Thursday, March 26, 2015

Former nanny: 'There is something seriously wrong with her'

Kate is "nasty, nasty, nasty," the nanny, now social worker, told reporters.

This is not the first nanny to come forward. Last July a nanny said Kate forced her to spy on the children's phone calls with Jon and that Kate hit Collin with a wooden spoon. And several years before that a nanny disclosed that when she worked for the family in 2008, she witnessed Kate drinking too much and hitting the children.

How many nannies need to come forward to believe it?

1816 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Anonymous said...

I've said it many times before and I'm gonna say it again, IMO Milo is a man.

Anonymous said...

A man that covets Kate, who has sexual incompetency problems, He idolizes Kate on a pedestal but still sexualizes her in his Madonna fantasies that make all his sexual disfunction disappear in his mind. Admittedly armchair phycology but this menopausal chick has been around the block more than a couple of times in my lifetime.
laurajean ~ Administrator said...

I think Milo is a woman but is like Michael Petersen in that she lives a very straight lifestyle and presents herself as happily married to the opposite sex but on the side is bisexual and has very clear gay fantasies and sometimes even acts on them. It's obvious she is sexually attracted to women at least partially.

There's nothing wrong with that I guess as long as your spouse is okay with it.

If she won't accept the gay side of herself I feel sorry for her. ~ Administrator said...

TFW being a chattypants on Twitter today signals her narcissistic
supply is not being filled elsewhere. Perhaps she's feeling bad
because it's Jon's birthday and her children have had the audacity
to care about it.


Yep. My guess is they are having a birthday dinner date with Jon tonight and now that Kate's just filmed an episode TLC won't be filming again in awhile. Not until some other big event which is not until at least next month with the tup's bday.

So, it's back to twitter she goes!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

If she won't accept the gay side of herself I feel sorry for her.


Maybe she doesn't know who or what she is.

Of course it could be a 90-year-old male catfish who knows exactly what he is and he has the hots for Kate.

I'm not so sure if it is a man, but whatever it is, male or female, young or old, "it" is very creepy and seriously deranged.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Gaaaa. Such vanity.

Keep it growing Rapunzel. The longer it gets the worse it looks on you.


Yes, but all the better for TFM to climb on his way to her tower.

Sleepless In Seattle said...


I read this as "Snot going anywhere."

Wrong, Katie Pooh. It is going somewhere. Off your head - check your receding hairline.

Break open the Rumspringa!

Anonymous said...

I respectfully disagree Admin. Milo does not speak like a gay female. Females, gay or straight, phrase things differently than males just by the very nature that they are female, and Milo's comments have consistently, IMO, been typed as if the thoughts of a middle aged straight male.

TLC stinks said...

LOL! Carpet doesn't match the drapes! Oh, that is funny!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

According to Milo, even growing hair is hard work for Kate.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 27m27 minutes ago
We all knew #ThatBeautifulHair wasn't going anywhere! Not even on Aaden's #HairPlane :) Hard work/time/patience 2grow it back! @Kateplusmy8

Well, Kate Is A Twit...don't you know that's why Kate won't find employment? She already has one! Growing her hair is hard work and it's a full time job. I wonder if she has to clock in with that type of employment.

FYI said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 57m57 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 I just have this feeling another #Dog is on the Gosselin horizon! Will it be a #Rescue this time? No question ur heart is rt!

Kate retweeted 2 tweets and pictures of dogs that are due to be euthanized in NYC, and Milo turns it into Kate's going to get a rescue dog. Then she uses that to get some sympathy from Kate.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 53m53 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 The thing abt rescuing dogs & never ends. My heart stays heavy & if I get 2focused on it...I'll cry myself 2sleep.

Then after that she tweets to no one:

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 54m54 minutes ago
Sometimes I've asked God "Why did you make me w/such a tender heart?" This world is so cruel...sometimes I feel like I don't belong here.

What happened to all the positivity and happiness? The world is so cruel? Really? Just another ploy to get Kate's sympathy and concern.

She's getting creepier and stranger every day. ~ Administrator said...

I respectfully disagree Admin. Milo does not speak like a gay female.


Can you give an example of something she said that makes you think she is decidedly a male attracted to women, instead of a woman attracted to women?

FlimsyFlamsy said...

There was another dog at the Gosselin house. She was given away
and not invited back.

Gladys is trying to rewrite history to fit some ridiculous animal lover fantasy she has about TFW. The only way a rescue dog is moving
in is if the TLC cameras capture every moment, and TFW gets a
nice paycheck at the end. And for nostalgia's sake, the kids can
thank her, and she can say, "You're not welcome." #Memories

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I respectfully disagree Admin. Milo does not speak like a gay female. Females, gay or straight, phrase things differently than males just by the very nature that they are female, and Milo's comments have consistently, IMO, been typed as if the thoughts of a middle aged straight male.


I'd be very interested in seeing some examples of this. Would you post specific tweets that Milo has made, what qualifies it as a male tweet and what the "female" phrasing would be as opposed to what was tweeted? Thanks!

Susie Cincinnati said...

Still no thank you for the birthday wishes tweets, only the dating thing from the twins, and the "I love my hair" tweets?

It's almost Easter. No pictures of her filling 10,000 eggs all by herself, or tweets to her Twitter friends asking them where to find those mini Cadbury eggs? She's really falling down on the job.

SCgal said...

I think Milo is a woman primarily because I heard that radio show that she called into and it was a female voice. I remember that she said something about people being negative and we need to be more positive. Do other people remember that?

Marie said...

Read this about another and it reminded me of Kate: In Kate's "exempt, narcissistic universe, there appears to be no absolutes of right and wrong, of true and false. It is a warped, nebulous universe, where wanting something justifies the taking of it and anyone that calls that behaviour to account must be demeaned or dismissed."

redbird said...

I came up with TFW (The Former Wife) because another acronym was too long, and I think that is Virgina Joy's favorite. I was afraid that people were thinking that I was actually saying T F-bomb Witch.

No, just The Former Wife. TFW.

We have chefsummer to thank for TFM. I admit, at first I thought it was T F-bomb Monkey, but chefsummer said the flying monkey and I remember everyone laughing and saying how funny and good it was! I think of the Wizard of Oz flying monkeys every time I read it! Bwahaha!

redbird said...

Yes, I totally agree. The kids must all be at and with Jon because it is his birthday. She has no friends, Steve must be in MD and she is there with...

Zorro? Zorro? Zorro?

MIA? Prove he is still alive. The Day's paper and a photo tweet.

So, instead, she gets on twitter to get her narcissist fix. Ugh! Disgusting.

Jeanne said...

I think Kate's hair must already be shoulder length or shorter. Then she has a weave or various lengths of clip in extensions or both. Her hair at the hairline looks so unhealthy. Her hair often looks unwashed and I think I remember you can't just wash weaves the same as hair. She has colored her hair for years which can be hard on your hair. I have no idea what styling tools she uses like hot curling irons. A poor diet is also reflected in your hair. I just don't believe she can grow long hair anymore. I think it's why she wears that baseball cap around town. Those days she's not interested in putting the extensions in. At this point she'd have to go very short, color it her real color so she won't need touch ups at the roots, and grow it out slowly. Maybe proper conditioning and eating some better food.

Jeanne said...

I really hate to say this, but underneath Kate might be human. TFM may or may not have money. He may or may not be a decent person (he is not from what we've seen.) Anyway, I truly believe Kate is obsessed with him. She has to have him around. She wants to have him around. She lives for time with him. The millionaire boyfriend was a lie for the tabloids. A dating show would be a farce. The big question: Does he return any of her feelings? If she got him, would she then tire of him soon like Jon?

Anonymous said...

Hi all, just wanted to say I still read here, but not that much, but saw some clip on TV tonight about a mock funeral for reality TV that featured Jon gosselin and even Omorosa. My activities have been being sick, messing with tons of paperwork I seem unable to do without a problem with Every. Single. Thing. Also they are finally starting on reconstructing my house after getting everything out and permitting and cleaned up. I now have walls and windows, maybe next week paint and floors. So how about that, after all these months, progress. I miss you all.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 13
There was another dog at the Gosselin house. She was given away
and not invited back.


Ha, Flimsy! It just occurred to me that Milo's mawkish tweets about Kate getting a rescue dog will not come true.

Besides the fact that Kate isn't the dog lover Milo wants to believe, a rescue society might reject Kate! Every rescue application I've seen asks pointedly if you've ever given up a pet. Kate would have some 'splainin' to do.

Kate is the one doing the abandoning, not the rescuing.

I have to agree about the photo Milo posted. It's bizarre, which of course we've come to expect from Kate's #1 fan. Not only is it strange to send a photo of a scantily clad woman's body (minus the head) to another woman, the angle the photo is taken at is creepy, too. It's from BELOW.

Poor, sweet, angelic Milo -- her tender bleeding heart is being broken daily. Why, God, why?? I can almost hear a violin playing in the background as little cherubs fly 'round her head. Milo strikes the melodramatic pose, the back of her hand to her forehead. "Farewell, cold, cruel world! You did not deserve me, alack and alas!" Hahahaha.

Milo and Kate were April Tools together yesterday! (Love it, AuntieAnn!)

Tucker's Mom said...

Border Collie said... 22
I miss you too! The veranda is missing your muumuu, but I totally understand-your plate is so full it runneth over.
My thoughts are with you!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Border Collie (#22), I'm so glad you posted! Wonderful to hear that
things are slowly but surely falling into place in your life.

Virginia Pen Mom (#23), yes, poor, soft-hearted Gladys. If you didn't
know any better, you'd fall for the way she portrays herself. But
she sure can get down in the mud with the best of them when she's
out to trash the father of TFW's kids. Even going so far as to repeat
rumors about custody, income, etc. as "FACT." She can be as
snotty, rude and snarky as her idol. And her denial of that "dark
side" makes her even more obnoxious, in my opinion.

