This is not the first nanny to come forward. Last July a nanny said Kate forced her to spy on the children's phone calls with Jon and that Kate hit Collin with a wooden spoon. And several years before that a nanny disclosed that when she worked for the family in 2008, she witnessed Kate drinking too much and hitting the children.
How many nannies need to come forward to believe it?
1816 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1816 Newer› Newest»Remember that day a week or so ago, when she said she was totally exhausted from listening and learning for two straight days? Maybe that had something to do with this trip?
LOL, maybe she took one of those getaways where you get a couple of nights free but have to sit and listen to the pitch to buy a time share. We did that in Vegas once (Hilton) and were able to extend our stay for a nominal fee. Didn't buy the timeshare, just wanted the free/greatly reduced stay. We were in a one bedroom apartment which was actually pretty nice. Two nights free and three more for $99 each night.
He frequently has to fire various housewives and replace them with new ones to breathe life into the show and he said that's always a nightmare dealing with them. They will beg and plead to be back on the show. He said one husband called him up CRYING for half an hour saying they gave up everything to make a go of this show. I bet that was Simon, the same guy who showed up at this blog and started posting when I mentioned him here, which leads me to believe he trolls the internet all day long for anyone breathing their names. Andy said he explains to all of them over and over this is NOT a career do NOT count on this.
Wow, I don't remember Simon popping in here!
I watched RHONY when Simon and Alex were part of the cast.
He's an odd on, to say the least. Simon struck me as a kid who was an outcast-always on the outside looking in. Status and making it in "society" was paramount to him. Any publicity was good-whatever they could get.
I remember he and Alex went to some fancy function in NYC. They took a town car and Simon's head was about to explode because they were stuck in traffic, and they wouldn't make the red carpet portion of the program.
He was literally on the verge of a stroke!
The next morning, Simon's hands were practically shaking as he scoured the newspaper for any mention or photo of him and Alex.
There was a photo-of the back of their heads. Simon was like a junkie who just got his fix, even if he had to pick through the trash and drink all the backswill from discarded beer bottles to get it.
It was sad. Just sad.
Mom of 4,
I am not speaking from personal experience--my parents and my ex's parents died before those kinds of decisions became necessary.
Your mother is going to be probably going to be miserable where ever she lives. If she is with you, she will continue to tear your family apart. If she is in a home, her ability to negatively effect you and your family will be limited--by a lot. And, she will have staff that are paid to take that kind of abuse.
For that reason, alone, I hope you have the fortitude to do the right thing.
I have had friends in similar situations, who have all made the decision to put a parent or parents in assisted living or a nursing home. In all cases, it has brought enormous relief and restored their lives to normalcy.
Either way, I think there would be benefit in finding some kind of support group. Al-Anon meetings are everywhere, and teach tools for dealing with difficult people and situations. The characteristics that you are describing are also found in some addicts, so, athough the circumstances are different, the effects are similar.
Good luck to you, and I hope you can find some solutions that will bring peace to you and your familly.
How delicious that Milo outed Kate. Now I am convinced Milo is just an obtuse, obsessed fan who does not know Kate at all. Thanks for the birthday gift, LOL.
Now the only secret is, who was her "companion" because she never, ever travels alone.
Tucker's Mom said... 196
I also wanted to give Kate a pass on not getting the boys braces when all or most of the girls have had them, but now I don't get why 0/3 boys have orthodontia.
Oops, again, why the boys DON'T have orthodontia.
Damn head cold!
For me also the way she has all these mediocre fans who don't have this lifestyle, and yet she tries to present herself as just another busy relatable mom when she's not. I don't think lying is an unfair word for the situation.
Preying upon
"If you're not in my kitchen or grocery store, you're not going to see me"
The lies drip off her tongue like honey.
Regarding orthodontia for the boys, she is probably following an orthodontist's recommendations. The trend seems to be 'phased' braces now. We have a niece who is in and out of braces every couple of years, since she was 8, and she's turning 16 and has them again. Her parents wish they had waited until all her teeth were in and her jaw formed so they could have done it all at once, instead of over and over and over. Easier on the wallet and easier on the kid too.
I had braces at 38 and I would have hated to buy retainers for each phase. Those things are hundreds of dollars! I still have my original retainer, which I have worn every night for over 11 years. The dog ate my husband's original retainer and it pained us to pay for another one. Retainers are strictly out of pocket. The thought of having the braces three times or more gives me chills too. Yuck.
Cocoa Coffee @cocoacoffee1962 11m11 minutes ago
@jennacrum0301 Thx for posting this picture! Can you ask your mom who was with her on this vacay? Was it this guy?Thx
Yup, knew this was coming, too. This poor girl/young lady innocently posted a pic of her mom meeting Kate, and Khaters are pestering her for dirt.
So far, only a couple of people have tweeted her, digging for info. I hope she ignores them. Her mom seemed thrilled to meet Kate and I hope they don't suck these people into their Twitter hate war.
I believe that the person who tweeted that is a regular poster here, but I agree...don't involve the young girl in this. She doesn't need to tattle and get caught up in this.
PJ's momma said... 8
Regarding orthodontia for the boys, she is probably following an orthodontist's recommendations. The trend seems to be 'phased' braces now.
I just don't remember any of the boys being in braces, ever. If they weren't in braces yet, and the girls have been, then I wonder why?
DH just got is braces off, and he's in an invisalign type retainer now.
Big relief!
He had braces as a kid, but between getting too many teeth pulled and time, his bite was getting dangerously off.
Yeah, it's big bucks.
Could the betrayal be from BV or the defective detective who has suddenly gone private with her account? Or maybe it's a combination of the two. Drumming my fingers together as I say "Hmmmmm, very interesting".
It would really be sad if being betrayed by BV or Detective is the most devastating thing you have ever gone through in your life! lol!
Tucker's Mom, maybe the boys' teeth are just different and they'll do it all at once. That's how I'd prefer it if I were the patient or the parent paying for the treatment. Four of the eight have been in braces, I think, so if the boys end up doing it later, I feel very 'meh' about it. Their mother hasn't stopped four from having orthodontia, so I doubt she'll balk at getting the boys braces too, if they need them.
Regarding orthodontia for the boys, she is probably following an orthodontist's recommendations. The trend seems to be 'phased' braces now.
Yes, I agree. There are phases in that kind of dental treatment, and each child is different, depending on teeth and jaw alignment. I find it hard to believe that she would deny treatment because she likes perfection and she's the one who has to look at their teeth.
Midnight Madness said... 9
Cocoa Coffee @cocoacoffee1962 11m11 minutes ago
@jennacrum0301 Thx for posting this picture! Can you ask your mom who was with her on this vacay? Was it this guy?Thx
Yup, knew this was coming, too. This poor girl/young lady innocently posted a pic of her mom meeting Kate, and Khaters are pestering her for dirt.
So far, only a couple of people have tweeted her, digging for info. I hope she ignores them. Her mom seemed thrilled to meet Kate and I hope they don't suck these people into their Twitter hate war.
I believe that the person who tweeted that is a regular poster here, but I agree...don't involve the young girl in this. She doesn't need to tattle and get caught up in this.
They all should leave the poor girl alone. How did Gladyce even find that girl's post?
teresa darienzo @popems42 9m9 minutes ago
@msgoody2shoes21 @ConcernedChick @Kateplusmy8 Funny his book sold more copies than Kate's cookbook.
Oh, burn!
The next morning, Simon's hands were practically shaking as he scoured the newspaper for any mention or photo of him and Alex.
There was a photo-of the back of their heads. Simon was like a junkie who just got his fix, even if he had to pick through the trash and drink all the backswill from discarded beer bottles to get it.
I vaguely remember that. Sad man.
He popped in here though I don't think I published the comments, just mentioned he had popped in.
I had mentioned that when I took a RC cruise, when you turn on the TV they play promotional commercials all the time about what was on the ship. There was Alex front and center telling us how much she loved cruising with RC with her kids. It was her, right down to the oversized teeth in the mouth, the voice, the weird shade of strawberry blonde, everything. My sister said that was her too. And it's not like we were casual viewers of the show, we both had seen all her seasons.
Simon popped in to adamantly deny they had ever done a commercial for RC and demand I retract my statements.
I think it's probably that they are embarrassed to have to stoop to doing such a commercial for a cruise ship channel. It's not like it was a REAL commercial, it was just for a cruise ship's internal network, lol. They may also not want it going around that they travel on mediocre cruise lines instead of their private helicopter and yacht with the prince of Denmark. Or there is someone out there who looks, walks, and talks JUST like her. Hmm, I'm gonna go with embarrassed.
Mom of 4, clearly you are not alone in your experience as all the shared stories can attest.
I have a similar story. In the fall, I found out my father was in the hospital...we are not especially close and he doesn't like to "burden" us 3 kids with his health issues.
He went into emergency and from there the doctors scheduled arterial bypass surgery for him but the hospital couldn't keep him the 2 weeks and he didn't think he could manage at home so he asked if he could stay with me.
Now since neither my brother or sister offered to take him, not that I did either, I felt obligated and also guilty for how reluctant I was.
Nevertheless, we packed Grampa up and brought him home. We set him up in my room (Hubby and I happily have our own bedrooms) and I bunked with Hubby.
It was brutal. The reality was I hadn't lived with my father since I was a small child and it was a very rude awakening.
He's not an abusive man, but he is extremely opinionated, demanding and manipulative. Very much like an insolent child that thinks his way is the only way.
What blindsided me was the anger and resentment that seemed to take no time at all to surface. Not on his part, on mine. It took only a couple of days for me to realize just how angry I was with him.
For abandoning me as a small child, for ignoring me in my teens, for always putting his mother before me and my kids while they were growing up and for not taking care of himself and asking for help when he needed it that led to his deteriorating health in the first place.
What was worse was that neither of my two siblings bothered to stop by and visit him while he was here. Neither of them even called to see how he was getting on or how I was holding up for that matter. I was on call 24/7 the entire time he was here and the only respite I got came from Hubby who was also working full time.
