This is not the first nanny to come forward. Last July a nanny said Kate forced her to spy on the children's phone calls with Jon and that Kate hit Collin with a wooden spoon. And several years before that a nanny disclosed that when she worked for the family in 2008, she witnessed Kate drinking too much and hitting the children.
How many nannies need to come forward to believe it?
1816 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1816 Newer› Newest»The Bachelorette is filming at Gruene Hall (Gruene, TX) today. ABC has the street closed off for setting up. I am about 1/2 mile away and could walk down to watch.
I got my hair cut and colored this morning. The filming was THE talk of the beauty shop! Locals will be used for crowd scenes. The stylists got personal invitations. They were told to "cowboy up" what the chose to wear.
When they moved into the present house, Jon was moved into the apartment over the garage,and he was the full time unpaid care giver, while Kate traveled the country for weeks at a time with Steve. If he had been smart, he would have moved himself and the kids out of that house right then..I bet he still had access to the banking accounts then too. He would have had possession of the kids, and Kate most likely would have ended up having to pay him child support, and the kids would have been safe from everything that has followed. Surely he must have known it was only a matter of time until she kicked him out totally, and scammed him out of all the money..he saw her try and do it to Beth.?
Also, at that time, Jon should have been telling anyone who would listen how Kate was abusing him and the kids..that would have been his reason for leaving with the kids, and it was the truth.
You can be the best advocate in the world and you can fight until you are blue in the face, but if the courts aren't going to see it your way, then what should you do?
Even if the judge decides for Jon, what's to say Katie wouldn't just ignore it, like she does with speed limits and fire panes, etc.?
She already admitted taking the kids away without notifying Jon in the past.
Admin, under those circumstances wouldn't it be up to Jon to go back to court (or something?)
For Jon it must feel like the death of a thousand cuts.
And Katie gets her way, precious little snowflake that she thinks she is.
Those poor children.
Surely he must have known it was only a matter of time until she kicked him out totally, and scammed him out of all the money..he saw her try and do it to Beth.?
I think you're speaking from the perspective of a strong, rational person.
Jon had been abused for 10 years. It doesn't take nearly that long to be negatively affected. If you still harbor any hope of saving your marriage, it's even more difficult to take a definitive and final step.
Addendum to my response to comment 2:
There is no way Jon could have foreseen that Tlc would bring out their big guns to assist Katie and decimate him. Which is exactly what happened.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 3h 3 hours ago
I'm N an unusual state of mind..suddenly feel a sense of urgency abt living my life! Needing 2just do more..take initiative..just get going!
Does anyone else think Milo is feeling such a sense of urgency to live life because KATE just turned forty?
I really think the celebrity worship syndrome with this one is in its final stages. The way she uses pronouns like "our" to describe the kids and Shoka, along with this tweet, are ding-donging the creepy meter. Seriously.
Chuck's betrayal of Jimmy and calling him a fake lawyer may just be what pushes Jimmy over the edge. There's only one more episode left and I'm guessing that Jimmy is going to become Saul. I kind of liked Chuck up until last night. Bastard!
Has anyone been to Kates TL today? Seems there is a person or a fake person with an Jon Gosselin account called: Jonny Bgood Gosselin @ Jonny Gosselin. Sounds like one of Kates luney fans. I don't think Jon talks that way, and would put up pics of himself, that were taken by someone else. Or talk about his kids. Jon had an twitter account and closed it, and said he would never talk about his kids on twitter. You should read some of the stuff that is on that account, it sounds just like one of Kates lunies, trying to make Jon look very bad. Who ever the asshole is, it is not Jon. The language alone does not sound like Jon, but who ever it is, they know a lot about Jon, probably more than he knows himself. The pics are from the internet. Some sick asshole trying to stir up shit! Shame on them, they should repent and MYOB. Would not be surprised if Kate or one of her paid friends is doing this.
I'm just wondering who is going to bring Chuck his ice/food now after Jimmy's last run for him. lol
getofftwitter said... 9
Has anyone been to Kates TL today? Seems there is a person or a fake person with an Jon Gosselin account called: Jonny Bgood Gosselin @ Jonny Gosselin.
If Kate had any concern for her children, and shred of respect for the man she chose t be their father, she'd shut it down.
I don't know if there's anything to be done about someone who is obviously impersonating Jon, but don't expect Kate's fans to come to the defense of the father of the very children they clamor to watch on tv.
NJGal51 said... 8
Chuck's betrayal of Jimmy and calling him a fake lawyer may just be what pushes Jimmy over the edge. There's only one more episode left and I'm guessing that Jimmy is going to become Saul. I kind of liked Chuck up until last night. Bastard!
lol! I called him a prick right out loud. I didn't see that coming. (oops, that's Schmoopy's line)
I keep forgetting Saul's not Saul yet but you're probably right that was the turning point and Jimmy will become 's all good, man.
According to IMBD there are 26 episodes in the can so far for 2015 - 2016. I'm really looking forward to Season 2.
Sorry, 23 episodes, not 26.
Winsomeone said... 3
Also, at that time, Jon should have been telling anyone who would listen how Kate was abusing him and the kids..that would have been his reason for leaving with the kids, and it was the truth.
If Kate Kate had any concern for her children, and shred of respect for the man she chose t be their father, she'd shut it down. 11
She has made it perfectly clear that she has neither.
THANK YOU ALL so much for the stories, encouragement and advice. It has been a rough couple of days. My brother's are "letting me" take care of Mom. There is really a great care center that is closer to them but my brother's want her closer to me. We got in quite a feud about it but truth is my brother's do not want to put in any time with her.
My mom, who has to self cath to empty her bladder stopped doing it and ended up in the er with sepsis. Mind you, she is capable of doing it on her own. I have been talked down to by the medical staff insinuating I am not caring for her. My mom was assigned a social worker and they are assisting me in her care. She is having several evaluations this week and I am missing work, neglecting myself and my family. It is hard, so hard to just do the right thing, which is get her in a nursing home. But hopefully by the end of next week we will have her a place. I love my mom, but I don't like her. And realizing her mental issues and selfishness, I am turning her care over. I wish this on no one. And I will definitely only visit her only twice a month. If my brother's visit less, that is on them. The thoughts I have had I feel guilty for.
I am still trying to get rid of the sick smell that permeates the room she was in. I don't think I will ever get that smell out of my mind.
My kids have been neglected and that is stopping.
Her surgery should not have been done at her age in my non medical professional opinion. She was too heavy, not physically active and the curve was too severe. However, she was losing bladder and bowel control and numbness in her arms and legs. She was having internal issues as well.
She had 2 infections post op, and had to have the rods removed due to non union or fusion. She wears a brace now, but is worse off. She can't pee and BM's are induced with laxatives and enemas. Too much info?
So so hard to see a mom like this.
Mom of 4
Better Call Saul has turned out to be much better than I ever thought it would be. I signed up for the news letters on it and actually get email from Saul Goodman Esq. Funny
Speaking of TFW's timeline there's now an account pretending to be Goody and it's tweeting porn. There was a tweet "Jonny B? Call me sumtime n we can bang boots babie. check out my flik...." I clicked on the link becasue at the time I didn't realize it wasn't Goody and something popped up that wanted to make sure I was of age before proceeding. Those parody accounts are getting out of hand. Why doesn't twitter do something about them?
It doesn't look like Kate was in the FL 100% Natural. Seems to be more of a strip mall. https://www.google.com/maps/place/100%25+Natural+Restaurant/@25.697998,-80.163598,2a,90y/data=!3m5!1e2!3m3!1s-JePxoLpeHnk%2FVNzq91LtR0I%2FAAAAAAAAAAk%2F78jjwqdBTnw!2e4!3e12!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x88d9ca72eb2926cb:0xb8295b7ad2ead56!2s180+Crandon+Blvd+%23101,+Arcade+Shopping+Center,+Key+Biscayne,+FL+33149!3b1!3m1!1s0x0000000000000000:0x072a8a759943cb8e!6m1!1e1
Rhymes with Witch said... 15
If Kate Kate had any concern for her children, and shred of respect for the man she chose t be their father, she'd shut it down. 11
She has made it perfectly clear that she has neither.
Exactly, which is why we should just leave whomever to their fatuous proclivity on Kate's Twitter time line ;-)
IMO, what he or she is doing is a colossal waste of time, energy and resources, but hey, whatever makes you happy.
Every court needs its jester, and Kate is blessed with her pick from many.
I recommend "Bloodline" on Netflix. New series. It's SO GOOD.
Mom of 4 said... 16
Wow, thanks for reporting back.
It is a tough process to get placement-seems like so much more of a struggle than it should be.
I hope you get relief soon, and can return your energies to your family.
You are doing an amazing job, and have so much fortitude!
Your mom's scoliosis sounds horrific, and maybe wasn't managed early on to get to the point it did.
