your agenda for the day is to hire your kid an SAT tutor.
Poor Brandi is about to puke from being on this boat so long, ugh, that would be awful to have to work on a rocking boat all day.
It's the day of the parties, and Sig is still worried maybe the people stepping onto this boat won't like Hooters. Do they not know much about their demographic, and why didn't they ask? Kate's right, what if it's a bunch of couples? Some might be cool with it but I venture to guess most women do not want to go with their husbands to a Hooters party.
The bartenders were late so Sig ends up spending a lot of time lugging waters and ice and so on back and forth back and forth, getting angrier as the minutes pass. He finally gets so stressed he throws a hissy fit and bangs his fist on the bar. Well, that was a little scary.
Kate and Geraldo, to their credit, calmly try to bring him back down to earth and right the ship. Kate even pulls out this huge tote bag seemingly out of nowhere like she is Mary Poppins
and suggests that Sig use the big bag to transport a lot of things at once so he won't have to make so many trips. Well, she was trying to be helpful. Good for her. When Kate stays calm, feels like working, and is motivated and focused, she's not bad. She's not the best contestant here by any means, she's simply not bright enough to play in the big leagues like Leeza, Brandi, Geraldo or Vivica, but she's somewhat better than a dud like Terrel or Shawn. I think that's what makes her laziness and ineptness all the more frustrating, because she is capable of being a decent second-string team member if she applies herself. It just seems to be so hard to get her to this head space, and I don't know why that is. Maybe she's just flighty and easily bored. She can focus and work for a couple hours and she does all right, then she's off in la-la land again. That's not going to cut it.
Kate says she's worried if Sig's snapping now he could snap again at any time on this task, and where will that leave them? Sig has calmed down a bit and says wait a minute, we're supposed to be happy. Kate is doing decoupage or something or other, at least she's not stuffing her face or playing on her phone, and says you're the only one who's not happy. There is one other positive thing I will say about Kate, and that is that she never really lost it and snapped. I would not be surprised if she had. She kept it together. There were some tears, a lot of whining, and a lot of ineptness and blame shifting. But she never lost her temper like Sig has and several other contestants before him, thus far anyway. In fact she often proved to be a calming force, which means either she has really good control over her reactions to a bad situation, or is just too clueless to realize it's time to panic.
"Make me happy!" Sig tells Kate. Lol, ew. And Kate sort of just shakes her head. Heh, funny.
Because of the tight editing, we see none of the prep on Brandi's ship and cut straight to her team welcoming guests. Even though the vast majority of reality shows should be just one hour, I really, really hate the one-hour edits on this show. It doesn't work, but we've talked that to death. Shit, there's kids among Brandi's guests, some of the Trump grandkids. Does Sig's team know there could be kids along? Oops!
Brandi's cruise is a hodgepodge of boy bands, appletinis, a magician. I don't see Little Joe anywhere, but with this random mix he would fit right in. Leeza does a phenomenal job giving commentary on the various landmarks. She keeps it fun, light, and short. I didn't realize they would have to do this part too, I thought they were just supposed to be in charge of the party. Probably I'm confused because there was no time to explain that in the tight edit.
"It's like a booze cruise with knowledge," Brandi quips. Ha, that's hysterical, Brandi. You won the episode title, again.
On Kate's team, the Hooters girls are here and serving delicious bar food, and they're handing out crabs too. The edible kind, I mean. The guests here, I don't know, they look like a fair amount of computer programmers and school teachers. It's sunny but don't let a bright sunny winter day in New York fool you. It's still chilly out so most people are bundled up, and it's the middle of the day. I don't know if this sexy thing works at all. Nobody wants to be sexy when it's lunch time and 42 degrees, sunny or not.
Geraldo is going on and on about Ellis island, pontificating about oppression and Italians and Jews. Unlike Leeza, who just kept it all low key, he is like a college professor only not really actually giving you anything of substance. It was "overboard" says, Sig. He's right, everyone is bored and looks like they'd prefer to jump ship.
"Screw the terrorists, we've won!" Geraldo blurts out as he introduces the new World Trade Center. If you could visualize the hashtag awkward on real people's faces, that's what it would look like. ####AWKWARD. Everyone just sort of stands there, not sure if it's okay to drink to that, grab another crab leg, or what you do. Kate does another one of her infamous over the top "OMG!" faces. Lol.
By the way, do you know the producers hate her? They made this entire web site just for her and her notorious faces. Hehe, they be so funny.
Back to Brandi's party, everyone is dancing, drinking, I-an does a little breakdancing. Leeza gives all the credit to this success to Brandi, because Leeza is classy and gives credit where credit is due. Kenya performs her "song." Wait, but she's not singing. She's talking like Professor Higgins "talked" all his songs in My Fair Lady. Lol, just like the Countess "talked" her song too! What's with the Housewives and talking out a song?
Right in the middle of it Brandi walks right through the stage area with a tray of drinks. She waves, lol, that's funny, she knows darn well what she's doing. I'm embarrassed for Kenya, but with enough booze in them by now some of the crowd seems to mildly enjoy it. Except one of the Trump grandkids, who looks about five and seems both confused and horrified as Kenya at one point is sort of grinding on the floor, lol. Brandi tries to distract from this misstep and gets a conga line going, which is usually a go-to party saver. I don't know if anyone watched the Grammys, but it's always a good show and Beyonce was there of course, and I think Kenya is pulling a Single White Female on her, adopting her hairstyle, dress, career and even mannerisms. Rather creepy.
Geraldo is doing some sort of odd Q and A with the Hooters girls. Who cares, nobody goes to Hooters to actually get to know them, if you want to get to know a woman you don't buy chicken wings from her. Even Kate thinks it's time to take the microphone. Sig wanted to say a few things himself but Geraldo is too much of a force to interrupt. The thing about these sort of booze cruises too is that you really shouldn't be talking the entire time or it starts to feel like a lecture. You have to take breaks and give people time to eat, drink and talk among themselves. In the edit I've seen it's been a nearly constant droning on throughout the cruise and it's getting annoying. I think Geraldo thinks if he's not talking he's not helping anything, and that's just not the case. Sig says at the end of the day he really thinks Geraldo is great so who is he to say anything.
Sig arranged for the Coast Guard to show up and drive by, which was a really nice touch especially since that's his charity. The guests love it. Like almost all the other celebs here except Kate, Sig talks about his charity, the Coast Guard, with passion and sincerity. He tears up as he says he has friends whom the coast guard has saved. Has Kate actually ever visited her charity yet or is that still on her to do list?
Sig thinks they knocked it out of the park. Or ocean, Captain! If people give them bad reviews on their feedback cards fine, says Sig, I have their addresses and I can go punch their teeth out. Oh, my, why do I feel like he's only half kidding? Lol.
Blue-hour timelapses, which must mean it's boardroom time, and my assessment is pretty straightforward. It's obvious Kate's team lost, but Sig really should be fired. Their theme was uncomfortable and missed the mark, and not only was Geraldo's commentary awkward and far too long, but Sig didn't stop him even when everyone knew it was getting bad. Kate and Vivica are responsible for not being more assertive about changing their bad theme, but at the end of the day the blame rests on the PM. Both the women worked and did what they were told, and Kate even tried to help calm Sig down. The only black mark Brandi's team had was Kenya's stupid talking-song, but that's not enough to sink them. And, Brandi saved that anyway with her conga line, so they won it. Once again, due to some other circumstance, Kate won't be fired.
Sig says he thinks they won. After all they brought in the Hooters girls. Were they beautiful or "just okay?" Trump asks, genuinely curious. Baw-haha! Well, there's no question he's a man. That is such a man thing to ask. As a side note, Kate looks particularly old today. Could be the makeup or the lighting. I would honestly guess she is at least 47, not a young woman still in her 30's. Tanning, surgeries and other behaviors will do that.
Kate's reservation about the Hooters girls was the demographic. Again, why didn't they know what their demographic was in the first place before deciding on the theme? Isn't that critical to deciding what to do? Heck, what if it were a bunch of kindergartners, then Brandi's theme doesn't make sense either. I don't understand why nobody seemed to know a thing about their guests. That's the first thing you should find out.
Geraldo uses big words like sophomoric, words some of the other celebs don't understand, when he says he and Sig work well together. He talks like this not because he's trying to impress like Kate would, but because that's just how he talks.
Johnny and Leeza were Brandi's best players? I get Leeza, but Johnny? I don't know if Johnny is boring or what but we barely ever see him on these tasks.
The guests liked Brandi's festive party, and especially liked Leeza commentary. The theme confused them. I know, me too, I kept looking for Little Joe myself. Kenya was polarizing, a lot of them, I'm guessing the sober ones, said her song/dance wasn't classy. Ha-ha, Vivica looks so smug about that. She totally purses her lips in an "I told you so" face. I forgot if she hates Kenya, what happened in the past on these silly reality shows sometimes sticks to my brain for no more than a couple weeks. I can more or less keep track of who hates Kate, but the other drama going on escapes me. Though I think Vivica doesn't like Kenya, if I recall.
As for Sig's team they loved Vivica, they liked the food and the atmosphere actually. But people couldn't stand Geraldo's blathering. Trump interrupts to say he simply cannot believe this. Lol, he really loves Geraldo for some odd reason. Females thought this was geared toward the men and they got left out. Good point.
The guests gave an overwhelming win to Brandi, which was obvious. Yikes, I hope nobody loses their teeth over this, especially not any of those nice school teachers aboard. Brandi is a mature winner who calmly says that's great, she's happy, and she will be giving her money to Make A Wish. She says she feels bad for the Coast Guard though and wishes they could get some of the spoils. Trump gives them twenty-five grand. All class, Brandi. All...class. Brandi has her issues and has a lot of conflict with other women on her Real Housewife show, but I am wholly convinced she is a bright, gracious, good woman who has unresolved issues she simply needs more therapy for. She is deep down not a bad person like, say, Doofus is.
There's only six minutes left in this episode, sounds like this will be a quick and dirty firing.
Kate of course says she and her boyfriend Geraldo shouldn't be fired. She very, very reluctantly admits Vivica shouldn't be fired. Steve is right in the strategy he told her, always blame the PM. It's tried and true, and statistics show they are always more likely to be fired. Of course they won't always be fired, but you have to play the percentages. Don't be stupid and go after people you can't stand like Vivica even though every bone in your grudge-filled body wants to. It's far too risky for somebody as dumb as Doofus here to try to go after somebody less obvious. So she's right, it has to be Sig.
Geraldo has a hard time blaming anyone because he likes these people. I believe that. None of these people give him a hard time, they allow him to be his crazy self and even encourage it, and he thrives in that environment. Trump asks Geraldo if he honestly is going to be friends with any of these people after the show, then Trump kind of waves his hand with a laugh and is like get real, we're too busy to maintain friendships like this, it's on to the next thing for us! Lol. From what I've heard and witnessed that's very, very true. Unless a celeb truly forms an untenable blood brother bond with someone on the set, it's unlikely they will have the time or energy to send out more than a text message or two post project. Sometimes such an existence seems rather lonely to me, since I value true friendships made in an employment capacity just as much as any other, and if I'm going to really bond with someone I'm not going to do it without the intent of maintaining what we built post-project. The fact that Leeza showed up to a party of Brandi's in L.A. months later speaks volumes about just how close those two women became, since I really don't think that's all that common in a world in which a celeb might end up working with thousands of people on hundreds of projects before your work is done on this earth.
I don't know if Geraldo's wife would be okay with a post-show friendship, Kate says. Lol, what? Oh, doofus, you flatter yourself. Trump accuses her of having a dirty mind, hehe. No, just an inflated ego. Even Trump Jr. is laughing saying Dad you were the one going there! I like the Trumps, I think there are times like this they are just a normal family.
Vivica too admits that the fault is with Sig. Leeza is smart and says once they are down to three people Trump is going to switch up the teams again, she sees it coming. They all seem to think that sucks, since everyone on Brandi's team works so well together. They've won three in a row after all.
I think some of the nautical puns are unintentional, but they're funny, as Trump says they're all in the same boat. Lol. There are an incredible amount of nautical puns out there I've realized in just writing this re-cap. I needed at least one recap where I could giggle like a schoolgirl over something stupid the whole time like nautical puns, it's that kind of day.
Sig throws out the only defense he can, that if the ladies had a problem with any of this they certainly didn't speak up, at least not very loudly. Very true, and I find that to be shitty. It's not going to get him off the hook (nautical pun!), but it's what he should point out if he has any respect for himself.
Trump wants to know if it's true they just let this bad idea happen and didn't say anything. Kate says, well, we at least made a face over the Hooters girls, so. Lol. Kate is blathering on, I think she's trying to get to the fact that in light of all the other bad ideas that they spent the whole time shooting down (oh yeah, I forgot about the 9-11 reenactors), this idea wasn't as bad as any of those and at least we got rid of the really bad ideas. Well, you still traded one bad idea for another. Trump has no patience to give her time to get to her point and cuts her off, lol. I don't think Trump has ever once allowed Kate to get to her point, he really can't stand a blatherer. Also I think Trump knows there's no way he could pin this on one person not speaking up enough about a bad idea (even though she's done it a dozen times before) when none of them spoke up, and he especially can't fire that person or persons over the people championing the idea. That wouldn't really be fair, though it kills me to say it. If he were going to do that he would have to fire the whole team, that's the only way it's fair. Trump quickly gets to the point. He really likes Sig but let's face it, he's fired.
Everyone seems very sad to see Sig go. Vivica looks tearful. Kate the sociopath realizes everyone else is sad so she acts sad too. Geraldo said he's going to give Sig's charity $40,000. Sig seems more embarrassed than grateful about it. That's nice of Geraldo I guess, though it's treading a little bit into making this all about Geraldo, and one-ups Trump. Maybe he should do that quietly, after the show, and I'd believe it.
The Trumps seem to really respect Sig and his charity and look disappointed to see him go, too.
Sig doesn't look like he's going to knock anyone's teeth out, he says the experience was humbling and that the gamble he took didn't work out. Overall, he seems like a good guy who works hard but has a few anger management issues.
The other team still can't believe the sucky team has lost three times. What's the common denominator there? Ian asks.
Raising my hand! I know, I know. Pick me, I-an! Kate!
No, Geraldo, they say. Geraldo??? I mean, I suppose, but, but, what about his minion Doofus?
Ian and Johnny still have a lot of pent up aggression toward Geraldo. I swear they sound just like us talking about Kate, only they're talking about Geraldo. Leeza is just amazed he is still here, he is like teflon. He sucks at everything, but she attributes his staying power to strategy.