Finally Dad had to go to Emergency and though I informed both my siblings, neither of them showed up at the hospital (we all live in the same city) while Hubby and I sat with my father for 7 hours before they finally decided to keep him.
It was then that I realized that I couldn't let guilt sway my actions in this matter. My siblings proved that the bulk of the care giving would be up to me and I had to decide whether or not my father would stay with me after his surgery.
I couldn't do it and I arranged (and paid) for my father to have aftercare in his own home. All the way around it didn't go over well with either my father or my siblings.
In the end though it came down to what was best for me and my family. It's very difficult when the child/parent roles get reversed especially if there are choppy waters under the bridge and you have little to no support from other family members.
But as PJ, I think, said so eloquently, it certainly reaffirmed for me that I need to make sure I take the best possible care of myself so I don't ever put my children in that position.
Wishing you all the best in your difficult situation. Thanks for sharing with us and starting this dialogue. It never ceases to amaze me how much so many of us have in common.
There's nothing wrong with a little shilling for a free RC cruise!
Kate got a free trip to the shore for doing the Ab Champ (or whatever it was) commercial.
I don't think lying is an unfair word for the situation. You are a rich celebrity, not the mediocre. Your life with eight kids is not anything like other people's as a result, and certainly not hard.
An arrant, double-dealing scam artist is what she is. Who hasn't she victimized to slither her way to the hedonistic lifestyle she so enjoys? No one. She sizes people up and calculates how her association with them will work to her advantage. She treats her fans no differently than her kids. They only get her attention when she needs something from them, otherwise they go back into storage.
Holy crap...sorry folks, had no idea my post was that long. Will try not to be so long winded in the future.
I don't think TFW had a boob job...I think she's not "running kate" anymore and has gained some weight and because your boob job can't shrink...it will definitely look bigger if you've gained weight. I think she's definitely somewhere with Skeeve.....anything to get away from the kids !
RE: Kate's Ab Champ commercial. If you want to see every "tell" she has when she's lying, just watch it.
There's nothing wrong with a little shilling for a free RC cruise!
Kate got a free trip to the shore for doing the Ab Champ (or whatever it was) commercial.
Sure, why not.
His level of furor over the idea his wife would stoop so low just made him look guilty. I bet they did and collected their paycheck, and I bet maybe he regrets it now because he didn't think anyone would actually notice because hey who goes on cruise ships to watch TV? (We did, because we had two entire days of torrential rain where we couldn't dock at our destination, lol, oops!) So when all else fails deny deny deny even when Alex is sitting there right in front of our faces. I wish I took a photo now of the screen lol.
Plus I know how he was from the show, and he cannot stand to be lumped in with everyone else. He is a special snowflake as is his family who only deserve five stars or better. He was a trip. Also it was funny how all the other Housewives were convinced he was gay, which also made him furious.
It never ceases to amaze me how much so many of us have in common.
Yes-that and the incredible strength that leaves me humbled.
Sheri, thanks so much for admitting you & your hubs each have your own bedrooms!! It is more common than people think, but no one wants to admit to it! And all for different, unique situations. My mother always acted like it was the most terrible thing for a marriage, but we will celebrate our 35th Anniversary this December. We make our lives tailor-made just for us, and no one needs to know why.
Seriously though, don't you think wants people to know she went on a vacation? She's a narcissist. I doubt she could keep quiet about her exploits. She wants people to envy her (lol...) and would she still enjoy herself if only she knew about the trip?
Wowser said... 19
I don't think TFW had a boob job...I think she's not "running kate" anymore and has gained some weight and because your boob job can't shrink...it will definitely look bigger if you've gained weight. I think she's definitely somewhere with Skeeve.....anything to get away from the kids !
Agree-doubt she's had more boobage added. It looks like a combination of aging breast tissue which tends to fill out with fat as we age, and of course gravity. Kate's poor posture accentuates the lower carriage of the boobies.
I know when I gain weight, my bra is the first place it notice it.
About aging parent situations, my heart goes out to all of you who are/did have a rough time of it. I always told my kids that if I survive after hubs is gone(he is 11 years older than me), and if they have no room or don't want to take me in, then I will just commit a little crime, and spend my days guaranteed a cot, toilet and 3 meals a day-in jail!
Seriously though, don't you think wants people to know she went on a vacation? She's a narcissist. I doubt she could keep quiet about her exploits. She wants people to envy her (lol...) and would she still enjoy herself if only she knew about the trip?
You'd think, but that conflicts with her everyday mom persona she thinks sells widgets. So poor doofus is in a quandary.
I just know in the ten years she has been a celeb, she has never once told her fans about an off the record vacation she went on. But for social media, we'd never even know they happened. This is her M.O., keep it secret. Most of the time she gets found out but who knows about what she's done that she's been able to keep under the radar.
The only thing I can say for certain is that those melons are not what she had when she was married to Jon. I would have some respect for her if she just admitted to it instead of lying. She thinks she is just so clever but really her denials are insulting.
I think just the twins and Hannah have had braces. But I know TFW tweeted she was told by the orthodontist that more kids needed them soon...I think that was last year! But I do think they have free orthodontia- remember it was gifted to them once iirc?
Plus I know how he was from the show, and he cannot stand to be lumped in with everyone else. He is a special snowflake as is his family who only deserve five stars or better. He was a trip. Also it was funny how all the other Housewives were convinced he was gay, which also made him furious.
Oh, this is bringing back so many funny moments from the show.
The cast was vacationing in the Hamptons, some in their own homes. Alex and Simon rented this house that looked like a shit box in comparison.
You could see them trying to make the best of it, and put on airs like it wasn't some practical joke played upon them.
Simon reminds me of the character Nolan on Revenge, minus the fortune.
It really makes me mad that she could not take her own children to see the Statue of Liberty with her/their own money, she had to wait until tlc paid to film the excursion! And we all know she had the money as well as the time, to take them there herself. And her sheeple made excuses for her then, as they still do to this day! Maybe I am called a hater on twitter, but would rather be that than a stupid, non-thinking sheeple!
and if they have no room or don't want to take me in, then I will just commit a little crime, and spend my days guaranteed a cot, toilet and 3 meals a day-in jail!
March 30, 2015 at 10:52 AM
I love your sense of humor!
PS...don't watch Orange Is The New Black or Wentworth ;-)
prairiemary said...(25)
Sheri, thanks so much for admitting you & your hubs each have your own bedrooms!! It is more common than people think, but no one wants to admit to it! And all for different, unique situations. My mother always acted like it was the most terrible thing for a marriage, but we will celebrate our 35th Anniversary this December. We make our lives tailor-made just for us, and no one needs to know why.
Well, prairiemary, you're welcome I guess. I find it strange to be thanked for simply stating a fact. I didn't realize it's a taboo issue.
And the reason we have separate bedrooms is that he snores and I grind my teeth. We simply don't sleep well when we sleep together.
Not to mention it makes playing, "Your room or mine?" a lot more fun.
P.S. Congrats on the 35th Anniversary, that's awesome. We celebrate our 20th in May so we must be doing something right.
Karen Kaufman said... 26
Seriously though, don't you think wants people to know she went on a vacation? She's a narcissist. I doubt she could keep quiet about her exploits. She wants people to envy her (lol...) and would she still enjoy herself if only she knew about the trip?
Kate's bread and butter is being a "single" mom, doing 99% of raising the kids all along, #allroles etc. ad nauseum. ad infinitum.
The plastic surgeries, lavish trips and expensive upkeep are all kept on the down low so she can sell people on the idea that she deserves pity, and all the credit for slogging through the really tough life she has.
This woman's nipples enter the room 5 seconds before she does, and she's still NEVER admitted to having a boob job.
Oh, this is bringing back so many funny moments from the show.
The cast was vacationing in the Hamptons, some in their own homes. Alex and Simon rented this house that looked like a shit box in comparison.
You could see them trying to make the best of it, and put on airs like it wasn't some practical joke played upon them.
Simon reminds me of the character Nolan on Revenge, minus the fortune.
LOL Yeeesss. The memories are flooding back for me too. Hey maybe Andy was wrong to fire them! :)
They also lived in the less "posh" side of town in Brooklyn and pretended it was just so nice while secretly trying to get the hell out of there as fast as possible. It WAS nice, but not like Donald Trump nice. I remember once Bethany came to visit and was like, what IS this shithole? I remember they kept saying oh we're remodeling, but they had been remodeling forever. (Probably because they got halfway through and couldn't afford it.) She made so much fun of it. Poor things. The thing is there was nothing wrong with their lifestyle, their house or their neighborhood. It was that they kept acting like it was something it was not that rubbed the other Housewives the wrong way. Why act like that? Be yourself. Be authentic. If you're just a little rich, then own it. Don't pretend to be a LOT rich, lol.
I appreciated the running joke that a 1 percenter family was so looked down upon by even richer people. It was almost rather brilliant commentary on this idea that no matter how well off you are there will always be someone better off. Kind of makes you think what's the point.
And their kids had names like Sir Lancelot and Lord Pickles of Canterbury.
prairiemary said... 33
It really makes me mad that she could not take her own children to see the Statue of Liberty with her/their own money, she had to wait until tlc paid to film the excursion! And we all know she had the money as well as the time, to take them there herself. And her sheeple made excuses for her then, as they still do to this day! Maybe I am called a hater on twitter, but would rather be that than a stupid, non-thinking sheeple!
March 30, 2015 at 11:07 AM
That NYC trip only existed in the TLC filming universe, not the non-filming universe.
They are 2 distinct universes.
Well, prairiemary, you're welcome I guess. I find it strange to be thanked for simply stating a fact. I didn't realize it's a taboo issue.
And the reason we have separate bedrooms is that he snores and I grind my teeth. We simply don't sleep well when we sleep together.
Our guest room was becoming DH's room until he got CPAP!
No sleep, no happy wife!
How did Gladyce even find that girl's post?