Tucker's Mom said...

This is how I picture Milo's moods on Twitter ;-)

Tucker's Mom said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 10
According to Milo, even growing hair is hard work for Kate.

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 27m27 minutes ago
We all knew #ThatBeautifulHair wasn't going anywhere! Not even on Aaden's #HairPlane :) Hard work/time/patience 2grow it back! @Kateplusmy8

Well, Kate Is A Twit...don't you know that's why Kate won't find employment? She already has one! Growing her hair is hard work and it's a full time job. I wonder if she has to clock in with that type of employment.

It's a PITA to grow out your hair, but come on, Milo!
Kate began with FREE whole-head extensions for a People photo shoot, and she continues with FREE extensions until she was done with them.
What a joke!
I also think Kate has enhancements of all sorts in her hair. When she's not fully blown out or curled like a poodle, she had her hair pulled flat against her head.
Women with naturally thick, long hair don't have that huge dichotomy in appearance.
For example, look at Kendra. Sure, she looks like she's had her hair professionally done for appearances, but day to day, it looks natural, both down and up.
It's not like she's got a ton of full curls one day, and the next, hair slicked to the head and a small bun.
Kate's hair would look much different pulled back or in a pony tail if indeed it were all hers.

Tucker's Mom said...

April Tool's Day- love it!!
Oh, and...I lurv my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TLC stinks said...

Half day for middle school today and then Easter break starts tomorrow through Monday. We'll see if the tweets increase. She's going to want to prove she and kids are celebrating Easter.

Her tweets so far do not indicate she is home, but she may be with TFM because she doesn't tweet much when she is with him. I guess we, who have common sense, still cannot understand what is up with Steve's marriage. Kate totally acts like he is her boyfriend, partner, whatever and it is obvious or the rumors would go away. Sure, it could be one-sided but any "truly" married man aware of that type of infatuation would walk away. He has not. It should not be about money. Either they are a couple or he gets off on her being dependent on him. Kate is dependent on him exactly like she was dependent on Jon.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Have any of the fans (or bots) decided that this Mother's Day
special is a new season of "K+8?" It's always amusin' to watch
the confusion...

Karen Kaufman said...

For the record, and I do believe I speak for everyone besides Kate and Milo, Kate Gosselin does not have nice hair. In fact, she doesn't have much hair. Balding with obvious extensions is not a good look. Glad that she no longer gets headaches from her long "hair". Fool.

getoftweeter said...

I think almost 11 year olds & yes 14 year olds are too old for Easter egg hunt. By time I was around 9, Easter Egg hunt was considered babyish to do. In fact most Easter Egg hunts are usually cut off about 9-10.
As for Easter baskets, I still got one till I was about 12.
I was glad to get a Easter Basket, cause 1. I got candy and 2. my parents would put something in the basket that I liked, or wanted. The basket stopped when I was around 13, at 13 you got a chocolate rabbit and $10. At 13 & on, we did baskets for displays/decoration as I do now.

I can see taking or doing egg hunt when kids are little. Kate's kids especially the tups scream & yell, get excited, like they never did this before. They act very immature for their age. I can see a 4-5 year old acting that way not 10 going on 11. Kate still thinks they are 4-5, cause that is when the show was at it's height.

getoftweeter said...

If Kate does Easter, she will tell us she ordered her ham. Note: Kate ordered a ham dinner, that she will peddle off as she slaved all day to make this Easter dinner.

She spend days stuffing eggs for the annual Easter Egg hunt. Note: kids are too old for that. In my opinion

Oh she is so stressed out and tired. Note: Kate you did not work a 8 hour plus day, you don't have a real regular job: 7-3, 8-4, 9-5 or other hours. You have 10 hours to your self, when kids are in school, hired help when kids are home from school and when they are off from school. Most people would kill for that time of 10 hour for themselves. Stop complaining. You lazy sorry excuse for a parent.

TLC stinks said...

I think she will continue with the Easter Egg Baskets. As long as my kids were home, they wanted that candy. The Easter Egg Hunt, on the other hand, is for little kids. Big question: will they go to church?

ITA she will tweet a photo of her Easter meal, all organic and mom prepared.

If she is quiet, TLC is filming.

TLC stinks said...

This is what she tweeted in 2012:

As the busy mom was getting her day started, she took to her Twitter page to show just how much work she has to do, tweeting, "GM everyone! Busy day here! 800+ eggs&8 baskets to fill, cooking, baking and Easter outfits to lay out! I better get going...!! Yikes!"

So what's on the menu for Easter dinner at the Gosselin house? Well, judging by her latest social media post, dessert is something Kate definitely has in order, writing, "Since you asked- baking egg custard pies (big surprise!), lemon squares, nest cookies and angel food cake. Then on to cooking..."

TLC stinks said...

This what she tweeted last year:

Home on Easter with my kids...It doesn't get anymore 'Egg-cellent' than that! Happy Easter, all!

Blowing In The Wind said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack · 54m54 minutes ago
Sometimes I've asked God "Why did you make me w/such a tender heart?" This world is so cruel...sometimes I feel like I don't belong here.

Tender heart? LOL!! When it comes to animals, probably yes. When it comes to trashing Jon and Robert, passing off rumors as fact, as well as mean-spirited remarks to those who don't worship Kate, not so much. I think Milo has a selective tender heart, and it's only tender when she wants it to be. Does she blame God for that?

angie said...

She spend days stuffing eggs for the annual Easter Egg hunt. Note: kids are too old for that. In my opinion
Robert's first version documented Kate was lying when she stuffed fuckety million eggs.
He was there at the house when a hired duo showed up with bags of filled eggs. This duo hid the eggs. While the kids hunted eggs he said Kate never came out of the house.

(I don't know if it's in the second version, although I purchased both I have not read the second. It was difficult enough to read the first).

(and don't forget Kate freezes Easter candy to use for the next yr!)

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Blowing (#37), I made a similar comment earlier. And where was
Gladys' "tender heart" when she saw the picture (a/k/a proof) of
TFW grabbing her tiny daughter's arm, llifting her dress and
smacking her on the behind for blowing a whistle? I won't even mention the horrifying journal entries, as she still claims they
were somehow tampered with.

AuntieAnn said...

TLC stinks said... 35

This is what she tweeted in 2012:

As the busy mom was getting her day started, she took to her Twitter page to show just how much work she has to do, tweeting, "GM everyone! Busy day here! 800+ eggs&8 baskets to fill, cooking, baking and Easter outfits to lay out! I better get going...!! Yikes!"


And of course she cleverly omitted the word "I", meaning she wasn't the one doing it but she'd like her tweeties to think so.

An ode to Johnnie Cochran:

"If she didn't say "I", then it wasn't a LIE".

Formerly Duped said...

Kate becomes Ms Bunny for Easter, too. I think the kids are beyond that 'tradition' too. I think baskets are nice, with some chocolate- fresh and themed!- and maybe a little treat like a giftcard or pack of collectable cards, nailpolish, small toy, for example, for kids this age. I still have baskets for my 20+ kids (blush) in the original baskets from their childhood.But much lower key- traditions become stale if you try to outdo yourself every year like Kate,even as the kids age.

Flight of the Kiwi said...

Hi ladies - stopping by to say hello. So TFW is filming for Mother's Day and her 40th birthday. Hmmm. Good for her???

Well, WE (DH and I) will be spending Mother's Day with our kids and grandkids celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. Oh and celebrating one child's making partner in the law firm and the other child's promotion to senior IT network engineer. Yay us!

LisaNH said...

Thought I'd pop in to see how things are going. I've been so out of the Gosselin Loop for so long. Last I heard her show was back on (haven't watched-no interest). Is it still on? Wondered if it got cancelled yet?

This little tidbit about the nanny is also interesting stuff. But as many have said, it's nothing new. Nannies and former employees have been saying this stuff for years. Kate just has the knack for falling in a pile of "blank" and comes out smelling like a rose.

Jeanne said...

Karen #31...
I don't remember her saying she got headaches from long hair. I believe that's a classic sign of a weave.

I've had short hair and long hair down to my waist. The only time I ever thought my real hair gave me headaches was when I was already sick.

Anonymous said...

Our Easter Tradition: Mr. Munchy for everyone. (since my kids became adults)

There's something about chocolate with Rice Krispies.


AuntieAnn said...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 42

Hi ladies - stopping by to say hello. So TFW is filming for Mother's Day and her 40th birthday. Hmmm. Good for her???

Well, WE (DH and I) will be spending Mother's Day with our kids and grandkids celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. Oh and celebrating one child's making partner in the law firm and the other child's promotion to senior IT network engineer. Yay us!


Wow! Congratulations to you and Rocket Man and to your daugter's or son's partnership.

But, still, you must be like totally, totally jellus of Kate's awesome achievements, right?

FYI said...

Milo tweeted a picture with a saying on it to Kate. The saying says "Sometimes we need someone to simply be there... Not to fix anything or do anything in particular, but just to let us feel we are supported and cared about."

So, is Milo talking about Kate or is she sending a message to Kate that she "needs" to know if Kate cares about her in the same way she cares about Kate?

I vote for the latter. Milo seems desperate for Kate's attention. She gets one tweet from Kate, and expects more.

BTW, I think Milo is who she says she is--" I'm a happily married female supporting Kate Gosselin". However, I think that support has turned to obsessiveness. She is fixated on Kate, thinks she's her BFF, and gets upset when Kate ignores her. Her twitter life revolves around Kate.

The biggest mistake Kate ever made was giving a shout out to Milo when Kate appeared on Dr. Drew several years ago. Milo took that as Kate declaring her to be one of her BFF's and now Milo feels that Kate should always be there for her and respond to her.

She's not happy with a once in a while tweet. I think she really believes that Kate loves her, cares about her, etc. I sometimes feel sorry for her, because she doesn't get that she's just another tweetie that Kate uses.