And the stars align for Kate again. Here's the thing, she's terrible at this game. She's not creative, she can be lazy, she's no leader, and is constantly on the losing team. Of everyone left she is without a shadow of a doubt the worst player. But Geraldo is more front and center, vocal, smarter, bigger, has more donors, and has amassed more enemies. Thus Kate and her ineptness have flown under the radar. Most of the folks who used to pick on Kate like Brandi and Kenya don't really care anymore because they're not on her team (and thus, it's actually a good thing she stay around and screw up tasks as long as she's on the other team) and they know she's expendable, you know, whenever. People lost interest in getting rid of Kate, and she's stayed as a result.
Also, Geraldo is a bigger threat to these stronger players, so they're all focused on him right now. You have to be careful with that. On similar reality shows like Survivor, a mediocre, seemingly expendable whenever you need to contestant, can slither through and win, because there was always somebody else that really needed to go first. Sandra is a prime example, for Survivor fans. In 2003 a secretary named Sandra played season seven of Survivor. For six seasons, the six previous winners had always played very strategic, smart games, which is how they won. But Sandra was different than those other people. She was not particularly talented, bright or special or any kind of stand out, and she was about as athletic and socially adept as a slug, but there was always somebody else to vote off.

Other contestants were dumbfounded that somebody with no social game, strategy, and no physical ability won. What can I say, they kept her on the back burner way too long and have nobody but themselves to blame. Then suddenly the end arrived and they forgot to vote Sandra out! #Dolts. Dumb luck worked out for Sandra, as well as other contestants both underestimating her and saving the non-threat for later until later turned out to be the winner's circle. She won her season without a single vote ever cast against her, and then she came back and played another season and won that too. Kate made it much further than she should due to this very same phenomenon, I'll call it the Sandra Effect. Or, the Slither Effect. She is this show's Sandra. Moral of the story, don't get distracted by that loud-talking Geraldo over there for the love of all humanity, Leeza. Bottom line, Kate is long past due, well-done, goose is cooked. She needs to go and stat or they're going to have a big problem on their hands in that this doofus might actually be a finalist in this thing. Get it together, people! I like some well done reality shows for the reasons above, talking through strategies and analyzing why and how people are where they are is fun. It's a guilty pleasure.
Kate doesn't know why on earth they keep losing. Of course she doesn't, she's a narcissist. Something has got to change! she insists. After awhile this gets so predictable; I know with that kind of ego, she imagines herself the white knight who saves her team from sure destruction by stepping up as PM on the next task. Knowing the outcome ahead of time, my stomach hurts from laughing already. So let's do it!
Did Kate get a haircut in the 20 seconds it took to get these people up on some windy roof to hear about their next task? Her hair is like four inches shorter and stick straight. Trump looks about the same shade as a tangerine at the moment, his hair about halfway to the color of straw into gold. He announces that the gale force winds prove he does not wear a wig, lol. As predicted, he switches up the teams, with Kenya going over to Kate's team. Hallelujah amen! Brandi and I shout at the same time.
They are going to make a "themed environment" whatever that is, about Trump's golf thing he has down in Miami. As you can tell, I really don't care about or understand golf. And, just as predicted, Kate the knight has stepped up to "save" her team, volunteering as PM again. She is even wearing white. She's nuts, this is a death sentence before it even started. She's already been PM before, she's checked that box. Her strategy now needs to be to avoid PM at all costs no matter what until the finals. The Sandra Effect does not work if Sandra volunteers herself to be voted off. Doofus.
Ian is going to be PM for the other team. Oh, Kate's toast.
"I'm free! Free of the monster" Kenya exclaims as she heads into the war room. Heh, that's mean but kinda funny at the same time in how over the top it is. Brand-ya or Ken-di, can't decide which one I like better to call the two of them, but they're both so immature about this.
Oh, Geraldo has been golfing there. Well, hell, he should have been PM then. Does anyone else on this team even play golf much less have been to this course in Miami? We know Kate doesn't, remember Hank having to teach her on Wife Swap? She should have pushed this off on Geraldo, said I know you've done your share as PM but nobody here knows and understands golf and golfers like you do. Flatter him, then pass the buck.
Ha-ha. Sasquatch wants to do a Sasquatch theme, that couldn't be more fitting. Kenya's all like, Kate doesn't really understand what luxury really is. Yes! Kate's a poser who thinks eating sushi and fluttering off to NYC on the weekends racking up $300 room service bills makes her just like a Dupont, minus that murder thing. Even though I don't like Kenya, I find it incredible refreshing and validating to see somebody who sees through Kate in exactly the same way the rest of us have. I guess because a lot of the sheeple keep saying we don't really "know" Kate so we can't make that judgment, and yet here is someone who does know Kate, did spend a lot of time with her in person and worked with her, and she's saying the same thing. Now what's their excuse?
Kate sends Kenya and Vivica off shopping for props. Oh, no, don't send your strongest player (Vivica) off to do that! Kenya knows what being sent off to do props means for her standing, and really doesn't want to go, but Kate makes her. Kate makes a good point I have to give her, such that if Kenya didn't want to go shopping Kenya could have volunteered for PM and called the shots herself. Hey, you get that one, Schmoops. What else ya got up there in that hallow head?
It's Braveheart redux as Ian goes into his passion for his obscure charity again. You know the one for skin diseases he feels a connection to because he loves slathering on lotion and feeling supple and feels for those who don't. I think people who talk about themselves in the third person are usually crazy. He feels if he can pull this off I-an will be one seat closer to God. He actually says this. Come on, he's not serious. Or is he? His eye twitches, which I think means he's just shitting around. I think. Oh well, whether this is real or fake he's so wonderfully nuts either way.
I'm not quite sure where Ian's team is going with all their ideas but Ian says something hysterical in that if he is going to throw someone under the bus it shouldn't be a surprise to them because hey, they got the bus schedule! Ha.
I-an is so deeply impressed by how creative he is. His gifts are so incredible he humbles himself. What luck that Kate gets herself on a season so inundated with narcissists just as big or bigger than her that she looks about as harmless as a Cabbage Patch doll. Of course.
Ian talks about getting a hole to stick a pole in, and Brandi being Brandi just can't help herself and bursts into giggles. Even Leeza starts cracking up. Leeza does what any good girlfriend would do to keep her friend in line and tells her to "stop it!" while pushing her away, then she just cracks up some more. Those two are endearing without ever even trying to be. They look like sisters.
Johnny and Brandi go off to shop but because they're not insecure they don't see it as a slam on them or their talents and happily do what is asked of them. Johnny all but promised he would track down Tiger Woods's trainer to come to the event, but now realizes he got in way over his head when the guy won't return his calls. Rookie mistake, don't say you'll do something big like that until you know you can deliver. And also as a side note, this is a perfect case in point that just because you are a celeb doesn't mean you get your calls returned. It doesn't always work like that. Real life is not the movies.
Kenya is still butt hurt that Kate sent her off to shop. Gosh, I hate to say it but there are only a few players left and somebody had to shop, and the shopping on this trip is actually way more important than it's been to many other tasks, since this task seems very much about the space and experience they are putting together. More important than making sure there were flowers on the table and cutting boards shaped like hearts at their frozen food challenge some time back anyhow; that didn't really matter. Kenya is still stuck on Kate not really understanding luxury, and that Kate needs her expertise with how to build sets. Luxury, eh? That sounds silly coming from someone wearing some of the tackiest giant earrings I've ever seen. I was prepared to scoff at Kenya claiming to be some expert about sets too, but then I checked her IMDB and realized she's done a whole host of guest appearances on various sitcoms, which almost always build their sets from scratch and rarely film on location where you make something preexisting your set, more like how Kate's show is. I doubt Kenya ever pounded a single nail into a set in her life but at least she's been around those who do. She's more qualified than Kate anyway. Maybe it was a bad idea to send her off like this after all.
Vivica says she's keeping an eye on Kenya because Kenya is a back stabber.
Ian really does have friends in all kinds of places. He has one friend making their logo for them with flowers, another friend doing some sort of rendition of Trump's face for the display that looks like a Wall Street Journal sketch. If you asked him for a friend who makes Raisin Nut bran and could deliver a whole truckload of it to the event he'd have that too. Leeza said everything really fell into place for them and it was nice to get rid of Kenya. Next to Kate, it's obvious Kenya is the most disruptive player left, even Leeza has to admit she's terrible.
Back in the studio Kate is trying to make decisions with the fabricator and Kenya is bombarding her with texts, mostly with complaints about Vivica. Lol, that's funny. Kate blames Kenya for this interruption. Or she could just put her phone down and ignore it. She doesn't have to swipe it up every time it pings like she's Pavlov's dog. Lol, Kenya is so busy arguing with Vivica about how she didn't wanna stop at Bed Bath and Beyond or Babies R Us or something that she is ignoring Kate on the other line demanding to know what time they're expected to be back.
"It was a five minute stop," Vivica says in her defense, basically shaking her head and looking away. Well if I had any confusion about how Vivica feels about Kenya it's gone.
Haha, Kate's still on the other end wanting to know what the heck is going on. This is too much.
It's the day of the event and they've gone to Trump's local golf course. Does anyone know where my pants are? Geraldo asks as people are spreading rose petals around and such. What? Random. Kenya's just like well if you're behind the bar no one will know. Lol.
Kate's display shows a wedding table, a spa, a guest room and a putting green all sort of in the same room. There's also a Sasquatch kids club off to the side with a couple colorful chairs. It kind of looks like the model you see at a luxury apartment. It's not bad looking, but it's not very interesting either.
Kate thinks it's better than expected but not perfect due to the girl drama the day before. That's her fault though. She did not have to spend more than 10 seconds shutting down that drama. Instead she let it go on all day and wasted valuable time trying to mediate. Stupid.
Johnny never did come through with his golfer but just like Ian knows the butcher, the baker and the Raisin Nut Bran maker, he also knows a golf expert who shows up to help people with their swings. Ian's setup is already infinitely better than Kate's, with a massage area, the golfer using some kind of computer to analyze your swing, and a big poster sized picture book to look at various scenes from the real thing in Florida. This competition is over before it begins.
Their flower sign is buried behind some plant somewhere so Brandi decides to move it out front and center. They play the "dopety-doh" music to let us know Ian is a nut as he comes over and looks like he's going to pop a blood vessel over her touching his flower sign. Brandi quickly gives up on this one, not worth it.
Why is Kate dressed like a sexy Interpol agent? Bizarre getup. The girls are doing a decent job telling the guests who arrive about the various amenities while Geraldo serves them up drinks that look like blue Scope mouthwash. Yum. Geraldo sees his role as "lubricating" everything else. Ewww, pick another verb please.
Kate turns on her sexy kitten persona when the Trump boys arrive with some COO. They like the Sasquatch who encourages kids to play golf, hehe. Kenya thinks their set looks like crap. Seeing more of it up close now, it does look pretty rinky dink. She is convinced she could have pulled this together but for Kate sending her shopping. She's still going on about the shopping. Good grief. Kate claims that she ended up doing all this pretty much by herself last night. Heh, I'll believe that one when I see footage of that. Notice how she doesn't claim to have done this all herself within earshot of any of the other contestants. She doesn't have the balls for that. The Trumps are just asking how it was going and she's already acting like it's the boardroom and blaming Vivica and Kenya for everything. Again, not in earshot of them of course. All this in front of the COO? Rather immature. You haven't even lost yet, Doofus!
Over at Ian's classier setup, Johnny is giving massages that look simply delicious, uhhhh. Ian is a little shaky on the details of the resort when he's explaining things to the Trumps, which is embarrassing. Brandi is shocked he flubbed that, and comes in to save the day answering their questions correctly. She says she stayed up the whole night studying. Wow, good for her. Now that I believe, and it's a perfect example of the kind of over-the-top hustle required to make it in this business. It's a good thing Brandi was there to fill in the gaps what with Ian so busy praising his magical powers and wonderfulness.
Boardroom time. I like Brandi's t-dyed looking dress thing. Kate finally got the memo she should say she thinks they won. So she's learning.
Trump seems confused about Kate's Sasquatch theme. He doesn't seem to get it. As others have pointed out so well, it seems like Kate's tactic is talking slow and pausing a lot to gauge other's reactions, then shifting course and trying something new if she judges the reactions aren't good. It's so true. Kate is just so sweet and calm and just did such a wonderful job on this task, Kenya says. Kate who? Middleton? Lol, we all know from Kenya's interviews she hates our American Kate and thinks she fucked this whole task up, so her over the top facetiousness now is amusing.
Despite Kenya being so nice Kate immediately throws her under the bus for her drama. Lol, what a bitch. Vivica and Kenya are still squawking about going to the children's store or whatever. They're really pissed at each other. Kate's sitting there still as a statue. The look on her face says I'm afraid to so much as sneeze and mess this all up, I can't believe my wonderful good fortune that these two are so caught up in each other they're not blaming me. Kate, don't forget to breathe over there! You have eight kids who need you!
Why does no one ever understand what Trump is asking when he wants to know what they think? They're always like, uh, of what, Mr. Trump? Of course he's asking what they think of their team, how the task went, and so on. Anyway, Ian flubs the name as he explains their concept. Oy vey.
Brandi says things went great, a dark cloud has been lifted from their team. Ha, she really can't help herself. Kenya says that was a low blow. Oh, well, Kenya, you get what you put out, and even the Trumps thought Kenya's comment last week about Brandi's husband cheating on her was vicious. This feud may never end. Trump doesn't seem to have a problem with Brandi's comment and in fact tells her he's proud of her. Aw.
The other team members have a hard time explaining how crazy Ian is without sounding mean. Finally Leeza says look, the guy is "intense." Ha, that's a nice way of putting it.
Ian said he would have to fire Johnny because he didn't come through for him. He had no choice but to say that.
It wasn't even close, the Trumps liked Ian's team the best for all the reasons described before. They did like the Sasquatch thing though, which was all Geraldo's idea.
What's your charity again? Trump asks Ian. Lol, it's okay, nobody knows. It sounds fake to me at times. I wonder if you could get away with catfishing through a fake charity on this show. It would be interesting to try and Ian would be just crazy enough to do it.
Kate's flabbergasted. Narcissists usually are shocked to lose, so that's no surprise. How, how did they lose?? But we had a blue and gold bathtub, Mr. Trump, for goodness sake. With rose petals! We had Sasquatch!
Trump said look your setup was rinky dink. Come on, where was the luxury? Kate quickly blames the girls for the props thing. I love this, Trump is demanding to know if she is saying they spent too much time shopping. She's reluctant, and that's because she is often shopping herself and taking too much time. What a terrible, and funny, predicament poor Doofus is in now! Her only card to play is the girls messed this up by shopping too long, but to do that she has to explain away how she didn't do the exact same thing in the past. Perfect karma. Kate has no choice but to say Vivica is the better player of the two, even though she can't stand either of them. That's the correct thing to say, although if she were a strategist, now might be the time to play a hail Mary and go after a stronger player in Vivica. Not like she has much to lose right now. If she somehow finds a way out of this and Kenya is gone, Kate's absolutely done for on the next task. If she can manage to keep Kenya around though, it might buy her another week. Not that she is even thinking this far ahead, that would be too much for her. She is shooting herself in the foot by rubber stamping all the best players. It's clear now she has no long term strategy, not a very good one anyway. She's been playing week to week like a silly little amateur.