The girl included @Kateplusmy8 in her post. We know Gladys scours Twitter for any mention of Kate so she can immediately jump to her defense. She would have seen the post pop up on Kate's timeline.
And their kids had names like Sir Lancelot and Lord Pickles of Canterbury.
March 30, 2015 at 11:13 AM
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 436 of 436
Isn't it Francois or something? I remember them getting an au pair who could teach him French.
Oh, and them kissing up to Jill to try to get him into some preschool like it was like Harvard or something.
That poor kid. I'm sure they've turned him into Little Lord Fauntleroy.
And here TFW had to "win" the battle of who-has-the-worst-luck
with broken appliances against one of her Twitter "friends."
"Duplicitous" really does describe her perfectly.
Your blanket program is wonderful. It will not only provide a necessity, your plan sets it up in a way that allows dignity and pride in accomplishment. I agree that a lot of people would like to help if you found a way to make this public. Have you thought of using a crowdfunding program like gofundme or kickstarter? A lot of celebrities (obviously not tfw) are happy to retweet worthy crowdfunding opportunites that are tweeted to them. Also, if you present your school tax id #, fabric stores like JoAnn's will give you a discount and sometimes donate supplies.
Formerly Duped said... 31
I think just the twins and Hannah have had braces. But I know TFW tweeted she was told by the orthodontist that more kids needed them soon...I think that was last year! But I do think they have free orthodontia- remember it was gifted to them once iirc?
Sorry, but I disagree with this. Years ago, someone put out as fact that Dr. Gosselin would provide the kids' dental care for life. Well, he's long gone, so did the person who bought his practice pinky swear to keep doing it, if it was true at all? Dentists and orthodontists are not the same. Dentists do not do orthodontia. Why would an orthodontist give away at LEAST $40,000 of revenue (minimum) to a bunch of rich kids, unless he or she planned to use them in advertising or something (which hasn't been seen)? Medicaid pays for braces in some cases, and even those orthodontists get paid, for a lesser amount that they agree to accept. Dental insurance pays a lifetime limit on orthodontia, but it's minimal, compared to the final cost. I believe Kate is paying for the kids' work. Just my opinion.
Kate is bad enough without this kind of speculation. I know she does a lot of bad stuff, but 'free dental work for life (???)' morphs into 'she grifted braces for all the kids.' And even if it WAS true, doesn't it benefit the KIDS?
Sheri said... 20
Holy crap...sorry folks, had no idea my post was that long. Will try not to be so long winded in the future.
No worries, Sheri. If blogger can take it, so can we.
Who doesn't remember Simon in the red pleather pants. (not a typo) And their spoiled spawn, Johan and Francois. I'm not making this up.
For orangecrusher.
Pam said:
As part of our program, all kids are required to take a "group class" it is a therapy type class taught by a social worker. We are going to get yards of that fleece material and next year, towards Thanksgiving, we are going to teach the students we have then how to make their own blankets and they can pick out the colors they want. Then they can either keep it for themselves or give it to someone they love at Christmas.
We are going to look for grants to help pay the cost of the material because the cheapest price we have fount is 3.98 a yard. Each blanket takes 4 yards. We could have anywhere from 10 to 30 students.
I just could not believe it. And then people wonder why students do horrible on tests.
Maybe now you see why Khate Gosselin pisses me off so badly
Your story breaks my heart. Yes, how can a child not even have a blanket to call his/her own? This country has so much, yet there are people living here that have practically nothing. It's wrong and it shouldn't ever, ever happen. Thank you for buying that boy a blanket, yet presenting it in a way that took his pride into consideration.
If you set up a gofundme, or some other type of page to fund the blanket project, let us know. I would be happy to donate towards the purchase of fleece fabric.
Do we know for sure that Kate is with her married booby guard on this vacation? (Although I know that Kate can never travel on her own, so someone has to be along to help guide her through airports, drive whatever vehicle she rents, and probably even cut up her meat at meal time!)
The silver lining is that the kids get a break from mom. I wonder if she allowed them to stay with Jon the entire time (I hope so).
For my last birthday, my son took me out to a great hamburger place in our area, and we had Angus beef burgers, onion rings, and milkshakes. He sat and made conversation with me. Believe me, for a teenage boy who would normally prefer to hang out with his friends, that was a big deal. I would take that celebration any day over going on vacation without my dear family members.
TFW sure is away from home a lot. And that's just the stuff we know about.
Tucker's Mom, if I did not have a sense of humor, I would have gone crazy by now!
Sheri, playing 'your place or mine' is a lot of fun;)
One thing I find rather sad about Kate is that I've noticed for major life events the kids have not been a part of it or present for very little of it. Birthdays, an exciting stint on DWTS, VIPing in Hollywood or NYC, etc.
There's nothing wrong with doing something without your kids, but when that's always your goal, it's sad. Most mothers would want their kids there on the big 4-0 or other milestones. We're supposed to be going through life together as a family, not on two different tracks. Kids notice. You bet they notice.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 37
And their kids had names like Sir Lancelot and Lord Pickles of Canterbury.
That just made me LOL! I always thought, those poor kids with such pretentious names.......
Thanks rhymes with witch, nothing like a Kate pic from her flattened past.
Her transparency in only celebrating HER lifecycle events sans kids is so blatantly sad. For my 40th, I had a dinner out with friends AND a 3 day weekend with my DH and kids. For my 50th, my then college age son cooked a festive dinner for family and friends. And for my 60th our now grown children conspired with DH and my best friend to host an elegant surprise party. And yes, we do get away and travel frequently; sometimes we call our trips after our special occasions. But unlike TFW, what makes my life special is celebrating with my family.
For my last birthday, my son took me out to a great hamburger place in our area, and we had Angus beef burgers, onion rings, and milkshakes. He sat and made conversation with me. Believe me, for a teenage boy who would normally prefer to hang out with his friends, that was a big deal. I would take that celebration any day over going on vacation without my dear family members.
You've got a pretty cool kid, Millicent ;-) That's awesome.
I don't know who Kate's with, but I get the feeling it isn't her kids and TLC.
If so, I'm glad the kids aren't filming.
I also hope Jon got the kids while Kate's away.
Gee Pam, you are doing something so awesome, proud of you girl!
I have been sending money to Covenant House in Toronto, and in the Fall, I collect warm coats, sweaters, and other cold weather items, and send them to a teen support organization, and the kids can pick what they need. But because of what you are doing, I am going to see what sewing projects may be going on in Canada, because I am a sewer. You have inspired me so much! Now why can't you-know-who donate to projects like what you are doing? And before anyone says that maybe she does, but we don't know about it-you know darn well that if she was, she would be so sure we would all know about it.
Love hearing stories about birthdays celebrated with family & friends!
For my 40th, my friends surprised me with a awesome dinner at a nice restaurant, then on my 50th, the kids drove down with cake and gifts and goodies. Those are special times to me:)
PJ's momma said... 44
You must have misunderstood the intention of my post. It would be great if the kids are lucky enough to have orthodontia- just saying Kate tweeted they were told they needed it very soon, about a year ago. Remember the epi where they had the twins at the orthodontist (really invading Mady's privacy with talk and close-ups of her dental status)..I think that's' when I heard they were getting it free - or maybe just the twins- from TLC? In trust ? Idk. Sorry to mislead.Just commenting Kate should get it going if it is recommended now, not wait.Yes,' Dr Kristin' did the dental work- orthodontia was at a separate place shown on the episode- they sang when people got their braces off.
I believe Kate is paying for the kids' work. Just my opinion.
I think that the kids are paying for their own work. It's for the welfare of the kids, and therefore it can be taken out of the money required by the DOL to be put aside for them. She can dip into that and therefore justify it because it's for their benefit.
My thought on the kids and free braces:
If it was FREE, every one of the G kids would have the straightest teeth in Ghettosville.
And PJ'S momma, the KIDS are paying for their dental work, not Khate. LOL (now where's my spanker!)
So is my family the only freak family that doesn't make a big deal about birthdays? No matter the age it's always kind of been, happy birthday, here are your presents and where do you want to go for dinner. I do make a pound cake (from scratch) for my husband bad he buys me a donut (because that's what I like). We used to have cake and things as my son was growing up. I do always sing our family's special birthday song though. Come to think of it, we always had a birthday party for the bully at day camp and I always cooked him his own steak so I guess he made out like a bandit.
My husband and I have always had twin beds. I cannot share a bed with anyone as I am a light/restless sleeper. We're married 38 years so I guess it works for us.
I wonder if Gladys has her phone tucked securely into her good bra in anticipation of the alert that Kate is back on Twitter!
What is Goody ranting about now? Something about an article to be published that will bring Robert and his wife to their knees in embarrassment? What is that all about?
All the comments about Simon from RHNY, they are actually showing some of the episodes from those seasons on Bravo; just watched a couple now and saw some last week.
Does anyone remember the black speedos he wore when he and Alex went to some island, can't remember which one? I had to bleach my eyes after seeing him in that!
Upstater said... 52
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 37
And their kids had names like Sir Lancelot and Lord Pickles of Canterbury.
That just made me LOL! I always thought, those poor kids with such pretentious names.......
Ah yes, the "chums" Francois & Johan. I always figured the kids would eventually end up calling themselves Frank & Joe rather than endlessly having to spell out/pronounce their names for people.
So is my family the only freak family that doesn't make a big deal about birthdays? No matter the age it's always kind of been, happy birthday, here are your presents and where do you want to go for dinner
Same here. No big deal. Many times not even a gift because I don't expect one, and I usually cook dinner for everyone if we don't go out to dinner. Last year on my birthday I cleaned out the garage. Of course, I would rather have been in Mexico, but the mess in the garage was driving me crazy so I opted for that instead! In addition, at that time I had my rescue kittens to care for, and they were more important than a birthday vacation.
What is Goody ranting about now? Something about an article to be published that will bring Robert and his wife to their knees in embarrassment? What is that all about?
Oh Goody, how you get your knickers in a wad.
If, and that's a BIG IF, there is something about Robert (yea suuurrree), it sure isn't that he or his wife copyrighted their own detailed journal of how they abused THEIR kids.
tsk tsk, Goody.
