This is not the first nanny to come forward. Last July a nanny said Kate forced her to spy on the children's phone calls with Jon and that Kate hit Collin with a wooden spoon. And several years before that a nanny disclosed that when she worked for the family in 2008, she witnessed Kate drinking too much and hitting the children.
How many nannies need to come forward to believe it?
1816 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1816 Newer› Newest»I do have to laugh when some of the nasty sheeple bait the non-fans and there is no response. They are left there with their hooves hanging out and end up talking to themselves. Baiting is all they have, and It's funny to watch.
•Act very dramatically, as though performing before an audience, with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appears to lack sincerity
The hand gesturing seems to fit right here. That damn constant hand flapping along with those silly facial expressions.
"Sometimes when you disconnect from every family member, friend, cousin, husband, etc... you have ever known, you lose your grounding." (JMO)
Last night I was reading about Xavier Dolan, a young prodigy, here, in Québec. He’s barely 25 and already wrote and made five films that were selected at the prestigious Cannes or Venice films festivals where they all got standing ovations. His latest one, "Mommy", won the Jury Prize in Cannes.
Interestingly, he was a child actor, but even if his parents were far from being the perfect parents, they were decent enough to put his earnings in a trust. When he got to be 18, he used that money to finance his first film.
This is what he has to say about family… It’s in French, but with English subtitles. His answer to “what is ‘family’ to you?” starts at 2:17.
It’s so touching and so honest, that I thought I’d put the link. If I could, I'd also send it to TFW as a birthday gift.
But nope. She won't even spit in their direction today.
Depending on the direction of the wind, maybe she's afraid it will blow back in her face.
I had a similar thought. Pass the brain bleach please.
It's way down on the other side of the veranda so it may take a while. Here, have a rumspringa with me while we wait.
In a New York minute, Auntie.
I'm not jellus of Kate. I've never looked like Mr. Spock in black leather pants and hooker heels. Remember that picture? LOL!
"Silly facial expressions," AuntieAnn (#2)? Perhaps you're just
jellus! It just so happens that Donald Trump himself took notice
of TFW's captivating gestures. And he must've found them
marvelous, because he let her speak for about 23 seconds
during the CA finale!
White Organza, thank you for posting that. What an incredible young man. I love what he said about family. Before you have anything, they are all you have. After you lose everything, they are all you have. That is actually not quite true for everyone, but hopefully most of us without functional families, or who have lost most of their family members, make our own 'bonus' families to fill that gap. Whether by blood or marriage or personal choice, strong families are the best gift we can receive, because they give us what we need the most: LOVE. In the end, love is all that matters.
French is just the most beautiful language!
Did Milo even send her a birthday tweet today? I assumed she would have spammed Katie's TL nonstop all day.
Then again, she probably knows Kate wouldn't be showing up today--because of their special close relationship and all.
PS: I do hope Kate has a happy birthday. My own 40th was very special, and I'm sure a lot of people here can share happy memories of their 40th.
because of their special close relationship and all.because of their special close relationship and all.
Or if she's with Kate and can give Kate a special birthday surprise in person..
Joy...oh boy, oh boy, oh boy....the Kentuckey/Notre Dame game looks like it's going to be a doozie!
My 40th BDay story :) .....My hubby had my best friend travel to see me and while we went for coffee all my family decorated the yard over the top with streamers and balloons ( kids had a ball doing that) invited who was special to me and when I came around the corner I burst into tears, My hubby knows I hate attention and parties but this one was special :) Family and close friends nothing better!!
Rhymes with Witch >> 5
Aw. Right back at ya :)
I'dI be pissed if my husband threw a surprise party for me if (and I have) I told him I didn't want attention. I hate being the center of attention.
Sounds like you handled it well, Nancy. My husband knows better. He values his life. lol
Then again, she probably knows Kate wouldn't be showing up today--because of their special close relationship and all.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 16m16 minutes ago
Funny how a certain person is always absent on the anniversary of her birth! LOL You survived! Like the rest of us did! #40 :) @kateplusmy8
url, 15...I'dI be pissed if my husband threw a surprise party for me if (and I have) I told him I didn't want attention. I hate being the center of attention.
I'd give anything in the world if my husband were here to throw me a party, and I hate surprise parties. He passed a few years ago and I miss him, especially on birthdays and holidays. He was a good man,
Cape cod mama, this Kentucky Notre Dame game is amazing!
Gladys is putting on a brave face, with her signature "LOL." No,
TFW isn't "absent" -- she's just living her own life, of which you
are no part. TFW will use the fans' attention again when it fulfills
a need for her, and not before.
Funny how TFW lamented not being able to have her Tuesday
night Twitterfests with the fans after the airings of the latest
specials ended. But it was just her way of begging TLC
(as they were included in the tweets) for more episodes.
If she really wanted to connect with the fans on a regular
basis, she could do that whenever. But she doesn't want
to mix with the mediocre unless there's something in it for her.
Warmth, I am so sorry for your loss. We are experiencing a lot of deaths of friends and I cannot imagine losing a spouse like you did. My husband has surprised me too, but I had to keep in mind his intentions - it made HIM happy to do it and it made the people surprising me happy too (giddily so) and in the end a wonderful time was had by all. It's all done in love.....
url It was one of the sweetest things he's ever done for me and he knows never to be repeated ;)
There's nothing like a tweet on Kate's birthday to remind her of menopause!
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 43m43 minutes ago
RT @The_Stir: The true, real life, story of early onset menopause: http://bit.ly/1IFiF9x @kateplusmy8
OT question for dog people. Roo took a piece of sandwich from the counter. I let her know she was wrong (bad dog). She did the sorry eyes, tail wag apologize but I stood firm. My question is, how long should I stay "mad"?
I recently went to a 40th birthday party where the party itself wasn't a surprise, but there was a surprise guest from out of town. It was a nice way of combining a surprise with a not-a-surprise.
Rhymes, there's no point in pretending to be mad. Roo would do it again in a second if she had the chance! They're not too wired for guilt - or impulse control! LOL!
If the tups were out of school on Thursday and M and C had to go a half a day, maybe TFW tore out Wed. and has the nanny taking care of them and maybe Jon has them this weekend. It is a shame that Jon has to pick them up at the gate because he doesn't know for sure if it is FW at home or the nanny. The kids have to tell him.
So that would give her Wed-Sun in the sun with Steve.
Rhymes, there's no point in pretending to be mad. Roo would do it again in a second if she had the chance! They're not too wired for guilt - or impulse control! LOL!
In other words, dogs and cats have us trained to hide the sandwich. I swear they're aliens who will eventually put us on leashes and walk us when we need to go potty.
It's a conspiracy I tell you.
redbird, with all due respect, there is no information that Kate is anywhere but home for five days, or with Steve or not.........
Roo would do it again in a second if she had the chance! 25
I figured. The funny part is that the top slice of bread was on the floor and the Swiss cheese was missing. I have no doubt that she would have gone for the bread next, then the rest of the sandwich, given a chance. (It was a Reuben, about to go into the frying pan).
I'm sure Kate is on an island somewhere showing off her body to TFM. Jamaica, Virgin Islands, Aruba? Somewhere like that.
I have lived on acres of land. I'm not a nature person and it's too much work. I have lost significant weight lately, unfortunately the wrong way. I don't have my own kids but I have wonderful nieces. I don't have any desire to look like or live like Kate. Of course more money would not be bad but I'm ok. I have family to help if I need it. I wish I had better health. I believe she might truly regret it when her bad eating, sun exposure, drinking, and smoking catch up with her.
Well, Kate is doing one of 3 possible things: 1. she is off on a birthday vacation somewhere, warm, 2. she is in NYC partying with her paid friends, Deanna & Jamie, 3. TLC is filming one of these, for another 5 episodes to be on in June.
Remember there is Kates birthday big 40, the tups birthday, the twins 8 th grade graduation and their summer vacation to film if they do film. Real boresville. Kate will surface probably monday.
Ryhmes: just laugh it off, dogs do that. Your dog will do that again. Don't hit, yeah, yell at them, then pet them, hug them. I yelled at my 2 today, one of them pooped in the kitchen. I usually will say who did that? And I get that it was not me act. Then after cleaning up, I call them over and give them a big hug.
I give them a big hug for all the other poor dogs in the world: who will be hit, beaten, or killed for no reason. I think about the big killing at this shelter Breasta in Romania, this weekend & the past several weekends, and the dog meat trade in Thailand, which the Government passed a bill against, they have been catching those butchers at the border by china. In Romania, the Government passed a so-call shelter killing bill, these poor dogs are left to starve to death in the shelters, with only a 14 day adoption, they have had so much snow and no one has been feeding these dogs and they are starving and freezing to death, so the Government gave the people the right to kill the dogs any way they wish.
So hug your pets(the ones you can). Forgive them. Just think of your dog is a smarty. He out smarted you with that sandwhich.
Math Girl said... 184
"...I believe the Willis Clan has been mentioned here before. They seem to be a takeoff on the Duggars, but with talent. Twelve kids, all with names starting with J."
The Willis Clan was on last season's America's Got Talent. They got as far as the quarter-finals before eventually going home.
Rhymes with Witch said... 23
OT question for dog people. Roo took a piece of sandwich from the counter. I let her know she was wrong (bad dog). She did the sorry eyes, tail wag apologize but I stood firm. My question is, how long should I stay "mad"?
March 28, 2015 at 7:52 PM
If you caught your dog in the act, you give corrective action immediately, and then it's done.
Really, when we speak and make eye contact, it's positively reinforcing to a dog, thus the tentative tail wagging. Hey, she seems angry...but I'm getting attention, yay!
After saying, "NO!", I would have moved on to a quick positive reinforcement, like grab a treat, or even a little piece of sandwich, have your dog sit (or down or whatever basic command he knows well) and reward.
Always try to end on the positive note that good behaviors are rewarded. Then it's done, move on.
Also, dogs will be dogs, and we have to take some blame ourselves when something is put where they can get to it.
Some dogs just have a strong drive!
Our former Bichon was able to get things off the counter, despite being a small dog. He'd jump up once or twice to "scope it out", then once he knew exactly where the food was, he'd jump again, reach and grab!