Nonetheless, that's neither your fault nor your responsibility. It sounds like your mom is passive aggressive and neglects herself as payback.
Hang in there and stick around the veranda!
'There is something seriously wrong with her.' Indeed there is. And no one who knows her has the power to help those poor kids. Yes TLC is a villain here. But there's so much more. Ugh. I'm tired and nothing will ever change. Those kids are fucked and that's all there is to it.
Jilligee said... 20
I recommend "Bloodline" on Netflix. New series. It's SO GOOD.
Amazing series.
You know it's going to get mired and messy from the first episode.
Deliciously dysfunctional!
~KFab~ @kareolala 2m2 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Hiii Kate,you inspire me everytime you share your meals :-D any chance you would mind sharing your cauliflower pizza recipe ??
OMG, Google it. That's what Kate did.
Google it, then add a cup of lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon of feta.
Boom, done.
Mom of 4, hang in there. If the medical personnel are rude, report them. They have no business making any kind of judgements. They don't know the whole story.
As for your brothers; tell them that if they disagree with the decisions you are making, they are welcome to take over. And then, let them.
Those parody accounts are getting out of hand. Why doesn't twitter do something about them?
I wonder that, too. Isn't there some kind of rule in place that users can't impersonate a celebrity...not that Robert or Goody are well-knowns, but Jon is? What's the line between a parody account and impersonation? Do they get away with it because they fly under the radar as parody? Regardless, if I'd be Jon or Robert, I'd file a complaint about it.
I thought I read online that if there is impersonation, one could get into a heck of a lot of trouble for doing so.
Mom of 4. You are doing the right thing for your mother. There is no way you can take care of your mother without a support system. The best thing for her is to get to a nursing facility where they are able to address her health issues and infections as they arise. You owe it to yourself, your husband and your kids to get back to a normal life. Trust me you are doing her a favor by placing her in a facility where she will get the care she needs. Don't feel guilty about it. This is best for every one not just your mom.
Here's a good article for BCS fans. http://www.forbes.com/sites/allenstjohn/2015/03/31/the-five-word-insult-that-changed-everything-on-better-call-saul/3/
BTW, reference my previous tweet about the Goody parody account, I did not go to see the flick once the site asked if I was old enough to be there.
Mom of 4, good for you. You have to prioritize and decide what is most important to you in life; your immediate family, yourself, your work, your friends and then perhaps your siblings and your mother. Give each of them the time they deserve and the time you can afford.
When your mother is placed, you will have some distance and perspective and that will give you peace of mind. You will have some time to breathe and relax a little, but it is never easy.
Wishing you strength and the knowledge that many of us have been through the same thing and have come out the other side. You are not alone.
Mom of 4 (16) - No, not too much information. You share whatever you feel you need to share if it will help you through this difficult time. I hope you can set aside your feelings of guilt. Stay true to your decision and plan. You are doing a great job. And in the words of a far smarter and wiser person than I, "If you're going through hell, keep going."
Mom of 4, I haven't chimed in s you've gotten excellent advice here.
I just want to add that you are making the right decision for all concerned. Choose the best facility available to your mother.
If your brothers aren't happy, that's on them, not you.
I think Jon was caught off guard about the timing of Kate serving him with divorce papers. He asked to delay the proceedings but she had her mind made up.
I've seen too many friends go through a divorce and the smart thing is to prepare and get the best attorney you can afford. He totally miscalculated what lengths Kate and TLC would go to ruin him. The show was a cash cow and he would not play along. One of these days someone is going to spill the beans. I hope ol' Steve keeps a journal. You can't tell me the guy was her not confidant while they travelled. If somebody knows all her dirty secrets, he does.
THANK YOU ALL so much for the stories, encouragement and advice. It has been a rough couple of days. My brother's are "letting me" take care of Mom. There is really a great care center that is closer to them but my brother's want her closer to me. We got in quite a feud about it but truth is my brother's do not want to put in any time with her.
I hear you, Mom. In my case it was both of my in-laws. We were geographically close to them in their care facility, but the problem was that while they were getting excellent care, every day without fail they wanted me to feed them, dress them, bathe them, take them for physical checkups. My mother-in-law wouldn't eat unless I was there to feed her three times a day.
They had another son who just couldn't be bothered. It was my responsibility, he said. When they moved to their facility they knew they wouldn't return to their home, and it fell on me to go through their entire house (they were hoarders) and get their possessions and the house ready for sale. The drive to their place was two hours one way. I asked their son if he could come and help me, but no, he was too busy, or he was on vacation. I heard every excuse in the book. My kids were neglected, too. I missed conferences, field trips, sports and sleep-overs because I was with the in-laws every day. I weaned them off that, eventually cutting down on my visitation time. It was a stressful period in my life. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Favorite son did, however, make a list of everything he wanted from their house. I told him he needed to come and get the things or they would go to auction. He was there in a flash to pick them up, and was right on time for the reading of the will.
Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet. Good luck to you. You'll get through it. This, too, shall pass.
As for your brothers; tell them that if they disagree with the decisions you are making, they are welcome to take over. And then, let them.
Has anyone been to Kates TL today? Seems there is a person or a fake person with an Jon Gosselin account called: Jonny Bgood Gosselin @ Jonny Gosselin.
It's been there for quite awhile and some of the sheeple must think it's amusing because they retweet it. Some of them were even conversing with that person. There's also a fake Gosselinbook account, and the person is despicable.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 3h 3 hours ago
I'm N an unusual state of mind..suddenly feel a sense of urgency abt living my life! Needing 2just do more..take initiative..just get going!
Does anyone else think Milo is feeling such a sense of urgency to live life because KATE just turned forty?
Good point, but I think she's still whining because nobody has yet to ask her why she was off at the holistic center, or what her major problem is right now, either physical or mental or both. She wants sympathy and has tried just about every trick in the book to get it. It's not working.
This conversation is going in circles, but Winesome how do you know Jon DIDN'T tell everyone who would listen? And even if he did how does that help? The neighbor, your mom, the uncle, and all your friends aren't going to mean squat to the judge. In fact he may ask them to wait outside the courtroom if he or she wants to.
What's more, even if he kept it between him and the lawyers, how do you know there was not a court order instructing him NOT to talk about the abuse of the kids with anyone? That is a standing order in my court.
I just can't believe after seeing that thorough and extensive brief he filed explaining exactly how his children were being abused by Kate, people are STILL saying he didn't do anything. What more proof do you want he DID?
Admin, do you feel special having your own personal hater? Should we all be jellus?
Yes oh yes.
Cancun is absolutely overrun with spring breakers in March. Everywhere you go it's alcohol and bikinis and sex. What an appropriate place to take a ten year old. Not.
If he had been smart, he would have moved himself and the kids out of that house right then..I bet he still had access to the banking accounts then too. He would have had possession of the kids, and Kate most likely would have ended up having to pay him child support, and the kids would have been safe from everything that has followed. Surely he must have known it was only a matter of time until she kicked him out totally, and scammed him out of all the money..he saw her try and do it to Beth.?
Hindsight is 20/20. Unfortunately, life doesn't always work that way. It's always very easy to second guess after the fact.
Hindsight is 20/20. Unfortunately, life doesn't always work that way. It's always very easy to second guess after the fact.
Exactly. What ifs are not helpful. Or Jon might have moved out with the kids and Kate and TLC would have retaliated with a massive lawsuit to end all lawsuits. For all we know that scenario could have been disastrous. Or not. Who KNOWS.
What ifs are not at all helpful.
Mom or 4, my thoughts are with you. Your mother is so young at 55 to be going through such horrible health declines. But you must do what is best for you and your family's mental and physical health. Doing otherwise, is no favor to anyone. Even bad parents can make someone feel guilty. It's born in us, to have guilt, I think, or at least I am. I was lucky to have wonderful parents, they would give you their arm if they needed to. Maybe she'll be a "nicer" person once she is in a nursing home and her medical and mental needs are met. Is there a chance of any "recovery" for her? As I wrote about my earlier about my mother's dementia, my MIL also died to Alzeheimers 7 weeks after my mother. My husband was by her bedside in a nursing home her last week also. But she was 300 miles away and my BIL/SIL were in charge of her care, after my FIL died suddenly of an anurism in FL. They moved her into their house, missed lots of work until they found a placement for her. He too was taking care of his wife, like my dad. Men of WWII really were heroes in war and in their marriages.
Mom of 4,
Did your mom have cauda equina syndrome? Did anyone mention that? Did they indicate why her fusion didn't fuse?
I think you are definitely doing the right thing. I hope the next week or two goes as well as can be for you.
Remember the literature for the ill-fated cruise? People were
promised that they'd get to watch TFW and the kids play on the
beach. Absolutely sickening - like they were circus animals.
If TFW was willing to expose herself to that scrutiny - swell.