Vivica and Kenya are still going after each other, and Kate's back to not breathing again, not even blinking, for fear of messing this up. Lol.
"Girl drama," Kate finally blurts in the middle of it, pointing in their direction. What the hell? Doofus, shut up. You actually have a teeny, tiny little chance here if this plays out just right. Don't mess it up by talking.
Lol, back in the suite Leeza and Brandi are all head bobbing feeling so validated that other people have noticed what a pain Kenya is.
"This noise gets in the way of work," Kate says, her best comment of the whole season.
"This noise gets in the way of work! Thank you, Kate!" Leeza exclaims. Lol. Well, it is nice to feel validated.
"Perfect," Brandi agrees.
Relish it Kate. This will probably be the first and only time something you said was perfect.
Kate says it was disruptive to be treated like Judge Judy all day by Kenya. Isn't anyone going to ask her why she didn't shut it down then? Why didn't she just tell them to knock it off and get back to shopping? By this point I think Kate really believes that she's got this in the bag with getting Kenya fired. Haha, dolt.
Kenya is like I'm pleasant, easy to work with, I haven't offended anyone. Haha, Vivica's just like, yeah, no. I know the outcome of this, but the way Kenya is talking I think Trump could have gotten away with firing her instead and Doofus would have lived yet another week. The Sandra/Slither Effect again! Unbelievable. Kenya's just being ridiculous now, saying Kate was responsible for all the creative side and continuing to take pot shots at Vivica. That's not true, everyone was involved in the creative. Geraldo came up with the whole Sasquatch idea for heaven sake. Even one of the Trump boys was like, well that's not really true, and Kate beams with relief. Kenya if you don't shut up Kate isn't going to be fired and then I'm really not going to like you, lol.
Geraldo's barely said a thing the whole time until finally chiming in to ask for hazard pay. Hehe! Kate's smiling like a goon now, fully convinced she's not getting fired. Oh, I love it.
Trump is being a man again and wants to know if Vivica thinks Kenya is attractive or also beautiful, whatever the hell that means. Just one of those questions men ask that a woman probably never would care about. Kenya gets some jab in about plastic surgery and Vivica's so pissed now all she can do is wag her finger at her and order her not to go there. Lol. As much as this girl fight is getting old, Vivica sure knows how to hold her own.
Geraldo said it was challenging but Kate did a good job. Trump is stuck on the fact that it wasn't luxurious, which is a clue that he is still very seriously considering firing Kate, whom he seems to think is responsible for that part of it. Doofus here of course doesn't realize that, she thinks she's home free. Haha, #dolt.
Kenya goes on about how Kate doesn't have enough world experience to understand what luxury is. You know I don't like Kate either, obviously, but Kenya is a grade A bitch. She makes Kate sound like a white trash simpleton poser. Hey, maybe Kate is all of that, but I don't think it's necessary to kick trail dust straight into her mouth while she's lying there on mile 899 of the PCT struggling for her last breath. Come on, be professional. Kenya can see to it Kate is fired without being cruel about it. Leeza or Brandi would have.
In a way the drama with the other girls worked against Kate. Trump notes how Kate had a difficult team and Kate found that tough. He doesn't exactly outright say she couldn't handle them, but that seems to be what he's implying. He also says as PM this is really on you. Kate can't argue with that, since that's been her defense this whole season. Kate, you're fired.
Part of me is whooping and breathing a sigh of relief he didn't get so distracted by Kenya's crap that he fired her instead. Another part of me isn't a big fan of how this went down, with Kenya being so incredibly nasty and vicious about it. Kate has an uncanny knack for playing victim and getting a pass for it, and Kenya played right into that. It's not a good thing.
Kate of course can't believe this is how it went down. Lol. Didn't see that coming, she says to Geraldo. Haha, I know, that's what was so entertaining about it. She hugs Geraldo and Vivica. I swear Geraldo calls her "baby." He played right into her father figure thing and frankly, she was his pawn whether he meant it callously or not. A stepping stone to him. Trump was right what he said earlier, Geraldo's not seriously going to be friends with anybody after, that's not the business he is in. And sure enough we haven't seen a single shred of evidence Geraldo has reached out to maintain this so-called "friendship." Kate at this moment is just too stupid to see it. Kenya has already run off somewhere like the troll that she is.
Kate goes down the fake elevator in a blue dress and straight hair and emerges in a pink jacket and Brazilian blowout. Lol, cool, just like the horse in the The Wizard of Oz. Ha, ha, ha! Ho, ho, ho!
How fitting, where's her flying monkey? Kate's crying and blaming Vivica and Kenya for all this. I don't remember a contestant ever crying about getting fired before, and I've seen every season of this show. What a baby. It doesn't add up, she laments. Nothing contrary to the plan they had in mind adds up to a narcissist. Buh-bye!
2149 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 2149 Newer› Newest»TLC stinks said... 190
Milo mimicking Kate (saying she is stressed for example) is disturbing.
Yes, it is. Good catch!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Feb 22
I won 2day! Used snow blowerX2 hrs,cleaned main floor for 2-3hrs, made dinner,did almost all laundry,packed lunches& showered!In bed 8:30pm!
The nanny must have quit.
Maybe the kids quit. LOL
Seriously, I don't believe one word she tweets. She probably stayed in her room all day while the help took care of the kids.
And really, her 'cleaned the MAIN FLOOR" sounds like a 1% whine, doesn't it?
boohoo, #pursefullofbills
Oh my there's a 14 year old on DWTS: the little sister from Hunger Games. TFW missed her chance!! I'm sure she'll be plugging for next year!!!
Virginia Pen Mom (#200), yes, there is certainly a pattern of
obfuscation with TFW's words.
What a "sad little life" she must lead to have to brag to a bunch of
strangers about doing what most of them are doing every single
day, in addition to working 9 - 5.
localyocul said... 3
Oh my there's a 14 year old on DWTS: the little sister from Hunger Games. TFW missed her chance!! I'm sure she'll be plugging for next year!!!
February 24, 2015 at 5:21 AM
I don't see M or C doing DWTS. I don't think M has the constitution to do it and C? She shrinks (literally) from the camera.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Feb 22
I won 2day! Used snow blowerX2 hrs,cleaned main floor for 2-3hrs, made dinner,did almost all laundry,packed lunches& showered!In bed 8:30pm!
Okay, so assuming she started at 7 a.m. like most mediocre folks do, she should have been done the snow removal, laundry and 1st floor cleaning by lunch time. What? Not so, you say? Why not? Not able to multi-task like millions of mothers around the world? What did she do all afternoon until it was time to make dinner? I'll bet she watched t.v. and ate bon bons.
And a schnazzy cook like Herself? She should have whipped up a gourmet meal from ketchup packets and some toothpicks in about 10 minutes.
What a maroon.
MamaKnows, ITA. She is supposedly into organic, so why not a big garden with green house? Oh wait, gardening is work so that explains it. I am still surprised she has not done it anyway because she would make the kids work it or hire someone, then claim the kudos for herself.
I won 2day! Used snow blowerX2 hrs,cleaned main floor for 2-3hrs, made dinner,did almost all laundry,packed lunches& showered!In bed 8:30pm!
Ya;ll are reading this wrong.
Kate only uses the word "I" one time.
The lack of pronouns is very telling. It should say:
I won 2day!(COLIN) Used snow blowerX2 hrs,(ALEXIS)cleaned main floor for 2-3hrs, (AADEN)made dinner (LEAH),did almost all laundry,(CARA)packed lunches& (MADY)showered (JOEL)!In bed 8:30pm!
Virginia Pen Mom said... 200
Oh snap! I read the newest page of comments before reading the prior page.
We had the same idea!
Sue Buddy, I think that house does have a formal dining room off the foyer, to the left. I recall her packing stuff in that room I believe for the RV trip. She was sitting on the floor. I think the "formal" living room space is probably that nicer TV room where they have to line up sitting on the floor. Then there is the huge kitchen/ family room combo with fireplace. She could hire a contractor or architect to more effectively use the space, but she'd have to convince TLC to film it so it would be FREE.
Tucker's Mom said... 5
localyocul said... 3
Oh my there's a 14 year old on DWTS: the little sister from Hunger Games. TFW missed her chance!! I'm sure she'll be plugging for next year!!!
February 24, 2015 at 5:21 AM
I don't see M or C doing DWTS. I don't think M has the constitution to do it and C? She shrinks (literally) from the camera.
I agree but I can't see that stopping TFW from trying.
And about her busy winning day, try adding in all the grocery shopping and other errands you were doing while the kids were at school and you had no job to go to, schmoops, then we'll talk
I wonder what she's snowblowing for 2 hours. That's a lot of snowblowing, especially if a plow truck did your driveway.
Maybe she's snowblowing a path for Shoka to run around in? Nah?
Over in TFW, the doc probably did hire an architect, but I think if he did he wasted his money. The layout is nothing special to me but it's whatever floats your boat. When that house was built, open floor plans were common but that's not the doc wanted and it is a traditional house.
Bottom line, Kate has options with all that square footage so she should STFU about running of space. It's a lovely home. She's fortunate to have it so she should not complain. So ungrateful.
Agree- what more does TFW in terms of space? What does she need? She has every possible type of room one could wish for- laundry, storage, multiple bathrooms, bedrooms, dens, finished play/exercise room, extra kitchenette, the huge main, kitchen, living-rooms, dining rooms, land, garage with apt, shed, out buildings...geez And every appliance known to man, or two of some..The kids will be leaving apparently pronto when of age, so she'll have plenty of room then!
angie said... 8
I won 2day! Used snow blowerX2 hrs,cleaned main floor for 2-3hrs, made dinner,did almost all laundry,packed lunches& showered!In bed 8:30pm!
Ya;ll are reading this wrong.
Kate only uses the word "I" one time.
The lack of pronouns is very telling. It should say:
I won 2day!(COLIN) Used snow blowerX2 hrs,(ALEXIS)cleaned main floor for 2-3hrs, (AADEN)made dinner (LEAH),did almost all laundry,(CARA)packed lunches& (MADY)showered (JOEL)!In bed 8:30pm!
Yes, but NEVER forget, SHE won today.LOL, She is a piece of work.
Tucker's Mom said... 5
localyocul said... 3
Oh my there's a 14 year old on DWTS: the little sister from Hunger Games. TFW missed her chance!! I'm sure she'll be plugging for next year!!!
February 24, 2015 at 5:21 AM
I don't see M or C doing DWTS. I don't think M has the constitution to do it and C? She shrinks (literally) from the camera.
I agree, but never mind if Mady went further than she did. Not happening. It's all about TFW.
That bathroom pic just proved everyone right. She DOESN'T know luxury. That bathroom is late 90s and just rather average. Mediocre. Whoopy-Doo.
You think she would have been smart enough to just google images of "luxurious bathrooms" on her phone and tried to recreate one of those.
Over in TFW, the doc probably did hire an architect, but I think if he did he wasted his money. The layout is nothing special to me but it's whatever floats your boat. When that house was built, open floor plans were common but that's not the doc wanted and it is a traditional house.
How did he waste his money if he got what he wanted? If he had the plans drawn up, it was built, that's what the owners wanted and apparently were happy with it or they would have scrapped the plans. Not everyone wants an open floor plan. I've had both an open and a traditional and I still prefer the traditional. You buy or build what suits your needs.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 4
Virginia Pen Mom (#200), yes, there is certainly a pattern of
obfuscation with TFW's words.
What a "sad little life" she must lead to have to brag to a bunch of
strangers about doing what most of them are doing every single
day, in addition to working 9 - 5.
Sad indeed. LOOK AT ME AND WHAT A GREAT JOB I DID. (the kids probably did the majority of her work) but look at ME. Sad that she does not understand people with jobs do the same thing every day. And sadder that she feels the need to post this on Twitter. It's almost pathetic that she thinks this makes her special. But I guess she has nothing else, so look at my bathtub, look at the bird in my blouse (boobs), etc.... Pretty sad.
Midnight, who is "MBG" in your post #164? Thanks
I think MBG was Mad British Guy, the young person Kate allegedly hired to "take down the haters." If I recall, he responded that he really didn't want to get into that, but would do it. Was this at the time she contacted him and said that she and BV would provide the info? I really wasn't following much of this at the time. Our historians here would know!
Was Mad British Guy the dude TFW said she was in "total love"
with? I remember thinking, good grief woman, this is a total
stranger! And the other day wasn't she sending hearts to
some underage kid who said he was going to help report the
Woo hoo! DWTS cast announced!
Willow Shield played Katniss sister in Hunger Games. She Is 14. Is this to young to be competing?
Rumer Willis is daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore
REDFOO! from LMFAO, of infectious Party Rock song fame!
Michael Sam, NFL pro, just happens to be first openly gay player
Suzanne Somers, everyone knows her!
Patti LaBelle everyone knows HER!
Noah Galloway, Iraq war veteran and amputee
Riker lynch, young actor from Glee
Robert Herjavec from Shark Tank
21 yo model Charlotte McKinney you will recognize from Carl's Jr ads
Olympic athlete Nastia Liukin
Apparently a Jon-hater set up a fake Twitter account and the "Ph Without the D" person is dumb enough to tweet the person:
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES 20m20 minutes ago
@JonnyGosselin @Kateplusmy8 Hell no! If you are Jon, I haven't got an ounce of respect for a loser husband & dad who can't keep a job.#loser
Can't keep a job? Does Kate even attempt to find a job? lol!
@SandieBellz I will always give the benefit of doubt until I see something otherwise. I never judge before I know the facts on anyone. 😘
But she's putting it out there that Jon is behind the CPS stories:
@CarleneMarie_1 @BluMyst @Kateplusmy8 I have a strong suspicion as to who are behind these lies and set ups. Someone needs $$ real bad.
Don't judge until you know the FACTS, and unless there are pictures there is no proof!
Hypocrisy at work. Sheesh, sheep!
Blowing In The Wind said... 18
How did he waste his money if he got what he wanted?
I guess one could say he wasted his money if he hired an architect when traditional plans are available.
JMO but I think 14 is a little bit too young. How is she going to do some of those sexy dances? Kind of creepy.
JMO but I think 14 is a little bit too young. How is she going to do some of those sexy dances? Kind of creepy.
