Sig is lamenting to Kate they're really screwed now. Lorenzo was fired, and he was their strongest leader. He thinks they're up a shit creek. Kate's all nodding and giving him puppy dog eyes of sympathy. Ha, as if! We all know she's tickled pink she is still alive in this game and that somebody else, anybody but her, was fired.
Kate confronts Vivica about her calling her out in the boardroom last week, unwilling to believe that Vivica didn't blame the PM Lorenzo for their failings, as the video idea was all his. First of all I seem to remember the idea was mostly Geraldo's. You mean the same idea you fully supported, were so excited about, and then nearly sabotaged by sitting in hair and makeup so long Lorenzo didn't have time to get all the shots he needed to make it work? Really, Vivica?! Kate demands.
I like how Vivica just holds her own here and bobbles her head just like Kate. Yep, really, Kate. Really. Ha!
Kate thinks she's doing pretty good on this show. Haha, how typical of a narcissist. A narcissist will never see what everyone else sees. She has been on the losing team more often than not, and often times she played a major role in why the team failed. Time and time again she has supported ideas that crashed and burned, and time and time again she has been against ideas that were a grand success. Her PMs have chosen her to come back to every single boardroom in which her team lost except Lorenzo's, but that was because he volunteered himself. The one time she was PM she only won because Leeza and Brandi took over her duties and the other team was led by a total idiot Jonas brother too obsessed with Geraldo to focus on being a good leader. Half the contestants hate her. She mostly eats and texts and checks out a few hours into each task. She is still here only by dumb luck, because of other better contestants' circumstances completely out of her control, and possible manipulation by the producers. But in her mind she's awesome. Heh.
Geraldo is still in his Mr. Peanut costume. He's quite the eccentric.
Their task this week will be to host a guided boat tour around the harbor with a tourism boat company Circle Line.
Oh, I need to shamelessly plug The Apprentice: UK here. It's a much better more interesting version of this show, as British versions tend to be. It has like a gazillion seasons, and they're almost all on Youtube. Their version of Trump, Sir Alan Sugar, is a more sophisticated, sharp character with a compelling backstory about growing up working class in east London and selling products out of the back of his van. He is now worth 1.5 billion. Anyway, on the first season for their final task they had to do something really similar to this task only on the Thames, and it was a really fun episode. Check it out.
Crab fisherman Sig thinks his timing is perfect. He is primed to step up as project manager this week and the task is a boat ride. The kind of ironic thing about this though is his background probably will be of no help to him on this task. This task isn't really about the boat. It's not about who can captain a boat the best or who can fish the best. Of course he would win those tasks. Rather, this task is about who can throw a good party, it is irrelevant that party will be on a boat. And for that, Brandi is perfect, and sure enough, she steps up. In terms of experience with parties, she blows Sig out of the water, so to speak.
They head to their war rooms, which this time around are right on their respective boats, which are quite rocky today. Geraldo actually knows quite a bit about the company Circle Line, he could rattle off their whole history. I don't think he's exaggerating about that, and that doesn't surprise me. Although he's obnoxious and kind of crazy, I think there's no doubt he is of a higher intelligence than most. People as smart as him often spend large chunks of their lives consuming information, whether reading, watching or listening. And then they retain and file this information away. They remember it, and are able to pull it out at a drop of a hat. Somewhere along the way he read about Circle Line, maybe in the newspaper or a local magainze or whatever, and his brain filed the information away to be unearthed years later on this task. Going into this I assumed Geraldo was smart and savvy like most journalists who have made it, but I did not expect him to be this brilliant. He is a beautiful, nutty mind who wears top hats even hours after the task is over.
Sig seems to realize in short order this task actually it not up his alley at all. He doesn't know a thing about throwing parties. Uh-oh, I figured as much.
Geraldo is throwing out a host of ideas only history nerds would appreciate, like Revolutionary War or Ellis island, with actual reenactors, or 9-11. I mean, that could work for school groups, but this is supposed to be a party. Kind of hard to be comfortable throwing back drinks at a party when the theme is an overview of some of our history's bloodiest, darkest moments.
While I would like Geraldo's ideas because I'm an American history freak, Vivica and Kate are sort of giving each other "oh, helllll no" looks. Ha-ha!
Kate, or the earpiece in her ear, calmly and diplomatically explains to Geraldo that they don't need to do the history, as the boat line already covers the history. If they want to get high ratings on this task, their focus needs to be on the fun, the entertainment. She says this all quite slow as if someone were in fact saying this to her in her ear, haha. She's right, the entertainment is key. Good point, Steve. Geraldo finally agrees to drop that dumb idea, and Kate's ego explodes like a musket going off.
Brandi puts Ian on the boat version of running errands off site at various stores just so I can get you out of my hair, and makes him her accountant. Ian looks like he'd rather have a shark give him a bikini wax than be Brandi's accountant, but he has no choice but to go along with it. Most of Brandi's team likes Mardi Gras but Brandi is really unsure of that idea since it doesn't have anything to do with NYC. I think that's a fair point, but for now, she reluctantly goes along with it.
Kenya is trying, getting excited about Brandi's charity and really volunteering a lot of ideas. Brandi doesn't buy it though, she thinks Kenya would like nothing more than to take her down. That's probably true, but I think Kenya also wants to be on the winning team even if Brandi wins too. Kenya doesn't hate her so much that she will allow herself to lose to try to get Brandi fired, that's silly.
Over on Kate's team, they've settled on a Love Boat theme with a meet-and-greet thing with Sig. The Sexiest Catch, the team comes up with. That's not bad. Sig is worried this sounds too much like a porno. Lol.
The men think as long as they're going this route they should call in the Hooters girls. This is starting to sound more like Spring Break than Viking river cruise. Neither Vivica nor Kate think this is a great idea, but they sort of just let it happen. I can't stand when people on this show don't have the guts to put up a big fight about bad ideas on the task, but then save it if they need to throw someone under the bus later in the boardroom. It's a passive aggressive, cowardly way to play the game and Kate does it all the time. Kate has a good point in that the people stepping on this boat could be a bunch of married couples, and they're probably not going to appreciate a bunch of Hooters girls there. True, I wouldn't.
Geraldo also has a good point, "all in." It's true, if you're going to go sexy, go sexy. Don't limp in, pardon the pun. Whatever theme they choose they've got to be completely behind it. It's not going to work to go with a theme and then be so uncomfortable and skeptical of it they do not take it to its climax. If they're not willing to go all the way with the Hooters girls and everything, pardon the puns again, then get rid of this theme and start over. Fair enough.
At Brandi's team, Brandi and Johnny are still skeptical about Mardi Gras. Brandi decides you know what, f-it, Mardi Gras is scrapped. "Girls," she tells the team, and Ian looks up. Haha, nice touch, editors. They must have buckets of fun in their editing bays. Brandi just can't get past Mardi Gras in New York City, it makes no sense to her, and says they're changing the whole theme. It's a big risk to change their theme this late in the task, but if the theme is terrible, Brandi had to do it. A lesser project manager wouldn't have the guts to listen to their nagging gut feeling and pull the rug out like this, so kudos to her. I think Brandi is right, the Trumps likely would have been confused by Mardi Gras and it could have sunk them, so to speak.
I like Vivica, she has a sense of humor about herself. She has posed herself all sexily on the starboard side, looking out at the water as she explains in a husky voice that their furniture has been delivered and they're setting up the food. Lol, so random! I can't picture Kate being this silly and willing to let her guard down, she doesn't have the self-esteem for it.
Wow, Brandi scrapped their theme without a new one lined up? I didn't know that. Eek. They are back to brainstorming, and finally settle on Big Apple Bonanza. I don't quite know what that means. Will Little Joe be there? But I guess it sounds fun enough.
I guess Brandi thinks bonanza just means a fun party. I think she's right that their primary focus needs to be on just throwing a great party. A vague theme is better than something nonsensical. Brandi decides to "feed into" Kenya's narcissism and let her perform her song. Kenya has a song? Is it as good as this one from the Countess? It has over 7,000 thumbs downs on Youtube, lol.
You might be too old to be starring in your own music video when the next thing on your agenda for the day is to hire your kid an SAT tutor.
Poor Brandi is about to puke from being on this boat so long, ugh, that would be awful to have to work on a rocking boat all day.
It's the day of the parties, and Sig is still worried maybe the people stepping onto this boat won't like Hooters. Do they not know much about their demographic, and why didn't they ask? Kate's right, what if it's a bunch of couples? Some might be cool with it but I venture to guess most women do not want to go with their husbands to a Hooters party.
The bartenders were late so Sig ends up spending a lot of time lugging waters and ice and so on back and forth back and forth, getting angrier as the minutes pass. He finally gets so stressed he throws a hissy fit and bangs his fist on the bar. Well, that was a little scary.
Kate and Geraldo, to their credit, calmly try to bring him back down to earth and right the ship. Kate even pulls out this huge tote bag seemingly out of nowhere like she is Mary Poppins
and suggests that Sig use the big bag to transport a lot of things at once so he won't have to make so many trips. Well, she was trying to be helpful. Good for her. When Kate stays calm, feels like working, and is motivated and focused, she's not bad. She's not the best contestant here by any means, she's simply not bright enough to play in the big leagues like Leeza, Brandi, Geraldo or Vivica, but she's somewhat better than a dud like Terrel or Shawn. I think that's what makes her laziness and ineptness all the more frustrating, because she is capable of being a decent second-string team member if she applies herself. It just seems to be so hard to get her to this head space, and I don't know why that is. Maybe she's just flighty and easily bored. She can focus and work for a couple hours and she does all right, then she's off in la-la land again. That's not going to cut it.
Kate says she's worried if Sig's snapping now he could snap again at any time on this task, and where will that leave them? Sig has calmed down a bit and says wait a minute, we're supposed to be happy. Kate is doing decoupage or something or other, at least she's not stuffing her face or playing on her phone, and says you're the only one who's not happy. There is one other positive thing I will say about Kate, and that is that she never really lost it and snapped. I would not be surprised if she had. She kept it together. There were some tears, a lot of whining, and a lot of ineptness and blame shifting. But she never lost her temper like Sig has and several other contestants before him, thus far anyway. In fact she often proved to be a calming force, which means either she has really good control over her reactions to a bad situation, or is just too clueless to realize it's time to panic.
"Make me happy!" Sig tells Kate. Lol, ew. And Kate sort of just shakes her head. Heh, funny.
Because of the tight editing, we see none of the prep on Brandi's ship and cut straight to her team welcoming guests. Even though the vast majority of reality shows should be just one hour, I really, really hate the one-hour edits on this show. It doesn't work, but we've talked that to death. Shit, there's kids among Brandi's guests, some of the Trump grandkids. Does Sig's team know there could be kids along? Oops!
Brandi's cruise is a hodgepodge of boy bands, appletinis, a magician. I don't see Little Joe anywhere, but with this random mix he would fit right in. Leeza does a phenomenal job giving commentary on the various landmarks. She keeps it fun, light, and short. I didn't realize they would have to do this part too, I thought they were just supposed to be in charge of the party. Probably I'm confused because there was no time to explain that in the tight edit.
"It's like a booze cruise with knowledge," Brandi quips. Ha, that's hysterical, Brandi. You won the episode title, again.
On Kate's team, the Hooters girls are here and serving delicious bar food, and they're handing out crabs too. The edible kind, I mean. The guests here, I don't know, they look like a fair amount of computer programmers and school teachers. It's sunny but don't let a bright sunny winter day in New York fool you. It's still chilly out so most people are bundled up, and it's the middle of the day. I don't know if this sexy thing works at all. Nobody wants to be sexy when it's lunch time and 42 degrees, sunny or not.
Geraldo is going on and on about Ellis island, pontificating about oppression and Italians and Jews. Unlike Leeza, who just kept it all low key, he is like a college professor only not really actually giving you anything of substance. It was "overboard" says, Sig. He's right, everyone is bored and looks like they'd prefer to jump ship.
"Screw the terrorists, we've won!" Geraldo blurts out as he introduces the new World Trade Center. If you could visualize the hashtag awkward on real people's faces, that's what it would look like. ####AWKWARD. Everyone just sort of stands there, not sure if it's okay to drink to that, grab another crab leg, or what you do. Kate does another one of her infamous over the top "OMG!" faces. Lol.
By the way, do you know the producers hate her? They made this entire web site just for her and her notorious faces. Hehe, they be so funny.
Back to Brandi's party, everyone is dancing, drinking, I-an does a little breakdancing. Leeza gives all the credit to this success to Brandi, because Leeza is classy and gives credit where credit is due. Kenya performs her "song." Wait, but she's not singing. She's talking like Professor Higgins "talked" all his songs in My Fair Lady. Lol, just like the Countess "talked" her song too! What's with the Housewives and talking out a song?
Right in the middle of it Brandi walks right through the stage area with a tray of drinks. She waves, lol, that's funny, she knows darn well what she's doing. I'm embarrassed for Kenya, but with enough booze in them by now some of the crowd seems to mildly enjoy it. Except one of the Trump grandkids, who looks about five and seems both confused and horrified as Kenya at one point is sort of grinding on the floor, lol. Brandi tries to distract from this misstep and gets a conga line going, which is usually a go-to party saver. I don't know if anyone watched the Grammys, but it's always a good show and Beyonce was there of course, and I think Kenya is pulling a Single White Female on her, adopting her hairstyle, dress, career and even mannerisms. Rather creepy.
Geraldo is doing some sort of odd Q and A with the Hooters girls. Who cares, nobody goes to Hooters to actually get to know them, if you want to get to know a woman you don't buy chicken wings from her. Even Kate thinks it's time to take the microphone. Sig wanted to say a few things himself but Geraldo is too much of a force to interrupt. The thing about these sort of booze cruises too is that you really shouldn't be talking the entire time or it starts to feel like a lecture. You have to take breaks and give people time to eat, drink and talk among themselves. In the edit I've seen it's been a nearly constant droning on throughout the cruise and it's getting annoying. I think Geraldo thinks if he's not talking he's not helping anything, and that's just not the case. Sig says at the end of the day he really thinks Geraldo is great so who is he to say anything.
Sig arranged for the Coast Guard to show up and drive by, which was a really nice touch especially since that's his charity. The guests love it. Like almost all the other celebs here except Kate, Sig talks about his charity, the Coast Guard, with passion and sincerity. He tears up as he says he has friends whom the coast guard has saved. Has Kate actually ever visited her charity yet or is that still on her to do list?
Sig thinks they knocked it out of the park. Or ocean, Captain! If people give them bad reviews on their feedback cards fine, says Sig, I have their addresses and I can go punch their teeth out. Oh, my, why do I feel like he's only half kidding? Lol.
Blue-hour timelapses, which must mean it's boardroom time, and my assessment is pretty straightforward. It's obvious Kate's team lost, but Sig really should be fired. Their theme was uncomfortable and missed the mark, and not only was Geraldo's commentary awkward and far too long, but Sig didn't stop him even when everyone knew it was getting bad. Kate and Vivica are responsible for not being more assertive about changing their bad theme, but at the end of the day the blame rests on the PM. Both the women worked and did what they were told, and Kate even tried to help calm Sig down. The only black mark Brandi's team had was Kenya's stupid talking-song, but that's not enough to sink them. And, Brandi saved that anyway with her conga line, so they won it. Once again, due to some other circumstance, Kate won't be fired.
Sig says he thinks they won. After all they brought in the Hooters girls. Were they beautiful or "just okay?" Trump asks, genuinely curious. Baw-haha! Well, there's no question he's a man. That is such a man thing to ask. As a side note, Kate looks particularly old today. Could be the makeup or the lighting. I would honestly guess she is at least 47, not a young woman still in her 30's. Tanning, surgeries and other behaviors will do that.
Kate's reservation about the Hooters girls was the demographic. Again, why didn't they know what their demographic was in the first place before deciding on the theme? Isn't that critical to deciding what to do? Heck, what if it were a bunch of kindergartners, then Brandi's theme doesn't make sense either. I don't understand why nobody seemed to know a thing about their guests. That's the first thing you should find out.