Have at it. She is an adult and can make rational decisions
(theoretically, anyway). But small children need to be
protected against ogling strangers, and she let them down.
Of course the cruise never happened. But the circus act
continues. And TFW can shout it from the rooftops, but there
is no way she has 8 unanimous votes of approval.
Completely off topic, totally unimportant and a SPOILER:
Bachelorette news for those who might care.
Kaitlyn is the chosen bachelorette. It would seem that Britt is gone. Kaitlyn had a one-on-one date at Gruene Hall this afternoon. I sent the photos I took to RealitySteve.com. He does spoilers for this franchise and announces the engaged couple before the program even begins airing.
The tiny town of Gruene really didn't care. There was no crowd. I was allowed to take photos from across the street. Dale Watson was there to perform. There was a two step competition. I didn't go into the dance hall. No pictures were allowed from inside.
Today, I had a brush with reality TV. Life resumes without much fanfare!
Dmasy: Completely off topic, totally unimportant and a SPOILER:
Bachelorette news for those who might care
My guilty pleasure is The Bachelorette and I love reading the spoilers from RealitySteve. Great information. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you EVERY ONE who donated and helped this goal to be reached in such a short amount of time. Know that your generosity given donations have touched the life of a student that most people wouldn't give a second look too. Because we reached our goal, we are going to close this fund so that others can benefit. Thank you SO much.
Love Pam
Mom of 4--you are doing the best you can. Always remember that!
If the facility further away is a better facility for roughly the same price, AND you don't mind the extra drive time, then that is the right facility for your mom. You want the best that she can afford AND what works best for you.
It doesn't matter if it's closer to your brothers or not; they're not going to visit any more often (if at all) just because they're closer. It will still be all on you as the woman in the sibling group.
Do what is right. How to define that? Balance what is right for you against what is right for your mom. Things will become clearer to you as time goes on.
You may have to move her once or twice. That happens. No shame in it.
As others have said, this too shall pass. You want to walk away knowing that you did the right thing, whatever that might be.
Admin, do you feel special having your own personal hater? Should we all be jellus?
Yes oh yes.
LOL! I think that we're all okay if you don't share her!
What did you do to this person to really tick her off? Sounds like a personal vendetta that may not be recent because this person has been showing up for quite awhile (if it's the same one).
It's definitely personal. Only God or Kate knows I suppose what I ever did to deserve a troll under my bridge constantly.
BTW, reference my previous tweet about the Goody parody account, I did not go to see the flick once the site asked if I was old enough to be there.
lol!! I wonder if he Jonny is old enough to be there!
Honestly, though, those parody accounts are so ridiculous. What enjoyment would you get out of setting up something like that? It's so immature on the part of both the fans and non-fans, like a game middle schoolers would play.
It's definitely personal. Only God or Kate knows I suppose what I ever did to deserve a troll under my bridge constantly.
Be grateful that the troll stays under the bridge and hasn't invited himself or herself to dinner!
There are 45 100% Natural restaurants in Mexico, according to the website for the Key Biscayne location.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 12m12 minutes ago
Discussing future husband qualifications w Cara&Mady-their required qualities are SO impressive I could cry w happiness! #GrowingUp #SoProud
Why would she feel the need to tweet this? Oh....it's probably to let TLC know they should keep them around for another few years so they can pay for/film their weddings.
Good grief.
Honestly though, those parody accounts are so ridiculous. What enjoyment would you get out of setting up something like that? 51
Beats me, but it's been quite a while since I was 12.
I suppose what I ever did to deserve a troll under my bridge constantly.
You know what you did Administrator you started this cesspool of hate you call a website against the reality queen Kate Gosselin how dare you.
The TFM sent the troll as your punishment for going against his money train.
Be grateful that the troll stays under the bridge and hasn't invited himself or herself to dinner!
Just keep a slice of pizza in foil that'll feed the troll and TFM if he comes.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 37m37 minutes ago
Discussing future husband qualifications w Cara&Mady-their required qualities are SO impressive I could cry w happiness! #GrowingUp #SoProud
Why would she feel the need to tweet this? Oh....it's probably to let TLC know they should keep them around for another few years so they can pay for/film their weddings.
Good grief.
Good grief is right. She's back on the husband thing again. Wait for Gladys to chime in, asking her what she expects from a potential "suitor."
No, Gladys, you are NOT a candidate as much as you want to be. Stick with LOM and the manila ice cream. You two are perfect for each other.
Is it just me, or was that tweet also a veiled insult to Jon? Like
her daughters will do a better job picking than she did?
There's a new reality show on UP-TV "Shannon & Sophie" --
it's Shannon Tweed (Gene Simmons' mate) and her daughter.
You know TFW would jump at the chance to do something like that.
Honestly though, those parody accounts are so ridiculous. What enjoyment would you get out of setting up something like that? 51
Beats me, but it's been quite a while since I was 12.
Ha funny, I was in fact thinking well I'd get a heck of a lot of enjoyment out of it if I were TWELVE!
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 19m19 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 You have set the bar high w/ur own expectations of who you would date & consider 4a marriage mate! #TakeSomeCreditMom 😋
Does Gladys mean the not-a-date business partner with the history of domestic violence? Yes, indeed. Setting the bar really high, or is she talking about the married road manager?
PatK said... 54
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 12m12 minutes ago
Discussing future husband qualifications w Cara&Mady-their required qualities are SO impressive I could cry w happiness! #GrowingUp #SoProud
Discussing future husband qualifications for whom? The girls or for Kate? This tweet is over the top ridiculous with the "cry with happiness" comment. #DoIt
I hope the twins doesn't consult their mother's playbook when
looking for husbands:
-Find a rich guy. Or at least one with a rich father.
-If he has a girlfriend, get rid of her - preferably the next day.
-Look for someone without a spine. As far as other parts are
concerned, make sure he has those until he gets you pregnant
with multiples. Then store them in your purse.
-Make sure his breathing doesn't annoy you. That can be a drag.
-Make sure he's on the same page as you as far as exploiting
your children. If he's not willing to "iron things out," kick him
to the curb.
Did I leave anything out?
No, Gladys, you are NOT a candidate as much as you want to be. Stick with LOM and the manila ice cream. You two are perfect for each other.
@Kateplusmy8 You have set the bar high w/ur own expectations of who you would date & consider 4a marriage mate! #TakeSomeCreditMom 😋
LOL, Sleepless! You called it! That's "our" Milo. Servin' up manila ice cream, come-ons to Kate, and platitudes, 24/7.
How does Milo know what qualifications Kate has set? Has she ever said besides wanting a distinguished older policeman-style disciplinarian, I remember that one.
Milo uses that creepy smiley face with its tongue hanging out when addressing Kate sometimes -- interesting that she used it on this one about a "marriage mate."
Dmasy, what an interesting day! Thanks for sharing. It's always fun to get an insider's view of TV filming.
Just keep a slice of pizza in foil that'll feed the troll and TFM if he comes.
Do trolls eat pizza? I know they like freshly baked bread, so perhaps they would like pizza crust. One thing that keeps them away is salt. It's worth a try, admin!
One of the trolls' worst habits is theft and they like to steal beer and food, especially during the holidays when families are preparing for family get-togethers. How can you tell if it's a female troll? Well, generally they have large noses and heavy pendulous breasts.
I guess it never occurred to Kate that daughters learn a great deal about what to look for in a mate from their own father. If they have a good idea of what makes a good man there's a good chance that came from Jon. They are old enough to remember how hard he worked caring for all their siblings plus working full time.
Of course I guess she's implying despite their doofus father, whom by the way Kate picked, her twins know what a good husband is. Thank goodness.
All that said, I wouldn't encourage a teen that young to be preoccupied with thinking about a husband. Not only is there much to offer a young woman these days besides marriage, but they need to focus and work hard if they want to take advantage of other opportunities out there before marriage and leave the boy crazy until your 20's at least.
I'd love to hear them talk about colleges they want to go to or their future careers once in awhile. I don't hear any of that or very little.
I wanna to be a fly on the wall to hear what the boys say about the required qualities of their future wives.
I wanna to be a fly on the wall to hear what the boys say about the required qualities of their future wives.
Ha, I bet they know what NOT to look for, like a harpy harridan.
Ha, I bet they know what NOT to look for, like a harpy harridan.
Oh yes. And what they say to their mother compared to what they actually think are probably two completely different things. I'll bet they've learned by now how to weigh their words carefully. Pretty sad.
Milo uses that creepy smiley face with its tongue hanging out when addressing Kate sometimes -- interesting that she used it on this one about a "marriage mate."
Creepy, and I bet the tongue isn't hanging out for the manila ice cream! Kate! Come hither!
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 12m12 minutes ago
Discussing future husband qualifications w Cara&Mady-their required qualities are SO impressive I could cry w happiness! #GrowingUp #SoProud
I suspect that numero uno on the list, the qualification that would make her #SoProud that she could cry with happiness, would be wealth, wealth and more wealth. (With apologies to Admin's resident troll for putting thoughts into Kate's head.)