Most people who do well on that show say they put in 1-, 14, 16 hour days. Even if they're not dancing that whole time they're listening to the music, watching tapes of past performances, and discussing moves and other things with their partner.
I don't see how a 14 year old child will have time for that kind of commitment what with obligations to study, and leaving time for friends and family. It doesn't sound healthy to me. In addition she will be subject to California child labor laws, which aren't going to allow her to put in a 14 hour day even if she wanted to, and are going to require a set teacher.
Honestly I think the house is lovely. And the bathroom is fine. The rooms do seem a bit sterile, part of an obsessive anxiety I am guessing.
With respect to fixtures, and major changes, I know we don't update rooms just because styles change.
If I were living in a home with several children I
guarantee it would look a lot more lived in,
messy, short of a disaster certainly, but relaxed.
I think trying to keep a house perfect while
people are living it is an insane undertaking..
But really the house, is fine. It was available, large enough, and at the time, financially the future was bright.
Tucker's Mom said... 5
localyocul said... 3
Oh my there's a 14 year old on DWTS: the little sister from Hunger Games. TFW missed her chance!! I'm sure she'll be plugging for next year!!!
February 24, 2015 at 5:21 AM
I don't see M or C doing DWTS. I don't think M has the constitution to do it and C? She shrinks (literally) from the camera.
If she was a royal bitch/diva as a contestant can you imagine how she'd be as a stage mother? I don't think DWTS is going to extend the invitation to either of the twins any time soon.
JoyInVirginia - I think that 14 is a little young especially for dances like the somba and the rumba.
Virginia Pen Mom said... 200
"I won!" She uses the pronoun for her non-specific self-congratulation. But when it comes to all the jobs, she doesn't say WHO did the work. Someone did it, but not Katie Irene.
I lead writing workshops sometimes, and Kate is fascinating for the various ways she manages to omit the subject of a sentence to obscure the truth. She leaves it out entirely as she did above or she writes in passive--"the playroom was cleaned top to bottom today!"
The method seems to have worked for her, too. She's made millions by obscuring the truth. Maybe that's why Baba Wawa picked her as one of her most fascinating people.
I take her, I won! as getting/forcing the kids to work if they are home. She could make it much easier on her and the kids to cook in crockpots. They had a nice pressure cooker on HSN? for 99 dollars that cooked 3, yes 3, 4lb. whole chickens in less than an hour. She could put some potatoes in the oven to bake, corn on the cob and cook it igloo cooler style in 30 minutes. And for dessert, a Hostess Ding Dong cake with a scoop of ice cream. No need to bake a cake.
Have plenty of meat for supper, have left over chicken for chicken salad. That is supper in an hour.
Of all the bad behavior TFW has engaged in, one of the absolute
worst things she has done is allowing people to viciously malign
the father of her children without commenting. That fan just
tweeted that Jon is a "loser," but any day now TFW will respond
to one of that fan's tweets just a friendly as can be. And that is
tacit approval of what she tweeted about the father of her children.
So Jon is a "loser" for whom that fan doesn't have an "ounce of
respect?" She's entitled to that opinion. But how about having
an ounce of respect for the 8 CHILDREN who love and admire
him, and to whom he'll be "Dad" for the rest of their lives? And
you've publicly insulted him on Twitter -- something they can
easily access? Once again, the fans out themselves as not
giving a flying crap about those kids. It's all about TFW.
Always has been, always will be.
JoyinVirginia said... 22
Woo hoo! DWTS cast announced!
Willow Shield played Katniss sister in Hunger Games. She Is 14. Is this to young to be competing?
Rumer Willis is daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore
REDFOO! from LMFAO, of infectious Party Rock song fame!
Michael Sam, NFL pro, just happens to be first openly gay player
Suzanne Somers, everyone knows her!
Patti LaBelle everyone knows HER!
Noah Galloway, Iraq war veteran and amputee
Riker lynch, young actor from Glee
Robert Herjavec from Shark Tank
21 yo model Charlotte McKinney you will recognize from Carl's Jr ads
Olympic athlete Nastia Liukin
Thanks, Joy!
This is a very interesting cast.
I hope St. Tony of the Ballroom gets a good partner this year ;-)
reader said... 27
I agree with your comment 100%.
reader said... 27
Honestly I think the house is lovely. And the bathroom is fine. The rooms do seem a bit sterile, part of an obsessive anxiety I am guessing.
With respect to fixtures, and major changes, I know we don't update rooms just because styles change.
Aside from the main floor being a little too chopped up for me, it's a very nice home.
I think the biggest problem is how sterile it is. It's just not decorated well.
There's no personality, but that's just a reflection of who lives there.
It's amazing, when you consider how much of what went into that house was free.
What a "sad little life" she must lead to have to brag to a bunch of
strangers about doing what most of them are doing every single
day, in addition to working 9 - 5.
14 yr old competing against adults on tv, in the DWTS format, did someone think this a great idea?
Jumping the shark.
Sue_Buddy said... 194
Isn't that where they eat, in the room off the kitchen? Where would they have their meals? Trying to picture what you're saying.
They eat in the dining area that's in the kitchen and there's another whole formal dining room off the kitchen. I think they have to pass through it to get to the front foyer. And off the foyer is yet ANOTHER smaller living room.
Then there's the tv room on the main floor past the laundry room and stairs leading to the basement. That's the room which overlooks the pool and the room with her 'leather couch' that she brags about. It's that room which I think could have been converted into a large bedroom for the boys.
I like the house but there's a lot of wasted space she could put to better use. I remember the layout from The New House episode - the one where Kate forbade the kids to enter her bedroom forever after.
I think the whole property would be ideal for a bed and breakfast.
Agree that 14 is very young to be on DWTS, on many levels.
The good thing is, DWTS is in CA, where she won't be worked to death and will be schooled.
I think the down shot is that the themes are going to be too mature for her, at times.
She's very young, and already has been in HUGE blockbuster movies, so what does she need DWTS for?
It's an odd choice, to me.
I think the point most of us are trying to make is not that it's wrong to have a dated bathroom. I don't care. My bathroom hasn't been updated in years, what do I care?
The point for ME, is that Kenya JUST made a comment about Kate having a tacky bathtub on her challenge. Not a short time later Kate tweets out a photo of her home bathtub. Which I found dated, tacky, hodgepodge, and looked quickly thrown together with a UPC code tag still on one of the plants. Hardly luxury.
The point for me is that Kenya's comments are true, Kate really doesn't know about luxury, and that I strongly suspect Kate is trying to "show" Kenya, and that's silly and immature. The point for me is not that Kate has some kind of obligation to update her bathroom every four years. Of course not. The point is Kate proved herself to be silly and immature with that tweet, and obsessed with what somebody else said about her despite her assertions she's not. It's just too much of coincidence that Kenya specifically called her out for not knowing luxury, and specifically identified her tacky bathtub. I don't buy it.
Sue said... 25
JMO but I think 14 is a little bit too young. How is she going to do some of those sexy dances? Kind of creepy.
I totally agree, but would not put it past TFW to try to put her kids on DWTS. as it is always about the money. Don't think M has any interest whatsoever.
So Jon is a "loser" for whom that fan doesn't have an "ounce of
respect?" She's entitled to that opinion. But how about having
an ounce of respect for the 8 CHILDREN who love and admire
him, and to whom he'll be "Dad" for the rest of their lives?
It's downright mean to the kids to keep calling Jon these names. One says she KNOWS the kids love Jon and Jon, the kids, but, he's still a deadbeat dad.
She also keeps harping on Colin not seeing Jon, over and over and over and over...
Jon might not pay child support to Kate, but he spends quality time with his kids which makes him anything but a deadbeat dad.
That's just beyond mean and hurtful for the kids to read this crap all the time.
Over And Out said... 23
Apparently a Jon-hater set up a fake Twitter account and the "Ph Without the D" person is dumb enough to tweet the person
She really is dumb or just plain gullible. There was another account that tweeted Kate asking Kate for advice because she just found out she was pregnant with septuplets and she already a triplets. Some of the fans doubted the story--I mean, come on, the twitter's name was Zorro4488--could it be any more obvious it was some spoofing Kate.
Any way, Ph. without the D, not only congratulated her, but gave her Kate's email address so that she could email Kate directly for advice.
Ann Fletcher @Zorro4488 · 24h24 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Am in shock!!! Just found out I am pregnant with septuplets. I have a set of triplets at home now. What to do????
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES · 20h20 hours ago
@Zorro4488 @Kateplusmy8 Congratulations! I hope Kate see's your tweets because she could have some excellent advice for you. 👏👏
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES · 19h19 hours ago
@Zorro4488 @Kateplusmy8 You can also email Kate
When Sandie and a few others (including Milo) pointed out to her that they thought it was a fake account, she made that tweet about "giving the benefit of the doubt".
Reading Kate's timeline is sometimes better than going to a comedy club for entertainment, and best thing is that it's free!!
The trend on tv these days seems to be focused on kids competing on shows that usually feature adults. Last night I watched Kids Baking Championship on Food Network. Time was running out and one of the boys was in such a rush that he grabbed the hot handle of a pot on the stove and was badly burned. After the medics patched him up they asked if he was well enough to continue and he said he was, although he appeared to still be in a lot of pain. My immediate thought was is it worth hurting yourself for this?
How far are they going to push these kids on competitive shows anyway? They are no doubt talented, but some of them are far too young to be rushed and on their own in front of a hot oven and stove top.
I can see lawsuits on the horizon.
I strongly suspect Kate is trying to "show" Kenya, and that's silly and immature. 39
You've just described Katie in a nutshell. (Administrator) said... 39
I think the point most of us are trying to make is not that it's wrong to have a dated bathroom. I don't care. My bathroom hasn't been updated in years, what do I care?
The point for ME, is that Kenya JUST made a comment about Kate having a tacky bathtub on her challenge. Not a short time later Kate tweets out a photo of her home bathtub. Which I found dated, tacky, hodgepodge, and looked quickly thrown together with a UPC code tag still on one of the plants. Hardly luxury.
The point for me is that Kenya's comments are true, Kate really doesn't know about luxury, and that I strongly suspect Kate is trying to "show" Kenya, and that's silly and immature. The point for me is not that Kate has some kind of obligation to update her bathroom every four years. Of course not. The point is Kate proved herself to be silly and immature with that tweet, and obsessed with what somebody else said about her despite her assertions she's not. It's just too much of coincidence that Kenya specifically called her out for not knowing luxury, and specifically identified her tacky bathtub. I don't buy it.
I think it is sad that she even twittered her bath tub. What grade is TFW in? Seems she still had axes to grind with CA. Can not imagine what the kids go through with her huge ego.
I hope St. Tony of the Ballroom gets a good partner this year ;-)
Tony is partnered with Suzanne Somers.
I too, think 14 years is too young for DWTS. However, she is partnered with Mark, who also danced with Sadie Robertson last season. Mark seemed to tone down things for Sadie's dances, so I think he will do the same with Willow.
As far as her working hours, yes, they will be limited. I recall they had to do it when Shawn Johnson was on since she was only 17, and I'm sure they had to do it with the other celebs who were under 18, like Zendaya and Sadie.
I hope St. Tony of the Ballroom gets a good partner this year ;-)
He's with Suzanne Somers. Not sure how good that will be, but you just never know!.
I don't understand why people think jon should have to pay Kate child support to maintain a lifestyle that is of HER choosing. It is a lifestyle that has damaged her children, in addition to her parental alienating, narcissistic, abusive behavior. It is a lifestyle that SHE can't afford without forcing the kids to work. At least he works. At least he makes an honest living. She cannot say the same
I heard St. Tony got Suzanne Somers, but guess who got the Olympic Gymnast. Again.
Goody's on a rant again,defending Kate, and posting pictures of "real" abused children. Then she tweets:
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 · 14m14 minutes ago
NOBODY is perfect. Eight+ years ago, under stress, @kateplusmy8 spanked her child for doing what kids do.
Andrea Yates killed hers. #Hello
So I guess as long as there were no pictures of the kids covered with bruises and welts, and Kate hasn't murdered any of them, how Kate treated her children is fine with her. Especially since it happened 8+ years ago.
How far are they going to push these kids on competitive shows anyway? They are no doubt talented, but some of them are far too young to be rushed and on their own in front of a hot oven and stove top.
Parents will go to any lengths, it seems.
You know, it's all about them. Sure, the kids might like to cook and show some precocious tendencies when it comes to culinary endeavors, but cut me a break!
Your 9-year old isn't ready for the line at The French Laundry.
I think pushing kids into competing in food competitions at that age makes it about winning, and pressure and beating others.
That's not what I'd want to foster when it comes to making food traditions and fostering a healthy love of food and cooking/baking.
Take your kid to the store, and the farmers market. Teach them about budgeting. Teach them about local and seasonal ingredients. Work with them with family and friends.
Don't put them in a TV studio, where things are anything but REAL. (Administrator) said... 39
I think the point most of us are trying to make is not that it's wrong to have a dated bathroom. I don't care. My bathroom hasn't been updated in years, what do I care?
The point for ME, is that Kenya JUST made a comment about Kate having a tacky bathtub on her challenge. Not a short time later Kate tweets out a photo of her home bathtub. Which I found dated, tacky, hodgepodge, and looked quickly thrown together with a UPC code tag still on one of the plants. Hardly luxury.
The point for me is that Kenya's comments are true, Kate really doesn't know about luxury, and that I strongly suspect Kate is trying to "show" Kenya, and that's silly and immature. The point for me is not that Kate has some kind of obligation to update her bathroom every four years. Of course not. The point is Kate proved herself to be silly and immature with that tweet, and obsessed with what somebody else said about her despite her assertions she's not. It's just too much of coincidence that Kenya specifically called her out for not knowing luxury, and specifically identified her tacky bathtub. I don't buy it.
I agree, but the BIGGEST point for me is that it happened almost a year ago and it obviously still bothers her. And that comment was a blip on the show, not a major factor. Not a grudge holder? Pul-ease. As a true narc, this slight will follow her to her grave. She'll never forget it.
She really is dumb or just plain gullible. There was another account that tweeted Kate asking Kate for advice because she just found out she was pregnant with septuplets and she already a triplets. Some of the fans doubted the story--I mean, come on, the twitter's name was Zorro4488--could it be any more obvious it was some spoofing Kate.
Any way, Ph. without the D, not only congratulated her, but gave her Kate's email address so that she could email Kate directly for advice.
I know. I saw that and thought, my gosh, how insanely stupid (and gullible) can some people be!
AuntieAnn said... 43
How far are they going to push these kids on competitive shows anyway? They are no doubt talentedelf for thi, but some of them are far too young to be rushed and on their own in front of a hot oven and stove top.