Geraldo uses big words like sophomoric, words some of the other celebs don't understand, when he says he and Sig work well together. He talks like this not because he's trying to impress like Kate would, but because that's just how he talks.
Johnny and Leeza were Brandi's best players? I get Leeza, but Johnny? I don't know if Johnny is boring or what but we barely ever see him on these tasks.
The guests liked Brandi's festive party, and especially liked Leeza commentary. The theme confused them. I know, me too, I kept looking for Little Joe myself. Kenya was polarizing, a lot of them, I'm guessing the sober ones, said her song/dance wasn't classy. Ha-ha, Vivica looks so smug about that. She totally purses her lips in an "I told you so" face. I forgot if she hates Kenya, what happened in the past on these silly reality shows sometimes sticks to my brain for no more than a couple weeks. I can more or less keep track of who hates Kate, but the other drama going on escapes me. Though I think Vivica doesn't like Kenya, if I recall.
As for Sig's team they loved Vivica, they liked the food and the atmosphere actually. But people couldn't stand Geraldo's blathering. Trump interrupts to say he simply cannot believe this. Lol, he really loves Geraldo for some odd reason. Females thought this was geared toward the men and they got left out. Good point.
The guests gave an overwhelming win to Brandi, which was obvious. Yikes, I hope nobody loses their teeth over this, especially not any of those nice school teachers aboard. Brandi is a mature winner who calmly says that's great, she's happy, and she will be giving her money to Make A Wish. She says she feels bad for the Coast Guard though and wishes they could get some of the spoils. Trump gives them twenty-five grand. All class, Brandi. All...class. Brandi has her issues and has a lot of conflict with other women on her Real Housewife show, but I am wholly convinced she is a bright, gracious, good woman who has unresolved issues she simply needs more therapy for. She is deep down not a bad person like, say, Doofus is.
There's only six minutes left in this episode, sounds like this will be a quick and dirty firing.
Kate of course says she and her boyfriend Geraldo shouldn't be fired. She very, very reluctantly admits Vivica shouldn't be fired. Steve is right in the strategy he told her, always blame the PM. It's tried and true, and statistics show they are always more likely to be fired. Of course they won't always be fired, but you have to play the percentages. Don't be stupid and go after people you can't stand like Vivica even though every bone in your grudge-filled body wants to. It's far too risky for somebody as dumb as Doofus here to try to go after somebody less obvious. So she's right, it has to be Sig.
Geraldo has a hard time blaming anyone because he likes these people. I believe that. None of these people give him a hard time, they allow him to be his crazy self and even encourage it, and he thrives in that environment. Trump asks Geraldo if he honestly is going to be friends with any of these people after the show, then Trump kind of waves his hand with a laugh and is like get real, we're too busy to maintain friendships like this, it's on to the next thing for us! Lol. From what I've heard and witnessed that's very, very true. Unless a celeb truly forms an untenable blood brother bond with someone on the set, it's unlikely they will have the time or energy to send out more than a text message or two post project. Sometimes such an existence seems rather lonely to me, since I value true friendships made in an employment capacity just as much as any other, and if I'm going to really bond with someone I'm not going to do it without the intent of maintaining what we built post-project. The fact that Leeza showed up to a party of Brandi's in L.A. months later speaks volumes about just how close those two women became, since I really don't think that's all that common in a world in which a celeb might end up working with thousands of people on hundreds of projects before your work is done on this earth.
I don't know if Geraldo's wife would be okay with a post-show friendship, Kate says. Lol, what? Oh, doofus, you flatter yourself. Trump accuses her of having a dirty mind, hehe. No, just an inflated ego. Even Trump Jr. is laughing saying Dad you were the one going there! I like the Trumps, I think there are times like this they are just a normal family.
Vivica too admits that the fault is with Sig. Leeza is smart and says once they are down to three people Trump is going to switch up the teams again, she sees it coming. They all seem to think that sucks, since everyone on Brandi's team works so well together. They've won three in a row after all.
I think some of the nautical puns are unintentional, but they're funny, as Trump says they're all in the same boat. Lol. There are an incredible amount of nautical puns out there I've realized in just writing this re-cap. I needed at least one recap where I could giggle like a schoolgirl over something stupid the whole time like nautical puns, it's that kind of day.
Sig throws out the only defense he can, that if the ladies had a problem with any of this they certainly didn't speak up, at least not very loudly. Very true, and I find that to be shitty. It's not going to get him off the hook (nautical pun!), but it's what he should point out if he has any respect for himself.
Trump wants to know if it's true they just let this bad idea happen and didn't say anything. Kate says, well, we at least made a face over the Hooters girls, so. Lol. Kate is blathering on, I think she's trying to get to the fact that in light of all the other bad ideas that they spent the whole time shooting down (oh yeah, I forgot about the 9-11 reenactors), this idea wasn't as bad as any of those and at least we got rid of the really bad ideas. Well, you still traded one bad idea for another. Trump has no patience to give her time to get to her point and cuts her off, lol. I don't think Trump has ever once allowed Kate to get to her point, he really can't stand a blatherer. Also I think Trump knows there's no way he could pin this on one person not speaking up enough about a bad idea (even though she's done it a dozen times before) when none of them spoke up, and he especially can't fire that person or persons over the people championing the idea. That wouldn't really be fair, though it kills me to say it. If he were going to do that he would have to fire the whole team, that's the only way it's fair. Trump quickly gets to the point. He really likes Sig but let's face it, he's fired.
Everyone seems very sad to see Sig go. Vivica looks tearful. Kate the sociopath realizes everyone else is sad so she acts sad too. Geraldo said he's going to give Sig's charity $40,000. Sig seems more embarrassed than grateful about it. That's nice of Geraldo I guess, though it's treading a little bit into making this all about Geraldo, and one-ups Trump. Maybe he should do that quietly, after the show, and I'd believe it.
The Trumps seem to really respect Sig and his charity and look disappointed to see him go, too.
Sig doesn't look like he's going to knock anyone's teeth out, he says the experience was humbling and that the gamble he took didn't work out. Overall, he seems like a good guy who works hard but has a few anger management issues.
The other team still can't believe the sucky team has lost three times. What's the common denominator there? Ian asks.
Raising my hand! I know, I know. Pick me, I-an! Kate!
No, Geraldo, they say. Geraldo??? I mean, I suppose, but, but, what about his minion Doofus?
Ian and Johnny still have a lot of pent up aggression toward Geraldo. I swear they sound just like us talking about Kate, only they're talking about Geraldo. Leeza is just amazed he is still here, he is like teflon. He sucks at everything, but she attributes his staying power to strategy.
And the stars align for Kate again. Here's the thing, she's terrible at this game. She's not creative, she can be lazy, she's no leader, and is constantly on the losing team. Of everyone left she is without a shadow of a doubt the worst player. But Geraldo is more front and center, vocal, smarter, bigger, has more donors, and has amassed more enemies. Thus Kate and her ineptness have flown under the radar. Most of the folks who used to pick on Kate like Brandi and Kenya don't really care anymore because they're not on her team (and thus, it's actually a good thing she stay around and screw up tasks as long as she's on the other team) and they know she's expendable, you know, whenever. People lost interest in getting rid of Kate, and she's stayed as a result.
Also, Geraldo is a bigger threat to these stronger players, so they're all focused on him right now. You have to be careful with that. On similar reality shows like Survivor, a mediocre, seemingly expendable whenever you need to contestant, can slither through and win, because there was always somebody else that really needed to go first. Sandra is a prime example, for Survivor fans. In 2003 a secretary named Sandra played season seven of Survivor. For six seasons, the six previous winners had always played very strategic, smart games, which is how they won. But Sandra was different than those other people. She was not particularly talented, bright or special or any kind of stand out, and she was about as athletic and socially adept as a slug, but there was always somebody else to vote off.

Other contestants were dumbfounded that somebody with no social game, strategy, and no physical ability won. What can I say, they kept her on the back burner way too long and have nobody but themselves to blame. Then suddenly the end arrived and they forgot to vote Sandra out! #Dolts. Dumb luck worked out for Sandra, as well as other contestants both underestimating her and saving the non-threat for later until later turned out to be the winner's circle. She won her season without a single vote ever cast against her, and then she came back and played another season and won that too. Kate made it much further than she should due to this very same phenomenon, I'll call it the Sandra Effect. Or, the Slither Effect. She is this show's Sandra. Moral of the story, don't get distracted by that loud-talking Geraldo over there for the love of all humanity, Leeza. Bottom line, Kate is long past due, well-done, goose is cooked. She needs to go and stat or they're going to have a big problem on their hands in that this doofus might actually be a finalist in this thing. Get it together, people! I like some well done reality shows for the reasons above, talking through strategies and analyzing why and how people are where they are is fun. It's a guilty pleasure.
Kate doesn't know why on earth they keep losing. Of course she doesn't, she's a narcissist. Something has got to change! she insists. After awhile this gets so predictable; I know with that kind of ego, she imagines herself the white knight who saves her team from sure destruction by stepping up as PM on the next task. Knowing the outcome ahead of time, my stomach hurts from laughing already. So let's do it!
Did Kate get a haircut in the 20 seconds it took to get these people up on some windy roof to hear about their next task? Her hair is like four inches shorter and stick straight. Trump looks about the same shade as a tangerine at the moment, his hair about halfway to the color of straw into gold. He announces that the gale force winds prove he does not wear a wig, lol. As predicted, he switches up the teams, with Kenya going over to Kate's team. Hallelujah amen! Brandi and I shout at the same time.
They are going to make a "themed environment" whatever that is, about Trump's golf thing he has down in Miami. As you can tell, I really don't care about or understand golf. And, just as predicted, Kate the knight has stepped up to "save" her team, volunteering as PM again. She is even wearing white. She's nuts, this is a death sentence before it even started. She's already been PM before, she's checked that box. Her strategy now needs to be to avoid PM at all costs no matter what until the finals. The Sandra Effect does not work if Sandra volunteers herself to be voted off. Doofus.
Ian is going to be PM for the other team. Oh, Kate's toast.
"I'm free! Free of the monster" Kenya exclaims as she heads into the war room. Heh, that's mean but kinda funny at the same time in how over the top it is. Brand-ya or Ken-di, can't decide which one I like better to call the two of them, but they're both so immature about this.
Oh, Geraldo has been golfing there. Well, hell, he should have been PM then. Does anyone else on this team even play golf much less have been to this course in Miami? We know Kate doesn't, remember Hank having to teach her on Wife Swap? She should have pushed this off on Geraldo, said I know you've done your share as PM but nobody here knows and understands golf and golfers like you do. Flatter him, then pass the buck.
Ha-ha. Sasquatch wants to do a Sasquatch theme, that couldn't be more fitting. Kenya's all like, Kate doesn't really understand what luxury really is. Yes! Kate's a poser who thinks eating sushi and fluttering off to NYC on the weekends racking up $300 room service bills makes her just like a Dupont, minus that murder thing. Even though I don't like Kenya, I find it incredible refreshing and validating to see somebody who sees through Kate in exactly the same way the rest of us have. I guess because a lot of the sheeple keep saying we don't really "know" Kate so we can't make that judgment, and yet here is someone who does know Kate, did spend a lot of time with her in person and worked with her, and she's saying the same thing. Now what's their excuse?
Kate sends Kenya and Vivica off shopping for props. Oh, no, don't send your strongest player (Vivica) off to do that! Kenya knows what being sent off to do props means for her standing, and really doesn't want to go, but Kate makes her. Kate makes a good point I have to give her, such that if Kenya didn't want to go shopping Kenya could have volunteered for PM and called the shots herself. Hey, you get that one, Schmoops. What else ya got up there in that hallow head?
It's Braveheart redux as Ian goes into his passion for his obscure charity again. You know the one for skin diseases he feels a connection to because he loves slathering on lotion and feeling supple and feels for those who don't. I think people who talk about themselves in the third person are usually crazy. He feels if he can pull this off I-an will be one seat closer to God. He actually says this. Come on, he's not serious. Or is he? His eye twitches, which I think means he's just shitting around. I think. Oh well, whether this is real or fake he's so wonderfully nuts either way.
I'm not quite sure where Ian's team is going with all their ideas but Ian says something hysterical in that if he is going to throw someone under the bus it shouldn't be a surprise to them because hey, they got the bus schedule! Ha.
I-an is so deeply impressed by how creative he is. His gifts are so incredible he humbles himself. What luck that Kate gets herself on a season so inundated with narcissists just as big or bigger than her that she looks about as harmless as a Cabbage Patch doll. Of course.
Ian talks about getting a hole to stick a pole in, and Brandi being Brandi just can't help herself and bursts into giggles. Even Leeza starts cracking up. Leeza does what any good girlfriend would do to keep her friend in line and tells her to "stop it!" while pushing her away, then she just cracks up some more. Those two are endearing without ever even trying to be. They look like sisters.
Johnny and Brandi go off to shop but because they're not insecure they don't see it as a slam on them or their talents and happily do what is asked of them. Johnny all but promised he would track down Tiger Woods's trainer to come to the event, but now realizes he got in way over his head when the guy won't return his calls. Rookie mistake, don't say you'll do something big like that until you know you can deliver. And also as a side note, this is a perfect case in point that just because you are a celeb doesn't mean you get your calls returned. It doesn't always work like that. Real life is not the movies.
Kenya is still butt hurt that Kate sent her off to shop. Gosh, I hate to say it but there are only a few players left and somebody had to shop, and the shopping on this trip is actually way more important than it's been to many other tasks, since this task seems very much about the space and experience they are putting together. More important than making sure there were flowers on the table and cutting boards shaped like hearts at their frozen food challenge some time back anyhow; that didn't really matter. Kenya is still stuck on Kate not really understanding luxury, and that Kate needs her expertise with how to build sets. Luxury, eh? That sounds silly coming from someone wearing some of the tackiest giant earrings I've ever seen. I was prepared to scoff at Kenya claiming to be some expert about sets too, but then I checked her IMDB and realized she's done a whole host of guest appearances on various sitcoms, which almost always build their sets from scratch and rarely film on location where you make something preexisting your set, more like how Kate's show is. I doubt Kenya ever pounded a single nail into a set in her life but at least she's been around those who do. She's more qualified than Kate anyway. Maybe it was a bad idea to send her off like this after all.
Vivica says she's keeping an eye on Kenya because Kenya is a back stabber.
Ian really does have friends in all kinds of places. He has one friend making their logo for them with flowers, another friend doing some sort of rendition of Trump's face for the display that looks like a Wall Street Journal sketch. If you asked him for a friend who makes Raisin Nut bran and could deliver a whole truckload of it to the event he'd have that too. Leeza said everything really fell into place for them and it was nice to get rid of Kenya. Next to Kate, it's obvious Kenya is the most disruptive player left, even Leeza has to admit she's terrible.
Back in the studio Kate is trying to make decisions with the fabricator and Kenya is bombarding her with texts, mostly with complaints about Vivica. Lol, that's funny. Kate blames Kenya for this interruption. Or she could just put her phone down and ignore it. She doesn't have to swipe it up every time it pings like she's Pavlov's dog. Lol, Kenya is so busy arguing with Vivica about how she didn't wanna stop at Bed Bath and Beyond or Babies R Us or something that she is ignoring Kate on the other line demanding to know what time they're expected to be back.
"It was a five minute stop," Vivica says in her defense, basically shaking her head and looking away. Well if I had any confusion about how Vivica feels about Kenya it's gone.
Haha, Kate's still on the other end wanting to know what the heck is going on. This is too much.
It's the day of the event and they've gone to Trump's local golf course. Does anyone know where my pants are? Geraldo asks as people are spreading rose petals around and such. What? Random. Kenya's just like well if you're behind the bar no one will know. Lol.
Kate's display shows a wedding table, a spa, a guest room and a putting green all sort of in the same room. There's also a Sasquatch kids club off to the side with a couple colorful chairs. It kind of looks like the model you see at a luxury apartment. It's not bad looking, but it's not very interesting either.
Kate thinks it's better than expected but not perfect due to the girl drama the day before. That's her fault though. She did not have to spend more than 10 seconds shutting down that drama. Instead she let it go on all day and wasted valuable time trying to mediate. Stupid.
