Thursday, February 12, 2015

Recap: Kate Plus 8 "Rocking the Boat": Wrong, everyone has a soul. Yeah, science!

Last time on Kate Plus 8, Kate and the kids have never been to New England before, except when they've been before. Mady ate a lobster because Kate had a deprived childhood. Maine-ly, Kate was a hobbling harridan strapped into a corset, and she put on a shoe so stiff a dog could break its teeth on it. And, that's what she said! Coming up, rowing and fishing and Kate plays hide the bunny with the children's pet lobsters.

They've been "oowwn" their family vacation at the beach house, says the doofus from southern PA who is too darn lazy to try to sound less regional.

They have a boat ride arranged, and mercifully, Kate gives the children anti-sea sick wrist bands. Aw, poor kids. Thank goodness somebody is finally giving them a remedy for it instead of just letting it happen because it makes better T.V.

Mady first embarrasses Joel by telling the cameras all he has to do is step foot onto a plane and he's nauseous, then when he protests, tells Joel to shut up and shoves him in the face. The poor kid just takes it. As I said in the last recap, the amount of pushing, shoving, hitting and smacking going on here, quite frankly namely from the girls, is astounding. I've never seen anything like this from ten and fourteen year olds. Kate is not upset about the shove Mady just gave the kid in the face, but is upset she told him to shut up. Well, she's halfway there which is how she does just about everything, half-baked.

Ha, Hannah's right, Kate does say "mainly" a lot, which explains why none of the kids knew she was giving them hints about Maine. Lol. "Mainly," says Doofus, Cara was "hesitant" about the boat ride.

Can everyone just be quiet for a sec so I can pretend I'm alone? Kate demands.

"No!" some of the kids retort and they just talk louder. Lol. Her number. They have it.

They've arranged to have lunch on a little island called Indian Island, which greatly excites the three teenagers. Mady explains they read a book for school called And Then There Were None about an Indian Island. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a child get excited about seeing in person the things they have read or learned about. Of course this is not the real location of the book, which takes place in England, but that's no matter. I'm just happy to see kids realizing learning can be really cool. I don't read much mystery and haven't read this one, but it's pretty famous. It's an Agatha Christie novel, and apparently considered her magnum opus. Hm, I may have to add this one to the list. My library has it, and how amazing is it that a book published 80 years ago has a hold list of ten people still? Wow, what a legacy, Ms. Christie. Cara thinks this book took place in Maine. That's simply not true, it clearly takes place in the UK, but I don't know that that matters much. I suppose I'm just a bit disappointed that comment of hers was left in, because it makes her look a little silly, or perhaps not really paying attention to what she read after all.

They can't actually dock at the island, they have to be shuttled over there in small groups on the teeniest little dingy boat. I really resent when I have to agree with Kate, but I don't know why the captain didn't tell her this was going to happen, unless she wasn't listening, which is entirely possible. I think most mothers would not want to be separated from their children like this while they wait on the larger boat. Me being me I would be having Natalie Wood nightmares and all that, this is not a comfortable situation for someone as paranoid as myself.

Of course this sends her into mini crisis mode/pouting/whining instead of just trying to roll with it since there's nothing they can do about it. Most of the kids do fine with it, only a few seem uncomfortable but they survive. Kate grew up on a boat in Canada??? There's a 180 degree change in the narrative from her childhood. With her grandparents, eh? Well, sounds like she had a good time with them, that's ironic. Were they the ones to not allow her to have lobster or was that some other adult meanie? Too bad, and the one thing all our resident Canucks here on the blog had going for them is that Kate belongs to us, not them. Ha-ha, she's all yours now, girls. Her and Bieber.

Even once they are on the island Kate is still griping about the dingy. I know Kate said we are not to say shut up, but, shut up. They picnic off the beautiful Maine coast, everyone relaxes and seems happy.

The "lobstery boat" captain takes some of them off to check some traps. Kate goes into a mind-numbingly long explanation about how she's going to allow the teenagers to stay behind on the island while they go off and do this. Fine, they're old enough. She sounds very defensive. Why does she feel she needs to justify a perfectly reasonable parenting choice like this but for massive insecurity? She claims she doesn't care what people think of her parenting, but when she endlessly drones on about her parenting choices and why she makes them, it suggests otherwise.

I don't mind when Cara gets the setting of Agatha's book wrong, she's just a kid, but when doofus thinks And Then There Were None was in Maine too, she gets the #dolt hashtag. UK, Kate. It was in the UK. Read sometime. Read anything. It's good for you.

To make sure we get the message that just because she let them stay on the island alone doesn't mean she doesn't care about their safety (nobody cares about this island thing, TFW), Kate says the twins won't be allowed to drive until they are 18 just as Kate was not allowed to. Wow, Cara and Mady are having none of that. We're not you, Mady retorts. Hehe, see ya when they're 16, Kate.

Aaden looks bored to death on the couch as they explain the boring lobster stuff. He lets out a yawn so big it's audible. Wonder how long they had to sit on those couches and be made to talk about their mother. Poor guy. The younger kids enjoy the lobster fishing. Kate's playing on her phone. They are obviously not understanding these lobsters are meant to be eaten, even despite the fact that they have been instructed to only keep the big ones. The kids are petting, kissing, and naming the things.

Kate realizes maybe she didn't explain quite clearly this was dinner. The moment a child starts naming them, that should have been emphasized. I think this makes the kids look dumb, and that seems unfair to have them portrayed like this. When the reality is I would bet money Alex Forrest here intentionally didn't tell them the true nature of her intentions, for maximum drama.

Commercials. Oh, another little people family. We need more little people shows because the world is just not educated enough about exceedingly rare genetic mutations you may go through life not ever encountering once. #Snark.

We're back, and the kids are still having a lovely time catching lobsters and Kate finally clearly tells Alexis that they are going to be eating her friends for dinner. Maybe Alexis thought she was joking, I don't know.

Only people have souls, Kate says. Not animals. Joel and this entire blog of dog, cat, bird and otherwise lovers lets out a collective gasp.

Did you learn this on a game or a show, Doofus wants to know? No Kate, we just looked into the eyes of our babies and simply could not reconcile that they don't have a soul.

In fairness, I know a lot of conservative religions, including the one Kate was likely brought up in, do teach that animals don't have souls, and there seems to be some Biblical support for that. However, I once read online something from a pastor addressing this question. He said heaven is where we are perfectly happy, and if you need your fur baby to be happy, then there he will be. That made a lot of sense to me. There has also been some very recent and groundbreaking research examining MRI's from dogs that is showing that dogs do feel love and many other complex emotions scientists used to think only humans could experience. No soul? Science says you're wrong, Kate!

What I don't understand is why this point is so important to Kate. Joel can believe what he wants. He's his own person and is, gasp, developing his own views on the world, and things not of this world. Leave him alone. Joel even says rather smugly, these are "my words, and my thoughts." Ha-ha, Joel! Kate must just hate they are old enough to form their own words and have their own thoughts, and he seems to take delight in being able to hold his own when she disagrees with him or tries to tell him his opinions are incorrect. Good for him.

The teens are having silly fun with a gopro as teens tend to do. Only usually when this sort of thing happens it's posted on Youtube and gets all of 12 hits from your friends. I think Kate thought it was cute to ask the younger kids if they could choose, would they leave Mady and Cara there on the island and not pick them up. But some of them actually don't want to pick them up and that's mostly just troublesome, not cute, funny, or whatever.

They get back? And the lobsters are going to be murdered? And this will occur in the kitchen? With the candlestick? I want to give Kate a Vivica stink-eye for the constant uplift to her speech, it's infuriating. The more Kate speaks in questions the more I notice so many other Americans doing it, too, and it's become like nails on chalkboards to me. This is a pretty recent development in the American accent and it's about as bad as the Valley Girl speak that developed in the 80's if not more annoying.

The helpful captain-ish man gives Kate cooking advice. Surely he must have heard she wrote a cookbook, I'm sure she can handle this. I bet her rich not-a-boyfriend could even find her a stock photo of a nice bright red buttery lobster tail.

Kate is getting the water going in the kitchen and asks Alexis to bring the lobsters inside. Lexi refuses to do it. Why is Kate asking the kid who is most disturbed by this to help her do this? This has gone beyond even remotely cute. It's sadistic. Alexis is clearly very disturbed by what's about to happen. Good grief.

Contrary to the sort of misleading previews and the segment leading up to this part, I now am pretty sure Alexis did know the lobsters were going to be eaten. She was just in massive denial about it. Kate couldn't have been clearer earlier. Even on the couch poor Alexis is crying just thinking about the incident, oh my gosh. Poor baby!

Back in the kitchen Alexis is screaming in horror.

Kate gets in yet another slam at her childhood. She had pet rabbits and her dad killed them and made her eat them. Well, that's fucked up. If true. I suspect it's not though.  I imagine her dad very clearly told her this is our food source, not a pet, so Kate Irene please don't name them, hug them kiss them, get attached or what have you. Kate being Kate likely just wouldn't listen. It's interesting that she doesn't seem to recognize the similarities between her and Lex. Alexis was very clearly told not to make these lobsters her pets but she wouldn't listen. At the end of the day Kate can't kill them with Alexis this upset, and they are released back to the wild where they will likely weaken and die anyway.

The kids say they would rather just eat lobster in a restaurant, and I know that sounds silly because what's the difference, but I get that. Lots of people are able to eat meat and seafood as long as they don't see it alive first. The second they see the animal alive and know it will die they can't handle it. Even some of the women on this Discovery show called Alaska: The Last Frontier chow down meat like buttered popcorn but end up in sobs at the thought of having to actually gun down the poor thing. I think that's a common reaction. That said, I hope the kids do understand that animals do have to be killed to eat them. There's not some special line on meat restaurants have that skips the killing part. Aaden is still exceedingly bored, yawning and stretching away.

They free Willie and get Chinese take-out instead. Heh, no irony there or anything.

Next up, they're going to go rowing, and the kids' default seems to be to just be contrary. They constantly oppose whatever suggestions Kate has for them and basically everything out of her mouth.

Although I always appreciate good karma and to some extent being contrary is normal at this age, I really don't think that should be happening this constantly. Kate says they always act like that and she just ignores it usually. While she's explaining all this she's vigorously rubbing away at some stain on Collin's t-shirt, the t-shirt he is currently wearing, while he stands there patiently letting her manually Kenmore him for what feels like forever. It's a t-shirt that looks like it cost all of about 15 bucks at Old Navy. That can't just be sprayed with a little stain fighter and thrown in the wash?

Emily is a long-time friend of Doofus here. Kate must think there are no historians on this blog. Oh, but there are. And turns out, no, Kate, Emily certainly is not a long-time friend. She is a fan who only just a few years ago said it was her "dream" to meet Kate, she made it happen by showing up at an event the Goz-lands happened to be at, and has weaseled her way in ever since, and we have a host of her creepy and obsessed tweets to prove she is just an obsessed fan. This is the person you are allowing around your children? How many celebs need to be killed or injured or emotionally harmed by their obsessed fans before it becomes clear this is a bad idea?

I don't want to rag on Emily for too long here though I would have a lot more to say about her, but I did want to point out one thing I find the creepiest about her. And that is that she is some 18 maybe 19-year-old kid who over the past few years has morphed to be more and more like Kate. She even admits her family says she looks just like Kate. It's so Single White Female and disturbing.

The kids were thrilled to see Emily, says Kate. Huh, the kids look rather quiet and indifferent to me. They've been through a revolving door of nannies over the years and I don't really know how much time they have even really and truly spent with Em. If they have, I see no evidence of any special bond having developed with her.

The teens go off to do paddle boarding and their instructor Tim says he understands they don't like authority. Wtf? Did Kate tell him that? What a douche thing to say to girls who were just standing there listening not doing anything wrong.

Emily's right there front and center living the dream of every fan as she helps Kate carry their boat down to the water, minus the sail off into the sunset part.

Kate slams Collin saying he's not very good at hearing and following instructions (or maybe he just doesn't want to follow instructions from you, dolt). She slams the other boys too saying Aaden hesitates about things and Joel dislikes things. She never does this sort of pegging to the girls. Never. But, but, they're all wonderful, she amends. The boys did a good job with the boat and are proud of themselves.

Back to the teens, I'm sorry but Tim is being a dick. Who is this guy? Even Cara and Marly agree he's being mean to Mady. Mady strips off her lifejacket and quits. Sheesh.

Kate is freaking out on the boat, claiming she is dizzy, and overall being a damsel in distress. The teens call her out on this, saying she always says she loves boats but when she gets on them she acts like a fool. Lol. Why does Kate do this to herself anyway? She does it a lot, acts like things that terrify her are actually great. Sounds like more catfishing of herself I guess. Even when this task is all over Kate said if she lived closer to water she'd be out there after the bus stop without a doubt. Makes no sense. She's freaking out so much she's holding up the whole boat from going, which is just annoying if you are in the boat. If you are that upset, please don't hold up everybody else while you pull yourself together. It's selfish and rude.

I like how Kate thinks she's so sharp but in reality constantly uses the wrong word or says the wrong idiom or gets things slightly or a lot off. Like saying the past tense "drowned" instead of the correct present tense "drown," and her comment that "Cara was born rowing." She came out of the womb pumping her arms? Hehe. Even the instructor can't help herself and has to correct Kate, saying the idiom the right way that Cara was born to row. Lol, sometimes ya just gotta fix things like that, like scratching an itch.

Timelapse of the ocean waves, and boy can you tell the difference in production values between TLC and NBC. This time-lapse is just an amateur one, looks like a kid could have made it. They didn't even bother with an interesting composition nor did they run it for more than maybe 10 minutes. Celebrity Apprentice time-lapse crews have slow-moving dollies and 16mm lenses and apertures wide enough to take in an entire dark sky for hours. I have seen all kinds of little production mistakes or amateurs shot over the years on TLC, and not only does it make me think they throw these things together on a shoestring budget for maximum profit, but I also don't think anyone in production particularly cares about this project. Kind of sad.

The twins say Kate pays them for good grades. Not so sure Kate wanted the fact that she's bribing them for good grades to come out, given that's one of the most controversial parenting choices you can make. (For the record, Dave Ramsey doesn't think it's a problem, because he feels it's essential that children be taught to associate hard work with money.)

Kate says she handles the children's money. Heh, I bet you do. She gives them souvenir money to go shopping and actually lets the kids carry it themselves this time. Geez, I hope they will be allowed to skip their bottles and nappie time today too. Kate orders the little kids to look with their eyes not their hands. Good grief already.