It was pretty impressive.
I loved him more than anything, but DH and I often comment that our new Bichon doesn't have the "get it at all costs" gene!
FlimsyFlamsy said... 19
Gladys is putting on a brave face, with her signature "LOL." No,
TFW isn't "absent" -- she's just living her own life, of which you
are no part. TFW will use the fans' attention again when it fulfills
a need for her, and not before.
Gladys was hanging back, all day, waiting to see if Kate jumped onto Twitter. She finally gave up and tweeted just before her internet got cut off for the night.
It's just so rude to not acknowledge all of the birthday wishes from your fans.
Color me not surprised at all. Kate's getting her narc tank filled, so why bother?
Rhymes with Witch said... 23
OT question for dog people. Roo took a piece of sandwich from the counter. I let her know she was wrong (bad dog). She did the sorry eyes, tail wag apologize but I stood firm. My question is, how long should I stay "mad"?
Rhymes, being away from the "pack" is punishment. My boys get "time out" in the bathroom. They actually go there now when they know they're in trouble. Two minutes is plenty of time and when you let them out, don't make eye contact or speak to them for a few more minutes. They'll know.
Funny how TFW lamented not being able to have her Tuesday
night Twitterfests with the fans after the airings of the latest
specials ended. But it was just her way of begging TLC
(as they were included in the tweets) for more episodes.
If she really wanted to connect with the fans on a regular
basis, she could do that whenever. But she doesn't want
to mix with the mediocre unless there's something in it for her.
March 28, 2015 at 7:39 PM
If I were an uninitiated sheep, I'd fall for Kate's bullcrap and blame TLC, because, really, that's exactly what Kate wants you to think.
Sure, she'd be YOURS, ALL YOURS, EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT! Except that TLC isn't filming more episodes, so, you know, it's all their fault.
Not only is Kate shifting the blame for not keeping up her NEW TRADITION!, she thinks you should feel sorry for her to boot!
Another injustice foisted upon poor, poor Kite.
When TFW does resurface, the words "busy" and "crazy" will
probably be used to explain her absence. But, hmmm...when
she's home with all 8 kids -- a task that would surely break any
one of us mediocre folks -- she manages to tweet up a storm.
Confusing, huh?
I certainly can't imagine she'd fess up to wherever she went to
her "friends." But if indeed she's away to celebrate a milestone
birthday, what would be wrong with admitting it? Something like,
"Had a fantastic bday vacay while the kids stayed with their
dad - thnx4all the good wishes!" But she keeps her personal
life private, while repeatedly disrespecting her children's right
to privacy.
Tucker's Mom -- I always enjoy seeing you on the "morning shift"
on the veranda!
Rhymes with Witch said... 23
I agree, after the initial scolding, forget it! I think they get it, but then will forget and try it again. My dog had a little accident in the house because she refused to do her business before bed in the snow- she has taken a dislike to the stuff-. (Imagine that- and we had another good inch or so) Well, this morning, tried to go out, but missed by 10 seconds. We just said 'NO, do that outside' and put her out. She still is still post-op recovering, but I don't want bad habits or stubbornness ( a lot of pandering to her needs after her surgery may be interpreted by her as indulgence, idk)
Roo sounds cute-she knew which parts of the sandwich she wanted- gotta laugh.
Warmth Of The Sun said... 17
I'm so sorry for your loss.
PS I like being 'dog people!" ;)
I was pretty sure she wasn't going to surface on her birthday, that's how she rolls. Yet I'm shocked at the same time. Tucker's right, it's rude. But it's more than that. It's overwhelmingly selfish and ungrateful. She ASKS her tweeties to do things for her, like report people who don't like her. That's her job, but they dutifully do it for her. She encourages them constantly to fight the good fight on her behalf, and she had two major projects this year that they loyally tuned in for and supported. She tells them they are her friends. What friend ignores your birthday wishes???
The least she can do, the least, is find a way to thank them on her birthday. Even if you have to have somebody else do it for you, get your ass on twitter, grow up, and acknowledge the people who support you.
When I got my puppy I was reading that dogs have difficulty processing negative reinforcement especially if it comes even 30 seconds later. They just aren't always able to connect WHICH behavior is making their Mom sulk. So I decided with my puppy I would give it a whirl and never do negative reinforcement ever, only positive reinforcement. If something negative occurred I ignored it.
So for instance for potty, if he would potty in the house, I wouldn't say a thing, calmly clean it up without sulking, and go about usual business. But if he peed OUTSIDE, it was excitement and treats and praise. I was amazed how quickly he potty trained doing this method. I have him bell trained where he rings a bell if he has to go outside, it's adorable. He loved the big show I put on when he does something right.
Admin (#42), and just a few weeks ago Gladys was wishing TFW
had another shot at DWTS, since now she has more followers,
and they could rally to support her. But is that loyalty reciprocated?
Nope. But if they support her no matter what, TFW seems to feel
it's not worth her effort to hold up her end.
BTW, I just read that Reba McEntire had a big birthday yesterday
also - 60. Now there's a talented, philanthropic lady who has had
her share of hard times.
Admin (#42), and just a few weeks ago Gladys was wishing TFW
had another shot at DWTS, since now she has more followers,
and they could rally to support her. But is that loyalty reciprocated?
Nope. But if they support her no matter what, TFW seems to feel
it's not worth her effort to hold up her end.
Yes. You know I assumed she doesn't have much family or friends around because SHE cut them off. And I think that's true for at least some of them. But I kind of wonder if for others, THEY chose to cut HER off because it just got too tiring to be her friend or be a close relative friend of hers.
She's obviously a lazy twitter friend, she may just be a lazy real life friend/relative. I bet she's that type of friend who wants you to respond to her RSVPs but forgets to respond to the ones you give her. Who wants you to call and listen to her problems but is conveniently never on the line when you have problems. Who texts YOU big news but ignores your texts with big news because sorry, she was just so busy that day. Who wants you to come and bring an elaborate homemade dish to pass to her get-togethers but always can't seem to come to yours or if she does brings a bag of pretzels or nothing at all.
Like I said I always thought she cuts people off, but this friendship would be all give give give on the other person's end and nothing in return. That's not how healthy friendships work. There are a great many people who just wouldn't put up with that.
Yes, I praise my dog when she 'goes' outside too. Was easy when training her- but doing now with an older injured dog- they love praise- don't we all, lol? But I still use a firm NO then forget about bad behavior- they say you should not wipe up the mess in their presence and definitely get all scent out of the area. Not sure about pilfering food- just reinforce where the dogs' own bowls are.They keep us on our toes for sure!
(It was a Reuben, about to go into the frying pan).
Ouch, that hurts!
So for instance for potty, if he would potty in the house, I wouldn't say a thing, calmly clean it up without sulking, and go about usual business. But if he peed OUTSIDE, it was excitement and treats and praise. I was amazed how quickly he potty trained doing this method. I have him bell trained where he rings a bell if he has to go outside, it's adorable. He loved the big show I put on when he does something right.
That's what we decided to do with potty training. When our Bichon would have an accident, I just kept it zipped and went about cleaning it up like it was nothing.
If I catch him mid stream, I'll say "no", and he stops, then gets taken out.
For me, it was hard to not verbally admonish, but with the type of training we went with when we got our puppy, it's becoming more natural.
It really does no good if you don't catch the behavior immediately, and dogs just want to please.
That's why a dog will wag even though your admonishing him, because he's got eye contact, which is positive reinforcement.
Ugh, I dated a guy who would drag his dog over to the accident and rub his nose in it, then whack him on the nose.
I wanted to scream, it's so stupid and ignorant.
I remember my 40th birthday. I was five months pregnant with number four. She has been a joy and has now given me five darling grandchildren. I feel sorry for Kate that she does not appreciate all that she has especially her kids.
The least she can do, the least, is find a way to thank them on her birthday. Even if you have to have somebody else do it for you, get your ass on twitter, grow up, and acknowledge the people who support you.
March 29, 2015 at 6:57 AM
Even if it's to say that you are saying thank you first thing in the morning because you'll be out of touch all day. I mean, something.
Kate will return at some point and give a general thanks, and her sheep will say how they know she's so busy!!!!!! and works so hard!!!!!
I'll tell you, those kids are one hell of a "get out of jail free" card.
Tucker's Mom -- I always enjoy seeing you on the "morning shift"
on the veranda!
March 29, 2015 at 6:24 AM
Thanks! I wake up and get excited to comment on what I missed!
Tucker's Mom said... 50
Even if it's to say thank you to your "fans" first thing in the morning because you'll be out of touch all day. I mean, do something.
Kate will return at some point and give a general thanks, and her sheep will say how they know she's so busy!!!!!! and works so hard!!!!!
I'll tell you, those kids are one hell of a "get out of jail free" card.
You would think she would thank them. But if TFM is there, he may tell her not to read her twitter, as she reacts to bad comments and he does not want to deal with it. This has happened often when she is away with TFM.
Although she has said in the past, she deletes/blocks negative comments, I do not believe for a minute, she ignores comments or forgets them.
She is encouraging her fans to report them on Twitter, instead of doing it herself.
Anyway, she will probably be back home late tonight, wherever she went. Truth be told, how many babysitters have these kids gone through over the years while TFW travels. With so many instructions. These kids must be so confused and angry that this has gone on for so many years. Never mind her insane rules for the nannies, some of whom have spoken out on her RULES and insane demands.
She will never change but maybe, TLC will reduce filming (based on new shows and TFW's demanding ways and the HBB show.) One can hope.
Some very upsetting news that is having a huge impact on our family going on with my mom and advice, words of wisdom would be so much appreciated and needed.
Our relatively young mom, 55, has had several failed back surgeries (crippling scoliosis), TIA's, feeding issues, failing bladder, nerve damage has led us 5 kids to need to place her into full care residence. (they don't call it "nursing home", but skilled care) (semantics?)
My mom is unfortunalty very mean and not an easy woman to help but she is still Mom and we love her. None of the kids want her in their home, mostly because she is such an upset to be around and has a wicked tongue and personality.