Agree. I don't think kids have any business on realitytv at all, and that includes the cooking shows. I watched the first season of MasterChef Jr, and thought to myself, well they're being nice to the kids, supporting them, helping them, so it's okay. Then the second season happened, and that went out the window. There were kids crying every episode, and every season there is one kid who has the smug/not likeable edit. They even put the kids in a restaurant and had them work the line by themselves! None of them would EVER have that opportunity in real life to prepare them for that. There's no reason to put that stress on 8-12 year olds.
RealityTV competition shows are dubious at best. At least adults can research the shows and make an informed decision on whether to participate (and even then there's a certain type of adult who does them). It is unfair to put a kid, who has no knowledge of when a show could take advantage of them for ratings / money, in a stressful situation like that. Shame on those parents who sign their kids up for these things!
In reality, it would be a nightmare. But how funny would it be if someone with septuplets and triplets stole the spotlight from Kate. #todayilost
Sue said... 25
JMO but I think 14 is a little bit too young. How is she going to do some of those sexy dances? Kind of creepy.
--- I
I totally agree. Not sure how anyone under 18 is even eligible, let
alone appropriate for this completion? Ridiculous.
JMO but I think 14 is a little bit too young. How is she going to do some of those sexy dances? Kind of creepy.
Not that different from the Friday night football games, where the scantily clad cheerleaders bump and grind to the amusement of the testosterone sitting in the stands.
TFW was voted the worst female star on DWTS ever- ie -coat hanger, etc ... She gave zero effort as usual, and bitched about Tony. Tony had to come to her house with floor inserted in her basement. No wonder people/competitors can not stand her. She always thinks she deserves "special treatment," and most people can see through her and all the work she claims to do. If you look at her chore chart, it is clear she cooks and does some laundry, but the cleaning person, and hired helper for 20 hour per week, clearly is to take care of her duties. And the cleaning lady once per week.
She clearly wants to do as little as possible, (with kids doing majority of chores) while marketing herself as a supermom which is ridiculous. She also has issues getting along with most people unless they are twitter folks. Pretty sad.
Well, TFW's M.O. for giving advice to mothers with HOM's deliveries is: I. hope. they. all. _ _ _. And then giggles with joy when they do. She just doesn't want any competition, or someone to have a more unique birth than hers! It is a very special evil from the depths of the 7th circle. Who wishes that on babies, the mother and the families?
This tweeter sounds very fake. Zorro4488. hahaha Would be hilarious if TFW actually answered it!
I actually like the layout of Kate's house. We built one that's very similar in design but with an attached garage! I don't think it's choppy at all. In fact, I prefer separate rooms, and we don't have any wasted or unused space. That layout of a "traditional" house is common in this area. I guess we're just traditional folks here! Personally, I like the uniqueness of different rooms. I don't like walking into a house with one big room. It just seems cold to me. I guess if you're into the trendy thing and more modern approach to decorating it's fine. Many people love that and find it's more homey to have a family all gathered in one area. It's all in preference and if Kate is happy there, good for her.
She does not, however, need anything larger. She certainly can make that work. I don't think she realizes that time is going to fly very fast and soon the older girls will be in college and the younger ones won't be far behind. Then she'll have all the space she wants.
I think it is sad that she even twittered her bath tub. What grade is TFW in? Seems she still had axes to grind with CA. Can not imagine what the kids go through with her huge ego.
There is no doubt in my mind that this was, as several have said here, directed at Kenya and CA to show that she can do the luxury thing. It's really funny because I doubt if Kenya givies a flying you-know-what about Kate's bathtub. The timing was such that it was too much of a coincidence to be anything else. I mean, who randomly decides to post a picture of a bathtub? Not only was it directed at those who were laughing because she has no idea was luxury is, but she said it was "drawn" for Mady, thus saying how wonderful a mother she is, and child abuse...what child abuse?
I think the younger contestants on DWTS have an unfair advantage as being more flexible and energetic than older contestants. The gymnasts, like Nastia, also have unfair advantage.
Fun facts I just learned: Redfoo real name is Stefan Gordy, that ring a bell? He is the youngest son of Berry Gordy Jr who was the founder of Motown Records. He went to high school with of the black eyed peas. He is a musician and may be a big surprise.
Riker Lynch has been on Glee, also in a band R5 with the of his siblings and a fifth member who also has an R name. One of his brothers is on a Disney sitcom, so there is the mouse connection.
According to imdb, willow shields is a twin. She will be fifteen in June. She is a New Mexico native. when does the final Hunger Games movie come out? Her agent is prepping her for next stage in her career. I wonder if there is a Disney connection?
Last night I watched Kids Baking Championship on Food Network.
I saw that, AuntieAnn. The girl who said she was finished early and helped her competitor was wonderful, especially when she said that she was taught to help others and not expect anything in return. Good for her. It looks like that one is being raised right.
That said, I agree about how young is too young. The judges, though, do give praise and positive comments, even finding something good to say when clearly the kids' end products really weren't all that great. I liked that.
Joy-- Riker is also a cousin of Derek Hough and Julianne Hough. So Julianne will be judging two members of her family.
Since when was the braces off cake became the TFW's... It's been around the internet for years...did she patent it? :-)
this is AWESOME!!! I'm so happy she made u our traditional 'braces off' cake!
Karen Kaufman said... 54
In reality, it would be a nightmare. But how funny would it be if someone with septuplets and triplets stole the spotlight from Kate. #todayilost
It's funny to see some sheep falling for the Penelope!
Um, once, I was pregnant, so, with 9 kids and um, I had them all at once, and um, so my doctors had me on bed rest for 2 years, and um, I had to eat 12 racks of ribs everyday and, um...
I haven't watched the show since the G's moved into the new house, so I'm only going by the pictures I've seen. I think the house itself is lovely. It has character and some really nice features. My problem with it is, from what I've seen, it's impersonal, institutional -- sterile is a good description -- and cold. There's no warmth, no personal touches, no homey feel to it. It reminds me of pictures I've seen of corporate rooms/suites that some companies have for employees who have to work outside their home area for a while. There's no individuality. It could belong to anyone -- or no one. They've lived there for what? 6 years now? And there's nothing to indicate that 9 unique people live their lives there. That's sad.
I was reading the DWTS boards, and one topic is why does Derek always get a "ringer". One of the comments was:
"Why just once can't they give him a Kate Gosselin?"
And this was another comment:
"I think we can all be grateful that there is only one Kate Gosselin."
I admit that I don't really know too many of the new contestants. Of course, I know Patti La Belle and Suzanne Somers. Only know Rumer Willis because she is Bruce's and Demi's daughter. What else is she known for?
I only recognized Redfoo because he was a guest judge last year. And I only know Michael Sam from newspaper articles.
The others, I've never heard of until today.
There's one contestant who wasn't announced yet who will dance with Whitney, Alfonso's partner from last season. Speculation is that it will be Chris Soules, the current Bachelor.
Interesting the fan directed that fake tweeter claiming have triplets
and expecting septuplets to TFW. I guess that fan didn't read the
part of the journal where TFW was relieved that another expectant mother lost her fetuses. TFW's "excellent advice" to this tweeter
might be to start smoking and drinking, and not to answer any calls
from TLC, because nobody's supposed to make money off of
multiples but her.
I don't see a whole lot wrong with her bathroom. Actually, I think the McMansion is very nice throughout and could probably be a very warm and comfortable home for a big family if the family wasn't headed by a tyrannical dictator who, in a perfect world, would be in a locked room in the attic.
I see a lot wrong with that house, detached garage, weird set up for the bedrooms, huge family areas and closets for bedrooms, that's not going to work for teens. Also they knew when they bought the darn place they had 8 kids so why buy a place with so few bedrooms to begin with. I never liked the house, I wouldn't have chose it, esp. with 8 children, and not with it being so far from their school. None of it made sense to me, either as buying it for myself or if I was them. Than almost within a month or two it lost 400,000 dollars in value. Yeah, I doubt she will get any of that money back, that bedroom in the cellar just took up storage space and made getting to some of the guts harder. Not what I'd look for in a finished basement. Also gives teens easier access to sneak out at night.
Then on top of it what the heck with have two opposite color schemes in the bathroom, and why have lovely windows with crap drapery, it's not like that type of window can be seen through, even worse why are you hanging X-mas lights over a tub? Hoping to electrocute yourself? your teen? Same question with why the flat iron on the edge of the tub? Surely you're not doing your hair while in a relaxing bath? I didn't understand tearing out a perfectly fine kitchen to put in another one where you have to look at the appliances and see the smeared stainless steel. And keep all that white looking good where as the wood would give you a little leeway. Whatever not like she's the one cleaning it.
Mel (#64), unless noted otherwise, all traditions in the world
were invented by TFW. From crossing your fingers for
good luck, to breaking a glass at a Jewish wedding, we
should all thank the brilliantly inventive TFW. Better yet --
send her a gift card. Or a pallet of toilet paper.
Also they knew when they bought the darn place they had 8 kids so why buy a place with so few bedrooms to begin with
Because there are not that many properties in the area that are built with more than four bedrooms, let alone homes with all that land. She wanted square footage, a finished lower level, and acreage. She got it.
Same question with why the flat iron on the edge of the tub? Surely you're not doing your hair while in a relaxing bath?
It's not a flat iron. It's one of those long lighters for barbecues and candles,
I admit that I don't really know too many of the new contestants. Of course, I know Patti La Belle and Suzanne Somers. Only know Rumer Willis because she is Bruce's and Demi's daughter. What else is she known for?
lol, KIAT! I was just thinking exactly the same thing! Those are the only three I know! I had to google Rumer to see if she's done anything on television or films!
It has character and some really nice features. My problem with it is, from what I've seen, it's impersonal, institutional -- sterile is a good description -- and cold. There's no warmth, no personal touches, no homey feel to it.
Yes, I agree. The house really has possibilities. I'd love to get in there and decorate it, give it warmth, make it a home. There is so much you could do with it without an extensive remodel. We've seen pictures of the interior of her last home, and that one also lacked character and homey touches. It's clear she has zero sense of decorating skills. I'm not talking about "luxury," but she has no idea what to do with a house, let alone one that size.
Reader said:
I think trying to keep a house perfect while people are living it is an insane undertaking..
I agree. I do like my home to be clean and neat, but have had to make a deal with my son to leave his room alone, except for straightening it up once a week. I vacuum the entire apartment once a week, including washing the kitchen and bathroom floors, sinks, bathtub, etc. The house looks so nice and neat, for about 5 minutes, until my cat tracks in leaves from the outside, or my son passes through.
Anonymous said... 49
I heard St. Tony got Suzanne Somers, but guess who got the Olympic Gymnast. Again.
Considering he wasn't going to be on the show this year, I do have to wonder if he said he'd do it again if given another "ringer"-type so he'd have a chance to win another trophy before exiting permanently.
BTW, I just want to clarity something in my comment about Goody for the "other" people that read here.
The comment about Andrea Yates was tweeted by Goody. That is not part of my comment. She is the one who compared Kate to Andrea Yates. Here is Goody's full tweet again:
@msgoody2shoes21 NOBODY is perfect. Eight+ years ago, under stress, @kateplusmy8 spanked her child for doing what kids do.
Andrea Yates killed hers. #Hello
9:58 AM - 24 Feb 2015
Bugged (69): "Surely you're not doing your hair while in a relaxing bath? I didn't understand tearing out a perfectly fine kitchen to put in another one where you have to look at the appliances and see the smeared stainless steel."
There are smudge-proof stainless appliances.They don't leave fingerprints. We have a refrigerator and it shows nothing on it. I was hesitant at first, but it really is low-maintenance.
I've been away for awhile and although I was able to read, and did!, posting was difficult. Not that I post so much anyway. About DWTS - like others here I went "huh?" Suzanne Sommers and Patti LaBelle I'd heard of. And Nastia Lukin from the Olympics and Rumor Willis because of her parents. But the others? In seasons past, there were always quite a few names that were unfamiliar but this season it does seem like they're scraping the bottom of the pan. Maybe we'll be surprised. I'm not happy that a 14 year old is included.
Could someone point me to Kenya's tweet about Kate's bathroom, please? When I was finally able to view the picture she shared on Twitter, my first impressions was that it was staged. I wasn't even able to see the UPC tags or plastic bases (terrible Internet connection) -- it looked like she threw something together that looked elegant to her, when in reality it looked silly and fake and tacky.
Bugged (69): "I see a lot wrong with that house...Yeah, I doubt she will get any of that money back, that bedroom in the cellar just took up storage space and made getting to some of the guts harder. Not what I'd look for in a finished basement. Also gives teens easier access to sneak out at night."
So if someone offered it to you for a dollar, you'd refuse because there is so much wrong with it? :)
mel said... 64
That mel is not me, the original Mel. Please choose a different name.
I like the kitchen. It is bright, has plants on the sill, and plenty of counter space, all the great appliances, that extra fridge and sink...Kate has personalized it with a cup of coffee ornament on the wall, and her motto hanging, and a few other room in the house IMO.I also like the fireplace behind the eating area.I could do without the chore charts etc though!
Kate is a twit, thanks for the info! I had forgotten Redfoo was a guest judge. And Riker is related to Derek and Julianne, that is interesting! What do you want to bet he's had some dance training in addition to his musical training? Hmmmm.
The message board comments are hilarious!
Lanc (74): "Yes, I agree. The house really has possibilities. I'd love to get in there and decorate it, give it warmth, make it a home. There is so much you could do with it without an extensive remodel. We've seen pictures of the interior of her last home, and that one also lacked character and homey touches. It's clear she has zero sense of decorating skills. I'm not talking about "luxury," but she has no idea what to do with a house, let alone one that size."
Exactly. I like a house that looks lived in, homey, warm and friendly. I don't, however, want one that looks like something out of a home magazine. I wouldn't be happy living in a museum.
I see Goody is on another one of her lunatic rants. She is a very scary sheeple and often makes no sense at all. I wonder if she hates only Jon, or if her anger is directed at all men.
Lanc Native said... 71
Also they knew when they bought the darn place they had 8 kids so why buy a place with so few bedrooms to begin with
Because there are not that many properties in the area that are built with more than four bedrooms, let alone homes with all that land. She wanted square footage, a finished lower level, and acreage. She got it.
My votes goes for seclusion to allow unlimited, unfettered filming, and the separate living quarters for Jon and possibly a limited production studio.
My votes goes for seclusion to allow unlimited, unfettered filming, and the separate living quarters for Jon and possibly a limited production studio.
And that, too! They were getting into trouble at their previous home because of zoning issues. I guess she figured that with all of that land and secluded property, that there would be no complaints from the neighbors about film crews parked in the street.
Jane said... 80
Could someone point me to Kenya's tweet about Kate's bathroom, please?
There was no tweet from Kenya, but Kenya did note on CA that Kate had no idea of luxury.