The kids want the sort of silly things most kids their age want like an outhouse bank and stuffed animals they are about 7 days away from outgrowing. Kate say hey it was their money they can get what they want so I'm not going to judge anymore, but then makes a big judgey eye roll at the camera. Oh, so the kids will just feel judged later when they watch the episode. Next they head to an epic candy store. I love little places like this that have absolutely everything you could think of.

They don't shop very often? It's exhausting? Gaaah!

Kate all but admits she doesn't usually take the kid out shopping because it's just too much on her. Kate gets the various lobster tools you need to cook lobster at home. I guess she's going to try cooking at home again instead of eating out like they were talking about last night. Only this time instead of cooking Alexis's friends she will just cook friends of Alexis's friends, so she seems to think Alexis will be fine with that. Hehe.

Wait, speaking of last night, she was about to put Lex's friends in boiling water last night, she didn't have all her tools gathered then? Someone as "organized" as her didn't have all her little lobster doo-hickey things all lined up like ducks in a row? I call B.S., this is so contrived and when things are made up by producers little mistakes or things that don't make much sense like this happen.

Collin has studied his script carefully I see as he says something no 10 year old would usually think independently, something about Kate doing pretty good for just one of her and eight kids. Eight kids is all he knows, and he's simply not old enough to really realize that it would be abnormal or difficult for a mother to handle all these kids. Except if Kate constantly told him so. That's what Kate always says on Twitter and the like, and I would bet the farm he's just picked that up and parroting her. He is proud she is his mom, which is a little bit more like what someone his age says, I guess.

The only thing more boring than being dragged along on a boring shopping trip is watching a boring shopping trip. Next, they stop at a seafood market type place so Kate can pick up lobster and various sea food, except all or at least some of it is being delivered. If it's being delivered why not just have all of it delivered? I'm slightly confused, but don't care enough to rewind. Kate talks like she just survived that tank battle in Fury and not a simple souvenir shopping trip where all the kids look well-behaved to me. Good heavens.

Kate likes to cook when she is on vacation. Yuck, I do too. Damn it. Eating out is fun and it's easy to find the best places with Yelp, but it gets time consuming and expensive and sometimes disappointing, and besides it's so fun to go grocery shopping in a little store and meet some locals and get recommendations and experiment. I love it. Thanks to a wonderful web site called AirBnB, you can now get a place to stay with a full kitchen for the same price as a hotel and often much less.

There are moments now and again where it's clear the children do love each other, which is a relief. Such as this one, when Alexis helps Aaden put on his lobster bib and then gives him a big hug and says "My baby, you're my baby!" Aw. Aaden seems to be a family favorite.

This really pretty lady shows up at the door carrying a box full of lobsters.

Are you the lobster delivery person? Kate asks the woman carrying a box full of lobsters. No, that's the pool girl. The lawn boys are coming right after her, and then the lobster delivery person will arrive, followed by four calling birds three french hens and two nannies.

Lobster delivery chick is not just a delivery person but a chef who comes in and helps to clean and cook the lobsters. If Kate ever caught this young woman's name she invited into the house and around her children all night or so much as shook her hand, we didn't see it. Kate even admits she left the woman in the other room with the kids and the lobsters while Kate hung out with the twins in the kitchen and cooked scallops.

The kids all try their lobsters, some of them thought it was okay, but Collin didn't like it, it was white and spongey. I don't much like it either to be honest, it tastes spongey to me too. I'll eat it in seafood bisques but that's about it. It has the look of shrimp but none of the delicious flavor. One of the most overrated delicacies ever. I think it's sad that for all the talk Kate has been doing the past episodes about how important it is the kids have this experience with the lobsters, she leaves a stand-in-nanny they just met to actually oversee the event, and completely misses the whole thing. I've been the nanny in that situation before that's for sure, and it's shitty because I knew darn well the kids noticed who wasn't there even if they wouldn't dare speak it out loud. Kate is so much like the parent I worked for in the sense that they both seem to grasp that it would be nice to give their kids fun and interesting experiences, like say a big lobster dinner in Maine. However, what they don't get is that it's not so much the experience that the kid really wants but rather to experience it with you, their beloved parent, as you laugh and recoil and go through it together. Stop, and sit down with your kids for once, Kate.

The kids are way too old to be spewing out food they don't like back on their plate in a big honking loogie. Pick up your napkin for goodness sake and be a lady. Kate happens to be there for that, and doesn't say anything about it.

On their last day, they had a nice sunny day and headed to the beach. The kids loved it and talk excitedly about writing everyone's name in the sand. Mady and Cara for some reason really didn't like how Kate walked on the names and said they just wanted to leave. Yikes, wonder what that was about, I don't think Kate was doing anything wrong, and that's not something I usually say! Everyone was running over it, for fun. You can redraw it. I think a lot of the twins' behavior and complaints goes much deeper than the incidents they claim are upsetting them.

The kids treat Kate like their personal Judge Judy, constantly running to her with complaints and transgressions and wanting her to dole out justice. They obviously do this because Kate has not made it clear to them she won't pander to that sort of nonsense. I think she actually sometimes likes hearing about their little spats and other conflict. She likes the drama, she's bored. I can just see Judge Judy saying, Child, you were at the ocean and you got splashed by your brother. It's the ocean for pity sake! Your case is dismissed!

Kate however helplessly tries to figure out who splashes who and then tells them if they splash each other they are done. Done? Wowser.

Wow, the splashing thing really pushed Kate over the edge. Holy smokes. She freaks out to the cameras, going on and on about how it's eight against one and 56 different sides to a story and as soon as she helps one there's another one needs help. She is the little dutch boy. Oh well, shouldn't have popped out eight kids and estranged every last person who ever tried to help you with them I guess.

"Stand by the road with a free to a good home sign," she tells the girls. Kate thinks that comment is funny, I think it's freaking nasty. There's teasing, and then there's being an asshole. She is an asshole. Correct, Jon.

Waahhh, the problems of the one percent. They didn't want to leave their already ridiculously long and luxurious vacation. They wanna stay longer, waahhh.

They have icecream for dinner and make their own ice cream. That can be really fun, we used to do that. Cool. Never done it that way, with the ice cream put in these little plastic balls to "cook", you can play with them! Most of the kids liked the rope course the best, and I think somebody else reported they liked the icecream. I don't recall any of them saying they liked the lobsters the best. Sure enough, the things the kids liked the best were the things Kate actually did with them and not the epic lobster dinner that she ended up skipping. Told ya.

Collin, who is only 10 years old, liked spending "quality time" with his family. Sigh, I fear he is being made Kate's mouthpiece by her, and it's disconcerting. He should not have to bear such a burden.

My DVR again recorded this nice though quite dysfunctional Whitney chick from My Big Fat Life, without my permission. DVRs should not be your rebellious teenager who openly defies your wishes. See you next time.

676 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 676   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

It's not right to keep publicly implying that someone has abused you without giving them a chance to explain themselves, make amends, whatever.


Super old comment, I'm still that behind sorry! But spot on Mel. Stop the hemming and hawing. If you have something to say about your family members or Jon or whatever say it and move on.

TLC stinks said... 2

Whoa, new post. I'll read later.

LOL, "big fat trip"! You got that right, Sue Buddy.

I see you say she has started the whining that they are outgrowing the house. Hmmm, let the grifting begin! Kate wants a bigger house. Well, that house is huge and if she had to, she could add on a few more bedrooms but she does not want to spend her nickels. Anyway, she is ridiculous that they are outgrowing the house because many large families grew up in homes much smaller than hers. Greedy POS. Besides, only four more years and the twins will be GONE.

Sue_Buddy said... 3

Admin, you're a saint sitting through that whole gawd-awful episode. I saw bits and pieces on YouTube and had to take several breaks, especially during Kate's screeching and screaming scenes, of which there were many. I'm going to give it my best shot reading your recap. The thought of it makes me rather nauseous. (Reading about the fiasco, not your presentation of it. :) ) ~ Administrator said... 4

She can't be serious about outgrowing her house. Come on!!

She does need to travel. She needs to travel to a third world country and meet the people there and see how they live. She has a luxurious lifestyle. Luxurious. She lives better than most people both in the world and in the U.S. will EVER live. Be appreciative, you tool.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 5

Thanks for the great recap, Admin! How in the world this woman
finds fault with everyone and everything while living in the lap of
luxury is beyond me.

I was thinking back to the Sky Jump incident and have a theory
about the freak out: gravity is something TFW can't control.
Gravity is in charge, and that's not going to change. And TFW
cannot stand what she cannot control. Look at how enraged
she still is at the father of her children. Years after the divorce,
she cannot control what he does, and it infuriates her. She
tried to destroy him. That is not hyperbole -- the lawsuit is
about as devastating a blow you can deal someone without
direct physical harm. But he is still out and about and hanging
in there, and that annoys the snot out of her.

Mel said... 6

All of those clips belittled the kids, picked at them, from Hannah's poop accident to Mady's dirty teeth. You think TLC gives a shit about those kids? Nope.

You nailed it. That’s the underlying theme that wasn't coming to me. Belittling the children was truly the them, wasn’t it. Sad.

Ok, now that I figured it out I can drop it. Too bad the kids can't.

Anonymous said... 7

I'm from a family of 12. We had 3 bedrooms and 1, count 'em, 1 bathrooms. I really wish Brandi had told her to STFU.

Admin said...

Kate thought it was cute to ask the younger kids if they could choose, would they leave Mady and Cara there on the island and not pick them up. But some of them actually don't want to pick them up and that's mostly just troublesome, not cute, funny, or whatever.


That's just despicable. She continuously pits one against the other. The old "divide and conquer" strategy. It won't work for much longer.


swimgirl said... 8

Great recap. Unfortunately, I am now craving lobster!!

rainbowsandunicorns said... 9

From the previous thread...

To this day, I cannot go to sleep in an unmade bed.


Do you sleep on top of the bedding? ;)

NJGal51 said... 10

I think that in addition to wanting a bigger house she may want less land. She's probably feeling the pinch of what it takes to maintain a proper that large. I don't think that she's in any position to be grifting bigger and better trips, houses, etc. from TLC. Her ratings are OK but not we'll buy you a new house OK or we'll send you on a 5 star vacation in Paris OK.
She doesn't have the power she once had and these 5 episode seasons are nothing more than crumbs being thrown to her by TLC. They need a filler show? TFW is willing and ready to drop everything and film. I really don't think she can maintain the numbers though. I think people watches this year because of CA but how many times can people watch yard sales, back to school, vacations, etc. people will tire of her and the kids sooner than she may think especially if TLC continues with these catch up specials.

PJ's momma said... 11

rainbowsandunicorns said... 9
From the previous thread...

To this day, I cannot go to sleep in an unmade bed.


Do you sleep on top of the bedding? ;)


HA! No, but I have to sleep in a tucked in and smooth set of covers. Not everything Kate does is bad and my mom instilled a lot of good habits in us (we all keep neat homes). But what Kate says she does and actually does often don't match. She complained about how messy and stinky the kids' rooms were, yelled and yelled about underwear or towels on the floor, and some of the beds were thrashed. Not exactly matching up with her chore chart and Ms. Organized's expectations!

Sue_Buddy said... 12

I was thinking back to the Sky Jump incident and have a theory
about the freak out: gravity is something TFW can't control.
Gravity is in charge, and that's not going to change. And TFW
cannot stand what she cannot control.

I tend to believe Kate has a fear of heights. Over the past few years I've developed an uncontrollable fear of heights. I took a road trip a couple of years ago and had to map out a route that avoided mountain roads because the mere thought of traveling on a road where there's a several thousand feet drop makes me break out in a sweat--the mere thought of it!! Due to unforeseen circumstances, I had to change my route and ended up having to drive through the mountains and I was terrified and talking myself through it the whole time. Knowing there were barriers to prevent a car from careening over the side were no help. People can't understand it unless they've experienced it. My family just looks at me blankly when I try and explain it.

I'm not sure if Kate was so stupid that she thought she could master her fear or if TLC said it's in the contract; do it or else. That sounds incredibly cruel, though. "Honestly"...I'd have been vomiting all over Brad's shoes.

Millicent said... 13

"If you need your fur baby to be happy, then there he will be. That made a lot of sense to me. There has also been some very recent and groundbreaking research examining MRI's from dogs that is showing that dogs do feel love and many other complex emotions scientists used to think only humans could experience. No soul? Science says you're wrong, Kate!"
Only part way through the recap and loving it! So good to see Jesse and Walt before the complete implosion, as Jesse gets excited about Science! LOL.

But back to whether animals have souls. Of course dogs feel love. I've seen it time and again throughout my life, with dogs we had as kids, and with the dogs my sisters have had over the years. Complete faithful loving devotion. I remember watching an episode of Pitbulls and Parolees where they rescued this pitbull and tried to rehome her, and the dog was just not human friendly. Even Tia had a hard time with the dog over the months she was with them. Then it's owner saw the show and realized that was her dog. She'd been homeless, got picked up for something and I think served some time. Now she was clean and sober, and so they meet up. Tia isn't sure how it's all going to go, the dog is just sort of out of control and not friendly. Then the dog sees its owner and both of them are overcome with joy and the dog is suddenly this sweet loving dog again. So yeah, I do think dogs feel love.

Cats - I think it depends on the cat. My parents have two cats who run the place, but they clearly seek affection and attention from both my mom and dad. One cat sits in my dad's lap almost the entire day, every day. My dad cannot move around much, and that cat keeps him company all day long. I think that's love, perhaps mixed with a little selfishness in liking a nice warm lap. Their other cat is more independent but talks to my mother (sort of sounds like she's scolding her), and snuggles in her lap frequently. She also puts up her paw to my mom's shoulder - I swear it looks like a little baby snuggling with her mom. When we grown children visit, the cats look at us as if to say, "These are my people now. You grew up and left, so don't even try to take our places!" LOL.

AuntieAnn said... 14

Too bad, and the one thing all our resident Canucks here on the blog had going for them is that Kate belongs to us, not them. Ha-ha, she's all yours now, girls. Her and Bieber.


The way I heard it was she was found by a colony of Canadian sasquatch who raised her until she was three. When they couldn't stand her anymore they took her across the border and left her in PA. She's yours.

And is it any wonder why the Sasquatch stay hidden?

Millicent said... 15

I may have read all of Agatha Christie's books over the years. She was an amazing mystery writer, and her own life story is interesting as well. I think they have made at least two movie versions of "And Then There Were None." I still will pick up and re-read her books from time to time. I wonder where Cara got the idea that the story was set in Maine?

