Sig is lamenting to Kate they're really screwed now. Lorenzo was fired, and he was their strongest leader. He thinks they're up a shit creek. Kate's all nodding and giving him puppy dog eyes of sympathy. Ha, as if! We all know she's tickled pink she is still alive in this game and that somebody else, anybody but her, was fired.
Kate confronts Vivica about her calling her out in the boardroom last week, unwilling to believe that Vivica didn't blame the PM Lorenzo for their failings, as the video idea was all his. First of all I seem to remember the idea was mostly Geraldo's. You mean the same idea you fully supported, were so excited about, and then nearly sabotaged by sitting in hair and makeup so long Lorenzo didn't have time to get all the shots he needed to make it work? Really, Vivica?! Kate demands.
I like how Vivica just holds her own here and bobbles her head just like Kate. Yep, really, Kate. Really. Ha!
Kate thinks she's doing pretty good on this show. Haha, how typical of a narcissist. A narcissist will never see what everyone else sees. She has been on the losing team more often than not, and often times she played a major role in why the team failed. Time and time again she has supported ideas that crashed and burned, and time and time again she has been against ideas that were a grand success. Her PMs have chosen her to come back to every single boardroom in which her team lost except Lorenzo's, but that was because he volunteered himself. The one time she was PM she only won because Leeza and Brandi took over her duties and the other team was led by a total idiot Jonas brother too obsessed with Geraldo to focus on being a good leader. Half the contestants hate her. She mostly eats and texts and checks out a few hours into each task. She is still here only by dumb luck, because of other better contestants' circumstances completely out of her control, and possible manipulation by the producers. But in her mind she's awesome. Heh.
Geraldo is still in his Mr. Peanut costume. He's quite the eccentric.
Their task this week will be to host a guided boat tour around the harbor with a tourism boat company Circle Line.
Oh, I need to shamelessly plug The Apprentice: UK here. It's a much better more interesting version of this show, as British versions tend to be. It has like a gazillion seasons, and they're almost all on Youtube. Their version of Trump, Sir Alan Sugar, is a more sophisticated, sharp character with a compelling backstory about growing up working class in east London and selling products out of the back of his van. He is now worth 1.5 billion. Anyway, on the first season for their final task they had to do something really similar to this task only on the Thames, and it was a really fun episode. Check it out.
Crab fisherman Sig thinks his timing is perfect. He is primed to step up as project manager this week and the task is a boat ride. The kind of ironic thing about this though is his background probably will be of no help to him on this task. This task isn't really about the boat. It's not about who can captain a boat the best or who can fish the best. Of course he would win those tasks. Rather, this task is about who can throw a good party, it is irrelevant that party will be on a boat. And for that, Brandi is perfect, and sure enough, she steps up. In terms of experience with parties, she blows Sig out of the water, so to speak.
They head to their war rooms, which this time around are right on their respective boats, which are quite rocky today. Geraldo actually knows quite a bit about the company Circle Line, he could rattle off their whole history. I don't think he's exaggerating about that, and that doesn't surprise me. Although he's obnoxious and kind of crazy, I think there's no doubt he is of a higher intelligence than most. People as smart as him often spend large chunks of their lives consuming information, whether reading, watching or listening. And then they retain and file this information away. They remember it, and are able to pull it out at a drop of a hat. Somewhere along the way he read about Circle Line, maybe in the newspaper or a local magainze or whatever, and his brain filed the information away to be unearthed years later on this task. Going into this I assumed Geraldo was smart and savvy like most journalists who have made it, but I did not expect him to be this brilliant. He is a beautiful, nutty mind who wears top hats even hours after the task is over.
Sig seems to realize in short order this task actually it not up his alley at all. He doesn't know a thing about throwing parties. Uh-oh, I figured as much.
Geraldo is throwing out a host of ideas only history nerds would appreciate, like Revolutionary War or Ellis island, with actual reenactors, or 9-11. I mean, that could work for school groups, but this is supposed to be a party. Kind of hard to be comfortable throwing back drinks at a party when the theme is an overview of some of our history's bloodiest, darkest moments.
While I would like Geraldo's ideas because I'm an American history freak, Vivica and Kate are sort of giving each other "oh, helllll no" looks. Ha-ha!
Kate, or the earpiece in her ear, calmly and diplomatically explains to Geraldo that they don't need to do the history, as the boat line already covers the history. If they want to get high ratings on this task, their focus needs to be on the fun, the entertainment. She says this all quite slow as if someone were in fact saying this to her in her ear, haha. She's right, the entertainment is key. Good point, Steve. Geraldo finally agrees to drop that dumb idea, and Kate's ego explodes like a musket going off.
Brandi puts Ian on the boat version of running errands off site at various stores just so I can get you out of my hair, and makes him her accountant. Ian looks like he'd rather have a shark give him a bikini wax than be Brandi's accountant, but he has no choice but to go along with it. Most of Brandi's team likes Mardi Gras but Brandi is really unsure of that idea since it doesn't have anything to do with NYC. I think that's a fair point, but for now, she reluctantly goes along with it.
Kenya is trying, getting excited about Brandi's charity and really volunteering a lot of ideas. Brandi doesn't buy it though, she thinks Kenya would like nothing more than to take her down. That's probably true, but I think Kenya also wants to be on the winning team even if Brandi wins too. Kenya doesn't hate her so much that she will allow herself to lose to try to get Brandi fired, that's silly.
Over on Kate's team, they've settled on a Love Boat theme with a meet-and-greet thing with Sig. The Sexiest Catch, the team comes up with. That's not bad. Sig is worried this sounds too much like a porno. Lol.
The men think as long as they're going this route they should call in the Hooters girls. This is starting to sound more like Spring Break than Viking river cruise. Neither Vivica nor Kate think this is a great idea, but they sort of just let it happen. I can't stand when people on this show don't have the guts to put up a big fight about bad ideas on the task, but then save it if they need to throw someone under the bus later in the boardroom. It's a passive aggressive, cowardly way to play the game and Kate does it all the time. Kate has a good point in that the people stepping on this boat could be a bunch of married couples, and they're probably not going to appreciate a bunch of Hooters girls there. True, I wouldn't.
Geraldo also has a good point, "all in." It's true, if you're going to go sexy, go sexy. Don't limp in, pardon the pun. Whatever theme they choose they've got to be completely behind it. It's not going to work to go with a theme and then be so uncomfortable and skeptical of it they do not take it to its climax. If they're not willing to go all the way with the Hooters girls and everything, pardon the puns again, then get rid of this theme and start over. Fair enough.
At Brandi's team, Brandi and Johnny are still skeptical about Mardi Gras. Brandi decides you know what, f-it, Mardi Gras is scrapped. "Girls," she tells the team, and Ian looks up. Haha, nice touch, editors. They must have buckets of fun in their editing bays. Brandi just can't get past Mardi Gras in New York City, it makes no sense to her, and says they're changing the whole theme. It's a big risk to change their theme this late in the task, but if the theme is terrible, Brandi had to do it. A lesser project manager wouldn't have the guts to listen to their nagging gut feeling and pull the rug out like this, so kudos to her. I think Brandi is right, the Trumps likely would have been confused by Mardi Gras and it could have sunk them, so to speak.
I like Vivica, she has a sense of humor about herself. She has posed herself all sexily on the starboard side, looking out at the water as she explains in a husky voice that their furniture has been delivered and they're setting up the food. Lol, so random! I can't picture Kate being this silly and willing to let her guard down, she doesn't have the self-esteem for it.
Wow, Brandi scrapped their theme without a new one lined up? I didn't know that. Eek. They are back to brainstorming, and finally settle on Big Apple Bonanza. I don't quite know what that means. Will Little Joe be there? But I guess it sounds fun enough.
I guess Brandi thinks bonanza just means a fun party. I think she's right that their primary focus needs to be on just throwing a great party. A vague theme is better than something nonsensical. Brandi decides to "feed into" Kenya's narcissism and let her perform her song. Kenya has a song? Is it as good as this one from the Countess? It has over 7,000 thumbs downs on Youtube, lol.
You might be too old to be starring in your own music video when the next thing on your agenda for the day is to hire your kid an SAT tutor.
Poor Brandi is about to puke from being on this boat so long, ugh, that would be awful to have to work on a rocking boat all day.
It's the day of the parties, and Sig is still worried maybe the people stepping onto this boat won't like Hooters. Do they not know much about their demographic, and why didn't they ask? Kate's right, what if it's a bunch of couples? Some might be cool with it but I venture to guess most women do not want to go with their husbands to a Hooters party.
The bartenders were late so Sig ends up spending a lot of time lugging waters and ice and so on back and forth back and forth, getting angrier as the minutes pass. He finally gets so stressed he throws a hissy fit and bangs his fist on the bar. Well, that was a little scary.
Kate and Geraldo, to their credit, calmly try to bring him back down to earth and right the ship. Kate even pulls out this huge tote bag seemingly out of nowhere like she is Mary Poppins
and suggests that Sig use the big bag to transport a lot of things at once so he won't have to make so many trips. Well, she was trying to be helpful. Good for her. When Kate stays calm, feels like working, and is motivated and focused, she's not bad. She's not the best contestant here by any means, she's simply not bright enough to play in the big leagues like Leeza, Brandi, Geraldo or Vivica, but she's somewhat better than a dud like Terrel or Shawn. I think that's what makes her laziness and ineptness all the more frustrating, because she is capable of being a decent second-string team member if she applies herself. It just seems to be so hard to get her to this head space, and I don't know why that is. Maybe she's just flighty and easily bored. She can focus and work for a couple hours and she does all right, then she's off in la-la land again. That's not going to cut it.
Kate says she's worried if Sig's snapping now he could snap again at any time on this task, and where will that leave them? Sig has calmed down a bit and says wait a minute, we're supposed to be happy. Kate is doing decoupage or something or other, at least she's not stuffing her face or playing on her phone, and says you're the only one who's not happy. There is one other positive thing I will say about Kate, and that is that she never really lost it and snapped. I would not be surprised if she had. She kept it together. There were some tears, a lot of whining, and a lot of ineptness and blame shifting. But she never lost her temper like Sig has and several other contestants before him, thus far anyway. In fact she often proved to be a calming force, which means either she has really good control over her reactions to a bad situation, or is just too clueless to realize it's time to panic.
"Make me happy!" Sig tells Kate. Lol, ew. And Kate sort of just shakes her head. Heh, funny.
Because of the tight editing, we see none of the prep on Brandi's ship and cut straight to her team welcoming guests. Even though the vast majority of reality shows should be just one hour, I really, really hate the one-hour edits on this show. It doesn't work, but we've talked that to death. Shit, there's kids among Brandi's guests, some of the Trump grandkids. Does Sig's team know there could be kids along? Oops!
Brandi's cruise is a hodgepodge of boy bands, appletinis, a magician. I don't see Little Joe anywhere, but with this random mix he would fit right in. Leeza does a phenomenal job giving commentary on the various landmarks. She keeps it fun, light, and short. I didn't realize they would have to do this part too, I thought they were just supposed to be in charge of the party. Probably I'm confused because there was no time to explain that in the tight edit.
"It's like a booze cruise with knowledge," Brandi quips. Ha, that's hysterical, Brandi. You won the episode title, again.
On Kate's team, the Hooters girls are here and serving delicious bar food, and they're handing out crabs too. The edible kind, I mean. The guests here, I don't know, they look like a fair amount of computer programmers and school teachers. It's sunny but don't let a bright sunny winter day in New York fool you. It's still chilly out so most people are bundled up, and it's the middle of the day. I don't know if this sexy thing works at all. Nobody wants to be sexy when it's lunch time and 42 degrees, sunny or not.
Geraldo is going on and on about Ellis island, pontificating about oppression and Italians and Jews. Unlike Leeza, who just kept it all low key, he is like a college professor only not really actually giving you anything of substance. It was "overboard" says, Sig. He's right, everyone is bored and looks like they'd prefer to jump ship.
"Screw the terrorists, we've won!" Geraldo blurts out as he introduces the new World Trade Center. If you could visualize the hashtag awkward on real people's faces, that's what it would look like. ####AWKWARD. Everyone just sort of stands there, not sure if it's okay to drink to that, grab another crab leg, or what you do. Kate does another one of her infamous over the top "OMG!" faces. Lol.
By the way, do you know the producers hate her? They made this entire web site just for her and her notorious faces. Hehe, they be so funny.
Back to Brandi's party, everyone is dancing, drinking, I-an does a little breakdancing. Leeza gives all the credit to this success to Brandi, because Leeza is classy and gives credit where credit is due. Kenya performs her "song." Wait, but she's not singing. She's talking like Professor Higgins "talked" all his songs in My Fair Lady. Lol, just like the Countess "talked" her song too! What's with the Housewives and talking out a song?
Right in the middle of it Brandi walks right through the stage area with a tray of drinks. She waves, lol, that's funny, she knows darn well what she's doing. I'm embarrassed for Kenya, but with enough booze in them by now some of the crowd seems to mildly enjoy it. Except one of the Trump grandkids, who looks about five and seems both confused and horrified as Kenya at one point is sort of grinding on the floor, lol. Brandi tries to distract from this misstep and gets a conga line going, which is usually a go-to party saver. I don't know if anyone watched the Grammys, but it's always a good show and Beyonce was there of course, and I think Kenya is pulling a Single White Female on her, adopting her hairstyle, dress, career and even mannerisms. Rather creepy.
Geraldo is doing some sort of odd Q and A with the Hooters girls. Who cares, nobody goes to Hooters to actually get to know them, if you want to get to know a woman you don't buy chicken wings from her. Even Kate thinks it's time to take the microphone. Sig wanted to say a few things himself but Geraldo is too much of a force to interrupt. The thing about these sort of booze cruises too is that you really shouldn't be talking the entire time or it starts to feel like a lecture. You have to take breaks and give people time to eat, drink and talk among themselves. In the edit I've seen it's been a nearly constant droning on throughout the cruise and it's getting annoying. I think Geraldo thinks if he's not talking he's not helping anything, and that's just not the case. Sig says at the end of the day he really thinks Geraldo is great so who is he to say anything.