Your queen is a child abuser.
so shut the fuck up,
(I love this blog. you can say 'that'). LOL
Over in TFW's County - Goody said that she heard through the grapevine that a huge exposé is being written on RH and his wife and how their hatred of TFW goes back to when TFW was pregnant wait the six. My guess is the the writer is Ziggy, the defective decide or that other tab reporter that wrote a book that didn't sell (can't remember his name). Goody claims that it will be in a major publication. The question I asked earlier was what major publication is going to waste the space an an unknown tab writer. People? NE? If an article is done it will only point more people in the direction of RH's book.
Admin. and Tucker's Mom...Simon and Alex skeeved everybody out! They were a piece of work. I thought the best thing they did was write a parenting book about raising children in the city when their kids were out of control. Bravo had Season 2 of RHNY on today and it was so funny to watch. I also read that Simon and Alex sold their Brooklyn brownstone for a cool $2.67 million and moved the family back to Australia. Alex said it was time to go back to Simon's roots as he'd been gone for 28 years and they wanted to spend time around his family.
PJ's momma...About dentists and orthodontia. There are dentists around here who are putting braces on kids teeth. They go and take some course and learn how to do it. My sister took my niece to a dentist for her braces. I told her to go to an orthodontist as my niece had a severe overbite and was going to need some intense work. I gave her the name of my kids' ortho but she wouldn't hear of it. She said the guy she was going to was just fine. Well, no he wasn't. My niece's teeth today look only marginally better than they started out. Now, I'm sure some of that has to do with her not doing what she was supposed to do after the braces came off. But her teeth look like she never had braces. What a waste of money. And my sister knows better because she, myself and our two brothers were all in braces back in the 70's. And our teeth are still beautifully straight.
After being married for 33 years, sometimes our guest room becomes my bedroom because my husband also snores. And then the dog will start snoring and if I don't get outta there I will be hurting someone. And yes Tucker's Mom he has a CPAP but doesn't like to wear it. He says he doesn't get a good night's sleep with it. Yeah right and you get a good night's sleep snoring all night! Surrrre.
I think that the kids are paying for their own work. It's for the welfare of the kids, and therefore it can be taken out of the money required by the DOL to be put aside for them. She can dip into that and therefore justify it because it's for their benefit. 58
I agree. I think she plays as fast and loose as she can with the children's account(s).
I've not read everything, nor have I read TFW's twitter feed today, so I may be repeating someone else.
From what I read on twitter yesterday from Goody, I suspect the bombshell tabloid article about Robert will have AW (full of sour grapes) as the author!
I'm a bit confused. Okay, a lot confused. Why is Milo being targeted as putting the picture out there on Twitter? I saw that photo yesterday afternoon on Kate's timeline, long before Gladys tweeted it out. The girl herself tweeted it and said that her mother met Kate and it showed up on the TL.
Milo picked it up and did her "rested" tweets, but she wasn't the first to tweet the photo.
NJGal51 said... 60
So is my family the only freak family that doesn't make a big deal about birthdays? No matter the age it's always kind of been, happy birthday, here are your presents and where do you want to go for dinner.
I'm with you on birthdays. My last one I got flowers, dinner, a piece of cake (my husband got one too), 2 emails and a belated phone call. And I don't feel deprived in the least.
For my grown-up kids, I send money and a card. The money is actually MUCH more than I used to spend on a gift. I like it that way, and I think the "kids" like it that way too.
How is everyone seeing all the hater tweets on her timeline? All I see is the posed dog pic.
(I tried twittertunnel, but that wasn't successful).
Formerly Duped said... 57
PJ's momma said... 44
You must have misunderstood the intention of my post. It would be great if the kids are lucky enough to have orthodontia- just saying Kate tweeted they were told they needed it very soon, about a year ago. Remember the epi where they had the twins at the orthodontist (really invading Mady's privacy with talk and close-ups of her dental status)..I think that's' when I heard they were getting it free - or maybe just the twins- from TLC? In trust ? Idk. Sorry to mislead.Just commenting Kate should get it going if it is recommended now, not wait.Yes,' Dr Kristin' did the dental work- orthodontia was at a separate place shown on the episode- they sang when people got their braces off.
Likewise- I am fairly certain that TFW twittered a while back that all of her kids would have/be in braces within several months. Guess TLC did not pay as she had "other priorities" -room renovations,vacation, yard sale, etc... so the boys' braces were not a priority.
If I am wrong, I stand corrected. : ) She actually twittered this at some point, trying to gain sympathy.
Sorry Formerly, if you thought I attacked you. I hate defending anything Kate does, but the speculation can get over the top sometimes. And you are all right. The kids have paid for their ownwork.
I found Milo creepy, because the girl who tweeted the pic of her mom with Kate, did so innocently and it landed on the timeline. Milo did not retweet, but lifted the picture and tweeted it directly to Kate, who obviously didn't want the info out there. What the daughter did was in innocence, but Milo's was very deliberate. It looks passive aggressive....to me.
Remona Blue said... 69
From what I read on twitter yesterday from Goody, I suspect the bombshell tabloid article about Robert will have AW (full of sour grapes) as the author!
Remona, that's the first thought I had, too! Unless, of course, one of the thugs has taken it upon his/herself to undertake this task. Should be interesting to find out...IF this ever comes to fruition.
It's a shame someone is so bitter about Robert putting Kate's own words out there, isn't it?
Over In TFW's County said... 70
I'm a bit confused. Okay, a lot confused. Why is Milo being targeted as putting the picture out there on Twitter? I saw that photo yesterday afternoon on Kate's timeline, long before Gladys tweeted it out. The girl herself tweeted it and said that her mother met Kate and it showed up on the TL.
Milo picked it up and did her "rested" tweets, but she wasn't the first to tweet the photo.-----------------------
I don't read Twitter much, but was under the impression that Milo tweeted the young girl's post. Sorry if that was wrong. : (
If anyone would like to see a comparison shot of TFW in her renewal vow wedding dress and the wedding dress she wore on CA here is how:
Go to google images and type in Kate Gosselin Hawaiian wedding dress. Scroll down just a bit and there it is to the right side. A side by side comparison. The difference is night and day and 6 years. She looks sickly and scrawny in the CA picture.
She looks older than 40 in the 100 naturals picture. Also, when I was googling for the Hawaiian wedding gown picture, I came across an article that showed her at SYTTD at Kleinfeld's in NYC. She didn't just get one dress off the rack to try on, she got 2 and had them blended together to make one dress. So she got TLC to custom make her a dress. Not like the other real brides, just take one from the rack and fall in love with it. She is just a unbelievable taker, knowing that the marriage was going to expire in what a few months after the fake renewal and she managed to get TLC to pay for a customized dress.
From the NY Post article:
Kate Ditches the 8 For A Day! Last paragraph: Ironically, Kate couldn’t find one style that suited her perfectly so she had two gowns merged together to create the dream dress. Oh, that’s so Kate – everything has to be a multiple!
Over, I do not follow Twitter timelines or understand much of it, but I would never have known about Kate's vacay if not for Milo tweeting it.
so shut the fuck up,
(I love this blog. you can say 'that'). LOL
Every once in awhile, dropping the f-bomb just feels gooooooooooood(y).
Looking at Robert's website, on the house sale, Kate says this "That's why TLC wants us to continue to be 'normal'....
Wonder how we will explain the $2M house? :):
But, the paper clearly states the house cost 1 million.
1. why exaggerate (even doubled!!) the cost
2. why only put down 100,000?
3. and WHO talks like this? is it necessary to state the price?what a tool she is....
On the tax return:
1. W2 income for the year was less than $352.
2.taxable interest was $10,860
3.pensions and annuities $9,233.
4. business income $1,363,655.
5.rents, royalties,corporation, partnership, trust, etc $604,121.
6.TOTAL INCOME for 2008 $1,978,988. (that's lots of 8's. lol)
7.1/2 of self employment tax $24,574,
8.adjusted gross income for 2008 was $1,954,414.
(8 points). lol
*wonder why such a dinky W-2 statement.
*The partnership et al line is interesting, you think that might include all the 'freebies' (such as free furniture, etc?) that would make sense, it would keep tlc out of that part of their income.
* the self employment payment....were they considered contract labor for TLC?
I'd sure like to see the rest of their income tax return.
Yep, they sure were struggling weren't they. How she took money from the folks attending their poor me tour makes me ill.
I am a big one on 'you reap what you sow'. She's got a poor harvest a'coming her way.
Yes, the money to pay for the orthodontic treatments can come from the children's account. Remember TFW made Jon go and ask the dentist that took over his dad's practice for him to provide the same services that Dr. Gosselin provided them for free.
I think TFW tried to get them for free so she wouldn't have to take out the money from the kids accounts so there would be more money for her to have to use for herself.
When the twins turn 18, they will be able to find out what is going on financially in those accounts. If there is any wrongdoing, the twins will tell the tups and all you know what will break loose.
I second that if some article comes about Robert and his wife it will serve only to draw attention to his book. Really, both sides need to let it go. It will serve no purpose other than give Kate publicity.
So Kate is in Cancun or wherever. Big deal. I've been there--wouldn't go back. It's just an overly touristy beach town. I thought it was tacky. I'd rather schlep to my husband's aunt's gorgeous beach house and hang out with tons of family and fiends, have a cookout, play beach volleyball, roast marshmallows…now that's a good time!
Lauren is back on twitter. She's the one who bashes people for being haters and the spews venom at others like Farrah Abraham. She's in a tizzy over TLC's "Mother of all Weeks" coming up May 3-11, because K+8 will on. She posted a link to an article about it, and it doesn't look like these are new episodes. In fact, it specifies which ones will be new episodes of older shows (a two-hour special of 19 Kids with Jill's baby's birth, plus "I Still Didn't Know I was Pregnant"), and debuts of some new shows--"The Willis Family", "What She Said", and "Labor Games". It just said there will be some mom-focused episodes of Long Island Medium, K+8, and My Big Fat Fabulous Life. So sorry Lauren, if you're hoping for some new K+8, I don't think you'll see it that week.
