This is not the first nanny to come forward. Last July a nanny said Kate forced her to spy on the children's phone calls with Jon and that Kate hit Collin with a wooden spoon. And several years before that a nanny disclosed that when she worked for the family in 2008, she witnessed Kate drinking too much and hitting the children.
How many nannies need to come forward to believe it?
1816 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1801 – 1816 of 1816 Newer› Newest»Seriously, the title of this thread couldn't be more apropos: There IS something seriously wrong with her.
There is something seriously wrong when she makes comments about how it's for the best some children don't see a father who is nothing but loving and appropriate toward them. What's more, it's a lie, given the numerous sightings of all the children with him.
Hm, kinda quiet on the porch at the moment. Hopefully we didn't lose anyone to food poisoning at our "it's getting old" party today. I'm First Aid certified.
And what is up with saying that the kids don't fit into society? What an insane notion.
I can't imagine how badly Kate screws with their heads.
Hm, kinda quiet on the porch at the moment. Hopefully we didn't lose anyone to food poisoning at our "it's getting old" party today. I'm First Aid certified.
shhhhh!! The troll will make its nightly visit!
And what is up with saying that the kids don't fit into society? What an insane notion.
The kids fit just fine into society. They are normal, average kids. They don't even live in some fishbowl like West Hollywood or something. They live in a normal town go to a normal school have normal lives. Even if they DIDN'T fit into society, WTH does that have to do with anything? That's hardly an excuse to exploit them.
If anything if they didn't fit into society that's all the more reason to protect them from being exploited! What a ##DOLT with an extra hashtag.
She is literally the worst at making a remotely decent argument.
I looked at the Easter pictures, and wow, the younger kids really need braces. Last year she said all the kids would have them by August (8 months ago), so their age isn't the reason she isn't getting them braces.
No, but perhaps their teeth/jaw development is the reason. Treatment is usually in phases, and if the ortho doesn't feel that they're ready for braces, it could be that for once in her life, Kate is taking his/her advice.
Contrast TFMJG's saying that her kids don't fit into society with FLOTUS saying that their girls need to learn to live in the world like normal kids. Which one is right? Which one comes across as the better, more realistic parent?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought TFMJG's comments sounded recycled. I didn't go to Hilton's site to read the article, but it sounds suspiciously like an interview she gave about a year ago. We discussed it thoroughly here at the time.
Tuckers Mom said... 4
And what is up with saying that the kids don't fit into society? What an insane notion.
I can't imagine how badly Kate screws with their heads.
Obviously it's easier for Kate to make a pompous pronouncement that the kids don't fit into society rather than admit that her parenting skills suck.
What loving parent that wants the absolute best for their children would ever say that it's for the best that some of the kids don't see their father. Just when I think this woman can't get any worse she does. I can't stand this vile bitch. I tell you, when those kids are grown that Karma train is going to flatten her.
Tell me if that doesn't look like Howdy and Andy had a child.
lol! I don't think that would have been possible unless Andy really was Andrea! But, yes, she does look like an unusual offspring from someone. I think that the scariest picture ever taken of her was the Spock from Star Trek photo.
I'm still here on the porch, Admin -- eating my 50% off Russell
Stover candy Easter eggs from Walgreens. Not sure if they count
as old yet, but they sure are delicious. I didn't buy too many,
because any day they'll go down to 75% off -- score!
Contrast TFMJG's saying that her kids don't fit into society with FLOTUS saying that their girls need to learn to live in the world like normal kids. Which one is right? Which one comes across as the better, more realistic parent?
Yes. Not only do most celebs say that they want their kids to be normal, but they seem genuinely strive for that. Who says oh my kids are total misfits due to their celebrity what can you do! That's insane.
On a side note, has anyone listened to Sandra Bullock's frightening 911 calls about her stalker? Terrifying. Strangers are dangerous, and that's why you don't befriend fans who are STRANGERS. This WILL be a new post.
"According to the police report, the intruder was unarmed but had love letters and magazine cutouts of Bullock on his person."
The tapes were played for the first time in public court today.
Tucker's Mom said... 158
How is her relationship with her ex-husband today?
I don't have one.
If you don't have a relationship with him then you need to go back to your maiden name Kreider. Why would you be such a parent alienator and proclaim that you don't have a relationship with your ex-husband, loathe him and keep HIS LAST NAME?
Redbird (#14), I've thought the same thing. She makes it sound
like she's doing something noble and unselfish for her kids' sake
by keeping their father's name. Meanwhile, her actions constantly
undermine him.
She knows darn well her name is part of her, heaven help us,
lol! I don't think that would have been possible unless Andy really was Andrea!
Not to mention the changes poor Howdy would have to undergo.
Seriously, that photo looks like an entirely different Kate. Whatever it is it's certainly not de-aging.
Treatment is usually in phases, and if the ortho doesn't feel that they're ready for braces, it could be that for once in her life, Kate is taking his/her advice. 6
Fleecing, leopards don't change their spots, as much as we wish they would.
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