Sig arranged for the Coast Guard to show up and drive by, which was a really nice touch especially since that's his charity. The guests love it. Like almost all the other celebs here except Kate, Sig talks about his charity, the Coast Guard, with passion and sincerity. He tears up as he says he has friends whom the coast guard has saved. Has Kate actually ever visited her charity yet or is that still on her to do list?
Sig thinks they knocked it out of the park. Or ocean, Captain! If people give them bad reviews on their feedback cards fine, says Sig, I have their addresses and I can go punch their teeth out. Oh, my, why do I feel like he's only half kidding? Lol.
Blue-hour timelapses, which must mean it's boardroom time, and my assessment is pretty straightforward. It's obvious Kate's team lost, but Sig really should be fired. Their theme was uncomfortable and missed the mark, and not only was Geraldo's commentary awkward and far too long, but Sig didn't stop him even when everyone knew it was getting bad. Kate and Vivica are responsible for not being more assertive about changing their bad theme, but at the end of the day the blame rests on the PM. Both the women worked and did what they were told, and Kate even tried to help calm Sig down. The only black mark Brandi's team had was Kenya's stupid talking-song, but that's not enough to sink them. And, Brandi saved that anyway with her conga line, so they won it. Once again, due to some other circumstance, Kate won't be fired.
Sig says he thinks they won. After all they brought in the Hooters girls. Were they beautiful or "just okay?" Trump asks, genuinely curious. Baw-haha! Well, there's no question he's a man. That is such a man thing to ask. As a side note, Kate looks particularly old today. Could be the makeup or the lighting. I would honestly guess she is at least 47, not a young woman still in her 30's. Tanning, surgeries and other behaviors will do that.
Kate's reservation about the Hooters girls was the demographic. Again, why didn't they know what their demographic was in the first place before deciding on the theme? Isn't that critical to deciding what to do? Heck, what if it were a bunch of kindergartners, then Brandi's theme doesn't make sense either. I don't understand why nobody seemed to know a thing about their guests. That's the first thing you should find out.
Geraldo uses big words like sophomoric, words some of the other celebs don't understand, when he says he and Sig work well together. He talks like this not because he's trying to impress like Kate would, but because that's just how he talks.
Johnny and Leeza were Brandi's best players? I get Leeza, but Johnny? I don't know if Johnny is boring or what but we barely ever see him on these tasks.
The guests liked Brandi's festive party, and especially liked Leeza commentary. The theme confused them. I know, me too, I kept looking for Little Joe myself. Kenya was polarizing, a lot of them, I'm guessing the sober ones, said her song/dance wasn't classy. Ha-ha, Vivica looks so smug about that. She totally purses her lips in an "I told you so" face. I forgot if she hates Kenya, what happened in the past on these silly reality shows sometimes sticks to my brain for no more than a couple weeks. I can more or less keep track of who hates Kate, but the other drama going on escapes me. Though I think Vivica doesn't like Kenya, if I recall.
As for Sig's team they loved Vivica, they liked the food and the atmosphere actually. But people couldn't stand Geraldo's blathering. Trump interrupts to say he simply cannot believe this. Lol, he really loves Geraldo for some odd reason. Females thought this was geared toward the men and they got left out. Good point.
The guests gave an overwhelming win to Brandi, which was obvious. Yikes, I hope nobody loses their teeth over this, especially not any of those nice school teachers aboard. Brandi is a mature winner who calmly says that's great, she's happy, and she will be giving her money to Make A Wish. She says she feels bad for the Coast Guard though and wishes they could get some of the spoils. Trump gives them twenty-five grand. All class, Brandi. All...class. Brandi has her issues and has a lot of conflict with other women on her Real Housewife show, but I am wholly convinced she is a bright, gracious, good woman who has unresolved issues she simply needs more therapy for. She is deep down not a bad person like, say, Doofus is.
There's only six minutes left in this episode, sounds like this will be a quick and dirty firing.
Kate of course says she and her boyfriend Geraldo shouldn't be fired. She very, very reluctantly admits Vivica shouldn't be fired. Steve is right in the strategy he told her, always blame the PM. It's tried and true, and statistics show they are always more likely to be fired. Of course they won't always be fired, but you have to play the percentages. Don't be stupid and go after people you can't stand like Vivica even though every bone in your grudge-filled body wants to. It's far too risky for somebody as dumb as Doofus here to try to go after somebody less obvious. So she's right, it has to be Sig.
Geraldo has a hard time blaming anyone because he likes these people. I believe that. None of these people give him a hard time, they allow him to be his crazy self and even encourage it, and he thrives in that environment. Trump asks Geraldo if he honestly is going to be friends with any of these people after the show, then Trump kind of waves his hand with a laugh and is like get real, we're too busy to maintain friendships like this, it's on to the next thing for us! Lol. From what I've heard and witnessed that's very, very true. Unless a celeb truly forms an untenable blood brother bond with someone on the set, it's unlikely they will have the time or energy to send out more than a text message or two post project. Sometimes such an existence seems rather lonely to me, since I value true friendships made in an employment capacity just as much as any other, and if I'm going to really bond with someone I'm not going to do it without the intent of maintaining what we built post-project. The fact that Leeza showed up to a party of Brandi's in L.A. months later speaks volumes about just how close those two women became, since I really don't think that's all that common in a world in which a celeb might end up working with thousands of people on hundreds of projects before your work is done on this earth.
I don't know if Geraldo's wife would be okay with a post-show friendship, Kate says. Lol, what? Oh, doofus, you flatter yourself. Trump accuses her of having a dirty mind, hehe. No, just an inflated ego. Even Trump Jr. is laughing saying Dad you were the one going there! I like the Trumps, I think there are times like this they are just a normal family.
Vivica too admits that the fault is with Sig. Leeza is smart and says once they are down to three people Trump is going to switch up the teams again, she sees it coming. They all seem to think that sucks, since everyone on Brandi's team works so well together. They've won three in a row after all.
I think some of the nautical puns are unintentional, but they're funny, as Trump says they're all in the same boat. Lol. There are an incredible amount of nautical puns out there I've realized in just writing this re-cap. I needed at least one recap where I could giggle like a schoolgirl over something stupid the whole time like nautical puns, it's that kind of day.
Sig throws out the only defense he can, that if the ladies had a problem with any of this they certainly didn't speak up, at least not very loudly. Very true, and I find that to be shitty. It's not going to get him off the hook (nautical pun!), but it's what he should point out if he has any respect for himself.
Trump wants to know if it's true they just let this bad idea happen and didn't say anything. Kate says, well, we at least made a face over the Hooters girls, so. Lol. Kate is blathering on, I think she's trying to get to the fact that in light of all the other bad ideas that they spent the whole time shooting down (oh yeah, I forgot about the 9-11 reenactors), this idea wasn't as bad as any of those and at least we got rid of the really bad ideas. Well, you still traded one bad idea for another. Trump has no patience to give her time to get to her point and cuts her off, lol. I don't think Trump has ever once allowed Kate to get to her point, he really can't stand a blatherer. Also I think Trump knows there's no way he could pin this on one person not speaking up enough about a bad idea (even though she's done it a dozen times before) when none of them spoke up, and he especially can't fire that person or persons over the people championing the idea. That wouldn't really be fair, though it kills me to say it. If he were going to do that he would have to fire the whole team, that's the only way it's fair. Trump quickly gets to the point. He really likes Sig but let's face it, he's fired.
Everyone seems very sad to see Sig go. Vivica looks tearful. Kate the sociopath realizes everyone else is sad so she acts sad too. Geraldo said he's going to give Sig's charity $40,000. Sig seems more embarrassed than grateful about it. That's nice of Geraldo I guess, though it's treading a little bit into making this all about Geraldo, and one-ups Trump. Maybe he should do that quietly, after the show, and I'd believe it.
The Trumps seem to really respect Sig and his charity and look disappointed to see him go, too.
Sig doesn't look like he's going to knock anyone's teeth out, he says the experience was humbling and that the gamble he took didn't work out. Overall, he seems like a good guy who works hard but has a few anger management issues.
The other team still can't believe the sucky team has lost three times. What's the common denominator there? Ian asks.
Raising my hand! I know, I know. Pick me, I-an! Kate!
No, Geraldo, they say. Geraldo??? I mean, I suppose, but, but, what about his minion Doofus?
Ian and Johnny still have a lot of pent up aggression toward Geraldo. I swear they sound just like us talking about Kate, only they're talking about Geraldo. Leeza is just amazed he is still here, he is like teflon. He sucks at everything, but she attributes his staying power to strategy.
And the stars align for Kate again. Here's the thing, she's terrible at this game. She's not creative, she can be lazy, she's no leader, and is constantly on the losing team. Of everyone left she is without a shadow of a doubt the worst player. But Geraldo is more front and center, vocal, smarter, bigger, has more donors, and has amassed more enemies. Thus Kate and her ineptness have flown under the radar. Most of the folks who used to pick on Kate like Brandi and Kenya don't really care anymore because they're not on her team (and thus, it's actually a good thing she stay around and screw up tasks as long as she's on the other team) and they know she's expendable, you know, whenever. People lost interest in getting rid of Kate, and she's stayed as a result.
Also, Geraldo is a bigger threat to these stronger players, so they're all focused on him right now. You have to be careful with that. On similar reality shows like Survivor, a mediocre, seemingly expendable whenever you need to contestant, can slither through and win, because there was always somebody else that really needed to go first. Sandra is a prime example, for Survivor fans. In 2003 a secretary named Sandra played season seven of Survivor. For six seasons, the six previous winners had always played very strategic, smart games, which is how they won. But Sandra was different than those other people. She was not particularly talented, bright or special or any kind of stand out, and she was about as athletic and socially adept as a slug, but there was always somebody else to vote off.

Other contestants were dumbfounded that somebody with no social game, strategy, and no physical ability won. What can I say, they kept her on the back burner way too long and have nobody but themselves to blame. Then suddenly the end arrived and they forgot to vote Sandra out! #Dolts. Dumb luck worked out for Sandra, as well as other contestants both underestimating her and saving the non-threat for later until later turned out to be the winner's circle. She won her season without a single vote ever cast against her, and then she came back and played another season and won that too. Kate made it much further than she should due to this very same phenomenon, I'll call it the Sandra Effect. Or, the Slither Effect. She is this show's Sandra. Moral of the story, don't get distracted by that loud-talking Geraldo over there for the love of all humanity, Leeza. Bottom line, Kate is long past due, well-done, goose is cooked. She needs to go and stat or they're going to have a big problem on their hands in that this doofus might actually be a finalist in this thing. Get it together, people! I like some well done reality shows for the reasons above, talking through strategies and analyzing why and how people are where they are is fun. It's a guilty pleasure.
Kate doesn't know why on earth they keep losing. Of course she doesn't, she's a narcissist. Something has got to change! she insists. After awhile this gets so predictable; I know with that kind of ego, she imagines herself the white knight who saves her team from sure destruction by stepping up as PM on the next task. Knowing the outcome ahead of time, my stomach hurts from laughing already. So let's do it!
Did Kate get a haircut in the 20 seconds it took to get these people up on some windy roof to hear about their next task? Her hair is like four inches shorter and stick straight. Trump looks about the same shade as a tangerine at the moment, his hair about halfway to the color of straw into gold. He announces that the gale force winds prove he does not wear a wig, lol. As predicted, he switches up the teams, with Kenya going over to Kate's team. Hallelujah amen! Brandi and I shout at the same time.
They are going to make a "themed environment" whatever that is, about Trump's golf thing he has down in Miami. As you can tell, I really don't care about or understand golf. And, just as predicted, Kate the knight has stepped up to "save" her team, volunteering as PM again. She is even wearing white. She's nuts, this is a death sentence before it even started. She's already been PM before, she's checked that box. Her strategy now needs to be to avoid PM at all costs no matter what until the finals. The Sandra Effect does not work if Sandra volunteers herself to be voted off. Doofus.
Ian is going to be PM for the other team. Oh, Kate's toast.
"I'm free! Free of the monster" Kenya exclaims as she heads into the war room. Heh, that's mean but kinda funny at the same time in how over the top it is. Brand-ya or Ken-di, can't decide which one I like better to call the two of them, but they're both so immature about this.
Oh, Geraldo has been golfing there. Well, hell, he should have been PM then. Does anyone else on this team even play golf much less have been to this course in Miami? We know Kate doesn't, remember Hank having to teach her on Wife Swap? She should have pushed this off on Geraldo, said I know you've done your share as PM but nobody here knows and understands golf and golfers like you do. Flatter him, then pass the buck.
Ha-ha. Sasquatch wants to do a Sasquatch theme, that couldn't be more fitting. Kenya's all like, Kate doesn't really understand what luxury really is. Yes! Kate's a poser who thinks eating sushi and fluttering off to NYC on the weekends racking up $300 room service bills makes her just like a Dupont, minus that murder thing. Even though I don't like Kenya, I find it incredible refreshing and validating to see somebody who sees through Kate in exactly the same way the rest of us have. I guess because a lot of the sheeple keep saying we don't really "know" Kate so we can't make that judgment, and yet here is someone who does know Kate, did spend a lot of time with her in person and worked with her, and she's saying the same thing. Now what's their excuse?
Kate sends Kenya and Vivica off shopping for props. Oh, no, don't send your strongest player (Vivica) off to do that! Kenya knows what being sent off to do props means for her standing, and really doesn't want to go, but Kate makes her. Kate makes a good point I have to give her, such that if Kenya didn't want to go shopping Kenya could have volunteered for PM and called the shots herself. Hey, you get that one, Schmoops. What else ya got up there in that hallow head?
It's Braveheart redux as Ian goes into his passion for his obscure charity again. You know the one for skin diseases he feels a connection to because he loves slathering on lotion and feeling supple and feels for those who don't. I think people who talk about themselves in the third person are usually crazy. He feels if he can pull this off I-an will be one seat closer to God. He actually says this. Come on, he's not serious. Or is he? His eye twitches, which I think means he's just shitting around. I think. Oh well, whether this is real or fake he's so wonderfully nuts either way.
I'm not quite sure where Ian's team is going with all their ideas but Ian says something hysterical in that if he is going to throw someone under the bus it shouldn't be a surprise to them because hey, they got the bus schedule! Ha.