Kate is a twit, thanks for the info! I had forgotten Redfoo was a guest judge. And Riker is related to Derek and Julianne, that is interesting! What do you want to bet he's had some dance training in addition to his musical training? Hmmmm.
The message board comments are hilarious!
Do you have a link to the message board? I found one, but got a "dangerous access" alert!
I believe that TFW was voted one of the top three losers on DWTS to date for all seasons.
And that, too! They were getting into trouble at their previous home because of zoning issues. I guess she figured that with all of that land and secluded property, that there would be no complaints from the neighbors about film crews parked in the street.
There's also 10 fenced acres of pasture behind the house for her six sheep to graze upon. Is it any wonder they adore her?
Tucker's Mom (#86), thanks for reminding me...those little kids
grew up with production lights installed in their effing HOME!
How in the world did TFW get away with characterizing that
as just them wandering in and out of camera range? They
Entirely speculation, but perhaps those unnatural lights
wreaked havoc on a few of their little psyches, and contributed
to their behavioral issues. I'm guessing that as preemies, they
may have been more susceptible to the ill effects of that kind
of intense visual stimulation.
Do you have a link to the message board? I found one, but got a "dangerous access" alert!
LancNative--It's on the DWTS website. Here's the link.
Warning: some of the posters there can be very nasty, especially if someone disses one of their favorite celebrities.
This is the link to the discussion that mentioned Kate.
JoyinVirginia said... 84
Kate is a twit, thanks for the info! I had forgotten Redfoo was a guest judge. And Riker is related to Derek and Julianne, that is interesting! What do you want to bet he's had some dance training in addition to his musical training? Hmmmm.
The message board comments are hilarious!
Seems that the Hough family is getting a little top heavy, with relatives and judges. Certainly they could find another contestant.
This one looks like Kate's type. I'd say "go for it!" Ewwww...
steve shabazz @timmy112 29m29 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 clearly easy on the eyes now we know y dude wanted to give u 8 kids yeah way to many 4 me my maximum no more than 2 hey cutie
steve shabazz @timmy112
@Kateplusmy8 her beauty is so underrated watchin her on apprentice made me realize just how fine she is u shined on that show 4 real
Formerly Duped said... 83
I like the kitchen. It is bright, has plants on the sill, and plenty of counter space, all the great appliances, that extra fridge and sink...Kate has personalized it with a cup of coffee ornament on the wall, and her motto hanging, and a few other room in the house IMO.I also like the fireplace behind the eating area.I could do without the chore charts etc though!
I agree the kitchen is very nice, completed by TLC with a trip. TFW is not relatable on any level, as she always has her hand out for what others can do for her. The kids (money makers) have no choice, as TFW will always rule with an iron first.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 2h 2 hours ago
An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips. -Prov. 24:26 Keep your integrity...hold your head high! #HonestyIsRewarded :) @kateplusmy8
She's talking to Kate about a kiss on the lips?? It's like she found a way to couch a come-on into a Bible verse. And the creep-o-meter rises ever higher! Great legs, wine in the tub, candles at the bath, what are you wearing to bed, bod, how did you sleep, hot rockin' bikini bod, now a kiss on the lips. Kate, do you get it now? She wants you. She wants you bad, lol.
FlimsyFlamsy said...
Entirely speculation, but perhaps those unnatural lights
wreaked havoc on a few of their little psyches, and contributed
to their behavioral issues. I'm guessing that as preemies, they
may have been more susceptible to the ill effects of that kind
of intense visual stimulation.
A very interesting thought! Environment is so important, especially when kids are young. Can you imagine how awful and intrusive those big lights and camera would be?
It occurred to me this morning that we're bound to have at least one tell-all book from the kids. After all, kids learn best by the behavior that's modeled for them. Kate showed them well how to exploit loved ones for money with a take-no-prisoners attitude.
Can't you imagine one or more of the kids being offered big bucks when they hit 18? And the child says, "What would mommy do? Oh, right! She'd sell the rest of the family out! What was my advance again? I NEED 6 figures and Nobu!"
Tony Dovolani gets stuck for the second year in a row with another almost 70 year old. I wish this show would even things out a little better and give pros like Derek a fairer share of contestants that are not likely to make it to the big dance like Tony gets. Even the picture The Daily Mail posted of Suzanne Sommers reminded me of Betsey Johnson. I hope Suzanne is more talented.
Here's The Daily Mail link of Suzanne Soomers and Tony D.
Pic #12
Why don't they just pair Tony with a bottle of Geritol?
Suzanne Somers looks like her husband Al Hamel. Or maybe Al looks like Suzanne. I can't tell anymore.
Please God. Make botox go away.
I remember when they were driving down to Disneyworld and they did a show with them looking at a property in NC with land. Kate complained it was too far from shopping. I get that with little kids, but I do believe she wanted land in the country for filming away from neighbors. Jon said he wanted to live in the country too and at that time the marriage was not publicly on the skids. Not sure why they did not go for NC since that is where Figure 8 is based. I agree the plan was to continue filming for years and years. Really stupid since TV and viewers tastes change. At that time, I think that was their long term plan. Now she's stuck with all that acreage.
I also remember her saying on a show that she would not allow those bright ceiling lights in the new house.
Tucker's Mom said... 101
Why don't they just pair Tony with a bottle of Geritol?
I agree. Who the hell did TD piss off? TD is one of my favorites and never gets a good partner.
Milo Milo tweeted to Kate:
@Kateplusmy8 TwitterID @NotJenD that posted this last nite > has been suspended. May have been behind #ShokaStalking
Milo you wish your queen would give you a kiss better be careful it might be a Judas kiss.
I found the comment about Geritol a bit offensive and ageist. There are many, many people over 60, 70 who are in great shape and able to out dance the youngins.
Jen said... 107
''I found the comment about Geritol a bit offensive and ageist. There are many, many people over 60, 70 who are in great shape and able to out dance the youngins.''
You know what? I'm a 75 year old that is positive I can out dance many ''youngins'', but I didn't find it necessary to post something calling anyone out for their harmless comment! Just saying....
The tv studio lights all over the house is nothing but a lab experiment and the kids were lab mice being filmed. That house is void, sterile and cold and unfriendly. I don't even remember seeing any candid family pictures on the walls or in frames anywhere in that house. All of the pictures I have seen look like what the photographer at the casting agents took of the twins and the others TLC property!
Who signs away their rights to not be able to take candid family pictures of your family? The Greedy One does.
Jen said... 107
I found the comment about Geritol a bit offensive and ageist. There are many, many people over 60, 70 who are in great shape and able to out dance the youngins.
My mom is 63 and she still dances and she doesn't stop even when I ask her to lol.
I agree. Who the hell did TD piss off? TD is one of my favorites and never gets a good partner.
I thought he won the season with Melissa Rycroft, or maybe I'm wrong. I'm not a devout DWTS fan.
Suzanne Somers looks like her husband Al Hamel. Or maybe Al looks like Suzanne. I can't tell anymore.
Please God. Make botox go away.
Yes, well, at least neither of them looks like Bruce Jenner.
TLC posted a bonus clip on it's site titled "How Kate Deals With Negativity" with the description "Kate Gosselin explains how she deals with haters".
In the clip Kate says "I feel bad for them. What a sorry, sad life to try to take down another individual. Like do you really think you have an effect on my life? You don't". She goes on to say "I've always told my kids that people who are negative and mean--it says more about them, then is says about you?"
The funny thing about the whole clip, is that interspersed with Kate speaking, are clips of her yelling and screaming at the kids. They even included a clip from Gumgate. They basically showed her being mean and negative!!
Is TLC trying to tell Kate something? Like how hypocritical she is?
Here's the clip:
Tony always gets stuck with the 55 year plus basket case narcissists. I think he's the only one who can handle them. Maybe he gets hazard pay.
I don't know if Suzanne is a narcissist, I've seen her more than any other celeb because we go to the same Sunday farmer's market every week about 1p.m. We have this running joke Suzanne is stalking us. I always see her . She always stops to pose for pictures or chit chat with whoever wants to. She never acts annoyed or above it. A couple weeks ago when it was kind of crowded, she patiently waited in her SUV for me to pull out of my spot, then waved at me very friendly. I don't know, she seems like a nice woman not full of herself. She is always with her husband and always holding his hand.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 112
Suzanne Somers looks like her husband Al Hamel. Or maybe Al looks like Suzanne. I can't tell anymore.
Please God. Make botox go away.
Yes, well, at least neither of them looks like Bruce Jenner.
It's looking like he was the cause of that accident, and I'm wondering if he's going to go forward with his reality show.
I thought he won the season with Melissa Rycroft, or maybe I'm wrong. I'm not a devout DWTS fan.
I thought that was fairly recently.
I think Tony went out the first elimination with Martina Navratalova.
If anyone's interested, The New House episode is on Youtube. Type 'Jon & Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Full Episodes' in the YT search bar. It's the first one (31).
I just watched the first part of it again and realized I had forgotten how much Kate emphasized the need for "mommy and daddy's privacy". Yeah, right. She had the whole room to herself.
I thought Betsey Johnson worked very hard to do all the dances well. Tony seemed to really enjoy being around her. How many here can do the hand stand she did? I think with her attitude and personality she was a pleasure to watch.
Kate is a twit said... 113
TLC posted a bonus clip on it's site titled "How Kate Deals With Negativity" with the description "Kate Gosselin explains how she deals with haters".
Kate feels sorry for no one but herself. She's so sanctimonious and smug.
Kate trying to bend this tripe, about teaching her children a lesson about haters?
How about you don't drag your children into your adult problems in the first place? (Administrator) said... 114
Tony always gets stuck with the 55 year plus basket case narcissists. I think he's the only one who can handle them. Maybe he gets hazard pay.
I don't know if Suzanne is a narcissist, I've seen her more than any other celeb because we go to the same Sunday farmer's market every week about 1p.m
It sounds like Suzanne is a pretty level-headed celeb.
I loved her on Three's Company.
She does seem to have a bit of a dance background, apparently she had a show in Vegas at one point.
Suzanne will work her butt off, she can outwork anyone, that part she has got down. She seems like your stereotypical workaholic celebrity who got here the old fashioned way by working harder, faster, better, smarter, than anyone else. Something many one-hit wonder celebs today can't understand. That will take her far.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 111
I agree. Who the hell did TD piss off? TD is one of my favorites and never gets a good partner.
I thought he won the season with Melissa Rycroft, or maybe I'm wrong. I'm not a devout DWTS fan.
In her first season, Melissa was a last-minute replacement when Tony's intended partner was injured. They competed together again on the all-star season and won. They got a boost because some fans swore not to vote for anyone who had already won (several contestants). Also some celebs were with different pro partners than in the original season, which may also have been a disadvantage.
Another thing I like about Kate's kitchen is that the fridge is so organized! I admit to being a little compulsive that way ( but no labels) and the other members of the household, not so! Whoever does it, helpers or maybe TLC does a big clean-up before filming- that basement was awful- can come over here anytime. My daughter complains my grocery cart is insane how I arrange things- I do it so they are packed by category and I can put things away easily! According to RH, Jon was the neat one and Kate is a slob.
I just watched the first part of it again and realized I had forgotten how much Kate emphasized the need for "mommy and daddy's privacy". Yeah, right. She had the whole room to herself.
I think she forbade access to her bedroom because the kids would realize that Jon wasn't sleeping there. Also, to lay the premise that suddenly, the master bedroom was off limits, and you wouldn't see any footage coming from there.
Again, to hide the fact that Jon wasn't living in the house.
Tony did win with Melissa Rycroft during the All Star season. During the regular seasons he placed third with both Melissa and Stacey Kiebler. Those were the only times he's made it to the finals.
It sounds like Suzanne is a pretty level-headed celeb.
I loved her on Three's Company.
Yes. I think it's hard to be a gazliion-aire without your head on at least slightly straight. Kate would never even come close to dreaming up the brand and business ideas Suzanne and her people do. She's not even smart enough to hire the right people to do it FOR her. Suzanne made a killing on her exercise equipment and is right back to making a killing over her organic diet stuff. And she's genuine, as evidenced by her actually buying the organic farmers market stuff all the time.
Maybe this will work out just fine for Tony.
And, she has a very, very long marriage by ANY standards let alone Hollywood. Not that getting divorced makes you a bad person but it says a lot they've weathered Hollywood together all these years and still hold hands like school children. She is a minority in this town, which gives you your first clue maybe she's not like other silly celebs.
foxy said... 118
I thought Betsey Johnson worked very hard to do all the dances well. Tony seemed to really enjoy being around her. How many here can do the hand stand she did? I think with her attitude and personality she was a pleasure to watch.
She was also pushed through a bit by the judge's "bless your heart for trying, dear" treatment.
Betsy was amazing, but Tony had to really tone it down to meet her capabilities.
I remember Suzanne being so "real" when her house burned. She didn't act like a crazy diva- she kept things in perspective.
Sure, she's got the money to rebuild, but she didn't seem to lose it over the material things that you can't replace.
She is hard working, and I think what she does really well, is use her blonde "bimbo" image to her advantage.
She's smart as a whip, and sly like a fox.
I never did get a ThighMaster.
It's looking like he was the cause of that accident, and I'm wondering if he's going to go forward with his reality show.
I thought you were going to ask if he's going forward with his sex change.
Time for a drink. Make it a double.
I loved her on Three's Company.
She was good in Step by Step as well. We always watched it on TGIF nights. There were a lot of good family sitcoms back then.
She's been a good sport about ThighMaster jokes, too.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 129
It's looking like he was the cause of that accident, and I'm wondering if he's going to go forward with his reality show.
I thought you were going to ask if he's going forward with his sex change.
Time for a drink. Make it a double.
February 24, 2015 at 5:23 PM
I do wonder about that, too.
If indeed he is found to have caused the accident, he's going to be sued out the wazoo.
That can be very consuming.
On another level, I wonder how a 66-year old could withstand the risk, trauma and pain, to begin with.
Yes, St. Tony and Melissa won in 2012.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 2m2 minutes ago
Instead of getting ready to live tweet #KatePlus8, I'm fixing my dishwasher....again! #Sigh #IdRatherBeTweeting @TLC
You ARE tweeting, dingbat. This is a tweet! Gawd.
Calling Gladys! Twitter alert on phone! Kate's in distress. Her dishwasher is broken again. Come on, Milo...let's give Kate some encouragement (and kisses)!
Hasn't Suzanne also suffered some tragedy too? Her house burned to the ground a few years ago. She was very resolute about it, saying it was a small problem compared to what others were facing, they would rebuild, and she moved on. She seems like a nice, genuine person.