Johnny never did come through with his golfer but just like Ian knows the butcher, the baker and the Raisin Nut Bran maker, he also knows a golf expert who shows up to help people with their swings. Ian's setup is already infinitely better than Kate's, with a massage area, the golfer using some kind of computer to analyze your swing, and a big poster sized picture book to look at various scenes from the real thing in Florida. This competition is over before it begins.
Their flower sign is buried behind some plant somewhere so Brandi decides to move it out front and center. They play the "dopety-doh" music to let us know Ian is a nut as he comes over and looks like he's going to pop a blood vessel over her touching his flower sign. Brandi quickly gives up on this one, not worth it.
Why is Kate dressed like a sexy Interpol agent? Bizarre getup. The girls are doing a decent job telling the guests who arrive about the various amenities while Geraldo serves them up drinks that look like blue Scope mouthwash. Yum. Geraldo sees his role as "lubricating" everything else. Ewww, pick another verb please.
Kate turns on her sexy kitten persona when the Trump boys arrive with some COO. They like the Sasquatch who encourages kids to play golf, hehe. Kenya thinks their set looks like crap. Seeing more of it up close now, it does look pretty rinky dink. She is convinced she could have pulled this together but for Kate sending her shopping. She's still going on about the shopping. Good grief. Kate claims that she ended up doing all this pretty much by herself last night. Heh, I'll believe that one when I see footage of that. Notice how she doesn't claim to have done this all herself within earshot of any of the other contestants. She doesn't have the balls for that. The Trumps are just asking how it was going and she's already acting like it's the boardroom and blaming Vivica and Kenya for everything. Again, not in earshot of them of course. All this in front of the COO? Rather immature. You haven't even lost yet, Doofus!
Over at Ian's classier setup, Johnny is giving massages that look simply delicious, uhhhh. Ian is a little shaky on the details of the resort when he's explaining things to the Trumps, which is embarrassing. Brandi is shocked he flubbed that, and comes in to save the day answering their questions correctly. She says she stayed up the whole night studying. Wow, good for her. Now that I believe, and it's a perfect example of the kind of over-the-top hustle required to make it in this business. It's a good thing Brandi was there to fill in the gaps what with Ian so busy praising his magical powers and wonderfulness.
Boardroom time. I like Brandi's t-dyed looking dress thing. Kate finally got the memo she should say she thinks they won. So she's learning.
Trump seems confused about Kate's Sasquatch theme. He doesn't seem to get it. As others have pointed out so well, it seems like Kate's tactic is talking slow and pausing a lot to gauge other's reactions, then shifting course and trying something new if she judges the reactions aren't good. It's so true. Kate is just so sweet and calm and just did such a wonderful job on this task, Kenya says. Kate who? Middleton? Lol, we all know from Kenya's interviews she hates our American Kate and thinks she fucked this whole task up, so her over the top facetiousness now is amusing.
Despite Kenya being so nice Kate immediately throws her under the bus for her drama. Lol, what a bitch. Vivica and Kenya are still squawking about going to the children's store or whatever. They're really pissed at each other. Kate's sitting there still as a statue. The look on her face says I'm afraid to so much as sneeze and mess this all up, I can't believe my wonderful good fortune that these two are so caught up in each other they're not blaming me. Kate, don't forget to breathe over there! You have eight kids who need you!
Why does no one ever understand what Trump is asking when he wants to know what they think? They're always like, uh, of what, Mr. Trump? Of course he's asking what they think of their team, how the task went, and so on. Anyway, Ian flubs the name as he explains their concept. Oy vey.
Brandi says things went great, a dark cloud has been lifted from their team. Ha, she really can't help herself. Kenya says that was a low blow. Oh, well, Kenya, you get what you put out, and even the Trumps thought Kenya's comment last week about Brandi's husband cheating on her was vicious. This feud may never end. Trump doesn't seem to have a problem with Brandi's comment and in fact tells her he's proud of her. Aw.
The other team members have a hard time explaining how crazy Ian is without sounding mean. Finally Leeza says look, the guy is "intense." Ha, that's a nice way of putting it.
Ian said he would have to fire Johnny because he didn't come through for him. He had no choice but to say that.
It wasn't even close, the Trumps liked Ian's team the best for all the reasons described before. They did like the Sasquatch thing though, which was all Geraldo's idea.
What's your charity again? Trump asks Ian. Lol, it's okay, nobody knows. It sounds fake to me at times. I wonder if you could get away with catfishing through a fake charity on this show. It would be interesting to try and Ian would be just crazy enough to do it.
Kate's flabbergasted. Narcissists usually are shocked to lose, so that's no surprise. How, how did they lose?? But we had a blue and gold bathtub, Mr. Trump, for goodness sake. With rose petals! We had Sasquatch!
Trump said look your setup was rinky dink. Come on, where was the luxury? Kate quickly blames the girls for the props thing. I love this, Trump is demanding to know if she is saying they spent too much time shopping. She's reluctant, and that's because she is often shopping herself and taking too much time. What a terrible, and funny, predicament poor Doofus is in now! Her only card to play is the girls messed this up by shopping too long, but to do that she has to explain away how she didn't do the exact same thing in the past. Perfect karma. Kate has no choice but to say Vivica is the better player of the two, even though she can't stand either of them. That's the correct thing to say, although if she were a strategist, now might be the time to play a hail Mary and go after a stronger player in Vivica. Not like she has much to lose right now. If she somehow finds a way out of this and Kenya is gone, Kate's absolutely done for on the next task. If she can manage to keep Kenya around though, it might buy her another week. Not that she is even thinking this far ahead, that would be too much for her. She is shooting herself in the foot by rubber stamping all the best players. It's clear now she has no long term strategy, not a very good one anyway. She's been playing week to week like a silly little amateur.
Vivica and Kenya are still going after each other, and Kate's back to not breathing again, not even blinking, for fear of messing this up. Lol.
"Girl drama," Kate finally blurts in the middle of it, pointing in their direction. What the hell? Doofus, shut up. You actually have a teeny, tiny little chance here if this plays out just right. Don't mess it up by talking.
Lol, back in the suite Leeza and Brandi are all head bobbing feeling so validated that other people have noticed what a pain Kenya is.
"This noise gets in the way of work," Kate says, her best comment of the whole season.
"This noise gets in the way of work! Thank you, Kate!" Leeza exclaims. Lol. Well, it is nice to feel validated.
"Perfect," Brandi agrees.
Relish it Kate. This will probably be the first and only time something you said was perfect.
Kate says it was disruptive to be treated like Judge Judy all day by Kenya. Isn't anyone going to ask her why she didn't shut it down then? Why didn't she just tell them to knock it off and get back to shopping? By this point I think Kate really believes that she's got this in the bag with getting Kenya fired. Haha, dolt.
Kenya is like I'm pleasant, easy to work with, I haven't offended anyone. Haha, Vivica's just like, yeah, no. I know the outcome of this, but the way Kenya is talking I think Trump could have gotten away with firing her instead and Doofus would have lived yet another week. The Sandra/Slither Effect again! Unbelievable. Kenya's just being ridiculous now, saying Kate was responsible for all the creative side and continuing to take pot shots at Vivica. That's not true, everyone was involved in the creative. Geraldo came up with the whole Sasquatch idea for heaven sake. Even one of the Trump boys was like, well that's not really true, and Kate beams with relief. Kenya if you don't shut up Kate isn't going to be fired and then I'm really not going to like you, lol.
Geraldo's barely said a thing the whole time until finally chiming in to ask for hazard pay. Hehe! Kate's smiling like a goon now, fully convinced she's not getting fired. Oh, I love it.
Trump is being a man again and wants to know if Vivica thinks Kenya is attractive or also beautiful, whatever the hell that means. Just one of those questions men ask that a woman probably never would care about. Kenya gets some jab in about plastic surgery and Vivica's so pissed now all she can do is wag her finger at her and order her not to go there. Lol. As much as this girl fight is getting old, Vivica sure knows how to hold her own.
Geraldo said it was challenging but Kate did a good job. Trump is stuck on the fact that it wasn't luxurious, which is a clue that he is still very seriously considering firing Kate, whom he seems to think is responsible for that part of it. Doofus here of course doesn't realize that, she thinks she's home free. Haha, #dolt.
Kenya goes on about how Kate doesn't have enough world experience to understand what luxury is. You know I don't like Kate either, obviously, but Kenya is a grade A bitch. She makes Kate sound like a white trash simpleton poser. Hey, maybe Kate is all of that, but I don't think it's necessary to kick trail dust straight into her mouth while she's lying there on mile 899 of the PCT struggling for her last breath. Come on, be professional. Kenya can see to it Kate is fired without being cruel about it. Leeza or Brandi would have.
In a way the drama with the other girls worked against Kate. Trump notes how Kate had a difficult team and Kate found that tough. He doesn't exactly outright say she couldn't handle them, but that seems to be what he's implying. He also says as PM this is really on you. Kate can't argue with that, since that's been her defense this whole season. Kate, you're fired.
Part of me is whooping and breathing a sigh of relief he didn't get so distracted by Kenya's crap that he fired her instead. Another part of me isn't a big fan of how this went down, with Kenya being so incredibly nasty and vicious about it. Kate has an uncanny knack for playing victim and getting a pass for it, and Kenya played right into that. It's not a good thing.
Kate of course can't believe this is how it went down. Lol. Didn't see that coming, she says to Geraldo. Haha, I know, that's what was so entertaining about it. She hugs Geraldo and Vivica. I swear Geraldo calls her "baby." He played right into her father figure thing and frankly, she was his pawn whether he meant it callously or not. A stepping stone to him. Trump was right what he said earlier, Geraldo's not seriously going to be friends with anybody after, that's not the business he is in. And sure enough we haven't seen a single shred of evidence Geraldo has reached out to maintain this so-called "friendship." Kate at this moment is just too stupid to see it. Kenya has already run off somewhere like the troll that she is.
Kate goes down the fake elevator in a blue dress and straight hair and emerges in a pink jacket and Brazilian blowout. Lol, cool, just like the horse in the The Wizard of Oz. Ha, ha, ha! Ho, ho, ho!
How fitting, where's her flying monkey? Kate's crying and blaming Vivica and Kenya for all this. I don't remember a contestant ever crying about getting fired before, and I've seen every season of this show. What a baby. It doesn't add up, she laments. Nothing contrary to the plan they had in mind adds up to a narcissist. Buh-bye!
2149 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1601 – 1800 of 2149 Newer› Newest»Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 6m6 minutes ago
Mom has a fever,cough headache and body aches! Starting antibiotics soon! Thank goodness for frozen made ahead dinner and cooperative kids!
Uh oh, I hope those will be HOT dinners. Will the "cooperative" kids have to make them? What will Milo say?
Cue 1, 2, 3 and Milo will be there with her motivational/sympathy speeches. Denise already offered to go and help her out (if she lived closer). Milo better do the same. She doesn't want to be out-done by a sub-ewe.
Jon and Kate seriously considered NC. Remember they looked at a property on the drive down to Disney. Jon said he wanted land, too, so it was not all Kate.
The property in Wernersville suit their purposes at the time: separate living quarters for Jon; land for privacy to film; still close enough to their private school. There was no Murt bill at the time, so they could film away. The money was rolling in. I think Kate thought the TLC gig would last like the Kardashian franchise.
Millicent...your chicken sounds delicious. Will have to try it.
Little Family mama needs to get over herself. If your on public propetty anyone's free to take your picture whether you like it or not.
One of the Twitter haters told Kate to lay down on the laundry room floor and open the window, and she'll feel better in no time.
Had to laugh at that one.
TFW tweeted:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 6m6 minutes ago
Mom has a fever,cough headache and body aches! Starting antibiotics soon! Thank goodness for frozen made ahead dinner and cooperative kids!
She's telling her tweeties this because? Let's have one big pity party and get it done.
Guess what, Kate? I have the same symptoms. Add to those a sore throat, chills and an earache. But I went to WORK today because there were conferences, presentations, and applicants coming in for interviews. I couldn't re-schedule everyone. I still need to prepare dinner and do some laundry, and help with homework. I'd like nothing better than to crawl into bed, but that's not going to happen.
What would she do if she had to WORK?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 6m6 minutes ago
Mom has a fever,cough headache and body aches! Starting antibiotics soon! Thank goodness for frozen made ahead dinner and cooperative kids!
From the symptoms she listed it sounds more like she has a very bad cold or the flu. Why would she be taking antibiotics, which wouldn't do a thing for a viral infection?
Does she think that mentioning antibiotics makes it sound more serious? Just another play for sympathy.
I wonder what stupid, backwards, idiot Wernersville doctor* will prescribe Kate antibiotics for the flu...
*referring to Kate's sediments in her journal ;-)
At that time, it was land that she was after, and if she wanted that much acreage and a 6,000-square-foot house in a better location, either closer to the school or in better proximity to a city, she would have waited years. She might have been able to find the land, or a large house, but if she didn't want to build, her pickings were very small back then. 191
I understand wanting acreage (although I don't) but 20 plus acres? Then she had the kids playing out front and ran across the front on her nude bikini to give the "despised" paps lots of photo ops.
What's the point of all that property?
^^gomtomthe = go to the. I don't know where those "m's" came from.
I think Kate thought the TLC gig would last like the Kardashian franchise. 3
I can't stand the kardashians, but have to admit they are much more business savvy than Katie.
What's the point of all that property?
No close neighbors to object to filming. She left those behind in E-town.
One of the Twitter haters told Kate to lay down on the laundry room floor and open the window, and she'll feel better in no time.
Had to laugh at that one.
And if you vomit, you just lie in it (fishing trip), and if you get dizzy, fall and spit your head open, you wait until the next day and just butterfly it.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m7 minutes ago
@charlybrown1014 low grade temp= bacterial infection. Walking pneumonia is going around. Yeah, antibiotics needed this time! Thanks!:)
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I take it back. I agree Kate can never go back to nursing.
Does she think that mentioning antibiotics makes it sound more serious? Just another play for sympathy.
Exactly, and for good measure, she needs to tell everyone that she's got dinners frozen already.
I'm deducting points for not specifically mentioning that the frozen dinner is organic.
Sorry ;-(
I wonder what stupid, backwards, idiot Wernersville doctor* will prescribe Kate antibiotics for the flu...
*referring to Kate's sediments in her journal ;-)
She says she has the symptoms of "walking pneumonia'' and antibiotics are used to treat it. I don't know anyone who has it, but hey, if Kate says it's going around, it's going around. I'm staying away from Berks.
Re the Little Mom getting angry at people snapping pictures. Hey, I get it -- you don't like people staring, perhaps pointing, taking pictures, of you and your family because you are different. I well remember people staring at my little sister because she has Down's Syndrome. This was back in the '70's and people did stare and some made rude comments right in our hearing range. But my parents didn't yell at them, or even acknowledge them. They ignored the rudeness and demonstrated for us children how to deal with annoying people. Maybe Little Mom might try that one day.
I also remember visiting Hawaii about 20 years ago. My best friend and her husband were stationed there, and she had her first daughter, who happened to be about 18 months old, blond hair and blue eyes. When we went out sight seeing with her little girl in the stroller, Asian tourists were delighted with her and many asked if they could take her picture. My friend didn't yell at them. She just smiled and said, sure.
Thanks for the compliments on my chicken recipe :)
I hope she took the advice to lay down in the laundry room floor. Joel needs to bring her a bucket, then go stand by the door and cut of the light. Steve will come home and find her and get ticked off and scoop her up into his arms and go put her into her bed.
I know if I had those symptoms, the first thing I'd want to be doing is Tweeting!
It was just on the news that a woman in Michigan gave birth to identical triplet boys. Without fertility treatment. How awesome is that. They were trying for a girl as they already have two boys ages 3 and 2. When they found out tbey were ha ing triplets they figured their chances were high for at least one girl. They laughed when it was three boys. They will be busy. Congratulations to them!
I'm deducting points for not specifically mentioning that the frozen dinner is organic.