I-an is so deeply impressed by how creative he is. His gifts are so incredible he humbles himself. What luck that Kate gets herself on a season so inundated with narcissists just as big or bigger than her that she looks about as harmless as a Cabbage Patch doll. Of course.
Ian talks about getting a hole to stick a pole in, and Brandi being Brandi just can't help herself and bursts into giggles. Even Leeza starts cracking up. Leeza does what any good girlfriend would do to keep her friend in line and tells her to "stop it!" while pushing her away, then she just cracks up some more. Those two are endearing without ever even trying to be. They look like sisters.
Johnny and Brandi go off to shop but because they're not insecure they don't see it as a slam on them or their talents and happily do what is asked of them. Johnny all but promised he would track down Tiger Woods's trainer to come to the event, but now realizes he got in way over his head when the guy won't return his calls. Rookie mistake, don't say you'll do something big like that until you know you can deliver. And also as a side note, this is a perfect case in point that just because you are a celeb doesn't mean you get your calls returned. It doesn't always work like that. Real life is not the movies.
Kenya is still butt hurt that Kate sent her off to shop. Gosh, I hate to say it but there are only a few players left and somebody had to shop, and the shopping on this trip is actually way more important than it's been to many other tasks, since this task seems very much about the space and experience they are putting together. More important than making sure there were flowers on the table and cutting boards shaped like hearts at their frozen food challenge some time back anyhow; that didn't really matter. Kenya is still stuck on Kate not really understanding luxury, and that Kate needs her expertise with how to build sets. Luxury, eh? That sounds silly coming from someone wearing some of the tackiest giant earrings I've ever seen. I was prepared to scoff at Kenya claiming to be some expert about sets too, but then I checked her IMDB and realized she's done a whole host of guest appearances on various sitcoms, which almost always build their sets from scratch and rarely film on location where you make something preexisting your set, more like how Kate's show is. I doubt Kenya ever pounded a single nail into a set in her life but at least she's been around those who do. She's more qualified than Kate anyway. Maybe it was a bad idea to send her off like this after all.
Vivica says she's keeping an eye on Kenya because Kenya is a back stabber.
Ian really does have friends in all kinds of places. He has one friend making their logo for them with flowers, another friend doing some sort of rendition of Trump's face for the display that looks like a Wall Street Journal sketch. If you asked him for a friend who makes Raisin Nut bran and could deliver a whole truckload of it to the event he'd have that too. Leeza said everything really fell into place for them and it was nice to get rid of Kenya. Next to Kate, it's obvious Kenya is the most disruptive player left, even Leeza has to admit she's terrible.
Back in the studio Kate is trying to make decisions with the fabricator and Kenya is bombarding her with texts, mostly with complaints about Vivica. Lol, that's funny. Kate blames Kenya for this interruption. Or she could just put her phone down and ignore it. She doesn't have to swipe it up every time it pings like she's Pavlov's dog. Lol, Kenya is so busy arguing with Vivica about how she didn't wanna stop at Bed Bath and Beyond or Babies R Us or something that she is ignoring Kate on the other line demanding to know what time they're expected to be back.
"It was a five minute stop," Vivica says in her defense, basically shaking her head and looking away. Well if I had any confusion about how Vivica feels about Kenya it's gone.
Haha, Kate's still on the other end wanting to know what the heck is going on. This is too much.
It's the day of the event and they've gone to Trump's local golf course. Does anyone know where my pants are? Geraldo asks as people are spreading rose petals around and such. What? Random. Kenya's just like well if you're behind the bar no one will know. Lol.
Kate's display shows a wedding table, a spa, a guest room and a putting green all sort of in the same room. There's also a Sasquatch kids club off to the side with a couple colorful chairs. It kind of looks like the model you see at a luxury apartment. It's not bad looking, but it's not very interesting either.
Kate thinks it's better than expected but not perfect due to the girl drama the day before. That's her fault though. She did not have to spend more than 10 seconds shutting down that drama. Instead she let it go on all day and wasted valuable time trying to mediate. Stupid.
Johnny never did come through with his golfer but just like Ian knows the butcher, the baker and the Raisin Nut Bran maker, he also knows a golf expert who shows up to help people with their swings. Ian's setup is already infinitely better than Kate's, with a massage area, the golfer using some kind of computer to analyze your swing, and a big poster sized picture book to look at various scenes from the real thing in Florida. This competition is over before it begins.
Their flower sign is buried behind some plant somewhere so Brandi decides to move it out front and center. They play the "dopety-doh" music to let us know Ian is a nut as he comes over and looks like he's going to pop a blood vessel over her touching his flower sign. Brandi quickly gives up on this one, not worth it.
Why is Kate dressed like a sexy Interpol agent? Bizarre getup. The girls are doing a decent job telling the guests who arrive about the various amenities while Geraldo serves them up drinks that look like blue Scope mouthwash. Yum. Geraldo sees his role as "lubricating" everything else. Ewww, pick another verb please.
Kate turns on her sexy kitten persona when the Trump boys arrive with some COO. They like the Sasquatch who encourages kids to play golf, hehe. Kenya thinks their set looks like crap. Seeing more of it up close now, it does look pretty rinky dink. She is convinced she could have pulled this together but for Kate sending her shopping. She's still going on about the shopping. Good grief. Kate claims that she ended up doing all this pretty much by herself last night. Heh, I'll believe that one when I see footage of that. Notice how she doesn't claim to have done this all herself within earshot of any of the other contestants. She doesn't have the balls for that. The Trumps are just asking how it was going and she's already acting like it's the boardroom and blaming Vivica and Kenya for everything. Again, not in earshot of them of course. All this in front of the COO? Rather immature. You haven't even lost yet, Doofus!
Over at Ian's classier setup, Johnny is giving massages that look simply delicious, uhhhh. Ian is a little shaky on the details of the resort when he's explaining things to the Trumps, which is embarrassing. Brandi is shocked he flubbed that, and comes in to save the day answering their questions correctly. She says she stayed up the whole night studying. Wow, good for her. Now that I believe, and it's a perfect example of the kind of over-the-top hustle required to make it in this business. It's a good thing Brandi was there to fill in the gaps what with Ian so busy praising his magical powers and wonderfulness.
Boardroom time. I like Brandi's t-dyed looking dress thing. Kate finally got the memo she should say she thinks they won. So she's learning.
Trump seems confused about Kate's Sasquatch theme. He doesn't seem to get it. As others have pointed out so well, it seems like Kate's tactic is talking slow and pausing a lot to gauge other's reactions, then shifting course and trying something new if she judges the reactions aren't good. It's so true. Kate is just so sweet and calm and just did such a wonderful job on this task, Kenya says. Kate who? Middleton? Lol, we all know from Kenya's interviews she hates our American Kate and thinks she fucked this whole task up, so her over the top facetiousness now is amusing.
Despite Kenya being so nice Kate immediately throws her under the bus for her drama. Lol, what a bitch. Vivica and Kenya are still squawking about going to the children's store or whatever. They're really pissed at each other. Kate's sitting there still as a statue. The look on her face says I'm afraid to so much as sneeze and mess this all up, I can't believe my wonderful good fortune that these two are so caught up in each other they're not blaming me. Kate, don't forget to breathe over there! You have eight kids who need you!
Why does no one ever understand what Trump is asking when he wants to know what they think? They're always like, uh, of what, Mr. Trump? Of course he's asking what they think of their team, how the task went, and so on. Anyway, Ian flubs the name as he explains their concept. Oy vey.
Brandi says things went great, a dark cloud has been lifted from their team. Ha, she really can't help herself. Kenya says that was a low blow. Oh, well, Kenya, you get what you put out, and even the Trumps thought Kenya's comment last week about Brandi's husband cheating on her was vicious. This feud may never end. Trump doesn't seem to have a problem with Brandi's comment and in fact tells her he's proud of her. Aw.
The other team members have a hard time explaining how crazy Ian is without sounding mean. Finally Leeza says look, the guy is "intense." Ha, that's a nice way of putting it.
Ian said he would have to fire Johnny because he didn't come through for him. He had no choice but to say that.
It wasn't even close, the Trumps liked Ian's team the best for all the reasons described before. They did like the Sasquatch thing though, which was all Geraldo's idea.
What's your charity again? Trump asks Ian. Lol, it's okay, nobody knows. It sounds fake to me at times. I wonder if you could get away with catfishing through a fake charity on this show. It would be interesting to try and Ian would be just crazy enough to do it.
Kate's flabbergasted. Narcissists usually are shocked to lose, so that's no surprise. How, how did they lose?? But we had a blue and gold bathtub, Mr. Trump, for goodness sake. With rose petals! We had Sasquatch!
Trump said look your setup was rinky dink. Come on, where was the luxury? Kate quickly blames the girls for the props thing. I love this, Trump is demanding to know if she is saying they spent too much time shopping. She's reluctant, and that's because she is often shopping herself and taking too much time. What a terrible, and funny, predicament poor Doofus is in now! Her only card to play is the girls messed this up by shopping too long, but to do that she has to explain away how she didn't do the exact same thing in the past. Perfect karma. Kate has no choice but to say Vivica is the better player of the two, even though she can't stand either of them. That's the correct thing to say, although if she were a strategist, now might be the time to play a hail Mary and go after a stronger player in Vivica. Not like she has much to lose right now. If she somehow finds a way out of this and Kenya is gone, Kate's absolutely done for on the next task. If she can manage to keep Kenya around though, it might buy her another week. Not that she is even thinking this far ahead, that would be too much for her. She is shooting herself in the foot by rubber stamping all the best players. It's clear now she has no long term strategy, not a very good one anyway. She's been playing week to week like a silly little amateur.
Vivica and Kenya are still going after each other, and Kate's back to not breathing again, not even blinking, for fear of messing this up. Lol.
"Girl drama," Kate finally blurts in the middle of it, pointing in their direction. What the hell? Doofus, shut up. You actually have a teeny, tiny little chance here if this plays out just right. Don't mess it up by talking.
Lol, back in the suite Leeza and Brandi are all head bobbing feeling so validated that other people have noticed what a pain Kenya is.
"This noise gets in the way of work," Kate says, her best comment of the whole season.
"This noise gets in the way of work! Thank you, Kate!" Leeza exclaims. Lol. Well, it is nice to feel validated.
"Perfect," Brandi agrees.
Relish it Kate. This will probably be the first and only time something you said was perfect.
Kate says it was disruptive to be treated like Judge Judy all day by Kenya. Isn't anyone going to ask her why she didn't shut it down then? Why didn't she just tell them to knock it off and get back to shopping? By this point I think Kate really believes that she's got this in the bag with getting Kenya fired. Haha, dolt.
Kenya is like I'm pleasant, easy to work with, I haven't offended anyone. Haha, Vivica's just like, yeah, no. I know the outcome of this, but the way Kenya is talking I think Trump could have gotten away with firing her instead and Doofus would have lived yet another week. The Sandra/Slither Effect again! Unbelievable. Kenya's just being ridiculous now, saying Kate was responsible for all the creative side and continuing to take pot shots at Vivica. That's not true, everyone was involved in the creative. Geraldo came up with the whole Sasquatch idea for heaven sake. Even one of the Trump boys was like, well that's not really true, and Kate beams with relief. Kenya if you don't shut up Kate isn't going to be fired and then I'm really not going to like you, lol.
Geraldo's barely said a thing the whole time until finally chiming in to ask for hazard pay. Hehe! Kate's smiling like a goon now, fully convinced she's not getting fired. Oh, I love it.
Trump is being a man again and wants to know if Vivica thinks Kenya is attractive or also beautiful, whatever the hell that means. Just one of those questions men ask that a woman probably never would care about. Kenya gets some jab in about plastic surgery and Vivica's so pissed now all she can do is wag her finger at her and order her not to go there. Lol. As much as this girl fight is getting old, Vivica sure knows how to hold her own.
Geraldo said it was challenging but Kate did a good job. Trump is stuck on the fact that it wasn't luxurious, which is a clue that he is still very seriously considering firing Kate, whom he seems to think is responsible for that part of it. Doofus here of course doesn't realize that, she thinks she's home free. Haha, #dolt.
Kenya goes on about how Kate doesn't have enough world experience to understand what luxury is. You know I don't like Kate either, obviously, but Kenya is a grade A bitch. She makes Kate sound like a white trash simpleton poser. Hey, maybe Kate is all of that, but I don't think it's necessary to kick trail dust straight into her mouth while she's lying there on mile 899 of the PCT struggling for her last breath. Come on, be professional. Kenya can see to it Kate is fired without being cruel about it. Leeza or Brandi would have.
In a way the drama with the other girls worked against Kate. Trump notes how Kate had a difficult team and Kate found that tough. He doesn't exactly outright say she couldn't handle them, but that seems to be what he's implying. He also says as PM this is really on you. Kate can't argue with that, since that's been her defense this whole season. Kate, you're fired.
Part of me is whooping and breathing a sigh of relief he didn't get so distracted by Kenya's crap that he fired her instead. Another part of me isn't a big fan of how this went down, with Kenya being so incredibly nasty and vicious about it. Kate has an uncanny knack for playing victim and getting a pass for it, and Kenya played right into that. It's not a good thing.
Kate of course can't believe this is how it went down. Lol. Didn't see that coming, she says to Geraldo. Haha, I know, that's what was so entertaining about it. She hugs Geraldo and Vivica. I swear Geraldo calls her "baby." He played right into her father figure thing and frankly, she was his pawn whether he meant it callously or not. A stepping stone to him. Trump was right what he said earlier, Geraldo's not seriously going to be friends with anybody after, that's not the business he is in. And sure enough we haven't seen a single shred of evidence Geraldo has reached out to maintain this so-called "friendship." Kate at this moment is just too stupid to see it. Kenya has already run off somewhere like the troll that she is.
Kate goes down the fake elevator in a blue dress and straight hair and emerges in a pink jacket and Brazilian blowout. Lol, cool, just like the horse in the The Wizard of Oz. Ha, ha, ha! Ho, ho, ho!
How fitting, where's her flying monkey? Kate's crying and blaming Vivica and Kenya for all this. I don't remember a contestant ever crying about getting fired before, and I've seen every season of this show. What a baby. It doesn't add up, she laments. Nothing contrary to the plan they had in mind adds up to a narcissist. Buh-bye!