Tucker's Mom said... 16

The kids are way too old to be spewing out food they don't like back on their plate in a big honking loogie. Pick up your napkin for goodness sake and be a lady. Kate happens to be there for that, and doesn't say anything about it.

I was shocked to see one after another spit out food- way too old for that.
But, Kate acted far more childish with her yucky-faced grimacing, instead of controlling herself and sitting with the kids, watching their reactions.
I mean, they're not eating monkey brains!

I love lobster, but my first experience with WHOLE lobster was a bit shocking, with the guts and tamale. I want to Maine shortly after, and just told myself to get the hell over it- and I did.
Came home with lobster breath.

AuntieAnn said... 17

TLC stinks said... 2

Hmmm, let the grifting begin! Kate wants a bigger house. Well, that house is huge and if she had to, she could add on a few more bedrooms but she does not want to spend her nickels.


Kate has a gluttonous compulsion for more more more. She'll never be satisfied with what she has. I read somewhere that her bedroom and en suite alone are about 800 sq. feet. People have raised bigger families in smaller homes than that. She is a pig.

Tucker's Mom said... 18

The kids are way too old to be spewing out food they don't like back on their plate in a big honking loogie. Pick up your napkin for goodness sake and be a lady. Kate happens to be there for that, and doesn't say anything about it.

Kate whining about outgrowing that huge manse is just another example of her tone deafness.
After everything she's got, it takes guts to complain.
I have to wonder if this is why most of Kate's fans are children, teens and young women. Grown-ups know how much things cost, and how unobtainable Kate's lifestyle and "things" are and are made ill by her constant complaining and crying for more, more, more.

Tucker's Mom said... 19

Sue_Buddy said... 3
Admin, you're a saint sitting through that whole gawd-awful episode. I saw bits and pieces on YouTube and had to take several breaks, especially during Kate's screeching and screaming scenes
Amen, Sue Buddy. I dvr'd the episodes, but most of what I watched was on YouTube so I could skip past most of it.
Kate's SCREAMING over tiny crabs just did me in.

AuntieAnn said... 20

Given that the cost of a lobster tail where we lived was around the same as a car payment, my parents never bought it from the grocery or ordered it in a restaurant. I never tried it until I left home. It's delicious but a rare delicacy, still.

pym said... 21

Admin said...

Kate thought it was cute to ask the younger kids if they could choose, would they leave Mady and Cara there on the island and not pick them up. But some of them actually don't want to pick them up and that's mostly just troublesome, not cute, funny, or whatever.

Thanks Admin. Great work as always.

The only snippet I watched was the above and although some of the kids were willing to leave the twins on the island others were very anxious to rescue them, Mady in particular. Kate was surprised by this (as was I). I have been thinking of Mady as a warrior princess in training. Well, maybe not 'in training" because there is no one to train her, she is figuring it all out for herself. She knows she has power but hasn't figured out how best to use it. Who indeed, does at that age? However, in spite of their differences in that dysfunctional house there is bonding going on. Jon might not be their only hope. Maybe they are beginning to save themselves. The eight are the only constants in their lives and perhaps this is a sign that Kate will have less and less ability to divide them.

AuntieAnn said... 22

Here is an old listing of the McMansion. Even before the upgrades of the solar panels, the remodeled kitchen and the additional bedroom in the basement, the property was still massive:

"Incredible homestead on 24 acres. Top of the line Craft Maid kitchen w/viking stove & Subzero ref.,cherry floors throughout first floor. Beautiful views,privacy and great entertaining areas. Lower level finished w/fireplace and bath. 24,000 gal. Carlton pool w/hot tub. First floor owners suite app. 800 sq.ft. 10 fenced acres, 4 stall bank barn with new siding, roof, electric & water. In-law or caretaker suite w/kit., BR, LR, BA 800 sq. ft add. Sep. heat and security. **Land is "NOT" able to be sub-divided"

Formerly Duped said... 23

Great recap, Admin. I thought I imagined Kate said 'drownd" I didn't? Yikes? Not the A+ English student with a gift-o-gab she claims to be!

And Then There Were None is based on the kids' rhyme Ten Little Indians and takes place on an island. Maybe that's the mix-up. The play based on the book is also called Ten Little Indians.

Sue_Buddy said... 24

Kate's SCREAMING over tiny crabs just did me in.

Yes!! She was screaming as though she were being murdered. She'd go looking for those little crabs and each time she would see one she'd scream bloody murder, literally. I had to click off YouTube at that point.

Millicent said... 25

"The twins say Kate pays them for good grades. Not so sure Kate wanted the fact that she's bribing them for good grades to come out, given that's one of the most controversial parenting choices you can make. (For the record, Dave Ramsey doesn't think it's a problem, because he feels it's essential that children be taught to associate hard work with money.)"
My parents never paid us for good grades - they just expected that we would do our best in school. I'm the same way - I expect my son will try his best and I don't pay him for getting A's or B's. However, I have used bribes (although I called them rewards) in the past for different things. Example: In kindergarten, he (like many kids) had trouble saying goodbye and letting me go when I dropped him off. So I set up a weekly chart. For each day that he was able to say goodbye and let me know within a reasonable time, he'd earn a star. At the end of the week, we would count up the number of stars. 3 stars = some small prize; 4 stars = scoop of ice cream from Baskin Robbiins; and 5 stars = small Pokemon pack. It worked and he was able to separate from me more easily after just a couple of weeks.

But if paying your child for each A they receive works, then I don't see anything necessarily wrong with that. However, in Kate's case, I think she over-uses the bribe method for all sorts of things, and I doubt it's instilling a good work ethic in her kids. ~ Administrator said... 26

But if paying your child for each A they receive works, then I don't see anything necessarily wrong with that. However, in Kate's case, I think she over-uses the bribe method for all sorts of things, and I doubt it's instilling a good work ethic in her kids.


The one criticism of it that Dave has is that some kids just glide through hardly trying and pull A's while others work as hard as they possibly can and may only pull a C or a B.

In that situation it doesn't seem fair to pay the kid who just happens to be naturally good at grades and not pay the kid really trying and working hard. In other words he's saying you have to be careful that paying for grades makes sense for each individual child.

Millicent said... 27

Outgrowing that huge house? So she wants a new home and is hoping TLC will help foot the bill? Leave it to Kate to be on the wrong side of the current trend, which is downsizing. More and more people are opting to leave a smaller environmental footprint, not a bigger one! My family grew up in a two-story country house and amazingly all 8 kids plus 2 parents, and later on, my grandmother(!), fit in the house. She's full of nonsense about them outgrowing the house.

TLC stinks said... 28

Oh Lord! She tweets Zorro is saying "mom".

PA Dutch Mom said... 29

I don't know if the uptalk is considered a new "trend," or if it's a regional thing, but when I got to college many years ago, I was teased about it. I never noticed that I did it until my roommate asked me why my sentences always sounded like a question.

Listening to Kate, though, really grates on the nerves. I just can't stand her voice, and I'm not sure if it's because of the uptalk, her terrible phrasing, her silly "ish," all of the "likes," or just misuse of descriptive words.

I hope that I still don't do the uptalk. I'm going to pay closer attention when I speak!

Math Girl said... 30

Layla said... 6
Sue Buddy (4),
It will be interesting to see what happens with My Big Fat Fab Life and K+8. A big difference is that Whitney (from BFFL) is probably willing to accept a much smaller paycheck, and doesn't demand as much as Kate. Plus she's probably much easier to work with than Kate (and now several of the kids), plus TLC probably doesn't have to spend so much editing out bad stuff (and then re-editing after episodes are shown) as they do with K+8. There are a lot of good arguments for going with BFFL rather than K+8.
Layla, I commend you on your use of abbreviations. You used the whole name of the show, then later abbreviated it to BFFL. You briefly said who Whitney is, instead of leaving it for us infer or puzzle over. You used the abbreviation K+8 without explanation, since everybody on a Gosselin blog should know what that is. Bravo!

I noticed that Sue Buddy also uses abbreviations in a way that is succinct but doesn't leave readers scratching their heads. Bravo to her also.

Millicent said... 31

Growing up with 7 siblings, my parents budgeted their money very carefully. That means we didn't ever have lobster as kids. Instead, we had tuna pie on Fridays, or tuna casserole, or occasionally halibut. I'm like Admin - I have had lobster as an adult and I didn't particularly like it. Certainly not enough to pay for it a second time. I guess I am a beer and burgers kind of gal.

But whatever budget-conscious meal was placed before us, we were taught good table manners. Then again, we weren't kept in high chairs or given sippy cups and divided plastic plates forever either. I would have thought the children would have learned better table/eating etiquette by being around other kids at school. I bet they behave differently when they are at school or with Jon than they do with their mother.

chefsummer #Leh said... 32

"If you need your fur baby to be happy, then there he will be. That made a lot of sense to me. There has also been some very recent and groundbreaking research examining MRI's from dogs that is showing that dogs do feel love and many other complex emotions scientists used to think only humans could experience. No soul? Science says you're wrong, Kate!"

I know be for I owned my two Apso dogs I never thought I would truly love and animal or that. I could be attached to one like I'm with my two pups.

IMO of Kate truly loved or bounded with Shoka like she says she does/did she could never think animals don't have souls.

JMO said... 33

I didn't watch the most recent episode (viewed some prior shows on You Tube) so thanks for the recap! You are a brave soul, Admin!

Bottom line, her twins will not film any longer without a companion. Mady calls TFW out on her crap; Cara has checked out. Most kids would not want their lives filmed for all of the world to see, it's just not right at this age.

The girl tups have full run and can screech should and hit; the boys are zombies, who don't utter much. I did like the "zip line" description of the boys, as they seemed to be happy. It's AMAZING what can happen when you let your kids individually choose things they enjoy, rather than including them as an 8 pack. I bet the tups would LOVE to do things as individuals and develop their own interests, but TFW still has not made that happen. She has help, so I am sure she could hire someone to take them to do their "own thing," but she still wants to keep them under her control. The tups behavior is disturbing on so many levels - screeching, hitting, pushing girls and silent boy tups. Cara and Mady have drawn a line in the sand, and are not going along with the "script."

Seems like Collin has found a way to stay in her favor, by staying back home, when the kids visit their dad. He is a very bright, well spoken kid( when he dares to speak.)

TFW will never be happy with what she has; she is a bottomless pit that will never allow her to be satisfied with anything. On the other hand, as the boys get older, things will change. She has 3 great boys, and I hope that they get to spend some time alone with Jon, because I honestly believe they need someone to reinforce how great they really are. None of this is anything she should be proud of. ~ Administrator said... 34

I just don't think uptalk is a regional thing. I've heard it from people from all different parts of the country. I never heard such a speech pattern living in PA, I don't hear it from the 9 other Gosselin family members, and I don't recall hearing it from a single other person who has ever been on this show before. It's just Kate doing it.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that. I believe it to be a modern development in the American accent that has absolutely nothing to do with PA. Now some of her words like "owwwn" for "on" and so on, do strike me as regional and are accents I've heard before living there. Jon's accent sounds very Philly to me.

Here's an article about the uplift from 2001, it makes no mention that it has to do with PA. Rather, it says they believed it developed on the west coast, and Austin, Texas, and spread like wildfire to the rest of the country, and derived from Valley girl talk. It's a variation of it, according to the linguistic experts. Danny Devito remarked how his son does it. His son was born and raised in CA, not PA. It was first officially identified in 1993.

The thing is, all the experts seem to agree this is a teen thing. I think the bottom line is this is Kate trying to talk like a teen. Pathetic.

TLC stinks said... 35

I think paying a child for A's is a way to build resentment between siblings when the child that is doing well in school has more cash to spend. Every child is different. My daughter struggled but my son coasted through high school. She already resented that he he did not have to work hard in school, so adding a cash reward to the mix would have made things worst. Just another example of Kate pitting the kids against each other. She gets off on humiliating them.

TLC stinks said... 36

The uptalk with using "like" sets a horrible example for those kids and it makes her sound juvenile. I don't recall her speaking like that years ago, only the made up words and the regional pronunciation. ~ Administrator said... 37

The uptalk with using "like" sets a horrible example for those kids and it makes her sound juvenile. I don't recall her speaking like that years ago


No she didn't, which lends credence to the belief that it's not her PA accent at all but rather something she picked up years later while trying to sound like something she is not. If it were just her accent, she should have been doing it since her 6 babies days. She hasn't been. ~ Administrator said... 38

I think paying a child for A's is a way to build resentment between siblings when the child that is doing well in school has more cash to spend. Every child is different. My daughter struggled but my son coasted through high school. She already resented that he he did not have to work hard in school, so adding a cash reward to the mix would have made things worst. Just another example of Kate pitting the kids against each other. She gets off on humiliating them.


It seems to me it could work very well if you have an only child.

With siblings it sounds ripe for conflict, since as you said every child is different. It doesn't seem fair for a child who barely tries to be rolling in the dough just because she or he studies 2 minutes and pulls A's from that.

Anonymous said... 39 (Administrator) said... 22

I just don't think uptalk is a regional thing.


I think in her case, she's subconsciously questioning herself. Maybe trying to convince herself.

PJ ~ Administrator said... 40

But whatever budget-conscious meal was placed before us, we were taught good table manners.


Yes. I didn't get the sense that the kids appreciated they were eating a delicacy.

Not just lobsters but the other seafood that they were eating too is all very expensive. I suppose Kate is mostly at fault for that, she doesn't explain to them that this is to be appreciated and respected because she herself doesn't see it as something like that.

PA Dutch Mom said... 41

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that. I believe it to be a modern development in the American accent that has absolutely nothing to do with PA.


Hmmm.. interesting, since I had it when I went to college which would have been before it was "identified." At that time, we knew nothing about Valley Girl talk. There's really nothing to agree to disagree on because I said that I don't know if it's a modern trend or regional thing. I just don't know. Could it be both?

I never really noticed it from other locals, but perhaps that's because so many of them do it! I just caught myself doing it during a phone call. I can make a statement that sounds like a statement, but I can also say the same sentence so that it sounds somewhat like a question, but not really. It's hard to explain. I do know, though, that my inflection isn't nearly as pronounced as Kate's, and for me, it's not a teen thing! Maybe we all were trend setters, ahead of our time, and never knew it!

But, wait a minute. What am I saying? According to the Sheep, we locals don't even live in the USA!

roxyhelen said... 42

I have been away and I am far behind but have we discussed the fact that the children no longer have those introduction lines: "On this episode of Kate plus 8" "Coming up next..." ? I just realised.I wonder if it's because the children refuse to cooperate.Like, Kate can make them be there for filming, but she cannot force them to recite these lines anymore?