My 2 brothers are mad at me and my sister for not taking her in our homes, my brother's don't want to either. We all have children and busy lives.
We will all be covering the extra costs equally but the brother's who are most opinionated want Mom to stay down the road from me and my sis, whereas sis and I think she should be closer to my brothers. She tolerates them much better and responds to them better.
It is turning our family against each other.
Mom is currently with me and refuses to cath herself, allow home healthcare to bathe her, is demanding and screams at my kids. My husband says I have to do something.
This is the hardest thing Ive ever had to do. My mom used to be kinder but not super warm and fuzzy. I have so much guilt but we can't go on like this.
She is laying the guilt trips on all of us. But even her doctor's say it's a necessity based on her physical and mental health.
Does anyone have experience in placing a parent in a care center? I literally feel like I am having my own mini breakdown.
Mom of 4
Tucker's Mom said... 200
Oh, it's coming. The obtuse message that she had a great time, she's exhausted, blah blah blah.
In other words, lots of words, zero meaning. But, her sheep will respond, "that's great, Kate!!!!", as if they have a f*cking clue what she's talking about.
I almost feel sorry for them. You would think they'd grow weary of being left for dead.
Momof4 -- My 6 siblings and I had to make the decision for our mom and dad. They were not safe living in their home. They qualified (health wise) for assisted living. We had many long and painful discussions. Fortunately for the sibs, we all agreed that it was time for a move.
We did all the work of finding a place and moving them into it. They could afford a REALLY nice facility where they knew some of the residents. It was a small, quaint place only 20 miles for the home farm. Friends stopped by to visit.
We reserved two adjoining rooms and created a sweet little apartment. We potted plants for the little patio -- including some tomatoes for my farmer father.
Mom had social groups -- crafts and bridge. Dad could sit and talk to the men and they fought WW2 all over. There were so many scheduled activities. The food was excellent and served in a dining room with white table cloths and fresh floral arrangements.
Still -- they hated us and truly convinced themselves that we were the worst children with the most evil hearts. They spewed some harsh and ungrateful words in our general direction!
I bet my father $100.00 that at the end of a month he would be able to tell me that he wished they would have made the transition sooner. He wrote me a check! (Then he asked, "You aren't going to cash that, are you?)
My avatar for today is my father handing me that very well-earned $100.00 check.
Good luck to you and your family. This is a most difficult time. Parent and child relationships are turned upside down. There is no way to navigate that emotional mine field without pain.
Hugs to you.
Thank you!!! I doubt anything sweet will come of this. But your story is sweet and had a happy ending. Mom isn't ambulatory and if I gave her a plant she would criticize me and ask why it wasn't a box of candy.
Mom of 4 -- your complex question stirred up so many memories from a few years back.
My father passed away 7 months after the move into the apartment home. He died grateful to know that mom was in a safe environment. H
He had been re-located into the nursing home facility just across the sidewalk. Someone was able to escort my mother to visit him whenever she wished.
It was, for so many reasons, the best decision for their lives.
PS: My parents were not happy-go-forth-into-the-day-with-a-positive- attitude people to say the least. We got through it. I am forever grateful to awesome siblings.
Mom of 4 said... 53
I hear ya. I also have a bunch of brothers who didn't lift a finger to help their parents, it's considered a "pink" job. But according to them, visiting once a week or so was them really doing a bang-up job. My mother contributed to their way of thinking by saying that the boys were busy, but us girls didn't have much of a life anyway. Grrrr. I was asked to drive 20 miles in the dead of winter to take my mother to emergency, another 15 miles away, but my brother, who lived down the street had more important things to do. Right.
I'd find a place half-way between all of you. DO NOT LET ANYONE GUILT YOU INTO ANYTHING. You are entitled to a life. You made your own family and your first priority is them. Your brothers must be forced to step up. Do what you can, but don't let them bully you into anything. Get her out of your house ASAP. Be tough. Get Social Services involved. They are professionals who are trained to handle these situations. We'll be here to support you. And promise your kids that you'll never do this to them.
Dear Mom of 4; my heart goes out to you. My 94 yr. old mother moved on this past Aug, in a care home. She was angry to be there and my brother was angry she was there but I could not have a life and care for her.
You must be strong and do what is best for you, your family and your Mom. Your children are important, your marriage is important and when your Mom has passed on, you will either have unhappy memories and no support, or peace of mind that you did the best for her and yourself and the loving support of your immediate family. It may sound harsh but after many years in healthcare service I have seen so many families like yours struggling. Please know the hardest choices are sometimes the best for everyone involved. Place her in a caring facility, do your homework on them, visit often and tell your siblings to do the same.
Blessings and strength to you, remember you are important too.
Mom of 4
I have no personal experience with this type of decision but I wanted to offer a word of support. But for the heath and sanity of you and your siblings and families, it sounds like your mother would be better off in a facility, and her health needs would be best met there. I always would encourage people to keep a loved one at home if at all possible but there comes a time when the illness or situation is more than can be handled. I did have to take my mom to hospital , only several days before she died of cancer, but she was the sweetest woman ever and we all loved her. If your mom does not appreciate your actions, you must not succumb to guilt or trying to please her. It's really her health, physical and mental, as her dr said, that forces this decision. You can do what you can for her once she is in a facility - whether she accepts or acknowledges your love and support is up to her. You sound like a very caring person and she is lucky to have you as her daughter. I hope she realizes this, someday, anyway.
PJ said, "And promise your kids that you'll never do this to them. "
Wise words.
Granny said... 49
I remember my 40th birthday. I was five months pregnant with number four. She has been a joy and has now given me five darling grandchildren. I feel sorry for Kate that she does not appreciate all that she has especially her kids.
March 29, 2015 at 7:59 AM
Wow, you are so blessed!
Can you imagine if your children cut you out of your grandchildren's lives?
I just can't believe Kate's parents are so bad, they *need* to be cut off.
Anonymous said... 59 - PJ
Great post!
She is laying the guilt trips on all of us. But even her doctor's say it's a necessity based on her physical and mental health.
Does anyone have experience in placing a parent in a care center? I literally feel like I am having my own mini breakdown.
Mom of 4
First, I'm so sorry that you are going through this with your mom. It sounds like she has had a really tough time, too, and acts out towards the people she can push that type of behavior on-family.
I would strongly urge urge your to seek counseling if you can.
It sounds like you have the strength to set your boundaries and place your mom where she can get the care she needs. But, there's going to be blowback, and you have to keep strong, and stay your course.
The course that's best for you and your family-that's where your allegiance lies.
Family dynamics are deeply entrenched in all of us.
You standing up to your brothers isn't going to sit well, obviously.
They'll just have to deal and make sure to tell yourself that you won't be emotionally blackmailed!
They know your buttons-you just have to make them unpushable.
Wishing you strength!
And promise your kids that you'll never do this to them.
Great point, PJ.
My mom, God bless her, never wanted to burden us kids. She also was fiercely independent, strong and well, a bit stubborn. She spent her last years in an independent senior living apartment, and struggled with heart problems.
DH and I told her we'd be happy to have her live with us if she couldn't afford the apartment anymore, or if her needs increased, but she never would give in or give up.
We were able to have her visit with us (3 hours away) when she felt up to it, which was a couple times a year.
She also stayed with us for a few weeks after a car accident, and even then, SHE was racked with guilt because she felt she was burdening US!
DH and I did more for my mother, and saw her more than my brother, who lived about an hour away, so I get how sons can be.
My mom is unfortunalty very mean and not an easy woman to help but she is still Mom and we love her. None of the kids want her in their home, mostly because she is such an upset to be around and has a wicked tongue and personality.
YEP.... been there and DOING that. Momof4, DO NOT LET YOUR SELF FEEL GUILTY ONE BIT. Bottom line, it is NOT your duty to take care of your mom beyond that which you are able. That includes mentally. If your mom didn't and does not take care of herself health wise, THAT IS ON HER and no one else. The only thing we "owe" is respect and love. We "GIVE" more BECAUSE we respect and love.
No one should ever be forced to be a care giver. It's hard enough to do even when we have volunteered. If we are forced then it is done with resentment and bitterness, which makes it bad for EVERYONE. We can do are best and that leaves nothing left to do. NOBODY, not family or friends, can add to your best. So Momof4, don't feel guilty for not doing what they think is best. That is theirs to answer for. Let them come forward and own what they wont do.
I will give Admin my email if you would like to contact me. I have lots of info you may be able to use. Or at least a shoulder to cry on.
Mom of 4, I do agree that your mom should be in a care facility. She has so many health issues that professional care is important. If you can find a good place roughly half way between you and your brothers, do it. This is such a hard transition, but you are doing what is best for your mom.
Dmasy, I love the story of your avatar!
My mom's senior living facility was the best thing ever. It gave me great peace of mind to know that she was safe and had people there for medical emergencies.
She wound up needing to call the nurse up to her room (there were pull cords in the apartments) a couple times, and get taken to the ER (really bad ticker).
I figured. The funny part is that the top slice of bread was on the floor and the Swiss cheese was missing. I have no doubt that she would have gone for the bread next, then the rest of the sandwich, given a chance. (It was a Reuben, about to go into the frying pan).
They are very clever like that. I have to be careful with any food on the counter. If I turn away for a second, I'll look at the collie and tell her, "You better not" and she doesn't. If I don't remind her, she will take whatever is there. On the rare times when I have a craving for McDonald's and I put the bag on the counter while I get a drink from the refrigerator, she sits there eyeing it up. She has taken the sandwich out of the bag, grabbed the burger, took the top part off and ate the pickles first, then the burger, then the bread. The paper wrapper was left behind. However, last week I bought some cupcakes, white with cream cheese icing, and she took the whole thing, eating the paper and all in one big bite. I tried to get it out of her mouth, but it was too late. Then she had the nerve to beg me to share mine.
For my 40th birthday, we went into San Francisco to see a show one of my friends was in, and then out to dinner. A rare treat
Dmasy, love the avatar. Thanks goodness your father was able to see the light and give you that check.The assisted living arrangement sounds ideal so kudos to you and your siblings.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 13h13 hours ago
RT @Fact: If you’re not losing friends then you’re not growing up. @kateplusmy8
Thanks for the feedback, dog people.