I'd love to hear them talk about colleges they want to go to or their future careers once in awhile. I don't hear any of that or very little. 68
Yes, for all of Katie's bitching about college funds, her aspirations for those children are very low. College funds = more money for katie to access.
I remember how bullshit she was when she found out that Jon set up accounts that she cannot touch.
Fleecing (66): "How can you tell if it's a female troll? Well, generally they have large noses and heavy pendulous breasts."
Well, admin, now you will know it's gender if it shows up at your door! Just hide the beer and homemade bread!
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 67
I guess it never occurred to Kate that daughters learn a great deal about what to look for in a mate from their own father. If they have a good idea of what makes a good man there's a good chance that came from Jon.
Funny you should mention that because I was thinking along opposite lines. Those girls had her as a model of how a wife behaves. And that's pretty frightening. Hopefully, they'll mature beyond her example or they'll be bound to repeat it. And we saw how well that worked.
We should give the troll a name. Remember 'Stripe' from Gremlins? I've always pictured drive-bys and trolls to look like that. Nasty little creature.
One of the trolls' worst habits is theft and they like to steal beer and food, especially during the holidays when families are preparing for family get-togethers. How can you tell if it's a female troll? Well, generally they have large noses and heavy pendulous breasts.
How will admin know if it's a troll or Kate who shows up at her door?
FlimsyFlamsy said... 63
I hope the twins doesn't consult their mother's playbook when
looking for husbands:...
I think you have it covered. I also hope the twins are more intelligent and more discerning than their mother whose judgement is not her strong point. What can she tell them about healthy relationships? What has she modeled for them? I don't think she has had one good enduring relationship, ever. Not with her family, friends, her husband, co-workers, employees, etc.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 12m12 minutes ago
Discussing future husband qualifications w Cara&Mady-their required qualities are SO impressive I could cry w happiness! #GrowingUp #SoProud
What a strange comment.
Here's a scenario:
Just got back from a tropical vacay, and of course "Uncle Steve" was there, our great protector of all things Gosselin
They watch how he tames their mom and has her purring like a kitten.
So, Steve must be the bestest evah man out there.
Who knows, maybe Kate and Steve finally came out to the twins.
Another point on this convo:
Why does she never tweet about the kid's higher education and career goals? It seems she only tweets about what is interesting to HER-ensnaring another victim. If it's Steve, that's hilarious. She'll eat him for lunch after the ink's dry on the license.
I wonder if TFW discusses anything with her sons. Ever.
Not barked orders, not criticism, but conversations about
their thoughts, feelings, concerns, fears, aspirations.
I'm glad they've got their mancave now, and have some space
from all the drama. But I suspect it reinforces their status as
"outsiders" in their own home. To me, it spoke volumes when
TFW didn't know whether or not her own son liked basketball.
He wasn't a toddler - he was 10. And no, I am not a mind reader.
I'm an adult who has done a lot and seen a lot, and can make
reasonable assumptions based on things I've seen TFW done,
and things I've heard/read TFW say/tweet.
That's an odd tweet about the husband discussion with the twins. Most girls would be talking about boyfriend qualifications at that age. Even so, they don't seem old enough or mature enough to be dating yet at 14.
And Kate crying with happiness? I doubt she has the insight to know her own choices were pretty pathetic.Will the girls' dating life be part of a special??
You know just because the twins listed great qualities to look for does not mean at all they will seek them out. I mean even horrible boyfriends/girlfriends and terrible spouses can list what makes a great companion/person. But it is entirely another thing to seek that out or even be that for another person.
I think Kate's attitude (which is terrible) will effect all the kids the most simply because she is with the kids more. They will learn how to treat others in their lives by watching and learning from her. And the way she cuts others out of her life and the way she treated Jon even when they were married spells doom. Of course, that does not mean they cannot have healthy relationships. Maybe it will even help them. Maybe they will purposely seek to avoid the the qualities and behaviors that Kate exhibited because they were a personal witness to them.
Ruth Graham once said something to the effect that everybody is a great example to others. Even if a person is an example of what NOT to be. Maybe the kids will latch on to that.
I read Robert's first book when it came out. Somebody here posted that Jon and Kate earned an adjusted income of nearly 2 million in 2008. We know that TLC was only paying them around $5,000 or less for each episode. So where did the millions come from? Didn't one million come from Multiple Blessings? But then where did all the other million come from? That is a hell of a lot of money for one year. I bet Kate very easily has over 5 million in her bank today. The great majority of it was earned after J&K Plus Eight when she was filming Kate Plus Eight for $250,000 per episode. I 100% believe that figure too because TV Guide is a very reputable magazine. And Kate was at her highest peak in fame at that time. We know that TLC earned many, many millions off of the Gosselins prior to their divorce. And Kate gave TLC a ton of advertisment from DWTS too. But of course, no way she is earning any near this figure now. The reported $40,000 sounds about right.
Why assume this tweet is about what the twins want in a husband? You can interpret (Kate double speak) that she was referring to herself; that the twins are talking about what qualifications they want for mommy's husband. Really an odd thing to tweet anyway. Every qualification listed was probably everything Steve is. I cannot imagine a child at that age thinking about marriage for themselves or their mother. It never crossed my mind other than how many kids I might like one day. I had not formed any opinions yet when it came to men at age 14. I was more interested in keeping my zits under control just so a cute boy would notice me. It was about appearance, not substance yet.
As always, Kate uses dramatic words. She thinks she sounds intelligent and insightful, but she sounds like a high schooler with a crush.
Given that TFW is such a liar, I tend to doubt that she and the twins really had a rap session about what to look for in a husband.
Wonder if TFW is trying to steal a page from the Duggars. Marry off a daughter, get a TV special. Even if the twins were old enough to get married, that won't generate enough TV to satisfy TFW.
Maybe TFW wants to do something like the (forthcoming) FYI network show Arranged (about arranged marriages). She can try to con people into believing she knows a thing or two about pairing people up. Then she can get more TV time by doing an adaptation of the FYI network show Married at First Sight: The First Year. Then she can try to extend the tracking to the first child.
“The Mother of All Weeks” stunt running May 3-10 has been built around the May 5 two-hour episode of TLC stalwart “19 Kids and Counting.” The episode revolves around the birth of the first child of series star Jill Dillard, the second-oldest daughter of the expansive Duggar clan.
The idea for “Mother of All Weeks” was born about six months ago as TLC execs brainstormed ways to turn the Dillard birth into a bigger event for the Discovery Communications cabler. That led them to focus on packaging new and existing series and specials under a “Shark Week”-esque umbrella brand. Also during the week, TLC will launch the “TLCme” online destination that will encourage viewers to share stories of motherhood and engage with a range of targeted content.
I hope the twins are listing love, respect, and a like of similar activities they can do together as the highest priorities for a future husband.
I'm sure Kate is pushing financial security first. She is probably teaching them to be gold diggers looking for an older, financially established man as a first choice for a husband. That is likely what she wishes she had done with her life. She doesn't care about the kids at all outside of the financial bounty they bring in to her house. She probably wishes she had become a trophy wife to a rich, divorced man with grown kids so she could enjoy the luxuries of life without having to put forth any effort.
Kate double speak) that she was referring to herself; that the twins are talking about what qualifications they want for mommy's husband. Really an odd thing to tweet anyway.
I don't think that's what she meant. I should hope not anyway. That's a rather inappropriate conversation. Fourteen year old girls should not be burdened with or preoccupied with their mother's husband hunting.
Didn't she mention before how her kids want her to remarry? Inappropriate or not, Kate only thinks about herself.
The first qualification for any potential husband should be that he is unattached!
Kate and Steve don't need to come out to the twins. Fourteen year olds are not dumb.
For some reason my Variety article link did not post.
FYI, remember in the special where Kate decided to have a family portrait done and one of the tup girls pitched a fit about her dress? If you go to TLC site for Kateplus8, there is the picture with the girl in the portrait with a big grin in the hated dress on the page. Kate made it sound like it was her idea to have family pictures taken when really it was a TLC photo shoot for promotion.
TLC stinks said... 93
That's true! And Kate bribed them with toys to cooperate. I notice that all the framed pictures in her house that we see are courtesy of TLC or that portrait studio that comped them photoshoots at Beth's and also the twins' headshots. In the basement she has the artwork that the tups did one episode. None of the mediocre stuff done at Sunday school or regular school- that was trashed.
FlimsyFlamsy said... 59
Is it just me, or was that tweet also a veiled insult to Jon? Like
her daughters will do a better job picking than she did?
That was my first thought exactly. It was a passive-aggressive slam. IOW my girls want someone who will be XYZ, the opposite of Jon so they will stay married and not have to do things all alone like sniff, I have to do ! An independantly WEALTHY man who can take care of them in luxury and afford nannies so they don't have to work their fingers to the bone and can life on a silver platter!