Thanks Remona. AW is exactly who I was thinking of and the minute I saw the I Italy's the name came to me. Does he still workmforma tab that will run with his story? Sour grapes all the way.
My husband doesn't snore that much but he makes a little "pssht" sound that drives me up a wall. If I recorded the sound all night long no jury would ever convict me for putting the pillow over his face!
To see Kate's Twitter time line, try this
Kate's back on twitter, and she just tweeted:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 6m6 minutes ago
Had THE most wonderful birthday wkend w my kids in a sunny☀️ warm breathtakingly beautiful location!U can c r fun soon😉! #MemoriesRBestGifts
So she took the kids with her. But it was on TLC's dime!!
TLC issued a press release today, promoting it's "Mother of All Weeks" which will air from May 3-May 10. They have a breakdown of which shows will air each day. This is what it says for May 10:
"Sunday May 10: It's all been leading up to this - Mother's Day. To celebrate, some of TLC's fan-favorite moms appear in three all-new one-hour Mother's Day specials: KATE PLUS EIGHT, LEAH REMINI: IT'S ALL RELATIVE, and MY BIG FAT FABULOUS LIFE."
So it just shows, once again, that the kids don't get to go anywhere unless someone else pays for it.
May 10 is not only Mother's Day, it's also the tups birthday. I wonder if she will live tweeting?
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 6m6 minutes ago
Had THE most wonderful birthday wkend w my kids in a sunny☀️ warm breathtakingly beautiful location!U can c r fun soon😉! #MemoriesRBestGifts
Ugggghhh, no! The only thing worse than not including your kids in the fun is FILMING them.
There is no plunger on this planet that will flush this one. They'll keep giving her these specials forever and it's just enough bait for someone like her to keep standing by the teat.
Of course that tweet about all the planning she did or whatever was a tease about this. Poor thing, planning for a Mexican getaway is sooo hard!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 6m6 minutes ago
Had THE most wonderful birthday wkend w my kids in a sunny☀️ warm breathtakingly beautiful location!U can c r fun soon😉! #MemoriesRBestGifts
Ugggghhh, no! The only thing worse than not including your kids in the fun is FILMING them.
There is no plunger on this planet that will flush this one. They'll keep giving her these specials forever and it's just enough bait for someone like her to keep standing by the teat.
Of course that tweet about all the planning she did or whatever was a tease about this. Poor thing, planning for a Mexican getaway is sooo hard!
PJ's momma said... 74
Not at all! I just didn't want you to think I was speculating- I thought after the orthodontist episode and braces treatment plans made for the twins, likely footed by TLC, that I read that it was paid for.It did seem like an ad for the place with the tour and all aspects of the office shown and discussed (Different from the two dental visits viewers were treated to, featuring shrieking- yes- tups and Mady's dental hygiene and Jon's downfall as a toothbrusher ).I felt so badly for Mady- Cara too to a lesser extent.The tups can 'pay' for their own I guess.Kate should get them booked when recommended for the kids' sakes. I agree speculation can lead to rumors and the truth can be lost.
Well, there's good and bad points about the kids being in Mexico.
1. they got to go somewhere warm (after all, they earned it)
2.they got to be with their mom on her bday
3. they got to miss school.
bad points:
1, they got to go somewhere warm, but they had to work while doing it.
2.they probably got to film a fake bday greeting, written for them by TLC
3.they got to miss school, but have a lot of makeup work because of it. And they had to miss school because they had to work.
yea, that makes sense.
Wow...so TLC WAS filming her birthday with the kids--thus, paid for the vacation. Should have known!
How convenient too they take the kids out of the country to a land of no child labor laws for reality t.v. kids. If they film during school days in PA their hours are severely limited.
I wonder if Kate would have said anything at all if that picture of her hadn't been tweeted and then retweeted by Milo. Doubt it.
She can tweet and say what a wonderful weekend she and the kids had, but she can't make the effort to thank her tweeties for all the birthday wishes? Shows where her priorities lie.
Hmm, I wonder when they left to go to Mexico. The kids were only off from school on Friday, so I doubt they went there just for the weekend. They probably left earlier in the week and the kids missed a few days of school.
Which is probably why she tweeted that picture of Shoka on the 25th. It was probably an older picture, and she was just pretending they were home, when they probably had already left.
Wow, I am disappointed that filming continues. We just saw them on vacation! I guess Kate will be the star of the show, being the birthday girl. but prepare for fighting, hitting, biting and name-calling. Also from the kids, lol.
I was wondering if Jon even knew his kids were being dragged out of the country again, and then I realized that at this point he probably no longer cares. It's a lost cause, after all.
Why not take the kids to Mexico on their long break instead of making them miss school again?
I don't get it.
This means in the span of what, 7 months, the family has been treated to not one, but TWO, all expenses paid luxury vacations with beaches and sand and surf and don't forget the lobster. Plus the house remodel.
I can't believe the woman has the balls to complain about a thing really.
Kate's being so coy when she said "U can c r fun soon😉!" including that "winky" face. Why doesn't she just come out an say that there will be a special episode in May? It's not like it's a big secret. Even the Kate plus 8 FB page announced it.
Kate Plus 8
Mark your calendars for the first week of May -- Kate & the kids are back for a special episode!
She just loves playing her teasing game with her tweeties, doesn't she?
Why not take the kids to Mexico on their long break instead of making them miss school again?
I don't get it.
Probably because that was Jon's time, given her twitter silence.
And also because she wants to be there ON her birthday, because she can't settle for doing the trip either before or after regardless if they miss school. It's all about her after all.
It's a hell of an assumption Jon doesn't care about his kids going out of the country, especially based on those recent published documents that prove his concern. I don't think anyone knows what his thoughts are on this trip, if he is even aware of it, or whether he tried to stop it.
The older you get the more of a hassle it is to miss school. At some point the kids might find these getaways more trouble than they are worth.
Mom of 4,
I think the ladies here gave you some excellent advice. I also think you have to put your family first.
I didn't go back and look at your exact wording, but I believe you said your mom had a botched surgery for scoliosis. Can you tell us what happened and how it was botched? The reason for the question is that I have severe scoliosis and have been putting off the huge surgery for years now. Thanks very much for any information you can give.
It would surprise me if Kate can take the kids out of the country without Jon's consent.
SCgal said... 101
I would advise you to go to a board certified orthopedic surgeon who specializes in spine and spine only. Like, has done a fellowship in spine, has hundreds of surgeries under his belt with many scoliosis corrections to boot.
You want someone who lives and breathes spine, from certifications to associations to research and publishing to being an academic preferably in a university teaching hospital.
That would be my criteria.
Arghhhhh! I cannot believe TLC did ANOTHER paid vacation and the kids are being filmed AGAIN. Damn. She would have not said a word unless that tweet leaked out.
Well, at least we know now that TFM is there too.
This is never going to end.
Ok. Im jellus.
I was offered a timeshare for spring break but we cant go because of the price of gas and food and i cant miss the little work i have. All i wanted was a hotel bubblebath and a quality mattress for a few nights. I wanted my kids to be able to swim.
Of course i could sell out my oldest child and her very unique and interesting journey but its not my story to tell.
Tucker's Mom said... 102
It would surprise me if Kate can take the kids out of the country without Jon's consent.
But isn't that what happened when she took them to Australia?
OMG, she seriously took the kids out of school to film? Odd that the one article did not say that it is a new episode, but listed new ones of other shows. It would, however, explain her tweets a couple weeks ago when someone said to please film new episodes and she said, "OK!"
We knew she couldn't carry an episode by herself. She had to have the kids to carry her, as usual.
Tucker's Mom said... 97
Why not take the kids to Mexico on their long break instead of making them miss school again?
I don't get it.
Neither do I, other than it is all about TFW, once again. Nasty, nasty and more nasty.
I need a Rumspringa. Or 8. I'll tell you when I've had enough.
As always, the only silver lining I can think of is a brilliant recap
from Admin. Sigh.
Let's be reasonable. First everyone was mad that Kate went on a trip and dumped her kids. And now everyone is mad that she had the audacity to take the kids on another free trip? WHO CARES?????
This woman can have all the free trips and free stuff in the world and she doesn't have what matters the most: someone to hug her at night and tell/show her she is cherished, someone to laugh with, talk with, cry with, eat a nice meal with, have a nice glass of wine with, watch a movie snuggled up on the couch with. She has nobody! All the freebies in the world won't make up for what she is lacking! A partner and a big circle of friends and family!
PJ's Momma (I can't get into my account on my hubby's computer)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 6m6 minutes ago
Had THE most wonderful birthday wkend w my kids in a sunny☀️ warm breathtakingly beautiful location!U can c r fun soon ! #MemoriesRBestGifts
Well, I came close to calling it. I said she'd tweet "cant wait 2show U what Ive been up2. U will B so surprised!"
I think she's mocking me. Bitch. lol
Oh hell, I'm making myself a tall Rumspringa and a glitter crown anyway. I'm entitled to it, so there.
TLC stinks said... 104
Arghhhhh! I cannot believe TLC did ANOTHER paid vacation and the kids are being filmed AGAIN. Damn. She would have not said a word unless that tweet leaked out.
Well, at least we know now that TFM is there too.
This is never going to end.
March 30, 2015 at 4:35 PM
Can't wait to see what their summer filming schedule looks like.
She was able to take them to Australia and the judge overruled Jon.
Well, I wonder if TLC is going to add K8 to their: Mother of all, mothers day week celebration. So far they have a Duggar special on Jill Duggars birth of her first kid & Michelle giving mom advice and the Willis family. I wonder Kate will be added, Amy Roloff, Jen from the Little couple, The Johnstons etc.
PJ you're right as usual. She's not rich in what really matters. All the trips to Mexico in the world won't matter when her children end up damaged from being child stars like so many who came before them. What's that proverb? A rich man is wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has understanding will find him out.