I caught her as she was still chewing, hence the "bad dog". I ignored her for only a few minutes after that. (I have never hit her, even lightly).
For the record, I thought the cheese part was pretty funny. Sometimes I'm afraid she's going to learn to open the refrigerator.
Thanks, PJ's momma and Tucker's Mom. There's a sunrise and sunset every day, and sometimes the hours in between are long, and many times still so very lonely. But you do what you gotta do and life goes on, and even if life sometimes is like a beautiful melody, the lyrics may get messed up.
So often I hear women complaining about their husbands leaving dirty clothing around the house, or wet towels on the bathroom floor, or coming home late for dinner without a phone call. I'd love to be able to clean up after him just one more time, or fuss at him if he threw me a surprise birthday party that I really didn't want or expect! The seemingly trivial and mundane things in life are so often taken for granted until we no longer have them. Think Emily's monologue in "Our Town."
Rhymes with Witch said... 74
Thanks for the feedback, dog people.
I caught her as she was still chewing, hence the "bad dog". I ignored her for only a few minutes after that. (I have never hit her, even lightly).
For the record, I thought the cheese part was pretty funny. Sometimes I'm afraid she's going to learn to open the refrigerator.
March 29, 2015 at 11:58 AM
My old Bichon would pilfer through things with military precision. I swear there's no way he could have done the things he did without thumbs.
Your dog's nose went RIGHT for the stinky cheese.
Sheeple tweeted...
Terri C. Brunson @TerriCBrunson 27m27 minutes ago
@TmChapin @Kateplusmy8 No more smoking, so bad for you. Give it to GOD and he'll take it from you. #FAITH
God smokes? What brand...regular or menthol? Or does she mean that He will discard the pack in that great big incinerator in the sky?
Sheep are such a wonderful source of entertainment, aren't they?
My old Bichon would pilfer through things with military precision. I swear there's no way he could have done the things he did without thumbs.
Your dog's nose went RIGHT for the stinky cheese.
Mine loves pickles above all else. I have no idea why. When we have Chinese take-out, she'd rather have the broccoli than the chicken in the stir-fry. And, unlike Purse Boy, she will also eat salad. She's a strange one!
Mom of 4, It is a guilt ridden decision putting a parent in a nursing home. You are fortunate to have siblings. (sorry this is long) may have to post it in two parts. My mom had dementia. She never knew it. My dad just told her the Aricept she was taking was for her back. It was a long, slow deterioration. They were living in their own home about 15 miles from me. My brother, two years younger living w/ them, due to a divorce. One night I get "the call" get over here, he's having the big one. My 20 year old son came w/ me. He's good in emergencies. As soon as we got to the house, my brother went to hospital. Dad had mild heart attack, but needed bypass surgery. They were both around 84. It was to the point that dad no longer left my mom home alone, even for short grocery trips, he took her everywhere he went, drs. Etc. My brother and I both worked full time. With dad in hospital, I was able come to their house every morning. He usually left for work, but mom was still sleeping. I was able to work from their house, after someone at work gave me a wifi card. They didn’t have internet and couldn’t function in my job w/ a dial up connection. Meanwhile, I also had a home and family of my own to take care of and a daughter w/ a busy high school schedule. I gave her breakfast, lunch. We’d go visit dad in hospital in afternoon. Bro w/ come home, give her supper and they’d go back to hospital. Because of the dementia, the emotional portion of my mother was not there. Normally she would be worried sick my dad in hospital. This went on for two week, getting harder on both of us each day. I still had to work at my job from home a night to get all my work in, plus making dinners, etc., at home. My husband was working a lot of hours also at the time. My brother was at his wits end w/ mom, she was at times paranoid/belligerent, due to the disease. We had to make the call to get her admitted to the hospital. We called 911. They evaluated her and took her to the hospital. This was and still is one of the hardest days of my life, she never went home again. (Crying as I relive this) We were about to break. The nurses loved her. She was a wonderer and she would sit at the nurses’ station w/ them and they would give her towels to fold to keep her busy. Turned out she did have a UTI which makes the symptoms worse.
Cont. . She was kept in the hospital a week or so. We got assigned social workers, because they knew my dad’s situation recovering from major surgery, that she was not able to take care of him, nor he take care of her. After a day or two, we had to tell dad that mom was also in the hospital. We were able to bring her to visit him. Social workers worked w/ us to get her into a temporary nursing home in their home town. Dad was also admitted there for rehab. It was too emotionally hard on him so he chose no to be in the same room w/ her. They spent a lot of their days together in the main room/dining room. We had to find a permanent solution for her. My brother found an attorney that specialized in elder law. Because he had lived w/ them for 5 years, which basically allowed my dad to keep my mother at home all that time, we were able to put their house in his name. They had no big retirement savings, just SSI. Many evaluations later, it was deemed necessary that she was not going to improve and dad couldn’t be her primary care giver any longer. It took a few weeks, but a placement was found for her, needed to be a locked dementia unit. She was about 5 miles from me. Once dad was better, he drove every day to the nursing home to spend hours w/ her. She never realized where she was, she always referred to herself by her maiden name, and she’d look out the door and say she wanted to go home to her mommy. She had wonderful care in the nursing home, never an infection or bed sore. She kept mobile until almost the very end when they were afraid she would fall. She died in 2009 at 86. I still to this day have guilt about not visiting enough. It was just so hard when she didn’t know who we were any longer. Once she was on hospice in the nursing home, my dad, brother and I spend days by her bedside. She wouldn’t give up. One night, my daughter and I went back to the nursing home, I just had this (feeling). We told her she could go, dad would be okay and that she could go play bingo in heaven. (She didn’t play, but helped her ladies club sell the cards, until they fired her because she couldn’t count the money any longer.) I got a call about 10 pm that she had passed.
Thanks for all the dog stories. It's been a long time since I've has a dog and I had forgotten how idiosyncratic they can be.
My first childhood pup would bat a pea around the kitchen floor but never eat it. Our second dog would eat around any peas put in her bowl with her food. Roo appears to love cheese but NOT string beans.
Fleecing, salad? Really? :)
Does anyone remember the song The Words from Anne of Green Gables where Matthew dies and Marilla is sorry she never told him how much he meant to her? All I recall is her singing that the truth was: "I adored him; God reward him." Those words really touched me, and I try to tell my loved ones how much they mean to me, and often. My condolences too, Warmth.
Roo appears to love cheese but NOT string beans.
Fleecing, salad? Really? :)
Yes. Salad...not particular about the dressing, but she does seem to enjoy Ranch. I give her my leftovers, and I always make sure there are a few cherry tomatoes in there for her. She also likes string beans and corn on the cob. I've only found one thing that she doesn't like. Bananas.
Roo's foster mom took this while she was with her. The kitten (10 mo) is the foster family's. I hope you can open it.
High Sodium Content said... 79
Thank you for sharing your story about your mom (and dad). You were a wonderful, wonderful daughter.
I kept vigil by my mom's bedside after her last heart surgery, which didn't go well. She hung in for about 7 weeks or so, and she died the day I told her I was going home for a couple days, and I'd be back.
I just needed to be in my own bed, with DH and the dogs.
He had been holding the fort down all alone, and was the biggest blessing, allowing me to just up and leave for so long.
I think my mom was waiting for me to leave. I'd taken the train home, where DH picked me up. We weren't in the house 2 hours when we got the call.
Roo's foster mom took this while she was with her. The kitten (10 mo) is the foster family's. I hope you can open it.
Wow, how cute! That kitty was taking one for the team!
I knew someone would out Kate on Twitter. She's somewhere warm and sunny-posed with two women who seemed excited to meet her.
I'm thinking FL or CA.
Yep, Kate went somewhere warm. Someone posted a tweet that her mom just met Kate and posted a picture.
JennaCrum @jennacrum0301 9m9 minutes ago
my mom seriously just met @Kateplusmy8
Yep. She's somewhere warm. Couldn't take one minute, though, to thank all of her fans for the birthday wishes, and yet when she does throw them some bones they will all forgive her, saying that she is so busy and deserved a vacation.
She uses them. They don't see it, or if they do, they are just too stupid to care. It's pathetic.
I think you're a day late. No matter, though. She didn't acknowledge anyone for the birthday wishes!
Jeanne K @JeanneKaye 11m11 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Peek a boo, where are you?? Today is your special day🎂🎈
Looks like those 100 Natural places are popular in Mexico. Cancun, etc.
Glad she treated herself to a nice Mexican vacation sans kids, apparently. But on their dime.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 91
Looks like those 100 Natural places are popular in Mexico. Cancun, etc.
Glad she treated herself to a nice Mexican vacation sans kids, apparently. But on their dime.
Well of course! She deserves it! We so called it. Kate can not handle the everyday grind without a carrot dangling in front of her. She hasn't strung months together without either filming or treating herself to a get away.
That's fine by me. It's just so funny how her sheep seem to worship her because they think she works her fingers to the bone, all by herself.
She vacations and has get aways very, very regularly.
I knew she wasn't going to turn 40 and have a mediocre family celebration. I'm sure she'd much rather be back in Mexico with Steve.
I'm just happy that it seems she's not filming with the kids.
Wow, how cute! That kitty was taking one for the team! 86
When I was there and Roo and I were sizing each other up, that same kitty made herself at home in Roo's crate.
In college, I had a lab/dalmatian mix and an orange tabby that worked as a team. They were hilarious.
I guess Kate's Twitter doesn't work in Mexico ;-)
Let's take bets on how long it takes Gladys to chime in and ask Kate if she's rocking a bikini on her vacation!
You go, girl! You deserve a vacation! You work so hard!
Looks like those 100 Natural places are popular in Mexico. Cancun, etc.
Glad she treated herself to a nice Mexican vacation sans kids, apparently. But on their dime.
Well, if she's piecing and patching, she certainly patched together a nice place to go! Not too many struggling, working single moms can afford to get away for a fling in Mexico. Oh, wait. The kids worked for this and it was their birthday gift for her. Yeah, that's it. All is good.