I cannot believe you had the strength to sit through an entire episode.God knows I failed miserably.Who is still interested in this show? It's like watching the paint dry, it's just so boring. I saw a part of the room switch episode and a few things stuck:
1.Mady was upset when they went to film her and Cara's old room.She said something like why were "they" up there? Was she talking about younger siblings or the camera crew? I think it was about the cameras.
2.Mady or Cara said that the boys moved from a freezer to a room which is why their new room seemed so cool.What the actual f ? So everyone knows/finds it normal that the boys are treated like crap?
3.Confirming my suspicions, Hannah says that they will all have their own rooms when Mady and Cara move out...well, the girls will, the boys can just keep sharing(tone of voice suggesting they are worthless).

PJ's momma said... 43

Sue_Buddy, my husband has an irrational and deep fear of heights too. He flies a lot, but heights on still fixtures terrify him. He is terrified to the point that he doesn't want ME to do things that involve them either. I pointed out that if he loved spiders, I wouldn't keep him from loving them apart from me. So he doesn't balk if I go ziplining or climb a tall height. Last week in Florence, I climbed 414 steps to the top of a church tower and took a picture of him down there on the ground, a tiny dot. He couldn't even look at it. I understand. We all have irrational fears of some sort.
Millicent, I LOVED that Pitbulls and Parolees episode! Nobody could script something that tender and beautiful. When that pitty ran to his owner, who he hadn't seen in way over a year, we just cried. He needed his mama. Souls, indeed! ~ Administrator said... 44

I have been away and I am far behind but have we discussed the fact that the children no longer have those introduction lines: "On this episode of Kate plus 8" "Coming up next..." ? I just realised.I wonder if it's because the children refuse to cooperate.Like, Kate can make them be there for filming, but she cannot force them to recite these lines anymore?


Yes, also could just be budget too. It takes time and money to film anything, including little intros like that. You don't get it all on the first take. Doing those things with the kids could burn half a day. Cutting it saves half a day's budget.

Those shows feel more low budget than ever, ever before.

Winsomeone said... 45

OT....TWOP wouldn't even let people post about Jon and Kate plus 8, because the fans and non-fans got so ugly. The blog that replaced it, Previously TV, allows posts about Kate Plus 8. It started in November, and there are less than 500 total posts so far. To me, that shows that people just are not that interested in Kate any more period.

PA Dutch Mom said... 46

Given that the cost of a lobster tail where we lived was around the same as a car payment, my parents never bought it from the grocery or ordered it in a restaurant. I never tried it until I left home. It's delicious but a rare delicacy, still.


I really like it, but unfortunately, I've never found any local places that have really good lobster tail (forget Red Lobster), so I wait until we're at a seafood restaurant at the beach to have it. It's a special treat and we look forward to it every summer, along with cherrystone clams on the half shell, raw oysters and bouillabaisse, and escargot in garlic butter!

Great. Now I am craving lobster. ~ Administrator said... 47

I was craving lobster recapping this and I don't even like it. Lol.

Even though I don't like it, visually it looks very good to me, with the bright red colors and bright white meat, especially the idea of dipping it into a big bowl of warm, lovely clarified butter.

Formerly Duped said... 48

I think the reward system for grades is ok in principle but when you have 6 kids and 2 kids in the same grades, maybe not. It's obvious some of the G kids may be better students than others- Cara even said she was 'smarter" than Mady. Collin is said to be bored by school since it comes 'too easily' to him according to Kate. One of the boys mixes things up sometimes and needed Hannah's help with money in the souvenir store.Aaden was described as 'clueless" and 'lost" by his brothers. The G six were not all ready for K at the same time, so I can see resentment growing. H's attitude to Joel was rather condescending in that store.

PA Dutch Mom said... 49

Oops, admin, forgot to say that your recap was wonderful. I don't watch the shows because I don't want to see her, but I do enjoy reading about her antics!

Since Gladys has been neglectful fulfilling her duties in weather reporting, and Kate is clueless and we know she reads here...

Issued at: 3:42 PM EST on February 12, 2015, expires at: 12:00 PM EST on February 13, 2015

...Wind Chill Advisory in effect from 10 PM this evening to noon EST Friday... The National Weather Service in Mount Holly has issued a Wind Chill Advisory, which is in effect from 10 PM this evening to noon EST Friday.

Wind chill low as 10 to 15 degrees below zero.

Winds...northwest 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph.

Timing...the most dangerous wind chill values are expected to occur from about midnight tonight through mid morning on Friday.

Impacts...the combination of strong winds and Arctic air will lead to very low wind chills, resulting in frostbite and hypothermia if precautions are not taken. Precautionary/preparedness actions... A Wind Chill Advisory means that very cold air and strong winds will combine to generate low wind chills. This will result in frostbite and lead to hypothermia if precautions are not taken. If you must venture outdoors, make sure to dress in layers and cover exposed skin."

That means no exposed cleavage!

Saturday and Sunday are supposed to be even colder with a low of minus one, and windchill of minus 20. Fun stuff, huh? I better stock up on pee pads because the dogs refuse to go outside in this weather. Can't blame them.

Anonymous said... 50

Lobster is nice, but give me Alaskan King Crab any day of the week. Sweeter and a nicer texture.


chefsummer #Leh said... 51

Watching inside edition a dog walked/ran 20 miles to see her owner..If that's not love than IDK what is.

And KK say's animals have no souls. #mindlessidiot

Insert Creative Username Here said... 52

Agree with PA Dutch Mom. No good restaurants down here for seafood (except Devon Grille in Hershey, but it's pricey). I miss living north of Boston for that alone, especially in the summer. We used to buy $5/lb live lobsters at the grocery store and steam them ourselves. I could never tell the difference between a $5/lb grocery store lobster and a $40 fancy restaurant lobster. Although I will say shacks on the shore in NE have the best lobster rolls. My homemade ones never turn out quite as mouth watering. But still, I could usually find those in the summer for $15 for a lb of lobster meat.

You can't beat NE seafood. And instead of teaching her kids the greatness of obtaining quality local seafood cheaply, she hires a personal chef to come and cook and teach the kids, then leaves them alone with her. She does parenting all wrong. don't need any of those lobster bibs / claw crackers either. Those are for suckers. You can take apart a whole lobster without ever using a utensil. I would never buy that many lobster "things" that they'll only use once and never get the hang of. It's like she thinks because it's on a lobster plate it's more special or something. Materialistic dummy. ~ Administrator said... 53
So was that all editing??


Holy guacamole, somebody in production HATES HER. lol!

PA Dutch Mom said... 54

It started in November, and there are less than 500 total posts so far. To me, that shows that people just are not that interested in Kate any more period.


How are things going over on GWOP? I stopped reading there when they were basically down to just a few comments, with a fellow who lives in the area copying and pasting entire articles about Kate.

angie said... 55

The lawn boys are coming right after her, and then the lobster delivery person will arrive, followed by four calling birds three french hens and two nannies.
loved the recap, LOL...but you forgot 1 purseboy!
(looking for my wooden spoon) ~ Administrator said... 56

Lobster is nice, but give me Alaskan King Crab any day of the week. Sweeter and a nicer texture.



I love crab cakes. We went to this place near Baltimore and they brought you buckets of shellfish and a hammer and we pounded away at them and ate them, it took hours. I also love clams and mussels, I may post the huge platter of them I had on vacation last week, it was nuts.

I like a lot of seafood but I don't like lobster and I don't like scallops. Scallops taste harsh to me. ~ Administrator said... 57

I think the reward system for grades is ok in principle but when you have 6 kids and 2 kids in the same grades, maybe not.


Essentially how I feel. I don't mind it, depending on the child, as long as it doesn't create conflict among siblings. Eight siblings, that's just too much to make it work.

Doing it to twins is even worse, since twins usually compare themselves to each other far more than siblings of different ages do.

PA Dutch Mom said... 58


What really bothers me as much as the use of "like" and "literally" is that everything is "amazing." I was listening to a radio interview this morning, and I just wanted to scream. They didn't seem to be able to come up with any other adjectives. Everything is amazing this and amazing that. Throw in a few "awesomes" and you have the current foundation for the English language.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 59

Just wanted to say how much I enjoy everyone's comments
I read every word, and even if it's an opinion I don't agree with,
I appreciate some insight into that other point of view. It's
nice to see new names once in a while, and I encourage any
lurkers to jump in!

CS said... 60

Kate Gosselin, Tom Bergeron To Host Kids Show
This is funny.

angie said... 61

Kate has a gluttonous compulsion for more more more. She'll never be satisfied with what she has. I read somewhere that her bedroom and en suite alone are about 800 sq. feet. People have raised bigger families in smaller homes than that. She is a pig.
Well hell's bells! Ok, so how big was Beth's first house(I believe even she has downsized, LOL)..

Kate's house does confound me though, as big as it is (what, over 6000 sq ft?), those bedrooms are TEENY. I bet the girls are going to be cramped in one bedroom as they get older. (I guess when the older girls leave that will free up some bedrooms).

and good to hear that Kate has 800sq feet just for her. She worked for it and the kids were only playing in front of the cameras. *eyeroll* ~ Administrator said... 62

Catching up on Top Chef and here is how you get fired with class:

"Thank you for the opportunity. It's been awesome."

And that's it, just walk out.

Anonymous said... 63

BTW, was this the rental house they refused to vacate and made another family scramble to find accommodation? The one where someone hid the tv remote?


Formerly Duped said... 64

PA Dutch Mom said... 58


Yes!...and 'same exact' and misuse of 'myself' which Kate does a lot, and "less instead of 'few.' I could go on...

getofftwitter said... 65

CS: That is right up Kates alley. But you know Kate would find a way to make it all about her, and manage to cry/bitch/whine & complain and blame it on Jon.

As for the spitting out of food, that is bad manners. Wasn't Kate bitchin to the kids about their manners in that episode? Several times? I guess this must have slipped past her.

I like Red Lobster, plan on going there this weekend. To pig out, on seafood.

Over In TFW's County said... 66

Regional accents are so interesting. Even though Berks is only a county away from Lancaster, the accents are different. I can often tell when a "local" is from Lancaster because of the accent! I never really noticed that Jon has a Philly accent, though. I always thought he just sounds like he's from southeastern PA.

Kate, bring that dog inside this weekend, and not just at night. I don't care if he doesn't like to be inside. The weather reporting stations are saying that this will be a dangerously cold period, some of the worst we've seen in a long time. Even if he has a heated bed outside, I don't think that's going to help much in this weather. You don't want to go outside and find him frozen to the patio.

Math Girl said... 67

PA Dutch Mom said... 58

What really bothers me as much as the use of "like" and "literally" is that everything is "amazing." I was listening to a radio interview this morning, and I just wanted to scream. They didn't seem to be able to come up with any other adjectives. Everything is amazing this and amazing that. Throw in a few "awesomes" and you have the current foundation for the English language.
Most people use "literally" to mean "figuratively, but I really mean it".

"Everything is awesome" has crept into my vocabulary since seeing "The Lego Movie". But I have noticed the overuse of the single word "awesome". Is it really awesome that I ordered the beef dip? If I'd ordered the burger instead, would it still be awesome? Maybe the server is just happy that I made a choice without asking a zillion questions and dithering for 10 minutes, considering my aged appearance. It's easy to be awesome if the bar is set low enough.

Millicent said... 68

CS said... 60
Kate Gosselin, Tom Bergeron To Host Kids Show
This is funny.
That was hilarious and written well enough that I bet more than a few sheeple think it's an actual show.

"Producers say they do plan to have a psychologist on hand during every taping in the event any of the children are traumatized after spending more than two minutes in Kate Gosselin's presence."

Tucker's Mom said... 69

I tend to believe Kate has a fear of heights. Over the past few years I've developed an uncontrollable fear of heights. I took a road trip a couple of years ago and had to map out a route that avoided mountain roads because the mere thought of traveling on a road where there's a several thousand feet drop makes me break out in a sweat--the mere thought of it!! Due to unforeseen circumstances, I had to change my route and ended up having to drive through the mountains and I was terrified and talking myself through it the whole time. Knowing there were barriers to prevent a car from careening over the side were no help. People can't understand it unless they've experienced it. My family just looks at me blankly when I try and explain it.
Yup, Sue- I get it. I am the same way.
I would never have put myself on a sky jump
Not my thing.
I'm OK with that.

I know my limits. We live near mountain ranges, (small by most standards) and it's hard.

Sue_Buddy said... 70

PJ's momma said... 43
Sue_Buddy, my husband has an irrational and deep fear of heights too. He flies a lot, but heights on still fixtures terrify him.

Same with me. I guess it has something to do with not being attached to anything fixed, as you say. Perhaps we just took the old saying, "Keep your feet on the ground...." very seriously.

Over In TFW's County said... 71

Ms Whitney ️ ‏@Ms__Whitney 40m40 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate!! 🙋🙋🙋 Have you seen this of Matt Lauer? 🙈🙈🙊🙊 #OMG

Unless Kate has the hots for Lauer, why would she be interested in seeing him in bondage attire?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 58m58 minutes ago
#KatePlus8 did not disappoint. Delivered a winner 4 @TLC again! Five shows...avg. viewership 1.6million! People still love > @Kateplusmy8

Gladys, you silly, slly sheeple. Could it be that people love to hate Kate, or that they watched to see the kids mouth off and have melt-downs....your proverbial train wreck factor? Let a network give Kate a show of her own without the kids and see how that works out for her.

Was the average 1.6 million? I haven't been paying attention.

PJ's momma said... 72

Sue_Buddy, I have had the experience, twice, of going on a ziplining excursion with someone who had a fear of heights. They were terrified throughout. I mean, they were shaking, gripping the gear, white, and nearly crying, after each jump. You generally start at one line and have to zip through a course or forest or jungle to get to the end. Once you go up, there's really only one way down, especially after the first jump. I felt sad for them, but it ruined everyone's else's experience too. It wasn't fair to them or to the others. I never understood why they thought they could conquer their fears that way - or why the companies didn't warn them that it was going to be a very difficult day for them. They just took their money and went tandem with them, which did nothing to alleviate their terror. Sad. NOT go ziplining!

Sue_Buddy said... 73

Was the average 1.6 million? I haven't been paying attention.

The whole "series" ended up in that range, a little less than 1.5 million and something. And that's a good number for TLC (Totally Low Class). They rarely end up on TV by the Numbers top 100 list.

AuntieAnn said... 74

Yup, Sue- I get it. I am the same way.
I would never have put myself on a sky jump
Not my thing.
I'm OK with that.