2149 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 2149 Newer› Newest»Admin, you might want to close the comments on the other thread.
Tucker's Mom said... 110
Terrell Owens made 80 million over his 15 Yr career in the NFL, but is behind in child support.
He is reportedly broke. Didn't help there are 4 different mothers.
I think it said a whole lot that T.O. couldn't raise a couple thousand for CA. Football players make mega-millions, and he couldn't tap anyone for a significant donation?
Terrell made many people mad at him while he was playing. Football players are known for blowing their money during their often unexpectedly short careers. Still, I was surprised that he did not at least call the owners of some of the teams.
He did have a brief reality show on VH-1.
From the other thread:
It says on the LCDS website school was closed today, Tuesday, The reason I was on there was because I was wondering about the pink tee shirts the kids had- boys were holding theirs- when Kate said they were returning from school ( she was not picking them up?) for the room reveal. I don't mean to be argumentative, just noticed the announcement when looking.
Ah, yes, you are right! I did find that out. My bad! When I checked, the schools were on a delay. I knew none of us was going anywhere today (other than to the bathroom and back to bed), so I didn't check school closings again.
The school was initially on a delay, and then ended up closing. I have no idea why because the snow was all out of here and the roads were in decent shape. Because some students come from other counties and rural locations, the school closes when other schools are on delays, because of safety concerns with buses.
By the way, I found out that one cannot have enough spare sets of sheets! My dryer broke this morning. The Kreider Curse, I guess. What's next? The dishwasher, refrigerator or microwave?
Good grief, admin. That's a mini-novel! Thanks for the bedtime reading. I'll have to set aside some time later this evening to read all of it!
Tucker's Mom said... 110
Terrell Owens made 80 million over his 15 Yr career in the NFL, but is behind in child support.
He is reportedly broke. Didn't help there are 4 different mothers.
I think it said a whole lot that T.O. couldn't raise a couple thousand for CA. Football players make mega-millions, and he couldn't tap anyone for a significant donation?
I think he said it was hard for him to ask as it isn't part of his culture. He's much more into giving than into asking.
I think he said it was hard for him to ask as it isn't part of his culture. He's much more into giving than into asking.
Then what was going to get him through the tasks? His Hawkingesque intellect? His legendary work ethic? His abs? His million-watt smile?
Kate is a twit said... 121
Yesterday, the CEO of Camp Barnabas tweeted that he was going to the CA finale. He even posted some pictures of himself in the studio. Yet there were no pictures of him and Kate. I wonder why?
You'd think there would be at least one picture of him and Kate together. Maybe she was too busy hangin' with Terrell to be bothered to take a picture with him.
Camp Barnabas is in Arkansas, right? Maybe he was stuck at the Nashville airport with Shawn.
Admin, fantastic recap. Have you ever thought of writing a sequel to War and Peace? LOL
I have to disagree with your thoughts on Geraldo being this fount of wisdom. I have a brother who can pontificate with the best of them. Interestingly, he's a journalist too. He spews off statistics and data all the time, but how often is he in the company of someone who could actually challenge what he says? He could be rattling off a load of crap for all we know. I'm not saying Geraldo isn't intelligent, I'm just saying he may believe his own b.s.
Also, I've watched a lot of Deadliest Catch, and believe me, if you saw the melt-downs that the other captains have had, you wouldn't think that Sig was the one with anger management issues. The other captains would have me in tears in no time. Sig's a pussy-cat and I'd work for him any time. I believe his outburst was staged, hence sKate wasn't surprised by it.
PA Dutch Mom said... 63 (From other thread)
OT...I have sick ones here today. Is this stomach bug thing that's been going around short-lived, or does it hang on for days and days or weeks and weeks!?
I'm local and I had the stomach bug this weekend. I was down on Saturday, felt better and rested on Sunday, and was up and running again on Monday. If no one has a fever, I don't think it's the flu. Rest up, sip the water, and hopefully everyone will be feeling better soon!
May said... 117
I didn't see that anyone posted about Rob's show today. He outright says "I don't like Kate Gosselin."
Thanks May.
So the list gets longer.
Rob Shuter
Anderson Cooper
Andy Cohen
Whoopi Goldberg
Beth Carson
Tony Dovolani
Can they all be wrong?
Its sad really, she refuses to accept the fact that something is wrong. I don't know that you can make it in a career where you have both offended so many and come across as unlikable.
Camp Barnabas is in Arkansas, right? Maybe he was stuck at the Nashville airport with Shawn.
When I looked at his Twitter profile, I think it said he's in Missouri.
Denise @Mydmaxx 20m20 minutes ago
“@mumlvs2run: @Kateplusmy8 @TLC Me too!! We need more episodes...#KatePlus8” DITTO
Why? Go and watch your own darn kids, or check and see when Ringling Brothers will be at a venue near you.
These sheep who are crying for more, more, more episodes remind me of the song from Gypsi on Broadway:
"Let me entertain you
Let me make you smile
Let me do a few tricks
Some old and then some new tricks
I'm very versatile
And if you're real good
I'll make you feel good
I want your spirits to climb
So let me entertain you
And we'll have a real good time, yes sir
We'll have a real good time"
Math Girl said... 4
I think he said it was hard for him to ask as it isn't part of his culture. He's much more into giving than into asking.
What's his culture? Isn't he an American? I think he's a guy who's made a lot of enemies and burned a lot of bridges and that's why he got no donations. Bullshit excuse, IMO.
BTW, Math Girl, I'm not directing this comment at you. You simply reported on what he said on the show. My snark is directed totally at him.
These sheep who are crying for more, more, more episodes remind me of the song from Gypsi on Broadway:
Oh, how apropos.
Mama Rose, indeed.
Reader (9)
It is pretty obvious by now that celebs see Kate as an unwanted interloper. She is not "one of us" to them. Even Katie Couric made a remark about how she didn't like interviewing mothers of sextuplets. Well, there's only one of those she interviews, so we all know who she meant. What's really interesting is that (I believe) Katie C. interviewed Nadya Suleman, but she clearly singled out the mother of sextuplets, not the mother of octuplets.
Other reality stars have found their place in the entertainment world--the Real Housewives and Kardashians seem to be accepted by others in The Business. Kate is not. They seem to think she is some arrogant, talentless hick who has elbowed her way into their midst and they have a hard time tolerating her. Every once in awhile one of them actually voices their contempt for her, but for the most part they'd rather pretend she doesn't exist.
I picture Milo blowing a whistle and waving her arms like a referee every time she butts in and tells people Kate and her kids have no (other) social media accounts. smh
Reader (9)
It is pretty obvious by now that celebs see Kate as an unwanted interloper. She is not "one of us" to them.
Yes. You know what I think? I think she embarrasses them. She is so pathetically D list, yet she's part of their group. Nobody wants to be as D list as her. They'd rather she just go away and not remind them that maybe they're a bit D list too. She could make up for this by being really cool and nice, but since she's not and in fact has actually insulted a lot of them, they really have absolutely no reason to welcome her in. The public shunning was inevitable.
Admin, fantastic recap. Have you ever thought of writing a sequel to War and Peace? LOL
Tee-hee! I was paying homage to Geraldo by blathering on. I kind of realized half way through it was getting long but by then it was too late.
Kate Krieder is NOT attractive. Layers of make-up over botox. Her hair is thinning no weaving in these pics, she pulls it forward, her skin is over tanned and sagging in places (knees & neck) because of it. I think she's looking thick, obviously not running anymore.
I cancelled my subscription to Runnner's World when she was featired in it. Fools fell for her latest scam.....article should have said, " Kate Gosselin, I'm a runner....this week...where's my check?"
Terrell Owens made 80 million dollars over his 15 year career in the NFL. Its all gone. He was known for throwing his teammates under the bus to the media when they lost. He was traded for that reason
An offer to reduce his child support payments was made if he would visit his children.
I guess I will never understand sheeple hypocrisy. Is there a course they need to take for that?
23hLINDA WENTZELL @lusciouslindaw
To all the bullies: my mom taught me if u can't say something nice then don't say anything at all. It's wonderful advice to follow! Do it!
...and then turns right around and tweets this:
LINDA WENTZELL @lusciouslindaw
@kristendoute when james drinks- at least he has an excuse, you're mean and conniving all the time, u r very unhappy, that's sad. Get help.
Camp Barnabas is in Arkansas, right? Maybe he was stuck at the Nashville airport with Shawn.
He tweeted that his flight was experiencing delays, but he made it to NY and later tweeted a picture of himself(and his wife?) in the studio:
Jason Brawner @jasbra · Feb 16
@campbarnabas WE MADE IT!!!! @ ABC Studios Upper West Side
BTW, Camp Barnabas is in Missouri. Austin tweeted Kate a few weeks ago asking her is she was going back, because he figured he could meet her there since he lives in St. Louis.
An offer to reduce his child support payments was made if he would visit his children.
Yes, that's usually how it works. If you spend a certain amount of days per month with your children it usually automatically reduces your support or at least will as long as you ask for it. That's because support is not about punishment or whatever but about making sure that each parent is paying for their children's needs in a manner that in theory makes it about equal. If your children are with you the court presumes you are paying for them during that time period, which is why I keep saying, facetiously, does Kate give Jon an allowance when they are with him. Obviously she doesn't. That support COUNTS, in both the eyes of the law and in common sense. Yet to her she is the sole supporter. That's not how it works.
Why is it wonderful for the sheeple to see Kate hanging out with this guy who apparently doesn't pay his support anymore and has various baby mamas he's skipped out on, but they hate Jon? Please explain. Terrell sounds like a real jerk, Jon has nothing on him.
E!online has a brief interview with Kate on the red carpet at the CA finale. She explains why she looks younger than she did 8 years ago.
What's with all the bobbing and weaving? Maybe she's going to try out for a football team with her new BFF Terrell.
Admin-great recap as always. You nailed how Kate just sat there letting Vivica and Kenya go at it, thinking she'd get a free pass.
Kate should have been the hall monitor on that task, but she was the one sent to the principal's office instead.
Kate Explains Why She Looks So Much Younger
It was eye trickery, y'all.
Sorry now I hit publish about Krieder's appearance. Sounds childish. Wish I could retract it!
It was a knee-jerk response to The Twitter sheeple. They are blind.
Why is it wonderful for the sheeple to see Kate hanging out with this guy who apparently doesn't pay his support anymore and has various baby mamas he's skipped out on, but they hate Jon? Please explain. Terrell sounds like a real jerk, Jon has nothing on him.
Because they can't think things through logically. They see Jon only as the one who pulled the plug on the show, therefore ending her putting the kids on display, which meant that they weren't able to see HER anymore. That's why they hate him. I think the child support thing is secondary.
BTW, Camp Barnabas is in Missouri. Austin tweeted Kate a few weeks ago asking her is she was going back, because he figured he could meet her there since he lives in St. Louis.
What was Kate's answer for the dear lad?
He was known for throwing his teammates under the bus to the media when they lost. He was traded for that reason
Maybe Gladys is right for once. They'd make a really great couple. Both appear to have excellent bus-throwing skills.
"Eye trickery". WTF?? lol lol lol...
Yikes! That stick straight hair isn't doing her any favors. And with all the frowning, her 11 is back. I haven't watched much of her on TV lately and I'm shocked at how old she looks. She's aging not de-aging. I know 50-year-olds who look younger.
Kate Krieder is NOT attractive. Layers of make-up over botox. Her hair is thinning no weaving in these pics,
There's a difference between weaving and clip-in extensions. She clearly has the latter in some of the photos. In different pictures, her hair varies in length,
I do think that she could be attractive, at least reasonably attractive if she did something with that hair and knocked off with the heavy makeup. I also don't think that she looks nearly as orange as she has in the past. Perhaps she'd really cut down on the tanning.
Admin said...
Why is it wonderful for the sheeple to see Kate hanging out with this guy who apparently doesn't pay his support anymore and has various baby mamas he's skipped out on, but they hate Jon? Please explain. Terrell sounds like a real jerk, Jon has nothing on him.
Exactly. How can they be such hypocrites?
$80 million and can't support 4 kids, 4 different Moms, and Kate is hanging all over him and Milo's gushing.
This was in the E! article, but wasn't shown in the clip. Kate's talking about the "drama" on CA.
"The mother of eight, who now heads up Kate Plus 8 on TLC, also told us that watching Celebrity Apprentice with her kids made for a good opportunity to have a conversation about bullying at school and in the world in general."
"It was TV," she acknowledged, "but it was very much like a lot of work places, and you know all the different dramas... There are going to be peole in life that are difficult to work with, it's happening in eighth grade...and you just have to learn to get along and get the job done."
"I realize television is television and I realize that drama rates on TV. I know about myself that I'm not dramatic," Gosselin asserted. "I react dramatically to things that happen to me in life, I think we've seen a lot of that on my show, Kate Plus 8, but the drama—the lengths that people went to [on Apprentice] when the drama was kind of disserving to me, whatever.
"At the end of the day I can only worry about how I conduct myself and I am proud of every single minute that was filmed and that aired. That's all I have to worry about."
So she's not dramatic, but reacts dramatically? Is there a difference?
Another big word--disserving. So she's still implying that the drama between Vivica and Kenya caused her to get fired.
Tee-hee! I was paying homage to Geraldo by blathering on. I kind of realized half way through it was getting long but by then it was too late.
To put you in the mood and help with authenticity, did you don a cape and dance around singing the coffee jingle?
Great recap. There were some parts where I actually laughed out loud, like this one --
"On Kate's team, the Hooters girls are here and serving delicious bar food, and they're handing out crabs too. The edible kind, I mean."
Kate Is A Twit...22, "What's with all the bobbing and weaving? Maybe she's going to try out for a football team with her new BFF Terrell."
My kids liked an old Disney movie, "The Happiest Millionaire" with Fred MacMurray. There's a song, "Watch Your Footwork,; and it reminds me of Kate:
"Watch your footwork, better learn to bob and weave. Sister Kate's got dynamite up her sleeve."
Serendipity said... 27
BTW, Camp Barnabas is in Missouri. Austin tweeted Kate a few weeks ago asking her is she was going back, because he figured he could meet her there since he lives in St. Louis.