Looks like those 100 Natural places are popular in Mexico. Cancun, etc.
Glad she treated herself to a nice Mexican vacation sans kids, apparently. But on their dime.
have a link to the pic?
I'm so glad a single, unemployed mom of EIGHT kids has $$ for a bday vacay.
nice. not.
Guess Steve took the pic?
Gosh her boobs are huge.
Glad to see she has discretionary income for her bday vacay.
Let's take bets on how long it takes Gladys to chime in and ask Kate if she's rocking a bikini on her vacation!
Ah, but she will want pictures of her a rockin' it! No pictures, never happened! Gladys needs some more posters on her bathroom walls. The old ones got a bit moldy and are starting to peel.
And Goody is on another one of her hate Jon rants. Just another typical day in the sheepleland barnyard!
So she spent her milestone birthday with her married bodyguard.
Totally normal behavior. Happens every day. Bet she got some
enhancements, too. She's nothing if not predictable. Gladys
is always chastising people for being "mindreaders." But when
the mind belongs to TFW, it's pretty dang easy.
The fans may be have an emergency meeting in the barnyard
before they mention the trip. If TFW is pretending it didn't happen,
it may "behoove" them (sheep joke - get it?) to keep their mouths
shut, too. Oh, the dysfunction...
I'm so glad a single, unemployed mom of EIGHT kids has $$ for a bday vacay.
Maybe Jeff the Millionaire swept her away for her birthday.
So she spent her milestone birthday with her married bodyguard.
He's her road manager. Who knows how many times on this trip he's been ridden.
Of course, we don't really know that he's with her, do we? Let's ask Kravitz. She knows everything.
"Glad to see she has discretionary income for her bday vacay."
lol! When has she ever used discretion?
Yeah, Kate looks really worried about her purse full of bills and making memories with the kids.
I still wonder if she's filming. I just can't imagine that she'd pay for a trip herself, although she doesn't seem to have a problem shelling out money to pamper herself. It's the kids she doesn't like paying for, so…I don't know. Then again, when she/they are filming, there aren't usually pictures. When they went to Plimoth Plantation, someone had to sneak a picture from behind, and when they went to the jump place, all someone got was a picture of the BBB in the parking lot. No posed pictures. TLC doesn't like to let anyone ruin their surprises. I just hope that, if she is filming, the kids aren't part of it. Let her carry an episode herself for a change.
Fleecing, the one thing my Aussies will not eat is bananas. They scarf down anything else, even banana bread and banana muffins--just not the fruit itself. One thing they do that cracks me up, however, is when I make bread in my bread machine, they sit by the counter and wait for it to cool. They know they get the end pieces, and whenever my machine beeps to show that it is finished, they come tearing into the kitchen and park themselves on the floor right in front of the counter where the machine is. They will not budge until the bread is cooled and cut and they each get their piece. They won't even go outside to go potty until they have their treat. So cute!
Mom of 4-
Sorry it's so hard. Do what is right for you and your mom. Don't about what the others do or not do. That's on them. Do what you can and let the rest go.
A book that helped me a lot was, How to Take Care of a Parent Who Didn't Take Care of You.
I'm sure that you are doing your best, with your mom's best interests at heart. That's all anyone can ask of you.
Sending good thoughts....
Wonder if they sell the National Enquirer in the giftshop at 100 Natural.
I teach at a school where most kids have been in trouble for some reason or another. Expelled for drugs, or battery on staff or peers, fights or threats or any other number of things. We are their "second" chance to salvage some credits towards graduation even though they have been kicked out of mainstream schools.
I run an incentive program to aid the students in good behavior. Each week the students earn tickets every hour for doing what they are supposed to be doing. The tickets are put into a container for a chance to win one of two different items every Friday. Most of the time these are small items such as home baked goods or 5 dollar gift cards for various places.
A couple weeks ago, we had a small fleece blanket donated to use in the drawing. Not a big thing to most people.
I had a student approach me in private asking about the blanket. He said he hoped he won it because his cousin stole his blanket and he had nothing to sleep on. This is a 16 year old kid. How can he not have a blanket. (I felt really horrible especially when I thought of the three blankets we put in our dog cages)
Hubby and I went that night and bought a blanket. I took it the next day and told the student I couldn't guarantee he would win the blanket and so we "just had one" and brought it to him. He was very grateful.
HOW can someone not even have a blanket to call their own.
As part of our program, all kids are required to take a "group class" it is a therapy type class taught by a social worker. We are going to get yards of that fleece material and next year, towards Thanksgiving, we are going to teach the students we have then how to make their own blankets and they can pick out the colors they want. Then they can either keep it for themselves or give it to someone they love at Christmas.
We are going to look for grants to help pay the cost of the material because the cheapest price we have fount is 3.98 a yard. Each blanket takes 4 yards. We could have anywhere from 10 to 30 students.
I just could not believe it. And then people wonder why students do horrible on tests.
Maybe now you see why Khate Gosselin pisses me off so badly
Tucker's Mom said... 94
I guess Kate's Twitter doesn't work in Mexico ;-)
No cell towers. You know, 100% natural and all that. That'll be her story and she'll be stickin' to it.
and whenever my machine beeps to show that it is finished, they come tearing into the kitchen and park themselves on the floor right in front of the counter where the machine is. They will not budge until the bread is cooled and cut and they each get their piece. They won't even go outside to go potty until they have their treat. So cute!
March 29, 2015 at 4:20 PM
Too funny. I wonder if Shoka runs to the bread machine whenever he hears it buz...oh wait. Never mind.
They will not budge until the bread is cooled and cut and they each get their piece. They won't even go outside to go potty until they have their treat. So cute!
Well, it's official. Roo does not like pickles.
I apologize for saying for sure that Steve was with TFW. I don't
know that, and I don't want to be someone passing information
along as fact when it's not confirmed. I was basing that assumption
on the fact that we've never seen her navigate an airport on her own without either Jon or Steve acting as "grownup." Who knows -
maybe she went with Jamie and Jamie took charge.
At this point, I wonder if when she complains about money, she is complaining about monies for herself and her future. Knowing that all the kids have an education fund as well as being able to use their money for the house, cars, clothes, food etc. it would make more sense to me. Once the kids leave the house, I don't think she would be able to use their money for its upkeep as well as the other things she seems to use it for. So, when she does make money (like being a producer on K+8 or for CA) she can 'pamper' herself with trips and other things.
I really hope that one day, a journalist will call her out on how she can go on trips after complaining that the only way to make enough money to raise her kids is on reality TV.
Just speculating since only time will tell but in some twisted way, it does make sense to me.
Jeanne K @JeanneKaye · 25s25 seconds ago
Lordy Lordy, look who's..... Having a birthday. HBD. @Kateplusmy8 . Hope you are having an Awesome day😍
This is the second tweet from this one and no one has yet told her she's a day late. lol
FlimsyFlamsy said... 111
I was basing that assumption on the fact that we've never seen her navigate an airport on her own without either Jon or Steve acting as "grownup."
I also assumed her Capuchin flying monkey was with her, so don't be in too much of a hurry to apologize. Odds are he's there.
PatK said... 114
Jeanne K @JeanneKaye · 25s25 seconds ago
Lordy Lordy, look who's..... Having a birthday. HBD. @Kateplusmy8 . Hope you are having an Awesome day��
This is the second tweet from this one and no one has yet told her she's a day late. lol
Sheep are in a different timezone. It's still yesterday there right now. Tomorrow will be today and yesterday will have never existed.
Layla said... 105
''I still wonder if she's filming. I just can't imagine that she'd pay for a trip herself, although she doesn't seem to have a problem shelling out money to pamper herself.''
I was thinking the same thing! I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that she is being treated to the trip for 'the big 40' by TLC!
Maybe People is doing another photo shoot in Mexico.
Hmm...better not speculate lest we get Milo's hopes up.
Rhymes 74 -- Your comment about your dog learning to open the refrigerator brought back a fond and funny memory. I had a cat who was a champion scrounger. She thought she was entitled to sample any human food around. She'd chew open bread wrappers, boxes and bags of food. I wound up putting childproof latches on all the kitchen cabinets to keep her out. She even learned to open the microwave door (I used to keep the bread in there). One early morning I walked into the living room and stepped on a half thawed, half eaten roast (a small one). Sure enough, she'd figured out how to open the freezer compartment and helped herself!
I was basing that assumption on the fact that we've never seen her navigate an airport on her own without either Jon or Steve acting as "grownup."
Remember when Mr. Chocolate was with her? What happened to him?
Maybe she went on a Caribbean cruise, leaving Baltimore or New Jersey and didn't have to navigate an airport. Would she know what to do in a port?
Sheep are in a different timezone
LOL! As well as on a different planet!
They scarf down anything else, even banana bread and banana muffins--just not the fruit itself. One thing they do that cracks me up, however, is when I make bread in my bread machine, they sit by the counter and wait for it to cool.
Do you have a bread machine that slices the bread? That would be a big help and they wouldn't have to wait so long until you cut it!
Bananas. Nope. My dogs won't touch them. Even my Amazon parrot won't eat them, and you'd think being tropical and all, it would be in their DNA. He hates them and gives me the old stink eye if I offer him a piece. He gets excited over pineapple chunks, however!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 11m11 minutes ago
Have no fear...now has passed another yr. #FatherTime says pay no mind..40 was fun now onto 41? HaHa Am I rushing things a bit? @kateplusmy8
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Patricia Chow @PatriciaChow1 5m5 minutes ago
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I'm sure she had a nice Birthday, can't wait to find out how she celebrated her 40th.:)
Aaaaaaaand, there it is. Just under the lights-out wire.
Kate has unlimited funds for KATE.
2 cars she doesn't need (1 an Audi), manis/pedis/tanning
Closet full of clothes, shoes and purses
Expensive NewYork trips to get hair done
BOOB job in CA
High end appliances
Bday vacay( I hope the kids are with Jon)
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
Looking fine & rested! :) @Kateplusmy8
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
@PatriciaChow1 @Kateplusmy8 Me thinks she just used it as a nice #GetAway 2enjoy some much deserved R & R! :)
Someone here called it. Milo is so predictable it isn't fun anymore!