I think Milo feels that Kate owes her for being her supporter. She imagines a 'friendship" that doesn't really exist. She just doesn't get that she is just one of Kate's 244K followers, that Kate uses to her advantage.

prairiemary said...

Congrats on all of the blessings in your life, Flight of the Kiwi!

Winsomeone said...

Is this true, or an April's Fool's joke? … In an interview, Jon said the longest lasting job he ever had was Jon and Kate Plus Eight. He talked about Kate's career once again...just what is it that he thinks she does I wonder? I hope he hired his personal trainer after some of those PR shots, because he was just massive looking in a couple of them. So now he is free game, since he has put himself out there again. Hope this show is better than The Couple's Therapy one. I wonder if he still has the DJ job?

TLC stinks said...

Yeah, I think Milo is just a lonely woman, probably married. Looks like she lives out in the sticks and has no friends. I think she envies Kate. Extreme hero worship for a complete stranger is not normal. She probably has more of an imagined relationship with Kate than she does with Hubs. Kate is a user and Milo is a sap because she will get dumped when Kate no longer needs her constant praises on Twitter. It will happen.

TLC stinks said...

She got what she wanted. The hair tweet was picked up.

FYI said...

Winsomeone said... 49
Is this true, or an April's Fool's joke?

The Enstar website apparently has a problem with reading comprehension. Jon is not part of the "Connected" reality show. He is not a participant.

He just participated in a PROMOTION for the show, along with several other former reality TV stars.

This is a synopsis of the show, including who the cast members are.

"The show presents six New York City-based storylines and attempts to show, without any behind-the-scenes manipulation, how all our lives are connected. There's Nina Ferrer-Mannino, a newly married photographer starting a family; Derek Gaines, a struggling stand-up comic; Eli and Ido Bender-Taicher, two dads with two daughters; Lori Levine, a successful CEO married for the first time at 44; and the previously mentioned Rosie Noesi, a divorced woman struggling with commitment. The sixth storyline is about Jonathan Bricklin, the 37-year-old owner of a New York City Ping-Pong social club, dating 67-year-old Academy Award-winning actress Susan Sarandon."

If you're interested, you can watch the show here:

Tucker's Mom said...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 42
Hi ladies - stopping by to say hello. So TFW is filming for Mother's Day and her 40th birthday. Hmmm. Good for her???

Well, WE (DH and I) will be spending Mother's Day with our kids and grandkids celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. Oh and celebrating one child's making partner in the law firm and the other child's promotion to senior IT network engineer. Yay us!
Another muumuu I've missed!
Thank you for checking in and giving an update. You sound happy and blessed!
Big congratulations to you and DH.

FYI said...

The Kate Plus 8 FB page showed a screen shot of Kate's April Fool's joke tweet. This is what they posted:

Kate Plus 8
Kate's ‪#‎AprilFools‬ joke has to be the BEST we've seen today!

Check out some of Kate's best hair moments:

They stated that it was an April Fool's joke, but so many people actually believed she cut her hair short again. Loved this comment:

"Love your new hair cut! It makes you look beautiful. And a lot younger than your long hair. Your long hair did you no justice! You made you look very plain. Your short hair makes you look like a complete new and beautiful person. You go girl!"

What's so funny, is that the FB fans apparently didn't recognize the old Kate haircut from several years ago and actually complemented her on how great the new "short cut" looked.

Here's the link to the FB post:

DisgustedwithKate said...

I'm sorry if this is a dumb question but is the nanny that called Kate "nasty", the Ashley from the infamous RV episode or a different Ashley?

DisgustedwithKate said...

Is the nanny who called Kate "nasty", Ashley from the RV episode or a different Ashley?

Winsomeone said...

"He just participated in a PROMOTION for the show, along with several other former reality TV stars."

Glad to hear that.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jeanne said... 44
Karen #31...
I don't remember her saying she got headaches from long hair. I believe that's a classic sign of a weave.
Kate did say that long hair gave her headaches, and I think she said one of the girls complained of the same thing.
It seems like she felt the need to lie about why she sported a pixie at the time instead of owning it.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

So, is Milo talking about Kate or is she sending a message to Kate that she "needs" to know if Kate cares about her in the same way she cares about Kate?

I vote for the latter. Milo seems desperate for Kate's attention. She gets one tweet from Kate, and expects more.


That's what I think, too. I've been noticing that Milo needs more and more tweets from Kate to be satisfied. Milo keeps upping the ante.

I am 100% sure that tweet was directed to Kate. She was hoping for a retweet from Kate or a reply saying, "That's us, Milo! Always there for each other. XOXOXO." Milo definitely feels this platitude is true of the two of them. She just wants to hear Kate say it. And the little teddy bears hugging, aw ... Katie and Milo!

Also, Milo sure posts a lot of "don't let people get to you! They're just jealous! Be the bigger person!" tweets. It sure sounds like Milo is in contention with everyone in her life. She seems to really feel it's Milo and Kate against the world. It has seemingly never occurred to Milo that if you are ALWAYS being criticized, it might be time to look in the mirror. Same is true of her heartthrob, Katie.

Yes, agreed that Kate sure did make a mistake with the shout-out because enough is never enough for Milo. I just wonder how this is going to end. Every time I hear a Selena song, Milo comes to mind.

Over And Out said...

What's so funny, is that the FB fans apparently didn't recognize the old Kate haircut from several years ago and actually complemented her on how great the new "short cut" looked.

Here's the link to the FB post:

I never thought I'd say this, but even the porcupine looks better than what she has now. She doesn't need a super short cut, but a chin length layered style would be good. Get rid of the total blond and put some low lights in there and she might be attractive (on the outside...can't change her on the inside). The April Fool's joke might have backfired on her. She thinks she looks super young and gorgeous with the long hair, but others are telling her differently. That's not what she wanted to hear.

TLC stinks said...

I wonder if some of those complimentary short hair style comments were actually pulling her leg! If someone is a Kate fan, surely they remember the porcupine cut. ITA, she did look better back in 2009. The long hair, weight loss and face surgery makes her look rough. Also her diet has absolutely ruined her skin.

PatK said...

DisgustedwithKate said... 56
Is the nanny who called Kate "nasty", Ashley from the RV episode or a different Ashley?


A different Ashley.

Over And Out said...

She seems to really feel it's Milo and Kate against the world. It has seemingly never occurred to Milo that if you are ALWAYS being criticized, it might be time to look in the mirror. Same is true of her heartthrob, Katie.

Yes, and this need for attention has gotten so much worse. If she wouldn't be so annoying I'd amost feel sorry for her. She's crying to be heard. She wanted her tweetie strangers to ask her why she was away so long and she was begging for someone to open up a discussion about her health problems. It didn't happen. Something is very wrong in her life, and for the life of me I can't understand why her family appears to be so totally unconcerned about her desperate need to be one with Kate.

Then again, nobody really knows what's going on there. In fact, there may not even be a family. If she's catfishing, she's gotten good at it. Someone here posted last night that her tweets and phrasing appear to come from a straight male. I am really curious about that conclusion and wish the person would post examples of what Milo has tweeted and how gender and sexual preference can be revealed through a tweet.

Flight of the Kiwi said...

Someone just sent me notice that my post about my 40th anniversary on May 10th and mentioning my adult kids was bragging.

Bragging? Wow. However did it make it through to posting? And here I thought we were talking about how we will celebrate Mother's Day. So sorry.

I didn't even mention the planned trip to Mars in the 1980"s era heirloom faux ultra suede Lazy-Boy recliner by rocketman. I left that out, because, you know, I'm annoying. And trying to clean up my rep (HA!)

Since I'm bragging (cough) I am shopping for a new car. The 2002 Mazda Protege in mint condition with only 41,000 miles (only driven by a little old lady from Pasadena to church on Sundays. One way, she had it towed home to save the mileage) is having expensive electric problems. My GOFUNDME account may help me keep it. Be generous! If I can't, I've got my eye on a sweet little Audi 3. Or a Prius. I'm nothing if not concerned about the environment.

Maybe I could pedal it fast enough and long enough to visit my relatives in LA. The famous ones (bragging) The ones who lives next door to my dear friends Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson. (bragging) The one whose book can be pre-ordered now (due out 6/6/215) (bragging)

I know what you're thinking, But I find it tacky to ask for money from famous rich people. Hey @Toyota! Help a girl out.(grifting)

So upset, but rest assured I'll not be clutching my custom designed Mikimoto (bragging) pearls - don't want to stretch out the strand or get finger oil on the beads. (taking care of my things)

But thanks to Auntie Ann and Pariemary for the well wishes.

Going back to messing with telemarketers now. Fun.

What's everyone else doing this Mother's Day. During our vow renewal we will be remembering my Mom and RM's Mom who have passed.

Anonymous said...

OT..for our ladies of the veranda...good news!!!

Time to call DIBS!!!!


PS. TFW still bores me

Flight of the Kiwi said...

Thanks Tucker's Mom. Feels great to know we didn't horribly screw up as parents LOL. But, truth be known, my kids both worked hard for their accomplishments. As far as 40 years for me DH & I - we sometimes joke we're just lazy!

Lynne In RI said...

Virginia (59): "Yes, agreed that Kate sure did make a mistake with the shout-out because enough is never enough for Milo. I just wonder how this is going to end. Every time I hear a Selena song, Milo comes to mind."


Milo is now on a fitness fixation. I guess when all else fails, she thinks that Kate will respond to this. I remember when she tweeted Kate several times about a walking challenge and that brought no response. I guess she figured she'd try that card again. There is something seriously wrong with her. You just can't make her understand that Kate doesn't care!

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
YAY...I just did my 1st day! U want 2join us @Kateplusmy8 ? Several of ur fav peeps R doin this. See how far we go!