What was Kate's answer for the dear lad?
Austin asked Camp Barnabas three times but included Kate.
Austin Martin @TheAustinMartin · Dec 16
@CampBarnabas Do you know if you will be having another event with @Kateplusmy8 in the near future?
Austin Martin @TheAustinMartin · Jan 19
@CampBarnabas will you be having any charity events @Kateplusmy8 as a special guest?! If so, where do I purchase tix!?
Austin Martin @TheAustinMartin · Feb 16
@CampBarnabas Please have another charity event with @Kateplusmy8! Would love to attend!
As far as I can tell, neither answered him.
Camp Barnabas is having a fundraising half marathon on April 11, wouldn't that be the perfect fundraiser for Kate to attend and participate in? She and Austin could team up and be part of a relay team.
OT to Joy ... We have 3 Rams and a Wahoo in our family. My kids heard that someone was selling their tickets to tonight's Virginia Commonwealth game, so we splurged and all of us went. What a lot of fun! Snow and bitter cold and all. My husband is a huge fan and was in heaven. Tonight, he didn't have to yell at the TV and scare the dogs, haha.
Now on to read the recap because I have to hear Admin's version of "Kate! You're fired!"
"I think when the world met me I was three days post having sextuplets, so the only place you can get from that point is younger"
I had no idea THE WORLD met her when she was three days post birthing sextuplets. Was there an interruption in regularly scheduled programming? Was it like 'the shot that was heard around the world' kind of thing? Princess Di's wedding? Bombings... or whatever?
I must have missed it. Damn.
Admin, I know you aren't fishing for compliments, but that was a whale of a good re-cap.
E!online has a brief interview with Kate on the red carpet at the CA finale. She explains why she looks younger than she did 8 years ago.
Says WHO? Uh, assumes facts not in evidence, your honor. She looks OLDER, not younger!
At the risk of confusing myself with the math, she looks 16 years older than she did 8 years ago.
Camp Barnabas is having a fundraising half marathon on April 11, wouldn't that be the perfect fundraiser for Kate to attend and participate in? She and Austin could team up and be part of a relay team.
Well dayum! Kate could take Emily along to watch Emily's favorite kiddos. Austin would be there, and he and Emily could make beautiful music together. Aren't they close in age (physical and mental)?
It occurs to me that the twins are old enough and have developed enough skills of discernment to realize what a complete and total failure their mother was when she was project manager. They have to know that Leeza totally saved her bacon on that challenge. How embarrassing for them.
Auntie Ann---TFW's math is off. She said we met her in 2007 when she was 3 days postpartum. Now maybe I'm confused, but didn't the tips turn 10 last year?
Rewriting history as usual, bless her heart.
Another big word--disserving.
It was probably easier to pronounce than injurious, to which she would have tried to add an "ish.". have missed your calling in life. Hysterical. Again.
I loved the part about Doofus not daring to breathe, she's so sure Trump is going to fire one, or both, of the women.
Oh, how apropos.
Mama Rose, indeed.
Yep! As well as Leona Bloom in "Beaches."
Love the recap! Thanks so much! Very funny!
Also appreciate the Survivor commentary. Hey, New season of Survivor starts soon! New concept this time, three tribes to start: white collar, blue collar, no collar. Sounds very intriguing and Jeff Probst has sounded very excited in interviews about this season.
Susan1956 said... 43
Auntie Ann---TFW's math is off. She said we met her in 2007 when she was 3 days postpartum. Now maybe I'm confused, but didn't the tips turn 10 last year?
I didn't hear her say eight years, I thought she just said 'when the world met me'. I guess the writer of the article assumed she meant when J&K+8 first began. The point is Kate has this thing in her head about de-aging. I don't know where she got the idea that she looks younger although I'll lay odds it's the reflection in her mirror who tells her she's the fairest of them all.
Wherever she got it, it was a fib. She looks like she's been ridden hard and put away wet.
Admin: good recaps.
As I posted on last thread, Kate looks old. That dress does nothing for her. She looks like an old gal, tryin to look 20. The hair is terrible, no style or shape, if she thinks this makes her look younger, she really really needs to look in the mirror.
An this drama crap, that E! article is funny as hell. Kate made an ass of herself on E! What she says is an oxymoron, with the emphasis on Kate being a moron.
Jon first said kate de-ages in one if their chair interviews- I don't recall which 'season' it was said, but I specifically remember him saying it because it was just bizarre and bullshit.
When Kate said that it was 3 days post sextuplets when the world "met" her, she was referring to the first special in 2006(which was actually 9 years ago), Surviving Sextuplets and Twins.
The E! article stated:
"But the reality-TV star, who first burst into our collective consciousness when Jon & Kate Plus 8 premiered in 2007, has a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why she somehow looks younger now, at 39, than she did when her TLC run was just beginning."
The "world" she was referring to was the world of TV viewers, who watched the first special. Although on the special, we actually "met" her prior to having the tups, since they showed clips of her when she was still pregnant.
Either way, she's full of it. She looks older that an almost 40 year old. My daughter is 6 years older than her, and she looks much younger than Kate.
Eye trickery? So Kate is an optical illusion?
Virginia Pen Mom, I am so jellus! I bet you had a blast in the Siegel Center watching the VCU Rams beat the Billikens! We were at friendly neighborhood sports bar with other VCU fans watching. There were about fifteen of us there, and everyone came out to watch VCU on CBS sports network.
Actually, Kate was telling the truth in that interview. However, it wasn't "EYE" trickery that she meant. It was "I" trickery, as in how she tricks everyone into believing that she's hasn't had anything done-- from boob job to botox.
An this drama crap, that E! article is funny as hell. Kate made an ass of herself on E! What she says is an oxymoron, with the emphasis on Kate being a moron
What did she say that is an oxymoron?
Strange as it may seem, I liked the dress. For the first time in quite awhile, I thought she looked nice. The hair, though, is another thing.
Wow! Thanks for all the effort and humor. I especially liked:
Who cares, nobody goes to Hooters to actually get to know them, if you want to get to know a woman you don't buy chicken wings from her.
Kate's sitting there still as a statue. The look on her face says I'm afraid to so much as sneeze and mess this all up, I can't believe my wonderful good fortune that these two are so caught up in each other they're not blaming me.
Haha. Kate sitting there so silent and innocent in the boardroom was like she was doing her best impression of Norman Bates' "Mother" in Psycho. "I'll just sit here and be quiet just in case they do...suspect me. They're probably watching me. Well, let them. Let them see what kind of a person I am. I'm not even going to swat that fly. I hope they are watching... they'll see. They'll see and they'll know, and they'll say, 'Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly.' "
I will have to disagree with you about the Sandra from Survivor Effect. There is one very big difference between Sandra and Kate that would prevent Kate from ever successfully using the "don't rock the boat" strategy: Sandra was very well liked. She was also extremely observant and had an uncanny ability to read people very well, so she was able to pull a lot of strings behind the scenes. Sandra was really quite socially adept because she knew exactly when to speak up and when to keep her mouth shut (completely unlike a certain #doIt we know). She wasn't the smartest or the most athletic, but she was actually quite a brilliant player because she adapted to situations in such a way that allowed her to win the game twice.
Sandra was very well liked. She was also extremely observant and had an uncanny ability to read people very well, so she was able to pull a lot of strings behind the scenes. Sandra was really quite socially adept because she knew exactly when to speak up and when to keep her mouth shut (completely unlike a certain #doIt we know). She wasn't the smartest or the most athletic, but she was actually quite a brilliant player because she adapted to situations in such a way that allowed her to win the game twice.
Granted this was 2003, but I don't really remember her being that well liked. Even Rupert seemed to have his issues with her, and he liked everyone. I remember a lot of people being indifferent to her, not worrying about her, not factoring her in. But at the same time when it came time to pick the winner most of them admitted that she was a better man than they were for lasting this long and they had to vote her to win for fairness sake.
She of course would claim this was all part of her great strategy. I don't really buy that. I think she got forgotten about, and I don't see how you strategize how to get everyone to forget about you other than sort of playing it cool. Even then that's not going to work most of the time, which is why I say she got lucky. I think the second time around, arguably, she played harder. Or did she? Russell says her entire strategy the whole time was to obsess over voting out Russell. That's not a strategy. Was she lucky twice? I think it's entirely possible. Was she one of the greatest players to ever play the game? I don't see it, despite her wins. I imagine this is probably one of the great Survivor debates out there!
There was this other player, I think his name was Brent or maybe Brett. He used to go to my church a couple times. He also just sort of got forgotten about. He didn't win but he made it REALLY far, like top four or five or something, until everyone was like oh right, Brent, forgot about him, and voted him out. All due respect to him but I don't see him as that brilliant of a player either. Just lucky.
Angie said... 50
Jon first said kate de-ages in one if their chair interviews-
Oh geez.
It must have been in the script she wrote so he had to say it. If he hadn't there would have been a penalty of severeness.
You're right. Bizarre and bullshit.
Lol! Unless I'm misunderstanding something here, no one asked Kate why she looks younger...probably because she looks old, balding and greasy. The interviewer asked her why she looked DIFFERENT, as in, hellllllooooooooo, you've had a shit-ton of surgery. She's scary to look at, like the Joker, and was infinitely more attractive as the homely woman in the hospital gown when the world first met her. (what a frickin narc). Now she's just an uggo.
Sleepless in Seattle...54 What did she say that is an oxymoron?
Here is it: " I know about myself that I'm not dramatic," Gosselin asserted. "I react dramatically to things that happen to me in life, I think we've seen a lot of that on my show, Kate Plus 8"
I'm not dramatic but I do react dramatically. Seriously this rates as one of the most stupid things she's ever said. You just know she first spit out she's not dramatic then her tiny brain realized all of her dramatics are caught on video so she had to side-step with something that makes no sense. What was it Ashley said on the RV trip? "I'm so sick of your DRAMATICS!"
Kate could have said that she isn't a dramatic person. She just plays one on TV.
"I do react dramatically"
Read "If YOU didn't ...(fill in the blank)...then I wouldn't ....scream, yell, degrade, abuse, punish, insult, deprive...
Classic abuser behavior, they really believe their "dramtics" come from external sources, not WITHIN themselves. No accountability, no introspect, no remorse, always justified. Actually that answer was one of the most truthful things she'a spewed
I'll risk catching a cold on this 0 degree morning to tip my hat once again to Admin for another wonderful recap. I so enjoy your writing.
Tucker's Mom said... 24
Kate Explains Why She Looks So Much Younger
It was eye trickery, y'all.
I thought she said it was deaging?
NO KATE it's called plastic surgery.
She actually looked better be for the-(Clear throat) eye trickery or deagain-(Clear throat).I wonder what her next BS excuse will be to her changing face.
"I realize television is television and I realize that drama rates on TV. I know about myself that I'm not dramatic," Gosselin asserted. "I react dramatically to things that happen to me in life, I think we've seen a lot of that on my show, Kate Plus 8, but the drama—the lengths that people went to [on Apprentice] when the drama was kind of disserving to me, whatever.
Is there a secret decoder ring we have to send away for to help interpret this mess of a statement? Or does Kate just have an invisible drill sergeant that stands on her frontal lobe constantly hollering 'About Face!'. Her statements take so many twists and turns it makes me dizzy trying to make sense of them.
Kris (#59), I agree, TFW caught herself in a whopper of a lie
about not being dramatic, so she quickly added that she
reacts dramatically. And yet...WTF is the difference?
TFW must've been seething at her one -- count 'em, one --
question Monday night. She didn't get to talk about her
stress! Or her purse full of bills! Or how terribly hard it is
to have 8 children! Or make her little heart symbol with her
hands to show her babies how much she loves them -- even
though she does nothing but complain about them! Or talk
about how thankful she was to have this opportunity, and
remind people to donate to Camp Barnabas! That last one
was a joke -- just wanted to give you all a laugh to start
your day!
Admin, another super recap! You've clearly been having a ball
with this, and even though you're not a New York bestselling
author, you write circles around TFW. Then again, you could
perch Zorro on a MacBook, and he'd probably do better than
his bird-brained mistress!
kris said... 59
Sleepless in Seattle...54 What did she say that is an oxymoron?
Here is it: " I know about myself that I'm not dramatic," Gosselin asserted. "I react dramatically to things that happen to me in life, I think we've seen a lot of that on my show, Kate Plus 8"
I'm not dramatic but I do react dramatically. Seriously this rates as one of the most stupid things she's ever said. You just know she first spit out she's not dramatic then her tiny brain realized all of her dramatics are caught on video so she had to side-step with something that makes no sense. What was it Ashley said on the RV trip? "I'm so sick of your DRAMATICS!"
TFW is a moron. Can't keep her lies straight.
Poor Cara mentioned her "dramatics" in the recent pumpkin smashing episode, which was moronic as well. Look at the GIF blog of TFW's dramatics on CA site. And on DWTS. She is a complete mess.
What TFW doesn't realize is that many of those women doing the interviews with her have had the same procedures done and can pick out every little surgery scar and probably even tell you what Dr did the procedure. She's not fooling anyone but herself if she thinks people are believing her nonsense and she just makes herself look like more of an ass the more she says it. Eye trickery? Bullshitery!
TLC doesn't need K+8! I was looking for something to watch last night and stumbled across Our Little Family. It's got two of TLC's genres: multiples and little people. There are three blonde kids and two blonde parents. The youngest are twin girl toddlers. Anyway, they pretty much re-did the early J and K plus 8. It was Halloween and they were "making new traditions" (yes mom said that). They went to a pumpkin patch, carved pumpkins, and all dressed up For the First Time (wonder why). Then, they taught the older (5 or 6 y/o?) boy about chores. I assume next week they'll be going to Crayola or the dentist or something.
reader said... 9
May said... 117
I didn't see that anyone posted about Rob's show today. He outright says "I don't like Kate Gosselin."
Thanks May.
So the list gets longer.
Rob Shuter
Anderson Cooper
Andy Cohen
Whoopi Goldberg
Beth Carson
Tony Dovolani
Can they all be wrong?
Its sad really, she refuses to accept the fact that something is wrong. I don't know that you can make it in a career where you have both offended so many and come across as unlikable.