I have great fear of heights that's only gotten worse over the years. A funny thing happens even if I see a photo taken from a height - my feet start to ache and I mean really hurt. It's weird.

But I still have no sympathy for Kate' terrifying sky jump. For the money she gets paid just to be an asshole she should get pushed off high buildings once in a while.

fade2black said... 75

PJ's momma...43...He flies a lot, but heights on still fixtures terrify him.
I used to have the same fear, I finally came to realize the fear was only on man-made heights so I'm thinking it was probably more a trust issue. My son spent quite a bit of time on the 6th floor of a hospital with a *shudder* glass elevator. I had to either find a way to get over it or agonize through that cursed elevator several times a day for weeks at a time. After a few years of elevator agony, I did a 14-story bungee jump (minus all of Kate's histrionics) and, while I can't say the fear instantly vanished, it became manageable. Even now, years later, when I am faced with a height, I tell myself it's not as bad as that jump so I can get through it. I don't recommend bungee jumping for every acrophobic, but it worked for me.

Over In TFW's County said... 76

I tend to believe Kate has a fear of heights. Over the past few years I've developed an uncontrollable fear of heights. I took a road trip a couple of years ago and had to map out a route that avoided mountain roads because the mere thought of traveling on a road where there's a several thousand feet drop makes me break out in a sweat--the mere thought of it!!


Then you don't ever want to take a cruise and do a shore excursion on some of those Caribbean islands. The worst one I ever did meant we had to ride on a rickety old bus up winding roads to a monastery. The roads, which were two lanes by their definition, were poorly paved and barely wide enough to accommodate two cars in passing, let alone a bus. There were hairpin curves all along the way. You could look down and not see a road at the side...only very steep drop-offs to the valley below. No guard rails at all.

On that particular ride, I sat in the back, told all of us not to move because I was afraid any movement would upset the balance in the bus, and I closed my eyes and prayed the whole way up and the whole way down. Never again.

Math Girl said... 77

CS said... 60
Kate Gosselin, Tom Bergeron To Host Kids Show
This is funny.
This almost gave me a heart attack. Is it real? Is it parody? Oh, please let it be parody. By the end, I was pretty sure it was parody, but I still wanted to look up cap news to be absolutely sure.

Has anyone heard of this site? I've heard of the Onion, but not this one. It isn't even in Wikipedia.

Suze said... 78


We've been talking about food competition shows and I'd like to suggest one on the 'W' Network called "Pressure Cooker". The home cooks must prepare a dish using foods they select that come down a conveyor belt. Of course the clock is a big issue and there is a lot of pressure/ They are helped by celebrity chefs like Rocco Dispirito, Duff Goldman. The dishes are judged by the "Million Dollar Food critic", Giles Coren. The pro chefs offer suggestions and lend a hand if needed w/ prep, etc. Instead of a focus on sabotage, I think the show has more on cooperation, info, and technique.

chefsummer #Leh said... 79

But I still have no sympathy for Kate' terrifying sky jump. For the money she gets paid just to be an asshole

Don't forget she had to show up her twins who were 10 at the time.

She couldn't let them do and she not do it.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 80

My fear story ... I'm afraid of birds close to me because once as a child I was trapped in a small space with a terrified sparrow. It's still so bad I duck when I see birds flying near in parks! The sound of flapping wings gives me chills. I scream if one gets in the house.

After 15 years ago, I was on a Caribbean cruise, and a woman on a small (4 foot by maybe 15 foot wide) deck was feeding seagulls. The birds were perched all around.

Something told me to go out there and face my fear--although I didn't know why. Finally, I worked up to it and forced myself to go out and stand a few minutes. It was just the two of us and all those big birds. Truly an awful, creepy feeling!

The next day, I was out snorkeling and lost track of where I was and the rest of the party. I lifted my head and realized I was in very deep water, alone, and there must have been 40 seagulls perched on the water all around me!

Thank goodness I'd faced my fear (at least a little) the day before because if I'd panicked in that deep water alone, I might have drowned. Instead I took a deep breath, kept my face in the water so I couldn't see them, and slowly swam back to shore.

Sometimes you feel like someone is looking out for you ... But, boy, these phobias are rough!

CS said... 81

Math Girl 77.

Yes! It is a parody. Go to CAP News and read some of the articles.

Judge Lifts Limits On 'Morning After' Lollipop.

Kids Not Told To Sit Down, Shut Up Nearly Enough, Study Finds


Formerly Duped said... 82

It was funny how Kate would wax poetic abut her special memories and in the mishmash of clips, it showed Collin pushing Alexis off the picnic table seat or the boys hitting one another with trucks. Yup, great memories.What a strange, non-chronological collection of shots.

It might have been interesting to have the kids in the commentary of they would not talk over one another

localyocul said... 83

Dogs have no souls huh?

Warmth Of The Sun said... 84

This is totally off topic...

I'm watching The Buddy Holly Story and even though this was all before "my time," I've always liked the music of the 50s and 60s. There was someone on here some time ago who had a relative, an aunt maybe, who was at his last concert at the Surf Ballroom in Iowa. Who was that? I know I'm not dreaming.

Kate's bucket list has included trips to Paris, South America, and she always wanted to go to Ireland (or so she says). I've only had three things on my list. The first one has been done, the second one will never happen because the performer passed away recently, which leaves me with one thing. While Kate wants to see exotic places and travel abroad, I'm just a simple person. I'd like to go to the place of Buddy's last show, a small venue in Clear Lake, IA. Is there anyone on this blog who lives near there?

Yes, I'm strange, but of course I don't have TLC funding trips!

Sleepless In Seattle said... 85

My fear story ... I'm afraid of birds close to me because once as a child I was trapped in a small space with a terrified sparrow. It's still so bad I duck when I see birds flying near in parks! The sound of flapping wings gives me chills. I scream if one gets in the house.


I was going to invite you to a wine-tasting party, but I don't think you'd be happy here! If I introduced you to Margarita, a beautiful Greenwing macaw who is an affectionate snuggler, would you change your mind about birds? She will sing some Jimmy Buffett songs and do a little dance for you. You couldn't be afraid of this one...honest.

ncgirl said... 86

Somebody mentioned the Previously site that replaced TWOP. I read the Kate forum, and people get along pretty well. There are a few defenders, but most people can't believe how the children fight and how Kate seems to hate motherhood. A few still think Jon is the devil.

Mel said... 87

One of the clips showed one of the boys just a-wailing on another boy....beating him over the head with a truck multiple times, and then pushing him hard enough that he fell away. of her best memories.

AuntieAnn said... 88

Virginia Pen Mom said... 80

Sometimes you feel like someone is looking out for you ... But, boy, these phobias are rough!


Virginia - did you find seagulls are a lot bigger when they're staring you in the face? They're huge! I'm glad you got over your phobia. I got stuck in pen full of turkeys one time and found out those suckers can be as mean as geese when they start nipping. I thought I was done for.

Suze said... 89

TFW is saying that they are outgrowing their present house (6700/6800 sf) just like they outgrew their last house. WTF! What an ignorant, selfish ass. There are plenty of public spaces in that house and they are huge.


I agree, the house is plenty big for the family! Kate talked about everything needing to be organized, out of sight, and in it's place and they showed many big and bulky storage pieces of furniture everywhere. She's feeling crowded because, instead of letting the house look lived in, she's filling up the space with storage pieces so everything can be out of sight. Gosh, she has so many storage pieces in the entry way it doesn't look like you can turn around.

Suze said... 90

It sounds to me like there were fundamental values differences between her and her parents, not bad parenting. Based on everything she has said, I'm more inclined to both feel sorry for her parents and give them the benefit of the doubt.


I've always thought the same, Admin.

BTW, glad you're back home, safe and sound. I and hope you had a wonderful trip!

AuntieAnn said... 91

Mel said... 87

One of the clips showed one of the boys just a-wailing on another boy....beating him over the head with a truck multiple times, and then pushing him hard enough that he fell away.


But Kate says 'we don't hit'.

For a family that doesn't hit one another or say shut up they sure hit each other and say shut up a lot.

Suze said... 92

It almost seemed like the choosing of clips was done by someone other than TFW. Whoever it was didn't dare choose the blatantly bad clips, but they did choose clips that didn't make her look particularly good, either. A little needling, perhaps?

And TFW didn't care enough to view/approve them ahead of time? Or select her own?

But.... But..... She's a producer!


I think her producer credit was originally a contract sweetener, a token title to make her feel important. I think she's given producer credit and some extra pay simply because she may help submit project ideas and maybe some couch Q&A suggestions. As for having veto power over what makes it to air? I don't think she has any power at all. IMO those decisions are made by people with experience who know what they're doing. Kate? NOT

FlimsyFlamsy said... 93

AuntieAnn (#88), you can't just say, "I got stuck in a pen full of turkeys
one time" and not expect any questions.

Will TFW forgo Valentine's Day with her kids to go to NYC to start
primping? Stay tuned!

Math Girl said... 94

Another article on the Bruce Jenner car crash, for anyone who is interested. There's a new theory of the sequence of collisions.

Jumping In said... 95

My husband and I had a farm in Ontario that came with two barn cats. One came up to the house and decided she wanted to be a house cat we happily obliged, the other female was shy and seemed to prefer the barn-life.

When the "house cat" had her kittens she was in our back kitchen and was cared for when she had her litter. We did not know the barn cat had a litter too until our dog let us know. Our Schnauzer came trotting up driveway with what looked like a rodent in her mouth. To our surprise, she gently put a newborn kitten down and wanted us to follow her back to the barn. It really was a "Jimmy fell in to the well" Lassie moment. Sure enough, the barn cat had her litter in a pile of dirt and hay and our dog must have felt she too deserved an upgrade. We then had two litters in our back kitchen.

We found homes for all the kittens but kept the one that our dog brought to us, we named him Eddie after the original homesteader of our farm.

Seventeen years later, and the night before we had to put our dog down Eddie shared our dog's bed and would not leave her side. We both felt that somehow he knew that as they started life out together, he was going to be by our dog's side the night before we had to let her go. They had never shared a bed before that night.

Yes, animals have souls.

Sleepless In Seattle said... 96

I got stuck in pen full of turkeys one time and found out those suckers can be as mean as geese when they start nipping. I thought I was done for.


I'm almost reluctant to ask this, but what circumstances led you to being stuck in a turkey pen?

FlimsyFlamsy said... 97

Jumping In (#95), that was a beautiful story. Surely Eddie was
saying goodbye to your dog. Thank you for sharing that!

chefsummer #Leh said... 98

One day I was visiting my aunt walking through her back yard and I happen to look up an saw a giant tarantula it jumped near me and ever since.

I have hated spiders all kinds of spiders big or small.

chefsummer #Leh said... 99

I can't even look at a photo of a spider without wanting to wincing or wanting to puke.

AuntieAnn said... 100

lol Flimsy. Okay. I was about 12-years-old and had been to a relative's wedding with my parents. The day after the wedding we stopped at the parents of the bride's farm and while my mom and dad were in the house I decided to take a stroll around the farm yard. I let myself into the turkey pen which was a pretty stupid thing to do.

There were a couple of hundred big turkeys in there ready for slaughter. At first just a few came over to investigate and then a few more and a few more and they all had this low gutteral sound coming out of their throats. Pretty soon they were all around me and one of them pecked my hand, then another. I started to panic but I lifted my arms over my head and slowly started to make my way to the gate.

By this time a few of them started grabbing at my pant legs. Their pinch stung and a couple of the miserable buggers drew blood. When I finally got out and went into the house, the farmer told me they probably thought I was in their pen to feed them and when I didn't they started nipping at me. I thought I was going to be their dinner. Geez it was scary. lol.

ncgirl said... 101

"Will TFW forgo Valentine's Day with her kids to go to NYC to start
primping? Stay tuned!"

She and Stevie can have a romantic weekend.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 102

AuntieAnn (#100), now THAT was a harrowing tale. And how
come those details sound more authentic to me than those of
a certain busybody and her lupine encounter?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 103

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 6h6 hours ago
@CandyDishes @SandieBellz @MY_2BCOLLIES @CarleneMarie_1 @GayleKg @Kateplusmy8 @CJWhodunit Thanks 2all..maybe banding 2gether we get it done!

With whom is Gladys banding and for what reason...or shouldn't I ask?

AuntieAnn -- do you enjoy a good turkey dinner, you know, kind of a pay-back thing?

Sleepless In Seattle said... 104

"Will TFW forgo Valentine's Day with her kids to go to NYC to start
primping? Stay tuned!"=

I read this as "pimping." I guess I don't see as well as I used to!

Sue_Buddy said... 105

With whom is Gladys banding and for what reason...or shouldn't I ask?

Kate's die hard fans are banding together to report cows/organics/sarasnowbunny every time she posts.

AuntieAnn said... 106

AuntieAnn -- do you enjoy a good turkey dinner, you know, kind of a pay-back thing?


Sleepless yep, to this day I think of those turkeys every time I roast one. I have no problem turning up the heat and shoving it in the oven. Peck at me will ya. lol!

Flimsy - do you think Kate will sit up and pay attention to me now? Or do I have to tell the story about my encounter with the Jersey Devil... it was back in '62 ...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 107

With whom is Gladys banding and for what reason...or shouldn't I ask?

Kate's die hard fans are banding together to report cows/organics/sarasnowbunny every time she posts.


Thanks, Sue. So she gets suspended. Like a nasty cold sore, she will just keep coming back. How many times can you get suspended before Twitter permanently suspends you? As long as you have another e-mail account, can you just keep creating new accounts?

Rhymes with Witch said... 108

If anyone has a chance to watch Carol Burnett getting the Mark Twain Prize on PBS please watch it.

AuntieAnn said... 109

Whoever it was didn't dare choose the blatantly bad clips, but they did choose clips that didn't make her look particularly good, either.


The thing with Kate is that she's a narcissist and she doesn't actually see anything wrong with HER behavior. It's all about what's wrong with everyone else so the clips are living proof of how difficult life is for her.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 110

What a noble cause -- defending an ungrateful, snotty, catty,
childish, untalented, hurtful, immature, mindless idiot. Someone
who apparently doesn't do anything to combat the hateful things
said about her own children on Twitter -- children who never
asked to be famous, and are now suffering because of it.
Funny how the fans never thought to put their efforts towards

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 111

Breaking News!

Little Uggs Junior got a job!

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@taylorswift13 you are so sweet! Name should be #TaylorSweet my son works at #AmericanGreetingsOH hope he meets you next time there #PApeeps

And Uggs Senior misses Kate...