Sorry ;-(
I'm waiting for some doofus to ask her if you defrost the frozen dinners before nuking them.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 22m22 minutes ago
THANKS!❤️ @Twitter @dickc RT @SandieBellz: @Kateplusmy8 “@washingtonpost:Twitter rolls out..more anti-abuse measures ”
What the heck, Kate? You used Twitter to call on BV and his minions to take down the haters, out them and post their names, addresses and personal information and now you're welcoming this news? Sheesh!
Interesting article. Jon is quoted several times.
At least Jon has the sense to realize that filming may be harmful to the children, something that would never ever cross Kate's mind.
"Gosselin still wrestles with the role he played. "You’re producing good television off the backs of your children. You have to still be a parent and protect them -- because who else is going to protect them if your state doesn’t have any laws?"
And, he cautioned, it was likely too soon to let himself or other parents off the hook. "We don’t know what the potential dangers are yet -- our kids are still kids. We don’t know the potential effects of reality television on them until they can actually conceptually grasp what they lived through. That’s something I didn’t think about when I signed the contract. I just filmed."
Co-operative kids? Not the ones I saw on K + 8! Starting a/b soon? Wouldn't you start them right away if they were prescribed? Sick again...something is rotten in the state of Kate
One of the Twitter haters told Kate to lay down on the laundry room floor and open the window, and she'll feel better in no time.
By cooperative kids she means backrubs, foot massages, tea and sympathy.
She's a pain in the ass when she's well, I can't imagine how miserable she is when she's sick.
"That’s something I didn’t think about when I signed the contract. I just filmed." Jon isn't blaming his ex-wife or TLC, although he easily
could. He blames himself. And for that reason, he has earned
my respect. He admits he doesn't know what the negative consequences will be, but implies that they will emerge down
the line.
And then on the other side of the planet, we have Cleopatra,
Queen of Denial, who says she wouldn't do anything
differently. Wonder which parent the kids' future therapists
will hear the most about?
Starting a/b soon? Wouldn't you start them right away if they were prescribed?
She's waiting for QuickSilver to deliver them. Or maybe TFM is flying in with them.
I have a sever sore throat for the last two weeks so my doc gave me antibiotics to big freaking whoop.
She's got the Walking Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu.
OT slurpee waves in Nantucket, Massachusetts. Coldest winter on record and not over yet.
Hunker down, this too shall eventually pass.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 6m6 minutes ago
Mom has a fever,cough headache and body aches! Starting antibiotics soon! Thank goodness for frozen made ahead dinner and cooperative kids!
1. what will an antibiotic help?
2. if on antibiotics, who says 'will start soon?"
3.maybe that means she ordered them from Canada and has to go to ghettoviile and pick them up at her anonymous post office box?
oh, poor schmoops, go lay on the laundry room floor with a thin blanket. you CANNOT get sick on the bedding because you know how you hate to spend all your time working on stains.
(it's amazing that she worried about Mady's severe stomach pains for a MONTH, but if Kate gets a sniffle she's right on it.) same with the younger kids, they suffered with all sorts of 'double ear infections' and she was clueless most of the time.
Too bad TLC isn't there to film it.
Hunker down, this too shall eventually pass.
Thanks franky, but that's not how it feels right now. The forecast is for cold and more cold.
Oh jeez, maybe she can post a picture of the antibiotics. So sick. So much time to tweet. Doofus does not begin to describe this. Does she have a doctor 'on call' when SHE decides it's pill time?
Daughter went to urgent care because it was a holiday, similar symptoms and was told she had a virus, nothing those a/b's would cure. I have a bad cold on top of the lingering shingles. No a/b's here.
Walking pneumonia my ass. Oh sure, it's going around. And while it is a bitch to have young kids and be sick, hers are 10 and 14. If they had to have a dinner of peanut butter sandwiches, all would be fine. Nothing to tweet about IMO, other than her own self importance.
Joy, are you watching TAR? I don't like this new idea! I'll give it a try though.
Millicent said... 16
I also remember visiting Hawaii about 20 years ago. My best friend and her husband were stationed there, and she had her first daughter, who happened to be about 18 months old, blond hair and blue eyes. When we went out sight seeing with her little girl in the stroller, Asian tourists were delighted with her and many asked if they could take her picture. My friend didn't yell at them. She just smiled and said, sure.
We had the same experience with a blond toddler and Asian tourists many years ago in the Alps. Top of a cable car, what should have been a beautiful view, and nothing but fog. My husband thought it was funny that people would be showing each other vacations slides and they'd all have pictures of a blond toddler.
More recently we've set up pictures of a teddy bear or two with "the sights" and people have asked if we mind if they take a picture of them also. So some people even respect teddy bears' rights to privacy!
People with viruses have low-grade fevers while those with bacterial infections have high temperatures. Kate got it wrong in her smug reply to a tweet. It takes a while to be sure- drs don't handout a/b as freely these days.
Mel said... 27
Starting a/b soon? Wouldn't you start them right away if they were prescribed?
She's waiting for QuickSilver to deliver them. Or maybe TFM is flying in with them.
I thought antibiotics don't do anything for cold and flu. It's a virus.
Walking pneumonia is typically caused by a bacteria, so it is treated with antibiotics. It is contagious so I suspect one or more of the kids may be sick too. She will play this out for mucho drama on Twitter.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 50s50 seconds ago
@Kateplusmy8 My oh I know you are not needing this! Oh sweet that U have taught ur kids HOW 2take care of dinner when Mom is sick!
So I guess the kids have to " Fend 4themselves 4dinner!" Just like those poor kids that come home to empty houses.
Somebody tell me what's the difference? Oh--that's right-they're Kate's kids.
Math Girl (#35), cute share! I'm sure your teddy bears wouldn't
ask, "Can we sue?" Maybe they need their own bodyguard
named Bear Claws! Darn -- now I'm craving pastry...
Looks like Milo was trying to tweet a picture(probably to send to Kate) and she couldn't figure out how to just get the picture to work. Interesting that she used She has since deleted the tweet.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 35m35 minutes ago
Sick Young Woman In The Bed Royalty Free Stock Photos - Image: 23627898 … #stockimages via @dreamstime
Take-out pizza or call for Chinese delivery. Both of those are hot meals. Oh, wait. Then she can't tweet what an awesome and amazing and organized mom she is. She's lucky she doesn't have toddlers and very young children at home that need her attention.
True story. Honest. Thought I'd share. I stopped at the pharmacy to pick up a prescription and while I was waiting I thought I'd pick up a few things. I couldn't find what I wanted, so I hunted down an employee. She was in one aisle, talking to another employee about how sick she has been all day. Flu symptoms. I heard her say that she wants nothing more than to go home and go to bed, but she has no choice. She has to work.
I told her that I hoped she feels better, and perhaps she has walking pneumonia as Kate Gosselin just tweeted because it's going around. She said, "THAT beotch? (only she said the word). I played dumb and told her that Kate believes that all of the locals love her. She said, "Only in her dreams." She was about to tell me a story about an encounter her niece had with her at a store, but someone else was waiting to ask her something, and my prescription was ready.
Darn. On my next visit I'll see if she's there. I'm curious about this "encounter."
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3m3 minutes ago
@SandieBellz @Kateplusmy8 RH has conveniently used #Haters 2deliver& propagate his obsessive agenda 2hurt Kate. His army is abt 2b disabled!
Huh? Is that a threat?
What about those who hate on Jon? Will they be disabled, too? Will you and Goody Goo Goo be warned, too? What about the Defective? Will the sheep be silenced as well?
Nicole Gould @nicolergould 59m59 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 feel better soon Kate!! I am sure your kids will help you feel better quick! :)
Just like she was there for them when they needed her, like when one of her sons was constipated, or her daughter needed stitches, or when they were throwing up on the fishing boat? Do you mean like that?
I see MsGoody is on another rant, dropping the F Bomb. She is really a piece of work.
Over In TFW's County said... 42
Feel better soon. And yes, please go back and find out about the encounter!
Kate didn't say she HAD walking pneumonia, just that it was going around. Weren't some of them sick recently when those who were not used the snow blower? I must say they are a sickly group1
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3m3 minutes ago
@SandieBellz @Kateplusmy8 RH has conveniently used #Haters 2deliver& propagate his obsessive agenda 2hurt Kate. His army is abt 2b disabled!
Huh? Is that a threat?
What about those who hate on Jon? Will they be disabled, too? Will you and Goody Goo Goo be warned, too? What about the Defective? Will the sheep be silenced as well?
So then, by Milo's reasoning, BV never should have been tweeting hate and harassment, or was he exempt from all of this? isn't he the Hero of the Sheeple?
There should be a book..."The Hypocrisy Of The Herd."
People with viruses have low-grade fevers while those with bacterial infections have high temperatures. Kate got it wrong in her smug reply to a tweet. It takes a while to be sure- drs don't handout a/b as freely these days.
There are exceptions. My friend's daughter brought walking pneumonia home from school two years ago at Christmas. Nice gift for everyone. She had a low-grade fever with it for quite some time. She also had a hacking cough that lasted for weeks and was treated with antibiotics
However, I'd bet the farm and the sheep that Kate has the flu. It's making its rounds again.
I'm sure Milo's glad to hear that despite Kate being sick, she's still got the hot meal for tonight covered. Thank goodness.
And for that reason, he has earned
my respect. He admits he doesn't know what the negative consequences will be, but implies that they will emerge down
the line.
I appreciate that Jon takes ownership of what happened here. I appreciates that he understands that we may not see the problems with filming until years later.
And you know what, how could anyone foresee such a thing? I get it, they had eight kids and wanted some easy cash. And then they got greedy. It's not the first time somebody got greedy. Humans are flawed that way.
The difference is you can either own what you did and be remorseful and do what you can to make amends, or you can be stubborn and smug and refuse to even consider that maybe, just maybe, what you did was wrong. One I respect. The other I just shake my head.
I really don't like this Maryland little people family but I have to agree with giving them the benefit of doubt about their demands for no pictures.
With them they don't know whether somebody is taking pics because they are little or because they are on the show. I've seen on other little people shows people will just take pics of them. It doesn't appear to be people interested in the cameras. It's people who think seeing a little person is funny. It must be mortifying. I guess you should just ignore it, but I can see how a mama bear would just get angry and want to tell them to buzz the f off.
But, I get how there is sort of a disconnect between saying please don't look at us, yet you are putting yourself on TV. So are we supposed to look or not look, I'm confused.
At that time, it was land that she was after, and if she wanted that much acreage and a 6,000-square-foot house in a better location, either closer to the school or in better proximity to a city, she would have waited years
She may have had to wait, but that's what unselfish people do.
Unselfish people don't pick the first mansion they see that's a gazillion miles from their child's school just because it's free or heavily helped along by TLC or whatever the arrangement. You say thanks but no thanks, but this is not fair to my children and their commute to school. We will tough it out in our (wonderful) current house until the RIGHT house comes up. The research is overwhelming that a long commute is very bad for children.
What the heck, Kate? You used Twitter to call on BV and his minions to take down the haters, out them and post their names, addresses and personal information and now you're welcoming this news? Sheesh!
I would say it was an "abuse" of twitter to blackmail me into apologizing to Kate or my personal information was posted. Then even though I apologized it was posted anyway.
I know I wouldn't want a detached garage- not the main garage anyway. It has to at least be connected by a covered walkway.
Nobody in the northeast wants an detached garage.
Where I'm from they won't even build houses like that, lol. Nobody wants them. People love to be able to make it from the car to the house with all their groceries without every having to face the snow, rain, or cold. It really is nice I have to say.
The research is overwhelming that a long commute is very bad for children.
Is this in terms of distance or time? The kids' route to school is direct, 40 minutes. It's a long ride. However, in one of the local public school districts, kids sit on the bus for the same amount of time because of all the pick-ups made. The distance is shorter, but the time spent on the bus is the same.
Time, Lancaster, of course. I suppose if your school is 200 miles away but you take a 20 minute bush plane ride to it, it's not a big deal.
I believe they said anything over 30 minutes has a significant effect on children, impacting both the time they get to sleep and their stress level. One of the studies as I recall was done in Massachusetts. Not surprisingly they have found similar results with adults and long commutes as well. However, an adult can voluntarily consent to a long commute and all the negative effects. A child cannot.
Yes, a normal person would have waited until something else came up, but she wouldn't, however, because she was in trouble with zoning over filming. Her home was zoned residential, and they clearly were using it for commercial purposes. Neighbors were not happy and rather than go through the whole hearing board complaint process, it was so much easier to just get the heck out of there. She thought they were going to be filming for all eternity and she didn't want anything to interrupt that.
However, in one of the local public school districts, kids sit on the bus for the same amount of time because of all the pick-ups made. The distance is shorter, but the time spent on the bus is the same.
That's not good either, never said it wasn't. Never said only the Gosselins have a bad commute. Many children do.
Many schools these days are making more of an effort to arrange bus schedules, etc., such that kids don't spend forever on the bus. Sometimes it's not possible to make everyone's commute shorter, but it's being looked at. I appreciate that they have listened to the research and are trying.
However, to voluntarily subject your children to it when you could have just waited and moved closer, is selfish IMO. And she doesn't just take them there directly herself even though she doesn't work. She makes them go to the bus stop sit on a bus, which by default takes longer because you're at least adding a bus stop to it, busses are required to come to a complete stop in certain scenarios when cars aren't, busses can't make as quick of a left turn as cars can, etc. They are overall slower.
What I remember sucking about my bus ride home from grade school was usually having to wait for the second round of trips-had to wait in the cafeteria or play ground.
That was a waste, as well as having to drop off a fucketymillion kids before my stop came.
We lived under 10 miles away.
Yes, a normal person would have waited until something else came up, but she wouldn't, however, because she was in trouble with zoning over filming. Her home was zoned residential, and they clearly were using it for commercial purposes. Neighbors were not happy and rather than go through the whole hearing board complaint process, it was so much easier to just get the heck out of there.
She was in trouble with a zoning board? Is there an article about this? Never heard this before in my life.
I know the neighbors were annoyed and had a right to be, I didn't know there was a zoning board problem. Did they actually set a hearing and a date, what were their specific complaints? What specific violations did they commit? Why did it take the zoning board four years to file a complaint? Wouldn't that be considered silent acceptance to not say anything until years later? It's not like they didn't know about it.
What I remember sucking about my bus ride home from grade school was usually having to wait for the second round of trips-had to wait in the cafeteria or play ground.
That was a waste, as well as having to drop off a fucketymillion kids before my stop came.
We lived under 10 miles away.
The second I could drive I started driving to school myself, I didn't have my own car but our work schedules all worked out that I could borrow one of the family cars, thankfully. I got there in 10 minutes instead of 35, which gave me 25 extra minutes of sleep each day. HUGE for a teen.
It made a huge difference in my overall happiness and well-being. I was a better, happier kid because I didn't feel like I was wasting so much time on the stupid bus all day and I was getting more sleep. I took up three sports a year instead of one, because I had more energy. I took on three APs at once.
So many of the kids would not go outside until they saw the bus because it was usually so cold, which is understandable, but it meant we were waiting forever at each stop to get the kids. It all added up and took forever.
Ever since then, I have never moved more than 20 minutes away from my workplace. I realized at an early age sitting forever during a commute had a huge effect on me and my stress level. I never have to say oh gosh I gotta go I have to "beat traffic." I did not want to live my life "beating traffic." This should not be anything blown off. It can really hurt some kids. A kid who might be a problem could be a changed person with just a bit more sleep.
One of the Twitter haters told Kate to lay down on the laundry room floor and open the window, and she'll feel better in no time.
Had to laugh at that one.
Tee hee. Nicely done.
Millicent, I was with my morbidly obese friend once and somebody walking by made fun of her.
First I was absolutely shocked about that. I guess I shouldn't have been, I wanted to believe that doesn't happen. She works really hard at her weight but has gall bladder issues and other issues and it's difficult for her. She is extremely emotional about her weight. The last thing she needed was some doofus to say something. I didn't know what to say, but my instinct was to come to her defense. But, I didn't. I just sort of stood there.
I felt like I let her down. I felt like I should have gone over there and put her in her place. But even my friend said whatever, ignore it.
Anyway point being, I get the instinct to defend somebody you care about and if that's what the no pictures thing is about, fine.