Why not take the kids to Mexico on their long break instead of making them miss school again?
I don't get it.
The younger ones didn't have school on Thursday and all of them were off on Friday. If they are back now, I don't think that they missed too much.
If all of them enjoyed a nice vacation together, great. If the cameras were once again rammed into their faces, then not so great.
She probably CAN'T take them out of the country without Jon's consent. Which means a judge decides. Usually as a single parent you have to show paperwork when traveling internationally or sometimes even domestically with children to show you're not just kidnapping them. She can't get around that even the great Kate Gosselin.
That said, it's not very common for a judge to turn down a vacation request as long as the other parent's time is made up later, and as long as the trip planned is safe. Frankly, I would tell Jon not to waste his money. Spend it on something nice for the kids when they get back like pizza and the amusement park or something and let them go to Mexico.
Cancun, not so much of an issue. Other parts of Mexico, maybe.
DWTS- no spoilers, but Charlotte McKinney reminds me more and more of Kate as each week passes.
Well, she overjoyed to see the SUN again March 22. That was Sunday a week ago. We assumed it was about the weather in PA but now it appears it was the sun and surf in Mexico. I do believe those Shoka pictures were previously taken and then she posted them like she took them on those days. She's a sneaky one.
She was quiet today except for having to tweet about the filming so I hope they are back or on their way. Surely the filming took at least a week. This must have planned for a long time because there was a half day and a whole day of school off this week. At least the kids did not miss a whole week.
I can remember absolutely hating to miss school for more than a day...you get too far behind! There is nothing like actually sitting the classroom and listening to the teacher.
This is never going to end.
You are right. This is why I have to laugh when someone says that she's circling the drain, her days are numbered, there's nothing left for her, etc. etc. I've never seen anything like this. She truly is the boogeyman. He never dies.
Is TLC going to film every freakin' Gosselin birthday???????
Hmm, I wonder when they left to go to Mexico. The kids were only off from school on Friday, so I doubt they went there just for the weekend. They probably left earlier in the week and the kids missed a few days of school.
No. The little ones were off on Thursday and Friday. The twins were off on Friday. If they left Wednesday, the only school the twins would have missed would have been Thursday and the younger ones wouldn't have missed any school.
WOW! just freaked myself out! But I called it, on March 28th Kate is so predictable.
I said Kate is doing one of 3 things: 1. she went on a mini vacation, somewhere warm, 2. she went to NYC, 3. TLC is filming and Kate will resurface monday. I just weird myself out.
So she took the kids out of school to go and celebrate her birthday in Mexico. She is one sick a-hole. Everything is me, me, me! She does not put her kids first.
And no I did not her TL first before I came here and I posted the earlier post before I read up. She is predictable. Like clockwork!
PA Dutch Mom, they never have fun, relaxing vacations because there is a production schedule. The only one who gets to chill is Kate when she's out with Steve. So who do we think she conned into playing the nanny on this trip? God forbid the woman actually watch her own kids.
I guess I don't even care that she gets free trips. I travel a lot because my husband's job is global. I have been to Australia and watched that episode to see if we saw or did the same things. What struck me most is how alone she seened. She got all dressed up in a sparkly dress to be with....nobody.....on NYE in a hotel room, before they all changed into hoodies and went out to see fireworks. It was a little sad. They may get to do a lot of things, but I doubt they enjoy them much, as they have to get a lot of footage for editing at different places. Nothing beats sitting with the one you love at a beachside pub, drinking a beer and eating shrimp right off the barbie, enjoying the views....or playing Farkle or Scrabble at the old, scratched table while having a little wine....or looking across the table at Easter with a knowing look (we're gonna have a big mess to clean up, but we have the routine down!) and then fist-bumping in victory later. We will do that on Sunday. And we can't wait to see everyone and enjoy a potluck meal and time together.
She misses those little things. I feel sad for her in a way.
PJ's Momma
All of the sheeple who are celebrating with glee over this news are to be pitied. It's really sad to think that adults, many of whom are parents, have absolutely no clue about child exploitation and for them, they get such a thrill out of watching the ringmaster and a circus act. It just shows that these really are people who have absolutely no logical thinking ability about what parading these kids around is doing to them, and the only thing that appears to be important to them is drooling over Kate. There is zero concern for the children.
How could any adult not be able to see that putting kids on reality television will have long-term effects on them and it's just not in the best interest of the children? Collectively, the intelligence level of the fans is frightening. Wow. Just wow. Then again, if you look at the TL of some of these sheeple, it speaks volumes, and I guess you really can't expect any more of them. You can't get blood from a turnip. You can't expect intelligence from a sheeple.
TLC stinks said... 121
Is TLC going to film every freakin' Gosselin birthday???????
Gee, it's hard to believe its almost time to film another yelling, hitting and spitting sextuplet birthday extravaganza for a Summer special!
Perhaps Kate can get her Europe bucket list taken care of with this one!!!!!!
PJ's Momma, my point exactly. These are not fun family vacations. It is work! And she is alone, except when she films and pretends she is Steve's other half. I don't think she was even close to Jon when they were married. Actually, she totally does not get it about family and relationships. I do not feel sorry for her at all. She wanted this.
ya'all amaze me.
I took the advice and posted a Go Fund Me
It is called Blankets for Everyone
Thanks All
Tucker's Mom said... 102
It would surprise me if Kate can take the kids out of the country without Jon's consent.
I live in Canada, and when my children were minors my husband took them to the USA several times without my consent. Well, he had my consent, but it wasn't in writing or anything, so the border guards couldn't verify it. On the other hand, we were not separated or divorced, and this was years ago. They may have become more aware of parental issues since then.
Catherine E Gery @catgirl121 1m1 minute ago
@Kateplusmy8 coming out of the frozen yogurt place in Wyomissing you were also parked near me
0 retweets 0 favorites
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Catherine E Gery @catgirl121 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate i saw Jon and the boys coming out of PetSmart and then you and the girls
Heh? What? Is Hell freezing over?
Catherine E Gery @catgirl121 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 about 2 weeks ago
0 retweets 0 favorites
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Catherine E Gery @catgirl121 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 coming out of the frozen yogurt place in Wyomissing you were also parked near me
0 retweets 0 favorites
Reply Retweet Favorite
Catherine E Gery @catgirl121 3m3 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate i saw Jon and the boys coming out of PetSmart and then you and the girls
Oh, 2 weeks ago. Still, I think toilets all round the world might start flushing in the opposite direction if this is true ;-)
CarleneMarie @CarleneMarie_1 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 So happy for all of you! Can't wait to see pics. 😎
Why? Look at pictures of your own kids and give the Gosselins some privacy. When I read tweets like this from annoying sheeple, I have to think of Betty White when she said, "Facebook just sounds like a drag, in my day seeing pictures of peoples vacations was considered a punishment”
I live in Canada, and when my children were minors my husband took them to the USA several times without my consent. Well, he had my consent, but it wasn't in writing or anything, so the border guards couldn't verify it. On the other hand, we were not separated or divorced, and this was years ago. They may have become more aware of parental issues since then.
Yes, and I think going OUT of the USA may be harder than crossing into the USA. There have been several high profile custody kidnappings over the years. Not Without My Daughter and all that.
We went back and forth to Canada quite a bit as kids and it was never an issue with one or the other parent, but that's not how it is anymore. Canada is also completely different than Mexico. Mexico is full of mothers or fathers who have kidnapped their children and there's nothing we can do about it really.
Tucker's mom 118...I agree with you. Last week Charlotte said it is not easy being blonde and pretty. She was serious. And this week she could not put down the cell phone. Her partner Keo is very frustrated with her. Reminds me of Kate and poor Tony.
I travel a fair amount too PJ and I'm going to Brisbane in June doing some work there, so I can't say I'm jealous. I've been to most places soon to be all that she has been, and have been to more places than she has. It still does bother me she gets trips though, mostly because she's a nasty person who has exploited her children to get these opportunities, there is a very good chance they will be damaged for it if history repeats itself, and that there are so many other people who deserve the break she feels entitled to. When I travel, no minors pay for it or are exploited by it or for it and I give back.
Also, she doesn't appreciate it. I would never travel with someone who complained that much. There is no point to it. I'd sooner go home than listen to that harping. Americans generally have a nice lifestyle and most people are able to travel at least some, even if it's infrequent smaller trips. She should be thanking her lucky stars she has the opportunity. Traveling should open your eyes to how lucky you are to even be there. She should try going to some places in Africa and then see how she feels about her broken dishwasher. She should watch Long Way Down, it's not Netflix streaming.
All I see from her though is the whining of the 1%. She has completely missed the lessons that come from lots of travel. Right over her head. I think it's understandable why it is frustrating to see someone learning NOTHING and in fact regressing getting such great opportunities.
I can remember absolutely hating to miss school for more than a day...you get too far behind! There is nothing like actually sitting the classroom and listening to the teacher.
Around about 9th grade it got to be more trouble than it's worth.
Teachers never would give you the whole lesson again, the give you the handouts and homework and that's it. It was pathetic.
I never took a day since then for anything but being extremely ill.
Also it's probably not worth the hassle from other kids explaining to them where you were. Fosters jealousy if it happens enough.
Kate was probably buttering Jon up with a nice co-parenting outing to Petsmart together only to drop the bomb at the last minute oh and I'm taking them to Mexico. And hope that's not enough time for him to come up with some kind of ex parte motion to stop it.
That would be just like her.
As always, the only silver lining I can think of is a brilliant recap
from Admin. Sigh.
Lol well thanks.
I guess I could do a mother-f***ing recap for Mother's Day! Pun intended!
TLC stinks said... 128
PJ's Momma, my point exactly. These are not fun family vacations. It is work! And she is alone, except when she films and pretends she is Steve's other half. I don't think she was even close to Jon when they were married. Actually, she totally does not get it about family and relationships. I do not feel sorry for her at all. She wanted this.