It's crazy, at some point you have to ask it ME??
But with a narcissist, it's will never and forever NOT be them
Slightly off topic.
I have pcos and I am a runner. My personal experience has been, disciplined eating and exercise along with metformin keeps things under control. My lifestyle mimics that of a diabetic.
Running and finding an endocrinologist who understood pcos and the manifestation of symptoms have saved me from misery and diabetes.
At one point I was diagnosed type 2 and taking insulin. I am now considered "insulin resistant. "
I think I've always been thin, but a 20lb weight gain sent me into type 2.
We suspect there was pcos on both sides of my family. As a mother knowing that, you tend to keep an eye on your teen's weight.
This was how I became a fan of Jon & Kate + 8.
Dmasy said... 60
Kate could have said that she isn't a dramatic person. She just plays one on TV.
February 18, 2015 at 4:41 AM
Yet another whopper of a bald-faced lie. I mean, this is beyond gaslighting. It's pathological. It's clinical.
Pizza Gate anyone?
The woman is nothing but a walking, barely intelligibly-talking Drama Queen.
I have to say that Kate a Gosselin is someone who blew every chance she had ( even to an extent with TLC). I agree that she is only a "celebrity" thanks to having a herd of kids and hooking up with a cable network that made her their media darling. By now it is painfully clear she does not have the chops for a talk show otherwise The View would have hired her.
What is sad is that she still manages to draw in under 2 million and that apparently is enough for TLC to revisit her and the kids. If not for TLC, she would be unemployed because no one else is giving her a full time gig. Even TLC cannot stomach her full time.
Did you notice her new necklace? A heart. Valentine gift perhaps?
@Kateplusmy8 This will make U laugh...#NaughtyNiceRob was live tweeting #ApprenticeFinale. Of his 30 or so tweets..20 or more were abt YOU!
Turning lemons into lemonade. Again.
Jon first said kate de-ages in one if their chair interviews-
I wish I could recall which episode it was, but it was still during a time when they were speaking to one another. I remember him saying that and thinking WTF.
(I youtubed that comment and nothing came up, perhaps someone remembers when he said it).
And now what for Katie Irene? I think her 'career' outside of TLC is toast. I can imagine Whoopie's reaction if Kate's name is thrown in the hat for a View chair. LOL
I got to say Kate was very scary looking in that hospital press photo announcing the birth of the sextuplets. She did improve with the weight loss, makeup and clothes styling courtesy of TLC. Unfortunately, she has changed her appearance to mimic the bleached long haired blond bimbos of L.A. I don't think we need to look and dress like our mothers, but it's a joke for a 40 year old to copy the look of a 20 year old. I cannot tell you how many times I see someone from behind that looks young with long blond hair and then they turn around...oh the horror.
PA Dutch Mom said... 3
Hope you're all feeling better today. I was just looking on the LCDS site to see why the kids seem to wear bright pink tees at the start of school there.Didn't find out lol
Here it's my house that's sick- window frames dripping- towels, bowls, pots pressed into service. Dog limping along. Feel better.
Some winter for all of us!
Karen Kaufman said... 58
Lol! Unless I'm misunderstanding something here, no one asked Kate why she looks younger...probably because she looks old, balding and greasy. The interviewer asked her why she looked DIFFERENT, as in, hellllllooooooooo, you've had a shit-ton of surgery.
If we're talking about the E! interview, there was no shot of the interviewer asking her anything. The clip starts with her saying why she thinks people say she looks younger.
I really do not follow what is going on with BV Files vs. McGibney (whom we don't like) but this was posted:
From what we gather, and without going into too much detail (because we really do not care), James McGibney was basically able to put his Bullyville website on the map on account of him stepping into a beef between Kate Gosselin and fans of her show. We have no idea as to whether Kate requested McGibney’s “assistance” or whether McGibney just saw an opportunity and decided to butt his nose into something (which we believe is most likely).
In any event, either way, McGibney has interjected himself into all this Kate Gosselin BULLSHIT (to use a legal term from a law book we once saw somewhere) as some kind of Internet White Knight looking to save girls. Just Google the terms “Kate Gosselin” “James McGibney” and you will find literally TONS of news articles about how McGibney (who we don’t like) and his Bullyville site are coming to her rescue.
I always thought there was some mutual agreement for PR. Maybe sometime down the road we'll find out who contacted who.
No one is saying that "wow! Kate looks different that 3 days after she birthed 6 babies!!!".
No sh*t she looks different. Almost every single woman who gives birth looks different. That's pregnancy.
Everyone is talking about just within the past few years, WELL AFTER her tups her born.
And Kate knows that, but she spins it to obfuscate the clearly seen change in her physical structure: tight jaw, eyebrow lift, smooth forehead, larger, straighter, whiter teeth, perma-tanned body, big boobies, pulled face.
But, again, the interviewer doesn't go after what they really want, which is an answer to why her looks have morphed from just 4-5 years ago.
The baby weight was LOOOOOOOOOOOONG gone by then.
AuntieAnn said... 38
"I think when the world met me I was three days post having sextuplets, so the only place you can get from that point is younger"
I had no idea THE WORLD met her when she was three days post birthing sextuplets. Was there an interruption in regularly scheduled programming? Was it like 'the shot that was heard around the world' kind of thing? Princess Di's wedding? Bombings... or whatever?
You missed The Gift of the Vagii?
Admin said...
At the risk of confusing myself with the math, she looks 16 years older than she did 8 years ago.
Ahh yes--her super-efficiency at work. It only took half the time for her to look twice as old.
Russell says her entire strategy the whole time was to obsess over voting out Russell. That's not a strategy. Was she lucky twice? I think it's entirely possible.
I promise I will not turn this into a big Survivor debate! I don't put any stock in what Russell Hantz says. He is a vile, bitter guy who could never grasp the concept that, above all else, Survivor is a social game. He made some brilliant strategical moves, but ultimately he survived due to his uncanny ability to find hidden immunity idols and because people wanted to take him to the end because he was so despicable he didn't stand a chance of winning.
I absolutely agree that lots of players adopt the "fly under the radar" strategy and make it far in the game. But almost none of them win (except for Natalie White who benefitted from Russell being so repulsive). I also agree that luck is a major factor in the game, for every winner. But sometimes players have to create their own good luck. Sandra was simply masterful at manipulating people and events to help create that good luck. And she did it all without winning individual immunity challenges or finding hidden immunity necklaces. She was just very sneaky. There is a reason she was cast as a villain on Heroes vs. Villains, where she beat out a lot of heavy hitters. And she and Parvati were a hoot together.
Besides all that, Sandra gave us one of the greatest moments ever in Survivor history: she burned Russell's hat in the fire! Classic! That alone elevated her status for me!!
I now return you to our regularly scheduled TFW talk!!
For those of us coping with horrendouly horrendous amounts of snow.
Mama June (from Honey Boo Boo) has been on MSN's home page for two days now over a fender-bender. Hey, Gladys! Mama June's "still newsworthy"!
Hehe, not debating Survivor, Crazy....I promise too!!
BUT, we saw those episodes. It was her entire strategy. All she talked about was Russell and getting him voted off. She offered nothing else.
It's entirely possible some other strategy she had was edited out, but we didn't see it.
I think the other contestants made the same mistake TWICE in that they wrote her off as a non-threat TWICE.
All that said I actually thought Sandra was very funny. I didn't dislike her, like Kate. Her interactions with Rupert and Russell were very funny. I just strongly believe she won by luck, not strategy.
If by "de-aging" Kate means becoming more juvenile and immature...I'll go along with that.
Kate thinks she's doing pretty good on this show. Haha, how typical of a narcissist. A narcissist will never see what everyone else sees.
This ^^ right there^^ is the most puzzling, most frustrating characteristic of a narc and it does a whole lot of mind fuckery to anyone who has anything to do with them. They see themselves as completely blameless and always the victim if something goes awry. It serves as a blessing to them and a curse to anyone caught in their crosshairs.
If they do happen to take responsibility, they will invariably say they were forced to which still gives them an escape route. It's quite scary.
Looks like the CA party is indeed over. Unless she thinks she has a dinner date with Geraldo and the missus. Blank day planner pages ahead I think.
Did my comment not go through? About the new TLC Show Our Little Family?
She would just have to say 8 years ago! Wow. It's 8 or nothing!
I think she thinks she has enough bizness power to change a number that will be in the future from 666 to 888!
Her big 4-0 is coming in 46 days. Deflect, deflect, deflect!
She is trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes and try to convince us that she is really late 20's instead of the BIG 40!
SO freaking transparent and unauthentic!
Wow, this is pretty something.
Bride sends her parents that she doesn't want to have anything to do with a un-invite to her wedding. She says that her 2 parents abused her, the whole 9 yards for 16 years until she got older and she ran away. Then the parents asked a relative to talk to her and make her invite them. So the relative told her and her response is going viral on Reddit. It is similar to the obituary about how bad the kids mother treated them all of their lives.
Okay, slow day? No comments since this morning? Where is everybody?
Ha ha has a brief article about Kate's "eye-tricking" interview along with previous pictures of how she's changed over the years.
I see that a few other sites have picked up that interview, and I really think they're all posting it just to show what a doofus she is.
Tucker's Mom said... 81
No one is saying that "wow! Kate looks different that 3 days after she birthed 6 babies!!!".
No sh*t she looks different. Almost every single woman who gives birth looks different. That's pregnancy.
Everyone is talking about just within the past few years, WELL AFTER her tups her born.
Well, Fishwrapper has her number:
"No, honey, that's not how it works. See, when some people become famous overnight, they come into a fair share of money. And when they do that, the go ahead and change a lot of things that they couldn't otherwise change without the disposable income. And since they're on TV and doing interviews and photo shoots and all that business, it kind of goes to their head."
You missed The Gift of the Vagii?
handinhand said... 65
"I realize television is television and I realize that drama rates on TV. I know about myself that I'm not dramatic," Gosselin asserted. "I react dramatically to things that happen to me in life, I think we've seen a lot of that on my show, Kate Plus 8, but the drama—the lengths that people went to [on Apprentice] when the drama was kind of disserving to me, whatever.
Is there a secret decoder ring we have to send away for to help interpret this mess of a statement?
Oh, this one is easy-peasey ;-)
Kate reacts dramatically, but it's not her fault. She has no control over what happens to her in life.
It's not her, it's everyone else. She's just sitting there, minding her own business.
Not even the Pope could dispense such absolution.
Loved this comment on that article about the de-aging.
"If she sunk any money into anything I hope it was tightening up the Lincoln Tunnel through which the 8 golden geese passed. If she paid for the look she's got now, she got ripped off."
As if Admin's recap wasn't enough amusement for one day we're also treated to The Gift of the Vagii courtesy of Tucker's Mom @82.
Kate didn't expect drama on a reality tv competition show with Real Housewives? Ooookkkaaayyy
I'm going to assume that someone who is a prolific liar must actually believe that others believe their bullshit. Otherwise, why would they continue to lie? Why would you lie if you knew people didn't believe it?
"I don't get it."
localyocul said... 69
TLC doesn't need K+8! I was looking for something to watch last night and stumbled across Our Little Family. It's got two of TLC's genres: multiples and little people. There are three blonde kids and two blonde parents. The youngest are twin girl toddlers. Anyway, they pretty much re-did the early J and K plus 8. It was Halloween and they were "making new traditions" (yes mom said that). They went to a pumpkin patch, carved pumpkins, and all dressed up For the First Time (wonder why). Then, they taught the older (5 or 6 y/o?) boy about chores. I assume next week they'll be going to Crayola or the dentist or something.
We could probably predict the next several years of episodes.
Must includes: potty training with poopy unnawears, puking and lots and lots of crying.
reader said... 71
Thanks for sharing- it's always interesting to read what brought each of us to J+K+8.
The majority, I think, were once fans.
You sound like you're doing an amazing job working with your condition.
Best of future health!
things that happen to me in life
Uh huh. You mean the things that you set up yourself to be the hardest way possible? And then have a tantrum about when it doesn't go well?
Those things that just "happen" to you?
I've never seen anyone have more 'things' just 'happen' to them.
Here's a video of interviews with the CA contestants. Kate appears at about 7:00. She was asked about working with Donald Trump.
She said "I was friends with Donald prior to doing the show".
Sorry Kate, but following someone on twitter does not make you "friends", although Milo seems to think so.
What is sad is that she still manages to draw in under 2 million and that apparently is enough for TLC to revisit her and the kids. If not for TLC, she would be unemployed because no one else is giving her a full time gig. Even TLC cannot stomach her full time.
I think the kids are the real draw. After that, it was the tension and dynamics between J+K, and finally, it's Kate, and she is doing everything she can to ramp up the dramatics.
Kate wants to believe she's the star because she will always get first billing, but it's her family that draws the viewers in number.
Tucker's Mom said... 82
You missed The Gift of the Vagii?
lol! I did. I don't even remember what I was doing the day the WORLD met Kate Gosselin. How long does it take until they officially declare that day a federal holiday?
angie said... 76
Jon first said kate de-ages in one if their chair interviews-
I wish I could recall which episode it was, but it was still during a time when they were speaking to one another. I remember him saying that and thinking WTF.
(I youtubed that comment and nothing came up, perhaps someone remembers when he said it).
Kate was looking good, and the narrative on the show at the time was Kate eating salads and getting back to being her thin self, and Jon getting bald and paunchy.
She was getting out of her yoga pants, wearing form-fitting clothes, getting her blonde hair back, wearing make-up etc, and yes, she looked good.
Whatever THIS is, that she's doing to herself, is something else entirely.
Formerly Duped said... 78
PA Dutch Mom said... 3
Hope you're all feeling better today. I was just looking on the LCDS site to see why the kids seem to wear bright pink tees at the start of school there.Didn't find out lol
Here it's my house that's sick- window frames dripping- towels, bowls, pots pressed into service. Dog limping along. Feel better.
Some winter for all of us!
I hope everyone and everything who is suffering through the brutal snow totals will make it to Spring in one piece!
We just had 6-8" of pure powder snow, and walking my dogs just got 10X harder, navigating snow piles and poorly-shoveled walks.