Ever since then, I have never moved more than 20 minutes away from my workplace. I realized at an early age sitting forever during a commute had a huge effect on me and my stress level.
Same here, same here.
When I lived in Upper Bucks Co., I worked in West Philly.
The job was amazing, and I loved Bucks dearly, but something had to give. The commute was hell and during the horrendously horrendous winters, fuggetaboutit.
We now live closer to our metro area, so work commuting is quite reasonable. Around here, you wouldn't believe how far people commute, because housing is much more affordable in the exurbs.
We could live in a newer McMansion, but the work commute would be an hour each way.
I just can't see ever doing that again.
I understand some parents don't play with their kids. My parents never really did. But we still had a relationship! We communicated with each other, were interested in each other's lives.
Exactly. You don't need to "play" with your kids. But be WITH them, get on their level, talk to them, be present with them. She doesn't do that. She reminds me more of a conductor to her kids, pointing at this or that kid to do this, overseeing the whole symphony from her podium. It's not warm at all.
We could live in a newer McMansion, but the work commute would be an hour each way.
At a certain point you have to realize life is very short. Sure it's 40 minutes, or an hour, or whatever each day, but that starts adding up to one to two years of your LIFE when all is said and done. There are other disadvantages, like burning fossil fuel all that time and paying for the privilege, a shorter lifespan for your car because you have it on the road so much, and putting yourself at increased risk of an accident the longer you spend on the road.
That's your time with your spouse, children, pets. That's time you could be reading, writing, exercising, cooking. How much time off your LIFE is a McMansion worth?
Like most people I know people who commute across town, and they are constantly complaining about it. At a certain point, how much of your life do you want to spend complaining about your commute letting alone actually doing it? Wouldn't it be nice to come to work or school and say your only problem was avoiding a cat in the road on your 10 minute ride? Adults can live where they want to live and commute where they want to commute and can decide themselves how many years they would like to sit in a car, but it's not fair to ask a child to shave off years of their life to do the same and I've always felt this way about the Gosselin kids.
Another reason that "warm meal" comment is ridiculous -- it's part
of that fan's distorted June Cleaver fantasy about the G household.
Warm meals, no dust, every hair in place, cuddles and smiles,
caring and sharing. Did she ever WATCH the show?
They're catfishing themselves about Kate!
To state that a parent is irresponsible for not having child care in some form available to them, so irresponsible that a call to CPS is warranted, is highly offensive.
I've seen numerous cases filed by CPS in which children were left alone. Children of a certain age should not be left alone for any extended period. The court will look away if it's an hour or so. The court will not look away when it's anything more than that. Terrible accidents can and do happen when children are left alone. I've seen horrifying things, like a child left alone who decided to wander outside, started fooling around in a nearby car garage and was crushed. Horrific. CPS in LA can and will file on that. Especially when there is so much subsidized daycare here. If that is offensive to you, I'm sorry.
redbirdsings said... 17
I hope she took the advice to lay down in the laundry room floor. Joel needs to bring her a bucket, then go stand by the door and cut of the light. Steve will come home and find her and get ticked off and scoop her up into his arms and go put her into her bed.
Nah! And if you believe this, I have a canyon for sale, it is such waste of space!
Get to feeling better Over in TWF's County! Can't wait for your report!
Another reason that "warm meal" comment is ridiculous -- it's part
of that fan's distorted June Cleaver fantasy about the G household.
Warm meals, no dust, every hair in place, cuddles and smiles,
caring and sharing. Did she ever WATCH the show?
Yes, but she watches Kate, and her eyes are so filled with tears over the joy at seeing her that she really misses the yelling, slapping and melt-downs. Moreover, those rose-colored glasses really distort reality.
Singing the Leave it To Beaver theme...
sKate said that antibiotics were coming soon!
Just like her website, COMING SOON!
She still has pictures up from Steve Irwin Day and the Las Vegas marathon. This was years ago!
2 toddlers in their car while they enjoyed a wine tasting at an upscale restaurant.
The car was parked a block away (the couple said they had visJust recently, a couple left their ual of their car) and they left a cell phone in the car to monitor the children.
It was just above freezing out.
The couple (don't even want to call these idiots parents) said they couldn't get a babysitter, and didn't want to inconvenience the restaurant with their kids.
Fortunately, someone in a condo saw the kids and watched for 20 min before calling police.
These idiots need to rip up their parent card, which may be done for them as they're facing fines and charges.
(Their kids were removed immediately)
Law and Order: SVU fans! USA channel Marathon!!!
Saturday, 8am CST and it is ALL MUNCH!!!
love, love, love, Munch!!!
ION is not showing much Law and Order: Criminal Intent with Kathryn Erbe and Vincent D'Onofrio. So funny, Vincent played the guy that married one of the waitresses at Mystic Pizza.
Is Katie in the sick bay..laundry room floor?
If I remember correctly, one of the last shows I saw was the move to the new house, when she stood at the window and said, "Mine, all mine, as far as the eye can see." With just those few words, her true colors were revealed. It was all about HER, and mine, mine, mine.
How much better had she said, "When I look out the window, I feel we are so blessed. The children will really enjoy the beautiful outdoors and appreciate nature here while playing on these wonderful grounds."
But she couldn't do it. She just couldn't.
We could live in a newer McMansion, but the work commute would be an hour each way.
My husband's commute was 50 minutes each way. We chose to stay where we rather than move because of the long drive it would have been for the children, and they wanted to stay at the same school where they were dong so well and didn't want to leave their friends.
He says he actually enjoyed the commute because it gave him time before his day started to think about what he needed to do that day, go over strategies in his head and just collect his thoughts about what his day would involve. Same thing en route back home. He took this time to unwind, and clear his head! Of course, he's strange that way!
However, it wasn't a commute in city traffic, but rather on rural roads past farms, creeks and country people going about their daily routine.
Jon, Paul Peterson and others.
Mindy Darrow @MindyDarrow 6m6 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 oh no!! I wondered if you ever got sick!! Smart thinking to have meals on hand. #getbettersoon
Or they have China Moon on speed dial.
Formerly Duped, I have The Amazing Race recorded, maybe I will get to watch it Friday. The dh and I were at Friendly Neighborhood Sports Bar watching VCU lose basketball game to university of Richmond in double overtime! Great game but sorry the Rams lost.
I'm looking forward to new season of Survivor too! we will watch them soon.
From the ETOnline article:...The American public is the biggest problem," said Jon Gosselin, a reality star who found fame with his wife and kids on TLC’s Jon & Kate Plus 8. "They want to see reality shows."
...Gosselin now advocates for stronger laws protecting the rights and welfare of children on reality shows. "Why is NASCAR one of the most watched sports in America? They’re looking for the wreck. If people didn’t want to see reality shows with kids, there wouldn’t be a market for it."....
...But it can be hard for even well-intentioned parents to stand up and insist better treatment. "Parents let production companies and networks supersede what they think is best for their children," said Gosselin. "The networks say, 'It would be more interesting if your kids did this.' Or, 'Your ratings will go up if you get them to do that.' They pressure you to ignore the welfare of your own children."...
That hardly sounds like Jon takes responsibility for failing to protect his children. In the same way that a demand for drugs by addicts does not translate into a justification for dealing drugs, the demand for drama does not translate into a justification for exploiting his children. The sum total of this article is that Jon is a victim, and, at the very same time, a hero because now he is calling for stricter protections. After he entered into a contract that, in effect, forced his children to support themselves, as well as their incompetent parents.
Also, in the past week or so, didn't he say that the kids were given opportunities and were better off for filming? He is every bit as manipulative as TFW.
Entertainment is a business, and the single goal of any business is to make a profit for their investors. It is the job of parents to protect their and provide for their children. It is never the job of children to provide for their parents, as the G8 have. Of course, I believe that children should be protected, and that the exploitation by networks is immoral. But, ultimately, the parents are responsible.
The other thing that Jon said in the article is that several million dollars, (80% of the first 4 years' earnings), was put into trust for the kids' education, and that their education is taken care of through college. So, that has been clarified.
Tucker's Mom said... 13
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m7 minutes ago
@charlybrown1014 low grade temp= bacterial infection. Walking pneumonia is going around. Yeah, antibiotics needed this time! Thanks!:)
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I take it back. I agree Kate can never go back to nursing.
What a moron. Low grade fevers (not temperatures, grammar queen) see indicative of viral infectionsTucker's Mom said... 13
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 7m7 minutes ago
@charlybrown1014 low grade temp= bacterial infection. Walking pneumonia is going around. Yeah, antibiotics needed this time! Thanks!:)
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I take it back. I agree Kate can never go back to nursing
She is a moron that can't even remember the basics. Low grade fevers suggest viral infections, which do not benefit from antibiotics. High grade fevers are much more likely due to bacterial infections. This is Nursing 101 and she's spouting her misinformation on twitter. Too stupid to argue with.
Uggs update. She is really hot over this guy. He needs to plant a big one on her and call it a day. It might satisfy this yearning misery.
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@TheSharkDaymond happy birthday day handsome !! Have a bday drink on me. Or if ever in person. Let me know. Lol #DontLookaDayOver30 👊👍👏👏👏👏
But I can't decide on which team she plays. "My" Laura. Shades of Milo. Do all uber fans think they are part of the celebrity's life?
Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@LaraSpencer my Lara looking beautiful. As beautiful inside as out !! @TheAcademy @GMA
Admitting that you yourself did not think of various consequences when signing your contract and instead just wanted to film, is an acknowledgement both of where you went wrong and an ownership of responsibility in going wrong. You are blaming yourself for the failing. *I* did not think ahead, *I* only thought of one thing. Not, this was all my wife's idea, or TLC didn't warn me/help me, or the contract was unfair or misleading or there was no way I could have known this, or there are no bad things that I could have thought of. Rather, simply, I failed in not thinking. A therapist would be pleased.
That hardly sounds like Jon takes responsibility for failing to protect his children. 79
I respectfully disagree.
Did Kate's old neighborhood have a homeowner's association? Most HOA's do not allow businesses to operate in a residential neighborhood. The only thing I ever read were complaints about cars parked and no trespassing signs Gosselins put up in front yard (people did complaint about was unsightly so the signs came down). Also, I read a comment from a neighbor that when the Gosselin's were filming, the lights were so bright they thought could you could see the house from outer space, LOL. I think the neighbors were glad to see them go and have their nice, quiet neighborhood again.
I think she self-diagnoses just about every ache and pain. You would be ON antibiotics, not say they are coming. I think she did not have a clue and had not seen a doctor yet. It's probably just a chest cold. Poor, poor Katie. What's a mom of 8 to do? She probably has taken to her bed and has got the housekeeper feeding the kids. Or Cara and Mady are running the kitchen. (Administrator) said... 82
Admitting that you yourself did not think of various consequences when signing your contract and instead just wanted to film, is an acknowledgement both of where you went wrong and an ownership of responsibility in going wrong
I think the most salient point that Jon, and experts point out, is that we don't know what the long-term effects of children on reality tv are.
We can identify many factors that put them at risk for future problems, but what makes the Gosselin kids particularly vulnerable is that they are also children of divorce, and their parents are not only not co-parenting, they are acrimonious to a very, very unhealthy degree.
For the latter alone, the kids should have all the privacy that their parents can possibly afford, after such a public fracture of their family.
Despite Kate proclaiming their victory over divorce, and how they're all stronger and wiser for it (6-7-8-9-10 years old? what?) no such thing exists for the children who watch their parents continually battle in public.
It just doesn't.
ExNurse said...
Also, in the past week or so, didn't he say that the kids were given opportunities and were better off for filming?
Were the kids given opportunities? Absolutely. Does the constant filming of their lives cause damage? Of, course. The two are not mutually exclusive. You can have very happy kids because you played hooky and spent the day at the beach, but it doesn't mean you do it every day.
I was afraid the ewes were going to stampede last night; they were so excited about Twitter's new anti-abuse measures. I wonder what the sheep think is going to happen. And I wonder how free speech fits into the equation. What will Twitter consider to be stalking for example? How long before these measures are fully implemented? Will the sheeple start abusing the anti-abuse measures with all their screen shots? This could get very interesting. I can hardly wait!
redbirdsings said... 76
Jon, Paul Peterson and others.
Thanks for the link. That's a really good article.
He says he actually enjoyed the commute because it gave him time before his day started to think about what he needed to do that day, go over strategies in his head and just collect his thoughts about what his day would involve. Same thing en route back home. He took this time to unwind, and clear his head! Of course, he's strange that way!
However, it wasn't a commute in city traffic, but rather on rural roads past farms, creeks and country people going about their daily routine.
I agree it does make a difference if you're commuting in the country, or along a highway with no lights. Getting from point A to point B is much more pleasant.
Before we moved here, DH's job was <5 miles from home. Maybe like 3 miles. His commute involved 1 or 2 traffic lights.
He'd make in home in 5 minutes or so.
DH would leash up the dogs and go for a walk as soon as he came home, most days, because he needed more time to decompress and process.
I'd take that scenario any day!
When I first moved to the area I live now, the area I chose to live in was one of those areas where you have to live and die by rush hour traffic.
4 pm and I need to run to the grocery store?
Now, in a different region of the same area, I happen to be located where I can run errands just about any time.
Location, location, location!
Off topic, was Amazing Race run early for some reason? My DVR recorded it but when it started it looked like it was already 10 minutes in. It did record the hour and a half run time, but it started after it had already run. Very strange.
I will say this- Jon acknowledging the unknowns of children on reality tv is something that I'm not aware of ANY other rtv parent copping to.
The FACT is that we don't know how this will turn out, but it won't be long.
We know, from experts (and common sense), that these children are put at risk. Sure, there are benefits, but the risks are not mitigated by vacations and Gators and large homes.
We know, from experts (and common sense) that Kate can claim ZERO detrimental effects from exposing children to such risks, but it simply doesn't make it true.
In the very least, we don't know if what the G kids have been given from filming will supersede what's been taken away- their privacy.
2 toddlers in their car while they enjoyed a wine tasting at an upscale restaurant.
The car was parked a block away (the couple said they had visJust recently, a couple left their ual of their car) and they left a cell phone in the car to monitor the children.
It was just above freezing out.
Shaking my head. In my experience when kids are left alone the most dangerous things that happen is they decide to leave the house. That's when they get in trouble.
I once saw a case where two siblings left the house, were wandering, and crossed about three intersections including Ventura Blvd. That is a very busy road. Good samaritans intervened, took them over to a nearby Starbucks and called the police and CPS.
But, according to Reality Check, it is offensive the good samaritans called CPS just because those kids parents didn't put those kids in daycare. Okay, you're entitled to your opinion. My opinion is thank goodness those good samaritans intervened. Those children could have been killed, kidnapped, or a host of other things.
I hear you Tucker's Mom and Admin about the commute. When I graduated college I lived with my parents and commuted into Boston. I didn't have a car (couldn't afford one) so it took 2 hours by public transit to get to where I worked. When I saved enough for an apartment, I found the area I could afford, but it was still an hour and 30 minutes away. So then I found a new job, and that was only an hour away. I was so excited to cut my commute down to an hour!...At first.... But years of commuting later, that though it was half of my first commute, it sucked me dry. Friday nights were spent not talking to anyone and vegging out because I just had to unwind.
My husband on the other hand, has always lived within 5 minutes driving distance of work. Lucky duck. Us office workers are stuck working in cities and commuting from the 'burbs because we don't get paid enough to live in the city. However, I'll take having a decent job and a soul sucking commute over not having a job at all.
Anyway, back to the kids. They're still young so maybe it doesn't bother them, especially if they've never known different, but I suspect when they're old enough to find an easier / faster / better way, they'll be just like Admin and live close to wherever they're going.