TLC stinks - You are correct. And one of my favorite posters. Disgusted with this outcome of filming her kids once again. Will take a break for a while, as TLC and TFW completely disgust me.
The veranda ladies are the best! Good people.
Those kids would forever be stuck at home if tlc never paid for their vacations! She just won`t do it on her own.
I think that post meant that she first saw TFW at the yogurt place and then another part of the day saw Jon with the boys at pets mart...they do split the kids up a lot and there is no way in Hell that she would spend more than 1 second with Jon....
When I read tweets like this from annoying sheeple, I have to think of Betty White when she said, "Facebook just sounds like a drag, in my day seeing pictures of peoples vacations was considered a punishment”
Yes! I love Betty, and to the sheeple I would like to say one of her classic zingers from The Golden Girls: "Oh blow it out your tubinburbles.”
Pam...129...I took the advice and posted a Go Fund Me
I'm so pleased! Best of luck to you and your students.
Pam, I found you and donated. I hope your project is a huge success! You opened our hearts with your story.
"Gee, it's hard to believe its almost time to film another yelling, hitting and spitting sextuplet birthday extravaganza for a Summer special!"
PatK, I know I shouldn't have, but I did laugh that one out loud.
That being said, I can't believe those same old-same old... "specials" (ironically) can attract audiences of over a million.
Tucker's mom 118...I agree with you. Last week Charlotte said it is not easy being blonde and pretty.
I don't think she's all that attractive. The only thing she has going for her are her boobs that arrive in the dance studio two minutes before she does.
Yes, I feel snarky tonight. Must have something to do with TLC continuing to enable Kate and not giving a tinker's darn about the kids.
Admin. at 136- You have said everything the way I am feeling over this, just so much better. Thank-you:)
Admin. at 136- You have said everything the way I am feeling over this, just so much better. Thank-you:)
TLC stinks said... 121
Is TLC going to film every freakin' Gosselin birthday???????
Yes, and every first date, every prom, every graduation, every gettin' ready for college, every college graduation, all eight weddings and all eight baby bumps. By that time Kate will be in her 50s, and we'll have the big "Half A Century Old" extravaganza. Steve will still be there, eating his pizza in foil, deleting cell phone pictures while flying around the room like an Oz monkey in a new harness because his old one is so worn it has to be replaced.
"Sunday May 10: It's all been leading up to this - Mother's Day. To celebrate, some of TLC's fan-favorite moms appear in three all-new one-hour Mother's Day specials: KATE PLUS EIGHT, LEAH REMINI: IT'S ALL RELATIVE, and MY BIG FAT FABULOUS LIFE."
My Big Fat Fabulous Life? Whitney isn't a mom is she? Is it HER mom on that episode? What, no Duggar mom?
Pam, thank you for setting up the Go Fund Me. I donated, but my debit card wouldn't allow RemonaBlue to be the name! LOL If you're interested, my donation came from Fort Worth, Texas.
No, the tweeter actually tweeted this:
@catgirl121 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate i saw Jon and the boys coming out of PetSmart and then you and the girls
@catgirl121 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 coming out of the frozen yogurt place in Wyomissing you were also parked near me
@catgirl121 2h2 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 about 2 weeks ago
It was a three-part tweet
Thank you ladies. I am crying of joy and my heart is warm knowing there are people who care.
Unless a hole opens up and TLC collapses into it, I guess this blog may be around for 20 year more years, LOL.
Oh well, I am surprised but should not have been. To keep my sanity, I will now just always assume she will film, TLC will pay, and the kids will be messed up adults. For some inexplicable reason, she continues to behave badly and gets away with it simply because she has eight kids.
Over In TFW's County said... 150
TLC stinks said... 121
Is TLC going to film every freakin' Gosselin birthday???????
Yes, and every first date, every prom, every graduation, every gettin' ready for college, every college graduation, all eight weddings and all eight baby bumps.
And all eight 'Interventions'.
Love this line from BCS:
We'll Erin Brockovich the shit out of it!"
Absolutely surpassing Breaking Bad imo.
You may not be jealous, but you have a sad need to compete.
What you see as a need to compete I see as a refutation.
When the sheeple, and Kate's, only argument is "just jeeluz", it's natural to want to respond with an explanation why exactly that's not the case. If they didn't attack the non-fans' lives so much (accusing someone of being jealous implies they have less than what she has, which some people find insulting), I doubt anyone would keep bringing up what obviously bothers you so much. But as long as they continue to do so, I and others will continue to refute it whether you like it. If they would like to abandon that silly jealous argument once and for all and admit it has nothing to do with jealousy, I in turn would see no need to bring up things of that nature anymore. Until that happens, this will continue, so I suggest perhaps you should not read here if it will be too upsetting for you.
Surely the filming took at least a week.
My son is working toward a bachelor of arts in cinema. It's a very well respected program. He was just now lamenting to me that the rule of thumb for filming is:
6 pages of script = a 6 minute film = 12-15 hours of filming, IF they're lucky and work hard to finish in that time frame.
I couldn't help but think of those work-horse Gosselin children. God knows how many hours they put in to get a 30-minute episode (minus the cutaways for commercials).
So if TLC filmed the family talking about the trip, packing, and on the plane, plus 3-4 days in Mexico and a return trip home, that's just about right for a 20 minute show. Each day they'd be lucky to get 5-7 minutes of footage, perhaps ... maybe they work a few less hours and get slightly more footage, but it can't be much difference.
I realize my son's quoted times were for movies and not reality TV, but one of the Dance Moms commented on this once and said the kids filmed incredibly long hours for the few minutes of footage used--I believe it was in a similar bracket. (It's on this blog somewhere. I think I was the one who linked to it.)
I think of Betty White's vacation thing too but I think of it in the sense that I can't believe TLC's only schtick with this families is pretty much vacations now. I also find it amazing there's enough of an interest to keep the batteries alive on the life support machine, especially when if you are into watching someone else's vacation, there are sooo many other much better options out there. From Anthony Bourdain to Ewan McGregor to Ricky Gervais and many more, travel TV is good. I struggle to see how Kate has carved out a place for herself among such talented giants. I'm not cut out to be a TV exec. I'd cancel all the successful shows!
My son is working toward a bachelor of arts in cinema. It's a very well respected program. He was just now lamenting to me that the rule of thumb for filming is:
6 pages of script = a 6 minute film = 12-15 hours of filming, IF they're lucky and work hard to finish in that time frame.
Yeah, you'd be nuts to try to make a full episode with the kids just out there for a long weekend. You'd be running around like crazy trying to get all the footage you need, and there's no room for error or a backup plan, which is a huge no-no in production. I'm with the theory they've been out there since Kate tweeted about seeing the sun. At least a week, and I bet they missed at least 3-4 days of school.
Unless the kids joined her LATER of course, with the nanny flying them out or whatever.
This reminds me narcissist once filmed 18 or 19 some odd pages in a day because the scene had something to do with the director wanting to convey a long day and hard work in real time, and they said that the entire crew was falling over from the shock of it. They simply couldn't believe they pulled it off. Narcissist said they had to basically be carried out of there they were so exhausted and the crew limped home.
It was one of the few times we sort of shared a laugh and it was when I first started to understand how truly demanding production can be. That experience informs how I feel about filming today and how hard it can be on kids. There's just no way they pulled an international trip off in one long weekend, it's not possible.
Well at least she's back with enough time to hide those fuckitybillion Easyer eggs so that the kids can film......I mean have fun on Sunday.
Funny anonymous you complain so much that we put thoughts in Kate's head, assuming what she's thinking and believes, yet here you are insisting, absolutely insisting, what my motives are for why I shared what I did. You don't know how I feel about the situation or what my motives are. You have no clue whether I am jealous, a competitive Mrs. Jones, both, or neither. You don't know if how I feel about Kate is what I say it is or something else. How do YOU know how I feel anymore than you get upset when we claim to know how KATE feels? Lol, pot, meet kettle. You're too much, really.
. I save being very upset for real life.
1. this is real life
2. You're obviously very upset.
How do YOU know how I feel anymore than you get upset when we claim to know how KATE feels? Lol, pot, meet kettle. You're too much, really.
And this is the fine art of hypocrisy that the sheeple have mastered so consummately.
Bad enough she has the vacations, remodel plus large paycheck etc but it turns my stomach when I think about what was said about Camp Barnabas offering her kids a chance to stay there. It is taking away space that some deserving children could have. I hope like hell it doesn't happen BUT if it does, it shouldn't be filmed!
AuntieAnn said...
.....I think she's mocking me. Bitch. lol
......And all eight 'Interventions'.
.......We'll Erin Brockovich the shit out of it!"
Auntie Ann just made me lol this am! (Love Better Call Saul!)
Pam, a little donation from Canada!
Remember that counseling show that Jon and his girlfriend were on, well Alex and her husband were on it before Jon was. I think it was right after they were let go on Real Housewives. I was embarrassed for them.
Although Jon is an attentive parent, sadly, whatever is going on between him and Kate has allowed her to continue filming despite his claim some of the kids do not want to continue. I like the guy, always have, but in my view, he is weak as his children's advocate.
Based on the court filing that was recently posted I am more apt to say that ultimately the courts failed these children. You can advocate all you want but if a judge says no they are allowed to continue to be exploited even out of the country, as he did when he ruled they could go to Australia, and no, they are allowed to say with their mother who abuses them, as he did, what good is the strongest advocate in the world? The best advocates sometimes lose cases, that is how the court of law works. The judge sometimes says no to the best advocates. Advocates are not miracle workers, even the best crafted arguments sometimes lose. All you can do is accept it and try to make the best of the situation really.
Just disgusting that the poor kids are being filmed yet again.
They get no chance to enjoy their childhood. No time to just go somewhere with mom and have a good time. If it's not being filmed, it's not happening, back to the compound for them. Revolting.