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack I go w/ #DayOne! Heave ho & squat I go...30Xs! 😮

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack sweet peeps offering 2help me!! Who is going 2pry me up when I do one squat 2many & can't get back up! My teens said #OhGetReal

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
LOL. Who will coach me thru this challenge? #GoalsALittleTooHigh. 😧


Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
Oh my...poor man...have U noticed how frantic & desperate RH gets w/his spamming the #TiredRedundantOldNews hate tweets when Kate is gone!

Pot meet kettle. Does she not understand how DESPERATE she gets when she wants Kate to notice her, or is her mirror broken?

Anonymous said...

So, the sheeple are issuing a walking challenge? Is that anything like the short walk on the long bridge thing from last year? That will never not be funny.


NoOneInParticular (NOIP) said...

Kate once tweeted her love to Milo...M wants to feel that again from Kate, but it never happened. It was around the time we felt Milo paid for a weeks vacation at the beach (when Deanna helped with the driving & kids) Anyone remember that? Kate tweeted she loved Milo on and offline and flirted with her saying "... and l think you know it"
I'm guessing Mr & Mrs Milo haven't been so generous as of late so typical Kate has no further need to flirt ... I have the screen capture of Kate professing her love to Milo if anyone wants to see it.

AuntieAnn said...

Virginia Pen Mom said... 59

Yes, agreed that Kate sure did make a mistake with the shout-out because enough is never enough for Milo. I just wonder how this is going to end. Every time I hear a Selena song, Milo comes to mind.


I agree too. I'm sure Kate had no idea that when she gave Gladys that shout-out on Dr. Drew it was going to be the highest point in Milo's sad little celebrity-stalking life. But tough titties for Kate. She wanted her fame and she got it. If she doesn't like she can always switch 'careers'.

LisaNH - waving hello! It is nice to see some of the old names again.

Anonymous said...


so nice to her from you, forgot to brag whether you were wearing salt or fresh water pearls...the difference is in the DETAILS!!!!

I knew you would come out for our new croc-shopping spree. I call dibs on rainbow high-heeled!

So glad to see so many posting after so long, maybe spring is actually coming if we mama-bears have come out of dormancy. That, or our fingers have finally thawed!!!


Calling for more rumspringa--looks like the veranda is coming back alive

Auntie Anne...time to whip out the glitter and glue gun for purse-onalised invites!

Rhymes with Witch said...

Does she not understand how DESPERATE she gets when she wants Kate to notice her, or is her mirror broken? 67

But she and Katie are both oh so special, dontcha know.

Anonymous said...

forgive me, but we have hit double digits for the first time in over 4 months...Celsius..10 today, 14 tomorrow, then back to hibernating


Math Girl said...

Anonymous said... 65
OT..for our ladies of the veranda...good news!!!
A warning about crocs - don't ever wear them with socks. I did one day and my foot unexpectedly slipped partway out of the shoe. When my neighbors came running out to investigate the crashing sound, my shoe was on their porch, I was on their carport, and my face was scraped along the cement. Do not try this at home.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Kiwi, good to see you. Love the new muu muu! Glad the recliner is still.functional.
p.s. If someone accuse you of bragging, they must be jellus.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Fired Up 4 Kate @MiloandJack
LOL. Who will coach me thru this challenge? #GoalsALittleTooHigh. ��

No Milo Kate doesn't want to help you or see you.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

A warning about crocs - don't ever wear them with socks. I did one day and my foot unexpectedly slipped partway out of the shoe. When my neighbors came running out to investigate the crashing sound, my shoe was on their porch, I was on their carport, and my face was scraped along the cement. Do not try this at home.


lol! Why were you in your neighbor's carport in the first place? Peering in windows? Is your name Gladys?

prairiemary said...

Flight of the Kiwi-brag away all day, we celebrate our highs & lows on this blog, like a little family! Pay no attention, some one must be jellus:)

AuntieAnn said...

On the subject of crocs - I have three pairs of 'sloggers'. They are a little narrower and more comfortable (for me) than any of my other crocs. I love them, almost as much as Milo loves Kate.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

When Gladys tweets the words "frantic & desperate" about
anyone other than herself, I think her computer ought to
put up some sort of warning signal before she presses
"send." Like, "Are you sure this is what you mean to say?"
Or something a little less subtle, like, "Heifer, please!"

Sandylove said...

Has anyone seen the new "People Magazine Collector's Edition for 10 Years of Dancing With The Stars"? I think it just came out and I picked it up at the grocery store today because I'm a big DWTS fan. Sometimes I just like watching just to see all the beautiful costumes and don't always care about all the contestants each season but I love the "behind the scenes" stuff and that's included in this magazine.

Of course the first thing I had to look up was where Kate was mentioned in the issue. They have a chapter called "Talking With The Pros" and I went straight to Tony's. After being asked about his season winning with Melissa Rycroft (they both thought they were going home every week and were shocked they won), he is asked about Kate.

"You didn't get as far with Kate Gosselin - you quit during rehearsal". And this was his response "Kate had so much going on in her life, I felt she started taking it out on me. That is the reason I had to quit. I regretted it immediately because I'm not a quitter. I still gave her everything I had, and we made it to week 5".

Then for the chapter about her season, this is what SHE said "I do want to win. It's just that the dancing part is getting in the way of winning", the reality show mom of eight told People during her time on the show. In my mind, I'm winning. In my actions, not so much". Still, she felt she had the female vote: "I think it's moms and women who believe in me - and who think Tony is good looking and love his abs!"

Sue_Buddy said...

Anonymous said... 68
So, the sheeple are issuing a walking challenge? Is that anything like the short walk on the long bridge thing from last year? That will never not be funny.


There's no walking challenge. Milo is taking up doing squats and asked who'd coach her. One sheep said she'd do it along with Milo.

I have to wonder if something that hard on the joints is good for Milo's degenerating bone disease.

PJ's momma said...

What is wrong with Robert Hoffman? I looked at Kate's timeline and there is tweet after tweet about his book. So I looked at his, and he is obsessively tweeting this crap to every celebrity he can apparently think of, making him look way worse than the information he is putting out there. He is one creepy dude.

rainbowsandunicorns said...

There's no walking challenge. Milo is taking up doing squats and asked who'd coach her. One sheep said she'd do it along with Milo.


And, of course, Kate doesn't give diddly squat. I hope by now that she knows how needy Milo is, and has learned not to give in to her demands for attention. I wonder if she's put Deanna and Jamie on alert, warning them what can happen if they they respond to Milo's tweets to be noticed.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

What in the world is Milo's fascination with women's legs and butts? That's the second (or third?) picture she has tweeted of a woman's body parts.

Math Girl said...

rainbowsandunicorns said... 77

lol! Why were you in your neighbor's carport in the first place? Peering in windows? Is your name Gladys?
No and no.

I was going out with my neighbor, she was driving, and I was going from her porch to her carport because I decided to give her a few more minutes to finish her coffee! They were pretty surprised as it was, but would have been even more surprised if she hadn't been expecting me.

redbird said...

Attention Veranda OCC shoppers!!!

Michael's Crafts has clearance on popular toys that regularly cost 1-5 dollars, 60 percent off!!! These are perfect for the shoeboxes. Also, Dollar Tree has great items for the older boys, 10 to 14 yrs. old. 8 in 1 screwdrivers, hammers, nails, measuring tape. Also school supplies. Protractors, graph paper, solar calculators, pencil sharpeners, flashlights, with extra batteries. See if they have math, science, English, dictionaries, Bibles. A knapsack to put the books in. AND CANDY! Some places don't but it they do, hide it in the bottom of the box. There is nothing wrong with the kids having candy. Even OCC says it is ok. Also, really important. IVORY bar soap with washcloths because when the kids take their baths in the rivers, IVORY soap FLOATS and they don't have to dive for the soap.

That is what got my brother started working for OCC. I told him the story of the little boy in a Romanian orphanage and there were 20 kids and they had to share a washcloth. He prayed for his own washcloth. He got his box and there were beautiful washcloths in his box and he got one and just put it on his face and cried. Got me to do more, started my brother to volunteer and work for OCC!!!

LisaNH said...

Waving back at AuntieAnn!!! Howdy!! LOL. Sorry it's been so long. Good to see you too. :) I need to get back here more often.

Sandylove said...

Forgot to mention this about the People/10 Years DWTS. On the 9th page in the beginning of the book, they show a photo of Kate and Tony rehearsing when they are staring at each other. And it states below that: "TENSION. When reality star Kate Gosselin didn't like partner Tony Dovolani's teaching style, she let him know it. But it takes two to tango: He walked out on her at rehearsal." Ha. ha, love it!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Redbird (#87), thanks for the Operation Christmas Child
suggestions! I've already started collecting things for my
shoeboxes. Got some $3 heart socks at Big Lots for 30¢ --
90% off Valentine's Day clearance!

Speaking only for myself, I thoroughly enjoy reading other
people's good news. And I'd hate for someone's unkind
comments to take the wind out of anyone's sails (this is
a metaphor, sheeple -- no one got a sailboat...).

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Did Kravitz mention which of Kate's favorite peeps are squatters? She said "several."

Sue_Buddy said...

Sleepless In Seattle said... 91
Did Kravitz mention which of Kate's favorite peeps are squatters? She said "several."

I only saw one peep rely to her. It must be a covert operation via DM.


Mel said...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 64Someone just sent me notice that my post about my 40th anniversary on May 10th and mentioning my adult kids was bragging.

Oh good grief! They just had to take time out of their busy life to personally message you about their thoughts on your post??? Because???

Some thought should just stay in your head.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 64
Someone just sent me notice that my post about my 40th anniversary on May 10th and mentioning my adult kids was bragging.

Bragging? Wow. However did it make it through to posting? And here I thought we were talking about how we will celebrate Mother's Day. So sorry.