I do tend to agree as well that the various factors going on here are not mutually exclusive. I think even most of us agree that it's nice to travel and have money and that it's nice to ensure your children are financially secure. I think it's mature to acknowledge that there are SOME upsides to being in the entertainment world. It's just a fact that your tangible lifestyle has a good chance of being a lot better than if you were a nurse. Where I think the issue is, is that a child doesn't NEED a lifestyle like that to have a good childhood, and that it's certainly not worth WORKING that child to have that lifestyle Yet it would really be awful if they did all this filming and then didn't get to do any traveling or weren't financially taken care of. So I get that, that's nice. I don't know if I would phrase it as they are better off or whatever words Jon used, but sometimes in the moment you phrase things in not the best way. He's not writing an article for a blog that he can sit down and think about, it's an oral interview, and it's too late to take it back or try to phrase it in a way that makes more sense to everything else he has said about his concerns. I don't see the manipulation. What is he trying to manipulate and why? He has no motive to get back on TV himself that I see. I see a guy who tends to talk on the fly, blurt things out, and overall I understand what his position is on all this. Yet once in awhile, as we all have seen, he blurts out something unwise or mean about Kate or someone, or gets frustrated and makes an unwise choice, or phrases things in a way that seems a little off. It's clear to me that's just who Jon is, take it or leave it. I could be wrong, but I think he's made it clear both that right NOW, the kids seem to have settled and are doing okay and that makes him feel less regret, but on the other hand, he remains concerned about reality TV, concerned about the unknown that lies ahead, and sees where he went wrong with it. I don't find that incongruous.
Sue_Buddy said... 87
I was afraid the ewes were going to stampede last night; they were so excited about Twitter's new anti-abuse measures. I wonder what the sheep think is going to happen. And I wonder how free speech fits into the equation. What will Twitter consider to be stalking for example? How long before these measures are fully implemented? Will the sheeple start abusing the anti-abuse measures with all their screen shots? This could get very interesting. I can hardly wait!
Good, bring it on. Kate's timeline will be dead. And what of the proof that exists that Kate used her Twitter account to reach out and have her hater(s) "taken down"?
Nothing goes away on Twitter, so it won't take much to prove that Kate tried to expose many people's identities.
Insert, you're one of those very affected by the long commute. That's just like me. It's such an energy sap for people like us.
I love Mr. Money Mustache and cars and commuting are one of his favorite topics:
This article was well written and balanced.
I think as a whole, we here don't think kids need to be removed from reality tv, but, there needs to be nation-wide guidelines, rules and restrictions that protect children, and they need to be enforceable.
And Admin, while you're right that adults can choose where they live, it's a hard choice because big city areas like Boston, NY, Chicago, etc... are expensive. To find an office job you have to work in the city, but you're hardly paid enough to afford to rent a place in the city (unless you're upper management). There are jobs in the suburbs, but there's few of them and the competition is high. So if you want to stay in the area you have to commute, and commute a distance.
But there's always a choice to move, just like there's a choice to stay and commute, or a choice to move closer to the city, etc... We ultimately chose to move to PA where cost of living is cheaper and there's less of the rat race lifestyle. Thankfully we had some family in the area so it wasn't too much of a social burden, but for others, a move to another state would be too much. (Administrator) said... 93
Well said!
It's important to not deny the risks and negatives that impact children on reality tv.
You simply can't say that it's all rainbows and unicorns. That's not reality and frankly, it's insulting to anyone with a lick of common sense.
If indeed that children's education funds are locked up, I see no pressing reason to keep filming for income, and frankly, yay, Jon!, for alluding to the fact that filming now is all about perks, fame and money for an extravagant lifestyle.
Over In TFW's County said... 77
Mindy Darrow @MindyDarrow 6m6 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 oh no!! I wondered if you ever got sick!! Smart thinking to have meals on hand. #getbettersoon
Or they have China Moon on speed dial.
I think it is more likely she still uses Katherine, the personal chef, to prepare quite a few meals for her. As we saw with the menu from a few years ago the fan posted on Twitter the food is preprepared and refrigerated/frozen. It only requires reheating in the oven. I'm sure it is a luxury that she thinks she deserves.
Just like everything else, she will twist words and try to make it look like she is prepared for emergencies when in reality one of her freezers is probably full of restaurant quality meals that she eats regularly.
In thinking about what lies ahead and that house, I often think of Home Improvement kid Taran Noah Smith. When he turned 18 he sued his parents for control of his 1.5 million trust fund. His claim? They had squandered it buying a mansion.
He won.
Tucker's Mom said... 97
This article was well written and balanced.
I think as a whole, we here don't think kids need to be removed from reality tv, but, there needs to be nation-wide guidelines, rules and restrictions that protect children, and they need to be enforceable.
I know I'm on the extreme end, but I raise my hand as one of the nuts who think kids should never ever be on reality tv. Never ever. Production companies film to make money. Therefore they have license to take whatever they film and splice it any way they want to present you however suits their motive to making money. There's not a way to regulate that. And in that way, a child cannot consent to their image, how the public views them, being put in the hands of someone like that.
Nellie had a hard time after the show because people associated her with her CHARACTER she PLAYED. But the G kids? Or those kids on the cooking competitions? They can't say "I was playing a character". And saying "it was edited!" isn't believably any more.
Adults at least have the capacity to know that they will be edited, so they can control what they say, when they say it, and how they say it. Like Admin mentioned previously, a friend who was on Survivor (I think it was Survivor?) didn't get a big edit because he didn't say anything that the producers could manipulate. He had control over his words. Kids don't have the same control, and unfortunately that gives the producers license to edit them 9 ways to Sunday. I don't like giving that much power over to people whose sole goal is to make money. (Administrator) said... 98
In thinking about what lies ahead and that house, I often think of Home Improvement kid Taran Noah Smith. When he turned 18 he sued his parents for control of his 1.5 million trust fund. His claim? They had squandered it buying a mansion.
He won.
Hmm... I'm not sure that will translate to the Gosselin kids. There are 8 of them, and while I don't think they need a house that big, and with that much land, they will have spend their childhoods benefitting from living there.
I just wonder what will happen to the proceeds of the house once it's sold, which I imagine will be soon after all the kids turn 18.
If indeed it is the "kids'" house, I would expect them to split the money once its sold.
The house in and of itself may not be an issue for the courts, but the numerous other ways their money was spent may trouble them.
For instance the courts may frown upon that three or four year period where all Kate did was jet off to NYC and eat sushi.
The best thing that could happen is that Kate has to pay them back for any frivolous expenses she made from their money. They've earned it. (Administrator) said... 98
In thinking about what lies ahead and that house, I often think of Home Improvement kid Taran Noah Smith. When he turned 18 he sued his parents for control of his 1.5 million trust fund. His claim? They had squandered it buying a mansion.
He won.
It will be very interesting when the kids turn 18. I imagine there will be a lawsuit down the road over issues of the trust. None of us know for sure the exact tenets of the trust are, but I am willing to bet at least 1 of the 8 will have an issue with how the money from the trust was spent. I hope TFW is keeping receipts!
SVU marathon? All Munch? I know where I'll be all day Saturday! I'll justify it by setting up the ironing board in front of the TV and getting my ironing done. And I'll pull my frozen shepherd's pie (Jack Witherspoon's recipe! He was the blond 13-year-old on Hallmark Home and Family the same day as Kate, and his shepherd's pie is so delicious. The recipe is available online) out of the freezer so that my poor children will have a warm dinner.
Milo is so ridiculous. Does she think that kids of working moms are reduced to eating cold SpaghettiOs out of a can or something? I am now a working mom, and I manage to get a warm dinner on the table every night. Except Wednesday, which is pizza night. Believe it or not, moms figure it out. I make meals ahead and freeze them (sorry, Kate, you're not the only one). And my crock pot is a lifesaver. Where's my praise? Why isn't anyone kissing my feet for cooking? Sheesh.
Admin, may I suggest a recipe thread? In honor of Milo, of course (not!). We all know Kate's cooking is revolting. At least, I do-- I tested a few of her cookbook recipes and regretted every one. Let's give our cooks here a chance to share something delicious. I'm sure our starving children will appreciate the break from their cold SpaghettiO dinners.
Admin, I watched TAR on demand so I don''t know..I just don't like the new 'theme' this didn't miss much, just an explanation of who will be competing and their occupations etc.
It's a miracle! Kate is cured! Overnight! Halleluha!
She really is amazingish. The rest of us schlubs with the flu, or walking pneumonia, take days and weeks to recover.
I wonder what antibiotic cured her overnight???
She really is a medical miracle. (Administrator) said... 104
The best thing that could happen is that Kate has to pay them back for any frivolous expenses she made from their money. They've earned it.
That and if she really did use it on herself at any point, she could get arrested for fraud. On top of paying financial penalties for fraudulently removing money from the trust. It depends on how egregiously she used the money.
I know I'm on the extreme end, but I raise my hand as one of the nuts who think kids should never ever be on reality tv. Never ever. Production companies film to make money. Therefore they have license to take whatever they film and splice it any way they want to present you however suits their motive to making money. There's not a way to regulate that. And in that way, a child cannot consent to their image, how the public views them, being put in the hands of someone like that.
That's a very good point. What gets aired can be totally manipulated, and it's a known fact that cast members on reality shows are made into stereotypical archetypes.
Mady has gotten the bitch edit all of her life.
For instance the courts may frown upon that three or four year period where all Kate did was jet off to NYC and eat sushi.
Kate would argue that every.single.extravagance. is for the kids.
Steve, the bodyguard, is for the kids. Even though Kate claims to have hired security to protect her kids, Steve remained with her to protect her kids' mom. Yeah, that makes sense?
Kate would claim that her surgeries, procedures, tanning, hair, wardrobe, manies, pedies are so that she can keep herself in the public eye and generate income.
The vacations? Well, she wouldn't be able to be the CEO of Gosselin Inc. is she was run down and tired, would she?
Adults at least have the capacity to know that they will be edited, so they can control what they say, when they say it, and how they say it.
Again, great points that are undeniable.
The core issue, however, is that children are not able to give informed consent to filming their lives, and unfortunately, I don't think that fundamental problem with ever be fully acknowledged, because it it was, guess what? All of these tv shows go away.
Human greed, from the parents, to the networks, to the film crews, to the editing companies, to the states that reap benefits from local jobs and tourism, will turn a blind eye in the name of money.
I think Kate is starting to realize the burden she carries with that house. When she bought it, she wasn't concerned with the cost and upkeep on it. She figured TLC would be there forever, and they could take care of it. But then TLC went away, and the burden of cleaning, repairs, and general maintenance were on her shoulders. She had a neighbor who plowed her driveway and mowed for her (I think she said it was in exchange for her allowing him to grow crops on her unused field). But now she is spending hours outside with a snowblower, cleaning her driveway herself (or making the kids do it). What happened to the neighbor? Perhaps he met the "real Kate" and made a hasty retreat. Will he be mowing in the summer, or will she have to take on that burden, too? The kids are too young for that kind of work, and it will be expensive for her to hire someone to do it.
She is getting desperate to get TLC back in her life. By now she knows they are her only hope for a show. After 3 1/2 years, nobody else wanted to give her and the kids a show. If TLC leaves, then there is nobody else. She wants her face on TV, she wants the money, and she wants someone else to take on the burden of taking care of her property. Last year, when TLC filmed for the little kids' birthday, the yard was nicely landscaped on their dime. The mowing, trimming, weeding. mulching, and landscaping (remember the picture of the hostas she tweeted?) were all someone else's problem. Now she is outside, freezing, clearing snow for hours. It's almost spring break. Last year they were filming over spring break. The kids' time for filming is so limited due to school, and she wants to take advantage of every block of free time. She is going to be relentless about including TLC in every tweet so that they don't forget her.
Tucker's Mom said... 97
This article was well written and balanced.
I think as a whole, we here don't think kids need to be removed from reality tv, but, there needs to be nation-wide guidelines, rules and restrictions that protect children, and they need to be enforceable.
I think children should not be filmed in reality TV until thy are old enough to make that decision themselves. 18 to vote and enter the military. 18 to enter reality tv.
I don't think reality tv has been around long enough for us to see the effects yet of children who have been in that profession entering adulthood. I can't think of any show yet. There have been specials made of multiples a while ago where these children are now in college (Dilleys, McCaugheys) but the children in series like TFW and Honey Boo and even the Real Housewives shows are not there yet. I think we'll see some messed up young adults in a couple of years....
So Kate de-sicks as well as de-ages? She's just Superwoman , isn't she?
Tucker's Mom (#103), you said, "If indeed it is the 'kids'' house,
I would expect them to split the money once its sold." You mean
"Mine All Mine Manor?" Why am I imagining hell would have to
freeze over first?
TFW grumbled about how much money and time she's spent in court already? I predict she ain't seen nothin' yet. She will only do the right thing if she's ordered to. And I think the less income the kids help her generate, the less interest she'll have in their well being.
Guess a good antibiotic is as valuable as a good bra. So true, the rest of us mediocre have been nose blowing for days.
And if she takes to her bed for a few meals, what's the big deal? These are not babies. My mother was working full time when I was 14, and I was pretty much in charge of the kitchen after school.
I beg you, please, for a new post. This scrolling is getting harder and harder. Any topic will do, respectfully said.
Tucker's Mom said... 111
Kate would argue that every.single.extravagance. is for the kids.
Steve, the bodyguard, is for the kids. Even though Kate claims to have hired security to protect her kids, Steve remained with her to protect her kids' mom. Yeah, that makes sense?
Kate would claim that her surgeries, procedures, tanning, hair, wardrobe, manies, pedies are so that she can keep herself in the public eye and generate income.
The vacations? Well, she wouldn't be able to be the CEO of Gosselin Inc. is she was run down and tired, would she?
I could see her arguing that, but I would like to think no judge would ever buy that. And by then, if one of the children did question the use of the trust through the courts, it would be become of public interest, and the public in no way would buy that as a viable excuse for using the kids' money.
She could probably use the money for tuition, no problem. She could argue for groceries, clothing, shelter, etc... But when it comes to manis/pedis/hair/trips to NYC, I think that would not sit well with the public. And she's all about trying to control public image.
I wonder if Laverne & Shirley and Julie Carson would still be with her at that point?! If yes, they'll never let her speak unless through them, but if not, ooo boy would she get a public beat down. (Administrator) said... 101
In thinking about what lies ahead and that house, I often think of Home Improvement kid Taran Noah Smith. When he turned 18 he sued his parents for control of his 1.5 million trust fund. His claim? They had squandered it buying a mansion.
In discussing the potential for negative impact on children who are on reality tv shows, all we need to do is look at some of the children who acted on tv shows. Taran Noah Smith is one example. He had work protections in place, and I think that he was probably treated decently by his co-stars and the production people. But something seems to have gone wrong in his young life. I read that at age 17, he married a woman 16 years older than him, so he could be declared an adult and get control of his trust fund. He and his wife started some vegan or vegetarian food business, ran it out of their home, and apparently just destroyed the home. It was later foreclosed upon. I don't know if Taran has any money left from his time on Home Improvement.
I think even stronger protections need to be put in place whenever a child is the primary bread-earner for the family. It happens way too often that the money the child earned is all gone by the time that child reaches adulthood. It seems to me that it ought to be a law that a certain percentage is set aside in a trust, and can only be used for very specific reasons, such as the child needs a medical procedure for health reasons. Maybe 80 goes into the trust, and 20% could be used as a monthly allowance to cover household expenses, with the parents required to account for every penny spent.
Just as Jon didn't think through all the ramifications of filming the family for entertainment purposes, neither did I think through all the pros and cons of watching a tv show about a real family. I was a fan in the beginning and saw nothing wrong with watching the Gosselins on tv. I thought the kids were cute, and Jon and Kate a fairly normal couple. How could I know better when I wasn't yet educated about the realities of "reality tv"?
So, in the same way I don't blame myself for not knowing better, I also don't blame Jon for not seeing into the future. I do think Jon and Kate were foolish for not having a good lawyer negotiate the contract for them, but considering TLC's much vaster wealth and power, I'm not sure even a good lawyer could have made a huge difference in the contract terms. TLC could have just said, "we'll keep looking for someone who will sign on the dotted line."
Now that I've been educated about reality tv, I have chosen not to regularly watch any reality tv that features minor children. When I do watch an episode here and there, it's with a very critical eye. I'm looking for the product placement, the phony scenarios, the red flags - and they are almost always there!