I can not even imagine the amount of snow you've had.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 1m1 minute ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @amyroloffCF @Kateplusmy8 Yes...I've seen this.would be a good fit 4her. She goes thru this every nite w/her kids!
Now Gladys thinks that Kate should be on Chopped. At least she wouldn't have to speak much until she describes what is on the plate:
"Um, tonight I have prepared for you like turkey sausage um cacciatore with um, organic green beans and um fat-free chocolate sauce and three cups of lemon juice in an um red wine reduction infused with raw honey duck balls, and um, ratatouille and like purple broccoli rabe deglazed with black jelly beans and um, honestly pheasant droppings. Enjoy! My EIGHT kids rate this a 10 and tell me I'm um honestly the best mom in the world for cooking this every night. I serve it with HOMEMADE bread in my European bread, um maker that um like slices the bread while um baking it. My charity is um, um, wait...Steve! Steve!!!! What is my charity again?"
I watched the reality stars last night, and Amy Roloff made it to the final round. What was impressing was that the contestants helped each other. Somehow I can't see Kate helping a competitor crack open a lobster. She'd probably slam it to the ground, step on it, and say, "There. Done, you miserable...." No drama, of course.
Anonymous said... 90
Looks like the CA party is indeed over. Unless she thinks she has a dinner date with Geraldo and the missus. Blank day planner pages ahead I think.
The Chief Ewes are barnstorming, I mean, brainstorming, and they think Kate would be great on Chopped (because Amy was on Chopped for her charity).
Hey, barnstorm way! I'm all for it. Can't wait.
If Kate freaked the f*ck out over being near lobster, I'd love to see some offal in her basket.
Kate is a twit said... 95
Ha ha has a brief article about Kate's "eye-tricking" interview along with previous pictures of how she's changed over the years.
I see that a few other sites have picked up that interview, and I really think they're all posting it just to show what a doofus she is.
February 18, 2015 at 10:42 AM
The funny this is, the Twitter bots are trending, "Kate Gosselin Thinks she looks younger now than she did almost 11 years ago".
See what they did there?
Sorry Kate, I never heard of you until my oldest daughter asked me if I had seen the show in 2008.. Nope. Had no idea who the hell you were. Unfortunately I tuned in. I'm still recovering.
AuntieAnn said... 38
"I think when the world met me I was three days post having sextuplets, so the only place you can get from that point is younger" (quoting Kate)
It is fascinating to see someone so openly live in an alternate reality. Just like I-an Ziering thinks he has unlimited areas that are "in his wheelhouse", Kate really does seem to think that she's on a constant path to younger looks. Not to mention, that the "whole world" was introduced to her three days after she had the sextuplets. It's such a jarring disconnect to reality that it's hard to believe a person could really think that way, but clearly she does.
Latest cover of ..Intouch Magazine..has Kate on the cover.
Exclusive..Kate under fire..Child abuse investigation.
Hope it's true
Well, Fishwrapper has her number:
"No, honey, that's not how it works. See, when some people become famous overnight, they come into a fair share of money. And when they do that, the go ahead and change a lot of things that they couldn't otherwise change without the disposable income. And since they're on TV and doing interviews and photo shoots and all that business, it kind of goes to their head."
Spot. On.
This isn't "rest", or kicking Jon to the curb, it's surgery, procedures and intensive upkeep.
I'm almost getting embarrassed for Kate at this point.
The sad fact is that I, and I believe most folks, could give a hoot if she's had everything done that's been speculated and frankly, just plain obvious to the naked eye.
Have at it!
You want to fix your "saggy baggies"? Go for it! Get your boobies done the way you (and Steve, allegedly) like them.
You want to tighten and lift the jaw/face/brow? Why not?
Just. Own. It.
People would respect Kate a whole lot more if she weren't treating everyone like senseless morons with her obvious fibs.
Fleecing The Sheeple said... 111
"Um, tonight I have prepared for you like turkey sausage um cacciatore with um, organic green beans and um fat-free chocolate sauce and three cups of lemon juice in an um red wine reduction infused with raw honey duck balls, and um, ratatouille and like purple broccoli rabe deglazed with black jelly beans and um, honestly pheasant droppings. Enjoy! My EIGHT kids rate this a 10 and tell me I'm um honestly the best mom in the world for cooking this every night. I serve it with HOMEMADE bread in my European bread, um maker that um like slices the bread while um baking it. My charity is um, um, wait...Steve! Steve!!!! What is my charity again?"
haha!! OMG Fleecing! Too funny and you sound just like her. The WORLD knows this woman too well.
"raw honey duck balls" bwa hahaha!
Anonymous said... 102
I'm going to assume that someone who is a prolific liar must actually believe that others believe their bullshit. Otherwise, why would they continue to lie? Why would you lie if you knew people didn't believe it?
"I don't get it."
It's arrogant and condescending to assume people are too stupid to know you're lying, even when the evidence is right there before their eyes.
Just look at someone like Andy Cohen to see how offensive that really can be.
Tucker's Mom said... 112
Hey, barnstorm way! I'm all for it. Can't wait.
If Kate freaked the f*ck out over being near lobster, I'd love to see some offal in her basket.
As usual we are penalized in Canada and probably won't see the reality show Chopped until sometime next year.
Up here on last night's Chopped they had calves' eyeballs in the basket. She would shriek and freak over those for sure.
localyocul said... 69
TLC doesn't need K+8! I was looking for something to watch last night and stumbled across Our Little Family. It's got two of TLC's genres: multiples and little people. There are three blonde kids and two blonde parents. The youngest are twin girl toddlers. Anyway, they pretty much re-did the early J and K plus 8. It was Halloween and they were "making new traditions" (yes mom said that). They went to a pumpkin patch, carved pumpkins, and all dressed up For the First Time (wonder why). Then, they taught the older (5 or 6 y/o?) boy about chores. I assume next week they'll be going to Crayola or the dentist or something.
I confess - I did watch that show last night too. And I thought it showed how formulaic these shows are. Story re possible problem during pregnancy? Check. Making new traditions? Check. Trip to pumpkin patch/carving pumpkins? Check.
I will give them credit for a new one. Discussion with friend, then husband, over whether to talk to your child's kindergarten teacher about how said child is fitting in. Then visit to kindergarten teacher (shades of Harper Valley PTA with the boots and rather short skirt worn by the teacher), only to learn that all is well. (I guess a little note that comes home from the teacher wouldn't do?)
While the parents seem nice enough (although the mom already annoys me somewhat) and the children are definitely cute, it's still a mistake to film their kids for money. So they've already done the Halloween episode, and I presume they have the Christmas show already in the can too. I won't tune in for further episodes because I don't support putting your kids on television for the entertainment of the masses.
If anyone has a pair of eyeballs, it is plain to see that Kate has aged DESPITE the plastic surgery, fillers, and hair. She looks every bit of her 39 soon to be 40 years of age. There is not one glimmer of youthfulness in her face or body. It takes some gall to pronounce yourself naturally young looking when it is obvious that is not the case. What will she look like in 10 years? Another Joan Rivers. But at least Joan was honest about it.
Tucker's Mom said... 82
You missed The Gift of the Vagii?
lol! I did. I don't even remember what I was doing the day the WORLD met Kate Gosselin. How long does it take until they officially declare that day a federal holiday?
I thought they already did. LABOR DAY
And Tucker, your "Gift of the Vagii" is one of THE best posts I have ever read here.
*snort* still laughing! (x8)
and um, ratatouille and like purple broccoli rabe
lol! Wouldn't she say, "broccoli naughty but nice Rob?" I'm sure at this point she'd like to fry his butt.
And hell YES, let Kate do Chopped.
bone marrow and goat brains, anyone?
I'd say mountain oysters, but she's already got a purse full of those. and please, no DRAMATICS. (and no pizza!)
Tucker's Mom said...
Hey, barnstorm way! I'm all for it. Can't wait.
If Kate freaked the f*ck out over being near lobster, I'd love to see some offal in her basket.
I've seen what she posts on twitter and instagram. It all looks pretty offal to me.
Tucker's Mom (#112), whatever TFW cooked would be "offal!"
As for the barnyard brigade...if your to-do list includes "give
career advice to a millionaire," you may want to take a minute
to examine your life.
I haven't read the articles on Kate's new youthful appearance. Is she still denying the plastic surgery and Botox, saying it's eye trickery? And the Sheep are buying this?
I would love to see TFW on Chopped! She fancies herself to be quite the chef but she would be totally out of her element. When she did the crookbook tour everything was pre-chopped for her and all she had to do was thow it together. On Chopped she'd be on her own. We've also seen her plating skills and I don't think they'd pass muster.
Chopped? Kate? That is pretty funny. She can't do anything quick and creative. Needs a recipe for soup cans. Can only portion for 8, on plastic plates. And direct criticism? Well, it would make for some fun here, recaps and comments, that is.
"I'm local and I had the stomach bug this weekend. I was down on Saturday, felt better and rested on Sunday, and was up and running again on Monday. If no one has a fever, I don't think it's the flu. Rest up, sip the water, and hopefully everyone will be feeling better soon!"
"Hope you're all feeling better today. I was just looking on the LCDS site to see why the kids seem to wear bright pink tees at the start of school there.Didn't find out lol"
Thanks, Veranda Ladies! All I can say is UGH. We're still down with it, sipping gingerale and trying to keep the saltines down. More snow predicted for tonight with a weekend snow/ice/sleet storm brewing for the weekend. This has to end. Nobody has a fever, chills, sniffles, sore throat. It's just all in the stomach with the nausea and the feeling that we got some really bad spicy Mexican food (which he didn't). I hope tomorrow is better than today!
I think some of Kate's own dishes in the crookbook were pretty gross-looking. And I hate the way her hands are always in the food- like when she was icing the cake Zorro pecked, and when she squished the breakfast sandwiches together- those nails must harbor germs -ew. And she always seems to serve things with her bare hands. I know cooks get their hands into the batter, but hers just...idk, grossed me out. I always thought Amy Roloff looked like a good cook despite her messy kitchen.
Okay, comments aren't loading again?
Tucker's Mom, thanks. My health is good. I'm lucky, my pcos is easily managed. Of course as I get older I am mindful of my increased risk of heart disease; low fat, low carb diet is essentia, and exercise, a must. Sometimes its a real pain in the ass.
So when J&K+8 was in its early years I was interested. Also being from the area, made it kind of cool. I was actually disappointed pcos was never really discussed. At that time a lot of doctors knew very little about it. I thought what a great opportunity for The LEARNING channel to let people know.
But then I think like most, watching the abuse put me off. And the gum in the bear....then rumors that became fact, well I was done.
It takes forever to scroll down far enough to click to view comments because the posts are so long. Is it possible to only display the first paragraph and hide the rest behind a cut, the way other pages do?
Chopped?!!! Yeah baby! Bring it on. THAT I will watch.
No recent Tweeting so I guess Kate is still recuperating in NYC or TFM is visiting.
What will she look like in 10 years?
Bruce Jenner when he becomes a woman.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 8m8 minutes ago
@kateplusmy8 If I heard right according 2interview w/ @murtzjaffer there will be some more episodes of #KatePlus8 … …
Milo must have selective hearing. In the interview, when asked if they are filming, Kate actually "so I'm just unofficially deciding that there will be more hours in the future, I hope, so TLC please call me".
Hoping doesn't make it true--for either Kate or Milo.
AuntieAnn...120...on last night's Chopped they had calves' eyeballs in the basket. She would shriek and freak over those for sure.
Honestly, I would freak out over calves' eyeballs, too. No shrieking, though.
Oh gawd. You gotta listen to this interview with Kate at the CA after party.
@Kateplusmy8 If I heard right according 2interview w/ @murtzjaffer there will be some more episodes of #KatePlus8… …
No, Milo. Kate wants to film ( so do the kids). LOL.
She really ummmmmmed and uhhhhhhhhed her way through that insidepulse interview, and once again didn't really make sense with her word salad. Well, until she got to talk about possibly filming more K&8.
Ok kate, I will agree with you that you have had nothing done to make you look youthful because you look sooooooo old now. You used to very attractive. Now you look like an over tanned, fake blonde 40 year old.
Alaskan mama
Good lord. She can't speak. I mean the woman can't even articulate in a short interview. I've never heard anything like this. I've heard middle school kids who were better spoken, and the faces she makes are so immature, just so weird. What is wrong with her? She is so "unpolished."
Thanks, TLC Stinks (I think).
She has zero ability to answer an interview question. It's painful to watch her try to form a sentence. If she wants to stay in the spotlight (haha like that's even a question) she needs to get some media training stat.
I'll tell you why PCOS was never really discussed: because Kate would have been outed for the liar that she is. If you ever have the time to read PCOS or fertility forums, those ladies have not been fooled.
Sandi said... 116
Latest cover of ..Intouch Magazine..has Kate on the cover.
Exclusive..Kate under fire..Child abuse investigation.
Really? Like a real, current investigation?
Could be just more smoke.
I'll look for the cover in the grocery store.
LOLA @PA Dutch Mom at 138. God, that was hilarious!
PA Dutch Mom said... 138
What will she look like in 10 years?
Bruce Jenner when he becomes a woman.
Yeah, but Kate will still have bigger tits.
LOL. Milo got called out by tweeter:
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 A NO!!!U heard begging from kate!Did u miss where she said "tlc call me"or Ur trying 2 start a rumor?.#sneaky!!!
angie said... 123
It takes forever to scroll down far enough to click to view comments because the posts are so long. Is it possible to only display the first paragraph and hide the rest behind a cut, the way other pages do?
When you pull up the page, use your "find" option and type in sediments. It will bypass the post, and will bring you right up to the first comment.
TLC: Yikes, that was awful! Now Kate is going to think her faces are 'awesome." As for what she said, it was rather convoluted but I gather she thinks there was a 'pre-plan." She and Kevin Jonas should have gone farther, both being wonderful famous people. And the kids want to film more this year. Ok then.Back to the snow she has to shovel and the kiddies to hoist onto the school bus.
Milo must have selective hearing. In the interview, when asked if they are filming, Kate actually "so I'm just unofficially deciding that there will be more hours in the future, I hope, so TLC please call me".