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@Kateplusmy8 @radiogrl43 loved seeing the two of you again on @TLC miss my berks girls. #WeWereAgoodTeam miss you both. Hugs

And she has a new boyfriend!

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@drdre I can't wait for the #biopic so current & youth of today need to see your struggle and success #YouAreAnInspiration looking good too

JoyinVirginia said... 112

OT for those who love the Outer Banks, the end of Rodanthe Fishing Pier fell into the Atlantic Ocean after a bad storm this week. Check out

Kaya said... 113 (Administrator) said... 26
But if paying your child for each A they receive works, then I don't see anything necessarily wrong with that. However, in Kate's case, I think she over-uses the bribe method for all sorts of things, and I doubt it's instilling a good work ethic in her kids.


The one criticism of it that Dave has is that some kids just glide through hardly trying and pull A's while others work as hard as they possibly can and may only pull a C or a B.

In that situation it doesn't seem fair to pay the kid who just happens to be naturally good at grades and not pay the kid really trying and working hard. In other words he's saying you have to be careful that paying for grades makes sense for each individual child.
What is the relevance of Dave Ramsey's opinion? He's not a parenting expert and even if he were, you could find another "expert" with an opposing view.

chefsummer #Leh said... 114

Remember this?@kateplusmy8 "Don't think ur hate makes it 2me& doesn't penetrate me1bit. My energy is focused on my kids.U can'tget2me."

More butt kissing,

Anonymous said... 115

Suze said...

I think her producer credit was originally a contract sweetener, a token title to make her feel important. I think she's given producer credit and some extra pay simply because she may help submit project ideas and maybe some couch Q&A suggestions.


I think her producer credit is a way to shelter funds from the mandatory 15% that the kids get to split. Just a way for greedy Gosselin to have more for herself.


Jumping In, I'm in Ontario too and we had a "back kitchen" in our house. Gosh, that brings back memories. I haven't heard that term in a very long time. Thanks for that.


getofftwitter said... 116

PA Dutch mom: I too have been annoyed by celebs using amazing, when talking about people they met, or I should say people they don't exactly like. They will say: they are an amazing person or they were amazing. nothing like a white lie.

Sue_Buddy said... 117

Thanks, Sue. So she gets suspended. Like a nasty cold sore, she will just keep coming back. How many times can you get suspended before Twitter permanently suspends you? As long as you have another e-mail account, can you just keep creating new accounts?

Yes, as far as I know. She even tweeted that today. She'll keep coming back with a new account each time she's suspended. :(

Sleepless In Seattle said... 118

Remember this?@kateplusmy8 "Don't think ur hate makes it 2me& doesn't penetrate me1bit. My energy is focused on my kids.U can'tget2me."


If the hate doesn't get to her, then why does she get so testy with some of the tweeters, and why did she call on Bullyville to take them down? It certainly did make it to her, and it most definitely got to her to the point that she had to call in BV and his minions to rid Twitter of haters.

Milo tweeted that little ditty from Kate. For gosh sakes, Gladys, THINK before you bring up something like that. It makes Kate look like a liar, and you certainly don't want to do that.

Jumping In said... 119

Is anyone else getting the repeat of CA tonight of Kate getting fired? Why would they run that particular episode, or having they been re-running shows on Thursday nights?

The only thing worse for Kate getting fired once, is knowing there's a rerun of her getting fired before the big finale.

AuntieAnn said... 120

Brenda Schuettler @sweetbren66
@taylorswift13 you are so sweet! Name should be #TaylorSweet my son works at #AmericanGreetingsOH hope he meets you next time there #PApeeps


Oh. Dear. Lord.

I can't even imagine the embarrassment this woman causes her son. I sincerely hope Kate's twitter 'haterz' don't hold this poor guy responsible for his mother's complete lack of discretion.

Bill said... 121

Winsomeone said... 45

OT....TWOP wouldn't even let people post about Jon and Kate plus 8, because the fans and non-fans got so ugly. The blog that replaced it, Previously TV, allows posts about Kate Plus 8. It started in November, and there are less than 500 total posts so far. To me, that shows that people just are not that interested in Kate any more period.


Gee, thanks. I went over there out of curiosity and spent hours reading. Not about Kate Plus 8, but about Celebrity Apprentice.

They were discussing whether Hooters was appropriate for the boat tour task and I just had to come back and share this comment:

I taught my kids to recognize sexism by reversing the genders and seeing if the result seems ridiculous. So let's put male servers in speedos and call the place "Peckers" (you know, with a woodpecker as the mascot! It's just a bird! It's fun!). Hot dog, anyone?

Millicent said... 122

Jumping in, that was a heartwarming story about little Eddie.

Sue_Buddy said... 123

getofftwitter said... 115
PA Dutch mom: I too have been annoyed by celebs using amazing, when talking about people they met, or I should say people they don't exactly like. They will say: they are an amazing person or they were amazing. nothing like a white lie.

It's not just celebs. It's everyone. Everything is "amazing" and "awesome." I wish people would graduate to the "B" words now.

Sue_Buddy said... 124

Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm pretty tired of hearing "epic" and "iconic" as well, especially since whatever is being described that way is neither.

readerlady said... 125

PA Dutch Mom 58
Formerly Duped 64

And the inability to use First Person and Second Person personal pronouns properly.

TFMJG's bedroom "suite" is 800 Sq. feet? That's just a little bit smaller than my entire house! Of course, I don't share it with 8, count 'em, 8 kids, but I do have a lot of books. They don't shriek and screech with delight, though.

TLC stinks said... 126

@SandieBellz @Kateplusmy8 Go 2block feature. Then click on #FileReport instead...follow the prompts after that.Enough folks do it/westop it!


Milo is gathering up her storm troopers. No one can say anything negative about her beloved Kate. Well, the next time any of the storm troopers go nuclear on Jon, they should get the same treatment. #FileReport

I really cannot stand how Kate allows her minions to do her bidding. These idiots really believe they have a relationship with Kate Gosselin.

redbirdsings said... 127

Yes, animals do have souls!

The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. Isaiah 11:6 KJV

Rhymes with Witch said... 128

Local, I saw this on the morning news.

redbirdsings said... 129

Did CA really rerun TFW's firing? Whoa, Nelly!

She deserves it.

Trip to NYC, NOBU, Salons, Steve, TV time, getting paid.

Rinse. Lather. Repeat.

redbirdsings said... 130

Wow. The Brian Williams saga continues!

Now he is saying he was with the Seals 6? when the Apache helicopter crashed and that a couple of days later he received an envelope with a thank you note, unsigned and with a piece of fuselage of the helicopter, telling this to David Letterman.

Wow. Wish TFW could get this same treatment and outrage for all of her big Whopper lies.

I saw the GIFS. Someone in production can't stand her! Trump has to know that TFW dissed him for firing him and to show HER firing before the finale? hahahaha Miss High Road Taker!

redbirdsings said... 131

OH! Another Bill Cosby accuser has come forward, but with a twist!

He raped her in Canada in her early 20's and Canada has NO SOL for this! All she has to is file charges.

Now, HE is finally SOL!

jbranck1980 said... 132

TFMJG's bedroom "suite" is 800 Sq. feet? That's just a little bit smaller than my entire house! Of course, I don't share it with 8, count 'em, 8 kids, but I do have a lot of books. They don't shriek and screech with delight, though.


Ours too! Our first house was just over 1300 sq ft (no finished basement) and we have 4 kids!! We would have stayed there for another year but our dream home came available so we jumped at the chance. We moved into a house two and a half times the size and were joking we need an intercom to track everyone down. Of course, the previous owners had 1 kid with another on the way and needed to move to a bigger house as they were running out of space. SMH. ~ Administrator said... 133

800 square feet IS huge.

Our house is 1,000 and that's plenty room for a large office, a large kitchen, dining room, etc. As it is I would have to shout to be heard across the place. Who wants to shout to be heard across their bedroom? I feel I'm living a very comfortable lifestyle certainly better than most of the world.

I wouldn't appreciate such a large bedroom. I don't hang out in there like she apparently does. Years ago I read that for the best sleep quality bedrooms should be reserved for sleep. And, um, the other thing. I get up and get ready for the day then don't go back in there until the evening.

Jumping In said... 134

Did CA really rerun TFW's firing? Whoa, Nelly!

She deserves it.

Trip to NYC, NOBU, Salons, Steve, TV time, getting paid.

Rinse. Lather. Repeat.


Except now the waiter can say excitedly, "I saw the rerun of you getting fired the other night, may I take your order".

I do wonder why this episode was repeated, am I reading too much in
to this, or was there a cycle of reruns every Thursday night? I thought the networks considered Thursday nights their prime viewing nights. Must say, she seemed even more out of her depth watching her the second go round.

Jumping In said... 135

Ooops, I was responding to redbirdsings 128 who wondered about the rerun of Kate's firing on television last night.

too bad,so sad said... 136

Maybe the discussion has moved on from Kate's money for grades, but I just want to weigh in.
Grades are an educational notice of how a child is doing on tests in school. Please do not take advice from a financial guy, no matter how well known he is.
As an educator I have seen what happens when a parent rewards for grades, The child will work hard for grades as in what do I do for a grade. When a parent spends time talking about what the child is reading, what has captured their imagination in school and what science they found astounding, well that is just hitting gold. We need to develop a generation of young people who seek knowledge and are turned on to learning, not turned on to making money.
As for Kate being bombarded by 8, count them, 8 kids tattling, well NO SYMPATHY HERE! You get what you reward. She should take a page from responsive classroom. Yes, we have more than 20 little kids all wanting the teacher to be Judge Judy. We define what needs to be addressed, physical injury and really bully behavior. Everything else the children are taught conflict resolution. How to tell the other an "I" message, the other repeats what they heard and then the injured party ask the other for an action to make it better. Ie-say your sorry, include me, write me a note.(or any other action)
Children do what we teach them. Sorry Kate, you taught them to run to you and "tell" on their siblings.

Formerly Duped said... 137

Anyone else think the entrance to the twins' old room ( little girls' new bedroom) looks a bit dangerous? It appears the stairs are right outside the door- if you ran or tripped you could fall. Or maybe it's just me who thinks so? If there was a 'typical' physical argument someone could tumble down- although I think it's about 3 stairs then a turn to the main staircase. Still. That house has a strange layout IMO. It's beautiful to look at, though. Too small? ha! Wasn't Kate saying you needed an intercom to find people last special?

Vanessa said... 138

Two more ~ Administrator said... 139

Grades are an educational notice of how a child is doing on tests in school. Please do not take advice from a financial guy, no matter how well known he is.
As an educator I have seen what happens when a parent rewards for grades, The child will work hard for grades as in what do I do for a grade. When a parent spends time talking about what the child is reading, what has captured their imagination in school and what science they found astounding, well that is just hitting gold. We need to develop a generation of young people who seek knowledge and are turned on to learning, not turned on to making money.


I totally agree, but paying for grades doesn't necessarily hinder that. Look at the twins. They're paid for grades, yet they were so excited to pretend they were living out Agatha Christie's novel on Indian Island. If that's not excitement about learning I don't know what is. They're not mutually exclusive.

Financial advisors are relevant to the discussion, because they have massive experience with what financial problems young people are experiencing today and have been studying WHY that is. Most of the most prominent financial advisors today say we should be teaching financial management in schools at young ages, and because we don't, children grow up and end up in terrible debt or other bad financial situations.

Just as important as teaching a love of learning is teaching a child that you have to work for the things that you both want and need, and how to manage the earnings they worked for in a manner that benefits them and doesn't blow it.

The reality is when you are an adult, you will need money to support yourself and will have to work for that money. If that is never taught to a child, if they think we can all just float along doing whatever we please just for the love of it, they are often left very helpless in the working world. That is what financial advisors are concerned about, and they are making an informed and valid point.

That said, paying for grades is not the ONLY way to teach that or even the right way for every child. But, I do believe it's fine for some children, depending on the child, the situation, and the family dynamic.

JMO said... 140

Finally caught up on comments, and no matter what house TFW lives in, it will never be enough. Three houses in 10 years, with Jon's father helping with the initial house. And in the same area, so it was not about moving for a job, but rather "TFW's" desires. Will she ever be satisfied? Rhetorical.

If she was smart, she would be happy with her current house, with 6 bedrooms, one for the "nanny. Of course, NO ONE can ever sleep in her palace bedroom, while she is away, which says a lot. The weirdest part is that none of the kids wanted to move except M & C so why so many changes when 6 other kids were affected? Obviously, the twins have her over a barrel to continue filming, and she agrees, on TLC's dime to make these changes.

BTW, grew up with parents and six kids, 3 bedrooms and we survived just fine. No trauma. House was small, but not the worst thing in this world.

IMO, Kate is clearly catering to her twins who are making demands, and who she uses on national TV to make her point, with one twin being silent. Her priorities are so screwed up!

I am an EOE who has criticized some of Jon's choices, but clearly believe all kids should spend time with him, especially the boys, and the twins as well. Don't know why Collin (the chicken boy) is not going to Jon's, but with overseeing phone calls to Jon, without a few feet away, it is a huge red flag, and nothing to be proud of. All about the filming -TFW.

JMO said... 141

Children do what we teach them. Sorry Kate, you taught them to run to you and "tell" on their siblings.

Yes, and it is sad that it only applies to the girls. TFW should not make issues for the boys, when all kids need to treat each other in a decent respectful manner. TFW is bringing her own issues into raising 8 kids, and she clearly favors the girls over the boys.

The boys deserve so much better.

FlimsyFlamsy said... 142

It would be nice if TFW was a better role model for her children
as far as intellectual curiosity. If they saw her reading, or keeping
up with current events, or even just kindly acknowledging/chatting
with service people in the many places they visit, they may copy
her behavior. But we know she thinks the Grand Canyon was
"a waste of space," and that FDR is on Mt. Rushmore, and
people who give tours on trains are boring, and when dog
breeders talk, you just hear "blah blah blah," etc. We know
she thinks the Patriots were cheaters, but she's not exactly
sure why, because she was too busy to read anything more
than the headline. I think she could save herself some
bribery money by simply modeling some intelligent behavior,
which in turn might have her children's grades improve

FYI said... 143

Kate tweeted yesterday that she thinks Zorro has learned to say Mom:

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Feb 12
Zorro is now making noises that sound an awful lot
like 'mmooo-om?'
Now I've got NINE kids calling my name, constantly! #OhNo! #Help!