Tucker's Mom (#103), you said, "If indeed it is the 'kids'' house,
I would expect them to split the money once its sold." You mean
"Mine All Mine Manor?" Why am I imagining hell would have to
freeze over first?
seems that we've seen the house deed before..and that house is KATE'S. It's in HER name. It's HERS. (she can blow smoke up everyone's ass all day long, but unless that house deed says "Gosselin children trust fund', it belongs to KATE.
As far as the trust is concerned, there is no oversee-ance (made up a Kate word, LOL) concerning how the trustee dispenses those funds. NONE. she (if she is the trustee) could clean it out and no one could do a damn thing.
Millicent said... 119
Maybe 80 goes into the trust, and 20% could be used as a monthly allowance to cover household expenses, with the parents required to account for every penny spent.
I say 100% goes into the trust. End of story. If the parent has to give up their job to help little Johnny get to auditions and on tv shows, then that's their choice. If the parent wants to work out a separate side deal with the production company, a certain fee for being little Johnny's on set tutor, guardian, or whatever, then so be it. But none of what the kid earns is a result of the parent. None. The parent didn't act on set, didn't memorize the lines, didn't do the work. The parent raised the kid, took him to the set and watched out for him. Well, that's called being a parent. No other parent gets paid for that!
How is this different than when a kid gets a paper route, or works as a clerk at a grocery store? Do parents get to take a percentage of their children's checks?! What a world we live in where parents think because their kid gets a lucrative job, the parent is somehow entitled to some of the money!
Yes, even on a blog I follow, there is lack of discretion. It's a family who had sextuplets but 4 died. The two remaining are very disabled, poor vision and hearing and developmentally delayed. Sweet family, very Christian, but they have a younger daughter and posted a photo of her on the toilet with no pants . I think it was a naive move on the mom's part, but reality TV has also opened my eyes to exploitation of minors on websites and other social media
It depends on how egregiously she used the money.
Yes, letting Mady suffer for a month with stomach pains and not taking her to the dr., getting the girls orthodontic work and the boys no orthodontic work when they clearly need it. Not letting them participate in extra activities like gymnastics, which they loved and other things that they wanted to do and she refused to pay for them, but would tan, man and ped all day long.
I hope they also sue Steve too. He was paid to secure them, not her. Also, he has seen the abuse she has dished out to them for years and we even have it on tape. Pizza gate. He could of very easily stopped her, but he didn't. He let a mentally ill woman blast a innocent child over a darn piece of pizza. Jackwagon!
I really wish that when kate hurt Mady in Alaska that Sarah Palin would not listened to TLC and would of really pushed to have kate be held accountable for hurting Mady. How are these adults that have seen these kids abused going to feel when they all get over 18 and they ask them WHY didn't you do something to help me? How will they live with their selves then?
I should add, that I do think that what Jon pushed for was fair, 80% of the earnings going towards the kids. The check divided by the 10 people working, equals 80% for the kids and 20% for the adults. I have no doubt in my mind that that was all Jon's doing. They set up that trust long before the money had gone into their heads, so TFW could have been more pliable than she is now.
I also think this explains that $200k per episode number, where both J&K denied they received that. If they made $200k per episode during their hay day, the kids would have had $160k into their trusts, leaving J&K with $40k. Which then explains Jon's child support payment of $20k, which was his check from TLC. It was a way for TFW to receive their whole paycheck with Jon not getting a dime.
I also don't doubt that when TFW resigned with TLC, and Jon was dropped, the trust stopped being funded, or was only funded a minimally required percentage, and all of that money goes directly to TFW now.
I think almost anyone who has been involved with the gosselin drama can be excused for naïveté in the beginning. I doubt ANYONE, including Jon, could have predicted how ruthlessly Kate would pursue reality tv...even after it claimed her marriage and became detrimental to the kids. Even after people starting seeing through her shit and hating her. Even after the kids were showing signs of distress and unhappiness and maybe mental illness. Nope, never mind. I'm keeping my blinders on because there's no other way to provide for my kids (not true). They love filming (who knows? They sure aren't free to be honest). I'm caring for them by myself (not true and never was and your isolation and theirs is all on you). Who would believe that any mother could feel so little for her children?
Layla, you are right! Jack is amazing! Remember, kate's reactions to his cooking and his awesomeness? She just couldn't believe it. Just like Terri Irwin's kids. He is so poised, articulate, smart and KIND!
Yes, Munch. Would love to have a box of Crunch and Munch to snack on while it is on! haha
Would love a recipe thread. Even though I don't cook, it is fun to read the new recipes. Something really simple I do here is I get a cup of noodles (ramen) and have someone fix it for me and then I add a can of Campbell's Cream of Chicken Soup into a bowl and to me it is sooo good! It would make a great side. You could make more and put it in a casserole dish. Add a can of chicken breast, can of kernel corn, peas drained, put cheese on the top and bake it. Probably do the crockpot way all day on low.
RIP Leonard Nimoy. He had a wonderful career and brought so much to the entertainment world.I hear he was a lovely man in his personal life, as well.
It's not an exaggeration. I work with DCFS and they file on kids left alone all the time. Regardless if something bad has happened. We will have to agree to disagree that it's wrong to call cps for such things. It happens all the time and DCFS takes action all the time. If you don't agree I suggest telling the Board of Supervisors. I think they meet every Tuesday.
Insert Creative aname, what you say could possibly be true, but there is no doubt to me that Kate is and has been dipping into the kids' trust. She can legally to pay for school, etc. It'll all be gone by the time college comes. Then those kids will have to finance college like most everyone else.
It's just common sense. She has more money going out than coming in since the show was cancelled. Her life style is unsustainable even with wise investments.
Layla said:
Milo is so ridiculous. Does she think that kids of working moms are reduced to eating cold SpaghettiOs out of a can or something? I am now a working mom, and I manage to get a warm dinner on the table every night. Except Wednesday, which is pizza night. Believe it or not, moms figure it out. I make meals ahead and freeze them (sorry, Kate, you're not the only one). And my crock pot is a lifesaver. Where's my praise? Why isn't anyone kissing my feet for cooking? Sheesh.
LOL - can I just give you a sincere pat on the back instead? It's ridiculous the lengths Milo will go to find something to praise Kate for.
And for me, Tuesday is pizza night because it's half off at our local pizza place.
" I'm sure our starving children will appreciate the break from their cold SpaghettiO dinners. "
Your children get to eat SpaghettiO's? Wow. My kid has to make do with a few grapes and some stale crackers on a paper plate, and a sippy cup of milk IF IT WAS ON SALE. Oh wait, that was some other mom who did that.
Part of my childhood died.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy / Mr. Spock
Insert Creative Name said:
How is this different than when a kid gets a paper route, or works as a clerk at a grocery store? Do parents get to take a percentage of their children's checks?! What a world we live in where parents think because their kid gets a lucrative job, the parent is somehow entitled to some of the money!
I don't disagree with you. But I was thinking that if someone were pushing to strengthen legal protections for minors, it might be an easier push if some small percentage were allowed to cover household expenses, on the thought that the child actor would benefit from that. That's why I also would like to see those expenditures very closely monitored. (I don't think such a law is coming any time soon.)
I was reading another forum awhile ago, and was unpleasantly surprised to read that some parents do think it's okay to take some or all of their child's money that they earn (if they get a paper route or other job). They claim that it's fair because they've been paying for this child all his/her life and the child should help contribute to household expenses! I was not raised that way, and I would never take any portion of money my son earned by his own hard work.
In Kate's twisted mind, she deserves that income because she carried those children in her womb, she was on bed rest for eleven hundred weeks, she suffered(!) and continues to suffer for her children - therefore she absolutely deserves the money and the perks. She will never acknowledge that Jon contributed to the show's popularity, and will never acknowledge that the show sunk in the ratings once it was just Kate sitting on that interview couch, blathering on and on and on.
Leonard Nimoy has died. He was so wonderful as Spock, and he had such a long and varied career. I loved his cameos on Big Bang Theory, he voiced a Spock action figure having a dream conversation with Sheldon last year. I didn't know he directed Three Men and a Baby.
Anon could we have a new thread on recipes? Sounds fun!
I know I'm on the extreme end, but I raise my hand as one of the nuts who think kids should never ever be on reality tv. Never ever. Production companies film to make money. Therefore they have license to take whatever they film and splice it any way they want to present you however suits their motive to making money. There's not a way to regulate that. And in that way, a child cannot consent to their image, how the public views them, being put in the hands of someone like that.
I totally agree.
The article said something about a ban on kids on reality TV is unrealistic or impossible or something like that. Maybe the correct word is unthinkable.
A lot of things that were once unthinkable are now real, or at least thinkable. Children are no longer sent up chimneys to clean them or allowed to work in mines. Women are allowed to vote. Women feel they deserve equal pay for equal or equivalent work. Homosexuality is no longer illegal. All those things were unthinkable at one time.
I hope in the future, a ban on children on reality TV will not be unthinkable at all, but will be real.
I think almost anyone who has been involved with the gosselin drama can be excused for naïveté in the beginning. I doubt ANYONE, including Jon, could have predicted how ruthlessly Kate would pursue reality tv...even after it claimed her marriage and became detrimental to the kids. 125
Well stated, Karen
The article said something about a ban on kids on reality TV is unrealistic or impossible or something like that. Maybe the correct word is unthinkable.
A lot of things that were once unthinkable are now real, or at least thinkable. Children are no longer sent up chimneys to clean them or allowed to work in mines. Women are allowed to vote. Women feel they deserve equal pay for equal or equivalent work. Homosexuality is no longer illegal. All those things were unthinkable at one time.
I hope in the future, a ban on children on reality TV will not be unthinkable at all, but will be real. 136
I also agree 100%.
Oh, how funny! 1100 hundred weeks of bed rest! Bwahaha! I just had to quickly figure out how many years that would be!
21!! Perfect. They would be 21 (haha) and would be able to decide for themselves if they want to be filmed and exploited on tv to the millions. That would put a wrench in that woman's master plan, wouldn't it? hahaha
Pennsylvania law will soon protect child stars of reality shows.
The bill also requires that trust accounts be established for minor actors. The employer (TLC) must deposit 15 percent of the child's gross earnings into the account. "It's the only way to make sure a portion of the child's earnings are there for them when they reach adulthood," Murt said.
My question is this. Why should the Gosselin children have to share the 15%? I understand that 15% times 8 equals 120%, plus Kate's percentage. Clearly the numbers don't work but, why should Kate be allowed to keep 85% and then be able to dip into the children's earnings for their support? .
The law clearly states "It's the only way to make sure a portion of the child's earnings are there for them when they reach adulthood"
I interpret this to mean that the money earned has to be available when each child reaches adulthood. I would think that Kate does not have the right to use any of these funds to support the children's private school tuition etc.
Another part of this law that I find puzzling is, "Those under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times," When Kate did Celebrity House Wife Swap? Did Kate file the necessary documents giving Deanna full guardianship of the children? Who is monitoring Kate and TLC to make sure that they are following the laws?
Things that make you go hmmm.
With regard to my post earlier about how is Twitter going to handle these new anti-abuse measure, how will they handle reports of "death threats" like this:
IndianaAnny @CandyDishes
Telling someone to go die. See the harassment. @twitter?
"Go drown your butthurt with a Coke and a doughnut."
That's the kind of "death threats" the hard core fans complain about. Will they be deluging Twitter with this kind of foolishness? I wonder if they're hanging their hopes of these anti-abuse measures like they hung their hopes on BV to sue, bankrupt and have the "haters" thrown in prison.
Just reading about Taran Noah Smith. I went to the CA unclaimed property website and looked up his name. He has 2 claims from GEP ATL LLC DBA ENTERTAINMENT PARTNERS and SCIE, LLC
for a total of $265.73.
I just love finding people money!!! To new people on the board, google your state's unclaimed property office. It is part of the state treasury dept. By law, each state has to send overage money to the state if you have balances to the good and you have moved. Like didn't get a security deposit that you were suppose to get, or a last check from your last employer because you had to move or gotten fired. Check every state you have been in and also check with your maiden name and all the names you have used like married, divorced, marry again. Several regulars have found money and I am thrilled that they did. I remember someone on here had a sister that found money and really, really needed it. So happy for her!
A class act. RIP Mr. Nimoy.
Nimoy tweeted for the last time on Feb. 22, saying ... "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"
Bottom line for me - parents are obliged to provide food, housing and education for their children. Why should parents use the children's trust funds to cover these basic costs? Supposedly the trust was set up to ensure money was available to cover their higher (college) education and/or as a percentage of what they earned while in the employ of TLC and should be payable to each child as they reach maturity. The parents should be responsible in the meantime for all expenses.
The parent is the custodian of that trust account into which TLC must deposit funds for the kids. If the account reaches $150,000 then there must be a trust company or independent custodian appointed.
The compensation to the trust fund by TLC is per child performer as I read it.
Admin, can you give us the legal low down on PA Child Labor Law.
Sue_Buddy said... 141
With regard to my post earlier about how is Twitter going to handle these new anti-abuse measure, how will they handle reports of "death threats" like this:
IndianaAnny @CandyDishes
Telling someone to go die. See the harassment. @twitter?
"Go drown your butthurt with a Coke and a doughnut."
That's the kind of "death threats" the hard core fans complain about. Will they be deluging Twitter with this kind of foolishness? I wonder if they're hanging their hopes of these anti-abuse measures like they hung their hopes on BV to sue, bankrupt and have the "haters" thrown in prison.
I have no idea how that could remotely be considered a death threat LOL. They also thought "I hope you choke on your birthday cake" was a death threat. I never took the word "choke" to mean choke to death when people say I hope you choke. To me it just means I hope it's hard to swallow. Even if it were meant as in "Choke to death", that would be a death wish, not a death threat. That's the one BV used as an example of death threats against TFW. GMAB
That's the kind of "death threats" the hard core fans complain about. Will they be deluging Twitter with this kind of foolishness? I wonder if they're hanging their hopes of these anti-abuse measures like they hung their hopes on BV to sue, bankrupt and have the "haters" thrown in prison.
Sue--I think that's exactly what they're thinking. How can they report abuse if the "threat" isn't even directly tweeted to them and doesn't even mention their name? What are they going to tell twitter--"this person tweeted this, and I "think" it's about me?
I think they are relying too much on these new anti-abuse measures, just like they did BV. And the whole thing is that they do the same thing that they accuse the "bullies" of. They give as much as they get but they will never see it that way.
So, in the same way I don't blame myself for not knowing better, I also don't blame Jon for not seeing into the future. I do think Jon and Kate were foolish for not having a good lawyer negotiate the contract for them, but considering TLC's much vaster wealth and power, I'm not sure even a good lawyer could have made a huge difference in the contract terms. TLC could have just said, "we'll keep looking for someone who will sign on the dotted line."
Very poignant.
We didn't know what we didn't know, and neither did Jon and Kate.
When you know better, you do better.
Unless you refuse to acknowledge unadulterated facts.
Sorry if this has been posted before.
RIP Spock.
Live long and prosper, Leonard Nimoy. Say "Nanoo Nanoo" to Robin Williams, would you?
That's the kind of "death threats" the hard core fans complain about. Will they be deluging Twitter with this kind of foolishness? I wonder if they're hanging their hopes of these anti-abuse
Gee, didn't Goody threaten Jon? she hoped he would DIE
TLC #146 "The parent is the custodian of that trust account into which TLC must deposit funds for the kids. If the account reaches $150,000 then there must be a trust company or independent custodian appointed"
I hope this is true!
I wonder if EACH child has their own separate account?
I hope that a trust dept is in charge of the kid's money, and that Kate can't get her grubby hands on it AT ALL
" I doubt ANYONE, including Jon, could have predicted how ruthlessly Kate would pursue reality tv...even after it claimed her marriage and became detrimental to the kids. 125"
I bet most of her family could have predicted it though.
Ok, here's my experiences with trust accounts. First one is handled by the parent for their 4 children. It has more than $150,000 deposited and has multiple properties and mineral rights in it. It is not overseen by a trust dept.
Second doesn't have over $150,000 in cash, but has valuable property and mineral rights property in deed. It was overseen by a child by a parent.