I think she's still filming. She's awfully quiet
According to the Variety article, TLC starting landing SIX months ago for the Mother's Day blowout. That would put it back in November. In mid February when CA did the final live episode, Kate was interviewed at the after party. Remember her pleading to TLC to give her a call? She already knew that a vacation filming was planned for March. And here we thought she sounded pathetic, but really she played everyone about there being another episode.
Kate would not "cry with happiness" if the girls said they wanted to marry a man like their father; therefore it was a slam against Jon.
TLC stinks said... 93
FYI, remember in the special where Kate decided to have a family portrait done and one of the tup girls pitched a fit about her dress? If you go to TLC site for Kateplus8, there is the picture with the girl in the portrait with a big grin in the hated dress on the page. Kate made it sound like it was her idea to have family pictures taken when really it was a TLC photo shoot for promotion.
TLC Reality shows always talk like it was the person's idea. Even the new show with the little people in MD. "We wanted to see DC." Well, we know from Robert's books that ideas are sent out from TLC ahead of time for the whole season. That's what kills me when random fans tweet Kate about what a wonderful mom she is, taking her kids on historic tours and doing fun birthday stuff. It's all TLCs script and all TLCs money
A sweet and fun distraction for today, if you are interested.
PJ's Momma
She is either filming or still in Mexico with Steve. I would bet the kids were sent packing back to Wernersville for school.
TLC stinks said... 92
For some reason my Variety article link did not post.
Oh great. Instead of the new management at TLC being the death knell of K + 8, they think she is a mom that people want to watch. I hope this test to become a weekly theme flops. Nothing can top Shark Week IMO (which is also Discovery)
My prediction is that Kate is going to come out of the closet with Steve this year. But it's going to be Hollywood style: Steve and wife had been having trouble for years and the separated (divorced?) long ago and recently he and Kate hooked up because they were always together, she's lonely, the kids love him, blah......,blah......blah! That's the way it always happens in Hollywood.
The reason I think that is because she has nothing to lose and everything to gain. No bachelorette show, she's getting old, maybe get more shows from TLC out of the romance, fans will love it and non-fans will bitch and help keep her afloat. But the number one reason is that Steve is rich and she will never have to work that LAZY ass again. What do you think??
I have been very busy but I have tried to read all the comments. I officially became a Vegetarian (yay) and been working to help Children's Hospitals and no kill shelters. Hopefully I will be able to contribute in a bigger way. I also want to join the Beagle Freedom Project this summer.
Gotta go but Admin. you're doing a great job with this blog!
I still vote for Cabo. Kate and Steve were there in 2010 and Yes to the Dress did a destination wedding there.
Kate and Steve don't need to come out to the twins. Fourteen year olds are not dumb.
If there were anything going on, and we still have nothing to confirm it, wouldn't you think that when they go away on all these trips, the twins would have seen something in the way of intimacy? I mean, you can be very discrete, but at some point, you will get caught. The twins aren't dumb and the younger kids will soon be 11. They're not clueless either. If something is going on they very well could know about it by now.
TLC stinks said... 90
The first qualification for any potential husband should be that he is unattached!
Hahahaha someone needs to tweet that to her! I tweet but not to her because I don't need hassles from the fans
I just saw this reply from the old family friend:
@EmCr68: @Kateplusmy8 Cara and I strongly believe Patrick Dempsey fits these requirements! #McDreamy 😉
Did that come out somewhere or is Miss Inside Information showing off?
Want to know who is the biggest April Fools joke of a mother is?
It's Kate Gosselin! Her antics of motherhood are not funny, and don't fool anyone. And hardly anyone can relate to her, much less feel sorry for her, since Kate choose all this. The people who think she is the greatest mother since sliced bread are most likely just like her. Birds of a feather flock together.
As, I have always said: when Kate is quiet, she is up to something, either filming or plotting something. Kate, your so predictable, like clockwork. When the clock goes ding! Kate resurfaces with:
1. some nonsense talk from her kids, that she probably made up.
2. pics of her so-called pets, gee, where is Zorro?
3. something that looks like food she cooked
4. some appliance she broke, looking to grift a new one
5. quoteville, got to quote, to inspire herself
6. if she is on long silence , she is filming
7. if long silence she is out of town
8 if silent, kids are not home
9. kids are sick
10. got to brag, she bought a new appliance etc
11. she plays the I got a secret crap, which is no secret, only in her mind.
Did I miss any?
Did anyone notice no thank yous to the people who sent her birthday wishes? Just bragging about her birthday trip. Nothing about how her kids did in school, probably because she missed the conferences and pulled the kids out of school to go on trip. I guess her me, me, me & filming is more important than her kids education, or her kids period!
We should give the troll a name. Remember 'Stripe' from Gremlins? I've always pictured drive-bys and trolls to look like that. Nasty little creature.
I remember Gizmo. I always wanted one like that! My cat has Gizmo's face! I don't think that Gremlins are trolls, though...are they?
Did the troll in Billy Goat's Gruff have a name?
I seem to remember a troll, Olog, or something like that. I'm really not all that familiar with the creatures.
@SandieBellz: @Kateplusmy8 I hope not until after college and they both have had successful careers. ;)
IOW: They're 14! Why are you talking about marriage?
I really have enjoy watching Better Call Saul. Somebody here asked who was going to bring Chuck all his needed supplies. He will be fine. He has money and can simply hire anybody to bring them to him. There are churches and companies that run errands for people.
I think Gus is going to be making any appearance either next episode or next season. No doubt this drug dealer (Nacho) that Mike met up with is tied up with Gus. Mike even said he did research on Nacho and he is with a much larger drug ring and was only doing the pill purchase on the side. I think this drug ring is Gus.
TLC Reality shows always talk like it was the person's idea. Even the new show with the little people in MD. "We wanted to see DC." Well, we know from Robert's books that ideas are sent out from TLC ahead of time for the whole season. That's what kills me when random fans tweet Kate about what a wonderful mom she is, taking her kids on historic tours and doing fun birthday stuff. It's all TLCs script and all TLCs money
Yes exactly. Not that it's news but Andy Cohen talks about in his book the numerous production meetings he has and how they develop episode ideas and storyboard type things to have an entire season arch. They cast the women practically like they were actors. It's not like they just sort of tag along with 6 wealthy women and film whatever happens to come up. Kate's show is structured similarly and certainly follows a similar production style.
Milo might delete this tweet, but here it is...
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 37m37 minutes ago
Would you BELIEVE this is ME!! HaHa..I didn't think so. I'm workin on it tho! #GettingMeBodyBackInShape pic.twitter.com/tLHU2ZZAVA @kateplusmy8
What woman sends a picture of a female body/legs to another woman? She's really far gone. I know we snark about her, but honestly, there really is something very "off" about her. She needs an intervention. For Kate's sake, I hope she never comes face to face with her.
Milo's still begging for attention from Kate, and she's even getting creepier. Yesterday she tweeted:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 18h 18 hours ago
It's tough when I'm gone 4few days tryin2catch up! I cannot imagine what it's like 4U! #SoMuchTooMuchToDo Chek N when U can! :) @kateplusmy8
Then today she starts tweeting about getting back into shape. Just check out the picture she included with this tweet.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 34m34 minutes ago
Would you BELIEVE this is ME!! HaHa..I didn't think so. I'm workin on it tho! #GettingMeBodyBackInShape pic.twitter.com/tLHU2ZZAVA @kateplusmy8
How creepy that she tweets a picture like that to Kate.
She then tweeted a picture of running shoes and then she tweets:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 28m 28 minutes ago
I KNOW you long 4the time 2get back into some sort of #RunningRoutine...not just running around! LOL #WhereToFindTheTime ?? @Kateplusmy8
Kate hasn't mentioned running in ages, so how does Milo KNOW that Kate just wants to get back into a running routine.
She also tweeted Jamie:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 30m 30 minutes ago
@Pumpkinbottom3 Just doing a #TwitterCruiseBy to drop in & say HI! Miss hearing from you... #BusyBusy I presume! :)
She always says they must be busy as the reason that they are not tweeting her. She doesn't comprehend that they may not be tweeting her because they are trying to ignore her.
Wouldn't you think Kate would hint she had #greatthingplanned on the CA
live show so as not to look pathetic and begging (which she did) but greatly in demand?
Although the idea for Mother Of All Weeks was brainstormed about 6 months ago I'm going to bet that they hadn't called TFW and that's why she made the CA "call me" plea. TLC probably waited until they saw if they needed additional filler for the week and that's why the latest vacation was not filmed during spring break. I'll bet TFW is fuming over the fact that this week is built around 19 Kids & not around K+8.
Meanwhile, Kate retweeted this platitude from @Notebook:
It says "Some people only hate you because of the way other people love you".