No, you weren't bragging. You're happy, just as you should be! And congrats!

Your name still makes me smile. Old Kate talking about "birds without arms," LOL. Such a scholar.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Franky said ...

Time to call DIBS!!!!


Oh my gosh, thanks, Franky! I hate when the rubber wears down on my crocs. My mumu is pretty long and sometimes snags on them. If I trip, I roll, being so round and all. : D

Flight of the Kiwi said...

Oh Flimsy...I'm breaking into my best rendition of " Wind Beneath My Wings". LOL.

jolie Jacquelyn said...

Yes, it's so nice to see "old faces" again. Now if only DWINDLE & LoveMyGrandsons etc, would pop in to say hi.

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Lynne in RI said ...

Pot meet kettle. Does she not understand how DESPERATE she gets when she wants Kate to notice her, or is her mirror broken?


You're right! I forgot that she tried getting Kate pumped up about walking first ... and then running. Now squats.

Sleepless, LOL at calling the fans "squatters"! I truly hope we get to hear who the squatters are. I'll enjoy calling them that.

Sue_Buddy said...

Flight of the Kiwi said... 96
Oh Flimsy...I'm breaking into my best rendition of " Wind Beneath My Wings". LOL.

Did you say you're breaking wind?

redbird said...

Oh, thanks, Flims!!!

I also love reading others posts. I am so glad to whoever posted about the stolen iPhone. What an insane read! I am going to send it to my dys to read when he is stuck somewhere for awhile!

Flight of the Kiwi! You go girl! Brag, all you want. We love our kids and proud of their accomplishments.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Sleepless, LOL at calling the fans "squatters"! I truly hope we get to hear who the squatters are. I'll enjoy calling them that.


Barb is squatting. I'm not sure about the identities of Kate's other favorite peeps. Perhaps Gladys will reveal their names.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Did you say you're breaking wind?


I think that the squatters will be doing quite a bit of that.

prairiemary said...

Crocs question-I have only 1 pair of the real Crocs,and found some called Dawgs for $4. per pair, so got navy & black, and every time I wear the dark colors, socks or bare foot, my feet get all discolored,and the staining is so hard to get off, anyone else have the fakes and this happens to you?

prairiemary said...

Happy Easter everyone, stay safe and enjoy time with your loved ones:)

capecodmama said...

Joy...just saw on ESPN that Shaka Smart is moving on to be the head coach at Texas! brag away baby. Congrats to your kids. I love hearing about what's going on in the lives of the ladies of the veranda because it's way more interesting than TCFW.

redbird said...

Barb is squatting. I'm not sure about the identities of Kate's other favorite peeps. Perhaps Gladys will reveal their names.


I read Sleepless in Seattle's post like this: Barb is squatting. I'm not sure of the indentations of Kate's other peeps. Perhaps Gladys will reveal their names.

It is getting late. I need some hot chocolate.

AuntieAnn said...

Squatting sheep? Ouch.

Looks painful!

AuntieAnn said...

jolie Jacquelyn said... 97

Yes, it's so nice to see "old faces" again. Now if only DWINDLE & LoveMyGrandsons etc, would pop in to say hi.


I wish they would, too.

The veranda goes all the way around the 15MGS manor now so there's room for plenty of wicker chairs, cots, hammocks and there's an abundance of folding webbed chairs up against the north wall. PA Dutch Mom has her kegs stashed on the eastside part of the veranda, so of course that's the main hangout. Oh and drive-bys aren't allowed past the gated driveway that Admin had installed a couple of years ago.

Hope all is well with you, JJ :o)

Ingrid said...

I think this picture had her best short hair style and she looked the prettiest then.

Her hairstyle didn't have that horsetail flopped over her eye (no offense to horses) . It was more symmetrical. No fakey botoxed stiff gaunt look to her face.

Anonymous this time said...

True story about shoes. Picture it, Paris 1971. I'm walking around in my Dr. Scholl's wooden sandaly things. Except I'm also wearing panty hose. I'm stupid that way sometimes. I go into Notre Dame Cathedral to be inspired and humbled by the magnificence of it all. For the 554th time that day my foot slides out of Dr. Scholl's grip and my arch gets slammed onto the hard corner of the shoe. I have had enough. I go to the first place I can find to fix my problem. Because I'm a non Catholic teenager, it looks like the perfect spot to me to rip off my panty hose. It has a chair and a curtain and everything.

Anonymous this time

Anonymous said...

PJ's momma said... 83
What is wrong with Robert Hoffman? I looked at Kate's timeline and there is tweet after tweet about his book. So I looked at his, and he is obsessively tweeting this crap to every celebrity he can apparently think of, making him look way worse than the information he is putting out there. He is one creepy dude.


I disagree. He's promoting his book. Tweet away, Robert, tweet away. Every time the sheeple mention him and his book, he sells a few more, IMO.

Anonymous This Time, that's too funny. I'm sure the confessionals have been used for many a strange activity. Go, and sin no more. LOL


Tucker's Mom said...

Anonymous this time said... 110
True story about shoes. Picture it, Paris 1971. I'm walking around in my Dr. Scholl's wooden sandaly things. Except I'm also wearing panty hose. I'm stupid that way sometimes. I go into Notre Dame Cathedral to be inspired and humbled by the magnificence of it all. For the 554th time that day my foot slides out of Dr. Scholl's grip and my arch gets slammed onto the hard corner of the shoe. I have had enough. I go to the first place I can find to fix my problem. Because I'm a non Catholic teenager, it looks like the perfect spot to me to rip off my panty hose. It has a chair and a curtain and everything.

Anonymous this time
"Can someone get me another size?"
I love it!

- Hysterically Laughing Catholic

Karen Kaufman said...

Ingrid 109: she really did look good at one point in time. It is absolutely perfect karma that she gets uglier with each procedure. She looks evil and scary now; reminds me of Ursula from the Little Mermaid.

Tucker's Mom said...

In honor of the Sheeple Squat Challenge, I am issuing another challenge: The Veranda 12-Ounce Curl Challenge.

Day 1- Curl 1 12-ounce Rumspringa.
Day 2- Curl 1 12-ounce Rumspringa
Day 3- Curl 2 12-ounce Rumspringa
Day 4- Curl 3 12-ounce Rumspringa
Day 5- Curl 5 12-ounce Rumspringa
Day 6- Curl 8 12-ounce Rumspringa
Day 7- Hey, even God rested, so should your liver
Day 8 and on- Curl 11 12-ounce Rumspringa and continue Fibinachi Sequence, resting every 7th day, and you will exceed the sheeple's 200 reps in half the time!

Call Me Crazy said...

Border Collie - I'm so glad you checked in. I hope your health problems and other difficulties resolve soon.

Hi LisaNH - It's nice to hear your voice again!!

Flight of the Kiwi - Congratulations on your 40th Anniversary and on the success of your kids! You have every reason to be proud. I feel happy that you stopped by to share the news with us! Best regards to Rocket Man. I miss your stories of his adventures!

JoyinVirginia said...

I think blogger ate my post.
yes, cape cod mama, it looks like our beloved basketball coach Shaka Smart will be heading to Texas. He is going to get a fucketymillion percent increase in his salary, plus Many other benefits.
Shaka has a track record of his assistant coaches going on to head coaching jobs successfully, so we VCU fans are optimistic that another great coach will be found to take his place.
We had much boo hooing and gnashing of teeth when Anthony Grant left VCU for Alabama. But the next coach was Shaka. So we are hopeful there will be someone else young and energetic and terrific who will step into the head coaching job.
But I'm going to miss Shaka and Maya Smart! Waaaaaaaaaa!

Call Me Crazy said...

Because I'm a non Catholic teenager, it looks like the perfect spot to me to rip off my panty hose. It has a chair and a curtain and everything.

Hahahahahaha! That is hysterical!!

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Tucker's Mom (#114), are you trying to lead us down a naughty
path? What will the pearl-clutchers think when they walk past
the porch and hear us singing "Sweet Adeline" out of tune and
hiccuping, like in the cartoons? Tsk, tsk, tsk!

TLC stinks said...

Let's see...Twitter silence and we know the kids are on Easter break. ~ Administrator said...

s April Fool's joke tweet. This is what they posted:

Kate Plus 8
Kate's #AprilFools joke has to be the BEST we've seen today!

Check out some of Kate's best hair moments:


The best they've seen? Really. What were the others?

Tucker's Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 118
Tucker's Mom (#114), are you trying to lead us down a naughty
path? What will the pearl-clutchers think when they walk past
the porch and hear us singing "Sweet Adeline" out of tune and
hiccuping, like in the cartoons? Tsk, tsk, tsk!
April 3, 2015 at 7:04 AM
Yes, but our biceps will be KILLER!!

Virginia Pen Mom said...

FlimsyFlamsy said... 118
Tucker's Mom (#114), are you trying to lead us down a naughty
path? What will the pearl-clutchers think when they walk past
the porch and hear us singing "Sweet Adeline" out of tune and
hiccuping, like in the cartoons? Tsk, tsk, tsk!


And that sea of mumus in bright Hawaiian prints, billowing in the breeze. What a sight we'll be!

Virginia Pen Mom said...

JoyinVirginia said... 116

yes, cape cod mama, it looks like our beloved basketball coach Shaka Smart will be heading to Texas. He is going to get a fucketymillion percent increase in his salary, plus Many other benefits.


Our household is so sad to lose Shaka!

Joy will appreciate this: when my son was applying to VCU's (difficult to get into) School of the Arts, he and I were in a Richmond cafe working on his application together.

Suddenly, in walked Shaka Smart, holding his arm out and escorting an older woman. Very sweet and gentlemanly. Shaka walked right past us. My son grinned and said, "I think that's a good sign!" It was ... he got in!

AuntieAnn said...