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES 1h1 hour ago
@TmChapin @TerriCBrunson @Kateplusmy8 Trust me I get that. I'm going through the most devastating betrayal in my life and praying for help
uh, oh. Someone is hintin' for some sympathy!
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES 1h1 hour ago
@TerriCBrunson @TmChapin @Kateplusmy8 Traci you are NEVER alone! All you need to ask and you would be surprised how many come to your aid.😘💞
I get the sheeple confused. Isn't this Traci fan the one who was begging for money for car repairs? I wonder how many people came to her rescue. Did Kate send her money? She certainly tweeted Kate enough.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 13m13 minutes ago
@PatriciaChow1 @Kateplusmy8 Me thinks she just used it as a nice #GetAway 2enjoy some much deserved R & R! :)
Oops, meant to paste this Tweet.
Yup, Kate deserves it, no, much deserves it.
We're talking about how unlikely it is for TFW to open her wallet
for a vacation. But think about how many tens of thousands of
dollars she's probably shelled out for her cosmetic procedures.
After the tummy tuck, I can't imagine any of her work was done
gratis (or Gladys).
Wow, we called that one. I also saw the pic, I wonder if she is also having some work done. You know work done, spa, etc. From the pic it looks as if she had something done. And it is cheaper down there than here.
here is Kates vacation birthday pic: (hope this works)
Must be nice, I only wish the normal/mediocre/mundane/WORKING MOMS could get away like Kate can! I wonder if her fans, who worship Kate can do the same? Cause, we all know Kate is so stressed out all the time, Gee, what kind of stress is that Kate: let see: kids gone almost 10 hours 5 days a week, hired help is there 20 hours a week, Kate spend about 2 hours with her kids a day, every other weekend the kids are at dad's, and a couple times during the week the kids are with dad. Kate does not hold a 7-3, 8-4. 9-5 regular job, she gets TV gigs, she goes to the spa, probably a couple times a monh, has her nails done every week, and goes to NYC for her hair, and gets to relax at the tanning salon. She has all the kids doing the chores in the house, wow, she is so STRESSED OUT! And added stress of turning 40, OMG!!!!!
After the tummy tuck, I can't imagine any of her work was done
gratis (or Gladys).
Did you read the book/Kate's journal?
Kate got at least one offer for a boob job, complete with recovery in their spa retreat. The kids got an offer for some fancy school in another state.
People clamored to give all of them freebies, from clothing to absolutely lavish gifts.
Remember the lasik and hair plugs? That's over 10K right there!
Right now she doesn't need people to make fools of themselves in a Walmart parking lot, so she's not going to run any contests or kiss any rear ends to put her face out there. I wonder, though, why these fans can't see that she only pays them attention when she's bored or wants something from them. It must be pitiful to go through life being used and not realizing (or accepting) the fact that you are absolutely NOTHING to her.
Gladys saying that TFW looks rested begs the usual question:
Rested. From. WHAT?
She was just complaining about how busy busy she is, it's incredible she has the balls to complain knowing full well she had a luxury vacation out of the country planned. I think she actually thinks she won't be found out. And Cancun has wifi. Why can't she pause for 30 seconds and tweet her loyal fans? It's so selfish.
Maybe People is doing another photo shoot in Mexico.
Hmm...better not speculate lest we get Milo's hopes up.
Didn't they remove her belly button the last time she was in Mexico? What body part would they wipe out this time?
Sure enough, she'd figured out how to open the freezer compartment and helped herself!
That is so funny. I'm surprised she didn't put it in the crockpot and set the timer. At least you had a self-sufficient feline!
Sure enough, she'd figured out how to open the freezer compartment and helped herself! 119
readerlady, somehow that is not comforting. :)
Getoff (129): "From the pic it looks as if she had something done."
On what part of her body?
I'm not sure Kate is tanning as much as she did at one time. In recent photos, she doesn't appear to be an Oompa Loompa. We also haven't heard her tweet praises for her NYC stylists too much, so I'm wondering if she found a salon closer to home.
Those boobs look extraordinarily larger don't they? Happy Birthday to me I guess. Would love to see that picture next to one of Kate before she bought the good bra. She must be feeling very attention needy if she consented to take a picture with the one person who recognized her on her much needed, much deserved vacay. Someday those kids will have to realize that not only did their hard earned $$$$ pay for Mommy Dearest but also for Uncle Skeeve. TFM does NOT pay his own way.
Pam (108) - You have given me pause tonight to consider how I take for granted the simple act of wrapping up in a warm blanket every night, while others can only dream of doing so. I wish there was some way I could help. Bless you for the work you do with troubled kids. You are changing lives.
Pam, if there were an address posted, I would be honored to send a check toward helping you buy whatever you need!
I may be in the minority here, but I can see TCFW paying for a vacation away for herself. She would never do it for her kids, but mama is turning 40, so mama needs to go somewhere warm. What kids? Couldn't get the twit pic to come up. Did anyone else have trouble?
Mom of 4 and High Sodium, I've spent the last year going through what you both speak about. My mom is not a nice person and was very abusive my entire life. This year has been horrid. Her husband's estate was a disaster and took a long time to get sorted (with an attorney's help), but there was money to keep her going and then she got life insurance which will keep her in her place for the next 3.5 years or so. If she outlives her money, then I'll have worries.
She has dementia. Sometimes, it takes getting someone out of their own environment and routines to see how bad they are off mentally. Your mom sounds like she has some symptoms of dementia. The anger, paranoia, refusing to bathe, belligerence, etc., are all symptoms sometimes, especially if she is upset about being forced from her home. She may be angry because she doesn't understand. Her control has been removed from her.
My mom was in a mouse-infested hoarder's paradise, in a trailer park with druggies/dealers all over. I had to move her for her own safety. We tried assisted living apartment and that's when it became apparent how ill she is. She was frantic, packing constantly (often several times a day), and deliriously upset. Moved her again, to an apartment closer to the beautiful amenities. No dice. My brother said he would take her. Brief honeymoon period, but she acted out there soon enough too. They couldn't handle her. Finally, I found a small group home specializing in dementia. They can handle all this because it's all they do. And they don't take things personally. She ended up in a mental hospital for dementia patients because she was violent and paranoid. She punched a staff member. I was terrified they would kick her out but they got her meds adjusted and she's doing OK.
Just know this is going to be a process. You may move her more than once. She may get kicked out. You will do mountains of paperwork. AND the best thing is - you will be judged every step of the way for the decisions you wish you didn't have to make, by people who do not understand how bad she is. That really bothered me a lot. Everyone's loyalty was to her, and they were unsupportive of me, who was left in charge and lives 1500 miles away. Much gossiping. Nothing I could do about that. Now I don't care about that stuff. Mom is in a beautiful home with a staff who cares about her and keeps her clean, fed, medicated, entertained, etc. This is the nicest place she has ever lived in her life.
Just place her as best you can and let the staff handle it. They are the professionals. You are not. If they tell you not to come for a month so she is forced to assimilate, don't come for a month. If you go and it sends her spiraling and they say to stay away, then stay away. Follow their lead. They will take care of her and give you some peace. And please don't feel guilty. All you can do is your best, and you've never done this before and you will be learning as you go. I have hated and resented it all, being put in charge of my abuser. But someone at church said something that really helped me. She said, "Doing what's righteous means doing what is right. It doesn't mean you have to like it." You are doing what you can to help your mom. You don't have to like it, but you are stepping up and doing it. Please don't feel guilty about that. You are doing what's RIGHT - for you and for her too. Chances are that she will find a friend there. BUT, she will probably be packing and trying to escape to go 'home' for the rest of her life. Just know that is extremely common and not personal. You have to live your life and take care of your family. Your mom will be taken care of and so will your family. Please don't feel guilty! I wish you the best. Lots of people have done this and you can too. You'll get through it.....
Pam, you gave me a lump in my throat. I work with an organization that exists to help homeless youth. Even socks are a big deal to them. Most do not run away out of rebellion, but because of abuse or neglect. Many of them are now on drugs or being trafficked. The streets are very cruel. They are just kids.
I wish there was a way you could post your organization's address. I would love to send you some fabric for your project through Amazon or JoAnn. If you ever set up a facebook page for this endeavor, please post it here and everywhere you can! It would be something lots of people would want to support and I bet you will be literally drowning in fleece! Please think about it. You need to be safe about it, but there are ways.
PS (sorry): Pam, fabric is much cheaper online and people can send directly to your organization! http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Darts-crafts&field-keywords=fleece+fabric&sprefix=fleece+fabric%2Caps%2C209
Sherry Baby said... 134
Maybe People is doing another photo shoot in Mexico.
Hmm...better not speculate lest we get Milo's hopes up.
Didn't they remove her belly button the last time she was in Mexico? What body part would they wipe out this time?
Her ass? N'ah, they never show Steve in the pictures anyway.
I agree, her boobs are looking larger and hanging lower than usual, very matronly looking.
Mom of 5 (53) - I am so sorry for the anguish you, your mom and your family are going through. It is a terribly difficult situation. I can only repeat what others here have already said: Do what is right for your own family and do not let anyone make you feel guilty for the decisions you make. If the doctors say your mother needs extensive skilled care, then she must be in a facility that will provide her with such care. It is an untenable situation for any one person to try to shoulder that grave responsibility alone.
Many years ago, my widowed grandmother moved in with her daughter (my dad's sister) and lived with the family for the last at least 20 years of her life (she lived to be 96). After my grandmother died, my aunt told me that the living arrangement completely ruined her relationship with her mother, and she would never allow that to happen with her children.
So as difficult as this decision seems right now, it is best to place your mom somewhere safe as soon as possible, before anyone misconstrues any delay.
I wish you strength and peace.
I think she actually thinks she won't be found out. And Cancun has wifi. Why can't she pause for 30 seconds and tweet her loyal fans? It's so selfish.
Not that we haven't said it a fuckity-million times, but she doesn't give a flying fig about anyone except herself. I do not think I have ever seen anyone more self-absorbed. A week ago she was thanking them for their support and now they're little tiny pieces of chopped liver. And the idiot sheep are okay with that. Incredible.