Does she think that people "hate" her, because they're jealous of her tweeties? Think again, Kate.
But the number one reason is that Steve is rich and she will never have to work that LAZY ass again. What do you think??
I think you're way off the mark there Tomatoes. Steve may have money but if he were to divorce his wife of 20+ years she will have the bulk of it. I really don't think he's got "fuck you" money stashed away.
Kate hasn't mentioned running in ages, so how does Milo KNOW that Kate just wants to get back into a running routine.
Single White Female Syndrome. She not only wants Kate, but she wants to be Kate. It's all there. The body thing; knowing what Kate wants; tweeting to Kate's friends as if they are her own; sticking her nose into everything Kate, and now the getting into shape/running obsession. It's not working and Kate is still ignoring her.
It's gotten way out of hand.
The programs set for the week range from mom-focused episodes of “Long Island Medium,” “My Big Fat Fabulous Life” and “Kate Plus Eight” to two new “I Still Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” specials
Isn't every Kate Plus Eight a mom-focused episode?
I think you're way off the mark there Tomatoes. Steve may have money but if he were to divorce his wife of 20+ years she will have the bulk of it. I really don't think he's got "fuck you" money stashed away.
I agree. He's been her employee for several years. She doesn't want that. She wants a white collar husband who owns a business or a trust fund guy who is financially independent with mega bucks socked away...someone with whom she can travel all over the world. A lowly road manager just isn't going to fit the bill.
The programs set for the week range from mom-focused episodes of “Long Island Medium,” “My Big Fat Fabulous Life” and “Kate Plus Eight” to two new “I Still Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” specials
TLC's new management has the same lack new ideas as TLC's old management.
Awww...isn't she cute with her little April Fool's tweet:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 2m2 minutes ago
I've decided 2 go back 2 short hair...It's gotten so long/X consuming&is weighing me down, literally.. #KateCutIsBack
Wouldn't you think Kate would hint she had #greatthingplanned on the CA
live show so as not to look pathetic and begging (which she did) but greatly in demand? 115
Formerly, she is just not that bright. I think she is so focused on her martyr persona that she figured it would be special if she asked and TLC responded.
#KateCutIsBack 123
The reverse mullet? At 40? Desperate much?
Oh, I would not be surprised she cut her hair. Now the tabloids will pick up that tweet. That's the point.
My opinion is that Steve is far from wealthy but does make a good living. He doesn't just work for Kate, but for TLC, I think head of their security for talent or whatever his title is plus whatever he is entitled to from Prudential Associates. But he has two sons in college, both out of state. She's got more money than him.
The way production schedules are, there is no way TLC waited until Feb to inform Kate about another episode to film in late March, particularly with travel involved. She knew exactly what she was saying in that interview.
But the number one reason is that Steve is rich and she will never have to work that LAZY ass again. What do you think??
She doesn't need TFM for that she has the kids to exploit/use for money.
And I think TFM will keep KK as his mistress/money train for as long as he can.
-(If KK is his mistress he will keep her as that imo TFM doesn't care 1 bit about KK and who in the hell would put up w/her ugh.)
TLC's new management has the same lack new ideas as TLC's old management.
Did you read the part in the Variety article about their new show "Labor Pains"? It's a show about surprising couples in the delivery room while they await the birth of their baby.
Just shows that nothing is sacred to TLC.
I hope all of the G-girls marry men just like Jon. That would piss Kate off soooo bad.
Sorry, TLC's new show is called "Labor Games", not "Labor Pains".
Do trolls eat pizza? I know they like freshly baked bread, so perhaps they would like pizza crust.
Pizza IDK.
Let's just feed the sheep to the trolls then problems solved lol.
This is the description of "Labor Games" from the Variety article.
"The most attention-getting new entry of the week is sure to be “Labor Games,” produced by Lighthearted Entertainment. Daniels said producers worked with doctors and nurses at a hospital in Pomona, Calif., to target couples who could roll with the surprise of having a female host and a small camera crew burst into the delivery room.
Daniels noted that she was a producer on “A Baby Story” back in the late 1990s when that docu series premiered on TLC. At the time, there were doubts that many couples would allow TLC cameras to chronicle their birth experience, but in fact they never had a shortage of participants, she said.
“I think the biggest issue for ‘Labor Games’ is going to be tone,” Daniels said. “The show needs to feel fun and kind of absurd but at the same time totally respectful of this couple, if they want us there. We’re having fun with a huge moment in their lives.”
"A Baby Story" was different, because they got the couples permission to film them. This new show is based on the "surprise" element.
I can't believe that doctors and nurses at this hospital would actually give them info on what patients would "roll" with being surprised. What happened to privacy laws?
It's a show about surprising couples in the delivery room while they await the birth of their baby.
Just shows that nothing is sacred to TLC. 128
Every time I think they can't stoop any lower, they do.
TLC's new management has the same lack new ideas as TLC's old management.
Hey it worked for Barnum. The more midgets the merrier the menagery. TLC will keep the circus going as long as people are watching their sideshows.
From the variety article about the "Mother of All Weeks" :
'The programs set for the week range from mom-focused episodes of “Long Island Medium,” “My Big Fat Fabulous Life” and “Kate Plus Eight” to two new “I Still Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” specials...'
So, do you think the K+8 will be the "40th b-day special" or an older episode. It seems like if they were planning on a new episode, they would have said so. Maybe they are leaving it open: if they can get enough footage edited fast enough, it will be new, otherwise it will be an old one. Who want the foot-licking one?
TFW going back to short hair? It's either April Fools or her hair is in such shot shape from over-processing that she doesn't have a choice. I say "sheeple fools!"
Did you read the part in the Variety article about their new show "Labor Pains"? It's a show about surprising couples in the delivery room while they await the birth of their baby.
Maybe they'll surprise the doofuses who were surprised a second time to find a bun in the oven.
Ha, did a little bit more research on the show "Labor Games". The show says that they "surprise" couples in the labor room, but the producers put out a casting call back in January.
"We are currently seeking couples who are planning a natural childbirth with a due date between February 16th – April at Pomona Hospital for a new game show for TLC that takes place in the labor room!
This is a fun, family-friendly show, and NOTHING graphic will be shown on camera.
You would need to answer 7 questions and with each question you will receive great prizes suck as a year supply of diapers, cleaning services. Win it all and you will take home a chunk of money put towards a college fund!
If selected, you will be upgraded to the larger labor room at no cost to you!"
So, the TLC GM, Nancy Daniels, lied in the Variety article. Nothing "surprising" about that either.
I would say that's an April Fool's joke but there's no telling whether she's even aware it's April Fool's day.
Here's a real housewife quietly using her celeb status for good (she's also a soap opera star). Friends of hers with three kids recently adopted five more whose mother died of cancer. She is helping raise money to take care of the eight, count em eight kids. The adoptive mom has had small roles on shows like ER.
Winsomeone said:
When they moved into the present house, Jon was moved into the apartment over the garage,and he was the full time unpaid care giver, while Kate traveled the country for weeks at a time with Steve. If he had been smart, he would have moved himself and the kids out of that house right then..I bet he still had access to the banking accounts then too. He would have had possession of the kids, and Kate most likely would have ended up having to pay him child support, and the kids would have been safe from everything that has followed. Surely he must have known it was only a matter of time until she kicked him out totally, and scammed him out of all the money..he saw her try and do it to Beth
You are forgetting -- Kate had TLC and all their high-powered attorneys and financial resources behind her in any potential divorce and custody battles. If Jon had taken the money out of their bank accounts, moved out with the kids without warning, he would have been hit with any number of legal motions. In fact, I think he did take money out of an account (not all, but perhaps half), and he got into legal trouble for doing so.
Child custody is not based on who has "possession" of the kids at the time custody papers are filed with the court. It's not "possession is 9/10th of the law." I know you don't like Jon and feel he has not done enough to fight Kate for custody, etc. However, in the scenario you present, I believe Jon would have had some serious legal problems, possibly including kidnapping of his own kids.
I agree that there are things Jon could have done differently, but I also am reminded that Jon was under Kate's iron-fisted control for about ten years and was basically an abused spouse. He would have stayed in that abusive relationship if Kate had not kicked him to the curb. He's also not the sharpest tool in the shed. I think with his limitations and trying to find his footing after living with an abusive spouse for a decade, he did the best he could.
I bet when he looks back, he probably wishes he had handled things much differently. Hindsight is always 20/20. But what's the point of re-hashing what could have been? It's more important what one does moving forward and I think Jon has shown that he's focused on the present and on being the best father he can to his children, all the while dealing with basically a crazy lady.
Talking about doofi--this one gets the prize for today.
Regarding Kate's tweet about her hair:
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES · 13m13 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Oh darn Kate, your hair is so gorgeous and I'd give anything (almost) to have such long luxurious hair. I hope Jason does it.