Ingrid said... 109

Her hairstyle didn't have that horsetail flopped over her eye (no offense to horses) . It was more symmetrical. No fakey botoxed stiff gaunt look to her face.


And no french tips and her boobs aren't making her tilt forward.

The unplasticized version of her was better. Now she looks like she came out of the Barbie factory. (no offense to the original Barbie)

LisaNH said...

Call Me Crazy said... 115
Border Collie - I'm so glad you checked in. I hope your health problems and other difficulties resolve soon.

Hi LisaNH - It's nice to hear your voice again!!

Flight of the Kiwi - Congratulations on your 40th Anniversary and on the success of your kids! You have every reason to be proud. I feel happy that you stopped by to share the news with us! Best regards to Rocket Man. I miss your stories of his adventures

Hi Call Me!! Hope all is well. Good to be back :)

Let's throw tomatoes said...

PJs momma I disagree that Robert is creepy. I think he's frustrated because even though he exposed Kate as a baby/ puppy abuser she keeps getting on television. I'm glad that he hasn't given up on exposing her to as many people as possible. If it wasn't for Radar her ugliness would still be a well kept secret.

BTW, If it hadn't been for 15 Minutes I never would have known about the locked doors. That is freaking horrible! A little girl who lived a couple of blocks from my parents house died in a house fire. She had locked the door to her bedroom from the inside. Her father tried to save her but couldn't. He had 1st. Degree burns on his hands, arms and legs. The little girl's body was found blocking her bedroom door. Guess she had tried to get out before she collapsed. It was so, so sad!

Why is it that I think if there would ever be a fire at Kate's house she would run out of there so fast and screw the kids? Hmmm, maybe because it's true?

TLC stinks said...

I have no issue with some face tweaking as you age, but Kate is not doing herself any favors with her current look. I noticed on some photos facial bumpiness from the injectables. This dissipates after time, but why lie? Own it. And that hair. There just is no excuse unless she has bullied her stylist. Once she got a taste for a makeover, courtesy of TLC, she became incredibly vain. I wonder what she sees when she looks in the mirror?

getoftweeter said...

TLCstinks: I bet they are filming Easter. And I don't remember who said they might be starting another series/season, but I think so too. Last year she was bragging about Easter prep, blab blab blab etc. Not one word on Easter, anything. No stuff eggs, ordering ham, or the Easter store crap, nothing. YET!

Dmasy said...

I wishing everyone a blessed Easter weekend.

I enjoy seeing "old" names pop up. I will keep waiting for Hippie Chick and Dallas Lady!

I appreciate all the personal stories and details. In a most strange way -- we do know each other.

I would bet it was PJ's Momma who took off her panty hose in a confessional -- except -- PJ's Momma would not go anonymous. She would proudly tell her forgive-me-father- story.

We kinda' do know each other!

Dmasy said...

Flight of the Kiwi, please, pretty verandah please, tell us just one Rocket Man story.

He is my husband hero!

Tucker's Mom said...

Well, Kate's been outed in Mexico again:

Tess Haakonson ‏@tsshknsn 16m16 minutes ago
Casually saw and chatted with Kate Gosselin in Mexico shopping in Playa..just my childhood idol, no biggie😁😳

How long is this vacation/filming?????

Anonymous said...

Yes, in the true spirit of confession, Ms Panty-hose Person needs to step up. LOL


Call Me Crazy said...

Dmasy said... 129

Flight of the Kiwi, please, pretty verandah please, tell us just one Rocket Man story.

I second that "emotion" (in a very uncreepy, unstalkerish way)!!!

PJ's momma said...

I am waiting for Bear's Wife to show up too!

and PJ, hopefully we can agree to disagree. Robert's twitter is full of weeks of his tweeting out snippets to celebrities. IMO, he looks obsessive, because the book has been out a long time. Why do that now? He wasn't this determined when the books were released.

Blowing In The Wind said...

We kinda' do know each other!


I was thinking this morning about how the veranda ladies represent so many different fields, and I don't mean sheeple pastures. We have people in law, an English professor, teachers, medical personnel, a psychologist, pastor, writers, world travelers, a math/finance person, someone in stage/concert production, blog historian, chef, an avian expert, realtors, homemakers and crockpot fanatics, Elton John and Rocket Man, and so many others for whom we are not even aware. It really is a gathering of so many ladies from such varied careers and experiences.

Happy Easter to all of you kind ladies. May you find kegs of rumspringa in your baskets!

"Last year she was bragging about Easter prep, blab blab blab etc. Not one word on Easter, anything. No stuff eggs, ordering ham, or the Easter store crap, nothing. YET!"


Maybe after that Easter egg/preparations saga was revealed by Robert that she decided to keep quiet this year!

Blowing In The Wind said...

I enjoy seeing "old" names pop up. I will keep waiting for Hippie Chick and Dallas Lady!


Yes, and Bear's Wife, Pink and Moose.

JoyinVirginia said...

Virginia Pen Mom, love your Shaka story!
Flight of kiwi, congrats on the anniversary! And all the other good things you have to brag about!
I'm gonna brag too!
The dh and I purchased an ocean front rental home in the Outer Banks of nc last year. the furnishings usually go along with the house in rental home purchases. One of the first things I saw when we toured the house: a print of a picture titled "the veranda" !!!!!!!! I knew it was a sign! Or at least a funny coincidence. This is 100% true.
So, in celebration of Easter, and in celebration of the ncaa basketball final four which will be fantastic! And to share fond memories of VCUs beloved Shaka Smart and wish him well as he prepares to leave for Texas, everyone is invited to virtually stop by our very real ocean front verandah. Please wear a hat, bedazzled by auntie Ann if you can get it, because last weekend a dozen pelicans flew over my head and I was concerned about them dropping little presents, if you know what I mean!

Blowing In The Wind said...

And that sea of mumus in bright Hawaiian prints, billowing in the breeze. What a sight we'll be!

And make sure not to wear socks with the crocs or we'll be falling all over the veranda, even if we haven't had several nips of the drink.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

TLC Stinks (#126), I share your feelings about TFW and her
"improvements." Why does she spout nonsense like, "If
you're not in my kitchen or at the grocery store, you won't
see me." Every single one of her physical enhancements
takes time. Whether it's tanning, mani/pedis, extensions,
injections, or whatever else. Why not just own up to it?
To make it sound like she's shackled to her stove is utter
deception. Or, in the case of her most noticeable enhancement,
"udder" deception (that one was for you, AuntieAnn!).

SaraMRN2010 said...

While looking for a video for school, I came across this one. I wonder if this is the same Amish lady Robert talked about in his book?

Anonymous said...

If she had the kids for Easter last year, it stands to reason that Jon has them this year, no? She's still in Mexico? Good.


jolie Jacquelyn said...

Thank you AuntieAnn, I hope all is well with you & your DH these days.

I 've had a soft spot for Saul/Jimmy since Breaking Bad. He has a good heart underneath the sleaze :)
Any others looking forward to Mad Men on Sunday?

Dallas Lady & Hippy Chick - yes I remember them well. Always enjoyed their posts.

getoftweeter said...

Well, Kate is either still in Mexico or this person just got around to posting that she saw Kate in Mexico. If you go to this persons TL, she said on March 19, that one week from tonight she will be on vacation with her BF. One week later is March 26th, Kate birthday was March 28.

Remember recently on Kates TL, someone was saying they saw Jon with kids, coming out of the Pet store, and then saw Kate too, at another place, it was in a couple of tweets, and it was 2 weeks earlier this happened, they just got around to posting it.

So Kate is back and filming, or she is still in Mexico and filming. I think she is back and they are filming or getting ready to film Easter.

JoyinVirginia said...

Cape cod mama,Virginia pen mom, people at work are calling me and dropping by to check on me, giving me condolences because Shaka is leaving! Apparently my obsession is a little more public than I thought!
I have to get thru the work day, so I'm just going to pretend it's not officially official.

Tucker's Mom said...

Put me down also- the filming machine has started again and is whirring away at full tilt.

capecodmama said...

Joy...whenever I see, read or hear anything about VCU, I think of you.

AuntieAnn said...

Tucker's Mom said... 130

Well, Kate's been outed in Mexico again:

Tess Haakonson ‏@tsshknsn 16m16 minutes ago
Casually saw and chatted with Kate Gosselin in Mexico shopping in Playa..just my childhood idol, no biggie����

How long is this vacation/filming?????


Most real celebrities would use twitter to tell their fans what they're doing like 'having fun filming in Cancun' or some such thing. Why doesn't she want her sheep to know she's down in Mexico banging the bodyguard AGAIN and not actually chained to the stove back in PA? They would be so happy for her.

MikeB said...

I wouldn't be surprised if TFW remained in Mexico at least part of this week. I can see Kate wanting to use the kids to generate interest in the episode and then get rid of them after the weekend so she can have some "adult" entertainment at the resort before returning to mediocre life. I wonder if we'll get another drunk, foot licking episode.

redbird said...

That poor young Amish girl that brought the 3 beautiful handmade wood blocks that said, Faith Family Friends. Robert went back the next day? and saw them thrown into the trash. The letter was ripped in half? He didn't let them go to the landfill. He rescued them and gave them to his mother and they found a forever home on her piano.

Kate you are such a evil one.

redbird said...

Here it is from the book: KGHSFTW by Robert Hoffman
Kindle: Page 72, Location 2236


At Thanksgiving of 2010, I was camped outside of Kate’s front gate, working, when a lovely Mennonite woman drove up with a beautifully adorned gift bag for Kate. As a reporter, I needed to know what was inside, so I asked. The nice woman reluctantly showed me the contents. I could see she was disgusted by my presence, being the “paparazzi” and all, as she called me, but she was still gracious enough to remove the gift to show me what she had brought for Kate.