Aww, poor Kate, her dishwasher is broken again. But she can't just say that, can she?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 18m18 minutes ago
Instead of getting ready to live tweet #KatePlus8, I'm fixing my dishwasher....again! #Sigh #IdRatherBeTweeting @TLC
Is she going to tweet every Tuesday about "live tweeting" the show. Notice how she included @TLC in that tweet. She did the same thing last Tuesday.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Feb 17
I'll miss live tweeting while we watch our #KatePlus8 adventures together tonight on @TLC #Hope2SeeYouSoon :(
She's obviously hoping all her tweeters will reply how much they miss the show and hopes TLC notices.
Maybe she should have another "contest" and have her tweeties make signs to bring back the show.
Aww, poor Kate, her dishwasher is broken again. But she can't just say that, can she?
Why would she even mention it at all? Is this newsworthy? Will she grift a new one from the manufacturer? Stay tuned!
Joanie @yankeefortytwo 8m8 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC Always makes me laugh during your episodes when you say, "Boys are gross." ☺️
Oh, yes. Really funny. Belly laugh funny. Geez.
Looks like there are quite a few doofi over there who don't seem to understand that the season, or series, or specials or whatever is over!
Seems a bit immature on Kate's part to keep up this "I could be K+8 live tweeting" stuff every Tuesday. Almost 40 years old?? smh
Looks like there are quite a few doofi over there who don't seem to understand that the season, or series, or specials or whatever is over!
Kate's Tuesday tweets give the impression that the show is still on and I think she's adding to the confusion. She's really not being fair to her fans by making tweets like that.
She's baiting them to make tweets about the show, and how they miss it, and is hoping they'll leave @TLC in their tweets when they reply to her.
Unfortunately for them, they don't realize that Kate is using them just like she uses everyone else.
??"live" tweet?? I thought all tweets were "live".
Sleepless In Seattle said... 138
Joanie @yankeefortytwo 8m8 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC Always makes me laugh during your episodes when you say, "Boys are gross." ☺️
Oh, yes. Really funny. Belly laugh funny. Geez.
And in her Twitter profile it says, "Always be kinder than you feel."
Guess she forgot.
I'd like Kate to answer this tweet:
Rachel @jasmineranelle · 55m55 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC did i miss something is your show on tonight or why wud u live tweet? #fillmein
And in her Twitter profile it says, "Always be kinder than you feel."
Guess she forgot.
She's too busy doubling over with laughter at Kate's constant poking at the boys.
She's baiting them to make tweets about the show, and how they miss it, and is hoping they'll leave @TLC in their tweets when they reply to her.
And of course some of the Silly Sheep took the bait. No surprise there.
Barbara Gilmer @BarbGilmer 1m1 minute ago
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC Weren't you fixing it last year? Hi @TLC you heard Kate, she'd rather be tweeting with #KatePlus8 on! 😉
You fell for it, Barb. You're doing exactly what she wanted you to do. Nothing like being used, but the fans are too dumb to realize it.
I'm in the camp that likes the McMansion but feel it is a bit chopped up. I like a separate living and dining room and have those in my own home but I don't understand why the family room in the McMansion is so far away from the kitchen. I also don't understand why, for the size of this house, the bedrooms are so small. I would rather less bedrooms that are larger than more bedrooms that are small. My favorite room in this house is the kitchen. I absolutely love it. If this was my home, which it's not, the first thing I would have done is gone through the house with a paint brush and ripped down the swag and jabot window treatments. As far as TCFW's bathroom, yes it is dated, but that's an easy fix. Paint and replace the tile. The bathtub sits on a 2x4 frame which has drywall on it. It's easy to take off tile and replace with a classic tile that won't date. Because the tub sits in an alcove, you only have to replace tile on the front, a border around the top of the tub and the top of the frame. Not hard to do. However, we're talking about TCFW who won't do any of this unless TLC's paying for it and it looks like that ain't happening. My husband and I are d-i-yers and have put our stamp on every room in our home. I would have a blast decorating this house, making it cosy and turning it into a home. And therein lies the problem. The McMansion is just a house, not a home.
Admin...What's the speed limit on the stretch of road where the crash involving Bruce Jenner was? It's being reported he was going 38mph.
In my previous post, I should have said cement board around TCFW's bathtub, not drywall. I had a brain fart.
Kate is a twit said... 113
The funny thing about the whole clip, is that interspersed with Kate speaking, are clips of her yelling and screaming at the kids. They even included a clip from Gumgate. They basically showed her being mean and negative!!
Is TLC trying to tell Kate something? Like how hypocritical she is?
Here's the clip:
lol! Why does Shmoopy keep saying that people don't know her because they haven't met her, so they shouldn't judge her. She keeps putting her damn mug on tv to tell people this IS who she is...what you see is the 'realest of real' but it's not really? Who is she trying to kid. The locals who report back here say she's not at all what she cracks herself up to be.
On some level this reminds me of when her strong christian beliefs ($$) dried up. Every other Sunday she would tweet that someone was under the weather and so they wouldn't be attending that particular week. .In fact, they had simply stopped going. Her tweets implied
If its unpleasant and Kate's not making money, Kate's not havin' it. She just doesn't want you to know it.
I like a separate living and dining room and have those in my own home but I don't understand why the family room in the McMansion is so far away from the kitchen.
The kitchen has a fireplace and a "keeping room" that many use as a gathering place. It's not uncommon here to have the family room away from the kitchen, so that if you have guests for dinner, they can be a distance away and not see kitchen clutter and smell cooking odors.
Keeping rooms are very popular and help sell a home. The reason is that families can be close together while the person doing the cooking can interact with their children there. An actual family room is much larger, where more people gather.
I don't have Twitter and there is quite a bit I don't understand. How do the BOTS, if that's what they are, all show up at exactly the same time with the same tweet (Kate's driving record)? Is there something that automatically signals this program to tweet, and why do all of these BOTS have avatars of actual people, as opposed to graphics, landscapes, etc? One BOT is using Johannes Vermeer's Girl With The Pearl Earring" as an avatar.
Religion.was a passion, attending church was an easy gig when she traveled a lot and only had to check in once in awhile. Plus it would have appeared to be hypocritical to collect thousands from the many congregations if she didn't attend
She can only tweet her fans when TLC is paying her. And this evening justvhappens to be the
time she makes the needed repairs to the dish
washer. Maybe someone plugged it.into the French electricity.
LOL at "doofi," Sleepless!
Admin...What's the speed limit on the stretch of road where the crash involving Bruce Jenner was? It's being reported he was going 38mph.
I'm pretty sure it goes to 50 just before that section. Almost all of PCH through the main part of Malibu is 45, with a few curvy sections that are a little slower. Once you get farther north it's almost 50 the whole way. If he were going 38 he would be well under the speed limit for almost all of that area.
She's cc-ing @TLC on every tweet? For God's sake, stop grovelling, you're embarrassing yourself.
The religion thing is so funny and disingenuous.
She went from practically being a blanket-training Duggar to oh yeah I still have my God Is Love poster hanging on my office wall to yeah we go to church, on Christmas at least, to uh actually we don't go to church BUT we do watch it online, to....SILENCE. lol
There's nothing wrong with feeling different about church and religion as life goes on. But I don't think this is the normal sort of changing feelings lots of people go through. I think this is her never really caring about this in the FIRST PLACE, and just recognizing that this would be a nice venue to grift from while it lasted. When the grifting dried up she got bored and left.
When the church people caught on to her, she had no choice but to leave that empty well and go on to the next one.
She's baiting them to make tweets about the show, and how they miss it, and is hoping they'll leave @TLC in their tweets when they reply to her.
Does she honestly think anyone at TLC is checking their twitter account at 11 o'clock at night? Wtf? And even if they were, why would they care? By the time anyone has a chance of seeing those tweets in the morning they're going to be buried. What a doofus.
Looks like there are quite a few doofi over there who don't seem to understand that the season, or series, or specials or whatever is over!
Haha, doofi.
In fairness though, who calls five, or was it six? episodes a SEASON?
Geez. Talk about misleading.
I've always told my kids that people who are negative and mean--it says more about them, then is says about you?"
I like how whoever wrote that put a question mark in even though it's really a statement not a question. Because, that's how she talks! LOL.
If there is any doubt this thing has gone nationwide, watch a cooking show competition. Any one. Guy's Grocery Games is a good one. Everybody talks in questions now. And those contestants are from all over the country. What is happening to our accent?
The problem for TFW is that she's supposedly got over 200K followers and it looks bad when TLC only gets a dozen (more or less) tweets about getting the show back on so they can live tweet with TFW.
Hasn't Suzanne also suffered some tragedy too? Her house burned to the ground a few years ago.
Yes it did. I watched her house burn down, hers and another one. I was on the hill above it about a mile away. I didn't realize at the time it was her house. We found out a few hours later.
You would think if I were close enough to see that I would be evacuated but no, it was business as usual because they knew which direction the fire was burning and it was away from my area. It's kind of scary how close they let you get to fires without evacuating you. You can stand there and watch it and I still had a meeting that day and other normal things and it was like nothing was happening, meanwhile I thought I was watching a family's life being destroyed.
But yes she was basically like hey, this was my second home. The problems of the 1%.
Oddly she hasn't rebuilt it. Unless I'm mixing it up with the other one, it's standing there with the new frame up but that's it, been stuck like that for years. I wonder if there's some kind of erosion problem or something that'd holding things up. That happens a lot.
Wow, that sad little tweet to @TLC about wishing she was
live-tweeting about her show really really makes me think
TFW doesn't even have semi-sorta offer from them on the
horizon. By no means have we seen the last of her (was
it AuntieAnn who said she'd outlive the cockroaches?), but
it sure doesn't sound like there's a spring break shoot
scheduled. #Sigh indeed, TFW.
I agree with flimsy she wouldn't be groveling like this if she had something lined up. She'd be getting her narcissistic supply from elsewhere like planning a trip with TLC. She's got nothing. Maybe something will turn up like the cockroach that she is but as of today she's got nothing. Now whose job is unstable sheeple? Lol.
Wow, I guess TLC has not made a decision on if they are going to film more K8 or not, since now Kates, supporter, is no longer there. Kate was claiming that she was going to do a live tweet tonight, but instead had to deal with her dishwasher. She sent her tweet to TLC. What's the matter Kate not TLC golden girl anymore?
I used to really like Suzanne Somers until she became just another celebrity using her fame to spread dangerous misinformation about serious illness. She did a lot of damage with her book advising people who were diagnosed with cancer to NOT have chemotherapy and to NOT take tamoxifen. She based her irresponsible advice on unproven, non-scientific evidence and her personal experience after a lumpectomy and radiation was enough to eliminate her Stage 1 breast cancer (not an uncommon result). She touts supplements and bioidentical hormones, neither of which are proven cancer treatments.
Somers is just one in a line of self-righteous, misguided celebrities (like Jenny McCarthy, who continues to promote the idea that vaccinations cause Autism, and Tom Cruise, who thinks he knows something about post-partum depression) who have no business giving medical advice to anyone.
In fact, her 2007 book on bioidentical hormones caused such medical controversy that doctors issued a public letter to Somers and her publisher, stating that certain protocols in her book are "scientifically unproven and dangerous." Some of the doctors who signed the letter included doctors she had mentioned in her book.
This is a particularly sore subject for me because a close friend of mine has a niece who was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer about 6 years ago. She was 29 and pregnant, but thanks to the remarkable care she received from one of the top cancer treatment hospitals in the country, she went into remission AND gave birth to a healthy baby.
Unfortunately, this otherwise very bright young woman then stupidly bought into what Suzanne Somers was selling about not putting "toxins" into her body and, against the wishes of her doctors, refused to follow the normal protocol to take tamoxifen to cut the risk of her cancer recurring. I will spare you the horrific details of what that young woman has been going through for the last few months.
Ultimately, everyone is personally responsible for the decisions they make. But some people are very gullible, or so taken with celebrities that they will trust whatever they say (ahem, Milo). Celebrities who have zero medical or scientific training have zero business giving medical advice to others.
I just saw this New York Times article "Boston's Winter from Hell".
"We are being devastated by a slow-motion natural disaster of historic proportions. The disaster is eerily quiet. There are no floating bodies or vistas of destroyed homes. But there’s no denying that this is a catastrophe.
Oh my gosh, I guess I just never realized how bad it is in Boston. I live in the Pacific NW, and we just don't get snow like that.
My apologies for not realizing how bad you folks have it in Boston. I just heard "snowstorm" and thought some snow falls, shovel it away, and move on. I didn't know the impact heavy snowfall can have on a community.
I truly hope things get better soon. Not only in Boston, but everywhere the snow is impacting everyday life.
She may have been faithful (religion wise) at one time...but it certainly seems to have been replaced by the love of self/money now. Speaking heart is just aching for the over 90 Christians (some women and children) kidnapped by ISIS in Syria today. How are those parents remaining strong for those children knowing nothing good will come of this?
Call Me Crazy said... 167
I wholeheartedly agree with you about celebrities giving dubious medical advice. I also feel that way about their product endorsements and their political views. They are certainly entitled to have an opinion, but people need to wise up and stop listening. Are any of you living in communities with measles or tuberculosis outbreaks?
Kirkland, thanks for posting the article about Boston. I didn't realize how bad it was either. I hope the end of the snow is in sight for you folks up North!
Kate was claiming that she was going to do a live tweet tonight, but instead had to deal with her dishwasher.
As far as I could tell, she wasn't claiming that she was going to do a live tweet tonight. It is was her wish (sigh) that she would like to still have a show and be able to live tweet. It was very misleading to her fans, who couldn't understand what she meant and didn't realize that the show was over.
AuntieAnn said... 150
Kate is a twit said... 113
The funny thing about the whole clip, is that interspersed with Kate speaking, are clips of her yelling and screaming at the kids. They even included a clip from Gumgate. They basically showed her being mean and negative!!
Is TLC trying to tell Kate something? Like how hypocritical she is?
Here's the clip:
That's the funniest thing I've watched in a long time. If TLC were serious about taking up her cause about "haters" (which IS what she was referring to), they would have interspersed her comments with clips of her being kind and loving and non-hateable. Guess they didn't have any.
Oh, and "why would you try and take down someone you don't know?" Um, hello, Bullyville? Isn't that what you two tried to do? And you knew them even less than anyone knows you since you put your life on display. DUH
Wow! She bitches, AGAIN, about her broken dishwasher with photo? Moron, call the repairman in the morning or buy a new one. Oh wait...maybe she can grift a new one like she did with the fridge. And she has a second dishwasher so use it. Really, I think even her fans see through this.
And the @TLC mention? So desparate.
BIG TIME NEWS. Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox may be interested in buying Discovery. Here's the article:
The Australian Financial Review, reported that 21st Century Fox, Rupert Murdoch’s film and TV colossus, had met with people from Discovery Communications “to discuss a potential takeover bid.” Like all good merger and acquisitions stories, this one contained all the standard caveats: discussions were in very early stages. and there was no guarantee a formal offer would be made.