Then in response to Kate's tweet about C&M's future husband requirements:
MARIE @MY_2BCOLLIES · 11m11 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Would love to hear their requirements. They're old enough to make their own choices & I'm betting they have your needs in mind.
Why would they have Kate's needs in mind when deciding on what they want in a husband?
LOL! In my post above it was supposed to be shit shape. Damn you auto correct.
Admin said:
All that said, I wouldn't encourage a teen that young to be preoccupied with thinking about a husband. Not only is there much to offer a young woman these days besides marriage, but they need to focus and work hard if they want to take advantage of other opportunities out there before marriage and leave the boy crazy until your 20's at least.
I'd love to hear them talk about colleges they want to go to or their future careers once in awhile. I don't hear any of that or very little.
Exactly! I think all young people should be focusing on their future goals and dreams, and what it would take to achieve those goals.
Getting an education that will lead to a good career and good income should be a priority for both young men and young women. If you meet a wonderful partner along the way, that's great. But if not, you'll still have more career opportunities and be much better placed to support yourself (meaning, you won't have to settle for someone who may or may not treat you right).
Kate never seems to share anything real about the kids. Not that she should be sharing information about them publicly, but it's always something "cutesy" and juvenile that supposedly one of the sextuplets said; or how much Mady is like a teen sensation (hint, hint!).
Ok, so nothing graphic will be shown but they will film in the delivery room?
Will the new moms get full.hair and makeup before filming?
This link will work to the tweet and picture that Milo sent. The other one didn't work.
It would be awesome if no one signed up for Labor Games, but I'm afraid PT Barnum was right, there's one born every minute.
Yes, I think Steve does have farm utensil money stashed away through SK8 Productions LTD. I think that TFW is so deeply in love, so dependent on him like a crutch that she doesn't want anyone else. The rich business man Jeff whoever was a PR stunt that went bad. Like someone said, they met for dinner but was working on a business deal. There is no way she went on a date with someone else, because she is hopelessly devoted to TFM.
Anon/PJ's momma,
THANK YOU for posting the missing cell phone story!
Good to hear from you, Let's throw tomatoes. Please post as often as you can!
Oh, you know TFW is chapped pretty good with all the Duggar grandbaby buzzing on TLC right now!!!
Kristine101... not anonymous.
I'd love to read about some of the pranks pulled today. I'll share mine- I called my husband at dawn before work started to report a rabid bat evacuation issue at work. Yes, we've had a recent problem outside of our building. He still thinks we're all down the street at River Lakes fishing on a pontoon boat until OC Animal Control and the local health departments clear us to go back to work!
Re milo's tweeted pic. How very odd, to say the least.
I have been very busy but I have tried to read all the comments. I officially became a Vegetarian (yay) and been working to help Children's Hospitals and no kill shelters. Hopefully I will be able to contribute in a bigger way. I also want to join the Beagle Freedom Project this summer.
Good to see you, tomatoes!
You've been busy, and good for you! So many positive endevors!
I agree with your scenario about Kate and Steve, only to add that Kate will say it's the kids' idea that they marry, and she is just making them happy.
All the kids will be totally on board and happy, happy, happy.
The twins aren't dumb and the younger kids will soon be 11. They're not clueless either. If something is going on they very well could know about it by now.
If indeed Kate and Steve have been together all these years (which is my vote), the time is nigh. She won't be able to control the narrative for much longer-not with the tups soon to be teens.
Let's just feed the sheep to the trolls then problems solved lol.
Throughout mythology, trolls are known to feast on humans. I'm not sure if they also have a preference for sheep.
Is Milo trying to get physically fit so she will be attractive to Kate?
Yes, I think Steve does have farm utensil money stashed away through SK8 Productions LTD.
Don't forget that he lives in a not too shabby area in Maryland and has a wife and children. I'm not too sure how much of a stash he has, and it really isn't my business. I do think, though, that Kate would have much higher aspirations than TFM could provide.
Kate admitted that her tweet about her hair was an April Fool's joke:
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 12m12 minutes ago
APRIL FOOLS #LoveMyLongHair #ITSNOTGOINGANYWHERE ✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️
So Milo replied and managed to get her weekly token tweet from Kate:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 39m39 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 It would have been better for you 2admit that you secretly got MARRIED this past weekend w/ur kids present! #OnTheSlyKate :)
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · 7m7 minutes ago
@MiloandJack Ohhhhh that IS a better #AprilFools ! Darn! Darn! Darn! #WhyDidntIThinkOfThat???
And then Milo, creepy as ever, tweets this:
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 4m4 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8. Now on to the #HoneymoonTour ...haha. Where to Kate? 😮
I heard by the grapevine that TLC's next big project is a show on bizarre love affairs and the first episode is about a man who marries Peepers, his carnival goldfish. Word is that the show is rated R, due to subject matter and extreme graphic nature, making the man and his car episode look tame.
First episode will be shown on "Say Yes To The Dress." Randy claims that there's something fishy about the whole thing, and is reluctant to take the bait. Will Pnina Tornai come up with a waterproof gown, and will Vera be able to alter one to accommodate the gills? Tune in to find out...
April Fool's! :)
Talking about doofi--this one gets the prize for today.
That one gets the prize every time she tweeteth.
Seems that someone who claims her "days are numbered," and is
going through the most painful betrayal of her entire life, would
find more pressing matters to attend to than TFW's hairstyle.
The programs set for the week range from mom-focused episodes of “Long Island Medium,” “My Big Fat Fabulous Life” and “Kate Plus Eight” to two new “I Still Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” specials
So this is one time special? Are the sheep in a bleating frenzy and think this is a whole new multi-episode season as they did the last time?
AOL has a new reality series called "Connected", which they promoted by holding a funeral for "fake reality TV". "Connected" is a half-hour reality show filmed entirely by the cast members themselves. Omarosa was the preacher, and Jon participated in by burying an Ed Hardy shirt.
You can read about it here:
Eonline has video of the ceremony.
Just shows what a good sense of humor Jon has.
Admin, can you check with Blogger. I've picked up a Trojan from this site twice today. Is anybody else seeing key words that look like clickable links? It's coming from 24Seven Adlinks.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
@MiloandJack Ohhhhh that IS a better #AprilFools ! Darn! Darn! Darn! #WhyDidntIThinkOfThat???
Reply | Retweet | Favorite
31mKate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
APRIL FOOLS #LoveMyLongHair #ITSNOTGOINGANYWHERE ✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️
I wonder if whoever the nanny was had to bring back the kids alone and TFW and TFM stayed an extra day or too. Maybe the kid left Monday so they could get to school on today and TFW and TFM are staying a day or too for me and him time.
When is that family court judge that is the same judge every time who Jon sees every time, retiring?
I hope Jon got a big check for doing it! So proud of him burying the Ed Hardy shirt. I think Christian Auger did him dirty in the long run, promising him the pie in the sky and had shitake mushrooms growing on the trees.
Too bad it was an April Fool joke. Cutting off that mess would be one of the smartest things she could do. Why can't she see that? She looks so nice in short hair. Not many people could pull it off, but she can.
Just shows what a good sense of humor Jon has.
Yes, and he always has, even when he was under the rule of TFW. That's one of things that makes him so much fun to be around.
I heard by the grapevine that TLC's next big project is a show on bizarre love affairs and the first episode is about a man who marries Peepers, his carnival goldfish.
Okay, you had me going with that one for a minute. I'm assuming it is one of those goldfish with the big bulgy eyes. Will their wedding song dance be, "Jeepers Creepers, Where Did You Get Those Peepers?"
Milo and Collie would demand photos of Kate's honeymoon tour, you know, just to prove that everything was consummated correctly. Without photos, no proof.
PA Dutch Mom (#166), I think TFW thinks that hairstyle makes
her look like a hot young Hollywood starlet. And whether she
acknowledges it or not, that porcupine hair was the symbol of
the "old" TFW to which she'd never, ever want to return:
sort of frumpy, healthy-looking but not thin, and worst of all,
married to Jon Gosselin. For that reason alone, I don't think
she'll ever cut that hair.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack 3h3 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 BTW...love that black dress design...really makes ur waistline look even slimmer! :)
WHAT waistline? She has no waistline and never did. She's a straight up and down tree trunk. Is this what being blinded by love does to Milo? She can't see the forest for the trees (pun intended)? Good gawd, woman, get a grip! Your lust is showing, and wipe that drool off your chin.
I too wish the hair thing wasn't a joke. Kate can rock short hair like very few ladies can. She looks great with short hair. Cutting some of that length and adding some layers in front would look so good on her. Her face is too long and thin to have those hair curtains just hanging there. I have a long face like that too, and hair past my shoulders, even with layering, just doesn't look good on me. It makes me look like a horse. I went from pretty long to very short in one swoop and got a lot of compliments. But you have to cut it all the time, which I hated. I miss that 'one minute hair' but like the bit of growth I have now. She doesn't have to go super short again (which is a shock for a few weeks) but I think she would get tons of compliments by losing length and adding dimension, and she would enjoy that. I won't lie, I enjoyed those compliments! And even if not, it's just hair. It grows back.