Pam; I too admire the work you are doing and am horrified that someone wanted for a blanket. Am taking a load of blankets and winter clothes to the Salvation Army today as a gesture to your wonderful cause.(I donate mainly to a women's shelter here and local charity who take such items.) This time 'for your kids" * I know some people have a problem with the Sally Ann but the one in our area serves the homeless in Boston
For those who love true crime, I highly recommend the 8 part documentary The Staircase. It's about the Kathleen Peterson murder.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 175
For those who love true crime, I highly recommend the 8 part documentary The Staircase. It's about the Kathleen Peterson murder.
Thanks, will check it out.
For the foodies among us, Netflix is releasing a new series called "Chef's Table", featuring chefs from around the world.
Here's the trailer on Eater.com.
Admin said (164)
Funny anonymous you complain so much that we put thoughts in Kate's head...
Hahahahaha! Someone complaining that we put thoughts in Kate's head. That's a good one!!
First of all, from a literal perspective, it would be impossible to squeeze any thoughts into her head in the tiny voids between all the "Me, me, me, me, me, I, I, I, I, I, my, my, my, my, my, Steve♥, give me, send me, give me, send me, Steve♥, $$$$$$$$, poor me, help me, poor me, help me, I hate Jon☠, $$$$$$$$, Steve♥, film me, film me, TLC, TLC, TLC, shut up kids!, $$$$$$$$, film me, I hate Jon☠, TLC, shut up kids!, Steve♥, I work so hard, my life is so hard, I never get a break, I hate Jon☠, tweet, tweet, tweet, #me, #my, #Steve♥, #TLC, #shut up kids!, #IhateJon☠" thoughts that are already in there.
Second, most thoughts attributed to Kate come from her own words and behaviors, as seen on TV. Past words, thoughts, and actions provide irrefutable evidence of a person's innate nature and are a very reliable predictor of future behavior. A scorpion will always be a scorpion. And a lazy, greedy, selfish, entitled, sneaky, nasty, ungrateful, mean, dim-witted, conniving, exploiter of children will always remain the same.
Second, most thoughts attributed to Kate come from her own words and behaviors, as seen on TV. Past words, thoughts, and actions provide irrefutable evidence of a person's innate nature and are a very reliable predictor of future behavior. A scorpion will always be a scorpion. And a lazy, greedy, selfish, entitled, sneaky, nasty, ungrateful, mean, dim-witted, conniving, exploiter of children will always remain the same.
Yes. They don't understand the difficult concept of drawing a reasonable inference based on a person's own behavior, words, prior actions. Too much for them.
And a lazy, greedy, selfish, entitled, sneaky, nasty, ungrateful, mean, dim-witted, conniving, exploiter of children will always remain the same.
And there we have the best description of TFW ever.
Admin, I don't know why your own personal "hater" doesn't start
a blog of his/her own. They could invest all the time they clearly
spend parsing every word on this blog on creating their own
personal playground. They could control every single comment,
which would probably be very rewarding. And they would attract like-minded commenters, and maybe create a nice warm
community like you have. Unless, of course, they thrive on
negativity and confrontation, and would rather come here to
complain and feel superior, without putting in the hours and
hours of work that you clearly do to keep a blog up and
TLC must like Kate's numbers, if they have given her another out of the country trip. Hope her come back is as brief as the last Roloff one was. TLC now has too many millionaires getting free trips etc..not a fun thing for most to watch.
Thank you so much! Because of your help we are only $70.00 away from our goal.
Admin, thanks for the recommendation to "The Staircase". I have read a book and seen the Dateline programs.
Do they cover the owl killed her defense?
I will watch!
Last night I could not sleep and discovered "TURN" (backwards N) on Netflix. It is very good. I got half way through season one and really hope there is a season two planned.
Pam, that is wonderful. Keep us updated, please.
Pam, that is excellent news!
I wonder what kind of lead time is needed to pull together filming internationally.
Kate was practically begging TLC to call her not 2 months ago (CA finale)?
I imagine there needs to be a lot of work done to get permission to film, get your deals bartered for lodging/food/activities etc.
I just don't believe this came together in a matter of weeks.
Here's what gets me the most. At 11 and 14 years old the kids aren't going to care about going to Mexico versus going to a local beach. They aren't old enough to run around by themselves and do their own thing. They are going to do whatever TFW and TLC have planned for them. This was solely a contrived situation for garnering ratings.
Also, they may have only missed a couple of days of school, but such a long trip is going to tire them out and they won't be back at normal capacity for at least a few days after they return.
The kids would have been much better served by taking a family vacation to somewhere like Myrtle Beach after school gets out for the summer. There would be more kids their age to become friends than you will find at a resort at the end of March. It wouldn't surprise me if the area was still mainly occupied by college age spring breakers. That's a lovely situation to expose young kids to.
We are assuming she went to Cancun or Cabo, but there is also a 100% Natural restaurant on Key Biscayne. It is possible that TLC didn't want to get foreign filming permits and she went somewhere in the U.S.
Dmasy, TURN films in and around Richmond VA I know a couple of people who have been extras on it. It is a production for AMC cable channel, same folks who do Walking Dead, and the second season will show on there before too long. It's based on true story of America s first spy ring. It's kinda fun to watch it and spot local actors or folks I know, and to figure out where that scene was filmed. After Spielberg did Lincoln here, there is a big warehouse type building that was turned into movie sets, and a lot of the sets could easily be repurposed to be colonial era sets. Plus some of the houses where they film are historic colonial era construction.
Living in Virginia is interesting, you can't throw a rock without hitting something historic. Right now there is a big fight going on about where the electric company can put big power lines to cross the James River, one crossing would ruin the historic unobstructed and un-modern view that is the same as the original British explorers saw.
MikeB (#187), I think you make some great points. TLC never seems
that concerned about the needs and/or preferences of the G kids.
But what's worse is that their own mother doesn't, either. If TLC
suggested they walk barefoot across the desert, TFW would sign
on the dotted line, and we'd be watching "8 Little Nomads."
No matter where she went, it's significant that only TFMJG was at the restaurant (I'm sure TFM was off to the side) since it was HER fucking birthday weekend. Kids were probably in the room with the nannies and room service waiting to be trotted out for the next activity in front of the cameras.
She is despicable.
Has Kate done any thank you tweets for the birthday wishes, or was her only tweet the "me" tweet bragging about her wonderful time in the sun and her teasin' about good things to come?
I have a feeling that by the time TLC is done with filming in the next decade or so, we'll all need new muumuus and crocs. I hope I can keep up with our supply of rumspringa, although I'll have to put the brewery on alert that we're in it for the long haul. At least we keep them in business. AuntieAnn is the big guzzler on here, so maybe I should order it in bulk.
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 164
Funny anonymous you complain so much that we put thoughts in Kate's head, assuming what she's thinking and believes, yet here you are insisting, absolutely insisting, what my motives are for why I shared what I did.
Kate has made her life an open book and it's an easy read, not exactly cold fusion. All a person needs to do is take a gander at her journal to know that her thoughts are all about her wishes being granted and everyone had better work their asses off to make sure they are. Everyone except her that is.
Why her fanz defend the evil wench is beyond me. Why are they loyal to someone who would step over them and keep walking if they were laying bleeding on the sidewalk unless there was a camera rolling. She doesn't give a shit about them. Good grief, look what she's done to people who actually did love her and helped her.
There would be more kids their age to become friends than you will find at a resort at the end of March.
Do you honestly think that Kate would allow them to befriend anyone on vacation? They might spill the beans about so many things, which would send Kate into a frenzy. I think that Kate keeps them under close surveillance when on these trips.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 180
Admin, I don't know why your own personal "hater" doesn't start
a blog of his/her own.
They already have their own dead blog. They use this one to try and drum up interest.
Anonymous this time.
Admin, I don't know why your own personal "hater" doesn't start
a blog of his/her own.
Perhaps the person does have a blog and comes over here to comment, and then returns to that blog to copy, paste, and rip apart everyone here.
There was a troll here some time ago that admin caught by doing some fishing. Is this the same one? Seems that person was out to get admin for some reason. I wonder, though, why the person is making the rounds here. Is it still too chilly to go back to his/her home under the bridge and being here is preferable to braving the elements under that troll bridge?
Admin, do you feel special having your own personal hater? Should we all be jellus?
Upstater - :)
I darn near cried at Chuck's betrayal of Saul. Saul was SO hurt. Great episode.
I like the guy, always have, but in my view, he is weak as his children's advocate.
I'd like to know what, exactly, he is supposed to do. It's easy to say that he should be doing this or that, he has done nothing as an advocate and isn't fighting for his kids. It's fine to believe that, but then what is the solution to the problem? Admin is right. You can be the best advocate in the world and you can fight until you are blue in the face, but if the courts aren't going to see it your way, then what should you do? If one is going to criticize him for not going to bat for his kids, then let's come up with a plan or plans for being more aggressive -- specifics, not generalities because we really don't know what he has done or what he is doing now in regards to his kids. It's kind of like the politician who, in his campaign speech, outlines what's wrong with the system, but then falls short when asked precisely how he is going to fix it.
Sometimes all this wears you down and if the courts have failed you, then where else do you turn? I don't know...
I think that Kate keeps them under close surveillance when on these trips. 193
I don't doubt it. Plus they must be available for the all important filming. Blech.
Thanks on the info about one of those restaurants being in Key Biscayne. We'll find out soon enough. Can't imagine TLC spending the bucks for Mexico so maybe it was Florida. I guess Kate got to parade around in her rockin' hot bikini wherever she was, LOL. If I was Gina, I would take the time off from work and haul my butt down there. That would absolutely get Kate's goat more than anything else.
BTW, don't you think Cara and Mady are at the age now they know exactly what is going on? Don't you think they would be embarrassed how their mother flaunts her body around Steve?
OT. Speaking of Neflix. I just finished a marathon watch of two seasons of an Australia based series on a women's prison. This was better than Orange is the New Black and I thought that one was fantastic. The series is called Wentworth. Season Two is even better than SEason One if that is possible. The last few episodes of Season Two build up to an amazing crescendo. A MUST WATCH. But don't start watching if you have anything else to do because you wont get it done, you will be glued to the show.
laura jean
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