Neither trust had any sort of trust dept involved.
I hope that Jon is speaking the TRUTH when he says the kid's college educations are paid for.
If that's the case then Kate can't get her talons on it. And that must drive her crazy!
(and if that's the case, it also shows how much $$$$ she has to keep the kids in private school, braces, fancy house, 3 cars, etc). She must be sitting on a big ol' pile of it.
I know this is different than a trust account but I thought it was odd on the Maine special that Kate said she keeps all their (pocket?) money in a bank envelope. Why can't they keep their own, at ages 10 and 14? I would surmise she keeps ALL their money in one lump sum under her watchful eye.
Didn't Jon say that he'd set up trusts for the kids that neither he nor TFMJG could touch? I don't think he was referring to the mandatory trusts that TLC must pay into, though.
TLC Stinks -- As I understand the law, that "per child performer" would only apply if each child were being compensated separately. From what I've read, the G's are paid as a family, so I believe the 15% applies to the total compensation. However, I could be wrong. Admin -- insights, please?
Sue_Buddy said... 87
I was afraid the ewes were going to stampede last night; they were so excited about Twitter's new anti-abuse measures. I wonder what the sheep think is going to happen. And I wonder how free speech fits into the equation. What will Twitter consider to be stalking for example? How long before these measures are fully implemented? Will the sheeple start abusing the anti-abuse measures with all their screen shots? This could get very interesting. I can hardly wait!
What's making me chuckle are the ones who came from the BV camp, and had dirty hands in helping to "dox" non-fans, jumping up and down in anticipatory celebration alongside the whiney ewes!
I'm with you, Sue...this is going to be interesting to watch!
Sue_Buddy said... 87
''I was afraid the ewes were going to stampede last night; they were so excited about Twitter's new anti-abuse measures. I wonder what the sheep think is going to happen. And I wonder how free speech fits into the equation. What will Twitter consider to be stalking for example?''
PatK said... 159
''What's making me chuckle are the ones who came from the BV camp, and had dirty hands in helping to "dox" non-fans, jumping up and down in anticipatory celebration alongside the whiney ewes!''
I agree with both of you. They are all going to drive Twitter stark raving mad with insisting that anyone that disagrees with them is either being a ''bully'' or ''stalking'' them. I got a kick out of the non-fan (a descriptive phrase that IMO is more factual than ''haters'') that was throwing a fit about the ''doxing'' and in the same comment proceeded to ''dox'' someone!
I think in this blog we have seen that people can disagree and discuss that disagreement without being accused of being a bully or posting the other's real life name and address. I suppose that is why I stick to commenting on this blog and only reading twitter!
Kate would argue that every.single.extravagance. is for the kids.
She can argue that until she is blue in the face but most judges know what reasonable expenses are, and mansions, plastic surgeries, two sports cars, god knows how many trips to NYC to eat sushi and get her hair done, are unlikely to cut it in court if she used the children's money to do so. I would not be at all shocked if she is ordered to refund their trust of any money she used in that manner. It's happened. The thing the kids have going for them is their story is a lot more sympathetic to a court than hers. They were children, and the bulk of their money came in when they are almost completely helpless to know how to care for it.
She can argue that until she is blue in the face but most judges know what reasonable expenses are, and mansions, plastic surgeries, two sports cars, god knows how many trips to NYC to eat sushi and get her hair done, are unlikely to cut it in court if she used the children's money to do so.
She can also argue that she used her money for those from speaking engagements, DWTS, appearances or whatever else she did on her own. The problem with the DOL regulation is that she can take money out of it for their "welfare" and this means that the money can be used for mortgage, utilities, etc., because it's for the welfare of the kids. She could even use the funds to pay the security system bill. I'm not sure how that's monitored, though...if she has to make an accounting of the money spent.
"Gee, didn't Goody threaten Jon? she hoped he would DIE"
I'm not so sure if that's correct, but she's been so hateful that I really can't remember all of the horrible, vile things she tweeted. I thought she said she wished he would get hit by a bus and land in a coma for many months. I don't think she said that she wished he'd die, but it wouldn't surprise me.
The sheeple getting all giddy over this would be amusing, but it's actually pitiful, considering the harassment and hateful comments they made, as well as stalking, outing, and whatever, with the Detective leading the pack. This goes back years. She and the crazy Zipster person have made it their mission, and yet these people are the ones who are cheering Twitter for a new policy. It works two ways, and if Twitter is going to go after those who stalk and harass, then they better be on their toes from now on or they will find themselves suspended right and left. They are so stupid that they fail to see that they will come under scrutiny. What goes around comes around.
Should be funny to watch, and yes, I am glad I don't have Twitter and can just observe from afar!
She can also argue that she used her money for those from speaking engagements, DWTS, appearances or whatever else she did on her own.
That would be a tough argument. I doubt she put her personal earnings from DWTS and the like into THEIR trust accounts. She's greedy and would want easy access to that. She'd put it in her bank account, and not tie it down in a trust that has restrictions. I'd bet the farm the only money in those trust accounts stems directly from Jon and Kate Plus 8 or Kate Plus 8. When, and if, she makes a withdrawal from their trust accounts, there is no argument it's not THEIR money. I wouldn't lost hope, countless child stars have gone to court over their money and been very successful. In fact I'm struggling to remember when a child star has lost in trying to get their money back.
I hope they also sue Steve too. He was paid to secure them, not her. Also, he has seen the abuse she has dished out to them for years and we even have it on tape. Pizza gate. He could of very easily stopped her, but he didn't. He let a mentally ill woman blast a innocent child over a darn piece of pizza. Jackwagon!
Who would sue Steve and why? There is nothing illegal about what he did during the RV trip. Morally unethical, yes, perhaps, but if he were being paid to be a road manager or bodyguard then he absolutely was not responsible for whatever she said to the children, or how she treated him. He is not a parent, nor is he a guardian, and therefore he has no rights as such. He cannot dictate how they are raised, and he has no say in her parenting methods. If he sees actually abuse, then yes, he can report it to CPS for investigation, as can anyone who witnesses such abuse.
Let's give our cooks here a chance to share something delicious. I'm sure our starving children will appreciate the break from their cold SpaghettiO dinners.
You have those? You're so lucky! We've been eating cold Spam for the past week, along with cold beef tongue on a slab of bread with mayo.
With regards to the kids' trust account, somebody (ROL?) published some papers with notes about the trust. Hayley Glassman gave/sold them to ROL, and they were notes Jon had written during a phone conversation with Kate. On them, he wrote that the kids had $900,000 in trust, and also the house and the blue van were part of the kids' trust. So, at the time of the divorce, the kids certainly did have enough money for college. If it turns out that they don't have enough when they come of age, then Kate spent their money. Also, in those papers, Jon wrote that Steve was a trustee on the kids' trust account.
There were also notes about certain expenses--he wrote that he was not going to pay money for Kate's hair, nail appointments, or Steve's salary (which was listed at $99,000/yr.). If TLC was paying for Steve, then why were they bickering over his salary? How did Jon even know what Steve's salary was?
Does anyone else remember seeing those?
Completely off topic, jihadi john has been named, Mohammed Emwazi,British citizen who was born in Kuwait and grew up in West London. He reportedly graduated from the University of Westminster.
Waste, a cancer on this earth given a privileged education. Taking off his mask, revealing him, in my opinion takes him down several notches. His self perceived mysticism gone. The world knows him now in the plain images now appearing on flat screens all over the world.
PA Dutch Mom (165)
Your kids get meat by-products? Wow, what my poor kids wouldn't give for some of those! You know, on the nights I'm too exhausted (from working all day, dontchaknow) to operate a can opener, I just hand them each a stick of butter and call it dinner.
You have those? You're so lucky! We've been eating cold Spam for the past week, along with cold beef tongue on a slab of bread with mayo.
You have mayo?
It's been my observation that when Kate has earned her own paycheck (DWTS and CA), she's gone right out and gotten more plastic surgery done.
Gosh, Layla (#168), your kids EACH get a stick of butter?
Surprised that a nice person like you would flaunt her
"one percent" lifestyle. Next you'll tell us it's Land O' Lakes
and not the store brand!
Sascha @Sassccha 39m39 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack Did you think to bring Shoka inside? Temp outside is 0 deg. Shoka is family pet; needs to be around family.
Say what? It's 22 here, and I seriously doubt that it's 0 in Wernersville. Why do these people do this?
Layla...166...somebody (ROL?) published some papers with notes about the trust. Hayley Glassman gave/sold them to ROL...
I also remember that, but I don't trust information from Hayley Glassman any more than I automatically believe anything coming straight from the horseface's mouth. I don't think we'll ever know how much of the children's earnings was put where until they are old enough to sue for it.
CA Finale is on right now on CNBC 8 pm CST.
FlimsyFlamsy (171),
Sorry, I buy the Kirkland stuff from Costco. I work, you know, and of course that means that I don't love my kids enough to buy them the name brand stuff. And when the budget's tight I just plop a tub of Crisco on the table and give them each a spoon!
Speaking of the 1%, PA Dutch mom gives her kids bread!
You have mayo?
lol, Sue Buddy? Homemade, but the eggs are not organic from free rein (sic) chickens. My poor kids can only look at Hellmanns at the grocery store and gaze hungrily at it.
"I just hand them each a stick of butter and call it dinner."
Do you fry it?
Kate tweeted...
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 3h3 hours ago
@Shortnsaszy @charlybrown1014 yes, bacterial infections are treated w antibiotics. Antiviral r for certain viruses (not flu/colds)!
What in the heck is she talking about. Antivirals most certainly are used for the flu, available by prescription only.
Good lord. Is Kate thinking about getting another dog?
I'm sure that child stars who sue their parents for their earnings win all the time. But what do they do when there's no money left?
fade2black (173)
Some of the writing was very odd. I remember the first page was all financial stuff, specific dollar amounts scrawled on it. But the second page was different, a lot of statements written in the third person. "Jon is trying to extort Kate", "Jon needs $50,000 immediately". I think he might have written the first page, taking notes to try to track down where all the money was, but the second page just wasn't the same. I don't think that one was done by him. He supposedly goes from scribbled notes and abbreviations to full sentences and third-person quotes on the next page. That just doesn't add up to me. I think Jon wrote the first page, and Hailey wrote the second page. The handwriting didn't even look the same.
PA Dutch Mom said... 177
Good lord. Is Kate thinking about getting another dog?
OMG. Yes. Damage control, and Gladys is encouraging it.
Pa Dutch mom...
Salt rising bread?
About suing Steve, I am just ill because he is there in the thick of it and not trying or able to get TFW help, because she clearly needs it.
I thought Jon went to court and had Steve taken off the trustee account. I thought it was horrible that Steve, that he would even be on it. He is her employee, not Col. Tom Parker!
Speaking of the 1%, PA Dutch mom gives her kids bread!
But it's COLD!
I guess she's humble bragging LOL! Just kidding PA! But I bet your bread isn't sliced when it's baking!
All of you 1%ers with your butter and your Crisco and your Mayo. When I was a single mom, I took my kids to KFC to lick other people's fingers.
I got married just for the rice.
When I was a single mom, I took my kids to KFC to lick other people's fingers.
Well, that was a warm dinner, wasn't it? I'm assuming those people were still alive.
About suing Steve, I am just ill because he is there in the thick of it and not trying or able to get TFW help, because she clearly needs it.
I think Steve knows enough to keep his mouth shut. It's a job for him. He gets paid. Tick Kate off, and he's out of a job. It's not up to him to try to get her help.
You win! I laughed so hard I almost wet myself.
Anonymous said... 183
All of you 1%ers with your butter and your Crisco and your Mayo. When I was a single mom, I took my kids to KFC to lick other people's fingers.
I got married just for the rice.
LOL! Funnier than Monty Python-Four Yorkshiremen. (My all time favorite skit.)
So TFW's got a ridiculously busy household which she freely
admits is more than she can handle "alone," yet she wants
to add another animal?
Perhaps she's trying to get TLC's attention with a new story line?
A dog for her 40th birthday -- c'mon, TLC, that's got ratings
bonanza written all over it! She'll show that Little Family who
America's sweetheart is!
You guys are making me so hungry I could eat an organic horse.
Drat, Sue_Buddy beat me to posting that Monty Python skit!
Dang, my kids heard about your butter and your mayo and now they're refusing to eat their kibble. What's a poor, struggling, piecing and patching mommy to do?
@ Sue_Buddy, thanks for the Monty Python clip. What a young Marty Feldman! Hilarious.
Gee Whiz @GeeWhiz__ 2h2 hours ago
@CandyDishes Yep, his so "book" is full of proof of his obsession with Kate.It's scary&hope @Kateplusmy8 has a protective order against him!
PA doesn't have protective orders nor retraining orders. it's a Protection From Abuse order. Regardless what it's called why would she file a PFA against Robert? For what? He abused her? Protection from ABUSE. Are these sheep really this incredibly stupid? It certainly appears so.
By this reasoning, all celebrities who have had unfavorable books written about them have filed PFAs? Why stop with Robert? Why not file PFAs against ROL, the NE, and all of the other tabs who have dared to print stories that she doesn't like? Oh, and Naughty But Nice Rob. Don't forget him, as well as that darn Cohen guy who called her a Jackhole or whatever it was.
In PA, she would have to be in fear of him causing bodily injury, or he would have caused her to be injured. It usually involves someone with whom the person has had a close relationship. Just because he allegedly "stole" her trash, or he wrote a book, it's not going to get her a PFA. It is beyond the scope of PA law, which does not cover emotional abuse, if she would be trying to obtain a PFA for that, she would have to get an attorney involved to figure out what kind of "stay away" order she could obtain. There would have to be evidence that he is following her around, making phone calls, and disturbing her day to day life. Good luck with that.
If she went to a judge requesting a PFA and said, "But your honor, this man wrote a book filled with lies about me. Well, not really lies. He stole my journal and reprinted it. I need an immediate PFA," she'd get laughed out of the courtroom.
Oh, and you silly, silly sheep. Gladys is totally obsessed with Kate. Should Kate file a PFA against her?
I see our favorite doofus wants another dog! Kate must really be sick, to talk about another dog, you had another dog and could not handle her, and got rid of her. Kate, you can hardly take care of the dog you have, the house you own, the kids you have, adding another living creature to your house is a very BAD IDEA!
Or is this just shit talk!
Kate, don't do it!
PJ's momma said... 190
Drat, Sue_Buddy beat me to posting that Monty Python skit!
:)!! I watched it three times tonight. LOL It always cracks me up.
fade2black said... 191
Dang, my kids heard about your butter and your mayo and now they're refusing to eat their kibble. What's a poor, struggling, piecing and patching mommy to do?
You all are a hoot!
If the kids do take mommy to court TLC can film it and call it
Kate gets sued times x8.
The 8 vs Kate.
Or Kate 8 Days In court.
Can you imagine the intro to the episode lol.
I got married just for the rice.
I wanted rice, but everyone just blew bubbles, so I froze them. I need to ask Kate if you defrost them before you prepare them. Should they be roasted, grilled, deep fried, or George Foreman-ed?
Oh, cool! Milo tweeted a picture of the snow in Japan, and I know that area. Only Hokkaido gets snow like that. When my DH was stationed in Japan, we went to the Sapporo Snow Festival on Hokkaido in the winters. There were the most awe-inspiring snow sculptures you could imagine! Google images of the snow sculptures--you will be amazed. My favorite was a gorgeous replica of the Taj Mahal we saw one year when we were there. And I didn't even have to pimp my kids out on reality TV to give them that experience!
Sue_Buddy said... 195
PJ's momma said... 190
Drat, Sue_Buddy beat me to posting that Monty Python skit!
:)!! I watched it three times tonight. LOL It always cracks me up.
fade2black said... 191
Dang, my kids heard about your butter and your mayo and now they're refusing to eat their kibble. What's a poor, struggling, piecing and patching mommy to do?
You all are a hoot!
Ya'll are lucky my mom & grandma threatened to feed us air custards and wind pudding.
Why on earth would Kate want another dog who isn't free to roam the house because of THE BIRD? That's just cruel.
And poor Collin doesn't need any additional chores.
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