Hoping doesn't make it true--for either Kate or Milo.
Hmm...ok, I must have been wrong. I thought for sure TLC was going to do a "Kate Turns 40" special.
That would have been locked up by now.
Oh, well. No drinking in the limo and foot licking in NYC.
I'm sure Kate will be doing something with People.
Of course, the kids are still begging to be filmed more.
I can't dismiss the possibility of some of the kids wondering when they're going to film for 2 reasons.
#1 is that it's all they know, and that really concerns me at this point, because living life without cameras following is going to be an adjustment.
It's their normal, but it's not a healthy normal.
#2 is that the kids know that filming equals "stuff" and trips, and all the "stuff" that comes with trips, and without filming, that stuff just never happens.
Love how Kate used CA to beg TLC for more episodes.
I wonder how short a lead time they usually plan for filming. It's almost March. No filming set for Spring break? Or summer?
I wonder how much this little jaunt to NYC has cost TFW. The
kids were unexpectedly off from school yesterday because of
the snow, so that necessitated childcare not only all day Monday
and Monday night, but all day Tuesday. Even if Jon had the kids
with him the whole time, someone had to be paid to watch Shoka
and Zorro and take care of the chickens. And heaven knows
what TFW spent getting her de-aging looks camera ready.
So a job she did last March is essentially costing her money now.
And yet she still claims she cannot get a full-time job because
childcare would take her entire paycheck? Okeydoke, Schmoops.
PA Dutch Mom said... 138
What will she look like in 10 years?
Bruce Jenner when he becomes a woman.
lol! He might even look better than her by then. Oh hell, he looks better than she does now.
She looks terrible in the Murtz video. What's with all that sloppy, overdone eyeshadow and liner? It makes her look like an old harpy.
Wow, she actually says she thought she would go a lot farther. Just wow. It really is pathological.
fade2black said... 140
Honestly, I would freak out over calves' eyeballs, too. No shrieking, though.
I wouldn't know how to prepare them that's for sure. But I think it was hilarious that the judges had to eat them. It was a viewer's choice for the basket ingredients. The eyeballs were already cooked so the chefs had to 'repurpose' them.
Latest cover of ..Intouch Magazine..has Kate on the cover.
Exclusive..Kate under fire..Child abuse investigation.
I don't know if it's true or not, but I just read this online:
"County child abuse investigators have been working eight to 10 hours of overtime weekly since January to keep up with a deluge of abuse reports unleashed by Pennsylvania's new child protection laws.
The Children & Youth agency received 179 reports of child abuse and 147 reports of neglect in January, both a 77-percent increase over January 2014, agency director Crystal Natan told the county commissioners Wednesday.
The trend has continued into February with 130 reports of abuse in the first two and one-half weeks.
Similar increases are being seen across the state since new reporting requirements started Jan. 1 in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky scandal."
I had a professor in grad school who reminds me of Kate. I remember sitting in his classes, notebook in front of me, ready to write down the important points of his lecture, only to find at the end I couldn't figure out what he said. All of us would kind of laugh, saying, "What was that all about?" He appeared to be very knowledgeable and his lectures sounded very impressive, but at the end of the day he really hadn't said anything at all. It was just a conglomeration of "big" words, incomplete sentences, incoherent explanations that made no sense at all. I have to chuckle when I hear Kate trying to sound so educatedish when she just leaves you shaking your head.
No recent Tweeting so I guess Kate is still recuperating in NYC or TFM is visiting.
Was the show on last night? She tweeted last night and of course it was about HER show:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
I'll miss live tweeting while we watch our #KatePlus8 adventures together tonight on @TLC #Hope2SeeYouSoon :(
Tucker's Mom (#156), I agree that some of the kids may, at this
point, want the filming to continue. And I'll add a 3rd reason --
Mom is MUCH happier before, during and after.
The eyeballs were already cooked so the chefs had to 'repurpose' them.
Isn't that what Kate is trying to do with herself? Oh, wait...that's reinvent, but probably the same thing.
lol! He might even look better than her by then. Oh hell, he looks better than she does now.
LOL! As a man? Is he still a male, a female, or an it? I can't keep up with this stuff.
Who is this? A sheep? There's a pic that goes with it. Kate was included in the tweet.
Elle O'Elle @NotJenD 13m13 minutes ago
@PMK1_ @BattleAxe2015 @Kateplusmy8 pot? where's kettle?
Well...radar online has picked up the story about her being investigated for monster mom behavior toward a son (Colin?) and low and behold, when you click on the article, it says sorry, not available. Is she already on the phone with Laverne & Shirley?
I was just on Radar for my evening fix and saw the first story was about Kate and CPS conducting an investigation re allegations re her son. Went to click on the link, and got a "whoops - page no longer found". Have to agree, if true or not, this subject specific to CPS investigations should not be gossip fodder.
Was the show on last night? She tweeted last night and of course it was about HER show:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
I'll miss live tweeting while we watch our #KatePlus8 adventures together tonight on @TLC #Hope2SeeYouSoon :(
February 18, 2015 at 3:54 PM
It was Kate dropping a not-so-subtle hint to TLC, to film more episodes so she can live tweet on Tues. during K+8.
Otherwise, no live tweeting.
It was really stupid.
I've seen what she posts on twitter and instagram. It all looks pretty offal to me.
Hahaha! You guys are cracking me up today!!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
I'll miss live tweeting while we watch our #KatePlus8 adventures together tonight on @TLC #Hope2SeeYouSoon :( 163
And she can't live tweet because?
Radar has posted the story, but there's an error message when you click through (at the time of this posting).
Sandi said... 116
Latest cover of ..Intouch Magazine..has Kate on the cover.
Exclusive..Kate under fire..Child abuse investigation.
And one of the Duggar girls and her new husband got this week's People cover! Bet Kate is livid as I'm sure she expected TLC to have decided they want more Kate+8 episodes by now and that a People cover announcing that/featuring her fresh off of her CA appearance would happen.
And she can't live tweet because?
Live tweeting as opposed to dead tweeting or drunk tweeting?
Question about Twitter. is there a purpose to a RT? I notice that so many Tweeters do nothing but RT. Once in awhile they will insert an original post, but their timelines consist of re-tweets. Is there a specific reason for a RT?
I was just on Radar for my evening fix and saw the first story was about Kate and CPS conducting an investigation re allegations re her son. Went to click on the link, and got a "whoops - page no longer found". Have to agree, if true or not, this subject specific to CPS investigations should not be gossip fodder.
Those files should be sealed, so it's no surprise if ROL pulled the story.
Formerly Duped said... 154
TLC: Yikes, that was awful! Now Kate is going to think her faces are 'awesome."
As kids, when we made ugly faces, our mothers told us if we didn't stop doing that our face would stay that way. Lesson learned, Kate?
I just read the radar article. If course CPS found nothing. It talks about how all the children realize how badly she treats Collin.
CPS no matter where you are evaluates out most of their referrals. I think in LA it's something like 90%, and I consider this a pretty conservative place where they tend to want to get involved in the more petty stuff and you see a LOT of judges dismissing CPS petitions in the grounds that it doesn't rise to the risk level required to get involved.
They're not supposed to seek court intervention in but the most abusive of situations. That does not mean there is no abuse, but rather that it doesn't rise to the level requiring government intervention.
It neither surprises me nor excites me CPS may be looking into this family. But the odds of them ever taking further action are slim to none.
Still, it's not necessarily a bad thing for Kate to feel like they have their eye on her. Maybe it will help.
I saw the ROL article w/TFW and tried the link but it was broken.
I googled ROL's tip line phone number and called them and a man answered and I told him that I wanted to read the link, but it was broken. He said they were aware of it and were working on fixing it.
I thought the same thing that she'd speed dialed Laverne and Shirley and they faxed ROL a cease and desist. I wonder if Colin is going to suffer more of her abuse by threating him to say she is a wonderful mother and I am just fine.
It neither surprises me nor excites me CPS may be looking into this family. But the odds of them ever taking further action are slim to none.
Still, it's not necessarily a bad thing for Kate to feel like they have their eye on her. Maybe it will help.
February 18, 2015 at 6:02 PM
The Radar article seems like a mash-up of previous stuff.
It's Collin who's singled out, but I thought he wants to hang back and not go to Jon's.
Tucker's Mom said... 181
''It's Collin who's singled out, but I thought he wants to hang back and not go to Jon's.''
Why do you think that?
Does Radar do any fact-checking?
Jon is not unemployed.
"Kate previously revealed that Collin was “kicked out of his private school for what Kate called ‘divorce anger’ problems in 2014...”
No, they weren't kicked out of school in 2014. Or do they mean that in 2014, Kate revealed he was kicked out of school? Either way, it's not correct. That story broke in 2010.
Remona Blue said... 182
Tucker's Mom said... 181
''It's Collin who's singled out, but I thought he wants to hang back and not go to Jon's.''
Why do you think that?
Doesn't one of the boys not go over to Jon's?
Maybe I got the wrong one.
Recently, Kate made one of the boys pose for a pic while eating his dinner alone at night, so she could Tweet it.
I know this slightly off topic. Do most here believe Kate does not have pcos? Is there evidence?
Certain TLC doesn't do any fact checking, still I can't imagine a doctor pursuing any fertility treatment without blood work and an ultrasound.
I read some of Robert's book, but not begging to end, was there evidence there?
Because I was forced to half-watch that Big Fat Life show by my DVR, I learned that Whitney person had PCOS and she seemed to blame her obesity solely on that. She was adamant she ate and exercised just like everyone else but that disease had made her gain 300 pounds.
Is that credible?
Not sure the point of Radar's article because buried was this:
Investigators did determine that the abuse allegations were unfounded....
Unless this was Jon's revenge for someone (Kate or TFM) snitching about the million $ judgement.
ROL story is up. I can't wait to see the sheeple reaction. Whenever someone mentions abuse, they always say, "Call CPS if you think the kids are abused!" Now, of course, they will be enraged and appalled that someone actually did call CPS. It's just like when they say, "If you don't like her, then don't watch the show!" and then they get upset when the ratings aren't good.
So, this is it. Kate got her second chance, and now it's over. And you can't say she skipped a single opportunity to get her mug out there and beg for more. Even when she had to stay an extra night and walk in the snow to get to Wendy Williams, she did it just so that she could squeeze in a few more minutes of TV time. And now she it going to give TLC the full-court press for more episodes. We'll see how that goes. She put herself out there, and she was snubbed by DT on the CA finale, called greedy by other contestants, and now is dealing with allegations of child abuse. All of that would horrify anyone else, but I bet she's thrilled to get the attention.
I read today that TLC has filmed another season of Sister Wives, to air in the fall. The show with the new family of little people started, apparently there will be specials with another Little People Big World kid's wedding, the Big Fat Fab Life girl was signed on for another season. Nothing about Kate and the kids yet.
Just an observation, but when TLC does these new seasons/specials of old shows, there is always an event. The Duggar specials are all about the kids' engagements, weddings, and pregnancies. The newer LPBW mini-seasons are centered around one of their kids getting engaged/married or the parents' marriage falling apart. They all have an event. There are no events for K+8, other than another birthday. They just go on another vacation and yell a lot. How many times is TLC going to show that?
Tucker's Mom, my gut feeling and really that's all it is, maybe Collin has been "groomed" to stay at Kate's. Or perhaps encouraged to be anywhere else, other than with Jon.
Collin's comments while on the couch in these recent episodes were memorized. Such glowing praise for his mother, but with a deadpan expression, flat. Gives me chills thinking about this.
Picking one child to abuse is not uncommon:
The experts say cases of scapegoating often involve the redirection of anger that an abusive parent feels toward an absent spouse or some other adult. In other cases, pent-up rage may be unleashed on a single child simply because that child is hyperactive, colicky, disabled, or shows personality traits that the parent does not expect or like.
I tried watching this interview...she looks so horrible in it. Her next is very wrinkly (which is one of the reasons I think she keeps her hair long.) And her makeup is 'grungy' looking - like the type of person who doesn't wash off their makeup before adding another layer. She almost looks like a man with long hair and makeup.
And...seriously, she still can't speak well.
In the most severe abuse cases, siblings are sometimes forced to participate. Siblings might be told by their parents to withhold food from a targeted child. Even being asked to isolate the targeted child from family activities can cause profound guilt later for the other siblings.
Ross knows the guilt firsthand. He said it wasn’t until he started living with a foster family, when he was allowed to eat when he wanted to and received time out, not beatings, that he even realized that his mother’s behavior was abnormal and wrong.
Read more here:
When TLC cancelled Honey Boo Boo they put out a statement saying that their priority was the well-being of the children. If they continue to film the G kids, that shows the world what hypocrites the folks at TLC really are. The well-being of the HBB kids is a priority, but the well-being of the G kids is not. That would be the obvious message.
Something has been going on with her and Collin for quite a while. He is seldom allowed to visit Jon with the other tups. Maybe CPS did not find evidence of bruises, but I would bet the kid is tormented by Kate emotionally. Perhaps he does not toe the line or reminds her of Jon. Whatever had been going on, at CPS investigated. Too bad Teflon Kate got away again.
I was unaware that it had been reported that sometimes Collin is not allowed to eat with the other kids.
Reader (#183), re: the PCOS -- I can only speak for myself, but
I doubt it primarily because Kate Gosselin said it.
Latest cover of ..Intouch Magazine..has Kate on the cover.
Exclusive..Kate under fire..Child abuse investigation.
It's on Radar now.
If this new child abuse investigation is true Robert this is the perfect time to come back.
And she can't live tweet because?
Bitch is to busy stuffing her face while deaging.
When will Milo tweet about the new radar story she come an tweet/save her queen.
@MiloandJack: @Kateplusmy8 If I heard right according 2interview w/ @murtzjaffer there will be some more episodes of #KatePlus8 …
I do believe that you heard wrong Milo. When asked if they were filming she said no they just finished 5 hours for TLC and then she said:
"I'm just unofficially deciding that there will be more hours in the future, I hope, so TLC please call me."
Sounds like begging to me. And she really can't put a coherent sentence together because she says "we rated well" rather than "the ratings were good". Finally, what is up with her eyebrows? It looks like Stevie Wonder did her eye makeup. OK, that was mean.
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