Pj's momma #142...exactly. Said much better than I articulated it.
IMO, you will only be 60% happy with any facility, and will have to overlook more than you'd like. Just the reality of it.
The only people who get a vote in this are those children who are actively engaged. 80% minimum.
Was it confirmed that Kate's in Mexico, or just somewhere warm? Did she tweet anything about her big birthday bash?
So Kate is trying to fly under the radar (not that I blame her) and Milo takes the pic from someone else's twitter account and posts it and outs her, while simultaneously showing two people who may not want their picture posted? Wow.
I just checked on this and from what I can tell, it was the daughter of one of the women in the photo who posted it first. I may be wrong. I don't have Twitter, but it looks like the person posted the photo earlier today.
And the idiot sheep are okay with that. Incredible.
Yes, they are blind to all of this, but I think that if they said anything to her about it, they would be blocked and shunned. The couldn't have that -- they'd be outcasts of the flock.
PJ's momma said... 151
So Kate is trying to fly under the radar (not that I blame her) and Milo takes the pic from someone else's twitter account and posts it and outs her, while simultaneously showing two people who may not want their picture posted? Wow.
Why don't you blame her?
Would love to see that picture next to one of Kate before she bought the good bra. 138
Orange, I suggest you google the Hawaii wedding vows. There must be pics.
Milo can't take a hint if her life depended on it. If Kate wanted this little Mexico va-cay to be outed she would have tweeted about it. She will tweet a gazillion photos of salads and birds and snow she doest want to plow but hell if she will ever out herself as living like a one percenter in real life.
Also, her whining about winter also feels trite when she knew full well she was off to Mexico in a few weeks. What a dolt. She posed with this woman thinking she doesn't have any social media but didn't count on the mom sending it to her DAUGHTER who does. Haha, oops! Doofus.
Took a look at the latest picture of TFW and those boobs look like they're starting to get in to porn star territory. Maybe it's the shadows and lighting, but those things are huge.
Now in the pure speculation department
@MY_2BCOLLIES: @TmChapin @TerriCBrunson @Kateplusmy8 Trust me I get that. I'm going through the most devastating betrayal in my life and praying for help
Could the betrayal be from BV or the defective detective who has suddenly gone private with her account? Or maybe it's a combination of the two. Drumming my fingers together as I say "Hmmmmm, very interesting".
Mom of 4, I have struggled with what to say to you that would be of any help, but as usual others here have articulated what I wanted to say in a much better fashion than I could have.
As stated, your own family should come first and you need to conserve your energies for yourself first before you can help anyone. Your mother will be better off in the care of professionals who are used to dealing with the elderly and their health issues.. Don't feel you have to justify to anyone the decisions you make.
When your mother is settled in a care home, you will see that you have done the right thing, as difficult as that will be for you. You also have to realize that none of this is ideal, no place is ideal, and none of this will be easy, My thoughts and prayers go out to you for the strength to do the right thing.
Excellent sleuthing. She's definitely in Mexico.
Mom of 4, just an FYI, don't think that the people at the facility will be judging you. Believe me, they've seen it all.
My friend worked at a Long Term Care facility and she said one time they were admitting a woman when they had a daughter come in with a garbage bag of her mother's clothes and she said, "Call me when she's dead."
When the woman passed away and the daughter came to gather her belongings, she said to the staff, "Now, do you understand?"
The staff totally understood. The old woman was a miserable, nasty, abusive patient, to everybody.
The people who work in these facilities understand that families have their breaking point and that's why these facilities exist. They are trained professionals who won't judge you. And no matter how bad you have it, there are others who have it worse.
Wasn't it Mexico where Kate did that magazine photo spread (Steve was there and one of the photos had her belly button missing?)
Sept. 2010
There is a 100 % Natural restaurant in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. I will bet you a $100 that is where she is.
I have been to Cabo. Very upscale, very private. I take it back...I think she is there with Steve.
Pam, I also want to do something to help. I want to donate the money to pay for a yard of material. I think what you are doing is incredible.
Remember when TFW tweeted something like, "Thrilled by little
things in life" -- that seemed uncharacteristically jolly of her.
Maybe that was the day her trip was confirmed.
We're 3 months into 2015, and she's been away from her kids
3 times (that we know of). Two trips to NYC for CA, and now this
vacation. How does she still get away with claiming she's a
single mother raising 8 kids on her own, and sighing about
how very exhausting that is?
Cocoa Coffee @cocoacoffee1962 11m11 minutes ago
@jennacrum0301 Thx for posting this picture! Can you ask your mom who was with her on this vacay? Was it this guy?Thx
Yup, knew this was coming, too. This poor girl/young lady innocently posted a pic of her mom meeting Kate, and Khaters are pestering her for dirt.
So far, only a couple of people have tweeted her, digging for info. I hope she ignores them. Her mom seemed thrilled to meet Kate and I hope they don't suck these people into their Twitter hate war.
Her last tweet was the 25th (which of course means nothing, she could have already been gone at that time)..but how long does a single, unemployed, sole support of 8 kids celebrate her bday in Mexico?
I also wonder how 'spring break can sneak up on her", yet she had enough clarity to plan a 1%'er 40th bday extended vacay?
I wonder how the kids feel that she can't take them on a trip on THEIR dime, but she can treat herself to one?
She's got to be one of the worst people to ever draw breath. Just when you think you've seen or read it all, she never fails to disappoint.
As much fun as she thinks she's having, it is short lived because she has to return to the mcmansion and those kids that don't know how to apologize to her. That's her punishment. She wants the luxury life yet those kids are holding her back.
TLC stinks said... 160
For sure she is not there by herself. I'm going to guess Cancun with Pumpkinbottom.
March 30, 2015 at 5:23 AM
Hmm, maybe Jamie and her husband, Kate & Steve.
I can't imagine that Jamie would take on the role of Road Manager while trying to enjoy a vacation.
Sorry if someone else posted this, but here are some pictures from 100% Natural in Cancun. Looks familiar.
Goody is on a rant about a major exposé that is being done on RH and his hate for TFW. It will supposedly go back to when TFW was pregnant with the 6 AND will run in a major publication. My question would be why would a major publication waste space on a tabloid writer and wouldn't this just bring more attention to his book? Goody heard all this through the grapevine. The way she's been ranting the last couple of days makes me think that she's gone off her meds.
Tucker's Mom (#168), I don't think TFW would be interested in
Jamie's husband coming along. It seems like she doesn't enjoy
the company of men in general, unless she can -- shudder --
flirt to get what she wants from them.
Spring break = 9 people watching The Waltons
Mommy's birthday = Mommy needs a vacation - adios!
Thank you so much for discussing parents in long term facilities. My father went into an Alzheimer's unit and was delightfully demented until his death. He didn't make any demands on me (most of the time he thought he was at work!) and it was the best nine months of my time with him.
It is entirely the opposite with my mother. Unbeknownst to me, my mother (a widow) spent all of her money and had taken a reverse mortgage on her home. I didn't realize she was broke until she had a stroke and I had to take over her finances. Eventually she left rehab and went into a long term facility. She is miserable to everyone around her including me and it is a CHORE to visit her once a week. I border on guilt and shame when it comes to her. I am glad to know that my feelings are not that unusual. I wish I could have dumped her and left her there but my conscience won't let me.
P.S. She was a horrible narcissistic mother and not someone who was meant to be a mother in the first place. I am an only child and it falls on me. I think this is why I can't stand Kate. She lives across town from me and ever since she had her mug in the local newspaper begging for assistance, she was a total turnoff to me.
Wasn't it Mexico where Kate did that magazine photo spread (Steve was there and one of the photos had her belly button missing?)
Yep. I forgot about this 'official business' trip. LOL
(wonder if she asked if they were going to NORTH Mexico or SOUTH Mexico?lol
Yep. Right before going on that trip (same day?)she said on (Live with Kelly and whoever it was) that when the kids are with Jon, she waits for phone calls from the kids on who wants to go home.
got it. uh huh.
I wonder which enabler went with her this time?
According to Us, Kate is in Cabo with Steve on official business. Perhaps TLC is filming a 40th birthday getaway for this overworked mother? Us also mentions that she was at the Emmys, so that meant more time away from the kids.
Jane said... 173
According to Us, Kate is in Cabo with Steve on official business. Perhaps TLC is filming a 40th birthday getaway for this overworked mother? Us also mentions that she was at the Emmys, so that meant more time away from the kids.
Jane-are you referring to this article?
That's from September 2010, when Kate did go to the Emmy's and when she went to Cabo for the People magazine shoot.
NJGal51 said... 169
Sorry if someone else posted this, but here are some pictures from 100% Natural in Cancun. Looks familiar.
Yep, that looks like the same place where the picture of Kate was taken. Even has the same waterfall in the background.
Kate GosselinVerified account
I'm really happy to see the SUN today... Yeah, thrilled with the little things in life... That's me!:) #AGr8Way2Live
Aww, then Milo took Kate literally and thought that Kate was fulfilled by having some sunshine on her little patch of earth.
Honey, she had her bags packed and one Flintstone out the door already.
Those sheep are so easy to keep in line.
Hey, wait a minute. I shoveled and cleaned snow off my cars about a dozen times this winter. Where's my vacay??
"According to Us, Kate is in Cabo with Steve on official business. Perhaps TLC is filming a 40th birthday getaway for this overworked mother? Us also mentions that she was at the Emmys, so that meant more time away from the kids."
Remember that day a week or so ago, when she said she was totally exhausted from listening and learning for two straight days? Maybe that had something to do with this trip?
So Mommy figured out how to plan a birthday vacay in Mexico for herself, but somehow spring break, summer vacation, always just creeps up and takes her by surprise. There are definitely two sets of calendars, two sets of expense accounts in that household. Her boldfaced audacity in doing nothing for the children unless someone else pays for it is amazing. I would be willing to bet $$$ that even orthodontia is on hold for some of them. You know, fine, have a trip to Mexico, pay for the companion, but stop crying poor me the rest of the time. That shtick is so old.