The woman had hand-carved and painted three beautiful rectangular blocks of wood for Kate to put on a mantel, table or shelf. Each block had a single word. “Faith”. “Family”. “Friends”. The woman was from Hebron, KY, but she was visiting family members in nearby Ephrata, PA, so she drove out of her way to bring the gift to Kate. She rang the buzzer on the intercom for a few minutes, but got no response. Kate was at home, and there’s a camera on the intercom box, so it’s very possible that Kate saw the woman dressed in conservative Mennonite clothing, but chose not to respond, as was her right. The woman left the bag inside the front gate for Kate to pick up the next time she came down the driveway. The next day, I was back at the house working, when I noticed in the trash can out front, the very same gift bag that the lady left for Kate. I picked it out of the trash and wasn’t surprised to see that the beautiful hand-carved blocks were still in the bag, along with a letter from the lady. The envelope was opened, and the letter was torn in half. This is what the letter that Kate tore in half and threw away said: Dear Kate – I made this gift not knowing who to give it to. Then it came to me – You! We all need these 3 in our life.

Friends – during times of trouble in one’s life, this is a test of who your real/ true friends are. Family – is next. Unfortunately, some have betrayed you. We can’t choose our family . We are born into one. Faith – is at the top. Our friends will leave us, our family will disappoint us but one thing for sure , God will never leave us or forsake us.

Kate, Happy Thanksgiving. May the Lord be with you. Take care & God Bless! S.

Kate has gladly accepted many gifts of monetary value from fans and well wishers. Some wooden blocks were obviously not worthy of her.

So fans, in the future, please send Kate only things that she can really use. Cash, checks or gift cards are preferred, even if they’re only to Starbucks. As a postscript, I liked the blocks and the words on them, and the nice woman who had created them as a labor of love, so I brought them home and gave them to my mother. She doesn’t know the backstory, and she keeps them proudly displayed on her piano for everyone to see.

Millicent said...

Ah, the jealous card!
I don't want Kate's house-too big.
I have 3 cars.
Her kids are great, but I don't want them.

Jealous me? Naw!

I've got one car (well, two if you count my son's car which I bought and it's in my name;
One healthy 17-year old boy, fairly happy for a teenager
Close relationships with both my parents and all my siblings
Several "true" friends, whom I love and appreciate for being in my life
Great job, great employer
Live in beautiful northern California
Healthy hair
Healthy skin - I think my skin at age 50+ might even look better than Kate's 40 year old skin.
I don't need a care taker to help me get around, unlike Kate who is unable to take a trip by herself. Seriously, that's embarrassing!

JMO said...

JoyinVirginia said... 137
Virginia Pen Mom, love your Shaka story!
Flight of kiwi, congrats on the anniversary! And all the other good things you have to brag about!
I'm gonna brag too!
The dh and I purchased an ocean front rental home in the Outer Banks of nc last year. the furnishings usually go along with the house in rental home purchases. One of the first things I saw when we toured the house: a print of a picture titled "the veranda" !!!!!!!! I knew it was a sign! Or at least a funny coincidence. This is 100% true.
So, in celebration of Easter, and in celebration of the ncaa basketball final four which will be fantastic! And to share fond memories of VCUs beloved Shaka Smart and wish him well as he prepares to leave for Texas, everyone is invited to virtually stop by our very real ocean front verandah. Please wear a hat, bedazzled by auntie Ann if you can get it, because last weekend a dozen pelicans flew over my head and I was concerned about them dropping little presents, if you know what I mean!

Congratulation to both of you! I am quite sure you and your kids worked hard for your accomplishments and have a right to be proud!! And to think that you did this without filming your kids : ) Celebrate and enjoy!

swingsandroundabouts said...

Squatting Sheep, Flying Monkey ,,, soon at a blog near you.

FlimsyFlamsy said...

I'm not wearing my Hawaiian print muumuu. I'm rockin' one with
multiple pastel colors for Easter. And bonus -- it has extra-large
pockets for hiding Easter eggs, or matzoh!

Over And Out said...

What is she whining about now?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 35m35 minutes ago
@BarbGilmer @IGot99ProblemsB @Madreof1 @Pancake035 @Mydmaxx @SandieBellz I guess I'm #ChoppedLiver LOL #BottomOfThePack :)

She does so many LOLs that it's hard to tell if she's kidding or if she's serious.

Over And Out said...

Why does she spout nonsense like, "If
you're not in my kitchen or at the grocery store, you won't
see me."

Well, then I guess nobody saw her in Mexico unless she was grocery shopping there.

PA Dutch Mom said...

The woman was from Hebron, KY, but she was visiting family members in nearby Ephrata, PA, so she drove out of her way to bring the gift to Kate


...depending on the time of day, it can take 40 minutes or so to get to Kate's house from Ephrata, and then she had to drive back to Ephrata...all of that driving only to have Kate throw the gift in the trash. Geez. That's sad.

SaraMRN2010 said...

Thank you Redbird,
I thought I had read it in the book but I could not remember where. I am so glad I never gave anything to this woman.

Rhymes with Witch said...

all of that driving only to have Kate throw the gift in the trash. Geez. That's sad. 157

Sad is putting it mildly. I will leave it at that.

Jolie, I'm anxiously awaiting the return of Mad Men! So sad that it's the final season.
True confession: I have all the seasons to date on DVD.

Rhymes with Witch said...

Wishing everyone a peaceful Easter and Passover.

Now who went and mentioned matzos?

TLC stinks said...

Now we know where she is or was: PLAYA DEL CARMEN. There's a 100% Natural restaurant there.

Tucker's Mom said...

JoyinVirginia said... 144
Cape cod mama,Virginia pen mom, people at work are calling me and dropping by to check on me, giving me condolences because Shaka is leaving! Apparently my obsession is a little more public than I thought!
I have to get thru the work day, so I'm just going to pretend it's not officially official.

Joy, I wanted to say that I usually don't respond to your sports (college) posts, but I do read them and enjoy your enthusiasm!
I also enjoy hearing about Central VA/Richmond, where DH and I used to live.

Rainbirdie said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 35m35 minutes ago
@BarbGilmer @IGot99ProblemsB @Madreof1 @Pancake035 @Mydmaxx @SandieBellz I guess I'm #ChoppedLiver LOL #BottomOfThePack :)
Chopped Liver. Perfect new nickname for Milo.

TLC stinks said...

Oh, I also read Playa is a 40 minute drive from Cancun, so I was wrong.

Over And Out said...

Wasn't there a picture of the Mennonite woman by the gate, or am I just imagining this?

TLC stinks said...

Well, I think they are still in Mexico filming. The kids did not have a full week of school anyway this week. Still, just how many days does this school allow for kids to take off? Don't they have to abide by state law about attendance or have things changed?

TLC stinks said...

I remember a picture too of the Mennonite lady. That's why I believe Robert.

TLC stinks said...

Gawd, I do hope Gina made this vacation with Steve. Can you imagine how p.o.'d Kate would be? No pretending they are a couple, no dinners alone, no walking on the beach at sunset, separate hotel rooms. Oh the horror!

Tucker's Mom said...

: Dear Kate – I made this gift not knowing who to give it to. Then it came to me – You! We all need these 3 in our life.

Friends – during times of trouble in one’s life, this is a test of who your real/ true friends are. Family – is next. Unfortunately, some have betrayed you. We can’t choose our family . We are born into one. Faith – is at the top. Our friends will leave us, our family will disappoint us but one thing for sure , God will never leave us or forsake us.

Kate's throwing this handmade gift and beautiful missive in the garbage is a metaphor for- Family, Friends and Faith, in Kate's life.

Hook 'em Horns said...

Joy in Virginia, sorry we took your coach!! But now we are Strong and Smart. Lol. You may get him back though, if he doesn't win a championship in a few years. Sadly, Longhorn Nation is not patient. If it were up to me we would still have Rick Barnes and especially Mack Brown.

Math Girl said...

Tucker's Mom said... 114

Day 5- Curl 5 12-ounce Rumspringa
Day 6- Curl 8 12-ounce Rumspringa
Day 7- Hey, even God rested, so should your liver
Day 8 and on- Curl 11 12-ounce Rumspringa and continue Fibinachi Sequence, resting every 7th day, and you will exceed the sheeple's 200 reps in half the time!
I'm impressed that someone else has heard of the Fibonacci sequence, but day 8 should be 13 Rumpsringas. We'll get there even faster!

Math Girl said...

Over And Out said... 155
What is she whining about now?

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 35m35 minutes ago
@BarbGilmer @IGot99ProblemsB @Madreof1 @Pancake035 @Mydmaxx @SandieBellz I guess I'm #ChoppedLiver LOL #BottomOfThePack :)
This is really pathetic. A website picked Barb's top 5 based on "our own algorithm". According to the site "Your top 5 followers will change when they retweet, favorite and reply to your tweets." So if Milo wants to be a "top follower" she'll have to actually interact with Barb more on twitter. Boo, hoo, hoo.

I wonder if some of Milo's top 5 followers are haters?

High Sodium Content said...

Sorry if this has been mentioned, reading from the bottom up. Is Kate still in Mexico? Kids missing school again?

Tess Haakonson @tsshknsn · 5h 5 hours ago
Casually saw and chatted with Kate Gosselin in Mexico shopping in Playa..just my childhood idol, no biggie😁😳

FlimsyFlamsy said...

Well, if Milo is chopped liver, she certainly isn't the longest liver.
And the longest liver wins.

Tucker's Mom said...

Jolie, I'm anxiously awaiting the return of Mad Men! So sad that it's the final season.
True confession: I have all the seasons to date on DVD
I just binged it recently. It was one of those shows that I *thought* I wouldn't like, but LOVED!!
Same for BrBa, and thanks to you all, especially Admin, I was turned on to it.
It's one of the best tv series ever. I have to say, I am loving Better Call Saul. How brilliant, and how risky to do something like this.

Does anyone else want to see Saul happy when all is said and done?

jolie Jacquelyn said...