PJ's Momma
Between Kravitz, PhD minus the D, Goody, Zig, Detective and Whiz, Kate really does have some very odd fans. They don't have much going for them intelligence-wise, but gosh darn it, they are just very strange.
I'm glad I'm semi-normal! :)
I always thought that Sandie was just a bit above all of the feuding and slams at Jon, but I was wrong. She can be just as nasty and passive-aggressive as the rest of them. Today, on Jon's birthday, she tweeted about Jon...
Sandie @SandieBellz
@Kateplusmy8 Hmmm. April Fool’s Day. Appropriate
And Goody stops by with this, and tweets it to Kate on Jon's birthday. Does Kate tell her to knock it off? Of course not!
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21
Happy birthday to a #Deadbeat dad @Kateplusmy8
Throughout mythology, trolls are known to feast on humans. I'm not sure if they also have a preference for sheep.
Well we'll just serve up the queen Kate the sheep will follow -)
Is Milo trying to get physically fit so she will be attractive to Kate?
Isn't Milo supposedly a married woman?...anyhow yuck yuck.
What does TFM stand for? I think TFW stands for the former wife. Also why do some call Steve the big fish or something like that. I can't remember the exact phrase though. Thanks all!
PS: I wasn't saying "I" can rock short like few others, just that it's better than long for me - but Kate really can rock the short 'do!
PJ's Momma
And whether she
acknowledges it or not, that porcupine hair was the symbol of
the "old" TFW to which she'd never, ever want to return:
sort of frumpy, healthy-looking but not thin, and worst of all,
married to Jon Gosselin. For that reason alone, I don't think
she'll ever cut that hair.
She wouldn't need to go back to the seagull nest, but rather to a short pixieish look, or at least a layered chin-length style. Many celebrities have it and they look great. Kate could do it and look years younger. For some reason she thinks that the bimbo thing she has going for her now makes her hot. It doesn't. It's one hot mess.
I wonder if whoever the nanny was had to bring back the kids alone and TFW and TFM stayed an extra day or too. Maybe the kid left Monday so they could get to school on today and TFW and TFM are staying a day or too for me and him time.
Where is this coming from? Has Kate tweeted that she's still having fun in the sun?
Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 139
I would say that's an April Fool's joke but there's no telling whether she's even aware it's April Fool's day.
But isn't it Jon's birthday today? I'm sure TFMJG remembers that and what better way to celebrate than with an April Fools twitter post that she hopes will trend?
Often times in business, it is not what you know, but who you know. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that Jeff guy, who she said was doing business with/for her, got her back to tlc. Maybe he knows the new GM, or someone else there who makes decisions about who gets to be part of their show line ups. You just never know how it happened.
I agree with those who say shorter hair would look so much better on her. That hair she has now just really age her, drags her long skinny face down to droopy level. Makes her boobs look droopy as well. All women with the long, blond hair all start to look the same after you have seen a few of them. Like they are all clones of each other!
Am I the only one going "wtf"? I have no idea what's going on here!!
There's a rag tag collection of reality stars burying various iconic things because?
Because this new show, "Connected" is real?
Anyway, Big Ang's lips...does the woman need an epipen, stat?
She looks like she just got done unhinging her jaw and eating a small child.
Today, Kate started following TLC on twitter. Shouldn't she have been following them all along, from when she first started on twitter 4 years ago?
Guess she wants to know firsthand if they tweet anything about her upcoming "special". So far they haven't. The only thing they tweeted about Kate was a retweet of Kate saying that she's keeping her long hair.
PJ's Momma said...
Her face is too long and thin to have those hair curtains just hanging there.
Especially when we all know the curtains don't match the carpet.
Kate's April Fool's tweet was lame, transparent and childishly unsophisticated.
She's simply using it as an excuse to get attention and compliments.
She should have tweeted, "The kids and I wish you a happy birthday, Jon!".
Kate is a twit said... 182
Today, Kate started following TLC on twitter. Shouldn't she have been following them all along, from when she first started on twitter 4 years ago?
Guess she wants to know firsthand if they tweet anything about her upcoming "special". So far they haven't. The only thing they tweeted about Kate was a retweet of Kate saying that she's keeping her long hair.
Kate uses her hair as a storyline, as if everyone gives a flying flip about her tresses.
Sure, the angry porcupine was ridiculous, and I remember Kate swearing that was her 'do, and she wasn't going to change that.
So, if it behooves Kate to cut her hair, she will, and she'll make a stink about it, like her stupid wedding ring, post separation.
Kate's got long hair. Whoopie. It's flacid, looks greasy most of the time, and drags her face down.
She's never had any sense of style, and never will.
The only reason she tweeted that April Fool joke about her hair is so her silly sheep would respond with the "you look so young" and "love your long hair" tweets. Me, me, me. Praise me, Love, me, and tell me how gorgeous I am.
And they fell for it.
Any thanks to the fans for their birthday wishes?
Kate's April Fool's tweet was lame, transparent and childishly unsophisticated.
She's simply using it as an excuse to get attention and compliments.
Yep. She did it just to watch all the people tell her how wonderful her hair looks. She's a child even when making an April Fool's joke.
I think she'd look good with shorter hair too, maybe chin length or slightly shorter. Not the spikes she had but something softer might look very chic.
A better joke would have been, after long and careful thought Jon and I have decided to get back together for the good of our children. I wish she would say that just to watch the sheeple explode in a cloud of fluff.
P.S. I can't believe she hasn't been following TLC. That was probably out of spite, mad that they cancelled her show. Now that she's on better terms with them she'll follow them.
What does TFM stand for? I think TFW stands for the former wife. Also why do some call Steve the big fish or something like that. I can't remember the exact phrase though. Thanks all!
Steve = TFM. The Flying Monkey.
Isn't Milo supposedly a married woman?...anyhow yuck yuck.
So she says. For all we know, it's a male catfish in a facility somewhere; or a married woman (not necessarily a happily married one) or a female afraid to come out of the closet, and tweeting suggestive comments to Kate is about as close as she's going to get to revealing her true sexuality.
What does TFM stand
The flying monkey from the wizard of oz.
MsGoody2Shoes21 @msgoody2shoes21 2h2 hours ago
RT @Learn_Things: How to ignite a flame using gum wrap and a battery @John_D_2017 @Kateplusmy8
She tweets this to Kate. It's not advisable for kids to fool around with something like that. Goody really *is* weird.
Nice that she's tweeting to her 'friends' again. Did she ever thank them for all their birthday wishes to her? Nope.
Oh and the haircut gag was just hilarious. She thinks she's a real cut-up.
April tool.
Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8
Gaaaa. Such vanity.
Keep it growing Rapunzel. The longer it gets the worse it looks on you.
TFW being a chattypants on Twitter today signals her narcissistic
supply is not being filled elsewhere. Perhaps she's feeling bad
because it's Jon's birthday and her children have had the audacity
to care about it. So she found a way to get instant attention and
compliments from strangers. Yeah, I'm soooo jellus of her life.
Sure, the angry porcupine was ridiculous, and I remember Kate swearing that was her 'do, and she wasn't going to change that.
Hmmmmm...never really thought about it as being angry, just a demented drunk. But you might be right!
According to Milo, even growing hair is hard work for Kate.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack · 27m27 minutes ago
We all knew #ThatBeautifulHair wasn't going anywhere! Not even on Aaden's #HairPlane :) Hard work/time/patience 2grow it back! @Kateplusmy8
Barb Gilmer tweeted some "save the dog" tweets on her timeline then asked Kate to retweet them.
Barbara Gilmer @BarbGilmer · 20m20 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Follow @dolphinshelp & RT the tweets, well worth it! It breaks my ❤️
So Kate retweeted 2 of them. Not to be outdone by Barb, Milo then tweets a "cute animal" picture.
Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
· 20m 20 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Glad 2see U advocating 4the pups tonight! Here's an #AwwwMoment 4ur kids..maybe share b4 they go 2bed!
Milo doesn't like having competition for Kate's affection.
Especially when we all know the curtains don't match the carpet.
lol...but you are assuming that there is a carpet and it wasn't donated to the Good Will store.
Why does Barb have such a fixation on baby animals pictures? Is this a form of OCD, or just to get Kate's attention and a response?
I wonder if TFW let the kids spend some tome with Jon today since it's his birthday.
It's curtains for Kate... hysterical to both PJs!
Oh she banned TLC from her feed all right. They didn't know how to help her until they Retweeted her post today.
I always thought the TFM acronym meant The Former Man. I like The Flying Monkey so much better. It's perfect.
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