NJGal51 said...
Goody is on a rant about a major exposé that is being done on RH and his hate for TFW. It will supposedly go back to when TFW was pregnant with the 6 AND will run in a major publication. My question would be why would a major publication waste space on a tabloid writer and wouldn't this just bring more attention to his book? Goody heard all this through the grapevine. The way she's been ranting the last couple of days makes me think that she's gone off her meds.
Yeah, right. and that Bullyville guy was going to be on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. They sure dream big, don't they?
May said...
She is miserable to everyone around her including me and it is a CHORE to visit her once a week.
May, I suggest you lay down some ground rules. Give her three strikes when you visit. Lay out the ground rules for her, that you're not going to sit there and take her abuse. When she screws up, say, "Strike one." and change the subject. When you get to Strike three, get up and walk out. Keep calm and let the staff know what you're doing. And be consistent. It will allow you to take back your control and maintain your sanity. Your mother will learn that she reaps what she sows.
The 100% Natural restaurants in Cancun, in Acapulco and in Playa del Carmen all have the same stone arch. When I went to their individual sites and flipped through the small pictures it sure looked like they are all identical. Prefab I would guess.
Can you imagine haivig all those appliances break and STILL being able to afford a vacation to Mexico? I've been trying to go to Disney with my kid since she was 2 and she's in High School. Of course, that's in addition to our annual OBX vacation which we take together and I couldn't imagine telling her I was going off without here since I can't afford both of us. Mean.
Why in the hell is she invited to the EMmys? Didn't see her on the red carpet..snark. No wonder she's so full of herself stil
Oh never mind my Emmys comment, I'm reading from the bottom up
Goody heard all this through the grapevine. The way she's been ranting the last couple of days makes me think that she's gone off her meds.
The Grapevine probably = The Defective Detective
Off topic, I think we discussed Andy Cohen's book a little here when it came out because as I recall he mentions Kate. I haven't gotten to that part yet but I started reading it and it's great!
He talks about Lady Gaga and says she's so sweet. She really took to him apparently and would do things like send him cake and specifically requested he interview her for a magazine. Of course she also peed in the garbage can in her green room, lol, but she told him immediately and explained that there were so many people outside she'd have to walk by all those people to get to the restrooms, which apparently are public restrooms the entire building shares. Someone from production saved the pee and was a trying to make it into perfume, hahahhaa, and she seemed to think that was a hoot. She sounds like a good sport.
He said he did an event with Martha Stewart and all she did was complain, and she couldn't take an innocent joke about dating his dad and basically gave him the death stare.
He and Anderson Cooper text each other a lot and they both are frequently bored at their jobs. It's sort of a running thing with them to text each other that they are bored. They both are aware they have dream jobs but I think that's normal for creative types to often feel antsy and bored and looking to the next thing. It's kind of funny to picture Anderson doing all those endless plane crash stories and know he's thinking, I'm BOREDDDDD.
He frequently has to fire various housewives and replace them with new ones to breathe life into the show and he said that's always a nightmare dealing with them. They will beg and plead to be back on the show. He said one husband called him up CRYING for half an hour saying they gave up everything to make a go of this show. I bet that was Simon, the same guy who showed up at this blog and started posting when I mentioned him here, which leads me to believe he trolls the internet all day long for anyone breathing their names. Andy said he explains to all of them over and over this is NOT a career do NOT count on this.
I just read the very serious and rather self important Foxcatcher so this is a nice change.
Anonymous said... 178
So Mommy figured out how to plan a birthday vacay in Mexico for herself, but somehow spring break, summer vacation, always just creeps up and takes her by surprise. There are definitely two sets of calendars, two sets of expense accounts in that household. Her boldfaced audacity in doing nothing for the children unless someone else pays for it is amazing. I would be willing to bet $$$ that even orthodontia is on hold for some of them. You know, fine, have a trip to Mexico, pay for the companion, but stop crying poor me the rest of the time. That shtick is so old.
So true............priorities, priorities.......
I agree with the idea Kate has two funds, for the kids and for herself. For herself it's VIP treatment. For the kids it's budget.
The last time we know of she ever took those kids on vacation was what, two years ago or was it three to that Alabama beach house we all are pretty sure a sheeple gave her.
I guess she needed a vacation from her vacation--all she did this year was go to NYC multiple times, got a nice house renovation, then went to Cape Cod, then a lovely beach house vacation in Maine. Poor thing.
When you can afford to just jet off to Mexico after several major appliance failures that year you whined about, plus you've already been on two major trips that year, you're out of touch. I don't think she understands for many people when a major appliance breaks down, it actually is the end of the world. Or at least it means you may have to do without it until you can save up to repair or fix it. Or if you fix it right away, it sets back pretty much everything else you meant to do that year, including a family vacation. She really is duplicitous trying to present one way of "medicare" life while living a completely different one. If she had nothing to hide why not send a tweet or two from Mexico and some fun pics, include her tweeties in on the fun? She includes them in so much else, why not this?
She knows darn well she's trying to hide this aspect of her life from her twitter persona. She's inauthentic.
No idea why apple felt mediocre should be changed to Medicare....but you know what I meant!
By the way I meant last time she took them on vacation SANS cameras. I don't count that.
fidosmommy said... 181
The 100% Natural restaurants in Cancun, in Acapulco and in Playa del Carmen all have the same stone arch. When I went to their individual sites and flipped through the small pictures it sure looked like they are all identical. Prefab I would guess.
The posters here are awesome detectives....... unlike some of the fans. I'm guessing Cancun for $200 Alex. And thanks for Milo for forwarding the photo to TFW on twitter- Kate will be so grateful!!
The sad part is that once TFW's feet hit the compound, she will go right back to being her miserable self. To hell with the kids' braces (supposed to be done months ago for all kids) - MOMMA needs a break !!
Cancun, Cabo, wherever, she managed to arrange a Mexican vacay for herself while giving the impression she cannot handle the expense of repairing appliances. I feel sorry for her besotted fans who buy into her schemes. Now we know where the extra yard sale money went! And the paycheck from TLC. At least I hope Jon got the kids this weekend while mommy played in the sun. Now that the cat is out of the bag, will she confirm or ignore? I vote for ignore. Just like she quit tweeting five days ago.
FYI, the restaurant has the same stone arch in Cabo, so I still vote for it, LOL. Only the best for the queen of mean.
localyocul said... 182
Can you imagine haivig all those appliances break and STILL being able to afford a vacation to Mexico? I've been trying to go to Disney with my kid since she was 2 and she's in High School. Of course, that's in addition to our annual OBX vacation which we take together and I couldn't imagine telling her I was going off without here since I can't afford both of us. Mean.
We have a big tree right in back of our house that died last fall. We were hoping that maybe all the leaves turned brown at once "just because", and it would come back this spring.
But that was wishful thinking, so now it's going to cost thousands to take it down.
Not only that, they have to haul it out back, past our fence, which means they have to take down part of our fence and we have to put it back.
To take it out front would have doubled the price, at least.
Sooo.....that's a vacation lost right there.
Kate's kids probably don't expect anything else from Kate than her leaving, taking breaks and taking vacations. They know that they probably won't do anything if TLC isn't filming.
If Kate can leave a kid hurt and crying, right after divorce, she doesn't care if the kids did bupkiss for break and she goes on a lavish vacay.
It doesn't phase her in the least.
I think it's great for parents to get away once in a while, don't get me wrong. But, the bennies of filming and fame go disproportionately to Kate.
Don't forget, she also went to California for the TCA Winter Press Tour back in January.
So far this year, she's been to NYC several times, CA and now Mexico. All without the kids.
And the sheeple think she deserves a break.
I also wanted to give Kate a pass on not getting the boys braces when all or most of the girls have had them, but now I don't get why 0/3 boys have orthodontia.
If she has been in Cabo, maybe she is planning on re-visiting DWTS; she claimed she has a standing invitation. I'll be looking for her in the audience tonight.
If she had nothing to hide why not send a tweet or two from Mexico and some fun pics, include her tweeties in on the fun? She includes them in so much else, why not this?
She knows darn well she's trying to hide this aspect of her life from her twitter persona. She's inauthentic.
March 30, 2015 at 8:05 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if a tabloid isn't looking into this to see if they can get "the" shot of Kate and Steve.
I think it's great for parents to get away once in a while, don't get me wrong. But, the bennies of filming and fame go disproportionately to Kate.
Yes. I really don't care if someone goes on vacation, nor do I care that someone is cold and wishing for the sun. If you can afford to go somewhere south to warm up, have at it.
It's the disproportional aspect of it, the way she gives herself VIP celebrity treatment but skimps on the kids. When the kids were really enjoying themselves in Alaska she couldn't just let them have their moment. Because SHE didn't like it, they had to leave. But one example. She's proven herself to be extremely selfish when it comes to her money and opportunities and the kids only get their fun if either it benefits her too or doesn't inconvenience her. Otherwise they're dumped on the nanny or Jon.
For me also the way she has all these mediocre fans who don't have this lifestyle, and yet she tries to present herself as just another busy relatable mom when she's not. I don't think lying is an unfair word for the situation. You are a rich celebrity, not the mediocre. Your life with eight kids is not anything like other people's as a result, and certainly not hard. Other celebs in the past who have tried to act like they are just like everyone else have been highly criticized for it. So too is she. It's not just pick on Kate day. Any celeb who tries to present themselves in this manner is going to get found out.
I hate the way she strings her fans along pretends they are her friends and has them doing her bidding yet can't include them at least a LITTLE in times when she is having fun. It's manipulative. She is under no obligation to share her vacations with them BUT if she's not going to include them in that part of her life then she has no right making them run around like her minions pretending she's their FRIEND. It's rude and unfair.
I appreciate celebs who acknowledge how blessed and abundant their lives are, and appreciate it. It's more genuine. I appreciate celebs who do not USE their fans.
Lynne In RI said... 137
Getoff (129): "From the pic it looks as if she had something done."
On what part of her body?
Looks like she purchased a bigger better bra but what she really needs is hairplugs. That hairline looks like it's receding at warp speed.
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