Does anyone else want to see Saul happy when all is said and done?
Well he does end up making cinnamon buns, so there's that......

Millicent said...

Tucker's Mom - yes, I'd like to see Saul happy when all is said and done. At first I was going to say, "but we already know that he doesn't end up happy," because the opening scene of episode one shows him working at a Dunkin Donuts in a mall, living a very colorless life while constantly looking over his shoulder. Then I realized that doesn't mean that's the way the series will end.

However, I am trying to figure out how it will go. I mean, at some point Saul obviously comes into contact with Walter White. Will they film "around" this -- showing only Saul's point of view of the "Heisenberg turns drug lord, turns carwash owner, turns fugitive" without showing us Jesse or Walt? Will the Jesse character take part in this spin off? Will we find out where Jesse ends up?

I'm hooked and can't wait for each new episode!

MikeB said...

TLC stinks said... 168
Gawd, I do hope Gina made this vacation with Steve. Can you imagine how p.o.'d Kate would be? No pretending they are a couple, no dinners alone, no walking on the beach at sunset, separate hotel rooms. Oh the horror!
Not a chance. That would shatter the illusion that she needs 24hr protection when she is out among the unwashed masses. You never know when someone might ask her about her abuse of the children and need Ratclaws to escort them away.

chefsummer #Leh said...

Gawd, I do hope Gina made this vacation with Steve. Can you imagine how p.o.'d Kate would be? No pretending they are a couple, no dinners alone, no walking on the beach at sunset, separate hotel rooms. Oh the horror!

Gina and the boys on the trip.

capecodmama said...

Hook 'em guys did hang on to Rick Barnes for 17 years. That's not bad. I think he's heading to Tennessee so he wasn't unemployed for long. He seems like a good guy. ~ Administrator said...

Dare I say Better Call Saul is one of the best shows I've ever seen. I can't believe it.

getoftweeter said...

Well, Kate has been back since yesterday evening, according to her recent tweet. She made meat loaf and bean loaf? yesterday evening. So I was right, that woman who said she saw Kate in Mexico, that was last week. If you go to that womans TL, she said on the 19th that a week from now the 19th she will be in Mexico, that put it on March 26, Kate's birthday was the 28th, and Kate was in Mexico. This woman did not tweet until yesterday. Like that other one said she saw them at the pet store, which if you read all her tweets was 2 wks earlier, but she posted two weeks later.

Now Kate is complaining of being sick, sinus now or cold she does not know which. She must have the kids, cause she tweeted.

Still no thank yous for birthday wishes. What a an ungrateful bitch! Yeah, she loves her fans alright! Joke of 2015!

I have no doubt she is filming, and probably will film till monday. ~ Administrator said...

Most real celebrities would use twitter to tell their fans what they're doing like 'having fun filming in Cancun' or some such thing. Why doesn't she want her sheep to know she's down in Mexico banging the bodyguard AGAIN and not actually chained to the stove back in PA? They would be so happy for her.


Yes that's right, I'm not a major twitter follower but the times I have seen it celebs are always including their fans in on their fun. If they are doing an appearance somewhere or off somewhere cool they tweet about it and make fans feel included. In fact it's the opposite, it's when they are home they are usually quieter. Same with instagram.

It's out that they are in Mexico so NOW what's her excuse?

Rhymes with Witch said...

Tuckers, so glad you enjoyed Mad Men.

I came across it the same way I came across jk8. Channel surfing on a rainy vacation day (different years).

The only good thing about jk8 is landing on this veranda.

TLC stinks said...

I felt terrible for Jimmy on Better Call Saul. Poor guy can't get a break.

ITA, better than Breaking Bad. Best prequel I've ever seen. ~ Administrator said...

Better Call Saul is really getting to the heart of what it means to be a professional with no money trying to work your way from the very bottom up.

No matter what the profession is, lawyer, doctor, teacher, actor, skilled worker, whatever, to have someone say "you are not a real" such and such, is like tearing your heart out.

That was some real projection coming through there, but in a healthy way. That was every person on the staff being told by whoever it is, "you are not a real" writer, actor, director, producer, when they were trying to make it.

They just get human emotion and are able to put it on screen. Amazing. Also the lawyers on this show are lawyers I "know" which is amazing, because I often don't recognize any of those goons pretending to practice law.

Actually, I usually hate lawyer shows because of that. Never liked Law and Order or any of that.

These lawyers I know.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. Kate was spotted in Mexico. Why do people think the kids are there with her? Did I miss something?


Math Girl said...

Anonymous said... 187
I'm confused. Kate was spotted in Mexico. Why do people think the kids are there with her? Did I miss something?

I think it's because of this tweet:

Kate Gosselin @Kateplusmy8 · Mar 30
Had THE most wonderful birthday wkend w my kids in a sunny warm breathtakingly beautiful location!U can c r fun soon! #MemoriesRBestGifts

Plus pictures of Kate outside a restaurant, one of a chain that has most locations in Mexico.

Major speculation has been about:
- whether it was Mexico or Florida (most believe Mexico)
- how long kids were gone (opinions vary)
- how long Kate was gone (opinions vary)
- whether Kate stayed on after kids returned (most believe yes)
- whether it's being filmed (most believe yes)

getoftweeter said...

YES!!!!! Blackhawks win 4-3!!!!!

Orangecrusher: besides that tweet, and the pic, another woman was in Mexico the same time and saw Kate twice and she said the kids were there. But, Kate has resurfaced, and according to Kate was home yesterday evening cause she made meatloaf, then. Course we really can't fully believe her.

Now she praising the movie: AD cause Mark & Downey, one of them was producer of CA.

Still not a thank you.

Wilson Found said...

I found this encouraging...Verizon is having a cable marathon for the next 10 days. It's not terribly exciting but I did look at TLC and no episodes of K+8 are available.

Over And Out said...

Fired Up 4 Kate ‏@MiloandJack 3m3 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @nbc @MarkBurnettTV @RealRomaDowney Certainly will tune it when they stick w/biblical accuracy! :)

What a suck-up. It's sickening.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clarifying, missed that tweet about the kids. After her whining to TLC, guess she knew this was coming, which makes her posturing even more disgusting. So great, more footage of those kids shrieking and hitting each other, this time on a Mexican beach. Guess it is only a vacay or a party if someone else is paying.


chefsummer #Leh said...

Anonymous said... 187
I'm confused. Kate was spotted in Mexico. Why do people think the kids are there with her? Did I miss something?


I think it's because people think she's filming with the kids so they have to been with her or was with her at some point.

redbird said...


Just saw a promo for TLC's the little johnstons. The dad, with a camera shoved up in his face, says, As if we don't have enough going on, now we have to get chickens. Then they show them trying to wrangle chickens in to the brand new chicken coop.

Then they show one of the oldest LJ's driving with his dad and it's his first time ever driving and they are almost wrecking in a intersection.

TLC has the same old plots for every show they do.

Bet they film M and C getting their permit in 18 months. Will they film them driving before the age of 16 and pretend they already are like they will for their sweet sixteen birthday blow out? Just like the Christmas and holiday shows?

Tizzie said...

Anonymous said... 187
I'm confused. Kate was spotted in Mexico. Why do people think the kids are there with her? Did I miss something?

Kate and TLC are the ones who missed the memo that NO-ONE wants to "c r fun" because NO-ONE CARES about their so-called "fun". Normal people are too busy with their own lives and families, using their own personal cameras to document REAL memories that are not fake and scripted.

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Prudence ‏@PickledNonsense 1h1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 What's a bean loaf? Is the recipe in your book?

Duh. It's pickled fish that fillets itself in the bread maker. Geez. Recipe!!!!

Google it!

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: Thank goodness I made 2 large meat loaves&2bean loaves last pm...I have another sinus h/a (allergies?)!Not moving fast! #BackFrom☀️ #NowSick
I guess she's allergic to being home with her kids.

NJGal51 said...

@Kateplusmy8: Don't miss #ADTheSeries on @nbc Sundays at 9/8c produced by my friends @MarkBurnettTV & @RealRomaDowney. Take a look:
I'm sure TFW's fans will think that she tweeted this out because
a. She's going to watch
b. She's goods friends with RD and MB

What they don't realize is that this is a publicity tweet. If you click on #ADtheseries it will bring up everyone who is tweeting this exact tweet.

Tucker's Mom said... ~ Administrator said... 186
Better Call Saul is really getting to the heart of what it means to be a professional with no money trying to work your way from the very bottom up.

No matter what the profession is, lawyer, doctor, teacher, actor, skilled worker, whatever, to have someone say "you are not a real" such and such, is like tearing your heart out.

This is why Jimmy's brother is a first-class asshole. Jimmy clawed his way up, and worked 1000x harder to become a lawyer.
Who cares where his degree is from-Jimmy knows how to practice law, and that's what threatens Chuck to the core.
There's Chuck, literally wrapped in foil, and HE'S judging Jimmy?
The arrogance!
And there's Kim, self-loathing Kim. She's obviously from Jimmy's "neighborhood", but wants so badly to "belong" that she'll betray him over and over again.
The human nature study of BCS is so amazing.
I hope the series is around for years!

Also, Bosch is great-streams on Amazon.

Tucker's Mom said...

Also the lawyers on this show are lawyers I "know" which is amazing, because I often don't recognize any of those goons pretending to practice law.

Actually, I usually hate lawyer shows because of that. Never liked Law and Order or any of that.

Ah, I get it. That's how I felt when I watched Getting On, from the very first episode.
I was gobsmacked, telling DH, "This! This! This is exactly what it's like!"
The doctor pretending to be some Alpha God-like being, the hierarchy of suck-ups, but most of all, the patients who I couldn't believe were actors!
The feel and tone are so real.
I can't wait for Nurse Jackie to start up again, although at this point, I sort of want her to die of an overdose (I know! I'm mean!).

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