Then Milo replies:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 15h15 hours ago
U think U have 9kids calling you? Think again! @Kateplusmy8 'MMOOO-OM' > of ur over 240,000 #TweetieBird followers calling YOU! :)

That tweet just shows how desperate Milo is for Kate's attention. She just got a few tweets from Kate(regarding the NaughtyNiceRob story), but she is never satisfied. She expects Kate to reply every time she tweets to Kate.

And she has the nerve to say that the haters are obsessed with Kate. Here's another of her #BeMature tweets:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · Feb 11
@ConcernedChick @JulieRussett @Kateplusmy8 Were U severely disciplined 4lying as a kid...or did ur Mommy lie 2U? U seem so obsessed w/that?

readerlady said... 144

Animals don't have souls, huh? Current story out of Cincinnati, Ohio -- A boxer named Carmen was found by firefighters lying over the face of her owner, trying to protect him from the flames that were engulfing their apartment. Sadly, the owner died, but Carmen is still with us, and being treated at a Veterinary Clinic in Cincinnati. You can read her story and see pictures on their FB page -- Care Center Vets.

PJ's momma said... 145

800' for a bedroom? If true, wowee. Whoever built that house had weird thoughts about it. An 800' master suite and the other bedrooms are teeny-weeny, and yes, I saw the staircase coming straight out of the girls' room too.
Our condo is probably about 700' for a kitchen, living space, bedroom and bath. Actually, whoever built it had weird ideas too - too much kitchen, not enough living space.
We've never built anything - maybe it looks different on paper and then people have regrets later? ~ Administrator said... 146

No, it's just your opinion they're not relevant, anonymous. Other people feel differently or they wouldn't be asked the question all the time. I don't find your opinion that relevant but I inagine you feel differently

JudyJumpUp said... 147

Don't know why Collin (the chicken boy) is not going to Jon's,


I don't understand why, especially on this blog where it's been discussed many times, people keep repeating the above sentence as if it is a current situation as fact.
He does go to Jon's - all of the kids do. The story about C* not going was current last summer - before all of the kids were spotted leaving the yard sale with him and before they all were spotted having pizza together and before they all spent Christmas with him. Why continue to keep this story alive and help perpetuate the situation when it is something from the past?

Layla said... 148

I agree with Formerly, I find the layout of that house to be bizarre. The kids' rooms are all so far away from each other, and far away from their mother. An acquaintance if one of my sons was killed in a house fire recently. His parents weren't able to get to him. What if something were to happen at the G house--if there were a fire or a burglar alarm went off? Where is Kate going to go? Twins up one flight of stairs, little girls across the house and up another flight of stairs, boys in the basement. It seems like she'd have to prioritize which kids she is going to go to. I would never be comfortable with that kind of arrangement. And I would never go for a detached garage. Having to go out into the elements to get to my car just doesn't work for me. The apartment over the garage is just wasted space, too.

I think most houses have a lot of wasted space. We hardly ever use our living and dining rooms. I love my in-laws' house. It has a big eat-in kitchen with a sitting area, and a huge family room. No formal living or dining rooms. Their house is far smaller than mine, but the big, open rooms give it such a wonderful, spacious feeling. If we could find something like that, only bigger, we would move in a heartbeat!

Rhythm Of Life said... 149

Three houses in 10 years, with Jon's father helping with the initial house.

Where was it reported that he helped with the first house? Was there something in Robert's book about it?

Mel said... 150

Another thing I find interesting is that TFW never talks *to* the kids. She doesn't seem to ever make eye contact with them.

She often has her back to them as they're speaking, she never turns and looks at them while they're talking, just continues on with her task, not really listening to what they're saying.

And when she does respond, she doesn't turn around to look at the speaker. She speaks to the mixing bowl instead of the kid, her back to the child.

And her answer isn't particularly pertinent to what the kid said. It's just a generic beat down of some sort.

When she's issuing directions, she doesn't even look *at* the kids. She just shouts in their general direction, not paying attention to if any of the kids are even listening.
She shouted it out, so therefore it must be followed. Never mind if the kids were not listening to her.

Her behavior seems so disrespectful. She seems like a babysitter who doesn't care about the kids. You don't really get a sense of a personal connection between her and the kids.

She's just some person who comes around once in a while and pretends to be their mom.

Rhythm Of Life said... 151

"She should take a page from responsive classroom. Yes, we have more than 20 little kids all wanting the teacher to be Judge Judy. We define what needs to be addressed, physical injury and really bully behavior. Everything else the children are taught conflict resolution. How to tell the other an "I" message, the other repeats what they heard and then the injured party ask the other for an action to make it better. Ie-say your sorry, include me, write me a note.(or any other action)"

Your points are good, but I don't understand some of your post. What is a "responsive classroom?"

"The injured party ask (sic) the other for an action to make it better..."


Who decides what action will make it better? Do both parties agree on the resolution? What if they can't agree on this action? Does the teacher step in?

"Ie-say your (sic) sorry, include me, write me a note.(or any other action)"


I have no idea what this means! Include me in what? What is "le-say?"

I didn't watch the show. Did Kate say that the twins are paid for good grades, or does that apply to all of the children? Do we even know that grades are given in lower school, or are the students assessed in terms of satisfactory or unsatisfactory? She did say that they were ranked at the top of their classes, and someone pointed out that the school does not rank children. Is it known that they receive grades at that level?

Rhythm Of Life said... 152

Milo is gathering up her storm troopers. No one can say anything negative about her beloved Kate. Well, the next time any of the storm troopers go nuclear on Jon, they should get the same treatment. #FileReport

I think that Gladys was encouraging reports to be filed on the cows/organics/bunny person for her vile, disparaging and just plain cruel tweets about the kids. She's a nasty one, and clearly "off." I don't think this that this time it had anything to do with the non-fans hating on their beloved Kate. Of course I could be wrong!

Rhythm Of Life said... 153

I taught my kids to recognize sexism by reversing the genders and seeing if the result seems ridiculous. So let's put male servers in speedos and call the place "Peckers" (you know, with a woodpecker as the mascot! It's just a bird! It's fun!). Hot dog, anyone?

Too funny! Where is this place, and do I need a reservation? Is the hot dog know, with chili, onions, cheese?

Formerly Duped said... 154

Jumping In said... 95

I loved that sweet story about Eddie and your dog. It certainly proves that not only do animals have souls,but have feelings like love and loyalty. I could name dozens of emotions I know my pets have felt over the years.

chefsummer #Leh said... 155

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Feb 12
Zorro is now making noises that sound an awful lot
like 'mmooo-om?'
Now I've got NINE kids calling my name, constantly! #OhNo! #Help!

I think it's more like chirp chrip moooooron.

Millicent said... 156

Speaking of whether animals feel love, I just read about a little dog that walked 20 blocks to find its owner, who was in the hospital for some type of surgery. The woman had left her dog in the care of her daughter. Somehow the little white dog got loose and amazingly, found the hospital where its owner was. There is video showing the dog triggering the automatic entry doors and looking around before trotting down the hall. Now come on! Why would a dog go searching for its owner if there wasn't some deep attachment?

*I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but couldn't resist.*

Over In TFW's County said... 157

I loved that sweet story about Eddie and your dog. It certainly proves that not only do animals have souls,but have feelings like love and loyalty. I could name dozens of emotions I know my pets have felt over the years.


Yes, thanks for sharing. Such a wonderful story!

I look at my two rescues here, sleeping in the sunny spot on the bed, curled up in a super-soft blanket and I think about last year at this time when I was so worried about them being outside in the cold and brought them in. You all here knew that I wouldn't put them outside again, and you were right!

We still have a little snow on our back deck, and this morning there were small animal prints leading to the shelter I put up last year. I didn't see any cats going in or out. I really don't need any more inside "guests" that move in permanently! However, with the brutal temps predicted for this weekend, I am a bit worried.

CS said... 158

Formerly Duped said... 154
Jumping In said... 95

I loved that sweet story about Eddie and your dog. It certainly proves that not only do animals have souls,but have feelings like love and loyalty. I could name dozens of emotions I know my pets have felt over the years.

ITA. I have been receiving chemotherapy and my sweet baby (maltese) knows when I am not feeling well. She will not leave my side. She follows me into the bathroom and when I am in bed resting she has to have her body touching mine. All I want to do is comfort her. I feel sicker for her then I do for myself.
Kate, animals DO have souls!

Over In TFW's County said... 159

Having to go out into the elements to get to my car just doesn't work for me. The apartment over the garage is just wasted space, too.


That's one thing I could never understand. I wouldn't pay that much for a house with a detached garage. When we were house-hunting, I wouldn't even waste our time looking at the house if the garage weren't attached. Moreover, houses that size and in that price range almost always have an intercom system. I suppose it never occurred to her that an intercom wasn't one of the features. She probably never knew at that time that NuTone even existed.

The layout really isn't strange in this area. A first-floor master, with the bedrooms on the second floor, and two staircases was rather common at the time that home was built.

Millicent said... 160

Mel said:
You don't really get a sense of a personal connection between her and the kids.
She's just some person who comes around once in a while and pretends to be their mom.
As to the first sentence, I definitely agree. In my opinion, I have never seen any evidence that Kate has maternal feelings for any of her children. On the other hand, I have seen plenty of evidence suggesting that she does not have maternal feelings.

Example: worried more about Joel vomiting on a comforter than in the fact that her little boy was feverish and sick. Puts him on laundry room floor. Calls him "vomitous."

Example: Completely ignores the fact that her son Collin is clearly in pain with impacted bowel, instead much more concerned with flipping through a catalog to order "free" beds.

These are just two of the more egregious acts of callousness that one does not expect from a mother who actually cares about her children. There are too many other to count, from simple dismissive, rude behavior like casually pushing all the books off the shelf and telling (Joel?) that he placed the books on the shelf incorrectly, to setting up her own two oldest daughters to fail when they were trying to make dinner for the family. She's just a miserable excuse for a mother, and there is no two ways about it.

redbirdsings said... 161

Another person who needs new words to say about something great is Barefoot Contessa, Ina Garten.

Amazing! Isn't that Fabulous? Isn't that Amazing?

And, Isn't that NOT AMAZING?

Yes, Barefoot. I was Amazing that you refused to see the little boy TWICE who had cancer, who loved watching you on TV. When it hit the fan, 2 FN chefs said, I will cook for Enzo! Bo, I forgot his last name and the awesome Iron Chef Michael Symon.

Math Girl said... 162

Rhythm of life (151),

I.e. and e.g. are old-fashioned Latin abbreviations that are often confused with each other.

i.e. means "that is"
e.g. means "for example"

You were confused because the original post left out the periods, used a - when it should have used a colon, and used i.e. instead of e.g. I was actually able to parse it because I had a professor (of computer science, not English!) who was a stickler for correct usage of i.e. and e.g.

Read it as "For example: say you're sorry, ..."

Math Girl, AKA (also known as) The Abbreviation Nazi (Hey, maybe I should change my ID to TAN)!

Math Girl said... 163

Rhythm of life (151),

I.e. and e.g. are old-fashioned Latin abbreviations that are often confused with each other.

i.e. means "that is"
e.g. means "for example"

You were confused because the original post left out the periods, used a - when it should have used a colon, and used i.e. instead of e.g. I was actually able to parse it because I had a professor (of computer science, not English!) who was a stickler for correct usage of i.e. and e.g.

Read it as "For example: say you're sorry, ..."

Math Girl, AKA (also known as) The Abbreviation Nazi (Hey, maybe I should change my ID to TAN)!

Karen Kaufman said... 164

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Feb 12
Zorro is now making noises that sound an awful lot
like 'mmooo-om?'
Now I've got NINE kids calling my name, constantly! #OhNo! #Help!
Poor Schmoops! Now she has nine people to ignore! ~ Administrator said... 165

I find people that don't follow rule 1 obnoxious, "anonymous." I imagine you feel differently! I'm under no obligation to publish anyone violating four simple rules.

Why do you feel your above rule 1 when everyone else follows it? Is it.....narcissism? Narcissists usually feel like the rules don't apply to them right? "Lol" right back at ya.

Tucker's Mom said... 166 (Administrator) said... 158
I find people that don't follow rule 1 obnoxious, "anonymous." I imagine you feel differently! I'm under no obligation to publish anyone violating four simple rules.

Why do you feel your above rule 1 when everyone else follows it? Is it.....narcissism? Narcissists usually feel like the rules don't apply to them right? "Lol" right back at ya.
So many times, I forget about the detritus Admin and the Pool Girls have to deal with, so because I don't say it enough, Thank You!

Tucker's Mom said... 167

We have a heated bird bath that really comes in handy when bitterly cold weather hits.
We also make sure the suet feeders are full, and I just loaded up on bird seed.
I have this bird feeder on my bedroom window, and during cold and snow, it gets packed!

AuntieAnn said... 168

Layla said... 148

What if something were to happen at the G house--if there were a fire or a burglar alarm went off? Where is Kate going to go? Twins up one flight of stairs, little girls across the house and up another flight of stairs, boys in the basement. It seems like she'd have to prioritize which kids she is going to go to.


That's never seemed to bother Kate. She is an out-of-sight-out-of-mind kind of mother. I think she relies on the nannies and sitters and Steve, when he's around, to worry about things like fires and intruders.

And is she's not satisfied with a 6,000 sq. ft home, what will make her happy? I have to wonder who she's coveting now. Maybe she wants Celine Dion's island.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 169

However, with the brutal temps predicted for this weekend, I am a bit worried.


Well, go outside and look! LOL!! What's a few more indoor cats? The more the merrier!

Don't throw anything at me, unless it's a keg of Rumspringa!

TLC stinks said... 170

Rhythm, Robert wrote that Dr. Gosselin paid for the wedding, their first house and supported them for years.

Tucker's Mom said... 171

That's one thing I could never understand. I wouldn't pay that much for a house with a detached garage. When we were house-hunting, I wouldn't even waste our time looking at the house if the garage weren't attached. Moreover, houses that size and in that price range almost always have an intercom system. I suppose it never occurred to her that an intercom wasn't one of the features. She probably never knew at that time that NuTone even existed.

Intercom AND an in-line generator.
But, I predict Kate will be moving soon, it's just a matter of whether TLC films it and picks up the tab.

Fleecing The Sheeple said... 172

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 15h15 hours ago
U think U have 9kids calling you? Think again! @Kateplusmy8 'MMOOO-OM' > of ur over 240,000 #TweetieBird followers calling YOU! :)

She's crazier than a bed bug. Is Kravitz really that stupid that she believes Kate has 240,00 legit followers? How does she explain the BOTS? She does know that those aren't fans, doesn't she? Tell me that she's really not that dumb. How is it that these so-called devoted fan drive-bys, show up with one tweet and you never hear from them again? Does she think that all of those tweeters are calling her "Mom?