Fox emphatically denied the report. “The AFR story is categorically untrue,” a spokesman said via email. Discovery declined to comment. So make of that what you will. Remember, Fox attempted an audacious $80 billion bid (paywall) for Time Warner Inc last year, but was rebuffed. The market seems to think that where there is smoke, there is fire. Discovery shares have spiked by as much as 8% today, having been been in the doldrums over the past year.
Still, on the face of it, it would be a curious move. Many people (like me) think Fox wanted to buy Time Warner to get its hands on HBO, the premium channel behind a long list of popular and valuable shows like Game of Thrones and True Detective. Discovery’s properties do not fit this mould. Quartz’s Adam Epstein has chronicled the sad devolution of its main, nature-themed cable channel (the Discovery Channel), which has shifted away from fact-based programming into low-brow fare like Amish Mafia, and ratings stunts like Shark Week.
But at least one Wall Street analyst thinks Fox and Discovery getting together would be a terrific idea. Bernstein Research’s Todd Juenger said in a missive to clients this morning that if Fox and Discovery “are not talking, we think they ought to have a chat,” because a merger “would make strategic sense on a number of levels.” He has previously described a tie up between them as “the absolute killer combination.”
Since Fox’s National Geographic channel would compliment Discovery’s eponymous channel, and Discovery’s Eurosport would augment Fox’s existing sports properties, Juenger thinks a combination would create the world’s “dominant international cable network group.” The combined group could achieve cost savings while boosting the affiliate fees it gets from distributors like Comcast, he says.
Perhaps the main impediment to this would be John Malone. The billionaire media mogul and long time Murdoch adversary is a board director of Discovery and holds most of its class B, voting stock. He is also a legendary dealmaker. If anything is to happen, Malone will almost certainly be pulling the strings.
Here is a link to a story and incredible photos of a baby delivered via C-section three months prematurely born still inside his fluid filled amniotic sac, a rare event that happens in roughly only one in 80,000 births the article claims. Perhaps the photos may not be for the squeamish, but I found them fascinating.
Kirkland said... 168
I just saw this New York Times article "Boston's Winter from Hell".
Yup. I moved out of Boston just in time.... My family's gotten something like 100 inches of snow in 4 weeks, with the temps so cold that none of it melts. Think about that for a second. Enough snow to be the second snowiest winter in Boston's history, and it all fell within 4 weeks.
This is a major city with cow-path-created roads, where neighbors all live right up next to each other. There's just no where to PUT the snow, causing major transportation, commuter, road, heat, and electrical problems. Not to mention public safety problems as sidewalks can't even remotely be cleared forcing school aged kids to walk in the busy streets.
I saw a picture of the public transit commuter rail board (the commuter rail is like a subway but takes people much further out into the burbs) on the local news, where every train was cancelled. Can you imagine not knowing when your next train would be? Or having no way of getting home?! Insane!
Well, that was nauseating to watch.
I really can't figure out why TLC gives Kate a platform to address her "haters". I really don't.
Do the Duggars go on and on about the people who don't like them, their views, or their show?
Anyone can see right through Kate and how she really doesn't "feel sorry" for the people who are her "haters".
Kate doesn't feel sorry for those who persecute her, as in a What Would Jesus Do kind of way.
Jesus had Christ-like compassion. Clearly, Kate hates her haters and they do, in fact, affect her, as evidenced by her need to address the issue over and over again.
Her protestations belie the false words coming out of her own mouth.
In the end, Kate chose, and still chooses, to live a very public life and this by its very definition, invites people to judge her.
As far as I'm concerned, stfu, go home, and cry on your big bags of money.
And shut down your superfluous Twitter account, dummy.
. Are any of you living in communities with measles or tuberculosis outbreaks?
Yes. I think we're up to 200 cases here.
We were just talking about this weekend and I was saying I think one of the worst things celebrities have ever done was this whole thing trying to tell us vaccines cause autism. It could, and quite frankly is, having deadly consequences. It's one thing to tell us who to vote for. Quite another to tell us not to protect our children with the miracle that is vaccines. What I don't understand is why no one will listen to the research that wholly disproves that whole thing.
And while it's bad in Boston, they are made of hardy stuff. My dad even said, "we need another 8 inches to beat the record (for snowiest winter). What's another 8 inches at this point?" Lol
Tucker's Mom said... 177
Well, that was nauseating to watch.
I really can't figure out why TLC gives Kate a platform to address her "haters". I really don't.
It is kind of funny that it didn't make the show. I wouldn't have known about it if it weren't posted here. She must have been seething that it was cut. Haha.
Apparently by some miracle there is video of the Jenner accident, and it did not happen in any way as originally described. But for that video I don't think the truth would have come out. Apparently they were just at a stoplight and he is the one who plowed into them both. The story before the video came out is that the victim rear ended somebody FIRST then Bruce came on the scene. THAT story makes Bruce seem more like an innocent bystander.
Although speculation is they may not press manslaughter charges because he was just tailgating, which lots of people do.
My niece lives in Boston. She is maybe 5'1 and posted a pic on FB of her in a shoveled path with snow about a foot higher than her. I remember having a winter here back in the 90s where the snow was piled along the rural roads where it had been plowed, and the piles were reallly high. Like ten feet high.
Insert Creative Username Here said... 176
Yup, that about sums it up! I am in a suburb outside Boston but for many reasons this has been a wicked winter. More snow last night, not much, but it's where to put it, and 5 inches next hard even to find a spot for your garbage/recycling. Streets are one-lane, S- curves created very dangerous, hard to drive, nowhere to walk ( kids from school etc) danger of damage to house- we have some. Constant shoveling, salting, sanding. Sporadic mail. Injured dog. Etc!!! DH was rear-ended last night and his interior lights are now out.
Oh well, soon I will be complaining of the heat and humidity. C'est la vie. Still.
NJGal51 said... 162
The problem for TFW is that she's supposedly got over 200K followers and it looks bad when TLC only gets a dozen (more or less) tweets about getting the show back on so they can live tweet with TFW.
February 24, 2015 at 8:56 PM
Exactly. Kate might get a handful of fans to tweet @TLC, but that's a minuscule % of the # of followers she has.
If you take away the handful of sheep and haters who go back and forth all. day. long. you've got nothing but the occasional glut of bots and smattering of fans who pop in to tweet something positive.
Someone should tell Kate that her # of followers is a useless metric when it comes to meaningful, long-term success in the fame game.
She's wasting her time.
Thanks, handinhand. Really fascinating.
Admin said...
What I don't understand is why no one will listen to the research that wholly disproves that whole thing.
Because the research is dry and boring and the celebrities are given a platform to spew their nonsense.
If there is any doubt this thing has gone nationwide, watch a cooking show competition. Any one. Guy's Grocery Games is a good one. Everybody talks in questions now. And those contestants are from all over the country. What is happening to our accent?
I don't know? I hear it more and more? I and want to say? Like, are you telling me? Or asking me?
Admin said...
Although speculation is they may not press manslaughter charges because he was just tailgating, which lots of people do.
Well, that would be tragic. Where I come from there would be more serious charges than a simple following too close. Is he getting special treatment because he's a celebrity? Probably.
In fairness though, who calls five, or was it six? episodes a SEASON?
Geez. Talk about misleading.
Calling the recent 5 episodes a "season" implied that TLC had picked K+8 up as a show again.
I don't think TLC did that. I still think the series is dropped, and these specials are an ad hoc type of decision that TLC is keeping as an option.
Because the research is dry and boring and the celebrities are given a platform to spew their nonsense.
Point blank, people are stupid.
On the other hand, I don't think anyone's free speech should be restricted, even people saying we don't need to vaccine for measles or get cancer treatments. I don't believe either of those have led to good things but radical ideas have often led to great discoveries and brilliant ideas. We can't discourage radical ideas no matter how bad they might turn out, even those that have to do with health and safety. Maybe autism WAS caused by vaccines, somebody has to be able to suggest the idea, just in case it's true, and I don't fault people for bringing it up. What I do take issue with is that once it was clear it was not true, it wasn't made clear by those same advocates that their theory was wrong and because people are stupid, people STILL think vaccines cause autism.
They should say what they want to say but they should be responsible and be clear when they are taking an opinion that may involve someone's health and safety that they emphasize this is just my opinion and you should read all of the research first and consult your doctor before making any changes. (Administrator) said... 159
She's baiting them to make tweets about the show, and how they miss it, and is hoping they'll leave @TLC in their tweets when they reply to her.
Does she honestly think anyone at TLC is checking their twitter account at 11 o'clock at night? Wtf? And even if they were, why would they care? By the time anyone has a chance of seeing those tweets in the morning they're going to be buried. What a doofus.
I'm sure TLC is checking their Twitter feed each Tuesday at 9pm, to see if the world is ending, what with K+8 not being there to keep the Earth in its orbit.
Did not realize Nielsen ratings under fire.
"Not surprisingly, Nielsen, the dominant TV ratings service, catches plenty of flack. The ecosystem took note in January when CNBC suddenly dumped Nielsen and hired a little-known obscure market researcher, Cogent Reports, to track its daytime audiences. “If you counted all the viewing that we know that’s not counted the traditional way” by Nielsen for The CW network, “it’s up 10%” from reported ratings, Bewkes of Time Warner, part owner of the network, recently told Wall Street analysts. Alluding to time-shifted viewing and OTT audiences, CBS CEO Leslie Moonves (the other part owner of The CW) has declared Nielsen’s overnight ratings as “basically worthless.”
Well, that would be tragic. Where I come from there would be more serious charges than a simple following too close. Is he getting special treatment because he's a celebrity? Probably.
I don't think so. I don't think I've seen manslaughter charges for tailgating all that much. Reckless driving charges, maybe.
I used to think celebs who sneak by were getting special treatment until I started practicing law. Then I realized that prosecutors don't file on a ton of stuff. Literally a ton of stuff. And none of these people were celebs. I've seen heinous sexual abuse cases where they never filed. Also, pretty much everybody gets out early when you're incarcerated. If someone tells me I got 3 years, I can be assured that will be chopped in half to 1 1/2. That gangster is not a celeb or even white. No special treatment there.
Everything has to fall into place to file. They've got to have a very strong case, their ducks all in a row, their evidence perfect and admissible, their witnesses ready to talk. Just because they don't file doesn't mean you're not guilty, it means they couldn't get the case where they needed it to be to put you away.
Look at it this way, if they can't get the case where it needs to be they have a good chance of losing, and that's our tax payer dollar wasted. A Jenner trial would be a zoo and cost millions, only to lose. They file cases they know they can win, making good use of our money.
We'll see. If they don't file it doesn't mean they're letting him off easy. More than likely, it means something went wrong with proving their case.
I'm sure TLC is checking their Twitter feed each Tuesday at 9pm, to see if the world is ending, what with K+8 not being there to keep the Earth in its orbit.
Yes I bet they set their alarms.
I'm sure nobody at TLC at that hour has kids to put to bed, lunches to pack for the next day, TV shows to binge watch, or a New Yorker to read.
I just think it's so funny Kate desperately trying to flag TLC down and nobody really watching in the first place, lol.
Has anyone seen the show, Love, Lust or Run? with Stacey London? It is on TLC and I really like it, sad it is on TLC. They take really rough and tough looking women, but they are very nice and make them over and they turn out stunning with a little edge. It is Kleenex time when they see what they look like! Happy for them!
Point blank, people are stupid.
A couple of Kate's fans seem to be against vaccinations. Gypsie for one. She put a necklace around her baby's neck when he was born...some kind of special stones, to ward off illness, instead of opting for the vaccination route.
Milo seems to prefer the holistic route as well, as in colloidal silver, which cracks me up. The fanatical colloidal silver crowd has a tendency to end up sporting an odd blue tinge to their skin.
"It's not clear how much colloidal silver may be harmful, but it can build up in your body's tissues over months or years. Most commonly, this results in argyria (ahr–JIR–e–uh), a blue-gray discoloration of your skin, eyes, internal organs, nails and gums. While argyria doesn't pose a serious health problem, it can be a cosmetic concern because it doesn't go away when you stop taking silver products."
That's not to say I'm 100% against holistic medicine. Moderation in all things is my motto.
A couple of Kate's fans seem to be against vaccinations. Gypsie for one. She put a necklace around her baby's neck when he was born...some kind of special stones, to ward off illness, instead of opting for the vaccination route.
Milo seems to prefer the holistic route as well, as in colloidal silver, which cracks me up. The fanatical colloidal silver crowd has a tendency to end up sporting an odd blue tinge to their skin.
Wow, thanks for pointing that out. That just proves my point, stupid people fall for this stuff. Those two are the perfect audience for these cooky celebs. They're not smart enough when they hear something to think, well that's rather strange, maybe I should read what the other side has to say too.
If this were the 16th century they'd be the ones saying, witch! witch! and burning their neighbor at the stake. (Administrator) said... 178
What I don't understand is why no one will listen to the research that wholly disproves that whole thing.
I agree. It is confounding why otherwise sensible people would buy into claims based on anecdotal information from celebrities instead of on scientific facts. In the case of the vaccination blame game, fear plays a big role as does suspician over big pharma. In cases where celebrities hawk unfounded treatments for life-threatening conditions or diseases, I think it is more that desperate people will look for anything that will give them hope.
It is astonishing how people can ignore data that is based on years of scientific, evidence-based study and testing and, instead, put their trust in a celebrity endorsement or claim. Truly mind boggling.
Although speculation is they may not press manslaughter charges because he was just tailgating, which lots of people do.
February 25, 2015 at 6:25 AM
Yup, doesn't matter if you were going under the speed limit- you still need to leave room to stop.
I wonder about a civil suit, which is why I wonder about Bruce going through with $$$$ surgery.
He might be counting on selling his story, as well as his reported reality tv show, to fund his life now.
That all could be in jeopardy with the revelation that he caused the accident and a woman's death.
TLC is too busy promoting the new season of the Duggars, and their latest little darling "OurLittleFamily", to even notice any tweets from Kate and the sheeple. I read an article where the Hamills from "Our Little Family" were interviewed. They were asked if there was anything off-limits when it came to filming. This is their reply:
Michelle: I don’t think there was anything that we said no to. The producers that we have are really good. Did we say no to anything, Dan?
Dan: Well, certainly not shooting anything. I guess with interviews sometimes…we would sort of be careful what we talked about. We want to make sure what we say about little people is accurate and truthful and honest and of course the same applies for our children. We want to make sure how our children are depicted is accurate, but the rest was fair game.
So now TLC has another couple who care nothing about their children's privacy. Seems like last night's episode was about potty training. Same old formula, different family.
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