Ye gads..Milo supposedly runs a business?

Tucker's Mom said... 173

CS said... 158
Formerly Duped said... 154
Jumping In said... 95

I loved that sweet story about Eddie and your dog. It certainly proves that not only do animals have souls,but have feelings like love and loyalty. I could name dozens of emotions I know my pets have felt over the years.

ITA. I have been receiving chemotherapy and my sweet baby (maltese) knows when I am not feeling well.
I hope you feel better soon! Our dogs are so precious. My bichon is a snuggler-he's so cute when he curls up by my side.
I have a sweater on him in the winter and I just want to cuddle him all the time. ~ Administrator said... 174

I know there are many The Farmer's Wife fans here.

Audrey and her husband welcomed a baby girl on Feb. 1. Ivy Marie. Juanita and Darrel are grandparents! (She has dark brown hair just like grandma!) Congrats! ~ Administrator said... 175

All right anonymous, so you only follow the rules if you respect the person giving them out. Good luck with getting through life with that philosophy. You have to follow the rules even if you don't like the cop, the boss, the jerk middle management, or whoever else gives them out--boo hoo.

Then so it goes I don't publish comments from those who don't respect myself or the folks here. I guess we're even.

chefsummer #Leh said... 176

As to the first sentence, I definitely agree. In my opinion, I have never seen any evidence that Kate has maternal feelings for any of her

During the beginning of J&k I saw some love that Kate had for the kids.

My examples

When Kate was teaching Leah how to swim and Leah swam Kate was genuinely happy.
When Kate was doing the baby blanket thing she seemed happy.
When was was away doing her first book tour and Jon & the kids made her a I miss you video she was crying real tears of happiness.
When Leah was saying Hi Mommy she seemed really happy.

All of my example were be for all the plastic surgery be for her show be for she started making tons of money.

IMO I think all of the attention and money and surgeries made her a bad mom it boost her ego and know all she cares about is herself.

When she was frumpy cute STHM Kate is seemed like a okay mom not she a wanna be barbie and she a horrible mother/person.

AuntieAnn said... 177

Jumping In said... 95

Seventeen years later, and the night before we had to put our dog down Eddie shared our dog's bed and would not leave her side.


What a touching story about your kitty and his furry sister. Animals give love unconditionally. How could beings that love so purely not have souls.

I have to wonder if Kate ever finds her beloved Zorro dead, if she'll reconsider her remark.

AuntieAnn said... 178

Audrey and her husband welcomed a baby girl on Feb. 1. Ivy Marie. Juanita and Darrel are grandparents! (She has dark brown hair just like grandma!) Congrats!


Thanks for reporting that Admin. I'm very happy for all of them.

AuntieAnn said... 179

Kate Gosselin ‏@Kateplusmy8 · Feb 12
Zorro is now making noises that sound an awful lot
like 'mmooo-om?'


He's saying mmor-on, Kate. Mmor-on.
I agree. That does sound an awful lot like your name.

Lynne In RI said... 180

"ITA. I have been receiving chemotherapy and my sweet baby (maltese) knows when I am not feeling well."


Isn't it incredible how they can tell that? I was injured in a car accident some time ago, and still have flare-ups and pain. Our dog knows when I'm in pain and when I want to go down the steps she will go ahead of me on the steps, and then slow down like she knows that she is protecting me and if I fall, I will fall on her and she will somehow be there to help me.

Last night as I was getting into bed, I twisted my back somehow, and said, "ouch." It wasn't a scream, just a moderately loud, "ouch." The dog came running into the room, jumped on the bed, looked at me, and when I told her I was okay, she jumped off the bed and got into her own bed.

I hope your treatments don't give you too much of a problem and you'll be feeling much better soon. Be well.

Formerly Duped said... 181

CS, best wishes for a good recovery. Glad you have a furry companion in your corner.

Rhymes with Witch said... 182

We still have a little snow on our back deck

TWF's county, this time I really am jellus. We have nowhere left to put any snow!

Over In TFW's County said... 183

TWF's county, this time I really am jellus. We have nowhere left to put any snow!


Isn't the northeast supposed to get more snow this weekend?

We've only had "dustings." Nothing to get excited about. The thing is that what's left on the deck just doesn't melt because the sun really doesn't hit there this time of the year, and it's surrounded by the house. There's not much there, but enough so that you can see some paw prints. I've been debating all day if I want to go outside and check the shelter. With the "real feel" predicted to fall to minus 20 this weekend, it has me concerned about a stray cat or cats trying to stay warm. But I know what happened last year!

I really hope that Kate has been paying attention to the weather advisories and that she brings that dog inside.

Over In TFW's County said... 184

He's saying mmor-on, Kate. Mmor-on.
I agree. That does sound an awful lot like your name.


Wasn't there a silly sheep who spelled it "maroon?"

Millicent said... 185

Is anyone else seeing an ad banner for Ziering hair replacement? Makes me laugh, because I believe I-an Ziering wears a hairpiece. In fact, I remember reading some gossip about him pitching a fit over something to do with that hairpiece.

Tucker's Mom said... 186

Last night as I was getting into bed, I twisted my back somehow, and said, "ouch." It wasn't a scream, just a moderately loud, "ouch." The dog came running into the room, jumped on the bed, looked at me, and when I told her I was okay, she jumped off the bed and got into her own bed.
You should see the look on my Bichon's face when I sneeze!
"Mommy! Are you OK?"
Seriously, it's like he looks right at my eyes and sees if I'm ok. If I'm sitting on the couch, he'll put his paws on my shoulders and get right in my face.

So seriously cute.

Tucker's Mom said... 187

Rhymes with Witch said... 182
We still have a little snow on our back deck

TWF's county, this time I really am jellus. We have nowhere left to put any snow!
Send some my way!
I'm so desperate that I was getting silly over some flakes yesterday.
I need a good 6-8 inches, which is enough to shut my town down, and then I'll make chili and light the real fireplace (the gas one is lovely, but I want to smell and hear the crackles)

Tucker's Mom said... 188

Why is Zorro saying "mom" (yeah, right), when all the kids call Kate Mommy?
Actually, I am glad that Kate loves Zorro, because he's getting treated well. Too bad it's at Shoka's expense.
I hope Kate keeps the dog inside tomorrow when it's going to be freezing. I don't care if he's got a heated house- if it's working.

Millicent said... 189

" Most of the most prominent financial advisors today say we should be teaching financial management in schools at young ages, and because we don't, children grow up and end up in terrible debt or other bad financial situations."
There are many reasons why people of my generation (and beyond) got so heavily into debt, including a financial system run amok. Sub prime loans anyone? The blame cannot fall solely on the people who so wanted to be homeowners that they were seduced by lenders offering pie in the sky. I also clearly recall that when I was a college student (and this would have been in the mid-1980's), obtaining a credit card was ridiculously easy. Later on, in the 1990's and early 2000's, I was regularly getting "pre-approved" credit card offers in the mail all the time. Credit was easy, which meant if you fell for that seduction, you just as easily could rack up huge amounts of credit card debt.

My parents were very frugal and very cautious with money, debt, credit card use, etc. They set a good example. In high school, all seniors had to take a class that was meant to prepare them a little bit for "real life." You were partnered up with a spouse, and with a roll of the dice you were given a job, a level of income, and maybe even one or two children. With that level of income, the couple had to figure out what rent they could afford, how to budget for groceries, and even very simple stuff, like how to write a check, how to endorse a check, etc.

I think the most difficult lesson to learn and incorporate is to live within your means. To save up for something and pay cash for it, instead of putting it on the credit card. I learned that myself the hard way, but painful lessons are often the best because (at least in my case), I've never forgotten.

One thing I really try to impress on my son is to stay away from credit card debt, and to view credit cards as helpful when you are traveling or need to make a purchase, but always pay that bill off when it arrives. Do not let that balance creep up and up. Only time will tell if the lesson sinks in, or if he'll be like me and need to deal with the unpleasant nature of debt and how difficult it can be to get out of it.

So while it would be helpful to have courses in money management and budgeting in school (I'm all for that), it still comes down to having the discipline to do without, or to buy secondhand, and not get those pair of designer sneakers that everyone else has, or the latest IPhone, etc. For young people especially, I think that can be very difficult.

Formerly Duped said... 190

Yes, I'm jellus too! Another blizzard, and we have window/ roof leaks- drip-drip-drip all night. There is an alert to lay in a 5-day supply of food/essentials in case of power outages. There is really no room for more snow, either on rooftops or roadsides.Winter Storm Neptune. Ugh.
And it' s SO cold. Waaah !!

Millicent said... 191

Tucker's Mom said:
Intercom AND an in-line generator.
But, I predict Kate will be moving soon, it's just a matter of whether TLC films it and picks up the tab.
I wonder if she is actually looking for a piece of property/home that would cost her less (either now or in the long run) than her current McMansion and property. Maybe she has been forced to think about her financial situation and the possibility that future income sources are not popping up. She got paid something for Celeb Apprentice, but I bet that wasn't a huge amount. She's getting paid by TLC for these five episodes. And then ..... ?

She did rake in a huge amount of money while she was riding high. But it won't last years and years, unless she scales back her expenses. The private school cannot be allowing all 8 kids to attend for free - she has to be paying a fair amount of money for that. The property taxes and mortgage have to be significant. Upkeep for the grounds and the house; insurance for the home and the cars, etc. And what kind of money does she spend on herself?

I have no idea what kind of money she has saved, but she's turning 40 soon. Will that amount cover her for the next 30 to 40 years? Not if she keeps spending it like she does now.

Millicent said... 192

Chefsummer said:

During the beginning of J&k I saw some love that Kate had for the kids.
My examples

When Kate was teaching Leah how to swim and Leah swam Kate was genuinely happy.
When Kate was doing the baby blanket thing she seemed happy. ...
I don't recall either of these - so maybe I missed the very first shows. I think the seeds of Kate's mental condition have always been present. She is so bitter about her childhood, which makes me think she was always an individual who was never satisfied and always wanted more, more, more. She herself admitted to manipulating her brother to do her chores, or take the blame for her when she got in trouble. The pattern was there from her early days.

However, I do agree that in the first season of the show, we saw a kinder, gentler version of Kate. Not surprising, because she had just gotten what she'd worked so hard to accomplish. A multiple birth, six healthy babies, and a TV show, with all the perks and fame she longed for. But if you've read her journal from those days, you can see that she was incredibly materialistic, that she believed God was answering all her materialistic prayers for this, that and the other, and that she treated her babies horribly.

I think without the TV show, Kate would still have treated her husband and kids like crap, would have constantly been demanding bigger and better things from Jon, and would have little to no interest in actual parenting.

Tucker's Mom said... 193

My parents were very frugal and very cautious with money, debt, credit card use, etc. They set a good example.
Mine, too.
We are fortunately a bit better off, but I spave a lot and allow for occasional indulgences.
Like tonight- we're ordering Chinese and f*ck it, I'm getting the General Tso shrimp and scallops.
(and binging on House of Lies)

chefsummer #Leh said... 194

Millicent said... 192

I think we're both right Kate has two side once the fame started she was sweet and kind and loving.

Then she and TLC got their hooks into the public then the real or--(Greedy fame hungry)-hidden Kate came out.

She has to two it just depends on what side she shows to get what she wants.

Tucker's Mom said... 195

So while it would be helpful to have courses in money management and budgeting in school (I'm all for that), it still comes down to having the discipline to do without, or to buy secondhand, and not get those pair of designer sneakers that everyone else has, or the latest IPhone, etc. For young people especially, I think that can be very difficult.
I'm generally not for store-specific credit cards, but I do have a TJ Maxx card because I do the majority of my shopping at that chain of stores (Home Goods, Marshalls and another).
I also shop at Macy's and a have a card there.
At one point, I did have credit debt, and it was like being in quick sand.
People want immediate gratification and it's the cash for your car title and check cashing places that drive me mad.
DH and I used to listen to a Philly-based financial radio show. I can't tell you how many people called in about car debt- like it's their right to drive a new BMW.
Oh, and never co-sign if you can possibly help it. If that person can't afford the loan without you, they can't afford whatever it is they want to buy.
Back in the '80's, when I got my first credit card, it was hard for me to get approval. AmEx issues my first card, and I'll be a life-long carrier.

Tucker's Mom said... 196

Formerly Duped said... 190
Yes, I'm jellus too! Another blizzard, and we have window/ roof leaks- drip-drip-drip all night. There is an alert to lay in a 5-day supply of food/essentials in case of power outages. There is really no room for more snow, either on rooftops or roadsides.Winter Storm Neptune. Ugh.
And it' s SO cold. Waaah !!
Your dog is probably like WTF?!
I do worry about all of you up north there- all that snow can seriously damage your homes.
I hope you all stay safe, and again, feel free to send some snow my way!

Rhythm Of Life said... 197

Sleepless in Seattle -- how many birds do you have now, and are they all available for adoption?

Anonymous said... 198

I always wished that finance had been a mandatory course in school. Most parents don't know enough to properly pass on the information. I worked for a financial advisor and I hammered the lessons into my kid's brains. They both bought homes as soon as they moved out and both of them are far better off financially than I was at their ages.

Suze Orman says, "Live below your means but within your needs."

It's another way we're failing our children. We don't let them make the little financial mistakes when they are young. Then they leave home and make the big ones.


Tucker's Mom said... 199

And what kind of money does she spend on herself?

I have no idea what kind of money she has saved, but she's turning 40 soon. Will that amount cover her for the next 30 to 40 years? Not if she keeps spending it like she does now.
A lot, and she spends an insane amount of money on upkeep, while the boys wear clothing 3 sizes too big.
I really think J+K should have built a home instead of buying, but I believe they wanted to get out of their house asap, and film in seclusion.

Rhythm Of Life said... 200

or to buy secondhand, and not get those pair of designer sneakers that everyone else has, or the latest IPhone, etc. For young people especially, I think that can be very difficult.

I agree it's very difficult. But I do think that many kids, who have to buy things they want with their own allowance, are tending to be more and more frugal. I have a friend who volunteers at a local non-profit thrift shop. She sees kids in there all the time, knows that some of them come to well-to-do families. She says that these youngsters are absolutely thrilled to find a pair of brand new designer sneakers, still in the box, for $4.99, and they tell their friends about it. On Saturdays there are so many kids shopping for jeans and tee shirts at a fraction of the cost that they would pay in the stores.

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